#the dickkory potential !!
Tired of love triangles? Don’t want a throuple for your character? I present to you the funniest fucking situation ever: the love recycling symbol!
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It’s got everything you could ever need
-friends to lovers (classic)
-amicable divorce (hilarious)
-a new secret third thing of your ex and current partner being best friends (wow!)
Tired of the current dynamic your characters have? Rotate that shit again and see what happens!
It’s messy, it’s new, and it leaves no one left out from a strange new situation
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fifiophobia · 2 years
If Nightstar got her own comic storyline, I hope DC explores transgenerational trauma with her.
⚠️ Content warning for parental abuse
Section 1: Her Parents and Gramps
Koriand’r was sold into slavery (some versions she was sold as a child), was experimented on, and is often taken advantaged of due to her kindness.
Dick witnessed both of his parents die, he became a vigilante when he was 10, was physical/mentally/emotionally abused by his adopted father, and he watched Blüdhaven explode.
Bruce watched his parents die, failed to save his son from dying, and struggles with his mental health to the point where all of his relationships have fallen apart at least once.
I’d go on with each member of the Batfam but that would take all day. I picked these three because I feel like these three had the most influence on Mar’i (not to say there wasn’t anyone else who influenced her)
With how these events affected these characters and their relationships, it makes me wonder how it would affect their relationship with Mar’i.
We actually saw Mar’i struggle with her fear of death because of her family’s history with death. Perhaps this could be something to start with.
A trait she shares with Bruce and Dick is obsessive perfectionism because all three of them feel burdened with the task to save everyone. This has resulted in most of Bruce’s relationships to deteriorate, and in Dicks perfectionism. Poor Mar’i would most likely pick up something similar in her life.
Section 2: Breaking the Cycle
Something that isn’t talked about much is how Bruce’s abuse affected Dick and his overall family. If you don’t believe me when I say Bruce abused Dick…
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(Unfortunately, Dick isn’t his only victim and Bruce also engages in other types of abuse. Not to mention there are more examples of Bruce hitting Dick and being an overall messy parent and putting Dick through parentification)
Seeing how Bruce’s abuse affected Dick, it makes me wonder how it would affect Mar’i and how he would hurt her. Would he put her through a similar parentification he put Dick through? Or would he do something else
Since Mar’i has some of her moms’ influence, it makes me wonder if she’d put her foot down and confront Bruce about all the terrible stuff she did to the batfam instead of excusing his behavior and blaming herself.
I think she’d be the type to tell Bruce:
“This is why your family doesn’t want to be around you. It’s not because you’re this loner who ended up getting stuck with a bunch of kids against your will, it’s because you’re an emotionally immature coward who takes your pain out on others. How is it you can figure out the biggest mysteries in the world, but you can’t figure out why 10 year olds aren’t good replacements for your parents or therapy!”
I just hope Mar’i breaks the cycle of abuse and perfectionism.
After all, one of Mar’is main motifs (the star) can represent the past, hope for the future, optimism, goals, and our ancestors.
If you have any more suggestions, please let me know.
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salem-xx · 1 year
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nah bc one thing that grated my nerves was Dick's flippant dismissal of what the conspiracy lady said about Kory LITERALLY DYING he really said another day, another prophecy...like i'm not gonna lie him saying it made me chuckle for a second before I remembered myself, but the fact he was like yea nope we're not gonna talk about this and then leaving Kory alone in the hallway to deal with it... fuck that shit. I know the whole point of Dick's storyline is that he has issues with his emotions and expressing them because of his trauma and being raised by Bruce (which valid yea makes sense like even in that scene with he recorder and him telling kory to use painful memories i was like babe huh), and what his former teammates have expected from him (to be a better batman bs), but the show should've shown him moving away from that and becoming more emotionally open
(and yea it doesn't have to be anything crazy like him blurting out everything he's feeling, but actually talking to his team/family and letting them/kory know what's going on?? BARE MINIMUM and ok yea they started doing that with Rachel in season one [promising to stay with her, helping her control her powers in that doom patrol back door pilot episode] and that was actually good but it's like they completely forgot and were like yea dick has gone through a level of metamorphosis to become nightwing we're not gonna go into the emotions and shit...like even GRADUALLY MAKING HIM MORE OPEN BC OF HIS FAMILY AND FEELING FOR KORY )
but every season there is a pattern of dick being happy and carefree for like two episodes and he goes back to being closed off and be a better batman bs, and HE DOESN'T LET PPL IN but i'm sorry he's such a shit teammate sometimes and season four premiere they were selling me on the whole we're a family (even tho they skipped a bunch of found family trope building) and now we back to dick not sharing his feelings...but dick isn't heartless HE WOULD AT LEAST TALK TO HER about it like ok he doesn't want to talk about their daughter fine BUT HIS TEAMMATE, HIS FRIEND, HIS WIFE IN HIS MIND scared about the fact that she might die ??? is worth a conversation like wtf
like one of the things that I will always be so upset about with the show ending is the fact that we never got more exploration of the core four and their relationship... we truly got nothing like rachel and Dick's relationship should be carrying this show but it's not and it's so underutilized meanwhile I'm reading a fanfic and the tag always be including the father daughter dynamic duo because fanfic writers be knowing they be undoing the terrible work of the show writers. it's so frustrating because these are such good characters
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yumenoyousei · 11 days
New DC OC idea!!
