#the endings a bit rushed lol i might actually make it less rushed if i ever write this formally
brokenhardies · 10 months
The Mavity of the Situation
Summary: Set during Wild Blue Yonder. Separated from the Doctor and Donna, Jane is cornered by her not-counterpart. Unfortunately for her, she finds herself staring down all her bottled up emotions and issues that she hasn’t had time to deal with.
TW: Body Horror, Frightening Imagery, Caps halfway through
Word Count: 1959
@darth-caillic​ @sterling-writes​ @wonderguards​ @reirvival​ @arrthurpendragon​ @foxesandmagic @eddysocs @superspookyjanelle (want to be added or removed? send an ask or a dm!)
The second that the Not-Doctor bent over backwards like the little girl in that movie that Jane had watched once - and only once, her previous incarnation, the gentle soul that he was, was too terrified by the movie to watch it again - Jane was racing out of the room before the Not-Donna and Not-Doctor could even blink. 
The Doctor had also raced off - hopefully the real Doctor and not their not-counterpart - but they were in a different location on the ship to Jane. Jane had found herself in the engineering room, all green and black with obnoxious lights and an almost toxic appearance. She took a minute to breathe, trying to collect herself under the pressure of the location and the terrifying creatures that they had encountered. However… That didn’t last long. Mostly as she heard a familiar voice.
“What are you doing down here?”
Her eyes widened, and she noticed her reflection was walking towards her. The engineering room was a dangerous place to be - Jane thought - as she was separated from the Doctor and Donna as the version of her with its arms a few inches too long and one eye slightly bigger than the other began to approach her. Jane took a few steps back.
“Strange,” The not-Jane said, “I would’ve thought your father would’ve come here. Always interested in machines. A lot easier to deal with than people…”
Jane blinked, noticing how her other self had spat out the word ‘father’, like it left a bad taste in her mouth. Her stomach dropped, remembering that the not-creatures had picked up on their brainwaves. It’s difficult not to think… But this one seemed more personal than the others. At least, she hadn’t seen what Not-Donna and Not-Doctor told their other selves. And it seemed hers was aiming for the stomach.
“...What?” The not-Jane asked, “Aren’t you gonna say ‘I would never think that’? Frightening, isn’t it? Hearing yourself say such things that you’d never truly believe…”
“Stop that.” Jane responded, causing her other self to laugh, maniacally and uncontrollably.
“Stop what?” She asked, “Telling the truth? God, you’re such a pathetic excuse for a child. I’m in your head, dear. And I know exactly what you think…”
Jane continued to walk backwards, trying to get away from the rubbery clone. She was able to hold her form, even if there were some minor alterations that not many would notice – an eye that was slightly bigger than the other, a strand of hair that was a little off-coloured, one wrist that appeared to be a few centimetres thicker than the other – but that didn’t particularly mattered. What did matter was the being seemed to be stalking Jane, not shutting her mouth as she spoke.
“You have a lot in that pretty little head of yours…” She continued, eyes wide as she stalked Jane, who was trying to find an exit. “All these delicious thoughts and emotions… Anger, resentment, grief… Are you still angry at them for going back to that damn old face?”
“You’re running around and acting like ‘everythings’ fine’, but in reality, every time they speak you shiver.” The clone continued, as Jane raced around a corner, but she felt a plasticky hand - her own - grab her shoulder. “You remember that day, don’t you? Waterlogged and desperate, fighting against the feeling of drowning as he shouted how ‘the laws of time are mine and they will obey me’. What an awful day for you, isn’t it?”
Jane gulped. She did remember that day on Mars. The day her second incarnation drowned and her father - wanting desperately to rewrite history - went mad with power and rescued crew members from Bowie Base One whether they wanted to or not. After Adelaide killed herself, and Ood Sigma reminded the Doctor that he wasn’t going to live much longer after that, Jane’s third incarnation locked herself in her second’s old library to recover from the regeneration burnout. That day was the day whatever hope had been left in number 2 died… With her as well. It was worse as her clone said what her father said that day in his voice. 
She pulled away. “I don’t have to listen to you.”
However, her clone continued, ignoring Jane’s pleas.
“Oh, they always liked that face, so much so they didn’t want to go, and think of all the adventures you had after he left!” She chuckled. “...And then you found out they were lying to you. About everything. You were not really their child, but a clone of them… They didn’t know, but that wasn’t the point. You were nothing more than the spare. And you were even sent to Earth to die there.”
“Stop it!” Jane exclaimed, “I, I don’t, I…”
“And it gets worse,” The other-Jane said, almost gleeful in her statement. “You know why it gets worse? Most of the universe has been destroyed. That’s why we exist. Because of you, and your parent, and the fact you couldn’t stop it! And that eats you alive, every, single, day. You look in the mirror and you see a naive individual who was responsible for the destruction of half the universe!”
Jane raced off, as her counterpart chuckled, clearly enjoying the emotional torment that she was being put through. She found a spot to hide, but the hiding didn’t last that long, mostly as - well, the clone had access to her thoughts - and she’d managed to find her hiding behind a collection of buttons, wires, switches and other technological implements. The clone scoffed, as Jane panted, looking away.
“Oh, but you really miss her, don’t you?” She asked, “In fact, the only way you’d listen to what I’m saying is if I was her!”
“D-Don’t drag Rose into this!” Jane cried, covering her eyes, panicked at the idea of her clone taking the form of her crush. 
However, that was not the case. That would have been too easy for the clone to pick apart Jane’s inability to confess her feelings due to Donna’s memories getting wiped - and the fear of both Donna and Rose dying, especially as Jane wasn’t sure if ‘letting go’ of the metacrisis was a plan that worked - in fact, it was a little juvenile. Not what that creature had been planning. 
Suddenly, the not-Jane’s head began to compress, her body shifting and altering in size and appearance. It was a strange and frightening experience, Jane was reminded of the feeling during regeneration, but in this case… It was not covered by flashing lights and glowing gold energy. Limbs stretching, hands changing, face altering, before suddenly…
Instead of appearing like an exact clone of Jane… It appeared as a copy of her mother. And yes. Her mother. Blonde bob cut, wearing the same baggy jumpsuit, striped shirt, eyes wide and brown and full of joy. Jane swallowed. She knew that it wasn’t really her mother. But the creature smirked, eyes wide.
“What’s wrong, dear?” Her voice sounded off, shifting between accents and tones as she tried to sound sweet. “Afraid of your own mummy?” 
“Y-You’re…” Jane stumbled backwards, collecting herself against a wall. “You’re not my mum…”
“Oh, I’m even better than your mum.” The not-Doctor said. “I won’t die or leave you behind. I won’t forget you in the TARDIS for so long that you end up becoming part of it. I won’t abandon you for my girlfriend who I was in denial about…” 
All the thoughts were coming to the surface and Jane felt like she was about to cry. But she didn’t, trying to keep a straight face as she crawled onto her knees, hiding beneath a table with her legs up to her chest. Suddenly, she felt a pounding, hearing the sound of skin stretching like plastic. The creature was changing once more, its voice distorted as it cried.
“Come out, come out, wherever you are!” 
The voice sounded gruffer, deeper, with a hint of a Scottish accent. She recognised the voice as one of her father’s - the twelfth, the first of the new cycle - but the voice was screeched, almost sounding mad as the being continued to stalk Jane, who was crawling under the table, trying to find a way out.
“Come on, dear, I’m not going to hurt you!” The being claimed, “I’m just going to rip you to pieces! Wouldn’t that be fun? Isn’t that what you wanted?”
More stretching, more twisting, as Jane raced out of where she was hiding, noticing a familiar shaker of salt sitting behind her. She grabbed it, holding it behind her back, as she rolled out to see… Her father’s eleventh incarnation, a transformation that would’ve looked uncanny if he already didn’t appear that way. Her stomach dropped, as the creature licked its lips. It was starving, this time walking gently towards her, giraffe-like limbs elegantly moving as Jane held the salt shaker behind her back tightly.
“...After all, you know you’re going to die.” It said, “So why not speed it up a little bit?”
Threateningly, Jane pulled out the shaker of salt, causing the creature to scoff, eyes narrowed.
“You really believe I’m going to fall for that superstition, dear?” It said, “I can read your thoughts, and I know you’re bluff–”
Jane tossed the salt into the beings eyes, causing the illusion of her father’s eleventh face to break. Shedding skin like a snake, it mutated, suddenly looking like a goopy fusion of the eleventh, the twelfth, the thirteenth and her, still underneath that being as a branching off point. She could see pieces of her skin and teeth popping out of the side of the beings face, beneath what appeared to be her mother’s eye and a strand of her hair. Limbs appeared to be duplicated, and the torso appeared split between different clothing, body parts and segments. She could even see the Eleventh’s shoe-like face popping out of the Twelfth’s stomach, but missing any discernible features. 
It hissed. “THAT’S CHEATING!” 
It’s voice mutated between hers and the other three disguises it had put on. Gone was the illusion of friendliness, instead replaced with a monstrous creature… And that probably wasn’t even its true form. Jane continued to race out of the maze-like tunnels of the maintenance room, as the gigantic mutant that she had helped create followed her, destroying the room in the process. Considering the ship was going to blow up at any point, it made sense for it to damage what could become its prison. 
“DON’T YOU DARE RUN AWAY FROM ME YOU LITTLE SHIT,” The creature growled, as Jane continued to race off to an exit, looking behind her to see if it was still following her. “I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE – A COWARD! A NAIVE COWARD IN DENIAL ABOUT YOUR OWN FAULTS!” 
“I know…” Jane muttered, “And I’ve made peace with that!”
As the creature continued to stalk her, she found an exit and raced out, but the creature was still following her. She could hear the pitter patter of feet and wasn’t sure if it was her father, the clone of them, Donna or the clone of her. But she pressed on, continuing to race off as she felt heat surge through her face and body. There was an explosion forming, and she noticed the TARDIS, with the Doctor’s foot dangling over the edge. It still appeared to be them, as she ran and grabbed the foot. The Doctor noticed her, and pulled her up, as she took a deep breath.
“Arms still the right length?” She asked, as the Doctor nodded.
“One eye bigger than the other?”
The Doctor shook his head. Now, to find Donna and save her before that damn monster from inside her brain found them first.
