#that's a llovely though
changelingirl · 5 months
ok YES the idea that gwen and elias are the same person and she just transitioned is great BUT
her voice sounds relatively young
elias took over the institute (got possessed) in 1996
it's now 2024
look if gwen's not elias, a much more likely answer than sister seems to be daughter.
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violetlunette · 2 years
So, I’ve seen posts asking why most dadzawa fics vilainize All Might and Inko. The answer is simple-- it’s to make Dadzawa and Izuku look better.
Before I dive into it, let me state that I know that there are people who genuinely don’t like these two. Fans can see All Might as too oblivious, or his views that Quirkless people can’t be heroes really rub them the wrong way. And some may find Inko to be annoying as she cries way too much and never showed her son support when he needed it the most.
However, in most fanfiction, it’s as I stated; Inko and All Might are villainized to make Dadzawa and Izuku look better. The fact is that Dadmight is so powerful in canon that Fanfiction has to work harder to make him look bad. Same with Inko; she might be a great mom in canon, but it’s more fun in a Dadzawa story to imagine that Aizawa was the first one to show Izuku love. Therefore Inko—if she’s lucky—dies young, or is made into an abusive bitch to make Izuku’s life miserable until Aizawa saves him. Now Dadmight and Dadzawa can co-exist, but only if it’s an Erasermight fic, or they’re parents of different kids. With the latter option, however, they can’t both be Izuku’s daddy.
As for why Dadzawa is popular, it’s because the scenes where Aizawa actually acts as a parental figure—while very few—are well done and powerful (in my opinion). You can tell that Aizawa loves his Class, which is why it’s so disappointing we didn’t get to see him interact with them more. (This is a HUGE writing fail as the story places such importance on the bond between Class 1-A, but I digress.) Also, Dadzawa is appealing for the same reason Tsunderes are. All Might is a sweet teddy bear, who is willing to give his love to anyone who needs it, so it doesn’t feel “special” when he shows affection. Now Aizawa on, the other hand, is a challenge. He’s closed off, so when he shows fatherly attention, not only does it feel earned but it feels special because he doesn’t show it often. And Inko—well, for first off fandoms bias against mothers in general because if they do their jobs right, they take away a whole lot of potential angst fanfic writers love. Plus, if she’s around and she’s a good parent, what’s the point of Dadzawa and whoever they pair him up with?
So, in conclusion; the reason that most dadzawa fics tend to bash Inko and All Might is to make Aizawa look better by comparison and dadzawa is more popular because it’s a platonic tsundere thing.
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lotusfl0w3r-16 · 2 months
ONE YEAR SINCE MYTHOLOGIES WAS RELEASED!!! Aaaa!! I love mythologies sm and ofc llove Bangalters work. This album is special though because it was his first album since the daft punk retirement, and it deserves love and attention. Thomas literally made me love classical music again with this album.. :,3 anyways ENJOY!!
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It's sad to see you won't be posting for a while, but it's understandable. Then I will take advantage of:
What if the reader being invited to a dance (whether it's a wedding, in town, or even far, far away) and have a ballad with death?
BTW: I llove how you write, I'm your fan
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There Was an Attempt:
[Hope you guys don’t mind but I’ll be starting with the requests that aren't in the modern times first so it wouldn’t be confusing to read, and then I’ll get right on with the modern ones (so there’s some semblance of a timeline). I also didn’t know if you mean the slow and romantic song that you dance to, but that’s what I went with. Y'all can also consider this as an early Valentine’s Day gift from moi]
There was something in the air today. From the moment she woke up, she swore she could hear the happiness and the overall vibrancy of the outside world, tired eyes squinting out the window to see the many decorations the people had put up, the red and pink themes, the hearts, the—
Oh. She thought, looking up at the calendar right above her bedside. Valentine's Day.
Right, she huffed, pushing herself up and only cringing at the pain that wracked through her head. After all that rest, her head still throbbed just as it did the first time The Fates had returned her, a grumble leaving her lips as she rubs at her temples. The pain in her brain was proof enough that she wouldn’t want to be messing with the rest of Muerte’s brothers and sisters ever again, except for Vida, of course, bless her kindness. There was also the mark on the back of her palm, indicating the exchange that she had made and that she owes each one of the Fates a favor.
Standing to her feet, she headed down to the kitchen to fix herself up a quick breakfast. She wondered if she was going to head to the pub today, she’d already closed it down yesterday because of their visit to the Fates, though it would be highly likely that most of the people in town would be too busy preparing for the festival later tonight.
Making herself a quick cup of coffee, she takes a seat on the table, waiting for the water to boil and letting her cheek rest against the cool surface of the table, a breath escaping her.
“Still dizzy?”
Her entire body jerked upwards so fast she would have jumped off the seat had it not been for his hand on her shoulder, feeling his laugh against his chest as she leans back into him in ease, his lips pressing gently on her cheek as his hands kneaded lightly at her shoulders.
“Lo siento, mi Estrella,” He hummed before taking a seat on the empty chair beside her. “What are you up to today?”
“Nothing much,” she gives a tired smile. “Can’t open the pub today since people would be busy the entire day.”
Muerte nods, “Are you going?”
“Of course I am,” she grinned, pushing herself to her feet to turn off the stove, silencing the whistling kettle and pouring its contents into her mug. “Do you want a drink? Coffee? Tea?”
“Tea would be nice,” he replied, and she was quick to grab another mug from her cupboards, fixing his drink up quick before handing it over to him, placing the sugar and milk containers in the middle of the table in case he needed it. He takes a quick sip of his drink, letting her lean against him as she pulls her knees closer to her chest.
