#the crown is both figuratively and literally too big for his little head
stacytea · 9 months
Hello everyone!
So today I bring to you a silly little drawing of my favourite child monarch on his coronation day
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(plz excuse my questionable drawing abilities)
(also light was hitting it weird when I was taking this picture, so it's not really visible, but he has tears in his eyes)
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thetxtdevil · 2 months
My mind went wild when i saw those pics of Kai at the beach with his sisters. Imagine going on a vacation to the beach with him and wearing a cute but quite revealing bikini just for him and to see how he will react. Ofc he would be a gentleman and try to hide the fact that he is horny as hell just by the sight of you , his sisters are there after all!!!. But going back to the room after playing all the day at the beach, he would literally devour u and make u his
Exactly took the words right out of my mind And I should probably start adding pictures to the requests making them look somewhat tempting
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The sun was bright, wind rushed through your hair once you stepped out of the airport. You took a breath of the humid air and quickly take Kai's hand into yours. All of you were rushing to the hotel to get away from paparazzi and just to get cozy. Kai was thrilled to have a small vacation with his family and his girlfriend. He and the boys have been working so hard and a little too much that he not only wanted but needed to let loose.
Arriving in the hotel room you and Kai shared, Kai immediately wanted you. He strides towards your figure beginning to unpack your bags and pulls you into a kiss. His big hands engulfing your face as he passionately kisses you. The deep desire quickly fades when one of his sister's voice can be heard from the other side of the door.
"Hurry up and get into your guy's swimsuits we're going to the beach."
You smile at Kai's huff of irritation breaking free from his firm grip on you. Slipping into the bathroom to change as the man changes in the room, you come out modeling for him. You blush at the way Kai's eyes open and jaw drops looking at your little pink bikini. This was going to be torture for him.
Walking along the beach hand and hand with your boyfriend, all of you were enjoying each others company. You got along with Kai's sisters well, always talking about girly things laughing and having fun, and especially taking about Kai. He'd roll his eyes when you mention a new habit of his and the girls would laugh fluff his hair.
Kai lets you have your fun but that's because he was be too focused on your body. Discreetly eyeing up the cut of your top, being able to see the curve of your breasts. Eyes drifted lower looking at you sheer draped cover-up the hung low on your hips. He admired your confidence however your confidence tends to get him in heated conditions.
The sun shining on you made your cheeks blush and your skin sweat, you looked delicious. All the dirt that was running through his mind was stacking up. Throughout the day all Kai could think about was what he would've done if he didn't have his family come along. Possibly have his hand sneak their way into your bikini bottoms while lounging at the beach. Maybe whisper dirty things and making out with you on the shoreline.
You noticed Kai's distant look, thinking it was the heat of the sun. "Hey we're going back the room, I think the sun is getting us both fatigued."
Your comment awakened Kai from his daydreaming, he asks you if you're sure but you insisted. The was the getaway that he needed, his somber look turned into a determined one by dragging back to the hotel. He struggles getting the lock to turn green, you giggle helping him out but your light attitude flies out of the window once Kai basically manhandles you. Thrown to the white clean sheets of the bed you get your bearings looking up at the man.
Lust consumed him as his eyes were dark swimming with hunger. He hovers over you kissing your lips deeply like before. Soon his lips travel to your jaw, neck, and then to your exposed breasts. "You look so hot in this" he kisses, licks in between your tits, "but it was not fun holding back." Your fingers comb through his dusty blue hair kissing the crown of his head.
"Looked so good I could've fucked you on the sand."
You gasp at his words not knowing what to do with this version of Kai. All you could do is let him have you, he deserves it anyways. And to have you he will as he kisses, licks, bites every inch of your glistening skin. Freeing your breasts from the small bikini top and grouping them until they became sore. His nose glides down your abdomen and then into your clothed cunt. Tearing off the bottoms, Kai hovers over your face again, you moan into his lips when you feel his fingers explore you wet slit.
"Can I fuck you in these sheets instead?"
A nuisance,
TxT's Devil
taglist: @inkigayocamman, @naoristerling, @incogrio
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evilminji · 1 year
Can You "Accidental Baby Acquisition" Yourself?
Like? Say you have a You... who is NOT You, obviously, but A You in the Multiversal sense... and their childhood suuuuuucked. Just? Truely awful for reasons beyond their control.
Such as the veil NOT being so easily peirced in their reality and humanity a bit more... Reactive(tm) to ectoplasm, due to the lower concentration of it in the Everything of their Universe. Which makes their parents research? Unattainable. Dangerous.
Ultimately fatal to their elder sister.
And then later, them.
Not that they were even the loving if wildly eccentric parents most of the other You's KNOW and have. Due to that very say research and their long-term exposure to their own samples. The Reactivity.
"Pit Rage" as some circles call it.
They weren't themselves. Stopped BEING themselves long before their children ever came into the picture. If they could think clearly, they would BEG for someone to save their children. From them. From their house of horrors. From what they've become.
And well? You exsist outside of Time. In the Zone. Maybe you have a wide and crazy adventure with this grizzled, worn, badass of a You. Figure he's pretty cool. Ask if he needs anything. And he laughs this broken glass in your chest sort of sound and says:
"Not unless you could give me a real childhood."
Like? Dude. Buddy. My buddy dude. Gonna have to explain that one. You can't just drop that and walk away. We Crazy Action Bros Adventure(tm) bonded. You can tell me. And reluctantly... he kinda does.
And... Look. You exsist outside of TIME. Your mentor IS Time. You can TOTALLY do that.
But like? You realize... there wouldn't be TWO of you... right? If you take mini-Bamf out of the timestream at point A... you, big guy, stop existing at every instance of point B and onwards.
Yeah. Yeah, he gets that. Fully consents. His life was full of bad decisions and dramatic bullshit. He wants a real childhood. His sister back. Wants them BOTH out of that house and somewhere safe. If he could do it himself, he would. Call it his fucked up way of healing. Finally facing his trauma. It's haunted him long enough.
.....well then. Now You've got a baby and a fussy toddler. They have superpowers because of course they do. That house was OSHAs waking nightmares and deepest fever dreams. Jazzypants is hungy. And baby You did a stinky.
This is Fine(tm).
You're a King! You can TOTALLY handle this! Teeeeeemporarily. Since it's not like they can stay HERE. The Zone is literally uninhabitable long term for the living. So time to fire up the ol Brain Meats. Gremlin Ideas formulating. Loading... Loading... Loooooooading. Got it!
You kidnapped them.
Brilliant! FRIGHTY! Where's the Trenchcoat Booze Slu-...SLUHeuth. Sleuth! Totally what I was planning to say, Starshines! Don't curse. Cursing Bad~☆
The Detective Of Loose Morales in The Trenchcoat, who's Soul I Own, Frighty! Where's he at?? *Distant muffled answer* Close enough! Time to give him a heart attack! And throw a fight! Can you toss me a nightmare medallion? I need to instill mortal terror! Thaaaanks, Frighty! Also can you change diapers? *affirmative noises* Ancients, you're the best.
Smash cut to John Constantine. Busting up some cult, as you do. When? Oh fuck. The leaders heading for the store room! Not today, fucker! They fight. They struggle. It's Manly and Gritty and dramatic! When?
A terrible CRASH. Some artifact must have activated. What... have you DONE? *dramatic musical sting* swirling green and DEATH radiates out from a pin prick of nothing. A black hole in reverse. The cold oblivion of space, given bones to claw its way free. Eyes that sear in colors too technicolor and hypersaturated to be mortal. Green. Green! GREEN.
Ice and stars and death and a terrible, unspeakable Crown.
Two... two little sprogs. Tiny bits of nothing in a monsters hand. KIDS, wrapped up in something they never should of even had to nightmare about. John's eyes catch on red, red hair. A tiny little headband with butterflies on it. Pressed so close to dark locks, as she wraps herself around her little bits of a sibling.
The other ones dressed up in stars.
Someone SOLD their fuckin KIDS. Or this damned this STOLE them. It doesn't matter. Not now, not to John. Because this bastard isn't keeping them. He slides like breathing into the waves of luck and chance, odds and fate. Is on his feet and drawing attention. Whatever it takes, he's leaving here with those kids.
He laughs and it's not a kind one.
"Oi! A word if you will?"
@hypewinter @hdgnj @the-witchhunter @nerdpoe @ailithnight
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jweekgoji · 10 months
kind of headcannons about yanderes, so basic warnings about kidnapping, manipulation, unhealthy dynamics, obsession, overprotective behavior.
I kind of lied about Fern being the best yandere of AT, IMO Betty would be the best choice, girl freaking holds her man like her wifey, punches weird magical creatures she saw for the first time and she doesn't give a F about some big ass red boss baby , ALL FOR A MAN!!!
as for yandere potential, I would have ranked them like this. ↓
Betty/Golbetty is a really dedicated, ruthless and determined person when it comes to saving and protecting people she loves, even as a regular human she does really scary stuff against some powerful beings, all for beloved! I also really like Magicwoman Betty, I like insane yanderes losing their mind over how to save s/o , especially if they were really sweet and caring before all the crazy stuff happened.
Lich is kind of underrated tho, his voice actor really serves, a good villain which would give me god-like yandere villain/human beloved vibes which would be like a pet for Lich. The power difference is tasty, not to mention the size difference. Would wish to extinct all the life in the universe only for you to be all alone with him :P
Simon is not like Betty, even though he totally would do the same as her, sacrifice everything he has only for his s/o, without them he is nothing and pathetic to watch. but I see him as some kind of father figure with fucked up mind. Hates himself for it, thinks he's too old for you, you totally deserve better than someone like him, but not like he is against the idea of you being around him.
Scarab, The Star somehow like Lich, if you are human or just weaker than them, they would treat you as some sort of pet too. Maybe Scarab would taunt you more, calling you pathetic, ugly and disgusting, at the same time he would be the one who bathes you all the time. He thinks he is superior, but actually freak deep inside. But I would give bonus points for the reverse dynamic, s/o who treats Scarab as a bug he is, not caring about him begging for a job as a wishmaster. step on him, squish him like a bug, but he would run to you for more.
Ooo Finn is himbo, funny guy, actually average yandere, but Jake's death really changes his view on life. It's canon that he waits for the day he dies just to see his brother again. I think he would be a really overprotective one, always on your side whenever you go, helping you with whatever you have to do even if it's something simple. I love the idea of the good loyal hero being a little too protective towards their s/o. Most of the time Finn actually can't understand what he is doing wrong, so if you tell them about it, he would laugh it off.
FW Finn is such a cherry. I would pick Ice Finn and adult FW Finn for this. Ice Finn is scary, before he goes crazy, he is a polite and cute young man, but like other crown users, he has a really deep sense of love for the one he loves enough to put that cursed thing on his head just to save them. I see him more like a creepy guy, not like Ice King tho, Ice Finn would be kind of scarier since all those buildings made of frozen people would scare off everyone. He would be a clingy guy seeking human warmth since his body temperature is too low, but don't run away from him or you will add to his frozen collection.
Adult FW Finn are much cooler in both senses, like Ooo Finn he is overprotective, might be even more since Destiny Gang is always around and he can't let his s/o to be killed by them, he already had to lose his wife, so you would be guarded 24/7. Canonically, Finn would totally hear you once you try to leave him, so don't try it. He won't hurt you, but you would lose your privilege to walk.
Minerva just like her son is the one who wants to help people all the time. Even though they don't really want her help. It will be short here, but like I said about Finn before, she is an overprotective one, and her being everywhere literally would make your life a living nightmare since it would be hard as hell to leave her.
I already made headcannons about Fern, so will be short here too. Fern>Finn in yandere behavior, Fern is violent due to grass demon influence, he has low self-esteem, he doesn't think he deserves you since Finn would be much better at protecting you from harm. But his mind is constantly changing, so in the moment of trying to prove himself, he will kidnap or kill whoever stays on his way to get you, not to mention that if you are the person who's in good relationships with Finn, he would not hesitate to take care of Finn and take his place.
Winter King is a weirdo who has too much power. He is affectionate and could mess with the brains of everyone with his charm. Look at him, such a nice and powerful King! How could you not love him, dude?? Money, knowledge, power, love, all he has and he will give it to you. Well, if you are smart enough to see him playing, his mood will turn into a more angry one, showing some traits of the Ice King. So yeah, same old kidnapping Ice King stuff...
For PB&Candy Queen it's obvious, just like Ice Kings, she is a crazy girl, the definition of yandere, but her blender thingie is actually impressive. I don't think she will be all lovey dovey with her s/o, like she could play her songs for you, keeping you trapped, but one day you will be mixed with her together. PB from the vampire world is kind of like a much cooler version of OG PB, I like her character design and how she is portrayed, I just like strong women who would dominate you, that's all.
Can't say much about Hunter, Fionna, PB, Marceline or Phoebe for now. They're kind of chill and too cute, I can't see them doing crazy stuff (for now). For Huntress Wizard, my love, I see her cool and chill too, but this girl would give you some wild presents like when she gave Finn an animal's heart 😭 well, she is a lonely wolf type, kind of don't know what couples are supposed to do and would try to express herself in her own style which would weird you out a little but she still tries!
Peppermint Butler is kind of underrated too, he's a freaking funny guy, no one would actually believe you if you say that this candy guy would do some creepy shit. I mean look at him! Kind of like more the idea where his s/o is some really powerful entity like Death or Vampire King, he would daydream about you, giggling and kicking his feet making weird fanfics about you in his journal~~~
For Uncle Gambald and Patience, I would say they're pretty strong and violent. Don't disobey those two unless you want to die or something, are you stupid?? Patience at least would try to appear like she's actually trying to be good, she wants to know you more and teach some stuff, or tell stories about the past, just don't ignore her. Uncle Gambald is a creep, stay away from him!! He's gonna make you dumb candy citizen too!!
I actually love Prismo so much, but as for yandere he would be really tied up to his work. I mean, he can't do anything with you when you are outside his time room. He is helpless. He can't touch you or feel you like others would, he can't be around you 24/7 like them, he can't give you what most people need from their partners and it is really sad. Of course, he can make you appear in his time room whenever he wants, he can make everything you wish for, hoping that maybe you will stay with him a little longer. I don't think he would appear angry or annoyed by you, he's too sweet and caring. If you want to leave just go, but he would feel like shit without you around, his work is boring as hell, people who came for making a wish are annoying him, his time room is full of garbage. But Prismo's attention focused totally on videos of you from different universes, the only thing keeping him entertained.
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marikosenwrites · 9 months
kazuuuuuuuu for anythin pls
inazuma men dating head canons
sen: okay so first request im nervous af shitttt but anon thanks for the request! i'm gonna do inazuma men dating head canons because head canons are literally the easiest to do but i enjoy doing them! (since it's "for anythin" i'm gonna do gn!reader) surprisingly little inazuman men btw (wanderer is in sumeru but kuni and scara sob not including them)
warnings: names called, ooc?, i can't do poetry (kazuha esp)
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♡he's a soft bb
♡when he first confessed, he read a poem instead of normally confessing and this is normal for kazuha to speak in riddles
♡you had to think for a minute until you figured it out
♡ofc you accepted his confession
♡you guys went on small dates at first, like at uyuu-tei and such
♡soon, you started going to each other's houses instead
♡like home dates and you would drink tea and cuddle on the couch together <3
♡sometimes he would stay for the night
♡like one time he came over and a thunderstorm happened
♡so he was like "the rain doesn't stop me from returning home."
|♡"but, i wouldn't want you to catch a cold! ah, i know! you can stay for the night, i bet i have some larger clothing that suits you." you tried stopping him from leaving.
|♡kazuha smiles, "as you wish, my love."
♡so you let him shower first and then you
♡he wore a large shirt of your that your aunt gifted (she mistakenly had your size wrong)
♡you guys cuddle in bed and he gives you a small forehead kiss that makes you go to sleep
♡you just smile and lean closer into his chest
|♡"may the stars of teyvat representing me be with you even when i'm not here, my darling."
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♡loves you lots
♡he goes on dates with you at the komore teahouse, you both were ayato's friends so he allows it
♡you guys love taroumaru to death
♡even if you had an allergy, you would just wear a mask and look at taroumaru lovingly from a distance
♡i feel like thoma's a simple is best kinda guy
♡so the simplest dates ever, like just cafe dates or home dates thats all no further planning needed
♡if you have a garden or something like that, you guys just hang out in the grass and like make flower crowns (if you or thoma know how to make one)
|♡lying in the grass be like "dear me, these flowers are so pretty. but do you know what's prettier?" he asks you, turning his head to look at you.
|♡"...no, what is it, thoma?" you reply while you fiddle with the petals.
|♡"you." he says, as he watches your cheeks turn bright red and put tomatoes to shame.
|♡"...thoma! that's so cheesy!" you would tell him, but your reaction says otherwise.
♡regularly stays at your home, or stays with you at the kamisato residence if ayato and ayaka allows.
♡often big spoon if you're gonna like do cuddling and stuff in bed
|♡"goodnight, darling! have a sweet dream, i'll still be here when you wake up. if waka doesn't wake me up, i guess."