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vanessa-parker · 2 months
Hawks' Pretty Bird
Hi guys! This is my first story as to what I think being with Hawks is like! If you like it and want another chapter please let me know! It starts off pretty risky as that's how I think it would actually be lol
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“Hey hottie”, you say landing after spotting the number 2 hero perched on a building. Hawks turns towards the sound an eyebrow raised “Jeez, way to make a guy blush, sweetheart. Not to sound cocky, but I take it you're a fan of mine.” He says with his signature grin. He notices the wings behind you are similar to his except for the color. Your wings are beautiful shades of blue. You blush as he stares “I'm guessing you have a bird mutation quirk like me?” You nod “I sure do! Except my feathers are prettier,” you say a hint of playfulness in your tone. Hawks can’t help but smirk “Well, aren't you a confident one. If you keep talking like that, you'll make me act a bit territorial and get possessive of my feathers.” You shrug “What can I say, I do think those eyes of yours are beautiful,” you say with a wink. Hawks laughs “Well, looks like we got a charmer on our hands. You keep up this flattery and I'll end up inviting you back to my place.” You grin back at the #2 hero “Maybe that’s what I’m trying to do but I kinda wanna see this possession you have of your feathers.” Your heart is racing you’re usually not this bold but after your last relationship, you decide on a different approach. “Heh,” he laughs “careful what you wish for. But just a fair warning, once I lay a claim on something it's usually a done deal. You sure you can handle it?” You smirk and the man’s cockiness, trying not to lose your own you reply allowing your feathers to glide under his chin “Show me what you got bird boy” and with that, you launched yourself into the night sky.
“Oh man, you did not just call me "bird boy" and then fly off like that. You're going to regret that comment once I catch up to you.” He mumbled to himself Keigo's wings flap rapidly as he propels through the night sky, trying to keep up with the speed of your flight. He can't help but wear a competitive grin on his face as he chases after you. “Looks like we got ourselves a little speedster over here.” He says his tone teasing, you laugh once more “Come on #2 I thought you were the fastest hero” Keigo grins as you laugh, the competitive fire in his eyes growing stronger. He pushes himself harder, his wings beating fast as he catches up to you. “Oh ho, so now you're teasing me. I'll have you know I'm the number 2 hero, and I can prove it right now. You might be fast, but there's no one faster than me.” you suddenly stop facing him flapping your wings to keep you afloat you laugh as he crashes into you allowing you both to free fall. Keigo lets out a surprised yelp as you suddenly come to a halt, causing him to crash right into you. His eyes widen in shock as the two of you fall through the air. He quickly regains his composure, grabbing onto you to stop your descent. The thrill of the adrenaline rush was coursing through his body, but also he couldn’t help but feel a bit annoyed at being bested so easily. "What the hell was that for?" you laugh rolling out of Hawks's grasp and begin flying next to him poking at his side “I wanted to see how fast #2 was” Keigo rolled his eyes at your teasing, but he couldn’t help but let out a slight chuckle. He continued to fly alongside you, his wings flapping swiftly through the night sky.
“Oh, so you chose the most dramatic way possible to test my speed, huh? You’re quite the mischievous one, aren’t you?”
“What can I say” Keigo chuckled at your response, a sly grin playing on his lips. He continued to fly alongside you, occasionally flicking his wing feathers in your direction to tease back. “You know, if you wanted to test my speed, we could have done something a bit less reckless. Like a race instead of a free-fall.” you giggle at the sensation of the feathers “I thought you’d like a challenge” He couldn't help but let out another chuckle as you giggled at the sensation of his feathers. He took a moment to glance over you, his gaze lingering on your form for a brief moment before returning his attention forward. “A challenge, huh? Well, I can’t deny that I do enjoy a little competition. But if I win, you owe me something special.” 
"You’re on" Keigo’s competitive spirit flared up at your acceptance of the challenge, a cocky smirk now plastered on his face. "That’s the spirit! You’re in for it now. The winner gets a special prize, deal?" "Deal race you back to your place" you laugh as you launch further into the sky Keigo let out a low chuckle at your quick exit, his eyes narrowing in focus on the challenge at hand. He pushed himself forward, his wings beating faster and stronger, propelling him forward through the night sky toward the direction of his home. He called out to you as he flew. "You’re gonna eat your words, sweetheart!" you laugh at his words, with his apartment in sight you dash towards the open window not seeing Hawks suddenly arms wrap around you as you crash land into the apartment. Keigo lets out a victorious chuckle as he wraps his arms around you, and crash landing together on the floor of his apartment. He pins you down, holding you in place. His breath comes in short pants as the adrenaline coursed through his veins. He looks down at you, a sly grin on his face. "Looks like I win." You blush at the position you’re in "Technically it was a tie"   Keigo lets out another chuckle, feeling your body beneath him. He shifts his weight on top of you, not bothering to release his grip just yet. "Tie, huh? I don’t remember agreeing to a tie. A deal is a deal, sweetheart. I think that means I get my prize now."
You roll your eyes, "Yeah yeah what is it?"
Keigo grins down at you, his eyes raking over your form. He continues to keep you pinned beneath him, savoring the moment. "Hmm, let's see... I do love the feeling of victory. So maybe I'll take some credit for the prize." He lowers his face closer to your ear, his breath sending a shiver up your spine. He whispers into your ear. "How about I claim you for tonight?"
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keresnotceres · 1 year
TF 141: “I Love You”
aka saying “ily” to your military bf before him lol. [sfw] cw(s): none :)
this is pretty low effort, but i wanted to feed u guys lol
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If you were trying to give Ghost a heart attack, you’ve absolutely succeeded. Especially if you say it out of nowhere, on a whim, just for funsies. Genuinely does not know how to respond, kinda just looks at you stunned. Kind of like a deer in headlights but much more emotionally charged.
Probably fighting the urge to cry because no one but his mother has said that to him before, and it feels very weird to be told he’s loved. You’d only get to know that maybe 2 years later when he’s simply pushed his capabilities of bottling up emotions and he ends up sobbing to you that: yes, he loves you so fucking much and he’s sorry he’s never been able to tell you like he is now, but it hurt to much then (and it just hurt a little bit less now).
Ends up not responding to your words and sitting in silence, coming to terms with what you just said. There’s probably a million thoughts running in his mind and one of them is the painful thought of leaving behind another person who loves him for their own safety.
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Gaz is the type of person to say it after a few months of dating, so when you came guns blazing and said it before him, he was caught a bit off guard by the sudden declaration of love. He’s not complaining, though, but he is a bit quiet after the fact.
I’m gonna be honest, you probably spat it out while he was deployed and he just kind of stood there, quiet and just blinking into space while you were continuing to ramble on about something. As an internal monologue about if responding with “I love you” would be the best thing to do in the scenario. Ends up being silent on his end while fighting his conscience deciding whether or not he should do it, it’s kind of like a brawl in his mind.
He takes a leap of faith and says it back to you right before he hangs up. He can say he did it and he doesn’t have to face you right after doing it either so he can mull it over until you eventually call him again. He tries his best and sometimes it works out in his favor!
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Soap is likely the stark contrast of Ghost, absolutely embracing your words head on and relishing in them. Soap start relationships fast and likely rushes through all the beginning steps, including the first “I love you.” He’s grinning ear to fucking ear and simply ecstatic because holy fuck you love him and you’re not saying it to get a reaction out of him. You actually mean it.
Might be caught a bit off guard at first, he’s likely always the first person to say it, so when you say it first, he’s both shocked and overjoyed. Just straight up so happy that you love him and he doesn’t have to trudge through a fickle relationship with someone who doesn’t like him as much as he likes you. After you say it to him, he’ll probably say it to you more often; waking up, going to bed, leaving for deployment, etc. He just likes to tell you in case you forgot! (You didn’t).
After you said it, he said it right back at you, like a parrot. He was just waiting for the perfect time to tell you and you swooped in and stole his moment. He more or less forgets the latter part and continues to pepper you in “I love you”s.
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With his experience, Price is someone who doesn’t like to say “I love you” too quickly, but he understands that waiting too long can create a distance between two people. It just so happens that when you said it, he was not expecting it in the slightest.
Torn on whether or not he should say it back to you, because on one hand, he is absolutely head over heels for you. But on the other, “I love you” is a strong confession for him to make. He’s got a bit of relationship hardships on his back and he’s not very willing to put his heart on the line to risk getting hurt again. But when it comes to you, that inner turmoil slowly ebbs away and he finds himself falling a bit more in love with you.
Says it back to you a few days later, when you’ve had enough time to worry that saying it fucked up your relationship (it didn’t, he’s just bad at articulating how he feels). Probably is a bit awkward with it, but there’s a look in his eyes that tells you he absolutely means it.
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daleyeahson · 2 years
Girl on Film | Perv!Eddie Munson x Best Friend Reader: Part 3
Summary: After days of not seeing or hearing anything from Eddie, you finally snap. When you confront him about your feelings, it’s not exactly what he had hoped to hear.
Warnings: angst, cursing, I’m just gonna go ahead and say 18+ minors dni mainly bc of what has happened before and that stuff gets briefly mentioned in here so… yeah lol
Word count: 2.9k
previous part | next part
A/n: I’m sorry this took a little longer than expected to get released! I’ve been a little busy and tbh at first I didn’t know where I wanted this story to go so that also slowed the whole process lol thank you guys for your continued love and support! You have no idea how much it truly means to me.. Enjoy! x
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It’s Monday morning and Eddie slowly stirs awake. Stretching as much as he could, he turns his head over to look at the alarm clock. 6:45am. He then turns his head to the opposite side only to be met with the sight of your naked body. Your back facing him and the sheets covering just the lower half of you. Panic sets in before he has a chance to really take in the view. He starts to freak out as his questions from last night enter his mind once again.
He tries to convince himself that he’s just overreacting and that you must’ve genuinely felt the same way he did, right? If you didn’t, why would you do all of that with him? Why would you play along with the whole camcorder situation? He began to think that maybe it was just a spur of the moment thing for you. That maybe you just wanted to have fun with this and not get romantically involved. He also thought of how maybe you’d wake up and regret this whole weekend and then things would be forever changed between the two of you.
With every question of “what if?” or “why?” that crossed his mind, he knew one thing for sure. He did not want to stick around and find out. He couldn’t handle the possibility of rejection or the idea of losing you as his best friend. He needed to think things over before diving into that conversation with you. So, without a moments notice, Eddie does what he does best. He runs.
