#that was the summer harry cried for his dad's protection in his sleep
oxydiane · 2 years
Sirius has had a very shitty life. He's lost count of the days in which he felt like anything would be better than existing in his own skin, but if you were to ask him what the worst day of his life was, it wouldn't have anything to do with him, his imprisonment or his awful family. If you were to ask him the day in which he felt the worst grief in his entire, short and pitiful life, he's sure it would be the summer evening he entered Harry's room at Grimmauld Place without knocking and found him muttering nonsense to the Marauder's Map with his wand in hand, waiting for Prongs to appear and give him a piece of his mind.
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xeulousluv · 3 years
My Girl
A not so long awaited chapter? 
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Pairings: Harry Styles x Reader
Genre: Fluff and angst
Warnings: angst?
Word Count: 6.8k
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The sulking was getting out of hand, it had been nearly a week and there was work that had to be done and a child to raise. You couldn’t just take a break like everyone else when a breakup occurs, though you and Harry were never official, only having shared a single kiss in the depths of the night. It still hurt because you thought that the two of you could have actually been something. It was nothing more than a silly crush.
Cadence had soon forgotten about Harry which you were grateful for, however him being Daniel’s best friend, it would be hard to avoid him forever. You wanted to believe that all would go back to normal after that fateful night but you just couldn’t shut your mind off about him. And it wasn’t like you thought about him every second of every day, it was a casual occurrence here and there but each time you would always think back to, what could have been?
Having Zoey back definitely helped ease your mind, on the days she wouldn’t talk about him. Zoey really saw a future for the two of you and would never fail to remind you.
“What are you doing on the seventh?” Zoey had broken the silence that sat between the two of you. You were sitting at her dining room table, papers filling the empty spaces as she was finally back to work. Her job is very lenient, being an interior designer sure does have its perks. “That’s this Friday, right?”
You nodded your head while thinking about whether or not you had plans, which you don’t but she doesn’t need to know that. “That’s the day we find out about the promotion I told you about. Why do you ask?” You ask in confusion, she knew about promotion day, even though you forgot for a minute. “Danny and I were thinking about having a cookout as an end of the summer type thing, but since that’s the day of the promotion, we will make it your celebratory party.” Her attention was on the papers in front of her but Zoey was Zoey and knew everything about you, all leading back to the stern look you were giving her. To which she just laughed when she looked up at your face and saw that her speculations were in fact correct.
“For starters, summer ends in September, it’s only just the beginning of August. Secondly, we don’t even know if I am getting the promotion. I’m actually pretty sure Brim is currently in the lead, so don’t get your hopes up. And lastly, last time you had a celebratory party for me, it led to me drunkenly crying in the comfort of one of your mothers guest rooms next to my sleeping daughter.” A sigh left your lips and your arms flew to your head.
“You’re getting the promotion, Y/N. You are literally the most reliable person in that office, they would be morons not to give it to you. And as for your birthday, Harry tried to apologize.”
“So you’re suddenly on his side? He made Cady hurt like i’ve never seen before.” You were growing frustrated, cutting Zoey off before she could finish her sentence. She knew what went down the night Cady asked about her father. She knew how excruciatingly hard it was to talk to your crying daughter about why someone she mistakenly thought was her father left her. To this day, you still didn’t understand why she thought Harry was her dad, they had only just met.
“I’m not taking sides! You’re just being naive and protective because you are afraid to get hurt. It’s not about Cady anymore, because we both know that she forgot about that conversation the minute she fell asleep-”
Again cutting her off, you had tears in your eyes but not yet falling. “Well I did! You weren’t there, Zoey. You didn’t see her face. You didn’t hear her cries. You didn’t wipe the tears from her eyes. You. Weren’t. There.” Splitting up the words in anger. Zoey’s face went soft when she saw how distraught this was making you.
“You’re right. I wasn’t there, but I don’t think Cady actually thought Harry was her father, or even cared that he wasn’t there. I think she saw the kids at her daycare being picked up by their father’s and she felt like she was missing something. It was more than Harry leaving, but it took him walking away for Cady to realize what she didn’t have. Y/N, you can’t blame the conversation with Cadence that night on Harry, not when he didn’t have anything to do with it. She wasn’t hurt that he left, per say, but really just upset that she doesn’t have a dad like the rest of her friends.”
“It doesn’t mean that you have failed as a mother. And it doesn’t mean that Harry had hurt her. You just want a reason to be upset at Harry so you don’t have to acknowledge the obvious feelings you have growing for him. I saw you at the wedding, babe. You guys talked for a solid two hours and I swear, I have never seen you laugh so much. Not since Alex, and you are scared that if you let yourself get that close with someone again, the same thing will happen. Tell me I’m wrong and I’ll stop while I'm ahead.”
You never thought that a name could bring you so much rage. So much anger. So much pain.
When you thought about what you and Alex had, you would think about all of the laughter the two of you shared. The silent drives that happened late into the night. The stars would be out and you and Alex would sit in the back of his truck, a blanket laid down for comfort, and you would just stare at the late night sky.
You would think about all of the sweet nothings he would whisper in your ear. They sounded so sincere that you had actually believed him. At that time in your life you were happy. You were so genuinely happy with him that you would have never believed that this was how you would end up in life. Shattered and alone with a two year old daughter who could possibly feel the pain you felt.
At the time you couldn’t think about anything but Alex. But then you think about Cadence now, and you see the way she resembles almost every aspect of him and you just get hit with that anger all over again. You were angry at him for leaving you. You were angry at him for leaving Cadence. And you were angry at yourself for ever loving him in the first place.
“Y/N, you can’t let what happened in the past reflect on how you live your future. You have a right to be scared, but if you let that fear get the best of you, you’re going to continue on with getting hurt. The best advice that my mother ever gave me growing up was that you don’t choose who you fall for, and it will be scary and you might get hurt along the way, but sometimes life throws obstacles your way and you can’t help but go through them to be happy. Tell me, what do you think about when you think of Harry?” She asked softly, her hands collapsing around your own as she moved from the seat across the table to the one next to you. She was staring into your eyes intently, not knowing if you were going to give her an answer. Hell, she didn’t even know if you were processing the things she was saying.
But you were.
“The tree talk.” You almost didn’t hear yourself, that’s how quiet your voice was. You were prone to talking silently when having deep and emotional conversations, Zoey knew that which is why she didn’t question the volume of the voice. More so the context behind your words. “What?”
“You asked what I thought about when thinking about Harry. I think about the time he came over to my house because you sent him over after I called freaking out. We talked about so much that night, but one thing we talked about was the trees.”
“Danny DeVito is an absolute legend, I can’t believe you got to meet him.” You spoke in quite the jealous tone. “I mean, how many people do you know that can direct, produce, narrate, and act all in the same movie?”
“Actually there are a lot of people who can direct and act in the same movie. Mel Gibson. Angelina Jolie. Jackie Chan-” Harry went on naming directors before you finally interrupted.
“Okay smartass, I get it, but all I was doing was making a point. Danny is this world's greatest accomplishment.” You said before grabbing your water bottle off of your side table by your chair. “We didn’t just meet him, Y/N, we recorded a music video with him.” He had said as if it was the most normal thing in the world. It made you spit out the water you had previously had in your mouth, which made Harry belt out in laughter while you choked and gasped for air.
“You worked with him?!” You nearly screamed. His hand was generously patting your back as you slowly gained some of the air you had lost back. “You’re telling me that this whole week we haven’t spoken to each other, you have still yet to look up One Direction? I’m telling you, I don’t know how much more my heart can take.” Harry empathized with a hand over his heart.
“Your heart will be fine. Tell me what he was like. Was he funny? He was funny, wasn’t he. Classic Trashman. How short was he? Obviously I know the calculations but I want to know how it felt to meet him but still tower over him. Tell me everything.” At this point you didn’t even know what you were saying, there was no doubt that you were embarrassing yourself.
“Calm down, Rapunzel, you’re going to give yourself a headache. Or worse, me.”
He joked while slightly pushing your arm. Simply you just rolled your eyes before answering, “Ha ha, so funny Styles. Using my daughter's favorite princess against me.” His eyes formed into a confused frown before he realized what you were talking about. “I wasn’t doing anything more than comparing you to her, you both talk a lot when you’re excited about something. Not to mention you both get excited over the smallest of things, hence Danny DeVito’s height questions. Best of all, you both hold Cadence’s love. I’d say being compared to her is the best compliment you could get.”
“You forgot one thing.”
“Oh yeah, what’s that?” His eyes were challenging you to continue, although you didn’t know if you actually wanted to continue, you knew there was no going back now that you already opened your mouth. “We both have mommy issues, well I guess in her case it’s fake mommy, but still.”
Instead of giving you a disgusted look for joking about such a personal matter, Harry laughed yet again. You were sure that you could listen to his laugh on repeat for the rest of your life if you were given the chance. Slowly you joined in on his laughter until your eyes met each other, that’s when it slowed down. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, not in a sexual way but more in a nervous ‘what am I supposed to do’ way. “So does that make you Flynn Rider? Cady seems to really enjoy your company.”
“Absolutely not, most people say I look like Prince Eric. Zayn’s the one that looks like Flynn, which is weird because his girlfriend actually looks similar to Rapunzel.”
“And Zayn is which one?” You asked almost immediately and embarrassedly. Harry didn’t take it to heart though, instead sticking with a cocky look on his face. “Geez woman, okay I’m giving you homework, when I leave tonight you have to look up One Direction, it’s non-negotiable. Zayn is the one with perfect hair, aside from me of course.” He answers with a flick of his short hair and a soft laugh.
“That’s too bad, we could’ve been this powerful disney couple.” It hadn’t registered in your brain on what you had just said. “You think we’d be a great couple?” And that’s when your eyes widened, when it finally clicked. Your cheeks heated up in even more embarrassment than before.
“No- I mean like, not like a couple -- we were just talking about disney characters and it kind of slipped out-” You tried to make out the words, but the slight stutter was evident as you spoke. Harry wanted you to keep talking, he found it admirable. “Love, I’m just joking with you. You don’t do this a lot, do you?”
“Do what?” You questioned, confusion lacing your facial features. “Talking to people of the opposite sex? Absolutely not, you’re actually the only guy I’ve spoken to besides Daniel. Unless you count countless and drunken hookups, but I’m usually always wasted and they don’t happen that often because of Cadence. Not that they don’t happen, it’s just hard with a two year old- okay Y/N, that’s enough talking for you.” You covered your face with your before laughing out an apology. Harry didn’t seem to mind though, the rambling was cute. Would he have preferred a different topic for you to ramble on about? Yes.
“No, please do continue on with your pointless hookups with drunk and immature boys from a random bar.” You just groaned in annoyance, mentally rolling your eyes. Harry just laughed and grabbed ahold of your wrists to move them away from your face. “‘M just teasin’, love. No need to get all worked up.”
“You actually suck. I hope you enjoy your time in hell.”
“That’s not nice.”
“You’re not nice.
“Am too, you’re just easy to annoy.”
“Am not! You’re just a dick.” The two of you bickered back and forth, you’ve got to say it was quite interesting and a huge relief that he wasn’t disgusted about you talking about sex with other men. “Okay, maybe I am a dick. Or maybe you are just sensitive.” He smirked.
You gasped very audibly but you could care less, “take that back! I am not sensitive.” Harry just laughed and just as soon as the topic started, it ended. In fact, all verbal communication ended all together, leaving you and Harry in a comfortable silence.
You could get used to this, you thought. Having someone else to be comfortable with. In fact, you only hoped that he would stick around.
“How long has it been?” Harry’s voice broke you out of the slight trance you had been stuck in.
“Since you got here-” You went to look at your phone for the time, almost scared of what it would read. You didn’t want him to have to leave, but holy fuck it was one in the morning. Your eyes hesitated to meet his and unsurprisingly to you, Harry was already looking at you. “Since you’ve properly dated someone.”
Oh. Yeah, that is not what you expected. “A little over three years I think. When I found out about Cadence, I was about a month along. Right after I saw the pink lines I took it to my boyfriend, then he left. Transferred to another school and was out of my life in less than a week. Guys don’t usually go for single mothers.” You weren’t upset that no one would date you because of your child, because she was all you needed. Sure, sometimes you wished that you had someone to connect with on an emotional and intimate level, but that didn’t matter as much as Cady does.
Harry didn’t understand the struggles of being a parent, or being a single parent at that. He really felt for you, in more ways than one which confused him. “You’re giving me this weird look, I can see it. A look that says you don’t quite understand, which is fine, I don’t expect you too. Okay, dating is like climbing a tree. You start at the bottom and gradually work your way up to the top. There will be bumps and branches along the way, and you are guaranteed to fall if you are not careful. If you do fall, your initial reaction is to walk away from it. But there will always be that one person that goes back and tries again because they have so much faith in that tree.”
“And somewhere along the way, you’ll find the tree that you will actually make it to the top with. Sometimes it takes climbing multiple different trees to make it to your treetop. It takes finding that one person to make it to the end with, and it’s hard to find that when my biggest branch is Cadence. I love her more than anything in this world, but she is the branch I can’t seem to make it past when looking for a new relationship.” You finished off your little rant. You could see some of the details click in his ever so spinning head. It surprised you to be honest, you have never heard nor thought about a relationship being compared to climbing a tree. But at the end of it all, it made so much sense to you, like something had clicked inside your head as well.
“I just don’t think I'm ready to climb to the top yet. I’m quite terrified of heights, and if I fall I don’t think I will be able to pick myself back up again.”
When you first mentioned the tree conversation to Zoey, she wasn’t expecting it to be as deep as it was when you had explained it. To her, it was probably one of the cutest ways to describe something so complex. She was at a complete loss of words.
“Zoe?” You asked out quietly, awaiting the hum that would leave her lips encouraging you to continue. She was looking down at your intertwined hands that have grown the slightest bit sweaty due to the heat outside. “Yeah?”
“I’m scared that she will hate me because I just had to choose the guy who didn’t want children. I’m scared that she will feel like I’m replacing her by getting into a relationship, I never want her to feel the way I felt growing up. I’m scared of rejection. And yeah, I’m scared of getting hurt. But I’m also scared of Cadence growing too attached to whoever I end up dating and that she will get hurt if it ends as well. My dad walked out on me when I was three, I don’t want her to go through losing someone close to her.”
Your raw honesty shocked Zoey. It was a rare occurrence when you would fully open up, and it never gets easier for her because each time is worse than the last. “You will never know what happens if you don’t ever try. And if you fall? Well then you won’t be alone when picking up the pieces. I think you have to understand that no matter who you are with, Cadence will end up hurting because you know better than I do, growing up without a dad sucks. But having someone there is better than not having anyone at all. Now I’m not saying you should go jump his bones and ask his hand in marriage, I’m simply asking you to talk to him.”
“You don’t have to be with him if you don’t want to. But don’t hate him because Cady had a bad night.” Zoey was right, she was always right. You knew she was and she made very viable points. It wasn’t Harry’s fault that Cady asked about her dad, those questions were meant to come sooner or later, you were just hoping that you would have had more time to come up with a story.
“Aunt Oey! Mommy!” You heard little footsteps running towards the dining room, a smile instantly replacing the frown that had taken over your face. Cady appeared in your view, the skirt to her dress flowing each time he took a step. Her hair was bouncing and she finally made it to you while jumping on your lap. You felt so much comfort just having her in your presence.
“How was daycare, baby? Did you have fun?”
It was then that you noticed the small doll held in her grasp. “Mhm, Uncle Danny took me to get ice cream and then we went to the store. He bought this toy, you see it mommy? Do you see it?” She asked excitedly, the doll being pushed in your face. You laughed. “I do see it, baby. Danny.”
You looked at the man behind you, he held no look of regret. “You have got to stop spoiling my daughter. She is going to grow up and be snobby and greedy.” Cadence climbed out of your lap only to go to Zoey who picked her up with ease. “It’s not spoiling when she asks for it.”
“That is exactly what spoiling means.”
Daniel just shrugged his shoulders with a shit eating grin on his face. He grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge before making his way over to the table where he would give a small kiss to his wife’s temple and Cady’s cheek. Making both girls laugh in admiration. Would it be so bad to have something like that?
“Hey Zoe, do you mind watching Cady for a little while tonight? I have some things to get done at the office if I’m going to get this promotion.” You hated asking people to watch Cady, but it was hard to get what you needed to get done with a toddler running around your office and destroying everything. She hastily nodded, almost as if she knew you were going to ask.
Before you left, you gathered the things you would need and gave Cadence a kiss on her head. Zoey had wished you luck, but Daniel pulled you to the side when you got to the front door.
“Don’t do anything stupid. You can thank me later.” He spoke out while handing you a folded up piece of paper and leaving with a sly wink. You were undeniably confused until you opened it up to see what it was, that’s when you smiled. He had caught on to what you were actually going to do.
So, with the address in hand and your bag in the other, you made your way out to your old car and drove off to the destination after putting it into your google maps. It didn’t take all but ten minutes to arrive at the small condo apartment, which actually surprised you that it was an apartment at all. Sure it was on the fancier side, one that was completely opposite of the one you had, but you would think having as much money as he did, he would live in an actual house.
After finding the apartment that you needed, you softly knocked on the door and waited patiently. When no one answered, you tried knocking again but this time a little louder in hopes that he would hear you. Was he even home? Oh god, what if you came all the way over here just for him to not be home.
Before you had the chance to turn around and start making your way back to your car, the door finally opened. However the man you had expected wasn’t the person standing in front of you with a sheepish smile on her face. Yeah, this was a bad idea.
“Harry is getting dressed, I’m assuming you are here for him, yes?” Her voice was strong, she had long brown hair, and not to mention the fact that she was absolutely stunning. Something you could never compare to. “I -- uhm -- actually it was nothing, could you just tell Harry that I stopped by-”
A body came walking up to the girl, his eyes wide when they landed on the girl standing on his doormat. You looked confused, maybe even a little -- hurt? That’s when it clicked, Harry looked at the other girl that was now standing beside him. “Harry, hi. I just wanted to talk, but I can see that it is probably a bad time for you so I will just go.”
Your words were rushed as you tried to get off of his doorstep just as fast. Except a hand reached over and grabbed your wrist, a smaller hand, a hand that belonged to the girl of the hour. “You’ve got it all wrong, darling. I’m Gemma, Harry’s sister. Just came by to drop off some groceries and was just heading out.” The look on your face as she spoke was almost comical. If you and Harry weren’t on bad terms right now, he would’ve laughed at your possible assumption.
It was easy to assume the worst in people, especially when you don’t know much about them. But come on, Harry and Gemma look alike, how could you have not pieced together the two? “Gemma.” A space was left between your words. “Hi -- hi I’m Y/N, it’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.”
“All good things, I hope? Harry, why didn’t you tell me you had a girlfriend?” Her question made your breath hitch, you could tell it had quite the effect on Harry as well as his face fell and his body froze. “She’s not my girlfriend, and you were just heading out, remember?” He spoke through gritted teeth. He was leaning against the doorframe, his arms were crossed and his hair wet, curling at the ends. No doubt in your mind that he had just gotten out of the shower.
“Right, well then. It was lovely to meet you, I hope we can see each other again sometime.” Her voice was suggestive as she looked over at Harry. “It was lovely to meet you as well, have a safe trip home.” And with that, Gemma walked out into the parking lot where she would start up her car and drive off. The same way you had done when you left Zoey’s house.
A slight grunt is what pulled you out of your daze, almost forgetting where you were. You turned back around towards Harry where he was still leaning on the doorframe, however his face was a little softer than it was before. “What are you doing here, Y/N?”
“Can we talk? I know it’s a little overdue but I need to apologize. For the other night, it wasn’t okay for me to lash out on you. And it certainly wasn’t okay for me to accuse you of hurting Cady. I’m sorry that it took so long to realize that, but can we please talk?”
Harry stared at you for a minute before sighing and moving farther into his apartment, opening his arm for you to follow him in. It was huge on the inside, just the living room was probably half the size of your whole apartment. On the walls hung a few pictures and polaroids of his family and friends, it also looked like there was a polaroid of fans at one of his concerts. Seeing that brought some warmth to your heart before you were brought back to reality.
“How did you know where I lived?”
“Daniel gave me the address. I was going to originally message you and ask if you wanted to meet up but then he gave me a paper that had your address on it. I’m sorry if I’m am overstepping in any way-”
“You’re not. It’s okay, I’m just confused as to why you came all this way to see me when last week you wanted nothing to do with me.” He interrupted you. You were ashamed of your actions, but at the time you really thought you were protecting Cady. “Yeah, I know. I’m sorry. I was drunk and that’s not an excuse. But Harry, please believe me when I say I truly apologize. You don’t have to forgive me, actually it may be best if you don’t because then you wouldn’t have to deal with the mess that makes up my life. But I am hoping that you at least hear me out. Please?”
Harry was sat on his couch and he nodded his head over to the unoccupied cushion where he was silently telling you to sit. To which you obliged. “I’m not really good at this so bare with me. The night we first met I didn’t think about you actually becoming something in my life, I just thought you were going to be this random guy who talked to me because he felt bad for me. And then we got into a fight and you told me that not every guy was looking for something and that confused me. For days I kept thinking about what that could possibly mean. Was it that you weren’t just looking for a quick fuck in the bathroom? Was it that you weren’t looking for a friendship or even a relationship for that matter?”
“I had no clue, but then you showed up on my doorstep, kind of like I did just now. You told me that Zoey sent you over and that night was probably one of the best nights I have had in my life. I don’t know how to explain it to you other than, I felt alive for the first time in such a long time. For as long as I can remember, I have been living for other people. If it wasn’t for my mother, it was for Alex. Then it was for Cady when she came along. But that night, I felt like I actually had a place in my life. A place where I belonged that wasn’t attached to my self absorbed parents, or my daughter. Is that selfish of me? To think that I could live my life apart from Cadence?”
He wasn’t looking at you but you knew he was taking in everything you were saying. “‘S not selfish. You’re human, everyone is allowed to live their own lives. Even while being a parent.” He spoke in a delicate manner, but there was something else to it. Almost as if he wasn’t actually saying everything he wanted to say.
“Right, well anyways like I was saying, you made me feel something I haven’t felt in a very long time. Hell, I don’t even know if I have ever felt like myself if I’m being honest with you. And I remember going to sleep that night after you left on cloud nine. It was something I wanted to feel everyday, but I knew it wasn’t going to happen. Because why would someone as perfect as you, want a girl who’s so -- damaged?”
“I have trust issues. And I have abandonment issues. I tend to pull away when I feel like things are going great, hence the reason I snap on you every time we hang out. I don’t know why I do it, and I apologize for it. The night that Cady came to me asking why you left, I immediately thought that for some reason she had burned into her skull that you were her dad. I froze and I took it out on you without even looking at the bigger picture. She wasn’t implying that you were her father, she was just asking why she didn’t have one because you didn’t answer your phone that night. I went into strict momma bear mode and took all of my frustrations out on you.”
“I think part of it was because I wanted to give you a reason to hate me. I didn’t want you to grow attached in case something bad happened. I didn’t want Cadence to get attached to you in case you decided that we weren’t what you wanted in the world. That we wouldn’t be good enough for the world you live in. And most importantly, I, myself, didn't want to get attached because I’ve gone through a traumatic breakup before. One I didn’t know if I could come back from. I promised myself that I would never put myself in that position ever again. In a sense, I felt like I was protecting all of us.”
You took a break to breathe for a moment, surprisingly there were no tears welling up in your eyes. It’s like opening up to Harry was what you were put on this earth to do. “You don’t have to protect me, Y/N. I’m more than capable of doing that myself, and I see where you’re coming from, I do. I just wish that you wouldn’t focus on the bad outcome all of the time. If you hadn’t, then you would see that I am in this one hundred and ten percent. I have been falling for you since the first time I saw you. Do you remember that?” He asked quietly, his own confessions filling the air.
“Of course I remember it, Harry. I was literally just talking about it-”
Harry interrupted you again, “no, not the wedding. ‘M talking about before that. Zoey threw a Christmas party and you were there. You wore a red dress and little to no make up on. Cady wasn’t there with you, I have no clue where she was but it looked like you were having the best time of your life. I remember the first time we caught eyes with each other. I was at the bar and you were standing with Zoey and one of her friends by the dessert table and you just gave me this beautiful smile. I couldn’t get enough of it. I never worked my way up to talking to you that night.”
“I saw you again in March of this year. You were walking into the daycare with Cady and I was across the street at some random flower cart. At the time I still thought that she was your sister, and I remember thinking she was just the cutest baby I have ever seen. I stayed at the flower cart for a good five minutes just watching you through the window, creepy I know. But I couldn’t help it. You were playing with Cady when you first set her down in the room, probably just letting her warm up to the place before you left. And when you did leave, you left with giving her a quick kiss and dropping her diaper bag off with the person working there. The guy working at the cart had given me a free bouquet of flowers if I promised him to give them to you. However I didn’t even know who you were so I told Zoey to give them to her cute brunette friend with the freckles.”
You had remembered that day because Zoey did in fact give them to you when you stopped by her house. All she told you was that one of Daniel’s friends wanted you to have them. You went home that night and stuck them in a vase full of water, the flowers died a week later. You didn’t know much about flowers because no one had ever gotten you any, but that night you searched it up in attempts to find out what they were. Only to find out that they were popular for weddings; white and light pink dahlias. After that day they had become your new found favorite, always going to the florist to buy more.
“The last time I saw you was at Nick’s Coffee Shop, I was in there having some tea and reading the morning newspaper, as an old man does, and you walked in with a long yellow dress on. Your hair was in a french braid and instead of heels you went for some natural hightops. It was the morning of the wedding, you got an iced coffee to go but before you left, you locked eyes with mine and smiled before walking out. I didn’t know you were going to be at the wedding, I didn’t know when I would be able to see you again. If I would ever see you again. So, I ran to the only person I knew -- Daniel.”
“He was still at the house getting his suit ready when I barged in. I kept talking about how there was this girl, she was the prettiest I had ever seen. I wanted to get to know her but all I knew was that you knew Zoey, so if you knew Zoey then you had to know Daniel, but he didn’t know who I was talking about. That’s the reason he was late, I held him up at his house while we completely lost track of time; talking about you.”
“When I saw you down the aisle with Zoey, I felt a huge rush of relief fly over me. This was my chance to finally ask the pretty girl out, I wasn’t going to give that up. Y/N, I know you think that just because you have a baby that it means no one wants to be with you, but I want you to know that that’s not the case with me. I wouldn’t have fought so hard the other night if I didn’t want you. The reason I didn’t answer the phone was because I was with Danny figuring out a way to apologize to you for ignoring you. I wanted to give you space so you could figure out what you wanted, just because I grew feelings for you doesn’t mean that I would automatically force you to be with me.”
“All I’m asking is that you don’t lead me on to believe that I have a chance when in reality, I might not be what you want. Because it would crush me if I have to give you and Cadence up after already growing so attached. So, take as long as you need to figure out what you want. Okay?”
The words he spoke ricocheted through your mind and you didn’t know how to process it. You had no recollection of ever meeting Harry before the night of the reception, but then again you also weren’t really looking either. But he was, he had sent you flowers without ever knowing your name. He had noticed you when doing the smallest of tasks like dropping your daughter off at daycare. He had taken a keen interest in you and yet after all of this time, he’s still here. After all you have put him through. Harry is still here. He was right in front of you, wrapped up in the complication of your heart, you didn’t need to think about anything.
“I wouldn’t dream of ever leading you on. It’s going to take some time for me to be fully ready, but I don’t want to spend another second thinking about what could be. Let’s just start by getting to know each other and move up from there because I believe that we can be extraordinary together rather than ordinary apart. I’m willing to do this, but we have to go slow. And Harry?”
“I don’t want to bring Cady into this until our intentions are clear, okay? It’s not that I don’t believe you when you say you care for us, I just want to make sure that she doesn’t get hurt if either one of us decides that we aren't what we want.”
Harry gently grabbed your fiddling hands and squeezed them in his own. “We take this however slow, however far you want. I’m here. And I will stand by your wishes because at the end of the day, all that matters are you and her. I will do whatever it takes to make you mine. I will go through extraordinary measures to make you see my commitment to you and to Cadence. If I don’t get to see her for the first few months, even years, so be it. Because I want you, I want all of you, forever, you and me, everyday.”
You were smiling like a complete idiot. The slight emptiness you felt waking up this morning finally filled with the desire you have so desperately been craving for.
“The Notebook, classy.” You said out loud with a small laugh following behind it. Harry laughed along with you, his dimples showing making you go absolutely insane.
“Meredith Grey, even classier.”
And as if you were living in your own little fairytale, Harry moved his hand to stroke your cheek before finally leaning in and pressing his lips to yours for a long awaited second kiss.
This was probably the longest chapter I have taken the time to write. When I said that I didn't know what direction I wanted to take this story in, I wasn't kidding. But now I have the slightest idea and this will probably be one of the last chapters. I hope you are enjoying their journey so far, and the journey for what's yet to come. I've been thinking about writing post-op smaller chapters -- like blurbs I guess -- to show you their lives. I don't know, it's hard to know that this is ending and I don't want to give up Cadence. If you have any requests you would like me to make, I have a link in my description where you can let me know. Thank you for following me in reading My Girl, and I will see you for the final chapter on Monday.
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efyra · 3 years
Bubble Bath • Fred Weasley
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pairing: dad!fred weasley x mom!reader
summary: after an exhausting day at work, fred comes back home to his wonderful family.
word count: 2.6k
warnings: fluff (?); mentions of sex.
author’s note: i had a dream about having kids with fred and this idea came into my mind - so i just had to write it?
like always, i’m sorry for any grammar mistake 🥺
reblogs are always welcome
you can check my other works here
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The first time Fred Weasley thought "bloody hell, this must be the happiest day of my life" - which he could remember - was in a summer of 1985 when Bill and Charlie taught him and George how to play Exploding Snap. The second was when he started his studies at Hogwarts in September 1989. The third was the following year when he and George were accepted into the Gryffindor’s Quidditch team as beaters. The fourth time was on a winter's afternoon in 1993 when he had his first kiss. The fifth was when the dream of opening a joke shop with his twin had become even closer to reality after Harry gave them the Triwizard Tournament prize. The sixth was in a 1995 night when he lost his virginity. The seventh time was the day Weasley's Wizard Wheezes opened at Diagon Alley in 1996. The eighth was in May 1998 with the defeat of Lord Voldemort. The ninth was when he met you on a spring morning in 2001. The tenth time was when you agreed to go on a date with him a few days later. And since then, Fred Weasley had lost the count. 
But he remembered the most special days. 
The day you kissed. The first night you spent together. The lunch his mother prepared at the Burrow so that you could be introduced to the Weasley family. When you finally said "I love you" to each other. That afternoon you agreed to have a picnic, but you didn't check if it would rain and came home soaked. The next morning that Fred woke up sick and you made him some soup. The time you two couldn't sleep then you stayed up all night talking while drinking hot chocolate. When Fred asked you to marry him on the first day of a new year. That summer day in 2004 when you and Fred said "I do" and made a vow to love each other for all eternity. The dinner where you revealed that you were pregnant with your first child together. The day Maeve Weasley was born and your world had changed completely. And since then, Fred Weasley went to sleep every day thinking, "bloody hell, this must be the happiest day of my life." 
He was enchanted with every little moment. 
Fred was thrilled the moment he hold Maeve for the first time and nested her in his arms; he pressed a delicate kiss on her forehead, feeling that newborn baby smell and watching her sleep peacefully, finally realizing that she was his baby - his baby to care for, to protect, to love; his daughter. 
He remembered the first time Maeve opened a toothless smile, that she babbled something in the baby’s language, when she ate solid food when she was six-months-old and ended up with banana puree - made by mommy - all over her face, the way she clapped her hands when she heard Hermione singing muggle’s nursery rhymes, when she took her first steps two weeks after her one-year birthday. Fred was not ashamed to admit that he cried when Maeve first called him "Daddy", that he got emotional every time she lay on his chest and fell asleep there as if it was the most comfortable place in the world, of how he couldn't stop smiling silly while watching her dance "head, shoulders, knees and toes". Since Maeve was born, Fred Weasley thought he couldn't be happier. 
But you got pregnant again; and in 2008, Alexander Weasley was born - better known as "lil’ Alex". 
And Fred was, once again, in heaven. 
Just like happened with Maeve, he was enchanted by his son from the moment he heard that little weeping for the first time; he couldn't help but be amazed to see that the e/c color of your irises were reflected in Alex's eyes, that his nose was very similar to his father's and that he had much more hair than his sister when she was born - and once again, he had fallen in love with that newborn baby smell. 
Fred's heart melted completely when he saw the scene of you in bed holding Alex in your arms while Maeve was sitting next to you, her neck stretching so she could see her little brother more closely; he opened a broad smile with that vision, the vision of his family - his to care for, to protect, to love, his family.
That day, Fred sat next to you on the bed, taking Maeve on his lap and placing his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to his body; he remembered the way you looked at him with a tender smile decorating your face and said: "you and I make beautiful babies," but before he could answer, Maeve exclaimed: "but Alex looks like smashed potato!”.  Fred used his free hand to tickle his daughter briefly, who let out an angelic laugh and squirmed in his arms, saying: "not the tickle monster, Daddy!", he laughed once again, kissing Maeve's fluffy cheek; his heart seemed to barely fit inside his chest of how much love he felt at that moment. Then, your head rested on his shoulder, Fred turned his head to give you a long kiss on the temple; you, in turn, lifted your face towards your husband, sealing your lips in a very short but passionate kiss - passion for the beautiful family you built together, for the life full of joys that awaited you and without forgetting, of course, the overwhelming passion you still felt for each other. 
It wasn't always easy. 
Despite the joys that fatherhood brought in your lives, conciliating raising your children with your jobs and the marital relationship was something that sometimes you failed at. Sometimes you fought for silly reasons, other times for more serious issues, but you never forgot that in the first place you loved each other. 
The worst fight you and Fred had was when the two of you were facing difficulties at work, and without even noticing it, you started to take your frustrations out on each other; you both spent a whole day not talking - just talking about your children - but in the late afternoon, when you and the redhead were distracted with work matters while Maeve and Alex were playing in the middle of the  living room, your daughter shouted cheerfully: "Mom, Dad, look! Alex likes when I dance!", the two of you immediately dropped the papers you were reading and watched the scene before your eyes: Maeve - with 3 years-old - was making extravagant ballet moves and Alex - who had just completed 8 months - was sitting on the fuzzy carpet, applauding his sister with a smile of few teeth decorating his face. At that moment, your eyes met with Fred's, and as if you were having a mental conversation, you two agreed: "No work in this world was more important than this: Maeve dancing ballet while Alex applauded". When the children slept, you had a long talk and made up in the best possible way: in bed. 
