#that'd mean maybe letting a human be not Actually Good
lackadaisycats · 7 months
Hey Tracy! Have you heard about the new Ai called Sora? Apparently it can now create 2D and 3D animations as well as hyper realistic videos. I’ve been getting into animation and trying to improve my art for years since I was 7, but now seeing that anyone can create animation/works in just a mare seconds by typing in a couple words, it’s such a huge slap in the face to people who actually put the time and effort into their works and it’s so discouraging! And it has me worried about what’s going to happen next for artists and many others, as-well. There’s already generated voices, generated works stolen from actual artists, generated music, and now this! It’s just so scary that it’s coming this far. 
Yeah, I've seen it. And yeah, it feels like the universe has taken on a 'fuck you in particular' attitude toward artists the past few years. A lot of damage has already been done, and there are plenty of reasons for concern, but bear in mind that we don't know how this will play out yet. Be astute, be justifiably angry, but don't let despair take over. --------
One would expect that the promo clips that have been dropping lately represent some of the best of the best-looking stuff they've been able to produce. And it's only good-looking on an extremely superficial level. It's still riddled with problems if you spend even a moment observing. And I rather suspect, prior to a whole lot of frustrated iteration, most prompts are still going to get you camera-sickness inducing, wibbly-wobbly nonsense with a side of body horror.
Will the tech ultimately get 'smarter' than that and address the array of typical AI giveaways? Maybe. Probably, even. Does that mean it'll be viable in quite the way it's being marketed, more or less as a human-replacer? Well…
A lot of this is hype, and hype is meant to drive up the perceived value of the tech. Executives will rush to be early adopters without a lot of due diligence or forethought because grabbing it first like a dazzled chimp and holding up like a prize ape-rock makes them look like bleeding-edge tech geniuses in their particular ecosystem. They do this because, in turn, that perceived value may make their company profile and valuations go up too, which makes shareholders short-term happy (the only kind of happy they know). The problem is how much actual functional value will it have? And how long does it last? Much of it is the same routine we were seeing with blockchain a few years ago: number go up. Number go up always! Unrealistic, unsustainable forever-growth must be guaranteed in this economic clime. If you can lay off all of your people and replace them with AI, number goes up big and never stops, right?
I have some doubts. ----------------------
The chips also haven't landed yet with regards to the legality of all of this. Will these adopters ultimately be able to copyright any of this output trained on datasets comprised of stolen work? Can computer-made art even be copyrighted at all? How much of a human touch will be required to make something copyright-able? I don't know yet. Neither do the hype team or the early adopters.
Does that mean the tech will be used but will have to be retrained on the adopter's proprietary data? Yeah, maybe. That'd be a somewhat better outcome, at least. It still means human artists make specific things for the machine to learn from. (Watch out for businesses that use 'ethical' as a buzzword to gloss over how many people they've let go from their jobs, though.)
Will it become industry standard practice to do things this way? Maybe. Will it still require an artist's sensbilities and oversignt to plan and curate and fix the results so that it doesn't come across like pure AI trash? Yeah, I think that's pretty likely.
If it becomes standard practice, will it become samey, and self-referential and ultimately an emblem of doing things the cookie-cutter way instead of enlisting real, human artists? Quite possibly.
If it becomes standard industry practice, will there still be an audience or a demand or a desire for art made by human artists? Yes, almost certainly. With every leap of technology, that has remained the case. ------------------ TL;DR Version:
I'm not saying with any certainty that this AI blitz is a passing fad. I think we're likely to experience a torrential amount of generative art, video, voice, music, programming, and text in the coming years, in fact, and it will probably irrevocably change the layout of the career terrain. But I wouldn't be surprised if it was being overhyped as a business strategy right now. And I don't think the immensity of its volume will ever overcome its inherent emptiness.
What I am certain of is that it will not eliminate the innate human impulse to create. Nor the desire to experience art made by a fellow soul. Keep doing your thing, Anon. It's precious. It's authentic. It will be all the more special because it will have come from you, a human.
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HELLAVERSE x Reader - Part 2 of ? - Life with Owl Boi
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
GIF by honey-im-still-free
GIF by fatboychedda
GIF by idzymi
Summary: You're just some person who lived on your own in a slightly spooky town. Who knew demons would show up! Who knew they'd end up living with you?
Tags: Reader Insert, Hazbin Hotel Characters, Helluva Boss Characters, Fluff, Humor, Friendship, Romance
Relationships: ( & for platonic, x for Romance)
Stolas & Reader, Fizzarolli & Reader, Alastor x Reader, Lucifer x Reader
Stolas was actually a pretty good roomate. After the initial awkwardness and hour tour, you quickly established some rules:
No breaking my stuff
No stealing my stuff
No hurting my cat
No hurting me
Don't be a jerk
Stolas agreed, saying these were rather reasonable terms.
You lived in a rather run-down house which was great because it was rather cheap. It had working wifi and the roof didn't leak and the water was clean so it was ok. So what if the doors were slightly ajar and the paint was peeling?
Anyway, because you had this run-down house you had an extra room to spare. you admitted to Stolas that it was rather dusty and mainly used as a storage room but he was just flattered you were giving him his own space at all.
Between the two of you, the room got cleared out and dusted and the small family of opossums living there were chased away, You didn't know they were there but that'd explain where your peanut butter kept going.
Stolas was talkative and somehow never said a thing. He'd often ramble about plants and stars or whatever interested him at the moment but would quickly end up apologizing over and over. You let him know you didn't mind. Also that you might zone out but it had nothing to do with him you just had a hard time focusing for any extended amount of time.
"I believe that's called Attention Deficient Disorder, yes? Or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?"
You told him you had no idea and just left it at that. He didn't pry, which you were thankful for.
Stolas told you a lot of things, and you did your best to remember the things that seemed important. You got him a small potted plant you saw at the hardware store as well as some basic plant-tending supplies. He was overjoyed and was basically in tears. So much so you were confused and worried that you had done something wrong.
"O-oh my, no!" Stolas fretted, wiping the growing tears off his cheeks "These are happy tears, my friend. I just- I can't really remember the last time someone got me a gift. It makes me...it makes me happy."
That gift opened the floodgate for you to get more random things you think he'd like. Glow-in-the-dark star stickers, small succulents and flowers, a funny looking stuffed animal of indeterminable species... That last one wasn't based on anything more than you just thought it'd be something he'd like.
It was.
He hugs it in his sleep.
Once Stolas saw you fretting over bills, he started feeling kind of...well. Very guilty. He was just staying here this whole time doing nothing while you constantly gifted him with things simply because you think he'd like them (and he does! it honestly doesn't matter what it is because you gave it to him and that alone make him happy).
And here you were paying for it all. It reminded him of his rather sheltered and pampered upbringing. And how selfish and conceited he could be because of it.
So, the owl demon threw on his best human disguise, went to town, and got a job.
You know this because you had to comfort him after said job.
"-and they just YELLED at me because I sat down for, like, five minutes??? My feet were hurting and the customers were so mean even though I didn't do anything to them??"
Man was not made for retail. You asked him why he got a job at all. His answer made you feel rather fuzzy on the inside. You hadn't even brought that up, but he noticed and tried to help.
You still asked him to quit because of how stressed he was. Maybe he can be like a live-in maid kind of thing? You couldn't really pay him for that but you'd take care of the money stuff... He agreed to that but insisted he try to find a different job.
You were just confused as to how he got one so quickly in the first place.
Eventually, life calmed down and you and your new roommate got into a bit of routine. Work, play, research ways to return to Hell, etc etc...
...then The Storm hit.
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I know that was a joke post but now I am genuinely curious what Hannibal would want (and be allowed) to have as his last meal.
let me start off by saying this started one place and took a huge turn (sorry) but... this got me thinking. my assumption is he was tried in maryland. maryland abolished the death penalty in 2013, but if he was tried under federal and not state, death penalty is still technically on the table in all 50 states.
unlike other states, maryland does not offer a special last meal to those about to be executed, and they are offered whatever is on the menu at the prison they are residing. i don't think that if he was charged federally it would have necessarily changed his food situation.
given that hannibal was held at bshci, he probably would have had whatever they were serving that day. we saw in s2 with will that it wasn't anything particularly exciting. canned/processed/boxed food. the more gourmet meals he got while imprisoned were definitely due to a special deal he had with alana. it's not directly specified in the show to my knowledge, but pretty sure he got special privileges for helping her and margot. but also if it means hearing him complain less, all the better.
that being said, there is a chance alana would break the maryland tradition and actually offer him a special meal. most requests deny alcohol or tobacco, but again, we're humoring a special meal.
now for the fun part. obviously hannibal wouldn't be given human meat. some inmates in other states asked not only for a meal but to share the meal with someone. and i think hannibal would definitely request to have a last meal with will since the last meal they had together (at least on screen) was the meal before mizumono.
