#the amount of shading & lighting i had to do bro
synthshenanigans · 1 year
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This took like 17 hours i want to explo d e
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sykestarot · 7 months
angel messages
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hi guys i felt called to do an angel message this week and it was so many uplifting messages and I hope you guys feel the support I channeled. remember to like and reblog! thanks for stopping by!
Pile 1
“i’ll keep your, keep your best interest” (7 of wands (rx); 3 of wands (rx); 6 of pentacles (rx); 10 of cups; 7 of wands; The Moon (rx)) Hi pile 1! I hope you guys are doing well! For you guys I feel like the angel message is take time to focus. I had a really hard time focusing or even starting your reading. So maybe you guys are trying to escape reality and not face the real issues in your life. Which is totally understandable, sometimes life is really hard and we just need to escape. However I feel like your angels are trying to tell you that you have been escaping too much recently. I feel like you are running away from your emotions or something that happened in your life that is bringing up big emotions for you. Maybe you are considered the strong one in your family and you feel like you can’t face your emotions because so many people are relying on you. This energy reminds me of when Kim K was talking to Kris about Kanye and she said “for once can everyone else have their shit together so I can have a bad day?” I feel like that’s how you feel and you don’t allow yourself the space to feel your emotions and when you do feel emotions it’s a huge reaction to a small thing because you bottle it up. Your angels want you to know that they see and acknowledge your pain and even when you feel alone you are not. They are always with you and just want the best for you, always. They know you need to cry and lose it, they’re saying that even of you have to let it out alone in a parking lot that that’s okay too. Some of you might benefit from seeking out professional help but you can decide that on your own based on your own circumstances. Your angels want you to know that even though they are not there physically you can always speak to them. They are always listening to you and will help you from the other side as best as they can! Stay strong pile 1 I believe in you guys <3 Signs: koi fish; lily pads; pink lotus; blurry vision; lack of focus; daydreams; clouds; blue sky; mushrooms; meadows; super mario bros?; princess peach/daisy?; nintendo; cigarettes; church?
Pile 2
“I care for you still and I will forever that was my part of the deal, honest” (The Devil (rx); 10 of pentacles (rx); Knight of Cups (rx); 9 of swords (rx); 10 of swords; 7 of swords) Hi Pile 2! For you guys it was really easy to tap into your energy. Did you guys just go through a break up? Or maybe lost a friend? I feel a significant amount of loss in this pile however you seem to be handling it very well considering. I feel like you have a sense of optimism around this loss. For example, “it’s for the better we we’re incompatible anyways,” or “I’m grateful that I even had this person in my life.” And while yes, that is a great way to think about things, are you processing the loss or are you trying to mask it with love and light? I feel like you truly believe those things but I do feel like you’re using them as a bandaid for a bullet hole. Your angels are proud of you for dealing with this so gracefully, however they do hope you are careful because toxic positivity can lead you down a road where you don’t acknowledge the other person’s mistakes. Your angels want you to acknowledge that life is not just black and white, there are many shades of gray. And sometimes even when something was great there are reasons it came to an end. I feel you keep this person on a godlike pedestal and your angels want you to know that they were just human. Nothing better or worse. Just human. Not that they are asking you to villainize this person but giving you the okay to be angry and upset. They don’t want you to dismiss the bad things this person did to you even if they are small because you still deserve so much more than what they gave you. They might’ve been a good partner or friend but you deserve a great partner or friend. Your angels want you to work on some self worth issues you might’ve been dealing with since before this relationship. There’s a level of you feeling like you deserve people leaving you, like you are not good enough and that is so far from the truth pile 2. I feel like a lot of you are aware of these problems and are doing your best to fix them. I feel like you are in contact with your angels often so this might not be a new message to you. I believe in you pile 2 keep up the good work! Signs: panther; raven; starfish; beaches; ocean sounds; seashells; the birth of venus painting; california?; surfing; early mornings; jungle cruise (lol); disneyland?; the jungle book; Bagheera; 44; 66; Capricorn
Pile 3
“now that your here with me” (Justice; 6 of swords; 2 of swords; 7 of cups (rx); The Star; Ace of Swords) Hi pile 3! I hope y'all are doing good. For you guys I feel like your angels are kind of nudging you to start something new. I see you guys feeling like you have no options, but you know you have a couple, maybe they’re just not what you would want to do? I feel like your angels want you to try to start something new because you don’t know how much you’ll enjoy it if you don't try it. I feel a really youthful energy on you guys. Did you just get out of high school or college? There’s and energy of indecision on you, where you don’t know where to go. I’m getting a Disney's Pocahontas reference in the what’s around the riverbend song where she says, “or do you still wait for me dream giver? Just around the river bend?” I feel like you know and feel that your close to achieving your dreams and maybe you’re scared of failing to achieve them? I feel that your angels want you to know they are here to support you no matter what and that you should give everything a shot while you’re still young. The last thing you wanna live with is regret you know? I feel you guys probably have a form of catastrophic thinking and don’t attempt because you feel like the failure will be the end of everything. But because you don't try you never find out if the failure is the end of the world. Your angels are afraid that if you continue to quit while you’re ahead you will regret the things you never tried. Your angels know you are so very capable and can do all things you want to. I also feel like you know they have been trying to talk to you and that you’ve dodging them. Which is so funny that they chose that line in the song but they just want the best for you and if you feel pressure from them it’s because they know you can do it. Don’t count yourself out pile 3! You got this fs!  Signs: bat; turkey; orange cat; barns; small town; knee high socks with stripes; black hair; piercings; tattoos; video games; foggy; pacific northwest; cold water; ocean spray; 777; danzig
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homestuckreplay · 2 months
Gamer Grandma Gits Gud!
(page 419-421)
7/30/2009 Wheel Spin: Captchalogue Lore Verdict: INCORRECT
7/31/2009 Wheel Spin: Parent Bad :( Verdict: EXTREMELY INCORRECT - true answer: Grandparent Good :)
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There's an absolutely overwhelming amount of stuff in only three pages and LOADS to say, so I'm going to bullet point this to keep this as brief as possible because I try to write these posts within the timeframe of a single Mountain Goats album.
Rose + Dave
Those notification bubbles above the computer really exist, in Sburb at the very least! Rose knows that Dave is wearing those stupid shades confirmed.
The command is 'Rose: Pester John.' and Rose only half obeys this - she pesters, but it isn't John. Always cool to see characters push against commands, and to have expectations subverted for the reader.
Dave acknowledges that his bro might be taking puppet irony too far, and it's Rose he chooses to tell this to, explicitly saying 'don't tell John.'
Dave's bro's ventriloquist rap doll haunts him in his dreams?? This is definitely a normal sibling dynamic and definitely not something that's going to end up being super important given the general theme of the characters having dolls in their house.
What are Dave's bro's websites and are they anything like Dave's? Does Rose think Dave's bro is cooler than he is? Is this a sticking point in their friendship?
'I suspect he is preoccupied with the fact that he just had a bucket of water dumped on his head by the ghost of his dead grandmother, who also happens to be dressed like a clown.' Fucking insane thing for Rose to say. No wonder Dave has no idea what to make of it.
John + Nanna
Nannasprite is the coolest ever. Lots of her wisdom clearly comes from being a game NPC, but she dispenses it in such a grandmotherly fashion.
Nannasprite is also the most powerful character because she never has to retrieve her arms. She has one all the time, while everyone else is sometimes drawn without them.
Very interesting dynamic that John doesn't remember his nan from before she died, and is essentially getting to know her for the first time in gamesprite form.
Absolutely hilarious bit that Nannasprite pretends not to know what a computer is.
Dad + Imps
The imps on p.421 are both clown themed and have the same bodies, but different color schemes. One is a shale imp exactly like the one John thought - the other could be a different flavor of imp who drops different loot?
John is 'a fine young man just like [his] father' according to Nanna. I sure would love to know what Dad was like when he was young.
With the new knowledge of the strife portfolio, can we assume Dad uses both cakekind and broomkind? Possibly other fatherly household objects too?
Dad was kidnapped by 'the forces of darkness,' which doesn't sound very good. The imps seem like really low level enemies though, and not deserving of this title. Who do they work for? In D&D, imps are very low level fiends who serve devils and archdevils, and I believe this comes from Christian mythology. But imps aren't typically evil in and of themselves, just mischievous lackeys, so something bigger is happening.
The Lore!!!!
The Medium - makes me think of an artistic medium, as in a type/category of art or the material used to create art, or of a medium/middle between light and darkness or good and evil.
The Incipisphere - from incipient, 'beginning to happen or develop' + sphere, a uniform three-dimensional round shape. This is interesting, because the place is 'untouched by the flow of time' but also has just come into being with the beta release of Sburb and also 'somewhat paradoxically, almost has' existed apart from it. This works because I too have had older relatives tell me confusing stories that don't make logical sense.
John is not inside a computer or digital space, the computer served as a portal to a different physical space (which is also a ring of pure void). Computer (or fiction in general) as portal to another world is a common metaphor that is being made literal here.
Sburb probably dictates how much gamesprites know and how much they're allowed to tell the player. To what extent is Nannasprite 'pre-programmed' and to what extent is she making her own decisions? Is the lore she gives John completely reliable?
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mera-k1 · 3 months
helloooo ^_^ could I request the forced proximity (fluffy) prompt form your spicy summer list with Satsuki? Love your works a lot ☹️💞
hi, nonnie!! ofc, please enjoy~ thank you for enjoying my works~
Spicy Summer Event - July 4th
Satsuki Ito x gn!reader
-fluff, very flustered satsuki and then he runs away...
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it wasn't uncommon for club candy to have over the top 'parties'. if you could even call it that at least... you had only tagged along when iori suggested you come along for the summer 'party'. you still weren't sure if you'd even call this a party since you were technically in a club... the sheer amount of people packed into the loud space was just insane. drunk people dancing all around with their friends or lovers celebrating god knows what. maybe that summer was here? or maybe they were just here for the hell of it.
you, on the other hand, were just trying to get out of the middle of the crowd that you had been shoved to by the countless people moving and grooving to the loud music. no matter how much you tried to squeeze through people, you were always whisked away by the crowd again and again. poor you... again, you tried to squeeze your way past two people dancing, fitting your arm through the gap between their backs to hopefully signal that you're trying to get through. they didn't seem to care though. and then a hand grabbed your arm.
you were about ready to pull your arm back when you were yanked through the dancing people you were trying to get through in the first place, almost smacking into someones chest after you were yanked through.
as soon as you were about to jump back from whoever had grabbed your arm, you let out a sigh of relief when you realized who it had been. "...sorry, did i scare you? i've been tryna help you get outta the crowd but i couldn't get to you..."
"jeez... you scared the hell outta me, satsuki!" you sighed, relaxing now that you knew who it was. "anyways, can we--" suddenly, you were cut off by someone pushing by you and forcing you up against satsuki, giving you almost no room to move as they danced behind you. "sorry- i was going to ask if you could get us out of the crowd before they pushed me..." you grumbled, trying to put at least a little space between your faces.
"..y-yeah! i'll get us outta the crowd! just- just count on me!" he quickly turned his head to the side, trying to find a way out (and to hide his reddening face from you even though the colored lights of club candy were already doing wonders to hide it) of the crowd. through the various dancing bodies, he thankfully led you out, keeping you close to himself to prevent you from getting swept away with the crowd.
it felt like the air was suddenly cooler when you both escaped the crowd and you let out a sigh. "thanks, satsuki!" you patted his shoulder, leaning to kiss his cheek as an added thanks.
"n-no problem!" even with the colored lights of club candy, you could see his cheeks turn red shade that could rival his own fiery hair color as he tensed up under your sudden act of affection. "an-anytime! i'm- i've gotta find big bro now!" he waved a sudden goodbye and rushed back off, leaving you standing alone. the poor guy, he couldn't handle another second alone with you after that sudden kiss... who knows what embarrassing things he would have done if he stayed...
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crystallinestars · 4 months
OMG thank you so much for your response 😭 You always answer very kindly and in a detailed manner ahahah it is always fun to read your posts ! For rant, where to begin… I’m straight up typing this on a document so that it’ll be easier to organize gyahahah. I hope the readers do not see this as an assault on certain people, just an exchange of ideas 😁This is like 1250 words, enough for a uni essay, I feel that at some points it may be rather incoherent…
So I guess I will start with the shipping thing ! So when it comes to Kaveh ships, I see that it is like 99% with Alhaitham. I guess it is because of the way the game sets them up. Not only do they live under the same roof but iirc they have extensive voicelines about each other. I won’t deny that they play an important role in each other’s lives! Like back from their Akademiya days when they were still friends and collaborated with each other, and then when they had their falling out, and then Kaveh falls into financial ruin and inevitably ends up turning to his former friend for help (much to his own shame and chagrin). If they’ve known each other for this many years, it is natural that they would have many things to say about each other. 
However, I guess this also opens up the way for BL fans to interpret this in a romantic manner. Ofc they could feel free to ship as they’d like, but just taking into account the ones who are so insistent that any other ship must be wrong, I will detail the following… 
For people who have been in each other’s lives for a long time (I’m thinking 10+ years for these two), it isn’t out of the ordinary to talk about each other. I talk about the people in my close circle a fair amount, same with the people I know. It doesn’t need to imply a secret crush. And regarding their interactions, they often throw shade at each other. This is also interpreted in a romantic manner by many fans. If we look at this in a more positive light, I remember a guy player noting that their kind of interaction is similar to IRL male friendships. Guys dissing or making fun of each other with no deeper meaning to it. Bros being bros kind of thing. But if we look at it critically, I would say that a relationship where they’re arguing all the time… is not ideal. Like a commenter on Reddit said something that stood out to me, that Kaveh just looks so stressed when he’s interacting with Haitham. 😅 Looking at it from this angle, it makes it difficult to romance the two ahahah (not because of a “problematic” aspect but rather because it isn’t fun watching them just constantly arguing and Kaveh being miserable from this). 
