#the fact my flexibility is coming back so quickly is so exciting though!!
hella1975 · 2 years
day three of stretches and i almost stuck my foot behind my head 😍
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onelittlespiral · 2 months
FML: Confidence
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I had decided it was finally time for a change. A few years after college and sitting all day at the office had taken its toll. Twink death was here, but I wanted to have a chance at a few more wild nights before I hit my thirties. So, on a buddy’s recommendation I called up Dr. Webb. He had been touted to me as one of the best in his industry, able to help with all kinds of health and wellness. In my consultation, we discussed my goals. I talked about my concerns around aging and some of the weight I had put on. He probed a bit about my health and family medical history. He was so calm and gentle. It was so easy to talk with him I may have even disclosed more than I wanted to about my college days and conquests. At the end, he leaned back and read over his notes:
“If I am being honest, I am not sure what you are too concerned with. You may not be your youngest, but I wouldn’t say you are deviating too much from a health body at your age.”
“But Doc, I don’t want to just slide into my thirties. I want to get out there like I did just a few years ago.”
“There is nothing wrong with aging my boy. It’s scary for us all but we aren’t stopping the clock any time soon.”
“I don’t want to stop the clock. I just want to feel confident in my body again.”
He stroked his beard and thought for a moment, “Now that is maybe something I can work with.” The rest of the visit was boring. But by the time I left his office, I had a pack vitamin supplements, a list of recommended exercises, and a follow up appointment in a few weeks.
Over the next couple days or so, I diligently took the supplements, followed the exercise routine, and logged my daily progress. It was strange, I didn’t really see a difference, but did start to feel a bit better. The biggest change I think I felt though was a kind of hormonal rebalance. I think doc mentioned it. My sleep was slowly becoming more regular, mood swings improved, and my flexibility was improving as I followed my exercise routine. However, I think it was also starting to create a fixation. I would just need to see my progress, check if I was improving. Whenever I got a small chance I would just stare at myself and focus on my curves. Were they any smaller?
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I mentioned it to Dr. Webb at our next meeting. He laughed it off, said it was nothing unusual. But he did send me home with some meditation files to help me relax and center my mind. Help me let go of my worries and all that. And I will confirm they were effective. I popped on the first tape that night, listening to breathing exercises and ambient white noise. Woke up an hour later feeling refreshed. I don’t think I thought about my body much that night. In fact, I hardly thought about anything. My mind felt so clear.
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It continued like that for a week I think. To be honest, the days started blurring together a bit. The routine was really sinking in, abs became an almost unconscious part of my day. At some point though, I don’t know when, I did start to notice a change as I would finish the tapes. I would always come to hard as wood. My appetite for sex was off the charts, quickly becoming a nuisance to take care of myself, several times a day. I even had to take a break at work one day. That is, until one day I saw myself in the mirror.
I was getting ready for the day, and suddenly something in me shifted. I stopped pulling down my tee and stared at myself in the mirror.
Damn, had I always been this hot?
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Something about the way my jeans hugged into my sides and the thick matted carpet stretching across my stomach felt new and exciting. My mind said it should have felt off, but staring at my gut and feeling its weight ripple as I rubbed it up and down, I was entranced.
‘I felt big, strong, and masculine’, a voice echoed in mind, and I couldn’t agree more. Instantly my plans for the day were shot. I needed to get out there and find someone to share this body with. I couldn’t keep it all to myself. I popped my top off and went on the prowl for a piece of ass to demolish. A few quick photos and I had some nameless twink on his way over for an afternoon delight. Within moments of his arrival, I felt a shift in energy between us. I was used to a kind of back and forth, pull and push as people met and flirted. This was all pull. It started slowly, as he sat next to me on the couch. Then, he placed his hand on my thigh and gently rubbed. I was soon no longer talking to him, I was giving him commands:
“Scoot closer to me.” He scooted.
“Rub my belly a bit, don’t be shy.” He hesitated for just a moment before gliding his hand over my furry belly.
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” He nodded limply. He was fixated on other things
‘A man gets what he wants,’ rang the voice in my head. And my patience was running thin.
The commands flowed from my mouth quickly:
“Take off my shirt”
“Take off your shirt”
“Lay on me a bit”
“Don’t mind the smell, I’m wrapping my arm around you.”
He quickly followed commands, even started taking huffs of my musky pits as he curled into my arms. I didn’t tell him to do that yet, but I felt so in control as this man was getting hard practically in my lap. It was time.
“Pull out my cock.”
“Put your head right there.”
“Open wide.”
“Suck, boy.”
It was just so easy to get him to comply. He was like putty in my hands. He just bent to my authority as I guided his willing throat, mouth, and tongue through the best blow job of my life. By the time I was ready to move on, a damp spot had formed through his shorts at the tip of his throbbing cock. It bobbed in the air a bit as I turned him around and pulled down his shorts. I took a moment to press myself against him, let him feel the power of my body.
“Bend over.” And he went down on all fours.
By the time my next appointment came up, I already had a small selection of boys willing to come over when I needed them. They were so small, I was almost worried I would break them in half. But it felt so freeing to discover this side of myself. Nothing could beat a twink sitting on my dick, begging for me to cum in him. I reported back to the Doc that I didn’t think I needed his services anymore. He said that he couldn’t agree more, and that even he was shocked at how much progress I made in such a short period of time.
“Now would you kindly put your shorts back on? They did not need to come off for this examination.”
“No,” I replied, “gotta take care of some business first. You want to show me that cute ass of yours.”
“I don’t think so, I…”
“Please doctor, with a body like this? I’m confident you’ll find your work satisfying.”
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tearsinthemist · 13 days
People In Their 20s Are Sharing The Hardest Pills To Swallow About Becoming An "Adult"
Sat, September 7, 2024 at 8:57 PM CDT·5 min read
As we grow up, we see things differently. How we look at the world at 25 is vastly different from how we view life at 13. And as we age, we are forced to come to terms with difficult things. So Redditor u/BluebirdIll6390 asked, "What's the hardest pill to swallow in your early twenties?" Here's what people said, including members of the BuzzFeed Community, about the toughest realities of aging into your 20s and beyond.
1."For me, a hard pill to swallow was realizing how much I actually have to make to have the lifestyle to which I was accustomed and how far I was from that as a recent graduate."
2."You have to become the driving force making the next steps of your life happen. There’s a pretty clear, direct pipeline from childhood to university. After that, it's all open. A lot of people get stuck floating around in post-college purgatory, waiting for something to happen, but you just have to be the one to make those things happen now. It’s very easy to get sucked into the rhythm of the first job you get out of college, setting up wherever you’re situated, having ideas of what you’d like to do with your life with no urgency to get started because you’re under the false assumption you’ve all the time in the world. You’re young, but the days are long, and the years are short. Don’t wait to start living."
3."Some careers don't start till you're in your 30s."
4."My dad told me that the older I got, the smarter he would seem. It turns out he was right all along."
5."True friends are hard to find. They're not the friends you party with. Not the friends you hang onto because you 'have a history even though you don't have much in common anymore, or they treat you like shit. The true friends who will love you for who you are. It took me a long time and a lot of heartache to learn this one, but my best friend at 35 has enriched my life in ways that my old contingent of 'friends' never could."
6."The hardest thing for me was realizing that some of my friends and family were objectively bad people who would never change and/or grow up."
7."You have to decide what you want to eat for every meal for the rest of your life."
8."Your parents are getting older and won't be here forever."
9."You will either cultivate habits, willpower, study, exercise, and routines for success, or you will slowly watch yourself fade. No one is protecting you from yourself anymore."
10."This is likely the best your body will ever feel. Put in the work now, and your body will thank you. I'm talking about flexibility work, strength work, skin and teeth."
11."Being an adult isn't nearly as exciting as I thought. While I love my autonomy, I don't love my bills or responsibilities. The fact is, every stage of life has its pros and cons. Nothing is ever perfect, but that's okay."
12."Remember how, as a kid, a year took forever? Like the week after Christmas, had this crushing reality that it would be forever before it happened again? Now, remember how fast this last year went? Yeah. That's your life. You'll be 30, wondering what happened to time. It just keeps getting faster. Don't try to speed through, even in the bad times. Take time. Don't live for the weekend, don't put things aside for 'another time.' People say you won't be young forever, but nobody prepares you for how short 'not forever' it actually is."
13."Your comfort zone quickly becomes a prison if you indulge in it. You need to push your boundaries and only fall back into your comfort zone when you absolutely need it. Staying in your comfort zone will breed anxiety when you leave it. You have to put yourself into uncomfortable situations to build up resilience for the future."
14."That feeling of being a kid who is just figuring shit out never actually ends."
15."Realizing that adulting is a full-time job with no time off."
16."At the end of the day, you are on your own. No parent, teacher, or camp counselor will swoop in, resolve conflicts, and guide you to the next step. You have to figure it all out. You can ask people for advice, but the problems are infinitely more complex and never have a 'right' answer, only a 'best we can figure' answer given what you have available. Yes, close friends or a significant other can be there to aid you when you need help with projects, moving, or a shoulder to cry on. But at the end of the day, it's your life, and you must steer the ship."
17."All the fun of going to school, having summers off, having 'breaks' for fall or winter...that's just about over. Time to go to work every day until you're ready to retire. Hope you enjoyed your school years!"
18."'You can be the sweetest, juiciest peach in the world, and there will still be people who don't like peaches.'"
19."My parents were right: A boring life is a happy life."
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wanderinginksplot · 2 years
Gar Cyare Chapter Seven
Continuation of my Alpha-17 x fem!reader story. (Probably at least novel-length by now, tbh.)
If you're confused and feel like you missed a chapter, don't panic! There was a chapter posted on my NSFW sideblog. I originally labeled it as Chapter 5.5, but I'll probably rename it to Chapter Six to keep the numbering consistent. If you're worried you missed something, you can read this post about minor (SFW) things that happened in the chapter.
Word Count: 6,300
Warnings: descriptions of intense training, high expectations, lectures, extremely vague references to intimacy.
Previous* | Next | Masterlist
*The Previous button will bring the user back to Chapter Five, as I don't want any unwary readers seeing something they would rather not.
Ramikadyc (A Commando State of Mind)
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“But they just left!”
“Isn’t that a little…”
“A little what, neverd’ika?” Alpha asked, eyes traveling quickly over the screen of his datapad. When you didn’t answer him immediately, he paused to glance up at you. “Soon? Sudden? That’s how the GAR works, if you forgot. Efficiency. At least, that’s what they say.”
For several reasons, you let his grumbled statement stand without argument. First, he wasn’t wrong. For all that the Grand Army of the Republic claimed to be a fast-moving, flexible marvel of an organization, it was bloated with far too much structure to be anything of the kind. Everyone had been excited about the formation of a centralized army, and half the commanding officers were in place despite having only the barest hint of military experience. You had learned that friendship with a Senator was the qualification that mattered the most.
Second, you didn’t debate with Alpha because you were still processing your own surprise. The last ARC group had just left a few days before and Alpha was already preparing for the newest group to arrive. 
“It just seems strange,” you concluded eventually. 
Alpha lowered his datapad, settling back in the chair he had claimed in your office. “When would you bring them in? How long would you schedule between groups? What would be your justification for more time?”
You shrugged, unprepared to answer so many questions. “I just feel that you could do more in-depth preparations if you had more than a weekend between departures and arrivals.”
“I’m the only ARC trainer in the GAR,” Alpha reminded you. “They come in small groups, usually five or six men per group. The training lasts six weeks. That means that ARCs are already being added very slowly. In fact, the GAR needs to lose fewer than one ARC per week if we have any chance of breaking even.”
“That’s-” You cut yourself short and shook your head tightly, knowing exactly how the rest of the conversation would go if you objected to that cold view. Instead, you focused on numbers. “Are the casualty numbers high enough that the GAR needs to worry about running out of ARC troopers in the near future?”
“Not at all,” Alpha replied smugly. “I’m a good trainer and I train ‘em right. Typical casualty rates tend toward two lost ARCs per year. We're aiming for none.”
“I’m not surprised,” you told him. Flattery didn’t work with Alpha - as he reminded you regularly - but you were trying to make it a habit to tell him when he did something noteworthy or impressive. Alpha had been treated poorly by far too many people. He trusted you, but that didn’t mean you stopped earning his trust. Besides, he heard more about his flaws than he ever had about his strengths. You couldn’t hope to even that out, but you could try. “If I didn’t already know it, you proved it with your last group. They were extraordinarily talented fighters and strategists. That’s something you made sure of. You keep your men alive.”
Alpha glanced away, fiddling with the datapad. “If you say so.”
You beamed. It wasn’t often you got to see Alpha flustered, but you treasured it every time. After a moment, though, your eyes traveled down to the datapad Alpha was holding. It was a twin to the ones scattered across your desk, but you were willing to bet that his held vastly different information. Yours was taken up by your report while Alpha’s… Well, you had no idea what was on that datapad.
There was a lot you didn’t know about ARC training actually, despite the fact that you were dating an ARC trainer. 
“You’re going to give yourself a headache if you keep doing that with your face.”
Alpha’s warning made you realize that you had been frowning absently at his datapad. You smoothed your expression, smiling as he chuckled.
“What are you thinking about that has you so serious?” he asked.
“I was just realizing that I don’t know much about ARC training,” you admitted.
Alpha shook his head. “That’s because it’s all classified. You probably know too much already.”
“I have top-secret security clearance,” you reminded him. “I needed it to write this report, which is also classified. Almost everything that has gone into it is classified information, meant to be read by people who also have high security clearance.”
“So, what are you saying?” Alpha asked, now frowning himself. “That you want to… observe the ARC training process?”
“No…” you trailed, reconsidering even as you said it. It wouldn't be a bad idea, honestly. The report wasn't due for some time, and including information about the ARCs would be smart. Since you were already contracted to write a comprehensive report for the Senate, you might as well make it truly comprehensive, right? 
The fact that it would add more work and - accordingly - more time to the process was worth considering, too.
"Actually, yes," you told him decisively. "I do want to observe the ARC training process."
You watched with some hidden amusement as Alpha processed that. His jaw tightened, brows lowered over eyes that were carefully studying your face.
"You won't like it," he said eventually. 
The laugh you gave was accidental, but Alpha didn't seem like he was in the mood for excuses. "I'm sorry, I know. I'm not asking because I think it'll be fun or because I want to watch you work. I think it's necessary for the report."
"You're going to write about me?" Alpha asked, sounding stunned.
"Of course," you admitted. "I was always planning on it. You're the only ARC trainer on Kamino, and one of the few troopers who is designated to train the men."
Alpha scowled at that, too. "You're going to tell a bunch of di'kutla senators that I'm not good for anything but instruction?"
“Never,” you told him fervently. “You’re qualified for everything. Training the men to survive is just what you chose to do. Besides, do you care what the Senate thinks?”
“I care what you think,” Alpha revealed, pretending to read something on the screen of his datapad. 
“Then you know exactly what I think about you, Alpha.” You stood, skirting the desk to press a kiss to the warm curve of Alpha’s cheek, round with the pout he was trying to hide. “But if you need me to remind- oof!”
Alpha had waited for you to keep speaking, biding his time until you weren’t focused as strongly on him, then he had snagged you by the waist and pulled you down into his lap. His arms wrapped around you, keeping you in place as he cradled you to his chest.
“That was your first mistake, neverd’ika,” Alpha said, sounding thoroughly satisfied with himself. “Never get within arm’s reach. Didn’t Trem teach you that one?”
“She didn’t tell me I should worry about an attack from my boyfriend!” you protested, laughing as Alpha gave you a smacking kiss every time you tried to push away from him. Eventually, you gave in and settled where you were, positioned in an undignified sprawl across his lap. “What’s your plan here? Distract me until I forget about observing ARC training?”
Alpha ducked his head, dropping a kiss on your lips and steadily deepening it until you felt dizzy with too much sensation, too many emotions, and not enough air. When he pulled away, it was with a wry look on his face - an odd counter to the passion you had felt from him a moment before. 
“I know better than to think I can distract you from anything,” he told you. “My mirdala civvie. You’re smart. Stubborn, too. Stubborn enough to be stupid about it.”
“Thank you.” If your voice was dry, who could really blame you? 
“Anytime,” Alpha replied, unbothered. “And neverd’ika? Maybe you’re not observing ARC training because you want to watch me work, but we both know you will anyway. You won’t be able to help it.”
You stared up at him, unsure of whether he had intended to come off as overly confident as he had. Hewas in a strangely cheerful mood, so maybe…
Alpha flexed his arms, his pecs firming at the edge of your vision. As far as you were concerned, that only confirmed that he was indeed preening and you couldn’t hold back a giggle at the realization.
“I can have more than one reason to watch ARC training,” you demurred. Alpha grinned at you, but your smile softened into one of fondness. “Confidence looks good on you, Alpha.”
“Thank you, little one.” Alpha gave you a gentle squeeze, then let his grip loosen. “You should go back to your own chair or I won’t get anything else done today, and they get here tomorrow.”
Now you were the one pouting, but you did as he suggested - it turned out that you were just as susceptible to distraction. “Fine.”
You went back to writing your report, laying an outline for the section about ARC training. It was sparse, based only on what little you already knew, but you really had gotten distracted by your boyfriend. Had he agreed to letting you observe, or would you need to push a little harder? That may be unpleasant, but you wanted to include ARC training information in the report.
Before you could get too lost in your own thoughts, Alpha cleared his throat. With his gaze still locked on his datapad, he said, “Be in the ARC training area by seven-thirty tomorrow morning.”
You arrived at the training area slightly before seven. 
Alpha was already there, but glanced at you questioningly when you stepped inside, eyebrows jumping up his forehead in shock. "What are you doing here already? I said seven-thirty."
"I know, but…" You shrugged. "Over the last few months, I've learned that the phrase, 'if you're not early, you're late' definitely applies to the GAR. I didn't want to risk missing something."
After another moment of silent contemplation, Alpha gave an impressed nod. "Smart."
"And stubborn," you finished for him. You were rewarded with a smile.
"Exactly. And since you're stubborn enough to stay here, I need you to be smart enough to listen to me. I need you to observe, not participate. Training these men… it isn't just physical work. That's a big part of it, but there's mental work that needs to be done."
You nodded slowly. "Physical and psychological training. Is that so they can handle the intensity of the missions they're going to do?"
"Partially," Alpha said, glancing at the chrono on his wrist comlink. "It's also an old military trick. People can adapt faster in a hostile environment, learn to change the way they do things so that it's reflexive."
"Twisted, but I suppose I see the logic," you admitted. "So am I going to ruin the hostile psychology by being here?"
Alpha shrugged. "I'm not sure. I've never had a civvie sit in on ARC training."
"Well, do you need me to hide?" you asked. You hadn't realized that Alpha was worried about your presence there, and now you were, too. The idea of destroying the effectiveness of an entire ARC group’s training was very concerning.
Alpha was staring at you as if you had started speaking in your best impression of a B-1. “They’re troopers designated for ARC training; they’ll see you. Believe it or not, I think having a civvie hiding in the training room would probably be more distracting than one being in here at all.”
You huffed at his lack of faith in your reconnaissance skills. “Fine, then what do you need me to do?”
“Just sit there,” Alpha said. “Make your notes, but try not to speak. If you have questions, write them down. I can’t stop to answer questions and I can’t explain my reasoning without giving away too much to the men.”
You nodded solemnly, but Alpha didn’t look convinced. “Don’t- try not to look too pleasant. Don’t smile if you can help it and definitely don’t smile at them. I need you to play the role of an impartial observer, or as close to it as you can get.”
“I am an impartial observer,” you reminded him. “That’s basically the job description.”
“You’ve never been impartial about anything in your life, neverd’ika,” Alpha told you with a snort. Before you could get too offended, he ducked to press a kiss to your forehead. “It’s one of the reasons I couldn’t help myself around you.”
You shook your head, trying to pretend you were still irritated by his too-accurate observation, but you were rapidly losing the fight. Instead, you held up your datapad. “Can you tell me a little about the men who are coming in? If I can’t ask questions in front of them, knowing who they are before they get here will help me take more accurate notes.”
Alpha nodded. “This is a standard group. Five men, just like the last one. Ready?”
As soon as your fingers were poised over the screen of your datapad, you looked back at Alpha. ”Ready when you are.”
“There’s Salvo, a commander from the 22nd Air Combat Wing. Obviously, he’s a pilot, but the 22nd has seen its fair share of combat. Next is Aftermath from the 327th Star Corps, an infantry unit. We’ve got one named Maw. He’s from a squad in the 104th Battalion - the Wolfpack, they call themselves - which tends to get more search-and-rescue and aid missions than the other battalions, but I expect he’s seen some combat.”
Alpha paused while you wrote all of that down, but when you caught up, you arched a brow at him. “Why does the Wolfpack get fewer combat missions? I thought all units of the GAR were supposed to be infantry-focused.”
“They are, but…” Alpha sighed. “The 104th was decimated early in the war when the Seppies targeted their general’s fleet.”
“Oh, no,” you said, feeling stupid for the shallowness of the sentiment compared to such loss. “What happened to the escape pods?”
It wasn’t something anyone had taught you specifically, but you had briefly investigated the battleships used by the Republic. Each Venator-Class Star Destroyer was equipped with a fair number of systems that would start up in the event that a ship had been disabled or destroyed. There were hundreds of escape pods and, if more than twenty were deployed in a span of ten minutes, the ship would send an automatic distress signal to a predetermined location, regardless of whether the communications systems had been activated. For an entire fleet and the battalion it carried to have been destroyed, something catastrophic had to have happened.
“The escape pods were used. From all reports, anywhere from sixty to seventy percent of the personnel were evacuated from the ships,” Alpha told you, the muscles in his jaw flexing with emotion. “The Seppies hunted down the pods. Only one survived: one holding General Koon and three of the men. It’s been a while since that happened and the 104th has brought in enough men to be a fully-functioning battalion again, but the GAR still tries to give them missions that are more strategic or aid-oriented than the other units.”
“That’s horrible,” you murmured.
“That’s war,” Alpha countered, but there was darkness behind his easy acceptance, a deeply burrowed sense of pain that made you bite back any harsh reply you may have given.
Instead, you cleared your throat softly and looked back at your datapad. “And the last two?”
“The last two are from the same unit: the Torrent Company of the 501st Legion. It’s an infantry division. The men call themselves Fives and Echo.”
