#the blonde bitch cosplays the blonde bitches i know i know
earlgreyandco · 1 year
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lizzy decided not to marry her cousin and married sonic instead 👍
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novaclerk · 1 year
Jonggun and Joongoo Differences (personalities)
Moshi Moshi, this is me again. *laugh* 
All of us know the personalities of Park Jonggun and Kim Joon Goo are serious and playful. (Total Opposite).  
So right now, I just want to elaborate more. 
Jonggun and Joongoo will never fight over a girl (unless you are Daniel); in other words, their preferences or standards are completely different. 
Ex: Batting  
Jonggun picked Jake because he is the son of Gapryong Kim, which makes me think that Gun is more inclined to the heredity and genes thing. (because he is a Yakuza?) 
Jonggun: Oh, Jake is the son of Garpyong Kim, the leader of Gen. 0, who rules over and has many followers. That makes me think Jake is strong (reasonable but dumb).
While Goo picks Olly Wang because he can't feel pain, and I can say this is more reasonable and I logical than Gun (because I don't really believe in genes and heredity), that makes me conclude Goo will never give a fuck whoever you are; he will just base his decision on your fighting skill (rare, fun, fantastic?) 
Joongoo: His enemy is shouting his identity, but Goo is just like, "Ahhh! Okay, I don't give a fuck who you are; I just need to finish you up because someone paid me." Continue beating the shit out of that man. 
My second reason why I think Gun and Goo will never fight over a girl or their tastes is different is because of SAMUEL. 
When Gun sees Samuel go beserk when he visits him, he is just like Bitch
Jonggun: "What the fuck do you have any control over yourself, even over your comrades?..."
But when Goo sees Samuel go beserk, he just says,
Joongoo: "Wow, Bitch, where are you? I've been waiting for you for my whole life!
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Daniel Thing
(I don't need to explain; just see it for yourself.)
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See? Did you grasp what I was talking about? A blonde and brown (black) lady!
Goo is a more caring, clingy, and affectionate man than Gun towards women.
I think they have respect towards woman and will NEVER hit you until you two fight.
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Goo encounters "various women" because of this panel. I think due to his traveling around, especially because he is an extrovert, he has a lot of experience with women.
He might find it funny, cute or irriating? those women who will punch or fight him but don't have an effect on his body.
Punch acquired: dating, flirting, and fighting (a real fight and a playful fight).
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He fucks a lot of women.
To the point he can't remember their name except if they are: "Worth it" or "Exceptional."
Women that Gun slept with:Yeah he enjoys a LOT
I think he thinks women can fight if they want to! 
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Joongoo: he likes anime and video games A normal teenage boy (I hope he cosplay Zenitsu in Demon's slayer)
Jonggun: he likes to watch martial arts competition, everything related to martial arts. He knows VASCO TEACHER (I forgot his name)       
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artzychic27 · 15 days
🏳️‍⚧️Happy Pride From the Recess Class!🏳️‍🌈
Akuma Class
Science Kids
Austin A: Legally Blonde, but Gayer
Gender nonconforming, who has time to narrow down pronouns?
Does everyone’s makeup before Pride with Kendra and Victoria
Dyes his hair pink
Gives free haircuts, paints peoples’ nails, and dyes hair using spray-on dye
They just want everyone to look fabulous, is that so wrong?!
Dresses in only flag colors
Uses his mom’s credit card to buy binders for people
This is the only time of year he makes people simp. Not the other way around
And they are going to use it to their advantage
Dresses her chinchillas in drag
They. Look. Gorgeous.
He somehow escapes the Glitter Wars unscathed
Todrick Hall is her anthem
Austin B: Gaymer Gurl
AroAce and He/Him
Wears Croc Heelys to pride
He wanders off a lot, and it terrifies his boyfriends best friends
Brings Elizabeth III to every pride and dresses her in only the finest fashions
He buys her all sorts of pride-themed cat toys because she’s worth it
When people ask him on a date, Elizabeth III hisses at them
Casually getting adopted by drag queens after he casually tells them about his home situation
He’s granted entry to any drag house when he wants to get away from his “parents”. He’s got six moms now, and he will steal jewelry for them
He met a little girl with yellow eyes like him and she hugged him
All of Marceline’s songs are his anthems
Austin Q: Secret Mom Friend with Mommy Issues
Questioning & He/?
Tempted to put a leash on everyone
Especially Austin B because he won’t stop wandering off!
Austin Q: WHERE ARE MY BABIES?! Have you seen a little bitch in yellow glitter pants?! He’s a little ho, but I love him!
He supplies the snacks Austin T doesn’t make. He’s the main apple slice supplier
He also makes sure to bring apple juice. He just likes apples. “They’re good for you, Armsy!”
Cosplays as every redhead character- Penn Zero, Vicky, Melissa Chase, Mary Test, Black Widow, and more
He joins the muscle-flexing contests and wins a couple
Can carry Austin A, B, and T on his shoulders
Once again, everyone thinks the four of them are a poly couple
Austin Quinlan, Protector of Lesbians, Wielder of the Sapphic Sword, Kicker of Protesters’ Balls
Knows how to do a badass rainbow kick
Gay & He/Him
Bakes all sorts of pastries for everyone and it’s pretty much the one thing everyone looks forward to
Seriously, this boy brings like twenty containers full of cupcakes, cookies, and pancakes (For the pansexuals, of course)
Not even protesters are immune to his cupcakes. But because he’s petty, they only get plain vanilla with no toppings
That’s how disappointed he is in them. Now they feel as though they’ve disrespected every deity
The drag queens, dykes on bikes, and just lesbians in general will kill for this baby
Casually name drops his parents any time a protester screams in his face
He and Jean reenact scenes from Phantom of the Opera
DJ threw a glitter bomb at him, and no one was safe
Wears Huggycake like a boa because she loves all the people, and she scares off homophobes
He met other reptile queers and now they’re having brunch
Lotta Jameson: Kick Buttowski, Queer Daredevil
Aromantic and She/Her
Gerard tinkered with her Vespa, and now rainbow glitter shoots out the pipes
Do NOT give her sugar. Seriously
She somehow sneaks onto floats
Austin Q: Lotta! Get down from there!/ Lotta: Be gay, do crimes!
Brings a baseball bat in case of transphobes
She has a shirt that says so
She did a bike jump over the protesters and dropped bags of glitter on them
Now she’s getting called Amelia Earhart by literally everyone
She got the aviator goggles and they’re pretty sure Amelia is a queer icon… Also, she sometimes goes missing in the crowd. She’s so short!
Austin Q: WHERE’S MY OTHER BABY?! SHE’S THE LITTLE GINGER BITCH IN GOGGLES!/ Lotta: Do you call all your babies bitches?
Kendra Anne Gunderson: Casually Spider-Man Kisses People… With Consent
Polyromantic and She/Her
Kendra is a bit of an icon
Known by all as “Hand-Stand Girl” because she walked only on her hands for the entire event
She has two drag queen uncles and her cousin is a beauty influencer in the queer community
Every time Kendra breathes, a lesbian meets her perfect match
Her eyeliner is on point
DJ lowers her down from buildings so that she can kiss pretty people… With consent, of course
Those two are always getting into some sort of trouble
They spray painted some transphobe’s car and put an egg in the slightly open trunk. It stunk up the car for days
When she’s not pranking protesters, she’s on the mom friend squad with Austin Q and keeping Austin B from wandering off
DJ Detweiler: The Drag Jester
Genderfluid, Bisexual, and He/She
Owns an assortment of pun shirts for every sexuality. No one knows how they come up with them
DJ: I came out to my dad./ Mason: DJ, NO!/ DJ: He told animal control he had a bison in his house!
Always accused of starting the Glitter Wars. She ain’t denying anything
As the name implies, he’s gonna prank the protesters and TERFs
So far, he got a TERF to sit on a whoopie cushion, tricked some dick trying to force himself on an Ace girl into kissing a frog, and made some homophobe think his foot went missing
Heads to drag clubs to do standup, and is probably gonna get a Netflix show when she gets older
DJ: Do you know the difference between a government bond and a homophobe? The bond matures.
Now he’s booked for seven shows throughout the month
He’s got a laugh like Sardonyx that makes people (Especially Mason) simp
Any time DJ laughs, a trans boy gets his soup
Austin Spinelli: Sneaking Out in Ballet Flats
Achillean and He/Him
Casually flirts with any guy he comes across
And he lays the Italian accent on THICK
Dresses in pinstripe suits and says he’s the boss of the Velvet Mafia
When he’s not in suits, he’s dressed in his ballet gear and doing ribbon dances
His splits are flawless
Any time Spinelli does a pirouette, a trans girl gets her wings
Any time Spinelli does a pirouette, a transphobe gets punched
When he’s got the time, and he always does, he does chalk art with the kids, and creates a literal mural
He’s always got time
The organizers loved his work so much, they commissioned a mural for a youth center
Knits beanies for everyone
Gia Griswald: You Ask, I’ll Tell
MtF Trans and She/Her
Her dad went with her to her first pride, and none of the protesters wanted to mess with the six foot tall military general war hero
Gets into flexing contests
Wears rainbow camouflage to every event
If she sees a scuff on your combat boots, she’s gonna clean them
Helped Gerard write his queer history book
In a club with other queer history buffs and they reenact iconic poses from history, but make them gay
She attended a military funeral with her dad during June, and the soldier being burried was a lesbian
Immediately, a bunch of freaks who probably stalked them went to protest. Gia flipped some bastard over her shoulder
Roger Raincomprix, the arriving officer, didn’t see a thing
She eats a crap ton of marshmallows
Victoria LaSalle: Queers on Wheels
Asexual, Bigender, and He/They/She
Decorates her wheelchair with all sorts of pride stickers
Rocks it every year in a crop top
Starts every glitter bomb fight. No one ever sees them coming
She’s just… She’s a goddex
Everyone wants to get a selfie with him. That’s how gorgeous he is
Out of everyone’s leagues
Teaches kids in wheelchairs how to pop a wheelie
Likes to answers kids’ questions
Kid: Are you a robot?/ Victoria: … Yes. Yes, I am.
