#the amount of charges is subject to change
koipalm · 1 year
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stranded au- spring to summer
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clairdelunelove · 6 months
itadori yuuji is the type to believe that giving his girlfriend "princess treatment" is the bare minimum
yuuji who, upon getting a glimpse of the gloomy sky, will immediately shed his jacket to give it to you. he genuinely checks the weather app on his phone just for you. actually, it doesn’t even matter if the weather is terribly stormy or rainy– if he glances out the window and sees the trees swaying from the wind then he’s handing you his jacket. call him dramatic but he doesn’t want his girl to be cold! can’t fathom the thought of how inconsiderate he’d be if he just let you waltz in the frigid air and become sick. just the idea of that happening to you has him nauseated. and if you sheepishly decline, murmuring a worried excuse that he’ll be cold and whatnot, then he’s got a couple tricks up his sleeve! “got this new jacket over the weekend,” he’ll casually bring up while the two of you are walking together, “it’s really soft on the inside! here, wear it and lemme know!” and before you know it, you’re bundled up in his jacket and he’s zipping it up for you with the sweetest smile on his face. just continuously dotes on you in the ways that count. and on the rare occasion where it’s pouring rain outside while the two of you are together, he’s surprisingly prepared. has a travel-sized umbrella tucked away in his pocket for this situation. it sometimes stuns you at how well he plans anything that revolves around you; once, he jokingly mentioned how his brain works overtime whenever he’s with you. “I’m, like, actually thinking when you’re around me, yanno,” he muses and the seriousness in his voice always pulls a giggle from you. he’s in charge of holding the umbrella over the both of you but because of the size, his uncovered shoulder is usually drenched by the end of it. tries to change the subject if you notice. “hey, that small shop is selling figurines!” “they had them last week, yuu.” not to mention that half a week later he definitely gets sick from being in the rain for too long but he won’t admit it because he’s stubborn. also, during the stormy season, he’s the type to advise you to wait under some cover so he can get the car. will guide you to a brightly lit spot on the sidewalk so you can safely wait for him. “wait here for me!” he calls over his shoulder and hurriedly jogs to where he last parked the car. yuuji is especially precarious in these situations. scrambles out of the car to open the door and carefully help you in. even if he’s moving quickly, his actions are always so delicate towards you. buckles your seatbelt while pressing a soft kiss on your cheek and, in the process, doesn't bother to protect himself from the rain. ends up with his pink hair sticking to his forehead, weighed down from water droplets, and you’re instinctively brushing it away from his eyes. and when you pull away, he considers that it’s worth it. so even if the chilly weather numbs your fingertips, you’re warm from the amount of effort yuuji goes through to ensure that you’re alright.
yuuji who vigilantly guides you through crowded places so you can have the best view. is aware that you become a bit anxious due to the amount of restless people that are rushing and swarming to their destination. and yes, you acknowledge that everyone has their reasons but it still causes you to panic. yuuji has a foolproof plan for the date to go well, though. he typically opts to whisper sweet nothings in your ear while leading you through the crowd. “gosh,” he tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear and leans beside you, “today's almost as beautiful as you are.” and the way his voice is reduced to a dreamy sigh is incredibly charming. makes your heart flip and your palms sweaty. you’re awestruck at how thoughtful he is and he’s so careful about directing you through the crowd. has a steady arm wrapped around your waist as he eagerly points to the direction where the fireworks are being set off. it’s a beautiful evening. hues of burnt orange and titian paint the sky, a perfect backdrop for the event that caused onlookers to buzz in excitement. but yuuji’s gaze never leaves yours. watchful for the possibility of someone standing too close to you. he will deliberately jab an elbow and warn them with a, “watch it, man. almost knocked my girl over.”  but then he’s back to being your good-natured boyfriend. angles towards you with a considerably soft glimmer in his eyes when you tug him closer. he’s always beside you, never straying too far away from you– he couldn’t. even if the world tried to pry you from his arms, he’d raise havoc. that’s the type of person yuuji is. and his touch makes you feel so secure– safe. just a comforting weight around your waist as he gently guides you along. unfortunately, the event was more popular than you expected. you can’t see a thing, regardless of whether you teetered on the tips of your toes or not. a frown pulls at your lips and disappointment rushes through you because it had been your idea to spend the night here. better luck next time, you supposed. but as you turn to break the news to the blushy haired male, he’s speaking up. “hop on my back so you can see better!” and before you can retort, he’s dropping to his knees and motioning for you to get on. “hurry! they’re starting!” nudging you onto his back, yuuji easily maneuvers to give you a piggyback ride in hopes of providing you a better view of where they’re manually lighting the fireworks. while you’re squealing at the sudden change of position, he takes the time to smooth a courteous hand over the folds of your clothes and chuckles at your genuine shock. “better, right?” he asks. and he’s so brawny that the action is a breeze. you readjust your hold on his shoulders despite how flustered you are by how effortless it is for him to carry you, “it is! I can see now!” and when you press a sticky kiss on his cheek, he’s in bliss. likes the mark of gloss and lipstick that you leave behind. won’t wipe it off even if he gets teased for it later on. “only the best seat in the house for the best girl in the world,” he declares as your warmth emanates onto him and the sky is streaked in prismatic fireworks.
yuuji who wordlessly reaches out to shoulder any grocery/shopping bag that dangles in your grasp. for instance, if you’re on a little weekend date at the nearby plaza and the two of you are browsing then he’s full-on excited. his honeyed eyes light up whenever he recognizes the billboard of your favorite shop and he immediately knows that this’ll be a great day. adores shopping with you! sure, a couple of the customers might cast a strange glance at him whenever he pleads for you to try on clothes that he suggests. “please? I haven’t seen you in this color,” yuuji says, not bothering to hide the desperation in his voice despite the close proximity of a store employee, “I’ll pay for it! my treat!” and he gets a bit dizzy while imagining you in all the frills and lace. just pretty, delicate fabric sitting on your soft skin that causes his fantasies to run wild. but he can’t be blamed! you’re drop-dead gorgeous to him! and if you lack self-confidence in how you look then don’t worry. yuuji’s perfect at reassuring you that you’re beautiful and he firmly reminds you that people are meant to wear clothes– not the other way around. eventually, his utter devotion to you eases your worries so it’s a huge win for him. loves that you trust him enough to let him decide on what you should buy! and once (yuuji) the both of you are finished paying and the retail employee hands you the heap of bags, you’re bracing yourself to carry them. because they’re all filled to the brim with clothes meant for you. but don’t even think about touching them! yuuji’s strong, calloused hands instinctively pluck them away from you. he balances the heavy load on a single, broad shoulder and uses his unoccupied hand to hold onto yours. and, surprisingly, he’s silent during the whole ordeal. like holding your bags was part of his duty of being your boyfriend. if you ask him his reasoning for it then he’ll shoot you a cheeky grin and chirp, “it’s easier to hold your hand like this!” and when he had first done this, you rationalized that this seemingly small yet significant gesture would be forgotten the more your relationship with him blossomed. nope. if anything, it’s gotten more apparent. the blushy haired male will even carry your purse around if you allow him to! never bats an eye to the quizzical stares or mocking laughs that he gets from it. he holds a certain standard for himself in regards to your relationship with him. and in all seriousness, he just wishes to alleviate the burden and inconvenience for you– no matter how meager it is.
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fansids · 5 months
Shadow of the King Au Art Dump
Since I very rarely get past the sketching phase any presentable art is rare, but I managed to find some for ya'll
Warning for some old ass art:
1. The Stalwart Generals
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I spent an ungodly amount of time figuring out the designs, dynamics, and personalities of all of these monkies so I'll be damned if I don't show them first.
The Generals take care of anything SWK is unable to. They are in charge of FFM when he's not present.
Marshal Ma - While technically all the generals are the same rank, Marshal Ma is considered SWK's unofficial second in command. She's calm in every crisis with a very low bs tolerance and is 75% of the reason why the island doesn't fall to chaos every time SWK leaves. She's highly respected by all the inhabitants and can and will break your spine Bane style if the situation calls for it.
Marshal Liu - Mean bisexual. Marshal Ma's sister and the bane of her existence. On duty she takes her role very seriously. Off duty she likes to keep Ma on her toes with her dumbassery. She's easy going, hates clothes, and loves to fight. She has a slightly concerning amount of knives on her person at all times. She is big gay for General Beng.
General Beng - Meaner lesbian. A siamang and the largest and tallest of the generals. She enjoys dressing up, tea (both kinds), and a good party. She has a very short fuse. While her size and strength alone would generally deter anyone from testing her temper, there are always idiots. She can fight, but she knows her Liu would enjoy it more.
General Ba - The youngest of the generals. While she's not shy, she is very quiet. She does not waste her words. But, when she speaks, the others will stop whatever they're doing to listen. She likes to spend her free time in the libraries. Get her in the right mood and she'll argue with you for hours about the most random subjects.
2. Macaque face evolution
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Was trying to get a feel for Macaque's face and how it changes throughout the au. Top right is the youngest, bottom right is the oldest. Bro gets all sorts of messed up from the whole died and resurrection thing and very much looks wrong afterwards.
3. New fit
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Macaque and SWK have the whole cape thing going on, I figured SWK gave Mac one of his own when he was still training under him. I like to think it holds a lot of sentimental value to him since he still wears it in present day but he would rather get his head smashed in again than admit it.
4. I'm sure this won't come back to bite anyone later
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Eeesh. Imagine spending your whole life training to receive and keep the Sun Wukong's attention only for him to casually give it to some random human boy thousands of years later. I mean, Macaque did betray him and everything, but it's the principle.
5. The Tongbi Gibbon Concepts
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One of the four world-wrecking/celestial monkies. My brain was very focused on the whole pulling celestial bodies out of the sky part of her abilities that I made her based around that line.
Don't know if this fit is still canon as she and the Horse Monkey had a large role to play in Shadow of the King, and I'm considering if I should take them out
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I consider the Tongbi gibbon and the Horse Monkey to be older than both Sun Wukong and Macaque in Shadow of the King. The Horse Monkey is the eldest, but the Tongbi's age is nothing to sniff at.
That being said, that does not mean she can't be bought.
Takes place after all the traumatizing shit in SotK
Panel 1
Tongbi: Child, I am an ancient being. I hold the power of gods within me. I was witness to the birth of the Great Sage himself. I have seen nations and empires rise and fall. I have gathered and spent innumerable wealth. Yet you think you can bribe me with 20 yuan?
Panel 2
The host: ...how 'bout 30?
Panel 3
Off-panel (Horse Monkey): TONGBI!!
MK: I thought the nimbus made you airsick
Red Son: Not helping, Noodle Boy
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THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS after goodness knows how long, Knox Commissions are finally Open!
There are 5 Slots Available for this run. [August 17th 2024.] If things go well I hope to open more in the future!
If you'd like to see more examples of my art feel free to scroll through my art tag #KNOX ART (me)
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[T.O.S below cut]
Terms of service
01 - General Terms
• Prices are subject to change based on demand.
• I have the right to reject any order for any reason.
• I may not respond to e-mails/messages or do commission work on Sundays.
• Do not share my personal/legal information (my legal name etc.) with any third parties. If you do you forfeit your right to the commission and you will be blacklisted from ever commissioning me again.
02 - Payment
• The currency accepted is CAD or USD and can be paid through PayPal, or Kofi.
• Commissions can be paid either 100% upfront or split 50% upfront and 50% after sketch approval.
• Don’t send me any payment before I have agreed to give you a slot and requested you to send me the payment.
03 - Process & Delivery
• ​The time it takes to finish your commission varies 1 week - 3 months depending on factors such as health, the complexity of the commissioned piece, other work, and personal matters.