“Fives..?” you repeated, the name sounding slightly familiar.
“You met him once,” Alpha reminded you. “He and one of his brothers were trying to flirt with you when I interrupted.”
“Yes, I remember!” you said with a fond smile. “Wait, that was only a few months ago. How are they already going through ARC training?”
Alpha grimaced and it was enough to make you brace yourself. “Their first duty station was attacked during their second week there. They stopped an invasion of Kamino - before the big one. Two of their squad were killed at the start of the occupation of Rishi Outpost, but Fives, Echo, and their brother Hevy helped Marshal Commander Cody and Captain Rex get the Republic’s attention before the attack could land. Hevy died in the attempt.”
Your stomach twisted at the thought of so much death, but you pressed on. “And that made the GAR decide to give them ARC status?”
“No, that made Captain Rex decide to bring them into the 501st,” Alpha told you. “They were actually close enough to help with the invasion on Kamino with the 501st. They were part of the forces that repelled the Seppies. They did a good enough job that Captain Rex requested they receive ARC training.”
With a nod, you finished making your notes and summarized what was displayed on your datapad’s screen. “So we have Salvo from the 22nd Air Combat Wing, Aftermath from the 327th Star Corps, Maw from the 104th Battalion, and Fives and Echo from the 501st Legion. What are your preliminary thoughts?”
“Why?” Alpha asked, sounding suspicious. 
With effort, you managed to avoid rolling your eyes at him. “Because I want to know how you approach training. I want to see what you’re planning with minimal information about them.”
“Minimal information?” Alpha asked, sounding slightly offended. “Clearly, you don’t know how in-depth the GAR’s files are. I’ve read all about these men.”
“That’s not a real answer,” you chided.
Alpha smirked, but didn’t argue. Instead, he pointed at the seat you normally took when you came to the ARC training area. “It isn’t, but we’re out of time. They’ll be here soon.”
You grimaced at him, but sat down. You scarcely had time to arrange yourself and prepare your notes before the door opened to admit a group of men dressed in the typical clothing the troopers used to exercise and train.
That was the most disconcerting thing about working closely with the troopers: they were all so young. The cadets were the worst ones for making your heart hurt - something about a lost childhood made you morose and sentimental - but the ARCs weren’t so different. Troopers were tapped for ARC training at different ages, of course. Salvo seemed older than the others, a hint of silver in his dark hair when he turned his head the right way. In contrast, Fives and Echo were so young that it seemed impossible they had already been through so much.
Silence reigned as they arranged themselves in a line and stood at attention. Alpha stood at parade rest in front of them, hands clasped neatly behind his back. He watched them all, meeting each man’s eyes before giving a slight shake of his head.
“We have a lot of work to do here. I hope you troopers are up for it.”
You could see the already straight spines straighten even further as if the men could gain Alpha’s confidence through posture alone. 
Alpha continued, the troopers hanging on every word. “I’m Captain Alpha-17, your instructor. You’re here with me for the next six weeks. By the time you leave, you’ll have either proved yourselves worthy of ARC status, or you’ll go back to your units without it.”
He paused as if to let them speak or ask questions, but the quiet in the room only thickened until it felt hard to breathe… and you weren’t even one of the ones he was directly addressing.
When they had all marinated in the ringing silence, Alpha said, “Today we’re setting a baseline for your abilities so we can track improvement. We’ll be doing a series of to-failure exercises, followed by a mission. Find a place and get ready. I trust you can keep your own counts. I’ll be watching for form. If you get sloppy, I deduct from your numbers. Understood?”
Five cries of, “Yes, sir!” echoed around the ARC training area as the troopers scrambled to do as Alpha had ordered them.
And so you watched as Alpha led the group in their exercises. They were generally grouped into major muscle groups, though he liked to hop around a bit. Push-ups, crunches, squats, pull-ups, planks, lunges… the moves blurred together, though you were surprised how slowly they passed. Eventually, you realized that you hadn’t know what to-failure exercises were. They literally were meant to be done until the troopers’ muscles were unable to do each one any longer. With their strength, stamina, and excellent physical condition, they did impossible numbers of each move.
When the troopers were left lying on the floor, panting for breath as their muscles trembled, Alpha gave a sharp whistle between his teeth. “That’s enough of a break, men. We still need to get some work done today. Follow me.”
Everyone stood, a surprising lack of grumbling among them, and followed Alpha from the room and down the hall to the arena where the troopers were tested for basic abilities before they were allowed to ship out for their first duty assignments. You had never seen the ARCs use that area before, but there was a lot you hadn’t been around for.
You followed them into the training area, careful to stand in the marked observation area. The room was designed to be completely changeable, and you had no desire to be standing on a section of floor that was suddenly designated to be high in the air at a strange angle. 
“Your mission-” Alpha started, but was soon interrupted.
“Captain, why is a civilian allowed to observe our training?” 
If memory served, the trooper who had asked that was Aftermath. He was the trooper with an appearance closest to what you would consider ‘standard’. He was older than the pair from the 501st and younger than Salvo. He didn’t have a tattoo like Fives or Maw, and no facial hair. The only thing that distinguished him from the others was that his hair was cut a bit longer than you typically saw. Amusingly, the front section of his hair was a nest of curls, featuring one particularly thick spiral that stubbornly hung over his forehead, no matter how many times he had tried to brush it back into the rest of his hair.
Alpha, unsurprisingly, looked less than pleased with Aftermath. “First, don’t interrupt me. Second, 4960, if you manage to do something more than sit on a bench and breathe, I’ll let you ask dik’utla questions. And if you manage to impress me -unlikely - I might even answer.”
Aftermath straightened and Alpha shook his head. “Fall in.”
Perhaps you shouldn’t be surprised that all of the men had immediately obeyed the simple instruction, but Alpha hadn’t even raised his voice. You couldn’t help but think that was something worth making note of. When the men had arranged themselves in a line once more, Alpha walked in front of them, pacing slightly as he spoke:
“Listen up, because I’m only gonna say this once. ARC training is one of the most challenging things a trooper can do, and ARC status is one of the most impressive distinctions a trooper can have. You’re here because you were identified as the most competent man or men of your particular unit.” He glanced around, letting the self-congratulations get started before he said, “And I’m here because I was identified as the most competent ARC trooper and the best person to train you men. But we’re not here to discuss my osik luck. Let’s get started.”
“Your mission is to get the flag,” Alpha said simply, gesturing to the room behind him as it arranged itself into a preprogrammed configuration. It wasn’t complex, but it definitely looked challenging. The platform holding the flag lifted into the air, taller and taller until it was towering over your head. 
“Your secondary objective is to slice into the data terminal. In this scenario, the flag should be treated as a hostage and the data to be retrieved is sensitive information,” Alpha continued as you frowned. What terminal was he-? Ah. There was indeed a data terminal far to the other side of the room and up a slightly smaller platform. “Blasters are on the table. I’ll be listening to your HUD feeds to evaluate your performance. Time starts… now.”
And then Alpha stepped back next to you as the troopers scrambled into action. He entered a code into the control panel on the wall and the observation area lifted into the air slightly, just enough to see everything without being ridiculously far up. 
“I’ll transmit the audio so you can take accurate notes,” Alpha told you, removing his helmet as he did so. You soon heard the crackling sound of inter-HUD communication. It appeared the men were arguing.
“We need to get to the hostage,” a voice said. “That’s our first priority.”
“Echo,” Alpha helpfully supplied.
“First, we need to create a chain of command,” another voice interrupted. As Alpha identified the speaker as Salvo, he continued, “We need to make sure the right person is issuing orders.”
“Kriff issuing orders,” a third person bit out, and you recognized Aftermath by his impatient tone. “We already have our orders.”
“Let’s split up.” This one was Fives, according to Alpha. “Three of us go get the hostage and the other two try to slice the terminal.”
“Too much droid interference,” Salvo told him. “We’ll need at least two people providing cover fire at all times if we don’t want to be taken out.”
“We should go for the terminal first,” a previously unheard voice opined. Through the process of elimination, you identified it as belonging to Maw even before Alpha confirmed that for you. “If I can slice into it, I can lower the platform holding the flag.”
“Why would we need it lowered?”  Fives sounded disdainful.
“Do you see any equipment around here?” Maw asked sharply. “None of us have ascension cables. We’ll have to scale the wall. That’ll be easier with it lowered.”
“That’s cheating!” Echo chided.
“No such thing,” Aftermath told him. “As long as we complete the mission objectives, we’ve done what we needed to.”
“Yeah, plus this is all a test,” Maw reminded the group. “Why would the captain have placed an active data terminal in here if he didn’t expect us to use it?”
“Do the ARCs usually argue this much?” you asked, curious. 
Alpha shook his head, but a small smile played around the corners of his mouth. “At first? Yeah. There’s a lot they haven’t figured out yet. It makes the first few days of training a shock for them. But the sooner they get over it, the sooner I can start teaching them what they really need to know.”
You made a note on that, as well as the arguments made by the different troopers. Such small details probably wouldn’t make it into your report, but they could be helpful while you were writing, depending on what happened with their first practice mission. 
By the time you were paying attention to the audio feed again, the argument had dramatically increased in fervor. 
“Our orders were to retrieve the flag first, then the information if possible!”
“But I can slice the terminal and increase our chance of success in retrieving the flag!”
“I think we can get both done. Might as well do the slicing first.”
“It would be faster if we split into groups. Maybe part of our evaluation is how long we take. The less time, the better.”
“Like I said, we can’t split up. We need to plan for interference. No fewer than two men providing cover fire per team. The math doesn’t work out.”
By the time the men started for the lower platform and its data terminal, Alpha had pulled out his own datapad and began to make notes. 
The troopers scaled the platform with ease and Maw sliced into the terminal less than three minutes later as the others returned simulated bolts fired from Kamino’s practice droids. The platform lowered until it was nearly level with the ground, the sides sloping instead of steep. The troopers made their way over to it, scaled it easily and took the flag. 
“Endex,” Alpha announced, his loud voice carrying through the large room. The simulated blaster fire stopped from both the droids and the troopers, the lights returned to uniform brightness, and the platforms lowered into the floor until it was even once more. 
Salvo and Maw approached where the observation platform had eased back to ground height. Salvo presented the flag while Maw offered a small data chip. Alpha took them both, glancing curiously at the data chip. 
“Where did you get a chip?” he asked. It was a good point - data terminals didn’t come pre-supplied with blank chips ready for information storage.
Maw smiled. “I erased one of the non-essential chips so I could rewrite it to hold the information we needed to retrieve, sir.”
Alpha nodded thoughtfully. “Fall in, men.”
After the troopers had done so, Alpha said, “Let’s start with what you did right. You completed both objectives. You used some creative problem-solving. You worked as a team. Everything else wasosik.”
You were extremely grateful you were standing out of the men’s line of sight. You were sure the shock on their faces was mirrored on your own. 
“Fives,” Alpha said. “You were overconfident about getting both parts of the mission done, but you didn’t argue for your idea of splitting up. If you toss out ideas and don’t back them up, all you’re doing is creating more confusion. Come up with the plan you think will work best and fight for it to happen.” 
Alpha turned to the next man. “Aftermath. You were the only one to argue against creating a chain of command. You were right: it didn’t matter who was giving orders out there. You already had the only orders you needed. But you were too worried about beating the best time to focus on what needed to be done. For the record, time does factor into your score. And you wasted yours.”
“Echo. You were right about the orders you had been given,” Alpha told him. “The data terminal was a secondary concern and shouldn’t have had equal weight in your planning. But there is no ‘cheating’ on a mission. Anything you can do to give yourself an advantage is fair game. The enemy isn’t gonna play fair. Make sure you don’t, either.”
“Maw.” Alpha continued, turning to the trooper in question. “You did something I’ve never seen another man do: you sliced into a data terminal to change the layout, then rewrote a data chip… all in under three minutes. That’s impressive. However, none of that matters in the real world. None of your missions will happen in an ARC training area. Slicing in to lower the platform wouldn’t work on a real mission, and it shouldn’t have been such a big part of your plan. Definitely not important enough to put aside rescuing the hostage.”
“And now for Salvo,” Alpha announced, looking at the man in question. “You wanted to be in charge out there. You wanted to be the one issuing orders. Fine. That means you take the heat for what went wrong. And plenty went wrong.”
Salvo ducked his head, but Alpha was pitiless. “You wasted almost two minutes arguing about a chain of command. As an ARC trooper, you’re outside of the chain of command. Missions are done as effectively as possible. No one needs to be in charge. Get that idea out of your head. You had a good point about cover fire, but you didn’t think about the possibility that three or even four of you could have gone for one area or the other to draw fire and let the last man covertly go for the hostage or the data terminal. And since you were so determined to keep the men together - men who are training to be individual forces of nature when it comes to completing objectives - the correct order would have been hostage retrieval, then data retrieval. From now on, leave the orders and training tome.”
“Yes, sir,” Salvo agreed hastily, embarrassment written across his face. “Sorry, sir.”
“Let this mission be a lesson to all of you,” Alpha told them, addressing the group as a whole once more. “Intel is vital. Yeah, GAR intelligence is spotty at best, but it’s better than nothing. I studied your files, all of the information about your past missions that was passed on by your officers. This mission was planned to test your strengths and show your weaknesses. I think we covered weaknesses pretty well, but if you have any questions about how I knew what I did, you need to pay more attention to your post-mission briefings back with your units. This information was pulled directly from them. Now, does anyone have any questions about the mission?”
“Yes, sir,” Echo said. When Alpha nodded at him, he continued, “We didn’t have any ascension cables. How would we have gotten onto the platform without lowering it?”
Alpha watched him steadily. “Trooper, do you know we keep holos of every training group’s final exercise? With you and Fives both coming from the same squad, I rewatched your final training holo. This wouldn’t be the first time you scaled a wall with no ascension cables. Domino Squad did something new that day, something no one else had thought to do before. That flexibility of thought is your best tool as an ARC.”
“But there were guns on the Citadel tower,” Fives reminded him. “There were none on this platform. Sir.”
After a dry look at the hastily added ‘sir’ at the end of his statement, Alpha returned to the control panel and began to enter data. A thin platform rose a short distance in front of the troopers, easily twice their height.
“Echo, you’re gonna help me with a little demonstration,” Alpha announced, heading for the new platform. When he was standing in front of it, Alpha tapped his shoulders. “Stand on my shoulders and reach for the edge of the platform. Don’t pull yourself onto it, just hold the edge.”
It wasn’t an elegant process, but Echo managed to do as Alpha had ordered, standing on the captain’s shoulders as he got a firm grasp on the platform’s edge. 
“Alright, hang on,” Alpha told him. “I’m going to use you to climb.”
And you watched, stunned, as Alpha began to climb up Echo’s body, using his feet, waist, and shoulders as hand- and foot-holds until he had gotten to the top of the platform. He reached a hand down to grasp Echo’s forearm, hauling him up with ease until they were both standing on the top and looking down at the other troopers.
“Your gear can save your life. You should always be as equipped as possible, on a mission or not,” Alpha reminded. “But even when you don’t have equipment, you’ve been engineered with advantages that most species in the galaxy don’t have. You can lift more, run faster, survive longer. Those are all tools that you can and should use.”
Alpha stepped forward and off of the platform. You were surging forward before you could stop yourself, your heart battling for a place in your throat with the scream that was taking up most of the room. Alpha rolled as he hit the ground, managing to stand at the end of the motion.
You had managed to keep yourself from screaming, but your desperate motion must have caught some attention. Maw was watching you curiously and Echo’s eyes flicked in your direction from his vantage point on top of the platform.
“Any other questions?” Alpha asked, tone casual.
There were none and he gave a satisfied nod. “Good. Dismissed.”
Echo copied Alpha’s dismounting procedure and caught up with Fives as the troopers all left the training area. You turned to Alpha in the recently abandoned room. “Are there really holos of past training sessions?”
Alpha’s expression turned comedically guarded. “If I say yes, are you planning to spend the next few weeks watching all of the final missions?”
“No,” you denied, letting a slow grin turn the corners of your lips upward. “I was just going to suggest that we move somewhere with fewer cameras.”
“What-?” Alpha started, though he cut himself off fairly quickly and began to smile as well. “I didn’t know that in-depth conversations about training were a weakness of yours.”
“You’re a weakness of mine,” you admitted openly. “And it’s interesting to see you in your element. This was a new experience for me.”
“Hey,” Alpha said with a scowl. “You’ve seen me in an actual battle.”
“That’s true,” you agreed, pretending to think it over for a moment. “Though weren’t you teaching in the battle, too?”
“No, I-” Alpha cut his denial short, his scowl growing even more fierce. “I don’t teach, I train.”
By that point, you couldn’t hold back your laughter anymore and Alpha’s displeasure turned to false offense. “Are you teasing me, neverd’ika? And people say I’m rude. I let you come here and watch my training process…”
“Come on, Alpha,” you urged, still chuckling. “Let’s go somewhere with fewer holocameras.”
Alpha’s shock when you waggled your eyebrows was palpable, which only made it all the more entertaining for you. You steered him where you wanted to go with only the slight touch to his hand you could manage while looking casual enough to fool any observers. Of course, the stupid matching grins sprouting across both of your faces would probably give something away, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care just then.
Author's Note - Thanks for reading! If you find any mistakes, please let me know! I'm having trouble with the site today. I did my best to fix what went wrong, but I may have missed something.
Salvo is a canon character, though he may be part of the Legends now. Fives and Echo are obviously canon. Maw and Aftermath are OCs. Aftermath was mentioned in a previous one-shot of mine, but never directly seen. If you have any questions, please let me know!
You can find other works on my masterlist or sign up for my taglist here!
Taglist: @rexs-wife @sugarpuffsstuff @stargazingthenightaway @just-some-girl-92 @kimageddon @ladysongmaster @carodealmeida @adriiibell @nomercyforthewarrior @boomtowngirl @bitchylittleredhead @blck-omen @hrk-fic-recs @lackofhonor @captxin-rex @literallydontlook @salaminus @mothmanbelievesinyou @archivedreading @lucyhelena @808tsuika @ladykatakuri @echos-gal @shawtyitsyou @butterbug14 @skyguy-snips @fan-fic-favs @frietiemeloen @tsedeshgishnii @buddee @justanothersadperson93 @leotatombs @mavendeb @rain-on-kamino @itsagrimm @dancingwiththeplanets @hummellchen @theclonesdeservebetter @wolffeswife @ladyemxo @maulslittlemeowmeow @murder-of-crows-1 @dsburnerblog @ollovaemisc @rosmariner @staycalmandhugaclone @marennial @fordo-kixed-rex @murderofcrows1 @quietplaceinthestars
88 notes · View notes
Summary: After they fought Nina went back home. In a wedding she gets philosophical about life and marriage specifically. Maul senses her thoughts. We can read a part where Nina interacts with a local asshole.(side note: this interaction happened to me before I met my husband, this guy kept being annoying but in the sunny side it also inspired me to write this scene into my story, so I guess that is a win for me)
Pairing: Darth Maul x OC Nina Cerasus
Warnings: Mention of wounds, medication, anxiety, panic attack, mutual pining, miscommunication, idiots in love, angst (Let me know if I left out something.) Minors DNI! Every sentence in italics is an inner monologue.
AN: This fic means a lot to me and I worked on it a lot. If you have any advice or comments, please share them with me kindly. I'm posting for the first time in years and I don't want nasty comments to discourage me from posting again. Remember it’s a slow burn! If you don't like it, please go to another blog. I did my best to translate it, so pls forgive me, English is not my first language.
Please enjoy reading!
previous chapter
divider by the lovely Saradika
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Nina, upset , left the garden, the stars and Him behind. She tried very hard to keep herself together, she didn't want to fall apart, into tiny pathetic particles. The past forty-eight hours had been long, eventful, and not at all to her liking. She was tired and felt defeated, even though she tried to bend flexibly despite the harsh treatment, but now everything was strained inside her and she snapped. The final blow was delivered by Maul's words, directly to the heart, hard and without hesitation. "So you really are insignificant."
Those words hurt more than the wounds from the attack. They had a devastating effect on her. She left with her back stretched out and the pride of having the last word. But the blood in her veins turned icy cold, so much that, at first, she didn't even notice that her teeth were chattering, her body trembled and the shame caused by anxiety washed over her in waves. The house was still empty, her grandmother must be finishing work at the hospital, and Polina will arrive with dinner soon. Stepping into the bathroom, Nina looked in the mirror and noticed that tears were running down her face unstoppable and silently and without her permission.
"Come on Nina pull yourself together girl!" she scolded herself while furiously wiping her face with her palm.
She suddenly felt a stabbing pain in her palm, it wasn't strong, but it burnt like a cut caused by a paper. She stared at her palm. Four barely visible crescent-shaped wounds bled faintly. 
For kriff's sake!
She felt another storm forming in her soul, a panic rising up. She turned the cold water in the shower. quickly dropped her clothes on the floor and stood under the cold dripping water. 
“Suppress it!” she ordered herself.
She didn’t wanted to give the satisfaction to cry because of him. She crouched down. 
She doesn't care that her hair will be wet and her makeup melt down, or that her teeth will chatter from the water.
The coldness helped her break out of the spiral that drove her towards panic. It helped to sharpen the picture and separate the real emotions and facts from the imaginary ones. The water washed away all weakness from her and she let it flow down her body and disappear into the drain. She felt clean again when she opened her eyes. While drying herself up with a towel, she thought about the facts she knew. 
She survived the attack, she obtained the information, which she just has to decipher and finally have something against her father. She survived the encounters with Maul. She guessed that the male was not going to kill her, something was holding him back. That made this devilish tango seem exciting between them. But now she's tired. All she wants is a soft nightgown and spicy noodles.  
She looked in the mirror again. She seemed calm, a bit pale but put together. She seemed strong even though she had bruises all over her body and soul. Still she wears them gracefully as a silk robe. She will not bend, not break, and will succeed. She smiled at her reflection and left the bathroom.
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Days later...
If she had an idea about her weekend, Nina didn't have this in mind. She didn't really know how and in what way, but it turned out that on her weekend day for rest, she sat dressed up at a wedding ceremony in one of Theed's smallest chapels. One of her high school mates invited her to their wedding.
