#the comics did medic so dirty
mikadll · 4 months
i'm gonna be honest, i am highly annoyed by the fact that this is one of the few times we actually get to see medic involved in direct combat and the comics decide to just kill him for the sake of, what, motivating heavy to face off classic heavy? boring ass writing decision
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don't get me wrong i love the comics but i highly dislike how they played up medic to be important only to kill him off just to further the plot and give heavy more screen time 😐 they made him as disposable as a connery-era bond girl and it sucks ass so bad. what was the point of subverting the "passive healer who can't fend for themselves" trope with medic's entire character in general when you end up playing it straight for drama in the comics anyway? Fuck's sake lol
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coolfireguy73 · 1 year
Brezeln, a full comic
(Really didn't think it would be this long omg I'm tired)
Context, Medic's ma is at the base and, as the sweet sweet little grandma she is, want to bake snacks for everyone.
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Here's a bonus:
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And a bonus bonus:
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Hope you liked it ! :)
I actually wanted to add another scene where they knocked at the medbay door while medic is doing surgery on demo. Medic's mom enters but quickly comes out because she doesn't want to bother him while he works but he's like:
"Did you make Brezln ?! Omg, I didn't have one of your Brezeln for so long !"
And drops everything to get one and demo, still on the table is like:
"Hey ! I want one too ! Get me one !"
(I also also, had another scene where they wanted to give engi one at his workshop, and he really really want to taste one but his been working all day and his hand are very dirty so he tries to quickly find a tissue or something before she goes away)
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cheemscakecat · 8 months
Tf2 comic details I noticed
Heavy and Medic very much give me the vibe that they know each other better than the rest of the team knows either of them combined.
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This is the first time Heavy is seeing Medic again after the team split, but he’s likely been briefed on the mission to rescue the others. So he’d know about Medic being with Classic team. I think he knows what game doktor is playing.
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Medic warning his bestie that Classic has a gun as soon as he can breathe enough to get the words out.
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And then heavy proceeded not to care about the immortality machine, because his friend died to a man with no honor.
2. Found some more pain again.
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Scou no, hon-ey. [Cries]
3. Emesis Blue parallel/foil?
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RED Sniper was locked out of the room, but he managed to get in through a window and saved Spy.
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RED Spy tried to use stealth to defeat Classic Sniper, and it would have worked if the man wasn’t a dirty cheater with robo-eyes. He got shot in the leg.
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Even if he’s grumpy and standoffish about it, Spy did in fact give his Sniper some credit. And a cigarette when he wanted one.
I’m assuming the suit argument comes from not wanting the man -who takes kidney enlarging pills to produce more pee- to use the drip like a diaper and lecture him about Classic’s soiled britches.
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It’s actually BLU Soldier that wants RED Sniper to die slow this time. Maybe because he still believes in Archibald being a good man, and he’s angry about what happened to Scout.
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Spy had a really good opportunity to shoot Butcher Pyro, but decided to try and threaten the man with a bigger, faster gun anyways. That’s crazy, talking about “Take off the mask” like he’s gonna be threatened.
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He gets shot in the leg for it. Other side, but still near the knee.
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Soldier has to run for cover [because powerful gun] and the door locks behind him. He isn’t able to open it after Butcher Pyro runs out of bullets, leaving BLU Spy on his own.
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And then he does get tortured.
Also, it seems like BLU doesn’t know RED Sniper very well at all. Spy had to be reminded of his Sniping moral code, but he was still salty about the cheater and bleeding near the knee.
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Sniper doesn’t monologue. He did talk to Pauling about his parent situation, but why would he talk to the enemy teammate who shot half his leg off and left him to bleed out? Doesn’t sound like him to me.
4. RED Medic brought Sniper back to life after 12 hours, and post-comics I feel like the BLU team found out. “I seen the other side”. And…
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BLU Medic killed RED on sight. Either he assumed he was with the Bloody Engineers, or he knows that guy’s crazy and he’s not taking chances.
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Also for all he knows, that’s undead RED Hoovy. Given the fact that RED Medic invented the ubercharge, and Heavy was the first teammate to demonstrate it. And this nightmare hoovy is against Builders League, so how would he know better?
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Swallowed Whole by The Flame (Messmer the Impaler x Tarnished! Reader) 6
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Summary: Judgement awaits within the Shadow Keep.
A/N: The first part of the chapter will be in Messmer's POV, during the events of when he's thinking of what to do with you. Then, the second part, cuts to your arrival back at the Keep.
A03 link
Chapter 6: Judgement
Five days ago...
Messmer is used to the darkness, the curse he carries, waiting for a day for the pain to be lifted and for him to return to his mother.
Messmer broods in his throne room, with only winged serpents to calm his worries, whispering in tongues only he knows. He's conflicted, bemused by it all, but most of all, he's feeling betrayed. Years of trusting his mother, believing he is doing all of this in her name, serving her dutifully as any soldier and son would.
So, when some wretched creature enters his Keep, blessed by grace - his mother's grace - he thinks it's all some cruel joke.
He was ready to pluck the seal out of his eye, despite knowing it was Marika who placed it there for his safety. It pains him knowing he could've ended it all and released the base serpent out, only for not his mother to stop him, but you. You, Tarnished, a creature all should hate, and he's been taught to hate, is reluctant to hear your words.
Miquella? What did all of this have to do with him? 
You're an intriguing, annoying thing, slicing at him and giving him a mark, and he admits you're a good fight too, though sometimes sloppy, opting to fight dirty than fight him with no healing nor add-ons.
He's tempted to return it to you tenfold, to have his flames consume you as you scream. But where was the fun of having  to deal with you coming back to him, over and over again, pleading your case that he so desperately didn't want to hear. He heeds your words, your warnings of his undoing, and he listens, like the fool he is, he listens to the words from the enemy. Why he trusts you is uncertain, that you could already be hoping for his demise and he was accepting it all with some flimsy words from a Tarnished.
It's only that he captures you when he can finally think, though he curses that all you did to him, he will do tenfold. You're locked up, suffering and rotting, but he feels he is the one suffering. Burn her. Something tells him inside. Burn her and be rid of her.
He finds himself alone in the abyss, staring heavily in thought at the scar on his arm, running his nails along the raised skin as his other clawed hand grips the armrest too tightly, cracking in his grasp. He wishes that is what he can do to your skull, but he has restraint. Better to deal with a broken thing than one with their mind still intact.
It's by the third day of your imprisonment that he finally decides to leave the throne room. Dishevelled, lacking sleep and in need of a good bath and decent meal, his body aches from being sat on the throne for so long. Sleep can wait, he needs to be rid of this pain however fleeting it is. The muscles in his back ache with every step he takes, a debilitating pain that gets worse if he does not move around. He curses himself for worsening his physical health, but it matters not when he finally finds his way to a familiar physician.
Ser Aldwin is so focused on his books that he doesn't even notice the demi-god lumber through, only when he hears the faint hiss of one of his serpents does the Nightfolk abruptly stand to full height, bowing stiffly. "My lord. I did not hear you enter. Is there anything I can help with?"
Messmer does not answer, but it is obvious to Aldwin how clear his discomfort shows on his features. "Oh, my Lord. Please, take a seat. I shall ready the medication."
The redhead half collapses to the cot, comically half of the demigod's size as he's crouched rather than sitting comfortably on it, his eye falling downcast in shame. He was a soldier, shaped from youth in his mother's eye to be the very vessel for tyranny, and here he was, doubled over in agony, wishing for it all to be over.
Aldwin is quick, which Messmer silently thanks him for, and he helps by removing his helm and discarding it to his side. He next removes the amour and chest pieces until he is shirtless. He can feel the weight of the snakes coiled around him, putting weight on him as he tries to keep his suffering to himself. 
Gathering the oils on the table, Aldwin ushers Messmer to lie on his back, where the healer pours the warming oils into his hand, working them before he begins a deep tissue massage. The relief is almost blinding, and Messmer hisses from both relief and from how sore his muscles feel.  
"You are... unusually quiet, my Lord. May I ask what troubles you?"
"The Tarnished," he grunts, shutting his eye as he lets the warmth of the oils soothe him. His skin feels stiff, burning to the touch, but he continues, "I questioneth wheth'r I am being too lenient."
Aldwin hums in both thought and deep in his work, massaging around the areas where the snakes protrude out his skin, and it has Messmer wheezing. "The fate of the Tarnished seems to be on everyone's mind, my Lord. A difficult situation as to whether she speaks the truth or not."  
"Rather a thorn in mine side."
Aldwin chortles, in which Messmer casts a brief side eye to him before closing his good eye again. It's difficult to speak when all Messmer wishes to do is cry out.
He thinks about what his mother did, singing to him softly when he cried from the great discomfort. It was easier to control then, but the older he got, the more the serpent grew, twisting in size until it crushed his spine, putting pressure on his organs until the pain grew intensely. With his eye closed, he can still picture his mother's features, from her soft, caring golden eyes, to her flaxen-coloured hair, long and braided. She would tell him about the days of her youth, promising him one day they would go back to it. 
Messmer is thankful he is lying on his front, for he subtly wipes a stray tear away.
"Perhaps, my Lord, it would be best to seek a deal with the Tarnished. To see if she is worthy of your trust."
"Mine trust? How?"
"Send her away if you must," Aldwin says, "you have hundreds of eyes on the field, awaiting your very order. If they hear or even see of her return to Miquella and his followers, you know where to find her."
Messmer thinks hard, resting his chin in thought. "'Tis a valorous idea, Sir Aldwin," he murmurs, and correct he is. That is, however, if the Tarnished is truly lying, Messmer doesn't know if he has the strength to be enraged. A tired man, he's almost bored by it all. It would be some tiring game of cat and mouse, one which would not end until one grew bored. Worn from it all, all he wishes to do is sleep.
He sits up as Aldwin finishes off by applying more of the oils to Messmer's chest before bowing his head politely. "I shalt has't her sent to thee, Aldwin," Messmer answers finally, dressing once more as his loyal fire knights address his lord. "Ready the prisoner a visit."
"My Lord." Aldwin bids the redhead farewell as Messmer is crowned with a new purpose, to see if the Tarnished is worthy of his trust. When he visits her cell, he sees she is already awaiting him. She looks as dishevelled as he feels, almost ripped from sleep. When his knights send her off to Aldwin, she walks with some hesitation, wary of what he is doing. It pleases him, to some extent, that she feels unsure of him.
He leaves with his personal black knights back to his chambers, where he asks to have a bath readied. The ointments and bath oils are most handy, especially to dispel any further aches he has. But, the content he usually has in having a bath is wasted when his mind is brought back to the Tarnished, and he thinks whether it is all worth it. His serpents coil around him, their whispers help soothe him, and he leans his head against the tub, calming his mind to calm like ripples in the mightiest of seas.
When she is gone, he is restless, a heap of anger mixed with the endless paranoia that she has gone and done what he dreaded most. How long does it take to travel?! He questions, and his spies have their answers that help calm him. The last he hears is she has made just outside the ruins, having stopped someplace in the woods to sleep with her stead acting almost as her guard dog. 
He almost laughs at the motion, but that day passes, and more go past. There is no news of her for some time, and he mentally feels as if he may rip his seal out and hunt her down personally. His anger boils, his winged serpents twisting around his body matching his anger. It draws into something he vows he'll destroy, her body, her soul, her entire being, erased from ever existing.
