#that poor cup😂😂
pawpurrus · 2 years
The Stanley Cup for the past few days:
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tennis-kittens · 2 years
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Laver Cup 2022 • Federer/Nadal vs. Sock/Tiafoe • 2nd changeover (X)
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basketobread · 6 months
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the dehydration crew!!! 💦💧
okay guys I FINALLY made the little dehydration series. poor little critters. they look like dehydrated jellybeans. i just wanna flick em across my room and into a cup of water...
also, i always laugh when i include lunara in these companion posts cuz she's just my oc DSFIUHFDSI [insert "she thinks she's part of the team 😂😂😂" meme here] but too bad. shes my little blorbo. my pookie. and she IS a part of the canon crew in MY HEART!!!
(also also, remember to hydrate!! lest you end up like these little dried up critters)
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dotster001 · 11 months
hii i love your works (they way you write is so lovely )! can i request a reader who is ethereal and has a gentle personality?
Summary: Rook/Riddle/Trey/Ruggie/Sebek x gn! Reader
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So radiant! So beautiful! He's been searching for you all his life!
You're perfect! That said….Rook is always going to be Rook. And now that he's found the perfect person…
He wants to break you open until he finds a flaw.
It's not that he doesn't love you, it's just, wouldn't it be so beautiful, if you had beautiful flaws?
After a while, he settles for thinking your gentleness is your flaw. He sees you be so nice to others, even those who don't deserve it. But that's okay! He'll protect you and your beautiful flaw! Never you fear!
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The first time he sees you, he drops an entire cake on the ground. You can't possibly be real! You look sort of fae…but like, dialed up by one hundred.
He does something very un-Trey like. He avoids you. He can't even handle all the feelings that come just by looking at you. He's so overwhelmed with unnamed feelings, so it's easier just to avoid you.
But you're just too sweet! You're worried that he's sick, or that you did something wrong! So you come looking for him. And then he's forced to be overwhelmed by you, and his urge to press you against himself, just holding you tightly. 
It's not until Cater playfully flirts with you, and makes you laugh, that he gets pissed and asks you out. He still gets nervous around you, but he's a quiet dude anyway so it's alright. You'll never know it's because you have such a strong effect over him.
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"My mother would certainly approve of you."
That's his first thought when he sees you for the first time. He doesn't say it out loud, but the way his cheeks are burning, he may as well have. Luckily, the only one dumb enough to bring it up is Ace.
He's a perfect gentleman. Holding the door for you, escorting you places with a hand on your lower back, bowing deeply when he enters a room and you happen to be there. It feels like in a Jane Austen book when the dude is clearly courting the main character.
He's so genlte, too. You bring out a soft side of him. If he starts to build back up in his temper, Ace will find you, and shove you into his arms. It's an instant calming effect.
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Aw, you're so sweet …. he's gonna rob your ass blind.
At first! these HC's are a lot of at first 😂
Everything changes when he steals half your lunch, and watches you give what's left to Grim. For nothing! Aw man, you definitely need someone street smart to look after you. He can help, for a small fee of course. 😁
Because of the ethereal part of you, you attract a lot of people. This quickly unlocks Ruggie's jealous side. 
But we all know he's not a Dom, in any way. So how does he get your attention back? He whines. And if you happen to be sitting, he puts his head in your lap while he whines. And he won't stop until you pet his hair or scratch his ears. That's how he's positive the attention is on him 😁
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He thinks you're soft. You must be. How can you afford to be so nice to everyone? Don't you know the weak get squashed without someone like him to protect them?
He thinks that until, one day, when he's yelling, you just gently cup his cheeks, and smile so softly at him. He can't speak, he can't think, he's just enthralled by your eyes that are gazing into his.
He feels his face heat up under your hands, and he realizes that he has someone who he wants to worship even more than Malleus Draconia.
Yeah, everything he does with Malleus? Ten times worse with you. But you can quickly calm him down by cupping his cheeks, humming a little tune, and giving him gentle praises.
When you two become official? His arm will always be around your waist  , protectively, his hand on his sword hilt ready to pull it whenever. Luckily for the poor soul who tripped you that one time, you have such a calming effect on Sebek.
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gay-dorito-dust · 8 months
The Lin Kuei trio + Raiden reacting to their usually nice, compassionate, and generally nurturing s/o suddenly looks at an enemy and goes "You have five f**king seconds before I rip open your stomach and turn your innards into a noose." And proceeds to do just that to frightening effect?
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First time writing for Raiden, so hell probably be ooc and some shitty character writing to be made aware of 😂 🦦
Tomas Vrbada
Honestly didn’t see that coming.
He guessed that what he got for judging a book by it’s cover and Tomas learnt that rather fast upon seeing you destroy your opponent in frightening quick succession. So upon seeing your sweet tender smile afterwards whilst covered in blood was bone chilling to Tomas, knowing that someone so sweet, so kind, so caring and nurturing like you had the ability to switch up to a more vicious and violent version persona.
Tomas would be lying to himself if he said he didn’t find you covered in someone else’s blood extremely attractive. So you best mark him down as scared and horny because holy shit.
Like Raiden, he felt the need to protect you and keep you within range of him, but that’s mainly because he’s absolutely terrified of losing you like he lost his family. So he knew that he could come across as overbearing at time when it came to keeping you safe, but you knew that it all came from a good place, and that Tomas was trying so hard to avoid a repetition of in his past to happen to you; So upon learning that you didn’t in fact need his help in keeping you safe, he allows himself to relax a little and ease off of you in fear of being the next person you pummel.
To which he knew wouldn’t be the case but that pent up anger you displayed must’ve come from somewhere.
Tomas came to accept that the hands that he came to love and admire whilst melting within their warm, tender and nurturing hold as they cupped his face, also possessed the ability to mane and destroy just as easily as they could heal and mend his broken heart and patch up his open wounds from intensive missions.
Kuai Liang
Surprised but honestly wonders where it was that you had learnt to defend yourself and in that brutal fashion.
So while everyone else was taken aback when you inevitably unleash hellfire upon your opponents to frightening effect. Kuai Liang on the other hand was only feeling sorry for the poor bastard on the receiving end of your vicious blows, they looked like they fucking hurt that Kuai Liang was for certain on.
Upon first meeting you, Kuai Liang genuinely believed that you either had no prior experience in combat, or just held a distain towards all things violent and purposefully adhere it all together; Not that he was claiming that was a bad thing. It was just a rarity to come across someone like you. To the point where Kuai Liang would often worried that someday someone would sniff this out, before then proceeding to taking advantage and manipulate you into shady business under the pretences of doing good.
He didn’t want to tarnish your kind, caring and loving nature by bringing this up in fear that it would only make you think negatively, and or ashamed of yourself, which would never ever be his primary intention. Kuai Liang was too aware of the horrible people that blended within the shadows and lurked in dark alleyways, so therefore he didn’t want you getting involved in something that would alter you into a person that you would forever hate ever becoming.
Knowing now that you could fully protect yourself if the instance ever did arrive, Kuai Liang would only become more adamant in helping you incorporate moves of self defence into your arsenal, so you’ll always be ready for near enough anything if he wasn’t able to be with you.
He is proud as all hell.
While your vulgar threat made his brows raise in slight surprise but mainly curiosity, having wondered where this side chaotic and violent of you had came from, but ultimately took a sickening form of satisfaction of seeing you back up your words by utterly decimating your enemy with doing what you forewarned was about to happen; He might as well looked like an utter mad man with how much attention he was giving, good lord.
He’s giving your fighting style an close and in-depth examination, taking notes on everything that you did good and everything that you could use some improvement upon with his help as though he was locked within a high intensity game of chess! Someone was getting brutally pulverised and yet Bi-Han could only watch on with genuine intrigue on articulating methods in to making you even more deadly in combat.
He’s seen a golden opportunity and he would be stupid to let it go now.
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Scared and horny 2.0
Poor baby is taken aback by your vicious side.
However he would still hold your hand as though they were made of porcelain as he takes a wet cloth and cleans away the blood and viscera from your knuckles to take care of your bruises that lied beneath from brutally beating down your enemy. You’re still the kind, caring and nurturing person he knows and loves, you just got some added qualities that’s all!
Even though your caring and nurturing nature often made you look weak and in constant need of defending in the eyes of others, Raiden didn’t see it the way that they did. While yes he felt this obligation to keep you out of harms way and keep you close, that’s just how Raiden is as a person to defend those who couldn’t defend themselves. And that was in no way shape or form meant to be taken as him disregarding your ability to protect yourself.
That wasn’t his intention and if you did believe that were the case. Then he would have no qualms in reminding you of how much he trusts you to protect yourself, even going so far as to sight this as a major example of that. Your fighting style may be consistent of the usage of deadly and lethal force but Raiden knew that you wouldn’t willingly use it against just anybody, only using it as a method of self defence first and foremost, unless further provoked into engaging in a full altercation.
Much like Tomas, Raiden probably also thought that you being covered in someone else’s blood was attractive in it’s own regard.
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hyewka · 1 year
I was reading soobin's only voice live translations and when he read the comments, one of them said "come on soobin don't be shy, it's okay come closer to the microphone" and he answered saying "um no, if I come closer I might sound like a pervert so I'll pass" and i was like 😩😩
I find it very interesting the way he has said the word pervert referring to himself before, not just in that live, he knows HE KNOWS HE IS ONE
Ok that's all lol I'm not that good on expressing my feelings in English bc it's not my first language but i tried😩
btw good night!! hope u are okay 🥰
- 🦇 anon
warnings; perv!soobin, panty stealing, masturbation, breeding kink because...duh LOL, mentions of hentai, humping a body pillow, not proofread
a/n; he has no filter lol but soobin as a perv is sooo real might as well be a headcanon 😂
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soobin who often kept to himself, his shy reserved nature not doing much but push people away from his circle. he's okay with it, came to terms with the fact that it was hard for him to reach out to others over the bare minimum, and therefore he'll naturally stay a loner.
so when you first tried getting close to him, starting small talk just because you sat by him, he expected the usual. most people gave up trying after his third unintentional curt response but you... didn't. not in the bombarding questions way but more like the next day, the same good morning, with a genuine chirpy tone. like you actually had a good morning.
you were the total opposite of soobin, it was proven time and time again- he brought black coffee to lectures, you always always brought caramel frappes- soobin was undoubtedly awkward, and then it felt like being charming came easily to you, like you were genetically coded to have people swarm around you like a bee with a flower's nectar. soobin being no exception.
soobin who found that a good morning from you seemed to always assure him a good mood. not long before he succumbed to finally asking for your number, which you happily, though a little caught off guard, provided him with. who knew that he would've been the first to make an advancement?
you got close very quickly- to you, soobin was a sweet guy who just had such a pure image, the freshness of his personality was endearing, so you liked being around him.
