#the drag king let me sit with his friends and I had a good time
vers-1 · 2 years
Actually I regret nothing
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suncoved · 1 year
pairing; bestfriend!rafe cameron x fem!reader
summary; rafe has a strict rule that if you ever leave anywhere, you tell him. and when you break that rule, he goes ballistic (bsf!rafe cameron x reader)
warnings ; angst! verbal fighting, angry!rafe, kinda mean rafe, theyre both annoyingly oblivious.. warning this did not turn out how i planned it to be but im also not mad at it, idkkkk
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to say you were bored was an understatement.
it was a regular rowdy saturday night in the outerbanks, this nights party being at a random kooks house on the figure eight whose name you couldn't quite remember
you were nursing a forgotten red solo cup of punch in your hand, crowd-watching to pass the time.
it wasn't normal that rafe actually succeeded in convincing you to come to these things. because as much as you liked chatting with spoiled self-absorbed kooks over disgustingly sweet punch, you'd rather stay cuddled up in your fluffy pyjamas and watch sappy romcoms on rafe's couch.
but nevertheless, here you were. dreading every decision you had ever made up to that point as you watched rafe from across the room. a blonde kook girl climbing over him and straddling his hips, sitting on his lap as he smirked.
you knew you really had no right being mad at him because you weren’t dating.
but from the start of your more than 10 year friendship, rafe made it clear that you were and always will be his.
so why didn’t that rule go both ways?
with all the thoughts bouncing around in your head, you failed to hear a certain blonde pouges voice echo around you.
you snapped out of your state, consciousness returning to your mind as a hand was waved repeatedly in your face.
“hey! you there princess?” a smile adorned the boys face, a ratty snapback placed backwards on his blonde hair.
“yeah, jj. right here” you joked, smiling brightly back at him as you brought your cup up to your lips.
“thought we lost you there for a bit princess? what’d you doing standing here all alone?” jj asked, surprised to see your constant kook king shadow nowhere to be seen.
“just people watching, the usual. where’s kie?” you quickly changed the subject, wanting anything to get your mind off of rafe.
“around here somewhere i hope. gonna’ try to round everyone up to we can get outta here. early morning for us cut goers tomorrow, fish to catch and things to steal” you giggled at his joke, earning an even wider grin on his face.
you always liked jj. you thought he was funny, and he was the most loyal person to his friends that you knew. and despite his manic tendencies, you trusted him.
“have a nice night j. drive safe!” you said, watching him wink at you before he disappeared into the crowd.
with jj gone, you were left to your own thoughts agian, which was never a good thing.
you glanced over again at rafe sitting comfortably on the couch on the deck. the light from inside illuminating his face as he leaned over to the table, picking up a small bag of white powder and handing it to a random touran.
you bit your lip as you noticed the same blonde from before clinging to his side, rafe seeming unbothered but making no move to push her off.
god, you couldn’t even imagine how rafe would react if he saw you speaking to jj earlier. so why is it that he can literally let a girl dry hump him in the middle of a party and you shouldn’t care?
you didn’t know why you cared though, because rafe is you best friend, nothing more.
you didn’t have time to think about that right now though, you just needed to get the fuck out of this party right now or you were gonna explode.
an idea clicked in your brain and jj dragged a drunk john b towards the entrance of the house, kiara and pope following quickly behind.
you decided that this was now or never, placing your red solo cup onto a random table as you walked towards them.
“hey jj!” you called out, his head immediately snapping towards you. “you think you could give me a ride home?”
it was nearly 30 minutes later that rafe noticed you were no longer in your spot in corner of the house. business was coming to a halt as he sold his last few grams of cocaine, a heavy wad of cash safely resting in his back pocket.
his eyes scanned the crowd for your face, but you were no where to be seen.
and rafe was starting to freak the fuck out.
he knew you wouldn’t go upstairs to any bedrooms, or go out for an impulse swim in the pool. and he knew most of all that you wouldn’t just leave without telling him, and the notification box in his voice remained empty from your contact.
he ran his hand roughly through his hair, pulling aggressively at the roots and cussing to himself frustrated.
his eyes widened as he saw your friend in the crowd, interrupting what ever useless conversation she was having, because until he knew you were safe, nothing was more important.
he asked rudely where you were, watching as her face morphed into shock that rafe was talking to her. because well, if it’s not plotting on the pouges or selling drugs, rafe doesn’t interact with anyone but you or his friends.
“i-i im not sure. i saw her leave like a bit less than half an hour ago. i thought she told you, she always does”
rafe clenched his jaw, hundreds and thousands of thoughts running through his head. “was she alone?”
“n-no. she was with that jj guy and his friends” your friend murmured, nervous she was ratting you out to the scariest guy in the whole of kildare.
it was safe to say that rafe was fucking pissed.
it took him less than a few seconds to put his keys into the ignition of his jeep and drive illegally fast to your house. you liked to piss him off often when you were in a mood, but never with your safety.
rafe never fucked with your safety, ever.
he murmured venomous cusses to himself and he walked towards your house, the pebbles from your mothers perfect drive way crunching under his feet as he speed to your door.
he made a beeline to the entrance of your home, the white arches welcoming and the doorway dimly lit by the porch lights.
he planted his feet straight on the 'welcome home' door mat, lifting his balled fist up to the door and sending booming knocks to the wood panel.
his knuckles were white as he clenched his fists so hard together there was sure to be crimson-red crescent indents from his fingernails. he was fuming.
the click of the lock releasing from the door snapped him out of his thoughts, the door handle turning and the lobby of the inside of your house quickly coming into view.
he locked eyes with your figure immediately, a pink fluffy towel in your hand as you dried your hair. you were only wearing a pair of long socks and rafes shirt which reached more than halfway down your thighs, your face bare of makeup.
you jumped as you saw the look on his face, an anger prevalent in his stare that you had never seen directed at you. fuck. you were in some deep shit.
you parted your lips to speak, but nothing seemed to come out. for the first time in your life, you were scared of rafe. not that he was going to harm you physically, no, never that.
but you knew how much he cared about you and your safety. you just wished he cared that much about your feelings. you wanted him to see that.
"rafe" you said, your voice coming out as a whisper as you watch the lines on his forehead crease together as thousands of thoughts ran through his head.
"what the fuck were you thinking?" he spat as he pushed you as softly as he could into the house so he could close the door, worried the cold of the night was going to make you shiver.
you didn't have time to answer before he started again, running a hand roughly through his hair as he huffed. "you just left? you fucking left a party at night without even texting me, and you let that fucking pouge drive you home!"
you rolled your eyes at the last statement, this was all about jj? "so that's all you care about? me going home with a boy i've known since third grade who just so happens to live on the cut? you don't give a shit about me, you just care about this stupid kook pouge rivalry!"
"don't say what you know isn't true ma. you know i care about you more than i care about myself." he stated, nearly all the anger in him draining out as he saw your eyes begin to fill with tears. he couldn't handle seeing you cry.
"how do i know you care about me rafe? because you don't seem to show it." you sighed pushing yourself as far away from him as you could, your back pushing up against the wall.
"don't fucking say to me y/n. i've loved you from the moment i met you." you finally stopped looking at the floor, lifting your chin so you made eye contact with him.
"stop it rafe, you're being mean" you whispered, mostly to yourself more than rafe. you couldn't listen to him say how much he loved and cared about you for one more second. not when you still had the picture of him being essentially dry-humped in the middle of a party by a girl you didn't even know.
"ma i love you. you know that. you're my world, my favourite girl. why are you fighting this?" rafe said, trying to hold you wrist in his hand before you quickly pulled it away.
"bec-because you can't just say all this then turn around and have make outs with other girls right in front of me. it-its not fair." you spoke, the tears finally making their way down your cheeks in steady streams.
rafe physically flinched at your statement, his palms getting sweaty and his heart rate increasing into rapid beats. was he actually going to admit his love for you right now, like this?
"what are you saying y/n?" he asked, his voice cracking as his face fell. his mind racing with how many outcomes could come out of this conversation.
"that i love you, you idiot!"
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nofingjustaninchident · 5 months
just a little drunk - hoo boys
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content: percy jackson, leo valdez, jason grace and frank zhang x drunk!reader, best friends to lovers
warnings: mortal!au, alcohol consumption, dirty jokes, weed consumption, probably cursing.
a/n: i just discovered that i have a massive problem with writing. i literally took half an hour (at least) to write EACH one of those. terrible. just terrible. but i swear im trying to write more, it’s just cause i don’t have much creativity to write 😭
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now playing… party in the USA - miley cyrus
Percy Jackson
He was at the party. Of course he was at the party. Everyone says a party without Percy Jackson is not a party. But he was the DD of the night, so he was completely sober - which was a hard task for the party king.
That, until he saw you. On top of a table. Striping down- wait. Striping down?! Jesus Christ, he left you alone for five minutes- oh, you’re taking your shirt off.
Of course there’s a bunch of assholes standing there, telling you to keep going and screaming obscenities at you. But Percy didn’t have the time to be mad right now, he was too focused on you.
If he got there one second late, he and everyone else in that room would see the black lacy bra you was wearing, but thank goodness he got there before you did it.
“Alright, that’s enough for today, isn’t it, sweetheart?” He said, hugging you from behind and taking a very giggly you off the table. All the boys in the room started ‘booh’ing him, and he just flipped him the finger.
“Perce! I was having funnn!!” You complained, your words sloppy and smudgy as he basically dragged you back to his SUV. He just rolled his eyes and chuckled slightly.
“Y/n/n, you were about to strip in front of a lot of people. I’m sure you’d kill me tomorrow if i let that happen.” He said as he pushed you onto the car and pulled the seat down so you could lay against it.
“Hmm.. Yeah, i’d probably do that.” She said, the smile never leaving her face as she started mumbling random words.
He closed the door and walked towards the driver’s seat. He knew he couldn’t drive you back to his house now, since he had to wait for his friends, so he just turned the air conditioning on and pulled a blanket over you shoulders.
“Sleep for a little. I’ll take you to my home, hm? I’ll take care of you.” He said, taking the loose strands of hair off your face. You were just so pretty it was unbearable.
“Fine.. Thanks, Percy.” She said and drifted off to slumber.
After a few minutes of watching you sleep, he remembered that you’d hate to sleep with make up on, so he looked into the glove compartment and- aha! Of course you had left a few of your wet wipes there.
He started softly running the cloth against your face, cleaning it. When he was finally over, he kissed your nose slightly and smiled to himself, waiting for his friends so he could drive you home aswell.
Jason Grace
He was sleeping, as any normal person would at 2 am. But he was a light sleeper, and he woke up suddenly with his phone raining in his nightstand. He groaned and searched for both his glasses and the phone so he could see who was calling him so late in the night.
When he looked at the phone screen, he frowned in confusion. Why was Kayla calling him, out of nowhere? She usually didn’t call him, unless-
“Kayla?” He said as he picked up the phone, sitting in his bed and rubbing his eyes so he could try and forget the sleepiness that was threatening to win him over.
“Hey, Jason.. uh… i’m sorry for waking you up but, uh… i’m in a party with y/n-“ Y/n and parties? Never ever a good combination. “-And she doesn’t accept to go home unless it’s with you. She’s… drunk. Maybe high, too. Can you pick her up?”
Oh boy, he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to do that. “I’m on my way. Just… send me the address and i be there as soon as possible.”
“Fine- shut up, y/n! Stay here, no-“ And then the call was over.
My god, he thought, what’s she gotten herself into this time?
Kayla sent him the adress and he got into his car - a Lambo, gift from his absent father trying to make up for it - and got in the place the party was happening in less than ten minutes.
The first thing he noticed was the loud noise in the party. The second was you, laid down and making a snow angel in the grass. Funny sight.
“Y/n/n? My god, what in hell are you-“ He got cut off with you getting up and jumping on his arms, hugging him.
“Jase! I didn’t think you’d come!” You said, smiling brightly at your best friend. “Come on, let’s go to the party!”
You tried pulling his hand towards the house, but you weren’t already the strongest while sober, and drunk… e didn’t even flinch.
“No, honey, im taking you back to your house. You got enough drinking for today.” He said, pulling you by the waist towards him and placing you inside the car as you tried your hardest to get back to the party.
“As, come on! Buzzkill!” You whined, crossing your arms and pouting at him.
“Come on, i’ll buy you a slushee. What’d you think?” He asked. You immediately smiled. Drunk you was a very easily distracted person.
“Fine. But we’ll talk about that tomorrow.” He said, squeezing her shoulder softly as he drove towards the gas station.
“Whatever you say. Buzzkill.”
Leo Valdez
He was home watching a dumb tv show. He didn’t really bother with sleeping, since he knew his best friend was going to a party. And you plus party equals to a very drunk mess.
So when he finally got a call, he already knew it was you. It happens that he was right.
“Yes, cariño?” He asked, a smile plastered on his lips as soon as he heard your drunk giggles.
“Can you pick me up, fireboy?” You asked, your voice groggy and smudgy. But he knew it would probably be like that, so he was already expecting it.
“Course i can. Send me the address and i’m on my way.”
“Fine. Bye Valdeeezzzz..” You said before hanging up the phone with giggles and smiles.
He got where you were and you were being supported by one of your friends, who seemed pretty annoyed with the drunk version of you, all smiley and clingy to anyone around.
“Oh, thank god you’re here. I can’t stand her anymore.” Your friend said before basically dragging you towards the boy. “She’s all yours now.”
You were all smiles as you held Leo’s neck and pulled him close to you. “Leooooo! I missd’ ya!”
“Hey, cariño. You’re kinda drunk, aren’t you?” He asked before supporting your weight and taking you towards his car.
“What? Me? Nooo…” You said, giggling. You clearly smelled like pure alcohol.
“Sure you aren’t. Get in there, i’m taking you home.” He said, opening the passanger’s seat for you and placing you inside.
He put on your seat belt and kissed you forehead before walking towards the driver’s seat.
When he got inside the car, you were almost completely dozed off in sleep, trying your hardest to stay awake. He chuckled and turned the air conditioning on so you could rest more comfortably.
“Sleep, y/n/n. I’ll call you when we get home.” He said, the smile never leaving his lips.
Franz Zhang
He’s dead worried that you haven’t gotten home yet. Of course he didn’t knew where you were, cause you didn’t tell him.
Come on, you knew that, if you did tell him, he’d try to stop you.
So why bother?
You were having fun. A really, really good time. That was until your best friend came by with a weird cocktail, which was nothing more than a mix of different types of alcohol and syrup. Really fun.
And that’s when you got drunk and wobbly and you just had to call Frank. Common drunk mistake, isn’t it?
He picked up on the third ring.
“Y/n? My god, are you okay?” He asked, his voice laced with concern. He was so worried about you, cause you weren’t home and you didn’t pick up the phone and just called him out of the blue.
“Frankie!” You said and he could hear the smile in your voice. His concern only grew once he realized you were drunk.
“Y/n, where are you? I’m going to pick you up.” He said, already getting up with the car and house keys in his hand.
“I’m at Louis’ house! We’re having a birthday party!” You said, giggling and smiling brightly at absolutely nothing.
“Fine, i’ll… i’ll be there in ten. Just… don’t do anything stupid, and wait for me, outside the house. Don’t drink anything else and please, for the heavens sake, don’t do drugs.” He pleaded.
“I’m not- Frankie! I’m not on drugs. Please.” You said in a fake annoyed tone and giggled again. He rolled his eyes and sighed, driving towards where you were.
When he got there, he immediately saw you on the backyard, playing probably Pokémon Go and yelling when you finally found a pokémon. He smiled at the sight, and then remembered why he was there.
He walked towards you. When you finally saw him, you smiled widely and jumped in his direction, trying to hug his neck. Which wasn’t easy, as he was a little taller than you.
“Hey.” He said as he leaned down so you could hug him properly.
“Heyyy!!! I missed you!” You said, voice muffled by his shoulder. “Can you take me home? Please? I’m tired.” You said smiling cheekily.
“No.” He said, simply. “I’m taking you to my house today, kay? There’s some of your stuff there, and i can borrow you a shirt so you can sleep. But i’m not leaving you alone in this state.”
“Yay! Sleepover!” You cheered excitedly.
He couldn’t deny that the drunk version of you was very cute.
a/n pt2: did you see what i did there? i cut almost all of them in the middle. two reasons: one, for this not be too big and second i have inspiration to write more. lmk if u want a part 2 of those!!
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dandelions-143 · 1 month
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Minho Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Paring: Rich non-idol Minho x Dancer curvy/midsize fem!reader
Word count: 2,685 k
Warnings: MDNI, 18+ ONLY, you will be blocked if you don’t have an age in your bio or you’re under age. Explicit Content, Sexual Situations, Adult Themes, Substance Use, Strong Language.
Summary: Minho becomes captivated by a dancer named Y/n, feeling an intense connection and possessiveness towards her which leaves Minho coming back for more almost nightly. But is Minhos possessiveness really just that… or is it bordering an obsession.
Minho fell back on the large California king bed. His sweaty back hit the rumpled black silk sheets, causing the fabric to stick to him slightly. He watched as Jisung had a pretty redhead on all fours, taking her from behind. Minho was exhausted, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath.
He had just finished, so the exhaustion was a relief. All the tension left his body, at least for a while. He was always tense and on edge, and sex was usually the only way to relieve that tight tension.
Minho reached over to the nightstand to grab a pack of cigarettes just as Jisung finished with the girl. “Thanks, that was amazing as always.” Then Jisung fell back on the end of the bed, trying to catch his breath.
The girl got up from the bed, grabbed her clothes and money from Jisungs dresser by the door. “See you boys, same time next week,” she said matter-of-factly. Jisung smiled and nodded in approval, but Minho just stared at the ceiling, taking a long drag from his newly lit cigarette.