It's only when his loyal warrior, Commander Gaius asks if he can personally be sent out to hunt down the Tarnished for her betrayal that something snaps in him. "The Tarnished is mine to deal with." He growls, and those of his spies and knights seem to still upon hearing his orders. 
His war meeting is cut short when a fellow spy enters the room, hastily rushing to Messmer before remembering the courtesy of bowing in respect. "My Lord, there has been a sighting of the Tarnished. She travels to the Keep."
There are mutterings among his men, some of disbelief, some muttering it a trap, but it is only Messmer's voice whose matters. "Let her through."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
There is an unbelievable coldness to the Keep when you enter through the main gate. There are only a handful of soldiers around who seem to be reluctant in your next moves. Dismounting from Torrent and clutching your side, you hobble your way through, escorted by his men who tell you Messmer awaits for you in his throne room. How odd that he wants you there rather than waiting for you outside the gate. Did they not receive news of your return?
Something churns in your chest, a sickness of nerves you cannot place, but you are silent as you pass the corridors, damp and endless. The Grace sits just outside his doors, begging you to reach for the golden strings of life. You wonder if anyone within the Keep can see it and if Messmer can too. You can feel its warming touch, but you're not close enough to fully heal, rather connect you to it so you don't wake at the previous grace if you die. All you can do is pass alongside it, entering through the doors to be welcomed coldly.
Messmer sits atop his throne, stoically staring down at you, his spear grasped in hand. It is not just him that awaits in the room, but many of his knights, all poised as if ready for you to make the wrong move. 
You stand in between them all, looking at every knight before your eyes land once again on the demi-god.
Finally, with difficult footing, you make your way slowly towards him. His knights hold a grasp on their unsheathed swords and spears, holding stances and waiting for you to make a move that could jeopardise all your hard work. The pain in your side worsens the further you walk, certain the wound has begun to bleed freely into your bandages once again.
Messmer watches you with a stony face before he speaks aloud. "Is't done?"
You wonder if he knows you're bleeding, elongating your suffering further as you somberly answer. "Yes," you inhale sharply as you rest a hand on your knee to help lower yourself to the ground, taking a knee, "my Lord."
The room is deafeningly quiet, so much so that you feel nauseous. You keep your head bowed, pride washing off you like sitting by the shoreline, awaiting the larger waves to sweep you away. You've come so far that you cannot take it back.
Your hands shakily move to your bag, still attached to your belt, unclipping it. The bag has soaked to a darker colour, some of the blood as dried yet still some soaks heavily into your already bloodied gloves. You grimace at the texture, before chucking the bag forward, it landing a couple of meters in front, causing a loud, squishy sound to echo when it thuds against the base of the throne.
Messmer seems to have something lifted inside him, his posture has straightened in his seat, looking more amused than uptight. He eyes the bag before he looks back down at you, a small smirk appearing on his face. Go on, his face reads as if he's awaiting more, more of this humiliation to please him further.
You sigh, hands reaching up to your helm, tugging upwards until the clatter smashes to the ground in a thud by your feet.
No one is speaking which makes things worse, and you wish to be swallowed up whole by the ground than face more of this. You eye him carefully, sweat beading down your forehead. The room feels as if it's spinning and with the seconds feeling like minutes or hours, is when Messmer finally does something.
He stands. Slowly and methodically walks down the stairs as he approaches you. Your heart races and the little amount of blood in your body rushes to your head as you look away from him, looking to the ground until he is right in front of you.
Strangely, something holds your chin, so tentatively that it's an odd feeling. Clawed fingers urge you to look up. Messmer has tilted your chin up so your eyes slowly drift onto his face. So close once more in front of you, you mutter loud enough for only him to hear. "I did what you asked of me, didn't I?"
"Thee didst," he coolly responds, his touch still lingers as he accesses you carefully, "the keep is yours to doth what thee prithee. Thee has't mine own protection and alliance."
Good. You can finally breathe from the moment you step into the room. Messmer pulls away from you, his touch lingers on your skin and you falter to almost stand. "I acquire your healer's aid... if I'm allowed?
He looks you over once more, one of his serpents is far too close to you, its thin tongue tasting the air as if it could sense something you could not. Before it could reach any closer, Messmer moves back, turning his hunched back towards you. "Doth as thee prithee."
What Messmer expects is to hear you leave, for him to finally feel some semblance of pride strengthen within him. Rather than that, he hears your fading footsteps abruptly stop, the sound of garbled choking echo through the large room. All heads turn, his including, to see just in time your weakened body materialise into nothing but dust, a pool of your blood soaking the ground.
Messmer likely: omfg, did she just fucking die
Imagine Messmer's fear, anger and panic as to seeing you die right in front of him, readying his men to go through a hunt for you throughout the Keep and even the lands, only to see you've popped outside the front doors of his room. Though, if we're keeping to the game, you should pop up by the site of grace WAY outside, but I'll give some wishy-washy reasoning of "Marika was feeling nice and allowed you to pop up again at a site closer in the Keep."
All in all, I love the idea of Messmer slowly growing obsessed in trying to find you constantly. Call it hunting, but this man's paranoia is on high alert.
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maxwell-grant · 2 years
PIZZA TOWER Characters ranked by how good they actually are at making pizza:
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Gustavo: 5/10, 6/10 if he really puts his back into it. 9/10 if he’s making chocolate pizza which he doesn’t anymore, since it’s bad for Brick
In theory he SHOULD be the best pizzamaker of the bunch, unlike Peppino he clearly isn’t undergoing ten mental breakdowns per minute and he’s got an actual apron, plus he’s the only one we see delivering pizzas to satisfied customers in-game in the Gnome Forest. But since nothing in the game currently seems to indicate he has a pizza business, I’m going with a headcanon that Gustavo actually specializes in pastries and sweets, which is why he can seemingly keep himself in the Freezer level where all pizzas freeze solid. He does enjoy eating pizza, but Brick eats all the cheese in the house before he can even think about making one for himself.
Mr Stick: 2/10
Mr Stick has been subsisting on cheap takeout for decades now and cannot be trusted near an oven, or near a grill, or near a kitchen period, Peppino just lets him into his to keep him away from the cash register. If you ask him to make a pizza, he will charge a stupidly high amount just for heating up frozen calabrese. Still ranked higher than other characters only because he probably still makes pizza that’s marginally edible, as he definitely won’t want to risk a lawsuit by making you sick.
Pepperman: 8/10 if you really like peppers, 1/10 if you have a pepper allergy or just don’t like them
Pepperman point-blank refuses to be anything other than completely and totally excellent at everything he sets out to do, others not agreeing with his vision of what excellence is (mainly himself) is quite frankly not his problem, and he ESPECIALLY refuses to let himself be outdone by that wretched brute of a chef. Pepperman taught himself pizza-making out of spite purely so he could outdo Peppino, and he’s actually kinda great at it? Spite IS the perennial driving force of most of Pizza Tower’s characters after all. But obviously he doesn’t know, and doesn’t care to learn, about making any kind of pizza that isn’t stuffed full of peppers. If he’s feeling charitable, he might bake you a pizza with his face on it, and then throw a tantrum if you defile it by eating it (only HE can eat his own face).
Vigilante: 1/10.
Vigi’s family business seems to specialize in dairy and I think for the most part he sees pizza as cheap grub for city slickers (getting beat up by Peppino was kind of a wound to his pride), the whole idea just kinda abominable. He’s also a sentient pile of cheese who wears dirty gloves all day, if he did try to make a pizza, it would probably taste like dust or gunpowder or even have bits of him in it. That being said, he throws a MEAN barbecue, if you can talk him into changing his gloves you should get him near a grill immediately.
The Noise: -100/10
Noise is not legally allowed to be in most pizza establishments by court order, and the Domino’s lawsuits were a massive pain to settle as is. The Noise just does not cook, period, but luckily for him he can eat basically anything. He’s paid to advertise food products and NTV has personalized energy drinks, but his main diet consists entirely of tequila and cigarettes 24/7, and dozens of doctors have diagnosed his insides as some kind of freakish medical emergency that should take effect but never will. He’s like Mr Burns, it just all cancels each other out.
Noisette: lmao good luck
Going by her comics in the wiki, Noisette is just completely incapable of making anything that isn’t sweets even when she tries, and the fact that she hangs around The Noise makes it so that she has no sensible parameter whatsoever for what’s edible or what’s gonna give someone explosive diarrhea. She does run a coffee shop with at least some customers in the cast, she’s probably fairly good at baking, but if you ask her to make a pizza, the best you can possibly hope for is that she just makes you unusually large crepes, and hope you don’t hear an ambulance in the distance before eating.
Fake Peppino: ?????
He’s about as good as Peppino, ironically enough, but it’s a 50/50 on whether you enjoy eating his pizza or his pizza enjoys eating you, but hanging around Peppino and the others at minimum has made the third outcome, that is him eating both you and the pizza, statistically less likely.
Pizzahead: 7/10 at first, score gets lower everytime you eat it again
He SELLS decent pizza, is the thing, but obviously he never has to make any of it himself, not when he has all these countless food businesses and mascots and cooks bending to his whim after he enslaved John and took over the tower. “Being good” at making pizza is a laughable concern to him, when he frankly never even has to try, when he can just sleep during your escape sequences while everyone else has to do the hard work. The entirety of the background in Don’t Make a Sound is a testament to his catastrophic carelessness, you literally find boxes saying the monsters were mail ordered by him, and how little consequences matter to him (I don’t buy the idea that he’s driven by any kind of jealously towards Peppino, so much as he just targeted Peppino mainly because he could).
Pizzahead’s pizza is the kind of pizza that you get hooked in at first, and then makes you feel kinda empty or sick afterwards after a point and makes you think you probably should have eaten something else, but you’re still coming back another day or week when you have no energy or money or time to cook or buy a decent meal, so pizza it is again, and it keeps tasting marginally greasier and shittier and more depressing everytime until at some point you can’t smell the damn thing without wanting to vomit, and you swear off pizza entirely until you wind up back there again and, hey, it’s tolerable this time, and then the process begins again, go ahead, eat Pizzahead's product, wageslave, maybe you’ll start liking it again soon enough, he makes all the dollars and you make a dime and that's why you vomit on company time.
Gerome and John: 10/10
Gerome is probably the only character in-game who keeps a clean kitchen considering his job, and John is some kind of weird god with teleporting powers and sub-dimensions tied to him, and also the secret ingredients Gerome has the keys to wind up resurrecting John, but mostly I think it’d be funny if the characters who would be the absolute best at making pizza would also be the ones who would most reasonably never want to have anything to do with pizza ever again. I like to imagine The Tower Brothers having these miracle recipes and magic touch that both Peppino and Pizzahead desperately want, able to make the most unfathomably delicious Anton-Ego-flashback-inducing pizzas ever conceived, pizza that tastes the way you thought it tasted as a kid but actually much better, and nobody will ever realize it and they will never even touch a pizza again after it ruined their lives and home.
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5/10. 6/10, if he really puts his back into it.
