#the board is actually so nice too it kinda made me want to make one myself for my next series
spaaaaaaaark-uwu · 10 months
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me playing daganronpa V3 and finally getting hit with multiple back to back plot twists that i both didn't expect and didn't like. and then watching it just keep getting worse and worse
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arlecchno · 2 years
HEYOYOYO jellyfish on main here ! HAPPY NEW YEARS !!!! (i hope the html code doesnt fail in the ask AHAHAH) i had to change the font of the board because it was really hard to read but here it is LOL
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as you can see , incredibly silly SJSIKFGH the red "string" is put about a bit haphazardly but im not going to fix that (:
on a side note , did you have a vision of what the MA duo's uniforms look like (and / or any reference images for them / other outfits theyd wear) ? there may or may not be somethin in the works from me (see below) vvvv
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PLEASE ignore the shitty posing of my mc and kuni im literally too lazy to even attempt to fix that hot mess that .
oh yeah uh also , im aware MA was aimed towards fem aligning readers — and i am not one — so im really sorry and hope you dont mind but as mentioned before you did include a bunch of my favorite subgenres and ,,,, i couldnt help myself !! but if you dont want me to be here bc of the fact im totally okay with leaving !! (<_<;;)
OKAY IVE SENT ENOUGH , - jellyfish (do i still need to do this signoff if im on my main ??? idk)
YOOO WTF THAT BOARD IS SO SICK!!!! now that i've seen it.... would you mind sharing the fic 🥹 by your theories the series sounds SO GOOD and i do not want to miss out on a fic of my favourite kind of genre!!
your theories look so incredibly detailed, whilst still adding in a tinge of crack to make it look more interesting, in which i completely agree with!! wtf you're insane
as for the visionaries of the main characters' clothes, since most of the story is inspired by b99, i'd like to think most of their clothes look like what the characters in that show would wear.
their official uniforms look something like this;
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when kuni and y/n are busting down criminals, i'd imagine they look like this!!
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i've tried my best to be as open as i can with y/n's clothing style and appearance, hence why i never mentioned y/n's attire or looks in the series (except for the dress in the grad ball arc). so it's mostly up to everyone's interpretation on what they want y/n to look like!! :)
as for kuni though, i like to imagine he's this low-key fashionable guy but won't ever admit to it lmao. i mean his usual attire is pretty basic, maybe like a button down shirt, a tie and pants but when he doesn't feel like using his duty belt i'd imagine he use these kinds of holsters (i know the 2nd pic is a woman but i couldn't really find any shoulder holster pics that were decent 😭)
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and it's totally okay that you're not fem-aligned but still read the series (i hope i don't sound rude here, if i do then i sincerely apologize, idk how to put it into words 😭)
as i said before, i try to not mention a lot about y/n's appearance and all, and even though this is a fem reader fic, all other genders are welcomed to read, i don't mind at all :D
ALSO YOU DRAW TOO??? THAT'S SO INSANE BRO!!!! THEY LOOK REALLY GOOD ALREADY NOW I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THE OUTCOME 🥹🥹🥹 i love you omg it's so lovely interacting with you
and judging by your user and pfp... i am here to assume you are a dainsleif enthusiast? if so then we have so much more in common than i thought!!!
i love dainsleif so much hehe i talk about him!!!! a lot!!!! always to the point that my friends would get tired of me 😞
i hope those pics would spark up some ideas for you :)) and i'm really sorry if some of my words here seemed rude or uncomfortable for you, i'm not really good with words so i do apologize in advance 💔
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aethersea · 4 months
I've always wanted to learn bookbinding, ever since I was a wee little nerd, but there are a lot of things I've always wanted to learn, and this one has both a daunting upfront materials cost and a daunting upfront research cost. however, my sister is a jewel among siblings and gave me for christmas last year a handy dandy bookbinding manual, a block of good paper, and a little bag of tools.
but I still didn't have a suitable workspace, nor any of the many important tools and materials that she didn't include in her gift. so I just read the manual and pined. until maybe a month ago I got fed up with pining, flattened a cardboard box for a cutting mat, and went to town.
and I'm real proud of myself, so here's me rambling, plus photos!
I went to the thrift store and got glue + some fabric to bind the cover, went to Michaels for a paintbrush (and later went back for a metal ruler lmao it's amazing how useful it is to have a straightedge for cutting the paper), and...could not find material for the cover boards. so I went home and pined some more. but the urges were too strong, so after a couple hours of moping I got a stack of printer paper at the grocery store (I could not bring myself to use the good paper for my first, inevitably weak attempts, I just couldn't do it) and started making a little booklet. which was a great idea, it turned out, since it makes for good practice with cutting the paper, measuring things, punching holes in the signatures, etc.
I have a big box of greeting cards from Michaels, which I used for the covers. it didn't feel like I was making a Real Book, so I got some colored paper from the stationery store and used that for end papers.
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so fancy~
galvanized by this success, I ordered a stack of chipboard online to use for cover boards; and once I was confident that I could cut paper without making it look too stupid (getting that straightedge ruler sure helped lol), I made signatures out of the good paper, left them under some heavy books overnight since I don't have a book press, and then punched holes in them! (huzzah for this nice video on getting the holes right)
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my sister's gift included good linen thread. it's unwaxed, but after some poking around on r/bookbinding it looks like that just means I'll have to be more careful to avoid tangles and keep good tension. I am fine with this. I can be extra attentive. (I considered just running it over a beeswax candle, but one commenter said if your wax has paraffin in it, it could melt in a hot car, ruining the spine. I can't guarantee my candle is 100% beeswax, I didn't make it, so maybe we just move on.)
I don't have good linen fabric to use for the tapes, but the important part there is that the fabric be thin, sturdy, and not stretchy. the probably-cotton I got from the thrift store fits the bill, so it'll do!
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this is a french link stitch, which I got from this exceedingly good tutorial. apparently it's strong enough on its own that for a book of this size, I don't actually need tapes, but I'd already cut the things so eh here we are. and tapes plus french link will make it a stronger binding still (according to a friendly redditor on r/bookbinding), so we carry on.
specifically we carry on to the gluing step. now as I mentioned, I do not have a book press, and you....kinda need one for this step. you need to hold the book block in place with the signatures facing upwards, pressed together hard enough that the glue won't run down between them and stick the pages together (though you do want the glue to get between them just a little, just for like a 16th of an inch). you at least need some clamps and a couple boards to sandwich the book block with.
but you know what? I'm not a professional, this is my first ever book, if it's a little bit off it'll be fine. so we grab all the heaviest books off the bookshelf and improvise.
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it's fine! I'm sure it's fine! and just in case it's not, I've tucked a bit of cardboard underneath to catch any glue that drips down so it won't land on the floor. see? I'm prepared! I'm acing this.
and actually, it really was fine. I used clear elmer's glue, applied with a flat paintbrush from the art supplies aisle at Michael's, and frankly I liked the way the flat paintbrush let me slip glue in between the signatures. I did poke around on a couple bookbinding sites to see what kind of glue I should use, and the gist is that although there are better options than this, elmer's glue is perfectly serviceable, and the main downside is it's not archival grade. but I don't need my first bookbinding attempts to last 200 years, that's fine.
the next step is to add the mull. mull is a specific type of fabric – extremely loose-weave linen – and the idea is to paste it down over the spine to essentially hold the tapes and signatures all in place in relation to each other.
but I don't have mull! so I'm using more of the thrift store probably-cotton, because it's thin enough and not really stretchy at all. I'm sure this will be fine too. I painted a layer of glue onto the spine, then left it to dry a bit while I measured and cut the fabric, then painted a generous stripe of glue down the center, where it'll affix onto the spine. then I added a bit more glue to the spine, just to be sure, and pressed the mull into place, rubbing it thoroughly to make sure it's firmly affixed to every signature, with no creases in the fabric or air bubbles beneath it.
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honestly I might have overdone it on the glue. I've never done this before, I don't know! I think it's okay, though – I tried not to ever let it become a thick layer, just a slight coating, since the danger of too much glue is that it might crack once dry and weaken the spine.
and now we leave it in the press overnight to dry, and pick up the next step in the morning!
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violetarks · 3 months
track 33: la la land
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you blink at the doorway, where porco holds two bags of ingredients and a wine bottle under his arm. “please don’t ever try that line ever again on me.”
“my bad,” he chuckles as you let him inside, “nice place. i didn’t think you were the gate kinda’ person.”
“levi made sure we all had a place with one after jean’s house got broken into by a crazy fan,” you reply as you lead him to the kitchen. you help him put the ingredients away in separate places and take out two wine glasses. “so, how’ve you been? you’re a lot nicer since the first time i saw you.”
“i think me driving you around town getting jean drumsticks was a good start,” porco tells you. he pours you a glass of wine. “i just, uh… was a bit worried about you during your tour.”
you take out the chopping board and a knife as you listen to him. “oh, thank you, porco, really. i appreciate it,” you hum out, “by the way, what are we making?”
“i actually have no idea,” he mumbles back to you, “i just bought some random things. i saw some pasta thing online.”
you smile at him with upturned brows. “no plan, huh? c’mon, porco, you plan a date and can’t be bothered picking something out?” you joke along with him as you hand him an apron. you tie one on yourself and wait for him to do so as well.
“okay, well, i—i’m not a chef, so i didn’t know,” he grumbles out with knitted brows, “you got somethin’ in mind?”
“yes, everyone knows how to make a simple pasta and protein,” you chuckle back as you turn on your speakers to play some music, “can you dice onion, please? be careful.”
“okay, i’m not some—”
“don’t swing that knife around, porco!” you step back and reprimand. he puts it down on the chopping board sheepishly. “y’know what, i’ll chop everything and you can just, uh… provide support.”
he sits back against the kitchen bench with a pout as you cut the vegetables. he watches you though, a bit happy that you were acting as normal as you could. porco crosses his arms over his chest as he listens to the music. you seemed calm.
when you begin to cook the garlic and onion on the pan and stir with a wooden spoon, you freeze up in your spot when you feel porco’s hands on your waist. you lose your train of thought and mumble off into nothing as he steps forward.