Only Gerard has the privilege of sitting in his lap as he cruises through the crowd
Gerard Grundler: The Gay Genius
FtM Trans, Pan, Polyamorous, He/Him
He’s written a mini-pride history book with Gia. They got publishers lining up and everything!
Everyone is just so pretty
He bails during the Glitter Wars and takes cover in a coffee shop
Victoria’s gotta keep him from wandering off and possibly joining a cult because the members are pretty
Probably hacked into the medical system so people can have better access to hormones
Faints any time he sees Victoria in a crop top
Dresses in a lot of pride flag sweater vests no matter how hot it is
Victoria: Gerard, it’s ninety-/ Gerard: SWEATER VESTS RULE!
He builds robots to wave pride flags in sync
He and Rochelle protect the bugs
Mindy Blumberg: Opera is Gay as Fuck
Demigirl, Panromantic, They/She
Sings “Rainbow Connection” in an operatic fashion, and leaves everyone in tears
Carries Gia on her shoulders
She carries everyone on her shoulders, but mostly Gia
Will act as a human shield during the Glitter Wars because that’s how much she cares.
But the second Austin T gets his hands on a glitter bomb, she’s out
Hayley Kiyoko is her anthem
If you ask, they’ll hug you
Mindy gives amazing hugs
Everyone will die for this girl
Also, she’s weirdly poetic. It makes everyone wanna listen to her for hours
Is a pacifist, but she’ll give it to you straight if you mess with her friends
Rochelle Weems: That one person at pride who takes pictures of the protesters screaming at queer kids and posts them online for everyone to see
Demigirl, Polysexual, Ze/Zir
Brings zir Polaroid to make a scrapbook and blackmail protesters
Ze’s a rat, but a good kind of rat. The kind who makes sure homophobes and transphobes don’t get away with yelling at queer kids
Was self conscious about zir back brace until ze saw a drag king wearing a bedazzled one
Was roped into letting Austin A, Victoria and Kendra do zir makeup
Ze looked gorgeous!
Ze and Austin B share the good gossip with drag queens
In exchange, they get tickets to shows
Will kill for Austin T’s cookies
Just don’t let zir have too much sugar, otherwise ze will go crazy and start a cult based on cookies where everyone wears Cookie Monster bathrobes
It’s happened once before, and now ze’s under surveillance
Protects the bugs from getting stepped on and then places them in protesters’ hair
Ze saw this one guy about to take a swing at a lesbian, and promptly kicked him in the balls
Now ze’s got twelve new numbers in zir phone
Mason Ewing: The Most Organized Person At Pride
Bigender, Asexual, He/She
Brings a binder filled with horrific facts about conversion therapy to throw in the faces of protesters
Will talk the ear off of any protester about why they’re wrong about everything until they just walk away
Gets carried by DJ on her shoulders
Somehow knows where everyone is at all times
He teaches Rochelle how to walk in pumps and ze teaches him how to steal thirty candy bars
Brings sarcastic coffee thermoses
Paid Gerard to make her coffee thermos battery operated, and now she brings it everywhere
She just pins an asexual flag pin on her tie and calls it a day. Though, if DJ asks, she will wear a pun shirt
DJ is the only one who knows how to make her laugh, and Spinelli’s taking bets on who will ask who out first
Beck King: Cosplays As Frida Kahlo
Nonbinary, Achillean, They/Them
The responsible chaperone when M. Grotke’s out of commission
Dyes their unibrow rainbow
Silently flirts with guys using eyebrow language
Cosplays as Clone High Frida Kahlo and the original Frida Kahlo. They just like Frida
Just casually flexing their muscles in front of hot guys, nothing going on there
Then the hot guys write their phone numbers on their hockey stick
Spinelli’s mentor in ‘The Way of the Achillean’
He makes crowns for kids
Any time a protester tries to attack them, they just suddenly disappear
People swear they’ve see men in black drag protesters away from Beck
Seriously, it’s like this guy’s got a whole security detail!
Alonzo Grotke: I Went to the First Pride, and All I Got Was This Brick
FtM Trans, Gay, He/Him
A well seasoned gay
Has a shirt that says “Papa Gay”
He’s total DILF getting hit on by every silver fox. He ain’t complaining, and they sure ain’t complaining when they get a look at his abs with that crop top
Seriously, this guy is ripped
The parade paused when one of the floats got a flat, and he just… He just made a whole bunch of guys simp by changing a tire, that’s all they’ll say
He’s the one keeping people at gay bars from getting roofied by creeps
Teaches meditation at the youth center
He gets hit on by the single dads, A LOT
Back in the day, he stole a police motorcycle and painted it rainbow. He passes out autographed copies of his mugshot because it’s such a good photo
His kids went to spy on his date with M. Monlataing and he pretended he didn’t notice
He passes mini water bottles to protesters since it’s ninety degrees out and he doesn’t want them dying of thirst despite everything
But, he does it with this smirk like, “Looks like I’m the bigger person here, losers. Namaste.”
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frenchgremlim1808 · 2 months
hiya guys i made a human teki design, if you are on the witheboard you might already know but here is my take on human teki in the death game
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So here is a full on backstory on human teki ( yes i have no life)
teki tsutone is a social media influencer who primarily participate on sites like twitch since she is well know as a cute e-girl. She plays cute cozy games, cosplays a lot and as a very promising music career as a pop singer online. She is considered as wife material a cute, uwu pretty girl online who has a legion of weird stans. but in reality she is very different from that preppy bubbly personality, she is way more closeted and actually doesnt' really like talking to people irl, she is way more focused on her music. She has created a persona of herself online which is way different from reality. She is actually kinda mean spirited, prefers rock music, prefers playing violent games, is actually a very smart woman, and kinda hate the fact that she is considered a ""conformt streamer"". She uses alternate accounts to tell her truth and be a petty bitch online being the true her who is a bit arrogant a bit mean spirited and has a raunchy sense of humor. Also no she is not a blonde. Just before the death game multiples allegation started spilling out to the world that teki doesn't actually like her audience is is a total fraud. So now when she walks out she has to take cover from posssible persons coming to ask her questions. So yeah she pretty much is a hustler. In reality she would really wish to be her true self on camera, but being a egirl pays way more. But on day all that pressure online starts getting to her and she decides to go to ab bar to drink a little, at that bar she realises, no i'm not gonna live my life pretending to be somebody i'm not, im opening my stream and finally being me! .... And then she walks outside in the dark gets kidnapped in the death game and dies at the first trial!
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So I just finished Good Omens recently and I have a couple things to say and my family and friends are so done with my rants about different movies and TV shows.
1: Holy shit that was a good show! I honestly didn't expect much from the show but holy shit it blew me away with how good it was. It was comedic and I found myself laughing so much and it was so beautifully written the characters are just top tier amazing and wow what I'd give to just continuously rewatch it as if it's my first time watching it.
2: I watched supernatural and I thought wow never gonna find another show like this. One that brings me joy and sadness then I found this fucking wonderful amazing show! AND it made me even more sad like what the fuck how do I keep coming across shows that cause me so much fucking pain. Also can we talk about the parallels between the two shows. Oh look two characters working together to stop the end of the world one a demon and one's an angel, counting Dean a demon solely for this post plus demon Dean did exist, both are oh so obviously in love with each other but neither will admit it, most of the angels are dicks and we all hate metatron, there's a demon named Crowley and many more. I mean look at the similarities between Dean and Crowley. Both are in love with their angel best friend, both are absolutely in love with their car, love classic rock, both are some sassy bitches, both don't want to show their emotions but are big softies, and are both the better looking person in the couple (in my opinion). Then look at the similarities between Aziraphale and Crowley. Both are angels in trench coats who are in love with their best friend, they are manipulated, complicated, traumatized, beautiful angels, both have trouble understanding (some) human expressions, and both struggle with their loyalty to heaven. Also, is it just me or does the first like 10 seconds of End Titles- the one that got left in the car from Good Omens kinda sound like it could be a beginning to a Supernatural opening credits or is it just me?
3: My God David Tennant is FINE like I've seen his face sometimes haven't really seen him in much and was like ok yeah he's attractive and moved on. But then I saw him in this and I'm like wow now I get what everyone's talking about. Like just ahhh this man is fucking attractive! I'm honestly ashamed of myself for taking so long to realize.
4: So TikTok in all its wonderfulness blessed/cursed me with a bunch of Good Omens content the day after I finished watching good Omens. Including a looooooooot of people cosplaying as Crowley. And may I just say the people who cosplay him are fine as fuck! I mean it's really hard to dress up as Crowley and not look attractive I mean Crowley is a style icon. But holy shit the people are so fucking good looking like I just can't. My sexuality does a nose dive off the empire state building when looking at them. I was talking to a friend about it and she said it's a case of wanting to be with them or be them and I disagree. I want to be with them all. Just holy shit you want to look good dress like Crowley you'll look fantastic.
5: The effect this show has had on my life is insane. I have been obsessed with listening to Queen since I finished the show. Which I'm not complaining about at all they were my favorite and still are my favorite band before I even watched the show. I have barely listened to something that wasn't Queen or songs from the show since I binge watched the show. I'm listening to another one bites the dust while typing this. Once again not complaining. Also, did anyone else want to dye their hair like Crowley's when they finished the show? Cause I do. I have been blonde my whole life and never wanted to change it and now I want it red. And I need to know if I'm alone in this or not to determine how alarmed I should be.
6: They had no right making the relationship of Crowley and Aziraphale they way they did. First they made them friends who obviously were in love with each other but hid it then they give us them acting basically as a married couple being so fucking adorable and me just wanting the type of love they have for them to give us that ending of season two! I'm not gonna lie if my dad wasn't up and calmed me down I either would've spontaneously combusted from my literally shaking anger or went on a spree. Not sure what type of spree but a spree of some kind.