all intentions were pure, or at least that was what soobin chose to believe at first. the first time he thought of you as more than a friend was when you begged him to go to the frat party on thursday, oh just how fun it'd be to get trashed- all your reasons were unconvincing, but you were unrelenting, so he ended up going, meeting you at the kitchen where you texted him to find you. through what felt like a million sweaty drunks he had to maneuver, he finally found you.
soobin whose relieved instinct is to shout out your name over the music quickly die down, instead, your name coming out as a small whisper by the last syllable, his eyes honed on your dress, horny bunny can't help but look down at your cleavage, cupped and full in your bodycon, gulping at the way they looked so plush. it got even worse when you spotted him, excitedly waving him over to you- then worse when as much as he tried tuning into your ranting, people eventually crowded the kitchen, meaning you had to get closer, and closer, and then finally, he couldn't help his eyes trailing down.
poor boy who ends up sporting a boner, so anxious as he begs you to let him go home, you worriedly thinking he got too overwhelmed by the sheer amount of people, so you usher him to go, patting his back as you tell him to call you when he gets home.
he never ends up doing that, too ashamed that the moment he got home, he had his back pressed his door, too impatient, bunny's dick so hard it's painful, frantic pace on his shaft as he heaves, shut eyes picturing your cleavage once more, then the slight bounce he caught when you walked over to get another drink, oh what he'd do to see them bare, just a little peek seeing you undress-- his hand already soiled with his warm seed,, the fastest he came.
he hoped that this was a one time thing, how awkward would it be talking to you if he jerked off to you every now and then? yeah, he swore the reason he got so worked up that day was because of the drinks he had.
you often stuck to a specific wardrobe anyway so he wasn't counting on this happening again.
soobin who's right for the first few weeks, until he casually checks his feed, seeing that you posted a picture on instagram-- you had a sinister red lipstick, low cut black top, seated in a dining area, posing with the prettiest smile.. and oh god, he's reaching down his pants again, hands so hesitant and slow as they finally hold his dick, phone on the other hand, swiping left for the last slide-- a selfie.
all of a sudden, he's quick, pulling out his swollen dick in a swift motion, heavy breathing as he stared down at the picture, jerking off like crazy, your tits practically out on display-- who could blame him? pervy soobin who ends up spurting his slimy cum all over his phone screen, a strained final exhale, finally feeling the guilt pool in his chest.
soobin who now replaces the content that gets him off, often of anime girls dumbly bouncing on cock, getting their tummys filled with cum, over and over again-- dirty sight that he gives up just for an innocent selfie you took with soobin a few hours ago at the usual frozen yogurt place you hung at.
soobin who's under the protection of his sheets, his room pitch black as he bites down painfully on his lip, frantic breathing, jerking his poor dick to overstimulation at the picture on his phone screen-- it didn't even have to be of your cleavage anymore, just your face did it for him, eyes with a flutter rolling to the back of his head just at the thought of fucking your mouth.
pervy soobin who convinces himself that this was normal, he's sure tons of guys with female friends have done this, he wasn't weird. it was in his nature, right?
soobin who finally gets invited over at your flat because you were tired of always going out, preferring to stay in this time with some pizza. all is well, no pervy thoughts seeping into his rotten brain, until he asks to go to the bathroom.
"oh! you'll find it, it's like to the left-- right of you. it'll be to the right of you." you had your black frames, similar to soobin's, blanket over your legs with a pizza slice on your hand-- he knew you weren't going to abandon the comfort to show him around.
"don't take too long!" he hears you shout behind him, and he huffs out a laugh. you always seemed to get him smiling, for whatever reason.
soobin who mistakes the laundry room for the bathroom, opening it to spot the washing machine, and almost closing the door before he sees through the creak of the door the basket full of clothes. your clothes.
pervy soobin whose feet are still, staring at the abundance of clothes. his dick twitching in his pants, thinking of whether a pair of your underwear was buried in there, but then he immediately slaps himself out of it, shutting the door with a large bang. so flustered as he quickly tries to find the bathroom.
soobin who swears he has morals, who swears he'd never do it, he'll keep his dirty thoughts of you under his blankets at home, without having to raise suspicion.
he doesn't hold onto his set of morals for too long, too far gone at the thought of how you'd smell, how he'd feel to have your panties wrapped around his dick as he did his daily jerk off-- once those thoughts were in, his hands were less controlled.
when you told him that you might be late getting ready, he suggested to wait for you at your living room. which you naively didn't think of much, saying why not.
he didn't have ulterior motives, he swears. it doesn't matter, he ends up in front of your bedroom door, where you were changing, obviously locked, so his eyes trail to the sinful room.
he slowly turns the door's knob as to not cause any sound, seeing that the basket full of your clothes was still there. it's like treasure, dirty boy who's like a thief, anxiously rummaging through the basket, and finally, his hands grip onto a pink lace-- your underwear. there's a few, but he decides he can do with just one, you wouldn't know if he only took one.
hurriedly, he crumbles it in his big hands, getting up from his knees as he quickly stuffs it into his pockets. it's okay, it's just a one time thing.
his hands are sweaty when he gets home, the entire time he was hanging out with you, his hands stuffed in his pockets, holding onto your underwear in case you somehow spot it, or it falls out- both unlikely situations. but this was his first time doing this, the anxiety building up to the brim.
soobin who lives out his fantasy, the irony of him thanking god for such a sinful wish- he had hoped the laundry basket were dirty clothes waiting to be put in the machine.
the pair he picked up was in fact unwashed, just a deep sniff and he smelled you, such a scent that immediately makes him grow a boner, legs spread apart on his couch as he continues taking a whiff, moaning out your name, palming his dick over his sweats, too impatient to fully get it out, so needy, tears brimming at the shame the closer he gets to cumming, finally stuffing your underwear into his mouth in attempt to drown out his moans, but he still ends up saying your name through the restriction of your underwear, muffles as he chants your name the more he chases his high, his drool staining your cute panties, oh how dirty he was when he finally soils his pants at a flash of you on your knees, just for him.
perv!soobin who uses the pair of your underwear all night, masturbating like a sex crazed addict, spilling his seed all over them, dried cum under yet another load, then another...then another.
soobin who humps his anime girl body pillow, your underwear stained with his cum stuffed in his mouth, eyes rolling back at the imagination of having you under him, stretching you out, slamming his dick into you, with each thrust, your breasts bouncing up and down, so lewd, your mouth hung open dumbly, spit all over, begging him to give you his seed-- oh, how soobin dreams, "you wanna have my babies? y/n you wanna carry my babies? h-hah, g-gonna breed you-- gonna- gonna cum!"
hips getting more unrelenting against his poor pillow, with a final cry muffled in your underwear, thinking of spurting his load deep in your tummy, "fuckkk.." he groans, filling you up so well, the image of his seed seeping out your pussy when he pulls out gets soobin's hips to grind against his pillow just a little more before he finally gives out, so exhausted for going so long, your underwear still loosely in his mouth, drenched with his spit, as he flutters his tear stained lashes shut.
soobin who deep washes your panties, so guilty the next day, trying to scrub off with his hands the scent of his cum, but with all fail, he ends up trashing it. he won't do this again, he can't, he'll never.
2nd a/n: ok. wow. i really am in my soobin thought dump lol beomgyu's position getting threatened 😭 i might actually do a version for all members im so into this whole perv thing
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thevestigeofvanillaan · 7 months
nerdy!kyle x popular!reader.
content: female reader, smut, "y/n", talking through snaps (snapchat, partial)
pervy nerdy kyle🤝slutty popular y/n
ive been inspired by @bro-flov-ski (go follow!) so here's this..
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you had him in a choke hold. he couldn't breathe in your presence. as you walked past him in the hallways with your little skirt hiking up, your coy smile, and eye contact; he held his breath.
kyle let out a big sigh when you turned the corner, stan asks "dude why don't you just ask her out? you guys snap all the time and she clearly has a thing for you."
"are you crazy?" kyle looks at stan with wide eyes. "someone like me could never be with someone like her. she probably likes some jock or something." his phone buzzes and he's excited at the noise, quickly checking it and smiling when he sees your name on the screen.
"don't look at me like that, we only snap because that's what girls do." kyle shoves stan in the shoulder before walking into chemistry.
he was shocked to see that you moved your seat next to where he'd been sitting. you sat so pretty, your thighs looking so plump for him and your breasts so close to slipping out of the tight shirt youre wearing. he almost instantly felt hard at the sight of you, on your phone not even recognizing his perv ass staring at you as he made his way to his seat.
you look up in surprise when you hear the chair being pulled next to you. "oh, hey kyle didn't see you there." you smile pretty at him, resting your chin in the palm of your hand as you stare at him with a face full of lust.
"hi y/n." he mumbles briefly, taking a seat.
the bulge in his pants was too obvious, he knew that. you thought it was so cute though, that he couldn't help himself around you. it even turned you on a little.
in front of your whole class, he was rock hard at the mere sight of you. how cute, covering himself with his jacket. "what do you have to hide, ky?" you giggle.
he looks at you with a nervous expression and you only laugh harder. he was so precious. you crossed your legs and used the one higher to graze his leg with it. you watch him avoiding your gaze, refusing to look at you, looking at anything but. you watched as he bit his lip and sat up.
poor thing was probably so desperate for you then. "im sorry, that must be so hard for you.." you say quietly as you rub his leg with your foot, going higher up with each graze.
you could hear his breath hitch and his lips quiver slightly and decided that was enough teasing.. for now.
later that day when you were home you decided kyle had you on delivered for too long and sent him a more.. bold snap of you.
you were in a tank top and panties and decided to take a mirror picture for him. you added a caption saying "wydd".
he responded quickly once you'd double snapped him. although, he took a minute to respond. must have been looking at the picture for an extra minute, you figured.
you were surprised to see his snap being a mirror picture of himself, shirtless in gray sweatpants which make it easy to see the imprint in his pants. it was captioned "thinking about you".
that was the boldest thing you'd seen him do. turned on by this, you respond with a picture of you with your tongue out. captioning it "yeah? what kind of thoughts? dirty ones?".
again, quickly responding. it was a picture of him with his tongue out too. captioned "would it be weird if i was?".
"it'd be hot" you respond. "what kind of dirty stuff are you thinking about kyle?".
"idk.. fucking you?😂" (unironically using the laughing emoji is such a nerdy kyle thing btw).
"felt so bad for you in chem today, wish i could have helped you with that.."
"oh yeah?" the snap was a picture of him and you could tell he was doing things off camera.
so naughty of him, but it was so hot to you. this nerdy boy being so desperate and hard for you.
you send a picture of you cupping one of your breasts through your thin tank top. "yeah ;)."