“you okay?” he asks you against your ear. his chin rests on your shoulder and he can feel you shiver. “you were saying something?”
“i… the, uh, the tour went really well,” you swallow your nerves before you put in the tomato paste, “fans really liked it and we, um, we had plenty of encores. i ended up—your hands are…”
they’re planted on your hips tightly. you can feel how his fingers dance across the apron, his chest pressed gently against your back.
“hm?” he asks, “is this alright?”
“y’know, i would’ve head butted you if you tried this back at the jaeger’s holiday house,” you state as you stir the pan, “you’re lucky.”
“yeah?” he hums, “you like me now?”
you don’t respond to that; instead, you point to the fridge. “can you pass me the heavy cream?”
he lets out a short sigh before he pulls away from you. but you shift a little as porco keeps a finger looped in your apron strap. he opens the fridge with one hand and uses his knee to block the fridge door as he reaches for the cream.
“are you serious right now?” you let out a laugh as he sinks back next to you, “thanks.”
“you’re welcome,” he replies as he looks down, “i wanted to apologise for everything, by the way. i… pretty much made all this drama happen between us. put you in a pretty shitty position.”
you stare at him wildly before you shake your head. “it’s okay, porco. i mean, every celebrity’s gotta’ deal with something. that, for me, is you. i’m sorry too, i can be pretty childish.”
“that’s for sure,” you jab his shoulder at that. he rubs his arm as he smiles. “so, what will happen between us?”
you glance at him as he opens up the cream. “well, we can’t go public yet, obviously. i’m fine with us just seeing each other in private, if that’s okay. or hiding our faces when we meet up.”
“that sounds good,” he tells you as he leans against the marble bench, “we’ll be extra careful.”
“of course,” you hum back, “you were never a three, by the way. i just said that to piss you off.”
“what about that other drummer? is he still your favourite?” porco questions with a tilt of his head.
“yes, i like the tricks he does with the drumsticks—”
“you’re such an asshole,” he scoffs as he drags you closer to him with one hand on your hip. he watches you smile at him before he’s leaning over and pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek. “let’s just start over.”
you return the kiss to his cheek before going back to cooking. “alright. but if you bug me about my stage presence again i will kick you out of my house.”
his laughter fills the air as you two move about in the kitchen.
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track 32 | track list | track 34
anime: attack on titan
character: porco galliard (band! au)
summary: y/n, the bassist of the band 'paradís', finds herself in middle of a 'publicity stunt' with none other than a rival band's drummer. porco, the mentioned member of 'marley', doesn't care about her at all. but they can only ignore each other for so long.
taglist: @makimakimi @hanmascult @ally22042000 @rozewayne2005 @keithandlevi-ontheroof @qaahnarin @queen-flower @id-rather-be-an-outsider @onlylowercase @tonysttank @a-little-pebbl @hannahalanib1 @moonshineandclearskies @aqueerincrisis @tati-the-fangirl @cheesechopchive-blog @hermaeusmorax
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elsaellaelys · 1 year
In love
summary: Y/N realizes she fell in love with her new bestfriend.
pairing: JJ Maybank x fem!reader
768 words
a/n: I just liked so much writing, had to make another her. Let me know if you have some request, send me a chat! <3
It's not easy on Y/N's mind when she got this messy, JJ rent free in her mind, she just can't help it. His touch lingering just a little to much in the low of her back as he passes by makes she weak in the knees, blaming it on the hormones when she reaches to feel his arms as he helps she get in the boat, holping he doesn't notice, or the intrusive thoughts in her head that makes she understand Charlotte Flax in Mermaids. I mean, what she wouldn't give to be that can in his hand? Fitting just perfectly between those lips, having his hands wrapped around she like that, be the trail of beer down his chin, the wind blowing inside the loose sleeves of his shirt and through his chest.
Fucking pathetic.
Y/N is lost, no doubt.
This is not only a crush, she's in love. Deeply in thoughts about JJ. What is he doing? Where is he? Is he thinking about me? Inevitable to not wake up musing him, go to sleep meditating about it, heartbroken when he flirts with another girl.
After all it's not like he wants to date her.
Marry her.
Have her babies.
The HMS Pogue float calmly on the chill waves, John B., Kiara and JJ are swimming, Pope is laid down in the corner, Franz Kafka's book long forgotten on his lap as he takes a nap. Y/N is just laying in the sun, she moved to the OBX only six months ago, still can't swim very well so she rater not tire herself to much. The pogues don't understand how come Y/N comes to an island without knowing how to swim, a few weeks earlier she had to confess it, due the summer vacation, and JJ started taking her to the beach to teach her. That's it! Like a click comes to her mind. The memory of that first afternoon of swim class, begginin of July, school year had just ended, the sea kinda green and warm, JJ was teaching Y/N how to float. They were in the shallow, he backed away and laid back, chest appearing on the surface, to show her how to do it. She tried, his hands were on her back to help she lift her weight on the water, but the second they left, her body sinked inches, the gasp she let out letting water inside her mouth. He laughed shortly bringing her up, moving the hair off of her face.
"It's alright, just a little bit of water in your mouth" she lifted a finger in front of his face, turning around to blow salt water out of her nose. "Okay, breathed some too" he laughed.
She saw his eyes tight with the smile, bright blue orbs, laugh lines, hands pressed on her waist. It felt like the first time. Y/N didn't learned it that day, neither in the next one, late that week they had to find a quieter place after JJ pissed a guy trowing sunscreen on his surf board for making fun of Y/N's swim skills.
JJ never made she feel bad for not knowing how to swim, actually, he felt bad for not teaching right - but how could she learned when she was more interested on the teacher than on the lesson?
He swam to the boat pocking her side for attention.
"Hey pretty girl!" her heart twirled "Wanna swim with me? It's not fun without you."
Y/N agreed, would do anything with him. She slipped off to the water, his arm around her.
"I'm fine." she says "I can at east not sink, y'know?" But he didn't wanted to let go of her, the feeling of soft skin to good against his palm. He did, anyway.
"See?" the girl smiled.
"I see" he answered.
His blue eyes watched her sparkling ones, tanned skin, so shiny, tits looking so cute in the flowered bikini top, nice lips, so kissable. JJ felt the ground falling out from under him, even though he was in the water. How could he only notice it now, he wants to kiss she so badly, flirting is not enough, lingered touches, sweet nicknames, not enough. Remembered also how he feel so safe around her in such a small time together, how he wants to impress her just to see the proud lustful look on her face, how he felt when saw she wearing his shirt on the Chateau after getting her's wet - kinda horny, sure - but with a twist in his heart.
He sees. He knows now.
He's in love too.
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Prismo the WishMaster as your boyfriend
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First off, just a fact, chillest dude in all of Ooo
Like, if you guys broke up (not that you would, but-) he would be the kinda guy you would actually be friends with
Because he is confined to the time room, dates are limited
A lot of indoor dates; home-cooked food, board game nights and, of course, watching movies (or alternate realities on his TV)
The man always has your favourite snacks at hand (and most other things for that matter)
Honestly, your presence brightens up his day
Like, he could be having the most boring/hardest day at work, but you sending a quick check-in text really makes his day
Once you two start getting more serious, I can see him using his powers to spoil you (which probably is a violation of the rules, but oh well-)
Oh, you saw a dress you wanted that was out of your budget? Magically in your closet
You wish you could style your hair a certain way? Bam, new doo by the morning
There's a book you're dying to read that hasn't been released yet? it's now on your bedside table
on that note, with your consent, I think he would like to use his powers to play dress up with you, as long as you're both having fun, and it's not just you treating him like your personal tailor
And as nice as it is to have a cosmic sugar daddy, please reassure him that you like him for him, and not his powers.
Like, this man deals with crippling loneliness, you gotta let him know that you're there for him too
Maybe you can't give things to him like he gives you, but you can be there to listen to him vent or just say sweet things to him (COMPLIMENT THIS PINK STRING BEAN)
This man loves your praise
he barely gets enough recognition for his job, so please tell him you love him and that he's a sweet boyfriend
you automatically get an invite to all of his parties (but understands if you don't want to go)
if you make him anything home-made, dude is going to treasure it
like, he would make a whole ass room just to put the things you give him in it
Has defiantly used the pick-up like: "if everything around me is a dream, then you're the most beautiful thing I've ever dreamed of"
Guy can be suave in his own dorky kind of way
He also likes cooking for you
he does it with zero powers, he just wants to make something for you
his cooking isn't always the greatest, but he does get better over time, you just gotta stomach it for a while til his trial-and-error phase ends (spoiler alert: it never does)
And, this goes without saying, but he makes you pickles
one time he made a special batch for you, with a note that said 'for my sweet pickle'
He's also tried to write you a song on his banjo
he's got spirit and it's the thought that counts anyway
I also see him having the love language of quality time (He's in a time box, I don't think he has much of a choice)
If you stick around long enough, he will give you a guest room
He will occasionally ask you for feedback about his stories
oh, and it's totally obvious when he's written characters that remind you of you two a little *too* much
If you are a writer or an artist, he would love to know all about your stories/OCs
or if you're a creative at all, would love to know more about your work
Super supportive (again, will use his powers to get you the most expensive materials)
If you guys are serious, he will introduce you to jake, assuming you didn't meet jake earlier at his parties or just because Jake just dropped in to say hi
Has defiantly told Jake about you at some point
So when you introduce yourself to him, Jake defiantly embarrasses Prismo about it
"Oh, so this is the girl you've been telling me all about?"