7: How all of you wonderful people didn't riot or harm Neil Gaiman is beyond me. First when season 1 ended y'all had to wait 2 years to even get a green light that there was gonna be a season 2 and then another 2 for it to finally come out. And then for the season final of season 2 to happen where then you had to wait even longer for season 3 to be greenlight is just you all have a greater will power than me. I'm coming into this with two seasons and a third confirmed so a round of applause to y'all. And now I completely understand why I kept hearing people say they hated Neil Gaiman and stuff like that.
And finally on a somewhat unrelated note I'm planning to watch Doctor who since I'm about to finish another show where can I find it and what order do I watch it in? I've heard many different answers on the order.
Thanks everyone for coming to my rant y'all are wonderful and everyone have a wonderful day!<3
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sashi-ya · 1 year
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> BLEACH MEN PORN BROWSING HISTORY HCS > nsfw hcs | shingamis | quincies | arrancars | > tw: mentions of porn, different kinks, all characters are +18. pls don't take this personal hcs very serious > thank u @kwnblack & @the-witch-of-one-piece for Ryuken & Bazz's hcs ♡ ︎
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Isshin Kurosaki: obsessed. Help him. 🔎 quincy copper hair woman + school uniform 🔎 impregnation 🔎 can I still have kids?
Ryuken Ishida: the two sides of the spectrum. 🔎 MILFS. 🔎 Daddy dom 🔎 sexy maid
Kisuke Urahara: do you really need me to show it to you? alright, only ones that tumblr would allow me to: 🔎 catgirl + sexy young shop owner video by kittyurahara223 (Yoru and his video) 🔎 hot catgirl 🔎 tuna
Shunsui Kyoraku: feels illegal, but it isn't. (i think) 🔎 big ass chicks 🔎 hentai 🔎 creampie
Jushiro Ukitake: does this man watch porn? YES, HE DOES 🔎 threesome FFM respectful 🔎 squirting women 🔎 hot nurse
Byakuya Kuchiki: you wouldn't expect this noble man watching porn, but you are so wrong... 🔎public + degradation kink 🔎degradation (again?) 🔎seaweed cosplay + hot girl (excuse me, what?) 🔎pegging does it hurt? (omg Byakuya…?)
Toshiro Hitsugaya: he might seem like a kid, but he isn't. 🔎tall dominant woman porn 🔎watermelon flavoured candy 🔎manju recipe
Renji Abarai: dork in love. he uses the voice searching option 🔎midget. 🔎 no no that type of midget 🔎 tiny girls 🔎 TAICHO I- SORRY. YES I'M GOING.
Hisagi Shuuhei another one obssessed. 🔎red haired + big tits + Shinigami 🔎 big tits. 🔎 tits (omg, shuuhei…)
Kira Izuru: poor man. 🔎porn + male + silver hair + eyes closed. 🔎fox tail 🔎persimmon flavoured lube
Grimmjow Jagearjackez: I won't specify a gender. 🔎gingers. 🔎rough sex + hate sex + orange hair 🔎pranks for Ulquiorra
Ulquiorra Cifer: what is this device? 🔎what is porn? 🔎orihime porn. 🔎 why there is no orihime porn?
Sosuke Aizen: he is above porn. However,… 🔎 human porn research 🔎 why are humans so pathetic 🔎 pathetic tiny woman crying for dick.
Shinji Hirako: I’m sure we all can imagine 🔎 oral 🔎 69 🔎 big tits dumb girl 🔎 lesbian sex
Sajin Komamura: naughty doggy 🔎 furry 🔎 hot bitches (quite literally) 🔎 woof woof 🔎 doggy style 🔎 how to kill a quincy
Zaraki Kenpachi: he is lucky if he even gets the time to search for something without having Yachiru using his phone 🔎 blood kink 🔎 long haired woman + femd- PEPPA PIG 🔎 PEPPA PIG
Jugram Haschwalt: blonde quincy versión of Byakuya 🔎 praising 🔎 thigh riding 🔎 woman kneeling 🔎 dominant 🔎 where to get a little bit of serotonin
As Nodt: scary mf, can you imagine him jerking off? I do. 🔎 gore. 🔎 women who are into guys with no lips 🔎 help me 🔎 how to shut up Senbonzakura?
Bazz B: he is just too horny to even think 🔎 rough sex 🔎 creampie 🔎 POV porn 🔎 slut ass spank
Ichigo Kurosaki: I’m not surprised.at all. 🔎 MILFS (yes, come on) 🔎 BIG TITS BOUNCY TITS 🔎 Do I have to wear a condom if I’m in my soul body? (yes, you idiot)
Ishida Uryu: troubled little emo quincy 🔎 romantic porn 🔎 wom- men- 🔎 how do I know if I’m gay?
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kushami-hime · 1 year
CW: Sneezy! B/akugou, snzfucker! Listener, grumpy B/akugou, mean/rude B/akugou, cold denial, sniffling, two nose blows, background music/chatter/fireworks, a count down (cause yknow new years and shit), wet sneezes, B/akugou sneezing on listener, some hitching breaths and build ups! 
After convincing your boyfriend B/akugou to accompany you to a New Years Eve party, it’s clear that the explosive blonde isn’t having a great time. He’s tired, sniffly, and above all, most certainly coming down with something. You try to distract him from his grumpy mood with a kiss at midnight, however...things don’t go exactly as planned.
Hello everyone and happy new year! I know a lot of us have been dealt a shitty hand this year, but I want you to know I’m rooting for you the hardest! Go out and make 2023 your BITCH! >:D
In 2023 Im gonna focus on a few things. I gotta focus on making sure Im OK as a person. I find myself being a bit of an empath these days, and to be honest, it’s not great for my mental health. Hell my SO came to me and told he me could tell the difference. Secondly, Im gonna do more things that make me happy. I was so miserable this year til I went to an anime con and cosplayed again for the first time in years, and I havent felt that level of seretonin in AGES. And third, I gotta make that moneeeeey. Been out of work for too long and I need to start working my ass off if I wanna keep up with a hobby as expensive as cosplay.
And aaaah...yeah! That’s about it! Got another B/aku audio and that villain D/eku audio as well so look forward to those!
And thanks to you folks who joined my Discord server! :D
With that being said...see you horni fuckers next year <3
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vaggietheangel · 11 months
Vaggie's first days in hell
Vaggatha reached her hand's out. Bracing herself for impact. She landed with a thud and winced in pain. His hissed. Sitting up she examined her leg. A fall from that height would surely have broken something.
There was nothing. There was pain but not even a scratch on her leg. The young woman struggled to push herself up. She looked arohnd. Seeing a dark red sky. She reached her hand's up to rub her eyes. She had to be seeing things. Maybe she hit her head too hard.
That's when she felt the scar. The rough bumps forming over her eye. Vaggie inhaled sharply as she felt around the area. She couldn't open one of her eyes.
She scrambled to the nearest building and looked in the window. When she saw that grey skin and the x over her eye she screeched at the top of her lungs. She collapses to the ground. Tucking her legs up to her chest.
Peeking her head up. She saw several...creatures? They looked like almost humanoid but with animal features. What was going on?
One of the creatures rolled thier eyes and scoffed when they saw her response. She looked at her surroundings. Her one good eye landing on a massive bell tower. It had a calender on it. "3 days to the next cleanse."
Her brows furrowed in confusion. What was that supposed to mean?
She saw a woman dressed as a wolf pushing a stroler. Maybe this was some kind of cosplay convention.
"Um- excuse me. Can you tell me where I am?" She asked the woman with a hopeful look.
"Pentgram City." The woman answered as she handed the baby a toy.
"And- where is that?" She asked the woman even more confused than before.
The woman raised a brow. The girl was probably high, or new. "The pride ring."
Vaggie felt her heart sink. Or she would have. That's when she clutched her chest and realised it wasn't beating anymore.
"Fuck....am I dead?" She asked her features morphed into horror.
The hell hound noded her head. Guess that answered her question, she was new. "Yes, now let me pass. You have no idea how long the ques are for hellbies shots these days."
Vaggie backed up. Walking until her back slammed against someone.
"Watch it bitch!" A man with scaly skin barked at her.
She attempted to stand up tall. Puffing her chest out. Her hand's formed fists, though they were still temebeling.
"Your the one stomping around like big foot!" She hoped he could not sense the fear in her voice.
The man pushed her to the side. She grunted as her back slammed against a wall.
She rubbed the back of her head. Her eyes fixing on an imp acorss the street. He seemed to be sneaking up behind someone. The man wrapped his arm around the imps waist and pulled out a pocket knife. Slitting his throat open and tossing the body to the side like it was nothing.
The man grabbed a wallet and a bag of white powder. Then ran off.
Vaggie covered her mouth in horror. She ran acorss the street to see if she could help that poor man. By the time she got there he was gone. The cut on his neck had turned white.
She could feel tears welling up behind her eye. Why did nobody do anything? A tall skinny woman with blonde hair even kicked the body before giggling to herself and walking away.
Vaggie needed to find shelter. If the people here were this aggressive out in the open during the day, who knows what they'd be like at night?
The young woman eventually stumbled upon a homeless shelter. She spent the next three days laying on the bench bed provided. She stared at the ceeling. Contemplating everything that she witnessed.
She was surprised there was even a homeless shelter in hell. When she got up to use the bathroom she peeked in behind a door. There was some kind of money laundering room. Why would printing fake money be illegal in hell? She doubted anyone cared.
On her third day, the older woman locked up the shelter. The windows were borded up and the doors locked, and baracaded.
A few hours after that she shot up in bed. The sound of screamed rattled the walls. There was someone hurt outside. She turned to the woman who ran the shelter and tried to get her attention.
"Just be happy your not out there girl." She spoke as she counted green bills thar said "Voxbucks".
"What is that? Is this just a front for money laundering? Why would you need to hide that? No one cares just today I saw someone-" The short woman was cut off.
"You ask too many questions girl. Off to bed or make yourself useful and help out." She gestured her head to the room which was now wide open.