In a room covered in yellow bouquets (maybe a little too many), her shoes are pressing on her feet uncomfortably (still worth it!), and the only thing she can think of to get through this day is cake. Which, of course, she'd have to wait for the young couple to cut up. Not that she had a problem with the couple (Kiya and Frwen), but Nina was not really impressed by weddings. At least that's what she liked to make people believe, and maybe she tried to make herself believe that too.
As a little girl, she did not plan the color of the dress, the format of the invitation or the venue. Yet she could appreciate the effort others did for their own.
100% of the guests (yes, Nina too) thought the bride was amazingly beautiful in her ecru colored  beaded dress. And everyone was also sure that tears of joy shone in the groom's eyes during the vows. The priest leading the ceremony gave a speech that was too long for a ceremony that was held in a small chapel filled with guests and it was very hot that day despite the end of spring. Still everything seemed perfect. Because everything was perfect. 
The couple's close friends and relatives cracked five jokes and seven heartwarming stories about the couple. And the word love was uttered at least thirty-two times. (note that this number will increase to forty-three later in the evening. Nina actually counted it.) Extra points if the word love is preceded by the characteristics ‘eternal’ or ‘true’.
Then there was a photo montage, which according to Polina was too cringe, but Nina secretly liked a nice reminiscence. It was charming in a nostalgic way. And perfectly suited Kiya and Frwen, who were perfect for each other. 
Nina and Polina both were happy for them, though. Polina even had pressed a silk handkerchief to her face to wipe away a few tears of touched emotions. 
But Nina didn't really believe in the institution of love or marriage. At least not in the "our love will carry us through everything" interpretation. In Nina's opinion, marriage could easily be concluded if the partners knew how to operate in completely separate spheres in the same area. They can live in their own little orbit but also they live in a kind of common section, just like the stars in the milky ways and galaxies. 
But again, the only references she had were those of her own parents. A tragic one where when her mother, Holly, fell ill and her father, Félix, had already left to find another much more suitable for ‘perfect’ family. The other one was quite sad too. A marriage from Polina's stories about her parent’s back in Serrenno. 
Her parents had been married for almost a decade, and after spending many years back and forth with the devil's tango, they officially lived separately - on other planets. This is a pretty lousy statistic, but the point is that none of them were specifically "happily ever after" ones.
If Nina were to make a Venn diagram about Kiya and Frwen she would put their jobs and studies and friends in separate piles and love would be the center. Nina thought that they could be the exception. Kiya and Frwen would make the “happily ever after”. They were made for each other. 
But then again, what's the point of making it official? What is the point of a piece of paper, which is only good for you to take out a joint loan or to call the child ‘legitimate’ and to make the separation more difficult by enlarging and blurring the boundaries of these center sections?
Oh so Kiya takes her husband's last name. Nina toyed with the idea. Her mother also took her father's name until he claimed it back in the divorce.
Maybe one day she will find someone who is not too boring and decide to stay, eventually she would marry that person, then like Kiya she would take her husband's name and thus completely vanish into his family line. Just like Maul’s ship’s cloaking device. She would be a blank space and have a new start. That sounded both terrifying and exciting at the same time. She could reinvent herself. 
She would be Mrs.We-don't-know-the-name-yet, and no one would ever know a thing about her.The fire in her soul would be calmed down to a handful of embers. She would become an accessory, and her illness would be some sort of exotic characteristic, like her diastema.
Thinking it through this fact rather terrified her, she didn't want to belong to anyone, just to belong to herself, like her grandmother.
She continued fiddling with her bracelet and biting her lip from the light panic that started to crawl out from her subconscious to these thoughts. Suddenly she felt a warm hand caress her cold one. Polina kindly took her hand, sensing her anxiety. The pink haired vampire didn't look at her, but smiled and drew letters in Nina's palm with her index finger. Nina began to concentrate on them already feeling calmer:
Nina softly hummed "yes" as an answer. Polina's attention was focused on the couple again, but she didn't let go of Nina.
Meanwhile, 22% of guests were moved to tears. Two restless children were told to behave properly. Five of the guests wore a hat. They exchanged two rings and the green-eyed girl from the fourth row couldn't stop thinking about the crimson-colored zabrak man while she fidgeted with her bracelet. 
The ceremony ended and they were outside under the colorful sky of sunset, in the chapel's gardens. They served food under a big cream colored tent decorated with the same flowers as in the chapel. The guests were already mingling, dancing, or just snacking and talking at the reception. Everyone had a sparkling flute of crystal glass full of bubbly drink in their hands. Polina was dancing with the best men of the groom. He was quite handsome and had an interesting scar on the left side of his lips. 
Nina was asked to dance by a man named Larkin, the second best man.
He was average height, with an average face and body. Nina felt bad for judging him, so when they started to sway to the light melody she gave him a chance. 
At the edge of the dance floor, he carefully wrapped his arms around her waist, while Nina put hers on his shoulders. They started getting to know each other by small talk. But after the usual rounds, Larkin started talking about the new ship. In five minutes, Nina would have been able to take an exam about  that model of ship. Larkin was cute and enthusiastic, but it seems the vehicle alone turned him on. He told her everything about it, the color, the leather of the seats, the cylinder heads, the gearbox and the insurance conditions. Nina hummed quietly sometimes and stared into the distance. She imagined the hands on his waist to be Maul's hands, Maul's scent instead of the sweet patchouli and a crown of horns instead of Larkin's thick blonde hair.
When the couple shared their first kiss as a husband and wife, everyone started clapping and the room felt a little lighter and happier.
But to Nina it felt rather suffocating. She wanted to see him. Maul.
She liked his name. It suited him in a raw, mature and erotic energy kinda way. And she loved how his name rolled off her tongue as the syllables tumbled. She would prefer to say it out loud several times over and over like a magic spell.
She doesn’t know much about him, but wanted to. She wanted to know his thoughts, his past and origin, and she definitely wanted him to kiss his tattooed lips. He was a mystery, something that Nina craved and wanted to figure out. 
“Would you mind please and bring me some punch?” she asked Larkin. 
“Yes. I’ll be back in a moment.” 
She stood near the table where the cakes and cookies were served. 
“Don’t hurry.” she said through gritted teeth, as she rolled her eyes in annoyance.
It wasn't Larkin's fault, at least not entirely. Nina just wasn't attracted to him. There was no chemistry between them and nothing in common. However, in contrast, Maul was there, she felt the chemistry sparkling, but she didn't know much about him, yet.
She sighed. Their last meeting was not quite a ray of sunshine but she still thought that seeing him will make her feel something new. A deep breath of fresh air from her safe and mundane life.  
Her weeks usually went by this: morning yoga, taking medications, university, study and work more study. Some medical examination, where she receives a dose of a new medicine, or is examined by machines and pricked with needles, like a lab womp rat. 
Even her dates were the same. Average male's with an average life and background and purpose.
Everything was the same. Until it isn’t. Until she met him. 
If she ever sees him again, she’ll have some questions for him for sure. She started compiling a mental list. 
“Questions for the handsome and mysterious guy in the forest: 
- How old is he?
- Where does he come from?
- About his tattoos
- What is he? If he is not a Jedi apprentice? ..”
She was distracted from her thoughts. Polina’s floral scented perume filled the air between them, and she held two plates, with slices of cakes on them. 
“I know that look.”
Nina raised an eyebrow. This was one of her signature mimics, observing suspiciously.
Polina sent her a knowing look. 
“You are thinking about him. Mystery guy. Don’t insult me and try to deny it. I already know you, Nina Cerasus, just like the palm of my hand.” she said in a sing-song voice. 
Nina blushed by being caught, she never showed her thoughts or emotions but with Polina it felt easy and natural. She never judged, only listened and shared her thoughts. Nina loved her soul, and never quite figured out how she was still by her side, she wasn't as interesting as Polina, nor wealthy. But still felt grateful for her loyalty. 
But back to the point, Polina once said to her that her curiosity often got her into trouble. Into relationships that didn't have a long outcome nor meaning. They failed and failed like dominos, each in its own time with it’s own reasons. For her, curiosity was almost the same as sexual attraction. The former both prevent but cause the latter. Now that she felt it both, for equally at the same time (for the first time in her 22 standard years of life and 6 years of dating) she felt a bit excited, confused and maybe a bit scared. Scared of the effect he already had on her, and the terrible outcome which was inevitable, since the males she dated always left at the first difficulty.
Nina wasn't looking for something enduring, she wanted her freedom.
She had a hunch that Maul was the kind of person for whom attraction, curiosity and freedom go hand in hand.
She decided to go to the old villa. Now. 
Unfortunately Larkin was coming back with a smile and two glasses of sweet pink punch. 
“Please stick a fork in my neck.” Nina mumbled.
“You don’t like him? He seems cute though, like a puppy dog. You fetch something he’ll definitely bring it back to you with enthusiasm and heart eyes.”
“ Until he starts talking in every detail about his new ship and the rest he has at home. For every possible topic, the conversation turns back to ships.” Nina said, annoyed. 
“Yikes. That is definitely an undiagnosed symptom of mental illness. He could be psychotic. You’re lucky he didn’t murder you.” joked Polina.
Nina laughed, she loved Polina’s sense of humor.
“I don’t know how to give good advice but I can always make you laugh with a sarcastic comment.” the vampire shrugged “Don’t worry girl, just go. I’ll cover for you.”
“You are the best and I love you.” Nina kissed her cheek and took a plate which had a cake on it.
But fate had other plans for her. Larkin bypassed Polina and went straight to Nina. Nina stopped herself from rolling her eyes, but she grimaced when Larkin took the cake from her hand and replaced it with a drink.
"There you go. See? I am such a nice gal I even make sure you don't get fat sweetheart."
Larkin acknowledged it with serious satisfaction and considered himself entertaining.
After that, he started chatting about relationships, asking questions and hints as discreetly as a cannon to the young woman, what she thinks about relationships and weddings.
"I don't really know, I haven't had a relationship." Nina shrugged.
"A woman as beautiful as you and you haven't had a physical relationship yet?" Larkin was shocked. "How come?"
"I didn't say that I don't have sex, I just hinted that every time before it got serious, the current male ruined everything between us. Now was my answer satisfactory enough?" Nina started to get angry. 
Under Larkin's cute side, Nina started to recognize the conceited asshole, he was just as boring as the others and predictable. Wasting her time. Pathetic!
"Couldn't the problem be something else? There's no way that all your boys were idiots. Maybe there is something wrong with you Nina. I think someone mentioned that your mom died..” Larkin confirmed.
Nina has decided that she already hates this man! She would prefer to strangle him with his own flasy imported silk scarf. 
“Who does he think he is? To analyze her! “
Her hands clenched into fists and she raised one of her eyebrows, curiously waiting for the continuation. She didn’t plan to make a scene, it wasn’t worth it. He wasn’t worth it.
“This can’t be worse. Can it?”
"My mother is not the reason, so leave her out of this. I’m better alone, easier.” she answered calmly but inside her heart was pounding, she put down the punch glass before pouring the contents onto the man's cream-colored set, dyed bright pink with it.
"Nina. Nina. Nina.” he tsk-ed her in a patronizing honeyed voice. "You can't decide that at such a young age..."
Nina answered with an expression on her face that made it clear that he had better choose his next words carefully, then turned her back and stared at the landscape from the balcony. In a softer tone, he reached out to touch her, but pulled it back before making contact.
"Now you need someone to sweep you off your feet. A true romantic. Someone to guide you to a reasonable lifestyle. ”
Nina just laughed softly to herself, staring at the distant mountains, trying to hold back the urge to throw this idiot over the fence, to fall into the abyss and not be seen again.
The sunset painted the lines in a wonderful burnt orange color, it was almost crimson. She was thinking about the zabrak again. She longed for him to seduce her. 
"Oh Ms. Cerasus, why did you freeze me out so suddenly? What are you afraid of? Beware the ice queen has arrived! Can you even hear me?!”
Nina sighed. She had had enough of this, the man was annoying like a gungan.
She pushed herself away from the railing, which was decorated with wildflowers, and headed for the exit, picking up another larger slice of cake.
"You know you should really learn how to listen." Larkin gave one last piece of unsolicited advice.
Nina stopped, smiling.
“And you should really learn how to filter!” And showed him the shiny ring on her middle finger.
Maybe the male zabrak is still camping near the ruins and maybe he is still angry with her. But none of this matters, based on Nina's experience, 85% of quarrels and 45% of problems could be solved with a slice of marzipan pear cake.
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Maul sat on the grass cross legged position with a straight back. He was meditating. Trying to meditate.
This time he was doing better since he met her.
Better but not immaculate like it used to be.
He was annoyed, this time not because of the anticipation of the Grand Plan, or because of his hatred of the Jedi. Something much less dignified for an almost pathetic cause.
He hasn't seen her since they fought. She didn't come.
Three days had passed and Maul had not seen the young woman's pretty figure appear either in the forest or in the ruins of the villa. He didn't feel her presence. He didn't even know why, but he felt that he had offended the female's pride, crossed a line, entered a door that Nina wasn't ready to let him in yet.
"What nonsense!" he frowned. “He is the apprentice of the most powerful person in the galaxy, a descendant of ancient warriors. And yet, a simple commoner, a woman with physical weakness dares to influence him!  How pathetic!”
Nina got under his skin and poisoned his thoughts. He had such nonsense in his mind that perhaps he was too intrusive and crude.
He allowed himself another frown.
"Why doesn't she come?"
"Will he ever see her? Maybe after the grand plan takes its place. "
Why did he think she looked like an angry tooka with her defiantly sparkling green eyes?
Why did he find this cute?
Cute?! Maul had never used that term before in his life.
“If Sidious doesn't do it to him, then he shall learn Sith lightning and use it on himself for these stupid and foolish and pathetic thoughts.” he rolled his eyes.
He jumped up and started walking, he was restless like a caged tiger.
But why does the Force let him feel this miserable? What lesson does he has to learn? Why? And why now? 
He had an unconscious urge to go and see her, but something held him back. Pride, or perhaps he was afraid that she would reject him.
His gloved hands were clenched into fists, his claws (although they were cut back just like his horns at the command of his Master) cut into his flesh, leaving a crescent moon shaped wounds in his palm.
Pain. It was a familiar feeling, a feeling he could always count on. He can rely on pain easily.
He activated the lightsaber and went through the usual figures he used with decisive elegant movements. Each time he felt stronger in the Force.
Still he thought of Nina, He lifted stones with his outstretched hand and cut them to pieces with his weapon. His anger oosed around his aura like a chalk coloured shadow. 
“Stars, Woman! What kind of spell have you casted on me?! 
You're in my mind, in my dreams, I can't focus. What kind of wicked test are you? Maul was sure that this was a test of how dedicated and loyal he was to his Master. As much as he underestimated her, she still managed to have an effect on him. Not a little, the impact was huge... Witchcraft!"
She was a tempting spell. A siren who mesmerized him, there is no other answer to his state.
Twice she had the opportunity to extend her spell on him. Both times in the dark with special lights and gorgeous green eyes.
He needs to see her. Her freckles, her eyes. Her scent and her aura that simultaneously awakened in him feelings of attraction and lust, interest in a conversation, and a kind of peaceful state that was unknown, but still carved by him.
The Force heard his thoughts because suddenly he felt her, for the first time in days. It was light and weak but still he felt her thoughts, lingering around Maul.
He felt some sort of tingling, in his fingers, horns and mouth. What is this?
He began to focus, and sit down to meditate again.
The female was quite far from him, yet he faintly sensed the longing, whether it was physical or not. She was thinking about him.
He despised himself, but he had to admit that, no matter how pathetic, he was filled with self-satisfaction that the female was thinking of him even though she was on the other side of the planet. Thinking about Maul.
Never having been the object of someone's concern before, it was somehow an honor.
He decided to continue his training and decided to use this vantage point when they met again.
Little does she know, he thinks about her too. 
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next chapter
Taglist: @stardustbee @hellhound5925 @cloneloverrrrr @the-chains-are-the-easy-part @firstofficerwiggles
Let me know if you want to be added 💖
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gingersnaaps · 3 years
too much of a good thing
he's so sweet, so kind, so dumb - is bokuto really capable of anything besides the best intentions?
wc: ~2.7k
tags/tw's(PLEASE READ): explicit n*fw, dubcon sex to noncon creampie, manipulation, lovebombing and then neglect, overstimulation, cunnilingus, fingering, penetration, a lil angst, timeskip!bokuto, fem!reader with inner genitals
i don’t want minors interacting with my content
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Being subtle was never really Bokuto’s thing, not even in the beginning.
In some ways, you suppose that you’re lucky - that you’re better off than your friends who you would always hear complaining, muttering about boys who didn't like to commit, didn’t like labels, who didn’t like texting first or buying gifts or putting in any effort at all.
Barely a week into your relationship, you come home from work with your head dizzy and feet aching from exhaustion, and discover a dozen bouquets of roses on your doorstep. Crimson petals are littered everywhere, strewn against the grey concrete of the steps, and although you feel your neck and face heating up with embarrassment at the grand gesture, you can’t suppress the smile that tugs at the corner of your lips.
He really was so sweet. Who cares if he wasn’t exactly shy about expressing it?
None of the other guys you’ve dated before had sent you good morning texts quite like his, filled with exclamation points and emojis, and none of them had tried nearly as hard as Bokuto does with his breathy, eager i love you’s, his frequent hugs whenever he gets the chance to see you, or even his phone calls that come twice, three times, even four times in the middle of the day.
But the more days that pass by, the more intense it gets.
He picks you up after work all the time, cupping your face in his hands, eyes gleaming almost unnaturally bright. “I love you,” he’ll whisper. “You’re so wonderful, baby. You’re perfect. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you.”
You can’t help but think that these are the sort of words that come months into a relationship, if not years, but… there’s nothing really wrong with what he’s doing, is there? There’s no reason you should be uneasy, no indication of even the slightest hint of trouble on his part.
You’re probably just paranoid.
Bokuto doesn’t stop at words, though - he earns a good sum of money from his job playing professional volleyball, and he’s never hesitant to use it on you. A week after he leaves you the roses, he asks you out on a date to a restaurant you know is ridiculously expensive, and the uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach grows as you scroll through pictures of the establishment on Google Images.
“I don’t think I can afford it, Bo,” you tell him, voice hesitant and crackly over the phone. “If we go, I won’t be able to pay my share.”
It’s just a word, but the implication isn’t lost on you. And if he’s fine with paying for you, if he’s okay with the hundreds of dollars you’ll be owing him, well - there’s no good reason to turn him down, right?
During the date, you talk with him as you spoon bites of delicate food into your mouth. The restaurant is too lavish, the plush velvet carpeting and crystal chandeliers almost a parody of luxury. You’re pretty sure the utensils are half the price of your rent.
He leans over in the middle of the meal, expression suddenly serious. “You’re enjoying this, right?” he asks.
“I am. I’m kinda lucky, aren’t I? Being spoiled like this.”
“Yeah,” he replies, his grin so bright it could rival the sun. “You really are.”
And suddenly - just for a moment - you catch a glimpse of something slightly off about his whole expression, as if it was a mask waiting to be ripped off to reveal something much, much different underneath, but the fleeting moment is gone so quickly you convince yourself that it’s just your eyes playing tricks on you.
Bokuto has been nothing if not perfect, after all. If you’re uneasy, it’s probably just because you aren’t used to being treated like this, aren’t used to someone that lavishes you with constant gifts and praise and displays of affection like he does. On the way back in the taxi, he whispers everything he loves about you softly in your ear, his arm snaking around your waist as his thumb rubs tender circles into your skin. His body is pressed so close to yours, his breath gently tickling your ear, warmth radiating out from his firm, muscled body.
He’s so good to you.
It doesn’t last forever.
Bokuto’s affection dries up slowly, but his presence has been such a constant in your life that it’s impossible for you not to notice.
Some mornings, you find yourself waking up to a hollow feeling in your chest as you check your message notifications and find nothing - no late night rants, no funny pictures, no enthusiastic, joyful good morning texts. During the day, the silence now stretches on for hours too long, uncomfortably empty and devoid of the persistent calls that you used to get every single hour.
When he does see you, he’s remarkably reserved - eyes always downcast, fingers fidgeting incessantly, clearly disinterested in what you’re doing, what you’re saying - in fact, disinterested in all of you.
Maybe he’s just busy with volleyball, you rationalize, but your stomach churns with anxiety and deep down, you know that something’s changed.
You try and ignore the dull ache inside of you that seems to follow you around wherever you go, a little voice inside your head constantly reminding you of what Bokuto used to do. Two months ago, he would’ve picked you up. He would’ve sent you flowers today. He would’ve taken you out to eat.
It builds up slowly and steadily, a crescendo of pain that grows in volume the longer he’s gone, like a tidal wave of confusion and hurt that swirls around inside you - until one day, you’re sitting by yourself in the car, sobbing quietly in the cramped darkness.
At least he doesn’t turn you away when you show up on his doorstep.
Your eyes are rimmed with red, streaks of eye makeup running down your face as a frown twists at his features. “Please, Bo,” you whisper. “Let me make it up to you.”
And you’re not exactly sure what you did, but you want to fix it, want him back in your life, want to wake up to his smiles and his laughter and his incessant, boundless energy, and you know you’re willing to do anything to get that back.
“Really?” he asks, eyes glimmering faintly with hope.
You nod almost imperceptibly, about to reply yes, yes, want you back so bad, when he grabs your waist with his hands and pulls you in for a kiss so passionate it borders on harsh. It’s a whirlwind of teeth and tongue, a mix of sucking and licking and biting that leaves you gasping for breath, your red lips swollen and slick with spit.
He pulls you inside, his hands roaming all over your body, groping and squeezing at your supple flesh, goosebumps running down your spine as he brings a hand up to brush against your nipple. For the first time in weeks, you see excitement on his face, and his voice trembles as he leans close in. “Let me take care of you,” he says. “Wanna make you feel good.”
And even though there’s apprehension crawling under your skin at his sudden mood swing, you’re so, so glad this version of Bokuto is back that you brush off that hesitation, the mixture of happiness and anticipation overwhelming every single thought in your mind.
As his fingertips graze the soft skin of your torso, his hands - so much larger than yours - maneuver your body around with such ease and grace that you barely notice when you end up on his couch, legs spread wide open as he looks up from between your thighs hungrily. “I - fuck, I’ve wanted to do this for so long,” he says, out of breath, eyes running over the swollen outline of your cunt.