you guys have a dinner planner. It avoids having the same talk about what to have for dinner every night
After some time, he does decorate his time room a bit more
It's still minimal, but now there's a plant and a bookshelf or something
Is the kinda guy that's shy about dancing and singing, until a few drinks, and then he's doing karaoke like it's no one's business
Not the kind of guy to raise his voice
like, even if he was mad at you, would never do that. i see him responding in short sentences if that's the case
He's a god, you're a mortal, y'all definitely have existential conversations
But he's also so chill that they never feel depressing
Even though the relationship may be a bit strange to navigate because of the whole God/Mortal thing, you wouldn't have it any other way
He may be a God, but you are his Heaven
This is my first time posting headcanons like this, hope you all enjoyed it. If you want more or have a specific scenario you want me to write about, don't hesitate to ask (I'm always looking to sharpen my writing skills)
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dragon-queen21 · 4 days
hello!!!! its been so long i apologize so ☹️ ive been fighting demons and going through story book worthy horrors, but its all okay!!!!
but for 📷 anons surprising comeback,
hear me out, its one piece time woah, little ace with the whitebeards. that kid would totally hid his regression for as long as he could, especially during the time before ace joined the crew. only to be found out either via a meltdown, or very shortly after he officially joined due to a slip up.
real nap time kid. a nap time is always inevitable with ace, whether it be because his narcolepsy or marco trying to push one because ace is getting wayy to fussy for this busy crew.
i also have the headcanon that his devil fruit is just out of control this boy is setting everything on fire, unlucky for the crew because, yknow, they live on a wooden ship.
i feel like hes has a pretty large range of ages he can regress too but normally stays pretty small. 1-3 maybe? definitely kinda kid to insist he can do everything by himself but then melts and gives up the moment hes shown some positive affection. give him a pacifier when its clear he wants one? so over for him. one of the chefs giving him a spill proof cup? knockout. pick him up when hes too small to properly walk himself? hes ran out of lives.
ouh the imagery of someone like marco or thatch holding a very very sleepy ace and ace having his fingers in his mouth and just the other person taking them out of his mouth and replacing them with a pacifier and everyones like woah! howd u do that without him having a tantrum and the person holding him is just like oh im just that good ig IM CRYING INYO MY PILLOW hes actually just a baby i cant even handle it
i feel like ace id definitely a fussy baby though especially when he regresses older, ace has a lot of childhood trauma its bound to reflect in his behavior while regressed☹️☹️
okay im done brfore i make this longer than it already is, i hope you enjoy!! ive missed doin this so much omg☹️
I was actually just thinking of you recently! It’s nice to hear from you. Though it’s not so nice to hear that you have been going through such a hard time. As someone who just got over a very hard couple of months I understand completely. Sending you a hug and I will pray in the name of Jesus for your strength and peace. If you ever want to reach out and dm me to vent or talk you can. No pressure of course <3
Okay one piece time hehe :3
~My vote is 100% for being found out due to a meltdown. Mostly because I like angst hehe >:3
“You need a nap!” “I do not.” “Well just come lay down for a moment. If you don’t fall asleep then you can get back up… Ace?” (Ace meanwhile already asleep)
“because, yknow, they live on a wooden ship.”
<- Pfft okay that made me laugh
~It’s like letting a child play with matches only you can’t take them away.
~Coping mechanism for Ace/ anxiety inducing for everyone else on board
~Oh no but why did I just think of the saddest thing ever is getting really frustrated and one of his stuffed animals or toys catches on fire. He would be devastated and probably hate himself for a long while.
“insist he can do everything by himself but then melts and gives up the moment hes shown some positive affection”
<- Awww that’s so cute!!
~Grumpiest affection starved baby. Insisting that he’s a lot older than he really is and it only takes a time bit of patience and coddling to get him to regress super small.
Marco: Yup I’m just the best caregiver ever isn’t that right bud? Ace meanwhile: (sleepy baby babbles)
~Sometimes he’s super small and he just cries and no one know how to comfort him because nothing seems to be wrong he’s just fussy and flinches away from people and overall is just miserable
Read these first while regressed and this absolutely made little me giddy. Thank you for sharing beloved I’ve missed getting to read all your thoughts <3
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sribbles-drabbles · 1 year
🍎Too Uptight!!🍎
Vil Schoenheit x Hippie! GN! Reader
Tw: None!!
Idk if I nailed the hippie aspect but I went for more of a "love of the earth and environment, foraging, self-sustaining, kinda spiritual" hippie ig??? I feel like it reads more spiritual cottage-core but eh?? I'm happy with it.
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When one gazed upon the beautiful visage of Vil Schoenheit many words came to mind. For many it was the classic “beautiful”, “elegant”, “stunning”, or “Poise”…..maybe even “fairest of them all” a title that he always stove for during every hour of everyday. As he currently walks through the courtyard you can’t help but think that the whole thing seems exhausting. But you admired his commitment all the same and the way there was such nobility to his aura.
Though at the same time you wished Vil took better care or himself and took time to simply let go and be at peace with the world.
“Perfect, I found another Tremella Fuciformis.” Jade calls, scooping the mushroom off a dying branch on the forest floor and placing it in his foraging satchel.
“Ah, really?! That’s like, clump number 8, right? And you can just call them a snow-ear Jade…” you shake yourself free from your previous thoughts about Pomfiore warden, a blush deepening on your cheeks.
While many saw you as “lazy” or “way out of it” you preferred to call yourself what you are, a hippie. While the others were in class studying away you kidnapped Grim and ran into Jade on the way and asked for help with foraging. Foraging for what? Snow-ear, a fungus from your world that somehow carried over to the twisted wonderland. Though the only difference? Back home they grow in tropical climates like Brazil, but here they actually grow in the snow. Thus, why you’re currently up mountains, in one of Jade’s best foraging spots.
“Say, Perfect, why do you need snow ears anyways?” Jade asks suddenly, catching you off guard and making you blush before hiding it behind your scarf.
“Uhm….I just was going to use it in a soup-”
“Soup?! Why didn’t you tell me this sooner!! I thought you wanted to make some fancy lotion for Vil!!” Grim blabs loudly, making you jump and then sigh.
“Ah, a gift for Schoenheit? Well you made a good choice using Snow-ear.” Jade chuckles.
“Listen, if anyone deserves a breather it’s Vil. He always seems to tightly wound, and…he needs to just…let go…” you mumble.
Later that day you took your haul into your room and with the guidance of Epel who was well aware of and on board with your plan to woo Vil, the two of you start to brew a nice natural face scrub, as Vil had claimed that the one he had been using before had stopped being made.
——————————The next day——————————
“PLEASE GO OUT WITH ME!!” You call, clothes flowing in the wind. Your self altered uniform that you’re so proud of making you nervous as it’s so different than the man across from you.
You had given Vil your gift with a note asking him to meet you in the courtyard of Pomfiore at sunset. You stood by a large cotton wood in the back left corner of the property. The warm spring air making the puffs of white pollen look like snow as they fall to Earth.
Vil remains silent, and it rings loudly as the wind whistling and the ruffling leaves make an almost intolerable cacophony that it only drowned our by your thoughts.
He’s going to say no. He thinks you’re too different to him. He’s a try-hard prince who’s perfect and you’re the magicless ramshackle prefect who dances in the rain, forages for food, and loves the Earth more than words can describe.
How could this work? It can’t-
“Heh, took you long enough.” Vil muses pulling you back to reality.
“Wha-” you start looking up at Vil.
His dorm robes flutter in the wind much like your own clothes, and a red blush dusts his ivory cheeks as he smiles, tucking a loose hair behind his ear as he nears you, and leans down with a smile.
“May I…?” He asks, ever the gentleman.
You’re almost too stunned to speak, only muttering out a brief: “Y-Yeah…”
Crimson lips meet yours as the Pomfiore perfect gives you a brief smooch before standing with a confident smirk plastered on his face.
“My, flustered are we? I know I’m beautiful but you must learn to control this if we’re to make this work darling…though it is charming how surprised you seemed to be. Honestly have you picked up on none of my hints from the past month?” He questions.
You then blush harder. Though you thank the world and spirits around that this man was given to you. And you step forward and lay your head against his chest, earning a chuckle from him.
——————————7 months later—————————
You lay with your head in what you believe to be the most comfortable lap in the world. But even prettier is the view. Vil takes another bite of popcorn you made earlier and looks at the romance movie playing.
Vil sighs deeply, letting his shoulders slouch, he places some of the junk food in your mouth. He wipes his now free hand free of butter and then moves it to massage your scalp, his nails scratching in the most satisfying way.
Vil sits on his side one hand propping himself up as your head lays in his lap and his free hand plays with your hair, he looks down at you with a loving look mixed no doubt with the serotonin from the sickeningly sweet romance movie. He’s dressed in one of your sleep shirts and a pair of sweatpants and had left his own clothes in your living room, as he claimed:
“I wouldn’t want all of my belongings to smell like all this junk, lord knows what would happen if Rook were to figure out I join you to eat junk and watch movies on Friday nights...” He would trail off and grumble but never turn down an invitation.
It was euphoric in a way, to see Vil come to you at 7:00pm on the dot each Friday. Rook and Epel knew full well you were dating their house-warden and kept it a secret for your sake but what they didn’t know was how much your hippie lifestyle had started to creep into Vil’s routine.
He’d come to you after one of his photo shoots, and look as if he wanted to tear his hair out from stress. He’d walk in and grab you by the collar and kiss you before changing into a comfy outfit you bought for him, much more your style than his. with a flowing skirt, a nice blouse with embroidered flowers, handmaid jewelry, and a colorful bandana to tuck most of his hair back. You'd then drag him out the woods behind Ramshackle and have him help you forage for dinner. He was a natural at botany and poisons after all.
Before, things would be more formal, more of just small talk, asking about each other’s day with tension heavy in the air. not knowing how to connect to each other even though you had been friends for months before and shared a common interest in botany and films. it was so easy as friends but harder as a new couple.
You hated it. He hated it too.
But one day after talking about what you both desired out of this relationship, you both realized you wanted someone to simply relax with. Though your ideas of relaxation varied a-lot. Mostly because Vil didn’t seem to know how to truly relax without doing some sort of physical activity. Lazying around seemed repulsive to him. So you compromised.