Yeah, it’s okay, Peppino’s probably an okay chef. Peppino as a chef is kinda like Mario and plumbing: you know it’s what he’s supposed to do, he sells an identity tied up to it, but you never actually see him do it, you see him doing literally everything except his job and you just kinda have to assume that he's good enough at it. Peppino’s pizzas are probably the most normal thing about him, and maybe the only normal thing about him, really.
He does manage to convince the Bosses to not kick his ass in exchange for free pizza, which means said pizza has gotta be at least somewhat tasty, but also, his place is a dump in the middle of nowhere, he can’t afford proper kitchen wear, he scavenges ingredients in the wild without hygiene concerns and getting his greasy hands all over them, he doesn’t have any staff and runs himself ragged doing everything solo, everything he touches tends to be destroyed in some fashion, he has zero patience, and by now he’s gotta have some kind of pizza-related trauma or several hundred after everything that the game put him through.
I kinda like to think Peppino, in spite of everything stacked against him and how fiercely he fought to defend his business, is ultimately a mediocre but decent chef, who happens to be an unstoppably gifted wrecking ball of a fighter (and talented dancer), who really just wants to keep being a chef in peace, and peace is the last thing he ever gets.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 3 months
Phantom Grin
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: Bruce Wayne visits his son's grave on the night of his resurrection. Will it change Jason's fate, or is it all simply inevitable?
Chapters: 18/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain
Relationship(s): Jason Todd/Original Character
Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, Jason Todd Has Chronic Pain, Jason Todd is Disabled, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Resurrected Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne Get Along
Chapter Eighteen: Dick's Day Out
Dick visited Jason and sat with him while Bruce followed a lead. Jason watched TV with his head near Dick’s side of the couch. “Master Dick, Master Jason, are you hungry?” Alfred questioned. 
“Sure. Thank you,” Dick whispered, “Jason?” 
“Okay,” Jason mumbled. Dick playfully mimed elbow dropping on Jason’s face. 
“I’m killin’ you,” Dick joked as he threw in a few mimed punches. Jason laughed and swatted his hand away. It was the first time he’d smiled since the bathtub incident four days ago. Dick jumped at him. 
“Ooh, you wish,” Jason replied. 
“There he is,” Dick smiled, “What’s going on? Everyone’s acting weird.” Jason’s smile faded. 
“They didn’t tell you I blacked out twice? Did they tell you I hallucinated being covered in blood? The nightmares? ” Jason questioned. Dick shook his head. 
“Nope, they told me they found you the other day,” Dick answered, “They didn’t tell me anything. Jason, how are you doing?” 
“I’m scared to sleep. I can’t trust myself. All my senses are lying to me,” Jason replied, “I—.” Dick smiled. “Why are you smiling?”
“What if your senses aren’t lying?” Dick questioned. Jason furrowed his brows. “Okay, walk me through everything.”
Jason explained how he met Indigo at the church and lost time the last few times he met with her. He told Dick about his nightmares and the migraine. Alfred brought their lunch and Jason’s medication. “Thanks, Alfred,” Jason whispered.
“Thanks, Alfred,” Dick smiled. After Alfred left the room, Dick sighed. 
“Now, do you get it? I’m losing my mind,” Jason replied. 
“No… I don’t think you are. Jason, eat up. How do you feel about rolling with me today?” Dick asked. 
Jason scarfed down half a tuna sandwich and french fries before taking his meds. “Dick, what are you saying?” Jason asked. 
“I’m saying you should trust your senses. It sounds like you’ve got your first post-resurrection case, and we should work it together,” Dick smiled. 
Jason finished his sandwich, swallowing hard before replying. “Dad’s gonna lose it if I go missing again,” Jason mumbled. 
“I’m not gonna lose you,” Dick reassured.
“I’m gonna get in trouble,” Jason replied.
“Damn… I’ve never known you to be chicken,” Dick half-smiled. 
Jason scowled and finished drinking his milk. He stood up while Dick taunted him. “Shut up, I’m gonna get dressed,” Jason replied. 
Dick waited at the foot of the stairs. Jason threw on a thick hoodie, jeans, and combat boots. “Jesus, Jason… It’s eighty-seven degrees and sunny out there,” Dick half-joked.  
“I know,” Jason replied. 
“Hm… Okay,” Dick mumbled.
Jason frowned at him, pulling his hood up before heading down the stairs. “Don’t do that,” Jason grumbled.
“So, we can’t talk about it?” Dick questioned. 
Jason chewed his lip, turning around as Dick stood at the top of the stairs. “My skin hurts. It hasn’t stopped hurting since the bathtub. I thought it was a reaction to being in a dirty tub, but I don’t have a rash,” Jason replied. 
“Then why are you covering—?” 
“Before I show you, you have to promise to stay calm… And believe me when I say I don’t know how it happened,” Jason replied. Dick nodded, and Jason pulled his jacket up to reveal slash marks on his stomach, then he rolled up his sleeves to show the scratches and bruises on his arms. 
“And this was after the bathtub?” Dick questioned. Jason nodded, covering his arms. “Did you tell—?”
“Dad’s freaking out… Barbara and Tim want to run tests on me. Cass—. Actually, Cass is the same,” Jason whispered. Dick nodded, leading Jason to the car. “Can I drive?” 
“You’re experiencing blackouts—.”
“And you drive like you’re in a videogame,” Jason interrupted.
“Hm… No, we’re gonna stick with the driver who’s sure to remain conscious,” Dick answered as he patted Jason on the back. 
“Tracking device?” Jason questioned.
“Can’t be too careful,” Dick answered. 
Jason fell asleep in the car, and Dick parked and waited. Jason breathed heavily as he unbuckled his seatbelt. Dick unlocked the door, and Jason got out. He let Jason sleepwalk down the street before following him. “Please be sleepwalking for cool reasons,” Dick whispered. The leisurely pace Dick walked at concealed his worries. He refused to let Jason see him waver. They got to a crosswalk, and Jason started to cross the street while cars drove through, and Dick yanked him by the back of his shirt. “Easy there bucko.” He held on until the crosswalk light turned on. Jason crossed the street and continued toward the church. Jason headed through the front entrance of the church. 
Slipping through the hallways with general ease, Jason found the staircase to the basement, and he stood at the foot of the stairs, trembling. “Father?” Jason asked, pausing to wait for an answer. Falling to his knees, he stared at the rug in the corner of the room. Beads of sweat formed on Jason’s forehead, slowly dripping down the sides of his face. Jason started praying in a whisper tone that quickly built into a loud and fervent petition for protection. 
Jason fell on his back as if pushed and swung at nothing. “No… No. No. No no no no—. Stop!” Jason screamed. “Stop!” 
“Jason,” Dick called him. Jason swatted something away and started running up the stairs and out of the church. Dick followed him. “Jason, wait up!” 
Jason cut through the courtyard and exited through the side gate. “Jason, snap out of it!” 
Jason made desperate crying noises as he cut his clothes on the briar bushes. Beyond the bushes, was a partially forested park across the street from a graveyard. Jason grabbed his arm, before falling on his back. “Please,” Jason begged. Dick stopped in his tracks, staring as something struggled with Jason. He sobbed and kicked before clutching his throat. He gurgled and choked as something dragged him toward a grave. Jason gasped and sat up. 
“Jason?” Dick questioned. 
Jason turned to Dick before throwing up in the grass. Dick pulled Jason off the ground. “What happened?” Jason questioned. 
“I think you reenacted a murder,” Dick replied. 
“No… I experienced it,” Jason rasped as he pulled the neck of his hoodie down to reveal a scar on his throat. Dick winced. 
“Running the risk of sounding like a jerk… Are you playing some kind of—?”  Jason glared at him. “Right.”
Jason walked toward a grave and pointed to the stone. “I think—. I—.” Jason shut his eyes and sighed. “There are two bodies in this grave.” 
Dick scratched his head. “Well, we’re not digging up a grave in broad daylight… What do you wanna do?” Dick questioned. 
“I wanna work the case. Come on,” Jason replied. 
“Where are we headed? Do you have any idea?” Dick asked. Jason paused, shutting his eyes. 
“Can you call your friend, Helena?” Jason asked. “I need to know where she picked me up… Also, this was a new grave when I dreamt it.” Jason looked at the year and swallowed hard, turning away to compose himself. 
“Jason? You o—?” Dick looked at the tombstone. “Hey, are you—?” 
Jason held his finger up while he fought the rising nausea in his throat. He choked it down. “This was a week before I died, Dick,” Jason mumbled.
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nikoofdeath · 4 months
So! Well I'm working on my tfw comic here's some info on the characters! Mostly red unless marked otherwise.
Spy: is tough love, he keeps others at a distance. But truly cares for the younger ones on the team (scout, runt, demo, sniper. [He isn't sure of pyro])
he will train them but push them to their limit. Rarely swears, but when he does it is in French.
Scout's mom is the only person to ever see through every disguise he has. She knows his body language and calling cards or quirks. When he would disguise himself to see Scout against his contract. She knew it was him every time and always found a way to kiss him.
Sniper: social to learn what the others quirks are. Would in theory betray them for half a peach.
Will steal items of the her mercs and hoard them. Can become obsessive sometimes.
Isn't interested in romance or sex, he'd rather observe others than get his hands dirty. But has strong friendships he refuses to admit are friendships.
Reads alot of books.
Climbs trees to get away from others will sleep anywhere. Has a habit of passing out in the middle of the day due to a poor sleep schedule.
Forgets to hydrate and eat, drives medic nuts.
Soldier: the only man to ever scare this brave American is heavy, has a respect for that man and will not cross him.
Made his wedding ring out of shrapnel from battles he and Zhanna have been in.
Speaking of Zhanna he loves her more then anything. If anyone slanders her they are dead. Very. Very. Dead.
His raccoons are his children. He thinks Pauling doesn't know about them, but Pauling is the oen that feeds them food that keeps them from getting ill form the poor diebt soldier gives.
Soldier can speak at least one other language, but no one knows what it is. He rather use it to easedrop on others then use it.
Collects things that remind him of his childhood and his wife for the possible prospect of children. "They will grow up as I did!"
Engie: when higher had a beard, pyro makes him shave it though as the comic gose.
Met Pyro before Pyro was given thr job. Was the one to tell Pauline about them.
Grew up with Leo in bee cave. Got him the job when Leo ran out of money for med school.
When is mad gets loud and stomps. Will drown self in work jf stressed.
Uses ductape for too much. Atheist 40% of his tech is reliant on duck tape somewhere on its body.
Pyro: is female.
Was daughter of someone who gave her skills to run a company.
Is very smart along the lines of Dell, tarvis, medic and Leo. But dosenr flaunt it. Sees it as nothing.
Has panic attacks. The mask helps with them liking being held tight and in smaller spaces.
Can read people well. Has those who are therapist of the crew check on those who are not ok. Knowing they are scary.
Collects taxidermy, runt gives them the failures if hers. Decorates the taxidermy in hats and doll clothing.
Can set anything on fire.
Demo: has made his own alcohol it sadly if touches the air will explode so uses it in bombs.
Loved Hawaiian shirts. Has always wanted to go but never had the time.
Is the one that tends to thr guardens of the base. Won't let pyro touch them after thr incident.
Is the therapist's friend but also the trouble maker will give you good life advice but also tell you to do something stupid. Thare is no invtween.
