#that whole scene with the depressed barbie
amystiago · 1 year
watched barbie today and i feel like a whole new person
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paulic · 4 months
Ok this is what I think the biopics will be like for each Beatle:
John will be so troubled but in a really charming way and Julian will be mentioned but briefly and they’ll make it seem like John was just too busy to be a present father (Paul will make up for it in a vomit inducingly cheesy way). His eating disorder, heroin addiction and other internal struggles (self-esteem, sexuality, maybe even gender,…) will go unmentioned or brushed over jokingly like haha he tossed Brian off, don’t we all at that age. He’ll be the cool and funny older brother & later genius who just couldn’t be confined within a band. They won’t have the guts to call his bullshit and therefore will automatically brush over his kinder and vulnerable sides. He’ll be reduced to a knock off version of the tortured artist blueprint. They’ll never pick up on his pathetic wet dog vibe
Paul will be the charming good guy who’s all in with the band. No mention of how he fucked over Jane and every other girl until Linda; he’ll be a musical genius, too, but in a prince of the people sort of way. They’ll loooove that he stopped eating meat, woke king!!!! Linda will be brushed over by making her into his soulmate wifey who finally helps the charming playboy with a heart of gold settle down. His depression and alcohol problem won’t be mentioned/reduced to feeling a little sad. He’ll be a little bossy sometimes but they won’t ever get it right how fucking annoying he could be. Straighter than a ruler. John’s brother, almost biologically. No homo. They’ll find a way to make the twink who fucked the entire population and had an ego bigger than Neptune into a straight feminist
George will be the indie underground smart Beatle and people on tik tok will start posting thirst traps of the actor with the caption “they don’t make em like this anymore” and then complain about real-George’s teeth. He’ll be so spiritual and smart and he won’t have an affair with his best friend’s wife at all and if he does it’ll be because of some spiritual insight, not because that man couldn’t keep it in his pants for 5 seconds. I’m deadly afraid of the colourful drug scenes where he’ll hallucinate god. He’ll be the perfect boyfriend and Pattie will be played by Sidney sweeney or something. They won’t take a side with the whole George Or Paul debate during the breakup, but George will be too focused on other things to want to stay in the Beatles. They won’t mention the three billion songs John&Paul deemed unworthy. They’ll never do the grudges my man held justice. No one could
Ringo will be the funny guy who luckily survived his childhood and found his passion through a kind nurse giving him his drumsticks. He’ll play an incredible drum solo at 8 years old on his hospital bed frame the first time he ever holds those sticks. He won’t be in gangs, he won’t beat his wife half to death, he won’t have drugs and alcohol problems. He’ll be peace and love from age 0. He’ll be slightly stupid and he’ll mention octopuses too much. They’ll never get it right how he was truly the eldest and how much his vote and opinion actually counted within the band and how much the boys wanted him in the band and admired him. He won’t be a sort of glue to the band. He won’t marry a teenager he met when she was 16 and he 22. He’ll be a weird version of Ken from the Barbie movie, his job will be Drum. They’ll flatten a severely nuanced and layered man to a sheet of paper with the word ‘beat’ on it
I am too afraid to even think about what they will do to Eppy
Oh and each and every one of them will have way too pretty teeth and I am already furious. I want them to have British men in the 1960s teeth. Give me British teeth and jerking off together
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isa-beenme · 1 year
I'm currently writing three things at the same time, but I felt a need to write something sad, something to break my heart and break all of you along, I can't be sad alone, thank you
The plot is basically: every bat boy's mate deal with depression in a different way, or "three different approaches of depression to three different brothers" (I felt so funny when I thought about this one)
So... do we want a part 2?
Trigger Warning: Self-destructive thoughts, depression
Prompt: Prythian saw the way that Rhysand's mate fell into depression but tried her best to get better. They saw the way that Cassian's mate fell into depression and turned it into pure anger and self-destruction. But... what if Azriel's mate simply... doesn't care?
What Was I Made For?
Sometimes I wish I didn't exist.
Not in the sense that I want to die. Far from it. I dread the thought of my own death. If I stop and imagine what happens afterward, I feel on the verge of panicking. Not death. Never death.
However, I like to think about how everything would be so much easier if I simply didn't exist. The number of responsibilities I could just let go of. The countless times I wouldn't have to rush and cry out of despair for feeling so useless would simply diminish. I would be so happy if I didn't exist.
I started thinking about this when I was 14.
It's been 500 years, and I remain the same.
Five hundred whole years where I feel inclined to ask the Mother to not exist.
But I do exist.
And that's what intrigues me.
I don't know who I am, and I just can't find something I like. There's nothing that keeps me here. Really.
That scares me.
A lot.
I mean, I spent my whole life studying in the Day Court, participating in politics, and learning from the High Lord Helion himself. I was supposed to be his successor. But then Lucien came into the scene and I became his spare. Or second in command. Works the same.
My objective was easy enough, everything I knew, I should teach him. And I did. We had fun. I guess. And then his father made a party to invite his "friends" for a celebration. He told me they weren't really his friends. I understood that feeling.
The Inner Circle of the Night Court sat across from us at the table. It didn't take long for the mating bond to snap between me and the Shadowsinger. The celebration became even bigger when he smiled at me.
And I smiled back.
I mean, how couldn't I, right? He seemed gentle and caring and his face was very pleasant to look at.
He courted me. He flirted, sent gifts, and traveled to the Day Court's capital every often to see me. I'm not sure what love means but I'm pretty sure it's something close to what I felt inside of me every time he looked into my eyes and smiled.
And yet, I feel I could not exist and it wouldn't change a thing.
But if I could make him happy maybe I would understand everyone's desire to be alive. I would understand what it is like to fight for your own life with the necessity to live another day.
That's why I accepted the mating bond.
We had a party. A dinner. A house. Vacations. Damn, the tower of gifts we had to open after almost three weeks of pure sex took me a month.
And yet, I feel I could not exist and it wouldn't change a thing.
We moved to Velaris. My role in the Day Court was long forgotten. I mean, I just said I don't care about anything, how could I care about a job I had just because I was good at it?
Being good at something doesn't mean I really need to live for it.
If so, I would be a dancer. Because I'm amazing at it, I have trophies, experience, and talent. But I'm not a dancer.
If so, I would be an actress. Because I'm amazing at it, I participated in hundreds of pieces, and interpreted tons of characters. But I'm not an actress.
If so, I would be a cook. Because I'm amazing at it, I'm the one in charge of making every meal and every cake for people's birthdays. But I'm not a cook.
If so, I would be a warrior. But I'm not a warrior.
If so, I would be a painter. But I'm not a painter.
If so, I would be a singer. But I'm not a singer.
If so, I would be a seamstress. But I'm not a seamstress.
And when I came to Velaris, almost two years ago I became Azriel's mate. And I hate it.
We easily fell into a routine with his Inner Circle. And now, there's no family that makes me want to keep on living. In fact, most of the time I feel even more exhausted when I'm with my family. Or Azriel's family, if I'm being real.
I feel suffocated by an enthusiasm and freedom I can't keep up with. My family isn't bad, not by a long shot, and certainly not up close. They are great. They stand up for the right causes, love to have fun, and are very liberal about any topic.
Except when the topic is me.
I'm the newest but also the oldest among all the female mates. And that kind of put me on a pedestal I never asked for. Something like: "If she did it, you could too, Feyre"; or else: "Even she couldn't do it, Nestha, don't worry about it"; I'm not a unit of measurement, but sometimes it feels like I'm nothing more than that.
Except when I'm with Lucien. He is the exception to the rule of 'I feel suffocated within the family circle'. I'm his favorite friend, obviously, but that's not the reason why we are so good together. He understands me and seems to grasp the feeling of not wanting to exist, even though we've never talked about it. So, he just exists by my side. And that's exactly what I need.
I don't worry about depression.
Or should I?
I am happy. Truly happy.
Not that people with depression aren't happy.
They must be.
I hope they are.
But sometimes I imagine myself going to a healer's office and pouring out everything I feel. But I never know where to start. So, I stop imagining.
I'm usually happy. Very happy. And this happens with my friends. Or anywhere away from my family. Everyone annoys me in some way. Except for Lucien.
Even when I'm alone, I feel extremely happy. Especially when I'm alone. Whenever I'm alone.
I actually hate studying. Which is basically my job.
But if that means staying away from my family, I seriously consider doing volunteer work at the Library during vague hours. Get a full-time job. Anything to keep me away. And contrary to expectations, I don't feel bad about thinking this way. I don't care.
And that scares me even more.
I don't care, and I don't react. Sometimes, I fall into a vast abyss of overwhelming emptiness, unable to separate reality from what's happening in my mind. I don't feel inclined to react with jokes or anything else. I don't care if they argue with me, yell, speak ill of me in the room next door, or debate on how to 'punish' me when I'm three steps away on the sidewalk.
It doesn't matter.
Nothing matters.
I've made my friends cry trying to prove a point I believe is right. It doesn't matter.
I've cried in front of friends so they'd accept what I was saying. It doesn't matter.
I also have the terrible habit of always wanting to be right. In everything. It doesn't matter if I'm wrong, it doesn't matter if someone will get hurt. I ALWAYS have to be right.
Sometimes I imagine I'm going too far in this abyss to the point of hurting myself. Or others.
And here's another characteristic of mine. I imagine too much. Most likely, I have three or four books written somewhere in my room. But I don't feel inclined to publish them or continue writing. It was just a phase. Just like everything else.
Just like my mating bond with Azriel. I love him, but… I'm not like the High Lord's or the General's mates. They… live for them.
I mean, Feyre is an amazing person, she's such a sweetheart. But as High Lady? I swear, she's more like a city mayor than anything else, she can barely read a full sentence without getting a headache from too much effort.
And Nestha? What a fearless female. She's amazing! But being the General of the Valkyries? Come on. They can't possibly think that, just because they cut a miserable string, they are actually able to fight as a battalion. Right?
Maybe I'm mean for thinking like that. Maybe I'm stupid. Or hateful. Or fake. Or cruel.
So I never say anything.
I keep imagining them. Every day.
It's fun.
Sometimes I like Azriel more than I like myself.
But I like most people more than I like myself.
Sometimes I hate myself.
Sometimes I like myself.
There's a thin line between my two states of mind.
Sometimes I think it's my fault.
Sometimes I think it's my mate's fault.
I don't feel bad about hating him whenever I feel anger spread through me. He also triggers the emptiness in my chest sometimes. He can be annoying with all his senseless conversations. The way he lives his life annoys me even more. Because he can do everything.
He's Azriel, the Shadowsinger, the Spymaster, the poor thing, the one who didn't grow up in a good place, the cute one, the funny one, the pretty one, the hot one, the smart one, the-
I don't know.
If I let the anger get me it will soon vanish. Just like every other feeling I ever let myself have.
You know the feeling of losing something you never knew you actually cared about? That's how I feel about my freedom. Not that Azriel took my freedom meaning that he restrains what I do or like I miss my single life (if I'm being honest I was never a lover to no one, Azriel was my second or third). But this bond took it from me.
I used to float around, doing different things every single day, but now I just fall down and down and down into my inner abyss. I could've been a dancer, an actress, a cook, a warrior, a painter, a singer, or a seamstress because I had the freedom to try it. Maybe I don't want to live for it but I want to live with it. Now I'm… his mate.
I used to know I was empty, but I'm not sure now that this bond keeps flooding itself with love and fear and pain and happiness.
I don't know what I was made for.
I don't know how to feel secure. But I wanna try. I don't know how to feel truly happy. But someday I might… Someday I might… try.
When did it all end? All the enjoyment. All the feelings.
It doesn't matter.
None of this matters.
Since I was 14, nothing matters.
And I wouldn't mind just not existing.
But I want to know what I was made for.
That's why I'm leaving.
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whitenoface · 1 year
Barbie vs Oppenheimer: Twisted Wonderland Edition
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Who would watch Barbie or Oppenheimer (or Barbenheimer 🤭)? My thoughts on the Barbenheimer showdown in Twisted Wonderland:
Riddle: So he says Oppenheimer and adamantly watches only Oppenheimer because "only children would watch Barbie" but he can't help but listen in on everyone's conversation about Barbie and doing fervent research on Barbie. He'll end up asking Cater about the entire movie later.
Trey: Barbenheimer. He's not particularly interested in either movie but he wants to know what the hype is about, so he'd go to see both movies for Science. Ends up liking both a lot for different reasons.