A silence fell over the two men before Minho began to chuckle. “You know, if we keep this up, people are going to start thinking we fuck each other as well.” This made Jisung laugh out loud, his big eyes going even rounder than usual. “It’s not like we haven’t come close before. I mean, a threesome is a threesome.” The men just chuckled at themselves.
To many, this would seem very odd: two grown men who are best friends engaging in threesomes with beautiful women and occasionally very handsome men. But to them, it was normal. They lived harsh lives despite the rich and lavish lifestyles of their parents. These moments of sexual intimacy gave them both a way to release any pent-up anger or tension. They couldn't care less how it looked to the outside world. It wasn't a secret, but they did keep it from their families, especially their fathers.
Minho began to sit up to pick up his clothes from the floor. He needed to get home and shower before meeting up with Hyunjin, who had recently been employed by his father. He felt bad for the guy; his life had been a train wreck lately, and Minho wanted to help him as best as he could. “Where are you going?” Jisung asked as Minho pulled on his black boxers.
“I have to go meet up with Hyunjin. Show him the ropes and get him settled in. You know my dad recently hired him as one of his carriers, right?” Minho said, pulling on his shirt and then his pants. Jisung, still lying on the bed, only nodded. “Yeah, let’s hope he does a good job. If he gets caught with that much dope...” Jisung didn't need to finish his sentence; they both knew what would happen. It had already happened to Chan once. Thank God his father was disgustingly rich and had his hands in the police force, or Chan would probably still be rotting in prison.
A thought crossed Minho's mind. Hyunjin didn’t have a wealthy father; he only had his friends and the money he earned himself. Minho wanted to ensure Hyunjin stayed safe. Just as Minho was putting on his shoes, his phone rang. He sighed, not in the mood to talk to anyone except Jisung. But when he saw his father’s name flash on the screen, he answered on the third ring.
“Mhm… well- oh, okay.”
“Yeah, I’m headed there now. Okay, thanks. Mm, bye.”
Minho hung up the phone and stood from the end of the bed. He turned to Jisung as he tucked in his shirt. “I hope you have a suit. Meet me here around 10 tonight. It seems a business deal we set up went through, and both our fathers were paid very handsomely for it. So they are going to treat us tonight once I’m finished with Hyunjin.”
Jisung sat up at the sound, his pretty, toothy smile showing shamelessly. “What kind of treat are we getting?” He began to get up, the silk sheets sliding off his naked body. “Not sure yet, but I’ll let you know once I find out. I gotta run. See you later.” Just as Minho was slipping out the door, he heard Jisung's phone ringing, knowing it was probably his father calling to tell him the same thing.
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After hours of showing Hyunjin how Minho's father liked things done and then actually taking him on a small drug run, he was annoyed and slightly spent. He walked through his front door and there sat Jisung, man splayed on his couch in a black-on-black suit. “Oh come on... it’s not even 10 yet,” Minho groaned when he saw his best friend.
He just was not in the mood to deal with Jisung's sunny disposition. Jisung only smiled widely with a little shrug. “I had nothing else to do, so I got ready and came over to wait on you.” Minho only scoffed and headed to his master bedroom where he could shower and get ready.
After about 20 minutes, Minho emerged in a similar-looking black suit, but he was wearing a crimson red shirt under the suit jacket. It was unbuttoned quite a bit. His hair was slicked back, a few strands falling in his eyes. “Did you ever find out where we are going?” Jisung asked as he got up from the couch, straightening out his suit and running a hand through his hair.
Minho spoke as they left his home and got inside the waiting black car parked in front. “We are going to that gentleman’s club my father just opened a month ago. He said he’s got us a private room together or we can have a private room for each of us. He said to do as we pleased.” Minho had a soft smirk on his face when Jisung giddily clapped his hands, “Hell yeah, I’m so ready to have some boobs in my face.”
Minho chuckled at Jisung, “Do you even know what a gentleman’s club is?” Jisung's smile dropped a bit, “Umm, a strip club?” He spoke slowly, unsure of the answer he was giving. Minho only smiled and looked out the tinted window from his position in the back seat, “Close enough.”
It didn’t take too long to get to the gentleman’s club. The place was in a very expensive part of town, near some of the most high-end hotels and three-star Michelin restaurants. The building itself was rather large, but simple on the outside. More discreet than one would expect, but once the two men stepped inside, the simple and discreet atmosphere was completely gone.
The establishment was VIP only. You had to have a membership to even get in, and that was a lengthy process in itself. But, of course, Minho and Jisung walked right through the doors as if they owned the place. The entire club was lit up with red lights, black velvet furniture, and everything was trimmed in gold.
There was a large stage with a live band playing. Booths covered in red velvet lined the walls and other areas. Each section had a smaller stage with a singular pole in the middle. There was also a bar where people could sit and order drinks. Waitresses were running about taking orders because, of course, you could have an elegant dinner here as well.
Girls were dancing to the music in barely-there lingerie, spinning and twirling on the poles, but none of them were naked, and most looked very put together. Minho heard Jisung whistle and nudge his arm. “This place is… way different from the strung-out strippers we have enjoyed in the past.”
Just then, a petite older woman clad in a very pretty dark green cocktail dress walked up to them. Jisung was instantly enthralled with her. “Will you two follow me? Your room is ready for you.” She turned on her heel to lead them through the crowd and to the back down a dark hallway. As they came to a stop at one of the closed doors, Jisung smiled sweetly at what he assumed was the hostess, “Do you dance as well?” he asked, leaning against the door in the coolest way he could.
Minho shook his head and opened the door, causing Jisung to stumble inside the room. He let out a soft yelp before he fell completely onto the plush carpet of the room. “Damn! Why’d you have to do that! She was gorgeous.” Jisung complained as he got himself up and walked over to the black sofa, plopping down onto the cushions. “She works for your dad, she’s his secretary. I don’t think you fucking the secretary would go over well with him.”
Jisung huffed out an annoyed sigh, “And how do you even know that?” Minho simply tapped the side of his temple, “I pay attention, something you should do more of.” The men were interrupted by a light knock on the door and then two waitresses came in with food and a large bottle of their favorite drinks. Minho politely thanked them as they left. His father must have really made sure they were well taken care of.
Jisung was rattling off about having to wait too long for their private show to start when this sultry, hypnotic beat began to play. The song had a slow, seductive rhythm. The atmosphere in the room shifted, becoming more intimate and charged with a sense of anticipation. Jisung instantly shut up when a very beautiful woman stepped out onto the stage.
Minho's eyes were transfixed on you, your body curvy and soft, with an hourglass figure that moved gracefully to the rhythm of the music. Your skin glowed under the dim, seductive lighting, and every curve was accentuated by the delicate, barely-there lingerie you wore. Your presence exuded confidence and allure, making it impossible to look away.
He felt his heart race as his eyes locked onto yours for the first time. His breath caught in his throat, and it felt as though time had slowed down. Every detail of your appearance, from the delicate curve of your smile to the graceful way you moved, captivated him completely. A warmth spread through his chest, and he couldn't help but be mesmerized by your beauty. It was as if everything else in the room faded away, leaving only you in sharp focus.
“Holy fuck..” Minho heard his best friend exclaim beside him, “She’s gorgeous.” Now Minho was not a possessive person, especially over someone he hasn’t even met. He had only laid eyes on you but, oh man did he want to have you all to himself. He didn’t like the way Jisung was speaking about you.
Minho leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, his eyes following every sensual move you made. You could feel both of the men’s eyes on you and this was nothing new to you. Working at this club and other clubs in the past, men were always around, always ogling you, always stupidly drooling over you like they had never seen a woman before.
But what made this encounter different is one of the men was watching you in a way you had never been looked at before. His eyes were extremely pretty and focused, not on your body but, your face. He kept making eye contact with you and it made you feel shy.. you never felt shy.
Minho felt Jisung tap him on the arm with the back of his hand. “Hey, do you think she would be down for more than just a dance?” Jisung was alluding to their usual threesomes they liked to partake in, but Minho was not interested in that. “I think she would be for the right price, you know?” Jisung just kept talking. Minho wanted his friend to just... shut up so he could enjoy you.
When you made eye contact with Minho once more as you dropped to your knees in a sensual move you had done many times before, he muttered, “Ji, get out.” He didn’t raise his voice. He didn’t sound mad or angry; he just simply told Jisung to leave the room.
Jisung, of course, laughed a little as if he thought Minho was just joking. “What?”
“Leave the room, now.” Minho never took his eyes off you, even as you twirled easily around the pole. “But—” Jisung began, but Minho cut him off, a muscle twitching in his jaw. “Jisung, get the fuck out.” He didn’t care where his friend went at this point. He didn’t care if he found another room, stayed at the bar in the main hall, or just simply went home, but he suddenly didn’t want anyone else’s eyes on you... especially not his best friend's.
Jisung let out an exasperated sigh, rolling his eyes dramatically as he stood up from the couch. “Fine, fine, I’m going,” he muttered, shaking his head in disbelief. He took one last glance at the stage, clearly frustrated by the abrupt interruption of their evening. With a huff, he made his way to the door, his footsteps heavy against the plush carpet. As he reached for the handle, he cast a final glance back at Minho, a mixture of annoyance and curiosity flickering in his eyes, before exiting the room and shutting the door behind him with a definitive click.
Minho leaned back, relaxing against the couch just as the first song ended. You moved like this was just another night as the next song began, but you heard the handsome man speak directly to you this time. “You don’t have to dance anymore.” It sounded so sweet... his voice was soft and calming even. Not at all what you expected to come from him.
With his angular face, his sharp pretty eyes, and pouty lips. “Come sit with me.” He wasn’t asking so... since you were being paid for this, you did as he said. As you got closer, you could see a few tattoos peeking out from the collar of his shirt. Before you could plant your curvy, thong-clad ass on the sofa, this man stands, takes off his suit jacket, and places it around your shoulders... to cover you up.
This was not normal... not for you... and not while you were working. Even though this wasn’t a place where the women got naked on stage, you never wanted to cover up. “You don’t like what you see?” you asked, trying to sound a bit playful but also trying to see exactly what this man was doing. If he wasn’t here to see your body, then why the fuck was he here?
You watched as his pouty lips quirked to the side in the most adorable little smirk. “I actually love what I see, but I can’t concentrate and talk to you when your body is just… out for me like that.” You raised a brow at him, a questioning look on your face. “You want to talk to me?” The question came out in an astonished way.
He simply nodded, “Mm, I’m Minho and you are?” he asked, holding his hand out for you to take. With his suit jacket off now, you saw more of him. His hands were slender but not overly large, and black tattoos peeked out from the sleeve of his button-up. His build, from what you could tell, was muscular but not overly so. The more you looked at him, the more truly handsome you realized he was. His eyes though... they were the best part of him. They were not small but not large. Sharp and dark, they had this sparkle about them... like a fire was lit in them. It made you self-conscious but not in a bad way.
You took his hand, finally, “I'm Y/n.” As your hand met his, a surge of electricity seemed to pass between you both. Minho felt an unexpected warmth and a sense of connection that was almost tangible. The callouses on his hand, a testament to his tough life, contrasted with the softness of your touch, creating a moment of profound intimacy. You, on the other hand, was struck by the firmness and confidence in Minho's grip, feeling a blend of curiosity and a strange comfort. You both were momentarily lost in the sensation, realizing that this simple handshake held the promise of something deeper.
Eventually, you pulled your hand away, almost too swiftly. Your eyes broke away from the intense stare he was giving you. “So...” you slid his jacket from your shoulders, exposing the lacy black lingerie once again, “What do you want? Another dance?” You leaned closer to him, trying to slip back into work mode. “Or... I can do a lot more than dance... your father said to give you whatever you wanted.” You began to slide your hand up his arm, feeling his muscles flexing beneath his deep red dress shirt.
Just as your hand began to cup his cheek, he gently grabbed your hand and placed it down on your lap. “You’re free to go,” he simply said. Minho didn’t look angry; he didn’t look upset... he was calm. You watched as the man stood, a very evident hard-on in his pants, and you could tell he was a bit embarrassed by this. The very first crack in his very cold, hard mask.
As he walked towards the door, he glanced back at you once more, gave you a little nod as if to say thank you, and then he was gone.
He took a moment to lean his shoulder up against the wall just outside the door. What the fuck… Minho thought to himself. He had never felt so many emotions all at once due to a woman. His heart was pounding, his hands were clammy, he couldn’t stop thinking about how beautiful you were. It almost made him sick as to how weak in the knees this woman HE DID NOT KNOW made him feel.
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Every night for the next two weeks, Minho booked all your time. You didn’t dance for anyone else or in the main hall for the crowd. You only danced in that same private room and only for Minho.
He watched you silently, with a stoic expression, his intense dark brown eyes the only sign of emotion. He never spoke to you again like he did that first night; he just watched, sipping his whiskey or bourbon. You found yourself wanting to talk to him more each time you saw him.
You were curious about this man who only wanted to look at you without touching. On this particular night, Minho seemed anxious. He wasn't exactly distracted since he kept his eyes on you, but he kept fidgeting. His hands ran through his dark hair, messing it up, and his leg bounced a little. He was drinking more than usual.
When the last song ended, you stopped him from leaving. “Minho...” you said softly from your kneeled position on the stage. He paused mid-stride, his back turned to you. He didn’t respond, but he was listening. “Are you alright?” you asked, feeling the need to check on him.
You heard him sigh softly before turning to face you. “Don’t I look alright?” he replied, his eyes pinning you down, making you feel self-conscious again. You slowly stood up, your heels softly clicking on the stage as you walked over to him. “No, you don’t. You seem anxious. You don’t have to tell me anything, but I’m here to help.” You reached out, sliding a hand over his and up his arm.
Minho jerked away and bit down on his bottom lip. “I- I don’t like to be touched like that.” You thought it was odd, so you tilted your head in curiosity. “But then how do you love a woman or a man? You have to touch and be touched.” A soft smirk formed on Minho's lips. “If you’re talking about sex, then I don’t love or make love… I fuck. As far as domestically loving someone,” he paused, “That has never happened and will never happen.”
His last sentence seemed final, as if he didn’t want to continue the conversation. Minho turned to leave again, but you caught his hand, which he didn’t pull away from this time. “Why do you book me every night I work? Doesn’t it get boring seeing the same girl on stage every time?” You were genuinely curious, but a part of you didn’t want him to leave just yet. You liked the energetic, charged feeling he gave you. There was a static in the air between you two, and you looked forward to it.
Minho turned around, taking a stride closer to you. He was so close you could feel his body heat. Leaning in, his lips almost touching yours, he whispered, “No one else is allowed to see you but me. You’re my dancer.” His voice in your ear did interesting things to you, curving your back and parting your lips. As he pulled back, your eyes met his, holding that stare.
Then you said the words you never said to any client, “Let me touch you.” You never made sexual advances like this, always making sure clients knew you weren’t offering sex for money. But with Minho, you wanted to see what his body could do to you. You wanted to be the one he allowed to touch him.
Your eyes dipped to his lips as his tongue licked over his bottom lip. For a moment, you thought he would refuse, but then he said, “Sit.” He pointed to the couch. You didn’t hesitate and sat down on the plush couch. Minho gently pushed your shoulders back so you were leaning completely against the back of the couch.
You watched this beautiful man, who probably never knelt for anyone, sink to his knees in front of you. He began taking off your heels, dropping them to the side. Then his warm hands slid up your calves, over your knees, to your thighs. Your skin was on fire wherever he touched, and the anticipation made your chest rise and fall dramatically. Minho's eyes were focused on one spot directly between your thighs as he spread your legs apart.
“I said I wanted to touch you..” Your voice was timid and soft. His touch made it hard to think. Those eyes shot up to yours, piercing deeply, “I don’t like to be touched, but I will gladly touch you.” And just like that, you were his, at least in that moment.
Minho's hands slid up to your hips, gripping them firmly and yanking you towards him, causing your ass to rest on the edge of the cushions. He hooked a finger in the gusset of your lacy, light blue, slightly transparent bodysuit, pulling it aside to expose your very wet pussy. You swore you heard a soft rumble deep within his chest as he looked at you, vulnerable and ready for him.
Minho wasted no time, leaning closer and biting at the inside of your thighs, causing you to suck in a sharp breath. His teeth on you were unexpected but felt amazing. Then his soft, wet tongue was on you, slowly licking between your wet folds. Minho stayed silent, but his face said volumes. His eyes locked on your face, filled with lust. His hands massaged and kneaded your thighs as he licked slowly over your entire pussy.
When your legs began to tremble from the intense pleasure, he finally latched his lips onto your clit, sucking gently. The sensation was overwhelming, and you couldn't help but moan loudly. Minho's eyes never left yours, and the connection felt electric and undeniable.
“Fuck!” you mumbled, lifting your hips and tangling your hands in his hair, tugging as his suction became more intense. His hands moved from your thighs to your ass, lifting you just enough to grab handfuls of your flesh.
“Minho.. Minho.. don’t stop.” You chanted, soft sighs and whimpers escaping constantly. The moment you began chanting his name, he seemed charged with even more need to please you. He pressed his tongue in and out of your needy hole, his entire face pressed into your pussy, his nose sliding up and down your swollen clit.
Minho wasn't afraid to get all your juices on him, loving your smell and taste. His cock grew extremely hard in his pants. It was uncomfortable, but he endured just to see you laid out like this, a dinner only for him.
As your orgasm built, your body reacted uncontrollably, your back arching, hips grinding against Minho's eager mouth. The tension coiled tightly in your lower abdomen, ready to snap. Just as you were about to tip over the edge, Minho's fingers joined in, sliding two digits into you, curling them perfectly to hit that sweet spot inside you.