If it wasn't for heavy he would be the glue. Will talk to anyone. And helps cook most nights.
Has tattoos and feckless.
Scout: keeps a plush bear his dad gave him. Him. The others tease him but spy struggles not to tear up when he sees it.
Has a baseball his mom gave him when he got the job. Dosent know spy is the reason he got thr job. His mom begged him as their wasn't any Jobs for him.
Is forced to mentor runt. Iant a big fan of this but dose it for pauling.
Is more respectful than he acts. He acts loud and rude to seem cool. But his mother put a strict respectful streak in him.
Gave his dad a feather when he was 4 he doesn't remember. But Spy keeps it in his hat.
Heavy: is quiet gentle gient.
He is very smart and rather watch then talk.
Is very loyal and has had a..talk with soldier that if he ever hurts Zhanna he is a dead man. Soldier now refers to him as Sargent. He won't tell the others what he said.
Cooks well, but rather not do it. Not something he enjoys.
Is a artist. Paints in his free time.
Sings alot as well and plays five instruments.
Medic: is of Jewish descent. Doesn't..talk about his family or what happened in the war.
Has a gold ring he wears at all times on a necklace.
Dosenr talk much. Unless you get him talking about science. He loves to learn.
Is older than everyone. Rumor has it he knew the original mee teams. Uber has some interesting effects on life expectancy.
Guilty pleasure is anything chocolate.
Has money insecurities due to past. Will do anything for a bigger paycheck....anything
Leo: is medics apprentice. Has been working for 3 years.
Is quiet but loyal.
Has a gf back home. Sees runt as a little sister.
Runt and he have been pen pals for over ten years. A school project is how they ended up sending letters.
He knows what happened to Runt. He is the one who convinced Pauling to interview her.
Is shocked runt got the job was fully ready to tey to blackmail Pauling.
Runt: the youngest of the group. Only having a year of work under her belt.
Was trialed for six months before first battle.
Has alot to learn. But wants to do everything perfectly. Is rough on herself for this reason.
Can't lose this job. If she does she is sent back home or die. Has hallucinations so fears will be put into a loony bin if family finds out.
Is eldest of six. Loves her family.
Spy teaches her how to torture people. She enjoys it perhaps too much. For her she likes to know how people tick.
Blu engie (G): is quiet bur social.
Has a sadistic side. Will gutt you if given chance.
Second in command of Blu.
Was born without left hand, when engie lost his right he'd make jokes to his short cousin about it.
Is Dell's cousin. He is younger but taller.
Is patient and if mad gose silent. He dosent emote much unless he's with someone he likes or trusts..oddly enough..runt of red is one of those people
Pauling: finds scout cute but puts job first.
Is nerdy type. Has played dnd at least five or seven times.
Loves to collect rocks. Has a few scout and the mercs gave her.
Loves to read.
Has coffee more than anything else. Her hands shake because of this. Still is one of the best shots of the whole crew.
Teaches scout to read when they have days off.
Runt and her go out to get coffee and Runt gives her info she already knows but likes having a female friend.
Well that's it suffer I guess idk I got a comic to make!
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With TF2 being a main focus again, I’ve decided to at least write my self-shipping stuff for fun for myself!
Although Excavator will likely star in future writing and/or comics, I have to admit I have more fun just slapping myself next to Medic because that is self-love to me. So the lines may blur a bit
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Edelweiß (TF2 Storyline)
How did this happen? Excavator wasn’t sure herself. Seeing as Medic threw his hippocratic oath out the window, he isn’t the most reassuring. Yet they developed a close-bonded friendship with each other.
Excavator is the one who usually throws Medic a bone the most on the battlefield (and sometimes literally too). She’s fended him from near death experience many times. Her help extends in her free time to care for the baby baboon nursery and some voluntary projects.
Archimedes has taken a liking to the digging woman. She shares her sunflower seeds with him. There isn’t a day she doesn’t ask for him when seeing Medic.
It wasn’t until Archimedes had heard Ex open up about her feelings for Medic. Medic was intelligent, charismatic, energetic, surprisingly patient with her, incredibly dreamy… Archimedes spoiled this secret to the doctor!
At first, he thought it was endearing she found someone like him to be gush worthy. He might’ve playfully flirted with her in amusement to surprise her. But it’s not long until he realizes he felt the same way.
Excavator is his best friend. Ex always put him first and supported his dreams. But he also felt his efforts to protect her were fulfilled with being taken for granted. She was very sweet yet a force to be reckoned with. So much that factored in his deep-rooted affection for her. A grounding force for his racing mind.
Medic and Heavy already dated in the past, so he was worried of ruining another work relationship becoming awkward. He took the risk anyways, and luckily for him, everything turned out far better than expected.
Edelweiß (Modern AU)
Medic has cheated the devil before, so he WILL do it again! He not only lives in the same modern day as me, but he doesn’t look like he aged at all. Nothing genetic rewiring and black magic can’t fix! Doing so has allowed him to sneak into being a doctor again in a new state. He carries out his medical mysteries at home which may or may not include copious amounts of stealing for materials and tools.
We bump into each other in the middle of a HomeGoods. Although he got in to escape the cops in the evening, I’m just looking for a lamp to put in my new apartment since I just moved into town. We feel drawn to each other and exchange numbers. It’s not long at all until we become great friends.
It wasn’t long until I found out his dirty little secret in his… medical interests. However! I promised him I’d tell nobody about it. But in exchange, he found that I would have to help him as his partner in crime
Of course, feelings manifested regardless and the two of us became the world’s most unhinged power couple (well, second most compared to Zhanna and Soldier)
Now time for fun mushy stuff!
We definitely enjoy just sitting beside each other and reading our books. Usually we pick out our own separate novels. But we do like to occasionally read the same book together before bed. This will vary from a picture book to huge medical textbooks
Our main ship song is Here Is The House by Depeche Mode. Runner ups include Edelweiß (yes The Sound of Music one), Who Knows What Love Is by Strawberry Switchblade and My Heart Goes Bang (Take Me To The Doctor) by Dead or Alive
We pretty much bounce off each other’s playfulness. If you stood in another room all you’d hear is endless giggling and maniacal laughter. His energetic, kooky nature is one of my favorite things about him
Medic does enjoy teasing me for his amusement. Something about seeing me so shocked or horrified over his dark jokes or some sort of medical rambling is adorable. It's never anything mean thankfully, just lighthearted banter
I do have to chase after him sometimes if he's accidently caused anything life threatening.
We do work together. Enjoying one another's presence is a big thing for us. There are two desks down in the lab extension to our home. One for his studies and another for me to craft nearby him.
I'm genuinely surprised just how much of a hidden romantic he is. He never fails to surprise me with roses and never turns down the chance to cuddle at all. He's old fashioned but never fails to make me smile.
We both have a shared past trauma about dating partners. We used it as strength to be better people for ourselves and each other. There's at least an understanding of what we don't want to ever put each other through knowing the feeling of abuse. With my more complex childhood things however, he's not at all bitter about it.
Nothing's better than falling for your super best friend <3
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Future Plans
Set some time after the war with the Saviors. Could be considered part of my Daryl/Grimes Sister series though it is written in a slightly different style.
After Rick and Michonne take a big step, you and Daryl talk about your own future. 
Dedicated to @minervadashwood, @littlegodzilla, @green-eyedladywrites, @bringinsexybackk69
After visiting to see the newest addition to the Grimes family, you followed Daryl as he led you into the apartment the two of you shared. Two days ago, Michonne had delivered a healthy baby boy and though you had been in the delivery to help support her and your brother, Daryl had not. He had been out on a hunt, so he had yet to meet his new nephew, at least until today. It had been a little while since the last time you had seen your love holding a baby, first your niece Judith then little Hershel but it was just as adorable now as it had been then. And now you had a physical reminder of it in the form of a couple of Polaroids that Rick had taken. Polaroids that you couldn’t stop staring at.
“We have to frame these, especially this one,” You declared as you waved around a photo of Daryl and your newest nephew. The baby had his eyes open a little, looking up at Daryl in wonder while Daryl did the same thing, RJ looking so little in Daryl’s strong arms.
 You were so focused on the photo in your hand, that you didn’t notice Daryl watching you, taking in your reaction. You were so happy and excited for your brother’s family. When he had returned lugging a large deer back to Alexandria, you had met him at the gate, throwing your arms around him in a hug even though he was covered in sweat, grime, and deer blood. Not that you had ever really cared about getting dirty, but he knew as soon as he saw the smile on your face, you weren’t just happy that he had returned.
 As you walked him to the pantry, you quickly filled him in on what he had missed. Daryl felt bad for not being there for Rick and Michonne, but he knew they would appreciate that he brought home food to help feed everyone. Once he had cleaned up, the two of you headed over to see your family. RJ was bigger than his sister because his mom having enough to eat and not constantly on the run plus better medical care.
 Daryl was sure he had never seen Rick smile so big and so much in the years he had known him, he almost looked like those creepy dolls you’d see at the roadside carnival if it hadn’t been for the look in his eyes directed at Michonne and his children. He had almost felt like an intruder and had looked to you, about to say that you should head home when the words died in his throat. You had taken RJ from Michonne’s arms, rocking him gently, a small smile on your face when he felt his heart and stomach do a flip. Just like it had years ago when he figured out, he cared about you in a different way than the others in the group and that he wanted you. That was when he figured out why.
“We should have a kid, a baby.” Daryl blurted out, interrupting what you had been saying but also not wanting to wait until you finished. If he did, he might have lost his nerve and that was the last thing he wanted to do. The thought of seeing your belly grow as you were growing his kid or cradling it in your arms as you tried to get it to sleep was something he found he wanted more than he ever thought he would.
 Your head shot up from the photo at his words, and you were sure you had to look comical with how wide your eyes would have grown in surprise. Not to mention the way your mouth was opening and closing as you tried to come up with something to say. It wasn’t as if you had never thought about having kids before; you had, but it had been a long time since the thought was even a blip on the horizon. 
Not to mention that it wasn’t a discussion that you and Daryl had had before. The two of you were always more focused on keeping the other’s kids alive. Love and commitment between you was not in question, you knew Daryl was it for you and you for him. You didn’t need a ceremony or a license if those still existed to tell you that. With your group and family being as secure as you had been since before the fall, thinking of this now made sense. “Okay.”
One of the largest smiles you had ever seen bloomed on Daryl’s face as he took in your answer. “Okay?”
Smiling back, you nodded. “Yeah. Let’s have our own little asskicker.”
Daryl moved to stand closer to you, and you were positive he was going to kiss you, instead his mouth opened. “Let’s get started.”
 The words were no sooner out of his mouth, than he moved towards you, lowering his shoulder so that he could sling you over it, your ass up in the air while he held your legs and made his way towards your shared bedroom.
“Daryl!” You screamed in surprise at his action before erupting into a fit of giggles.
I hope you enjoyed! If you don’t mind, give this a reblog so others can enjoy it too. Thank you.
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charlieslowartsies · 1 year
Hey, so I'm not sure if someone has asked you yet, but I'm fascinated by how you use the Cybertronian language in your transformers fics. How does it work exactly?
This got long, and I’m sorry as always. Thank Primus for read mores.