“So about your ‘idea’...”
“I already told el gato, and his friends.”
“Damn, I wanted to come with.” She grumbled under her breath, and he chuckled.
“Maybe next time,” he hummed, “But we’ll be taking a boat.”
“How romantic,” she fake swooned, placing a hand on her chest and batting her eyelashes up at him. “Imagine dancing on a boat.”
“Why bother imagining it?” He grins, tilting his head to the side. “There’s a dance tonight, isn’t there? It's not on a boat but you get what I mean.”
Her eyes widened, mouth parting to reply but she couldn’t find the words to confirm it. “I— I was kidding, I don’t want to dance in front of that many people!”
A hand finds its way on top of her knee, giving it a reassuring squeeze as he leans forward to give her a peck on the forehead. “You’ll be great.”
She grabs onto his shoulders, basically pleading up at him. “Please, don’t.”
He gently pries her hands away, pressing a kiss on her knuckles. “Meet me tonight at the center of the town, right before the dance, all right?”
“Muerte,” she repeats his name in a warning tone, and he simply laughs, standing up to his full height. “You’re not going to listen to me, are you?”
“Hmm, no,” he teased, slowly backing up to the front door with a shrug.“Besides, it’s my turn to take you out on a festival date.”
He didn’t even let her get the chance to argue, already out the door and gone by the time she had opened it, being met with a slightly empty street with people looking at her weirdly with the way she had forcefully opened the door.
Giving them an awkward grin, she slithers back to the confines of her home, shutting the door and pressing her back against it with an exhausted sigh.
“Well, there goes my plan to lay down for the rest of the day.”
It was a few hours before the dance, and the middle of the town was beautifully decorated with red and pink hearts and roses, all being casted by a warm glow of the fairy lights that hung over their heads. The fountain in the middle was even filled with rose petals, lovers of different ages sat down on the side and embracing the loves of their life. Some people weren’t even with their lovers, some of them were just with their family members or friends, enjoying the festival and enjoying the food stalls set out on the sides. This was a festival everyone is supposed to enjoy, after all, and what better way than to celebrate it by celebrating all kinds of love whether it be familial, platonic, or romantic.
“Señorita (Y/n)?” A familiar voice calls her name through the noise of the music and the crowd, turning her head to the left to see a familiar brown haired boy approaching her, carrying a basket full of pink and red letters in hand.
“Corin?” She gasps, her heart almost falling to her stomach at the sight of him. “Oh stars— you’ve recovered!” She would’ve run over to him and given him a tight hug, but she didn’t want to overreact or get the kid to be weirded out by her too much.
“Yeah! Just yesterday, actually. Papa said that I still shouldn’t be walking around by today, but I wanted to stretch my legs.” He made a show of shaking his legs a bit as he said that, making her let out a laugh at his antics.
“Well, don’t overwork yourself, you’re still recovering after all.” She lets her gaze fall to the basket. “Are those the mystery letters?”
“Yep!” He dipped a hand in the the basket, showing one to her with a mischievous grin, leaning slightly towards her and lowering his voice in a low whisper. “Don’t tell anyone, but I’ve basically read every single one here. I think I might have decreased my lifespan by a few years trying to forget them.”
“Have you tried not snooping in anyone’s business?” She places her hands on her hips.
“I would, but where’s the fun in that?” He grinned, then seemed to remember something and dipped his hand yet again in the basket, scrounging through the letters before finally popping a red one out. “This one's for you!” He winked. “Some guy dropped that off earlier.”
“Did you read it?” She takes it into her hands in suspicion.
“Nooo,” Corin wasn’t even trying to hide the truth. She gives him a warning glare, pulling apart the top of the letter as the boy gives a wide grin. “Alright, I did.”
Taking the paper out of the envelope, she reads its contents, the tenseness easing off her shoulders at the familiar handwriting.
Mi Estrella,
I know I said to come to the town center, but I thought about what you said and I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable by having you do something you don’t want to do. So instead, I want you to meet me up the hill, the one where you first drew me.
I know, I know, I can hear you complaining how you already walked to the town square, pero confía en mí. It’ll be worth the walk, I promise. I know you won't be able to resist me anyway.
Yours, M.
She snickered at the familiar words written below, and the mysterious sign off name. He probably knew Corin was reading them and didn’t want the kid to snoop anymore than he already was. When she tucks the letter in her pocket, the boy was grinning teasingly up at her, wiggling his eyebrows up and down.
“Stop that,” she huffed, rolling her eyes and shaking her head as Corin laughed.
“Alrighty then, señorita!” He turned, the teasing look still on his face as he waved a hand, “Have a great night!”
“I will!”
“Not too great though! Wear protection!”
She gaped at Corin just as he winked and pointed at her with finger guns before disappearing in the crowd, some of the people giggling at their interaction. The need to shrink into her clothes and disappear grew, a hand coming up to calm the raging heat on her cheeks. That kid is a menace, she thought, turning around and heading to the cliff, curious as to what would await her there.
Her breath was caught in her throat.
Standing before her, Muerte stood rolling up the sleeves of the white button up he wore, averting from her gaze as he fixed up his new getup and even unbuttoning the first one at the top, finding it hugging his neck much tighter than he wanted it to.
“So?” He grinned. “Is it worth the walk?”
The place had also been beautifully decorated, the tree was filled with beautiful purple, pink and blue flowers, the place being lit up by fireflies that she didn’t even know how he managed to get to stay still.