And you were fine. Better than just fine; you and Fred were happy with the life you built together. And even if some days weren't so good, the redhead would still sleep thinking that he had lived the happiest day of his life because it was one more day by your side while raising your children together, because it was one more day with his family. 
Today, Fred felt exhausted; he and George stayed until later at the shop because they needed to make an inventory of their products, and even though they had several employees so they didn't need to overload themselves with work, that task was something they didn't trust anyone else to do but each other. 
As soon as he arrived at his home through Floo Network, Fred was surprised that there was nobody in the living room and that no three-years-old girl jumped on his arms saying: "Daddy, Daddy, you're home!", but he heard laughter coming from the upper floor. He took off his shoes and socks, leaving them in the corner, and went upstairs; Fred followed that familiar sound and stopped in front of the bathroom suite you two shared, which was with the door ajar. 
For a moment, he allowed himself to watch the scene: inside of a huge white ceramic bathtub, were his wonderful children and sitting on a stool right next to it while holding Alex - who had already completed one year old - with both hands, you were wearing only a simple t-shirt and cotton shorts, your hair was in a tight bun on the top of your head; you were laughing while looking at Maeve, who was pretending to be a fish and imitating Dory's line in "Finding Nemo" when was speaking whale - you two really thanked Hermione for all the childish entertainment she introduced to you over the years -; the little girl was talking to Alex - who was supposed to be the whale.
"Ah, so you’re there" Fred said with a broad smile on his face; Maeve exclaimed an excited "daddy", splashing drops of water on all directions when she jumped. "I thought I was abandoned" he joked, walking towards the bathtub, and squatting close to where you were. "Hi, baby."
"Hi, love" you answered, smiling sweetly and leaning slightly towards your husband so you can greet him with a peck on the lips. 
Fred also greeted his children, saying tenderly: "Hi, little princess. Hi, little prince"; you two chatted distractedly while watching your children play in the bathtub - Maeve still pretended to be a fish and Alex played with a rubber duck. 
"How was your day?" he asked. 
"Normal" you shrugged. "Nothing new, which is a relief." 
"That's good. And how are our little angels?" 
"They've had dinner, played a lot and now they're taking a bath to go to bed. Did you have dinner?" 
"Yes, I ate something at the shop with George." Fred placed a hand on your knee, squeezing it gently. "I'm sorry for staying..."
"Don't apologize" you interrupted him. Your husband had never helped you to take care of the children; he had never helped you because that was his job too - he wasn’t “helping” you; he was taking care of his kids. Fred never expected compliments or medals for putting his children on bed, for giving them food, for waking up in the middle of the night when they were crying or for changing diapers; he knew that those were his responsibilities as much as they were yours. "I know" you sent him a reassuring smile. Days like this when you and Fred didn't do those things together were very rare - after all, you were partners for life. 
"Thank you" your husband smiled.
"And what about your day? Could you finish the inventory?" you asked. 
He let out a tired sigh, watching Alex chewing on the rubber duck. "Well... yes, but not everything. I still need..." 
"Daddy!" Maeve demanded his attention, interrupting him. "Look what I can do!" she said before immersing her head in the water for a short second before pulling it up again, her hair sticking to her cheeks as she wiped the water off her face. "See?" she opened her eyes and looked at her father, waiting for his answer. 
The redhead didn't take long to react, quickly applauding enthusiastically. "Wow, princess! You truly are a little fish! Did you see her, Mommy?" he looked at you. 
"I did, Daddy!" you smiled. "Our little Maeve already is a big girl!" 
Fred got rid of his jacket and tie, rolled up his sleeves to his elbow and sat on the bathroom floor, standing next to the bathtub as he listened intently to his daughter tell him about her fun day with Grandma Molly and Grandpa Arthur; Maeve said that Uncle Harry and Ginny showed up for a visit, so she played with her cousins all afternoon - she was asleep when you arrived at the Burrow right after work, but Alex was very agitated. 
You both took the opportunity that the little girl was very distracted and started to give your children a bath; you were soaping Alex's body while Fred washed Maeve's hair. He took the handheld shower and used it to rinse the shampoo, being careful to not let the foam fall in her eyes or ear. So, you two changed; now, you washed Maeve's body while Fred poured the baby shampoo on Alex's hair. Your husband stayed on his knees, leaning over the bathtub to hold his son firmly with one arm while using the other to give him a bath; the one-year-old was still very focused on chewing the rubber duck. 
Fred laughed. "You really like this toy, don't you, big boy?" he said to his son, who looked at his direction with his big e/c eyes. "This lil' duck is tasty, isn't it?" he said in a higher pitch and musical tone. Alex pushed the rubber toy away from his mouth just to laugh at his father, bouncing in his arms. "Yeah, you like it," the redhead smiled. "Maybe you can tell Grandpa Arthur what is the function of these rubber ducks, huh?"
You were washing Maeve's armpits when you heard the sound of your son laughing; you looked at that direction and a broad smile appeared on your face as you watched Fred talking to Alex about his toy. Then, your daughter also laughed. 
"Mommy!" she said between laughs. "You're tickling me!" 
"I'm sorry, honey," you said with a smile, pulling the little girl close so you could give her a kiss on the cheek. 
Minutes later, the children were properly dressed in their pajamas and Fred went to take a bath. And the scene he found when he returned to his room was even more adorable than the one in the bathroom: you were with your back against the headboard and, on each arm, you nested Maeve and Alex while singing them a lullaby as they were drinking hot milk from their bottle. 
His daughter was the one who saw him leaning against the door, she demanded that he come to bed with you, and as soon as Fred did, Maeve left her position to lay her head on her father's chest - now you and Fred were lying on the edge of the bed and your children in the middle of you two. 
"Daddy, can you tell us a story?" the little girl asked. 
"I don't know, honey," he said. "Mommy was singing."
"But the song's over, isn't it, Mommy?" your daughter looked at you. 
"Yes, dear" you nodded, opening a little smile. 
"Will you, Daddy? Please?" Maeve made a pout. "Alex also wants you to tell us a story," she looked at her little brother, who was almost asleep on his mother's arms. "Yes, Daddy, tell us a story," she said in a soft tone - as if it was the little boy talking - "see? He wants it too!" 
You both laughed at your daughter's little trick. "Well, Daddy, it seems they want you to tell us a story," you shrugged, still with a smile on your face. 
"How can I deny a request from the three loves of my life, huh?" Fred smiled, squeezing Maeve in his arms and giving her a kiss on the forehead. 
You listened carefully as your husband told the story of two fire-haired brothers who fought against a terrible one-eyed monster and managed to obtain a precious magical item: a map that led them to various adventures around the world. And when the two brothers discovered how to get to the Candy Land, you and Fred noticed that your children were already deeply asleep in your arms. 
You both shared a look and a smile. A passionate look at the love that existed in your family. A proud smile for the life you had together. 
"I love you" your husband whispered at you.
"I love you too" you whispered back. 
And before Fred fell asleep, he thought, "bloody hell, this must be the happiest day of my life."
taglist: @eunoia-kth
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writing-red · 4 years
The Daughter of the Dog | 1
Fred Weasley x SirusBlacksDaughter!Reader
Summary: That fateful night that would wrongfully land him in Azkaban Sirius Black left his three-year-old daughter at the door of her godfather, Remus Lupin. Now as she enters her fifth year at Hogwarts she is a-fronted by her peers and their outward fear of her presence.
Warnings: bullying, cussing, slow burn relationship, bullying, asshole teachers (Snape.)
Word Count: 4.3k
A/N: If y’all like this I’ll continue on with this :)
chapter one, chapter two
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“Remus you can’t make me go to school this year. Everyone there already hates me, and now that dad is all over the Daily Prophet, it’ll all just be worse,” you made your case to your godfather for the hundredth time this summer since your father had broken out of Azkaban.
“Y/n, you have friends who will have your back,” Remus said, he felt terrible, and he knew you were right, but he also knew how important it was for you to be at Hogwarts. “I’ll be there, and Dumbledore and McGonagall will make sure nothing happens.”
“Gryffindor’s aren’t as nice as you think they are,” you retorted. “And I do not have friends, that’s a joke. Everyone despises me, even some of my bloody professors hate me,” you were particularly referencing Snape who’d had it out for you since your name had been called for sorting your first year.
“That’s impossible, of course, you have friends, what about the twins?” he asked, and you ignored him. It was true that you were close with Fred and George, but you felt that virtually everyone other than those two Weasley’s hated you.
“I’m glad you, dad, and Uncle James were just so popular when you went to school, and everyone just bloody loved you, but it isn’t the same for me,” you said, finally deciding you were done with the argument and storming upstairs, you knew that Remus wasn’t going to budge about his decision, but you’d put up as much of a stink as you could, and being that September 1st was only a week away you figured your case had failed.
Remus let you storm out, you were fifteen, and he understood that you were going through a lot. Not only were you a teenager and dealing with all of the joys of puberty, but you were the daughter of an assumed murderer, which couldn’t make school much fun. He could only imagine the ways your peers used that to torment you. He couldn’t forget the minuscule things James and Sirius would agonize Severus Snape over when they had been in school. On top of all that, twelve years ago, your father had left you on Remus’ doorstep with a note on your forehead that read:
‘Peter rated out James and Lily, I’m going to Godrics Hollow, if anything happens, take care of Y/n, she doesn’t have anyone else.’
He was right, your mother had died at the hands of Lucius Malfoy before your first birthday, and her parents had died long ago, Sirius didn’t want you anywhere near his parents, neither Sirius nor your mother had living siblings, and Remus was your only named Godparent. You grew up with both of your parents, and all of your family ripped away from you. You had been left only with good memories of the man the world was trying to tell you was evil and a note you had used as evidence of his innocence.
Despite everything, Remus didn’t mind having you around in the least, you were a carbon copy of your parents, just an absolute firecracker, and he loved you just as much as your parents had. While he anticipated his situation to be a problem it wasn’t, as whenever necessary, Molly Weasley would take you in for however long Remus needed. However, your third year, you took a page out of your father’s book, and while at school, you learned how to become an animagus on your own, so that when you returned home that summer, you were able to stay with your godfather though all of his sessions, and help. Remus found as you grew up that you took care of him as much as he took care of you, he was eternally grateful to have you in his life. Now, with everything going on in your life and all the trauma you had ensued, he couldn’t blame you for lashing out. He just wished he could be of more help.
You didn’t argue with Remus about going to school again, and on August 31st, you begrudgingly packed up your trunk in anticipation of your journey to Hogwarts. You and Remus lived in a house you had inherited from your mother in Burford, West Oxfordshire, it was far enough outside town to be safe for Remus, and it was protected with old magic as it had been in your family for centuries. Being that it’s only over an hour-long drive to London, Remus usually drove you to King’s Cross, but since he was going with you to Hogwarts this year, you both took an early train to London, arriving in perfect time to catch the Hogwarts Express.
When you boarded the train, you split ways with Remus as you were due in the prefect compartment so that you could do your rounds. Prefect duty was another thing you were dreading this year, you were sure that no one would be willing to listen to you considering your situation, and you genuinely had no clue why Professor McGonagall wanted you as a prefect anyways.
During your round, you found that your assumptions were correct, no one would listen to you, and you only found yourself getting angry every time you noticed a copy of the Daily Prophet with your father’s mugshot on the cover. He hadn’t aided in the murder of your Uncle James and Aunt Lily, he hadn’t a reason to, James had been his best friend. Not only that, but nobody knew half the story you and Remus knew, but of course, no one wanted to listen to you, and the only evidence you had was the note he had left on your forehead, which was, of course, deemed unreliable. You were sure Peter was out there somewhere, and you were optimistic that if you could find him, you would be able to clear your father’s name, but you had no clue where you could start.
You past by the compartment Harry, Ron, and Hermione frequented to find your godfather sleeping in the corner, that man did love his naps, although you were curious why they had chosen to sit in a compartment with a sleeping professor in it, but you brushed it off. The three had a knack for making odd decisions that never failed to land them into trouble of some sort.
You continued walking down the corridor, keeping to yourself, not finding anyone to be breaking any severe rules. You had decided that as a prefect, your policy would be that if it wasn’t happening in front of you, you wouldn’t report it. After experiencing Percy Weasley’s tyrannical rain, the last thing you wanted was to subject other students to such tyranny. You remained in your thoughts till you passed by Draco Malfoy’s compartment, where the door was wide open.
“Oi! Black!” You heard Malfoy yell as you approached his compartment. “Surprised, they let you come this year considering your murderer father is loose.”
You elected to ignore him and continue walking, biting back the insults you wanted so badly to throw back.
“Or I guess you’re nothing like your father, more the chicken type like your pathetic moth-”
You swung around, resisting the urge the pull your wand out and land a nasty jinx on the prick, “You’re one to speak Malfoy, considering your father is a cowardly murderer who hides behind money and lies. Now, if you want to lose another twenty points from Slytherin before we even arrive at Hogwarts, I suggest you keep running your mouth,” you said without breaking a sweat, silence from Malfoy and his posse following. “I thought so,” you said before continuing on your round.
You made it to the end of the train and turned around to do your final walkthrough you intended to stop into the section Remus was in and see if he had awoken. As you walked down the corridor, you noted the cold fog that rolled alongside the train, the ride to Hogwarts was rarely this cold. As you approached the compartment door, the train came to a screeching halt, and you were thrown up against the door, startling its occupants. You hurried to your feet and entered as Harry Potter opened the door.
“What’s going on?” Ron Weasley asked. You stood back against the door as the lights in the train flickered out.
“I know just as much as you do,” you said, trying your best to push aside any fear.
From his seat, Harry was giving you a weird look. Meanwhile, Ron pressed himself against the window that had begun frosting.
“Ouch, Ron, that was my foot,” Hermione complained.
Ron ignored his clumsiness, concerned with whatever he saw outside the train, “There’s something moving out there.”
With that, the lights turned on and then off again, the train rocking and ice encapsulating the carriage. No longer trusting your own legs, you rushed to take a seat on the bench Harry and Remus were on, though you kept your distance, still grimly aware of the rumours that had been flying around the train regarding your father. Although, your thoughts were stopped as the train halted again, and your breath turned to ice.
“Bloody hell! What’s happening?” Ron cried.
All of your heads turned to the carriage’s door as a lanky robed creature with a hand like that of a skeleton’s slowly eased opened the door. As it approached, you could feel nothing but true sadness echo through your body and mind. It was a coldness you felt would never leave you. The thing you recognized as a dementor entered, looming off of the ground and ignoring everything but you and Harry. The dementor paused as if unsure of which one of you was worth its time. Discerning what was happening and uncertain of what else to do, you rose to your feet to act as a barrier between Harry and the dementor. As a result of your action, and your misery now clear to the creature, it started to feed off of you. At some point, you saw a blast of bright light, but the second it and the dementor disappeared, your fainted, falling to the floor.
“Y/n, Harry?” you heard Hermione’s voice as your eyes flickered open. “Professor are they going to be alright?”
You rose to a seated position to find yourself lying on the floor, Harry on the bench above you, Ron crunched in his corner, a very concerned Hermione Granger hovering over you, and Remus ready with a bit of chocolate as always.
“Here, eat this, it’ll help,” he said as he offered you and Harry the chocolate which you graciously took.
“What was that thing that came?” Harry asked.
“It was a dementor, one of the guards of Azkaban,” He explained to Harry before looking at you, “It’s gone now,” he assured before turning back to Harry to finish answering his question. “It was searching the train for Sirius Black.”
You swallowed your bite of the chocolate quite loudly, uncomfortable with the information at hand.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to have a little word with the driver,” Remus rose, leaving the chocolate bar with you. “Eat, you’ll feel better.” Remus assured Harry before leaving and heading to the front of the train.
You broke the chocolate bar in half and gave it to Harry, “It does help.”
“Harry fainted just after you did,” Hermione explained. You had quickly noticed before fainting that the dementor didn’t affect Ron or Hermione half as much as it had you and Harry.
“What exactly happened?” Harry asked as he took a bite of the chocolate.
“Well, after Y/n fainted, you went rigid, we thought you were having- well a fit or something,” Ron explained.
“Dementors feed on feelings of depression and despair,” you explained.
“Is that why-”
“You felt like you could never be happy again?” you finished Ron’s thought and nodded. “Exactly.”
“But someone was screaming,” Harry said, the memory alive in his eyes. “A woman.”
“No one was screaming, Harry,” said Hermione.
“I heard screaming too,” you said, looking over at him. A silence settled over the carriage once more, causing the reality of your parentage to come crashing over you yet again. You shakily rose to your feet, not exactly well just yet. “I should be going- prefect, duty- let me know if you need anything else.” And before anyone could protest, you were out of the compartment and walking back down the train corridor.
Before you could very much think about it, you entered Fred and George’s compartment, quite unsure of where else you might have been welcome.
“Y/n!” The twins chimed when you entered.
“Sit,” Fred started
“Yeah,” George said.
“We’ve got a question for you,” they finished together.
“A question, for me? Now, what would that be?” You asked as you squeezed onto the bench in between the two despite the empty one just across from you. Although, you assumed Lee Jordan had been sitting there and was just off to use the loo as his bag was up above that spot.
“We’ll show you, but you’ve got to promise us you won’t show anybody,” George said as he pulled something out of his pocket.
“Anybody,” Fred echoed.
“I won’t show anybody, promise,” You spoke in the same playfully serious tone as the twins while George placed a blank piece of folded parchment onto your lap.
Fred placed the tip of his wand onto the map but caught your eye and held eye contact with you as he said, “I solemnly swear I am up to no good,” winking at you as he finished.
Before you maroon lines and lettering unfurled, curling onto the parchment.
‘The Marauders Map’
A smile found its way onto your face as you realized what was before you. Your eyes lighting up as they followed the script that started to write out names you recognized instantly.
‘Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot & Prongs are proud to present,’
Your smile widened, you knew exactly what this was. Remus had told you plenty of stories of his and your fathers’ school antics, and the Marauders Map was often mentioned.
“Now, Black,” said George.
“That smile seems to say something,” said Fred.
“We’ve got a feeling,” they continued in unison. “That you know who created this masterpiece.”
You looked up at the two of them, your smile not at all lost. “What’s it to you?” you asked. Of course, you knew, but you loved messing around with them.
“Pure curiosity,” Fred smirked.
“Even if I do know who Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs are, why should I tell you two?” You asked.
“Because you looove Fred,” George said, and you shot him a glare that easily could have killed him right where he sat. “Because we’re your favorite people at Hogwarts?” He said, quick to edit his sentence.
“Alright, but I want you to let me in on all of your pranks this year. Think about the benefits of having a prefect on your side,” you said, then smoothly leaning forward to allow the twins to deliberate in peace. They caught on in a matter of seconds.
“She’s not wrong,” started Fred, and he rested back against the seat.
“And she’s quite smart,” continued George, following his twin.
“And she has information we want.”
“And you do love her,” George teased his twin.
“And we can trust her,” Fred added in an attempt to ignore George’s jab at his long-standing crush.
“Alright then,” the twins said in harmony, and you all resumed your previous positions. “Who is it?” They asked you.
“Peter Pettigrew,” you started. “Remus Lupin, James Potter,” they breathed in, obviously not having expected to hear the name of Harry’s dad. “And Sirius Black.” You said, your chest swelling with pride.
“Your dad!” started Fred excitedly
“Was a marauder?” They asked at once, and you nodded.
“Well, that makes you pranking royalty,” George said and mocked a bow.
“I would say it does, now I am excited to be working with you two gentlemen this year.”
“We are honored to be in your presence, oh Queen of the Pranks,” Fred got off of his seat and turned to give you a proper bow, prompting another giggle from you, which you didn’t notice Fred blush bright red.
“Boys we have some work to do,” you said, offering your hand as you had seen Queens do before to Fred. He took your hand and gently placed a kiss on it, this time causing a soft blush to rise to your cheeks.
Your train ride continued to be full of playful banter between the four of you, the boys full of questions about your dad’s time at Hogwarts, and you were excited to answer them as best you could. Although in the end, you couldn’t help but be entirely grateful that Fred and George hadn’t written you off along with the rest of the school, even more thankful that they hadn’t also written off your dad. When you arrived at the school, you shared a carriage with the twins, Lee Jordan, and Angelina Johnson, none of whom seemed bothered by your presence. It appeared for the moment that this year wouldn’t be too bad. You expected to resume your spot on the quidditch team as a chaser along with those before you, and the pranks you had already begun planning with the twins occupied your mind.
“Welcome! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts!” Dumbledore caught the school’s attention as he assumed his place at the post at the top of the hall. “I have a few things to say before we become befuddled by our excellent feast. First, I’m pleased to welcome Professor R. J. Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Good luck, you, Professor.”
At this, the twins turned their eyes from Dumbledore to you, clearly asking if that was the Lupin you had said to be Moony of the Marauders, to which you confirmed with one nod.
“Wicked,” they said in unison, and you winked at them.
“As some of you may know, Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher for many years, has decided to retire in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs. Fortunately, I’m delighted to announce that his place will be taken by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid!”
You, along with few others who knew and appreciated Hagrid, applauded at this news as Hagrid rose from his seat and jovially waved at the school, although he nearly toppled the staff table, sending goblets over the side of the table.
“Finally, on a more disquieting note, at the request of the Ministry of Magic Hogwarts will, until further notice, play host to the Dementors of Azkaban. Now, whilst I’ve been assured until such a time as Sirius Black is captured.”
Whispers filled the Great Hall as you swallowed the nerves that rose in your throat as best you could
“Well we’ve got his daughter right over there. Why don’t we just give ’em her! She’s probably a murderer herself!” You heard a boy from the Slytherin table yell quite violently. His idea was supported by a few cheers from those around him and a girl who was sitting next to him following up.
“Yeah, how are we supposed to know she isn’t scheming to sneak in her murderous father to kill us all!” The girl yelled, and you could only feel yourself sinking into the bench as every Hogwarts student’s eyes were now on you.
“Oi! Pucey, watch it, or I’ll hex your ear off!” George quickly stood and yelled in your defense.
“That! Is quite enough!” Dumbledore boomed. “I will not have Miss Black questioned or judged for her being here. Anyone who wishes to contest this may bring it up directly with me.”
With that, Dumbledore continued on with his speech in particular regard to the presence of the dementors, but his words respecting you did nothing to ease the anxiety boiling in the pit of your stomach. At this point, you were wondering why you hadn’t followed in your mum’s steps and gone to Beauxbatons.
“Are you alright?” Fred asked, noting the color that had drained from your face.
“I’m fine,” you muttered.
Fred could tell you weren’t fine, and why should you be? He could feel the hostile looks coming from every corner of the room, some even coming from the professor’s table. He wanted to help in any way he could, and he knew that the most he could do is have your back for the time being.
When Dumbledore finally called this year’s feast to an end, you rose to your feet as Percy had asked you and Robert Greene, the other fifth year Gryffindor prefect, to walk the first years back to the common room.
You rose to your feet, “Your darling brother has decided I’ll be escorting the first years back to the common room, so I’ll see you back there after?” You honestly did not want to be left alone tonight and was hoping to spend more time with the twins.
“We’ll find a good spot by the fire,” George said, and you smiled at him, grateful.
You left and rounded up the first years, some of whom had no clue who you were and some who were clearly afraid of you and clung to the front of the line where Percy and Robert were. But you brushed it off. It wasn’t half as bad as Pucey calling you a murderer in front of the entire school. The walk didn’t last long, and Percy capitalized the whole thing to flaunt his power over the eleven-year-olds allowing you to remain silent and with your thoughts. You split when you made it to the common room, sure that Percy was so wrapped up in his spiel that he wouldn’t miss you.
“Black!” George wailed. “We’ve missed you dearly.”
“How could you dare to leave us for so long?” Fred cried, and you giggled at their antics, sitting on the couch next to Fred.
“I’m very, incredibly, sorry for the time I have spent away but do know that you were each on my heart and in my thoughts the entire time we were apart,” you joined in, causing Fred to laugh, which brought a shade of pink to your cheeks, recently you found how his laugh made the butterflies in your stomach ruffle their wings.
“Anyone else wanna know why Dumbledore’s let a murderer’s daughter live in our dorm?” you heard Seamus Finnigan say loudly enough for the entire common room to hear. “It makes me feel unsafe I don’t know about you.”
“Yeah if he comes to Hogwarts, this’ll be the first place he comes.”
You sharply rose to your feet and turned to face Finnigan, “Actually you’re right Finnigan, I’ve been in contact with my dad, who has been in Azkaban my entire life, planning to come to a school and kill a bunch of children. I am so so bummed you’ve found out my plan. So everyone keeps an eye open while you’re sleeping. I might just appear over your bed in the middle of the night, ready to murder you.”
As you were speaking, Fred and George stood to defend you. Meanwhile, Seamus’s face fell white with fear at your words.
“Anyways aren’t you meant to be a Gryffindor, Finnigan, aren’t you meant to be brave? Because speaking behind people’s backs is about the most cowardly thing someone can do,” you said, anger rising in you. Although, you did not notice Professor McGonagall enter as you were talking.
“She deserves to be here just as much as the rest of you,” Fred boomed to the now silent common room.
“Good evening, everyone,” McGonagall cut in. “I was planning to come up tonight to ensure that Miss Black was being respected as a peer and as a prefect although that clearly hasn’t happened,” she said, shooting a look at Seamus Finnigan. “As she just said, it is expected that you as Gryffindors conduct yourselves with bravery and with understanding for your peers. Should any of you feel that you do not have to listen to or that you are above Y/n because of her parentage, you can come to me for a detention. I will not permit any intolerance of her presence. Is that understood?”
A few people started slowly nodding, causing the rest of your housemates to nod in understanding of what Professor McGonagall had to say.
“Good, now I will be taking ten points from our house for Mr. Finnigan’s comments,” a groan fell over the room, “You shall also be meeting me for detention in my office tomorrow night at seven. However, ten points to Miss Black and ten points to Mr. Weasley for standing up for oneself and for one’s friends.” With that, Professor McGonagall left, leaving the Gryffindors in silence.
“Go about your nights,” Percy called to the house, and everyone dispersed, although you heard the drama start to circulate, no matter what McGonagall said, you knew that you would never escape the judgement of your peers.
“Merlin, and classes haven’t even started yet,” you huffed as you collapsed back onto the couch next to Fred.
“We’ve got your back, Y/n,” Fred said as he put a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“Promise,” you implored.
“Promise,” he assured.
chapter two
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fishnets-fingers · 3 years
Baby’s First Dirty Diaper
a/n - my second attempt at a Harry fic. I just wanted to write a banter filled dynamic between harry and gemma. is it just me or is teddy styles the cutest name ever for a tiny boy? please tell me how you like it.
Word Count - 1060
Warnings - none. fluff, i guess?
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Harry's POV:
Gemma, Mum, Y/N and I are in stitches after Gemma recalled one of our fishing trips. I still remember that day like yesterday...
I was twelve and, I think, Gemma was fifteen. Dad and Gramps took us fishing one fine day during our summer vacation, at River Sacramento, which is known for their Trout. We went in Dad's Hummer and Gemma was pissed off because Dad made her come fishing with us when she had plans to go to a concert with her friends at Staples.
We reached and put up two tents. Gramps warned us not to leave food containers open as there were raccoons and bears in the forest. We went for a hike and came back at past sunset, a few hours later, only to find six raccoons eating Pringles in our tent. I have never seen my Dad and Gramps that angry with Gemma my entire life. They grounded her and made her sleep outside their tent.
I got up in the middle of the night to pee. Careful not to wake Dad or Gramps I tiptoed outside to find Gemma wide awake with a flashlight in her hands peering into the woods, with her sleeping bag wrapped around her as a shield.
"What are you doing in the middle of the night, Harry?" She whispered to me.
"I'm going to pee. What are you doing, all bright eyed and bushy tailed ,in the middle of the night?" I asked.
“I’m manning the tent, " she says in Alpha mode. A scared whimsy and pretending to be all brave.
"Keep the fort down while I go pee. I think I heard a bear growling faintly." I say pulling her leg.
"Screw you, Harry! I'm right here and I didn't hear anything! Don't lie to me, you little shit!"
“You’re wearing mufflers, and you know I have cat ears, " I say with my best poker face.
“Fine, I'll come with you. You know, so I can protect you... “She adds pretending to be brave.
"Suit yourself," I say and wait for her to put on her shoes.
After I peed, we felt quite adventuresome and we went east following a rattling sound of the leaves. I was prepared to run at all times, so I was pretty alert. And as for Gemma, she stepped onto some Voodoo shit and was freaked the fuck out. Hearing her screech, a small skunk came scurrying out behind from the tree. I ran back to the tent but saw Gemma getting skunked at the corner of my eye and fell down laughing so hard, I cried. On hearing us my Dad and Gramps came rushing to find us, only to see; sorry, to smell Gemma and made her dip into the freezing water in the middle of the night and my Gramps used his entire deodorant on her. I swear she still stinks after all that deodorant. Of course , after we went back home, we were grounded for a month for wandering around the woods at night sans supervision.
"I swear you still stink, today," I say laughing so hard.
"Now I know, you two Styles siblings were up to no good," Y/N says, wiping her eyes.
We hear Teddy starting to cry and making some kind of an uncomfortable noise. "I think he's soiled his diaper, Harry. Are you sure you wanna change him? I can do it." Y/N says.
" I've got this Y/N. You are tired, take rest." I say and pick Teddy up and lay him down on the changing table gently. Nurse Bailey instructed how to change him a while ago.
Following her instructions I remove the tabs on his diaper. Gemma has her phone out and is recording this so she can show my son how bad of a diaper changer I was. I remove his diaper so he is exposed.
" Fuck! " Gemma and I say at the same time.
"What is it?!" Y/N asks, in a state of panic.
" Let me zoom in on this," Gemma says.
" Y/N, his poop is almost black in colour, it looks like tar. I remember reading it in the neonates book. Is this normal, right? "I ask Ana.
" It's normal for babies' first bowel movement to be in black, Harry."
" Gemma get out of my way so I can change him," I playfully shove Gem and her stupid camera back.
"Y/N where are the baby wipes?"
"Under his bassinet," she says pointing to it.
As I reach for it, an arc of my son's piss hit Gemma's camera lens and her face. I fall down on the ground laughing so hard. Y/N and Mum are stunned and laughing at the same time.
"Hahaha.. He's spoken for himself Gem, get out his space!" I say laughing so hard.
"Damn! Baby boy you made pee pee on Auntie Gem ," she says laughing, too.  “Hand me one of the baby wipes, Harry."
She wipes her face with it along with her camera and zooms in again, but now she is safely standing towards Ted's right. I wipe his tiny ass with a baby wipe. Three baby wipes later, I have him diapered up , as snug as a bug in a rug.
I carry him back to his basinet, I notice Mum and Y/N stifling their laugh. " What is it? Spit it out." I say irritated
" You put the diaper wrong, Harry. Your front and back is messed up. " Mum states.
Now I notice what I've done. Gem cracks up and gives me the 'I knew you would mess up, now I have it on video forever ' look. I take him back to the table and change him again. This time properly.
After a while Gem and Mum leave. And within a few minutes Y/N is sound asleep with Ted in her arms. I take Ted from her, she wakes up at this and I coax her back to sleep, and lay Ted down in his bassinet.
"I love you, Harry," she says sleepily.
I simply kiss her soft lips gently and take my shoes off and curl up in the chair in-between Y/N and Ted and turn off the light , waiting for slumber to find me.
You know what they say, SLEEP WHEN THE BABY DOES!
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Fred with a Malfoy reader:
Warnings: Angst, kind of sad, nsfw thoughts, set in a non voldemort world
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You were Draco's older sister
And already the family disappointment.
Do you know why?
Because you're the one Malfoy who isn't Slytherin
You're actually a hufflepuff.
Lucius clearly favors Draco and it gets to you sometimes.
You're very protective over your brother.
You constantly butt heads with Potter
Draco absolutely loathed it when you'd go all big sister on him in public.
There was one day where you had to separate Harry from a fight with Draco and who pulled Harry back but Fred.
Fred walked up to you afterwards saying "Hey. Sorry about Harry."
You chuckled and nodded. "Sorry about my brother. He tends to get on people's nerves."
Fred smiled "Mind if I sit here?" He asked.
You nodded and he sat next to you.
"So you're Draco's sister... And you're a hufflepuff?" He asked.
You sucked in a breath at that sentence, gripping your glass.
Fred noticed that look.
Pure resentment to that phrase.
"Do you enjoy hogwarts?" Fred asked, cutting your attention away.
"... It's my home." You muttered.
"it's that for a lot of people." Fred nodded.
You took a long sip of your drink.
"Why the sudden curiosity?" You asked.
"Well... I actually didn't know Draco had a sister until four hours ago." Fred admitted.
"Really? You didn't realize the Malfoy's had a massive disappointment?" You asked sarcastically.
"Why would they be disappointed?" Fred asked.
You gave him a "really?" Look before motioning to the table he was sitting at and then your robes.
"... They're upset over a factor you had no control over?" Fred asked.
"Pretty much." You said.
"That's rubbish." He scoffed.
"Try telling that to von douchebag-- I mean father." You said making Fred smile.
Fred finding his way to you was quickly becoming a regular thing
He'd usually sit with you at dinner getting to know the little of pieces of you that many people didn't even bother to see
Draco frowned noticing you and Fred
He pulled you aside.
"Y/n, what the hell are you doing!?" Draco asked.
"What do you mean?" You asked.
"Father's already pissed about the house but friends with a Weasley!? Are you out of your mind!?" Draco asked.
"....I don't care." You said.
Yeah so your third year was the year you basically gave up trying to please your father
Draco was honestly anxious about it.
You were his sister. He might not say it but he loves you.
He definitely noticed the nights that you and Lucius would argue and you'd have meltdowns in the hallway.
The thing was: if Draco cried, you, Lucius or Narcissa would come running.
You had only Draco who'd be concerned.
So when you gave up trying to be the perfect daughter Draco feared that Lucius would be pissed.
Which he was when he caught wind of who you spent your time with.
He found out from Arthur that Fred had been spending a lot of time with one of his children.
And Lucius immediately knew who it was.
He came to you pissed.
"What in the hell are you thinking spending time with a Weasley!?"
You did something you never did before.
You actually rolled your eyes.
"You're acting like a child father." You said sharply.
"Excuse me!?" Lucius asked.
"You feud with them, yet you don't actually know them. Just because they have low status doesn't mean they're not worth your time." You snapped.
He threatened to send you to Durmstrang and you actually said "Oh I wish you would because at least I wouldn't be here!"
You went back to school and Draco was keeping very close to you.
He honestly wanted to spend enough time with you if you were really going to go to a different school.
Fred noticed you doing slightly self destructive things and asked Draco what exactly was going on.
Draco told him everything figuring Fred could talk some sense into you.
And Fred did.
He found you sitting in the astronomy tower one day.
"Hey." You said.
He sat across from you
"Hey." Fred said.
