#the adventure was just an unexpected bonus
pianokantzart · 5 months
Anybody else get the vibe that Princess Daisy is the mariner of the group?
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The two Mariokart courses themed after her either are a boat deck or a harbor, and a major part of Sarasaland– the Muda Kingdom– is almost entirely oceanic.
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If she's accustomed to giving commands as a ship captain that would explain why her default volume is so darned loud. It would also explain why she's not available to adventure in most Mario games. If you send her an invitation ahead of time to play tennis or party she'll arrive right on schedule, but you can't exactly call her up spur of the moment to help stop Bowser's latest invasion if she's located in the middle of the ocean somewhere.
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bibluebutterfly · 10 months
I’m sorry but it’s absolutely hilarious and yet adorable how the series handles Broppy’s relationship. First we get them traveling together as rivals (which was a bit more one- sided on Branch’s part) before slowing learning how to work together and to change for the other. Also it’s heavily implied Branch has an underline crush on Poppy. Then we get True Colors, and everyone thinks “okay they’re in love now”.
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Some people/audience members are on board, others not so much. BUT THEN it turns out that the “I love you” they say to each other was a PLATONIC love confession. Like “you’re my friend, and I value you.” Which is still sweet, but was unexpected. (Though it does explain why the writers decided to put another platonic love confession scene between Bridget and Poppy. Yeah, I get it now)
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So they just go through the journey as bffs who have feelings for each other but won’t say anything. And again, they learn how to work and grow together as a team and make the necessary changes to benefit the other. And then FINALLY we get the romantic love confession.
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But it doesn’t stop there, oh no. Now we get adventure #3, this time with them as a full on couple. And they are actually really cute. Actually the film doesn’t focus that much on their relationship but we see hints of how they are as a couple.
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Poppy is still all over the place but she’s much less in her own head and far more open to listening and being a good girlfriend.
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Branch on the other hand is still occasionally getting exasperated by her energy but this time also has an appreciation for it. Also he learns to open up to her a little more and she’s there to listen and accept him with open arms. (Bonus points to their flirty dynamic because wow. They were adorable here.)
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And it’s ONLY THEN (7 years after the first film) when they get their first on screen kiss.
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Anyway. In conclusion: Trolls is the slowest slow burn I have ever seen in a Dreamworks trilogy.
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xiao-come-home · 5 months
thinking ab mechanic reader who treats boothill like he's still fully human and as if he's more of a patient than a machine in need of repair. always fully explains to him what they're about to do, asks if he wants to be conscious for the procedure (instead of asking if he wants to be shut down temporarily), says "this might hurt a little/you might feel some discomfort" as if he still has feeling in his limbs and never brute-forces their way through his body to find an underlying problem. Bonus points if they wash his hair after as part of the package. When he asks them why, they admit they've always wanted to help people and be a doctor but were terrible with blood, but that same empathy and role of a caretaker drew them to the career of mechanic, where they would still be a doctor, just for other life forms such as intellitrons or cyborgs like him. "I'm still a doctor. people come here with injuries or faults, and i treat them. they just don't bleed, which is mighty convenient for me. that, and the fact i don't need a medical license." they chuckle.
I just really like the idea of Boothill having this presence in his life who casually and thoughtlessly affirms his and other's humanity or validity as people like it's second nature to them. no grand declarations, no big gestures, just a completely natural part of their personality.
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Usually when Boothill gets some sort of treatment, he's very talkative. VERY talkative, whether it's something about his recent adventures, rants about his body, that delicious beer he came across last time, hoping his technician gets a little bit more talkative as well.
During your procedures, he's unusually quiet. He watches your hands work on him, gently warning him beforehand what you're about to do, only letting out quiet humms. He usually refuses to be shut down, opting for observing you instead - the way you move his parts with such precision and care, it makes him almost too calm.
Boothill gets surprisingly bashful when you begin to wash his hair, saying it's not necessary at all and that you've helped enough, but he lays still as you insist and already massage his scalp gently, asking if the water is to his liking.
But what's more shocking to him is that all of this is coming truly from your heart; well, your words were just enough to confirm this, but... He knew. He felt it. And as unexpected it is to him - he finds himself enjoying watching your care and your presence as well - it makes your heart swell with happiness that yet another patient trusts you so much, especially Boothill, who deserves to have his humanity acknowledged.
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Random Plot Points
A little about me as a writer, I love daydreaming about adventure stories. I usually know the general set up and larger plot points but oftentimes struggle with the how, how do characters get from point A to point B. 
So, I made a list of random challenges for my characters that I look at when I'm stuck.
Sharing in case helpful to others! (intended for adventure, sci-fi, fantasy stories) 
characters are delayed/blocked/experience a natural disaster (storm, fire, flood, avalanche, earthquake, epidemic, etc) (BONUS and forced to take a detour from the original path)
character(s) is trapped (quick sand, fall through ice, in room filling with poison, on sinking ship, in a trash compactor on the Death Star, etc) (BONUS- fall into hidden room and discover something) 
characters go to a festival/ball/party/political summit (where inevitably it all goes wrong)
character(s) overhears a secret (at bar, at party, from a whispered conversation below them in a stairway, etc) 
characters are attacked by an animal or mysterious force 
characters(s) caught in a mob/riot
character wins/loses something in a bet
character is brainwashed or possessed 
character is stranded/lost
character is poisoned 
character succumbs to injury or illness 
characters are chased/ attacked by antagonists 
character is captured or arrested (and needs to be rescued)
character is kidnapped and kidnappers make a demand for their release (financial ransom, exchange of information, prisoner exchange, etc) 
character(s) go undercover to retrieve information
characters decide to steal something they need for their quest (weapon, magical object, money, information, etc). (BONUS- time for a well-planned heist!) 
characters need to protect/ retrieve/ destroy something 
characters uncover a network of spies (up to you if they're unexpected allies or antagonists)  
characters discover hidden passageway, room, ruins etc that leads to an important clue
characters forced to hide from someone/something
characters need to escape 
characters lured into trap set by villain (BONUS if the villain doesn't even care who wins but only goaded them to learn how a magical object works, the extent of heroes powers, emergency response system of a government, etc) 
characters set trap for villain (BONUS- use someone or something important as bait) (if in Act 2, they fail) 
characters reveal critical information to villain in disguise 
a character is mistaken for someone else (and then is wrongfully arrested, receives information not intended for them, etc) 
characters receive help (hitch a ride, get help hiding from captors, get help escaping somewhere, etc) from an unlikely new ally 
characters forced to team up with an unlikely ally/ morally grey character, etc
characters learn something from simple library research (an oldie but a goodie)
characters just literally just stumble upon or witness something important (secret weapon, secret society etc) 
characters uncover a secret map/ coded message on the back of an old unassuming document (time for a classic treasure hunt!) 
someone escapes from prison (an old villain or an old ally) that changes the quest 
someone is being blackmailed (or otherwise forced to act against the protagonists)
someone is discredited (rumor, disinformation campaign etc) 
something stolen from your characters 
something (document, magical object, money) turns out to be fake
OR, something unassuming turns out to have special powers or meaning  
something is hacked (defense system, infrastructure, bank, private records, etc)
something critical is attacked (important bridge, port, bank/ financial system, safehouse, capitol building, character's familial home, etc.)
a computer virus is unleashed 
a biological weapon is unleashed 
a piece of information the characters believed was true, is false 
an ancient myth turns out to be true 
a secret is made public 
A law is changed or a vote on a critical piece of legislation loses/wins 
a political opponent wins an election/ a political ally loses an election 
character(s) help a passerby (from raiders, local tyrant, beast, mystical force, etc) 
characters "follow the money" and realize someone who was thought to be their ally is actually working for... (crime syndicate, villain, local tyrant etc) 
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maxwellatoms · 8 months
What kind of video games do you like to play Mr. Atoms?
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So many! Assuming there's time. These days there's generally not, so I've been bingeing Vampire Survivors in half-hour doses.
Above is a gif from Noita, my top game of the pandemic. It's an old-school "Metroidvania", but every pixel is simulated and you're a witch who can manipulate her spells (and thereby the world) in a seemingly infinite number of ways. Here, I've built magical "buzzsaws" around myself, which blinded me to the shadow amoeba. In Noita, almost every death is due to hubris, and I think I love that pendulum swing. If you're lucky and skilled, you can become a walking whirlwind of destruction, but you're always your own worst enemy. Bonus: You can turn your vomit into rats.
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I'm currently on a break in the midst of my Baldur's Gate 3 run, with a party consisting of my BG2 character's daughter, Karlatch, Lazelle, and Shadowheart. Ladies' Night!
I'm also playing a bit of Shadows of Doubt. I'm not sure it'll hold up long-term, but it's got a lot of potential.
I don't really limit myself by genre or platform, but I'd say that I primarily play indie PC games. The games in my Steam library that I keep going back to again and again?
Cities: Skylines: A chill City Building Simulator. Lots of fun mods.
Darkest Dungeon: This thing is a classic strategy game IMO.