"maybe you could help me next time?" he replied about two minutes later after having you on opened. must've been looking at the picture pumping his cock, so desperate for you.
the truth was that you were desperate for him too.. teasing yourself wishing it was his fingers instead of yours. you couldn't get off to the fact that he wasn't the one touching you, you needed him, bad.
the next day was a friday and school went on as usual until chemistry when you saw kyle again.
when you saw him already sitting down as you walked into the classroom suddenly the air felt thicker. you wanted him but you had to keep your cool.
sitting right next to him, he stares. blatantly staring directly at you with a cocky grin. you'd never seen him like that before.
"hey." you say trying to sound casual.
he chuckles softly, still smirking at you while shaking his head slowly, looking down "hi.".
oh his laugh. his little breathy chuckle. it was so attractive.
"wanna hang out after school?" you asked. what was the worst that could happen? it's a friday and you wanted to see if those texts would go through in person..
his eyes dart to yours and he looks serious before he laughs softly. "naughty girl, aren't you?".
"what? no!" you shake your head and laugh. "i mean only if you.." you make eyecontact again and both laugh and look away awkwardly.
"don't be afraid now," he starts to play with one of the bracelets he was wearing. "i won't bite you unless you want me to."
you laugh and cover your smile and the teacher begins the class finally.
the time after school rolls around and you decide to text kyle when you got home. "still down to hang out?"
he responds quickly. "yeah, my place?" he says.
"sure," you send. "can i head over now?"
when you got there you knocked on the door and a couple seconds later there was kyle standing at the door, inviting you inside to his home.
making casual conversation as he leads you to his room, your pinkie interlinked with his.
"yeah" he responds and sends his address and you drive over to his house which isn't that far from yours.
you giggle as you sit on his bed next to him, as close as you could be. his thigh against yours.
"so what do you wanna do?" he laughs almost awkwardly. he was so handsome as you were looking into his eyes. his beautiful eyes which spoke to yours.
you laugh at what you were about to say. "i think you know what i wanna do.." you smile down and use your pinkie to draw pictures on his knee.
"oh do i?" he smirks.
"mhmm.." you mumble and your faces get closer when you slowly move to straddle him, him guiding your hips to the right place as you slowly begin to grind against him. you could feel his hot breath against your open lips and your eyes flutter shut as your lips make contact with kyle's.
they meet again but with more passion and for longer this time and both of your breathing gets heavier. your grinding becomes more synchronized and everything becomes unreal.
his hands traveled your body, trying to memorize every curve before tapping your thigh softly. "can i?" he asks, playing with the hem of your shirt and you nod into his neck with a hum, still grinding against him.
he takes your shirt off and you lift your arms so he could do so easier, quickly moving your hands to either side of his face before kissing him passionately.
he hums into your mouth in pleasure of his cock being dry humped, especially by you.
this felt like a dream.
"please.." you mumble quietly into his ear. "ill be a good girl, need you so bad, ky.." your hands caress his chest and his head falls back before he nods with a soft chuckle.
"okay, okay.. it's okay baby. im not going anywhere, okay?" he hushes you, holding your hips to slow you down so he can give you what you want. "you want my cock?"
you nod. you wanted it so bad. you were so wet already he didn't even need to do anything to prepare you.
he helped you take off your skirt after you got off him and he laid you down on his bed gently, placing a pillow behind your head and upper back to ensure that you're comfortable.
unzipping his pants and taking out his cock and teasing his own tip with his thumb as you watched intently. mumbling as you rub your thighs together, he rubs them and gently moves them apart. "hey, hey.. it's okay. you ready?"
"mhm.. please, ky." you practically whine and he lines his cock up with your entrance before slowly sliding in.
"fuckk.. you're being such a good girl for me, huh? that's it doll, just like that f'me.." he groans before he whimpers softly when his whole length is inside of you. his whimpers.. they were addicting.
you whine at his noises and the feeling of him stretching you out so good with his fat cock..
"you okay?" he asks, moving a chunk of hair put of the way of your eyes so you could look into his eyes. "look at me, doll." immediately you look up into his pretty eyes. "you ready for me?"
you nod.
"no, no baby. you gotta tell me you're ready.."
"mm ready ky.. please." and he thrusts hard into you, making you gasp and moan loud. he laughs and continues thrusting into you at a pretty fast pace, groaning at the feeling of your tight wet walls clenching around him.
wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer to you, scratching at his bare back, definitely leaving red scratch marks but you hadn't cared. not when he was making you feel so good..
his voice, the things he was saying, the situation, him.. it was all so much and it got you so close so fast.
him too. he was ready to crack so soon. but he wouldn't cum before you would..
fucking hard into you as you moan out his name in pleasure. "fuck!– ky, im gonna—."
"you are?"
"mmmhmmm.." you can't help it, you were so close.
"fuck baby me too.. where–" you cut him off.
"in me please ky i need you to fill me up so bad i need you.."
and with that both of you were reaching your climaxes together.. loud moans and heavy breathing filling the whole room before almost silence falls apart from the breathing.
he laughs when you two make eye contact and you smile. "what?"
"nothing.." he laughs again.
"no! what?" you giggle and sit up, backing away from him.
"nothing! i just never thought i would have ever done that with you.." he responds.
you couldn't help but smile at him.. "me either.."
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Arsenal women’s team will go on zoo trip… And they’ve left poor Kim to be the only responsible adult to supervise the chaos brigade
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And the front page the next morning..
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Or they’ll let a koala steal the conti cup😅😂
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ronearoundblindly · 4 months
For your Valentine's ask game: #7 Jake Jensen x reader, idk why but it seems fitting 😂
Shut Up, Jensen, one of my Valentine's Fics for 2024!
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Oh, this poor, poor, awkward perv. He's pervy until there's a naked lady around and then 😳 "...when I was four, I shoved pennies up my nose..." Seriously, boi, shut up!
Warnings for spice, i.e. a setup to smutty times, but mostly suggestive. MINORS DNI, just to be safe. There's plenty for you to read on my Light Masterlist, but this one is not for you! WC 1042
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You’ve always had a soft spot for nerds, and now, that’s translating to a damp spot on your fanciest panties you wore for this date.
Jake Jensen goofy-grinned his way through the entire evening, making you almost snort a tequila sunrise through your nose, and he never let up. The humor made you comfortable. It’s endearing to see his nervousness right on his graphic-T sleeve as opposed to being ‘manly’ and aloof.
It’s so, so refreshing to hear someone say, “I’m having a great time,” “I don’t want the night to end,” and know deep down in your bones that they mean “spending this time with you has made me happy” instead of “I’ve done enough to get laid now, right?”
Unsurprisingly, it does mean Jake’s done enough to get laid.
You give him your address so he could park his Jeep outside your building. There are parking meters, but tomorrow is Sunday when they’re free. No big deal. You left the bar (which was after the restaurant, which was after the coffee shop) a minute or two before in order to meet him at one of the open spots and walk him in. He can’t meet you at your door because there is a locked gate to your courtyard, and then a keypad for your building, and then about three corridors to navigate. It’s just easier to show him the way.
You can hear that fucking car coming a mile away.
Jake smiles and waves as he parallel parks—with extreme precision, you note—then hops out, gesturing to the meter questioningly.
“Don’t worry about it,” you shrug, jumping to the edge of the curb before he steps up so you can use the height for a kiss on his cheek.
It’s adorable how flustered he gets at just that tiny bit of affection. Though it’s dark, it’s obvious he blushes ferociously, rubbing at the back of his cropped, short hair, racing to gather his thoughts.
“Did you know there are almost three hundred ways to make change for a dollar? Two hundred ninety-three to be ex—woah—“
You grab his hand to lead him inside.
At the gate, you have to pause for the magnetic lock.
“I’m surprised those things even take change anymore,” Jake muses quietly, courteous for the neighbors’ sake, “because physical money only makes up 8% today’s currency…in the whole world.” He slides past the thick steel grating. “Thank you, digital banking.”
He follows behind you in the maze of concrete paths to the next entry.
“People leave like half a million dollars worth of loose change at airport security. That’s a little shocking,” he whispers when you motion for him to take a left, “think you’d splurge for some decent toilet paper with that kind of dough, or maybe some more cup holders in those row-seats? They could, I don’t know, offset the cost of making pennies. Shit cost two cents. Is worth one. Wild…
“Meanwhile, a dime has 118 ridges on the rim of the smallest circumference.”
Doesn’t even matter what he’s saying, the more his plump pink lips move, the more insanely turned on you get. You have to crowd him through your own doorway before you start stripping in the middle of the hall.
You peel your blouse off the instant your keys clatter onto the dinette table. You spin around to grab him by the screen-printed emblem of his t-shirt.
“There are 1.4 billion $2 bills in circulation.”
He gives a little oof sound when his back hits one of your bedroom walls, and there’s a barely audible whimper as your hands snake up under soft, well-worn fabric.
Holy shit, is this boy cut!
Your thumbs actually catch on the deep ridge of his Adonis belt. Dimes got nothing on you, Jake Jensen…
His breathing has changed significantly. “Did you know they—“ he gasps and swallows “—still make those?”
Ok, why is it hotter when he’s not even trying?
“Fun fact: if you went to Zimbabwe, guess which currency you’d…use?” The neckline of his shirt has to pop over his glasses before he fixes them. “The U.S. Dollar. Seriously! Same damn mon—EH.”
His belt buckle is tricky to navigate from this angle and in the very low light of your bedside lamp. You give up on his pants to unzip your skirt at the hip and let it fall.
Jake stands perfectly still with his hands half-raised.
“You’re…really fucking pretty—sorry—really pret—sexy, not that I—but beautiful. You’re really—”
He sucks in a breath as you step within inches of him again, reaching up to carefully pull his glasses over his ears and place them by the lamp.
Your index finger tucks into the elastic of his boxers where they peek out above the belt.
“Yeah, so I’ve been—I’m—I don’t have a—what I’m trying to say is—“ he squeezes his eyes shut and wiggles his fingers higher in the air, searching for the right thought “—the most commonly printed bill is actually the one-hundr—“
“Jake,” you interrupt, gently smoothing your hands over his thick shoulders. He is so ripped, what the hell? You guess there are nerds and then there are nerds, wow…
“Do you want to continue?”
He nods super fast, eyes growing wide in panic.
You smash your lips to his, hauling him down and you up by the sturdy tower of muscle he is.
“Condoms are in the drawer,” you mutter between breaths.
He lets out a high, choked whine before clamping his huge, warm hands to your waist, melting into you and your touch.
You coax the both of you toward the bed, swatting at his belt as a signal for him to help, and he does, though he’s not the greatest multitasker. He huffs and smirks, breaking the kiss so he can unlatch, unbutton, and unzip.
Then he looks up at you. 
“So you like movies…?”
You cup his jaw in your hand and pinch, a gentle peck on his lips as encouragement to focus. “Less talking, more fucking, Jensen.”
He opens his mouth, clearly running through a series of replies, but thinks better of it and  pushes down his pants and boxers all at once.
