#that they can just nap during patrol and no one will really notice
raintailed · 4 months
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silly mons for a pokemon/warrior cats crossover group thing :]
Shockpaw (any pronouns), a joltik :] When they spin webs, their star particles sometimes get stuck on the webbing. Also, Shockpaw would much rather cling to a larger warrior and take a nap rather than actually participate during dawn patrol lol
Bouncepaw (she/her), a gastly who had been released by her previous trainer (the trainer was not prepared to care for a gastly, but instead of returning her to the breeder, they decided to release her instead...). She likes to play pranks on trespassers, usually by staring ominously at them from a distance >:]
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gloomysarchive · 8 months
♡︎ Alphabet Soup Series ♡︎
abc headcanons || miles42 x black gn!reader
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M} — move
he’d take so long to initially ask you out, but he’d do it romantically when he finally plucks up the courage. it's been hard for him to get close to someone ever since his dad died, so you'd have to be patient. he didn't know what to get you as a token of his affection. flowers? what if you were allergic? candy? What if you didn't like candy? So he went with something simple, something he did best; he gifted you a portrait he made of you. he played it off all cool like "it ain't even my best work fr" "i can do better than that, yk?" basically trying to prepare himself if you turned him down.
╰╴he's genuinely surprised when you don't reject him. he didn't show it, but he was happy as hell.
I} — interests
he wants to know what you like. he'll check out anything you put him on to, really. movies, shows, artists, books, etc. he'll listen to you rant and ramble about your interests, and he'll nod along, hanging onto every word like it's the most important thing he's ever been told — and he genuinely feels that way. he'll keep tabs on what you like, and give you updates like "oh i heard it's getting a second season", "i think that's getting an adaption, you tryna see it when it comes out?"
╰╴ also, if he sees anything remotely related to your interests, he'll buy it. he hates not knowing what to give people, which is another reason why he pays close attention to what you're into. he keeps all types of merch in his cart so he'll never run out of gift ideas.
L} — love
it'd take even longer for him to finally say "i love you". those three lil words carry a lot of weight to him, and he can't just be throwing them around like it's nothing. he wants to make sure he can trust you, if you're actually his and not just playing with him. once he does say it, tho, he'd be dramatic about it.
╰╴"I need to talk to you rq," "ok... what's up?"
he'd stare at you, silently, studying you for a bit as he tries to build up the courage. he'd take your hands in his, holding them tenderly. he'd give them a gentle squeeze — then, he'd say it.
╰╴♡︎ “Eres tan preciosa para mí. Te quiero...”
E} — emotions
he doesn't like being vulnerable; it takes a while for him to open up to you, but he eventually does, piece by piece. he'd tell you what he stresses about or his other hopes and dreams. he plans to get you and his mama away from all the chaos of the city.
╰╴and he's there for you just as much as you are for him. He listens patiently when you're ranting or venting about something that's bothering you. he waits until you're done talking and tries his best to calm you down after you get worked up and give you advice. other than “i should beat that bitch ass”, he gives really good advice.
S} — sleep
he INSISTS he never sleeps 🙄 he's always up at night doing his vigilante work, protecting what he loves (his city, his mama, you, ofc) but whenever does get the chance to get some rest in, it'd be with you. he'd stop by your place during one of his patrols, just to check on you. y'all would talk for a bit, just enjoying each other's company. then you'd notice how low and hazy his eyes are, and how he's dragging his words a bit.
╰╴"i got shit to do, I can't be tryna go to bed n shit," "i'm not sayin' go to bed, you can take a lil hour nap..." after going back and forth for a while he'd finally give in, with reluctance, flopping onto your bed. he's out almost immediately, clutching you tight as if someone would take you from him while he's asleep.
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bear w me y'all I haven't written in a lil bit LMAO
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dairy-farmer · 1 month
SPEAKING of my Andriods Nightgaurd ficlet? And my ongoing campaign of Sexy Civilian!Tim encounters?
Night Gaurd Tim? owo? Jason doesn't die. But Tim's dad still does. New Dad is rich but An Asshole. So Tim studies like mad to get outta there. Lands a shotty apartment in HIS name. And a job!
That the Riddler destroys.
Okay... second try... SECOND job! Two-face. MOTHER FU-!
It keeps happening. He starts taking potshots at goons. He WANTS HIS PAYCHECK, damn it. He's tired of cheap ramen!
One of his Dad's old buddies see's him on a viral clip. He... *awkward cough* maaaay have swung a bat at Condiment King. To be FAIR... the shot super staining GOO all over the fashion line Tim JUST unboxed. He may have snapped a little.
But! It lands him a job!
Night Gaurd~ *jazz hands*
It's not like he sleeps at night anyway! Might as well get payed! He gaurds the satellite building used for staff overflow. It's only really in USE during certain seasons. But the don't want squatters or stolen company secrets.
O7 got it.
What he DOESN'T realize? That building has an EXCELLENT vantage point line of sight from certain parts of the roof. It's been part of the Bat's intersecting patrol paths for YEARS.
He doesn't notice them, at first. But they notice him. He's the cutie in uniform. Background check reveals some memes and that he used to be their neighbor etc.
Now, this can go one of two ways~ "Ivy assisted Fuck Seduction" or "I swear to GOD I WILL TRESPASS YOU-" It? Depends on if you want Timmers to notice! That waaait a second *squint*
Why does the roof... look EXACTLY the same as it did 8 days ago. Because he has freakishly good memory. Leading to him realizing the cameras? Hacked. There are 17 randomly played "night footage" banks. Son of a- *keeps open roof access to find the Bat's mid patrol Bat Burgering" YOU. #TheyCanExplain?
Or! Ivy, miffed that Bats made her MISS her girlfriends BIRTHDAY, decides? Fuck you in particular, actually. And hits him with a Pollen bomb.
He was standing RIGHT in front of the intake vent for the air conditioning. The whole BUILDING gets dusted. Not as concentrated, since it's spread out. But still exposer. Tim? Starts feeling off. Fever maybe? Weirdly horny. Really distracted, actually...
The Bat's? Drive Ivy off. Okay, who was hit? Everyone gets their antidote. We good? Let's head hooo-OMG! THE GAURD! FUCK.
And yep. Too late for an antidote too be effective. But don't worry Really Hot security Gaurd! They will- stop shoving! No you will not! I will-! No you have-! I said I WILL *Sibling jostling for the right to Help Tim*
Batman, NOT allowing himself to be distracted by gorgeous legs or the TIGHTEST little- Regardless, NOT letting himself getting distracted. Lends quite literally a hand. Gotta get that consent. For medical assistance. Because Bruce TOTALLY hasn't been fantasizing about taking this boy apart. Rocking his world then buying him breakfast.
He's just here to lend a dick in these trying times. Hero's duty and all.
And once Tim? Bat Fan and Bi Disaster realizes he has fucked the Bat's and they seemed REALLY into it? :Y he uuuh *cough* I mean, he's just SAYING... no one said you had to STOP... options THERE...
Now? They REALLY like that building. Great rest stop. Grab a bite to eat, drink something, fuck the night gaurd, take a nap, you name it!
Tim REALLY likes his new job. He's great at it.
tim being the shared fucktoy among the bats❤️
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winryofresembool · 1 year
Jily one-shot: That Time of the Month
Summary: Lily isn't feeling well while attempting to finish her Head Girl duties. Luckily James is there to help.
For @jilymicrofics prompt 'flush'
words: 2600+
genre: fluff (with a bit of physical hurt/comfort)
rated: G
@athenasparrow you seemed curious about this one!
“Evans.” James raised his gaze from the detention slips he was trying to go through, sitting at a desk in the Heads’ Office. “I know you take great pride in finishing your work when you’re supposed to, rather than doing things the Sirius way - such as, doing your homework 5 minutes before the class - but you look like you’ve been hit by several powerful Bat-Bogey Hexes in a row. Are you OK?”
“I'd be better if you didn’t interrupt me, Potter,” Lily snapped. James gave her a disbelieving look and she huffed in response. “I’m doing just fine, I just really need to have this done before the meeting…”
James got up from his chair and stopped next to her, covering the piece of parchment she had been reading with his hand. “You’re a really bad liar, you know.  C’mon, you can tell me if something is wrong.”
Lily muttered something incoherent that James couldn’t understand.
“Pardon?” He raised his eyebrow.
“I’m. on. my. period. right now. There. Are you happy?” she growled, her cheeks and ears getting some extra color.
“Oh.” James wasn’t sure what he was supposed to answer to that. He knew that periods were a perfectly normal thing but the girls he knew rarely talked about them, at least near him, unless they absolutely had to, for example if it was hindering their flying during Quidditch practices. “I’m… sorry?”
“Well, don’t be. Now, will you finally let me do my work?” She gave him a gloomy look and attempted to steal the piece of parchment back from him.
Something about Lily’s demeanor finally gave James his tongue back. “No.”
“Excuse me?” 
James took a step closer to her. “Lily, as your fellow Head Student I don’t want you to force yourself to work when you could and should be taking care of yourself. I can handle this.”
“You’re not going to give up, are you?” Lily glared up at him but her voice had lost a lot of its earlier sharpness.
“Afraid not. Not without a fight, at least.” James grinned, pretending to draw his wand from his pocket. Lily’s shoulders hunched and she hid her face into her hands.
“Fine,” she mumbled against the palms of her hands. “If you let me finish our patrol schedule now, I promise to be a good girl and take a nap after that.”
“Alright.” James agreed, choosing to take that as a win, and turned his attention back to the detention slips. He only had time to read through a couple of them before Lily muttered to herself: “No, this can’t be right.”
“What can’t?” he inquired, and Lily’s expression told him she hadn’t realized she was speaking aloud.
“I accidentally put Fawley on a patrol twice in the same week. And Price, I forgot she can’t patrol with Lovegood; they just had this big fight a couple of weeks ago and haven’t spoken to each other since then. And looks like Crouch is missing from here altogether…”
“Okay, Evans,” James clapped his hands together. “I believe it’s time for an intervention. I’m going to take this,” he pulled the schedule from Lily’s hands, “and I’m going to use a neat little charm the boys and I came up with when we were… uh, inventing something. It should help me put all the names in order with a single tap of my wand. I just need a list of who can and can’t patrol together.”
Lily sighed and handed him a list she usually kept hidden in a locked drawer. The new Head Students had quickly noticed in the beginning of the semester that it was quite necessary; the Prefects could be a rather dramatic group of people when they wanted to. 
“I haven’t written it down yet but the other day I heard that McGriffiths and Gudgeon are dating now… so unless we want to keep checking if they’re snogging in a broom closet instead of patrolling… Ugh, bloody hell, literally!”
James was confused by Lily’s last exclamation until he turned his eyes from the list back to her. She was wincing, her hand on her lower abdomen and her eyes closed. James hated seeing her in pain and wished there was something more he could do to help.
“I’ll make sure that McGriffiths and Gudgeon won’t be patrolling together, then,” he said briskly. “But now, you go lay down on that couch; everything is under control here.” He basically pushed Lily up from her chair and off to the couch before she could even protest much. Producing a blanket with a wave of his wand, he waited until Lily had settled down and draped it over her.
“Thanks, James,” she muttered from under the blanket. James’ heart skipped a beat when she mentioned his first name.
“Any time,” he nearly stuttered, before returning back to his desk.
James quickly finished up the patrol schedule and organized the rest of the detention slips before standing up and approaching Lily again.
“I’m going to get something to eat from the kitchens. Do you need anything?”
Lily seemed slightly taken aback by his question. “I don’t…” She winced again. “Actually… some hot tea and maybe some fruit would be nice… And…” she hesitated for one moment, “if it isn’t too much to ask… Madam Pomfrey has a potion for the cramps so if you’re able to stop by the Hospital Wing…”
“Of course I can!” James exclaimed instantly. ”You could have asked earlier instead of just squirming around!”
”Sorry that I had other things in my mind!” Lily said, annoyed. “It’s not always this bad… I don’t understand what’s with it this month…”
James softened again, understanding that she wasn’t really annoyed at him but the pain and possibly the hormones made her a bit snappier than usual.
“Okay.” He put a hand on her shoulder. “Worry not, I’ll get you your potion. Can’t have my Head Girl suffering while we could be… working hard to make sure we’ll have a very productive Prefects’ meeting in a few hours. You get some rest now.”
“Alright. Thanks. Go get your dinner, Potter,” Lily mumbled, pulling the blanket higher up her body.
It took James less than 30 minutes to gather all the things he had planned to gather. His first stop was in the kitchens and when he explained his situation to the elves (mentioning that someone who’s important to him is not feeling well so he wanted to surprise her with a meal), he got an entire basket of food from them. It had some tea, pumpkin juice, fruits and sandwiches in it but the elves had also snuck in a chocolate bar, a piece of cake and Lily’s favorite pie. James left the kitchens thanking the elves over and over again and promising to do something for them in return.
Madam Pomfrey was happily surprised when James asked her if she could put some potion for cramps into the vial he had brought with him. His face heated up when she asked him if the potion was for his girlfriend.
“N-no! Not a girlfriend! She’s just a… friend. Who happens to be a girl, yes. I just offered to get her the potion because I was on my way to pick something from the ki…” he remembered he wasn’t really supposed to know how to get into the kitchens, “um, the Great Hall anyway.”
“Oh, alright,” Madam Pomfrey nodded. “Well, regardless, I think you’re doing a nice thing for her.”
She handed him the potion and also a hot water bottle and he left, feeling rather warm and hoping he could go out for a fly to organize his thoughts but remembering that he still needed to complete his task.
Before he managed to return to the Head’s Office, however, Sirius’ voice spoke via a tiny mirror hidden in his pocket:
“Prongs! Where are you?”
He put the basket he was carrying down, fishing the mirror from his pocket, and soon he was staring at his best friend’s face in it.
“I was in the kitchens… and the hospital wing. Why do you ask?”
“Why were you in the hospital wing?” Sirius kept pressing, ignoring his question. “Did a bludger hit you again or something?”
James wasn’t about to reveal what he had really been doing there because he knew Sirius would tease him mercilessly. He said vaguely: “Something like that, yeah”.
“I didn’t know you had a Quidditch practice today.” Sirius raised his eyebrow. “Actually, I saw McKinnon a little while ago and she didn’t look like she had been flying recently.”
“How do you know that?” James questioned.
“Because she was quite busy snogging D… Never mind that. This isn’t about her, this is about you. You weren’t actually hit by a bludger, were you?”
“Why are you such a scent hound today?” James countered.
“Because you’re acting weird and as your best friend it’s my duty to find out why,” Sirius stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Anyway, I just wanted to ask you if the map is in the dormitory? Pete thinks Mulciber and his lovely gang are up to something again and Regulus might also be involved somehow… I wanted to check if there’s any truth to that statement.”
“Yeah, it’s there in my bag…” James replied, feeling weirdly uninterested in Mulciber’s plans, his thoughts still in the girl in the Head’s Office.
“Alright, thanks.” James could see Sirius starting to walk towards the boys’ dorm. “Hey, Prongs?” A smirk spread on his face, making James feel rather suspicious.
“You were actually with Evans, weren’t you?”
James rolled his eyes. “What if I was? Of course I have to spend time with her because we are the Head Students. I’m working with her.”
“I bet you guys were working real hard, alright,” Sirius snorted.
“I’m pretending I didn’t hear that,” James remarked. “Besides, I wasn’t lying about the kitchens and the hospital wing. Here’s the proof.” He showed the basket he had gotten from the elves to Sirius’ mirror image.
“Oooh, now I get it. You were getting some food for a romantic date… and probably some contraceptive potion from Poppy…” Sirius’ grin only widened.