Death Road to Canada: A light, fast Project Zomboid. Dogs with guns!
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Dwarf Fortress: For me, it's the ultimate fantasy sim. I love it so much. Looking forward to Adventure Mode finally appearing on Steam.
Project Zomboid: The ultimate lonely 2D zombie apocalypse survival game. Or non-survival game, I suppose.
Total War: Warhammer: For when I'm in a strategy-y mood. Like a lot of people, I'm a bit soured on the modern DLC scene, so I'm still waiting on #3 even though I'm a Chaos stan.
Not on Steam? I do play some Star Citizen from time to time. I backed it a decade ago. I used to joke that it was the game I was going to retire into, but more and more that's looking less and less like a joke. Still, it's made some good progress in the last couple of years and I'm hopeful that repair and engineering turn out to be fun.
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The game I'm looking forward to most would be the next Elder Scrolls. I know it's still a ways off. Ever since my Nereverine landed in Morrowind with the intention of becoming a just and righteous cleric and instead found herself an unwitting villain and colonizer, I fell in love with the Elder Scrolls and it's deep, gray lore. It is (for me) a great way to really get into a character's head. Roleplaying... go figure.
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Since Morrowind (and a backtrack into Daggerfall), I only allow myself one canon playthrough. My rule is to "let it ride", so that aside from death, if I screw up or if something unexpected happens I don't save-scum. All of my characters are related, either by quest or bloodline. I already know that my next character will be Aventus Aretino (the kid you catch summoning the Dark Brotherhood). My Skyrim character (above) had adopted him and then left him in the hands of a vampire, so I should be covered even if there's a big time jump. Now I just have to wait six more years for the game. And then maybe two for mods. God I'm so old.
I need to spend more time with Dave the Diver.
Anything current I'm missing out on?
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blackdagger456 · 3 months
Let’s Talk: MAWS Spoilers: Livewire X Heatwave Unexpected But Important & Not Unwelcome
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I’m gonna try and keep this short. Mostly due to me just not having much to say about S2 of MAWS in the first place. I’m loving it and any minor issues I may have don’t require me to make an analysis post lime this.
That being said—I don’t have a problem with this at all. I’m an old Superman fan. Weird seeing as I’m in my 20s but that’s still old enough to have grown up on the original Superman TAS show along with the Batman version and Jl/JLU.
Did I think it was weird/interesting to go with these designs for Heatwave and Livewire? A bit yeah, but I like giving things a chance and I liked what they did with Livewires character. Didn’t really have too much an opinion on Rory as we didn’t spend much time with her until this episode.
Even the, it’s still only a little bit we spend time with her but its more than does its purpose when it comes down to her, Livewire and the message the showrunners try to convey.
“You never know when to walk away. But I do.”
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Now know what the later reveal…well, reveals. But this feels like an actual conversation and issue the two has. Especially with Rorys last line in the episode. But the fact that scene happens later on at all is the point.
Love is messy. Something Lous herself knows all about due to her relationship with her father and Clark. She’s afraid of it—hell she’s terrified but she wants to make things right.
Her love has always burned her. People leave or she is forced to leave them and that culminated into what she said to Clark before he was kidnapped. But being scared isn’t a be all end all for a relationship.
In fact it’s GOOD to be scared. What’s not good is letting that fear dictate your life. Dictate how you deal with feeling that love for another person.
“Love is not for cowards.”
It’s scary and dangerous and messy and rough but it can be so worth it in the end. Be it the end result is you being happy, simply making that leap forward or finding closure Love is WORTH that risk. Worth the risk of sticking it out to find a good balance and partnership that isn’t abusive but one in which you and your partner give and take from one another in a healthy way.
In an unconditional way.
In a way that makes you both better.
And I love My Adventures With Superman for trying to teach/get that lesson across. Doing it at the end of Pride Month is just another big bonus in the shows favor.
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melmedardasworld · 29 days
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Bonnie stood on the cobblestone streets of Paris, the air filled with the tantalizing scents of fresh bread and rich coffee. She closed her eyes for a moment, letting the warmth of the sun wash over her. Everything felt vibrant and alive. A soft breeze caught her hair, and for a fleeting moment, she experienced pure bliss.
"There you are!" Klaus's voice echoed from the end of the street, and Bonnie turned to see him striding toward her, exuding his usual confidence. He wore a fitted blazer over a casual shirt, casual yet impeccably styled, perfectly suited to the lively atmosphere of the city.
“What took you so long?” Bonnie asked, crossing her arms with a playful huff as he approached. “I thought we were going to have breakfast with a view!”
Klaus smirked, the corner of his mouth lifting as he surveyed the beautiful streets lined with quaint cafés. “I had to make sure the pastry selection lived up to standards."
“Right, because a vampire has high standards for pastries,” Bonnie teased, rolling her eyes. "I thought you might be more focused on blood."
“If I wanted blood, I’d be dining at home and roiling with you through the sheets,” he quipped back, his eyes dancing with amusement. "Though I imagine good croissant would be hard for you to resist.”
With a slap on his arm, Bonnie shook her head, and together they strolled past vibrant flower stalls, vendors calling out in cheerful French, and artists painting the picturesque scenery. The infectious energy of the city seeped into her heart, igniting the familiar warmth she felt in Klaus's presence.
As they approached a small café with outdoor seating, Klaus gestured for them to sit. “Now, let’s order the best breakfast this city has to offer.”
They settled into their seats, the table adorned with a stunning view of the Eiffel Tower in the distance. Klaus waved over the waiter and, with an exaggerated flourish, ordered an assortment of pastries and coffee. Bonnie couldn’t help but smile at his theatrical flair.
“Do you think anyone notices how charming you are?” Bonnie asked playfully, leaning back in her chair.
Klaus leaned forward, propping his chin on his hand. “Charm is my second-best quality, only surpassed by my devastating good looks.”
Bonnie burst into laughter, and she felt a rush of a pleasant flutter running through her belly. "I wouldn’t go that far," she said, feigning seriousness while enjoying the moment.
"Ah, but you appreciate my subtlety, love," Klaus teased, flashing her that captivating dimpled grin. "This is a rare moment of peace, and I intend to savor every bit."
With their breakfast laid out before them—golden croissants and delicate éclairs—Bonnie's eyes sparkled with delight. "You’ve outdone yourself with this one."
“It’s the least I could do for you,” Klaus replied, his tone shifting, becoming more sincere. “It’s not every day I get to enjoy a peaceful morning in Paris with my favorite witch."
"Just your favorite?" she asked, raising an eyebrow as she took a bite of her croissant.
"Hm, maybe more than my favorite, then," he laughed, clutching his heart in mock injury. “Besides, I thought your ability to read minds gave me bonus points.”
Bonnie grinned, a playful glint in her eye. "If only that were true. I might’ve been able to sense when you were planning your surprise.”
“And deprive myself of your awe-struck face each time. Never.” Klaus teased, leaning back, enjoying their playful banter. The easy flow of conversation allowed them to slip into a comfortable rhythm, the weight of their realities momentarily forgotten.
As they talked and laughed, Bonnie felt the enchanting city vibrate around them, glowing with possibility. She couldn’t remember when she had felt so carefree, and it brought an unexpected joy. For a fleeting moment, she dreamed of more—of adventures where magic wouldn’t always be at the forefront, of shared moments stealing time from their chaotic lives.
Yet, just as the moment crescendoed into warmth, the scenery around them began to shimmer, fading like a distant memory. Bonnie felt a strange pull, a shifting sensation that tugged her away from the picturesque café.
“No! Klaus, wait!” she exclaimed, reaching for him as the dreamscape began to unravel.
Suddenly, Bonnie jolted awake in bed, heart racing and breathless. She was enveloped in the soft warmth of her bedsheets, the lingering scent of something heavenly wafting through the air. She blinked against the sunlight filtering into the room, feeling the pull of reality tugging at her consciousness. The dream she had just experienced felt like a distant echo, yet the emotions lingered on the edges of her heart.
When Bonnie rolled over, the delicious aroma intensified, drawing her from the cocoon of sleep. It was almost enough to make her forget the warmth still wrapping around her, but then she felt it—a familiar presence lingering nearby.
"Good morning, love," came Klaus’s voice, suddenly filling the room as he leaned over her. His deep, playful tone pulled her fully awake. He was at her bedside, his striking features accentuated by the morning light.
Before Bonnie could fully process her surroundings, Klaus leaned down, showering her cheeks with soft, steamy kisses. Each peck was like a burst of sunlight, igniting warmth in her veins and causing her to giggle, still half-asleep. "Klaus!" she murmured, voice thick with drowsiness. "Why are you so eager this morning?"
“Can you blame me? I've been dying for you to wake,” he replied, leaning down to shower her cheeks with soft, steamy kisses, sending delightful shivers down her spine. Each kiss felt like a spark, igniting warmth in her veins,
“Okay, okay! I’m up!” she laughed, a soft blush creeping onto her cheeks. “What’s the rush?”