You whimper softly as his nose brushes up against your clit, his piercing, golden eyes still gazing intently up at you.
He doesn’t waste any of his time teasing you, his flat of his tongue sliding up along your slit with the perfect amount of pressure to leave you squirming. It’s almost as if he knows exactly where to lick and suck, eagerly pressing his tongue up against your clit in insistent circles, lapping at your dripping pussy until your juices are running down his chin. He’s so eager in between your legs, and everytime he finds a spot that makes your legs tremble needily, he gives it so much attention that you already start to feel that wave of pleasure building in your core.
“Don’t stop,” you pant, your hands sliding into his hair as your hips thrust upwards. “Please.”
Bokuto doesn’t need you to tell him that. Shouldn’t have wasted your breath, he thinks idly, diving in and eating you out with renewed vigor.
When his tongue glides around your spasming cunt and dips in briefly, you can’t stop the moan that tumbles from your lips. His tongue is so stupidly long and flexible, sliding inside and licking at your sensitive walls, curling up and brushing against your g-spot until you start to shudder and tremble under him.
You cum embarrassingly quick, your hips jerking and stuttering wildly as he finishes you off. He fucks you through your orgasm, sucking gently at your clit until the border between pain and pleasure starts to blur and you’re moaning so loudly he thinks the neighbors will have complaints for him the next morning.
“Feel good, baby?” he asks, voice sending vibrations through your pussy.
“Yeah,” you mumble.
“How about another?”
Your eyes widen. “W-what?”
“I think you can handle it, right?” a huge grin splits his face as he spreads your pussy apart with two fingers, looking at your swollen, spent cunt. He barely gives your chance to respond before he trails his fingers against your lips, fingers teasing in and out of your slick entrance.
This time, Bokuto uses his hands to stretch you out, inserting his digits one by one until three of his thick, long fingers are nestled inside of your pussy. He thrusts them languidly in and out, his fingertips caressing your nerves until you’re tense and wound up for him again.
“Come on,” he encourages. “You can take it.”
Your brain is hazy from the stimulation, barely registering anything but pleasure as his fingers search and probe like they have some sort of job to do. You feel damp with heat and moisture, the pulsing, burning need in between your legs insistent and demanding.
“Almost there,” he breathes, voice raspy with arousal. A fourth finger brushes up against your lips, and the thought of more stretch, more stimulation, more pleasure, has you clenching desperately against the ones that your cunt is already spread out on.
You sob, your body strung out and wrecked, suspended on the tipping point of another orgasm.
As you cum again, the feeling of relief - white-hot and blinding - rips along your core. You’re not sure you’ve experienced anything quite so intense before, and as you look down at him, hands still manipulating your cunt so expertly, you don’t know if he has the intention of stopping anytime soon.
He stands up and your eyes drift to his cock, flushed purple and almost painfully hard, dripping with precum. His hand strokes along his shaft, soft curses muttered under his breath, but he opens them wide again and looks down at you sadly. “I’m so sorry,” he says, voice pleading. “I don’t have any condoms.”
Bokuto sounds so genuine, his tone kind and filled with regret, and guilt begins to sting at your conscience. He’s made you feel so fucking good, given you the best orgasms of your life - is it really fair if you leave him wanting and unsatisfied?
You’re fucked halfway out of your mind when you answer, eyes still fixated on his cock, head swimming with thoughts of how much you want to please him.
“It’s fine,” you say, your words slurred and hesitant. “You can.. you can use me. Use my pussy to get you off. Jus’ pull out at the end.”
Ecstasy flashes across his face, and he looks down eagerly. “Fuck, babe. You’re so perfect. I love you.”
You hadn’t heard those words for weeks.
His strong arms pick you up easily, maneuvering you around until he’s the one sitting on the couch and your cunt is positioned right over his dick. His hands grip tightly at your waist, fingertips pressing so insistently that you’re sure you’ll wake up the next morning with bruises dotting your skin. He lowers you down slowly, carefully, groaning as he fills you up and the warmth of your cunt envelopes him whole.
He already looked big, just from the cursory glance you’d taken earlier, but as you feel the tip of his cock shove against your cervix, your breath almost catches at how you feel your walls expanding to accommodate all of him.
The drag of his curved cock up against your sensitive walls leaves your legs trembling and squirming, but he holds you firmly down as he thrusts up inside over and over. “Stay still,” he coos. “Let me take care of you.”
Bokuto starts off gently, fucking you with shallow little thrusts that have you panting with desperation. He can tell by the way your cunt is fluttering that you're craving more, that the two orgasms he gave you earlier just wasn’t enough for a greedy girl like you, and he relishes the way your small hands grip desperately at his shirt.
He raises you up off his cock, running the tip up and down your slit until your pussy throbs, and slams you back down again. The rhythm he maintains is steady and even, bouncing you up and down on his cock like a ragdoll, whispering stuttered curses and phrases of endearment against your ear, making you shiver from the overload of stimuli.
“Feels so amazing,” he moans. “Gonna.. Gonna cum soon.”
The heat in your core grows intense at the thought of his orgasm, involuntarily whining, and you start to rock your hips back and forth in an attempt to search out more friction.
Bokuto knows he promised to pull out. He knows that it wouldn’t be right if he stayed buried inside your cunt. But how is he supposed to stop himself when you feel this good, wrapped so obediently around him like a perfect little fuck doll? And the heat of your cunt is gripping incredibly tight all around his length, your little squirms and shivers so adorable as he uses you to get himself off.
He can’t help himself.
With one last, desperate thrust, he lets go, thick spurts of cum filling you up until he’s sure your insides are dripping white, and he caresses your stomach where your womb would be in satisfaction. It feels so good to cum inside of a tight cunt, much better than it would’ve if he’d forced himself to pull out, he thinks. And you look so pretty all full and leaking with his seed.
It takes you a moment to fully register the warm, wet feeling pooling inside you, your brain too fucked out, too stupid from the constant stimulation to truly understand what exactly dripping from your slit is.
When you do realize - oh god, he came inside me - panic starts to grip at the edges of your frayed nerves, your vision tunneling as the magnitude of what had just happened hits you. Tears start to blur the world around you, the dim lighting of his living room merging the furniture and warping the walls, and you faintly register the feeling of arms wrapped tight around you, a hand reaching up to caress soothingly at your cheek.
“You know,” Bokuto whispers, face lit up in wonder. “I think we’re soulmates.”
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palaceofpassion · 3 years
Figured I'd take my shot with a second one, Ruby's suprised when Penny brings Jaune home to have him play the role of the happy couples stud. After all it's only logical that they birth strong child and who better.
"Ahhhn~ Yes yes!"
Ruby stared awkwardly at her ceiling as she bit down the bile forming in her chest. Her eyes closed tight as she rocked back and forth on her shifting bed, hoping to ignore the sounds of delightful pleasure happening behind her. "More! More! I'm breeding ready!" Her fingers grasped tightly onto her bedding, her teeth gritting as she tried to ignore the sounds of her wife... being fucked... being rutted... being mated by one of her closest friends. The sticky squelching sounds of bodily fluids exchanging with one another, quickly threw off her concentration. And yet, she knew she had to fight back the tears.
When Penny had come to her, talking about how she'd wanted a child. Ruby had, incorrectly, assumed that she wanted to go to a donation center. She HAD NOT expected for Penny to want to be bred, and creampied. She hadn't expected her loving wife to be stuffed by a big fat cock, or having her being dicked down. She hadn't expected Penny to bring her best friend over. So when she found Jaune at her door, a bashful look on his face as he asked the question.
"Hey Ruby, Penny called me, do you know why?"
Something had been wrong... something had been VERY wrong. And she could feel it in the pit of her stomach.
So when Penny came prancing over... wearing... wearing a sheer silk nightgown... one that didn't hide ANY of her lady bits... Ruby felt her heart drop. "Friend Jaune! I'm glad you could make it!"
"Hey Penny."
Jaune's smile didn't make her feel any better.
"Penny?" Ruby turned towards her wife, "What's going on?"
"Oh! I had mentioned wanting to have a child, remember?"
Ruby of course nodded, "Well friend Jaune is here to help!" Then when Penny turned towards Jaune... a twisted smile on her face... one that exuded sexual desire... one Ruby herself had never seen before. She felt her heart crack.
"Okay but... why?"
"Oh... didn't you discuss this?" Jaune turned back to Penny. "Penny, if Ruby is uncomfortable with this I don't think I want to go through with it."
"What? What are you talking about?"
“Well Ruby!” Penny quickly turned towards her, grabbing onto her hands and pulling them towards her heart. “I was hoping that we’d have friend Jaune here to be the father of our children.” Ruby blinked, confused at first.
“But… and I’m sorry no offense Jaune.”
“None taken.”
“Why Jaune?” She didn’t mean any offense by it… in fact… well Jaune had been a long time crush of hers. She’d only never made a move on him because of how anxious she’d felt about the entire ordeal. He had been one of the first people, if not the first person other than her family to accept her for who she was. He’d always been there when she needed him, and she’d always felt safe.
She had never been sure if those feelings were that of love… or of something else. But she’d held back, especially as Weiss had ended up falling for him. And now they were married, speaking of, “Wait, what about Weiss?” Maybe she could pull the plug here and now?
“I’m right here.”
Ruby nearly jumped out of her skin at the sudden entrance of her childhood friend. “What?! Don’t suddenly do that! What are you Blake?!” She was so flustered by the sudden arrival that she didn’t even notice the dry look Weiss had bestowed upon her.
“No. But I’m already aware of the situation.”
Oh… maybe she was here to say no. “So… you’re not okay with it right?”
Weiss simply shook her head, “No, I’m not okay with it.”
“Oh thank go-”
“I love it.”
Weiss beamed brightly as she placed her hand upon Jaune’s shoulder, ushering the taller man down so she could pull him into a deep kiss. Ruby felt her face flush hot, the public display of affection proving to be a little too much for her still naive mind. “You see Ruby.” Pulling away Weiss brought her attention back to her, “I love the idea of my Jaune here breeding other women.”
She didn’t miss the little shudder that ran through her old best friend. “Just… it's so enticing, watching him push them down, breeding them like the dirty sows they are. Filling their needy wombs with his rich virile Arc seed. Oh, you’ll both love it, I assure you.” The woman stroking her rounded belly, proof of their 8th child.
Honestly, Ruby wasn’t so sure she WOULD love it. But, she wasn’t even sure she could say no anymore, not with Weiss' sudden intervention. “Uh… Weiss what’s that?” She’d suddenly noticed the strap attached to Jaune’s shoulder, now that Weiss had brought attention to it.
“Oh, it’s a camera darling. To commemorate the event.”
Her brow crinkled in as she frowned at the sudden realization dawning on her. This… this wasn’t going to end well for her and she didn’t like it one bit.
“Now then, a few questions.” Weiss hurried them in the door, tugging Jaune along with her, who gave Ruby one last sorrowful glance.
“Have either of you ever been with a man before?”
“I have not friend Weiss!”
Penny raised her hand, a pleasant smile that would have normally caused her heart to race flashed across her face. Though now it only proved to make her feel… ill inside.
“Excellent!” Weiss clapped her hands together, “It’ll be an interesting experience.” Ruby felt her heart sink when Weiss turned her attention back towards her. “I assume you’re both alright with this then? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable after all. And I know Jaune doesn’t want you to either.”
“Yeah.” Jaune nodded, “I want this to be a fun experience for everyone involved… oh uhm… you’re not both lesbians right? I’d honestly feel bad if you were.”
Ruby WASN’T a lesbian persay. She wasn’t even sure what she was, she just liked who she liked. And at one time it HAD been Jaune, but now she loved Penny.
“No. Both Ruby and I are fine with both sexes.”
Ruby nodded meekly in response.
“Okay perfect, well I promise that Jaune will make this an experience that neither of you are going to forget.”
“Yeah.” She felt a hand press down on her shoulder, “Ruby, again, if you don’t want this please say something.”
She felt her heart swoon just a tad at Jaune’s concern. Her chest rose and fell and her face grew just a tad bit warm. Turning her attention towards Penny, she knew she COULD say yes. But seeing how happy and excited her wife was, how into this Weiss appeared to be… and… this could be her chance to get with Jaune for once… well it couldn’t be all bad?
No! It WAS FAR WORSE than she could have ever imagined.
“Oh yes! More please! More!”
Ruby sat there, silently sobbing to herself as her wife, her precious wife with whom she exchanged vows of solidarity with, was now on her back. Her hands tightly grabbing their bedding sheets as her best friend, and childhood crush, pounded her like she belonged to him.
She dared not look, the sounds of slapping flesh already being far too much for her to handle. Her lips trembled as she tried to silence out the sound, and she may have succeeded or at least she would have if Weiss hadn’t shifted closer.
“You know Ruby~” Her tone sent a terrified shiver down her spine, “I was the one that got Penny interested in this whole ordeal.”
She looked up trying to say something, but found a single finger pressed against her lips. “Isn’t it amazing?” Weiss turned her attention towards Jaune and Penny, forcing Ruby to follow her line of sight.
Ruby’s heart dropped, tears began to trickle downwards as she SAW… no she could smell it, hear it, FEEL it… her beloved wife was on her back, her face… oh gods her face… it was contorted into the most twisted of pleased slutshammed faces she’d EVER seen before. “It was pretty easy getting the idea in her head, I told her it’d be easier to have a child if someone ACTUALLY bred her.” She heard, but did not see Weiss chuckle, too enraptured with the terrible scene in front of her. “It really was easy, your wife is suuuch a slut. She’s just so naive~” When she felt Weiss’ icey could fingers wrap around her shoulders she tried not to flinch. “It really didn’t have to be Jaune, I could have SO easily convinced her to sleep with ANY man.”
“B...bu...but why?” Why then? Why was this happening, why her? Why Jaune?
“Its simple~ I just LOVE seeing my husband fuck little stupid sluts silly. I mean just look at how happy Penny is.”
Ruby HATED how right Weiss was, Penny was… she was FAR happier than she’d EVER been when they had sex. “A silly little toy could never match up to the real thing… look at it… look at her stomach.”
Ruby could see it, she didn’t NEED Weiss telling her. She could see her wife’s belly inflate as Jaune’s… his cock pounded inside of her. Her stomach ballooning as he penetrated her over and over and over and over. The big meaty head of his cock skewering her so much smaller body, the thick bulb protruding through the other side.
“Penny Darling.”
“Ruby wants to hear what's happening. She wants to know how much you love having my husband’s COCK inside of you.”
“Oh! OoOooKaaY!”
Ruby KNEW Penny didn’t mean anything by it, but she was just so excited. “Look Ruby! Jaune’s… oOooH hiiiiis hiiiis BIIIiIiIGG! CooOoCCCK! Itssssssszzzz! Its Puuuushiiing against MmyyyYy Ceervviviiix!”
Ruby could see it from here, the shape of her uterus forming on the outside of her skin. “HeeeEesssss hiiiiittttting mmmeeeeee soooo Sooosososooo deeeeep!”
“You want deeper though right?”
“YYyyyEeesssh pleeeeaassee!”
“Darling, can you please put her into a mating press for me?”
Jaune’s voice came out exasperated, his focus solely pushed upon her wife. Ruby was FORCED to watch as Jaune pulled on her wife’s legs, pinning them back and showing the extreme flexibility that came with the once gynoid. “WhoaooOh!” He’d pulled her legs practically behind her head, forcing his cock even deeper as he rose her lower body.
“Look at it, look at how DEEP his cock is going inside of her!” Weiss simply smiled, “You’d never be able to do that Ruby, but it’s okay.”
His pace grew faster and faster, the bed underneath them started to shake as he unleashed sound defeaning thrust after sound defeaning thrust.
Ruby couldn’t believe it, she couldn’t take the emotional damage that she was feeling as her best friend pushed her wife into ecstasy. “Gods it feels SO good to have him inside of you. Its so amazing, I don’t think Penny will be able to have it any other way now.”
The bed jolted up and and down as he practically pinned her wife into her own bed. Thick juicy fluids squelched from their connected bodies. Beads of sweat staining their sheets as he practically pushed his entire body on her. Ruby could hardly see her wife anymore, but she could hear her squeals of pleasure. She could only watch as a man took her from her. She could only silently regret her decisions. And still why did it have to be this way, for Weiss’ sick pleasures?
“You know.” She flinched as Weiss’ hand fell upon the pit of her belly, rubbing gentle circles above her womb. “It doesn’t have to be this way.” Ruby gave her a betrayed look, scrunching her face together. “We really DID come here to help you two have fun~ And… well I’m sure Penny would LOVE if you both got pregnant together~”
Ruby meant to open her mouth, “After all, it’s not fair, now is it? Just letting Penny have all the fun?”
Ruby bit her lip, turning her attention as Jaune pulled up onto his legs, squating down on her wife and slamming his cock one last time into her depths. She could SEE his balls inflating, she could SEE the pulsing of her stomach as the bulge of his cock quite literally throbbed. She could see her wife’s belly inflating in front of her, “See?”
Weiss turned her attention back to Penny.
“Penny describe what’s happening.
“MmmNnn~♥ Fri...Fri… Ma...Mate…Br...bree...breeder J...Jaaauuune iiiisss filling My… my wooomb, with Prec...precious life giiiving seed! I can FEEL my ovaries drinking the… the preciiious fluiiids! I… I’m… I’m breeding ready!”
Ruby felt Weiss release her, shifting over towards Penny. “Oh Darling, you’re going to be JUST the most gorgeous pregnant woman.” Ruby watched Weiss run her finger over the outline of her wife’s uterus, tracing the very shape with a single soft touch. “Mmmn~ I can’t WAIT to see you nice and full. I bet you’ll have twins AT LEAST.” Weiss of course turned her attention back towards her husband, “I bet you can’t wait right? You LOVE it when women get pregnant with your children, you’re just raring to go again, right?”
Ruby turned her attention to Jaune, who had been mostly quiet this entire time. Surely he wouldn’t betray her? He’d been hesitant from the start after all! “Yeah… it’s REALLY hot... and…” No. “We should go again, I can dump a few more loads inside of her, just to make sure she’s nice and knocked up.”
“Yes please!”
Time seemed to still as Ruby did something she truly didn’t expect of herself, “STOP!”
All eyes turned to her as she flushed red, one that ran down the length of her unclothed body. “I… I…” She grit her teeth, “I’m next!”
Little did Ruby know, but she’d fallen into Weiss’ Trap, one she’d never be able to escape from.
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thebrochtuarachs · 3 years
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Something in the Rain - “A Month Apart, Part 1”
A/N: Hi everyone, thank you for your patience as I whipped out this chapter. I had the initial outline on how this chapter will go but more frequent than none, it changes a lot in the middle while I'm in the writing process. :) I love this story and I hope it just gives you the good feels while reading this. We're two years into this pandemic and the world is still crazy. I hope you're keeping safe and being kind to yourself. :) As always, your comments and suggestions are very much welcome.
A modern day meet cute instance between Jamie and Claire.
AO3  / C1: A Day In June : C2: Definitely, Maybe : C3: So We Meet Again : C4: Friday Lunch : C5: Finding Solid Ground : C6: Situations : C7: Interruptions
After their first date, their schedule for the following two weeks we’re packed - with Jamie settling back in the firm after his 2-week trip from London and Claire’s schedule at the hospital and preparing for her trip to Seattle.
Being a lawyer and a doctor weren’t the most flexible jobs - with patients and clients to attend to, surgeries and hearings to prepare for, plus, with both of them in administrative positions, it is additional work on top of their normal duties. But Claire and Jamie were determined to make it work, so they decided to communicate better, be extra patient and understanding, and really commit whatever available time they had.
The first week, Jamie couldn’t make lunch as he had a court hearing to prepare for and Claire couldn’t make dinner as she was on the night shift. So Jamie, one day, surprised Claire outside the hospital by picking her up, invited her to quick breakfast dates instead, and dropping her off at her house to make sure she got home safe.
The second week was a bit lighter but with Claire going to Seattle on Saturday, she had to do extra administrative work to make sure everything was set for her leave. She offered to have dinner takeaways at her office in the evenings which he happily accepted.
The night before her flight, Claire and Jamie were hanging out in her office, sitting at the sofa, admiring the Edinburgh skyline with a little wine and cheese tray.
“I’m sorry we couldn’t go out” Claire apologized.
“Don’t worry about it, Sassenach.” Jamie turned to Claire and patted her hand. “I honestly would prefer to do anything if it means I get to spend time with you - whether sitting here in your office on a Friday night or sitting in the gallery watching your surgery.”
“You’re too good to me, James” Claire quipped in a feigned dramatic voice.
“Ah, you give me too much credit, Claire. I hope you know that you make an effort too, especially these past two weeks”
“Me? It feels like you’re fitting more to my schedule than I am yours!”
“But you met me during breakfast even though you looked too knackered from yer shift.”
Claire couldn’t deny that and she could just smile with Jamie’s understanding.
“Are you all packed up for tomorrow?” Jamie asked, changing the subject.
“Yes. The weather’s mostly rainy in Seattle so I brought extra items for the wet and cold.”
“And what’s your schedule for the month?”
“Have I not sent you my itinerary? Hold up -” Claire took out her phone and quickly sent an email to Jamie. “There, I sent you my schedule but between teaching and surgery, my time’s the same as here just minus the administrative work, which I tell you not, I’m pretty excited to be free of it for the next month”
Jamie just nodded. The next month.
It’s all rather bad timing if you look at it. The first month, they’ve been rather inseparable with going to lunches almost everyday and weekends at the center. The following month, quick dates and meetings as Jamie was away at London and their crazy schedule at the hospital and the firm. And now, going into the third month since meeting, they’d be completely separated by roughly 4,485 miles.
“Did you hear what I said, Jamie?” Claire asked while waving a hand in front of Jamie’s face.
“I’m sorry, what?” Returning to the present, unaware that his mind has gone away a bit.
Claire gave him a softened look and sat closer to him. “What were you thinking?”
Jamie stayed silent but Claire’s look urged him on.
“Nah, ye’ll think me daft” Jamie said but Claire shook her head.
“Fine” Jamie stretched his arm to pull her closer and she gladly leaned on his shoulder. “I was just thinking about how I’ll not be able to see ye for a month, how much I’ll be missing ye, and how excited I am once ye return here.”