Or at least he tries too. He gently gets out of the bed, trying his best not to wake you and rushes to go take a quick shower. While he’s in the bathroom, you wake up to the sound of the water running. Still a little bit groggy, you slip on another oversized t-shirt since the one you had on yesterday was now torn in two thanks to a certain someone. You decided against wearing pants, not having the energy this morning to deal with putting them on. Plus, at this point, Eddie has seen you in a lot less, so you figured he wouldn’t have a problem with it.
You make your way to the kitchen in desperate need of something to drink. You pour yourself a glass of water and casually sip on it while having your back leaned against the counter. You hear the shower turn off and soon afterwards, the bathroom door opens. In such a hurry to leave, Eddie doesn’t even notice that you’re standing in the kitchen.
“Mornin’ Eddie, sleep well?”
“Jesus Christ!” He jumps at the sound of your voice. “I didn’t know you were awake,” he gives a nervous chuckle, “You scared the shit out of me.”
“I haven’t been up for long.. What’s got you up and ready to go out the door so early?”
“Uh…” Eddie pauses for a second, trying to find what to say. He doesn’t want to bring up the real reason he’s leaving, so he says the next thing that comes to mind. “School! Gotta head off the school, ya know, don’t wanna be late.”
You look at him and say with a raised eyebrow, “Since when did you, Eddie Munson, care about going to school, let alone getting there on time?”
He smiles softly at your comment, knowing that you had a good point.
“I figured dealing with the third go around of this shit, I might actually want to try for once before I end up graduating with Henderson’s class.”
You laugh. You know you’d never let that happen, but it was funny to picture him and Dustin posing for a photo together with their cap and gowns on holding their diplomas.
“Well before you go, do you want some breakfast? I can fix you something real quick. I know the stuff they serve in the cafeteria isn’t the best.”
Growing more anxious the longer he stands there, Eddie shakes his head, “N-no thanks. As much as I would love to, I don’t have the time. Still have to run home and change out of this,” he gestures to his sweats, “and you know how long it takes to get my whole get up on. At this rate, I’ll be lucky if I get there before the first bell rings.”
You try not to show a look of disappointment on your face. You wished he would stay a little longer, but you understood his reasons. If you were in his shoes, you’d want to do everything possible to make sure you didn’t have to repeat your senior year again too.
“Oh, well, I’ve got to start getting ready for work in a few anyway, so no biggie. Give me a call though afterwards, yeah? I’ll be back home this evening, probably around six.”
Eddie doesn’t say anything, just gives you a slight nod and walks out the door. Driving off in his van, he makes his way back home. Once there, he heads to his room and spots the camcorder still sitting in the same spot he left it. He really did plan on going to school, but after seeing that and being reminded once again how all of this got started, he decided to stay home. There was no way he could focus on any of his classes after that.
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You started getting ready for work not long after Eddie left. Taking a quick shower yourself and changing into your uniform. You pulled your hair back to keep it out of your face and applied a light, natural makeup look. You weren’t one to really wear makeup to begin with, but being a waitress, it seemed to help get you better tips so you didn’t mind having to wear it while you were at work.
You worked at a small diner right on the edge of town, only a 15 minute drive from your place. It wasn’t the best job, but it paid the bills. It’s not like you didn’t enjoy it, you loved your coworkers and got along well with the regulars you had, but being on your feet for hours on end for most days of the week was exhausting.
Your work day was the same as always. A group of older gentlemen would always come in early for some breakfast which usually consisted of biscuits and gravy all while talking for hours, getting refill after refill of coffee. You gained a few more customers when lunch rush hit, but things never picked up until it came closer to dinner time. You’d always get busy around then, mainly having truckers stop by for a good hot meal after being on the road all day. You didn’t mind though, you loved hearing the stories they’d tell about the places they’ve been and things they’ve seen. It always helped make the work day go by a little faster.
When your shift came to an end, you made your way back home. Feet aching from the day, all you wanted was to get out of these clothes and go to bed. You didn’t even think about the fact that Eddie said he would call. All that was on your mind now was getting some much needed rest.
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When Tuesday had came and gone and still no word from him, you started to wonder why Eddie hasn’t been back over or called. You didn’t really pay much mind to it, thinking he must’ve been exhausted like you were last night after playing his gig at the Hideout with the Corroded Coffin boys.
Wednesday was a different story though. That evening, you made your way over to Family Video to pick out movies for the sleepover this weekend. It was supposed to be at Eddie’s place this time, but after not hearing from him for days, you weren’t sure if he even wanted to have it. You walk in and was greeted by Robin who stood at the front counter.
“Hey, y/n! Picking out more movies for you and Eddie this weekend?”
“Yeah,” you say in an unsure tone, “I guess I am.”
“You guess? What’s that supposed to mean?”
You sigh and start to explain everything to her. Just the part of not hearing from Eddie in a while, she didn’t need to know the rest and you still hadn’t even talked about it with Eddie himself. It would feel wrong to discuss those things with another person before him, even if Robin was one of your closest friends.
“It’s just, I don’t know. I’m not sure if he wants to have the sleepover this weekend. After he left my place Monday morning for school, I haven’t heard from him since. I figured maybe he was tired from his gig last night, but I still haven’t heard anything from him today either. It’s just weird not seeing or hearing from him, ya know? He’s never done this before.”
“Wait, you said he left Monday morning for school?” She asks and you give her a nod. “Eddie wasn’t at school Monday. Like at all.”
“What?” You looked at her with confusion written all over your face.
Not at school? What does she mean not at school? Why would he say that’s why he had to leave your place so early and then not go? Maybe he was late getting there and she just didn’t see him.
Robin went on to explain, “Yeah. He borrowed my biology notes and was supposed to give them back to me at lunch, but he wasn’t there. I asked the guys at the Hellfire table if they’d seen him but they said he never showed up that morning.”
What the hell? Why didn’t he go? More importantly, why did he lie to you about going in the first place? Your blood started to boil at the thought of him lying to you. You had been friends forever, why would he feel the need to lie? You explained to Robin that you had to go, not getting the movies you had planned on picking up. You needed to get home to think about some things. What the fuck was Eddie’s problem?
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Thursday evening rolled around and still no word. You finally decided to give him a call instead of waiting for him. You knew he should be home from school right now, if he even went this time, and he didn’t have band practice or anything like that. You reach for the phone and dial his number. After a few rings, a mans voice spoke on the line.
“Hello?” Wayne. You didn’t think he’d be home right now. He must’ve been getting ready to leave for work when you called.
“Hey, Uncle Wayne, is Eddie around?” You ask.
Wayne looks over at Eddie standing in the living room, signaling for him to say that he wasn’t there and couldn’t talk.
Wayne sighs before answering, “No, I’m sorry, sweetheart. He’s not here at the moment. I could take a message for him if you’d like though.”
There it was, another lie. Now he’s even getting other people to do it for him? Unbelievable.
“Just tell him to give me a call when he gets a chance, okay?” You tried to not sound frustrated, but Wayne could tell you were upset.
“Will do.” He hangs up the phone and looks up at Eddie once again.
“Boy, I don’t know what the hell is going on between you two, but whatever it is, not talking to her about it isn’t going to solve the problem.”
Eddie looks down at his feet, embarrassed that Wayne is lecturing him over something that he should’ve already taken care of.
“I know, Wayne, it’s just..” he tries to think of the best way to explain this to his uncle without having to go further into detail about it all, “things are just a bit..complicated right now, okay? I promise I’ll talk to her soon. I just need some time to think about things.”
Wayne takes the hint that Eddie doesn’t want to get into the subject of what’s going on and gives him a sympathetic look. Not really knowing what it was that was making things complicated between you both, but knew whatever it may be was causing his boy to be in misery.
Grabbing his jacket and getting ready to head out the door, he turns and with a sigh he says to Eddie, “Well, whatever it is, you guys have been friends all your lives. You’ll be able to get through it, okay? Don’t sweat it, kid.”
And with that he heads out the door, leaving Eddie to stew in his own thoughts about everything.
You on the other hand, were pissed. Outraged. Angry.
How could he lie to you like that? Why would he even do such a thing? And then ignore your call when you finally reach out to him?
No, you weren’t gonna have it. Eddie was going to talk to you face to face about this whether he liked it or not. It was something that needed to be done, and you knew exactly when to do it.
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It was finally Friday, you had just finished your shift at work and was heading home to change and shower. Eddie was making his way over to the high school to start setting up for his Hellfire campaign. You knew if he wasn’t going to come to you and talk about things, you’d have to go to him. And that’s exactly what you planned on doing. You knew he wouldn’t miss a Hellfire meeting no matter what, so he would definitely be there. He wouldn’t be able to hide from you no longer.
You arrived at the high school and made your way to the room where the boys would be at. As you got closer to the door, you could hear them screaming at one another. Most likely over something that just happened during the campaign. You then heard a familiar sound. One that usually filled you with joy, but this time it just made you fill up with more rage than you already had.
Eddie’s laugh.
It pissed you off to no end hearing it. Hearing him having a good time, as if nothing was wrong. As if he hasn’t been avoiding you like the plague all week.
Without any hesitation, you burst through the door. The room falls silent as everyone looks over to see who interrupted them in the middle of their campaign. When Eddie’s eyes finally met yours, he could see how upset you were.
“Oh shit.”, He whispers to himself.
You march your way over where he was, sat on his throne, and you point your finger at his face.
“Where the hell have you been? Hm?”
Before Eddie has a chance to say anything, you continue on with your rant.
“All week! You haven’t called or stopped by to see me all fucking week! You never do that. Ever. We have been best friends forever and now suddenly, without warning you decide to just disappear? What the hell is your problem? Why have you been ignoring me?”
Eddie sat there, speechless and paralyzed from shock. He wasn’t expecting you to just show up randomly. He thought he would have more time to think over things before talking to you. He also didn’t expect to be having this conversation in front of the entire Hellfire Club, either.
“Say something!” You yell at him. Still, Eddie can’t find the words. Mouth moving as if he wants to say something but nothing comes out. You were mad before, but now standing here having him just stare at you not saying a word, it sends you over the edge.
“Fuck you, Eddie.” You spewed hatred towards him. “I can not believe after everything you did to me this weekend, you have the fucking audacity to not only ignore me and my calls, but blatantly lie to my face and have Wayne lie for you too. I already know you didn’t go to school Monday, Robin confirmed it for me. I seriously can’t believe you right now!”