James’ face felt so hot he imagined he would have been able to cook eggs on it. “Get your mind out of your gutter, Padfoot. If you really must know, she wasn’t feeling too well while we were finishing some of our paperwork so I volunteered to help the girl out and get her some potion for the pain. That’s all.” He was happy he didn’t have to lie about that part.
“Alright, lover boy,” Sirius lifted his free hand in the air as a peace sign. “Well, you go continue your meeting with Evans, I have some Slytherin stalking to do.”
“Right. See ya.”
James put the mirror away and ran his hand through his hair. He could only hope that he wasn’t as obvious with his feelings as Sirius made it sound. Lily and he had only been friends for a couple of months and he most definitely didn’t want to ruin it by revealing that by the way, those feelings he had had during their 5th year had not gone anywhere; as a matter of fact they had only gotten stronger and more genuine as he had learned to know her better. James from the past few months had learned that there was much more to the mystery that was Lily Evans than he had ever realized, but that only made him more intrigued.
He couldn’t remain in his thoughts for long, though, because the girl in question was still waiting for the potion. Using some of the little known passages he and his friends had discovered during their nightly expeditions he made it back to the Head’s Office much faster than he would want to admit aloud.
When James entered the office, he found Lily up and trying to write a report for Dumbledore. She got some color on her cheeks when she realized he had caught her disobeying his orders to rest.
James folded his arms after he placed the basket on the desk. Before Lily had time to defend herself, he said: “Looks like someone is as bad at following orders as I am.” 
“Yeah. Sorry.” She attempted to give him an innocent smile. James wanted to stay annoyed with her a little longer, but he couldn’t.
“Lily, sometimes it’s OK to let other people help you. There’s two of us for a reason. So that one can step in if needed. You’d probably do the same for me, right? ‘Cause we’re a team.”
“Right. Yeah, I probably would,” she admitted.
“Well, now that that’s been clarified, I brought you some things.”
He emptied the desk from the parchment, throwing them into a drawer before handing Lily the potion. She didn’t chuck it down instantly, though.
“You’ve been so nice to me today. I have to be honest… I imagined you would be one of those guys who get squeamish at the simple mention of periods.”
James frowned. “Why would I be like that? There are girls in our Quidditch team; they always let me know when they’re not feeling like flying. Besides, we Quidditch players are pretty familiar with pain and blood for a variety of reasons, so…” he shrugged.
“Right,” Lily replied and drank her potion with a grimace. It seemed to have an effect pretty fast; the relief on her face was visible within moments.
“That’s better,” she sighed. “So, do you have food for us?”
“I do,” James grinned in response and started spreading the contents of the best onto the desk. Lily’s mouth opened when she figured he had brought her a full on picnic. Fruits, sandwiches, treacle tart, chocolate, ham pie…
“James…” Lily looked at him with wide eyes. “This is too much…”
“Nah. I don’t think so. You’re always prioritizing other people’s needs. I think it’s time you get something nice done in return. Besides… I’m not planning to let you eat all of this on your own,” he winked, grabbing a sandwich from a plate and stuffing it into his mouth with great gusto. 
Lily threw him an odd look he didn’t quite know how to interpret. Then she took a chocolate bar from the desk and made a contented little sigh as she took a bite from it. 
“We gotta make sure there will be a Hogsmeade weekend soon… My Honeydukes chocolate stock is stupidly empty.”
“Oh Evans,” James clicked his tongue disapprovingly. “If you ever need chocolate, just say the word and it’s yours.”
“What? But… we can’t just march to Hogsmeade whenever…?”
“Trust me, we Marauders have our ways.”
“Right. Of course you do,” she snorted. “More seriously speaking, though - and don’t make any Sirius jokes now…” (James put a hand on his chest in mock offense.) “Thanks, James. I’m lucky to have a co-Head like you.”
James smiled softly at her. “I could say the same to you.”
Just like that, the atmosphere in the room changed. For a moment James and Lily just kept staring at each other, not quite sure how to progress from there. James’ eyes traitorously flickered towards Lily’s lips, and when she instinctively moved a little closer, her hand reaching his, he found himself mimicking her movements. But just when their fingers intertwined, his eyes asking her a silent question, a Prefect from Hufflepuff popped in to ask something about their upcoming meeting. The moment between James and Lily was broken, but he still squeezed her hand once more.
“Are you feeling better now?”
Lily smiled at him, her face adorably flushed. “Yes. Much better.”
A/N: Please let me know what you think!! (Ps. yes, I guess I'm a bit mean, not letting them kiss, ahah)
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wiihtigo · 3 months
wiihtigo.tumblr.com/post/743934944739557376/ okay enough about Nell dying. what about that bad ending 2 with Casey dying 👀
grimacing at you sort of mournfully
similar to nell I think it happens during some big event- not as big as a crisis event alien invasion like nell but a citywide threat..(otherwise known as a regular tuesday in gotham), nell is out as ladybug helping out along with some gotham regulars (i imagine batman and nightwing are skulking around) shes not working WITH them exactly. theyre just out and shes also out at the same time and theyre fighting the same things. you see.
casey tags along sometimes when ladybug is out doing her thing because she lowkey doesnt respect nells job and thinks they can just combine patrolling and hanging out, BUT this time she actually stayed home. shes just laying on the couch, maybe scrolling her phone or finding something to watch on tv or dozing off into a nap when something hits their building. For the kind of big show-y jackass-y destruction thats happening in the city ive had it in mind this is a joker stunt. Not that thats super important even, hes not directly involved with casey blowing up. Anyways something hits their building and casey is crushed or...pierced by debris. She manages to fish out to phone (now cracked to shit) and calls nell for help (her reasoning being that nell will treat her as priority and come get her and help her ASAP meanwhile the ambulance's and police in gotham are pretty busy already)
Luckily, Nell picks up and immediately hears something is wrong even though casey (delirious and in shock) does not open with "there is a wooden beam lodged in my ribs come fucking get me" and instead is like "um...are you almost finished with work i think you should come home now. someone broke your window. its cold in here" but her voice is really strained and shes breathing kind of hard.
Nell is already speeding away but hes really far from their apartment and these stupid henchmen just keep getting in the way and its hard to keep casey talking when casey is usually the one DOING THE TALKING. but they do. keep talking together i mean. nell is kind of short with her at first because hes also kind of freaking but once casey starts panicking near the end when hes starting to realize hes cooked he starts lying to him telling him that hes almost there hes almost up the stairs and to just hang on a second more (hes like 20 blocks away)
at first casey was like. freshly in shock. so she wasnt talking about things like they happened. she asks nell to come home and clean up the glass on the floor because if she looked down and sees the blood coming out of her she was going to flip out or something. but the longer nell takes the more she starts to get scared and desperate and whiny (notice how i can find ways to insult her even as shes dying..now thats love) the more nell lies to her the more her solid faith in ladybug saving her ungrateful self is wavering. shes never let her down before! casey always follows nell/ladybug around and gets into trouble and nell always picks up her by the scruff of her neck and drags her back home. its basically what their relationship was built on, nell taking a random criminal home and promising to keep her on the up and up. nell is big and tough and strong and confident and independent and stable. these are all qualities casey really liked about nell right from the get go and its why, aside from being given a rent free place to live in, she stuck around this long even through the less desirable traits of hers and how insufferable she finds her sometimes.
in her fear (and pain) she starts swinging wildly between anger and pleading like "why arent you here yet!??! do you think im gonna die?? are you even coming?? are you doing this on purpose because youre mad at something i did.? WELL IM SORRY! FUCK! WILL YOU PLEASE COME GET ME NOW!!!!!!' (im sure this isnt doing anything to help nells stress levels. can someone tell her to relax?)
Nell.....did the smartest thing anyone has ever done in the history of the world, and before, when he took the call and nightwing noticed his alarm and comes down to say "hey is everything ok--" he brushes him off and speeds off to go deal with casey himself. Because casey is his responsibility and he doesnt really like nightwing. or any of the bats. nell is self sufficient, over confident, and (quoting from marty) "she has tunnel vision and chronic independence syndrome and by viewing caseys wellbeing as her own responsibility she has inadvertently doomed them" (unquote) (crowd booing sfx)
he could have asked for help from someone who could fly, or asked oracle to patch him through to an ambulance to get to the apartment faster than she could, or accepted nightwings offer to help knowing that hes more experienced than she is as a hero or done any number of things that would have to involve swallowing his pride, but he didnt and when he arrives back home casey is already gone
to be fair she wasnt really thinking straight. but wow, way to go nell. you really fucked that one up. can we cancel this heinous heinous bug?
when i compare our intrepid heroes death scenes in my mind i lol bcuz nell is like (coughing up blood) fuuuck i cant believe i loved that stupid girl. oh well. bleh. but casey in her last moments is like NO NO NO NO NO I DONT WANT TO DIE STOOOOP WTF WTF WTF
i think shes so panicked and frantic and scared in her last moments the complete opposite of nell accepting death and feeling content she did everything she could have (at least in regards to crimefighting that day)
she probably didnt even think it was a possibility until the last minute. shes so self confident. too self confident. some might even call it...stupidity.
in the way nell is letting her eyes creak shut thinking about a phantom image of casey and is just filled with regretful sadness, casey is not thinking fondly on ANY memory shes clutching onto her phone and wishing nells voice would jump out of the speakers and be there in front of her and carry her away and keep taking care of her FOREVER i mean keep financially supporting her until shes casted into the new scream film. she cant accept shes going to die. she wont accept it. she did so much hard work for so long to make something of her life and it was all just going to end in one night...she finally found a friend she could stomach the company of, actually enjoyed the company of, and it was all for nothing. AGAIN! these are depths of despair only previously felt when booster FIRED HER! she doesnt ..blame nell, exactly. well she kind of does. but its different than it was with booster. she put the full brunt of blame entirely on booster to shield herself from the possibility .. maybe her own choices and actions have something to do with the outcomes in her life? (NO NOT POSSIBLE) she is angry at nell for not being there. but shes also sad and confused and scared and all these mixed up emotions and even though shes angry at nell Somewhat she also...eugh....CARES about nell, and she thinks that nell also cares about her. (unclear in what way. and now we'll never know..SAD) so she isnt casting hexes on her like she had with booster, who she knew didnt really give her the time of day like ever. she just wishes she wouldve been there with her
but when have i ever given casey anything she wanted.
again, i advise you to go knock down martys door if you want more nell deets but im told ted and michelle support him through this (and isnt that more than casey ever got in the canon end? see..not so bad)
im also told he doesnt tell spider, caseys mom, about casey dying until 8 months after the fact. which im sure just about drives that poor woman over the edge. nell bishop are you ready to die..?
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green-lotus · 2 years
hi! could you do what splinter thinks of raph and reader's relationship, but more geared towards him bonding with reader?
Jesus that took me some time, i'm sorry for making you wait. But the whole thing evolved into something larger than I expected and I'm quite proud of it now so I didn't want to push myself and half-ass the final product. Enjoy!
Bonding with Splinter over your relationship with Raph
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„My dear girl... Why don’t you lay down and have a rest, at least for a moment? You barely seem to be able to hold your head straight up”
Splinter. His voice was soft and slightly amused. You must have almost fallen off the couch a moment ago. Shleepishly batting your eyelids, your positioned yourself straight back up, trying to appear as dignified as possible.
„Oh, no offense, Splinter... But I’m not going anywhere until I see those knuckleheads coming in safely through that... Door” You gestured to the entrance area.
„I see” You were surprised, he gave up so easily on convincing you. Old rat stepped towards you, a warm smile spread on his snout. As you gathered the blanket around you, uncertain what to do now that you’ve been found, he stopped by your side and reached out his hand to lay on your arm.
„May this old rodent at least offer you some tea to brighten the waiting a bit?”
„Well... If it’s not a problem... I’d love it. But no no”, you began picking yourself up, „I can make some for us both, if you want some”
Splinter shook his head beningly and signaled you to not get up. „No no my child, you sit, I wouldn’t dream of disturbing your ward. Please” His rat arm gently pushed you back down and in a strangely parental manner, put the blanket back onto your curled legs. „I’ll be right back. And i’m sure Leonardo will appreciate a warm cup as well once they’re back from their watch”
A smirk came onto your lips. „Yeah, he would. Donnie as well, just with lemon. And Raph would kill for a dark coffee with a whiskey shot, especially if it’s been raining tonight.” You smiled almost instantly as soon as you mentioned your precious, hulking turtle in red. And there was no way Splinter wasn’t noticing that. Fuck it, he already knew everything there was to know, and probably even more.
„Really?” You really couldn’t say if Splinter’s amazement was genuine or simply well – acted. „Well, I’ve been sure he’s been dumping something in his cup, but I wasn’t sure what it was, I must admit” You couldn’t not snort at the remark, and as your and Splinter's eyes met, you shared a warm smile.
„I’ll be back in a second, my dear. You just wait”
Unsure, you layed back against the couch and watched the giant rat stroll towards the kitchen.
It wasn’t the first nor second time you visited and spent the night in the lair, but it was definitely the first time you’ve been left alone in it with no one but Splinter to keep you company. Donnie suddenly picked up some strange signal from up above, supposedly about the Foot Clan, and despite your visit they all jumped onto the idea of heading out to an emergency patrol right this second. Raph was, truthfully, reluctant to leave your side even for an hour or so, but duty was calling and in the end, he wasn’t one to ignore it. So despite how badly he didn’t want to part during one of those sweet moments you were down there with his family he was always so longing for, he headed out as well after his brothers, promising he’ll be back with you before you even notice. Situation was apparently quite serious.
Too serious for you to be dragged along as you often were.
You definitely did notice Raph’s absence, and the more time passed, and the more painfully the hour turned into two and almost three, your mind and heart couldn’t keep still.
What if something happened?
To the boys, and worst, to your Raphael?
He told you as he was kissing your forehead goodbye you could just take a nap and he'll wake you up once he’s back, but like hell you were going to sleep when your turtle bros were sticking their necks out somewhere in the dark alleys of the city. So now, you were fighting off both weariness after the day and rising freezing cold anxiety in your gut, spread on the couch by the wall of the lair, wrapped in Raph’s massive, comfortingly soft blanket you two have been sleeping under every night you spent in the lair.
Until it turned out that despite Donnie’s reassurements, their dad, sensei or however the turtles felt like calling him at the given moment, wasn’t, in fact, dead asleep.
There wasn’t much that could actually happen to the turtles, they were practically bulletproof, but even so... Something still could. Even if a low – laying bunch of Foot marauders didn’t stand a chance against them.
„There’s our tea. This one’s yours. Careful, it’s hot”
Splinter definitely had a way of not announcing his presence whatsoever.
Heavenly smelling of pear, lemongrass, cinnamon and peach, a cup landed in your hand. Among everything else gathered in the lair, every piece of junk and reused, redesigned items, it looked weirdly out of place. A pretty white cup, adorned with most likely hand – painted blue flowers. Where did they even get it from
„Thank you...” You hesitated. „Actually. How... Should I call you? I don’t think your... turtle sons ever settled that with me”
At the mention of turtle sons, rat’s eyes flickered playfully.
„Oh, I think Splinter will be just fine. Unless you prefer terms your brothers use, but I didn’t assume you’d be comfortable with Dad or Sensei” He started laughing to himself.
You stared blankly into the liquid in the cup in your hand.
„Not yet”, you thought, but you bit the tip of your finger and let the not funniest of jokes slip to the back of your mind.
Splinter with utmost finesse lifted his cup and took a sip of his own tea, unmistakably white one, judging by the smell.
