#the best fucking cheese on campus
4unnyr0se · 4 months
❥ the babysitter | choso kamo
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warnings: normal! au, babysitter! au, fem! reader, choso loves yuji so much and it makes my heart happy, switch! choso, switch! reader, oral sex (m! receiving), heavy use of marijuana, choso is a dick in the first part, hickeys, very lewd language, breeding, unprotected sex, sex while high, making out, mac and cheese, he whines a little bit, degrading if u squint
MDNI | 18+ content
word count -> 5.4k
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“For a whole ass weekend?” Choso yelled, slamming his hand onto the kitchen table, hissing at the stinging sensation that followed shortly after. He gripped his phone so tightly that it almost cracked the cheap plastic casing surrounding the expensive tech. “You seriously hired a babysitter through the weekend? Why? I’d do it for free, for fucks sake!” He groaned, grumbling profanities under his breath. He didn’t mind that his parents wanted him to watch Yuji while staying at a hotel for a couple of days; he didn’t. But he did mind his parents hiring a babysitter to stay at their house through the weekend to watch Yuji with Choso. He didn’t fucking know who you were. Did his parents even perform a background check on you? Sure, they had always been slightly relaxed, but did they loosen up since he moved onto campus? For all he knew, you could be a serial killer or a felon or really fucking annoying. 
Choso cringed at the sudden height in volume as his mother yelled at him through the phone, lecturing him about getting over his trust issues and just taking it easy for once. Choso mumbled a goodbye and shoved his phone in the back pocket of his ripped black jeans, his violet eyes staring blankly into nothingness. Did he seriously have to put up with a total stranger for a weekend? At least he could hang out with his little brother, and that’s probably the only good thing that could come out of this mess. 
Walking quickly up the stairs, he entered Yuji’s room and found him sleeping peacefully. A small, content smile graced his lips at the sight, the sound of Yuji’s adorable snoring immediately soothing his panicked nerves. Choso bent over his little brother's bed and kissed his forehead carefully as if Yuji could break at any moment. Content with his sleeping sibling, he walked downstairs and flopped onto the sofa, crossing his muscular arms behind his head. He had hit the gym occasionally, but after getting some comments about his offsetting appearance, he had decided that working out in the privacy of his dorm was the best move; Choso didn’t have the energy to tell the dickhead gym bros to go fuck themselves. Who knows, they’d probably enjoy it. 
The doorbell rang, that annoying cheerful tune blaring in Choso’s ear. “Yeah, yeah, hold onto your tits.” He grumbled, pushing himself off the couch to answer the annoying ringing. His eye peered through the peephole, meeting a distorted image of your face. Choso chuckled to himself, finding the image of your distorted expression amusing.
“Hi, it’s Yuji’s babysitter. Your parents mentioned me?” you yelled from outside, slightly muffled by the thick wooden door. Choso reluctantly opened the door to allow you inside, his gaze glued to the tips of his scuffed Doc Martens. “Yeah, about five minutes ago. They should have told me a few days earlier, but you know, parents…” he trailed off, his deep voice barely audible. He held his hand out for you to shake in an ill attempt to converse. “I’m Choso, by the way, Yuji’s older brother.”
Chuckling, you removed your jacket and threw it onto the nearby coat rack. You shook his hand and gave Choso your name, noticing his hands were cold. “Yeah, tell me about it.” Seconds of awkward silence followed, Choso still looking at his feet. “So, where’s Yuji? Do I get to meet the little guy tonight?” you broke the uncomfortable silence, stepping towards the elder brother. 
Choso shook his head adamantly, lifting his unsure gaze from his shoes. He crossed his fit arms and leaned against the painted gray wall covered with family photos, Choso smiling in each of them, albeit softly. “Nah, Yuji’s asleep right now. His bedtime was an hour ago; you would know that if you knew anything.”
Offended at his words, you placed a hand on your hips and shot him a quizzical look. “Hey man, you don’t have to like me but don’t be fucking rude. I care for Yuji’s well-being just as much as you do.” you retorted, a displeased expression crossing your face.
He finally looked at you and sighed, uncrossing his arms. “You’re right, sorry.” Choso noticed that behind your annoyed expression, you had kind eyes and maybe an even kinder heart. Rubbing the back of his neck with his ringed fingers, he licked his bottom lip in a failed attempt to find his words. Despite his alternative presentation, Choso usually had a very extensive vocabulary. So why were his words failing to meet his lips? “I’m…I’m not very trusting around others, especially my baby brother.”
“Well, I’d hardly call him a baby. He’s five years old.”
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize you had a degree in being an older brother,” you smirked, sitting on the couch. The material was leather, no doubt Italian. His parents had some money, but you should have assumed that based on the enormous sum they deposited in your bank account a few hours ago.
Choso flashed you a subtle grin and gestured to the kitchen, your charismatic words breaking through his protective persona. “You want something to eat? It’s late, and I dunno if you’ve eaten already.”
“Sure, that sounds good. I only had some ramen to eat anyway,” you said as you stepped into the kitchen, shrugging as you sat down. I don’t do fancy dinners; there’s too much pressure to finish everything. It stresses me out.”
He nodded in agreement and reached into the cabinet above the granite kitchen counters, grabbing a box of instant mac and cheese. “Kraft isn’t too fancy for you, right? Yuji’ll eat anything, but Kraft is his favorite.” Choso chuckled, placing the box on the counter. “I keep it high up so he doesn’t snort the cheese powder, he’s such a little shit.”
“You’re smiling.” you pointed out, poking his cheek with your manicured finger. It was a simple manicure, only a black coat of polish with purple and red dots, but it really did look pretty on you. 
Choso shrugged, took a pot from a nearby drawer, filled it with water, and placed it on an oven burner. After turning up the heat to a medium level, he turned to face you with a neutral expression. “How cheesy do you like it? Mac and cheese, not shitty movies. If you make a joke about shitty movies, I’m going to punch you. His voice was so low that you couldn’t tell if he was joking, but you prayed he was. 
You bit your thumb and raised an eyebrow, subtly grinning at him. “How’d you know I was gonna make a joke, hm? Can you read people really well or something?” You tilted your head to the side, letting your hair fall onto your left shoulder. 
He smirked, noticing that you were pretty adorable under that sassy exterior. It could be a defense mechanism, and Choso couldn’t blame you. He was being a total asshole earlier, so he definitely deserved it. Perhaps he would get along with you more than expected and approve of you as Yuji’s babysitter. “Yeah, I can read people pretty well.” Choso tried not to brag, but that smirk would not disappear from his chapped lips anytime soon. 
“What do you think of me then, hm?” you smiled and pointed at yourself, your necklace dangling off your neck and above your top. 
Choso pretended to think momentarily as the water finally came to a boil, tossing the uncooked noodles into the liquid. “Well,” he spoke, stepping towards you. Choso propped his arm against a cabinet, his muscular form leaning over you in intimidation. “You’re sweet, but you can be pretty mean when you’re defensive and have a kind heart. Children like you and look up to you, and you probably have excellent taste in music.” He raised an eyebrow smugly, his silver piercing reflected in the kitchen's light. “Am I right?”
A blush dusted your supple cheeks, taken aback by his accuracy. Was Choso secretly stalking you or something? “That was…scarily accurate. Are you a psychic or something?” An uncomfortable laugh escaped your plump lips, the blush still lingering. 
Choso shook his head, taking the now-cooked pasta off the stove. “Nah, sweetheart. I’m just smart as hell.” This time, he flashed you a full smirk, tearing open the cheese powder packet with his sharp canines. Your blush grew more intense, your mind catapulting your thoughts into a darker and lustful setting. How would they feel on your neck, raking against your skin? Would Choso be gentle with his nibbling, or would he become beastly and ravage your neck until it was black and bruised? Hopefully, Yuji was a deep sleeper, maybe then the two of you could-
“Hey, you listening? What size portion do you want?” Choso snapped his painted fingers in front of your face, snapping you out of your arousing trance. He was much closer to you now. His nose was almost touching your forehead.
“U-uh half, please. Sorry, I was thinking about stuff,” you mumbled, stepping back to create distance. “Sometimes my mind wanders, you know?” 
Choso grunted in agreement, handing you the portion of the mac and cheese. “I added some butter and milk when you weren’t looking, which makes the cheese powder less dry. It’s how Yuji likes it.” He took his fork to his mouth and ate a noodle or two, seeming content with the flavor. “I like to think that even when he’s a bratty teenager, he’ll still like mac and cheese.”
Rolling your eyes, you took a bite of the macaroni as well. Choso was right. The extra butter and milk enriched the flavor of the cheap cheese powder. “I like to think that nobody really outgrows mac and cheese. It’s one of the rare foods that people of all ages enjoy, like toast or apple juice.” you smiled, taking another bite of the meal. “Delicious mac and cheese, by the way. Can we sit down and eat instead of standing? Y’know, like normal people?” you winked and strode to the living room, carefully sitting down to avoid making a mess over the cushions. 
“Oh, right, sorry.” He mumbled, sitting down next to you. His shoulder brushed against yours, and your eyes drifted to his bicep muscles, admiring his strength. Most alternative guys you knew were slim, but Choos was different. He was really different, and that was fucking sexy. “So, are you in school also? I’m a junior at Tokai University. I’m studying biomedical engineering.” He sighed, placing the bowl of mac and cheese in his lap. “It’s fucking hard work, but it’ll be worth it when I’m rich as hell and can buy things.” 
You placed your empty bowl on the coffee table, wiping the cheesy residue from the corner of your mouth. “Oh, I’m taking online classes through a program. I’m studying child psychology.” you nodded, sucking your fingers clean with your mouth and tongue. Choso bit his pierced lip slightly at the seemingly innocent display, blinking away his perverted thoughts about you. You were just Yuji’s babysitter, right? It was cliche as hell for the older brother to want to fuck the babysitter, but maybe it was a cliche for a reason.
“Child psychology, that makes sense. Maybe that’s why you’re such a good babysitter so far,” he observed, wiping off his mouth with the back of his hand.
“I mean, I haven’t really done anything yet. Yuji’s still asleep upstairs.” you pointed out, taking Choso’s bowl out of his hands. “I’ll clean up, I don’t mind.”
He raised an eyebrow and slowly nodded, shifting his position on the couch slightly. “If you’re offering, I won’t stop you. Go wild.” His deep voice rumbled in your ear, diverting your thoughts to the dirty ones you had earlier.
Hunched over the kitchen sink, you scrubbed the pot and the bowls clean, humming your favorite song softly. Choso remained in the living room, staring blankly as the newscaster predicted the next morning's weather. “Hey, it’s gonna rain. What do kids Yuji’s age like to do when it rains?” he asked over his shoulder, not getting up. 
“Same thing they do when it’s not raining,” you replied, your voice dripping with sarcasm as the last dishes were dried off and placed in their original drawers. “Run around screaming because they’re five and don’t experience fatigue like we do.” you sat yourself down next to Choso again, this time slightly closer. “Listen, your parents paid me through the weekend, so I’m spending the night. Wanna watch a movie or something? I don’t mean to be rude, but I am very bored.” 
Choso chuckled and looked at you with his violet eyes again, a smirk on his lips. “Well, we could do something that would help you relax.” his voice flowed like warm honey, hinting at something much more devious than you had realized. “You ever smoke before, sweetheart?”
You nodded and kicked your feet onto the coffee table, hoping he wouldn’t mind. “Once, when I was in high school. We smoked under a bridge ‘cuz our parents were being dickheads,” you laughed to yourself, fondly remembering what took place a couple of years ago. “I have such a low tolerance. It only took a couple of hits of a joint for me to get high.” A grin remained on your face, the happy memories lightening your mood. “I felt like I was floating.”
“Yeah, weed does that to you. It’s nice, though, right? Like all your worries go away.” Choso stood up, slapping his thighs. “I’ll be right back.”
Nodding, you observed him walking up the stairs. The sound of rummaging from his room was undoubtedly the result of him anxiously shifting through his nightstand drawer to find what he was looking for. After a couple of minutes, he yelled for you to come upstairs.
“Shouldn’t you be quiet? Yuji’s sleeping just a few doors down.” you whisper-shouted, voice filled with concern. 
Choso laughed and shut the door behind you, opening the window close to his bed. “Please, that little guy could sleep through an earthquake. Don’t worry about it, that’s my job. I’m his older brother, after all.” he dangled a baggie in front of your face, the contents having a powerful aroma. “Behold, stuff of the gods.”
Sitting on his bed, you rolled your eyes playfully at his childish demeanor. “I’m sure it’s incredible stuff, Choso. Better help me relax, or I’ll be pretty upset.” 
“Trust me, sweetheart, this shit will make you float into the sky,” Choso smirked, taking the bud out of the baggie. “Don’t look. I can’t reveal my secrets to you just yet.”
Your hands covered your eyes as you giggled, imagining what he was doing. “You aren’t lacing it or anything, right?”
“Fuck no, I’m rolling a joint. Whoever invented laced shit needs to get their dick chopped off.”
You giggled once more. “What if it was a woman, hm?” you inquired sarcastically, your hands still covering your eyes.
“No woman would ever create something that fucked up, no offense,” Choso muttered, finishing up with the two joints. “You can open your eyes now; it’s okay.”
Your hands left your eyes and landed on the two joints in Choso’s hands. They were smaller than expected, or maybe Choso just had huge hands. “Uh, you’re gonna have to guide me through the process. I haven’t done this since high school, remember?” you rubbed your arm with your hand, silently hoping he wouldn’t think you weren’t cool. Why did you want Choso to think you were cool? You were only staying so you could look after Yuji. 
Choso sat down next to you and patted your shoulder in reassurance. “Don’t worry about it. Even though I’m an asshole, I’m not that big of an asshole. I’ll show you.” He grabbed a lighter from his nightstand and held it to the joint, lighting the end of it like a cigarette. “You inhale, hold the smoke in your body for as long as you can, and breathe it out. It’ll make you cough, but that’s just what weed does. It still makes me cough.” he chuckled, putting the joint to his lips and sharply inhaling. You observed as he sucked in his chest for a few moments before breathing out the smoke, the scent of marijuana quickly filling the room.
“Shit, that’s good stuff,” he mumbled, passing the joint to you. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, just saying. None of that peer pressure shit here.” his violet eyes were slanted, making your heartbeat quicken.
“No, I’ll do it. God knows I could use the relaxation. Shit’s been tough.” you sighed and took the joint from his tattooed hand, putting it to your lips. Squeezing your eyes shut, you inhaled deeply. Your eyes shot open after only a second, coughing harshly. “Fuck!” you grunted, handing the joint back to Choso. “Ow, my lungs! Well, there goes my hopes of being an organ donor. Fuck.” you giggled, hugging your knees to your soft chest. The scoop-neck top you wore showed off your cleavage beautifully, and Choso couldn’t help but stare. Your breasts look so smooth and round. He wondered if you would let him touch them, graze his thumb over your nipple, and let his mouth suck careful bruises onto the supple flesh. 
“Yeah, there it fucking goes.” he chuckled and took another hit of the joint, setting it down in his ashtray after. His mind started to feel fuzzy, almost soft. Like he was floating on a cloud made up of the finest cotton money could buy. Did you feel this way as well? Were you also floating on a cloud?
Your head began to feel light as a feather, and a delighted smile crossed your face. “Dude, it feels like I don’t weigh anything at all,” you laughed, leaning towards Choso. You observed the bags under his eyes and how his eyeliner was thick and dark, highlighting the golden specks in his purple irises. “D’ya also feel like that, Cho’?”
His name poured out of your mouth, smooth as honey. God, he loved how you said his name. It was probably the sexiest thing he’d ever heard, and he just had to hear more. “Yeah, sweetheart, feeling fucking amazing,” he spoke gently, a blush tinting his pale face at the proximity between you two. “I wanna feel like this all the time, but I have stupid fucking responsibilities like school. Not Yuji, though. Yuji will never be a burden for me.”
You smiled and rested your head on his broad shoulder, enjoying how close the two of you were. “You’re such a great brother, you know that? Yuji’s lucky to have you, Cho’.”
“Fuck, sweetheart,” Choso mumbled deeply, shifting his gaze toward your pretty and flushed face. “If you keep saying my name like that, I might lose it.” he offered you a crooked smile, his sharp canine poking out. “Got a real pretty voice. It matches your pretty face.” his thumb grazed over your lower lip, admiring its beauty.
“Choso,” you breathed out, feeling so small under his lustful gaze. The way his thumb touched your bottom lip, the way his deep and sensual voice reverberated in your ears. Maybe it was the weed fixing your thoughts, but damn, was Choso sexy as all hell. “You’re pretty, too.”
“Oh?” he raised an eyebrow, tilting your head with his thumb. Fuck, he loved your eyes. They were so big and beautiful, so expressive. “You think I’m pretty, sweetheart?” his hands trailed down to your hip, squeezing the denim fabric of your jeans. 
“Yeah, I do,” you smirked softly, climbing into his lap. You straddled his thighs and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, staring into his sunken eyes. “I think you’re pretty and sexy, Cho’.”
His arms snaked around your waist to pull you close to his chest; your breasts pushed up against his graphic tank top. “Shit, sweetheart. Keep saying my name like that, and you’ll regret it,” he growled, your plump lips hovering above his chapped ones. His hands squeezed your ass bolding, his eyes daring you to make the next move.
“Cho’,” you whispered, entangling your fingers in the silver chains around his thick neck. “Do something, Cho’.” 
“Fucking hell,” Choso slammed his lips against yours in a molten and desperate kiss, his hands squeezing the fat of your ass even harder. His kiss is filled with desire and want, along with the faintest scent of marijuana that makes the atmosphere of his bedroom that much more depraved. Longing dripped from the plush of his chapped lips to the sharpness of his canines that grazed slowly against your lips, teasing you with a tapering sensation. 
Choso tutted impatiently, his lips becoming more aggressive and desperate. It was like his mouth was trying to consume yours in a fiery passion you thought only existed in television shows. Your heated bodies pressed against each other in a frenzy, your hands moving from his chain necklace to lace themselves in his messy dark hair, tugging harshly on the strands. You could practically taste the marijuana on his breath, feeling the thud of his heartbeat in his throat.
Frantic groans left your lips as Choso’s tongue swept across your lower lip, pleading for entrance. You gladly parted your lips, his tongue briefly entangling with yours before retreating entirely. He broke the kiss, his breathing shallow and long. The thinnest string of saliva connected you, breaking as Choso licked his lips. 
The two of you stared at each other for a few seconds, the tension in the air slowly fading away. Second felt like hours, passion roaring inside both of you. Choso gave you a smug grin, his hands still glued to your hips. “What did you think of that, sweetheart? Is making out while high one of the best things life has to offer or what?” his words faded at the end, his mouth pressing fluttering kisses onto your neck. Your breath stopped in your throat at the intoxicating sensation. 
“Please,” he whispered, teeth nipping down on the spot just above your collarbone. His voice was so deep yet whiny, filled with desire for you, the sexiest person he’d ever lay his eyes upon. “Please, sweetheart, let me make you see stars tonight.”
You frantically nodded, cupping his cheeks with your hands to crash your lips against his in a passionate craze. The kiss was rough and full of ache, your lips battling each other for dominance and control. Choso’s rough hands gripped onto your hips with knuckle-whitening might, dragging you up and down onto his throbbing bulge. His teeth bite down on your bottom lip, pulling the sensitive flesh while staring into your glistening eyes. He pulled himself away from the foggy exchange and attacked your neck, biting and sucking at every inch of skin he could land himself on. 
Your mouth let wanton moans escape your bruised lips, still grinding yourself on Choso’s lap. Desire pooled in your core, your body rutting itself against him for any kind of relief as he continued to assault your neck with a battery of bites and nibbles. “Fuck!” you cried out, not bothering to control your volume. “Fucking love it rough. How’d you know that?” you demanded, pulling Choso away from your neck by his midnight strands. 
“It was so fucking obvious, baby. You were basically begging me to fuck you with those pretty bedroom eyes of yours.” Choso growled in your ear, his pierced tongue licking the shell. He thrust his clothed erection up against your covered core, forcing you to grind down on the pulsating length. “You feel what you do to me, yeah? You feel how fucking hard this cock is for you?”
You gasped as he dragged you across his clothed member, noticing how fucking girthy he was. “Shit, you’re really fucking hard. I really did all that?” you whimpered as he groped your breasts, his thumb circling over your covered nipple. 
“Yeah, sweetheart, you did,” his voice ached for you, so desperate for release. He knew you felt this way, too. Your pussy was sending him pulsating signals. “God, I need to know how that pretty mouth looks wrapped around me. Can you get on your knees, sweetheart, pretty please?” he mumbled, taking his greedy hands off your curves.
You were on your knees instantly, thumbing the hem of Choso’s sweatpants teasingly. “Don’t fucking tease me, baby,” he spat, pulling his sweatpants down to his knees. You rolled down the fabric and tossed it aside, your eyes locking on his boxers that had a cute little stain right where the tip of his cock was. “See that, sweetheart? Making me pre’ in my drawers. C’mon, hurry up and put that pretty mouth on it.” he demanded, his hand tugging on your hair in demand. 
Your hands pulled down his boxers and tossed them aside, not tearing your eyes away from Choso’s massive cock. It was bigger than any of the ones you’d seen before, and it was freakishly girthy, maybe about ten inches. The head was a beautiful shade of pink, adorned with precum leaking out the tip. “Someone’s needy,” you teased in a lyrical voice, pumping his cock a few times before taking just the tip in your mouth. Your tongue danced around the head and gave it the occasional kitten lick, eliciting a gasping moan from Choso. 
A few more inches was all that your mouth could take, gagging as the head hit the back of your sensitive throat over and over again. Your hand made up for what your mouth couldn’t handle, palming and squeezing on the shaft to make Choso sing those pretty moans over and over again. His grip on your hair hadn’t yet faltered, squeezing your roots the perfect amount so you weren’t feeling any pain. Sloppy, absolutely filthy sounds came from your precious lips as your mouth grew sore and tired, practically fucking your mouth on his length.
Just as Choso’s orgasm approached, he forcefully pulled your head away from his cock. He hissed at the sensation of the cold bedroom air hitting his previous warm cock, wondering if he should just let you keep sucking him off. “N-no, wanna cum inside you. Is that okay, sweetheart?” he whined, spreading his legs. His cock was glistening with your saliva, slapped against his now-stained tank top. “Ride me, baby, want you to fucking ride me.”
You smirked softly and pulled down your jeans and underwear, revealing your soaked heat. “What happened to the tough guy earlier, hm?” you purred into his ear, nibbling on one of his piercings as you hovered above his entrance, his wanting moans and whimpers sounding incredibly delicious. 
“Tough guy went away the second you put that slutty little mouth on my cock,” he grabbed onto your hips, forcefully slamming you down on his cock. The two of you gasped at the same time, a twinge of pain crossing your face. “Now hurry up and fuck me already.” his voice sounded dominant, but you knew deep down how desperate he indeed was. The warmth of your weeping cunt enveloped him, and his lips began to tremble.
“Shit! Fuck, you’re huge!” you cried out, taking a moment for your pussy to adjust to his size. He was huge and throbbing so intensely inside of you that it felt like a vibrator. Shaking, you clutched onto his shoulders and began to grind back and forth. His hands were practically glued onto your soft hips, matching the painfully slow pace of your movements.
Choso grunted impatiently, tightening his grip on your hips so they would be bruised tomorrow morning. “Going too fucking slow, sweetheart. Can’t handle my huge dick or something?” he whispered against your neck, his tongue licking the hickeys he had left previously. His cock was buried inside your gummy walls, twitching and in desperate need of friction. 
You yelped out pathetically as Choso began to move your trembling form up and down on his length, adoring the squelching sounds that came out of your sobbing heat. Your breathing was quicked and paced, huffs and puffs leaving your pretty mouth. “H-hah, Cho’! Fuck, fuck me! Shit, oh my fucking god!” you sobbed, your walls tightening around his cock as he continued to use your body like a fleshlight. 
The sound of skin slapping against the skin was all that could be heard, along with the sound of your wanton mewls escaping your puffy lips. “Shit, you’re such a fucking good slut for me, yeah?” Choso grunted, his face buried in the crook of your neck that connected your shoulders. “Letting me use this perfect fucking pussy, why did I ever fucking doubt you?” he lifted his face from your neck, smirking at your fucked out expression. Your eyes glazed over, mouth hanging open, hair completely disheveled. Just how he fucking liked it.
The head of his cock pounded mercilessly at your G-spot, the slick whimpers and wines you made becoming music to his ears. He knew you were close the way your weeping heat sucked him in, almost demanding that he shoot his seed as far into you as he could. 
“Shit, are you close sweetheart. Me too, fuck,” he sighed, bucking his hips into yours staggeringly and without rhythm, desperately chasing his nirvana. “Cum with me, yeah? Please, baby, I wanna feel you let go for me. Can you do that for me, pretty girl? Can you make a fucking mess on this cock?”
“Yes, fuck, yes! Cho’, oh fuck!” you screamed as your orgasm finally hit you, entire euphoria flowing through every single one of your veins. Your nails scratched and clawed at his back from under his shirt, your hands desperately looking for purchase. Your aching body twitched against his own, his cock still fucking up into your overstimulated pussy.
Choso threw his head back, opening his mouth to allow his breathy moans to escape from his throat. “Fuck, gonna fucking cum, shit! Gonna cum inside, yeah? Gonna fucking fill you up so nicely, shit! Fuck!” he groaned, finally achieving his high. Wave after wave of pleasure crashed over him as his hot and sticky ropes of cum coated your insides, the feeling of warmth making you feel all the more wonderful.
After the shockwaves of your orgasms subsided, Choso tilted his head back down to look at your face. All flushed and fucked out, the baby hairs in your widows peak sticking to your forehead. But his favorite part was the smile you had plastered across your face, looking the happiest he’d ever seen anyone before. 
“You were so right,” you breathed, kissing his lips tenderly.”Fucking while high is one of the best things ever.”
He chuckled and reluctantly pulled you off his cock, whining as he saw his seed spill from your core. “Damn, I really thought that would stick. Oh well,” he sighed, pushing himself off his bed in search of his boxers. “There’s always next time.”
You raised an eyebrow quizically, putting on your panties. Your sweatpants were probably in the room, but you were too tired to get them. “What do you mean ‘next time’?” 
Choso smirked and sat back down on his bed, making grabby hands at you. “Y’know, the next time we fuck, obviously.” he kissed your cheek as you curled up beside him, pulling the covers over the both of you for warmth. “Do…do you not want a second time?” his voice was soft, trying to mask the hint of disappointment in his tone.
You shook your head and pecked him on the lips, giggling at the cool metal piercing, making contact with the bruise on your lower lip. “Of course I want there to be a next time, silly. You’re the best fuck I’ve ever had.” 
He smiled and pulled you even closer to his muscular form, squeezing you like you would run away if he didn’t. “I’m so glad that’s happening, sweetheart.” his voice was heavy and sleepy, wanting nothing more than to fall asleep right next to you.
“Let’s just get some sleep, okay? Fucking takes up a lot of energy.” Closing your eyes, you welcomed the warmth that overtook your body, Choso’s strong arms wrapped firmly around your waist.
There was a sudden knock on the door, snapping your eyes open and Choso’s violet ones. 
“Choso, can I please get some water? I’m really thirsty.” a high-pitched voice came from the other side of Yuji's wooden door.
Choso groaned and sat up, his arms still not leaving your body. “Well, we’re lucky he didn’t want water ten minutes ago.” he laughed softly, kissing you on the forehead as he got up.
“Yeah, good thing he didn’t.”
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2chopsticks2eyes · 1 year
Well Shit
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2chopsticks2eyes - Masterlist
Pairing: Lee Minho/Lee Know x Fem Reader
Themes: Smut, Angst, Fluff
Word Count: ~30k | AO3
Warnings: Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, Alcohol, Cussing, Oral Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Blow Jobs, Alternate Universe, Vaginal Sex, Protected Sex, Unprotected Sex, Friends With Benefits
Summary: Your ex is a cheating bastard who had been your only experience with sex (which he was absolute shit at). Getting back into the dating game was not what you expected, so your older brother's annoying best friend, Minho, decided to offer to show you the ropes on what it's like to have actual good sex.
Author's Note: This work was inspired by a request from @kyungpenguin33. This took longer than I expected because life hit me like a truck for a while. But hopefully, nothing slows me down for the next fic I have in store!
“He didn’t even fucking deserve you anyway! You’re too good for a guy that constantly smells like pickles and dick cheese.” Your best friend Tiffany blatantly carped as she sprawled out on your bed while mindlessly scrolling away on her phone.
You had just recently broken up with your boyfriend of three years and for some goddamned reason, Tiffany had to bring up the topic constantly. Apparently, once you get to college, boys decide they want the next, new thing. You just wished he would have ended things with you before he started fucking half of the ‘sorostitutes’ that were willing to open their legs for him.
You felt like a jug of milk. What was once a refreshing, healthy relationship, started to slowly become sour and curdled. You thought you two were in love, hence the long-lasting relationship, but you guess he saw the expiration date before you did.
It had been about a month since you ended things with him, yet here Tiffany was, rambling on and on about how she always knew your relationship ‘was doomed to fail’ and ‘emotionally toxic’. You couldn’t help but wonder, if she ‘always’ knew that, why did she never say anything to you about it? Why did she constantly fawn over him? Why did she feel the need to whine about how she was ‘so jealous of you for snatching him’?
Now, you loved Tiffany, you did. She was always there for you when no one else was. Even if she mostly acted as if you were a child and considered herself your influencer. You learned to look over it because, whatever she did, she did it out of love, right?
That’s what led you to invite her over to your house, well, more like your family’s house because who the fuck can afford to live alone on campus as a broke college student these days? 
Anyway, you were currently laying down on your stomach on the plush carpet of your floor with oodles of papers and textbooks spread around you while Tiffany, still on your bed, continued to berate you with nonsensical chatter.
“I knew he was a bad apple from the start, but I didn’t say anything because I wanted to be a good friend and be supportive of you. And now what? This is where it got you.” 
You rolled your eyes and slumped your head down into your hands. “I get it, Tiff. I should have seen this coming. But I’ve moved on now…” You were… partially telling the truth. “...and so should you. I’m glad you care about me, but I don’t even want to think about that douchebag ever again.”
She lowered her phone and raised an eyebrow at you that silently screamed ‘uh-huh suuuure’, then she sighed deeply and returned to her mindless scrolling with a ‘higher-than-thou’ look on her face.
“Tiff, didn’t you come here to study with me? We have finals in two weeks and a paper due in economics tomorrow.” You said while assessing her lax composure. 
“Oh, I’ve already gotten that taken care of. You really need to stay on top of that kind of stuff, ya know? Or else the next three years of your undergrad is going to be a disasteeeer~! Not to mention veterinary school after that!” 
You scoffed and returned your attention to the mounds of work around you. Here we go again with the whole ‘I’m more mature than you’ act. It’s true that you really needed to pick up the slack, but you also knew that Tiffany was only at a marginally passing grade. She always half-assed her work.
The sound of a phone buzzing pulled your attention and you looked up to see Tiffany putting her phone up to her ear. “Heeey baby! What’s up?” You internally cringed from her zero to sixty babygirl voice. “Right now? Yeah! Totally free!..... Uh-huh….. Of cooourse….. Kay kay! Be there in a jiff! Love ya babe! B-byyyeeee.” You wanted to gag but quickly composed yourself when she returned her focus to you, sitting up from the bed as she spoke. “Jay’s wanting to go out tonight so I’mma bouce!”
You wanted to say ‘why did you tell him you were free if you were obviously here for me?’ But you decided to just let it go. You weakly nodded your head. “Kay, have fun.” 
“Oh you know I will.” She said in a suggestive tone. She basically skipped away but stopped with her hand on your bedroom door handle. She turned back to you with a brazen smile. “Like, I know we’ve only been dating for, like, a week, but my god that man is way better in bed than my last boyfriend was.” She spoke quietly as if someone would hear her gossiping in this completely empty house.
“Who, David?” You engaged ruefully, not quite sure which poor soul you friend was preying on this time.
“No, silly! It’s Mark! David was the one I dated before Chad and Chad was the one before Mark.” She giggled bubbly.
You chuckled. “Man, you really know how to pick ‘em, huh?”
She rolled her eyes and looked at you pitifully. “I can’t help it that I have standards that these guys can’t live up to!” She released the doorknob momentarily and began to look quizzical. “Now that I think about it, maybe I could hook you up with Jackson! He was one of the better ones!” She declared jovially while pulling out her phone again. “Plus, someone needs to show you what a good fuck is like now that your previous old scrotum has moved on…” She rambled as she searched through her phone.
You sprung up from the floor like lightning and rushed over to her. “Nononono, Tiff. No matchmaking, please. Especially not with your sloppy seconds!” You pleaded while holding her arm pathetically.
“Too late, love! Already sent your number to him! You’ll thank me later, trust me.” She winked at you and gave you a peck on the cheek. “Love ya lots! Lemme know what he says!” When she turned to the door and opened it, both of you were startled out of your skin to see a man with sandy blonde hair holding his hand up as if he was about to knock on the aforementioned bedroom door that was now wide open.
Lee Minho.
Why this motherfucking bane of your existence was here, knocking on your door, you didn’t know. But your focus was shifted by the bubbly giggle of your best friend. “Oh my god, Minho! I didn’t know you were here! Why didn’t you come and say hi to me??” Her exuberant voice rang loudly.
Your best friend was a serial flirt and everyone knew this, but it still pained you to watch it unfold firsthand anyway. Especially to the man she knew to be a close family friend.
“Uhhh, actually I came here to see your friend.” He awkwardly stated before he turned to you with a big, annoyingly cocky smirk. “Hey there, kitten.”
You just grumbled and pushed past him and grabbed Tiffany’s arm to see her out. 
As you two retreated, Tiffany hollered over her shoulder to him. “I hope we’ll cross paths on campus later! Bye, Minho!” You heard Minho reply with a faint ‘bye’ as you ushered her out with a quick hug goodbye.
Now, here's the thing you need to know about Minho, you don’t hate the guy, you just find his existence to be extremely annoying.
Lee Minho was your two-year-older brother’s best friend since you were in middle school. For as long as you could remember, Minho was a constant visitor at your house. He was always treated like family by your parents and that had never changed over the years. However, when your brother decided to study abroad and Minho wanted to stay at home and go to the nearby community college, you figured he would slowly drift away.
Nope. Why would you think such a thing? You already knew it was his life goal to be a pain in the ass.
That motherfucker would come to your place weekly, almost even several times a week, just to hang out with your family. For some reason, you were the only one who found it weird because your parent’s welcomed him with open arms like he was a part of the family. Even going as far as giving him the key code to the house! It wasn’t like he had a bad relationship with his parents or anything, he had a wonderful family! Which just made it more annoying when he would come around.
You couldn’t really figure out just why he got under your skin so much, he just did.
Which is why, when you shut the front door behind you and turned back inside to see a smug grin stretched across his unreasonably handsome face, you felt the urge to just go ahead and punch the pretty off of it. “Mom and Dad are out of town right now. You’ll have to come back next week to annoy me.” You said scathingly as you marched back to your room.
You could already feel yourself tense up when he turned to follow you. “Well, what’s the fun in that if I can just annoy you now? Just ‘cause your big bro’s gone doesn’t mean you can get rid of me that easy.” You dropped back down to the floor where your circle of stress resided and he plopped down onto your bed, immediately making himself comfortable on it as if it were his own damned cotton duvet he was sprawled across.
You snapped your head at him. “Do you have any particular reason to be here other than to drive me up the fucking wall with your shit?” You gave your deadliest glare, but that just seemed to amuse him further.
“No, that’s about it. Gotta keep you on your toes, ya know? Plus I would never be opposed to… what was it you said? ‘Driving you up the wall’? Sounds like a really fun challenge to me.” His smile was evil and you hated that it made him look even more attractive.
You scoffed in disbelief and returned to your notes. “Great. I feel honored to have warranted your undivided attention.” Your voice was dripping with sarcasm. “Well, if you have nothing better to do, at least keep it zipped up while I study for my finals.” 
“Oh? You sure you don’t want me to zip it down instead? You might find something even harder than those finals there, kitten.” You shot daggers at him with your eyes but his suggestive smile remained all the same. This motherfucker… did he really just say that?
This was a norm between the two of you. He would teasingly make lewd or flirtatious comments to you and you would always tell him to kindly fuck off. You never truly had any malice to your words and he knew this. So, the playful banter continued.
“OR I might find myself with an outrageous hospital bill after I shove your testicles so far up into your ass that you choke on them.” Your voice was saccharine sweet as you openly threatened him. It was as if you were a well-behaved waitress that would spit in his pudding spitefully.
He didn’t miss a beat. “Sorry, babe. I’m not into the whole cock and ball torture kink. Maybe we can explore what you like instead?”
You hoped he didn’t notice the red tint to your ears as you muttered expletives under your breath. “What I’d like is for you to shut the hell up and let me STUDY.” You obviously sounded absolutely done with his playful banter and he finally relented.
He raised his hands in mock surrender. “Fine. Fine. I’ll leave you be this time, kitten.” He stood up from the bed and crouched down in front of you, flicking the edge of the textbook you were scanning over. “But if you ever need help with any of this, let me know.”
You just hummed your response, opening your laptop in front of you and refusing to make eye contact as he reluctantly slunk away from you and out of your house.
When you heard the front door shut, your head dropped from your shoulders to hang in front of you as you groaned. Why, just why, did you both end up wanting to be veterinarians? He constantly made fun of you, saying, “oh, it’s so cute how you want to follow in my footsteps!” or “you chose this major to be closer to ME, didn’t you?” 
And that stupid smug face of his he made when you had finally declared your major was on a constant loop in your brain. He only called you that stupid nickname because you had rescued a cold and starving kitten on the side of the road when you were in high school and he named you that because that’s what made you find your dream of becoming a vet.
You were IN LOVE with your little Boots. Not to be mistaken for footwear, you named your kitten Boots because she was entirely black except for her four white paws. She was your number one emotional support after your breakup and you had no clue what you would do without her.
As if on cue, Boots casually walked into your room, licking her chops (most likely just finishing demolishing her food bowl like the little piggy she was), and nonchalantly plopped down right on the entirety of your keyboard as if it was her own personal heating pad.
“Boo-baby! I’m working!” You made no move to do anything about it because when cats demand your attention, it’s a crime not to comply. She just stared back at you with an adorable slow blink and your hand moved on its own to start petting her.
Her purring instantly started easing your mind and a fond smile bloomed on your face involuntarily. Slowly, her soft fur and soothing sounds washed away your worries. You felt the stress of school turn into confidence that you knew what you were doing and a reminder that your grades have been awesome. You felt that the annoyance of the people in your life, your ex, Tiffany, Minho, well… they didn’t really matter in terms of you living your own life.
This is your emotional support. Your precious Boots.
Without any words spoken or her even knowing what was going on, she knew when you were suffering. And she always made it her job to help you. That’s why it hurt your soul to meet people who say they hate cats because they are ‘evil’ or ‘assholes’.
Okay, yeah, they definitely can be assholes, but they aren’t inherently evil! They just have unique… personalities. It takes time and love to earn their trust, but when you do, the bond is like a special gift that is only reserved for you.
It was at that moment when you were lost in your thoughts that your phone buzzed. When you unlocked your phone, you saw a text from a random number.
Unknown Number:
Hey, is this Tiffany’s friend?
Yeah, who’s asking?
Unknown Number:
Hey, this is Jackson
We met a couple of times a while back
Tiffany’s ex, remember?
Yeah I remember
Look, I’m sorry if Tiffany told u something weird
I know she had good intentions but…
Please just ignore her lol
Sorry if she made u feel uncomfortable 😅
Nah, I’m not uncomfortable at all 🙂
Actually, I was kind of looking forward to talking to u
Why tho?
I dunno 😅
I know we only met a couple of times
But I remember u were pretty cool
Really cute too 😉
You blushed a bit and found yourself kind of nervous. It felt like it had been ages since you were single and you just kind of forgot how to interact with guys that were interested in you… but you were kind of excited that someone was into you. Even if you felt like an utter twat trying to think of a response.
Ur not so bad urself 😅
Oh yeah?
I know me and Tiff used to date and all but…
I was kinda excited to hear that u were available
You didn’t know if you wanted to thank Tiffany or strangle her.
I was wondering…
U have any plans for tomorrow night?
Okay. Keep it cool. Don’t be weird.
I have class until 6
But after that I’m free
Nice, u wanna go to Sideways with me?
I hear they’re giving people one free shot tomorrow
You weren’t a huge fan of the local bar, too many college students and not enough dancing, you were more into the nightclubs where you could just dance to your heart’s content while blending into the crowd. Plus, who takes a girl to a bar for a first date? But you weren’t about to tell him that, so you figured one night wouldn’t hurt.
That sounds like fun
Count me in
Awesome! It’s a date, then! 😉
I’ll pick u up at 8?
Sounds good!