You were both interested in botany and naturally grown foods and products, thus why not teach Vil more about the Earth and how to harness it in a healthy, sufficient way? It was still something active in Vil’s mind, thus it’s always how things started until you both made your way back inside and to the kitchen to cook your findings. while you played music from your world on your somehow still functional phone. I couldn't make calls to your family, but somehow still had your playlist intact. Vil thought the music choices were odd but grew to like it and respect it for its message and freeness in expression over time.
Afterward was always different, however. Sometimes a movie, and sometimes just talking or enjoying each other’s presence and cuddling.
“I’m glad, you know…” Vil drawls out with a yawn. you look at the clock, around 11 pm this is late for him, as Vil is usually early to bed and early to rise,
“What for?” You ask with a hum.
“I’m glad I’m here with you…you make me feel so soft and warm." he groans in frustration and rubs the corner of his eye with his index finger, spreading some of his makeup before continuing "No…that doesn’t make any sense…I suppose I mean you make me content and happy.” He hums and smiles warmly, causing you to reciprocate.
“You make me happy too love…” You smile up at him, leaning up to meet him as he leans down and you two share a chaste, emotional, kiss.
“What a wonderful life this is…” you think to yourself.
Tags: @demon-lover-669
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taiiunknown · 1 year
Whipped Cream 🤍…
This story is inspired by my favorite song whipped cream-Ari lennox 🫶🏽
Summary: y/n and Shuri have been friends since teens , they met through their moms . One day y/n Mom get Ill and Decides to let Queen Ramonda take care of her since y/n doesn’t really knows her dad . Around 16-18 shuri and y/n have a on and off relationship without anyone knowing especially the Queen, A lot of bumpy roads both of them ride on with each other , but they figure it out .💔
Warning:possessive shuri,Brat reader,cursing,smut⚠️⛔️(oral,,kissing,strap slinger shuri🌝), death,Angst,fluff, jealousy,light choking 😉,Crying (reader a crybaby), Manipulation, Embarrassment kink, Obeying kink, pussy whipped (reader and shuri), THIS WHOLE THING IS TOXIC AND CONTROLLING SO DONT TAKE THIS SERIOUS
Me and Shuri have known each other since we was around 14 until one day I had to move to America to live with my dad, And yes I am half American and wakandan bc my mom is from Wakanda and my dad is African American. I’ve lived in and out of Wakanda, My mom was really close to Queen Ramonda that’s how me and shuri met. Both of us was 14 and Ramonda wanted to catch up with my mom since both of them grew up together, so Ramonda invited me and my mom to the palace bc she also wanted me to meet her children.
When we arrived at the palace shuri was standing right next to her mom with a smile on her face when I approached them while having my headphones in, my mom snatched them off my head and whispered to me “show respect before I take your phone” she said “hi I’m y/n, nice to meet you” I said sarcastically while staring at them both with a smirk “wow” Shuri said shocked that I am in fact a rude person “Shall we ?” Queen Ramonda said pointing towards the entrance of their home “yes, and sorry” My mother whispered to Ramonda “it takes a village so don’t worry about it” Ramonda said with a chuckle.
When we entered the palace they introduced me to T’CHALLA and he was very kind, After 20 minutes of eating dinner with them and our moms catching up while laughing they dismissed us from the table and told me and shuri to go get to know each other more.
*in shuri’s room*
“Wow” I said walking into shuri’s humongous room “you can make yourself comfortable on my bed if you want?” Shuri said closing the door behind her, I walked to shuri’s bed and did what she said . “Sooo..”Shuri trailed off slowly walking towards me “what do you like to do for fun?” She finally asked “umm…I honestly into technology mostly but other than that I read,listen to music or skate board due to my dad teaching me when I was younger” I said “oh ok that seems cool…I like technology too.” Shuri said smiling while walking away “it’s awkward in here” I said bluntly while now standing up “yea…” Shuri said taking a deep breath “ want to listen to music ?” Shuri asked “sure.”
After spending two hours with shuri we found out we have things in common with each other , from being a popular loner to the music taste . Me and shuri had made a pact to hang out again to get to know each other more since we barely like dealing with people we very much clung to each other like we was meant to be friends, or even more than that, not saying I like shuri or nothing it’s just I feel like we are gonna have a long road ahead of us .
*5 years later*
Today is my 18TH birthday and I am so excited! I can’t believe that I am actually finally legal , I just wish that my mom was here to witness this bc ever since she been gone I’ve kinda felt lost even with the Queen and shuri been a big help with taking care of me since I was 16 and helping me heal , it’s just been a lot and I’ve even been to therapy to deal with my depression and attachment issues.
Oh ya… you guys didn’t know? Sorry I forgot to tell you .
My dad stop calling when I turned 15 so it’s always been me and my mom , But after me and shuri first meeting we have been hanging with each other non stop and I mean non stop. Okoye would say we was attached at the hip and I would 100% believe her . At 16 and shuri was 17 of course , I found out my mom had this very indescribable disease that neither me or shuri can figure out , till a couple months later it was too late , MY MOM TOOK HER LAST BREATH AT 38 Years old . That whole day was the worst day of my life bc I felt to small, like I was trapped in a bottle and can’t help to get out . Everyday I think about her, HER smile, HER smell,HER laugh, HER funny jokes, HER loving hugs, HER supportive ways, HER everything. Saying that I’m doing mentally okay was a understatement, bc I’m not.
(Tonight me and shuri thought it was a good idea to get fucked up and also have fun , so we decided to throw a amazing 18TH party for me)…
I wore a cute champagne spaghetti strap dress with clear heels, And curled hair ofc .
Shuri decided to where a black button down shirt with black pants and a chain with a panther claw on it , Along side some sexy heels she go my for her 19th birthday.
“Y/n hurry we are gonna be late!” Shuri said while banging on my room door “OKAY MY BAD I DIDNT KNOW YOU WAS A PARENT WITH 12 KIDS !” I shouted back bc who was she rushing..
Once we made it to the club I am easily greeted by my little small group of friends, people that came to show love for my party, some of my friends who work in the lab beside me. “OMG YOU LOOK SO GORGEOUS MY LOVE !” My friend rhinestone says “THANK YOU BEBE!” I say pulling her into a hug. “ENOUGH LOLLY GAGGING LET GO GET WASTED !
After one shot, it turned into two, after two it turned into three, after three it went to fourth, after four it went to five, and let’s just say I get wasted quick.
MY song comes on and let’s just say my body was moving on its own honestly, I make my way through the crowd to start moving my hips as the rock, side, to side. I feel eyes burning in my skin , as I turn around I noticed her staring at me with nothing but lust in her eyes, then her eyes follows the figure behind me . Apparently there was hands slowly coming from behind me to grip my hips so I started to keep grinding on the unknown male , bc why not ? . As I look back to the corner shuri was at she was moving her finger in a (come here) motion so I obeyed bc I thought she genuinely wanted something even though I’m drunk as ever, as I got closer she quickly yanked me up by my neck (not in a abusive way THE FUCK) “WHAT TF ARE YOU DOING Y/N ARE YOU TRYING TO TEMPT ME Tonight BY DANCING ON SOME RANDOM AND LITERALLY MAKING EYE CONTACT WITH ME, YOU KNEW EXACTLY YOU WAS DOING , YOU WAS BEING A BRAT AND IM GOING TO SHOW YOU HOW BRATS GET TREATED!” She said in a low shout “meet me in the car, NOW!” She shouted in my ear . I QUICKLY MADE IT TO THE CAR WITH NO HESITATION BC IM IN SHOCK OF SEEING THIS SIDE OF SHURI , I KNEW SHE WAS MEAN BUT NOT THIS TYPE OF MEAN . And not to be that person but I got a little wet at that and couldn’t wait for what she was finna do when we got back to the palace bc me and shuri only had sex once and that was after like 2 months my mom died and it was just sex I needed to relieve my pain and after that night together we promised to just stay best friends and never mention it again .
The ride back to the palace was so silent , I can feel my wetness slowly dripping down my thigh and a pit in my stomach for what ever punishment shuri had for me , when we made inside the palace shuri gave me a quick glance and said “go to my room and strip and you better be naked by the time I get up there or it will be more consequences.” She said in a low tone , I quickly made it up to her room and did everything she told me to do , she slowly walked in locking the door behind and licking her lips like I was a snack , good thing I sober up quick . “Lay down and spread your legs” Shuri says while taking off her shirt and watch, less then a second shuri was between my legs licking my clit at the fastest pace and ever while being three fingers feel inside me , “UGHH- FUCK BABY IM ABOUT TO CU-” with out a thought I came so hard everything felt like it was turning white , “MHM” I squirted while making a high pitch moan that I never did before, I immediately went shy till shuri said “THATS MY GOOD GIRL” she said while slapping my pussy making me squeal a little. “Get on all fours and arch for me Usana” Shuri said while walking to her closet, “AHHHH!!!” I moaned so loud as shuri shoved in with out a warning with her strap while going at a impossible speed “FU- SHURI SLOW DOW-” *CLAP* “HUSH AND TAKE THIS DICK OR YOU WILL NOT CUM !” Shuri said after sending a harsh slap to my ass…
After a hour and 30 minutes of shuri fucking me brain less ,she bathed me and put me to bed after that she gave me a kiss on my forehead.
*two days later*
It’s been two days since shuri fucked me and she been keeping her distance lately, I was wondering why until she came in the lab today smiling and giggling with a girl she had her hands around her waist with . WTF , DID I MISS SOMETHING, I said to my self . Shuri noticed me and her smile instantly dropped, “Shuri can we talk for a minute ?” I said in the calmest voice I could ever have. “What’s up ?” Shuri answered with furrowed brows “who is that?” I asked “Lia” she said “mhm” I said “wym mhm?” Shuri asked with raised eye brow “just mhm” I said turning away and exiting to go back to my room .