How the fuck did he know what tea you liked?
„I thought you’ll wondering where did I learn what tea you like”
„I’d assume Leo ratted me out”
„Hmm, not quite him but you’re close. It was your very own Raphael” He lifted his eyes from the cup, as if to check what kind of reaction mentioning your man’s name would bring.
Before you answered – you only now realised how much Splinter’s presence soothed you. You were all tense moments ago, but now your entire body was comfortably loose and relaxed, you have already forgotten how stressed you were in front of the man. Rat. And you have almost, but not quite forgotten what worried you so in the first place.
„My very own?” Absolutely certain now that Splinter’s shamelessly teasing you, you decided to play along with the joke.
„Well, seeing how much you and my son care about each other and how you always yearn for each other – there is no other way of saying it.”
A warming feeling was blooming inside you and a smile was slowly creeping onto your lips, but you didn’t lose your composure.
„Please, you’re embarassing me. That’s your son we're talking about.”
Splinter said nothing more, only smiled and took another sip of his tea. You followed suit.
Three hours. Motherfuckers.
He was making you wait.
He promised never to do that. He promised he would either include you in everything he & his brothers do, if it wasn’t too dangerous, or he would always keep you updated on everything, he won’t be leaving you uncertain of what’s happening to them. And Raph was a man of his word.
First, because you always made him aware of how much concern you had for their safety, and secondly – maybe even more importantly – because you were not the type of woman to endlessly wait for your man while drowning in doubts and tears.
Now selfish as it may sound, even your pride was being wounded.
You have only seen Raphael really hurt once, and it was enough for you. A dagger sticking out of his leg, blood dripping all over, even if the only thing left after that accident was another scar on his skin, it was enough for you.
You couldn’t hold it in any longer, and with a furious howl you rose to your feet, almost throwing the scrupulously brewed tea to the nearest wall.
You were expecting Splinter to be angry, but as you turned back to him, all his eyes looked at you with was concern and patience.
„My child”, he said calmly, placing his hand on yours. All this mischief and placidity he treates you with just so were gone. „Be calm. Your brothers will be back, unharmed. I know the feeling all too well, believe me; sitting out here, hidden from the world, as they venture into the night. But they always come back and I trust them to do so, don’t be scared”
„I’m gonna smash his teeth out once he returns. Making me fucking wait like that”
Being more than obvious who you meant, you were again surprised how Splinter didn’t say anything, but gazed at you with a warmth and understanding, nodding his grey head.
Guess it couldn’t hurt to say something else.
„Thanks... Splinter. I... I won’t take it if something happens to them. To Raph.” The rat only nodded with understanding. There wasn’t much else to be said.
Nervously tapping on the guardrail behind the couch, you were silent for a moment.
„Thank you. Sorry”
„My pleasure, my dear girl. Actually...”
He leaned against the couch, wiggling his tail on the ground, as if the words he intended to say escaped him, he was stroking his beard in thought. „... i’m the one who wanted to thank you”
You did suspect where what you just heard might be coming from, but even so,you wanted to hear it from the rat master himself.
„...what for?”
„Child, sit with me. Come”
So you did. And what you heard afterwards wasn’t entirely surprising, but it still blew your mind.
„I would be a fool not to notice the... effect your feelings have had on Raphael. My son... What can I possibly say... You must know how he is. What rages inside him, what fear hunts his mind. I always suspected that a gentle hand of a woman might help him when the time for that comes, but to see it with my own eyes... It’s a bliss any father dreams of, I imagine. You’ve done so much for him already, I hope you realise that... You must, you’re an exceptional girl, that much is clear to me.”
Splinter looked you straight in the eyes.
„I don’t mean to embarass you, don’t worry. I only mean to say... Thank you. I never thought my boys would be allowed that kind of experience... Feelings. I’m so very glad at least one of them found someone like you.”
Oh shit.
You had positively no idea how to answer this – but the silence that fell between you and Splinter and look in your eyes was enough of an answer. You knew he knew, and he knew you knew.
Thinking about a suitable, more elaborate response to give, to pour all your feelings into words – you simply reached out and placed your hand on Splinter’s.
„You’re welcome... old rat. Truly no need to thank me. I love this shelled moron just as much... or even more than you do. No offense”
The pipe in the water slide began pounding from the inside, and distant, muffles voices came to your ears.
Your heart skipped a beat.
You sprung from the couch and ran to the slide as four turtles, triumphantly yelling, came down from it, sending a fountain to the sides. Water splashing under your bare feet and your wet dress dragging behind you as you jumped down, you didn’t care. Pushing Mikey from the way, you threw yourself into Raph’s embrace, as soon as you felt his sweaty, animal smell mixed with the cologne he was using, all your fears vanished.
„Girl!” Raph lifted you with one hand, rushing the other through your uncombed hair. „Hey, i’m back, all good! Like I promised!” I’m so sorry i didn’t text ya, we had our hands busy with those Foot tail-ends, oh, it was unbelievable! Lemme...”
He lifted you from the water and put you on the ground as he shook off water from himself.
„Hey don’t go too hard on him!” Leo suddenly shouted to you from behind, „He wanted to give you a call, I told him to wait till we come back!”Raph glanced at him with grateful look, and smiled to you in an apologetic manner.
„Yeah, that’s our fault for once, we were rushing back as soon as we could!” Donnie backed him up. Mikey jumped behind you.
„He was all tears, I’m telling you. „Guys, guys, stop, I gotta give [y/n] a call, my heart’s torn open until the moment I see her again””
Raph was all tense already wanting to silence him, but then he realised you were silent all this time, staring at him.
„What’s wrong baby?” He stood by your side and hunched over to be closer to your face. His voice was heavenly soothing and intoxicating, as always, every single time.
„I was fucking worried about you all, that’s what’s up. You fucking idiot.”
„Hey. I’m... Sorry. Really. But we’re alright, nothing happened to anyone... Those Feet though!”
„You promised, Raphael” He sighed.
„I know.” He took your hand and gently placed a kiss on your palm. „Not gonna happen again”
You wished you could stay angry at him. But you couldn’t. You let go and burrowed into his embrace, sinking in his smell, his touch, everything he was.
„You’re coming with me now, sai master, you’ll tell me everything but do i need you all for myself... for a moment”
„Yes ma’am”
The lair was in a cheerful squabble again. Leo and Donnie, murmuring something to each other followed to the lab, Mikey was being rushed to the kitchen by Splinter to put a pot for the tea for everyone on fire, music went out loud in the air on as soon as he entered there. The rat smiled at you from the distance, watching you and Raph joyfully clinging to each other, and so did you.
You knew he knew, he knew you knew.
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losermilk7 · 1 year
Overprotective! Ink x gn!Reader
Another Request from Wattpad <3
Word count: 2183
Undertale + AUs Masterlist:
You were currently laying on the floor of the living room in the house that Ink had painted for you two in the Doodle Sphere. You were bored out of your mind. Ever since you and Ink had met he had always visited you whenever he remembered and had the time. Once he started forgetting to visit you more often he decided to take you to live with him in the Doodle Sphere so that he would never forget and it was more convenient. It wasn't that bad living with Ink, just he was gone a lot of the time so you were alone.
You sighed and rolled over so you were laying on your stomach. It was a shame your cellphone didn't work here, otherwise, you were sure time would've passed by faster. That's when an idea suddenly popped into your head. You weren't sure how you hadn't thought of this earlier, but what if you asked Ink if you could join him in whatever he was doing the next time he would have to go? That way, you wouldn't have to try taking a nap every 5 minutes (with no success) while waiting for him! They let you visit your home universe occasionally, so what would be the difference in tagging along with Ink for his missions? He'd almost always said that everything went smoothly, apart from when some Error guy disturbed his work in patrolling and protecting the universes. But he mostly stayed in his own world, so it wasn't likely he would be coming when you were there right?
During your mental theorizing, you hadn't even noticed Ink opening the front door and coming in until he said: "Are you okay?" You jumped and snapped out of your thoughts, slightly jump scared from suddenly seeing his face uncomfortably close to yours.
"Ahh, don't do that, I'm gonna have a heart attack! I'm alright, How was your mission?" You decided it would be best to wait for a few moments before making your request.
"It went like usual! Just chatting with some creators and walking around." He responded, standing up and walking to sit on the couch.
You sat next to him. "That's great!" You stopped for a moment, thinking about how to word out your next sentences. "I wanted to ask you something." You looked at him.
One of his eyelights turned into a red question mark when he blinked. "What is it?" He asked as he counted out his vials to see how much paint was left in them.
"Could I, maybe, come with you the next time you leave? It gets really boring when you're not around." You hopefully asked.
Ink froze, his eye sockets widening. "...What? Could you repeat that?" He slowly placed the yellow vial back into its place in his stash.
"Can I come with you on your next mission?"
Ink's POV:
Stars, this is just what I was afraid of happening. Images of Error taking her away from me plagued my mind. "No, you can't," I answered dryly.
"What? Why not?" They asked.
"Because It's too dangerous. Error could kidnap you and torture you or- maybe even Nightmare and his gang! And there's no getting you back if that happens." I glared at them, maybe I was over exaggerating a bit, but I didn't want to risk anything happening to them. While, I couldn't actually feel, every time I took my vials and was around them I felt strange. I worried for them when my vials were in effect. I felt so strongly about them and I don't think I could handle constantly being scared something would happen to them if someone took her away from me.
"But that rarely ever happens." They pointed out.
"That doesn't mean it won't happen. You being there would probably make it even more likely for something to happen."
They looked down sadly and crossed their legs. "I see.." They mumbled. I also looked down at my knees, I didn't mean to make them upset.
3rd person + Time skip to the next week.
You were currently sitting under the various papers that were hanging from the yellow-tinted 'sky'. You were upset that Ink refused to take you with him, but there wasn't anything you could do about it. Ink tried to suggest some other activities you could do while waiting for him, and they did work for a few days, but after a short while those got boring as well.
Suddenly, there was a 'thump' heard from behind you. You smiled thinking Ink had just failed his landing, though your smile quickly disappeared when you heard two voices from where the sound came from.
"There! That's them." A glitchy voice calls out. You gulp down your fear and turn your head to look at the intruders.
You saw two skeletons. One had error signs all over him and the other one was covered in some kind of goop.
"Are you sure? Doesn't look like anything special." The goopy one frowned and said.
Blue strings wrapped around you, squeezing you tight, but it wasn't enough to hurt you. You were lifted up into the air as the glitchy one, which you had figured out to be Error, spoke again. "Yes, why else would they be here?" He said.
"Who are you and why are you here?" You asked carefully.
They both turned back to you. "We're just going to take you for a little... vacation." Error said. Before you could respond the goopy one launched his...tentacles? at you and everything went dark.
Ink's POV:
I opened a portal to the Doodle Sphere, ready to see my dearest friend again. I really couldn't wait to see them, I even got them their favorite snacks. 
I look around the Doodle Sphere trying to see where (Y/N) could be, though I couldn't see them anywhere 'outside'. I went over to the makeshift house and opened the door. "(Y/N)! Where are you?!" I yelled and waited a few seconds, yet there was no response. I grew a bit worried and started to search the house.
After searching the house I still couldn't find (Y/N). I dropped the snacks on the kitchen table and speed-walked through the front door, trying to see if (Y/N) was outside and I just didn't see them earlier. But they weren't.
I picked up my phone and decided to call Dream, hoping he had some kind of information on (Y/N)'s whereabouts.
"Ink? What's up?" I heard his voice on the other line.
"Do you know where (Y/N) is?" I asked.
3rd person:
"No. Are they not in the Doodle Sphere?" 
"No, they aren't! Can you please help me find them?" Ink desperately asked.
"Of course, I'll meet you at the Doodle Sphere, I'll bring Swap as well!" He then hung up.
Ink took the phone away from his skull and fidgeted with it in his hands, he was so very worried for his best friend.
Meanwhile with (Y/N):
Error and who you learned was Nightmare had taken you to the Anti-Void. It was somehow emptier than the Doodle Sphere. It was entirely white with some dark blue strings hanging from the ceiling. Looking around made you feel nauseous, you couldn't tell when the walls ended, if they even did.  You decided to just look at the ground for now and wait for someone to come and save you.
And soon someone did come! Though they weren't there to save you. Error had come back. You looked at him curiously as he summoned a huge beanbag chair and a TV out of thin air. You weren't sure how, but the TV seemed to be working surprisingly well for being in an empty void.
"What? What are you looking at?" He frowned and looked at you. 
"When can I go home? Will you hurt me? It's even more boring in here than the Doodle Sphere..." You mumbled the last part so he wouldn't hear.
"It's not for you to know when you can go back to wherever you can from and no, I won't hurt you." He said grumpily and turned back to the TV.
You crawled a bit closer so you could also watch since there didn't seem to be anything better to do. 
With Ink:
The Star Sanses had made out a plan to figure out where you are. Dream would try to sense your aura in AUs and if he felt it they would look around to try and find you. They had already tried on tens of AUs, yet they still had no luck. 
"What do we do? What if we never find them?" Ink whined with tears in the corners of his eye sockets.
"Don't worry Ink! We'll find them." Blue encouraged.
"Maybe my brother or Error took them." Dream thought.
"Right! Error! But..why would he want (Y/N)?" Ink wondered.
"Maybe he's holding them hostage to lure you in?" Blue guessed.
"If that's true then we should come up with a plan instead of just barging into the Anti-Void and- ...Ink's gone." Dream sighed. "Let's go after him." He grabbed Blue's arm and teleported them to the Anti-Void.
They saw Ink already pulling out his paintbrush and running in front of (Y/N) protectively. Error looked annoyed, he stood up quickly and tried to shoot his strings to get a hold of (Y/N), however Dream and Swap had already rushed over and Dream had made a quick shield to block out the strings.
Before Ink could start really attacking Error, Dream grabbed him and said "Let's get (Y/N) to safety first!" Then he teleported everyone to Swap's house in Underswap. Ink took a deep breath and rushed to your side. He took your arm and put his other hand on your waist to help you get up and sat you down on Blue's bed.
"Did he hurt you? I swear if he-" 
"No! He didn't hurt me. He was rude though." You cut Ink off.
"What happened?" Dream asked. "How did you end up in the Anti-Void?"
You told them what happened. After that Swap said he would make some food for you all and Dream went to help him. 
You were left alone with Ink. He sat next to you on the bed and hugged you. "I was really worried (Y/N), I wish I was there to prevent all this from happening." He nuzzled his forehead into your shoulder while you hugged him back. "Did Error or Nightmare tell you why they took you?" He asked and turned so that he could look at you, still having his arms wrapped around you.
"No, they didn't. But Error said they wouldn't hurt me at least." You smiled at him.
He shoved his head back into your neck and tightened his hold on you. "That's good." He mumbled into you. 
After a few minutes, he let go. Shortly after that Dream and Blue came back to tell you that the food was done, so you all went down to eat and have fun.
After you had all finished hanging out you and Ink headed back to the Doodle Sphere. Ink took your hand and walked you to the house, he then opened the door and let you in first.
He sat you down on the couch and sat down next to you. "I feel like I'm forgetting something...." He thought out loud. "Right! Wait here." He ran to the kitchen and came back a few seconds later with a bag of your favorite goods in it. He handed it to you and sat down next to you again. He turned on the TV for some background noise.
While you were excitedly looking through all the snacks he took a deep breath in and said: "(Y/N). I have something to ask you." He looked at you with a serious expression.
"What is it?" You glanced at him before going back to digging through the bag and taking out one of the snacks, opening it.
"I want you to stay in the house from now on when I'm gone."