• Once the piece is finished you will receive the full-resolution image. Note that there is no physical product.
04 - Revisions
• You get 3 rounds of changes on the commissioned piece included in the price.
• A fee will be added if you want something changed on the final drawing - unless a misunderstanding from my side has been made.
• If you wish for me to change something in the drawing you have previously approved, I will charge you a fee to change it. The amount of the extra charge depends on the change you want me to make and is usually based on an hourly wage.
• If your reference is unclear to start with, changes will come at an extra charge.
05 - Copyright & Usage
• I, "Knox" (the artist):
• I reserve the right to cancel and refund the order at any time for any reason.
• I retain all copyrights over the commissioned artwork.
• I will NOT claim the intellectual property (IP) of the commissioned artwork (your characters are still yours, etc.)
• I will NOT profit further from the commissioned artwork unless you (the customer) break any of the terms.
• I reserve the right to post the commissioned artwork online, in my portfolio as well as in publications such as art books.
• You (the customer/commissioner):
• You may upload the commissioned artwork on any website and social channels.
• You may NOT make profits from the commissioned piece (reselling, redistributing, uploading to POD-services, making prints for selling, using in a monetized youtube channel thumbnail etc.)
• You may NOT alter the commissioned artwork without my (the artist's) consent.
• You MAY be allowed to sell the artwork if it is a part of an Adoptable. Please discuss this with me (the artist) prior to paying for the artwork though.
• You retain the rights to the intellectual property (IP).
• You may NOT use the commissioned artwork for commercial purposes.
• The following is considered copyright infringement:​
• Reproducing/using the copyrighted artwork commercially - means making money off it in any way not excluded from these terms.
• Claiming the artwork as your own
• Altering the artwork without my consent (making changes by hand or through AI generation etc.)
• In some cases, the commercial rights to the image may be purchased.
06 - Cancellation & Refund policy
• The buyer is not allowed a refund once I have started working on the commission.
• If for any reason I am unable to start your commission you will receive a full refund.
• If you cancel your order before I started it, you can get a full refund.
• The kill fee for cancelling the commission after work has begun is 50% of the commission's price. The client then receives the work as is.
• If the buyer wishes to cancel the commission after the work has started, the buyer can be issued a refund but agrees to pay the kill fee.
Paypal specific:
• If you are getting a refund, do not request a Paypal chargeback. I will transfer the money back to you myself.
• If you request a Paypal chargeback at any point when you were not allowed to ask for a refund you will lose all aforementioned rights to the commissioned piece and I will have the full right to profit further from it in any way. I will decline the chargeback and supply Paypal with our conversations in which we talk about the commission as evidence that I have completed work for you. Furthermore, you will be blacklisted for commissioning me again.
By commissioning me you acknowledge that you have read through the Terms of Service and agree to abide by the terms stated as well as accept the outcomes stated if the aforementioned terms are violated at any time.
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purerae · 2 months
teehee first ask thing :3c
i work at a movie theater and it sucks, literally the only thing that keeps me going is pretending someone going to see movies just to interact with me. tbh whenever i scan someone ticket and they’re cute, i’ll try to be at their theater whenever the movie end just to tell them “have a nice day!”
do what you'll want with this, i just wanna share my delusions ^^
hihi omg this is so cute, i wrote a little something about it !!
(i wrote this at like four am on a googles doc and didn’t proof read — pls forgive me for the kinda lame writing ;;;)
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You’re tired. Extremely tired. If you got a coin for how many times somebody had asked you a stupid question — you’d be able to quit your job by now.
The smell of popcorn and off brand candy lingers in the air; you feel sick to your stomach as you look at the clock. 3 more hours of your shift left, god, you close your eyes for a solid minute — imagining yourself in your nice warm bed away from all the noise, smell and buzzing food machines.
Fortunately, it seems as the flurry amount of people had dispersed after the screenings of the new trending movie had stopped at a certain time. You hum a sigh under your breath, the theater was almost empty, You prayed to whatever was listening to you that a group of teenagers wouldn’t just burst in and charge towards your counter.
You decide to pass off some time by restocking the candy shelves by your desk, grimacing at the overpriced labels when you suddenly hear a small cough.
Looking up, you notice a very familiar customer beaming at you with a big smile. Their eyes light up, and you can't help but change your tired expression to one that matches theirs.
“Hey! How’s your shift going Y/N?” The man smiles, fidgeting with his hands as he eagerly looks at you.
“Good as a shift can get Matteo, how’s your day going? This is the third time you came this week — Must’ really like movies.. new world record huh?”
You respond back, with no malice in your tone, exchanging banter with your favourite customer. He comes so often to the theatre, that you guys are already on first name basis.
Honestly, the only reason he was your favourite customer was because of how how nice and pleasant he was to chat too.
Matteo would arrive with a warm smile, always making a beeline for whichever counter you were working at. You guys would chat about the latest releases, obscure indie films, and laugh over the messiness of children running around.
You’d remember the first time he came into the movies with his friends, his eyes would linger on you every now and again whilst ordering — you never really paid any mind to it.
Matteo raises his eyebrows as you question him. “…Really like movies?” A pause between the two of you as you nod awkwardly, before his eyes widen in realisation.
“Oh yeah— yeah! I love movies hahaha…! Movies are great.. awesome, spectacular, so fun!!” He says laughing, wiping his eyebrow and grinning extremely wide.
Rapidly changing the subject, Matteo places one of his arms on the counter. “The movie you recommended to me two days ago was so funny! I loved it, anything new for me today?”
To be frank, you could not recall what movie you told him to watch, and you doubt you even watched it yourself! However, seeing the gleam in his face — you didn’t have the heart to tell him so.
You shift your head slightly to see behind Matteos head, the small list of movies that were going to play soon. Selecting the most cool sounding one, you look back at him.
“There’s a movie called ‘Argan Gate’ that came out recently in theatre 3?”
His smile becomes even more radiant (which you didn’t know could be possible) as he looks through his bag, “Sounds perfect! I’ll take a ticket!”
Matteo hands you his money, your fingers brushed slightly, The man freezes as he just stares at your hands for a solid few seconds before zoning back in with flushed cheeks.
“…I’ll tell you how the movie was after, see you at your next shift?” He says with a flustered look. You mutter a small okay with a wave as he walks to the movie screening.
You wonder for a second on how he’d know when your next shift is, and why he watches every single thing you recommend him. Pausing as you stare at his back with a narrowed gaze before you shrug your shoulders, going back to restocking the shelves
‘He must just really really love movies.’
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ultrainfinitepit · 2 months
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The Pride Angels campaign ends tomorrow! ❤️🧡💛💚💙
If you haven't had a chance to check out the campaign, here's a quick recap:
There are sixty different Pride Angels stickers and keychains to pledge for.
All our current stretch goals have been funded, there are forty pin designs available with more that will be funded in the post-campaign survey/preorder store.
Pledge for four or more pins to get them at a campaign-exclusive discounted price.
It's your last chance to get the cross-collab pin pair! Be sure to pledge to Pride Potions as well.
Patches and lanyards will be available in the survey/preorder store.
If you miss out on the campaign, you can purchase from the preorder store but you will miss out on campaign freebies.
If you are pledged to the campaign, in advance of the campaign's end make sure you have an accessible email associated with your Backerkit account. This is the email the Backerkit survey will be sent to, and you may miss out on the survey if you can’t access this email. Additionally, please double-check your payment information is correct and valid, to avoid an errored payment.
Please remember that shipping will be charged after the campaign as part of the survey. Here are the shipping rates. Again, please be aware that you will need to pay these on top of your pledge amount.
United States $5
Mexico $17
Canada $17
Australia $21
UK $20
All other countries $21
If you miss the campaign, you can order the items from the Backerkit preorder store - though you will miss out on any pledge-specific freebies. If you're waiting to preorder any designs not included in the campaign, please follow the campaign and keep an eye out for an email update when the preorder store is open.
Unlike in previous campaigns no survey changes will be allowed. For some of the items the artwork is not finalized and is subject to change, do not order these unless you are absolutely sure you are okay with this uncertainty. No refunds or changes will be allowed if you change your mind after seeing the final product. 
Finally, don't forget to check out our partnered campaign, Pride Potions. If you pledge to both campaigns you'll receive a pair of cross-collaboration freebie pins.
I'll see you all at the finish line!
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glamdringwlv · 18 days
Unchain my heart: Prologue
Unchain my heart series. Logan Howlett x oc!fmale Summary: Mia Green has grown up in a lab, subjected to numerous experiments due to her status as a mutant. When she manages to escape, Charles Xavier takes her in at his mansion, giving her a new life and helping her regain her memories. However, the arrival of a new resident at the mansion threatens to destabilize everything she believed.
Warnings: Violence, foul language, a mix of various canons, X-Men movies, X-Men animated series, X-men comics.
Part 1.
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. Prologue .
How long had she been in this state? Floating, in a cloud. She couldn't tell if she was up or down, or where her body ended and the liquid that kept her suspended began. She couldn't hear or see anything; she had been completely isolated. All she could hear was the beat of her heart.
Thud. Thud. Thud.
Her mind was blank; it had been a long time since she’d had any thoughts beyond mere existence. This made it more bearable.
“We don’t pay millions for you to torture people,” a voice argued.
“Sir, it’s not torture. It’s for the benefit of science and our security.”
“Is that what you tell yourself to sleep after doing these things, Stryker?”
She would remember that name for the rest of her life. Stryker. When she got out of this pit, she would drown him in it.
“These ‘people,’ as you call them, are a danger to themselves and the rest of humanity. It’s our duty to investigate how to stop them or end their mutations.”
Mutant. That’s what had brought her here. That and fear.
“We’ll give you a demonstration. This one here is our most dangerous weapon. We’re still trying to find a way to control it without it getting out of hand.”
“How did that go with Weapon X?”
Mia had heard about Weapon X. The scientists who pushed her to the brink of consciousness and sanity mentioned it frequently when talking about the enhancements they’d made to her DNA.
“That was a minor setback. We’re making progress with controlling the specimens, partly thanks to Subject 23.”
Subject 23. They had stripped her of so many things that they didn’t even refer to her by name anymore. She focused on keeping a part of herself safe, away from the sterile hands of the doctors trying to strip her of her identity. They didn’t want anything interfering with their commands.
“She has great potential. Unlike before, we’ve implanted a device in the frontal lobe of her brain. Only we can remove it; if anyone else tries to extract or destroy it, a neuronal pruning will be triggered throughout the brain, leading to the subject’s death.”
Mia was aware of that thing, feeling it buzz in her head, even though the lab staff claimed it was impossible to perceive. Surprise, not for a telepath. It interfered with her ability to enter the minds of those present, the only thing keeping them safe from a stroke or brain hemorrhage. She tried to move, but the device prevented it. It controlled her body, not her.
“We’ll start the demonstration. Proceed.”
Everything was set in motion, and she felt the need to writhe in anticipation of what was coming. Her muscles wanted to contract, echoing the pain they had experienced before. She wanted to scream, to rip off the electrodes binding her, but all she could do was bite down hard on the respirator supplying her with oxygen while she was submerged. On the outside, nothing had changed; her face showed calm, as if being in this situation didn’t faze her.
She felt the hum of the machines around her, unusual since she typically couldn’t tell when the shocks would start. This time, the hair all over her body stood on end, expectant. She felt the energy in the room move from the generators to the devices, sensing its intensity and location. A strange attraction connected her to the charge sustaining the room. She focused on it, and instinctively began drawing it into the tank in small amounts. She felt the electricity filtering through the conductive liquid that usually kept her suspended as the shocks constricted her entire body. Instead of contorting, she started absorbing everything around her. She felt stronger than ever.