For starters when I FIRST began working on Resonance and realized I wanted to try putting Cybertronian into it, I read the wiki page, more specifically the opening paragraph:
It should be little surprise, given a moment's thought, that distinct Cybertronian languages exist. The Transformers did not go about speaking English or any other known Earth language long ages ago on their distant metal world. Though the records of such conversations are frequently translated for us, we should not forget that these conversations originally flowed in odd electronic syllables past strange metallic lips, or were etched by alien hands long eons before the first humans painted muddy shapes upon dark cave stone.
‘Fuck.’ Was my first thought. ‘I’m about to try and work an ancient language into this damn fic about a human and an alien robot boning/becoming soul mates…and I want it to be believable.’
‘College linguistics comes back to haunt me.’ Was my second.
So I’ve mashed several continuities together, from the comics to the tv show to the Bay/Knight movies. That sort of gave me a big door way to wedge information through, winding it around plot, and Cade and Prime’s interactions. There’s also more than one alphabet, because of course there is.
I wanted Cade and the Reader to bond as much as Cade and Prime did learning, and Prime teaching him/us. While Cade’s spent a handful of years with the 2.0 team, any lessons would be sort of like Cybertronian 101, rough and dirty. I didn’t want him fluent, (because how?) and reliant on the bots to explain more than they assumed. (Taken shamelessly from my own background. My mom and Uncle speak fluent Spanish but I know broken bits and pieces. I can swear like a sailor though.)
I also leaned into sticking to verbal lessons and displays of the language in action, instead of ‘Cade read a book’ which I think helped make it more…interesting? Hopefully!
Things, phrases, and manners of speaking Cade would be interested in just to help him survive among the bots. The word for ‘I’m a medic, don’t shoot my ass, I can help you!’ is kinda more important than names for Cybertron’s dead Primes or famous landscapes/battles.
Cade can speak Cybertronian better than he can read it, and indeed in Resonance the language is dying among its own kind, sort of like in Atlantis: The Lost Empire. (Not as degraded/gone though.) A younger mech that hatched off Cybertron and grew up amongst the stars only knows what they’ve heard/read or if an older mech transferred the language to them.
I decided to lean into Transformer’s physiology and history and create a few rules to stick to. Here’s a few from my notes, subject to have changed but I don’t think I contradicted them??
1. Transformers do not have a word or specific phrase for ‘please’ in Cybertronian. Instead of ‘Please do/give/take/etc X’ it would simply be removed from the vernacular. You don’t really ask a lot, you demand/take/coerce/threaten.
2. Yes is ‘Affirmative’ and no is ‘Negative’ and used more frequently than yes/no in reply to someone.
4. Short, stilted, and cutting phrases should make up the language when being translated into English. Blunt, but inseparable.
5. Delicate, kind, or sweet terms when being soft or gentle with a treasured person, such as an offspring, friend or mate. Long, lyrical, almost poetic??
6. Repetition to increase intention. “This is very good!” becomes “Good-good-good!” and perhaps engines might be made to purr a little to indicate pleasure/enjoyment/contentment, or optics would be squeezed shut for trust blinks like cats lol!
7. Nonverbal vocalizations slip in and out around Cybertronian as much as English. Static might come across grating to us, but static to a Transformer could mean confusion, alarm, or merely mumbling to oneself. It might not indicate stress—humans hear static and would be troubled, but a mech might be confused if a human heard their staticy sounds and assumed something was wrong. (Reversal, soft and wet sounds are jarring and foreign to Transformers, or usually mean something malfunctioning to them. Whistling from our lips is a great trick, they would think.) Steam whistles, and metal whistles but organic creatures making the noise? Woah!
8. There ARE other dialects but not gunna parse into them deeply or I’ll go nuts and the fic will derail. EX: Vosian (Vos) Vilocitronian (Vilocitron), Kaonic (Kaon) etc. Combatron is a colony thank god,can get away with it dominantly Cybertronian if I need it.
9. Look into Dragon Langauge/Thu’um and study.
10. Cade and Prime are ‘You-and-I’ when talking to one another, their special designation for each other. ‘They-Who-Are-One’ means the same but used by third parties. Prime also uses ‘Light-of-my-Spark’ or Sparklight, and ‘Cade-Beloved’  
Those are old notes, dating back from Res’ early chapters in 2019.
Part of what helped me picture how I wanted the language to work was translating bot’s names into what I imagined their ‘true’ designations would be. It became kind of fun, actually. Especially seeing how short names could turn into long, almost lyrical titles. I wanted Cybertronian to sound harsh, heavy, and grating to humans in the fic, but also at its heart be flowing, connected and ever changing like the bot’s themselves.
Some were self explanatory to their ‘English’ version, some more esoteric. Starscream became ‘Screams-Like-Dying-Starlight.’ Terrifying but it paints a picture of what he does, what kind of fight he will give you, etc. As did ‘In-His-Crosshairs’ or ‘Drifts-Through-Darkest-Skies.’ Saying that 'Crosshairs and 'Drift' were what they were called on English seemed like a good way to show that we, as humans, are the aliens to them as much as they're alien to us?
Optimus Prime had other titles that both worked as nicknames or insults, depending on who said it their inflection. ‘He-Who-Reigns-War’ was meant to be heartbreaking as it was, well, kinda true. He doesn’t like it, Cade doesn’t like it. Many Autobots won’t use it.
Because I don’t study linguistics/zero time to study as much as I’d like, I have to absolutely work on rules and tweak them on the fly. I try to stick their speech being present, more than temporary.
‘Did you get hurt?’ would become ‘Hurting?’ and ‘I don’t like this at all, this is scary!’ becomes ‘Do-Not-Like! Scared!’
I wanted the Cybertronian dialect in Resonance to be emotive and rich in gestures, and firm statements. Abstract but ‘in the moment’ and very much still reliant on body language and tone versus tons of explanations or verbal hypothetical’s. There are noises and sounds humans cannot pronounce in this language, but there are work arounds within reason and, of course, a Cybertronian listening a human speak any Earth language can engage almost within minutes through learning and copying.  
I hope this answered your question DX Sorry for the rambling!! If you read this far 200 cookies for youuuu
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consistentsquash · 1 year
5 Short Fic Recs for Friday
going through some family medical nightmare so didn't really have time to check out a lot of new fic. also blog is on queue sorry if i missed any mentions and stuff. hope to be back when life gets better! anyway this week's recs! mostly old fic rereads.
The Concentration of Salt in Fresh Water (After the Deluge) by Jay Tryfanstone. Ginny/Giant Squid. 100 words. Drabble. The writing feels so atmospheric and evocative. I am really on a Tryfanstone binge at the moment and loving it. Especially love the prose and the storytelling creativity. Definitely on the LJ fandom prose style side.Which can be pretty different from modern styles. YMMV. Wishes unwritten rise like bubbles to the surface. Some – don’t burst.
2. October by ashesasheshackles. 3 Drabbles. 300 words. The first drabble is a super sharp character study of Barty Crouch Jr. Really precise and powerful. Even without the costume of another's flesh, even if it was his own bones that propped him up, his father would have failed to see him.  
3. Devotion by Anonymous. 26000 words. Complete. Snarry a thon 2023 fest collection. Snarry fic. Intense/dirty bad/hot/wrong. Exactly what I want from my Snarry! Though the worst crime of all is Potter’s. "Did you want to die?" Also The boy knows — he knows — he can take anything he wants. That bitter surrender is surrender all the same. That the force of Severus’ loathing is fed by his longing.
4. Ouroboros by eldritcher. 26500 words. Complete. One of their older fics which got reposted on AO3. Omg. The level of whoa! in this fic. Dysfunctional John Wick Voldemort wins, gets his revenge and ofc victory is totally pointless. When he understands that he gets depressed. Like really depressed. Like Kafka levels of depressed. Voldemort seducing Narcissa ftw. Voldemort pimping out Narcissa to get Snape's loyalty even more ftw. Honestly this fic was a total feverdream. Its not really a pairing fic. More of a Voldemort character study. It was a gentle game from then. I saw to Narcissa every day, cocooned her in pleasure and safety, and softly snuffed out her devotion to her husband. Lucius, poor Lucius, was too proper to pleasure his wife as she desired. I, on the other hand, had spent my childhood in the alleys of London’s East End.
5. charitable explorations by oh_gilderory. This is a Wolfstar comic with Trans Sirius Black. Complete. From the HP Trans fest 2023 collection. Short and sweet. Modern AU. Streamer Sirius. Kind of blurry and i had to zoom a lot on my kindle. but idk maybe that's just my kindle. But definitely wanted to share it because I loved it.
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brokendeathangel · 1 year
Have you read Tanjiro's Status chapter? (takes place Post-story)
I want to write a 50 page essay regarding the bonus chapter of KnY because I have a lot of mixed feelings about it (mostly anger and disbelief) and kinda lowkey disappointed how the bonus chapter turns out. I thought the timeskip/next generation ending chapter was super bad but no! The bonus chapter actually surpasses it; which shocked me! I wish it didn't even exist.
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But I'll just do a super short comment regarding the bonus chapter to avoid scaring people away. Lol!
First of all, the bonus chapter did everyone dirty! Especially the main characters! Like seriously? Gotoge-sensei, do you hate your main characters so much?! The main characters don't have any future life plans at all after demon slaying except Zenitsu (which we all know right from his first introduction that he wants to get married and live a normal life). I mean, I can understand that it's hard to think of something up for Inosuke but for Tanjiro to not have any future plans at all after demon slaying? Your main hero? Seriously?! Also, the poor boy mentioned that he can't sell coals anymore in the long run because people are switching to electricity and ... that's it. We were left hanging on what happens to Tanjiro's future after that. Yes, he will later on marry Kanao but even then, we only know this fact because it was mentioned by Gotoge-sensei outside of the official comic! Also don't get me started on Tanjiro and Kanao pairing. It is so out of the left field (It's like Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley pairing all over again but even more random!). Tbh I think Tanjiro should've married Mitsuri or maybe even Shinobu instead of Kanao because they have more chemistry and character interaction (at least in the anime). Gotoge-sensei could've made Tanjiro/Kanao work by showing how they fall in love after their demon slaying days ended, but nope! It's just one page (if I'm not mistaken) of Tanjiro visiting Kanao for medical check up in the Bonus Chapter. How are the readers suppose to pick up on the fact that they're in love and will live happily ever after just based on that one page?! Both Tanjiro and Kanao deserves a better love story.
Moving on to Nezuko. My poor dear Nezuko. Even when she's turned into a human with free will once again... she has no character growth. She's just nice. That's it. Just a nice girl. A nice and hard working girl. She's so nice everyone! And helps her brother and her friends around the house. Wow, amazing! Gotoge-sensei should've written the Bonus Chapter based on Nezuko's perspective instead. Write about how she felt when she was a demon all those long years and the anger/sadness/trauma it caused her. Or if you want to go for a more positive story, write on how she overcame her trauma with the help of her brother and friends. Alas! Nezuko ends up being just The Typical Nice Shounen Girl Character in the end.
Next, Inosuke. First of all, I just want to mention that when I was first introduced to this character in the anime; I immediately thought that he has the best and interesting character design and personality. Sadly, he ends up being the most boring character out of the main three because Gotoge-sensei really doesn't know where to go with Inosuke. He's just a loud wild child and... that's it really. In the Bonus Chapter, he remains relatively unchanged even after all the tragedy he went through. I mean it's not a bad thing to remain the same person but personally, I think Gotoge-sensei could've pushed the character to become more than just a loud wild child. What a waste of good character design. Also, I think Inosuke and Nezuko should've been the end game. Yes! I went there.