I keep having in mind a Tamaranean OC who is obessed with Kory (like celebrity worship; Kory probably saved her at some point? Lost her family young because of Tamaran's destruction?)
She comes to Earth as refugee (in my hc, with so many aliens as heros, Earth has a lot of non-hero alien immigrants) and falls in love with Earth's pop culture and decides to stay.
She has no interest in being a hero (or a villain). She's a normal Tamaranean -so flight & strenght only- so I imagine her having a normal 9-5 job in the begining but then becomes a model or some type of influencer (?)
She somehow becomes friends with a lot of heros/anti-hero/villains but it's always like, by accident. She probably hooks up with some - I have Kon and/or Cassie and/or Rose in mind but I'm not sure yet 🤔 She'd def make a pass at Jackson Hyde and Conner Hawke
She is absolutely morally gray
She hates everyone who is rumored dating Kory because how dare they break Kory's heart and/or not beg for forgiveness if Kory left them. So she hates Nightwing & Dick Grayson (lol) and the Bats & the Waynes by association (again, lol) But I guess she would warm up to Red Hood and Red Robin eventually
(I low key have a scene where she befriends Arsenal (again, total accident) and thinks she wants to hook up with him until he mentions Kory and she understand that Kory and Arsenal were together and she suddenly start cussing him - She would end up being his friend anyway but no hook up)
Kory eventually befriends her and kinda adopts her as her lil sis (It takes time)
I dunno why but I have in mind that she kinda looks like Latto. She's petite for a Tamaranean (like 5'8", because I refuse that Kory is 5'9", Kory will always be 6'4" in my canon) so she's happy to be taller than most humans
Anyway, for now I don't have a story, I only have ✨vibes✨
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acourtofidiots · 13 days
poly!dickkory overstimming reader until THEYRE satisfied 🥺🥺🥺
I'm combining this with another ask:
poly!dickkori punishing titans!reader for endangering herself in the field when they CLEARLY told her not to !!!!
contains: overstimulation, mentions of potential civilian death, reader is part of the Titans, use of sex toys (vibrator), bondage (reader is tied up, but is able to give consent and such), one smack (in a sexual context), orgasm denial (briefly)
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"Now, sweetheart," Kory croons, a curtain of crimson above you as she angles her steely gaze towards your spread legs, Dick thrusting his fingers into your sopping cunt as she holds the vibrator against your twitching clit. "You know better than to disobey."
Disobey. You were all too familiar with that. But you did the right thing, in your mind. Those civilians would have died if you didn't go off of the plan, not caring if that low-life criminal gotten away.
Dick and Kory didn't think so, holding their displeasure until you were back in the safety of the Titans Tower, sweeping you into the bedroom and undressing you with swift precision. You've been at this for hours now, and knowing your lovers, they will not let you find your release until they are satisfied with the mess they made of you.
Your hands tighten into balls, tugging on the silken ropes that hold you to the bed, trying to get closer to the vibrator. A sharp smack is placed against your tight, followed by a brush of lips. "You look so beautiful for us," murmurs Dick, twisting his fingers to feel that one spot that drives you insane. His grin turns wolfish when he sees your arms tighten, and shares a glance with Kory.
His ruthless pace, coupled with Kory's determination and sweet words, had you reaching the peak in a matter of moments. But when you expected to be denied your release, they just kept going, only switching places after you came down from your first orgasm of the night.
Kory dove into you swiftly, licking up the remnants of your orgasm as Dick pinched your nipples, evoking your hips to buck up. "Bad girls don't get to move," he purred. "Stay still. We're not done with you yet."
And you knew you were going to be in for a long evening.