Cater: BARBIE GIRLY. 100%. Goes with Light Music Club. Decked out in all pink Barbie gear and you know he's tweeting think pieces on Barbie after. Cries during the movie because it hits hard about family and being human and he's depressed.
Deuce: Barbenheimer. Epel would convince him to watch Oppenheimer together for the cool effects and explosions, but he would later watch Barbie after hearing Cater rave about it for the 1000th time. He cries at the mom scene.
Ace: Oppenheimer publicly, but catches a midnight showing of Barbie secretly. Honestly he enjoyed Barbie more but he can't have the upperclassmen finding out.
Leona: Oppenheimer. Not that he really cares either way, but the anti-nuclear message and environmental impacts would pique his interest. Probably falls asleep somewhere in the 3 hour movie though.
Ruggie: Oh he's a Barbie girly, but he'd also movie hop and take advantage of the whole Barbenheimer trend and go watch Oppenheimer (for free) after just because. Brings his own snacks for both.
Jack: Probably would see Oppenheimer, but he would also easily get peer pressured and dragged to go see Barbie too. And secretly like Barbie way more than he thought he would.
Azul: Oppenheimer, absolutely. Would go into tangents after about the philosophies of the movie. The only reason he would watch Barbie is for capitalist purposes: make merch and know his target audience 😌
Floyd: 100% a Barbie girly. Would go to the theater decked out in Barbie gear and quote Barbie for the next two weeks until Azul threatens to kick him out of the dorm.
Jade: BARBENHEIMER. He would spend the entire day at the theater to watch the double feature. Probably in the order of Oppenheimer and ending the day with Barbie for the vibes. Would enjoy both thoroughly.
Kalim: IS THIS EVEN A QUESTION. BARBIE. Goes with Light Music Club, and then drags Jamil to see it again. Cries at practically every single scene. He makes Barbie Day a thing at his dorm.
Jamil: Oppenheimer. He only wants to see Oppenheimer but he gets dragged to Barbie and is inevitably sucked into the Barbie world by Kalim. Against his will he knows more about Barbie than Oppenheimer.
Vil: Barbenheimer. As a film producer and actor, he can't not watch Oppenheimer and appreciate all of the film's effects and the heart that went into it. But he grew up a Barbie girly and he's not passing up the opportunity to be best Barbie dressed at the movie theater. He’s take a day to watch the double feature with Rook.
Rook: Like Vil, Barbenheimer. He would watch Barbie first in all Barbie gear and then switch to a more somber outfit to match the mood of Oppenheimer. He finds both movies equally as beautiful and dramatically cries at both.
Epel: Oppenheimer, but like Jamil, dragged against his will by Vil to see Barbie too. He begrudgingly likes Barbie more than he thought but would never admit it to Vil. Still likes Oppenheimer more though.
Idia: Oppenheimer. Something something only normies see only Barbie, something something movie effects and technology. He gets unbearable at a certain point talking about Oppenheimer. But, he strangely knows everything about Barbie and won't be caught lacking in Barbie knowldge...
Ortho: Barbenheimer! He'll go to Oppenheimer with his brother but absolutely goes with the first years to see Barbie. He changes his gear to pink just for Barbie.
Malleus: He's perpetually confused by the hype and does not understand what Barbenheimer is. Nevertheless, a Barbenheimer girly he is. He goes to see Barbie after Lilia comes back recommending it but would accidentally wander into the wrong theater and watch Oppenheimer instead. He'd eventually see Barbie after. Surprisingly enjoys both and even preorders with Lilia the "I'm Kenough" sweater but watching either did not ease his confusion.
Lilia: DEFINITION OF A BARBIE GIRLY. He's seen (and been in) enough war in his lifetime, so he doesn't feel the need to watch Oppenheimer. He goes hard for Barbie. He goes in Barbie gear, buys the Barbie popcorn cup, and preorders the "I'm Kenough" sweater. Light Music Club becomes Barbie Music Club for a few weeks after. He thinks Barbie is the epitome of the modern century.
Silver: Doesn't really understand the whole Barbie vs Oppenheimer thing, but he gets invited by the first years to watch Oppenheimer and then by his father to watch Barbie. He falls asleep during Oppenheimer and takes Barbie very seriously. He questions the meaning of humanity and the implications for peace after Barbie and tries to discuss it with Lilia. Lilia replies with, "It's not that serious, Silver." Silver becomes a Barbie girly.
Sebek: He hears that Malleus liked both movies (and is very distraught Malleus went alone without him) so he's determined to watch both in one day. Takes copious notes during both movies so that he can discuss the movies with Malleus after. The verdict: he didn't think he would like Barbie but was found crying outside the Barbie theater.
Bonus: the entire Diasomnia definitely went to see Barbie together in matching Barbie outfits.
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strideofpride · 1 year
Okay I can't stop thinking about the Barbie ending. Cause like as absolutely hilarious it was (the whole theater howled) it also is the perfect button for the theme of the movie, coming out of girlhood into womanhood. (this is going to be a very cis reading because, well, Greta is cis and was clearly drawing on her own cis experiences - terfs do not interact)
The first thing Barbie experiences in the real world is being catcalled and objectified, which reminds me a lot of a passage from Tina Fey's book. She talks about how she went to this women's conference when she was working on Mean Girls and they were asked how they knew they were becoming a woman. And pretty much every single one said it was when some dude said something gross to them out of a passing car. It's such a universal experience to get catcalled at 13-14-15 year's old, when your body is only just developing. And that's what Barbie also experiences first.
Then there's the scene where the Mattel men (and they're all men of course) try to put her back in the box. The shot of her hands being strapped down was so unsettling to me and I think that was Greta's intention. Maybe this is a huge reach but it almost felt like it was a metaphor for sexual assault. And I don't think it's a universal experience to be sexual assaulted, especially as a teenager, but I do think it's unfortunately still pretty common.
Then she gets back to Barbieland and has to confront the patriarchy head on, has to learn how to deal in this world catered towards men, has to learn how to develop a sense of self even though she's become depressed by the state of things. Depressed by the fact that she's changing and she doesn't know how to stop it. The "I'm not pretty anymore" moment is played for laughs cause the narrator rightfully calls out that this is an insane line to come out of Margot Robbie's mouth. But I think it speaks to going through puberty, to not feeling like you're at home in your own body anymore (hell this is the same scene where we see the Growing Up Skipper doll, a doll who's breasts can grow and shrink at her human's will - talk about body horror).
And because this is a movie centered on the hero's journey, Barbie and friends are able to get the patriarchy out of Barbieland and work towards a more equal future, but the real next step in Barbie's individual journey is seeing her creator (and this is where the gender swapped Adam/Eve myth of creation stuff really comes into full force but that's a whole other post altogether) who in a lot of ways is just Barbie's mother ("mothers stand still so daughters can look back and see how far they come" !!!!!). It's her mother figure that gets Barbie through that transition from girlhood into womanhood, who assures her that while things might not be perfect, it's still worth experiencing. (And of course there's the theme of mortality as well, that what makes the human experience special is that it's not infinite)
So that final button of Barbie going to the gynecologist for the first time is actually just the completion of her arc. I saw some people being like "I thought she was going to a job interview!" and I think that was absolutely an intentional misdirect, but I don't think her going to a job interview would've hit as hard. (For a lot of reasons, but the main one is it's a very capitalistic idea that you become an adult when you start to generate your own wealth) It had to be her going to the gynecologist, something only adults usually experience, not children. She's no longer a girl anymore, she is a woman.
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scribbleseas · 1 year
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Straight Laced, Chapter V: To Be A Force of Nature…
Description: After the London’s Royal Ballet company’s prima ballerina goes missing within a string of mysterious disappearances among the ballet’s young ballerinas, you finally get your chance to debut in the leading role, taking on the position’s physical toil and immense social pressure. Although this role was supposed to be your grand jeté into the spotlight, it is quickly complicated when these disappearances catch the eye of Ciel Phantomhive — the Queen’s Guard Dog. He is a captious and shrewd man who also happens to be one of London’s most eligible bachelors.
For enough profit for you to secure your freedom for the first time, Lord Phantomhive double casts you as both his accomplice to solving these dancer disappearances and… his pretend lover. While debuting as London’s new prima ballerina, you must perfect a brand new routine: deceiving all of the nation’s polite society while actively searching for a serial killer — all while being an immigrant from France with a dancer’s reputation.
What could go wrong when you realize this off-stage performance of yours may not be an act at all?
Story Warnings: detailed description of gore, pain, and violence, detailed death, smut & explicit sexual scenes, allusions to non-consensual sex, objectification, prostitution, allusions to under-aged prostitution, smoking, drinking, eating disorder tendencies (food restriction, frequent references to wanting to maintain a certain weight, over-practicing & exercising), infidelity, fake courtship, swearing
Author’s Note: idk I have nothing to say for myself. i’m sorry this is so late. anddd keep an eye out for an upcoming poll! I need some input about which story you guys would like to see from me next, since we’re now officially halfway through this journey! As always, let me know what you think about this chapter! I love love LOVE audience interaction. So fun and so motivating. i love you all and hope you enjoy it!!
Happy Reading,
- dan (Depression Barbie LMAO)
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The End of October
The Royal Opera House, The Practice Room
“Try it again, Y/n,” Natasha ordered. The bottom of her cane knocked against the floor to cue the pianist to start the music.
Despite your obedient nod, your whole body protested.
Every single muscle in your feet begged for mercy, and your legs and lower back began to do the same. The amount of complex pointe work and arabesques in the variation were what made it such a challenge— maintaining the perfect form but without being too stiff. The Sugar Plum Fairy had to be regal and majestic; you needed to be buoyant on your toes to create the vision of a fairy ready to flutter her wings and fly.
The Nutcraker’s Sugar Plum Fairy Variation was the physical and emotional equivalent of a chess game with Ciel Phantomhive. You watched yourself in the mirror, eyeing the streams of sweat that fell from your hairline and down the bridge of your nose. Still, your arms fanned to either side and your leg drew back to create your starting position: b-plus.
This was the piece that established the fairy’s power in the land of sweets. It needed to be perfect or near perfect by now or Natasha would have your head.
“Your pas de bourreé needs to be lighter,” the director criticized, catching every error in your movement. Her gaze was heavier than a magnifying glass. “It should be airy— and you must maintain the connection between your fingers and your head.” You frowned, your eyebrows knitting with concentration.
She has cautioned you about a heavy step sequence before, Y/n. Try harder— Tchaikovsky wanted this dance to be as light as raindrops; this is the second time Natasha has told you to land gentler.
Your throat felt dry with embarrassment, but you forced yourself to power through. The music hesitated to a short stop while you spread your arms as if you were bracing for a wide hug.
Seconds later, the music launched into its famous chorded sequence up the keys and you stepped into your piqué manége. While a pas de bourreé resembled a sideways sequence of you rapidly tiptoeing across the practice studio floor, the piqué manége and coupé jeté combination was a constant step and turn rotation. You had to spring into small jumps to make each turn, repeating the process until you outlined the perimeter of a square with your spins around the studio floor.
Your head swam, dizzied because you skipped breakfast and lunch that day because you wanted the extra time in the studio. The investigation with Ciel was eating more into your practice time than you wanted to admit— he summoned you to take short promenades through parks, short appearances at bakeries, and specialty boutiques, spoiling you. Showing the public that you were well provided for — frankly blooming under the warmth of his generous fortune— was the Earl of Phantomhive’s ‘love’ language.
“Keep your chest up,” Natasha’s voice felt distant, even though she was in the same room as you and the rest of the company. “You should be thinking of your spinal cord as a fixed structure that your ribs rotate around. And keep your arms controlled with these spins. You are delicate, but there is still a commanding firmness to you.”
You took your final spins, returning to the middle of the stage to chassé up— otherwise, arrange yourself into the performance’s ending position. Both of your arms were straight and angled upwards like you were reaching for a high shelf, and your back rounded to create an energetic arch. Your left foot extended behind your right leg.
Your heart pounded in your chest as Natasha inspected your chassé, peering at you in the same way Ciel examined whatever literature he happened to be reading at the time. Her cold fingertips guided your chin a few centimeters upwards before her head bobbed in a content nod. “Keep your gaze in line with your arms, in this position. Always.”
Natasha’s lips were relaxed in their frown. She was in a particularly stormy mood during this practice, all fortified scowls and impatient scoffs before this moment. Now, rather than completely vexed, the choreographer only seemed mildly frustrated. You struggled to hold her frustration against her— you had been having the same difficulties with this dance since the beginning of the month. You were frustrated with yourself.
