#the first has 25 chapters and the second will have more then 30
jiminjamms · 1 month
sex therapy :: 30. breaking news
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chapter tags/warnings: manipulative! naoya. physical aggression. verbal abuse (not to reader). infidelity/adultery. extremely strong language. corruption. family drama.
word count: 3.4k
notes: thank you again for your patience with the chapter! life update: i resigned from my company (on good terms, even though the work had sucked my mental and physical health), and i am soon doing a trip to japan and southeast asia as part of my recovery. still, i will be actively writing and responding since this community is so important to me! also, has anyone been keeping up with jujutsu kaisen's manga?! likes, comments, and reblogs are much appreciated. xoxo
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fic masterlist | 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.
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Life without a sugar daddy was rough.
As Toji Fushiguro's ex-wife and Naoya Zenin's ex-mistress, Mari faced this harsh reality since no one threw their money in her direction anymore. She slept little this past week, overwhelmed by financial stressors. While she still subsisted on the younger executive's credit card (with his fortune, Naoya hardly noticed the charges on his bill), she realized that she actually had to work for an income.
Such was the case as Mari walked home one evening after interviewing for jobs, her body and mind exhausted from fielding mundane questions about her previous professional experiences (which she had little of).
Upon unlocking her apartment door, she was immediately greeted by the sight of her illuminated living room.
That struck her as odd.
She always switched the lights off before she left.
However, when she spotted a familiar face down the hall, she found the answer.
"Tsumiki." Mari dropped her purse by the door. "What are you doing here?”
The woman had not seen her one and only blood-related child in months. While she knew that her daughter—who was, without doubt, a fantastically accomplished and intelligent young lady—just completed her second year at Oxford University, she thought the girl had chosen to remain in England for her summer break. Didn't Toji mention that she did not want to return to Tokyo?
Not that Mari complained. She was just...confused.
Admittedly, Mari should know the answer to her question, but she had been too ‘occupied’ to contact Tsumiki as much as a good mother should. As a result, Mari found herself in the dark about the girl's life in the United Kingdom, her plans for the university holiday, and her recent classes in…what was her field of study again?
Surely, Toji and his twerp son Megumi would know all the answers since Tsumiki had always been closer to her Fushiguro stepfamily. Quite a shame, since Mari would have considered her daughter as the most perfect angel otherwise.
She toed her shoes off.
“When did you arrive in Tokyo?” Mari continued with a plastered smile and approached the girl sitting with crossed arms in the living room.
Genetics ran deep between mother and daughter. Uninformed observers might even mistake the pair as sisters, the physical resemblance uncanny in how Tsumiki presented a more youthful version of the older woman by sharing the same warm chocolate-colored eyes, long dark hair, and flawless porcelain skin.
Yet, physical similarities meant nothing when Mari could not fully decipher her own flesh and blood.
“I came back to Japan earlier this week,” Tsumiki responded a terse edge in her tone.
“But I haven’t seen you until now.”
“Because I’ve been staying with Dad.”
“Oh.” So, she meant with Toji. “You mean your stepdad.”
“No,” she corrected sternly. “He's my dad.”
Theoretically, Mari could go into a whole tangent on how Tsumiki’s actual father was some middle-class nobody whom she hadn’t seen or spoken to since her first divorce (and that was many years ago). Or how the Fushiguros technically were Tsumiki’s ex-stepfamily since Mari had divorced her second husband Toji earlier this year.
But she spared her daughter from the reminders.
“Well, I’m glad to see you back, honey.” With a bottle of unfinished cabernet sauvignon in the fridge, Mari meandered to the kitchen to pour herself a full glass. She returned to living room and joined her daughter on the sofa. “How have you been? I’m guessing England has been treating you well? I have never been, so I wouldn’t know. Heard that the fish and chips are good there."
No response.
Am I being ignored? Mari commented inwardly and swirled the red wine in her chalice.
She took her first sip amid the long and awkward pause before switching the topic to encourage conversation. "Anyway, whenever you would like, you’re always welcome to stay a few nights here. Wouldn't hurt to spend some more time with your mother."
Only for Tsumiki to quip, “We’ve talked about this before. I don’t want to live with you.”
Now, this—Mari believed—was certainly uncalled for. "Watch your tone with me, young lady."
"For what? I am not here because I miss you," her daughter resumed. "If I had a better option, I would not bring myself to show up here and be in front of you."