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eagleeyecherrypie · 5 months
Dickkory fans were robbed and malnourished: a rant
Being a fan of Richonne and watching how The Ones Who Live played out really makes me see how absolutely starved we were as Dickkory fans. I finished TOWL with mixed emotions. On the one hand I was over the moon with happiness. On the other, I was sad and jealous…of myself. What I mean is, the part of me that is a Dickkory fan was savagely jealous of the Richonne fan in me. One was over here fat and happy while the other was counting her ribs again. Both shows had the same potential with the chemistry between their two leads being off the charts. TOWL showed us what could have been while Titans left me wanting and there is no excuse for it.
Exhibit A:
I’ve lost count of how many times Rick declared his undying love for Michonne both in actions AND (very importantly) in words. I mean, I’m so full I’m about to pop.
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It literally got to a point like “Dude we get it. She’s the air you breathe and you can’t imagine your life without her. Okay, okay.”
We. Were. FED!!
Exhibit B (or as a lesser man might say, Number 2):
Meanwhile Dickkory fans (me included) are/were over here living off crumbs and trying to find meaning in anything and everything. We all became experts in body language and read into everything we could just to add substance to their story:
“See, every time she touches him he short circuits. Dude is down bad”
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Or “When he paused and sighed while mentioning her boyfriend that one time, that means he’s so in love with her that it pains him to imagine her with someone else”
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Even the actual “love confession” was weak in my opinion. Far too passive.
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I know Titans was not a love story but the man couldn’t have just said the words one time? Or at least used his actual words to discuss how he felt about seeing their baby from the future.
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Don’t get me wrong, we got the occasional full bites instead of crumbs, but I would argue that this made the situation even worse. They got our hopes up. We got a glimpse of what could have been.
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The show should have just kept all of that instead of teasing us with a love story so RICH with potential only to let us down again and again. They basically either completely ignored it or just keep dangling it in our faces until the final credits rolled. Not to mention the absolute travesty of the wasted chemistry between two actors. Brenton and Anna did the best they could with what they were given. I believe the few crumbs we got were mostly coming from them trying to drive the story along. We all loved the build up in season 1 (the GOAT) but they (the writers) completely lost momentum.
I could even forgive some of this if they just ran out of time to tell the story (again, I get it, Titans wasn’t a love story), but the truth is that they wasted so much time on unnecessary and frankly boring storylines:
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🙄Why? What were the writers actually trying to accomplish here? Who or what was holding them back from greatness?
In conclusion:
Fan fiction is the only thing that got me through with Titans. (Shout out to the ones who held it down with those BTW. I’ve pretty much read them all.) Meanwhile, I personally haven’t read even one story about Rick and Michonne because there is zero need. I left fully satisfied with zero notes. Their story is complete.
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Le sigh 😔
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confusedhummingbird · 3 months
I have read this argument and it is super ridiculous there is materials where they have the same couple for years and are way more well received than any new dc magazine! see how spider man got good numbers when they got MJ together w Spider? I believe a CB for TT origins including dickkory would bring back many stuff anyways sorry for this and if i forgot to click anon pls hide my name Lool i am not active on comic fandom anymore i just keep up w dickkory queens n kings
I get what you mean. I honestly do believe that having Dick and Kory in an alternate universe much like the Ultimate Spider-Man has with MJ and Peter being together with kids. I feel like DC is wasting a potential by not doing this with Dick and Kory. A universe where Dick and Kory need to balance their hero lives and normal lives complete with their own half Tamaranean kids could be a best seller I guarantee. I know I'd buy every copy. But DC just wants to focus on Dick being a Batman character and not much on being a Titans character. But Dick is both. The Titans are just as much his family as the Batfam and I feel like DC is missing a huge opportunity by not cashing in on it.
But DC is known for not making the best choices.
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itsjustafia · 1 year
4x12 favorite moment #1
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This scene.
Brenton and Anna's delivery and emotions are just amazing.
I've rewatched it so many times.
This is Dick's worst nightmare coming true. He spent the entire season trying to prevent Kory from having to make her sacrifice and in the end it wasn't enough.
Kory reluctantly telling him that it's time to say goodbye and him saying he can't. He doesn't know how to say goodbye to her? The tears in both their eyes? Heartbreaking.
And when you think about all the people Dick has lost in his life - his parents, Garth, Jericho, Donna, Jason and Hank - it makes his statement even sadder because he wasn't able to stop those deaths either. And he never had a chance to say goodbye to any of them before it happened. The closest to anything like that he's had was with Hank last season. But even then, he avoided saying goodbye, only talking about good memories from their past. Which is likely why he knew so quickly what Kory was really trying to say back in the rv. She was using his same tactics.