You were fuming and after a few seconds of Eddie still not saying a word, you look at him and reach your hand out.
“Give me my key.”
“W-what?” Eddie finally is able to breathe out a word, and of course, it’s not what you wanted to hear.
“You heard me…Give. me. my. key.”
When he doesn’t move to give it, you yell again, still beyond frustrated with him.
With trembling hands, Eddie reaches for it. He slowly takes the spare key to your apartment off the key ring and places it in your hand. You walk back over to the door, turning to him one last time before you leave.
“Don’t bother calling or coming over anymore. Not until you actually grow the fuck up for once. Until then, I’m done. I don’t need to put up with you and all of your bullshit, especially not after what happened.”
You slam the door shut, leaving the boys there in silence. Walking back out of the school, you feel hot tears running down your face. In this moment, you could care less. You just wanted to go home and forget about everything that has happened this past week.
Eddie is left sitting there, staring at the door trying to hold back the tears in his eyes that are fighting to spill over the edge. Gareth is the first one to break the silence.
“Dude, I don’t know what you did” he says looking away from the door and back over to Eddie, “but whatever it was, you really fucked up.”
Still not saying a word, Eddie thought to himself.
He really did fuck up this time.
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showmey0urfangs · 3 months
eagerly awaiting your thoughts on the finale & season as a whole queen, whenever you might be ready to share them! i watched ep 8 and have just been staring at my ceiling lol.
Hi Anon! Actually, I got to see the finale a few weeks back but I couldn't discuss it until it aired for obvious reasons. I was very curious to see how the rest of the fandom would react to it. As you've probably guessed, I'm not crazy about it, though there are some moments that I really enjoyed.
My main gripe with this episode is that by changing the book plot point and making Lestat the one who saves Louis while Armand was apparently intent on both he and Claudia dying, it creates a massive plot hole where Armand's motivations make even less sense than they did at the end of ep 6 (I talked about this in more details in another ask). Now Armand doesn't kill Claudia because he wants Louis more than anything in the world and he sees Claudia as competition (which she never even was in this version but okay). Now he wants to kill both of them, and he does this because...he's a villain who does villainous things muahaha! Who the fuck knows, tune in next season to find out...maybe
It points to the same sloppy writing that is recurrent throughout this entire season. The writers introduce major deviations from the books—which, great we love that, imo the show does best when it creates its own fresh new storylines, as evidenced by ep 5 and most of present-day Dubai—but then they turn around and still try to shoehorn in the same story beats from the book and it just doesn't work anymore, so the whole thing ends up feeling incoherent and contradictory.
Do I think Armand would have any qualms about killing Louis under different circumstances, absolutely not! My pookie hunts down and dismembers rogue fledglings as a pastime. In fact, the only reason he doesn't obliterate Louis and Claudia to ashes the minute they set foot in Paris is precisely because he falls for Louis and becomes so obsessed with Louis that he would do anything to have him.
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If they were gonna change that plot point by removing Loumand's love story entirely then commit all the way and at least give us another plausible motivation for Armand putting on a whole ass fake trial and pretending he could not prevent it™ when his intent was to kill Louis anyway. What was the pretence for if not for Louis' benefit? What was the aim of his big machiavellic plan if it was not to get rid of Claudia and the coven in one fell swoop so that he and Louis could be together? Who the fuck knows, tune in next season to find out...maybe.
I also have a problem with the final twist/reveal. The way the show frames it, it doesn't come down to Louis finding out that Armand had a hand in Claudia's death. He already knew that, though not the full extent of it—because he's a dumb dumb who believed that Armand was oh so helpless next to the fierce vampire Sam. No, what pisses Louis off the most is the reveal that Armand didn't save him at the trial (although Armand still does free him from the coffin even though he's the one who wanted him killed in the first place, go figure).
But you see, Lestat loves Louis the mostest because at least HE saved Louis from the revenge trial...that he planned and rehearsed for months. So ShackLestat, as we're calling him, gets a bit of a rushed impromptu redemption arc with a tender hug and a kiss while Armand is thrown into a concrete wall and sent packing.
The final reveal is not about Claudia, it was never about [her]. The reason Louis resents Lestat in 1949 and pulls his little CW teen drama stunt in Magnus's tower hasn't changed; Lestat still crossed an ocean to rehearse a play that would burn his daughter alive and still stood by as said daughter was burnt to death. Armand is still the POS who sold them out. That hasn't changed much either. The decision of who Louis forgives comes down to who rescued him—which of his two toxic husbands was the better knight in dusty armour that chose him over Claudia. But who tf cares right? Loustat reunion everybody, yay! 🎉
I have so many other discrepancies and inconsistencies I could talk about, but at this point, I've made peace with the choices the show made. It's clear that the strikes had a huge impact on the writing and the overall quality the show might have had in a more ideal scenario. Hopefully, s3 will fare better, especially since RoJo—just like he keeps reminding us in every interview—will be writing about a character that he actually gives a fuck about for a change. 🙃
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plague-of-insomnia · 4 months
I'm sorry if this is a silly question but I'm just curious. Do you know how much time Ciel and Sebastian spend in Weston? I haven't read the manga in a while but while watching the anime I just feel like everything is happening too fast??? Luke the whole are was done in 2 weeks max
Hi, anon, I am not someone who pays super close attention to the chronology of canon (as in, exactly what day/date things happen) partly bc I care more about the overall story and themes and the characters than minutiae like that. Not bc I think people who do are dumb but bc I’m more of an AU creator than canon so knowing the details like that to extreme doesn’t really benefit me much so it doesn’t interest me to spend the time doing it. (Though I know at least one person did come up with a timeline through a certain point in the manga years ago, which you may find if you do a google search.)
But what I can tell you is Ciel comes home from the Campania before Easter and arrives at Weston presumably after that holiday, so likely in March or April. (I could probably find out exactly when Easter happened in 1889 but I honestly could care less lol.) We also know from McMillian that he is joining mid-term. It’s actually a clever way for Yana to have the school “begin” in Spring (which is familiar/nostalgic for Japanese audiences, where school years begin in April, usually) while still reconciling with the Western tradition of beginning in the fall.
We also know the cricket tournament takes place on the 4th of June—probably a day Yana picked since it plays with the theme of four (four houses, four prefects) in the arc but also because the number has an association with death in Japanese.
This means that Ciel is not a student at Weston for very long at all—only 2-3 months at most—since the midnight tea party happens after the cricket completes and presumably marks the end (or close to it) of the school year/term.
Honestly, until the last episode I think the anime has been perfectly paced with the manga. They’ve really made only minor shifts and mostly expanded things, so they’re following Yana’s vision fairly closely.
The one major thing is that this episode shoves most of two chapters into one, when it really could have been done in two. But that would mean 12 episodes. and I suspect the team was worried if they didn’t get the cricket part over fast, they might risk losing/boring their core audience.
One huge change they did was take out the explanation of the game itself and its basic rules, which Bard explains in the manga. This was likely done for time/space reasons but also because they may have figured most viewers don’t care and they can communicate enough for people to understand and follow along even if they don’t understand the rules of the game itself.
This is partly perhaps because the cricket part of the arc was not well received in Japan and was one of the least popular chapters, supposedly. It’s why I was shocked they turned it into a musical a couple years ago.
I was a bit disappointed to lose all that not only bc we lost a nice scene with Bard and the servants (they cut a scene with them where they have lunch, though it’s possible that could make it into next episode, but I won’t hold my breath), but also bc I’m like the ONE person who genuinely enjoyed the cricket part of the arc, and it’s one reason this arc is my second favorite in many ways.
I LOVE seeing Ciel and Seb working together in devious ways to get their mission accomplished, and how far Ciel is willing to go to win. Ofc we can still appreciate it anyway, but the fact that he so carefully works within the limits of the rules— and in fact, I learned in commentary on the arc that some of the rules Ciel takes advantage of were actually changed not long after this period of time, which is a fun detail.
So it could be things feel like they’re moving fast because in a sense they are, but it also could be you’re sensing that urgency from how rushed this last episode was. But I suspect when all is said and done, and you watch the entire thing, it probably won’t feel as off. Book of Murder took place over only 3 days, and Seb and Ciel were not at the circus long at all. I can’t be sure but maybe only a week or two? And ofc the campania adventure was also only a few days. In fact, this may actually be the longest mission in the series to this point. So it seems like most missions don’t take too long.
Hope that answers your question! I’ve been looking through the chapters in this arc before every episode to get a sense for the pacing and they’ve generally fallen exactly where I expect. This episode being one exception since they really did condense a lot.
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sunbloomdew · 11 months
oc inspired paintings :D
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lyrics from "Message In A Bottle" by The Police
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lyrics from "Tonight, Tonight" by The Smashing Pumpkins
see more about these pieces under cut :]
you don't have to, i was drinking melisa and as such was a bit sleepy while writing it. might not be very detailed or sensible lol
so, these are actually my ocs inspired paintings! first one is for haru and second one is for primrose. they are 'mirror characters' as i like to call them.
they were created alongside (more or less, the concept for them was anyway) and share themes and arcs in a way :)
now a little bit about the landscapes i picked and the songs.
"Message In A Bottle" is one of the songs from haru's playlist. There are a couple of reasons for why i chose it. First it's about loneliness which is a central aspect of haru's arc. they are a character who hates being alone and tries their hardest to make sure that doesn't happen. However in their pursuit of social renown and validation of a collective, they abandon the only people who loved them in the first place.
Loneliness is one of the things that prompted them to change in a way that would earn them approval of strangers and aquaintances. But their transformation ultimately didn't lead to them feeling better, instead it made them even more lonely - not able to connect with their newer friends and not able to open up to the old ones anymore.
The lyrics i chose have sort of a double meaning. It's how haru was feeling before their change begun. but it is also the way they are continue to feel, no matter how badly they deny it. the lyrics are also a contrast to their actual situation - they are surrounded by people who don't understand them - wether because they don't know them or don't know them anymore.
Second is the imagery. Haru was created for Our Life Beginnings and Always. While they are a spring themed character, i view them as the period of ending of spring and beginning of summer, so they embody both seasons to a degree. A castaway island in the song is something that i definitely associate with summer. And a summer, beach, california child is what haru tries to emulate, even if it's not truly what they are.
Third, it's a little inside joke with myself i have. i'm developing a pirate au with olba characters and ya know. bottle messages.... pirates......