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arataki itto
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♡would often play that game (i forgot) with you
♡challenges children with you too
♡i'm gonna expect that the two of you are playful so you're gonna be like YESS when the child says okay to yours and itto's antics
♡you guys gonna keep losing and then like get one or two victories and stuff
|♡"YES YES YES WE WON!!!" itto screamed in happiness.
|♡"I KNOW, ITTO, I KNOW!" you screamed back at him, frightening the kids, both of you.
♡their parents gonna ask them to stay away from you but they're like "NO IT'S FUN"
♡they end up getting grounded for a week 💀
♡he stays at your house for at least one night if you have home dates because kuki is coming after him
|♡when you're like "NO SNACKS FOR YOU THEY'RE MINE"
|♡he would shout back "NO FAIR I WANT THEM TOO"
♡and you two end up on the couch sharing the pack of chips with him
♡you fall asleep on him and as the "caring boyfriend" he just sleeps too
♡in the morning you wake up first because itto is such a sleeper
♡you have to make breakfast for him but he wakes up in the middle of you making breakfast and gives you back hugs <33
|♡"morning...did you have a nice sleep?"
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♡feel like he's the type to confess first
♡he gave you apples when he confessed (there are a lot in watatsumi i suppose (and fruits))
♡supports pda and doesn't support pda at the same time
♡maybe holding hands and smol kisses
♡likes inviting you to watatsumi and pick fruits together <3
♡his nickname for you is just the shortened form of your name (if ur name is already short well.... just your name i'm sorry)
|♡"n/n, look! this one's perfect! come on, i'll pick it with you." gorou gestures for you to go over to him.
|♡you go over to the boy. "oh, really? wow...it really is perfect!"
|♡"i know, right? come on, pick it."
♡after some convincing, gorou picks it for you 💀
♡you guys just hang in his house (if he has one) bc you're still in watatsumi and no you dont live there
♡he's skilled with his hands (both in cooking and...the other way)
♡loves being the big spoon when sleeping with you
♡actually wraps his tail around your stomach to keep your warm
♡cooks your breakfast when you wake up
|♡"n/n, it's time to wake up! i have breakfast on the table for you, come on, it's apple pie!"
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kamisato ayato
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♡i used to say kamistos shit ignore it
♡your confession caught him off guard (you confessed first)
♡he also has feelings for you
♡so ayato asked if you would like to go to komore teahouse when his schedules are a bit more manageable
♡ofc you said yes
♡yall were just chilling and getting to know each other at the teahouse
♡doesn't exactly favor pda you realized
♡as the head of the kamisato clan, assassins are often planted in his house
♡doesn't want you to get hurt bc of him
♡you end up getting hurt? YOU'RE STAYING WITH ME FOR 2 MONTHS
♡showers you with affection when you're alone though
♡quadraple triple double checks if yall are alone
|♡"okay, seems like we're alone now," your boyfriend states, giving in to his uncertainty and letting out a tired sigh before coming to your loving arms on the couch.
|♡"'yato, are you sure you don't need a break? ayaka seems bored lately." you slightly massage his shoulders, feeling his tense muscles relax at your touch.
|♡"maybe some time. most of the events need me to be participating. i'm sorry i can't spend more time with you, love."
♡you hum in silence
♡ayato loves that you're getting along well with ayaka
♡he has her teaching you swordsmanship
♡sometimes thoma joins ("but, waka, i wanna join! i wanna help y/n-san!" -thoma)
♡ok so sleep positions
♡sleeps face up
♡but when you're there (usually after the attacks or smth) he's wrapping his arms around you while sleeping on his side
|♡"good night, darling. let's hope none of the little bugs bother us tonight. have plenty of sweet dreams, good night."
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shikanoin heizou
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♡his ego went *BOOM* when you confessed to him
♡heizou loves solving mysteries with you <3
♡one time he asked you to attend his case so you can see how cool he is
♡loves sharing food with you (?)
♡goes to onsens with you all the time
♡loves listening to music with you too
|♡"isn't this piece soothing?" he would ask you, putting an arm around your waist.
|♡"of course, 'zou. this is just right for me," you would answer, leaning into him.
♡loves staying at your house for some reason??
♡also stays for like a month once at a time probably half his year is in your house
♡but he doesn't mind
♡your presence is enough to soothe him and his tired mind
♡just sleeps face up
♡you do too
♡he always wakes up earlier than you, case or no case
|♡"morning, my love. had a good sleep? i hope you did, because breakfast is coming."
(would do this at 7am idk why)
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a/n: i learned the art of putting the "keep reading" sign (thumbs up!)
©all banners, dividers, and stories are made by marikosenwrites and the pictures in it are from pinterest. i own none of the GENSHIN IMPACT characters mentioned here.
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ok so I made my plans about somehow making some sort of Hamlet AU out of ATLA clear before I even began watching the show, but what I didn’t anticipate, was how easy the show was going to make it for me.
I don’t know if I have to tag atla spoilers because the show came out in 2005? but erm spoilers I suppose. to be completely honest i’m only on S3 E13 so this is subject to change, just throwing out ideas rn
Like there’s literally conspiracy leading to murder (apparently even poisoning, i’m not sure of the specifics) of the current head of power in order to gain control of the throne RIGHT THERE IN THE SHOW. It’s almost too easy. The only thing that could possibly make it easier would be if Iroh’s son were still alive and they’d gone for an already ascended Iroh instead of grandpappy Azulon. But even still.
So the story as far as I could see it would have it play out in a similar way to the actual show, with Ozai murdering Azulon for the throne. Considering the Danish throne in Hamlet is an elective one, if we opt for that side of things, Ozai would win public favour due to Iroh being in no condition to lead. Alternatively, we could just stick to canon, considering Ozai ends up with the throne either way.
I think the biggest changes that immediately arise are:
- Zuko’s probably not thaaat sad about Azulon. Which is fine. Rather than this revenge tragedy being about a fall from grace, it’s almost more a tragic inevitably. Zuko doesn’t start off as down in the dumps but that’s okay, because in terms of how far down he has to go morally, he’s still got a big headstart
- Zuko’s probably less annoyed at both his parents. This is a timeline in which Zuko was never sent to capture the Avatar to restore his honour, which means it’s quite possible the infamous Agni Kai never happened at all. Regardless, I will find some way to work his iconic scar into the story, whether that be beforehand, during his capture and send off in Act 4, or the final duel in Act 5. I will, however, have to find some reason for him to be slightly more annoyed at his father than in the original story (where the disapproval of his father just made him more desperate). Perhaps this time he fought back in the Agni Kai, and while still emerging scarred, was not exiled. Maybe he never spoke out at all, and simply disapproves of his father’s blatant favouritism of his sister. I may discuss this later on, but the key point is that he needs to be believably motivated to kill his own father, which he was not originally.
- Also, Zuko’s probably not that pissed at his mother for committing incest because… she didn’t really do that. Whatsoever. He’ll probably end up pissed at her eventually for sticking with his father or even in finding out her accessory to the crime (although perhaps holding off from the same revenge if her motives were different to Ozai’s), but the point is that there’ll be a removed layer of depth in terms of their relationship in comparison to the original. So no misogynistic Zuko, which while it might be a nay for story detail, is a yay for feminism.
Anyway, so the story starts off the same as usual, probably around the spring of the original series. There’s also a good chance that I’ll get Azulon’s whole poisoning deal to happen a little closer to the actual series, purely for pacing’s sake. Anyway, Firelord Ozai is again blatantly favouring his daughter over his crown prince son, and Azusa asks if she can go back to the Earth Kingdom to continue taking over it, which Ozai agrees to. So Zuko’s left alone in the castle to wander with his thoughts.
The second big set of problems that arise are that Zuko doesn’t have very many friends. Which is a bit of an issue in terms of figuring out a Horatio, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. I’ve got Mai down for Ophelia, so there’s a good chance by process of elimination that Ty Lee’s going to end up as Rosencrantz. Either way, for now, we’ll just leave that basket case alone and talk about when he gets on the roof to talk to ghosts.
Anyway, so yada yada yada, Zuko gets sent to talk to a spirit that looks like his late grandfather. Spirit shows up, claims to be the guy, and asks Zuko to avenge him. He spares no detail to the crown prince about his bloody murder, the vicious betrayal that took his life, and claims it brought dishonour upon Ozai’s family line. He tells Zuko that Ozai is already past the point of no return, but as the crown prince and the next firelord, Azulon says there is still a chance for his own redemption. If Zuko wants to redeem himself in order to claim his rightful place on the throne, he must avenge Azulon, and restore his honour.
If we want to use Ozai’s favouritism towards Azula as a way to turn Zuko against him, Ozai can also mention how it was his, and then Iroh’s destiny to ascend to the throne and take the mantle of the firelord. But clearly, Ozai has no problem going against fate in order to change who the throne is going to. It may be Zuko’s destiny now, but again, if Ozai did it once, he might do it again. Azula is a better fit, and if Zuko doesn’t take care of him first, Ozai might be tempted to take things into his own hands again.
Anyway, the point is Zuko’s head gets filled with all the restore-his-honour stuff about avenging his grandfather for the throne. But he knows that spirits aren’t always what they seem, and also this is like, his dad, so he’s a little hesitant at first. And naturally, his first thought is that he needs to gather information, so he puts on a little bit of an antic disposition.
Now it should be said, for all intents and purposes, I see no reason why the Avatar storyline couldn’t be more or less going on in the background. A couple of changes, yes, but it’s not like we’re strangers to those at this point. The point is, instead of Fortinbras, the ever impending doom on the Fire Nation will be the Avatar or something.
Mai, whom Zuko has been dating a little more closely due to not being on a ship in the South Pole somewhere, notices that he’s been acting a little strange. Iroh, who’s still hanging around the palace, wonders if it’s possibly the symptoms of love sickness, and decides to investigate. He talks to Zuko, but the prince, not having spent a large amount of time in close proximity to his uncle and his mysterious proverbs and therefore without the same affections for him, dismisses his words and misreads his uncle as a doddering old man.
Ty Lee (or whomever) also get sent to spy on him, but Zuko (having grown up with Azula for a sister), is paranoid, and catches on straight away. She brings him news of a troupe of travelling actors, whom she met during her tour with the circus, who are in town, and Zuko hatches a plan.
Meanwhile, Iroh and Ursa try again to see if Zuko has been bit by the love bug by sending Mai in to talk to him personally, to return his gifts (as he’s been sort of slacking in the boyfriend department recently) and to see how he reacts. As they spy, they catch him pondering aloud to himself. Instead of ‘to be or not to be’, a thoughtful soliloquy on life, death, and the question of why doesn’t everybody just kill themselves, Zuko wonders aloud about honour, destiny, and balance. How they tie into one another, what fate has in store for him, why he should have so much compared to the average man. What destiny means if it can be so easily changed and imposed. Where honour comes from, who decides how it is earned. And mostly, about the concept of balance, in the royal family, in the Four Nations and the hundred year war, in the Avatar and what he represents, and in himself. It’s super deep and thoughtful, and I’m not writing any of it down.
Anyway, and then Mai comes in, and Zuko, all hopped up on paranoia and daddy and sister issues and people being sent to spy on him, accuses her of not loving him and going behind his back. He totally yells at her a bunch about it, and Ursa and Iroh are left with the realisation that whatever he’s being plagued by, it’s not love.
The actors then come and perform a rendition (on Zuko’s command) of the events leading to and of Azulon’s demise and it… leaves much to be desired. Regardless, it gets the job done, and Ozai runs away.
Zuko finds him somewhere, and has the opportunity to kill him, and you can tell this is one of the bits that I haven’t quite figured out just yet, but for whatever reason doesn’t because it wouldn’t be honourable, or something.
Ursa calls Zuko into her chambers, worried about him, and Zuko snaps at her, yelling at her for supporting Ozai and her part in the conspiracy. She calls for help, and someone behind the curtain calls for help, and Zuko realises he’s being spied on. Without thinking very hard about it, he assumes it’s Ozai, and slices up the arras. Ursa freaks out, and Zuko freaks out too, but upon inspection of the body, it turns out instead of killing his treacherous father Ozai, he’s accidentally just gone and killed beloved Uncle Iroh.
And I know what you must be thinking. ‘Blasphemy! Iroh can’t be killed. He’s way too cool.’ and while I’d agree under normal circumstances, this actually serves as a really good point of no return for Zuko that parallels that of the original play, because this is where the nail gets hammered in that this really isn’t our Zuko anymore. This Zuko didn’t spend three years alongside a good influence that would eventually lead him to go down a better path, this Zuko continued to grow up in Fire Nation walls. And even with the pre-existing compassion and capacity to change for the better in his heart, the one person who would have seen it come to fruition is now dead. This is a turning point that symbolises that whatever person Zuko could have become, the one he did in the original series, is now forever lost.
Anyway, so after yelling at and then crying with his mother for a bit (despite everything, he was still always her favourite. which isn’t hard when Azula’s your other child), and then seeing some more spirit action, and then crying some more, Zuko hides the body and runs. He doesn’t get very far, as he’s captured and taken to Ozai, who’s furious with him. Zuko refuses to answer any of his questions in a straight manner, and is sent off to the colonies to ‘cool down’. He is to be assisted by Ty Lee, and potentially co.
On his way out from the Fire Nation, Zuko spots a gathering of Water Tribe and various Earth Kingdom ships, and reasons that the Avatar must be planning to invade the Fire Nation at some point. He examines the likelihood of it working, and what he’s clearly willing to risk.
Later on, during the boat ride, unable to sleep, Zuko sneaks into Ty Lee’s cabin and steals the letter she’s been entrusted to give the militia in charge of the colony they’re headed to upon their arrival. He opens and reads it, and to his shock, it’s an order to carry out his immediate execution upon their receiving of the letter. He finds the necessary materials, and forges a second letter that instead orders the deaths of the bearers of the letter, and seals it with the signet ring of the Fire Nation royalty. Hours later, the ship is attacked by pirates and Zuko escapes onto their vessel, capturing it and directing it back towards the Fire Nation.
Azula comes back from the Earth Kingdom to find Iroh dead, her brother missing, and Mai with her mind on the edge. She’s annoyed at Zuko for reducing her friend to this state, and even more so when Mai ends up losing herself to it. So when Ozai recieves a message from his son announcing his return and suggests to Azula that they get revenge on her brother, she’s more than happy to help out.
Zuko arrives back in the Fire Nation, and during his trek back to the castle, upon seeing the graves being dug for the Fire Nation soldiers lost to the war, ponders again about the nature of balance and honour, this time in a classic life/death way. He has a frustrating conversation with a particularly witty gravedigger, and then spies a funeral taking place. He notices members of his family there, and realising it’s for Mai, crashes the funeral, and jumps into her grave. Azula jumps after him, and the two begin to fight as the accuse the other of not loving Mai enough. They’re pried apart, and Ozai reminds Azula to save her energy for their duel.
Zuko is invited to a duel, and in my mind this can go one of two ways:
- Either it’s the classic Agni Kai, which Zuko challenges Azula to during the fight in the graveyard, and she readily accepts, scheduling it for the day after, or
- Zuko is inviting to a sword fighting duel with his sister during the eclipse, which he readily accepts, as he’s willing to show off in the one field he might be able to properly beat her in.
If the sword fight route is taken, it happens much in the same way as the original play, with the poisoned blade and cup. Both get poisoned in the exchange of swords, Zuko takes the opportunity to finish his father, and they all pretty much end up dying during the eclipse.
If the Agni Kai route is taken, it happens right before the eclipse, and the poisoned cup is prepared again just in case (which Ursa ends up drinking). The fatal move ends up happening when Azula shoots lighting at Zuko, who redirects it, but doesn’t let the energy travel in the proper direction and instead lets it travel through his heart (due to him never being taught in this timeline), leading to him managing to redirect it back at his sister, wounding her fatally, but also stopping his heart in the process. When Azula is happy to reveal Ozai’s involvement due to her bitterness at her own impending demise, Ozai tries to stop Zuko, but the eclipse has just started, and Zuko uses his swords again to finish off the job before succumbing.
As this does happen during the eclipse, moments after the royal family dies, the Avatar and the ground force invasion team take the castle, arriving to the dismal sight. With the Firelord out of the way, the tide of the war is easily turned and it finds a peaceful ending at the hands of the Avatar.
In this timeline, the Avatar never really knew Zuko, but with the knowledge of his lineage, wonders if there was ever a world in which they were friends. He considers as well, how despite Zuko’s actions being largely violent, negative, and a product of his Fire Nation upbringing, they ended up bringing good, peace, and light to the world in the greater picture of things. Zuko’s destiny seemed to be determined by his heritage: his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. But just as much as one side had an effect on his destiny and where the prince would end up, the other side would have one just as great.
Zuko would live and die by the law and nature of the Fire Nation, but he would also be the one to bring balance to the world.
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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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Snowy Mountain Wenzhou (Handcrafted)
When I posted about the beautiful handcrafted Taolin Wen Kexing statue from this artist, I mentioned that I had bought a snowy mountain set from her as well. That set made the long sea journey over to me, and is now ready for prime time!
These two were sold as a set, ready made. I was very excited to get them, since I didn't have a Zhou Zishu in this size and style yet.