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Lloyd Hansen and a kiss on a place of insecurity ⬅️ ➡️ Steve Rogers and a kiss on a scar
[Main Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
@supraveng @1950schick @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @yiiiikesmish @ashesofblackroses @spectre-posts @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @brandycranby @buckysprettybaby @ellethespaceunicorn @peyton--warren Y'all getting sick of me yet???
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yu-huuuu · 20 days
Omg! I just read your Uchiha boyfriends and how they deal with their SO's period and I loved it! Sasuke's is hilarious!
Have you seen the video of a guy's gf teaching him and walking him through tampons via a tampon and a glass of water? That's ALL I was imagining during Sasuke's...XD
So, since that would be hilarious, could I ask for headcanons with the Uchiha bfs with that in mind? Or if that's too little context, maybe the period cramp simulators with how far they go before dropping to the floor in pain/how they treat their SO after that? I love your writing, binging all you have on Tumblr rn❤️👏🏻💙💜
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[ 🌸 ] Lmaaao nonnie thanks and love u for asking this 😂😂
characters: itachi uchiha, obito uchiha, madara uchiha, sasuke uchiha, shisui uchiha
genre: fluffy with a touch of comedy
warnings: none, mentions of intimate moments, mention of tampons, menstrual cups, vaginas you know things from month to month, menstrual simulators, pranks, adult men somewhat traumatized by their girlfriends
Also add menstrual cups to the mix because I'm in love with them :>
oh, i think this video is the one nonnie is talking about! (It was also the first one that appeared to me 😂) ⭐️
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Itachi Uchiha
— Several things will happen at the same time.
— His mind will go blank as his face turns slightly pale.
— And his eyes will open a bit as he watches the cotton transform Sailor Moon-style.
— Except there are no sparkles and cute outfits.
— No.
— Not at all.
— There is an abominable thing the size of his entire hand floating in the water.
— Itachi won't look at you the same way, especially when you're in the bedroom during one of those intimate moments.
— Even though you already told him it was just a joke, the poor man will be worried.
— He'll look at your hole wondering if it's okay inside (I promise it's okay, Itachi 💀).
— For your own good and for his... don't show him menstrual cups.
— He now knows that the tampon doesn't deform when it's inside you.
— But you have to fold a cup to put it into your tight hole and when it's inside it just... puff returns to its original shape and... are you okay…?
— No, bad idea.
— Just no.
— Don't show it to him.
— As for the menstrual cramp simulators...
— Haha
— You like to see him suffer, don't you?
— Look, pretty woman.
— There's something called being human.
— Itachi, despite being a shinobi, is human (a very cute one, by the way).
— And Itachi, like any other human, feels every sensation he experiences throughout the day. Sometimes he feels more than you, he just doesn't show it due to his perfect control over his emotions.
— But all that control goes out the window when you turn up the power on the cramp simulator.
— He stays like this: "😨," but it's so subtle you don't know if you're imagining it. Meanwhile, the poor man feels his stomach contracting with pain until his breath catches a bit.
— Itachi is a shinobi, but that doesn't mean he doesn't feel pain.
— He's used to a different kind of pain, not this one, you know?
— Poor thing.
— He won't look at you the same way after this... probably not at any woman.
— He'll drink his "respect for women" before starting or ending the day.
— He also now has some fear of touching you; sometimes you won't feel his touch completely when you're on those days (you tried to touch him to see if he was okay and all because you saw he was a bit pale, and he looked like he wasn't breathing when the simulator was at its maximum power. Don't worry, the poor guy was just too sensitive from the pain and now he thinks you get like that too, haha).
— In general, he won't change much. Well, now he brings you more sweets whenever he can and also makes bigger portions of food.
— He's also grateful to you because you've now given him a new experience and opened his eyes to topics or situations that, as a man, he never would have thought about, haha.
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Obito Uchiha
—If your vagina is a muscle and it stretches with a tampon, does that mean you're exercising internally? (I don't think that happens, but good shower thought, Obito!)
—Pretty boy
—At first, he's very excited when you told him you wanted to show him something.
—He's like a little kid when you want to show him something.
—Except now it looks like you just told him Santa isn't real while taking away his Christmas present.
—He'll say something like: “Wait, that thing gets like that when it's inside you 😦?” while looking at the glass in horror.
—Congratulations, girl, you traumatized an innocent man, lmao.
—No, but seriously.
—Obito will now be distrustful of tampons.
—He might calm down, but then he'll get alarmed when he watches videos or reads about “how to insert a tampon in ten easy steps without pain.”
—And he'll be traumatized again when he sees how far you have to insert the tampon.
—What do you mean the string hangs out..?
—And then you have to pull it out?! Doesn't that hurt?
—Oh, don't get me started on menstrual cups.
—Just no.
—Never show your man the cups.
—Please, no.
—Just don't.
—At least he was excited when you showed him the period cramps simulator.
—The guy smiled until you turned on the device and he was just like.
—He asked you what level it was on, and when you told him it was on eight, he just said: “What do you mean eight? How many levels does it have?”
—You swear he's going to start crying thinking about all the times he had to run an errand or was called by the Hokage and had to leave you.
—He'll apologize almost crying as you increase the level.
—You can ask him what he means, but I advise you not to.
—You'll make him cry like a baby while he clings to you and apologizes for leaving you alone so many times, making you suffer all this pain *dramatic music starts playing*.
—Obito will feel proud of you for facing this kind of thing every month.
—He might now say something like: “That's it, babe, fight those cramps!” while you're curled up in bed trying not to cry from the pain.
—It's not out of bad intentions, he's just trying to cheer you up the best he can, haha.
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Madara Uchiha
—He will stare at the glass intently and then at you.
—Please do not interrupt his thoughts.
—He is imagining how the whole process happens.
—“Are you telling me that piece of cotton…”, and he can no longer continue while looking at the floating cotton.
—Just like Itachi, he won’t look at your little hole the same way.
—He will stay thoughtful, wondering if it returns to its normal form every time.
—It might kill the moment.
—He might also offer his help to put a tampon in you.
—Just tell him yes.
—You will make him feel like he’s doing something important.
—With menstrual cups… mmm.
—He will congratulate you… for some reason.
—It’s not a big achievement, Madara, but we appreciate your words.
—He will look at you a little worried and at the same time proud while you fold the cup to insert it in yourself and he just…
—“That’s my woman, you can do anything, darling.”
—Uhh… yes, well,
—We’re talking about a man who grew up in a time of war, and don’t get me wrong, it’s not like he doesn’t know where the clitoris is.
—He simply doesn’t know and has no idea that the vagina is elastic, xd.
—Please explain it to him before he brags to someone about how you can handle everything.
—As for the menstrual cramps simulator:
—He is a strong man.
—Who said it would hurt him?
—Clearly, they’re out of their minds, he is Madara Uchiha.
—At least that’s what he thinks before you turn on the device.
—And he’s simply like: “What do you mean this is how you feel every month?”
—Madara is not dumb or forgetful.
—He has seen your naked body when you’re on those days.
—And suddenly it makes sense why your belly looks slightly more swollen when you’re menstruating.
—For Madara, it hurts slightly or at least that’s what he wants to imply.
—Maybe he will never tell you it hurt, but that’s okay.
—At least he took this experience as a lesson to know what else to do and how to act during those days of the month.
—“Madara, darling… why are there many more pillows on the bed?” “They’re for you to be more comfortable.”
—Poor man.
—At least he’s trying!
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Sasuke Uchiha
—His worst enemy has returned.
—The tampons *dramatic music plays*.
—Ok, no.
—You're so cruel, girl.
—He swears he'll burn all the tampons in the world while looking at the abominable thing floating in the water.
—He's like...
—Do you put that thing inside and it enlarge…?
—On the outside, his face will remain moderately calm (I'm joking, he already looks disturbed), but on the inside, his face is like: “💀”.
—Even if you tell him it's a joke, he won't shake that image from his head.
—For a whole week, he thought your vagina was filled with tiny cotton residues for some reason.
—Until you explained that was impossible.
—(He still thinks that to this day). Anyway!
—Ehh, cups...! They're fun and comfortable things!
—Until you see them from a man's perspective and things change.
—No, please, no.
—He can't imagine a CUP inside you.
—Out of curiosity, he looked up menstrual cups on the internet and now swears he'd burn menstrual cups too if he could (cups can't hurt you, Sasuke).
—As for the simulators...
—He might refuse at first until he starts thinking about how he could benefit from this (you know, new knowledge, more power).
—So he decides to put himself in his girl's shoes to see the whole picture.
—He began to regret it when you raised the intensity to seven.
—His face might turn pale when you explain that some menstrual cramps feel like labor pains.
—He'll stare at the highest intensity level wondering if he's ready for that.
—Spoiler: he wasn't.
—At least now he buys you more ice cream and makes you hot chocolate with marshmallows on top, even though he hates the smell of chocolate.
—He'll also start reading more about the female body, looking for ways and methods to make it hurt less.
—So it's likely he'll now regulate the amount of black foods and drinks you consume (you know: chocolate, coffee, cola, etc.), all because he read in a study that black-colored beverages and foods are a key factor in intensifying cramps during the period.
—Good luck with your boyfriend being more protective than ever ;)
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Shisui Uchiha:
—"Do you want to show me something...? Sure! What is it?" he'll ask with the most innocent and soft voice, that you'll wonder if it's too cruel to play this prank on him.
—Poor guy.
—You do it anyway.
—Lmao, I think there's no emoji that describes the face he made in those moments.
—When he composes himself, he'll be torn between looking at you and the glass container.
—Because gosh.
—Does that thING really react like that when it's inside you?
—Before, he was fine with seeing you use them.
—He knows it's much more comfortable for you, but now that he sees it in the container...
—He doesn't know what to think.
—The guy is still terrified.
—Poor thing, his soul left his body and greeted God before returning to you.
—He might laugh a little when you tell him it's a joke while trying to act normal.
—But eventually his imagination will fly and he'll start thinking: "What if it gets stuck?" "What if the string breaks?" (It's impossible for that to happen, Shisui).
—Of course, he's a smart guy.
—He'll practically run to investigate more about tampons until his mind is at ease.
—But accidentally he saw menstrual cups and...
—"What do you mean cups are also inserted?" he half yelled into nothing.
—You'll have to explain.
—"Cups are friends, not enemies, Shisui..." "But what if it gets stuck?"
—You swear he's about to cry.
—He'll get over it in a few days (it lasted a week and another while he tried to recap what happened, and the new information).
—The cramp simulator is great.
—It can last quite a while, you know, smiling and looking handsome as always, until you raise it to maximum power.
—You think you broke something when suddenly it falls and you think you killed it.
—Don't worry!
—He's just suffering and recapping how all of this happened, also about all the pain you go through month after month and... Oh, is that an angel...? (No, Shisui, it's your girlfriend trying to motivate you to get up).
—At the end of the day he thinks the same as Itachi; you've shown him the other side of the coin and he's grateful for that.
