#that says a lot cause i'm a hardcore stay
skzhua · 1 year
I'll be posting a Min Ho one-shot tonight because I might not be able to post the eighth episode of "just a lost puppy" until Monday/Tuesday but we'll see! Look forward to it please~
Update: It's like 3am where I live and I work tomorrow so I'll have to post it another time 😭
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shiplessoceans · 11 days
Moments in House MD that made me absolutely feral as an O.G fan that watched it as it aired back in the naughties, shipping House/Wilson hardcore and not realising I was queer:
1. Wilson loudly reciting a poem to House as he enters the hospital lobby which contains the line: "His manly chest, his stubbled jaw, everything about him leaves me raw.'
2. The look on Wilson's face when a random clinic patient gives House advice about his date with Cameron.
"Do her....or you're gay."
*cue Wilson looking to the side like...wait a minute...*
3. House: "They were not Prada! you wouldn't know Prada if it stepped on your scrotum."
4. Wilson: "House I believe you're a romantic, you didn't just believe him, you believed IN him! Wanna come over tonight, watch old movies and cry?"
5. House (yelling across a crowded lobby to Wilson): "How long can you go without sex?"
6. The look on Wilson's face when he gets a masseuse for House (!) and she massages his hand, causing him to begin moaning orgasmically.
7. Stacey: "What are you hiding?"
House: "I'm gay... Oh that's not what you meant! But it does explain a lot thought. No girlfriend, always with Wilson..."
8. House watching Wilson sleep on the couch in his apartment, then quietly erasing a voicemail from a real estate agent saying Wilson's apartment application for a new place went through.
9. Wilson, explaining his infidelity during his previous marriage, to Cameron when she's feeling awful because she considered cheating on her husband while he was dying:
"Well my wife wasn't dying, she wasn't even sick. But I met someone who made me feel...funny. Good. And I... didn't wanna let that feeling go."
The lack of pronoun haunts me to this day.
10. Gay male patient harassing House and questioning why he won't treat him:
Patient: "Because you're a closet case?" (Eyeing House and Wilson who have just emerged from House's apartment)
Wilson: "Uh...we're not...together..."
House: "He is so self-loathing."
11. House nearly kills himself to attempt to prove there is no afterlife, Wilson waits over his bedside and then calls him an idiot and orders him extra pain medication. House's response is:
"I love you."
12. House: "Big romantic weekend in the Poconos could change everything."
13. Wilson refusing to participate in a board vote to oust House from the hospital and consequently losing him job for House. Wilson's furious with him over being put in that position but forgives House easily.
14. Wilson (speaking to House about dating a woman eerily similar to House): "Why not? Why not date you? It's perfect! We've known each other for years, we put up with all kinds of crap from each other and we keep coming back. We're a couple!"
House: "Are we still speaking metaphorically?"
15. (Less than a minute later when House keeps trying to convince Wilson he and Amber are a bad idea).
Wilson: "Wait a minute, every time I agree with you, you come up with a new argument. What are you trying to avoid?"
House: *Stares at Wilson with the most meaningful eye contact to ever eye contact*
Wilson: "Oh! Well if you'd looked at me with those flashing eyes before I was involved (clicks tongue)."
16. To Wilson's new girlfriend in a threatening, 'stay away from my man' voice:
House: "Give him back his sweatshirt... Pit stains don't become you."
17. House: "This isn't just about the sex! You like her personality! You like that she's conniving. You like that she can humiliate someone if it serves..."
*tense pause*
House: "Oh my god. You're sleeping with me."
*flees restaurant*
18. House: "I have really gotta get you laid. If I have to plough that furrow myself, so be it."
19. Wilson: "I have a headache."
House: "We don't have to have sex, sometimes it's nice just to cuddle and talk."
20. (To a bellboy at a hotel House is staying at, while gesturing to Wilson)
House: "After he and I have sex, I'm gonna slit his throat and disembowel him in the bathtub."
21. House going to interview all of Wilson's ex wives to figure out how best to break him and Cuddy up when they aren't even dating. The look on his face when Bonnie explains how good at sex Wilson is? Priceless.
22. House: "Probably my deep and very unconscious desire to get Wilson into my bedroom."
22. House: "If you're coming back because you're attracted to the shine of my neediness. I'd be fine with that."
23. House borrowing money off Wilson in increasing amounts to test the limits of their friendship. He later admits to Wilson that: "Maybe I don't want to push this til it breaks".
24. House being convinced the male CIA agent who approaches him in season 4 is a stripper and sitting on a bench saying:
House: "You wanna close that door?"
CIA agent: "Why?"
House: "Well I assume you're gonna drop trou at some point during the dance, I don't see why I should share."
25. Wilson: "I want a threesome"
House: "Shouldn't we try a twosome first?"
26. All of that episode where House is talking to Dr Nolan and says Wilson is not a consolation prize. Legit became convinced halfway through that this was going to be House realising he's in love with Wilson and wants to keep living with him.
27. House hiring a P.I. to stalk Wilson after they've had a falling out to see if he misses him. The P.I. clocks this immediately and treats the case like that of a scorned lover needing to know if the other party is pining and if theres anything that can make him come back.
28. Wilson proposing to House in a restaurant to throw a wrench in his plans to date their neighbour.
29. Wilson got mad that Cuddy hurt House. So he bought her dream apartment out from under her in sheer spite and moved into said apartment with House.
30. Wilson being indecisive and unable to buy furniture for himself because of a flimsy sense of self and an inability to figure out who he is and what he wants. House teases him about this and challenges him to buy one peice of furniture that says something about who Wilson is.
The peice of furniture Wilson buys?
A piano organ for House.
31. House: "You were thinking about Wilson while were were having sex? That's cool so was I."
32. Wilson: "If things go wrong, I just want you to know..."
House: "If you're gonna say that you've always been secretly gay for me? Everyone just kind of assumed it."
33. Cameron: "Where do you put the cane?"
House: (referring to Wilson) "If he buys me dinner he can find out."
34. That gay as fuck ending, fuck I'll never be over it.
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izzytheloser12 · 5 months
~Kaishin and gosho boys incorrect quotes~
Shinichi : Kaito and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us
Heiji : *Sighing* What did Kaito do?
Shinichi : They chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and...
Kaito: Who wants a steering wheel?
Conan: Isn’t it weird that we pay money to see other people?
Kaito: Plane tickets?
Hakuba: Concert tickets?
Heiji: Prostitution?
Conan, holding their broken frames: Glasses.
Shinichi: Why is Kaito so sad?
Heiji: he took one of those “Which Character Are You?” quizzes
Shinichi: And...?
Heiji: he got Hakuba.
Shinichi: On a scale from “damn Daniel” to “fre sha vaca do”, how are you feeling?
Kaito: In between “it’s an avocado, thanks” and “how did you defeat Captain America”, but as a solid answer I would say “I don’t need a degree to be a clothing hanger”. How about you, Heiji ?
Heiji: Probably “road work ahead”.
Hakuba: I speak many languages, and this is none of them.
Hakuba: You read my diary?
Heiji: At first I did not know it was your diary. I thought it was a very sad handwritten book.
Kaito: “Ladies and gentlemen” is unnecessarily gendered, overly formal, lengthy, and honestly, I’m falling asleep already. “Cowards” on the other hand, is inclusive to all genders, to the point, and dramatic.
*kaito messing with them*
Hakuba: Okay, what does A stand for?
Kaito: Arson.
Hakuba: Aw, you're so good. Okay! B! What does B stand for?
Kaito: Barson.
Heiji: *laughter*
Hakuba: What stands for C?
Kaito: Commit arson.
Heiji: Oooo.
Hakuba: D!
Kaito: Don't come near me, I'm going to commit arson.
Heiji: *more laughter*
*kaito about shinichi*
Kaito: Yeah, a partner sounds nice, but a supreme enemy you can make out with in secret sometimes sounds a lot more hardcore.
Kaito: You know, Shinichi, you are the sun in my life.
Shinichi: Why? Cause I'm smoking hot?
Kaito: Because it hurts my eyes looking at you.
Aoko, texting: Kaito, will you please go to sleep?
Kaito, texting back: What makes you think you didn’t just wake me up?
Aoko, texting: Just a hunch :) You goin’ to sleep soon?
Kaito, texting: I’m trying
Aoko, texting: Okay, don’t stay up too late or you’ll be cranky :)
Kaito: Shinichi annoyed me today so I told him that I can’t wait to see what he has planned for our special day tomorrow.
Hakuba: There is nothing special about tomorrow.
Kaito: But there is something special about watching the color leave his face as panic takes over.
*before they started to dated*
Kaito: Shinichi is playing hard to get.
Kaito: Little do they know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
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emo-trash101 · 6 months
Hello dearie!
How's your day?
Yes,yes,I'm back already,I know!
It's just that I just love your writing,and you said that you'd let me ask whenever so,here I am!
You already know me,so let's just get to the ask!
May I have any Hazbin hotel character (only Hazbin,but any character you want to write for! Only preference is Alastor- If you could write multiple that'd be great,but that's up to you,honey!) with a Platonic!GN!Friend!Reader that gets talked a lot behind their back (maybe by fake friends or just random people),but they know about it,and when the characters ask about it,they just say "It doesn't matter" or something along those lines? Would they stop the people talking behind their backs? Would they get angry? That's up to you!
That's all for me! I hope you enjoy writing this as much as my last one!!
Stay proud, don't forget to take care of yourself!!
-Nina <33
OMG YIPPEE YOUR BACKK!!! You can always spend time in my requests, because I love writing them! But definitely, and I absolutely love this concept!
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Angel Dust, Alastor, and Lucifer x Bullied! Reader
!Platonic relationship!
Pronouns: Second person, gender neutral
Tw: Shitty friends, Alastor in general
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Angel Dust -
- This man gets it to absolutely no degree.
- Like he absolutely has had friends who were untrustworthy and just garbage human beings.
- That being said, this would likely become a conversation after you get him to hang out with your other group of friends. Y'all probably clubbing or going to a bar.
- After awhile you go to use the restroom which leaves him with your garbage other friends.
- Then they start talking to him, trying to get him to agree that you're annoying and whatever other bullshit they try to spout.