“I appreciate your feedback, Natasha” you replied, maintaining your appreciative pretense for the rest of the company members present. Your smile was mechanical and fake, nothing more than the flimsy curtain that the backstage hands rolled in and out between every act. For you, harsh criticism gracefully was an act— smiling while your chest burned with indignation was incredibly blood-boiling.
Especially after you dedicated at least a full afternoon to perfecting the same piece.
She sent you a curt nod in response, only proving to you that there was something on her mind. Something unpleasant…along the lines of her husband being a serial rapist and potential murderer. Guilt sweat beamed in your hairline because, by Ciel’s orders, you still were not allowed to inform her of what you learned about William. But if she found out on her own…you could certainly comfort her, right?
“You are all dismissed,” Natasha addressed the class. “But remember! Soldiers have their designated costuming times with myself and the costuming director this upcoming week! Talk to one of us for your appointment.”
You waited until Natasha finished answering every post-rehearsal question, sending a nameless company member scurrying off with notes on the performance, or some set of miscellaneous instructions. Now that dress rehearsal was only a month away, it was time for each company member to make their dances technically perfect. Natasha preferred to focus on mechanical accuracy before adding the art and drama back into the ballet with the addition of stage makeup and glitzy costuming. Furthermore, Natasha was the heart and soul of the London Royal Company— it was a risk to so much as inhale at an undesignated time.
“Is there something bothering you?” you asked, your eyes breaking away from the door once you were sure everyone was out of earshot. “You were harsher than usual. I know dress rehearsal starts soon but—”
“Everything is fine with me, Y/n,” Natasha replied chillingly, jumping to the defensive. Her hand adjusted on her cane’s grip, bringing the walking accessory closer to her to re-shift her weight. She hissed through her clenched teeth at her bad leg, suggesting the old injury was hurting her. “If I were you, I would be more worried about my dancing than my director. Your rendition of Plum’s variation left much to be desired,” she said without a hint of hesitation.
Of course not— when it came to the choice of sparing a cast member’s self-esteem or breaking their confidence into jagged pieces of shrapnel for quicker results, Natasha would always, inevitably, choose the latter. She wasn’t the best prima ballerina in London five years ago because her feedback was obsequious. “Honestly. I would have thought you would have a breakthrough with your pointe work by now,” Natasha continued, disappointed.
With her sharp cheekbones and straight, raven hair, her visage reminded you of a slightly grumpier and career-driven Snow White.
“I will dedicate every free moment to it,” you insisted, your cheeks hot. Tears stung at your eyes, but you were accustomed to the suffocating feeling and managed to hold them in until you reached the closed door of your dressing room.
The moment you turned your lock closed, you turned towards the inner side of your door, resting your forehead on the cool wood. Your tears tracked down your cheeks, but you made no effort to flick them away. Not yet. You needed to sulk. You deserved to sulk.
“My wife doesn’t know what she’s talking about,” a man’s amused tenor told you, causing your head to jerk back in surprise. “I say, ignore her. I, for one, had a lovely time watching you today, my new prima.”
Ballerina, you wanted to finish the title. Prima felt much too familiar; much too oppressive.
William Wood was as relaxed as a lazy cat, his long and lean body poised comfortably on your couch. He gave a fleeting, yet bitter, look to the gold wedding band around his left ring finger before returning his gaze to you.
You made a rapid effort to wipe your distressed tears away. Normally, you were never one to cry over some constructive criticism, but you guessed it was your building stress— the amount of time and anxiety it consumed. The dark knowledge you had weighed on your mind heavily: knowing the truth about the man sitting in front of you, how he potentially murdered ballerinas like you. The fact that he was responsible for horrendous crimes and was still free to flash a winsome smile at you with the expectation that you’d fall for it.
Moreso, you imagined he used the same strong stare and enticing words to trap all of his victims; whether or not he persuaded them that he cared about them, or ripped all of their confidence away with his own surplus of it.
You cleared your throat, hesitant to meet his cool gray eyes. While Natasha’s were slightly blue, William’s were only a monochrome silver— as if all color was drained from them. His thin lips pulled into a half smile that he likely meant to be seductive and welcoming, but the longer you watched him, the more pursued you felt. He was watching you with the salacious eagerness a hunter would, aiming his rifle at an unsuspecting deer.
How could the other girls have reacted? Amélie, Eliza, Janet? Your heart was heavy with grief. The pain that these girls would never be able to share their stories with the rest of the world. Their lives were stolen from them. By this man.
“Thank you, Mr. Wood,” you greeted tersely. You knew your smile was unconvincing; you couldn’t bring yourself to bring the warmth of recognition into it, or the respect an employee would show to her handsome and potentially homicidal employer. All you could think of was the blood on his hands and the utter certainty across his lips. He was a huntsman. “I see you have returned from Paris. How was your trip?”
How could he live with himself?
“Just fine, Y/n,” William stood to his feet and took a leisurely set of steps towards you, casually crowding you against the door you just locked. There was enough room between you for him to deny his lack of respect for personal space, but so little room that you could spot every individual freckle across the wide bridge of his nose and his cheeks. “But I’m more interested in you. Your technique has simply flourished since that Janet girl left us.”
Left us?
You tensed, but you forced your body to remain open, fighting its natural urge to curl in and shield you from the danger. There was no hesitation in William’s face— not when he started flirting with you, and certainly not now, after he suggested that Janet simply retired from dancing and disappeared. Of course, the Yard was keeping these ballerina disappearances out of the papers. No one else knew there was anything wrong except for those clothes to the ten women, those investigating, and of course, the killer.
Ciel would tell you to talk about Janet and the recent company losses to gauge William’s response. His body language, what was saying, what he was not saying. He would tell you to either ignore the flirting or use it to your advantage, as rejecting Wood would likely bruise his ego too much for you to continue pursuing this…angle. Embarrassed, William would never speak to you again…or if you angered him, he’d simply kill you later.
You would need to use this interaction to set up future time with William. That way you and Ciel could make a plan to get his confession or gather concrete evidence, considering Ciel was too cautious to make the arrest if he wasn’t completely convinced.
If the course of the investigation was solely your choice, you would have already had William arrested for assault, abduction, and at least one murder. Unfortunately, your authority only extended to waltzing tips and how to make Ciel’s publicity smile appear less like a grimace.
William’s eyebrows raised, prompting your response. He was suspicious of your hesitation— which was surprising, given that he was married to your director. How could you fail to notice this…aggressiveness before this week? Now, it was clear to you.
“That is so kind of you to say, sir,” you paused, unsure of what to say next. How could you extract more information about Janet without appearing accusatory? “This opportunity has been extraordinary for my career. It is so hard for me to believe that Janet would give it up so senselessly.” You watched William’s face, looking for any flicker of emotion, but there was none beyond his pensive nod.
“You should know how it is, by now, Y/n,” William drawled with the wisdom of an experienced man who had been watching the ballet field for a near century, rather than a measly thirty years. While the Wood family owned the opera house since its construction in 1732, William only started running the Wood’s business empire five years ago — after his father, John, died abruptly. Heart failure.
The last production the opera house had under John Wood was the Sleeping Beauty run where William met Natasha, the new prima ballerina. They were both around your age at the time. You couldn’t imagine meeting your future spouse and marrying them only for your father to die a month or two afterward.
“Not everyone can take the heat. Not everyone should. They can’t handle it because they’re not like you. You’re a shark. A force of nature; someone special. I can see it,” William continued, taking a loose strand of hair that fell free from your bun and tucking it behind your ear. His fingertips lingered on the side of your neck, and the top of his thumb kept your chin tilted upwards towards his face.
“A force of nature?” You asked, almost as puzzled as you were uncomfortable. You wished you could take a step away, but your backside was pressed against your only exit.
William chuckled, pleased to have the opportunity to explain himself. It made him feel smarter than you— something that most men adored as much as staring at you. “Yes. That means, unstoppable, strong, and…unforgettable. Beyond control. Like I said: don’t listen to Natasha. You were flawless. You are flawless.”
Your breath hitched, unable to hide the euphoria that came with praise, but of course, not without recalling that these were lines he likely rehearsed. William knew how to attract his victims with honey before resorting to vinegar. Ultimately, it made you realize that this was how Amélie, Eliza, and Janet felt. Seen. Special. Noticed by the owner of the opera house. Frankly, if you hadn’t been promoted, you doubted you would have been William’s next target.
Still, even if you knew you were a force of nature before William said so, there was something more empowering about hearing so. For once, it wasn’t your ego; it was praise. Genuine, few and far between, praise. Something educated and intricate— it might have been nearly leagues more satisfying than faraway applause from an audience that didn’t know the first thing about ballet…if you didn’t know that William had ulterior motives. If you didn’t know that this was the trap the huntsman fabricated to catch his next meal.
William took your prolonged silence as encouragement. He leaned downwards, each gaining centimeter only pushing him closer to your lips.
“Mr. Wood…” you cut his advance short, hesitating as you remembered that rejection was not an option. You tried to soften your expression, and your body, given that your words came out somewhat flat. You thought of the weak-willed princesses in children’s tales; the submissive character you put on for all of your old patrons; the long set of polite society’s rules Sebastian branded into the front of your brain.
William’s approach was to take vulnerable and insecure girls and make them feel like a force of nature because of him. Not because they were, inherently.
But you were. This time, he didn’t know who he was messing with.
“I think…we ought to wait until we have more time together,” you said sweetly, your hand coming from your side and adjusting William’s shirt collar. It was folded unevenly, and even the minute gesture was enough for him to think you cared about him— that you were looking intently enough to realize that there was a problem with his wardrobe in the first place. Any special attention from intended prey was like a drug to these power-starved men. It made you wonder why they thought they had all of the power. “Could you imagine the scandal? If everyone in the company found out?” You asked, widening your eyes with ironic innocence.
You were the black swan, Odile. Mischievous, conniving, confident. Frankly, thinking about making the arrest and putting the bastard away was what created your reluctantly seductive grin— much in the same way as Odile’s excitement to manipulate Odette’s prince.
William’s back straightened as he considered you once more, looking over you with reignited vigor, now that you were fully committed to playing his game. He tilted his head, though his eyes were slightly more hesitant to leave your lips.
“I think you’d get some enjoyment out of all that attention, Prima,” William joked, taking your hand in his. He pressed a kiss onto your knuckles before doing the same for the inner part of your wrist. His thumb rubbed the same spot on your wrist as if he wanted the feeling of his foreign lips on your skin to linger. “But unfortunately, you do have a point. I think I have a remedy for us, though,” William looked ponderous before he fished out a ring of keys from his jacket pocket with his free hand— he was still holding yours until he needed both hands to sift through the crowded keys.
To you, it suggested he had several places he needed to keep locked away. That could be residences, safes, closed doors, drawers... the number of potential areas to hide murder weapons and implicating items could be limitless if all of the locations for these keys were his. It was suspicious.
Once William found the key he was looking for, he unlinked it from the key ring. He pressed it into your palm so hard that you could feel it indent in your skin. “Here. This opens the back door of my country house. We will meet there. Tomorrow— after your performance,” he ordered, closing your fingers around the key for you. He pointedly failed to ask if you were available, presuming you would make the time for him.
“The one in… Southampton?” Your mouth felt dry. You went to William and Natasha’s country home once— about a year ago. Natasha allowed you to spend the night after you arrived at the docks after midnight, returning from a short visit to France. Your director didn’t trust you to make it back to your home safely, and she insisted you stay the night with her and William.
The Wood’s Southampton house was a symbol of Natasha’s kindness to you, and now, you were about to use it to further betray her. Failing to tell her about her husband’s crime was the first; and now, you were about to seduce him in order to expose those misgivings.
“Yes. Natasha stays late with the costuming director on Thursdays and Fridays. It’s perfect,” William reminded you. While most companies started costuming for the lead dancers, Natasha liked to start with the ensemble. She claimed it was best to get all of the mass-produced costumes fitted and out of the way before focusing on the standout pieces like yours.
Thinking about your Sugar Plum Fairy costume made you giddy with excitement. While you haven’t seen the ensemble itself yet, Poppy (the costume director that William failed to name) showed you her beautiful sketches for it.
“Meet me there at eleven. Sharp,” William ordered decisively, offering you no chance to protest. Within seconds, he unlocked your door, made sure there was no one outside to see him exit, and swiftly made his leave.