“Vida helped,” Muerte added. That would explain the amount of flowers and fireflies that seemed to stay in their place. “I almost got an earful when she heard that I was going to do this wearing my poncho, so—”
“— that would explain the suit?” She grinned, walking towards him with her arms crossed on top of her chest.
He chuckled. “Yes,” He held out an arm for her to take, “But you haven’t answered me yet.”
She reaches up to his collar, bringing him down to her height so she could press her lips against his own, his hands immediately finding their way on her hips and pulling her closer, a low hum pushing from his chest.
Pulling away, she wraps her arms around his neck. “Does that count as an answer?”
“More than you know,” he hummed, then pulled her closer in his arms, a light laugh escaping her lips as they lightly stumbled at their feet. “Now I believe I’m owed a dance?”
“But there’s no music?” She looked up at him, amused as he held her, a hand on the small of her back, keeping her close and pressed against him while the other cradled her hand beside them.
“Do you really think I’d be unprepared?” He grinned, and as if their cue was heard, a beautiful melody began to play from out of nowhere, her brows twitching upward, head turning to look at their surroundings but all she could see was darkness beyond the fireflies that circled them, her heart steadily pounding against her chest.
“Eyes on me,” his voice broke through her panicking thoughts, and her eyes met his own, calm and gentle under the warm lights, his hand squeezing his own in reassurance. “No one’s here but us.”
“But the music—”
He hushed, his hand momentarily letting go of hers to press a finger on top of his lips.
“There’s no one here but us, all right?”
His hand weaved against her own once again, swaying with her to the slow beat of the song.
“No one but us?” She parroted, a small smile tugging up her lips. A soft chuckle escapes him.
“No one but us.”
He twirls her and pulls her back in, her back pressing against his chest, giggling under her breath as she sways slightly in his arms.
“See? You’re a natural,” He spoke, and she had to tilt her head back to grin up at him.
“Only ‘cause you’re leading.”
“Am I?” He teased, letting her pull away to resume their previous position, his hand on her back and holding her hand beside them. “You’re doing wonderful.”
“Thanks,” she smiles up at him, then briefly shifting her gaze downwards to watch their steps. “I’ve never… you know… danced with anyone before.”
“Really? I can’t tell.” He chuckled, and she rolled her eyes playfully at him. “Seriously, you’re doing great.”
“I’ve watched people do it before.”
She gasped, playfully hitting him in the chest with her mouth gaped in disbelief. “Not like that!”
He laughed, the sound almost echoing in the darkness as he tilted his head backwards, (Y/n) covering her flushed face with a hand while the other kept busy squeezing at his shoulder in annoyance and yet still managing to sway with the beat.
“You’re unbelievable,” She sighed, running her hand down her exasperated face before placing it back on his shoulder, scrunching her face up at him as he winked.
“What are you gonna do? Pin me on the wall?”
The words echoed back at her, familiar and one that she knew all too well. “You can’t just use my words against me, that’s unoriginal.”
“Sue me.”
“Maybe I will,” she poked a tongue out at him. It was nice. The silence. The music. Being alone and dancing with him under the white light of the yellow moon. Placing her head against his chest, he sighs, placing his hand much higher up her back and feeling him rub calming circles there.
“I like this,” she hummed. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” she could hear his voice rumbling from within his chest. “Are you tired?”
“No,” she hummed. “Just wondering how you manage to squeeze your time in for me or for doing stuff like this.”
“Time doesn’t affect me much,” there was a shift in the air, and Muerte cursed under his breath. In worry, she pulls away lightly, looking up at him with her brows creased. He looks back down at her apologetically. “I was kidding.” He seemed to glare at the sky as he spoke, and she wondered for a brief moment if Father Time could see the both of them like this, and her thoughts traveled back to the music that echoed around them.
Surprisingly, she doesn’t panic. She doesn’t feel the sudden racing of her heart at the thought of someone watching them. Because right now, there was no one in here but them, and that’s what mattered.
Her eyes shifted away from the darkness that surrounded them, then back up at Muerte who looked down at her expectantly. She smiled, pressing her ears against his chest and once again letting herself get comfortable in his arms.
He chuckled.
They let themselves bask in the silence, not worrying to much if an hour, two, or three, had passed, just keeping one another in their arms.
When (Y/n) opened her eyes, she noticed something she hadn’t really talked much about before, but she found herself smiling at it nonetheless.
“Do you constantly replace it or is it still the same one?” She asked, breaking the silence, Muerte hummed in confusion, and she momentarily pulled away to brush at the lilac flower on his left breast pocket.
“Oh,” He chuckled, “It’s the same one. After that day, Vida did some of her magic on it and, well, it’s an eternal lilac now.”
“Really?” She looked at it in disbelief, then looking up at him with her brows raised. “So… you’ve been wearing the same lilac the entire time?”
“I did promise to make sure that it doesn’t fall off.”
“Damn,” she huffed. “I should’ve stuck with making you wear that flower crown instead.”
“Don’t push it,” He rolls his eyes. She laughed, nodding her head and placing it back on his chest, wrapping her arms around his torso. “Do you want to go home?”
“No,” she replied. “Do you?”
“Then let’s stay here,” she sighed. “For a while.”
“Okay,” he pressed a kiss against the top of her head, pulling her closer to him as they swayed away in the night. Until the both of them were exhausted and rested against the trunk of the tree, looking at the stars above and leaning against each other until the other fell asleep.