But before Bonnie could blink, Klaus swept her up into his arms, the suddenness startling her as he cradled her effortlessly against him. "You’ll see," he said, his grin widening.
Bonnie's heart raced at the unexpected gesture, the warmth of his body against hers making her lower stomach flutter. "You can’t just pick me up like this!” Bonnie protested though she found herself letting him carry her as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
"Watch me," he replied coyly, winking down at her.
Klaus carried her out of their spacious bedroom, his steps light yet purposeful, and Bonnie couldn’t help but chuckle at how easily he maneuvered. She felt like a character in one of her favorite stories, whisked away by a charming prince.
"You’re making this sound like some grand adventure.”
“Just a little adventure," Klaus promised, pulling back to give her a scrutinizing look that made her heart flutter.
"Fine, but it had better involve food," Bonnie relented, kissing his cheek, her hair cascading messily around her shoulders. She playfully narrowed her eyes at him. “And coffee.”
"It's as if you've read my mind," Klaus replied. "We will resume our adventure downstairs." Klaus stepped onto the balcony of the first floor and showed her the surprise on the ground floor.
Bonnie’s breath caught at the sight. Below lay a long breakfast table elegantly set with a spread that would make any gourmet chef jealous: perfectly baked croissants, sweet pastries, fresh fruits, and rich coffees steaming in exquisite cups.
"Wow," Bonnie breathed, taking it all in. “You really outdid yourself.”
Klaus’s gaze shifted to her, pride evident in his demeanor. "I always outdo myself." He perked up. "I thought you might fancy a proper traditional French breakfast after last night," he said softly, before descending the stairs with his lover.
When they reached the dining area, Klaus set her down gently, and Bonnie stepped forward, eyes widening at the spread before her, glittering under the sunlight. "This is incredible!"
“Only the best for my favorite witch,” Klaus replied, his voice low, laced with sincerity.
Before Bonnie could respond, a personal waiter approached with a fresh pot of coffee, offering them both a steaming cup. Klaus cast his attentive gaze toward her as he poured the liquid, and Bonnie couldn’t help but feel the warmth of his affection radiate through the air between them.
"Join me for breakfast?" Klaus asked, his voice inviting.
With a smile that lit up her face, Bonnie nodded. They settled into their seats, enjoying the delightful spread before them, sharing laughter and playful banter.
Bonnie’s laugh bubbled out at his subtle reference to her dream, and she felt a warmth spread through her. "It’s funny you say that because I just dreamt about being in France with you."
"Really?” Klaus tilted his head, amusement lacing his voice. “I must have read your mind from afar, then. I, too, fancied a French breakfast."
Little did the pair know today’s dream was no coincidence and marked the start of their minds being intertwined by a deeper psychic connection they'd explore to the fullest.
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eleni-cherie · 3 months
a thief's origin✨ || bts • kth - prologue
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"you're afraid I won't wait." "I'm afraid you will."
a criminal and a doctor should be as different as the sun and the moon - but unexpected things happened every day. like him finding his safe haven in her.
© 2024 | eleni_cherie
masterlist: here
— genre: thief au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, sexual tensiON, slowburn, mutual pining, strangers to friends to lovers s2f2l
age 22 // medical intern
25th March
Munich, Germany
It was way past midnight when Cassandra finally managed catching a break. Her one obligatory night shift had only started a little over three hours ago, but attending physicians from the previous shifts had passed their patients to the night shift, half of the senior doctors were at a national conference and her supervisor was running around and taking care of everything - which meant Cassandra, as one of her interns, was also running around and taking care of everything she could.
After documenting and assisting at a catheterization and an intubation done by one of the attending seniors, she finally found her first free five minutes. 
Stepping out into the fresh night air, she leaned her arms on the railing of the ER entrance. Tying her coppery curls into a ponytail before fiddling out a protein bar from the pocket of her blue scrubs. Having to suppress a moan when taking a bite from it. Not even minding that she once again hit her elbow on the railing, nothing new for her anyway.
The night at the hospital was rather tranquil, at least compared to the workload during daytime, and she had time to go back to her paper work.
So much paper work..
It was her own fault, though, volunteering to assist her supervisor in a presentation about pulmonalis purpura but she needed these bonus points. Extra tasks like these always earned them bonus points, credits and also looked great on a CV after graduation.
With a sigh, she unwrapped the last piece of the protein bar when muffled voices disrupted the peaceful silence, coming from the direction of the parking lot.
Her eyes tried to find the source when spotting two young men with a third one between them, his arms draped around their shoulders as they carried him towards the entrance. And her eyes shot open when realising the one in the middle was beinf practically dragged, seemingly unconscious.
Stuffing the rest of the bar into her mouth and shoving the wrapper into her pocket, her instinct kicked in, despite being still in training, and she rushed towards them. Immediatelly spotting the dark liquid on the side of the guy's face from up-close.
"What happened?" she asked after swallowing the rest of her midnight snack.
The other young men struggled to answer and she decided to press one more time.
"There was a.. minor explosion. Something hit his head," one of them finally answered and she nodded. A possible concussion, she concluded. "Ok, we'll take care. I'll call the attending phy-"
"No!" the other, rounder-faced guy exclaimed with evident panic in his voice, taking her aback. The second guy quickly taking over with an uneasy smile. 
"Look, Doc, we'd prefer if that stayed between us. You see.." He chuckled lightly, his lips curving into a smile that could convince anyone to anything. And Cassandra's guard went down for a second. "..people are looking for us. Not that nice people." His eyes giving her a look of appeal. "So we'd appreciate it if you took care of our friend in.. let's say, secret."
She folded her arms then in an attempt to look confident, when really all she felt was nervous. If she understood the signs correctly, these guys knew the hospital stuff had to inform police about a potential explosion-injury and they clearly didn't want that. Meaning something was off about them.
They might be looking quite young, around her age or a bit older with way too friendly looking faces to be mobsters, but you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.
She was afraid of them trying to intimidate her in some way. The pure possibility making her heart anxiously beating faster.
Much to her surprise, however, their expressions softened instead and genuine concern was written all over their flustered faces.
"Please, don't inform the cops about our friend."
He wasn't demanding it, he was asking or rather pleading for it. And frankly, Cassandra hadn't expected that.
Clenching her jaw, she swallowed.
It wasn't a warning her gut sent her. No, it wasn't trying warning her of potential danger. And yet, she could tell they still were trouble. That she was sure of.
However, their request went beyond her responsibility. She was a mere intern. She knew she should persist onto calling one of the attending doctors. Or even an assistant one. Or at least a nurse. Literally anyone with an actual medical license. 
Her eyes fell onto the unconscious one of the three then. And the fresh blood gracing his temple and cheek under the fringe that was covering his closed eyes. He definitely couldn't wait any longer for medical attention. Who knew how long he d been unconscious. The longer they waited, the severer the potential damage.
"If I don't accept you'll try at another hospital, right?"
"Most likely," his friend replied with a bashful, almost apologetic smile.
Exhaling deeply, she released her arms and let them fall onto her sides. "Alright, but if it's something I can't handle you will let me call for additional medical stuff."
"That's non-negotiable. Otherwise good luck trying finding another idiot like me who's willing to help you. And while driving around town to look for one, your friend might bleed out or worse."
She was exaggarrating of course, even with no license yet, she could tell it was probably just a mere concussion and laceration with no actual threat of bleeding out. Although the unconsciousness was worrisome. So she bluffed in hopes they'd agree.
And seeing them exchanging an uncertain look, it looked like it worked.
The one with the charming smile glanced at their friend who they were propping up, feeling his weight growing heavier by the minute.
"Tough negotiation but okay."
Content and a little proud of herself, she nodded and started walking towards the emergency room entrance. Waving them over her shoulder. "Let me check if the coast's clear."
With an uneasy feeling, she went inside. Seeing no one but a man with an icepack on his shoulder in the waiting area. He was facing the wall, back turned towards the entrance. Meanwhile, the nurse on duty was currently nowhere in sight, missing from her position behind the glass of the counter. Having probably gone to the restroom or to get something.
Cassandra huffed internally. Not understanding why there weren't two people on duty in case someone with a serious emergency came in and wouldn't find anyone. But right now it was practical in her case, so she didn't complain about the buget cutbacks.
Giving the waiting guys a sign, they quickly followed her in. Passing by the man who didn't really pay attention anyway, preoccupied by his own injury, and hushed past the counter and through the double door. 
She led them to one of the currently empty exam rooms, watching them carrying the unconscious man to the examination table. And she pulled out her small flashlight, opening his eyelids to check the pupil's reaction. 
Normal, thankfully.
No indication for increased cranial pressure. So far medical stuff wasn't needed. Or well, they would be but not necessary yet, since these guys wanted to go undocumented.
She untangled her stethoscope then, making sure his cardiac cycle was normal as well. 
The patient was stable, but still unconscious. 
She couldn't, however, perform a CT scan, MRI or any other medical test - neither had she learned how nor was she qualified yet. So she decided to proceed with trying to make him gain consciousness. And if he didn't react, then she'd persist in calling an actual physician.