The older woman placed her glass down and tried to appear calm. Hearing Tsumiki speak with such contempt twisted a deep knife into Mari's heart. Once upon a time, her daughter had been the sweetest girl—warm, full of life, and eager to express her innocent thoughts with anyone she encountered. Now, however, that same person had been tainted into someone cold, guarded, and withdrawn, demonstrated by her disrespect to the very woman who had given her life.
"That is no manner to talk to your mother," Mari cautioned.
"Well, maybe because I have my reasons."
"Which are?"
"Do you want to know why I did not bother to text or call you these past several months?" and Tsumiki did not wait for an answer before she angrily added, "Because I am so upset that you filed a divorce with Dad!"
While Mari had hoped to not bring up the topic before, she had no choice but to do so now.
"That big, burly, bulky man is not your father," she snapped. "He and his emo Harvard-bound son are not your family! In the eyes of the law, there is no longer any relation between you and them. But, I am your mother. I had given you life, and this is what you think of me?"
"Because I love them!" Tsumiki opposed through a hardened glare. "Dad and Megumi treat me more like their blood-related family than you do!”
Mari could not believe the preposterous words her daughter spewed. She always presumed that the Fushiguros had been corrupting her child, and to see her suspicions confirmed had Mari standing up promptly from the couch.
"How dare you say after all I have done for you, Tsumiki?" Mari interrogated angrily. "Did you think that I left your biological father and then divorced your stepfather for what...for fun?! These choices were difficult for me, too! But I made those judgments because I wanted to give you a better life in which we didn't have to worry about where our next meal, our next piece of clothing, or our next rent payment would come from! Your biological father is a no-name nothing. He could’ve never supported the lavish lifestyle you had experienced during your adolescent years. In fact, if I hadn’t married Toji Fushiguro, you probably wouldn't be studying at the University of Oxford right now! I, alone, could never have afforded all your years of expensive tutors or private school tuition. Please, think before you speak. I know I did not raise an ungrateful brat.”
Tsumiki furrowed her brows from the comments.
“You're the ungrateful one, Mom!” she insisted, and the said woman visibly reeled back when the girl continued to seethe with antipathy. “All the money that you had spent while married to Dad, he never asked for a single cent back. Never. In fact, he still pays for my university. In his eyes and mine, I’m as good as any blood-related child to him. He hadn't asked you to chip in because he knows you wouldn't have the money to. Divorcing the man you've been leeching off of isn't a sign of appreciation, Mom."
To hear her child defend another family, Mari wasn’t sure if she was going to laugh or cry at how ridiculous this scene was, the only thing she could process being the pain and betrayal that slammed her with one bitter blow.
"Well, did you want to become a laughingstock?" the woman rationalized. "Given our ties to the Zenin name when Toji left the company, those nasty journalists would've clung onto any scrap to label you a buffoon. You know what those tabloid writers are like! I had the foresight to divorce that man. I did not want the disgrace if we remained attached to the Fushiguros."
After that response, Tsumiki turned quiet with one sharp exhale as her eyes snapped shut, and Mari, whose entire body had undulated from heavy and irate breaths, thought that finally—finally—she had won this godforsaken argument.
Until she heard the younger girl speak again.
"Yet, you have humiliated me more than anyone," and noticing how her mother quirked a brow, Tsumiki went on. "Who are you really trying to protect, Mom? Are you truly making these decisions for my benefit? Or is it...for yourself?"
Despite hiding a gulp, the older woman noticed her heart race. "What do you mean?"
"How can you explain this?"
As though that was her cue, Tsumiki reached for her phone. She tapped onto the front page of the Yomiuri Shimbun, the most highly circulated newspaper in Japan. Before Mari could read the bold title labeled as 'Breaking News,' Tsumiki provided her with a verbal summary:
"The world knows you're a homewrecker, Mom."
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Naoya found no surprise when Naobito Zenin burst into his executive suite as an angry bull would charge toward a provoking cape.
Plenty of times, his father barged into his private office completely unannounced, slamming the door open with enough force to rattle the wooden bookshelves behind him. Usually, the dramatic entrance would be followed by a slew of harsh admonitions, and this encounter—Naoya could tell—would be no different.
The astringency cast on his father's countenance gave the executive no other choice than to rise from his seat, his office chair sliding back so he could pose tall and confident as the heir to Japan's largest conglomerate should be.
"Father," he greeted, curt.