See u tomorrow! 😊
Bet, see u then
You screamed internally and looked at Boots. “Holy shit, Boo-Boo… What the fuck am I doing?” She just stared at you blankly, deciding she was bored with you now as she stood to stretch dramatically before she hopped up on your bed to make herself comfortable there instead.
You tried not to spiral into anxiety but this would be the first date you had been on after your breakup. You had no clue how to act or dress or not seem like a meager airhead that spends her Saturdays watching anime and cuddling her cat in bed wearing nothing but her panties and an oversized graphic t-shirt.
…Yeah you desperately needed assistance. You just prayed that Tiffany would be available to help.
“Not this… ew, no… oh GOD definitely not!” You just sat at your small vanity while Tiffany was raking through your closet to find you something to wear.
Classes were a lot less stressful that day than you had imagined and Tiffany was more than eager to help you get ready that night. You were thankful that you had a good amount of time to get ready because Tiffany was being super picky. Like, she looked like a fucking hound dog sniffing out anything that seemed even remotely designer.
“Do you have ANYTHING sexy in here?! I feel like I’m browsing through the clearance section at GAP!”
“Hey!” You knew she was kind of right, but she didn’t need to point it out so blatantly!
“What? It’s true!”
You huffed. Your ex never really took you out on fancy dates so you never really had the need for anything other than everyday clothes.
“Well excuse me for not dressing like fucking Kim Kardashian at the Met Gala!” She just crossed her arms and raised a brow in a ‘come at me, bitch’ kind of way. You sighed in defeat. “If I have anything remotely suitable, it’s probably buried in the back…”
You turned around to your mirror to continue with your hair and makeup, which was a whole other challenge in itself. You were already basically finished but you decided to be meticulous because, why not? Your new first date since high school should take at least a little effort, right?
“Well it’s not anything near perfect, but this will have to do.” You turned back to your friend laying out one of your black, tighter-fit dresses. “Where are your heels?”
You stood up and walked over to assess the dress. You hoped you could still fit in it, it had been forever since you wore it. “I can’t wear heels, remember? I would legitimately break an ankle if I stepped on anything that wasn’t even a tiny bit of flat ground. And even that is not guaranteed to keep me upright. Heels on me are just a hospital bill waiting to happen.”
She looked crestfallen. “Oh right, I forgot you’re clumsy as fuck. Those weak ankles will be the death of you, I swear” You giggled, knowing she was completely accurate in that statement. She hummed as she assessed your limited amount of shoes. “I suppose these strappy Mary Janes would look cute. Not necessarily the sexiest, but they will suffice.”
You had already stripped and were about to put the dress on when she stopped you. 
“You’re not going to wear that underwear, are you?” You looked down at your plain, black cotton bra and panties and shrugged. 
“Yeah, why not? Black works pretty well, no?”
She rolled her eyes. “You don’t have anything sexier?”
“Why? It’s not like I’m guaranteed to fuck him on the first date.” You stated as you grabbed the dress.
She grabbed it back from you with an incredulous face. “Are you serious?” She put the dress back down on the bed and grabbed you by the shoulders, donning her typical expression of looking down at you as if you were a child. “Honey. Now I know you haven’t dated in a while, but when a man takes you for a night out at a bar, he’s wanting to do the nasty, bump uglies, go home for ramen, Netflix and chill, beat that puss–”
“Alright! I get it! I get it!” You interrupted before she could plant any more images in your head. And really? For a first date? At this point, you really did feel out of the loop. You had only had sex with one guy, were you ready to go that far with a guy you barely knew?
“Well… I’m just gonna play it by ear… if he doesn’t like my underwear, he can go milk his monster by himself.” 
She sighed and stepped back, rubbing her temples. “Fine, but if that happens, don’t come whining to me and asking for more hookups.”
You didn’t even want this hookup in the first place! You had to internally hold yourself back from throwing a bitch fit and just forced yourself to calmly reply with– “Okay, Tiff. I won’t.”
She looked smug for some reason and you slid your way into the tight dress. “Ew! How is there already so much cat hair on it?!” She whined, trying to pat the hair off your ass.
“I have a cat, Tiff. Cats shed. You know this.” She looked annoyed and retrieved the lint roller from your nightstand.
When she finished rolling all the hair off you and you put on your shoes, she had you spin to assess you. She sighed. “Well, you’re no Audrey Hepburn, but at least you’re giving the right vibes.”
It was at that moment you both heard the front door open. Your parents were still on their anniversary trip so there was only one person it could be…
“Minho! We’re in here!” You quickly shushed your best friend, but the damage was already done. The door to your bedroom opened and Tiffany immediately walked over to grab him by the arm. “Ohmygod, perfect timing!” She was wrapped around his arm like a monkey and he looked slightly awkward until he looked at you. “Look at my masterpiece! I mean, probably not a masterpiece, per se. Especially with the limited resources I had to work with, but isn’t she great?!”
He was frozen next to her as he looked at you. “Y-yeah…” He seemed to snap out of it and he returned with his usual cockbox smirk. “What’s got you all dolled up, gorgeous?”
“None of your goddamned busine–”
“She’s got a hot date tonight! Like super hot.” Tiffany cut your scathing remark off.
Minho’s smile slightly faded and you rolled your eyes. “Okay, let’s not get carried away, Tiff. He’s a good-looking guy you decided to force upon me, that’s all.”
“Oh don’t give me that, bitch. I know you’ve already thought about fucking him ten ways to Sunday and back!” I mean with all the talk of fucking the man, how could you not imagine it?
You figured spit boxing was no use and, as if fate was on your side, Jackson texted you to tell you he was here. You huffed at the pair and grabbed your clutch purse. “Whatever, I have to leave anyway. Just lock up when you decide to leave…” You marched past the two and straight for the door before you felt a hand grab your wrist.
“Hey…” You raised a brow at Minho who had broken free from Tiffany’s iron grasp. “Be careful, okay? You have my number so call me if you need anything, yeah?”
You felt goosebumps and brushed off his hand. Was this Lee Minho being serious for once? What was the world coming to? “Yeah. Okay, whatever.”
And with that, you walked out the door, leaving Tiffany in your house alone with Minho. For some reason that just didn’t sit right with you. Why though?
The date was going… not as well as you expected…
The car ride was nice, he made pleasant conversation and he was super flirty. But when you guys got to the bar, Jackson ran into some of his guy friends and ended up getting absolutely wasted. However, he did keep you close to his side the whole time. Maybe a bit… too close? 
He had his hand around your waist the entire time, keeping you pulled close to him, and he paraded you to his friends like you were a fucking strumpet and they quickly seemed to take a liking to you as well. He had then decided to take you out back because he and his friends wanted to smoke.
“You want one, gorgeous?” Jackson offered you a cigarette and you declined.
“No thanks, I don’t smoke.” You decided not to mention that you thought smoking was absolutely repulsive and gave you the urge to blow chunks. However, you remained vigilant in your composure.
“Oh c’mon, you don’t wanna try?” His buddy said across from you, absolutely sloshed.
“I’m good, thanks.” You couldn’t hide the disgust in your voice and there was a lull in their conversation.
One of the taller, beefier friends of Jackson spoke up. “That’s a real pretty girl you got there, Jax.” He tilted his head to address you. “You got any friends, darlin’?” 
Before you could answer, most likely to tell him to kindly fuck off, another man spoke up. “Or maybe Jackson wouldn’t mind sharing.” You immediately felt chills wrack your body. You didn’t know these men… you didn’t know what they were capable of…
They all laughed and you looked at them with disgust. You turned to Jackson and spoke quietly in his ear. “Can we talk?”
He looked at you with a lopsided grin and pulled you back inside, winking to his friends as he closed the door behind him. He led you to a quiet hallway next to what looked like the bar’s stockroom. You felt his hands move to your hips as he pressed you up against the wall. His hands roamed up and down your sides, making your skin crawl, as he looked down at you with hunger. “Kay, baby. Let’s talk.” 
Without any further indication, he started hungrily kissing you. You didn’t want to not reciprocate, but the man was all tongue and it kind of made you sick to your stomach, especially with the taste of cheap beer and smoke lacing his spit. You gently pushed his chest, but he refused to back away. You moved your head to the side to escape his mouth, but he just continued to kiss down your neck.
“Jackson! I really just wanted to talk!” You tried to reason while he continued.
“We are talking, baby…” He growled against your skin.
You had lost your patience when he started groping your ass. At this point, you found yourself pushing him, hard. “Get the fuck off me, Jackson! I want to go home!”
He froze in place, and when he stood back up straight to look down at you, he looked pissed. “What the fuck, bitch? You come out drinking with me, cling to me all night with this sexy little black dress, and then get pissed from a little kissing?!” He looked really pissed off and you wondered why in the world would your best friend hook you up with this guy. “You’re just a fucking cunt tease. Find your own ride home.” 
And with that, he stormed back into the throes of the bar. You were speechless.
‘Find your own ride’?! It was already past midnight! Public transit had already finished their routes for the night, your parents were out of town, and you couldn’t afford an Uber! There was only one other option and you really really didn’t want to have to resort to it.
You angrily stormed out of the bar and pulled out your cell phone. Here goes nothing…
The dial tone only rang once before you heard the receiver. “Hello?”
You took a deep breath to calm yourself before you responded. “It literally pains me to say it, but I need your help…”
You stepped into the sleek, white KIA sedan and buckled up, refusing to look at the driver. You could feel his stare on you, but you really didn’t want to have to explain this whole embarrassing experience to him.
“I don’t even get a hello? So cold.” The teasing lilt in his voice made your blood boil, but he was doing you a favor, so you felt the need to indulge him.
You turned your head and donned a sickly sweet smile. “Hello, Minho.” Your smile instantly dropped when you looked straight forward again, waiting for him to get the fuck on with it.
“Oh, what lovely company you are! You should call me more often to come pick you up at 1 o’clock in the morning!” He said as he began to drive away from the front of the bar.
He had a point. This was actually a really big favor he was doing for you and you were being a raging bitch about it. You grumbled in frustration that you were forced to be grateful to this man. It was silent for a moment before you forced yourself to say something. “I’m sorry, Minho…”
You watched as he side-eyed you. “For?” He seemed to be genuinely at a loss for what you were talking about.
You felt the stress from the situation cause your inhibitions to falter. “I’m sorry for being an ass to you instead of thanking you for your help. I’m sorry that I was naive and thought that I would be able to go on dates like a normal person so soon after ending my three-year relationship. And I’m sorry to myself for being an idiot and letting that douchebag and his friends treat me like a whore and then let him kiss and touch me even though I didn’t want it!” Your voice became more and more upset the more you rambled on.
Minho full-on looked at you now. “He touched you?! Without your consent?!” He was visibly pissed and you couldn’t fathom why. “Who the fuck is this guy? Tell me his name. Does he go to our college? I swear, I’ll go full Bruce Lee on his ass.”
“Calm down, Nancy Drew. It’s over and done with. I’m never going to see that twat-waffle ever again…” His death grip on the steering wheel slowly relaxed, as well as the tension that was rising in the air.
It was silent for a moment and then you suddenly heard chuckling coming from the man beside you. “What?” You were about positive you were about to get miffed at him again.
“Did you really just say ‘twat-waffle’?” He asked while laughing.
You wanted to respond with something more defensive, but you couldn’t help but find his amusement contagious. “What? That’s what he is!” You involuntarily giggled through your words. “Seriously though, if that’s what guys are like nowadays, I might as well say goodbye to my sex life because there’s no way I’m dating that kind of trash! Not to mention that most men are incapable of making a girl climax anyway so that makes it even harder to find someone to date!” Shit… maybe you had one drink too many…
“Hey! Not all guys are like that!” He looked at you in mock offense. “In my book, if a guy can’t get a girl to cum, he doesn’t deserve to either.”
Your giggles turned into full-bellied laughter. “I can’t believe I’m having this conversation with my brother’s best friend! Don’t tell me you’re going to join Tiffany in gossiping about my ex too!”
His smile vanished. “Why? That asshole doesn’t deserve a single breath of air let alone a whole conversation about him. He deserves to be left forgotten and the world will be better off because of it.” Minho had lost all humor at the mention of him and he spoke to you dead-serious. “You deserve to be with guys better than him. Better sex than him too from what it sounds like.”
You scoffed. “Yeah well, unfortunately, he has the only dick I’ve ever known. I don’t even have anything to compare him to, the bastard.”
He finally pulled up in front of your house and cut the engine. “You could compare him to me. Someone who actually knows what he’s doing.”
You started cracking up, but your laughter slowly faded when you realized he wasn’t laughing along with you. Wait, was he serious? Surely not… Your face morphed into one of perplexity. “You’re joking, right?”
“Do I look like I’m laughing?” He raised an eyebrow and looked as if he was challenging you. “Personally, I think you need to explore your likes and dislikes with someone who’s willing to be your guinea pig. We already know each other well, meaning I like to believe you trust me more than a random hookup. So, the way I see it, it makes sense that I would be better fit to show you what it’s supposed to be like before you go chasing guys that would probably end up like that, quote-unquote, ‘twat-waffle’.” 
He said while using his hands to motion his quotations, immediately opening the driver-side door and stepping out of the car before you even had time to process his words.
You had short-circuted and you were frozen in your seat as if you were glued to it. Hundreds of images, ones that you never thought in a thousand years would have crossed your mind, began flitting through your brain. You quickly came to your senses and ran after him as he began unlocking the door to your house.
“If this is just one of your stupid tricks, it’s not a very funny one, Minho. It’s actually really fucking shitty to joke about.” You declared, furious and defensive as the two of you stepped inside. 
He huffed and turned around to face you in the entryway. He looked slightly annoyed. “Like I said, not a joke. If you don’t want to and you think I’m crazy for even offering, then you can go back to dating douchebags who fuck like jack-rabbits just to leave you unsatisfied and I can go back to enjoying the fun task of annoying the hell out of you. No harm done.” He smirked as he walked off with a shrug to head toward the kitchen.
What the actual fuck was he thinking? How did he even come to this conclusion? No, why did he even want to fuck you in the first place? “You’re right, I do think your crazy–” He turned back to you, now holding a fresh glass of water, with a complacent expression plastered on his face. “...but…” You took a second to look at him. Really look at him. 
It had always pissed you off that he looked like a fucking Greek god with absolutely zero effort. He was cocky and proud and knew just what to say to get what he wanted. He was one of those people that, when you complimented him, would just agree with you and praise himself. He might have been the least humble person you had ever known.
Still… He wasn’t precisely rude about it, he just had an insane level of self-confidence. You supposed he deserved to be proud. His face was naturally beautiful, but you knew he at least put in some effort. Before your brother left, he and Minho would hit the gym constantly. And, by looking at the chiseled-looking man in front of you, he never stopped. From his teen years to manhood, age definitely treated him nicely.
Okay, if you were being honest with yourself, you may or may not have pictured what might be under all that linen. He is a gorgeous man, after all. And as you stood there staring each other down, your eyes drifted to his lips. It had been so long since you had been touched…
You found yourself licking your lips and he reciprocated the action. 
Minho suddenly walked up to you until he was inches from your face, looking down at you with an intense expression. The tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife. You bit your lip as you searched his eyes, looking for any sign of this being a sick prank. There was none.
“But?” He questioned with a smirk and a raised brow, imploring you to continue your statement.
What is he doing to me? I must be going crazy… Shit shit shit…
“...but…” You sighed, dejected. “You have to promise not to tell anyone…” You couldn’t look him in the eyes as you said the words that seemed to escape on their own. You were even shocked with yourself for even entertaining the idea.
His face morphed into several different expressions simultaneously. Shock, hunger, eagerness, and anticipation colored his eyes, but he donned a collected appearance. “You’re not drunk, are you?” He asked tentatively.
You looked at him in the eyes again with a scowl. You might have a bit of a loosened tongue, but you knew for a fact that you were nowhere near drunk. “If I were drunk, I would have vomited on you for even asking.”
With your scathing remark, he returned to his normal irksome demeanor. He smirked and bent his knees a bit to be at eye level with you. “Is that so? Then maybe I should just go home? Since it is sooo beneath you to see what I can do… how good I can make you feel…” He whispered so close to your face that you could feel his breath against your lips.
He brushed past you and headed toward the front door. You cursed yourself for what you were about to do, but the discussion was already leaving you needy as hell. “Wait.” You said with irritation coloring your voice, refusing to turn around to face him. You heard his footsteps halt and you closed your eyes with a short, exasperated sigh. Still unable to face him, your voice was firm. “Prove to me what you can do and I might be willing to use you…”
You didn’t have to look at him to know he was wearing an infuriating, triumphant smile.
He said no words, but you heard quiet footsteps grow near. As you waited in anticipation, you felt a shiver run down your spine when he gently swept your hair back off the side of your neck. You felt his breath against your ear before you heard his words. “My pleasure, kitten…”
First, you felt a single chaste and moist kiss be placed at the base of your jaw and you let out a shaky breath that you hadn’t realized you had been holding. Your fists were clenched so hard you could feel your nails digging into your skin.
Next, you felt the feather-light touch of his hands start to creep from your sides, down to grasp your hips. His now firm grasp pulled your ass back to be flush against him and he continued his slow torture of gliding his moist lips up and down your neck, your hairs standing on end with the ghosting breath against your heated skin. 
“Tell me if you want me to stop.” You hadn’t realized that your breathing had become heavier, but you heard his whispered words against your neck loud and clear. You didn’t trust your voice, so you just responded with an aggressive nod.
You felt his teeth as he smiled against you and his thumbs started rubbing circles into your hipbones. You were feeling the dizzying effects of his touch and smell and your mind was racing with thoughts of what he was planning on doing to you. As he started kissing your neck with a bit more purpose, a sudden thought popped into your head. “N-no marks…”
He hummed against your skin and you felt his tongue dip into your clavicle. “Of course…” His mouth started kissing, licking, sucking, and nipping just fervently enough not to leave marks and your breathing picked up as his hands started to wander. When he was sure that you weren’t going anywhere, his hands started gliding up your stomach to just below your breasts.
He teased you, acting as if he were about to make a move to cup them, but his hands started gliding back down. You found yourself desperately wanting him to touch you as his hands smoothed down the fronts of your thighs until his fingertips reached the skin at the hem of your dress. Your heart was thumping when he groped your thighs and his thumbs circled around just the inside of your thighs over your dress.
His ministrations were painfully slow, from his continuous devouring of your neck to the teasing of his hands. He denied you further touch again as he moved his hands, still playing at the edge of your dress, around to lightly grope your ass.
You were about to snap and you couldn’t take the teasing anymore. You spun around in his arms, obviously taking him off guard, and you didn’t allow yourself to think as you wrapped your arms around his neck and stole his lips with your own. Holy shit… you were kissing Minho…
At first, he seemed to be shocked by your boldness, but soon he began to kiss you back with equal amounts of fervor. His lips were soft and plump and his tongue danced along with yours as if it were the most natural thing in the world. You arched your body into him and he wrapped his arms around you, hands still tracing patterns down your lower back.
When he pulled you closer to him by your ass, you moaned into his mouth. You knew your panties were drenched and you were almost embarrassed at how quickly he managed to get you basically dripping for him. How could such a pestilent man affect you so intensely?
However, when he pushed you up against the wall and pressed himself against you, you could feel he was equally as affected. You hadn’t realized you were shaking in his hold until you moved your trembling hands up to tangle in his blonde locks. “Shit, Minho…”
You whimpered into his mouth and he shushed you. “Shhh, let me take care of you, kitten.” He sealed his lips to yours again and you felt his hands grope your ass once more before gliding one of them down to the hem of your dress again. Only this time, when he moved to the inside of your thigh, he dipped his hand underneath your dress to tease the edge of your panties.
“Oh fuck…” He chuckled at your falsetto, whispered words and he returned to attacking your neck as his fingers moved over to rub circles over your thin underwear.
Your head was thrown back in ecstasy as he pleasured you in slow motion. You had no clue why being this frustrated from his teasing would turn you on so much. You tried to grind down on his hand, but he still only lightly pleasured you.
“M-Min… please. Oh god!” He pinched your clit over the material and chuckled when you jumped.
“Tsk tsk tsk, so impatient.” He sighed against your neck before standing straight and looking down at you. “You can’t rush perfection, kitten. I’m going to take my time ruining you…” He pressed his lips against yours and you pulled him back by his hair.
“Well then take your time in my bedroom and not out here in the fucking hallway. I don’t want Boots watching.”
The smile that grew on his face as he laughed at your statement made your head feel fuzzy. Then, before you knew it, you were in the air, quickly wrapping your arms and legs around the man as he carried you to the bedroom, your dress hitching up to your hips at the action. He shut the door behind him with his foot and he gingerly sat down on the bed with you still stradding him. “Do you want me to strip or do you want to do it for me?” He raised a brow (those damned sexy eyebrows) in question and licked his lips with a lopsided grin as he pulled you as close as humanly possible.
Gosh, this man was infuriatingly sexy. “Aren’t you supposed to show me what I want, mister expert?” You quipped as you rested your arms on his shoulders.
He flashed his teeth and leaned back slightly, stripping only his t-shirt off before returning his hands to rub up and down your bare thighs. Your ogling eyes were beyond obvious and he gently grabbed one of your hands. He moved your hand to glide from his bulging pecs down to his chiseled abs.
He released you and allowed you to keep mapping his skin out with your hands. You wanted to lick him all over and trace every vein and crevice on his body. You found the courage to latch your own lips to his neck now and he hummed contentedly. You found yourself involuntarily grinding against the bulge in his sweatpants and he groaned.
His hands that had returned to your ass moved up to the back of your neck and one of them found the zipper on the back of your dress. You were shivering with excitement as you felt your back being exposed slowly to the chilled air and his hands felt like they were on fire as they caressed your bare skin.
However, instead of stripping you completely, his hands moved back to your thighs to creep up under your dress again, halting your movements. Your anticipation had stopped your mouth against him and you began panting into the crook of his neck. 
When he reached your panty line, his fingers deftly dipped underneath your underwear this time and you moaned into his skin when his fingers dragged through your folds. “So wet already…” He whispered in your ear before grazing his teeth over the shell of it. He quickly flicked the pad of his thumb over your clit and you hugged him close with a gasp. “Can I taste you, sweet thing?”
You could almost cum from those words alone. Your ex refused to eat you out because he thought the idea of it was disgusting. This made you extremely self-conscious of having him, or anyone else for that matter, see you naked for too long. However, Minho had you wound up so tight that the coil in your stomach was bound to snap at any moment and you really wanted to take him up on his offer.
You pulled back and looked back into his eyes which were black with desire. “Y-you… you want to do that?” The disbelief in your voice was apparent and you moaned when he shallowly dipped his finger inside you.
“Fuck, more than anything…” He bit his lip and you held onto his shoulders as he pumped his finger in and out of you.
Sooner than you would have liked, he pulled his finger out and your breath shook when you saw him lick his finger clean.
“Shit…” He said with eyes closed in bliss. When he opened them again, they were filled with pure, carnal desire. In the blink of an eye, he had you on your back with your dress shucked off and thrown into the dark abyss that was your room.
It was dark, only the moon shining through your window illuminating the god-like man above you, so you weren’t too terribly self-conscious. But with the way Minho sat there on his knees between your legs, staring down at you, it had you squirming a bit. Shit, maybe I SHOULD have worn sexier lingerie.
“God, you’re so fucking gorgeous…” His hands roamed over your thighs and drifted around to undo the latch of your bra. It quickly joined your dress and you cried out when his mouth was like a magnet to your nipples. I guess he doesn’t care about the underwear…
You couldn’t control your hips as you rutted up into him, desperate for stimulation as your nipples were being abused. You had to admit, the man did wonders with his mouth, and the thought of that tongue between your legs had you whimpering.
Without removing his mouth from your nipples, you felt his fingers loop under your underwear. He finally relented his attack to free you of your underwear and your whole body went stiff as he lowered his face between your legs.
He must have noticed because he immediately halted and looked up at you. “Is this okay? Do you want me to stop?” You were pleasantly surprised that he was so concerned about your comfort.
“No no, it’s okay! It’s just… he never… I’ve never had anyone…” You were too embarrassed to say it out loud, but he seemed to understand.
“Man, he’s more of a piece of shit than I thought…” You gasped when he kissed your inner thigh. “Just lay back and enjoy kitten. I’ll show you how it’s done.” And without further ado, he moved to hover over your entrance.
You shivered and your eyes closed in anticipation when you felt him blow his hot breath over your sensitive folds. And when you finally felt him… OH… MY… GOD…
You were incredibly grateful your parents weren’t currently home because the moan you belted out was absolutely filthy. Your hands instantly flew to his hair and he had to hold on to your legs to keep you from crushing him between your thighs.
It was everything you wanted and more and you were feeling delirious from it. He had started by sliding his tongue through your folds from base to your clit and then he closed his puckered lips around the sensitive bead and sucked while circling his tongue around it. You were almost sobbing it felt so good. When you felt him insert a finger and find your G-spot, you went insane.
“HOLYFUCKINGSHITRIGHTTHERERIGHTTHEREOHMYGODYES… Please don’t stop! Fuck please… Fuckyesyesyes! Don’t stop! Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplea– AHH!” You unexpectedly came with furious power and you could feel yourself soaking his face violently.
In the moment, you felt like you were in heaven, but when he popped up from in between your legs with his stupid ass smirk and your release dripping from his chin, you were mortified. 
“Oh my god, Minho, shit I’m so sorry! Shit. Fuck! …That’s so fucking embarrassing…” You buried your face in your hands, so mortified you wanted to cry, and he immediately grabbed your wrists, pulling them away to show his befuddled expression.
“Embarrassing? I thought that was the fucking sexiest thing I’ve ever seen anyone do!” He looked at you like you were crazy, but your face was still bright red. Apparently, he could even notice that in the moonlight because he then guided one of your hands to the crotch of his sweatpants to feel his erection. You gasped at the heat you could feel all the way through the thick material. He leaned down and growled in your ear. “Does this feel like I thought it was embarrassing?”
You pressed your palm against him and he groaned in your ear. You were desperate to feel him inside you and you were suddenly bold enough to slowly dip your hand into his pants to palm him over his boxers.
“Fuck… do you have condoms.” He said as his head dropped to your shoulder.
“Y-yeah… top drawer.” You said motioning to your nightstand. 
He hopped up and made quick work of removing his sweatpants and boxers. Holy shit. Either your exes dick was super small or Minho’s dick was super big because the difference was catastrophic. When he knelt between your legs again, condom in hand, he must have gauged your expression. “Everything okay?” You could hear the humor leaking through his restrained voice.
Your blood was indubitably boiling. It’s just not fucking fair to be so fucking perfect. Just more grounds for him to be cocky as hell. You cleared your throat and looked to the side. You had to say something because, honestly, you were genuinely uneasy about it. “It’s just…” You side-eyed his beautiful dick again. “...I haven’t… I don’t…” You sighed in frustration, not knowing how to say it.
He began patiently stroking it. “The suspense is killing me, kitten.” He smiled sarcastically and you stared daggers up at him.
You huffed and looked away again, eyes involuntarily snapping to his dick again for a half second. “Like… how do you know it will fit? I mean your’s is like way…” You peered up at his face which was trying desperately to not erupt in laughter. You sat up and shoved him. “I’m serious, asshole! That thing is terrifying!”
He had exploded and your push caused him to collapse on the bed in hysterics. He was holding his stomach in pain from how much he was laughing and you glared at him.
“Fine! If it’s such a joke to you, then whatever! Now, if you’ll excuse me–” You attempted to get off the bed, but in the blink of an eye, you were on your back again.
“Now now, let’s not throw a temper tantrum, little thing.” You shivered as he licked up the column of your neck. “Not only can I make it fit, I’ll make you beg for it.” He kissed your cheek before grinning down at you mischievously.
You narrowed your eyes at him. “Prove it.” This one challenging statement had him instantly devouring your mouth as his hands eagerly roamed your body. You tasted a hint of yourself on his lips and you couldn’t explain why that turned you on so much. He had you heated up again in no time, and when you felt two of his fingers slowly enter you, you moaned with his lower lip between your teeth.
He started pumping his digits in and out of you with blinding speed and it was almost too much for you. Involuntary ‘ah, ah, ah’s fell out of your mouth when he moved his mouth to your nipples and your eyes clenched shut when you felt a third finger join the others. He slowed his pace so he wouldn’t hurt you, but when you felt him insert a fourth finger, he knew exactly what to do to distract you from any discomfort.
He dug up into your g-spot again while his thumb circled your clit and you were shouting out expletives again. You were whining and thrashing and he sat back on his knees just to watch you fall apart. You felt another orgasm wrack your entire being, but your body screamed more, more, more. “Minho, fuck! Minho! Minho!”
“What is it, kitten? What do you want?” He gave you an evil sneer as he moved in inches from your face. You glared at him before you basically punched him with your lips.
“Fuck me right this instant, goddamnit!” You shouted with your head thrown back when you released him, gasping for air.
He pulled back again and laughed. “As you wish, your highness…” Your whole body slumped into the bed when he removed his fingers and you were panting from the intensity of the situation.
“Wait–” You snatched the condom from him, leaving him with a dumbfounded expression. “I wanna do it…” You ripped open the package and threw the wrapper into the void, tentatively taking his unbelievable cock in your hand and looking up at his expression as you slowly stroked him.
He looked like he could cum any second from finally having some stimulation after holding back for so long. Before you knew it, you gave him a little kitten lick on the tip, collecting a load of precum, and watched as he visibly shivered. “Fuck, kitten…” He sounded almost like he was in pain. Watching his throat bob as he dry-swallowed gave you a longing you couldn’t explain.
You decided enough was enough and you rolled the condom down his length before laying back and spreading your legs.
He bit his lip and his black eyes were devouring you, but he stopped himself as he hovered above you. “Jokes aside, tell me if I’m hurting you at all, okay?”
You felt your heart thump violently and you sensed an uncomfortable swirling in your stomach. Why was he being so nice to you? You swallowed the lump in your throat. “Okay…” He smiled sweetly for once. “Now, for fuck’s sake, can you please just fuck me?” 
He cackled at your impatient remark and you gasped when you felt the heat of his tip poke at your entrance and he dragged it up and down your folds. You dug your fingers into his shoulders as he hovered over you, watching you to assess your expressions, and he slowly sank into you. You furrowed your eyebrows in slight discomfort, but the delicious feeling of his hot tumescence dragging against your walls had you seeing stars.
You whimpered as he slowly entered and you were glad to see that he wasn’t completely unaffected. His brows were furrowed as well and when he went as far as your pussy would allow, he dropped his forehead to your shoulder, keeping himself still as he breathed heavily. “Shit…” He mumbled.
“Yeah… shit…” You agreed as your fingers tangled themselves in his sandy hair. How did you get in such a situation to have Lee Minho buried deep into your sopping cunt? You both lay there trying to control your breathing while he remained motionless inside you. After the discomfort lessened and your desire grew, you started to squirm. “Minho… move…”
He began slowly grinding into you for what seemed like ages. And when you desperately rutted up into him, he wasted no time in receiving the hidden message. Immediately, he slowly pulled back and you felt him start to languidly place wet kisses across your collarbone. You cried out in ecstasy when you felt him expertly rock back into you.
His pace slowly started to increase and his kisses became more hungry as time passed. You pulled him up by his hair and made him lock lips with you, hoping that would stifle your moans.
It didn’t.
You were whimpering into the kiss and his hips moved in a way that hit all the right places. He released your lips so he could grab one of your legs and hold it in the crook of his elbow. He then proceeded to snap his hips into you as if his life depended on it.
“FUCK! Fuckfuckfuckfuck!” You cried out.
“Tell me how good it feels, kitten.” He said between breaths, eyes searching your own.
“Shit sofuckinggood– ah! Fuck! So good Minho!” You were just about sobbing now and you couldn’t find it in yourself to give two fucks about the undoubtedly cocksure smile that painted his face.
“Damn kitten, you’re so fucking tight. That asshole has no fucking clue what he lost. Fuck!” He sped up his thrusts and you were clawing at his chest, unable to handle the raw pleasure he was bringing you.
This was the most incredible feeling you had ever had and your reactions were like you weren’t even yourself anymore. One particular thrust had you screaming. “MINHOFUCKSHIT! DontstoppleaseMinhodontstop!!!”
“Fuck, I would never…” He huffed and he seemed close as well with the way his rhythm stuttered and his thrusts became more powerful.
You came while screaming his name and he came while burying his face in the crook of your neck with an animalistic growl. He rode both of you through your orgasms and then gingerly pulled out so he wouldn’t hurt you.
“Wait here.” Was all he said before he stood, tied the condom, and walked across the hall to the bathroom. You couldn’t move even if you wanted to. He returned with a washcloth and began cleaning you. Okay, he has definitely proved himself.
When he finished, he collapsed next to you on the bed with heavy lids, turning his head to look at you. You returned his gaze and sighed. “I guess I have a new guinea pig…”
Your economics class had just ended and you and Tiffany decided to grab some coffee and hang out in the campus courtyard before she went to her next course. Thankfully, you were free for the rest of the afternoon and you were desperate to get home and take a hot bath, maybe watch some porn, and take a well-deserved nap. “Honestly, I’m pretty sure something was really wrong with him. Like, he could not hold a conversation for shit.”
You laughed at your friend’s ramblings about her latest breakup. “Wait, so this one was Jay, right? The one you went out with after my place last week?” 
“Yyyep, that’s the one. Like I said before, the sex was amazing, but I need to date someone with an actual functioning brain.” She huffed and slurped down some of her drink that looked like a cupcake version of a coffee. “Like, how hard is it to find someone who’s able to fuck me like a whore but talk to me like an adult?! Those men are, like, nowhere to be found!” An image of Minho slamming his cock into you flitted through your mind, but you quickly snapped out of it.
You just continued to laugh because you knew Tiffany dropped guys left and right all the time for the smallest things. “There’s no such thing as a perfect man, Tiff. Might as well accept the truth.”
She grumbled and began to tie her hair up. You took a sip of your iced americano and arched your brow when your friend’s eyes lit up and she instantly took her hair back down and combed her fingers through it. She waved her hand in the air to someone behind you. “Minho! Over here!”
Oh no…
You whipped your head around and, sure enough, the man was walking toward you two with that same annoying-ass grin. After that night almost a week ago, you sent Minho home with an awkward (and slightly sexually charged) goodbye when you decided to take a shower. Since then, the only communication you had with him was a simple exchange of texts the following day:
How r u feeling today?
Sore? 😏
R u wanting me to leave u a Yelp review?
*Lee Minho: too cocky for his own good*
Oh? So that WASN’T the best sex of ur life?
Could have fooled me 
I counted and… 🤔
Do u want to know how many times u screamed my name?
Ur fucking crazy
I have to go get ready
Later, psychopath 🖕
Can’t wait 😉
…That had been the last form of communication you had had with the man and you definitely felt like you needed to have a serious conversation with him. But you were NOT prepared to see him NOW!
You quickly spun back around and scrambled to pick up your phone to make it seem like you were doing something else other than having an internal panic attack. “It’s about time I caught you on campus! I was starting to think you were avoiding me!” You couldn’t help but glance at your friend when she flirtatiously held his forearm when he reached the concrete ledge of the garden the two of you were sitting on in the courtyard.
“No, not at all. I’m actually glad I ran into you guys.” You refused to look up at him although you could feel his eyes burning holes into you.
“Oh is that so? Well then join us!” She tugged on his arms and you closed your eyes, praying that he wouldn’t accept.
“Sure, I’ve got some time.” Your eyes immediately snapped open and you watched as Tiffany pulled him down to sit on the other side of her. You scowled up at him when he leaned forward so he could talk to you around her. “Hey there, kitten. You seemed to be super interested in your home screen there.”
Tiffany giggled and you looked down to see that you hadn’t even unlocked your phone in your attempt to look busy. You could feel the blood rush to your ears but you just shoved your phone in your bag and fixed your vision on the bustling students roaming the courtyard. “So what if I am?” You tried to deflect the conversation. “Why are you here anyway? Where is your normal posse of goons? The ones I actually like?” And by goons, you mean the infamous Chris, Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung, and Felix. There were Seungmin and Jeongin as well, but they decided to pursue the same path as your brother, but you still missed them…
“Oh, they’re nearby. I told them to meet me out here when they were finished getting their coffee.” Of course they would happen to be here at the exact same time as you. 
“Then why aren’t you with them? Did you get lost?” You said as you finally turned to look at him with a sarcastic leer.
Fuck him for looking so incredibly gorgeous for no goddamned reason.
“Nah. I saw you guys out here and I thought it would be fun to come annoy you.” He winked and your face twisted into a disbelieving scoff.
“Okaaaay, I think I’m going to head to class early, babe. I see you two bicker too much anyway.” Tiffany stood up and said to you with a giggle, clearly trying to escape the awkward tension. “Oh! And Minho…” She opened her backpack and ripped a scrap of paper off of her notebook, scribbling something on it and handing it to him. “We never really exchanged numbers even after knowing each other for so long! So I thought I’d finally give you mine.” She bit her glossed lips with a flirtatious smile that annoyed you for some unknown reason. “Call me any time.”
And with that, she strutted off to class. The man looked surprised but slipped the paper into his jeans pocket nonetheless. He smirked at you and you realized you had a disgusted look on your face. “Are you seriously wanting to bag my best friend now? You’re disgusting.” 
Your gut churned as you looked away and you froze when you heard him scoot closer to you. “Why? You jealous, kitten?” You could hear the smile in his voice and you scoffed, head turning in the opposite direction from him before turning back.
When you looked at him, he was a lot closer than expected and your breath hitched for a moment before you regained your composure. “And what, exactly, would I have to be jealous of?” You tried to sound firm, but you could feel a hitch in your breath in between words.
You could have imagined it, but you watched as his smile faltered just slightly before returning to its teasing appearance. “I dunno, you tell me. Afraid of someone playing with your pet?”
You had to turn away because looking at him was just too intense. You scowled at the concrete, an uncomfortable retching feeling building in your stomach from the topic. “You can fuck whoever you want, Minho. It’s not like I actually own you…” You puffed out a half chuckle at the idea. You looked at him again and his smile, although still stretched across his face, was lacking in vibrance and color. “I’m just your friend’s naive little sibling that happens to have a pussy. You said it yourself, you offered yourself up to just be a guinea pig because I’m inexperienced. Nothing more.”
Why did it make you slightly queasy to say that? It was the truth.
Now his smile had vanished entirely. “Hey now, that’s not true and you kno–”
“Baby girl!!!” Minho was interrupted by a man running at you full sprint behind Minho and a smile automatically stretched across your face. You immediately stood up and opened your arms as he crashed into you with a crushing hug, picking you up and spinning you around with glee as the two of you giggled.
“Oh my god, Jisungie! It’s been so fucking long since I’ve seen you!” You giggled in his arms. “I know my brother isn’t home these days, but, sheesh man, you know you can still call or text, right?”
“I know, I know. I’m sorry, girly.” He made a pouty face as he set you back on your feet and held you by your shoulders. “But I figured Min had been keeping you up to date.” He stated as said man stood up next to you with a grumble.
Jisung was a part of your brother’s group of friends even though he was your own age. However, Minho and Jisung hit it off the most and they undoubtedly had the closest bond within the friend group. This being said, the two ended up being roommates once Jisung graduated high school, and, unless Minho was loitering at your house, the two were attached at the hip.
Unlike Minho, you and Jisung always got along swimmingly. Actually, you loved everyone in your brother’s group except for Minho, which is why it was kind of a comical irony that you and Minho had ended up in your current situation. They all also knew your particular distaste for Minho…
As if reading your mind, the rest of the group soon followed Jisung as you could see them walking towards the three of you. Felix’s arrival was much like Jisung’s as he wrapped you in a huge hug and kissed you on the cheek.
“Where the hell have you been, princess??” Changbin said as he came and ruffled your hair with the annoying title most of them had taken to calling you.
“Buried in my studies, that’s where. As soon as I started here, I instantly regretted cramming most of my credits into freshman year.” You chuckled.
All three of the boys that were also in their freshman year, Jisung, Felix, and Hyunjin, groaned in agreement. “Tell me about it! I even signed up for the bare minimum and I feel like my life is crumbling. I don’t know how you do it!” Hyunjin whined.
“But it’ll be worth it. I did the same in my freshman year and, now that I’m in my senior year, I don’t feel like I’m killing myself just to graduate with my bachelor's.” Chris said from where he had his arm flung over Minho’s shoulder as the younger man wore an artificial disgusted guise from the action.
“You really do need to take it easy sometimes though, love. You’ll burn yourself out.” Felix said with a concerned smile as he played with your hair. Jisung had wrapped his arms around your waist from the other side of you and rested his head on your shoulder and you giggled at the two boys’ affection.
“I know, I know. I just want to make sure I can make it into Veterinary school after graduation.”
“Which reminds me. WE were having a discussion so will you guys–” 
“You two?! Talking?! Without tearing each other apart?!” Hyunjin dramatically interrupted Minho as the group looked back and forth between you and him with befuddlement in their eyes.