Remembering her training so far, next in line was inducing different stimuli like tactile. So she began applying light pressure to his face like the eyebrow bone or the jaw joint to cause adequate discomfort. Observing his features turning into a grimace of annoyance, indicating he felt the pressure. Good. She firmly pressed his knuckles up and down the sternum then, his fingers contracting.
"What's his name?" Her sudden question pulling the other two out of their absentmindness while watching her perform.
"His name. Start speaking to him for verbal stimulus to help him gain conscience."
Seemingly hesistant first, the silent one with the rounder face and smaller eyes spoke up then. "Taehyung. It's Taehyung."
"Taehyung," she repeated firmly, tapping Taehyung's cheek just the right amount of harsh to ensure he felt it for a noxious stimulus, "Can you hear me?"
His head moved away from her touch, the expression on his face shifting to a frown when a whine of pain left his lips. "Hey, come on, wake up. Your friends here are worried!" 
She was about to give his cheek another light slap, when she got stopped mid-air by his hand gripping her wrist firmly.
His eyes shot open then. And a pair of mesmerizing dark irises suddenly stared back at hers, causing Cassandra to freeze.
She knew it was medically impossible to knock someone's breath out of their lungs. And yet, in this moment she wondered if it was possible to develop at least a sudden dyspnea - a shortness of breath - without any prior cause or trauma at all, just by locking gazes with someone.
Their eyes were of similar colour, it was the first thing he noted. The very first thought that crossed his mind. The same deep brown shade as his own, and yet so very different. He didn't think ever seeing more beautiful warm brown eyes than hers before. As though he was looking at her through the sight of a sniper rifle, zoomed in all the way, the world pausing for that tiny span of time between the pressing and release of the trigger.
They held each other's gaze for a second longer, until the sense of his throbbing head caught him out and he had to screw his eyes back shut from the pain. Letting go of her wrist.
At this, Cassandra blinked and took a step back, her blank mind slowly getting flooded with thoughts again. 
His friend approached then, giving Taehyung a gentle squeeze on the shoulder. "Hey man, you hear us?"
With a scrunching face, a light groan escaped his lips. "Yoongi?"
"And Jimin!" the other one chirped in, shoving Yoongi away in excitement, "You're awake!"
Another groan followed.
The young men started talking energetically, relieved and happy seeing their friend having gained his consciousness again, not noticing Cassandra standing there. For some reason unable averting her eyes from Taehyung.
She had been so focused on making him gain consciousness again without screwing up, she hadn't paid attention to anything else. But ever since seeing his wide almond eyes, something had shifted. And she felt herself breathing irregularly.
Blinking her eyes repeatedly, she forced herself to eventually look away and re-focus on his treatment. 
Patient was conscious again, that was good. This meant she could pay attention to the source of the blood now. 
"Would you step back and let me check his wound?" she quietly asked then. Jimin and Yoongi immediately obeying and giving her space. Taehyung blinked an eye open through the throbbing when hearing her voice.
"How do you feel? Are you fully awake now?" she carefully asked him then, avoiding his eyes the best she could while inspecting the cut at his hairline.
"Yeah.. but I wished I wasn't. My head is.. aching pretty badly."
"That's normal." She couldn't legally give him anything but Ibuprofen 400, perhaps there was some in one of the cabinets. She'd check later. Right now some other things were more important. "Do you remember anything? I mean, do you know your name, age and what happened?"
"You're asking if I got amnesia? I don't," he said with a hollow laugh. Eyes closing shut again.
She hummed, grabbing a pair of disposible gloves from the counter. "Where am I though?"
"The hospital," Jimin explained with a sigh of disapproval. "You didn't leave us much of a choice, man. You were unconscious and had blood on your face. Like.. damn. For a second I was actually scared."
Taehyung snickered tiredly at his friend's whining, attempting to prop himself up when Yoongi pushed him back down. "Just lay down for a moment, you were out of it for quite some time."
Pushing his hand away when his face contorted due to another wave of pain. "I'm fine, don't worry."
"You don't look like that though."
"Listen to your friend." Cassandra's stern voice making him perk up. "And besides, you probably need some stitches first."
"And you are..?"
"Cassandra," she said unfazed while holding up a sterilized needle. Motioning to the other two who had huddled over him in the short moment she prepared her stitching utensils, "Now, if you could move, please."
"No offence but.. how old are you?" Yoongi asked then with sharp eyes narrowing at her. He had noticed her young-looking face before as well, but he hadn't cared much back then considering Taehyung's condition. Now, however, she was holding a needle in her hands, about to patch up his younger friend.
The crease between her brows deepened. "Turning twenty-three soon, why?"
"Are you even a doctor?"
She straightened herself as she took a few steps closer to the actual patient among the three, the one on the bed with the laceration.
"Oh, now you suddenly care?" Her lips tucked into a sarcastic smirk aimed at him, seeing him fold his lips. "I am an intern - if you must know."
"So technically n-"
"God, Yoongi, who cares?" the injured one scowled, followed by a groan, "I'm dying here! Just let her do her thing already!"
"Aw, don't be so dramatic, you won't die," Jimin rolled his eyes. Launching for a pat on the shoulder before remembering Taehyung was in pain. 
His attention turned to Cassandra then. It wasn't the first time she had to encounter overly noisy and worried relatives. With her signature smile that was more a habit of politeness, but which she genuinely felt like doing when seeing Jimin's friendly face, she nodded. Trying to reassure them that yes, he wouldn't die.
"I'll take care of it," she said then. The two standing guys exchanged a glance, looking down at their friend who was screwing shut his eyes.
"You sure you can handle that?" Yoongi asked, this time his voice holding genuine concern as he peeked down at Taehyung.
"Yeah, don't worry. My orange was the best stitched one, so I'm pretty confident," she waved them off.
Her proud announcement only earning her puzzled looks from them though. "Orange?"
She nodded with a wide grin. "Yeah, one of the senior surgeons showed us how to do stitches and we practiced on oranges. And mine was the best."
Yoongi couldn't help but look at her in disbelief. "Are you for rea-" 
Not letting him complete his sentence, Jimin began pushing him aside. "We're gonna let you do your job now, don't worry." Cassandra didn't miss Yoongi suppressing a wince on his face, but she brushed it off in that moment. Letting out a breath.
"Don't mind them, they're noisy but mean no harm."
She turned around, facing her actual patient who was flashing her a weak smile before his face turned into a grimace once again. And she gave him an apologetic smile.
"Grit your teeth, okay? It'll sting."
He only inhaled deeply and nodded. Allowing her to clean the wound and apply an antisepticum, making him flinch as expected, before she got to work on the actual stitches. As she had done the first one, she cleared her throat. Peeking at him nervously. After all, this was the closest she'd ever been to him. And she also pitied him. Doing this without a local anaestheticum was most likely very uncomfortable.
"So.." she began and felt his smile on her.
"It's Taehyung-" He paused, she assumed because of the wound. Not noticing him nervously folding his lips.
"Yeah, I know," she smiled absentmindedly, focusing on stitching which was a whole lot more nerve-wrecking when two other pair of eyes were staring at her from above. Definitely didn't have that issue when it was only an orange. She huffed a laugh then, peeking at the two who quickly retreated to the far back. "Shouldn't you guys actually use pseudonyms in front of a stranger like me?"
"Oh, should we?" Taehyung weakly grinned.
She shrugged with a shippish smirk. "You clearly are on the run, considering your friends wouldn't let me inform anyone about you. Who knows, I might still get the cops.."
"Nah. You won't." He said it so matter-of-factly that it astonished her quite a lot, the faith he had in a stranger like her.
"Why not?"
Jimin appeared next to her all of a sudden and stooped down to tilt his head at her with his award-winning smile. "'Cause we trust you, so you wouldn't do it. Right?"
"Trusting a stranger, huh," she giggled more to herself than anything, focusing back on the stitches. "Isn't that quite naive?"
Unexpectedly, he laughed out at this, bemused instead of feeling offended.
"You must know," Yoongi spoke up then with a crooked grin, motioning his chin to Jimin, "He's pretty good in analysing and looking through people. So if he deems you trustworthy, you most likely are."
"He's right," Taehyung mumbled. Unable to add much more due to the additional stinging he felt from the needle, as if his headache wasn't enough.
In all honesty, if he had it his way, he'd have preferred lying to her.
Not that he wouldn't feel bad. She seemed nice after all, but she had a point. It was risky revealing real names. Not only for them but also for her.
And it was already bad enough Jimin and Yoongi had to bring him to the ER because he'd got injured like an amateur. Risking them getting caught because of his own mistake.
And her, an innocent bystander, knowing would probably cause more trouble. However, he also understood why they had to let her in to some degree. Right now, they depended on her help after all.
Cassandra only gave him a brief glance and hummed before quietly continuing the stitches.
She tried being trustworthy, but did she also look so trustworthy for strangers to include her in their secrets? Did she perhaps seem too trustworthy?