Lastly, my beloved Zenitsu. (Warning! I will be super biased here because I love my Zenitsu ok?) You would think that I should be really happy and pleased that the Bonus Chapter story actually revolves more around him. But no, I am actually angry that the Bonus Chapter focuses on him at the expense of destroying his previous character growth. WTF GOTOGE-SENSEI WHY YOU DO THIS?! I'm mad that he reverted back to his old personality after all the hardship, hardwork and trauma he went through. I mean sure, Zenitsu was suppose to be the comedic relief character (aside from Inosuke) but I think he no longer matches that role in the end; especially not after experiencing a life changing tragedy. Plus, wasn't it his goal to be a better person than before? Shouldn't that be Zenitsu's happy ending (besides marrying Nezuko)? Nope! Gotoge-sensei basically whacked Zenitsu back to the starting point in the Bonus Chapter. Come on man! The dude just killed his step brother and lost his grandpa; pretty sure a person would definitely grew leaps and bounds in terms of maturity after that (or breakdown...). But nope, Zenitsu is just a silly crybaby again. Back to square one. I tried to rationalize that perhaps due to all the trauma and tragedy he faced, he reverted back to his old lazy and crybaby personality but then, that would make Tanjiro look bad because in the Bonus Chapter Tanjiro was (in my opinion) very harsh on Zenitsu. He basically confronts Zenitsu; telling him he needs to grow up and start acting like a man if he wants to get married. To stop whining about the leg pains he still feels and to stop writing nonsense stories. Remember, the Bonus Chapter happens a few months after they defeated Muzan. Zenitsu has just experienced the craziest shit ever (i.e. killed his step brother, lost his beloved grandpa, watched his comrades die, watched his best friend Tanjiro died and later turned into a demon and witnessed his future wife Nezuko being hurt by his turned demon best friend). I don't think Zenitsu even had the time to process and heal from all the traumas he went through and here comes stoic Tanjiro; basically just flat out telling him to grow up and stop being useless which is so out of character of him. Yes, Tanjiro can be blunt sometimes but he's not cruel. I dunno, maybe Tanjiro is also not over his horrible traumas and is lashing out on Zenitsu but then again this would also be out of character. So yeah, it's bad writing all around. Yishhhh...
Also, I think Zenitsu should've end up with Kanao. Yes, I went there too! Lol!
Ok, I'm definitely gonna stop here. I could go on and on but... it's almost 2.00 am and I have work tomorrow. Lol! ;w;
Actually, I have another interpretation on why Tanjiro is super harsh towards Zenitsu in the Bonus Chapter but it has a more Tanjiro x Zenitsu flavour to it. More like, a conspiracy theory that actually Gotoge-sensei wanted Tanjiro x Zenitsu to be the end game but can't because of shounen anime reasons. If you guys want to hear my crazy theory just lemme know. Hehehehehehe hahahahaha!
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rhymeswithfart · 1 year
Hello hello! Just dropping in to say that your different Sonic SATAM verses are really really cool and your art is lovely! It’s so pretty! ;u;
I’m so interested in these verses now. I was wondering, do you have a story, or a comic, or a post about the lore of them? They’re just so neat I wanna know more! It’s so interesting!
Have a great day! :)
Thanks so much!!! 💖💖💖💖 I'm so glad you like it!
(I actually forget if I made an actual lore post with all the stuff in one place rip) my lore is also pretty disorganized for most stuff, I'm just doin whatever, but here's some of the more fleshed out lore I have.
The reverse aus mostly follow similar storyline points to canon, with diversions due to the characters having different personalities. The satam one is based on that plot point where Robotnik and Snively are the sole survivors of a space colony, while the Archie one is based on the overlander-mobian war thing.
Both Satam and Archie reverse have a bloody war (which Julian served in as a medic before becoming Minister of Medical Science) that ends in The Great Peace, ushered in by Jules Hedgehog. However the "peace" is only in name, as the empire of anti-King Acorn is fraught with oppression and state violence. The lower classes starve while being crushed under Acorn's brutal rule. Julian and Johnny, along with several other revolutionaries, succeed in overthrowing the tyrant, but the kingdom is thrown into turmoil in the process. Princess Alicia, (anti-Sally), takes this opportunity to throw her father into the Zone of Silence with the help of anti-Sonic (this happens later than Robotnik's coup in the canon universe).
The Suppression Squad (anti-FF) is either staging a coup, being mercenaries for whichever forces are fighting for power, or just being general troublemakers at this point. Anti-Sonic hasn't yet become known as Scourge. Julian retires from his position as minister and sets up his clinic. Johnny manages the security and more actively fights against any would-be tyrants/terrorists. He doesn't have the same code against violence as Julian.
As the Suppression Squad gets more violent powerful, and Scourge starts his conquest of Moebius in earnest, Johnny and Julian flee into the Great Forest and create a force-field that makes their encampment invisible to unwanted guests. They take refugees and injured people in.
Here's some of my reverse StC lore. It follows the "Ovi Kintobor was transformed into Doctor Robotnik in an accident" storyline, but it has Kintobor being part of a very suppressive, fascist ideology. Robotnik is the product of Kintobor's repressed kindness and compassion, things that Kintobor would see as weakness and treachery. The badniks (goodniks?) in this au are like ai life support systems and mobility devices for disabled Moebians, as well as protection from danger. They're like mech suits that protect their little buddies.
Reverse Sonic Underground is based on some of my conjecture about the ppl from the Six is a Crowd episode. Robotnik was once the music teacher for the triplets. Anti-Aleena ruled over a society similar to the "Great Peace" I described in Satam/Archie, where the upper classes thrived and the average citizen struggled in poverty. Robotnik was part of the lower class, and suffered from an ailment which he couldn't afford to have looked at (also lived in a dirty-ass apartment with nasty water and mold probably). Despite this, he did genuinely care about the triplets, even being closer to them as a parental figure than their mother. At some point, his illness caused him to develop necrosis in his arms and legs (or something I'm still figuring it out) and he had to have them all amputated, nearly dying in the process. Aleena arranged for him to have cybernetic limbs attached, and moved him out of his deathtrap apartment and into the palace. (that's the backstory and I'm still figuring out how they got to the point in the episode)
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damagedtoysoldier · 1 year
★   MEMORIES 007     ★    ▒     BASE CAMP || AZZANO , ITALY || 20TH OCT 1941 .
lets hear it for captain america !
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he had stayed long enough to hear the APPLAUSE and CHEERS erupt around his best guy before slipping into the crowd as it began to disperse . they might have escaped and they might have survived ( for now . the traitorous voice in his head whispers . you've survived for now ) but he still had a job to do , he still had men and boys who relied on him . finding the storeman was easy enough and for the next few hours bucky sergeant barnes lost himself in the single minded task of looking after other people .
he assigned BED SPACES and BLANKETS , handed out RATION PACK MEALS in order of necessity and reassuring the more eagle eyed soldiers not to worry , to eat up , that he'd get his own too as well . he HELPED men to the medic's tent and all but DRAGGED the more stubborn , setting them down on the medic's waiting line with a pointed look and a jabbing finger ( "now you stay there until they say you can goddamn leave " ) and it had given him a purpsoe .
it had stopped him thinking .
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eventually the chaos died down . eventually he was forced to see a medic himself while his best guy turned comic book character watched on with concern etched into the eyes that he knew so well. ( " he's fine captain , " he had overheard the medic say to steve outside the tent , not letting himself think how he was managing to hear him so clearly . " malnourished , exhausted, dirty , but no worse than any of the others . he's fine . " )
eventually men ; exhausted from the BATTLE ; from CAPTURE ; from the five day walk to FREEDOM; crawled into their bed spaces , huddled under blankets and those who had survived the first battle set up a steady watch into the darkness . except , as comfortably far back behind the front line as they were here they did not expect any danger .
( he's fine . malnourished . exhausted . dirty . he's fine . )
but he didn't feel fine .
HIDING standing behind the tent on the edge of the camp , shaking fingers fumbled with the strikingly new packet of cigarettes . the white carboard with it's SHARP EDGES and CLEAN PACKAGING is a stark contrast to the DIRT under his nails , smeared over his fingers , the BLOOD and DIRT and GUNPOWDER and SWEAT soaked into the rough fraying fabric of his shirt . yet even the warmth of the smoke rushing into his lungs as he finally got the match to strike doesn't keep away the fear that thudded around his body with every deafening beat of his own heart . ( maybe it would be better if he could actually feel the nicotine ? what was even in these ? he didn't feel anything , no rush . nothing . )
maybe he had left his soul behind in that hell .
trembling , he blew the smoke out into the dark . closing his eyes , willing the panic and the fear and the oh my god , i'm going to die back into the box it had to stay in . the stories rush into his mind then , the rumors of what they're doing to men like him . ( QUEER . JEWISH ) the memories of what they did to him . ( a face peering down at him from out of the darkness , a SCRATCH on his arm and FIRE roaring through his veins . METAL clamping over his face , his cracked lips parting as he screamed ---)
his eyes snapped back open .
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bucky took another desperate drag on the cigarette . the moon was high , he could see far with the lights of the camp extinguished hours ago at last light . he could make out the stretch of field , the outline of the nearby village . he watched as one man rose , walked the fifty meters out of the camp , nudged one of the two motionless bodies hunkered down in the grass with his foot . he watched as the watch rotated and the man who was relieved slowly made his way back into the camp , almost certainly looking forward to nothing but his roll mat and blanket .
blinking away the stinging in the back of his eyes , bucky looked up to the sky . he doesn't know what they did to him back there . maybe he never will know . maybe he'll grow another arm or his skin will fall off like schmidt's or maybe nothing will happen at all . . . but he remembers what they did . he remembers injections that burned like fire , rapid conversation in what sounded like german . he remembers the way they looked at his dog tags and mocked him for not having a god ( he remembers never being more relieved that he insisted he was agnostic . ) he remembers cold metal closing over his face and lightening rushing through him and after he remembers the sticky blood dripping down the side of his face and into his hair .
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he wants to SCREAM . he wants to CRY . he wants to RAGE that he didn't even sign up to this goddamn war in the first place but this is the third battle that he's seen in less than a year . he wants to CLAW out his own brain and FORGET everything he's been through . he wants to curl up into a ball and forget .
instead he's cold and aching , standing in a muddy field wondering which battle they're going to send him to next. wondering if this will ever end . ( it has to end , i just don't kid myself that i'll be around to see it ) exhausted and hungry he doesn't know how he healed from the pneumonia that was rattling his body with every breath or from the beating that he had received just a handful of days before steve arrived . he knows he doesn't want to ask , knows he probably wont like the answer . ( that they did something to him back there , while he was screaming in the dark ) but he does know that he is responsible for men and boys who don't want to be here either .
the footsteps sound close , his head snaps back down. he looked around and realised that they sounded a lot closer than they actually were . out of the darkness comes the broad shouldered , long limbed , blond haired form of his friend . he HATES that he's here , he HATES that it takes him a few seconds longer than it should to recognise him , he's so GLAD that he's healthy ----it's a strange conflict of emotions
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he comes out of the darkness the same way that he loomed over him five days ago , like his own goddamn guardian angel . plastering a grin on his face , offering out the packet of cigarette that was still in his hand that he was now willing to not shake , bucky couldn't let his best guy see how he was falling apart at the seams . he couldn't let him see how the uncertainty and fear was eating him whole , but he knew one thing for certain ;
if he was gonna survive this war , steven grant rogers would be the reason for it .
