#the evicted
nando161mando · 8 months
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tomafome · 5 months
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Anthony Hernandez, Forever #36 (2009)
Even the word homeless, as a noun, is recent. The Homeless, neither voters nor consumers, disenfranchised and without economic subjecthood, have rather suddenly become a permanent fixture in America’s ossifying caste system. Like Iraqi civilian casualties in the Gulf War, their precise number is elusive. Let’s say they are many. Very many. That term, “The Homeless,” as if they were an organized group, a group with rights, a group you belonged to. If one weren’t implicated in the commonplaceness of their existence, that is, if the homeless weren’t such a present feature on the social horizon, one might find the distance to inquire as to why such a class exists at all in the United States. One might ask what sort of poor, shitty country it is that has so little self-respect as to allow its citizens to sleep in doorways and beg for food. Questions like this don’t get you very far. It’s a matter of priorities. That’s how it is. It’s a free country. Both the rich and the poor have the right to sleep under bridges. Why don’t they just go away? They’re already away. They’re “home.” They’ve been “evicted,” a word which, unlike “homeless,” speaks volumes.
Anthony Hernandez and Lewis Baltz, «Forever Homeless: A Dialogue» in Landscapes for the Homeless, 1995 (Sprengel Museum Hannover)—the bold italics indicate Hernandez’s voice as it appears in the publication.
Forever comprises photographs taken in the downtown area of Los Angeles and the poorer neighbourhoods of Compton, Watts and South Central, made between 2007–2012. The work traces the movements of the homeless, in images which take up the point of view of the homeless person. The title was drawn from a previous work Landscapes for the Homeless (1995), exhibited at the Sprengel Museum in Hanover. The catalogue included a conversation between Hernandez and Lewis Baltz titled Forever Homeless: A Dialogue. It was Baltz who chose the title, and Hernandez speaks of its prevailing significance, “The title is very important because, as I write this, fifteen years on, the homeless population of Los Angeles has only increased; I could technically keep photographing this subject, making these kinds of pictures, forever.”
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onlytiktoks · 7 months
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July 27, 2023 - A tripwire takes out a full squad of riot police who were on their way to evict a squat in Brest, France. [video]
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re-lmayer · 27 days
i can't afford rent because of my abusive ex and desperately need help. if i don't pay, it will cause a domino effect where i'll be homeless, lose my emotional support animals, and eventually i can be sued and my paypal account seized. i'll also fail this college semester, which will mess up all my student grant funding and getting a degree
i'm disabled and was recently hospitalized for a nervous breakdown, and stress is making me sick. i've been diagnosed with an ulcer
there's a lot of ways to help me and my cats. you can commission me on kofi, donate directly via paypal, check out my crowdfunds on youpay, share my twitter and bluesky threads, and of course reblog this post. sharing is free!
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more context under the cut. it will be updated as things change
my ex boyfriend is an abusive alcoholic. he's raped me, tried to medically neglect me, stranded me at our new apartment alone with no food and a clogged toilet, and most recently refuses to pay any rent and is content to allow me to become homeless despite legal obligation
i have been granted a hud/section 8 housing voucher, but to use it a unit must pass inspection
the apartment i applied for didn't pass, and needed repairs. the landlord told me he'd accept the first applicant that could pay first month rent and a huge deposit. the housing authority told me i'd lose my voucher if i didn't proceed with this exact unit
originally, i was supposed to be on my own. but i was shoved between a rock and a hard place with the voucher and deposit. i couldn't afford the deposit despite friends crowdfunding for me, so... i asked my boyfriend for help
he needed a place to go himself, because he broke his lease bringing me and my cats in. (i was unaware of this, and had no suspicion he'd do something that would compromise his 2 bed/bath apartment)
my doctor also prescribed caregiver after my hospitalization so it seemed mutually beneficial from a financial standpoint, even if i wasn't enthused about it
we couldn't afford movers, so over the course of march we'd been moving things by the carload ourselves. the queen bed was too big, so the night before last he informed me he was dumping it while he had help from a friend to move it. i had a bedframe and mattress from the last place i'd lived, but it had already been taken to the new place. i thought we'd agreed i'd basically move in to the new place early so i'd have somewhere to sleep
come saturday night, i messaged him that the toilet was clogged. he refused to bring a snake, and told me i was using him because i don't hug and kiss him enough. (i'm a csem victim, asexual, and autistic and don't like physical affection)
he's decided he doesn't want to proceed with the unit, and it hasn't passed the inspection, so my voucher doesn't cover it yet. i can't afford the rent out of pocket, and i'm broke because i'm disabled. we agreed he'd pay rent until the voucher kicked in, then he would be added to it as my caregiver, because he'd take me to medical appointments, ensure i get my medication on time, ensure i'd and bathe, etc.