- Angel (being the loyal puppy he is) immediately starts to tear your friends a new one for being such asshats. He continues yelling at them until you get out of the bathroom.
- He immediately starts telling you what they said, still glaring at them aggressively. And he is hardcore shocked when you just respond with "It's fine"
- Cause like bitch, no it's not.
- He is definitely very appalled, and ends up dragging you out of there and giving you a slightly aggressive pep talk on your self worth and being worth more than shitty friends.
- in all, he tries to love and support you, but sometimes he's really sure you were dropped on your head as a baby.
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Alastor -
- I am being as honest as possible when I say this man most likely has no experience when it comes to this.
- Like he deals with annoying assholes by just plain killing them. There, problem solved.
- You probably brought your friends to the hotel to try and introduce them to everyone, and during this time they seemed sweet as peach cobbler. But Alastor definitely picked up on their hidden intentions.
- After you walk away (Charlie definitely dragged you away to help with something), he sneaks up on them and makes them his newest addition to his radio station. After all, he can't be having people hurting his little pet (I swear this man is a literal red flag, run.)
- When you return he doesn't even really mention it to you, he just tells you your friends "Went home early"
- Safe to say you never saw those friends again.
- In all, probably the most efficient when it came to his approach.
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Lucifer -
- As I mentioned in a previous post, Lucifer is definitely a people pleaser. He tries to constantly help people and make excuses for them.
- However, when he sees his loved ones (*cough* you *cough*) being used it's another situation entirely.
- He most likely meets your friends by accident, just walking through the streets of hell with you when you run into them (spending time without you).
- Y'all actually have a really good conversation before you realize you forgot something in the last store you were in and run to go grab it.
- After you leave one of your friends makes a really ill intended joke about you being forgetful, and lets just say that Lucifer did not take that kindly.
- He immediately yells at them for a good couple of minutes, and then leaves to go find you after deciding they were not worth anyone's time.
- He brings up their comments to you and after you just brush them off he doesn't get mad per-say, just really sad that it's happened so much it doesn't even affect you.
- In all, he tries to just keep you busy and away from them as much as possible, because at least you have someone who thinks you're amazing.
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This was really relatable while I was writing it, and I just wanted to say if any of y'all are being treated like this by anyone just cut them off. They are not worth your energy and time.
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deusvervewrites · 2 months
Sorry for this nonsequitor but i cant find the actual post to reblog the conversation , so ask it is
There was a post (which im FAIRLY sure was on your blog , atleast as a reblog) talking about 'mha suffering from shonen Adults are Useless syndrome hardcore' and bringing up that between Aizawa stopping attacks and Thirteen sucking up stray attacks, if they stayed at the top of the plaza during the usj not only would the enemies be at a tiring checkpoint needing to climb the stairs but theyd have a better vantage point (there was alot more to it to the point i Agreed but again i cant find it)
Yet Aizawa left the defendable Highground
It occurred to me that going for an evac strategy instead of defending / camping the top could be because of Kurogiri. What exactly would stop him from opening a portal at the top behind or from the side in a blind spot? Yes Erasure should BUT 1. They dont know how long it takes to make a portal or go through, him blinking very well could be enough time and 2 theres still the 'cut the portal halfway strat' they tried on All Might and Aizawa thought of it as a possibility too. Too many unknowns
There is also the whole 'blocked off from UA comunication' thing the post didnt address
I'm not sure if you're thinking of one of my posts but I definitely have posts that are about or mention those topics.
The problem here is that they should still evacuate. They have 20 untrained children against 75 Villains, and no way of gauging how dangerous any of them are. The sensors are not going off so there is no way of getting reinforcements, and no way of knowing whether the main campus is secure or also under attack.
Furthermore, they do know that Kurogiri's portals aren't instant because they watched it open to let the Villains in. Regardless, Aizawa blinks anyway when he runs in to subdue the Villains letting Kurogiri overpower Thirteen and scatter the students. While this is partially because Bakugou and Kirishima jumped in front of Thirteen's attack, you know what would've been much more likely to stop a Villain than Thirteen alone? Thirteen and Eraserhead, together. But because he ran off ahead he couldn't reapply Erasure to Kurogiri in time.
And since Thirteen can destroy pretty much anything, they could've destroyed the stairs, cutting off the enemy approach so they wouldn't even have to worry about being cornered while dealing with Kurogiri.
That's not to say that the USJ was Eraserhead's fault--he didn't make the League attack. And Thirteen, as a fully licensed Pro Hero, should have known better than to fall for the oldest trick in the book. Also, the Noumu was there, and that alone would've caused a lot of problems, regardless of strategy. But sending in a long-range support fighter to take on an entire horde while leaving the destructive close-range specialist alone to evacuate the students was suboptimal.
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alluralater · 2 months
I was at my uni for graduating (? I think? But also it was like a Squad Captain promotion ceremony from my stupid manga) and also there were students from the Archeology study in the same building giving like their thesis presentations publically. Anyway you're there in the crowd cause I assume someone you know is presenting and we meet up and hang out afterward. I'm like flirting but ✨respectfully✨ cause my wife is also there and we've talking about poly stuff but idk if we're rlly there yet so like I'm staying on the safe side. But then you and her REALLY click and end up fuckin nasty in the lab supply room that I still had a working access card for and I'm just left there with your Archeology friend guy who's now trying to get in my pants cause that's the vibe now apparently.
I hate how my brain denies me of any fun even in dreams I fuckin swear this keeps happening. The dreams feel so real so my decision making is also like as though it's just real life :')
Anyway I think I'd die if you showed up randomly in like someplace I also go to.
… i described a sex dream to my best friend like a year ago about me fucking some really hot girl in a lab room but she had a partner but the partner wasn’t there for a lot of it. but before THAT happened, i was at some event for someone’s fucking graduation and the only reason i knew was because i read some signs and i heard some people talking when i was walking in. but it was a dream so my contextual info was pretty low. and so okay i remember flirting hardcore like a LOT with this couple and i thought one of them went there because they knew their way around and im eventually in this lab and this girl is eating me out and honestly it was super hot. like super fucking hot. i (to this day) can still remember how her tongue felt. this is so funny what the fuck. i wonder if i have any notes on my phone about it. like i woke up and i came seven times in a row because of that dream. i was telling my best friend that i was annoyed though because i wanted to fuck both of them (the couple, and i honestly wasn’t even TOTALLY sure if they were together but they completely gave me that vibe and they were very like secure in each other’s space so i assumed yes) but i couldn’t because one left/wasn’t there when i looked up again??? like i had my fingers in the hair of the one eating me out and when i looked up the other one was gone?? i was like damn that sucks, oh well i guess. say sike right now. tell me you’re fuckin with me
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nikitasys · 4 months
TW : vent, rant, ramcoa, programming, su!c!de mention
(I'm in desperate need for advice, for some kind of guidance or support from other progged systems who may have gone through something similar to what we're describing in this post, or not but who may have ideas of what might be going on with us.)
I stg life has been so exhausting & I just have to unmask & say it SOMEWHERE.
We're a relatively newly discovered+diagnosed system since I realised we were one in August/September of last year (2023). Before that we had been misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder for several years.
When I first realised we were multiple, I progressively began discovering the other alters. The whole process (we're also in trauma therapy) was difficult & messy but overall as days went by I personally felt more & more satisfied to see/feel how much progress we were making, even with all the highs & lows it entailed. I got to meet & learn to know a few alters, we were able to work on some of our problematic in-sys dynamics & slowly but surely understand ourselves better, both as individuals & as a whole.
Long story short, we were PROGRESSING.
Then things got even messier as our trauma therapy caused even more lifting of the dissociative amnesia in our childhood & we progressively realised we were polyfrag & had been through RAMCOA & programming. (That happened end of February/beginning of March 2024)
The whole process was getting more & more chaotic & distressful but we (me + the rest of our group of main fronters) were pretty determined to figure things out & keep on going forward, which was extremely annoying to a bunch of programmed alters who immediately tried their best to keep us quiet/isolated & make us feel insane/terrified by trying to make us go back to our primary abuser, OR convince our psychiatrist to put us on antipsychotics & hospitalise us, OR leave the place we live in to go who-knows-where & ghost everyone we knew, OR off ourself etc... in a nutshell, it was really freaking hard.
But some of us were determined to keep trying to do what was best for us, to keep trying to get better, to gain at least some kind of free will, to LIVE.
I'm sorry, this post is way too long.
But anyway, now it's been a few months since I just don't know what's going on with us anymore. The veryyyy little visualisation I could have of our innerworld is gone, all the main fronters seem to have truly disappeared (mass dormancy?) as well as the vast majority of alters we had identified up to this day. It seemed that I was frontstuck for a long while, & now it's been a few weeks that alters just randomly pop up (whether they front or stay co-conscious) & then disappear almost immediately after as if nothing had happened & I just... I feel so lost.
It's all just so frustrating you know ? To me it truly feels like something MAJOR happened inside both to our innerworld + all the alters & I'm being deliberately locked away from the truth of what it is. I feel like I'm being punished, & tbh I probably am. I'm in a lot of denial about our programming but the whole thing definitely feels like one (or more ?) internal handler/programmer has been orchestrating some kind of system reboot or hardcore scramble or... I DON'T KNOOOW 😭 I just don't know anything anymore. It's like nothing ever happened & it's particularly distressing, you know ? It is SO weird to know deep down that massive stuff is going on inside yourself but at the same time you know nothing & it all makes me wonder if I ever knew anything in the first place ? These thoughts make me dizzy af. It just feels like since syscovery there was overall progress happening, & now there's just nothing. As if everything had been suddenly turned off & restarted or... I just don't know.
Anyway. I realise no one will read this post entirely, but if for some reason you are doing it, first of all congrats & also, THANK YOU.
Don't hesitate to contact us via DMs or comment if you have any questions or advice, we'll be more than happy to answer you to the best of our abilities. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR HELP 🙏🏻
— host (I think?)
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mamirhodessxox · 7 months
Hey There Delilah Incorrect Quotes
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Delilah: I didn't drink that much last night.
Randy: You were flirting with Cody.
