#that's all i can think of though i'm sorry! i don't think deleted scenes usually end up on blu-ray/dvd/vhs/laserdisc for detco films
marshmallowgoop · 9 months
hi! i was wondering if you knew where this is from? :”) i watched m22 before but i dont think ive ever seen this scene before q.q tumblr(.)com/ fishyfyo/733496470682140672/deleted-scene-zero-the-enforcer-detectiv-conan
I'm so, so sorry for the lateness of this reply, and I'm even sorrier that I don't have an answer; I own Movie 22 but haven't seen it yet, so I know basically nothing about anything related to it. (At this time, I've only seen films 1-15, 24, and 26.)
Since it's been so long, I hope someone else has already answered this for you already! But If not, would anyone have more information?
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tozettastone · 6 months
RE: "there's so little F/F fanfiction," and its supposed relationship to misogyny, unexamined "fandom truly hates women," statements, and also why "eating your veggies" ala dutyfic is all kind of... inadequate and poorly expressed, in my view (and in my experience, as an AFAB person).
"Fandom hates women," is a statement that's usually written as though the person writing it does not hate women themselves. I think feminists who can't acknowledge their own misogyny are probably living the unexamined life (sorry, Socrates).
These people are right that misogyny is a problem. But they are wrong about how, why, and whether or not the amount of F/F fanfiction or female character-centric works is a proxy for measuring it.
I think there must be room to accept that among the people who happen to be assigned female at birth, even the most liberated suffer from some amount of internalised misogyny — or even just the relentless examination of their own thoughts in trying to root out the misogyny they know is in there. It's an ugly thing people really try to pretend isn't real. Feminists are also misogynists. Society has raised us all ugly and correcting it is a lifestyle, not a one-and-done deep clean.
Sometimes we've thought about it so much that every line of text is haunted by the long shadow of that misogyny. I know I often start and don't finish, or finish and just don't post, my f/f fanfics. It's not just because it attracts more harassment (although it sure used to, at least; I don't know now), but also because I overthink what I'm putting into the world: Is her vulnerability in this moment an attitude of feminine weakness? Is her stoicism just me the writer falling into a bland stoic butch trope because it's easy? Am I replicating gendered things I hate in M/F fanfiction but don't notice in F/F? Is this just writing in character, or is it a sexist stereotype? Hey, what if writing "in character" IS a sexist stereotype? What does this female character, a representative of her entire constructed identity, say about women? Shall I write another scene where she cuts her soft hair and rejects pink girly things and takes her job ever so seriously as part of a power fantasy, in which the excision of femininity goes hand in hand with the attainment of that power?
Every line of text might be a new enfilade in the long identity war. It's Schrodinger's sexism. Who's reading? What will this imply? What will they infer?
I just feel like, personally, until you can exist in society as someone that other people view as a woman, in a way that isn't being perpetually dissected and examined (by yourself, by others, by the people who feel insecure and defensive and want to respond to this saying "uhmmm sweetie that's YOUR problem, I'm an enlightened woman who genders and fucks how I want actually, YOU'RE the only misogynist here, you just suck," as though that's not yet another permutation of exactly the high-pressure, high-critique behaviour I just described), there will simply be fewer people putting their writing about female characters (and by extension F/F) into the public eye, and fewer people who want to do that writing at all.
It's just so fucking exhausting. I think it must be nice, sometimes, writing deathly boring (to me) M/F romance that openly embraces gender stereotypes, where she's always taken by surprise, and he's always competent. Ha.
But then you attempt a M/M romance, and you have to think, "isn't writing masculinity as the totally unexamined default actually kind of an act of collusion, too?" It doesn't have to be. But it sure can be, when you feel like this. And then you throw your laptop out the window. (I'm writing this on my phone. How did you guess?)
You have to draw a line somewhere, horribly, between your existence in a politicised body, your representation of politicised bodies in your art, and your existence as an individual who wants to enjoy their fucking hobby.
Maybe that means you delete all your social media accounts and go herd goats on a mountainside. Or you write about aliens for five years and give them whatever genitals you feel like today. But, like, listen. It's going to be fine. Gender is made up. I know, I know, pretty much everyone else thinks it's a holy binary, just like good and evil, and you have to live in the same world with them, sending coded gender messages all day every day and unable to stop. I know. But it is made up anyway.
Key takeaways: People should write whatever they enjoy writing and kind of just worry less about it. Worrying isn't helping you make fun art. And the amount of fanfiction about female characters and F/F relationships is a poor proxy for whatever we think we mean when we say, "fandom hates women."
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osarina · 3 months
hi carina !! havent been in ur inbox for a while, hru :)) i hope ur well >^< !!
i'm mainly here to ask if u have any writing tips/advice bc ur lit one of my fave bsd writers ever i adore all ur works sm and recently i've hated everything im writing ajkrnjekncvej SO IM WONDERING IF U HAVE ANY ADVICE CEJFCNJ (hopefully this isnt strange eabfihri)
you dont hafta answer this is u dont wanna btw !!! have a great day mwah <333
REDDDDDD MY SWEET LOVE BUG i've been doing okay!! work hasn't been as awful as i expected it to be, i rlly got lucky with my boss HAHAH - how are you doing?? you had exams right?? i hope they all went well!! sorry it took me so long to answer this one, but i wanted to actually be able to give u a good response so it had to wait until i had time i fear
IT'S NOT STRANGE, ur so sweet im giving u the softest forehead smooch. i'm sorry to hear you've been feeling that way about your writing though - i get it, trust me i do LOL, i go through days and weeks where i literally am revulsed by every word i put down in a doc. actually, i just went thru it like 2 days ago while writing the first chapter of civilian dazai so it's all fresh in the head LOL
honestly, i think the most important tip i have is really basic but u should never force yourself to write just for the sake of getting something out. like, i've done it before and whenever i do, i'm soooo unhappy with the results that it usually makes me go through a huge writing slump -> this happened with uu6 actually, i was so busy but i was trying to force the chapter out on time that i ended up rewriting it like 3 times because i hated it so much. finally i decided to move on to write some pmzai drabbles to clear my head & then came back to uu6 when i started feeling it again and behold, it came with ease. sometimes when i want to write but none of my wips are doing it for me, i'll literally conjure up a huge list of tropes and just read through it until one pops out to me LOL and then ill work on that
another i think basic piece of advice is reading. whether its fanfics, or novels, or whatever. whenever i have trouble liking what i write, i find something to read. reading is actually how i taught myself to write HAHAH my go tos are fantasy/scifi- tolkein, martin, herbert, rf kuang, i've been meaning to read sanderson but haven't had the time yet. honestly, in general, if i have free time and i'm not writing something, 9/10 i'm reading something.