To digress a bit, my ideal Kaveh ships would be either Kaveh+Lumine or Kaveh+Nilou. The former because Lumine in his hangout quest helps him a lot, like helping him deal with his past and with many of his issues. Also I like the idea of Kaveh accompanying Lumine during her travels, nice way to keep her company. 😁 And for KavehLou their romantic+artsy personalities and their shared cultural connection!!! I feel like Kaveh would legit treat Nilou like a goddess ahahah and Nilou would definitely cheer him up when he’s struggling, and both of them have super good vibes so it’s 💯 green flags all around. I also want to see them celebrate Nowruz together… ahahah. 
And this kind of ties into my next point that because of the whole shippy thing, Kaveh is rarely seen as his own character. This is evident when you look up his name on Twitter. Most of it will be him with Haitham; the fandom treats him like he is Haitham’s add-on. For comparison, when I look up my other fave Scaramouche/Wanderer, I actually get art of JUST him. Not with Kazuha, Childe, or even Lumine. Just straight up Scara. Kaveh doesn’t get this solo treatment because much of the fandom just sees him as an extension of Haitham. The thing is that Kaveh is one of the most human and relatable characters in the game: he wants to be a good person, yet he does struggle with having his own personality flaws. He has financial struggles that he’s barely clawing his way out of. If we disregard his genius and extraordinary academic record, I think most people could see themselves in him. In other words, I’d say that he is a very solid character. I think it’s about high time we give him his own chance to shine, without feeble scholar getting in his way ahahah (no shade to you, Alhaitham !). Let Kaveh be his own person!
And another point I would like to make, it is something that is of interest to me because it does involve different cultural perspectives. Kaveh is commonly interpreted as “feminine.” There is no shame in being a feminine man. However, the basis of this interpretation is 1) his appearance and 2) his expressive behavior. Regarding his appearance, I think it is because he styles himself in a particular manner that people automatically assume he is “___-coded.” To address this, I’ve seen Iranian Genshin players explain that historically, it wasn’t uncommon for Iranian men to wear jewelry, dress flamboyantly, and enjoy the fine arts. But to outsiders’ eyes, doing these makes him “less of a man.” It is like how some male k-pop idols are seen as “girly” or even “gay” by many in the West, but for women in many east+southeast Asian societies they are perfectly acceptable men. Just that when they see him as “feminine” it often verges into fetishization territory… I’ll try not to play pixel activism here, but ngl it gets really gross and weird at times. A few weeks ago I had the misfortune of laying my eyes upon a Haitham+Kaveh fanart where Kaveh was basically (sorry for the description in advance) Haitham’s belly dancer/slave?? Of course fanartists have the freedom to draw whatever they want but this image was pretty much a symptom of how the fandom views Kaveh. 🙁 Even one of the well-known Iranian Genshin enjoyers called this out as fetishistic and orientalist (the latter term is often thrown around with regard to Sumeru, but I think that this instance actually warranted its use). 
In addition to his appearance, Kaveh is a very emotionally expressive man. He wears his heart on his sleeve. Because of this, this further contributes to fans thinking of him as “girly.” So I guess men aren’t “real men” if they are open with their emotions, if we go by the logic of the fandom? Haitham and other characters seen as “masculine” e.g. Diluc and Childe are given the “masculine” treatment because they demonstrate far more restraint with their emotions, while Kaveh gets the “uwu I’m a lil bbygirl in need of saving” treatment simply because he doesn’t hold back when it comes to his feelings. So from this there’s like so much stuff of him as “ohhh submissive prettyboy 🥺🥺🥺” instead of taking into account other aspects of his personality, like he could actually be assertive especially when dealing with annoying clients. It does him a true disservice…
I feel that I’m missing many more points that I’ve considered before, if I ever remember them I will probably send them in… I hope it does not come off as some sort of crusade call, but rather just an outpouring of thoughts. And hopefully this is a decently entertaining read ^^;;;;
WELCOME BACK!!! I have been waiting for your lovely essay on how Kaveh gets done dirty by the fandom, and it made me so happy to see you and I share a lot of opinions in common on this! (That's a lot of text though. I don't mind the length at all, but I'm surprised the word limit let you hahaha)
To your amazing analysis, I respond to you with an essay of my own.
I completely agree with your points that people who have known each other for a long time would naturally have a lot to say about each other. Even if they haven't known each other for long, when people live in close quarters together, they definitely have things to say about one another, especially negative ones. The bickering Kaveh and Alhaitham have is expected since they're roommates, and on top of that, roommates that had a falling out as friends. Their relationship is a bit strained since neither wants to admit they were wrong in the past due to their pride.
I work 5 days a week with a coworker of mine, and I have a lot to say about her because we work closely together. Does that mean I'm romantically attracted to her? No, not at all. Quite the opposite. Unfortunately, this logic doesn't apply to fiction quite so easily, and I'll cover why in a bit.
The point about them acting like real-life guy friends is also very true, although I think their relationship fits a sitcom more closely. I know someone who said Kaveh and Haitham's relationship reminds them of Leonard and Sheldon's from The Big Bang Theory. Two guys living together, constantly bickering and throwing shade, but caring about one another deep down.
Lord, I can write a whole separate essay on why I think Kaveh and Alhaitham don't work as a romantic couple, but I won't do that here. This post is already gonna be long. Maybe another time.
However, I do want to say that while you make excellent points on how Kaveh and Haitham's relationship isn't inherently romantic, there is a very big BUT to all this. And that's Mihoyo.
As an anime game developer, Mihoyo knows all about the anime community. After all, the founders were all otakus, they know what kind of audience they have. They know what is popular, and what's popular is BL. There is not a single excuse anyone can give me that can convince me otherwise that Mihoyo didn't know exactly what they were doing when they wrote Kaveh and Haitham to be roommates. They didn't have to write them to live together. They didn't have to write all the extra dialogue where they mention each other. They didn't have to do the matching key idles, the references to the other in their birthdays, or introduce Kaveh through Alhaitham TWICE. They knew how their audience will interpret their dynamic, they had the option to structure it differently, but they still went through with it. It was deliberate.
Kaveh was introduced with Haitham, and ever since, they have consistently been shown together. It's as if they are literally glued to each other. Can't go a single birthday, event, quest, or otherwise without the other being present in some way. It is all intentional. Their interactions and cameos carry intent behind them that shippers pick up on, and that intent is to appeal to their group. So while it's erroneous to claim that Kaveh and Haitham are canonically in a romantic relationship the way a lot of toxic shippers are doing, there is a good reason why they think so. Mihoyo is actively encouraging this mindset by not allowing either character to shine on their own, but rather as a pair because they know this appeals to a subsection of their fanbase, and a large one at that.
As for your Kaveh ships, I agree 100%! Lumine is a good choice for sure (I say this as a kavelumi shipper *gets shot*), and while I don't ship it, I understand the reasoning behind Kavelou, and think it's cute. Nilou would be a really good influence on Kaveh. He always laments about how nobody understands his passion for the arts, but Nilou would. They're both artists that are trying to eke their own path in a society that doesn't appreciate art. Nilou, as you mentioned, would cheer him up, and I think Kaveh would also find peace of mind through her dancing. Kaveh needs someone optimistic and kind like Nilou.
While we're on the topic of Kaveh ships, I would also like to suggest my own that I really like. Kaveh x Candace. Please don't shoot me. Candace is strict and no-nonsense, so she wouldn't let Kaveh get away with constantly self-sabotaging himself. And unlike Haitham, she is gentle and almost motherly, so she'd be more successful in getting through to Kaveh and soothing him. Or so I like to think. Kaveh would also help her see the outside world more, maybe have her accompany him through the desert and show her beautiful sights she'd never see by staying cooped up in her village. Plus, he's literally helping to construct a library for her village! There is so much potential for them to bond over Aaru village yet Hoyo keeps pushing the same relationships, I am so tired-
But of course, for me, the best ship of all will forever be Kaveh x You/Reader. On my blog, every guy I write for loves you, and only you. Please don't kill me.
Carrying on, you are right in that Kaveh isn't seen as his own person. You'd be hard-pressed to find (popular) art of him that doesn't imply Haitham in there somewhere. Is it so surprising, though, when even the game developer treats them as a package deal?
I feel you, it's a pity. Kaveh's character is very complex and one of the most realistic. When I read his backstory, I couldn't help but think as if someone in Mihoyo put a part of themselves in his character. The struggles he goes through are realistic, painfully so, even. I've also seen lots of artists say they relate to Kaveh. He has so much to explore about him, but I fear that outside of the Darshan event and his hangout, we'll never get to see more.
Okay, so. I have mentioned before on this blog how I am annoyed at how Kaveh is viewed as feminine and submissive due to his appearance and emotional nature. You've already touched on all the points, so excuse me for sounding like a broken record, but I have A LOT to say about this.
There is nothing wrong with being feminine. There is nothing wrong with being a feminine man. What is wrong, however, is associating femininity with submission.
Kaveh has traits that are often associated with femininity, which, as you pointed out, are his neat and pretty looks and emotional expressiveness (the bit about Iranian men traditionally wearing jewelry is super interesting, btw. I didn't know, so this was enlightening!). To this, I also want to add that lots of people think he acts like a nagging wife with Alhaitham. That's basically all it takes for people to slap him with the "feminine" label, and treat him as if he's a submissive, blushy, uwu bbgurl I want to delete this term from existence
I know that men the West views as "feminine/girly" are often popular among women in Asia, and it really just comes down to culture and a matter of taste. I share their taste in men because I also find K-Pop idols and smooth-faced, slim anime guys more attractive than muscular and rugged men, and by no means do I think they're girly. But alas, each culture has expectations for how men and women are supposed to look and act, and it's led to more harm than good.
It's also unfortunate that Kaveh gets compared to Alhaitham a lot. Alhaitham is what one would call traditionally masculine. Muscular, stoic, reserved, aloof, etc... But especially the muscular part. Kaveh isn't muscular, and as we saw in the Darshan event, isn't athletic. This difference in physique is also a reason people call him feminine. I saw someone say (in a shipping context) that they prefer Kaveh to be submissive because Alhaitham is taller and bigger than him. Nothing wrong with wanting a sub Kaveh, but I find this reasoning very flawed. Fetishistic, if you will.
And yes, the "one man is a dom/top while the other is a sub/bottom" mentality follows a lot of BL ships. People literally fight with each other over who they believe should be the top or bottom. There are even specific emojis for it. Don't know why people are so hung up about who tops or who bottoms, but what do I know. I don't understand the appeal of BL at all 🫤
Gosh, I'm sorry you had to see that belly dancer art... I once saw a ship art where Kaveh wore a wedding dress while Haitham wore a suit. It wasn't a silly context, either, but a serious and romantic one. I really dislike seeing art of Kaveh being feminine or acting submissive because that's not him at all.
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Please look at this official art. Look at how Kaveh casually stuffs his hand in his pocket, at how he sits with his legs spread wide without a care in the world, at how he slings Mehrak over his shoulder. Look at how confidently and casually he carries himself. His body language screams "masculine".
Kaveh is confident, prideful, assertive, bold... I could go on. These are also traits usually associated with men. I mean, look at how he talks about one of his seniors in his hangout!
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He's got quite the mouth and a temper.
He's not shy, far from it, actually. He's not submissive. He's not a dainty damsel in distress than needs someone stronger to help him, because in actuality, he's resourceful and intelligent.
Kaveh is self-assured in his masculinity. Sure, he's not a big, buff man, and he wears his heart on his sleeve, but that doesn't make him less of a man or weak. Maybe physically a bit, but I don't think he's below average in terms of strength. He makes up for it with his smarts and invents things to circumvent his shortcomings. This part of him gets overlooked, because he gets compared to Alhaitham. It doesn't help that the two are always seen together lately.
In my humble opinion, Kaveh is more of a dom than Alhaitham will ever be. Haitham gives me vibes of being someone who's too lazy to put in the work in bed, so he'd rather lie back and let his partner lead. Meanwhile, Kaveh isn't afraid to go after what he wants, and will pamper his partner.
In conclusion, you are very right about everything. If Mihoyo wasn't purposely throwing ship crumbs at every opportunity, then Kaveh potentially wouldn't have had his character assassinated by the fandom. Every character gets mischaracterized to some degree (I weep for Childe), but unlike most, Kaveh's mischaracterization is largely in part due to shipping.
Apologies for the massive tangent. I had a lot of fun reading your analysis and mentally screaming "YES! YES! SHE GETS IT! I'm not the only one!", so thank you for sending this in. Don't worry, it was very well put-together, probably better than my rambling. I found out some new points, and had a few of mine validated, so feel free to send another essay if you think of more things. I love deep and thoughtful discussions like these haha!