Almost forgot but the last thing is that haru listens to a lot of 80s & 90s music, and this song came out in 1979 so. they definitely have heard it before. not their vibe but they thought it was okay.
anyhow, that song is fucking good, go give it a listen <3
and now for the second painting.
"Tonight, Tonight" is a song from Primrose's playlist. I think this song describes the uncertain nature of the future, but regardless of that, at this moment, tonight is tonight. There are things to come but not now. later. tomorrow. It ties into Primrose's arc.
At their core, Haru and Prim's stories are about change. Haru who rushes into things, changes themselves almost mechanically - with no regard for themselves or others, just to achieve their short-term goal. Primrose is going to be the opposite. A character who clings to the way things were, who never wants to plan for the future, afraid of what might change.
She is content to pretend that everything is just fine and things will go back to the way they were, losing herself in the comforts of her stories, books and the internet. Primrose is my Our Life Now and Forever character who is also spring themed except it's the winter-spring period. The change of the season is more visible and that makes her even less likely to accept it. The spring connection and imagery is more important here because spring is in a way a season opposite of fall. So part of the reason Primrose is afraid of change is her awareness of the fact that she doesn't really fit in Golden Grove.
Her journey will be about accepting that change in inevitable. And Haru's journey is about letting things be the way they are.
Her aversion to change is especially highlighted in her teenage years - everyone around her seems to be changing yet she is staying the same, not knowing if it's a bad thing or not, but not willing to find out either. I connect this song with her, because i feel like this is her expressing that she is not clueless about change but won't easily accept it either.
The lyrics are a bit of a foreshadowing to Prim's state as a young adult. People around her are figuring out their post high school plans, but she doesn't want to leave her hometown. "You can never ever leave without leaving a piece of youth." is the way she feels about leaving for university/college right away. It's also a bit more subtle in a way how growing up makes you leave some pieces of yourself behind, wether you want it or not.
I've been listening to other songs by The Smashing Pumpkins and what i like about them is that they aren't very direct with their meaning. It's a little bit how i want this character to be too. Maybe. Primrose isn't nearly as developed as Haru at the moment.
Some smaller things about the second painting. This song reads to me as Qiu/Primrose song specifically, step 2 one probably. I chose a forest with those type of trees because Rosie is Canadian and they have boreal forests there. Also i liked this imagery for her.
this song is good too, although i like "1979" from the same album more. still, give it a listen :3
i wanted to post some oc stuff, cause i get distracted by my other characters easily and start working on them, but i still wanna yell into the void about Haru and Rosie :]
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
Hey! Found your blog a few days ago I believe and I love your writing!
I was wondering if you could do a
Swk, redson, Mk, and macaque x reader who take a long time to process things? Or like they have dyslexia ( a learning disability) that makes it hard for them to learn things fast so they need extra help understand certain stuff? If not I completely understand!
I hope you have a nice day/afternoon/night! Take care of yourself!
Thank you anon!!! I did my best to look into dyslexia a bit so I wasn't flying blind, however if there are any problems with what I wrote please tell me!
Oof same
Though he tries his best to read himself, he tries extra hard to help you when you need it.
The two of you together probably mix up directions a lot(Mei and Redson will help lol)
Thinks it’s kinda cute if you mispronounce things; won’t make fun of you for it but will help you sound it out. If he doesn’t know either, you two just make guesses until something sounds right lmao
He himself uses a lot of visual aids(it’s why he loves drawing) so I can see him extending that offer of making some for you if you’d like!
Really good at getting you to calm down if you’re starting to get stressed at something you’re trying to comprehend.
Encourages you to take your time with stuff, there’s no rush, no one’s mad or anything.
They’re a little confused at first. The words on the menu are so easy to read, why are you having such a hard time?
(You’ll probably have to explain it to them)
Once they figure out what’s wrong they’re much less condescending toward you. They’ll pretend to not like giving you resources but trust me they love helping you any way they can.
Never ever rushes you to try and understand something. If someone else does, they threaten to set the person on fire if they don’t back off and give you a minute.
I think Redson is actually pretty good at explaining things in different ways. It requires some patience on their end, but they wouldn’t mind it for you.
If you want them to write something down for you because you’re kinda struggling on your own, they will. Their handwriting is really pretty.
He’s super supportive, don’t get me wrong, and he does his best, but this monkey cannot read to save his life.
Thinks in pictures, deals in pictures. You two can potentially help each other out? You present words, he’ll match a visual to it. The math is adding up
He takes things slow a lot of the time, so if you’re getting stressed about reading or understanding something, he encourages you to do your best. If you still can’t figure it out, don’t worry about it, it’s not a life or death situation!
If he sees you zoning out he has two options: join in(bc honestly he probably likes daydreaming!) or very gently helping you to zone back in. If it helps you to fidget with something he lets you play with his tail.
Doesn’t care what anyone else thinks about you. You’re not dumb to him, you’re not lazy. You’re trying just as hard as anyone else!
Like Redson, slightly confused at first. But then he remembers how Wukong is and understands immediately.
You’ll have to talk to him about what helps you the best, but in the meantime he doesn't mind reading aloud to you when the words just won't stop moving.
Very patient with you if you’re talking and pronouncing things wrong/mixing up words/etc. If you don’t mind him doing it he’ll correct you, but if you’d prefer he let you figure it out, he’ll shut up.
Has no sense of schedule for himself, but if you wanna work on your own time management he might partner up with you to figure out a routine for the two of you to follow(Please this man needs sleep. Give him a bedtime.)
If you’re into drama and theater like he is he’ll want you to help him with his plays! It’s hands on so you won’t have to stress that much
He’ll probably go terrorize anyone who insults you and your intelligence in front of him
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ryuichirou · 1 year
hhi what do you think about azurido (azul/riddle)? do you have any headcanons? have a nice day and btw you're a cool artist!
Hi Anon! I’m glad you like our stuff 🥰
We really enjoyed Azul’s and Riddle’s interactions in ch6, they are an interesting duo; I’ve talked about them a little bit in this reply, but I don’t have much to add, to be honest.
We don’t really ship-ship them, but I can give you a couple of headcanons, although it’s pretty obvious that I feel like they aren’t the best for each other. Which doesn’t mean that they’re a bad ship, of course, there are a lot of “they are bad for each other” ships that we love. But I feel like in order to have a continuous relationship, Azul needs someone more compliant and submissive, and Riddle needs someone more chill and less serious about himself. That being said, whatever they would have going on, it would to be interesting.
They consider each other attractive, at least in a “he is always doing his best to look good and I acknowledge that” way, and they also respect each other quite a lot, but it never occurred to them that there might be something between them pre-chapter 6. The whole STYX thing really made them reevaluate their relationship and perception of each other.
Their mutual respect and solidarity for each other’s ambitions would be the core of their relationship, they would talk a lot about how they are making each other better by being with someone who is also very into bettering himself and achieving perfection in any field; but at the same time they would have surprisingly deep conversations once in a blue moon, very rarely though. Other times, they would argue a lot about who is right about the pettiest little things, and since both of them are super stubborn, it gets ugly sometimes.
It’s impossible to be in a room with them when they watch any type of trivia-based game on TV, because it’s always a competition for them and they take it very seriously. Both are extremely sore losers, and they always want to prove to each other that they know more than the other does. While Riddle is usually the first one to yell out the answer, he is severely lacking in (pop) culture knowledge, so Azul gets plenty of chances to answer first and look extremely smugly at Riddle, while he gets either pouty or all red and furious.
Azul would actually manage to do the impossible: Riddle’s mom would like him a lot. Of course, he isn’t a lady, but he is such an upstanding and diligent young gentleman, surely a good influence on her son. Not to mention his pedigree, amazing grades and perfect work ethics. AND he controls his own diet! Riddle’s mother would even say that she wishes Azul was her son, to which Azul would laugh and say that they could arrange that (= Riddle and him could get married). Of course, none of this mean that Azul likes Riddle’s mother at all, but he is a master of sweet talking. Riddle is conflicted about this though: he is relieved, but he is a little bit terrified by how easy it was for Azul to win over his mother.
If they managed to get through the first year of their relationship and not split up, they would end up getting married pretty early. Riddle wouldn’t really want to rush it, but this is what feels “right”, and Azul has already decided that their alliance would be pretty profitable, plus they have Riddle’s mother’s blessing, so why not get married right after their graduation? They are definitely getting divorced at some point though lol
When it comes to sex, they are surprisingly passionate sometimes, especially right after they had a fight. Azul also makes it painfully obvious that he really enjoys seeing Riddle all red and vulnerable, which drives Riddle crazy and makes him mad, but that contributes to the hotness of their sex, so.  Azul can always complain afterwards and say “I can’t believe you bit me, Riddle-san”, as if he wasn’t the one to provoke the shit out of Riddle with his remarks about how cute, defenseless and a little pathetic he is when he lies beneath him.
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eightyuh · 1 year
Had a thought while rearranging the fabric in my craft closet.
It would probably help if one of the shrunken folks was a tailor. No "doll's clothes" comments, plus it's way easier to make it fit right if it's being sewn by someone your own height. (also, if the blacksmith's comment is anything to go off of... sounds like their scale can vary a little? though the council looked all about the same height, so maybe the blacksmith just didn't care to put in enough effort to do it properly)
of course, there's only ten of them, and considering the situations that usually lead to the shrinking, probably none would have the experience to be a tailor. But it could be learned, and might help with feelings of being purposeless.
LOL... inspired to get crafty with sewing huh? ^^ (i actually just bought a Monster High doll the other day with the intent of making clothes for it myself... hehehe....)
RE: Tailor + Blacksmith
It absolutely would help if there were Tailors and Blacksmiths their own size! And it'd make sense in-universe, too. The point of having those specific interactions however was for Glen to experience micro-aggressions. He thought he'd have it easy in his new life (royal servant, new responsibilities, free stuff, etc), but one-by-one is having his expectations shattered. As someone who prides himself in being self-sacrificing and having other rely on him, he's suddenly feeling purposeless -- as you say! Chapter 2 is meant to build up his frustration, which motivates him to action. If he had things go well for him, it'd give him less of a reason to begin his quest. ^^
RE: Retired Sizes
You have a really good eye haha... I appreciate you noting all these phrasing details! You're right -- it's a bit of both. I had it phrased really vaguely because I couldn't decide on one or the other. Based on how SP works in-story (will be explained Chapter 3), it would make sense that Retired folks can potentially end up varying in different sizes. However, I was just rushing to finish the comic -- and the only Retired person we focus on is Glen anyways -- so I didn't bother rendering different-sized people in the scene because ultimately I just didn't want to distract from him. So that's why they're nonspecific blobs. However, even if it's not the case and they're all just consistently ~6"-- you'd also be right. It could just be the Blacksmith being negligent and just using whatever metal scraps he had left and calling it good enough.