“Yes.” Minho said through clenched teeth with a scowl at the man who instantly recoiled. The feisty older blonde quickly pried Jisung off of you and eyed the younger’s amused expression. “Now kindly fuck off, all of you vultures.” Minho continued as he grabbed your backpack from the ledge and wrapped his warm fingers around your wrist and briskly dragged you away.
“Bye, princess! I’ll text you and we can all meet up sometime!” Chris bellowed at your retreating form.
“Sounds good!” You waved at the five smiling men with your free hand and they all waved back.
Minho led you out of the courtyard and through a couple of buildings, finally leading you to a semi-demolished parking garage that was notorious for being unoccupied. When the two of you walked in, you saw his car parked in probably the only spot that wasn’t in ruins.
“Have you gone completely brain-dead? Why are you parked in this dilapidated lot? You know they have much closer parking with way less risk of being squashed by rubble?”
He just shrugged as he opened the passenger door for you to get in and simply replied. “Free parking. And I don’t mind walking.”
When he finally hopped in the driver’s seat and started driving you eyed him. “Where the fuck do you think you’re taking me?”
“You don’t have class, right? I thought I’d take you to mine. Make you some dinner as thanks.”
To his? As in his apartment?! “Thanks for what? For letting you fuck me? I’m pretty sure there was a mutual benefit there, Min.”
He puffed out a half-chuckle. “No, you pervert. It’s a thanks for trusting and listening to me the other night by giving me a call to pick you up when you needed me.”
For some reason, you felt your cheeks heat up and you scoffed. “Trust might be an overstatement, but that was just because I didn’t have any other choice.” He shot you a crooked grin at your snide comment.
“Well then, I suppose this is me thanking you for using me for yet another reason.” He winked at you and you turned your head to look out your window with a scowl and crossed arms when you felt your face turn bright red.
When you entered his apartment, it wasn’t quite what you imagined. For some reason, you expected to see posters of half-naked women on the walls and trash everywhere. But, as far as you could see, the place was actually clean and decorated very nicely with spotless surfaces and the only thing that you could see that you had expected were the various game consoles by the TV. The typical fuckboy energy was noticeably absent. 
There were two separate rooms on the left side of the large living room and a sizable bathroom close to the entryway. The kitchen was on the far wall with some pretty flowing curtains hanging from the windows surrounding it. The living area was directly left of the entryway in front of the kitchen with a large sectional couch and a cozy armchair.
His place was… really nice.
As he shut the door behind him and took off his shoes next to your own, he assessed your face as you looked around. “What do you think?” He almost sounded… hopeful?
You contemplated your response. “It’s… a lot more mature than I had expected…” You couldn’t look at his face as you verbalized the semi-compliment, instead running your fingers over the soft leather of the couch and taking in the concentrated scent of pure Minho.
Why was that so appealing to you?
He chuckled behind you and you whipped around when you heard he was much closer than you had anticipated. “Well… thanks? I guess?” You cursed yourself when your eyes flitted down to his plump lips. And, judging by the shit-eating smile on his face, he knew.
However, instead of acting on it, he just walked around you into his open-floor-planned kitchen. “What do you want to eat, kitten? Canned tuna? Maybe with some warm milk?” He teased.
“Har, har. You’re a comedic genius, asshole.” He just cackled at his own lame excuse for a joke. “I dunno, what do you have?”
He pressed his palms on the countertop of the island and leaned forward, your eyes lingering a bit too long on the prominent veins of his forearms. “I was thinking kimchi fried rice, does that sound good?”
You basically moaned. “Oh god, my favorite.”
He flashed you a crooked smile. “I know.” And with that he simply turned around and got to work, leaving you caught off guard and a tiny bit flustered.
“That was probably the best kimchi fried rice I’ve had in my entire life.” You groaned from where you sat at the island counter, holding your stomach from how much you ate. “I feel like I’m about to explode, though.”
He briefly lifted a brow at you over his shoulder from the kitchen sink where he quickly washed the dishes. “Was that a compliment I just heard?”
You flipped him off and he guffawed. “Don’t flatter yourself, it was merely an observation.”
He wiped his hands off and moved to stand on the other side of the island from you. “Do you want some wine?”
You glanced at your phone for the time and saw it was already almost six. You thought for a moment and assessed the cute, pleading pout he donned. You rolled your eyes. “Fine, it’d better not be shitty box wine though.” You eyed him speculatively.
He looked disgusted. “Gross. I’m not a Neanderthal, kitten.” He pulled out two wine glasses and sat them on the counter. “Red or white?”
You just stood and walked over to the living room to judge the comfort of his couch. “Don’t care, surprise me.”
As you plopped down, you could instantly feel yourself being absorbed by the plush cushions and you groaned. You closed your eyes for one moment and listened to the pouring of the wine and the clinking of the glasses before he stood in front of you, setting the bottle on the coffee table and handing you a rich red wine. You claimed the glass, swirled it a bit, and sniffed before taking a sip.
The bitterness was perfectly complemented by the sweet and fruity undertone, an obvious decadent fermentation. This surely had to be an expensive red. “Holy shit, Min. What is this, Merlot? Pinot Noir?” You tried to look at the bottle from where the couch was swallowing you, but the label was facing away from you.
“Cabernet actually. You like it?” He inquired as he sipped his own serving.
“It’s probably the best red I’ve ever had.” You savored another large swig.
He narrowed his eyes with a mischievous smile. “The best food and the best booze? I’d say I’m a pretty good host.”
There he goes with the self-appreciation again. You rolled your eyes and continued to drink enthusiastically. “I would hardly consider this booze, Meanhoe. But don’t worry, you still have time to screw it up somehow.” A sudden thought crossed your mind. “By the way, where’s Ji? He should’ve been here by now.”
He just chuckled and refilled your empty glass, which you accepted eagerly. “I told him to stay at Chan and Changbin’s place tonight.”
You arched a brow at him. “You told him to? And why is that?” You were inexplicably anxious as you guzzled your drink a bit. Shit, you were going to develop an alcohol dependency from being around this man.
A grin slowly grew on his face once he took a sip and sat his glass down. “I told him that I was having a pretty girl over tonight.” He was slightly leaning toward you, now biting his lip to tame his smile.
You were drinking more out of bashfulness now. You knew your face was flushed, but you tried to maintain your composure all the same. “How presumptuous of you. Is that the only reason you invited me over? Am I just here so you can bag me and send me on my way?” Your stomach churned painfully at the thought. It’s your fault anyway by agreeing to this mess.
His face fell and his eyes widened in panic. “What? N-no, I–”
“Because if that’s the case, I think I should just leave now.” You chugged the rest of your glass and set it down on the coffee table. 
He gently kept you seated by placing a hand on your bicep. You could feel his heat searing through your shirt. “Kitten, no! Listen! I’m sorry I said that. I really just wanted to make you dinner.” You eyed him hesitantly. “We haven’t talked much since that night and I mostly just wanted to get the chance to talk to you alone…”
In your rush to get up, you hadn’t realized how close the two of your bodies had become. You were lost in his pleading eyes as you mumbled. “Then talk…” You tried to sound begrudged, but your voice came off more wistful than you had intended.
His thumb stroked your bicep from where he continued to hold onto it and he sighed. “I know that the other night just kind of happened out of nowhere.” You bit your lip and blushed, memories of the night flooding your vision and making his grip on you seem more intense than it actually was. He sighed and released your arm, allowing your vision to clear a bit. “I wanted to apologize for what happened… I know you’ve always hated me and I didn’t mean to take advanta–”
“What? I don’t hate you.” You blinked at him, bewildered. Yeah, you were always annoyed by him and were irritated by his constant overwhelming presence and teasing. But you wouldn’t say you hated the man.
He looked at you perplexed. “But I thought–”
You cut him off again by placing a delicate hand on his thigh and raising a brow. “Minho, just because I have a general distaste for your antics doesn’t mean I hate you.” He gazed into your weary eyes for a moment and then looked down at where your hand was resting on his bare thigh where his shorts had risen from sitting down.
You were suddenly all too aware of how you had involuntarily leaned toward him, and you pulled your hand back as if you had just placed it on hot coals. You cleared your throat and sat straight again. “So… you don’t hate me?” His wry grin made your blood boil. Damn girl! When did you become so thirsty?
You scoffed and tried desperately to look anywhere but at him. “Don’t get a big head Minho, you still are the most infuriating person I have ever met.” You pushed his shoulder and he cackled. Your lame attempt to hold back a smile was futile as you leaned back and let the couch envelop you once more. You lifted your chin to indicate the wine bottle on the table. “Do you have any more?”
You had tears in your eyes as you cackled hysterically when Minho was telling you of the time he and Jisung had been forced to make out at one of their parties during a truth or dare game. He explained that the rest of the group was even more bashful than they were when it was all said and done.
“When we dared your brother and Felix to do the same, even though Felix didn’t mind, your brother had to drink the nastiest assortment of cocktails just to get out of doing it. We teased him for months and Felix, to this day, threatens him with smooches.”
You had fallen over on his shoulder and clutched your stomach as it ached from the laughter. He couldn’t control his own chuckle as he sat down his half-empty wine glass next to yours and the two bone-dry wine bottles on the table. Needless to say, you were pretty tipsy.
“What do you mean by make out though? Are we talking just swapping a bit of spit? Or were you full-on licking each other’s tonsils?” You felt a lightbulb blink on in your head and you shot to sit up. “Ooh ooh! Show me how you kissed him!” You puckered your lips and leaned toward him, still unable to contain your giggles. He looked startled momentarily and he leaned back to look between your eyes and awaiting lips before you saw the makings of a smile grow on him.
“Oh, it would be my pleasure, kitten.” You watched the signature evil smirk on his lips and your breath hitched when his palm cupped your rosy cheek. Like a tiger, he pounced on you, making you lightheaded as he immediately intruded your mouth with his tongue.
He was relentless and you were struggling to keep up with his expert tongue as it roamed your mouth and he bit at your lips. His free hand wrapped itself around your waist and held you close as his lips pressed against you aggressively.
When he finally pulled back his hands and released your lips, you found yourself subconsciously reaching for him again. He looked almost as caught off guard with the kiss as you were. Your eyes were glazed over in a wild drunkenness on Minho that affected you way more than the wine had. His face abruptly turned serious when your hands wrapped around his shoulders and tangled in his hair to prevent him from retreating.
He searched your eyes and you found yourself feeling hot all over when he wiped away a stray tear that had escaped from your laughter just moments before the tension rose in the air. Before you knew it, you were surging forward and capturing his lips with yours once again.
He hummed in a surprised tone and returned his hands to your waist as you devoured him. Before long, you swung a leg over to straddle him and pulled yourself flush to him when the ache between your thighs became too strong.
He smiled against your lips but pushed you back by your shoulders. You glowered at him with a huff as he chuckled at your cute pout. “Kitten, I told you this isn’t why I brought you here. Not to mention the fact that we’ve been drinking.”
Your arms that were still wrapped around him still tried to pull him infinitesimally closer and you basically growled like a cock-hungry animal in heat when he resisted. “I get that you’re trying to be polite, Minho, but I legitimately want the opposite of that right now.” His push wavered and you got close enough to whisper against his lips. “I want you to be disrespectful, Minho. I want you to be absolutely filthy.”
You briefly passed your tongue over his pouty upper lip and you could tell that his resolve was close to ruin. His closed eyes and the low rumble in his throat proved as much.
When he still refused to falter, you glared at him with a fire that could burn through his soul. Time to bring down the hammer. “Please, Minho. You aren’t likely to have me so shamelessly groveling for dick again.” You challenged and his eyes opened with a new darkness to them.
You slightly heard him curse under his breath and you were abruptly flipped over onto your back with the man between your legs, your hair splayed out against the velvety soft leather of the couch. “You’re going to wish you hadn’t requested me to be so rude to you, kitten.” He growled as he lewdly surveyed your body with his hands.
“Try me.” You dared him once again, already breathless.
He licked his lips and bit at his lower one as his eyes skimmed the bare skin from your ankles to your shorts. His hands roved over your legs slowly and the ache became even more prominent. You huffed in frustration.
“Minho! Get on with it!”
He looked down at you with an expression you had never seen before and you shivered when he grabbed your arms with blinding force and pinned them above your head. He whispered against your lips with malice. “You want me to be disrespectful?” You pondered, but could only dumbly nod your head as a certain vibration racked your body, the sensation making you an airhead fuckdummy. “Then shut the fuck up, kitten. Or you won’t get anything tonight.”
You were speechless. You had no clue how frightening Minho was when he wanted to be and you knew that you had probably drenched your panties all the way to your shorts with how aroused you were getting. His grip on your wrists had you arching up into him and his bulge against your crotch had you panting.
He sneered and abruptly smoothed his tongue up the column of your neck all the way until he sucked your ear lobe into his mouth and nibbled on it. You whimpered and spread your legs further to urge him to press closer.
To your dismay, he pulled his pelvis away from yours as if he knew exactly how much it would drive you mad. You groaned in frustration and glared up at the man smirking triumphantly above you when he wouldn’t release his grip on your wrists. “Fucking Lee Minho! You’d better do something soon or I’m just going to go home and take care of it myself!”
He moved a hand but refused to release yours as he held both of your wrists with the strength of the one that continued to pin your arms. “Is that so?” With his freed hand, he slowly traveled the back of his index finger in a feather-light touch down the center of your forehead. “Because I don’t think…” His finger slowly cascaded down the arch of your nose and over the crest of your lips to continue its way down your neck, cleavage, and abdomen. “...that you can touch yourself the way I can…” Well, shit.
His eyes that had been following the trajectory of his finger suddenly snapped back up to your face as he traveled his way down to the crotch of your shorts, sneaking up inside them from the leg hole and breaching your panties to just barely graze your throbbing entrance. Your brows furrowed and your voicebox had a mind of its own when it ripped out a desperate whine and a small “please”.
His eyes were dripping with lust and you watched as his tongue swiped over his delicious plump lips. “Fuck, that word sounds so pretty coming from your mouth… Say it again for me, beautiful?”
The fog of red mist that blurred your vision and rationality slightly died down enough for you to remember to act annoyed with him. You just glared up at his dark irises in defiance.
He smiled wickedly, knowing precisely what you were playing at. “Wanting to be a brat, are we?” His fingers, which were still playing with the edge of the crotch of your panties, retreated from your shorts entirely and you could have sworn you felt a frustrated scream rise in your throat.
“Wait!” You whined and his hand paused on your inner thigh. You closed your eyes and resigned yourself to becoming a vulnerable bitch-baby tonight, too heated for any alternative. When you opened your eyes, you made sure they looked like hot embers that would burn through his self-restraint and, if the defenseless expression on his face had anything to say about it, you had succeeded. And to hopefully drive your efforts home, you sensually whispered. “Minho… Please.”
The last word came out in a broken whine and you inwardly congratulated yourself when you heard his breath hitch just the tiniest bit.
You weren’t quite sure of the chain of events, but in the blink of an eye, you were thrown over his shoulder and carded away to somewhere else in the apartment. He moved so fast that before you could say anything, you were being thrown down onto a plush mattress and had hands fumbling with the button of your shorts.
When you lifted your hips so he could yank off all obstacles between him and your bare body, you sat up to quickly undo his own jeans. It felt like you couldn��t get them off fast enough, hands shaking with anticipation. When both of you were finally stripped bare, he had you pinned down again with one of his hands and his other hand was already exploring your wet folds.
“Fuck, you’re soaked.” He groaned against your lips and you could only whimper in response as he slid two fingers inside you and immediately curled them to find your sweet spot again. “You want me to be disrespectful?” He questioned with a smile that pressed up against your panting mouth. When you nodded, he released your hands and crawled in between your legs. “Then I’m not stopping until you beg for my cock.”
The fingers inside you immediately got to work and he sucked on your clit with a force that blinded you. “HOLY FFF–” You couldn’t even finish the word as it got stuck in your throat from the overwhelming velocity he was working with to bring you to your first orgasm. Your hand involuntarily slapping and gripping the sheets with force.
Your jaw was slack and your whole body tense with all of the sensations you felt all at once. Your fingers slowly tangled in his soft blonde hair and you couldn’t even breathe when you reached your starry peak. When your orgasm settled and you finally exhaled with a loud, drawn-out grunt, you realized he wasn’t stopping nor slowing down. If anything, he seemed to be working even harder, flicking your pearl with his tongue even firmer, and thrusting his fingers even faster.
Now, instead of being unable to breathe, you were almost hyperventilating with the oversensitivity of it all. You could definitely finish your words now as you clutched the sheets with white knuckles. “Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck Minho! Minho! OhgodMinho!” His name was a mantra on your tongue and you could almost see the smirk in his dark eyes as he looked up at you.
You were in too much bliss to care at the moment and after your next orgasm crashed over you, you came down from it with a sob. When he still refused to relent, you were in a purgatory of whether it felt like the greatest pleasure you had ever felt or the most painful oversensitivity you could think of.
However, after those first and second orgasms, the next ones seemed to have a snowball effect. The next one happened even sooner after the other and the next one was even faster than the last. This continued until your whole body was in a constant state of tremors. You could barely even recognize your own voice through your sobs as you begged. “P-p-please M-Min–” You exclaimed before a gasp of much-needed air. “Please! I-I need y-you!!”
He smiled up at you and relented, crawling back up to hover over you as he pressed the fingers that were covered in your juices to your awaiting lips. You sucked them in immediately, eyes hooded as you watched his lustful gaze. You suddenly felt him pulling your jaw down with those fingers to open your mouth for him and, once you had opened all the way with his fingers on your tongue, He stuck his own tongue as far into your mouth as he could possibly reach and he licked up the roof of your mouth.
The feeling of the wet muscle against your gums made you want to plead for him to do more god-awful things to you.
You whimpered as your free hand floated between the two of you to grasp his leaking cock. His mouth froze on yours and you felt the vibrations from his moan reviberate into your own mouth. As he released your jaw and moved away from your mouth, you began giving him lazy pumps to coax him to do more. “I need you, Minho. Please…” He froze in place, as if trying to regain his composure, but he failed miserably.
He seemed to be just as desperate as you because he was off you and pulling out a condom from his bedside drawer in a flash of dewy beauty. Your eyes hazily roved over his body as he tore open the condom. You couldn’t deny it, he was most undoubtedly the most beautiful creature you had ever laid eyes on and it pissed you off to admit it.
When he had finally rolled the rubber over his length, you were startled when he roughly flipped you over on your stomach and lifted your hips in the air, slowly sinking into you as the stretch caused both of you to moan in tandem. He had one of his hands digging his fingers into your waist and the other tangling into the hair at your nape, both of them using you as leverage to begin forcefully thrusting inside you with a vengeance.
Your face, which was firmly pressed into the silky smooth sheets, was scrunched up in pleasure and oversensitivity that was arguably even more delectable than before. You had no clue why it felt so good to be manhandled, but you soon realized that this was yet another one of the unknown pleasures that Minho had introduced you to. You were bound and determined to discover even more with him.
You felt like you were melting into the earth as he pounded into you and you felt yet another overpowering pressure threaten to explode in your core. Every thrust pushed out a tiny yelp from your lips and you felt Minho move both of his hands to your breasts and bend down next to your ear. “You have one more for me, kitten. I know you do.” With that, he tweaked your nipples and you cried out loud enough you were sure you shook the foundations of the building. “That’s it, good girl. Cum for me.”
You were shaking profusely through your orgasm and he pumped into you with blinding force until he, too, came unraveled from the pleasure he found in you.
The air was mingled with your combined panting and the steam rising from yours and his skin. When you felt him pull out of you, it was all you could do to not pass out then and there. Your head was in a haze and you just laid there, limbs limp, for an unspecified amount of time. You could vaguely hear some shuffling from somewhere inside his apartment. Some running water, a door opening, and closing, then your field of vision was obstructed by the man standing in front of you in just a pair of boxer shorts.
Holy shit, he’s so goddamned gorgeous.
He set down a glass of water on the nightstand and started wiping your spunk and sweat off of you with a damp cloth. “M-Min, I can–”
“Shhh.” He quieted you, but you were adamant. He had made it painfully clear that none of this was serious, so there was no point in staying longer.
You reluctantly lifted yourself off of the bed and slunk away from his unidentifiable expression as he stood watching you, towel in hand. “I’m going to have to leave anyway so I’ll just save you the trouble. I’ll shower at home.” You really didn’t want to have to make the trip back to your place, but when you looked at the time, it was already almost time for the last nearby transit to stop for the night. “Oh shit, I have to go, I’ll miss the bus!” 
You rushed to collect your clothes scattered about the room and you watched out of the corner of your eye as the man aggressively threw the towel in his laundry bin. “If you are gonna leave, at least let me take you home.”
You grimaced at the sharpness of his voice. “What’s the big deal?” To the naked eye, he seemed blasé, but you could tell he was secretly aggravated by the way he pursed his lips and crossed his arms.
He swiftly ran his hand through his hair, still mussed from your eager fingers earlier. It seemed as if he was deep in thought, looking at nothing off to the side until he neutralized his face, looking back at you. “Nothing at all.” He shrugged, feigning indifference. “I would just rather you not head back home so late by yourself.”
You sighed in defeat, the stress of the day beginning to weigh on you. “Fine.” You grumbled and turned to head towards the front door. “Let’s go.”
“Right now?” He asked as he hobbled after you while trying to put on his pants at the same time.
“Yes, Minho. Right now. I’ve sobered up and it’s making me super tired and I have class early in the morning.” Again, he was silent as he threw on the rest of his clothes and led you out of his apartment.
The car was eerily silent the entire way back to your house and when you got out of the car, his only farewell was a solemn “G’night.” Before slowly driving away.
Much to your dismay, the whole encounter made the night a sleepless one and you knew the next day would be a complete nightmare.
Your head drooped as you struggled to keep your eyes open in the back of class. Several times throughout the day, you had found yourself nodding off in every single one of your lectures. Not to mention the weather was absolutely horrid with the muggy April rain and thunder that threatened to lull you to sleep every other minute. By the end of your last class, you were finally confronted about it.
When you had eventually fallen completely asleep on your desk, you had awoken to a loud thud of a foot hitting the leg of your desk. Your head whipped up at the speed of light and saw your professor standing over you with an arched brow and a disapproving frown. “Really? Now? I would have expected this of some of the other students, but you?”
She shook her head and pinched the bridge of her nose with her thumb and index finger. You quickly stood up and collected your things. “Oh my god, professor I’m SO sorry! I had a hard time sleeping last night and–”
“I don’t care about the reason, just don’t let it happen again.” And with that, she left you without another word, bulldozing over the words that were lingering on your lips. 
You marched out of the classroom, unbelievably irritable and aggravated. It’s not your fault you were up all night! Your mind refused to let you sleep! If anyone is to blame, it’s Lee fucking Minho. Why did he have to act like such a pouty prick last night? Just because you saved him the effort of cleaning you even though you were going to immediately shower when you arrived back home?!
You were silently fuming as you made your way through the building and, on your way to the exit, the man of the goddamned hour showed up. Speak of the fucking devil! He was next to an open classroom door that students were filing out of while he leaned up against the wall talking to a classmate.
She was a small, cute, petite blonde and you don’t know why, but just the sight of the duo disgusted you. She giggled and placed a delicate hand on his bicep and you wanted to barf. You knew he was free to see and talk to whoever, but how was it fair that he was wide awake and acting as if he didn’t just get laid the night before while you were utterly miserable?
You had to walk right by him to get out of the building and you were feeling pretty petty anyway, so you used the students passing nearby to your advantage as you fell into step with them. When you neared the couple, his back was to you and you ‘accidentally’, and rather aggressively, shouldered past him and continued on your merry fucking way.
You hadn’t even made it more than a few meters before you heard your name being called and the pattering of fast-paced footsteps nearing you. You decided to just continue walking as if you didn’t hear him and you finally felt the man grab your arm and swing you around to face him. A scowl was already reared and ready to go on your face when he turned you around and it just deepened when you saw his stupid beautiful face with his stupid cocked eyebrow.
“To what do I owe this delightful company you bring on such a gloomy day?” What a complete shift from his icy attitude last night… You couldn’t disguise the absolute disgust that lingered on your face as the petite blonde who Minho had been talking to just moments before decided to slide her slim fingers down Minho’s strong forearm as she passed.
“See you tomorrow night, Minho.” She purred in a sultry tone and a lustful gaze as she walked away backward for a few steps before finally turning and strutting down the hall.
You turned back to Minho with the nastiest grimace you could muster and he looked at you even more smug than before. “Better watch out, kitten. Your jealousy is showing.” He chuckled as he whispered the words close in your ear. The entirety of your hair follicles stood on end and you willed away your goosebumps as you stepped away from him.
“Stop spewing your shit. What do you want with me, Min?” Your question was clipped and you didn’t wait for a response before you started walking towards the exit once again.
He quickly caught up to you and walked in front of you backward, facing you as if it were the easiest thing in the world to match your pace despite the direction he walked. His grin was still dopey and stupidly attractive. “Someone’s got her panties in a twist! Didn’t like my friend back there?” You could see the taunting in his eyes and you just wanted to wipe that stupid smirk from his face.
“I couldn’t care less about your friend.” You failed to hold back the venom from your voice as you spoke and his smile grew. You huffed. “Unlike you, I don’t spend all my free time fucking my friends.” Again, the words were dripping with malice.
His smile faltered. “And who ever said I was fucking around?” His voice had become slightly agitated and you tried to appear unfazed by it.
You shrugged and looked straightforward, just to realize the two of you had come to a complete stop in the abandoned hallway. “You seem to take that sort of stuff pretty lightly, considering all things, and it doesn’t take a genius to see the effect you have on people.” You didn’t even have the chance to gauge his reaction before you were pulled to the side by your forearm.
The next thing you knew, You were being pushed against the door of a small, dark room off to the side. Is this a fucking janitorial closet?
“For your information–” You couldn’t see his face too clearly, but his voice almost sounded like a snarl. Threatening even. “I don’t take that shit lightly. I barely even know that girl outside my classroom.”
“But she said–”
“For christ’s sake, there’s a party tomorrow night! It’s Chris’ last one before he graduates and he wanted me to be there.”
You blanched. “Oh…” You kind of felt hurt that you didn’t know about it, but these were technicallty your brother’s friends. They had no obligation to babysit his little sister while he was away.
You were ever grateful to the pitch darkness of the room so Minho wouldn’t see the sheer disappointment on your face, but his eyes must have adjusted to the light because you suddenly felt the feathering of his fingertips over your cheek. “I’m sorry for the misunderstanding, kitten.”
You willed back the angry tears and slapped his hand away. “There’s no misunderstanding, Min. We’re fuck buddies. It’s none of my business what you do and don’t do with other people.” It was silent for a beat before you continued. “And I don’t need to know what our–” You huffed and pursed your lips, whipping your head to the side so you didn’t have to face him. “...what your friends are up to.”
He was quick to place his hands on your arms and step closer. “Kitten! They’re your friends too–!”
You wanted to punch something and you cut him off with a raised voice. “And speaking of late night shenanigans–!” You pressed your finger to his chest. “You.” Your eyes had finally adjusted to the darkness and you watched as he backed up with wide, befuddled eyes from your aggressive shift in demeanor. “I was up all fucking night because you decided to keep me all wound up from everything that happened last night!”
You could faintly see him trying to hold back an amused smile and stifle a laugh. You almost growled at him as you grabbed his retreating form by the shoulders and turned him around so you were the one pressing him against the door now. “It’s not fucking funny! I got chewed out by my professor because I fell asleep in class!”
He made no attempt to hide his amused smirk and he laughed at your pissed scowl. He leaned down to face level with you and narrowed his smug eyes. “Oh? Did I leave you wanting more?” You scoffed in disbelief at his audacity. “Because I would have happily taken care of it for you if you had stayed with me.”
You were burning from the inside out and you couldn’t tell if it was from the rage or the tension that permeated the small room.
He straightened back up and sighed. “You only have yourself to blame, kitten.” He tried to free himself from your grasp, but you refused to release him. Instead, your body moved on its own as you crashed your lips to his.
You could feel the bewildered tension in his body only for a millisecond before he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you against him, his tongue eagerly falling in sync with your own. You pulled back only slightly to hiss against his lips. “Fuck that. This is your fault and you’re going to fix it.” 
With that, you began quickly unclasping his belt and popping the button open on his jeans. “Woah! Kitten, we’re at school!” Although his words said otherwise, his actions made no move to stop you.
“Exactly. And you’re the one who felt the need to hide us away in this godforsaken closet, so we’re going to make good use of it.” You refused to look him in the eye as you sank down to your knees and mouthed at his slowly hardening dick over his boxer briefs.
The shudder of his breath was music to your ears and you hummed against him when he smoothed his hands over the top of your head. “Fuck, kitten…” He groaned. “I thought I was supposed to take care of you.” You felt the soft thud of his head leaning back against the door.
You pulled your mouth away so you could free his erection from its breaches. “Yeah, and I would rather be ‘taken care of’ with a hard dick rather than one so flaccid you’d think you just walked in on your naked grandma.” You eagerly sucked down his length and the weight of his cock on your tongue made you press your thighs together.
His voice was strained as he grunted his approval. “Trust me, kitten. You’re able to make me hard as a rock in no time at all, even without needing to do all this.” With that, he grabbed your hair and pulled your mouth off him. He bent down and angled your head up to look straight at him. “Now get up off that disgusting floor and I’ll make you cum so hard that you’ll feel it through next week.” The huskiness of his voice had you swimming in your panties and, after he tucked himself back in his pants, you quickly obliged as you let him drag you outside and to his car.
“Shitfuckshit more, Minho!” You were almost sobbing from the damned tease and the firm patterns he was applying to your clit in the car as he rushed back to his apartment. You were basically dry-humping his hand as he continued to torment you over the thin fabric of your leggings and you could almost cry in relief when he finally parked in the lot of his building.
You couldn’t get inside the door quick enough before you were on him like a pack of wolves, devouring every inch you could get your claws on. He was quick to respond as he returned your ravenous kiss and stuck his hand under the waistband of your leggings and underwear. His finger ran along your folds and you gasped at the delectable touch. “Shit… you’re so fucking wet…” He groaned against your mouth and you felt yourself being led backward so he could press you up against the wall.
He pulled away from your mouth to look at you as he slid two fingers into you and pressed his palm firmly against your clit. You threw your head back against the wall, jaw slack, as you held his strong forearm in a vice grip and ground down on his hand. All the while feeling the muscles move under the skin of his arm. He obviously enjoyed your reaction as he bit his lip to hold back a cheeky grin. You tried to restrain your noises, but a choked sob breached your lips when he latched his lips onto your neck.
His fingers were slowly thrusting in and out of you and it was heaven but hell at the same time. You couldn’t control the buckling of your knees and felt his other hand tighten around your waist.
When he was sure you wouldn’t fall, he retreated his hand from inside you and he laughed at your affronted face, completely offended that he would rob you of such pleasure. However, this was quickly rectified once he sunk down to his knees and stripped off your undergarments. You were breathing heavily as he looked up at you with blackened eyes that bore into your soul.
Wordlessly, he took one of your bare legs and draped it over his shoulder, pressing his moist lips to your inner thigh soon after. Your breath shuddered when his other hand ran its fingers through your inner labia once again and your gasp was evident when he gently kissed your clit. Still staring into your hooded eyes, he slowly inserted three fingers and you mewled at the stretch.
When his lips and tongue clasped around your clit, you were done for. Instead of thrusting his fingers, he was now digging and pressing rapidly against your g-spot as your orgasm washed over you. You whined and mewled as he led you through your high and you had absolutely drenched his face and your legs.
You grabbed at his shirt to pull him up and he chuckled as you pulled him by the collar to his bedroom.
You found yourself aggressively pushing him down on the bed and fumbling at his belt and jeans to rid him of them. When you finally shed both of y’all’s clothing completely, leaving no separation between your bodies, you instantly climbed up him to straddle him.
He quickly grabbed your hips as you lifted your hips to position him at your core. “Woah, wait! L-let me get a condom!” He shuffled to remove you from his lap, but you refused to move. Instead, you dropped yourself to place your sopping pussy up against the length of his flattened dick, not penetrating, just teasing as you slid your heat up and down him.
It looked as if the action knocked all of the breath out of him and the grip he had on your flexing thighs was enough to make you shudder from the delicious pain. He had his head thrown back against the plush bedding and had his eyes scrunched up as if he was using every ounce of his willpower to not just fuck you raw. But that was what you needed from him.
Still grinding on his twitching cock, you leaned forward to run your tongue along his collarbone. “Have you ever fucked anyone raw, Min?” You giggled as his head shot up and his eyes bulged out of his head.
“W-what?! No!” You bit your lip and closed your eyes momentarily, appreciating the drag of his tip against your throbbing clit.
When you opened your eyes again, he looked almost like he was in pain. “Well… I assume you’re clean… and I know I’m clean… and on birth control… and I’m used to not needing…” You looked away blushing and his dick twitched beneath you.
“Holy mother of god…” He slightly sat up and grabbed your face to smash your lips together, using his tongue to explore the entirety of your mouth before pulling back to search your eyes. “Are you absolutely sure, kitten?” He sounded distraught and your vision was hazed over with lust as you continued to grind on him.
“Of course, you might be a piece of shit, but I trust you…” You briefly moved your smirking mouth to nibble at his ear and whispered sensually into it. “I like the feeling of being filled up. The feeling of cum hitting my walls and spilling out slowly is my number one weakness.” He whispered dozens of expletives in response and squeezed you infinitesimally closer by your ass.
“Just a fair warning…” He growled against your neck as he lifted your hips. “I’m not sure how long I’ll last if I go in raw…” You giggled and reached in between your flush chests to grab his painfully hard erection to position him at your entrance and his breath shuddered as he rested his head against your shoulder.
Both of you emitted loud, pornographic moans as you sank down on him and you relished in the thought of your ass being bruised in the shape of his fingerprints. You had to wait and adjust to his size once more and you didn’t think you would ever be able to get over how amazing he felt. You were trembling, he was sweating, and both of you had moved to lazily entangle tongues.
When you made a move to start grinding, he gripped your hips again. “J-just a little bit longer… you have no idea how amazing you feel.” You don’t know why, but you felt a fluttering in your stomach and, in fear of what it might mean, you willed it away. Instead, you replaced it with mischievousness. 
You began a slow journey with your tongue dragging down his jaw, neck, and clavicle just to find your destination on his strong pec. You lazily kissed and sucked all around it and when you closed your mouth around his nipple, you squeezed your pussy tight around him just before you felt a jolt beneath you.
“Fuck!” He grunted and his fingers dug into your hips further, producing a pain that you would have never realized would be a turn-on. You could feel his glare burn into you where you were latched onto his pec and you hummed against him, repeating the action as you flicked your tongue. “Motherfu–”
He cut off his swear short when you felt yourself being lifted off of him and thrown onto your back in the soft bedding. You gasped and he growled as he sunk back inside you, this time not relenting as he crushed your cervix.
“You’re a fucking brat.” He snarled against where his mouth was devouring your neck. “You asked for this, kitten…” He left the skin of your neck chilled with his saliva as he pulled back and poised himself up on his knees. You were thrumming with need as you watched him grab your ankles and throw your legs over his shoulders, hefting your hips up with his strong arms and nailing you directly in your sweet spot.
The breath was knocked clear out of you.
Your eyebrows scrunched, your jaw slackened, and your whole body went taut with the overwhelming feeling of just him. He was all you could feel, see, smell, taste, and hear as he continued to relentlessly pound into you. Minho. Minho. Minho!
He folded you in half when he kneeled down to lick your lips open and you let him in willingly. It wasn’t long before your lips forgot to move against his as you released small “ah– ah– ah” ‘s with every thrust, all the while he was lapping up the saliva that pooled at the edges of your mouth. He barely had to even graze his thumb over your clit before you came with a cry of his name on your lips.
You were still riding your high when you ran a hand through his sweaty hair. You could see the restraint in his features. “Cum in me Minho, please.” His head dropped down to your breast with a moan and a few breathless expletives before you felt him empty himself inside you, a feral grunt seeping out of his clenched teeth that had bitten down on the swell of your breast.
You gasped at the delicious feeling and threw your head back, baring your neck to him and prompting him to glide his tongue up the length of it.
Once he pumped out every last drop and his tongue had finished properly tasting the entirety of your neck, he flopped over on his side next to you. The air almost seemed to be laden with steam and arousal and all of your exhaustion from the night before, that day, and the mind blowing sex came crashing down on you like a tsunami.
The last dregs of your consciousness were consumed with Minho cleaning you, changing you, and hydrating you before you passed out beneath the sheets that smelt like the concentrated scent of just Minho…
Hey beautiful
Well hello Jisungie
To what do I owe this rare attempt of social interaction?
Oh shush, u haven’t tried to reach out either!
True, but the question still stands
Ur coming to Chan’s party tonight right?
You tried to bury the sting that the question presented, but it still hit a sore spot to know that even that one random chick Minho was talking to knew before you did. You gulped back the lump in your throat.
I didn’t think I was invited
What? Why wouldn’t u be?
Well the fact that I had to hear about it from someone else was a big indicator
You cringed after you sent the message, realizing the salt that was poured all over that sentence.
It really is fine Hannie
No one expects you guys to include me just because I’m ur friend’s little sister
When he didn’t respond, you assumed he had just dropped the issue, deciding that you weren’t worth the trouble. However, as you were walking out of your last class of the day, your phone lit up in your hand with the caller ID indicating that your conversation was far from over.
“Hannie?” You raised the phone to your ear as you walked down the campus sidewalk.
“Pardon my manners, princess, but you’re a goddamned idiot if you think you’re only ‘his little sister’ to us.” You balked at his words. “For starters, you are our friend just as much as he is.” You felt your steps slow with each word from his mouth. “Secondly, the only reason you didn’t hear about it sooner is because Hwang Hyunjin is a complete pabo. He was in charge of telling you, like, a century ago and apparently he forgot to tell not only you, but a whole bunch of other people.”
Was that really true? Or was he just trying to make excuses?
“Either way, Chan definitely wants you there and I know for a fact that I want you there.”
“Ji, really, it’s fi–”
“Please?” You could practically already see the cute pout on his face and you habitually smiled.
After a long sigh and some deliberation, you caved. “Okay, fine. Send me the time and address.”
The next what felt like a whole thirty seconds was filled with the adorable sound of Jisung’s triumphant self-appreciation as he sent you the information. You couldn’t hold back the giggles of endearment for the man and the call ended with a smile on your face.
“Ooooh, who was that? If the smile on your face is anything to go by, its a boooy~” You heard your best friend’s chipper voice ring from where she sauntered up beside you, scaring you half to death.
You jumped and held your hand to your heart as she giggled at you. “My god, Tiff! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” She grabbed your hand that was pressed to your chest and swung your intertwined hands as she walked with you to the bus stop.
“Sooo, who was it?”
“Just Jisung.” You shrugged as the two of you sat on the bench to wait.
“Oh my gosh!” Tiffany gasped and clutched your arm, earning a raised brow from you. “Did he tell you about Chan’s party?! Are you going?!”
OF FUCKING COURSE she knew before you. You had to take a deep breath to maintain your composure and not blow the fuck up. “Yeah, are you?”
“Um, of course?!” She said as if you were crazy to even ask. “Do you think Minho will be there?”
Her question threw you for a loop and your mind was immediately brought back to earlier that morning when you snuck out of his apartment before he woke up. You definitely didn’t want to deal with the awkwardness of being kicked out so you went ahead and took it upon yourself to initiate the task.
You sucked your teeth in and stood up, watching as the bus slowly approached. “Yeah, I think so. Why?”
She flashed you a mischievous grin and swiftly turned to take a seat in the back. When you joined her, she swiveled in her seat to face you. “I want you to help me hook up with him.”
You felt like you had just been punched in the gut. “WHAT?!” You startled at your own raised voice and shyly bowed your head in apology to the few surrounding onlookers. You looked back to your friend and you really hoped your face didn’t betray your panic.
Why, of all people, did she want to start pursuing your Minho? No. No, he’s not yours. He’s just a friend. Was he even considered a friend? Shit, the lines were blurring.
“What? I totally know he’s into me and I might have a better shot tonight if you talk me up.” Thankfully, she didn’t seem to notice your inner turmoil.
What did she say?
“How do you know he’s into you?”
She rolled her eyes with a cheeky smile. “He saved my number, love. He texted me today and asked if we were going to the party. A guy doesn’t save a girl’s number unless he’s for sure into them. Especially if the girl has been very obviously flirting with them and is not just a buddy-buddy relationship.”
You felt like you had just been bitch slapped and you sensed an indescribable feeling rise in your throat, prompting you to force yourself to swallow it back. Why was he texting your best friend? “H-how do you know he’s not already taken?” You knew he wasn’t, but you couldn’t stomach the thought of him being with your best friend.
“Again, he saved my number.” She actually seemed somewhat annoyed now. “What’s the big deal? Are you going to help me or not?”
Your throat was completely dry and you felt the heat pumping through your veins. “You can have so many guys, Tiff. Why Minho, exactly?” You grimaced as she crossed her arms and glared at you.