Vaggie walked away silently. She sat on her bed and tried to muffle the screams with her pillow. She knew looking soft in here would basically be a death sentence. She couldn't help a single tear running down her cheek.
It felt like forever until the screams stopped. They eventually went away. It wasn't like she'd never seen someone die before. She was here for a reason. What scared her was just now many people fell. And how little anyone else cared.
Later that day there was the sound of pounding on the door. "Open up you little shit! I know what your doing!"
The woman running the shelter grabbed whatever she could. Before booking it out the window as fast as she possibly could. Second later the door was kicked down. A furious man with a flat screen TV for a head stood in the door way.
"Where is it?" He asked as he looked around the room. He eventually spotted the open door. He stomped into the room before screaming "BITCH!" at the top of his lungs.
Vaggie had seen enough. She was out of here. She ran for the exit. Her legs carried her as far as they could. She paused for a breath and saw the corpse of a snake demon.
Over her shoulder, she saw a group of bandits smash the windows of a store. The ransacked everything. Glancing at the body, the bandits, the spear and then back at the shelter she stayed at.
She pondered the thought for a moment. Closed her one eye and cringed as she reached out, and removed the white spear. She examined the weapon. This had destroyed that man. It killed him for a second time, how was that even possible?
How close has she comed to dying a second time?
She couldn't risk that happening again. The moth demon placed both hands on her new spear. Gripping it tightly in her hand's. She puffed out her chest and looked upwards at the moon with a glowing halo.
Curiously, she reached up and lightly touched the spear head. She yelped in pain as she snapped it back. A tiny white dot was left on her finger. Purple drops leaked from it for a while. Once it stopped the white scar remained. It was tiny. Almost impossible to notice. But she knew it was there.
She had been lucky enough to find something for self defense. She wouldn't give it up for anything.
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depraved-gf · 6 months
What is your ideal man/woman. Sexually or not
Ideal? Like if this was Build-A-Bitch? Okay sure...
Men: Musician/singer. Goofy/a great sense of humor. Mean as fuck to everyone but me, BUT still respectful (especially to service workers). Killer vibes. Horny. Extremely possessive, protective as fuck, and obsessed with me (because I would be, too). Faithful to a fault and would cut a bitch for trying to hit on him (lmao). Ideal Appearance: Dark hair, dark or light eyes, muscular/strong. Tall. Tattoos. Big/thick dick. Nice hands/forearms. And it'd be hot if he smoked even though it's bad 💀 (Closest examples: Zade Meadows from Haunting Adeline // Tatsu from Gokushufudou)
Women: Bubbly. Optimistic. Goofy/A great sense of humor. Protective. Innocent but can be a tease, a girl who knows what she wants. Horny. Musician or a singer would be a plus. Someone who can take me out of my shell and show me how to have fun. A faithful girl. Kind of nerdy/into cosplay. Ideal Appearance: blonde, slender, light eyes, pretty smile/lips, nice tiddies, maybe a belly button ring lol. (Closest examples: Coconut from Nekopara // Marin Kitagawa from My Dress-Up Darling)
BUT: this was only if we could build our own "perfect" people lmao. That doesn't exist. I find people all over the spectrum insanely attractive (skinny, bigger, dark skin, light skin, dark eyes, big noses, jagged teeth, awkward, whatever). So please, don't think this means anything.
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Warning: Lewd content below
Kinktober day five! (I know the days aren't lined up exactly but it's fine)
Collaring: (Mukuro/Junko/Kokichi)
"Nishishishi.~ Now for me to-what the hell?!?" Kokichi was in another one of his "outings." Well, if you could call searching for people to annoy an outing of course. Today he tried something extra bold: going on the upper floors to get to the dorm rooms of the upperclassmen! His lock picking skills truly were second to none. Combine that with the water bucket in his hands and the camera in his pocket, and someone with an extremely perverted imagination can tell what he plans on doing to a certain idol. After all, he's taken lewd hidden photos before, no way the plan could backfire just because it's done towards an upperclassman. 
Well, at least that was the plan on the staircase upwards. But the moment he entered the university's 2nd year dorm room he witnessed something truly unbelievable.
"Oh, it's that one perverted with a really weird laugh. Ain't seen you up here before." Junko waved to him casually despite the situation. The situation being what was going on to her sister below her.
Kokichi and Mukuro never really talked. They knew each other's names, sure, and were sometimes placed in the same group chat as one another, but they never had a moment before where they even shared eye contact. So for that moment to be now, when Mukuro was crawling on all fours on a leash held by Junko severely threw off Kokichi. Mukuro crawled towards him so Kokichi was given a better view. She had on, in addition to the dog collar, a wolf ear headband and a wolf tail that seemed to come out from behind her (though in reality, it was just a really convincing buttplug). However the closer she came, Kokichi was also given a better view of what she didn’t have on. For instance: Her shirt, her skirt, her leggings, her bra, her panties, or anything that covered her nude body. Kokichi froze as she approached him on all fours, now sniffing his crotch.
“D-damn, should’ve realized what people really meant when they called you a bitch.”
“Hmmm? You’re stuttering a lot for an alleged pervert. Oh wait, this is your first time seeing me take Mukuro on a walk? That makes so much more sense! Don’t worry, pervert, you’ll get used to it.” As much as Kokichi hated his new nickname given to him by the blonde, he couldn’t deny that he had been more on edge than anyone else in the dorm hallways. Several of his upperclassmen have already said hello to Mukuro. The idol he attempted to prank and post nude was even petting her. He could’ve even sworn he saw someone french kiss the collared girl, but he didn’t catch a good look at their face. Regardless, everyone here was already used to seeing a naked girl treated like a dog. However Kokichi’s observations were cut off by Junko screaming and yanking on her leash. “HEY! Bad girl!”
“What are you-whoa!”Kokichi was once again caught off guard by the collared bitch. Managed to strip off not only his pants but his boxers too! She was still on all fours though, so she used her mouth and teeth to pry his pants down. His semi erect cock was hung in front of her face, which caused her to drool with anticipation. She used her tongue to swirl around the shaft of his cock. Not taking it into her mouth but licking the underside of it like she was devouring a melting ice cream. She kissed his tip passionately as if making out with a love before repeating her pattern again several times over. 
“Jeez. Oh well, what can you do?” Junko strutted towards Kokichi, the clacking of her boots against the ground somehow turned him on even more. She then placed her hand under his cheek and winked at him. “Well, she clearly likes you, so maybe I should start liking you too.” Junko then-
“YEAH RIGHT! You sleazy degenerate!” Kokichi’s lewd story was interrupted by Tenko yelling. “It’s just another one of your filthy male lies!” 
You see, originally Junko came to do a collaboration with Tsumugi’s cosplay. And while she was with Tsumugi in her lab, Tenko, Kaede, Kokichi, and Junko’s sister Mukuro all came to watch. And while Junko and Tsumugi worked on outfits, Kokichi began telling an interesting story about the sisters to his classmates. The story you heard earlier, about Kokichi seeing Mukuro being walked on a leash by Junko.
“It’s not a lie! Or is it? Nishishishishi!”
Kaede rolls her eyes. To borrow Tsumugi’s terminology, it was plain to see that he was lying. Granted she had basically zero interactions with Mukuro, but the quiet girl secretly being into being walked like a dog? That was a stretch for even Kokichi’s standards. Those kind of events only occurred in cliche smut fanfiction. Not that she’s read any!...besides the one Tsumugi showed her…and a few more she saw by herself…but that was it!...well except for-
While Kaede was a blushing mess and Tenko and Kokichi engaged in an argument, Mukuro sat down on the ground and began watching people. Absent-mindedly she began snacking on some dog treats she had brought with her. What? She said it was a good source of protein. Plus they were the only real snack they had back in Fenrir. I mean any other reason would imply Kokichi’s story was true, which it couldn’t have been. Right?
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The Stick of Truth
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Codename: Dovahkiin Part 1!
N.K. is angry at her parents. Not only did they move again, no, but they moved into a snowy hicktown named South Park! She was sure she would hate it there, yet surprisingly she gets to participate in the epic RPG the kids play and falls for the human princess and the elf king. Who is friend, who is foe and which side should she choose?
Main Pairing: New Kid/Kenny McCormick/Kyle Broflovski
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Chapter 9: There is always more than one way
The handsome Elf King and his two followers, his right-hand men and Bard Jimmy, lead me inside the house and we are now sitting face to face on the dining table.
Well me and the king.
His followers flank him on each side.
I took off my blond Link wig.
I don’t see any more reason to hide behind it if they already know my true gender.
Also, I want that the Elf King sees ME not my cosplay.
I have a feeling, he likes what he sees, without sounding arrogant. He looked interested in my brunette bob cut.
Maybe he has a thing for brunettes?
I really hope so.
Damn, I’m so nervous.
This is so different than with Kenny.
Why does red hair make me crazy? Why?
“Lady N.K., before I tell you why I wanted to speak to you let me introduce myself and my loyal ranger.”, starts the Elf King. “I’m Kyle and he is Stan. Jimmy, you already know.”
His name is Kyle.
It fits him so much.
I gulp and pray I don’t stutter.
“Pleased to meet you, King Kyle and Ranger Stan, as you know I’m mage N.K.”
Yeah, I didn’t stutter!
“Nice to meet you too dude, erm my lady.”, greets me, Stan. “I was curious to know who gave my man such beatings. You really look as tough as they said.”
I laugh and wave it away.
“You honor with your words, noble Ranger.”
“Now that pleasantries are out of the way, I would really like to talk to you Lady N.K.”, says King Kyle, his green eyes seem to look into my soul.
I feel…naked.
Not a lot of people made me ever feel this way.
Kyle is really something special.
Damn…I will probably really do whatever he says just to get in his good graces and hopefully snatch him up!
Why I’m such a thirsty hoe?
My hormones are bitches!
“I’m listing, your highness.”, I manage to get out my lips.