"What brings you to me?" You asked making him chuckle.
"I wanted to talk to you." Fred said.
He asked you what was going on.
You danced around the subject but ultimately failed.
"Y/n I know Lucius is mad." Fred said.
You dropped any fragments of a smile and looked away.
You two just sat in silence for a while
"Do you know what it's like to feel so alone even though you're surrounded by people?" You finally asked looking at Fred with this expression that honestly almost broke the boy.
"I feel that every time I have to go home. My own father is ashamed of me because I couldn't keep up with his standards, my mother doesn't even try to know me. My little brother is the one having to check on me when one of my parents gets angry." You said.
"I'm alone and that's terrifying." You whispered with tears falling down your face.
Fred said nothing, hugging you to his chest.
You just held onto him and that was when Fred gained this protective nature over you. 
You stopped the self destructive habits and relaxed a bit on the “Let’s piss off Dad” bit.
Draco eased up a lot on you hanging out with Fred and George now, seeing as Fred obviously provided comfort to you. 
George began to really love having you around, considering you called yourself “THE BRINGER OF CHAOS” But was too terrified to order anything in Hogsmeade because you were socially awkward
“Ah yes, the bringer of chaos seems to have had trouble yet again with her drink order.” George teased.
“Okay, first off: Fuck you. Second off: Ordering is hard okay!?” You said, earning snorts from Fred and George
Fred invited you to come over for the summer
You were determined to go but Lucius basically told you “If you go, the door here is never open to you again.” 
Draco gave you a look that just said “Y/n. Do it.” 
And you did. No hesitation as Lucius basically disowned you. 
So you left, family ring resting on the dining table along with a letter to Draco.
When you showed up to the Burrow the weight of what happened hit you as you walked in.
Fred saw you and hugged you and for some reason that made you breakdown sobbing.
The whole family was naturally concerned.
I mean, you did just show up and start crying.
Fred didn’t even ask what was wrong, he just held you. 
Then he noticed the absence of your family ring. 
“Y/n... Where’s your ring?” He asked. 
“I-I... I-I’ve been disowned.” You finally admitted making Molly exchange a look with Arthur that screamed “This is our kid now”
Fred was PISSED though at Lucius
When you went to bed Fred and George sat at a table with their parents and talked.
“I’m going to kill that man if I ever see him!” Fred snapped. 
“Freddie!” Molly scolded. 
“Oh come on mum, you have to admit, even for this man this is low.” George agreed. 
“I have to side with the boys on this one, there is no excuse to give up on a child.” Arthur nodded. 
“I cannot believe he did this! How can you not love Y/n!? She’s literally one of the sweetest people on the face of the planet.” Fred griped making Molly, Arthur and George all look at Fred
Did he just... Imply that he loved you?
“What?” Fred asked, noticing the looks. 
“Nothing! just... We’ve never seen you so focused on someone.” Arthur said. 
“Just makes me wonder if you like Y/n.” George muttered. 
“Wha-- no!” Fred denied
But that one little comment kept that boy up for days
He didn’t like you. Right?
Although... He did notice the cute little habit of biting your lip when you read
Or the fact that you always tucked your hair behind your ear when you felt someone watching you
Or that beautiful laugh that would make Fred smile every time he heard it
Or the smile that could light up a room
Fuck. Maybe he did like you.
George noticed the sleeplessness that started with Fred
He even commented on it at one point but Fred ignored it.
One night confirmed Fred’s thought on liking you. 
He again, could not sleep. So he sat outside.
You came outside with two mugs filled with hot cocoa.
“Saw you out here and figured you could use this.” You said sitting next to him. 
You looked at the stars with Fred and that was the moment that boy fell and he fell HARD.
The way your eyes just reflected the stars, the way your lips parted 
the way the braid in your hair, pulled it back so your face was visible
The look in your eyes when you looked at Fred
Oh that boy was HOOKED man.
When you went back to Hogwarts you ran into Lucius at the station.
The Weasley children all looked ready to straight up kill Lucius when he looked over at you. 
You expected Draco to ignore you but the second he saw you he hugged you. 
He was taller now. 
God you missed your little brother
The good thing about Hogwarts was: Lucius was no where near you, so you could spend as much time with your little brother as you wanted. 
Draco sat with you guys on the train, telling you basically what happened after you left
You were surprised to hear that Lucius actually couldn’t even look in the direction of your room
You were even more surprised to hear that Narcissa refused to let any house elves remove anything from it either. 
There was a part of you that wanted to return. But then you remembered that empty feeling of when you were there and you pushed it down. 
Draco was now more involved with the Weasleys 
They didn’t mind. 
At least someone in your family was actively showing that they cared about you. 
There were a lot more... Moments popping up with you and Fred though that were making everyone watch you two 
Specifically one where Fred grabbed a book you couldn’t reach and when you turned around you two were close
When I say close I mean you could feel his breath on your cheek close. 
You also had this cute little thing where Fred would steal your books and you’d have to jump on his back for them 
You could crawl up that boy like a God damn spider monkey 
A part of you wanted to climb him in a different way
He’d always make you smile, without fail. 
Sometimes you’d have these little moments where it was honest to God a wonder you two weren’t dating
Like the time that Fred almost had you pinned against a wall, faces centimeters apart as he handed you back your books after taking them
Or the winks he’d give you
Or the fact that he sometimes would just pick you up from behind and make you giggle.
Even Draco was waiting for one of you to FUCKING SAY SOMETHING
That day finally came when George had this funny little game to play
Ever heard of the game “Red light”?
Here’s the rules: You have to basically play the game to make a person feel uncomfortable enough that they say “RED LIGHT” 
Here’s the thing: You’re a spiteful bitch and so is Fred
Everyone else playing would crack.
So when it was just down to you two Fred had to make you uncomfortable
He leaned in, very close to you and kept a hand rested on your knee
Your face had this smirk on it as Fred inched closer to you
That’s when you pulled an uno reverse card on the bastard and kissed his nose, making his eyes go wide. 
Two could play at that game though.
Fred kissed your cheek
You kissed his cheek.
He kissed your nose, something inside you snapped and you yanked that fucker forward by his tie and kissed him. 
Everyone in the room was losing their shit as Fred parted with you.
The look you two gave each other when he parted was “Wait did that actually just happen?”
But to your surprise Fred actually kissed you again making everyone go ballistic 
When the game ended you had no idea if the events that took place were because of Fred actually wanting to kiss you or if it was just to win
Fred was going through the same thing
Finally you two talked after Fred ran into you in the library
You two talked while you were grabbing a few books for class. 
“About the kiss...” Fred finally said.
“What about it?” You asked, trying to hide the nervousness in your voice 
“I... I really meant it when I kissed you Y/n. I like you.” He finally said.
You turned around with wide eyes. 
“You do?” You asked
“How could I not-- Y/n you’re amazing. Truly captivating.” He told you. 
You turned back around to hide the blush on your face.
“I like you too Fred.” You said, a grin appearing on the boy’s face. 
You reached for a book and he picked it up for you, handing it to you.
You slowly turned around, again the boy’s face centimeters away from yours as you looked in his eyes. 
“Oh fuck it.” He muttered, dropping the book and kissing you. 
You ran your fingers through his hair and he swore if you two weren’t at risk of getting caught, chances are you two would’ve done A LOT more than just making out. 
You two dated though, Fred now never being seen without you. 
The group was relieved when you finally did start dating, honestly they were surprised that didn’t happen until AFTER the game
You absolutely loved Fred though, no question about it. 
Draco was glad to finally see you truly happy.
Was he happy you were dating a Weasley? Hell no. but if you were happy, nothing was going to be said about it. 
Summers were honestly a fun time. 
in... multiple ways... *cough* you two totally slept together *cough*
But there was this one specific moment that Fred knew he was going to marry you one day
You were watching the sunset, wearing this yellow sundress
Ginny braided your hair that morning and it rested on your shoulder as you stared at the scenery
Fred was helping his mother with the laundry and he noticed you, smiling
You felt someone watching you so you turned around, a breeze kicking up as you turned
The sun on your face with stray strands of hair and that beautiful smile made Fred melt. 
He just knew “This is my future wife, I dare you to change my fucking mind.”
So graduation was approaching and Fred had already made up his mind, he was marrying you. 
But he wanted to play this right.
So he went to the crowned king of douchebag himself- Lucius Malfoy
He was so official, going as far to set up an appointment with this fucker. 
Lucius, Narcissa, Draco and him sat in his study in complete silence for a LONG time, mostly Fred resisting the urge to absolutely pop off at him
“Why are you here Weasley?” Lucius finally asked
Fred took in a breath. “I want to marry your daughter.” He said.
Draco looked at Fred surprised. 
“What?” Lucius asked. 
“I want to Marry Y/n. I know you hate me, I honestly couldn’t care less about that. But I hope you’ll set aside those emotions because I love your daughter.” Fred finally said. 
Draco looked at Fred and then Lucius. 
“Lucius.” Narcissa said. 
He seemed to be pondering before letting out a LONG sigh
“you have my blessing.” He finally said
“I’m willing to fight you on-- wait really?” Fred gaped
“Yes. While I’m not exactly happy about this, you’ve provided Y/n with a haven. You’ve made her happy. I can’t make up for the time I spent fighting with her but I can try to fix the bond now. Starting with this.” Lucius said making Draco gape. 
“Thank you.” Fred said relieved. 
“When are you proposing?” 
Shit. He hadn’t thought that out yet. 
“... I’m not sure.” Fred admitted. 
“Next week!” Draco said. 
Everyone turned to him
“You graduate next week, I have an idea for you.” Draco said
This kid’s idea was fucking smart too. 
Take you stargazing. Spend quality time with her. And then when it feels right, propose. 
And Fred took that advice to heart
After graduation you went back to the Burrow to find your father, mother and brother waiting
“Father?” You gaped. 
You two had a long overdue conversation. It was emotional and hard. But the words “I’m proud to see the woman you’ve become” Made you nearly break down
Was your relationship with Lucius fixed? Fuck no. You still had this piece of you that wasn’t ready to trust him
But at least now he was trying.
You all celebrated together
You found it strange that Draco and George seemed to know something you didn’t
You shrugged it off though and just spent the time laughing and smiling
When everyone tired themselves out Fred and you went outside looking at the stars
You had his arms wrapped around you staring at the stars with this peaceful smile. 
He let go of you at one point and you rose a brow turning around to see him on one knee
“Oh my god” You gaped
:”Y/n--” “Yes” “Would you do--” “Yes” “The honor of being my wi--” “Yes- sorry” “The honor of being my wife--” “YES”
you tackled him into a hug, kissing his face with a smile 
Everyone heard you make a loud noise outside, Draco and George both smiling because they knew exactly what just happened.
Charlie, Bill and Percy popped in confusing the fuck out of the rest of the family, what the hell was going on?
You finally walked back in and had this MASSIVE smile on your face. 
“I proposed.” Fred said making everyone else stand up.
“I said yes!” You squealed making everyone practically scream. 
lots of crying from Molly 
And Ron
You two got married soon after and the store was finally opened
You, Fred and George ran it together
The shop was always filled with smiles and laughter
Lucius and Narcissa would come over for the holidays
You swore once you saw your father smile.
He denies it even to this day
Draco always writes to his big sister.
He usually pops in too to say hi. 
George takes complete credit for getting you two together
Which... He’s not wrong but damn does he lord it over you two
So when your first son’s middle name was George he might’ve cried
a lot
You absolutely adored the life you made for yourself here
You loved to just stand in the doorway of your home sometimes and just watch Fred with Orion.
Because they were your entire world.
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ezgithechaotic · 4 years
The Parent Trap | Chapter Two; you bring me home
pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
AU: The Parent Trap,  dad!harry
series summary:  Identical twins Benjamin and Edward, separated at birth and each raised by one of their biological parents, later discover each other for the first time at summer camp and make a plan to bring their wayward parents back together.
chapter summary: Y\N and Harry remember home.
author note: I have no idea how many times I’ve listened to Sweet Creature while I was writing this. And 187 notes for the first chapter?!?!? HOW? Thank you all so much for the support.
I’m sorry in advance if I have any fault. English is not my first language. Please leave a comment about what you think, love you.
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Moon was shining, and the sky was clear. The light summer breeze was gently caressing everything it touched. Either the white-painted house or the big garden didn't have any lighting, but the moon shining on the pool was enough to brighten the place. Roses surrounding the garden was nearly visible by the pool. That night was still. Y\N was lying on one of the lounge chairs with a glass of wine. Nate was next to her, lying on another chair. A song they didn't know was playing at the back, but neither of them attempted to change it.
Watching the moon, Y\N couldn't help but think about Harry. She remembered her days on the road with him. She remembered watching the moon silently as everyone slept, dancing under the rain, having secret dinners after concerts. She remembered how happy she had been before the world found out. Despite all the hate and heartbreak, Y\N never regretted being with him. She was young. Too young to be stupid enough give him everything she had. Too young to commit such love. Yet she didn't regret a bit. How could she? Harry was her first love, and she never thought she could love someone as much. She had been ready to spend her whole life with him. Now, the only thing she had was a photo of him, nothing more.
Y\N was used to heartbreak. But sometimes, at nights as quiet as these, thinking about it made it worse. It made her breath hitch at her throat, and her eyes fill with tears. She wondered what he was doing. Was Harry thinking about her, too? She was never going to learn. After everything happened, she would never have the courage to look him in the face and tell him she still loved him despite everything.
The tightness on her chest eased up when she heard the sweet and raspy voice of her son.
"Mom?" Y\N and Nate turned around and saw Edward rubbing his eyes. He had been sleeping for a few hours, but it was clear that something troubled him. She put her glass down and made room for him. "Come and lay with me."
Edward didn't lose any time and paced to her mother. He put his head on Y\N's chest and listened to her steady heartbeat. Y\N gently stroked his hair. "Bad dream?"
Edward nodded, not trusting his voice.
"Would you like to talk about it?" He shook his head slowly. He just wanted to forget about it. "Can you tell me a story?"
The song at the back slowly changed, and she thought she could have a heart attack at any time. It had been a long time since she heard his voice. She felt tears in her eyes, her breath hitching, and tightness on her chest quickly came back. Nate looked at her with concerned eyes. And he whispered. "I can turn it off."
Y\N shook her head. "It's fine." Y\N tried to remember a good story to tell, but all she could think was Harry. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a second. Edward was waiting patiently. "I used to get a lot of nightmares when I was pregnant with you," she said. Edward looked up. He had never heard her mother talking about her pregnancy before.
"Your father," Y\N's voice trembled. Harry's voice was filling the garden. Edward hugged her around the waist. "You don't have to, mom." Even though he was dying to know, Edward knew his mother never liked talking about his father. So, he wasn't going to push her. Y\N sweetly smiled at her son. "It's fine, baby." She whispered. It was more like she was trying to convince herself more than Edward. "I was so used to having someone beside me at nights, so, whenever we fight, I would get nightmares. I wouldn't be able to sleep for the rest of the night. I would toss and turn around, drink tea, but nothing would work.
"But he would come to me, eventually. He would hug his arms around me as you do. I never had to tell him what was wrong. He would always understand. It was hard when we argue. It wasn't often, but when it happened, it would be harsh. We would apologize and forget about it. I guess it was our first fault, ignoring and not talking about our fights.  We would try to cover it up with sweet things. We would hug, and I would rest my head on his chest. And he would sing for me. I would fall asleep to his voice. I always thought he had the voice of an angel. It always felt like home. He always felt like home, like I was so protected nothing could hurt me.  It's funny how far it's now."
"Do you miss him?"
Y\N took a deep breath and smiled. "I do. But I'm not sure if it's him that I miss or the good times."  She closed her eyes and listened to him. She never dared to play and listen to one of his songs. His voice was thicker than she remembered, but it still gave her goosebumps. His words still had the same effect on her. Under the moon, she felt like he was there. Like she could hear the tremble in his voice.
There was a hole inside her, growing more and more every day. Sure she had her family, her friends, a house, and most importantly, her son. But she couldn't ignore the emptiness inside her. She was missing her home. The air she breathed felt so heavy that it was almost crushing her lungs. She was missing the times that Harry was her home.
Nate sat up and saw Edward's thoughtful look. He knew how hard it was for both of them. "Let's take you to bed, Eddy. You need to sleep, or you'll be late to camp tomorrow." Edward nodded his head and kissed Y\N. She smiled as they said good night to each other and watched him walk across the garden.
The moment they left the garden, she broke out a sob. Y\N closed a hand over her mouth so nobody would hear her cries. She was crushing under her feelings. She hadn't thought or talked about Harry for such a long time, yet the thought of him still made her vulnerable. Song slowly changed, but words still lingered at the back of her mind.
Sweet creature, sweet creature.
Wherever I go, you bring me home.
Harry woke up with a pain in his chest. He couldn't remember the dream he saw a minute ago. But the pain made him sure that it was no good. He sat up, holding the corner of the bed and trying to steady his breaths. Harry realized it was still early when he calmed down. The sun was slowly rising, but he figured he wouldn't be able to sleep again.
His girlfriend, Camille, was still sound asleep, not feeling a thing while he got up and made his way to his closet. Harry didn't have bad dreams often, and when he did, he didn't remember them. But the feeling it felt behind stayed with him for days. Whenever Benjamin had nightmares, Harry would have them too. He would knock on his door to wake his father, but Harry would be fully awake by the time he came to his door. The boy reminded him of Y\N. But, when Harry got dressed and peeked through his son's door, he found him peacefully asleep.  So, he couldn't help but wonder if it was Edward this time.
Harry wondered if he slept with Y\Nwhen he had bad dreams, as Benjamin did; if he ever asked his mother to keep the lights up. He wondered if Y\N ever had nightmares; if she was lonely. He knew how much she hated sleeping alone. Did she have someone beside her like him? If she did, did she ever think about Harry, or was she happy with the person beside her?
Was Harry happy with the person beside him?
Harry decided to take a walk when questions filled his mind. And being not able to answer those questions made him bothered. He wanted to grab his phone and reach out to everyone he could just to find out whether she was happy or not. He wanted to buy a plane ticket and fly to her house even though he didn't know where she lived.
When Harry came from his long walk around the neighborhood, everybody was awake, and from the smells that were coming from the kitchen, he figured that Katty was home. He made his way to the kitchen and found Benjamin glaring at Camille with his big green eyes.
"Good morning," Harry said, and Katty smiled at him.
"Good morning, boss."
Both Benjamin and Camille stayed silent as Harry raised an eyebrow and looked at them expectantly. "What happened?"
"I didn't know-"
"Camille is saying that-"
When they started to talk at the same time, Harry raised his one hand to stop them. Harry was a morning person. He liked going on a walk, having full breakfasts, and he generally had a good mood. But not that morning. His day had already started bad, and it was about to get worse.  He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. "Not at the same time, please."
Harry understood Benjamin's behavior. He was a child and wasn't a fan of Camille. But he couldn't figure out why Camille was acting like a child too. Before Camille could say anything, Benjamin started to talk.
"Camille said that you're not taking me to the camp." Harry frowned upon his son's word. "I am taking you to the camp."
"Then why I don't know about this?" Camille asked.
"I told you a week ago that I'm taking Ben to the camp. And while I'm there, I'll take care of a few businesses and come back."
Camille folded her arms on her chest and gave him a look. "How do you know he's going to behave, anyway?"
"Since when you're my mother?" Benjamin was giving her a pointy look, his elbows resting on the table. The whole room went silent for a moment.  She was looking like she could burst at any moment.
"Camille, can I talk to you outside?"
The moment Harry closed the kitchen door, which was opening to the garden, Camille puffed with rage.
"Are you going to let him talk to me like that?"
"You know he doesn't like it when you meddle with these kinds of things."
"Oh, so you think he's right?" Harry took a deep breath. "I'm not saying the way he talks to you is okay, Camille. But you know he's not used to having a female around."
"Katty is always around."
"Katty is her nanny. It's not the same thing."
"We've been dating for months, Harry. He should've got used to it by now."
"You can't wait for him to be understanding towards everything, he's just a child."
"He's ten, Harry. Don't you think he could understand if he wanted to?"
"What are you trying to say, Camille?"
"I'm saying it's not my fault that his mother abandoned him. He doesn't have to be bitter about it."
Harry could feel his blood boiling inside his veins. Camille didn't know everything about Y\N’s and his relationship. But it didn't give her the right to talk about Harry's past relationship that way and make him angry.
"I think you should go." He was angry and didn’t want to break her heart. It had been so late by the time Camille realized what she said. Harry was frustrated. "Haz, I'm sorry-"
"I told you I don't like it when you call me like that."
I don't like it when you call like that because that's what Y\N used to call me.
"Honey, I was just not thinking. Please, let's talk."
"I'll call you when I'm back." Harry wasn't the type to get mad quickly. But when he got angry, the best choice was leaving him alone. Camille understood that, so she left.
Harry's morning really became worse. Now, the only thing he could think was Y\N and Camille's words. Was Benjamin thinking like that too? Was he assuming that his mother abandoned him?
If only, he could tell everything. He wanted to tell him everything about his mother. Tell him that she would never abandon him. Tell him how great she was, how brave she was. Tell him that everything was his fault.
If only he had the courage.
Harry had been trying to run away from the thought of Y\N for a long time. For a moment there, he really thought he managed to forget her. But looking back now, he had never forgotten her. Harry had been hiding from everything for so long it made his heart crush. He gulped and closed his eyes in an attempt not to cry. Every day was becoming harder than before. He couldn't figure out what he felt anymore. The only thing he knew was that he needed a break. He needed a break from thinking.
"Did you guys break up?" Benjamin asked with hope. "You're almost going to make me believe that you care," Harry answered sarcastically.
"She seemed guilty," Katty said, not trying to cover her happiness. They truly despised Camille.
"It's fine." Is it Harry? "I'm going to talk to her when I'm back."
Benjamin wanted his father to be happy. He really did. But there was something about Camille he didn't like and couldn't explain. Although Harry seemed thoughtful at breakfast, Benjamin somehow knew it wasn't about Camille. So, he didn't ask. But when his father kept sulking through the flight and car ride, he couldn't help it. While Harry handed Benjamin his bags, Benjamin gave his father a skeptical look.
"Are you still thinking about Camille?" He asked. "Not that I'm a fan, but I'm sure you guys will be alright."
Harry didn't even think about Camille until Benjamin mentioned her. He smiled. "I'm okay, buddy." He looked up and eyed the big gate. "Don't forget-"
", to behave. I know, dad." Benjamin rolled his eyes. "You told that like million times already."
As Harry hugged his son, he felt warm. "Just being a dad, don't mind me." Benjamin laughed at him while he hugged back. They had never stayed apart for more than a week. So, Harry was concerned. Not being at his side and not being able to protect him was scary.
"Take care, okay? I'll see you in a month." Benjamin waved while he raced to the camp. "Don't miss me so much!"
As Y\N dropped Edward off, she wasn't concerned. She trusted Zayn with her life, and Zayn knew how important Edward was to her. So, he would never talk about the camp without checking if it was safe or not.
"Make some friends, will you?" Edward rolled his eyes as his mother smiled. "Buy me a computer, will you?" Y\N laughed with joy and ruffled her son's hair. She hugged him as long as she could.
"Promise me that you will be careful."
"Mom, can you stop worrying?" Y\N looked at him for a moment and brushed his hair from his face. "Have fun."
Benjamin finally took his bag and walked through the door with a smile. Y\N felt her heart flutter, a warm feeling hugging her and filling her emptiness. It had been a long time she felt that so she never questioned. She only watched his son walking to a new phase.
Neither Harry nor Y\N remembered last time they felt like this. It felt like home. It was strange to feel so safe and sound at such a place, but they didn't look around or observe the people around them. As they stood at the opposite doors of the camp, watching their sons, the only thing they could think was home.
TAGLIST: @yllwtaxi​ @meredithhuntt​​
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How I imagine Rose Granger-Weasley
She grew up playing in WWW
Ron was a stay-at-home Dad with Rose until Hermione fell pregnant with Hugo, and he took on a role at WWW to help with bills (more on this in an old post)
Rose gets on with both of her parents, but she’s definitely a Daddy’s Girl and Hugo is a big Mummy’s boy
Rose and Hugo fall out sometimes like all siblings do, but she’s very protective of him for the most part
She is a very stereotypical big sister and she definitely inherited her mother’s knack for bossiness, ordering Hugo about whenever they played games
But she made the most fun games and Hugo didn’t mind letting her take charge because she was the best at imagining
Of all her cousins, she’s closest with Albus. Maybe because they were the closest in age, they would often get sat together at family events and they became very close, but really she was close with all her cousins
When she’s at Hogwarts, she hangs around mostly with Albus and Scorpius, but (since they’re in a different house) she doesn’t see them all the time. That’s okay with her, though, because she likes to have time to herself, reading and painting
Like Ron says, she takes after her mother
She’s definitely a bright witch so no one’s real surprised initially when the Sorting hat places her in Ravenclaw
“Hermione Granger’s daughter, you know? Just like her mother, I’m sure”
But classes start and her teachers are surprised by her behaviour. They expected her to be just like Hermione, but her behaviour is much more like Ron
In class, she’s often told off for daydreaming and letters were definitely sent home fairly often informing Ron and Hermione that she wasn’t paying attention in class
Instead, more often than not, she would sketch instead of take notes. She was a good little artist
In her first class with McGonagall, she drew a picture of her animagus form in her witch’s hat, and it was confiscated
Sometimes she would enchant the pictures to move, but other times she would prefer to keep them still and admire the world she created trapped in a single moment
When end of year exams came, her teachers were pleasantly shocked she had passed most of her subjects with mostly ‘Exceeds Expectations,’ a couple ‘Acceptables’ and even one ‘Outstanding’ in astronomy after a year of late homework and not paying attention
Around third year, she started feeling more anxious about her academic performance. Her whole life, she was being compared to her mother and now that Hermione was the Minister, the pressure was worse than ever
She felt as though people met her, daughter of Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of her age, and Ron Weasley, also one of the bravest fighters during the war, and they expected something… better
It was an impossible life to live up to
She tried to do better, push herself to get those top marks in subjects. She really tried her hardest in class, asking questions and taking notes, and she stayed up late into the night to get more studying done
Rose stopped drawing, stopped painting, stopped everything that made her happy, including seeing her friends and cousins. There was no time anymore
James was the one who finally wrote to her parents, but apparently he hadn’t been the only one who had noticed
Rose was asked to stay behind after transfiguration with McGonagall. Minnie poured them some tea and offered Rose a biscuit, which she took quite happily
“I’ve noticed a change in your behaviour, Ms Granger-Weasley,” she said. “Apparently I’m not the only one. Professor Longbottom has conveyed similar changes in herbology. It’s almost as if your mother is back in my class.”
Rose smiled, tired from lack of sleep, but pleased. “Thank you!”
“I also noticed a few other differences,” she continued. “For example, I have seen you falling asleep in the Great Hall during meal times, and it’s been a long time since you’ve shown me one of your wonderful pictures.”
“Well, Professor, I’ve been trying a lot harder in all my classes,” Rose said. “There’s time for silly hobbies after I’ve completed my education. I need to be focused like my mum was.”
And then McGonagall went on to tell Rose the importance of not overexerting oneself and the toll it can take on your mental health
“I imagine that it’s not always easy being the child of two famous parents, especially when they achieved so much at a young age, but… you are your own person. Not your mother or father and nor would they want you to be. You are Rose Minerva Granger-Weasley, and you have your own wonderful destiny.”
Rose was stunned. As she left, McGonagall added, “For the record, I have never considered your art a silly hobby,” and Rose noticed her slip something into her desk drawer. The same picture she had confiscated from her two years ago
She really listened to her that day. She was not Hermione or Ron. She was a little bit of both and then some. She was Rose and she had her own path to take
That night, she used a paintbrush for the first time in months and felt herself again
Something occurred to her. She wasn’t the only one who loved art. If they teach it in muggle schools, why could they not have art classes in Hogwarts?
That said, why stop there? What about things like music?
A few days later, she went to see McGonagall again, this time with five pages filled with signatures
“These are the students who think we should have an arts and music programme at Hogwarts. There are so many empty classrooms and the school definitely has the funding.”
McGonagall smiled proudly. “This is quite something you’ve put together, I’ll propose it to the board.”
It took some time, but eventually the board had to agree because so many students were demanding it
Obviously, Hermione and Ron were so proud
Fifth year starts and Rose joins the quidditch team, chaser like her Aunt Ginny
Around this time, she becomes friends with a fourth-year muggleborn witch also new on the team, Darlene
She realises (or, more accurately, let’s herself realise) that she’s got feelings for Darlene
She tries to ignore it, but one day, Darlene kisses her and she can’t ignore it anymore
Over Christmas break, she comes out to her family, and holds her breath
But, of course, they’re all so supportive
Ron is especially eager to meet her new girlfriend, insisting she stay with them for a week over the summer
When Albus and Scorpius come out a year later, she’s the only one who’s shocked
She’s seen them together more than anyone, but somehow was the only one who missed it entirely
Like her Uncle Harry, she can be totally oblivious
(Except this time, even he knew)
When Rose left school, she became an artist… but decided she wanted to explore her Muggle heritage
She stayed with her maternal grandparents for a while, and then started to sell her paintings in muggle art galleries
After Darlene finished Hogwarts, they got a small place together, and saved for several years until they could afford…
Their own café on Diagon Alley. Darlene loved to bake and her cakes quickly became famous, and Rose’s artwork (now painted with magic again) we’re selling more than ever, and other artists were showcasing their work there now, too
They lived above the café in a small flat
It wasn’t until they were in their late 30s that they decided to get married, and it was a small, intimate wedding
(Yes, Ron cried his eyes out)
They never had kids, neither of them wanted to be mothers and were quite happy just being aunties
But they did have a cat. Her name was Minnie
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mfingenius · 5 years
Hey, idk if you’re taking prompts rn, but I was wondering if you could write something where Draco was raised by Sirius, or Sirius and Lupin? Like Narcissa gives baby Draco to Sirius bc she doesn’t want him raised by death eaters (or maybe doesn’t want him raised by an abusive Lucius if it’s a no Voldemort au), and it’s drarry with Draco having a protective dad au? This is def in part inspired by your Weasley!Draco fic that I’m obsessed w rn 😬
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“Draco,” Sirius says.
“No.” Draco says firmly.
“Dad, I swear to Merlin-”
“Leave him alone, Sirius,” Remus laughs from the kitchen, where he’s baking cookies. “When he’s ready to admit it to himself, he will.”
“I don’t need to admit anything to myself!” Draco says, face burning. Sirius is sitting upside down on their couch, grinning brightly at their son. “I don’t like Harry!”
“Yes, you do,” Both of his dads say, Remus much more calmly than Sirius.
“Come on,” Sirius rolls his eyes. “You’ve been moping all summer!”
Draco’s face heats further. 
“I wasn’t moping!” He defends feebly, pulling at the frayed hem of his jumper. He’s wearing soft pajama bottoms and a jumper Harry gifted him when they were twelve. It’s been four years, and it still fits him too big.
“Oh, you were so definitely moping,” Sirius rolls his eyes with a smirk. “You spent hours waiting for his owl-”
“Did not!” Draco exclaims.
“Here, try this.” Remus has come into the living room holding a tray of cookies, and he hands Sirius a small piece and Draco another; he took it up as a way to relax before the full moon when they adopted Draco. He seemed to have a special radar for whenever Remus was in a bad mood, and he cried like mad - which did not help at all - until it got better, leaving him no other option but to find something that made him happy quick.
“It’s good,” Sirius says immediately, mouth full. “More?”
“No,” Remus says, putting the tray on the counter and sitting on the couch next to his husband. “They’re for my students.”
Draco gives his father his best imploring look. “I’m your student.”
Remus throws him an amused, exasperated look. “My summer students.”
He teaches Defense against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts; in the summers, he teaches art and science in kindergarden. Sirius is the coach of the Quidditch Little League year-round, has been for years now, since he opened the kindergarden. He does it in the summer, too, since they have a summer camp.
Draco’s spent the better part of the mornings helping them take care of the kids, since Harry and his parents had gone to a holiday in Rome. The afternoons, he’s been spending at Hermione’s house, and the weekends with his uncle Regulus in his tattoo parlour. 
He’s the best tattoo artist in magical England, and though both of his dads have tattoos of their own, they haven’t given him permission to get one until he’s eighteen. Draco’s anxiously waiting.
“No fair,” Draco pouts. 
Sirius mirrors the pout. “We’re your husband and son, and you don’t want to give us cookies? Cruel, Moony, plain cruel.”
Remus rolls his eyes fondly at their antics, and summons two cookies from the kitchen to give to them, which immediately makes them smirk. “You’re both spoiled.”
Neither Draco nor Sirius bother denying it. 
“Come on,” Remus says. “You need to get ready for tonight or we’re going to be late.”
Sirius hums and stands, making his way to their bedroom; they’re invited to Fleur and Bill Weasley’s engagement party - Draco can’t go because it’s in a bar he can’t get into, since he’s underage - and Draco’s planning to spend the night watching muggle films on their telly. The only reason they have one is because they live in Muggle London - Draco’s never particularly understood why - and, although he can imagine the city to be more boring than magical ones, it’s his home.
Remus follows Sirius down the hall. Draco begins to flip through their film collection, and he’s trying to choose what to watch tonight, when the bell rings.
Draco frowns; he’s not expecting anyone - he’s literally in the oldest clothes he owns - and neither are his dads, that he knows of. It must be Alex, looking for their cat again. They’ve only had the cat for three months, but Draco’s already made friends with Alex because of how often it’s gotten lost.
“I haven’t seen Mrs. Fluffington, Alex,” He calls while he opens the door; insead of staring at Alex’s pale face and lavender hair, he finds himself staring at a deep red shirt.
“I’m not Alex,” He freezes momentarily at the voice, before looking up - and up, and up - and straight into Harry’s handsome face.
He looks him up and down a few times.
“This is fucking ridiculous,” Draco says, irritated.
“Watch your mouth,” Sirius says as he passes by, which make’s Draco’s face twist in embarrassment. He hadn’t thought before speaking.
Harry laughs. 
“It’s not ridiculous,” He says. “It’s normal.”
“It’s not normal to have grown half a meter over the summer!” Draco says. He’s not used to having to strain his neck to look up at Harry; he’s not used to having to look up at Harry at all. He’s always been shorter than Draco is!
“It’s not my fault you haven’t grown at all,” Harry says with a cheeky smirk. Draco’s cheeks heat, and he sticks his tongue out at Harry. “Isn’t that the jumper I got you when we were twelve?”
Draco wrinkles his nose - he’d pleaded Harry wouldn’t remember that the second he’d opened the door - and says, “No.”
“It is,” Sirius says, from inside. “He sleeps in it.”
Draco turns beet red and Harry grins smugly. 