“Oh my fucking god. What is your DEAL? Is it just because you hate the man?! Get over yourself, sweetheart. He’s a grown man and I’m a grown woman and there is clearly a mutual attraction so I’m not going to let your pettiness get in the way of my fun. If it really bothers you, then forget I asked. I can win him over by myself anyway.” She sneered as she turned her attention to the window and thus ended the conversation.
You felt tears prick at your eyes and you didn’t quite know where you were, but you pressed the button to be let out of the bus anyway. Why? Just why did it have to be her to steal him? No, not steal… He’s not yours…
He’s NOT yours…
When you stepped out, you took a large gulp of fresh air and willed the tears away. You refused to let her demean you. You refused to let her ruin your fun tonight. You refused to let her win. The fucking bitch needs to be knocked down a few notches and learn that she can’t just earn everything by spreading her legs. Well, that is if Minho didn’t take her bait…
Hey babe
Can we just forget about earlier?
I’ll see you tonight kay?
Not even an apology or anything. What a bitch. You probably looked like you had murder on your mind as you looked down at your phone and back up at Chan’s frat house. You took a deep breath to will the fury from your soul and smoothed your hands over your clothes, only slightly self-conscious of the dainty material you had recently purchased. 
For no particular reason whatsoever, you had recently decided to go shopping for a few outfits of the, um… more mature variety. Not to impress anyone in particular… Definitely not to gain the attention of a certain someone… You just wanted to broaden your wardrobe. That’s it. No other reason…
You still wore your regular combat boots because there was no overcoming your ability to break your ankles in heels, but the rest of the outfit was definitely new to you. (Plus, the black boots kind of looked cute with the rest of the outfit.)
Your sheer black tights were silky smooth up your legs to be met with a short (almost too short) high-waisted solid black mini skirt. The real kicker was your top. It was a jet-black eyelash-lace corset/cami top that rose well above your navel and you were almost too chicken to wear it due to it looking practically like lingerie. But the issues with Tiffany and Minho made you uncharacteristically bold that night. You decided to wear a form-fitting leather jacket (also black of course), but it still left most of your top visible.
You, once again, willed your breathing to steady as you walked up the steps and opened the front door.
The party was in full swing as you warily made your way through the party goers. It was almost impossible to focus due to the crowd, the noise, the heavy air, and the dim lighting (minus the flashing and colored lights that lit up most of the open area of dancers).
Is this the norm for college parties?
You didn’t even know where you were going, you just knew there was one person you were subconsciously searching fo–
You halted in your tracks and you watched in horror as you saw that your best friend had found the man first.
Bile rose in your throat as you watched Minho hand her a drink with a smile and she clung onto his arm like a fucking leach. Hyunjin and Changbin were with them, but Tiffany only seemed interested in running her hands over Minho’s muscular arm and talking in his ear, entirely too close to him with her filthy lips.
You were sure you were gonna be sick.
You saw Minho’s eye wander about the room as Tiffany took a breath long enough to take a drink, and you panicked when his gaze snapped to yours. Before you could even acknowledge either of your’s reactions, you beelined it to the kitchen with all the alcohol that you had passed earlier and shoved your way through the crowd to hastily find the room and make your drink. A strong drink.
You had just finished stirring it when you felt a gentle hand on your elbow. You whipped your head around to be faced with the bane of your existence. He was so damned beautiful you wanted to just punch him square in the face. The top half of the buttons on his black button-up were undone to show off the low neckline of his white undershirt, causing your eyes to want to wander down to his perfectly defined chest that was adorned with a single silver pendulum necklace and a beaded choker that would look feminine on anyone but him. His blonde hair was styled back out of his face and it accentuated his beautiful, dark round eyes.
“Hey! I’ve been looking for you–” Before he could finish his sentence, he must have noticed your ensemble due to the fact that his eyes were bugged out and were blatantly gazing down at your clothes. “Oh fuck…” He whispered so low you almost didn’t catch it. When he cleared his throat and came back to the land of the living, his cheeks were pink when he said, “You look so fucking gorgeous…” Your exhale was shaky and you could almost get drunk off of his handsome grin alone. You hated it.
It took you a moment to rip your eyes from him, but when you did, you decided it was necessary for you to chug your drink for dear life.
“Woah, woah! The night’s only started!” When he made a move to still your cup, you pulled it away from him with a glower.
“For me maybe, but who knows how long you and ‘little miss man eater’ over there have been exchanging verbal foreplay.” Minho’s eyes widened comically and turned back to look at Tiffany who was glaring daggers at you both.
“I’m sorry, verbal what???” He asked incredulously as he turned back to you. You heard me dickwad. However, instead of voicing your thoughts, you just huffed out a disbelieving half-chuckle and turned back to refill your drink.
This definitely needs to be twice as strong.
“Oh my god, don’t tell me…” You rolled your eyes, already knowing where this was headed. “Kitten, are you jealous?” You turned back around to be met with a shit-eating grin and you were about two seconds away from kicking him where the sun doesn’t shine until you suddenly found the other five men you were here for huddled by a wall talking amongst themselves away from your so-called bestie.
You just clicked your tongue and rolled your eyes, walking away without a word and marching over to the group.
Jisung saw you first, a huge smile lighting up the entire room until it was instantly erased with an expression that looked like he suddenly shat out a brick. At first, you were concerned, that was until the other four followed his gaze and had the same series of reactions. It was only when you got closer that you saw all of them ogling your outfit and you found yourself wanting to shrink into yourself at the attention.
“H-Hey guys!” You said with a wary smile as you stopped in front of the semi-circle they made at your arrival. It was only from your words that their trances were broken and they all looked back up to your face with blushing faces before not-so-subtly avoiding your eyes. You felt embarrassment wash over you like a bucket of ice and you wrapped your arms around yourself as you averted your eyes down to make yourself look small. “I… I’m sorry… did I overdo the outfit? I haven’t really ever been to one of these parties. Heh…”
You nervously chuckled and rubbed the cold sweat off the back of your neck with one hand while the other was still firmly wrapped around your torso. “No!” You heard multiple panicked voices say in tandem before the sound of clearing throats.
Felix, the angel, smiled sweetly at you and stepped forward to wrap you in a hug. “Of course not, sweetie. You look beautiful.” He stepped back as the rest agreed and Jisung stole the next hug.
“More like a fucking goddess!” You felt your feet lift off the ground as he squeezed your waist and your cheeks flooded with heat when he pressed his soft lips to your cheek before retreating.
After the rest greeted you similarly, Chris stepped to the side to reveal a tray of shots on the small table behind him. “Now that the whole group is finally here, we can finally start the real fun!” You’re part of their group? Everyone grabbed one of the seven shot glasses before Chris handed yours directly to you with a whisper in your ear. “Don’t take anything from anyone unless they’re one of the six of us, yeah?” The hot breath you felt against you made you shiver, but you nodded regardless.
“Yah! Get out of her ear, perv!” Minho shouted from behind him as he held his own shot. Chris stepped back to look at him with raised brows, but you intervened first.
“Oh calm down, Minho. We’re all adults here.” Changing your threatening tone to a lighter one, you raised your glass. “To Chris’ last year! We’ll miss you Channie!” And you, in the slightly petty and tipsy mood, planted a kiss right on Chris’ cheek, startling the blushing man in the process. Tension set aside, everyone raised their glasses to dink ‘em and sink ‘em. Minho only downing his after he was finished glowering at your smug face.
You caught up with them for a little bit, but with every passing minute, you felt the drinks start to hit you. And, as per usual, when you drank, you got very… touchy-feely. Your first victim was Felix, but that was because the man was always ready for cuddles. After that, you had stolen Jisung from Minho, who was possessed with about the same amount of drunken clinginess, the latter having Jisung previously wrapped around him as the elder had his own arm thrown over his shoulder. However, Jisung was happy to switch to wrapping his arms around your semi-bare waist instead when you beckoned him.
It was just as Changbin was giving a very detailed speech to Hyunjin about the importance of cardio when you glanced over at Minho. Your eyes widened when you took in the absolutely livid expression he had directed at Jisung and Felix before a wry smile grew on your lips.
A plan formed in your head. A wicked, evil little plan to give Minho a taste of his own medicine. However, before you could execute it, the she-devil showed up and found purchase around Minho’s arm again.
“There you are! I thought you said you’d be right back!” She said with what was supposed to be a cute pout, but all you saw was the manipulative sneer hidden in her eyes as she glanced at you. Minho looked at her with wide eyes and then back at you with what looked like anxiety.
“Wha– I– Um…” As he was babbling in his loss for words, you pulled away from the boys surrounding you and turned around to face them with a dubious grin that didn’t reach your eyes.
With your back facing Minho, you downed your drink and rid yourself of your jacket, letting the refreshing air conditioning soothe your previously confined arms. When you placed your empty cup and jacket on the small table behind them, you extended your hands out to the men. “C’mon, who’s going to show a girl a good time tonight and dance with me?”
You eyed Chris who was already gulping down his own drink, the man staring at all the bare skin you had on display all the while, and setting his empty cup next to your own. You smiled up at him as he took one of your hands and you watched Jisung’s eyes flick over to Minho before grabbing your other one. Your smile brightened further and you hugged them both by the neck giddily before dragging them over to the makeshift dancefloor.
You could feel several pairs of eyes watch as the three of you retreated and you couldn’t help but feel somewhat smug with the thought of Minho and Tiffany being a couple of them.
You felt the alcohol wash away your anger and jealousy and let the upbeat music pump through your veins as you danced between the two men. At first, it was very PG, but the density of the crowd thickened and soon enough Chris was up against your backside while Jisung was against the front. The more hyped you got from the heavy air, loud beats, and strong drinks, the more bold your dancing became.
You had one arm thrown around Jisung’s neck and the other thrown around the back of Chris’ head from behind as you began grinding against the pair. They must have been equally as plastered because their roaming hands were definitely encouraging you. Jisung’s hands roved over your waist and abdomen as Chris’ paved their way up and down your hips and thighs.
All of you were sticky with sweat and the feeling of Chris’ breath on your neck and Jisung’s lustful eyes watching your body move was making you even hotter. Even though you were super insecure at the beginning of the night, you now felt bold and sexy and wanted. You felt a sliver of pride that you were still able to make men covet you even if… others didn’t.
After a while, you felt that same hot breath from behind you talk into your ear again. “I’m gonna tap out for a bit gorgeous.” Chris said before he kissed your cheek and weaved his way through grinding bodies to head back over to the group.
You returned your eyes to your remaining dance partner who met your gaze with hooded lids. You allowed yourself to be pulled flush against him, but you turned so your back was up against him now as you grinded and rolled against his firm body. Your whole mind was clouded and all you knew was how good the body against you felt.
With the man out of your line of vision, you closed your eyes and let yourself be consumed in the moment. Your hands reached back and threaded through his silky hair and you felt the fingers that trailed down your hips tickle the spot where your outer thighs met your skirt.
You gasped when you felt his hard cock push into your lower back and he squeezed you tighter when you rolled back into it. Gosh, Minho, you feel so good.
But why did Minho’s fingers feel longer when you went to grab them?
Your internal question was already forgotten when you felt his warm lips touch down on the soft curve of your neck and the next thing you knew, you were dragging him to the nearest secluded area to taste those lips that you always seemed to crave now. The lips that made you cum a hundred different ways by now.
Turns out the nearest secluded spot was a door that led out to a small side patio that was somehow completely deserted. Without much thought, you whipped back around with blurry vision as you pressed your lips to his. Well… tried to at least. It took a couple tries to hit your target, but when they did, you groaned and instantly tangled tongues with him. But…
Why does this seem so foreign? Does it just feel different because you were drunk? And had Minho been wearing a t-shirt this whole time?
When you allowed your hands to roam up under his shirt, the lustful groan the man emitted had your eyes flying open. That is definitely NOT Minho’s voice.
“Ji-Jisung?” He fluttered his eyes open when you sprang off of him, stumbling back like a fucking hooch monkey, and he gave you a confused blink.
“Wha– Huh? What’s wrong, princess?” He stumbled a bit as he picked himself off the wall you had pressed him against and you covered your mouth in mortification. You could only widen your watery eyes and shake your head in disbelief as you watched him look more and more concerned. It wasn’t until he grabbed your face to wipe your tears that you realized you started crying. “Oh my god, are you okay? Did I hurt you?!”
He sat you down on a patio chair to squat in front of you and rubbed soothing circles on your knee as you buried your face in your hands. “Nononononono!” Your turmoil was muffled behind your hands and you started sobbing as you looked back up at Jisung. “I-I’m s-so sorry J-Ji–” 
He was frantically searching your eyes and he ran his palms up and down your arms. “What in the world for?” Confusion was tattooed across his face and you felt even more ashamed that you would have to explain.
“I…” You tried to gulp down breaths to explain between sobs and slurred speech. “I d-din’know it was you who…” Another round of tears cascaded as you saw a distraught realization wash over him. You felt awful for using your friend so horrendously. You couldn’t believe how selfish you were just because you didn’t want to share…
Minho must have gone home with Tiffany. Why wouldn’t he, right? She was beautiful and sexy and you were a completely sloshed jackass. He probably never wanted to see you ever again after one night with that dick-whipped cunt of a woman.
You felt your whole body start shaking as another round of sobs wracked your body and Jisung quickly wrapped you in his arms. “Shh shh, it’s okay. You haven’t done anything wrong, sweetie. It’ll be okay…” His calm and reassuring voice made you squeeze onto your friend for dear life.
“I-I’m s-so s–” He just continued his gentle hushing to get you to calm down and he helped you focus on your breathing. Tears still flowing down your face but sobs having died down, you sat back to look at him. “Ji…”
“Shhh, it’s okay. We’re both drunk, it happens.” He tried to give you a reassuring smile, but it didn’t do anything to make you feel like you weren’t an absolute piece of shit.
“Ji, I…” Your words had zero filter as they supplied a watery– “I-I think ’m in love w'Minho.”
His eyes widened. You expected him to freak out. To call you a whore or spit on you. What you didn’t see coming was the slow smile that crept across his cute cheeks. “Minho-hyung?” You nodded with a sniff and he instantly wrapped you in a hug again. His voice was muffled against your hair a bit, but he replied tenderly. “I can think of no person more deserving of your love than him.”
What on god’s green earth did he mean by that?
He sighed and pulled back again, wiping away more tears. “Have you thought about telling him that?” The question had your mind reeling and you felt sick of just the thought of it.
Wait. Maybe it’s not the idea that made you sick. Maybe it was…
In the blink of an eye, you threw yourself off the chair and leaned over the railing, immediately hurling your guts all over the manicured lawn below. As the snot, tears, and vomit evacuated your body, you felt Jisung’s cool hands pull your hair out of the way and rub soothing circles on your back. This man is just too good for this world…
You felt like you spent years over that railing, somehow more still coming out, until you heard the door to the house open and close. “What happened?” Was that Minho’s voice? Why is he still here?
You lifted your head to look back at him, not even considering the fact that you probably (most definitely) looked like a trainwreck on steroids. “W-why’re you he–” You couldn’t even finish the sentence before you were ralphing again.
“Evidently, she’d mistaken me for you, do you have that water I asked for?”
“Yeah.” When did he even ask Minho to come out here?
“Here, kitten. Drink this.” He held up a bottle of water next to you and you eagerly grabbed it. “Don’t chug.” He said holding it out of reach before he gave it to you. “You’ll make yourself even more sick.” You sat down again and slowly nursed on the water as your eyes stayed glued to the piece of artwork that was Lee Minho.
You watched his beautiful lips move as he faced Jisung, but you didn’t hear any of the words that were exchanged. All you could hear was the thrumming of blood through your veins in your ears and the bass of the music from inside. Also when you heard the beautiful melody of Minho’s laugh… MY. GOD. The man was just too perfect…
Your vision slowly faded as you stared at his pretty eyes and you just wished you could dive into the two black pools of his irises. The darkness that was slowly encompassing your vision was thwarted when you felt yourself being buckled into the back of an Uber by Minho as he slid in next to you and gave the driver his address.
Before you could think about what you were about to say, you chuckled. “Y’mean Tiff in’t ‘lready spread-eagle on yer bed?”
You expected him to get annoyed, but he just side-eyed you with an amused smirk. “You’ve got it pretty bad, huh?”
“Well excuse me for having experience with a man who couldn’t keep his dick in his pants for other college girls.” Well, that was surprisingly well-enunciated… However, before you could pat yourself on the back for that small victory, you were having a hard time keeping your eyes open and you raised your hand to take a drink, only to find your hand bottleless. Who the fuck drank all my water?
The look he gave you was melancholy and he gently pat your knee before responding. “Don’t worry, kitten. Tiffany isn’t at my place. And I doubt your parents would be thrilled to be woken up so late by hearing you stumble in the house at two in the morning. Hence my reasoning for us staying at my place. Is that alright?”
You didn’t even register your dumb nod as you zoned out on his beautiful face. His features were so breathtaking that your hand moved unbidden and you found yourself tracing the sharp contours with your shaky fingers. He didn’t move a muscle as your fingers ghosted over his nose, eyelids, jaw, and then finally the plump outline of his lips.
“Y-yer so b’tiful Min…” His eyes burned with a familiar fire and he gently lowered your hand when the car pulled up to his place.
Where did u go?
R u at least safe?
Please talk to me
I called ur parents and they said ur alright
I’m sorry if I hurt u in any way
I would never intentionally do anything to harm u
U mean so much to me…
Just… let me know when ur ready to talk…
You scanned the texts that had been flooding in all day after you snuck out of his place without a word at the crack of dawn. Made easier due to the fact that he was courteous enough to sleep on the couch due to your inebriated state. You remembered everything. Everything. Including your agonizing realization of your feelings for the man. 
Your phone clattered to the ground when you chucked it and turned over in your bed to bury your face in your pillow. Luckily, you didn’t ever really get hangovers, but that didn’t mean you weren’t entitled to a day to wallow in self-pity. So this is where you’ve been all day, the night quickly approaching as you squeezed your pillow tighter.
You weren’t worthy of his attention. You were just a convenient pussy. Tiffany is way more experienced and probably showed him some of that expertise last night. If your last boyfriend couldn’t even be satisfied with you, who else would? You were a shit friend who used Jisung, one of your best friends, as a tool. You were worse than nothing. You were a disease.
You felt yourself drowning in a sinkhole of your thoughts before a knock at your bedroom door pulled you out of it. You kept your face buried as the door opened and heard your mom’s sweet voice. “Honey?”
You just responded with a non-commital grunt.
“Minho called again…” Silence. “Honey, I know you two were never on the best of terms, but he’s trying so so hard to mend that since your brother left. I don’t know what happened between you two, but I just know he sounded genuinely upset.” You felt the tears well up in your eyes and kept your head firmly planted in ur pillow, slowly suffocating yourself.
You felt a dip next to you in the bed and the gentle hand of your mother rubbing your back. 
She was silent for a moment before she sighed. “I never told you this, just because he asked me not to, but I think it might be necessary now…” That caught your attention just enough to twist your head to look at her loving smile. “When you and your boyfriend broke up, Minho called me every single day for a week to check and see if you were alright. He was the one who bought your favorite snacks every day, not your dad.”
You furrowed your brows and sat up next to her. “W-why didn’t he want you to tell me?”
She gave you a soft smile and patted your knee before she stood up. “That’s something you’re going to have to ask him yourself.” She turned back to you when she reached the door. “Your father and I are going to an office party tonight and won’t be back until late. Really late.” She raised her brow, hinting at a suggestion. “Call us if you need anything. I love you, sweetie.”
“Love you too, Mom…” You mumbled as she left the room.
When the door shut behind her, you pulled your knees to your chest and buried your face in your hands. How could this happen? You’ve disliked this man ever since high school, it just doesn’t make any sense to start falling in love now. I mean, his dick is magic, sure. But you’ve been craving to just see him any time of day just to simply be around him! He’s probably sick of your mixed signals and mood swings.
It had taken you by surprise when you woke up an hour later to the sound of the doorbell, not even realizing you had fallen asleep in the first place. Your parents had probably already left when you were sleeping, so you scrambled up out of your bed and went to answer the door.
When you opened the door, your heart stopped. No other man on the planet could sport a bare face, discheveled hair, and sweatpants and still look like a fucking god like Minho did. You had only started to realize just how gorgeous he was when he hit his senior year of high school. It had pissed you off at the time, but now… well, actually no, it still pissed you off. It just wasn’t fair to have such power over you with that piercing gaze and ability to make hearts stop at the sight of him.
“Minho…” You whispered as your eyes widened. He stood in the doorway and scratched the back of his head.
“Sorry, I… I didn’t want to let myself in because… because I didn’t know if you wanted to see me or not…” I always want to see you. You cursed your own thoughts for being so weak for the man. Without a word, you stepped to the side to let him in. “I’m sorry for showing up unannounced, kitten. But I just had to make sure you were alright.” He mumbled as he looked down to step out of his shoes. “Or upset with me…”
Boots unexpectedly ran up to Minho with a cute little meow as she rubbed her face and beautiful black fur against his legs with quiet purring. You both smiled down at the adorable feline and Minho bent down to scoop her up in his arms, knowing how much she loved to be held (unlike other cats) by people she trusted. You felt a fluttering in your chest just watching him hold her. Knowing that, just like your precious boots, you had also come to care for the man. 
You raised your hand to pet Boots, but your eyes were fixed on Minho’s. “I’m not upset with you Minho… If you want someone else, it’s not my place to get in between that.” You turned to head back to your room, but as you approached your bedroom door, a gentle hand loosely wrapped itself around your wrist and stopped you in your tracks.
You warily turned around and Minho’s expression was a mixture of anger and hurt. “If you think, even for a second, that I prefer her over you, you’re more stupid than I thought.” He said the words with a lethal calm that made shivers run down your spine. Your face was incredulous, but he ignored it. “The idea that I would prefer anyone over you is almost an insult.” You allowed him to pull your body closer to his as he now had his hands wrapped around your waist. “I think of you every morning when I wake up and every night when I go to sleep. I’ve been hating myself ever since we started this whole arrangement because I feel like I’m just taking advantage of you, which was not my intent at all. But I didn’t want to stop it either because I don’t want to… I don’t want to lose what we have… I don’t want to lose you…”
You closed your eyes from the burning you felt pricking at your tear ducts and involuntarily leaned into his touch when the backs of his fingers gently brushed over the flushed skin of your cheek.
“You’re so, so beautiful, kitten. Inside and out.” It was unlike Minho to get so sentimental, but he seemed to feel the need to speak his piece. Even if it caused a dusting of pink blooming on his ears and cheeks. However, your blush felt like it rivaled his as it radiated all throughout your body.
Your hands, which had been curled up against his chest, started fidgeting as you looked down at them. You didn’t know if you should ask him or not, but you decided you needed to know. “Minho… why… why did you call my mom to check up on me after my breakup?”
He stiffened momentarily, but quickly recovered. You looked back up at his face and it was turned to the side, completely crimson. “I…” His lips formed a tight line and then relaxed as he turned back to look at you. “I couldn’t stand the thought of what that prick did to you. I wanted to go beat the living shit out of him, crush his nuts, curb stomp him, anything, but I realized that you would most likely prefer comfort over violence. But I knew that one of the last people you would want to see would be me, so I tried to help from the sidelines.”
Your lip wobbled slightly and you pressed yourself a bit closer to him. You were mad that you couldn’t even disagree with him because, at that point in time, you would’ve dreaded the idea of this man, usually void of sentimentality, coming to attempt to comfort you.
The only real comfort you had was Tiffany and, looking back on it, she was pretty shit at it. Now that you’ve realized what a bitch she was, you could recount several occasions where she was just a toxic friend. And you were blind to the situation in favor of seeing the truth.
“So…” You were almost too afraid to ask the question you didn’t know you wanted an answer to or not. His hand that had been stroking your cheek moved to lift your chin up to look at him. His eyes portrayed patience and attentiveness to your words. “Did… did anything happen between you and Tiff?”
The corners of his lips turned down as he furrowed his brow, but it soon morphed into an expression that screamed ‘really?’. He sighed. “Like I said, I only prefer you. I have not and will not ever see her or want her that way.” His eyes flickered from your eyes to the floor in anxiousness and added with an adorably shy mumble. “I don’t want anyone but you.”
Relief washed over you like a tidal wave and your body moved on its own when you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and ran your fingers through his sandy hair, pressing your lips to his with a tenderness that you had not shared with him before now. You could feel relief flooding him as well as he relaxed under your touch, as if kissing you released all tension in his body.
This kiss wasn’t like the hungry and ravenous ones you two had always shared. This one felt as if you could melt into each other and become one. It was slow, sensual, and filled with all the love you could possibly portray. As you paused the kiss and pressed foreheads together, you closed your eyes as if to pretend you weren’t about to say the words just begging to leap off your tongue.
“Minho… you still annoy the shit out of me, but…” He offered a wry smile against your lips and you opened your eyes and disconnected foreheads to watch him raise his brow with a smirk. You bit back your smile and hid your face in his neck. “...I think I might be in love with you?” You said it like it was a question, almost too quiet to hear, as if you weren’t quite sure if you should’ve said it.
He was silent and you were apprehensive to raise your head. But, when you finally looked at him, you proceeded to witness the most beautiful smile you had ever seen appear on his face. You tried to suppress your suddenly bashful smile, but he only squeezed you tighter. He bit his lip to do the same with his own grin, but he morphed his look to something more mischievous. “Are you sure you don’t just like me for my incredible skills in providing mind blowing orgasms?”
You rolled your eyes and gave him a light smack on his pec. “Ah yes, you’re right! How have I been so blind? I’m only in love with your dick.” He just chuckled at your words dripping with sarcasm and stole a kiss, slow and controlled before he murmured against your lips.
“I love you too, kitten. I have for quite a while now.” Your eyes widened and you could have sworn you saw a bit of fear in his eyes before he was biting his lip again, a smile hidden just beneath the surface.
“W-wha–? How long?!” You pulled back slightly to see his full face and he giggled bashfully. Lee Minho being bashful? He was always so confident and controlled that you almost wanted to capture this moment on camera.
“Well… honestly, it’s been ever since you started dating that douchebag. I didn’t really know why I started to be such an obnoxious dick to you, but I later realized it was just because I was jealous.” He pulled you close once again and tentatively kissed your jaw.
Your heart was racing at the thought of him being in love with you even if you were with another man, yet not interfering directly. But now you finally had him, and you were determined to keep it that way. You squeezed yourself infinitesimally closer to him and kissed his lips slowly before saying, “Well, now I’m yours.” Your lips drifted to whisper in his ear. “Let’s make up for lost time.”
You made your point very clear when you grazed your lips and teeth down the side of his neck while pushing your pelvis into his. “Fuck…” He let out a low groan and slid his hands down to the lower cleft of your ass and gave your cheeks a light squeeze. He captured your lips with a sudden ferocity that made you tremble. Once he led you backwards into your room and pressed your body against the door as he closed it, your passion increased tenfold.
He ground his thigh against the apex of your glistening cunt, your panties dragging along your clit, and the pressure had you gasping against his tongue. Your hips couldn’t help but to roll against him and you could feel the effect of your efforts when he pressed his groin into your hip. You whined in pleasure when he lifted one of your legs and wrapped it around his hip, pushing even closer to you and making it easier to drag the length of your sopping crotch down him.
His other hand, which had still been kneading your ass, moved around to slip up under your shirt to feel the skin of your waist and lower back. You emitted a gasp and then a moan when you felt his warm fingers crawl up under your bra and fondle your erect nipple. You bit your lip to hold back an embarrassing noise you felt crawling to the surface when his lips latched onto your collarbone and started leaving sweet kisses up the length of your neck.
Your fingertips ran up under his shirt to caress his abs and pecs and he took it upon himself to take his shirt off, quickly ridding you of yours shortly after, lips barely leaving each other as you stripped each other completely bare and you pushed him down on the bed to straddle him.
“Shit kitten… you’re unreal…” He stared up at you as if you had hung the moon and he rubbed his hands up and down your thighs gently, as if you were a fragile porcelain doll. You leaned down and began marking up his beautiful chest, but he cupped your cheeks and brought your lips up to his own, placing his hands on your thighs once more. “Can I taste you baby? Make you feel good?” With each word, his hands drifted up to your dripping pussy until his fingers were teasing your entrance.
When he finally plunged a single digit in up to the first knuckle, you found yourself choking on a gasp and nodding frantically. He moved with a speed that made you dizzy when he flipped you onto your back and knelt between your legs.
He stared at your cunt with a hunger that made you shy, but you held back the urge to close your legs in self consciousness. When he looked back up at you and hovered his mouth over where you were aching for him most, he made eye contact as he licked a fat strip up the entirety of your crotch, making sure not to neglect your clit as he sucked it into his mouth and swirled his tongue around the swollen bud.
You threw your head back and moaned like a brainless whore as your hands gravitated to his beautiful blonde mane. However, your head wasn’t down long as you were determined to watch this adonis of a man feast on you. And when he inserted a finger inside you, you were done for. He held your hips down with bruising strength as you writhed beneath him and added a second finger.
You were reduced to a whimpering mess as the man fucked you with his fingers slowly, wanting to gradually build your pleasure. “Minho!” You whined in both gratitude and frustration. He smiled as he briefly pulled his mouth away.
“You gonna melt on my mouth, kitten?” You were beyond words and could only nod your head to communicate. “Say it again…” He breathed against you, making you tingle from the hot air coming from between his lips.
You immediately knew what he meant and your heart swelled. “I love you, Minho.” You gasped and rolled your eyes back as he instantly crooked his finger up into your g-spot and returned his mouth to you. Only this time, his tongue joined as he quickly thrusted his fingers in you with precision. “Fuck I love you so much! Shit!” You screamed his name as you did, indeed, melt on his mouth.
He lapped up your orgasm as if he was famished for you and his mouth slowly sucked and nipped its way up your body to latch onto your neglected nipples. You whined, just wanting him to be inside you already as you wrapped your legs around him and hung on him like a koala, pressing your body to his as you suspended yourself in the air under his crouched position.
He chuckled and pressed you into the mattress again, his warm chest and pelvis pressing against you. You rutted into him until you couldn’t take it anymore and pushed him over until his back was pressed up against the headboard and straddled him once more. “Please fuck me, Minho. I need you to fill me up…” You whispered against his lips as one of your hands tangled in his hair and the other was frantically stroking his dick. To make your point, You knelt down to hover over his cock and let a string of saliva drip from your mouth down onto his throbbing head right before taking him in your mouth.
His thighs tensed under your palms and you closed your eyes in bliss as you listened to the beautiful sounds he was making because of your efforts. You swallowed down more of him and you felt a shaky hand push you back by your shoulder. “Shit, you’re too good at that…” He heaved and roughly grabbed your hips to bring you flush to him, slightly lifting you so he could impale you on his cock.
You clung onto him as you sunk down and squinted your watery eyes to get used to that familiar, delicious stretch. The breath was stolen from you and you felt like you could cum without even moving, your emotional mindset making it all the more intense.
It wasn’t long before you needed more and you gradually started bouncing on him, burying your face in his neck and latching onto his neck with your mouth to muffle your cries of pleasure. He guided your hips with his strong hands and you could tell he was holding himself back from just bending you over and annihilating your pussy into the mattress, but all you felt were his sweet kisses across your neck and shoulder and whispered words of how much he loves you and how beautiful you were.
You weren’t sure how long you two were going at it, lost in the sensation that was just purely Lee Minho, until you ground into him harder and cupped his cheeks with your hands. You tried portraying every ounce of your love for him with that one kiss and slowly picked up your hips, only to drop down on his cock with dizzying speed and force. His mouth went slack against yours and you watched as his eyebrows turned inwards in bliss.
You continued the action a few more times, fusing your body to his, until he took matters into his own hands. Before you knew it, you were on your back with the man thrusting into you with a force that made you scream out his name. 
His mouth, hands, and tongue were all over you and your nails dug into his back with the ever-increasing intensity of his thrusts. “M-Minho! ‘M’so close…” You whimpered and he growled into your shoulder.
“Cum on me, kitten. Soak me.”
A few more thrusts and you were done for. You cried out your ecstasy and he followed soon after, riding you through your orgasms.
He was still sheathed inside you when he plopped down on your body to catch his breath. You carded your fingers through his sweat-damp hair from where his face was pressed against your chest and you watched as his breaths gradually slowed.
When he was properly relaxed again, his cock soft inside you, he brought his face up to yours to litter kisses all over your skin, pulling a giggle from you. His smile was blinding when he pulled back to look down at you and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“So, does this mean I can properly call you my girlfriend now? Or do you fall in love with all of your FWBs?” You smacked his arm and he giggled as he laced his fingers in yours with the hand you had just used to abuse him.
You rolled your eyes at him. “Ah, yes. You mean all of the many friends I fuck?” He smirked in response and you just sighed and relaxed into his touch. “No, there’s only room for one annoying asshole in my heart. So I suppose I can accept your proposition…” His smile was both equally parts amused and bashful as he squeezed his arms around you and buried his face in your neck to take in a deep breath of your scent.
“It’s about goddamn time…” He said after another long squeeze and you couldn’t control your sudden urge to smack his cute ass. You squealed out a giggle when he startled and quickly pinned your hands above your head. His eyes were mischievous right before he bent down to bite you on your shoulder, causing you to moan and his cock to jump inside you. His mouth drifted up your neck until he was whispering in your ear. “I hope that was worth it, because now you’re never getting out of this bed tonight.”
And he wasn’t bluffing if the awkward (but not unwelcome) limp in your step the next day had anything to say about it.
“You’re shitting us. You two?” Hyunjin looked positively floored the next day you and Minho had the group all together and told them the two of you were dating.
“How the fuck did this happen? I thought you hated Minho!” Changbin, equal disbelief in his tone. Minho scowled at him and Changbin held up his hands in a hasty defense.
You had vehemently apologized to Jisung the next time you saw him and told him you’d never forgive yourself for what happened. He just laughed it off and said he was happy for you, but you couldn’t help but notice a touch of sadness in his smile while the rest of the group freaked out. However, Chris seemed a bit sheepish himself as well.
You tried to focus on the smiling face of Felix instead. “Don’t get me wrong, he still properly annoys the everliving fuck out of me, but I guess he passes for a tolerable enough boyfriend.” You smiled teasingly at him and he scoffed at you with a suppressed smile.
“So what does the big bro think about this?”
You smiled wide and confident at Chris’ inquiry and casually answered. “We’re avoiding telling him like the plague.” 
Minho spoke up at this. “So I swear, if any of you motherfuckers breathe a word before we say so, you will end up having a very short lifespan.” The group chuckled nervously and you whacked his shoulder while he had the audacity to act all innocent like he hadn’t said anything wrong.
“Why do you gotta be such a pain in the ass, Min?” You casually repremanded him with little to no bite behind the question, instead chuckling at him.
“Well I guess their dynamic hasn’t changed at least.” Hyunjin scoffed.
Suddenly, the group’s attention drifted to something behind where you and Minho were standing and you turned around to see Tiffany strutting straight up to Minho, acting as if you, or any of the rest of the guys for that matter, didn’t exist. “Hey, Minho! I was wondering if you want to grab lunch with me? I have a coupon for that sandwich place down the road and I thought I could use the company.” She ran her hand down his arm and circled his fingers around his wrist.
What a brazen bitch.
He pulled his hand from her grasp and immediately wrapped his arm around your waist with an annoyed expression directed at her. “Uh, no thanks. I was gonna go get lunch with the guys and my new girlfriend, so I think I’ll pass.” You heard Changbin and Hyunjin snickering behind you and you couldn’t contain your smug smile as you watched the rage morph on her face when she eyed where you and Minho connected.
She scoffed and looked at you like you were a pathetic worm, making you slightly curl in on yourself. The way she could make people feel like trash was one of her best capabilities. “Are you kidding me?! You were really so fucking hungry for dick that you felt the need to prove something to me by taking him? That’s just sad, sweetheart.”
Minho took a step toward her, not actually planning on doing anything violent, only to intimidate her just enough to have the enirety of campus feel the need to give him a wide berth. You held him back anyway and she just scoffed at him.
She slightly leaned around to look at you past his towering form and sneered at you. “Fine, have it your way. I already got to fuck your last boy toy anyway, I don’t need this one too.” Your heart dropped and she gave a wicked smile before turning and, right as she started leaving, you heard a voice speak up from the group of boys behind you.
“Oh just go choke on another cock why don’t you, deep-dished bitch.” She whipped her head around with fury in her eyes before hastily stomping away. You and Minho looked back incredulously at Jisung and he just shrugged. You don’t think you had ever heard anything so malicious from his mouth and a wide smile broke out on your face before hugging him. He gave you a warm hug back and smoothed his hand up and down your spine. “No one talks to my soulmate’s girl that way.”
You smiled up at him and squeezed him once more before returning to Minho, wrapping yourself around him and trying to ignore the fact that your best friend had fucked your ex without you knowing. However, knowing how much the men around you cared about you, you couldn’t bring yourself to give a flying fuck.
Minho leaned over to quickly press a kiss to your head and squeeze you. “Do you…” You vehemently cut him off with a kiss pressed to his lips as you shook your head. He smiled down at you and then began guiding you. “C’mon, Changbin’s gonna pass out if we don’t feed him soon.”
“Yah!” Changbin yelled and Minho cackled right before his phone went off in his pocket.
To both of your surprises, it was your older brother and as soon as Minho answered, you were sure the whole campus could hear the screaming from his end of the receiver. “WHAT THE FUCK MINHO?! MY SISTER?! YOU’RE FUCKING MY BABY SISTER?! YOU’RE FUCKING DEAD, DUDE!”
The two of you looked at each other in terror and you looked over to see Tiffany with her phone out and an evil grin on her face moments before strutting away. That bitch used my brother against me?!?! You turned back to the rest of the guys that had their eyes fixed on the two of you and their horrified looks confirmed your suspicions that they had, in fact, heard your brother’s bellowing.
Well shit.
If you've made it this far, thank you so much for reading! Please like, follow, and share! Thanks baby stays! 😘
2chopsticks2eyes - Masterlist
ALSO: For those who I think would appreciate this: @lyramundana @felixs-voice-makes-me-wanna  @channieandhisgoonsquad @guiltycoco-recs @cb97percent @charmercharm3r @sweetracha 
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kiddiesmores · 25 days
College!Ted NSFW under the cut, sorry i just needed to get this out, didn’t even care to edit anything LOLLL
Can’t stop thinking about college bf!Ted and you having sleepovers at your apartment. After freshman year you signed a lease at one of the nearby apartments with 3 of your friends, Ted doing the same.
So now you don’t have to walk across campus to sleep in a twin xl, y'all can just walk across the street! The thought of him lounging in your living room with your roommates (you’re all in a big group of friends) while you’re out, waiting for you to get home, to which you get upset when you do get back from class and you find out they smoked without you. Fuckin losers (they sparked up again when you got there, you’re fine)
Parties at your apartment are the best too, he’ll come over early, drop off a spending the night bag in your room as if he doesn’t like a solid 50 feet away your place, help set up the beer pong and the big jug for drinks that people paid $5 for, alcohol ain’t cheap!
When the party's over and you and the roommates congregate in your room to talk about how great it was while Ted uses your shower, albeit he’s still a little tipsy but he gets himself clean no matter what.
And he’s a GOSSIPER!! Talking about all the people he saw eyeing each other and how he caught people making out on the side of the house.
He takes your job in the morning cleaning up because your ass isn’t getting up, be serious.
When you miraculously make it down the stairs, sporting one of his shirts and some boxers, he returns back from the dumpster after taking out the third trash bag for the girls.
Yall look at each other for a moment, a soft smile on his face as he walks over to the stairway to lift you in his arms.
“Morning baby!” “Mornin..”
Then proceeds to give you a wet kiss on the side of your face making you groan and try to sleepily push his head away.
He laughs and carries you to the kitchen, asking if you’re hungry for anything to which you grimace, the thought of eating anything right now actually might make you throw up, and you’re on a no throwing up streak and it won’t end now.
You pat his shoulders, telling him to put you down, remembering you forgot your phone upstairs.
When you retrieve it you see that your roommates have left, the life360 you’re all on saying they all left the ‘traphouse’. You see in the gc that they said they’re going out to the store for a bit, and that they’ll be back in an hour or so.
But you know them, it’ll be longer. Which is good for you, great actually. Making your way back downstairs to find Ted making you both a toasted cinnamon bagel with cream cheese.
You look at him hungrily, not because of the food, but because of how bad you’ve been fiending for him. Everytime you guys wanted to fuck, your roommates would want to hang out, and you love them too much so you hold off on dick for them. And if you went to his place, there was too much testosterone from him staying with tucker, schlatt and charlie. So sex at your place is the go to.
He notices you, smiling as he puts your plate down in your spot, “I know you said you weren’t hungry, but I still think you should eat a little somethin, just to ease your stomach!”
You look at the plate, then back at him, sauntering over to wrap your arms around his neck.