“I want to be truthful to you, so you know you can trust my words.”, he begins. “Bard Jimmy reported to us yesterday that the new mage of Kupa Keep is a girl and that Wizard Fatass doesn’t know it. But Stan and I wanted to see you for ourselves. We are quite surprised that you are indeed a girl.”
“Yeah, Leo, erm, Butters told me the girls of South Park don’t really play games with you. But I’m not a native from here.”, I remind him.
He nods.
“Indeed, you are different.”, he continues. “You are a powerful warrior as Stan already said. It’s a waste of your potential to be on Wizard Fatass’s side.”
Okay, I dig it that Kyle thinks I’m a powerful warrior, but also….
“You make me sound like a weapon.”, I point out. “A weapon you want to defeat Cartman with.”
Stan and Jimmy share a look, while Kyle’s beautiful eyes light up.
Damn, so hot!
“You aren’t only strong in body, but you possess a sharp mind. You could be so much more than be Cartman pawn.”
“I’m no one’s pawn. The human recruited me first and I made friends with them. I feel offended been called Fatass Pawn. He can suck my non-existed dick!”, I make myself clear.
“And yet you do what he says.”, counters Kyle. “We tracked a Twitter raven who says you are currently trying to recruit the goths for the Wizard and he told you sure that we have the Stick, he is lying!”
I frown.
How he words it…I don’t like it.
“Cartman is the one you should be fighting against. He's hiding the Stick -- which is cheating -- and acting all betrayed and sad to get you to recruit more people for him.”, adds Ranger Stan.
I look at the quiet Jimmy, who simply nods.
“King Kyle be frank with me, what do you want from me?”
“Lady N.K., do the right thing and recruit the Goth kids for US. Then we can ransack Cartman's stupid kingdom and get the Stick back once and for all.”
I let out a loud huff, cross my arms and sit back on my chair.
“Why should I? You could be lying. I hate Cartman, but I made friends in Kupa Keep.”, I respond. “Princess Kenny and Paladin Butters are most dear to me. Why should I risk their friendship for YOU? Do you have something to offer me which would be worth it?”
Hey, I try to be not that easy.
Also, it’s true.
I have Kenny and Leo and the other guys who are my friends.
Kyle may be hotter than the sun, but I don’t know him or his people. They were since I started the RPG the enemy.
“You really rather stay at Cartman’s side, even if he is a huge lying asshole, just for the Princess and the Paladin?!”, shouts Ranger Stan shocked.
He wants to add more, but Kyle raises a hand.
“Stan enough!”
“No, she makes good points. Till now we were only enemies to her, you wouldn’t trust her either.”
The ranger frowns but nods at his king’s words.
Now the king turns back to me. Again his green eyes seem to look into me. I feel how I turn red and start to sweat.
Can he please stop that?!
I can’t think clearly when he looks at me like that.
Without looking away from me he says: “Stan, Jimmy, leave us. I want to talk to Lady N.K. alone.”
….Did I hear right?!
The hot elf king wants to be alone with me?!
My head is immediately in the gutter, while Stan and Jimmy leave us.
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Still, with his brilliant eyes on me, King Kyle stands up from his sit and walks over to mine.
I’m a statue.
I can’t move.
My breath is heavy.
Now he stands before me.
Like this, me sitting he standing, Kyle is taller.
I look up at him with wide eyes.
“I have noted the way you look at me.”, he murmurs.
Softly he twirls a lock of my brown hair around his finger and something like a dying whale sounds comes out of my lips.
This makes him smirk….and yep my panties just dropped down the floor.
It should be illegal to have such an effect on people!
“Lady N.K., what I can offer you is simple.”
“W-What?”, I croak out.
“Me and my kingdom. Be my queen.”
I gasp for air, and that’s when the king plants a short but hot kiss on my mouth. His tongue teasingly stroking mine.
And I’m done.
He got me.
I wrap my arms around his neck, not letting him get away and we kiss hot and wild.
I don’t know how he managed, and it turns me on even more, but he wraps his arms around my waist and places me on the table.
King Kyle lays with his full weight on me.
I feel anything.
Oh, this is heaven!
I wrap my legs around his waist and my hands stroke his beautiful red hair, while he kissed down my throat to my-
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“Lady N.K. are you all right?”, brings me the voice of King Kyle back from my lust-filled daydream.
I don’t know if I should feel glad or disappointed.
It was going so well!
Goddammit, always at the best parts!
I can feel how hot my cheeks are while other parts of me are…well you can imagine.
Stupid hormones…
“Erm, yes, I’m okay, your highness.”, I answer him and fuck does my voice sound squeaky.
It’s embarrassing.
Kyle, who is still sitting innocently on his chair, raises an elegant eyebrow.
How he doesn’t believe it is formally written on his face.
“If you say so.”, at least he decides to let it drop it. He crosses his fingers with each other and leans on them. “Lady N.K. I know I ask you something impossible. You formed bonds in Kupa Keep, even with Wizard Fatass there.”
I nod in agreement.
“You have every right to distrust us, even if we really don’t have the Stick. Why should we reach out to you if we already have the Stick? I’m not power-hungry like Cartman.”, he explains. “If I had the Stick I would be perfectly content with it to help my people. Cartman on the other hand always wants more. He is a glutton in all things.”
I frown, but I can’t really detect a lie in all this. From what I expired myself from Cartman it would fit him.
“I want that you think for a second about what will happen when Cartman finds out you are a girl. He will banish you from time and space without even thinking that he let go of the best warrior we ever had here in Zaron and Larnion just because you are a girl. He wouldn’t care, but I would.”
“We are closing in on what you will offer to me if I join you, aren’t we?”, it’s not really a question.
King Kyle nods and stands up.
He crosses his hands behind his back, facing me.
“If you join the Eleven Kingdom, if you bring the Goth to us, if you swerve your loyalty to me, I promise you, that you can freely be yourself. No more hiding your true nature and I could protect you from Cartman banishment since you would belong to my people.”
Uff, that’s not a bad offer.
…Okay, if he would have offered me what I dreamed up, I wouldn’t even think about it. Being a queen to such a hot king would be amazing, but sadly the reality is another.
“I would lie if I say I wasn’t tempted.”, I admin truthful. “It sucks to be called Douchebag and hide that I’m a girl. I can’t stand Cartman and I really, really want to punch his stupid fat face in, but…I have friends in Kupa Keep as I said. I can’t betray them for my selfish desires.”
“Then you are a way better person than we all.”, he gives me a small smile.
Also, boy, I’m not that good. If you had pushed the right buttons I would have become a traitor.
Deep down I’m a selfish, power-hungry, thirsty hoe.
Maybe that’s why Kenny and I get along so well together.
She would have known what I wanted to be on her side.
I stand up from my sit and bow before King Kyle.
“It was an honor to meet you, your Highness. If we had met earlier I would have stayed on your side for sure. But I belong to Kupa Keep, my loyalties lay there. I will find a way to handle King Cheesy Pops.”
The red-haired boy signs, but nods.
“I understand Lady N.K., I really wish you would reconsider, but I couldn’t betray my bonds either.”, he says. “But if you change your mind, we will take you in with open arms.”
“Thank you, your highness. I should go now.”
With that, I put my wig back on.
Time to return to reality.
Kyle steps beside me and escorts me the short way to the entrance door.
He opens the door for me.
“Mage N.K., even if we are on different sides, be assured that I and my people won’t tell your true gender to anyone. Your secret is safe with us.”
Thankful I smile.
“This means a lot, King Kyle. May your reign be long.”
“Thank you, I wish you the best with Fatass. It will not be simple.”
I step out of the door. With a last smile to the handsome Elf King, I leave the Eleven Kingdom.
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I should join up again with Princess Kenny.
I should return to Kupa Keep.
I shouldn’t just answer the worrying text messages of my princess and my little brother.
But after what happened at the Eleven Kingdom I need time to think.
I’m happy that I didn’t listen to my hormones, who wanted to take a bit out of Kyle, yet I’m also sad.
Aargh, it’s a mess.
I like Kenny.
I truly do.
And she likes me too.
I should be happy with my decision to stay in Kupa Keep, sadly I just can’t.
Even with Kenny, even with all my friends, I can’t be truly myself because the head honcho aka. Cartman is a dick and hates girls and would kick me out without a second thought.
Now there is Kyle, my absolute dream boy, a noble King who would take me in, let me be who I am, and protected me, but I can’t also join him, because I don’t wanna betray my princess and little brother and I want more from Kyle then he wants to give me.
Again, aargh!
So, no, I can’t return to Kupa Keep till I can find a solution to this chaos that will make me happy.
It’s time to call the cavalry.
“Hey sis, I’m on my way to the cinema, what’s up?”
“Tam, can we meet at the park? I need someone neutral with a problem I have.”
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“Uff, what a mess. Your life is complicated.”, concludes Tammy, after I told her the whole story.
We are sitting on a park bench in the playground of South Park. It could be nice to catch the sunray together and just talk about normal things, but I needed to tell Tammy my RPG-Life problems.
It was funny, how she had to take a look at me twice, seeing me in my Link cosplay, sadly the talking that followed was not.
Now I lay with my head on her shoulder, while she has wrapped an arm around me in comfort.
I feel defeated.
I feel hopeless.
I just don’t know what do to.
“Do you have any idea how I can fix this mess?”, I formally beg her.
She hums thoughtfully and strokes my hair. Aah, that’s a nice feeling. Something that I need right now.
“Well, the problem is clear, it’s Eric Cartman.”
“No shit, sis.”
“What about…if he wasn’t in the picture anymore?”
Couries I turn my head so that I can look up in her eyes. She has a mischievous light in them.
“What do you mean by that?”
Then Tammy tells me her plan.
And I can just applaud her.
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“Oh hamburgers, I don’t know if we can do this N.K., like Eric will be so angry!”
Leo is scarred as I tell him the plan, me and Tammy came up, while Princess Kenny seems excited.
“I say we do it!”, shouts Princess Kenny full energy. “This will be the sweetest revenge on the fatass for all the shit he pulled in all these years!”