“When did you get back anyway?” Draco asks, dying to change the subject. He moves out of the way, and Harry takes that as the invitation that it is and walks in. “And why didn’t you tell me?”
“This evening,” Harry says. Draco shuts the door behind him while Harry greets Sirius and Remus. “I thought we could have a movie night. My parents are going to Bill’s and Fleur’s party, too.”
“Of course,” Draco swallows.
He wants to go change, but it’s a bit pointless now; plus, it’s not like Harry’s never seen him in his pajamas. They sleep at each other’s regularly, but now… well, Draco hoped that if Harry came back from a month without seeing him and Draco looked dashingly good - he has no idea how he hoped to achieve that, if his entire closet is made up of soft jumpers and muggle jeans, except for his dad’s old leather jacket - maybe he’d magically develop a thing for him, like Draco most definitely has for him.
It is hopeless now; Harry has already realized he’s just the same old Draco.
“Well kids, we’re heading out,” Sirius claps Harry on the back and then kisses Draco’s cheek. Remus does the same. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“There’s nothing you wouldn’t do,” Draco tells him.
He hears Sirius’s laughter even after they close the door.
“So,” He says, awkwardly. 
“How was your summer?” Harry asks, sitting on the couch, cross-legged.
“Fine,” Draco says. “I helped my dads at the Kindergarden. How was yours?”
“Rome was gorgeous,” Harry says. He’s grinning. “I brought you something.”
“Oh?” Draco hopes he doesn’t sound as nervous as he feels. He walks over to the couch and sits across from Harry stiffly.
“Yeah.” Harry says. He searches his pockets, and then hands Draco a small box. “Open it.”
Draco looks wary as he does so, but, when he does, his expression turns to amazement.
“Harry,” He says. “What is this?”
He’s looking up at the cieling, where thousands of tiny stars are shining, some brighter than the others.
“They were selling them in Rome,” Harry says. “Look at that,” he points to a set of specially shiny stars. “That’s Draco. The constellation. I thought you’d like it.”
Draco stares at him, eyes wide.
“If you don’t, I can take it back,” Harry says nervously. “I mean, I can’t, but I can keep it. I didn’t want to - is it too much?”
Draco swallows. “No,” He says. “It’s perfect. I love it.”
I love you.
Harry grins. “Good. What are we watching?”
As he reads film titles out loud, Draco swears to himself he’s going to work up the nerve to tell Harry how he feels about him.
Some day.
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good-rwbyaus · 4 years
Uncle Crow AU - Prologue pt. 1 out of 2. - mod lilac - [ next ] 
Description: A month after Summer’s death, Yang is determined to look for her mother and takes a curious Ruby with her through the reputably safe forests of Patch. Meanwhile, Qrow chooses to check in first with Ozpin instead of visiting the girls first. As a result, a near miss turns into a true disaster. 
But he can make this right. 
He failed to save his teammate. He won’t fail to save her family. 
Characters: Qrow, Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long, Ozpin, Taiyang
Trigger Warning: Suicide
How could such a tiny body lose so much blood? 
He had to stay calm. Not just for Tai but for the two girls he’s carrying with him. 
“Tai. Your daughters are seriously hurt. Ruby especially - she’s hemorrhaging fast. Meet me on the main path to Patch with the medical team. Call Ozpin while you’re at it too. Shit-” The phone that was being held against his mouth fell to the ground, his hands too preoccupied with a red-cloaked bundle that looked far too pale and felt too cold to catch it. Blood dripped from her body impossibly so, more blood lost than even an adult could hold. 
Despite all that, she’s still alive. Heart still beating. But for how much longer with that deep wound in her back, he’s not sure. The normally bubbly five year-old was still like stone, her pained motions having stilled after lapsing into unconsciousness. His older niece, on the other hand, was hanging tightly against his neck as he dashed through the forest, ignoring everything but the road he needed to find. 
"I’msorry.I’msorry.I’msorry,” Yang mumbled into his back, the hot tears running down onto his back. Probably apologizing about the phone among other things, since she’s been like that since he got to them. The phone was his mistake; he should’ve expected her to drop it. She practically shook with every breath and word she took. She’s hurt. She’s in shock. More importantly, she knew her sister wasn’t in a good way. Even someone as dense as Ironwood could tell. 
“Yang, don’t worry about it. You did great. Better than anyone could expect of you. Your dad's gonna bring the cavalry now. Ruby’ll be okay. Don’t worry. She’ll be okay,” Qrow comforted softly as he passed by a familiar trail marker used by Signal Academy. “Just keep hanging in there. We’ll make it, okay? Everything will be alright.”
He needed Yang as calm as she could be too. She’s already broke a few ribs, luckily stable at first glance, but one wrong jostle... No, don’t think about it, Qrow. He just needed to be fast. And careful. But fast. 
The wind tossed Qrow’s messy hair, the sweat on his brow completely unrelated to fatigue. Ruby’s only hope now is if he took her to Patch straight away. If he returned home to grab a motorcycle, it might already be too late. He couldn’t leave behind Yang either; after all, a Grimm somehow appeared this close inland. Damn it. If Tai couldn’t meet him halfway...
No. Tai’ll be there. Tai will carry Atlas on his back if his daughters needed him to. It’s all on him to get both of his nieces to where he is. Ruby has to live. Taiyang’s family’s already suffered so much. First, because of his sister....and now with Summer’s death. He won’t let his friend and his nieces suffer anymore. He’ll make sure they won’t lose each other. 
“Ruby. Stay with me. Alright?” he whispered.  
A flickering petal distracted him from his thoughts, red like the blood that dripped from her body. A semblance. At any other occasion, he would’ve broken out the beer with Tai - a Semblance was a joyous occasion for a Hunter family. But now he couldn’t help but think that if this had been the only way Ruby could unlock her aura, he’d rather her not unlock it all. 
However, at this moment, he was still grateful. The mystery of how she could lose so much blood without dying was solved. Her Aura was pushing her body to produce more blood than was typically possible - enough to fill an adult body or two even.
But everything has its cost. Her eyes glanced at her thin limbs, looking a bit more listless and shriveled than before. The ramped production was chewing up her muscles for resources, but...as long as she lived though, though it’d be difficult, she’ll recover her mobility - she’ll be able to do what other kids did. It’ll just take time and effort. 
He felt the grip around his neck loosen.  
“Both of you. Yang, come on. Stay with me now,” Qrow repeated, acting a lot more confident than he felt. He felt the girl’s grip tighten again. His surroundings blurred as he dashed through the forest, ignoring the branches whipping across his face and arms. 
Damn it! He should’ve checked in with Ozpin later. He should’ve headed over to the house first. Maybe he could’ve stopped th-
He shook his head slightly, causing the blonde holding onto him to grip him tighter. Regret’s not going to help Ruby right now. He had to keep running while staunching the bleeding wound in Ruby’s back, all the while not jostling either child. That’s all he knew and could do. It had to be enough.
The greenery that surrounded him turned into a vast clearing, the central road leading to Patch now in full view. Qrow’s eyes caught a precession of vehicles far in the distance along with a familiar mop of blond hair.
“Tai! Over here!”  
A steady beep filled the air, the heartbeat monitor in Yang’s room being the only noise present after Yang cried herself to sleep. The sharp scent of cleaning materials made him scrunch his nose. Minutes passed in silence as the only two adults in the room tried to find something to say. 
“So you really did tell the kid the truth about Raven,” Qrow sighed, breaking the quiet. He watched as Taiyang tenderly ran a hand through her sleeping daughter’s hair. Unlike how she was minutes before, Yang was now sleeping quietly in the hospital bed, face streaked with tears but breathing evenly and softly.
The girl’s explanation about how everything came to was heartbreaking. She spoke of how Ruby wanted to come along with her, the younger girl thinking she was going to play, when in reality she was really going to ask people about her birth mom. So she tried to sneak to Signal Academy through the normally peaceful Patch forest. Only to be met with a Beowulf which struck her and shattered her ribs. Ruby, not knowing any better, ran forward to protect her sister...
That was when he found them. A blond-haired girl yelling for help while tossing rocks and desperately cheating death, luring the Grimm away from her already mortally-wounded sister. 
Yang thanked him for saving them while simultaneously begging him to make sure his sister was alright - never recognizing that he was the man she called uncle when she was but a toddler. He didn’t want to lie, but who told the cruel truth to a child who was probably holding so much guilt in her. A child who didn’t care about what happened to her - several broken ribs and a broken fibula - but only having sincere, desperate concern about her younger sister. 
They were good kids. Not like him who was a good-for-nothing. A failure of an uncle. Never could give his nieces the attention they deserved. Mostly because if they’d gotten truly attached, they’d want him to stick around. And if that happened, bad things would befall them. 
They always did. Maybe it already even happened. 
His head shook as he saw Taiyanng’s contorted face, who looked like he took a claw to the gut. Shit. Despite his gruff looks, Taiyang’s always been the most sensitive of STRQ. He cared too much about too many things. 
“Ugh. Tai. I didn’t mean it like that,” Qrow slapped his friend’s shoulder and then gripped him tightly, “You couldn’t have known something like that would happen. The forests of Patch are supposed to be safe. It was a freak acci-”
“A freak accident that nearly killed both my girls, Qrow!” Taiyang rose his hand to bash the table and stopped himself, watching his daughter sleeping uneasily, face contorted in fear and pain. A rough palm rubbed against the girl’s forehead, the tightness in her brow loosening from the touch.
“And there was nothing you could’ve done different, Tai.” he spoke softly, “Look they have Ruby in the operating room right now. Ozpin’s supervising. The best of Vale are attending to her right now.” 
“No alarm bells are going off. No yells of code Blue,” Qrow patted Taiyang’s shoulder, “That can only be a good thing, righ-”
The doors to their room slid open. A harried-looking, young man walked in with white coat and all, slightly crouched over in humility. An apologetic look was on the man’s face. All bad signs. 
“Are you Ms. Rose’s family?”
"Yeah, is she alright? Is my little girl alright?” questioned the anxious blond, caught in a pose between trying to respectfully stand while crouching to comfort his sleeping daughter. 
The doctor lowered his head and then looked up. 
“I’m sorry. I have bad news.”
[ next ]
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justreadingfics · 5 years
Looking For a Heartbeat (ch. 22/26)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader
Series Summary: You and Bucky used to be in a relationship. Feelings were hurt, you left.  It’s been two years and you’re back. You both will handle the reunion well, won’t you?
Word Count: 5,2K
Warnings for this chapter: fluff, cute kids, dad!bucky. 
A/N:  Thank you @suz-123 for being so amazing. I’m sorry for taking so  long to write this one.  For some reason it  was one of the hardest chapters for me. Ooo, I finally  have chapter count and I’ll most likely end it at the 26th.Links are messing up posts, you can find the masterlist link on my description.
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 *I’m going to add all the amazing stuff some people has made for this story on  the  masterlist link.(I should add that my Reader character has no specific physical characteristics, this is just one of the possible representations) this beautiful moodboard  was  made by @buckybarnesbeans​   thank you babe, I loved it. 
By the way, if you somehow feel inspired by my story and want to make a little something out of it, just know you’ll turn me into a very happy writer ;)
 “She’s all wrinkled.”
“Oh, man!”
“It’s ok,” You chuckle when Harry lets the frustrated whisper out at Luna’s comment, one of the two children in his arms, careful not to wake the peacefully sleeping baby in the crib, “She does look a little wrinkled now, Luna. She came out of my belly just a couple of days ago.” You continue and laugh at the grimace the little girl gives at the information.
“I think she’s cute,” Jon whispers just like his father, gaining a smile from him.
“Thank you, Jon,” You reach and fumble with his hair, “She’ll look cuter in time, I promise, Luna,” You add, amused by the kid’s blatant disappointment at the newborn looks.
Summer ended up not having to stay in intensive care, like most premature babies. The first tests had shown the serum has made her healthier than most babies, but so far that’s it. Doctor Nadine explained that, whether it would make her strong like her dad or bring her any other super characteristic or not, only time would tell.
The first couple of days after you brought Summer home have been extremely busy, with a bustle of people coming and going, everyone wanting to take a little peek at the youngest habitant of the tower, showering her with all kinds of presents from this world and others. You don’t mind it, in fact, you love it, this just means how cared for Summer is by so many of your friends… your family. Besides, it’s certainly fun to watch Steve, the massive and respectful Captain America, bursting into ugly crying every time he gets a chance to hold Summer.
Bucky likes the crowd, too. He’s always eager to show off his daughter, bragging about how healthy and big she was when she was born, how quiet she is, how well she sleeps, how cute her little cry is -which it’s not-, but you let him say whatever. Watching how big his love for your baby is will always be one of the most special things you’ve ever seen…
He’s been staying at the tower, in his old bedroom, and hardly ever leaves yours and Summer’s side. Just now, like an hour or so before Harry arrived with the kids, Bucky only left to go grab some clean clothes from his apartment. You suspect he’s staying a little longer…
“We brought presents,” Luna announces, lifting a little box to the air, after her dad puts her and her twin on the floor.
“Shhh, Luna, the baby is sleeping,” Jon places a finger over his mouth, holding another similar box in his other hand.
“It’s ok.  Summer sleeps like a rock, thank God,” You give Harry a sigh of relief, who chuckles, before you turn back to the little ones, “Ooo, presents, she loves presents, can I see them?” You crouch, reaching out for the boxes, which they both hand you, bouncing on their legs and giggling.
“They chose them themselves,” Harry says, proudly, sitting on the fluffy carpet, following you and the kids.
They both help you unwrap the boxes, and you find two little figures with big bouncy heads. You know what they are. Funko Pops. They’ve made a few of the Avengers before, including one from you.  
“This is Luna Lovegood.”  Luna announces as you stare questioningly at the little figures. She leans over and points to the female one. A blond little girl with big and weird colored glasses.
“This is Jon Snow.” Her brother, points to the male one, all in black and holding up a sword.
You shoot an entertained look at Harry, who only cringes and try to hide into himself.
“Oh, wow, Luna and Jon. It’s you guys?” You ask, already knowing the answer.
“Hum-hum,” They both nod, “And we’ll protect Summer when she cries.” Luna adds.
“Oh,” Your heart melts as you smile and your eyes can’t help but water at the sweetness of their intent, “That’s amazing. Thank you so much.” You bring the little Funkos to your chest, “Summer will love them and I’m so glad she has you guys to protect her. I’ll put them on the shelf right next to her crib, alright?”
They seem pleased with the information as they lift up their chin and smile widely. After giving each a kiss on the cheek and add Harry as a receiver of the thankful gesture, you get up to place the little images on the shelves with Summer’s many stuffies her dad bought her. Not to mention the human size one Tony gave her and now occupies a great deal of the room.
“Mr. Bucky!”
You hear them both shouting in unison and look over your shoulder just in time to watch the two little kids running and throwing themselves at Bucky, who promptly catches them by the  door.
“Ugh, hey, hey,” He adjusts them on each arm, grinning, “How are you guys doing?”
“We’re fine, your little baby is sleeping,” Luna informs quickly, swinging her legs and playing with a lock of his hair absentmindedly.
“She’s cute,” Jon adds from the other arm making Bucky’s smile grow even bigger.
“She is, isn’t she, pal?”
“She’s a little too wrinkled now, but Y/N says she’ll get cuter soon, we brought her presents, look, there’s a huge bear over there, bigger than you, Mr. Bucky,” Luna utters quickly and effusively, with her usual and childish honesty.
Bucky laughs a full belly laugh, before placing them back on the floor. He smiles at you before turning to Harry, who’s now standing up, trying to find some place on his clothes to shove his hands into.
“Hey, man,” Bucky clears his throat and his smile drops a bit when he reaches his hand for Harry to shake.
“Hey, ahm, Summer is beautiful, congratulations,” Harry says, accepting his handshake.
The smile tugs at Bucky’s lips again at the mention of Summer, and after thanking him and letting go of Harry’s hand, he walks towards the crib to watch her sleeping.
You sigh, grabbing a couple of stuffies to show the kids… You noticed how tense Bucky got at the sight of Harry …You hate that.
“Oh, well, well, if it ain’t the Super Spy twins I see? I should take cover.”
“Auntie Nat,” Another burst of happy squeals fills up the room and you’re thankful Summer really seems to be a pretty heavy sleeper so far.
The twins rush to go give Nat a hug. You can’t help but beam at the scene. Nat has told you she and Harry had took the kids on a couple of dates -  without actually telling them about the true nature of their relationship and by the “auntie” before “Nat” and the excitement on their little faces as she crouches to receive their hug, the dates were a success. You couldn’t be happier for your friend.
Glancing over Harry,  you spot the stupid and infatuated look you have ever seen someone put on as his gaze is stuck on the three of them. When his eyes flicker and meet yours, he instantly  straightens up, clearing his throat and blushing harder than when he met Steve.
You chuckle quietly, but doesn’t say or let out any sign of the fact you know exactly the cause of the dumb look on his face.  If they want it that way, you respect that. All this while Bucky remains oblivious to the scene, completely enamored of the little figure on the crib, just staring at her, like he’s done a lot the last few days.
“Hey, Nat,” you greet, with a smirk adorning your face as you saunter over  her, raising a suggestive eyebrow before you hand the little stuffies to Luna and Jon.
“Ahhh, so cute,” Luna yelps and she and Jon entertain themselves with the little bears.
“Hey, hot mama,” She greets back, kissing your cheek, “Hey, there,” She says in her huskiest voice and nods at Harry, taking a not so subtle bite on her lip as she shamelessly gives him a once over.
“H-hi, hey,” He stutters, adjusting his glasses. He doesn’t even dare to look at your direction. How haven’t you noticed those two before?     
“Where’s my girl?” Natasha turns back to you - as if she hasn’t just almost murdered Harry – and puts emphasis on girl. After Summer was born and the secrecy was over, Nat was the absolutely cheeriest in finding out Summer was a girl. I knew it, not a traitor. You believe these were the exact first words she said to the baby with happy tears in her eyes, “Is our little sun, asleep?” She asks, already moving over to the crib.  
In line with her question, the cry Bucky insists on calling “sweet” fills up the room.
“There she is,” you laugh and everyone’s attention turn to the little baby already in Bucky’s arms.
You walk over him as he rocks her and simultaneously checks her diaper, “Ooo, a pretty girl needs a change,” he announces, “Hey, Nat,” He smiles, “It’s ok, it’s my turn,” He addresses to you when you reach to take her, and, as he strikes a baby talk with Summer, he already places her on the changer. You notice he ends up touching her with his metal arm – the gentlest of touches- which makes you feel relieved and proud at the same time.    
“Oh, ok. I think it’s time to feed her again, too. I’ll do it after you’re done.” You say.   
As he starts the process of changing Summer, with the most tender moves you’ve ever seen, Nat stands beside him, caressing her face with the back of her finger and quietly singing a Russian lullaby to soothe her exasperated crying. Your heart turns into a puddle at the scene of two of the deadliest assassins in the world at the complete mercy of the little baby.
“Ahm, we should go, kids.” Harry calls from behind you, enticing effusive lament sounds from the little ones, who’ve been playing with the stuffies.
“Oh no, you don’t have to,” You try to argue as you turn back to them. 
Summer has now eased down her crying, allowing Auntie Nat to the rescue, “Why don’t we go grab some ice cream, huh guys?” She claps her hand, bending over.
Two little faces light up at the proposal, “I want three scoops.” Luna shouts, dropping the stuffie to the floor as her little feet bolts towards a grinning Nat. 
“I want four.” Jon quickly follows her sister and, just  like her, grabs Nat’s hand before they both start pulling her towards the door. 
“Five…” You hear the little girl’s voice, as they’re already out of the room.
When Harry turns to you he’s not even trying to hide the shit-eating smile on his lips anymore. He shrugs before you tell your goodbyes.
Becoming a mother is truly an interesting process, to say the least,  you understand it more and more, as the months go by with Summer by your side. While one moment it feels like you’ve been awakened for too long, the hours of feeding are endless and you miss missions and it’s like you’ll never adjust to your new routine; at others, you’re crying because your baby is growing too fast, you’re afraid to screw her up and you don’t want to do anything but hold her close to you and never let go.
You love your kid with all your heart and more than anything, but you’re still trying to figure out how to be a mother most of the time- earning you a  lot of long ass sessions with Heloise. While every so often you struggle with your new life, Bucky, as it turns out, is a natural. It’s like he was born to be a father. He does everything with you: he gives her baths, he rocks her to sleep, changes diapers, tells stories she, despite being too young to actually understand them, pays focused attention on... Little by little, his fear of touching her with his metal arm has vanished and it’s like he doesn’t even remember he has it. As a matter of fact, it turns out to be a very useful tool to cool down Summer when the heat is too strong.
One night, while you three struggle with infant cramps and he calms her down by waddling her snugly in a blanket, rubbing soft circles on her back, he tells you he’s been remembering of how he used to take care of his younger sisters and that’s why it seems so much easier with Summer now.
Around the second month after her birth he still hasn’t gone back to his apartment and that’s when the following scene takes place, while you’re feeding Summer on the couch in your living room and he’s right there by your side, dreamily caressing her chubby cheeks -  a habit that often distracts the baby and makes her stop sucking and prolonging the time you spend feeding her, but you would never tell him that. A particularly loud sigh from him catches your attention, making you shift your gaze from your daughter, peacefully dozing in your arms, to him.
“Are you ok?” You asked softly as your eyebrows draw together.
His gaze snaps to you for a second before it drops back to Summer, “Yeah, it’s just… I have to come back to my apartment and… it hurts…” He sighs, “Just the idea of staying away from her… it physically pains me.”
“Oh,” it slips from your mouth, before you look back to her. You imagine what it would feel if you had to stay apart from her… No. Not happening, “Why do you have to go?” You ask.
Hopeful eyes bore into yours, “You wouldn’t mind? I mean…”
His hesitation makes you scoff, “Why would I? This is your home.” You say, shrugging and nodding at Summer, making clear what you mean by “home.”
At the very next day, Bucky moves back to the Tower. But, instead of occupying his old room, he accepts your offer to stay  in a spare bedroom in the apartment Tony made for you. Three floors apart would be too far away from Summer, after all…
On the days after his moving, it doesn’t slip from your attention that, after you ask Friday to wake you up again if he had nightmares – like you did what if feels like ages ago- not even once she ends up having to do it, since, while he’s not taking care of Summer, he sleeps peacefully and deeply…
When Summer is six months old you decide to go back to missions. You start with small and quick ones that don’t require you to leave the city. Staying away from her those few moments is a sweet pain, but one you know it’ll be good for you. And for her, honestly.
Bucky decides to wait a little longer, which you’re glad for. You’re not sure how you feel about a nanny or daycare yet. Bucky’s safe and you’re very fond of safe when it comes to your baby daughter.
One of his favorite things in the world is to dress up Summer. While you usually go for the most practical pieces of clothing you find, he likes to adorn her hair with big bows, ribbons, tiaras, cute hats matching the most adorable dresses, buying her new ones almost on a daily basis. All of it very comfortable and harmless for her, of course.
She’s nine months old when Tony pulls up a small party to celebrate Pepper’s birthday. If it were up to him, he would definitely go big at the celebration, but Pepper said she preferred something small and he respected it. Well, at least as far as Tony Stark’s concept of “small” would go.  He uses the pool area for the party, inviting the Avengers, a few agents from fellow organizations and a small group of friends.  
This is Summer’s first real party and she looks absolutely endearing in Bucky’s arms when you three walk into the place. He’s chosen a red dress with white polka dots for her. There’s a white bowknot on the waist matching a big ribbon of the same color on her head and white little party shoes. She’s swaying her legs back and forth, as one arm rests lazily around her dad’s neck and she shifts her gaze from him to all the people who stop by to tell her what a beautiful baby she is.
Each day she looks more and more like you, but some traces are all her father’s, like her big blue eyes. But what really fills your heart with love and pride is that Summer is growing into a pretty sociable and charming kid. Everyone around her at the party gains a huge smile as a response and, if the praise really pleases her, she lets out a giggle and puts up a funny scrunched up face you’ve taught her to do. The cutest.
“Auntie Nat… Auntie Nat…” Natasha repeats in a baby voice, playing with Summer’s little hand.
“Cool down, Natasha, she’s nine months old.” Sam rolls his eyes beside her, before shaking his head at you.  
“This girl is a prodigy. And, you don’t get to say anything, it’s already enough her first smile was to you.” Nat grimaces at him.
“She loves Uncle Sam, don’t you, pretty girl? Don’t you?” Sam also uses his baby voice, brushing his finger on Summer’s nose, pulling out a giggle from the happy baby and a snarl from Nat.   
Her first smile was indeed aimed to Sam while he made a weird dance for her. Bucky was absolutely devastated. At least he turned out being the second person to make her smile, by imitating exactly what Sam was doing. However, for Steve’s dismay and many of the others, her undeniably favorite uncle is Thor with all the lightning magic he pulls for her, even if he doesn’t show up as much as the others. She loves all her uncles and aunties, though, dearly, which she should for being so spoiled by all of them.
“Come on, stop it. She loves all of you, guys…” You intercede. You can’t resist and pop a loud kiss on your daughter’s soft and chubby cheek. 
“But no more than she loves her daddy, of course.” Bucky pecks her other one and you two end up trapping the baby girl between a series of tiny kisses.      
“Oh, God, that’s too sweet, I’m gonna get sick…” Sam makes a face, but smiles anyway and you pull your tongue out, “Ok. I’m going to take a look around,” He says, after chuckling at the three of you.  
“Me too,” Nat says,  “Are you guys sitting down here?” She asks, pointing at the nearest table.
You’ve just arrived, but haven’t really still settled. When the favorite little person of the team gets in the place, there’s a lot of stops on your way so everyone can say hello and gush praises on her.  
“Uhm, yeah,” You answer, before addressing to Bucky, “What about we sit for a moment, then we can take Summer to play a bit and watch the kids.” You point to the playground where a number of recreation workers entertain the children.
“Yeah, sounds good.” Bucky agrees, already pushing stroller with his free hand towards the table.
After Nat and Sam leave and the three of you set yourselves on the round table, Wanda approaches and somehow manages to steal Summer from Bucky’s arms, sitting down next to you and snatching the kid’s attention with red drawings in the air.
“I’m gonna go say hello to Steve and grab some food, I’m starving. Do you want anything?” Bucky asks you, already getting up.
“Oh, sure, thank you.” You’re starving too, getting ready to go out with a baby, even in the same tower you live, isn’t a walk in the park and you’ve forgotten to eat at all that morning, “Can you bring, uhm,” You twist your mouth and frown, thinking about all the goodies that can be easily found at Tony’s parties every single  time, “Ooo, see if there’s lobster sliders, ugh, of course, those little fried shrimp balls, a bit of potato chips and-”
“Garlic bread.” He winks at you with a knowing smirk on his face.
A smile twists your lips widely, enticing one of his own, “Yeah, garlic bread,” You confirm, softly.  
Someone clearing their throat bursts the little bubble quickly growing around you and him. This… the bubble… has been happening a lot lately. You turn to the sound’s direction to see Wanda staring at both of you, eyebrows high on her forehead, while Summer is also watching quietly you and Bucky from her lap. 
“Oh, do you want anything, Wands?” Bucky asks, brushing the back of his neck.
“I’m good, thanks.”  She answers with a small smile.
“Alright, be right back.” He rushes away after kissing the top of Summer’s head.
You lean to grab a bottle of water from the bucket of ice a waiter has left there when you sat.
“What the hell are you doing?”  
“What do you mean?” You don’t look at Wanda, pouring some water on your glass before  taking a sip.
“You and Bucky.”
“Don’t even go there, Wands. There’s no me and Bucky.” You notice Summer starting to fuss with nothing to do and reach for the bag the grab and give her a pair of maracas, her current favorite toy.   She accepts it and promptly starts to swing them to the air, loving the noise it produces. You smile fondly at her.
“You’re honestly going to tell me you don’t see what’s going on?” Wanda tilts her head.
You shrug, still focusing on Summer, who keeps playing excitedly on her aunt’s lap.
“I think it’s been what?” Wanda insists with a bit of impatience seeping into her tone, “Nine months since I last saw you two separated from one another? You’re keep doing things together and for each other… I felt completely invisible here. Did he actually complete your sentence? For God’s sake, he lives in your apartment, Y.N.”
Your eyes snap up to her.
“You’re living a married life without actually being married.” Her gaze bore into yours and you can see the care in them.
You halt for a second. If you think about it, it’s true. You haven’t talked about your relationship again but you did fall into a routine of a couple. You do everything together, he’s living with you…  You haven’t even thought about seeing someone else and you’re pretty sure he hasn’t either. It feels so different from before… before you left, but at the same time, it feels like nothing has changed, like you’ve never left and you still belong to each other. Except you don’t… Not really. 
 It’s been good this way. So good… but you would die and kill to kiss him again. Not a kiss like the one you two gave at Summer’s birth, but a passionate, devastatingly breathtaking kiss, you dream about frequently…to feel his hot skin against yours… to hold him in your sleep...
But this is you… It doesn’t mean he feels the same way and if you try anything and this isn’t what he wants or maybe what he’s ready for…
“We’re being parents, Wands.” When you finally speak is but a whisper. “We haven’t had time to think of anything other than Summer all this time. You’re right, we’ve been really…huh… attached to each other ever since she was born and it’s so worthy to be like this. I’m so happy. He’s happy. I’m afraid that…” You take in a deep breath, looking down.
“That if you try to change it, you’ll lose it. You’ll lose him.” Wanda speak your mind and you know she is not even using her powers.
You nod quietly.
“Oh, honey…”
You tighten your lips in a sad smile and shrug.
“Hey, there,” Harry’s voice catches the attention from both of you as he walks towards the table. Well, the three of you, actually, since Summer swings her little maracas even harder and puts on a beautiful and almost toothless grin for him.
After you and Wanda answer his greeting, Harry goes straight to Summer and excuses himself to grab her from Wanda’s lap, lifting her into the air, ripping out happy squeaks from the baby and fond looks from the two adults, seizing the previous subject completely. Harry and the kids have been visiting a lot ever since she was born and Summer absolutely adores them, especially the kids.
“Where’s Luna and Jon?” You ask. 
“Oh, they went straight to the playground.”  He answers after blowing a few raspberries on Summer’s  stomach,  making her squirm and giggle.  “I was looking for…ahm,” He seems taken aback for a moment, shifting gazes from you to Wanda, “I haven’t seen anyone else, is, huh, everyone here, yet?”
Wanda smirks at you, before standing up, “Don’t worry, I’ll let Nat know you’re here. I’ll talk to you later, Y/N,” She taps Harry’s shoulder on her way out.
Harry’s jaw drops at her comment and he’s livid when he looks back at you, “I- why- I don’t know why she-”
“Hush, Harry,” you snicker, interrupting him while before he becomes a stuttering mess, “Come, sit here,” you tap Wanda’s vacant spot and he does as you say, a sheepish and confused look on his face, “I know.”  You smile at him.
He gapes at you while he adjusts Summer on his lap and she goes back to play with her pair of maracas, “You know?” His whole face turns into crimson red and his eyes grow impossibly round.
“I do, took me  a while to figure it out I admit it,” you shake your head, mocking a disappointment face at yourself, “I’m not sure how long Wanda knows but, powers or not, it’s almost impossible to hide anything from her,” you add a little bitterly given the bit of conversation you’ve just had with her.
“Oh…  I thought no one knew yet.” He seems lost in his own thoughts. 
“Listen, Harry,” You lean closer to him, “I understand why you two decided to keep it as a secret, but I just wanted you to know…I’ve never seen her so happy as these last few months.”
His whole face lights up and he can’t help the curl on his lips while he adjusts his glasses on his face, “R-really?”
“Really,” You nod, smiling “And I’m so damn happy for the two of you, as well. You both deserve what’s best.”
While his grin grows bigger, Summer eyes raise from her maracas to you and she drops the toy to the floor, reaching her little arms to you. 
“Oh, come here, my little sun,” You promptly take her from Harry’s lap to yours. Someone misses mommy and your heart never ceases to skip a beat every time she does that.
After you kiss your daughter’s forehead and tickle her sides, she lays back comfortably against you and you go back to Harry,  “You better take care of her, mister, or you’ll have to deal with one super person or two.”
 “Oh no, don’t worry, I’ve only felt this way once before, and…”He says quietly, “Goddammit, I love her… I love her.” He repeats as his chest heavies.
“Oh my God, Harry.” You gasp and immediately pulls him into a hug, which he quickly  responds. Two of your best friends in love- because you damn well know Nat’s in love with him too- is one hell of a huge thing and your heart fills up with pride and hope for them.
When you part from Harry, you spot a broad figure standing by the table. Summer lets out happy squeals at the sight of her father. He only takes his eyes away from Harry  to smile at the baby, while managing to carry four plates filled with food on his arms.
“Oh, hey.” Harry beams, the joy of the confession still lingering on his whole demeanour.
“Hey, uhm, Wanda told me to tell you to come back to the playground and you’ll find what you’re looking for.” Bucky narrows his eyes at him.
“Oh, ok”  Harry can’t hide his excitement when his gaze find yours, “Got to go, see you guys around?”
“Sure,” You nod at him, still smiling.
Once he’s gone, Bucky takes his seat beside you, disposing the plates on the table. You put Summer on the stroller, handing her a few more toys, so you two can take a little time to eat.
 A few minutes later you have already devoured the lobster slider and Bucky remains silent, apart from a brooding noise or two as answers to your attempts at making conversation. He hasn’t even touched his food and just plays with it in a very evident gloomy way.  
Considering Harry is a constant presence in your lives, one would think Bucky would have cooled down his initial wariness of him. And he did. He truly did. However, you notice sometimes he gets like this when you’re somehow a little too expressive with your friendly affection for Harry. You’re not sure if this is jealous and of what he could be jealous of, but you hate to see him like that.  
“Hey, Bucky,” you call, absentmindedly.
He just hums to acknowledge it.  
“Take a look over there.”
He gazes at you, before following the direction of your pointing finger: Nat and Harry, right across the pool, with their back to you as they watch Luna and Jon playing with the rest of the kids. Sam standing on Nat’s other side.  
“What?” He frowns at you.
“Just…keep looking.”
He turns back to them and, just a few seconds later, you both watch as Nat’s hand navigates smoothly to grab one of Harry’s butt cheeks.
You laugh quietly when Bucky’s jaw drops.  
“No way,” his eyes widen and he looks back at you.
“Way…Since that car accident, before Summer was born,” You inform, relishing in his astonished expression. A very similar one to the face you’ve might have had when you found out.
He lets out a loud and long laugh and his shoulder loses all the tenseness. Shaking his head in disbelief, he reaches out and grabs a piece of garlic bread from your plate to shove it in his mouth. 
A small smile remains on his lips for the rest of the day while Wanda’s words echo into your mind…
What the hell are you doing?