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I will tell you though, I messed up with this set. These were shipped in a very large box, so I figured I'd have them wrapped up in air column wrap to given them extra protection.
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I did NOT think this decision through. It did not occur to me that the force of the air columns would press down too harshly on the figures. So, a couple things happened.
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First, Wen Kexing's beautiful head (and please do take a minute to admire this gorgeous paint job) got broken - you can see how under his jaw there is a big crack. As I've said with these ultralight clay figures before, they're actually pretty flexible and tough - they just can't take crushing damage very well. In this case, though, it was an easy fix - I just pulled open the crack a little bit more (yes, that's as unpleasant as it sounds), ran a thin line of glue, and pressed it back shut until the glue bonded. Good as new!
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The other issue, however, was that the force of the air columns squeezing up against the figures pressed all the beautiful drapery against itself. As you saw in the Taolin Wen Kexing, the artist very carefully molds all these wonderful curved folds and drapes everything against the figure in layers and layers of clay. She did on this set too, before some of those curves all got compressed together for a month, in the heat of early summer shipping. So, those folds arrived all flat and stuck to themselves. I tried running the rounded curved handle of a powder brush under the folds to loosen them up, which actually did separate them from each other nicely. But the sheets of ultralight clay are so thin, that I was afraid of ripping them if I was more aggressive. What I need to do is run the clothing under warm water and see if I can make the sheets a bit more pliable to re-bend back into place, but I have to work up the intestinal fortitude to do that first. Maybe later this fall.
Alright! I'll do the normal photographic circle around the two of them, and then do a bunch of closeups of each of them so you can see all the beautiful detail.
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Beautiful! Even a bit squished, they're still incredibly lovely. The camera had a hard time focusing on both of them at the same time, so here's some detailed photos, starting with A-Xu:
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Just amazing. The way she does the lips on these figures alone is incredible. Not to mention how we get this beautiful modeling on the neck, so when the light hits it we get the Adam's apple and the shadows of the muscles.
If this was me, I'd still be paralyzed in the initial stages of picking out the right colors...not anywhere vaguely close to starting in on the first drapery fold of the first figure.
Alright, on to Lao Wen:
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Ridiculous. If I was this talented, I'd literally never shut up about it. I'd be insufferable. Luckily for everyone, that's in no way a problem.
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The shine on the lips. I can't get over it, it looks so perfect.
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It's easy for me to forget when I'm staring at Wen Kexing's immaculate face, but I can't forget he's holding A-Xu's drinking gourd for him!
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Here's a picture of all three statues that I have so far. If you missed my post about Taolin Wen Kexing, it's here.
I'm out of picture slots, or I'd just keep posting pictures of these two, I love them.
Are there more posts coming about figures I've bought from this artist? Absolutely! I love her work. There's a couple Crown Prince figs, among others, that I'm really excited about (yes, I have been obsessed with watching Legend of Anle)!
Material: Ultra-light clay
Fig Count: 443
Scene Count: 30
Rating: Forever beautiful
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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volivolition · 5 months
throwing the ask back at you
What are your fav skill designs?
TL;DR - Canon Designs: Pain Thresh, Vis Cal+Concept, Authority, EMPATHY!!, Interfacing. Personal Designs: Echem, VOLITION!!!, Half Light, Shivers!
okay so if its for canon designs:
Pain Threshold is sick as hell. guy looks so fucking anguished, i LOVE the expression, stabbed through the ribcage OUGH talk about lung imagery!! emotional and physical pain :3
Visual Calculus? also sick as hell! Vizzy and Conceptualization share a spot actually because i love how they're both similar? both have the billowing smoke and the Square of Creation thing, thats so cool, they're matching! (they're in love for this i think…)
Authority?? the way people draw the pointed laurel wreath on him?? SICK AS HELL. wish i could come up with an adequate design for him i LOVE how he looks hkjfh
I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU ON EMPATHY... RAUGH... the somber closed eyes, the branching wisps of his head to connect to others, the glow from his chest, his hands around his shoulders in a hug, I LOVE YOU EMPATHYYYYYY!!!!!
also love how Interfacing's arms are rendered (for all the motorics, the stark yellow on black is SO good, intellects and psyches are very muted, physiques are brighter, but motorics are brightest!! do you think its because the skills become more literal and tangible for physiques and motorics, compared to the thought-based intellect and psyche skills?) oough… so interesting…
if it's for personal design, it may change as i design more of them! but for now:
small thing but i love that my Electrochemistry has 6 upper limbs and 9 lower limbs because haha funny number :] guy who's spaghetti. to me.
Volition… listen. listen. knights are my weakness. protectors? swords? cool armor? motherfucker i LOVE you. this art changed me irrevocably and is also the first thing i ever reblogged on this account. youre telling me this guy made a holy vow to harry and isn't knight-coded?? ough. im not normal about him!!! his armor needs cracks so he can move! if theres no cracks, if volition is too high and too rigid, then you cant do anything!! you'll die in that armor if you don't allow a little room for looseness, to let yourself have some temptation for good things that remind you life is worth living. if volition is too loose though, if you have too many cracks in your armor, if you give into too many vices, you're going to fall apart, you're going to get hurt, you're going to destroy yourself. BALANCE!! i love his morale counter in his throat slowly getting exposed as more cracks appear, it's so interesting, it's like a survival tactic, a cry for help. his eyes are dark hollows in his face, and his glowing eyes!! streets and sodium lights!!!!! did you know his eyebrows are also just cracks in his face? i always make sure to connect them to his eyes or the center crack, you can see in all my art of him. my favorite is when he's surprised, the eyebrow is a crack in the back of his crown so it looks like it's raised hfjkh... also i gave him a sword because he deserves it. ough i have so much to say about him. hes so interesting to me…
i do love my Half Light, i haven't posted her yet tho! I WILL EVENTUALLY. SHE'S INTERESTING I LIKE HER!! he lives up to his name, i feel <3 i will expand on this whenever i finish up her design!
MY SHIVERS DESIGN IS REALLY FUN... her powerlines, i have ALWAYS seen her design as a figure inside her head? i dont know if anyone else has. but i like it for symbolism, she is so small but so big... just one of harry's 24 skills and yet encompasses ALL of revachol. a deity to revere her; a duty to protect her. in the hollow of her head, if you look up you can see all the stars above the skyline, and if you look down into her body you can see the night-lit streets of the city, the glowing lights of apartment windows, the expanse stretching farther than one would expect for the dimensions of her body. she doesn't have limbs attached to her body, though she has glowing arms that emerge from the ground or form from the winds. a hundred thousand luminous arms... shivers my darling...
okay so i have so many more favorites and i think ALL of them are so cool but I WILL STOP MYSELF HERE HKJF <3 thank you for asking lazarus i appreciate youuuuu!!! :D
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shmowder · 3 months
Two dollars?? Whoa. I'll keep an eye out for a sale. Based on screenshots, it seems like P1 has more dialogue and more opportunities to get to know the characters better? I love the P2 art style so much though so it might be hard to get used to the original. I know some people have the opposite problem and are unhappy with some of the redesigns.
We like the same aspects of yandere <3 Oh I need to rant for a second. There's nothing wrong with legitimately enjoying the violence and kidnapping aspects, but I do feel like there's sometimes too much emphasis on making sure readers don't think you're (general "you") romanticizing yanderes. Like intellectually I know it's unhealthy you don't have to tell me every other sentence that this is wrong and bad and that the reader insert isn't supposed to like it! 🤧 ... Ngl I love willing!reader 🫣🫣 Anyway. Rant over :)
I'll never get over actually being asked for my thoughts?? Thank you, even though I often feel out of my depth lmao. Please tell me about yandere Aspity!
In addition to what you said, I think Maria would be prone to jealousy too but unlike Katerina, would feel more of a sense of entitlement and is more prone to lashing out at others and at you occasionally. Katerina is more likely to internalize perceived rejection and be self-destructive about it. They'd both want to dress you up and do your makeup (even if you don't normally wear any) like a doll >:)
Lara and Peter might be the clingy/obsessive type, would latch on to the idea of you as a lifeline to pull them out of their despair. Lara would try to prove herself to you through acts of service; you'd be the inspiration for Peter's art and he'd give you little gifts all the time.
Victor would be overprotective, treating you like glass and like you've said before, wanting you to feel you can come to him, only, with your troubles. Would also randomly ignore you occasionally lol :( He can't help it he's too lost in thought! Big Vlad would spoil the ever loving fuck out of you *and* intimidate everyone else away.
Btw. I read your Andrey x reader hcs last night and they were really good! I don't really feel anything for this guy but it seems like you've got his personality just right :) I've never wanted piercings in my life, why is that part speaking to me 😭 (ok, that's a lie, I did want snakebites when I was seventeen :o)) I liked the little bit about sketching diagrams afterwards, too. Your smut is so good forreal
🐿️ anon
Delicious juicy food delivered straight to my inbox for FREE? I am in heaven and ascending even higher rn.
I want to let you know that this concept lived in my head rent-free for the past week. Each time I came to answer this ask, I'd get distracted by the brief yandere drabbles you wrote and get lost in the fantasy. Especially the overprotective Victor one, it's my favourite. Oh god, you're a genius. Tell me more I beg!
And yes P1 had a lot more dialogue which is nice because it explains the story a lot more. Especially characters like Aglaya who get a lot of backstory and other things revealed about them. It's a game that does the best it could with the very very limited technology it had at the time, and despite the graphics it's beautiful in some areas.
The music is its crowning gem however! P1 soundtrack literally blows P2 soundtrack out of the water. It's like the devs know the graphic and everything is lacking in P1 so they more than made up for it with fire music that gets you in a trance of how amazing it sounds.
I think the major flaws are how the charactersation and story is slightly different. Some characters like Victor and Aglaya remain the same but other characters like Alexander Saburov are massively different. Also as a majority everyone is more of an asshole in P1, especially Artemy and Daniil at times.
Eva and Andrey are more slutty... do with that what you will.
Yulia in P1 feels like a younger Yulia who's still lost and figuring out life. Like a freshly out of college Yulia. While in P2 she's more of a jaded full grown up who knows how the world works but is displeased by it. I love both versions <3 She is one of the very polite characters in P1... which are surprisingly sparce. P1 is also more funny and silly with the dialogue, it's more whimsical with more realistic options too. Also you get a lot of opportunities to break the 4th wall while in P2 you can only do it while talking with the rat prophet, the replacement Artemy and endgame Mark.
And I agree with you about the yandere thoughts. The horror ones are fun but sometimes I want romanticised obsession and devotion yk? Like a yandere ready to move the earth and bring down the moon for their beloved. Where the conflict is more focused on the emotions and intenal turmoil rather than the murder or horror aspect. Even when it comes to the reader, I enjoy a little toxic reader too 👀 Like someone who encourages their yandere behaviour or doesn't mind it, someone who is okay with the obsession or someone who actively goes out of their way to make it worse. A reader who's a full fledged character rather than a damsel in distress, someone who takes actions and can effect the world around them.
But don't get me wrong! I do like a damsel in distress... as a kink. It's kinda hot to be a useless fawned upon princess that everyone is looking to save and please.
Yeah, I feel you so much on the "Don't have to tell me this is wrong every sentence." Like, oh my god, dude! I hate when stories treat the reader like they're an idiot. You have to have faith in them, especially when your content is marked for adults that they will be able to read between the lines. Like you don't see murder or serial killer stories saying how this is wrong every sentence?? Yandere is just a mix of horror, romance, and smut! It's just an archetype with interesting concepts and maybe even a fetish.
Why do people have to psychoanalyse every kink someone has??
I'll get back to the other characters in a bit, let's focus on the overprotective Victor for example! bc the brainrot is real i legit haven't stopped thinking about him for one second.
In one of his dialogue trees he has this line:
5.Victor Kain: ...If I'd learned about this earlier, I would have torn his head off already. Now give me thirty-five seconds of silence, please. I need to think.
It's when you inform him about the chemist who's helping people hide their dead. The same one who buys body parts from Artemy, he apparently also works for tha kains but manages to hide his shady businesses right under their nose.
And his reaction is just odjwofjwofkwk So Delicious? Like that chemist posed a real threat to tramble down on the fragile castle the Kain built with their reputation, start a domino effect which exposes them as law breakers for the townfolks which they absolutely cannot have.
You see him angry, even if it's just a small glimpse. He could've worded it more elegantly, used so many different expressions. But no, Victor chose the phrase "tear his head off"
THE FERALITY! THE POTENTIAL MY GOD. This man is so good at making himself a safe and trustworthy pragmatic person so much you forget there's a wide awake tiger with deadly focus behind those melancholic eyes, weighting your every word and soaking in all the information you unawarly expose to him. Memorising all the names you mention, drawing a map in his brain of your social circle and connections. Saying so little himself just to get you to keep talking and telling him more and more until a secret or two spill out without you realising it.
The way he's briefly quiet before snapping, composing himself, and holding back the flood of rage in his brain from bubbling to the surface. "I would've torn his head off" only scratches the surface of what he really wanted to do and say.
Even this simple sentence from someone usually so polite and level-headed paints a gruesome picture of a predetor's sharp teeth tearing apart a person's brain, completely dislocating the head from the shoulders and tearing the skin off with one bite. The crunching of the skull as it caves under the pressure of the tiger's jaw.
All that anger directed towards anyone who wishes you harm. It's like you struck a match inside him and now he simply cannot help but watch out for your well being from behind the curtains.
His obsession stems from thinking of you as... lesser to put it kindly. Of course you will never be aware of this condescension nor how he views you as a fragile thing unfit for the real world, a glass figurine that needs to be handled with delicate gloves so you won't crack.
Non the wiser, you think he's just a really good listener. So when he invites you over for tea, you oblige and just spill your heart out to him. Telling him how your week went, talking about the boring details and your hobbies, mentioning the mundane things like your trip to the grocery store.
And he never interrupts, at first you thought it was a little creepy how he'd have you over just to listen to you talk. Only answering with questions and dismissing any questions directed towards him ir his well being, saying he'd rather know about you more.
But with time you warmed him to him, I mean it is Victor Kain? He has never done harm to anyone has he? Sure the Kains have some screws loose but Victor always seemed the calmest one amidst his eccentric family.
You think that maybe he is just lonely and needs company or a friend! He's definitely awkward when it comes to normal conversation, so you're understandable when all he wants to talk about is you.
As far as you're concerned, that's as deep as youre surface relationship goes. It starts with afternoon tea and ands just after the sun sets down when he walks you home, ever the old school gentleman. Strange tho, he never walks anyone else home and lets Maria run loose at any hour of the night. But you've never given it much thought.
You poor sweet thing, so unaware of the monster you're feeding. The obsession you're helping nurture whenever you oblige to his request or head his advice. The rush of satisfaction that runs through his veins when you come running to him to vent after a particularly hard day, the addicting euphoria flooding his system when you thank him for listening, saying how he's the only person you trust with these embarrassing things.
Victor who's pulling strings when you're not looking. Taking over your life and holding power over every aspect of it so he can fine tune it, surgically decide every small detail like he's tinkering with the delicate inner-machinery of a clock.
Making sure he is your sole support system. Coincidentally, the friends you make are offered jobs back at the Capital and have to move away. The grocery near your house relocates, and the closest one is right next to the Kain's resident.
Whichever job you held is deemed too dangerous for someone as helpless as you and he takes it upon himself to talk to someone who talks to someone else who persuades the owner into getting you fired or at least you're out of business if it's privately owned. No one wants your services, they all deeply admire the Kains and would run to please him at the drop of a hat.
No one but Victor who so kindly extends a helping hand. If you refuse chairty money then he immediately suggest working for him instead, he needs a helper you see. No matter what excuse or response you have prepared, he has already accounted for all of them and has a convincing counter-argument.
You don't have to know that in reality, he just thinks the world is too dangerous for you to freely roam and get a job. If you want to play pretend as boss and employee then he will indulge your childish antics and offer you a job, either way the end is the same with you slowly migrating more and more under his wing and care.
Stripped of your income, support system and any opportunity for growth. Once Victor has you in his claws, he will make sure you never slip through his fingers.
Tbf he is content with you just being around, as long as you're safe and sound under his watch he will even if you just see him as a friend and nothing more.
Because while helping you is enthralling, not knowing where you are is the worst withdrawal he has ever experienced. And that man lived at the Capital before, do not let his grown up facade tirck you, he's probably even tried coke and all drugs under the sun at some point in his youth out of sheer boredom or curiosity.
It ircks him thinking you're vulnerable and bare outside for anyone to grab, it makes his brain ache to see you in a situation outside of his own control. He needs you to live in a world of his own making for all of eternity or he feels like ripping his hair out.
Zero expectations are set upon you to do anything. He isn't looking for a slave or a housewife, he just wants to be reassured no harm will ever befall you and keeping you under his watchfull gaze is the best solution he could come up with.
So what if you're basically a glorified pet? You still have your freedom... although limited. You can pursue your hobbies, indulge in his money and even befriend his two kids if you feel like it.