i think plotting is also really important!! even for like one-shots, sometimes i get so lost in the writing that i lose focus of what the fic was originally supposed to be about and that frustrates me into deleting everything i've written. so something i do is i list out all of the scenes i want to see in a chapter or a one-shot before i start writing it so that i don't lose focus.
dialogue is a huge hurdle for me - sometimes i struggle to figure out whether or not my dialogue is realistic, so LOL sometimes i just sit there and speak it out loud, acting out a conversation with myself to see if it flows properly and then adjust accordingly. sometimes i do it for like descriptions/narration too if i think the narration isn't flowing or is too clunky. reading things out loud is a go-to way for me to figure out what's wrong with my writing.
and then lastly, this is more of a mental thing than anything else, but i've just slowly had to teach myself not to be too hard on myself. like i'll get so mad if something doesn't come out exactly how i envisioned it, and it used to genuinely make me so disappointed that i couldn't bring myself to write for days. so i've just slowly been working myself into a mentality telling myself that it doesn't have to be perfect to be great, yknow. and ten times out ten, you're seeing faults in your writing that no one else will take notice of.
so the whole tldr:
only write what you WANT to write, dont force urself to finish/write something
read when you can, whether its fanfic or novels or whatever u can get ur hands on
plot things out so you don't get lost
read things out loud that aren't making sense
work on not being so hard on yourself
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
Writing my fic made me really appreciate the way the dev wrote so many of multiple characters scenes If it's just one character, or at least 3 of my favs with mc, I am doing just fine and the scene flows But get all the brothers together and my brain melts going "Nope not handling this" I cannot not write the scenes too so... ctrl+A and delete the whole word pad? No that will just make me cry
Sending you organic white tea with Jasmin cuz that's my fav -🐆
It's really hard to write a scene with that many characters in it. Usually what I do is focus on two or three of the characters that matter.
For instance, if I'm writing a scene where all the brothers, MC, Diavolo, and Barbatos are all together in the student council room, I'll narrow in on the characters that are the focus of the story. For me that's usually MC and one of the others. I'll say what each of the other characters are doing, but then I'll zoom in on MC.
Assuming MC is the viewpoint character, it'd go kinda like this-
You were sitting at the table in the student council room. Lucifer and Diavolo were looking over the upcoming plans for the school festival together. To your left, Belphie was distracting Beel from eating the paperwork in front of him with a bag of spicy newt chips. Across from you, Asmo was painting Satan's nails. Levi was hunched over his handheld device while Mammon was muttering about horse race results while scrolling through his D.D.D.
You looked over to your right, where Barbatos had just finished making tea. He poured a cup and handed it to you. You took it gratefully and sipped it.
You gave Barbatos a look. "Is this...?"
"Indeed," he said, smiling. "White tea with jasmine. I know your favorite, MC."
-and then from that point you can just focus on MC and Barbatos. Everybody else is doing something, but they're not part of the immediate action unless you need them to be. Like if you needed Beel to actually start eating paperwork so Barbatos and MC would get involved in trying to stop him, you can do that. But if you don't need that, he can just continue to be distracted by Belphie in the background.
It's not really possible to focus in on every character when there are that many of them. So I find it's better to have the majority of the characters act more like part of the setting while focusing the action on the characters that matter to the scene.
It isn't really the same as the way the devs write, though. That's because the devs are writing in a different format. For us, we can describe what the characters are doing, as above. That allows us to illustrate that those characters are present without having to involve them in the story directly.
The devs, on the other hand, don't have the luxury of description. For them, it's all dialogue all the time. Which means that if they want us to know that all those characters are in the same place, they have to have each character say something. And if they want us to know what each character is doing, they have to have each character either say what they're doing (e.g. having Asmo say, "Oh Satan this new color of polish I found looks amazing on you!") or having one of the other characters say what they're doing (e.g. having Mammon say, "Can't believe you're lettin' Asmo paint your nails that color, Satan.")
This is why I often talk about how I think this format is limiting to how good things like event stories can be. It isn't that it's impossible, but I do think it can contribute to the lack of quality.
Sorry to take your ask and run with it, wow. I'm always surprised at how much I have to say about these things lol. You'd think I'd be used to it by now...
Anyway, I don't know if any of that rambling helps at all, but good luck with your fic!
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cy-cyborg · 1 year
So I sent you an ask before your tumblr got deleted and I’m assuming the ask got deleted too. Basically, when I was watching Nimona I thought Ballistar got his prosthetic too quickly after his amputation. But I don’t actually know how long it takes for an amputation to heal, or to build up the strength needed to use a prosthetic. Also I would have liked to see him learn to use his prosthetic instead of using it perfectly from the beginning. But I’m not an amputee. Are my impressions of this accurate?
Yeah, I'm really sorry about that (also that it took me a little while to answer this time too!), I'm pretty sure my answer was actually the next post in my queue 😅.
So I haven't seen Nimona (I really want to, but I don't currently have Netflix lol) so I can only answer generally, but the healing time is different depending on what you mean by healed. If you mean just the wound healing, that takes a few weeks, usually 2-4 weeks. If you mean able to wear a prosthetic, for leg amps, that's usually 6-8 weeks, but I think it might be shorter for arm amputees since they aren't weight bearing through their stumps. Im not 100% sure, though. To fully heal (the swelling in the stump goes down, general pain settles, etc) can take a year or more, but most people will be back to their normal lives long before that, though. As for building up strength to use the prosthetic, that's really variable. Some people take to their prosthetics REALLY quickly, others take a while. The type of amputation is a big factor, but lots of other little things go into it too. Ballistar is an above-elbow amputee right? As I understand it, those kinds of prosthetics are quite difficult to use, both due to the strength needed and due to them not being super intuitive.
In saying all this though, unless its a focal point of the story or its a very grounded/realistic setting, I'm personally pretty lenient with most sci-fi/fantasy in this regards. We definatly need more media - even fantasy and sci-fi that shows that side of being an amputee or at least puts in effort to acknowledge it, but I think stories that lean a bit more into the fantasy side of things have their place too, especially in stories like Nimona where the focus seems to be elsewhere. This isn't to say you shouldn't try to include the realistic rep where you can, but you have to find a balance between realism and the tone your story has. Some stories really would benefit from the more grounded/realistic depictions that show everything, others might only need a brief mention. It depends on the story, and it's really hard to say where Nimona lies on that spectrum without having actually seen it, but from the little I have seen, I feel like it falls on the "brief mention" side of things since it already has so much going on.