"You're an intern. So.. a student, huh?" he began then in an attempt to distract her mind in case it was still lingering over the cause of his injury.
"Yup, doing one of my internships right now," she explained, not minding the little exchange.
Frankly, she hadn't chosen that path for the prestige or money. She was one of the few ones in her year who genuinely did it for helping people. And therefore, she didn't mind interacting and talking with patients. Especially not cute ones with big brown eyes and an endearing smile. Those were pretty rare, at least in her two months there. And someone with a potentially questionable lifestyle - considering he got involved in explosions and had 'not nice people' being after him on top of it? No, that definitely didn't happen every day.
The stitches were done and she cut the thread before applying an adhesive plaster on the wound. She got up then, about to remove the gloves when she caught a better view of the other two. Only now taking an actual closer look on them with her not being on alert anymore because of Taehyung. In the hospital lights and without any distractions, she saw they didn't look too good either. Clothes torn on the edges, abrasions and splashes of blood gracing their skin.
"Are you guys injured as well?"
They shook their heads.
"Nah, just some scratches," Jimin ensured her, while Yoongi remained quiet in his seat on the chair at the corner of the room. She eyed him suspiciously as she noticed he had been absentmindedly rubbing his right shoulder until he caught her narrowed eyes on him. Making him squint his eyes in irritation.
"Is something on my face?" he tried joking, his laugh quickly dropping when she stepped in front of him. Her face softened then and she shook her head.
"No, no.. just, would you be so nice and get me that box of gauze from the shelf up there? I'm too short to reach these shelves."
He followed the direction her finger pointed at and nodded, not questioning why she wouldn't ask Jimin who was already standing. Getting up instead to walk to said shelf. As his right arm stretched for the gauze, however, he abruptly stopped. Jaw clenching. He lowered the arm again slowly, only to face her with a forced smile.
"That one, yeah?"
She nodded. Her lips tucked into an innocent smile as she anticipated his next move. And he reached out again, but with his other arm this time instead.
Caught you.
"Here ya go- ouchh!" The box almost slipped from his grip as his muscles jerked away from her finger pressing onto his shoulder. Turning around, he came across her knowing look.
"You're also injured, aren't you?"
Taehyung and Jimin's eyes grew wide when observing the scene. Understanding now how her request was on purpose. And yet, they remained confused on how she had actually noticed in such a short time.
"What? You're also injured?" Jimin questioned then with worried eyes, "Why didn't you say anything?"
"Am no- Ouch! Can you stop doing that?" Yoongi whined and stared bewildered at Cassandra as she had pressed it again.
"Just let her take a look already."
He only let out a quiet grump at Taehyung's suggestion. A look of defeat crossing his features then as he saw Cassandra's victorious smile. "Fine."
Unbuttoning his shirt, he pushed off the fabric to reveal the shoulder. The shirt was black so no one had noticed the dried blood from the lengthy cut. 
"The fck."
"Why didn't you say anything?"
He gritted his teeth, looking away in shame. "It's nothing."
"That's not nothing," Cassandra huffed at his light description of an already inflamed puncture, shaking her head in disapproval as she prepared a new thread. Pushing him into taking a seat again. "I doubt that one was also caused by an explosion," she said as she began cleaning the wound and Yoongi avoided their concerned eyes.
"No, that one isn't from tonight. It's.. whatever. I was distracted for a second. That's all." 
Truth was he'd got distracted over a backfire two days ago. He hadn't fully paid attention to his surroundings, something that never happened, and one of those jerks from a local gang had taken advantage of it. Mainly Yoongi's ego and pride felt bruised, if anything.
Finishing those stitches up as well, she pressed a tube of antibiotic gel into his chest, which he hesitantly accepted with a raised brow. And she finally removed the gloves.
"Next time you get stabbed you'll get immediate treatment, got it?" Her tone was stern and lecturing, remininiscent of a mother's and Yoongi had to stifle a chuckle. Biting back any sarcasm threatening to leave his lips and smiled at the shorter woman. "Sure, 'Doc'."
She nodded contently. Whether he genuinely meant it or not, she didn't care. Facing the other two then who had watched in amusement as their older friend got scolded.
After rummaging through the drawers, she managed finding a pack of nonprescriptive painkillers, which she handed to Taehyung as well. Receiving a bashful 'thank you' from them all.
"And no more explosions, alright?" Her voice softer now as she smirked. "Heard they're dangerous."
The three men exchanged a look then. And they grinned. "Explosion? Did we say that?"
Cassandra frowned, irritated by their grins. "Uh, yeah, you.."
"Are you sure we did?"
A look of appeal in their eyes as they tried emphasising Taehyung's question.
And her brows rose, beginning to understand. She pursed her lips, huffing out a laugh eventually.
Her pager went off then, her supervisor probably wondering where she had wandered off. Sighing, she slipped it back in.
"Whatever. You can stay here for a couple of hours to ensure your friend is completely fine, if you want. But just so you know, if any stuff members catch you here, you don't know me. Alright?"
"Never seen your pretty face before, got it," Jimin winked and she felt her cheeks heating at his unexpected compliment. She coughed then, straightening herself. "G-good."
Taehyung only groaned annoyed, before chunking down two pills from the pack. "Stop flirting with every woman and let her go already."
"Alright, alright, releasing you from your duty now," he chuckled, flashing her a smile, "Thank you again."
She reciprocated Jimin's smile and with that, she left the room after ensuring the corridors were empty and no one saw her.
As she made her way to the ground floor, she already laid out a perfect explanation in case someone did catch these guys and found out she, an intern, helped them without notifying any medical stuff or official documentation.
She'd simply say they threatened her. Yes, the perfect explanation why she had done it. There wasn't any other option left for her after all without facing severe consequences for her studies and future.
It wasn't too far from reality anyway. Sure, they hadn't actually threatened her. But they could've, in case they were petty-criminals or worse.
Shaking her head, she laughed at her paranoid self. Realising it wasn't like she'd done something ethically or morally bad by treating them. Sure, she hadn't graduated yet but as an aspiring doctor she also honoured the principles of medical confidentiality and non-maleficence. 
With a deep breath, she calmed her rising anxiety before entering the staff room where her supervisor had called her to. Reminding herself that even if everything came crushing down, she was just an intern with no legal responsibilities.
Thankfully the reason her supervisor had called was to assign Cassandra to another task. To keep an eye on an operated patient who needed to be checked every few hours and notify her if needed.
So the young medical student made her way back to the elevator across the entrance area to head to the patient's floor, looking forward to the rest of her night being uneventful. Her eyes catching three men standing at the reception then.
Their attire sparkling her interest more than anything as it was the opposite of how the three lads downstairs at the ER looked like. Long coats over what seemed to be suits, neatly combed back hair and their tone serious as they spoke in a hushed voice to the receptionist.
Not paying any more attention, she headed to the vending machine, deciding to get a chocolate bar first for some extra energy when the men left through the double doors behind the reception. Her eyes narrowed while following their hasty steps. Perhaps she was just high off the adrenaline of doing something basically illigal, but without hesitation and a lot of curiosity she walked up to the receptionist.
"Who were they? They look important."
The receptionist, a woman in her early thirties, glanced around as if to make sure no one would eavesdrop before she bent over with a bored expression.
"Cops or something. I didn't quite understand, to be honest."
Cassandra's heartbeat dropped at this. "C-cops?"
"I don't know, yes and no? They said something about interpol."
Fck. She tried her best not to let the woman notice her panic. "What would they want here?"
The woman leaned back into her chair. "They're looking for some criminal, I guess. Were asking if any young korean men with brown hair and eyes got possibly committed here tonight."
"I see.. And what did you tell them?"
"There wasn't anyone in the system committed tonight who fits the age or description," she sheepishly laughed out. "And I didn't recognise the name or photo they showed me, either. So they said they'd check themselves."
Check themselves? Did they plan to go to every station and look into every room?
"That's.. interesting." Cassandra faked a laugh and then pretended going back to the vending machine only to hurriedly enter through the door beside it to the staircase.
That wasn't good, not good at all. Interpol? She thought some goons or maybe the cops would be after them tops. But interpol? That was international. That was way bigger than local police.
She sprinted down the stairs to the lower level where ER was located as fast as she'd ever sprinted in her life, reaching the bottom completely panting but still pushing through and making her way through the station. Tripping over her own fit and even bumping her shoulder at a corner out of hurry. She sneaked her way past the nurse station then, the nurse having returned by now but luckily preoccupied with organising some files.
So far no sight of the interpol agents. She genuinely hoped the guys had already left the room and were long gone. But when she opened the door was greeted by three familiar and startled pairs of eyes.
With a swift moved she shut the door behind her, pressing her body against it with heavy breaths.
"Some interpol agents were asking about recently hospitalised young korean men with brown hair and eyes. You don't think that sounds familiar, do you?"