With a final, desperate cry of his name, your orgasm crashed over you, waves of pleasure coursing through every nerve in your body. Minho didn't let up, his mouth and fingers working you through your climax, drawing out every last tremor. As you came down from the high, Minho moved back, his handsome face shining slightly with your juices.
He simply licked his lips then sucked the rest of you off his fingers. You watched him put your clothing back in place and then slowly stand. You saw the imprint of his cock in his pants, and you genuinely wanted to give back what he just did for you. You moved to kneel in front of him.
Minho watched you, his hands hanging loosely by his side as you ran your hand over the bulge in his pants, but when you went to unbutton his pants, his hand stopped you. He shook his head and helped you to your feet, his hand holding yours a bit longer before letting go. “You should get home soon, I will see you soon,” he muttered before leaving, his energy still filling the room after he was gone.
You were being paid a lot to give your time to Minho, but why did it feel like every moment with him was worth far more than money? The connection between you two was undeniable, leaving you wanting more and questioning what drew you so deeply to him.
Thank you all for your support! I’m writing a bit slower due to life stuff but, I will continue posting as often as I can! As always all interactions with my works are appreciated! I hope you enjoyed!!
Taglist: @cashtonsbetch @katsukis1wife @hyunjinhoexxx @ihrtlino @breezy-simp @vixensss @yaorzu-blog @tirena1 @whatdoyouwanttocallmefor @chuuyaobsessed @doohnut @babigriin @iovecb97 @kpflyn @rylea08 @sheerfreesia007 @tsunderelino @cookiesandcreamy
If you want to be tagged in only Minho gifs please specify or else you will be tagged in every members gifs! Thanks! 🙏
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sherewrytes · 6 months
I'll always want you
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Synopsis: Onyankopon found himself on the outs with you. He wants to find his way back to his one love. C.W: Angst, break up. Cheating Drug use (weed) Reader is black
Fanfic inspired by the following songs.
The weeknd: What you need. The weeknd Coming down
Onyankopon found himself sitting alone staring at the sky from his apartment balcony. He's wondering how things got so messed up. Thinkin' how could he mess a good thing up. He knew he had a good thing with you going but he let his insecurities get the better of him. Now he's sitting staring at the night sky, smoking a cigarette. "It's quiet....a little to quiet." He thinks to himself. He picks up his phone on the table in front of him, scrolling through texts from Eren, Hange, Sasha but not none from you. He sighed, opened Spotify and hit play on the Weeknds song " King of the Fall " He stumped out his cigarette in favor of rolling up a blunt with some AK-47 a strain you put him on. He connected his phone to speakers on the balcony and lit up, trying to clear his mental. He took another pull of his blunt, staring at the night sky thinking "The night has never been so beautiful. It's quiet and peaceful, the city lights make it even better." He found himself staring at the moon hoping the city noise and its serenity can give him the serenity he needs inside. He took another drag of his blunt, fighting back tears as memories flash and flood his mind. Moments shared on the balcony with Y/N staring at the same moon, the same city lights while enjoying nights in.
He heard a ding through the speakers indicating a text, he sees it's Eren. He sighed knowing if he doesn't respond Eren is gonna come over to his apartment and he isn't it in the mood for company
Eren: Bro come on man you sat up your apartment sulkin'
Eren: Sulking aint gonna bring Y/N back
Eren: Man I know you readin' my shit
Eren: Open the fuckin door. I'm outside with Connie and Sasha. Don't make me break down your shit.
Onyankopon sighed and strolled to his front door, blunt hanging from his mouth. He opened the door to Connie holding three pizzas, Eren with 2 six packs of Heineken and a half ounce of Sour Diesel and Sasha with a smile on her face already looking half faded. Ony sighed and opened the door further to let them in. Connie: *eyes Ony from head to toe* For a guy who fucked up his own relationship you sure look stressed.
Ony: The Fuck you said
Eren: Yo let's not start shit right Connie. We're here to chill not square up.
Ony scoffed and sat down on reaching for the half ounce. Sasha pulled the bag closer to her. Sasha: Before I let you smoke yourself insane. What really happened with you and Y/N I thought you said she was the one, so what's this I'm hearin about you fuckin around with Annie or sum shit.
Ony felt the tears welled up in his eyes again, thinking about what he did. He hanged his head contemplating on how to explain this mess. Ony: So... *sighes* I fucked up. I cheated. Y/N and I... We...well...It's not on her...It's on me.. Anyways Y/N and Annie are friends been that way since high school. Yah I know fucked up big time. At the time Y/N and I we were always arguing, she started seeing me less, doing her own thing. I did the same.
We didn't break up or take a break or nun, just arguing and shit. Annie came over to my crib to talk to me about Y/N supposedly being with another dude. Before you ask it's someone, she got paired up with for her fashion design uni course nun serious, but back to it. My dumb ass believed Annie without checkin with Y/N to find out what's going on. I just decided to get faded. Annie started feeling up on me. It was a hot minute since Y/N and I been together like that so I did what a dumb nigga would do, got more faded and fucked Annie. That's not even the worst bit.
Y/N chose that day to come over to my place. She didn't see me, but she heard the sounds. She saw Annie's car downstairs in the lot. She sat out on the balcony and waited. When I walked out my room to get a drink, I saw her... staring at me with such fuckin hate but when Annie walked out of my room, Y/N lost it. Shit got messy quick. At first, I didn't give a fuck cause I thought she was cheating. It's only when she showed me her messages and project shit, I realized i fucked up. that's all I'm willing to get into... I think about that day enough as it is. Sasha sighed handing Ony one of her rolled spliffs. Ony stared at the packed spliff then at Connie and Eren. "You guys don't have to stay here I'm good on my own man" Ony said barely above the music playing in the background.
"It's been what 5 months since then. You hardly come out other than to what go to class or to buy weed. When's the last time you got a haircut or you growing locs now" Connie said with annoyance. Ony just wanted to be left alone he knew they wouldn't leave until he was doing better, so he cracked open the beer and drank it all in one go. Eren and Connie looked at each other with slight concern but didn't say a word. Sasha lit up the spliff and passed it to Connie. The night moved on slowly. Ony was slowly coming out of his funk with his friends around. It was around 1 am when he heard a knock on his door. Connie, Eren and Sasha still at his place choppin' it up. He yelled at Connie to get the door while he went to take a leak. He came out of the toilet yellin "Who the fuck was at the door Conn....... Y/N..." He stood there in shock to see Y/N at his apartment Y/N: I just came to drop this stuff off. It's yours and well the gifts you bought me as well. I don't want them. This is the only time I worked up the courage to drop these off.Ony stared at Y/N....a loud ringing sound in his ears. He realized what her bringing back everything meant. He could see the lil stuffed bunny ears sticking out of the box. He won her that on their first date almost 2 years ago. Ony felt like he was gonna be sick. He stood there just staring at her, trying to figure out what to do or what to say. should he beg, should he just act cold, should he stay silent. Without realizing tears slid down his face. He hanged his head almost immediately. He opened his mouth and not a word came out. He shut his mouth again knowing he doesn't have the words. He continued looking down at his apartment floor and said "uhm...uhm..I..they are your stuff...Y/N I don't want them back." Y/N sighed with a bit of agitation "so you think I want them. Onyankopon just take the box so I can leave. I don't got time for this shit" Delle has never addressed him by his full name always Ony or babe or some nick name. He knew if he raised his head, he wouldn't be able to stop the tears from falling so he turned around and walked straight to the balcony and closed the sliding doors leaving Y/N with Connie, Sasha and Eren Sasha: Y/N really why now girl. You could've just dumped it or gave one of us to bring it for him and it's 2 am. You looking for closure dick. Y/N sighed ignoring Sasha and dumped the box on the floor. she stormed out the apartment only to bring up 2 more large boxes with more stuff. Ony didn't budge from the balcony. Y/N grew angrier. She stormed out the balcony and raised her voice at him. "So, you're gonna sit there and act high and fuckin mighty... you're the one who fucked all this up for what some pussy and my friend at that. Not even a random hoe. My fuckin friend Onyankopon really." Ony stayed silent, he knew he was wrong for what he did and how everything played out. He knows he should stay something, but the silence is the only thing holding his heart together. He wanted to apologize, to beg to say something but he knew Y/N and her kind heart and how much what he did hurt her. He sighed and looked up at Y/N staring her in her face knowing she can see every emotion written all over his face. Y/N stared at his face seeing his brown eyes red from heavy smoke and puffy from crying. Y/N heard the melodies of the weeknd's song Coming down through the balcony speakers. Ony did not say a single word for almost a minute then he said "Y/N I'll always want you. No matter what. *sniffles* I know I fucked up. I don't expect forgiveness or anything of the sort. I deserve what I'm getting. I'm not in the right head space for the conversation we should have. I'm high out my mind and a bit drunk. The only thing I'm good for right now is more weed maybe another drink so right now as much as I want to give you the closure you want, right now I'm not good, so just...I'll.... Y/N cuts Ony off and says "Doesn't matter you have a good fucking life."
Ony watches Delle storm off the balcony and out his apartment. He finally exhaled and let everything out. Eren was the first one outside to console him. He was truly glad that his friends choose to come over tonight.
[thank you to everyone who read this, I appreciate it sm I may do a second part with less angst.. maybe a reunion🥹]
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sleepyeye17 · 2 years
Is this yours?
Words: 768
Warnings: None
Summary: There’s a bra in Steve’s back seat. He has some explaining to do.
“What’s this?” Lucas says in the back seat of Steve’s car. “Ooooooh it’s a bra!”
Steve looks in the rear view mirror and his eyes go wide.
Eddie turns around in the front seat to see Lucas holding up an enormous bra. It takes a moment for the implication to hit, and then it punches him right in the nuts. Fuck.
“Don’t touch that, Lucas,” Steve growls. 
“Steve had a girl back here,” Dustin crows. 
“I did not!” Steve says. “Put that down!”
“This is huge,” Max says, grabbing the bra from Lucas and feeling the enormous padded cups. “Jesus what is this, an F cup?”
“Who’s the lucky lady?” Lucas asks. 
“Who do we know with enormous tits?” Max says. She holds it up to herself. “Dustin, is this your mom’s? Ow!”
They’re all laughing and smacking each other and shrieking. Eddie looks out the window and tries to put on his most aloof face.
Steve and Eddie have only been hooking up for a few weeks, and neither of them have said that they were exclusive. If Eddie had assumed, well, that's on him. Always the idiot, and matters of the heart are no exception. He fell in love with Steve like it was breathing. He should have known that King Steve would have a whole flock of women to choose from. Eddie is clearly just an experiment. It wouldn’t be the first time. He’s had a few partners in the past who believed that they could be with a man once and get it out of their system. Eddie is usually happy to oblige. But he really thought that this was different.
“Settle down back there, okay?” Steve says. He’s bright red, and clearly irritated. “It got mixed up in my laundry at the laundromat. Jesus, get your minds out of the gutter.”
The kids calm down a little bit, and they’re friends again by the time Steve pulls into the arcade. Eddie is about to follow them out of the car, but Steve reaches out and touches his arm.
“Wait, Eddie. Can we talk?”
“Sure. Whatever.”
Eddie looks wary as he sits back down. He sneaks a glance at Steve, who’s still bright red. Eddie knows that Steve does his laundry at his parents’ house, and the bra is clearly too large for Steve’s mother.
“I can explain–” Steve starts, but Eddie cuts him off.
“You don’t have to.”
“I didn’t–”
“It doesn’t matter.”
Steve looks surprised and almost a little hurt.
“Doesn’t it?”
Eddie shrugs.
“We never said we were exclusive.”
Now Steve definitely looks hurt.
“I thought– Well. No. I guess we never did. Have you–” 
“If you have another–”
“I don’t–”
“I just want to know–”
“I don’t!”
“--so I can get tested–”
“The bra is mine!”
That stuns Eddie into silence. He stares at Steve for a second, but Steve can’t meet his eyes. Steve is looking at the ceiling, biting his lip and blinking fast. His fingers drum on the steering wheel.
“Sorry, what?” Eddie asks.
“I’m not– It’s just a thing. It’s just something I do on some weekends. There are these performances. Like shows. On the first Saturday of the month, in Indy.”
“Do you…” Eddie is trying to wrap his mind around this. “Are you a… A woman? In your heart?”
Steve shakes his head fast.
“I don’t think so? I’ve thought about it, and I’ve talked to some people. I still like being a guy, and I like my body and I feel good as a man. But sometimes… I dunno. I just want to be…” Steve gestures vaguely.
“A queen,” Eddie finishes.
“Yeah.” Steve sniffs hard. “I’m sorry. If this is too much–”
Eddie lets out a surprised little giggle, then covers his mouth. Steve looks miserable.
“Sorry!” Eddie says. “I’m not laughing at you. It’s just… God, Steve, you really couldn’t be more perfect.”
“Don’t fuck with me,” Steve snaps.
“I’m not! I’m not, I swear. I thought you were seeing someone else! Fuck, man, this is better than my wildest fantasies.” 
“Really?” Steve has a gentle look of hopeful surprise on his face that’s so open and vulnerable it makes Eddie want to bite his own fist. 
“Yes, really. What’s your name, then?”
“Your drag name.”
Steve smiles shyly and bites a fingernail. Eddie wants to cry, he’s so pretty.
“It’s still in progress, okay. So you can’t laugh.”
“Connie Cushion.”
Eddie gasps like Steve just dropped to one knee and proposed.
“Connie Cushion, yeah.”
“Can I… meet her some time?”
Steve bows his head, rubbing the back of his neck and beaming.
“She’d like that.”
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butim4you · 5 months
(This is not proffread and i just started writing so it might not be that good, hope you like it <3)
Chishiya x reader
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You took a deep breath but then Hissed at the sudden pain it brought you. You had been helping your friends take down the King of spades...You had atleast two or three gun shots. Two in your chest and one in your leg.
Usagi had just left the alley way to find arisu even with her leg being stabbed..Kuina was laying on the ground focusing on her breathing beside Ann. She stares at your attempt to stand. You got up but quickly had to hold on to the wall as your leg almost gave out.
You only had one leg to get to Him...When Arisu had reaveld that He would show the way Chishiya was if you helped them, you didnt have a choice..Wobbiling out of the alley you look up to see Arisu carrying Usagi bridal style and he looks worried for her. Hearing footsteps Arisu looks up at you.
"Which way..."
You said weakly. Arisu remembered what he had said. He nodded at the way since he couldn't point with Usagi in his arms. You didn’t even consider saying 'thanks' or 'bye'. You just started walking...Or more so, you tried your best to walk. He could be anywhere....You had no idea what you were thinking. You would probably not even find him. You walked quite the way to find niragi leaning back against an Abonded car.
You had always had a problem with niragi. He saw a figure covering the sun from him, and he opened his eyes and looked up at her. He knew you were looking for chishiya. Stupid people...stupid love.
You addressed him, and he scoffs and looks off to the side. He understood you were in a bad condition.. He could easily take you over now if it wasn't for his own pain. He coughs and avoids your e/c Eyes.
"Your prince is waiting over there."
He stares in the direction Chishiya sits, Hes a bit far away from them. Far enough to not hear their words. You stare at him before limping towards the way he told you. You were met with a sight of Chishiya sitting down, leaning back against a car resting.
You feel a wave of calmness hit you and you let go of a breath you didnt know you were holding. He hears your soft voice that was like a whisper. He could hear your hurried footsteps but also the dragging of your injured leg. His calm eyes open as you did your best to sit down beside him. A loud wince was heard from you and he quickly examined your condition.
"Your hurt."
He stated softly, Inside he Felt bad for not protecting you and he wished he could wrap up your wounds. But you smile so sweetly at him.
"You are too, y'know?"
You already understood Niragi was the reason for his injuries. He felt you lean into his side that wasn't injured. And he leaned back against you. He gave the side of your head a kiss and just sat there with you. Neither one of you had the energy to do anything else.
Time moved like seconds as you two sat there, Before you knew it you heard the fireworks and saw the beautiful colors in the sky.
"Shiya...They did it..."
Chishiya smiles and nods, The Loud voice then was heard from the sky...'Your now allowed to pick either to stay here as a citizen or Leave to go back to the real world." A woman's voice said that sounded made up said.
You look up at him, and he stares up into the sky.
"I wanna leave.."
He said with a small smile as you copied his words. You even heard Niragi say he wants to leave from afar. Your hand that is intertwined with his gives him a squeeze. He looks down at you with confused eyes as you look scared.
"Shiya, Promise me that you will go look for me in the real world again...? Please..."
He still has that confident glint in his eyes as he kisses the side of your face.
"I promise, Y/n.."
Then everything went black.
Chishiya stares at the unfimilar man in the bed beside him.
"What the fuck are you staring at?"
The man rasped, half of the man's body was covered in bandages.
"I heard your heart also stopped for a whole minute.."
Chishiya said with his normal face, He felt like he had forgotten something important..
"So what?"
The man spat, seriously not caring a shit. He sighs.
"Do you feel like something in you changed?"
He doesnt really know why he is asking. A part of him feels missing...more then before.
"Not really...Guess I just look flashier now. What about you?"
The man chishiya already knews name was Niragi suguru. What happend now again...?
"...I lived a useless life..but now..im gonna make up for it..."
The way chishiya said that so casually made niragi laugh but he stops when he hears their room door opening, A woman stood there. She looked like she's here for the same reason as they were.
"Ah, im sorry! This is the wrong room.."
Chishiya looked over at her and examined her closely...Then your eyes met, he felt his missing spot getting filled once more as he heard you say his name nickname you gave him.
Not you randomly remembering his nickname and saying it out loud.
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Don't Over-Do It
Based on this request: Could you write a fluffy imagine for the Volturi with the reader being Marcus descendant, Aros mate and Janes best friend? The reader tends to overwork both in her job and by working out. The Volturis are far to protective to let her continue like that.