“Oh,” Claire knew the feelings were simple but it’s his words and the way he said it that touched her most.
“I told ye it’s daft.”
“It’s not daft.” Claire tried to mimic Jamie’s accent but they both just have to laugh at her attempt. Turning serious quickly, she took Jamie’s face by the hand and looked deeply into his eyes. “You know that I am going to miss you too.”
Jamie just nodded in agreement, looking at Claire so sweetly and lovingly that she couldn’t help but lean in for a kiss.
Since their first kiss after their date, they hadn’t been shy in showing affection to each other. Nonetheless, it’s all been very respectful to the boundaries to whatever stage they are in their relationship. Hand touches, hugs, pecks and kisses here and there but never really beyond that.
But with her impending departure, Claire seemed to be eager for more. Instead of completely pulling away, she kissed him again some more.
Jamie quickly picked up the signal and allowed himself to pull Claire closer and to his lap. A few minutes later, Claire felt Jamie’s tongue on her lips asking for entrance which she happily obliged. The air around them was electric.
Jamie was first to pull away before the moment got away from them. Claire sighed - not from disappointment, but by the fact of how chivalrous Jamie really is. And she doesn’t really mind it one bit. “I’ll be back before you know it.”
The following day, Jamie picked up Claire to drop her off at the airport. They thought they had time for a quick bite but traffic was so horrendous that they got to the gate just in time before boarding began.
With barely any time left, Jamie pulled Claire to a tight hug as the PA system called her flight. “Go, you’ll miss your plane”
Claire reluctantly released Jamie with a grunt. “Let’s go somewhere when I return”
“Sounds like a plan” Jamie tried to hide the longing in his voice but it was too late.
“The month will be over before you know it, okay? Message me everyday, call me every afternoon when you can” Claire encouraged him. With one last kiss, they bade each other goodbye as she started walking to her gate and Jamie was no longer in sight.  
As Claire waited for take off, the silence of a constant message ping on her phone slightly unsettled her. It was then she realized the vast distance between Seattle and Edinburgh. A single tear escaped but she quickly pulled it together. She’s not even gone yet but homesickness hit her right away.
So the four-week long distance trial began.
The 8-hour time difference is not too crazy between Seattle and Edinburgh with their available times falling at the start and end of the day. They’ve been coping well with their synced calendars and communication options.
Jamie sends flowers and snacks to Seattle Grace, earning Claire points from the staff for all the treats she’s been giving away.
Claire, on her end, sends late messages to Jamie to wake up to in the morning and asks Mrs. Kim’s Korean Street Food Hub to delivery chicken wings to Jamie every so often.
They’ve also reserved some time on the weekend for extended calls with conversations falling from happenings to their week to what hairstyles and colors they’ve done in the past.
It wasn’t till late in the 3rd week that things started to shake up.
It was a random Thursday evening in rainy Seattle. Between two surgeries and one class, Claire was ready to call it a day. She was settling on her sofa, drinking her tea for a little night cap when her phone pinged. It was 9:30PM Seattle meaning it was 5:30AM Edinburgh, too early for anybody to contact her over there unless it was important.
Grabbing her phone, her notifications show it was from Geillis. It was a link to a tabloid along with a message “HAVE YOU SEEN THIS?”
With the link, she can see the preview of the title “Jamie Fraser is off the market!” Curiosity prevailed Claire and she clicked the article
On the other side of the world, Jamie, as always, promptly arrived at the firm. Just as he was to pass Mrs. Fitz, she called him out.
“Ah, lad”
“Yes, Mrs. Fitz?”
“I dinna ken yet what ye or Claire are yet but have ye spoken to her today?”
“Today? Not yet. Why?”
She motioned for him to come round the reception and take a peek at her monitor.
She showed him the same article Geillis sent Claire and as soon Jamie saw the accompanying photo, he fished out his phone and immediately contacted Claire. It was midnight in Seattle but Jamie didn’t care - he wanted to clear things before things got misinterpreted.
“Erm, hello?” a groggy Claire answered the phone on the other side of the line.
“Hi, were ye asleep?” Jamie asked as he walked the hallway to his office.
“I was but I answered already, what’s up?” she replied, her voice still muffled by sleep. She knew why he was calling though but wanted to hear it from him. “Did you just arrive at the firm?”
“Yes,” he replied, closing the door to his office for privacy. “Well, I don’t want to keep you long but an article came last night about me and well, in case ye’ll see it, it is not true.”
Jamie heard Claire sigh on the other end, “I’ve seen it” she confirmed.
“Ye’ve already seen it?” he repeated in disbelief, looking at his watch, it’s only been posted a few hours ago.
“Geillis sent it to me earlier, I think it just came out then. She’s a bit of a morning person so…”
“Claire, it isn’t true. It was all in a bad angle. The Dunsany’s have been a long-time client of ours and we had an unexpected dinner meeting yesterday. I was just escorting their daughter to her car when the paparazzi got wind of us and ran with whatever story they could think of.” Jamie quickly explained in summary.
“Yeah. I mean you say it’s not true and I believe you.”
“You don’t have any questions?” he asked, a little baffled.
“Not really. I mean was there more to it?”
“A bit but something we can talk about later.”
It was both refreshing and confusing as to why Claire seemed nonchalant about all this. On one end, she might be really understanding. On the other end, she might be harboring ill-feelings she didn’t want to discuss.
It was Jamie’s line that turned silent. Claire, guessing he might need more despite her sleepy state, obliged him. “Jamie, I won’t lie. I was surprised at first because of the photo and how the article was written with your family histories. Add to that, that I didn’t see it in the calendar and you didn’t text me about it.”
“Why didn’t you call -?”
“But” she interrupted him, “I also know you, Jamie, and I know about us. If I was really concerned, I’ll call you right away. But I’m not and we’ll be meeting later anyway, so I know we’ll talk about it eventually.” she paused to catch a breath. “Besides, you already explained it, I don’t need to know any more because I trust you, Jamie.”  
“Okay” it was Jamie’s turn to give the one-word reply.
“Are we okay now?” she asked.
“Yes, as long as ye are too.” Jamie replied to which Claire mummed in agreement. “Thank ye, Claire.”
“You’re welcome. Now, I’ll go back to sleep and see you later.” With that, Claire ended the call, a small smile crept on her face knowing the relief and joy Jamie probably feels right now.
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bokugaos · 4 years
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length: 2.3k
tags: nsfw; pwp, daichi x f!reader x kuroo, threesome, masturbation, fingering, mating press, creampie
a/n: tis a long (literally 2 months eye— sorry > overdue piece for my babe ;; my ride-or-die @mrs-kuroojinguji​ ana, kuroodai’s main!! ilysm bitch ♡ ♡  bc HEEEEY NEW YEAR, NEW ME !! no more procr-ass-tinating ╰(*´︶`*)╯
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It’s simple:
They know how to make you feel good.
They’re the only ones who can make you feel that good.
The thing is, although you want it, and need it, and when you get it you simply melt, it’s hard for you to admit it to himself or to anyone else. Even when you can sense it spreading down to your core, crawling under your skin in the way that you get too snappy, when you start getting antsy while preparing for your tests, when you carry around the sleepless nights of the busy weeks of your projects with the drooping line of your shoulders.
You go through so much, thinking you can and should be able to deal with everything on your own. But time and time again, Daichi reminds you that’s not the case. He knows that you can do anything you set your mind to; but he will always be there to help you de-stress and take your mind off things.
He had an arrangement with Kuroo, established long before this came to light. A product of long days and nights spent trapped in the same places together despite their different jobs. They're friends, secure in the knowledge that they’ve got each other’s back no matter what. Neither would cross the line unless it’s called for. And Daichi did call it.
When Kuroo first showed up, he had walked in on the two of you with slick mouths all over each other. You were clueless as ever and Daichi was frozen in place—he was prepared that Kuroo wouldn’t come—but the man crossed the distance with impatient strides. 
Now, they both keep you afloat.
And you don’t always need this kind of attention—they’re simply more than happy to provide it.
Now if only you would stop being such a brat about it. Even when you’re already so wet, even when Kuroo has already pried you open and stuffed you with his fingers, you still want to talk back.
Good thing they like a challenge.
You’re pulling away, crawling to the edge of the bed to reach for Daichi, but your effort is rendered futile the moment Kuroo curls his big hand around your ankle and pull you back down the bed with a kind of ease that has your stomach tied in knots and put a satisfied smile on the other man’s mouth while he palms his cock.
Kuroo chuckles, curling an arm around one of your thighs and flips you back around until you’re on your side, leg helplessly hooked around the bend of his elbow.
“How naughty,” he purrs at you. He shuffles closer, fingers of his other hand diving back down to your well-slicked hole. “Need to be taught a lesson, maybe?”
You’re torn between shaking your head and scowling fiercely but your already heated cheeks are going even darker with a flush. Your eyes are glittering as you look back at him, glancing at the strong line of his jaw to the wide set of his shoulders. You turn to stare at Daichi instead, his thighs, and quickly look away again—caught looking—when he flexes for you.
Kuroo smirks and shuffles closer. His cock is flushed and rigid, swelling a bit fatter than usual; though not as girthy as what Daichi is packing, its length could reach the sweetest spots inside you that make you shake uncontrollably.
He takes himself in hand and starts dragging its head against your nice little pussy you have offered up before nerves got to you and you try to be cheeky.
Daichi is watching from the side of the bed, gloriously naked and cock in hand; eyes travelling as much across your tiny body as they are tracing Kuroo and his effortless dominance he reigns over you.
Maybe spread your legs and push your knees up to their shoulders just to humiliate you.
You’re already sweaty and breathless; and the two haven’t even properly begun.
Kuroo leans forward, hooks your leg across his shoulder to have his arms free, then pushes in. Your tits sway with the motion and both men immediately stare at them. He sighs as he starts to easily fuck you, and you startle when Daichi’s hand curls around your ankle, not unlike Kuroo did moments before, and easily pulls you closer across the already rumpled sheets.
You could kick at him and try to squirm away, but it would be equally futile. The thought excites you inordinately but you made no move nor said any words, only a glazed and needy look on your face.
You are nothing but their slut and… it feels good. They take care of you how they want you; Daichi likes to see you stretched out next to the other man close enough that you can curl your palm around his cock. Your hands are small, barely able to wrap itself around his girth, but they are pretty looking. And incredibly soft.
But now you have your hands unthinkingly curled against Kuroo’s shoulders, looking up at him with heavy lidded eyes and breathing deeply. You glance at Daichi, and your face goes all soft and warm.
“You’re doing so good, baby.” Daichi praises you and flush, pink and humiliated. 
He is stern when he wants to, but he’s yet to have actually hurt you. You don’t think he has it in him to be too harsh on you, apart from the rough fucking he always grants you with.
Kuroo leans forward, hands braced on your hips as he picks up his pace. You stretch for him and bare your throat, groaning deep in your chest when his cock slides deep and almost too easy. He could lean forward and bite at your shoulders and neck. Give you warm ticklish licks on your nape, or the patch of skin under your ear.
But he can’t take his eyes off of your swaying tits and the soft jiggle of your belly, visibly contracting with every thrust forward.
You’re easy for them; stroking their egos by coming quick and gracious with little incentive given. It’s the only testament to your beauty; your body is deliciously sensitive and they love exploiting it. Have your thighs nearly bust their skulls or squeeze their neck so hard when you lose control and come so hard you squirt.
They are very determined to make up for lost time.
“That’s it,” he groans as his hand starts to stroke his cock faster, his voice getting your nipples tight and excited. You’ve been primed to his voice to an embarrassing degree. “So well… such a good girl.”
You try to stifle your moans so that you can focus on the sound of his voice, throw one arm across your eyes so it’s harder for them to see your flush. Daichi breathes deeply and nods quickly, a bit overeager when Kuroo looks questioningly at him, wondering how far they should go tonight. Daichi smiles in satisfaction.
He can’t even remember you ever having been as flexible as you are now,  folded in half before Kuroo mounts up on you again, but he knows you always do your best for them. You may have been shy and hesitant, only sticking to missionary and the likes, but that was once upon a time. If you mind the sharp hip bones and hard muscles poking at you while you’re getting put through your paces, you do not show it.
You do, in fact, not look like you’re in the position to notice much of anything anymore. Your face is a dull brick red and sweaty, hair sticking to your forehead and cheeks as you try to wheeze through the new position as your knees are nearly at your shoulders.
Daichi watches as Kuroo’s hands cradle your head. They look too big on your face; you look like a puppy that still has to grow to fit into its owner’s loving arms. He clumsily wipes the hair out of your eyes while his hips pump down into the wet mess of your hole. He’s already filled you up with a couple loads—fucked even more of them out of you—but he does not seem to be done by a longshot.
This, at least, Daichi wants to burn to his mind. Being so endlessly horny; bursting with energy. Spending the first half of the night fucking his hand just out of the sheer pleasure he gets when he watches the fellow former captain rail you onto the mattress, your faces so close you are practically sharing the same warm puffs of air.
“You’re so beautiful,” Daichi hears his own voice drawl. It’s surreal. You are making a weird sound in response; a long, drawn-out whine that rattles weirdly in your throat before it breaks and you scream out Kuroo’s name again, while your glassy eyes are unfocused and soft, staring up at him with undivided attention. 
He knows that look well, and he feels himself tense in anticipation, leaning forward on the chair he’s pulled close enough to the bed that his knees are hitting the edge of it.
“How does it feel, baby girl?” He croons. He wants to reach out and touch you as well, but he likes the look of Kuroo’s broad, damp fingers playing with the brown strands of your hair, then drifting down to rudely squeeze your breast. “Come on, tell us how you feel.”
He catches Kuroo’s curious glance for a second but does not elaborate further. The latter jumps on it like a dog on a bone, predictably. Daichi does not need to do more than stand back and enjoy the show as he braces himself next to your hand and pushes himself up, staring down at you.
Daichi can see your legs wiggling pathetically in the air when Kuroo stops dicking deep into the sloppy mess he’s made of you, where your toes were just curling, feet bouncing in the air just seconds ago—but he just wants to give you a breather. Let you rest for a minute or so while your body calms down.
“Yeah? Wanna tell us something?” There’s a glint in Kuroo’s eyes; not teasing but close to it. Something sharp and hungry and less affectionate than Daichi. He’s been impatient, not wasting a second longer to get his dick wet in your hot cunt, and he’s not pretending he likes to wait either. You do not seem to mind it; if anything, it probably gets you all the hotter and needier… makes you debase yourself underneath him.
Let him slap your tits and pinch your ass and as you drift in and out, listen to Daichi’s orders to tell you to lift it higher so Kuroo doesn’t have to work so hard.
You’ll do it all just to get a nice deep dicking with their cocks in a way that nothing else can quite satisfy, not yourself, not anyone else. They don’t like it when you do, anyway, and it’s not as if either of them would ever let you meet any other men, let alone fuck them.
Daichi has always been soft for you; he can’t help wanting to coddle you and croon at you and make love.
“Come on, tell me.” Kuroo is not even out of breath. He pulls back, dragging his cock out of you in a slow, wet motion that produces a nasty squelching sound as more cum bubbles out; fucked frothy by him already.
You squawk, undignified, trying to grab for him, but Daichi slaps your hands away.
“Please, Tetsu, please...” You are more than eager to give them what they want as long as it’ll get you filled up again. You moan deep and rattling in your heaving chest, trying so hard to keep your hands to yourself. “W-Want your cock!”
Daichi pauses for a second, his mouth parted in a small ‘o’ of surprise before it stretches in a big smile, one that can be mistaken as nothing else but love and affection, right before he lets out a scoff. It usually takes more time to work you up to this, no talking back to them, using your every breath to beg. 
“Oh fuck. That’s it, hm? You want his cock back inside you?”
Kuroo makes a move right away, not paying attention to you trying to grab at him and places your hands at the backs of your thighs to have a better leverage to fuck back into you with a sharp, deep thrust that has you jerking and throw your head back.
You scrabble at him, finally able to curl your hands around his biceps. You are holding on for dear life as he starts fucking again in a way you remember too well; sharp and fast thrusts as he chases his own orgasm and completely forgets that the warm hole around his dick belongs to a person.
You don’t seem to mind. You are chanting his name now, voice wobbling in time with the quick thrusts that seem aimed at fucking right through your belly button. Daichi watches it happen with a quiet, pulsing kind of affection. His cock is red and flushed, having grown even bigger as he strokes it with his palm, leaking into his hand.
He cannot bring himself to treat you with as little gentleness as Kuroo does, but it sure is nice watching someone do it… fuck you right through your orgasms and not give a damn about your mewling about not being able to take anymore, trying to wriggle away; Kuroo just grabs you and dicks you through it until you become lax and glassy-eyed again.
It is, quite frankly, a revelation. This is his favorite thing to do.
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stressy-enby · 3 years
Love Letters
Tenya Iida X Writer!Reader
(This is absolutely a self insert leave me alone)
Requests are open!!
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Tenya's morning routine was always the same. He was awoken by his alarm at 6:20 A.M. He went to the bathroom and washed his face. Then he'd get dresses, comb his hair, and go downstairs for breakfast. After he'd eaten, he would brush his teeth, and head to class with his peers.
This system was so ordinary, so methodical, that he almost missed the folded sheet of printer paper on the floor in front of the door.
Probably Mr. Aizawa, he'd thought, stooping to collect the note. His teacher occasionally left notes taped to the class rep's door, asking him to take attendance or start class if Aizawa knew he was going to be late. Still nothing out of the ordinary for Tenya.
When he unfolded the paper, though, he was surprised to see not a message from his teacher, but rather a very sweet note; something that Tenya was not accustomed to getting at all.
I hope it does not alarm you to hear that I adore you. Your unbridled passion for heroics, your eyes; which are oceans of kindness, and your aptitude for helping others. Every little bit of you never once ceases to amaze and enamor me. Though you are a vessel for speed, you choose to walk alongside your friends, instead of tearing off into the future. You build me up and make me feel strong, whether you realize it or not. You make me feel like I'm actually worth something. You keep my head up when I feel as though I'm drowning in a sea of my insecurities.
Perhaps one day I'll have the courage to tell you this in person. For now though, this will suffice.
The letter was not signed off, but rather ended with a red pen sketch of a heart. Tenya's eyes nearly doubled in size. He re read the note several more times to make sure he hadn't imagined the loving words. Who could've possibly written it? He wasn't aware of anyone in his class who harbored these kinds of feelings, much less for him, but he had never been particularly good at reading emotions.
Realizing he was going to be late for breakfast if he dwelled any longer on it, Tenya pocketed the love letter and headed downstairs. The mystery would have to wait until after school. His responsibilities always came first, no matter how often his mind still wandered back to the letter in his pocked, yearning to pull it out and read it yet again, just to make sure he still wasn't dreaming.
. . . 
Whoever had written the note was smart, Tenya realized. They had typed it, leaving no room for the possibility that he could recognize the handwriting. The only part that had been done by hand was that little red heart, but a doodle wasn't nearly enough to tell him who the author was.
He turned instead to analyzing the words themselves.They were well chosen, poetic even. The fifty cent words like "unbridled" and "enamored" led him to believe that the author was an experienced writer, or perhaps simply read a lot.
Yaoyorozu was a good contender, she was an eloquent speaker. Kaminari also read a lot, he was good with literature. And there was Tokoyami, who seemed to speak exclusively in poetry. Tenya jotted down his ideas, crafting a short list of his classmates.
"Oh, (L/N) writes a lot," he mused, adding their name to the list. (L/N) actually made a lot of sense.
Oh, but maybe it was just wishful thinking. Perhaps he only read the love letter in (L/N)'s voice being he wanted it to be them.
...or maybe it actually wasn't a bad idea.
(L/N) was always writing. They viewed it as a privilege, a challenge. They leapt at every creative writing assignment they got in English class, and the few stories they had shared were spectacularly inventive and elegantly crafted.
Tenya halted, scanning the message again. It suddenly seemed more and more likely that (L/N) was in fact the author.
He chewed his lip. It was too easy. Too convenient. Too perfect. How could someone he already cared for so deeply send him something like this? It was too good to be true. Besides, it was only one note. How could be possibly-
"What if they write more?" Tenya suddenly said out loud, his train of thought coming to a screeching halt. "I'd have a better line up to analyze. I could also ask Present Mic for the short stories assignments he's grading so I can pass them back. I could probably be able to look over at least a few of them and see if I recognize the writing."
A man on a mission, Tenya resigned himself to waiting until the next day to see if another note appeared, and to ask Present Mic about the stories.
Too anxious and oddly excited, he hardly got any sleep.
. . . 
Sure enough the next morning, there was a new note. Tenya all but flew out of bed and scrambled to unfold it.
I find myself caught in a storm of uncertainty all too often. I'm tossed from wave to wave in an ocean of fear. You are my rock. You hold me fast and secure in this ever-changing and frightening world. You are safe. You are my home.
You are my everything.
Tenya unconsciously read the letter in (L/N)'s voice again. He felt his heart beat harder at the thought of them penning these beautiful words.
"You don't know that it's them," he scolded himself, unwillingly placing the new note on his desk next to the old one. He tore himself away from them to retreat into the bathroom to get ready for the day.
The new message did offer one new clue already, though. It used the same ocean metaphor as the first one. It was a comparison the author seemed to favor. Maybe he could find it in their other works.
He had to get his hands on those short story assignments before he lost his damn mind.
. . . 
Tenya felt slightly uneasy about telling Present Mic he wanted the stories to pass back, even though he was technically telling the truth. He was eventually going to pass them back. When he was done looking through them.
A lie of omission is still a lie, that annoying voice in his head insisted, but he pretended he couldn't hear it, pushing it down. It wouldn't do any harm, he rationalized. And he had to know.
Tenya flipped through the papers, looking for (L/N)'s first. It was a desperate wish that they were the author of the anonymous notes, but it also seemed to make just enough sense to justify thumbing through their assignment.
There. (L/N) always went above the beyond with creative writing, and the five pages of neatly typed text was a testament to that. It was the longest assignment in the stack by two pages.
Wait.... typed?
It was probably a coincidence. After all, (L/N) hadn't been the only student who'd opted to type their story. Tenya was too convinced already that they had sent him those letters for him to entertain the idea that it was simply just a coincidence.