“That was weird” RiRi said after I told her about what’s been happening “ so she just gonna leave you WHIPPED like that and bring who ever lia is, to her lab all hugged up with no real answer on who lia really is?” RiRi asked now getting mad about the situation “idk but two can play that game …” I said before me and rir said our good byes and hung up the phone.
*Time skip*
Two months has passed and I figured out that Lia and shuri use to fling with each other so I ended finding me a lil boo too , mykel, mykel has been breaking my back in , but not how shuri use to . I met mykel in the lab a couple times bc she usually the work in the area I work in , just to show him off to shuri I always kissed him in front of her or even let him hug me by my waist in front of shuri and trust me when I tell you , she HATED him!
“Hi babe” mykel said walking inside the lab coming towards my desk. “Hi handsome” i said with a bright smile , Me and mykel only been together for 4 weeks but so far it was going good , “what’s the move for tonight sexy ?” Mykel asked “idk you tell me, Bc no matter how much I will love to watch a movie and chill, I also will love to make a movie of our own” I said while straddling his lap (Right now me and mykel the only one in the lab since it’s 9pm)
“Y/n Will be right back!” Shuri said while grabbing me tightly by the arm and dragging me from mykel lap to a secluded under construction corner
“HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FUCKING MARBLES?!” Shuri whispered/yelled “I’m sorry I didn’t know you was here.” I said “I honestly feel like you are tryna piss me off with that scum you’ve claimed to be with , And also me and you both know he can’t beat that pussy up better than me so stop this madness between you and him RIGHT NOW OR I SWEAR TO BAST I WILL MAKE YOU AND HIS LIFE A LIVING HELL!” Shuri has officially lost her mind , Did this bitch just threaten me to break it off with mykel when she literally has a whole Girlfriend, OH hell no I’m finna turn up on her ass.
“YOU FUCKING BIT-” Before I can even finish I felt a hand wrap around my neck (Not a hard hold) “WATCH who you talking to Phambi kokuba ndimxelele uMntu wakho Indlela ebendindibize ngayo ngoTata, kwaye undithembe i wont hesitate ( Before i tell your Man How I had you calling me Daddy, And trust me i wont hesitate)” Shuri semi Whispered in my Ear . Shuri let go of me and walked off before turning back around and said “Do what I told you….NOW!” Then walked out the lab back door , When I looked around the corner shuri had me held at I noticed Mykel was packing up leaving “Babe? Can we talk for a minute?” I asked getting closer to him “ya wassup, And why was Queen Shuri so mad?” He asked “She just wanted to talk to me about a new project that I forgot about that’s all” “Ohhh okay, We’ll what you wanted to talk about?” mykel asked “I think we should break up…” I said with my head down “Why? Did I do something wrong?” “No!no no …It’s just I need to focus on myself for a while that’s it” I said with a tremble in my voice Tears was threatening to spill bc I seen his face sadden and it honestly broke my heart “I-I understand y/n… I’m sorry I got to Go” Mykel said rushing pass me sniffling slightly bumping my shoulder. When he left I honestly broke down letting all my tears fall bc I really liked him and he made me happy, I didn’t have to go through any toxic stages with him and he brung me hope and peace , but I guess good things doesn’t last forever…But this was the only way for me to keep both me and him safe bc everyone knows shuri is not the one to be played with…
After my little break down gathered my things and went home to cry some more bc ever since Queen Ramonda died shuri has been such a controlling,Manipulative,possessive,Mean person who wasn’t the same kind,understanding, sweet shuri that I use to love being around . It like the more I got older the more her love grew for me, And the more her love grew for me was more possessive she gotten.
*1 Month later*
It has now been a Month since shuri made me break up with Mykel and ever since that night shuri has doing nothing but getting under my skin , for example, she will have me staying in the labs from 5am till 9pm literally doing nothing but paper work or watching her do nothing !, Another time she had me do all her work just bc she claimed she has a meeting when she literally only went to Starbucks and took a nap for 4 hours.
I haven’t seen mykel after that night also, rumor has it he quit and moved back to nigeria. I kinda moved on from him but not as much bc little things kinda reminded me of how happy I was with him. Shuri and her girlfriend are still together of course, WHICH IS SO UNFAIR due to the fact shuri only wanted me to break up so she can still fuck me and keep her girlfriend, Yes you heard me I said still fuck me. Every time I even look at shuri she’s already staring and if I mouth off too her about stuff I don’t want to work on she has to put me in my place it’s either Fucking me senseless or giving me to silent treatment. Believe it or not I’m still madly in love with shuri it’s just she wants her cake and she want to eat it too, I sometimes just don’t understand us.
“FUCK YOU SHURI !” was all I heard outside the lab , When I turned my head I seen A angry Lia stomping away from shuri. When I seen shuri coming towards the door I quickly turned back around acting like I was still working on the sequence I supposed to did yesterday but my head was hurting at the time, “EVERYONE OUT !!” Shuri yelled which made everyone scatter out of the Lab , I grabbed my stuff and was finna leave from my station when I heard “NO YOU STAY !” When the lab was now clear she turned back around to look at me with nothing but lust and anger in my eyes “You look so good right now” shuri said as she looked at my black body con dress with my black bubble slides, gold anklet, and white lab coat. “And why do you have on slides in my Lab ?” She asked with a raised eyebrow while slightly biting her lip “I-I-I’m sorry , I j-ust thought since I wasn’t going to be here for long that I could wear something comfortable” I said stuttering a little bit bc she made me nervous I couldn’t even look her in the eye, “What did I tell you about eye contact?” Shuri said while slowly walking up to me, I didn’t say a word just kept my head down looking at the jewelry on my slides until I seen some black and white retro dunks come in my vision , shuri then lifted my chin with a not so tightly grip that made me look her in the eye “I STRICTLY SAID WHEN I AM TALKING TO YOU , YOU LOOK IN MY EYES , WHEN I AM FUCKING YOU SO HARD THAT YOU CRY YOU LOOK INTO MY EYES, WHEN I AM THREE FINGERS DEEP IN YOU , YOU LOOK INTO MY EYE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!!” Shuri yelled “Y-YES” I whispered “YES WHAT ?!” Shuri said while now giving my ass a harsh slap that made me Instantly get wet “YES DADDY !” I Moaned while biting my lip to try to keep my other ones back “Meet me in my room I need you naked and layed on your back or I promise I will not make you Cum for two months” shuri said I quickly walked out the lab to do what she said when I made it to her room.
Let’s just say that’s after that night Shuri claimed me as Hers and promised me that she will never put me before a bitch who pussy isn’t good as mines ever again, After Shuri destroyed me for 2 hours me and her was layed down naked under her cover while I’m layed on her chest “Shuri what happened to Lia and mykel?” I asked curious “I sent mykel away and banned him from Wakanda” MY MOUTH DROPPED IN SHOCK “And Lia was mad bc I did the same to her and told her , Her pussy wasn’t good and kinda dry” MY EYES AND MOUTH WAS NOW WIDE BC WTF?!!! “Close your mouth before I stick the dick back in it” shuri said while kissing my neck , I quickly closed my mouth bc I’m tired. “I Love you shuri” I said while kissing her boobs since she kinda sitting up and I’m still layed on her chest “I love you More y/n , always and forever. You’re not going anywhere and me and you both know that”
Ever since we was teen we have both been
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dj-bynum3718 · 1 year
Of Fire and Ice - chapter 2
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Melissa Schemmenti X reader X Larissa Weemes   
Summary: The dinner and questioning 
Words: 2367    
Notes: so this is going better than I thought I'm kinda living for it!  Thank you all for the love and support its really making me want to just get this out as fast as I can!! 
Wanings: slight talk of discrimination.  
3:45 the last kiddo from your class finally leaves you take that as a sign to get the heck out of there you don’t want to be cornered before the dinner. You gather your belongings and rush out of the school to your vehicle leaving to go pick up some ingredients for dinner.   
You can feel them watching you pull out of the parking lot you see Melissa and Barbara standing on the steps to the school. You don’t acknowledge them.  
Dinner tonight was supposed to just be leftovers from this weekend but now you actually have to put in effort since people will be coming over. It was lunch when you decided on penne arrabbiata. Your unintentional need to impress Melissa coming to head. So, you go out and buy some fresh parmesan, the rest you have at home, always going to the famers market on Saturdays. You have since picked up some new wines for your collection, so you won't need to get any more and for dessert well you did make some mini cheesecakes yesterday so those will have to do.  
Its 5:00 by the time you get home you immediately set to work on getting yourself ready just because you see these people every day doesn’t mean you don’t want to look nice when they come to your house.
6:30 you have finished touching up your make up and have changed into something comfortable letting your hair out of its messy bun and fixing the loose curls you had this morning. “meh good enough” you say to your reflection. 
6:35 you are starting on dinner it only takes about 20 minuets to finish the meal. When the bell rings you flick your wrist and suddenly the dining room table is set. You open the door and see all your friends waiting. “hey, come on in everything is ready” you motion with your hand to let them come in. 
“mmmh smells good hun what did you make? I can smell the fresh basil from here.” Melissa looks at you, she looks beautiful, she has changed into comfortable clothes herself and it should be illegal to look that good. You swallow your throat suddenly dry. “oh um penne arrabbiata.” she smirks at you oh god why does she do that. “a woman after my own heart I can’t wait to try it.” she winks at you walking into the house with the others.  
You close the door heading to the dining room. “come on in I don’t bite. Well unless you want me too” you joke looking back at them. “Guys I'm kidding” They all sit down at the table and you pull out 3 bottles of nice wine  
This peaks Barbaras interest as she hands you, her glass. You pour everyone some wine and serve the food. You hear the collective sigh as everyone takes a bite, Melissas hand lands on your free one as she nods in approval. Your brain short circuits as you take a big gulp of your wine.  