So finding out that this was potentially Kory's fate so early on had him in complete denial about the prophecy until the end. To the point where it was frustrating to watch at times. Because acknowledging something doesn't mean you believe it's going to happen.
But the scene at the beginning of the episode, where Dick makes a reservation for a party of 6, shows just how much hope Dick has. Yes, he was in denial, but he also felt that they could get through the worst of situations.
Even when Kory says that Sebastian will come back stronger again if they just throw him into the wormhole, Dick still has hope and tells her that they'll be stronger too as a solution. He doesn't give up. Especially when it comes to the people he loves. Even more so when it's Kory.
And I really enjoyed watching Dick fight for Kory this season. To see him being overprotective, fussing over her well being. From fighting to free her from the spell, saving her from mind control, and just refusing to have her deal with the prophecy alone. He was always there for her. I don't think Kory's ever experienced that before. To have someone care about her in that type of way.
Anyway, I say all this to say that this might be one of my top dickkory scenes from the series.
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vechter · 16 days
for the ship asks hmm.. ik your opinion on most of the ships so i decided to pick some that i’m not too familiar with <3
dicktiger and vickory
and if you want an extra (you can 100% skip this if you like!) then maybe some of the popular ones that ive seen creating controversy lately 👀
damijon and dickkory (okay maybe i threw that last one in there for me)
lots of loveee 🩷
oooh, dicktiger is a complicated one for me.
why don't i ship them and what would have made me like them?
i enjoy their dynamic but i don't actively ship them. like they're fun on page. but my thing with them is that if you read grayson through the lens of dick's identity issues and what being unmasked + forced away from his friends&family + not being able to be nightwing must have done to him- it becomes very one-sided.
@dustorange's post about their relationship is an excellent insight into why they do appeal to me but not in a way where i could see their relationship lasting romantically or even in a way where it's good for either of them.
i don't think there's anything wrong with how their relationship was portrayed so it's not really about what would have made me like them. i like them just fine. i just don't think they could ever work. especially if you consider the alia of it all.
plus, imo, any relationship dick has in spyral (whether it's helena or midnighter or tiger) would be doomed because dick is so divorced from his own needs as a spyral agent. it's all about the mission and being able to go home.
despite not shipping them, do i have anything positive thing to say about them?
i loooove their banter. i love the way they project onto each other. the push and pull of their allegiances, not only to each other, but to spyral, to checkmate, to bruce. i love that they team up to take out other agents. everybody is having a terrible time and it is great.
why don't i ship them and what would have made me like them?
sorry, i'm just a sucker for their platonic bond. the reason that i adore the titans is that they're all deeply abnormal about each other, whether it's platonically or romantically. but most of the time, it's platonically!!! they love each other soooo much + i don't enjoy romance being shoe-horned into each and every dynamic when it comes to the titans.
i think if dick grayson did not exist, i could see myself potentially liking them. because, it could be interesting to see their interactions in a romantic light if that happened. but imo, dc got it right with dick/kory and vic/sarah.
despite not shipping them, do i have anything positive thing to say about them?
oh, sure! i rlly do love their friendship and the way they support each other. their mutual desire for autonomy and how often it is taken away! something about how the both of them were lost when the other titans were moving on. and how they both took on mentoring roles for the new generation. they're usually on a similar page & often in agreement with each other bc there's this deeper understanding about why they are the way they are, even if they don't always realize it. all the times they embrace or hold hands!! i've only ever seen panels from jlo but god, all the panels i did see were great. they love each other sooooo much <3
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amberpride · 2 years
So it is official now.. and I only feel sadness for the lost potential… anytime I find something good it ends… I’m disappointed but we were kind of prepared for any possibilities… so yeah.
But I’m so glad I found that show! And Anna ! And Kory ! Beautiful representation! Beautiful story. Beautiful Dickkory. It was nice and fresh!
The whole cast was amazing! They really played it well! Congrats on a good run to them! Brenton, Joshua, Ryan, Teagan, Jay and many more.