and i think it would be well within the realm for hannibal to want to recreate this meal, maybe even going so far as to ask to make it himself. +/- if alana would allow for that, maybe if everything was precut and he wasn't near anything sharp. if he wanted will to share the meal with him, i'd be curious to see what will would do. he'd know hannibal was on death row, it'd be all over the news, jack would tell him, etc. and i think he would seek out the result of hannibal's trial if he was not sitting in the room as he was sentenced. knowing he indirectly put him there, and i'd place bets on him opening that hand written letter asking for his company one last time and he'd go to see hannibal and share that meal with him. to dine one last time together.
and i wonder how each of them would see it. will never answering if he wanted a sacrifice, yet one now sat across from him. how during the mizumono meal, will said "that'd make this our last supper" to which hannibal responds "of this life" which now truly is the last meal of this life, of hannibal's life. maybe for will, too, in a way. for how good could food taste or sate knowing your conjoined, blurred half is about to die, and that nagging guilt in your chest that it's your fault. and the question of if they could survive separation. and maybe the question was more up in the air when it was possibly hannibal who had to live without him, but now will is faced with the reality that he has to live without hannibal. and in some alternate life it would have been easier to stay with his wife and never see hannibal, but knowing he was alive was enough, and he'd no longer have that crutch.
but hannibal seeing it as almost a redo for before the slaughter in his kitchen. going back to a moment they had some peace, even if brief, life as he knew it was brief now. but still, someone he loved, the only person he loved, sitting across from him eating and drinking wine together. maybe in silence, i don't know. smiles would be exchanged; hannibal's genuinely happy and will's a bit sad. to be so fully and deeply and intimately seen. now there was no running away together anymore. will would leave and hannibal could only hope will would go to his execution.
and i think will would go. i don't know if it would be a "want" situation, but a "need". to see hannibal lecter taken down almost so effortlessly. the unkillable finally killed. the man he couldn't shoot the two times he had a gun in his face, the man he dropped his gun for and let himself be gutted and held by, the man he pulled a knife on and still couldn't take down. ultimately, in a way, will took him down. hannibal surrendered because will rejected him. will didn't need a weapon, he just needed words and a closed off heart. and within minutes, it'd be over.
but what happens after? the remains of inmates not claimed by family get kept in the prison cemetery. hannibal has no family to claim him, will is the closest to family he has. but what if will claims him, then what? will doesn't know what hannibal's final wishes are; to be cremated, buried? maybe he does know without hannibal having to explicitly say. to eat you like the sacrificial lamb you are.
my guess is a body executed via lethal injection (chosen method for maryland) would not be safe to eat. sodium thiopental is a barbituate like the one used for animal euthanasia, but it isn't the part of the "cocktail" that actually causes death. i know animals euthanized (with a different barbituate) and eaten can kill the animal that eats them, so there is a chance eating hannibal could do the same thing. consuming potassium chloride (the deadly part of the injection) in large quantities can cause a lot of side effects/health detriments and in theory, eating enough can cause cardiac failure, but i don't know the oral bioavailabity in comparison to iv.
as romantic as it seems, i don't think will would eat hannibal knowing it could kill him, and tbh, i don't see hannibal wanting will to knowing his death might be imminent. even if it meant being together in the afterlife, that wasn't how will was going to die. like yeah "death only by my hand" but it's not the same. maybe part of will's punishment is having to stay alive without him. i do think hannibal might if the roles were reversed, though.
if will ended up giving hannibal a graveplot (probably unmarked so it doesn't end up desecrated), or even sprinkling his ashes somewhere, i know will would visit him again. maybe not for awhile, maybe denial or anger, but he would go back. i know hannibal said he could never go back to lithuania, so maybe will takes him there and buries him next to mischa so they can be together, finally and forever. maybe he doesn't take him home, knowing how much hannibal stayed away when he was alive. there are a lot of things will could do, tbh.
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maochira · 1 year
hey! for ur event, can i request hanging out w the bastard munchen and them finding out that the reader has a crush on kaiser (and he returns the feelings hopefully) (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
Spending time with the Bastard München Team + falling in love with Kaiser
Requests open! - Event list - Event introduction
Tags: gn!reader, first silly headcanons about spending time then the falling in love with Kaiser part
Event sypnosis: you, Claire (@deerangle3 ) and Mao (me) are assistants in the Neo Egoist League
-usually, mixing the players from Germany and those from Blue Lock doesn't go well. But you, Claire and Mao bring some sort of balance into the group, and it usually goes fairly fine. Usually. Most of the time you don't spend time as the entire team anyways (that'd be a lot of people), usually you spend time together in smaller groups, depending on who asked you to hang out
-if Igaguri is there, he gets bulled ALL THE TIME. He deserves it <3 (you still make sure to keep it lighthearted, you'd get into trouble if you genuinely start bullying the players)
-spending time alone with Isagi means he rants about Kaiser to you a lot, you never know what to say so you just listen
-doing that actually starts a game where you and Kurona do random animal noises. Some of the others join as well. Gagamaru can do a hella good bear impression and it actually terrified you for a moment
-Raichi can make feral dog noises idk he gives off that vibe
-Isagi sucks at making any animal noises so you get a good laugh when he tries
-Claire becomes best friends with Yukimiya super quickly and she talks about animal facts a lot with Kurona, you join them to listen sometimes!
-for some reason, Mao became super close with Raichi and now he's her bodyguard. Also, she keeps bugging Gagamaru to let her sit on his shoulders (he's tall, she's small, let her see the world from up there)
-whenever Kaiser and Ness join any group hangouts, the balance gets off a bit. If it's only you out of the assistants, it's definitely going downhill. But if Claire and Mao are with you, it barely changes anything
-besides that, Ness is super nice to talk to! He's probably a good listener so you can infodump about things you like or just talk to him about whatever is on your mind
-surprisingly, Kaiser can be nice to talk to as well. He's nice to you because you're one of the assistants and he knows he has to show you some human decency
-but the more he talks to you, the more he notices you're worth being nice to not because you're an assistant, but because you're genuinely a lovely person
-whoops, guess who fell for you!
-Kaiser doesn't like to admit how quickly you won his heart. But he still confesses rather shortly after realizing the way you make him feel. He confesses so soon because he's sure you won't reject him
-and of course, you don't, because you actually developed these feelings for him first! But you were always too shy to confess. So you were more than overjoyed when he confessed to you
-you actually planned to keep the relationship secret, but Kaiser immediately goes around and tells everyone that you're his. He makes it extremely clear, especially in front of Isagi
-Kaiser also likes to brag about the fact that he's your boyfriend to a point where as soon as he opens his mouth everyone around him just goes "We know you love (Y/N)"
-Kaiser always gets a bit sad and maybe jealous when he finds out you're not assisting at Bastard München that day. But you always make sure to spend some time with him in the evening!!
-you know uhh the BLTV thing??? Someone made a "Kaiser and assistant (Y/N) holding hands" compilation
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blueiight · 9 months
IWTV E4 “A Ruthless Pursuit of Blood with All a Child’s Demanding.” Claudia discussing how it feels to escape poverty to being adopted into wealth, struggling in her existence without peers even during her second childhood and how she does not even care to have the veneer of mortal manners around Louis’s family, what Charlie as her last peer meant to her, and her mortal upbringing prior to Lestat + Louis.
And I realized, what I thought was Heaven was just some nice room. And what I thought were angels were really hell demons.
Uncle Les and Daddy Louis were rich. They had nice clothes and a nice auto carriage and a funny way of being nice to each other.
I gotta go to bed when the rest of the world wakes up, so there's less kids to play with...
Daddy Lou said I had been away from people too long. I didn't know how to behave right anymore. But Uncle Les said, I behaved just fine.
Diary, his name is Charlie. He's got veins like rivers. They flow right down his arms. …Charlie's death ushered in one of the darkest eras in our lives. The oh-so-delicate balance of our oh-so-delicate household was shattered. For Claudia, all humans died with Charlie.
And, diary, you'd think a girl whose mama died in childbirth... whose daddy gave her away to a mean old auntie who beat her 'cause no one said she couldn't, who died in a fire but came back by the blood magic of two demons, well, you'd think that girl wouldn't know what funny was. But you'd be wrong, diary. And if I told you, dumb diary, that that same girl was being raised to kill like her demon parents did, to take two souls a day so she could stay in the same flat-chested, hairless-crotched 14-year-old baby doll body as her mind and spirit turn 19, 20, 25, 63, 358, you dumb, dumb diary, I bet you'd say to anyone who'd listen, "Fun? Fun? How does she even get up in the morning?" Well, let me tell you something, you stuck-up, flower-covered, three-dollar fancy fսcking paper diary, I'm doin' just fine. (diary pages read aloud as Claudia self harms at the end of e4)
IWTV E5 “A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart”. Claudia discussing her life/reckoning with the fate of her premature existence.
"Dear Diary, am I gonna be a virgin every single time I do it? Won't my skin down there grow back like my hair does when I cut it?"
Who am I supposed to love? You two have each other. Who's my Lestat? Who's my Louis? I’m not human. What human would want me? Perverts? Like the uncle at the roomin' house who used to watch me pee? Or little boys? And 40 years from now... still little boys? How are you gonna fix it, huh?… (turns to Louis) [Lestat] treats us like shit and you just take it! And you, [turns to Lestat] cruel as the devil ever made, to deny me one love when you’ve got two.