“But, but, he will be so angry at us!”
“Technically, we never said that it wasn’t allowed, so he can’t do anything.”
I nod in agreement at Princess Kenny’s words.
“My princess, do you think we can get the others on board?”
“Oh don’t worry your pretty little head over it, beautiful, that’s the easiest part!”
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To say that the elven and their King are surprised to see me again in their Kingdom is an understatement.
Maybe it’s because I brought for this part Tammy along aka. she insisted on coming with me.
“Lady N.K.”, finds King Kyle his words again. “I didn’t expect you back…and in company.”
Tammy and I bow before him.
“King Kyle, this is Tammy, my best friend, and a damn good fighter.”
“We came here because we have planned something, which you surely will approve, your highness.”, flawless add Tammy like she does RPGs for ages.
“…I’m listing.”
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With a huge smile, I make my way to the Goth kids.
Turns out Tammy’s father smokes, so she “borrowed” a pack of cig, and like Kenny said the hobo before U-Store-It sold Goth clothes, which I wear now.
The plan for Cartman is set in motion.
We only need the Goth kids and all will be ready!
This will be a piece of cake.
Words that I would soon regret.
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evecolourshock · 10 days
About The Mun
i'm over 5'5 (maybe? I'm somewhere around 5'5 or 5'6) / i wear glasses or contacts (not unless it's for cosplay reasons) / i have blonde hair (naturally brown) / i often wear sweatshirts (mostly hoodies but I have a few sweatshirts I adore when it's cold) / i prefer loose clothing over tight clothes / i have one or more piercings (earrings, debating getting my ears pierced a second time) / i have at least one or more tattoos (three, aiming for a fourth when an artist i know has time for tattoo commissions again, debating a fifth) /i have blue eyes / i have dyed or highlighted my hair (in Uni, multiple times - my favourite was firetruck red) / i have or have had braces / i have freckles/ i paint my nails (unless special occasions) / i typically wear makeup / i don’t often smile (maybe? I don't feel like I smile a lot but I've been told I'm a smiley person when listening to music so. Idk) / resting bitch face (i am the scary dog friend for a reason) / i play sports (one - archery) / i play an instrument (piano, ukulele) / i know more than one language (english, bits of french but no longer fluent, scattering of words in german and spanish) / i can cook or bake / i like writing / i like to read / i can multitask (used to be able to, but not any more) / i’ve never dated anyone / i have a best friend i’ve known for over five years/ i am an only child (oldest of two)
Tagged by @spaceandthedigitalfrontier
Tagging... @lucky-dyse @askdax @yourleaderandbeacon @whispering-woodlands @computerwarrior @smellslikejail and anyone else who sees ♡♡
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jonesy-and-max · 8 months
part 15: Synchronicity
Max let out a heavy sigh, bouncing his foot as he sat on the ground, his back against the brick. Both of his hands were buried in his hair, his fingers intertwined.
“I fucked up so bad, dude.” He said out loud, mostly to himself, but if Louie wanted to respond, he wouldn’t be opposed.
“How come?” Louie chewed on one of his drumsticks.
Max scrunched his nose and opened his mouth in disbelief. Maybe he was opposed to Louie responding after all. The kid wasn’t exactly known for his worldly and wise takes on interpersonal relationships.
“Are you joking? I messed around with Gina, Jonesy’s sister!”
“Oh!” Louie laughed, “Yeah, that’s crazy, man! Why’d you do that, she’s such a bitch.”
“Hey!” Max jumped to his feet and flicked Louie’s earlobe.
“Ow! Hey!”
“Don’t call her a bitch! She’s not a bitch!”
“Yes, she is! That’s, like, her defining feature.”
“Okay. Maybe she is a bitch. But, like, she’s dope, too. You don’t even know her.”
“HA-HA you like herrrrrrrrrr,” Louie taunted Max, pointing and laughing, “What a poser!”
Max flipped him off and knocked his hat off his head, “Grow up, buttmunch!”
“Hey!” Louie tried to catch it, but failed, “Don’t take it out on me. I was the one that got us this sweet ass spot in the line.”
Max whined and crossed his arms, returning to his spot against the wall.
Louie brushed the dirt off his hat and returned it to its rightful place on his curly head. He looked at Max with a furrowed brow, but quickly softened as he could see his hero was actually upset.
“Did you guys…like, actually…” Louie jammed his pointer into his fist, he couldn’t restrain the cheeky smirk on his face.
“Stop that!” Max smacked his hands apart, “No! Not really.”
“Not really? What does that mean?”
Max rolled his eyes and pulled Louie in closer, “We made out, like, hard, and kinda dry fucked,” Max made two fists and ground them against each other, “Until it wasn’t so dry anymore.”
“It was awesome!” Max and Louie high fived, “But now Jonesy fuckin’ hates me, dude.”
“Hey! No, dude, no way!” Louie wasn’t going to let that kind of talk stand, “Jonesy does not hate you!”
Max wiped his nose with his sleeve, not making eye contact with his young friend, “Why wouldn’t she?” He was desperate for any liferaft that he could hold onto, but he wouldn’t allow himself the satisfaction of his guilt being relieved, at least not by his own hand.
“Because! You’re Jonesy and Max! You guys are special…You’re everything!” Louie threw his hands in the air, “There’s no way she would throw away all that you guys have over this.”
Max allowed himself to look at Louie, the smallest of hopeful smiles touched his lips.
“Plus, there’s no way she’d give Gina the satisfaction of breaking you guys up.”
He was right, Jonesy would rather die than let Gina win. The smile grew slightly. Max patted Louie on his shoulder, grabbing it and giving him a loving, appreciative little shake.
“Thanks, dude. You’re right about that for sure.” Max chuckled. He had been given a small glimmer of hope and that was enough for now.
Louie knew he had done good. A big goofy smile spread across his face.
“I’m always right!” Louie winked, probably, underneath all that hair, “When are you gonna figure that out?”
Despite Max’s personal crisis, opening day marched on. The doors opened, tickets were bought, and the Chain-Slaughter faithful stampeded into the lobby of Dreamland Theater. Max, for the moment, forgot his troubles in the fervor, and rushed alongside the mob in a desperate bid for choice seating. Louie broke off, as planned, to obtain one large popcorn and a medium Cherry Coke for Max, nachos, a large Mountain Dew, and a hotdog with ketchup, mustard, and relish for himself. 
Once in the theater, the savagery was on full display. The best row was in absolute turmoil, one larger fellow in the worst Edgar Salt cosplay Max had ever seen had a teenager with greasy blond hair in a headlock, while another teen climbed over the burly assailant. The costumed wannabe wrestler swatted at him like a desperate King Kong. Towards the middle, two goth girls had lifted a bespeckled, scrawny, nerd above their heads as he scratched and clawed, throwing his popcorn around. The popcorn fell around everyone’s heads like rain as another man attempted to lay across three chairs. In the farther back seats, two patchy bearded men had each other by the throat as a woman attached herself to the fatter one’s back, sinking her teeth into his plaid covered shoulder. These scenes repeated themselves all throughout the theater as Max headbutted a pimply teen in the face, clawing his way onto the back of a seat, leaping on all fours across four hefty Slaughter-heads, and diving into an open seat slightly too close to the theater screen. Here he would make his stand. He whipped off his jacket and used it to save the open seat next to him for Louie. Out of the carnage a man crawled, pulling himself in Max’s direction, his shirt torn, his elbows bruised, a soda straw sticking out of his ear. He reached for Louie’s saved seat. Max went on all fours and snarled, gnashing at the beleaguered ghoul, almost distracting him from the interlopers behind him. In one quick motion, Max scooped up the waifish weeb from the floor and tossed him, crossbody at the oncoming invaders. Max stood on his upholstered territory, one foot on the seat the other atop the back, and howled. The fiery flash of madness in his eye, his tongue hanging free, and his fang in full display, he looked back and forth at the encroaching masses begging them for flesh and blood.
“You want some?!” He taunted with unhinged glee, “Come get some!”
His gambit successful, the attackers turned to find less fearsome prey. His territory staked out, Max dropped to his seat and kicked both his feet up into the saved spot to his left.
“Hey, Jonesy!” Max looked to his right, “Did you see -” The rush of excitement drained from his body. He was alone. “Oh…right.”
The battle exhausted, treaties were signed, and borders were drawn. Few would forget what happened there that day, whether through tale or trauma. Max waved to Louie as he entered carrying the delectable provisions in his overstuffed arms. Louie handed Max his popcorn and soda and dropped down into his saved seat.
“Aw man, we’re so close to the screen, you couldn’t get anything better?”
Max scowled, icily, “I got what I got.”
Louie sighed and shrugged, “I guess it’s fine.”
Max rolled his eyes and dipped into his popcorn. Louie took a big bite of his hotdog and a big slurp of his Mountain Dew.
“So,” Louie leaned over, “I’ve only seen Chain-Slaughter 2, you think I’ll get what’s going on in this one?”
Max tossed a piece of popcorn towards his mouth, his sudden shock causing him to miss, hitting himself right between the eyes. His eyes wide with disbelief, he froze, motionless, before turning his head slowly to look at his diminutive movie date.
“Eh,” Louie shrugged, “I’ll figure it out.”
Max lifted his glasses and held his face in the palms of his hands, groaning.
The lights finally went down and the audience cheered and hollered with excitement. Louie bounced up and down in his seat, kicking his feet, nearly knocking over his nachos. Noticeably subdued was Max, as he feigned a big smile for Louie, who turned to look at him as the previews began to play. As much as he wanted to enjoy the experience and lose himself in the world playing out in front of him, it was just no use. Every time he thought of a particularly spicy heckle he impulsively turned to his right to share it with Jonesy. Instead he was greeted with an increasingly uncomfortable middle aged man with a handlebar mustache. Louie was only exacerbating the situation, unable to sit still in his seat, something behind him would catch his attention, constantly turning around to look behind him at the audience, which caused him to miss moments in the movie, which then led to him asking Max what he missed. And on and on it went, around and around. Finally, about a half an hour into the flick, Louie realized he had finished his soda, hot dog, and his nachos.