If you get really desperate for company other than his own and the Kains, then maybe he will think about letting you socialise with the other utopians every now and them. The mostly do not pose any dangers but some of them (caught Andrey, Eva and Vlad the Younger) Do really test his patience and boil his blood with jealousy from the shameless sexua advances and romantic propositions they throw your way as if he wasn't in the room.
Still, the utopians are your toys to play with until you're content. Didn't you ask for friends?
But he'd be lying if he said he wasn't thinking of more... forgive his brain, humans are inherently flawed and he cannot help but think of you in rather scandalous ways at times. Animalistic desires of lust and love rearing its head. Whenever you lean too close to him, pat your beautiful eyelashes or call his name out with a faux whine.
He's more than open to a seemingly "normal" relationship with you. As long as you get used to his busy schedule and periods of ignoring the world around him while in deep thought. He lives in his own brain most of the time and you rarely if ever guess what's going on in his life at any give day.
He remains an enigma while settling for nothing less than your whole heart laid bare before him on a silver tray. Proding at the fragile organ, never causing it any harm as he caresses it with gentle fingers. Feigning ignorance of the way his mouth waters, salvia dripping down the sharp fangs.
But again, he's down to compromise. You can only go places if he's by your side, even his own brother, the judge, he doesn't trust to accompany you alone.
God that was a fucking treat to write and think about. Talking with you is always so fun, I can just let go and say everything on my mind. When writing fanfics or sharing my thoughts to others I always trim the edges and make sure I'm not repeating myself yk? I have to put in effort to make my thoughts presentable and tied nicely with a bow, compress it down to bite sizes.
But man i am living the dream! A wall of text! my purpose in life! I wrote so much in such a short time that my fingers actually hurt.
Anyway I have more so let's keep going!
He'd also fall on the overprotective category but not possessive controlling like Victor Kain. No, He'd want you to genuinely be happy.
Spoils you rotten, without decorum or an excuse. Literally buys you anything and everything, even the things you don't ask for he will get you just because he thought you might like them.
The softest thing with you despite how harsh and uncaring he is with others.
Don't get him wrong. He is still a ruthless businessman with shady and amoral practices, he simply does not care. The only things worth it in this life are the people you love, and he loves his family the most.
Including you! Surprise! He starts considering you part of his family. His love is definitely not just platonic however but he does hold the most shame when it comes to getting together with someone after his dead wife yk?
Especially if you're younger, oh my god he lacks morals yes but this is just humiliating. He gets over it easily.
If you want someone who is extremely self-aware and the guilt of lusting after a young adult really eats him up to the core, then look at none other than Alexander Saburov. Not only is his wife still alive so triple the shame and guilt, but also you're a 20/30 something cutie and he well past middle age. He is getting his ass beaten by his conscience inside his own mind and having a moral crisis.
Anyway, back to Big Vlad. I think he'd try to make you get with his son as a way to coerce you into joining the family, especially if you say he is too old for you.
Try saying Victor Kain is too old for you and that old man 404 errors on the spot then quickly recovers pulls up the shady "well the passage of time is subjective and age does not define a human's mind as long as they are a sound adult" argument. I don't think he himself remembers the fact he is almost 60. Age and time is just a suggestion to the Kains.
However Big Vlad would never pull the "becoming your boss" move ever. He wants you to see him as someone close and in an intimate light, that move will just ruin everything he has built. If he wants to throw money your way then he will shamelessly do it without tact and no one can stop him.
You do get your own worms bodyguards and nice herb brides who watch over you courtesy to him however.
Alexander might be the biggest simp in yanderes but he will hesitate before doing something which conflicts with his convictions.
Big Vlad however, will not.
Your suggestions are heard and the changes you demand in his treatment of the kin are immediately obeyed. He tries his best to please you and make you happy, you literally have this man wrapped around your pinky.
A single kiss would have his brain haywire, all it takes is a pat of your pretty eyelashes and a cute pout and all the complaints fizzle from his brain. You immediately win the argument by default.
While sex is good and all, I feel like he is more of a romantic at heart. Genuinely a big doofus in love and would melt over something as simple as hand holding or having you sleep against his chest. He lives for the early morning breakfast where your eyebrows are scrunched from being so sleepy, as you walk over and sink into his arms.
If Victor Kain treats you like a glorified pet and Alexander Saburov like the temptation & sin incarnate then Big Vlad treats you like royalty, a literal prince/princess fallen into his lap and he's the king who will ensure you have the most pampered and spoiled life ever.
You're not helpless in Big Vlad's eyes, he doesn't infantilise you like Victor Kain does. If anything you're the most capable and talented person in the entire world, which is why you deserve everything good and sweet in it.
I have so many more ideas and concepts! I love your idea of Maria and Katerina treating the reader like a doll and dressing you up then making out with you- Like you're just a beautiful thing to them to cuddle with as they fall asleep and string along on dates.
Yandere Maria wouldn't care what you have to say, she never begs or asks, she just takes. The day she decides you are here doll, everyone acknowledges that you are off limits because who in their right mind would oppose Maria??
And while Katerina doesn't hold much power, her husband is the leading authority over the town criminal and justice system. He is also the biggest simp to her and is 100% okay with being a cuck if it means his wife is happy.
If having you as her precious doll to dress up, smooch, and play with will put a stop to her morphine addiction, then he'd step over his own morals and look the other way.
YANDERE ASPITY MY LOVE. She has potential! I adore non-humans obsessing over a human. You're not like other humans, you're full of surprises and she wants to test and study you more. You make her see worth in her life and the world beyond the earth and why she was born.
I also like the implication that since she is literally a piece cut from boddho's heart and moulded into a person like clay, that if she falls in love with you then the earth itself would too. With Yandere Aspity you get a Yandere Boddoh and the entirety of the kin for free!
Maybe even possessive Aspity who doesn't want to share you with the earth, who refuses to hand you over and wants you to be hers. A piece of the earth defying its original self, establishing herself as her own person by choosing to love you and never share you.
But my food already went cold, and my fingers are growing numb, so I will cut it short for now.
Ha. Short. I say while having written the entire front page article of a gossipy small town's newspaper.
Do tell me about your thoughts! I love hearing them and reading what you write! Be it your thoughts about other yanderes or your opinions of what I have written. Or even an entirely different concept in general.
Lastly, thank you so much for the praise! I'm glad you liked my Andrey fic. He was a bit challenging to write because as you can see I specialised in romanticism and down bad old men and he's a fuck boy with anger issues and a renaissance man. So I had to conceade that no, he won't take you on picnics but he will take you to get your nipples pierced and maybe get a matching set of his own.
I'm happy you like my smut! I struggled a lot with figuring out how to write it ironically- I stuided romance and fluff I didn't take any good dick courses! So I only improved through trial and error, I changed my smut style so many times ah- The current one is the one I like most!
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lavyokuu · 2 years
VADD stuff, in which I attempt to fix a few faults in the writings of the novel
Hello VADD fans of tumblr, welcome to this little series of mine where I attempt to fix a few wrongs within our favorite novel and manhwa of all, Villains Are Destined To Die.
This is Part 1 of idk-how-long-this-serie-will-last-but-most-likely-until-I-grew-bored
In this post, I will attempt to fix why Callisto, our favourite unhinged crown prince, is attracted to Penelope in the first place.
Because let's be honest, the real reason why that was stated (interestingness and "not like other noble girls" or sumshiet) in the novel is pretty...a big no
Note: This isn't to say the story was bad or anything. In fact I love it! But there's definitely a few things I'd like either removed or fixed and I'm sure plenty of you can agree
This is lazily done in one sitting so keep that in mind. And also the things I wrote in this post will lead up to season two of the manhwa
Imma throw this outta the way to make this clear. Callisto was not captivated by Siyeon!Penny's looks, only when she "confessed her love" to him.
Hearing them made Callisto dumbfounded, enough to pull him out of his stupor and lift his mood a bit because for whatever reason hearing someone profess their "love" to him with his blade on their neck is hilarious (weird humor but okay)
He eventually pulled his blade out, pretending to buy her lies and asked why she fell for him. Of course no excuses worked at the time.
Callisto could just let Penelope be after that, saying he knew she was lying to save her life but won't kill her. However, she is the daughter of the Eckhart Duchy, with the Duke as head of the neutral faction. Having the Eclhart on his side essentially meant all the other houses in the neutral faction would side with him as well, giving him the support needed to secure his ascension to the throne as Emperor. Thus, Callisto gave Penelope some time to think about why she "fell in love" with him in the first place. A pretext that serves as an excuse for him to see Penelope again and reel in the Neutral faction to support him.
Fast forward to the hunting competition, Callisto met Penelope again. Callisto asked if Penelope had figured it out yet and you guys know what happened next.
Callisto was in quite a predicament then. How will he be supposed to gain more support to secure his ascension?
And then giant giant cutesy danger birbs. Then Penny being a BAMF. Then the culprits were revealed, Penelope asked for the children to be left under Winter's care and you know the drill by now.
Then we moved onto the actual hunting of the competition. Callisto showed up and teased Penelope about the pendant, with a goal in mind to try to be in her good grace somehow, despite the clear line she drew between them both. And also he does NOT know how to casually befriend someone.
But actually?
He found her company somewhat...okay?
He didn't know what to think of the "Mad Dog" of the rumors at the time, since he approached her with ulterior motives. But the company is much more tolerable compared to any other noblewomen, so he can appreciate that.
Then the cave scene.
When Callisto led them to safety in a random cave, he looked after Penelope until she woke up. During that time, he noticed just how...small...she was...
Figuratively and literally.
She was far too thin and frail, yet she managed to survive and shoot down the giant cutesy birds from the night before, the bear AND the assassins all on her own just fine.
It was admirable, really. But seeing the princess of Eckhart unconscious and vulnerable like this, it made him feel odd somehow.
Familiar in a way.
And looking back at the events today, he realized.
She reminded Callisto of himself when he was a child.
Small and vulnerable.
It felt foreign somehow, he didn't know what to think of these new thoughts of his. He decided to fetch some firewood inside the cave.
The Lady woke up. They had a bit of bantering before she went to sleep.
Callisto stayed awake a little longer and mulled over his thoughts of the princess.
Her company was enjoyable. The moments between them, however brief, were by far the most peaceful moments of his life since his mother's passing.
Still he tried to remind himself that he approached Penelope to fulfill his goal, not because of something as measly as friendship.
Penelope woke up again, shivering and quaking uncontrollably. Seeing her in such a state...reminded him more and more of his younger self.
Without thinking twice, the Crown Prince reached out to her and tried to offer her comfort, or whatever he could offer at the time.
And perhaps, as a way to help him heal somewhat, mused about his past to the Eckhart Princess.
Her reactions were a bit...well unexpected, but there seemed to be this look of understanding in her eyes somehow? Though he might be seeing things due to the poison slowly spreading in him.
Soon it was time for them to sleep, and somehow he thought he might be able to have one restful night for once.
Y'know what?
Perhaps once Callisto secured his ascension, it wouldn't be too bad to maintain this bond with the princess and be a little more honest.
Yes that alone should be fine
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dmwrites · 2 years
(Cousin fic to this)
Pearl missed Tilly.
That was something concrete to grab a hold of. Everything else was chunks of memory, chunks of confusion, a feeling of being here and there and nowhere at all.
This wasn’t how a victor was supposed to act.
That’s what she kept telling herself. Victors walked around with their chest puffed out and smiled at all the clapping and cheering. But most victors usually got a moment of stunned silence, that trickling sensation of “holy shit I won”. All Pearl got was an explosion ripping through the bindings of two souls.
She kept to herself when she got back, but still had a few visitors.
Grian came by with her prize for winning- an everlasting chrysanthemum flower in a vase.
“Well, two, actually. I tried to give Scott one and he said you were the only winner, so…”
Pearl nodded, taking both delicate flowers and putting them in a nearby windowsill before returning to her armchair by the fire. Grian sat across from her, frowning.
“Pearl, are you okay?”
“I miss Tilly.”
Grian sighed. “I’m sorry.” He looked at her closer. “That’s not all that’s going on though, is it.”
Pearl shook her head no but stayed silent for a moment, playing with the gold and red blanket around her, one Grian had made for her ages ago after the first life game. The one he won.
“Does it ever really feel like winning?” Pearl asked suddenly.
Grian hesitated, and there was a sadness in his eyes that felt too personal to see. “Not really, no. I’m so sorry Pearl.”
Gem came by every single day, without fail. She just sat by Pearl’s side the first few days, chatting away about a build or in silence. Then it was little things to do, like making flower crowns or insisting Pearl brain her hair.
“It’s so weird, living with you two right now is like I walked into a funeral and tried to order an iced coffee or something.”
“‘You two’? Who, me and Impulse?” Pearl hasn’t seen Impulse since she’d killed him and his soulmate in the forest. She had laughed and stepped in his blood, she remembered that.
“Yeah, I just talked to Impulse before coming over here, actually. He’s been awake for a week, digging and working and stuff. If I see him awake still tonight I’m going to literally hit him over the head until he passes out.” Gem sighed, handing Pearl some soup she’d been cooking up. “Both of you seem to be in a bad funk.”
“What about Scott?” Pearl asked, holding the soup bowl in her hands and holding it up to her face for warmth.
Gem sighed. “Honestly, haven’t heard or seen him since he got back. But he’s pretty far away, even if he’s my closest neighboring empire. But I’ve heard rumors he isn’t doing well either.”
“Good.” Pearl muttered. She took a sip of soup and then sighed. “I don’t mean that. It’s just the games. Scott’s lovely.”
Gem hummed in agreement. Pearl knew Gem was at a bit of a loss- she was usually the little sister of the three of them, and now she was dealing with two shaken friends whose feelings she would probably never understand fully. Pearl stood up suddenly, and wrapped Gem in a hug, all blanket and hair. Gem hugged her right back, and Pearl wished she could tell her how much it meant for Gem to be here, to be her friend. Maybe one day she’d explain it to her. Maybe.
Pearl sat under one of the big mushrooms by her base, wrapped in a blanket and watching the sun set. A small figure came out onto the bridge below and took off towards spawn- it was Impulse, she saw him look at her as he passed by. She wondered where he was going- maybe to Bdubs? She couldn’t imagine what a weird situation that was. Hadn't they gotten married early on in double life? Pearl entertained herself for a moment imagining them trying to convince Xisuma to divorce them.
Pearl sighed, hand reaching out to scratch Nugget the cat’s head. It was odd, being alone like this. It wasn’t double life alone. Double life alone was cold, cruel, tears drying in a dog’s fur. Alone here was soft lights and purring cats and leftover soup in her fridge with a little note from Gem telling her how to best heat it again.
Pearl was a victor. Her victory was two-fold: one was being the last one standing in a bitter battle field, and the other was realizing just how loved she was. It was a bittersweet knowledge.
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grey-rambles · 2 years
was wondering if you could write something with dream (or techno) based on 'peace' by taylor swift..
im a huggggeee swiftie and love your writing soooo,,,
(also preferably fluff pls, ik it's not exactly a fluff song but ahh)
oh ya pronouns- gender-neutral or female pronouns please
also also, if you have anons could I be 🐍 pls (for taylor-related reasons)
this is actually my very first time asking anything so im quite nervouss
Hi hi hi, my first request, I'm so excited!!!
Of course you can be 🐍, I don't have any anons at present, so you'll be the first!
Fic and rambling under the cut
Gonna be real with you, darling 🐍, I haven't listened to much tswift since around the release of 1989, but I really enjoyed this song!
My brain went a couple of different directions after a couple of listens. My big question was who is narrating the song? Is it the reader, or the love interest?
So I wrote one for both! A more literal take on the lyrics featuring a version of Manhunt!Dream, and a take that's a bit of a roleswap (famous!reader) with Techno, that I think is a little more true to Taylor's intentions when she wrote the song.
Both drabbles are about ~1k, so short for me! I hope you like them!
Both of these drabbles feature a gender neutral reader! Some mentions of violence in the Dream piece, no other TWs for Techno!
"I need you to hide me."
"Well, hello to you too, love," you say in reply, looking up from the dough you were working on, grinning at the form of your partner. Dream was seated on the windowsill of your kitchen, mask affixed to his face. His usual dark green cloak wrapped around him and his axe hanging at his hip, he cut quite the intimidating figure.
"Y/N, there's no time, you have to hide me! The hunters will be here any second!"
Smile dropping at the urgency in his tone, the two of you began a well-practiced routine, and soon enough, Dream was dropping into the hidden crawlspace beneath your home. You headed back to the kitchen, heart pounding, and resumed work on your baking, waiting for the inevitable knock on the door.
This was not the first time this had happened, and you were sure it wouldn't be the last. A notorious thief, Dream was often on the run from hunters hired by the king to bring him in for crimes against the crown– read: stealing from the nobles to help those in need.
The two of you had met in a situation very similar to today; Dream was being chased through the town by hunters, and you, on impulse, had reached out and tugged him along into your house, where you had proceeded to shove him into the crawlspace and hiss at him to be quiet. Ever since, he had come to you whenever he was in need of a place to hide.
After a couple of these close calls, Dream had started hanging around with you after the coast was clear, and the two of you grew closer. The first time you saw him without his mask was right before he leaned in and kissed you for the first time. And the rest was history.