He skimmed the story quickly before class started. He found himself impressed, not for the first time with (L/N)'s abilities as a writer. Each word was carefully selected to craft perfect sentences and immaculate paragraphs full of feeling and vibrant imagery.
He stopped suddenly a page in as the protagonist compared their anguish to a stormy sea, heavy waves tossing them to and fro.
There it is again.
The sentiments from the letters, which Tenya had all but seared into his brain, echoed that of what he was reading now. The vocabulary, the imagery, the deep feelings evoked by each sentence, and even the fact that it was typed.
It had to be them. It had to be (Y/N). It was just too perfect.
. . . 
(Y/N) sat a few seats ahead and to the right of Tenya, so he spent quite a bit of class time staring unabashedly at the back of their head. They were scribbling madly on a sheet of lined paper. Lecture notes? Short story?.... Love letter?
People often say that opposites attract. Tenya was just realizing how true that was as he sat in class, half listening to the lesson, half watching (Y/N). He was all angles and sternness, whereas they were flexible and soft. Perhaps it didn't always show physically on their features, but in their mannerisms, and even in their writing, they were stunning curves, twists and turns. With them, you didn't always know where you were going, but it was an adventure all the same. They were a warm, comforting feeling. They felt like home.
An idea bloomed in Tenya's mind, a delectably wonderful way for him to show (Y/N) that he reciprocated their feelings. Having a difficult time smothering his smile, Tenya fished through his school bag for a sheet of lined paper.
. . .
You frowned thoughtfully at your paper, lips pursed. You tapped your pencil against your dorm room desk as you considered your next words.
This was the hardest, part, but still the most fun. The first draft. You could change whatever wording or dialogue you wanted while you were typing it up, nut you still needed a good base. You still had to carefully choose every word that you wanted to use to move your audience.
Tenya Iida
You grinned giddily just thinking of him. He had given almost no indication these past two days that he'd gotten your letters, but you could tell. His eyes had darted around, scrutinizing everyone they landed on. It had felt a bit like being dissected when his gaze had fallen upon you.
There's no way he knows, you had reasoned, giving him a tight smile in return. He's just trying to sus me out. For all he knows, it could be literally anyone.
You had ridden that wave of shaky confidence in your anonymity, all the way to that moment, where you turned around in your desk chair, intending to grab your phone, only for your eyes to fall upon a folded up piece of paper next to your door.
You felt an anxious lurch in your gut as you shakily picked it up. "If this is Iida telling me to never speak to him again I'm going to cry."
You unfolded the message, fully expected the worst, and praying to whatever god was or wasn't out there that you were wrong and that Iida wasn't completely creeped out and now hated you.
You remind me of the ocean waves you write about so often. You're a crescendo of carefully chosen words, actions, and kind thoughts. You're soft yet strong, never backing down from a fight or a friend in need. Your determination and drive impress me to no ends, and make me want to impress you as well.
You've cast a spell on me for quite some time now, but your hold over me was only strengthened by the heartfelt messages you sent me. I'm beyond happy that you share my feelings.
The letter wasn't signed, but it was written in what was distinctly Iida's penmanship. He had ended his message the same way you had ended yours; with a hand-drawn heart.
"Oh my god," you whispered, paper crinkling as your grip tightened around it. You read it again. Then again. And then again. "Damnit, he's right. I do use the stormy sea metaphor a lot."
Note still clenched in your hand, you sped-walked to Iida's dorm room, heart thundering in your chest. The thought that Iida; sensible, respectful Iida would have feelings for a disaster like you was a little discombobulating to say the least, so you were determined to hear it straight from the horses mouth.
You rapped on his door, foot tapping impatiently. The few seconds it took for Iida to answer dragged on for what felt like an eternity. When he finally did open the door, a pleasantly surprised look crossed his face upon seeing you.
You held up his note. "Hi. Um, so."
Iida chuckled, cheeks reddening. He gestured you in as he stepped back to his desk, where he produced the letters you had sent. "So."
"Y-you're not messing with me, right?" you asked nervously. "'Cause if you are I'm going to kick you."
"Trust me, everything I wrote is 100% true." He smiled earnestly. "And you...?
"I think those letters are the most honest I've ever been about my feelings ever." you admitted, shifting your weight from foot to foot. A wry smile played on the edges of your lips. "I was drafting you another one, but you just had to go and find me out and ruin it."
"You can still give it to me," Iida said hopefully, palming the back of his neck with his hand, flustered.
You laughed a little, your own cheeks warming up. You twisted the hem of your shirt. "Uh, can I hug you?"
"O-of course!"
You wrapped your arms around Iida's torso, resting your head on his chest, listening to the drumming of his heart. He slowly followed suit, snaking his arms around your shoulders. He let out a contented sigh, relaxing into your touch. He was so warm. He was a cozy fire in the dark of winter, a blissful reprise from a cold and harsh world.
You pursed your lips, stifling a snicker. I've gotta write that down.
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20: I’m fine
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Heal my Wounds
Warnings: None
This is part of a series. If you haven’t, I suggest starting at Part 1.
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Josephine was just getting ready for her training when someone knocked at her door.
“Ah, shit,” she muttered, hopping on one leg, trying to wrestle the other into her pants. “Coming!”
Of course, being in a hurry made the leg of her pants twist, and it took twice as long to finally get dressed as it would usually have. Slightly out of breath, she hurried to the door.
“Hey, you’re —” she started as she opened the door, only to freeze as soon as she saw the person waiting in front of it. “Tassilo.”
“Yes, I am Tassilo,” he replied, an amused smile on his lips. “Is this a bad time?”
Josephine resisted the urge to look down the hall, to see if Valadan was anywhere close.
“Not quite, but I don’t have long. Come in.”
Walking back through her room, she turned her back to Tassilo, making sure to properly close her pants and tuck her shirt in. Looking a bit disheveled had bothered her less when she had thought she’d be opening the door for Valadan. After all, during their training her hair and clothes rarely stayed in pristine condition.
Speaking of hair… She walked over to the nightstand, grabbing a leather band. 
“What brings you here?” she asked, turning around again.
Wrestling her hair up was one of the things she had already hated before half of her right hand had become all but useless. If she didn’t, it was always in the way; falling into her eyes, getting caught in her clothes, and she didn’t even want to think about how training with it loose would end. Unlike her sister, she had never once considered cutting it off, though.
“Just wanted to see how you’re holding up.” Tassilo watched her fight with the band, dropping half of the strands and starting over. “Haven’t seen you in a while.”
“I’m fine,” Josephine said, her voice slightly pressed due to the fact that she had decided to hold the band with her mouth to have her hands free. “How are the others?”
“Anka is barely leaving their lab. If there is anything at all in those stone samples, they will find it.” Tassilo smiled. “Marian and her wife have returned to their citadel in the Wilds.”
Josephine nodded. They had stopped by before their departure a few days prior, inviting her to visit some day.
“Pascal and I will leave for another mission tomorrow.”
At those words, her eyebrows rose. She hadn’t even heard of another mission. “Geology or botany?” she asked. The brothers’ specializations differed, but they only worked as a team.
The silence that followed her question was answer enough. 
Great. It didn’t surprise her that she hadn’t been asked to join; she was far from ready to go out again, and she didn’t think she’d be ready anytime soon. But it hurt that she hadn’t even been informed. Despite working in the archives for now — only part time, because her arm grew tired very quickly — she was still a part of the geology department. Or so she had thought. She would figure out later if she was truly hurt, or if this was just one more incident pushing her to leave it all behind.
She had only trained with Valadan for a bit over two weeks; if one could even call it training. Her bones had been healed, but her strength and condition were severely lacking. Most of their mornings they spent warming up, then doing some exercises that helped her regain her endurance and flexibility. She could probably have done that without him, but she had to admit that it was way more fun with him.
With every day she walked to the training grounds, her sword at her side, she felt better about it. Unlike her work behind closed doors, this was somehow fulfilling. The sun on her skin and the wind in her hair, her blade in her hand and her magic deep within her. Valadan had brought up the possibility of using it to fight, and the mere thought had her excited. It was something she would never have considered; it wasn’t proper.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Tassilo asked again.
Oh. She must have been lost in thoughts for a bit too long. And now those very same thoughts made her smile as she finally fastened the leather strap keeping her hair up.
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”
Under Tassilo’s incredulous gaze she let her hands sink. Perhaps that had been a bit too enthusiastic. She flexed the fingers of her right hand; or the two that would obey her will. For a moment, it all came back. The bitterness and the pain when she did something that had always been so easy, only to be reminded that it wasn’t anymore. All the other scars that had remained, a sensation she hadn’t quite gotten used to yet, not to mention that some of them limited her movements. The nightmares that still plagued her almost every night, leaving her shaking and too afraid to go back to sleep. Knowing that all she had worked for was in shatters, and how the dreaded talk with her parents would go the next time she’d see them.
But for the first time in her life, someone believed in her. Valadan didn’t blame her for her weaknesses, but worked with her to find her strengths. It almost made her believe in herself, believe that her own wishes were just as valuable as the expectations that were set on her. Perhaps it would be a vain effort, but she could certainly afford it to indulge in her dreams for a couple of weeks.
“This isn’t gonna change,” she said, raising her right hand before she took a few steps to the side, to where her sword was leaning against a shelf. Tassilos eyebrows rose as she reached for it. “But this is not who I am,” she continued, fastening it to her belt. “I’m not gonna let this get the better of me.”
A knock on her door made her spin around, turning her 'even if it’s hard sometimes’ into a distracted mumble. Despite being worried about what Tassilo would say when he’d see Valadan, she didn’t hesitate a moment to hurry towards the door. She definitely was old enough to meet who she wanted, when she wanted, and for whatever reason she wanted. 
Opening the door, she had to remind herself that she was definitely meeting him to learn how to fight, not to stare at him or get lost in his purple eyes.
“Hey,” she said.
“Hey,” he replied.
“Thank you for checking in on me, Tassilo.” Josephine purposefully raised her voice, not sure if Valadan was able to see him from where he was standing. “I wish you good luck on your mission. Please extend my regards to Pascal as well.”
Well that had come out a bit more formal than appropriate, but Tassilo didn’t comment on it. She stepped aside when he came closer, to let him pass. He paused just in front of the doorway, looking at her.
“I see. I mean, thank you. I’ll let you know how it went when we’re back, but it’ll be some weeks; possibly two months. Take care. And…” He smiled, and she could have sworn it almost warped into a grin. “I’m glad you’re fine.”
Then he stepped outside. It was a shame she couldn’t see the looks the two men exchanged, before Tassilo waved one last time in her direction and walked down the hall. Josephine took a deep breath, leaving the room herself and pulling the door closed behind her. Her gaze fell on Valadan’s hands, and the one cup of coffee he was holding.
“No coffee for me?”
“That one is for you.” He handed her the cup. The liquid inside was as almost-beige as always. “I already had mine. Need it a bit earlier to keep up with your schedule, princess.”
As much as she had hated this nickname before, now she didn’t mind it at all. Perhaps it was the way he said it; spoken kindly, with a smile that reached his eyes and was mirrored in his tone.  
Suddenly the fact that no one had told her about some boring mission to stare at some boring rocks didn’t bother her as much anymore.
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Tagging: @dont-touch-my-soup​ @whump-in-the-moonlight​
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sotheywrotestories · 3 years
The They Them Agenda
you know it :) maybe an enby reader x bucky? He's really confused by their pronouns and some fluffy explanation? ooooo or their first time sleeping in the same bed and maybe mentions of a binder and explaining what that is?
- @mad-malory
(Sorry this was so late)
Pairings; Bucky x Nonbinary Reader
Warnings; None, although there are mentions of a chest binder :)
Bucky grew up in a different time. Not that he necessarily had a hard time adjusting to modern times, but he wasn’t caught up with all the dynamics of the world.
Which is why he always thought (Y/N) was a group of people the Avengers out before Steve introduced them to Bucky.
“Buck, this is (Y/N), they’re from our downtown office,” Steve presented (Y/N) to Bucky, who, in fact, was only one person.
“Hi…nice to meet you,” Bucky grimaced. Not because (Y/N) had given him any reason to, but because he was so awkward.
“Hi, Bucky!” (Y/N) reached their hand out to Bucky. “It’s so nice to finally meet you! Steve talks about you all the time.”

Bucky tried to let his genuine smile come through this time.
“Likewise…I was under the impression that you were a group..but you know how Steve is,” Bucky huffed a bit.
(Y/N) gave Bucky a rather strange look. One of those “no-I-don’t-really-get-what-you-mean” looks.
“Right…well, I’m gonna go move in.” (Y/N) turned to Steve. “Thanks for letting me stay here while we rebuild, Stevie.”
(Y/N) gave one last smile to Bucky, then went on their way.
“Buck, ask (Y/N) about their pronouns when you have the chance,” Steve placed a hand on Bucky’s shoulder. “It took some getting used to, don’t worry.”
Bucky was even more confused. Not only was (Y/N) not a group of people, but now Bucky had to have them give him a grammar lesson? He knew he was old but it’s not like he forgot everything he learned way back when.
It must’ve read on his face.
“Trust me, Buck. Things are different now, people are different now. I don’t want you to accidentally hurt anyone just because you don’t know what’s going on.”
Bucky heard everyone in the tower refer to (Y/N) as if they were more than one person. Bucky wondered if there was some joke that he just wasn’t let in on.
“Hey, (Y/N),” Bucky smiled at (Y/N).
It wasn’t often that Bucky and (Y/N) really got to interact, they were both very busy.
(Y/N) spent most of their time studying and working from their room. Bucky liked to spend most of his time not being around people for as long as he could. So to see (Y/N) in the kitchen made him very excited.
“Morning, Buck! How have you been doing?”
“I’ve been good. Really good. I’ve been going to therapy.”
Why in the world would he share that with someone he’s interacted with once?
“I’m so good to hear that, Buck! I’m really proud of you.”
It sounded so earnest Bucky almost didn’t know what to do with himself. It wasn’t often people actually cared about what Bucky had to say. Nonetheless, someone he barely knew.
“I um..thank you.”
The pair shared a smile and (Y/N) went back to their tablet.
“Oh,” Bucky started. “Steve told me I needed to ask you about your…nouns.”

(Y/N) laughed a bit but still smiled at Bucky anyway.
“My pronouns,” (Y/N) gestured for Bucky to take a seat. “My pronouns are different than something you might be used to.”
“What do you mean.” Bucky took a seat.
“Well,” (Y/N) took a big sigh. “You know there’s she and he.”
(Y/N) paused and Bucky assumed he was meant to nod. He did.
“I’m not him or her. Gender is much more flexible now than it was when you were growing up. I use ‘they/them ‘ pronouns because I’m non-binary. Not all non-binary people use ‘they/them’, some use other pronouns and some people use Neo-pronouns.”
Bucky was trying to understand. He truly was. He was always much more accepting than anyone he ever knew back in the ’40s. It wasn’t that he thought there was something wrong with it, it was just that he didn’t understand. How couldn’t you be a boy or a girl?
“I…don’t get it,” he said with a small smile. “Were you born that way?”

(Y/N) gave Bucky a thoughtful look.
Great. He’s done something wrong.
“Gender-wise? Yes, I was born this way. I’ve been non-binary as long as I’ve been alive. Not everyone is like that. Some people discover that they’re non-binary later in their life.”
That didn’t clarify anything.
“I should preface that your gender and your biological sex are two different things.”
Oh oh oh.
So they weren’t talking about- oh.
“Yeah,” (Y/N) laughed. “My gender identity is different than the sex I was assigned at birth. But- even today, you CAN change your sex to fit who you really are.”
Bucky knew a little bit about someone being transgender, it was in the crash course Steve gave him when he really started adjusting to new life in modern times.
“Right. But your gender and sex aren’t the same things.”
“Well…,” (Y/N) heaved a sigh. “Sometimes it is, some people do let their gender and sex define each other. It really depends. That’s why it’s always best to ask someone what their pronouns are before perceiving them in any way.”
It made a little bit of sense.
“So you’re not a she or a he, you’re they,” Bucky said.
“Yes. So you know…gender-neutral. I just don’t feel comfortable being perceived as a man or as a woman, I’d rather be perceived as neither.”
“Got it. So that’s why everyone refers to you as they,” Bucky nodded.
It wasn’t a hard concept to grasp that “they” could be used in a singular term.
“Thank you for telling me,” Bucky smiled. “Sorry if I slip up and call you something else, I’ll do my best.”
“Well, thank you for listening,” (Y/N) smiled. “I look forward to working with you.”
Working with (Y/N) turned into hanging out with (Y/N) every minute of every day. They were so easy to be around. Hanging out with (Y/N) turned into sleepovers with (Y/N), which quickly turned into a very confusing ordeal.
They had shared a bed with Bucky before, but never when the weather had been so ungodly hot. 

Tony messed up something in the wiring and now the ac wasn’t working.
“Bucky,” (Y/N) whined, drawing out the y. “Let me use your arm it’s too hot.”
“(N/N), you’ve been hugging on my arm all day, it’s not cold anymore,” Bucky laughed. “Give it some time cool off.”
(Y/N) huffed and flopped down onto the bed.
“You’ve forced my hand, Barnes, I have to remove my clothes.”
Bucky felt his face heat up. A lot.
“You’ve caught me in m master plan,” Bucky threw his hand over his face. “I really just want to see you naked.”
“Psh- men.”
There was a moment of silence.
“Do you mind if I take off my clothes?”

Bucky gulped. “Do you? Mind? Not mine. Yours. Do you mind. Like- if I see. Would you mind? I don’t mind. I really don’t. But I don’t want to make you uncomfortable if you do mind-“
“Bucky. I don’t mind,” (Y/N) smiled. “I’ll just take off my shirt.”
Taking off their shirt, (Y/N) exposed a nude-colored strap wrapped around their body.
“Are you hurt?” Bucky exclaimed.
The piece of clothing looked very similar to the skin-color wrappings Helen would give the team when they were hurt. It’s the only time Bucky had seen anything else like it.
“No…?” (Y/N) gave Bucky a weird look. “Oh, oh no. This is my binder.”

“It’s…part of being the whole non-binary thing. I’m…I really hate the way my chest looks, but I don’t really want to get surgery on it, so I wear something super tight to make my chest seem flatter than it is.”
Bucky was starting to understand that it was anything related to gender that (Y/N) didn’t like. He never thought about its physical attributes.
“Oh, okay. That makes sense. Sorry if I drew attention to it.”
“It’s fine, Buck,” (Y/N) smiled. “I should’ve warned you, I can see what it looks like to you.”

Bucky was grateful (Y/N) was so patient with him while he was learning more about people being non-binary. He truly wanted to understand everything about them before he made a move on them. Though, every time he thought he knew everything, (Y/N) has to teach him something new.
“Hey, Buck? Everything okay?” (Y/N) moved closer to Bucky. “I lost you there.”

“I just…feel so bad that you have to teach me so much,” Bucky plopped down on the bed. “It’s not your responsibility to have to teach me everything.”
(Y/N) gave him a soft smile and brushed his hair out of his face.
“I wouldn’t teach you if I thought you didn’t care. I can tell you care, that’s why I teach you so much.”
They can tell that he cares?
“You can tell?”

(Y/N) gave him the softest look he’s ever seen. “Buck, you’re easier to read than you think. I’ve been waiting on you.”
“I wanted to know everything before I made a move-“
“Why would you put that pressure on yourself, Buck?” (Y/N) sighed. “You’re never going to know everything about everything there is to know, neither will I!”
“But it’s your thing! It’s your identity!”

“And it’s always changing and there are always new things to learn. I appreciate the thought, Buck, it’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard. But you can’t put that weight on your shoulders.”
As if (Y/N) couldn’t get any more perfect.
“So…,” Bucky trailed off.
“So…make a move you goofus,” (Y/N) smiled.
And maybe he did.
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Just a feeling- Saul Silva x Female!Reader
Pairing : Saul Silva x Female!Reader
Word Count : ~2300
Warnings : Fluff, brief mention of drug use and burns
Music : Un homme - Jérémy Frerot
Author’s note : Getting pretty stressed because of a huge project at school, so I wrote this to blow off some steam ! I also wanted to say that I do not agree with the way some characters are written and treated in this show. I hope I did not perpetuate these errors, and that I got Silva’s personality a bit right at least. Feedback is appreciated, may it be on the story telling or even the grammar. English isn’t my first language. Flahs-backs in italics. Enjoy ! :D
GIF ‘s not mine, and I can’t find the creator.
French First World songs resonate in the Great Hall, she is dancing. Wild and free. Her loosened hairs fly through the wind. She has traded her Specialist armour for a long flowing dress. Her feet are hammering the ground in rhythm. The crowd carries her all over the dancefloor; she twirls and claps her hands following the music.
From an ignored fairy bloodline, her parents considered her a Specialist Legacy. When her mind fairies powers woke up, everything went wrong ; she was always an overwhelmed child. No one could help her everytime she lost control. Nothing but medication: earrings to contain, and pills to attenuate. It wasn't bad. She lived like that her entire life.
Silva is sitting on a plastic chair, leaning on the table by his side, his gaze lingering. She is an exceptional fighter; dance must be a piece of cake and fun judging from her large smile. To be fair, he barely remembered her from their time at Alfea. Farah told him she was three years younger than him and seemed to have a few memories.
« (Y/N) travelled a lot to the First World prior to college. Her parents were emissaries and brought back souvenirs. Rumours said that her room resembled a cave of wonders.
-Ever went there ?»
His friend chuckled.
« Once. It was full of trinkets, books, movies, postal cards too. Ben caught interest in it, especially the giant botanic encyclopaedia throning on her bookshelf. We both agreed after a while that she might be the ray of sunshine of her Specialist promotion. But I guess she was discreet, if you've never heard of her.»
It took some memory searching, but he indeed remembered one thing. A conversation between a bunch of 1st years talking about a secret party displaying famous First World movies. A few hours later, on the training field, (Y/N) battled fiercely. It caught the attention of many students, who gathered around the platform. Curiosity taking the best of him, he had followed the crowd.
« What's that First World song that I love to describe you with ?
-By the light Clairo, is it really necessary ? »
Her opponent mocked her. She rolled her eyes, wielding her sword before choosing her fight stance.
« You son of... Maneater from Nelly Furtado. Now let's fight please.