~ ~ ~
Ch.  23 coming soon. 
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bazwillendinflames · 4 years
Read on AO3
A Diaz brothers Hogwarts AU for @head-full-of-things for the LIS2 Secret Santa. 
Sean’s baby brother is born at the height of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named’s terror. The first time Sean saw Daniel he was struck by just how tiny he looked. 
The world outside was so scary and Sean had already been taught what to do if there was trouble. (Find Mum or Dad unless he can’t. Then hide and be very, very quiet.) Sean can’t help but look down at the tiny baby curled in his cot and worry that baby Daniel wouldn’t be very good at hiding. He cried when he woke up and he only settled if someone told him a story; part of hiding was being quiet, what if- 
Sean made a promise to himself to look after Daniel no matter what, whether scary wizards or thunderstorms. 
Daniel grows a little and starts to walk and make noises that might be words. Outside, things get worse. 
His parents tried to keep the reality hidden. But Sean overheard worried conversations between them, read snippets of the news about deaths, heard them cry late, over lost friends, when he should be sleeping. 
And then it just stops. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named stops. Sean spent that fateful Halloween night huddled at home with his Dad. Having a set of Muggle-born parents made any late night walks impossible, even for treats. 
The next morning, they tell him it’s safe. Or safer. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is dead now, stopped by a boy his brother's age. (That horrified Sean. That he would try to kill a baby. That someone might even want to kill Daniel.) 
The magical world is alive once more, full of joy and celebration. Just not for the Diazs. Karen walked away from magic; walked away from them . She gives Sean her wand and Esteban an address to write to. She leaves baby Daniel with nothing. 
Sean spent that night with his Mother’s wand under his pillow, pledging to use it to protect his baby brother if needed. His childhood had taught him that you had to be careful and if Daniel was too young to look out for himself, it must be Sean’s job to fill that role. 
He just hoped wherever Harry Potter ended up, he had someone to protect him too. 
  “Davis, Tracey.”
Sean glanced over at the group of first years, quiet for the first time since they had entered the hall and still waiting in line, trying to pick out his brother’s dark hair. In the crowd, it was impossible to find him. 
“On ‘D’ now,” Lyla whispered, “Dan will soon, right?” 
“Yeah.” Sean gave up on trying to find him. “Is it weird I’m more worried about his sorting than my own?” 
“Slytherin!” The hat roared, followed by applause from the table. Tracey ran over, leaving the stool at the front of the great hall empty again. 
Lyla laughed. “It’s sweet. You complain about Daniel, but it’s all talk.” 
“Diaz, Daniel.” 
Sean ignored Lyla, looking over as the tiny figure of Daniel moved towards the front of the hall. Daniel’s eyes drifted over to their table and he smiled at his younger brother, although he didn’t seem to notice. (Daniel was staring at Lyla all doe-eyed instead, typical .)
There was a long moment as Daniel pulled a face at whatever the sorting hat was whispering to him. Stubborn as ever. 
Then, Daniel looked directly over at their spot, giving Sean an excited thumbs up. He knew which house Daniel was in before the sorting hat declared him a “Hufflepuff!” 
Lyla poked him, “move up.” 
They shifted along, making a big enough space for Daniel to squeeze in. 
“Sean, Sean, we’re together!” 
“I knew we would be.” 
The sorting continued, with a few more additions to the Hufflepuff table. To Daniel’s delight, Chris joined them too. He lived in the same village as their Grandparents and the two had spent last summer together. They were also joined by Jacob’s sister, who seemed much less shy than her older brother. 
A hush fell over the hall when “Potter, Harry” was called. He looked even smaller than Daniel, with an explosion of messy black hair covering his scar. It was hard to believe someone so young had put an end to the terror of his childhood. 
“So cool,” Daniel whispered. 
The sorting hat declared him a Gryffindor and Sean was a little relieved. It wasn’t his fault but Sean had always thought Harry Potter would be a magnet for trouble. The last thing he wanted was Daniel getting dragged into it. 
His brother didn’t seem to share that concern. “Ah, no fair. He’s like so cool.” 
“Nah, you’re already enough of a handful enano .” 
“Hey!” Daniel stuck out his tongue and he smiled at his younger brother. 
Sean was glad that Daniel was in Hufflepuff with him. He could keep an eye on him and keep him on the right track. Truthfully, Sean couldn’t imagine Daniel anywhere else. His natural curiosity may have suited Ravenclaw (seriously, the kid never stopped talking) but Daniel had the biggest heart.
Besides, it seemed just right the Diaz brothers were together. 
   After the welcome feast, Daniel insisted on showing Sean his new dormitory. Whilst most of the other students seemed tired after a long day of travel and heavy meal to follow, Daniel was bouncy as ever, practically leaping up the stairs, dragging Sean behind him. 
“I’m coming, enano, slow down.” 
It was sweet, actually, to see such excitement on his face when he first saw the castle. Daniel had been pestering him for years about what Hogwarts was like, both in his letters and during his otherwise peaceful summers. He had been counting down the days till he got his school letter for as long as Sean could remember. 
Daniel was already bouncing on the bed in the furthest corner, messing up the homely, yellow patchwork blanket on top. The room was nice and clean, still yet to be turned into the unorganised tip Sean’s own was after five years of living there. 
“Come jump with me.”
“Really Daniel-“
Sean glanced between the open door and his brother’s pleading face, before jumping onto the bed with him. Daniel laughed giddily, half-crushing Sean when the brothers eventually lay down. 
“Do you think Dad will miss us now we’re away?” 
“No way, he’ll love the peace.” 
“No fair. I don’t talk that much.” 
Sean wrapped his arms around him. “Okay, okay enano, he’ll probably miss us every day.” 
“Can I write to him soon? Just to let him know I’m okay.” 
Sean glanced at the slightly worried expression on his face. “Sure. I’ll show you where the owls are kept later.” 
“The hat wanted to put me in Gryffindor.” 
“You are pretty brave sometimes. And reckless.” 
Daniel nudged him. “You mean cool.” 
“Yeah. Guess you’re stuck with me instead.” 
“That’s not too bad. I guess.” 
“Dad was in Gryffindor.” 
“Cool!” Daniel sighed. “What about…” 
He swallowed a lump in his throat. “Karen was a Ravenclaw. She was artsy and shit.” 
“I wish I could write to her too.” 
He frowned. “You know Karen made her choice.” 
Daniel pulled a pillow over his chest. “Okay. It’s so big here. And the stairs move! So magical.” 
“We’ll help you so you don’t get lost. Jake and Lyla are prefects so they’ll watch over you.” 
“But you’ll help too?” 
Sean nodded. “Yeah.” 
“Will show me where the dragons are?” 
“There’s no dragons at Hogwarts. And don’t go looking. The forest is dangerous.” 
Daniel half-yawned. “Okay. But... it’s safe here, right?” 
“I promise.” 
Daniel seemed relieved. “Will you help me unpack?” 
“No chance,” Sean said, pulling himself off the bed. “Leave it for tomorrow. You’re had a long day.” 
“I’m not even tired,” Daniel said, trying to cover another yawn with his hand. 
“Whatever you say.” Sean ruffled his hair, watching as Daniel rolled over in bed, blinking sleepily. “Goodnight Enano.” 
Sean pulled a blanket over him, watching his brother breathe peacefully. 
He’d look out for Daniel, no matter what. 
   The first week back from school was always hectic. After weeks of sleeping in, Sean felt zombified each morning. Lyla was her usual bubbly self no matter what time of day, so he relied on her to drag him to the right class. 
Having Daniel around was a little weird at first. His brother usually wrote to Sean every few days, sending pages of rambles and questions and drawings. Having him there in person instead meant most of the questions came directly from him, and his morning were much louder, but it also meant that Sean could actually hug his brother and the usual homesickness wasn’t so intense. Another figure appeared at their table in the library and all his Hufflepuff scarves seemed to go missing. 
Despite all the little changes having Daniel there meant, Sean was glad to share it with him. His Dad would be surprised at how well they got along at school. Even in his weekly letter, he seemed impressed that Sean was helping him. (Esteban wrote more to Daniel than him. Daily, even. So he wasn’t the only homesick one.) 
“You’re a big softie,” Lyla said. She was lying across his lap, eyes closed. Their closeness used to get a lot of strange looks and questions (how many times had he had to pretend to be sick when people asked if he was dating Lyla before they got the message?) but in the sixth year of platonic cuddles, no one looked twice. 
“Shut up,” he replied, already knowing what she meant. 
(Okay, maybe that’s why people called them a married couple.) 
   It hadn’t even been a full month when Harry Potter caused his first drama. Daniel, despite not being there, was more than happy to explain exactly how a first year had gotten on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Sean couldn’t help but roll his eyes: flying perfectly the first time and immediately getting on the team was a typically Gryffindor thing to do. (He was a good player, from the little Sean actually got from Quidditch. He only went to the games to help Lyla heckle the teams. Plus, the announcer with the purple hair was cute.) 
“Do you think I can join the team?” 
“No way Enano.” 
“No fair.” He pouted. “Well, I’ll practise all Summer with Dad and then I’ll be the best ever.” 
Sean couldn't help but snigger, Daniel had been on a broom exactly once and fallen off and into their neighbour’s garden. His training broom had been in the shed ever since. 
“Can’t wait.” Lyla fist bumped him. She was the captain of the Quidditch team. Sean mostly went to the games to support her, he was better at sports played on the ground. (“There’s no magic in being a fast runner.”) 
“Harry is so cool,” Daniel continued, “do you think he’s the Chosen One?” 
“There is no ‘Chosen One’. He’s just a kid.” 
“He’s my age.”
“Exactly.” Sean ruffled his head. “Just stick with Chris and Noah, okay?” He glanced over to where Jacob was chatting with his sister. “And maybe talk to Sarah-Lee. She seems nice.” 
Daniel was frowning but he nodded. 
Lyla flicked the back of his head. “Chill dude. I’m pretty sure he already has a Dad.” 
“I’m just looking out for him.” 
“He’s a sensible kid. Dan will stay out of trouble.”
“Shut up,” Sean replied, which Lyla knew meant she was right. 
“Plus,” she added, “Hogwarts is a safe place.” 
   “Troll, troll in the dudgeon!” 
Panic rippled across the hall as teachers rushed to hurry them somewhere safe. Lyla disappeared to lead the younger years inside, Sean following her quickly. 
“Sean?” Jacob’s voice was heavy with worry. “Have you seen my sister?” 
“No. Isn’t she with the other first years? Lyla’s meant to be leading them.” 
“No. She left dinner early. She was upset, our parents-” 
“I’m sure she’s on her way to the common room.” 
“I know she’s not.” Jacob glanced in the halls. “Do you ever have feelings of like, older brother instinct?” 
With growing dread, Sean nodded, all too aware he hadn’t seen Daniel since breakfast. “I’ll help you look for her.” 
Jacob smiled gratefully, his reason for agreeing so quickly going unsaid between them. With all the chaos and the looming threat of a troll, they slipped off easily. Sean hoped that Daniel was with Lyla; chances were that he was looking for Sean, not the other way round. (He almost-believed it.) 
“Where do we start?” 
“Sarah’s still new so she doesn’t know a lot of places. When she gets upset at home, she locks herself in the toilet.” 
“It’s a start.” 
The hallways were so empty it was almost eerie. Sean and Jacob stuck close together, both holding out their wands as a precaution. The first of the girls toilets they checked was empty, the second belonging to a miserable ghost. 
“Maybe she did go back-”
Jacob’s hand suddenly grabbed his wrist. Sean jumped a little. 
“Did you hear that?”
Sean listened and a moment later he was met by a scream and a heavy thump. 
“That has to be the troll?”
“Shit.” Sean followed Jacob’s sprint, already running through all the healing spells he knew. (The voice sounded so young.)
The bathroom was a mess, with smashed bits of sink and wall everywhere. The troll stood in the middle, growling at four small figures by its feet. 
“Sarah!” Jacob called, spotting his sister, who was clinging onto the hand of the Gryffindor girl next to her. There was a Gryffindor boy too, with the signature Weasley red hair. But all of Sean’s attention was on his own brother, who had positioned himself protectively in front of the two shaking girls. 
The troll roared, oblivious to their arrival. It swung the hefty club down. Sean cast a protective charm, hoping his simple ‘Protego’ would be enough to help, just as another small figure jumped up on the troll’s back, sticking something up its nose. 
Sean held his protective charm, trying to work out if he could cast on the other kid, when one of them shouted ‘Wingardium Leviosa’, causing the club to hit the top of its head. It slumped down and the kid rolled off, close enough that Sean could make out his signature scar. 
What the hell was Daniel doing fighting a troll with Harry Potter?
“Jacob,” Sarah sobbed, running over and flinging herself at him. 
“What the hell is going on here?” Sean mostly directed his question at Daniel, but all the first years (they were first years…) seemed a little terrified of him. 
“I was going to ask the same thing Mr Diaz.” Professor McGonagall stepped into the bathroom, followed by Professors Snape and Quirrell. “You’re lucky you weren’t killed.” 
Daniel shuffled back a little, unsure if Sean or McGonagall would give him a sterner talking to. 
“Mr Diaz, Mr Hackerman, as sixth years, perhaps you could explain why you are here too?” 
“Some of our first years,” Sean began, fixing Daniel with a stern look, “were missing. As a Prefect, it’s Jacob’s job to look for them.” (It was mostly true.) 
“I asked Sean to come too,” Jacob added. 
“I suppose the fact it was your siblings were the ones missing has nothing to do with it?”
Under her strict gaze, Sean felt like a first year himself. 
“Although, I am much more concerned that a bunch of first years felt like they were capable of taking on a troll by themselves-” 
“Excuse me, Professor McGonagall…” the Gryffindor girl began timidly, “it’s my fault. I thought I could handle it alone because I’ve read about trolls. Harry and Ron came to rescue me.” She glanced at Daniel and Sarah-Lee. “They were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I thought I could be all heroic but…” 
Sarah-Lee had another little sob and McGonagall turned to her. In a much kinder voice she suggested Jacob take his clearly distressed sister to the medical ward. 
“Daniel,” Sean said, “are you hurt?”
McGonagall continued to lecture the poor girl about responsibility, taking away ten points for Gryffindor. “As for you two,” she said, addressing Sean and Daniel, “it is clear that the older Mr Diaz was only trying to help protect some overambitious younger students. Ten points to Hufflepuff. Same for Mr Hackerman. As for the younger Mr Diaz, perhaps you would like to explain what you’re doing here?” 
“I was just trying to help Sarah. She got all upset and ran off so I brought her some food. I didn’t know about the troll.” 
“I see no reason to punish being in the wrong place or time. Sean, please escort your brother back to your common room.”
Sean and Daniel headed out. Daniel was being unusually quiet, his eyes downcast. 
“Sean, I-” 
“Come here.” Sean pulled Daniel close to him in a tight hug. “You scared the crap out of me Daniel.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.” He murmured. “I just wanted to help Sarah-Lee and…” 
“He was,” a voice said, “Daniel was really nice.” 
It was the Gryffindor girl from earlier. Her face was a little red and she sniffled a little. 
“Are you okay Hermoine?” 
“Yeah.” Hermoine smiled at Sean. “Thank you for helping us. That protective shield was good thinking.” 
“Thank God you didn’t need it.” He sighed. “You… okay kid?” 
“I was only in the toilet because I was crying,” she said, her voice wavering a little, “and then Sarah and Daniel came in. He brought her some sweets because she missed dinner. I was upset because…” she sniffled, “I don’t really have any friends. So, Daniel gave me some too.” 
Daniel blushed a little. “You said to be nice to Sarah-Lee, so…” 
“When the troll showed up, everything got very out of hand. Harry and Ron were trying to stop it.”
“Not you?” 
She looked a little embarrassed. “Well, I-” 
“Look kid, just be careful. When you first start and you have magic it’s easy to feel invincible. But sometimes, you have to know when to walk away. Or run, in the case of trolls.” 
Hermoine nodded but Sean wasn’t convinced. It was impossible to keep a Gryffindor out of trouble. 
“If you don’t have any friends yet,” Daniel said, “you can sit with us in lessons. Plus, you’re so smart!” 
Sean couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride for his brother’s offers. Daniel was definitely an extrovert, able to make friends with anyone. 
“I’d like that.” Hermoine smiled, a little shy. “I should go back to my common room now. But, I’ll talk to you tomorrow Daniel. Thanks again…” 
“Thank you Sean.” Hermoine left, looking much more positive than before. 
That left Sean and Daniel alone again. 
“Do you think Professor McGonagal will tell Dad?”
Sean had been in trouble enough times to know. “Yeah.” 
“Ah man.” 
“Dad will understand.” Sean ruffled his hair. “Hey, I got in trouble for the first time way before Halloween my first year.” 
“What happened?” 
“Well, it was all Lyla’s fault really…” 
   “You must have been so freaked out.” 
“I know. What the hell am I supposed to tell my Dad?”
Lyla was half-lying on Sean but he made no effort to move her. It was the only thing stopping him from getting up to check if he was safe in bed. (Sean had done the same when Daniel was a baby. He used to creep in at night to look in on his brother. If Daniel got restless or woke up, Sean would whisper stories through his cot bars until one of them fell asleep.) 
“It was an accident.” 
“That’s even worse. It’s like he’s in danger by just being here.”
Lyla patted his hand. “I don’t think trolls are a constant problem. And you can’t expect him to just go home.” 
“I know.” Sean resisted the urge to turn to the direction of his dorm. “So, what do I do?” 
“Oh, I could walk him to class and…” 
Lyla sighed. “Sean.” 
“I’m going all Dad-mode. I know.”
“Wish I had an answer dude. Just look out for him.” 
“It’s not just Daniel. That Gryffindor kid used ‘Wingardium Leviosa’ and it worked but also it was the only spell they remembered.” 
Lyla rubbed her forehead. “Cause they’re kids. Shit.”
“Yeah, shit.”
They sat in silence for a while, thinking. (Worrying mostly, on Sean’s behalf.) 
“Let’s help them then.”
“Help them what?”
“Protect themselves.” Lyla sat up. “Who better to help them then the best freaking fighters?” 
Sean pulled her into a hug. “This is why you’re my best friend.”
   (They spent free afternoons teaching Daniel defensive spells, sometimes joined by Chris, Sarah-Lee or even the three Gryffindors Daniel had managed to befriend - fighting a troll together helped, he guessed. Hogwarts might not be safe but it was home. And Sean always wanted his brother to feel safe at home. 
And if that meant the best freaking fighters gained a few more fighters… that was okay.) 
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petriichvrs · 4 years
𝒘𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒍𝒆𝒚, 𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐘.
        ❝   you   know   PEACE   like   someone   who   has   survived   a   long   war.   take   it   one   day   at   a   time,   because   everything   has   the   scent   of   another   possible   war   ;    you   know   how   easily   one   can   start,   one   moment   QUIET,   the   next,   blood.   war   colors   your   voice,   warms   it,   even.   𝐍𝐎   𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍   𝐀𝐒   𝐓𝐎   𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑   𝐘𝐎𝐔   𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄   𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑   𝐎𝐑   𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐑.   no   one   asks.   perhaps   you   were   both.   you   haven’t   kissed   anyone   for   a   while,   now.   to   you,   EVERYTHING   tastes   like    𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅.   ❞ 
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         hey,   isn’t   that   GINEVRA   MOLLY   WEASLEY?   i   read   a   daily   prophet   article   on   them,   once   ;   the   twenty   two   year   old   pureblood   WITCH   is   a gryffindor   alumnus   who   has   gone   on   to   be   a   professional   chaser   for   the   holyhead   harpies.   i’ve   heard   they   can   be   quite   RESILIENT   &   INTUITIVE,   but   i   don’t   know...   they   came   off   very   HEADSTRONG   &   WAGGISH   in   that   interview.   it   really   is   hard   to   know   what   to   believe   these   days   though,   isn’t   it?   click   𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄   for   statistics,    𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄   for   ginny’s   entire   history   and    𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄   for   her   pinterest.
click this link !
seventh child and only daughter of arthur and molly. first girl born into the weasley fam for GENERATIONS, so that makes her special. had too many brothers. biggest grievance was they never let her play quidditch with them, so she broke into their shed and taught herself. cried every single time they went to hogwarts without her.
eventually got there herself. her first year notoriously SUCKED.
if ‘sucked’ is a good enough word to describe being possessed by tom riddle and opening the chamber of secrets, which ultimately led to a lot of people almost dying, including herself.
this, understandably, royally fucked ginny’s shit up. easily seen by her extra special hysterical reaction to the dementors. didn’t do much in her second yr other than be upset by them on the train and be hermione granger 2.0 ( overachiever extraordinaire ).
fully supported harry potter during his fourth year, when he became the unwitting fourth champion. would have gone to the yule ball with him if she hadn’t pledged herself toneville longbottom, who goes on to become one of her best friends.
got all up in order business in her fourth year, against her parents wishes. you can take the girl from the rebellion but you can’t take the rebellion from the girl. joined dumbledore’s army. also named it. became a royal pain in umbridge’s ass. was super talented at spells ( she’s special ) that they were being taught. had a rough christmas cos her dad almost got killed by voldemort’s ugly snake. hexed draco malfoy and still giggles about it to this day. fought off death eaters in the department of mysteries and was witness to sirius black’s death.
everyone rly wanted a piece of ginny in her fifth year ( understandable ). she got invited to slug club. was also made chaser of the gryffindor quidditch team ( after playing seeker the previous year when harry was banned ). she dated harry for a hot minute after she finally got rid of dean thomas ( srry dean ), but… after dumbledore died and death eaters attacked the school he broke up with her to ‘protect her’ which… sucked.
honestly. summer in general sucked. her bro got attacked by a werewolf. her boyfriend dumped her for her own good. there was a wedding, for some reason.
sixth year also sucked. the da was reformed ( by ginny & her friends ) but could only do so much in the face of the gross misuse of power by grown ass adults. ginny did all that she could even when they were actively torturing them all, but was made go into hiding at easter.
followed her fam to hogwarts for the battle. almost had to sit the whole thing out, but ran off after she was forced to leave the room of requirement.
let’s recap the battle real quick : her brother? died. her friends? died. the love of her life? never even said goodbye and died. ginny? almost died! she did not have a good time. 0/10 stars on yelp, in fact. but they prevailed! they made harry proud! love when you succeed and get ptsd for your troubles.
ginny helped rebuild hogwarts over the summer, and went back in september to finish her seventh year, but… it wasn’t really home anymore. a war will do that. loss will do that. she was trying very hard to be okay - and in a lot of ways, trying a little too hard to be who she had ALWAYS been. she probably could have done with being told that no one expected her to be unchanged, but… everyone was going through their own stuff.
she tried to honor the one’s that they lost by living, but… that was easier on paper. ginny didn’t seem to make it all the way through the five stages of grief. she was angry, and she was sad, but she couldn’t deny it and she couldn’t change it - and acceptance was impossible. her grief turned into a persistent feeling of emptiness, and that took a toll on her, as a person.
a lot that made her happy once didn’t, anymore. she was scouted by the holyhead harpies fresh out of hogwarts, but when they asked her to sign, she didn’t immediately take them up on the offer. quidditch was about the only thing she had left at that point that brought her some measure of joy, and it felt…surreal, to be considering taking such a small pleasure and turning it into her life work. it felt not right, for some reason. doing something so ‘normal’ felt insulting, almost, to all the people who wouldn’t do anything normal again - but she couldn’t do nothing forever, and eventually, she was convinced.
she took the offer. she never looked back. things haven’t really gotten better in all the time since then, but at least they can’t get any worse.
𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒.   triggers for talk of death, scars and trauma.
ginny’s scars tell more stories about her life at hogwarts than she has ever uttered. from her first year, she has marks that she can’t name the cause of. scarring along her thighs and upon her fingertips that were obtained in some of her black outs, that her parents BEGGED madam pomfrey to remove, but who she quietly told to not bother. there’s a small dent on her forehead that she sustained when she collapsed in the chamber of secrets, and you wouldn’t see it, if you weren’t looking. she doesn’t point it out.
of course, she sustained some in her fourth year. she fell over during a dumbledore’s army session and she scraped up the palm of her hand, something that they all laughedabout, back then. she broke her ankle badly enough that it continues to click, even now, but luckily was never a hassle in her chosen career. maybe she’d have been even worse of, if bellatrix had tortured her like planned. ginny counts her blessings.
but it’s her sixth year that ruined her. that instilled within her a LOVE of long sweaters and a fear of being seen entirely naked. ‘blood traitor’ is carved into her right arm from lines she was FORCED to write with her own blood, over and over, after being caught putting graffiti on the side of green house number five. she didn’t cry, to them. she didn’t shed a tear. along her back there are criss cross scars from the CRACK of a whip, so many of them that ginny still closes her eyes when she’s getting into the bathtub, so she doesn’t catch a glimpse in the mirror. she’s been suspended by her ankles, by her wrists, and she has the taut skin there to show for it, and under one instance of the cruciatus curse, she FELL and sustained two wounds most commonly paired together in her thoughts - a scar along her left cheekbone, and a gnarly one upon her knee.
the war scarred her too. scarred her deeper. scarred her truer. she has more now than she can possibly remember that serve as a reminder to the war that they fought, together - and she tries to be proud of them. she really does. but even she finds it difficult.
ginny still keeps a bag packed and ready to go at the drop of a hat under her bed, just in case she has to run. it’s a habit instilled in her by her parents from when they went into hiding, and it’s one that she’s finding almost impossible to break. she still sleeps with her wand underneath her pillow every night, fingers curled around the wood - terrified, always, to be caught without it.
her nightmares vary, but they’re there. sometimes she wakes in a cold sweat, blinking away the MEMORY of green light that came all too close to finishing her off. sometimes, all she can see is the rotting body of her older brother and his open, vacant eyes. sometimes it’s harry, and he’s all alone, and she’s screaming at him - just screaming and crying and begging him to turn around and stop and come back, but he never does. sometimes she’s back in the dungeons of hogwarts, hanging by her ankles, and when she’s shakily sipping coffee in the morning, she can still hear the carrow twins laughter in her ears, clear as day.
she’s suffered from sleep paralysis, too, though this predates the war and began in the weeks after the chamber of secrets. her limbs too heavy to move, the demon that stands over her is tom riddle - her longest and most withstanding nightmare. she’s ashamed of the fact that though she fears she’s forgotten the exact sound of fred’s laugh or the feel of harry’s hand in hers, she’ll never be able to forget the features of sixteen year old voldemort.
ginny can throw off the cruciatus curse, now, and perhaps can even resist imperio. she’s never wanted to TRY, but after the many times it was used upon them in her sixth year.. she believes it possible.
she trained to be an animagus, more out of… boredom, than anything else. she’sregistered as an orange tabby cat, and it’s not uncommon for her to run off in this form in the direction of the lake, where she can sit for hours.
ginny is bloody awful at all of the things her mother tried to teach her. knitting, cooking,general housework. she would sit for HOURS with molly in the lead up to christmas, a pair of knitting needles held awkwardly in both hands, fingers incapable of making the loops and stitches that molly is so skilled at doing, until SHE had all the christmas jumpers done… and ginny only had a rather pathetic excuse of a scarf. similarly, she tried many a time to lend a hand in the kitchen, or memorize the recipe and replicate her mothers famous homemade fudge - almost always creating some sort of inedible goop at the end of it all. she tries, god bless her, but she just doesn’t seem to have the knackthat came so EASILY to molly, and years ago after a particularly disastrous attempt at knitting the weasley family matching jumpers that ended with tears all around, ginny gave up that particular hobby.
she can garden, though. BOY can she garden. neville taught her how to take care of plants she thought were beautiful, and when she moved into her little bedsit, ginny pulled up the entire garden in her allotment - redoing it in her image. she spends hours out there, knee deep in mud, hands covered, and she comes in, sunburnt, smiling, blazing and beautiful. it’s such a simple joy to her, but it is one, nonetheless.
she always had an interest in muggles. ginny idolized her father ( and still, perhaps, does ), and some of her earliest memories were of clambering onto piles of scrap in the burrows yard, just to peek through the little dusty window on arthur’s shed and watch as he tinkered with some new muggle artifact. she was the one who told fred and george about the car, you know - though she never thought even for a MOMENT that they would end up driving it.
she learned the concept of ‘stick and poke’ tattoos from a worn out fiction book she borrowed from hermione, and learned how to replicate them with a good quill, some magical ink and a couple good spells. she gave herself her own one, in fact - the little snitch inside of the crook of her left arm, that isn’t a perfect circle, but still manages to glow BRIGHT when the conditions are perfect for quidditch. she got pretty good at them, too, giving many of her classmates their own magical tattoos as the years went by - though, like many things that brought her joy, she stopped doing them after the battle of hogwarts.
GINNY WEASLEY ( jessica barden ) is looking for their FATHER / ARTHUR WEASLEY who resembles ANDREW LINCOLN, EWAN MCGREGOR, MADS MIKKELSON, DANIEL CRAIG / ANY FC and should be OLD. applicants do not have to contact RACHEL to talk over the details before applying.   (   father of the weasley kids ! muggle loving king ! arthur doesn’t get ENOUGH recognition for being one of the good ones, but he can have it here !)
GINNY WEASLEY ( jessica barden ) is looking for their MOTHER / MOLLY WEASLEY who resembles NICOLE KIDMAN, SUSANNA THOMPSON, CHRISTINA HENDRICKS, LENA HEADEY, GILLIAN ANDERSON / ANY FC and should be OLD. applicants do not have to contact RACHEL to talk over the details before applying.   (   kickass mother ! the earliest love of my young life ! the strongest woman alive for dealing with her merry band of misfits day in and day out ! pls bring momther.)  
GINNY WEASLEY ( jessica barden ) is looking for their NEIGHBOURS / ANY AMT who resemble MENA MASSOUD, ALEX FITZALAN, ZIYI ZHANG, JESSICA ALBA / ANY FC and should be ANY AGE. applicants do not have to contact RACHEL to talk over the details before applying.   (   they can be any age ! they can be a canon, if you’d like, or someone entirely original ! ginny lives in a bedsit in london - i imagine somewhere in greenwich and i’m leaning towards charlton - which she purchased outright two years ago, sort of… seeking out her own space, in a sense. she rented an allotment just around the corner where she could grow her own vegetables and flowers and things, and she finds… a great deal of peace simply existing, there. tending to her garden. sipping tea in her bedroom/sitting room/kitchen combo. reading on the roof, probably. i'd actually love if the bedsit was a part of a small little wizarding community in london - so a lot of members of the magical world all living closely together - and i’d love even more if she had a bunch of neighbours, all of whom she could have some varied dynamics with. there could be the one who she always goes to when she needs a sugar topup ! the one who trampled on her tomatoes once in the allotment, and they’re now in all out war ! the one who comes over sometimes and simply sits quietly with ginny, for a while, both of them enjoying each others company so simply ! lots of options. gimme all.)
GINNY WEASLEY ( jessica barden ) is looking for their PET SITTER who resemble ANY FC  and should be 20+. applicants do have to contact RACHEL to talk over the details before applying.   (   i’d put this as sort of adjacent to the above, but it doesn’t have to be ! they COULD be a fellow neighbour, but they might just be someone ginny as come to know well and trusts to take care of her pygmy puff and owl when she’s away. that’s… a huge position of trust in ginny’s life, because she loves arnold and archimedes more than she loves HERSELF, so ; they’d probably have quite a good dynamic !   )
GINNY WEASLEY ( jessica barden ) is looking for their FLINGS who resemble BEN HARDY, AVAN JOGIA, HUNTER SCHAFER, ASHLEY MOORE / ANY FC ! IDC  and should be 21+. applicants do have to contact RACHEL to talk over the details before applying.   (   i don’t know whether ‘romantic connections’ is the right place for this , but… o well ! i have the flip side connect down below for characters who ginny has been involved with in the past, but i thought one for present time would be fun ! i like flings, as a concept. i like them for ginny especially, because i think she has a very modern view on them, and doesn’t really… go in to any one night stand or three date relationship or brief fling with… an expectation, or the NEED for it to go beyond what it is for them both at the time. ginny’s quite happy to exist as a single being for the rest of her life. she’s not seeking a long term relationship, nor am i in the mindset right now that she ever will - but she hasn’t become an old maid just because she’s grieving someone she loved, and no one expects it of her. i love the idea of just… characters having casual dates ! characters hooking up for fun, no strings attached ! please let me explore it.   )
GINNY WEASLEY ( jessica barden ) is looking for their PERSONAL TRAINER / TRAINING PAL who resemble ANY FC  and should be 20+. applicants do have to contact RACHEL to talk over the details before applying.   (   this can be one or the other, i don’t really mind ! and it could be quidditch based or gym based - also, don’t mind ! i think ginny tries to continue finding quidditch fun, even though it’s also her job now, so she probably does a lot of training on her own just as a way to… fly, on her own, outside of a harpies training session. it’d be nice if she had someone to do that with, or finds someone with who she can ! flip side ; now she lives in muggle london, i think she’s started to really get into muggle gyms, so that’s an option too. a good connect to pair that take with would be the one for her neighbours, cause they could walk there and back with one another !   )
GINNY WEASLEY ( jessica barden ) is looking for their QUIDDITCH TEAMMATES / HOLYHEAD HARPIES who resembles PRISCILLA QUINTANA, FLORENCE PUGH, HUNTER SCHAFER, ANTONIA THOMAS / ANY FC and should be 20+. applicants do not have to contact RACHEL to talk over the details before applying.   (   the holyhead harpies is an all female quidditch team that plays in the britain + ireland league, and ginny has been one of their chasers for almost five years now ! there isn’t much given to them, outside of that and some controversies surrounding their captain - gwenog jones, a past member of the slug club - but i can’t see it any other way than as a team of talented players who have formed a tight knit bond. i’d love to explore the different dynamics they all could have, and the only way to do that is by having ‘em here !)