Here you are, lovely! *Familiar Characters are NEVER mine.*
Fandom: Twilight
Warnings: mentions of passing out and forgetting to eat. Some light fluff.
Pairings/Characters: Marcus Volturi x fem!descendant reader (familial), Aro Volturi x fem!reader (romantic), Jane Volturi x fem!reader x Caius Volturi (platonic, soul-siblings)
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Marcus had never thought he'd have any  descendants. He never knew if any of his human family had continued on the family line. But then he met you and immediately saw the bond between you and him. And not just him. You had several other bonds within the Volturi including the silver bond of soul-siblings with Jane and even Caius, and the golden bond of true mates with Aro. To say Marcus was happy to have a connection to his former life would be an understatement. There was just one problem.
       You were a perfectionist and somewhat of a workaholic. You would work and work until everything was just right. It didn't matter what it was, work, hobbies, or even exercise. You were determined to do it right and you weren't going to stop until it was perfect. Aro, Marcus, and Jane hated that. It wasn't that they didn't want you to succeed, but they hated seeing you overwork yourself. 
They all tried to get you to slow down, especially Aro. He hated seeing his mate exhausted all the time. Though, his approach to this was to turn you sooner rather than later. You fought him on that. Aro wasn’t afraid of much, but he was terrified of losing you and even more afraid of your temper. It made Caius laugh to see Aro nearly cower under your intense glare every time he mentioned turning before you were ready. But all amusement faded from the four vampires when you finally over-did it.
You were taking out your frustrations on a punching bag one evening after working on a work task for hours. The ever-watchful Jane and Demetri stood in the corner keeping an eye on you when it happened. Mid-jab, you suddenly stopped and collapsed in a heap on the floor. Jane was at your side in an instant while Demetri raced to get kings. 
You were vaguely aware of arguing voices when you woke a few hours later. “Aro, you risk irreparably damaging your bond if you turn her without her permission. You know this,” came Marcus’ low voice. “I agree with Master Aro,” Jane grumbled, almost too softly for you to hear. You could feel the tension in the room, so you decided to try and speak up.
“And if either of you does that, I will personally rip your arms off and put them back on backwards when I wake as a newborn.” Aro was sitting next to you a split second later. “Cara Mia, you worried us,” he crooned as if you would forget you just threatened him and Jane. “I realized that. I’m sorry.”
“As loath as I am to agree with Aro about, well, anything outside of trials,” Caius stated, “I believe he and Jane may be correct in this case, Y/N. You cannot continue on like this.” You glanced between their faces. They all looked more worried than you’d ever seen them. A soft sigh escaped you. It wasn’t the first time this had happened to you, but the first they had experienced it. The whole situation was frightening since you were so fragile compared to them.
“I’m sorry I worried you all,” you relented, “I-It was always drilled into me that I had to be perfect. Nothing was ever good enough and I guess that’s carried over into adulthood. I’m not ready to turn yet, but I will try to take it easier. I’ll set break alarms or let Jane drag me away from my work more. I-Is that okay?”
“I don’t like it, but if I never have to experience this fear again, I suppose I can accept this for now,” Aro relented after a few moments of silence. Marcus stayed silent since he was simply there to ensure your bonds stayed intact. He was concerned, of course, but your bonds with the others were far more fragile for now. 
“I still agree with Master Aro,” Jane stated, concern still painting her angelic, childlike features. Caius rolled his eyes at the two of them, but you could see he was feeling the same way they were. “Very well, but if this happens again, I don’t think even Marcus would disagree with turning you.” Marcus merely nodded in agreement when your eyes met his.
“Sleep now,” he suggested only for your stomach to let out the loudest growl he’d ever heard. You felt your face heat up at the noise that betrayed the fact that you hadn't eaten very much that day. Marcus laughed, “Perhaps food is in order first.” You nodded slightly, prompting Jane to rush out. Caius and Marcus followed, but when Aro tried to get up, you gripped tightly to him. 
“Stay?” you asked in a soft voice. “Of course, Tesoro.” He settled back and let you cuddle into him. “I really am sorry,” you whispered. You felt Aro place a kiss to the top of your head. “I worry for you, Y/N. I cannot lose you.” You nodded against his chest, feeling your eyes start to drift closed against your will. Aro chuckled. The last thing you heard before you let sleep pull you under was,  “Sleep, my love. I will be here when you wake.”
(I hope you like it!)
Forever Tags: @fizzyxcustard @supernatural4life2022 @asgards-princess-of-mischief
Twilight Tags: @awesomebooklover17
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cinnamonroll-anon · 10 months
Soft Confessions: Sun Wukong x Reader
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a/n:This is from a Pov I did for a Sun Wukong playlist. This will hopefully be the start of me writing for more characters on fandoms that I enjoy!
Warnings: First time writing, Fluff, Comfort, Gender Neutral, Nicknames, (he calls you Peaches and Baby). After having a particularly long day you find yourself extremely tired, unbeknownst to you, a certain monkey king has grown worried for you and he has a plan to cheer you up.
Today had been a long day. You were exhausted and your whole body ached. You wanted to finally get home and collapse, but fate had different plans. A certain monkey king had missed you the entire day. The day had kept you so occupied that you had to ignore all of Wukong's texts. With his growing emotions for you, and your sudden disappearance, made him grow anxious.
Did you find out? How could you have found out? Was he too obvious? Did you think it was too weird? Did you suddenly grow tired of him? Were you angry at him?
He finally got up from flower fruit mountain and decided that he was going to do something about this. He went to get food from Pigsy's and not so subtly asked if anyone had seen or heard from you.
"I saw them on their way home, but they didn't look so good. They barely waved at me and they looked a bit down" Mei pitched in.
This won't do, not at all in this monkeys head. He had a mission. You, his most precious friend, feeling down in the dumps and not telling him? Unacceptable. He's supposed to be there for you! Luckily for you he already had a plan.
So here you are in your room about to take your shoes off when your phone springs to life. You wearily find your phone and look at the screen. It was Wukong, he was calling you. You quickly answered
"Um hello?", You meekly answered.
"Hey Peaches! Whats the matter? You haven't answered me all day." His energetic voice rang through the phone.
"Um I've just been really busy and tired today. Can you call me later? I'm gonna take a nap." You said as you were just about to hang up.
"NO NO NO! PLEASE DON'T HANG UP!" He practically screeched.
"Okay, okay, I'm listening!"
"Its just that, I've missed you all day and was wondering if you could make some time to hang out with me? Please, I promise you it'll be worth it!" he begged.
"Yeah, I'll hangout with you" you said as you let out a sigh.
"Great I'll be over to pick you up!"
"Wait, pick me up? Where are we going? Um Sun? Hello?" It was too late, he had already hung up the phone. You were okay if he was coming over to chill out with you, but he's taking you out. You weren't sure if you were gonna have the energy to last through whatever shenanigans he had in store for you. A couple of knocks at your door snapped you from your thoughts. You sluggishly opened the door to reveal the one and only Monkie King.
"Hey Peaches, you ready to go?" He beamed with a bright smile.
"Actually, I didn't get time to get changed, I'll quickly get ready-" you replied, just about to go back inside of your house until an arm yanked you backwards.
"Don't worry you look great, now lets go!" He dragged you and pulled you close to his chest. Before you can even process what was going on you were already on a cloud, flying over the city. The sight was beautiful, it was around noon and the sun getting ready to set. You also took in the fact that you were pressed so close to Sun Wukong. He was so warm and comforting, you felt your face heat up at the thought.
"So, is this your plan for hanging out?" You spoke, trying to occupy yourself on anything other than the overwhelming heat on your face.
"You kidding, this is only the beginning. You just sit tight and let me do the rest, okay Peaches?" He leaned down and replied with a mischievous grin. If you weren't burning up before now you were on fire, you quickly pressed your head to his chest in hopes of him not spotting your embarrassed face. Meanwhile Sun Wukong looked down at your antics and allowed a light blush to dust his face, you were just too cute! He quickly looked up, praying to any deity that you didn't see his slip up.
"Looks like we're here" he said as the cloud lowered itself onto a little hill. The wind blew gently on the grass and there was a lonely tree. You felt like you could see the entire world from that hill, the sun letting its golden light swallow the view. As you were taking in the sight, Sun Wukong began walking towards the tree, you spotted him moving and followed behind. When you both arrived at the other side of the tree you saw spotted a picnic blanket, food from Pigsy's, a small bowl of fruit and a box of pastries.
"I heard that you weren't having a great day and decided 'hey why not surprise you", he spoke with a soft voice, scratching the back of his neck while looking away. You felt your heart flutter at his sentiment, so caught up in your head you entirely missed a lovely pink adorning his face.
You both spent the time eating, talking about your individual days and laughing at his jokes. After the laughter died down you both looked at the scene, the sun was now setting letting its most beautiful hues light up the sky. The nearby clouds also dressed in their finest pinks and oranges, all blending together to make a breathtaking sunset. Your attention snapped to Sun Wukong when he began to move around. He pulled up his phone and began to type on it, soon music came from it. He placed his phone on the blanket and got up. He then put his attention to you "May I have this dance?" he asked smugly while bowing and offering you his hand.
You felt that familiar heat engulf your face as you extended your hand into his. He gently pulled you up and you began dancing, at first it was formal but then you both lost each other to the music, simply enjoying the moment. You both had danced for a while before Wukong brought you in close to him.
"Peaches, I've been wanting to tell you this for a while, and its that I love you. Just you existing in my life has made it so much better. I feel honored that you let me be your friend and let me learn more about you. I've lived through alot of things but, I know that if I had to live through it all just to see you, to see you smile, I would do it all over again. And I wanted to know if you'd like to go out with me." He said his face turning a shade of red.
"Sun, yes, I'd love to go out with you. If I'm being honest I've had feelings for you as well, its just that I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I mean you're literally The Monkey King, and your a great person to be around." you responded.
He let out an exaggerated sigh of relief "Thank goodness I was scared that i would've ruined it and that we wouldn't be friends anymore" he said letting his shoulders relax.
You laughed at his response and you gave him a hug. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around you and returned the hug.
"Hey Sun?"
"Yes baby?"
"My feet are tired"
He then burst into laughter. "Wow, i thought I was gonna be the one to kill the mood". He said in between his laughter, then he grabbed your hand gently and led you back to the picnic blanket under the tree. You both sat down and watched how the sun was almost hidden under the horizon. You then felt a wave of drowsiness hit you and you found it harder to keep your eyes open. Feeling sleep slowly creeping over you, you tried to get as comfortable as you could. You leaned on Sun Wukong and rested your head on his shoulder. You felt him tense up before slowly relaxing. He then carefully wrapped and arm around you and gave you a gentle yet reassuring squeeze.
"Its okay peaches, I'll stay here with you" he gave you the softest smile. Soon you felt yourself gradually drift off to sleep. Before you could fully knock out you felt a small kiss on your forehead.
"I love you peaches, get some rest."
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Pretty little letters 2
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Dbf Negan x fem reader
Synopsis - After finishing college you decide to on a gap year to take a breather after many years of hard. Setting out to travel the country, you promise to write to your dad every week, what happens when his best friend Negan makes you promise to write to him too.
Warnings- No apocalypse AU, dads best friend, large age gap, feelings, love confessions, adventures, reader travelling, reader described as female, mentions of cheating, Negan is the one cheated on in this fic by ex wife, struggles with feelings, dad finding out about relationship, some angst, obviously not canon at all, smut in this chapter, p in v, unprotected sex, both reader and Negan are consent king and queen. So yeah 18+ only please.
Let me know if I’ve left anything out
Word count - 6.1K (sorry another long one)
This is two of two chapters in this mini series.
Waking up the next morning was a task in itself, your head was pounding, and the light filtering in from the cheap motel curtains was making things worse. You looked over at the wall clock 9:00am, pulling yourself up with a groan you headed for the shower, once in you began lathering yourself with soap to remove the stale alcohol smell. God last night was a blur, a few flashbacks start filling your mind, you remember sitting with a few women who invited you to their booth for some drinks, and you remember leaving before they dragged you onto the dance floor.
As the warm water spray roused you more you remember staggering home and passing out, ‘could have been way worse’ you think to yourself. After brushing your teeth and packing up your room, you grab your phone and car keys and make your way into town to find somewhere to eat. Maybe a good breakfast will help, although luckily your head hurts more than you felt nauseous.
Walking into a cute little diner you sit down and ask the waitress for pancakes, whilst waiting for your breakfast you pulled out your notebook and pen, deciding it was the perfect time to write your letters, it’s been a while since you’d written properly to your dad, and after your conversation with him last night you felt guilty. Thinking back on the phone calls of last night though your stomach drops, Negan and his date, argh! Surely he won’t go? He really didn’t seem that keen on it, you needed to put it out of your mind today, just be in the moment of the day! So you write your dad a little letter explaining where your off to next, before moving on to Negan's.
Hey Negan,
I’m currently sat in a cute little 50s style diner, I’m hoping breakfast cures this hangover a bit.
Maybe I had a little too much fun last night, though sitting with the middle aged women having a girls night seemed to be the right call, as I made it back to my room in one piece!
I’m going to head through New Mexico today on my way to LA, planing some stops on the way though. Going to stop in Arizona and see the Grand Canyon, I’ve always wanted to see it, maybe visit my best friend Gemma who lives in Tucson now, her and her husband have recently bought a puppy so I’m gonna be right in there!!
I hope you and dad are doing well this week, I miss you both a lot today, and please make sure dad doesn’t burn the garden shed down with his BBQ this weekend!
With love
On your way back to the car, you post the letters in the postal box on the sidewalk. The warm breeze kisses your skin as you walk, leaving goosebumps in its wake, it’s a beautiful day and you take pleasure in the little things that morning. Birds chirping, children laughing in the streets, a man who is dancing down the road with his headphones blaring out classic rock, not a care in his mind as to who may be watching.
Once back in your car you set your sat nav for a small town in the Gila National Forest, New Mexico and hit start, you’ll see how far you can get in a day, as you’re excited to get to Arizona. Whilst turning up your music you hear your phone buzz, ‘I’ll get that later you think’ eager to get going this morning, you have a long drive ahead of you.
The flight had been awful, he was squished between a screaming child and a sweaty bald man, who felt it appropriate to tell Negan his life story. So once he had stepped through customs he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, good god he thought that was hell, but at least he will be with you in just shy of an hour, checking his watch he checked the time 8:30am he had time.
Once he secured a taxi he gave the man the motels address and counted the minutes down, he couldn’t wait to pull you into his arms and tell you he felt the same, that there’s no way he’s going to go on this date, that the only women he wants is you. Checking his watch again 9:35am and only 10 minutes until he’s at the motel, he ran over in his mind again everything he needed to tell you, he hasn’t ever declared love to someone before and he wants it to be perfect. He runs a hand through his salt and pepper hair, he’s so nervous and he doesn’t know why? It’s you! He’s never been nervous around you.
“Here we are sir, Eunice south motel”, “Thank you” Negan answers, handing the man his money before grabbing his bags out the trunk, once the cab had left he made his way over to the reception, entering he found a young lad at the desk, he must have been 19 at the very oldest. “Hello sir, welcome to Eunice south motel, are you checking in?” He reads it out like a scripted monologue that’s ingrained into his brain. “Hello there, I’m wandering if you can help me, see I’m looking for a young woman, she checked in yesterday. She’s called y/n y/l/n, she is about this tall ‘Gestures with hand’ and she has h/c hair.” Negan asks.
“Oh yes! I do know who you mean, she was in room 27” the boy answers.
“What do you mean was?” Negan asks.
“Yeah well she checked out this morning, about 20 minutes ago actually, you just missed her” the boy nervously answers again.
Panic sets it, your gone how can you be gone already!
“Did she say where she was going at all?” Negan asks.
“Said something about finding some breakfast in town”
“Ok thanks” Negan responds before rushing out and calling another cab, hoping he can find you before you drive off. He tries calling your phone but it goes straight to voicemail. “Shit!” He mutters before deciding it was quicker to jog into town than wait for the cab to arrive. Hauling his backpack and duffle on to his shoulders he starts a steady jog into town.
Once he arrives he notices a 50s diner, that would be the exact kind of place you would go he thinks. Upon entering he asks the waitress if she has seen you, “Yes I’ve seen a girl matching that description, how do I know you’re not a pervert chasing her though hmm?” The waitress sneered, reluctantly Negan fished his phone out of his pocket, showing the waitress his Lock Screen, it was a photo of you and him, his arm looped around your shoulders pulling you in close, big grins on both your faces.
Negan was loosing time and patience, “Please have you seen her?” He asks once more. “Yeah I saw her she left about ten minutes ago, she left this accidentally” the waitress mentions, handing him your debit card. “Shit” he mumbles again, “She isn’t going to get far without that” he sighs. “Ok thank you I’ll see if I can track her down” he says as he leaves, your card in hand.
You’re singing along without a care in the world, your phone is still buzzing in your pocket. You will check it once you stop for gas, you’d need to stop soon looking at the dash it’s saying there’s only 80 miles left.
Spotting one ahead you pull in, pulling out your purse when you notice it, your card is gone “Fuck!” You call out to no one. Luckily you noticed before you put gas in, pulling out your phone you notice you have 5 missed calls from Negan, that’s odd he doesn’t usually call that many times knowing you’re busy. You’ll have to call him back later you have bigger things to deal with right now, walking into the shop part you ask if they take Apple Pay, to which they state no. Groaning you go back out to your car, pulling it forward and out of the way of the pumps.
What are you going to do now?
