#the constant mood
circusbutch · 2 months
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kuppikahvia · 1 year
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It has been a rough couple of days
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rhinocio · 2 years
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(the stimming doesn’t count)
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blackautmedia · 8 months
Thinking about how Twilight Princess runs with the idea of Link being good with and gentle around animals. Dude is a farmhand, the local wildlife all knows he's the Wolf and are happy to help him.
The game makes an explicit comparison to Link applying his farming skills in combat.
The game has major segments around teaming up with Epona for the horseback missions.
His quest would have been cut short had it not been for the animals trusting him as someone to help them while they save him in the forest temple considering you need their help to navigate the temple and fight the boss.
It's easy to forget that Link's love and gentleness toward animals is one of his major strengths that carries him through Twilight Princess.
Link will summon Hawks, he has the power to talk to animals, team up with Monkeys, get info about the city from the pets there, I love it.
It's easy to focus on all the dark elements of Twilight Princess, but there's a lot to appreciate about Link insisting on spending time playing and talking with a bunch of cats.
TP Link is a strong and honestly ruthless dude not above using dark magic to save the day, but he's going to make sure those bugs all make it to the ball, damn it.
The game made that wild backstory interloper cutscene, but it also took the time to change Link's facial expression so he smiles when he picks up cats and dogs like they're babies.
There are several characters who draw attention to Link's sharp, ferocious eyes like a beast. But then Link will also get hit on by a chicken.
Shame the game didn't make a sidequest with you and Epona since you can talk to her, but just as well. This is one of my favorite Zelda games for a reason.
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cassiopeiasdaughter · 10 months
Sirius Black x fem!reader
warnings: cursing, underage drinking & smoking, !poorly proofread!
summary: you hate Sirius & he hates you (or tries to but fails miserably)
Sirius Black masterlist
you’re so cool it makes me hate you so much
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Sirius Black didn’t hate many things.
He hated assignments and losing in quidditch; he hated his parents and the rest of his snobby relatives. He hated having to wear formal clothes and brushing his hair. And he hated you.
It wasn’t something he could explain. You weren’t an evil person and you didn’t do bad things. But something about you drove him completely mad. 
And the only reason he had to deal with you was that you were Lily’s best friend and he couldn’t get rid of you. 
Your best friends were dating and you had to tolerate eachother. 
Be civil James always begged him, but then he would see your face; all uptight and frowning and your hands crossed in front of you; in a manner that reminded him of his old piano teacher who would scold him for not practicing enough. 
You didn’t acknowledge him, and when your eyes did land on him your eyebrows would be raised and your mouth slightly turned downwards, as if his face was covered in dirt and he smelled like garbage. 
The first time he actually talked to you, and realized he liked it better when he didn’t, was when Lily and James first started going out together. Their first date was a friendly get-together with the four of you.
It was not a double date. Sirius made sure to let James know; all he would be doing was distracting you so Lily would be free to talk to James. He was outgoing and charismatic when he needed to be, and he loved James like a brother so being a third/fourth wheel for him wasn’t that big of a deal. Plus, he liked Lily so how bad could her friend be? The answer is terrible.
You wouldn’t look at him, and weren’t impressed by his jokes. He tried telling you about his pranks but all you did was frown and criticize them, “if you cared about school half as much as you care about these childish things, you’d have graduated by the age of 14.” 
He didn’t argue with you, though, even if he died to, because one look at Lily and James and how happy they were (giggling at the stupid things James was saying) couldn’t let him ruin this.
So you sat quietly, eating and drinking, and then drinking some more, until Lily and you left together. Leaving an annoyed Sirius with a blushing James. 
What annoyed him most, was how his friends absolutely adored you. You played chess with Peter; and Sirius always heard him gushing about how brilliant you were at it. You studied with Remus in the library and discussed books together. The way you would speak to his friend about your favorite stories, and the way your eyes always gleam drives him completely insane. And don't get him started on how one day you introduced James to the "the proper athlete lifestyle”,which resulted in Sirius losing his drinking and smoking partner because, our bodies are temples and we need to treat them as such.
So; you have stolen his friends, invaded his life and he can't do anything about it.
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One rainy Saturday morning he found Remus, reading a muggle book by the fireplace, about -elves and rings?-.
“Moony.”, he said and earned a quiet “mhm” from his friend, who was still focused on his book.
“I wanted to ask you something.” He said and looked around to make sure no one would hear them.
“Lilys friend, you know, the one in your little book club.”
“Not a book club.”, Remus answered turning a page in his book
“Yeah, whatever. She hates me, I think.”, Sirius said and earned no reaction from his friend “Would you happen to know why?”, he finished and looked at his friend, who closed his book with a sigh.