Taehyung's thick brows rose and he swallowed hard. An apologetical grin playing on his lips then. "Well, you see.. funny story.." His hand went to scratch the back of his neck nervously. Unable to come up with a decent explanation to why an interpol agent was in search for someone looking like him. The only logical sounding thing his mind could come up with was that it was a simple coincidence, but something told him she was way too smart to fall for such an obvious lie.
Much to his relief Jimin took over instead. "Was one of them tall with broad shoulders and a trenchcoat?"
"Well, y-yeah. I guess? Don't they all look like this?"
"Hm, was he also handsome?"
She blinked, taken aback by their seemingly apathy of the situation. Shouldn't they be worried? Appalled even? "I don't know, I didn't see any faces. You know him?"
"Well," Jimin mused, "If he's tall, handsome with broad shoulder and a coat, it's pops."
"'Pops'?!" Confusion was quickly replaced with bewilderment on her face.
Taehyung rolled his eyes, sighing. "Agent Kim Seokjin, one of the interpol agents assigned to us. We.." His voice trailed off, as he was fidgeting around his words. "We.."
They all grew quiet, uncertain glances being exchanged between them and Cassandra slowly became fed up with their secrecy. Her head spinning by now.
With quick steps she stood in front of Taehyung who was avoiding her inquiring glare. She propped her hands on either side of him on the bed as she leaned in with a look so eery and penetrating that evoked a gulp from him.
"We're thieves," Yoongi deadpanned then from behind her, so casually as if he had just announced they were common vendors. "We work internationally, that's why interpol is after us."
Jimin only sighed in defeat and nodded, followed by a light chuckle. "Cat's out of the bag now I guess."
Her brows arched at this.
Thieves. Actual thieves?  
They didn't look like it. They might be lying, but then again, how would she know what thieves looked like. 
Without letting her guard down, she instead narrowed her eyes at Taehyung in front of her who was giving her an insecure grin.
"If you don't want me to go up there and tell the interpol guys about you, you better tell me the whole story."
Yoongi clicked his tongue. "Why does it matter?" he wondered out loud, folding his arms.
"So I can determine what kind of thieves you are."
They were stunned by her confident attitude and he eventually nodded with a sense of respect towards her. "Alright, just tell her then," he said, motioning to Taehyung who was still quite perplexed by her fierce eyes staring daggers at his. "She'll read it tomorrow in the papers anyway."
"And don't even think about lying," Cassandra whispered, her face mere centimetres away from Taehyung's. "I got a sixth sense for that."
She didn't and Taehyung could tell her bluff, but he still decided to be honest with her. He didn't know why, but when she glared at him with those big angry eyes, trying to look intimidating but failing miserably and instead looking adorable as hell, he melted just a little bit and wanted to tell her anything she wanted.
"Ok, fine," he groaned in pretend-annoyance, looking away, "We're thieves, you know this much. We broke into the archive of an auction house to get an illegally-obtained figurine. But a gang that was also after it, showed up and one of these idiots triggered the alarm system. We escaped, but - again, those guys were brainless - they shot at us, we shot back. And one of their bullets hit the building's gas line then."
She inhaled sharply. "That caused the explosion.."
He gave her a nod, sighing. "And something hit my head.. and that's how we ended up here. Satisfied?"
She ponded over his words. Glancing at him contemplating. "This figurine was.. illegally-obtained? By the auctioneers?"
"Yeah. They bought it off from someone who stole it from its actual owner. And we're helping her to get it back as it also has a high emotional value to her, besides the obvious monetary one."
She hummed. Again, this guy could be lying his head off for all she knew and yet, something inside her told her he was sincere by the way his eyes were looking straight at hers instead of avoiding them.
A figurine from an auction house. That.. wasn't too bad. Was it? It could be worse. They could've been stealing old people's money.
She was probably a naive idiot, but she believed him. At least she wanted to. And yet, she didn't want to get fooled that easily in case it was a lie after all, which most likely was the case.
"You might lie," she pressed as to ensure her gut feeling. But his expression remained persistent. Holding her glance with certainty. 
"I might. But I'm not."
"He told you the truth," Jimin smiled then, gently placing his hand on her shoulder and making her back away from his friend. "If you don't believe us, fair enough. Me and Yoongi can still escape with ease. But Taehyungie here wouldn't be able to due to his dizziness and headache. So I'll still beg you not to inform pops."
She was an idiot, most clearly because to her they sounded sincere and it even warmed her heart a little how much they cared for their friend. Indeed, they could easily escape. They didn't even have to bring Taehyung there in the first place, it was a potential risk and yet they'd done it.
That told her enough about them for now.
She might regret it later on. Maybe the next day. Maybe in a week. A year. Who knew what consequences her complicity tonight might have.
But then again.. she was just a medical student doing one of her many internships there. She didn't have any responsibilities.
Taking a deep breath, she pushed herself off the bed and looked at the anticipating guys.
"Alright, follow me," she plainly said then, observing their postures relaxing.
"You won't snitch on us?" Yoongi asked, brow arching in doubt. Caution evident in his voice.
She rolled her eyes with a little giggle. "I'll probably regret it, but no. I'll try my best to keep your little secret between us. But perhaps you wanna change these clothes.." She wagged her index finger at their partially torn, burnt and bloody attire. "If anyone else sees you, I can't promise they won't."
"And what would you suggest, Doc?" Taehyung asked then with a curious smirk, to which Cassandra could only shrug cheekily.
"I may have a plan."
next chapter: 0.1 here
Don't forget to like, reblog & leave feedback!♡ It motivates me to keep writing :)
taglist: @lilanyxta @memna234 @tetehion
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e-vay · 5 months
if it’s okay to ask, What are top 5 favourite sonic games and what is it that you like about them?
Mine are 1. Sonic Unleashed, 2. Sonic Adventure 2, 3. The Murder of Sonic The Hedgehog, 4. Sonic Riders Zero Gravity, 4. Sonic Frontiers
Those are some great picks!
Mine are constantly changing, but my current top 5 as I'm typing this are:
1: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog. This game was so unexpected and it did not need to be as awesome as it was, but man they put everything into it. The art is GORGEOUS. The writing is HILARIOUS. The gameplay is actually fun! And Amy's (basically) the main character? An absolute treasure! I can only hope we get more like it!
Tumblr media
2: Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. The game I think of when I think "Sonic." It's the perfect balance of great story and gameplay. It's heavy but it's also fun. The Chao Garden. The main storyline already has great replay value, but the individual challenges for each level were actually fun (and killer) and made you explore each level in a new way. I never get tired of playing this game!
3: Sonic Frontiers. This game is so beautiful not only visually but emotionally. I can't tell you how many times while playing I would specifically scale to the top of a structure just so I could enjoy the view. And every time it rains in the game it's breathtaking! I LOVED that we got a story with serious, heartbreaking themes. I cried multiple times (AND ESPECIALLY DURING EGGMAN MOMENTS!?!). Don't get me wrong, I think it's important for Sonic games to be fun too (and I had a lot of fun playing this, for sure) but I love when the writers aren't afraid to delve deeper and explore the vulnerability of these seemingly unshakable characters.
4: Sonic the Hedgehog 3. My favorite of all the classic Sonic games. I enjoy the graphics in this version the most and the music tracks and levels are peak in my opinion. And even though the bonus level drives me nucking futs, I actually love it (I'm a masochist I suppose).
5: Sonic Dream Team. I was not expecting this level of quality from a mobile game. The character models ARE SO GOOD I CAN'T TAKE IT. They're so beautiful??? Let me kiss them PLEASE. The levels are vivid and so detailed and really look straight out of a dream. There are VOICE LINES?! I constantly replay levels as both Sonic and Amy because I just love hearing them so much. I also love games that offer different gameplay styles depending on the characters you play (though obvi I prefer playing as Sonic and Amy). It's reminiscent of SA2. I just wish it was a console game and not limited to Apple Arcade. More people should be able to play it, especially on a big screen where you can appreciate it!
Thanks for the question!
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note: this is NOT a commentary about the movies themselves, just the songs!!
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cerealboxlore · 1 year
imagine, and i don’t know how or why, cap having to reveal his identity to the league, but he just says his name
whatever members immediately look up billy batson, sees he’s a kid, and assumes that marvel being there is time shenanigans and that he was keeping his identity secret to not mess up the timeline
would be funny if somewhere after this another superhero asks him if he looked up to himself as a kid and he just responds with “nah, i hated captain marvel. i mean, who the hell would willingly be so cringy” or something idk i’m tired
that just seems like it could be a lot of fun to me
I think this is an amazing idea!! Using time travel as an excuse to lie to the Justice League and others about his existence is just pure, high-level wizard genius. Of course, some other time traveler, like Booster Gold, might make this a difficult lie to keep up, unless...he was in on the lie from the start 👀 It would make for a cute friendship between the two heroes and make for a good bonding story about the most unexpected people who became heroes.
A scenario where I can imagine your plan happening would most likely be a funny one, and while there can absolutely be a serious event that causes this idea of yours, I am laughing out of control thinking about Captain Marvel accidentally touching the lasso of truth and saying his name when someone asks him on the Watch Tower. And then he goes silent. Cap sees the rope next to him. And then everyone goes silent. They see the rope next to him. And then he leaves without saying anything, and the entire break room bursts into PURE chaos.