but that ship has sailed. now i'm left in a lurch, and desperately need help. a large portion of the security and pet deposits were nonrefundable, so all the previous effort would go to waste if i can't stay
because i was recently hospitalized, i don't know how i'll survive homelessness. my cats are prescribed emotional support animals, and losing them would be devastating
these are text messages from when he refused to bring the snake and dumped me:
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after this, he proceeded to continuously ignore me when i'd bring up rent, that he's on the lease, and going to the bank to pay the landlord
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he never responded to the above and then proceeded to act like nothing happened
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he didn't respond to any of these except agreement to let me get my cats with the help of someone from my weekly ywca meetings
he is now proceeding to STILL not respond or accept responsibility despite me explaining to him in great detail what the repercussions will be if he doesn't help pay rent. he continues to say "you"
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as of august 29, i don't have enough to pay the rent on my own, but i am keeping all of these text messages to present in eviction court if it comes to that. i also intend to take my ex to small claims court
the landlord's maintenance guy also """plunged the toilet""" after leaving me without a working one for five days, and after i was informed there was a problem with the entire complex's pipes. i was not here, so i can't vet if it was true. they """plunged""" without permission, and then sent me an invoice after the fact. i also can't afford this fee, and find it predatory in nature. the maintenance company is owned by the landlord
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i have reached out to legal aid to ask about the legality of the landlord handling the situation like this. i will reach out to them again if i get an eviction notice
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kaijuno · 2 months
Hey guys. So I could really really use some help right now. My boyfriend recently lost his job, and I am disabled and working on going on disability, as I keep getting denied jobs due to my health. We need help to finish paying our rent, and the court date to be evicted is July 22. We need help. We have nowhere to go, and we have a cat. Anything helps, from a few dollars to a share.
Thank you 🙏🏻
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Kofi | Cashapp | Venmo | Amazon | PayPal
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church-of-lilith · 1 month
ted lasso is coming back for a season 4 which means trent crimm is coming back to me which means we’re about to see him on screen for the first time with the confirmed knowledge that ‘trent absolutely had a crush on ted’ which means that—
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dietmimo · 3 months
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HSY: *feral screaming and cursing*
DKOS: I said I was sorry.
HSY: *feral screaming and cursing INTENSIVES*
[ID: Animated Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint fanart. Kim Dokja is in Demon King form, and he's much bigger than Han Sooyoung, who's comparatively tiny and is clinging to his nose and face while furiously yelling and thrashing around as Kim Dokja nervously tries to appease her. End ID]
ID by @princess-of-purple-prose
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writeouswriter · 1 year
Look, look, some of the deepest, most intricately detailed, real and profound media I’ve ever seen is also the stupidest, most ridiculous and strangest media I’ve ever seen, promise me you’ll get real weird with it
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radicalgraff · 8 months
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"Your vacation, my eviction"
Seen in downtown Lisbon, Portugal
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omainu · 27 days
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Chelsie happily votes to evict Tucker.
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ppan-kyu · 1 year
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renesyce · 1 year
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alien superstar
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So alix had to leave Paris to protect the bunny miraculous, Luka had to leave because he knows ladybug and chat noirs identity’s…..Alya should just start packing at this point
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inkonparchment · 2 months
sentinel - re4r bodyguard!Leon x college student!reader.
Leon offers you a piggyback ride.
The ache in your heels feels so good, hands gripping Mia's with a huge smile plastered on your face as you bounce off beat to the music. The atmosphere is lovely; conversation drowned out by the music, bodies huddled together in someone's house, a makeshift bar standing in almost every corner.
You stifle a giggle when you notice a flash of Leon's blond mop, obscured from your view with the expanse of the makeshift dancing floor between you. You know he's not happy to be here, something about being "too old for this kind of crowd" that had made you roll your eyes, reminding him that he was barely even thirty and also without a choice.
He blended in well enough, a black ensemble of t-shirt - god were all his shirts so tight - and pants and his leather jacket that was probably hanging around somewhere. Leon would blend in better if he lost that permanent scowl on his face, offering you one whenever you would give him the suggestion.
Mia pulled you towards her, helping you avoid crashing into a particularly drunk person stumbling behind your back. You shared a look with her before dissolving into a fit of giggles, the alcohol finally catching up to you, not so much to plaster you but enough to make the world fall away a little.
"Here you are ladies," Johnny greeted cheerfully, red solo cups in both hands and a plastic water bottle stowed under his arm.
"Oh thank god," Mia groaned, taking one of the solo cups and immediately taking a swig. "All this dancing is killing me."
You laugh at your friend, wiping her lip as some of her drink dribbles out, "God Mia, I raised you with better manners than that."
Johnny gives you a kind smile, handing off the water bottle to you. You like him, he's nice, good company, makes Mia laugh louder than anyone else and always makes sure she's okay. "Hey uh, I don't know how this fits in your whole situation but I think your guy may be in need of some rescuing," He nods behind you.
You turn, confusion etched on your face. 'Your guy'? Leon and him needing rescuing? What a laughable sentiment. The ball drops in your stomach when you finally spot him, Johnny's words making sense.