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twistedyapping · 23 days
my experience with health n wellness n stuff
so i started adding weights alongside my cardio, changing my cardio routine just slightly, and changing my diet a tad like 3 months ago or so now-
i didnt do it to lose weight or anything, i did it to build muscle and also hopefully stop fighting god on the shitter- i basically just started doing it to do it bc like. Why not.
and real shit ever since i started really bryan johnsoning and david gogginsing life my whole everything has absolutely skyrocketed-
n im not gonna be one of those ppl that's like "LIFT OR DIE!!!!! EXERCISE OR U SUCK!!!!" Bc like if u have a solid reason why u cant, dw abt it- but in my experience since i changed all this stuff, my self esteem and confidence (and even 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 vibes) and Everything has just absolutely skyrocketed for the better-
Like i was someone who got winded bringing the groceries in the house (And i could hold like 4 light bags max), and if i like squatted down to the floor for any reason, it was a Full Body exercise to get myself back up to stand.
now i can literally get up and down using Only My Legs which is how it should be!!! And the other day i carried HALF the grocery load in the house and wasn't even winded!!!!!! Like that little shit is just so fucking worth it bro it makes u feel so much better abt literally everything in life
and i have visible muscle now!!! Im not a twig like i can actually do shit!!! And after being known as the skinny as a rail twig with no muscle for like my whole life, you have no clue how great being able to overhead press 21.5lbs Multiple Times feels for me- And like that's probably not a whole lot of weight for a lot of ppl, but mannnn i started with 16lbs and was DYING.
i can also fucking glute bridge 60lbs Like that's CRAZY to me and ya ya the hips r the powerhouse of the cell But i started with 54.5lbs. That is also insane to me.
the thing is like i literally never knew my own strength, like the small amount i already had, and i also never knew how to Increase it until now- And now i just feel more in tune with my body and even my mind like- idk everything is just Good and Better.
ya i got some days where i dont rly feel like eating bryan johnson food like quinoa n shit But other days i literally get hyped for it. and i measure my food n shit like-
and i was allergic to the idea of measuring my food n stuff at first- i genuinely hated the idea because i didnt want to find out i was getting like 0 nutrients per day i was PETRIFIED bc i was always told i eat like an ipad kid-
well turns out i actually Do get a lot of nutrients every day and even more now- and i dont measure my food to hit a specific amount of calories, i just measure it to know what im getting out of it- im not counting strands of spaghetti tryna make sure it's EXACTLY 116 grams, but hitting that double serving 232g dead on is satisfying ngl- Or cutting exactly 1oz of cheese- Like it's just fun 4 me idk
and i understand it's not fun for some ppl and that's 100% okay, i am not here to preach the fitness gospel, im just here to share my experience bc i enjoy yapping abt things
im not going the full mile like perfect everything, measuring every single thing on my body like bryan johnson (no shade, he's a well beloved name in our house bc it's funny to call quinoa n stuff bryan johnson food 😭😭), but i am just kinda chillin and like really starting to take my health and nutrients and exercise more seriously without being afraid of it like i used to be and it's in turn helping my mental health too which is why i do it-
i do everything i can to make my mind better bro call me david goggins the way im up in those brain cabinets clearin shit out all the time- But ya like. Idk shit's just Better.
so if this somehow inspired u to also go down the fitness path either by just starting out or going further down it than u already were- sick 🫡 Bc that wasn't my intention so that'd be a cool consequence of my actions 🫡
Anyway ya that's abt it. see ya
- 🌙 -
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
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.. Yeah
I didn't even know naib is south Asian🥲
Oh I know them.
Yeah Naib is from Napal, and I do agree that he should be darker. Though, trust me, there are a lot of pale asians, including south east asians. I don't think there should be been a 'white washing problem' with your post.
Bro how can you white wash a character when they're already that skintone? 💀 it's not like you went out of your way to make him even paler because you think paler skin is better or smth.
It's pretty common knowledge that Naib is a pale character despite being from Nepal (I hate Netease for this every single day of my life) but I don't think that person should have came at you like that? Especially because skin color does not equal race/ethnicity (not saying that people can claim to be a race/ethnicity when they're really not)
Yes there are varying degrees of skin color people give Naib, and there is no denying that the character design team fucked up. Though I can't speak for Southern Asian people, I can tell you that some of my fellow brother and sisters are fucking GHOSTS (Not european looking because um yeah...) My sister of course has melanin, but she is more pale than most.
I was real PALE in quarantine. I was born very toned because I have most of my father's body genes. I did still have tan and yellow undertones, but I changed a considerable amount.
Especially when I moved and winter rolled around, I started to look even more different. Then the warmer south temperatures came around and I was tanned again. (Though not too much because I did a lot of physical labor inside) After I quit that, I started to do online school and went back to being paler.
This is my hand rn (I tried to keep it in the shadows so the white light wouldn't interfere much)
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Don't say anything abt my nails, I HAVE MAD ANXIETY.
I was way tanner than this. Let me tell you, when I was younger, I always said I was the tannest kid out of all of my family members after leaving the beach. Nowadays I'm more of a in between looking type of gal.
You're very obviously not a native English speaker (/gen /nm) and I'm sure where you live, colorism is incredibly rampant. I understand that you may be uneducated and dissimive of these sort of things because you grew up around these kind of ideals.
I can totally help you understand and educate you on colorism and the issues of IDV. There's always room to grow and be better, especially with these types of things.
I may not know you personally, but I know you're not the type of person to purposefully act with bad intent. I trust that you are a good person and genuinely want to learn about the difficulties of representation in media to better yourself.
You also have no issue with drawing my skin tone, soooooo I don't see why you would try to 'white wash him' when you're alright the one I had at the time.
I personally prefer when people do give Naib more realistic representation, but I don't really mind it when people draw him pale? Idk I guess I'm just used to seeing him pale. From now on, it would definitely be nice and more realistic if you started drawing Naib with tanner skin due to his lore and cultural background. (Not saying that there ZERO PALE NAPALI PEOPLE)
Eh I don't really rock with that person anymore anyways. No shade, just saying we ain't buddy buddy.
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s6e3 the third man (w. ben edlund)
so i wanted to know where cas was, i guess "total anarchy" is a little different from what i said ("heaven politics"). whatever, dean needs some backup from all these pod people.
trying to file away a thought about how the show treats him leaving lisa and its after effects, if he's dreaming about her now. not holding my breath on that. (but maybe this was just an excuse to get both guys shirtless)
is this a random lady sam banged or the lady in the hunter group? pretty and longish brown hair blending together.
also sam is very tan. i wonder side by side how much darker he is than s1. might be due to the lighting/coloring they're going with the past couple seasons which can be really warm and saturated at times.
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s1e17 hell house / s6e3 the third man - evolution of tan
ah right, i forgot i knew the sex worker thing.
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oh jackles what did they do to your face. i know it looks worse because i have the nighttime warm display on, but oof
dean's just rolling with this totally different personality from sam. it's only been 5 minutes but i haven't been angry and i'm tryin real hard to keep the chill vibe. but...
i guess we're going all-in on the gross deaths.
DEAN Yeah, I suppose. Still driving the plastic piece of crap, huh?
SAM What's your mileage, again?
DEAN Shut up.
well, i appreciate the mention of gas mileage because the amount of money they had to have spent on gas for the impala based on the amount they drive is astronomical. but again, we're just doing the fun banter. i don't really get this version of soullessness.
but then, hmm. thinking of the magicians, which sera gamble was also a showrunner on, they had this thing called a shade: "The Shade is the tiny beating heart of the soul and the part that allows people to process complex emotions and connect to one another. The bonds of friendship, love, intimacy, trust, and compassion all rely completely upon the Shade." they also had it be a release from pain from trauma. and general give no fucks anymore-ness. (were shades in the books... i can't remember)
but anyway it kinda seems like, from what i've seen here, their implementation of soulless is really similar to shadeless. i think i'm grating against it so hard because i want dean to figure it out and he can't figure it out if they're being chummy on a job.
also why isn't dean even silently pissy about sam NOT CONTACTING HIM IN A YEAR THAT DEAN THOUGHT HE WAS STILL IN HELL. i just don't see how there's any plot or explanation that's going to make me think dean would react like this. with how you've had him be about sam for the past 5 years, and established canonically his history with him before that. does not compute for me.
(s3e5 bedtime stories) CROSSROADS DEMON No more desperate, sloppy, needy Dean. 
you don't get demons calling you out to your brother about being desperate, sloppy and needy for nothing.
and zachariah's "sam and dean winchester are psychotically, irrationally, erotically codependent on each other". but no. dean's all good.
SAM So, what, you -- you like him better or something?
CASTIEL Dean and I do share a more profound bond. I wasn't gonna mention it.
DEAN Cas, look, if Sam calls, you answer. Okay? You wing your ass down here, and you tell him, "I don't know." Just because we have some sort of a -- a bond or whatever...
CASTIEL You think I came because you called? I came because of this. 
i wonder how cas's dislike of sam gets translated into fandom (who must have had a field day with the profound bond line)
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CASTIEL Sam, Dean, my "people skills" are "rusty." Pardon me, but I have spent the last "year" as a multidimensional wavelength of celestial intent. 
same, bro, same. except the multidimensional wavelength part.
kind of funny this dude is blaming cas for giving the angels free will.
oh someone must have gif'd tobias and hannibal fighting compared with raphael beating on cas. that's funny.
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feeling slightly mollified that at least dean brought up sam seemingly not caring about anything.
DEAN Hey man, I'm just trying to figure this out because... something's different with you. You know that.
SAM Yeah. Yeah, I know.
DEAN Really?
SAM Yeah. I mean... I've been hunting non-stop for the past year, kind of... kind of on the wild, you know? So, yeah, I suppose I'm a little rough around the edges.
well that made me wonder how much awareness sam has of what's going on, realizing i assumed he knew but i see it also makes sense if he doesn't. and doesn't care because he's happy (i assume?)
DEAN Yeah, I get that. I just don't think I'm getting the whole scoop. You went to hell, Sam. And believe me, I know what that does to a guy.
SAM To you.
DEAN What?
SAM You know what it does to you. It -- it tortured you. You know? I think it still does. But, Dean... I'm okay.
ouch. that was ugly. we do not need to fuel dean's guilt-shame fire.
still really looking forward to this particular plotline's demise.
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castle-dominion · 1 year
c3x20 a slice of death
I love this episode already. I've worked in family owned diners with rivalries, I love stories about italian new yorkers & I've definitely seen goncharov (tho that also had russian mafia).
Poor alexis, that is humiliating! This is so sad! Who has a live band playing? She's 17 cool. She was 15 in s1e1 & she's 17 near the end of s3. Cool
I love all the nicks & their names this is the life. It reminds me of that steven universe episode with the fry shop & pizza shop.
Not super funny, either of you. Nick Jr. Uh, authentic, not terrific. I love the new york pizza scene & how everyone knows who is whom but it's so confusing & I loved this episode so much when I first watched it
Oh but I kept her number! I don't think there's going to be a second date. So new york. So italian. This Is The Best Episode Ever. Exactly! Who wrote this episode??? It is amazing!
Maybe they did get it from a medical school, you don't know beckett!
They used the same audio already. I mean it's not a big deal.
Costumes: Rick: brown coat (gasp browncoat?) & violet/blue shirt Ryan: tbh he looks like he did in s1 a bit. idk why. So what looks like an aviator jacket, nice dark brown, leather looking, has the fuzz in the hood/collar, no lapels, dark brown tie, actually a good brown, & a plaid-type dress shirt (purple, maybe another shade of purple idk, probs black & white in there too, maybe grey & blue & pink... idk I'm not good with this... I think it's brown actually) Espt: Leather jacket & normal collared shirt underneath. It's like, safari style almost. Collared so it is fancy enough for work, but the put-together of the blocks is odd. Beckett: Detective coat. (double breasted light grey trench coat looking thing)
Castle: We should talk to the other Nicks. Ryan: He's right. Pizza is serious business in this town. (Remember that mafia family who used the pizza shop as a front but then became legitimate bc the pizza was so good?) Beckett: Ok you can talk to them. Ryan: wait; Me? no; why? (why is he upset at this...? I'm also rly sad castle didn't go with him)
Pottery kiln? Like Joy from the The Cat Who series! She made red ceramics & when I say she MADE red ceramics...
RM: I heard you found a body in the oven at terrific nick's KB: Authentic nick's RM: OH THANK GOD, the wife loves terrific nick's lmao full bodied flavour (btw yes I do indeed love his jacket)
Castle that's a heck of a leap & the audio reflecting the mood XD Gordon BURNS??? b'y the pic would have also been melted.
Oh. Poor man. Hugs to him. Oh not the pizza wars XD.
Terrific, authentic, & otherwise.
Sounds like u'r talking from experience espt. Did you survive firefights with gangbangers & then got killed doing a speeding ticket? & then came back to life to join homicide so u could investigat ur own death?
Nice handkerchief, murdoch vibes. KB: U ok? RC: Yeah no yeah... I wonder if he ever did that with alexis, had her colouring while he was signing books. Espt had that much information thrown at him in that short amount of time he was gone? Poor ryan, exiled to work talking to all the other nicks, & then exiled again to work computer stuff Wrong nick bro XD I thought he meant nick jr.
Hold the extra cheese wasn't funny.
Oh def steal the oven. Ah yes italian new york mobster money laundering in a pizza place? So the captions are willing to put nada in the captions here but put "speaking spanish" last episode when esposito said it? Seriously? Seriously?? You couldn't write "nada"? Like at this point it's a loanword & everyone knows what it means, but even so you should still write down everything that is said. Not translated, not "speaking [language]" but the actual words.
Like how he says "luds" for L.U.D.s I love his fake little accent he does "i'll kill ye"
True. You can't threaten to kill someone, it is not covered in free speech. It's the fat isn't it.
You can find out where things are from a phone call on a cell? That's sus af.
Tips the concierge even tho u'r not really here. Love it. Rick speedreading moments. Who would write nicely like that & then spend an entire page of notebook on two lines of writing? RC: *sees a cool new app* KB: no RC: Fine but you don't get to play my angry birds! Ok that was the funny one, the only funny one. I wonder if they had pizza!
Still do! (he's literally an author)
So WHEN were u in a relationship? fate <3 (except he withheld the information abt the story he was working on for a reason, if you've seen it before like me u can see why.)
Ryan with the financials! How big are new york blocks?
Woah a nice transition! Cool!
Nice heck yeah party crasher!
Woah language but martha is right. She's totally allowed to swear in this situation. It's like the kitchen. No swears at my catholic school unless you were working an event with the culinary program & physically in the kitchen. RC: Bitch! *realizes what he said & covers mouth*
Aw cyberbullying...