Delilah: So what? They're my partner.
Randy: You asked if they were single.
Randy: And then you cried when they said they weren't.
Cody: Cause your pretty and your smart, and your ignoring me so your obviously my type.
Delilah, who was distracted: I'm sorry- what were you saying?
Cody: Perfect.
Delilah: Hey, random question, what are your favorite flowers?
Cody: Peonies, why?
Cody: Were you going to get me flowers?
Delilah: ᶦᵗ’ˢ ᵃ ᵖᵒˢˢᶦᵇᶦˡᶦᵗʸ
Seth, sweating: Cody, there’s something I need to ask you-
Cody: Finally! You’re proposing!
Seth: How’d you know?
Cody: Seth, you’ve dropped the ring five times during dinner.
Cody: I even picked it up once.
Rhea: Ah, yes. Here we have a beautiful couple...
Delilah: I really care about your feelings!
Cody: I really care about YOUR feelings!
Rhea, turning their head: ...and then there's the disaster couple...
Delilah: Cody is too tall for me to kiss them on the lips. What should I do?
Seth: Punch them in the stomach. Then, when they double over in pain, kiss them.
Roman: Tackle them!
Rhea: Dump them.
Becky: Kick them in the shin!
Cody: No to all of those! Just ask me to lean down!!
Damien: Yeah, a partner sounds nice, but a supreme enemy you can make out with in secret sometimes sounds a lot more hardcore.
Seth: Ooh, somebody has a crush
Delilah: Pfft, I don’t have a crush on Cody I just think they’re cool, it’s not like I stay up at night thinking about them.
*Later that night*
Delilah, very much awake: Uh oh.
Delilah, looking through their clothes: Has anyone seen my top?
Randy: Cody's in the kitchen.
Delilah: That's ridiculous, Cody doesn't have a crush on me.
Randy: Yes they do.
Dom: Yes they do.
Cody: Yes I do.
Randy: *sees Delilah and Cody together*
Randy: They're cute. I would put them on a boat.
Dom: You mean... you ship them?
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
I have never met people as hostile to their own cause as the End OTW Racism crowd. Do you have questions about how their proposed solutions work? You're pro-racist, you piece of shit. You want to know more proposed solutions beyond 'hire staff to review things reported as racist'? That's just what a racist would say. You think that blocking and muting people who are racist is a good step to take to protect yourself? Typical pro-racist rhetoric. You want to know how staff is supposed to deal with people reporting things to spite others, reports that are in error, and make a judgment call on what is and is not racist? You're such a fucking stan for racism, Karen.
I gather that these people think people care about some big-name anti in their midst but honestly, from their seething contempt for everyone who even asks a single follow-up question about the logistics of something to their utter disgust towards anyone who they perceive as not being on their side, they're the ones making me not have a lot of faith in this as an idea.
But if you don't have a lot of faith in it, you're of course 1. white and 2. rejoicing that an anti-racism campaign is failing, you racist. So I'm sure they read this, yelled, "fucking pro-racist white cishet lady!" and reassured themselves they're doing something great for fandom, meanwhile in reality the first time I hear about it was a white person telling my black ass that I was pro-racist for asking what End OTW Racism even was. Don't know about their campaign? You're racist. Want to learn more? Racist. Oh, sure, you can say no one told you, but that's just a lie meant to excuse your racism.
Bruh. I was SPAT ON at a convention last week for cosplaying while black, how likely is it that my tumblr, AO3, Instagram and Tiktok, which are all under the same handle, are all elaborate deepfakes by a hardcore white racist pretending to be black? By contrast, how likely is it that on a planet of 8 billion, one person might not have heard of your internet thing? Especially since my fandom is an old one that refuses to move fic onto AO3 and keeps posting on FFN? Wait, wait, let me guess - "that's just what a pro-racist would say!" ?
IDK about ending OTW racism but it's definitely helped fandom racism as a whole stay alive and thrive by giving white teens in the suburbs an excuse to call me racist with impunity so hats off for that. Really made my life better as a black trans person in fandom.
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moongothic · 9 months
Realistically speaking. The most likely way Oda would probably do the Dragodile Divorce would be by having Dragon be like, a respectful ally who is just unfortunately straight and can't see himself dating a man. The way Oda has been treating Dragon so far in the story it's hard to imagine him going off a transphobic deep end to cause a divorce. Like I can't imagine Oda doing that, with Dragon specifically.
But I'd be lying if I didn't admit I'd find the more horrific way for that divorce to go down to be a far more interesting story option.
Because, weirdly, I think that would actually humanize Dragon a little more and simultaneously make Crocodile more a sympathetic character by extension.
Like, right now, while we haven't seen That Much of Dragon, the little we have seen has been building him up as A Great Man in the narrative. Someone who wants to help people, someone with strong ideals and willpower, someone who wants to lead the world to a better direction. A great leader with a big heart, who cares for his friends and for justice, Luffy inheriting a lot of these wonderful traits directly from his father. Oda has been hyping Dragon up for years within the story. And in my mind, all of this is making Dragon feel less human. Like, we know of The Man, The Myth, The Legend, but he doesn't feel "real". That image of Dragon Oda has built in my mind seems too perfect. And I think that does come down to the fact that we don't know that much about Dragon, more specifically, we don't know about any flaws he might have as a human being.
And I'm not saying making Dragon transphobic would make him a better character. My actual argument would be that if Dragon fucked up hardcore even just once in his life and did something horrible, that would counterbalance the overwhealming amount of positive traits he already has going for him.
Like Dragon did bring up the concept of "living without regrets" (when telling Kuma he could leave the RA to stay with his daughter); yes, this is a callback to how Ace and Luffy had made a promise to each another after they learned Sabo had died, but I do feel like in some ways, having Dragon mention that concept is also meant to show another similarity between Dragon and Luffy. Another thing Luffy inherited from his father, an ideal, a will. And I think it would be so much more meaningful if Dragon made that a goal in his life after gaining things he regretted. After making a mistake he could never take back.
And I dunno man, reacting piss poorly to finding out your wife is now your husband and breaking his heart in the process would be one easy way to end up with some Regrets™.
Yes, there is the counter argument to be made that Dragon surely could never be transphobic considdering he's specifically allied with Iva-chan and the Kamabakka Queendom. It is also worth noting how often people claim to be Okay With The Queers but only as long as The Queers are Over There, only to do a complete 180 and lash out the second someone in their own family comes out. Mind you, again, I'm not arguing for Dragon to be fully transphobic (although that would also be an option). Like maybe he had just a horrible kneejerk reaction or a slip of the tongue, one that he regretted immidiately after he realized what he had fucking done. (Hell, if Crocodile transitioned without warning and Dragon couldn't recognize him when reuniting, depending on the situation he could've even tried attacking Croc.) But it'd be too late, there'd be no fixing what he had broken. He'd be just stuck living with the consequences of the worst mistake of his life. (Also it's been almost 20 years in-universe. Even if Dragon had been fully transphobic, there's been plenty of time for him to do some soul searching and grow as a person, especially when surrounded by Iva-chan and co.)
Another thing is that... Look. If the Cis Heterosexual Dragon was Morally Pure and Never Did Anything Wrong In His Life, while the Gay Transgender Man Crocodile was ~evil~ and he was the one who had commited countless war crimes against people etc etc. Like. You get how that'd look. Especially when all the "good queers" in OP so far have been pre-transition, while Crocodile would be the first named character who has fully transitioned. 'Cause like. The mere act of transition is so often seen as morally deprived and corrupt, and yeah Crocodile is a cartoon villian. Just... having this one thing, one fucking time, where we can say for 100% sure that Crocodile wasn't the one in the wrong, and that it was the other party that did something horrible, would be kind of nice.
Also like. We don't know how the Dragodile Divorce went down and how Luffy ended up in Dragon's hands, like did Crocodile trans his gender before handing over the baby to Dragon or after. Almost regardless, but especially if he did transition before handing over the baby... Like... Crocodile is not stupid. He should have understood that Dragon fell in love with a woman, and thus his choise to transition could end their relationship. Yes, a younger Crocodile may have been a bit more naïve and trusting, but to me, it'd feel absurd if Crocodile didn't considder it at least a possibility. This man thinks everything through with utmost care, he comes up with backup plans for his backup plans. Surely he would have expected it.
So to me like
Croc thinks nothing will change -> Dragon politely breaks up -> Crocodile goes off to commit warcrimes
Would be like, the worst way things could go down. I would hate that chain of events, not gonna lie
Croc thinks nothing will change -> Dragon goes off the deepend -> Warcrimes
Croc assumes/knows things will change -> Dragon politely breaks up -> Warcrimes
Croc assumes/knows things will change -> Dragon goes off the deepend -> Warcrimes
^Would be all much more preferable options, for me at least, because the end result of the warcrimes won't seem like a result of Crocodile transitioning, it's not caused by him being a morally corrupt queer. At fucking most, in the first of those three scenarios you could blame Dragon for the warcrimes because he's the one who arguably broke Crocodile's psyche. But the other two? IDK it'd feel less like the warcrimes were a result of him throwing a fit over someone not wanting to date a trans person. Like the warcrimes came to be for completely separate reasons and have nothing to do with Dragon and getting rejected for being trans.
I dunno I'm probably not even making any sense at this point
The point is. If Crocodad Real and if there was indeed a Dragodile Divorce (only assuming because of Croc's ringfinger status) (Same for Dragon now that I think about it)
I think Dragon fucking up would make him more interesting as a character and Crocodile more symphathetic than if Dragon did everything perfectly.
That's it, that's the post, oyasumimir
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lightning-bringer · 2 years
Thresh NSFW headcanons
Ive been playing Thresh non-stop, and I'm currently working on a Thresh NSFW request, so it got my head full of thoughts about this little shit that I can't really say to my duo when gaming
Theres lots more I didn't include in here (I spend too long thinking about him) so I'll likely make a part 2 or a NSFW alphabet for him
Warning: lots of BDSM themes such as spanking, sadism, dacryphillia, primal play (Thresh is for the subs and the subs only)
Thresh is a little shit. He's the worst in all the good ways. I feel like I say it a lot but I can't stress this enough...