THANK YOU so much for your thoughts haha! <3 A little insane to me to think that these characters + story have been conveyed outside of my own head for others to chew on...
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spider-stark · 1 year
(mouse crumb anon) Also your TASTE, ive always had a soft spot for tobey before i developed an equally big one for dane and andrew, which is surprising bc i actually didnt think about tasm that much when it first came out, and now i just wish tasm and its cast was given better! like i think these were interesting interpretations of the characters that are distinct from raimi’s and ripe enough to really explore
if it were only done a bit more justice 😔 especially dane’s harry because i think he nails a certain mixture of bitterness, desperation, and ruthlessness that i wouldve liked to see progress in a less rushed movie. it’s such a different vibe from raimi’s harry osborn. and maybe i wouldnt have gone the blood route, but i do think there was some cool storytelling potential in adding that genetic curse element to the tasm osborns
god. i don’t mean to be so forward, but truthfully, i might be in love with you lmao but no, seriously, i have SO many opinions on dane’s harry osborn and tasm2 as a whole!
i think that dane dehaan was quite literally perfect for portraying harry, especially this version of him. but you’re right, the writers really didn’t do him justice and the storyline as a whole is just kinda messed up in my opinion? i agree that the genetic curse side of things is a very interesting take that had a lot of potential, but i have so many issues with the i need spider-man’s blood thing.
truthfully, with the way it was written, it actually ended up just making me feel terrible for harry and understand why he snapped and hated peter? like he’s supposed to be a horrible villain, but aside from him killing gwen i truly just feel bad for him and that’s it.
i mean, let’s really look at this: he’s got extensive trauma from his upbringing and his dad throwing him away like trash, then his dad dies, he finds out he has an incurable genetic disease, he’s suddenly in charge of a multi billion dollar company, peter shows up and acts like he wants to be there for him, and then when harry could actually use any form of support, peter is just gone. even if peter was anti giving harry his blood, it’s extremely out of character for him to have not wanted to try at ALL to save his friends life? make it make sense.
regardless, i very much so agree that i would’ve liked to see a better and less-rushed progression for harry’s character. because you’re right, he is bitter, he is desperate, and he is ruthless! but almost all of these things are rooted in having been traumatized, mistreated, and turned away. his character had so much potential to be a truly incredible villain, but it just felt like they looked over so much with him. this is exactly why in the tasm story i’m writing, i very much so plan on fleshing his character out the way i felt he deserved lol cause otherwise i’ll never rest
if you can’t tell, i’m very much so a harry osborn sympathizer over here and could talk about it forever lol but also yes tobey <3 love him <3
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pocchi-poket · 1 year
Spoilers for Nimona movie (and comic)
I finally got around to watching Nimona (forgive me for taking two weeks, it’s exam season in Italy) and when I tell you I broke down crying when I saw the Nimona “memorial wall”. The contrast with the ending of the comic, where Ballister is the only one who doesn’t see Nimona as a monster, while in the movie everyone sees her as a hero and there is an entire wall with “We love Nimona” plastered on it just, got to me. 
And, since some drawings were actually made in the style of the comic, to me it also felt like those were messages from all the people who read Nimona through the years who were thanking “her” for making them feel less alone. Maybe I’m reading too much into it, idk, I’m really emotional rn. 
Rather than filling the hashtags with my thoughts I guess I’ll just write a mini review:
They did many changes from the original comic, indeed, but it’s fine. In the end they’re two different things and they’re both GREAT. This movie is the proof that adaptations can be different because, if they’re well made, we can get not one but two masterpieces. The humor wasn’t always my thing, but it’s fine: it’s a matter of taste after all. Ballister and Ambrosius are different from their comic counterparts, but I loved them nonetheless. And, of course, my fave shapeshifter was everything I could wish for and more (yes, this is partly a joke on the fact Nimona’s a shapeshifter).
What really surprised me is that they managed to cover many things, even with depth, and the movie never felt rushed, which is something I can’t say for most movies I saw lately. And yeah, the trans/queer metaphor was really more blatant in this one, but I found it masterfully done, and maybe it should, for once, be blatant.
I also want to spend two words on the animation because, tbh, in the trailers I didn’t like it at all: things and characters felt a bit made of rubber. But I actually loved it watching the movie??? Idk why, maybe on a big screen (rather than my phone, where I watched the trailers) you can actually see the details, lol (and overall it was really fluid and well made). The 2d animations sequences were also beautiful. Of course, it’s no Spiderverse, but I’m pretty sure the budget for these two movies is vastly different. 
Also, love how in the credits we can see that the monopoly (who, for those who might not know, is THE game about how capitalism sucks) rip off is called “World Domination”. I love a good ol’ capitalism critic.
Anyway, thanks to ND Stevenson, Annapurna and all the people who worked on this masterpiece (and I guess Netflix too gets some thanks). Hoping this movie is the first of many of its genre.
Edit: forgot to mention my actually only qualm, which is about the italian version of the movie, where they translated Goldenloin's name roughly as "Goldenlimbs" or "Goldenedges". Cowards
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decidueyes · 4 months
I recently rewatched Death Note, its been one of my fave anime since I first watched it and it still is :) Some thoughts (hidden for spoilers):
-I know the common opinion is that the rest of the show after L dies isn't as good. I recently learned that the anime actually rushed it/skipped stuff from the manga, which is unfortunate :/. I noticed that there were much less inner monologues during the latter half; disappointing to me bcuz 1. it made it harder to follow the logic, and 2. it would've helped develop the Light vs Near dynamic and make us viewers feel more invested. It would have been nice if the anime had more episodes so it wouldn't feel so rushed. We also don't really get to know Mello and Near very well, which sucks cuz now everyone thinks they're not as good as L (which might still be true, but at least give them a fighting chance lmao). The worst victim has gotta be Mello's friend Matt who shows up in one scene just to get shot at by a group of people and die. Its funny to think about cuz why did they do him like that lol.
-L is still my fave <3. The OG autistic anime boy. When I first watched I was so surprised when he died that I felt like I was in shock for the rest of the day. I'm not usually that affected by character deaths but that one really got me. This time around I braced myself for it, but its not that bad when you know its coming. Still, Fs in the chat for him o7.
-On the other hand, I remember I hated Light lmao. I disagree with him but then also the whole "I'm a god" ego thing was off-putting to me. Now that I'm older I think maybe I can appreciate his character a little more. He's still dumb tho, killing criminals isn't gonna magically make the world better. I guess that's part of his character, the way he is so naive. There's also the question of whether the death note corrupted him or if he was always like that. Maybe a bit of both? That might be what's interesting about him. Tbh I feel like the death note would corrupt anyone :O
-I don't think I ever gave much thought to the relationship between Light and L, but now that I'm thinking about it, its kinda fascinating. Like, they don't really like each other, but they're also obsessed with each other. The most joy in life they have is this intellectual back-and-forth game they are playing. When Light says "its boring without Ryuzaki" and then multiple times he's like "Near u suck ur not as good as L" like why are u thinking about another man that much lmao. Anime rivalry/toxic yaoi go brrrr.
-Misa deserved better. She was basically written out near the end when she had to give up her death note again. 2 shinigami died for her and yet she barely gets to do anything damn lmao.
-I saw a youtube comment about Matsuda that was really cool. It said he was like a son to Soichiro, more than his actual son, which made it meaningful when Matsuda was the one to shoot Light at the end. Matsuda was also the only one who would sometimes say that Kira maybe had a point, so there's another meaning to him shooting LIght. Idk I just think that's a neat detail.
-Never 4get the memes. The potato chip scene. All according to keikaku. "I've even brought America to its knees". "DELETE DELETE DELETE". The other cop pocketing the strawberry that L gives him instead of just eating it. This show is so silly :)
This got kinda long whoops. TL;DR: Death Note good. Also, stan L :)
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fivekrystalpetals · 2 years
My thoughts so far (mainly the arc from Retrace XXXVI to Retrace XLII—trio investigates Sablier arc?)
1] Glen Baskerville: so, we get a face reveal for the ‘evil mastermind’ behind the Tragedy of Sablier. But before we talk about the meeting between Glen and Oz, I want to talk about Lottie’s bits of memories from the Tragedy.
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—out of all the events shown to us through Cheshire’s dimensions and even at Sablier itself, I can only trust these bits of Lottie’s memories (surprise!)—why? Because, for one, she has no reason to lie about her treasured master; and two, she is still alive. Alice from 100 years ago is long dead and the chain Alice has no memories of her past. She is just like us, readers, clueless of the actual events. And whatever memories we do see, I can’t trust them, being all shaky, distorted and twisted and traumatized.
Anyway, I felt something was off about the three panels even during my first read but I couldn’t place what exactly. I simply assumed it was because Glen’s face was shrouded in darkness and mystery, looking all cruel and villainous.
But I think I know what rubbed me wrong about the panels. It’s the urgency in his behavior. Why is he so agitated here? If the plan was made to sink Sablier into the Abyss to appease(?) the Will, then he should sit back and enjoy the game, no? Like, say, Father from FMA, who had a similar masterplan and motive to sink Amestris and make a Philosopher’s Stone out of all the souls. Not to mention, why did he give the order to Lottie and Co. to kill all the people? They might have been sacrificed to the Will, dead or alive, right?
Here we get the answer from Glen himself—
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The Will of the Abyss didn’t exist in the beginning. The Abyss itself was probably some sort of an energy source before it was granted a vessel. I am not yet sure of the exact details but what I strongly believe is that the White-Haired Alice is in reality a human and the actual twin sister of our Alice who was kept trapped inside Rapunzel's castle. But that raises a ton of other questions like—who placed her inside the Abyss? If it were the Baskervilles, did they believe she won’t have a ‘will’ of her own? Did they really think she would simply be a robot for them to use? And again, who is ‘Alice’? And how is she special to make them think she could act as a vessel for the Abyss?