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Trailblazing & Stargazing - chapter 15
Hermione was thoroughly exhausted after a very long work day and hoped to be able to go home soon, but the education reform was too important, she had to see this through.
When she stepped out of the floo at Malfoy House, still wearing her work outfit, she was surprised to see Malfoy waiting for her and not Carson.
“Hello, Granger.” He said with his trademark smirk. “Are you done saving the Wizarding World for today?”
He was wearing a black suit with a crisp white Oxford shirt and a dark green tie. Hermione felt extremely self-conscious, she had come here straight from the Ministry and looked a mess.
“Honestly, Malfoy. I’m haggard, I could do without further bullying from you. I read your memo, I visited Eniiyi’s memory of the hearing, I really don’t need to be here unless you’re going to be civil.” She chided, taking her discomfort out on him.
“Calm down, Granger. I was just joking, not bullying.” He replied, raising his hands in surrender.
“Do. Not. Tell. Me. To. Calm. Down. Ever.” She growled.
“Fine, fine. I’m sorry. Let’s get some food into you, before you bite my head off.” He took her arm and lead her towards the dining room. "You look llovely, by the way. Green looks good on you"
She huffed but went along with him. Mostly because she was hungry and her fridge was empty, and she did like this outfit very much and she was glad someone had noticed it, even though she was aware that she looked anything but lovely and he was just being nice.
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wordsarelife · 5 months
—back to december
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pairing: quill kipps x fem!reader, ex!anthony lockwood x fem!reader
summary: you had left lockwood in a night filled with regret and there was nothing you wanted more than to apologise to him
warnings: angst, mention of unwellness, but not specified
notes: this got a bit more lockwood x reader (in a platonic way off) than i had planned lol. sorry :)
"so you're just going to leave?" he let go of your bag and had that look on his face again. a look that almost made you regret everything. but you wouldn't stay. you couldn't.
"i'm sorry" you said and with that you opened the door and left portland row, without ever coming back.
you woke up from someone softly shaking you. "what is wrong, love?" quill asked worriedly.
you looked at him confused, blinking at the light of the night lamp. "huh?"
"you were crying" quill explained
"oh" you adverted your eyes, trying not to think about lockwood and the dream you just had. you weren't going to think about your ex-boyfriend while you were laying in bed with your current one. "sorry, i woke you" you said quickly "it was just a bad dream"
"alright" quill pecked your lips, before he settled down again. you weren't able to go back to sleep, so you stood up and sat down on the couch in the living room, grabbing a book and trying to concentrate on something else.
you were sure those sudden dreams about lockwood and the night you left hadn't come out of nowhere.
there was this mission quill had mentioned. something that involved working with the agency head. of course quill knew about your past relationship, that's how you had met after all, but he had assured that you didn't have to see lockwood if you didn't want to.
"it's fine" you had said "i have to face him at one point"
quill had accepted your decision. you knew that you had to face lockwood, there was no way around it anymore, that didn't mean that you felt good though.
it had been a year since that night and you knew that it was your fault. you had known since that night that he atleast deserved an apology. something you hadn't been able to give him until now.
your relationship with quill had changed your perspective on a lot of things. it had made you realize that you were in a bad state during your relationship with lockwood. you had to llove yourself before you could love anyone else. you had made that clear to quill when you started going out. he had been nothing short of supportive and patient.
it's not that lockwood wouldn't have been, but you couldn't drag him into your mess. not when he had enough on his plate already.
the sun came up quicker than you had anticipated. "since when are you up?" quill walked into the living room barefoot.
"good morning" you smiled, craning your neck so he could kiss you "i wasn't able to go back to sleep after my nightmare"
"so bad huh?" he opened the drapes
"yeah" you shrugged
"was it about lockwood?" he could really read you better than anyone
you sighed, before you nodded
"you don't have to come" quill assured "i can take bobby"
"no" you shook your head "i want to come. i just feel so guilty"
quill's eyes grew softer when he turned to look at you. he sat down beside you and hugged you. "he will understand"
"he was good to me" you muttered "and i just walked away. without any explanation"
"you can explain now"
"i will" you nodded
later that day, you were standing in front of the door of portland row. quill knocked.
george opened the door and to your surprise he smiled and even hugged you. "y/n" he beamed "i haven't seen you in such a long time, how are you?"
"aren't you.. angry?" you threw a glance at quill, who just shrugged
"why would i be angry?" george made a motion for you two to enter the house "lockwood explained everything to us"
"he did?" you asked surprised
"y/n!" lucy rushed down the stairs and almost made you fall over by the force of the hug she was giving you.
you hugged her back. "hey" you muttered into her hair. the smell of the house and the smiles of your friends almost broke your heart. you had missed them. you had missed home.
"hey" lockwood said, entering the hall. he had grown a bit, his suit, that used to be too big, fitting him perfectly now. the bags under his eyes had disppeared and he looked a lot less tired.
"hi" lucy had loosened her hold on you.
"why don't we go into the kitchen to discuss the case?" lockwood suggested and you weren't able to do anything more than nod.
"so where did you find it?" quill pointed at the wrapped up mirror
"we can't tell you that" george crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair
"okay" quill nodded "did you steal it?"
"we also can't tell you that" lucy said excusingly
"well what can you tell us?" quill asked
during the encounter at the kitchen table. lockwood wasn't able to take his eyes off of you. he noticed that you looked healthier than the last time he had seen you. just like you had noticed the positive change about him.
your mind drifted off and you caught lockwoods eyes, who also seemed to be thinking about anything else.
"could we talk?" you whispered
lockwood nodded. "please excuse us" he said and you followed him out of the kitchen and into the library.