"What? Just because of this one incident? They didn't even lay a hand on me." You thought Ink's request was ridiculous. You already had so little freedom and the only interesting thing to do anymore was watching the sky and sleeping until Ink came back.
"Do you know how worried I was for you? I can't risk you leaving me again, I don't think I could handle it." He sniffled and took your hands in his, trying his best to hold back the rainbow-hued tears.
You felt a bit bad, Ink really did seem worried, but that was no excuse for taking away the last bit of freedom you had! "Then take me with you when you go! That way, you can make sure I'm all safe and sound, right?" You wiped his tears with your sleeve.
He thought for a minute, then slowly hugged you again and buried his face in your chest. "...I'll think about it." He said.
And the next day Ink did take you with him! It was so much more fun than just laying on the floor in the Doodle Sphere. 
Before (Y/N)'s kidnapping,
"How do we beat the stars.." Nightmare wondered in a meeting with the Bad Sanses.
"Let's catch Ink's slave. That'll make all of the stars worried." Error suggested.
"I don't think-" Nightmare started
"That's a great idea!" Killer cut him off.
Ink belongs to Comyet Error belongs to loverofpiggies Nightmare and Dream belong to Joku  Swap belongs to the AU community  Killer belongs to rahafwabas
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the-priestess-of-dawn · 9 months
[ bathe ] sender helps receiver wash themselves in a bath This BUT its original timeline Chrima where Chrom got hurt in the assassination attempt and its mentioned he "never fully recovered" (implying he has issues with his injuries that would hinder movement or daily life)
Not sure if this is what you had in mind, but... I wanted to avoid making poor Chrom a Risen again (or otherwise dooming him to a bad end), so this is set in FEH.
"Another early night," Grima sneers in greeting when Chrom returns to their shared tent. "Yeah." Frankly, Chrom isn't in the mood to chat. He nearly fell off his horse during his morning patrol, and his day had not gotten any better after that. He's more than ready to lie down and let it be over. Grima glances up from the books splayed across his desk and frowns. "Shouldn't you stay up a little longer? Perhaps enjoy a bath?" Grima shakes his head. "When was the last time you washed?" Chrom mutters something indistinct. The truth is, he hasn't properly bathed since he and his team departed from Askr Castle. "Seriously?" Grima groans. "Go clean the filth off of you already!" "I haven't had time!" Chrom snaps. "You have it right now!" Grima insists. "I..." Chrom grits his teeth. "I'll do it... tomorrow." Grima glares at him. But then, slowly, the annoyance in his eyes shifts to something more calculating. "Just what is it you're hiding from me?" he murmurs. "Some secret plot the fell dragon isn't to know...?" "Nothing like that," Chrom says. "There's no conspiracy. The others probably haven't even noticed anything." At least, he hopes not. "But you are hiding something," Grima confirms. "Come now, Chrom, you can be honest with me. If your wish is to deceive the Order of Heroes, perhaps I may even be of assistance." "No, I—" Chrom sighs. "It's nothing, alright? Just... old injuries acting up." He grimaces. He was injured the night Emmeryn was murdered, and he never fully recovered. At this point, it's pretty obvious that he never will. But it's not so bad. He's a little slower, but it's not that big of a problem when he's on horseback. And sure, he gets tired more easily than he used to, but he's always liked to nap in his free time anyway. How can he possibly complain, when he's lucky just to be alive? "Standing too long in the bathing tent, what with all the steam... It's inconvenient for me, that's all," he explains. "Add the possibility of others coming in, and... I'd just be inconveniencing everyone else, too." "Hm..." Grima purses his lips. "Hmph." He turns away without a word, walking out of the tent into the night. "Er..." Chrom contemplates going after him, but... He really is exhausted. Just the effort of taking off his armor leaves his muscles aching more than they ought to. Just when he's finally ready to fall onto his bed, Grima returns, a basin of water in hand. "W-What are you... Are you trying to help me?" Chrom asks. "Grima, I... I don't think I can do this right now. I'm sorry—" "Hush," Grima says. "Sit and rest. I can scrub your body as well as you could." "Huh? You don't have to go that far..." Chrom's skin grows warm. "I mean, you're not my nurse. Here, maybe I can get up in a minute and—" "Chrom." Grima scowls. "Don't you have a whole band of merry little servants who would do anything to aid you?" "You're referring to the Shepherds, I presume," Chrom says. "It's true, they've been nothing but helpful to me. But I can't expect them to do everything in my stead." For the love of the gods, he's their commander! If they can't trust him to lead, what is he good for? He wouldn't even ask Robin for this. His Robin, the one who knows him and doesn't have a giant dragon body to worry about managing. Grima... Grima remembers nothing of his human life... Chrom is as good as a stranger to him... So then what is Chrom but another mere worm selfishly imposing upon him? And yet... Grima drags a rag gently down Chrom's leg. The water is still pleasantly warm despite the evening chill, which means Grima must have used some of his magic to keep it so. "Any decent ally would do this," Grima says. But Chrom can't help but think that only someone special would go out of his way to offer.
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mask-of-prime · 1 year
Tumblr media
VG: The Rogue Trio
"The lionesses should be hunting right about now..." rumbled the voice of a muscular male lion. His name was Kiume.
"When they get back to find us gentleman in charge, they'll be all over us." added the scruffy lion, Mrembo, who preferred to go by the nickname of 'Bo'. "Yeah! Gentleman!" cried Jeuri as he let out a huge burp. "I've always wanted to lead a big pride, but to be king? Boys, we'll be spoiled!" Kiume looked skyward. They all imagined themselves as lazy kings being fed fresh kill, flanked on each side with lionesses who cooed and felt their chests. To them, there were no subjects, but an endless, all-you-can-eat buffet. They rolled in fertilizer to mask their scent. They didn't want the dominant males to know they were coming until they pounced...
____ The days had been getting hotter and hotter. During one patrol, Imara managed to swipe a watermelon from the ground during a patrol earlier that day. She gnawed through the rind and lapped at the water inside. A perfect vessel for water and a tooth sharpener. "Hey, I want it!" Shabaha lunged for Imara's snack, causing the larger lioness to snarl deeply, possessively wrapping her paws around the watermelon with her claws unsheathed. Kasi then appeared with the same intentions, overwhelming the Strongest. As Imara dealt with her second opponent, Shabaha took advantage of the distraction and swiftly snatched the melon from between Imara's paws while she wasn't looking. "Imara," Tazama pointed, "you might wanna turn around." The Strongest did as told. Upon realizing her watermelon was missing, she groaned loudly with her naturally boisterous voice. She watched Shabaha mercilessly tear into the melon as she ate it, mutilating it and spreading its pulp across her corner of the Lair. Suddenly, a shadow concealed the lair. The lionesses looked up to see a silhouette blocking the only light source of the lair. It was their captain, Vitani. "Naptime's over. Heading back outside. The pride just took off for a hunt, gotta double our vigilance now that everyone's out." To Vitani's surprise, she was met with gawps and amused expressions from her fellow Guard. "Umm, Vitani? What's with the 'do?" Kasi snickered. "What d -- Ugh!" Vitani glanced up to notice her rather messy tuft as the others broke into laughter. "Gee, Vitani! You and Tiifu have a nice break?" Kasi chuckled. "Shut up. Just had a rough nap, is all." Vitani brushed her tuft with a paw. "Wasn't the only thing that was rough..." Kasi remarked. Her innuendo resulting in laughter erupting from the others. "Guys, shut up!" the leader bared her teeth. "Sorry, sorry." Kasi stopped laughing, "What were you saying about our patrol?" Vitani took a deep breath, "I was also thinking we should... watch for any pridemembers who might've stepped out late, y'know? Make sure they're not behind? Not... not that I --" Shabaha rolled her eyes, "Oh, Great Kings, you really are talking about Tiifu! Typical of you to make everything about her all the time..." "Excuse me?" "Look what this Pridelander's done to you..." Shabaha approached, "Made you all soft and cuddly. Her... her girliness just rubbed off on you! You're losing your dignity, dude." "Wipe the fruit juice off your face and then tell me about 'dignity', moron." Vitani deadpanned. Suddenly, an unfamiliar scent hit the lionesses' noses. "What is that?" Kasi crinkled up her muzzle. "Coming from outside," Vitani turned, "seems close..." Shabaha grimaced, "Ugh, Simba and Kovu really overdid it..." "These aren't the pheromones of any lions we know..." Vitani gestured with her head, "C'mon. We're splitting up and surrounding them..." ____ "That old fart of a king and his fatherless little son-in-law have got to be right in there! They're making this too easy!" Kiume grinned. The three crouched and silently approached the entrance of the main den where they presumed Simba and Kovu would be sleeping. Except... "Hey!" Jeuri whined, "Where are they?!" "Stop right there." commanded the Leader of the Guard. Suddenly, the rest of the Guard made their appearances, flanking the strangers from each side. "Wooah..." Jeuri exhaled, amazed at the ensemble of power the lionesses exhibited. Kiume smacked the young lion upside the head. "Quiet, Jeuri!" Kiume admonished. "I thought you said the lionesses went out." deadpanned Bo. "Shouldn't you be off hunting, sweetie?" the muscular male cooed condescendingly. "I don't think you know how things work around here." Vitani circled him, "Haven't you heard of the Lion Guard?" "No," piped the slender male, "where are they?" "You're looking at 'em." The strangers broke into laughter. "I don't get it..." Kasi shook her head. "This pride is ridiculous! They're just giving everyone a place around here!" Kiume wiped a tear from his eye. "Not everyone here deserves a place..." Vitani approached the presumed leader of the rogues, staring daggers into him. Annoyingly, he was unfazed. "That's nice, toots." Kiume stood up straight, "Anyway, where's your king and that little tool of is?" Vitani's blood boiled at that last jab directed at her brother. "Hunting with the rest of the pride." Imara answered bluntly, "Don't ask us where, 'cause we have no idea." "First we have lionesses on patrol, now we got lions on the hunt. What kinda pride is this?" "The kind of pride that puts one's qualities over whether or not they have a mane." Tazama added, albeit rather shyly. "I figured you talked like that." Kiume rolled his eyes, "Look, girls, the king only made you all, this, 'Lion Guard' -- or whatever -- to make you feel special because he's a pushover beta king. But, it's just not biology. Once we become the alphas of your pride, we'll sort this whole mismatched role thing right out." Kiume then snapped his fingers. Bo headed left. "Not without going through us." Imara blocked them, essentially forming a living wall. Shabaha bounced in place as she giggled with glee, "Oooh, sounds like a fight!" "Not sure if this is our call to make..." Vitani muttered, "We may need Kovu and Simba around for judgment before we do anything. This is a lion leadership thing, after all." Suddenly, Bo came back with something large between his teeth. It was Tiifu's scruff. "Found this one astray looking for her hunting party." Kiume smirked. "Yeah, guess not all lionesses can do their one job right, huh?" Jeuri slowly nodded to himself. "Heh, heh," Tiifu nervously waved at Vitani, "guess I left the den a little late?" Hatred, shock, and even regret filled Vitani's eyes. "Now, why don't you all reunite and get in one of your little grooming circles or something?" Kiume said dismissively he took Tiifu by the scruff with a paw. "Unhand her, right now." Vitani rumbled. "Or else what? You'll fight us? Please, we wouldn't hit a girl -- " Suddenly, a blurry mass with teeth was the last thing Kiume saw before feeling an immense, pulling pain taking over his face. Vitani had locked her jaws around the right side of said face. He let go of Tiifu, who scurried over by the Lion Guard. Kiume eventually stood up. A deep gash over his right eye. He was furious at the damage inflicted on him from this witch who had such nerve. "OOOOOOH!" everyone cringed. Shabaha chuckled in delight. Vitani rose up, licking blood from her chops. "You're gonna wish you never done that..." Kiume heaved, snarling. "Get the other two..." Vitani huffed. The Guard did as commanded. Shabaha especially took inspiration from Vitani's raw rage brought on by her love for Tiifu. She felt a newfound respect for Vitani's loyalty that she'd previously taunted. Despite Bo and Jeuri bracing for a fight, they were immediately overwhelmed: "Can't catch me!" Kasi taunted, taking advantage of the lion's low stamina. "Come on, stop running." Bo pleaded in his monotone voice, barely making an effort after he'd run out of breath. "Catch this!" Imara bodyslammed him, crushing his back. "Not the best chiropractor I've been to. One out of five stars." he still managed to say as Imara held him down. Meanwhile. Jeuri dealt with the remaining two... Shabaha slowly turned to the young lion. A giggle creeped up from her throat until it became a full-on cackle. She stared him down with a wide grin as she slowly approached him. The suspense making her next move unpredictable. "Come on, man! I didn't do anything! Why do I get the scary one?" Jeuri begged, backing up. "Jeuri," Tazama pointed, "you might wanna turn around." "Wuh -- ?" Jeuri barely had time to notice the ledge of Pride Rock behind him before falling back, "WOOOAAH!!" Luckily he'd not fallen very far, but he realized his luck was short when he looked up to see that grinning lioness above. She leapt from the ledge, cackling maniacally as she became a silhouette under the shadow of Pride Rock. "NOOOOOOO!!" Jeuri blocked his face. SLAM! Kiume looked all around him to see a victorious Lion Guard and his cronies defeated. Before he could utter another word, Vitani commanded for Tiifu and the Guard to get behind her. The leader of the Rogue Trio then saw Vitani's eyes glow a bright blue. The clouds began to shift as the winds picked up. With all her might, Vitani roared skyward, calling to the Lions of the Past. They aided her in the powerful, supernatural phenomena that sent the bruised and battered rogues flying. They had never experienced anything like it... The Rogues hadn't flown far, due to Vitani intending for it to be a warning. Kiume sat back up. "Is that the best you can d -- " From a distance, he could see Vitani's eyes glowing again, the clouds and wind once again changing too. He wasn't going to take his chances. Along with the rest of the Trio, Kiume booked it, not without one last word: "This isn't over! We will get these lands!" From the distance, Tazama was able to get a good look at Kiume's injury. "Looks like Vitani gauged his eye out." she said, her own intact eyes shimmering a bright blue. "Geez..." Kasi muttered. "Oooh! Where'd it land??," Shabaha raised a paw, "I call dibs!" "What is wrong with you?" Imara shook her head at Shabaha. Tiifu's stomach turned, "That was a little crazy, don't you think?" "I know he'll be back." Vitani grunted, "I tagged him, just as Simba did to my mother's ear during her exile. He and those associated with him are outlaws to these lands, now..." "So, did you, like... give him the Mark of Evil?" Tiifu asked as she watched Vitani sulk back to Pride Rock. Vitani stopped in her tracks. Little did Tiifu know, she'd asked a rather chilling question. Vitani had toyed with the thought of the Mark of Evil for the longest time, being a leader of the Guard, herself. Vitani turned to Tiifu to finally answer, "I think if I were a cobra, or something, it would be..." ____ The Rogue Trio was as far away from the Pridelands as they could be, yet close enough to spy and make future plans. They had no idea where they were, and were still in a panic from the mysterious roar they'd been blasted away with. As they muttered their plans on what to do next, a bird watched from a tall, skinny tree. It tilted its head as it listened to the lions talking about Vitani's Lion Guard and taking over Pride Rock. The bird beamed as its mind stored great information for its superior to hear. As the bird flew away, the lions suddenly heard echoes of their own voices. They jumped and looked around at the faint noise, for this wasn't an ambient region... ____ Next (Coming Soon) ____ ((Turns out the mysterious figures were the good old Rogue Trio! Introduced in my sketch dump of TLG OCs, these three sprouted from numerous conversations and visuals with friends on how the canon characters would interact with rogue males, and we felt we needed to give these hypothetical characters some names and faces. They're meant to be a hybridization of alpha male culture in the human world, and real male lion behavior. Basically it's that thing about male lions that alpha males think they are (if you've ever seen those comments on wildlife videos where people glorify and romanticize tf out of male lions' laziness and aggression to justify their own similar behaviors thinking they look like kings being that way, I'm doing a meta caricature of that) Their designs were not only finally depicted as fully-rendered for the first time, but you may notice a few tweaks, particularly on Kiume: I gave him ear fluff similar to Malka because I thought it would tie in with his unusual, human-like hair features. Speaking of which, his beard shape and way it grows has been redesigned as I realized I'd made it too similar to that of Sakin's, so I opted for a scruffy, dirty, 5 o'clock shadow. I gave him a more neutral pelt color to distinguish him from Jeuri. So now they all have different, yet tied-together, color schemes Also, I felt like taking the spotlight off of Vitani a little bit and made sure everyone got a more equal share. I want to make some episodes that center around the other members of the Guard, since the a huge point of the VG thing was to explore them lol Also, just letting everyone know that there might be inconsistencies in art style and writing in later VG installments. I kinda wanna go back to the simple days of trying different layouts and rendering styles, as well as VG mainly just being a vessel of sharing concepts and giving viewers the opportunity to add onto them. I figured that full renderings of elaborate art has grown to be a tiresome task, and in writing full-on fanfics, I've been technically cutting social interaction from viewers because I feel like writing down full-on stories cuts people off from interpreting things their own way. I miss mixing everyone's ideas for the sake of different perspectives instead of just producing things on my own without as much experience. It's like stale air collecting in a closed-off room))
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sunmoonjune · 1 year
ok ok the moments shared between mingi and bug during his night patrols are sO sweet they literally give me sugar spikes. when bug is hesitant to join him at first and all he does is smile and nod her in the direction of where he likes to nap. and then bug keeps seeking out his quiet but steady presence and eventually finds so much comfort in him that she also falls asleep. mingi is bootiful he's such a sweet gentle giant silently watching over ateez and bug. literally everything about their interaction makes me soft - yeo noticing and telling san that bug is ok bc she's with mingi, mingi hushing san when he walks out bc bug is sleeping, mingi going 'oh' when he realises just how significant it is that bug sleeps around him. bc this reminds me of mingi irl when his members or fans are telling him how precious he is and that he deserves everything and he's always so bashful and literally like oh! really? pls mingi is to be protected from everything
also im trying my hardest not to smile bc im at work LOL but when woo helps bug readjust her armour with the gentlest demeanour i just 🥺🫶 bc i like to think that in a parallel non-au, as prickly as woo is at the start, woo becomes the one who steps forward from behind bug to reach for that jar on the top shelf she can't quite get, he's the one to zip up her jacket and tuck a scarf a little tighter around her to keep her warm, he's the one to walk on the side of the street closer to the cars to keep her safe. woo's actions speak so much louder than his words pls i have so many feels and i haven't reached the chapter where he saves bug from the warg
this is also pulling bits from ltm out of chronological order but re-reading makes me appreciate again how much i love the use of matches and fire as a running marker that notates bug's growth and the milestones that she reaches. for eg there's bug's episode when hwa hums to break through the haze in her mind + bug following yun's voice and touch to resurface from her memories (bug tapping yunho? makes me impossibly soft). there's all eight members of ateez slowly joining the relay of lighting matches to extinguish the darkness in bug's mind. we have yun & bug finally confronting the elephant about his exile at the campfire. then there's bug slowly feeling comfortable enough to join the rest of the boys around the fire. also honourable mention to HWA ????? the way he made sure everyone was always facing the fire but also leaving a space for bug to give her full autonomy to join them should she wish. then later we have bug experiencing her first celebration with ateez and finally experiencing the innocent joys in life like music and dancing. and yeo is me i am yeo when bug SMILES AND RESTS HER SIDE ON HIS LEG
uGh the confrontation btwn the scouting group and the village soldiers got me weak-kneed (im not even going to start on san getting injured bc bestie we'd be here till midnight 💅 or the arvo ig idk time differences be real) ANYWAYS the boys all getting so angry and using their heights and positioning to protect bug Y E S bc we love this duality when normally we see them being the sweetest beans with bug <33
'You may have cost Wooyoung his Yunho'. on today's episode of mythbusters: humans are in fact NOT 60% water bc yknow what moonie, i am only 2% water after all the tears that were shed.