GINNY WEASLEY ( jessica barden ) is looking for their EX / MICHAEL CORNER who resembles SANTIAGO SEGURA, DAVID CASTENEDA, AVAN JOGIA, ALBERTO ROSENDE / ANY FOC and should be 23/24. applicants do not have to contact RACHEL to talk over the details before applying.   (   the first boy ginny dated at hogwarts ; the one she dumped because he was being a sore loser about gryffindor beating ravenclaw. honestly ? hilarious. i don’t think that there was love between them at all, and i’d love to see them have become quite good friends, since - give me two people who were figuring out relationships and what that meant when they were together, who fell apart and then came back together when they realized they could be good friends ! that’s a story i’m interested in hearing. )
GINNY WEASLEY ( jessica barden ) is looking for their EX / DEAN THOMAS who resembles LUCIEN LAVISCOUNT, KEITH POWERS, REECE KING, JOHN BOYEGA/ ANY BLACK FC and should be 23/24. applicants do not have to contact RACHEL to talk over the details before applying.   (   the one who got away ! sort of. you know. i think dean got it rough, to b honest with you. he came along at a point in ginny’s life when she had just started to feel she was breaking away from her brothers, a bit, and becoming a bit more miss independent - and she was also absolutely not oblivious to the fact that harry seemed a lot more interested in her than usual. things with dean and ginny went well for a while, but they weren’t what each other needed at the point of their lives that they were at, and that led to arguments between the two of them - a lot. eventually they broke up, and for a long while, couldn’t even be in the same room as one another. it was definitely the awk breakup that made everyone else feel awk, but i’d hope that after the war and in these past six years, they might’ve reached a point of being able to get along !   )
GINNY WEASLEY ( jessica barden ) is looking for their EXES / ???who resemble ABSOLUTELY ANY FC and should be 22 - 24. applicants do have to contact RACHEL to talk over the details before applying.   (   you know what ? try and convince me that there weren’t more teenage flings. of course there were ; because ginny was encouraged to find things out for herself, and was NOT raised to be find casual dating shameful in any sense of the words. ginny worked out that she was bi in school, and i actually like to imagine that it was through short lived flings with fellow students who were doing exactly what she was - figuring themselves out. they would have been pretty young and it was all mostly innocent, but i’m interested in the thought !)
GINNY WEASLEY ( jessica barden ) is looking for their SUPPORT GROUP PALS who resemble ABSOLUTELY ANY FC and should be ANY AGE. applicants do not have to contact RACHEL to talk over the details before applying.   (   look me in the eye and tell me there aren’t a whole bunch of support groups running to this day, dedicated to the witches and wizards and wixs who fought in either of the major wizarding wars. ginny probably attends one that’s london based, and was probably heavily encouraged to go. she’s not against therapy or even ‘support’, but… she is the sort of person who finds it a nice thing to think about, but not something that feels as if it’s doing her much good. she holds on to a lot, and that makes it difficult for her to really take from the group what she should be, but she’s still going ! she might hate some of the people at it. she might grab coffee with someone after, every time, religiously. maybe she just always saves your character a seat or vice versa. we can discuss ! )   [ heather pettigrew + more ]
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The Confession
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Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: Hmm, you feel betrayed.
A/N: So, this came out a lot fast than Daughters To Wed because I was writing it in my head last night at work. Plus I dreamt about it so it’s out first. I’ve included a few Kissing Booth and To All the Boys references so if you don’t get them, I’m sorry. Although, I hope you get some of them??? Anyways, here is part two to The Contract. I hope you all enjoy! Thank you for the comments and everything, they fill me with absolute joy. Keep it up! ♥️
| The Contract |
The whole house was quiet as you laid in bed. You were spread spread eagle across your mattress, staring at the ceiling and tracing patterns that weren’t really there with your eyes. 
A glance at the clock confirmed that you should most definitely be asleep, but to fall asleep, your brain would have to stop. Your brain would only stop if you’d had a much more normal day. Normal days consisted of school, Harry, a glance or two at Tom, dinner (sometimes with the Hollands, sometimes with your own family), homework, and then sleep.
Normal days did not consist of an agreement to fake a relationship with your best friend’s older brother to help him get his girlfriend back. Especially when you only agreed to fake date him because you’ve had a crush on him since you suggested that he be the daddy and you be the mommy while playing house at the ripe old ages of five and eight. 
Of course, the answer had been a firm, “No,” followed by the more popular suggestion of tag. You had been the only one to disagree.
You sat up in your bed, ditching the trip down memory lane so that you could glare at the picture of you and Harry sitting on your nightstand. In the picture, you’re both nine years old and wearing bathing suits. Both of you are drenched to the bone, framed by the evening lake sun, and missing teeth that you helped each other pull out just days prior to the summer holiday.
“Traitor.” You hiss at the ten year old Harry, narrowing your eyes before flopping back onto your back.
The moment Tom left the booth to head to his house, you grabbed for your phone and pulled up Harry’s contact information so fast that you should have had Guinness World Record Officials there to record it in history.
As an after thought you send,
Be discreet
Harry is in your booth within thirty minutes, assuring you that only Sam knows where he has truly gone to. Because whatever you tell Harry, you also tell Sam. They’re twins and all of the Holland siblings are close anyways. It’s an unspoken rule that, should you ask for Harry’s confidence, you are not including Sam into the group of those who must not be told.
Only one thing could keep Harry from telling Sam what was about to come out of your mouth and you mad sure it was the first thing you did before you said anything else.
“Tom doesn’t know you’re with me?” You whisper, glancing at the people around you.
“Tom- I- Tom? No. (Y/N), what is this about?” He furrows his brows and you make direct eye contact, never breaking your stare as you move your extended pinky to the middle of the table.
“No Sam?” Harry’s eyes widen. Of all the things you’ve told him over the years, this would only be the second time that you have invoked the pinky and excluded Sam from the fold.
The only other time you had used the pinky finger was when you were sixteen and accidentally ran over your neighbor’s cat. He died, you cried, and Harry promised to never tell Sam because Sam had a tendency to pick on you over things you were sensitive about.
Plus, you felt horrible about it. It was somewhat traumatizing. You still dropped to your hands and knees to check for animals under your car before you backed out of any driveway.
“Just you and I.” Harry loops his pinky around yours. He doesn’t let go as you tell him the story, rehashing every detail of your meeting with his brother. You even go so far as to pull your copy of the contract out of your pocket.
You insisted upon making a clean copy for your own possession.
“You’re dating Tom?” He looks up at you from beneath his eyelashes, using his unoccupied hand to hold the paper down. “My brother, Tom.”
“Fake dating.” You pause. “But yes.”
To your surprise, Harry looks deflated after you stress the ‘fake’ in the phrase ‘fake dating.’ He takes a sip of your drink, the one that has been refilled nearly twelve times within the last hour and a half. Poor waitress. You mentally remind yourself to leave her a really good tip for taking up one of her tables for so long to attend to your stupid drama.
“I just,” Harry sighs, “I think you guys should actually date.” You purposefully squeeze your pinky around his as tight as you can, glaring.
“Don’t act like you don’t like him that way.” He teases, wiggling his eyebrows.
“I don’t.” Again with the lies. Harry hums in response, an incredulous look on his face.
Just as you had said to Tom early, this is your best friend in the entire world.
“Love, listen to me. Tom needs someone like you. Tom deserves someone like you. He has been with Elle and has been taking her bullshit for far too long. He’s a good person-“
“He broke my arm.”
“He was an eleven year old boy being annoyed by his eight year old brother and his brother’s best friend. You deserved it at the time, plus Tom has repayed you ten times over ever since.” Harry waits for you to say something else, seeming very pleased when he has sufficiently quieted you.
“I love Tom. I love you. I am glad that you learned something from Elle Evans, keeping Noah from Lee was the worst decision she ever made. Poor life choices. I just wish you had learned something from Lara Jean.” With that, Harry unloops your fingers and stands from his spot.
You stare up at him, mouth opening and closing like a fish stuck on land. He says something about seeing you tomorrow, that he loves you and he’s glad you told him, and then he is gone.
“Traitor.” You his once more, climbing up to the top of your bed and burrowing into the blankets like they could protect you from the world. And for a while they do, you dream of nothing for a few short hours.
Then your brain turns back on.
Peering outside your bedroom window, which has somehow moved upstairs, you see a dark gray Jeep pull onto the curb of your house.
You only have to wonder who it is for a beat of a second before the driver door opens and Tom’s head pops over the roof.
He crosses his arms on the hardtop and flashes you a cocky smile that could explode ovaries all over the globe. Running out of your room, you rocket down the stares, catapulting yourself around the banister and exploding out of the front door with a wave to your dad.
“Good morning, girlfriend.” You can’t help the smile or the butterflies that follow that word from his lips.
“Good morning, Tom.” Except you don’t say Tom. You specifically think the name, can visualize the spelling and everything, but instead the name that you say is, ‘Peter.’
Your steps falter as you look up at him. It’s still Tom. Still the same brown eyes and chestnut curls, the same ears that poke out just a little, and the same misdirection of hair on his left eyebrow.
“Are you alright?” And then everything is different.
You’re under a tree, Tom sitting next to you on the table. He’s wearing a navy sweatshirt with yellow writing. It’s a giant ‘A’ with lacrosse sticks crossing through it, layered with the silhouette of a greyhound. ‘Adler High Lacrosse.’
“Just for like a month or two.” He shrugs, his hands buried deep into the pocket of his hoodie.
“Why?” The words are out of your mouth before you can think them. You sound like a recording being played from a tape.
“Well, I am glad you asked. You see, Elle and I, we kind of broke up and she was always pretty insecure about you so I thought that maybe you would pretend to date me so she would get all jealous and want to get back together with me...?” You don’t know why, but you knew he was going to say that.
Somehow, the moment you asked him for a reason why, you knew it was because of Elle.
“(Y/N)?” It’s like in the movies where the person is staring into space in some sort of daze, seeing one thing, and then when they are pulled back to reality everything is different.
One moment you’re at the picnic table under the tree, and the next you’re on a field. There is a piece of paper in your hand, or more specifically, a letter. The overwhelming feeling is determination, but underneath it, the real you is terrified. The you that isn’t dreaming is pulling at the back of dream you’s shirt and begging the dream you to give her the letter.
“Let me rewrite it! He doesn’t want to read the letter of a thirteen year old. Please!”
“Hey.” Tom calls, standing in front of a goal that he’s just pushed back.
“Hi. I have to tell you something.”
270 notes · View notes
sweetlialia · 5 years
A new home, chapter 1
It was the third of October 1998 and Harry sat alone in the deserted potion classroom. He didn’t even have to try to picture the scene that should been playing in front of his eyes, it was there: Snape wandering around them, his eyes unreadable as they watch them brew, Hermione biting her lips in focus while Ron would be mumbling to his cauldron. Zabini and Malfoy would be working without talking; only glancing at Parkinson’s potion from time to time to correct something he would later repeat to Ron. As always, the lesson would end up when Seamus blew something up. He had learned new ways of making things explode and never failed to help Neville escape Snape’s animosity.
But not today.
Today Harry was sitting alone at his desk, letting his fingers feel the old wooden table as he wonders what happened to them.
Not many people he knew went back to Hogwarts. The Patil sisters were taking their classes from home, he heard, and Cho’s family had moved away. Hannah told him that Ernie had joined the Auror Training Program while Finch-Fletchley had temporarily left the Wizarding World for a year at Eton. None of the Slytherin he knew seemed to be there either. But hopefully, his best friends were still by his side. He still had Neville, Dean, Seamus, Ron and Hermione with him. His heart missed Ginny and Luna. They were supposed to be here too, but he hadn’t seen them since they took a Portkey to Brazil after Fred’s funeral.
 “You ok Harry?
-Oh, I hadn’t heard you come in.
-I’m sorry, I didn’t want to bother you.
-No no, it’s fine Nev, you can stay. I was just, you know, thinking. It’s been kinda weird lately.
-Hogwarts will never be the same, not for us.
-I’d hope you’re wrong.” Harry shrugged. “but it feels true. Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home. It doesn’t feel like home anymore. When, when I came back here, the very first time I saw the castle from the platform, it felt like home. But home isn’t a place, right Neville, it’s its people. And our people, I don’t know where they are anymore, but it isn’t there.
-Harry, I have something to tell you…
-You’re leaving, too, that’s it? I know you’re taking some NEWT next week. I saw your book.
-I’m… I’m going to have a baby.”
30th April, 98.
I broke up with him today. I couldn’t tell him about the baby. About our baby. He’s already suffering too much, between Ombrage, Snape and the Carrows. His friends and him are still resisting, still fighting. If I tell him about the baby… I’m afraid he would try to protect me and risk his own life in the process. He has become so brave lately. I never thought I could fall for him. But here am I. Seventeen and pregnant with his child. Sweet Merlin. What have I done?
I know it’s too late to do something about it. If I go back to Mrs Pomfrey and tell her I changed my mind... for a week or two, maybe she’ll send to St Mungo and… and I wouldn’t be pregnant anymore.
Is it wrong that I don’t want to? That I want this baby to live even if I don’t know in which world they will grow in? If Voldemort wins the war… I’m a pure blood, and he’s, too. Maybe we can survive his reign of terror. But he would never stop fighting, will he? Even if we run away… He would try to fight for a better world; he would say things like “our child deserves the world I’m fighting for”. And he would be right. But then, he would die, and my baby would never know his father.
If only I could tell someone… but mom and dad would kill me/ and him. And my friends would never understand… I’m not even sure that we’re friends anymore anyway. We’re barely talking anymore. Everything in this castle is slowly rotting and smelling like death. We haven’t heard about Harry for months. I guess he ran away with Hermione and Ronald, making babies in France.
 But what if Voldemort loses? If he loses, I would have deprived my child of a wonderful father. If said father wants him. I can’t picture him rejecting us, but… he’s not used to them as I am now. If I tell him for the baby and he rejects me…
Stop, enough thoughts for today. Time to go to sleep.
 I really like Alice, if it’s a girl. Just like his mom.
I’m gonna make it out alive for you.
And I’ll tell dad. You just have to be patient.
Harry stood up, silent, as Neville’s words reached his brain. He was going to have a baby. A baby. Neville was going to have a baby and he didn’t have a single clue on who was the mother. Neville was going to have a baby. Neville had had sex with someone. Neville who, not so long ago was waltzing on its own after the Yule ball was going to have a baby. Neville who never dated anyone expect Ginny at the Yule ball was going to have a baby.
“How?” was somehow the only word his brain could manage.
“I’ve met this girl while you were um, hunting, and I don’t know how but we end up dating and now she’s pregnant. It wasn’t planned, but she’s almost here, so I have no other choice but to leave school. I talked to Professor McGonnagal before summer and that’s why I’m only studying herbology ten hours a day, six days out of seven. Once I have my NEWT I have a job at a flower shop. It won’t be easy, but my granny isn’t pleased with the new and hasn’t planned on helping me financially. She said she’ll help me with the practical things such as how to change a diaper and how to hold a baby but I need money to feed the baby and buy said diaper and so I need a job and
-Neville Neville stop please! You’re going to die if you don’t breath!
-It’s a little bit overwhelming.
-A little bit, yeah. Just breath for a few secs, okay?
-I don’t have a few secs! She’s due for early November!
-Yes, she.” Neville smiled, nodding. “A little girl. A watermelon sized baby girl. But that’s all I know! I just know she’s watermelon sized! And that she’ll be Scorpio. Why would I care about her muggle astrologic zodiac? I’m going to have a baby in a month Harry! A baby! I don’t know anything about baby! Or about anything in general. I’m just a kid, I’m not supposed to have a kid on my own, not now. I’m not even able to keep an eye on a toad! So a baby! I’m gonna make her fall or forget her in the bath or the train or
-I’ll help you! Neville, I’ll help you! I promise. You won’t be alone. You won’t be alone and it’s gonna be okay. Do you hear me, Neville Longbottom? You won’t be alone. Now breath. You’re gonna be a great dad, ok? Say it, you’re gonna be a great dad.
-I’m gonna be a great dad.
-I’m gonna be a great dad.
-Does anyone except your grandmother and Professor McGonnagal know about him?
-Her parents and bestfriends.
-Are they supportive?
-They kicked her out of their home. She’s staying at her best friend’s place until we gather enough money to rent a flat.
-Shit I’m sorry… Do you… Are you guys together?
-Yes, since last year. But no one knew… Harry, you have to promise me you won’t be mad…
-Why would I? You haven’t get Ginny pregnant, right? Neville, you haven’t get Ginny pregnant?
-No no no! Plus you were together back then! I wouldn’t have!
-Geez. Then, who’s the girl?
-Promise you won’t be mad.
-You’re scaring me. But okay, I promise.
-I’m with Pansy Parkinson.
Pansy was lying on the bed, facing the world outside of the window. It has been days, and she hadn’t said a word.
“Pansy… Talk to me, please…”
 The silence treatment wasn’t new. She had always made up walls to protect herself, and those walls had always needed silent. Ordinarily, he would have given her some space and time to deal with whatever she had to deal with; waiting patiently until she felt ready to open up. But now wasn’t ordinarily, they didn’t have time. The Aurors would show up sooner than later.
“Pansy…” he whispers again, afraid to speak out loud; afraid of his own voice in the silence of the Manor. “I’m here.” He climbed on the bed and snuggled against her, hiding his face in her long dark hair, twisting their hands. “I love you Pans. No matter what’s going on on your head, and no matter what’s going to happen, I love you.” “I love you” he repeated, when he felt her closing the gap between their bodies. “and I will always love you.
-I love you too, Draco.” She finally whispered back, raising their linked hands to her lips. She was crying.
 The moon was high when a thud noise woke them up. Eyes opened in the dark and hearts beating fast, they heard Narcissa high pitched scream.
“The Aurors.” Draco finally realised, quickly rising from the bed and running to the door, trying to lock them in. It hasn’t been another nightmare; the sounds were real, they were real. And Pansy wasn’t moving. “Pansy, you have to Apparate to Blaise’s. Follow the plan, Pans’, move! You have to go! Now! Apparate!
-Come with me!
-I can’t! Come on Pansy, go! Please, I beg you! They can’t find you there! You haven’t done anything for Him, they can’t find you here! Move, please!
-Draco…” Her body stayed still as she turned her head toward the window, catched by the numerous Lumos coming from the gardens.
“Draco! Draco son! Come downstairs now!” they heard Lucius call. He was giving them time, it was nearly too late.
“Pansy! Go away!
-I’m pregnant Dray.” She croaked, finally turning her gaze to him.
-I’m pregnant!
-You’re pregnant!
-Draco! Downstairs now! They won’t hurt you!” his father’s voice was nearer, and he swears he could hear people run up the stairs.
-Oh Sweet Salazar Pansy! Should I congratulate you?
-Could you?
-Is the father good to you? Does he love you?” he hurried, hope blowing in his chest.
“He told me so, but I broke up with him, it’s Neville, I was so scared and now I fucked up everything and
-Draco! Out! Now!
-Draco!” His mother’s voice echoed.
“Get back to him. Apparate to Blaise and get back to him. They will take care of you. I love you Pans, now go! Please, for the child, leave now!
-I love you too, Draco!” she cried in a loud crack as the door behind Draco’s back began to tremble.  
 Harry stood silence, shocked, for the second time in less than fifteen minutes. The mother was Pansy Parkinson. Pansy fucking Parkinson.
The girl who tried to held him to the Voldemort.
It just couldn’t be true.
 “Harry, please, say something.
-Pansy Parkinson?
-She’s really nice, when you get to know her.
-When did you get to know her? How the fuck did you get to know her?! Last time I saw her she tried to get me killed! And now you’re telling me she’s pregnant? That you got her pregnant? If this is some kind of a joke, it’s a really lame one.
-I’m not joking, Harry. I’m dating her since last December.
-Last December.
-We had detention together at Flich’s. She had hex a Carrow, to avenge a girl he had hit.
-And a good action is enough to buy back a past of pettiness and cruelty?
-She’s not cruel.
-So we agree on petty.
-She tried to get me killed; I have the right to call her petty.
-She didn’t want to, she
-She wanted me to die. She wanted me to surrender when an army was standing outside of our walls, Nev’. She was the reason why all Slytherins ended up in the dungeon instead of in the battlefield, fighting with us. She betrayed us.
-She was trying to save her baby. My baby.
-By having all of us killed?
-It was a really stupid plan.
-She’s sorry. She’s really sorry. She threatened you to make sure our child will live whatever side win! If we had lost that day, I’d be dead and she’ll be raising our child in a convent. If we had lost and she had run to my side, Voldemort would have killed her too.
-She’s a Slytherin, a Pureblood, Malfoy’s bestfriend, if we had lost and she’d stayed silent, she’d have been safe. There was no need to send me to Voldemort.
-She could’ve hexed you. She’s brilliant, you know? She could’ve hexed you and carry you out herself, but she didn’t even try.
-Bless her.
-Harry. I’m trying to tell you that she isn’t the mean girl you think she is! And even if she’s been, she’s not anymore. And she wasn’t anymore when I talk to her for the first time last year. Believe me Harry. Believe in my judgment. Have I ever been something else than a friend to you? Have I ever been unworthy of our trust?
-Just try, Harry. Promise me you’ll try.”
Harry paused for a few seconds, inhaling deeply before nodding toward his friend. “If I found out she’s still that sneaky little bitch, I’ll rip her heart out.
-Harry, she’s my baby’s mom.
-I swear to Godric, don’t say that again or I’ll puke on your shoes.
-Duly noted.
-And, Neville.” Harry called out as his friend walked out the door. “I still love you.”
 I don’t know if my owl will reach you before they do. They broke into MM last night. I checked the news at dawn, they’re taking them to A. G has been taken too. I haven’t read about you, I hope you’re safe.
 P is safe. Terrified, but safe.
We’ll meet where it had all begun when the week is over.
 “Come on, Ron, you promised me you’ll help me!
-But I promised Harry we’ll play tonight, sorry!” Ron lied as they got into the common room.
“Is it true, Harry?
-You arranged a game tonight?
-huh, yeah, sure. Wanna join?
-I got my DADA essay and
-Have you ever played Quidditch Hermione? I’ve never seen you.
-I’d rather watch than play.
-You never tried?” Ron, apparently stunned by the new, stopped dead on his track. “How come?
-Neville never had, either.” She tried when she spotted the boy reading by the fireplace.
“Neville what?
-You never played Quidditch, right?
-I almost die the first time I got on a broom for the recall.
-Long time ago, come on, we’re playing tonight!
-I still don’t want to die.
-Nev be fun for once! You’re acting more hermionish that Hermione herself!
-He’s practically dating his books.
-At least they’re not trying to break his neck.
-Lovebirds, lovebirds, please be quiet.” Seamus asked, climbing on the couch. “We’re not going to study tonight, but we’re not gonna play Quidditch either. Tonight we celebrate!
-Dean, get your leprechaun under control, for once.” Harry teased as said leprechaun stand still on the couch, arms open to the ceiling.
“Wait for the final.
-oh my, what’s going to explode?”
Dean raised his eyebrows, trying to contain a smile as Colin came running into the Eight Year common room, glass bottles in his hands, screaming I got them!I got them! to Seamus.
“I fear for my life.” He whispered as Seamus began to shake vigorously one of them.
“And I fear for mine.” he smiled, not taking his eyes away from his lover. “I fear for mine.
-You all know by now how amazing Dean is, right?” People cheered as Dean hide his face in his hands, making Ron and Cormac whistled louder.
“He’s not going to propose, right?
-He better not.”
“Well, Minnie knows it too! She asked him to do a mural on the courtyard; he’s gonna paint for Hogwarts! He’s gonna paint History!
-Mate! Congratulations!
-Come here, love, they wanna hear it from you!”
  “Wow. That was pretty intense for a Thursday night.” Harry enthused, back in their shared dormitory. The party was slowly fading now that they had retired upstairs, but they didn’t really care. The new has been shared and the sparkling wine drank. Life still had happiness to offer them, they knew it; they were still teens, they remembered it. But their need to celebrate every little glimpse of happiness came from a dark place within their heart, and they knew now not to live harder than they felt.
“Congrats mate. That’s fucking brilliant.
-Seamus makes it seems far greater than it is, you know.
-McGonnagal asked you to paint the Second Wizarding War and honour the fallen, Dean. That isn’t anything. Your work is going to be there for decades! Harry’s right, it’s fucking brilliant!
-It’s just…” Dean sighed, suddenly looking away, searching something in the darkness of the night.
“It’s okay. We’re okay now.” Seamus reminded him, leaving Neville’s Wizards and Witches cards to get to his side. “It’s over now.” He said, trying to keep his voice low and steady as he kissed his boyfriend’s temple. “We’re okay.” He repeated a last time, snuggling himself against him.
“It’s just…”he began again, gripping Seamus a little bit closer. “It reminds me of Luna. When we were in the Malfoy’s cellar, we used to paint on the walls. Malfoy had found out and started bringing us pigmented coal. That’s all we did for weeks. Paint with our fingers on dirty walls.
-But there wasn’t light.” Ron objected, slightly shivering at the memory of Hermione’s screams. “We couldn’t see much down there.
-I never said it was pretty. But it did keep us sane. And hopeful. And, and that what I want this mural to be, you know. I don’t want to paint what happened. I don’t want to paint the snatchers chasing us, Fudge lying to us or even the Goblet of Fire. I don’t want to paint Wood and his guys flying over Hogwarts at the start of the battle, I don’t want to paint the statues jumping down of their pillar. I don’t want to paint you, Neville, taking out Godric’s sword. I don’t want the pain, anger and madness we all felt to flourish on Hogwarts’s walls. I only want to draw the hope. But how can I do it now? Half of our friends hadn’t come back. Luna and Ginny … Sometimes, I don’t even know where to look to find hope. I know I’ll be happy. I’ve got you, I’ve got Seam, but… there’s something still missing, you know? I’d hoped for this day to come, all of us in our dorm, and now that it’s here, I just don’t know.” He paused, shaking his head. “I don’t know.
-I- I know what I hope for.” Neville started tentatively as no one seemed to be ready to talk. “I- I… I have hope in a better world. I hope my kids would grow in a better world than the one we grew into. We still have a lot to do, that’s for sure. We still need to heal and rebuilt our lives. But we also have to stay aware of our own bias and fight the pain that’s making us blind; cause we’ll all have to find within us the strength to forgive those who try to redeem themselves, and it will takes time, but I believe in it.
Dean, I don’t know how it could’ve felt in the cellar, but the hope you hold on to, I’ve felt it. I had the hope to see a day where we’d be all reunited; alive, safe and happy. I’ve endured the Carrows because I believed in victory, I believed in peace and in a better world. You haven’t lost hope. You accepted McGonnagal offer because you believe in a future where students would learn about the war we made without worrying about how frail peace could be. You don’t want to paint pain and suffering because you have this hope that their world would let them be carefree and happy. And that day will come. But for the next decades, kids will get to Hogwarts and learn about how they lose members of their families. And they’ll go to the courtyard and look up to your artwork and they’ll see what they died for, they’ll see why they kept fighting until the end. And that will pass from generation to generation: there’s some good in this world and it’s worth dying for. That what I hope for, a world which learn from his mistake and never try to forget. A world where this war could’ve never happened.
-A world where a little Draco Malfoy would be shaking hand with a little Harry Potter.” Dean asked, trying to smile behind his tears.
“In the world Neville’s talking about, my son could befriend his.” Harry nodded before slowly walking toward his friend. “I’m sorry for what I said.” He whispered before embracing the father to be.
If someone had ever asked Blaise Zabini what colour does he despite the most, he would have probably answered red; red as the Gryffindor beanie he was actually wearing to be precise. Turning the page of his newspaper, he couldn’t stop himself from laughing: wearing the Saviour’s colour has been the only logical choice he made when he planned to meet the son of a Death Eater in King Cross. The Aurors were patrolling everywhere, looking for allies of the Dark Wizard, and Muggle one has been given pictures of the fugitives. If he wasn’t amongst them and came back to the house alive, then he would consider himself lucky. Otherwise, stupid would be perfectly suiting.
10h58. With a deep breath, Blaise stood up and, checking conscientiously his surroundings, stride toward platform 93/4.  The entire plan was stupid. He didn’t even know if Theo had read his owl. Letters were still opened daily, and a coded one could have been considered dubious. And even if he got it, who said he’d be coming? They had never been great friends. The risk was too high. Anyone could be an Auror, or a muggle Auror. Who knew what does a muggle Auror looked like?
10h59. He still had a few seconds. Breathing in and out, he pretended to lace his shoes, giving time for the weird looking guy to pass.
At 11h, he had crossed the wall and stood alone on the platform.
“Shit shit shit…” he mumbled, searching for a hint of a human being. Theo wasn’t there. No one was there. He’s been pathetic, thinking his plan has the smallest chance of succeed. When the week is over could have meant Sunday and not Monday and where it had all begun how fucking precise!
At 11h02, he decided that he would leave the station at 05. Here he was the easiest target of the whole United Kingdom. There were cameras everywhere in the muggle part of the station; his beanie and an atrocious muggle jumper wouldn’t be a sufficient disguise if the authorities were really working hand in hand to capture every witches and wizards suspected of being linked to Voldemort. And he was sure to be on the list.
11h03. He shouldn’t have stayed with Draco after he took the Mark. He shouldn’t have started to talk to Theo when Draco did. He should have been there for Draco before he took the Mark in the first place. Should have forced him to leave his home when his wonky father got out of Azkaban. Should have run away to France when Voldemort had return. Mistakes on mistakes, that’s what he’s done with his last two years.
11h04. Something caught his eyes. A raven had landed on the platform, eyeing him. Did raven could eye people? Clenching his fist, he took a deep breath and decided that those last sixty seconds could get screwed. If this wasn’t a normal raven…
Blaise heart achingly stopped in his chest as the raven start croaking again, as it jumped to face him. He couldn’t make a step without the damned bird croaking at him, coming nearer.
“Croa.” The bird repeated, opening his wings, as others came flying above them.
“Petrificus Totalus!” He shouted. The raven fell to the ground, petrified, soon followed by another, and a third one until all the birds were left lifeless. “What have I done?” he asked himself in horror as he finally lowered his wand. Around him, circling him, were dozen of raven, draining from their blood. The fall has been lethal. He stumbled and felt his entire body react to the ferric smell filling his nostrils. He couldn’t stay there. The scattered feathers, the blood dripping on the ground, it was a slaughter. Feeling his stomach constrict again, he started running until he crossed the wall. He had to get away from there as quickly as possible. He had to leave King Cross before anyone found out the mess he made. He had to be home when the entire Auror department would be deployed, looking for the dark wizard who just performed a sinister ritual. He needed a plan. He needed to breathe. He needed to puke. But a hand grabbed his arm and pulled him behind the pillar with force before he could even try to steady himself. Panic invaded him as he fell his own body hit the bricks, suddenly blind to the world surrounding him. It’s over he cannot helped fearing as a hand covered hastily his mouth.      
“Having trouble sleeping?” Harry asked as he found his best friend playing wizarding chess at 2 am in the empty common room.
“Can’t sleep. You? Nightmares again?
-Wanna play?
-I dunno, I
-Just sit. I’ll play for you.”
Harry grinned slightly before curling himself in the sofa, accio-ing a plaid. The warmth and roaring blaze of the fire was comforting, extracting him from the numbness of the woods. Being with Ron had always helped him feel better. The Weasley had always made him feel safe; at home.
“You know, I’ve been thinking about what Dean told us tonight.
-The mural?
-Do you think that’s why Ginny hasn’t come back yet? Because she’d lost hope in her future here?
-You think she has?
-She said she’ll be back for school. Mom said she’s send a postcard on the 4th, to tell us not to worry. But how can I not? She’s my baby sis…”
It was almost midnight when Pansy finally gave up and cast a shy lumos, blowing out the candles. Their flickering light was freaking her out more than lighting anything anyway and she couldn’t stand the strange shadows crawling around the shack they were hidden in. Blaise hadn’t come back yet, and the knots in her stomach grew tighter and tighter with every cracked and squeaked from the wooden planks. Outside, the wind was slamming branches against the windows, or what was left of them and she could feel the air coming in. It wasn’t a night to be left alone.
Plus it wasn’t on the plan. Blaise was supposed to meet Theo at 11, and then they were supposed to come to the hutch. Blaise was gone for more than fourteen hours now; it couldn’t be good. Something had happened.
Something happened to Blaise.
Something happened to Blaise; too.
He has been taken by the Aurors, or maybe the Muggle ones. Did they still torture people in the non-wizarding world?
Or maybe someone recognised him and hexed him; leaving him bleeding to death in an alley. By now he was probably in St Mungo, lying unnamed in the mortuary.
 She heard him cry before they left his house. She knew something happened before they went into the woods. He had read something in the Prophet and had burned the papers before she could see it. Draco was probably dying somewhere in Azkaban and now they were taking Blaise, too…
And she would never know if they were still alive.
And she would die in there, alone and terrified.
She would let herself die in there if he didn’t come back. She would never be able to survive on her own. She would never be able to leave the shack and get through the woods.
No, no, no, she would. She shook her head, trying to dispel the thoughts running freely inside of her mind, before her eyes. She couldn’t let herself lose hope now. She had to stay strong and keep moving. She couldn’t collapse. Maybe Blaise has been taken; maybe King Cross has been guarded. Maybe they were looking for Theo and they had taken them both. But with or without them, she had to stay strong for her baby. She had agreed to stay in there because she feared for the little thing, but she still was Pansy fucking Parkinson by Salazar! She’d find another plan, and she’d stay strong; it was in her DNA.
If he hadn’t come back by the morning, she’ll stocktake their food and supplies and keep waiting as long as she could. Thereafter she’ll hide in a convent and finds out a way to rent an owl to reach for Neville. Then, and if he doesn’t throw her away, he’ll help her fight for them and get them out of Azkaban.
Yes, that was a good plan; a good backup plan; because Blaise was coming back.
He was coming back.
Harry woke up to the sound of Hermione’s chuckle. He had fallen asleep on the couch with Ron, again. That was becoming to feel like an old habit. Ron’s thoughts were too loud at night, preventing sleep to release him from their reality; and he hadn’t stop making nightmares since he went back from the dead. They ended up wandering in the Burrow at ungodly hours before finally sitting back down on the couch, figuring out they were no point in keeping pretending. Dusk didn’t felt like a blessing for them as it did for Hermione. But dawn did. Dawn was when he’d wake up to a snoring Ron and realise he had taken his glasses off before they fell to the floor and covered him so he won’t get cold. Dawn was when he would take his cover off, and put them on Ron, so he could get warm before waking up. Dawn was when he felt the happiest to still be alive.    
“What’s so funny?” he asked, his voice croaking, as he rest his chin on the back of the sofa, looking toward the form of his best friend walking down the stairs.
“Seamus.” Dean answered, coming behind her. “He bet he could make something explode during breakfast and Hermione bet he couldn’t wait until then.
-And I win! He blew up his toothpaste, Harry! His toothpaste!”
 Entering their shared bathroom, Harry couldn’t help but wonder how did his friend ended up being a magical TNT detonator: there was dentifrice up to the ceiling.
“You should’ve seen Seamus’s face.” Neville smiled awkwardly behind him. “Not only did he burst his own, but ours too! And he doesn’t even know how! I swear he’s gonna blow up the castle someday!
-He kinda already has.
-Yeah, right. Talking about, I- I wanted to thank you, for yesterday. For understanding.
-Would you, would you like to tell me more about her? How you met and how she was? Cause it feels like I don’t know this girl you fell for, and. I mean, if she’s important for you, then she’s for me.”
 “As I told you, we met in detention.” Neville began to recount as they walked toward the lake. “At first I didn’t wanted to talk to her but … Filch locked us up for six hours so … we began to talk.