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zaritarazi · 2 years
i don’t know how i didn’t put this together previously i’m sure other people have but since i’m in my dickkory hours and i’m making this gifset,,,,, in that scene from 3x01, right after they’ve taken down gizmo, and kory is giving an interview, we see dick very obviously lurking over her because that, to him, is romance
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and usually i’ve watched this scene from here to when they’re flirting and dick gets interrupted by a phone call telling him that jason’s been killed in a vampire juggalo barn accident like haha look they love each other brain go brrrrrrrrr. and i’m right. but also,
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he would’ve had to be straight up fucking following her to be there when she turned around. just walking a few feet behind her the entire time because that too, to him (derogatory), is romance (derogatory),,, just waiting for her to hang up on her potential new boyfriend from the darkest corner of the room. just so he could make the worst small talk possible. bro. bro????
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and it’s just- they want us to believe that like. dick grayson really wasn’t dedicating half of his brain power to kory-related thoughts in seasons 2 and 3. that he was using it for something else, i fucking guess. feels unrealistic based on his actions, but ok!
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thesummerstorms · 21 days
So... I am literally still in the introduction of New Teen Titans Vol. 1. I skipped all of that to read early 90s Flash with DickKory and then fic&meta earlier. I really should either go back to Titans Together: Blood Pact, which I also got distracted from, or continue with Vol. 1.
But I saw a DickKory screen cap on Tumblr that hints at Kory abandonment issues, and I want to know about potential Kory & Annabeth Chase parallels.
So now I'm somehow reading the first annual, whoops.
I will say, I don't think I'm used to this kind of narrator, but the English teacher in me appreciates it.
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celaenaeiln · 10 months
OP if you read sladick may I recommend enemies with benefits (it's like a 3 fic series all quite short one shots) by greatvoidmarches on AO3? I remember really enjoying that one
enemies with benefits collection by greatvoidmarches
It's really good!!!! Every time I thought this is the best one of the collection, the next one would be even better! I loved the ending. Slade can fool himself that it's just casual but when it comes to Dick it's never just casual. Especially not for someone who has possessive/controlling issues like him. I really liked the subtle nod to Dickkory and Roydick in the third one.
it was so interesting I went to see if they had more Sladick or a continuation and was very pleasantly surprised to find a James Gordon Jr and Dick fic. The pairing has so much unwritten fanfic potential because the canon storyline was delicious.
I was even more surprised how much I liked the collection given that it's not my usual style. Overall it was just very well written and interesting to read. A great mini-series <3
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nightglider124 · 1 year
Titans: Season 4 - Ep11 - Thoughts
I have finally watched the episode. My God, my day at work was agonizing; I looked at tumblr and saw gifs and posts and was like screaming cos I wanted to watch it.
Anyway, since I've just freshly finished watching it, I am gonna note down some thoughts!
So... I feel weirdly mixed on this episode? As an episode it was good but as the penultimate episode? Idk... I feel kinda meh about it? I don't wanna come across as negative and the rest of this will mostly be stuff I enjoyed since I actually did enjoy the majority of it and as an episode in itself, it was good but idk... the fact the finale is all that's left, I feel like it's gonna be rushed... or the actual action is gonna be over super quick etc and loose ends won't get tied up... and I hate to say it, but I am kinda now doubting what is in store for dk fans in the finale? I would have thought this episode would have had more than it did, I gotta say. Idk... I just felt I had to say that to begin with.
Sigh, Kory continues to be and will forever be my absolute favourite. Idgaf what haters say and shit, I love Anna as Kory. I really do. She might not be like some of the versions people know Kory from but I think she brings close qualities and if anything makes this version of Kory edgier. Like, I absolutely adore her. Starfire is my absolute favourite DC character. Always has been, always will. I basically support any and all versions of my baby girl since DC doesn't spotlight her as much as they should cos she's fucking amazing.
Kory's dreaming and shit has me nervous for her. Like, we all know by now some bad shit goes down and happens to Kory. I am so dreading it. I know that she's gonna be fine from BTS stuff but like... it's still gonna hurt like a motherfucker.
Mercy was an interesting addition this season, I gotta say. I like the actress a lot since her days on Coronation Street (UK soap opera) and honestly, seeing her get choke slammed by Kory had me grinning but I like in the end she is purely like fuck it, take the documents, whatevs. Gar was also hilarious in that scene like no we don't need them all but I'm taking them ehehehehe. XD
Was... Was I missing something with May?? Like I thought she was dead when he burnt her ass up last episode? I was really confused cos she was just walking about like that didn't happen. Did she die and come back or was she never dead?? What... was that bodybag scene in the last ep real? I thought it was a dream. It was weird. I mean she dead af now and I enjoyed her as Mother Mayhem; she really had the villain oomf. Sebastian is... lacking in comparison.
