#the crimson children
meatormenta · 2 years
if you go and read The Crimson Children on Wattpad now while it's still new and underground you are automatically super cool and I like you and I give you permission to brag about how you knew it before it blew up
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texaschainsawmascara · 6 months
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Charlie Hunnam, Papillon
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lonksadventures · 1 year
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I can’t believe I accidentally predicted Aurora's outfit in Sky-
I’ve been meaning to redraw my Megabird design for a while anyways lol
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kelvingemstone · 3 months
always thinking about young cersei lannister in casterly rock! the walls the same colour as her hair. her eyes the same colour as the hangings on the walls. her golden lannister mother dead and the only people left her golden lannister family. the bards playing the rains of castamere every other month under her windows. the crest embroidered into her clothes and stamped into the doors and engraved into the pommels of her guards. the sandstone building up on the hill looking down at its people and sandstone cersei never emerging from it -- golden bird in golden cage becoming golden cage...her blood the same colour as her house!!!!
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lovesickeros · 1 month
putting my thoughts under the cut in case people dont want to spoil themself on arle voicelines
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currently obsessed with the view our current harbingers have of the Tsaritsa. both childe and arlecchino greatly respect her even if arlecchino is dubiously loyal to the Tsaritsa at best. they both talk about her as a figure who is gentle and compassionate, completely at odds with both the organization she allows to commit horrible acts (dottore. its a lot of dottore. he canonically took children from the hoth under the old knave if they were no longer considered "useful" and used as test subjects). shes described as someone with no love left for her people yet the harbingers we've heard talk about her never seem to describe her in such a manner. of course, childe mentions she had to harden herself to complete her goal, but he still notes that shes too gentle. the more we learn about her the more i want to meet her purely because she is contradictions all the way down and its great!!! taking whatever scraps i can get and its perfectly in line with my characterization too so i stay winning
#not a fic#shaking like a rabid dog TSARITSA LORE TSARITSA LORE TSARITSA LORE#lore that actually follows how i characterize her too!!!!!!#a woman who is the goddess of love yet so clearly incapable of it and still it peeks through anyway#a horrible contradiction of the goddess of love and the tsaritsa. the cryo archon.#a woman who is gentle and loving and adoring at her very core but she cannot love. she cannot allow herself to love#despite the fact it was the very thing she was known for. she was the goddess of love and now she must sever a part of her#the fatui as a whole is all about “the greater good. no matter the cost” and it shows through every member!!#also the themes of “love” are shown through her harbingers as well in interesting way that i adore#childe and arlecchino themselves especially.#childe is all about familial love. he adores his family and esp his younger siblings. he'll do anything to make them happy#contrasted by arlecchino's lack of emotion at all. she cares for the kids but does she love them? maybe. but she is not a good “father”#she is still a harbinger. still raising children to be soldiers in the name of the tsaritsa.#but also her + clervie as a theme of love (however you see them aside)#i wont go too in depth but scara and his is familial as well (ei. and later nahida)#and also signora (romantic. rostam) is the turning point in her story. it made her into the crimson witch of flames!!!#something something love is consuming. and it consumed her (also applicable to arle to an extent)#okay ill shut up now this has been ur daily tsaritsa yapping
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laismoura-art · 4 months
Harumi hi I bring u and your friends my first born and second born 👧👶
Bye bye
This one is for them all? Oh well...
Kuai & Hanzo: YOUR WHAT NOW????
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Harumi: Oh... thanks... again...??? I'll be sure to love and cherish this one too! <3
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Bi-Han: Are they into FNAF? No? Then they can stay...
Sareena: Oh, sacrificial child?👀
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harmonyverendez · 6 months
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No words need to be said 🥺🥺🥺😈
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crown-ov-horns · 7 days
I had another Good Omens fanfiction dream this morning.
Basically, Crowley was due to give birth. You might ask, Pestilence, what's with you and Crowley being pregnant?.. The answer is, I don't know, and neither does my therapist.
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So, Crowley's due to give birth, he's scared and in pain. Beelzebub shows up, along with a few other demons (I guess I'll look through the Key of Solomon, I remember a few have to do with healing). She told him they'll support him. I have a feeling, the dream adhered to my idea that Crowley and Beelzebub are siblings (in spite Beelzebub looking like she does in S2, so Indian).
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Crowley had to change to his snake form, because while his human form was male (so he couldn't give birth without surgery, which was too dangerous), his snake form was female. The demons put him in a whelping box (genius idea). Crowley gave birth to either 4 or 6 baby snakes (apparently, they're called snakelets). It was a live birth, which, fun fact, some snakes do give (i think boa constrictors, and snake Crowley kind of looks like one, aside from the colouring). The baby snakes then morphed to human form. I don't think Crowley nearly died, but he lost a lot of blood, and got extremely exhausted. No, it probably wasn't realistic to how snakes actually give birth.