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stardust948 · 2 years
In any of your fandoms what character(s) do you think deserved better? What should have happened instead?
Oh boy this is gonna be a long one.
Aang and Katara from Avatar the Last Airbender.
Aang should have gotten a growth arc. He should have been given the opportunity to mourn the genocide of the Air Nomads and learn how to let go of his attachment to Katara. Book 2 hinted at that but Book 3 completely reconned it.
My rewrite for Aang is that Sozin's Comet mirrors The Crossroads of Density. Ozai doesn't blast him with lighting right away. Aang still covers himself with rocks as Ozai attacks. There, Aang lets go of Katara and goes into the Avatar State. This is when Ozai shoots lighting at him. But unlike COD, Aang redirects the lighting. He still spares Ozai and the rest of the fight plays out like in cannon. The finale balcony Kata*ng kiss is replaced with Aang apologizing to Katara for his mistreatment of her. Katara forgives him and says she meant it when she said they would be Aang's family. They embrace and the rest of the Gaang come onto the balcony and join the hug. This would mirror the group hug at the end of the first episode of Book 3, thus coming full cycle.
Also, Katara from Avatar the Last Airbender deserved to have her trauma treated seriously and not shoved aside to become a trophy girlfriend/wife.
I would mainly have Katara and Sokka talk things out after the events of The Southern Raiders. They would realize that grief is different for each person and that's okay. Also, I would have someone stand up for Katara during The Ember Island Players. She was clearly disturbed by her portrayal and instead of her friends understanding or sympathizing with her, they agreed with the play. In fact, I would change the whole tone of the EIP episode by having it focus on propaganda and stereotypes. I would also have Zutara crumbs, but they won't confirm anything at the end of the series. I think the ending works better with a group hug.
2. Azula from Avatar the Last Airbender comics
They did her so dirty in the comics. They turned her into a literal psychopath who hallucinates and has to be restrained. To make matters worse, they replace her with a random half-sister who is perfect in every way.
I'm not sure how to fix this without rewriting the entire ATLA comics story, but the gist of it would be Azula working through her trauma and coming to terms with it.
3. Starscream and Knockout from Transformers Prime.
For most of the series, Starscream had been straight up abused by Megatron, Leader of the Decepticons. So when Starscream decided he'd had enough and left, I was rooting for him. He went rouge for a couple of episodes and was a threat to both the Autobots and Decepticons. But then he returned to Megatron??? And pledged his loyalty??? Then mourned his death??????
That made no sense! When Starscream returned to Megatron, I honestly thought he was going to try to dethrone him again but he just submitted. Last time he did that, Megatron tried to kill him in cold blood.
Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Toxic relationship all day long.
Starscream should have stayed rouge for the entire series. That was when he was at his peak.
Knockout was the Decepticon's medic who joined the Autobots at the end of the show. I love Knockout. I loved that he switched sides. But I hate how they did it. It was so shoehorned. The Autobots had the upper hand and Knockout joined them to avoid going to prison. And they let him no questions asked despite all the trauma he caused them.
I would have had KO questioning his loyalties throughout the show. KO is treated like trash by Megatron (though not half as bad as Starscream) and is constantly looked over. The death of his lab assistant and friend, Breakdown, would have impacted him more especially since Megatron merely brushed it off. Starscream leaving also would have affected him. The final straw for Knockout would be when Dreadwing is murdered.
In the show, Dreadwing questions the honor of the Decepticons and they hint at him joining the Autobots. But he seeks out Starscream for revenge of the death of his twin brother and Megatron kills him. In this rewrite, Dreadwing shares his thoughts of honor with Knockout. He too is upset by the treatment of Breakdown's death because he was with him when he was murdered. Knockout is hesitant but Dreadwing has made up his mind about switching sides. When he goes to talk to Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, this is when Megatron kills him. Left alone with Megatron's abuse, Knockout is essentially locked in the ship. Later when Ratchet, the Autobot's medic, is kidnapped and forced to work for the Decepticons, he helps him escape. Ratchet notices KO's change and invites him to come along. KO finally takes the chance and switch sides for good. He proves his sincerity by exposing Megatron's Earth terraforming plans to the Bots.
4. Lotor and Allura from Voltron: Legendary Defenders
Lotor was basically Space Zuko. He hunted down team Voltron in the beginning but later joined them to stop his dictator father. It was also revealed that the father (I forgot his name) abused Lotor and forced him into villainy.
But then, the writers decided to recon all of that by saying Lotor was secretly using Team Voltron and draining the life form from a race of people thought to be wiped out by his father (that his is half of mind you). Team Voltron readily believes this despite fighting beside him for seemingly months and banish him to a different dimension where he MELTED. They actually showed his melted corpse!!! To make matters worse, they gave Haggar, his mother, a redemption! She abandoned Lotor as a child, sat by and watched his father abuse him, tried to destroy the multiverse, and only got a slap on the wrist!!!!
Honestly, I would have ended the show after Lotor and Team Voltron team up to stop the dictator. Maybe have them fight Haggar too? But Lotor definitely would have been part of the team and help rebuild the universe and marry Princess Allura.
Princess Allura pretty much brought the team together and was the heart of Voltron. She was killed off at the end to restore the universes Haggar destroyed. I'm not sure how it went down because I stopped watching the show after Season 7 but from what I read, it didn't make sense. They also forced Allura together with Lance who she has had no interest in beforehand.
I would have the Voltron lions sacrifice themselves to restore the universe. It would symbolize that their work is done and are no longer needed. Allura lives and continues to explore and help rebuild with her friends and marries Lotor.
5. Mikasa from Attack on Titan
I love Mikasa. And I love Eren x Mikasa. But I do not like how it was handled. Without getting into spoilers, Mikasa evolved her entire life around Eren despite the warnings of living solely for others that are placed throughout the manga/show.
I would have had Mikasa discover that she can love Eren but also live for herself. That it's okay to be a little selfish. She learns how to enjoy life and live to the fullest despite all the heartache and pain. In a sense, she fulfills Eren's dream of being free.
6. Chole from Miraculous Ladybug
Chole was the typical mean girl bullying the protagonist Marinette. It was later revealed that her actions stem from the emotional abuse she receives from her mother. The show flirted with the idea of giving Chole a redemption arc but then reconned it so hard and replaced her with her random half-sister. (What is it with half-sister clones?)
I would rewrite it by Chole not revealing her superhero identity to the public for fame. She does try to milk the position but gradually learns how to become a better person with the help of Ladybug and Team Miraculous.
7. Glitter from Hooves of Death
This is a webtoon about a ragtag team of unicorns and other mythical creatures trying to stop the zombie apocalypse. It's pretty good except for the weird love triangle between Sprinkles, Glitter, and Blaze. Sprinkles acts more like a father figure to Glitter, and Blaze is a freaking incel.
Glitter has made it clear, time and time again, that she's not interested in romance because they're in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Sprinkles had the decency to respect that, but Blaze kept pushing. He sulked and acted petty literally half of the series because Glitter wasn't responding the way he wanted. In one of the recent updates, Sprinkles is comforting Glitter because she has some heavy decisions to make and Blazes yells at them then storms off. So then Glitter goes after him and he yells about caring for her so much, but she never notices him. Typical Nice Guy TM stuff. Then Glitter apologizes to him and agrees to date after the apocalypse.
Um what?
I was so close to dropping the webtoon. Honestly. That was disgusting.
I would rewrite Hooves of Death by having Sprinkles, Glitter, and Blaze act as a found family with Sprinkles as the dad and the others as siblings. This is because at the beginning of the apocalypse, Glitter lost her entire family to the zombies. In this rewrite, she's hesitant to get close to anyone again in fear of losing them but warms up to them over time. I know it's cliche, but it's loads better than this gross love triangle.
Thanks for the ask ❤
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hyprfixations · 3 years
never tell
Summary: You and Chris have been dating for quite a while now, although secretly, it was both of your decision to hide it from the public eye. Are you both ready to take it to the next level and that level means telling the whole world all about it.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warning: RPF, smut, fluff FLUFF, dirty talk, mentions of anxiety and panic attacks
Word Count: 3200+
A/N: Oh, wow. I didn't realize this was going to be this long but I hope it doesn't bore you. Your like, comments and reblogs are appreciated.
**I edit my own work, this is not beta'd and there will be errors. I do not consent for my work to be reproduced outside of Tumblr without my consent.**
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You and Chris have been secretly and exclusively dating for almost two years now. And it's only a few more days before your second anniversary. When you first met, you were very skeptical at first, when he asked you to be his girlfriend after a few dates because he's a big movie star and changes girlfriends like he changes clothes. Aside from how the media portrayed him, he's too popular for you.
But then he promised to keep you safe and loved and in return you asked him not to talk about you or even hint about having a relationship. There are times where he would go viral for just looking so good or an interview where his tattoos are peeking out. Sometimes it becomes too much and you wouldn't want to be the vultures to tear you in pieces and expose you to whatever shit they want on their screens.
Chris has social anxiety even though he hides it so well, he takes medications and also visits a therapist for it and he's not ashamed one bit. Big media frenzy or even just Comic Con interviews are causing that. Thankful that he has real friends who's there for him.
He also encouraged me to visit a therapist and it actually helped a lot when you're talking to a professional who will sat there stoic, telling you how you should cope with your feelings.
So when the pandemic hit and Chris asked you to move in with him, you said yes right away. Nothing much has changed except for the fact that you can have sex whenever and wherever you want. But you'd have to be very careful since Scott only sleeps a few doors down, at times he's actually here. He's mostly here but this time of year, he'd like to spend it in Boston. Scott and you are close and would always hang out since he's never likely to draw more attention versus when we have Chris around.
Chris has always been the sweetest boyfriend ever, buying you stuff you don't actually need and being right there before you even woke up. Those rare moments when he'd stay in bed and cuddle are what you most treasure because he'd choose you over running and lifting weights just to sweat profusely.
His hand snaked under your neck and grabbed your boob, his favorite, and squeezed it. You sigh at the contact and kissed his arm. And then you turned to him, his eyes are closed but you know he's awake. His beard tickles your skin and then he smiles, eyes still closed. You kiss him on the lips and his smile grew even larger. Your boyfriend has the most perfect pearly whites out there.
His other hand is placed on top of your stomach and snakes down to your pajamas, knowing too well what he's doing. You stopped his hand before he can even touch you down there.
"I'm still very sore." You say and he opens his eyes, giving you a mischievous look.
"Did I went too hard on you last night?" He kisses your nose and you shake your head. You kissed him on the lips and assure him it was no big deal.
"No, I wanted you to be rough, remember? And babe, it was at 4 am. It's only 7 am. I just need to recover for a few minutes, okay?"
