suzukiblu · 2 months
Since multiple requests are fine I would also like to ask for YJ accidental baby acquisition pretty please?
Dammit, Tim thinks, and Dick shares a look with Wally behind Bruce and Barry’s heads. Tim–needs to think. Needs a plan. A strategy. Some basic fucking tactics, if nothing else.
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kazieka · 8 months
Happy birthday! I was gonna send you a picture of my cat and some memes but I'm too dumb to figure it out
they are extremely good pictures thank you!!!!!
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theriverbeyond · 1 year
companies underestimate how much locking their content behind needing an account will just make me go do something else. oh your website wants me to make an account to view this content? oh your website doesn't show media to logged-out users? okay. i didn't actually want to see it that bad. yeah. bye ✌️
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starwhoopsass · 5 months
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The California age bill verification will be voted in monday, please call your reps and tell them to oppose the bill AB3080 as it threathens online privacy, as your ID will be linked to your browser history when you want to access a website. They deem LGBT content harmful to minors, as well as weapons and tobacco, putting them on the same level as nsfw content. Since a lot of tech companies resides in California (Youtube,Reddit,Discord,twitter) who know how they will implement this if it passes. Please take actions here (a script is included to help you) https://www.defendonlineprivacy.com/ca/action.php
Find your rep here https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/
You can also send faxes using this https://faxzero.com/ If you don't live in California,please spread the word and urge others to take actions, make posts and wteets using the hashtags AB3080 and NoOnAB3080
Remind your reps that companies pull out a of a state when they are required to do age verification. California cannot afford to lose that kind of money. Also specifically speak to Reps who are potentially losing votes or are more easily persuaded by telling them how popular this could be for their careers.
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the-phantom-peach · 1 year
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modern link and zelda because they’re cute and i can do what i want <3
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sheikfangirl · 5 months
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"If you want to rescue Zelda, come to my castle!"
This scene always gives me goosebumps 😭
That Sheik plot twist!!!! (Im not Sheik's fangirl for nothing by the way) Zelink have this emotional reunion and are separated immediately! THE DRAMA!!
I'll never be over that game. NEVER! OoT Zelink, my beloved 💕
(Btw I HATE shading gems and crystals 😂😭)
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reunitedinterlude · 4 months
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dnp doing the choreographed eye contact (1, 2, 3)
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figofswords · 1 year
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started playing wind waker and it is making a STRONG case to be my new favorite zelda game. also, king of red lions is making me crazy. “hurry up, link, no time to play around!” dude I’m 12 what are you talking about
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yes-asil · 6 days
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Made fake screenshots for a role-play story I read way back when.
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raavenb2619 · 9 months
I’m not sure when exactly this happened, but I think it’s clear that the aro community really is a community, now.
For the longest time I’ve felt like we were still in stasis, not quite there; a proto-community, yes, but not quite a community. But we have more history now to lean back on, more of each other to talk to and laugh with and cry with and learn from. More people that’ll go forward and make a part of modern aro history. More people that believe us, believe in us, will stand with us if we ask them.
I wouldn’t consider myself an aro elder yet, though each year I’m surprised at how long aromanticism has been a part of my life, how long I’ve been free of doubt or insecurity about my aromanticism, how far we’ve come since I was questioning. Then again, when I was questioning, some of the people I looked up to for guidance were probably close to the age I am now, so I might be there sooner than I think.
And, I’m so so hopeful for all aros, young or old, new or not, because we’ve come so far. Day by day, progress is slow (and yes, it’s unfair, it should be so much faster), but looking back it feels fast. We are our own role models, the people we look up to for guidance. We carve our own path through life, making things up as we go. I used to find that terrifying, because I had no idea what the future would bring. But it’s actually amazing, because I can ignore all these silly “rules” and guidelines about what my life should be, and instead ask, “what do I want my life to be?”
Younger me, you have no idea how awesome your future is gonna be. I’m sorry about the pain and hardship you’ll go through first; it won’t be fair and you shouldn’t have to deal with it. But you’ll make it through, and one day you’ll be me. I can’t wait for you to get here.
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suzukiblu · 6 months
For WIP Wednesday I would love some more Clark wakes up alive! <3
“How the hell did you get in here?!” Desmond demands. Clark ignores him. Keeps smiling at Conner. 
Conner keeps staring at him. A G-nome peeks out from behind him, their expression alien and unreadable. Though Clark is the only alien here, obviously; after all, the genomorphs were all born on Earth.
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kazieka · 2 years
My dear Kaz, do not worry about your lack of ability to vote Vriska in polls. For everytime I come across one that has her as an option I vote for her in your honor. I hope this gives you some manner of peace in these trying times
hey link i would kill or die for you
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peachssodapop · 1 year
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the mention of their different dialects and languages immediately had my enraptured
so here's a very quickly drawn comic based on I cannot seem to find a good german equivalent to silly
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r0semultiverse · 1 month
Small indie artists in need of support for moving out by September!
💜 These lovely folks [@QuinsCurse (they/them) & @sswitchblade03 (xe/xem and he/him)] are part of a small queer-owned Youtube community I'm in. 💖
💖 If you could lend a helping hand by reblogging & queueing this post up until the start of September, I'd greatly appreciate it & I'm sure these fine folks would too! 💜
⚠️ Do not tag as d*nations or anything like that! ⚠️
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"Hi everyone! Requests are officially closed as I am opening emergency commissions! Please consider supporting me as we are getting kicked out and have managed to find a place that’s affordable but need to save up 5k by the end of the month! Anything helps! I also have a dontations page if you are willing to help do that! All the money received from commissions will be going to the deposit! https://ko-fi.com/quinscurse/commissions https://ko-fi.com/quinscurse/goal?g=32"
⚠️ Do not tag as d*nations or anything like that! ⚠️
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"https://ko-fi.com/sswitchblade03/commissions https://ko-fi.com/sswitchblade03/goal?g=0 EMERGENCY COMMISSIONS!! My roommate ‪@QuinsCurse‬and I are needing about $5000CAD for a down payment on a new place as we need to be out of our current place by September! Every bit counts! My goal is to be set to $3000CAD. I will draw anything (coloured and rendered) for $5 CAD each! If you are willing to give more it will be appreciated. Examples of my work below!"
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⚠️ Do not tag as d*nations or anything like that! ⚠️
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kurbiismind · 1 year
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Oh hey, They're all grooving :›
I've been hosting YCH (your Character Here) commissions for this dance and several other things. If ya want one you can grab it on my kofi :› ko-fi.com/kurbiismind
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sheikfangirl · 7 months
Power △ Wisdom △ Courage △
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A rough sketch I made a couple of months ago to commemorate Ocarina of Time's 25th anniversary. I might clean it one day and make prints for my convention tables, idk yet :) I'm still not over this game. I never will.
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