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(They were far larger, though)
Oh, and at some point, Aziraphale found out, but someone (possibly Beelzebub) forbade him from coming, because an angel's presence would distress the babies, and they wouldn't take human form. They could also die.
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No, I don't think Aziraphale was the "father". The babies were demons, while, according to my headcanons, when an angel procreates with a demon, the baby's an angel, as it's the original form (though, they do retain some demonic features). Maybe, Crowley mated with an actual snake, or something... It would be very Greek and Norse god of him, but what the Heaven, dude... I guess, Beelzebub could act as the litter's she-father, once the two had reconciled. Which, is a word I use for maternal figures who, traditionally, would be considered more paternal. You know, kind of emotionally detached, more provider than carer, often absent, that sort of deal.
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This is incoherent, but I only remember fragments. I guess, I will put it down in my notes for the future. I already did. (I'm kind of tempted to write the birth scene, I like writing birth scenes, they're brutal).
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Don't you just have a love/hate relationship with when you are already swamped with WIPs, but the Fanfiction Gods send you another vision?..
Also, don't you just hate it when you give birth to a litter of snakelets, with the help of your coworkers, and your estranged sister.
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What the Hell do you even name that many damn whelps...
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cressida-jayoungr · 7 months
Coeli's Picks: Black, part 2 (Halloween Edition)
(Multiple movies listed left to right)
One Dress a Day Challenge
October: Black Redux
Kiss of the Spider Woman (1985) / Sônia Braga as Leni Lamaison/Marta/Spider Woman
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Crimson Peak (2015) / Jessica Chastain as Lady Lucille Sharpe
"I expect others have already jumped on this one, but it's too good not to mention."
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Diamonds Are Forever (1971) / Jill St. John as Tiffany Case
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Penny Dreadful / Eva Green as Vanessa Ives
"She has several gorgeous black dresses but I'm not sure of episode #s."
Penny Dreadful: City of Angels / Natalie Dormer as Magda (and below)
"I haven't watched Penny Dreadful: City of Angels, but Natalie Dormer as Magda has some great black dresses."
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Riverdale (s2e15, "There Will Be Blood") / Madelaine Petsch as Cheryl Blossom
"Cheryl is the character I've referred to as fully aware that she's living in a gothic novel, and embracing it to the hilt. This is her outfit for the reading of her father's will. Such a ludicrous show. I love it so much."
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Suspiria (1977) / Joan Bennett as Madame Blanc
"I doubt you'll want to watch Suspiria, the incoherent, bloody, but celebrated Italian horror film, but Joan Bennet as Madame Blanc (head of a dance academy that is also a coven of witches) has a terrific witchy black dress." (Yep, I am a self-admitted total wimp about horror.)
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (2016) / Eva Green as Miss Peregrine
"I'm not actually certain this one is black - might be a very dark blue? Depends on lighting?" (Note: the costume looks black on my screen. Her hair, on the other hand, does seem to have a touch of blue.)
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Snow White and the Huntsman (2012) / Charlize Theron as Queen Ravenna
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Moulin Rouge (2001) / Nicole Kidman as Satine
"The 'Gothic Tower' dress."
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crimescrimson · 2 months
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Favourite Resident Evil Characterizations Out of All Their Games [1/?]: Short Hair Claire Redfield in Resident Evil: Revelations 2 (2015)
#crimson's gifs: resident evil#Resident Evil#RE#Resident Evil: Revelations 2#RE: Revelations 2#RE Revelations 2#Resident Evil Revelations 2#RE REV2#Claire Redfield#Sniper Claire Redfield#So this series is gonna be for both physically favourite and depiction favourite#So in terms of outfit and such this Claire is my favourite because its the only one that actually fucking branches out from her usual style#In every single RE game or series shes in shes always in a leather jacket and pony tail with blue jeans#The only outlier is degeneration#So the short hair and the long sleeved shirt really go hard as a change and also really suit her. I love the hair and wish they kept it#In death island for her instead of copy pasting her ID look#In terms of characterisation I love a more rough around the edges depiction of her reminiscent of Code Veronica#Ive always preferred Claire when shes not forced into a protector of children role and that being her entire identity#Yes shes compassionate and thats one of her main motifs but shes also a person who made a LOT of mistakes young#Including abandoning Leon and Sherry post RE2 and not looking into Simmons before he got custody of Sherry#So seeing how her ability to talk to kids has dulled over the years and her older sense of humor really works#Code Veronica and Rev2 are the only versions of her that they don't try and make her mother teresa and I love her way more that way#I feel like in all versions of RE2 shes ruined by her post re2 decisions in the way they try and paint her in-game#I haven't watched Degen in a WHILE and in ID she's just there for 5 minutes to be pissed at Leon for making a really hard decision he had t#Idk I feel like if they introduced her in code veronica and her only 2 outings were CVX and REV2 she wouldn't take any damage from it#Theme: Characterized
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maxphilippa · 1 year
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Object ocs I have, part 1/?