You call your dad but he doesn’t answer, probably busy with work, you could call Negan back see what he could do, but he’s the other side of the country, there’s no way he could help. Sighing you close your eyes and groan, did you even have enough fuel to go back to the diner, that must be where you left it. But it’s 100 miles back and you only have 80 at a push! Checking google, there’s a town with your bank in ahead you could get a new card issued, that’s only 70 miles away, cutting it close but it’s the best option you had.
Searching your glove box for your phone charger you came across a scrunched up ball, pulling it out you found it was a $20 dollar bill and a $10 dollar bill. “Yes!” You cheer, that can definitely get enough gas to get me to the next town, once your car was filled as much as you could afford you set off once more.
Little did you know Negan was frantically trying to catch you up, now in another cab following the route that he was praying you took.
You’d had success at the bank, another card would be ready for you to collect in the morning. They had also given you a cash withdrawal to pay for your motel tonight, all in all things weren’t too bad. You'd found a nice motel close by making it easy to walk over first thing, so with everything sorted you settled in your room for the evening.
Maybe you could find somewhere for dinner? You weren’t all that hungry though, you’d had a hell of a day and really you just wanted to rest. You’d spoken to your dad and assured him you’d sorted it, when he said he would leave now and come get you, you’d had to laugh though, he’d do anything to have you back earlier.
Laying yourself back on the beds itchy covers, you close your eyes, a nap may do you good.
Meanwhile Negan was going out of his mind, where were you! The cab driver was loosing his patience too, telling him to pick a motel and call someone else in the morning. He was just about to give up hope when he spotted your car in a motel carpark. “Stop! There! That’s her car!” He shouted, tears now filling his eyes from sheer relief! “Thank god for that” the cab driver muttered, Negan grabbed his bags with urgency, paid the driver and shot over to your car. That was definitely your number plate! He looked into the room behind the car, there you were, asleep on the bed safe and sound.
He gathered up all his courage before knocking on your door.
You shot up from the loud knock, it was heavy and urgent. You slowly shuffled to the door, as quietly as you could muster and peaked through the peep hole. Negan??? It was Negan, you grabbed the handle and swung the door open.
There he stood right in your doorway, with a face you couldn’t quite read, you usher him in closing the door “Negan what are you doing here? Not that it’s not good to see you! This is the best surprise ever! It’s just I’m confused why are you……..” your rambling was cut off by him flying forwards and smushing his lips against yours in a searing kiss, his hands found your cheeks as he pulled your body into his, after recovering from the shock, you threw your arms around his neck pulling him in even closer.
“I love you” kiss “So much” kiss “So Fucking Damn Much!” He punctuates between fierce kisses, you’re now struggling to stand upright, your legs buckling as so much emotion fills you, this is everything you’ve ever wanted. “I love you too Negan, so so much” you mumble against his swollen lips. He smiles against your mouth “I know, I got your text” you're confused now “My text?” You ask, “The one you sent me last night before you fell asleep” he mentions, now staring down at your beautiful face, memories start flooding back! You did text him, you told him not to go on the date and that you loved him.
Gasping your hand flies to your mouth, “Oh my goodness” you shake your head in embarrassment. “You were drunk weren’t you” he laughs, “Yeah a bit” you mumble still feeling incredibly flushed. “Hey” he moves your chin up to face him, “Don’t be embarrassed, I feel the same about you doll, I flew here! Chased you down in the back of a cab until I found you, god I sound like a stalker now don’t I?” He laughs, “No” you shake your head in disagreement, “I think it’s incredibly romantic, I’m so happy you found me!”, “Me too beautiful, me too” he agrees placing is forehead against yours.
“Oh I almost forgot! You left this at the diner” he mentions, handing you your debit card. “Oh ” you giggle, “I have already cancelled and replaced it, I’m collecting the new one in the morning.” You explain. “Hmm well maybe look after that one better” he laughs, you nod in agreement, before bringing your lips back to his in another passionate kiss.
Pulling him against you, you run your hands through his hair, slightly tugging the strands causing him to let out a low moan. Smirking at his reaction you do it again, tugging his bottom lip between your teeth in tandem. “Careful sweetheart, you’re going to start something you can’t finish” he groans, “Who says I don’t have every intention in finishing it!” You tease. He growls picking you up and throwing you onto the bed, before crawling over you and attaching his lips to yours once more.
You slowly start running your hand under his shirt exploring the planes of his toned chest, you can feel his heart thump under your fingertips, the rhythmic drumming grounding you, he is really here, this is really happening. “I love you” you blurt out once again, he smiles against your throat, “I love you too beautiful”. Moving your hand back down you tug at the hem of his shirt, “Are you sure sweetheart?” He asks, watching your features for any hesitation, “I’m sure Negan, you’re all I’ve ever wanted” you admit.
“Ok baby girl” he offers, pressing a soft kiss to your lips before shuffling back to stand up. He smiles down at you as he pulls his shirt off, you sit upright tugging your sleep shirt over your head leaving your top half bare, before bringing yourself onto your knees. “You’re so gorgeous sweetheart” he admires as his eyes run over the exposed parts of your body.
You run both hands over his chest again, the look of love and admiration on his face as he watches you, brings up a mix of strong emotions. You’ve never felt so loved or so wanted in your life, the few college boys you’d been with before never took their time like this, they never made you feel this special and he hasn’t even touched you yet.
Cupping your face in his large hands he pulls you in for another slow kiss, sweeping his tongue against your lips seeking entrance, which you grant happily, deepening the kiss. You move your hands downwards, fingers playing with his belt buckle, hesitating you break the kiss and look up at him, meeting his warm hazel eyes.
“Go on baby, I’m all yours” he whispers, that was all the confirmation you needed, you make quick work of his belt and jean buttons, before pulling them down his legs, he steps out of the offending material kicking it to the side. You lay back against the sheets lifting your hips, encouraging him to do the same to you. His fingers hook under your sleep shorts and panties before pulling them both off in one swoop, leaving you completely naked.
Kneeling at the foot of the bed he tugs sharply on your ankles, pulling them up and over his shoulders, bringing your soaked heat to his face. “This ok baby girl?” He asks, “Yes!” You reply pleadingly, lifting your hips a little as you speak, feeling like if he didn’t touch you soon you’d combust. “So needy baby” he teases, running his forefinger through your slit.
He groans when he feels just how wet you already are, “Shit baby, this all for me?” You whimper nodding frantically, “Negan please” you beg, becoming needier by the minute. He gives your inner thigh a playful nip before licking a firm stroke through your folds, you throw your head back with a breathy moan, fingers finding purchase in his hair.
He sets a steady pace, alternating between licking and suckling at your clit. He quickly learns what you like, as he starts working you open with his fingers, angling them upwards and reaching that spot that makes you see stars. “Fuck Negan I’m gonna come” you cry, reaching your peak fast. He works you through your high before pulling away and placing a gentle kiss to your hip bone.
As your catching your breath he pulls his boxers off and rejoins you on the bed, once more hovering over you. “Still sure baby?” He asks again, letting some self doubt fill his mind, he’s still unsure as to how someone as beautiful, young and brilliant as you, would want an old man like himself. “Yes, I told you, you’re all I’ve ever wanted Negan, please I want you” you answer, rolling your hips into his seeking that friction you so desperately needed. “Fuck baby girl, ok” he moans, taking himself in his hand he rubs the blunt end of his cock through your folds, before notching it at your entrance and sinking forward.
As your hips meet flush against one another you both let out deep moans, getting lost in the feeling of each other. “Shit baby you feel so good” he groans, “God I’ve thought about this for so long, I’ve needed you so much, can’t believe you’re now mine” he rambles, slowly thrusting in and out of your tight heat. “Fuck baby girl say it! Tell me you’re mine!” He begs, “I’m all yours Negan, fuck I’ve always been yours” you cry as you start meeting his thrusts.
The room is filled with the sounds of soft moans and broken gasps, you grab his shoulders pulling him in as close as you can, “Faster! Please go faster” you plead, moving your hips harder against his, he indulges you picking up speed, his movements becoming more frantic. “So close, don’t stop” you whine as the familiar feeling in your core builds, Negan moves his hand between your bodies rubbing your clit, causing your whines to grow louder, “That’s it baby girl let go for me” he encourages you, throwing your head back you give in to it coming hard, white hot pleasure cursing through you.
“Fuck! There you go baby, shit I’m close where do you want it” he asks, “Inside” you gasp another orgasm building, “I want it inside me” you affirm. His thrusts become rougher, rhythm becoming sloppy as he reaches his high stilling against you as he comes. You reach your high simultaneously, grasping onto him for dear life as you repeat his name like a mantra.
When your heart rates steady and the fog clears he looks down at you, removing a sweaty lock from your face, “you’re going to be the death of me, you know that baby girl?” You grin up at him, “Yeah but what a way to go huh?” You reply, he huffs out a laugh, “Yeah” he agrees, nuzzling in against your throat, “Let’s get cleaned up yeah?” He asks, “Yeah ok”.
Cuddled up in bed, drifting off in each others arms your heart felt so full. “I love you” you whisper before falling into a dreamless sleep.
The next morning starts in a rather frantic rush, it was amazing to wake up beside the man you love, but you had a lot to get through. You’d managed though to go to the bank, collect your new card, grab breakfast together and pack up your room in just over an hour, leaving you feeling quite accomplished.
Walking out from your now vacant motel room Negan asks “So baby are you driving or am I?” You grin at him teasingly, “Oh you most certainly can drive! I want to relax. I’ve loved every minute of this trip, but it’s been heavy going” you admit. “You’ve got it sweet cheeks, today you can be my passenger princess” he proposes. You giggle at his comment as you enter the car, “So where too baby girl?” He asks, “Well I was heading towards Tucson to see Gemma and her new puppy” you mention, “Ok we will make our way there then, did you want to get it up on the sat nav?” He suggests. “But will you really want to come with me to see her?” You ask nerves settling in.
“Of course I do baby, I want to meet your friends, if you don’t want me to come with you, I can drop you off and collect you later?” He offered, “No I’d like to bring you with me, I guess I just got into my head” you sigh, “Hey sweetheart look at me” he says lifting your chin up to meet his gaze, “I am in this for the long haul baby, I don’t throw I love you around pointlessly, I’ve never loved anyone like I love you beautiful. So that means meeting your friends, your family and we do need to tell your dad.” He explains.
Your face falls at the mention of telling your dad, you would need to tell him, you couldn’t start a life with Negan and not tell your dad, and you knew Negan wouldn’t want to keep anything from him. The thought though terrified you, what if your dad can’t except it? What if he hits Negan?, shouts at you both? Refuses to talk to you? Fear sinks in your gut as you think of all the consequences.
“Hey darlin’ let’s not worry about it right now, but in the next week we need to tell him, yeah it may not go as well as we hope, but I can’t live without you, so we will have to make him see won’t we?” He asks, and he’s right, you cannot live without him either! You want the whole lot with Negan, a home together, marriage, maybe a dog? “Yeah ok your right we do need to tell him, just not today. Let us just live in this bubble another day?” You ask, “Yeah ok sweetheart” he smiles, before putting the car into drive and heading out to the highway.
You’d reached Tucson by 2pm and after giving Gemma a quick call from an hour out, she’d told you she was home and excited to see you. Pulling up outside the address she gave you, your nerves were replaced by excitement of seeing your best friend again. As you got out of the car her front door was thrown open as she bolted out to meet you! “Y/N!!! Oh my god it’s so good to see you!” She gushes throwing her arms around you in a fierce hug, one you returned effortlessly. “I know!! It’s been too long! How are you? And where is this cute puppy I’ve heard so much about?” You ask excitedly.
“Oh he’s inside with Alex!! Gosh, I haven’t seen you since my wedding day home in Virgina! How’s your dad? Oh and your Nan? Are they well? We have so much to catch up on!!!” She rambles out without so much as a breath. You laugh at her antics, “Dad and Nan are both well yeah” you return. She looks up from you then and clocks Negan behind you, “And who is this?” She asks teasingly, grinning like a Cheshire Cat! You step back grabbing his hand and lacing your fingers together, “This is Negan” you answer, recognition flashes on her face, “As in the Negan? Your dads best friend? The one you’ve been in love with for years?” She whispers into your ear, he hears though, laughing at her very loud whisper.
“That would be me, but I’m lucky enough to be her partner now” Negan replies, you smile at him and then back at Gemma “Sooo puppy?” You ask again, Gemma giggles “I swear you’re more excited to meet the dog than see me!!” She laughs, “Well yeah?” You offer smiling.
The afternoon was great, you and Gemma sit on her kitchen floor playing with the puppy, while Alex and Negan talk about guy stuff and you can’t help but smile at how easily he gets on with everyone around him, despite being a couple of decades older than you all. It all feels so effortless, and you can’t help but feel excited for your future together.
Once alone Gemma asks you “So you haven’t told your dad yet?”, “No not yet, it’s only been a couple of days that it’s been official you know? I wanted to live in this happy bubble before my dad bursts it. I know he won’t be happy” you sigh, “Well if you two were this obvious before, then I think he already knows, or is at least waiting for it to happen.” She offers, “What do you mean?” You ask confused. “Y/N, you look at each other like the other hung the moon in the sky, you are obviously very much in love, and that didn’t happen over night. I’m telling you he knows something, your dad isn’t a stupid man. I think he’d be more upset if you kept it from him now it’s happened, than the actual happening of it, if that makes sense babe?” She asks.
“Yeah, it does. I just worry because I can’t loose him you know?” You sigh, “I know and you won’t, you’re an adult remember? He can’t stop you both being together” she offers giving you a playful nudge, you nod at her giving a small smile. You are still worried though about how this will all go. Just then the men walk back into the room breaking your train of thought, “You’ll both stay for dinner yeah?” Alex offers, “Yeah that would be lovely thank you” you smile.
The journey to the motel that night was quiet, you were deep in thought and Negan didn’t want to pry and make you uncomfortable, he ran a gentle, comforting hand over your thigh. “We need to tell him” you blurt out, “My dad I mean, we need to tell him, Gemma is right, he’d be more upset about us not telling him than anything else” you offer, he gives a deep sigh glancing at you “Yeah I think she’s right too, when did you want to do it baby?” He asks.
“Tonight” you declare, “The longer we leave it the worse it will be” you decide. “Ok baby girl.” He agrees. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t shitting it, but it needed to happen, he couldn’t have a life with you in secret.
It’s been an hour now, an hour you’ve been sat in the motel room. Well Negan is sat, watching you from his spot on the bed, as you pace back and forth the room clutching your phone. “Sweetheart, just call him it will be ok, I’m right here.” He comforts, grasping your hand as you try and pace past him again.
“Ok ok” you give a deep sigh before calling your dads cell phone. “Hey kiddo! It’s been a couple of days, everything ok?” You dad asks, “Yeah dad I’m fine, actually I’m really good. I’m in Tucson I’ve just got back from seeing Gemma” you mention, “Oh that’s great honey, how is she it’s been a year since her wedding!” Your dad answers, “Yeah she’s good, her and Alex have a new puppy, he’s super cute” you say, “Aww that’s good, you spent the day playing with him then?” He asks, “Yeah that, and just catching up you know?” You reply, “Yes I know well how you two get when you are catching up” he laughs.
“So I have something I need to tell you” you say biting your nails nervously, “Ok kiddo? You ok?” He asks, “Yeah like I said I’m really good ummm, Negan’s here with me” you say, “Negan is with you? What as in right now?” Your dad asks and you can hear the confusion in his voice, “Yeah as in right now, here in my motel room with me” you say nervously, “Hey Mike” Negan speaks up, confirming he was in fact with you.
“Negan’s with you in Tucson? In your motel room with you? Why is he there with you? How is he there, he was here just a couple of days ago.” Your dad asks his voice becoming more frustrated while he tries to put together what is going on. “Yeah he flew out to me a couple of nights ago dad” you respond, you know you are beating around the bush, buying time but the anxiety is overfilling now.
“Put him on the phone Y/N!” Your dad demands, “I don’t know if that’s a good idea dad, just talk to me” you deflect, but Negan hands out his hand for your phone, reluctantly you hand it over to him. “Hey Mike it’s me” Negan answers, “Do you want to tell me why you are in a motel room in Arizona with my daughter Negan, because I am really struggling to understand this.” Your dad asks angrily, “Well it’s a long story, but in short she admitted her feelings to me so I flew to her to tell her I felt the same way” Negan answered, trying to keep as calm as possible.
“Feelings? What feelings Negan?” He was definitely confused, his mind not quite catching up with everything, or wanting to ignore what he already knows. “I love your daughter Mike, I have for a very long time, and I think deep down you’ve known this a while too” Negan replies, “Well I knew you two were close, and I had suspicions, but I never really put much thought into it. She’s young enough to be your daughter Negan!” Your dad shouts, “I know that, I know the age gap isn’t ideal Mike but I love your daughter very much. This isn’t some fling I want to assure you of that, I’ve never felt this way before. I want a life with your daughter, a home together, the whole nine yards.” Negan explains calmly hoping to make your dad understand.
“I’m going to need some time to come to terms with this….. I need to go” beeep, the phone line goes dead and you look down at Negan worriedly. “Come here baby girl, it’s going to be ok, he’ll come around” he says pulling you into his arms. “He just needs some time, we did the right thing not keeping it from him” he continues, kissing the side of your head.
Later that night while Negan is softly snoring behind you, you lay awake worrying. Your phone buzzing tears you from your thoughts, it’s a message from your dad.
Hey kiddo
I have to know how long has this been going on really? Xx
Hey dad
We were being honest, it’s been just over 24 hours, we couldn’t keep it from you. Although we hid our feelings from each other for years this is very new. I love him too though Daddy, I can’t live without him now, and you know he’s a good man, he won’t hurt me. I don’t expect you to understand it, I just hope you can come to except it.