Leon's practically pressed up against the wall, defiantly looking anywhere but at the trio of girls that have him surrounded. All pretty nails, giggling forms and trying their hardest to take him home. Anywhere is more fun than here, they say to him, batting their eyelashes.
You want to laugh, so bad, but something stops you, maybe it's the acidic sensation that's beginning to pool in your stomach. His face drops down, locking eyes with you across the room, the crease in his forehead flattening. The rumble of the music falls away, the ache in your feet fading into the background.
Your eyes flicker to the swipe of one of the girls hands across his chest and you find yourself moving, muttering a "I'm gonna head out" to Mia. Leon's gaze doesn't stray from you, keeping you in sight as you approach.
It fills you with satisfaction when he straightens, shuffling away from the girls and coming to meet you halfway. You can practically see the "Are you okay?" lingering on his lips but you beat him to the punch. "Let's get out of here."
And it doesn't take long for the two of you to exit, smirking at the girls who can only watch you walk away with Leon, jackets on and beginning the walk back to the dorms. It's a nice night, quiet with no one around as you walk through campus grounds, your heels clip-clopping satisfyingly against the ground.
Leon strays behind you, not too far but not too close, his presence a comfortable warmth in the cool breeze. Your heel catches in one of the cracks, making you stumble with pathetic grace thanks to your drinking. But before you meet the cold pavement, a hand steadies you on your forearm, calloused fingers gentle against your skin.
You look up, nose only a hairs breadth away from Leon, your stomach lurching at his close proximity, the cerulean blue irises focused fully on you, searching your face.
"Are you drunk?"
"What are you a cop?" You shoot back.
The corners of his lips twitch upwards. He sighs, guiding you to one of the benches and gingerly making you sit down. You blink at your hands, finally remembering the bottle of water that you were holding. You go to open it, only to have it swiftly plucked from your grip, a quick twist of the cap and then thrust back in your palms, Leon's own encouraging you to take a few sips.
He crouches down infront of you, looking distastefully at your footwear. "I'm surprised you haven't started complaining about your feet yet."
You hold away the bottle from your lips, offering it to Leon silently, unable to find the cap. His palm comes up, wrapping around the bottle, engulfing your hand in it's warmth, the sensation shooting up your arm, making you avert your eyes from his.
You focus on the ground, hand still in his as he twists the cap shut. "I was just warming up. What would you like for me to start with?"
Leon's fingers brush over your thigh, lingering for a second, the feeling electric under his touch, as he stuffs them back into the pockets of his leather jacket. "Your bad choice in choosing shoes."
You gasp offended, straightening your leg to show him your heels, "These are designer! How dare you?"
"And how do your feet feel?"
You huff, folding your arms over your chest defensively, mumbling, "They hurt."
"What's that?" God, that teasing tone.
With a harsh roll of your eyes, you say again but louder, "They. Hurt." You shake your head, "We're still a long way from the dorm and you best bet I'm gonna chew your ear off about- what the fuck are you doing?"
Leon's turned away from you, back to you as he's still leaning. He gestures to him. "Hop on?"
"Excuse me?" You ask incredulously.
"You said it yourself," He shrugs, "We're a long way from the dorm. And I'd rather not explain to your father that the reason his daughter has a beat up face is because she got plastered at a party and fell on the ground face first."
Fury rises in your chest, "I am not plastered!" He doesn't respond. And you don't relent. "I weigh a lot."
At that he turns around with a raise of his eyebrow, an unimpressed look on his face. You grow heated under it, fingers fiddling your thumb. "I can walk by myself."
Leon sighs, turning fully to face you again, looking up from his bent position. He puts one hand beside your thigh, other hand coming up to fix the collar of your jacket, making it more tighter around your body. "I know," He hums, taking a softer approach, like you're a deer ready to scamper off at any moment. "But you don't have to do everything by yourself."
You gulp, almost wanting to curse the celestial beings hung up on the sky and how they always soften Leon under their glow; the sun, the moon and the stars united in their agenda. The iridescence of the moon almost offers him a halo, deepening the shade of his baby blues. And it all makes it so hard to say no.
"Okay," You whisper.
Leon positions himself again, your heart beating quicker as you slide your hands over his shoulders, feeling the ripple of muscles underneath. His big palms come to rest on your thighs, pulling them firmly against his waist and locking them. Leon airily asks if you're ready, you tighten your grip around him and nod. And he stands, without any hesitance, without any stagger. Your rock.
You rest your chin on his shoulder, his hair strands tickling your face, caressing your cheeks with the scent of his vanilla shampoo. He feels warm, back sturdy on your chest and fingers secure under your thighs. You thaw under his heat, unravelling defiance from your form, settling comfortably in his assuring grip.
"Thank you," You mumble against his ear, the ache in your feet a memory of the past.
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folkbreeze · 5 months
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go, little dancer, do change. change so much people start wondering if it was their fault.
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