So he's a tease, the biggest one out there. If he's not in the mood for hardcore stuff (which I'll get in detail later) he'll touch and kiss his partner for literal hours on end without giving them the pleasure they seek
(Or, if he's with someone that can't controle themselves/is easy to make cum, he will make them cum until they're begging him to stop)
Oh also he absolutely will get under his partner's skin just to get them angry/frustrated just because he likes to see them squirm and fuck with lots of pent up stress and anger later
Thresh will also make his partner cry every time. Doesn't matter how, if it's out of frustration or pleasure, to make them cry is his goal as much as it is to cum or anything like it
He's a HUGE sadist and has a huge dacryphillia kink... so his partner's tears get him going like nothing else, specially if they're out of pain caused by him
He loves to use a crop on his partner, and he'll be there fully clothed and smirking delighted, dick throabing every time he hears a loud sob coming out of his partner's mouth
If you play him in the game just imagine him saying "screaming won't do you any good, but it's music to my ears"
(He fucks in his Unbound/human form most part of the time but if he's angry/particularly mean, he'll turn into he's base form to be extra scary)
Thresh has a big dick!!! And he knows!!! (It's not a monster cock or something but like, it's a struggle)
He really likes if his partner seems to struggle to take him, and it'll be the only moment in which he'll be "kind"/patient, while he coos at them and says "what is it little lamb? Does it hurt? Does it stretch you too good?" as he stays still for them to adjust, but only because he loves to see them gasp and writhe as he doesn't even move
But he won't wait long and soon will be fucking violently, snarling and shit
I don't think it can be called primal play, because he doesn't like it in the animalistic way, but Thresh really likes to "hunt down" his partner as a scene/play. He won't run, won't growl, he'll be there smiling as his partner is hidden and he slowly looks for them with the promise of punishment and pleasure
(and if you want you can imagine him saying his famous and fairly INSANELY SEXY lines such as "nobody escapes", "come out and play")
Thresh is not into degradation but he likes to be condescending... likes to point out if he's partner is struggling and/or when they're in pain he asks them rethorical questions just to humiliate them
His nicknames in and out of bed are a little eccentrical and always associate his partner with delicate things, such as "little lamb" (his favorite) "doll" (his second favorite) "sweetheart" "wild flower" (very affectionate, comes with a "my" in front of it and usually reserved for the foreplay when he's taking his time teasing his partner)
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sakarrie-creates · 9 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
It’s that time of year! Here’s my 2023 art summary! After two years of having to include non-colored pieces, I finally did enough ‘full’ pieces to fill my art summary template! I did have to get a bit creative with the months since I was able to draw a LOT more during the summer, but I’ll take it! Sorry it's a bit blurry. I'm not sure if that's just for the preview or not, but it was a smaller file than normal and since these reflections are 99% for my own interest, I decided it wasn't worth trying to change.
As usual, I got rambly so reflection questions are answered under the cut. The template I used is available here in case anyone else wants to make their own! My fic summary will be coming in a week or so, so stay tuned for the stats and round-up there. :)
What events did you participate in (with art)? Player Appreciation Week, Fandom Trumps Hate, Dear Fellow Traveler (Animatic), Weird People (Editing), SPN Comfortably Queer Zine (dropped), and lots of zine applications for page artist, merch artist, comic artist, and spot artist roles!
What was your biggest challenge this year? While time, like last year, was still a challenge, I think my biggest challenge was a mix of low motivation and an intense perfectionistic mindset. At the start of the year, I got super into TOH and was super hyped about all the zines with apps opening. I really REALLY wanted to get into them and figured I should apply for art too just cause it would increase my overall chances of getting in. After the finale, I did a screenshot redraw that ended up being absolutely fantastic for where my skill level is. I went deeper into rendering than ever before, and somehow it worked for me. 
That probably was the start of my unreasonably high expectations, and I got it into my head that maybe if I could make a whole portfolio of artwork at that quality level, I actually stood a chance at getting into a zine as an artist. From then on, I was hardcore crash-coursing perspective, rendering techniques, and generally trying to improve without allowing room for mistakes. While I do think it helped me grow a lot, it burnt me out so I struggled to work on stuff past summary (when all the zine apps were) and even dropped from the SPN Comfortably Queer Zine cause my imposter syndrome was so strong. (Though that was also partially because it was a ‘sign-up and you’re in’ zine, so they never saw my art during the application process and had no way of knowing if I was good enough.
What was something you were surprised by? I’m pretty sure I discovered the perspective tool is CSP this year! CSP has so many tools I’m not aware of (despite watching tons of tutorials and guides), so it wasn’t super surprising but it was nice. I have to say, they’re a serious hassle to work with and require a higher understanding of vanishing points and such than I currently have, but I could see it being very useful for future scene art pieces.
Did you try anything new this year?
Yes! This year I kicked down the door to the merch world and have been collecting and designing throughout the year. Though the designs have mostly just been for zine app portfolio’s, everything has worked out really well for me and I hope to produce charms for my collection as I improve my skills. Where do you think you most improved? Definitely my confidence in rendering! And probably my rendering itself too. I did a ton more pieces with it this year and it’s definitely a favorite part of the art process for me. I think I’ll have a lot more fun with it this year too, since I’m trying to keep it lower pressure, so I can experiment more to find out what brushes and styles I like most. What are you most proud of? I think I’m most proud of how ambitious I was with my zine apps. Though I didn’t get into any for art and it burned me out a fair bit, I did a lot of hard work and made pieces I can be mostly happy with. As for specific pieces, I’m very proud of my animatic clip for the Dear Fellow Traveler MAP (which is what the Belos art from the summary is from). My portion was about 5 seconds with 24 fully colored and shaded frames. A few of those were moving frames too, so the end result is the closest thing to actual animation I’ve done. I also really like the rendering on the Huntlow Epilogue art and generally how the Steve&Matt hug turned out.
How’d this year compare to your 2023 goals? I honestly couldn’t remember what my goals were, but all things considered, I didn’t do too bad! Thankfully past-Sakarrie was wise and made it a bullet list so I can just check things off. Met: -Player Appreciation Week -Add to zine portfolio -Apply to at least one zine as an artist (fine if don’t get accepted) -Keep experimenting with backgrounds and shading -Pull out some old WIPs -Build more consistency of style
The checked off ones I definitely met, so good for me! This was a very zine-focused year, so I way exceeded those goals. The last two I did do, but they’re a bit subjective. Specifically, I think the ‘WIPs’ I was referring to were old sketches, but most of the old WIPs I revisited were already colored and I was either adding rendered or cleaning them up for zine usage. As for style, I’m REALLY bad at telling haha. That said, my characters seem reasonably similar when I draw them, so I’m going to tentatively count it. Kinda: -One fully colored piece per month
I’m gonna give myself a half check on this one. I didn’t have a fully colored piece every month, but I did have over 12 fully rendered pieces in the end, several of which had backgrounds. So while I didn’t meet the letter of the goal, I feel like I met the spirit of it.
Did Not Meet: -Finish Huntlow comic -30 minutes animatic digitalize rough draft -Maybe make some fanart of my favorite fics
These don’t shock me. They’re all personal projects and this was a very external-goal-driven year for me. The Huntlow comic is a big love of mine but it’s definitely ambitious for where my skill is. I’ve got the whole thing messy-sketched and most of it has been clean sketched, but the jump from that to lineart is gonna be hard, and I have no idea what I’d be doing with color since the panels don’t have a background. That said, I do feel like it’s some solid work and I adore the angst vibe of it, so maybe I’ll get it done one day. I could also see myself posting it as a messy lineart comic so that others could enjoy the concept being executed in case it never gets finished.
As for the 30 Minutes animatic, I still 100% intend to complete it eventually. I love the way it fits to the music and I’m so proud of the thumbnails. Even if it never becomes a full animatic, I want to digitize the frames and line it up with music so I can share the concept I see in my mind with others. My brain was somewhat overtaken suddenly by TOH this year, so now that that’s settled and I’m hoping to follow my muse more this year, maybe this will be something I can get excited about again.
The fanart for favorite fics is no surprise since it’s kinda the tack on. With low motivation and projects with deadlines that needed my focus, personal art like this was buried way below other priorities. It’s a nice though for sure though.
Alrighty then, now it’s time for 2024 goals!! Oh goodness, I really don’t know what to expect of myself. I definitely am going to try to allow for more personal projects with lower pressure, but I do still have some goals. Hopefully most can be accomplished without applying big pressure though.
2024 Goals:
-Number One Priority: Create for my and don’t put myself in a place to get crazy burnt out and still have requirements. If I meet this goal, then it’s okay if I don’t meet any of the others. (It would be sad.... But I would still count it as meeting overall goals.) -Participate in Summergen and PAW Week (Art or Fic) -Design Handplates charm as anniversary gift (November) -Design CS Charm -Have a fully usable Zine Portfolio (Currently need more merch samples and rendered pieces with backgrounds) -Apply to new TOH Zines or other loved fandom zines. If I end up getting into any, I can pull back, but since that doesn’t seem likely, I want to get into the habit of always being ready to apply with what I have. -Make an ongoing project list to pin to my tumblr. This applies mostly for fics, but that way people coming to my page can see what fandoms I’m actively creating for and what they can look forward to (as well as have an opening to ask questions if they’re interested). -Post more (at least 10 times throughout the year) and add my best pieces to instagram (8+ pieces by end of year). -Do ONE of the following:     1. 30 minutes digitized so it can be shared with music      2. Open Up Your Eyes fully thumbnail      3. Fanworks for other people’s fics      4. Participate in an extra bang or exchange with art      5. Design and manufacture a pin -Play with different brushes and rendering styles -Draw something from scratch every month, no matter how small -Not exactly art, but I want to have a finalized long-term merch display plan for all my items Overall, how’d the year go? I think I did well! I didn’t meet all my goals and I pushed myself too far, but I learned and improved a LOT this year. All things considered, I made pieces that last year me would be blown away by, so I think that’s an automatic win. I’m pretty uncertain on how this next year will go (even more so than last year, which is surprising since I was changing schools last year), but I’m hoping to enjoy what I do and create art semi-regularly. Here’s to 2024!