“Sir, it seems something is diverting the energy from the room into the tank.”
“Locate the drain and stop it.”
Mia began channeling the new power towards the area where the device hummed and felt a terrible fear at Striker’s words. A neuronal pruning would be triggered throughout the brain, leading to the subject’s death. If she destroyed it, she would die, end everything. The dread sunk deep into her bones when she realized she didn’t care if it meant ending everything; she would be free one way or another. She focused and tried to overheat the implant.
“Sir… it’s Subject 23, she’s absorbing the electricity from the complex.”
“Impossible, that’s not her mutation.”
“Progressing with control, huh?”
She felt an unbearable pain in her head as the implant’s circuits began to fail. It was like a hive of wasps had settled behind her eyelids, distracting her from the task. The buzzing grew louder, resisting destruction and threatening to deafen her in the process. She felt dizzy, on the verge of losing consciousness, but she didn’t give up. This was her last chance to get out of here.
Chaos erupted around her as the lights suffered a surge and everything exploded with her decisions. She needed more; she couldn’t stop now. With a blood-curdling scream, she used all the fear she had felt up to that moment to gather the strength she needed. As the device overheated, an unbearable pain spread through her head. Suddenly, the buzzing stopped, and her mind was silent for the first time, despite the screams of those outside the tank.
The tank. Now her body was hers again. She felt numb but managed to move her fingers and toes, regaining control. She continued redirecting the electricity toward herself, causing sparks to fly around her.
“Turn off all the devices, initiate the containment system!”
But it was too late; there was no energy to cut off because all of it was within Mia’s body. With a powerful movement, she released a wave of electricity that made the container burst, scattering shards of glass and waves of conductive liquid around the room. In pain, she opened her eyes, but everything spun uncontrollably. She squeezed them shut and managed to get on her knees. She heard people surrounding her, could hear the thoughts of all the agents and the fear they emitted, still pointing all kinds of weapons at her. She fumbled for the respirator tube and with a tremendous effort, removed it. She felt it slide down her esophagus and her lungs begin to burn. When she finally got rid of it completely, a violent coughing fit overtook her.
She leaned on her hands, trying to remember what she was doing here or what was happening. There was only one command in her mind: run, escape. Her muscles were failing, and the pain in her head kept her dazed. She could still feel the energy coursing through her veins like liquid fire, giving her a strength she had never experienced before. Despite the noise and the light that hurt her eyes, she managed to place her hands on the ground, touching the liquid that had tortured her so many times.
Show them what it feels like.
With a cry of pain, she released more electricity, and anyone in contact with the fluid received an electric shock that left them paralyzed. She wanted to stop; she just wanted to immobilize them, but something twisted inside her wanted them to pay for what she had suffered. Someone had to be blamed for all her bones hurting at once.
A loud crash sounded as everyone present fell to the ground, immobilized. She could still hear the emergency alarms and people rushing towards her. With extreme difficulty, she staggered up and felt everything in her brain beginning to deteriorate.
With her last remaining strength, she began to run, not knowing where. Something inside her began to pull her, showing her the way. She surrounded herself with the remaining energy in her body so that no one would get in her way. With each step, threads of energy shot out, seeking a body to impact, taking down her pursuers.
She was exhausted and disoriented, barely remembering why she was running. Who were all these people? Who was she? There was only an animalistic instinct in her mind urging her to get out of there and destroy everything in her path. Her vision started to fade, and as she moved forward, she had to lean on the walls of the base to regain her balance and breath.
She heard footsteps behind her and panic struck again. She couldn’t go back; she wouldn’t let herself be caught again. She closed her eyes and, through the pain, saw the trail of all the minds hunting her. With superhuman effort, using a strength she didn’t have, she projected a thought through them, spreading like a virus.
Stop. Kill each other.
She heard the sounds of weapons firing and the cries of pain from those present. No one would follow her now. She waited for a wave of guilt to overwhelm her, but felt nothing, only desperation, which drove her to keep moving.
After stumbling aimlessly, she reached what she believed was an exit—a metal door separating her from freedom. She leaned with trembling hands and destroyed the system keeping it closed. When she emerged, the cold night air made her shiver, but she didn’t care. A tear fell down her cheek as she felt the sensation of being outside for the first time in years.
She continued running into a deep forest, her bare feet bruised and cut by the glass shards. The pain didn’t stop her; she had grown accustomed to it. However, her muscles began to fail. After a few more missteps, she fell to her knees, trembling from exertion and energy loss. With the night’s silence, she had time to feel her brain shutting down gradually, dying piece by piece. The faces she had seen, the conversations she had overheard—all faded to incoherence and eventually disappeared. Everything she once was was extinguished, drowned like a fire without oxygen.
Before losing consciousness, she heard a voice in her head: “We’ve found you. You’re safe now.”
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entamesubs · 6 days
How the Fansubbing Process Works for entameSubs
The delays have brought about speculation and misinformed assumptions of how our work is done.
This post explains our entire process to put this misinformation to rest, and also informs those curious of how fansubbing works.
For those unaware, each subbed episode comes with a section of credits at the very end that are specific to that particular episode. For example, EP124 was translated and timed entirely by me (entame), while EP122 was translated jointly by tessa (batsugeemu) and yona (angelthinktank), while I took a proofreading role. Each episode's credits are different, and I always make sure to credit properly based on who worked on what.
Step One: Translation
The job of the translator is to just get from point A (Japanese) to point B (English). One full run-through of the script, no stops in-between. Work is not edited, proofread or checked in any way, it is simply translated and then moved onto the next phase of the assembly line, so to speak.
Leave typos in, leave mistakes in, leave phrases you cannot translate or parse alone and move on. Awkward or literal translations are fine. The goal is to finish the whole script. A couple lines missing here and there is fine - they will be caught later. The first step is just to get it done.
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Translating a full script can take anywhere from 2-6 hours, depending on the episode or any extraneous circumstances. To be clear, 2-3 hours is the absolute fastest that it can possibly happen, and it is an outlier. I can count the amount of times it has taken 2-3 hours on one hand. Those are usually reserved for our dedicated "speedsub" episodes, where we have everyone on deck to work continuously, without break. This is not a norm, nor should it be assumed so.
A normal episode will usually take around 4-6 hours working time to translate. Sometimes this is done a couple hours on one day, and another couple on a separate day. Sometimes it's done all in one sitting. It varies depending on the translator's schedule.
Step Two: Proofreading
After that, the proofreader then goes through for a second or third watch to do edits and checks. The proofreader is strictly in charge of making sure the translation itself is correct as well as fixing any missed lines from the translator. Grammar, typos, various other minor corrections are not expected to be done in full here, the main job of the proofreader is to just make sure the Japanese to English translation is complete, correct, and makes sense.
Is the subject correct? Is this the right verb to use in English? Are they talking about themselves or someone else? Is the context the original translator took correct/accurate? A second/third pair of eyes is essential to making sure everything comes out properly.
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The translator may mark specific lines that stumped them or they need a second opinion on for the proofreader to pay special attention to. Maybe the translator can't think of an appropriate way to make something work, or need pun ideas.
Proofreading and translation roles are entirely switchable on request, because both proofreader and translator must know Japanese.
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Step Three: Timing
At the same time, the timer begins the tedious work of timing the subs to the episode itself, making sure sentences show up at the correct place, for the right amount of time.
They ensure subs cut at scene changes, that the lines shown on screen are properly broken up if a character pauses, and are instering forced line breaks where necessary so subs don't awkwardly fill the entire length of the screen and are instead always centered.
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Step Four: (not) "Final Check"
"Final Check" as I'd like to call it, is always done by me. Once proofreading and timing are both done, the sub files are sent to me.
I add in the opening and ending, I do all the fancy text effects if need be (such as scrolling text, rainbow text, gradient text, translating signs or posters shown on screen and blending them into the episode, etc - this is all under "Typesetting"), and I also do a third check of the script on a watch through to further edit any lines that may feel awkward to read on screen or I have thought of a better translation for.
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The state that the subs come in pre-final check are subs that only contain the very middle of the episode itself. This means the prologue, the opening, the ending, UTS Report and preview are entirely unsubbed, alongside any signs or extraneous text on screen. Subs are not done pre-final check. There is a reason they must go through me first and that is because I am the only typesetter on the team.
To be clear, timing and typesetting are two entirely different skill sets. Getting the subs timed properly is one thing, getting the subs to look nice, flow well, and not feel awkward to read is another.
Typesetting is usually known as an "invisible" job. When it's done poorly, you notice it. If it's done well, you don't.
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At this point, I also go over and double check things like character voice and make sure it's following our style guide. While this is a consideration made during step one and two as well (translating and proofreading), this is the point where things are tightened up.
Extraneous TL notes may also be added here in-episode if needed.
Step Five: Quality Checks
After everything has been bundled together and ready-to-go, it gets sent to our Quality Checker for the very last and final run-through. QC checks spelling errors, typos, grammar, weird English, missed casing, missed lines, style guide errors, etc.
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The QC does not need to know Japanese (though it is a nice bonus if they do!), they only need to know English so they can check for grammar and weird phrasing. At this point, all of the translation work and check has been done, it is just making sure stuff makes sense to an English audience now.
After QC sends in their changes (or lack thereof), the timer usually goes back to fix up the final file for publishing.
Step Six: Distribution & TL Notes
Finally, the person who hits publish and uploads the episode file to all relevant sites is me, since I know how to setup, run, and seed torrents.
A lot of people may not know this, but all anime pirate sites (R.I.P.) pull their content from Nyaa's feed. If it's not on Nyaa, it won't be on a pirate site. In order to actually ensure proper distribution of the episode, it needs to be uploaded through Nyaa. Once it is on there, the pirate sites will all update of their own volition.
Translation notes, if any are necessary, are also written entirely by me, even if the episode may not have been translated by me initially. These are usually only written if I have time or if there is a specific concept/idea that I really want to make sure comes across properly.
Final Words
I hope this gives you better insight into the entameSubs process and how episodes are usually worked on/made.
A lot of our team is scattered across different timezones, with one person being 9 hours ahead, and another one being 6 hours ahead. This means things are done at different times and at the leisure of whoever is in charge of their role. If someone is busy, then there is nothing else anyone can do but wait.
It may be that after waiting for someone to finish, someone else in the chain becomes busy, and the process of waiting starts all over again. Steps are done like this so that we have appropriate checks in place. This is just how it is. None of us are paid, and all of us are doing this for fun.
Most of all, I take a lot of pride in the team's work. If something is not up to snuff, or I don't feel comfortable publishing it until we've been able to correct something that's been bothering us (whether that's a line, typesetting, or etc), it doesn't get published. These subs are not just "my" translations, but the work of the whole team.
Call it arrogance, but I'd much rather put out something we're proud of than something rushed through the wringer just for the sake of getting stuff out. You may disagree with lines or certain translations, but they are our work at the end of the day.
And it is a lot of work.
Thank you.
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psychelis-new · 1 year
pick a pile: "It's about timing"
take a breath, close your eyes and ask yourself a time-related question. then, open your eyes and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to find out about the possible amount of time needed for/time span in which the subject you're enquiring about may manifest or start manifesting for you. reminder timing can change according on different factors: this reading mainly wants to provide some kind of general advice/have a calming effect.