—He'll also be much gentler with you during these days of the month.
—And for some reason, if he finds out that Sasuke is not in favor of tampons and cups, they may secretly start a group against those things or something similar, it's also possible that they'll drag Itachi by force.
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lmao, guess who search and watch videos about how to put tampons in her for the first time... and it didn't work 😭
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manias-wordcount · 1 year
idk if I’m too late, but I was wondering if I could request howl x fem!reader maybe reuniting after being apart a long time?
I’d love it to be nsfw but if you’re not comfy with that I totally get it! I mainly wanted fluff & angst 😂
In the Grand Scheme of Things (Howl Jenkins Pendragon x Reader)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗴𝗼 !! 𝗶 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗯𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗮𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗰𝘁𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝘀𝗼 𝗶 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆 !!
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚: 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗱 𝘀𝗲𝘅𝘂𝗮𝗹 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
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He slipped through the front door silently, but of course, you were there for everything.’
  You were sitting at the kitchen table as usual. Lost in your own thoughts. Waiting for him to come home. Even as the days passed and passed and passed. Even as the sun set and set and set. Even as the moon rose and rose and rose. You found yourself waiting and waiting in the same seat as always. You would gaze out the window. You would look out into the sea of people or the empty streets of whichever town he had tied the castle to before leaving. And you would wait and wait for the moment you would see him walk up those steps that lead to home.
  You know in the grand scheme of things, it hasn’t been very long since he had left you and Markl here. He didn’t know when he would be back so he told you not to worry. He told you not to wait. But you couldn’t. You just couldn’t. Sure, the days would pass by without. you would do your chores and your work and you would care for the castle- a dutiful Calcifier always there to lend a hand. But the days still truly did feel like an eternity. Every hour and every minute. And while you tried to keep it strong for Markl, you know the poor boy eventually landed in the same boat as you. Waiting and waiting with only the memories of his departure to keep you going for now. The way he ruffled Markl’s hair. The wait he held your face as he kissed you goodbye. 
  Yes, in the grand scheme of things, these are nothing but mere moments flashing by in your life. But in the grand scheme of things, there’s no one you miss, no one you love, no one you adore more than him. 
  That’s why you stood at his sudden arrival in the middle of the night. That’s why your eyes met his from across the room without so much as a word to spare.
  And that’s why you ran to him, as he ran to you- arms wide and ready for the touch of someone you cherish most of all. 
  “Howl,” You whimper as soon as you collide with his chest. His arms wrap themselves around your waist quickly and your arms are around his shoulders with a similar speed. In an instant, your body relaxes into his as you struggle to contain yourself. This trip of his- you knew about it so far in advance. But it was so hard living your life every day, not knowing if you when you’ll see him again. It’s the job of a wizard to leave when called upon. And it’s within this job that Howl could easily not return to your arms once more. So easily. “Howl, I was so- I was so…”
  Too easily.
  “Shh…there’s no need to get yourself worked up anymore, now is there?” He’s quick to hush your broken voice as he squeezes you tighter into his chest. His arms adjust you within his grip to the point he’s able to pull you flush against him as another hand reaches out and cups your cheeks with a delicate grip. Beautiful blue eyes peer down into yours with a heavy, half-lidded stare. His thumb strokes your cheek as he leans closer and closer to you, his voice taking on the sweet, quiet little melody that you know and love so, so much. “I’m here now, my darling. And I won’t go anywhere. Not for a long time.”
  With that, he surges forward. And you’re not far behind as you find yourself standing on your toes and rising up to meet him in a kiss. His lips against yours is such a familiar feeling. A welcomed feeling. Even now, it spreads butterflies through your stomach. Even now, it sends sparks across your skin. Giving you that same feeling- that same desire that you know you can’t live without. A fire that you know he feels too.
  Because the kisses start to get deeper. His head starts to move and he guides you into following his lips. And then his body starts to move. Rocking you side to side in the most innocent of ways. Then walking you backward with little, tiny steps until your back hits the door. And even then, he finds a way to pull you away from the door, open it up, and push you inside the room without ever breaking the kiss.
  And it’s inside there his touches become less innocent. It’s inside there, “I missed you” becomes replaced by “I want you.”
  In the darkness of this room, there’s no one to stop you. No one to witness you both as you greet each other hello. No one but him. So you’re all too excited for his hands as they begin to wander. In between louder, deeper, hotter kisses, his hand is sliding down your backside and gripping at anything he can get his hands on. At this, your hands are no longer content with just staying around his shoulders. Now, they’re tugging at his hair to hold him close. Now, they’re enjoying the sounds they’re able to pull from his lips with such simple motions. The muted groans of his subtle pleasure. The soft chuckles when you give him the reaction he was looking for. It’s all there for you. It’s all there for him. It’s all there for no one but the two of you to enjoy and enjoy and enjoy.
  So that’s what you do.
   You take your time, and you enjoy him. You enjoy this and you enjoy your time together. While the castle and the town are fast asleep, you spend your time in his arms making up for all the moments that you lost. Because for the first time, in what feels like a long, long time- you get to hear his voice- especially as he whispers sweet nothings and daring commands to you. For the first time, in what feels like a long, long time- you get to be held and cared for by his hands- especially as he takes his time undressing and pleasuring you. For the first time, in what feels like a long, long, long time- you feel that are truly close to him. Close as two people could ever be. Close as two people would ever be. Yet somehow? You feel even closer than that.
  And in the grand scheme of things, you can’t help but find that there are no better moments than ones like this. 
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whalesforhands · 11 months
Hi!<33 hope your having a great day!<33 let me just say that I love your geto x reader x Gojo x Shoko stories! They're so funny and sweet! I just love how you write them and their dynamique with the reader! And once I started reading the series I couldn't stop imagining the trio finding out one day after she didn't attend class that poor reader is sick! 🥺 How wold they take of her? (I can't stop imagining Geto and Gojo arguing with eachother while Shoko snuggles with reader and feeds her soup 😂)
Anyway if you don't want to do this ask that's fine! ☺️ Lots of kisses and continue the good work! 💕 (If I mispelled something wrong sorry! English's not my first language)
in sickness and in health (geto x reader x gojo, shoko x reader)
this is totally not just me trying to tide you all over because the main series is taking a long time to write
warnings: sick ppl are gross, wear masks, wash ur hands, celsius is used instead of Fahrenheit bcs i say so
You should’ve heeded your body’s warnings to you. Laying in your bed, thermometer sticking out of your mouth as the fever relief patch on your forehead sticks despite your sweat slick self.
Hearing the beeping, you eyes glazed over as you pulled the instrument out, saliva feeling repulsively thick as you stared at the thermometer screen, your breaths short and your pajamas feeling abnormally warm, sticky and gross.
39.4 °C.
You’re absolutely burning up. You shouldn’t have gone with that plan. You knew. You knew, yet you still did it anyway.
“Just get on!” His arm is waving at you from afar, his white button up billowing in the summer breeze.
“Come on, trust us!”
“Plus!” He smacks a smiling Suguru’s shoulder. “Suguru doesn’t skip leg day!”
You should’ve never trusted him. You and Shoko both. Not when he had all 4 of you squeeze onto that bicycle.
“WAHAHAHAH!” Gojo was hysterical as he laughed at your three river-soaked forms. Laughing merrily at his dry and perfectly put-together state from using Infinity to save himself.
“You all look terrible! AHAHAHAHA!” He’s pulling out his phone to snap a quick selfie shots. You’re helping Shoko, shifting a lock of her wet hair away from her face to reveal her grumpy expression.
“Come here.” She beckons you closer, a sweet smile, dripping with anger on her face as her hand moves to tuck your wet hair behind your ear.
Suguru grunts as he looks towards his significant other’s camera, eyes flittering to both you and Shoko sharing secrets as she cups a hand over your ear. You’re both fine. That’s a relief.
His eyes focus back on his still cackling boyfriend. His brown eyes darken with a thirst for payback. “Satoru~, help me out why don’tcha?” A chirp sweetened with an affectionate tone, a benevolent smile bestowed as he holds an amicable hand out, waiting to be helped up as he sits in the water, drenched to the very bone as his now translucent shirt begins to stick to his skin.
You hear Gojo snort in retort, waving off the black-haired sorcerer. “Ya think I’m gonna fall for that? Try harder, babe.” He’s very obviously eyeing the now more exposed Geto, before his eyes met yours. Prepared. Ready.
Shoko is done, her gaze surreptitiously meets Suguru’s own.
“Satoru…” Your watery eyes and helpless expression meets his, a tremble pairing your frowning lips and gem-like eyes shining with your feeble tears.
“Are you not going to help me…?”
Hook, line and sinker.
“L-look, it w-wasn’t on purpose,” He’s gulping as he starts to trek into the water, his shoes getting soaked. Infinity has been forgotten. “I only wanted to-!”
He’s tackled back by 3 weights, all landing on top of him as they start to laugh and splash water onto his still surprised form.
You’re nauseous, head on your far-too-warm pillow as you smile slightly at the memory. Okay. Maybe it was worth it. Just a little.
(You do feel a little better.)
You feel another wave of queasiness hit you once again, your hand over your mouth as you gag, yesterday’s dinner threatening to crawl up your oesophagus and cover your freshly changed sheets with bile.
You’ll have to send Shoko a text. You hope she doesn’t mind being disturbed when class has only just begun 2 minutes ago…
Insistent knocks at your door wake you into consciousness, your eyes snapping open and trying to clear your cloudy sight.
“C-come in!” Your voice is rough, a consequence that occurred after throwing your guts out in the bathroom. Your stomach hurts, the acid eating at its inner lining as it growls for food.
You haven’t eaten. You probably smell bad. You look horrible.
“A-actually- P-Please don’t come-!” Too late. Your room’s been intruded by 3 individuals.
“Your favourite nurses are here to soothe you back to health!”
You internally groan at the boisterous loud voice. Shoko had told all of them.
You see a disgruntled Satoru, cheeks puffed up as he marches into your room with a just as displeased Shoko crossing her arms and pouting.
They’ve been kicked out of the kitchen by a fed up Suguru.
“What do you mean we can’t just buy her instant porridge from the convenience store? It’s instant!” Gojo waves a whisk around as he dons the frilly pink apron, head on Geto’s shoulder and leaning onto him.
Suguru wants to smack someone. He holds himself back as he washes the rice, despite the disturbance, sleeves pulled up to his elbows as he swirls the water within the pot.
It’s for you. It’s for you. It’s for you. It’s for-
“Because it’s not healthy-“ His anger becomes slow irritation as he feels a vein pop when he sees Shoko poking the sweet potato with a pair of scissors.
“Both of you.” His smile is menacing as his aura overtakes the room.
“Get out.”
That’s why both of them were here now, fluffing your pillow, wiping your head with a cold cloth.
“Do you want to change clothes?” You hear Shoko whisper, her voice lulling and pacifying your senses as Satoru does his one task of continuously dabbing your head with a warm cloth.