You honestly lived a pretty quiet, monotonous life when Dream wasn't around. He was often away for long stretches at a time, but he always came back. Dream made a point to always spend at least one night at your house every time he stopped by, which was wonderful.
You were snapped out of your reverie by a sharp knock on the door. Wiping some flour onto your apron, and heading over to the door, you made sure to school your expression into one of shock when you opened the door to the King's Men on the other side.
"Gentlemen," you stated cooly, "to what do I owe the pleasure?"
One of the three men standing outside your door shoved roughly past you. "You know damn well why we're here. Where is he?!"
"I have no idea what you're talking about, but please, take a look around," you smiled with icy eyes, "You'll quickly find that I have nothing to hide."
The men made quick work of searching your small home, finding nothing, of course. You were far too good at this for them to even stand a chance. Filing back towards the exit, you watched them leave, hands on your hips. The hunter taking up the rear grabbed an apple out of your fruit bowl on his way past, making eye contact with you, as though daring you to say anything. Knowing better than to rise to the bait, you let it be.
After a couple of minutes, you knocked a pattern on the floor near the crawlspace, and returned to the kitchen to finish up your pastries. A moment later, Dream joined you. You smiled at the sight of his unmasked face, green eyes as bright as ever, freckles on display for you to trace like constellations with your eyes.
He came up behind you and wrapped himself around your body, arms winding around your waist, head buried in your hair.
You two stood in silence for a time while you worked, which was pretty unusual honestly. Dream was usually wanting to talk your ear off when he first arrived, overflowing with stories about his adventures.
"Everything okay, love?" you asked. He sighed in response.
After a moment, Dream spoke softly. "Sometimes I wonder how it's worth it for you, being with me."
Your hands stilled. "What do you mean?'
He sighed again. "Listen, baby. I love you. I'd give almost anything for you. But I can't quit my work, and that puts you in danger every day. If anyone finds out about our relationship, you'll be thrown in prison or worse. And I'm so rarely around in the first place! What if something happens while I'm away, and I can't do anything to stop it? Is this whole thing even worth doing if I can't keep you safe?"
"Of course it is!" You turned around in his arms, facing him, and raised a hand up to cup his cheek. He leaned in to the contact, turning slightly to press a kiss to your palm.
"Dream, I love you. That makes every second of this worth it to me." You smiled softly, leaning up to kiss him on the nose. He wrinkles the bridge of it in response. "Besides," you added, turning back to your baking, "my life was so boring without you around. I'll take this over a peaceful life any day."
Pulling you tighter against his body, Dream dragged you out of the kitchen towards the bedroom.
"Hey! Dream! My danishes…"
"They can wait," he said, still moving you along, "it's cuddle time now."
You just let it happen. Cuddles did sound nice…
The two of you spent the rest of the day curled up in bed, exchanging lazy kisses and dozing lightly in each other's arms. Numerous 'I love you's' were uttered into the space between your bodies, and you eventually fell asleep properly, safe in your love's arms.
After all was said and done, your danishes didn't get done until the next day. You couldn't find it in yourself to mind.
You let out a sigh as you came in the door, Techno right behind you. 
This was the third time so far this week that you two had been basically ambushed by paparazzi, and you were getting sick of it. Couldn't you have one nice date out with your boyfriend without being surrounded?
Techno moves past you where you stand in the entryway, heading for the kitchen, presumably to make himself a cup of tea. He wasn't the biggest fan of social situations or crowds, so you were sure he was feeling even worse than you were. 
Moving to check on him, you pause a moment in the doorway. He cut a fine figure, glasses slipping down his nose, sleeves rolled up to the elbow, hair falling loose in waves around his face. 
"You doing okay, Techno? That must have been stressful for you," you ask, moving to sit on one of the bar stools at the island in the center of the room. He smiles at you, but stress still lines the corners of his eyes. 
"'Course I'm alright, sweetheart. Why wouldn't I be?" 
"I know how much you hate crowds, Tech. You don't have to lie to spare my feelings." 
He sighs fondly. "Alright. It was a bit much, but nothing I couldn't handle. And we both made it back here safe, so all's well." 
He moves to pass you into the living room, pressing an absent kiss on your temple on the way past. You only open your mouth to speak once he's past you, unable to look him in the eyes for what's about to come out of your life.
"You could leave me, if you want. I wouldn't blame you."
His footsteps come to a stop. "Why on earth would I do that?" he asks. The footsteps approach you again, and you can feel his presence behind you. 
Refusing to turn and face him, you continue speaking to the countertop in front of you. "Tech… what happened out there today is gonna be the norm for me, probably for the rest of my life. And if it isn't being swarmed by paparazzi, then it'll be something else. Some drama, or crazy long work hours where I'm away from you, or some rumour of an affair I'm having. It's never going to stop, not ever. I love you with every fiber of my being, and I'll give you anything and everything I'm able to, but that doesn't change the facts."
You pause and take a shuddering, deep breath. "So long as you're with me, you will never know peace." 
It's silent for a moment. You close your eyes, bracing for whatever Techno is going to say next.
"I'm kind of offended you think that any of that matters to me, sweetheart."
Your eyes snap open, and you whirl around to face him as he continues on.
"I mean… I knew what I was getting into when you blew up. You're not getting rid of me that easy." 
You shake your head in disbelief.
"Did you not hear me, Tech? You'll never know a moment's rest if you stay with me! That's okay with you?"
He reaches out to rest a hand on your hip, drawing closer to your body where you're perched on the seat. 
"Sweetheart, so long as I get to be with you, nothing else matters."
You break in that moment, leaning your face against his chest as you cry. He wraps himself more securely around you, murmuring reassurances into your hair. 
After some time, you pull away, still sniffling lightly. "You're sure? You're sure that this existence is enough for you?" 
He smiles gently down at you. "How many times are you gonna make me say it?" 
"Maybe just once more." You return his smile shakily.
"I love you. Of course it's enough for me." He seals his promise with a gentle kiss to your lips.
You spend the rest of the night curled up in Techno's arms on the couch, just basking in each other's presence, before the next wave of insanity hits. 
Together, you think with a smile as you snuggle further into his hold, you could make it through anything so long as you're together.
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sunel0 · 2 years
First Kill
Tumblr media
A late SteoDay entry @steoevents
You can read it on AO3
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Relationship: Theo Raeken/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Theo Raeken, Stiles Stilinski, Tara Raeken, Allison Argent, Tracy Stewart Additional Tags: Vampire Theo Raeken, Hunter Stiles Stilinski, Adopted Stiles Stilinski, Allison Argent & Stiles Stilinski Are Siblings, Enemies, Non-Consensual Blood Drinking, Blood Drinking, Seven Minutes In Heaven Game, Tara Dies, Murder, nothing really happens they just get obsessed with killing each other Words: 7329
Theo was standing in front of the mirror in their ridiculously big, ridiculously bougie, and ridiculously light entrance hallway, staring down his own reflection, checking to make sure his fangs weren't showing. Which he could feel they didn't do, but he did need to do something.
Soon Tracy was going to pick him up for school, which he found unbelievably annoying, but then he did drive his truck into a tree, so it was mostly on him that it needed fixing right now.
He sighed, impatiently checking his phone.
Tracy was running late, which meant he was running late.
Tara slid behind his back, as if he couldn't hear her coming in her heels on their fancy floor a mile away, putting a hand on his shoulder in one smooth motion, placing her chin on the other, looking at both their reflections.
"Are you nervous your little girlfriend will figure out you're planning to snack on her?" she turned her head to the side, letting out a tiny laugh that purposefully sounded like silver bells or something, because she was the perfect little heiress to the family. "Literally."
Theo rolled his eyes. He was so glad sometimes that he wasn't a girl and didn't stand a chance at having a place in the vampire hierarchy. If something were to happen to Tara, the responsibility was going to go to their cousin, not Theo, since he was a guy. Which was bad for the family, Theo guessed, loosing the status and all. 
"It's not going to be her."
It was Tara's turn to roll her eyes, looking as annoyed as Theo felt.
"I don't get you. She's a perfectly fine mark, and you need to get your First Kill soon, Theo," their eyes met in the mirror. "It's not something you can put off for too long," she said with intention, as if talking to a toddler who didn't understand why one shouldn't play with an electric socket.
She patted his shoulder and left, leaving him even more annoyed.
He knew perfectly well that he had to kill someone soon. He wanted to. He had been waiting for this since he could walk, basically. He felt the burn of it in the back of his throat pretty much all the time even with the pills.
But he also knew that Tracy wasn't it. He wanted his First Kill to be perfect. It couldn't just be anyone. But he didn't know who it had to be yet, he didn't see anyone who would be what he wanted.
He just knew that he would know when he needed to know. And Tara rushing him wasn't going to do anything. Theo didn't even exactly understand why she was rushing him. The thirst wasn't getting super bad (maybe just yet), the blood pills their parents got him worked fine; he wasn't female, so he wasn't in waiting for the crown of vampire royalty, even if they didn't really have any kind of proper governing structure or anything in place. He didn't really matter that much in the grand scheme of powers his mother and sister cared the most about.
There was a honk from the outside.
"Your little friend is here," Tara almost sang from the living room, as if Theo wasn't literally standing by the door. "Still alive," she added in an exaggeratedly sad voice.
Theo almost growled, throwing the door open with Tara's infuriatingly ugly laughter following him out.
Stiles got out of his car. More like fell out, but whatever.
"I just don't get it, like, we've trained basically our whole lives. Well, you did, but still, I've done enough, too. Why can't we go hunting with them?" he complained, throwing his hands up, accidentally sending his car keys flying.
Allison looked up at their new school, covering her eyes from the sun, while he scrambled to pick them up.
"No, I totally agree, but I also think that maybe dad and Kate know better? Since, you know, they went through this exact thing and everything."
Stiles made a vague noise. They had this argument hundreds of times by now, both with their dad and aunt and without them. On one hand, yeah, maybe it was a safety thing, maybe they weren't ready or something. But on the other…
They have been training for so long, and when Stiles - an overly traumatised and overly excited seven-year-old back then - learned that he was getting adopted into a monster hunter family, he sure as hell had hoped for some monster hunting to happen eventually. And that was ten years ago. He wasn't that far from being an adult. Maybe he should be allowed to stab an undead thing here and there? Just a little bit. As a treat.
So while Allison may be willing to comply with what their dad said (and what their mom used to say), Stiles was going to kill something. Soon. He was going to get his First Kill in this town. He decided.
So he probably didn't have much time. No one knew how soon they were going to have to move, it was up to the Hunters' Guild. Stiles had better figure it out soon. It didn't have to be something big. Just a little zombie or something. 
He finally retrieved his keys and looked up at the school as well. It was huge (especially for a town of this size), and bright, and somehow way too pretentious looking for a public school, really. The sun reflecting from the banner with the school football team's name (Stiles guessed it was football) was almost blinding.
"Okay, whatever. Do you have a scheme or something? Because this place is huge."
Allison sighed and took out her phone.
Theo was laughing at something one of the guys on the lacrosse team said, sitting up on the table, his feet on the chair, when he smelled something.
Something that caused the world around him to go bright red like it caught fire, and his all senses to become almost painfully sharp, his throat closing up with thirst. He had to squeeze his eyes shut, his hand gripping the edge of the table under him until it was almost painful.
Everything was so much, all at once, and he was so, so, so hungry, and there was so much food around him, and he felt his fangs press against his lower lip. 
He couldn't… he needed…
He couldn't think. He just needed. What did he need?
He needed his pills. That was it. He was not about to ruin his First Kill by accidentally losing control. It was not happening.
His First Kill or his whole family's lives, actually.
He forced himself to let go of the table, then he dug around in his backpack by his side blindly, almost throwing it off the table, until he felt the little container with the very red capsules, almost dropping all of them onto the floor in his haste to rip the bottle open. 
As soon as he felt the cold metal taste of the blood from the capsules cover his tongue in one thick explosion, the red in his eyes dissolved slowly like fog in sunlight, like the cover of the pill did in his mouth. He drew in a loud breath.
Josh made a compassionate sound from somewhere to Theo's left.
"Migraines are rough, bro."
Theo grunted in something resembling agreement, slowly peeling his eyes open. 
Only to see a pair of brown ones staring at him, squinting slightly, suspicion in them clear as day. The sunlight from the huge window to the right made them look almost golden, like that fake liquid honey in those dumd squizzy bottles; those damned lashes looked like they were borrowed from a calf.
And that was when Theo knew. He felt a smirk slowly sneak its way onto his face. That was his person.
He knew who his First Kill was going to be.
"Who is that?"
Tracy, sitting in the next row, turned around, looking where Theo was looking.
"No idea," she turned back to painting her nails, disinterested.
Well, Theo was going to find this out. It was probably polite to know the name of the guy he was going to murder.
Stiles watched Theo Raeken from the bleachers. He and Allison were currently having to endure watching a lacrosse practice, purely for job reasons.
Only job reasons.
The fact that the guys looked mostly nice totally didn't do anything. And it absolutely wasn't as if Stiles actually liked sports.
Really, he wasn't on any teams just because they were moving around constantly, so there was no point.
"Look, there actually are painkillers that are pink, maybe he really has migraines?" Allison asked, showing Stiles a picture of a pill on her phone. "Or maybe he's a drug addict and needed his dose," She shrugged.
You know, like rich kids do casually, hung in the air.
Stiles turned to stare at her.
"So this sounds more plausible for you than the simple explanation of him being a vampire? And the pills were way more bright red than these are anyway. They were blood red, you know," he waved his hand at his sister and turned back to squinting at Theo on the field.
Only to immediately avert his eyes, totally inconspicuously, almost falling off the bench when he saw Theo squinting back at him. 
Theo smiled and waved in all of his jock glory.
Stiles was totally not looking at him anymore.
Allison raised her eyebrows at him.
"Do you actually think he's a vampire or do you just need a reason to stalk the guy?"
Stiles actually fell over in his haste to stare at her accusatory and indignant. Like he needed a reason to stalk anyone. He could stalk whoever he wanted whenever he wanted.
And anyway…
"I have taste, actually, and he's… he's…" Stiles made a face and a gesture roughly in the direction of where he presumed Theo was on the field.
Because he wasn't looking.
Allison's eyebrows climbed even higher.
"Not your type?"
"Yeah!" the skepticism in Allison's eyes made him backtrack a bit. "Well, okay, that's a lie, but I'm not having a… crush on a vampire or something! Objectively, he's attractive, but that's it."
They were so lucky there was hardly anyone on the bleachers, so they didn't really need to lower their voices. He was grateful that vampire super-hearing was only a thing of legends.
He found Theo on the field again with his eyes, shit-talking some other guy on the team, by the looks of it. Allison might not believe him, but Stiles was going to prove all of them that he was right.
And get his First Kill in the process.
The party seemed like an easy way out. There are ways to get people away from other people even if they weren't that into you, and Theo knew all of them, of course. After hearing that there was a party happening already, he made sure that Stiles got invited as well, watched it happen. He didn't even have to organise anything. He didn't have any guarantees that Stiles would show up, though, but Theo was willing to take these odds.
Now he was standing in the living room, his usual entourage around him, keeping up the sound bubble around him while he scanned the room almost restlessly, waiting for Stiles to show up.
For now, he chose to ignore the possibility of this not happening.
Eventually, when Theo had to go get his glass of mostly juice refilled (he knew he wasn't going to get actually drunk, his body couldn't absorb human food that well, but it was going to have some effect, and Theo wanted to remember every single second of this night crystal clear) and almost went to do it (it was annoying to get through all the people), he noticed Stiles and his sister. Theo couldn't remember her name; she was also very pretty, and betting on her was probably safer in terms of how easy it would've been to get her away from everyone, but Theo knew what he wanted.
He jumped off the closed grand piano he was sitting on, turning to Tracy.
"You know what, this is getting boring," he stretched a bit, lazily. "Maybe we should arrange a game or something. Seven minutes in heaven?" He said distractedly, knowing full well Tracy was going to jump to organize whatever he mentioned.
"Oh yeah, totally," and she was off somewhere in the crowd looking for people and a place.
Getting into the kitchen to refill his juice, he found Josh there.
"I heard Tracy was arranging some game. Should we invite the new guy? Get to know them better and everything, you know," a lazy smile definitely got his point across.
After ticking off this point of his plan, making the cogs of the party move and the clock tick its way to the hour of First Kill, Theo moved forward.
In one of the upstairs bedrooms (he felt kind of annoyed about this, he had wasted some time looking) he found Lucas.
Leaning against the wall, the picture of casual disinterest, Theo took in all the weed on the blue duvet.
"You heard Tracy is organizing something downstairs?"
Lucas nodded slowly. His pupils were huge. Maybe there was not just weed here, actually. Theo didn't know and didn't care.
"Gonna go down in a minute."
Theo almost nodded, satisfied, but stopped himself. He knew he could trust Tracy to work quickly.
Lucas did the rest of the work for him. He smirked suggestively:
"Anyone you're hoping to get?"
Theo shrugged, feigning lazy interest.
"The new guy seemed cute."
Lucas laughed a bit.
After a moment, Theo left.
Now he just needed for Stiles to agree to the game.