-Alright doll, eat me up. »
(Y/N) huffed in annoyance. Clairo was a good fighter, but a little bit too flirty. He launched himself at her. The young woman stayed incredibly calm. Dodging to the right, she left him to stumble before hitting his back with the wooden weapon. He fell to the ground with a grunt. A shy smile spread on her features.
Now that he thinks about it, her earring had intrigued him : an ear chain hanging from the top of the cartilage of her ear to her lobe. Each end was composed of a lavendish round lilac crystal. When she lost control recently, those crystals lit up with a blinding light and burned her skin.
« I change the earring every five year. Every year If any several big crises occurred.
-What about your burns ? How did they clean them up ? »
Her left hand ghosted over her intact lobe, while Harvey healed the bruised flesh. Her eyes stared at the floor of the greenhouse. Saul was holding her other hand.
« They... I stuffed myself with pills. Sometimes enough to sleep through an entire day. Within the Solarian force, it was the only way for them to treat me. None of their mind fairies could calm me down. I don't think you realize how much this, she lifted her intertwined hand, helps.»
The soldier chuckles at the memory. His eyes examined his fingers, remembering how she locked hers, as she found an anchor in his mind.
« My best guess ? Your training forged your head to have a certain mindset in crisis.
-Loads of Solarian troupers could have given you that.
-Yeah. I can't really explain it, she laughed shyly, maybe because you're a teacher, that two of your long time friends are fairies or just because you're good with people.»
Their gazes crossed. The air thickened. Truth to be told, (Y/N) was so lost upon why he managed to calm her down. Farah tried to guide her, but even then, nothing positive came out. Her youth as a student at Alfea only consisted in shared side glances with him in hallways. She sure as hell found the man attractive, but she had other stuff to think about.
A loud giggle snaps him back to reality. (Y/N) falls on his laps while trying to take off her high heels. Her eyes are opened wide and a little glassy. She's definitely drunk.
« Oh by the light, I'm sorry Silva. Aimed at the table ! »
The atmosphere becomes lighter. He catches her when she nearly trips off by trying to get up, one of his arms snaking around to help. Steadying herself on his laps, she catches her breath slowly, though some giggles erupt as she looks around.
« How can you still dance, uh ?»
With a guilty smile, she leans slightly against the table.
« Alcohol ! It's the only thing keeping me up, baby !»
Instant regret shoots through her veins. Some red creeps up on her cheeks, as her hands cover her mouth. The soldier chuckles, enamoured by her adorableness. One thing that strucked him when they met was her lightness. Out of all the solarian troupers out there, or even all the specialists he ever crossed paths with, she was one of the few who stayed so bright and playful. Subconsciously, his fingers dig slightly in her hips.
« It's alright, (Y/L/N).»
She giggles a bit, but thanks him. Farah watches from a far, joined by Ben. (Y/N)(Y/L/N) has been teaching at Alfea for a year now. The entire school seemed to have transformed into a much more joyous place : students got along better, the shyest opened a tad and the roughest softened. Ben's daughter Terra found a supporter of her personal projects and a confidant. Ben himself benefited from her return. Mostly in books and knowledge but that meant already so much to him. Farah gained a daughter ; (Y/N)'s powers were a mess for her advanced age, helping felt natural. But what she loved the most was how confused Saul got with the new Specialist. Their bond strengthened with time, however the first few days rocked the Headmaster all over the place.
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«(Y/L/N), what did you do to our office ? Did you... Are these books classified by alphabetic order and colour ?! »
His colleague shrugged, trying to see if he was mad or just surprised. It happened a few days after her arrival. Their shared office went under few renovations.
« (Y/L/N), why dancing classes ? »
She shot up, put her hands on his desk and took twenty minutes to explain how it would make their movements more flexible, strengthen teamwork and be a tool for future mission on the job. Astonished could not describe Silva's feeling.
An admirable change that proved beneficial to the students. These two grew very fond of each other. A lot more than they thought. Words in the hallways started to spread about their growing fondness.
« Okay, I got a question for you, soldier boy.»
Saul tilted his head to the side.
« Are you having fun ?
-Of course I am.»
(Y/N) looks disappointed. Turning around, she pours some water in her cup and chugs it down.
« Really ? 'Cause the only thing I've seen you do is sit in a corner all night. »
He lowers his head, searching for the right words. How does he say that he just loves watching her run around the dancefloor ? How she bounds with students but also keeps their respect ? The fact that she's so organised that she could plan a First World themed party and keep her teacher skills to their best ? The shortest way for that would be admitting his feelings. He zones out long enough for her to talk again.
« It's okay. »
His eyes lock with hers. How did she sober up so quickly ?
« I know you have a reputation as a serious and frowny teacher to keep. And this is a graduation party, so. »
Never mind, she did not. The woman gets up, only to kneel under the tablecloth. He panics briefly.
« (Y/N), what on Earth are you doing ?»
She mumbles before appearing back outside. Her hands are holding a package. Another bright smile shines on her face. Silva knows what's coming, and he has mixed feelings about it; between fear, excitement and confusion.
« Happy Birthday Saul. »
His heart nearly stops. Few people know about his birthday, she is now a part of them. He frankly does not mind, even wished for it for a while now. His hands gently take the package to open it. Before his eyes lies a hard covered sketchbook and a wooden box full of high-quality pencils. The cover has a crow flying in a pearly sky with a red sun. The box is made of ebony and his name carved in silver. She knows an another of his secret. He tears up. The woman worries when he starts to sniffle. Much to her surprise, the soldier puts the gifts on the table before hugging her with all his might. Thank God the students are dancing or already out of the hall to smoke. (Y/N) answers his embrace, reassured.
« Thank you so much dear. »
It's her turn to have glossy eyes. She buries her face in his shoulder. This man is constantly under pressure and she has always wondered what he does during his free time : Does he train more ? He probably reads, right ? The answer came on a regular afternoon.
Silva knocked on her quarters' door. He heard shuffling before (Y/N) opened. She was wearing a bathrobe and a towel around her hair.
« Hi Saul ! Sorry hum. I woke up late and did not expect you so soon so, hum. »
The woman looked around, making her towel fall. Picking it up, she invited him in. He indulged, though a bit surprised.
« I'll be back in a jiffy, you know, putting some clothes on and all. Okay.»
She disappeared in her bathroom, leaving him to explore her room. Many watercolour paintings covered the walls, some abstract and others from the Realms of the Otherworld. However, a few landscapes felt unknown to him. On her desk lied sketches with a horde of different pencils. He discovered portraits of Farah, Ben, Terra, Sky, Riven and finally him. The lines were thin, some shadows sharp for the warriors and smoother for the fairies. A hint of jealousy took over him, quickly brushed away by shyness. The fact that she took the time to draw him was flattering. His fingers grazed over the pencils, wondering if he had time to prepare a little surprise. He puts down the file he came to discuss. A few minutes later, (Y/N) came out, dressed but her hair still wet on the edges. Silva was leaning against her desk, file in hand, a small smile on his features. She mirrored it before asking about the important matter at hand. Twenty minutes later, he left. Her eye caught a change in her drawing material : the portrait of Farah and Ben switched positions. She shuffled them, making sure everything was here, only to find an unknown piece. A cute fox was smiling, a little bubble under him stating :
« Nice Work (Y/L/N). Nice pencils too. Wish I had your talent.»
That last sentence made her wonder if he indeed had an artistic side. Needless to say that his quarters gave her answer. Same reason as his when he came, she knocked on his door one night. Though he did not fully invite her in, her eyes caught glimpses of nice sketches lying on a table, some rudimental equipment next to it.
They stay like this for a few seconds. The headmistress and Professor Harvey look at each other. No words, no need. Terra is chatting with a second year in a corner, bur her eyes catch them. She smiles, looking away shyly, but happy Sky sees the scene too, thanks to Riven who taps on his shoulder. They can't help the smile growing on their faces. Sky's father figure finding support is definitely going to be one of the highlights of their first year. (Y/N) and Saul part. One of her hands pats his arm.
« Wanna dance ? »
He closes his eyes, sighing. There is no lack of desire but the fear of what the students will say.
« I wish but... I don't know.
-I get it. But one day, you will ! That's a promise. »
With one last smile, she strolls back to the dancefloor, leaving him sheepish. He takes the sketchbook and a pencil. He might not dance tonight, but he'll make up to it.
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Baking! (Yuta x you)
a/n : heyyo it’s friday, let’s have some “me” time and enjoy some imagine with Yuta! Idea came from @yutahoes comment on previous post HOT PATCHED
warning : none! suggestive, how you ended up with a bun in the oven! (your beloved Nami), and of course 2020 was a baking year and I am more than willing to share you the recipe i am referring to for this story! DM me :D also i got a bit too carried away :) but it’s gonna be fun :D
tagging : @2-3-t-i @yutahoes @ailoveyuta
with that said.. enjoy your scene! 
Ever since the pandemic started and staying at home becomes a mandatory rule, you and your fiance, Yuta have been trying to overcome boredom with all possibilities. On the first month of staying home, you two are very excited about having “leisure” time while working at home. Both of you are delighted by the fact that you don’t have to wake up early, drive in the busy streets, and you just have to slip into your proper clothes when there is a board meeting. Considering your job is a magazine editor, you have meetings but luckily not every day.
Second month, you start to do yoga and exercises with Yuta every time he is bored, and he has nothing to do. Well, his comeback is still in preparation, so he only comes for regular practice and always got home when your office hour ends.
Fourth months, you pick up a new hobby and because your magazine company needs to make a new fresh content that suits the situation, the team comes up with a baking page. You are assigned to make the content, including taking pictures and trying the recipes your team made. You also have to do the editing but there’s help with that. You take the challenge, though you never bake before you see this as the perfect opportunity to start a new hobby. Things were great, the content is rising in demand since the world is baking suddenly! You got your raise and you enjoy doing this until your silly ass fell from challenging yourself to a wild yoga pose. You hurt your arms, they are a slightly fractured and you cannot make your baking content for the first three weeks of recovery, but you are so irritated to just stay in front of the laptop and watch your other friend make the pictures and cakes. So, when you can no longer hold yourself back, you plead the director board to give you back the baking section and they did love your job so you won the part back.
“Yuta can you come home earlier today?” you question the man who already wears his mask and has his training bag ready on his shoulder.
“Me?? I guess I’m done after lunch, I only have to practice singing today. Why?” he asks you back
You put on your sweetest smile “Don’t you want to try baking? I need some help with the rubric.”
Yuta’s eyes twinkle, it’s been his wish to try baking but because of practice and the amount of tools to wash and lack of time he hasn’t been able to do it. Now that you are offering him, he thinks he can seize the opportunity.
“Okay, I’ll try, who knows NCT will have a baking vlog after this, might flex about my skills” he smirks and you only grin at his cockiness.
“Okay, you can go.” You push him away after kissing his cheek and blushing when he winks at you and disappear behind the door.
Today you just have to wait for the team to send you the ingredients and recipes. You wonder what you’ll bake today no, what Yuta will bake today.
He was lucky the baking procedure he has to do today is easy. Simple lemon cake and you manage to get good pictures of Yuta’s hands and the aesthetic bowls and whiskers. You manage to hold the camera with your stiff casted hand, but it works even when you look super silly.
“Oh gosh! This is healing.” Yuta exclaims when his first cake comes out of the oven nicely and with a good aroma. You quickly take pictures and once it’s done, Yuta has already cut a slice and pops it into his mouth. “Yummy, I am talented indeed.” He sounds so confident and you hate to admit, his cake is better than what you expect and knowing your husband, you know he won’t stop bragging about this, he might even go as far as trying more baking recipes.
Your nightmare comes true, once his promotional schedule with NCT is over, he comes home with a load of baking supplies.
“Yuta, what’s all of this?” you ask when you help him bring in bags of spices, butters, and decorating tools.
“My promotional week is done and I have our well deserved rest! I am going to be productive and bake for you every day!” he smiles like a little kid who just get a chocolate and you can’t say no to him.
“Oh no, not every day Yuta!” you joke as you help him organize the spices into the kitchen racks.
He brought different types of flours and sugars, even bought yeast and baking sodas. Oh he really is planning to bake!
“Well, I have to finish some works have fun baking! Make sure you wear the apron and don’t set the oven too high. Wash the bowls too okay.” You pat his long hair and skip into your room.
Yuta takes his time to shower, sing in the bathroom, check the internet for easy recipes and even compare recipes from different websites.
His choice finally is decided on the famous banana cake, it doesn’t require mixer and he notices you have bananas at home.
“Flour, bananas, eggs, butter…” he bends to take the things out and places them all on the counter. Next he brings out the bowls and whiskers and the rest of the stuffs he needs.
“Okay all set,” he rubs his hands and takes the apron you have. Yuta’s lucky he can use your apron well, (thanks to his small waist). “And where is it,” he walks to the living room to get his small rubber band and as he bites the rubber between his teeth you happen to leave your room to get some water.
“Oh!” you exclaim when you see a hot scene reveling in your eyes. If you bring something, you’d drop it already.
There under the golden hours of the sun from the window, Yuta is tying his hair up and his lip bites is not helping you. Not to mention the apron fitting him well. You kinda regret not buying a “cute” apron.
“Let me help,” you grin when Yuta fails to tie his hair. Somewhat in the middle of tying his hair we was surprised to see you gawking at him. He blushes a little when you step closer and take his hair into one bundle and expertly you tie the band around it.
“There you go! Neat and tidy.” You click your tongue and run a hand down his exposed biceps.
“You’re teasing me, aren’t you?” you playfully ask him this when you learn just how “dolled” up he is. In your apron, smelling good, looking hot, and smirking.
“As much as you want me to tease you, see that?” he points to the kitchen and you follow his finger direction “I am baking you cake.”
You lead him to the kitchen, cool yourself down with a glass of iced water and Yuta starts to busy himself with the recipes.
He starts by measuring the cups of flour, sugars, and spoons of cinnamon and baking soda.
You choose to observe him instead of coming back to your work. You’re glad you have saved your works earlier and don’t have to return for it.
Yuta looks super serious when he cracks the eggs and starts mixing them to the dry ingredients. You take note at how accurate he is, you learned about the small details about baking through your rubric.
“Need help?”  you ask when Yuta starts to whisk the mixture together. He brings his bowl to his waist and with his tilted head and angled hand, he starts whisking the batter.
You have to hold yourself back when you see how he looks delicious right now. With an apron, a tied hair, tongue sticking out of his lips from focusing, his flexed arm and how he smirks at you. Gosh he’s the real cake here! You wonder how will he react if you suddenly come and bite him there on his neck which is inviting you to bite a mark there. Hey mark!
“No, I got this.” He winks at you and continues whisking the ingredients. Another minute passed by, he adds the mashed bananas and some cut apples for better taste. You focus on his actions but mostly enjoying the show he gives to you.
“You look hot.” You blurt that out loud as you secretly eat the choco-chips he will add later. “You think I look hot? You haven’t seen me whisk a whipping cream or make a meringue!” Yuta says as h places the bowl down and begin doing the next step.
You lean over the counter, eager to see what he is doing next. “Okay, all set just add choco-chips and stir and pour to container.” He smiles nicely to you, expecting to get praises or just a satisfied face. But all Yuta sees is your side smirk.
Yuta can always read you like a book, so without losing his cool, he checks you up from head to toe. He notices how you’re not focusing on him, biting your lips, and your ears and cheeks are as red as strawberries right now!
He connects the dots in his head and snaps his finger in front of your face. You jump in surprise “What?” you yell, clearly annoyed that your fantasy session is destroyed.
“No you’re staring at me too intensely! Stop it,” he acts like his innocence just got violated.
You click your tongue “Yuta, blame yourself!” you pull your hair in despair when you feel your body heating up more and feel tingles slowly creeping up.
Yuta is ignoring you when he shows off his flexibility by bending forward to put his container in the oven. “And that’s the right temperature, now we wait!” he tosses the mittens aside and leans his body to the table you’re seating at. He glances to the cup of water with only ice cubes left, he grabs it up and swirls it around before sipping the remaining drops.
“What are you looking at Princess?” his playful remarks are slipping from his lips. You bite your lips down and try to shake whatever idea you have in your head after seeing him drink the last drop of water like that is the best water in the world. His Adam’s apple bopping is not helping you at all, you lick your lips and lowkey will kill him for making this looks so yummy and advertise-able.
“Nothin’” you lie though it is as clear as day that you are “eating” him in your mind.
“You sure? You don’t look like that.” He says and then knocking the glass to his lips to take the remaining ice cubes in his mouth.
You nod your head and turn redder if it’s possible. Dang Yuta is clearly teasing you and you love it. “I-“ you can’t stop your sentence for the next thing he does is taking your lips there with ice cubes in his mouth. The cold sensation wakes you up from your day dream and you press your hands over his trained arms. He passes the cube into your mouth and you’re surprised with this new sensation. Oh Yuta and his surprises!
He continues taking you there until there’s no more cubes left and both of you are already breathing harder and the atmosphere has turn super hot. Next thing you know, you’re already on the sofa pinned down by Yuta as he teases you with butterfly kisses here and there.
“Yuta-“  you moan out his name when you have the chance, your hand pulls on his hair so he can stop kissing you for a while “Your cake.” You breathily remind him about the cake in the oven.
“Hm? My timer hasn’t gone off.” He ignores your attempt to stop taking you here.
“You want this right? Or do you want to eat me instead? You really look desperate earlier.” He nuzzles into your neck and gives some generous kitten licks there.
“Oh you were teasing me!” you defend yourself “Admit it.” You push him away to see his eyes and get the truth out, but Yuta is Yuta and he always has his way of making you lost. “No, I did not. You were this turned on by me, that you were having such sexy thoughts in the middle of the day.” His hand travels south and you already stifle a moan so he won’t be cocky about it.
He already plays with the hem of your pants, only seconds to pulling them away and eating you raw there, but his timer goes off and he has the biggest grin on his face, while you the biggest disappointment. “Yuta!” you’re already sounding so desperate, tears are forming in your eyes and Yuta only chuckles, he wipes your tears and stands up from between your legs.
“Oops! My bad, cake is done! Why don’t we try it when it’s hot?” he leaves you to turn the oven off and takes the cake out. He left you like that! All teased up and messy.
“Yuta- you will pay for this.” You groan before ignoring the pain from the edged pleasure and stomping your feet angrily to the kitchen.
“Come try this, tell me if this is good.” He offers you a forkful and you angrily chomp down on it.
“Bad.” You mutter, as you cross your hands over your chest but still chew on the delicious cake.
“Bad? This is so yummy! I can take this to the boys, and they’ll ask for more.” Yuta towers above you.
You pout “Fine, its yummy.” Your hand reaches out for some more bites, but you stop and shake your head “You. Finish what you did to me, or I cannot enjoy my cake.”
He giggles and in one swift motion already has you in his arms “Alright my princess, let me enjoy my cake instead!” he brings you to the room and you’re already giggly again, giving him kisses and playing with his hair.
You swear you will kill him if he only leaves you in the room and goes back to eat his cake in the kitchen, lucky you he did not do that. You both know that the cake will be cold once you’re done with the session but who cares when Yuta can bake more of them!
 And that is probably how you end up putting a bun in the oven with Yuta!
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mystic-deep · 4 years
“You don’t know how to beg, darling.” part 2 | Nanami Kento x fem!reader
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♡ ♡ ♡ description: Moving to your dream home had been more difficult than you had expected. Everything seems so be going well, until you get a surprise guest.
♡ ♡ ♡ warnings: nsfw, fingering, rough kissing, penetration, shower sex
♡ ♡ ♡ notes: part two is here! hope you guys enjoy it, I know I did while writing it haha and as always it's not proofread so please show mercy.
♡ ♡ ♡ part one here:  “You don’t know how to beg, darling.”
♡ ♡ ♡ word count: 3.3 k
“It’s not too big but it’s not too small, and property is selling like crazy in this neighborhood, so I think you’re making a great investment!”
The real estate agent pulled in front of a modest looking house and offered you a hopeful grin. It had been almost a month since you were house hunting and nothing really fit with what you were looking for. Your dream home was proving to be quite an impossible task – either the property was good but it was too far from the beach, or the property was right on the beach but the house was a disaster. The ones that hurt the most? The houses that were just right but they were over budget.
“I don’t know, I’m not impressed.”
With pursed lips, you stepped out of the car and looked at the exterior wall of the house that clearly needed some good repairs. As you followed the agent through the metal gate and into the front garden, you had to admit that it at least had some nice flower arrangements and sturdy trees offered a pleasant shade.
“It has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a small study, a large kitchen equipped with all the newest gadgets, a garage and quite a cozy living room.”
As you stepped inside you had to admit that it looked much better that what the exterior had promised. The rooms were spacious enough, the main bedroom having a nice view of the beach and the kitchen was indeed equipped with everything you’d want a modern kitchen to have.
It might not have been perfect, there was definitely work to be done and the furniture it came with was hideous, but so far it was the best you’ve seen. However, just like you expected, it was over budget.
Sensing your indecisive state, like any good agent would, the young woman pushed you from behind towards the terrace. “Oh, but I haven’t showed you the best part yet!”
You gasped, you just stood there like an idiot and gasped as you stepped out on the terrace and looked straight at the sea in front of you. Forget being near the beach, you were literally on the beach! There was a small wooden trail leading to the golden sand and the blue waves, just a minute walk and you’d be submersed in the cool water.
“Imagine waking up to this every morning and imagine reading a book and drinking a glass of wine as the sun sets.” The devil on your shoulder, that’s what it felt like as she whispered almost seductively in your ear. You were impressed with her skill though - she definitely left the best part for last just to give it that wow factor.
Still, it was a going to drain almost all of your economies and - “The beach in front is private, you own it.”
“Where do I sign?”
The agent gave you a tight hug, more than happy to finally be rid of you, and dashed to the car where she happened to have a bottle of champagne prepared for the wonderful occasion. You thought to yourself that she either was so confident in her skills that she will convince you to buy this house, or prepared to get drunk after yet another failed attempt.
You looked back at the incredible blue sea and took a deep breath. It was scary, it was right down terrifying to jump head on into the unknown and with no current financial stability. You still had a regular income from your previous job since your boss pretty much refused to let you go, but you had half of your responsibilities and obviously half the salary. You would be on a tight budget for the next few months, you had to see if the house needed any immediate repairs and you had to redecorate everything inside.
“And when will your husband be joining you?”