I'm going to use How to Train Your Dragon as an example of what I'm trying to say, just becuase I know the first movie got a lot of critisism from amputees for having hiccup literally get up and start walking the moment he woke up after loosing his leg, but I think it lands in a similar area of the spectrum I'm talking about. HTTYD is one of those movies where having the more realistic approach wouldn't have really fit with the tone or pacing, but it would have benifited from a little more than what we got. Not much though, since we kind of already got it with toothless anyway. In my opinion, all it needed was a slight tweak to that ending scene and it would have been perfect (in my opinion). Personally, I would have made Hiccup (without a prosthetic) sit on toothless's back when they went out the door for the first time. The scene plays out almost exactly the same, and you get the symbolic framing the directors wanted, while acknowledging that walking so soon after a burn amputation is not going to happen. Gobber gives Hiccup the tail, saddle and his new leg in the bundle, which allows them to keep the "That bit's my handiwork, with a little hiccup flair thrown in. Think it'll do?" line. Hiccup can instead hold the leg in his hand and say "I might make a few adjustments" - everyone laughs and then it cuts to the end scene with them all flying with the implication some time has passed the same as in the real film. It's a small tweak, but I do think that's all it really needed.
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So yeah, While its great to have more realistic representation in your stories, you got to work within the tone your story has. There's no "one size fits all" way to approach it. Again though, I could be wrong about where Nimona would fall here, I know it does tackle heavy subjects in regards to trans representation and discrimination, so maybe it could have made it work. I'll probably talk more about it once I actually see the movie though!
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androidcharles · 1 month
Hey, I am sorry I missed the stream and it didn’t go like you wanted. Are you ok? I think 7 CST is a good time but I have trouble remembering it’s 6PM for me sometimes. I usually put a timer on my phone but I forgot this time. I’ll be sure to use a timer next time though so I can join in on the fun again!
And I just wanted to check in and see how you were doing, I hope that was ok to make sure, so you don’t have to answer this ask unless you feel like it. Take care and you’re doing great! That’s still true even if I misunderstood something and you were just doing a Burt Burt bit. (I worry too much and take things seriously even when I know someone’s playing a character, hahah.)
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Oh no trust me I'm fine. I think it would be pretty in character as well for my Burt Burt to get bit discouraged at the scene as well. I think I'm just mostly bitter about this because I literally felt... awful after that. I guess I understand why some people can't show up b/c school is starting and parents will want their children to go to bed on time and such but honestly it really felt like a knife going through my chest when it happened.
And it honestly spiraled into a bunch of really awful bad thoughts that made me feel like crying because I just... I just couldn't handle it. I'm mostly disappointed in myself because I just... I just don't understand why I can't be normal about ONE unsuccessful thing like this. I'm pretty sure it won't happen again, but GOD does it feel discouraging.
Basically I'm actually disappointed in myself. No one has done anything wrong. And in all honesty, I wish I could just go back and slap myself for making those awful snide comments in the VOD about no one showing up (I will be deleting it for this reason)
I'm really sorry for ranting on your ask and especially to you guys. I will be taking this ask down soon, when I feel just a little bit better, but for now, I just feel disappointed in myself...
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doctorweebmd · 7 months
I never knew what to say about zsg because, well, there are a lot of aspects about it that don't align with my usual taste, despite its objective high quality. I mean, I'm a sfw fan 😂 That said, I'm always in awe that with your busy job, you continue to feed us so well. I'm busy too and only going yo get busier, so it's an inspiration, as longfics are what I prefer to write as well (though it doesn't come nearly as naturally, lol). And, you're right, zsg deserves to hear the love and admiration I have for it, so here goes.
To start with, the fic definitely has residence in my head, despite reading it nearly a year ago. There are scenes I still think about. I was talking about then with a friend just a week ago. Since I don't have time to read fic these days (cries), the most I can do is go back to old fics and reread my favorite scenes, and I do that with zsg, because there are such high quality, top tier moments. The "you're looking at me" "I never stopped" ??? That might be the pinnacle bkdk. I can't believe I've never seen that before in a bkdk fic? Or if it was there, it didn't hit as hard.
I know you're not so into the falling action part of a fic, but I loved the last bits with bkdk. When Baku realizes Deku's staying? Those moments they have of figuring things out are so good. And the provisional exam being inspired by Kamino was great. Really clever and a nice homage. And, of course, very nice that Deku could be a hero again.
Also, the Shinsou content is perf. I always love a side character having a big part in a ship fic and that shinbaku relationship is exactly why. (Similarly, I loved All Might and Aizawa helping Baku out.) That flashback scene where Deku calls Baku Kacchan? So good. And so smart as a flashback, because it would have been too much in the actual timeline, but where you fit it in the plot was really really clever. I also generally love a flashback--unpopular opinion, but I do.
Those were some of my biggest highlights! I hope my little disclaimer at the top isn't totally assholish 💀 I think you're just great and really admire your openness and the things you try to tackle in fics and your incredible output. I hope you're doing well <3
ahhh Anjum thank you so much for sending this!!! AHHH i'm sorry i complain on here so often i was so embarrassed i deleted the post lmao
gosh yeah especially when you read sfw stuff in general! i have this habit of writing REALLY detailed and explicit sex scenes 😳 what made you read it, in that case? (obviously you dont have to answer!)
god. every time i think about their devotion to one another i want to combust into flames. think for much LESS we had to work with when we were writing a few years ago?! the way horikoshi has developed katsuki into this passionate, level-headed, absolutely hopelessly committed to Izuku - literally never saw it coming. these two deserve peace in the end. they deserve to live a life on their own terms. they just DESERVE TO BE HAPPYYYY
urgh its Izuku's DREAM and of course horikoshi is setting him up to lose one for all, i think thats been his intention from the beginning, but his life is only starting!!! he's only 15!!! you're telling me he's going to risk his life and lose the only thing he's ever wanted?! i wonder if horikoshi used all might in his big-old mecha suit as a hint that deku would still be a hero, just using assist devices. at least i hope. this kid deserves a chance. (i dont know if you're caught up on the manga?? i'm kind of ranting lol)
adjfakldjflk;asjdlfjasdfj ANYWAY WHEN I TELL YOU THIS MADE MY DAYYYYYY adsjfaldjfkl argh you just made me so happy especially because its been a long time and i forget parts about it but TO HEAR THAT EVEN THE PARTS THAT FELT LIKE A STRUGGLE WERE STILL ENJOYABLE?! urgh i appreciate you so much thank you for taking time out of your day to reassure a complainy weirdo like me
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richmond-rex · 9 months
I was tagged by super talented @eve-to-adam! Thank you <3
How many works do you have on AO3? I've got 19 fics currently on ao3 (but I always think about deleting some of them so that number may go down).
What fandoms do you write for? Currently I only write historical RPF, but I've got two Still Star-Crossed stories on my profile as it stands. It was very fun to write them but the show wasn't renewed and eventually my passion ran out.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Draw Your SwordsBlooming (modern AU) We Sang of Roses (modern AU) A Royal BedJoy on Earth
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Though not always successful (I'm kind of a forgetful person, sorry!) I try to respond to comments because I like to acknowledge the person's effort in commenting. It's very easy to simply read and leave a like/kudos, but leaving a comment sometimes after you're still processing a story or when you're naturally very shy takes a bit more from you. So I like to acknowledge that.