RC: Where's beckett? KR: Uh, Hall of Records. Tracking down what Burns was looking for. (Pink shirt : ) & also a vest, he looks pretty) RC: Great. *hands Beckett's coffee to Ryan* (we know time that ryan & esposito stole castle & beckett's coffee & then switched after one sip that ryan like beckett flavoured coffee & espt likes castle flavoured coffee) RC: Listen, if I gave you a website, could you have your friends at Tech hack into it and take some pictures down? (bribing ryan & not his friends at tech?) KR, taking the paper from castle with a little smile: Did someone find naked pictures of you again? (HOLD ON WHAT? & HAS RICK ASKED RYAN TO DO THIS BEFORE?) KR: *unfolds paper with a lighthearted little smile at castle's antics* RC: No. Not me. It's Alexis. KR: *stops* KR: *thinking someone posted castle's daughter's nudes & now castle is asking him to take them down* KR: *looks up at him with fear in his eyes* (also bc she is 17 her pics would technically be CP & this would be a bigger issue so maybe that's what ryan was thinking. He was thinking they needed to take this to Vice or smth.) RC: This is for Alexis KR: *eyes searching* KR: Uh, this just got awkward. What's this about? (his voice suddenly got hella squeaky) RC: Okay. Mean girl at school kiss ambushed Alexis's boyfriend (ryan nods & makes faces in sympathetic outrage) then posted the photographic proof on her website. Alexis is very upset. KR: Mmm. I-- I could have my friend Tony take care of it. You know, off the record. (Love a good "tony") RC: Thanks. And, uh, no need to mention this to Beckett. You know how she gets with these things (Castle and Ryan smile & start to laugh & go to sip their coffees. Beckett appears and grabs her cup from Ryan.) KB: Things like abusing police resources for your own personal agenda? RC: Whaat? That's ridi-- No, you don-- No. That's-- that's--- (Castle gives Ryan the OK sign as he follows Beckett to her desk. Ryan slips the slip of paper into his vest meaning he's still willing to help out rick & his daughter even w/o the coffee bribery) Yes yes yes castle yes ryan this is an abuse of power but that is so valid & I think it's funny & great & I love it Ryan, trying to act casual after this little thing: Yep?
Espt has a denim-looking dress shirt on what & then beckett has a nice green scarf & longsleeve
Yo the guy's alive??
Ooh I love a good noire film but why say noowahr instead of nwar. RC: I haven't heard the story... Oh... that sucks.. he couldn't even crawl over to hold her. That's got to be traumatic.
Neat, learning abt history. Cool. So Ryan was in narcotics back in '03, he went into homicide in '06 maybe, & then three years later (I might be mixing this up with Ike Thornton's (fake) death tho) as mentioned in I think that very episode, castle shows up: '09. 03 narco, 09 castle shows up & there is a mention of "three years ago" so, 06 ike dies ryan goes into homicide. idk I'm just trying to get a timeline. Anyway, I always love it when they bring back character's pasts before we knew them. & during this Ryan is also fidgeting with his file, point for the adhd ryan headcanon.
Castle never specified HOW to flip it so he could follow the movements. Glad he said to slow it down tho. Is the man left handed?
Alexis got into a fight? Good for her. Oh no castle & ryan & tony got alexis in trouble : ( but also XD Heck yeah girl! Tho yeah rick you're right violence is not the answer "& then one of you ends up dead in a pizza oven" & then he quotes beckett & hugs her. RC: Did u kick her ass? AC: I kind of did RC: Good girl. Good. Even when he tells her retaliation is not the way, he still lets her know.
Bro teenagers ARE criminal masterminds. High school bullies are NOT some dumb-as-bricks doorknob who beats you & but can't chew gum & walk at the same time, they really can be evil geniuses.
Costumes: Castle & beckett are normal, tho I don't like beckett's shirt. Esposito is wearing a boring not-fancy long-sleeve with jeans & ryan is wearing a typical dark blue dress shirt & dress pants, no tie this time, nice grey coat. Really fancy coat too. I like it.
How can you tell someone dialed the numbers for a call but never hit send...? Unless it was already on the phone & they didn't get erased for some reason. Mine closes every time I switch apps.
Esposito, breakin down the doors! Music is great rn! The boys just run out the window
Oh so she IS in with the drug dealers.
She's good. She's really good. I'm speaking from the perspective of having seen this before. It's obvious that he CANNOT be cavallo pretending to be his own right-hand-one. Poor R+E, out of breath from the chase So she DID know those names when castle asked her the first time!
Castle u really just went back on what u & beckett put ur money on? Whose tab? Whose tab did they put it on? What? Winner winner pizza dinner & wow that's a lot of smack.
He's a pizza man! He would never disrespect his oven like that! It is SO not his speed castle! Oh so you wanted to burn down authentic nick's? Girl if you can call him then that's helping!
See like this is what got my eyes on ryan in the first place, his movements are so weird, like he's walking too big for his body. Oh & again unassuming middleman is dumb
Is she limping? why is she in homicide? I thought she was in narco. also I can't use my question mark button on tumblr anymore for some reason & so it reloaded the page & got rid of a mini fanfictioin I wrote & I am fucking upset. I had added some notes to my liveblog. What the hell tumblr^/ why won't you let me use a proper question mark^/ at least my french é&É still work. Ηοwever, my greek keyboard does not.
Ok sweetheart, just Don't Use Easy-to-Catch Names Calls ryan & esposito the best detectives. Ooh une femme fatale
Love the music & oh no please don't be nick's pizza Oh thank goodness it's stephano's So mature of Alexis OH THAT IS A GOOD LOOKING PIZZA
& it seems like all the bonus features are deleted scenes which I have seen. Yuck tho I don't need to see this.
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neptune-cinths · 3 years
The Seven Demon Lords of Hell [Part 1]
entry : hii! i’m back with another world building post about obm’s world and their ranks + domains. this is gonna be a two part post because i really couldn’t fit all of the my thoughts in one T ~ T
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I’m sure all of us know that the demon bros are the seven demon lord of hell/ the devildom. I don’t remember if that was the official title or thats the name the fandom gave them but still 🤷🏻‍♀️
We learn pretty early on that they are both important to the Devildom’s politics and the Devildom itself and are one of the most powerful demons alongside Diavolo and maybe even Barbatos. Not on par with Diavolo, but I’m sure Lucifer and Barbatos equally have the same amount of strength
When going to formal events like a party that Diavolo hosts or when mingling with higher class demons in general, they usually go into their demon form since it’s common courtesy in the Devildom to do so.
I also believe that they have their true demon forms but they don’t go into those forms as of late. They only go to that form whenever a serious threat comes in between their family or in the Devildom
I’m sure someone had said this before but lower demons respect them by saying “Lord [brother’s name]” or “Lord of [brother’s sin]”. Anyone who forgets or even intentionally drops this title is usually going to have severe consequences, but it really depends on the demon.
You obviously don’t need to say “Lord [brother’s name]” when addressing them. That’s because you are a very special person to the demon bros
All of the brothers have gotten countless marriage proposals from older demons for their children over the centuries, but none of them want to act on it. Somewhere inside them, they know that they would just be unhappy since they don’t genuinely love the young demon or young demoness that they got a proposal from
The one with the most proposals by far is a tie between Lucifer and Mammon. Again, they just reject it the moment they hear one word about marriage.
As the Seven Lords, all of them have their own domain near the Devildom. They have ruled this place for centuries but they aren’t like Diavolo where he’s the de facto ruler to ALL of the Devildom. The demons bros only rule over their respective places. With that being said, they also have lots and lots of paperwork and sometimes they even go back to their domain to see what all the fuss was about.
Belphie’s domain is the most accessible to humans, Devildom wise. The architecture is curvy and the streets are painted with a dark purple. The grass is in between a light purple and a royal blue, much to his chagrin. The streets are littered with demons sleeping on the sidewalks, garbage cans, and anywhere they can get their hands on really. Not really the most horrific compared to all the other domains, but still dangerous for the average human to waltz into.
Beel’s domain is filled with street vendors and restaurants (both high class and fast food). It kinda looks like that one scene in spirited away where chihiro’s parents eat during the time the spirits come out. LOTS of red. red street signs, lanterns, roofs. if it’s not red it’s shades of light pink, it would look pretty cute without the hungry demons stuffing themselves to the brim with all types of food. If you wanna go here, I suggest you bring Beel and another brother with you. If you don’t, then you’ll end up being another demon’s midnight snack.
Asmo’s domain is FILLED with a lot of hot pink items. Along with that, there’s lots of make up and different boutiques in his domain. Almost every demon there is very attractive, just like their Lord! Asmo has lots succubi and incubi in his domain, they give him a lot of information from gossiping rings. The streets are also lined with cute little pink hearts from time to time, there are also lots of mirrors and glass objects in his domain. All the clothes in his domain keep up with the fashion trends of the Devildom and are made with the finest silk and fabrics. You must also bring Asmo and maybe another brother with you. If you don’t, there might be some incubus or succubus that will take your life away because you’ve been hanging out with Asmo a little too much in their eyes.
Satan’s domain is both one of the most violent and quiet out of all his brother’s domains. Wrath is in all of these demons and they aren’t afraid to show it. 9 times out of 10 the streets are painted with red, maybe some blood splattered here and there. The colors are pretty earthy though. Lots of dark green, dark brown, regular brown, with the occasional beige and light green making an appearance. Surprisingly, most of the demons coming from this domain are pretty chill trhe first time you meet them. Just don’t anger them or else you’ll REALLY know why they come from the Avatar of Wrath’s domain. These demons and demonesses are also filled with backhanded compliments and aren’t afraid to insult you. They’ll call anyone in their way smooth brained or some other creative insult.
Levi’s domain is something out of a modern sci-fi book. almost all of the electronic devices in there are powered by water, but in the small minority that’s not powered by water, it’s powered by regular magic. It sorta looks like Watatsumi Island from Genshin Impact but more modern. A lot of sea monsters and sirens go out and about in this domain since it’s mostly water. There are also a lot of dangerous sea creatures here, one example is the blue ringed octopus or the stone fish. You’re going to have to watch your step when you’re in Levi’s domain, and that also means having him as your guide!
afterthoughts : this is a pretty long post lmao but i hope you enjoyed it. tysm for giving support to my grand admiral! levi hcs, it truly means a lot to me !! i even got some support from the people in the obm fandom that i truly admire like obeythebutler !! ty once again and apologies for spelling mistakes
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starpeace · 2 years
i would honestly, without a shade of irony love to see what you, as a person active in 2022 star wars fandom, would put together as the plot of kotor, a game that came out literally in the year you were born. like. what parts of this have gotten so firmly embedded in the fandom consciousness that they remain active 19 years later. what takes have been reborn in a new era. fandom is a magical place.
ok so i have a decent amount of kotor knowledge absorbed from the mutuals so sure, i can do this, i have trained for this
you’re just some guy except WAIT you had amnesia the whole time and you’re actually revan, you’re sexy and gnc af, looking into your eyes is like looking into the heart of the force, whatever. you have a cool mask and red and purple lightsabers. bastila shan is your Proper Jedi™️ gf. mission vao is your twi’lek daughter child, she’s blue and she has a wookiee pal maybe. canderous, uh, forgot his surname, canderous is your mando bff two bros sitting in a hot tub five feet apart. juhani (?) is a catgirl lesbian thats all i know abt her. carth (his name isnt carth. is his name really carth?) is your token cishet friend i guess and i think he has a dead wife. did you kill his wife? uhhh... oh! darth malak was your buddy back when you were a sith he’s the bald guy with the tattoos on his head. but he betrayed you and that’s when the jedi took all your memories away, which, insane move but it made for incredibly sexy storytelling and we all know the jedi are Like That so we’ll allow it. before being a sith you were a jedi who wanted to go to war and the other jedi were like fuck you but you were too cool for them
i’m really not sure what you actually DO in the game. who are you fighting? malak? are there other sith? you just fly around and uhh hang out with these guys. you go to. planets. is your ship called the ebon hawk or is that the second game? anyway malak tells you who you are and it’s a bit of an ‘i am your father’ ‘NOOOO’ moment but you get over it probably or maybe not because you can be evil in this game, i’m pretty sure. you can go light side or dark side at the end and i'm pretty sure bastila goes with u either way. anyway. there’s also a second game where you’re somebody called the exile and maybe your name is also meetra? there’s a guy (ur bf? optional bf?) called atton rand with tragic death (???) scene lines (this is literally all i picked up sorry mr rand. the ones that go like, fuck how do they go. something about laughing and wasn’t funny?) and also KREIA is here <3 she’s an evil grandmother with great takes on the jedi order. that’s it that’s kotor
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scented-morker · 3 years
⇢˚⋆ ✎ life of the party
Party boy! Jay x female reader
Warning : drinking, partying, but I think that’s it
Word count : 2.05k
Overview: dating the university’s party animal means you have to attend as well, and one night you get a little too into it, ending up with your boyfriend simping for you while you’re wasted in his passenger seat 🥰
As soon as Jisu turns onto the street you can hear the blaring music, a telltale sign that the "small get together" your boyfriend had convinced you to attend was not as small and casual as he made it sound. You probably should expect it by now, dating the class party animal comes with some not as normal girlfriend duties as say your friends who went to their boyfriends sporting games or went on study dates after school. Not that you and Jay didn't do those kinds of things, but it was a Friday night and half the towns "in crowd" had parents away on a company retreat.
Jisu pulls into the grassy area on the outside of the gate, shifting the car into park while you have her a grateful smile.
"Thank you for coming with me, I get it if you don't wanna be here since it's way bigger than I said"
"Y/n, honey I've done this before, I know your boyfriend and his friends, it'd be crazy of me to think it was going to be anything less than a circus in here. Why do you think I made you change out of that awful mom jean fit?"
You looked down at the expensive lavender dress she had let you borrow, it was a satiny texture and a little out of your comfort zone, but it hugged your figure well and all fear about being overdressed was now scratched as you saw the magnitude of the party.
You sent her a sheepish smile, glad to have a friend with brain cells when it came to parties at least, she copied your homework every morning before class
You step out of the car, thanking past you for choosing the white go-go boots on your feet instead of strappy heels at the sound of your friend squealing as her heels sink into the wet grass. It makes you both walk faster, and before you know it you're walking through the door, instantly being sucked into the giant crowd of bodies. Jisu takes your hand before you can get separated, leading you to the kitchen.
"You," she mixes random bottles set out on the counter into two red solo cups, taking one herself and then shoving the other into your hand, "are going to have so much fun tonight"
You raise your eyebrow at her but take a sip anyway, confused when it doesn't taste disgusting.
"Can you make more of these?" You excitedly ask, knowing this is a much better alternative to the gross keg everyone else was drinking out of.