Uhhh these are for an small thing I have.
I spent too much time painting this lol.
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sculptorofcrimson · 6 months
Artisan of Joy
“Look at them. Look at how they grovel. The children of false majesty, what beautiful music they make! 
Look at what filth with which they adorn their glory. Gaze upon their false idols and weep. Cast down their shawls, their paintbrushes, their inks and their shadows. They will never catch a mere glimpse of our lord’s perfection. Let them reach for their dreams, those pathetic worms without the spine to accomplish, without the determination to hate, or the madness and zeal to perfect. Let them grasp for the stars, and chase a heartless love, let them seek perfection and weep. 
Look at them, the filth of the earth. They are the lowest of vermin, those who could have been perfect yet never will, those who could have created glories, mirrors of my magnificence, yet were not even worthy of the eye of their affections. 
Love.  What a beautiful word. What a disgusting word. What a hateful word, when it has been driven by whips and chains and abandonment beyond perfection, beyond adornment, beyond joy, beyond even madness itself. What madness, what perfection, what disgusting perversions of obsessions they seek. Hear my apprentices sing, what ravenous hunger they have! What desperation, what adoration they seek to fill the void that has become their love.
Look at them.
Lok at what they could have become.
Unloved, unwanted, pitied and scorned by even their adorations. You came from perfection, from joy, from beauty itself. You took love and turned it to hatred, you took admiration and turned it to perversion. You took your paintbrushes and dipped them in crimson, you chose to weave horrors of your love and abominations of your joy.
Hear, hear, gaze upon these abominations, this choir of sordid curses! Gaze upon the artisans of joy and love, the weavers of joyless admiration. Unloved, unwanted, they weave joy where they have not. Look upon them, my sons! 
They were once the highest, and now they are the filth of the earth, unloved by even death itself. 
Look at them.
Look at what they could have become.
Oh, my beloved Emperor’s Children, look at how far you’ve fallen.”
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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lonksadventures · 1 year
So little update on Crimson Storm.
With university starting up again I haven’t had much time to make more content for the au/been inspired to draw that much. So for now imma be letting it take a backseat while I draw other stuff. Don’t worry though! I’m still planning stuff and working on character designs. Art and updates for it may just be a little slow. That being said if you have questions about the au please feel free to send me an ask! :D
Anyways have these little concept doodles for Gale and Resh:
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(None of these designs are final so things may change)
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ufonaut · 1 year
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I’ve had months to think about it on this island, years maybe, and... it’s okay. We all have a destiny. And this is mine. To save all of you.
Stargirl: The Lost Children (2022) #6
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crimsondoesstuff · 10 months
Hi guys so I’m so normal right
Recently been drawing nothing but FNAF art, which is insane to me. I’ve had so much motivation- but not for my own stories no no- JUST for FNAF. Please put me out of my misery.
At least some cool art’s come out of it though
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(I spend more time than I’d like to admit on the signatures alone. Very fun drawing though.)
I have a love hate relationship with William Afton, but Henry literally deserves the world, he did not deserve the grief and endless shame this man put him through 🖕
This is their 83’ designs in my universe- they look different down the line, obviously, but I imagine they’d look less distressed before all the awful events of the insane FNAF lore occur
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There’s also these two absolutely gorgeous women, god I want to be them so bad
Fun fact about their designs, their names in my universe are Juliette Smith (Emily) and Clarissa Schmidt (Afton)! Juliette is a stay at home housewife, while Clarissa is trying to finish medical school to become a nurse
I gave Clarissa a rose in her hair to reference the other name people give her all the time (Rose), and I gave Juliette a locket with her birthstone on the front and a photo of her and Henry on their wedding day inside. (Juliette’s birthstone is Peridot, for August - In my universe, her birthday is actually on the 15th, WHICH IS TODAY?! SO I HAVE ANOTHER PIECE OF ART I’LL BE POSTING AFTER THIS ONE!!!!)
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I also drew the kids!!!! They deserve so much more love than they got, they literally deserve the world- I want to give them all happy lives but the fact that isn’t possible makes me sad every day 😭
I also made a ghost children version with blood that I’ll put below the line here:
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I’m literally in love with how I drew all of them so much,,, my favorite part of their designs has to be the tears though, and the symbolism that comes with them
Not only are they color coordinated to the animatronics they possess, there’s also Cassidy.
All I can imagine is her, one day, coming to terms with her death. No longer sad. Just angry.
She opens her eyes, and simply states: “I won’t cry anymore.”
In fact, I never got around to finishing this art of Cassidy, but I feel like it also applies to this quote.
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I’ve also made a bunch of doodles that I may or may not clean up in the future? Who knows, I’m tired
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For now, I’ll just leave them here and say I’ll get back to them someday.
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harpyco · 6 months
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Bruh this is too cute 🥹
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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