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clovermarigold · 11 months
Daggers & Daffodils Chap.25
Dagur x Reader
Sorry for the wait guys! As recompence I give you an extra-long chapter! Enjoy!
"So, this is your workshop?" Heather looked around your room and the pile of papers, herbs, and pestles covering your desk. "Somewhat. Sorry for the mess, I didn't exactly have time to clean up" you said, gathering things off your desk. "It's nothing, really" she held up her hands with a smile, "I've been living camp to camp for these past few years, this is nothing".  
After convincing Heather to come back to the edge you had thought everything was going great. The others fawned over Windshear and Heathers newfound intensity. Or as Astrid liked to put it, 'hardcore'. Regardless, however, Hiccup insisted that he would still have to address why she was attacking ships. 
"Heather, we should probably talk" Hiccup approached her in the dragon pen, nearing sunset, "Sure. about what?". "About the ship that you and Windshear destroyed" Heather pet her dragon with a guilty expression, "Oh... That ship". "Heather, what are you doing out there?" your brother pushed. "I'm just taking care of business. It's nothing you need to worry about--" Hiccup interrupted, "Yeah, but I do worry about it, Heather. If dragons are attacking ships, I worry".
"Look, Hiccup, a lot has happened in the last few years. We're not kids anymore. Everything's. changed". Hiccup walked closer, "This can't be you, it can't be". Heather crossed her arms and avoided eye contact, "Well, it is now. The last time you saw me, I-- Never mind. If, if you want me to leave--", "I didn't say that. No, whatever it is you're going through, we can help. All of us. There's always another way". Heather pulled Hiccup into a hug, "You're so sweet. Thank you Hiccup. You've always been a great friend to me".
A sharp stabbing followed by large weight on your stomach stole you from your peaceful sleep. "OW what the--" blearing your eyes open you are met with large yellow eyes. "Silver Tongue, what are you doing?" you sigh, partly from relief as he steps down from your stomach. The sound of yelling from the clubhouse tells you enough. "Ugh, we can't have one normal day where nothing happens, can we?" You hop on one foot, struggling to put a boot on the other. 
"We trusted you" Snotlout says, not yelling, but irritation present on his tone. "Look, I'm sorry I locked up your dragons. I just didn't trust that you guys would let me go after Dagur" Locking your wide eyes with Hiccup at the mention of your fianc-- Dagur, "I'll fill you in later".
"Trust does need to be earned with people and dragons" Fishlegs says sympathetically. "Thanks for understanding Fishlegs" Heather says tucking her hair behind her earning a fake gag from Tuff. "I don't really trust these guys either, Heather" Snotlout chimes in.
"You know we can hear you" Astrid says with a hand on her hip. "Jealousy in an ugly quality, Astrid. But clearly, I understand where it comes from" he says snidely, causing both you and Astrid to roll your eyes. "The point is, we have your back, Heather. You're one of us" Hiccup places a hand on her shoulder. 
"Yeah, I stocked Windshear's stable with buckets of sea slugs" Fishlegs said, Snotlout quick to put a handout Infront of him. "And I made room for you in my hut". Both you and Astrid groaned in disgust at the thought of having to share a hut with Snotlout. "And I've made it clear to Snotlout that you're not staying in his hut" Heather gave a smile of relief.
"Even though YOU were the rogue dragon rider, and YOU sabotaged our dragons, and YOU snuck away in the dark of the night. Wait, why do we like you again" Tuff said with his hands on his hips.  Heather put a hand to her chest, face sullen, "I'm truly sorry, Tuffnut".
"Woah! That was... sincere. What am I supposed to do with that?" he began to breathe heavily, "I'm feeling a bit flushed and overwhelmed. Little help here? People!". "And if you need any help with Windshear--" Snotlout was quick to interrupt Fishlegs, "Why don't I show you around the Edge? I'm basically chief". You roll your eyes at Snotlouts poor attempt at showboating. 
"Ok!" Astrid quickly grabs both yours and Heathers arms, "Let's go have some girl time". "Thank Thor, yes" you close your eyes with a breath. 
"Ha!" the two axes were wedged in their targets at nearly the exact same spot. "I don't know it's cutting it kind of close. Y/N, you judge. Which is closer?" Inspecting the two, your answer was only inconclusive. though it made you create a mental note not to get on their bad sides when an axe was within reach. 
"Hmm, well. Two axes are better than one" Astrid held up two fingers. "True", Heather agreed, "Unless you have one of these" she held up her double-sided blade made from Windshear's scales. "You really have to show me how you made that" Heather smiled. "Sure, but I prefer close combat to throwing. So, I can stare my enemy in the eye". "Not a bad tactic" you hummed, "Buuuut" you threw three of your daggers at the tree behind her, perfectly missing her sides. "The element of Suprise. I like that" you laughed. "It's one of Hiccups favorite tactics, those two are way too alike" Astrid said retrieving her axe. 
"So, you two are a thing, right?" She asked causing you to snort and nearly double over when you were trying to pull your knife from the tree. You turned quick to see Astrid with a near invisible sheen of pink tinging her face, and if you hadn't known her for so long, no doubt would have missed. Similar to her axe, which widely missed her next target, almost hitting a night terror. "What? No, just friends" she waved her hands fast. "Pfft" she shot you a steely glare, though it did nothing to stop the wide smile that had taken control of you. 
"What? Is he not good enough for you, Astrid?" you asked in mock offence. "He's kind of cute" Heather said, stoking the flames. "I guess. If you like that unassuming, heroic, dragon rider type". You gasped, "Astrid! That is my brother you're talking about. Think of the girl code! Platonic thoughts only!" she punched your side making you clutch your ribs, both from pain and laughter. "Wow, Astrid. I thought you were better than that" Heather put her hand on her hip with fake disappointment. 
"Huh... Now, you and Snotlout, that's a match made in Valhalla" the three of you broke out into laughter. "I don't know whether to thank you or to feel sorry for you". "I can handle Snotlout" she said, "And besides, I'm not into the macho Viking type. I like a little smarts. Like Fishlegs".
"Fishlegs?" Astrids voice was humorous, "Seriously?". "What? I think he's funny and cute". "We're talking about Fishlegs, right? The guy with the Gronkle?". "And rock collection he alphabetized" you added. "Okay, all right. Enough boy talk. what else do you do for fun around here?" the three of you began to walk towards the cliffs, you and Astrid sharing a look, and the same thought. 
"Keep up!" Astrid yelled as the two of you ran past Heather, jumping off the cliff. The two of you fell through the air, basking in the freedom before grabbing onto your dragon's tails. "Wahoo!" the sound of Heather's cheers was unfortunately short as Windshears wiry and thin tail slipped through her fingers. Thankfully, however, her dragon's quick reaction speed made up for it, grabbing onto her shoe, just before she could hit the rocky floor. 
"Wanna go two out of three?" Astrid asked, still adrenaline high. "Um, no" Heather said, gracefully still in a good mood, despite nearly being flattened. "I want to show you guys something. If you can keep up" Windshear took off into a soar. "Get 'em Stormfly". "Oh no" you were quick to grip onto your saddle, just before, Silver Tongue, ever the competitive dragon, rushed to catch up, nearly throwing you off in the process. 
"What are we doing back at your campsite?" the three of you landed on the familiar small island, "Did you forget something". "Nope." Heather said, in a more serious tone, walking confidently through the site. "Oh, it must be here" you and Astrid shared a look. 
"You gonna clue us in on what we're doing here?" Astrid asked, watching as heather searched. "I'm looking for something" the slight rustling sound that came from the bush to your right tipped you off. "Looking for something like--" in a swift move you grabbed whatever was in the push and pulled it out. "Trader Johann?" Astrid asked looking down on him, with her axe pointed his chest. "Miss Astrid! Miss Y/N! So lovely to see you again. Would you mind, please, lowering your axe so my frightened soul might be granted safe passage back to my body?".
"Johann! Thank Thor" Heather was quick to help him back up. "Oh, Miss Heather! I'm overjoyed you're not dead. When the terrible Terror returned with the message I sent you, I was sick with worry. Then, when I arrived here and saw your campsite had been abandoned, I feared the worst".
"Alright! Someone needs to tell me what's going on" Astrid spun the axe in her hand once. "You see, Miss Astrid, if you need exotic spices from a foreign land, or one-of-a-kind cured leathers, or incredibly-difficult-to-obtain information detailing the exact whereabouts of a certain dastardly Berserker, " He pulled out a map with a number of red x's, one of which was circled, "Trader Johann is your man".
"Dagur" the two of you said in sync, albeit yours more worried than Astrid. "And if you need a warrior to take care of that dastardly Berserker..." with a flourish she swung her double-sided axe into the ground, "I'm your girl". You swallowed, "So he's got the info and you've got the axe. Now what?" Astrid asked. 
"Dagur is set to purchase a fleet of new ships from a group of salty undesirables in the Sea of Despair. But be wary. These new ships for his armada are outfitted with powerful anti-dragon winches and catapults! After the deal is done, I won't be able to find him again. Dagur will be back in the wind. Adrift, like a leaf in a stream. And I've used my last grapevine, so I won't be able to offer my invaluable, yet expensive information".
"Got it. Thanks, Johann. Come on, guys" Heather nodded with a smile to the man. "Wait, were not actually considering this, are we?" you asked Astrid when Heather turned away. "If we leave Heather to do this by herself, she could get seriously hurt" She was right, based on what Hiccup had told you happened last time, she had nearly gotten caught. You could barely stomach the thought of what would have happened to her, and worse, Windshear. "I don't like going behind Hiccup's back" Astrid nodded, "It's just to keep her safe".
The idea of you flying into a growing armada without your brother, led by your crazy ex-fiancé was definitely not comfortable. But you would most certainly be less comfortable with the idea of Heather and Windshear doing it alone. "Ok, but no killing. It's one thing to go after Dagur alone. Killing him without giving anyone else a say is too much" Astrid nodded.
Flying back to the edge, where your brother was still gone, the others were standoffish to the idea of going after Dagur. "We gotta go now. Dagur won't be out in the open for long" Heather reasoned. "Wait a minute, you wat us to battle Dagur and the Berserkers without Hiccup and Toothless?" Fishlegs asked. 