[Talking to Louis in her room after the confrontation at the dinner table] I remember the night I was made, the fire chokin' me, you carryin' me out through the flame and the smokes. But then why'd you take me home? Why not a hospital? …. But I was breathin'! Maybe I'd have a handsome husband by now. Or maybe he'd be plain but with a good disposition. That'd be fine, too. I'd be sweepin' floors, makin' dinners, nursin' babies. Maybe I'd go to church. You think on that some.
How does Claudia react after her rape? She exhibits textbook behaviors.
I spend time following Louis and Lestat now that I am my own woman... with no obvious sense of why I follow them, other than meaning slowly disintegrates without them...My companions in immortality.
but wait.. u might ask: doesn’t this contradict what she said years earlier in this same episode about wanting ‘her own Lestat and Louis’? is this Louis or Armand somehow forging Claudia’s diary? or is this a rape victim shortly after the actual experience struggling with her emotional+ mental state and in that frame of mind going back to the immortal family she finds to be a more familiar sort of ‘evil’ than the unknown vampire that raped her, especially after witnessing Louis weep over the grave Grace made of him? to Claudia here, being Louis’s ‘sister’ is balm put onto a bleeding wound.
Hypervigilance over her wider situation ad an Enmeshment with Louis, as they both have endured incredibly traumatizing events (with Claudia being raped + shortly after, witnessing Louis being beaten) and are without Lestat for six years following the end of E5 picking up the pieces. it is Claudia who tends to Louis in his most vulnerable here, and Louis struggles with that, wanting to be ‘her knight in vengeful black’ in return.
She's grown very protective of me. That's what this is. It's why it's hard. She came back altered when she left us. There's a darkness in her that wasn't there before. Give her a little time. [Louis is trying to appease Lestat here in their ‘compromise’, but there is a key bit of truth in his observations here.]
Claudia learned very early on, as early as E4 when Louis asked her mentally about Charlie, how to block her mind off from Louis. and with her traumatic experiences, its all but said that hypervigilance protects her mind further (as shown in the S2 trailer when Armand comments on it). When Lestat steals her from off the train, he also threatens her:
Because if you try this again, Claudia, I won't snap your leg, defile your pocket, and zoom off on a motorbike. I'll turn your bones to dust.
Is it any wonder Claudia draws the comparison to Bruce when she talks to Louis, especially when Louis in the season finale plays the role of a honey trap to the very same lover who almost ‘killed Louis’, as Claudia [and Daniel alike] frame the ending of E5 as abuse + attempted murder, as Claudia seethes , is ‘done enduring?’ and just before she creates her own murder plan:
Or did you kill him, like you did Antoinette, and how you tried to do with Louis?
I have to wonder why, over a year from airing, blogs and reviews claiming to be dedicated to the series rehash the most juvenile questions that the episodes themselves directly answer? How can S2 spec or complex discussion occur, if callout PSAs shutting down any sort of canon-compliant discussion is the way to go? If people constantly exhibit their refusal to meet the show where its at and engage the material for what it is, where can we go from here? AMC IWTV is very didactic. ‘The absence of metaphor is striking’. Yet for all the waxing about loving ‘fucked-up gothic romance’, there is a willful ignorance in understanding where & what makes the situation fucked up to begin with. Or even an interest in understanding the basics of the setting!
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suzukiblu · 11 months
Hello, I've been following your account for a while and I love your way of writing and your stories are very engaging and original.
I was wondering if you had more of the Mer!AU that you've mentioned on occasion? It's been on my mind since you mentioned it.
Sorry if my English is not very good, it's just not my first language.
Thank you! ❤️ I don't actually remember if I posted any of the prose for that AU, tbh, and it mostly exists in outline form right now so there isn't much to post, but I'm glad to hear you like it so here's the beginning for you, at least!
(also, fyi and credit where credit's due, this AU is a remix of LilliputianDuckling's Luminescent)
Thirteen isn't a kid anymore, so he's gonna get to meet other mers besides One now. He's excited about it, because One is the only mer he's ever met before. And they only ever met because One is his mother. Or that's what Lex calls him, anyway. 
Well, technically Lex mostly calls One "the bitch". But that's when he's talking to Hope and Mercy and the staff, not to Thirteen. So Thirteen's always assumed he was just supposed to call One his mother. 
Thirteen is vaguely aware that he should maybe have a father too, but he guesses One just doesn't want a mate? One never seems to want to talk or hang out and is honestly kind of an asshole, so that'd make sense. Lex used to let Thirteen visit One's tank every now and then when he was little, but One never talked to him or played with him or anything. He just ignored him all the time and usually didn't even look at him.
Thirteen had tried to talk to him anyway and had tried showing off all the tricks and other stuff he knew, because he'd thought maybe if he could be fun or interesting or just cool enough then One would maybe at least look at him a little, but One never had. 
One had just gotten mad, actually. 
Really, really mad, sometimes. 
Thirteen had never understood. The humans all like his tricks–the humans love his tricks. He doesn't know why One gets so mad when he does them around him, or even when he just talks to him. 
One never talks to him. Like, he makes weird noises, sometimes? Whistles and clicks and screeches, mostly. But he never actually says anything. 
It sucks. 
Not that Thirteen even cares. Why would he? Just because One's his mother doesn't mean anything. He's not a kid anymore anyway; he's gonna meet other mers now and he can make friends with them! And they'll all be way better than One, he's sure, and they'll think he's fun and interesting and cool.
They will, he tells himself. He'll figure out whatever it was he did wrong with One and . . . and the other mers will like him. 
(he really, really hopes they'll like him)
Thirteen's not ungrateful or anything, but Lex is so busy, and Hope and Mercy are both really busy too, and he's never really worked too closely with any of the other trainers and One's never liked him no matter what he tried, so . . . so he's just alone a lot, is all, and the idea of meeting new people is really . . . is really . . .
It'll go better this time, he promises himself. The other mers will like him, and he won't be alone so much.
(and it won't be like it was with Fourteen, either)
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uh-oh-its-bird · 1 year
Hi there take some unsolicited starwars fic ideas that Im literally never going to fully write but am agressivley thinking about anyways
A ghost sits in the emperor's shadow. Teeth bared, eyes sharp, lying in wait.
Tldr; Fox is killed by Palpatine but at this point his soul has been fucked with by dark force shit(tm) so much that he's able to linger on as a half-there remnant
When Luke confronts Palpetine some more weird force shit(tm) happens and Fox is able to manifest in time to kill the bitch, and by eating his soul (???) he gains the power to manifest more fully as some sort of very much *not* human force,,, *thing*
Also Cody and Obi-Wan are still alive and also are sickeningly in love because fuck you that's why
I need you to imagine Sunshine Luke holding up Clearly Not Normal Fox like
"!!!!!! Look what I found!!!!!!"
"Luke he ate the emperor"
"Ok and?"
This also means Darth Vader is alive so he's just kind of Awkwardly standing there in the corner like
🧍‍♂️ "Commander Fox. I am." *heavy breathing.* "Pleased to see you survived."
"I didn't."
*More heavy breathing*
No clue how that'd go but it'd go SOMEWHERE
Maybe Fox wanted to eat him too but has some sort of weird pity for him after watching over the Emperor's shoulder for so many years. They're both Palpatine's fucked up little experiments, even if Fox can identity exactly what went wrong a LOT better than Anakin. Hell, they actually possibly interacted some before Fox got axed, maybe they were almost friends. Got that good old 'unspoken understanding' energy where they make eye contact once in a while and just kind of nod and look away.
Thinking also ab how the rebels are either, totally off put and don't trust him at all or *Oh wow well he killed the emperor for us!!! But he's also uhh. Kind of a freak. But he killed the emperor, so???* or just full throttle *He killed!!! The emperor!!! My favorite boy!!!! Look at him go!!!!! Eldrich who?? I don't care I am in LOVE!!!!*
Fox getting all this love and support from some VERY eager and thankful rebels. He's one of them now!! No take backs!!!!
Also Luke has absoloutley claimed him as his own. Cool powerful clone commander??? Sort of friends with his dad??? Killed the emperor??? Luke NEEDS them to be friends. Leia is a bit more hesitant at first but warms up quickly, and Han is Han so he probably makes some noise ab it but the second he hears anyone say shit he's ready to throw down.
I'm actually a personal fan of 'being half force means Anakin was a 'lill otherworldly and that otherness definatley passed down to his kids' so maybe Palpatine's experiments had to do with trying to shove some of that specific otherworldliness into Fox, and it kind of resonates with the twins. They see him and just go *!!!! Oh???? One of us???*
Han in the bg with his own weird force null thing and his close relationship with the twins just. Not really sensing anything wrong. He's grown even number to weird otherness and eldrich force vibes, Fox is a bit odd to him but he just can't see what the fuss is about. Everyone needs to calm the fuck down smh
And Fox ofc just standing there covered in blood as he's suddenly receiving all this positive attention and support like *I don't know how to feel about any of this.*
Part of him wants to just. Return to the shadows. He's done his part now. He wants to rest. Let the man SLEEP he's fucking earned it
Anyways this is definatley inspired more than a little by @wreathedinscales's Corrie Red AU, which you should absoloutley read if you like anything eldrich and anything Fox
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noaltbruh · 2 years
um, 🍭 and 🍰 for anasui and weather report? congrats on 200 follows btw ^^
One of them is among my favorites in part 6, I would gladly burn alive the other.