“Have you ever said anything that would make her hate you?” Remus asked patiently
“No, why, did she tell you anything?”
“Have you done anything to her?”, his friend asked again
“No, I don’t think so.”
“Then she just doesn’t like you" he made a move to resume his reading but Sirius insisted.
“Why does it matter, you can’t be liked by everyone, you know that better than most”
“But I don’t get it, why would she hate me this much. She always looks at me with this f-”
Remus didn’t say anything, but gave his friend an amused look, softly smirking at his words.
“What.” Sirius said annoyed
“Well, instead of worrying about why she hates you, ask yourself why you care so much.”
“But I- I don’t care. In fact I hate her just as much.”
“Its true I don’t care!”
“Obsess then, better choice of words.”
“Sod off”, he said as he got up to walk away, leaving Remus laughing to himself and resuming his book.
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As the year progressed , your interactions with Sirius remained the same, with the addition of an eyeroll here and there along with bickering that resulted in you being the first one to leave from gatherings.
“Good riddance” he always thought to himself, receiving a murderous look from you; as if you were able to read his thoughts.
December came and your friend group planned a Secret Santa gift exchange. It was a muggle thing, explained Lily, where the participants get gifts for eachother, without revealing their identity.
“Everyone, take a sit and pick a card from the bowl infront of you when it is your turn.”, instructed Lily “And remember, don’t let anyone know who you’ve picked, and you can’t switch cards with anyone!”
As he read Remus’s name on the card, he let out a breath of relief. He was worried, that with his luck, he would end up getting you a gift, and he really didn’t want that. Finding a good present for Moony would be a piece of cake, he told himself and then put off actually buying the gift for a couple of weeks.
He realized how big of an idiot he was, when Friday came, the last Friday before the gift exchange (that would be taking place on Sunday). Which meant he had exactly two days to buy something good for his friend.
He begged James for help, but he was too busy finishing up the last few details of his present; poor Peter had no taste and would be no help and Lily was caught up in Head Girl duties. Making you, the only person available, to advise him, which honestly wasn’t that bad of an outcome , since you and Remus were good friends. 
He found you alone, sitting on a couch with your homework on your lap and a cup of coffee in your hands.
“Goodmorning.”, he greeted 
Your eyes shot up and you looked around confused, before realizing he was talking to you, “Morning.”, you said calmly
“How is the Secret Santa shopping going?”, he asked trying to make smalltalk
“Um fine… And you?’
“It is good that you ask, because I actually need your help.”
“Mine? Why?”
“Well, you see, I delayed buying a gift, which means that if I get something that isn’t perfect now, I will be the the biggest idiot on Earth.”
“Because, you aren’t already?”
“I- ” he let out an annoyed laugh at that, not wanting to insult you now that he needed your help. “As I was saying, I need you to help me find a really really good gift. So, Hogsmeade, tomorrow morning? What do you say, love?”
“Ah- us two?”
“Yeah, well everyone else is kind of busy, so you are kind of my last hope.”
“Oh, oh, well, excuse me, but I have better things to do than spend my Saturday buying gifts for you, besides, you aren’t supposed to tell me who you have.”
“Remus.”, he quickly said
“Why would you tell me that?”, you screamed dramatically leaving him completely unbothered
“Now you kind of have to come, don’t you? You already know who it is and I am sure you have nothing better to do tomorrow.” “Ah, excuse you, but I am a busy person, thank you very much.”
“Yeah, ah, okay. Do you want me to beg? Please, just, do me this favor, this once. The holidays are coming soon and you won’t have to see me for two whole weeks, and after summer I will never bother you again. So please?”
You stared at him for a while, thinking over everything he said , he could swear your face turned red for a split second, before you answered “Fine, but we won’t spend the whole day there, I want to try and study before winter break.” “Great, thank you, we will finish early. So, after breakfast tomorrow? At 10:30?”
“9.”. You said
“Right, okay, bye.”, he said enthusiastically and went on his way to the quidditch field while you loudly said behind his back “Don’t be late!”
He was only ten minutes late, the next morning. But it wasn’t really his fault, practice had ended later than expected the previous night and he needed to avoid being caught by Remus on his way out of the common room. 
So he hurried down the stairs, skipped breakfast and coffee hoping he would have time to buy something when you reached the village, and found you, waiting for him impatiently with a frown on your face.
“You are late.”, you said
“Goodmorning to you too.”, Sirius replied with a sarcastic smile
Before he could say anything else, you held out your hands to give him a few cauldron cakes from the breakfast table “You can get coffee on the go, lets get moving.”, you said and passed him the food before heading towards the carriages.