"Yeah, if you finish it and still want another one I can, but honestly with the amount of stuff in there and your ahem, lightweight tendencies, you might be gone before you finish that"
You give her a playful glare but listen anyway, taking smaller sips as not to chug it all and ruin your brain for the rest of the night.
She heads out to find her other friend Yuna, who she heard was here thanks to the drunk freshman babbling about her smile, and you head out to look for your boyfriend.
You make your journey into the crowd of dancing bodies, stopping to dance with some of the acquaintances you've made at school. Eventually the music changes and you continue your journey, spotting Jay over by the wall, popping a sucker in his mouth as he heads over to where his friend Heeseung is standing.
A surge of excitement goes through you when you see him, the same emotion you get every time you're reminded that he's yours, intensified by the atmosphere of the party and whatever was in your now nearly empty cup. His black hair shone under the party lights and the smirk he wore gave you an adrenaline rush.
'That's mine' you thought smugly as you walked past some girls that were staring at him, giving them an obvious side eye to let them know you had seen them checking out your boyfriend. They averted their looks as you continued your confident stride up to Jay.
He spotted you coming up to him and his entire demeanor changed, the smirk now a full on smile and he practically ran towards you. Apparently he was just as excited to see you as you were him.
"You made it!!"
"To your little get together" you put sarcastic air quotes around your words while giving a laugh, "yeah I did"
"I'm sorry babe, I should have known it would get this wild" he really should have, but you let it slide because he looks genuine with his apology.
He finally let's go of the hug, sliding his right arm around your waist and looking down at you, seeming to just notice your outfit.
"Wow, you look, wow"
You let out a giggle, pulling the collar of the white shirt he wears under his black tee, and he lets you bring his face down to yours as you connect your lips in a kiss.
You're still giggling when you pull away.
"Thank you"
He laughs at you, grabbing the cup from your hands and checking the level of liquid.
"Yeah how much of this have you had babe," he asks, although the look on his face tells you he already knows.
"Just that one!!"
He gives you the cup back, ruffling your hair and muttering something about "lightweight" before sliding his arm back around you, pulling you with him as he goes back to his group of friends.
You stand with him as he talks to Jake, something about dancing you think, you weren’t really paying attention. Your focus was on his chest, where your hand was fiddling with the long chain hanging off of his neck. You don’t know why you were so transfixed with it, and at this point you were so far gone you didn’t have the brain power to think about it.
You took another sip from your cup, finding it empty and pouting down at the plastic. You tugged on Jay’s chain lightly to get his attention, lifting your cup up to let him know where you were going. He nodded his head once in understanding and turned back to his friends.
You once again had to cross the slew of sweaty, dancing bodies to get to the kitchen, and you once again stopped to dance, partially forgetting what you were even doing in the first place.
Maybe you didn’t need another drink after all. Another drink! That’s what you were doing!
You smile to yourself, eyes turning into round circles as you got back to your original plan.
You’re too lazy to try and make your own drink or find Jisu to make you one, so you just grab a bottle, pouring until your cup is halfway full and then heading back out to Jay.
When you get there he’s laughing at something Sunghoon said, and you get back into your spot on his side, hands finding their way back to his chain.
“Welcome back babe”
You find yourself giggling at the affectionate nickname, leaning into his chest.
“Okay, you” he’s chuckling slightly to himself while he speaks, a raspy sort of laugh that makes your stomach do flip flops, “have had enough of this”
He takes a sip of your cup, almost coughing up a long immediately after before looking at you like you’re insane.
“This is straight vodka”
His friends break out into laughter and you join in with them, enjoying Jays unfortunate action.
He smiles at you before setting your drink down, and quick as lightning he’s picking you up, spinning you around while teasing you for trying to ‘drink like a big kid’, your endless laughter right in his ear the entire time.
When he finally stops you explain yourself, “I was just too lazy to mix anything and beer is gross”
The group laughs again, and then Jay starts telling them goodnight, doing the weird bro hug thing they did after every party and saying he’s going to ‘take this one home before she starts dancing on tables’ which honestly, now that you think of it does sound pretty fun.
You wave goodbye as your boyfriend leads you out, shooting a text to Jisu that you’re leaving with Jay and won’t need a ride home so she doesn’t freak out when she can’t find you.
He’s parked a few feet away from the driveway, surprisingly not blocked in by other vehicles.
He goes to the passenger side ahead of you, opening the door, presumably to let you in, but you take a slight detour.
“Dancing on tables sounds fun, but you made us leave”
He stares at you while you climb up on the hood of his car, slightly shaking his head and letting out a laugh when you start doing the Macarena on his hood.
“Wait wait!! C’mere”
You call him over, and he immediately comes, the passenger side door still wide open as he leaves it to come see you.
“This is gonna be so cool, I’m finally taller than you”
He looks at you with a raised eyebrow, but the loving smile is still there.
You notion him closer, and he obliges, eyebrows shooting up in surprise when you attack him with a flurry of kisses all over his face, laughing before eventually joining together at the lips.
He meant it to be a short peck, but when he goes to pull away you don’t let him, holding on tighter to his collar and chasing his lips.
By now you’ve sat down on the hood, abandoning your standing position as you slide further down the car to be closer to him, and his hands rest on your waist before he’s finally able to pull away, although the pout on your face let’s him no you aren’t happy about it.
“What has gotten into you tonight” he laughs, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear while you grip onto his biceps.
“I don’t knowwww!!!” You whine, leaning back on the car, “you just look really good tonight. Did you know that? Like as soon as I saw you I just died, and I really want to mess up your hair”
His cheeks stay the same shade of peach that they previously were, although the tips of his ears light up and he smiles down at the floor.
“I mean you can still mess up my hair, but I’m not making out with you in my friends driveway while you’re wasted”
You give him a frown, wanting to deny his accusations but realizing that’s exactly what you wanted to do.
“Fine” you huff out, sliding off of the car and letting him lead you around to the still open door.
He walks around to the other side, sliding in the drivers seat and starting the music, Tattoos Together by Luav floating out of the speakers as he pulls out of the drive.
“I don’t want to leave you yet, can we not go home”
He looks over at you for a little second eyes on the road kids before giving a little nod.
“How about we go get some coffee, sober you up a little, and then we can go to my house and you can show me the star shapes you like”
You excitedly agree, giving a little “yay” as he turns toward the 24 hour coffee place, although your brain can’t let his small transgression slide, and you launch into a speech about “they’re actually called constellations Jay. C-o-n-s- tellstions, idk I can’t spell, but they aren’t star shapes”
He smiles at your rant, purposefully having said it to get you to correct him, laughing while you give a very dumbed down and partially incorrect explanation of how stars are formed.
He wasn’t sure why you curled up in a ball in his passenger seat drunk babbling about astronomy at 2am made him realize it, but he was oh so in love with you, and there was no going back from the blooming in his heart when you laughed at yourself for saying something completely wrong, your hand latching around his and shaking it in your amusement.
Yeah, Jay was in deep.
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mhaclownery · 3 years
Tumblr media
𝕾𝖐𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖈𝖎𝖗𝖈𝖑𝖊𝖘 𝖆𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉 𝖒𝖊
𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘: swearing
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘: Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina, Kirishima Eijirou, Sero Hanta, Bakugou Katsuki
𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘: Kaminari Denki x gn! Reader, background: Ashido Mina x Sero Hanta
𝖘𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞: You and the Bakusquad go out on an outing, and Kaminari Denki uses this as the perfect opportunity to express his feelings.
𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙: 1.5K Words <3
𝖆 𝖙𝖚𝖒𝖇𝖑𝖗 𝖊𝖝𝖈𝖑𝖚𝖘𝖎𝖛𝖊 ^^
You step out of the car, stretching slightly. You hadn't expected the roller rink that Kaminari suggested to be so far from UA but you still went with the idea anyway. Some Kaminari was driving and you as were in the passenger seat, Sero, Ashido, Kirishima and Bakugou had to cram themselves in the back seat. Bakugou was the first to clamber out of the SUV. "Fuck, if I had been in there any longer I just about would've murdered you, shitty hair." Kirishima laughs with a hint of nervousness to it. "This place seems cool, Kami.” Ashido says, inspecting the outside. “Yeah bro, you did a good job picking the spot this time.” Sero and Kaminari engage in their kinda confusing handshake, and Bakugou groaned. ”So, are we going or not?”
You guys enter the facility to see that it’s actually a mixture of things. There was a movie theatre, a roller rink, and an arcade. “Woah, this is wicked!” You say with a wide grin, as you playfully punch Denki’s arm. You turn around before you can see Denki blush. It’s was rather obvious to just about everyone, but you, that Denki has a huge crush on you. So, anytime you complimented him, it made him feel extra cool.
”So, what’s everyone wanna do?” You ask. “Well, Bakubro and I have been meaning to see that new movie.“ Kirishima explains, motioning in between himself and the blonde in question. “I’d person like to kick Hanta’s ass at some video games.” She smirks in Sero’s direction, causing Sero to playfully scoff. “Oh you’re on.” You’d been thinking about it the whole time that your friend’s were talking. You hadn’t been in the mood for a movie, nor were you any good at video games. “I think I wanna go skating. I actually used to learn tricks.” You turn to Denki. “What about you, Denks?” He gives a toothy grin at the use of his name. “Rollerskating is rad. I’m going with y/n.” You nod, smiling back. “Okay so, meet back at what, 8?” Ashido offers. “Sounds like a plan.”
After breaking, you and Denki head over to the roller skate check out center. "So, you used to skate, huh?" Kaminari elbows you playfully, with a joking tone. “My parents wanted me to do something with my spare time in grade school, so I chose roller skating.” Denki attempts to stand, after tying his skates, but his starts to falter as the skates begin to move. After regaining his composure, Denki offers his hand out to you to help you stand. You took it, lifting yourself up with him. You hadn’t realized how close you too really were until you were looking directly into his eyes. They were a vibrant yellow, that was a tad shade lighter than his hair. The color was oddly comforting to you, it felt familiar and safe. Denki’s face heats up slightly, a light pink blush dusted across his face. “Y-you might have to show me some those moves. I wanna see want Pro Skater Y/n has in store.” As he says this, he moves away creating a distance between you two as not to show you that he was flustered. He was confident from afar, really, but when it came to in person, it was a lot harder. Especially when it came to you, he was down bad for you. The amount of times that he’s ranted to Jirou or Sero about how much he liked you was astronomical. Once you got out on the rink, which was rather empty considering the rather large amount of people in the facility. Denki was shakily making his way, he wasn’t moving fast in any way, but he was ahead of you. “C’mon y/n! I thought you were the skating champ.” Denki calls over his shoulder, causing you to roll your eyes at the boy. You quickly begin to skate like a pro. In seconds you pass Denki, whilst skating backwards. Just to show off a little, you jump and spin 3 times in the air before landing swiftly. You look back to see Denki with his jaw dropped. You skate back over to him with a smirk. "How was that for Pro Skater Y/n?" You used your fingers to make air quotes around the pro skater comment. Denki smiles at you with a small laugh. "Alright, alright. You got me. I revoke any and all teasing. You're skating circles around me."
After watching fall just about 20 times, you finally decide to help him. "Here. Grab on to my arm." He grabs your arm, with a slight questioning look on his face. "We're just gonna skate together." You smirk, as you had other plans. Once you deem that he's secure, you start moving, switching his grip on your arms to your hands. As you move down the rink, you get progressively faster. Denki laughs nervously. "Whatcha doin' there, Y/n?" You don't answer as you put your plan in action. You were skating backwards and Denki was basically being pull forward in front of you. as you reach the speed you need to be going, you pull Denki forward and under your legs. Denki lets out a surprised yelp but goes along with it. You pull him back up and dip him. You're too busy laughing at him to notice, but he's starstruck. 'They are so beautiful.' He thinks, observing your features. You pull him up, still laughing slightly. You felt your stomach growl and decide you're going to get snacks. "Hey Denks, I'm gonna get snacks, you want anything?" He shakes his head, seemingly lost in his train of thought. You shrug and make your way over to the snack bar.
"That'll be 109 yen." You nod, pulling out to owed amount and handing it to the man. "Thank you-" You begin to say before you're cut off by the sound of the loud speaker chiming for an announcement. You think nothing of it as you walk away from the snack bar but are immediately stopped in your tracks as you hear no one but Denki fucking Kaminari's voice over the loud speaker. You narrowed your eyes and lo and behold, your best friend and crush was standing behind the adjacent counter. "Hey, everyone. You guys obviously don't know me. Well maybe you do, I don't know. But, I just wanted to say.." As soon as you think he can't make whatever he's about to do worse, this man stands on the counter. You're frozen in shock, as your friend is about to do whatever it is he's planning. Just your luck, the movie Kirishima and Bakugou went to see had let out, and Ashido and Sero had made their way to the lobby as well. So, this meant that the whole squad got to witness what was about to go down. "I'm hanging out with my best friends here today, and especially my best friend of all." He makes eye contact with you through the crowd. "But, I have something I need to say to them. Y/n L/n." He takes a deep breath and you felt your stomach twist in anticipation. "I want to be more than friends. I want to be your boyfriend. That is, if you'll have me?" You hear several 'aws' and all the eyes in the room turn to look at you, seeming yo have followed Denki's gaze. You weren't going to say no, obviously. This is Denki Kaminari we're talking about. Your longtime crush, who to be honest, you only dream of him asking you out. "Yes, you dumbass. I'll have you. Just get down." You attempted a menacing tone but the giant smile on your face kinda overrode it. The crowd claps as they would in any cliche rom-com. As you got closer to Denki, you weren't able to even exchange any words as the establishment manager came running over. "Hey! Get off that counter right now!" You and Denki share a look that said 'Oh shit." And took off running at the same time. The rest of the squad followed suit, as to not get reprimanded by the manager.