"you didn't change anything, did you?" you said, walking around the room and noticing that it was still the same that it had been all those months ago. even the photograph that pictured lockwood and you together hadn't left.
you took it into your hand, watching it closely. the photo had been taken by a stranger when lockwood and you had been on the london eye.
you had only thought about that day a month ago, when quill and you visited the london eye. the memory had hit you suddenly and almost ruined your entire day.
"i remeber this day" you muttered, putting the photo down in it's place
"i do too" lockwood said "a great day" "yeah" you turned around. "what did you tell george and lucy about me leaving?" you asked "i bet it wasn't the truth, no" you shook your head "they wouldn't treat me like this if it was" you looked at the door
"it wasn't exactly a lie either" lockwood shrugged "i told them that you needed time. that you weren't well and that you couldn't do that while you were here"
"lockwood" you muttered
"you look happy" he said "healthier and better than when we last talked"
"it's been so long" you mumbled
"a year and fourteen days" lockwood added "i thought about everything a lot"
"why aren't you screaming at me?" you asked with tears in your eyes "i just left and ruined everything"
"you did what you had to do"
"i hurt you"
"why do you always have to be this good to me?" you cried "why can't you just be angry?"
"because i'm not" he touched your arm to comfort you "and i won't pretend i am just because it's easier for you"
"i'm sorry" another tear escaped your eye "for everything. i wish i could go back and change things, i'm sorry fur hurting you"
"i know" he hugged you
"i wish i could've loved you right"
"i do too" he admitted "but i know that back then you weren't able to do that, even if you wanted it so badly"
"i always cherished our time together, but i wasn't the version of myself you needed" you explained "i think that you look much healthier too"
"i am much healthier"
"great" you smiled "i won't ever say that the way i handled it was right, because it wasn't, but i think we both needed to heal individually, we couldn't do it together"
"i agree" lockwood smiled back softly "and even if i'm not angry, i'm still glad that you came to apologise"
"i hope it wasn't too late"
"it never was" he assured "maybe we can be friends again some day, but for now, just know that i will always love you"
"i will always love you too"
"and i'm glad that we met, even if it ended badly" he send you a last assuring smile. "come on" and with that you followed him back into the kitchen, sitting back down in your seat, while quill took your hand, squeezing it softly.
lockwood noticed the gesture and smiled at you. you smiled back. everything was alright again.
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mahayanapilgrim · 27 days
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"I release my parents from the feeling that they have already failed me.
I release my children from the need to bring pride to me; that they may write their own ways according to their hearts, that whisper all the time in their ears.
I release my partner from the obligation to complete myself. I do not lack anything, I learn with all beings.
I thank my grandparents and forefathers who have gathered so that I can breathe life today. I release them from past failures and unfulfilled desires, aware that they have done their best to resolve their situations within the consciousness they had at that moment. I honor you, llove you and I recognize you as innocent.
I am transparent before your eyes, so they know that I do not hide or owe anything other than being true to myself and to my very existence, that walking with the wisdom of the heart, I am aware that I fulfill my life project, free from invisible and visible family loyalties that might disturb my Peace and Happiness, which are my only responsibilities.
I renounce the role of savior, of being one who unites or fulfills the expectations of others.
Learning through, and only through, LOVE, I bless my essence, my way of expressing, even though somebody may not understand me.
I understand myself, because I alone have lived and experienced my history; because I know myself, I know who I am, what I feel, what I do and why I do it.
I respect and approve myself.
I honor the Divinity in me and in you.
We are free.
This ancient blessing was created in the Nahuatl language, spoken in Mexico.
It deals with forgiveness, affection, detachment and liberation
Gratitude to all who share this sacred message
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relia-11 · 2 years
Lucifer x gn MC (angst)
I can't write my imagination so I'm going to describe it in the best way that I can. *Cough* and some might take inspiration and write it *cough* not proofread
Tags: Angst, no comfort, kinda ooc Lucifer?
Just had a daydream about Lucifer's pride getting the better of him and the mc left. The break-up is mc telling them they love him but sometimes loving him is so tiring; no shouting, no crying, just mc soft voice gently telling Lucifer that they are ending their relationship.
[Lucifer Office]
At that moment hearing how gentle you sound, how you look so calm yet so tired, and the words that left your mouth...explaining all the times where you and he argued—even though it's not entirely your fault, you are the first to make the move since his pride doesn't let him do it.
Even if he does apologize first, a similar situation just happens again in the future. You are genuinely in love with him but sometimes,
Loving Lucifer could be tiring.
He knows he'll lose you at this point if nothing is done. His chest began to ache, a feeling that he was familiar with thousands of years past. Many thoughts flashed in his mind, he was reassuring himself that you just need some time to think. Everything will be okay.
Lucifer apologise. His voice wavered for a second, he told you calmly that he will make up for all the mistakes that he had made in the past and that he loves you.
"That's what you'd said to me in the past."
You said to him.
As you turn your back. Lucifer panics like never before. If earlier he can still calmly contain the heavy feeling he is experiencing, this moment, upon seeing you walk away, his emotion got the better of him.
Hugging you from behind, a desperate voice is whispering in your ears to stay. Plastering sloppy kisses all over your face, your cheeks damp due to his tears falling on your face.
"I love you, I love you, I llove you...please stay, please."
His voice cracks as he tightens his hold on you. If this happens earlier in your relationship, the time when you are still so in love with him, perhaps you'll cave in and kiss him back, reassuring him that you'll stay by his side.