“Ah, thank you.”, he said with his mouth stuffed, running after you.
The ride to Hogsmeade was…quiet at first. But not in the completely unpleasant and awkward way. You had also brought a notebook with you and made a list of all the shops you could visit, and all the presents you could buy for Remus. Sirius, could hardly keep up with you and mostly nodded while trying not to fall asleep.
“I was thinking,” you started saying as you reached your destination “There is this bookshop, that sells a few Muggle books, and Remus had been telling me about a signed copy he desperately wanted to get.”
“Let’s get it then. Lead the way.” 
“Yeah, but it might be too expensive and it might be sold by now, so just know that we need to have backups.”, you said anxiously 
He grabbed the notebook from your hands in a playful manner, tapping at the list you’d made on the way here. “Well, I think you’ve got that covered. Come on, lets go.”
Before walking inside the bookstore, you agreed to split up and look for the book “Don’t hesitate to hex anyone that tries to get it before us, alright?” 
“Oh of course, I will also stop brushing my hair and I’ll start shouting at people on the street. Perhaps by March I’ll have achieved the proper heathen look, and maybe if I try hard enough I’ll catch up to you.” You replied with a smile while batting your eyelashes at him.
“Ah hilarious, let’s go.”, he said dragging the words in irony
The bookstore was overflowed with books, old and new, and millions of maps, everywhere in the shelves. You were right, to be nervous, finding that one book would be a challenge. Thankfully it wasn’t busy this time of day and the only people inside were you two, an old lady organizing the bookcases and the shop owner who was currently feeding his owl by the window. 
You both spent at least thirty minutes searching, before Sirius heard you scream his name surprised “I found it!.”, you celebrate as if you’ve just caught the golden snitch. He ran to you then and without thinking he gave you a spin, causing you to let out a yelp. 
As he let you down, you looked at eachother awkwardly with a hint of warmth coating your cheeks. He took the book from your hands and quickly said, “Uh good job.” to which you replied “Thank you.” while playing with your sweater.
Walking up to the cashier register, the book owner asked “Is this a present?” ,as he wrapped the book, to which you both replied “Yes.” “Good thinking.” The man said, causing Sirius to ask “What do you mean?” with an awkward smile.
“I learned a little too late, that I should take my wife Christmas shopping with me, and make sure I get her something she actually likes.”, he said smiling 
That statement caused you and Sirius to cough and laugh awkwardly once you both realized what the man was implying.
“Oh no, no we aren’t-”
“We are just, friends.” You said red-faced
“Our best friends are together, and we starting hanging out because of that.”
“Yeah but not, not like that.”
The man observed the two of you in silence for a minute; stammering, with wide eyes and blushing cheeks before he let out a heartfelt laugh. “I see.”
“Well, either way, have a wonderful Christmas.”, he wished as you left.
You walked together in silence, for a while, not knowing what to do now that you had completed your task.
“Thank you for helping me today.”
“Remus will love it.”, you replied with a forced smile 
“Yes.”Neither of you said anything for a few seconds before Sirius interrupted the silence, “Hey, since we finished early, do you want to get some coffee or-”, he asked you, wanting to treat you for helping him with the gift.
“Oh I’d better get going, study now that I have more time. I’ll see you tomorrow for the exchange.”, you said and left him standing in the snow, outside of the Three Broomsticks, with the book in his arms and a stunned look on his face.
He was an idiot to think he misjudged you, of course you had helped him because Remus was your friend, and only that. But, would it honestly be that much of a torment for you to get a cup of coffee with him? Did he smell bad? Was there something on his face? Had he said something to you; to insult you without knowing it? Was it that old mans comment that bothered you that much? Was it that big of an insult; to be considered his girlfriend? He wasn’t thrilled about it either, but he obviously wasn’t that affected by it. He really couldn’t understand you. 
“Her loss.” He muttered as he went inside for some hot chocolate to treat himself.
Remus obviously loved his gift and the exchange went well. Sirius still remembers to this day singing and dancing in the common room and drinking a lot of mulled wine. He wanted to thank you, but he was met with the cold wall you had built around you and he really didn’t want to ruin his mood.
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As April arrived, the days were starting to get warmer- as warm as Scotland could get-, and sunnier. And this year, being your last at Hogwarts the Marauders decided it would be a great idea to plan a Lake-picnic-swim-get together, with Lily of course and well you.
Sirius didn’t mind though, he would play in the water with his friends and avoid you, and if he was lucky he could manage splashing you a few times, without meaning to of course.