(He was making a mess of everything else. Shoko delegated him to cloth duty.)
You can only muster a nod. Your clothing is uncomfortable, and she must’ve noticed.
(“Gojo.” She smiles at him as she caresses your warm face. “Get out.”
She’s helping you out of your clothing, your front slumping into her shoulder as she undid the buttons of your pajamas, the washcloth dragging gently across your damp skin.
Your guilt is starting to kick in.
“I’m-“ Your voice is starting to die. “I’m sorry for being such…” You suck in a breath through your sick haze. It’s hard to breathe. “A burden.” You do. You’re so weak. So useless.
Getting this sick over a culmination of your own horrible habits. Not eating enough, not sleeping enough, not getting enough liquids in during the day… Not taking care of yourself.
You did this to yourself, yet they have to clean up after you. They, who had their lives put together, their own lives to live. Yet, they’re wasting time caring about you.
Do they think you’re doing this only for their attention too? You’re not surprised if they ar-
“Don’t be sorry for things that you’re not at fault for.” Her tone is dismissive but firm. “We’re here because we want to be. Stop being such a downer.”
A pat to your cheek despite the blunt words. A reality to your delusion.
She cares. They care. Deeply.
You could almost cry at her genuity. Scratch that, you already are.
You hide your face away into her shoulder, tears starting to gather.
“…thank you.”
(“It’s not fair that you had to kick me out to do that! I could’ve done it too!”
“Aaa…” You’re opening your mouth just as Gojo flies another ‘aircraft’ into it.
(You’re embarrassed. He wouldn’t give it to you any other way. Or normally.)
“Good girl!” He’s ruffling your hair, grin stretched wide across his lips in pure elation as he feeds you.
“Just a few more bites then you can take your medicine!”
You swallow down the piping hot rice porridge that Satoru personally blew on to cool down, the lingering ginger and chives leaving a pleasant aftertaste in your mouth.
“Is… Did you get the syrup version…?” You stare, afraid as you see Suguru holding a tray with the familiar dark liquid and brand, coupled with a tall glass of water.
Satoru’s sunglasses suddenly glint. “Is someone scared of a little medicine?~”
Suguru presses the spoon against your trembling lips as you hesitantly part them, allowing the disgusting liquid to run down your throat as he immediately hands you the water.
Your face is grimacing in disgust, in pain and revulsion as you hold the water in your mouth, struggling to swallow down the vile substance.
(You eventually do when Suguru lightly places a hand on your shoulder, relaxing you.)
Applause reverberates throughout your room.
“Good job.”
“See? I knew you could do it.”
“…are you all making fun of me?”
Geto would’ve been the one feeding you, but he saw how dejected Gojo was at not really being able to ‘care’ for you other than being the errand boy sent out to buy the cold medicine.
You drank that medicine after you were promised crepe cake from that nearby bakery.
Shoko was the one who brought up that compromise.
The trio actually wanted to leave the lesson immediately after Shoko got your text. Yaga denied them, but he let them off early on purpose.
Yaga visited your dorm when all 4 of you were in it, coming in to check on you.
He hopes none of 3 get sick from spending so much time with you. Especially with how they basically fell asleep around your bed.
“Kids.” He mumbled, throwing blankets around all of them before he turned the lights off, gently shutting your door.
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The crack post saga continues... =D
Warning: long, long post 😊😅
To be very honest though, for today's ep I will be getting serious more than usual, because it was quite significant in the flow of the plot, and also had moments of communication (this emotional constipation is what makes me yearn for Cherry Magic ah) that need to be studied a little closely.
HOWEVER, there will most definitely be crack because this group of friends is (unapologetically) batshit crazy and my brain refuses to not make comments at the most inappropriate times.
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The sheer panic in his movements, oh my gods. It should not be as hilarious as it is 😭😂
To be very honest though, I would've panicked a bit in his place too, with friends like those, they'd never let him live it down
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Peem is so cute 😭
Nothing to see here, just a guy getting shy over how his prince charming hom-ed him, and they kissed through his hand and cuddled all night hehe
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Phum: here he comes again :) *eye twitch*
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Peem's expression, how he's still holding his hands as if he has the cup, Kluen's disbelief, and Phum's smug af face-
I'm wheezing 😭🤣
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Kluen, I'm kinda starting to like you, but no.
You don't stand half a chance against them and their situationship.
Hope you find another boyfriend to fall in love at first sight with (and leave my boys alone please, they don't need any more complications) <3
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Oh, Fang knows too. Of course he does, that's his little brother right there
We all know how protective of his brother he is, there's no way he'd let anybody else take care of him... unless, he knew Phum liked that person
les voila
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Poor Tan, his theerak just ignoring him T-T
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*looks between them* yeah, pretty much the same pic 👀
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And here it is. The root of all his fears.
See, in this camp, almost all of them are paired up in the sense that they usually stick to that person. Even Beer has MIck. But then comes wild card Kluen, who's hogging all of Peem's attention as much as he can and that leaves Phum. Alone.
I will be getting back to this running motif of Phum being alone and how it changes through the ep in later scenes as well
Also, after they went back, both Mick and Beer asked if he really was okay, which made me smile, because maybe, Phum isn't as alone as he thinks himself to be. There are people who care for him, who are concerned, who'll support him, and of course, he always has Fang, his beloved phi
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My poor babie Tan 🥺🥺
Also, notice how the shot is taken in such a way that they're the only ones in the frame, and are also standing within one specific part of the wall? (Ignore Kluen's head and hands please). It reflects how they're in their own world with each other, especially Tan
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The nosy peeps gang strikes again!
Jokes aside, the synchronised strides, the background music together set the perfect levels of suspense and comedy
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Peem, smug: yes! that emotionally constipated dumbass is finally getting out of De Nile
Pun: wait... is my plan actually working? Ah, of course it is
Toey: head empty, no thoughts, but... DOES P'Q ACTUALLY LIKE ME OMG I'LL DIE
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Oh gods, FINALLY. I wish them a happily ever after. Sadhu 😌🙏🏼
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Pun forgetting all about being quiet when Toey finally confesses is so on character 😭👍🏼
Also... what's even the point of being quiet? Q and Chain have been friends with these idiots since high school, of course they know they're peeking
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Toey: *shooketh*
Gays in thai bl and staring off into the distance 😭
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This scene was so, so beautiful and also quite important for both Q and Toey
Q knew what was up, more or less, but his confusion stemmed from his knowledge of Toey
Would Toey really go to these lengths? For him?
"Why? Are you the only one who can tease me?" <- Q says this to tell Toey that he might have been angry, but now he understands that Toey didn't really have any bad intentions
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Hugs always get bonus points from me, and this was pretty up there
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Pun hiding behind Chain is so on point
His friends: you're an idiot so we had no choice but to intervene 😭😭
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Matt's (JJ) comedic timing is >>>>>>
Toey and Matt's friendship is also given weight in the series, and I'm happier for it.
Also revenge is sweet ehehe *coughs*
Moving on.
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If there's no live singing dedicated to your One True Love, is it even Thai BL??
We Are making generous use of MSP songs 😭👍🏼
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This scene.
The apology. It is at this point that they're leaving all the past pain, grief and anger in the past
Q makes sure to tell Toey that yes, he may have loved Milk Frappe Boy, but now, in the present, all his love was for Toey, his lovable annoying mentee
This apology is not only to Toey, or Milk Frappe Boy, but to himself as well, because by causing pain to a person he loves twice, he'd caused himself pain too
The perfect sweet and romantic moment, but also with a teeny bit of teasing, because that's who they are
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No joke, I gasped and nearly stopped breathing when he said this
Peem's reply, his soft but kind of hurt voice were just so painful to hear
But it's also this moment that Peem gives Phum a reality check – if he really didn't want to, he wouldn't be doing any of this, and Phum had no business trying to control his life
The conversation outside with Q was significant, but also a diluted reflection of Peem's earlier (in ep. 7) talk with Q
Even a few episodes earlier, Q would have gone ballistic on Phum for treating his bestie like this, but now, he asks Peem how he feels for Phum, tries to understand exactly what their relationship is
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It was at this point that he knew, he fucked up
Beer is a godsent. I love him <3
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I think Toey says "I asked hia Tan to blow it up for me."
Also, Tiw and his rubber duck floater from MSP anyone? 👀
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And, we are back to square one where Phum is left alone again
As I'd said before, this a repeating motif throughout the series, but especially the last two episodes
This is how it has always been in Phum's life: he has been left behind. He does have Fang, but now even Fang has a boyfriend. And while this does not affect his brother's affection towards him in anyway, it does introduce a new strand of lonliness for Phum because 1. no matter what, he loves his brother a lot, and knows how much he loves Tan, so he definitely will try to stay out of their way at least sometimes and 2. he wants a boyfriend too. Further, he wants Peem, but there's a push and pull there, and after what he said, in his mind he had pretty much ruined his chances with his crush
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This is the moment Phum starts to hope that maybe, just maybe, his feelings aren't as unrequited as he'd thought.
On the other hand, Peem is the one afraid here. What if the deal is all that's holding them together? What if without it, Phum will have no reason to be as close to him?
Peem, baby, for one, your groups are already merged, and secondly, this guy is head over heels for you, no way he'd stop following you like a lost puppy
(Apparently, it's not Peem's turn with the communal braincell this week 😭)
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Here, Phum is technically alone, but he's surrounded with friends, and he's smiling
He isn't left behind here, for once, he's sitting there by choice (to shamelessly ogle his crush, but shh we don't talk about that) with the comforting knowledge that when/if he jumps in, he won't be left out, Kluen be damned
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Once the floodgates of affection have been opened to Q, there's no going back <3
(Also, notice how Tan is already asleep on Fang's shoulder? 👀)
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Jokes apart, this moment is so, so beautiful. The kiss, the soft question "are you ready for my answer now?" (maybe Peem isn't, but hell if he denies this man his kissies).
Everything leading up to this point is also so very delightful
Phum helping them out in the cafe, despite probably having never worked a day in his life, discovering how Peem still kept the roses and finally, finally, the completed painting. This sight, above all, is what convinces Phum that Peem might have feelings for him after all; because which fool would lie about not having completed something that would free them from being a slave to someone? A fool in love, that's who
if they don't get together and have the fluffiest moments in the next ep, I swear to god, hands will be thrown *grumbles* they're already making me wait a whole damn week
Anyways, that's all for this week, see you next ep! (I cannot promise I won't be jumping around and screaming, but then again, this is supposed to be a crack post so-)
And if you made it this far, thank you so much for reading! 😊
Here, have a bubble tea and a sandwich 🧋🥪
[If you'd like, here are my previous posts: Ep 8 and Ep 9.]
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queenuchiha89 · 1 month
*** NSFW ***
*** 18+ MINORS DNI!! ***
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This story contains but is not limited to noncon, incest between siblings, verbal threats, and other subject matter that may not be suitable for some viewers. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!!