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The Same Day, Dusk
Ciel’s Carriage
“No. Absolutely not,” Ciel’s stoic, yet resolute frown pursed into a line. He angled his chin upwards, daring you to argue with him.
“What do you mean?” You demanded, your eyebrows knitting together incredulously. You wanted to stand up to punctuate your surprise and frustration, but the moving carriage wouldn’t allow you to. “This is the perfect opportunity. You said it yourself: We need to investigate William Wood. If he is with me, his guard will be down! And we need evidence and a confession!”
“We would do better to explore a…different angle. I would prefer to meet with him,” Ciel said boredly, opening his book to his current page. He clearly didn’t think much of this disagreement; you thought it was, by far, the most ridiculous one the two of you dealt with up to this point. He was being brainless— you had an opportunity to get into William’s home and make him vulnerable, and Ciel didn’t want to so much as entertain your idea! Your lead!
“But, why?” You insisted, protesting like a child fighting their mother for an extra piece of candy. “What could possibly be wrong with this plan? Setting a meeting up between you and him — without looking suspicious — could take ages!”
“It will not take ages,” Ciel said, emphasizing his use of your words. He skimmed over the words in the passage of his book — The Canticle of Saint Eulalie — idly, speaking while he read. The novel was a relic from medieval French literature, a name you vaguely recognized only to have Ciel snicker at you for not being as inclined to know every facet of your home culture. It was disquieting to know that Ciel was fluent in your first language. When he offered to speak to you in that language, you had denied it vehemently because it was simply too personal. Speaking in French took you back to your mother, dance school, and every painful memory you left back on the European mainland. “I want to extend an invitation to Wood about a business venture.”
“Ciel, it is too convenient. No one will believe that we are in love if you make a business deal immediately after courting me,” you insisted.
“It only matters if he believes that it is a true business meeting,” Ciel said, flipping the current page over.
“I guarantee you, he will not,” you shook your head, crossing your arms over your chest. “William might be a sadistic criminal but he certainly is not a moron—” unlike you, genius “…and he will make the connection between you and me. Natasha has to have told him already.”
“Honestly! You are being stubborn because this is my lead! It was my acting and my efforts that gave us this opportunity. You are insecure. You are selfish! If we let our investigation progress slower than necessary, more people die! Is it worth it? Is your—” You would have proceeded with your tirade until you and Ciel reached your destination, but he slammed his book closed with a start. The heavy sound caused you to hesitate, giving him the opportunity to intercede.
“Y/n! Your plan is too dangerous!” Ciel snapped. “You are an untrained civilian. You are not going to meet a man who has assaulted and likely killed ten other of your peers. Certainly not when he likely imagines you as his eleventh! Honestly! You must be mad. Do you have a death wish?”
“I do not care about that,” you admitted, taking in a long inhale through your nose and quickly glancing out the window. Your fingers intertwined in your lap as your shoulders fell sheepishly. “The danger,” you clarified at the Earl’s perplexed expression. “I truly…it is of no importance to me.”
“And why is that?” Ciel demanded.
“Why do I have the right? They all…died. Why do I get the privilege of…” You let the sentence die, gesturing with your clammy hands because you couldn’t string the proper words together. How could you to know to be careful when these girls didn’t know what they were getting into? They deserved the same warnings you had, but that would never be.
“Come on, Ciel. We need access to his home and his belongings. We will not get it if we pursue your business meeting idea. Please, please, let me do this,” you said, fishing William’s house key out of your jacket’s pocket. The silver key had his matching initials engraved down the side of it in cursive. “While I keep him occupied, you and Sebastian can find the spare office keys in the studio and—”
There was a new grudging respect in Ciel’s face, paired with a thoughtful frown. He was considering your idea, freshly reminded that you were extremely committed to the investigation. After all, it was a personal matter, now.
“No,” Ciel started. He quickly sent a silencing look at you, noticing the confrontational way you leaned in toward him. The carriage was rather small, putting you in the same proximity William was to you, earlier that day. “Not without us. I will not, in good conscience, permit you to go tomorrow without Sebastian and myself. We don’t know what William might try with you.”
A slow smile spread across your face, victorious. You truly were a force of nature.
“You care about me,” you grinned, nose wrinkling with glee. “How kind. Who knew the magnificent, oh-so-powerful, Lord of Phantomhive could care for someone besides himself…” Your hand flew over your heart dramatically. “I’m touched!”
“I had no idea it was controversial to ensure a civilian’s survival,” Ciel smarted, his exposed eye-rolling. His face flushed, but you couldn’t decipher the cause. Frustration from having to accommodate your ever-shifting mood? Embarrassment? No, Lord Phantomhive could never view himself as lesser-than!
Or perhaps, you were right. He did care about you.
Your cheeks grew warm at the thought, causing your head to jerk away before you could regard his lips anymore. (Were they always this plump when he scowled? And that pink?) You were all too aware of your closeness, given that you hadn’t moved back to your original position in the carriage and had been leaning towards him with the severity of either someone enraged or in love.
Enraged. You were enraged.
“Admit that I persuaded you,” you demanded, unable to keep the play stoicism on your face.
“I will not,” Ciel shook his head, relieved that the carriage was coming to a stop because it gave him an easy reprieve from the conversation at hand. “We need you to confirm the body’s identification. Will you come inside?” The Earl asked, gesturing to the Yard’s station outside the carriage. He reminded you of the meaning behind your excursion: confirming that the body found floating in the River Thames was Janet Fischer or a nameless victim. While there were numerous pictures of Janet, they needed a person to confirm her remains.
“Yes, I can.” Your heart sunk, bringing your joy with it. Your smile melted as you nodded gravely, well aware that there was no need to maintain any pretenses in front of the body. Ciel forced the Yard to clear any non-ranked personnel to avoid conflict with your public appearance versus your intended utility to the case.
Within minutes, you were facing Janet one last time. She was truly perfect— the type of beautiful that belonged between pages of a storybook. Her cheekbones were high, but her cheeks were full; her lips were soft and pink. Her blonde hair fell in wisps, too thick to stay in her bun perfectly. Even in death, her eyelashes were long and curled, kissing her cheeks.
Unlike Amélie, there was little sign of death on her, save for her lack of breathing and the obvious bruise on her temple. Otherwise, there was no foul smell, no bloodshot eyes, or gaping mouth. Janet looked as if she was only napping, her face serene without the deep sadness that used to inhabit it. No one in the company carried the same innocence and melancholia— that was why she was Natasha’s first choice for Odette.
“This is her,” your voice hardly registered above a whisper. “Janet…what happened?” you asked, blinking rapidly to keep tears from falling. You wished she could wake up and tell you. There was nothing you wanted more.
“She was officially reported as missing on the night of September 28th,” Ciel said, his presence somewhat comforting to you. Janet was already dead— there was nothing to be done except to bring her killer to justice and ensure this doesn’t happen to anyone else. “Exactly one day after the last time everyone has claimed to see her— the night of Thursday, September 27th.”
“This wound seems as if it was from a blunt object,” Sebastian noted, peering at the purple bruise on the side of Janet’s right eye. “But she was found near the Tower Bridge, the rest of her wounds consistent with a high fall.”
“Could she have been hit with the object and subsequently pushed?” Ciel wondered, not truly looking for a response from either you or Sebastian. He crossed his arms, searching for answers from Janet’s body.
You battled a fresh wave of nausea.
“The bruise appears to be circular. I believe the object we’re looking for is slightly round — like a hammer, the pommel of a dagger, or even the end of a cane might create this shape of bruise,” the butler continued, the broad number of potential items doing nothing of note.
If the bruise wasn’t leading to anything concrete, you opted to focus on something — anything — else. Janet went missing on a Thursday… Today was Wednesday. William wanted to meet with you on another Thursday. You had full Nutcracker rehearsals on Thursdays and Sundays, but William said that Thursday would work the best because Natasha always stayed at the studio to work with Poppy.
That made Thursdays the ideal day for him to kill someone: Natasha was out of the picture, and the whole cast was exhausted after a full show rehearsal and a showing of Swan Lake.
You stiffened, your head jerking to look at the Earl. He startled at your sudden movement, knitting curious eyebrows together. What is it now, Y/n? He asked without having to speak.
“Ciel, do you have the dates for any of the other disappearances?”
“Sebastian?” Ciel prompted.
“Annalisse Sterling’s last sighting was Thursday, September 14th and Harriet White’s was August 31st, and…” Sebastian continued, as you flipped through a calendar. You ripped off one of the officer’s unoccupied desks. You circled every date Sebastian said until he stopped at Amelie’s disappearance date.
“The majority of disappearances have taken place between these three weekdays,” you declared, showing Ciel and Sebastian the months of circled Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays. “Look. And these are days where we have full show rehearsals and his wife is thoroughly distracted…it cannot be a coincidence.”
Ciel considered the theory, nodding slowly with perceptible hesitance that you wanted to kick out of him. There was absolutely no basis for him to doubt you! Why did he need to be this stubborn? All of the time? “Is there anyone we can speak to regarding Janet? We have already spoken to her family and Lord Taylor, but—”
“She never had friends,” you shook your head. It was true— Janet always distanced herself from everyone. Even Natasha, who seemed to be the entire company’s older sister. “What did Lord Taylor tell you?”
“He has a solid alibi— hosting a birthday dinner for his niece in Tanglewood. His son’s betrothed,” Ciel said. “The party location puts him too far away from the Tower Bridge at that time, and there is no evidence that Taylor told Janet to meet him there.”
“She had to tell someone that she was going out of her usual way,” you shut your eyes for a moment to organize your thoughts. “Janet was not stupid, she would never leave without notice. Her mother and her brothers relied on her income to live.”
“The mother insisted Janet found a note in her dressing room, but there was no one — and no note — to corroborate that,” Sebastian recalled, as perplexed as you’ve ever seen him. Anyone could have left a note in Janet’s room— the murder had to be premeditated if that was how the killer lured her. They knew to leave it there after the performance and to either dispose of it themself or take it from Janet after killing her. Not only that— they had access to those backstage areas. It needed to be someone who blended in at the opera house, otherwise, the interviewed dancers and stagehands would have noticed a suspicious character.
“Ciel, we need to look into William. He owns the opera house— no one would think anything of seeing him backstage. William knows when rehearsals are, and his wife’s work schedule,” you demanded, wide-eyed. Honestly, if Ciel continued to doubt you, you would suspect he was in the wrong line of work.
“Say it is William,” Ciel pinched the bridge of his nose, “how would we proceed?” He asked flatly, guessing that you had a few ideas.
Your expression wasn’t gleeful. You were unsure what to call it, besides fierce and unyielding. It was forceful, it was serious. A real force of nature would do this. You were going to do this.
“We get a confession, then. Tomorrow night.”
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inu-jiru · 1 year
How I Would’ve Written “Unhappy Campers”
Big shocker, I didn’t like the new episode, lol. However, I’m at the point where it’s no longer funny to rip these episodes apart. It’s more depressing because I can see the ideas for interesting stuff within the episodes, but the execution is so atrocious because the writing team need everything to be wacky and silly and horny 24/7. So rather than my usual rambling, I’m gonna explain how I would’ve written the episode if I were the one in charge of it.
- First, I’d change the initial scene as Blitzo going to the rehab center because they’re required to contact a family member when someone is being released. Him trying to track Barbie down and force an interaction is going against the whole point of Truth Seekers, and, again, makes him look like a selfish creep that I really can’t feel sorry for. Blitzo waiting for an invitation could show that he’s actually trying to respect boundaries more. He could be contacted at work and that could be the reason he sends Millie and Moxxie to handle IMP. (I know Loona was MIA in this episode because ofc she was but if I had to put her in, I’d have her go with Blitzo. I feel he’d want her to meet her “aunt” now that she’s sober.) Of course, they find out that Barbie isn’t there because she booked it, rather than following protocol and waiting to be picked up. This could make Loona curious as to why Barbie would not want Blitzo to get her and we could maybe get a few lines from Blitzo hinting at what happened between him and his sister. Blitzo fears that Barbie might get herself hurt or go back to the drugs, so this is his motivation for tracking her down.