Guess who's who.
On a more serious note- Of course! And thanks for the request :)
🍭 How easy is it to fluster them?
When it comes to Anasui, it really won't take much to fluster him. This dude doesn't just love you, he's obsessed with you, which means that literally anything you might say to him will get him to turn all red and bashful.
To be honest, maybe you weren't even trying to flirt with him, he just interpreted your words in his own way and now he's all flustered even if it wasn't your intention in the first place.
It is pretty funny though, and also cute in a way. He'll probably go "awww stawwp" despite the fact that he'd dying to receive any sort of attention from you, especially this kind.
So if you're not very confident in your flirting skills, don't worry, you'll never have to worry about them not being good enough for him.
Is...Is it even possible to fluster Weather?
To be completely honest with you, trying to affectionately tease him won't get much of a result most of the time. He doesn't really understand how flirting works, and is either confused or unfazed by most of your attempts.
Let's say, for examples, you were to compliment him more than usual. I can see him mostly just smiling and thanking you rather than blushing and such. He doesn't mean to be so detached, he can't help it. He thinks you're just being affectionate and nice, you are his partner, after all.
I could potentially see him getting flustered, but only on very specific and rare circumstances. When that does happen, Weather doesn't really...Understand what's going on? He just feels his cheeks getting warm and all of a sudden he's struggling to even look at you.
He'll probably try to go back to his usual composure as soon as he can, but he'll spend the rest of the day thinking about how... Interesting that felt.
🍰 How teasing are they? Do they often flirt with their S/O?
Anasui is a flirting bomb fr. Dude's teasing and complimenting you literally all the time you two are together, he's incapable of spending more than 3 minutes without praising or remarking something about you.
Now, quantity doesn't equal quality, and he's the living proof of that. With this man it's kind of a fifty fifty situation, he'll either come up with the smoothest compliment and flirting style humanity has ever witnessed, or the cringest pick up line ever that will probably make you burst out laughing.
When the latter happens, it's quite entertaining to watch, because your reaction will actually make him blush instead.
He's not afraid to get close either, and physical contact is actually one of his favorite ways of flirting with you, whether that'd be neck kisses or grabbing your waist.
Weather IS good at flirting, but like, accidentally lol.
The thought of getting you bashful doesn't even cross his mind because, like I said, he doesn't understand nor know what it is or how it works.
I can see Anasui trying to give him some advice on how to flirt with you, but he wouldn't follow them because he doesn't trust his judgment in this sort of thing or at all
With that being said, this man will turn you red without even trying. He'll get very touchy and compliment you with no filters whatsoever. If he has something nice to say about you, he'll say it without thinking twice. Adding in to this, the calmness and and composure in his voice will make everything sound way smoother than he intended to be.
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twosomeofcuteness · 3 months
DW Season Finale Thoughts! (Spoilers below the cut)
Sorry, Mrs. Flood is dead???? WHAT DO YOU MEAN? She was teased the entire season and now she's just dead? WTF
Kate noooooo I miss you come back
Hey wait a second, where's rose?
Please don't nickname the god of death
What's this weirdo ship. Oh. Thx doc. Aw Mel hugging the tie
"We're on fire" gives me the same vibe as "I'm in danger" and I can't explain why
Great work gang.
Now wait a second cause I thought everyone was supposed to be dead except Ruby (based on the episode description)
goddamn it's 73 yards again
Okay this sutekh stuff is fun and all but can we get to the part where River Song is Ruby's mom and also please can River Song be Ruby's mom and also not dead and please can River come back I miss her
Welp. Everyone's dead ig 'cept these three.
Hey wait if everyone everywhere you landed is dying wouldn't that kill the Vashta Nerada on the library planet? Cause that'd be pretty cool actually
Aw nice the motherfuckers (daleks) are dead. A win.
Hey wait a second, why haven't we seen the daleks this season I kinda miss the mfs
oml doctor stop with the pity party it's gonna be okay
okay actually nvm gimme more of the feral screaming cause that's real as hell
Okay but also where is the fun in everything and everyone being dead? What are you gonna do with the rest of your life now Sutekh???? HUH?? Did you think of that???
Okay okay so Ruby is greater than the doctor that's interesting to know... Maybe cause her mom is River Song child of the TARDIS????? (Guys I really want River to come back, I can't help it)
doc if everyone is dead how are you talking to someone? I am confusion
Oh she dead now.
Ruby answer the time window sweetie
oh damn even the god of death wanna know who Ruby's mom is
NO don't tell her she's human please I need her to be River's kid.
"Love a whistle" is holding hands with "love a tomb" gimme my wife back please
hey guys maybe pay attention cause Mel's not okay rn
no. leave Mel on the tardis please
this is the doctor who show. they can't kill doctor who. not permanently
nope nope, turn that screen around doc don't let me see
yessss send her to keep watch good job
poor mel. Sutekh don't hurt my babyyyy
Mel sweetie you're so strong you can fight him please sweetie
don't give him the name Rubes okay you can do it
literally an empty empire sounds so boring like wtf
Doc keep your mouth shut cause baby you ain't helping
is ruby ruby's mom?
shut up scooby doo
hey it's that guy who died behind the tardis last episode. he's okay now
alright so mrs flood who tf are you?
yes welcome back the ood!!!!!
welome back random woman and her child glad you're okay
yo is doc gonna kill sutekh???
ah lit death is dead... Can River come back now??????
doctor sweetie it's gonna be okay
oh neat Susan Triad you doing great proud of you. lmaooo not with the tea then
hey wait a damn minute give ruby the credit she deserves for saving the world
I'm sure louise is great but I wish she was River.
Nah that signpost thing was silly
lmao mel just pats his arm and walks away that's hilarious
Doc you idiot you can't take the girl to her mom and then expect her not to go in and see her mom
stop my adopted ass can't take this and neither can the doctor's cause he is not doing well.
imagine if that wasn't her though cause that'd be real funny
awkward for that store employee too
oh thank fuck I thought he was gonna abandon her
River didn't come back AND he said goodbye to Ruby wtf is this.
Oml mrs flood who even are you leave me alone already.
In conclusion this is how I currently feel:
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cadaverre · 8 months
wilby: hi salmon
salmon: Hey there, Wilby. How's it going?
salmon: It's always nice to see you by the stream, you know? You've got some pretty cool hair, for a human.
wilby: thanks, i try. i like your fins too, they're really shiny. so, uh, listen, i wanted to ask you something…
Narrator: A blush begins to creep up on Wilby's cheeks as they stammer out their question. Their eyes dart back and forth between the salmon and their hands, nervously playing with the strings of their guitar.
wilby: I… I was wondering if you'd want to… you know… go out with me sometime? Like, maybe just hang out or something?
salmon: Oh, well, that's… that's sweet of you to ask, Wilby. But I'm afraid I'm not really the dating type. You see, I'm a salmon. And as a salmon, my life is dedicated to swimming upstream, finding a mate, and then dying. It's sort of built into my DNA.
Narrator: The salmon offers a sympathetic smile, hoping to make Wilby feel better. But the human streamer looks crestfallen at the rejection. The salmon continues, trying to find the right words.
salmon: However, if you'd just like to hang out, maybe play some songs together or something, I'd be happy to do that. You're a pretty cool human, and it'd be nice to get to know you better. Is that something you'd be interested in?
wilby: Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks, salmon.
Narrator: Wilby perks up at the salmon's offer, a genuine smile returning to their face. They nod enthusiastically, glad to have found some common ground with the fish.
wilby: Cool! Well, I'm free most evenings, so whenever you're in the mood to hang out, just let me know. And don't worry about me being too disappointed about the whole dating thing. I understand how nature works, you know
salmon: Well, thank you, Wilby. I appreciate that. And it's nice to know that I have a friend in you, even if it's not in the way I might have hoped for. We'll just have to see where this friendship takes us, hmm?
wilby: Sounds good to me. Hey, listen, I'm about to stream some Minecraft and some guitar playing. You want to stop by and say hi? Maybe we can do some singing together or something. Just a thought.
salmon: That actually sounds like fun! I've always been curious about your streaming and music. Sure, I'd love to drop by and hang out while you play. It's the least I can do as your fishy friend.
Narrator: The salmon swims closer to Wilby, its fins gracefully parting the water. It hovers near the streamer, watching with interest as they tune their guitar and prepare to begin their stream. After a few moments, the salmon gathers its courage and speaks up.
salmon: You know, Wilby, you're really good at that guitar. I mean, I've never really been into music, but even I can tell that you have some real talent there. And your singing… Well, let's just say it's growing on me.
wilby: Aw, shucks, you're making me blush. Thanks, I appreciate that. I've always loved playing and singing. And you know, if you ever want to learn how to play anything, I'd be happy to teach you. I mean, maybe we could even play together sometime.
salmon: That's very kind of you, Wilby. You know, I've always been curious about music and learning to play an instrument. Maybe someday I'll take you up on that offer. In the meantime, why don't we just enjoy our time together, hanging out and doing what we both love?