Stiles almost sighed in relief when that girl that he had seen around Theo (Allison thought her name was Tracy) invited him to that dumb game.
Who the hell was even still playing it, especially in high school? But it definitely was a great way to at least try to get Theo alone with just a little bit of luck.
Which he made sure was going to be on his side by stealing a little amulet from his father's stash of witch-hunting trophies.
A small circle gathered around the kitchen island with the bottle placed as a central piece. Stiles wasn't sure what exactly the rules were, but he guessed it was intuitive enough.
Of course Theo and several of his little pack of small town cool kids were across from Stiles. He still felt betrayed that Allison had ditched him to go talk to some guy with a jaw very noticeably to the side, but then he guessed it would've been kind of awkward to play something like this with a sibling.
Anyway, Stiles was here now, looking at the admittedly attractive smirk on the admittedly handsome face of the admittedly hot Theo Raeken (he knew what he was doing with this pink sweatshirt).
Also known as Stiles' future First Kill.
Someone was talking around him, but Stiles wasn't listening. All his thoughts were about how Theo was going to perish into dust with Stiles' silver dagger in his heart and how he was going to get the traditional Argent hunter bullet tattoo afterwards. He guessed it was going to hurt, but he couldn't wait. He already knew what design he wanted.
Stiles snapped back when someone spun the bottle. He forgot to listen to the rules they used here, but it probably wasn't that different from everyone else's.
The bottle spun and then started to slow down.
Stiles could feel Theo still smirking across the table, so full of himself (and, probably, others, or at least their blood), it was almost annoying.
Theo was watching him, too, Stiles could feel it. He guessed it was a good thing for this particular situation that he managed to capture the attention of the local Main Asshole.
The bottle between them stopped.
Theo felt like cackling on the inside. The bottle did what he needed it to do even without Lucas' intervention.
It looked like everything in this game was on his side.
He knew he was probably going to get in trouble for that (he was going to be the last person seen with Stiles when they would find the body, after all) but he knew Tara was going to help him out.
His First Kill was a big family occasion even though he wasn’t an heir. Pureblood traditions and all.
He slid a finger along one of the shelves, walking into the huge pantry after Stiles, and while he did manage to keep his glee quiet, he could still feel a smirk tugging on his lips. At least it wasn’t the fangs. Yet. He could feel it coming, making him feel giddy.
"Who the hell needs to have that much food?" asked Stiles, looking around and scrunching up his nose.
He looked adorable in his little red hoodie.
This was like a fairytale or something.
Theo shrugged, eyes not leaving Stiles even for a second. He could attack him right now and be over with it.
But where was the fun in that?
He came closer, every move deliberately slow, like with a snake, so it wouldn't see you.
"Well, rich people, I guess. Ours is smaller, though" because they used it just for decoration, really.
But this one was really kind of bizarre, why was there a window at all? Wasn't this counterproductive?
Stiles just looked at him.
"Or people who believe in apocalypse."
Theo nodded. He knew how to keep up a polite small talk while waiting for the dinner to be served.
"Or those."
There was a beat of silence. Stiles huffed, impatient.
"So, are we going to do anything or just stand around?" he asked, his tone just shy of business-like.
Theo let out an involuntary laugh. 
"You sound so eager, I'm almost insulted," he stepped closer, stopping just on this side of invading Stiles' personal space, of crowding him against the shelves. 
Stiles rolled his eyes at him.
"Okay, I'm sure at least three quarters of the people around here who are attracted to guys would fall over themselves to be in my place, but I've moved around too much to do that. Every school has someone like you, and all of you are assholes, and I’m too much of one myself for our personalities to be compatible in long term, and I’m a long term kind of guy."
Theo wasn’t sure if Stiles took a breath anywhere in this little triade, and he was sort of impressed. Maybe it could've been fun to keep Stiles around for a bit. See what else he could hold his breath for.
He stepped closer, now positively overstepping a boundary, smiling at Stiles in the sweetest way he could manage, his oh she actually has a curfew, but you're such a nice boy, of course you can bring her back after midnight smile.
"So… you don't want to make out with me?"
Stiles made a face at him.
"I didn't say that."
He grabbed Theo's shoulder, pulling him in, close, putting their mouths together.
Theo couldn't for the life of him describe what the kiss had felt like. He guessed it was a kiss.
What he could describe was the feeling of a heartbeat just under his thumb on Stiles' warm neck. 
Theo let his lips slide down, leaving a kiss on Stile's jaw, before getting to his neck, fangs just scraping the sensitive skin for a second.
Stiles moved in his arms, one of his hands leaving Theo’s back for a second.
Theo pushed his fangs in, the metallic taste immediately making him forget about the party going on outside. For a second his whole world became the fresh, warm, warm, warm blood on his tongue.
And then he felt something sharp against his chest, and it burned, and he stumbled back.
There was a dagger in his chest.
He looked up at Stiles, not quite comprehending.
"You… fuck…"
Stiles looked at him, weirdly, pressing a hand against his neck.
Everything swam in front of Theo's eyes, and then the fire alarm went off, and everything went black.
Stiles bullied Allison into not telling anything about the party and what happened to their father (or to Kate, which was more likely; they had always been close, but after Victoria's death they became even closer; also, it was probably weird that Stiles was calling Chris his dad, but Victoria would always remain Victoria because she died before Stiles felt ready to call his adoptive parents mom and dad). He wanted Theo's disappearance to hit the news before he would say anything.
He could see it in his head (half-delirious right now with the lack of sleep right now, and he didn't even know why he slept so bed, it was like he was having some weird dreams), how he was going to be all smug about it because he got his First Kill without anyone's help.
Well, almost. Allison did cause the fire alarm to go off, so in the general chaos no one would notice him sneaking out.
He was probably going to be questioned about Theo's whereabouts, but there was no body to be found, and it's not like he realistically could've had an opportunity to do something to it between them going into that pantry and him appearing next to his car and making sure to cause a whole commotion so the most people would see him being there.
Without any traces of fang wounds that definitely should've been there, but he was going to research this on his own time. He felt it. Even Allison didn't need to know he got bitten.
Anyway, it wasn't enough to turn him, that he was sure of, so he was probably going to be fine.
Most likely.
Maybe everything is different with purebloods.
He pressed a hand against his neck where he could still feel Theo's warm mouth.
He was probably going to need to stop ignoring whatever the teacher wanted to inform him about.
He heard a door behind his back open.
"Sorry, I overslept."
Stiles tensed up immediately and felt Allison whipping her head to look at him, eyes probably all huge.
Because the point of yesterday's plan was to make sure that this voice was never going to sound out loud again.
"Mr. Raeken, oh, it's alright, it's just a couple of minutes, go sit down," said the teacher, smiling at Theo like he was her favourite grandchild.
Stiles watched Theo walk by him, stared at his back when he sat down two rows in front and diagonally from Stiles.
This shouldn't be possible. He used a silver dagger, he had seen his father kill vampires with it before, it worked, Stiles was sure of this. Did he do something wrong? Did he not pierce the heart? Fuck, be was so fucked now.
Theo laughed quietly at what the guy next to him said, and then turned around, his smile morphing into a smirk when he caught Stiles staring.
Stiles looked into his sparkling blue eyes, and suddenly felt threatened. Now there was actually something dangerous in there, not just an asshole jock.
Now he wasn't safe.
He did ended up just teasing a bear in spring, didn't he? But how did it not work? What did he do wrong? Where was his mistake? Stiles' mind was all over the place now, and he couldn't understand what he did wrong.
Allison was tugging on his sleeve, trying to get his attention.
Theo winked at him and turned back around to the teacher.
"Stiles, we're screwed," Allison whispered urgently.
It was so nice of her to be willing to take the fall with him.
Theo rubbed his forehead. He just took a pill, and the world around him was slowly becoming less red.
This was not helping his general level of annoyance.
More like rage, really.
He still couldn't exactly wrap his head around the fact that not only Stiles turned out to be a hunter (who the hell else would have had a silver dagger just laying around), he also figured Theo out just like that and ruined his favourite sweatshirt.
Not it was a matter of… honor, Theo guessed, or whatever. Who the fuck Stiles thought he was, trying to kill Theo like that.
Not that he could actually kill a pureblood vampire like that, mind you, so obviously Stiles didn't know his hunting theory too well, but this was not Theo's problem.
Also, Theo had slept like shit last night.
Tara watched him from the door of his room where he was sprawled on top of the duvet.
"You know you need to kill someone soon, right?"
Theo grunted in response. He had no patience for her right now.
He could feel her rolling her eyes at him.
"It can't be your picture-perfect First Kill or whatever you got in that big head of yours, okay? It's just something you have to do, otherwise you're just going to lose control one day and give away all of us, you dumbass."
Theo thought about Stiles' blood in his mouth. About a knife in his heart.
"It's going to be what I say it's going to be, fuck off," he sat up. "It's my First Kill, I'm going to decide how and when it's going to happen, and it's absolutely none of your business. Also, get out of my room!"
Tara stared at him, full of indignation.
"The hell, Theo? You are literally setting all of us up. You have to think about the family's safety, not just yourself! I get it, it must be a complicated concept for you to grasp, but maybe it's time to fucking learn that the world doesn't revolve around you!"
"I know that!"
Tara threw her hands up.
"Is this about the guy that stabbed you? I'm going to deal with it, it's fine, you don't have to arrange your little revenge thing!"
Theo gritted his teeth. Of course she was going to handle it, she was supposed to prove that she was going to be a good little heiress and could keep this family safe.
Theo hated the fact that he was so screwed up last night, he actually told her everything.
She could handle everyone else. Stiles was Theo's.
"You're not touching Stiles. Now, fuck off!" He threw a pillow at her.
Tara caught it with ease, rolling her eyes, closing the door and taking his pillow with her.
"You're such a baby, Jesus."
Stiles absolutely hated going grocery shopping. Especially after he had spent the night having a very bizarre conversation with Theo Raeken. In his dream. His subconsciousness could be so unbelievably annoying sometimes. He guessed it had this in common with Theo.
Anyway, he felt awkward with other people knowing what he was buying for some reason. But he was actively trying to get on his dad's good side before he told him he might have totally told a vampire family that they were hunters and had completely zero ideas about how to fix it.
He didn't even know why Theo didn't die. A silver dagger into the heart was how it was done, Stiles was sure of it. He heard sizzling when it went into Theo's chest, so that must mean it did do something, just not what he needed it to.
So Stiles was probably in deadly trouble now, and so he wanted to mitigate the damage as much as he could.
He also didn't have much time, so he needed to tell his dad soon. Preferably yesterday, but he blew that chance. However, he didn't think the vampires were going to wait long. Even Theo in his dream said something along these lines. Which meant Stiles knew, but he also really didn't feel like catching the hell that he was going to get when he told his dad. Even if it was deserved and the least of his worries right now, really.
Now he wasn't going to get to officially kill anything until he was like 30. Practically ancient.
He walked out of the shop with his bags and almost dropped them while trying to get his keys, as per usual.
He felt even shakier today than he normally did, that dream last night felt so weird, it was still screwing with him.
It was kind of Friday evening, so there wasn't much place in the parking lot in front of the shop or in the street, so he had to park in the back alley, which was sort of convenient as he could put his bag on his knee against the wall to make it a bit easier to reach his pocket.
He heard heels clicking on the asphalt behind him, but didn't have time to turn around and look, as someone pressed on his neck, forcing him to lean his head to the side, and then there was sharp pain in his neck.
Familiar pain.
He tried to make a sound, and the person behind him (he could only tell that they had kind of small hands and were shorter than he was) hummed gently, as if to say "shh", and then he lost consciousness.
"I think your sister just kidnapped me," said Stiles, frowning.
Theo scoffed.
"She wouldn't."
Theo was lying. She totally would. He could even kill Stiles on the family's behalf. 
Theo really had to get going with his plan, Tara wouldn't wait much longer.
"Yeah, no, I'm pretty sure that's exactly what happened, and now I'm dreaming about you again," Stiles sat down on the fallen tree trunk.
They were in what looked like an abandoned garden. Everything was kind of rotten. Theo didn't know why his subconsciousness was doing this. Also, it wasn't Stiles dreaming about him, it was Theo dreaming about Stiles.
"No…" Theo didn't have time to finish.
A bird flew right over his head, screaming like it was insane. Like the birds did around here.
It wasn't in the dream, though. So he woke up.
Blinking awake, he looked at the pool and considered it. Maybe trying to do his homework outside wasn't his brightest idea.
It's not like it was hot enough for the pool. It's just that it symbolized everything that annoyed Theo about trying to concentrate outside, which was primarily the noise, which wasn't apparently stopping him from falling asleep.
Everything made a fucking noise. Birds in the neighbour's little garden. The trees and the bushes. The insects.
The fucking pool and the fucking wind.
But he kind of failed to concentrate in his room as well. He kept thinking about Stiles' mouth under his lips. About the slightly rough skin of his neck under his teeth.
About his blood on Theo's tongue.
Theo slammed his textbook in his lap shut.
He had been this fucking close to his First Kill, he had to get it now. There was literally no other option. The fucker had to die, and Theo was going to be the one to do it. Maybe that was going to stop these weird dreams.
Like hell Tara would just kidnap anyone.
Anyway. If before Theo might have considered letting it go in case of a failure, after that dagger pierced his skin there was just no other option for him. Stiles was going to be his first, and that was it. As simple as this.
He might need to really hurry up though, there was always a possibility that the hunters wouldn't stay to actually try to destroy Theo and his family but choose to run, and then it was going to be a hassle to deal with. Also, there was Tara.
Theo couldn't really go away chasing someone right now, he had school. Tara, however, could do whatever the fuck she wanted.
He heard the sound of heels clicking on the tile around the pool and rolled his eyes. He knew this sound anywhere. That was just what he needed right now. Tara and her bullshit.
"Fuck off," he didn't even look up at her, slamming his textbook again, this time open, the edge jamming into his thigh, in order to scowl at it like he was actually reading it.
Tara laughed her silver bell laugh.
"Still being a huge baby, I see. Come, I have a surprise for you."
"Go away."
"No, come with me, it won't take too long, I'm sure you'll be finished really quickly," she said with a weird intonation and laughed again.
There was something in her tone that suggested that there was a nice virgin girl waiting for him in the woods to do whatever he desired to, or something.
Theo scowled even deeper. He wanted Stiles, not that.
Also, like hell he would be finished quickly.
Tara almost stomped her feet, Theo could feel it.
"Come on, you're literally not doing anything, just sulking here because you got too bored sulking in your room."
Jesus, his sister was so annoying, he would make a great heiress.
"You'll like it," she added.
Theo squized his eyes shut for a second.
Okay, Tara wasn't leaving him alone apparently. It was easier to give in, he knew it, he grew up with her. He closed his textbook again with a sigh and stood up, tossing it on the lounge chair he had been on.
"Okay, whatever. I don't have much time," that was mostly a lie if one didn't consider thinking about the ways to get to Stiles a hobby.
Which it was. Theo was going to go into town to try to stalk Stiles out today. He was working on his hobby, he didn't have time.
Hunting was a hobby, right? So were specific types of hunting.
Tara smirked at him. He felt that familiar almost rage at the thought that he smirked the same way. He needed to unlearn it, right this second.
"You're going to like it," she said again.
Stiles slowly came to. He was confused about what exactly was happening. He felt dizzy and there was something on his wrists. He had the weirdest dream about Theo again.
He slowly blinked his eyes open. Someone was yelling. He couldn't open his mouth. He thought there was something over his mouth. 
"What the fuck were you even thinking?!"
Okay, that voice Stiles recognised, although the intonations were new.
Someone was very angry. Someone who was supposed to be very dead.
"That you were going to fuck all of us over with your idiotic stubbornness, you dumb ass!"
She definitely said it in two separate words.
"You…" it sounded like Theo couldn't find words to describe what she was; it looked like it too, his face flushed with, presumably, rage. "You had no right," he gritted through his teeth eventually, way quieter than the rest of their nice sibling chat.
Stiles guessed they were talking about him, and he did not want to know why exactly. But then, it was pretty obvious, considering his hands were bound and there was some tape on his mouth. There was also blood on his shirt, but he didn't feel hurt. So the marks must've disappeared the way Theo's did. Because Tara definitely bit him to knock him out.
Did Theo's sister bit him? She had to, Stiles definitely had felt this exact same thing before, and that was at the party.
Tara moved closer to Theo, getting in his face, hissing something too low for Stiles to hear over the sound of the creek running under the bridge Theo and his sister were arguing on.
Theo grabbed her shoulder.
Stiles decided that this was about time he concentrated on his restraints, since both of his captors were distracted. Although he guessed it was just Tara who was his main captor.
He guessed they were fighting now, judging by the sounds of it, like, physically, but he was too busy trying to pry the little blade he had on his forearm down and then cutting the tape with it.
It didn't actually take very long, and he finished right in time with the end of the fight on the bridge.
The last bit of the tape fell apart.
There was a gasp, a huge splash and a quiet shit, and then there was only the sound of the creek.
Stiles looked up.
Theo was standing on the bridge with his hands covered in blood and a couple of rips in his shirt. He was staring down at the water with huge eyes.