- Moxxie and Millie’s plot starts the same with the mysterious drowning of the camper, but I would modify so that she’s killed by some strange, demon (Before this episode, my theory was that imps can’t give themselves disguises, and for the sake of consistency, I’m applying that theory to Barbie for this rewrite). This interests M&M because this implies that there could be another IMP taking jobs on Earth, or something else entirely. I’m scrapping all the nonsense crossdressing sing-songy shit because it’s pointless. Instead, Moxxie and Millie come to Earth in the dead of night and sneak around in the shadows while they investigate for suspicious activity. Conflict between M&M could appear when Millie grows impatient with the sneaking and waiting. She wants to rush in and start hacking away at anyone who vaguely fits the description they were given. Moxxie could start growing frustrated trying to wrangle Millie in, and maybe, in a moment of frustration, say that she’s acting like a child, or something else that might remind Millie of how much her family belittles her for being a glass cannon. Millie could storm off, and although Moxxie loves her, he welcomes having some time to himself so that he can focus. Millie, as she’s alone, stumbles across a scene where an imp is drowning another victim, and Millie feels that she can prove Moxxie wrong by rushing in and taking the imp down by herself. However, Barbie still has her agility from the circus, and is far too nimble for Millie to get a good hit in.
- We could cut back to Hell after Barbie’s attack with Blitzo deciding to cut his losses and asking for help. He begrudgingly visits Stolas in the hospital so that he can ask him to show Barbie’s location. Stolas tries to flirt and make things about their relationship, but Blitzo would brush him off once he gets the info he needs, further proving to Stolas that Blitzo does not want him (because I’m petty like that). They see Barbie and Millie in a heated battle. Blitzo, in a panic, asks for a portal so that he can help Millie, and he and Loona hurry to Earth.
- Moxxie, meanwhile, is having no progress, and the lack of Millie to keep him company is getting to him. He tries to be stubborn, as he’s certain that he wasn’t in the wrong during their fight, but perhaps seeing the synergy between campers (maybe he sees a couple by the fire having s’mores or talking to each other after their own off-screen scuffle) makes him realize that he needs to properly communicate with Millie if they’re going to work through their differences. He decides to go and find her, but ends up hearing the scuffle.
- Back with Barbie, she lashes out at Blitzo for looking for her, and it’s slowly revealed in their argument why she chose to run to Earth rather than let him help her (I don’t know what the canon reasoning is, probably something to do with the Circus, but that’s just speculation). Maybe the idea of staying in Hell was just so awful to Barbie that she decided she would rather live in self-exile on Earth rather than risk facing the past again. As for how she got to Earth, she could’ve asked a Succubus to let her through one of their portals (or simply snuck through after them). While the idea seemed good, at first, Barbie actually has no idea what she’s doing and how she’s going to start a life on Earth. She kills humans out of fear that she’ll be hunted down if word spreads about her existence. Blitzo tries to reach out to her again, but Barbie is still afraid of the past. The climax could go one of two ways: either Barbie is talked down into coming home and facing the past with her brother at her side, or, tragically, she forces IMP to kill her so that she doesn’t have to make a choice. I feel the former would be better because Blitzo and Barbie growing together in future episodes could be interesting. Actually, this could work as a final push that helps Millie to reconcile with Moxxie.
Anyway, I think that’s everything. It might not be perfect, but I feel like it does the job a lot better than whatever the fuck Adam wrote, lol. I could possibly steal some of these ideas for my own AU, but we’ll see.
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zu-is-here · 1 year
Hey zuu
Oh hii Gayfish! (*'▽'*)
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Oh no reason to worry about it! (ówò) Your family comes first so there's nothing wrong in delaying <3
My bad I'm empty-handed either but happy birthday to the twins! (〃ω〃) Your latest reblogs with them are such a nostalgia ☆
How are you doing today? *^* Heheh yours is sooo cute too! Pink rulesss (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)♪
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Take your time╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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Bruh!! It was such a mistake to use mascara cause I cried all my tears out in the end ;w; Did you like it?
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OH yay!! (*゚∀゚*)
[spoilers for Barbie]
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Ah I can feel you! (ówò)
Perhaps I didn't take it so politically cause Ken's attempts were more ridiculous than depressing to me, although there's a deep message here.
I guess this is not so much about patriarchy or matriarchy, but about the right to be whoever you want without being obligated to anyone?
That's what made me cry in the final, when Barbie asked her creator to be a human and not an idea and felt what it's like to be one ;w;
Oh!! (°▽°) I suppose it's really individual cause I didn't cry at all when I watched Everything Everywhere All at once, and while everyone was talking about how Great this movie is (it is! *^*), I was like "?? Well that was 60% crazy, 30% fun and 10% sophistic :'D"
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Looks like it's controversial indeed ("ó3ó) What do you think would be a better ending? *^*
Pff true, she acted so good xp I also enjoyed Alan, he looks so confused the whole movie XD
Speaking of the other movie— did you watch Oppenheimer? *^*
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Sadly no cause we can't watch it in cinema now :') But if they'll make it legal, I'll definitely go the second time all pink! \(//∇//)\
Oh these men ε-(´∀`; ) Alternative? :0
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Awww true! (〃ω〃) That's some real things <3
> Also no I haven't seen the other movie, but my friend has, and she really enjoyed it! So has jan!
This is not as exciting as Barbie is heh, but I'm a big fan of Christopher Nolan's films, and he nailed it again <3 (The adult scenes were superfluous though, but a man can have at least one in his career right? x)
[text ahead cause of the images limit xp]
> Alternative? You know like goth, punk things like that
Ah I see! (゚∀゚) Looks like it's not common for them in our modern world x)
> Other then the movie zu, how have you been? What you been up to?
Working on the next part of Trapped! (☆ω☆) Hopefully I can finish it before opening commissions, that's when the real work starts xp
Do you have other news to share? *^*
> Good luck with commisons zu!!
Nothing new, just been listening to phantom still, I wonder if there were any songs left out of the movie that you might not have heard
Thank youuu Gayfish! <3
So addictive (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)♪ Oh I wonder too *^*
> Recently I've been super into Notes and Notes twisted every way. As well as Why have you brought us here? Have you heard any of these before?
Woah— I don't remember listening to the first one! (°▽°) And I like how leitmotif repeats in the second one ☆ The voices are ssso good... *^*
> Oh! Did you just go off and listen to them now?? I love them to!! The way the voices mesh in the argument, and how christens name being repeated 3 times is a common motive.
Yesss! ♪ The musical must be better in terms of listening to them, cause in the movie, watching them steals almost all the attention :'D
> And the tunes of "His eyes will find me there, those eyes that burn"
Is the same as "hunt down this murderer, he must be found" in the finally
OH right!! (*⁰▿⁰*)
> It's also sad, how much the songs are starting to reflect christens trauma. She's so frightened, and his fear is growing ever strong, its twisting her perception of it all. All up until the point kf no return, and then the phantom singing all I ask of you.
The moment she realises that he knew about her and her lover the whole time. And she hears his true motive has truly been her the whole time, and she stands up and rips off his mask
Trueee, that was so intense in the movie as well ;w; Thought that's where the viewer knows that Erik saw them and knew about them, but the music shows it another way *^*
> I still haven't seen the movie, but the musical is spectacular visually as well.
I wonder if you'd enjoy the 25th anniversary recordings, it's very well shot.
The only thing that turned me off from the movie si that the phantom was cast for his appearance, not his voice, when it really should have been the other way around for a character who's a musical genius.
Awww I would! *0*
I've heard that many actors tried to get this role (Antonio Banderas as well?) and they took vocal lessons for this cause singing songs on their own was a prerequisite ☆
> Did you know that the longest running Broadway phantom played the role for 7 years? Almost every night for 7 years! The way they hop from one song to the next, his poor voice.
He got the biggest round of Applause at the end of the show
FOR real?? \(//∇//)\ That's crazy yet respectable!!
> One thing that was pointed out to me, which kinda kills alittle bit of the tension, js when Eric is over hearing All I ask of you, he's hiding behind the horses bottom, in the statue XD idk if makes me.laugh.
In the book he's ontop of a very high up statue, and it's a wonder he even heard them.
You know I've actually been to that oprea house
PFF well he's hiding after all xd You've been there?? (*゚∀゚*)
> Also I'm sorry if you are getting tired kf talking, idk if you are busy with trapped and would rather take a break?
Oh I really enjoy talking to you about them! *w* We can both take a break though, no rush anyway <3
> Well if you do wanna watch it, you can rent it on you tube. It's my favourite versionnnn.
Of course if you get the chance to actually watch it ! Do!
I'm going to be keeping an eye on it, waiting for it to return, Andrew said that it should come back, so if it ever comes back to London, I will tell you just in case it co-alines with a time you could visit!
I know I want to see it againnn.
Awww that would be amazing, thanks! \(//∇//)\
> Ok! We can take a break heh, sorryy
But I'll see if I can find a picture of the oprea house and send it over!
It's alright! (ówò) I'll be looking forward to it *^*
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@help-im-a-gay-fish OH wow!! \(//∇//)\ This is a great photo, "catching a moment" <3
He did a really good work at trying to make it as real as possible though *w*
> Me ans Jan found a night tour of the opera housessss I think we might goooo
*GASP* That's awwwsome! (〃ω〃)☆
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maybuds · 1 year
I also think it's interesting to see how movies and music are also not even marketed as art/stories anymore like the barbie phenomenon is such a clear example, the whole scheme was it's a Barbie movie! look at the aesthetic! it's all PINK! isn't it fun that it comes out the same day as that war movie that's all red and black ! boo explosions ahah !! like ??? where's the plot of the movie?? isn't anyone going to tell us that? and the answer is no bc it's irrelevant lol, ppl go watch it bc they can dress up and take pictures to post on Instagram, they go see the new mcu movie bc they "have to" finish the trilogy so they can talk about it on Twitter, it doesn't matter if all we have is reboots bc stories don't matter anymore.
it's also happening with concerts like people don't go to listen to the music (bc the music isn't even that great tbh ! it's just what's popular on tiktok!) but bc it's an ~experience~ and again an opportunity to dress up and post pictures!! even for the singer what they're wearing matters more than what they're singing! and I get that live music/concerts have always been an experience per se BUT it had never been this disconnected by the music itself imo
also I'd urge to recognize who is benefiting from these shifts bc what happens when going to a concert or watching a movie becomes something that requires a specific aesthetic that then needs to receive social media approval?? exactly, you need TO BUY STUFF! every time ! and who sells you the stuff ? the companies that have partnered with the company that made the movie of course! the popstar with their specific brand ! the influencers paid to go to that concert and that movie premiere! it's literally a Neverending cycle of money that you keep giving to the same people and a Neverending production of stuff that will be thrown away almost instantly bc it's made to become irrelevant almost instantly!
oh my godddd this is all so true, you said it all anon. and it’s depressing for the ones who want to produce and create art because this is what their hard work comes to, as consumables or just products to sell, and they end up just looking at it as another job instead of something they were passionate about in the first place. it’s a struggle with, like, reconciling artistic expression/meaning-making and earning an income, and you can’t blame them for choosing the latter at some point. it sucks, everything sucks, it’s unsustainable and it’s such a depressing scene to look at, especially when all you wanted was to create something meaningful. and it sucks that the way people now engage with this stuff on social media also inevitably perpetuates the shittiness of it for artists and creators everywhere, it just becomes a cycle and just the big studios and brands are benefiting from it
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thereisnolumos · 10 months
I so agree with you about the Barbie movie. As a lover of barbies and barbie fan in general(especially the Barbie animated movies) this movie was such a ridiculous let down. Felt like it was making fun of Barbie too much and that the director didn't even understand the lore of Barbie. I especially what they did to Ken. And that stereotypical teenager in the movie who hates barbies annoyed me. Over all in general the movie was very depressing. I'm all of feminism and feminists. But the movie hurt a lot. Loved the Barbie world and the other barbies though. Especially President and weirdBarbie. .
All it had of feminism is a bunch of slogans mushed together, with no real filling or plot
A top of shitting on Barbie life as we know it, making fun of it and belittling it, it was an extremely poorly made film. The pacing is completely off, running wild in the beginning then barely moving in the end. The plot itself seems not to know what to do with itself, it all goes nowhere. The characters are bland af, while actors either overdo it by a 1000, or underperform as if their payment just stopped coming. The motivations and reasons are just… there, with no explanation to why and how and what for. All conflicts just disappear without really being solved or worked through
Don’t even get me started on the weirdest Pinocchio shit in the end, and that apparently the most important part of womanhood is to have a vagina (this pack of worms is completely rotten) and go to a gynecologist 🤦🏼
Also, every single film that has a Will Ferrel in it is automatically bad bcs he’s one of the worst actors I’ve ever seen, and one of the worst humor styles as well, if not the worst. The humor in the film from every single character read as disgusting slash wtf? to me. There wasn’t a single moment where I wanted to at least smile. Not one.