Narrator: Wilby grins, nodding in agreement. They begin to stream, with the salmon swimming gracefully beside them, occasionally nudging them to continue with encouragement. As the hours pass, they lose track of time, becoming completely engrossed in their music and each other's company. The atmosphere between them feels comfortable and warm, like old friends who have known each other for years.
wilby: So, salmon, you know that offer I made about teaching you how to play an instrument? Well, I meant it. And since we've been having so much fun together, I thought maybe we could start with that. Whenever you're ready, just let me know.
salmon: That's very thoughtful of you, Wilby. You know, I've always wanted to learn how to play something, but I never had anyone to teach me. You're a really great teacher, and I think it'd be a lot of fun to spend more time with you like this. And who knows? Maybe one day we could even go on that date you mentioned.
Narrator: Wilby's heart swells at the salmon's words. They're glad that they've been able to create such a comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere for the fish, and it feels good to know that they've made a genuine connection. The thought of teaching the salmon to play an instrument and spending even more time with them is thrilling. And who knows? Maybe one day they'll actually get to go on that date they've been talking about.
wilby: Aw, shucks, you're making me blush again. I'd love to teach you, and I think it'd be a blast to spend more time together. And as for that date… Well, let's just say I'd be honored to take you on one, whenever you're ready. Just let me know what you have in mind, and we can make it happen.
salmon: Well, I've always wanted to try sushi. I know it's a bit unusual for a fish, but I've heard it's really good. And since we're both musicians, we could maybe find a cool sushi restaurant with live music. That would be perfect!
Narrator: Wilby grins at the idea of trying sushi with the salmon. They've never been to a sushi restaurant that features live music, and it sounds like a fantastic idea. They're glad the salmon likes the idea of going on a date too. This is all just so surreal and wonderful.
wilby: Sushi and live music? That does sound amazing! I'm definitely up for that. I'll start looking for a good sushi restaurant around here that has live music. And don't worry, I'm sure you'll love it. Maybe you could even try some of my favorite rolls.
Narrator: The salmon blushes slightly at the thought of trying sushi for the first time with Wilby. It's not every day that they get to do something so adventurous and delicious. The idea of trying some of Wilby's favorite rolls is especially appealing. They can't wait for the date to come around.
salmon: That sounds wonderful, Wilby. I'm really looking forward to it. And you know, if you ever want to come with me to just enjoy the water and the other fish, I'd love for you to join me. It's really peaceful and beautiful underwater.
wilby: That's so sweet of you, salmon. I'd love to come with you sometime and see what it's like underwater. It's always been a dream of mine to be able to breathe water and swim freely like you do. And who knows? Maybe one day I could learn how to breathe underwater too.
salmon: That would be amazing, Wilby! You'd fit right in with us. And as for the date, let's plan on going to that sushi restaurant with live music next weekend. I've found the perfect place. Just give me your address and I'll send you a map so we can meet there.
Narrator: Wilby is thrilled to have a date planned with the salmon. They've never been to a sushi restaurant with live music before, and it sounds like the perfect setting for their first date. They eagerly give the salmon their address and wait anxiously for the map. In the meantime, they continue to practice their guitar and singing, hoping to impress the salmon even more on their big night out.
Narrator: The next day, Wilby anxiously awaits the arrival of the map from the salmon. They've been practicing their guitar and singing all day, hoping to impress the salmon even more when they finally meet. Suddenly, there's a knock at the door. Wilby opens it to find a handsome officer of the Cod Police.
cod police officer: Sorry to interrupt your day, but we've received a complaint about some sort of…disruption in the area. A witness claimed to have heard a terrible noise coming from your home.
wilby: Oh, dear. That must've been my singing practice. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
cod police officer: Well, it's not illegal to practice singing…but we've received multiple complaints. I'm afraid I'll have to take you in for questioning.
wilby: Oh, no! I was supposed to go on a date with the salmon tonight! This is all a terrible misunderstanding!
Narrator: The salmon hears about the misunderstanding and rushes to the scene, pushing their way through the crowd of angry fish. They immediately recognize Wilby, still in handcuffs, and are heartbroken. The thought of Wilby going to jail is unbearable.
wilby: Salmon! I'm so sorry! I was just practicing for our date! Please believe me!
salmon: Of course I believe you, Wilby. I've been practicing singing too, you know. It's hard sometimes, and we all make mistakes. But I thought you were amazing.
cod police officer: Well, I'm sorry, but you're still being taken in for questioning. The witness was very specific about the sound.
cod police officer: However, if you'd like to make a statement, you can do so through your attorney. I'll be right outside.
Narrator: Wilby looks at the salmon, tears welling up in their eyes. "I'm sorry I let you down. I just wanted to impress you so much. I'll do anything to make it up to you."
salmon: No, Wilby, it's not your fault. You didn't let me down. You were just trying your best. And I love that about you. I really do.
Narrator: The handsome officer of the Cod Police returns, leading Wilby away. The salmon tries to follow, but is held back by the other fish. "Wait!" they call, struggling against the current. "I don't want to lose you! Please, just promise me you'll call me when you get out!"
wilby: I promise, salmon. I'll call you as soon as I can. And I'll make it up to you, I swear. I love you.
salmon: I love you too, Wilby. Just remember that. I'll be here, waiting for your call. And remember, no matter what happens, I'll always be by your side.
salmon: And Wilby…?
salmon: Even if you're in here, I still want to be your partner. In life, in love…and in fishing. I want you to know that. So, will you marry me? Be my fishy husband?
wilby: Oh, salmon…I-I love you too. More than anything. And I'd be honored to be your partner, your husband. But first, I need to get out of here. I promise I'll make it up to you, I'll show you how much I love you. And then, we can be together, forever.
cod police officer: Alright, Wilby. You can go now. You've been cleared of all charges. It was just a misunderstanding.
salmon: (tears streaming down their face) Really? You're free? Oh, Wilby, I'm so happy! I love you so much! I knew you couldn't have done anything wrong.
wilby: (embarrassed) Thanks, Salmon. I owe you everything. I'll make sure to never let you down again. And…and yes, I'd love to marry you. You're the one I've been looking for all my life.
Narrator: The two swim side by side, their hearts beating in perfect harmony. They share a tender kiss as they float through the ocean, surrounded by their friends and family of fish. The sun shines down on them, casting a warm glow over their happy faces.
Narrator: As they swim, Wilby reaches for the small velvet box hidden in his fins. He fumbles a bit, trying to open it with his fins, but finally manages to pop the lid. The sparkling diamond ring inside catches the light, reflecting off their scales.
salmon: Oh, Wilby! (salmon's voice cracks as well, tears streaming down their face) It's beautiful! Oh, I love you so much! I've always known we were meant to be together.
wilby: (eyes brimming with tears) It's all for you, Salmon. You're my everything. I'll love you forever. And I promise, from now on, I'll never do anything to hurt you. I'll be the best husband I can be.
Narrator: With tears streaming down their faces, they share a tender embrace, their fins intertwined. Wilby slips the ring onto the salmon's fin, sealing their promise to each other. The other fish gather around them, cheering and clapping their fins in celebration.
Narrator: After a beautiful ceremony, officiated by the wise and kind Cod Police Officer, salmon and Wilby decide they want to start a family. They don't know if their child will end up as a salmon, a human, or a mermaid, but they're excited to find out. They decide to have 78 kids, one for each day of the year.
Narrator: Over the years, salmon and Wilby become the most beloved parents in the ocean. Their 78 children grow up strong and happy, learning the importance of love, family, and adventure. The couple often takes their brood on fishing trips, teaching them the art of fishing and the beauty of the ocean.
Narrator: As the years pass, their family grows, and their love only deepens. They continue to explore the ocean together, discovering new places and making memories that will last a lifetime. They remain the epitome of true love and partnership, proving that even in the vast ocean, a fish and a human can find each other and build a life filled with happiness and joy.
okay all i want to know is who sent me this and will you reveal yourself so we can be salmon and wilby
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achillean-knight · 6 days
LETS GO!!!!!! MY BROTHER AND I BRAINSTORMED SOME IDEAS FOR MY FINAL FANTASY x UNDERTALE AU >:D We decided to call it FinalTale just bc Undertale AU's kinda retain Under or Tale in the title? And also, it just kinda reminds me of Final Fantasy with Tale's usually being fantasy :> (Oh and this is under the cut so casual scrollers don't get bombarded with a WHOLE ASS line of text)
The barrier between the humans and monsters extends to the hole that Frisk/Chara fall through. There have been no other instances of humans ever falling down as it is INSANELY rare to ever fall between both worlds
Each of the crystals are summons that Asgore wants, so he can use their powers to become an all-powerful god to take revenge on the humans (maybe they invaded the underground once and killed MANY monsters.)