He leaned over to Max, not quite whispering, “I’m out of snacks, I’m gonna go get a popcorn, you want anything?”
“Nope!” Max hissed, trying to restrain his annoyance.
“Be right back!”
Max sat alone in the theater, surrounded by laughter and joy, excited cheers and horrified gasps. He had seldom felt so alone. Finally, he had had enough. Louie had been gone now for almost fifteen minutes, and he wasn’t going to sit there, miserable, by himself any longer. Max rolled the top of his bag of popcorn and made his way out of the theater, leaving behind the delighted screams and whoops of the dedicated audience. 
As he made his way to the lobby, the mystery of Louie’s disappearing act had been revealed. He was guzzling more Dew, locked into a game of Time Crisis 2 in the lobby arcade. He held in his hand the neon blue plastic gun attached to the game, dodging and weaving imaginary enemies, lost in the onslaught of the virtual world.
“Max!” Louie caught his pal from the corner of his eye, “Have you ever played this game?? It’s fuckin’ mint!”
“Yeah, dude,” Max rolled his eyes, “Hey, I’m getting out of here.”
“What??” Louie never took his attention away from the game, pulling the trigger manically, taking out five more bad guys, “How come??”
“It’s just…not the same without Jonesy.”
“Aw,” Louie wasn’t super paying attention, but did his best, “That sucks! I hope you feel better!”
“Huh?” Max raised an eyebrow, “Sure, whatever, man, thanks.” He shook his head, giving him a sarcastic thumbs up.
“Hey!” Louie called after him, “You got any spare quarters??”
Max pretended he couldn’t hear him and exited the theater. The night had grown cold, with a chilly breeze that caught him by surprise. He wrapped himself in his jacket, took out his beanie and pulled it over his head. He tossed his leftover popcorn in the trash with a defeated sigh and made his way to his van.
He couldn’t help thinking about Jonesy. Without him by her side, who knew what could happen! She was completely exposed, no one was there to watch her back! She could be in a ditch somewhere, dying, calling his name, asking “Why, Max? Where were you when I needed you?” He picked up his pace. Maybe she hadn’t left for the SIlver Mine yet. Maybe there was still time! He began to run. Picking up speed until he turned the corner into the parking lot. He was so deep in his thoughts when he made that turn, he was caught completely off guard by what he encountered next.
“Fuckin’!!” Max yelped in surprise.
Leaning against his van, finishing a cigarette, wrapped in the teal and purple of a Charlotte Hornets Starter jacket was Gina Jones. She raised a judgmental eyebrow as she watched Max spin around and clutch his chest.
“What the fuck dude!” Max swiped at the air, “You scared the shit outta me! What are you doing here??”
Gina took a last drag of her butt and flicked it away, stomping towards Max. Max took a step back, his eyes darting back and forth in panic. She gave him a shove and start raining smacks down all over his chest.
“Hey! Ow!” Max tried to defend himself, “Quit it!”
Gina growled and continued the onslaught, her little hands pummeled him all over his leather jacket.
“Okay, okay!” Max retreated, “I surrender!”
“Fuck you, Max!”
“Fuck me?? What’d I do??”
“This!” Gina pointed to the very light bruising near her right eye, “Is your fault!”
Max moved in carefully, lightly put his hand underneath Gina’s chin and moved her head so he could get a better look. 
“Who did that?”
She slapped his hand away.
“Lindsay! She went completely psycho on me!”
Max couldn’t hold back his bemused delight, “Bwahahaa! Why?? Cause we made out??” The idea of it all just sounded so ridiculous to him. He shook his head in astonishment.
“Yes, numbnuts!”
“Bwahaha!” Max put a hand on his belly as he laughed. He never could’ve predicted in a million years how this day played out. The absurdity of it all seemed to hit him all at once.
“It’s not funny, you dirt!” Gina stomped her foot.
Max wiped the tears from his eyes and composed himself, “Oh, come on, it’s at least kind of funny!”
Gina launched into another barrage of smacks.
“Okay, okay!” He implored through snickers, “You’re right, it’s not funny!” A smirk still on his face.
Gina backed off, “She thinks I only made out with you to, like, fuck with her. To mess with your friendship and stuff. She thinks I’m messing with you.”
“To be fair, you’ve done some shitty things to Jonesy over the years.”
Gina pouted, looking off to her right at nothing, “She didn’t have to hit me.”
“I think you’re lucky all she did was hit you.” Max chuckled.
“Eat shit!” She flipped him off and stormed away, heading back to her car.
“Hey!” Alright, he may have pushed a little too far, Max admitted to himself. He jogged after her, “Hey, Gina, I’m sorry!”
Gina stopped and turned around as Max caught up with her.
“Was it bullshit, Max?” Gina’s face softened, she looked up at him with clear eyes, vulnerable to whatever would come next.
Max opened his mouth, no words came out, he closed it again. He furrowed his brow, took a deep breath and sighed deeply. His amusement gone now, he looked into the beautiful, earnest, honey brown eyes of the girl in front of him. Max was a man of feelings and impulses, not so much one for words. Expressing his feelings through eloquence was a skill he lacked, and he was fully aware of this shortcoming. He took Gina’s hands and gently pulled her closer to him. He noticed how cold her hands were, he wondered how long she had been out here waiting for him. He held them firmly and brought them to his chest to keep them warm.
“It wasn’t bullshit.” He smiled. “I really like you, Gina.”
She looked down and smiled.
He leaned in, almost whispering into her ear, “I just thought you hated me this whole time.”
She looked into his eyes, “I do hate you.”
Max chuckled, closed his eyes and touched his forehead to hers. They both opened their eyes and kissed. Gina met Max’s height on the balls of her feet as she reached for his lips. He wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up, their lips never leaving each other. He set her back down and took her hand again.
“Max…” She began, “Is this, like…something?” She asked, scared of the butterflies in her chest and the yearning beat of her own heart.
“I want it to be…”
Gina’s stomach twisted into a knot, “...But?”
Another heavy sigh escaped Max’s lungs, “Every bone in my body wants to just…” He searched for the least disgusting words he could think of, couldn’t find them, instead for once erring on the side of his better judgment, “...But I need to think about my friendship with your sister. It shouldn’t matter, but it does.”
“Yeah,” She sighed, “I know. Look, I guess I get it. I’m not trying to fuck you guys up. I’m really not.”
“Dude, I know I'm not exactly a genius or whatever, but I’m pretty good at detecting bullshit,” He gave Gina’s shoulder a playful little push, “I mean, you made out with me at, honestly, one of my grossest moments ever. I was covered in pepper spray, snot, spit, and puke! And you still wanted a piece of this.” Max gestured to his stocky body.
“Ugh. Don’t remind me.” Gina stuck out her tongue.
“If you were gonna mess with me, there have been quite a few better, less barfy, moments for you to do it!”
Gina laughed despite herself.
“I’m still pretty rank actually,” Max sniffed himself.
“You don’t get to touch me again until you shower.”
“Don’t try to change me, baby!”
Gina rolled her eyes and laughed with Max until they were left with the silence of the parking lot and the night sky.
“So.” She posed.
“So…” He agreed.
“Now what?”
“I dunno,” Max held himself and bit his lip, “So like, for now, let’s just chill.”
“Okay.” Gina smiled, and agreed with a maturity she had never experienced before.
“Okay!” Max smiled and took her hand in his. “Maybe we can hang out sometime, take it slow. Just the two of us?”
“Like a date?” Gina softened. “Or whatever.”
“Or whatever!” Max couldn’t stop himself from smiling.
Gina laughed, Max’s warmth could be infectious, it was hard to stay even annoyed with him for long periods of time.
“Hell yeah, dude!” He lifted her up and spun her around, she giggled and kissed him as he set her down once again.
“Oh, what the fuck is this happy horseshit?”
The familiar mocking tone of Farley suddenly cut short Max and Gina’s moment. With the steady clop-clop of chunky heels on pavement, Farley emerged from the frosty October night. Greg slithered behind her, kicking a trash can over as he followed in his counterparts steps. Her joyless laughter assaulted Max’s ears like nails on a chalkboard, he winced and clenched his fists.
“Am I seeing this right, Greggy?”
“I think it’s Jonesy’s mutt and her little sister swappin’ spit in a parking lot,” He lifted his aviators for a better look, “But that can not be right.”
“How about the two of you fuck all the way off before I fuck you off.” Max snarled.
“What does that even mean?” Farley snorted and cackled with Greg.
“Come a little closer and I’ll show you.”
Gina looked on, a puzzled expression on her face, before transforming into realization, “Holy shit, you’re Adriana Farley! From Italian Wedding!”
“Oh shit, the kid’s got taste! Are you sure you’re related to Jonesy?” Farley crossed her arms and cocked an amused eyebrow.
“I'm going to your show tomorrow!” Gina was, admittedly, a little starstruck.
“Don’t encourage them.” Max growled through his teeth.
“Now, I see Mutty Max, but where’s Jonesy?” Farley looked around, “Did she finally take my advice and kick your loser ass to the curb?”
“What the fuck are you even doing here, I thought Chain-Slaughter was for idiots, or whatever.”
“Oh, it definitely is. We just got out of The Chamber and noticed this display going on.” Farley lied, “I couldn’t help myself, I had to get a closer look.”
In reality the gruesome twosome had very much intended to see the new Chain-Slaughter, but arrived too late to score tickets. With no other plans, they had been sitting in Farley’s car for the past hour, drinking Zimas and smoking Newports. Greg had recognized the sound of Max’s voice and suggested they go fuck with him. 
Farley and Greg circled the couple like hungry hyenas. They smiled with bared teeth and watched them with hungry eyes.
“It’s just as horrible as we thought.”
“It’s actually worse up close.”
“Smells worse, too.”
“Did you shit yourself?”
“You smell like shit.”