Hey kiddo
Thank you for telling me from the start, I’m glad you don’t ever keep things from me. And I can appreciate how hard that was to do, I need some time ok? But I love you that will never change ok? Xx
Ok dad, love you too xx
You both spent another two weeks travelling, you saw the Grand Canyon and it literally blew you away, but that niggling feeling in your heart kept twinging “We need to head home Negan, I need to see him and fix this, I haven’t heard from him in weeks” you say, “Ok sweetheart, let’s go home” he agreed, he hated seeing you so churned up.
Arriving back in Connecticut felt weird, seeing the familiar streets pass by in a blur, as you head to your home street. Pulling up in your drive you notice your dads truck is there, signalling he was home. Negan gives your leg a gentle squeeze “Come on baby, let’s sort this out yeah?” He asks, “Yeah” you sigh exiting the car.
Entering your house you take in its familiarity, you let that in itself comfort you. Taking Negan’s hand in yours you make your way through to the kitchen, you notice your dad in the garden mowing the lawn, no wonder he hasn’t come greet you.
You tap loudly on the window causing him to snap his head up, emotion filling his features when he sees it’s you. He kicks off the mower and rushes inside, you let go of Negan’s hand and throw your arms around your dad. “What are you doing home kiddo? Not that I’m not happy to have you home! It’s just your not due back for months” he asks, “I couldn’t be away with everything up in the air dad, I had to come home and see you.” You admit.
Your dad looks over your shoulder at Negan and then back at you before giving you a small nod, “Yeah ok let’s sort this” he sighs motioning for everyone to head into your living room.
“So I’ve had some time to think it through, and I guess I did always notice something between you both. I guess I just hoped I was wrong” your dad starts, his confession causing Negan to wince, “But you are both my favourite people on this god forsaken Earth, and I do want you to both be happy. So I will except it, but I can’t say I understand it” he offers.
You go to speak but your dad cuts you off “I also know that you won’t listen to anything I say y/n so there’s no point going there. It’s not like I can stop two adults from being together. But if you ever hurt her Negan I swear to god” he threatens, “Absolutely man, I’d expect no less” Negan agrees. “Ok then, come here kiddo” he offers pulling you into another hug. Then he turns to Negan shakes his hand and gives him an awkward side hug, “I’m trusting you ok buddy, with the most important thing in my life, you understand that?” Your dad asks, “Yeah I know, I can promise you I will love and cherish her for every day I have left” Negan affirms.
Your dad gives him a nod, “Ok then guys it’s Friday night, so pizza and a board game?” Your dad offers, “Sounds perfect dad” you smile, snuggling into Negan on the sofa,
Just like that everything was right again, you were home with your boys eating pizza and fighting over monopoly, everything was as it should be.
@lanadelnegan @lunajay33 @akah565
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marieshyperf1xations · 2 months
Oh wow, I had this idea in, like, April this year and it's been sitting in my drafts ever since. I figured the crossover between former One Direction fans to now F1 fangirls is so big, that I might as well share my thoughts on which 1D song I associate with each driver, with a little explanation. So here we go
F1 x 1D - Drivers as 1D songs
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Max - Drag Me Down ("All these lights, they can't blind me // With your love, Nobody can drag me down -> he's basically been unbeatable the past few years and the love between him and his orange army is something else)
Checo - What A Feeling (“What a feeling to be a king beside you, somehow” -> next to Max kings of the top team) I made this post a while ago, so apologies for it not aging too well
Charles - You And I ("no nothing can come between you and I // not even the gods above can separate the two of us" -> his love for Ferrari) and Stockholm Syndrome (he gets two because goddamnit the relationship that boy has with his team is a tale of two hearts)
Carlos - Tell Me A Lie ("If he's the reason that you're leaving me tonight // Spare me what you think and tell me a lie" -> the entire painful divorce between him and Ferrari and them basically ditching him for Lewis, need I say more?)
Lando - Midnight Memories ("Now I'm at zhr age when I know what I need" -> it really feels like he's in the best place in his career (in and outside of the car) so far. Also DJ Lando anyone?)
Oscar - Ready To Run ("This time I'm ready to run // Escape from the city and follow the sun" -> he ran away from Alpine and towards his place in the sunshine at McLaren)
Fernando - Act My Age (this connection inspired this entire post, do I need to give any more context?)
Lance - I Want (sorry for the dig, but c'mon)
George - Diana (both are painfully English)
Lewis - Never Enough (the man has 7 WDCs, is 39 years old, still going, just signed with Ferrari for at least a few more years and keeps breaking his own records of which he has a shit ton, no more notes)
Daniel - Night Changes (all the teams he's been with over the years and the rollercoaster of results he's had)
Valtteri - Walking in the Wind (“We had some good times didn’t we?” -> his time as teammates with Lewis back in the days)
Zhou - Once in a Lifetime ("Once in a lifetime, it's just right [...] // Not even a landslide or riptide // Could take it all away" -> his moment as the first Chinese driver to race at his home race, no one can take that away from him no matter what)
Pierre - Spaces ("Who's gonna be the first to say goodbye?" -> leaving Yuki behind at AlphaTauri; yeah I kinda broke my own heart with that)
Yuki - Half a Heart (the Yukierre breakup again)
Esteban - Love You Goodbye (“It's inevitable, everything that's good comes to an end // It's impossible to know if after this we can still be friends, yeah”) -> the falling out with Pierre
Kevin - No Control (because at times this season it felt like Haas just let him loose on the track and he was a bit of an uncontrollable missile)
Nico - One Thing (his thing being a podium, finally)
Alex - End Of The Day (“All I know at the end of the day is you want what you want and you say what you say // And you follow your heart even though it’ll break sometimes”) -> he wants his seat in F1, he got heartbroken when he was dropped by Red Bull etc.
Logan - I Would (Galex and Landoscar, he's basically caught between two considerably popular ships)
Also shoutout to @blueberry-obsessed for encouraging me to actually post this, ilyyyy 🫶
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smoshyourheadin · 3 months
reader and spencer meet in college and can we get a college!spencer i’d imagine he’s so sweet and cute and nerdy goofy 🤭
college spencer agnew headcannons
a/n: may i just say u guys EAT with ur requests?? ugh i love y’all!!! baby spencer my beloved!!! also i made these hcs applicable to friend or boyfriend spencer so interpret it however u want <33!
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-takes a film production course
- ur on the same course (NERD!!)
- ur professor asks you guys to hold a study group together as part of ur grade and thats how you bonded
- u make cookies and when u give him one he almost cries bc he feels so loved by u!!
- will bring his switch to lectures so u guys can play mariokart
- he runs a indie music and film society
- i feel like he volunteers as a tutor for underclassmen bc he loves sharing his passions w ppl
- i can 100% imagine you guys bumping into eachother in the halls rom-com style where ur papers fall on the floor and he helps u pick them up
- he sometimes sits alone in the cafeteria, so when u sit with him it makes him feel so happy :,)
- u guys both do a random film elective and your live talking to him about movies bc he just understands ur views on movies!!
- he deffo loves studying w u bc u motivate him to be his best self!!
- brings u redbulls
- if he lives in the dorm room next to the yours, so he brings u food he orders
- sometimes if u go to his dorm you’ll walk in on him absolutely KILLING some just dance, like fully breakdancing
- so you drag him to a bar and you guys TEAR UP the dancefloor
- if u work on campus he always comes to visit u with stickers that say ‘good job!’ or ‘you smashed it!’ bc he appricates what you do but is js so unserious ab it LMAOOO
- if u sleep in his dorm room you guys stay up talking together and listening to his cd player he brought from home
- 100% in a d&d club
- you guys have a bookstore on campus that you go to and you spend hours making him carry ur books
- if theres any bars around school he signs up for open night and makes you watch him (tntl stand up ily)
- on the rare occasion he goes to a football game he brings facepaint in your school colours so he can draw dicks on all his friends faces
- actually really smart
- at graduation you’re sat next to eachother, so you make matching grad caps that say ‘i’m with stupid’ and you have the arrows that point to eachother
- lets u wear his scool merch bc its oversized on u and ur like ‘no spencie pleeeease let me have this sweater!!’ and he cant say no bc otherwise you’d stop giving him cookies
- had a lizard for a year or so before releasing it bc he felt bad about it being in his dorm all the time
- honestly makes school survivable for u (king!!)
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chishiyaisasnack · 1 year
So I got this idea from an ask I saw somewhere and now I’ve written this. I might have plans for a part two, we’ll see. I’m writing and posting on mobile so I’m sorry if there’s wierd formatting.
Disclaimer! This is very nsfw. Contains smut and smut only. Don’t read if you are underaged. Also, this is not real life. Use a condom and protect yourself.
Part 2
”Have you heard of cockwarming?”
Your sudden question made Chishiya choke on an inhale as he opened the door to his room for you.
”You can’t just knock on my door and say..” He cleared his throat with a cough that might have been a bit more dramatic than he intended to ”… that.”
”Well, have you?”
”Good, because I have a new dare.” You stepped through the door frame and grabbed him by the wrist to pull him along with you.
It had been quite a while since the two of you started to be in this wierd, competetive friends with benefits relationship, except no friends and only benefits. It all started out of hornyness and boredom and Chishiya took on the challenges just to spite you, even though he was just as bad at winning as you were. After a month of these games the awkwardness of figuring out the situation had stopped and now you could look up the other person purely out of lust. It didn’t really have to be a challenge behind it anymore, every reason to fuck was a good one. But you both loved a challenge so when one of you came up with one a no wasn’t on the table. Unless a yes meant that you’d lose.
You dragged him to the couch that sat in one corner of the small hotel room containing a bed, a couch and a shower that was now considered his. It was always neat and tidy. It barely looked like anyone lived there. The only sign of life was an occasional pair of shoes by the door. Once you reached the couch you pushed him down so that he was now sitting while you stayed standing in front of him, enjoying the opportunity to look down on him for once. His blonde hair framed his face which was glowing in the light coming from the window that covered most of the wall, and plastered with that infuriating ’I’ve already won this’-smirk that was all over it. As usual.
”And the dare is?” He cocked an eyebrow and waited for you to reveal this new grand scheme of yours. It was faily simple actually. You were quite proud of this idea.
You made your way on top of him, one leg on either side of his lap. His hands landed on your ass and he moved you so that you were sitting right on top of his crotch, right where he wanted you. This time it was your turn to give him a smirk when you leaned in over him, making sure that your chest, only covered by your bikini top, pressed firmly against his and your mouth barely grazing the side of his face.
”Your cock deep inside me. The first one to move lose.” It came out as only a whisper against his ear but it was enough to make his fingers dig into your thighs. You had him hooked. Just as you expected. This was the perfect challenge for him, the king of self control. Which meant that it was the perfect challenge for you to win so you could rub it in his stupid face whenever he deserved it in the future.
”You know that there’s no chance of you winning this, right?” Chishiya sounded like he had won already and you couldn’t wait to make him suffer.
”Oh, you might be suprised.”
”Any time limit?”
”My visa ends in three days so we’ve got time.”
”I guess we better get started then.”
You smiled against his ear and leaned back just enough to look down at his throat and shoulders. Maybe to sneak a glance at his face when he was busy looking elsewhere. Maybe.
He went straight to work, just like he said. His hand left your thigh and found it’s way to let a finger slide along the seams of your bikini before pulling them to the side. The cool air made you shiver and it didn’t go unnoticed.
”So eager already?” He whispered with that stupid grin of his that you wanted to smack right off his face. Or kiss away, you weren’t so sure these days. ”Do you still think you can win this or have you come back to reality yet?”
You felt him move under you while pulling his shorts down. He didn’t miss the opportunity to press his leg up into your center to earn a displeased grunt that was actually just covering up the moan that you forced quiet.
With some small manouvering it didn’t take long before he was buried inside you. He fit perfectly, warm and hard against your walls. You sighed, leaned back in against him and placed your head on his shoulder, letting his hair fall over your face.
”And now what?” He was impatient. You could hear it on his voice even though he was trying to hide it.
”Now we wait for you to lose.”
”You have high hopes for yourself y/n.”
”And you think that you have a magic dick if you think that just having it inside me is going to drive me crazy.”
”I can feel you twitching already.” He pointed it out by dragging a finger down your inner thigh. You retaliated by clenching around him, making him the one to twitch.
”Maybe my body is just trying to evict you.”
”Evict me?”
”You know what I mean.” You rolled your eyes even though he couldn’t see it. He knew you well enough by now to know that you did though, so you earned a small laugh as a response.
”Mhmm. Sure. You’re a lousy landlord.” He placed a soft kiss on your shoulder.
”Maybe you’re just a lousy tenant.”
Even though the stupidity of the situation you felt very at ease. Sitting on Chishiyas lap with your face buried in his hair and your hands resting on his shoulders was very comforting. He was holding you, rubbing your back and moving his lips wherever he could reach. It was almost sweet, if you didn’t know better. There was only one problem - him being inside you and none of you moving. Every breath he took made his lower stomach move ever so slightly against your clit and your thoughts were split between thinking about every unsexy thing you could come up with and pressing down harder on him to get some relief. You could feel his heart beat faster by the minute. The only indication that this was affecting him too.
”Hey, I have a question.” You whispered while you took a strand of his hair between your fingers and started to twirl it around.
”Do you want to give up?”
”No, and that is not a question.”
”Fair enough.”
”What does it feel like being inside someone, being inside me?”
You were genuine with your question, not trying to tease him. You were curious what it would feel like for someone with a dick and for some reason this felt like the right time to ask. An intimate question for an intimate moment. He wasn’t expecting that so it took a moment for him to figure out what to answer instead of just being sarcastic.
”Hmm… It’s warm. Soft. Wet.” He murmured as he moved his lips over your shoulder, barely touching you. ”It’s like you’re shaped after me. Hugging me like you don’t want to let me go.” He was kind of right, you didn’t want him to go.
”And when you are moving?” You punctuated your question by moving one of your fingers back and forth on his chest.
”All that. But every time I push into you I get to feel it all over again. It feels incredible. And the better you feel the tighter you clench around me. Sometimes it feels like you’re going to snap my dick in half.” You felt him twitch inside you again, which drew out a long sigh from you. You knew very well how good it felt at those moments. ”But then, right when you come, it turns into this soft pulsing around me. You get so wet. It feels incredible.”
”It sounds nice.”
”It is.”
”Much nicer than just having a dick inside you.”
”You know how to ruin a moment, don’t you?”
You smiled into the crook of his neck before placing a small kiss there.
”You feel good too. You’re warm. Somehow soft even though you’re hard. You feel so much better than the toys I have back home. They’re cold and hard and need to be bent into shapes and vibrating to get me off. I don’t need any of that with you.”
”Good to know that I feel better than plastic.”
”If you’re not nice I’ll go back to the plastic, so watch it.” Your threats meant nothing and you knew it.
”I’d be up for watching that actually.”
”I bet you would.”
”How long are we doing this for again?” Chishiya asked while he stretched his arms and wiggled his toes. You didn’t know how long you’d been sitting there like this. Too long. It was getting more maddening by the minute and you were silently begging that he would slip up and move. Even by accident. Would poking him in the waist be considered cheating? You were already aching with need and considering that he was still hard inside you he was just as turned on as you. How did people do this on a regular basis? You were impressed.
”I told you, I have three days.”
”You’ll die from dehydration before that.” he scoffed.
”So will you.”
You felt his hand move from your ass where it had been resting for a while now, down to your leg, swiping over your skin on your inner thigh, then let his thumb slid across where the two of you were connected. You couldn’t help but to let out a whimper.
”You’re so wet.” Chishiya lowered his voice when he said that. He sounded like he wanted to eat you alive. ”I can feel it running down my legs. You won’t last a day.”
You hated to admit it but you really were that wet. The feeling of him filling you up, the warmth of his body enveloping you and that husky voice he put on just for you were making your head spin. But you couldn’t lose, you couldn’t give him the satisfaction. There has to be something you could do to get some relief. And possible torture him a bit at the same time. And then it was like a lightbulb went on inside your head. How stupid were you to not have thought about this before?
”I just remembered something.” You said proudly. This was going to be fun.
”And what is that?” Calm and collected. You were definetely going to break him.
”I don’t need to move to come.”
You moved you upper body back so that you were looking at him again. His face was flushed, eyes deep and his lips parted slightly. Fuck, he looked good.
You let your hands wander from his shoulders down to the part of his chest that was exposed under his hoodie. You could feel his breath becoming faster under your touch and when you dragged the zipper down you could see goosebumps starting to form on his stomach. He was just as on edge as you were and you were loving it. Once the zipper was down you reached in to taste him. Starting on his collarbone, kissing, licking and biting your way from one side to the other. You let your hands explore his stomach. One thumb running across his happy trail while the other hand caressed the side of his waist and ribs. And even though you were aching for him you made sure that you didn’t move your hips an inch. You were winning this, wether you wanted to or not. What you did want was for him to flip you over and fuck you senseless. But that would have to wait.
”What was that about coming?” he asked breathlessly when you moved from one collarbone to the other.
”Ah, that. Watch this.”
You stopped your kissing spree on his chest and looked at him again. His stare was as intense as always, but there was some curiosity behind it. He was amused. Horny, curious and amused. A good combination. You let one of your hands travel down his body, all the way down until your fingers landed on your clit. And of course you were going to make a show out of it. As you moved your finger over it the first time you made sure to look him deep into his eyes, quietly moan and clench around him. The groan he let out was unlike anything you’ve heard from him before. It went straight to your core and lit your insides on fire.
”Fuck.” It was barely audible but you heard it leave his lips and you couldn’t help but to whine in response. He sounded so good. He barely ever made a sound but now that you knew how good he could sound, you had to do all you could to hear that from him again.