Ruins gets Ramuh, just based on the fact that he is usually the first summon you get/considered the wise guide of sorts (plus I didn't know where TF an electric type would go but that doesn't seem to matter for some final fantasy games anyways so PSHHH)
Snowdin gets Shiva, bc obviously, ice elemental LMFAO
Waterfall gets Leviathan because... water
Hotland gets Ifrit bc- ok yes Fire.
Including the Wild East from UT Yellow bc I remembered Titan and I needed him in the story so the crystals would equate to 7 in total lol but yeah he's an earth elemental and that was the only idea that came to mind for him KLSDKJGHSD
Frisk somehow has the Bahamut summon with them (light element), which renders them able to go into trace! :D And was also the reason they fell into the underground and was able to bypass the barrier unlike other humans.
Asgore already has the shadow/dark crystal (Odin), which means all he needs is Frisks light crystal + the Thunder crystal to become an all powerful god cause' he has most definitely already taken every crystal in the underground save for the ruins bc NOBODY goes there.
Chara and Asriel are not present as enemies in this story-- aswell as Flowey not being a thing? I imagine they're sorta the angel that's sealed between the barrier and human realm. Maybe Chara was the ONLY human without a crystal that stumbled into the underground, and being human, Chara couldn't survive there, long term. Honestly, seeing as I've given Asgore Odin by default, and somehow Toriel has Ramuh in the ruins, I can see maybe Asriel had Phoenix as a crystal? And used some of its rebirth abilities for Chara, but he had to use his own soul to actually harness it due to Chara being human and not monster-- And in a last ditch effort, Asriel did the sorta-- Monster absorbs humans soul and turns into a god-like being sorta deal but using Phoenix's rebirth abilities instead and so they became a being in itself, rendering them far too dangerous to keep in the underground. Maybe Asgore seals them away, fearing what they can do and not knowing that whatever they turned into is an "Angel" of sorts. Absolutely 100% someone who can revive you if you completely die btw JJHSDGSD I can see you able to obtain them as a summon if you do a SPECIFIC side quest throughout the game, kinda like how you can get the Fierce Deity mask in Majora's Mask by doing certain side quests (yes, ik, totally different game series but it gets the idea around >:3) Aswell also sorta the snowgrave route but not messed up KJHGDSD just a... very long and convoluted side quest that gives you major benefits in the long run.
Due to this angel-like summon being sealed away, they're located between the barrier and human world. You WILL see them anyways, even if you don't earn them as a summon, just bc you'll see them after defeating Asgore and returning to the barrier to go home, but gaining them before then, would hypothetically give you an alternate scene-- maybe you can use the Angel summon to destroy the barrier in its entirety and let the humans and monsters finally live in harmony. So YEAH!
There's technically still a good and neutral route, but no geno bc-- idk how that'd work in a Final Fantasy sense UYGSDDSGHJDS
Oh yeah, more stuff I wanna add!
Each of your party members are the boss fights you actually fight throughout UT, so Toriel, Papyrus, Undyne & Mettaton with Alphys being another party member + being the sorta... spiritual successor of Cid bc she'd be that crazy mechanic that you see in EVERY Final Fantasy LMFAO And Sans is a secret party member that, like how the Summon is OP, Sans is a powerful ally you can only earn by doing an optional bossfight. That way, there doesn't have to be a geno route to get the sans fight >:0 Oh and Mad Mew Mew would also be an optional party member, but like, she's a sorta normal levelled party member like everyone that's not sans JHDGHDSJH I can see her having pretty frequent banter with Mettaton specifically if you have them both on a team LMFAOOOOO
This is sorta what I have right now! :D If I design the summons, I'll 100% make them more monster than human (Shiva for example would not be human like she usually is. More monster like Ifrit!)
BUT YEAH! Final Fantasy 6 has given me alot of ideas so far >:3
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starlightshadowsworld · 10 months
Danganronpa 3 Future Arc episode 7
(We're back!)
I find it interesting that people blame Makoto for Junko's death.
I get why because he's the one who defeated her. He's the one who won the final trial, learned the truth and beat her at her own game.
He's Ultimate Hope and she's Ultimate Despair.
However, Junko's death is not Makoto's fault. She's the one who pressed the big red button and had all of this set up.
If anything Makoto was trying to prevent her death.
But of course her followers can't blame her so they pick him.
Man... I'm like barely a minute in and I'm on a rant.
Monaca in a dictator outfit while a bunch of Monokuma's at a bar.
Not a visual I expected.
Well Monaca is definitely embodying Junko, doing a lot of her mannerisms and such.
I do find it ironic that Junko's death gives people such despair, it's what she would have wanted.
And Monaca made herself the heir to Junko rather than Komaru.
Junko Enoshima the 2nd aka Monaca Towa doesn't really roll off the tongue, maybe workshop that.
Ayyy Nagisa!
Okay okay the Warriors of Hope are in on this too and know where Monaca is.
Okay but Nagisa's reflection dead ass looks like Mukuro.
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I'm not the only one who's sees it, right?
Awh hell yeah Komaru's blasting Monokuma's with a microphone and taking names.
And Toko is here, trying her best.
I love Komaru's inner monologue of how she was just a normal high-school girl before all of this, while taking out Monokuma's.
Immediately the "hopes not my thing neither is despair" her whole I'm just gonna leave that up to my brother attitude I love it.
Have I mentioned I love the Naegi siblings? Because I absolutely do.
And Genocider Sho is here. I love how Komaru has befriended both Toko and Sho.
Hmm maybe let's not tell Komaru that Makoto was about to either be locked up for an eternity, or if Munakata had his way, executed.
Nooo not the Byakuya fantasy.
What in the world... Why he look like that? Why she look like that?
Ima skip this...
I feel so bad for real Byakuya who is somehow aware of all of this... Poor guy.
It's cool seeing Byakuya's inner monologue. It's no hangman's gambit but it's interesting to see him think stuff over.
And it is suspicious that the killing game isn't being broadcasted, shows they've got something to hide.
I love how Byakuya isn't even that far up in the Future Foundation but takes control abd everyone's just like yeah sure why not.
"Do not fret, for as long as I draw breath this organisation will not fall. I swear it on the dignity of the Togami name."
Nevermind I see why, he was the ultimate affluent progeny, dude was quite literally born to lead.
And it's nice to see it, especially seeing how he's changed and doing this to help his friends.
Also his name means nothing in this world and yet he makes it mean something, man so cool.
Toko and Sho heading into Monaca's base.
This should be good. I love that Nagisa said they don't have the man power and yet these two are just running inside.
It is highly impossible to be more Junko than Junko.
That's just basic maths.
"You're not gonna lay a hand on my brother!"
... No one let Komaru meet Juzo or Munakata.
Actually... Someone please do.
Wait, she surrendered? Huh...
Oh wow she really did blow this pop stand.
And there's a Monokumamobile.
Monaca be acting like every ex Junko cosplayer.
I kinda like this Monaca, just like oh yeah the whole Junko thing eh that was a phase I was going through.
Just laying down and playing games and eating crisps.
I don't trust it tho.
"I don't get it, how did you become such a lousy excuse for a human being."
Wow Komaru Naegi really gives no fucks. She's so over all of this, can't blame her tho.
I... Forgot about the whole Nagito was their servant thing... Huh.
Honestly going soo far down the road you think you're become a Despair filled Nagito... Yeah that'd make me stop in my tracks too.
Nevermind that is the evil smile.
So there gonna kill one of the previous survivors.
... Please don't, Makoto almost lost it when they fake killed Asahina I don't think he can handle a real one.
And Monaca knows but won't spill.
Wasn't prepared for Monaca to actually go to space.
Sure, why not maybe she'll find Kaito.
... Too soon?
I like how it actually gets to Sho that one of the past survivors could be killed.
Komaru being upset at the idea of losing Toko is so sad and sweet.
Aww Komaru and Makoto video reunion.
.... Komaru! Better ways to phrase it, don't say hey Makoto my dearly traumatised older brother.
Monaca told me someone's gonna die because of you.
Like, I get it we don't have much time but don't rip the plaster off that hard.
He's not gonna take this well.
Especially when he's standing next to a survivor from the first game.
Byakuya's attitude of that's complete bullshit, is my thoughts exactly.
"Somebodies gonna die.. Because of me...."
SEE! What did I say?! Oh man I was already concerned for mental state of Makoto Naegi.
And this is only increasing that concern.
I am stressed.
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stackthedeck · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers Thank you @babblingflowers for the tag!!
How many works do you have on ao3?
45 minus the podfic which i don't count but maybe I should
what's your total ao3 word count?
3.What fandoms do you write for?
writing now mostly marvel comics specifically fantastic four and spider-man but before that it was that weird soup of marvel where it's both the comics movies and shows blended into a beautiful mess
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Getting together for the kids, space boys, one little slip, what's mine is ours, let's see how far you've come
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I used to be really good about it, but in the same way I get overwhelmed by responding to online messages comments have been a lot but I still love them so much! I always respond if it's a recent fic and I swear I will reply to the 60 in my inbox soon
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending
either "put me together and take me apart" because it ends with Matt and Peter breaking up because they're still grieving their exes but it feels so much less sad because they get back together in the sequel.. Or "ignorance is bliss" because Jon (tma) forgets Martin exists
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
One little slip, Johnny and Peter get together and go to a premier as the human torch and spider-man
Do you get hate on fics?