“Are you into that, little girl? Homeless losers who smell like rank-ass shit?” Farley turned her attention towards Gina, “The very thought of putting your mouth on that…” Farley shuddered and pantomimed puking, “Willingly!”
“Willingly!” Greg echoed.
Farley and Greg stopped circling, standing in front of them, blocking their path to Max’s van, they laughed in braying hysterics.
Gina looked from Farley to Max and back to Farley, taken aback at what was going on, “Okay…I think that’s enough.” Gina had actually been excited to meet the lead singer of Italian Wedding, and was willing to look past the intrusion into her moment with Max, but now she was crossing some lines.
“Shut the fuck up, skank.” Farley scoffed, annoyed at her presence.
Gina’s eyes went wide, “Skank??” Lines had most definitely been crossed.
Gina may have been small, but the Jones temper was always alive and burning on the inside. She tried very hard not to engage in fights, she never wanted to be seen as a freak or a punk, like her sister. She hadn’t wanted to fight the Jennifers, it would have made things even worse for her in the long run at school. Would she have loved nothing more than to punch Jennifer C. in the throat? Break Jennifer K.’s new nose? Of course! And here was this bitch, practically begging for her to let it all out.
Max recognized the fire in Gina’s eyes, “Oh, that was a mistake.” He chuckled.
“I don’t make mistakes, I’m not your mom and dad.” Farley and Greg laughed at Max, proud of her cruel joke.
“You actually made two,” Max cracked his knuckles, “Number one: Jonesy ain’t here to hold me back, and numero dos: you just fucked with the wrong Jones sister, pal.”
In a beautiful display of synchronicity, Max and Gina swung both of their right legs back, and with all the force of a defensive midfielder for the JV women’s soccer team, planted their feet squarely between the legs of Farley and Greg. Max’s foot greeted Greg’s unsuspecting balls with all the anger and frustration that had been building inside of him all damn day. Gina’s steel-toed Doc Martens took a one way trip, at top speed, to its destination, finding Farley’s groin unprotected and unprepared for a clit-shattering, dead-on, cunt punt from hell.
The look of surprise and horror on both of their faces was, to Max, a work of art, but the real joy was what came next. Greg, naturally turning towards his master for a reassurance that would never come, released a torrent of gurgling puke that splattered all over Farley’s face. Worst of all, the blow between her legs came as such a surprise, she had gasped, unfortunately for her, at the same time Greg’s lunch had found its way back from his guts. 
Farley screamed, her knees on the pavement, clutching her groin with one hand, while the other desperately wiped the barf from her eyes. She spit Greg’s vomit from her mouth as she began to gag and retch. Greg, meanwhile, could only cry and cradle his shattered balls, rolling in the puddle of his own puke. Max gave Greg a swift kick in the gut for good measure.
“Hey!” Max realized, “I won a fight!”
“Thanks to me.” Gina flipped her hair in Max’s face, “Hey, Farley,” Gina grabbed a handful of Farley’s hair, forcing her to look her in the eyes, “This is for my sister!” A textbook right cross knocked Farley on her ass, leaving her to gaze blankly into the night’s sky.
Max picked up Greg’s aviators off the pavement, snapped them in two and handed them to Gina. She tossed them over her shoulder, grabbed Max by the lapels and pulled him in for a kiss.
0 notes
cozy-kitty-corner · 8 months
SBI Whumptober - Poisoned. Based loosely off of that old TikTok audio from Cinnamon by Hayley Williams. I only know this by Clingyduo cosplays so why not have this. I struggled with this one to the point of failing to get it out on day 8, so please give it a like if you enjoy!
Today should have been perfect, and yet… nothing felt quite right.
He leaned over and rested his head on Tubbo’s shoulder, watching the sunset with the other boy.
That day was his birthday, so he and Tubbo had dressed up in PJs(Tommy’s was green and covered in bees, while Tubbo’s was red and adorned with raccoons) and done whatever Tommy had wanted.
And it had been great, for a while!
They had built massive cobblestone towers and laughed at each other when they’d failed to land in the ponds and died, having to run back from their respawn point in Tommy’s house, and they’d gone looking for ducks and spiders, and gotten pet rocks with each other, and everything else Tommy could think of.
But something just felt wrong. There was a foreboding pit in Tommy’s stomach, and the blonde had no idea why.
He sighed again.
“Is something wrong, Toms?”
Tommy yelped as Tubbo shifted to look at him, subsequently losing Tommy his pillow.
“Yeah… just a bit tired. Big day, innit?”
Tubbo studied Tommy’s face, searching for a sign as to why Tommy was so much less boisterous than normal.
“Toms… do you want to go see Wilbur?” The brunette rushed to clarify at Tommy’s startled look. “You just mentioned him this morning, and you seem down, so… we could go see him, if you’d like. He is your brother after all.”
(And wasn’t that a contradictory sentence. Brothers by blood and by history, but not much else. Not anymore.)
Tommy thought for a moment. He could go, and risk being shunned by a person he really shouldn’t care about at all, or he could stay here with Tubbo, and keep thinking about whether or not Wilbur would even remember at this point.
Tubbo watched Tommy think for a moment, then stood up abruptly, pulling the younger boy up.
Tommy yelped. “Tubbo, what are you-”
Tubbo cut him off with a bleat, pulling him onto the path.
“We’re going to see Wilbur, it will be good for you.”
Tommy tried to protest(about five times actually), but every sentence was cut off by a warning bleat.
He slumped and let Tubbo drag him along the Prime path.
They quickly arrived at where Wilbur was staying, a rundown shack outside of Las Nevadas.
The bitch was like a wet cat, following his crush(ew) around everywhere.
Tubbo knocked on the door, never letting go of Tommy’s wrist.
(He knew the other boy would run.)
When nobody answered, Tubbo shook his head, stomped a hoof, and rammed the door down.
Tommy barely flinched, used to the other boy’s antics.
But… there was nobody inside.
Tubbo bleated in frustration and turned to Tommy.
“Okay… he’s not here.”
Tommy wasn’t listening, though. He’d seen a note on the table.
He pushed past Tubbo, picking it up and skimming the the contents
   Dear Tommy.
You’re definitely going to show up today. Don’t bother waiting for me, I won’t be back for a few days. I don’t want to deal with your birthday.
The note slipped out of Tommy’s hands, and tears slipped down his face. Distantly, he heard Tubbo come over to ask if he was alright, then see the message and hug Tommy tight.
Tommy just cried silently, shaking.
(Dream taught him to be better than this. He taught him to never be this weak. Why was he so weak.)
Eventually, Tommy had enough mental fortitude to move away from Tubbo.
“Y’wanna… wanna go get a burger?” His voice was hoarse and weak.
The ram hybrid gave him a small smile.
“Sure, Toms.”
By the time they reached the burger shop, Tommy had made a decision.
He was going to get the Pumpkin Spice Latte and forgo a burger.
He told Tubbo to order without him, insisting that he would pay for his own, then talked about nothing in particular while the friends waited.
With how slow the place was, it only took a couple of minutes for the food to come out.
The boys went up and thanked the employees for the service, then walked outside to look at the stars.
Tommy listened to Tubbo speak happily, chugging his drink.
“Hey, Big T. We should try to guess each other’s drinks from the smell, like we did when we were little.”
Tubbo gasped and nodded. “Okay okay okay… you go first.”
Tommy switched beverages with his friend and took a long smell of the scent wafting out of the cup.
He wrinkled his woefully human nose, feeling woozy. “Is that black coffee?”
Tubbo nodded, giggling at Tommy’s affronted look.
“You disgusting, disgusting man. How could you?”
Tubbo tapped Tommy teasingly with a hoof, then settled down.
“Okay okay, my turn now.” He took a smell, goatlike nose twitching.
“Smells like citrus and…” The brunette paled. “Cinnamon.”
Tommy met his eyes as they flicked up panickedly, letting an exhausted smile slip through. “Cinnamon.”
Then his eyes rolled up into his head and he collapsed.
And the last thing he heard was a bleating scream of “Tommy!!”
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Fun fact: The cleaning lady I talk to most at work absolutely INSISTED that I show her pictures of my “Halloween costume” next week.
Except I don’t have anything to dress up for.
Or anything to dress up as.
Though... I have several bone-like accessories... I can wear my whitish tourmaline and moonstone bracelets as if they’re bone... and I do have miles of black fabric......
I’m gonna do the cheapest crappiest Harrowhark cosplay ever tomorrow, is what I’m saying.
#rhs personal posts#rhs tlt#it's going to be an absolute MESS and I only have shitty cameras to take pictures with but this lady is SO NICE#and wouldn't let me say I don't have anything to dress up for this year! And I mean! I can DO it!#Even my two basic-bitch earring holes are closing so I can't do earrings#and they're absolutely NOT going to be canon-accurate because the bone accessories are like.#a necklace made of plastic hand bones and a ring with a black resin ''gem'' on it that has white resin bones in it#The only white face application makeup I have is an eyeshadow base though#so the face is probably going to be mainly Highlights and Suggestion of Black Charcoal#it is absolutely not going to be a cosplay Harrowhark would be proud of (though I doubt she'd be proud of ANYONE dressing as her lasdgkjl)#nor will I be proud of it#but it will be FUN.#.......I don't...... think I have a straight black cloak either now that I think about it. Black with purple lining is the closest I have...#Oh! I do have a milky quartz necklace too! I can pretend those are bone chips.#There's going to be a lot of Pretending involved in this one. asd;lgkja;gk#it's very much just for The Spirit of Halloween because I don't even know if my neighborhood is doing trick or treating#and besides it's a Religious (Spiritual) Holiday for me so I have PLANS in the evening...#but gosh it's gonna be fun to see what I can do for a Rushed shitty Harrowhark Makeup Job.#....with my sandy-blonde hair and blue eyes and occasional acne.... snort.#i should see if my sister has a black short-haired wig. I don't THINK she does but maybe the really dark green one would work...?
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fortjester · 4 years
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