In addition to that, Sebastian had potential to be scary but honestly, he comes off as a whiney mamas boy like he is grating. XD
Conner... my boy, I am always so left and right with you. I'm glad he is actually team Titans but... idk something in me still isn't trusting his ass XD. Like, I thought the bit with him and Dick in the tunnel was him tricking Dick or something but seems legit. We'll agree to like Conner and trust him... for now. XD
So, I didn't mind the Jason and Tim scenes but fuck me, wrong time. Like, I'm sorry. It felt so badly placed. We are at the penultimate episode and we're now just getting some Tim training as Robin with Jason? Nah, I was annoyed. And, they spent so many scenes on it?? Like miss me with that bs. It felt unnecessary, imo.
Another sour note, I feel like we actually could have had a lot more Kory scenes considering the episode was called Project Starfire. Like, damn. I promise, that's my only really salty thing.
Now, ahem... the dickkory scene on the balcony was cute af. It really nicely reflected the scene in S1 at the motel. But, it was too shorttt! Their sweet scenes are just... always too short for my liking which is disappointing. I'm happy for all and any scenes but jeez.
Gar and Rachel talking about wanting a change and shit, I was like are y'all gonna leave the famjam?? Cos I will not be emotionally okay if that happens. I literally just saw a certain new hero film where this was also a thing like pls CAN YOU NOT. My heart can't.
Lmao, Dick in the chamber thing when they were powering the orb thing was hilarious. Like, boy done fucked up the whole plan bc of his own anxiety for his wife. It was cute and his concern was very obvious.
Also, side note, the bit where Dick, Rachel and Gar appear where Kory is with Mercy made me giggle. Like Dick was so huffy like 'Making new friends?' and it was unusual like in this series its a real rarity that Dick is annoyed at something Kory has done like he has let her get away with literal murder whilst batting eyelashes at her. So, it was like tehe. Ya know? I'm assuming others know what I mean.
ALSO. When in the chamber thing as they got to 98% and before Dick fucked it up, did you guys notice Kory's eyes? That tiny bit where it went a bit slower and her eyes like flickered from glowing to normal? Was that something up with her powers or am I imagining shit?
I think that's mostly my thoughts. I still don't know how to feel on the episode. It didn't blow me away and I feel like with penultimate episode, I should be? I got excited in like the very last minute where he blows the horn and Kory's like 'There's only one way to end this. My way.' like bitch is dead serious and I'm scared for my girl.
I'm hoping the finale is really good buuut... I have also seen screeners really hyping it up and I'm just not trusting it. So, I think I'm gonna try and go into the finale with as less an expectation as possible to avoid crushing disappointment. I'm not gonna have any theories or anything or scenes that I would ideally like bc I think that's how you get set up for disappointment.
I'm gonna enjoy the ride and just see where the finale takes us. Weird that this time next week, Titans will be over. Sad times. :(
One upside, I'm working til 3pm next week so I am gonna try my absolute HARDEST to avoid tumblr and just not look at the tags so I remain blissfully unaware of what happens. Even if it kills me.
Each week when I am at work and a new episode of Titans comes out, I literally refresh the dc titans and dickkory tag like a thousand times to get me through the day.
Anyways! Hope others liked this episode and see y'all for the finale!
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kara-zor-els · 3 months
Least favorite ships? (Not problematic ones, just ships you don’t care for)
Hmm. Ok, so some of those don't really have a specific reason, I just don't vibe with them/I had bad experiences with the fandom in the past. Also I don't dislike them all to the same extent. It's mostly "ships that would potentially turn me off a comic/fic":
Jaybabs and brubabs (those are problematic but dc writers apparently don't think so 🙃)
Probably more but I'm blanking rn lol
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confusedhummingbird · 3 months
DC would never but I selfishly want a Marvel’s equivalent of “Ultimate Spiderman” with Nightwing.
Like give me a universe where Dick and Kori get married and raise a family (Mar’iand Jake) while juggling being parents and superheroes.
Like a Slice of life mixed with a compelling story arc.
Even if it was a mini run I’m just desperate for some Dickory content and potential family life!!! 😩
God I would love that to such and I'd buy every issue. I sometimes feel like DC is just allergic to making money they make choices that just seem lose them money than gain it. Honestly a world where Dick and Kory are married with their kids would do so well. People still love Dickkory and seeing them being a family with family struggles would be awesome to see and could really work. Just look at the Incredibles.
I'll still forever love you Dickkory! You're true soulmates 💙💜💙
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