CH 13-14 YESSSSS ALSO SOME OF MY FAVOURITES i think 13 was the update that made me discover ltm !!! woo has THE most goated entrance no one can convince me otherwise. from his battle cry to his primal snarls to his protective stance in front of bug *chef's kiss* 🤌🤌🤌 all he needs is his superhero suit. do you see this running theme that my brain automatically goes googly-eyed at moonie. PROTECTIVENESS IM TELLING YOU. and it's the fact that it's woo of all people saving bug. bc i also have this huge thing for emotionally-distant characters having their lightbulb moments and being like hang on i actually like this person i want to take care of them forever.
asdlkfgjkd woo saying 'let's go home' and carrying bug against his chest 💨✨✨ poof that's me disappearing into fairy dust. i swear i had the exact same breakdown about yun carrying bug like his lil baby in my last ask HAHA MY BRAINROT DOES NOT CHANGE 🧠 when you are retired i need a hundred-page thesis studying the differences between yun's hugs and woo's hugs bc the start of ch14 was not enough to satiate my feels. and it would be best if it also included data on the other 6 members of ateez. for research purposes of course
i feel so limbless reading ch14 bc bug resting against woo whilst communicating with her fingers is so impossibly sweet and cute. and then when she hears yun's voice and literally starts wRIGGLING against woo like omg im also wriggling in my seat because i can feel her joy so clearly !!!!!! her tired but happy little taps IM SCREAMING. reminds me of falling asleep in the car as a kid and waking up after feeling that turn just as you reach home. kid is bug, car is woo and home is ateez AMEN <3333333 🙌🙌🙌👏👏👏
can i have a yunho wooyoung sandwich hug too pls. + A YUNHO FOREHEAD KISS 👩‍🦲MY HEAD IS NOW SHAVED FOR INFINITE FOREHEAD SPACE. peep forehead kisses from me to you bc ily <3 thanks for reading through my combined 1.7k ltm brainrot
ONCE MORE I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH THANK YOU FOR SUCH AMAZING COMMENTARY <33 I am kissing you on the forehead fr omfg <33
mingi was so careful during their first interactions and bug appreciated it SO much :") he became part of her safe space and he didn't even know it until san said something <3 also the way that yeosang already knew because he keeps such a good eye on bug and his partners?? had my heart beating fast fr xD
and OMG it absolutely does remind me of mingi irl <33 he's so precious when he realizes how much we love him :'D
WOOYOUNG <33 he was so gentle readjusting her armor and he so is the guy who does all those little things for those he loves omg my HEART <3 he definitely would be the kind of man who would gently redirect bug to the inside of the street so he could walk closer to the cars and he DEF makes sure she's wearing enough layers and readjusts them so carefully around her so she's warm enough AGH I'M EMOTIONAL,,,
hehe also the mention of fire is definitely one of my bigger metaphors!! in the published edition the title will have to do with fire as well >:D so many their important moments together have been around flame and so much of bug's healing eludes to the matches drowning out the darkness in her soul so it DEF is an important part of this story :D
also yes absolutely an honorable mention to hwa for that sweet action,, he definitely knew bug would approach them on her own, they just had to give her the space she needed to make the decision herself <3 and YEOSANG <33 one day he'd like to teach her to dance (that line is VERY important ;) )
hehe and I totally get the time difference thing xD it seems most of my followers are in different time zones haha xD
them protecting bug (and yun too <3 ) during that scene was so sweet,, they were not going to take ANY slander of them >:)
honestly one of my FAVORITE lines I've ever written was that one: 'you may have cost wooyoung his yunho' was so raw and only hits so hard when you understand the context behind it :") It was so angsty and I honestly only added it as an afterthought during editing but I LOVE it SO much
woo swinging in to save bug at the perfect moment and being SO protective had me blushing and kicking my feet -- I LOVE the protectiveness in writing xD and this was indeed one of woo's lightbulb moments hehe, he realized that he would be DEVASTATED if anything happened to her and so would the rest of ateez :')
AHAHA I will definitely have to get started on that thesis early then xD there is so much more data to collect in order to get an unbiased sample tho ;)) perhaps there will have to be more scenes of it in order to get a good poll >:D
OMG the relation to recognizing 'that' turn in the car ride home and waking up cause you know you're home to Yunho's voice alerting bug that she's home OH MY GOD THAT'S SO CUTE
hi yes I would also like a yunwoo sandwich as well!!! I have a sum total of like 11 dollars and I would risk it all for a forehead kiss from both xD
also peep forehead kisses from me to YOU hehe <33 this was honestly one of the sweetest messages I've ever gotten thank you SO much my dear <33 I will always always adore anything and everything you send so thank you so much again
drink lots of water and take care lovely <3
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Lone Wolf, Proud Retainer 2 - Soft
Jack goes to the library to study for exams, and finds that he wants to stay longer than he intended.
Word Count: 1,284
Jack took three books from the shelf and looked around for a place to sit. Classes were done for the day, and there were quite a number of students in the library cramming to study for the exam week that would start tomorrow. 
He himself had studied already, but he wanted to do some more reading for Magical History, since that would be tomorrow's exam. He headed further inward, hoping to find a table that was far enough away from the chatter of his schoolmates. They weren't noisy, exactly, but his sensitive hearing still made even softer sounds bothersome when he's trying to study. 
He finally found a small area behind some shelves with only one student reading quietly in the corner. He was about to take a seat at one of the vacant tables, but a movement caught his attention. 
He turned to see that the student was nodding off, his head had been propped up on his hand on the table but he was obviously fighting sleep. 
Jack frowned in surprise when he recognized the green hair and fair face. Sebek wasn't usually one to cram studying, what was he doing here when he clearly should be resting in his dorm? 
Jack walked over to the couch where Sebek was sitting and placed his books on the table. The Diasomnia student didn't even notice; his eyes were already closing again. 
"Sebek," Jack gently shook him by the shoulder. 
Sebek started and suddenly sat up straight, blinking at him. "Ah, Jack. My apologies, I didn't notice your approach."
"Get back to your dorm," Jack told him. "Get some sleep first before you continue studying."
Sebek shook his head and rubbed his eyes. "No. I still haven't reached my page goal for today. I must push on forward until I do."
"Haven't you studied at all yet?" Jack asked doubtfully. 
"Not as much as I would have liked." Sebek sighed. "Last night, there was a notorious convict loose in Briar Valley, and standard protocol was to guard all members of the royal family to make sure they aren't targeted. They did not catch the rogue fae until this morning, so Silver and I had stood guard outside Young Master's room all night while Master Lilia patrolled the halls of Diasomnia."
Jack fell silent. Sometimes he forgot that Sebek was a knight to the crown prince of Briar Valley. Though Sebek never seemed to find it difficult to balance his duties as a knight and a student. 
"Are you sure you don't wanna take a nap first?" Jack scratched the back of his head. "I bet you've studied already way before last night, you can just review them later today."
"Why are you here?" Sebek asked pointedly. "I am willing to bet as well that you have studied at least several days ago, yet here you are with a stack of books," he gestured to the one that Jack placed on the table. 
"I'm having a hard time understanding the history of fae cultures," Jack admitted quietly. There were so many of them, and it was even more difficult to match the culture with the specific species of fae. 
"Oh, our exam for Professor Trein tomorrow? That should not be too hard. Have a seat and I shall explain them to you." Sebek moved to the side to make space for Jack on the couch. 
Jack's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Really?" 
"Of course. I'll have you know that I am quite knowledgeable. Lilia had taught me from a young age all about the differences in fae culture," Sebek said proudly. "It is vital knowledge to be sure that we never offend anyone during Master Malleus' important meetings with different fae."
"That's not what I meant." Jack had no doubt that Sebek knew all about that subject, but he felt embarrassed that Sebek would be teaching him when he was too tired to even study by himself. "You said you needed to study, right? Just spend your time napping first instead of teaching me."
Sebek shook his head. "Helping someone else study would help me stay awake. I can continue my own review after I help you with yours."
Jack thought about it for a moment, then sat down beside Sebek. He really did need help with the subject, and who better to teach him the complexities of fae culture than someone who was half-fae himself? 
"Right then." Sebek picked up the book on top of the stack and opened it. 
They spent the next hour skimming the three textbooks, with Sebek explaining in concise terms while Jack took notes in his notebook. 
Surprisingly, it didn't feel overwhelming at all. Jack felt like he was just listening to a friend talk about his country and culture. He understood the details much more easily than when he was studying them by himself. And hearing Sebek talk so proudly about them added a bit of fun to it. 
Jack was double-checking his notes and making sure everything was legible, while Sebek was quietly reading his Alchemy textbook beside him. 
Halfway through his notes, Jack felt something on his shoulder. He turned in surprise to see that Sebek had fallen asleep. His first thought was to wake him up and insist that he go back to his dorm, but knowing Sebek, he would remain stubborn and refuse to do that. 
Sebek stirred in his sleep and almost fell forward, but Jack caught him, putting his arm around Sebek's torso and his other hand on the back of Sebek's neck to steady him on his shoulder. 
Jack's mind went back to two days ago, when they had last been this close. Their friends had goaded them into a sparring match in Ramshackle, and he had pinned Sebek underneath him. His thighs were against Sebek's sides as he leaned over near his face. 
Jack blinked, noting how his heartbeat had sped up at the memory. Maybe he was just remembering the adrenaline of the fight. 
Sebek's nose was almost pressed against Jack's neck, and Jack could feel his soft breaths. If Sebek had moved an inch closer, his lips would have touched Jack's skin. 
Jack felt his face warm and he swallowed. Why on earth was he even thinking about that? 
Moving as gently as he could, he took Sebek's backpack from the couch and leaned it against the wall, then he slowly moved Sebek to lie against it, guiding his head so he didn't hit it hard on the wall. 
Sebek looked so different when he was sleeping. He didn't have the uptight expression he usually wore when he felt like he should keep his guard up. His face felt smooth under Jack's palm, the skin so soft for someone who scowled so much. 
Jack's eyes widened as he realized that his hand was on Sebek's cheek. He immediately yanked it away and sat up straight. What was wrong with him today? 
He looked at his watch; he was supposed to go for a run around campus this afternoon to prepare for their PE exam. 
He glanced at Sebek peacefully sleeping on his backpack against the wall. He didn't want to wake him up, but he didn't want to leave him alone like that either, especially when some bullies might show up anytime to mess with him. 
Jack sighed and removed his jacket, placing it over Sebek like a blanket. It was raining today and the library was a little chilly. He knew how easily cold Sebek got, and he didn't want him to be shivering in his sleep. 
Jack leaned back in his seat and started reading his notes again. He could always just go for a run tomorrow. 
<-- Chapter 1
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captainmvf · 1 year
So you want some asks? Hmmm... How about your Future Cowboys AU? I've seen from your art that Max really admires his dads so I'd like to know more about what he admires and does with them!
Hi! ^^
This might get a little long but here you go:
From what I've drawn- Yes! Max loves his dads and looks up to them very much! Since Joe Wildwest is still a notable Master Fighter he gets to do some pretty intense vivosaur matches for TV broadcasts and Max loves watching his dad's vivosaurs kick ass and his dad look cool. He even gets to sit in VIP seats during a few tourneys to cheer his dad on. Since Mags has a more quiet job it can be a bit boring at the museums and fossil archives for Max but he loves his dad's cooking! Max's favorite foods have turned out to be hamburgers and stir-fried vegetables and he usually begs for his dad to make calzones and cakes for special occasions (Joe even begs for some other food than takeout and cold sandwiches since he's still a bad cook).