Taking hurried steps around his mahogany desk, Naoya aimed to meet the older man halfway until he instead came into contact with one harsh blow that sent his face flogging to the side.
Naoya froze, his gaze lowered.
Instinctively, he reached for his throbbing cheek with one hand as the other wiped briefly over his busted upper lip. To have his father approach him physically like this didn't even register as a surprise. Despite his title as the Zenin CEO, Naoya continued to be scolded, lectured, and outright ignored because, in his father's words, he 'never seemed to get anything right.'
Even now, the older man found no hesitation in cursing out his only child.
"You fucking son of a whore! Want to explain why your affair with Toji's ex-wife is all over Japanese media?!"
Slowly, Naoya lifted his eyes from the floor. He had suspected that this would be the topic of discussion. In the last hour, Naoya saw his name plastered over tabloid pages, news websites, and social media feeds as an anonymous whistleblower tipped publishers in regards to his scandalous affair with Mari—and the millions Naoya spent to hide it. Evidence ranging from supposedly long-gone paparazzi photos to screenshots of money transfers circulated quickly with the internet.
Naturally, Naoya had seen the headlines too...
'Zenin Corporation CEO Exposed for Concealing Affair with Predecessor's Ex-Wife' 'Everything to Know About the Zenin Household's Uncovered Drama in Family, Business, and Love' 'Billionaire Naoya Zenin Entangled in Cheating Scandal, Accused of Bribing Press to Silence Coverage'
...and the comments:
'That’s why you can’t trust rich people. They never have any shame.' 'His wife and company deserve better.' 'Disappointed that this is the scumbag leading our country's largest company.' 'The Board should fire him.’
Now, that last comment struck a very particular chord, especially since the Chairman of that very Board stood before him.
Naoya clenched his hands, yet he stood mute. With every wrong move certain to cost him far too much in return, he was completely powerless in front of the family patriarch and, as a result, his first logical reaction was to defend himself.
"I do not have the evidence yet, but I am certain Toji had planned this, Father. Him, and also Sukuna, Geto, and Choso. All four leaked these details because they didn’t want to see your son succeed. I will resolve this. I am going to call Toji immediately and—“
"You're right," Naobito interrupted coldly. "If Toji had still been CEO today, he would've made sure that none of this bullshit would’ve happened.”
Naoya widened his eyes in bewilderment, not anticipating his father to twist his logic like that. He already received a literal slap across his face, but to realize that Naobito still compared him to his older cousin all these months later drove him insane!
"No, Father. What I meant was—"
"Oh, there is no need to correct me. I know what you meant," Naobito tested in a low voice. "What I gathered from this conversation is that I have given you a million chances in life, and you know what? You blew every single one of them. You're an asshole, you're a cheater, and you're a complete humiliation. I can always count on you to paint me as a failed father."
With the bitter staring contest between father and son, the latter boiled internally listening to the insults from the man who sired him. For the ruthless Naobito Zenin, Naoya meant no value as an heir without the ability to achieve his high standards. 
"Some twisted brain you have for sleeping with your cousin's ex-spouse,” Naobito then chided, yet amusement remained absent in his tone. “Was that the low-class tramp I saw in the photos with you on the private jet the other day?"
The blonde kept his mouth shut.
But his father wanted an answer. "Well?!"
Suck it in, Naoya. That's all you can do now. "Yes."
What a sight, to see how someone blazing as a furious flame then erupt into a violent volcano. Naobito grabbed his son's collar, pulling him forward and shoving him against the wall. His fists shook as he sought the other's gaze.
"You're fucking married, you realize that?!" he snarled.
"I do! Which is why I have cut Mari from my life! I don't talk to that woman anymore."
Unimpressed, Naobito tugged forcefully at Naoya's shirt again. "I am truly astonished by what an idiot you are. Your answer doesn't change shit." He tightened his grip and did not care that his son wrapped both hands around his wrist to prevent himself from choking. "Let me tell you something, boy. I did everything—everything—to convince our Chief Operating Officer to let his treasured daughter marry you, you despicable bastard. He didn't want to hand the girl over because he knew—oh, that man is wise!—he knew that the union mainly served as a tactic to improve your public image and that there was little obvious benefit for his child. Power and money did not interest him when compared to his daughter, so the one promise I made is that you would love her," and he roared, "so, what the hell have you done?!"