Oh but all you could do is look up to him as your vision blurred from the tears gathered in your eyes, wordlessly pushing him multiple times waiting for him to let go. However his physical strength still overwhelms yours.
"Let go."
Lucifer mark on your body glow, he stubbornly fought the strong force that wanted him to obey.
"I said let go, don't chase me."
As his hand loosened its grip on your body. Lucifer watched you leave, leaving nothing in his office but a deafening silence.
I love Lucifer. I love this man who acts like he got all his shit together but will crumble from the slightest affection from you, this man who has a serious and dominating image, yet blushes when you reciprocate his actions. He can be a suave gentleman and then the next thing you know he got himself involved in doing silly things (that I bet he secretly likes)
And I also love angst that will shit on my heart, tear it apart, making me question if supporting this character is the right thing, then comfort me in the end...well sometimes no comfort is good too I just leave it lyk that
I actually have part two and part three in mind, that is still Lucifer x Mc angst with comfort it's the continuation of this but I don't have anymore brain juice to write so no idea if I will even write it
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borderlinegerard · 2 months
youre so fucking awesome and i wish we got to talk more. im so glad i met you because even though we live on borderline OPPOSITE ENDS OF THE WORLD youre probably one of my best friends and every day i get to talk to you is a good one
SHUTUP I LLOVE YOU SO MUCH. IN A PERFECT WORLD WE ARE NEXT DOOR NEIGHBORS..I WISH. ilysm,,its so sick & twisted that we are separated by continents :( best friends forever deserve to live on the same street
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cloudcountry · 5 months
Fandom would love you and not do you justice at the same time- I feel like they'd focus too much on all your ships and overlook how amazing your own story is in the process. Don't let that discourage you though because you would be (you ARE) awe inspiring as just your own.
Also fandom wouldn't be able to understand your edge, sass and nuance that coexist with your nice and kind nature but that's just fandom not having media literacy or the brain development to fully process people aren't boring
(I wrote this as a compliment in my mind so I sure hope it doesn't come across as just negative or dismissive, sorry if it does)
DW THIS DIDNT COME OFF AS NEGATIVE YORUE GOOD!!! actually i thought this was really interesting because it kinda reminded of how even now when im not that involved in twst people are still like "AZUL IS CRYING" or smth whenever i talk about the characters i love now ^^; and even those are both . romantic situations so its not exactly what you meant I GET IT.
also that. thing w the kindness and the sass happens to so many characters it makes me so SAD.
to me you're the character that people dont like at first but grow to love as your character develops (JUST REALIZED I DESCRIBED LANCELOT HELP) but like you're one of the most popular characters in the fandom and everyone lloves you.
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blood-injections · 9 months
hiiiii wpuld llove to hear some funghoul thoughts if you gotany
I always have fun ghoul thoughts :)
His identity or like my headcanons for it kind of fluctuate because i tend to project on him a lot of the time lol, and right now my thing for him is its kinda inhuman, not literally, but he feels detached from being a person, his pronouns have always been he/it, and he says he/hims his favorite, but whenever someone uses it/its and he hears it he gets a crazy flush of euphoia. It doesn't happen often, though, just with his friends, and they only use it/its half the time cause, yknow, and its never opened up about just how it makes it feel, he could ask them to only say it and they would. But the rest of the zones? Eh. Even killjoys are weird about it/its a lot. And he still likes he as well
But yeah, he feels inhuman a lot of the time, and he likes that, he likes his identity being something Other, something scary, hes not sure if its something animal he feels like or something unknown, he just knows he'd rather lunge and bite in battle instead of shooting a gun, get blood and skin under his nails, it feels more natural, and he likes when people look at him like hes a monster and he should get to have sharp teeth and claws.
He loves stories!!! Stories and cultures!! Hearing and learning, and oral storytelling is such a big thing in the zones, with there being few books left and with most zoneborn not knowing how to read, like him, not zoneborn but raised on the streets in battery city, he can read some, but not well, and it just makes his head hurt. But ghoul grew up around androids and ritalin rats and the latter never had much on their minds but addiction, but the droids, well they had nothing to do but dream. And they told him stories, so many stories, stories of the future when the city would be free and they wouldn't have to rust in the streets, thrown aside by society, nothing more than products. They told it stories filled with hope, stories of Destroya, of the grafiiti bible, stories of a future where no one would have to work or starve or hurt.
Then he got to the zones and heard different kinds of stories, old ones, not of the future but of the past. It met Jet first, and theyd sit around a fire and shed tell him all about the desert, not about her own past, something it could guess was still a wound too fresh to face, much like his, when he first escaped. But she tells him of the zones, of the Phoenix Witch, how she takes masks or guns or keepsakes and leads your soul to your next life when you die, and how she commonly watches over the desert in the form of a raven, and hes fucking enraptured. And then jet takes it to visit dr d, a friend of a friend, and he gets to hear stories of the wars that he was never taught of in the city, and he gets to hear of the world before, because it has so many questions and dr d is more than willing to answer them, he loves Talking, telling stories, sharing what life used to be like.