Other ideas I have include:
-Joe and Mags have a heated bed due to health stuff but Max and (later) Chomp get to crawl into the bed when they're uneasy at night due to nightmares or storms or even get to nap during the day when no one is home.
-Joe is usually the one to put Max to bed when he falls asleep elsewhere and even Max likes pretending to be asleep so his dad can carry him safe and securely.
-Although his parents were hesitant to introduce their vivosaurs so early to Max he was very very very persuasive (begging) to see the vivosaur family as soon as he learned how to open his mouth and now both teams are considered very tight babysitters to Max. All of the vivosaurs are very gentle with him and mindful of their size, teeth, and claws. Max likes to rest up against one of a few with some snacks before watching a movie. He likes cuddling up with Mari the Megalo and Davey the Heracules but his favorite playmates are Gwen the Aopteryx and Goliad the Bulgon. Sissy the Coatlus and Denver the Ptera are co-parents to him and Chomp and treat them like their own flapplings when they're out.
-Same sort of goes to the Patrol Team and ex-BB Brigade Executives. They're his babysitters and non-blood-related aunts and uncles and their teams like the lil Wildwest. Max isn't afraid of boneysaurs like the rest of his class and Dina's toothy vivosaurs don't roughhouse too much with him.
-Max loves his dads very much but he never gives them differentiating nicknames to the annoyances of those outside of this family. Since he goes to public school his teachers and classmates would get confused as to which dad he was talking about. (Teacher: "Okay Max, we need to know which of your fathers is picking you up this afternoon." Max, seven years old and doesn't know his dads first names: "You know! Dad!") Joe thought it would have been a good idea to try and teach Max that he was 'Pops' and Mags was 'Daddy' but it didn't stick and the teachers were just confused. Nowadays it's just a matter of tone with how Max says 'Dad'.
-Despite how well-known Joe and his family's last name is, Max doesn't really show off his home life. When he first invites his best friends Zoe and Drake to his house he doesn't get why they're so flabbergast to see all the Master Fighters that come and go and even finally get Max to notice just how famous his family is. This information goes to his head throughout the next few years.
-Max has also inherited Mags's own clumsiness and Joe's hotheaded habits from his younger years so it's a bit of a ride to have to unpack all of that. Both habits combined with a love of dinosaurs and fossil has him running into the nearest dig site and slipping into plenty of mud.
-Chomp was a gift from Joe and Max loves his little buddy with all of his heart and wants to make a full team to fill out his roster once Chomp is a fully grown Tricera. His only problem is that he has hard luck to finding fossils and especially head fossils. Sometimes he whines to his dads to literally throw him a bone but they've held tough to the belief that he should grow into his fossil hunting boots and raising Chomp if he wants to be a good vivosaur fighter one day. This has lead to some tears on Max's end but he's always more glad to get a leg, arm, or body fossil on his own merits. It's going to take him a few good years and a lot of adventures with Chomp and his friends before he gets a full team.
-When Max was little he would get to sit in Mags's lap at his job and watch him inspect fossils.
-Max sees Joe as the defacto vivosaur specialist in the family and always goes to him for vivosaur advice on battling and caring or just to ask curious questions.
-He gets plenty of rides on Denver the Ptera and Sissy the Coatlus but Max prefers flying with Denver since he's smaller. Max wishes he had a flying vivosaur.
-Mags dotes on Max whenever he wants a hug or gets scrapes or bruises. He even likes telling tall tales such as 'I built you out of clay!' to him that Max 100% believes without a second thought until middle school where he has to piece together that he has two dads and is blood-related to them both (fun angst times woohoo).
-Joe also dotes on him but in a more classic Dad way where he carries him with one arm and throws him up into the air to pretend he can fly. There's a lot of piggyback rides and clinging to his legs.
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cevansbiceps · 2 years
you got me hanging from the ceiling | spideychelle → [3]
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pairing: peter parker x mj (ft. ned x betty)
rating: pg-15
genre: fluff + humor + crack + smidgens of angst sprinkled here and there + canon divergent after spider-man: homecoming
summary: MJ drags the chair opposite them—she’s never sat so close to their seats—and leans forward. Her eyes turn to slits. “Thought you’d lost it?”
Peter’s breathing sort of speeds up, sweat breaking on his forehead, and, dear God, what the hell is wrong with him, Ned’ll have a field day if he gets anything on his phone, and he’d be right, because, what the hell is wrong with him, it’s just MJ!
Maybe he’s just scared.
Or, Peter Parker is slowly falling for MJ, while MJ seems to be slowly falling for Spider-Man. But, wait—it’s the same thing.
Is it really, though?
note: secondhand embarrassment in this one is crazy, i am sO sorry (':
— leave me a word!
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series → 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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“Harry Potter marathon at yours, later, then?” Ned's mumble fills the mask, and Peter grumbles at Karen to lower the volume.
“Oops, I'm sorry, Peter,” the robotic voice retorts. “Volume lowered to seventy percent.”
“Whoa—who was that? Are—oh my God, are you with MJ?”
“You're too sleepy to function, Ned,” Peter laughs. “That was just Karen.”
“Who? Kar—oh. Wait, are you patrolling, right now? Dude it's six am! School's in two hours!”
Peter breathes out. “No, I'm not patrolling. Just reviewing the recordings from past few nights.”
Aunt May is moving around in the living room, and she'll probably yell at Peter if she finds him awake so early after he'd slept at two, last night, for the third consecutive night, this week. Peter really needs to end the call before that happens. But Ned's been unwell, and Peter needed to know if he'd come to school, today.
“It's too early, Pete. You really are overworking yourself.” Ned sounds much more awake now.
Peter softly smiles at Ned's concern. Ned Leeds really is the best bro. “It's okay, Ned. I took a nap after school, yesterday.”
“So… are you gonna go to decathlon practice, today?”
Peter hums. “I'm planning to.”
“Yeah you better.” There's way too much humor in Ned's voice, and Peter mentally braces himself, because he's ninety-three percent sure he isn't gonna like what Ned's about to say next. “After all, there's only so many excuses MJ can make before exposing her concern for you, right?”
Peter groans aloud. “I'll see you later, Ned. Take your medicines, bye.”
“What's all the ruckus? Peter, are you—Peter!”
Peter whips the mask off, pursed lips and guilty eyes trained at Aunt May's irritated face in the doorway. “Good morning, May.”
“Peter it's barely six thirty! Why are you up so early, with—with the mask and—and—” She cuts herself off, making vague gestures that go over Peter's head.
“Ned's not coming to school, today, he's caught a stomach bug.” He hopes to distract her, and mentally does a victory dance when her eyes immediately widen.
“What? Oh, poor boy. Why, did he eat something odd?”
Peter shrugs a shoulder. “A celery sandwich?”
Aunt May rolls her eyes fondly. “Only Ned Leeds would catch a stomach infection from healthy food.”
She silently retreats from the room, seemingly forgetting about the reason why she'd barged in, in the first place.
Grinning to himself, Peter decides to catch a small nap before he has to get ready for school.
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MJ is missing from homeroom.
Peter wonders why he notices.
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MJ had a detention during homeroom.
Peter chokes on air when she casually drops the fact on him when he's fiddling with the things in his locker. He laughs, but it's forced.
It's just so damn awkward between them, without Ned to—well, make things more awkward? Yes, because that is exactly what Ned does, but still. Ned is like. A buffer. Peter feels so much more comfortable when he's by Peter's side while interacting with MJ.
Peter's brain is a mess when she wordlessly walks with him to chemistry.
He clears his throat seven times in the two minutes and eleven seconds it takes for them to get to class.
He doesn't know what to say to her. And, unsurprisingly, the humongously awkward silence doesn't seem to faze MJ even a miniscule bit.
Peter almost walks into the wall instead of the doorway.
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MJ is missing from lunchroom, too.
Peter believes he notices because she's been dropping by his and Ned's lunch table every single day, for more than a year now, and he's just gotten used to it.
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Betty Brant gets to MJ before MJ gets to the podium for AcaDec practice. Peter observes the exchange with interest.
“Hey! Are you okay, MJ?”
MJ looks confused for a moment, eyelids fluttering for a second, and then her eyebrows slowly climb up her forehead. “Yeah, I'm good, Betty. Thanks?”
Betty looks flustered at first, but then gives MJ a huge smile. “No, I meant your health. You were unwell yesterday, right? That's why you cancelled practice? Mister Harrington told us you'd come down with sore throat. Which made me think…you could've given me the flashcards! I would've been more than happy to help!”
MJ is grimacing and trying to lean away from Betty's grasp on her upper arms by the time the blonde stops talking. 
Peter's eyebrows are raised.
She actually gave an excuse of being unwell, yesterday? 
His heart thunders loudly in his ears, and he almost misses it when MJ dramatically coughs and hands Betty the flashcards, claiming that she's unwell today, too, and needs to rest her throat.
Embarrassingly, his cheeks start to feel warm when she walks toward the seats. Peter trains his gaze on the pencil in his hand, shoulders slightly relaxing when she sits two rows away.
Peter glances at her after counting to ten in his head, as slowly as he can.
She's bent over her sketchbook. Peter looks around the room, wondering whom she could be finding to be in crisis at the moment.
When he looks back, she's holding her sketch up for him to see. His eyes widen, sweat suddenly beading on his forehead. He thought he was being sneaky! Was she observing him all this time?
But she gives him a flat stare, obviously expecting him to stop gaping at her face and look at the sketch she's showing him. He gulps.
Peter squints at the paper, willing himself to actually see and interpret the person she's portrayed to be in crisis today.
He can barely contain the laughter that threatens to burst out of him.
She's drawn herself.
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“Hey, Parker!”
Peter's eyes widen and he freezes on his way out of the parking lot. He stays jammed in his place, not even able to turn around to look at MJ even when he can hear her walking up to him and can sense her presence eight inches from his back. 
He springs into motion, twisting in place to look at the girl with his eyes still blown wide. “Hi.”
MJ's look of confusion melts into amusement. “Hello. Are you…okay?”
Peter nods about thirty-eight times in ten seconds, and then tries to smile. “Ye–yeah. Why?”
“Well…for one, you looked petrified. And Leeds was missing today, too, so you could be having a panic attack and no one would know.” She squints at him in that characteristic way of hers. “Which brings me to the reason I stopped you. Where's Leeds?”
Peter purses his lips, jutting a thumb in the direction that holds the way to Ned's house. “Home. He's, uh, unwell.”
“Huh.” MJ nods, still looking at Peter as if he's a specimen under the slide on a microscope. “Can I have his number? There's something I wanted to talk to him about.”
Peter chokes on an inhale. “What?”
“Leeds’ phone number?”
Peter nods eleven times in three seconds, this time, and extracts his phone to quickly pull Ned's contact up. “There.”
MJ glances at it, quickly looking back and forth between his device and her own to copy the digits down. “Thanks.” She nods, still typing on her phone, and then, without a word, walks off.
Peter is left with his mouth dropped open, his hand still holding his phone, face up.
“Penis! Get outta the way!”
Peter jumps to a side as Flash Thompson whips out of the school in his new car.
His uneven breathing takes a while to settle, and more than just adrenaline is behind it.
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Ned noisily sips on the orange juice that May had handed him with a strict glare. “Okay, question: if your guy in the chair's been attending decathlon practices, or skipping school, or, generally, not being the guy in the chair, where're you getting all the intel from?”
“I put trackers on them at the party. That's how I found out that they actually were operating an illegal drug business,” Peter responds, eyes stuck on Neville Longbottom's quivering form as his Boggart takes the shape of Snape.
“Stark's high-tech, undetectable trackers?”
“The one and only.”
Ned hums. “Is everything okay, Peter? You look too wound up to just be worried about some drug dealing idiots.”
Peter's heart warms. What did he ever do to earn a best friend like Ned Leeds? He bites his lip, wondering if he should tell Ned about the exchanges he had with MJ, today. Especially the one that happened after school.
But then he stops, realising that if MJ actually had contacted Ned, he would've questioned where she got his number, and either he would've drawn the obvious conclusion, or MJ would've told him.
“Nope, I'm good. Just a bit sleep deprived, I guess.”
Remus Lupin looks more concerned than Harry at the thought of revealing Harry's Boggart. Peter snatches Ned's juice out of his hands and takes a sip.
Peter looks at Ned. “So?”
Ned wiggles his eyebrows, a lewd grin sneaking on his face. “Did you slide your own number in with mine?”
Peter groans loudly, grabbing a throw pillow to stuff his face into. “No, Ned. Why–why would I do that? I don't need to. Or, y'know. Want to. Or…you know. Why would I do that? Why would I do that? You know MJ would kill me without even letting me explain.”
“Explain, huh? And what would you say in explanation?”
Okay, this is it. Ned's been having way too many laughs at his expense. “Well, maybe you could help me. You know, when you decide upon what explanation you'd give Betty when she asks how her celery sandwich worked for you.”
Ned's face instantly turns, and he pinches his lips in a grimace. “Peter, no. This is not fair. That—that thing wasn't even food!”
Peter chuckles to himself, patting Ned's shoulder the way Ned had done his, yesterday, and offers him a bite of the takeout larb he's munching on. Ned makes a face, quickly shaking his head.
“I've spent way too many hours on the toilet today, dude. I'm good with my liquid diet.”
Peter hums in response, his mind unwittingly going back to the one question that'd propped up in his head this afternoon—the one that he pushes to the back of his mind every time it comes up. But it comes up, again.
He sighs, loudly, aware that he's moving too much on the couch, but not caring. Remus Lupin clears the classroom after Harry's Boggart incident.
“Don't you wanna know why she needed my number, at least?”
Peter chokes on his bite of the meat salad, coughing monstrously. Ned literally pours his orange juice down Peter's throat to clear it.
“What the hell, man?” Ned bleats, all high-pitched and exclamatory, and looks at Peter as if he's grown another head.
Peter winces. Well, that was dramatic. But he was caught off-guard by Ned saying the exact words Peter had been trying to avoid! “No–nothing. You just startled me.”
“Startled you? Peter, we've watched these movies fifty thousand times, you know each scene word by word, expression by expression. What were you so immersed in?”
“Uh, thinking?”
“Thinking. About what?”
“The, uh, suspected-drug-dealers?”
“Are you asking me?”
“Okay, fine, fine,” Peter exhales, making a placating gesture with his hand. “Fine, yes. Yes, I really wanna know why MJ needed your number.  She said she wanted to ask you something. What was it?”
Bed gives him a downright creepy smirk. “You won't believe it.”
“What? Why?”
“It was about you.”
Press eyes widen, and admittedly, heartbeat kinda jumps. But…maybe he's startled again, right? Yep, definitely. “Me?” He forces a short laugh. “What about—”
“The other you, Peter.” Ned rolls his eyes when Peter's jaw drops open. “She wanted to know some stuff about Spider-Man.”
Peter roughly swallows, nervousness and another—unknown but kinda unpleasant—emotion churning in his stomach. “Oh? What, exactly? And—and what did you say?”
Ned shrugs a careless shoulder. “Point blank asked me if the boy was from our school. I obviously didn't tell her.”
Peter nods, conflicted about how to feel. “And she let it go?”
“Well, obviously not. She won't be MJ if she just let it go.” They both chuckle. “She said she knows you're a fan and that you probably even know the guy. But she feels like you won't tell her. She wanted to bribe me into getting the name from you and giving it to her.”