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably To love God is to love a sinner, but some stories have ambiguous endings such as The Relentless Weight and more recently, The Hour of the Wolf.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Probably my no-plot-only-fluff fic, White Christmas
Do you get hate on fics? Not frequently, thankfully, though that's probably because the readership I get is so small. I did once get a comment saying my story was too cheesy, and another one once berating me for describing Elizabeth of York as 'blonde' (a herald who witnessed her coronation described her hair as 'light yellow'; so please don’t tell me I’m wrong ♥)
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do (though not frequently), which is considered controversial because I write about real (albeit historical) people. Sex is part of the human experience and it can tell us a lot about the characters and the relationships, so I try to feel less guilty about it. I also like to take smut as an exercising in writing: to test how far I can get in evoking a sensation without getting into more explicit territory is always a challenge.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? In terms of different fandoms? I don't remember ever doing that. I have mixed different eras, though.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of!
Have you ever had a fic translated? Again, not that I'm aware of.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not a fic per se, but once I did share an AU with @harritudur and another friend. It was very fun :D
What’s your all-time favourite ship? I do love to explore the relationship between Henry VII and Elizabeth because it was so unlikely to have happened in the first place, let alone succeed. I find it very touching! I do have other ships, though.
What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? It's not a WIP that I have posted anywhere but I did start writing a oneshot that I wanted to dedicate to a friend about the relationship between Edward IV and George of Clarence! It did feature a few unexpected people too.
What are your writing strengths? Probably dialogue and themes. It's difficult to say, I pick my writing apart so much when I'm in the process of writing it, once I publish it's very hard for me to go back and confront myself. It all kind of turns into nebulous territory.
What are your writing weaknesses? Many, many things but scene transitions are probably at the top of the list! That's why my story chapters usually all take place in a single scene.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? As a bilingual person I find it important to portray this completely unique experience of mixing two languages as they come (if the character in question is multilingual). It's not a popular view, though I do think people should get more comfortable with not understanding word-by-word everything that ever comes across the page. The strangeness of being confronted with a language that you do not know is a part of a different kind of experience and it can only enrich your reading. Of course, all should be within reasonable limits: information that is essential to the overall story should be in the language the story is set in.
First fandom you wrote for? I think it was Star Wars but I can't remember if I actually published it anywhere. I was very very young lol
Favourite fic you’ve ever written? Blooming has a very dear place in my heart, it was the first fic I actually felt like accomplishing myself in terms of achieving the characterisation I wanted for my characters and creating a narrative that made sense for their development.
I think most people have been tagged already, but I'm tagging @harritudur, @heartofstanding and anyone else who feels like joining in the fun! x
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greensagephase · 10 months
can we have a rundown of readers relationships with all the characters as of chapter 11? :P like what she thinks of them and where she stands with all of em individually?
I wanted to reply to this sooner but I'm in the middle of editing and both this ask and part 11 turned out longer than intended (someone needs to take my laptop away from me, especially after part 11 😭) but here it is! I hope it gives you a clear picture, though some friendships I haven't really thought of as much as others (sorry). I also want to clear up that part 11 takes place a few months before the Thanksgiving drabble. Part 11 takes place sometime in May, early June, two months after Miguel's near death experience.
Just to get it out of the way, reader loves everyone in the friend group! They're her found family and she's grateful that they've welcomed and taken her in as part of the friend/family group! She wouldn't be where she is now mentally if it wasn't for them! And without Miguel, too since she tells him things she doesn't share with others. The Spider Society has changed her and given her a support system! 🥺
Individual Characters
★Peter B.: She sees Peter as a kind of friend/father ish figure? You can tell from their interactions from when Miguel was in the infirmary, the way he comforts her is kind of father ish but there's still the friend element. Lots of respect for him. She loves that Peter got a second chance with MJ and now he has his little family.
★Jess: Reader sees her as a mentor and friend. Reader has a lot of respect for her! She's grateful to Jess for recruiting her into the Spider Society and not giving up after reader rejected the invitation the first few times. She wouldn't have her found family if Jess hadn't insisted.
★Miles: Out of all the other teenagers, reader has the strongest sibling sense with him in my head. It's supported by the way Miles's parents have taken her in by inviting her into their home and their family gatherings. They show her parent love sometimes, even though she's an adult and Miles also treats her like an older sibling, so he's truly like her little brother!
★Gwen: She's like reader's teenage sister. She can tell when Gwen is down, especially when Gwen thinks back to when she lost her version of Peter and what happened with her dad, so reader gets her to talk and cheers her up with something she baked.
★Pav: I love Pav and Hobie as new additions to the cast (obviously Miguel is included in this....), so I always have reader interacting with the two of them somehow. Pav is like a little brother, too! She hears him out whenever he needs to talk about Gayatri (both good and bad, though Pav and Gayatri never have bad moments, I don't think?), which reader also loves! She visits Pav's universe a lot and sometimes asks for hair advice from him. Reader usually sits with him and Hobie above the cafeteria watching other spider members. She just listens and watches as Pav mentions how "the chemistry is palpable" between certain spider members. He's always right...
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★HoBiE!: Same as Pav but with Hobie there's a little difference because of Hobie's slightly older age. He seems like the type of person who can read people very well and reader is no exception. When she tries to play off something, he pushes her to be honest (same way he did with Gwen when she didn't tell Miles everything regarding the Spider Society and all of that). There was actually a deleted scene in part 9 when everyone shows up at the infirmary at the end (that made the cut) and he asks her if Miguel knows how he was found yet (reader's spidey senses going off and her actually finding him). She gets a little defensive and tells Hobie that she'll tell Miguel if he asks her, saying it's not important now that Miguel is safe. Pav is there, too and at reader's defensiveness, him and Hobie share a knowing look. Hobie's like the one that knows something is going on underneath the surface between reader and Miguel, at this point lowkey, and he gets worried that Miguel will end up hurting reader by pushing her away. Reader loves Hobie even if sometimes he pushes her out of her comfort zone by making her speak up or so, when she usually wouldn't.
★Margo: Same as Gwen, she's like a sister to reader. Reader always tries to cheer Margo up because she knows about her family life (I hope it gets better in the future). She offers her apartment as a place to stay if Margo needs to get away for a bit. It was mentioned in part 8 that Margo goes to sleep very late (I don't know why but Margo struck me as a night owl lol) and reader respectfully tells her to get proper rest because she gets worried about her. Reader wishes she could do more for Margo.
★Porker: Good friends with him. He let's her borrow some of his weapons he carries around because of his hammerspace, which reader finds fascinating (also the fact he can float in midair when he smells food?). Finds his universe interesting. One of his counterparts has beef with her. No, I won't elaborate right now.