“You know..” you mutter, pulling his face closer, “They went to the store for a bit..so we have a good hour or two alone…”
His cheeks redden a bit, coy smile on his lips as his hands grip onto your hips, “Yeah? What do you wanna do baby?” his voice rumbles in your ear, his grip tightening as he pulls you closer. “Want me to fuck you? Want it right here or can you make it up the stairs?”
You groan, hopping up and wrapping your legs around his waist, giggling as he rushes you up the stairs with a firm grip on your ass, your laugh echoing in the hall as he slams your door, throwing you down against your bed.
He can’t stop kissing you, sighing heavily against your lips while you grip onto his back, tongues sloppily gliding over each other while he presses his bulge against your sex, feeling yourself get wetter by the second.
“Fuck, I need you so bad.” you breathe, watching as he tosses his shirt off. He looks so yummy, his happy trail leading down and hidden underneath the band of his sleep pants, tent in his pants almost painful to look at.
He presses it against you, making you groan and push your head further into your silk pillows. He wastes no time pulling your boxers down, seeing your glistening cunt that’s been aching for him for so long.
“Fuck baby, how long you’ve been waiting for this hmm?” he chuckles, putting a pillow under your back . “Too fucking long.” you whine, watching his face make its way between your legs.
He laps at your pussy, your legs over his shoulders, a bit hiked up as your hands grip his hair, holding his face down as you moan and grind on his face. His glasses are pressed into his face, groaning as his hips roll against the bed while he finds salvation in the taste of your pussy, sucking your clit hungrily while his hands grip your thighs, squeezing the sides of his face so he can’t go anywhere.
The noises drive you crazy, the wetness from the smack of his lips against your wet cunt tied in with his groans as he grinds his hips into your mattress.
His tongue fucks you through your first orgasm, making you a little embarrassed at how quick you came already but it’s not your fault, you’ve been deprived of your man for too long.
He groans as he licks you clean, eyes lidded as he pulls back with your cum all over his mouth and chin. He lowers your legs back down, sliding his sleep pants and boxers off in a swift pull, almost slipping because of your silk sheets, making you laugh a bit to yourself.
Your laugh dies down as you take in his naked body, cock hitting his stomach as it’s finally released from its prison (his boxers)
Your legs slowly fall apart, inviting him inside. He grumbles out, “Wait a sec.” before grabbing one of your stuffed animals that held a secret compartment for where you hide your condoms. Your roommates love to snoop to find out if you and Ted actually get freaky because they’ve never heard you guys have sex, and you wanna keep up the mystery for as long as possible.
He grabs one, rolling it onto his aching cock before lining up at your entrance.
He slips in slowly, hissing at how warm and tight you felt around him, “Fuck baby, missed this.” he grunts, watching as your eyes roll, feet curling at the fullness. He doesn’t push in all the way, slowly thrusting half his length in and out of you while you whine and writhe beneath him. Your shirt has ridden up, your tits on display for him to lean down and suck on your hardening nipples.
The sounds of his cock sliding out of your pussy drives you crazy, feeling your head go dizzy as you clench around him.
“Fuck- fuck Ted, what’re you going so slow for, fuck me hard.” you huff, chest heaving. He chuckles to himself, groaning as you tighten, “Just trying to make sure I don’t hurt you baby, but if that’s what you want..”
His hands slide under your hips, lifting them up as he slips all the way in, making your head fall back with a loud moan, feet planted and curling into the sheets as he begins thrusting at a relentless speed.
Your tits bounce as he fucks you, legs lifting to wrap around his waist, moaning pathetically as you grip onto his back to pull him in for a hot kiss.
Neither one of you could keep up with it though, moaning against each other's lips as he hits the perfect spot deep inside you.
His glasses are fogging up, chest pressed against yours as he plunges deep into your aching pussy. It’s almost animalistic, his large hands gripping into your hips that will most definitely bruise later.
“Ted- Ted- Ted-“ “Yeah baby? Keep makin those pretty noises for me, you look so beautiful right now. Feel so fucking good, Imma give you whatever you want, whatever you want baby, fuck.” He babbles, hips stuttering as he feels himself getting closer.
You’re not far behind, head beyond dizzy from how good he feels, eyes rolled back blissfully as you can’t stop the pathetic broken moans from escaping you. If it didn’t feel so good your pride would probably be long gone since you pride yourself in keeping yourself quiet.
He slips two fingers in your mouth for you to suck on, which you happily take, tongue gliding between them as you keep heavy eye contact with him, lidded eyes gazing at each other as your tongue licks the tip of his fingers.
He moans at your lewdness, popping his fingers out your mouth before putting them in his own, making you moan.
“Teddy, m’so fuckin close..” you whimper, teeth sinking into his shoulder as you try to stop yourself from moaning too loud.
He huffs in your ear, lowering your hips down and holding your knees up to your chest, plowing down into your dripping pussy.
You yell out for him, strings of curses and pathetic moaning escaping you as you can feel yourself tightening around him, “Mmfuck, ted m’coming, coming!” “Me too princess, fuck, tighten around me like that again- good good.” He breathes
You don’t even process your orgasm at all, hitting you like a wave as you gush around his thick cock, mess spreading on the sheets beneath you that you’re gonna be mad as fuck about having to change later.
Ted cums soon after, a couple more thrusts before he buries deep inside with a deep groan before his cum splurges inside of you, breathing heavily into your ear.
The two of you lay there for a moment, lazily making out as he pulls out of you, pulling the condom off and tying it before tossing it into the trash next to your bed.
He collapses next to you, still breathing heavily when he pulls you against his chest, soothingly rubbing your back and whispering how much he loves you while peppering kisses on your forehead.
Your eyes lazily peer open, peeping the harsh bite mark you left on his shoulder, a tired chuckle escaping you, “Might wanna put something on that, think I broke skin..” you mumble, finger lightly grazing the bite making him laugh to himself. He runs a hand through his hair, fixing his glasses on his nose and inspecting the bite with a low whistle.
“Looks like you tried to take a chunk out of me!” “I did.”
He laughs, pulling you into another soft kiss, shifting to let you lay beneath him while he hovers above you.
You hear the life360 notif go off, signaling your roommates are back home again, making you groan.
But Ted doesn’t seem to get the hint, mouth moving to press kisses into your neck. You let him, duh, lightly tugging at his hair as you feel him getting hard again.
“Think you can give me one more round baby?” He mutters in your ear, lightly nipping your lobe making you laugh softly to yourself.
“Why? You gonna get off on the thought of people listening this time?” you tease lowly, lightly sucking on the skin of his neck as he does the same to you. Feeling yourself get hot at the sound of his groan.
What you don’t hear in the midst of riling your boyfriend back up, is one of your roommates walking up the stairs to barge into your room.
“Y/N we got you- AHHH!”
“AHH!!” you and Ted both yell back, eyes widening at the sight of your roommate who’s now covering her eyes. “I didn’t see much! Sorry! Sorry!” she stutters, navigating her way out and slamming your door, hearing her harsh stomping as she sprints downstairs, probably warning your other roommates about the two of you.
You let out a groan, rubbing your face with a small laugh, “Fuck, now they know we have sex for real!”
Ted laughs at you, kissing the side of your head, “Well at least the blanket was covering us for the most part..”
You hum, looking up at him for a moment, taking in how good he looks.
“Well…If you wanna keep going..” you whisper, hand cupping the back of his neck to pull him back in for a kiss, lips just centimeters away from his. “I can be quiet.”
He smiles devilishly, “Yeah? That turned you on didn’t it? And here you are trying to talk about me.”
“I have no idea what you are referring to.” You mutter, pulling him back into a kiss with a smile, you’ll just have to beg for forgiveness later.
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s-4pphics · 1 year
dial. 1 (e.w.)
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wc;cw: 3.2k, all ocs r black coded<3, fratadjacent!ellie, she has community dick, dina being mawtha, mentions of psychs, weed n alcohol so dubcon, bad parties, light smut MDNI, pussy eating, err exhibitionism a lil bit, mentions of porn LOL
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“Hand me my mascara, pleeease.” 
“… Lemme connect to the speaker then.” 
You sighed in exasperation at your roommate’s bargaining, placing the blaring device into her devious hands before snatching your mascara from her. She was puffing from her dab as she connected it to her phone, her playlist blasting through your small, shared space. 
Niah returned to her ironing board, slicing and altering her ugly Christmas sweater so it was as revealing as possible. You should’ve followed in her lead; you were already burning up from your vanity lights and long, furry sleeves. 
You never attended holiday themed parties because they were the most packed, but Niah threatened to set your limited-edition vinyl set on fire if you didn’t show up. You did want to protect your rare records, but you were also planning to attend anyway for more selfish reasons. 
You hoped Dina didn’t hate you too much. 
Your good friend didn’t hesitate to scold you in person a couple of weeks ago, bursting into your room with a full IHOP platter and a sharp tongue. She was much calmer when she returned to her room after screaming at you, but you understood her initial anger. You definitely made a mistake. A pretty big mistake. 
Didn’t I tell your stupid ass to leave her alone! You don’t fucking listen, that’s your problem. 
Were you wrong for letting Dina’s best friend rearrange your guts in her roommate’s bed? Yes, without a doubt! 
Were you going to fuck her again despite her warnings? Absolutely! She fucks too good and finals are around the corner. You need a destressor!
Dina was able to let it go after reprimanding you, but you knew that she felt a bit uncomfortable whenever you two were in a room together. It wasn’t due to your private relationship, but because Ellie was a degenerate slut that greeted you by pinching your ass instead of waving like a normal person! 
You and Ellie’s newfound… friendship? Situation? You weren’t sure what the fuck this was. What do you call fucking someone you barely know four times a week and then seeing them in their Starbucks uniform every morning on your way to class? The main topic of conversation is always either can I get two cream cheeses instead of one? or hold this blunt so I can make you squirt. 
You know she likes turtles! She has a small tattoo of one right under her ear! You couldn’t stop poking it when she drove you back to your building after digging you out in her car last week. 
You knew Ellie had a reputation on campus for being a shroom-slinging whore, but she’s… more than that! She’s so funny! And cool. And pretty. And a sweet-talker and—
… You may have developed a little crush on her since you started fucking. You haven’t felt these high school butterflies since you were in high school. 
Plus, she rolls up for you sometimes! That counts for something, right?
You applied your mascara, wiggling in your desk chair excitedly while you downed the rest of your shot. You choked down the burning liquid, and your phone went off. 
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You sucked your teeth, turning in your seat to face an occupied Niah as she bobby-pinned her Santa hat onto her head. 
“Did you tell Dina t’come early? It’s not even eleven.” 
She looked over her shoulder at you, “Nah, is she coming?” 
“She’s almost here,” you showed your best friend the messages, and she shook her head, hastily retreating to the mirror to straighten her appearance. And show more cleavage!
“This bitch, I tell you.” 
You poured and downed two more shots for good luck, smudged your liner, and shoved your phone into your jean shorts pocket. You sprinted over to your roomie and slapped her ass with a bright grin, making her snort. 
“You’re a hoe. Hand me my phone.” 
You grabbed the plush on her hips and thrusted into her ass, “I’m getting fuuucked, I’m getti—“
She laughed hard, “Get off me!” 
You squealed and jumped in elation before Dina rang your line and summoned the both of you downstairs. 
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The music was the main reason you hated Christmas-themed parties. How are you supposed to bump and grind to The Little Boy that Santa Clause Forgot?! 
You, Niah, and Dina had been party-hopping for the last hour, and you were bored out of your fucking minds! You were more interested in watching the burning ash falling from Niah’s blunt than this packed house. 
The soccer house disappointed you. And you’re still horny! 
Dina grabbed you and Niah’s hands and ushered you onto the just as packed front porch, littered with drunk people singing and dancing in the middle of the blocked-off street. This seemed more fun than the party! 
You could see Jesse and his friends out of the corner of your eye, so you grabbed your friends’ arms and dragged them down the slippery steps; You were so desperate for entertainment that you surged through the freezing cold like nothing. 
“Jesse!” You waved your arms excitedly as you jogged up to him. 
Dina’s boyfriend whipped his head around and smiled once he saw you and the girls rushing up. You saw Ellie out of the corner of your eye, draped in her Nutcracker sweater that read CRACK DEEZ NUTZ in large white letters and an antler headband. She looked you up and down… a few times as she gawked at your bare legs. You were so happy you decided to risk hypothermia and wear fishnets!
Pretend you don’t see her! Don’t look desperate!
You threw your arms around an extremely high Jesse before greeting the rest of the soccer team with polite hugs. All except Ellie. You caught a glimpse of the small bong in her hand before she brought it up to her mouth to rip from it. 
Jesse’s slow drawl snapped you out of your leering, “Fuck, y’all aren’t cold?!” 
All three of you answered unanimously, “YES!”
The group erupted into light laughs before Niah cut in, “Bro not gon’ lie… the music’s trash in there— “
The entire soccer team concurred loudly, but you were hardly paying attention. Your hazy mind was hyper-focused on Ellie’s dirty sneakers, watching her weight shift from one foot to the other as she listened and laughed along to the complaints. 
“Hi, Ellie.” 
An… overtly flirty tone that you didn’t recognize caught you off guard, and you immediately stiffened. You peeped and eyed the girl that walked up with her friends, pulling her into an incredibly awkward hug. You took note of how offput Ellie was by public affection. 
She received it anyway, “Hey yourself. How you been?” 
Your ears grew, “Fine, chilling. You selling?” 
She tsked, “Not tonight, sorry. You can come by tomorrow or something if you have time.” 
“Alright cool, I’ll text you. Have a good night,” you saw Ellie’s head jerk in acknowledgment before the group departed. Your eyes dropped to the floor in front of you. 
… Ellie never gave her an address. Has she been to their apartment before? 
“You okay?” 
You jumped at Niah’s concerned tone from behind you. You sighed and nodded at her, “We can leave anytime.” 
Before you could reply, Jesse spun and interrupted, grabbing your shoulders, “Leave? What the fuck, it’s Christmas! Come back with us.” 
“Where, uh, where are we goin’?” 
He rolled his eyes like it was obvious, “Back to our place. I already know Michael isn’t gonna change the fucking playlist ‘cuz he’s a fucking loser! Let’s go, c’mon.” 
You mistakenly looked at Ellie, who was already looking at you. Her eyes were shining with mischief, the corner of her mouth lifting in a sly grin. She looked like she was waiting for your answer. An excited zap went through your chest. You spoke without hesitation. 
“Yeah! Let’s go!” 
You secretly watched Ellie take another hit. 
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That Uber XL was crammed as fuck, but at least the music banged! Finally! Future just saved your fucking night! 
And Jesse made edibles from scratch! Christmas came early!
Nothing about this night was going how you planned; You were supposed to be getting your shit wrecked by your newfound… whatever, but instead you were getting handed adult gifts from the soccer players! You were not expecting to receive a holiday-themed goodie bag filled to the brim with pungent, iced sugar cookies. 
Niah accepted both yours and hers eagerly before making her way towards the living room couch to dig in. You, Dina, and Jesse were all sitting at the small dining table playing Uno. Ellie was playing with you all, but she excused herself to her room to take a phone call, and you hadn’t seen her since. It was her turn! 
Dina and Jesse were having an intense argument about the 7 and 0 card rules, and you moved on autopilot. You looked around to see all the soccer players and Niah laughing and slumped on the couch before you stood and trekked down the hallway. You knocked on her door. 
“Ellie? It’s your turn to take!” 
… Silence. No response. 
You knocked on her door again, “Ellie?”
You heard some shuffling come from inside, so you decided to check on her. She smoked a lot; Maybe she needed some help getting into bed! 
You slowly twisted the doorknob and peeped through the small opening in the wood, and her raspy tone immediately filled your ears like warm honey. 
“Uh huh, rub that clit like I would. Nice’n slow.” 
Ellie was completely shirtless on her bed as she twirled her antlers with her free hand, shoes kicked off as she spewed filth to… whoever the fuck was on the other line. She couldn’t see you, and you felt guilty for spying, but the fire that she ignited in your stomach planted your feet to the floor. 
“Mhm, miss you so fucking bad.” 
… Why were you still fucking snooping! Shut the fucking door! 
“Yeah? Gonna let me?” 
Why’d you almost nod? You’re losing it; You need to fuck her!
“Wanna know something really hot?” She whispered. Your heart was pounding in your chest and your palms were sweaty. Yes, you do! Anything! 
“I think we have an audience,” she hummed with a sly grin, setting her headband on her thigh before looking up at you. You nearly hit the floor like your stomach just did. 
She chuckled and your clit throbbed. You hate how desperate she gets you, “Yeah, she’s cute. She has the wettest pussy I’ve ever fucked.” 
Your body was on fire and your breathing was shaky; You swore to send your hospital bill to her address. She was going to put you in a coma! 
“Yeah… tag team her with me,” she bit her lip after her suggestion and that was enough to get you to slam the door. For the first time in your life, your embarrassment overshadowed your arousal. You heard her giggling! You're never going outside again! 
“Why the fuck are you standing there like that.” 
You let out a shocked noise at Dina’s voice, trying to look as… not creepy as possible. 
“I, uh, Ellie… S-She fell asleep! It was, um, her turn to pull and I just— “ 
You felt your phone vibrate on your cheek. Dina crossed her arms in front of her, staring you down with an arched brow. You flinched and pulled your device out, Ellie’s message sitting on your bright screen.
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You held back your shudder. 
You heard Dina sigh, “Y’all better not be loud.” 
You glanced up at Dina’s hushed tone, her brow arched at you. 
“Niah isn’t going anywhere, and neither are you. Go see her,” she sighed and pointed at your snoring roomie. “Just don’t be loud. His room is right next to hers and I’m tired.” 
Your arms wrapped around her as you cheesed. 
“Ireallydidn’twantthistobeweirdIloveyousomuch— “
She snickered in your ear and patted your ass in encouragement, “Yeah, yeah, okay. Just… just try’n keep it light, okay? Have a good time and leave it at that.” 
“I will! Promise!” 
You planted a wet kiss on her cheek before turning to yank at Ellie’s doorknob again. 
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You busted into Ellie’s room and was immediately hit with the sound of your moans. 
She was sitting on the edge of her bed, nonchalantly packing the same bong from earlier as your… series of Snapchat memories played on the table. She looked up at you upon entry. 
You waved lamely and immediately cringed. Why does she make you so fucking nervous! 
“… Wanna hit?” She ushered the bong to you. You shook your head and… spoke. You’re such an idiot! 
“No thanks… but you can, uh… h-hit this pussy?” 
The shock on her face made you pray for lightning to strike you down, never to be seen or heard from again because what the fuck did you just say and why did it sound like your screams from her phone were increasing in volume—
Ellie giggled. She actually laughed, and it made you smile. She sounded so cute, like she doesn’t obliterate pussy on a day-to-day basis! 
She grabbed her lighter and lit her overstuffed bowl, muttering into the opening, “Come watch this with me.” 
Your gut erupted with excitement when you shuffled closer, taking a seat right next to her, your shoulders touching. She blew her smoke away from you before grabbing her phone from her nightstand! How long did these memories go on for!
“I never got to ask,” she swiped to the next video of you gagging on her fingers. “You do porn?” 
You choked on air, “… No?”
She looked at you blankly, her thumb moving mindlessly on the screen, “You should. You’re so good in front of a camera.” 
Your face burned like she called you the most beautiful person in the world. Don’t look at her titties!
“Thank you!” You squealed with a bright smile. 
“Mhm,” Ellie gawked at you before shutting her phone off and tossing it behind her, pulling at the hem of your shorts, “Lay down’n take these off.” 
Your shoes went flying across her room, almost hitting her dresser before yanking your shorts down your legs. Ellie stood and grabbed your chin, halting your frantic movements and pressing a light kiss to your lips. The feeling didn’t last a second, but you swore your heart grew a heart before it exploded into red glitter in your chest. You’re shocked the remaining specs didn’t land on her face. She hardly ever kisses you!
“Gonna let me eat this angel cunt before I knock out?” 
You were a mere dog on a leash. You know your eyes glossed over at her tone. She smirked knowingly, pushing your shoulder until you laid flat on her blanket before dropping to her knees in front of you. 
You didn’t have time to take your fishnets off, so she tore the crotch of them with her two veiny hands, —holy fuck—exposing the wet patch on your lace panties. 
She didn’t bother to remove flimsy, damp fabric, merely moving it to the side and revealing the soft, curly hairs on your pussy, your clit throbbing whenever her breath hit it. 
“You gotta pornstar pussy, swear to god.” 
You snorted and looked down, “Why do you want me to do porn so bad?!” 
She sneered playfully, “I’m a girl with needs and I’m asking my favorite link to help me out. You get a fat check and I nut, everybody wins!” 
You laughed brightly, “You’re annoying!” 
She rolled her eyes before licking deeply into you. Your whole body shuddered at the feeling of her soft tongue, your hand finding solace in the loose strands from her bun. You moved her hair from her face, sitting up on an elbow so you could watch her lick you out. She started slowly, swirling her wet muscle on your pulsing bud, spread your slick around before dipping down, shoving her tongue in your pussy, and coming back up to spit all your juices on your clit 
Your thighs were trying to jerk closed around her head, but she pried them open, digging her nails into your plush skin in warning. Your wet gasps were catching in your throat with every skilled swipe of her tongue, your lashes fluttering 
You couldn’t hold back the loud moan that escaped when her tongue pressed against your walls, and she pulled away, landing a harsh slap on your pussy, “Don’t wake my friend up.” 
Your head jerked, “M’—oh fuck— “
She murmured uh huh right on your clit, and eyes rolled, your hips bucking down to get her to drag her tongue over that one spot again you love it when she licks right there—
She sucked your clit into her mouth, her soft lips massaging your sensitive bundle. Your ankles locked behind her head, her bun completely dismantled in your tight grip. 
“Ellie— “
“Yeah, angel? Boutta cum?” she mumbled against your pussy. 
“Y-Yeah— “
She snatched a hand from your thigh and fucked her index finger into your cunt, hitting all your spots like it was in her nature. 
You tried your hardest to shut the fuck up, but you couldn’t! Whines escaped your mouth as quietly as they could as she fucked and ate your cunt at the same time. Your soft walls were squeezing around her calloused finger like it never wanted her to leave, completely drenched in your slick.
“Cutest fuckin’ pussy. Give it t’me, needa drink that cum— “
Your jaw dropped in a silent scream, your walls clenching and squeezing and leaking on her before your orgasm crashed into you. Your lashes fluttered and your eyes crossed in your head, a line a drool dripping off your tongue and onto your fuzzy sweater. Your toes won't uncurl in your damaged stockings; You definitely weren’t going home tonight! 
You watched Ellie swallow every drop of your cum, releasing hums of satisfaction after every pulse of your pussy. Her eyes were sparkling! 
She forced the last of your pleasure out of you until you went limp on her mattress and pushed her head away. She landed a light kiss on your thigh before standing to stretch. 
“Take this shit off and lay down with me.” 
She lightly pulled at your sweater sleeve and rejuvenated you, tearing it and your bra from your body. She eyed your tits before walking over to her side of the bed and shredding her jeans off, sliding under her cotton sheets.
She said nothing, her back turned to you as her body relaxed into her pillows. You felt a little shunned, but she took care of you like she always does when you come over! You tucked yourself in, hyper-focusing on the blotchy bruises on her neck and red lines that cascaded down her toned back until you drifted off with a dull sting in your chest. 
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omg the actual p1 ok slayyyy
taglist? :3
night yall LOL
teaser, 2, 3, four, five
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corazondebeskar-reads · 8 months
ain't no rest for the wicked - chapter four
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ain't no rest for the wicked series
four: no telling what tomorrow holds
series masterlist | prev chapter | final chapter
Tess Servopoulos x f!reader x Joel Miller
words: 5.9k
summary: Joel and Tess pay you surprise visits after work.
warnings: dark-ish Joel and Tess, smuggler!Joel, smuggler!Tess, boston QZ, QZ life, poorly negotiated d/s-style dynamics, poor communication, enthusiastic consent, oral sex (m & f receiving), p in v, degradation, stalking, threesome, light rope bondage, light choking with a belt, paddling, punishment, aftercare, strap-on, anal sex, rimming, light angst, orgasm denial, hurt/comfort, light description of a wound, flashbacks to outbreak day (reader), double penetration
This is the penultimate chapter.
also on ao3
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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You don’t get any warning the next time. It’s not more than a week later, and when you step out into the dying sun, Joel’s waiting outside your office building.
You’re pissed, because when he croons, “Where you goin’, sunflower?” from behind you, your heart shoots about sixty feet into the sky.
“Cheese and fucking Christ, Joel!” You’re clutching your chest, but you can’t even pretend to be mad for more than a minute.
Not the way he’s smirking, something bright behind his gorgeous eyes. He looks fucking beautiful like this, bathed in amber, dark coat against the snow.
“I can just leave by myself,” he says.
But you break and smile. Goddamnit. It isn’t just your cunt that’s happy to see him.
Though it very much is. You’re a little concerned about icicles forming, the way you’re abruptly dripping at the prospect of an evening with them.
He can read it all over you. Of course he can. He shakes his head and pushes away from the wall, not bothering to swallow down the smug curl of his lips.
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“They been treatin’ you alright?” He asks as you make the walk across town.
“Who, work? Yeah, I mean. A job’s a job.” You shrug.
He’s looking at you like he thinks he’s some kinda human lie detector.
“Nobody’s bothering me, I promise,” you say, rolling your eyes.
His jaw ticks. You don’t realize how close he’s leaned until he’s murmuring into your ear. “Watch the attitude, little girl.”
You swallow hard. He leans back, but you’re acutely aware now, that he’s stayed close the whole time. There’s not five feet between you as you scramble to follow. No, he’s been near enough that your shoulders occasionally brush.
Thinking about it makes your stomach feel a lot like your very first (and only) cellphone. It had slipped from your pocket into the lake up north when you crossed from the dock to the little motorboat, and you just watched as it sank slowly. By the time you thrust your hand below the surface to save it, it was too late, and the water you displaced pushed it deeper into the darkness.
Your daddy had been mad beyond words, not that it stopped him from lecturing, and while you sat there peering over the edge, it lit up with a call from your best friend, even underwater. It rang over and over and over until your dad started the boat, and the motor buried it in a puff of kicked-up sand.
She had been calling from back home, where you’d be in about six hours. You figured you’d stop by her dorm and see what her latest fuckboy from the neighboring floor had done now.
By the time your dad pulled up to campus, though, the world was half over. He didn’t let you out of the car, your brother holding you back while your daddy peeled away from the curb and the bodies.
He was gone by midnight.
When you blink back to the grimy streets of Boston, you can’t remember what you were thinking about before. Joel’s still looking at you, brow furrowed.
“Where’d you go?” he says.
“Oh, uh. I dunno. Just got lost in my head,” you try to smile and shrug. Silly you, as always, drifting off in the clouds.
He doesn’t buy it, but he doesn’t push it.
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When you get to the apartment, you’re startled to find Tess in an apron. As far as you know, Joel’s been the only one cooking when you came over. She spares you a kiss before she turns back to chopping carrots.
You kind of want to drop to your knees right there in the kitchen, watching her tuck back a loose strand of hair while brandishing a knife.
There might be something deeply unwell about you, you suspect. But it seems like the kind of thought that hampers your quality of life, so you scrunch it up and toss it in your mental waste bin. It bounces off the rim.
Damn. You can’t even make a basket in your own mind.
Joel smirks at the way you already look a little dazed. “Don’t worry,” he murmurs in your ear. His thumbs hook into the belt loops at the front of your jeans, tugging you back so you can feel him press against your ass. “We’re gonna have dessert first tonight.”
Tess snorts. “Been workin’ on that one all day?”
“Shut up, like you didn’t tell me to go pick up something sweet.”
You think maybe you’re going to die from secondhand embarrassment. “Can’t believe I used to be scared of you guys,” you say, foolishly, “you’re just a couple of dorks.”
Tess shakes her head, lip twitching into a smirk. “Baby, you just going to let her disrespect you like that?”
Oh, shit. If you weren’t wet already, well.
“Do whatever you want with her while I finish this up,” she says to Joel, meeting his eyes over your head.
Her words are anesthesia. Your whole brain seems to fuck right off, and it’s like you’ve been a mermaid turned human, the way your legs don’t seem to work anymore.
He lets go and steps around before throwing you over his shoulder, taking the opportunity to slap your ass.
“M’sorry,” you say, clawing at the back of his shirt for stability. Not that you really think he’d drop you, but all in all, you’re a little off-kilter right now.
“You will be,” he says.
It should scare you, you think. Despite your joke, outside of this apartment, these are two terrifying individuals. Together? Well, your initial tornado siren instinct wasn’t far off.
Instead, you moan.
He shakes his head. “What am I gonna do with you, huh?”
“She said whatever you want.” You don’t have a clue where the boldness is coming from, but you think you like where it’s going.
“You got a mouth on you today. First thing is gonna be findin’ a better use for it.”
“Fuck,” you whisper.
He swings you down from his shoulder, and you sink straight down to your knees.
“Open,” he says, belt buckle jangling as he tugs it from the loops.
You open your mouth wide and stick your tongue out, but he doesn’t give you his cock yet. He grabs your jaw, fingers digging into your cheeks, and spits onto your waiting tongue.
You startle back a little but moan and swallow it, only for his hand to fly out and slap you.
“I didn’t say you could swallow that,” he growls.
“Sorry, sir,” you say, eyes wide and sorrowful.
He leans back down and spits again. You hold still, and he gives you a crooked grin. “Attagirl. Hold that for a minute.”
You whine until he brings the belt around your neck, sliding it through the hoop on the buckle and pulling it snugly around your neck. It’s not too tight, and the sight of the loose end wrapped around his fist almost does you in.
“Yeah, you like that,” he says, shaking his head. He leaves you waiting while he pulls out his cock.
You whimper when you see it, but he tugs on the belt to abort the sound and rests his cock on your tongue, thrusting so shallow that he’s barely inside the cavern of your mouth.
When it’s nice and coated with your saliva and his own, he pulls out and slaps it across your face.
The moan you let out would be humiliating if you had it in you to care. But you don’t, only concerned with getting his cock back in your mouth.
You give him your best pleading eyes, wide and sad, with your mouth still open.
“Aw,” he coos, dry and mocking, “are you not getting what you want?”
You shake your head.
“Brats don’t.” He rubs the leaking head of his cock over your upper lip, smearing precum in his wake.
You move instinctually to lick it, but he pinches your tongue between two unforgiving fingers.
“I don’t think so. You’re just going to sit still and be good. And quiet."
If you thought Tess’s words made your mind go blank earlier, then this made you think nothing. Literally nothing. The weight of his belt around your neck, the smell of him on your lip, and the rigidity of his commands are all you can handle. Like the shutdown of your old, chunky computer, your brain whirrs to a stop.
He pulls you forward by the belt, cutting off your air and leaving no room for resistance. Not that you’d have even dreamt of it. He slides in farther this time, the head just grazing against the back of your throat.
You keep your eyes and mouth open wide. The pressure on your throat eases up, not entirely, but enough to allow you air. He begins to gently thrust in and out, reaching deeper and deeper.
You whine, jaw aching for more.
He smirks. “What? You don’t like me usin’ your mouth to jerk off?”
Your cunt clenches, with nothing, nothing to comfort it. It’s strong enough that your head tips back a little, a raggedy gasp slipping around him.
“Did you just almost cum?” he asks, tugging a little on the belt.
“Uh-huh,” you try to say.
He whistles. “Damn. Don’t you dare, though.”
Easier said than done, but you manage to hold back. His cock sent sparks to your clit as he masturbated with your throat.
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The door clicks softly shut as Tess comes in, apron abandoned in place of a shit-eating grin. “Havin’ fun, baby?” she asks Joel, wrapping her arms around his waist and taking in the scene.
“Y’should have a go, use her tongue,” he says. “Fuckin’ slut almost came from bein’ used as a cocksleeve.”
You moan and try to grab his thighs, but he just steps back, pulling his cock away. The whine you make is soaked with desperation and hurt feelings.
“Why don’t you tie her up, and I’ll have a turn,” Tess says. She comes close to you, a hand in your hair to tip your head back. “Same rules, sunflower. You just stay still and be good.”
You can’t do much more than blink up at her as Joel crouches behind you and tugs your arms back, binding your wrists together deftly. He moves to help Tess strip down, his movements gentle and devout. Her neatly folded clothes get set on the dresser, and he sits on the side of the bed to watch, cock drooling over his fist.
She makes use of your mouth, rubbing her cunt over your tongue. You’ve stretched it out as much as you can and your chest aches with the need to lick, to taste, to have anything more than they’re allowing. But the ache to be good for them is deeper and undeniable.
She grinds until her clit is pushed against you and rides your steady tongue until she cums. You don’t dare swallow what’s left in your mouth, remembering the scolding you got earlier.
“Good girl,” she croons, stroking your cheek. She steps back, and you jerk a little with the intense throb that seems to rattle your bones. You’re so close, and you know what’s about to happen.
You whine and give Joel sad eyes again, begging for mercy. He doesn’t grant it, but he does rub his dick through Tess’s slick where it sits on your tongue, groaning at the warmth and ease as his cock slides smoothly into your throat, pushing the taste of her with it.
Each thrust makes you whimper and plead, not that he can technically understand you, but the grin on his face makes you think he does perfectly.
“Damn, I wasn’t gonna let ya, but makin’ you cum untouched like this…” he muses out loud.
You hold back the plea, not wanting to dissuade him.
He cups your cheek, stroking his thumb up and down. “Nah.”
Your eyes are wide again, unable to stop the pout that turns your lips down around his cock.
“None o’ that,” he scolds, using his hand on your face to fuck into you. “You mouthed off. You can wait to cum on our cocks.”
You can’t help the way your head snaps to the side to look at Tess, where she’s leisurely sprawled on the bed. His next thrust was already in motion, and his cock jabs you below the ear.
He growls and yanks your face back to him, pushing inside while pulling on the belt. Your clit pulses with the beat of your heart, or maybe the beat of his cock. As if they’re any different right now.
“Yeah, you heard me,” he says. “And now that I think about it…” he trails off to look at Tess. Out of the corner of her eye, you can see a responding grin creep across her face.
She gets up from the bed and comes over to you. “Let me have another go, and you get it all out for me, baby,” she says to Joel.
He pulls out immediately, and you can hear him rustling through a drawer while she rides your tongue to a second orgasm.
“Look how sweet you’re being,” she says, bending to kiss your forehead. The praise settles somewhere in your ribs, a warm, wriggling thing.
The cock he’s picked out is smaller than the one he took last time and smaller than his own, but not by much. If you weren’t already drooling, saliva dripping down onto your tits and their carpet, you would be now.
She slips the harness on with practiced fingers, vibrator tucked snugly inside her, though she doesn’t turn it on yet. When she sets the plastic on your waiting tongue, you gasp, eyes fluttering shut.
Instead of fucking your face with it, she gives a jerk of her head to Joel. He comes around behind you and puts a hand on either side of your face, fucking your head back and forth on the cock.
“That’s it, baby,” she moans, reaching out to caress him. He presses his lips to her hand, and she pulls him in for a kiss. He doesn’t miss a beat the whole time, still using you as a fleshlight for her strap.
It’s not his roughness that brings tears to your eyes, though, or jealousy. He’s not expecting it when you break away, his firm hands guiding more than forcing.
“Please,” you beg. “Please let me touch you.” You squirm in the ropes, knocking a tear down your cheek. “Please fuck me, please something.”
Tess wipes the tear away. “Think she’s had enough?”
Joel grunts his agreement, grabbing you by the arms to help you to your feet. He hands a bottle of lube to Tess, who situates herself on the bed, one hand slickening up the cock.
He stands behind you and holds your jaw in one hand, so you watch her, not that you’d be looking anywhere else. His other hand slides down to your cunt, and he chuckles. “Y’ain’t even gonna need it,” he tells her. He pushes two fingers in with little struggle and starts working you open for her.
You writhe. It’s almost too much; it hurts a little. Somehow, you’re overstimulated, and this is the first time all day that anyone has actually touched you.
“I know,” he murmurs. “You’ve been so good. Let us both get in ya, and I’ll let you cum.” 
He yanks his hand away, and you nearly sob. He unties your wrists and pulls his belt from your neck. “Go on,” he says, slapping your ass.
Tess grins at you as you climb up. She’s turned on the vibrator on her end and beckons you with open arms to crawl to her. You lean down, and she tugs you in for a kiss, her hands sliding to your hips to guide you down onto her strap.
“Can’t believe I haven’t fucked you yet,” she murmurs between kissing and nipping at your lips.
Your eyes roll back as you slide down, your pelvis angled just right so that when she bottoms out, you can grind your clit against her bush. She smirks but digs her fingers into your hips to stop you.
“Hold still and wait just a little bit longer,” she says.
Once you’re settled, Joel pushes you down by the shoulder to lay against Tess. It leaves you only partially seated, but you nuzzle into the nape of her neck, pressing kisses where you can reach.
It’s not a shock when his slicked-up fingers breach your asshole. You kind of assumed when he said they’d both be fucking you. He didn’t ask if you’ve done this before, though. He doesn’t really need to ask anymore.
You’re a little embarrassed that he’s got you pegged correctly as a slut. Before you came to Boston, you had fucked your way through the hard days, desperate to feel, well, anything.
But here, it had been harder. You made a point not to get to know anyone; it didn’t seem wise after everything fell apart before.
Then again, you think, they’re both experienced enough that they can hardly judge you for it.
You stop really thinking after that as Tess wraps her arms around you, gently thrusting up as Joel’s thick fingers work you open.
“Doing okay, sunflower?” she says.
You intend to respond, but Joel chooses that moment to stuff a second finger in you, and all that comes out is a broken, starving moan.
“Attagirl,” he says, rubbing his other hand over the dip of your spine.
When he finally deems you ready, he wastes no time.
“Oh god,” you pant as he pushes in with a strong, smooth stroke. “Oh fuck.”
They don’t really wait for you to get acclimated, not that you’re complaining. The back-and-forth rhythm is soothing, but you’re trembling, trying to keep it together.
True to his word, Joel slides his hand around and hovers his finger over your clit. “Whenever you’re ready,” he says. Blunt teeth nip at your neck as he presses firmly down, their thrusts jostling you and doing the work for him.
You cum immediately. It’s not a choice. You’d been barely holding on, and once he finally touches you, it’s like you break open. Vaguely, you’re aware of how loud you’re being, but he’s holding you tight and unrelenting. They both still and let you shake apart on their cocks, Joel’s dark chuckle against your neck as you fuck yourself through it.
You don’t think you fully come back to yourself the whole time they fuck you. You’re floating somewhere vaguely in the middle of the throng of bodies, lightheaded. Every pore feels electrified, each brush of their skin against yours drawing a gasp or cry. You know you cum again. Maybe you don’t ever really stop.
An endless wave of aftershocks, some orgasms in their own right, roll over you, and you just take it. Take them. Let them move and pinch and rub your body; just a soft vessel to soak up their attention.
When they’ve exhausted themselves and you, Joel spilling deep inside, he tugs you to the side to let Tess up. He lays behind you and tugs the sheet up as the sweat cools and leaves you shivering. His warm body presses against yours, an arm loose over your waist.
When Tess goes to leave the room, he sits up, but she’s not having it. “It’s my stew. Don’t even think about it.”
He grumbles, something you don’t catch as you fall asleep.
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It feels like only a moment has passed when he shakes you awake. “Gotta sit up and eat somethin’,” he says. It’s gruff, as he always is, but there’s something that stirs you to seek him out. Instead of sitting up properly, you turn over to snuggle against his chest.
He huffs, shaking his head, but it doesn’t stop him from holding your head to him. He presses a kiss atop it before nudging you to sit up.
You can’t help the small, stupid smile that lingers. You’re too well-fucked, the pleasure still loosening your muscles and inhibitions.
Tess pushes a thick bowl of stew into your hands. You’re irritated at your own surprise. Why did you ever think it was going to be some normal canned Campbell’s shit? You literally saw her chopping fresh carrots.
It’s full of rice and tender meat, tomatoes, onion, and herbs. More than you can identify, but it’s so rich and hearty that you think you could die happy. All your senses are satisfied, and your stomach is full.
“Kill me now,” you sigh, leaning back against the pillows.
Joel and Tess exchange a look over you, but you don’t give a damn.
“Is something wrong?” she says.
“No,” you say, a soft smile settling as you close your eyes and nestle into their bed.
Joel shrugs, and they make the wise choice to ignore you while they finish eating. He wins the argument about who does the dishes, and you excuse yourself to the bathroom to clean yourself up while he handles them.
You only try to argue once against them walking you home. You’re pretty sure everyone is aware of how half-hearted it is.
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Tess jumpscares you a couple of weeks later. Well, nearly. You’ve been on high alert since the Surprise Joel Incident, but your heart gets lodged in your throat at the sight of her.
It’s so incongruous that you stand there for a moment, just blinking stupidly, hand shielding your eyes from where the sun bounces off the freshly frozen snow.
“Hey, sunflower,” she says, and kisses your cheek, leaving you flushing hot enough to melt the drifts in your path.
“Hi,” you squeak.