Peter is too stunned to react. This is way too much, way too fast. “Bribe? Wait, she thinks—wait, wait, me? But I would—why won't I tell—what?”
“She offered me a hamburger. But, thanks to my upset stomach, I easily refused her.”
“Well, thanks to that,” Peter agrees, breathing uneven. “But… she actually believes I know Spider-Man?”
“Peter, why do you sound so shocked? It's not a big deal. You know, because you are Spider-Man?”
Peter clicks his tongue, eyes shutting as his head thumps against the back if the couch. “Please tell me she isn't investigating it. Because if MJ's actually trying to figure out who Spider-Man is, MJ will find out who Spider-Man is.”
Ned shakes his head. “I don't know, man. She might be. But she seemed more inquisitive than suspicious, to be honest. Like…she’s an admirer of Spider-Man and doesn't care who he is, and not someone that simply suspects who he could be.”
Peters shoulders relax at that. “Really?”
“From what I could tell, yeah.”
Peter grins, slowly, thoughtfully looking into his bowl of larb. “So, she's a fan, huh? You think I should pay her a visit, then?”
Ned is giving him a disapproving look. “No, Pete. Spider-Man's not a party trick, remember? And, also. MJ's a friend. Do you really wanna trick her?”
Peter exhales, glumly nodding because Ned's right. “No, you're right. It's just…ah, surprising. And kinda makes me feel like I have something over MJ.”
Ned smiks at him. “Come to think of it, that's exactly how I felt, too.”
The two boys laugh at the absurd revelation, proceeding to spend the rest of the evening finishing the next part of Harry Potter before sleep weighs them down in the middle of the fifth one.
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casspurrjoybell-27 · 14 days
In a Heartbeat - Chapter 16 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
[Two years later]
I don't even know why I bothered with these stupid pack meetings.
It was always the same shit over and over again.
People complaining about their bills, the pack border or anything else really.
At times I wished I could just let the betas take over so I can take a nap.
It didn't help that I had a raging migraine that had lingered for the past four days.
As much as I hated to admit it, Chase's prediction of these symptoms was getting worse and at times I just wanted to jam a screwdriver into my head to make it all stop.
Despite lowering the dose a bit, shifts were still awfully painful and oddly enough, Sarah was also being more distant than before.
I had chalked it up to mood swings or her time of the month but it had become an everyday thing.
Some days she'd refuse to hold my hand in public or would go shopping on her own.
Other days she'd sleep on the couch instead, refusing to sleep with me.
Some nights she'd sleep at a friend's place, insisting she needed space.
For the most part, I just brushed it off, accepting that maybe she was dealing with Jane's disappearance harsher than most.
After all, they were very close sisters, even when they were younger but today, I couldn't help but notice the sheer animosity that rolled off of her during the meeting.
She didn't hold my hand, brush my leg or show any signs of affection during the whole meeting and although it was probably best that I remained focused, I craved any form of distraction from this migraine.
Her hands were clenched so tightly that I was surprised her long nails hadn't pierced her palms.
I don't think she even spared me a glance at all during the meeting.
"Regarding security for the border," Xavier announced.
I cleared my throat.
"I'll have more of our pack-house Betas patrol the area. Patrols should be more frequent."
A few of them grumbled amongst themselves but I ignored it.
I wasn't planning on being laxer now that Michael was still in the vicinity.
He had made a point to hover near the neutral zone between the pack and rogue territory ever since we had made that deal, leaving most of the patrolling betas on edge.
"Alpha, with all due respect," one of the RC Betas responded.
"Most of the patrolling betas have been working overtime, they need some days off. The rogues are less daring as of late, I'm not sure more frequent patrols are necessary."
"With all due respect, Jeff," I responded.
"I don't care what you think. We need to protect the pack, it's what the RC was for. Just find a way to rotate the Betas better or recruit more thetas for patrols."
He huffed but didn't respond thankfully.
Xavier stared at me from the front of the room, glancing between me and Sarah, before continuing to stare at me.
I glared back before he settled on staring at the papers in front of him.
The remainder of the meeting went on uneventfully until I noticed Sarah shift uncomfortable in her chair, inching away from me.
I brushed it off, while she stared at the papers in front of her, listening to the others rant about the RC policies we recently changed.
'Something wrong?' I mind-linked her.
'Nothing,' she responded.
I frowned, obviously noting that she was distressed.
I went to grab her hand to hold but she pushed it away.
I tried again but she turned to glare at me, before resting her hands on the table.
I huffed before listening to the rest of the complaints people had, trying to respond to them and reach some semblance of an agreement with them.
Before I could even adjourn the meeting, Sarah had stood up and was already walking out.
I rushed the people out of the meeting room before catching up to her, despite the pain from the migraine pulsing.
"Sarah, wait up," I grabbed her upper arm, only for her to wrench it out of my grasp and walk towards our room.
She reached for the door about to slam it on me, when I stopped it and pinned her to the wall demanding...
"What is your problem?"
She pushed at me before shouting back.
"Leave me alone."
"Not until you tell me what the hell was that about," I got in her face, gesturing toward the meeting room with my free hand.
"I'm done, Vince," Sarah spat, punching at my chest.
"I want out."
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm done, Vince," she repeated.
"I'm done with your fucking shit. The lies, the cheating, fucking everything."
I squeezed her shoulder.
"What are you even saying? What lies? You aren't making any sense."
"I know, Vince," she seethed.
"I know what you did and I want out."
I frowned, still grasping her shoulders.
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about us, Vince," she huffed out in frustration before pushing past me to grab at the knickknacks on the dresser next to us, throwing it to the ground.
She grabbed the pillows off the bed, the tissue box, then grasped the pill bottle from her nightstand, gesturing it toward me.
Her eyes glowed from her normal green to her wolf gold color ones.
"This. How long did you plan on hiding it all from me? That these pills were shit, Huh?"
I stepped toward her cautiously, gulping.
"No," she seethed.
"That's not all. I know about your mate."
"What on earth are you..."
"You thought I wouldn't find out?" she nearly screamed.
"How you ruined your mate's life? Killed his entire family and left him for dead?"
I frowned, she couldn't possibly know about Simon.
There was no way.
"No, you're my mate, Sarah and I don't know what you mean."
"Mate? Oh, You don't get to call me that anymore. I am not your mate, Vince. Don't give me that bullshit."
She stalked over to the other dresser table, grabbing the picture frame of us in it, before slamming it to the ground, breaking into a million pieces.
"How could you do this to me? To Simon? To think our alpha would fucking lie to the pack about something so serious is a disgrace."
The fact that she knew his name left a bad taste in my mouth. I stepped closer, not caring about stepping on the glass shards as I reached and grasped her upper arm harshly.
"Who told you this? About him?"
"You think I wouldn't find out about it?"
She gripped my arm just as hard.
"You're stupid to think you could just get away with whatever you want. He was your mate, Vince. You were supposed to cherish that, not destroy it and to think this whole time I'd just believe that something was wrong with me for not having the bond with you, that these stupid pills would do something. What else did you fucking lie about?"
"I said, who told you about him?" I demanded, gripping her arm harder.
"Why does it matter? Are you going to kill them too?"
She punched at my chest.
"What was so wrong about him that you had to ruin his life, huh? Cause he was a male and couldn't produce an heir? Well, newsflash, I couldn't give you one either and I wonder why, you ass. To think I foolishly fell in love with a jackass that only cares about his reputation."
"You don't understand..."
"I don't care, Vince. I don't want this anymore. This Luna title, the marriage, everything. I want out."
"Sarah, please. We can work this out," I grasped both her hands gently, her eyes still a fierce gold color.
"There is no we, no us anymore Vince. You lied to not just me but my family, the pack, everybody."
She wrenched her hands away as if they were on fire, stepping away from me. I could tell she was on the verge of crying but she still glared at me with a fierceness I had never seen until today.
"Sarah," I tried to plead.
"No," she said firmly.
"Don't talk to me until you come up with a valid reason behind your actions. Don't even look at me until you apologize to everyone you lied to."
It wasn't the first time we had argued but for some reason, her words stopped me in my tracks.
I couldn't say or do anything but watch as she stormed off.
I stood there frozen, fear creeping through me until I spotted Xavier peeking in, standing in the doorframe staring at me.
I glared, before asking.
"How much did you hear?"
"Enough to know."
I clenched my teeth.
"Did you tell her?"
I sighed, running my hand through my hair in agitation.
Xavier spoke up.
"She's right. You should apologize."
I rolled my eyes.
"Cause you're such a saint. I'm sure you've told many lies."
"I have," he admitted.
"But nothing this big though. You should listen to her. You've lied too many people, Vince. To the pack, mother, father, even Simon. They deserve the truth."
"There you go again," I said accusingly.
"Defending him. It's like you like the guy."
He gritted his teeth.
"You told me to protect him and unlike you, I promised I would. Even if it means protecting him from you."
"How sweet."
0 notes
bumbleklee · 3 years
can i pls request zhongli, kaeya, childe and diluc with a s/o who can fall asleep anywhere at anytime? thank u in advance !!!
im like 75% done with requests *breakdances* hope u enjoyed this anon (o˘◡˘o)
no matter how often you randomly fall asleep with zhongli, he panics and thinks something is wrong
with him being the consultant for the funeral parlor in liyue, zhongli was always at meetings with clients and you usually tagged along
they were such boring meetings dealing with finances and logistics that it was easy for you to fall asleep during them
Your eyes fluttered shut within minutes of sitting down at a table in the Liyue Pavilion. The minute Zhongli opened his mouth about costs, your head tipped back and you were asleep. When your came to an hour later, Zhongli was peering at you with a concerned expression. A warm cup of tea was in front of you and you yawned dramatically. "What?" You asked Zhongli, raising an eyebrow at his look. "Are you alright? Did you faint?" He asks immediately. You roll your eyes. "We've talked about this," You say, "I love you, but you're so boring you put me to sleep."
the one thing you and kaeya had in common was that you were both slackers from your jobs
kaeya liked to sneaked away to his office to write you love letters or steal klee and create chaos with her while you preferred to go to your office of your own job and sleep
you didn't even have to be tired but if you were given the chance to be alone in a quiet place, you were asleep
"Earth to Y/N...Y/N?"
A soft voice brought you back to your senses. Your eyes groggily opened and you lifted your head off your desk, your unruly hair falling into your eyes. When your eyes adjusted to the light, you noticed Kaeya was standing in front of you.
"Good morning," He beamed. You yawned and sat up fully, checking the time and seeing that it was almost noon. And since Kaeya had come to visit you at your job, you knew he was slacking off too.
"Can't I sleep for a few more minutes?" You smirked, opening your arms so Kaeya would envelope you in an awkward but comforting hug.
Kaeya pressed a kiss to your forehead, "I'll be the look-out for your boss."
And within minutes, you were asleep again.
for the longest time, childe thought you had narcolepsy
your weird talent to fall asleep anywhere at anytime was shocking to him, especially since you managed to fall asleep at the worst times
like, for example, when you were supposed to be keeping watch of a hilichurl camp and had fallen asleep abruptly and nearly got your ass kicked if childe wasn't nearby
"You should see a doctor," Childe said for the tenth time, "It's not normal."
You only laughed at him, "I'm not just falling asleep whenever, Childe. I can just fall asleep whenever. Get it?"
He looked at you like you were crazy and ran a hand through his hair, "Whatever, whatever. Just promise me you won't take naps when you need to be patrolling, okay?"
You held up your hands in self defense, "You got it. I'll take a power nap when you take me out for dinner tonight instead."
similarly to zhongli, he was always surprised when you decided to take a random nap somewhere
you had trained your body to fall asleep anywhere at anytime since you were a little kid and you even considered it a talent nowadays
being able to fall asleep whenever you wanted got you out of a lot of duties and the more diluc got to know you, the more he picked up on your tricks
With the Ludi Harpastrum festival around the corner, you and Diluc were tasked with decorating the tavern and its surrounding courtyard. Except you really weren't in the mood to stand on a ladder for hours that day so when Diluc slipped inside the bar to grab something, you closed your eyes.
When he came back out and saw you asleep, Diluc clicked his tongue. He didn't want to wake you up but he knew you had only fallen asleep to get out of decorating. Upon spotting Diona sauntering around the town, Diluc left the girl with a very important task.
He decorated with Charles while Diona circled your sleeping body with rolls of streamers and stickers. When you finally woke up again, you started to plan a fake-apology for Diluc for your sudden slumber but when you looked down to see your body completely covered in party supplies, you knew you two were even.
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undead-merman · 3 years
🧜‍♂️MerMay- The Brothers🧜‍♂️GN Reader- SFW
Lucifer has a long black tail with a hint of a royal blue striping on the back. His scales are smooth and small, ganoid shaped and are completely flat. A few black scales are on his face, just at the corner of his eyes giving them a sharper appearance and forming a diamond shape on his forehead. There is one scale slightly out of place on his diamond mark; it's not noticeable unless seen close up.   
His fins are long and flowing and are in the shape of rounded spades. He has a tear on his dorsal fin which goes all the way through the fin and has a scar on his back. His caudal fin is the largest on his body and has a peacock like pattern that can be flushed making the colors go from the normally black with barely visible blue to bright flashy blues, and reds on deep blacks.
His human skin is colored like a great white shark: creamy light skin on his stomach, fading to grey on his back; granting him the ability to countershade and aid in avoiding detection from above and below.
His face exhibits many shark features: broad and round head, small eyes, his mouth is filled with large teeth, and a flat nose.
Daily life
He’s very broody so he prefers the twilight and night hours; being accustomed to swimming in the deep parts of the ocean, too much light hurts his eyes but he also just enjoys the dark endless water with starlight above.
He has a very strict schedule, patrolling his nest, fighting off intruders, meeting up with Diavolo to hunt, clean up his brother's messes, patrol, try to sleep and get interrupted by one of his brothers if not more, and repeat.
He’s a carnivore so he enjoys eating whales, and sharks. He dislikes crabs and lobsters since they’re bottom feeders and he finds the idea of eating them very distasteful. 
He’s meticulous with grooming himself. He’s always sharpening his claws and forever growing teeth, picking them and cleaning them until they gleam in the light and buffing his scales to make them shimmer. 
When alone he enjoys trying to nap amongst a peaceful patch of seagrass. Drifting away slowly as curious little fish swim around him and the plant life softly brushes by with the current. 
He enjoys playing the violin, which surprisingly works, making melodies that haunt divers unfortunate enough to hear.  
Life with you
If you're a morning person you’ll get to see his sleeping unguarded face. He’ll try to wake up with you once he realizes, and within a few weeks he’ll be waking up far before you. He somehow has a built-in clock wired to try and make him wake up before you.
If you're a night person he’s thrilled to share some of the prettiest sights the ocean has to offer when the moon is out. Showing you his favorite spots to enjoy the night in silence. 
He becomes very protective of you and constantly scents you before leaving your side. Rubbing his palms on your cheeks or circling his tail loosely around you before brushing up on you as he swims away. No one will dare come near you if you smell so much like him.
He hates to admit it but he has the natural instinct of him bringing shiny things to you. He won’t even notice it until he pulls your hands in his and suddenly you have a shiny piece of sea glass in your hand. His face heats up if you tease him about it and suddenly he finds a speck on the wall very interesting.
As golden as gold can look, being actual gold, Mammon has the boldest scales of all the brothers. He’s not sure why they are, they’ve just always been that way and their weight doesn’t seem to be affected. His scales are ctenoid and can cut if he flares his scales and hits you with his tail. He doesn’t have any scales on his face and his skin seems to glow in the morning sun. 