The only scene that I not enjoyed per se, but wasn’t annoyed/disgusted/angered by, was the dance off between Kens in the end. That’s it. One single scene. Also, how they made Ryan Gosling look 60 is a whole another mystery to me…
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imagitory · 1 year
Barbie Review [SPOILERS]
Hi everyone! So my mum and I FINALLY got around to seeing Barbie (I swear, we would've seen it much sooner, had it not been for RL getting in the way!), and we both really enjoyed it. That doesn't mean we didn't have thoughts about it -- a LOT of thoughts about it -- so I thought I'd go ahead and write them all down in a proper review!
For those of you who want a short, spoiler-free analysis, I'd say the movie was a very entertaining and surprisingly thoughtful story that had a lot to say about gender politics, "girl power," and our patriarchal society, and although it sometimes was a bit too simplistic in how it approached those topics, that doesn't mean it wasn't still timely or meaningful.
For those of you who want me to dive in more deeply...here's a cut!
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The Good!
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+Speaking as someone who was never a Barbie girl or even a "doll" girl growing up (my favorite toys were figurine sets of my favorite animated movie characters), I can still testify that Barbie Land's whole aesthetic perfectly captured a "little girl" vibe. It was bright, plastic, nonthreatening, and very what-you-see-is-what-you-get. Up to a certain point, it has a very "Stepford" quality where everything is just like the day before and nobody is ever unhappy or angry, but it's still a charming and likable place. You can float off of buildings and down to the street below; you can go down slides instead of stairs; you can drive in a car that becomes a ship that becomes a rocket and then an RV. Everything is about friendship, solving problems that seem huge and dramatic with incredibly simple solutions, and finding joy in cute, everyday things. It's a bit shallow and vapid, yes, but it's never oppressive or sinister, and the inclusiveness of the many different kinds of Barbies and Kens -- not just racially, but in personalities, body types and abilities -- immediately communicates that anyone could belong in this world. (A theme that's explicitly stated later and reinforced when the discontinued Barbies/Kens and "Weird Barbie" are brought more into the fold.) Therefore you understand both why our main character wants things to stay as they are and feel investment in that world being saved, even despite its flaws. It also made for a perfect contrast between Barbie Land and the Real World -- when the two aesthetics collided, like when Barbie and Ken first arrive in Los Angeles, it was appropriately jarring.
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+Our main Barbie herself!! Talk about a relatable character! The juxtaposition of her desire for happiness and "normalcy" contrasted with her anxious and depressive tendencies really makes for a funny and engaging protagonist. Her character arc was incredibly well-done, and I love that she came around to embracing humanity largely because of how much more...well, for lack of a better term, "real" things were in the Real World. The scene with Barbie in the park enjoying listening to the birds in the trees, laughing herself upon seeing two strangers talking and laughing together, and complimenting the old woman on her beauty was absolutely perfect. From what I've heard, director Greta Gerwig was pressured to remove that scene at one point, only for Greta to viciously refuse, claiming that if that scene was cut, she wouldn't "know what the movie was about" -- and you know, I can totally see why. It really pinpoints Barbie starting to understand that as shallow and pretty as her fantasy world is, the things that inspired it are even more beautiful, because they're not just plastic and manufactured. Instead they're natural, imperfect, warm, and alive.
+Can I also just add a bullet point celebrating that Barbie is not interested in Ken romantically and the movie makes that very clear not just in subtext, but in actual written text? I liked the struggle Ken had to deal with having feelings that weren't reciprocated, as well as Barbie just never having to engage in a romantic relationship, even after deciding to become human and theoretically grow up and grow old. She just never gives a shit about Ken or other guys or even romance overall at any point, and for someone who identifies with the "A" side of the LGBT+ community, that was so bloody refreshing. (Seriously, that whole scene where Ken tried to kiss Barbie good night and Barbie was just quietly like "nope"? I felt that SO HARD.) It's such a common thought process that media that focuses on friendships exclusively are inherently more child-like, especially ones with female protagonists, and it's always nice to see a film clearly made for adults with a female protagonist not feature the convention of our female and male leads being in a romantic relationship. It's especially nice considering that Ken's whole identity was wrapped up in "being Barbie's boyfriend," and shoehorning in a romance between them would've completely contradicted his whole arc of him learning who he is as an individual.
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+There was some really, really good humor in this movie, especially once Barbie and Ken got to the Real World. My mum and I laughed a lot while watching this, not just quiet chuckles, but full belly laughs! A lot of jokes I saw in trailers and in fan art and gif sets online ahead of time, like Barbie and Ken getting arrested, but even the ones I saw coming were still hilarious in context. And the ones I didn't, I laughed SO hard at. The Depression Barbie commercial made me laugh so unbelievably hard. (Yes, I could see binge-watching the BBC Pride and Prejudice for the seventh time until I fall asleep on one of my bad days. Don't judge me.)
+There was also some excellent dance choreography in this too -- I can only imagine how fun this movie was to shoot!
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+Good plot twist with it being mom Gloria that imagined up our Barbie, rather than her daughter. I saw it coming as soon as we saw Gloria at work with those costume concepts, but still, very good plot turn, and I like how her and her daughter's contrasting views of Barbie bumped up against each other while they helped Barbie escape Mattel.
+Oh yeah, and Gloria? GO OFF, GIRLFRIEND!! That whole monologue she did at Weird Barbie's house was so well-written and spot-on it hurt. Next time I encounter anyone who thinks men and women are treated equally, I think I'll just quote that scene.
+Speaking of Mattel, YES on having the board members all be men, and almost all white men at that. And YES on the movie for calling out both the tragic reality and absurdity of that.
+Adding onto what I touched on above, as much as I do have a few somewhat-nitpicky problems with how this film depicted "the patriarchy," it did overall really beautifully showcase the toxicity of it. In a day and age where women of all kinds are being targeted -- whether by restricting abortion rights and access to birth control, challenging women on their femininity in sports or even public bathrooms out of rampant transphobia, or otherwise -- this movie couldn't have come at a better time, and I love that a movie that so clearly embraced unabashed femininity is being celebrated so much.
The Not-So-Good...
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+One thing I really didn't care for in this film was its use of music. I thought the shift from the music being largely non-diegetic (namely, something played as accompaniment for montages) to a staged, musical-style battle scene was incredibly jarring. As much as the campiness of the sequence was a little fun (the Grease references in particular made me grin), it did go on a little too long, and again, it felt like a sudden shift. I would've much preferred it if the film had either gone full-out in making itself a musical or just stuck to using music as a side element, rather than a focal point.
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+As much as I understand the film was trying to make a point that superiority for any gender is inherently harmful to everyone, by having the Kens being quietly subjugated in the matriarchal Barbie Land the way women are in the Real World, I personally found that concept a little unpleasant in practice, because it plays into the idea that any victimized group would -- upon being treated with respect -- immediately turn around and want to subjugate others. It's not that I can't understand how Ken could get suckered into such toxicity, or even feel empowered, being in a world where people like him have power and autonomy...but it just made me really sad seeing him reacting so positively to being respected and represented, only to become an antagonist who turned all of his female friends in Barbie Land into mindless arm candy. Yes, incels exist and innocent men get suckered into that all the time, especially men who, like Ken, are desperate for romantic approval from a woman who is not interested in him...but considering that the film makes it clear that Kens -- unlike Real World men -- are considered as an "addendum" in Barbie Land and are second class in that society, the allegory feels a bit muddled. This isn't an issue of men growing up in a world where they're told to expect certain things -- namely, getting a great job without much effort, earning lots of money, "being the man of the house," "getting the girl," that sort of garbage -- and yet when they can't achieve all those things, they take it out on women because they can. It's become a story of a marginalized group turning around and marginalizing others...and honestly, I think that's what a lot of racists, sexists, whatever else fear above all else and why they're so desperate to keep their claws so tightly around what they see as "theirs" -- because they're convinced that the people they've victimized will want revenge against all of the groups that hurt them and victimize them just as much in return. That their victims are somehow just as self-absorbed, spiteful, and terrible as they are. And well...that's just not true! People asking for equality is not equivalent to them subjugating those who've subjugated them. Justice is not vengeance. And I can't help but feel this attempt at "putting the shoe on the other foot" loses the core of what makes "the patriarchy" and toxic masculinity so dangerous. Kens are not like men in our world -- they weren't raised with any idea except that they were "Barbie's boyfriend," much like how women in the Real World are treated. They're not privileged in the way that men in our world are. And the patriarchy is built on the back of privilege -- on the idea that having to share with others is somehow oppression against them -- not on the backs of people who feel like they've been silenced and want to be represented and heard.
+Perhaps it's also the idealistic, political side of me...but I really didn't like how the Barbies didn't take the knowledge of the unspoken privilege they'd had before over the Kens in their matriarchal society and use that to be more active in breaking down that old system after getting their minds back, rather than just make Barbie Land "like our Real World, except with Barbies in charge." Just because our Real World can't be that easily changed doesn't mean Barbie Land can't! Hell, Ken changed it into a misogynist dystopia overnight!! And after the film spent so much time accenting the importance of Kens and Barbies being their own people and not having to be defined by what they are, it seemed so horribly backwards to just go back to the old system with the Barbies overruling all the Kens' changes and taking all the power again. Couldn't we at least have all of them at the table for that vote and come together another way? Ken even admits toward the end that he didn't really even like the patriarchy idea much after realizing horses weren't so important -- couldn't we keep some of the horse stuff and just ditch the stupid mini-fridges and beer shots? Girls like horses too! Plus it would really dismantle the strict gender binary of Barbie Land overall and allow for more overlap!
+My biggest problems with this movie, though, actually come back to the ending, and they both have to do with this film's character arcs. The first problem I have is that the ending largely neglects all of the character's arcs that aren't Barbie's. The whole movie comes back to Ken discovering who he is and realizing he's "Kenough" -- okay, where's my spin-off project from Mattel, playing off of Ken's supposedly "super profitable" Mojo Dojo Casa House toy set? Where's his happy ending of Ken having dolls sold of him where he's just him, and that's cool? Why doesn't Ruth Handler bring up that Ken was ALSO named after one of her kids, HELLO, that would've meant SO much more to Ken considering his identity originally began and ended with Barbie!! (The real Kenneth Handler also came out as gay and tragically died of AIDS, for the record.) Where's Gloria's promotion, after putting forward her own ideas for new Barbies? Why can't she supplant the old CEO, finally putting a woman back in charge at Mattel after so long? Not to mention that Sasha's arc was kind of glossed over in this film, with her turning around on Barbie just by transitioning from the Real World to Barbie Land and little else.
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+The second part of this problem is in the conclusion of Barbie's arc. There's a lot of focus in the script about how ideas are forever, but reality isn't: that people will eventually grow old and die and be forgotten. And that's really powerful! But when Ruth asks Barbie to take her hands so she can really understand what she's choosing when she chooses humanity, all the video footage we see Barbie experiencing is happy. There is no anger -- no sorrow -- no loss or pain. And so Barbie saying "yes" to that falls flat, for me. The whole crux of Barbie's arc is embracing the depth of the human experience, rather than Barbie Land's shallow recreation of it...but in the end, there is none of that depth, because Barbie doesn't choose a temporary human existence because she's come to see beauty even in fear, uncertainty, sadness, anger, and pain. She chooses humanity presumably because of the depth of human happiness, in contrast to Barbie Land's, and not even despite all of those more negative things, because again, it's not depicted in that sequence at all. And that felt like a real missed opportunity to me.
Overall, I found this movie incredibly entertaining. Considering I was never a fan of Barbie as a franchise, and yet I was never an active hater either, I honestly had had little interest in seeing this film until I heard such astonishingly positive feedback for it online...and yeah, I am really glad that I did finally get around to seeing it! It's definitely a very relevant and clever movie with some awesome humor and powerful themes, and even with the critiques I have about it, I couldn't be happier that it's getting the praise it's so clearly earned. Way to go, Barbie!
Overall Grade: B
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Well, about Barbie...
I think it was a good movie, but just nothing more, it didn't leave me with anything I didn't know? I don't know, because I really like everything but at the same time I just enjoyed in an okey level.
My favorite things were:
Barbie existencial crisis.
I feel the whole arc of Barbie feeling human was really beautiful, Barbie was able to feel human in every way you could think, in both, positive and negative ways because there's not a middle term.
Her scenes crying feeling the emotions, thinking about the death and questioning her body was really great.