I think it's an awesome idea to have people think Billy hated Captain Marvel growing up, because that's just a factor of hilarity right there. In the Captain Marvel Adventures comic run, there was an issue where Billy pretended to have a feud with Captain Marvel (himself) so that people would leave him alone (if I remember right??). It's always funny to me to see someone pretend to hate their alter ego, it brings up so many opportunities for shenanigans!
Superman: Hey, Captain! Sorry to bother you, but I was curious, if it's not too much to ask, may I inquire as to why you're in the past instead of, you know, back in the future?
Captain Marvel: Ah, well, that's a pretty long story there, Supes. I can't go into it too much for privacy reasons, you know how it is.
Superman: Oh, no, I get it, don't worry, I won't press into it.
Captain Marvel: Hm...I can tell you this though, if I ever come into contact with my past self, due to my magic cells and the fabric of the universe, I will self-destruct.
Superman: ....what.
Captain Marvel: Yeahhh, it's a whole thing, it's why I never bother to meet my past self, and if you don't mind, I'd appreciate it if you left my past self alone. Haha, wouldn't want to risk cross contamination accidentally and explode.
He then walks away whistling without a care about what he just said, leaving Superman and the rest in a confused and concerned state.
On the news next week a JL member sees Booster Gold shake hands with Billy on the Fawcett City news (Captain Marvel's city) and holds back the urge to body slam him back to the future.
Gosh, this was wonderful to answer!
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nikibogwater · 3 months
One of the things I love most about the Legend of Zelda series is its commitment to false advertising and blindsiding the player with unexpected dark elements.
Ocarina of Time: This is a cheerful and colorful adventure game about time travel and magical songs. *casually jumpscares u with ReDeads in the Kakariko Graveyard and makes u traverse a literal torture dungeon at one point*
Majora's Mask: This is another cheerful and colorful adventure game about saving a cute village from the impending apocalypse and OH MY GOODNESS THE HORRORS, THE EXISTENTIAL HORRORS.
Link's Awakening: This is a cute and quirky game about a mystical island filled with talking animals and lovable townsfolk. Please pay no attention to the fact that this game has the most tragic ending in the entire series. :)
Skyward Sword: A bright and whimsical game that explains the origins of the series' staple characters. Absolutely delightful in every way, just as long as you ignore the sadistic demon lord who takes delight in tormenting Link, and also the sheer. fricking. terror of the Silent Realm challenges.
Twilight Princess: This is a dark and edgy game for all you Zelda adults out there. Link is a himbo farm boy who has never done anything wrong in his entire life and he gets turned into the sweetest big ol' pupper you've ever seen. Also there's a village filled with cats that you can snuggle. Very scary, not for little kids.
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ryuryuryuyurboat · 9 months
new year's day
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synopsis: hold on to the memories, and they will hold on to you.
genre: fluff, maybe slight angst at the end
characters: aether x gn! reader, adventurer! reader
warnings: reader referred to in 2nd person, awkward/accidental confession, kissing
a/n: happy new year!! may the new year bring us all much joy<3 likes, reblogs and comments highly appreciated!!
©2023 ryuryuryuyurboat. do not repost, translate, plagiarise, or modify in any way, shape or form.
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a blink of an eye, and yet another year of traversing the vast world of teyvat had come and gone. wasn’t it just yesterday that you met the blond traveler from some foreign land and his flying non-wish-granting fairy? almost seems like yesterday that he invited you to join him on his voyage– something about ‘similar goals’ and the shared desire to be paid more for your contributions to the adventurer’s guild made the partnership all the more desirable. (him being exactly your type was a sweet bonus.)
now, after yet another year filled with unexpected twists, action-packed fights, and exhausting tasks, with aether still nowhere close to finding anything more about his sister’s whereabouts, it was time to sit down, unwind, and reflect on the past year. 
you sat on a hilltop, with the unmistakable silhouette of the opera on the opposite shore, looking up at the stars shining through the depths of the night sky, laughing about the events that happened in the past year and him explaining famous traditions from his homeland that were similar to those of teyvat’s. 
“hey, wait, what’s the deal with a new year’s kiss?” you suddenly had a thought. 
aether froze, then leaned in, an uncharacteristically sly grin on his face. “why, thinking ‘bout getting yourself a new year’s kiss?”
“uh, well, maybe?”
his grin dropped. “...i see.” he turned to look up at the glittering canopy above, a soft sigh leaving his lips. “it’s believed that a couple that exchanges a kiss at the stroke of midnight will last long.”
“aaaaaand if the pair isn’t a couple yet?”
“jeez, get a confession out first, will you?”
“but would you even accept it?” you blurt.
then, hesitantly, gaze never daring to leave your face, he asks, “...you… you wanna say that again?” “no.”
your eyes timidly meet his unwavering stare. you’re scared. you’re scared you’ll make a mistake, and you’re scared he’ll turn away. you don’t want him to become a stranger whose laugh you’d recognise anywhere— not with all the memories you’ve made together.
but then he smiles a warm smile, all the brightness of the stars dimming in comparison to the shine in his eyes.
“y’know… i’ve got a hundred thrown out speeches i almost said to you,” he reaches for your hand, squeezes it three times. “i wouldn’t have known you’d beat me to a confession this way–” he cuts himself off with a laugh.
silence again, punctuated only by the sound of fireworks as they shot into the night sky to mark the arrival of a new year.
he let out a soft sigh. “i… you know i’m terrible with words, so… will you let me show you?”
thus, under the twinkling gaze of the stars and the flying sparks of the fireworks, aether pressed his lips to yours– sealing a silent promise that you both knew in your hearts could be broken sooner or later.
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taglist: @yinyinggie @lynyluvr @kazemiya @meidnightrain @https-furina (send ask to be added to taglist!)
if you liked this, do consider dropping me a follow for more :>
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desultory-novice · 10 months
Magalor gets the crown but neither turns on the main cast or gets controlled instantly and just kinda leaves.
(Bonus points if he gradually gets controlled, taking such a long time (like a couple months - a couple years) that people can see it happening but just can't stop it and have to watch it happen no I'm not copying adventure time)
Since you said Magolor left Kirby and the others alone, I'm afraid you'll have to deal with a Marx and Marxolor-heavy version of this prompt! (I sure hope you're one of my readers who either likes or doesn't mind some shipping between them, Anon! >w< )
I originally wrote this as a script to maybe comic-ify before I realized it was way too long and quickly transformed it into a prose piece!
"False King's Lament" Pairing: Marxolor Genre: Angst Words: 1,000 Warnings: Uh...they kiss briefly...?
[Read More]
A breezy question, spoken almost out of boredom, echoed with unexpected weight throughout the room. 
"How long you gonna keep wearing that?"
The wizard king turned in the direction of the voice: it came from his court jester, who spoke to him upside down, being in the middle of a series of complex acrobatic exercises. 
The jester was the only member of his court. For theirs was a kingdom of two.
"...Wearing what?"
"The big glittery crown on your head, your majesty."
They tried to invite others to join in their kingdom of laughter and good times. Most refused with looks of disgust or terror. Some took up weapons. Some simply ran. Of course, together the two of them had the ability to force anyone they wanted to stay, but after a time, the wizard king would sigh and say their screams weren't the ones he was looking for and let them go–to the jester's disappointment.
"The Master Crown is an object of unlimited power." 
The golden diadem in question, sculpted to resemble some kind of airborne creature, like a bird or a bat or perhaps a dragon sat atop the wizard king's head. The jewel in the center, a light opalescent color that every so often looked blood red in the light, sparkled on its own, as if it somehow knew it was being spoken about. 
"Why would I ever stop wearing it?"
The jester hopped forward, deft in his comically oversized shoes.
"Uh, cause it looks dumb on you?"
The veil of majesty on the wizard king's face fell away, one gloved hand massaging away the annoyance he felt in his brow from betwixt the crown's enormous claws.
There was no more dignity there as he dropped the royal charade to sigh at his longtime friend and lifelong partner in mischief.
"Ma~rx..." Irritation rose in the last notes of that name.
The jester, unfurling his wiry wings, crossed the distance between himself and his king with a single glittering flap.
"Seriously, Magolor. You haven't taken that thing off since you came back with it. I know you like looking all important, but come on!"
Magolor noticed Marx's ever delighted smile had left his face. His own countenance was a frown.
"Once more, I have to question you why I should?"
"...Can you?" This question was softer in pitch than that which initiated this conversation. Heavier in tone.
"What was that?" Magolor feigned a fool's ignorance. It was true that his hearing was not what it had been in years past. But to say he hadn't heard the jester's question would be the kind of lie that distinguished his life before his coronation.
"Can you take it off?" 
Firmer now. Marx no longer concealed his concern.
"....Why is that a question?" Golden eyes looked around the throne room for anything else to concentrate on. (Though had it not, at one time, been built for a purpose other than ruling? Had this empty castle in his image not been made to host more than just them?)