Part 7...
It had been a few days since Itachi, Y/N and Sasuke had a talk about the current situation his older siblings and for the most part everything has gone back to normal. However, mom and dad have started giving Y/N some strange looks at the change in her appearance, and Sasuke knew things were about to come to a headway. He decided this may be his one and only chance, so he would be taking it. Tonight.
It was around 1am, everyone sleeping peacefully in the Uchiha household... Except for Sasuke, who was sneaking down the hallway to his big sister's room. She lay asleep, peacefully under the blankets, as Sasuke entered and shut the door behind him, locking it. He quietly approached her bed, careful not to wake her until the right time. He was already fully hard and aching in his sweat pants for her. With one swift movement, he was on top of her, his hand over her mouth. "Shhhh- you wouldn't want anyone to wake up and see you like this would you Y/N??" Sasuke said with a wicked smirk. Y/N squirmed trying to push him off, but he easily restrained her arms. "Stop fighting me... Or I swear I use these..." Sasuke threatened as he activated his sharingan momentarily. She shook her head no, closing her eyes tightly. "Then sit still and let me have you! All this moving is bad for the baby sis..." He said as he licked the slide of her neck.
Y/N squirmed under her little brother, but it was no use, and she whimpered as Sasuke forced his cock deep inside his big sis. "Fuuuuck, you feel so good. I see why big brother is so infatuated with you..." Sasuke moaned as he began to thrust deep and hard inside her sensitive pussy, and she whined into his hand cupped over her mouth. Sasuke took one of her tits into his free hand, massaging it squeezing her nipple, and she grunted. She hated to admit it but, Sasuke's cock felt amazing and she was going to cum against her will. Y/N shook as as her walls pulsed around her little brother's veiny cock, and with a few final erratic thrusts, he shot his potent Uchiha cum deep inside her pussy. "that's it big sis, take every drop of your little brother's cum" Sasuke growled as he drained his balls inside of her.
Sasuke got off of her, but not before threatening her. "Remember Y/N, we all have a stake in this now. If you tell anyone about what I did to you.... We'll all be fucked. Not they would believe you anyway... You let big brother knock you up. They would think that YOU came into ME." He said, his words cold and vicious, but he was right. No one would believe her after the truth got out about her being pregnant with their older brother's baby. She said nothing as she watched her little brother coldly leave the room. She hated herself for cumming.... But she had to admit to herself... Sasuke felt amazing. In disbelief, and shock she could think of nothing else to do other than make her way into Itachi's room. She entered and crawled into bed with him, sliding her arm around his waist. She kissed his neck softly. "Wake up Itachi, I need you..."
A.N: this is fckin crazy y'all. 😂 Seriously though, how do we want this to go from here?? Poor mom and dad are going to flip when the truth comes out. 😩☠️
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
I Can Be Your Biggest Fan - Ivar the Boneless x Reader
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(Ignore that unfaithful little witch who deserved the death she got! But his face is just so cute right here...At least the gods approve of sexual desires) 😂🤣
Pairing: Ivar the Boneless x Reader
Promt: My obsession with Ivar and his poor underloved self. Poor baby just need love and someone who could actually get his dick hard 🥺
You are a slave and have been most of your life but because of this you got the chance to meet the most handsome man you’d ever seen...cripple or not.
Warning: SMUT! Dirty Ivar loving smut! Foul language because I swear more than a sailor.
“Her.” You felt your body freeze as the queen stopped in front of you. You had no idea how this queen would be with you but once she had picked you had to follow her either way. You kept quiet as you looked around the village. They hadn’t told you what your work would be but you hopes it wasn’t sex. You’d managed to save yourself so far.
The queen took her place on the throne before assessing you thoroughly. She smiled softly at you and for some reason you felt a sense of peace. Hopefully she was a fair mistress.
“What is your name girl?” She asked curiously her face keeping its smile.
“My name is Y/N, my Queen.” You spoke clearly if there was something you had learnt over the years is that people with respect you more if you speak confidently even if you’re a slave.
“You will be my personal help. You will serve my family dinner, help me bathe, help with grandchildren once I have some.” She informed confidently her wise smile still on her face.
“It would be my honour my Queen.” You gave her a grin letting her know you were more than happy with the job choice.
“Okay, well the cook has food ready so if you could get everything ready that would be good.” She chuckled before shooing you away to set the table.
You were fast getting it done so the queen gave you a happy grin as she sat at the table and waited for her sons. Eventually 3 boys walked into the hall, laughing at something. You stood next to the queen with your hands behind your back.
Then he came in. The most beautiful man you’d ever seen dragging himself around on his hands. That must’ve taken a lot of muscle to do that everyday. Yet he looked like he could take on his brothers with ease.
“This is Ubbe my first born.” The queen pointed to her elder son. He was handsome he had similar eyes to his cripple brother but for some reason they weren’t as captivating.
“This is Hvitserk my second son.” She pointed to the son next to Ubbe and he gave you a cheeky grin.
“That is my third son Sigurd.” She pointed to the opposite side of the table at the strawberry blonde man who looked you up and down with a smirk and it made your stomach churn.
“And my youngest son Ivar.” She cupped her youngest face with affection before looking up to you. He looked up at you with a curious gaze but didn’t say anything.
“This is Y/N my new slave. You are not to touch her without her permission.” The queen glared at all her sons except Ivar.
“You know maybe you should worry about Ivar not us.” Sigurd snickered as Ivar shot him a glare.
“The only one who made me feel uncomfortable with their eyes was you master Sigurd.” You mumbled your anger surfacing. Why did you say that? You should’ve kept your mouth closed but before you could apologise the queen started laughing a long with Ubbe and Hvitserk.
“I like her mother.” Ivar chuckled as he stared up at you in wonder. You met his ocean blue eyes with a sweet smile and he shot you a charming smile that made your heart melt. You felt your cheeks flush so you tried to avoid his eyes, yet you couldn’t stop from looking up only to see he’d yet to remove his eyes from you.
Unlike when Sigurd did this it felt exciting when Ivar did it. It was flattering you thought to yourself. The queen seemed to notice the flirting eyes you were sending each other but chose not to say a word until later on in the night.
“What do you think of my sons Y/N?” The queen asked mischievously as the rest her arms on the side of the tub, watching you closely.
“They are good reliable men.” You responded awkwardly as you got her night clothes ready.
“What about Ivar?” She asked quietly trying to his her smirk behind the tubs edge.
“I-Ivar is just as reliable as his brothers if not more.” You muttered quietly as you held out a wash cloth for her.
“Who is the most handsome of my sons?” She teased as she began washing herself.
“Ivar.” You wish you’d at least paused before answering but you blurted out his name so fast it actually visibly shocked the queen.
“Why not ask to lay with him?” She giggled playfully it made you giggle too despite being a queen she was quite playful when she wanted to be.
“Because I am a slave and I have no right to ask a prince and son of Ragnar to lay with someone like me.” You laughed bitterly before giving her a small smile silently asking to move on from that topic.
You were pouring the queen a drink when Ivar appeared at the door, dragging himself straight to the seat near the fire. You finished pouring the queen a drink before walking over to Ivar with a cup. You passed the cup to him with a smile before filling it up in silence.
He tried to keep a straight face but you could see he was trying to not smile. He suddenly patted the spot next to him signalling for you to sit with him. You sat down with no hesitation, placing your hands on your lap as you waited for him to ask or request whatever he was going to.
“I have never been with a woman. I don’t even know if I can.” He said so quiet you thought you’d misheard but you knew you hadn’t. This handsome and desirable Viking is a virgin.
“That’s nothing to be ashamed of. I am thankfully still a virgin. I’ve been lucky in having mostly female mistresses.” You giggled softly as you moved a little closer to him.
“Would you have sex with me?” Ivar asked awkwardly looking away with a blush.
“I would really like to, yes.” You blushed but continued watching him. His eyes widened and he looked at you in amazement as if he was shocked by your answer.
“I thought you were most handsome of your brothers before you asked me. I even told your mother yesterday.” You mumbled shyly as you moved your hand closer to his on the seat.
“Really?” He asked with raised brows.
“Yes…c-can I kiss you?” You stutter not sure if casual affection would be okay. You were not his wife or his lover so you really had no right.
He nodded gently before turning towards you a little more. You leant up and placed a soft kiss on his lips your hands still resting on the bench. His right hand came up to cup your cheek softly as he kissed you so sweetly, it made you melt.
“You said no forcing the slave to do intimate shit!” You heard a voice shout behind Ivar. Ivar released you immediately like he’s done something wrong but you stood up angrily and you couldn’t stop your stupid mouth.
“This was completely consensual! I’m the one that asked to kiss him! Oh wait how about proof!” You shouted before straddling Ivar making sure not to hurt his legs in the process before kissing him roughly.
He gripped your waist tightly as he kissed you back, his tongue meeting yours in a battle for dominance. You let out a little moan when he bit your bottom lip softly before finally pulling away.
“Why would you want to when you could’ve had any one of us?” Sigurd asked in utter confusion.
“Do you even understand how much strength he has to drag himself round all day? While his bones break over and over? He is the strongest and the most handsome out of all of you and I would gladly pledge my undying loyalty to him not any of you. Sorry master Sigurd.” You huffed before turning to Ivar with a shy smile as you tried to climb off his lap but he held you there with a grin, his arms wrapping around you tightly.
You giggled and snuggled into him wrapping your legs around his waist so you were more comfortable. The queen was watching the entire situation in humour and relief that someone finally realised how unique and strong her youngest son is.
Later that night at dinner you sat in Ivar’s lap while he ate and fed you little bits. He was very sweet to you and it made your heart ache to be more than his slave. If only you could be his wife.
“Will you be joining me in my room tonight my sweet?” Ivar whispered in your ear playfully earning a giggled from you. You gave him a happy nod before he picked a little meat off the bone and holding out to you. You took the meat from his fingers before licking his finger seductively.
He bit his own bottom lip as he watched your tongue like he was hypnotised by you. You gave him a cheeky smile before placing a quick kiss on his cheek.
“Can you two save it for the bedroom?” Sigurd hissed as he slammed down his cup onto the table.
“Leave them be Sigurd I’m happy to see Ivar happy.” The queen scolded with a glare before she turned to her side to look at you and Ivar with a soft smile.
You roles your eyes to Ivar making him laugh before placing an amused kiss on your lips. You gave him an ecstatic smile at his proud face. You curled up against him shyly, but he happily wrapped his arm around you tightly using his other one to stroke your hair sweetly.
“Why don’t you go to my room and I’ll be in soon, hmm?” He muttered against your hair.
You gave a nod before standing up and making your way to Ivar’s room. You sat on his bed and waited patiently for him to drag himself into the room. It wasn’t much time before Ivar dragged himself into the room with no struggle. He climbed into the bed before turning to you to talk.