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one pile, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
- ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ -
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1 2 3 4 5 6
- ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ -
pile 1
timing: present time, short time, imminent (2 months max.) it depends also on your ability to focus on what you can control/yourself (keep your mind in check as it may sabotage you through insecurities and similar)/stay grounded. you're attracting your blessings anyway, just try to stay as calm as you can and keep working.
song: still life | dawn golden
- ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ -
pile 2
timing: next year, more likely end of the year or late autumn. I heard july too (could be specific for some or a confirmation -eg. a birth month). it may be also when you are near to close a cycle in your life (end of self insecurities)/divine timing. you'll balancing out something in your life too, either your inner/outer self or two endeavours or simply two energies.
song: dynamite | bts
- ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ -
pile 3
timing: in 10 months-2 years. march could be a favorable month or a confirmation of some kind (eg. birth month). go slow, keep working on your happiness and be determined. If this is really what you want and what really makes you happy too, it will be (check within during these months).
song: i like | kut klose
- ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ -
pile 4
timing: 8 months or 2-4 years. something needs to be changed within you or your approach to this matter. even if you cannot see it well yet and it feels so far away, be hopeful and more determined. you may meet help on the way. "a pinch of belief" (dunno what it means or if it resonates with anyone... maybe somebody wants to cook something?)
song: easy | danileigh, chris brown
- ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ -
pile 5
timing: it's a surprise! keep working on healing your heart, especially from negative past experiences/emotions you may still carry within and find a hard time to free yourself from. try to not overworry if you can. take good care of you and be kind with yourself if it's taking a while: it's okay, even if it seems unbearable at times. be patient.
song: heart to heart | mac demarco
- ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ -
pile 6
timing: when you start a new cycle or you are in a moment of reflection/pause. divine timing. might happen suddenly and shake things up a bit. try to close that hurtful chapter and take time for yourself. grow your confidence. let the Universe work for you behind the scenes.
song: butterfly | crazy town
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reverie-verse · 9 months
Anakin Skywalker x Reader: Crabbiness Equals Love
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Prompt: You’re from Earth, He’s from a Galaxy from far away. You’re sort of a normal person, and he’s a Jedi, that’s tasked with bringing you back to the council. You’ve known him for a few months and you’ve both had a rocky relationship, you’re friendly one minute and arguing the next. But what happens when the two of you are finally forced to work together? Things tend to come to light in odd ways…
Enemies + Friends =Love 🫶🏽🥹😊
Fluff this is definitely fluff😊
Yes I gave you knowledge in fighting because let’s face it, ain’t nobody safe out here in these streets. 😩😬
You have some knowledge in technology of the ship, given that you’re an engineer. 🤷🏽‍♀️ It’s how I developed the story😩
“ Master, we've been stranded out here for two days! Go talk to her.” Ahsoka points out to you, Anakin had his arms crossed, staring off into the distance. Rex tried his best not to laugh, taking it as his cue to visit and speak with Obi Wan.
“ No” Anakin doesn’t budge, instead he sighs a deep sigh.
“Master, can’t you see how hard she’s working over there, tinkering away on the ship. Even R2 is going over there to help her out”Ahsoka tried a different approach, sounds of metal and sparks could be heard, R2 makes his little way across the dirt to get to you.
“ She's fine. She doesn’t need my help.” He continues his long distance staring, his stubbornness at an all time high. Ahsoka groans, throwing her hands up in the air. She turns away from Anakin making her way towards the ship. She could hear you cursing as you were banging on the pieces of the ship. She shook her head figuring she’d have to try to persuade you to speak with him.
“ Y/N?!” She calls out to you.
“ What?!” You replied as you twisted a piece of electrical together.
“What’s going on between the both of you?” Ahsoka lifts her eyebrow up at you, as she peeks into the little hole of which you worked out of.
“ Nothing” You replied, taking to wires and conjoining them, testing out to see if they’d work.
“ Really? Why do I get the feeling it’s not true” Ahsoka says sneakily, trying to get you to explain the situation. Or maybe reveal a detail about the relationship between the two of you.
“ No-Well-No-you know what, I need a power converter. I can’t do this without it, and that means I need to go into the city” You changed the subject avoiding Ahsoka’s statement.
“ Great!-“ Ahsoka smiles “-Anakin will go with you- ANAKIN! You have to go with Y/N to the city!” Ahsoka turns on her heel, making her way out the ship and to her Master. Anakin had moved to stand next to Obi Wan and Rex.
“ No, you go with her” He shakes his head, he refuses to be with you right now.
Obi Wan only smirks before speaking out “ I agree with your padawan, I think you should go with Y/N”
“ I don’t care what my padawan thinks, I’m in charge” He retorts.
“ Yes, while that is true, but I out rank all of you, so you will go with Y/N to the city,” Obi Wan replied as he rested a hand under his chin. You were standing at the end of the ramp. You grit your teeth, clenching your fists. Ahsoka smiles from ear to ear, Rex had to turn away from the scene.
You and Anakin both glared at each other. The word “Fine” left both of your lips roughly, as the irritation builds between the two of you.
“ Get your cloak” Anakin orders.
“ I am getting my cloak-here’s yours asshole” You threw his cloak at his face while you tugged yours on.
Anakin glared at you, catching it with ease shrugging it on. “ What did you just call me?”
“ I called you a-“
“ -Be safe you two! We’ll watch the ship while you’re gone!” Ahsoka interrupted you as she ushered the two of you along. From the looks of it, the two of you walked with a large amount of space between you, neither one of you wanting to be near one another. It was quite amusing to be honest.
Rex shook his head, a smile on his face “ Are you sure you want to send just the two of them? They might end up killing each other.”
“ Captain Rex, the hope is that they won’t kill each other. Maybe by the end of this the two will get along. “ Obi Wan sighs, shaking his head.
The two of you neared the city limits, as the two of you were about to enter, Anakin pulled his hood upon his head shielding his face, causing you to do the same. Both of you instinctively inch closer together, as your eyes surveyed the crowd. “ Stick close and don’t touch anything” Anakin whispers to you.
“ Oh come on, what are you, my gatekeeper? It’s not like I planned to touch everything while in the process of running away.” You replied sarcastically, your eyes landed on a building that looked as if it sold parts. That was the first shop you intended to visit, you began to move in that direction, Anakin hot on your heels, his eyes never drifting from the crowd.
“ No but you aren’t a jedi either, so someone has to watch you” He retorts, as he quickly wraps a hand around your bicep, pulling you back into him, to keep the creature walking past you, from crashing into you. His grip on you wasn’t as hard as you’d expect. He held you firmly but not enough to cause bruising. Interesting. You were less timid from the time you were first introduced to this life. By now you were becoming accustomed to it, the creatures, and the planets. The life of the galaxy.
“ Yeah well, I don’t need a babysitter. And who's to say I won’t become one just to spite you.” You yank your arm out of his grasp opening the door, your eyes looking for the section of materials you need.
“ Y/N that’s not how that works-What is your problem?” Anakin asks as he surveys the shop.
“ My problem? I should be asking you that, you're the one who’s got a stick shoved up his ass twenty-four seven.” You had finally found the piece you were looking for, you grabbed it turning to Anakin to show him the piece that you found. He of course had to make sure it was in good shape and condition before purchasing the item.
“ What’s that supposed to mean?” He asks you in confusion.
“ It means that you’re crabby all the time, at least with me. You're not that way with Ahsoka, Obi Wan or even Rex. Or that Senator woman” You take the item off the counter carrying it in your arms, Anakin takes his leftover credits, placing them in his pocket.
“ That ‘senator woman’ has a name, there’s nothing going on between her and I…-I’m not crabby with you all the time..” He tries to defend, as he ushers you outside, he makes sure to place an arm around your waist, keeping you close. He could feel an uneasy disturbance through the force, someone was here, and he could feel their eyes on you both.
“ Really? Cuuzzz it kinda looks like it- Listen all I’m saying is that ever since you and your space warriors came to earth to take me away on your little spaceship. You were fine but then after that two week grace period you’ve been nothing but crabby-hey!” Anakin pulls you into an alleyway behind a bin, his large hand covers, your mouth, your back pressed tightly to his chest, his side pressed against the wall, shielding you from the creatures who stopped at the alleyway.
“ Which way did they go?” One hisses out.
“ I don’t know, I lost them in the alleyway”
“ She’s with a jedi” Another growls.
“ So, it’s just one jedi against the four of us.-” The other voice chuckled darkly. Anakin’s com link blink, a sound emitted from it. You looked up at him as he looked down at you, he let go of your mouth as the two of you rushed to turn it off. Obi Wan’s voice comes through before you both could get to the button.
“ Anakin, where are you two? I do hope that you aren’t fighting. Ahsoka has finished a portion of Y/N’s work we still need that other piece-”
“ Did you hear that? It sounds like we got company” The group inched further into the alleyway.
“ Anakin? Come in, Anakin?” Obi Wan’s voice grew more irritated by the second.
“ Awe man, does that mean we gotta fight the lizard people?” You looked towards Anakin who was shaking his head at your reluctance.
“ Yeah-” His answer was short as he moved you out of the way, he lifted his wrist to his mouth “Obi Wan I’m a little busy right now, we’ll get there as fast as we can-”. Anakin pulled out his lightsaber, igniting it as the group of four closed on you both. You moved off to the side, your eyes landing on a speeder that remained stationed on the side, the owner nowhere in sight. The group grew closer, lifting their weapons up, pointing at the two of you.
“We take them together-Y/N?!” Anakin calls out to you as you take off running. You threw whatever object you found on the ground at one of the lizard guys. Using him as leverage you knocked the weapon out of the other guy's hand, the three of you now engaged in hand to hand combat. Anakin deflects the shots taking down his enemies. He too, is engaged in hand to hand combat, as he easily takes them down. However one of the enemies pressed a button on their wrist signaling for back up, a much larger group of thugs emerged from the opposite end of the alleyway.
“ Shit there’s more?!-“ As you both fought.
“ What did you expect, for there to be less?!” Anakin yells back as he kicks his opponent back.
“ I don’t know, maybe?!-“ You socked your opponent in the face, as he ducked your eyes landed on a speeder across the way,”- Anakin the speeder!” You yelled as you flipped a guy over, rolling yourself over his body, using his weapon to shoot at the other men.
“ I know-Let’s go!” Anakin twirls his lightsaber blocking off the shots, he slices one weapon in half as he force pushes his enemy away. You took off running for the speeder, Anakin following behind you. The two of you weave through the crowd, getting on just as the owner walked out of a nearby shop. The two of you hopped in starting it right away. Anakin drove the speeder while you sat facing the back of the speeder pointing your weapon at the enemies. As they fired at you both, you fired back at them, Anakin swerved through traffic. He makes a hard turn causing you to slide over, losing your shot.
“ Damnit!-” You shouted as you realigned your targets.
Anakin too busy lost in thought he smashes his foot on the break causing you to yet again lose your shot and slam into the dashboard. “ Anakin?!” You glared at him.
“ You think I’m crabby?!” The vehicle completely stopped in the middle of traffic. Anakin turned to look at you.
“ What?!” You replied in disbelief and shock.
“ Do you?” He insisted.
“ Are you kidding me right now?! We are in the middle of a speed chase and you want to talk about being crabby?!-“ Your grabbed your weapon, fixing yourself back into your position as the other speeders got closer. “-Now’s the time to start moving!”
“ I’m finishing the conversation we had earlier! Answer the question!” Anakin was determined.
“ Are you-Fine-Yes I do! Are you happy now? Will you stop arguing with me and drive?!” You started firing, hitting one of the targets causing them to fall off their speeder and crash into a building. You switch targets aiming for another one, you follow it.
“No I’m not crabby! No, I won't drive, not until we sort this out- together!” He crosses his arms.