Not on any that are currently up...
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yeah, it's been very gender queer lately idk what that means but smut has just become a vessel to display the beauty of queer bodies recently
Do you write crossovers?
not anymore, but my second most popular fic is one so...
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah I had a good omens fic translated into russian it was good old fashion lover boy
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no but I'm trying to cyberbully one of my friends into co-writing one with me (Ash if you're seeing this, we've gotta do it)
What's your all-time favorite ship?
All time is hard it's gotta be Percabeth but like currently it's parksborn
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I will finish them it'll happen I swear to god it will, don't look at the parksborn divorce fic I promise it'll update one day
What are your writing strengths?
I think what I have up currently on ao3 has really good dialogue but in my current wips I'm really vibing with like I guess internal thoughts, they feel in character but not it's not so much information that it feels like telling instead of showing
What are your writing weaknesses?
schedules, discipline, finishing anything, my pacing is a little weird at times and I'm always worried about "he would not fucking say that"
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't because I don't know any languages other than English, I'd reach out to someone that actually spoke the language but the reader would probably just google translate it and that'd take them out of the story and the translation wouldn't be good but I guess I could do a footnote. Idk I haven't found a story that has use for it yet
First fandom you wrote for?
Why couldn't it have been the first fandom I read for? ...it was Hamilton, I'm not happy about it either
Favorite fic you've written?
either the parksborn divorce fic because of an unpublished scene or it's you, it's always been you because of the spideypool fight. I think I just love reading couples fighting where they go for the throat (metaphorically if not also physically)
guess I've gotta tag people @evilwickedme @waterme-stories @seek--rest and all the other lovely writer mutuals who I'm forgetting
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In a previous draft, I went more into how I understand the point of Fallout is maybe don't put the world on the brink of destruction or at least be wary of those who'd take advantage of it, so who fired first isn't the point... Except it kinda is if it was in fact Vault-Tec. Fallout 3 has a bunch of stuff that indicates it wasn't the States. I could buy maybe it was the Zetans if only because that'd be funny, but I don't see a lot of supporting story-telling for that. Yeah, there's a hot war in Alaska with the Chinese, but it's not an atomic one and had managed to stay so despite a large scale land invasion. MAD was still in place. In War Games, theres a scene at the end where WHOPR is simulating every possible atomic exchange. One of the more interesting ones is, 20 years before they would have their own operational atomic arsenals, Pakistan and India launch first and the rest of the world launches before the bombs even land. (It's on screen for under two seconds but you can see it.) You're correct, the point has always been it doesn't matter who fires first, because everyone fires next... except for the one organization that has an entire industry dedicated to successfully ducking out of mutually assured destruction. I always took the implications here to be Vault-Tec is doing science, but it's mad-science. It's not about publishing or prestige, it's about curiosity absent morality. It's Stanislaus Braun in his playground forever. It's Vault 101 canonically the control vault for all other vaults. It's whatever hella sus shit the Overseer has going on virtually every time.
(previous ask)
i mean, yeah, okay, fair enough.
(although of course there's not a lot of supportive storytelling for any one faction being responsible - that was the point, the vagueness of it all, and with the show saying vault-tec fired first, well, of course that now has more points in its favor)
although vault-tec doesn't seem to actually be that good at "ducking out of mutually assured destruction". again, how many vaults weren't completed/filled despite supposedly knowing the deadline? why'd Barb let her kid be outside, far away from home on the day the bombs dropped?
and it's the show that really hammers home the 'vault-tec is a company doing this for capitalism reasons'. the whole proposal for experiments feels more like the bait they're using to entice other corporations into funding them. you are right in that "for the sake of mad science" is pretty much the only consistent concept vault-tec has going on in the broader canon (note: in fallout 1, vault experiments weren't a thing! that idea was introduced in 2). but also mad science is so very unsustainable. so, so many of the experiments end with absolutely everyone dead - including the people in charge! and there's really no guarantee that the experiment can last longer than a generation - what, are you going to indoctrinate the scientist's children into the experiment, forever? all it takes is one person going rogue to throw the whole thing.
it's just. idk. it's a personal gripe for me. i am, like, an actual biologist with four years of college under my belt (and i was in a science program for four years before that) so maybe i'm a little more sensitive to how nonsensical the whole thing is. our mileage is obviously varying wrt this topic. i like mad science but it's gotta have charm, and so much of vault-tec is utterly charmless to me.
final point: from a storytelling perspective, i just get a lot more pathos from "humanity set itself on a path of destruction and was unable to get off that path until it was too late". having vault tec explicitly be the cause flattens that idea into "one corporation burned the world for their own vague goals". like with the fall of the ncr, i could've been okay with this decision. there are maybe some statements to be made there! but i just don't feel like the show really stuck the landing.
also wait how'd vault-tec get a bomb-
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planeoftheeclectic · 1 year
Oh boy, this is about to be a blast from the past. Thanks @skarabrae-stone for the tag!
Rules: Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass this onto other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
So I only recently started writing again, meaning I've only got 2 works that are from the last decade, but honestly I'm still very fond of those older ones; they do an excellent job at being what they are.
Doing the no pressure tags above the cut because I don't know if that messes them up: @stonemaskedtaliesin, @zyrafowe-sny, and @firecoloredwater, plus anyone else who sees this and has written something! Hyping yourself up is good practice!
Columbo: Turnabout's Fair Play | 19k (Incomplete) | T | Columbo x Ace Attorney set between AA3 and AA4
Technically speaking, Mr. Wright, this isn't my usual beat. But Detective Gumshoe - you know Dick, right? - I owed him a favor, see? And it had been a slow week, so I figured I'd look around, see if I could give the guy a hand. Real stand-up guy, he is, we could use more like him. And anyway, I know you're a real busy guy Mr. Wright, so I'll make this real quick, get out of your hair. I know you and he were real good friends, so I'm sure this is a difficult time for you. Oh, uh, just one more thing Mr. Wright. Why were the two of you such good friends again?
As I say in the dedication, this is the idea that helped me break a very, very long dry spell, so it has to take the top spot for that if nothing else. @stonemaskedtaliesin had introduced me to Ace Attorney, I had introduced them to Columbo, and at some point they went looking to see if there were any crossovers and were disappointed to find none. They come tell me this in discord and I, like a fool, say:
"Well, actually, it makes sense there aren't any. I mean, they're kind of contradictory worldviews. The whole point of Columbo is that he always gets the right guy, and the whole point of Ace Attorney is that the police never get the right guy."
Fortunately for all of us, I continued:
"I mean, for it to even work you'd need some kind of convoluted setup - maybe that would stop the AA police from just arresting someone immediately. And who would be the killer anyway? Well, ok, there's an option there, but who should they murder? Maya? That'd be mean, but that's the obvious choice. Hmm...nobody likes him, I could murder him, but how--oh."
And at that point I stopped talking because the end of this story materialized in my brain and I wanted to make sure it was a surprise. Spoiler culture may be overblown, but murder mysteries are an exception, I feel.
Anyways, if you're a fan of either series, enjoy gen fic, like seeing characters get what they deserve, or just want to see Columbo at an anime convention, this is the fic for you! From a writing standpoint, it's been really fun to experiment with a very limited POV, to try to mimic the feel of a television camera. And of course, Columbo's dialogue is a joy to write. (As you'll see later, dialogue is one of my strengths)
Song of the Peregrine [Podfic] | OG fic is 39k (Incomplete) | T | Chrom/F!Robin but honestly it's mostly gen | Kid Icarus Uprising x Fire Emblem Awakening
There were reports of something in the skies of eastern Ylisse. Something with wings as black as pitch and eyes as red as rubies. Dark Pit has no clue where he's managed to land himself, but it turns out that Pit and Palutena don't have a monopoly on annoying. He can leave these humans anytime he wants, and he will. Soon. Any day now. If the Shepherds have it their way, that day won't come any time soon. (In which Dark Pit ends up joining the Shepherds, and the world tilts.)
The original fic is @stonemaskedtaliesin's, but I like to consider myself its honorary godparent. We've spent a lot of time worldbuilding for it, and it's so good you guys. It's going to be amazing. There are long term plans.
I started the podfic because I wanted to listen to it as I fell asleep. The audio quality is definitely shakier in the first couple chapters as I figure things out, but it's been really fun learning new skills and doing lots of fun silly voices.
...still need to finish editing chapter 5.
Anyway, blanket recommendation to go read this if you know anything about Kid Icarus (Fire Emblem is a bonus but not necessary, iit's pretty well-explained in-story) and if you like podfic, hey! You're in luck! Fun fact: this is the only Awakening podfic as of right now. Yes I'm also surprised. Maybe if I ever finish this one I'll set out to try and change that. goat milk and oats Grima would be so much fun to voice.