His fins are exactly like that of a long spined sea scorpion with them having large painful spines inside them. Unlike the other fish he has a painful venom that can leave someone reeling in pain for days. It won’t kill but it’ll hurt!
He has two sets of canines that are very noticeable when he opens his mouth to talk. His upper right canine tooth has a gold coating making the tooth look like it’s made of gold. The top pair always hang out of his mouth while the lower one is hidden. 
He has shorter nails more meant for prying than slashing. Though they’re surprisingly well manicured and painted white.
Daily life
100% a morning person. Wakes up all groggy but after brushing his scales he's peppy and ready to start the day.
Mammon hoards his shedded scales, after all they are gold. He puts them in an old vintage submariner foot locker, nearly rotted apart but he sticks random stickers or patches onto it to help keep it together. A lot of the time the brothers will just take the money they are owed from the chest and Mammon whines about it; however, if they're pissed they’ll pluck some scales from him painfully.
His scales get plucked often: by the sea witches to whom he owes a massive debt to, his angry brothers, even Solomon sometimes plucks them off like he’s a pez dispenser. Because of this he sometimes has very sensitive scaleless spots. They grow back within a day but it still hurts.
He joins Lucifer in patrolling their territory. He’s just as protective over his space as Lucifer is, and of course he wants to look out for his younger brothers, but he won’t admit that unless it gives him a chance to use pity points to get out of trouble.
Very particular about his scales. He wants them looking pretty and as bright as they can be. Contrarily, he doesn’t give the same treatment for his hair, calling running his hands through to get the tangles out good enough.
Life with you
If you show concern for his scales he’ll play it off like it doesn’t hurt and it's really just a bother, but it isn’t. If you continue to worry about him or even offer to help patch him up he will become much more protective of you. You treat him so kindly that he doesn’t want that to stop.
If he’s in a bad mood or he gets jealous of someone, he'll grab you and shove his face into your neck and twist till his face is thoroughly buried. He wants to smell you so he can calm down and basically scream at anyone who comes by that you are something very close to Mammon so don't you dare touch.
He’ll try to drag you around to join in his mischief. Joining him in gambling rings or minnow racing. He’ll insist you're a lucky charm, though he just likes your company. He loves to bear hug you if he wins big and he holds you above him in the water with a big smile on his face.
Another victim of random shiny gifts for you. He's more aware of it and brags about how neat it looks even if it's just some old mirror. He’s always trying to play up how amazing his little gifts are.
His tail is very long, much longer than his brothers though it's thinner and has less muscle. His scales are ganoid shaped and colored the same color as his hair with a white underneath. During the night he has bright cyan bioluminescence circles on his sides. His eyes and tongue glowing as well with a very faint glow to his teeth as well. 
He’s embarrassed about it but he has multiple random patches of scales around his face and he thinks it makes him look weird.
His fins are shaped much like a goldfish, even having a round double tail and flowing fins. He is the most delicate looking one. But if he gets angry he transforms into a gigantic sea monster and can cause storms. 
He’s an omnivore so his teeth are small and much like a humans. They fall out if they get damaged but like a shark they’ll always grow back.
His skin is also counter shaded like Lucifer. Though more ashy gray color than his older brother. Unfortunately his bioluminescent colored scales, even though they pulse in brightness, make him much easier to spot. 
Daily life
He’s a night dweller through and through and refuses to swim during daylight hours. He likes to dwell in deeper waters so the light isn’t too much for him; but he mostly likes to stay in his cave and obsess over his washed up anime knicknacks. Making sure to pluck away barnacles and clean the muck off.
Since he’s an omnivore he’ll eat whatever is nearby. He enjoys jellyfish and the deadlier they are to humans the more he likes them. He's unaffected by their venom. Though he’ll enjoy a crab or free swimming fish. 
Leviathan does not like patrolling; he’d much rather leave the scuffling to everyone else so he can focus on more important things, like trying to dry out a keyboard in his open air room. 
His room is open air and inside a cave that can be accessed by a nearby beach. Inside is a shrine to his collection and he’s always fawning over it.
He loves that he matches with his fish friend Henry. They are extremely similar in shape, even having similar tails. He has a fresh water tank inside so Henry doesn’t get too dried up from the salt water. Leviathan can handle both fresh and saltwater so sometimes he hops into the tank to swim near his friend.
He’s very self conscious of his scales, especially the ones on his face so he has to make sure they look nice. His hair has to be styled just right to distract them from his face. He has a habit of pulling his bangs down over his eyes when he’s flustered.  
Life with you
Once he’s bonded with you he is constantly by your side and wanting to spend as much quality time with you as he can. He’ll be trailing you talking about the little curiosities he’s found. He whines about how he wants to go back to his cave but he won’t leave your side.
He’ll show you his collection of nicknacks and if you're able to set up a little television and gamecube he’ll be ecstatically waving his fish tail around like a dog. He’ll constantly beg you to play with him. He wants to CO-OP this game with you!
If he’s feeling cuddly that day he’ll float up to the surface and let you lounge on him and let the waves gently rock you both. He’ll hum old sea shanties he’s heard from sailors long ago as well as some anime songs from a series you enjoy together. 
Expect him to drag you to his spots for finding his little curiosities, he’ll want you to help him scour the area and find more fun items. He’s very happy with whatever you bring and he’ll keep them around his nest.   
Satan is built similarly to Lucifer though his scales are more raised and spiny. His tail is a bright shamrock green which shifts to a seafoam green. He has a bunch of scales on the corners of his mouth and completely covers his cheeks.
His fins are long and have a crowntail shape that are tipped a deep black. When he gets angry his fins flare up making him look much, much bigger.
He has a flatter nose and bigger teeth like Lucifer. While they aren’t as sharp they are still dangerous if he’s mad. 
His skin also glows in the bright morning sun and if he’s lounging around he’ll attract nearby small fish to swim around him enjoying the serene glow he has.   
Daily life
He takes a long time waking up, and he’s not a morning person at all. He’s dazed for an hour or so until he’s fully awake, though he’s not much of a night person, more preferring midday.  
He’s currently got the goal of piecing together the world’s true histories. Figuring out what happened to old forgotten cities, lost treasures, and destroyed civilizations. He has a long way to go and he treats this handcrafted book like a child, holding it far above the water.
He explores with random, yet reputable exploration teams. Helping them with identifying relics or gems. He’s earned a reputation for himself by doing this and is often approached to go on expeditions. 
He is another type to patrol around his territory. He does it around midday though and hunts during these. He’s a carnivore and likes tuna and other free swimming fish, but refuses to eat squid and octopi due to how smart they are. He likes to feed nearby ones. Though they aren’t as cute as human world cats.
He’ll go to a human world pier and try to attract the local stray cats with his tail. He’ll leave them little gifts so now all the local cats come to the docks at a certain time to wait for him. He really wants to have a cat but sadly it’s a love that’s not meant to be, they are from two different worlds.    
Life with you
He’ll enjoy taking you on expeditions. Showing you beautiful sunken landscapes very few eyes have seen before. He loves seeing your reactions to sights.
He enjoys learning your hobbies and trying them out with you. He’ll go out of his way to provide an accurate experience to what you're used to since he enjoys learning and experiencing new things, especially now that you're here.
He's another one that loves to rub his smell all over you. He’s just as bad as Mammon, his smell is all over every part he can get to and stinks of “back off, don’t touch” causing others to give you a wide berth.
He’s going to hang off of you every morning. If you're larger than him he shoves his face into your chest and tries to go back to sleep. He looks so different with his sleeping face, he looks peaceful in your arms. But if you're smaller he’ll flop onto you and try to use you as a pillow. He’s surprisingly warm and his underside isn’t as spiny and sharp.
He’ll want to introduce you to his octopi friends. Each one is named after a different sea or famous author. If you agree he’ll be delighted to take you there and let you play with them. Though he might get a bit jealous if you get along with them a bit too much. He won’t show his jealousy though.   
He’s the most serine and delicate looking of all his brothers. His thin body has a bright cherry blossom pink tail and has long silky looking fins. His bright scales sparkle and shimmer and have a pearlescence to them. He has perfectly pure white scales patches on his tail as well giving a koi pattern. 
He resembles a butterfly koi but with longer and frankly impractical looking fins. They flow around him weightless and they look like silk in the wind around him. Even his dorsal fin is long and flowing.
He doesn’t have any scales on his face and he looks perfectly human from the waist up. His skin has an angelic like glow and shimmers in the sun. He has a few freckles on his face, chest and elbows. 
He has small pearly white teeth just like a human would, he’s very keen on keeping them perfectly white, just like his white scales, but his canines can extend like a cat flexing their claws.  
Daily life
He wakes up to his internal alarm clock, which is scarily accurate. Bright eyed and bushy tailed from the moment his eyes open. Swimming around and preparing himself for another day, brushing his tail, combing his hair, and cleaning his teeth, all while chatting to whoever will listen.
He is a highly requested entertainer for festivals and celebrations. He’s invited to grand openings, large festivals, and even private birthdays to those who pay him well enough. His dances and singing is the best among his kind and can easily enrapture sailors let alone his own kind. His voice mixed with the way his fins trail behind him like long fans is an easy way to get hypnotized. 
When he’s not booked for a celebration he’s helping Diavolo keep humans away from their city. He uses his voice to entrance anyone he deems a threat and can make them turn and forget why they were out here and what they saw. He doesn’t get into any of the violent stuff. That’s not his style.
If he’s not at home, he is always with someone. He’s like a fairytale princess with a crowd behind him, be they other mers or fish schooling around him. He always has a smile on his face and he’s not very quiet about how much he enjoys attracting an adoring crowd. At home he enjoys a nice relaxing self care session.
When he’s angry his canines poke out he doesn’t notice this habit of his, but it's usually because he’s extremely angry at the time and holds himself back.
He doesn't bother with patrolling and he’s not territorial in the slightest. He’s a lover not a fighter so his big brothers can handle any scary monster.     
Life with you
He’s bringing you to all kinds of festivals and parties as his +1 every time. You’ll be able to experience all the wonders Diavolo’s kingdom has to give and he’s extremely happy to be there with you every single time.
He’ll use his charm to get you whatever you want. Did you want that cute seashell necklace? Or that shark tooth bracelet? He’ll approach the store owner, shake his tail and flirt a bit and it’s his now. Which he immediately hands to you with a huge grin on his face, telling you how well it suits you and how you make that item look even better.
He’s always trying to groom you in any sort of manner. Rubbing your scalp and smoothing your hair with his finger. Trying to rub thick creams into your skin, or rubbing pigment onto your nails to paint them. You're the only one he’ll do this for.
He needs to hold your hand at least 3 times a day and needs a kiss before he goes to sleep and he’ll break into your room if he doesn’t get them all. He’ll act all innocent but he knows exactly what he’s doing. He just likes being a brat so he can cuddle and love you.
He also gets upset if you smell like someone else so he randomly jumps you and cuddles you in his arms rubbing his cheek against yours and rubbing you with his tail and brushing all of his fins against you. If you check you can see his fangs sticking out when he’s jealous. 
If you’re ever feeling down he’ll sing for you. Dance with you, twirling you around as if he’s the moon and you're the earth itself. He gets lost in the dance and by the time you're done you're both embracing and laughing. 
Beelzebub and Belphegor
While being twins they couldn’t be more polar opposites. Beelzebub has radiant skin that seems to glow even in the darker parts of the ocean and a long sunset orange tail full of powerful muscles and reaches the longest out of the brothers. His tail is smooth and has a cycloid scale pattern. Belphegor has the shark-like appearance some of his other brothers have. Counter shaded skin, flatter nose. But he seems to absorb the light around him making everything seem much darker than they really are. His tail is medium size and is pretty thin. His tail is a deep eggplant purple with black spots.
Both of them have matching fin shapes, their caudal fin being shaped like a swordtail guppy and the rest of their fins are wide and shaped like fans. Belphegor's fins are mostly black but with the same eggplant purple speckled in. Beelzebub’s are the same sunset orange.
Beelzebub’s face is free of scales but on the sides of his cheeks and around his jawline and down to his shoulders scales are clustered around. They are thick hardy scales making his neck his strongest area besides his tail, but he has a scar just under his chin.
Belphegor has a freckle-like pattern of small scales they scattered all around his face only one or two at a time. They’re much smaller than the ones on his tail.
Belphegor has extremely sharp teeth and while they’re small they’re serrated. Beelzebub has mostly human teeth, though his canines are much bigger and wider, he’s able to crush stones with those teeth.
Daily life
These two have been inseparable since they were young and it's a trend that is clearly there to stay. They may have a different schedule but when they go to rest they rest and sleep in the same nest. 
Beelzebub helps teach the younger mers to fight. He’s been permitted to teach not only the royal guard but other everyday mers. He’s a proud teacher and he’s always trying to come up with ways to help each student of his even on an individual level, but that’s when he’s not eating. 
He’s also the kingdom's best hunter, and a small team is sent out with him every once in a while to hunt down any monsters that come too close to their kingdom. Beelzebub ends up eating the thing before they get back though. The bigger and more ferocious they are, the better they taste. That’s what he says at least.   
Belphegor is the kingdom's most talented astrologist. Unlike his twin brother though, he doesn’t put his skills to much use. He’ll help, maybe, if he’s not tired or if he’s in a good mood, but those chances are slim to none. Instead he’s actually a doctor. 
He’ll laze around in his office and sleep on the table, but when a patient comes in he’s somehow able to look over them once and tell what’s wrong with them. Even his brother’s are confused how he can just wake up, take one look at someone and perfectly diagnose them. 
He also seems to nurse others on an auto pilot. He barely has his eyes open and is able to patch up any wound he can find. Because of his talent yet lack of effort he has earned some ire from his peers. He doesn’t care though as long as he can keep sleeping on the job.
Many other Mer’s have approached him in hopes to become his apprentice but he’s ignored every single one. He’s too lazy to even try. Which many people think is selfish since he’s so skilled. Though he doesn’t care what they say.    
Life with you 
You will always find them not too far from you. Once they grew attached to you they began not moving too far from you. Sometimes they even drag you along with them so you can be near them. Belphegor is guilty of dragging you to his workplace more than Beelzebub, sometimes trying to trick you into keeping everyone busy so he can nap.
Beelzebub just brings you so he can keep an eye on you and give you hugs when he’s feeling a bit stressed. You can tell when he’s getting stressed because the longer part of his tail fin flicks back and forth. If you end up hugging him right when he starts he’ll end up holding you until you ask him to let you go. It always makes him smile if you do that. 
They are both picky about having you sleep in their nest. Belphegor will complain and try to guilt you into their nest if you try to sleep anywhere else and Beelzebub will give you puppy dog eyes. They won’t stop until you agree, and they both coil around you when sleeping.
Beelzebub is very protective of you since he knows how monstrous things can be outside the kingdom so whenever he gets worried about you he pulls you by the hips closer to him. Belphegor simply just gets jealous of others talking to you and will rest his chin on your shoulder and stare at whoever is talking to you. 
If you let him, Beelzebub will groom you. Brushing your hair is a favorite of his. He likes playing with it. If you were to return the favor by polishing his scales or even playing with his hair too he gets left in a great mood for the rest of the day. The smile he gets never leaves his face. 
Belphegor when he’s feeling up to it will show you the stars at night. He’ll let you float on him or next to him and gaze at the bright night sky, untouched by light pollution or blocked by trees. Just the sounds of the open ocean and the two of you. Sometimes he’ll end up like an otter and fall asleep while holding your hand so you don’t float away.  
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