You looked away from your target glaring at him “So help me-if you don’t start this damn vehicle-ugh fuck it!” You pull back your weapon slamming your foot down on the gas, Anakin momentarily takes his foot off the break, the two of you once again swerving out of traffic. Half of your body rests on top of him as you move through the current of vehicles, you aim to get the hell out of dodge. Anakin switched seats with you, allowing you to take hold of the driver's seat, and him the passenger. A hand that belonged to Anakin as he gripped onto your shirt holding you in place to keep you from falling out. The two of you shifted from side to side from your aggressive turn. The two of you barely make it out of the city, leaving the thugs behind in the dust so to speak.
The heat of your skin pouring through your shirt, it warmed his hand. For a second Anakin thought of what it might feel like to touch your skin. To feel the heat of it against his. The chemistry between you too was undeniable, the level of comfortability has always been there. For Anakin you were the one person he could be himself around. He could be sad, mad, sweet, humorous, annoying, over confident, and boyish. But you, you were honest, sarcastic, you were hilarious, you were kind and charismatic. You were right though, he was being a dick to you, sort of these past few weeks. When he first met you, you were kind and you offered to help where you could and when you could. He liked that about you-there were a lot of things he liked about you-he just wasn’t ready to admit it-not with so many people around…
By the time you reached the ship, you threw your cloak off and to the side of the ship with Anakin hot on your heels. Ooo you were so mad, you could literally murder him, not really but you wanted him to trip and fall on his stupid pretty face. Ugggghhhh. You grabbed the piece that Anakin helped you buy from the shop getting ready to work on it. Ahsoka, and Rex seemed to find a way to make themselves busy. Obi Wan held an amused smile on his face. “ I take it the two of you are still working on some things”
“ Something like that” Anakin shrugs with a smirk on his face as if he had a plan set in motion. A plan that only he wanted to know, Obi wan shakes his head smiling to himself. The two head to the cockpit with Rex following behind. Ahsoka, joins you in finishing your work with the converter, the ship finally starting up allowing you all to leave the planet.
You were sitting at the table near the kitchen of the ship, you had a cup of water. Your hair pulled out of its tight hold, allowing it to be in its natural state. You had your hands cupped around the cup itself, you stared down into it. Your mind adrift, your thoughts chaotic, you were perplexed, confused, exhausted and attracted to someone who might be attracted to someone else. Anakin was Anakin, you knew that and you knew the type of person he was. Sure the two of you hadn’t always fought, there were times you guys actually got along but right now he was insufferable. Annoying, he got under your skin on purpose, you just know it.
You rubbed your eyes, heaving a sigh, as if on cue Anakin himself walks into space. As if he had known you’d be thinking about him. You stood up taking your cup with you, you walked to the sink pouring it out and washing before setting it back on the rack. You turned to leave the space but not before Anakin reached a hand out grabbing your arm, causing you to stop in your tracks. “ Hey, hold on” He says softly.
“ Why? So you can irritate me some more, no thanks-“You moved to pull your arm out of his grasp.
“No, but I’m tired of arguing,” He admits.
You lift an eyebrow at him “ Really?”
“ Yes..and I’m sorry.” He says, his face contorting into a softer look.
“ For?” You sighed.
“ For my crabbiness” He couldn’t help but smile.
“Anakin.” You groaned.
“ Y/N” He whispered back, the grin never leaving his face, a chuckle rumbles from his chest.
“ That’s not funny,-” You tell him, a small smile of your own fights it’s way into your face.”-But, apology accepted I guess. I’m sorry for calling you crabby.”
“No need to apologize for it, I was an asshole these past couple weeks..” He looks down at the floor before looking back up to you “-As for the senator, it’s complicated.”
“ You were a pain in my ass…But tell me about your situation maybe I can help” Your hip leaned against the counter, your arms crossed. Your heart hammers in your chest at the same time sinking.
“She’s only a few years older than I am, she’s all I’ve ever known, she’s familiar” His hip against the counter matching your body language, Anakin completely faces you, he’s standing a little closer than he was before but not enough to force you to look up at him.
“But I thought Jedi aren’t allowed to fall in love”Your head tilts slightly to the side as you pondered the thought of it, Anakin tried not to follow your head movement, it was cute, your curiosity.
“ Well attachments are forbidden, possession is forbidden, but compassion is unconditional love- also forbidden-but these things…are crucial to a Jedi’s life” He smiles softly.
You squint your eyes at him “ I don’t-are you sure? Cuz I don’t think that’s-what the Jedi meant when they said forbidden..”
“ Y/N” He huffs.
“ Okay cool we’re just gonna ignore the code got it. So I assume that your friendship between the Senator and you has blossomed into-something more?” You gestured to him with your hand.
“ No, not exactly”
“ No? Wait hold on. You just said she was familiar, I’m lost- then who are you talking about?” Your eyebrows creased together.
“ She is familiar as a friend, someone like Obi Wan or Ashoka. I thought that she would mean more to me but then there was you” He whispered gently, he moved from the counter's edge, stepping closer to you, his hands taking hold of your hips pulling you towards him. Chest to chest his head angles downwards, your head cranked up to look at him.
“ Me?” Your eyebrows shoot upwards in surprise.
“ Yes, you. I can breathe when I’m around you, I can think, I can feel the weight of the order and the galaxy lift off my shoulders. You challenge me, you intrigue me, you guide me, you show me how to be better.” he dipped his head closer to yours, nudging his nose with yours. Your body and mind give you away instantly, melting in his hold, it was something you realized you hadn’t felt in a long time. His touch was intoxicating, and to him you were breathtaking. Such a quick switch of emotions, but he was done pushing you away, and you were done with ignoring how you felt about him.
You whispered, sucking in a breath before releasing it, “ I-You-This-Please tell me this isn’t a joke, cuz that would be really mean.”
“ If I was joking I wouldn’t have confessed the way I did. ” He smiles, one hand lifting up to cup your jaw, his thumb grazing against your cheek, he rubs his nose with yours as tilting his head to the opposite side. Within a second his lips were on yours, your hands grip his clothes, the hand around your waist tucks you further into his body, the hand that held your jaw, his long fingers connecting with the back of your head and hair. The two of you twisted in opposite directions, his lips engulfing yours in such a sweet, passionate languid pace though it quickly turned into a frenzy of rushed kisses. He was practically devouring you and you were fighting to keep up with him. You had to pull back needing air, you shook your eye, you needed to calm down for a second.
Anakin smirks, your eyes searching his face, his hair falling out of place, his lips swollen-“Shiiitttt, you’re dangerous-” You admit your chest heaving up and down, causing him to laugh. His hand slips from your neck and cheek moving to join his other hand around your waist.“-No I am serious, no wonder why so many women, and men fall at your feet” You laughed with him. He buries his head in the crook of your neck. Your arms wrapping around him holding him in place.
“ Mmm I don’t know what you’re talking about-” His lips move against your hot skin as he speaks.
Ahsoka steps through the threshold with a grin of her own “ -I take it all is well?” She asks, her voice startling you both, Anakin releases you, the warmth of him slipping away along with him. You lean with your back against the counter, your hands resting on top of it.
“ What, do you want snips?” He huffs as he stood half way in front of you.
“ Oh you know, just checking up on my Master and friend-” Ahsoka smirks as she lifts an eyebrow between the two of you. “-And to tell you both that we are nearing coruscant. Obi Wan wants you both up front.”
“ Thank you!” You tilt your head to the side to look past Anakin, giving her a sweet smile. Ahsoka nods as she walks away from the door moving towards the cockpit. Anakin turned to you causing you to shrug offering him the same smile. “That’s our cue” you push off the counter heading out to the hall.
Anakin follows behind you as he leans close to your ear “This isn’t over” He whispers to you, he kisses your cheek slipping into the cockpit. You rolled your eyes at him, which only made him grin from ear to ear. The two of you take your seats, Obi Wan and Rex piloting, Ahsoka in front of you.
“ Oh good, the two of you are finally getting along.” Obi Wan states. The two of you looking anywhere but at each other, sharing what could only be described as happy and secretly enjoying the new found relationship.
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soberpluto · 1 year
Astrology of Personality: Planets in 1st House
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Brainstorm on the influence of planets in your 1st house!
Sun: You are outgoing, warm, gentle. People see you as bright and bubbly, a natural leader. But you can seem overly proud or arrogant at times. You are transparent and very coherent with how you present yourself to the world. What you see is what you get. You lead with example. You inspire others from your core. A lot of vitality and vigor. You are in charge of your own life. A lot of self-love and self-esteem as you grow older. You are brave, loyal and generous. Image reflects your amazing will-power and authenticity. Can have a nice and chiseled upper back and strikingly beautiful hair.
Moon: Can't hide your emotions. High intuition, even psychic abilities. Others can see the depth of your feelings, like it or not. Your presence is soothing, compassionate, kind and nurturing. Your physical may go through a lot of changes, as your body is tightly connected to your feelings. Your inner world may be overwhelming, and it can stir your life out of control. Sensitive and healing to others. May be an empath, someone who can read your surroundings and be affected by them profoundly. A very loving and feminine presence, no matter your gender. Can give large breasts (if female obviously) or a curvy or plump body type.
Mercury: Others see you as talkative, witty and interesting to be around. They consider you highly smart, a smooth communicator. May need to travel or move constantly and change continuously to feel alive. You engage life through your brains. Leadership comes from your mind. You conduct yourself through thought, logic and reason. A very curious and restless persona. You can be easily distracted, be hyperactive and eager for endless stimulation. You may be passionate about learning. Can be very popular and have a wide range of friends and acquaintances. Mercury here usually gifts high intelligence, an attractive smile and slender limbs.
Venus: A very charming and gentle personality. You are quite pleasing to be around. Physical beauty is given almost by rule. You attract others so easily. Can be way too compliant, with people-pleasing tendencies, however. Others are eager to help you or be around you. You may be very appealing to and popular with the opposite sex. Likes to draw attention through aesthetics, fashion and makeup. Your presence is very soothing and enjoyable. You may get judged on your appearance a lot. Can be subject to envies and jealousy more easily than other people. You can have a very sultry or charming voice. Your body can be that of a sex icon. Very creative and self-expressive too. Relationship oriented. Music and art will be of special importance.
Mars: Go getter. Sex is on your face. You are someone who has an inexhaustible amount of energy. Military, exercise and sports definitely will catch your attention. May be a bit of a bully too. A dominant and masculine aura. You appear as very energetic, adventurous, assertive and sometimes aggressive. You may suffer from cuts and burns. You are competitive by nature. Very vigorous health and long-lasting stamina. You engage the world through instincts and desire. Can be quite confrontational and irritable. You have a pioneer spirit and will hardly back down from fights. Super independent. Red is your best color.
Jupiter: A humorous and candid person. You are recognized by your sense of justice, ethics and high morals. Can be disorganized with or unbothered by physical appearance. You are seen as good-willed and kind. Can have issues with gaining weight. Can suffer from health ailments due to lack of limits. You hate restriction and need to expand, travel and find your own truth. You love learning and others see you as a teacher, a guru. Your vibe is altruistic and charitable. You may have really aesthetic feet, buttocks and/or legs. You love comfortable clothes. You are pulled to other cultures.
Saturn: Firm and resistant body. You are seen as serious, diplomatic and very mature. You are the adult in the room even when being a child. Maturity comes much easier to you. You are responsible and dedicated to hard work. Others may see you as detached and cold at times, even unemotional. You can be shorter than average, but with elegant facial features. Your teeth may be really attractive, which gives you a great smile. High cheekbones. You may feel life is tougher on you than on others, but with time, you succeed because of your patience and constancy. You like sober, solid and/or traditional looks.