The boys arrived first, and Sirius took advantage of that and dragged James in the water so all of them could play a new game he invented which was a mix of quidditch and a muggle sport called water-polo.
It was the most fun he remembered having in a while, it brought him back to his early years, when the worries that come with graduation and adulthood had no place on his mind. 
Of course, fun doesn’t last forever, and you showed up. Your hair was loose and dancing gracefully as the soft wind blew at it. It was the first time he had ever seen you look so, free. You greeted everyone as you took off your clothes, staying in your bright blue swimming suit, causing; Peter to stammer like a Third Year, and then Sirius to splash him with water, to come back to his senses.
You placed your things underneath a tree, near the towel the boys had placed down, and then laid down to read your book as everyone swam.
“Let’s play chicken.”, James said childishly 
“That is a children’s game.”, protested Remus making Lily laugh
“Oh come on, just this once! Lets have fun, one last time.” He pleaded dramatically eventually convincing everyone.
“I am teaming with Moony.” Said Peter making Remus look at him sternly “What? You are the tallest, and I like winning.”
“Whatever.” He said and sank down, for Peter to climb on his shoulder.
Lily swam to James and kissed him, before looking around and asking “What about Sirius?”
It was a sensible question Sirius had also thought about, and he knew the only way to solve this problem would be asking you to team up with him, but he had some dignity saved and wouldn’t bring himself to do that.
James however shouted your name and asked you if you would play with them, since his friend was left alone.
“Um no.” you said apologetically, closing your book.
“What did you say?”, screamed Lily, causing you to get closer to the lake for them to hear you better.
“I said n-” you started but were cut off by Lily, who grabbed your hand while smiling and pushed you in the Lake, causing everyone, especially Sirius, to laugh.
“Well you are in now, so you might as well play.” She winked at you and you threw water at her face in reply
“Can we speed this up? Peter is going to drown us both.”, complained Remus whose head was trying to stay out of the water.
“So, what do I need to do?”, you asked 
“You push the other players off, darling, it isn’t that hard.”, replied Sirius with a sarcastic tone, driving you to give him a side eye.
“Just climb on his back and try to stay there.”, said Peter; pointing Sirius to you
Your face turned red as you swam to his side “Alright, okay.”
“I will count to three, I will sink down and you will sit on my shoulders, yeah?”, he asked
“1, 2-”, he said calmly with his hands raised in front of you two, counting 
“Wait”, you stopped him and held his hands; preventing him from going anywhere “What if I drown you?”
“You won’t”
“What if I drown you and we both die?”
“We won’t”
“What if you slip and then I choke you with my legs.”
His face turned red at that “I- you won’t”
“What if-”
“Alright, 3.”, he said loudly and sank down, gently guiding you on him; coming up for air after making sure you were fully seated.
“There we go, not that bad, was it?”, he joked
“Nno.”, you said, while trying to maintain your balance, without breaking his neck or ripping his hair off.
He held your thighs with his hands, making sure you’d stay up, and then moved towards the others.
Peter was the first one to go down; both because you and Lily teamed up against him and because Remus had began to grow very tired of holding him.
Then it was yours and Lily’s turn to try and throw eachoter in the water; and you were determined to win to get back at her for forcing you into this game in the first place. Which you eventually did.
“Yes!”, you screamed with a laugh as Lily fell backwards dragging James with her, and earned a round of applause from Remus and Peter who were laying on their blankets and watching the game from over there.
Sirius held out his hand to you, to give you a high five, as he celebrated, before gently diving off his back and into the water with a backflip.
You both laughed together and then he teased you “Told you we’d be fine, you could trust me more.”
“I don’t think I will Black, this was a one time thing for both our sakes.”, you replied teasing him back.
Before leaving you alone and returning to his friends he dived in the water, grabbed your legs and sank you down with him; causing you to let out a surprised scream once you realized what he was doing.
You reached the surface together, your bodies close to eachother and your faces a breath away. As you realized how close you were, you splashed his face with water, while he tried to apologize.
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After the day at the Lake, Sirius realized that he didn’t hate you as much. It still annoyed him how you wouldn’t acknowledged his existence when you were together, or how you would talk to everyone but him at parties. And you would better not get him started on quidditch matches and how you cheered for everyone else, but never him.
Bloody Moony had been right, he was obsessing over you, and for what? Why did he care that you didn’t like him. Many people liked him- loved him even.
Come to think of it, he was better off hating you, but now he couldn’t. No, now he had grown to know you. And he had decided you were, likable.
You were smart and funny, he had to give you that.