“Come here sweetheart.” He groaned as he dragged himself into the middle of the bed, his back against the headboard.
You crawled to him slowly until you were in his lap. He ran his hand from your thighs up to your rib cage so swiftly it made you gasp. You gripped his shirt tugging at it letting him know you wanted it gone. You quickly pulled the shirt off him after he gave you a nod and you were practically drooling.
“See something you like Y/N?” He chuckled deeply as he laid back observing your blush as his hands rested just beneath your breast.
“Touch me please Master.” You begged shamelessly.
“Call me Ivar my sweet.” He whispered as he sat up pressing his bare chest against your clothes one. You sat back enough to rip your entire dress off throwing it across the room leaving you completely naked.
He observed you for a few seconds with hungry eyes before bringing you into a searing kiss. His tongue dominated yours in seconds and you let him because giving him control was the least you could do for this strong man.
“Ivar…” You moaned against his lips as you took a break from kissing. Your hand trailed down his chest and suddenly his hand grabbed your wrist with a worried glance.
“I’m not sure if I can…” He muttered nervously but you gave him a sweet smile.
“You can. I promise you just have to want to fuck me enough.” You whispered seductively into his ear as you grind your wet pussy against his clothed crotch.
“Shit well that should be easy enough.” He groaned against your neck before he lay you down. His muscles bulged as he did making you whimper at the sight.
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispered against your naked breast before kissing his way to your nipple, catching it in his mouth and nipping on it earning a moan from you.
His hand traveled downwards towards your core and as soon as his fingers touched you, you let out a needy little whimper earning a groan from the man hovering above you with just one arm supporting him. When you hands tracked down his chest he didn’t stop you this time though he did tense up.
When you reached his pants you felt the outline of his very much working dick and letting out a moan at how big he was. Would that even fit? You didn’t care you wanted him. He looked down in pleasure as you rubbed his erection gently.
“You’re so big.” You whispered in pleasure as his finger rubbed circles over your clit so gently it was driving you mad. You pulled at the lace in his pants undoing it and pulling his stuff member out of his trousers. Ivar’s eyes widened slightly before he pulled you in for messy passionate kiss.
As his tongue fought against yours he pushed two fingers into you, curling them slightly. His hands were rough but they felt good either way. You felt yourself getting close as your moans got louder.
“Ivar m’gonna cum.” You arches your back pressed your chest to his as you thrust against his fingers. He gave you a smirk before moving his fingers faster as he used his thumb to put pressure on your clit.
“Cum for me my love.” At the affectionate nickname you came all over his fingers , your body shaking violently as you came down from your orgasm.
“Fuck me…please?” You begged desperately spreading your legs further so he could come closer.
When his tip brushed against your wets folds you both let out groans of want. His eyes were staring straight into yours as he caressed your cheek lovingly. You nuzzled into his hand kissing his palm lightly before looking at him.
“Ready sweetheart?” He asked gently before giving you a chaste kiss. You gave him a nod and he slowly pushed his tip into you with a breathless gasp. He kept pushing into you slowly, your nails digging into his skin on his back as he stretched you in a way your own finger never could.
When he reached your barrier he stopped to give you a slow sensual kiss as he pushed past it with a sudden firm thrust. You cried into his mouth as he stopped kissing away the tears that escaped your eyes.
After a minute or so you thrust your hips up experimentally, to see if it still hurt but instead of pain you just felt pleasure. You thrust you hips up again more forcefully and Ivar took the hint and began thrusting into you at a slow yet deep pace that had you begging for more.
He smirked down at you and he kept up with the agonising pace not saying a word as he watch you writhe underneath him. You were growing angry and before you could rethink you actions you rolled both of you over so you were on top.
Without a word you began lifting up and slamming down on him at the fast pace you wanted. Ivar let out an almost animalistic growl as he clutched you hips as took control. You felt your pussy clench around him as your second orgasm started coiling in your stomach. He must’ve felt it because he started rubbing circles on your clit and you bounced on his cock taking what you want from him.
“Are you going to cum all over my cock, my love?” He growled his nails digging into your naked ass as he helped you bounce up and down. That’s all it took to push you over the edge, his sickly sweet yet sadistic voice whispering dirty things.
“Y-Yes! Oh Ivar!” You screamed riding out your orgasm happy before collapsing on top of him.
He flipped you both over again and started pounding into you mercilessly. He was like an out of control animal and you loved it. You cling to the furs below you try to hold onto anything as you try to ground yourself.
“Oh gods your so big! Feel so full…” You moaned you voice was so desperate like you were addicted to him. His grunts and groans had you getting riled up all over again the feeling was different though it was stronger because you were over sensitive from recently cunning twice.
“Yes! Oh g-gods…Think m’gonna cum again!” You screamed as you felt your entire body start shaking, the pressure building more and more.
“Me too love…fuck.” He groaned as he thrust faster into you as his hand came down to brush across your clit in a fast brushing motion. And sudden your vision went white. You came so hard you felt liquid gushing out of you and Ivar had stopped his thrusting and pulled back to watch as you just kept shaking.
“Shit that was sexy...”he growled as he started thrusting even harder than before.
“M’Gonna fill you up my love.” He grumbled as his thrust became erratic and untimed.
You lay there still twitching as he used your pussy to finish himself off. As you felt the hot spurts hit your walls you moaned it made you feel full and warm. Ivar collapsed on top of you panting, his skin sticking to yours due to the damp skin.
You brought your arms up, wrapping them around him stroking his hair gently as you bother enjoyed your afterglow. He eventually sat up with a type of smile you had never seen on him, but it’s made your heart flutter.
“I’m glad I’m the first man to see you like that.” He mumbled shyly as his eyes flicked around to avoid yours.
“I am also glad, that no woman has had the pleasure of you as well. I came 3 times.” You giggled grinding down on his cock that was still inside you.
“Yes that last one was interesting. Does that normally happen?” Ivar asked with sudden interest his eyes quickly meeting yours.
“No that’s never happened when I’ve touched myself.” You answered honestly though a blush still made it’s way to your cheeks.
“I wanna do it again.” He muttered with a semi evil smirk before he thrust inside you again.
This was going to be a long night, you thought to yourself with a giggle.
The next morning you walked into the great hall right next to Ivar as you laughed and teased each other. As you got to the throne you tried to keep you face straight and curtsy politely but Ivar kept looking up at you with a childish grin and it was hard not to laugh.
“I see you two are getting on.” The queen chuckled as she observed you both.
“Master Ivar is treating me with much more respect than I probably deserve my queen.” You answered with a grateful smile to Ivar who just frowned.
“I want her to be a free woman.” Ivar declared with a glare making sure his mother knows he’s serious.
“W-What?! Ivar n-no the queen doesn’t ha-”
“Okay.” The queen interrupted you with a grin.
A smile spread across Ivar’s faces as your eyes just widened. You were free, just like that. You couldn’t believe it. This felt like a dream to you, you looked down at Ivar before your legs decidedly gave out causing you to fall down right next to him. He sat up and pulled you into his arms as tears fell from your eyes. You cuddled into his chest clutching onto him like he was your life line.
“Thank you!” You sobbed over and over again into his chest.
He stroked your hair cradling you in his arms, like you were the most precious jewel in the world. You looked up at him drying your eyes with a shy smile. He matched your smile as he caressed your cheek sweetly.
“I would also like to ask if you would like to be my wife?” He whispered down to you with a soft gaze. Your eyes widened once again, he wanted a boring ex slave to be his wife?
“Me? I am not worthy of you…a-and you barely know me…Why?” You asked so quietly you weren’t sure he even heard you until he spoke up.
“You are more than worthy my love. You have shown me I can be a normal man despite my crippled legs. I know that you would never betray me and I know that I wish for you to be my wife.” He stated gently his eyes shining with affections and in that moment you realised this man was a gift from the gods and you would happily marry him.
“Yes I will marry you.” You giggled happily before pressing a kiss to his lips.
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coffeeandbatboys · 3 months
Congrats on the follower milestone! And Thanks for the tag! 🥰
Can we do something like-
Character: Fives
Number: 7
Emoji: 😜
(This is such a cool idea!)
Thank you! No pressure, and no rush!
Oh. My. God. When I was making the prompt list I saw this one and immediately thought Fives. And then I got the damn ask 😂
Prompt: *tipsy* “Have you ever thought about porgs? I think we should think more about porgs.”
Warnings: Fives had a good time at 79s, Kix and Jesse make a cameo. Fives is a clingy lil shit. Reader is implied to be female.
270 follower celebration
About Porgs (Fives x Reader)
Your comm beeped on the vanity. Curiosity getting the better of you, you paused brushing your teeth to see who it was.
“Hey Vod’ika it’s Kix. Fives had a few too many at 79s so he’s your problem tonight. Jess and I will bring him over there soon.”
You shook your head with a smile, remembering the Medic’s rants about the last time Fives was drunk and staying in the barracks. Apparently he had kept everyone awake by singing a badly written love song about you.
You grabbed a glass and filled it with water, before pouring out a couple of painkillers to go with it.
“Force knows he’ll need it in the morning,” you muttered to yourself.
Not too long after the comm your doorbell rang. You opened the door to find Fives, partially supported by Kix and Jesse. He had a lopsided grin on his face and his eyelids were drooping just a little. He did light up when he saw you.
“Mesh’laaa!” He cheered.
You sighed, stepping out of the way so your ARC trooper could stumble inside.
“Thanks, boys. I got him all set up for tomorrow morning. He’s not catching a break.”
Jesse and Kix said goodnight and returned to the barracks, leaving you to deal with Fives.
“Alright let’s take care of your armor.” You ordered, pushing him into the bedroom. He sat down on the bed as you began to pull each piece of his kit off. Once you got down to the belt, something akin to the transition between confusion and realization flashed across his face and he gasped.
“Ohhh it’s like thattt.” He slurred,
You knit your brows together and feigned innocence, just so you didn’t have to give him the satisfaction.
You frowned. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“C’mon Mesh’la.”
You stacked the rest of his kit at the foot of the bed. “You’re going to go right to sleep buddy. After you drink some water. ”
He pouted, but took a couple of sips anyway, then layed down. You returned the cup to the nightstand and turned the light off. For a second, you wondered if Fives was asleep because everything was quiet. But then-
“Have you ever thought about porgs? I think we should think more about porgs.”
That one threw you for a loop. You started laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of the statement.
“What?” You wheezed.
“I mean why d’they scream so much? Poor things must be tr…tram…trama…scared or something.”
You flopped down on the bed and groaned. “Go to sleep Fives.”
“Jus sayin’”
You felt him wrap his arms around you and bury his face in your neck, where he placed a lazy kiss.
“G’night Mesh’la.”
“Goodnight Fives.”
“Love you.”
You kissed his temple. “I love you too. Now sleep.”
He let out a deep chuckle. “Yess’m”
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