Uranus: You are often misunderstood because you are ahead of your time. People see you as disruptive and unpredictable. You need a lot of stimulation, change and independence to feel happy. Others see you as a rebel, someone who's not afraid to speak their truth and do as they please. Very stubborn and liberal. You can strike others as a genius, a very brilliant person. However, you can also appear as unstable and unable to root. Your outfits or makeup can be really quirky, unique and eccentric. You may become bored quite easily. You may wish to live abroad or be subject to wanderlust.
Neptune: You have a gentle and spiritual presence. Psychic capacity. You absorb your environment like a sponge. You are a chameleon. Nobody actually understands you. You may feel lonely or alienated at times. Others project fantasies unto you and feel you have deceived them once they realize that's not who you are. Very empathetic and sensitive by nature. Your sixth sense is very lively. You dream for the perfect physique. It may be hard for you to have realistic expectations about yourself. You are seen as an enigma. Your aura is otherworldly and magical. People may complement your eyes a lot because they have a dreamy spark. Can have the ability to "see" things beyond the physical realm.
Pluto: A powerhouse. Super sexual. You are very threatening or magnetizing to others, even if you don't intend that. You appear as overly secretive, mysterious and intriguing. You move cautiously and don't give too much information about yourself. You are so passionate, to the point of being obsessive. You are very resilient and recover from crisis much quicker than others. Your strength and courage are your trademark. You may be subject to power struggles. You command a room with your presence. Can have scars or birth marks in the face. Others may think you are darker or more dangerous than you truly are. You discover everyone's secrets. Others want to know you but they are afraid of you. You destroy or extra-limit your body to become a new version of yourself. Addicted to physical changes or interventions. Your eyes say it all. Your gaze is powerful and heavy. Extremely resistant health.
*No single placement in astrology can determine your overall profile and life tendencies, but the first house is a good starting place to understand what you are made up, as its the house of appearance, self-image and projected personality.
Hope you liked it and thanks for reading! 🥰🪐🌟
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letters-from-ikemen · 2 months
Hello! This is Letters-From-Ikemen, a blog centered around the idea of those in the fandom sending requests to receive a letter from their favorite character, or for someone they know to receive one instead.
If you look at the blog, you can see that it doesn't look fully set up yet- and you are correct. I wanted to showcase a recruitment form to gather those who are willing to help with this project; from helping moderate to helping write and send the letters themselves. Below is a form, and under the cut I am going to discuss the proposed idea of how this blog will work, as well as some rules it would have (subject to change).
In order to offer help with this blog, you will need to join a discord server for ease of communication.
General Rules, for now:
The games to request letters from are Ikesen, Ikevamp, Ikepri, and Ikevil
NSFW content is not allowed at the moment. Suggestive at most, unless decided otherwise- and this will still depend on whoever decides to reply to the letter and their comfort levels.
Letters will not have a set quota for 'delivery'. This means that we are not going to push to respond to a certain number of letters weekly or similar, as we don't want to stress out those writing these for fun.
This blog will post the letters publicly while tagging the recipient, using fandoms tags as well, unless otherwise requested. At that point, it will be sent as an ask to the recipient. The recipient must have their inbox open.
When we gather members, we will have a public list of writers who are helping. This is to give credit to the writers, not as a request form for specific writers.
When people apply to join, if we do not cover all available characters in these games, we will have a public list of what all characters are currently accepting letter requests.
Anon will be enabled for requests and questions.
Please be respectful regarding requesting letters. Remember that there are real people behind the screen responding to these.
Requesting letters to use a specific nickname, name (oc or otherwise), is encouraged, but please understand that those responding will not have intimate details of your ocs.
After some time, we will come up with an easy prompt-list to use when suggesting.
For Joining:
18 or older. Not due to adult content matter, just due to the subject matter of the games and my own personal comfort.
You must join a discord server for ease of communication.
The discord server will be sharing the requests in designated channels, general help with reviewing responses if needed, and similar.
The form is not a promise that you will be able to join.
As stated above, we're not going to aim for a certain amount of letters to be sent in a specific timeframe. I'm unsure of how busy this blog could get, but I want this to stay fun and as stressfree as possible for those involved.
In the case that you receive a letter for you, the request will be spoiler blocked with an explanation so you don't have to be spoiled regarding it.
It is fine if you are uncomfortable writing a letter for a specific person, but being rude about it is an absolute no-go and will be enforced strongly.
Please feel free to ask questions.
If you're interesting in moderating, please don't be afraid to say so. This would come with specific discord roles, but limited blog roles for a time unless I know you very well, just due to how tumblr blogs do not have many admin options like discord does.
The ideal situation for this blog would be to gather a few folks to help moderate it, while also gathering writers who are willing to write for any characters from Ikesen, Ikevamp, Ikevil, and Ikepri. Not one sole person would be in charge for replying for a specific character (Ie; there would not be only one person writing Chev letters, there will be a few who will rotate based on availability/comfort with the subject matter.)
Those who help moderate would be appreciated as writers as well! You don't have to do one or the other, both is fine! Just please be aware of stress levels.
I will also be transparent and state that this is a blog heavily inspired by the @/ikemenpostoffice blog, that unfortunately deactivated. Before it had deactivated, I had inquired if they would be upset if someone wanted to do a similar blog, and got approval to do so. I thought it was a very positive idea that was a good way to spread kindness to the fandom, and it's a shame that the OP of the blog was harassed and felt very hurt by what had happened.
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How do you think Rosekiller would work with Barty topping Evan? Like early in the relationship, what would the dynamic be?
In a weird way it was like a trust building exercise lol
Barty definitely trusted Evan already before they started fucking around but there’s just a new level to it.
There was a lot of exploration to it as Barty went from having to be fully in control 100% of the time, where he equated being in control to being in charge, to learning that he could actually let go of the reins a bit and not be the one doing everything
I also think Evan learned quite a bit about himself both sexuality wise but also just that he enjoys being the one taking care of things because it feeds more into his whole exploration thing. Being able to take care of Barty while also getting his own kick and sometimes being virtually untouched himself was an awakening tbh
In terms of like,, how they’d actually work I think Barty would be much quieter than he is now, partially because he had this image of what he had to be in his head but also because I don’t think he could fully give into his own desires in that position
Similarly I also think sex for Evan when he was bottoming (in the majority of the cases not always) was more for Barty’s sake than it was his own. Sure, he enjoyed it, but it didn’t feel as satisfying. I can’t explain this 100% but it really just is the fact that Evan needs to be able to pick and prod at his “subject” and he couldn’t do that as much when he was bottoming
I could also imagine that for Barty there might have been a masculinity thing about it kinda following that while he’s got an idea of how sex should be in his head sort of thing especially when he’s at that stage where he’s still coming to term with his sexuality a bit where I don’t think Evan has ever cared all that much about gender shit and that sort of thing because we’re all just meat and bones in the end
I don’t think the whole top Barty thing lasted long,, maybe a few months depending on the amount they fuck lmaooo cjfncjnf I also don’t think that they’re strictly top Evan, bottom Barty 100% of the time after that, every now and again the urge will be there and they’ll have no trouble indulging that, but it’ll be with different minders which I think changes the experience
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youunravelme · 1 year
to all the girls you loved before part 2
author's note: here's part 2!
pairing: single dad!mat barzal x reader
summary: being a nanny for rich people was probably the worst thing that ever happened to you, until you started working for mat.
warnings: children, rich people, mentions of absent parent
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day twenty-nine
"i honestly think you're overreacting," your roommate, natalie, said from her position on your bed. "it's your boss' mom, not your boyfriend's. in fact, you weren't even this torn up about meeting jason's parents."
you were pacing back and forth in front of your closet. normally, you'd be in leggings and a tee shirt when you went to mat's apartment, but you were starting to wonder if you should dress differently.
"that's because jason's mom doesn't have a grand baby i'm in charge of."
"no, she just has a son whose heart you own." you stopped your pacing and sighed. "have you even talked to jason about this?"
the very thought of that argument made you want to bang your head against the wall.
day twenty-seven
it was eleven thirty p.m. when you got home from work. mat had a late game and then press afterwards, but you'd be willing to bet if he didn't have ella waiting at home for him, he'd be out partying with his teammates.
as usual, mat apologized for keeping you out so late but like every other time, you just waved off his apologies, grabbed your bag, and headed home.
your original plan was to hop in the shower and hop into bed, but that was all disrupted when you saw jason sitting on the couch.
"hey?" you said though it sounded more like question than anything.
"where were you?" he asked.
a moment passed. all you did was blink. "what?"
"it's eleven thirty, where were you? out partying?"
"i told you i was working."
jason stood to his full height, just shy of six foot. "why are you so defensive?"
you guffawed. "because you're in my apartment interrogating me before i can even take off my shoes? maybe that's why."
"i'm just asking you questions, babe."
you rolled your eyes and slipped off your shoes. "it's too late for this. i need to go to bed because i have to work tomorrow."
"so you're just gonna walk away from this? we're not done here."
"jason, i'm tired. i've been with a baby all day. can we please continue this conversation another day?"
he held eye contact before huffing. "fine."
"thank you." you walked into your bedroom and shut the door behind you, sighing in relief when you pressed your back against it.
a ding sounded from your phone. a quick glance down had you smirking.
mat barzal sent you $800.
thanks - mat.
day twenty-nine
"hello?" your roommate snapped in your face. "are you listening? i asked you about jason and you just zoned out."
you shook your head and ran a hand down your face. "the conversation was less than pleasant, but we'll manage as we always do." she looked unconvinced but you were too busy scrolling through your camera roll to notice. "so what do i wear?"
natalie rolled her eyes at the poor effort put into changing the subject. "i told you he wouldn't be happy with the news. you're spending a lot of time over there with mat." she paused. "go with jeans and a tee shirt. you're meeting your boss' mom, not the queen of england."
you rolled your eyes. "he acts like i'm in love with mat," you said as you stripped off your sweats and pulled on the clothes natalie suggested. "i barely know the guy outside of ella."
"i'm just saying, i've been talking to jason and he's asked me if the amount of time you spent over there was normal."
interesting. you paused, but decided to unpack that comment later. "it's just a job," you said. "it's no different than what i was doing for erin when her girls were still really young."
"yeah but--"
"but what? seems like you're both upset that mat is a guy my age, which i cannot control. besides, the money is too good to turn down." after pulling on your shoes, you all but slammed your closet doors shut, signifying the end of the conversation.
"are you okay?"
"fine." you gathered your bag and slid on a coat on your way to the front door. "i'll see you later."
and you shut the door without another word.
by the time you get to mat's apartment, you're a little less irritated with your boyfriend and roommate. mainly because you know how to be professional, and meeting your boss' mom with an attitude was not the best of first impressions.
you only had to knock twice before the door swung wide open to reveal mat's smiling face. and unlike normal, ella wasn't in his arms.
"where's ella bean?" you asked while walking into his apartment.
mat shut the door behind you. "hello to you too. i'm doing fine thanks for asking. how're you?"
before you could even stop yourself, you were spinning around so he could see you roll your eyes. "i don't get paid to talk to you, mat. i get paid to watch your cute baby." you looked around. "so where is she?"
"i should warn you," he started, sounding nervous all of a sudden. "it's not just my mom--"
"is that her?" an unfamiliar voice called out. "is that your nanny, sweet ella love?"
a middle aged woman rounded the corner with ella in the cutest little strawberry dress you'd ever seen. "i'm so happy to meet you," she greeted almost immediately. "i'm nadia." she stuck her free hand out to shake yours. "and you are an answered prayer."