Warrior Cats Smoofs | 8.5k | G | Gen | Warrior Cats
Okay I'm kind of cheating here but that's going to be a theme for these last few answers. I wrote these over a decade ago with my best friend at the time. She had internet, I didn't, so we had a joint account on the Warrior Cats Wiki and the Warriors Fanfiction Wiki, which are both Fandom now I believe. I archived them to AO3 because of that, and because even years later they would occasionally get a new comment from someone who really enjoyed reading them. And, as I said, I'm still very fond of them. My handle on most of the internet still comes from these stories and that account. They are simple, silly, dialogue and stage directions only parodies, and they were a blast to write. I still remember the melody we came up with for the ending jingle. I'm pretty sure these guys (plus the playwriting class I took) are a big part of why I tend to be very dialogue-heavy. I like fun purple-prosy descriptions, but sometimes a few spoken words can convey a whole lot of actions. Show Don't Tell taken to the extreme, I guess.
I'm pretty sure The Library was our most popular one back in the day (to the point we made a sequel)! The Auction was the first (though doesn't hold up quite as well...lol they're all 15 years old anyway). I'm very fond of Christmas Caroling because all the lyrics are singable and that is my PET PEEVE IF YOU'RE GOING TO DO IT THE METER HAD BETTER BE RIGHT OR AT LEAST CLOSER THAN A CATHOLIC HYMN. Most of all though, I'm fond of all the memories these have. I don't know where Moss is now, but I hope they're doing well. It is also fun to see where I've come from over the years - like I said, upon reflection it makes sense that I tend to default to pretty dialogue-heavy.
The Palutena Trap | 4.7k (Incomplete) | T | Gen (past Palutena/Medusa | Kid Icarus Uprising
Kid Icarus meets the Parent Trap.
That's it, that's all I've got.
Ok now this one is cheating because it's not published anywhere yet except in snippets on tumblr. This was actually conceived at almost the same time as Turnabout's Fair Play, but I'm trying to only focus at one at a time, so this one won't properly see the light of day until TFP is finished. (We're getting there! We're almost at the end of Act 2 out of 3!!) That does mean that I'm going about writing it in a very different way - there's going to be lots and lots of editing once I finally set down to publish this. Which is probably for the best - I'm sure there are bits of tfp that would be better if I wrote the whole thing and then went back to edit.
My favorite part of this story is still the normal-people jobs I've given everyone, since this is technically a modern AU. We have an investigative journalist who lives on a yacht, mob boss, butler who's retired MI6, and front woman for a punk band which is actually a front for an eco-terrorist group, for example. I talk more about this story here and here. Aside from that, my favorite thing is exploring the relationship between Dark Pit and Lady Palutena, and between Lady Palutena and Medusa.
The former gets off on the worst possible foot in canon, and it's only ever obliquely addressed, so it's a lot of fun to play with and extrapolate from. In this version, Dark Pit is a child whose mother gave up everything to do with him (and said some pretty nasty things in the court record). So that's where we stand: how do you reckon with that? What does it mean that you still want some kind of relationship, or at least answers? What is family and blood, in the end?
The latter relationship is one that's...well, I wouldn't say it's canon, but it's definitely canon-compliant. It's rather like Narumitsu, in that I look at it and go "hm. whatever is going on between those two, they're not normal about each other." This is true in canon, and if anything it's less true in The Palutena Trap, since despite the name the story is not about getting the parents back together so much as reconciling a mother and son. But the more this idea ferments in my brain the more I want to have some kind of meeting at the end. Maybe it goes badly, maybe it goes less badly, but I have this mental image in my head: Imagine the messiest divorce you've ever seen. Ugly, dragged through the papers, all kinds of legal issues, you part ways never to speak again. You hate her guts, and you can't go a month without thinking about her because she's always got Yet Another Stupid News Article coming out. You find out your kids have been playing some switcheroo on you, and when you meet her again you're coldly civil, both of you clearly holding yourselves back from starting a slugfest in the local forum, and then you see: she's still wearing your wedding ring. The one you picked out, the one you put on her finger 14 years ago. I just. IDK they're not normal about each other and the complexity and ambiguity of it compels me.
Vaguely Remembered 2nd Grade Writing Assignment | like 2 pages maybe | G | Gen | The Land Before Time
Alright this one's definitely cheating but this has already been a lot of reminiscing about the past, so here's a toast to the very first thing I ever wrote: an adventure story starring the main cast of The Land Before Time. All I remember about it is it absolutely sucked to get started but once I did it was longer than it needed to be and I used the word Petrie-ball™. Yes, including the ™. The Petrie-ball™ was how they solved the big obstacle, I think. Like I said, I don't remember much of it, but I remember how proud and happy I felt when it was done. So here's to you, long-forgotten fanfiction adventure story. Here's to the first of many, with many more to follow after.
(Also, if you want to see more of TFP, Palutena Trap, or Peregrine Podfic, you can bother me in a few hours for WIP Wednesday! If you want more OG Peregrine you have to bother @stonemaskedtaliesin instead. Actually, make sure you do that, I know they've got chapter 8 waiting in the wings and I NEED to see how that scene with Pip and Lissa plays out)
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cru5h-cascades · 5 months
Mat3 Heart of a God Character Bio #3: Triple Feature (Chimi, Rico, and Pichu)
Now, why am I writing all these three's reimagined back stories in one post, you might ask? Well, that's because I'm actually fine with Chimi and Rico's back stories in the OG show. They're pretty good tbh. It's just that I don't quite like Pichu's that much. Bro kinda felt out of place in the show to begin with, at least to me, so a good chunk of this post will have to do with rewriting Pichu's backstory entirely (like I did with Zatz). Just know that these three were forced into the whole rescuing Maya ordeal because their respective villages have problems with each of these heroes and didn't quite consider the prophecy (but they get things right regardless... sort of...) (you'll see what I mean in a bit), so none of these guys really wanna deal with any of this shit. Upon entering the realm of the gods (which is something only these three could do as the chosen mortals of the prothecy), these three approaches of trying to save Maya differ, with Rico not really wanting to fight but ultimately does, Chimi trying to fight on the spot but stopping upon finding out that Maya was the demigoddess of death, and Pichu just being plain agressive, specifically towards Zatz, after being sent to the realm of the gods. Now that that's outta the way, time to get to the main part of this post: Pichu's rewritten backstory.
In this reimagining of Mat3, Pichu was one of the more popular kids in the Golden Mountains village and was typically the one that make other kids heckle Zatz when he was still in the village. There was something Pichu just didn't like about him. Perhaps it was the fact he just looked kinda freaky. Maybe 'cause he deep down he was freaky 'cause he's the son of the then god of bats and a human and Pichu was scared of him because of that. Or maybe it was because deep down, the village girls had a crush on him. Anyways, Pichu was the ringleader of the kids who'd pick on Zatz, which, in turn, made him a target for when Zatz snapped and caused the bat incident in the village that'd lead to the entire community to relocate. During the incident, the bats, under their prince's control, killed and severely injured some of Pichu's friends and put both of his parents into a coma. Pichu, after the incident, was left relitively unscaved, but the trauma from seeing people he loved die at the hands of the local village weirdo still remained.
After the incident, Pichu became more agressive towards people and at one point was forced to live on the outskirts of the barbarians' new village (that was established on the other side of the Golden Mountains). The isolation sort of chilled out Pichu, but then something happened: the events of this reimagining. After reciving news that the kingdom of Teca needed the strongest warriors in the land, the prothecy's chosen ones, Pichu was let back into the village, only for the rulers to send him out to Teca with guards monitoring his behavior. After being sent to Teca to start training for the mission, Pichu's anger came back and he promised himself that instead of saving Maya, he'd just kill her and any god, or demigod in that matter, that he met on the mission.
When in the realm of the gods, Pichu discovers that this entire time Maya has been with Zatz, who, to Pichu, was suprisingly still alive. This fact singlehandedly made Pichu kinda have a mental break and want to kill both the reason why he's on this stupid mission and the reason a bunch of his loved ones are dead or in a coma. But ultimately, Pichu came up short when it came to trying to achieve his goal of regicide, as he was killed by Maya (in her demigoddess of death form) during his encounter with the two.
Other info about the main three:
The chosen mortals can only stay in the realm of the gods for a limited time. Once their time runs out, they'll be instantly transported to the mortal realm.
None of the chosen mortals were given any context about the situation besides "our daughter got kidnapped and is stuck in the realm of the gods please bring her back"
After Pichu's death, the universe sort of rewrote the prophecy 'cause Pichu just didn't have a change of heart and didn't wanna fight alongside Maya, prefering to kill Maya and Zatz instead.
Rico, before meeting Maya and Zatz in the realm of the gods, made some magic traps and stuff so he wouldn't have to fight them head-on, but ultimately after the traps didn't work, he tried to fight them, only to come up short and offer them mercy instead.
Chimi originally sorta stalks Maya and Zatz before starting to attack them while being hidden and eventually revealing herself.
While training before entering the realm of the gods, Chimi, Rico, and Pichu slowly became friends over time and hoped that once they were able to get more fighting experience and take over the Teca throne.
Chimi x Rico still exists in this reimagining 'cause why the hell not I didn't have much of a problem with this in the show so I'll just leave it here.
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