Naoya had heard his father’s warnings countless times, yet he previously brushed each one aside with an ambivalence he now acknowledged as foolish. Unlike before, the threat to his hard-earned position suddenly became very, verypalpable. He grappled with a strange fear, unable to pinpoint what precisely unsettled him the most. The scorn from a world that no longer saw him as an honest businessman? The sneers from relatives with an undeniable reason to mock him? Or perhaps the fury from his draconian father, whose disappointment cut deeper than any public disgrace?
"I—" Naoya's choked voice resembled a croak. He could hardly breathe. "I apologize. This entire situation...this got out of my control."
Alongside his callous disregard for his son’s feelings, the Zenin patriarch even scoffed.
"This isn’t about getting out of your control, boy. This is about your complete lack of judgment. In fact, Daisuke called me when he saw the headlines, and you know what he told me?" and he had to refrain from flinging his son onto the ground before he continued, "That Y/N's been staying in her family residence again because she is going to leave you!"
Naoya held his next breath. Fuck, he knows. Naoya intended to keep his recent arguments with you a secret, hoping to resolve the situation first. However, since your father snitched...lying would be a dangerous move.
"I have not seen Y/N in a week because we've had a few fights." Naoya did not dare admit the details about how you two became arguing spectacles, first in his cousins' presence and later on at the café. "Just...marriage quarrels. We will get over—"
“She would be a moron to stay married to you,” Naobito cut off. "Y/N and your unborn child deserve more than to have a public disgrace like you in the household."
Right. Had he not been reminded, Naoya would've forgotten that he had lied to his father about your pregnancy, too. His hands grew clammy where they still seized his father’s wrist.
“There"—a cough—"there is no child,” Naoya blurted out, determining to rip all bandaids off in one go.
Naturally, his father became perplexed.
“Excuse me?” His hold loosened just enough for Naoya to gasp properly for his next breath.
“Y/N is not pregnant,” Naoya repeated, his voice hollow with resignation. “During our last family dinner, I only said that because I wanted to please you.”
The older Zenin became still, appalled by the younger one's bravery to say those words. For a moment, Naoya braced himself for another physical blow before his father released him, shoving Naoya backward such that he stumbled.
“If you weren’t so disappointing, there would be no need for you to lie to me,” Naobito pointed out coldly. "Not only to me, but also your wife, your colleagues, and your shareholders on matters about your family, your marriage, or your commitment to the company. If Toji had not brought this to the media's attention, how much longer would you have manipulated the truth for your benefit?"
There he went again.
"I don't understand," Naoya protested, unable to contain his frustration any longer. "Toji doesn't belong in this family anymore! Why do you keep talking about him? Father, you forced him to leave earlier this year, citing his threat to our family and company's reputation."
"You're the one to talk!" Naobito shot back. "At least Toji has the brain that you utterly lack." Before the younger man could react, the Chairman had already turned on his heel. "I have made my decision."
His decision?
A confused Naoya watched his father head for the exit.
"Wait, Father...!"
"Enough!" The infuriated man raised a hand right as he neared the door, a warning for him to not speak further. "Our discussion has concluded. Effective immediately, Toji Fushiguro has been re-instated as the Zenin Heir and CEO."
Instantly, Naoya slumped forward in disbelief.
Even as the older man disappeared, the room appeared to spin dangerously. Toji Fushiguro...re-instated? As the heir and CEO?
Naobito Zenin could never make up his mind, now could he? In Naoya's head, this must be some cruel joke.
Ever since he comprehended his ability to bend fate to his will, he had promised himself to fight tooth and nail to defend the (very rightful!) position that he worked hard to earn. He had disposed of his cousin through slander, he had to put up with shitty corporate politics, and, hell, he had to even marry you!
Some may label Naoya's current negative publicity as irredeemable, but he held hope the situation would normalize once the steam blew over.
With these thoughts in mind, Naoya regained his balance and rushed out as well. "Father!"
However, by the time he reached beyond the doors, Naobito Zenin was no longer there. Even his secretary could not be found as, instead, two imposing figures stood by the desk where his assistant should be. Naoya didn't recognize them. The men were tall and well-built, their muscled arms and thighs visible despite the fabric that covered their tattooed skin.
"Nice to meet you," one started after the long silence. "I am Eso and this is my younger brother Kechizu."
A stumped Naoya frowned.
"May...I help you?"
"No," the other answered nonchalantly, "because we are here to knock you out."