"mom," mat groaned from behind you. "can you cool it on the overreactions?"
she ignored him. "when mat called me and explained the situation, i had no idea what i was going to do, but then he told me about how you just agreed and i could tell it took a load off his shoulders."
ella started whining and reaching for you. which you were grateful for, considering mat's mom looked like she was about to start crying and, well, you never did well with adult tears.
"mom, i think you're making her uncomfortable," mat said from his new position standing next to his mother.
"oh shut up, mathew," another voice piped in. "you always were embarrassed of your family." a brunette walked into the room wearing a smirk you'd only seen on mat's face.
"that's not it, liana," he grumbled. "i just don't need you scaring away the only other person ella likes."
"that's not true," you cut in before things get out of hand (or before mat unintentionally compliments you again). "ella likes most people."
"she just likes you the most."
"mat, really, you can't still be bitter that she wanted me over you last week--"
"i'm her father! she should want me more!"
"she does!"
mat reached for her, but ella shrunk away with a coy smile. "see?! my own child prefers you," he said with no real malice. in fact, if you knew him better, you might've even recognized the look on his face as the start of a smile.
liana, whose presence you completely forgot about, spoke up. "with an attitude like that, it's no wonder," she deadpanned. "but enough about that, we're gonna be late for lunch if we keep wasting time."
your brows pulled together. "lunch?"
"i wanted to thank you for taking care of my baby and my grand baby."
you spared a glance at mat who was biting his knuckles, probably to distract himself from the redness in his cheeks.
"oh mrs. barzal there's no need--"
"call me nadia, sweetheart. and yes, there is a need. where i'm from, rejecting lunch is an insult."
"mom, that's not even true." but she held a hand up to cut mat off.
"shall we?" she gestured to the door.
you exchanged a glance with mat who looked just as helpless as you felt. "sure."
by the time you made it to the restaurant, your arms and back were aching from carrying ella. in another life, you might've considered taking the stroller was worth the effort of pushing it through a busy restaurant, but in this life, you were an idiot.
"take her," you pushed ella into mat's chest in the most gentle way you could manage without dropping her.
"you good?" he asked.
"my arms are numb."
"one of us could've taken her at any point of the walk, all you had to do was say something."
you shrugged. "well, this is me saying something."
from the corner of your eye, you saw liana watching the both of you like an interesting tennis match, but you ignored it, there was no room in your brain for interpreting a stranger's gaze.
"this way, you four," nadia said before she followed the hostess to the table.
the five of you got settled, with ella in the high chair between you and mat. it was in the moment of looking at the menu that your heart dropped to your stomach.
"oh my god," you said.
mat looked over immediately, and maybe if you weren't focused on his face, you would've seen the concerned glances from his sister and mother. "what?" he asked.
"i forgot to bring her puree, she usually eats lunch at this time."
"oh honey," nadia smiled and pulled out some baby food and a bib from her bag. "we took care of that before we left. you don't need to stress."
you nodded and sat back, feeling the weight of the world disappear from your shoulders. "sorry to freak everyone out."
"i'll take that any day over mat's moodiness."
"shut the hell up, liana," he grumbled with no real bite.
"please excuse my children," nadia smiled. "you feed them, give them shelter, teach them right from wrong, and they still embarrass you in public."
you laughed before you could stop yourself. "i've seen worse," you said.
"oooo now this is something i actually want to hear," liana started. "what's the worst thing you've ever seen in all your nannying?"
"mat's cooking," came out of your mouth before you could even stop it. the very phrase sent everyone (but mat) into a tailspin of laughter, even ella giggled when she saw everyone else.
"it's not that bad," he defended.
"yes it is," his sister and mother said in unison.
you opened your mouth for a rebuttal, but the buzzing of your phone in your back pocket cut you off. confused, you pulled your phone out and saw a text message from your boyfriend.
when can i expect you home? or are you too busy getting lunch with your boss?
your fingers hovered over the keyboard. you didn't remember telling jason about the lunch, especially because you didn't even know you were getting lunch with mat and his family until you arrived at his place.
immediately, you started looking around for him. he shouldn't be there considering he had work, but there's no way he could've known unless he was spying on you.
unless he checked your location.
"you alright?" mat asked, leaning in a little so he didn't draw his family's attention, who were, for the most part, pretending to read the menu to not arouse suspicion.
you typed a quick "idk" and tucked your phone back in your pocket before you made eye contact with mat. "'m fine."
lunch in total lasted about two hours with mat's mom and sister sharing embarrassing stories of his childhood. they explained that his dad was stuck working and couldn't make the trip that time but would later on in the season. you stayed until it was clear ella was about to pass out or cause a scene. though this time, mat was in charge of carrying her back to his apartment.
"are you going to the game tonight?" liana asked once you were back in the safety of mat's living room.
you shook your head no. you weren't even aware of a game going on today. the only times you knew a hockey game was happening in town was when mat needed you to watch ella in the evenings. aside from that? you were clueless.
"you should come!"
"who would watch ella?" you gestured to the baby as nadia took her down the hall to her nursery. she was falling asleep on his shoulder.
liana waved her hand. "she can come!"
mat made a noise in the back of his throat. "it would probably conflict with her sleep schedule. we can take her when she's older."
"besides," you continued. "my boyfriend is a rangers fan so--"
"what?" liana cut you off almost immediately.
you blinked. "what? is that a problem?" there was a nasty feeling creeping up on you and you didn't like it one bit. it only occurred when you were arguing with jason or when your parents accused you of being too self centered when you backed out of a family gathering.
"no!" liana said. "i mean they're a rival of the islanders so there's that, but i just thought that maybe you and--" she glanced to her left where mat stood with his arms crossed and gaze dark. "...never mind."
"what?" you asked.
"liana, i think mom is calling you," mat cut in. you recognized sibling telepathy for what it was but didn't bother even trying to decipher it. when she left the room, he finally looked at you. "i'm sorry about that, i don't want to ambush you or anything."
"you didn't, i mean, i was surprised by the lunch offer but i mean, i'm appreciative of it all." you didn't say anything for a moment, choosing your next words carefully. "is it, um..."
"is it what? you can tell me."
"is it a problem that my boyfriend is a rangers fan? i honestly didn't know until a few days ago when i mentioned you and--"
"how do you not know what team your boyfriend cheers for?"
"i didn't even know he liked hockey until i started working for you."
mat groaned your name. "are you serious?" he laughed.
you slapped his arm with the back of your hand and decided not to dwell on how solid he felt. "don't laugh!"
"i'm just saying it's kinda crazy you didn't know he was a rangers fan until a few days ago. how long have you been dating?"
"like...two years?"
he laughed again. "are you telling me or asking me?"
"it's been roughly two years." a yawn escaped your lips before you could stop it.
"you good?" he asked.
you shrugged. "didn't get much sleep last night."
"why don't you go home for a little bit, i'll text you if i need you tonight, it'll depend on if mom and liana go to the game."
"you sure?"
mat smiled and nodded. "get some rest, and i'll see you later."
as if there was some higher power controlling your face, you found your lips turning up at the corners and smiling back at him.
@whenmypartysover @sunflowerhood @spencereidbasis
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playbucky · 4 months
Navy Boy, Army Girl // 2
Three army medics have been stationed on the ship that Hangman and Rooster have been stationed on for the past month. Y/N and her team have been placed in the middle of the ocean as a half-way marker for any seriously injured soldiers.  Characters – Reader (Ghost), OC Abi, OC Jenkins, Hangman, Rooster, Phoenix.  Word Count – 2.9k. Part 1.
Fourteen Months Later.  ‘Sergeant Major.’ He called, your head lifted, and you looked at him.  ‘Yes Sir?’ You asked. ‘The trainees are here.’ He announced, you arched an eyebrow and straightened.  ‘Trainees?’ You quizzed.  ‘The navy, you’re in charge of them and the training they need to complete.’ He said, you rubbed your lips together before you nodded. He gave you a stiff nod before turned and walked away. You sighed and tilted your head back, the gruelling sun shone down on you.  ‘Lieutenant.’ You called when you spotted the younger man, he stopped and turned to you.  ‘I have check to complete, could you take them to the camp please?’ You asked him, he nodded.  ‘Yes, ma’am.’ He replied, you gave him a polite smile.  ‘Thank you.’ 
‘Sergeant Major, huh?’ The familiar voice said, you raised an eyebrow as you turned to him.  ‘General Lieutenant, huh?’ You replied back, he smiled wide before he brought you in for a hug that you greedily welcomed.   ‘I thought you had been discharged?’ Jake said, you shrugged a shoulder.  ‘I didn’t go through with it, Sandra had a stern talking to me.’ You told him, he arched an eyebrow and nodded, ‘I got better and worked part time at that hospital, before I was put to work again.’ You explained, he hummed.  ‘Should I dare ask the question how long your back for?’ Jake asked, you pursed your lips together as you looked around your home for the undefined amount of time.  ‘No idea, I’ll be here until the war doesn’t need me.’ You told him, he smiled.  ‘That could be a long time, war doesn’t seem to stop.’ He commented.  ‘Yeah, but it’s both what we signed up for, right?’ You asked, he hesitated in nodding.  ‘You look good.’ He changed the subject, you smiled.  ‘Thanks, the scars healed up good.’ You tilted your head to the side so he could see the scars that had died down drastically after fourteen months.  ‘What’s up that you’re on my turf now?’ You asked, already knowing the answer but you wanted to delay moving on.  ‘Our next mission, it -,’ he trailed off, ‘we need to refresh our ground skills.’  ‘Well damn.’ You commented.  ‘Yeah.’  ‘Is the whole group here?’ You asked, he nodded and jutted his chin.   You turned and looked at the group making their way over, they were talking to each other before Rooster said something and Phoenix’s head snapped up, her smile wide.  ‘Y/N.’ She greeted you, carefully wrapping an arm around you, as to not trap the weapon between you.  ‘Phoenix.’ You said, glad that you were seeing her again.  ‘Guys.’ You greeted the others, resting your hands on the handle of your weapon.  ‘How’s the training going?’ You asked, looking over the group that had bags under their eyes, and were scuffing their feet along the sand. The heat would be getting out them, it got to everyone the first week they were on ground.  ‘I think we’ll be sore tomorrow.’ Bob commented, you smiled and nodded. ‘Normally are.’ You commented, a low whistle came, you moved your helmet to the other arm.  ‘Where are you off to then?’ Payback asked, you motioned behind you to the group climbing into a humvee.   ‘About to head out on a ride around, check the perimeter.’ You told them.  ‘Ghost.’ Someone behind called, you looked over your shoulder and gave them a thumbs up.  ‘I’ve got to go but if you’re still here when I’m back we can grab a drink or late dinner.’ You told them, they nodded as you pulled up the face mask that revealed the painted white jawbone and teeth. 
You jogged across the sand, having gotten used to the small grains invading your shoes. You reached the back of the convoy, stretching an arm up and grabbing the pole before you yanked yourself up. You fell into your seat next to Sage and Magpie, who smiled at you.  ‘What are you two smiling like that for?’ You asked them voice slightly muffled by the fabric, they shook their heads.  ‘They’re talking about the eye candy from the navy.’ Spartacus said, you arched your eyebrow and looked at them.  ‘That so? I can hook you up if you want?’ You offered, they shook their heads.  ‘No thank you but we want to know what is going on with you and the navy boy?’ Magpie asked, the entire team all turned to look at you.  ‘What?’ You asked.  ‘Blondie, he can’t take his eyes off you.’ Magpie stated, the corner of your lips curled up as your shook your head.  ‘Hangman, we’re friends, he was on the ship and then he helped when I was in hospital.’ You informed them, Spartacus leaned her head back.  ‘So, it’s him we’ve got to thank for letting us see you?’ Spartacus asked, you nodded.  ‘Yeah, him and Sandra, knocked some sense into me.’ You informed them.  ‘That’s good, think I’ll get him a lovely and warm beer tonight.’ She said, the sarcasm rippled off him.  ‘Don’t be stupid, I put it in the fridge.’   ‘You’re my hero.’ She said, resting a hand on her chest as you laughed and shook your head. 