Okay, well, that aside, Glen’s logic here actually makes sense to me? (or maybe I just listen better to dark-haired emo guys ahem so don’t take this seriously lol I am not trying to condone his actions or anything just trying to understand both sides of the argument) It’s similar to what Break said in Retrace IX. The power of the Abyss is malfunctioning, has pervaded the human world, currently disrupting it—the only way to set it right is by obtaining the Intention of the Abyss. Well, how Oz calculates into his equation or why he is called a Key is not yet clear but this—
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—seems important. It appears before Oz existed, only the Baskervilles, the servants of the Abyss, could access it but after Oz’s ‘birth’, everyone can do so.
Soooo, taking away all that ominous shading from around Glen, that’s what he too is saying, right? I am almost starting to believe that Glen was actually trying to set right the accident—not planning for it—because that way I get the answer to another one of my questions: why did he give the order to kill all the people in Sablier? Why could the people not have been sacrificed alive to the Intention, if sacrifice of so many people was to be the end outcome anyway?
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Honestly, from his agitation and his overall urgency and his apparent hurry to even pause to answer his subordinates’ very valid question, it felt less like a planned affair and more like a last-minute rush hour, more like he was running out of time. Why was he running out of time if this Tragedy was planned in advance?
On the other hand, if–if he didn’t know this Tragedy was gonna take place, and if the Intention suddenly started to pull down the capital, his reaction would make sense. I think, so I ask, was he trying to save the people of Sablier from a Fate worse than Death, as they say? Anything that gets dragged into the Abyss gets converted into Chains or something worse (see: Vincent shot down Phillipe’s dad before he got dragged into the Abyss?), I think Glen gave the urgent yet baffling order to kill the people so that they ‘die’ before they get dragged into the Abyss.
[Well, I think I am wrong anyway; somehow none of my guesses are working for this story lol. Two faults I can easily pick on in my theory: 1] Lottie and co. were alive and well in spite of being dragged into the Abyss and 2] the people could have been evacuated from Sablier, no? or perhaps it was too late for even that?]
Next, this—
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Glen is not a memory, is he? He is actually talking to Oz. At first, he wrongly assumed that Oz was Jack and addressed him so; but then he realized his mistake.
And then, comes the familiar line—the Baskervilles said this, his dad said this and now, Glen too—
Your sin is your very existence.
—let me tell you I didn’t take this line seriously until now. Eh, it’s some line that is being repeated to make a Tragic Hero with a Tragic Backstory out of Oz—is what I thought. But now, a guy who has no connection to Oz whatsoever repeats the same line, out of nowhere, without any outside influence or knowledge, merely by looking ‘inside’ the boy; and I am suddenly being forced to wonder what it means (perhaps in a literal sense)
Oz should not have existed.
Alternatively, Oz shouldn’t have been born.
Xai Vessalius said the same thing too. Pretty sure this has something to do with Oz being the Key to access the Abyss, but what exactly he can do is unclear to me.
(Oh, an additional complaint (of sorts?): uh, I didn’t like Jack’s attitude toward Lottie and co., they were merely asking for an answer from him (they were even quite casually polite unlike their usual attitude towards the others); while the answer he gives them is: 1) he is trying to protect his friend’s reputation (before his own subordinates?? Please. The Baskervilles seem too loyal to their master. Even if the truth is too hard and too cruel to digest, they would have accepted it as one of their master’s orders anyway.) and 2) that Lottie won’t stand a chance before the B-Rabbit’s power… which okay? Doesn’t answer their question though? Honestly, feels like he is trying to scare them away from the truth more than anything else. And if my theory is right, and Glen was actually trying to save the people, then why would he (or the Baskervilles) want to bring about another Tragedy of Sablier? *shrugs in idek anything at this point*)
Moving on,
2] Vincent, Gil and the Will of the Abyss: (or, as I believe the girl talking so rudely to Gil and Vincent. I won’t have it that it’s our sweet Alice being the one mocking him about his eyes but if it is so, then well…)
Anyway, she is the one that tells Vincent about Glen and five chains that exist within his body: Jabberwock (the one Glen had in the scene with Oz), Raven (Gil’s), Dodo, Owl, Griffon (Xai’s chain) (all creatures from Alice in Wonderland). Also, that Glen is an undead spirit that keeps changing bodies (like atla!avatar), that he rules over the Baskervilles, that Gil would be the next Baskerville head and so unless Vincent stops the ceremony to transfer Raven into Gil’s body, Gil will die. Why would Gil die if he is meant to be the next heir; it makes no sense. Pretty sure the Will was simply lying to make Vincent open the Door.
The solution—open the Gates of the Abyss (real reason: so the Abyss could creep into the human world, huh?) which Vincent believed and did anyway… kickstarting the Tragedy of Sablier. (So, that’s all Vincent remembers? I hoped we could learn more from him; but the next thing he was seeing after opening the Gate was the massacre in Sablier.)
So, in the present, Vincent desires the Will of the Abyss so he can reverse time and make it so that the Tragedy never happened in the first place. yk, this is one rare situation where I actually wish Time could be reversed and the past could be restored because Vincent was only a little child at the time. He just desperately wanted to protect his brother (and prove that he is not a curse or burden to his brother) but the adults around him used this vulnerability to manipulate him into committing acts beyond his full comprehension. Little knowledge is a dangerous thing indeed. Even then, and taking Break’s case as an example, even if he manages to reverse the Tragedy, something even bigger and more tragic must happen.
Also, about Raven: apparently, transferring this chain to Gil was the first step to make Gil the next heir to the Baskervilles. Vincent was against this 100 years ago yet he willingly shows Raven to Gil in the present (ten years ago i.e.). Why? Is this some part of his plan? To try and make Gil remember his past? Or, so they find an irreplaceable position in the Nightray household? Or, considering his calculations to change the past, this contract won’t matter anyway—is what he thinks?
I am worried about Gil, too. What is the ‘kill him, kill him,’ saying going on inside his head? Break correctly points out that those thoughts aren’t his own. I can’t explain why but I feel like it’s Raven that’s feeding him these thoughts. Or, it could also be the B-Rabbit chain that is under his control or something. Uhhh, idk what’s going on with Gil, nothing good obviously.
About Gil, Jack and Glen: I thought Gil was Jack’s servant in the past, that’s why he feels so bonded to Oz but turns out this is not so. Although strange why—
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Even in Cheshire’s domain, Gil is the one that ran into Jack first. I wonder…
Another thing: Gil obviously doesn’t remember anything from his past, but did he know Glen? There must have been some communication between Glen and Gil 100 years ago if he was chosen to be the next heir and all. Was Glen Gil's master, if not Jack?
Either way, it’s sad—the two brothers’ relationship. In spite of all their hardships, they clearly cared for each other even if the thought seemed to have entered Gil’s mind several times to just up and leave Vincent behind (which he thankfully didn’t. He is his only relative, after all.) Vincent too cares a lot for Gil, if not for anyone else. And was ready to listen to the words of some strange lady in strange robes (kids, never accept candy advice from strangers, okay?) to help his big bro.
3] Miranda Burma:
Ah, this lady.
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And this lady:
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are the same, right?
This bitch lady was the one manipulating the hell out of a little child. She has played an important role in the Tragedy by getting to open the Gate to the Abyss. Perhaps, as a member of one of the noble houses, she was granted entry to the Baskerville Mansion, and she decided to misuse this trust to bite the hand of her own host.
Anyway, her existence in the story makes me all the more certain that the Tragedy came onto the Baskervilles as suddenly as Vincent opening the Gate to the Abyss. And that the four Dukedoms each have something or the other to do with this Tragedy. Perhaps, they were jealous of the power the Baskervilles held, that they alone could act as the Servants of the Abyss and wanted the Doors to the Abyss for themselves?
Oooh, could it be that Jack Vessalius too is part of the plot? What a twist it would make yum! Did he betray his best friend’s trust in him to plot with the other Dukedoms against him? After the Baskervilles were defeated, he must have been declared the ‘Hero’ by the other Dukedoms for all his help, eh? Perhaps, there is some truth to Lottie’s accusation, after all? Jack didn’t defend himself then—simply scared her off with the B-Rabbit’s power.
Also, very interesting that four of the five chains that originally belonged to Glen were shared between the Dukedoms like spoils of the war.
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This scene is a red herring, yes? Glen’s Evil Smirk TM is supposed to be taken as—ah, obviously he is in cahoots with her and the Plan, but that seems too obvious to me; I rather feel like she was someone he trusted a lot and was simply smiling in acknowledgement, not knowing of the secret betrayal going on around him. I have read too many detective novels to fall for something this obvious hahaha.
side note: she is totally a manipulative bitch but her hair is beautiful lol
4] Xai Vessalius: oh yeah, and what about the Vessalius' household head? The one who hates his ‘son’ so much that he is ready to personally cast him as far as possible into the Abyss to maintain some distance lol. The Burma Dukedom was clearly ‘in’ the Tragedy, but seeing that Xai Vessalius and Duke Nightray are working together (at least in some capacity, for the Duke vouched for Xai’s alibi while the latter was def in the Coming-of-age ceremony) makes me wonder (once again)—who is on whose side? Who is telling the truth? What are they hiding? The truth behind the Tragedy of Sablier?
Plus, Rufus Barma reads out (from a book that no one but he can read which in itself is suspicious lol) that Jack sacrificed his body to stop Glen (the spirit) from resurrection but… that might also be because the four Dukedoms don’t want Glen to awaken (otherwise the truth might come out).
Not to mention, there is this and idk what to make of it—
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The more I continue with this story, the more it feels like Oz came into existence from very dubious sources just like the Intention of the Abyss.
And what about sweet Uncle Oscar? Is he as good-natured and jovial as he appears? In spite of Gil repeatedly telling him that Xai was the mastermind of the Incident at the Coming-of-Age ceremony, he simply brushes his statement off. Are both brothers (and Duke Nightray) in this together?
But Xai also seems to be acting with the Baskervilles. Maybe, in his own faceless (lol why is his face not revealed already?) methods, he too is simply trying to uncover the truth from 100 years ago and really, nobody knows anything?