Once you all got to the car, for some reason, Bakugou took it upon himself to be the first to speak. "Good going, dumbass. You got us banned." Ashido smacks Bakugou's arm. "Oh shut it. It was cute as fuck. You're just jealous that Y/n's the first to get a boyfriend in the group." Bakugou mutters something under his breath but remains silent after that. "So, uh. Yeah. I really like you, Y/n. And-" You pull him in for a kiss, cutting him off from whatever ramble he was about to g on. "I like you too, Denks. Now let's go, I see the manager coming." You all scramble in the car, and getting out of there before he could say anything.
And so what if Aizawa got a call from the manager complaining about the incident, and just chose to forget about it? That's nobody's business but his own.
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splintergirl13 · 3 years
So here is a little head cannon I thought of while reading your fan fic.
What if herobrine never had/celebrated his birthday so he forgot when it was, so Steve and Alex pick a day and celebrate his birthday with him. (P.s. sorry I have horrific grammer)
I liked this idea so much I made a little drabble under the read more :3 I hope it is worthy of such an great headcanon! Thank you so much for the ask! It fills me with joy to hear that people are thinking about my story lol <3. And don't worry. Grammar is hard and doesn't make any sense. I feel your pain
Before we dive in: this takes place pretty earlier into Steve and Brine becoming friends. So they are just starting to pine. Not in a relationship yet. Alex and Brine are still a little wary of each other but have come to accept that they are stuck with each other.
I'd say this is rated teen for just some small strong language lol
The Birthday Brine
It was a hot, lazy summer afternoon. Too nice to spend down in the mines. But a little too warm to do any strenuous activities.
So Alex and Steve decided to go on down to the small river they frequented on days like today. A secluded area where the water pooled deep enough to swim. And, of course, Herobrine tagged along. As was becoming more of the norm these days.
Steve was lying comfortably in the shade of a few trees on the bank of the river. Legs in the water; small waves lapped up to his knees as the water went by. Arms crossed behind his head. His shirt was off and laid over his eyes, shutting out any of the light that filtered through the leaves. Not really dozing off, but close to it.
Herobrine was similarly relaxing. He lay on his belly; balanced precariously on a nearby tree that had fallen over the river. Looking like a big cat lounging about in the direct sun. Soaking up the rays. One hand was draped down to the side, touching the cool water.
Alex was the only one fully in the river. She was a little upstream, floating on her back. She had taken off her pants, leaving them on the shore, and let her long green shirt cover her lower half. Every once in a while she would swim back to her original place as the current took her down towards Herobrine.
The trio had been chatting absentmindedly. Talking about anything, really. Steve ranted humorously about his pickaxe making a squeaking sound. Alex discussed way too many of the current happenings in town. Even Herobrine brought up that a dragonfly had landed on his shoulder. Which had the trio all staring for a bit before it flew off and they went back to their current positions.
It wasn't until a certain question came to Alex’s mind that the peace of the scene was disturbed.
"Hey Sparky." The adventurer asked. "...How old are you?"
Herobrine took a while to answer. Seeming to think through the question slowly. Finally he asked without opening his eyes. "Why?"
"Just curious." Alex shrugged, swimming a little.
The demon shifted. Now peaking over to look at Steve. It was like the miner could tell that he was being looked at because he lifted his shirt to look back questioningly.
Herobrine spoke up. "When was the last time I respawned? Four months ago?"
Steve frowned. "Yes. More like three. You fell through a roof, remember?"
"Right, right." Herobrine moved his hand up out of the water. "Terribly made and rusty old structure. Glad it forced a respawn. Tetanus is not fun even with healing powers."
"Why is this relevant?" Alex asked impatiently.
"I'm 28." Herobrine said immediately.
Alex sat up in the water. Causing a bit of a ruckus amongst some fish that had gotten close. "No you're not!"
"Yes I am." Herobrine turned his attention to her. She shuddered ever so slightly under his scrutinizing stare. "Every time I die, I respawn back to the same age at which I turned immortal."
Alex crossed her hands over her chest. "Okay, well that's only technically. I meant, like, if you count ALL the years you've been alive."
"I have no fucking clue, Alex." Herobrine rolled his head to the otherside of the tree to ignore her. Yet continued to talk. "Time loses all meaning when you're immortal. Not to mention I was trapped in the nether for most of that time. So it's even harder to tell."
"What's your best guess?" Steve asked, now curious as well.
And the head came back around. Looking at Steve. The demon wouldn't ignore the miner. He bit his lip, eyes trailing towards the water. "I dunno... maybe a few centuries... a millennia or so..."
"Old." Steve clarified. Seeing that the demon was struggling a little.
"Yeah... old." Herobrine scowled.
"So, what, do we have to, like, wait until you live a year to celebrate your birthday?" Alex giggled. "No wonder you don't remember it. It would never be your birthday based on that criteria."
Herobrine scoffed. "What are you talking about?"
"Yeah." Steve added, putting the shirt back over his eyes. "Come to think of it, when is your birthday, Brine?"
"You want to know the exact date I was born?" Herobrine sat up now, clearly confused. "Fuck... I don't know. I didn't even keep track of days back then. I just survived. It wasn't until I met... my brother that we talked about days. And he was able to do some weird 'code calculation' as he called it to figure out my true age. But we didn't really care about that. None of us counted in the aether. None of us wanted to count. When you have endless time you tend not to care. It's a depressing chore."
"So none of you celebrated your birthday?" Alex asked.
"Why would you celebrate your birth?" Herobrine growled. "Existence is a curse."
"That's why we have to celebrate!" Alex exclaimed. "It helps us mortals to forget about our fleeting existence."
"Yeah!" Steve enthusiastically raised a fist to the sky in agreement.
"Like the aether needed another reason to celebrate..." Herobrine grumbled, flopping back down on the tree. "The amount of bullshit dances I had to get dressed up for was astronomical."
"So you really have never had a birthday, huh?" Steve wasn't sure why he was surprised.
"Nope." Herobrine said, popping the p and settling back on the tree. Thinking that was the end of the conversation.
But Steve and Alex had other plans.
"Bro you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"You think we have enough time today?"
"Sure why not? We were already planning on going into town together."
"Then we better hurry."
"What are you two talking about?" Herobrine muttered. The siblings were getting out of the water and putting back on their clothes.
"We're going to throw you a birthday party!" Steve smiled over at him.
Herobrine almost fell off his branch.
"W-what? Why?"
Alex shrugged. "Well, if you don't know what day your birthday is, it might as well be any day. And since we are already all together and don't have any plans for the rest of the evening... why not?"
Herobrine teleported off his tree and stood next to the two. "You really don't need to-"
"Too late, it's happening." Alex smiled. Starting to walk off. Not putting on her shoes as she walked through the increasingly tall grass.
"Go wait in the nether and come back around sunset!" Steve pushed on his back excitedly. As if he could shove him through a portal that wasn't there.
"We are gonna surprise you!"
"Oh. Yippee. Surprise." Herobrine did not mask his unenthusiasm.
"It'll be fun, I promise." Steve said as he stopped pushing and went to go join Alex.
Herobrine was left alone and very confused as to what had just happened. He blinked up at the setting sun and winced. He wouldn't know the correct time in the nether. So he decided to go back to his tree branch and relax until the time came. He had no idea what was in store for him. But he didn't try to think too hard about it. If he didn't like it he could always teleport away.
All this talk of aether and age had his head buzzing with unpleasant thoughts. He tried to will them away and think of nothing instead. Watching as the river flowed beneath him. The dragonfly landed back on his hands.
It was just after sunset when Herobrine was walking up to Steve's small house and knocking on the door. Steve was adamant about him knocking. As Herobrine had the tendency to just teleport into a location, unannounced. There was the sound of muffled talking as well as a wonderful smell of something cooking in the furnace.
He heard the miner walk towards the door, he recognized his footsteps easily. Much different than Alex’s.
Steve cracked open the door. "Herobrine, you have perfect timing! We are just finishing up."
Herobrine tried to move forward but Steve closed the door more. He smiled, shyly. "Er. You gotta close your eyes."
"... Why?"
Steve smiled wider. "It's all part of the process."
So Herobrine huffed and closed his eyes. Steve took him by the hand. Leading him inside. Herobrine could feel his heartbeat where they connected. The miner was excited. So Herobrine was excited.
He was led into the house and then Steve stopped and walked over to join where he could sense Alex.
"Surprise!" They both yelled.
Herobrine stood there with his eyes closed. Face oozing confusion.
"Open your eyes now, Brine." Steve whispered loudly to him.
"Oh." And he did. He blinked and took in the sight.
The inside of the house was decorated with a few colored strings on the ceiling and what seemed to be little torches everywhere else. It was very simple and yet very pretty.
"Do you like it?" Alex asked.
"We didn't have too much time to decorate so we made due with what we had." Steve said. "Probably not as fancy as your aether parties."
"No." Herobrine smiled. "But I like this better." The aether parties were always decorated with too much. This was nice and made Herobrine feel cozy.
Alex gestured to the table, patting the chair to sit down. "Since it's pretty late we figured we'd just do a birthday dinner. Steve said you would eat if we made you food."
Herobrine nodded. Glad he hadn't had anything to eat for a while. He wasn't the biggest fan of eating. Steve had been reintroducing it to him slowly. The miner was an excellent cook.
"Good!" Alex smiled. Steve sat next to Herobrine at the table. "I handled dinner and Steve handled the most important part of a birthday, the dessert!"
"It all smells nice." Herobrine commented politely. It did. He was actually excited to eat.
Alex disappeared into the kitchen. Preparing plates for them all. Steve and Herobrine shared a look. Both smiling, somewhat uncomfortable and comfortable at the same time. It didn't last long as Alex came out with two plates, setting it down in front of them.
The meal consisted of roasted corn, slathered in butter, some sort of shredded pork on bread with some sweet sauce, and a cold potato salad. Steve instantly dug in. Probably hungry from all the work they had been doing. Herobrine waited for Alex to return with her own plate before starting to pick at the food. It wasn't long before he was eating more sloppily than Steve. Alex apologized, saying she wanted to make something more special like a smoked biscuit but Herobrine wasn't sure why she was sorry. It was all delicious. And Herobrine found himself wanting to eat the entire plate. It was the perfect meal on the warm night.
The house was filled with the delightful sounds of eating. None of them talked very much. Not needing to. Just enjoying each other’s company. And the food! They were all very invested in the food.
Once they were done, Herobrine was tempted to ask for more. But he remembered that there was still dessert to eat. He started to try to clean up his plate. But Steve stopped him immediately. "Ah, ah. No dishes when it's your birthday."
"Hmm. This birthday business keeps getting better." Herobrine smirked at him.
Steve disappeared into the kitchen and returned with two plates filled with two generous slices of homemade chocolate cake.
He set them down in front of Alex and his own seats. "We have a special slice for you, Herobrine. Hold on."
Steve rushed away and walked slowly back with a similar piece of cake. But this one had a very tiny torch stuck in the middle of it. Herobrine blinked. Huh. Strange.
"It's a candle." Steve explained. "It's a tradition to have some on your cake. We only had this old one." He set the on fire cake in front of him. Herobrine enjoyed the fire flare. "Usually you have a candle for every year you've been alive."
"But that would've set the house on fire." Alex snickered.
Herobrine rolled his eyes and tried to grab his fork. But Alex stopped him. "Wait! We have to sing to you!"
"Er, no thanks." That seemed silly. He did not want to be sung to.
Steve made a face. "I don't like that part either. I think we should skip it."
"We have to! It's tradition!" Alex wrapped her elbow around Steve’s neck. "Come on, Stevie. One time!"
"Alright. Alright." He caved easily. And they began.
Herobrine sat awkwardly as the two sang a little song. Saying his name. Herobrine had never heard Steve sing. It was nice. He had a pleasant voice. He thought the man should sing more. He hummed a lot but never truly sang.
Once they were done. Alex said. "Now you make a wish and blow out the candle."
"A wish? Wish for what?"
"For anything." Steve added. "But you have to wish in your head. And don't tell anyone or your wish won't come true."
"Like a curse?"
"Yeah kinda. But it's just for fun."
The demon chewed on his lip. Seeming to think about it. He nodded eventually. "Okay. I've made my wish."
"Now blow out the candle to complete the spell." Alex joked. Steve nudged her.
Herobrine looked at the small torch on the cake and willed the fire away. It went out.
Alex and Steve stared. Alex giggled. "Guess there's more than one way to skin an ocelot."
"Why would you-" Herobrine blinked.
"It's an expression." Steve laughed, sitting down and picking up his fork to eat his piece of cake. "Ignore her and dig in while the cake is still warm."
Herobrine did, setting the small torch- candle aside and picking up his fork to eat. The cake looked moist. Fresh. And smelled absolutely delicious. His mouth was watering before he even put the treat in his mouth.
When he took a bite he almost moaned. "H-holy fuck." He quickly took another bite.
Alex giggled. "Never had a Steve-made cake have you?"
"Steve, you should stop cooking everything and just make cake from now on." Herobrine had almost finished his piece already. It was just so damn good. He couldn't stop.
"Then it wouldn't be special." Steve chuckled. Looking happy that they both seemed to be enjoying his cake.
"Can I have more?" Herobrine asked, frosting definitely smeared all over his face, unabashedly.
Steve and Alex howled at that. The demon just looked so different from how they normally saw him. It was nice. And also hilarious.
Herobeine got a second slice and sat back, looking full. The demon didn't usually eat so it was a lot all at once. Totally worth it though.
"Present time!" Alex jumped up from the table as Steve moved the dishes into the kitchen.
"Present time?" Herobrine parroted.
"You get presents on your birthday!" Alex walked over to grab two things that had been set aside on a coffee table. "From everyone who comes to the party."
Alex handed Steve something and walked back to the table to give Herobrine a rectangle that looked like a book wrapped in paper. Herobrine took it confused. "Er, thanks?" He held it in his hands.
"You gotta open it dude!" Alex said excitedly.
"Open it?"
"Yeah tear open the paper!"
"Oh." Herobrine, a demon of destruction, ironically opened the book very carefully. Not wanting to damage it.
He held the book up once it was unwrapped. It was, indeed, a book. Not too hard to guess correctly.