In charms he would always watch how you would cast the spells, methodically and calm. The way your mouth voiced the words was well, beautiful. And there was one time, when a group of Slytherins had stopped you, Alice and Remus in the corridors. James and him were talking to a group of Hufflepuffs for their upcoming quidditch game and he only saw you from afar. He didn’t like the way your eyebrows furrowed as you listened to the boys talking to you, nor the way your body had taken a defensive stand. He wished he could walk up to them and hex them out of Scotland, but he had no business doing that, he didn’t understand why he even cared that much.
But, why couldn’t he stop glancing over at your form, and loosen the grip on his wand?
Fuck it, he thought and muttered an “excuse me”, to James and the others while walking over you.
Before he could say anything though, and get into any trouble, he heard your voice, strict and irritated “Rosier, I’ve honestly grown tired of the blood purity bullshit, don’t get me wrong, insulting you was fun for the first two years, but we are graduating in a few months, maybe study for NEWTS, get a hobby, remove the stick from your ass?”
He smiled then, as he watched Rosiers face turn purple from trying to come up with an insult, and paid attention to your face, confident and smug.
He watched awestruck as you giggled with your friends, telling himself that this version of you; the relaxed and happy one is his favorite and he really wanted to see it more often.
He watched as you played chess with Peter and tried talking to you, but you were too focused to pay attention to him. He also tried commenting while you discussed with Remus, about the books you were reading, but admittedly he had no clue what he was talking about and you just stared at him, without saying anything back. 
It was hopeless; he couldn’t do anything to get you to talk to him, pay attention to him. He didn’t remember making friends to be that hard. He thought he was likable, and interesting but now he questioned everything.
One morning, during Slughorns potions class he woke up to the sight of you sitting next to him and whispering “James asked me to switch seats so he could sit next to Lily, for the Amortentia potion.”
“Oh, right okay.”, he replied back still half-asleep  “Wait, what potion are we making today?” “Amor-” you began to say
“Amortentia Mister Black,” interrupted professor Slughorn “And thank you for waking up to join us, it truly is an honor.”
“Now, who here can tell me what this potion is?” 
“Yes miss Evans?”, and as Lily started explaining Sirius felt his eyelids growing heavy once again.
The next time he woke up, was to the smell of his favorite pastries, the ones that Euphemia Potter made him every summer. He almost forgot he was in Potions class and thought he was laying in the Potters backyard, being served delicious strawberry muffins, but then he scented something different; less familiar but he could swear he’d smelled it before.
Suddenly the scent of oranges and hibiscus, overflowed his senses and he could clearly remember what it reminded him of. 
He thought back to the day at the Lake and how your body smelled on top of him. Then he was reminded of the way you smell every time he would tower over you in your chess games, or when you would be sat in the couch of his common room; analyzing literature with Remus. 
His Amortentia smells like you. You.
His eyes open fully now, and he can see the cauldron professor Slughorn has placed in front of him, while looking at him disapprovingly. As he turns his head he gets a glimpse of you, trying to gently reach the cauldron and smell the potion. 
Professor Slughorn calls you first and asks what you smelled.
You hesitated at first, and tapped your fingers on the desk nervously, “I smell old books and seasalt.”, he heard you say. He definitely does not smell like seasalt or old books. Brilliant, not embarrassing in the slightest bit. Of course he would fall for a girl, who didn’t give two shits about him, barely acknowledged him and looked at him as if he’d murdered her entire family. He desperately needed to take care of his mommy issues after graduation. 
“What about you, mister Black?”, asked Slughorn
“Strawberry muffins.” He said disappointed and under his breath, and then looked at you, wondering how he ended up in this situation.
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A sunny Saturday morning, he found Remus sitting under a tree reading another muggle book of his, -about a woman who enjoyed walking and a man who loved her but despised her family?-
“Moony.”, he said as he sat beside Remus
“Padfoot.”, his friend replied, eyes glued to the book in his hands
“You remember that conversation we had about Lily’s best friend, you know the one-“
“In my little book club? Yes.”
“Well, complications have arisen.”
Remus shut his book and asked his friend “Complications?” 
“What kind of complications.”
“I am glad you asked Moony, by the way, here is a chocolate bar I brought for you.”, he said handing out the sweet, which Remus cautiously accepted
“Well, you remember how I thought she hated me?” He waited for his friend to nod before continuing “For one, I haven’t made any progress with that and also I’ve recently come to the conclusion that I like her.”
“You like her.”
“Yes, painfully so.”
“Right, and- the complications?”
“I just told you.”