There was a spill of red on the dark water, slowly getting bigger and longer as the water flowed further away.
Theo's sister was nowhere to be seen.
"Tara? Theo? Children, where are you?" Someone called from somewhere in the woods.
"Shit," said Theo again.
That was an admirable lack of reaction to killing his own sister.
Stiles squinted at the water, one part of his brain trying to understand what exactly happened (he should have watched the fight), so he could use it later, since it looked like standard methods didn't work; another part of his brain was concentrating hard on keeping as quiet as possible, and slowly getting away.
It was pretty dark in the forest already, so it was mostly the sound he was worried about. Vampires were way cooler in books.
"Kids?" Someone asked, stepping from behind the trees.
Theo looked white as a sheet and frozen, staring at the person coming.
Stiles wanted to bolt, but made himself walk on silent feet. He desperately hoped no one was going to follow him in the commotion he could hear starting behind his back.
"Theo? Why are you covered in blood? What the hell happened?" Asked someone.
Stiles didn't hear Theo's answer.
It has been two days since Tara kidnapped him and apparently got fucking killed by her little brother. The fuck. Did Theo kill his sister over Stiles?
Stiles' weird dreams became more vivid, now actually seeming to happen in real places. Theo was there sometimes, not always, though. According to him, he was the one sleeping and seeing Stiles, not the other way around. So he told Stiles that there were technically legends about vampires biting someone the wrong way and getting a mental connection to them, but it had to be on the neck, and usually when a vampire did that to you, you were dead, so there wasn't much evidence. He also told Stiles what, according to him (Stiles' dream!Theo), had happened to Tara, and, well, Stiles guessed his brain made the only thing that made sense with his knowledge and what he saw about what went wrong when he tried to kill Theo. Apparently, according to his brain, purebloods could only be killed one way, and it had nothing to do with silver.
What Stiles did know for sure, from real sources, was that Theo was now a wanted person among vampires for killing a pureblood, and so now hunters were trying to get to him before the vampires did to use as leverage. What for, exactly, was a mystery for Stiles, but his dad did whatever the Guild wanted.
But Theo was Stiles'. Only his.
So Stiles thanked everything that was there to thank that his father was predictable enough for Stiles to guess his password.
Stiles knew what he was doing was wrong. It went against everything his dad taught him and what the Guild stood for.
He was screwing with the data so they couldn't find Theo.
He knew they were getting close, he saw the maps. He knew it was absurd to believe his dreams, but it was the best he could do right now. He recognised the place Theo was in in his last dream, and he also knew where his father was searching. He didn't understand how or why, but the feeling that Theo was actually there was so strong he couldn't even question it. He knew it was probably his brain mixing up everything and making him believe what he wanted to believe, or whatever. 
But Theo was his responsibility now. He was Stiles' fuck-up, and Stiles was going to fix it. The Guild void fuck off and die, they weren't going to use the fact that Theo was already separated from his own kind for their own needs. Stiles was going to kill him.
Or at least try out the theory his brain provided in his dream. Although it was kind of hard to set up. But Stiles could always knock Theo out with a nicely placed silver dagger and just a couple of herbs.
Anyway. Stiles wasn't going to let the Guild get to Theo. Theo was his to kill and only his. It felt personal now that he even got kidnapped for him. And Stiles didn't like leaving a mess, and Theo was his mess.
So Stiles wiped a detail here and there, changed some numbers. He was going to be the one to get to Theo. He was going to be the one to figure out how to kill a pureblood.
It was just a couple of hours later that they figured it out.
Well, Kate did. Stiles had never liked her much.
He did expect them to find out, but not this fast. He hoped he had some time to set something up in order to clean his name or something.
He didn't.
What he also didn't take into account was how high profile this case was with the Guild.
And exactly how much of a bitch Kate was.
Stiles knew what it meant. They all did. He was going to be judged. And the Guild didn't take kindly to saboteurs. Especially the ones potentially connected to the enemy (he asked his dad about it, apparently, there were actually legends like that in their books, although Stiles could swear he hadn't heard anything like that; it was before Kate decided to check their data again).
Stiles didn't have time for that. He had a mission to complete, and the Guild was just going to take up his time.
So he got half an hour of sleep in, got some stuff and sneaked away.
He was going to deal with the consequences later. After he got his First Kill on his own terms and cleaned up his mess. Right now, he had a mission.
Theo waited, leaning against a tree near the edge of the woods on the side of the road leading out of town.
He knew where he needed to be. They had an agreement.
It was funny, actually, how both of them ended up the prey in their families' hunts.
Theo killed a pureblood. Stiles prevented a killing of a pureblood.
Adorable, really. Red sting and everything.
Considering that Stiles was now potentially the only human who knew how to kill someone like Theo because Theo didn't realise in time that it wasn't just his subconsciousness.
And yet, here they were. Both having to run away, both absolutely refusing to give up. Both determined to make the other their First Kill.
Neither of their lives was going to be easy until they figured it out. Surviving off pig blood wasn't fun, but it was a matter of principle now.
Stiles' ancient jeep rolled up next to Theo.
Theo felt a smirk slowly appear on his face.
Stiles lowered the window.
"Well, I guess we are both unbelievably deeply fucked now and are currently making it worse."
Theo rolled his eyes.
"We are both dead anyway, might as well die in the right hands."
Stiles almost smiled at him. It wasn't a nice smile.
Theo felt almost giddy looking at it for some reason.
He got in the car.
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roll-da-credits · 3 years
HC: Randomly Sitting on Shiratorizawa Boys' Laps (+Ukai)
Characters: Tendou Satori, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Ukai Keishin
A/n: I was about to write for Terushima but then I realized I REALLY wanted to write about how Ukai would react cause I think it would be adorable. I hope you guys enjoy these headcanons and I absolutely adore Tendou
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Tendou Satori
You just saw this prank on TikTok where people would prank their boyfriends by randomly climbing up on their lap and sitting on it. Out of nowhere.
Looking to the side, to your innocent boyfriend who was now reading a manga, you decided to try and do this little prank.
You set up a camera close to the both of you, knowing full well that Tendou wouldn't be looking since his mind was too focused on the manga.
Because Tendou was laying down, his hands outstretched above his head to read the manga you decided to crawl underneath his arms and on top of his chest.
Snuggling yourself on his chest, arms wrapped around his torso.
Tendou threw his manga to the side of the room and quickly wrapped his arms around you as well.
Squeezing you with a bright grin on his face, he shook you around from side to side in pure glee.
"What's wrong baby?" he asked looking down on your smiling figure, content with how his reaction might get you a bunch of views.
"Nothing just wanted to try a TikTok trend." you snuggled closer to him.
He laughed it off and softly entangled his hands in your hair. Peppering the crown of your head with small playful kisses.
Overall, 10/10 adorable I love you so much, I cherish you so much omfg I want to be you and to be WITH you. Why don't you exist please, you and Nishinoya are literally the only 2 people from my anime crush list that would GENUINELY go date me so pls be real.
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Wakatoshi Ushijima
Ushijima would be best defined as stoic, stiff, and a bit awkward though he doesn't realize it himself.
So, after seeing the trend on TikTok you had decided to try it out on him. Hopefully to try and loosen him up a little bit more, make him more comfortable in the relationship.
You both were hanging out in your room, him watching back replays of his games with some troublesome teams, trying to give himself mental pointers on what could be done better.
This had been going for close to an hour, and although you didn't mind it, you truly thought he needed a break.
So, setting up a camera somewhere he couldn't see.
You slowly made your way over to him, before crawling on his lap and snaking your arms around his torso.
You felt his body stiffen for a moment, before awkwardly putting his hands around your own body, you feeling really happy of him showing even a little bit of affection, nuzzled closer onto him.
Making pink dust his stoic features.
"Darling what are you doing?" He asked no longer able to focus on the games in front of him.
"Nothing, continue doing what you wanted to do." You shrugged.
And he did actually try, he tried focusing back on the game but when he felt your body getting heavier and your breathing getting deeper.
He realized you had fallen asleep, the stillness and the calm you brought him made a smile cross his lips, before he finally relaxed and opted to hold you tighter against him
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Ukai Keishin
Ukai was a man with a lot of jobs, and we're talking A LOT, you see how hard this man works. Damn, no wonder he's a chain smoker with an incredibly high risk of giving literally everyone lung cancer.
You also noticed this, you noticed how he worked at the convenience store, at a farm, and at Karasuno.
On the rare occasion he had extra time to spend without his work, he would think about his work, specifically about his team. He wanted them to succeed and you also wanted them to succeed, but the rates at which he's overworking himself causes a big concern on you.
So, one day when he looked exceptionally tired, you stood up from where you were sitting and with nonchalant, sat on his lap.
Making him both flustered and utterly confused.
"Come to bed, I'm tired, and you're tired, let's sleep." You tried convincing him through your heavy eyes, tired from your own activities during the day.
Ukai laughed after finally regaining his composure, his hands reaching for a cigarette to hopefully quell his exhaustion.
"Sleep will help with you being tired, tobacco and nicotine won't be as effective."
Ukai looked below him at you, your eyes fully closed, and yet still make sassy remarks.
"Alright, let's go."
Finally, for the first time in a rather long time, both of you went to sleep at the same time.
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restapesta · 3 years
Mickey had no idea how the fuck Ian even fell.
One minute, they were walking along the sidewalk, the next, Ian's ankle was twisting and he was toppling down onto the rough pavement right next to Mickey's feet.
"I'm fine," He grit out through clenched teeth, but he struggled to get up as Mickey tried to haul him up by the elbow.
There were people around them staring--Westside assholes who needed to mind their own business in Mickey's opinion--but Ian simply ignored the eyes following his every movement, a tinge of red coating his cheeks.
"I'm okay, seriously," He repeated, and he gestured for Mickey to loosen his grip on his arm.
Mickey complied reluctantly. "How did you even fall?"
Ian shrugged, and the first step he took ahead had him wincing in pain.
When Mickey balked at him with wide eyes, he just said, "I used to be an EMT. This is nothing, just a bruise forming probably."
The 'just a bruise' part didn't ease Mickey's worries--and neither did the pained expression on Ian's face as they moved forward.
Ian's face was scrunched up and he was limping, unable to even hide the fact the fall hurt him more than he initially thought.
"Man, we need to get that checked out."
"No, Mick. It probably just has to do with my past injury. It's the same leg I broke last time."
Mickey maneuvered them to a bench that was facing the park they were passing. Ian went without protest, practically skipping on one leg to the polished wood. "Just more reason to go see a doctor."
"Since when do we see doctors, Mick?"
"Since we got insurance," Mickey slowly placed Ian's leg across his lap, prompting Ian to settle back against the side of the bench. He cuffed his husband's jeans.
Ian probably knew more about injuries and fractures than Mickey did, since he used to be an EMT and all--but even Mickey, who had his fair share of broken bones, knew this was more than just a simple bruise.
The 'simple bruise' was turning a deep shade of purple on the lateral side of Ian's ankle, and the tissue around it had to be swollen. Mickey chanced a glance at Ian who was staring at his ankle with a sullen look on his face.
"Fuck," He muttered.
Their eyes met and Ian's were narrowed in disdain at the prospect of it. "Yeah."
Mickey was about to slap Ian's leg on impulse, but he stopped mere seconds before when he realized what the fuck he was doing. Instead, he just made sure the foot on his lap didn't move an inch.
"Guess we need to call the ambulance."
Ian shut his eyes in pain at that, and Mickey stifled a smile as he took out his phone to dial 911.
The first thing Mickey supposed he would hear upon entering the hospital room Ian was in were the words 'it's not that bad', or even, 'don't baby me mickey'.
Both possibilities were stupid when Mickey remembered the fact that Ian literally fractured his ankle like a little kid, and deserved to be coddled, at least as a reprimand for his clumsiness.
But instead, when Mickey entered through to door, he caught sight of Ian's leg propped up on a pillow on the bed, as Ian just stared blankly at it. His face was lax and devoid of any emotion, and--
"He's on high drugs." The doctor confirmed as Ian finally whipped his head up to look at who the doctor was speaking to.
When his eyes landed on Mickey...
It was the widest Mickey had ever seen him smile.
"Mickey!" He exclaimed like a kid in a candy store. "Mickey, come here!"
Mickey moved slowly to the bed as he listened to the doctor say, "It'll wear him off in ten minutes or so. Just stick with him until he falls asleep."
Ian was grinning from one ear to the other, and Mickey felt laughter bubble up in his chest.
Certainly a fucking improvement from the grump he had trudged to the hospital.
"How you holding up?" He asked his husband who was suddenly getting lost in thought while he ran his eyes appreciatively over Mickey's figure.
It was as if in slow motion--his eyes moving down from Mickey's eyes, lingering on his chest, abdomen, crotch, and thighs--and then up again, eyes staying glued to the thigh and crotch area the most until his green eyes met blue.
Mickey was about to tease him for it, drugged up or not, when Ian said, "Are you taken?"
Mickey choked. "Am I what?"
Ian seemed to be talking to himself. "I think my husband wouldn't mind if I took you to bed, like, wow."
Mickey pretended not to notice the heat in his cheeks. "I think your husband would mind you taking anyone to bed, even me."
Ian thought about it, tongue poking out against the side of his cheek. "You're right." He finally said. "He's really possessive."
Mickey scoffed, wanting to disagree, but Ian continued. "It doesn't matter how hot you are." He looked away indignantly. "I won't fuck you because my hot husband is enough."
I'm your hot husband, you dumbass.
"Oh yeah?"
"Yes." Ian nodded his head viciously.
Mickey took steady steps towards Ian, and his husband's eyes followed him warily. The second it was in reach, Mickey glided his hands over Ian's thighs. The redhead shuddered at the touch.
He must've already forgotten about his hot husband because he was grinning mischievously. "Mickey," Ian drawled out. "Come here."
"What about your husband?"
"My husband's a really good kisser, but I think you are too."
Mickey blushed again.
Ian pressed a chaste kiss to his lips before Mickey could even figure out a response.
Ian was smiling contently when he pulled away. His eyes were lit up with happiness.
"Hot and a good kisser." He said. "Wonder how you are in bed."
"My husband doesn't have complains."
"With that ass, I wouldn't either."
They were still staring at each other, and Mickey was a second away from telling Ian to just get some shut-eye, when, all of a sudden, Ian's face crumbled, a look of complete and utter devastation seen in his features. Mickey blanched.
What the fuck was going on? Was Ian in pain? He was just about to call for the nurse--press the red button next to the hospital bed when--
"I just cheated on my husband." Ian sobbed, actual tears streaming down his face. Big, heavy tears poured from both eyes, overflowing on Ian's cheeks.
Mickey would've laughed had Ian not been wailing in front of him.
"Ian," he tried, pushing Ian's hands away that were shielding his face in shame. "Ian, I am your husband. You didn't cheat on me."
Ian sobbed. "No. My husband's dark, handsome, average height... He has the sweetest smile, a really hot body, an amazing sense of humor..."
"Ian, fucking look at me, do I not seem familiar to you?"
Ian looked up, eyes pinched. "You're not as grumpy as Mickey, you're just a fraud."
"Well fuck you too!"
Ian looked surprised at that. "You're really Mickey?"
Mickey frowned, all in hopes Ian would calm down, because fucking hell. "Yes, I am really Mickey."
"The one I married?"
"You know another Mickey?"
"I need to test you."
Mickey's eyes were wide as saucers. "Test me?"
"What's my favorite food?"
"You don't remember me, how would you remember your favorite food?"
Ian didn't relent. "What is my favorite food, fake Mickey?"
The answer came easily. "It's that stupid lasagna from the Italian place near our apartment."
"Hm. What's my favorite position in bed? Only the real Mickey would know that."
"Seriously? Face-to-face. Anything else?"
"Do you want kids?"
Mickey was too stunned to answer, and those seconds of hesitation were apparently answer enough to Ian.
He nodded. "Yeah, okay, you are Mickey."
A moment of silence ensued, followed by hiccups on Ian's side, and a slight shock on Mickey's.
Then came a blinding smile. "Mickey."
"Ian." He sighed exasperatedly, mind already off the questions.
And then he passed out.
Fucking hell.
"Did I do anything weird while I was under?"
Mickey glanced at Ian from the corner of his eye. He was sitting on their bed, leg propped up.
He shrugged. "You sobbed because you cheated on me."
Ian's face was confused. "I didn't cheat on you."
"Oh, yeah you did," Mickey teased with a smile on his face. "You kissed me who you thought was incredibly hot."
"First you said you wouldn't because your husband was enough. But then you did and you cried because you cheated."
Ian stuffed his face in his hands, groaning. "That's so embarrassing."
Just like in the hospital, Mickey pushed his hands away, gazing straight into his eyes. He chose not to tell him about the questions--those were for another time.
"I don't know if I should find it endearing you would only cheat on me with me, and that you would fucking cry about it later, or get mad because you would cheat on me."
Ian groaned again, pressing Mickey against him. "Fuck you. I'd only cheat on you with you when I'm drugged up. You're the only one I find good enough to cheat on you with."
"I'm gonna get a seizure."
Ian laughed, kissing the crown of his head. "Then shut the fuck up and pretend it never happened!"