She doesn’t hold your hand on the walk, but she sticks close and guides you through throngs of people with a palm burning at the dip of your spine.
When you let slip your worry—not that you aren’t just as happy to see her, but that the change makes you paranoid—she fesses up to Joel’s current predicament.
She warns you, this time. “I promise it won’t be like then. I’m not gonna put you in that position again.”
You’re comforted a little, but it’s still an upsetting prospect. You don’t want to see him get punished. And she won’t tell you what he did, but she does tell you she knows you’re going to understand her point.
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“Lay down over the bed next to him, sunflower, just like that.”
You obey, quietly settling your top half on the mattress beside him. He keeps his face buried in the duvet while you squirm around, trying to figure out what to do with your arms.
His are bound behind him. Should you mimic it? You tuck them under you, lay them by your sides, and clutch at the sheets above your head. Tess comes in the room and snorts at your fidgeting.
“Want some help with that?” She’s holding another length of rope, and you know it’s not a question.
“What’re you doin’ to her, Tess?” Joel grumbles, finally lifting his head. He doesn’t look at you, only at her.
Her hand cracks against his thigh before you realize she’s even moved close enough. “You wanna try that again?”
“Sorry, ma’am,” he mumbles, hiding back in the blanket.
“I can do whatever I want with her, right? She’s yours, and you’re mine. You know what that means, sunflower?”
You’re suddenly a little jealous of grapes, as you try to respond but only manage a squeaky whimper. Under the focus of the sun, they get to shrivel up and hide. Instead, you automatically turn to face her.
“Well?” She prompts, but she doesn’t wait for you to respond before tugging your arms behind your back and threading the rope around.
“It means I’m yours, too, ma’am.”
At your words, Joel is finally, finally looking at you, but unlike Tess, his attention scalds.
“That’s right.” She tugs at the rope to check the fit, and when she’s satisfied, she crouches down and spreads your cunt wide open.
You jerk a little as her cold fingers swipe between your folds. “She’s wet already, baby.”
You’re burning, one step closer to your new life dream of being a raisin, when you hear what is unmistakably Tess sucking her fingers clean of you. You moan and finally turn your head to seek out Joel.
He’s fuckin' sick and tired of you seeing him like this. But there’s a good part of him that knows he brought it on himself. If she thinks humiliating him in front of you is going to work, she’s probably right.
So far, though, you don’t seem to have lost any respect for him. When he finds your eyes, they’re soft and pleading. You don’t need to say a word; he knows you’re seeking the grasp of his firm hand.
“Hey, sweet girl,” he says.
You smile, but you don’t get to respond, distracted as Tess fists her hand in Joel’s hair and yanks back.
“You wanna tell her why you’re here like this instead of fucking her tight little cunt?”
Joel does not, but he’s not stupid. It wasn’t really a choice.
Tess tugs, sharp pain blossoming across his scalp, so he has to face you.
“I made a reckless decision.”
“And?” She prompts.
“And I nearly got shot.”
You suck in a breath but don’t look away. He, however, does—still facing you but eyes looking anywhere but.
“Nearly,” Tess scoffs. She tugs him to roll a little bit, and you see the bandage on his side, stained like rust.
“It grazed me. That’s nearly.”
She nudges him back into position but doesn’t let him turn away from you.
“Now you both get to see what happens when you do careless shit, baby. Don’t look away.” She pauses for a moment, taking something out of a dresser drawer. “And Joel?”
“Yes, ma’am?”
“Count for me.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He wants to close his eyes to brace for the hit, but you’re looking a little nervous. “S’ok, sweetheart,” he murmurs. “I can take it.”
But when Tess swings the paddle down, it’s on you. They’ve never used it with you, you’re not any kind of prepared for the broad, heavy stroke. You cry out, something akin to a yelp and a gasp, jerking forward into the mattress.
“No,” Joel snarls, wriggling against the ropes.
Tess clicks her tongue. “Not what you’re supposed to be saying, baby. Let’s start over.”
You’re slightly more prepared when she hits you again. It’s not any softer but a little easier to bear.
“One,” he bites out.
She catches you by the hair when you subconsciously press your face into the bed. “You keep looking right at him, sunflower. He needs to see.”
He looks at you, brows cinched and eyes wide. His lips part, but the words don’t come out.
You nod, a small duck of your chin, and he closes his eyes for just a moment.
When he opens them, they’re lined with pain, his aching muscles taut as he grapples with guilt. He returns the nod.
She doesn’t go easy on you. No, you get exactly the punishment Joel would have gotten. By the time you’ve taken 25 (or, well, 26), you’re sobbing softly, squirming to try to alleviate the burn.
“See, baby?” Tess says, setting the paddle down and running her fingers over your hot, aching skin. “This is what happens when you’re reckless. Someone gets hurt.”
Of course. No lesson in the world could make Joel more careful with himself for his own sake.
She cuts his ropes first, and he’s on you immediately, tugging the knot so you’re freed and pulling you into his lap.
He holds you against him. “Oh, sweetheart,” he murmurs as you sob into his chest. “I’m so sorry.” He lets you cling to him while you cry, rubbing a soothing hand up and down your back. He steadies you in a way you can’t explain. So does Tess.
It takes you a long time to recognize that feeling as safety.
At some point, Tess hands him something out of your line of sight. He reaches around you to unscrew the lid from the tub, and you jolt when his fingers move to the raw skin on your ass, but whatever he rubs on it instantly cools the burn.
You let out a sigh, leaning lax against him.
“You okay?” Tess murmurs, a hand on your shoulder.
You blink up at her and nod. “M’okay.” You crane your neck to kiss her hand, and she smiles.
Her other hand threads into Joel’s hair, gently this time. She gives him a kiss there. “Learn your lesson?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he says, barely louder than a whisper, voice like a knife on toast.
“Good. You were both so good.”
It’s the final string for you, the snap of the last tether. You mumble what you think is a thank you, but it comes out undecipherable. She gets the idea anyway.
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Everything is warm and heady, your limbs like silicone, but your mind like a sieve. You’re wet enough that Joel can feel the heat where your bare cunt lays across his bare lap.
He dips a finger in and strokes gently through your folds. “Gonna make you feel better,” he says, laying you down on the duvet. You keen, fingers reaching for him, but Tess catches them and kisses you, kneeling beside you on the mattress.
“Hang on,” she says as Joel gets to his knees on the carpet. “Lay down,” she tells him, gesturing to where he’s frozen.
He obeys, and she tugs you forward to the edge of the bed.
“Sit on his face, sunflower,” she says.
Joel groans and reaches his hands up to help you down, but you hesitate.
“I—” you start, but she sees right through you.
“If you haven’t figured it out by now, he likes eating pussy.”
“Fuckin' love it,” Joel says, fist clenching around his cock while he waits.
“I don’t wanna be ungrateful,” you say to the wall behind him.
“You wanna get fucked?” she says.
You nod.
“You can ride him first if you want. Or you can start on his face, and then we’ll switch.”
“No,” Joel says, and you both look at him.
“Get down here and give me your cunt, now.”
You look at Tess, and she shrugs.
Knowing you’ll still get his cock makes you care a lot less what order it comes in—you snort out loud at the pun—so you do as you’re told. He settles you down and doesn’t wait for Tess; he just starts licking you—almost too gently.
You don’t complain. It feels good, and you think he’s still apologizing.
Once Tess helps herself to his cock, she reaches for you and takes your face in the cradle of her palms, licking into your mouth.
It’s all slow and luxurious. Dangerously so. You and Tess are content to make out while she rides him, a gentle cant to her hips, and he holds you open with both hands to eat you out. He’s careful to avoid the irritated skin on your ass, prying at the inside of your thighs instead.
You don’t know how many times he takes you apart on his tongue, but when it crosses the line between just enough and a little too much, Tess lifts off his aching cock and taps you in to switch.
As nice as his mouth was, sinking down on his cock is fucking divine. Life changing. You could start a church.
Well, not quite, but anyway. The point is your cunt had been painfully empty, and now that it’s stuffed full, you think you might cry.
Instead, you go back to making out with Tess and groping her tits.
She lets him cum when she does, after you’ve both had your fill. She holds you down on him and rubs your clit so you all share an orgasm.
She stands up on trembling legs and tugs you to do the same, even though you really want to just collapse on the floor.
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Joel’s moved to the bed when you come out of the bathroom, dozing in the slice of streetlight from the window. Tess is nowhere to be seen. You’re still feeling a little fuzzy and dazed, but you take your cue and slip out of the bedroom to get your things.
“Hey,” Tess’s voice cuts through your haze.
You stop where you stand, bag over one shoulder, leaning against the door with one boot tugged just past the toes.
“Do me a favor? Stay here tonight,” she says.
“What?” Your heart stutters. It’s never been an option before.
“Stay. I know I was harsh on ya. Both of ya.”
“I’m fine,” you lie. Your body betrays you, as always. Fuckin’ narc. Your hands are shaking and it rattles the zipper of your boot like an SOS.
She steps closer and cups your face in one hand.
Your eyes flutter shut, leaning into the warmth of her calloused palm.
“C’mon, sunflower. Let me look out for you. Please.”
“Okay,” you whisper, pressing your lips to her hand.
She pulls you in, and when her lips meet yours, you moan softly. It’s less from your cunt than from your aching chest. She pulls you close, tucking your head to her shoulder, and you snuggle in, arms tucked up around her back.
It ends all too soon.
“Be good and go cuddle up to him, alright? Keep my spot warm,” Tess says, patting your cheek.
You nod, brain fuzzed over with the siren song of sleep.
Joel startles when you slip back into the room.
“Is this okay?” you say.
He blinks up at you with sore eyes and nods, peeling back the duvet for you.
You strip down. No one had said to, but you don’t feel right being clothed when he isn’t.
When you’re pressed against his warm body, he wraps an arm around you, and you sigh in tandem.
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When you wake, the room is silent save for the light breaths of your companions. Moonlight refracts off the fresh banks of snow and scatters through the blinds. The city holds its breath and waits for the sun.
You lie as quiet as the streets. At some point, despite her quip about warming her spot, Tess slipped into the bed behind Joel. Her arm is snug around his waist in the way that his is around yours.
The moment is not lost on you. These two predators in symbiosis, lax and peaceful. You’re ever the ensnared dinner guest. Their places here are natural, and you… you’re scared. Scared of the way your heart is fighting to escape its cage and lay itself on their plates.
You either have to let it, or you have to run.
Joel wakes when you try to extract yourself from the bed, but he relaxes his grasp when you whisper something about the bathroom. He kisses the nape of your neck and lets you free. It’s not a lie, really. You do use their bathroom, and then you turn the light off and wait until you think he’s fully asleep again before you slip out.
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It’s a longer trek home, what with having to sneak around. You’ve never been out past curfew before, and you really, really do not want to know what lockup is like.
But you don’t see much of FEDRA, and before long, you’re nearly outside your apartment building.
It wasn’t FEDRA you should have been looking out for, though.
next chapter
*title from "Duality" by Bayside
pls feel free to tell me how you feel 😬
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copperbadge · 7 months
Hey Sam. If you're so inclined, could you recommend a few 'must eat' places in Downtown Chicago? My hotel will be near the Red Line (Grand station) and I'm fine walking a good 10 minutes for awesome food. I'm planning my trip and trying to put together a few food places for lunch and dinner and such. Pizza, burgers, bbq, donuts, steak, sushi..., I'm flexible!
You know, honestly, I don't eat out much anymore so I'm not sure where the best places to get a bite are. I'm going to make some recommendations but they're about to be a mixture of "If you come to Chicago this is somewhere everyone goes" and "This is somewhere Sam personally likes to eat but which you may not go for." :D
So, if you're at Grand, you are pretty much on top of the Weber Kettle Grill. Weber Kettle Grill does GREAT grill food and my parents always want to eat there when they come into town. If you ask to sit at the chef's table, you'll be seated at what looks like a bar, but it also looks all the way down the row of giant indoor grills the chefs use to cook the food. If you want something quieter and less busy they also have a fairly large dining room.
If you want a real Chicago experience, there's a Portillo's pretty close to you (that one's called "Portillo's & Barnelli's"); Portillo's is a local chain that does burgers, dogs, and crucially Italian Beef. Italian Beef is my go-to Chicago food for people who (like me) don't want to eat Deep Dish Pizza. It's a crusty roll filled with shredded braised beef; you can get it with sweet peppers, hot peppers, or no peppers (they might call it "giardinera" which is the local term for the pepper relish they use). If you get it "dipped", once the sandwich is made it's dunked in a flavorful jus before being wrapped up; if you don't like wet bread I'd skip this, but I love it. If you REALLY don't like wet bread, maybe get a Chicago Style hot dog instead. Portillo's is also famous for being The Place Where they make you a milkshake with an entire slice of chocolate cake in it. You can also just get a slice of cake, which is fantastic.
There's also an Al's Italian Beef near you if you want a more local experience. Locals absolutely can and will eat at Portillo's, the food's not better at Al's, it's just a bit more tourist-friendly than Al's tends to be.
If you want that true authentic Chicago deep dish experience (pie crust filled with cheese and then topped with sauce) Pizzeria Uno and Pizzeria Due are very close by; they vie for the dubious honor of having invented the deep dish pizza. I can't recommend it, but if you want it, hit one of those.
If you're not from the midwest and would like to sample a decent approximation of Detroit style deep dish (thick bready crust topped with cheese and then sauce) Jet's Pizza likely delivers to your hotel. I can't recommend going to a Jet's, many of them don't have anywhere to sit and eat, and for a pizza joint they're a bit costly, but it's very good pizza. My Detroit friends say it's a perfectly acceptable pie by their standards.
Volare Ristorante is a nearby hidden gem if you're in the mood for upscale Italian; I really like their pasta, but they are on the pricier end. If you're walking east on Grand to get there, you do have to go under Michigan, and you will likely fear that you will be stabbed and left for dead in this weird underground cavern, but I promise you, it's smelly but safe.
Goddess And The Baker and Beatrix are both good places to pick up breakfast. If you wish to glimpse Hell, the Starbucks Roastery at Michigan and Erie is one of the largest buxes in the country (possibly the world?) and is a FUCKING NIGHTMARE to navigate, but it's certainly an experience.
If you're venturing into the Loop, Russian Tea Time is a fun place to have afternoon tea and the a la carte food is also quite good; they're very close to the Art Institute. There's not much to eat if you're going to the museum campus, and my favorite Greek place closed down, but Minghin Cuisine is a good Chinese place (I've eaten there) and AO Hawaiian Hideout is supposedly some of the best Chinese in the city (I have not eaten there).
If you are craving Chinese, you can also catch the Red Line directly to the Chinatown stop and browse, I've never had a bad meal in Chinatown. When you get off the train, if you go north to the station exit with only stairs, you can exit, look left, and see the "new" Chinatown that's basically an outdoor mall; if you go south to the escalator exit, once you leave turn right and you'll see the big pagoda entrance to "old" Chinatown, which is more shops than restaurants. New Chinatown has some excellent bakeries, and also a Korean fried chicken place, Bonchon, that's extremely good. Usually when I take friends we go to Joy Yee which has a huge menu and also bubble tea.
As a final plug I'll list The Berghoff, which is in the loop (off the Jackson Red Line stop); it's pretty hefty German cuisine, all excellent food, and also is a top notch place to take anyone with gluten issues -- the owners have a kid with a gluten intolerance and the restaurant has an exceptional gluten-free menu with unusually strict protocols to prevent cross-contamination in the kitchen.
And if you want to get a little baked first, you are pretty close to Sunnyside dispensary, which is a very nice dispensary with super friendly people. If you take the Red Line to Roosevelt or are in the area, Grasshopper Club is less expensive, just as friendly, and Black-owned, and they've been my go-to for a couple of months now. At either one you can walk-in to speak to a budtender about what you'd like, or you can preorder online, but be aware that there are limitations on what out-of-staters can purchase. Having sampled most of the gummies out there, I'd recommend Mindy's (any flavor is good but the black cherry is my preferred). Do bring ID, you will be carded.
I hope you enjoy Chicago! If you have more questions feel free to hit me up here or at [email protected] if you'd like to have more of like, a dialogue :) Have fun and eat well!
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buff-muffin · 9 months
Random little One piece modern AU thoughts and I guess scenes I had about mainly Luffy
1. Luffy is the best guy to take to karaoke. While he isn’t the best singer he’s also not the worst. However he sings with his whole chest and heart and will sing duets with anyone no matter how lovey or metal. His energy always brought everyone out of their shells he just has a bad habit of singing when it’s not his turn
2. I feel like in a modern AU Luffy would still be friends with a lot of the people he met in series just under different conditions. Like water 7 instead of the mayor almost being assassinated he just. Met him. Like on good terms. idk, maybe Luffy saved tyrannosaurus and now they just exchange animals pics and the occasional “hey I’m heading to insert place where should I go to eat” and Luffy just introduces the Baratie with no heads up to Zeff and Sanji and when Sanji spams the group chat freaking out he just says you’re welcome :D
3. Luffy keeps the contacts of everyone he’s met and keep them under their nicknames. Monster granny, hammock, split head ect. It’s the only way he can remember them after all. When nami had gotten nosy and decided to go through his contacts she obviously asked who tf ice pops was. Imagine her surprise when Luffy confidently answers that it’s the mayor from a few towns over.
4. In a modern AU the ASL brothers were totally still bush kids. Like. Dadan’s (probably community house) was right by the woods and they would have a similar childhood to canon with less killing wild animals. But they also a thousand fucking percent had a Nintendo Wii. Like Ace and Sabo fought tooth and NAIL for player one and Luffy was banished to player three with the dingiest controller known to man (not even the safety strap could protect that thing from getting tossed at the tv) And speaking from my own experience as a younger sibling Ace totally spent a whole summer trying to unlock every character in Mario kart.
5. Law met the straw hats in collage at 2 am when they got kicked out of a bar and he was trying to mind his own business. While they saw him in their intoxicated state and said “you’re my friend now :)” Law was genuinely worried half of them had alcohol poisoning. An hour later he found himself in one of their apartments two of them passed out. One of them throwing up. All while he makes a grilled cheese for Luffy, the so called infamous man on campus who is crying sitting on the floor cause he’s starving. Law stayed the night to make sure none of them drowned in their own vomit and like imprinted baby ducks they have not left him alone since.
6. Luffy has been going to riots and movements for years. He started going with Sabo and Ace growing up when they were teenagers and hasn’t stopped. He also never thought to mention it to any of his friends until they saw him on the news at a protest absolutely fucking SENDING a tear gas canister back at the cops
7. I kinda wanna believe while devil fruits don’t exist in modern AU the character still has quirks semi related to their fruit. Like Robin is just, double jointed everywhere and could bend her arms and fingers in all the worst ways. Luffy can either contort his body to hide in tiny places OR he has stretchy skin. It’s nothing more then party tricks but it is cool
8. Luffy was definitely a gymnastics kid. Not in like. The competing sense. But in like the, one of the adults in his life would drop him off there twice a week for an hour. Did he participate with the other children and learn how to roll? NO! He was flinging himself full speed into giant foam mats and climbing rock walls without a harness. He was a menace to society and he was only taken to blow off some energy and it WORKED. Until he was kicked out.
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siremasterlawrence · 1 year
Frat Hypnosis: The Five
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Don’t you hate it when your friends demand you join them on a campus trip that I well unfortunately have to be a part of as they literally drag me out of the house.
I am in the car with my asshole best friend Brenton who is in just a tee shirt, short tight pair of jeans wrapping on his waist and sexy.
He presses the button on the Raghu as it hit our senses blasting loudly into both or pit ears as we drive a long the coats I can see him turn to me.
He points at me in utter excitement saying I am so quiet when will I open up I had more then enough of this bullshit smacking him across the head.
He laughs a bit of it hysterically in a crazy yet fun, authentic and honest way as he is smirking at me. I roll my eyes continuously at his actions.
Cracking up at it I slip my pin into the radio as it emits a buzzing sound blasting through the radio hitting him like a eargasmic senses of emotion.
His facial expression went blank as he drove down the road way his cock rises beginning to stir upward as it points straight from his pants.
I giggle a bit reaching for it because In the base of a buzz the track induces a deep sexy tone pulsating in to his body as he is vibrating.
His ass began to shake a bit his nipples are pump, his pecs super strong bounce move upward and downward causing his shirt to pop open.
This is my chance taking action my hands are a go feeling him up every Inch and tight crevice spots of his body as he gasp in lust and desire.
His mouth flows open, tongue hanging from his mouth, the drool trickling down on to his face, he has this stupefied expression over his face.
He is so lost in his own haze of power heavy struggle spinning round and round with me rubbing his back and then I lay my head on his shoulder.
My lips attach to his neck kissing up slowly to him as we vibe together both heart beats begin to match and I make my way from the passenger seat.
Sitting behind him now my arms fully length going outstretch onto his shoulders continue to rub him his neck bends back, and I can smell his scent kissing him down.
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“Brenton, we are more than friends because I am your Master. Master Lawrence is my real name, you will answer me sir yes sir and you will obey my every command.” I whisper into his ears controlling his new narrative as we arrive to the beach house.
“When you wake up on my command you will do exacts as I instruct you, you will park the car exit it going for a walk.”
“Yes park and go for a walk.”
“You will strip off your clothes and wait by the water.”
“Stand by it staring in to the lake but do not move.”
“Yes, Master Lawrence “
“Sir Yes Master Sir”
“Anyway! I can focus on the rest now “
“Hey Lawrence over here”
“Hey Zach! Catch”
“Woah! What’s this?
“Press the button”
“Ok sure weirdo”
“Uuuuggggghhhhh….what the fuck happen to me?”
“You are my slave, you love me and will obey everything I say.”
“Sir Yes Master Lawrence
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“Colton is barbecuing”
“Hey Colton buddy “
“Hey Lawrence “
“Say cheese”
“Mwahahahahaha “
“Remove your spatula”
“Spin to me”
“Focus on my eyes “
“I am your Master”
“Yes! Master Lawrence “
“Good boi”
“Take a knee”
“Don’t worry the barbecue will be fine”
He can’t but smile scooting over on hind legs to my side he places his hands on my waist holding my hand and kisses my palms with love in my eyes.
“What do you wish of me?”
“Get back to work on my dinner “
“Yes Master”
“Mwahahahahaha “
“You are my bitch”
“I am your bitch”
“Pussy bitch”
“Sir Pussy Bitch Sir”
“I love when you touch my ass”
“Do you ?”
“Yes! Grope it “
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“Hey Lawrence”
“They say you wanted to see me”
“Did you “
“Listen? I did “
“You will address me as Master Lawrence “
“Sir Yes Sir”
“I am your Master”
“Your king”
“Take off your clothes “
“Hell yeah”
“Say fuck!”
“Do a dance “
“Yes sir!”
“Spin for me”
“You are my property “
“My slave”
“Kill it “
“Blow me a kiss”
“Between my legs”
“Touch me”
“Embrace me”
“Kiss me”
“Taste like candy “
“Not that song”
“It’s cheesy “
“I love it”
“Yes Master babe”
The end
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siltyriver · 9 months
Justice is Swift (Vengeance is Sweet) — a DPxDC Dead on Main Fic
chapter two is officially here!
master post || <- ch.1 || ch.2 shitposts || ch.3 ->
Summary —
Danny starts classes, meets a new friend, makes a trip to the Realms, and has some surprise visitors. Jason and Tim have MUCH to think about and research. So much research…
chapter word count — 9,148
full chapter under the cut, but for the best experience read on ao3 and consider leaving kudos/comments as they fuel me :)
The first week of classes flew by for Danny and suddenly it was already Thursday and time for his scheduled meeting with Bernard and his mysterious boyfriend at the campus cafe in the two hours before their last lecture of the day.
He was running late, the notes from his last lecture still clutched in his hands and threatening to fly away as he booked his way across the quad towards the central student center building. He managed to slide past the closing door from another student entering and glanced around in search of Bernard’s blonde hair. He had texted Danny that they were there nearly ten minutes ago and sure enough, he spotted Bernard at a table in the corner, sitting across someone with a dark red hoodie and black hair.
He beelined for them and matched Bernard’s friendly grin, plopping down on the seat next to him and across from the guy who looked vaguely familiar but he couldn’t place.
“Hey, you made it!” Bernard laughed at Danny’s disheveled state, scooting a cup of what was hopefully very strong coffee towards him. “I thought Professor Montgomery was gonna try holding you all hostage or something.”
Danny huffed a laugh and started organizing his notes to put them in his bag correctly. “Sure felt like it,” Danny groaned, “man, that guy is the slowest talker I’ve ever heard, it’s excruciating.”
The guy across from him hummed in amusement, eyeing Danny’s sketches and notes, “Advanced Mechanical Engineering?”
Danny sighed, “Yeah, unfortunately.”
The guy hummed again, “You gotta be pretty clever to take that class as a freshman, did you test out or transfer credits from elsewhere?”
Danny shrugged and flushed a little bit, “I tested out but also did my generals online and transferred the credits so I can take more advanced classes earlier. My parents were scientists and I could probably pass intro and beginner mech engineering in my sleep.” He finally managed to get everything in his backpack sorted and turned fully towards him, holding out his hand. “Hi, sorry for being rude. I’m Danny Nightingale.”
The guy smirked a bit and grabbed his hand in a firm grip, “Timothy Drake, pleasure to meet you, Danny.”
Danny’s eyes widened and he glanced from Timothy Fucking Drake to Bernard who’s shit eating grin was growing by the second.
“You wouldn’t happen to be Timothy Drake-Wayne, would you?”
Timothy shrugged. “I prefer to go by Tim.”
Danny barked a laugh and shoved his elbow into Bernard’s side who grunted and shoved him back without much luck. Danny was solid when he wanted to be, thank you very much. “Well, my friend Tucker is going to absolutely lose it when I rub it in his face that I sat at the same table as his idol and had an actual conversation.”
Tim rested his chin in his hand and looked amused. “Oh yeah? Well, make his day and tell him I said hi.”
Danny cackled at that, “I don’t want to be that annoying guy but would you mind taking a selfie for proof? He’s the type to call bullshit without supporting evidence.”
Tim’s eyes actually twinkled at that, “Sounds like a smart guy. Sure.”
Danny grinned and pulled out his Tucker-modified phone, spinning in his seat and pulling Bernard with him so they were facing away from Tim and towards his camera, effectively getting them all in. “Say cheese!”
Tim put on a very obviously media trained smile that Danny now recognized from articles and paparazzi photos, and Bernard held up a peace sign while Danny classily flipped the camera off with a shit eating grin. He laughed and quickly sent it to Tucker with a cheeky ‘my new good friend Tim says hi.’
“Thanks, he’ll probably faint.”
“Well, anything for a fan,” Tim waved it off only half sarcastically, eyes locked on Danny’s phone that was now on the table. “What model is that?”
Bernard sighed ruefully and Danny shot him an amused look before answering Tim. “It was originally an old Wayne Tech, I think. Until Tuck got his hands on it and did whatever magic he does.” Danny gave the dog a bone and slid it over to Tim to inspect. “I don’t know exactly what he did but I think I have the detailed manual he lovingly and painstakingly crafted somewhere if you’re interested. Or I can send you his information and you can absolutely make his life by complimenting his handiwork,” Danny not so subtly suggested. He was a fantastic friend and wing man and if Tucker ever said otherwise he was a dirty rotten liar.
Tim hummed as he fiddled with the hardware and poked around on the lock screen. “Do you have a carrier?” He frowned, poking some more.
Danny shrugged, “I don’t think so? Tucker’s always ranting about them robbing the public blind so I think he made a way around it. Unless someone is mysteriously paying a bill I don’t know about, but I doubt it.” Plus the small fact that he had signal even in the Realms, a feat Danny was positive no regular carrier company could pull off.
“Huh,” Tim stated, fascinated.
Bernard groaned, “Great, now you have him hooked. Make sure you get that thing back from him or he’ll steal it and spend all night reverse engineering it and I’ll have to call Con to help me lure him out of his cave.”
Tim spared a glance to glare at his boyfriend and not so subtly kicked him under the table and Danny laughed, amused at their antics and reminded of his friends. “Who’s Con?”
Bernard lit up and Tim’s face got a little softer around the edges. Danny liked whoever this Con was already. “Our boyfriend! He doesn’t take classes here and is busy with work or else I’d have dragged him along but you’d like him!”
Danny laughed in disbelief and groaned into his hands. “You’re kidding me.”
He could practically feel Tim and Bernard stiffen and looked up quickly to see their stony expressions, a far cry from the light and openness from moments before and Danny kicked himself for ruining it. “You got a problem with that?” Tim asked flatly, eyes narrowed. Danny sensed the underlying danger in it all and held his hands up, blanching.
“No, no! Literally not at all,” he stammered in a rush, trying to bring back the happy feelings from before. “I’m just somehow doomed to be surrounded by poly relationships while my love life continues to be very much a disaster.”
Tim and Bernard shared a look and relaxed minutely but were still guarded so Danny slid his phone back to himself and pulled up his album dedicated solely to his favorite group of lovable idiots. “Here they are,” he said with a fond grin, showing the other two the latest picture of Sam, Val, and Tucker hugging and laughing at some diner or other, clearly lovesick and giddy (even Sam who rarely showed true emotion in photos). Bernard let out a loud, “Aww,” hand over his heart and Tim relaxed fully again, smile back, thank the Ancients.
Danny pointed to Tucker in the middle with fries sticking out of his mouth like fangs (Tucker was absolutely going to murder him—again—for showing Timothy Drake this particular picture, but Danny thought it was worth it). “That’s Tucker Foley, tech extraordinaire and my best friend since we were in diapers,” Tim cocked his head to take in the picture better, assessing, now that he could put a face to the tech. “He’s going to CalTech for Compsci and Engineering and Sam and Val,” he pointed to the two respectively, “are at UCLA for Environmental Sciences and Bio Engineering.”
Bernard let out an appreciative noise, “Tim, I love them already. Enviro Sci and Bio and Tech! They’re basically alternate us! Damn, I wish Con was here,” he pouted and pulled out his phone to presumably text said boyfriend. Danny laughed, and took his phone back, scrolling past other pictures with a smile. Oh how he missed his friends.
Tim slid his phone over and Danny took a look at a picture of the three of them, Bernard and Tim pressed to either side of who Danny presumed to be Con, a tall punk looking guy with circle sunglasses and artfully spiked up black hair. “That’s Conner,” Tim supplied with a smile edging towards fond.
Danny smiled back, “Damn, you guys are adorable.”
Bernard swooned against him and Tim flushed a bit and snatched his phone back. “I know, right,” Bernard cooed, and Danny laughed, shoving him back upright. “I’m like the luckiest guy in the world, somehow snagging a rich genius and a hot punk rocker. My life is like, the best,” Danny fake gagged and Tim rolled his eyes but took his boyfriend’s offered hand across the table.
“Fuck, I really thought I would be free of insufferably sappy trios that make me feel oh so insufferably single,” Danny sighed, thunking his head on the table.
Bernard patted his back in sympathy, “There, there,” he hummed, “I’m sure we can find you your very own harem in no time.”
Danny groaned, “Yeah, no thank you, I could barely handle one person at a time which is why I didn’t join their group in the first place despite their insistence that a ‘polycule’ has a better ring than a ‘tripoly’.”
“Well, then that makes it even easier. I think Tim has a couple spare siblings we can hook you up with — ow! Kidding!”
Tim glared and pointed a stern finger at his boyfriend, “Don’t even joke. Danny doesn’t deserve to be subjected to any of those heathens and you know it. He’d get eaten alive.”
“Hey!” Danny exclaimed, offended. “I’m tougher than I look!”
“No, no,” Bernard patted his shoulder in sympathy, “he’s totally right. I wouldn’t subject you to that realm of chaos.”
Oh, if only they knew that Danny literally ruled over an infinite realm of chaos. He just shook his head in amusement. “Yeah, well, I’ve seen pictures of you Waynes and let’s just say that if any of them made a pass I’d give them the green light, chaos be damned.”
Tim made a sound of disgust as Bernard cackled. “I knew I liked you for a reason, Danny.”
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Tim shook his head. “Though if you stick around long enough one of them is bound to bite. Or Bruce will take one look at you and try to adopt you, so I hope you’re not too attached to your parents.”
Danny dimmed a bit at the mention of his parents but managed a laugh. “Well he’s welcome to try, I’m sure they wouldn’t put up much of a fuss but he might have to fight my sister, and my money is on her.” Not to mention the fact that Vlad would have a total conniption if another billionaire got their hooks in him — but, on second thought, maybe Jazz's wrath would be worth it to see the fruit loop's expression when he showed up at the next gala that Vlad was always trying to trick him into attending as a Wayne... But no. He wouldn't want to risk Vlad doing something drastic like overshadowing poor Bruce Wayne just because Danny wanted to be an annoying little shit. Damn.
Bernard slung an arm over his shoulder and Tim gave him a calculating look which Danny ignored in favor of taking a sip of his neglected coffee, desperate for a change of subject. “Thanks for this, by the way,” he wiggled the cup. “What do I owe you?”
Bernard waved him off, “Don’t worry about it. Perks of dating a Wayne, they tend to get things for free around here.”
Tim shrugged and Danny wasn’t going to argue about free coffee so he let it drop.
Conversation flowed to lighter topics and soon enough Danny and Bernard had to leave for their Physics lecture. Tim pressed a kiss to Bernard’s cheek and waved goodbye to them both. Danny waved back and waited until he was out of sight before spinning around on Bernard.
“Dude! Timothy Drake-Wayne‽”
Bernard laughed, eyes twinkling, “Please, I knew him long before he got the Wayne name and he’s still as much of a nerd. Now he’s just a rich nerd with a better family.”
Danny blinked at that and huffed out an incredulous laugh, “Okay yeah, I get that. Sam is totally loaded too and she’s like the most unhinged person I know. But still, there’s rich and then there’s Wayne rich.”
Bernard shrugged, “Yeah but in the end it’s the person who matters, and Tim? He’s my best friend. He’s always been my best friend even when we didn’t talk for years and he’ll probably, hopefully, be my best friend forever. And he’s the reason I met Conner, too, and now I have both of them,” he got that stupidly sappy look in his eyes and Danny shoved him playfully.
“Yeah you guys are solid, I can tell. I’m glad I met you, Bernard,” Danny grinned.
Bernard rolled his eyes, “You can call me Berny or Benny or something if you want. Bernard is such a mouthful.”
“Yeah, okay Benny Boo Boo, Boo Boo Bear,” Danny teased, eyes alight with mischief.
“Did you just How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days me, Nightingale?” Benny laughed in shock and Danny cackled. “No way that’s sticking! I take it back, your nickname privilege is revoked, Danny! Danny!” Danny jogged further away, still laughing. “Call me Bernard, I beg! Daniel!”
Yeah, Danny liked his new friends a lot.
Saturday morning had Danny prepping for a quick trip to the Realms to check in on things when his phone rang with an incoming video call.
“Hello?” He answered absently around the pen cap he had in between his teeth.
“Danny, you’ve completely fried Tucker’s brain with your Timothy Drake stunt,” Sam glowered back at him and Danny laughed.
“Good to see you too Sam, I hope your first week back to classes have been going well, how’s Val?” Danny teased.
“Classes are as awful as ever and Val is ready to smother Tucker in his sleep if he doesn’t stop gushing over how Timothy Drake-Wayne said hello to him via you, you jerk. Now he’s looking for flights and trying to convince us that he can somehow miraculously miss a week of classes to go on a stalker fanboy trip and it’s all your fault!”
Danny cackled, “Oh that’s even better than I thought! Has he really looked for flights?”
Sam glared, “Yes. We had to hide his credit card. You better tell him not to be an idiot and fly across the country just to try and catch a glimpse of your little friend.”
Danny held his hands up in surrender, “Okay okay, I’ll give him a call and tell him how irresponsible he’d be to ditch his favorite place and people in the world for week to hang out with his literal icon and boy crush that I can most definitely get him in contact with.”
“You’re loving this, aren’t you?” Sam whined.
Danny grinned, “Yep,” popping the P. “But seriously, I’ll tell him to wait until fall break at least. No promises past that.”
“That works for us. We were already talking about hopefully making a trip back home for Thanksgiving so we can probably stop by Gotham without too much hassle.”
“Please do, I miss you guys,” Danny frowned. Sam smiled softly.
“Yeah we miss you too, loser. Whaddya got planned for today?”
Danny sighed, “A trip to the GZ, I gotta make sure everything’s still running and I’ve got a couple scheduled brawls to handle. It’ll be good, I’m getting antsy without the constant barrage of duels. I’m understanding why they visited me in Amity so frequently now.”
Sam laughed, “Ghosts are so weird. Have fun duking it out. Call tomorrow?”
Danny nodded, “Yep, Tucker made sure to put it on my schedule and I still get an annoying amount of reminders for it throughout the week.”
“Good, I’ll see you tomorrow then, stay out of trouble.” He managed to not laugh at the familiar words. Stay safe, Trouble. He so did not need to be thinking of Red Hood right now. The whole vigilante situation was a conversation to bring up when they were all together during their scheduled group call.
“Yeah, yeah, you too. Good luck with Tucker’s obsession and try to remember that you love him and would be devastated if Val actually killed him!”
Sam flipped him off before hanging up and Danny laughed.
He checked over his notes to make sure he wasn’t missing anything important that he had to prepare for and made sure his curtains were closed before transforming and ripping open a portal.
It’d gotten easier and easier over the years with practice and now that he was officially Prince Regent it was almost second nature. He slipped through and flew around leisurely, checking on things as he went until he finally made it to the council hall where the representatives were meeting.
It was a quick session, more to just keep him in the loop of things and keep in touch with his council friends, updating them on his mortal living and showing that he still took his responsibility as Prince Regent and Future King seriously. He wanted to do right by the Realms and he was insistent on proving himself worthy. It helped that he enjoyed spending time among the ghosts, not having to worry about hiding any part of himself and able to show off all of his abilities freely as needed. No carefully pulled punches necessary.
He parted ways with the council after the meeting had long dissolved into more gossip and light conversation than actual business and found Ember already waiting outside the building, leaning against a tree and idly strumming her guitar.
��Hey, Ember, how’s it been?”
Ember smiled at him and nodded, “Not too bad. A bit boring with the main Amity portal gone and our favorite punching bag in a city he banned us from, but we make do.”
Danny winced a little at her words. He knew the decisions to disable the portal and cut them off from Gotham sounded harsh, but he had talked it through with the Council and had all come to the agreement that it would be best. He didn’t want his parents or some other ghost hunting fanatics to go too crazy while he was gone and end up destroying the city or Ancients forbid actually capturing one of his ghosts, and he had no idea how Gotham would handle seeing his ghosts or what the Bat Clan might try and do to them. Until things had settled and he was sure it was safe, it was best to keep things contained to the Realms as much as possible.
“Well, I can help make things a bit more interesting now,” he smirked and she got the hint and swung her guitar at his head. He cackled, ducked, and the brawl began.
The best thing about fighting in the Infinite Realms was that he didn’t have to worry about any collateral damage or civilians getting hurt. He didn’t have to carefully direct the fight to more secluded areas or yell at stupid passerby’s to stop gawking and run. It was so much more fun on equal turf. He should have been doing this for years, really.
After a decent while of back and forth Ember finally called it quits, effectively worn out and seemingly pleased with the sparring. Danny felt better having been able to get some pent up energy out on a being that wouldn’t be completely disfigured by him punching with his full strength and shook out his arms in satisfaction.
“Don’t be a stranger, Phantom! Track me down next time you’re here,” Ember flicked him on the ear and left with him grumbling about normal ways to show affection.
He did track down a few other ghosts, checking in and getting the latest scoop (Elastica and Kitty) or having miniature brawls (Boxy and Johnny) to help relieve the buzzing burn of energy.
He left feeling satisfied and spent, muscles aching in the good, I-just-worked-out kinda way and core humming pleasantly in his chest.
Danny could tell someone was following him.
He had gotten pretty good at sensing prying eyes and his hackles were effectively raised, internal warning bells going haywire as he made the walk home from campus.
His last lecture had gotten out later than usual which meant Danny was walking in the dark, the sun setting earlier and earlier already and the dim, gloomy atmosphere of Gotham only enhancing the shadows even as the sun was still setting.
Danny made sure to look all around him, trying to figure out where the eyes were coming from. He debated skipping his normal alleyway shortcuts, seeing as how the last three days he’d had to step in to stop various muggings and drug deals, but he really just wanted to get home.
He toyed with the idea of a ghost being the one who was tracking him, but he knew he would have sensed it if it was. Which left a human or meta, and Danny didn’t like the thought of either.
Maybe it’s just a cute, stray alley cat. He tried to think positively but knew he wasn’t fooling anyone, especially not himself, a known liar.
He sighed and walked through the first alley without any incidents but still felt the eyes pinning him down. His hands were clenched in his hoodie pocket and his feet threatened to leave the ground to just fly him away faster than he could run, but he tamped down the urge. The last thing he needed was attention on him like that.