"Guys, I wish Hiccup and Toothless were here, trust me. But they're not. And we can't wait. Dagur's ships have dragon-proof chains and grappling hooks. And the ships he's buying are even more powerful. But with all of us attacking at once, Dagur won't know what hit him".
Fishlegs rubbed the back of his neck, uncomfortable "Uh any arial assault of this magnitude would be foolish without Toothless. He's the most powerful dragon in our arsenal" a number of the dragons, Silver Tongue and Hookfang namely, let out a growl of disapproval. "And I mean... Y/N, you of all people should feel the most uncomfortable with this righ--" you shook your head quickly to cut him off. "What does he mean by that?" Heather asked.
"I'm just not used to not telling my brother about things like this" you lied. The last thing you needed was for Heather to know about your engagement. Previous engagement! "Well it's not like we need Hiccup and Toothless" Snotlout interjected. His obnoxiousness for the first time being useful and taking attention away from you. 
"You heard Johann, Astrid. This is our last chance. Tell them" She looked from you back to Heather. "Well... Look Heather--" Heather's face dropped before twisting into hurt. "You too? Just forget it. All that stuff about trust and having my back, I guess that was just talk" she turned and walked away. "....Akwar--" you elbowed Snotlout un the stomach making him keel over. 
"Looks like it's just you and me Windshear" heather saddled her dragon outside the clubhouse, now packed and ready to take off. "Hey" Astrid called the rest of you and your dragons included. "If we're gonna do this, it has to be a capture mission, not a kill mission. Agreed?". "Agreed" she smiled, "We'll sink Dagur's armada, drag him back to Outcast Island. Let him rot there". "Okay, then we're with you--".
"You can thank me!" Snotlout said boisterously, "I was the one who rallied these guys". "Thats not how I remember it" you say. "As soon as she left, your lips started to do that cute little quiver thing" Fishlegs mocked. "Quiet fish face! Thats a tic!". "So, what's your plan" Astrid asks, "Hit him when he least expects it".
Dagur sighed enjoyment as he stretched in the sun. "Ah, it's a good day to strengthen my armada. Then again, it's always a good day to strengthen my armada". Savage approached his chief warily, "The gold is ready for the exchange sir. Should we move it to the deck--".
"Leave it down below" he said with finality, barely attempting to even look at the thin man. "But. sir, when they arrive with the ships, they'll be expecting our gold". "YES--" he screamed before stopping himself, putting a hand up like an annoyed father would, "And instead of our gold, we'll give them our steel".  A wicked smile grew on the old Outcast soldier. 
You looked down at Dagur's ships, "There he is". "Alright let me guess" Tuff said to Heather, "You want to attack like the rogue dragon rider that you are. A full-frontal assault!". "No" Heather said, turning to you, "Element of surprise?". 
"Dragon's incoming!" one of the Berserkers called as they spotted Snotlout, Ruff, Tuff, and Fishlegs flying towards them from the front. "Prepare the grappling hooks!" Dagur called. He looked at the four laughing, "It's hunting season".
Team diversion stayed just high enough out of reach that the Berserker's weaponry couldn't reach them, every so often taking a quick shot that would miss. This of course infuriating Dagur to no end, "What are they doing up there?" you almost found it cute, with how he sounded genuinely confused. You, Astrid, and Heather, along with your dragons had crept up the sides of the ship and snuck into the deck of the ship Dagur was currently on. One by one, you singled out and knocked out each of the Berserkers on board. 
A large rock in the ship from the ripples of one of the others missed shots was the tipping point for Dagur who grabbed one of the chains to throw himself. As Dagur threw the chain back, Astrid interrupted its path with her axe, allowing her to pull him back. You were quick to tie him by his wrists, using the full weight of your body pressed against him to hold him down long enough, and to keep him from thrashing. "What the--" he looked up to see Astrid and Heather standing smugly in front of him. "Ugh, you two" he grimaced. "Surprise, Dagur" Heather pointed his axe at his head. " Two axes are better than one". 
"And twelve ships trumps two axes." the shrieks of your dragons were quick to change his mind. "Heh, should've seen that coming" it came out almost child-like before his eyes locked on Silver Tongue which made the realization pop into his head. "Y/N" he smiles, struggling to angle his head back to see you. You got off him quick, just long enough to flip him onto his back and cover his mouth before he could say anything. Though his eyes were saying more than enough, and you were thankful that Heather was angry enough to not notice the wide puppy love excitement he had in them. "Windshear finish it".
"No!", "Heather, don't. You promised us a capture mission" Astrid pleaded, while you looked up at your friend whose narrowed eyes were scorched in rage at the man beneath you. "Sorry. I changed my mind. Dagur didn't 'capture' my village. So this ends here" she wielded her axe and swung it towards him, but paused as you were still in the way, and on top of him. 
Dagur began to break out into laughter, "If you kill me Heather, you'll never know--" you covered his mouth again. "Y/N, get out of the way!" Windshear screeched to your left. "Heather, I can't let you do that" you were panicking, Windshear, having heard the call of her rider was trigger happy. And at this point, Heather was too. "You know what he did to my village! Yours too! Why are you defending him!?", "I just can't let you do this!" sensing your distress Silver Tongue became tense, now screeching at Windshear as if to tell her to back off. The two dragons were similar to their riders. 
"I trusted you!" Heather shouted, in tandem with the howls and snaps of your dragons. This was too much. Your anxiety spiked, the yelling, the dragons, the squirming of the man beneath you... you were going to have another panic attack. Your realization of this fact however was too slow, your brain throbbing as the world began to become too fast. Dagur's movements stopped entirely as he felt your hand loosen. In an instant he threw you off, flipping you over so you were in front of him while he supported your frame from behind., the two of you still on your knees. "Dagur! Don't you touch her!" Heather yelled at him brandishing her axe. 
"Deep breathes" The world was still spinning, and you struggled to make out what was happening. Choosing to listen to the voice you focused on your breathing, though in hindsight you should have recognized Dagur's voice relatively easy. Dagur continued to hold you up and rub your sides. 
"Heather don't!" Astrid yelled as Heather went to strike the Berserker before a purple blast knocked it out of her hand. "Stop! Heather stop" It was Hiccup, landed and quickly jumped off of Toothless to rush in-between you, Dagur, and Heather. "Move Hiccup" she picked up her axe "You promised me there would be another time, and this is it!". 
"Look, you told me your father gave you this" he held up a horn, "Yeah. he did but what--", "This is my father's Chief Seal". Her face twisted in confusion as she took the horn out of Hiccups hand, lowering her axe. "Stoick's seal is carved in my horn? What are you saying?". Your breathing leveled out and your vision began to focus, Dagur still focusing all his attention on you. 
"Years ago, Stoick gave this horn to the Chief of the Berserker Tribe, Oswald the Agreeable as a gift for his newborn daughter. You were that newborn, Heather. Oswald the Agreeable is your father. And he is also Dagur's father". Heathers face dropped as she looked at him, "no". Dagur shrugged as if it were common knowledge. "Heather, Dagur is your brother. You can't kill him" she was shocked turning to you then Astrid. "I--" a rock in the boat interrupted, as the rest of Dagur's ships had learned the truth of their deception. 
"Heather, we have to go!" the other ships boxed you in, beginning to plank over. She dropped her axe wordlessly. Dagur, having learned you were cognitive, had finally broken out of his ties and stood up completely, after propping you up against the ship.
"I have to admit, you never disappoint, brother. Or maybe you're actually my uncle. Who knows in this crazy world?" he broke out into a deranged laugh. The Berserkers began to board the ship and your brother called out to Heather "Heather, we have to go!".
"Heather, I'm the only family you've got left." Toothless was quick to jump in front of her, keeping him from getting any closer. "Join me sister. Don't fight destiny. I know you feel the Berserker blood flowing through your veins". Heather gave a twisted smile, eerily similar to that of Dagur, psyching him to believe she would consider his offer before leaping over him and pulling you up from the ground and helping you onto your dragon. The two of you took off, leaving Dagur to call out to you, "Come back, sis! Heather the Unhinged has a nice ring to it, no?", "Y/N, come on! You'll have a sister-in-law!".
Heather turned to look at you, confused. One look at you was enough, however as she pieced everything together. Her face twisted, and instead of saying anything she chose to speed up, flying past you. "You'll be back, and I will welcome you with open arms" Dagur finally called. And you looked back at him with a glare. Dagur watched as the two of you flew off. "We'll have to wait on that reunion, pity" a whistle from behind him caused him to turn only to be knocked to the ground by Toothless. "I should've seen that one coming, too". "Alright gang, back to the edge" Hiccup said.
Well, there went any chance of Heather teaching you how to make an axe.
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solarwynd · 6 months
When armys used to talk about leftovers I used to roll my eyes because not liking a group when they change their musical direction is the most common thing just as I found myself annoyed by their hatred for multis - do you expect everyone to not listen to or to hate every other musical act just because they stan BTS?
However as someone who used to hardcore stan JK, I finally get the leftover part a little. I talk about him a little too much and it's because I used to stan him. I think its so much disappointing when someone you used to like becomes a poster boy of selling out. But I'm going to try to make a conscious effort to stop. It's just a bunch of negativity for no reason. Unfortunately pjms talk about JK a lot - mostly because jjks talk about Jimin - and the whole cycle keeps running. To some extent I appreciate the spite-inspo they provide pjms but at a certain point I want to open my twitter tl and not see fight after fight with every fandom on twitter and a bunch of ratkooks and maidkooks or pigmins or horsie or all that bs being thrown around. I've been off twitter for a week because of this (also to catch up with my assignments) and coming back, things are worse than ever.
I don't know what the solution is but things seem more exhausting than fun sometimes. I need some Jimin content stat 😔
Armys hatred of multis wasn’t because they liked other groups it was because multis 9/10 are fake and constantly threw BTS under the bus in defense of whichever other group they stanned. And in the case If they dropped BTS completely, they’d always immediately start to shit talk BTS the moment they unstan. (Even more embarrassing when you’d pull up old tweets to see that they were professing their love for BTS or specific members not even 3 months earlier sometimes) That’s where that term came from and it’s always been fitting. The bulk of these groups in kpop wouldn’t have the fanbases they have now without the fans BTS brought in. Especially 4th gen cause 80% of them are ex armys that’s just the truth. Me personally, I had no issue with anyone unstanning BTS when I was an army if their music started to not be to their taste. That’s understandable. But to unstan then go pick a group like NCT, SKZ or BP and want to talk about quality of music or talent? Yes, I will look at you dumb cause you’re not serious.