Ken's character arc
For people hating him, I did really understand his character a lot and (please don't call me pick me), even I feel a little relatable to some of his questions.
I think a lot of people just kinda ignored his character arc in order to reduce the morality and just put a good vs bad debate but they don't realize that Ken wasn't just like that since the beginning, he felt frustrated for living in a world were his presence was dismished and reduced to look for a female approbation, the same with the patriarchy does with the woman, Ken was living in the same way.
He didn't know who he was because they have always assume they should be accesories and nothing more, without personality or interests.
When he came to the real world, he got so excited to see him being respected and taking account that he started doing the same in resentment towards the barbie.
I think that's why Barbie apologize to Ken (even that I also think Ken should apologize as well) but she realize that Ken wouldn't do that if they just took him account since the beggining.
Matriarchy vs Patriarchy
Talking about the same, I like the way the movie told us that none of these systems are good or healthy. It pushed both of the genders of certain expectations that ended up hurting everyone.
I don't understand how some men were so upset when it's clearly that the movie talks about both of these system.
In both system you are reducing the other gender ignoring their thoughts, feelings and persona, which create social resentment and will end up bad.
For the matriarchy, it pushes to the Barbies being 24/7 perfect.
For the patriarchy, it pushes the Kens to be emotional represses.
That's what the movie is mocking as well, the toxic masculinity due to trying to always win in the system they create.
Another thing that I didn't understand why men were so upset. The movie made clear that you need habilities and capacities to do things, it's not just enough with being men, you need to study, work and effort as well but it's their own system that benefits them more for doing the same thing that women do as well.
The originality in direction.
I really liked the whole direction of the movie, the narrator, the way some jokes were complementate by the direction as well like that mattel advertisment about barbie beinf depressed, the transition and toy style.
I found it pretty great and new to see and also realky funny.
The music.
Well, there's nothing more to say, pretty good in everything. My favorite was What I was made for by Billie Eillish, grea song and great timing.
The good and bad in Barbie.
I really like the way aknowledge both senses, since the part of creating stereotypes, consumism and parody that a feminist doll is directed by a bunch of white men was a great and brave step but also to the part of inpiring millions of kid to be what they want to be no matter what other said.
Now the things I wasn't a big fan.
I wish Barbie would stayed more in the real world.
I feel they could use the opportunity to talk more about the social issues aside from the parodies or the speeches. Like the initial harrasment that Barbie had to went through was really fast and for them talking about this topic leave me with a feeling that the movie should take itself a more serious cases and explored more the world.
The scene when the mom gave her speech to Barbie and they started taking every Barbie with them and giving them little speech to recover them. I think they could do better if the mom just did a whole big speech to the whole Barbieland and they wake themeselves up and started supporting and turning against the kens by their own, I think it would mean that even with men around us, that doesn't mean we can't have a personality with ideas and thoughts and it would gave a stronger empowerment scene.
Ken's lack of apology, he also had to apology.
I feel they explored the topics in a really superficial way, not only that but mostly of the characters with tje exception of Ken and Barbie does not have a character arc, especially the mother and daighter, I think they could explore more their character and they did a little with the mother but not with the daughter.
Now, my personal opinion.
My family told me I was expecting too much nd maybe they were right because the whole debate and publicity, I was expecting more. It's not a perfect movie but it's not bad either.
At the beggining I thought we were going to talk about a sexual harrasment case were the kid modificate her Barbie because of that and barbie crying in sadness understanding those feelings was something really makes me feel sad.
Obviously that didn't end up like that but i create false expectations from a couple of scenes so that was my fault lol hahaha
About the white feminist, I am gonna try to just ignored because it's Barbie and Mattel what can we expect in a movie about a doll but I just want people to stop putting it as a good thing. POC and minorities shouldn't have to be a minimun topic to talk and explored in a little way, we shouldn't have to be conformed with so few okay?
I am gonna ignored but I am not forgetting that some of these women that right now are taking about sorority and girls supporting girl, before they were attacking another POC women just because they dislike their races and bodyshamed other women in the same way.
Criticism, validation of opinions and sorority.
I get a lot of men are basically stupid and making stupid mysogistic comments but some criticsm are valid, Barbie is not a perfect movie, accept criticism, especially if another women is making it.
Because I had seen people attacking anyone, including woman, that said that the movie is not perfect and that's literally the completely opposite meaning of the movie.
How do you think y'all are looking like when you tell another women they didn't understand the movie and that their opinions and experiences are invalid because they just didn't like a movie?
You are doing the same shit the men do when they are mansplaining, so please stop doing it and respect people's thoughts.
I did understand the movie, I did feel related in some aspects as well, but that doesn't mean that define my personal taste and opinion, so please don't reduce me for that.
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augment-techs · 8 months
what i watched/read in january
Saint Maud: 5/5 Quite the parlor trick that I spent the whole buildup to actually seeing it believing it couldn't possibly be as psychologically intense and questionable as people were making it out to be and--what do you know? I was actually drawn in an surprised. Especially by the "demonic possession" and "angel wings" leading up to the final scene.
Grabbed: Poets & Writers on Sexual Assault, Empowerment, and Healing, ed. by Blanco, Moro, Moustaki, and Albo: 5/5 This was all very moving and left me with much to think about. It didn't just take points from the female pov, but also the male and--I think?--trans and nonbinary. The poetry in itself was a surprise, the essays and confessions something more what I was thinking of. It was hard to choose my favorites from the lot, but the poem by Michael O'Mara using Pink stands out the most.
Shades of Blue: Writers on Depression, Suicide, and Feeling Blue, ed. by Amy Ferris: 5/5 Okay, I'm not going to lie, I read through this entire book and while all of them were deeply meaningful, the one that stuck in my brain was the one that included a knock-knock joke-- "Knock knock/Who's There?/Boo./Boo who?/Just boo, you dope. You're a ghost." -by judywhite-- Which...is kind of horrible, and yet stupidly endearing?
Frankie Drake Mysteries, season 4: 4/5 Okay, I really, really, really wanted to love this season, which is apparently the last we're getting from this series, but, like, apparently they HAD warning that they weren't getting a fifth season, had time to wrap up most loose ends and STILL left us with this COMPLETE BULLSHIT ENDING?! WTF?
My Neighbor: Art Inspired by the Films of Miyazaki: 3/5 I mean, some of this was very good, but this was not at all what I was expecting and it was kind of a let down that I had to order this from out of state from my library. I thought this was an essay AND art collective.
Humans, by Brandon Stanton: 5/5 I'm always reading and rereading this, and it never gets old and is always giving me something new to notice and think about. On this particular reread, the photos and people that stood out the most were a small child in New York in a lion costume who was quoted saying, "There's nothing hard about being four;" then a group shot of two boys and a girl I think in the Middle East, one of the boys saying, "We let her pick," while all three smile, holding up a kite with Barbie on it; and then a picture of a man just sitting against a building with a really beautiful anecdote he gave about reading tarot cards to make a living in New York city wherein he believes in the card, but not in the way fortune tellers do, "I believe in them like you'd believe in a poem. I believe in their aesthetics."
Eat a Peach: a Memoir, by David Chang: 5/5 Being a chef and restaurant owner and believing in the work while also having mental illness. I haven't read this kind of memoir before from the Korean immigrant perspective and this went much better than I would have thought. Mostly because I did not expect this to be so FUNNY in some places. I thought it would be lyrical (which it was) or quite philosophic (which it was) but the book cover--which was beautiful--kind of made me think this would read like a Sisyphean tragedy. Which it really wasn't. And also some of his analogies--especially the one about a Hogwarts Culinary Dark Arts Class--are going to be stuck in my brain for a while.
Calling Doctor Laura: A Graphic Memoir, by Nicole Georges: 3/5 Oh to be a young queer woman at the turn of the century whose mother is almost certainly an untreated narcissist with BPD and whose girlfriend was most definitely cheating on her while she worked out trying to get the truth about her not-actually-dead father while sifting through very unpleasant memories of neglect and emotional abuse. Not a fan of the art style, but the story was at least honest.
Cheshire Crossing, by Andy Weir & Sarah Andersen: 5/5 TEN-THOUSAND blessings on writers who both admit to writing fanfiction on their opening introduction AND an art style where the cast was presented as 80% poc, INCLUDING Alice & Dorothy themselves, while presenting Wendy as queer. YES TO ALL OF THIS.
How to Be an Artist, by Jerry Saltz: 4/5 Actually a very good collective for advice and practice, though I might disagree with some of the rules...just...a bit.
The Wendy Project, by Osborne & Fish: 4/5 A story of young grief in the aftermath of an accident. A modern retelling of Peter Pan, but without the explanation of separating grief and breakdown from reality...such as it is. I was actually rather pleased to see the more "human" Peter ignored for the sake of the Wendy.
The Girl Who Married a Skull and Other African Stories: ratings run from 1/5 to 6/5 depending on the artist and story. My favorites of the lot were The Disobedient Daughter Who Married a Skull, by Nicole Chartland--which was beautiful and did NOT end in marriage, but did end in love--and Concerning the Hawk and the Owl, by Meredith McClaren--which was incredibly lovely and had very little NEED of words.
Kimi Can't Communicate vol. 16, by Oda Tomohito: 5/5 Best parts about this would be: -Tadano playing the sports festival and getting crushed on HARD by Manbagi, Katai, and Komi. -Maeda, the school's top sprinter, having a thing for GILFs. -Suteno not giving Tadano a single thought and getting his headband taken without Tadano even blinking. -EVERYONE (bar Komi and Manbagi) feeding Tadano lunch. -The first time Tadano pats Komi on the head = KOMI WANTS MORE!! -Return to the Cat Café, complete with Manbagi getting a little pervert tomcat and Tadano once again pulling in the prettiest kitty in the area by being himself. -Shousuke and his Dad have a Father-Son day--and it becomes very obvious that Shousuke totally deserves Hitomi as the only curse he'll ever get. -Emoi Awards. -Tadano saves Manbagi's goldfish. -The whole voting process for the Culture Festival--once more, Komi is made to be the golden idol. -The Rehearsal of Najimi's play and The Cold-Blooded Princess. -It might be for the play, but Komi finally tells Tadano, "I like you."
The Vincent van Gogh overseas history DVD: 3/5 I suppose this is useful in terms of understanding and reference, but I didn't much care for the directing and editing style.
Big Trouble in Little China: 5/5 I FINALLY get to watch the movie with the women that have green eyes sacrificed to a dragon spirit in the name of a dark sorcerer cursed for over a thousand years in San Francisco. I haven't seen this movie since I was in kindergarten and should never have watched it to begin with. It is infinitely more entertaining and unpredictable than most anything coming out of the industry today. I had totally forgotten that Samantha from Sex and the City and Steve Stronghold from Sky High were acting here. I cannot believe John "Halloween" Carpenter directed this.
Disney's A Twisted Tale Anthology: -What if Snow White Learned Magic: 3/5 -What if Mulan became the Emperor's Advisor: 4/5 -What if Remy met Colette First: 5/5 -What if Anastasia had a change of Heart: 4/5 -What if Jim Hawkins joined the Pirates: 2/5 -What if history wasn't Quite Right about Robin Hood: 4/5 -What if Eric met Ariel after she rescued him: 3/5 -What if Tinkerbell was working for Captain Hook: 3/5 -What if Naveen had to get home to Maldonia: 5/5 -What if the Triplets visited the Witch: 3/5 -What if Madam Mim and Merlin wet to school together: 3/5 -What if Belle had to take her father's place at the fair: 3/5 -What if Hercules's first day as a god didn't go as planned: 2/5 -What if Bambi didn't want to be a Great Prince: 5/5 -What if Aurora knew about the curse: 4/5
Komi Can't Communicate vol. 15, by Oda Tomohito: 5/5 -Isagi is introduced with a HUGE arc to become Student Council President -Isagi has poor communication/OCD/Extreme germaphobia and touch aversion -Ase presents and comes through as Isagi's Truest Friend -Tadano sees Pretty Cat Komi -Yamai gets Komi to play Twister with her...in the school hallway...and passes out when she gets EXACTLY what she wants -Hitomi initiates a Shousuke/Ai + Hitomi & Yamada "date night" complete with coffee drinks, prize games (Hitomi won Ai a stuffed panda) and a movie at the theater -Ai had fun~ -Isagi plays Rock/Paper/Scissors/Hammer/Helmet against the entire class and WINS -Najimi insists on Isagi keeping the hammer (she's too good not to have it) -The previous Class President is utterly TERRIBLE at her job -The class take glamor shots together in an effort to get Isagi to smile for her election photo; but only managed to get a very on point shot of her menacing Najimi (which works better) -Isagi forgot to choose her campaign representative, but as usual, BLESS TADANO, "Don't worry about it. We don't care who you pick." -Isagi wins after a truly heartfelt speech from Ase. -Time for school physicals; Tadano is a half inch taller than Komi (who is SO GLAD) -Manbagi stresses about her crush on Tadano -Komi and Shousuke are forced by their mother to invite friends to dinner; Komi invited Manbagi, Ase, and Tadano...Shousuke ONLY invited Yamada, but Hitomi being Hitomi invited herself and Ai -Tadano gets to shine as the most polite person on the planet by being the ONLY PERSON at the table to say Yamada Sanjurokuro's name correctly (which may or may not lead to yet another crush on him; bringing his fan club up to, what, twelve now?)