”That’s cheating y/n.” he almost choked on his words when you reacted to another press of your fingers.
”I’m not moving, am I? That was the only rule. That’s not cheating, that’s being smart.” Chishiya quietly groaned, displeased with the fact that he couldn’t argue with that logic.
You kept going, your fingers dancing over yourself and all your focus was on sitting still. It didn’t take long until your face was back in the crook of his neck, moans spilling out of your mouth and your body tightening around him. He was panting, leaning his head back to rest on the back of the couch and you could feel his thighs trembling underneath you. He was struggling. Your orgasm rushed through you, from the tip of your toes and out to your fingers, far too fast for you to really enjoy it but still much better than nothing at all. Somewhere in the midst of it you heard Chishiya swear again but it was drowned out by the sound of your own heartbeat. It was over before you knew it. And even though you got some release you were still far from satisfied.
”That’s unfair.” Chishiya sounded like he had just finished a marathon. His hands were grabbing onto your legs again, fingers digging into your flesh like you would lift off of him if he let go. Oh, you were definitely winning this.
”You’re welcome to come too, you know. Some people can come untouched, have you tried it? Or you can just give up and fuck me. I won’t mind.”
”You just came and you’re already asking me to fuck you?” His breathing had slowed down again and the grip of his hands were softening. Damn it.
”I’m not asking, I’m offering.”
”How nice of you.”
”I am nice, unlike you.”
Once your breathing was steady again you went back to letting your lips explore him. From his shoulders, along his throat, his jaw and right to the corner of his mouth before stopping. His lips were so close. They looked so soft. The corners were always turned upwards even when he wasn’t smiling and a small beauty mark was placed right beneath his lower lip. You wanted to taste it.
”Chishiya?” You kept your face close to his, and he let you. You could feel the warmth radiating from him and onto your face. You wanted to touch it. Let your fingers slide over his lower lip, watch him relax under them and then…
”Why haven’t we kissed yet?” Because neither of you ever felt the need to do it. You knew the answer. But for some reason you didn’t like it.
”We haven’t had enough time for it.” He answered honestly and way to calm for your liking. ”My mouth is usually busy in other places anyway.” His smirk was back. Cocky bastard.
Your eyes never left his mouth but you could feel the intensity from his stare burning your already heated skin. You were almost afraid of looking up, afraid that you would get lost in that stare and feel things you didn’t want to feel.
”And you never stop talking, so there’s that too. I can’t get your mouth to stop moving long enough to catch it.” Well those things that you didn’t want to feel just flew out of the window.
”You really are an asshole, you know…” The smirk still hadn’t left his lips, but one of his hands were back to caressing your back so you knew that he didn’t take any offence. Then again, when did he ever? And when had you ever cared if he did?
Your thumb had ended up on his jawbone. You couldn’t remember moving it there. Yet the faint traces of his beard felt so nice against it. You wondered what it would feel like if he forgot to shave.
”You keep telling me that.” he whispered against your lips that somehow had ended up so close to his that there were barely any room between them. Fuck this, you could regret your choices tomorrow.
You leaned in, slowly to give him a chance to back away if he wanted to. Instead of doing that he put one hand in your hair and parted his lips. They were soft. Softer than you imagined. And damn did they feel good. Soft and warm moving against your own. You forgot to breathe for a moment, the intensity of it all was taking away all ability to focus on anything other than the feather soft touches against you. Every time you leaned in for another kiss you were met with the same desperation you were trying so hard to control. Your hands were all over him, just as his were on you. Your tounge was met with his, lips pulling at eachother, breaths warming up eachothers faces. You couldn’t get enough. You leaned into him, let him mold you, pressed yourself as close as you could and oh. Oh no.
In the midst of it you’d completely forgotten that he was in fact still inside you and you had insitinctively grinded your hips against him. You had moved. Fuck.
You slowly leaned back from his face just to be met with a smile bigger than any he’d ever given you before. God damnit, you were never going to hear the end of this.
”I told you that you would lose. I didn’t expect it to happen like that though.”
You didn’t even know how to respond. Annoyance with yourself for being so easily distracted washed over you but after a second of that you decided that, no, you weren’t going to give him any chance to gloat. So you did what you knew would shut him up. Before he had a chance to stop you, you started to ride him with urgency. You dragged your body up from his, creating the friction inside you that you needed so badly. Your hips moved by themselves, up and back down again, and you quickly found a rhytm that made everything around you disappear. All you felt was the delicious moving of his cock inside of you. This was what you needed.
You expected to hear some kind of protest from him, him mocking you or trying to tease you into being a sore loser. But he must have had it too because not only did he actually shut up for once, he started to fuck up into you with the same urgency as you had.
You fell forward onto him with his first thrust and then let him take over. His hands were gripping your waist so tight that you couldn’t move even if you wanted to. His pants against your neck sent shivers straight through you and every time he hit that right spot you couldn’t help but to beg him for more.
Your moans were filling the space between his groans and small sounds, and the slapping of skin from when your bodies connected sounded filthier than ever. There was nothing more there than the two of you chasing your highs together. Mouths searching for eachother, hands grasping and clawing on the others skin, his cock reaching as deep inside you as it could just to leave you and do it all again. Somewhere in the midst of it one of his fingers found your clit and it didn’t take long for you to finally fall over the edge, taking him with you. You saw white as your orgasm tore through you and you weren’t sure if you imagined it but you swore that you could hear Chishiya moan into your neck as he came inside you. You sure could feel him though, pressing into you like he wanted to stay forever. Like he couldn’t get deep enough no matter how hard he tried. Every press from him drew out another wave from you and you kept dragging out everything you could from eachother before eventually collapsing onto one another, gasping for air. Your whole body felt like jelly. Like all your muscles decided to leave your body all at once. You let it melt and draped yourself over him. And as lovely as always, instead of letting you cling on him, Chishiya pushed you down onto the couch while he himself stayed right where he was, lifting your trapped leg over his and putting a blanket over both of your midsections. How romantic.
For a while you both just stayed like that. Catching your breaths. Chishiyas fingers drew circles on your shin while he absent mindedly stared up into the ceiling. The sun had started to set and it left a soft glow over his face which made his eyelashes sparkle whenever he blinked. He was pretty. Not that you’d ever admit it to him.
”You have pretty good ideas, you know.” He closed his eyes completely and moved around a bit under your legs to get more comfortable.
”Wanna hear my next one? You not talking.” you muttered, pretending to be sulking. You wiggled your toes and pulled the blanket up a bit further over yourself. Chishiya didn’t answer but the corners of his lips curled a bit upwards. It would barely be noticable to others but you saw it as clear as day. You let the minutes pass by in silence, the only noise coming from outside where another pool party was going on. You wished you could find a pair of those noise cancelling head phones. Maybe there was a store nearby. You should go look tomorrow.
”So about those toys.”
Your thoughts were disturbed and you looked up at Chishiya who was happily glaring down at you with that infuriating smirk back on his face. You had made your mind up - you definetely wanted to slap it off, not kiss it. Jerk.
”If you plan on making one yourself I won’t let you come near me again. You’ll electrocute me. Vibrations are good, pure electricity is not, thank you very much.” You furrowed your brows just imagining it.
”You’re giving me ideas y/n.”
Wierdo. But of course you caved in.
”Find a toy, not one you made yourself, and I might use it. Might. There’s no promise there.” You sighed, displeased with how easy you were to talk into these things.
”Who said you’d be the one using it on yourself?”
”Do you even know how to use them?”
”I’m sure I’ll manage. Like you said before, it’s just a vibrating piece of plastic. How hard can it be?” You didn’t even have time to look up at him before rolling your eyes.
”You make it sound so sexy.”
”Does it matter, as long as it feels good?”
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
42. "Touch me again, and I'm pushing you off the bed." With Rooster pleasee (to be honest.. would it be actually a problem?)😂
A/N: this is a bit of a dumpster fire. Every save has failed, so here you have it. I hope you enjoy it. okay, pal, I am going to raise you two tropes:
42. "Touch me again, and I'm pushing you off the bed."
There was only one bed and
Enemies to... something. Not lovers, but something.
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"Because of you... let me rattle this off because this is entirely your fault and I don’t want to miss anything, okay? Because of you, we; one - left late. Nearly two hours to remind you. Two - got the last bedroom. With one goddamn bed!”
Rooster Bradley was wild. And not in that cute, gee, he looks like a fun, cool guy way, but close to a rage blackout. Like he was so ticked off, the ridges of his ears were blushing pink as the rage seared from his strong, broad chest towards his thick neck, adrenaline coursing through his veins. His hands flexed as he tried to control his emotions that were just so out of check. No breathing techniques could save him now.
“I am not staying in here with you,” he seethed. You, on the other hand? Music to your ears! The trip to Tahoe was pure frigging torture, and you were still not sure how you were so unlucky to have to make the ten-hour drive with one of the people you actually despised and you both made it out alive.
The daily issue you had with each other in the air too.
"No sweat," you grinned, thrilled with this development. “Enjoy sleeping anywhere but here, pal,” you pat his muscular pecs and took a step into the room before slammed the door in his face joyously.
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Later that night at the dinner table, you could feel Rooster burning a hole into the side of your head, still roasting from your earlier disagreement. Disagreements? Yeah, definitely plural. Not stopping your conversation with Bob, you relinquished your glass of red and said, “Hey Rooster, here’s another bird for you,” you gave him the one-finger salute. "Get over yourself."
The table was silent. You could hear a pin drop.
“More wine please, Mickey?” you asked, utterly refusing to give Rooster Bradshaw another moment of your time. Last you’d heard, he’d committed to either sleeping in his ridiculous car or on the couch. Fine by you, the King size bed was just perfect for little you.
"God, you're so goddamn petulant, I don't know how you managed to get through the ranks... or killed yourself. It's one of the two if I'm really honest."
"Sheer talent, agility and knowing it pisses you off," you raffled off and turned to face him, planting your chin in your palm and batting your eyelashes in his direction. "Gives me all the ammo I need."
"You're such a fuckin' liability," he scoffed, rolling his eyes.
"Jesus, this escalated," Bob muttered to no one in particular.
"Shouldn't have let them drive together," Natasha sighed, putting her head in her hands.
"You know, Hangman, you are right," you said, ignoring your friends and looking at Jake as his eyes bulged.
"How am I getting dragged into this, sweet thing? I mean, I'm always right, but..." he asked, not really wanting to get in the middle of your and his wingman's quarrel. Especially since he was enjoying it so much. He preferred being a spectator in this bout.
"Like you told me on day one... Rooster's just sitting there on his perch and I do all the heavy lifting and saving his ass. Younger, faster, better - " you rattled off.
"Oh, you're so fuckin' outta line - " Rooster roared, standing as you grinned up at him.
"hey, hey, hey," Fanboy's chair screeched as he put a hand on Rooster's chest to remind him of his place.
"Tell me all about it, Bradshaw. Just get it out there and make your peace with the fact you don't like me and have gone out of your day since the beginning to try and stop each and every one of my promotions," you rested your chin in your hand and added a sweet bat of your lashes for good luck. You could see the smoke puff from his ears.
"I don't want to look but I can't look away," Coyote tried to bite back his grin but this had been bubbling under the surface for years. And he was going to witness it explode.
“This has to stop, guys,” Bob tried again.
"Peacemakin' ain't gonna work this time, Baby on Board. It's about time you let these two at it," Hangman sipped his beer but there was no denying that smirk that threatened.
“Look, I can swap with Rooster and bunk,” Natasha sighed, always the peacemaker. “I got a room to myself. You two cannot stay together tonight... or ever.”
A cause for a fight in itself, you dared ask, “How’d you keep that to yourself?”
She shrugged. “Frankly, just wanted to see how long it would be before one of you killed the other. It's clearly much closer than I thought,” she sipped her wine, whetting her lips. “I’ll stay with you," she tenderly pet your face, and felt the heat radiating under your skin. You were riotous and she could feel the fever of whatever it was that Rooster under your skin today. She gave you kudos, how you managed to stay to cool while Rooster erupted was commendable. But Natasha knew things about you the team didn't and that included what was hidden behind the ego.
“Think you can keep your hands to yourself?” you teased.
“I think I can hold it together,” she said as you both laughed.
“Just like the old days.”
You toasted each other.
“You’re off the hook, Bradshaw,” Natasha muttered, not bothering to look at him. “But we get the King.”
Rooster’s face lit up. “Phoenix, you’re on a one-way ticket to heaven.”
"I don't know why you guys just don't put up or front up," Hangman joined the party. "Could cut the sexual tension with a knife, if you ask me."
"No one asked you, Bagman," you and Rooster hissed loudly and Hangman actually shrunk in his chair. It didn't stop the smirks from the others at the table, trying to hide their mirth and Hangman knew... he wasn't on his own of this belief.
"I'm just sayin'," he tried as Coyote nodded beside him. Coyote wholeheartedly agreed. Put that sheer frustration with each other to good use: fly with it, fight with it, fuck with it. Two out of three ain't bad. But it could certainly be better.
"Knock it off, Jake..." Natasha told him. But she found it hard to argue with him. He was right, something had to give between you and for the sake of the team, a truce or ceasefire needed to be called somehow, someway. And it needed to be soon. She couldn't trust you to be on your best behaviour for Payback's wedding tomorrow and God knew she didn't want to have to send either of you to the naughty corner for not keeping your emotions in check with the other.
"And on that note," you pushed back your chair. "Goodnight," you said, standing and leaving before anyone could make an excuse to get you to stay.
"Jesus Christ Jake... could you just keep your trap closed this one time?" Mickey mumbled as you wandered away and you heard Jake laugh.
"Yep, it's just me that can't see right through them... ain't it, right Bradshaw?" Jake taunted his wingman. "Just put that frustration to use, brother."
"You know, Jake, you will never have to worry about me punching you in the fucking face, because I won't have to do it. They will," Rooster rolled his eyes and kept sipping his wine.
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"You're gonna kill me," Natasha said a few hours later. "I think I had one glass of wine too many," she said, sitting on her bed, drifting a little. She was woozy, her tummy didn't feel great.
"You okay?" you sat up from your spot on the bed, watching her a little concerned. You grabbed her shoulder and tried to stop her from wobbling but she was pretty off-kilter.
"I don't feel so great," she admitted. "I think I'm a little nauseous."
"Oh, no. Can I get you something? Some water?" you started to get out of bed to help.
"No, I'm just going to freshen up in the en suite for a while. Cool water might help. A shower of something," she said, idly on her legs as she stumbled into the bathroom and closed the door after her. Settling back, you had never heard the sound of anyone being ill the way Natasha currently was.
"Oh, shit," you said, bouncing from the bed and going to the door to open it, but she'd locked it. "Natasha, can I come in?"
"No, don't come in here - " she said before interrupting herself to be sick again.
"Oh, wow," you said quietly to yourself. Okay, the helper in your kicked into gear, leaving Pheonix for the moment to go retrieve a bucket, some towels and anything else that might make her feel a bit better... or at least fend off the hangover for tomorrow.
Rooster was on the couch with Bob when they noticed you going through unfamiliar cupbarods.
"Whatcha need?" Bob asked.
"Your frontseater is vomiting all over a different kind of seat..." you muttered.
"Oh, no," Bob sighed. "Can I help you?"
"No, she's locked herself in the bathroom. She's pretty unwell," you continued searching. "Would anyone have packed any Pepto... or something to try and settle her stomach?"
Rooster groaned standing. "I've got a first aid kit in my car. Let me get it."
You bet if roles were reversed, and Natasha was looking for help for you, Rooster would not be volunteering and quietly thanked him anyway. He didn't bother to reply but came back a few minutes later with a small kit and told you to use whatever you need. "Thanks, Rooster," you said meekly. He nodded as he watched you disappear again.
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This was not how the night was supposed to go. You were supposed to be up and gossiping with Natasha, not helping her shower her sick out of her hair and tossing her in your bed because she needed to be close to the room with the ensuite. Everyone had shuffled but it still left you in a pickle.
Well, not just you.
You and Rooster, who could swear he was seconds away from actually sleeping in his car. The threat was real.
“Just stay on your side for god’s sake,” you instructed, rolling to face the door.
“This may be the worst thing that has ever happened in the history of time,” Rooster muttered and you flipped back to him, aghast. “Aside from other stuff in my life that has been tragic…” he clarified, embarrassed.
“You’re a terrible person.”
“Just go to sleep,” he rolled his eyes and turned over himself. Within minutes he was snoring soundly. You picked up your pillow and without a doubt, lifted it over his face ready to just end this madness before thrusting it over your face instead and falling back against the bed.
He slept while you stared at the roof, finally giving in and putting your earphones in your ear to try and drone Rooster out. You were going to be a fright tomorrow. You knew you weren't going to sleep tonight.
Rooster was blissfully comfortable sleeping on his back but rolled just enough so that he was on your pillow and legs pressing against yours.
“You’re infuriating,” you tutted. “This bed is too small for both of us."
Sighing, Rooster was woken. "Jesus Christ, what time is it?"
"Dunno, you've been snoring for an hour or something."
“Well, if Phoenix wasn’t vomiting all over our old room with the ensuite, you would be in there together with all the space in the room and I’d be sleeping in here peacefully.”
“Touch me again and I’m pushing you off the bed.”
He snorted. “I’d surely like to see you try. Go to sleep, you fucking brat."
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You heard the muttering before you could feel the tossing and turning. Rolling over and preparing yourself to let loose on him, you noticed Rooster was still asleep. He was restless, covered in sweat and the sheets tangled around him before he jolted up to sit, gasping. He took the dim room in, eyes darting around, trying to familiarise himself with his surroundings. “Where am I?” He asked desperately.
“We’re with the squad, it’s Payback’s wedding weekend in Tahoe,” you said softly.