Marx wrapped his hands–though it was only Magolor who thought of the large, monstrous claws that way–close around the two ends of his jester's cap like they were cuffs, miming his king's horns.
"It's hugging your head pre~tty tight." His violet eyes glimmered as he stuck his tongue out of a crescent smile. "Even tighter than I do!"
Magolor laughed, suddenly at ease again. "Is that it? You're jealous over a piece of headgear?" 
He lifted the small jester in his large hands; up to the brim of his scarf for a secret kiss. But as the two pulled away, Magolor saw that the mirth in Marx's expression had been only temporary. A trap to encourage Magolor to let down his guard.
"I'm being serious for once."
Magolor absentmindedly bounced the jester from hand to hand as a distraction, Marx nimbly skipping and twirling along the stairs of the other's fingers in their little lover's game.
"Whatever you're worried about, don't be. I've spent years researching the Master Crown and its power."
The last two words came out with crushing force. "...I'm fine."
"Great!" Marx stopped, smiled, and hooked one hand on a white gloved finger, orbiting it like a trapeze artist to fling himself up on top of Magolor's head. "Then you'll be fine without it too!"
"...Marx, just let it go." Magolor wanted to crane back to pull him off but knew that he would not be able to turn his head to his satisfaction. He instead swatted uselessly at the air behind him.
"No, I won't." A once soft voice hissed with anger and determination. "Not until I get this creepy thing off your head, Mags."
Magolor's blind grasps grew quicker and more panicked. Marx stretched his wings to their full span and slipped the tips of his bony claws under the thick golden ones that wrapped crushingly close around the head and horns of his lover. 
The fake royal finally let the old weakness and helplessness of his former life slip through the cracks in his voice as he began to shout, "Don't! Don't tou-...!" Then, Marx began to pry at it.
"...Ngh!" Magolor groaned, feeling his head simultaneously forced up and pressed down by Marx's determined efforts to de-crown him. It was uncomfortable, but not unbearable. Yet. Still, he cried Marx's name through tight lips, pleading with him to stop before...
His howl of excruciating pain echoed through the room, bounding across every wall like a wounded animal desperate to escape as Magolor violently arched back, flinging Marx off of him like a missile.
"Ugh...!" Marx rolled several times before coming to a stop against the wall. He shook his head to clear the dizziness. "Mags, what the..."
He looked up at his injured king, whose hands were tightly clutching the crown that now appeared to be wriggling atop Magolor's head like it were alive. Magolor shook and shuddered, whimpering at the angry, punitive thrumming of the crown-creature that wore him.
Marx noticed that, in the struggle, Magolor's neck wrap had fallen. His round eyes widened, irises like dots, at what he saw.
The jester traced the path of the crown-creature's claws with those eyes. Unlike the ones clutching his brow and hugging his horns, these trailed down a ways before they disappeared entirely into Magolor's back, where body and gold fused together.
"Are you...satisfied...now that...you know?" A glint of a golden eye found him, wavering as the light illuminated a stillborn tear.
Marx flew around immediately to face him, kneading his claws gently into Magolor's curled fingers until they unfolded once more for him to hop up into. "How long has it been like this, Mags...?"
"I don't remember... Right after I put it on? Months later?"
Anger boiled over in Marx to the degree that he no longer knew where to direct it. "How do you not remember when this thing suddenly began crawling over your head and growing into your back?! How did you study it for years and not realize it wasn't a stupid crown at all but some sort of...messed up monster?! Do you even HAVE limitless power?! Then use it and get rid of it! Blow it up or take it off or whatever you have to do! You CAN do that, right?" 
The lying wizard ducked his head in shame; he did not want to lie.
"...What's it doing to you Mags...? What's it going to do?"
The jester, who in a moment had forgotten forever how to laugh, looked at his liege, his fellow trickster, and his love as the other opened lips split in a most unnatural way. "...I don't know..."
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sloane-kdramas · 6 months
You got me curious and now I have to ask. What are your all time favourite kdramas? Or the ones that you would recommend without hesitation?
Have a great day! ♥️
Thank you for waiting for me to compile my thoughts, choosing dramas that mean a lot to me isn't easy. But here are the ones I enjoyed and aren't talked about enough:
Encounter: Subversion of popular tropes will always be more interesting to watch. Here we have a heroine as the isolated CEO and male lead as the sweetest man to exist, sweeping her off her feet with adventures while completely respecting her position. Song Hyo Kyo gives a subtle but excellent performance, which made me love her acting way before she cemented it with The Glory
Guardians/ Lookout: I can't believe this wasn't as popular as Vincenzo, cause it damn deserves it. It's a story about blood-filled revenge, but from a woman who uses her pain to serve other people. Lee Si Young is phenomenal.
I Need Romance 3: Kim So Yeon can do anything, but seeing her as a careless 30-something as executive with a pet giraffe and a closed heart did something to me. She's the most imperfect, funnily relatable, brass and interesting. She just needed the annoying kid she used to babysit -now turned hot musician- to unlock her loving side. Sung Joon is the hottest a man has ever been.
Something In The Rain: Take all the societal problems Korean women are facing and weave a precious love story around it. It should be impossible, but they've made it work. The show excels in its depictions of casual intimacy, work life and friendships, nothing is exaggerated for effect. It flows through you like a song. And the ending wasn't bad, if you expected a fairytale you should grow up. It's a horrible reality, wherein lies love.
Search WWW: the ultimate story about women. This made me love kdramas. Three main players whose agendas clash with their ethics in the war of capitalism and surveillance. Three love stories, each hitting different strings. The ultimate modern classic. Memeable to death.
Ms Perfect and Woman of Dignity: it's not accurate to put these two together, but they represent the best that makjang has to offer. They're truly about how a woman finds her voice after being betrayed and how to take revenge on the people you thought had your back. And find a hotter man in the process.
The Penthouse: all its success made people forget it had the tightest script for two seasons. The writing was unmatched. It gave me my genius revenge queen Su Ryeon, who ran circles around every opponent, while keeping her warm heart and kindness intact. Don't watch the last three episodes, but other than that, it deserves its spot on the drama pantheon. The sweetest unexpected romance as well.
Honorable mentions:
Flower of evil
Weightlifting Fairy
Romance Is A Bonus Book
She Would Never Know
Why Her
Witch's Romance
Branding in Seongsu
I had to keep it to korean dramas, but I've watched japanese, thai and chinese as well, for another time.
Thank you for the question @troubled-mind, you made me revisit my love for these
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Michael Sheen - Master Storyteller
In today's digital world, celebrity interviews are in abundance - especially when you consider newer mediums like podcasts that have skyrocketed in popularity over the past decade. You can find panels from conventions, access talk shows from other countries, read magazine articles from across the pond. There are so many one-dimensional, disconnected, or just plain boring celebrity guests in this oversaturated market. Michael Sheen is NEVER one of those guests.
Storytelling is an underappreciated skill. In this realm, it becomes obvious that Michael has harnessed this skill exceptionally well. As a master storyteller and world-builder, he captivates with the effortless ease of a raconteur, transforming an ordinary interview question into immersive journeys that leave you utterly enraptured.
You can't help but be drawn in by his passion. It's not just in the words he chooses or the exact experience he is relaying, but the ebb and flow of his narrative voice - a voice that exudes warmth and conviction, vulnerability and authenticity, humor and hope.
Like an artist crafting an epic, he makes it so that you feel like an active participant in the tale - present in the narrative being woven - instead of just a listener. Each story feels like a memory being created in the moment with you, rather than just a mere recounting of events.
I absolutely love when he takes a seemingly simplistic interview question that one would assume would result in a stale, depthless answer, and somehow delivers a story so engaging that you are now on an unexpected adventure alongside him. It doesn't matter the topic - he is just that magical and skilled. Michael must be a dream for interviewers. In a lot of ways, the man practically interviews himself. His tangents are so entertaining, refreshing, and enriching - delivering delicious opportunities to dive deeper into his narratives should the interviewer find themselves brave enough.
Outside of his masterful storytelling, Michael truly just seems like a wonderful human to have a conversation with. He is insanely charming, marvelously chaotic, unabashedly honest, perpetually curious, intensely thought-provoking, and deeply caring.
Do yourself a favor and listen to some Michael Sheen content this week. You might laugh until you hurt. You might sob uncontrollably. You might find yourself impassioned over a new topic. You might leave with a fresh perspective. You might find your faith in humanity restored. You will not regret it.
In closing, we all know that age-old ice breaker question - If you could have a dinner party with any 5 famous people (dead or alive), who would they be and why? Well if it isn't obvious yet, one of my answers would unequivocally be Michael Sheen. He'd be riveting in his own right, but can you imagine the stories he'd draw out of the other guests too?
Bonus Content:
For all of those that made it to the end of my TedTalk... enjoy this instant serotonin boost brought to you by Sheenie's Smile!
And yes, at my dinner party I'd 100% tell him "You've had such a profound effect on my life!"
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