Komi Can't Communicate vol. 14, by Oda Tomohito: 5/5 -The only thing that keeps sinking into my brain about this particular issue is the entire fair situation wherein Tadano, Komi, Manbagi, and Katai get sucked into working at Agari's aunt's food stall by Najimi. -Fushima continues to cheer on Katai/Tadano from the sidelines (and me along with her). -But the kicker is Manbagi finally warming up to Tadano and Hitomi & Onemine & Sasaki & Sato FREAKING OUT -Komi is just glad they get along -Hitomi is glad that Tadano continues to be Tadano and does not understand the concept of ANYONE having a crush on him. This precious boy.
Komi Can't Communicate vol. 13, by Oda Tomohito: 4/5 -It was fucking MAJESTIC to see Nakanaka playing around with an umbrella after sunset like a gun, running aground of the Four Monarchs, an out of town city woman playing dead when she said, "BANG!" to be polite--and her running away as fast as she could with the Monarchs finding the situation quite interesting but the woman on the ground wondering when she could get up again. -Najimi sets up a horror challenge at Katai's WITHOUT ASKING HIM--but it's fine. His friends are proud of him and he is so SOFT.
Komi Can't Communicate vol. 11, by Oda Tomohito: 5/5 -Summer vacation wherein the Komi and Tadano family end up at the same outdoor game park. -Hitomi continues to be Shousuke's unwanted but entirely necessary cheerleader. -Komi unlocks a kink by seeing the rim of Tadano's underwear. -Nakanaka/Yamai is VERY encouraged by Sukida (and myself as well). -The Four Monarchs are introduced to the class and it is SO fucking funny watching them fail to impress or scare ANYONE in this new class. Especially Tadano; it is so awesome.
3 Generations DVD: 4/5 A lesbian, poly, trans family making their way through the son's transition and the messy secrets the mother left behind in an effort to get written permission to start testosterone. I'm a little sad that the main actor wasn't actually trans but...Elle Fanning is still Elle Fanning, so the acting was *chef's kiss*.
Pawn Sacrifice DVD: 5/5 I already wanted to punch Bobby Fischer when he was alive for being both a genius and the biggest fucking asshole, but Toby Maguire was a fucking majestic BEAST in this piece illustrating opposite Liev Scheiber just HOW MUCH chess players during the Cold War did not inspire envy. Every actor in this film was a blessing, but DAMN, these two are awesome.
Little Panic: A Memoir, by Amanda Stern: 4/5 Oh, holy shit; I knew the 80s were terrible for women, but to have an anxiety disorder on top of a learning disorder in New York's East Village at the time was nothing short of just AWFUL.
The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance: A Memoir, by Elna Baker: 4/5 This is useful in being a funny and darkly honest commentary/critique of diet culture, New York single life, religion, growth, and cues into life in-between. But All the way through I could not help but feel a little bit irked by the author.
From Boys to Men, edit. by Ted Gideonse & Rob Williams: 5/5 My fourth time reading this and it gets better every single time--especially in that these are queer men of all ages, races, and types, and just feels NICE. -The Story I Told Myself, by Soehnlein: inventing the self through playing with the little people in your head to make some pretty awesome soap operas -Sleeping Eros, by McAllister: considerations on divorce and brotherhood and a father who might have also been gay -Preppies are my Weakness, by Dolby: the essay that basically promises that those you're attracted to at ages 14-17 are Your Type (interestingly, for those of my mutuals reading this; I kept picturing Billy Cranston and Jason Scott, even though Jason would NEVER treat Billy like that). -Barbie Girls, by E.K. Anderson: Mid-80s realizing the politics of "romance" at age 11 and meeting a kindred soul at summer camp -Signs, by R.C. Green: exploring sexuality from the POV of an inner city, poc athlete that had a LOT of anger and internalized homophobia -And much, much, MUCH more.
A Gift From a Ghost, by Borja Gonzalez: 6/5 This is such a beautiful graphic novel for the consideration of how the future is a reflection of the past and how the past has little touches of understanding the future. Possibly it is also a thought piece on reincarnation? Dimensions and time spotting? Either way, the choice for the characters to be faceless and wit the looks of very pretty mannequins while building up the surroundings and wardrobe was MAGNIFICENT.
Change the Game, by Kaepernick: 4/5: A graphic memoir about the growth of a black football player from a white family who would eventually take the knee in protest to racist, sexist, political lashings. Not my favorite art style, but I can appreciate the lighting and line technique.
Goodbye: A Story of Suicide of Hailee Joy Lamberth: 2/5 A good attempt at humanizing and rationalizing, but for me, personally, it was a little too bright, shiny, sanitized...And not to mention a bit self-indulgent.
The Books that Changed My Life, edit. by Bethanne Patrick: 5/5 I have my favorites in the writers and in the books they chose and in the essays they wrote on them. But Gillian Flynn, Margaret Atwood, Peter Coyote, and Sofia Coppola's choices were my favorites.
Komi Can't Communicate vol. 4, by Oda Tomohito: 5/5 -Komi and Tadano try and say each other's first name...and fail SPECTULARLY. -They swapped kitty keychains (a tabby and an ebony) -Inaka makes her first appearance in a Subway parody -Nakanaka/Yamai is establishing itself through Tadano trying to teach them "Komi Speak."
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capsensislagamoprh · 2 years
Look. Depression, insomnia, and downstairs neighbors fighting at 6 am on the dot for two hours every day makes for a very s*tty sleep schedule. So I worked. Results? February’s first bag room of the month is ready. CRAPPY PICTURE TIME! Hold on to your snacks. I frikin tortured myself to make this oddly shaped pink horror. You’re gonna suffer with me. It’s gonna be a lot. The outside! Windows. Pocket windows for the changeable window scenes. Easy to store. Gold and red handles. Easy to grab and grip.
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One hand lifting proof. This one is a touch heavy, so maybe carry it for your small being. Or if it’s for you, it ain’t no thing.
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Simple tie strings. Easy open, easy close.
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Okay, so hear me out. Floor underpinnings. Because the bag is oddly shaped, the floor needed underpinnings.
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This is the actual floor. Opens up easy.
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Slips right into place. Then you put on the actual floor. Push it into place, close the walls, tuck the pillars into the locking sockets, and...
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Okay, let’s look at these window backgrounds. You can see the basic sky above. Now let's look at the Galaxy background.
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Some enchanted forestry.
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A mountainous scene. Of course, I did that stained-glass effect for the windows. Fantasy room? Mehbe.
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Let’s address this. I only have so many doll parts. The skin tones don’t match. IGNORE THAT. I don’t know how to stain a vinyl body to match. I like her tanned. This is a rainbow high body with a Barbie head. I think a Skipper head would be more proportionate, but you know what? I kinda like it. Custom face up, hand made outfit. Shoes she can stand up in without a doll stand. Detailed accessories.
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And I do love that hair! The pink shirt is actually a bodysuit. Got pants, or another bottom you want to put on? You can! Skirt matched with something else? You can! Necklace is also separate. I detailed a Barbie necklace into an original piece. Those earnings are ... sharable! With you! (Backs are in the tea pot.)
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Her head is a little stiff, but the rest of her has that coveted Rainbow High flexibility. I think the head is stiff because it has an original neck peg set up... but I don’t know how to change that yet, so... SUFFAH!
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These are the shoes I customed, detailed, and formed to allow the doll to stand up on their own. They will fit any Rainbow High with the healed feet.
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Some details.
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Yes, it’s time to look at details and interactions!
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Wall on the left.
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Wall on the right.
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Lookin down to the middle with you!
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Everything that comes with this set (doll and outfit included as well.) You got some plants, pillows, blanket/throw, books with actual words, tea set with snacks, teddy bear (legs and arms DO move), bouquet of roses and a gift. That holds a surprise gift for your doll inside. I will not open it. You want to see what it is? Buy the set and see for yourself. The seats open to hold it all. Just put it in, and pull the stuff out as you like.
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And it all closes up into this tinny, eldritch horror.
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Yes, you two can own this whole bag room and all its accessories. Just PM. Imma sew a bat.
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morgenlich · 1 year
saw barbie last night btw, it was very funny and i would recommend. in many ways it reminded me of how i played with my barbies as a kid especially the "battle" scene asdfcvb
i wish they'd done a little more w the mom and daughter bc it felt like their shit got solved offscreen lmao but whatever
mixed? feelings on the way mattel was poking fun at itself, i think surface level the jokes work (i love the way the HQ looked especially lmao) but i'd like to see them put actual money where their mouth is on some things.
multiple jokes where i was amazed mattel let them say that also asdfv there were multiple barbie genital jokes especially
very much the kinda movie where you can tell everyone involved was having the time of their life, good to just sit back and have a laugh. depression barbie "commercial" had the whole theater fucking howling btw, as did the (bleeped) "motherfucker"
also it was a full theater and almost all of us were wearing pink which i honestly think is incredible lol
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lairn · 9 months
New Movies I saw in 2023
Return to Seoul: 7/10. Actually came out in 2022 but played locally in 2023. A depressing, fairly well constructed film. It was a little flat, but I feel like the protagonist’s pain makes her experience life in a flattened way.
Renfield: 7/10. It’s more of a 6 but fun enough and personally appealing enough that I forgive its many flaws. Nicolas Cage puts his whole pussy into it as usual. I rewatched it on a plane and still enjoyed it.
Beau Is Afraid: 8.5/10. Really, really good for 3 quarters of the film but fumbles the bag towards the end. I still sat through the credits because it was riding on a lot of well-earned grace. Uncomfortable and funny.
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: 8/10. Animation looks even better than the first one. I didn’t know it was part 1 of 2 and was frequently distracted by the pacing, wondering how they were going to tell a whole story. Will pass full judgement when part 2 comes out.
Barbie: 7/10. Amusing and I liked the set design a lot. If I hadn’t been with friends who were trying to make it fun it would have been more of a 6.5.
Oppenheimer: 7/10. Tough to rate this one. I thought it was more of an 8 at first, but on a second viewing (where I wasn’t distracted by a terrible need to pee) the pacing problems were more glaring. Had some really powerful scenes and a good soundtrack. The sound design was not well balanced.
Killers of the Flower Moon: 7.5/10. Well made and a fantastic final scene. However it suffered a lot from taking the perspective of the killers. An Osage pov could have made it a lot better.
Saltburn: 7/10. I like this one a lot because it appeals to my personal tastes but there were a few small weak things and one major narrative flaw towards the end. Great costume design and soundtrack. Enjoyed the performance of the main actor.
Maestro: 5.5/10. Tried for too big a scope and the threads got lost. This is petty, but it particularly bothered me that it saved the title card for the end of the film and put it over Felicia’s face. Maybe it was trying to say Bernstein’s title as maestro overshadowed his wife’s life but that’s not what the rest of the movie said.
The Holdovers: 9/10. I really enjoyed this one. You can sense the direction the story is going but it doesn’t detract from the execution. Witty dialogue, but in a way that seems grounded for the characters and fits their environment. Made me laugh several times. Cried a bit too, but I’m soft.
Poor Things: 8/10. Lush and weird world with opulent set and costume design. Explores themes around personhood and being a woman in interesting ways. Feels slow - it’s 2.5 hours and you can tell. Sat through the credits which is always a good sign to me.
Godzilla Minus One: 8/10. I like the way it built on the original movie and wasn’t a shot-for-shot remake. At times I felt less invested but there were some very good scenes. I especially liked when they tried to fight Godzilla at sea the first time. More on the nose in its commentary about war than the original, which felt appropriate. Great timing on using the traditional theme music.
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