★Noir: Sometimes the other spider members (not in the friend group) tease him about not being able to see colors or by the way he talks because of his time period, and reader defends him (this is when reader stands up). When they play board games on Friday nights and the colors matter she helps him! He really likes her apartment and loves her baking, which she's always happy to bake for (Noir gives me sweet tooth vibes). Also, he loves the fact that reader has her Peter's record player because, you know of his time period, so she loves telling him about her own Peter's music collection.
★Peni: She's also like a sister to reader. She noticed Peni likes to eat sweets when she works, so she always takes her little snacks. She's one of the youngest in the friend group so reader sees her as a little sister. Reader also loves Peni's robot and she admires Peni's abilities (girl literally made/fixed, I can't remember, a goober in ITSV so reader is always impressed.)
★Ben Reilly: I'm including him because I love him, too!! There's not many interactions with him and reader in the story but in the background they talk. They go on missions and work together. She has learned about his past and is more understanding towards him than other members are and because of that he really likes her... ★Lyla: She pushes reader's buttons sometimes but is that surprising? She still asks questions to reader when she's organizing the lab or working on the reports. Reader does love her though! She knows Lyla has kept Miguel company on days when he had no one else so for that, reader is very thankful. They have a little banter that sometimes makes Miguel wonder if Lyla would happily ditch him to work with reader 100% but he's not bothered by it though because it's reader and well...
★Miguel: He's her friend and confidant. She shares things with him she hasn't shared with the others. Her friend group is her found family, and Miguel is her best friend, though neither have said it yet but like, they keep referring to each other as "close friends" so... Loves spending time with him, especially outside of HQ! Still goes on missions with him and they sneak to the tallest building when they're done collecting anomaly matter. They eat paletas payaso and other Mexican candy that Miguel keeps hidden in his lab just for them just for her. 🤭She's very grateful that Miguel has opened up to her and trusts her with things he, too, has never shared with anyone else. She wishes she could comfort him in more ways but she's patient with him and respects his boundaries. She knows one day she might be able to but for now she comforts him however she can. They spend more time together now that they work on the reports and have dinners at each other's places. Finds his presence comforting. Loves his cooking! She'd do anything to see him happy again and for him to have his old life back.🥺 Wishes she could've met him when he had Gabriella and his wife. Wants to see him smile and laugh, like his true smile and laugh because she knows what she sees and hears is still somewhat reserved but she loves what she gets already because she knows no one else gets to see/hear him like this. She loves him as a close friend/best friend... for now.
I think that's everyone? Let me know if I missed someone! And I'm sorry for just replying! I didn't think it was going to take this long to write lol!
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lurkerwithcomputer · 5 months
Melon Tears - WIP
Rain beats against the window, distant thunder rumbles and Ui's mind churns like the stormclouds beyond the glass. He stares down at his phone. At the last message Hairu sent before she disappeared.
Disappeared. Don't even know if she's alive-- No. She has to be. She's pregnant. Pregnant.
In his mind's eye, Ui replays the moment she told him.
Hairu's face was pale, tension pulled her normally chatty mouth into a tight line, eyes wet and red-rimmed, unable to meet his own, as she stumbled over the word "pregnant". She clung to his shirt with a desperation he'd never seen before even while she looked like she wants to cringe away and curl in on herself. Tangling his fingers in her hair and stroking circles with his fingertips didn't make her light up like it usually would.
He thinks of the crime scene, her ransacked apartment, splattered with blood that belonged to someone else.
Hairu, did you already know something was horribly wrong? And I couldn't tell. I'm a terrible boyfriend. And I'm going to be a terrible father. A father... wait. Did--
Terror and horror seize his lungs with freezing fingers, make the air feel like cold black water.
What if she faked her death and ran because she lost the baby? A miscarriage? ...If there's any god listening, please not that. Please give me a chance to actually fuck up fatherhood before taking it away.
He feels sick even as he sucks in a breath that makes the room stop shuddering. He looks at his phone again, running his eyes over the message. The words haven't changed, no revelations suddenly strike him, but it helps blot out the mental image of Hairu skulking in a damp, decrepit bathroom, bleeding crimson goop and little lumps of flesh into a grimy toilet bowl. He locks himself onto the glow of the screen, and the nausea fades a bit. It'll have to be enough.
CreamSodamelon: Koori. I'm so sorry. I can't tell you about the Garden. I just
CreamSodamelon: I don't want you to hate me. I know you'll understand if I say show SaltyRamen this text. He can explain why. I hope you don't hate him too. Please delete it after.
CreamSodamelon: I love you, Koori.
A codename. SaltyRamen. He knows that's Shio, with his name pronounced like sea salt ramen sauce. I hope that's Shio, because I've got nothing else. He takes a deep breath. He's going to corner Shio in the office tomorrow.
Ui crawls out of bed with his head already sore and his eyes sandpapery. The early morning light just makes him feel hung-over. He blunders his way to the shower, not caring about the bruises thumping into the doorframe is going to give him, exhausted enough to barely feel the pain. He turns up the hot water until it almost stings.
Being clean makes him feel a little more human, if not any less tired - his freshly loosened muscles just highlight his exhaustion. His face aches under his eyes, just a bit. He looks in the mirror. Eyebags dark and wide enough to hide a pile of corpses in stare back at him.
His shirt clings uncomfortably, even though it's the same shirt he has a dozen of, chosen to be comfortable in both an office chair and a life-or-death fight. He keeps his tie loose compared to his usual triangular knot. No need to dredge up the choking feeling that haunts him when he thinks of Hairu and make it physical. His suit jacket makes him sweat despite the unusually cool and clammy weather.
He steps into the CCG Main Office to find Hirako and Sasaki waiting for him in the coatroom, coats already hung. Sasaki doesn't look all that great himself, but he smiles as always, his half-wave calling attention to the plastic shopping bag he holds. The Quinx are lined up like ducklings next to Sasaki - each of them waves, too. Ui's neck prickles with the feeling of eyes on him. Yonebayashi is looking at him with a look he's never seen on her face before - although most of his experience with her so far is that she's childish, lazy, and rude.
Although I heard she did well at the Auction operation. Maybe she is capable of taking things seriously.
"Mediocre morning, Hirako-san, Sasaki-san, Sasaki's ducklings," he says, and he doesn't have to fake the flat voice this morning, "how are you?"
Sasaki laughs, Hirako snorts quietly, as does Shirazu. Mutsuki looks openly concerned, Urie says nothing, but eyes Ui with a sharply appraising look.
"Not bad. Got a bit rained on," replies Hirako. Indeed, water darkens the collar of his shirt and jacket.
"I'm doing well," says Sasaki, touching his chin.