I will say that armys do give western multis a lot more leniency because they do hold western acts to a more superior standard than kpop groups. Which is ironic because those same western multis would in turn do the very same thing armys would call kpop multis out on and then they’d even add in a hint of xenophobia and condescension ontop of that too. So it really was all just one mess of a circle.
If PJMS weren’t as productive as they are in supporting Jimin, I’d be 10x more annoyed with them. They do talk about JK a lot but like you said it’s because jjks can’t mind their business. It’s also because how JK operates almost directly correlates to how jimin gets treated so it’s inevitable. Outside of that specific type of name calling (which irks me to no end on all accounts cause the majority of the people who are doing it are grown.) It’s the constant screenshooting and going back and forth that bugs me. Like I get receipt keeping cause I do it. But then you’ll have some pjms who will literally camp on the worst jjk anti accounts like Muri for a screenshot a couple minutes after that man posts some nasty tweet about jimin. And it’s like why? Why is he not blocked for you? What will he or any jimin anti really have to say that would be new or any different from him hurling the same pig insults, SH drags or reposting that same encore vid?
I don’t think the dynamic pjms have with jjks will ever change, so the best thing to do if you’re more on twitter is just stay in your own corner or continue to take breaks. Jimin hasn’t dropped music yet so you’re not really missing anything anyway.
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sun-undone · 2 years
i'm finishing up yet another rewatch because when am i not rewatching this godforsaken show and all throughout season 2, i kept honing in on all the times we see JJ with that fucking flask and how it is NEVER ADDRESSED. the most we get are the two moments in 2x01 and 2x03 when Kie's telling him to chill out before school and then when she takes the flask from his hand when she thinks he's asleep.
the fact that the closest we got to any acknowledgement of that being a deeper problem was always framed around jiara???? and now we know from the EW articles that JJ's mental health is gonna be a bigger deal (thank fucking god pates i love you and i never said anything bad about y'all) in season 3, which is the jiara season??????? it's all connected and i truly cannot believe i am praising writers for basic set up and payoff but !!!!!! i really thought the flask was their half-assed way of giving JJ some kind of individual arc when they totally dropped all his other plot lines (restitution and Luke/abuse trauma) but i could not be more happy to be proven wrong.
(i mean, they might be talking a big game now, it all comes down to the actual execution but i'm still so fucking excited that they've specifically mentioned taking a look at the pogues' mental states and it gives me a lot of hope okay)
everyone's already said this but i really think we're gonna see JJ struggling hardcore with being back home and not knowing what his place is as the dynamic of the pogues has changed so much. Cleo and Pope are paired off, since we now have confirmation that she'll be staying with him and his family. John B is gonna be reunited with his father, and he and Sarah have got each other as well. Kie has her parents to go back to, as strained as that relationship is. JJ is very clearly the odd one out.
poguelandia is the first time that JJ has ever been away from the obx. he has never existed outside the bubble of what it means to be a Maybank in the obx. so he's gotta feel so free, right?? he can provide for his family by fishing and they can get by just well enough to survive and live off the land and they have each other, and that's always been enough for JJ.
and if he and Kie gravitate closer on poguelandia like we all think they will, then all of that happiness and a taste of his surf trip dream will suddenly get ripped away from him when they have to go back home, and he's absolutely gonna spiral. he's gonna pull away and deflect and overcompensate with alcohol and use all the other immature coping mechanisms we've seen him use before, and i am so fucking ready for this angst holy shit cause there's just been so much set up for it. the pates love a fast burn so i think we were all kinda worried about the slow burn with jiara, but my expectations are officially sky high. i'm so glad that they're using the established character flaws and insecurities for JJ as part of the angst, and i'm assuming Kie's issues with her parents will be the external force adding onto that and making it even angstier.
it's not mind-blowing writing whatsoever, but after season 2 kinda let us down in terms of giving us insight into JJ's headspace, i'm just over the moon to see that it might've all been a set up for something bigger. they knew they wanted to save the deep dive into JJ's trauma for the jiara season because it's so integral to understanding how JJ receives and doesn't receive love. you can't put JJ in a romantic plot line without addressing all that trauma and self-hatred, and it's something fic writers have created masterpieces about and i can't stop saying it but i am just so fucking happy that the pates are putting it in canon. they really do care about these characters huh
if season 3 ends up being a disaster and the trauma plot line is disappointing as hell then no one saw this i didn't write it you didn't read it
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Alright we're gonna do our first big compilation of my longass notes for a friend of the blogs fic, obviously we mUST start with The Thunder Answered Back by @spicymiilk
Fair warning, I would read the whole fic before reading my notes and laughing/crying along with me. I do think you can go chapter by chapter if you wish. Also a fair warning, I usually cull my notes before posting a fic comment; I really let myself go wild here. Proceed with caution.
Chapter one I didn't have too many notes bc I was deep in it and also there wasn't too too much cringe. Idk if this is well known about me, but I can watch like, hardcore porn or gore and not flinch. I used to watch Animal Planet vet shows while eating cheese its when I got home from school, just munching away while they did surgery on little puppies. But if you write even a tiny bit of cringe it takes me like 5 business days to recover. I fully cannot look at the screen. I will leave the room if an awkward conversation happens in my tv show. I also can't not react to cuteness as well. These notes were mental escapes a lot of the time in this fic, like mother of GOD I want to die even imagining these conversations. Mortifying. Anyways.
Unhinged things I would say on the google doc but here!
DIALOGUE, dialogue, dialogue, dialogue. It can make or break a piece and it CARRIED in this one. It's so very cringe and realistic lol. Dialogue is usually the hardest for writers but I don't think our man here has this problem lol.
Great setting as well, I can feel the heat. A setting you can physically feel is so immersive, it sucks you right in, and my ass has never been to Italy but I've been on a dock and I've been in a hot thunderstorm and I can feel it all.
Obsessed with the way Spider steps into the house and Neytiri's like "dinner, gayboy??" like she was on his ass instantly skskskks. HER LITTLE SLIGHTS AT HIM?? EXPLAIN, LOL. WHAT DID THE CHILD DO? Reminds me of the time my friends mom asked me to stop calling her Chris and I didn't understand why and just blurted back "Okay, Chris." It's just so funny to me when she hates Spider in modern fics, because there's no systemic context it's just her beefing with a small child oddly lol. Having read the whole fic now, it's just Quarich's racism connection, I believe.
I am obsessed with the plight of the boys. Obviously Spider needs to leave, but I'm hoping Lo'ak escapes the military industrial complex lol. I'm so torn. I had Sully fam on the brain, and I wanted Spider's continuing relationship with them all so badly. Maybe I simply need for them to ask Spider to stay with them? Like "live with us for a year buddy, get yourself ready for college. You can do anything king but also ur part of the family, now go deflower our son."
Here is that clarifying question I asked: Did Kiri and Spider have sex??? Or did Mandy tell her about Spider's dick? OR BOTH? I simply could not figure that out. Also missed opportunity to name that character Ninat for the lols. The next generation of Ninat's beefing with and over Sully men.
Now that you've given me my answer, truly hilarious comedic content for everyone around.
Kiri, at night: want to hear about Spider’s dick?
Lo’ak, charcoal and paper out, ready to create an impressive sketch: ew, no, go ahead.
Chapter two, FUCK OFF Jeytiri flirting karaoke is adorable, that’s hilarious. The whole scene made my heart happy bUT NOT HAPPY ENOUGH not enough comfort I need more of it.
Spider turning to Lo’ak who's aLREADY LOOKING AT HIM cause they’re both like “oh you mentioned love, let me look at my best friend,” I’ll die.
Lo’ak literally BEGGING Spider to sing so he can swoon in the corner. I love this headcanon that seems to be cropping up of Spider being like a really good singer, it's very interesting to me.
JAKE UNDERSTANDING SPIDER I’ll die. Jake’s adopted that child you can’t convince me otherwise. Dude, even Neytiri fucking sees him as part of the family, I’ll scream. The tooth gem thing??? Iconic. Loved it. She’s giving Spider specifically cookies??? I’ll die. She's included him in all their shit. Not just anyone can do family game night karaoke. The karaoke, I am obsessed. Adorable. The Kiri and Lo’ak banter means the world to me. Their limp wrist agenda, the limp wrist bullying. What will he do when he can’t hold that against her? She must be unbearable to him in return when Spider isn't there. We love a homophobic gay. It's like what I said about my roommate i slept with twice (who follows me on here and we all better hope doesn't perceive this post); "I only get offended when SHE calls me slurs because I know then it comes from a place of true homophobia."
Kiri is literally begging Spider to understand Lo’ak wants him. BEGGING LO’AK TO UNDERSTAND SPIDER WANTS HIM. Kiri trying not to die at how obvious they both are. Kiri, going to beat the shit out of Lo’ak for asking about Mandy of all people bc of how far he's gone to avoid learning about that. I STILL AM UNCLEAR AS TO IF HIS ASS ACTUALLY DIDN'T KNOW SPIDER BROKE UP WITH MANDY OR HE WAS JUST BEING AN ASS.
Also fuck u for underestimating the importance of Tuk to Spider, he wants Tuk to remember him please I swear.
Also I have noted you have hinted at Spider’s praise kink. I can see it clearly. Nothing more will be said on that topic, but sometimes a praise kink simply makes sense for a character.
'IT COMES OUT MORE LIKE GAY' that was just for me, I know. So was Ninat's kid, obviously. Now that it's cONFIRMED for me I love to know that I am the target audience of all locorro fics ever.
Spider: *calls Lo’ak baby and gets embarrassed*
Lo’ak: *rebooting*
Lol Spider punching Lo’ak for saying slurs is so funny. Lo’ak's like if I say it I ain’t it, and that's on falling for the guy that is punching me for saying the slurs.