With a feigned heavy heart, Mickey sighed and agreed. "Sure."
"Thank you."
"Don't think I won't tell Lip about this."
It was only Mickey's luck Ian couldn't walk that he managed to escape before Ian strangled the life out of him.
All the while, they laughed.
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bangtan-sinnamons · 4 years
On Cloud Mine (M)
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⤞ Paring: Alpha werewolf!Taehyung x Omega werewolf!reader
⤞ Summary: Your fuck buddy, Taehyung, heat was coming to an end and you decide to leave him to eat. But trouble awaits for you when you come home smelling like another alpha.
⤞ Genre: Fuck buddies to lovers, Werewolf Smut, Angst, Fluff
⤞Warning: Possessive acts, LOTS of misunderstanding, slightly toxic relationship, fingering, cum play, degradation, werewolf sex/heat, creampie, unprotected sex, Swear words, Taehyung dom, reader submissive, hickeys
⤞ Word count:  3586
“Omega, don’t pull away...not yet,” Taehyung groans at the lost of your body’s warmth pressed up against him. “I’m still in my rut,” His hand grips tighter on your waist, hard enough to leave crescent nail marks.
“Well I want to eat....the food stash in your room is gone,” you clasp your hand over his, in attempt to yank his strong arms that were now firmly wrapped around your waist. “I‘ll be back soon,” you tried again, but this time with a softer tone.
Taehyung was nearing the end of his heat, so it shouldn’t be a problem leaving him alone for a bit. It’s not like you were his mate or anything. Just sex buddies, nothing more, just like how he wants.
But sometimes in moments like these, where he looks as if he had never experienced being alone before, it made you feel special. Almost as if he WAS your mate.
“Omega. Wait,” he commands.
You freeze, your inner she-wolf unconsciously warns you to obey him. You tried to search for what he wants behind the strands of hair blocking his eyes.
“If you are hungry. Come suck me off,” he abruptly says. A smirk forming, when he notice your doe eyes looking down at him. Looking at him like a deer in headlights. Alert, and cute.
You glared at him.
“Taehyung. I’m leaving your ass to go get some food,” you flicked his forehead. You hated when you were swayed into submission, yet he finds it hilarious.
You can’t believe you let your thoughts linger for more than a second about him being your mate. He was definitely in the stay away category, just another horny alpha, that you perhaps have feelings for.
He finally lets you go, rolling over to your side of the bed. “Fine, but don’t leave the house,”
You hummed in response. Heading to the pile of discarded clothes.
“Do you know where my bra went?” You asked as you shuffle around the room naked, your ass on full display for the horny man in the bed. If he stared hard enough, he could see the glistening cum that dared dripped onto your thigh. The sight brought encouragement, making him wish, he hastily slammed himself into you to keep the threatening cum from leaving you.
He wets his lips at the sight, but an offending sigh penetrates his ears. He looks at you, ears perking up in your direction. “What did you say?” He growls, not liking how you disrupted his thoughts.
“My bra. Where. Is. It,”
“Oh, it’s over here,” he sits up from the bed as he holds up your garment. A playful smile plastered on his face.
Ugh, what is he up to now. You rolled your eyes when he doesn’t throw it over to you, forcing you to come to him instead.
“I swear, you want me to starve to death,” you mumble, approaching him. You try to snag it away, but he holds it out of reach. “Give. Me. The damm thing,” you grunt.
He closed the remaining space between you. “Are you sure you wanna leave?” Taehyung whispers in your ear giving it a playful nip, “Just stay for a while longer,”
You had enough of this man and with a hard push, the both of you topple onto the bed with a plop. Giving you easier access to snatch your garment as fast as you can.
His eyes follows your remaining steps as you grumpily exited the room. With the final click of the door shutting, he buries his nose into your silky pillow. Snuggling against it, trying to get a whiff of your alluring scent from before. Once your aroma was mixed with his, he was influenced into a lustful frenzy.
He buckles into the bed imagining you on top of him, just like moments ago. Your appearance, your everything makes him go crazy. Your hair was slightly damp as if you came out of the shower, but he knows that it was really from your last heated session with him. And the fact that you were so aggressive, he loved it. He loved it more than he should have, cause he was the alpha not you.
“For fucks sake,” he groans, watching his once limp dick raging red again.
He looks at the door and was very tempted to go find you. He is sure you wouldn’t mind if he was fucking you as you eat. Actually, he finds that kinda hot. He looks pleased at himself for the great idea and he heads to the door.
On the other hand, you were face to face with an empty fridge, empty cabinets, literally empty everything. You sighed as you closed the last cabinet shut. Did he expect you to eat the crumbs? Even a mouse would be hungry living here.
For whatever reason, your heart and your growling stomach decided to leave the house without telling him. Too tired to hear the man nag at you, you head to the nearest convenient store.
The park you’re currently walking by serves as a great change of scenery and soon enough, you began to feel like yourself again. Your cheeks stuffed with food, and your demon stomach finally no longer growled. The calming night breeze drags your hair along and carries your mind along with it because you no longer kept track of the time.
You were just about to sit on a nearby bench before a pair of hands rested on your shoulder. With a flinch and a twist of your neck in search of the intruder of your so called personal bubble, you were pleasantly relieved to see it was just Hoseok.
“HOSEOK! YOU LITTLE...” One hand covered your stuffed mouth from spewing your food at him and the other hand smacking his shoulder. You swallow the remaining food left in your mouth before continuing to yell at him. “Don’t scare me like that!”
“My bad. My bad. Stop hitting me,” he laughs, his big fluffy ears twitching. “How come you’re here so late? Do you want me to take you home?”
“Oh, shit...” you cursed out loud. Taehyung! How could you forget about him. “Hoseok DON’T come near me anymore,” you backed away. Taehyung is overly sensitive with other people’s scent, especially during his ruts.
Last time during his rut, the scent of your older brother threw him off so badly, he made you shower until you were back to smelling like peaches and cream. And not only one shower, but three showers, despite being so uncontrollably horny. He was literally dripping in sweat, slipping swear words from his lips, and holding back every urge to fuck you senseless just because you smelled QOUTE on QOUTE Nasty.
Hoseok’s ears lay flat against the crown of his head at your abrupt action. “Sorry. Was I being too straightforward?” He questions.
Seeing those gravity drawn shoulder from the upbeat wolf, was a difficult sight to see. Almost as if you were betraying your friendship with a mere fuck buddy.
“No! No. It’s just that I’m helping Taehyung’s rut and I don’t want to trigger him with your scent!” You explained.
His eyes widen at the mention of Taehyung. Hoseok, also being a close friend of Taehyung, has witnessed his possessiveness of you. The wolf was always triggered when another scent was on you, even if it wasn’t during his rut. The growls, the glares, he sent, Hoseok was honestly surprised how you didn’t seem to notice the signs. The man was in love with you. Infatuated with your every being and simply using this fuck buddy thing as an excuse to get closer with you.
“Y/n, you should head back and take a quick shower too. Text me later, okay?” He suggested, the worry was evident on his face. And with a wave of your hand, you hurriedly jogged towards Taehyung’s apartment.
You fumbled with the spare key that Taehyung had lended you. Not out of nervousness, but from the sweat in your palms that you wiped off from jogging so fast.
You can’t believe you were out for about an hour. Either Taehyung was going to be fuming or sleeping, and you hope it’s the later option.
Okay. You breathed. Just go in and shower. Everything should be fine.
You creaked the door open, just small enough for you to peak inside, but instead you made straight eye contact with Taehyung’s glare.
Fine you were not.
You bit your lips, as you parted the door wider. The air filled with pheromones that screamed dominance and you can’t help, but stand still, waiting for his next command. While your eyes wandered about, avoiding his piercing looks. You closed the door, figuring out the words you should careful say to the wolf before you.
Taehyung leans back in his spot on the sofa. You can hear him crack his knuckles. A habit you noticed when he tries to calm himself down, but this time each crack felt vexing.
“Did you have a good time?" He probed bitterly, his lips pursed. Your sudden scent change only confirms his inner thoughts.
How dare you act confused, when it was obvious of how guilty you looked. You can’t even look him in the eye for goodness sake. “Omega. Don’t make me repeat. I said, did you have a good time?”
“Look,” you rushed out. “I don’t know what you are trying to get at, but I went to eat and I met Hoseok on the way,” you admitted, not wanting to lie to the already raging wolf. “Nothing biggie. So let me shower real quick,”
You tried to dismiss yourself, but the words that flowed from your lips angered him even more. Without a moment of hesitation, a sickening smack rattled through the apartment. Of course he didn’t hit you, he could never hit you, but he did strike his hand on the sofa arm. The sound loud enough for you to stop in your tracks.
”Shower my ass,” he scoffed. “Omega did you really think you can fool me. You leave me ALONE during my rut to go fuck another ALPHA!”
“Is Hoseok your mate or something? Why else would you have the need to leave me. You could have told me you were busy or some shit,” He interrupts, not wanting to hear your lame excuses. “Then I would have asked for another Omega!” He yells, currently blinded with rage.
Although most of his accusations were very off the charts, wrong. He was right about one thing. He could alway get another Omega that was better suited and that fact hurt you. You lowered your eyes to the floor again.
Your unresponsive reaction only makes him fume. Was what he was saying true?!No. It can’t be. He hasn’t even confessed yet. Every being of him is saying that you were his mate. How could it be.
He struts towards you. Instinctively your eyes shot up to meet his. Seeing his hand raised up, made you flinch. Instead of what you thought would be the worse pain inflicted on you, it was just a caress of your hair.
He raised a brow when he came into contact with the unexpected sweat he felt from your hair. He sniffs his hand and emits a low menacing growl. Almost as if he was warning you for what was about to come. “Look at you! You are fucking wet. Is your cunt filled with his cum too? Are you just as wet down here?” He pressed his hand on your clothed pussy, trying to feel your lies out, and you let out a soft whimper.
Despite Taehyung believing he had some claim over you, he was painfully reminded that he didn't. He was probably a nobody compared to Hoseok. You never spared a glance at him, so why would you now. That’s why he decided to claim you, the only way he knew how to.
He roughly manhandles your shirt to the side and hurriedly press his lips onto your collarbone. Almost desperately to feel your warmth mingled with his once more. You render speechless as you feel his teeth brush over your collarbone. His other hand is on your back, pulling you closer to him. And he laps at your neck until he felt satisfied at how it glistened in the dimly lit room before he sucks on your soft skin. He does that for a few seconds before his lips reached your shoulder.
He gagged at the smell. It reeked of a scent that wasn’t him or you. It was like someone had stolen his territory, and now he had to claim it back. You gasp at the sudden bite he left on you shoulder.
“TAEHYUNG!” You yelped when he doesn’t just stop there. He continues to leave more bites along your shoulder and neck until you could feel each spot pulsing.
“Now you speak?” He mumbles between each bite and peck he leaves on you. If he can’t have your heart he will at least have your body marked for others to see. And if he was lucky enough, they would think you were already taken. He smiles at the thought.
“Tae-“ you groaned. “I didn’t do anything... I swear!” He had asked you to be exclusive fuck buddies, so maybe that’s why he is so upset with the thought of someone else having you.
He stops biting you to take a good look at your expression. “Omega. Why do you need to take a shower then?” His face was now only inches away. “What are you hiding in that pussy of yours?” He seethes.
“Please...” you uttered, feeling his breath warm your skin. You honestly don’t know what you were begging for. Were you trying to get him to believe you or were you getting horny with how possessive he looked. Not to miss the fact that he was all so attractive already.
“Fuck it,” he snarls, growing highly impatient. If you couldn’t answer him properly, he was going to check it himself.
He gets hold of your body and carries you back to his room. Throwing you on top of the bed. Taehyung wastes no time as he aggressively pulls you forward to the edge of the bed, spreading your legs open as wide as they can go. “Shit you’re wet.”
He pulls the offending skirt and panties away from you. With his fingers, he spread your pussy lips open, showing yourself all to him. Pulsing and soaked. The smell hitting him straight in the face.
You press your elbows against the bed to leverage yourself up. “Alpha. I didn’t do it with Hoseok,”
“Explain why you are so fucking wet then! You slut!” He pinches your nub and you wither below him once more.
“You!” Your words barely audible as you cried from pleasure. “Taehyung you are the only one that can make me wet like this!”
With a glance he knows no one had fucked you yet, but your words felt so reassuring to hear. He smirks and continues on, but this time with confidence. Taehyung had erase all niggling doubts in his mind about Hoseok and your relationship.
You practically purr when Taehyung runs his index finger down your wet slit, feeling how wet you were because of him before he sinks it into your pussy. He takes his time, letting you feel him run his finger against your walls as you twitch trying to suck his fingers in. He caves in when he see your hungry pussy asking for it. He slowly pumps it in and out of you.
“Yes!” You mewled under his touch . You harshly bit your lip as you felt him slip another finger into you. “Don’t stop!”
Immediately you feel him withdraw his fingers. His hand slick with your wetness as he hovers it in front of your face. You could taste it on your lips from simply smelling it. And you couldn't help but open your mouth obediently, expecting him to shove his fingers in.
“Aren’t you greedy?” He taps your nose, smearing your juices. Your confused face makes him chuckle as he places his lips on your nose kissing and licking it up.
Your checks flamed “I-I...”
“This,” he holds up the finger that was still wet with your juices. “Is mine. You can get what’s yours in a bit. Be patient,” he placed his finger on his lower lip, swiping the pad of his finger onto his tongue before closing his mouth to suck on your juices.
You let out a groan watching the erotic sight right before your eyes.
His hand slowly draws away from his mouth, a string of saliva still coating his index finger. He sighed softly, the bulge in his pants visibly twitching as it slowly grew more needy. He had truly tasted heaven.
You were so eager for his cock. That you begin to slip your hand to your clit, hoping to get some relief and of course Taehyung caught you seconds before you reached your burning core. “Taehyung put it in already,” you begged. “Please,”
Fuck, he had no patience left to think, and instead decided to spur into action especially when he wanted to tease you a bit more. He placed his hands at the back of your knees to push your legs up, his ears peeking up, focusing on how pathetic you sound at your new angle.
’My precious little cunt, made to take my cock,’’ He beams, tugging his boxer down to position himself in his favorite little hole. His cock stayed still, with the occasional rubbing against you. The cock that you know so well, somehow still made you breathless.
You squirmed around him for more friction. “Alpha. I beg. I beg,” you whimper when he doesn’t immediately fills you up with his girth.
He bares his teeth and grips onto your hips. You were ready and he knows it.
In a second, he was half way in, and the next, he had buried himself inside of you to the hilt. It was a swift snap of his hips, that ended with you howling, but becomes muffles when he placed his lips over yours.
He continues to buckle into you. Feeling you stretch out and tighten at the same time. “Ughh you’re so hot,” he groans. “Your pussy was made for me, just for me,”
The rigor force and accuracy of his cock pushing into you and abusing your sweet spot while he begins to slip a hand under your shirt, sent you delirious. You grip the bedsheets tighter with every motion and touch. “More! Taehyung more,”
The way your breast bounced with every thrust made him lifts your shirt up to get a better view of your perky red nubs, before attaching his lips. God, he really loved how you tastes. How hot your skin becomes at the simple touch, and how you made him into the horny mess he is now.
You moaned, desperately wanting to feel him even more. He was so damm perfect. The way he was fucking and biting you, made you only love him more. You try to wrap your legs around his torso, no longer caring that you were so in love with your fuck buddy. That your inner she wolf was begging you to get marked by this man.
“Shit, I need to hear you make that sound again,” Taehyung growls in your ear, thrusting in you even harder. One of his hand going back to tug at your nub.
His dick runs at his own pace, a pace that you loved, yet you couldn’t catch up with and you curse, moaning his name as he continues to push in and out of you. Your vision is taken, when you feel the knot in your stomach.
“Tae-ah, so close. Cum with me,”
“Gonna come on my cock, hmm?” He pistons into you.
“Yes...” you whimper, wrapping your arm around his neck.
His words are a jumbled mess as you clench down around him, feeling your own orgasm reach its highest point.
You jut your hips as you come undone around him. Your legs losing your grip around his waist. And he slams harder into you, causing him to plunge deeper inside your already sensitive pussy. That does it for Taehyung.
He lets out a cry before he lets his cum shoot thick ropes into you. “Fuck. I love you, Y/n, my mate,” You freeze at hearing such word. You never heard such intimate words comming from him. Never. Ever.
Your heart hammered in your chest at Taehyung's sudden confession. A weight was suddenly lifted off your shoulders. "You , you love m-me?" You croaked out.
“More than anything,” he groans. Nestling his cock inside you. Making sure he doesn’t let any of your mixed juices out of your core. Making sure you are bred well. Making sure you won’t ever run away again.
“I love you too,” you say at the heat of the moment and his cock still buried deep within you. Wait. Isn’t this too weird? “This is some heat talk, isn’t it?” You questioned even though you really hope he denied it, and you sighed in relief when he did.
“No! I really love you!” You let out a giggle at his sudden seriousness.
“Don’t give me false hope. If you don’t really like me then say it now” he whines.
“I love you too. So stay”
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