"It's a book of modern day phrases." Alex explained. Tapping the cover. She smirked. "I know that you have some trouble with some of our more modern hip lingo."
Herobrine lifted an eyebrow at her. He flipped to a random page. "There's more than one way to skin an ocelot? Oh. I get your 'joke' now."
"See. You're learning already." She snickered. Steve smiled too.
Herobrine looked confused. But not unappreciative. He waved his hand, tucking the book away into his inventory. "Er, thanks. I will read the rest later."
"No problem!" She giggled. She then pushed Steve forward. "Go ahead, your turn."
Steve had a paper package tied up in butcher's twine behind his back. He coughed and walked forward, handing Herobrine the parcel.
The demon took it. Knowing what to do now, he tore into the paper. Revealing what was inside.
He paused when he realized what it was after pulling all the paper off and letting it float to the ground.
"It's... your cloak." Herobrine said. Not giving away any emotion. Steve seemed to droop a little. Expecting him to be a little happier. Alex nudged the miner. They shared a look. Steve rolled his eyes. He walked closer to the demon, touching the cloak in his hands.
"I knew it would already fit you. And there wasn't enough time to get you a new one made. I just know how much you like to borrow it from me when it gets colder." Steve ran his fingers along the cloak. Pointing out some stitching on the green material. "I sewed up all the holes so it won't be as drafty. And-" He tapped the button that held the cloak together. "I replaced the old latch with a golden one I got from town today. I know you said you like to wear a little gold in the nether for piglin respect or... whatever." The miner let go of the cloak and backed up, rubbing his head awkwardly.
Herobrine stared at the green gloak. Rubbing the material in his fingers.
"If... if you don't like-"
"I love it." Herobrine almost whispered. Sounding so genuine it made Steve blush and Alex smile. "It's perfect."
"O-oh." Steve scratched his head again. "Good. I'm glad." He smiled, looking away. Desperately trying to hide his blush. He had gone bright red. And Herobrine wasn't helping.
The demon stood instantly and put the cloak around his body. He had worn it before. But it looked different now. Like it was his now. It was truly his.
Herobrine looked up at Steve. "This is... the greatest gift I've ever been given." He didn't smile but his glowing eyes said it all. He was absolutely telling the truth. "Thank you, Steven."
The miner stared back. Smiling to the side and tilting his head. Embarrassed but screaming on the inside in happiness.
Alex had to butt in. Not liking the way the two were looking at each other and getting a little protective of Steve. "Pfft. Thanks a lot there, Briney boy. Glad my gift meant nothing."
Herobrine blinked. Processing the words. And then realized. "Oh, no, sorry Alex. Thank you as well."
"Yeah whatever." Alex nudged him with her fist, walking past him. She then let out a yawn. "Well. I think I'm all birthday partied out. Mind if I crash on your couch, Stevie? It's too late to walk home."
"Sure I'll get you some blankets." Steve mimicked the yawn. His eyes looked tired. They did do a lot to put the party together for him. They deserved a rest. "Happy Birthday, Brine."
"Thank you." Herobrine nodded. "Thank you both. This was... enjoyable."
"See our traditions aren't so bad." Alex said, flopping down on the couch.
"I do believe I've judged it too early." Herobrine nodded. "You do this every year?"
"Yep. And you get to do the planning and gift giving to us when it's our birthdays. No party is exactly the same." Alex nodded. "I think planning is actually more fun than celebrating your own birthday."
"Oh. Well I look forward to that. You will have to remind me when the time comes. Time is... difficult for me."
"Of course, dude." Steve produced some blankets from the closet. Herobrine sensed it was time to make his leave. He headed for the door.
"Thank you again." He said a little awkwardly. "I will uh, see you both tomorrow."
"Sounds good!" "Bye!" The siblings said.
And with Herobrine out the door. Steve and Alex looked at each other.
"I think that went well." Steve said.
"I think you owe me money for not making a single birthday suit joke." Alex said back. He threw the blankets over her head as she giggled.
"Goodnight Alex!" He went to his bedroom, trying to hide his blush. "Put out the candles before you sleep."
"I'm just saying, Stevie! That would've been a better gift if you-"
"Goodnight Alex!!"
Herobrine stood just outside the door. He wiggled his shoulders a little. Feeling the soft weight of the cloth around his shoulders. He smiled. Feeling warm inside and out. And teleported off.
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mochibrokenheart · 3 years
SVSSS: Guardian of the Museum
Mobei Jun x Shang Qinghua
Word Count: 2,756
Summary: Of course there's ominous growling and destruction to the building on Shang Qinghua's first night as a museum curator. Of course there is! Besides being desperate to keep the job, he's not sure what possesses him to actually walk toward the dangerous situation. His survival instincts were better trained that! Except...wait a minute...the terrifying creature causing all the ruckus is actually the hottest thing he's ever seen???
My first contribution for Moshang Monsterfucking Month (and my first fic for the fandom in general!) Heavy on the monster part as the nsfw is not explicit. Who knew that it would be hard to write something short. Inspired by the Day 2 prompt: horny.
Also posted on my Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34305571
A nearby bell tolled at midnight just as Shang Qinghua locked up the museum for the night, which meant that he was officially off for the weekend. Being a party of one, he celebrated with a groovy victory dance while turning the key over in the lock.
There was a little click and he rattled the knob, checking that the door was properly locked—if anything was stolen or vandalized during the night, he would most definitely be blamed as the recent hire!
The job was an important stepping stone in his career path plan to being a rare artifacts curator. He really needed the experience. It was hard enough to land the job, so he wasn’t above looking neurotic by double, and triple, and quadruple checking everything before he left.
A chilly breeze tussled his hair and raised goosebumps down his neck. It was October, he supposed while drawing up his hood to block the chill, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to complain.
He was much to delicate for cold temperatures and would exercise his right to curse out the changing seasons. Of course, he could move somewhere further south, so that he wouldn’t have to put up with it anymore, but still!
The only good thing about the loss of summer was the bugs, he decided.
Clearly, Shang Qinghua was irresistible because bugs treated his blood like an all-you-can buffet. If only hot men thought the same. But alas.
Sighing, he turned up to admire the full moon, who seemed to sympathize with the sad state of his romantic affairs, being the moon and all. Something about it’s pale gray-white color naturally emoted a sad, longing reflection.
It was as he was looking up that he heard a growl, loud not because of its pitch—it was actually quite low and gravelly—but because it vibrated the very air around him.
Shit. Shit. He wasn’t equipped to deal with some beast! He had no weapons and there was no way his body was going to get the job done either. He was a delicate flower, just ask the bugs who always feasted on him!
He rummaged through his bag frantically for his phone. That was what the authorities were for.
Opening his phone, his mind was racing. Who did you call when there was a potentially wild animal on the loose? The police? Animal control?
Gasp! What if it turned out to be a demon?
He didn’t have any shamans or priests on speed dial. There had never been a reason to until then but if it would save him, he’d buy up every type of religious necklace he could and wear them around his neck daily. It was like insurance—it never hurt to cover all of his bases.
While he was wasting time on the sidewalk, what appeared to be small bits of gravel drifted down from what seemed like the roof. Scurrying to get closer to the streetlight, which casted a circular light on the steps of the museum, Shang Qinghua bent down to get a closer look.
It felt dusty when he rubbed his pointer finger against his thumb and did match the shade of stone the building was…The new evidence presented a bit of dilemma. Yes, he was still itching to call somebody have them do the dangerous work, but at the same time, his boss might fire him if something happened to the museum under his watch.
“Well, if there’s more damage, I guess I’ll take a look,” he muttered. He clasped his hands together. “But please, take mercy on me, moon! I promise that if you get me out of this that my next erotica will be dedicated solely to you, and in very large print, so that my readers know the reach of your mystical power!”
His hands remained clasped high above his head as he waited. So far so good.
There was still the scary growls, of course, but those didn’t count because he wasn’t going to investigate that. It was absolutely common knowledge that people who investigated weird sounds always ended up dead, at least in horror movies, and that was all the proof he needed to wash his hands of it.
No, the only thing that could sway him from his crouch on the front steps was…was…
Tears shimmered in his eyes as more rubble was knocked off from the roof, the fine particles irritating his nose and causing him to sneeze.
Thoroughly betrayed, he used his sleeve to wipe at his nose. Forget the moon. Clearly the bond he felt had only been one-sided, and now he was obligated to actually suck it up and put himself in harms way.
The Shang Qinghua of five minutes ago would’ve screamed and called himself a fool. Why ignore those highly honed flight instincts?! Even the Shang Qinghua of the present was screaming and calling himself a fool when he took the first hesitant step inside.
It was deceptively quiet in the stairwell but that wasn’t enough to calm him. As the saying went, it was the calm before the shit storm and he was about to be right in the middle of it. How careless of him.
Just in case this was the end, he started to draft an epitaph—it’s not like anyone else would put in the same amount of effort. 
His minor following would be too busy wailing about the permanent book hiatus; his boss would have their hands full dealing with insurance over the architectural damage; and that hot-and-cold cucumber bro of his would still be nagging him in the afterlife, criticizing him for his stupid plan when it ‘clearly would’ve been better to do such and such’. But back to him.
We are gathered here to mourn the passing of one Shang Qinghua, a bright hamster that was taken from Earth far too soon. His exhibit work was flawless, his knack for collections cataloging unrivaled. There was never a day without bountiful office supplies with him around. We thank him for his singular brave—foolish?—sacrifice in the name of historical value. Shang Qinghua is survived by several dying houseplants and the stray dog he usually fed on his way home from work.
There. That sounded as good as he was likely to get. Wait. No. He almost left out the most important part: the secret letter of last words meant only for cucumber bro’s eyes. Bro, if you’re reading this it’s because I died a terrible and scary death. Please take pity and wipe all of my search history. It was all for research, honest! It’s bad taste to judge a dead man.
The access door to the roof was large and imposing in front of him, even though there was still no noise coming from the other side. He was going to be mad and then relieved, in that exact order, if this turned out to be nothing.
He inhaled. Exhaled. Jumped around and shook his hands where they hung down beside the length of his body. He’d watched enough athletes—for research!—throughout his short life and getting loose always seemed to pump them up for competition. The same principle should apply here.
The door gave with a loud screech and he suspected that it wasn’t in regular use. Not that there was probably much to see up there anyway. Just roosting pigeons, stone slabs, and—
His mind went blank.
Crouching in the corner, so close to the edge that all it would take was a gust of wind to send him tumbling down, was some sort of winged creature. And the wings were massive things that arched up before curving downward completely over it’s back, the tips draped on the ground. Judging by how large they were, they had to be functional, which nearly caused him to wet himself. 
He didn’t want to imagine that thing taking flight after him. Not that he would be exciting prey. Gods, this probably how a mouse felt when a hawk was flying overhead.
But it was the horns that really caught his attention. They were hulking black spirals and the sharp points were pointed right at him. Even in the poor light, it was obvious that they were pure black. Any other time, he might comment on how cool they actually were, how they were a cosplayer’s dream, but it wasn’t cool when it was a matter of life and death. 
And he would most certainly die if those menacing horns and wings were any indication.
Trying to keep the element of surprise, he slowly let the door swing shut. Until a little bat started flew over squeaking, which caused him to squeak as well. The door hit the frame with a loud rattle. His body went heavy with fear and his eyes snapped shut, a natural prey response. He had never, ever been this scared.  
Not patient enough for Shang Qinghua to turn around on his own, the creature flung him around to face it with an aggressive growl. And he had thought it was loud when he was on the sidewalk. Which wasn’t true at all. It was much louder and more intimidating when it was right in his face.
“Trespasser!” it growled, teeth clicking.
…Okay, so it could talk. Maybe this was a good thing. Now could grovel with it to spare him!
Blinking rapidly, he opened his eyes and looked up, up, up. It didn’t look as horrific from the front as it did the back. In fact, it had a humanoid appearance and was distinctly male. He was the hottest thing he’d ever seen, a total fantasy come to life. How the hell was he real?
His was incredibly tall, his huge wings proportional to his size now that he was standing up. Now that he saw them up close, Shang Qinghua noticed that they were a beautiful shade of blue that started out dark but lightened to pale blue once it reached the tips, which also had sharp spikes—Nails? Claws? He wasn’t well versed in anatomy—attached.
The top of his ears were pointy, too, just like the tops of the wings. Oh, and the horns! There were two of them, both pure, glossy obsidian, that sprouted out on either side of his temple, the bases thick and ridged as they spiraled like a ram’s. The only difference was that his horns were much larger. He could maul someone with those along if he wasn’t careful.
But now that he considered it more—even in times of crisis, he could multi-task when it really counted—the horns only added more to his attractiveness. They were intimating, sure, but also sexy, in a monsterfucking type of way. He gasped as a clawed hand wrapped around his throat. Yep, he could definitely get into the horns and claws. Mark him down as scared and horny.
The growling died down but sharp teeth were still on display, and there was a stylized tattoo-looking mark on his forehead. Despite the snarl, Shang Qinghua instinctively knew that his face was insanely attractive; it had to be to match the rest of him. Speaking of the rest of him…
He dropped down in front of him, making sure to drag his hands down that ripped physique and gave his massive pectorals a quick squeeze before he landed on his knees in a kneeling position. 
His face was right in front of the creature’s impressive package, covered only by a flimsy loin cloth. It fluttered in the night breeze and he had to bite down on his finger to stop his depraved moaning. “Ff-forgive me, my good-demon-sir, but I swear I’m not trespassing. I’m a humble worker here at this museum.”
He quickly took out his employee badge to offer it up to the demon who barely gave it a glance. “Gargoyle,” it said in reply.
“Oh. I’m sorry but I don’t really know what you mean by that.” Wait, why did he say that? He didn’t want to get further in the demon’s bad side than he already was! “I mean no offense, of course. I’m sure gargoyles are absolutely lovely—”
“No,” he interrupted, his face smoothed out into blank slate. It made it harder to read him but Shang Qinghua quickly decided that it was alright. “I am a gargoyle, human. You may address me as Mobei Jun.”