“You ain’t catching me Longbottom!” she shouted, five stairs ahead. “You’re too slow!
-You’re defying me?
-Only stating the obvious!”
Neville shook his head in disbelief: he really was chasing Pansy Parkinson down, racing to the boathouse. And he was enjoying it. His heart was beating fast and he couldn’t stop smiling. Somehow he’d felt for her. He couldn’t tell if he fell for her bravery as she stood for first years or if it was her eyes sparkling with mischiefs when she looked at him. Maybe it was the way she laughs, bright and loud, unashamed to still feel joy or the way she walked, chin up and deadly glares to those who insult her and her friends. Falling for her hadn’t meant being blind or forgetful of their shared past, it had meant caring enough for her to open up and reveal who she really was behind the mask.
“Got you!” she smirked as she grabbed him by his robe, pulling him close.
“Yeah, you got me.” He smiled back, leaning toward her. Her smell had the power to shut down his brain, just as much as her red lips.
“You know, no one ever goes into the boathouse.
-Yeah. So you can kiss me.
-Do you want to?
-Yes.” She answered, closing her eyes as she felt Neville’s lips on hers.
 Falling for him has been easy, but admitting it hasn’t. Neville wasn’t supposed to be her type. She always had crushes on people like Draco, Hermione or even Ginny; strong people who knew what they wanted and were able to fight for it. She hadn’t planned Neville was one of them. He had grown into a man far different from the little boy she thought he was, and it was he delight to discover him, she had to admit. His bravery and obstinacy toward a better world has been a surprise for her who had never given him a second thought, but his kindness and candor weren’t, and she was glad to realise he hadn’t lost them on the way.
 “Maybe you could kiss me again?” she whispered as Neville broke their kiss. “If you wanted to…
-I’d love to.” He grinned, taking her hand. “And maybe we could be more than friends…
-Like best friends?” she asked, playfully.
The glitters in her gaze were back, and Neville felt his heart melt in his chest. “Like lovers.” He corrected, wondering where his fearlessness came from.
“I’d like it.” she said, her eyes in his. She wasn’t smiling anymore, but he couldn’t see it, as he was mesmerised by something in her iris. “If you promise not to fry my brain.
-Only if you don’t break my heart.”
 Christmas was coming. The twelves Christmas trees glowed in the halls as garlands glittered in every common room. The Castle was literally sparkling from inside out. But sitting in front of the hearth, a wreath in her laps, Pansy felt empty. The burst of joy usually inhabiting her wasn’t there; for the first time since kindergarden, she wasn’t going to spend Christmas Eve at Malfoy Manor.
Sitting in the middle of her common room, she could only feel the emptiness inside her. Draco hadn’t come back in September and his absence seemed to fill the air, now more than before. He had stopped sending her letters since mid-October and she couldn’t help thinking it had something to do with the rumours she heard in the late whispered talks saying that the Dark Lord was living with them.
“Pans, you comin? McGonnagal’s not gonna wait forever.”
  The December’s trip to Hogsmeade has always been her favourite; snow battles, Christmas shopping, Honey Dukes and Daphne’s atrocious seasonal jumpers were like inevitable glimpse of Heaven in her eyes. Saying that Pansy Parkinson loved winter would only be an understatement; she practically lived for it. But when her friends started throwing snowballs at each other she slowed down, creating space between them. When Theo and Blaise decided to make a halt in Tomes and Scrolls, she followed Daphne around, heartlessly.
“Are you alright sweetie?” the blond finally asked as they passed a choir. “You’re surprisingly silent. And distant.
-I’m just not in the mood. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to ruin your day out.
-You’re not ruining anything; I’m just worried.
-You don’t have to. I’ll meet you guys later at the Three Broomsticks if that’s okay? I’d like to stay alone a little bit.
-You know you can talk to me, right?
-Don’t worry, ‘kay? I’ll meet you there.
-Pinkie promise?
-Whatever you want.” She shook her head, offering her finger to her friend. “I can’t believe you still believe in this.
-But I do. I’ll be in there, if you change your mind.” She added, pointing toward a Christmas charms shop across the street.
 In other circumstances, she would have gladly crossed the street with her friend. And she’d probably have deal with her best friend absence by buying him one of those Christmas tree decorations he loved so much.  But in those circumstances, it was too must to ask. So she turned her heels and began to walk away from the village, toward the little hill overlooking the Shrieking Shack. And there she was, looking at the odd house from afar when a familiar voice called her name. She didn’t had to turn away to know Neville was coming closer, she could hear his footstep on the fresh snow.
“Hey… Are you okay?” he queried as he stood beside her.
  You know, at first I was impress by her attitude. We were all slowly losing our composure, finally understanding what was really happening at Hogwarts, between the absence of all muggleborn and half the half-blood, the punishments of the Carrows, Filch’s adoration for Ombrage old teaching methods and the curriculum itself. I thought my world was tumbling down. But there she was, proud and reckless, spelling and hexing, standing up to us, as if she was born for it. Yes, I was more than impress. I was heels over head before the first snow. And only then did she let me get to know her more… deeply. She opened up and showed me her cracks, and I couldn’t but love her more at how strong she was for standing up when her base was all flickering. For months she’s tortured herself for having Death Eaters children as friends. Only the Greengrass girl wasn’t one. And I know what you must be thinking Harry, birds of a feather flock together, but it was terrorising her. For nights she couldn’t sleep, overthinking about it. Maybe she was petty, and maybe she sometimes acted out of “cruelty”, I would stay stupidity, but she never believed in all that pureblood superiority bullshit. She’s been raised to believe in certain things and she was only presented to other children raised to believe in those same things, but she finally chose to question all of it, because it never fully made sense for her. For her it was as if someone had just ripped off her eyelids. She’s been taught not to see any of it, and suddenly, it was everywhere. She was torn apart between her love for her family and friends and what she was discovering about them, wondering if she could still love them, wondering if she should cut those ties or try to rip off their eyelids. She was constantly feeling like a failure, feeling fake. I’m not trying to make you pity her, I just want you to know she has always been far more than what she made herself appears to be. She needed people to believe she was… how should I say it? Complete? Solid? I don’t know. But she also had her cracks, and she kept them hidden for months. And I’m not saying … She needs time to trust people, and until she trusts them, she won’t let them see her. It’s not a mask, it’s an armour. She’s protecting herself. And she let me in. She opened up to me and let me question her raising and beliefs. And I didn’t find anything awful.
“Neville! Neville hurry up! It’s Seamus!”
The Room of Requirement suddenly felt too small as Ginny took him by the arm, running toward the door. Around them, the DA fell quiet as students stopped in their practise, anticipating the worst as they took their leader’s distress in. Running up the stairs, Neville couldn’t form any coherent thoughts. He knew the path, but his brain didn’t want him to realise he was rushing to the hospital wing. Yet, that was where they were heading.
“What happened?” he finally urged as they slow down, taking in the sight of the closed curtain bed.
“The Carrows. Parkinson found him unconscious on the third floor; said it was the Carrows. I rather warn you, it’s not pretty.”
Ginny hadn’t lie. Seamus was everything except pretty, barely recognisable. His face was tumefied and his eyes were swollen too, purple from the blood within them. His lip was cut and bruises were already forming by his left cheekbone, down to his chin. His right was hidden behind a bandage coming from the upper part of his head.
“They haven’t. Tell me they haven’t done that.” He whispered, coming closer to the bed. Now wasn’t the time for letting his anger out. Luna was shaking in a chair across the bed, studying carefully the potions in the bedtable.
“He has some broken ribs too. But Madam Pomfrey says he’s gonna be okay.” Ginny informed him, as she placed a hand above the covers, where Seamus hand probably was. “But he still hasn’t wake up.”
“He’s gonna be okay. He’s strong. He’s gonna be okay.” He tried to convince himself as a distant moan escape his friend’s lips.
-Seamus? Seamus, you’re safe. You’re at the hospital wing. You’re safe, Seamus. We’re here. Ok?” Luna murmured, gently stroking his hair as he feebly wailed his lover name again and again.
“I’m gonna kill them. I’m gonna kill them!” Neville swore, gritted teeth, as he stormed out of the room, quickly followed by the redhead girl. “I’m gonna kill them and make them pay for it.
-And then, what? You kill them, and then, what?  You run to Abelforth? The gardens are full of death eaters and dementors! You’d be dead before midnight! Or worse. Is that really what you want? We’re gonna have our revenge, I promise you.
-And until then, we’re gonna sit down and wait? We’re gonna let the Carrows terrorize and torture our schoolmates? Our friends?
-We’ll keep training. We’ll keep training, and when the time comes, we’ll be ready to finally fight back.
-I can’t.
-You have no choice, Nev. We’re in a state of war. War! You can’t just act on impulse! You have to focus on the bigger picture. We have to keep Hogwarts until Harry comes back.
You can’t just give us up.
-I’m not.
-Then fucking act like it!” she roared before leaving him alone in the middle of the corridor.
    “How’s Seamus?” Pansy finally asked, nestled against her boyfriend in their secret alcove. He had barely spoken since he came out of the Hospital Wing a few hours ago. His friend was barely breathing when she found him earlier that day; she could barely imagine what he must be feeling.
“Madam Pomfrey says he’s gonna be okay… but you saw him, right? You know how bad it looks like.
-I’m sorry. I wish I could have done something.
-It’s killing me. I wish I could do something. I wish I could…
-He’s gonna be okay, love.
-You don’t understand.” He murmured to her temple, matter-of-factly. “No one’s gonna be okay. We’re supposed to keep Hogwarts until Harry comes back. Then, we’ll fight to death. Thus I don’t see how anyone could be okay.” He sighed, closing his eyes.
“Look at me. Neville, I said look at me. People die every day out there. People die. But Seamus isn’t going to. It was a close call, but he will make it, and someday, he’s gonna be okay. He’s gonna be okay because you’re gonna keep going. I know you, you’re not going to sit, hide somewhere and wait for the Mighty Saviour to come back. You’re going to keep standing up against the Carrows, maybe more now than ever. You’re going to keep standing up for the weaker, for those who are afraid, those who lay in hospital beds. You aren’t doing nothing. You weren’t there when Seamus got attacked, but it doesn’t mean you can’t be there for someone else, honey. It isn’t a fair fight, but I know you still in, right? And as long as you keep going, I’d bet on you. Now tell me, Neville, who are you betting on?
-I’m betting on you.
-I’m being serious here, darling.” She tried to repress a smile as he took off an eyelash from her cheek, keeping his hand against her skin.
“And I am, too. I want you to join the DA.
-I can’t.
-Everyone knows we’re fighting for the same side. I’m sure they’d take you in.
-I really can’t. I can fight against the Carrow; but
-Then would you train with me? Would you fight with me?
-Hell I’ll do. I’ll fight with you, Neville Longbottom. Until the very end.”
“What are you waiting for? Someone grab him.” Pansy’s words resonated in the sudden silence of the Great Hall, making Ginny rush toward Harry, shielding him behind her. Soon, every member of the Orders and DA were standing in front of him or flanked by his side, wand out. Harry couldn’t be taken to Voldemort, and they wouldn’t let anyone do so; even if that meant hurting a fellow student.
 “Students out of bed! Students in the corridors!” Filch yelled as he burst breathless into the hall.
“They’re supposed to be out of bed, you blithering idiot!” Professor McGonnagal snapped, as the caretaker, realising his mistake, apologized flatly. “As it happens, Mr Filch, your arrival is most opportune. If you would, I would like you to lead Miss Parkinson and the rest of Slytherin House from the Hall.
-Where exactly is it I’ll be leading them to, ma’am?
-The dungeons will do.” she concluded, taking her attention back to Harry. “I presume you have a reason for returning, Potter. What is it you need?
-Time, professor. As much as you can get me.
-Do what you have to do. I’ll secure the castle. Potter …” She called again, slightly unsure on what was left to say. “It’s good to see you.
-It’s good to see you too, professor.” He said back, already on his way out. “Hold on the fort Neville!”
 Neville nodded. He knew what he had to do. Theày had made so many plans during the last three months that he didn’t have to consult Ginny before exposing them to the Order. He knew that she was agreeing with him and would have proposed the same tactic; but he also knew she was too distracted to take the lead right now. Harry was back. After months of wandering, his presence filled the castle.
Furthermore, organizing their defence and getting ready to fight for his life seemed to mute Pansy’s voice still echoing inside his head.
 “Pansy, come here.” Vince murmured, already sneaking out from the group led by Filch. “Draco will need us. They will need us.” His tone was barely a whisper as he couldn’t refrain his enthusiasm. He was metamorphosed, waiting for the Dark Wizard to take the school like a child waits for Christmas.
“I’m staying in the dungeon. And you probably should too. If Filch found you wandering
-He ain’t gonna see us! The Dark Lord is coming Pansy! The Dark Lord! No one will even see us! This is it, the time has come!
-I’m staying there. Blaise! Blaise!” she called out loudly, hoping to get scolded by the old man in the process, the other boy being ten foot away.
“What’s wrong with you Pans? Haven’t been noticed enough already?” he chided her, going upstream.
“Tell him we have to stay in the dungeon with the others!” she pleaded quietly.
“I’m not stayin’ in the dungeon! My place is in the battlefield! With my father and my own!
-Oh come on, Crabbe. You’re more likely to kill You-Know-Who by inadvertence. We’ll watch for you down there.
-I am not going to the dungeon! Aren’t you gonna fight for the Dark Lord?! Great Salazar, you aren’t going to, are you? You’re gonna stay hidden and wait for a side to lose. And when you’ll get out of your stash, you’ll try to get in the winner’s good graces. I pity you.” He spat, suddenly pouting like first year Draco.
“You can take you pity up your arse, for what I care. Come on, Pans, let gets to the dungeon before someone notice we’re missing.” He gave up, shaking his head before taking his friend by the hand. “I’m not gonna die for those fuckers” he muttered, walking them away.
“And Draco? What are you doing of Draco?” Vicent yelled. “If we lose, he’s gonna die tonight!”
 “Draco’s not gonna die, he’s not gonna die.” Blaise promised to a curled up Pansy. The room felt too small. On every faces, she could read the same anxiety she felt inside her, gnawing her. Theodore was on the other side of the room, his forehead against the stone wall. His father was probably somewhere at the borders, waiting for You-Know-Who’s orders. Locking them up in the dungeon, she’d avoided him the painful idea to face his dad, and die by his hand.
She knew Blaise was talking to her, she could feel his breath on her cheek, but she couldn’t hear him. If You-Know-Who lose tonight, Draco would… but even if he won, who knew what he’d have send him to beforehand. Blocking her breath, she tried to steady herself, focusing on everything else. She couldn’t do anything to save her friend, not at the cost of her baby life. A baby whose father was currently getting ready to fight upstairs. A baby whose father was soon going to mate his fate, too.
As Neville’s body lay lifeless in her mind, she started crying, trying her best at repressing the screams coming from her gut. She was going to lose her mind.
“Pansy! Pansy!” Blaise whispered hardly against her ear, trying to hold her as tight as could be as she kept biting her hand. “Pansy breathe!”
  They won. But where was the overwhelming joy he had imagined feeling? He was sitting alone in a bench, and couldn’t find any solace in his surroundings. The castle was destroyed. Families were destroyed. People had died tonight. Many people. Too many. As Luna came, taking the place beside him, he smiled at her. In another universe, her presence would have been enough to bring him out of the chaos. But not in this one. Here, he’d have need another girl. A girl who had just betrayed him.
It was almost two in the morning when the wooden door creaked loudly. Senses suddenly on alert, she grabbed her wand, pointing it toward the bedroom door.
“Pans?” a familiar voice called her from the living room. Barely raised, she let herself fall back in the mattress as she called him back, almost wailing, as tears of relief started rolling down her cheeks. He was back. He was back and he was alive. “Blaise!” she called, again, urging him to her as he burst through the doorframe.
“I’m here, I’m here. I’m right here.” He whispered, embracing her. “Theo’s here too.
-I thought, I thought they had
-Shht, it’s okay. It’s over, now. I’m sorry things didn’t go as planned.
-Can I come in?” Theo asked from behind the curtain “Everyone’s decent?”
The morning sun found them sleeping, mix of limbs half on the mattress, half on the floor. Blaise had taken feathers in the sheets while Theo hadn’t removed his blood stained shirt, but for one more hour, it would stay unsaid, inexistent.  
They had fallen asleep squeezed up against each other after wordlessly agreeing on doing the talking later. Theo had practically collapsed from exhaustion as his brain understood he was finally somewhere safe. The week has been hard. They could allow themselves a break. They could pretend everything was fine for the rest of the night.
 Theo woke up last.  For the first time in a week, he stayed a little bit longer under the cover, appreciating the sunrays and the quiet laughter of his friends on the other room. Hiding his face in his hand, he sighed happily. He was safe and sound, and above all, he wasn’t alone anymore. Obviously the shack was spartian. He had had a small glimpse of it as he got in but in the cruel light of reality, it was even worse. The bedroom wasn’t empty; the two mattresses lying on the floor were all it could contains. There wasn’t any drawer or shelf, only a traveling bag full of neatly fold clothes, ready to get picked up at any time. Opening the curtain separating the two rooms he realised the door was in fact missing. On the so called living room, Pansy and Blaise were sitting on buckets, eating their breakfast on a rickety table. Their food was stored against the wall where a chair was used as a shelf.
“You woke up!” Pansy smiled at him, pushing a bucket toward him. “If the gentleman wants to take a seat…
-We didn’t really know where to go.” Blaise shrugged as his friend tried the balance of his seat.
“It’s fine, okay? I mean, as long as you have toilets.
-That door.” she pointed the only other door. “But don’t expect a shower.
-As if I remembered what a shower is.
-When did you leave your house?
-I didn’t really get back, after… after…” he forfeited with a wave of the hand. “I got your letter by chance. I hadn’t meant to get back home, but as they had just taken father... I packed my things, took some galleons… I’ve been wandering in muggle London since we left Hogwarts… A roof is everything I’ve been praying for, Blaise. I know you guys are already on thin ice, I know how hazardous it is for you to shelter me. I am thankful. I didn’t mean to be disrespectful.  
-I know, I’m sorry.
-What about you Pansy? Since we left Hogwarts?
-I’ve stayed at the Manor until the Aurors came in. Then I Apparated at Blaise’s. He took his bags and you know the rest of the story.
-So you saw Draco? Where is he?
-I don’t know.” She avowed, biting her lip.  “I... they came at night, and Draco… he said he couldn’t come with me.
-They’ve been taken to Azkaban.” Blaise voiced out for the first time. “Same night as your old man. Front page cover in every magazine.
-You never told me!” Pansy moaned, tears already filling her eyes.
“How could I’ve? You stayed fucking silent for three days Pans! You were barely functioning, I couldn’t tell you!
-He’s my bestfriend! I needed to know!
-You knew! The fucking Aurors bursted into his house in the middle of the fucking night by Salazar! you couldn’t have imagined they were taking him to the ball? The Death Eaters has always rot in Azkaban Pansy! Azkaban!
-Shut up! Stop it!” she screamed, trying to cover his words as he rose from his bucket.
“Oh, and flash new: Draco is a fucking Death Eater!” he yelled before slamming the door behind him.
 “You okay?” Theo tried as he finally found Blaise in the middle of the wood.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have. It’s just… I lose my temper. We… we had never talked about Draco before.
-Are you mad at her for leaving him behind?” he asked softly, still making him look away abruptly. “You feel like she ran without him…” he added, resting a tentative hand on his arm.
“She should have forced him!” he suddenly shouted, moving away. “Narcissa would have made up a lie to cover his absence, it could have worked! But she Apparated without him! And she dares! He! He’s in Azkaban for Merlin sake! In Azkaban!
-Blaise …” he whispered, making a step forward.
“It’s over!” he broke down, falling to his knees. “He’s never going to get out of there. No one ever gets out of there.”
“I think I’d like to know her.” Harry acknowledged as Neville stopped declaiming his love for Pansy Parkinson. There was no use in pretending that he wasn’t heels over head for the Slytherin girl, neither was some in pestering against the girl he once knew; she apparently wasn’t anymore. “Would you mind introducing me to her, someday? I mean, if you’re both okay with it of course.
-You really do?
-I hear you talk about the girl of your life for half an hour, Nev.” He smiled, fondly. “What kind of horrible friend would I be if I didn’t want to. I really want to get to know her for who she is now.
-Harry...” he sighted, obviously relief. “Thank you. It- It means so much for me.
-You’re welcome, really.” He answered, scratching his neck, uneased by his friend sudden warmness. Seemingly taken by the same feeling, Neville suddenly started picking his books for his daily classes before heading toward the door.
 “Harry?” he abruptly asked, stopping short in the middle of the corridor. “Do you think I could tell the others? I mean, do you think they would listen, too? I want them to know her; I want all of you to. And when the baby’s here… I want you guys to be part of her life. But if they don’t accept Pansy... I won’t know what to do …
-Hermione’s logical, family comes first for Ron, Dean testified at Malfoy’s trial and Seamus’s a big ball of fluffiness lately. I think they’d be okay with it. And if they aren’t, I’ll hex them.
-I’m being serious here.
-And I am, too. We’re more than just roommates or friends; we’re a family. We’ll stand with you.”  
Blaise came back to the shack when dusk started to slowly fade the outdoor world. Laying down on one of the mattress, Theo seemed fast asleep, Pansy absentmindedly playing with his hair.
“Hi.” He greeted quietly, closing the door as carefully as possible as Pansy crossed the few meters between them, taking a bucket to sit on. “Still worn out?” he asked, nodding toward the form on the bed.
“Seems like. Told me about his week, how he slept on streets when he could sleep at all. I gave him your clothes, by the way. I cleansed his.
-It was nothing a tergeo couldn’t deal with, actually. It’s quite an efficient spell when it comes to blood.
-Cool.” He guessed, scanning their food stock. “I’ll cook dinner. Would you wake him up in a bit?
-Leaving Draco behind, it broke my heart, you know. But he- he’d never planned on running with me. Or running at all.
-I wouldn’t have left without him. I’d stayed by his side until we both could be safe.” He countered calmly, weighting the pro and con of eating the spinach tonight.  
“Blaise, please. He decided to get back to the Manor. He spent days there, waiting for the Aurors burst-in. He tidied up his room and burned things down. He was perfectly aware of the outgoing.
-You’re telling me he willingly waited for an Azkaban cell?
-I- I don’t know. But I know he did wait for the Aurors. I’m sorry Blaise but he didn’t fight. His parents called him downstairs and when I left, he was walking toward the door. He gave himself in.
-I can’t believe you.
-But you’ll have to! You can deny it as much as you want it will still be the one and only truth. He never planned on running away. Never.
-But it makes no sense!
-Maybe but that’s what happened. I’m sorry, Blaise. I’d have liked it to be otherwise… but he chose to stay.
-May I say something?” Theo interrupted, walking over them. “I saw him at the Manor, during winter break. Father had… meetings… there. It was already too much for him to bear, it was eating him from inside. He took the Mark, he … Who knows what he was ordered to do? Who knows what he did and witness? I don’t, but I can guess… He hated it, being a Death Eater, but that doesn’t undo the fact that he was one. And I think that’s why he gave himself in; he knew that what he did was wrong so he did what he thought was right. I think he tried to pay the price...”
Letting Theo’s words sink in, they stood in silence for a while. His pitch made sense. It was terrific in a way, but it made sense.
“If you guys are ready, I think it’s time to figure out how we can help him now.” Theo directed.
A few accio later, they were sitting around the table, feathers ready to plan everything up.
“Firstly, I think we need to know if we’re really looking for.
-Really, mate? We spent the last day running away from Aurors trying to find you.
-But as you aren’t Death Eater children, or Death Eater, or even Allies of the Dar- of Voldemort, we have to be sure about it.  And if one or both of you are wanted, we can’t just guess for what crimes. We can’t plan anything up without a foreseen of which potential penalties you could incur if we get caught.
-Don’t get me wrong, I get the idea; I just don’t think we’ll find a list in a muggle newspaper. We’ll have to go back to the Wizarding World, and I think it’s too risky.
-Maybe, maybe we can ask Neville.” Pansy proposed, avoiding their astonished gaze. She clenched her fists under the table, trying to stop her hands from shaking this much.
“Neville? Like in Neville Longbottom?” Blaise asked first.
-And why would he help us? He hates us!” Theo asked second, hands moving in disbelief.
“I dated him. Back in Hogwarts.” She blurted out, making them both curse in surprise. “He’s not the weak-minded we thought he was, you know. He’s clumsy, that’s undeniable, but he’s brave too and he’s got a fierceness you’d be jealous from.
-Are we still talking about Neville Longbottom?” Blaise inquired, earning a death glare from the other side of the table and a kick from beside. “Just asking! So, you dated him.
-That’s what I just told you, yes.
-And since you broke his heart, he’s going to gently give us what we want. Seriously Pans’, I’m not planning for a death trap.
-He’s not going to report us!
-Can you guarantee it?” Theo requested, trying to stay focused on the task.
“Of course I can! I’ll talk to him, and he’ll help us.”
  “Pansy, you’re sleeping?” Blaise whispered in the middle of the night.
“What’s wrong?
-Neville, did you love him?
-Does it matter?
-If you did, yes. I mean, maybe, yes.
-I still love him.
Blaise?” she asked after a few second of silence.
-Is it a problem?
-You love a moron; it’s your problem, not mine.
-Dickhead.” She smiled, turning to her side, hoping to fall asleep despite the fast beating of her heart.
-Something to ask about Neville again?
-When did you date him?
-From November to last April.
-How could I never notice?
-We hide it to everyone. We weren’t sure to be understood, even less tolerated. I being Draco’s bestie and he, Harry’s.
-Romeo and Juliet die in the end, you know.
-Romeo and Juliet. It’s a muggle theatre piece.
-Nott and Malfoy.
-Oh. We’re not gonna die. No one is gonna die.
-I hope so.”
 “Blaise?” she called, in turn. “Are you asleep?
-Not anymore. What’s wrong?
-You really don’t mind, about Neville and me?
-I really don’t mind.
-And, Blaise?” she murmured, laying closer to him.
“I really want to sleep Pans.
-I’ve got something to tell you.
-‘M all ears.
-I’m pregnant.
-You’re what?” he asked urgently, suddenly sitting.
“I’m pregnant.” She repeated kindly, sitting up too.
“You’re… you’re pregnant.” He echoed quietly as Pansy slowly put his hand on her belly.
“I am. Neville doesn’t know yet, but even if he doesn’t want the child, I do.
-We’re gonna raise a baby in our shack then.
-A death eater for godfather. Nott as home teacher; I’ll be the cool uncle. It can work out.” He kept mumbling under his friend amused glaze.
“You’re the pervert uncle. I’ll be the cool one.” Theo corrected, his voice smothered in sleep.
Like every Friday night since the start of the school year, Harry was sitting in his dorm with his closest friends, sharing jokes and butterbeers. Ron was the exception, though. Lying on his belly, he was trying to finish his DADA essay due for the day before as Dean doodled encouragement on his drafts. The sooner he would be done, the sooner they’d be able to sneak out of the castle to the Quidditch pitch for a midnight game. The official Gryffindor team has asked him to keep playing as their seeker, but he had politely declined the offer after their first game. He couldn’t fly in the red colours; not anymore; not without his friends flying by his side. The win wasn’t worth the emptiness he felt above the grounds. Still, Harry came to their trainings, cheering and mocking whenever needed. But he missed the adrenaline, diving to the ground and the mesmerizing fly of the Snitch. Until the day Ron suggest a quick match after one of his trainings. Flying around chasing each other, they soon found out it was far more entertaining to wait for the sun to go down. Tonight they’d planned a 3 vs 3, chaser, keeper, seeker; Neville unexpectedly agreeing on playing Chaser, and if Ron hurried up, the odds were on their favour. On the Marauder's Map, Filch and Mrs Norris had begun their tour in the dungeon.
“Will you be done in thirty minutes?” he asked his friend, accustomed to their routine. In thirty minutes, they’d be climbing the Ravenclaw tower, leaving them free to walk out in the corridors.
“How look did it took you to do your essay?
-So how could I be done in thirty minutes? Plus Dean’s drawings are messing up my answers.” He growled as an ink knight piss on his third paragraph, making the room burst from laugher. “Can’t you just snog Seamus for Merlin tits?
-I don’t just snog Seamus.” He countered, holding his ribs. Hermione had add a friend beside the knight, and he was currently handing him some butterbeers, dropping half of their content on the parchments.
“Come on! I’ll never be done with it!
-Then hurry up! Who knows what they’ll do when they got drunk!” Harry guffawed, not so sure that the Quidditch game was still going to be the highlight of his day.
“What? No! Come on, Dean, erase them!
-Do you mean they don’t they deserve a little bit of fun?” he asked, hovering his feather above the parchment, all malice and pride.
“How do you fuck a knight in shining armour?” Seamus suddenly wondered out loud, making Ron turn red at the thought of having drawings shagging on his essay.
“You pervert! Come on Harry, let’s get to the Quidditch pitch.” Ron forfeited, standing up.
“I think I wanna stay there. See how it goes.
-Harry, no…
-Stop playing the virgin, Weasley. We all know you aren’t anymore.” Seamus teased, throwing a pillow at him. “Or maybe it’s disturbing you because they’re two guys?
-Who said the knight was a guy?” Hermione retorted, taking it suddenly more seriously.
“It could be a fucking hippogriff for what I care! I just don’t want it on my essay! Draw porn elsewhere!
-You could draw porn on me.
-Seamus!” they yelled in harmony, watching hilarious their friend taking down his shirt in the unsexyest way ever.
“I’m gonna miss you.” Neville stated, matter-of-factly.
On the bed, Dean let his ink dripped on Seamus’s skin. “What are you on about, mate?” he asked for everyone.
With a quick glance toward a nodding Harry, Neville answered in a breath. “I’m leaving Hogwarts on the 24th.”
“Shut up, please.” Harry ordered politely, cutting his friends’s thousand questions mumbling. “Let him talk.
-Thanks, Harry.”
As the dorm felt silence, Neville started telling them the same story he told Harry a few days before.
The story of a boy who fell in love with a girl he wasn’t supposed to like and how they were now going to have a baby girl, named Alyssa Longbottom.    
Sitting in the silence of his old bedroom, Neville couldn’t stop rehashing the same thoughts over and over again.
She’d promised him. He hadn’t break her heart, she had no right to fry his brain.
She had no right to break his heart.
But in the darkness of his old bedroom, it seems pretty clear that she didn’t care about it. She’s done both. She switched side. And still, he meant every word he said to her.
 Burying his face in his pillow, he let out a low growl before hitting the mattress with all his strength. He needed the anger. He craved for rage to storm him up. He couldn’t let his heart drove him crazy. He couldn’t; but yet.
He thought he knew her. And then, in a snap of her fingers, everything had turned terribly wrong, leaving him replaying the last months in his head. He had to see what he hadn’t back then, he had to find out the moment she snapped. Cause it had to be somewhere. And he had to find it. Cause if he didn’t… Then the little voices in his head could only be right. It would mean it had all been a lie, a masquerade against the resistance inside the castle. But they had to be wrong. They had to; he couldn’t handle it if his best memories were all faked. The sparks in her eyes, the happiness in her laugh, the warmth of their embrace, could it all has been pretended? Had he only saw his own feeling in her iris? Has he been the only one falling? Could he been the only one shattered now?
 He had survived the Carrow and Voldemort himself. He had postponed death; to this.
 Neville took the pillow and threw it to the window.
He knew it was called a heart break; yet every inch of his body ached.
“Nev, can we talk? In private.” Seamus added to the bunch of first years circling him. Neville wasn’t as halloed as the sacrosanct Boy Who Lived Twice, but sorting Godric Gryffindor’s sword in the middle of the battlefield was enough to be known and respect by all.
“About last night?
-Yes. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have…” he started, vaguely moving his hands as they both perfectly knew what he meant. When Neville had told them about Pansy and Alyssa, he had simply rose to his feet and left the dorm without a word. Dean had tried to call him back in, in vain. “I shouldn’t have left. It’s just… I don’t understand. I simply don’t understand.” He repeated, slowly, weighting his every word. “Yes, she’s carrying your child, but then? She betrayed us, she betrayed you and then you are, ready to give up your future to her. She betrayed you when it matter the most, Nev. When it matter the most. I’m- I’m just afraid for you. It’s so easy to believe when you love someone; it’s so easy to be fooled. I don’t want you to make the biggest mistake of your life because she made you think it was the only right thing to do. She doesn’t deserve you, she doesn’t deserve your forgiveness, and she- she just doesn’t deserve your future.
-Are we still talking about me?” he softly asked as Seamus eyes had slowly become red.
“Of course we are! You’re my friend! We’ve been through hell lately, and I know how- how love sometimes- I… Last year, when Dean was gone, when… when the Carrow… I remember how desperate I was for his presence. I just don’t want you to- to commit the biggest mistake of your life because you feel broken inside, okay? It just, I want you to be safe, and happy, with the good girl. And I’m afraid Pansy’s not. She betrayed you once, who can tell she won’t do it again?
-She didn’t betray me, Shay. She followed a stupid plan. She knew no one would grab Harry, she just wanted to be out of the battlefield. She wanted our baby to be somewhere safe.
-Neville… Do you know what it looks like? A fucking rescue pirouette.
-Too pretty to be true, I know. For two weeks I thought she had switch sides. Two weeks during which I’ve been asking myself what capital information I’ve been given her, which lives I took with my stupid trust in her. And then, she was suddenly at my doorstep, begging me to let her in. It was raining, she was freezing, I let her in and she told me everything I wanted. Scalded cat fears cold water, those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends blabla. How could I believed her? But it made sense, you know. It made more sense than her sudden betrayal. I knew within me it was true. And then, when she submitted herself to the Aurors, she took Veritaserum. And she told them the exact same things she told me before. You don’t have to worry about it, about me. I understand, and it means a lot to me, but we’ll be okay. I know I can trust her, and she knows she can trust me, too. Okay, Seamus? I’m not being fooled around.
-If you say so.
-Harry’s gonna meet her, and even if he can be pretty oblivious, he always know when something wicked our way come. Okay?
-Okay.” It somehow felt like a promise as Neville took a step forward and hug his friend tight. They were all going to be okay, he knew it.
  Standing before the chimney in the middle of the Headmistress office, Neville couldn’t help but turn around to look at his friends a last time. It wasn’t a farewell, only a goodbye, but they were red eyed.
Dawn had found them all awake, lying on the floor of their common room as they made promises they hoped none of them would break. The father-to-be didn’t know it yet, but hidden in his luggage were five little presents. Five little reminders than wherever he was, he would still have a home wherever they’ll be.  
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loudsuitlover · 6 years
MI IX. Thanksgiving
A/N: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the moving in roller coaster ;)
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“Harry, darling, do you think you’d be able to talk to her?” 