After making it through the third alley without a confrontation he debated not leading whoever was following him to his apartment, but figured it would be as good a place to kick someone’s ass as any and with a lesser chance of being seen using his powers if needed.
He skipped the elevator and trudged up the three flights of stairs and by the time he got to his apartment door, he knew someone was already inside. He debated turning intangible to see who exactly was waiting, but he didn’t know if they had cameras around and didn’t want to risk it. He took a steadying breath and unlocked his door quickly, flipping on the lights as soon as he got the door open and quickly shutting and locking it behind him.
He blinked at the guy standing in his living room, and then blinked again. “Red Robin?” He asked in shock. Of all the people he expected, one of Batman’s Squad of Vigilantes wasn’t one of them. Which, he really shouldn’t have been that surprised considering his encounter with Red Hood.
“Daniel Fenton,” Red Robin said and Danny flinched at the name.
“Nightingale, actually. I got it changed. And I prefer Danny,” He slowly toed off his sneakers and set his bag on the table. It was only then that he saw Red Hood leaning against his kitchen counter. He sighed resentfully.
“Really? I thought you said you wouldn’t tell your buddies about me,” Danny folded his arms and glared at the masked Vigilante who held up his hands.
“Hey, I don’t kiss and tell.” Danny could swear the guy was smirking under his mask and Red Robin spluttered.
“Kiss? Hood, please tell me you did not kiss a civilian,” he sounded exasperated.
Danny was a little miffed himself. “I don’t think we kissed. I think I would have definitely remembered that happening.”
“Oh trust me, you’ll know when I kiss you,” Red Hood said, voice low and deep, and Red Robin pinched the bridge of his nose as Danny's gut did a little flip.
Huh. He'd have to unpack that later.
“Okay, no more talking about kissing. Ignoring the fact that you somehow already know each other, and yes, Hood, we will be having words about that,” he glared and pointed accusingly at the still-pleased-with-himself vigilante, “I’m here to talk about you, Nightingale. Primarily, why you’re linked to over thirteen mysteriously stopped muggings and drug deals, all of which took place on your routes home from school.”
“Wow, okay, stalker much?” Danny scoffed, crossing his arms and internally panicking. He’d been caught. Somehow. Play it cool, play it cool. “What do you mean, ‘mysteriously stopped'?”
Red Robin sighed, pulling out a folder of something and setting it down beside Danny’s bag, gesturing for him to look through. He did so, flipping through images of what had to be some sort of surveillance videos of what were indeed, very familiar muggers and victims. Danny looked up at Red Robin with an eyebrow raised.
“Aaand,” he drew the word out, “am I supposed to be seeing something here besides some vaguely disturbing crime scene photos? None of these guys are dead, are they? That’d be a kinda fucked up thing to show me, dude.” Not that he was any stranger to death, and he knew for a fact that none of them were dead, but if he was actually a civilian? Yeah, that’d be fucked up.
Red Robin scoffed, “No, none of them are dead. And that’s exactly the point. All of these guys were caught in the act of mugging someone but the person or thing that stopped them never shows up on the cameras. That shouldn’t be possible.”
Danny shrugged for real that time, “And what do I have to do with this? That sounds like a meta with invisibility or something to me and last I checked, I’m definitely not a meta.”
Red Robin pulled out another folder, and Danny was hesitant to flip it open, but forced himself to anyways. He saw pictures of himself walking on the street or down the familiar alleyways. “Holy shit,” he said bluntly, “You really are a fucking stalker. What the hell are you taking pictures of me for?”
Red Robin tapped the top picture of him walking on the street, clearly coming back from school. “Surveillance caught you walking towards the alleyways right around the time of each incident,” Red Robin explained, “You’re seen going in, but never seen coming out on either side, and the muggings all somehow get stopped at the same time.”
Danny’s heart sped up a little bit. Fuck.
“You can see how that looks a little bit suspicious?”
Danny rolled his eyes.
“You don’t think I’ve ever seen something shady happening and gotten the fuck out of dodge? It happens way more often than you think and I try the alleys everyday because it’s so much faster, but sometimes I have to take the long way around instead and leave the crime fighting to creepy assholes like yourself,” Red Hood snorted at that and Red Robin sent him a glare, “If you’re saying that none of you or your little swarm of Bats stopped these guys, maybe you should take that as a sign that you’re not doing your jobs very well and when you find whoever did stop them maybe consider a nice thank you card or a gift basket instead of invading their home and privacy.”
Red Robin sighed in frustration and ignored everything but the first part of Danny’s speech, “See, we’ve checked literally every single angle. We know you couldn’t have left any other way without us seeing you, even with the blind spots! There’s no way for you to not be somehow involved.”
Well, time to do some better bullshitting, then. The mention of blind spots eased some of his worries. It seemed that at least they fortunately hadn’t seen him actively transform, and if Red Hood really hadn’t mentioned what he had seen… Danny sighed and scrubbed a hand down his face as he decided which route he wanted to take with this. Maybe he could clear himself of both instances if he played this right. “You clearly did enough research to figure out my given last name. Did you happen to check out my parents at all?”
Red Robin seemed taken aback by the question. “Drs. Jack and Madeline Fenton. Most of their work and research has been either heavily redacted or taken down completely, but from my understanding they’ve been rather dedicated to the research of the paranormal, correct?” His tone suggested exactly what the thought of that line of research.
Danny shrugged and laughed derisively, “Yeah that’s one way of putting it. I’d just call them rabid ghost hunters and be done with the fancy talk, though.”
Red Robin cocked his head, “Ghost hunters?” He asked, skepticism clear in his voice.
“Yep,” Danny said, popping the P. “Completely obsessed with it since college. Spend their entire lives dedicated to proving the existence of ghosts and planning out experiments they’d do if they ever successfully caught one.” Danny had to take a deep breath and blink away the memories of exactly the type of experiments they had done when they caught him. “I practically grew up in the lab they set up in our basement, surrounded by ghost finders, ghost gloves, ghost vacuums, you name it.”
“Okay,” Red Robin drew out, clearly trying to figure out why Danny was telling them this.
“How much research did you do on Amity Park itself?”
Red Robin shrugged, “Not much, I’ll admit, but nothing of substance stood out to merit further digging.”
Danny scoffed, “You should try again. I think you’ll find it very enlightening if you’re as good as they say. I know they tried their best to bury all the shit with the Guys In White, but they can’t have gotten everything. Try there first.”
“Guys In White?” Red Hood finally chimed in, curious.
Danny shrugged. “Some half-baked government agency. Tried enforcing martial law in Amity for a while, didn’t really stick,” he smirked at the memory, “I think their official agency name was Ghost Investigation Ward or some bullshit, but they dressed in all white and high schoolers are so very creative. I’ll let you figure the rest out, Detective.”
Red Robin was typing furiously on his wrist cuff and Danny assumed it was a list of things to research. “Now, are you guys done with the entering part of the breaking and entering or do you want to steal my leftovers as well, in for a penny and all that?”
“Well, if you’re offering to have me over for dinner,” Red Hood crooned but Red Robin interrupted, rudely. Danny shared a look with Red Hood as his partner paced around Danny’s small living room. Danny noticed the uncomfortable swirling was back in his gut and frowned, trying to pin point when it had started and why.
“Wait, wait, wait! Are you insinuating what I think you are?” Red Robin asked, voice higher than it was a minute ago. Danny turned his attention back to him and shrugged.
“Depends on what you think that is; you know what they say about assuming. But if it’s about getting the fuck out of my apartment, yes, I thought I made that clear enough.”
Red Robin stopped pacing and stared wide-eyed at Danny. “Ghosts. You’re insinuating that there are actual ghosts and that one might be what, lurking around the area, stopping muggings conveniently at the same time you’re walking home from school?”
“I think the correct term is haunt, not lurk,” Danny helpfully corrected.
Red Robin stared at him for a long moment before blinking, “Holy shit you’re serious.”
“Deadly,” Danny joked to himself. Red Hood snorted. Score.
“But! That can’t be it. Ghosts aren’t—“
“What? They aren’t real? The good old JL doesn’t have any files or databases on the subject?” Danny’s voice dripped with venom. He had his opinions on the Justice League and none of them were very flattering.
“They do, but they’re so sparse and the sources are so old they’re hardly credible,” Red Robin resumed pacing, seeming more and more frantic.
“Yeah okay, that sucks for you. Maybe do some more research and get those files updated. Have fun with that.” Danny was done being subtle. He glanced at Red Hood who seemed to catch his vibe.
“Red, time to go.”
Red Robin stopped and stared at them incredulously, “Seriously? Nightingale, I know you have more information. Why not just share it so we can figure out who this person or ghost or whatever is?”
Danny shrugged, “Maybe I don’t kiss and tell either. Maybe this ‘person-ghost-thing’,” he quoted Red’s earlier word when talking about whatever was stopping the muggings, “doesn’t want to be found. I’ve given you plenty to chew on so go have fun and don’t bother me for a while. Maybe learn to knock or call like civilized people while you’re at it.”
“Yep, we’re going. Red, grab your files or lose them,” Red Robin grumbled but reluctantly swiped the photos back into the files and followed Hood to the window they clearly came in through.
Hood made sure Red got all the way out before turning to Danny and giving a two finger salute, “Always a pleasure, Trouble.”
Danny shook his head with a rueful grin, “Likewise, Hood,” and then took a chance, “Does the League keep logs of distress calls?”
Hood’s head cocked to the side but after a moment’s hesitation he nodded, “Yeah. Extensively.”
Danny nodded and then requested, “Look into any calls sent from Amity starting about six years ago. See why no one came to help.”
Hood sucked in a little breath, seemingly surprised, and nodded again. “Will do. I’ll let you know what I find?”
Danny was a bit surprised by the offer, it was more of a concession than he expected from the vigilante with how secure and classified he was sure the League kept their records. His stomach lurched and he swallowed thickly. “Thanks,” and as the vigilante turned to leave he surprised both of them by saying, “Hood?”
The vigilante stopped and turned to him once again. Danny would guess his eyebrow would be raised if he could see it. “The offer for dinner stands if you want it, anytime.”
He didn’t know where the words came from but found himself not regretting them. There was something about the guy that drew Danny in. The swirling intensified.
Danny could have sworn Hood was smiling under his mask when he said, “I’ll make sure to knock, all civilized like.”
Danny laughed as the window shut behind them and he was finally left alone in his apartment.
“Finally! I thought they were going to be here foreverrr,” well, almost alone.
“Hey squirt,” Danny grinned down at the teenager currently hugging him. “How you doing, Ellie? And what took you so long? I told you I was moving weeks ago and you promised to stop by sooner! I had to ask around the GZ to see when the last time anyone saw you semi-alive and well or if I had to track you down in some lab or something.” The words were light, but they both knew they held more serious meaning. After all, ending up in a lab was a genuine concern and possibility for them.
Ellie pulled back and grinned sheepishly, “I know, sorry! I got distracted in Japan and then I lost track of time in the Zone, you know how it is.”
Danny sighed and pulled her back in for a short hug, “Yeah, I know.” Time was a little wonky in the Realms. You had to be careful not to spend too much time or before you know it a week could pass by in the mortal plane. “I’m glad you’re here now, though your timing kind of sucked. How much of all that did you see?”
Ellie snorted, “Oh, all of it. I was here before they decided to break in but I knew you were coming up so I wanted to see what you’d do first when they didn’t start stealing or tearing the place apart. I’m surprised you didn’t sense me.”
Danny shrugged, “I did eventually but I was a bit distracted with them stalking me and all that I didn’t notice at first. I’m not nearly as sensitive to you as I am others unless I’m focusing.”
“Yeah, yeah, shared DNA, yada yada,” she flopped down on his couch and he went to his fridge to pull out a couple containers of leftovers. He was starving. And tired. He paused when he saw a large container with a note on it.
You dropped yours. Forgive me for being rude? — RH
It was from the diner he’d been at before his mugging and first Red Hood encounter. He was oddly touched and chose to ignore the fact that the vigilante had either been observant enough to note the diner’s name on the spilled container or had gone back to check. He was too hungry to care. He pulled another container out for Ellie and grabbed some forks.
He gave the food to Ellie who took it gratefully, not even asking what it was before shoveling it into her mouth. He sat down next to her and she asked him questions while she chewed. He loved the disgusting little gremlin, he reminded himself. A lot. “Soooo,” she drew out, “who were those guys and what was all that about?”
Danny sighed and explained everything that had been going on. She nodded along and by the end she was laughing. “You’re trying to get them to believe that you have a ghost helping you out?”
Danny nodded, “Or that I’m helping Phantom out. Maybe I let him tag along to Gotham to get away from Amity’s ghost hunters,” he shrugged. “I’ll decide depending on what conclusions Red Robin scrounges up I guess.”
“And this Red Hood guy?” She wagged her eyebrows and Danny shoved her over.
“It’s not like that!”
“You invited him for dinner!” She cried, laughter clear in her voice. “And he was obviously flirting with you like every time he spoke! He liiiikes you,” she sang and jumped away as Danny tried to poke her in the side.
“Hey! No he doesn’t! I’m sure he’s like that with everyone!” He tried to defend himself. She stared at him like he was stupid. “What?” He asked defensively.
“You’re joking. Red Hood? The Red Hood? He’s definitely not like that with everybody. I think he’s more prone to murder and shooting first asking questions later, not flirty banter and inviting himself to dinners.”
“Oh yeah?” Danny asked, “And how do you know so much about him? Isn’t this your first time in Gotham?”
Ellie shrugged, “Word spreads around and the internet is very useful.”
Danny had to give that to her. “Fine, but still. I don’t see how he’s serious. Like you said, he’s The Red Hood. Capital ‘The’ and everything.”
“So? You’re The Phantom. Badasses are drawn to each other I guess,” Ellie shrugged all casual like as if the words didn’t make Danny want to cry. His little sister thought he was a badass.
“So how long are you staying?” He deflected, even if it was the answer he was dreading most. Ellie hadn’t stayed anywhere for very long since she escaped from Vlad. Danny and Jazz refused to try and force her to stick around anywhere, letting her have her freedom, but it was hard to let her go sometimes. Okay, every time.
Ellie darted her eyes around and bit her lip. Nervous. Danny braced himself for her to drop the bomb that she was leaving right then, not even staying the night. It wouldn’t be the first time but they always crushed him the most.
“Uh, I was actually hoping to maybe stay with you long-term?” Her voice was small and hopeful and Danny melted.
“Of course, pipsqueak,” he tried not to sound too eager. “You can stay as long as you want.”
She relaxed a little bit but kept fidgeting, “Okay but I’ve been thinking,” she hedged and Danny patted the seat next to him for her to sit down. She did, “I’ve been thinking about school.” She said it in a rush and Danny blinked.
“Okay,” he said easily. It’s not as if he and Jazz hadn’t considered it a possibility before but they hadn’t wanted to try and force her into it.
“Okay?” She asked, eyes large and waiting.
“Okay,” Danny repeated with a smile, “We have all of your documents and we can make either Jazz or I your legal guardian at any time, we were just waiting to see if we’d need to do it. I can get everything ready and we can find somewhere to enroll you in whenever you want.”
She flung her arms around him and buried her face in his shoulder, “Thank you.”
He held onto her back just as tightly. “Of course, Ellie. Whatever you need.” He looked around his tiny studio apartment and cringed a little bit. “We might need to go apartment hunting again though, I don’t want you sleeping on the couch forever.”
Ellie shrugged, still not letting go. “I don’t mind,” she said and Danny laughed.
“Sure, but I do. If we’re doing this I want to do it right and give you the best you deserve.”
She pulled back slightly and opted for leaning against him, drawing his arm around her shoulder. He tucked her against his side. “Okay. But you really don’t need to move just for me.”
“Yeah, yeah, let me and Jazz worry about that. We’ll make it all work. I’m just happy to have you around, it was getting kinda lonely here without any other ghosts.”
She smiled and nestled closer, “Yeah, it gets kinda lonely without you or Jazz.”
Danny closed his eyes and willed away the building tears. He wondered how long she’d been feeling like that, but decided not to dwell on it. She was here now, and that’s all that mattered.
Tim frowned, pressed against the bricks outside the window as he waited for Hood, ready to hash out what they had just learned. Danny’s question about the logs made him curious and then his heart had dropped at the insinuation that something bad enough had happened in Amity to warrant the Justice League’s help. Even more concerning that the plea for help had seemingly gone unanswered.
“See why no one came to help.“
He itched to search the logs that very moment, but he focused back on Danny as he stopped Hood again, only this time his words had Tim nearly scoffing in surprise, settling instead on rolling his eyes and wanting to gag. He had been worried about Danny’s involvement in the muggings and possibly being a meta before, but now he was worried for the guy’s sanity. Honestly, inviting Red Hood to dinner, ‘anytime.’
Tim made a mental note to somehow work a discussion about basic safety and stranger danger and maybe not inviting crime lords into your house during their next cafe session.
Tim was absolutely hounding Jason for his apparent already established history with Danny if they were comfortable enough to flirt in front of his face and make plans for a date. (Really, why’d it have to be Jason of all possible vigilantes? What had Tim done to deserve this? Bernard and Con were going to be absolutely insufferable about this. Bart, Jaime, and Cassie were never allowed to know.)
He leveled Hood with a piercing glare as the infuriating vigilante finally swung out of the window, closing it aptly behind him. Before Tim could say anything (primarily: ‘What the fuck?’), Jason had tossed him a mocking salute and grappled away. Tim sighed in frustration and pursued, recognizing immediately that they were not headed to the Cave.
Fine by him, he’d be getting his answers one way or another and if Jason tried to stop him he’d have to face the disappointment of losing because Tim was not in the mood to beat around the bush and play their regular game of cat and mouse (and if Jason ever found out that he viewed him as the mouse Tim would probably be shot somewhere sensitive).
He followed Jason through the city and was a little surprised that they were headed to what Tim knew as his main apartment and not one of his many safe houses that he normally preferred to have any vigilante business talks (not that they had very many anyway, with how much of a point Jason made of not wanting to work with them).
He steeled himself for an aggravating conversation and a sleepless few nights ahead of him and swung through the window that Hood had even had the decency to leave open behind him.
Jason had no intention of following Tim to the Cave but he made no attempt to stop Tim from following him back to his apartment. He knew the conversation was inevitable so may as well bite the bullet and get it over with now and not have to deal with passive aggressive or heaven fucking forbid whiny Tim. Jason shuddered at the thought. No, much better to get it over with then, while it was still fresh.
He crawled through his own window, not wanting to walk through the halls in his suit (not that anyone would be surprised in this particular residence, but still, principles and all that). He almost entertained the idea of slamming the window shut and making Tim work to get himself in but figured the bastard might be in the mood to just break the window to speed things up. Tim was truly no fun like this.
“What the fuck‽” Tim immediately rounded on Jason when the window was firmly closed and the curtains drawn. “You didn’t think to tell me you knew my suspect? Is that why you came along?” It was exactly why Jason went with Tim when he heard about the investigation he and Oracle were doing. It wasn’t his fault Tim didn’t ask better questions before letting him tag along.
Jason shrugged, “Oh, I definitely thought to tell you. But then I thought ‘eh, better not’. Much more fun that way.”
“How do you know him?” Suspicious bastard. “And why didn’t he want you to tell your ‘buddies’ about him?” Jason matched Tim’s disdain for the descriptor, wrinkling his nose before sighing and discarding his helmet and settling in at the island bar.
“I saw him getting mugged,” Jason shrugged. Tim narrowed his eyes.
“And?” He prompted when Jason made no attempt to continue.
“And he took the fucker three times his size down with one well placed hit so I accused him of being a meta, which he didn’t take very well,” he omitted the part about the intangibility or phasing or whatever he'd seen, or thought he'd seen, and he wasn't entirely sure why. Maybe he wanted to protect Danny from the full Bat Battalion if the guy did end up having some extra skill sets that B would see as a potential threat. (Maybe Danny's accusations from their first meeting still stung and he wasn't eager to piss off the possible meta anymore than he already had by spreading the information and therefore breaching his privacy even more.) If Tim was as good of a detective as they all claimed, he'd find out soon enough anyway. No need for Jason to be a snitch about it. He wasn't a fucking cop, after all.
Tim’s eyes widened a bit, clearly surprised at that piece of information but Jason continued before he could interrupt with more useless questions. “Look, I barely had a conversation with the guy,” which, was true. “I recognized him when Babs had his info pulled up and wanted to know what it was all about. Now, what do you have on him?”
Tim looked like he wanted to keep fighting but he deflated and leaned against the wall, “Just— don’t play around with him, Jay.”
Oh, Little Timmy was serious about this. Jason narrowed his eyes. “Why?” Not that he was planning on ‘playing’ with Danny, but he wanted to know why Tim of all people was invested. After all, Danny was his suspect.
Tim sighed dejectedly, as if he was suddenly bone tired. “He’s friends with Berny. They met at orientation and they share some classes. I talked with him for like two hours the other day and he’s —“ Tim ran a hand through his hair, “fuck, he’s nice. He’s funny, he talks about his friends like they’re his whole world and is smart enough to have the best full ride we offer and is taking advanced classes as a freshman. I just — I’m really hoping he’s not actually tied up in something messy that B is gonna have to get involved with and possibly ruin an actual, normal, friendship for Berny. I just don’t know.”
The admission caught Jason a bit off guard. For Tim to admit that he 'didn't know' something was rare and a clear indication that this situation was more serious than Jason had originally anticipated. Mixing personal life and business — how fun. But Jason stared at his replacement brother in a bit of concern. Tim was really, really invested in this kid. And Jason found himself right there with him. Something about Danny just drew him in and kept him there, and with all the new information he was only more intrigued. He sighed and scrubbed a hand down his face.
“Replacement,” Tim scowled at the name but they both knew it didn’t hold the same weight it used to. They had come a long way since Jason had first come back and while there was still the shadow of tension looming over them nearly all the time, they were steadily making progress. That didn’t mean Jason wanted to stop being an asshole (just maybe not a murderous asshole). “I’m not going to fuck around with him. I’ll help ya out, figure out what’s going on with him and try to keep him out of trouble and off of B’s radar for as long as possible.”
Tim looked at him with a bit of hope and bit like he expected Jason to jump out and say ‘Psych! Gotcha!’. It shouldn’t bother Jason as much as it did. “Really?” Tim asked and then immediately seemed to regret it. But Jason just nodded, dead serious (ha).
Tim finally let himself show a ghost of a smile. (Ha. Ghost. Imagine that, ghosts being real all this time. Right under their noses. The Justice League would pitch a fit if it ended up being true, Jason could imagine it now.)
“Okay, then,” he pulled out his files once again and set them in front of Jason to peruse. “I ran a basic background check on him before I knew he was tied up in the muggings case, y’know, since he was hanging out with Bernard so much.”
Jason nodded. They were all paranoid as shit, thanks to both their very public lives and their side work and all knew to run background checks on anyone they’d be spending any amount of time with.
“I clearly need to do more digging and find out more about these ‘Guys in White’ but nothing substantial came up on my first search to raise any red flags besides the name change and his parents' strange research,” Tim sounded troubled and Jason agreed. From the concerns that Danny had brought up with the call logs and his hints at researching the town more, there was clearly something Tim had missed, which raised alarm bells in itself. Tim rarely missed something, especially something as big as Danny insinuated, which either meant things were purposefully buried (concerning) or Tim had been blinded by his personal connection to Danny (unlikely). “Which I clearly need to find the complete versions of. I want to know what exactly has been redacted and why.”
Jason nodded, flipping through the printed research that was indeed heavily blacked out. It all sounded like cooky bullshit to him, but he found himself believing Danny when he said that there was truth behind it and he knew Tim would find out exactly what was hiding in the reports.
“Start with the call logs?” It had been disturbing Jason since Danny had asked about it and he knew Tim had heard the whole thing from outside the window. They shared a serious look about it now.
'See why no one came to help.’ What the fuck happened in Amity?
“Yeah, I’m starting there and looking deeper into Amity as a whole while I’m at it now that I know not to disregard any mention of ghosts as like, a tourist ploy or nut jobs,” Tim confirmed and Jason nodded.
“Keep me updated?”
“Yeah, and if you decide to do any digging yourself we can compare notes.”
“Sure thing, Timberina,” Jason said with a smirk, reveling in the way Tim rolled his eyes.
“Still fucking terrible, you know,” he grouched.
Jason gave him a shit-eating grin, “Oh, I know. Now get the fuck out of here, don’t you have investigating to do or boyfriends to smooch?”
Tim flipped him off before making a swift exit, even closing the window behind him. Maybe there was hope for them yet.
‘The offer for dinner stands if you want it, anytime.’
And there was what he really wanted to think about. Because. Holy fuck. Danny had invited him to have dinner with him. Anytime. He hadn’t even seen his apology leftover note and had already been willing to give Red Hood another chance.
Jesus Christ, what was he, a thirteen year old girl? His heart did not need to be skipping a beat at the thought, thank you very fucking much.
He didn’t even know he could trust the guy yet. Especially with all the information Tim had supplied — Jason had a sneaking suspicion Danny was way more involved in everything then he had let on despite his insistence and deflections. Now with the whole added ghost aspect…
Jason wasn’t the type to trust or take people at their word alone. He was the type to shoot first and contingency plan around possible lies and deception. And yet… Danny was somehow slipping past all of Jason’s defenses and he somehow found himself wanting to trust the man despite it all.
Danny was a mystery wrapped up in an enigma and Jason couldn’t wait to figure him out. He just hoped no one would get burned in the process.
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notsunnyowo · 1 year
 Your Name
Bakugou Katsuki x Female Reader (part 2)
(part 1)
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Such a fascinating concept. One would be lucky to find the other half of their soul, their mate. That one person who completes you, makes you feel whole again.
Even if you might've never known that you could ever feel in such a way.
"Mom! Have you seen my other shoe? I can't find it anywhere!" (Y/n) called out, crouching down and looking around for her missing shoe.
"Have you tried looking on the drawers?"
"Of course I have! It's not anywhere!" The girl slumped. "I can't believe I managed to loose my shoe! I've officially got the worst luck ever." 
"Oh quit your sulking." Her mother said as she entered the hallway and walked over to her daughter. "I'll find that shoe of yours."
"It's pointless mom! I've literally looked everywhere and there's absolutely no sign of my other-"
"Found it."
The awestruck girl looked at her mother as if she'd just done the most mind-blowing magic trick of all time. "What? How?"
Handing her the other shoe (Y/n)'s mother patted her daughter on the back. "Not important, now get a move on kiddo! You don't want to be late for school now, do you?"
Wiping the disbelief off her features, the (h/c) haired girl took the shoe and put it on, tying the laces into a neat knot.
"Bag? Check. ~ Uniform? Check. ~ Awesome attitude? Double check. M'all ready to go!" She smiled before giving her mom a quick hug goodbye.
"Bye mom! I'll see you after school!"
A person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. Most would consider themselves lucky not to have an encounter with such a person.
Although a few. There are certain exceptions who'd be thrilled to meet that exact person.
With her hand tightly holding the strap of her bag, the girl made her way towards her new school.
UA High.
The school for the best of the best. The best school in Japan for any and all who sought a career in the hero business. Be it as a support item designer or a hero, UA was the best place for the job!
After all.. The top heroes had graduated there, so it only made sense that it was the best.
I can't believe I'm actually attending UA! This is so cool! Maybe I'll get to meet some Pro-Heros while on campus. ~ Wasn't there a rumor about All Might teaching here?
That would be so coo-
Thanks to her daydreaming and not paying enough attention to her surroundings, the young girl walked right into something, or rather, someone.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!-" She immediately apologized, embarrassment seeping into her with each passing second as she glanced at the tall blonde in front of get.
Sweet mother of cheese, is this guy real? 
Right in front of her was standing a tall, broad guy who by her standards, looked like someone out of a teen magazine. She felt the heat rising to her cheecks as she realized that she was still pressed against his chest.
Am I dreaming or is that a six pack?-
Shooing those thoughts out of her head she immediately backed up.
Good lord he was hot.
"Are you blind or something? Can't you fucking see where you're going?" His gruff and extremely abrasive voice sounded.
So much for being hot.-
Upon further inspection the boy appeared to be around her age and absolutely pissed.
With a scowl matching the boy's one, (Y/n) crossed her arms over her chest. Tilting her head up, she glared back at him.
"Rude much." She spat, a strong distaste coating her words.
So what if she found him attractive? That was no way to speak to someone you just met! Even if they'd just bumped into you.
"I already said I'm sorry! What else do you want me to say? ~ Perhaps a written apology? Would that suit your needs?"
"Oi, are you mocking me?!" The blonde shot back as a set of tiny explosions ignited in his hand.
Must be his quirk.
"And what if I am?" She said under her breath. "Mr. Blasty Mc-splody." The nickname rolled off her tounge with such ease she almost didn't realize she'd said it.
At that nickname, the already irritated blonde was now fuming with rage. Who did this girl think she was? Talking to him like that! He ought'a show her who's boss.
"You wanna say that again, you extra?" The boy growled, his words laced with venom.
"Oh, I dunno." Replied (Y/n), giving him a nonchalant shrug of the shoulders. "Look. I'd love to stay and chat but- I've got places to be, people to meet. ~ So, y'know."
The girl further emphasized her words with a quick shoulder raze and a simultaneous side-tilt of her head.
"See ya!" She waved, before walking around the awestruck blonde and continuing on her merry way.
What the fuck just happened?
"UA at last!" (Y/n) sighed as she looked up at the large school building. "I still can't actually believe I made it here!"
The school was big, almost too big for her liking. There were so many different corridors and areas, one might get lost trying to navigate them! It was a pure miracle that (Y/n) didn't loose her way on her little quest to find class 1-A's homeroom.
Once she finally did though, she was immediately met with the colossal door in front of her classroom.
Taking in a deep breath, the girl stepped trough the door and into the classroom. There weren't too many students inside giving the girl just about enough seating spots to choose from. Opting for a spot near the window she placed her backpack onto the desk.
"Hi there!" A voice from behind called out to her, causing the young student to quickly turn around and face whoever had approached her.
A girl with short pink hair and matching pink skin was smiling widely at her.
"Oh, hello." (Y/n) replied, sounding a bit more nervous than she intended to.
"I'm Mina Ashido! It's nice to meet'cha!" 
Seeing the cheerful girl (Y/n) couldn't help but smile back. "Nice to meet you too. I'm (L/n) (Y/n)."
"So what school are you from (L/n)?" The pink-toned girl asked, leaning on the desk.
"Oh, I'm from Yokosuka Junior High." She answered before shooting the girl with a question of her own. "And you?"
"Mustafa Private Middle School." The pink skinned girl replied.
For the next few minutes Mina and (Y/n) conversed on various topics. From their middle school years to their future plans and aspirations. The two girls really hit it off. 
But all good things must come to an end.
And so (Y/n)'s carefree conversation was interrupted from the abrupt commotion coming from the desk behind her.
"You cannot sit in such a manner! You are disrespecting the school with your behavior! You are at UA, show some respect!" The stern voice caught (Y/n)'s attention.
But what really had her head turning was the painstakingly familiar, gruff voice that followed.
"Did they shove a stick up your ass? Or were you just born with it?"
Oh you've gotta be kidding me-
(Y/n) simply couldn't believe her luck. Out of all the people that could be in her class why did it have to be that hot arrogant guy she stumbled upon on her way to school?
For a split second the two locked eyes with one another. Vermillion orbs meeting (e/c) ones. In that moment, the girl felt an odd sensation in her wrist. It was as if a sudden source of heat had been brought right up to it causing the flesh to warm up.
That was.. odd, to say the least.
Noticing that the blonde's attention was no longer situated on him, the blue haired male glanced over to what, or in this case who, had managed to steal his attention away from the clearly extremely important lecture, young Tenya was giving to this brash boy who was now his classmate.
He did not recognize the girl, leasing him to the clear assumption that she must be from another school. And if that was the case he must do the proper thing in this situation and introduce himself to her.
"You there!" The boy said gesturing to the startalled female.
"Indeed. I apologize, I haven't introduced myself yet. ~ I'm Tenya Iida, from Somei Private Academy." He finished.
"O-Oh, I'm (L/n) (Y/n).. From Yokosuka Junior High." (L/n) answered. "It's nice to meet you." 
Well this guy's attention sure did a full 180! Wasn't he busy lecturing to Blasty over there just a minute ago?
"The pleasure is all mine." He answered, however his words fell on deaf ears as young (L/n) was far too occupied with trying to ignore the ruby eyes boaring holes into the side of her head.
If looks could kill she was sure she'd be a gonner.
It took her all the strength she could muster to simply not look back at the blonde.
Lucky for her however, their teacher soon came to the rescue and pried the blonde's eyes off her. Thank you Erasure Head!
"Settle down class.." The way too tiered-looking man began. His whole demeanor really did fit the whole "I don't get payed enough for this" trope. Disheveled and unkept look, tiered eyes, he looked like everything except what you'd normally expect a proper teacher to look like.
"Since most of you don't know each other we can start off by introducing yourselves to the rest of your classmates."
The air was silent for a moment as everyone looked at one another, waiting to see if anyone was good Ng to step up and be the first to break this deafening silence.
Not waisting any more time Aizawa gestured to a green green haired boy. "Go on." He began, gesturing to the boy with his hand, giving him the que to start with his introduction.
The next few minutes were filled spent with students telling the others their names and a few interesting things about themselves. Just as (Y/n) had expected. 
That was until his turn came.
In all honesty she hadn't expected to find him so quickly. She was sure that it was going Ng to take quite a long time, perhaps even a lifetime till she found him.a
She saw it as quite astonishing if she were to be completely honest.
And.. slightly saddening at the same time. Or perhaps disappointing would be a better a better fit?
"The name's Bakugou Katsuki."
The name your get on your hand belongs to either your soulmate..
Or your mortal enemy.
There's a fifty percent chance that a person gets either choice which at first doesn't seem like such a bad deal.
And perhaps it isn't? Who wouldn't be happy that it isn't a lower percentage?
The only thing that would make it better would be for there to exist a simple and easy way to determine which one you've got, instead of leaving it up to your own judgement of that person.
So then..
What does that leave me at?
A game of soulmate or not?
Author Note:
Thank you all for the support on the first chapter! You can also find this story on Ao3 under the same title. My account is IAintSunny.
This will be a multiple part story and I hope to see you all in the next chapter of Your Name!
(part 3)
Requested tag: @shininjjongg
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mariaofdoranelle · 2 years
Dick Awards
Rowan Week day 7: Aelin admiring Rowan
Forgive me, readers, for I have sinned
Warnings: language, NSFW (very), accidental use of hallucinogens, 64 mentions of the male genitalia and a lot of male sexual objectification
Word count: 6,8k
Thousands of likes. Rowan had joined this out of pity, and this fucking tweet had thousands of likes already.
- No minors allowed
- DM this account your dick pic
- To avoid scams, the picture must contain #DickAwards on handwriting. Can be in any way from body paint to holding a post-it note, but digital writing won’t be allowed.
“Did you submit your dick?” Aelin said from behind his ear.
Startled, Rowan jumped on his seat and choked on his breakfast. Trying to recompose himself, he asked, “What the fuck, Ace?”
She smirked. “I’m sorry, is Rowan Junior too sensitive for this topic?”
“We’re not talking about this.”
“About the Dick Awards, Rowan Junior, or Rowan Junior in Dick Awards?”
Rowan opened his mouth and closed again, shocked by her bluntness. “Neither!”
Damn Fenrys and his stupid Twitter contest. Rowan sent a picture of his cock just to protect his friend’s feelings in case the event flopped, but it quickly became the talk of the campus. Thankfully, Aelin had no idea Fenrys was the one behind Dick Awards, neither would she know who owned each dick. One small blessing, at least.
She sat on the table and started eating the breakfast he made her, but her face was still filled with mirth. “I think you’re in the contest.”
Rowan’s pulsed immediately picked up. “How would you know that?”
Aelin leaned back and crossed her arms, a triumphant smile on her face. “You’d tell me if you weren’t, but it’s easier for you to avoid the subject than to lie to me.”
His cheeks were probably red by now, but he didn’t balk. Rowan might not know how to lie to his roommate, but he was damn good at being stubborn. “We’re not talking about this, and I have ways to make sure of it.”
Still chewing, she raised an eyebrow in question.
It was his time to lean back in triumph now. “I did buy a lot of leafy vegetables that could go into your lunchbox—“
“You wouldn’t dare!” Aelin slapped both of her hands on the table, gaping, and Rowan did his best not to smile.
Turns his effort was fruitless. He smiled, hoping he didn’t look too silly, because Rowan could never hide how he felt about Aelin, his only luck lying on the fact that she never picked up on that. Her being a picky eater was just one of the many things he’d judge if it was any other person. But since it was Aelin, he even found that habit endearing.
Aelin looked at the watch they kept in the kitchen and sighed.
“Can you make those sandwiches with the cheese spread we ate last night?”
Rowan nodded, and she got up to hug him from behind while he was still sitting. “Thanks.”
It was almost time for her to go collect some herbs Dr. Valg requested for their research. It was common sense that Maeve was a shit professor, but her work at the Doranelle’s Center for Psychedelic Medicine was groundbreaking enough for everyone to put up with her.
Rowan sunk in his seat just by the thought of having to see Maeve on the weekend. He wouldn’t usually mind the extra work, but their professor didn’t help, neither did his almost empty bank account. They were broke like every student, but he and Aelin had a better situation than most from their program because his Uncle Ellys let them live in his old apartment practically for free.
His friends always teased him for not charging Aelin to live there, but Rowan didn’t mind it. And it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he wanted to give her every reason possible to stay right there with him.
The students had a break room with a small fridge for themselves near the lab, and it was packed with Rowan’s own lunchboxes. The extra snacks were for when he and Aelin needed to stay longer than usual, which was pretty common, but he was well aware that Fenrys often stole their food. Not that his friend tried to keep it a secret, but Rowan refused to assume he was also cooking for Fenrys, of all people.
The sandwich Aelin requested wasn’t in the fridge because she wouldn’t like if it was cold. It was the first one Fenrys went for when he arrived.
Rowan slapped his hand. “That’s Aelin’s.”
Fenrys sat on the couch near him and sighed. “I want you to be in love with me so bad.” Rowan frowned, not that it’d stop Fenrys. “I mean, I’d get free rent, a free cook—“
“That’s enough—“
“You even have a great dick, not that she’s using that for anything—“
“That’s. Enough,” Rowan said through gritted teeth this time, his voice a lot more stern.
Fenrys’s eyes went wide. “Dude! You have a great shaft. Why are you embarrassed?”
“I’m not!” He pinched the bridge of his nose, thinking of the quickest way to change the subject in a way that wouldn’t encourage Fenrys to annoy him further.
His friend snickered and continued, “It’s about Aelin, then. Now you should be embarrassed. She’s been into you forever, man.”
Rowan sat on the couch too and sighed, knowing his friend would never let him be. About anything. “How could you even know that?”
“Because I know chicks. I know how they work.”
“No, you know how their vaginas work.”
“That too!” He winked. “I have many talents, Buzzard.”
Rowan narrowed his eyes. “Don’t call me that.”
Fenrys smirked, a smart remark on the tip of his tongue, when Rowan beat him to it.
“How’s Dick Awards?”
Just like that, Fenrys’ thoughts switched paths.
“It’s great, man! I was doing just one thing, like the Miss Doranelle of dicks, but now there’s so many people I need to divide them into categories.”
Rowan snorted. “Like the Oscars of dicks?”
“Exactly!” And then he snatched his phone to show the preparations for the contest. Rowan had to give it to him, that level of organization was very unusual for Fenrys, his friend was fully dedicated to Dick Awards.
“Us dudes need to hype each other’s dicks up, man. Like that sisterhood thing, but for bros.”
Rowan snorted. Fenrys probably gathered that from one of the times Aelin lectured him about feminism. At least he was listening.
“I don’t need my dick being hyped up by another guy.”
“You shouldn’t open Twitter tomorrow, then,” Fen said with a troublesome smirk.
He paled. He wasn’t expecting all that repercussion from the event. To have the whole campus commenting on his cock, even if they didn’t know it was his. Definitely not on his bucket list. But Rowan had already sent his pic and consented to this, so he wouldn’t balk. He knew Fenrys would understand if he backed away, but it wasn’t like Rowan to back out after everything was said and done.
He was lost in his thoughts while Fen showed him his preparations. Large Dicks, Dicks on Steroids, In the Shower, Dicks With a Costume. Fenrys showed him every category imaginable, which made him wonder which one Rowan was in. His picture was pretty standard if compared to some dudes who did costumes, body art or special lightning.
“Which category is that?” Rowan asked when he saw a few cocks that looked... interesting.
“Cute dicks.”
Rowan’s eyebrows went wide “Is that your idea of hyping guys up?”
“Don’t worry, man. I have great plans for your dick.”
“Why do you have plans for Rowan’s dick?”
The two of them jumped on their seats, startled by Aelin’s sudden appearance.
Rowan’s heartbeat was racing. Where the fuck did she come from?
None of them knew what to say, and Aelin soon gathered that this conversation wasn’t meant for her to hear. Weary, she came closer, her eyes trained on them, until she snatched her sandwich and left the room.