You were brought back to the harsh reality by the excited voice of the young woman who was now pouring the cheap champagne in plastic glasses.
“Soon…he still has some things he needs to take care of back home.”
Your heart began to tighten in your chest as your thumb gently rubbed the golden ring on your index finger. You were so used to wearing it that you simply put it on every morning like routine. When asked, you told everyone that you were still married because you felt you would be safer that way and because, technically, you still were.
After your last exchange of messages Nanami had not contacted you once. He didn’t sign the divorce papers and you were starting to think that hiring a lawyer just seemed inevitable at this point. You had been so caught up with the moving and the house hunting that you just pushed it in the back of your mind like some trivial matter that you’ll take care of once you got around.
“Well I’m sure he’s just going to love your new home! Here’s to a happy family!”
You took a sip from the champagne glass, quickly spitting the liquid back before the agent could see you, and looked outside the window. Family…you felt like you were a long way from achieving that, but owning your very own little piece of heaven in Malaysia sure made things easier.
With a sigh you pulled the phone away from your ear as the whimpers of your boss were now scratching your eardrums. “No, I’m not coming back, we’ve talked about this hundreds of times already. Also, please stop crying.”
“And I’m telling you that you’ve offered them too much for such a small quantity of products. Last year when we made the purchase we offered them 30% less, what made them spike the prices so high this time around?” You poured the fresh coffee in your favorite mug and skillfully avoided stepping on your cat as you moved to place it on a tray.
“The bad economy has affected everyone not just them.” You propped your phone between your shoulder and your ear as you dropped a tablespoon of sugar in the coffee and began to stir. “Tell them that you’re going to offer them 10% more than what we offered last year and only if they increase the batch by 20%.” Your eyes narrowed slightly as you placed a book on the tray and a freshly baked pain au chocolat. “What do you mean what are you going to do with the rest of the products? Sell them to your competitors at double the price. Have I taught you nothing?”
Several minutes later, after somewhat managing to calm down the older man, you strolled down the wooden path to the beach where a large folding chair and a small table were waiting for you. You placed the tray on the table, sat down and took in the wonderful view in front of you. The weather outside was perfect and you decided to wear just a light summer dress that was slightly transparent.
You took a sip from your coffee and opened your book, deciding that this was a day for lazing around. It had been more than a month since you’ve finally finished with all the repairs and decorations but it was worth the long wait. Everything looked just perfect now, you had flexible working hours and you even managed to adopt a stray cat.
Yes, everything was perfect, everything was going great.
“Took me forever to find you.”
You looked up from your book and blinked once, blinked twice, and still couldn’t believe what you were seeing. There, hovering above you, stood Nanami with his blond hair and sharp blue eyes, with his sand colored pants and his white shirt with the sleeves pulled up to his elbows, the golden band of the wedding ring shinning in the sun.
“What…How…When…” You didn’t even know how to phrase your shock. A part of you was hoping that you were hallucinating.
“It took me forever to convince your mother to talk to me. Then probably just as long to get her to tell me where you were. She’s not really good at remembering small details so she had no idea what your house looked like.” He huffed in annoyance before plopping down on the sand by your side. “Took me awhile to find the house.”
“How did you get in?”
“Strangely enough she remembered perfectly where the spare key was.” Betrayed by my own mother, you thought bitterly.
“Why are you here, Nanami?”
“Not Kento? From what I remember, you’re Nanami too.”
Your face began to burn with anger and sensing that you were on the verge of exploding, he quickly fished out of his pocket a folded paper.
“I’m not here to fight, I just came to give you this.” You took the piece of paper with trembling hands and opened it. The divorce papers, and they were signed. Finally, your marriage was over.
“You could have just mailed them to me.”
“I didn’t come all the way here just to hand you the papers, I also wanted to talk. You owe me that much after pulling that disappearing act.”
Your first intention was to protest, then again maybe listening to him rather than fighting back would make things end quicker. You offered him a little nod to continue.
“I don’t have excuses for cheating on you. No one seduced me, I searched for someone to bend to my will and I found her quickly. I wanted to feel needed…no, I wanted to feel like I was dominating.” His eyes looked down to his hands almost in shame. “You were working so hard, you were so ambitious, it felt like you could truly achieve our dream…while I had so little hope it was possible, it felt like you would leave me behind.”
You listened attentively to every word, trying your best not to let the anger get to you. Just bear with it, let him say whatever will make him feel better and then you won’t have to see him ever again. Although, now that he was in front of you, that thought was turning to be hell.
“I was jealous, I was jealous of the fact that I was no longer your priority. I feared the day you’d realize you didn’t really need me and that you could achieve everything by your own.”
“So you’ve cheated on me and said all those cruel things because you were insecure?” Your eyes became watery as your hands curled in tight fists. “Is this all you had to say? Because I think I’ve heard enough.”
“I’m sorry, y/n. I’m sorry for the pain I’ve caused, I’m sorry for not being strong enough to make our dream come true. That day when you left me was also the day I ended my affair. If I could…but I can’t, so I guess that yeah, that’s all I had to say.”
He stood up and gently patted his pants to get rid of the sand before looking at you.
“For all it’s worth, I really like the house and I like the cat and-” His eyes traveled to your chest that was covered by the thin white material of the dress. “-I definitely like this dress.”
Your cheeks turned pink and your arms quickly went to cover the skin that felt so exposed. Taking advantage of your distraction, he reached for your legs and lifted you up, carrying you princess style, and began to walk towards the sea.
“W-What are you doing?”
You were met with silence as Nanami continued his march unbothered by your kicking and screaming.
“Wait! The water is pretty cold!” Despite your protest, he entered the icy blue water, trying his best to hide the little winces every time a small wave hit him.
“Nanami, if you drop me, I swear-”
“I thought you wanted me to let you down.”
“Oh you’ve let me down plenty of times already.”
With a small glare, he retrieved his arm making you fall unceremoniously in the cold water. You let at a shriek and realized in horror that the divorce papers that you were holding were now being washed away by the sea.
“Oh no, how very tragic.” Nanami’s smirk and sarcasm were the last straw, and you plunged yourself at him, knocking him down in the shallow water.
His eyes grew large and tried to fight you as you straddled him and pinned his arms above his head.
“Move.” His voice was low and dangerous but the adrenaline pumping in your veins made you immune.
“You don’t know how to beg, darling.” There were a series of emotions flashing in his eyes, from shock, to anger, to amusement and finally…sadness.
“But if I learn, will you take me back?”
You looked at him and time just seemed to stop. Right here, this moment, this bickering and playing in the water, this half wet half disheveled man, the way he looked at you, your clothes wet and sticking to your skin, sticking to each other…it was perfect.
Your lips crushed on his in a hungry kiss and he eagerly retuned it. With a quick movement, he wrapped his arm around your waist and lifted your body along with his. Effortlessly, you thought as you your legs wrapped around his waist and let yourself be carried inside the house.
“Bedroom.” You motioned to the small stairs that ledmk to the first floor and he pretty much jogged towards the room, all the while maneuvering splendidly your excited cat that thought it was time to play.
He closed the door behind you before his hand reached for the back of your head and pulled you in for another deep kiss. You both began to shiver, probably from the excitement of finally touching each other for so long but also because you were wet from head to toe.
“Undress.” He pulled slightly away and began to unbutton his shirt, his eyes never leaving you.
“You’re pretty monosyllabic today.” You ignored his annoyed expression and focused on removing your dress, but your hands froze on the waistband of your panties.
What were you doing? Was this enough? Was this all it took for you to forgive him and welcome him back with opened arms?
“I’ll help you remove these.” With a quick movement, he pulled down the piece of lingerie and tossed it on the ground where the rest of the clothes were. You didn’t even realize when he had backed you against the wall, but now here you were, trapped like last time, the only difference was that now you were both very much naked.
He was so close to you that your perked nipples were softly brushing against his bare chest. Slowly, he let his hand travel between your thighs and began to rub gently with his thumb. You inhaled deeply and looked down at his cock, hard and swollen and begging for attention. You wrapped your small hand around it and gave it a few gentle strokes, noticing how his brows began to furrow and sweat began to form on his forehead.
He was hard and more than ready to have you against the wall, and as his finger travelled to your folds, he realized you were wet and needy and more than ready to be taken.
Just as you were anticipating his fingers to enter you, he pulled away and took a few steps back. You were left there, the light of the morning sun shining on your naked body and looked at him in a quizzical way.
“Beautiful…you’re just so damn beautiful.” Your face felt red and hot and the lack of his touch made your body shiver.
Noticing your state, Nanami gently took your hand and guided you both to the bathroom, turning on the shower before letting you step inside.
You left out a sigh as the hot water washed over your skin and glanced over your shoulder as Nanami stepped inside as well, one hand resting on the shower tiles while the other rested on your hip.
“Hard and fast.” He whispered in your ear as you felt the tip of his cock probing at your entrance. “Hard and fast and then I promise…I’ll make it slow and good for you.” With that he entered you with a deep thrust and you let your head fall back in a silent scream.
He wasn’t joking when he said hard and fast, his hips were snapping into you at such a pace you were seeing stars. Your hands fell on the wet tiles, trying to hold your body from collapsing. It had been too long for the both of you so you understood the urgency of fucking you so intensely.
His hand travelled to your clit and began to rub it vigorously, making all your body tremble from head to toe. “Oh! K-Kento!”
“So we’re back to Kento now?”
You turned your head to look at him and arched a brow. “Do you want me to call you ‘daddy’?”
He pinched your clit hard and rubbed your left nipple with little mercy. “Would you like to call me that, princess?” His hand left your clit and landed a slap against your ass. “Although, I suggest next time you put a little more effort into it, just to avoid punishment.” He was grinning from head to toe, the damn bastard was enjoying every single second of this teasing.
Your mouth opened in order to argue back but you let out a loud moan as he began to push himself inside of you even deeper. So close, you were so close and he was hitting just that right spot. The warm water was falling on your already hot skin, the slaps that his hips made against your body were making lewd sounds that filled the whole bathroom, everything was foggy and your mouth felt dry.
“Fuck, I’m so close-” You could hear him mumble some other words but you were so far gone at this point that the only thing that you could concentrate on was your inevitable soul shattering climax.
“Oh god, please, please, Kento, I’m almost, I’m-” You let out a scream as you came around his swollen cock, nearly collapsing in the process. With his hand tightly fixated on your hips, Nanami slowed down for a moment, letting you regain some kind of composer before returning to a fast pace. You were so wet, you were squeezing him so tightly, your little moans and whimpers sent vibrations to his lower stomach, making him shiver.
“You’re just so perfect, my love. You’re always just so perfect for me to fuck.” A few more thrusts and his hands gripped with such force at your hips that you were sure he left bruises. You didn’t care at the very least, not when your husband had just let out the most primal growl you ever heard him making and his cock filled your hole with his delicious hot cum.
You both just stood there for a few seconds, your forehead resting on the slightly cool tile while Nanami kissed your shoulders before finally pulling out of you.
“Now that hard and fast is over…when am I getting slow and good?”
“Always so greedy.” He let out a light chuckle before pressing a soft kiss on your lips. “I love you.” Just like that, he let the words roll out of his mouth with such ease and looked at you with complete adoration.
“I love you too.” You turned around and let your hands gently caress his cheeks, the happiness of being able to say these words again making you feel light as a feather.
“Good, I’ll need you to love me a lot. There will be plenty of other ‘hard and fast’ sessions before this day is over.” And for once, you didn’t open your mouth to argue.
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heliads · 3 years
Making the Team
Based on this request: “The reader is the daughter of natasha and steve, and she is nervous about for her first mission. Her mom and dad tell her that everything is gonna be great, and the mission is complete, but the reader is badly injured and her parents and Bruce takes care of her.”
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You’re awake when the first light of dawn tentatively begins to shine through your window. You’ve been awake for a while, actually, too excited to sleep a wink. This is the day of a very important mission. It’s probably going to be the most important mission of your life, in fact. If you do well on this assignment, you’ll be made an Avenger. If you don’t, you’ll have to get sent back to training and know that your entire future might have just slipped between your fingers.
Most teenagers your age would never have gotten this opportunity. If they were lucky, they might be accepted to the S.H.I.E.L.D. academy or embark on an internship with Tony Stark. You, however, happen to have two Avengers as your parents. Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff, the classic Avengers couple. After much wheedling and careful manipulation on your end, they’ve allowed you to begin training as a potential Avengers recruit. Now, all you have to do to cement your place on the team is to prove yourself in this mission.
It’s not like you’re getting into this team solely based on nepotism, though. Your father was a super soldier and your mother was trained in the Red Room. Ever since you were old enough to walk, it was evident that you would be destined for the same path as they so famously trod. You ran faster, knew more, threw punches harder than anyone else your age. Even without your parentage, S.H.I.E.L.D. would have tapped you long ago. You just get to bypass the protocols and go straight to a potential slot on the team.
Eventually, you can lie in bed no longer, your adrenaline already pumping through your veins at the mere thought of the upcoming mission. You sling your legs over the side of the bed, jumping down onto the floor and rushing over to don your awaiting clothes. Your real suit is waiting in a quinjet at Avengers Tower, so all you have to do is pull on some casual clothes and rush your parents out the door.
They’re already up, as it turns out. Your mother is nursing a cup of coffee, and your father is standing over the stove, brow furrowed as he considers a pan of scrambled eggs. Natasha smiles when she sees you. “Look at you! Ready for the big day?” You nod excitedly, starting to grab the beginnings of a breakfast. “Couldn’t sleep a wink.” Steve chuckles. “I’m starting to think you’re excited about running headlong into danger.” You stare at him pointedly. “I wonder who I learned that from.” Natasha laughs at Steve’s expression. “She’s got you there.”
By the time you’re pulling up to the Avengers Tower, however, the excitement bubbling into your chest is deepening into nervous worry. What if something goes wrong? You’ve never been allowed on a mission as large as this one before, where civilians and the other Avengers alike are counting on you. What if you mess this up? The stakes are higher than you’ve cared to realize- not just a spot on the Avengers, but the lives of those you care about. You head over to the quinjet, but your fears only grow when the plane takes off.
You force yourself to calm down, heading over to the racks of weapons and gear in the hopes of distracting yourself. There at last is your suit- a flexible, bulletproof black jumpsuit with armored paneling overtop. You glance at your reflection in the mirror, but instead of seeing the usual confident version of yourself, you only see a nervous teenager. Why have you been allowed on this mission in the first place? What if this really isn’t what you were meant to do?
You hear footsteps behind you and turn hurriedly, doing your best to wash away your worries and plaster on an expression of relaxed calm. Your mother, however, has been reading people her entire life, and nothing can get past her. Especially not the worries of her daughter. She frowns at you, pausing at the doorway and heading inside. “Hey, you alright?” You sigh, staring at your palms. “What if you guys were wrong about me? What if I’m not supposed to be an Avenger after all?”
Natasha shakes her head. “We’re not wrong about you. That’s a promise. Y/N, I’ve seen you since you were little. You can do things that most soldiers couldn’t even dream of. If Steve or I thought that you couldn’t do this, we wouldn’t have suggested you take the mission.” You look at her anxiously. “But Steve is a super soldier. You’re a Black Widow. I am none of those.” There’s another voice from the door now, and you turn to see your father leaning against the doorframe.
“You don’t have to have that experience to be special. What about Maria Hill? You’ve seen her before. Even Thor’s afraid to take her on, and she doesn’t have any special abilities.” Steve walks into the room, smiling comfortingly. “No, Y/N, you are more than capable, even without training or a strengthening concoction. Honestly, if I was out in the field and I came toe to toe with you, I’d be worried.” A laugh rises unbidden to your lips. “You just have to say that because you guys are my parents.”
Natasha shakes her head, a small grin crossing her face. “Actually, us being your parents means that we wouldn’t usually say that at all. We made sure that you were given the best training and preparation, and that you had equal treatment with the other recruits. You didn’t make it this far because of us, you made it this far because of you. And, if that isn’t enough to convince you, check out your file. We didn’t write that, your instructors did, and your instructors gave you the highest marks we’ve seen in years.”
You smile grudgingly. “You’re sure I can do this?” Steve nods, reaching out to pull you close in a hug. “I know you can do this. You’re an excellent fighter, Y/N, and after today, you’ll be an Avenger. Just like that.” You laugh, returning the hug. “Just like that.”
This, however, is easier said than done. S.H.I.E.L.D. and Avenger training have done a lot for you- teaching you how to fight, readying you for battle. Nevertheless, no amount of simulations can prepare you for the mission at hand. There are hostages inside a building, dozens of guards and soldiers waiting outside. The hostages aren’t the only things to contend with, though- there are civilians, goons, and the knowledge that S.H.I.E.L.D. plans are hidden in the coat pocket of one of the hostages. At any moment, the guards could find out, and then the mission would be over before it even started. You have to rescue the hostages before the data is uncovered.
Your group fans out, looking for entrances. You spot one quickly, rushing to it. There’s an opening on the roof, and you jump from window to window, quickly scaling the building. There, you’re able to take out a couple of snipers and a few roof guards before heading inside the building through a service entrance at the top. The fighting gives you a rush, and you find yourself smiling as you take down yet another soldier. Maybe you were meant for this after all.
At last, you find the room with the hostages. You draw back, waiting around the corner out of enemy view. You tap on your earpiece, speaking hurriedly. “I’ve found the hostages. Second floor, far east side, about a dozen or so guards.” Steve’s voice crackles across the radio. “We hear you. Do not engage, wait for us.” You nod. “Affirmative. Waiting for you.”
Steve and Natasha, however, take their time getting to you. The soldiers must realize that someone’s found a way in, as they’re doubling up around the entrances. You stare at the room with the hostages, watching with bated breath as the leader of the goons circles the captive men and women. The man frowns, pausing by a woman in blue. She has a gold circle pinned to her chest, designating her as the leader. The man stares at the pin, then at her. You can almost see the pieces clicking into place in his head.
You curse softly as you realize what he’s about to do, and switch your radio back on. “The leader has figured out that someone has the plans. I think I have to go in.” Natasha’s voice is sharp over the comms. “Negative! Y/N, do not engage.” As you watch, the man draws closer, flipping open the woman’s jacket with the tip of his rifle. Even from here, you can see the hidden pocket, and even from here, you can see the man’s eyes light up as he spots the rectangular package tucked away inside.
Your hand rises to your earpiece once more. “Sorry, but I have to do this.” You flick your radio off, drowning out the frantic voices of your parents. You race over to the room, kicking down the door with your boot. The guards turn to you when the door crashes open, but you fire your weapons methodically, taking down the guards one by one as you race around the room to the woman. The leader is standing back up, shouting orders at his troops, but you’re not paying attention.
Then his rifle is raised again, pointing towards the woman with the plans. You feel your feet moving without a second’s hesitation, pounding towards the pair. You manage to shove the woman aside just before the man’s finger tightens on the trigger, and you can feel her slip you the plans even as the bullet impacts on your side. For a second, you don’t feel anything at all, and manage to turn your weapons towards the leader, knocking him to the ground. Then your hand comes up from your side, stained red as blood begins to pour onto the ground, and the pain truly hits.
It’s the worst pain you’ve ever felt in your life. You’ve seen Thor wield his thunder before, seen him raise his hammer and watched as a boom of thunder cracked the sky. Lightning arced down to the ground before him, burning the ground and decimating his opponents. You’ve wondered what that would feel like, and now you have a fairly good idea. Maybe you’re not being electrocuted, but you feel like you’ve just been hit by the blow of a god.
There is shouting above you, more shouts ringing out. You stand up unsteadily, hand clamped to your side, and realize that Steve and Natasha have finally found you. They take down the guards with an almost frightening certainty, and then they see you. Just like that, their calm and cool exteriors break away and they run to your side. Steve visibly pales when he sees the blood pooling out from your side. “Y/N!” He shouts, and you weakly hold up the plans. “It’s alright, I got them. They’re safe.”
Steve shakes his head, and he’s saying something else but you can’t quite make it out. You think you hear your name, then Natasha’s, but for some reason you can’t focus on his words. Then the room tilts dizzyingly, and then you can feel nothing at all except for the overwhelming pain in your side and a sickening worry that your parents will never be able to forgive themselves if you die on this mission.
When your eyes open at last, you’re in a bleached white room. A smiling face swims before you; after a second you recognize it as Dr. Banner. His smile widens when he sees you sit up. “Hey, easy there. You took a pretty big hit.” You groan, feeling pain starting to blossom again from your side. It’s not as bad as it was in the room with the hostages, but it isn’t a picnic either. You rub your face with your hand, still disoriented. “What happened?”
Bruce chuckles. “You took a bullet for Ruth Hanaway.” At your confused expression, he clarifies. “The woman with the plans. You know, with the rest of the hostages. She’s fairly important, too. Apparently a higher-up among the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and she’s very impressed with what you did. She said you didn’t hesitate at all, just dove to save her. Now, that’s Avenger material.” You frown up at him, remembering the stakes of the mission. “So that means-”
You’re cut off by Natasha, who’s just burst through the doors. “Yes, you’re on the team.” She rushes to embrace you, and you smile at the show of affection. “But I got shot- I disobeyed orders-” Steve, who’d been closely following Natasha, shakes his head. “You saved the mission. If you hadn’t acted, the plans would have been lost. As much as I hate to say it, you did what you had to do.”
He fixes you with a sudden glare, although you can see right through it. “That being said, that was incredibly dangerous. You could have died or suffered serious injury. Even as it is, you’ll be spending at least a week in the hospital wing. We thought you were going to die, Y/N. No amount of missions will make up for your life.” You smile up at him, undaunted. “I’m not planning on repeating this anytime soon. I’ve had my life-and-death risk quota used up for the time being.”
Natasha chuckles, mussing up your hair. “That’s what I wanted to hear. Barely awake five minutes, and you’re already cracking jokes. I didn’t expect anything less.” You fix her with a triumphant grin. “Hey, I’m an Avenger now. I’m supposed to be used to this whole lifesaving thing.” Bruce chuckles, standing up to check a few readouts on the surrounding monitors. “I have no doubt about that. You might have to contend with Parker for the title of youngest Avenger, but I think that will be the least of your worries. Welcome to the Avengers, Y/N. We’re happy to have you.”
requested by @maximeevansblog​
marvel tag list: @mycosmicparadise​
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