“so, how do you want to go about the questions” Jacob askes from his place at the table besides Janine. You let out a sigh and lean back against your chair. “Why don’t y’all take turns, we can start with Melissa and work our way around the table. Sound good?” they all nod as you turn your way to Melissa. “Okay beautiful we will start with you.” you don’t know where the bout of confidence came from, but her smile made it worth it. 
“So what kind of outcast are you? We know there are many different kinds so?” wow starting strong “I'm a witch I come from a long line. Don’t worry, the stories make us seem worse than we really are. She nods taking in your answer. 
Barbara takes her turn next “So you can do magic like the movies?” “Well yes kinda but it’s a bit more than that its connected to emotions yes but with practice I can use it for most things.  
“So, this school you went to it’s like a boarding school?” Gregory asks. “Yes, it’s been around since 1791.” you respond. 
“Is it only for outcast or can anyone go?” Janine askes “we have a few normies every so often, but they are rare and far between it is open to anyone but not many people feel comfortable with us.” 
Jacob looks at you now “what is the curriculum like?” “well we have the normal stuff but then some more specialized stuff too.” you respond 
“Who is this lady?” Ava holds out her phone to show the official nevermore page. Showing you a picture of Larissa. Your breath hitch's she is just a beautiful as you remember her. Those blue eyes piercing your soul all over again. You swallow hard before answering. “That is Larissa Weems the headmistress of Nevermore Acadamy” 
Melissa noticed the change in you immediately. “Who was she to you?” “My ex-girlfriend” you let out a sigh and look at her making eye contact calmed you immediately. 
Barbara takes her next turn “is that why you were upset this morning? Is she going to be there?” you simply nod your head in response.  
Melissa skips the others to ask her next question “when was the last time you saw her? And how long did you date?” You look to her confused as you can hear her voice waver. You grab Ava’s phone “we dated for 4 years, and I haven’t seen her in about 6. It looks like time has been good to her” you turn the phone to her “oh she is beautiful” you can hear the emotion in her voice, but you can't place it. “I was going to propose to her but then things started getting hard and I didn’t fight for her.” you shrug. 
Gregory raises his hand. “Yes?” you respond. “Can I go now Melissa Skipped me” you nod to him “cool so like you can do magic can you show us some?”  
You grin flicking your wrist and suddenly the table is cleared, and desert is on the table in front of them. You hear a collective gasp and Jacob claps. “Oh, that would come in handy.” Barbara responds.  
You nod “I use it more than I care to admit” you respond sheepishly thinking back on all the times you have used it in secret at school. The rest of the night goes on like this them asking you responding.
“Well, I do believe we all have to teach tomorrow. “ Barbara says standing “I'm going to take my leave thank you for an amazing dinner and enlightening evening.” the others nod and stand walking with her to the door. All leaving except Melissa who stayed on the couch as you walked them out. 
“You, okay?” you ask her from the doorway. She looks up at you and nods clearly there is something on her mind. You take her hand in yours and sit across from her. “Mel?”  
“What if I go with you?” she asked now you are confused. “What?” you respond not getting what she is referring to. 
“What if I went as your date to your reunion? I could be your fake girlfriend and you can show her that you are better now.” 
“I-I um Mel I can’t ask that of you it's a lot.” you are looking into her eyes now. “But you aren't askin I'm offering... so what do you say?” 
“lets do it” you nod grinning. 
10:45 Mel has already gone home, and you are filling out your RSVP and plus one paperwork. So maybe today wasn’t the worst day but now you have a whole other thing to worry about but till then that can be a problem for future you.  
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taybatwo2 · 6 months
Lenore Loomington Review Part 1 of 2
I already did a preliminary post on here where I compared her price point to other Monster High dolls and delved into some head cannon to try and tie down her design choices and give her personality (I want to pretend she’s worth $81.95 by getting really attached to her….)
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Here she is in box! She came in really quickly. Her box has some really bright hot pink and teal and has a plastic slip cover with more teal designs on the outside. Good news: she already looks better than her promo pics, but her shimmery skin is a bitch to try and photograph.
Box photos and accessory break downs under the cut:
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Trippy. :) The right side of the box. I like the effect, I just wish that the colors or the imagery tied more in with the character’s design.
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The left side of the box has her name in a nice, specialized font.
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The back has a poem on it saying that Lenore followed a light to a spooky garden full of strange creatures and plants, decided to stay (with some “persistence”) and she died, becoming a ghost. Well, that’s a start of something. The artwork on the back is fine too. The most interesting thing from this art is seeing the color differences in the art vs the doll (especially the shoes; seen here as a more lavender/duller color vs the brighter magenta that is seen on the doll).
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A close up of the poem, the signature, and a bit of the artwork. The more I look at what I thought were vines on her accessories, might all be dewy spiderwebs….?
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You can actually make out the detailed sculpting on the flowers better in this artwork than the actual pieces themselves (which is odd as I usually think that Mattel has the better sculpts when compared to competing companies).
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The top of her box is also decorated.
Okay, now let’s rip this bad boy open.
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Here’s the Certificate of Authenticity, taped to the back of the inside sleeve the doll is strapped to. They got specialty textured paper for this, but it feels thinner than the usual paper-board thick ones.
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Here is the inner sleeve. It actually looks a bit menacing and it reminds me of looking at photo negatives.
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Here’s a cute little rat, hiding in the corner, and the poem is also written in parts on the right hand side of the sleeve.
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And here she is out of the box and after I ran a metal comb through her hair. Her hair is soft saran and is a bit fuzzy on the ends.
Let’s look at what she comes with…
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Here is her unnamed spider pet….? Captor?? Accessory maker…? The candles are not removable, but at least it’s a different sculpt than the other spider pets of Monster High.
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(Webby from G2; credits to Serendipity Doll Boutique for Memphis Longlegs and BuzzyLittleBee for the G3 Tarantula pic).
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She also comes with a very tall, sparkly stand….and I get why it’s tall (so she can float) but it makes her hard to fit on my shelf, the bracket wants to bunch up her dress and my doll sinks farther down the stand once she is clipped onto it.
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Here is her major “purse-akin” accessory. It has some cute detailing on it and it’s made of a really light plastic. Actually most of the plastic accessories feel like the really light plastic found on cheaper toys. I was expecting the plastic to be heavier and/or more rubbery (like the chains used in the Haunted Line). The spiderwebs are removable and the candle glows in the dark (which is a really nice detail).
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Okay, her earrings!
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They have the eyeball pansies on top (they’re kinda hard to make out). And dripping candles under it. Sadly, their flames do not glow in the dark.
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Here is the head piece. It’s connected to a headband and it also doesn’t glow in the dark (booooo). It’s an odd size and I feel like the spiderweb should have either been much bigger or much smaller (like stopping at the inner spoke of the spiderweb).
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Everyone (me too, not going to lie) was giving her crap for having hot pink, blobby looking shoes. And honestly, that’s because the photos for it were meh and the color was also….a choice….but I ended up liking them more than I thought I would.
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The eyeball pansies shoe clip-on remind me of the Bloom and Gloom shoes (see Jane’s shoes? that hibiscus POPS in comparison to the mold Lenore was given)….but not executed as well. The sculpt on the flowers are really flat and blend in with one another. :/
Okay, now what shoes sculpt is hiding behind there???
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Look at that hidden detail! The buttons have little button holes, all the little frills and stitching and all that filigree detail on the back of the boots….if only it was PAINTED….
The spectral waves on the bottom of her shoes are reminiscent of Art Class Draculaura’s paint shoes (credit for image: CoyoteCrowCollectables).
From her boots that I was pleasantly surprised with, to my least favorite piece from her: her belt…chest thing…
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Again, the flowers don’t really pop out in the sculpt and it sits really baggy on her in random spots, it just doesn’t seem to lay well on her and needed a few more tweaks.
Now that her accessories are looked at, the next part of my review will focus on her dress(s) and comparisons to other Monster High dolls.
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10 Redacted ASMR Headcanons
like... GOD DAMN
No this sadistic fuck is perfect, he can manipulate/mansplain/manslaughter me all he fucking wants. Anyways, onto the content you’re actually here for instead of me thirsting over this fictional character T-T
Redacted Masterlist
1) Vega once brought Warden something and sat in the far corner staring at them because he wanted them to wake up to see how they would react. Warden stayed still and pretended to be asleep for three days because he was freaking them out.
2) Guy pretended not to know who Honey was when they were ordering a pizza and he picked up the call to take their order. He thought it was funny but Honey just wanted their fucking pizza for once.
3) When Cutie wants to be Geordi’s head, they’ll make a telephone with their hand and continuously make it ring until Geordi picks up.
4) Every solstice party Angel follows David around asking for him to “turn into a pubby for me, Davey. Pleeeaaseee?” he pretends it’s annoying but he actually finds it cute that Angel is so obsessed with his wolf form.
5) During arts and crafts dates with Baabe, Asher gets too impatient to wait for the hot glue gun to melt the glue stick so he’ll hold a lighter over one end so he can use it like an Elmer’s glue stick instead.
6) Vega dresses nicely but pretends to not know that he’s dressed better than most humans because “ew human customs are gross and icky”
7) Milo will make fun of Sweetheart’s mimic of his accent and it goes around and around until what they’re saying is unintelligible. 
8) Freelancer made some really bad art of Huxley and Damien as a prank and gave it to the two elementals. Damien wanted to tell them that it looked horrible but Huxley made him be nice. To this day it’s hanging up in Damien’s apartment and he absolutely hates it. Gavin was in on the joke and he as well as Freelancer find it absolutely hilarious.
9) Angel’s idea of interior design is finding something on pinterest boards and applying it to one room. All the rooms that David lets Angel decorate have no matching aesthetics with another. It’s kind of like a fever trip.
10) Warden likes the peace gardening has. But the moment you overwater or harm their plants they get severely pissed off and become kinda scary. They’re just a very protective plant parent.
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piracytheorist · 4 months
So as I mentioned, I got my copy of the Family Portrait stories!