And Naoya's vision went dark.
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last chapter || next chapter
end notes: Note that Eso and Kechizu are Choso's younger brothers in JJK. (Both are not completely human in canonverse, but we shall suspend beliefs.) Also, I cannot explain the satisfaction as I wrote about Naoya and his mistress finally getting wrecked! Talk about justice being served! There were many ways these scenes could have played out, but I strategically chose Tsumiki and Naobito as the agents in the discussions. Freed from corporate America handcuffs, I plan to post again soon. Love you all!
taglist: @dissociatingdiva @httpsplanetmarsdotcom @nemoyr @huangfairy @shadowarchon @203steph @agentdedf1sh @cloudybabes @lynn-writes-things @illicitwriter @7oji @kikuchimi @chaoticjojofan @musicisme333 @kumocchin @s-guru @mwahilovemylife @hey-gurls69 @cloudsinthecosmos @moon-mumu-moon @kazscara @skilerfrostfairy @funicidals @nico707 @proteovaldez @tsukiyohanayome @marimoares @qirbys @puffaloxx @sakanoshitaa @arizzuruu @kissditrio @lewd-bunny14 @mistyheart @szired @supsii @yvy1s @lazyassfinals @katkbc @tokyometronetwork @downtown-roponggi @the-cosmos-network
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Sparkling Scarlet Masterlist
Started: 12/26/2022
Last Updated: 7/05/2023
Chapters: 30/30
Word Count: 107,843
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Ao3: @hopelesslygaystuff
This series is now complete!
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Photo Cred: Me
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ᗢ ~ Chapter 1-3 ~ ᗢ
summary: Y/n is part of the avengers, but her whole world changes when she is sent away for special training with the infamous Scarlet Witch. She focuses on the mission, but doesn't expect to fall in love on the way. word count: ~ 4.3k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 4 ~ ᗢ
summary: Mary goes bye-bye and Y/n gay panics. word count: ~ 1.6k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 5 ~ ᗢ
summary: Y/n goes home with Wanda and enjoys the rest of the party. word count: ~ 1.3k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 6 ~ ᗢ
summary: They arrive at Wanda's and then it's sleepy time. word count: ~ 1.2k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 7 ~ ᗢ
summary: Wanda and Y/n discuss the interview process and eat breakfast. Y/n is a gay mess. word count: ~ 1.3k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 8 ~ ᗢ
summary: The first interview! Also hella gay panic from Y/n. word count: ~ 3.1k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 9 ~ ᗢ
summary: Second interview and confession of feelings. word count: ~ 2.6k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 10 ~ ᗢ
summary: First kiss! word count: ~ 1.7k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 11 ~ ᗢ
summary: Sex, but it's gentle. word count: ~ 3.6k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 12 ~ ᗢ
summary: They discuss some rules and boundaries. word count: ~ 1.8k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 13 ~ ᗢ
summary: Y/n goes to class. word count: ~ 3.3k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 14 ~ ᗢ
summary: Wanda is horny for Y/n, and punishes her. word count: ~ 3.1k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 15 ~ ᗢ
summary: More sex, just pure sex. Utter filth. word count: ~ 5.7k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 16 ~ ᗢ
summary: Sex, Wanda gets frisky in an elevator. word count: ~ 3.7k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 17 ~ ᗢ
summary: They go shopping! And then they fuck in a dressing room cause they're both horny for each other. word count: ~ 2.5k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 18 ~ ᗢ
summary: Morning sex, they go to Wanda's mystery event and Y/n makes a new friend! Then, she battles her insecurities on a rooftop. word count: ~ 5.9k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 19 ~ ᗢ
summary: Y/n gets mad at Wanda, talks with her about her insecurities, and they have very gentle sex. word count: ~ 3.8k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 20 ~ ᗢ
summary: Y/n gets in trouble cause she's a rule breaker, they have surprise guests for dinner, and Y/n gets punished. word count: ~ 4.7k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 21 ~ ᗢ
summary: Y/n struggles with her growing feelings for Wanda, attends a party, and ends the night in an unexpected way. word count: ~ 4.2k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 22 ~ ᗢ
summary: Wanda talks with y/n about her past. word count: ~ 3.8k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 23 ~ ᗢ
summary: Filthy smut, like downright nasty. You should probably go to church after reading this. word count: ~ 4.9k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 24 ~ ᗢ
summary: Y/n gets a phone call and a package and deals with her fears. Then, a big confession of feelings!! word count: ~ 4.5k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 25 ~ ᗢ
summary: Wanda and Y/n have a surprise guest! Y/n gets hella jealous and Wanda just wants everyone to get along. word count: ~ 6.1k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 26 ~ ᗢ
summary: Part two of Y/n's punishment and then it gets sad and they have sex. word count: ~ 5k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 27 ~ ᗢ
summary: Y/n gets a surprise and then things get very sad when she has to leave. word count: ~ 4.2k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 28 ~ ᗢ
summary: Y/n arrives back at the compound. Then, part one of the mission. word count: ~ 6.4k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 29 ~ ᗢ
summary: Mission part two. word count: ~ 4k+
ᗢ ~ Chapter 30 ~ ᗢ
summary: The team debriefs, Wanda and Y/n have a much needed talk, and then they fuck!! word count: ~ 5.2k+
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All work is my own. None of the content on this blog is yours to translate, steal, or repost on any platform.