And later, from Cherri, he learns older stories yet, myths and legends passed down from forgotten times, of giant birds that brought rain and thunder, to a myth of fire and a technicolor raven, stories of spirits and heroes and the desert itself. Everyone has stories to tell and it loves to hear them and pass them on, to Kobra, who especially loves the sort or stories he got from Cherri, of legends from an old people who were one with the land; and when the girl comes along and they take her in, he retells all the stories hes heard to her. Her favorites are of the world before the wars, things Ghoul never saw but learned of through dr d and older joys, of bustling citys not like bat city at all, of concerts with thousands of people in the stands, not just a small pit of joys, stories of people flying to the stars and landing on the moon, and of waterparks and airplanes, or high schools and ice cream trucks. By then he has stories of it's own, too, and she loves to hear those too, stories of bad firefights and hearty laughs, memories from the fab four before they had her, of poison doing something stupid or kobra getting sprayed by a skunk or that time jet woke up to find a mouse has nested in her hair in her sleep, the girl giggles the most at those stories.
He'd write novels if he could, if he the time and supplies and skill. Or he'd at least copy some of the stories hes heard back to paper, for when theres no one left that remembers them to tell them by voice alone.
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blackdagger456 · 1 year
Lets Talk About: MHA 382 And The Misconception On How To Handle Himiko Toga
Sssup ya’ll! Hope your days been good so far! As for me? Well, past few days have been…interesting. Especially with how i’ve seen people reacting to the leaks and unofficial translations before the actual chapter came out.
I was going to talk about the entire chapter as a whole but I think it’s more important to talk about Himiko right now.
To start with let's talk about her current state, as of now Himiko is using Jins blood to use his 'Parade' move to bolster her allies ranks as well as turn into copies of Shigaraki, AFO and Dabi. The fear was that she'd be able to use their quirks as well but as Tsuyu says below that doesn't seem to be the case.
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This pulls us in more into her mental state more and furthers something else that we've been seeing from Himiko. And that's if THIS is what she really wants at all.
Remember Himiko Toga joined the LOV originally so that she could be free to be herself. Society failed her, her parents failed her in both not understanding her child and forcing her to push herself down. The actions taken caused her to break, to have her personality warp and meld into what it is today.
Himiko Toga isn't insane, she's killed people and she does have the tendencies but she's not insane. Furthermore, she values those that love her for her and none did more than Twice.
That man was like a brother to her, and she couldn't comprehend why he was killed. Why the heroes who were supposed to save people were killed him. Himiko Toga loves greatly and largely and although that love could maybe be confused with admiration and is corrupted by tendencies that she cannot control it's still llove.
Which is why it's breaking her that she seemingly can't use the people she supposedly loves powers.
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It calls into question her beliefs, the very core of her being but you see she's able to use Twices clones because she loves Him.
She doesn't love AFO and though she may have at one point she may not love the current Dabi and Shigaraki.
Let me make it clear that Dabi has really only been using the LOV for his own ends, don't let fanon confuse you for canon that may is manipulating everyone in his efforts to kill his father and his family. As for Tomura? Well---he's not really Tomura right now is he? He's a puppet for AFO right now even if he is fighting it.
At the end of the day, they're using Himiko to kill. Just to kill, that's never really been the end all for her. It's not her goal, it's not her only purpose in life.
Just being told to kill and kill and kill, that ALL HEROES MUST DIE? Is not something she wants, not really... She wants to destroy the things she doesn't like so she can be herself but that doesn't mean she wants to destroy everything. She doesn't want to destroy the people she loves and admires.
But she doesn't see it that way. She sees it as her not being able to love properly, that she's once again failing to understand the concept to the people that should be the most important to her.
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It brings her to tears---and seeing someone, even someone like Himiko, in tears gets her on Ochacos radar.
Because here and now...Ochaco is going to try and SAVE Himiko Toga.
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Unfortunately, people don't agree with that.
See, recently i've found that people have been calling for her death as of late. People have been criticizing Ochaco for seemingly wanting to help Toga in some way due to the look in her eyes and I have to say that if you agree with that---you've not been paying attention.
If you're one of the people who are saying things like, and I quote, “she’s killed alot of people just for fun, ya’ll are simps, its okay to be a serial killer if you’re cute, nah screw Toga, literally serial killer., need the punisher to teach these heroes how its done" then you have missed the ENTIRE point of one of the KEY THEMES of this story.
This was never going to end with a hug, this is a huge fight in the war and i have no doubt that Himiko and Ochaco are going to come to blows. Hell, they already have but you see here's the thing.
There's a huge difference between forgiveness and understanding.
Himiko may not get forgiveness from the people she's wrong but she sure as hell deserves understanding. We've seen it from day one that this world is not black and white, it has always been gray something that Midoriya has been through his entire life and something he admits verbally with is fight with Nagant.
If there were more people like Izuku Midoriya in the hero business people like Tomura and Himiko wouldn't have gone down the tracks they've been on. It's a whole key thing in the story, one Hori seems to be about to use Uravity to expand on. But simply killing Himiko isn't the answer, hell--its why Spinners followers stopped following him during the hospital battle.
Understanding is what is needed her--killing Himiko devalues everything about the 1A kids as a whole as well as the story.