“No, you told me you like her, I don’t see anything complicated there, in fact I could’ve told you, you liked her months ago.”, Remus replied, chewing on his chocolate
“You are no help”, sighed Sirius dramatically
“Have you considered, I don’t know, talking to her?”
“Are you mental? Absolutely not.”
“Why not?”
“Did you not hear the part where she can’t stand me?”
“Well, what do you want me to do?”
“I don’t know Moony, I thought you would know what I should do, has she told you if she likes anyone? Old books and seasalt, Old books and seasalt, old boo-”
“Wait a minute.”, Sirius muttered to himself and jumped at Remus sniffing him shamelessly.
“What in the bloody hell are you doing?”
“Stand still, I am trying to figure out something, maybe if I turn into Padfoot-”
“She doesn’t like me you git! Stay away.”, his friend shoved him away
“Are you sure?”
“But how sure-”
“Okay enough, I am leaving and you need to talk to her, because you are ridiculous and insufferable” he said to his best friend as he quickly stood up, taking his book and chocolate with him leaving a confused Sirius behind.
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The next few weeks were a complete torment for Sirius, how could he of all people be pining over a girl; especially a girl he couldn’t stand in the beginning of the school year. Humiliating, that’s what he would call this new…situation.
He would never talk to you about his feelings, and what exactly was there to say. “Hello, I can’t really stand you and want to hex you every time you frown at me but I also want to grab your face and snog you until you forget your name?” No, he couldn’t say that.
Instead, he did everything he could to forget about you. He started going out with girls, but always ended up comparing them to you. Which resulted in; him absolutely shitfaced crying to them about you and the misery of unrequited feelings. He thought then, studying and quidditch would help distract him from his infatuation, but he could never focus and your face and voice infected his mind.
“That is enough” snapped Remus one day “You are being ridiculous.”
“You don’t understand Moony, I feel ill. This is killing me.”
“You are so dramatic.”, sighed Peter “Just confess already, let her reject you and then move on.”
“Sod off.” Sirius replied “Honestly Moony, this was supposed to stay between us. Why did you tell him?”
“Because I cannot deal with you on my own. And Peter is right, you should tell her.”
“Tell who what?” Asked a grinning James who’d just arrived in the dorm room.
“Our dear friend here, is having girl issues.”, an amused Peter said
“Who? Remus? Who is the girl?”
“Not me.” Remus replied and pointed at Sirius 
“Padfoot?” James asked with an open mouth “You, are having girl problems? How the bloody hell did that happen?”
Sirius replied with a deep sigh and buried his head in his pillow.
“Unrequited love.” Peter laughed 
“There is no girl in this castle who isn’t in love with Sirius.” Said James “Well, apart from Pomfrey, Minnie and well your cousins. Even though that last one is up for debate.”
The boy in question, raised his head and gave his friend a disgusted look before saying “Well, Prongs, sorry to shock you but there is.”
“Well who is she? Tell me.”
Sirius stood up dramatically and walked to his friend. He gave him a desperate look and then whispered your name in his ear.
James said nothing, for a few seconds “Prongs? Are you still there?”, his friends asked and then James let out a loud laugh; loud enough for the creatures deep inside the Lake to hear him.
“Are you done?” Sirius said impatiently 
“Yeah, I just need to catch my breath.” Replied James giggling causing Sirius to roll his eyes.
“You should definitely tell her.” He said as he calmed down and sat between Remus and Peter
“So you can laugh some more?” Sirius said annoyed 
“Just tell her mate, school will be over in a month, you’ll never see her again if things go bad.”
“But they will go bad, haven’t you seen how she looks at me? Like she hates me.”
“Yeah, well you weren’t a fan of her either, and now look at you."
“I didn’t like her because of her stupid pouty mouth and the way her eyes are so… so beautiful.”, he said theatrically
That last comment caused the boys to laugh at their friend
“This is such a disaster, Prongs, mate you need to help me. Obliviate me and save me from this- this utter humiliation.”, he said shaking his friend
“Hey. Grow some courage and tell her or stay miserable. Now, I need to see my girlfriend, excuse me, lads.”
With that, the three boys looked at eachother in silence, which Sirius eventually broke as he asked “How would I even tell her?”
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“Just wait for the right moment”, the boys advised him. But the right moment never came. You were never alone, and when you were alone you were either in the library or the common room with your face buried in a book. 
And that is why Sirius Black found himself tonight, on a Friday night, walking around the corridors of the castle alone, whilst thinking about everything and nothing.
He felt nostalgic about graduating and never seeing this place again and he also felt a pain in his chest as he thought of you and how much he wanted to have you, while you wanted nothing to do with him. 