The Quinx reply at the same time, blurring their words into a nonsense chorus, except for silent Urie, who is still watching him sharply. Sasaki motions with the plastic bag he's holding, not quite holding it out, but obviously trying to coax Ui into taking it.
"Squad Zero and the Quinx put something together for you," says Haise, with a smile that makes Ui already feel bad for wanting to refuse.
"No offense," Hirako starts, "but you look like you need to take a sick day."
The thought of Hairu spending another day somewhere unknown, maybe kidnapped, maybe running away from who-knows-what - or who, or me - burns in his stomach.
"I can work," Ui protests.
"If you say so," says Hirako, tone soaked in disbelief.
Haise fully extends his arms, holding out the bag. Well. It would be incredibly rude to say 'no' now. And yet Ui finds himself hesitating, pulled in two directions by emotions he doesn't have the energy to sort out. An arm wraps around his waist, and body-warm, sweaty plastic is pressed into his palm, held there by a wide, soft, inhumanly strong hand. Not Sasaki, but Yonebayashi, who is still looking up at Ui with an expression he can't decipher.
"Special Class Bowl-Cut," she says, and he doesn't have the energy to rebuke her, "Hirako-san was being nice about it. You look like you've been scraped out of an ashtray in my mom's bar. So you're going to take the gift bag, and if you need to cry, Saiko-oneesan will lend you her shoulders."
For a moment, shock holds him immobile. Why is she doing this? I thought Yonebayashi doesn't like me. Ui isn't sure whether he's offended or reassured. Maybe both. His eyes burn as he takes the gifts. Sasaki looks mortified, mouthing the words "special class bowl cut" to himself. Hirako is staring blankly. Ui looks around at the other three Quinx.
Mutsuki wears a troubled half-smile.
Urie has sucked in his lips, he looks as if he has no mouth.
"That's my girl," mutters Shirazu, in what sounds like approval.
The gift bag turns out to be a box of kleenex, a few instant noodles, a couple strawberry ramune... and the rest is melon bread. His burning eyes feel wet now. Look what losing Hairu has turned me into, I feel like a pathetic soggy rat. He swallows, throat dry. His stomach grumbles. He looks back at Yonebayashi.
"Can we go to a breakroom? I haven't eaten breakfast, and I might need your shoulders."
The breakroom couch is soft and somewhat lumpy. Yonebayashi leans him against herself, warm and anchoring. Office talk about the Quinx Squad vaguely comes to mind now that he's sitting right next to her. Isn't she an older sister?
The melon bread is delicious. Images of Hairu float in his mind - smiling in the sun, stuffing dry autumn leaves down his jacket, waking up next to him, sleepy and warm. He's never eaten a better breakfast in his life. He's never eaten a more painful meal in his life. He's vaguely aware that Yonebayashi is rubbing his back. He doesn't realize the quiet sobbing is him until his blurry vision makes the melon bun miss his mouth and hit his cheek instead.
It's wet.
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thursdayinspace · 5 months
twenty questions for fanfic writers
I was tagged by the amazing @oohnotvery, thank you!! <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
10, but I orphaned my old account several years ago when I left fandom for a bit. I don't know how many I had back then, over 100 for sure.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The X-Files. There's most likely going to be some Star Trek in there eventually, and I ventured into other realms in the past, but right now, exclusively The X-Files.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
under construction (Torchwood)
wild side (The X-Files)
in conclusion (The X-Files)
the ghost circle (Torchwood)
the physics of being alive (Torchwood)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes. If I ever forget, I'm sorry! I love every comment and it's important to me to say thank you.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
held safely in the dark (Torchwood). It's not even all that angsty by that fandom's standards, I suppose.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Good question. I rarely ever write unhappy endings. Fanfic is my happy place. But I think the one I most enjoyed writing because there was NO angst at all was in conclusion (The X-Files).
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Ohhhh my god one time in a different fandom on my old AO3, somebody left a scathing, vitriolic comment on one of my fics, but obviously meant to do it anonymously -- only they forgot to log out first. By the time I read it they had deleted their entire account. That made the whole thing actually funny in context.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, I do. What kind? Hmm. Mostly pretty plain and boring. It's all about the feeeeeelings.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I used to. Back in the good old livejournal days I loved a good crossover. I wrote a Stargate Atlantis/Firefly crossover once, that might have been the craziest.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I'm...not sure? I think so? But that would have been like 15 years ago, I'm not sure anymore whether that actually happened or not.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes!! And it's so much fun. I've had a few co-writers over the years. Once life is less crazy, I might be tempted to give it another shot.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Mulder and Scully. There's a reason my tag for them is "the ship of all time."
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
None, currently. ...I'm. Hold on. That can't be true. But I truly can't think of a single one. I can't remember the last time that happened. This doesn't happen. But no, not one.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue. Because it's fun, and through years and years of practice. One of my first betas drilled "show, don't tell" into my head to the point where I feel it's permanently tattooed onto the backs of my eyelids and I see it every time I blink when I'm writing. And in my very specific case, that meant learning to make people use their words. BUT it has helped me getting rid of unnecessary exposition, which at the same time made me get a lot of practice with dialogue instead. (Let's ignore the fact that I literally just posted a fic that has almost no dialogue at all...)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action. I can't do it, I'm sorry. Whose hand goes where when? Does this guy need three arms to do what I just told him to? Wait, you were just over there, how did you get here suddenly? Anyone who can write action scenes has powerful magic and I envy you and please teach me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm bilingual, so I could do that, I suppose? The need for it has never come up. Sounds fun though.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Stargate Atlantis!! I still miss that fandom. Ahh the livejournal nostalgia is strong tonight...
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
It's usually always the last one I posted, but I'm gonna say in conclusion. I'm very fond of that one.
Tagging...I don't know who has done this and who hasn't! @mr-iskender if you want to?
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dairy-farmer · 1 year
Hi! 🥹🥹 I absolutely adore your writing and your characterization of Tim, like he’s so life like and real, but also super lovable. Your works has actually inspired me to write something about Tim, like the movie vibes and your words are so captivating?? Authors with magical words like you are so rare 😭 thank you for existing and posting and writing!! 🥰🥰🥹
I’ve read books and tried writing little by little. Sorry if this is annoying, please just ignore this question if you’re uncomfortable answering. I was wondering about your writing process and how you plan it out? Like, do you imagine Tim in a scenario, and he just automatically moves and talk? Sorry if this makes no sense. Like, because he’s smart and I’m not really so it’s kinda hard 😭
Your flow is also super super smooth and has a rhythm, which is 🥰🥰!! Like something about your writing is so pleasing. Thank you once again for sharing your works!! 😭😭 like your tumblr answers and tweets are written so well, if you publish books that’s not even about Tim, I’d buy it no doubt.