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danielsousa · 11 months
tagged by @binickmiller @anxieteandbiscuits and @eohwyyn to answer 15 questions (muah thanks my loves <333)
were you named after anyone? yeah my legal name is the same as an aunt of my dad's, though i've never met her nor does anyone ever call me that
when was the last time you cried? cried a little bit like a few days back watching a movie. i will genuinely cry at the drop of a hat watching anything at all <33
do you have kids? noooooo
do you use sarcasm a lot? definitely, mostly around people that i'm more comfortable with i’d say
what's the first thing you notice about people? mmmm depends on the person! i feel like ppl have different qualities that stand out
what's your eye color? green!
scary movies or happy endings? movies can be both i think though if i have to pick i'll say happy endings. i have been getting a little more into scary movies lately tho!
any special talents? mmmmmm i can ride a unicycle! i haven't done it in ages but i'm pretty sure i could still do it. i’m also not good enough at latte art to call it a talent yet but im slowly getting there!
where were you born? the netherlands!
what are your hobbies? reading, shows/movies, music & playing guitar, just hanging out also
have any pets? i have a dog! she's the scaredest dog in the world and loves to bark i love her more than life <333333
what sports do you play/have you played? i used to do gymnastics, horseback riding and theater (the latter two r not really sports i guess but they were 2 me ❤️❤️)
how tall are you? like 166 cm which is 5"4 i think?
favorite subject in school? philosophy! i don't miss anything abt high school except for my philosophy classes they were genuinely so fun to me! i also really liked english bc i was good at it and the teachers were always v nice to me 💘
dream job? i don't know something like dolphin trainer? it always seems loads of fun in the cute videos u see and to just hang out with dolphins or honestly any other animal seems fun to me. it's not something i would ever pursue tho. also private chef seems fun tho i'm not much of a cook. would love to have a cafe of my own. i don't really have a serious answer for this question bc i honestly don't know what i want to do with my life <333333
tagging: @ronanlynchbf @inkpotgod @llovely @euphcme if you want to💘💘💘
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trancylovecraft · 5 months
Heya there, llove your writting ! So for the fic/fics of your choosing : Fanfic Ask game 2, 3, 7, 8, 11 and 15 ?
EEEE THANKS! I'll choose my demon slayer fic YSIK since its my favourite and the longest :>
i also went off and gave a few good long answers so SORRY :( I got carried away.
i also get kinda dark tho, so be prepared.
2: What scene did you first put down?
First scene I ever visualised and wrote fully in my head was probably the ending, Though I'm not gonna spoil it ;)
3: What’s your favorite line of narration? (LONG RAMBLE INCOMING!!)
"Whatever, The sun was always too bright for her anyways." (CHP12)
I LOVE this line a lot mostly because after everything built up on the previous chapters, This is the line that solidifies [F/N]'s apathy after losing her faith and her hopelessness, Giving up entirely.
The sun has always represented and symbolised goodness and hope. ESPECIALLY IN JAPANESE MYTHOLOGY where the queen of the kami is Amaterasu.
Coupled with the fact that the sun is very important in KNY because its the driving force that kills the demons. In YSIK demons are symbolic of depression (ESPECIALLY KOKU) and [F/N] becoming one would basically be representing her suicide if she ever did become one in the future ( ;) )
[F/N] also grew up in the Sunlight village where all her siblings were killed as children, Giving her a distaste for the sun.
So basically the Sun represents Hope, Faith/Religion, Redemption and Virtue.
[F/N] saying that the sun was too bright for her and turning away to the moon (The celestial body that the demons, The ones that represent depression, love.) Is basically her way of saying nothing matters anymore and her turn away from Inari, Especially after this line comes after her failing suicide attempt.
Its just her way of saying "I'm done, I don't care anymore" and falling further into depression (Which is the water she would currently be drowning in, But that symbolism is not apart of the ask so ill stop here-)
7: Where did the title come from?
"You, Shibou. I, Kokoro"
Shibou is the last part of Kokushibo's name, The main antag. The kanji that its suppose to mean is "Death".
"Kokoro" however comes from the fact that the reader was originally my OC! Though I decided to just turn her into a reader for the fic, Her original name was "Kokoro Fujimori"
Kokoro in japanese means "Heart, Mind, Soul." So the full title is meant to mean in some way: "You, Death. I, Soul." since heart and mind is suppose to be representing Mitsuri and Shinobu, Soul is what is representing reader and thus the meaning of the title :D
8: Did any real people or events inspire any part of it? (I GET A TEENY WEENY BIT DARK HERE, SO SKIP IF U DONT WANNA HEAR ME TALK ABOUT DEPRESSION/SUICIDE)
This fic is actually based off of me and my own experiences, [F/N] being both a reader insert and a self insert.
I write this fic because I have no other outlet to speak about my deteriorating mental condition due to certain circumstances, It's really special to me.
Everything [F/N] experiences in this fic is taken from me. From being unable to get out of bed to under-eating, Apathy and loss of faith to suicidal thoughts is from muah. She's basically my mouthpiece to talk about the nitty-gritty of depression (though keep in mind, ive never been diagnosed with anything)
11: What do you like best about this fic?
I like the characters and the development ALOT :D! I like the relationships im writing especially with Mitsuri and [F/N] as well as Akaza. The way ive got them down in my head is going really well and I think they compliment each other a lot :>
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
Continuing on with Q8, It helped me out and is a really good outlet. It's also taught me a lot about my writing and how I can improve since this is my first longfic lol!
Thanks a lot :D!
-Trancy M. Lovecraft
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sparklecarehospital · 2 years
i llove sparklecsre so much it makes me so silly in the brain /pos do we get more doom momence these upcoming updaytes... theyre my wife i need doomn :3
There are Doom momence a bit later on! Not for a little bit though!!!
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immmmmmm thinking a lot about n.euvillette tonight im uuaobenwgesugxnsvrn... even though he's emotional he doesn't really. understand emotions still? and he also is unable to express emotion well. so im sitting here like ... god what would it be like for him when he realizes how much he ....uh... lloves me... would he be confused? frustrated? sad even? idek i just . ueiahacqiegrigy i reallyreally want to hug him and let him know it's ok to cry in front of me if he needs to and kiss him and love him and
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