‘You still up for dinner?’ Phoenix asked, you nodded as you removed your helmet.   ‘Give me five minutes to take everything off.’ You told her, she smiled and watched as you removed the mask.  ‘I’ll gather the boys.’ She informed you, you nodded as your started to unfasten the weighted vest.  You let out a groan at the cooling air brushed your back, the sweat from the ride around chilled to further and caused goosebumps to appear. You set the vest on your bunker, the covers wrinkled before you unfastened the long-sleeved shirt, sliding it off you looked at the white and pink scar that covered your arm. You quickly folded the shirt before pulling the soaked t-shirt off, leaving you in the black sports bra.  ‘Shit. Sorry.’ The familiar voice said, you looked over your shoulder.  ‘You’re fine, Jake.’ You said, he nodded but still adverted his gaze.  ‘A gentleman never looks.’ He said, you scoffed as you pulled the fresh black T-shirt, tucked it into your trousers as you turned to him.  ‘Why are you here anyway?’ You asked him whilst you folded the dirty t-shirt up and set it on the bottom of your bed.  ‘Phoenix ran away from here.’ He stated, a thumb pointed behind him.  ‘And you thought I had turned into the beast?’ You questioned, he started to shake his head.  ‘No, I -,’ he stuttered to a stop.  ‘It’s fine, don’t get much privacy out here anyway.’ You told him, you noticed as his eyes looked over you before his gaze got caught on your arm, where your scars continued down to your forearm. You watched his face twist before he noticed you.  ‘Do they hurt?’ He asked, you wriggled your fingers and looked at the arm he had looked at.  ‘Not anymore,’ you rubbed your arm, ‘sometimes they’ll tingle but not much.’ You truthfully told him and slid your radio onto your waist.  ‘Let’s go then.’ You gestured to the flaps that he had walked through, he nodded and turned around before you grabbed your holster, you fastened it around your thigh and slid the gun in. 
‘Shit.’ You noticed a thick cloud of sand and dust swirl into the air, you straightened to get a better look before you raised your wrist and looked at the time, brows furrowed.  ‘What’s happening?’ Phoenix quizzed, Sage stood up and moved as did Magpie.  ‘Get into the bunkers.’ You pulled your radio off your hip as you looked at the cloud of dust rising that wasn’t from a sandstorm, ‘Now.’ You commanded, they quickly crossed the sand and slid into the large tent that had been their home for the last six days.  ‘Actual one?’ You asked, you bent your knees but kept your gaze on the growing cloud as you pulled your weapon out.  ‘Go ahead.’ The crackled voice replied.  ‘We’re under attack here.’  You informed them, stretching your gun out and watched the vehicles appear in the dust.  ‘Who’s there?’ Actual one asked, a round of bullets was fired. and you ducked.  ‘Myself, Sage, Magpie and the Navy team.’ You said, the radio cracked.  ‘Then you three need to protect them. We’re ten clicks away.’ He said, you closed your eyes, and tilted your head back and sighed.  ‘Understood.’  ‘Sage.’ You called, the radio placed on your hip once more.  ‘Here.’ She appeared at your side.  ‘We’re under attack.’ You said, more bullets were aimed at the base.  ‘Really I thought it was fireworks.’ She commented whilst you rolled your eyes.  ‘The navy team are still here, back up is ten clicks.’ You informed her, her face dropped and she nodded stiffly.  ‘Ten clicks?’ you gave a stiff nod, ‘shit.’  ‘Yeah.’  ‘Teams location?’ Sage questioned.  ‘In the bunkers.’ You said, flinching when a handful of bullets landed in the sand next to you.  ‘I’ll meet you at the bunker.’ Sage said.  You gave her a nod as she pulled away from you, you marched over to the small wall that had been built up of sandbags. You widened your stance and pulled your mask up to cover your mouth and nose, the sand was horrible if it stuck to the back of your throat  ‘Copy.’ You rested your gun against the makeshift wall, lining your eyes up, and you fired, taking out a couple of assailants.  ‘The groups big.’ You said, Magpie tapped your shoulder and you pulled away.  Both of you moved, your backs almost touching as you crossed to the bunkers, the sand sliding under your feet. You reached the bunkers, the cotton door was open, you could just make out the team, huddled together.  ‘Coming around West.’ Sage announced, you kept your gun aimed ahead before the solid pat on your shoulder alerted you.  ‘Nice that you could make it.’ Magpie said, she shrugged.  ‘You know I love attending surprise parties.’ She commented, you smirked and shook your heads.  ‘Why now?’ Sage quizzed as they both glanced at you.  ‘We’re empty and they’ve probably got information that they’re here.’ You said, gesturing your thumb backwards.  Magpie and Sage turned to look at the group, they were sat together and watched them closely, their faces tight as they tried to hide their panic. They knew that being up high, dealing with it and being on the ground was different.  ‘Who knew they were coming?’ Sage asked, you looked out, three black jeeps were pushing their way through the sand, the cloud growing behind them.  ‘They’ve got a rocket launcher.’  ‘They wouldn’t use that right?’ Magpie asked, they knew the odds.  ‘Get in.’ You said, Sage moved backwards, and Magpie followed before you straightened, bullets coming from the East.  You jerked back and lowered your gun before you pulled the binoculars out. Leaning around the edge of the building you tried to find him, you came up empty until the small flash of light gave away his position.  ‘Magpie, East, one point five clicks.’ You said, another bullet was fired at you.  The team watched as Magpie moved to the window, she set her gun up on the ledge and focused through it. The handle rested on her shoulder and she calmed her breathing down.  ‘Upper ridge, every third seconds he reloads and gives his position away.’ You explained, you stepped out from behind the ledge and allowed him to shot at you.  
‘Got him?’ You asked, the room stayed quiet before she pulled the trigger, the team jumped at the loud pop.  ‘He’s down.’ She said.  ‘Copy.’ You replied.   ‘Y/N.’ Sage called out, a hand wrapped around your shoulders and yanked you back.  ‘Stay.’ You yelped out.  The shook caused you to tumble backwards, the attacker took that to his advantage and straddled you, he pointed his gun at you but it was empty. He quickly recovered and flung it to the side, sending a punch into your face. With a grunt you tried to buck your hips but he didn’t budge. He managed to get a punch into the side of your chest, a sharp pain spread through your chest, briefly closing your eyes as you guessed it was a broken rib.   Opening your eyes and looked at him, wrapping your legs over his calves you swung your arm forward and connected with his throat. You managed to get enough force that he gasped for air, using this to your advantage you flipped him over. His back collided with the sand as you held onto the soaked shirt. You continued to punch his face, when he stopped fighting, you looked down. His face was red and swelling as some parts were turning purple. Sitting back on your feet you took deep breaths, trying to calm your racing heartbeat before a force slammed into your chest. ‘We need to help her.’ Jake said, as he watched the second attacker pin you to the ground, Sage moved and blocked his path.  ‘We’ll be shot.’ She said and sent a look to Magpie, they knew the only reason you hadn’t been shot was because you were being attacked. You reached to the side, your fingers just brushed the top of your boot. Grunting you twisted for the side and pulled the handle out, the sharp blade followed, you rotated it hand your hand before you brought your hand up and sliced his throat. The dark blood sprayed out from the wound and leaked into your uniform, you watched as your attackers faced paled but you bucked your hips and he tumbled to the side. You dropped your head back and sighed before you rolled onto you side and held your side as your climbed to your feet. ‘How the fuck did they get that close?’ You asked, the team turned to you. You were a sight, your entire outfit was soaked with blood as it seeped into your outfit. You were breathing heavily and you grip on the blade hadn’t eased up. Sage and Magpie spun around and you raised a knife at the quiet footsteps sounded behind you.  ‘We don’t know.’ Spartacus said, you narrowed your eyes at her then you looked to Hangman and the team, your shoulders slouched.  ‘Where were you going?’ You quizzed.  ‘Perimeter check.’ He stated, you shook your head.  ‘No, you were too far away.’ You said, brows furrowed as you folded and slid the knife back into your boot.  ‘Major said to expand it tonight, credible threats.’ Spartacus stated, you shook your head.  'Shit.' You cursed.
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wilcze-kudly · 5 months
If worked for the team who made Avatar TloK. How would you rewrite TloK?
To be completely honest, rewriting tlok wouldn't fix all it's issues. Tlok just needed to have longer seasons, an actually established amount of seasons so they weren't pressured to make every single season a complete story for fear of not getting more time.
But let's say, hypothetically that I murdered mr Crabs or whoever is in charge of Nickelodeon and removed any studio meddling from the show.
My perfect world would include:
More filler episodes that focus on a singular character. Think Sokka's Master or the Painted Lady. The Krew are all fascinating characters with a lot of potential, however, due to the runtime of the show, their storylines are rushed... or completely nonexistent. Give me more details of Mako and Bolin's childhood. Show me emore of Asami struggling with her father's arrest.
I'd try to cut down on the westernisation of the show. I can see why these foreign aspects slipped in, since the closer the Avatarverse inches to our modern times, the more blurred the lines become. At least to my whiteass. I'd try to lean towards silkpunk, rather than the much more west based steampunk. It would be a fascinating endeavour to imagine what a world with mostly eastern influences would look like.
I'd make Vaatu the overarching villain/final boss of the story... it would require a bit of moving around of the timeline but I think I'd structure it as: Red Lotus> Kuvira> Amon> Vaatu. However I'd blur the timeline more. Make Amon a background threat in the eariler seasons, only for him to rise in popularity and power after people see what benders like Kuvira are capable of, for example.
This would also allow for certain villains to become redeemed or at least helpful in some way, later on. Mayhaps Amon and Kuvira team with the Krew to defeat Vaatu in some way.
Also, instead of destroying Vaatu completely, I'm leaning towards Korra absorbing him, in a way. Yes Vaatu is a dark spirit, but 'darker' urges are necessary for humans' survival and happiness. Korra embodies the duality of man very well. I think it would be a fascinating idea to see the Avatar become the embodiment of both light and darkness.
In general, making Vaatu and Raava more morally ambiguous, rather than the simple good spirit/bad spirit thing they had in the og show would be a fascinating concept.
I'd do my best to pull away from the show's original centerist narrative. Have Korra learn from the villains and make active changes to the world, showing her growth as an Avatar and person. Perhaps she's reluctant to see the Red Lotus' point of view at the beginning of the show, but sympathises with Amon at the tail end of the story.
Make the entire Krew queer. And talk about queerness more, in general. Have the characters have open conversations about queerness in their respective enviornments and cultures. Tlok already has a very queer undertone to it, even before korrasami became canon, but touching on this subject more overtly would provide great opportunity for characterisation and worldbuilding.
Have the story span several years. Watch the Krew grow up. Tlok works very well as a coming of age story even in its original form. Have Vaatu and his darkness and chaos symbolise the uncharted waters of maturity at the end of teenagedom. This especially works if Korra merges or accepts him like i suggested.
There... that's some basics. I think that most of my criticisms of the show could mostly be solved if the studio wasn't being a bitch but well. We can't have nice things, can we?
I took a while to answer this ask because it was genuinely such an interesting, but overwhelming question.
Also now I have wayy too many ideas about a potential tlok rewrite, so feel free to ask me about that if you want to hear me ramble.
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