He nods, burying his head in between your boobs and sighing like a kid with his candy taken. He groans and stands up from bed and pull a clean shirt from the drawer. You can see his hardon and you bite your lip, trying to hide your laughter.
"Stop biting your lip like that, baby, I might change my mind and pounce on you."
You giggle and follow him to the bathroom. Together you brushed your teeth and washed your face. As Chris is finishing, you retrieve a clean towel from the cabinet and dry his face first. You can't help but look at the mirror and see your gorgeous chunk of a man. His beard glistens with water and he checks himself and not notice how hot he really is.
You said you wanted to wait a few minutes but your libido just went straight to the roof while his hand ran over his beard. The image is too hot to handle. You walk to the door to lock it, just in case Scott walks in again, and as he hear the door click, he smiles knowing exactly what this is.
You stand beside him, grabbing his hardon in your hand and strokes it, all while looking at the mirror for his reaction. You caught him off guard when you knelt, pulling down his boxers as you go.
You kissed the head and it twitched. Sliding your tongue against skin as he groans and moans.   You can taste his precum and finally take him all in in your mouth.
"Oh sweet Lord..." He looks down on you as you bob your head up and down, taking further and further inside your mouth.
"Come up here." He said after a few seconds and pulls you up the vanity. You're not wearing anything except for his shirt and your black lace panties. He slides the fabric to the side and his thumb played with your clit. Your backed onto the mirror and your breath becomes ragged. Chris can drive you crazy with his touch alone.
"I thought you were sore." He smiles as he plunges one finger inside you. You arch your back, looking for friction and then he kisses the inside of your thigh.
"Blame your beard and your hotness." You're surprised you can even form words as he put in another finger, curling it while his thumb continued to play with your bud.
"Oh, blame me?" He chuckles and reached for your face, kissing you hard while his fingers are still inside you. He pulls you to the edge of the vanity and removed his fingers, replacing it very quickly with his cock.
You gasp with pain and pleasure mixed together. You grab his hair and you kissed passionately as he pounded mercilessly against the bathroom counter. Your moans escape from your lips as he puts one of your nipples in his mouth, playing his tongue with it.
And as his pace grew faster, you knew your orgasm is just there in the corner. So you held onto his shoulders and arched your back.
"You're coming, aren't you?" His soft voice whispered in your ear and you knew he's coming undone too. His ragged breaths tells you that.
And as you cling to his neck and he's looking down at where you're connected like it's a masterpiece in front of his eyes. With one more thrust, you close your eyes and feel the orgasm overtake your body and dug your nails into his skin and you can hear him groan as he spills inside you.
You slowly open you eyes and see him looking at you, sweat on his forehead is dripping down his chin. He smiles at you and reached for the towel he just used on his face. He kissed you one more time before pulling out of you slowly. You can feel his seed trickles out of you, thankful he's already got a towel and wipes you clean. He kisses the inside of your thigh one more time, wiped his length and tossed the towel in the hamper. He helps you off the vanity and waited for you to wear your shirt.
"I need to attend an event tonight. I thought you can go ahead and join me."
"I know what you're going to say but we'll be lowkey, okay? We can take separate cars and entrances, whatever you want, my love. I just want you to be there."
You sigh, knowing too well you can't say no to him. You roll your eyes and kissed him, this time more playful.
"Don't blame me if I went home wine drunk because I cannot hold a single conversation."
"Oh, you will be amazing. Stop it." He kissed you once again and stepped out of the room to prepare breakfast.
You pick up your phone from the night stand and messaged your boss you might not be able to come in tonight. You got all tasks done for her anyways. So when she replied "okay", you mentally prepare yourself for a breakdown at the end of this event.
Chris has ways of getting you everything you need, especially for an event and sometimes he can be too lavish. So you text his stylist not to bring anything that will catch attention. And of course, he's already eyeing you from making bacon and eggs.
"I hate when you do that." He says, his voice reduced to a whisper, too hurt.
"Don't babe me." He says and went back to frying some bacon. You can't help but feel guilty about it but it's the only way you can at least peacefully enjoy this event. Aside from drinking too much wine.
You walk over to him and hug him from behind. You can feel his taut muscles as he flips his omelette in the pan. You look up at him and he's still angry about what you said to his stylist.
You pull out your bottom lip and gave your best puppy eyes.
"Will you forgive me?" He smiles just a bit and you knew he's already forgiven you.
"I just want to flaunt you, okay? I'm just so frustrated that I can't do that."
"I mean, not right now, Chris. I'm protecting both of us. And I'm not sure if —" You shouldn't have opened your mouth and now it's going to bite you back in the ass.
"Not sure if what, Y/N?" He was offended a few minutes ago but this time, he's angry.
"I didn't mean in that way. I just feel —"
"You didn't mean to insinuate that we're not going to last and you're not too sure if it's me you want in the long run?"
"You know what, it's okay. It's not like we haven't been together for almost two years now. It's not like I asked you to move in. And it's not like my mother and brother is already so attached to you. Nope, it's just nothing."
And then he walks out on you, stove still on and his omelette still in the pan. You turn off the stove and follow him to the bedroom but then you see him walk out towards the door, grabbed his pack of cigarettes and Dodger trailing behind him.
You feel so bad about how the conversation turned out. You just feel it's not the right time to tell the world. There's never a right time to tell social media. And he should've known it better than you do. But you will lie to yourself when you don't think he wasn't right about other things. You were so indecisive about things but one thing you're very sure of is you love him with all of you and that's fucking scary.
As you fix up yourself for the event and as his stylist, Ili, who's a very good friend of yours too, arrived a few minutes ago. Chris never talked to you again or peek in just to say hello. He's still very angry at you most definitely. You wished he could've made you explain what you meant but then you can't really know how he would react.
Ili compliments the dress that you chose for the night. Just a subtle emerald green sequin dress to match the events theme of casino. Not too long and not too short, just right for your taste. And Ili gets you and goes to lengths just to make you look good and feel okay even if you aren't in front of the camera. You will just probably sit in a corner and drink half of the wine.
The hair and make up artist that came in with Ili asked you if you wanted your hair up or down so you say just messy bun will do. And as the minutes went by, you still wish Chris would peek and tell you one hilarious thing because you're almost close to have a panic attack. It's those rare moments you overthink and getting over in your head. When the stylist and MUA left early to the event, you'd expect you and Chris to be in the same car but no, that wasn't the case. That just intensified your anxiety and you're so close to not showing up at this.
When you arrived, you can already see Chris in the red carpet, smiling for the camera, signing autographs and making small talks to the people around him. You wish you can be that warm towards people but you might just be a stammering mess.
You pick up a glass of wine from the roaming waiter and downed it in a few seconds. Ili waves at you from the corner and you want to just curl up in a ball and hide. That's when the event started with ribbon cutting, some speeches and all that. The old boring stuff.
"Chris Evans is so fucking hot." You overhear someone saying from the other table. You look back and there's a group of three girls giggling and whispering about your boyfriend. You should be used to it by now because somehow every corner of the planet, he's a household name. And you agree, he is insanely hot.
"Just imagine him backing you into a wall and fucking you senseless." The blonde says while eyeing Chris from afar.
"We did that, actually. All the time." You think but you don't say.
Another girl whispered and giggled, complete inaudible so you have no idea what she just said.
"I know you won't probably believe me but we actually hooked up a couple of weeks ago. While he's out in about in downtown LA." You whip your head back after hearing what the blonde said. You know most of the time, people make up stories about meeting Chris or worse enough, having sex with him.
But then she showed her phone to the girl in front of her and you had a good look at her screen. You’re pretty sure those are Chris' pictures and his IG account, verified with a blue check.
You don't even know how to feel, you just feel your body heating up and your hands shaking. And you have to stand your ground or else you’ll make a huge mess of this party. The blonde continued on telling how they met or how they did it. And it's getting to your head. You must've already drank a whole bottle of wine or more with how often you exchange your empty glass to a full one. If they can just fill the glass to the brim, you would prefer that.
"And oh God, his tongue." The other girls oohed and gasped, giggled and continued with their banter.
You close your eyes and wished you would disappear and just be eaten by the ground whole. You looked for your purse and it's just when you noticed it's missing. You must have left it in the car. That's when the panic sets in. You feel you have nothing to hold on to. Your hand shakes, your vision blurs and you have difficulty breathing.
A warm hand rubs your back and you had no time to look back and to know who it is. You're too consumed by your panic attack.
"Oh, hi, Chris!" The girls from the other table say and you realize it's Chris by your side. But you don't know if he responded or not. Or if he smiled at the blonde girl or if he recognized her.
"Baby, are you okay?" He say, removing the stray strand of hair on my face and caressing your neck. What the fuck is he doing? The media will feast on this in just a few seconds.
But you clung to him because he's the only thing you would want around.
"Y/N, can you hear me? Baby?" He says to your ear and kisses your temple and you look up at him and suddenly everything felt safe. His hands are on you again, his hand snaking over your middle and your breath calms.
"I'm fine." You say even your breath shakes.
And as you drank the remaining wine in your glass, you look at the table beside you and the look on their faces seem like they've seen a ghost. You weakly smiled at them and Chris waved and gave a small smile before he escorts you to the back. People are watching and in no time this will be the top trending in every social media.
Chris helped you getting in his car and security let you off the hook and didn’t disturb you anymore. When you're both alone in the unmoving car, you confront him.
"Do you know that blonde girl from the other table?" Your voice shakes and you can't help but feel so hurt but you needed to hear it from him.
"Who?" He looks at you, confused.
"Don't lie to me, Chris. I know it when you lie. Who is that girl?"
"I haven't seen her in my life. Why are you so angry?"
You tried calming yourself but her words keep coming back in your head like a fucking echo.
"She said you two hooked up a few weeks ago. I saw your conversation on Instagram. I saw the pictures you sent her."
"Babe, please don't tell me you believed all of that."
"Just tell me, Chris!"
"Tell you what? That I cheated on you? With a person I have never seen ever in my life? A few weeks ago we just moved in together, remember? We're too busy buying furniture or too busy fucking each other so how come you believe all this shit right now. That's so rich coming from you."
You break down and silently sob as he looked outside. This is by far the worst fight you ever had and you don't know how to fix it.
"I'm sorry. I got scared, okay?"
He sighs and looks at you, pulling out his white handkerchief and wiping the tears from your eyes.
"Why are you so scared, baby? I'm here. I'm going nowhere."
You throw your arms around him and think how lucky you are. Thankful the car windows are heavily tinted, you kissed him passionately and he's doing the same. Now your arms are all over one another. Half of your dress is already off your body and he's sitting with his zipper down, hard and wanting down there.
"I just don't want to lose you. Ever."
"I love you too much to run away. I can't lose you, ever."
And as your bodies become one in the most uncommon of places, he just said something you'd never expect.
"Marry me, Y/N."
"What?" You're shocked and turned on at the same time as he thrusts into you deeper and deeper.
"Have babies with me. Wake me up giving me head or pancakes will do. Just stay with me. As long as we both shall live."
As you ride your orgasm, you scream "Yes!" over and over again and you look down and see Chris grinning from ear to ear.
"That's probably the worst proposal ever." You roll your eyes and tease him.
"I realized I practiced that in my head over and over again but it was totally worth it when I did it while I'm inside you."
"Forever, your perv."
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