I hope you’re having a great month and great year, and everything is going smoothly for you 🥰🥰 thank you for inspiring me to write.
that's so great to hear!!!!!!!!!!! i'm so happy you've started experimenting with writing that makes me ecstatic to hear!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ it's most definitely not annoying and i'd love to answer to the best of my ability!!!
the way i write is a bit disorganized- it's usually an idea that hits me or a concept that unfolds in my mind from normal everyday things. for example: on twitter i wrote a dicktim thread fic that took place in the very back seat of a car on the ride home from the beach. i got the inspiration to write it from remembering how much i hated going to the beach as a kid because i'd get back to the car all wet and sandy and i'd be cramped in the backseat where the cooler, towel, bags, and bags of peoples wet clothes and bathing suits would all be and i imagined how much more it would've sucked if i'd been part of an even larger family and naturally since all i think about is tim i thought of him in that situation and how he probably would've ended up sitting on someone's lap on the ride home. so i think that ideas sort of come from all your experiences and things that you know. the more things you do, read, or watch help fill your head with little bits of information, tropes, and all different kinds of things that may end up creating ideas!!
in terms of how i plan things either in tweets, tumblr responses, and within fics in general. i don't actually outline anything- i really should though!!! i feel like thoughts would be a lot easier to organize if i outlined it first. but with twitter i just write what i think of as it comes to me. because of how twitter is structured it's hard to do a traditional 'beginning' 'middle' 'end' storytelling without it getting too long and the character limits on individual tweets means often your thoughts get interrupted by the limit so you have to delete and rewrite things for it to fit. tumblr and normal fic writing you sit down and do similar things but there's also more...thought put behind it? like on tumblr and when writing fics i can go back and change, add, or delete things without completely altering the general flow of it! so the platform you're using definitely plays a role in how well you can get into a rhythm of writing!
with how my brain works with imagining the scenes as i write them it's a little bit hard to describe? it's a lot like when you're reading- the scene is playing out in your head and not in front of your eyes like how it does when you watch TV. i learned some time ago that there are some people who don't have the ability to mentally visualize things. like if you asked someone to imagine an apple they wouldn't be able to do it. when i learned that it was incomprehensible to me because when i write it's less that i'm thinking it and more like i'm 'describing' what i see in my mind. like in my writing when i say tim is out of breath it's because he's panting like he's run a marathon. if i say his skin is glistening it's because he's sweating heavily and the light is bouncing off it. occasionally i do slip in more in-depth detail, like i wonder where the light source is coming from in order to get the 'glistening' effect and a more comprehensive layout forms in my head- maybe the curtains of the window is open and sun/moon is shining light in, maybe there is a bedside lamp, a candle etc. often times when i'm writing the scenes it's from the perspective of a 3rd person or a 'film camera' effect. i never see the scenes from the point of view of tim or any of the characters- it's like i'm always observing them from the corner of the room ( a bit of a creepy way to put it but that's how my perspective occurs). i don't think i 'direct' their actions very consciously, i sort of let them play out in my head by themselves and if i don't like how something is going i 'replay' it and do the scene again until it's formatted or done in a way that i like and that's what ends up getting written down. that's the reason why a lot of my stuff isn't particularly dialogue heavy, i focus more on descriptions and internal monologues and scene settings and i tend to use dialogue when i'm leading to some conclusion or something to push the scene/get the plot moving.
also your point about tim being really smart rings true because if you want to do a mystery you need to plan and figure it out first- the problem with writing a very intelligent or clever character who always comes out on top is that you sort of need to be smart to do it and pull it off 😭😭😭😭😭
thank you so much for all your kind words 🥰🥰🥰🥰 it makes me so happy to learn that you enjoy my work and it makes me even happier to know that you've been inspired to write!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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vikenticomeshome · 6 months
Cyberchase - The Hacker's Most Humiliating Defeat
I wanted to draw attention to what may well be The Hacker's most humiliating defeat. Yes, I am aware that he has gone through his villain decay during the show's long run. However, my go-to example is from way back in the early days, specifically April 14, 2003. This was when they released "Numberless Poddles", an official webcomic made for the pbskids.org website.
The basic plot is that The Hacker stole the numbers off the Poddles of Poddleville. He also stole their record book containing all of their numbers. Finally, he made them forget everything. We learn from the comic that, in Poddle society, the number a Poddle is given dicatates what they are supposed to do. Without their numbers, nobody knows what to do, and Poddle society screeches to a halt. That is a much more dystopic description than we ever got in the show.
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This comic is weird. They made the backgrounds using screenshots from Season 1 Episode 7, "The Poddleville Case". This was a tweaked version of the original 1999 pilot, which was known for a wonkier art-syle than what became the final show. Then, they sort of stuck their own drawn images over the backgrounds. Their drawings are in a completely different style, which clashes with the backgrounds. Still, I recommend any fans of the show to read all of the official Cyberchase web comics. They were taken off the site years ago, and the Wayback Machine Archives are missing pieces. However, they have been restored in full as part of Blue Maxima's Flashpoint Archive Project. Anyway, before we get to The Hacker's humiliating defeat, here is one example of the disconnect between the original pilot screenshot and the art. There is a scene in the comic where Motherboard gives instructions to the kids. For the background, they used a screenshot of the pilot where Motherboard gave instructions to the kids. That's about the easiest way they could have assembled a comic panel with Motherboard an the kids. However, Digit is also in this comic. Recall that he wasn't in the original pilot. How did they add him in?
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It's like they put a sticker on top of some grainy VHS footage. Would you like to see The Hacker's double chin? No. Too bad.
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Yeah, they wanted a shot of The Hacker, Buzz, and delete with The Hacker in this pose. But they didn't like his face, so they drew another face. You can see his iconic chin from the pilot sticking out, though they covered up most of it. The face from the background shot would have worked though, so I'm not sure why they changed it. Oh, and don't mind the Poddle eggs. They aren't part of this story. They're only here because the webcomic uses screenshots from the pilot.
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But the main point of this post was to talk about The Hacker's humiliating defeat. Skipping ahead, the kids find the stolen book in the Poddleville Vault on Mount Poddle. I don't know if this is supposed to be the Poddle Power Vault from the show or not.
I'm sorry, I have to include two more bizarre comic panels. Remind me, how big is The Hacker?
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The answer is very small.
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Okay, okay, the kids have found the Poddleville Record Book, and now they have to get past Hacker. Is there anything nearby that they could use?
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This was back in the day, when The Hacker was still physically intimidating. He could easily pick up the kids, and they usually just ran away from him. This was back in the day when Delete had stretchy arms and used them to capture the kids. And yet, in this official web comic, the kids defeat The hacker, Buzz, and Delete with giant "Happy Birthday" hats.
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And then they lock him in the vault and leave him to die, I guess.
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How long do you think it took him to figure out the vault code?