This whole situation was far too awkward for any of them to utter a word.
Fenrys snorted a beat after Aelin closed the door. “I’d pay good money to be in her head right now.”
Cursing, Rowan got up and went after her. He had no idea how to explain whatever she was thinking, or even if he had an explanation for that. But he was almost sure she got upset, so Rowan needed to do something about it. That was how he worked.
Aelin was sitting on the large table on the lab, unwrapping her sandwich. He approached her, still not knowing what to say, and cleared his throat.
“Fireheart, I’m—“
“You don’t need to explain, really,” she answered with a smile, but something about it was off.
Rowan carefully weighted his options. Biting the inside of his cheek, he was damn sure he didn’t want her to learn about his participation in Dick Awards. But on the other hand, he hated to see her upset, and he now had a feeling he knew why she was like this. They never kept secrets from each other. Except for that one thing, that is.
He sighed, his mind made up and knowing he was doomed either way. “You can ask.”
Aelin bit his lip and looked down for a little before asking, “Are you and Fenrys...?”
“What?” He asked wide-eyed and slowly shook his head, confused. “You know I’m not into guys.”
“You wouldn’t be the first to... discover yourself after Fenrys.”
Aelin gently bit her sandwich, and Rowan could cry at how adorable she looked with those furrowed eyebrows and flushed cheeks.
“We’re not together. It’s not a...” He took a deep breath, hoping his cheeks weren’t too red too. “It’s a brohood thing” Rowan almost choked the last words out, recalling Fenrys’ sisterhood justification for Dick Awards.
Aelin choked on her own laughter and began to cough as an attempt to hide it. “He has great plans for your dick because you’re best bros?”
He slowly nodded, completely defeated. “That’s right.”
“Okay...” She took a deep breath to recompose herself. “I’m not sure I want to ask further.”
His cheeks flushed with the realization of what he just implied. What did she think Fenrys was going to do with Rowan’s cock? He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again. He wouldn’t be keeping his dignity either way, so it was best to give up now that Aelin seemed pleased his answer.
Rowan could question why she was suddenly so interested in his sexual activities, but hoping once more would be too much for today. He sighed, tired of his own feelings, and quickly went back to the break room to grab something to eat.
Rowan always kept many lunchboxes ready for when they needed to stay late in the lab, so he just picked the first one he saw on the fridge and went back to eat it while he read some articles that’d help with his research.
The taste was a bit off and he wondered if it had gone bad, but Rowan was too upset to care about that.
He was reading and making a few notes when he noted one of the authors had a funny writing. Something about his choice of words had him quietly giggling.
“Ro, are you okay?” Aelin asked with furrowed eyebrows.
He smiled to soothe her worries. “Easy-breezy.”
She snorted and went back to work, and so did he.
Until he noticed a few of the pages were green. He didn’t see it when he first got the magazines, but he kinda liked this change. Green was a nice page color. Rowan looked at Aelin, and his Fireheart looked smokin’ hot with her hair all... hairy and her funny nose scrunched up in concentration. God, he loved the shit out of her.
Trying to get her attention, he threw a pencil at her. His aim wasn’t the best, but it was enough for her to notice him.
“What the fuck, Ro?”
“Did you like the green pages?”
She tilted her head. “What green pages?”
He smiled and turned the magazine so she could see. “The new green pages!”
Aelin’s eyes were so wide they looked funny. “They’re white.”
Rowan giggled. It was so her to prank him like this.
She slowly got up and walked towards him. Aelin looked around his desk and carefully studied his face. She was mostly tugging at his eyelids and moving his face around, but Rowan didn’t mind it. Her fingertips on his face were worth the not so gentle inspection.
“Did...” She looked around and whispered, “Did Fenrys give you a pot cookie?”
Rowan shook his head. “Don’t need, thanks. Just had a salad.”
She had both hands on her hips when Fenrys came in.
“Hey, Ace. I can’t find the herbs we collected today.”
Aelin sighed. “I put them in the...” and she frowned. And looked at Rowan’s empty lunchbox. Then looked at Fenrys again. Now she was gaping, and her eyes were wide as saucers. “Fucking Mala.”
Fenrys tilted his head.
“I think...” she swallowed. “I think Rowan ate them.”
His friend gaped, and then started cackling so much it made Rowan giggle too. He liked Fenrys. Fenrys was fun. Not as fun as Aelin, but the boyo was cool.
“Are you telling me Rowan ate all of the hallucinogenic herbs for the research?”
She slowly nodded, but her shoulders were shaking, and then she started laughing too. They had a good moment of just laughing together, but then they heard high heels against the floor that made his friends freeze.
“What’s going on?” Dr. Valg barged into the room and asked between gritted teeth.
Fenrys began to give her a report about his tasks, and Aelin supplied with intakes here and there. Rowan just stayed sat, minding his own business. One would think he was reading his articles, but he was actually admiring the table. Now it was green too. It looked pretty, he thought.
“Okay, bring me the herbs.”
Fenrys swallowed. “They’re not available.”
Maeve pinched the bridge of her nose. “You just gave me a detailed report about bringing them.”
“Um.” Aelin cleared her throat and pointed at Rowan. “He ate them. Accidentally.”
“Are you telling me that Whitethorn.” Maeve took a deep breath and fisted her hands. “Whitethorn got high on my herbs, and you let him stay close to the very expensive equipment?”
He was watching it with an amused smile, but his friends were looking down and exchanging worried glances. He wondered why. Seeing Maeve upset was so fun. Without saying a thing, just the sight of her face gave him a good giggle.
Maeve’s face snapped back at him and she strode his way.
“Whitethorn! What the hell were you thinking?”
He tilted his head, confused.
She snapped her fingers. “Aren’t you Whitethorn?”
She pinched the bridge of her nose. “What’s your name again? I can never remember it.”
He frowned. That was a good question. He didn’t remember his name.
“I don’t know my name.”
Both Aelin and Fenrys hovered closer, their eyebrows pinched.
“What do you mean you don’t know your name?” Maeve asked through clenched teeth.
Aelin quaked, “Rowan, tell her your name!”
“But I don’t know my name!”
“Your name!” Maeve screamed.
He seethed, his eyes bulging. “I. Don’t. Know!”
Fenrys began to gesticulate a lot, a telltale sign of his worried state. “YOUR NAME’S ROWAN!”
“OKAY, ENOUGH!” Aelin interrupted his and Fenrys’ shouting match by shouting stronger.
Confused by the commotion, Rowan screamed, “WHY IS EVERYONE SCREAMING?”
“Because you can’t remember your fucking name!” Maeve said in an impatient tone, the veins on her forehead bulging.
“Oh.” He blinked. “It’s Rowan.”
They let out a collective sigh, and Aelin was the one who broke the silence.
“How are you feeling?”
Maeve rolled her eyes, but it was true. Everything was green.
“Can anyone here who knows where Whitethorn lives take him home?”
“I can take him, we live together,” Aelin said while approaching Rowan’s desk to collect his things.
“Oh.” Maeve raised her eyebrows. “That’s not surprising.”
She winced. “Not like that! I mean—“
Maeve waved a dismissive hand. “I don’t care, just take him.”
There was a reason why Rowan was usually the one to drive.
Aelin liked to drive fast. Always cutting her way between the other cars and announcing too late that she was going to make a turn. But now that he thought about it, it was kinda cool. Rowan felt like he was in an action movie of sorts. It didn’t help with the dizziness he was feeling, but that part wasn’t Aelin’s fault.
There was something he needed to talk about with her, but Rowan couldn’t quite grasp what it was. He was trying to remember everything that happened today, until it clicked.
“I’m not letting Fenrys go anywhere near my dick, you know.” He leaned back on the seat and closed his eyes. “I wish I could tell you, but we decided to keep it a secret.”
“Oh.” She swallowed. “That’s fine, you really don’t have to explain yourself to me,” Aelin said in a defeated tone.
“We’re not having an affair!” He knew he’d decided not to tell her, but fuck that. Aelin was his best friend. She could know anything she wanted to. “Fenrys is the mind behind Dick Awards. I’m in the contest. That’s what we were talking about.”
Aelin’s eyes went wide, her arms rigid as she gripped the steering wheel. “You’re joking.”
Rowan giggled. “I wish I was.”
Her mouth opened and she seemed to freeze, until a harsh burst of air left her mouth, and Aelin laughed so much she was fighting to properly drive while her body tried to double over. Intoxicated by her howls, Rowan was laughing along.
The car stopped moving, and Aelin took a deep breath to recompose herself. She unfastened Rowan’s seatbelt, probably because he was a little confused by it earlier, and asked, “Are you ready to be forced into a nap, Buzzard?”
He grunted and let himself be led inside the building.
Rowan mentioned to cook something for them, but Aelin shoved a cereal bar into his hands before he could do anything. He didn’t understand why she wouldn’t let him cook. He was perfectly fine, apart from a few remaining green spots in his vision. But if that was what she wanted, he could oblige for one afternoon.
She took him to his bedroom and gave him a change of clothes from his drawers, turning around and closing the curtains while he changed.
Rowan was already laid down when she sat by his side to say something, but he beat her to it.
“Did I ever tell you your eyes are prettier than the Blue Ribbon Eel?”
She smiled. “That’s your favorite eel.”
“But I still prefer your eyes.” And then this admission made his eyes widen. He didn’t want Aelin to think his feelings depended on her eyes. “I mean, not that you really need them. I’d still like you if you had no eyes.”
Chuckling, Aelin said, “Thanks! it’s good to know I’ll have someone to walk me around if I lose them.”
“I’ll happily walk you around anywhere. It’s my job.”
Aelin’s laughter abruptly ceased. “What do you mean?”
He had a blissful smile. “I knew we were soulmates even in grad school.” Looking deep inside her eyes, Rowan continued, “When you told me your favorite species of eel is the one I have tattooed.”
That earned him a smile, but something about it was off. “You’re high.”
He frowned. “But I still love the Blue Ribbon Eel—and you.”
Rowan noticed her eyes started watering, but she blinked it back. He frowned. That was not the response he was waiting for.
“Did I make you upset?”
Aelin kissed his cheek and tucked him in his covers. “I’m gonna let you sleep now.”
Before Rowan opened his eyes, he already knew his head was pounding. Besides, the loud voices outside weren’t helping.
He risked taking a look at his phone, grimacing because of the light, but he saw it was already Sunday morning. Which meant he had slept for Mala knows how long.
His phone was filled with notifications, but the only thing he opened was the texts from Aelin.
>> hey buzzard
>> lys is coming over so we can vote on some dicks together
>> there’s water, meds and some crackers on your desk xx
Rowan slowly, very slowly came to a sitting position and saw everything was near his laptop, on top of some books. He ate and immediately went back to bed, staying until the painkillers kicked in.
Rowan managed to take a bath without being noticed and stayed in his bedroom, rereading the same paragraph over and over again. The loud voices were still bothering him, but he didn’t have a headache anymore. Rowan just couldn’t get past the fact that his best friend was ten steps away, commenting on other men’s dicks with her friend.
Putting the book down, Rowan could hear the muffled sounds of a heated argument, so his curiosity got the best of him, and he went to see what was going on.
“Are you kidding me? Look at 350’s proportions! Length, girth, ball size, everything!” He could feel Aelin’s agitation just by the sound of her voice.
“I’m not a fan of the veins, though,” Lys argued back.
“How dare you.”
“I prefer dick 72.”
“Ew!” Aelin yelled, too wrapped up in the argument to notice his arrival.
Lysandra leaned back on the couch and smirked. “Come on, Ace. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t pounce on that.”
“That’s the fucking point!” Aelin opened her arms and got up from the couch. “This is Dick of the Year, being pounceable is already required. So, would I pounce on dick 72? Sure. But this?” She pointed at the TV. “I would sell my soul to pounce on that dick.”
And when Rowan looked at the direction Aelin was pointing, he saw his own dick displayed on the TV.
Every muscle he had felt tight, his chest included, and that was exactly when Aelin noticed his presence. She gaped at the same time Lys started cackling, completely different reactions to his discover of Aelin’s enthusiasm.
Aelin’s cheeks turned crimson, but she didn’t balk. She showed him both pictures on the TV and said, “We need your input.”
Rowan’s mouth opened and closed again, before he walked away, shouting on his way, “I’m not commenting on other guys’ dicks!”
He closed the door a little more harshly than intended and got the hell out of his apartment.
I would sell my soul to pounce on that dick.
Rowan walked around the block, completely lost in his own thoughts. All of them running around the same sentence.
I would sell my soul to pounce on that dick.
He knew she didn’t mean it. He knew this contest didn’t mean anything, that this was an overstate. Still, hearing this from the girl he had been lusting after for years. Rowan had no idea how to feel.
I would sell my soul to pounce on that dick.
He went window shopping around the neighborhood, bought some tea, sat on the park. Still, her words couldn’t leave his head.
Worse, they could’t leave the incessant rise of Rowan’s length against his pants. Each time he forced to think of something else, this situation only got worse.
I would sell my soul to pounce on that dick.
Taking a deep breath, he decided to go home. Rowan didn’t even know the time because he forgot his phone, but this situation was unbearable. Completely, utterly unbearable.
The first thing Rowan noticed when he arrived home was that the girls weren’t in the living room anymore. Neither could he hear anything. A quick look at his phone told him they went to a bakery nearby, and Rowan’s posture immediately slumped.
He knew what he was about to do, and he didn’t like it. Actually, he liked it very much, which only made his guilt worse.
Rowan always felt bad after touching himself with Aelin in his mind, but whenever he did it, she found a way to sneak into his every fantasy. And the worst of all, every time she did, things were never soft.
He ran a shaky hand through his head. Aelin deserved so much better than living with a guy who fantasized unspeakable things about her while she was reading a book in the next room. Rowan couldn’t even remember the last time he actually felt lighter after an orgasm, but his underwear was unbearably tight, and he still couldn’t get over what she said earlier today.
I would sell my soul to pounce on that dick, her words from before ringing inside his head like an annoying ad jingle.
Rowan unfastened his clothes and sat on the edge of the bed, his head tipped back. If only he could tell her—
He couldn’t.
Feeling the precum glistening already, Rowan slowly stroked himself, from the tip to the hilt, squeezing his fingers around his base. He took a shaky breath, closed his eyes and let himself imagine.
Aelin was in the kitchen, wearing nothing but his shirt, because that was something she did. Rowan approached her from behind, kissing her neck, because that was something he did. He let a possessive hand slowly wander around her legs, because it was only fair after teasing him so much with them. When it got dangerously close to the spot she loved, Aelin turned around and sent him a sultry smile.
Rowan began to twist his hand while he pumped himself, but he was still going slow. He wanted to drag this one out.
After carrying Aelin to his bed, he dropped her there and didn’t spare a second before laying on top of her and kissing her whole. Rowan trailed luscious, passionate kisses, starting on her lips until he closed his mouth around her nipple. Eager, Aelin wrapped her legs around him and rubbed herself against him.
She did it again and moaned. “You love it.”
And damn him, he did. Impatient, Rowan started to give wet kisses on the valley between her breasts. Aelin immediately picked up his intentions and tugged on the roots of his hair.
“Are you getting me ready for you, love?”
He went back to her lips for a moment, but Aelin soon guided him back to her breasts. He was lucky his girlfriend was just as insatiable.
Impatient, Aelin got up and kneeled beside the bed, looking up at him from below her lashes and thrusting out her breasts as an invitation.
With increasingly quicker pumps now, Rowan squeezed his eyes shut. He thrusted into his own hand and finally stroked himself on the speed he wanted.
Rowan sat on the edge of the bed, in front of her. Aelin immediately grabbed his cock and licked it, brushing her lips against it every now and then. He thrusted into her hand, and she started to rub his cock against her breasts, finding a different way to tease him.
She didn’t stop when Rowan grabbed a fistful of her hair, moaning as he tugged it a little too harshly.
“Baby...” he warned.
Smirking, she placed his length on her cleavage. Closing her breasts around his cock, Aelin made some up and down movements, but mostly just let him fuck them.
He closed his eyes and groaned. Sliding his cock between Aelin’s soft breasts never failed to make him dissolve into pleasure. His body was on fire, muscles so tight they could snap. Their rhythm picked up, and Aelin tilted her head down so she could suck the tip of his cock as well.
She couldn’t speak, but Aelin’s moans sounded delicious when he could feel them around his cock. Almost delirious, Rowan held her head and called out her pet name like a prayer.
“Rowan, did you call—“
Rowan froze mid-pump, not believing what his eyes were seeing.
Not believing Aelin had just caught him with a hand on his own dick. Moaning her name, as it seemed.
His heartbeat was so strong Rowan could feel it in his throat. Two sets of bulged eyes stared at each other, not knowing what to say.
When his mind mildly processed the situation he was in, Rowan quickly threw a blanket over his lap.
“Aelin, I’m—“
“Oh, God!” She covered her eyes a bit too late. “I’m so, so sorry—“
“You don’t—“
Before he could apologize, Aelin banged the door closed and left.
Rowan felt flat on his bed, grimacing and running a hand through his face. He wanted to die. He wanted to erase this weekend from his life. He wanted to shift into a Hawk and fly the hell away from here. God, he had no idea how he’d face Aelin—
His door opened again and Aelin eyed his covered self, cheeks flushed.
“What were you thinking?”
Rowan sat and his pulse skyrocketed once again. Too paralyzed by the situation to utter a single word, the only thing he could bring himself to do was to avoid her gaze.
Aelin softly closed the door behind her. “I mean, what were you thinking about?” She asked while slowly walking his way until they were dangerously close.
“You.” He wanted to thread carefully there, but his hoarse voice might’ve betrayed him.
She hummed. “Did I get to kiss you?” Aelin asked with a tilted head, her voice in a tone Rowan hadn’t heard yet, but was starting to like very much.
“So much.” Rowan’s gaze finally met hers, his breathing fast for many different reasons.
Her hand was on its way to his shoulder when she retreated and bit her lip. “Can I?”
Rowan sneaked a shaky hand behind her neck to pull her closer, but their lips ended up meeting halfway.
Aelin’s lips were the best thing he’d ever tasted.
It started hesitant, both of them not sure of themselves right away. But when Aelin softly sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck, Rowan tugged on her waist and she opened her mouth further, letting him in. Their tongues went on a long and slow pace at first, but it didn’t take long for their kiss to become crushing.
When Rowan felt her completely melt into his touch, he pulled her towards the bed. Mostly because their position wasn’t the most comfortable, but he was also ready for more if that’s what she wanted. But even if they just kissed until bedtime, it’d still be one of the best nights of his life.
Like an answer to his thoughts, Aelin took off her clothes, staying in just her lingerie.
Her red, lacy lingerie.
Rowan almost jumped on top of her, kissing her neck and collarbones while grabbing her curves in a bruising manner. He had completely lost control over himself, but Aelin didn’t seem to mind, moaning when he pinched her nipple through the flimsy fabric.
He hummed, paying only half attention because he’d just found out he liked playing with her body a little too much.
“I want you to do to me what you were thinking about earlier.”
Resting their foreheads together, he gave himself a second to think. They were just breathing each other’s air, but it was still distracting enough for him. Rowan sighed. He had one chance to make her see… him. He’d not ruin it with his kinky shit.
“I’d rather do something you like, if that’s okay.”
Aelin’s smirk built slowly, until she was grinning like Hellas himself. “It was dirty, wasn’t it?”
Once again, his inability to lie to Aelin was biting him in the ass. If it was possible for him to get any more flushed, he definitely did. Staying silent was the most he could do to protect his dignity, but that was answer enough for Aelin.
However, instead of mocking him like she usually did, she tugged his face back to hers and gave him a languorous, wet kiss.
“You won’t tell me, but I can still guess.” She had a sultry grin on. “We weren’t in missionary, were we?” Aelin said right before flipping them around, straddling him.
The element of surprise was enough for her to throw his larger body into the bed. Her hair was cascading down her sides as she looked at Rowan with a predatory gaze. Said gaze went down, until—
“Dear Mala.” Her eyes widened. “You’re the Dick of the Year.”
Her mouth opened and closed, her cheeks becoming a richer shade of red. Aelin Galathynius looking flustered. Now, that was a rare sight.
“And you heard me.” Her eyes snapped back to his face. “You heard everything.”
“Hey.” Rowan sat too, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. “At least you didn’t need to sell your soul for it.”
She did something between gaping and laughing at him and playfully swatted his chest. “You’re not as funny as you think you are.”
Rowan chuckled and cupped her cheek with one hand, gently caressing it with his thumb. “You caught me jerking off, I caught you praising my cock. It’s pretty balanced for me.”
Laughing brightly, Aelin’s shoulders were shaking, and she rested her forehead on his. He kissed the crown of her head and then she turned her mouth to him, the kiss soft this time. Until it wasn’t anymore.
“Where were we?” Rowan asked when she began giving attention to his neck.
“You were telling me all your fetishes about me.”
He groaned, regretting his last sentence as Aelin breathlessly chuckled. She placed both hands on his shoulders to go to a sitting position while keeping him down. Her golden hair cascaded on her sides as the hands on his shoulders slid down his body.
Unclasping her bra, Aelin purred, “Was I putting on a show for you?”
Rowan gulped, enthralled. “You could say so.”
She slowly slid her bra down, teasing him. When she finally took off that flimsy lace, Rowan’s skin was prickling with the urge to touch her. Taste her further. Aelin was doing unspeakable things to him and she was well aware of it, if her cocky smile was any indication.
When he tried to touch her, she slapped his hands away.
She bit her lip. “I’ll be nice, then.”
Aelin took his hand and guided it through her body. Their intertwined hands sensually slid through her hips, waist, the curve of her breast, until she took his thumb inside her mouth and sucked it.
He closed his eyes, trying not to lose composure. “You’re killing me.”
She sucked his thumb one last time before taking it off her mouth. “I know.” Aelin gave his wet finger a pointed look before asking, “Do you know where this goes?”
Rowan trailed down the same path with his hand, until he pressed his wet thumb against her clit without ceremony. “In here?”
Whimpering, Aelin arched her back and swayed her hips to chase the friction. Then she took his wet thumb away from her core and placed it on her nipple. “Not yet.”
“You like to make me wait, don’t you?” Rowan was so impatient he could cry, but at the same time letting her take the lead was a lot more arousing than he thought it would be.
“You made me wait for years, Ro.” She mentioned to take her panties away, but Rowan ripped them in two before she could barely move. Aelin moaned, and that was the first time he realized she might be as eager as him to get this over with. Still, she continued, “It’s only fair.”
Rowan focused back on his assigned spot on her breast. He wouldn’t let her get away with the teasing that easily, though. His caresses started being more rough, until he pinched her nipple with two fingers, making her cry out.
In response, Aelin nestled his cock between her folds, grinding herself against it. Rowan was searing, and he was afraid he’d combust if she kept playing with him like this. He got the closest to a sitting position he could, one hand holding himself upright and the other cradling the back of Aelin’s neck.
“Baby.” He tried to kiss her, but it got sloppy since both of their hips were still moving. “Please.”
She moaned into his mouth and then nodded, leaning away a little so she could align the two of them. Aelin took her time to slide herself down, getting adjusted on her way. Both of them moaned the whole time, and when Aelin sunk into the hilt of his cock, Rowan got so light-headed he thought he might faint.
When she started moving, he soon became overwhelmed with pleasure in a way he couldn’t quite grasp. Rowan had one hand holding himself upright and the other gripping Aelin’s waist. She had her back arched, boobs bouncing as she chased her high. Both of their hips were in a frenzied rhythm, but the sight of her alone was enough to put his nerves on fire.
Aelin’s insides began to squeeze his cock, so he leaned on both arms now to thrust into her with more force. She screamed, her legs beginning to tremble, but she kept the pace, and so did he.
Rowan could feel himself ready to snap when Aelin screamed his name one last time. She went still except for the walls clenching around him, and her loud moans became soft whimpers. Rowan’s gut tightened straight after, and his hips jerked until he spilled himself into her.
They laid side to side on the bed, catching their breaths and not uttering a single word.
What the fuck was he supposed to do now?
He was terrified, his heartbeat picking up once again. Still, he scooted closer. And closer. Until he could wrap an arm around her. She didn’t do anything, and that’s when his desire to become a hawk and fly away came back. Rowan gave her a sideways glance, and she was already looking at him. At first he was startled by her extra flushed skin, but then he remembered it was because they just had sex. Which made him panic even more.
But when he was scrambling his mind for something to say, she sneaked a hand around his torso and sighed, resting her face on his shoulders. Rowan’s whole body relaxed, and he didn’t hide his silly grin.
There were many things going on his head right now, but all of them ran around the fact that he was cuddling in bed with Aelin. Sweaty and naked. Rowan kissed her head and she softly hummed in response.
“That was...”
He gently squeezed her. “I know.”
“I’m so spent.”
“Me too.”
She looked up at him, biting back a smile. “Round two in a few?”
Rowan chuckled. “You’re always reading my mind.”
Smiling, she nuzzled her face against his neck. Rowan embraced her a little more tighter. God, he’d never leave this moment if he could.
“Did you know there are people spreading wanted signs of your cock?”
Just like that, Rowan’s post-sex bliss came to halt. “You’re lying.”
Instead of replying, Aelin quickly grabbed her phone and showed him the picture.
Right before the dick picture he took himself.
More than a hundred retweets.
Rowan was going to kill himself. Or shift into a hawk and fly away, whichever was easier.
However, Aelin’s giggles brought him back to reality. “You’re blushing.”
Rowan groaned, and then took a deep breath, turning his whole body towards her.
“How do you feel about that?”
Aelin shrugged. “I can’t control the internet.”
He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand, scrambling his mind for a way to make her understand he wasn’t only asking about the pic—
“Oh.” Aelin’s eyebrows raised as something clicked for her, and she bit his lips while running a possessive hand around his abs. “But, you know, I can be very selfish.”
Rowan’s smile was blinding when the only thing he managed to say was, “Yeah?”
She nodded, beaming too, when their mouths were an inch away.
“Good.” He flipped them, staying on top this time. Both of Rowan’s hands ran through her inner thighs, opening them for him, and he didn’t care if his touch was possessive enough to bruise. He could think of many ways to apologize later.
Aelin was writhing for her hips to get closer to him, Rowan’s breaths fanning against her core, when he rasped, “I don’t like to share either.”
A/N: Just to be clear, I didn’t create Dick Awards. It’s actually a national Twitter treasure, and I’ve been voting for it since high school.
2nd A/N: If you were on the LDRV Facebook group around 2015 and recognized my hints of the tá tudo verde viral post, we’re instant friends.
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magnolix · 2 years
MHA exchangestudent!y/nheadcanons
Tumblr media
They would definitely be interested, Iida and Momo would be trying their damndest to make sure the class was as respectful as possible (gotta respect the class reps) - They probably told Mineta that class was canceled for that day just to save you
If you don't speak the language (native English speaker) then I feel that either Midoriya or even Pony (from class 1-B) would try to help you out.
If you speak Spanish then Sero's gonna be your buddy as he loosely translates for you
If you do speak the language (hey good for you, Japanese is pretty hard to learn) then you get a bunch of more options
If you're from the UK or with a heavy ass accent (like me ^^) then you're probably gonna be hanging out with Bakugou because even though you two can't understand each other, there's enough hand motions and tone raises for him to understand what you're saying
Y/N: "You lavvy-heided wankstain, bug off yay mangled beetroot, I cannae function rit!" Kirishima: "Bakugou, what did they say?" Bakugou: "Piss off, I'm working." Midoriya: *frantically taking notes*
I'd like to think that the Bakusquad would hoard you to themselves and Mina, Denki, and Sero would be walking you around campus, showing you all of the cool stuff to see
"And this is the other class for the generic studies, and that's the area for the support item workshop thingy," Mina explained. "You mean the Department for Support?" Denki corrected her. "Yeah yeah.."
The lunch rush fucking scares you. You're used to leaving class early to get in line so it's a new feeling to be able to get what you want on time without breaking some noses.
Y/n: *running full speed towards the cafeteria right after being let out of class* "OUT TEH FUCKEN WAY!" Bakugou: *running alongside Y/n* "THIS BITCH WANTS PASTA!
You probably made fun of some of their quirks at first but in a friendly and joking way,
you even gave some of them nicknames
Midoriya: Mocha Todoroki: Zuko Kirishima: Jaws or Hammerhead Mina: Weed Jesus Iida: Speed Jesus Sero: Spiderman Jiro: Bluetooth Bakugou: Blondie Ayoyama: Cheese-eating surrender monkey (took you a while to explain that one to him (yes it's a Simpsons reference))
When it comes to actually doing some of the work like homework n stuff, you'd either get shy and have to work up the courage to ask them for help or Momo would just take the lead and invite you for a study session - you didn't know she was rich until you went to her house
The work studies really freaked you out, no matter what your quirk was, you got scared of Bakugou, Todoroki, and Midoriya after seeing what they could do - really made the mind wander when you saw them panting
If your quirk is support based, I could see you helping out some of the others Recovery Girl style
If your quirk is attack based, I could see you running around as Bakugou is trying to spar with you
(you most likely hid behind either Shoji or Eraser Head)
the moment you realize that almost everybody has either a hero work-study or daddy issues (or both if they're lucky) you try to get assigned to a work-study as well
If you apply for Edgeshot's, Mt.Lady's, or Ryukyu's agencies, they would accept you on the spot. Saying something along the lines of "expanding your horizons", "getting you good experience", "making you stronger" etc.
If you apply for Best Jeanist's, Endeavor's, or Hawks' agencies, I feel like Endeavor and Jeanist would have a full-scale interview but Hawks would have you join immediately
As for other heroes like Mirko, Crust, Gang Orca (and the other top heroes), it would be a mix depending on what your was
Speaking of Endaevor
Oh poor, poor Endeavor
I may be an Enji simp but I cannot deny how quickly this man would fall to the verbal wrath of our generation
You'd misspell his name on documents
You'd get his food order wrong
You wouldn't tell him about changes to his schedule
You'd wake up each and every day and choose violence
And best of all, he wouldn't be able to do shit about it
He's stuck with you and you know it
#gaslightgatekeepgirlboss (or boy boss, non-binary boss, you get the idea)
Y/n: "You have some paperwork you need to fill out, you have a press meeting today at 8:30am, one of your sidekicks is currently out doing your laundry, and that mission report should be back in an hour." Endeavor: "Y/n, it's 9 am. Are you sure that meeting isn't wrong?-" Y/N: *smirking* "I know what I said."
When it comes to events at UA like festivals or other small things like that, it's up to you
if there's a sports thingy though like the Baseball OVA (god bless) I feel like you'd be absolutely amazing at either soccer or baseball
like, you know how to swing
and you know how to kick
and you know how to girl boss (sorry I'll stop)
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lonelinessmademecrazy · 2 months
You said you've been writing down (or rather, typing up) whatever comes to your head when you first wake up. Would you be comfortable sharing some of the things you've written?
Sure, I see no harm in that. Some of the dates are a bit off due to me forgetting what days I had or had not accounted for.
Also, this will probably have a “read more” section bc this is LONG.
pasta would be better without the wait time. Why can’t it be packaged like udon?
No, I’m not paying for your tax write-off of a vacation
I’m not a monster. I’m not a creature. I’m not a god. I’m human. I’m normal. I’m perfectly normal.
Just like the coocoo bird effect,I killed my false parents. Dug my teeth into their flesh and tore and shred until there was nothing left. Only blood and bone shards.
cheese. not celery. CHEESE. Worst salsa de queso ever
I want chocolate
Feigning humanity only starves me further.
They worship the very thing that will kill them. They know it’ll kill them. Why do they expect appreciation from an old deity?
el conejo es muy delicioso
Tear, rip, shred, filét, slice, stab, scratch, do what I want. I’m so hungry and so angry.
Need to make friends. I’m so lonely
You’re a fucking liar. Go kill yourself.
Better yet, let me do it for you, pathetic waste of flesh.
I’m not a monster. I’d never eat that. I’d never do that. Nobody should worship me.
I’m just a normal human.
Kitty cat!! In car!! I want a pet kitty!
Those macarons were so fucking good. I should go get some more. Vanilla and pistachio
Water would be nice. It’s so hot
Mayonnaise is such a weird condiment
Cookies and cream flavored milkshakes are the best thing to grace the shelves of my fridge.
How much could a creature possibly need to eat? So many lives lost.
Sleep is for the weak
God, please let me sleep
Sleepy time tea
Check the mail
Cult. It’s a cult. They’re in fucking cult.
They worship the same thing that warned me about them
Don’t let them know
I know
I’m starving
Cake pops would sell so good on campus.
What do you mean you want a cheeseburger combo with no cheese. That’s just a hamburger combo.
No, a combo is just the burger and fries, you’re thinking of a meal. The meal has a drink with it.
I fucking hate fast food, oh my god
My thoughts get louder at night. Just when I think things are changing.
My thoughts get louder at night.
The insistent need to tear and rip and shred. I’d never, though.
I’m not a monster.
Shut up, you can make your own damn french fries.
I deserve a pay raise
That guy is not even real. Why does everyone think he’s stalking me?
It’s raining so much. I hate hurricane season
Can I PLEASE make it to work without driving through a literal flood??
Milkshake?? Eh, ice cream is better
Hunger. It’s all I feel. No matter how much I eat, I’m always hungry.
Maybe I’m not eating the right thing.
My teeth itch every time one of you talks. You’re all so annoying, I just wanna bite out your jugulars.
Bacon jerky
Something claws from deep within, begging for just a taste. Just a drop, a shred, a chunk, a bite.
I don’t want to eat that. That’s gross. But my brain tells me otherwise.
I’ve been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet
A pawn and a king
How many lives did they truly live? How many times did they all repeat that same, vicious cycle.
How lucky am I to be an outside viewer.
An observer
Kimchi jiggae and a big ass bottle of strawberry caplico
I want strawberry milk
He’s not the guardian. He’s the firebrand. That fucking liar. You’re just as bad as your captor.
Mmmm steamed egg
Vanilla ice cream
No, strawberry
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alivingfire · 2 years
snippet sunday
i am weak for praise and adoration. have a snippet of the next highway's jammed sequel:
Steve takes another bite and leans over against Eddie, who wraps an arm over his shoulder automatically, even as he fights Nancy for the longest cheese fry. “How’s the station?” 
“Soul-crushing,” Eddie says without inflection. “Each day I walk in and my bones crumble, my skin turns to paper. I am Sisyphus, and I will never meet death.” 
“Uh-huh,” Steve says. “Had you sorting albums again, did they?” 
“It suuuuucks,” Eddie whines. “I keep telling them I don’t know the alphabet as well as Kim and she should do it, but they don’t believe me.” 
“Maybe because you keep writing perfectly literate diatribes against them on the company stationary,” Nancy suggests. 
“No, that can’t be it,” Eddie says. “Though I did get to see the early releases. New Bad Company out in June, which is going to fucking smash. And another Cheap Trick album too, which is a bit more punk than I lean but I really dug their Elvis cover on the last one.” 
“Mm,” Steve hums. “There’s another New Kids On The Block album in June too. Weird you didn’t mention that.” 
“I will never,” Eddie says. “And if I see that shit in my house, I will break it into pieces and hide it in your hair.” 
“Tease,” Steve says. 
“Freak,” Eddie says. 
“Steve, that’s five!” Annie calls. 
“There’s no one here!” he says, waving his hand around the almost-empty diner. Just Jerry at the counter, and two men half-asleep over their tuna melts Steve lovingly cooked for them. 
“Five is five!” she sings. 
“Sometimes, five is fifteen,” he says. 
She crosses her arms. “You get eight.” 
“Twelve,” he bargains. 
“Ten, and I’ll let you take the doughnuts.” 
Eddie covers Steve’s mouth and says, “Ten works, Annie baby, thank you!” Steve frowns at him, and Eddie shrugs. “The doughnuts are good, honey. Take it as a compliment, you’re the one that made them.”
“We gotta go anyway,” Nancy says, half-apologetic as she takes little polite bites from her burger, a habit she never broke passed down to her from Karen Wheeler. “I have a deadline tomorrow morning, and Rob’s got a test prep session on campus.” 
Steve grumbles, but polishes off the last of his burger and crams a handful of fries into his mouth. “Wow,” Eddie says. “That’s the kind of move that’ll get you voted Most Sexy of Hawkins High, circa 1985.” 
“I was voted Best Hair, dipshit,” Steve says. 
“Oh, right,” Eddie says. “Most Sexy was the award I gave you in my mind. It was a tough race, but you earned it, baby.”
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suginami-division · 2 years
When the most reputed history professor of Kuraha University returns to the staffroom after the long run of teaching few sections in a row, there he finds an unfamiliar package resting on his table with one letter written in a neat handwriting;
“To Prof. Umemoto of Kuraha University.
Apologizing for the surprise, I’m afraid I have to clarify beforehand that this isn’t a suspicious package or something inappropriate of sorts. My cousin and his friends have just asked me to relay their presents for your birthday since I happened to have an appointment at your campus for a short while. Maybe the reason they didn’t include their names as the senders is that perhaps they’re going to have their participation in the upcoming rap battle (Not so sure either, just caught some wind of it). By the way, I hope you enjoy your birthday. Your students seem to like you a lot.
Best regards,
Hasuto Minazuki
Kyoto City University of Arts”
Curiously taking a peek inside, there he sees a neat and tidy roll of cozy scarf, a pack of Castella Cheesecake decorated with fuchsia lace ribbon, and a deck of Hanafuda in a black wooden box which has plum blossoms and a Japanese bush warbler delicately painted on its cover.
———Meanwhile… somewhere faraway in the city of old ambience and a herd of wild deer wandering around.
“I feel a bit bad for disturbing Hasuto-san to do us a favor, but I guess our package have been sent and Umemoto-san would have seen our presents by now.”
“Ehehehe, It would be great if sensei likes my freshly made Castella! This time I chose the nanbangashi one instead of the typical wagashi I usually make because I heard that he likes cheeses. Still, as for the history professor; I wonder whether he would like some January namagashi for the next time.”
“No one wants to refuse your sweets, Hi-chan. I’m sure he’s going to love it.”
“Thanks! And hey~ what did Yuuyu send?”
“It’s gonna be cold these days so I think of sending something warm might be a good gift.”
“Ah, I see. That’s so like you! And what in the world did our old man send this time? I think I got a glimpse of something really, really colorful; perhaps they’re some picture cards, but what’s their name again?”
“How come you don’t know Hanafuda, you dumbass child? They’re so famous not only in Japan’s traditional card games but also for their many mentions in literature and in a heap chunk of artwork. And if I remember correctly, there’re similar ones from Korea called Hwatu. However, the thing I don’t get the most is why do people from other divisions keep sending birthday presents to someone who’s gonna be their rival? Are they out of their minds? They’re your fucking RIVAL.”
“C’mon old man, don’t be so mean. It’s not like we’re going to be enemies forever or something —Hasn’t this kind of attitude got you no friends in the first place?”
“Eh, but the ume blossoms and that bird make a good meaning though? How kind of you, Saigo-san!”
[ Note: Probably my first attempt of writing. Sorry for a bit bad grammar. ]
Finding the gift in the staffroom during Maki’s coffee break was certainly unexpected. Sure, staff and students alike have given their gifts to him either in person or by leaving it in places like lecture rooms or his own office to find later. But the breakroom for the staff was the last place he would have expected to find a birthday gift. With a cup of tea in hand, Maki took the time to read the letter, slightly puzzled at who the gifts were from. That was until he looked into the package and found the three gifts, all of which he was acutely aware of who each gift was from.
“So, we have a new group to face in the future?” Maki could only hum to himself coolly. In his mind, Maki wondered if this was doubling as a declaration of competition. But, only time could tell, since they had yet to truly debut.
Folding the letter up, Maki put it together with the gifts and lifted it. Balancing it in one arm, he used the other to refill his cup with more tea before making his way back to his own office to finish going through the school papers he had to grade. Of course, that wasn’t without taking little glances at the gifts throughout the day, unexpectedly excited to put his gifts to use (specifically, to irritate the rest of his team in a game of koi-koi with his new cards).
Thank you! I’m glad I found your division finally and I can’t wait for you to reveal your team! They’re already super interesting just from your team’s pinned post and receiving a gift from them makes me even more curious askldfjalskdjfi
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theasylumchild · 4 months
The day is getting slightly less disastrous. I got myself up and to the painting class and even though I got a bit lost because it wasn’t being held where it said it was. I bumped into two girls I was friendly with and we ended up finding the class, painting together, hanging out in the bookstore and then eventually parting ways. It was a really nice two and a half hours. I got food, went to Walmart of all places (very formative location to my college self) and now I’ve basically been walking around the campus/town by myself for two hours. The funniest discovery yet has been that someone added a gate to the alleyway I used to smoke weed in.
Update: I linked up with my best friend, we had some free cheese and crackers, then met up with even more people, hung out, went to our 5th reunion special dinner, I saw two guys I fucked in college and never wanted to see again, and now we’re playing water cup before going to some dance party the college is hosting
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