This little "I knew" reveal was CERTAINLY not what I was expecting. Not at all. A delightful little twist huh? A little trope subversion? AN EXPLICIT DRUNK CONFESSION IS SO HEART-WRENCHINGLY AWFUL OH MY GOD. WHAT HAPPENED THEN WHAT DID THEY D O I MUST KNOW. "It’s not a big deal bc I… like u too obviously lol." That's the end of the sentence and the end of the communication. I was driven insane by that, I just finished XO Kitty, worst show ever, and I was reminded how much I despise when communication would solve legit every problem but it's handled realistically here. Communication is so hard for the boys Kiri will throw hands. And I brought your inhaler with me obvs cause I’m in love with you.
I’m sad about an asthmatic fist fight but it’s so appropriate. I am sad tho. I am a hurt/COMFORT bitch where is my COMFORT. I don't think my body is ready for a nocorro fic from u @spicymiilk my blog is about to become all comforting headcanons and we're going to ignore the plethora of Hunger Games ones I got today.
Now we have to sit here in this world where Lo'ak thought Spider was emotionally(?) cheating on Mandy with him if he thought they were still dating, the fucking clown idiot fool.
FINALLY, for the third and final chapter, with some bonus answers Andrei has given to my demanding all caps questions.
I’m so mean, I’m laughing at the idea of Kiri waking up at an ungodly 7:34am to Lo’ak ugly crying over Spider’s fake bed on the floor like he’s gone off and died in the war. She’s just like the pizza box community meme like uhhhh. Now I know this must happen oFTEN so I again figure that she must have gotten really good at sleeping through his ugly sobbing.
JHUST FUCKING LEAVE QUARITCH THIS IS SO ANNOYING GET OUT OF MY PLOT I’M TRYNA SEE KIRI’S TEXTS, ugh I'm so biased I despised how much he was in this chapter he should choke I wish asthma was contagious. Although, for some reason Quaritch calling Spider Lo’ak’s wife did things to me personally, The sweet homosexual love line then took me out back and popped me (I mean this in a like, Italian mafia putting me down outside way and not like, doing poppers outside a club although for some reason both are giving the same energy).
Neytiri murdering Spider for both turning her son gay and also making him sad can be something so personal. I still am in denial of every universe where she doesn't like him, and in this one I just love the idea of them slinking back to Italy having eloped or some shit where Spider now has to build that relationship but now having deflowered and stolen her son in the night. Hilarious. They must bond over talking about how stupid he is. They're so similar, how can the people with Jake and his clone not be.
Lol I also forgot Lo’ak got a black eye, that makes Kiri’s texts earlier so much funnier. Kiri was like they made out so hard he was struck with love. Developed a bruise. His gayness punched him in the face.
Oh my god the crying was all a lie, a fantasy, I’m so disappointed. More realistic, sure, but still. I am unclear as to if it was rEAL.
I had the cunt thing spoiled for me when I was catching up on posts I missed; never did I imagine lol. Almost as hilarious as Lo’ak telling Spider to die because he didn’t look at him, gay.
Spackle covering the hole in the wall, hmm, I wonder who punched that there?? Also abusive Quaritch giving romantic advice is making me want to puke up all my organs. I know Andrei says say the hole in the wall was nothing, but you can't have an abusive dad character and then mention a hole in the wall and nOT have us thinking that Quaritch punched a hole in the wall. Every reader is gonna think that.
Lol those Kiri texts and what she says is sO MEAN god I totally get why she did it but omg way to ruin a man over something that is not his decision or his fault. She’s just so so mad about the gays being dumb. Can’t believe she finally coughed up this info. Also the way Quaritch could probably hear all this through the wall makes me wanna die.
Speaking of Quaritch, what an interesting portrayal of their relationship. As a Quaritch hater, there's very few fics where I don't just fully skip long interactions with him. I gotta have really been sucked into the world, and I was with this one. I can't tell what of my feelings on the characters have made me biased on the relationship and what are my feelings on what the text portrayed. The feeling of too late in their relationship is there, overwhelmingly and devastatingly, but part of me found myself unconvinced by the attempts from Quartich. I literally can't tell if it's my own bias (most likely) or if it's my own lack of explicit background knowledge.
What we do learn of the past we learn in fragments, passing lines from Spider's internal monologue. They aren't the focal point of the story, but they are deeply important to the world created, and it leaves me with a feeling like I'm in an unfinished paint by numbers; I don't quite have the full picture. (Again, as I always say to you in my beta notes Andrei, these are incredibly harsh comments for fic. It's just good enough I'm treating it as though it's more lol (bc it can be)).
As to why everyone is finding Kiri mean; yeah she's neurospicy and we do clearly get the vibe that they talk to each other in this way, this casual banter that doesn't really mean anything. That being said, casual "kill yourself" or like "this is all your fault" and shit like that when the character is clearly upset and angry comes across as serious. Knowing Kiri as a character I didn't think she was, but reading it took me aback because as a standalone I don't have that context. In arguments and serious moments those words pack a punch, especially to a reader in such close third as we are with Spider in this one. We are WITH him and seeing only his thoughts and perspectives, his hurt is front and center so it's easy to feel hurt and defensive as a reader. I digress.
Lo’ak’s like every man in a crime show calling his wife to hear her voice one last time before he goes to to the dangerous mission and almost dies. He's like "I'll hear Spider's breathing and then know the US military is the way for me." Spider, the barrier between Lo’ak and the goddamn US military. That’s so funny to me. This is another reason to feel confused by Kiri's vitriol; it's not Spider's fault what Lo'ak chooses to do with his life and it is unfair to blame him. One line of her doing it I get, but she does it several times and the only excuse we get for her is from Spider.
Kiri is better than me I’m an awful secret keeper. But also maybe she could’ve coughed that bad boy up earlier, huh?
Tbh tho, on a serious writing note; it’s so well written because from the beginning we know exactly what is happening. They both like each other and Kiri knows both sides. That was obvious to me. You tell us from the get go that Spider is leaving when he turns 18, and that Lo’ak is leaving to join the military, WE KNOW WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN. And yet the train chugs on and each event sets it in motion instead of derailing it, leaving us with an inevitable tragedy we all saw coming. Well done. If I was giving line edits on a publishable work, I’d say speed up the timeline. Make the whole fic (so excluding prior events like the party) all happen like. A few days before Spider leaves. I want to feel it all in real time, up close, as it happens. No breaks in time. I also want that memory convo with Lo’ak earlier lol, so that the realization of it can hit later. And honestly, if it wasn’t fic I’d leave it with the Kiri and Spider convo. No happy ending. BUT NOW LET ME GO READ MY WELL DESERVED HAPPY ENDING. U would've been SICK for not including one.
Extremely uncommon fanfiction Jake Sully W here. It should be more common I am an unapologetic stan.
Them going to find each other is so funny to me. Kiri was personally sending them on a wild goose chase as revenge.
OH THERE IT IS THE COMMON JAKE SULLY L. Although driving your gay ass son to do an airport rom com moment at 5:45am is actually quite the parenting w, where the fuck was Neytiri she would’ve been much more efficient. I mean she wouldn't have let him go, but she would've been efficient about it.
The idea of Lo’ak making his final decision to go to the military earlier in the day and then not actually doing it until he wakes Jake up at 2am makes me cackle. Jake: you go get that dick son, your mother can kill us both later.
ALSO WHY’S HE PULLING HIS SHIRT COLLAR SO HIGH, HMMM, ANDREI??? Showing up to meet his grandmother absolutely dEFILED. Does Lo'ak even have a change of clothes, that monster.
It’s 2:18am (when I originally write this), I have work tomorrow as I do literally every day of the week, and I’m just smiling to myself at this shit. Criticism: not enough of them being happy and also I didn’t get to learn what depraved things Spider wanted to do to Lo’ak that he drunkenly told him about that Lo’ak then had to live with torturing himself (and Kiri) over for months.
Andrei's response on what Spider drunkenly said to Lo'ak for the people: The depraved things are as follows— spider sat his ass in Lo’ak’s lap, completely and utterly gone, and waved poetry about Lo’ak’s long and strong fingers for at least ten minutes. He also made sure to mention his borderline tank top kink. Lo’ak definitely did not internalize that
Lo'ak, stumbling into his and Kiri's room: Spider confessed his love for me and said... depraved things.
Lo'ak: He said he likes my tank tops... I can barely speak of it out loud.
Kiri: Oh. 🙄
Also lowkey Kiri has to be enraged they’re normal now that they’re away from her. ALSO DOESN’T THAT BITCH LO’AK HAVE SCHOOL?? Hilarious all around. Lo’ak brings Spider back because they cannot be apart and then keeps him in his and Kiri’s room for the next year until he finishes high school. They see how long they can go without Quaritch finding out Spider’s nearby. Kiri hates them so much, especially now that they fuck in her space.
Andrei said in response to this: Lo’ak finished school in Florida!! Pulled a fast one on the school system and said hey I’m smart enough to finish like two classes here. Kiri didn’t speak to EITHER of them for months. Neytiri would call to check up and Kiri would be whining in the background about how she’s betraying her
They make up when Spider saves up to get her a ticket to visit them for a summer 🤸
The idea of Lo'ak never returning is so funny to me in so many ways. First of all, Spider dropping him off and picking him up like he's the sexy older boyfriend in every romcom ever. Second, the idea of Spider bullying him for having to go to school still. Three, they just squat with Spider's grandma, and she's like god I expected one gay loser not TWO. Four, Neytiri calling to check up just resulting in her and Spider both bitching about Lo'ak and Kiri respectively here is how the Neytiri and Spider fanboys can win-
Also, the idea of someone having to tell Neteyam about this makes me want to cry real tears of laughter. He’s in his first semester of college someone free him.
Andrei said: Let neteyam live in blissful ignorance. He knew Lo’ak was a raging homosexual for their entire lives and the second he saw spider he was like. Oooohhh okay. And then he never looked again the mental strength required to deal with it was just too much
Kiri, on facetime: so Lo'ak followed Spider-
Neteyam, opening a textbook in his Harvard dorm room or some shit:
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