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It feels weird to suddenly have to turn the pages the left-to-right way, lol. But I guess it wouldn't work the right-to-left way for a book translated to English.
Opening it there's this cute illustration, as well as the winter-y one on the back, which kinda makes me wonder: why is it bound on the book?? I wished there was a safe way for me to rip it off and hang it on my wall. Anyway, both illustrations are super cute!
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And so my collection continues to grow!
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I might order the Eyes Only guide soon, I'm just wary of it including spoilers from a few future chapters. So we'll see. In any case, this might be the first time since I was a child collecting Disney's Ducks comics (and I wasn't that meticulous with those, even) that I've made such a collection! Should things keep going well I intend to keep buying the volumes to the end of the story :D
Spoilered thoughts about the stories included in the book below!
The first mission with the Eden kids going camping actually reminded me that I can find the dynamic between Anya and Damian pretty funny, at least from seeing how stubborn Damian gets. The illustration especially of Damian holding Anya's hand with Anya going like "He can be nice for real??" and Damian going like "How dare she manipulate me into feeling bad for her!!" is terrific and the only way I'll ever see this dynamic, thanks. Also really loved the moment of Damian kinda and dismissively admitting to himself he's also scared of the thunderstorm. Also found it really funny how at the end, Loid is described as handsome XD the writer knew her audience!
In the second story I think I lost count how many times I laughed. While with a deep, interesting layer, Yuri is just so entertaining to me. The most normal guy ever, wishing he was an ingredient so his sister could chop him into her dishes along with pieces of the cutting board 🥰
No, but really, I think there was a lot of care in writing Yuri here. His inner monologue is unending and bound to give Anya a headache, though it was quite sudden to hear him refer to her as a bastard and the spawn of Loid's loins 😳 but I liked the darker tone as he "acted" as a cop and took out his frustrations on the actor, picturing him as a potentially-abusive Loid. It ticks at a very interesting dynamic which I very much hope Endo explores at some point :D
(I actually wonder if there will be a moment post-identity reveal (where Yuri also knows about both Loid and Yor) and he makes a really ugly quip at Anya and Loid goes all protective like "Say whatever you want about me, but hurt my daughter again and I won't hesitate, bitch")
While I found Anya's "interrogation" scene funny, I found it a bit repetitive that she used the same technique that she used with the Red Circus guy from the bullet-in-butt date. Small note, but still XD
For the third story I have both praises and criticism... I understand how it was needed for the story, but I don't like it when characters' disabilities are taken away. It would have made for a bit more complicated setting but it would have been a little more respectful to have Alessa unable to see Franky because she had eye surgery for whatever reason aside from being blind before, and she had bandages on and couldn't see. And Franky would feel like he's on borrowed time because he knows from day to day she'll get the bandages off and she'll face him.
Also, making her nineteen instead of sixteen is just on the verge. And because I have met people who are now professional singers... nineteen is way too young to be considered for opera. She could be training, of course, but it's a very long-term investment. There's a reason most opera singers you see in concerts are in their late twenties at the earliest. And I get that she comes from a musical background and she has a talent or whatever, but again. She could have been aged up to mid-twenties and to me it would have made much more sense.
But as for the good parts, I was actually surprised by how convincing Franky was about wanting to deceive her. And when Twilight turned and asked "Are you sure you're okay with this?" I might have felt a chill. I should have given Franky more credit, haha. And the banter between them was nice, with Twilight teetering on thinking of Franky as a friend, and how Franky ended up handling the situation... that was good, I liked it.
I had already read the last story through a fan translation, so I wasn't surprised by anything new there. It was just as fun and wacky as you'd expect it to be. By the way, I liked the point that story drove on, that despite the painter's success and fame, he only had a cheap apartment for himself and donated all his earnings so that future art students could paint without worrying about the cost of their supplies. Very in touch with the whole story's message :)
What struck me as odd was when Loid hugged Anya to keep the pretense of him being a doting father. I was like "He would not fucking do that" cause we know homeboy isn't ready for such proximity, and an actual hug between Anya and Loid has to have a big impact, the times he held her up while she slept or whatever notwithstanding.
But the ending was really sweet, with Twilight feeling a sense of warmth and getting a bit of honesty in his smile. The last illustration by Endo was very fitting!
Overall, it was interesting to hold a book in my hands and read about the characters that way. I think Aya Yajima did a good job capturing the characters, and I'm always happy to read Endo's afterwords, he really seems like a very chill and down-to-earth guy.
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sadlynotthevoid · 1 year
Has anyone read "Becoming popular through the "All Villains" variety show" (link to english ttl here)? Because it's fcking hilarious.
Anyways, I love the concept of a show were all the participants are hated infamous people who got invitations to said show based only on how much they're disliked. I also love how the audience gets so inverted on them, despite how they were watching just to laugh at them at first.
And that made thought, what about a modern fantasy lcf au where ogCale gets selected to go to a show like that one without his knowledge?
The world would be more like lcf/pre-war tboah world, but with more technology and entertaiment culture on it. Like, magic just dance, arcades for all kind of races, various magical music related devices (not, it's not me wanting ogCale to dance, shut up), economic versions of record tools, etc.
And the audience of that program would be not only ordinary people, but higher beings too. I was thinking of gods, but you can put constellations if you want too (i know little to nothing about orv, so, it's up to you). I was thinking that the interaction with the audience would work kinda like that, floating messages and stuff.
The selection of the participants would be:
Half of them are chosen by voting of that world's habitants. That's how ogCale got selected. Some people (dirty nobles) thought it would be funny to watch him make a fool of himself, the rest (normal people) jumped on board because curiosity or for fun and giggles.
The other half are voted by higher beings and habitants from other worlds that have access to the show and system for whatever reason. Adin is one of them. In part because they want him to suffer, in part because they want people from there to TAKE A DAMN HINT.
Idk about the others participants, maybe some ocs, maybe other characters. Some of them actual bad guys, some of them not (that) bad.
Some shenanigans we could have
•The show requires their participants to live there until the end of the season. So, Cale draggs Hans to stay with him because he needs a babysitter for his cats. Cue, Hans, On, and Hong mocking Cale everytime they appear.
•At the presentation of the participants, Cale, face in blank, stares at the camera with the most dead gaze, and says "I was brought here against my will", takes a sip of a bottle, "basically abducted" completely calm. He's drinking tea, btw. He doesn't drink irresponsiblely infront of his kids.
•The host of the show trying to convince Cale to try whatever challenge they have to do. He goes from reasoning to pleading to bribing him, because Cale won't try it unless he thinks it's fun or he can get something out of it.
•In this AU, Bassen was already named official heir of the count title and Cale had taken care of his corrupted relatives some time before the start of the show. So, he doesn't need to act like trash anymore. He didn't say anything tho. He's just doing whatever he wants, but he's kind of a loner by habit. It's difficult for him to low his guard around people (besides the kids and maybe his siblings). However, as a result, whenever something is happening, he's just commenting the wildest or sassiest things from the side. Or the front. Doesn't matter what's happening, he states facts as makes observations as if he wasn't involved whe he pretty much is.
•*Wild poisonous lizard monster appears from nowhere*
The other participants: *panic, fight, fly response*
Cale: oh, look, it's prince Adin's cousin.
The host, from the safety: ooh, you seem to have quiet a problem there.
Cale: yeah, they have two poisonous reptiles now.
•Cale's bs detector went off from the very first moment he saw Adin. He doesn't know what's up with that guy but he doesn't like it. He tries to avoid him at all cost and pulls the petiest shit towards him at the same time.
•Adin: Nice to meet you. I'm—
Cale: —going back to the other side? Yes, please do that.
•Everyone noted that the trashy young master dislikes Prince Adin, but no one knows why. So they start making up theories and trying to reunite hints from their interactions. The most popular ones are A) the childhood friends-to enemies one, B) the one about them being love rivals for Prince Valetino's hand, and C) the one about them being rivals for Prince Alberu's love.
•When the host asked about the matter, Cale response was—
Cale: hm? Oh, he just buzzes my bs detector.
Host: I— what?
Cale: My bullshit detector. Have you ever met someone and just, immediately realized that everything that comes from their mouth is *beeep*? That you must not trust on them, no matter what? That's it.
Host:...I see. Out of curiosity, how precise is your, uhm, "bs detector"?
Cale: it has never been wrong. There was this time—
•The Soo's are part of the "habitants from other world" group. Choi Jung Soo is the most active one out of the three.
•Cjs outted himself as Choi Han's nephew by accident. Cale's instant remark— "Choi Han, come pick up your kid". He knew cjs was an adult.
•Venion ended up as one of the program's contestants due to some anonymous people spamming votes to mess with him. Just kidding. The culprits are the Henituse siblings + Hans. Bassen was mad at him, so Cale suggested it. Lily joined because "it's not fair that they have fun without her". Hans recorded everything for later.
•Alberu likes to watch the show to distress.
That's all what I have for now. Feel free to add more or write it.
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codenjoyer · 2 years
anyways. some small ideas for a highly self-indulgent werewolf au.
GHOST - cascade mountain wolf (this specific "breed" i guess?? of wolf is extinct btw), bc he will forever be a red head in my mind & they were described as cinnamon-coloured. - second largest of the pack, usually seen as the secondary leader next to price due to his rank - he does not like his werewolf form due to the fact that it reminds him of his father, and the things he'd done to him as a young pup just finding out he could shift.
SOAP - human, knows about ghost being a werewolf, but not price (so far). - has some suspicions about price being a werewolf - definitely thinks that gaz is also a werewolf (only to later find out he's not) - makes a lot of werewolf puns around ghost (& later price when he finds out) - has definitely found ghost out in the woods as a werewolf & just chucks his clothes at him "put ur fucking clothes on, wtf are u doing out here simon" - image of charlie day with the information board "EVERYONE, EXCEPT ME, IS A WEREWOLF"
GAZ - human, unaware that price & ghost are werewolves - more of a "i don't believe in werewolves" kinda guy - that is until he sees one of them shift in front of him, then he's just like "what the absolute FUCK" - most people, even other werewolves, assume that he is one bc he has a lot of werewolf-y traits; this just comes from the fact that he was (unknowingly) raised by a werewolf.