As he reached the common room he prepared himself to quickly flee to his dorm and sleep off the nights melancholia, but soon he heard laughter and loud voices that informed him escaping wouldn’t be that easy.
“Paaadfoot”, exclaimed a drunk James “Join us, come on.”
“Yes, we were about to play truth or dare, come!” Lily said laughing
As he got closer to his group of friends he caught you sitting there, with your drink in your hand looking at him awkwardly. He hadn’t seen you like this, relaxed, in a long time; and he couldn’t blame you, NEWTS were a breath away and everyone was stressed. Your eyes looked tired and your hair was messy, but you still looked beautiful. He was surprised he didn’t notice it sooner; how pretty you actually are.
“I was heading upstairs, wanted to go to sleep early tonight.”, he said as an excuse, wanting to be alone
“Stay.”, he heard your voice as he made his way up the stairs and then froze in place “If Lily forced me to join and not study, you have to play also.”, you quickly said when you noticed his eyes glued at yours
“Alright” he muttered and took a seat between Remus and Peter
After a few rounds of James asking Lily when she first started liking him, and then Lily daring Peter to do his best impersonation of McGonagall it was Peters turn to ask Sirius;
“Out of every prank we’ve done all these years, which one is your favorite?”
He laughed as he remembered all the memories he’d made in this castle, not all of them were good, but they were his and he cherished every single one of them. And what made them even more special was that the people he’d spent his best years with, were sitting next to him, at this moment.
“Ah there are so many, maybe the feathers? Or or the red paint one.”
“Red paint? Asked Lily 
“Ooooh yes, that was a good one, when was it again? Second year?”, asked James
“Third.”, you said
“Yeah thi- wait how do you know?”, Sirius quickly said confused
“Because I was the one covered in red and golden paint you moron!”, you shouted
“Girls Bathrooms, in the dungeons. I got in perfectly fine and left drenched in Gryffindors colors, yay for house pride.”, you said amused
“Wait, how?”
“What was the prank?” Asked Lily confused
“We jinxed the bathroom stalls, but in the boys bathroom, thinking Malfoy and his friends would end up with our House colors.”, Remus replied
“How did you end up-”
“Red and Gold? I don’t know Sirius, maybe you jinxed the wrong bathroom.”, you said amused
“What did you do after?”, asked Lily, who was laughing now
“I ran to my dorm, but not before Rosier and his friends saw me. I was called “lion cub” for the rest of the year!”
You exclaimed making everyone laugh; everyone except for Sirius. Is it because of a stupid prank that you hated him? He remembers now how you would look at him with distaste when he mentioned his pranks to you. His eyes were serious and his voice strict as he called out your name.
“We need to talk, outside.” He stood up waiting for you to follow him, but was met with your confused stare “Please”.
You were leaning against the walls with your hands crossed in front of you, as Sirius paced nervously before asking.
“That stupid prank is the reason you hate me?”
“What? I- no”, you said
“It is, isn’t it? You’ve been mad at me all these years for an idiotic mistake I made at 14!”, he said annoyed
“I have not been mad, I was at the start yes, but I got over it that same year when Malfoy ratted on you and you had to clean out the hippogriff stalls.”, you replied with a sincere smile, that caused him to grin before he asked again.
“Then why do you hate me, still?”
“I don’t hate you, why would you think I hate you?”
“Have you seen the way you look at me; like I’ve Avadaed your whole family. And you never talk to me, and when you do you’re sarcastic, as if you hate my whole being, but you talk to everyone else just fine.”, he said finally letting it all out, leaving his stupid crush out of course.
You remained silent for a while, thinking about what he had said to you, and what you would say back, or rather how to say what you wanted to say.
“I, sorry. Sorry about third year and sorry about now, its fine I’ve had a weird week.”, he quickly said, feeling bad for laying it all on you and causing you to be uncomfortable. He made his way back to his dorm, but you were quick enough to catch his arm and stop him.
“No, wait. You are right, I do treat you like that, and I am sorry. I don’t hate you, though.”
“Then what is it?” he asked confused
“I- you can’t laugh at me.”
“I like you.”, you said at first and then continued “It was a stupid crush at first, but then we talked and you were funny and interesting and I felt like an idiot for liking you because you are you-“
His laugh was what interrupted your speech. And in all honesty, he couldn’t stop himself, everything seemed so ridiculous then. How he pined over you, and how dramatic he was being all his time. And, you, you liked him and that piece of information felt like a huge weight off his chest. Now, everything made sense. Before he could tell you everything and confess his feelings your angry voice stopped him.