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Okay, I have to include one more wacky image from the web comic. Here we are at the end. Motherboard is on a flat-screen TV on the stage congratulating the kids for stopping The Hacker. Matt even gets to insult The Hacker.
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Wait, why is the Poddle known as "Triangle 2" panicking? Didn't the kids just save the day? Let's look at the background after the new drawings have been removed.
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Wait, is this the scene from the pilot where the mayor is holding a press conference to talk about the stolen Poddle Eggs?
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Yeah, they just took this shot from where the tent is about to collapse and erased the mayor.
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rachelbethhines · 11 months
60 Years of Doctor Who Anniversary Marathon - McCoy 4th Review
The Curse of Fenric - Novelization
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I will say this, The Curse of Fenric arguably works better as a novel than a tv story. The deleted scenes are added back in, motivations are explained better, and the plot just makes more sense. It's still needlessly pretentious though. I'm sorry, but the various elements here don't really come together. The author introduces several concepts about growing up, abandonment issues, individual ethics vs conforming to religious societal standards, the nature of war, and climate change... but it feels like it doesn't really have anything to say on the various subjects. Any analogy or commentary the writer wants to make gets lost in the adventure/horror elements and many of the endings for the characters don't feel very satisfying. Mainly because no one actually learns anything or changes for the better except for Ace and what she learns is incredibly vague and mealy mouthed because Ace's arc/conflict was always incredibly vague and left unexplained on screen, despite being central to nearly every story in season 26. Like I don't need to have everything spelled out for me, but if we're going to have an entire story about Ace hating her mom and learning to move past that, then maybe we kind of need to know why she hates her mom. Why does apologize to her mom when she thinks she's going to die? Why does she feel the need to move past her hate for her at the end, when it was the Doctor we saw hurt her on screen? What the ¤¤¤¤ does 'love and hate can coexist' even mean here? What is the damn context!? At least on tv you can kind of excuse the lack of exposition somewhat, especially since the series was canceled prematurely, but this is a book. It provides nothing but exposition, in very flowery prose that goes on and on about nonsense philosophy. Oh but we can get back stories for all the side characters that die off but not for the main character and her driving conflict? There's also a forced 'romance' between Sorin and Ace that comes out of nowhere and doesn't go anywhere, and is 'resolved' by a confusing epilogue where Ace falls in love with his ancestor in the 1880s... as if Ace would ever settle down in a time before women could wear pants in public. But the worse offense is that Briggs doesn't know how to write dialogue for teenage girls in any era. And I don't just mean Ace's bizarre 'seduction' scene where she suddenly acts cray-cray for several pages and this is supposed to be sexy? No, I mean the gosh-awful slang he forces into these poor girls' mouths. No one ever used 'bally doll' as an insult in any time period Ian. Oh and then there's the usual "the Doctor is secretly a god' baloney that you so often find in this era. From this review, you may think I disliked this story, but I didn't. At it's core it's a well told tale, but I won't lie... I enjoy Battlefield more.
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vulcan-highblood · 1 year
VULCAN!!! Hello deary. For the ask thing I have 4 if you’d be so kind. (Feel free to only answer some)
T, Q, L, J(about baby cakes sharingan stealer series)
Omg as always my darling you are the greatest <3
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand? - Pretty sure I've answered this somewhere before, but for the most part I don't dislike much. I think the one thing that can get to me is when characters are too out of character, or if they behave in a way that doesn't make sense to me. That's one of the few things that will make me back out of a story and not finish it.
Q: Do you have any discarded scenes/storylines/projects? - Doesn't everyone? Haha, I try not to think of my projects as discarded, because I want to come back to them, so I haven't actually given up/discarded them so much as put them on my pantry shelf for later. As far as scenes and storylines though, definitely! Sometimes my outline starts as one thing but ends up developing a life of its own. Other times I write a scene and then decide some or all of it doesn't actually suit what I want the story to be doing. In those cases I have to chop it from the story. But I hate deleting things, so i just move it to the bottom of the fic document to my 'edit graveyard'. If you're curious, I'm happy to share some of those 'edit graveyard' scenes. Send another ask and I'll cobble a few together!
L: What’s the weirdest AU you’ve ever come up with? - ooooh good question. I really love the ghost cowboy AU i came up with for my oneshot 'with me' in the Naruto fandom. It's such a fun blend of supernatural shenanigans and also the old west. Both of which are settings that I've not really written before. It's very very different from the naruto universe, but I think it turned out quite good.
J: Write or describe an alternative ending to Sharingan Stealer (series). [Sharingan Stealer story 1 link] - So, I haven't actually finished Sharingan Stealer, though I have a solid idea of how it's going to end. I think that one alternate ending would have been to just leave it at the first fic, and let the one incident between Itachi and Iruka be the only one. Let them join separate genin teams, and allow canon to proceed as usual. Another alternate ending would be to make Iruka more OP, and allow him to develop a combat ability that can be compared to some of the Uchiha clan members we've met in canon. To have Itachi and Shisui teach him all sorts of badass ninjutsu, get Iruka to be a jonin, or maybe even ANBU. It's plausible, and possible, but that's also not the story I want to tell with Sharingan Stealer. I don't want to spoil the ending, of course, but now you know that those are two alternates that aren't going to happen! Lol. Sorry to everyone who was hoping for a badass Iruka. His is a softer power, but no less important.
If anyone else is interested, here's the ask post.
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mightbewriting · 11 months
Do you edit as you go or do you finish the chapter/scene then edit? I find myself rereading my work after I read and thinking it sucks and stopping it. Do you edit your work? I feel as though I compare myself to writers believing they write so well they don’t edit and that I must suck if i edit so much. So sorry if i’m rambling 😭. Writing is hard.
hi anon,
writing is hard. incredibly hard. and it's not worth it in the slightest to compare your drafts to someone else's finished works! of course i edit my work. i edit it to hell and back. and i'm not sure i could come up with a single person i know who puts their work out there 100% unedited. editing is a massive part of the writing process, and usually where a story really starts to take shape.
as for the logistics of the first couple of questions, if you find that rereading what you're working on zaps your motivation to finish, then my vote is to finish first, then reread. that's usually my process. if im writing something longer i might edit/revise chapter by chapter. but if i'm working on a one shot or something shorter, i don't let myself reread at all until i have draft one done. especially if you're someone with perfectionist tendencies, editing as you go can sometimes mean never finishing because the edit loop can trap you and kill all forward momentum.
i'm a big fan of doing word sprints as a way to combat the impulse to reread. a true word sprint involves a getting as many words written in a set amount of time (best experienced with friends imo), with no deleting or editing during the sprint. all the typos stay. all the wording you want to change the moment you finish the sentence stays. its a great way to desensitize yourself to your work being messy and imperfect. so if you haven't tried word sprints before, highly recommend!
hopefully some of this helps, anon!
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