PRICE - labrador wolf (i just think price would be a very fluffy wolf tbh, no other reason for this) - oldest & third biggest member of the pack (was the second biggest before könig stumbled in) - following actual wolf pack structure, he has adopted soap & gaz as his own & treats them as if they were his kids on occasion. he's tried to do the same with ghost, but ghost was not having it. - price finding gaz like "what the fuck is that?? is that a human?? a werewolf?? lemme go check him out"
ALEJANDRO - mexican wolf, but he's unusually big for a species of werewolf that is usually pretty small - while he understands that rudy is human, he honestly sees rudy more as another werewolf due to the wolfishness rudy picked up from him inadvertently. - has 100% tried to court rudy like he would another werewolf, but later remembered that rudy is not another werewolf (totally not embarrassing for him)
RUDOLFO - human, he knows ale is a werewolf, he doesn't really care too much. - they grew up together, so he also has some wolf-y traits he picked up from ale. - he knows ale views him more as a werewolf due to a time when they both sat down for a drink, ale told him just about everything. he tries his best to emulate werewolf traits bc of this, he doesn't want ale to feel like he's alone as a werewolf (even though ale kind of is bc - as far as rudy is aware - there are no other werewolves, besides ale's family, where they are from.)
KÖNIG - eurasian wolf or steppe wolf?? idk what to make him - largest, big fluff guy. fur out the wazoo - very intimidated by his own strength around humans, he does not want to hurt people inadvertently, unless they give him a reason too - hes got one of those dog sweaters that just says "anxious" on it, thanks to soap - doesn't know where he exactly fits in with the 141, price seems to be nice, but ghost is very standoffish with him, gaz reminds him of a wolf but is human?? and soap... well, hes basically off limits for friendship with the way ghost hovers around him.
GRAVES - technically not a werewolf, he is a werecoyote - he just has those kinda vibes. idk what it is. - i dont have any other ideas for this bitch (/aff), hes just coyote - hates that he is a werecoyote & not a werewolf, he has some issues. (definitely gets made fun of behind his back, mostly werewolves referring to him as "werechihuahua" bc of how small he is when in his were form)
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tloubraininfection · 1 year
I have no idea how I ended up in this rabbit hole, one second I was researching something about the second game and the next I was crying my eyes out watching that part where Ellie goes back to Joel`s house and ho boy! When I tell you I went through all the stages of grief all at once I mean it. And now I have to process this, cause I have thoughts!
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This always gets me, cause look at all those flowers and cards! Joel was LOVED, people in that town knew him, cared about him and now they are grieving him. Not only that, they know and care about Ellie too and they want to support her through this awful time, show their love. They both live in a community that cares about their own. There are no words to make a loss like that better, nothing could possibly fix it, but having people care and be there for you? It still makes all the difference.
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And now we go in, the house looks so peaceful and inviting. And it’s just a small thing, but I love the figurines on the coat rack. At this point Joel is gone, but you can feel his presence at every turn, as if he`s about to step into the room and invite you for coffee. There is so much personality in that house.
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I love the living room, there is so much light and space and it`s filled with books and art and things to enjoy with other people. And there is the TV! So that means this is where the movie nights were held! And that table is perfect for board games. And on the mantel there is Ellie's drawing of Joel. He actually framed it and displayed it in the central place of the most public room in his house, you know, like a proud dad!
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Also at this point I have to bring back this gem! May I present to you Joel's drawing of Ellie. I guess it`s safe to assume that the talent skipped a generation. (It was a collectible that never made it into the actual  game, but I love it so much I just kind of ignore that fact!)
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And right next we have a dining room, with a big table and another fireplace. It’s a room ready for entertaining, for friends, for family, for dinner parties and game nights. And in the corner there is a  bar cart and a wine rack with some fancy looking bottles. There is also a nice tea set and an electrical kettle (although why would it live in the dining room and not in the kitchen beats me).
There are also two jars labeled “beans” and “seeds” on the shelf for some reason and one that I`m scared to ask about. I guess you need snack with all that alcohol?
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We also have this photo, it looks like it was taken at some sort of party, Christmas perhaps? We can see Jessie, Ellie, Tommy, Maria and the fifth person that kinda looks like Joel? His general outline and the flannel would suggest its him, but why is he seated so far away from Ellie? Unless it was taken sometime during their estranged. Or Joel was sitting on Ellie`s right and was actually taking the picture. If the first I have so many questions!
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Now that’s a huge ass kitchen! And it`s so well equipped, I don’t have half of those appliances in mine. It looks like a kitchen of someone who not only knows how to cook, but also enjoys it a lot. Also that to-go coffee cup is killing me, don’t ask me why.
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Nothing to see here, just a girl crying over an owl mug. Let’s move on!
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I love all of those details, because they show how much Joel was taking care of his house and himself. He was keeping it nice and clean, the things have their proper place and he was doing or planning on doing some DIY projects or remodeling. It`s all so intentional and comes from a place of care. Also he has linen shelves and even an iron and an ironing board. You better believe all those flannels were always nice and ironed.
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I`m going to repeat myself, but I love this house and how bright and specious it is. And the fact there are painting all over, mostly of horses, it’s just so Joel. And on the landing we have this photo of Miller brothers.
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This is my favorite room in the house, it always moves me so much, because there is something so human about it. Once Joel was no longer forced to burn all his energy on survival he turned towards arts almost immediately. He spent over 20 years barely being human at all, refusing to live, refusing to see the world. And now he`s healed enough to search for beauty, to let himself be surrounded by it. You can survive without it art, but you can’t live without it. And I like to think it gave him some peace.
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I just wanted to include this too, because Joel and Ellie`s studios mirror each other so much, just like the artists themselves. And it always makes me cry that Ellie kept that rodeo figurine, Joel`s very last work of art…
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Just a quick detour into this bathroom, because it`s just another way to show that Joel took really good care of himself, he spent time on his grooming routine and he wanted to look presentable.
(Although the twigs have me baffled again, what are they for?)
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I also had to include this, cause it’s the most contraaactor thing, just look at this contraption! I bet it works like a charm!
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Joels closet, with all his jackets and his pack. I wish we got to see him rocking that pink-sleeved jacket! I mean, c`mon!
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Just a quick look into the second bathroom, because it’s a very silly place and I need a breather before we do the next part. There is a mirror missing here for some reason (I have a hunch it`s the one Ellie has in her garage house thing) and there are some mysterious bottles in the bathtub and a pot on a counter for some reason? And it sits on an electric cooker? What is going on here? What are you cooking, Joel? Meth?
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Okay, this place really pulls on my heartstrings. The photo of Sarah, that once upon a time Joel was unable to even have in his possession, let alone look at it, is now on full display. He is able to live and be reminded of her every day and for those memories not to kill him, but rather hold him. He`s finally able to look at that photo and feel something other than pain. And right next to it, there`s a photo of him and Ellie (and a horsie, Shimmer perhaps?), Ellie looks very young in that one, so it`s most likely from their early years in Jackson. And both of those photos sit on a dresser right next to his bedroom, so he sees them every day right after he wakes up.
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There is also a candle right next to Sarah`s picture and I believe it`s for both of his daughters. In memory of Sarah and as a guiding light for Ellie, to help her find her way home.
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Joel`s bedroom is such a cozy place, he has a nice chair for reading and listening to music and he even has one of his guitars there. I also really love that wooden Texas outline, I bet he carved himself. And he has a silly throw pillow, we have so much in common!
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And it`s time for some more crying, because “Space for Dummies” and reading glasses. They were 2 years into their estrangement and Joel was still not losing hope that someday she`d come round, that they’d get a chance to repair what was broken in their relationship and just hang out again. And then he would impress her with all his fun space facts? You know? He never lost hope…
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And just to round this trip up let’s get outside for a sec and see the backyard. I think the vegetable garden is a nice detail since Joel cooks and fresh produce right form his own backyard would come in handy! And of course the back porch, the one for playing guitar and having heart to heart with you daughter.
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Also I need to include this, because fishing. Ever since I read "Catch and Release" by SentientMassTransit (I can’t recommend it enough, go read all of Ellis`s stories they are brilliant!) I have fishing brainrot and just looking at this thing makes me so happy, just imagine Joel and Ellie going fishing! They are so so lucky, they have all the time in the world to chill and be happy, right? Right?
Anyways, I love this house and how it tells you a whole story about Joel and his journey. Because this is a house of a person who cares about themselves and their space, a person who knows how to live, how to enjoy fine alcohol and a fine meal, how to throw a party, how to make art, how to listen to music, how to create, express and enjoy.
Compare it to his apartment in Boston:
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How dark, empty and desolate it was. I know it`s not really fair, since a lot of things that are possible in Jackson would never, could never happen in any QZ, but I still think that those two places represent Joel a lot. And they tell you a story about his growth, his change and his healing. A difference between those two spaces is a difference between a man surviving and a man living a full life.
It wasn’t time that did it, it was his relationship with Ellie that set in motion this whole process. And it was crucial, but it was just a beginning for him. Everything that followed was his decision and it required a lot of hard work. He rebuild his relationship with Tommy, he had a meaningful role in the community and he made friends! And after his falling out with Ellie it would`ve been incredibly easy for him to go back to his old patterns, but he fought against it, held onto life, art and people. He chose every day to live, to take care of himself and his house and he had enough passion for life to turn it into art! It shows how much he`s healed, how much he`s grown and how far he has come.
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In this house we belive TLOU2 ended here actually, he went on fishing, playing guitar, making art, spending a lot of time with his daughter and even becoming a grandpa! He`s very happy, thanks for asking!
Most of the photos come from this page: https://thelastofus.fandom.com/wiki/Joel%27s_house
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