Ohhh. Now that he mentioned it, his wings and horns could belong to a gargoyle. He knew that they were popular parts historical buildings that had a strong Western influence, which the museum did.
“And I am a king. Not a sir.”
Curse his authority kink. He was sure that any new fantasies he conjured up would be staring this particular king and Shang Qinghua as his servant.
“Of course, my king! You’re reeking of kingly handsomeness. As a lowly human, my apologies for the obvious mistake.” The gargoyle king didn’t make any move to acknowledge his words other than a slow blink, so he figured that it was all good. “Excuse me if this sounds rude, but what are you doing up here? And what was all the noise about?”
“Guardian. I was charged with the safety of this place by a war lord.” Jeez. So he’d been with the building for centuries at least, maybe even millennia.
There was a pause and he realized that he wasn’t going to answer the second question. It also seemed like the gargoyle king was waiting on him and a light bulb went off. “S-sorry again my king. I am Shang Qinghua. I am in charge of the rare artifacts inside of the building, so you may see me closing up most nights.”
The gargoyle king nodded sagely and he figured that the role must be acceptable to him. A loud sigh left him and his muscles relaxed just in the slightest way. He might survive this encounter yet. Ever better, survive and be able to go home and break out that new bottle of lube that he bought last week. There was plenty of new material to work with, that was for sure.
Then the gargoyle stepped back, giving him more space, which was actually the opposite of what he wanted. Feel free to punish him for earlier transgressions, king, especially if they were rough in a sexy way!
Unaware of his inner pleadings, he continued walking away to crouch back near the edge of the roof.
“Umm, be careful, king. It’s dangerous to be that close—”
“I am a king. Concerns such as that are not applicable,” he said, puffing up his chest. Those pecs! He might have to put in a request tomorrow to do more work on the roof. It was a crime that no one was admiring that body on a regular basis. “Leave. Return home. The circles under your eyes are hideous.”
He gasped, touching his bags. Rude! He had just finished a long shift and definitely wasn’t at his best. He was going to have to step up his game if he was going to tempt this gargoyle in the future. Trying his best not to show embarrassment, or disappointment, he agreed to leave.
“Whatever you want, my king. I’ll leave for now but if you need anything, I’ll be back tomorrow and the day after as well. In fact, every night, in case you need me.” Screw his weekend off. Who needed one of those when there was a hot gargoyle of legend serving as the guardian of the museum. Not him, that’s who.
He scrambled to his feet and bowed again for good measure. The door was open and he was across the threshold when his dream gargoyle muttered something. “Did you say something, my king?”
He cleared his throat and spoke gruffly. “The pigeons pooped in my hair.”
Suddenly, the growling from earlier made sense. No matter if you were human or gargoyle, having birds shit in your hair, especially hair as luscious as Mobei Jun’s, was bound to make anyone furious.
Determined to keep his laughs to himself if it was the last thing he did, he merely replied, “Yes, my king. I will make sure to chase them away from you next time.”
“See that you do.”
On cloud nine, Shang Qinghua grinned as he bounded down the stairwell. The gargoyle’s comment implied that there would be a next time. And he intended to romance the loincloth off (literally) of the serious gargoyle king.
Hope you all enjoyed! So happy to share this with everyone. Thanks for reading :)
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melzula · 4 years
how about a fire liiies blurb about princess reader, zuko and iroh coming across azula after the invasion of the north?
a/n: the first half is so much longer than the second oh goodness but I hope you enjoy!
~ part of the fire lilies series ~
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“Run away with me.”
“We’ll go wherever you’d like, it doesn’t matter as long as we’re together.”
“We’re going to be so happy together, y/n.”
“You’re going to be happy with me.”
The ocean breeze that flows through your loose locks of hair is a bittersweet reminder of the home you’d left behind three years ago today. The quiet island you’ve found to rest on is beautiful, but it’s hard to enjoy the peace and tranquility that surrounds you after having grown accustomed to living a life of constant action and chaos. It’s in the moments of stillness that your mind is able swirl with thoughts of guilt and doubt until you begin to feel nauseous and homesick. You love Zuko, and that seems to be the only thing you‘re ever one hundred percent sure of nowadays. The rest is fuzzy and uncertain, but you try not to let it get the best of you.
You’ve kept your distance from Zuko for most of the day, wanting to allow him the necessary amount of space and respect needed to lament over the anniversary of his banishment, but the invisible barrier that separates you both only seems to make things more depressing. You feel guilty for having such thoughts, but you can’t help the small bit of resentment that sits in your heart as you are reminded of the fact that you should be in Ba Sing Se right now instead of sulking on the dock. If you had known you’d be traveling fruitlessly in search of the Avatar, you might have rethought your decision just a bit more. You can’t say you regret your choice, however, because it got you out of an unwanted marriage and gave you an opportunity to grow as a bender, something you never would have gotten at home. Your mother used to say that things always had a funny way of working themselves out, and you had to hope that this piece of advice was true.
A quiet presence seats themself beside you, and you don’t have to look to know that it’s Zuko. There is no tension or awkwardness to the silence you sit in, but there is a bit of nervousness that radiates off of Zuko. He knows today is important to you just like it is to him, though for partly different reasons, and he wants you to feel understood and appreciated. Spirits know he hasn’t done a very good job of that lately.
“Do you like it here?” Zuko asks quietly.
“It’s beautiful,” you hum in response. “I’ve never been anywhere like it.”
“I’m glad,” he nods before opening his palm to you and revealing a beautiful cherry blossom. His cheeks are dusted with a light shade of pink as he clears his throat and gestures to your hair. “May I?”
A gentle smile graces your features at the offer and you nod, allowing Zuko to carefully tuck the flower into your hair. He’ll never be able to understand how someone as beautiful and precious as you could love someone so flawed like himself. What was it that kept you around even after all he put you through? He knew it wasn’t for money nor for a chance to climb your way to the top; you were a Princess who chose to throw everything away to live a simple life as peasants with him in Ba Sing Se. He knew you loved him, but so had his mother and she had still left him. You don’t know it, but Zuko fears the day you decide you’ve had enough and leave him behind.
“You’re beautiful,” Zuko admits with a small smile, and you happily rest your head upon his shoulder and look out at the crystal blue ocean before you. “Thank you for being here with me. I know it hasn’t been easy.”
“Things never are,” you note knowledgeably, “but I don’t mind it. Not when I’m with you.”
“I love you,” Zuko professes, and it occurs to him then that he hasn’t said so in a long while. Yet another fault you seem to ignore because you truly do care for him in a way that no one ever has.
“I love you too. And I truly do believe things are going to get better from here.”
“Let’s go inside,” Zuko says after a moment’s beat. “Uncle should be back from the beach by now.”
Rising from his seat on the dock, Zuko holds his hand out to you and helps you up from the ground before guiding you back up the hills and into your temporary shelter. Neither of you are sure how long you’ll be able to stay here, but with the beautiful cherry blossom trees and kind people who reside on the island, it isn’t exactly a bad place to live. Maybe you can get your fresh start here.
Iroh is there to greet when you return to your little refuge, a vast collection of seashells laid out to admire on the table.
“Look at these magnificent shells!” Iroh exclaimed, handing you a particularly pretty blue conch. “I’ll enjoy these keepsakes for years to come.”
“We don’t need anymore useless things,” Zuko reminds him exasperatedly. “You forget, we have to carry everything ourselves now.”
“Hello, brother,” a voice suddenly interrupts, starting the three of you. “Uncle... Princess.”
“Azula,” you gasp quietly, and Zuko is quick to push you behind him and shield you from his conniving sister.
“What are you doing here?” Zuko asks gruffly.
“In my country, we exchange a pleasant hello before asking questions,” Azula sneers. “Has surrounding yourself with...” she pauses, eyes glancing towards you, “poor company made you become uncivilized so soon, Zuzu?”
“Don’t call me that!” He yells. “And don’t bring into her this.”
“I’ve come with a message from home,” she says casually. “Father regrets your banishment. He wants you home. Family are the only ones you can really trust.”
Your eyes widen slightly at the news, fingertips digging into Zuko’s bicep tightly in apprehension. Home? After all he put Zuko through he’s willing to let him back in just like that? Despite the news he says nothing, makes no move to react, and Azula finds his lack of response unnerving.
“Where’s my thank you?” Azula muses. “I’m not a messenger, I didn’t have to come all this way.”
You narrow your eyes slightly at the Princess when the words leave her mouth; yes, she didn’t have to come all this way, and knowing Azula she wouldn’t have for something so small and unworthy of her time. Why not send a messenger hawk or a soldier or anyone of lesser importance to retrieve Zuko and Iroh? Why send Azula? This whole thing isn’t sitting right with you, and your watchful gaze never leaves her even as she excuses herself for the evening and allows Zuko to mull over the news on his own.
“Father wants me home,” he murmurs quietly, and you and Iroh both exchange uneasy glances with each other.
“I’m going to find some dinner for the night,” you announce, but Zuko doesn’t even seem to hear you or notice your departure. There’s much to think about, and you’d like to do so alone.
The cherry blossoms aren’t as pretty as they had been in the morning, now seeming to loom over you tauntingly with the uncertainty of the future. Even if this wasn’t some sort of trick, you doubt you’d be welcomed with the same warmth Iroh and Zuko would be given. You were an outsider, a water bender, a threat, and a distraction to the Prince. You simply couldn’t see yourself living a life amongst the very same people who threaten the ways of your tribe. It would be wrong, and if you felt guilty now you’d feel utterly awful then. You love Zuko, but you aren’t about to willingly follow him and his sister back to the Fire Nation. After everything you’ve been through, this could be the end of your journey together.
“I have to say, I’m surprised you’ve stuck around for this long,” Azula notes offhandedly as you pick through the fresh fruit of the local market.
“You know how much your brother means to me,” you reply calmly, refusing to let her play her little games with you. “But I know you don’t approve of me, and I know you’ll be happy to hear that I won’t be coming with him.”
“Is that so?”
“I’m going back to the Southern Water Tribe, and I’d appreciate it if you could take me there on your ship. I won’t be in your way and I’ll keep to myself, but if not I can find my own way.”
“Oh, I’d be happy to take you,” Azula replies with a glint in her eye. “After all, as Princesses we have to look out for each other.”
“I suppose that’s true,” you murmur, attempting to pay for your groceries only to have Azula wave you off and do so herself.
“I want you to enjoy your last meal with my brother,” she says with a snide smile. “Once he’s back home I’m sure ZuZu will forget all about you.”
“If that’s what you do want to believe,” you reply emotionlessly before turning to venture back home. You stop in your tracks as Azula calls after you, voice lilting with each syllable.
“You’re not the only girl who has her heart set on being with Zuko,” Azula informs you smugly. “My friend Mai has had her sights on him ever since we were children, and as the daughter of a very power politician I’m sure she’d have no trouble winning him over.”
Your shoulders tense slightly at the information but you don’t give Azula the satisfaction of getting a reaction out of you. Instead, you keep your gaze set straight ahead and let out a small breath of air.
“Thank you for the groceries, Azula,” you reply, then continue on your way home.
Dinner is a silent affair as you quietly pick at your noodles, and it’s only until Iroh leaves the two of you alone that Zuko speaks up.
“You’re upset about something.”
“No I’m not.”
“Your nose gets twitchy whenever you’re upset or troubled,” Zuko points out, and it’s times like these where you wish he didn’t know you as well as he did.
“I won’t be going with you,” you say after letting out a sigh.
“What are you talking about?” He replies with a furrowed bro.
“I know you’re going back home, and I’m not going to stop you from doing so. But I can’t go with you. I’m returning back to the Southern Water Tribe.”
“You can’t do that!” Zuko argues. “What about us?”
“There’s still the secret tunnel,” you remind him, “we can still see each other. I just think this is what’s best for us.”
“I thought you’d want to come with me,” Zuko murmurs dejectedly. “Don’t you want to stay with me?”
“I do. I really do. But do you honestly think I’d be welcomed in the Fire Nation?”
Zuko’s silence is enough of an answer for you to finalize your decision, and with a small sigh you rise from your seat at the table and collect the leftover dishes from dinner.
“I’ll come with you on the ship, but I want to be taken back home.”
Defeated, Zuko watches with a forlorn face as you walk out of the room to wash the dishes. It seems your journey together is coming to an end, and the uncertainty of what lies ahead troubles him greatly. He wants to return home, but he also wants to keep you by his side. What is he to do?
“We’re taking the prisoners home.”
You knew it was all just a dirty little trick; Azula was capable of anything, even turning in her own brother. It looks like you won’t be returning home any time soon, and neither will Zuko.
You fight off the Fire Nation soldiers alongside Iroh while Zuko handles his sister, using the vast ocean around you to your advantage as you topple men left to right. Thanks to Iroh you’re familiar with their movements and understand their approach, thus making it easier for you block and avoid their attacks before retaliating with your own.
With a final wave of water that washes them off the dock, the three of you are quick to run off as far as you can until your legs are too tired to carry on any further. You stop by a nearby stream, and only once you’re sure you’re safe do you stop to take a breath.
Zuko stares out at the water with a solemn expression on his features, and you watch in quiet admiration as both he and Iroh cut off their top knots. You know what this means, and you know how important and symbolic the action is to them both. Their ties with the Fire Nation have been severed, and there’s no going back now.
“I’m sorry,” you offer lamely, but Zuko still takes your hand in his own and gives it a gentle squeeze.
“You shouldn’t be,” is all he says, and you watch quietly as his severed hair floats along the river.
| tags: @rainteslerrrr @oddment-niwit-blubber-tweak @thebluelcdy @royahllty @the-firebender-girl @coldlilheart @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @knaite-solo @titaniafire @dekahg @emberislandplayers @kikaninchen-2 @lozzybowe @izzieserra @melacholy @music-geek19 @thia-aep @thyunnamed @haylaansmi @nataliahaslosthershit @idkdude776 @aangsupremacy @thirstyforsometea @ihaveaproblem98 @brown-eyed-thang @djskfkdkkf @xapham @yeetletzgetitjae @misnmatchedsox |
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