“You said you wouldn’t laugh.”, you exclaimed and starting walking away from him
“No wait you don’t understand.” He said running after you
“Sod off, now that I think about it, I do hate you”
“Wait!” He begged
“No, goodni-” you replied without looking at him, but suddenly his hand was wrapped around your wrist and then his lips were on yours.
“What?”, you let out confused as you parted from him
“Sorry I didn’t know how else to-” , he said breathless before you kissed him again, grabbing his tie and wrapping your arms around him this time. He closed his eyes, and let himself bury his fingers in your hair and waist, pulling you impossibly close to him. Not wanting to let go, ever. You both sighed as you stopped, because of your lungs begging for air. You smiled at eachother and he looped his arm around your shoulders as you two walked down the corridors.
“So you don’t hate me.”, he said softly 
“No, and you, I take it, don’t hate me either.”, you replied with a smile and turned your head to rest at his shoulder.
“I tolerate you.” He joked and you raised your head and bumped into him with your shoulder. To which, he replied with a laugh and a soft kiss.
“I like you, incredibly much.”, he whispered to your lips.
You ended up underneath the tree by the lake, with your back to his chest and your hands intertwined.
“So, who smells like seasalt and old books, because I know I don’t.” He whispered in your hair
“It’s a bit early to start getting jealous isn’t it?” You grinned “I’ll tell you, when you tell me who smells like strawberry muffins.” 
“Is it that Hufflepuff girl talking to you at that party last month, because you both should know; I don’t share.”, you joked and turned your head back to look at him. He laughed at that and kissed your forehead before saying.
“Alright darling, I’ll let mrs. Potter know."
“What?” You said and the realization caused you both to laugh.
"Old books, sea salt and your cologne. That’s what I smelled”, you confessed and he looped his arms around you, keeping you close, so close you could feel the beat of his heart.
“Want to go back?”, you whispered after a while
“No, not yet, I want you to myself, for a little bit more.”, he said as he closed his eyes and you hugged his arms before answering with a satisfied smile “You can have me for a lot longer than that.”
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feedback and criticism are welcome and needed 🖤
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scoupsofjisung · 28 days
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༘♡ ⋆。˚ bang chan best leader confirmed
🧸 paring: bang chan x gn! reader
🧸 warnings: channie has self-esteem issues but what else is new. sort of light angst and comfort except the angst is just at the beginning and then it becomes my usual fluffy crack again.
🧸 author rambles: BREAKING NEWS: tumblr user scoupsofjisung once again writes a chan fic simply as an excuse to profess her love for bang chan. none dead and 143 injured.
blog info post!
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charrfie · 3 months
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vixivulpixel · 6 months
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When they call it a "longplay" this is what they mean right
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napping-sapphic · 3 months
Crazy how i’m not being kissed hard enough to forget everyone who has ever hurt me rn
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miss0atae · 2 months
Ming's coercive control in My Stand-In (Ep 2)
Everyone knows it now, but Ming isn't really a good person in the series My Stand-In.
First of all, and before saying anything else, I also wanted to say, I don't know anything about psychology and I may make mistakes in this post when using some terms. If you know a better way of saying it, don't hesitate to tell me. I'm still learning everyday.
In this new episode we could see how he is always trying to maintain control in his relationship with Joe.
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Bi-phobia hello! As if being bisexual would mean you'll try to get with everybody. Joe was just being nice to the actress because he wanted to help her, as he is a nice guy.
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When Joe reassured him about his preference for men, he found another tactic to make him feel like he was too charming with another man who Joe is close too.
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A little bit of guilt trip, even though, Joe did nothing and can't be responsible for Sol being in love with him. He never did anything that would suggest he would have spend the night with him. However, Ming didn't like that Joe didn't give him full attention, for one night.
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Then, he used verbal abuse to belittle Joe, when the latter asked him, if he was jealous.
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If "toxic relationship" needed a face, they would use Ming.
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He is not beneath using a little bit of emotional blackmail to obtain full attention from Joe, while keeping the right to do whatever he wants outside of their relationship. I mean Joe must not mess with anyone, but Ming didn't promise faithfulness, either.
Joe isn't ready for this. I understand why, in the present, he consider this relationship, a nightmare.
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craykaycee · 4 months
Step 1: I want to interact with Person!
Step 2: Initiate conversation with Person!
Step 3: Skip step 2, Person might be busy :(
Step 4: Never interact with Person
Step 5: Perish.
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artfahle · 9 months
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sorry hikari
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ashanbones · 2 months
biting you biting you biting you (affectionate)
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aphel1on · 10 months
zhongli 🤝 neuvillette
cool autistic dragon grandpas
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yeaaa it’s me
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t4yce · 4 months
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