5] Alice and Jack (and Lacie): Well, I didn’t learn anything new about these two except for that the eerie tune we’ve been hearing right from the first chapter and the grave belongs to ‘Lacie’. She was someone very beloved to Glen and had to be made into a sacrifice for the Abyss. (Well, that’s a lot of things to unpack but for now I am not gonna make wild assumptions bc i am gonna be wrong anyway.)
only thing: if my theory that “the Tragedy of Sablier was orchestrated by the four dukedoms to get hands on the Doors to the Abyss and get rid of the Baskervilles who were caught right in the middle of a crossfire when Vincent opened the Gate” is wrong, then the other theory could be something like: Glen sacrificed the people of Sablier to the Abyss as a cost to get back Lacie or something. (yk, the trope of the villain ready to throw away the world for the sake of one ‘beloved’ person)
6] Human Experimentation: arrgghhh I was right about this and now I am sad I was right, bc Phillipe is gonna be used for these experiments, right? The so-called facility to take in kids whose parents were illegal contractors seems above board and done in a good cause and all (or so our main trio and Leo-Eliot believe; Leo is esp. good with the kids) so the author can hit them (and me) hard when they find out that the kids have been used in experimentation and never gonna return. ‘Endless supply of human guinea pigs’ are you kidding me?!! I already had a hunch that the organization of Pandora was shady af and now I have proof.
7] Eliot Nightray: I don’t know what to make of this boy yet; but I am warming up to him anw because he is such a tsundere lmao. He clearly wants to react positively whenever Oz loudly offers to be friends, instead he is having this ‘stoned’ expression on his face ///>^<///
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(lol he is so funny; He is literally the anime single-canine-in-mouth-when-mad catboy in this whole dark affair lmao)
or has a constant nerve popping on his face somewhere lol
Another curious thing: he claims he wrote the song Lacie (the same song Glen wrote) so...... what does it mean? Is he destined to be the next host for Glen? Does he share his memories? And he even has the nightmare of burning buildings and people dying (Tragedy of Sablier, right?) Eliot as the next Glen is something I’d definitely want to see. He’d look so cool with all those layers of robes.
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okay he looks really handsome here; had I read PH 10 years ago, I might have crushed on him so hard hehehe
8] Baskerville clan: now that Zwei and the one who cast Oz into the Abyss, Xai are both revealed to be /not/ Baskervilles, I believe only Lottie, Fang and the other guy are the only remaining Baskervilles. Oh, and the new young girl who appeared from the Gate still in possession of the Baskervilles–Lily.
I am actually warming up to this little ragtag group of mass murderers. They might be villains to this story (or not from their pov) but they are still family—Lottie being the older sister,
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Fang gives off Tired DILF of FourTM energy (how did I not notice him before? I am in love with the way he talks &lt;;3),
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Lily is the little sister.
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Lottie came across as super weird in the beginning but I feel like that’s all just a cover to hide her hurt feelings at her own helplessness and their inability to find their master’s body and give him peace.
The scene where she is consoling Lily and recounting her own experiences:
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She looks so sad here :((
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And, just like that, I am down for the villains once again lol
9] Oz and Alice: lol I am not even trying to understand what’s going on with Oz anymore. That he is able to use B-Rabbit's power on his own is one thing, but why is he wielding the scythe as well all of a sudden? Does the power of the B-Rabbit keep transferring to Oz’s body the more he uses it? What will happen to Alice then? Will her soul disappear? Because as I understand, B-Rabbit merely assumes the form of Alice bc it is harder to maintain the whole form,, but Alice was already dead 100 years ago. So, what is in the B-Rabbit chain must be more or less a small fragment of her soul. If the B-Rabbit finds a stronger host, is it automatically transferring to it? Maybe then, Alice can finally rest in peace ;-;? I just hope she finds the whole truth of her life before she passes for good this time. This girl is becoming lonelier and more lost as the story proceeds. And even her chipper and boisterous attitude is more forced these recent chapters unlike the first few chapters. Oh, I can’t even remember the last time she was hungry for meat TT~TT
To end this long essay on a funny note, have a panel of Alice ‘kissing’ Oz in the end—I am laughing at the shape of Oz’s cheek at the end of the ‘kiss’
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ferusaurelius · 11 months
Get to know your fanfic writer!
I was tagged by @callista-curations and actually got to the end of the week with a bit of energy for once, so... here we go. ;)
When did you post your first ever fanfic?
The first EVER was on ff.net probably around 2000-2004? For a friend, for an obscure show nobody's heard of. My first fic I posted for myself was 2020.
First Character(s) you wrote?
I actually wrote original characters in the Mass Effect fandom. My short thought experiment on machine translation.
Main Character(s) you’re currently writing?
Nihlus Kryik, David Anderson, Commander Rentola
Character(s) you haven’t written about before but plan to write about soon?
Nyreen Kandros, Ashley Williams. Though they might take a bit since I'm still kinda marinating on what I want to do there.
Fandom(s) you’re currently writing?
Mass Effect! Hyperfixation fandom, go! (I write meta posts for Our Flag Means Death, but do not intend to write fic.)
Platonic pairing(s) you’re currently writing?
Commander Rentola and Ashley Williams
Romantic pairing(s) you’re currently writing?
Nihlus Kryik/Saren Arterius, David Anderson/Saren Arterius (yep!).
Your top AO3 tags?
Romantic Comedy (LOL). Good job, barfics!
Current platform you use for posting?
AO3. I've read a bunch of fic for different fandoms over the years and I'm pleased to be able to contribute when I have the energy.
Snippet of the WIP you are currently working on?
So bar!fics are going to have a long!fic sequel. Keep in mind I AM A SLOW WRITER with multiple wips, to the point where the 'easy' one-shots get published first.
I'm not sure about POV or pacing, but it'll be in a different voice and tone than the originals and have actual mission-oriented plot and some developing relationship stuff.
If you don't want spoilers, I've put it below the cut. ;)
This is a Very Rough high-level outline of a fragment of the entire plot, because my 'other' current WIP is maybe gonna be a nano project. I have various wip possibilities dueling it out for my attention and will see you in December. xD
Normally I would tag a few people to play (and if you feel like playing and you are reading this, IT IS YOU WHO IS TAGGED xD), but specifics are beyond my brain tonight.
Outline time~
Saren entertains Nihlus with his own history and experience of the Skyllian Verge, as well as being a sort of guide to the full intelligence picture, as he understands it.
Nihlus (with a snap of intuition) puts together that something bigger and more urgent than Saren thinks is happening or likely to happen, and it makes him restless and want to investigate immediately, because what if his intuition is right?
Saren insists that Nihlus should go as soon as his ankle’s recovered. He has his own authority.
Nihlus declines to ‘rush’ into something and presents an alternative of walking Saren through his process and treats this as a getting-to-know you thought exercise to keep Saren distracted from how fucking miserable the detox process is.
Saren and Nihlus together, working the problem over food and no access to other sources of information beyond what they can recall, come up with a terrible plan.
Nihlus can infiltrate the merc group by having a public falling-out with Saren.
Saren can get sent to hunt down “Rogue Spectre” Nihlus in the Verge.
Nihlus treats this seriously and starts workshopping different options while Saren is getting increasingly agitated about the whole concept of the frame-up.
Saren: I can’t ask you to do this.
Nihlus: Fine, you’re not asking. I’m volunteering.
Saren: I don’t know if I can let you do this.
Nihlus: It’s my decision.
Saren: -can’t dispute this, even if he doesn’t like it-
Saren: -eventually agrees, though he doesn’t like it-
Saren: Alternatives.
They come up with others that have less advantage in discretion, timing, or access.
Saren is forced to admit that Nihlus’s idea about infiltrating a group directly is the best one, since it allows them the most flexibility in cover story and depth of access. Plus, Nihlus is marked.
Saren: I’ve never asked.
Nihlus: -tells him-
Nihlus: What are you going to need for your part to work?
Saren: You, eyes open, and no hesitation. Trust me to manage my end no matter what you hear or what happens.
Nihlus: -kinda loves this about Saren- With my life.
Saren: It may come to that.
Nihlus: We’ll worry about that when it happens.
It will happen.
Saren: A better medical regimen.
Nihlus: I’ve never asked.
Saren: -tells him-
... and that's all you get to see for now. xD Be intrigued! Be very intrigued. If you can guess what canon event this is gonna be AU for, you get bonus points. ;)
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beamzar · 10 months
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22nd November 2023
Open Entry: 19:26
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Today was a good day.
Woke up very groggy, my voice was even huskier than the day before. What fixed it was a very VERY hot shower in the morning. I like Wednesdays because usually i dont have to rush to get things done, although this will end soon when i actually start attending my maths class. I wasnt able to prepare breakfast or lunch though, so i had to pass by a corner shop and buy 2 croissants and a strawberry yazoo (2 because the minimum card payment was 3£) (total scam but i gobbled those up anyway, so nothing was wasted in the end anyway).
School was nice, I didnt sneeze that much or anything. I honestly expected it to be way worse because of the large break and barely being able to survive cause of this virus. The only thing that really bugged me was my vision going blurry, and my eyes burning and swelling up. I was dizzy and practically blind the whole day, even started walking on the road (didnt die thanks to my friends lol).
I was alot more talkative and playful too i think. I think my friends are getting very comfortable around me, which is the best feeling ever. I value all of them a ton, so being nice to be around to them means the world to me. We had a nice walk, some nice chats. Film was suprisingly decent too. My eyes were burning up tho and i honestly felt like that clip of Dream, where he kept putting his head in his forearm. Damn Sarah for not warning us about the lights. It was comfy and warm in the class though, which is nice seeing as the outside completely contrasted it.
After the lesson i spent some time with my friends. Again, very fun. I love being around them.
The walk home honestly was alright. It was dark and sketchy as always, i kept getting weird looks from some creepy men. Might have been because i was lip syncing and drumming to Type O negative tho lol. I like listening to them when i have to walk alone in the dark, or metal in general. It makes me feel less scared. I think my favourite bit of that was the part by the park. The hill woth the forest behind it looks like something out of a fever dream. Very creepy, but in a good way sorta.
Got home got dressed, usual stuff. Mh dad called me, as he promised he would yesterday. I had a very nice talk with him, lasted about 1 hour. I love him alot, he kept telling me jokes and preaching life lessons. I ended up showing him one of my recent artworks, which he LOVED. I was so happy he did, he seemed very proud. What did make me sad is him not believing me when i said he was the best dad id ever ask for. Really got to me, because hes been his best for me, hes been the best to me, and in all honesty i wouldnt replace him with anyone else if given the chance to. Hes great, and has shown me a ton.
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Close Entry: 19:45
Heres todays song:
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