He could hear his mum, he had heard her the last five times she had asked him, even though he hadn’t answered any of those. Would he be able to talk to her? Would he be able to see her at all? How does one talk to a sister when they know they’re dying? He cleared his throat, hoping it’d help him clear his mind off those thoughts. 
His mum had always been stronger than him, his sister had also been stronger than him- he seemed to be the weakest one in the family and yet he felt as if being the man, the only man in the family now, he had to protect them both, but how could one protect two other people when one’s trying to figure things out himself?
He had left the apartment two days before and he wasn’t sure where it was that he had been sleeping. Maybe it was in the waiting room or maybe he had fallen asleep one of the times he had sat on one of the empty chairs in the empty rooms when patients were eithher gone home or gone forever but he didn’t really remember woken up at all so maybe he hadn’t really slept. 
He stared at his mum. She had just came back to the hospital from home where she had rested, had a shower and breakfast and she wanted nothing more than for her own son to do the same. She didn’t like seeing him like this one bit and he knew despite him not crying out loud like she had done when she had heard, he suffered just as much. 
It’s on her brain now. She had told him right away and he had watched her break down in front of him a second after she said it. Maybe she hadn’t broken down in front of anyone yet, maybe she hadn’t allowed herself to be weak in front of the doctor or the nurses or her own daughter so he just stood there, feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders as his mum cried and it took him a couple of minutes to realize she was hurting too and then he wrapped his arms around her. 
“It is what it is.” He had said. 
He was long over the cries about it not being fair, or about how cruel that disease could be, how unfair it was that the most brilliant aspects of human intelegence seemed to come out only in times of war- for those were the times when Science had grown most- and not out of pure simple need. He was over the injustice of not having enough money to even pay for a flight ticket to get back home so she could have fair health care. He was long over the fact that he was going to lose his own sister before he turned 25. 
He had made his way inside her room. She hated it when people treated her as if she didn’t know what was going on when she was the sick one and hence the most important part of the equation. Harry looked at her, tried to give her a little smile and then she smiled back and started crying. She could only cry in front of him for she knew her mother would not be able to comfort her, instead she’d cry too, and selfish as it was, right now she didn’t need them to cry, she needed them to be there with her and tell her it was okay to die for otherwise she would feel terribly guilty about leaving. 
“It’s okay.” He whispered, hugging her to his chest and caressing her hair. He had gotten her a wig with the money he had made after selling a song. It fitted her. 
“It’s not.” She sobbed. 
“It’s not.” He agreed. “But it is what it is.” 
After an hour or two- he wasn’t aware of the time anymore- she had fell asleep on his arms and that’s when he had laid her down in bed, pressed a kiss to her forehead and walked out of her room, feeling as if somebody had just drained the life out of him. He sat down on one of the blue plastic chairs on the waiting room. His mum didn’t say anything- she knew her son too good for that. 
“Came as soon as I heard.” Sean placed his hand on his shoulder and made him look up at him. 
He didn’t even know what time it was or how long he had been sitting in that chair for but his mum wasn’t next to him anymore. She had been the one to call Sean. She had met him outside the hospital and she had told him Harry hadn’t even slept in two days, that he was still in shock. Sean had nodded and walked inside, looking for his old friend, who looked to him like a dead man sitting on a blue chair. 
“I’m starving.” Sean smiled. “Let’s go get something to eat, shall we?” 
Harry didn’t answer- he didn’t know what he was going to say when he hadn’t eaten in days and still he wasn’t hungry- so he just got up and started walking towards the door. Sean didn’t say anything, didn’t ask anything either, and instead he just silently guided Harry towards his car, before he drove them both to Harry’s favourite burger place. 
They sat down on a booth, Sean had ordered for him, and he hadn’t said a word since they had seen each other. Harry just saw down, fidgeting with the straw on his Coke before he even stared up at him. 
“How’s Y/N?” 
Sean’s jaw clenched. He couldn’t get mad at his friend now, he couldn’t be bothered or annoyed with him when he was literally losing a part of his life, but somehow it made him terribly scared that he would ask about her now as if he was still worried about her well-beign, even when he was ruined himself. 
“She’s... Worried about you.” 
“You didn’t tell her, did you?” 
The waitress placed the two burgers in front of them, a big plate with chips and cheese next to Harry as well. Sean knew he’d starve after the first bite. And he was right for Harry started eating as he had never eaten before. 
“Told her you were visiting your mum like you said.” 
He nodded. 
“She kept insisting to call her if there was anything she could do. I don’t think you have her fooled.” 
Harry’s green eyes stared deep into Sean’s brown ones. It was almost a staring contest. 
“She seems to think she knows you quite well.” 
Harry didn’t like the use of the words. He hadn’t had enough with saying she thinks- which would have already reveal some doubt to her impressions as if they were not quite true- but had added she seems to think which made it all the more questionable, the way she felt about you. 
“I miss her.” He said. 
Sean smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes and then he had a bite of his own burger. 
“Her dad just made a bit of a scene last night at Green Pine.” He nodded. “Something about a car he wanted her to have. I... I took care of it and I haven’t said anything to her.” 
“Why not?” 
“She... I think it’s best if she doesn’t know.” 
“She’s a grown woman, stronger than you give her credit to. She’ll take it. She’ll want to know.” 
“Why do you think you know her better than I do?.” 
“I don’t.” He shrugged. “I just- if I were her I’d like to know.” 
“But you’re not her.” He shook his head. “I’ve seen what her dad’s illness does to her.” 
She feels alone, she feels like no one is going to be able to be there for her- for her mum as much as she tries it’s a better performer than she is a supporter. And she feels like her world and everything she’s ever known is falling down to pieces. But now she doesn’t have to feel like that because she knows she’ll always have me. 
“Well, you do you. You probably know what’s best.” 
“I’m just trying to protect her.” Sean defended. “She’s the most important thing to me.” 
“I know.” He nodded. 
He kept eating chips, looking around the place he hadn’t been in for what felt like an eternity. He remembered coming here with Sean when they were just boys- he told him he wanted to become a writer here for the first time. This is where Sean had told him that he was in love with Bianca Michaels and this was also where Harry had taken Sean when he started not feeling himself. Two months after that he tried to kill himself. 
“I’m thinking-” Sean cleared his throat “I’m thinking about taking her away. For a while.” 
Harry’s eyebrows raised. 
“Well I, uh, you know LA is like the city when it comes to producing music and... She’s always wanted to go to LA with her dad. Uh, they used to do this road trip you know? Every summer? But... Uh... I reckon since now her dad’s... You know... She might want to go with me.” 
Harry nodded. Sean could take you to LA. He nodded again. The furthest he could take you now was that stupid beach of his, how could he have thought taking you there could be special to you? He felt like a bloody idiot. He hadn’t seen it coming, that Sean was busy now but that you had known him for a long time and you weren’t mad because you were supportive of him and there would be a time when he isn’t busy anymore when he’s got time and money and famous friends and he could take you not just to LA but all around the world. What had Harry to offer? How could he compete with that? 
“I’m gonna tell her.” Sean nodded. “Yeah, I’ll tell her that I love her.” 
Harry felt his throat quitting on him, collapsing, ridiculizing him but he managed to give Sean a little smile that reached nowhere near his eyes. If Sean was to tell her he was in love with him, then she might realize she was in love with him too or she might start considering Sean as something other than a friend and what she saw all that Sean could give her... He didn’t stand a chance. 
“Gemma’s going to die.” 
After the burgers somehow Sean managed to convince him to go back to the apartment. Y/N went shopping with Maggie, he had said; so the thought of being able to have a shower and a proper nap in his bed with no interruptions seemed way too tempting. He wouldn’t even bump into you. 
He was making his way up the stairs which seemed to only get longer every time he lifted his foot when he heard your voice. Sean had already walked inside and had left the door open. 10th floor door 11B. He had met you right there and you had asked whether that was right, if you were really there. 
“Well I’ve been gone for ages” You giggled. “I don’t like shopping anyway.” 
“Must be the only girl in the world.” 
“Might as well be.” 
He entertained himself looking at the inside of the flat from the hallway. The door was only half opened but the light on the living room was on so he could see the faint shadows of the furniture. He could imagine, even though he couldn’t see it, the green armchair nor Sean nor him liked but you seemed to love, the black table they never used behind the coach, your books, books about Medicine everywhere. 
His voice out horse and he didn’t even look at you. A whole zoo had come to live in your belly just at the sight of him but he hadn’t even looked at you. He was shuffling towards the stairs, resting his hand on the wall as he got his foot up the first wooden step. 
It was as if everything was going in slow motion, the way he moved, the way the light hit his t-shirt, the way you breathed, staring at him. You hadn’t seen him in days, you hadn’t heard a word for him and he hadn’t even looked at you. You sighed. You couldn’t bring yourself to be mad when he was so devastated. Sean was making tea on the kitchen. 
You stood on your bedroom, pacing around and trying to think of the possibilities as to why he hadn’t made a single sign of recognition. Maybe he didn’t know how to approach you, after having given you the silent treatment for no reason for two days straight. Maybe he still wasn’t really to tell you about what was going on and he was afraid now you were surely going to questions him about it. The worst case scenario was that he regretted what had happened between the two of you so you took a deep breath. You had heard the bathroom door opened five minutes ago so you knew he was now dressed on his room. The door was slightly opened. 
“Hi.” You whispered. 
You had never been to his room like this before, dressed and aware of the world around you. The walls were red yet it surprised you how dark it was- you had always heard dark colour walls made a room seemed smaller and it was suffocating but someone that dark red, almost maroon, only gave the room some sense of private area as if only he was allowed to be here alone. He had the lamps on the night table on but the main light bulb on the centre of the ceiling was off, you wondered whether the bulb was blown. He was sitting on the edge of his bed, putting on his black cotton t-shirt as you walked in. He was giving you his back. 
“Hey.” His answer came late and soft and whispered. 
“How are you doing?” He didn’t answer and still didn’t look at you. “Hey I- I want you to know that whatever happened I don’t need to know about it unless you want to vent or talk about it at all but if not, that’s okay too, I won’t question you. I just- I want you to know I’m here for you, okay? Anything you need, any time, just ask.” 
“Why?” His shoulders seemed tense, the light from the beside table hitting the creases of his t-shirt. 
“Because... Because I care about you.” You whispered. 
“Because you’re... You’re important to me.” 
Only then he turned around, his green eyes pleading with yours as if he was asking something else. You frowned, your breathing had grown heavier, it seemed harder for the oxygen to reach your lungs. He stood on the other side of the bed, his leather journal on his hand. 
“Why, Y/N?” 
“Because ever since I’ve met you things have been different.” 
“So what?” 
“So now they’re better.” 
“No.” He shook his head, dropping the journal on his bed before he ran his fingers through his hair. “That’s not what I’m asking you.” 
His jaw was clenched and his fingers had gathered on a fist. He looked into your eyes with such intensity, you didn’t know whether he was mad or just really frustrated but for some reason you knew what he was trying to ask so you looked away. 
“Tell me how you feel.” He begged. 
“How I feel about what?” 
You wanted to cry. You didn’t know why you wanted to cry but you knew you wanted to cry for a week. He kept staring at you, not answering your questions, as if giving you time enough was going to answer the question on its own. He wanted to know whether you loved him because if you did- and he needed to be sure of that- then he’d ask you to stay; but if you didn’t- and he needed you to say that- he would forget about you and push Sean to confess his feelings for you. 
“About me.” 
What did he want you to say though? He had said so many times, so many times, that he wanted you two to be friends, that he was so glad he had a friend like you, that he had never had a friend like you... And he also said to Sean that he didn’t have time for a relationship that first night you had met and for some reason Sean had warned him not to make you fall in love with him... And he was being so secretive all the time and he had dropped out of Uni and he didn’t write, and he didn’t sing and he didn’t do anything he used to do as if he had given up. He didn’t want you to love him. It seemed just right- that he wanted to make sure you didn’t love so he could keep having fun with you without breaking anyone’s heart. 
“I don’t know.” You said instead. 
“You don’t know how you feel about me?” 
“I... I... I mean we’re friends, right?” 
He managed to keep his face from dopping. If he was being honest he was half expecting that and you were so focused on keeping your tears from falling you hadn’t noticed how every trace of hope had seemed to drop from his eyes. 
“Yes, we are.” He agreed instead. “And that’s why what happened between us can never happen again.” 
“What?” You frowned. 
You felt the air being kicked out of your lungs and the tears started to spill freely down your cheeks. You hadn’t realized you needed him until this very moment. 
“What- why?” You frowned. “You said you liked me.” 
“And I do.” He nodded. “But that’s not enough.” 
You are not enough. You could hear that on your head, loud and clear, even though that wasn’t what he had said but deep down you had always known, that he was too much for you, that you weren’t pretty or interesting enough. You nodded. 
“What happened?” You wiped a tear away with your sleeve. 
It was the first day of fall that you were wearing long sleeves. As if it wanted to join the party, it started raining outside. How suitable. 
“Nothing happened.” He sighed. “We’re just too different.”
“That’s not true.” 
“You’ll realize when you meet the right one. You’ll thank me then.” 
“That’s bullshit.” You crossed your arms over your chest. “Why do you always do this? Something happens and then you don’t tell me about it and push me away? Why don’t you just get your shit together and let me in?”
“Because we’re just friends.” He snapped. “You said so yourself and now I have enough on my plate as it is.” 
“Why can’t you let me help you?”
“We can’t be friends, Y/N, I thought you would get to that conclusion on your own but since you don’t then I’ll tell you.” 
“You’re a jerk.” You left the room without a sob. 
It must seem so weird, from anyone to hear him say that. Gemma would surely have his head. But if you didn’t love him then... There was no way he could be your friend as if it didn’t matter, as if he wasn’t stupidly in love with you because that would only break his heart. There was no doubt you were going to leave, that’s what you had said you had always wanted- to live a life where you could travel around and do something different. You were afraid you would never find someone who would want to do that with you and as much as he wanted- boy, he would kill to be the one to do that with you- he couldn’t. He was deep in debts- the hospital bill alone would have him working until he was forty- not to think about all the other things he’d have to pay if Gemma didn’t make it. He wouldn’t be able to take you anywhere for he would be working every waking moment. And he would not do that to you. He was drained when he hit the bed. 
When he woke up you were gone. He had stopped at the door of your room, mostly to check whether there was any movement, whether you were upset, but the door was fully opened and your purse wasn’t on your chair. Sean was having dinner when he walked downstairs. She’s in the library. 
On his way to the hospital he couldn’t stop thinking about what he had said to you. Why couldn’t he let you help him? Why couldn’t he let you in? Whatever it was he was scared of it couldn’t be worse than loneliness and yet he kept driving every day for a week to the hospital and he hadn’t seen the shadow of you. Some nights you didn’t even sleep at home, you didn’t have breakfast in the morning, you had even gotten one of those thermo flasks so you could take your coffee in the mornings. 
A week had flied past and even though he hadn’t bumped into you once, he was starting to think maybe he could manage to be your friend- even if that meant being the sort of friend who’s secretly in love with the girl forever and never finding a girl of his own. He had probably watched Love Actually with his mum one too many Christmases. He had been staring at your name on his phone screen for good three minutes before he texted you. 
Harry: Hey, Y/N, do you think we can talk when you get home tonight?
Y/N: Hi, Harry. I’m staying at Maggie’s. 
Harry: Alright. Is that where you’ve been staying?
Y/N: I don’t think that’s any of your business now. We’re not friends anymore, remember?
Harry: Y/N I know what I said but you know I’m a big idiot. I’m very sorry about what I said to you. I wish we could talk so I could explain myself. 
Y/N: Yeah, that’s the thing, Harry. I’ve given you far too many chances and you keep playing with me but now I’m tired of your game. 
Harry: I didn’t play with you, Y/N. Please let me explain. 
Y/N: Go on. 
Harry: Not through text. I wanna see you. 
Y/N: This is all you get. I’m busy.
Harry: Fine. I really didn’t mean what I said. I miss you so much. I was such an asshole to you and I’m so sorry, I wish I could take it all back but I can’t. I just... You’re my best friend, Y/N and I love you. Please forgive me.
You never answered his text. He had never missed anyone so much in his life. It reminded him of that haiku he had studied on his second year of Uni. A day lasts three autumns, which meant a day without your lover feels so long it feels as if three autumns could pass straight. He remembered he thought it was so brilliant when he read it because autumn had always been the season of melancholy, the longing time where the departure of the summer sinks in and everyone realizes another year is gone and now they just wait for Christmas as if things that weren’t done in the first 6 months wouldn’t be done now. He parked his car between the brown leaves and was almost annoyed that it had happened like that. 
He could hear Gemma’s laughter as he walked through the white walls of the hospital. She was the strongest of them three. He was smiling when he made his way inside the room, surprised to see Sean’s parents with their son and his own mum on the room. They had brought a present for Gemma, a big camera photo like the ones she used to beg Harry to get for her birthday. 
“What did I miss?” Harry frowned amused as he shook Sean’s dad’s hand. 
“Oh, dear.” Sean’s mum, Amber, gave him a hug before he lightly scolded him. “Half your life in the US and still too British for your own good.” She shook her head making Harry smile. “It’s Thanksgiving!”
“Thanksgiving?” He frowned. “Isn’t that like the last Thursday of November?” 
“Yeah.” Sean laughed. “What’s going on mate?”
He looked back at his sister then he looked down at his hands. How long had it been since he hadn’t seen you properly? He was almost sure you had fought at the beginning of November so that meant almost three weeks had gone by. You didn’t answer his text after all but you did say you forgave him four days ago when he had tried to talk to you in the kitchen but you had said you were late to class and that you wouldn’t want Paul to be late too because of you so you had just said I forgive you, Harry and then you had walked out the door. He felt his lungs burning up. He couldn’t fix this now, could he? 
“We’re all having dinner together at home.” Sean smiled. “We’re like super grown ups having our parents over.” 
Harry glanced at Gemma, he’d be staying in the hospital with her and they’d have gingerbread and hot chocolate like they did when they were kids but Gemma grinned. 
“We’re all” She grinned “That means me too.” 
“What?” He smiled. 
“Yep, baby.” She winked. 
Harry threw his head back and laughed before he hugged his sister, getting his lanky limbs around her middle as she laughed and tried to push him away. 
“You’ll ruin my present!” She half scolded as he kept cuddling her. 
He and Sean had been sent grocery shopping by his mum and Amber- both of them would cook dinner together on the flat- and Sean had told him about his progress with you, nonexistent because you never gave him an answer. He said he was in love with you and you had said you loved him very much, but you had barely been home and he had barely seen you. 
The truth was you were studying so you hadn’t lied. Tehnically. But you had also been trying to stay as far away from Harry as you could. That was your first heartbreak. Well, second if you counted Kayla calling you off and not believing you before he gave you the silent treatment for months on end. But if you were talking about love, then he was your first heartbreak. You had fallen in love with him, that was the one thing you were sure about, and now you couldn’t face seeing him in the same kitchen he had made love to you or just anywhere around the house where you had felt happier than you had felt in the other 20 years of your life, before you had met him. 
You were now chatting to his mum, Anne, and Sean’s mum, Amber, as they chopped potatos and other veggies on the kitchen. Harry looked so much like his mother, same green eyes, same big mouth. She just seemed to be a lot more joyful than he ever was but he did get a lot of facial expression from her. Sean, on the other hand, didn’t look like Amber at all. She had curly blond hair, whereas her son had straight dark brown hair, and her eyes were blue, whereas Sean’s were hazel. 
“Your mum’s coming, yeah?” Anne asked with an excited smile and you nodded. “Oh, GemGem and I are so excited to meet her!” 
You frowned and chuckled. Amber was on the phone, apparently chatting with her husband about some TV he wanted to buy the following day. She was frowning as she kept saying Marcel my dear which made both you and Anne giggled. 
“Really? Why?” 
“Well Harry has told us about her of course.” She smiled. “He talks about you so much sometimes he runs out of things to say.” She giggled. 
“Ladies, do you mind cutting the biscuits for me? They’re Harry’s favourite. Marcel wants me to go to the store so we don’t have to look for a TV tomorrow but rather just get it.” She rolled her eyes. “Y/N, darling, don’t get married.” 
You laughed, promising you’d cut the biscuits after checking the clock. You had still another forty minutes before you had to pick your mum from the airport. Your dad was driving himself. You cut biscuits with Anne in a somehow comfortable silence before she started speaking. 
“I know this is not my place, dear Lord Harry would have my head if he knew I was saying this to you.” She smiled. “He doesn’t tell me much, you know? He’s not very opened, I guess, but... He cares about you.” 
“Doesn’t tell me much either.” You cut a heart shape biscuit. 
“Damn boy wants to be a writer but never talks!” She complaint as she got a tray in the oven. “Has he told you?” 
You shook your head. 
“I see.” She smiled. “I don’t know what he did but I know he’s sorry. A mother knows those things.” 
“How do you know something happened between us?” 
“I’ve seen that boy grown up since he was this tiny” She made a gap between her hands and you smiled when you imagined a baby Harry in there “I can read him like a book.” 
“Sometimes I wish I could too.” 
You shook your head as you brought your tray to the oven, kneeling down before you opened the over door and your eyes instinctively shut at the gingerbread scent. It reminded you of Christmas morning at Kayla’s house, your mum sipping on mulled wine from eleven o’clock in the morning. You smiled at the thought of seeing her again. 
“He’s never had a girlfriend, you know.” She whispered. “I don’t think he knows how to be in love but then again I don’t think anyone does.” 
The main door opened and closed as you stared blankly at her. Did she just talk about Harry being in love- as if he could ever? You were still staring at her with lips parted and wide eyes when Harry and Sean made their way inside the kitchen carrying the bags. Sean chuckled at your expression, giving you a funny face before he opened the fridge to storage the new items whilst Harry daydreamt about how cosy you looked with oven gloves on your hands. Your hair was gathered in a half updo and you were ready for dinner, on an elegant maroon short dress. He thought he had never seen something so wifey in his entire life. 
You took your gloves and your apron off before you walked out the kitchen but this time Harry followed you, closing the kitchen door behind him so he could stop Anne and Sean from hearing you. 
“Why do you leave like this- without even saying hello?” He started. “You’ve been avoiding me for two weeks now.” 
And he comes to realize that now? 
“I have to pick up my mum from the airport, Harry. I’m not avoiding you, I’m just busy.” You avoided looking into his eyes. 
“I’ll take you.” He offered, his green eyes confused when you shook your head. “I don’t know why you’re avoiding me like this.” 
“No.” You snapped. “Don’t worry, Sean’s taking me.”
He grabbed your elbow and pulled on it enough for you to look at him. His green eyes seemed furious and desperate, filled with guilt and confusion, but they never dropped yours. 
“Why?” He pressed. “Why the hell do you escape me all the time? I already said I was sorry about what I said last week and you-”
“And I forgave you but I need- I need time.” 
“Because I need to think, Harry, and I can’t think when you’re so close.” 
His lips parted and only then you realized you should have never said that. It only exposed you farther to him. 
“What.. What are you trying to tell me?” 
You swallowed and frowned as you looked at him, offended that he hadn’t understood what you meant. 
“Do you really not realize?” 
It took everything in you to hold back your tears when Sean called your name. You had to go to pick up your mum. Harry’s grasp on your elbow didn’t falter though so you just stood there, looking into his eyes until his fingertips lost their hold of you and then you followed Sean, caressing your arm to try and get the faint red marks away. 
Sean played contemporary pop music all the way to the airport. His car smelled like pumpkin and you smiled as you remembered a week ago when he had come home with two pumpkins on sale, Y/N, they were on sale so Harry could cook something since both of you were useless in the kitchen. He had said he was in love with you but you hadn’t really said anything because you knew he really wasn’t. He was in love with a lot of things about you, but he was also in love with the person he thought you were and that didn’t mean he loved you, but rather the girl he had come to know during those months at the clinic. Granted, most of those things were true but it was also true that during those months you didn’t even know yourself so how could he know you enough to fall in love with you? 
And now you were sure you knew what love was and that wasn’t because of him. Of course you loved Sean, you had always loved Sean, and had you never met Harry you would probably fall in love with him too; but now you knew what love was and you knew you were in love with Harry Styles and that was scary and heartbreaking and overwhelming but it was true, it was also true. 
You had gotten in a point in your life where you were questioning everything. Your dad, the eyes of you, had been having trouble with kind of knowing what was real and what was not and that confusion had run on you for he used to be, for years, everything you knew was real. And then, ever since then, it had been you, all alone, trying to figure out the world and that sounded easier than it was for the world is difficult and confusing for everyone so let’s not talk about how hard it was for the daughter of a 70s hippie and a bipolar doctor; but in the midst of all that questioning and all those doubts stood one single, simple truth- that you loved Harry, whatever it was that was going on with him and whoever you turned out to be at the end of this journey- you loved Harry and you had never been more certain of anything in your life. 
Sean had stayed in the car- it was impossible to park on the airport on a day like this- so now there you stood, on your red coat waiting for your mum. She would say you were dressed as a doctor’s daugther and then she would try to get some sort of natural thing on your hair, like a flower or a feather, so you were as an activist’s daugther too- activist was how she called herself. 
You chuckled as soon as you saw her. The woman never aged. Her wavy blond hair was now a lot longer than last time you had seen her and she was wearing a half updo too, the long waves falling down her back and chest. She was wearing a long dark blue dress with small silver details and a silver scarf wrapped around her shoulders, her cowboy boots on. You could tell it had taken everything in her not to wear a hat. 
“Aw, stop growing up!” She complaint before she hugged you close to her chest. “You look so beautiful.” She smiled. “But how is this outfit? Is it appropriate? I’m not going to embarrass you like on Christmas, am I?” 
You chuckled and shook your head, taking one of her travel bags and crossing the strap across your chest. It was way too heavy so you knew she had brought presents again- every day could be Christmas for all that she cared. You rolled your eyes as you watched her carry the one you knew was truly her travel bag- she only had one and she kept everything she needed, all her life, in there. 
“You didn’t have to bring presents for everyone, you know.” 
“Oh but I did.” She smiled. “I don’t know Harry’s family though so I got them fairly impersonal gifts which you know I don’t like doing.” She shrunked her nose. “Well where is my daughter’s prince?” 
You rolled your eyes. 
“Sean drove me.” 
Her green eyes focused on you as she was very sad that Harry didn’t drive you so you rolled your eyes before you death glare at her. 
“I told you there’s nothing between us. We’re actually...” You sighed. “Not in a good place.” 
“Oh, nobody can be not in a good place in Thanksgiving.” She shook her head. “This is the most beautiful day of the year! You have to be grateful, lovey, not mad. Never mad.” 
“Y/M/N!” Sean greeted her with opened arms. “You look stunning!” 
“Thank you, Seanie.” She grinned, hugging him as well before you all got in the car. 
She told you all about her trip around Asia, encouranging Sean to set his first tour around there for people there were so nice, she kept saying, and the food, the food was amazing. She kept begging you to go visit her sometimes- I know how much you like travelling- and the she asked and hear your stories about Uni and Maggie and Paul, being a pest about Paul and you as usual. 
Your heart skipped a beat when you got home and you saw your dad’s brown cadillac deville parked. It was unmistakable, to know he had arrived, so you sucked in a breath as you remembered all the road trips you had done in that same car. 
“Oh, doctor Y/D/L/N is here.” Your mum noted as she followed Sean. 
You could hear the faint voices and the laughter even with the main door closed. The smell of turkey and cinnamon and ginger filled your nostrils as you took the dim lights in. Your dad was standing next to the chimney talking to Harry, who seemed to be rather amused by his conversation. He pointed at you with his head so your dad turned around, you smiled as you tried to dodge your mum’s bag as she kept fidgeting with it. 
“This is such a lovely house, Y/N.” She kept saying, as if no one was watching the two of you. “It smells so good too. I’m glad I didn’t have to cook.” She whispered at you through clenched teeth. 
“Y/M/N, you haven’t changed one bit.” Your dad smiled at her and opened his arms to gather in a heart. 
“Oh, dear.” 
You could tell Sean’s parents still found it a bit weird, that your mum and dad still managed to be a family even if they weren’t a couple. You knew they loved each other deeply, that they would do anything for the other, and you knew they considered themselves a team when it came about you. They had done such an amazing job. 
“Oh, you must be Harry.” She smiled, hugging him as well. “Y/N was right.” She whispered, wiggling her eyebrows in a funny way. “You’re very good looking.” 
“Mum! For the love of God!” 
Harry just laughed as your cheeks flustered and you pushed your mum away from him, begging her to behave as she nodded her head repeatedly it’s no secret, love, he knows you like him. She cheered you up. 
“Alright dear you don’t have to babysit me.” Your mum smiled. “I’m going to mingle.” She walked to the kitchen. “Hello ladies!” 
You shook your head before you stood next to your dad, he smiled and wrapped his arm around your shoulders as the two of you listened to Marcel tell a story about their dog back home in Toronto. Sean had brought you a glass of wine which you took with a big smile. You hadn’t noticed the blonde girl in the kitchen until she smiled at you. She was holding a bottle of water with her fingertips and she wore blue jeans and a pink sweater. You knew it was Anne’s daughter as soon as you saw her face. 
“Y/N.” Harry rested his hand on your elbow, very gently this time, only to catch your attention. “There’s someone I want you to meet.” 
You nodded and excused yourself following Harry to meet his sister. She was still smiling, resting her side on the kitchen wall right next to your mum’s guitar when you reached her. 
“Y/N, this is Gemma, my sister. Gem, this is Y/N.” 
“Hi.” She grinned, she had the exact same eyes than Anne, except hers weren’t green but you imagined if Anne was ever to wear hazel contact lens they’d look exactly like her daughter’s. “Harry’s told me so much about you.”
“Has he?” 
“Yeah, he can’t shut up about you!” 
“Gem.” Harry warned her but you smiled when you caught the faint pink on his cheeks. 
“I need to use the toilet.” She confessed. “But I really wanna talk to the two of you so why don’t you sit on the table and wait for me, yeah? It’ll only be a minute.” She almost pouted.
“Sure.” You smiled. 
The clacking of plates could be heard from the kitchen and you imagined your mum trying to put the food on the plates in a specific manner so the arrange of the colours respected the natural arrange of colours on Earth. Your dad seemed to be enjoying Sean’s conversation- he was surely telling him about the tour dates- and Marcel had found a place of his own in the green armchair yet he didn’t seem comfortable. The cloths had never been used- they were too white and they were too stiff, you could still see the lines from being folded for so long- and you recognized the dinnerware- Harry had told you his mum had pretty much forced him to take it when he moved out. 
“You look very beautiful.” His voice was a whisper when he dared to talk. 
He had been staring at you the whole time but how could he not when he hadn’t stopped thinking about you for days? He had made a mistake, he had made a big mistake, and now that everything was falling down he could only think of one thing to keep him sane and he had lost you too. He swallowed the lump in his throat, you didn’t answer. 
“I’m sorry about my mum.” You shook your head, whispering as well. “She... She doesn’t have a filter.” 
“No.” He chuckled. “It’s fine. I like her.” 
“Yeah, me too.” You laughed. 
“Y/N I can’t take you being mad at me.” Harry said. “And I know I was effectively asking for you to hate me but I want you to know that I didn’t mean anything of what I said I just... I was hurt and I.. Let it out on you.” 
“Why were you hurt?” 
He looked down at his thigh. He’d tell you tonight, after dinner is over. He’d tell you everything tonight but for now he’d settle with another truth. 
“Because you said we were friends.” He whispered, his green eyes boring into yours desperately.
“Well, we are, aren’t we?” 
“No, Y/N, we’re not friends.” He shook his head before he took your hands on his and rested them on your lap just when a notification illuminated the screen.
Paul: Happy Thanksgiving! I just wanted you to know how grateful I am of you. Having you in my life makes me feel like the luckiest man on Earth! I love you. XXX
He swallowed and frowned, feeling like the biggest idiot in the room as he read the three words and the kisses. He didn’t want to read the rest but after that he couldn’t help it. He slowly removed his hands from you and sat there very quietly when his sister joined you. She talked and talked and asked you questions too and the conversation would have been lovely had you not know Harry was frowning next to you. 
“I told him we had found him on the beach and that he was a pirate before we adopted him.” She grinned when you chuckled. “He believed it for a year.” 
“Yeah, mum got so mad at you remember?” He asked. 
“Yeah, yeah.” She rolled her eyes. “He’s always been mum’s favourite. I think it’s because of the dimples.” 
He grinned in order for them to appear and she rolled her eyes before she chuckled. You didn’t have a sibling so you didn’t know what it must feel like but if all siblings in the world could radiate this sort of unconditional love, then you were sorry for yourself that you didn’t have any. 
Everyone took their seats on the table and by the time dinner was served you could tell your mum had already earned everybody’s affection. It had been a little harder with Amber and Marcel, for usually normal people with normal lives tend to be a little more judgemental and your mum wasn’t normal at all. She was so much better than that. 
She took the chair next to you and in front of your dad whilst you had Gemma in front of you and Harry on your left. He was still hurt- he had felt his heart breaking- but he wanted to make his point- that he was still there, that he still wanted to fix it. Dinner went on smoothly, the turkey was possibly the best thing you had ever eaten in your life and Anne kept getting congratulations. You knew where Harry got his talent in the kitchen from. 
“I think we found it.” 
You told him, trying to get some of the playfulness your friendship was soaked in bringing a memory back. He frowned. 
“My favourite homemade meal.” You smiled. 
“My mum’s roast turkey?” He raised his eyebrows excitedly and you nodded with a big grin. “So you’re telling me I’ve spent a whole month following Jamie Oliver’s recipes for you to choose my mum’s bloody turkey?” He smiled. 
“Well maybe you should have followed Miss Anne...
“Twist.” He smiled.
“Miss Anne Twist’s recipes.” 
“You know what? I can’t even be mad, you’re right.” 
Gemma noticed the way you smiled at one another’s and she had no other choice but to discreetly elbow her mum so she could see the way you chuckled at one another. She had no doubt her brother was going to marry that girl someday. 
“Actually” Your eyes narrowed as you recalled something “no, it’s that pumpkin and sweet potato soup you made last week.” 
“Oh really?” He grinned as if he had never felt more proud of himself in his entire life. 
“Really.” You chuckled. “I didn’t say anything because... You know, I was mad at you.” 
He nodded, his grin never faltering as his green eyes excitedly look into your own. He still have to deal with that text from Paul but he seemed to have you back, at least the conversations with you, he didn’t know whether he could kiss you now. 
“I’ve missed you.” He whispered, only for you to hear as everyone else kept chatting away. “A lot.” 
You grabbed his hand under the table and put your two hands intertwined on your lap. You would have to eat with just one hand which was rather awkward but it was worth it because his hand was warm and he kept rubbing his thumb over your skin, smoothingly. 
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