"What?" you could sense that his brain didn't compute.
“You were having a bad dream, but you're okay. You’re safe. Try and breathe,” you instructed as his shoulders sagged and he tried to do what you asked. You explicitly knew this feeling and laid a gentle palm on his clammy shoulder. “Are you okay?” You asked softly. He stared at you, breathing deeply, putting his face in his hands. His PTSD was a good one, compounded by years of trauma.
You crawled a little closer to him and brushed back his wild curls.
“I’m sorry. Did I wake you?” he didn't answer your question, he could barely meet your eyes. Shame washed over him, the last person he wanted to show this part of himself to was right next to him.
“No,” you lied. “Do you need anything? Can I get you some water?”
Pursing his lips, embarrassed, he looked at the glass on his bedside table and reached to take a sip. "I got it."
It was strange, but the muscles on his strong back still engaged and you gently moved and hug him carefully. You felt him stiffen not soften and you told him softly, “You’re okay Rooster. You’re safe here with me.”
“Thanks, huh?” He said softly, sighing, and kind of melting a little, his body's flight or fight reducing as he inhaled sharply.
“You get those kinds of dreams often?” you dared ask. When didn't reply, you told him that you did once in a while but found it hard to go to people and tell them because you were sure no one would understand, hoping to encourage him.
He shrugged, resting his cheek on your shoulder, hiding his eyes. “Sometimes."
You held him tighter. “Does anyone know?”
“No… just you," he admitted and you knew he hated telling you and if you wanted to hold that power over him.
“Okay. I’m not going to preach to you, you know the drill.”
“Yeah, I do. Thank you.”
“I’m always here if you need me, okay?”
He hummed and you knew you were the absolute last person Rooster Bradshaw would come to if he found himself in this situation again. “Sorry I woke you.”
“That’s okay. I’m just glad you weren’t alone,” you gently pushed him back towards his pillows and shuffled over to snuggle up close.
“You’re a furnace,” he muttered.
“You should be so lucky. Am I too close?” You asked, wanting to protect him but also respect you were well and truly overstepping any boundaries you had before bedtime.
“It’s okay, it’s nice,” he admitted, rolling over and taking you with him, curling you into his back and you let out a surprised shriek as you moved with him. "Sorry... that okay?"
"Yeah," you told him. "That's okay," your small hand gripped his hip, drawing tender circles on the strong muscle. “Go back to sleep, we have a big day tomorrow.”
He yawned instinctively, and took your hand to lace with his fingers and draw your closer. “Yeah, it’ll be fun.”
You shuffled and released the arm you were laying on to drift up and down his back, the muscles and ridges tensing and relaxing to your touch and you'd swear, you heard him moan quietly. “Go to sleep,” you told him again, softly. “I’m right here, I won’t let anything happen to you, Bradshaw.”
Within a few minutes, you felt his breath change and he was asleep again deeply… but you couldn’t release your hand… and you didn’t want to either. Enjoying the peace his slumber brought and his gentle even breathing, it lulled you to sleep too.
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Waking up the next morning, you found yourself still trapped against the warm body of Rooster, but this time he was facing you and it was his chest before you. His strong golden shoulders, muscular pegs, wide ribs, and incredible abs. Sure you weren't still asleep?
But he was awake, looking at you softly with his chin resting in his palm. “Good morning,” he said quietly. You couldn't get a read on him and that concern you.
“Hi,” you said, surprised you’d stayed so close overnight. It was unlike you, you appreciated your space and even when someone else was in your bed, encouraging your own space. “How are you feeling?” you bit back a yawn.
“Great actually,” he admitted. “Thank you for last night. You didn’t have to… you know. Be there for me,” he gently brushed some hair from your forehead and you knew you must have been a mess.
Not surprisingly, Bradley woke up like he just walked off a runway. He was so handsome and you think that was what you disliked most about him. “Anytime,” your body temperature rose in embarrassment and you shuffled back across the bed. He smiled as he watched you, he knew you were a little uncomfy with the closeness and he didn't blame you... he was the same only minutes earlier.
You felt impossibly under scrutiny under his fair gaze and you wondered if he knew how uneasy it made you feel when you were… clearly so fucking attracted to him. You’d take it to the grave, but Hangman was right. You felt something inexplicable and sharing this bed was only blurring those lines terribly.
“What time is it?” You gazed at the window. Still looked pretty early.
“Our body clocks are pathetic, we’re on a weekender,” you said dismally. You wanted to remember what a sleep-in felt like. You imagined in your previous lives you were really good at sleeping past sunrise but you knew as you watched the colours over Bradley's shoulders that the sun would be soon and bring a beautiful day with it by the lake.
He grinned, and it was the first time he ever smiled at you where it met his eyes, his divine honey-coloured orbs. “Why don’t you go back to sleep? I’ll go for a run and let you have some time alone,” he said, pushing himself from the bed and stretching. His body was glorious, but you couldn’t ogle him like this. He started sifting through this leather weekend bag, looking for his gym clothes and trainers.
“Yeah, kid?” He looked up expectedly as you pulled the duvet back up maintaining as much decency your nightshirt allowed. His eyes darted from your thighs to your face, and if you blinked, you'd have missed the way his tongue darted out and wet his lower lip.
“It’s your break too…” you rolled your back away from him and snuggled back into the pillow. You knew he was perplexed but when the bed gently rocked and he got back under the covers and snuggled up behind you, resting his calloused palm on your hip, he breathed, and you heard his lungs shake. The power in the room had changed and you were both confused, but this felt just right.
"You burn hot," he told you softly.
"I've been told," you smiled gently to yourself as he chuckled quietly, and adjusted his hand to rest flush against your belly, his cheek snuggled into your shoulder.
But you knew it implicitly: you wanted Bradley Bradshaw…
And you probably always had.
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A/N: the tag list no longer exists. To keep up to date, give @notroosterbradshaw-library a follow x
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Unlikely But Welcome
Hey, Duffers? Give me more Harrington-Byers content. Let me give you a suggestion.
Give me Jonathan who realizes that Steve has really grown as a person and eventually decides to give him a chance, they start a reluctant friendship. It's not easy or fast, but they often drop the kids off to the Hellfire Club campaigns and they sometimes have to wait together outside, maybe share a cigarette or something and chat about anything and everything.
Jonathan talks about the life he had in California and maybe admits to Steve that he never feels that carefree here, it's like having constant weight on his shoulders. It feels weird, talking to the former King Steve about the guilt and paranoia, but Steve actually listens and understands, he just chuckles and takes a drag from the cigarette, admits to Jonathan that he is going out of his mind whenever the kids don't walkie him for several days. "But that's what we're here for, right?" he smiles at Jonathan and passes the smoke back, "we're scared shitless for them and worry about every stupid thing so they can have a good time. As much as possible after all that."
They start hanging out at Steve's house, planning outings for the little shitheads, fairs, Halloween parties, anything with the promise of giving the kids back at least pieces of their lost childhoods. The rest of the young adults join in too, Argyle with his constant enthusiasm, Eddie and his manic energy, Robin with her undying sarcasm and Nancy who is ridden by the same guilt as the two of them, seeing what the Upside Down did to Mike and his friends.
It's there that Jonathan notices Steve's house is devoid of any personality, he only has a few polaroids in his room and those are carefully stored in his drawer, as if he's ashamed of them. So Jonathan picks up his camera again, after the long break in California, and gets to what he knows the best. He snaps pictures of Steve and Robin giggling, drunk on punch, as she re-creates the YOU SUCK / YOU RULE scoreboard on a random paper, he captures the exact moment Eddie tackles Steve into the pool when they're sweating like crazy while preparing a barbecue for their gaggle of kids. He smiles to himself as he captures Eddie shotgunning with Steve for the first time, documents Steve's wide smile as he's high as a kite and discussing very important topics with Argyle, such as whether tabby or ginger cats are superior. There are more pictures - Steve with Nancy as they argue about the format of the Halloween party invitations while Eddie sketches suggestions in the background, Dustin jumping at Steve to hug him, the reluctant fist bump between Steve and Mike, Steve sitting between Erica and Max, all three with sunglasses and a sign that says "the cool trio". When he knocks on Steve's door on one day and gives him the photographs, Steve's face lights up like a Christmas tree. He gets all of them framed and completely covers the walls of his room with his found family.
There is a stupid assignment that has Dustin frustrated, presentations on their families - apparently a male influence is needed, a single family member isn't enough, so Jonathan nudges him and whispers "what about Steve? Does an older brother count?" and Dustin's face lights up, drags Steve over for a picture for his presentation. They pose for several pictures, Steve holding Dustin in the air, leaning on each other like partners in crime, and everyone's laughing, maybe sheds a tear or two.
If Jonathan had any doubts about Steve, they disappear the second he takes the last picture and Steve comes over to him, hugs him with a quiet thank you. And then he taps his camera and asks: "hey, show me how to operate this thing? I'm pretty sure I need to take over for a second." Jonathan is confused for a moment, but then he sees Will looking at him with a shy expression and realizes - oh. Maybe this is why they work so well as friends, because they have this in common - filling in the roles they were never supposed to have, but would not give up for the world. He gives Steve a quick rundown and then drags Will to the living room, posing for pictures and reenacting Steve's suggestions, fighting with imaginary swords and slaying dragons (or Dustin who offered to stand in for the legendary creature). In the end, Steve's pictures are a bit blurry, but Jonathan treasures them.
And then there's the incident outside of Hellfire, they're smoking together again, laughing about the secret Santa they're organizing for the kids ("I swear to god, Jonathan, Dustin's learning to knit. He's determined to send Suzie-poo a handmade scarf and I'm trying to be supportive, I really am, but it looks like a blob of cotton"). The kids barge outside, excited as always, and Will is beaming too, he found so much in common with Eddie and they're rapidly talking, exchanging ideas for the next sessions. But of course, there's no rest for the freaks - the basketball practice ends around the same time and one of Jason's lackeys bumps into Will, snarls at him. "Of course you two get along. A freak and a fag, hard to tell which one is which." The smile instantly drops from Will's face and Eddie's straightening up, glaring at the sophomore, and Jonathan's blood runs cold when-
It's Steve who takes the first step towards the boy and even though his legend is long gone, the boy staggers back. Memories flash in Jonathan's head, remembering how he lost the first camera, how terrifying Steve's anger could be, but Steve only grasps the boy's shoulder and smiles at him, as pleasant as possible. "I remember you, kid. Aren't you the one who always tries to sneak into the adult section of the Family Video, hm? And smokes in front of the store. Now if I recall, your mother is a very strict lady, I've met her once or twice...does she know?" And when the bully shakes his head, Steve's voice lowers to a growl. "Do you want her to know?" Another shake. "That's what I thought."
And with that, the bully his gone and Jonathan wants to check on his brother, except there is something happening in the group before him - Steve is whispering something into Eddie's ear and the older boy nods, his face serious and determined. Steve shoots an apologetic look at Jonathan, mouths "just a second" at him and they take Will to the side, talk to him in hushed voices. The rest of the party is chatting again, recalling their latest adventures, but Jonathan only has eyes for his younger brother and the strange new friend he made. He watches as Steve reaches under the collar of his shirt and pulls out a familiar looking pendant with a guitar pick. Watches as Eddie moves his watch to the side and reveals a fresh looking tattoo of a spiked bat. Will's eyes water and he hugs both of them, laughing into the embrace and Jonathan finally understands what Nancy meant, that Steve's grown up and he's a different person now, in more ways than one. He sees Steve and Eddie's fingers brush against each other, the shy glances masked in their usual teasing. And Will looks so much happier now, so much more confident that he knows - he could never hate Steve Harrington again.
When they both manage to get the kids (and Eddie who rides with Steve, of course he does) into their cars, Jonathan and Steve smile at each other, and then Jonathan, the distant Jonathan who is used to only observing, never initiating, embraces Steve. "I don't know how to repay you for what you did for Will, Steve," he admits.
Steve just laughs and pats Jonathan's back. "I only did what felt right. The kid deserves the world. But," he adds and grins at Jonathan, "if you're insistent on the repayment, how about you pick up some good beer for this week's movie night? I don't think I can survive more experimentation, Eddie and Robin are competing who can get a more obscure brand and I'm too old for that crap."
Jonathan snickers and gives Steve a thumbs up. Lame, but he doesn't seem to mind. "You've got it."
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vera-deville · 1 year
Happily Ever After...Soon Enough, Anyways
05/31/2023 - 06/09/2023
Pairing: Malleus Draconia x Reader
Word Count: 964
Warnings: Nothing that I can think of!
Gender: AFAB
Tags: @rose-the-witch1, @pyroxeene, @moldy-cheeto
In which Malleus and Y/N are in the midst of planning their wedding and shenanigans arise.
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"Do we really have to do a full wedding? Can't we just elope?" Malleus Draconia asked his future wife.
"And where exactly did you learn about elopements?" A teasing voice called out from the room next door. A figure peaked her head through the doorway, amused by the utter exasperation littered in her beloved's voice.
"Lilia told me that some humans have a practice where they just skip all the actual wedding formalities. Apparently it is quite popular these days." Malleus said, fingers tracing the edges of his tea cup. "It'll be just us, and of course, my grandmother to officiate our marriage. Oh, and we can invite just Lilia as our one guest. We won't have to worry about pleasing the nobles, or the elders, or any one else."
Y/N felt that for her sake, Malleus didn't mention not wanting to deal with her self-proclaimed father, Crowley, and much less her actual adoptive father Crewel and her old friend, Vil Schoenheit. She could understand why Malleus simply wished to forgo any and all tradition and skip right to the part where they vow to be the ones for each other, forever and always (not that they hadn't already vowed that).
Setting down her own cup of tea, Y/N studied Malleus' features. Nothing much had really changed from their time in NRC, except his eyes seemed almost...older now. Perhaps it was the maturity of graduating school and becoming the king of an entire realm. Or perhaps it was because planning a wedding was simply too much work for him.
"But Darling, I thought that you were rather excited about planning a wedding with me?" Y/N asked.
"That was until you dragged Schoenheit into helping Dear." Chided the old (but young) fae. Y/N almost laughed, seeing the barely-there pout forming on his face.
"I didn't drag him into helping Mal, he did that himself."
"But you could have stopped him, I thought that we were doing just fine on our own."
"But you can't deny that he has an extremely good eye for these kinds of things. And this was something he genuinely wanted to do for me. Isn't that nice of him?"
"Not when he takes up all your time and runs me down with far too many choices, which, might I add, all look the same."
Ah. So that's what's got him so grumpy in the morning midday. Chuckling to herself, Y/N made her way to Malleus, sitting on his lap, and snaking her arms around his neck, pulling him down so that she could press a chaste kiss to the side of his cheek.
"Let's just run away together." Malleus suggested, eyes practically glowing at the idea.
"But what about the cake? And all the people who are coming to see us? And all the decorations we've already placed orders for?" Y/N asked. "And what about-" a peck to the forehead silenced her.
Looking up at the horned fae, Y/N asked in a gentle whisper, "Do you remember what you told me when you proposed to me?"
"How could I forget, my Beloved?" Malleus smiled as he remembered.
"Yes, oh my god, yes! Of course I'll marry you!" Y/N exclaimed, with her hands over her mouth. Malleus slid the ring (which he'd safeguarded in his hoarde) around Y/N's finger. He brought up her hand, admiring the shiny stone that now adorned it, and delicately kissed her knuckles.
Laughing in joy, Y/N threw her arms around Malleus, as he picked her up and spun her around, with the wind dancing along with them. "I'm going to need a much cheaper ring so that I can use it every day. This ring belongs in a safety deposit box." Joked Y/N.
"What's a safety deposit box?" Malleus asked, head tilted to the side.
"You didn't even know what a safety deposit box was back then~" Y/N teased, booping Malleus' nose. A breathy chuckle escaped Malleus's lips. Truth be told, it just seemed like an over-glorified dragon's hoarde, but Malleus didn't think to tell Y/N that just yet.
"If you really want to turn this into a elopement, I won't stop you. What matters most to me is what you want." Y/N said.
Malleus could feel his heart swell at how thoughtful his significant other was. He truly lucked out with this one. At that moment, a familiar tune began ringing. Y/N sprung up (much to Malleus' dismay) to attend to her phone.
He watched her eyes light up when she read the caller's ID. So definitely not Schoenheit or Leona for that matter. Maybe it was Ace and Deuce. He hadn't seen them in a while. Were they still up to their usual shenanigans from their time in school? Or maybe the caller is...
"WHAT!?" Y/N screamed with all her might. Malleus whipped his head to study her features. What could have possibly gotten her as angry as she was in a matter of seconds? The fae walked over to his beloved, keen on comforting her when the next words that came out of her mouth stopped him in his track.
"Please tell me someone has the rings?" Y/N begged, pinching her forehead. Malleus listened in on the conversation, trying to gain more information about the now (possibly) missing rings. In the mean time, Y/N inhaled a sharp breath, before cutting her call. Before the King of the Valley of Thorns could question his future wife about the news she'd received, said person slowly turned her head to him, now very much seething.
"I'm going to murder Grim." Y/N promised.
It seemed that Ace and Deuce (and Grim apparently) still hadn't let go of their shenanigans...
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Author's Note: Oh my goodness do I not like this fic. I started writing this fanfic feeling so confident about my idea and everything, but then as I was writing it, I just couldn't find myself in the usual headspace I'm in when I write my usual (and better) fics.
This is the first work for the @briarvalleyarchives that I've written. I missed the first month's prompt, and nearly missed this month's prompt (weddings) if it weren't for the lovely @pyroxeene giving us some more time to finish writing.
I honestly really liked the concept I had in mind when I started writing this fic (although it turned out very different), so I may very well end up rewriting this in the future!
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