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cressthebest · 29 days
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 44
chapter 67:
1. jfc remus (how is he that strong)
2. god, can’t our side have one fucking win? all these people captured. including my remus
3. “"She started the war for me, and she'll end it for me, too."” GOD i love lesbians
5. 😦
6. marlene?? i-
7. i’m still in shock
8. okay i have my bearings. this is why the post is two days after the last one lol. anyways, i’m actually pissed that she didn’t get to die a big dramatic or memorable death. she didn’t do anything. it was just a landmine. and she’s dead. and i get it, i really do. war isn’t always big heroic deaths. it’s also this. where one moment, you’re planning to propose to your partner and laughing with your freind, and half a second later, you’re blown to bits. but genuinely, her death fucked me up. i knew it was coming, but not like this. holy shit, not like this
anyways, the first thing i did after i read that bit was text my freind. and first thing they did was call me. i sent in bold “IM CRYING” and i get back “why” “MARLENE” bro immediate call. not well. not well at all
9. i continued and read the rest of her death. and her last words being dorcas will forever fuck me up
10. PANDORA????? PANDORA????
12. anyways all i did was call back the freind and say “PANDORA” and that bitch laughed at me. (love them to death) told them to go suck a lemon (they’d never heard that phrase before) and then they made me hang up to finish reading
my poor roommate has heard me call this freind twice (it’s ten o’clock at night)
13. “Horace would need more than just two hands, many more, to count the amount of people who would have gladly put their guns down for Pandora alone.” yeah, me for one
15. james will be devestated beyond belief
16. remus? huh??? he was shot in the head. but. he had a pov. i’m not sure now
17. …dorcas? i was so sure she had a pov
no wait she has a pocket. just checked
18. regulus???
19. um actually albus can fucking keel over. wont save all those other people in the lineup, then hears his brothers name and is willing to sacrifice the war for him. i get it, but alberforth knew this would happen to him
20. huh, damn. and alberforth still gets shot
21. 🚨🚨🚨pandora is safe. holy shit pandora is safe. i repeat pandora is safe 🚨🚨🚨
22. and fleamont and suddenly that all made sense
23. “”You forgot to count your bullets."” do i hate snape? yeah. but that’s fucking iconic
24. “Riddle lost the moment those doors burst open and two of Euphemia's someday son-in-laws moved into the room with Dorcas Meadowes one step ahead of them.” lmao freaking iconic. more historically important than trump getting shot
25. effie stopping to mourn barty gave me chills
26. NO FLEAMONT!!!! i’m getting fucking whiplash from this
27. effie having such a short pov but still so much emotion and character is shown in her love for fleamont
28. yall remus, regulus, and dorcas are fucking insane.
and i’m so here for it
29. “For all those years Sirius was taken away from him, Regulus breaks Riddle's fingers. Ten years, ten fingers.
For what Riddle took from James, Regulus takes his eyes. This is a difficult task. Regulus has never removed someone's eyes before. It's messy, and it takes the combined efforts of Remus and Dorcas to keep Riddle from flopping right out of his chair.”
mom pick me up i’m scared
30. “There are no good people in war, and now Dorcas thinks there are no good people out of it—certainly not her, because she would gladly go back into it just to have Marlene again.”
going feral over this actually. i’m unwell. i’m so freaking feral over this omg
31. reading authors notes and finding out that monty was author’s prim is actually making me go fucking insane
32. 😀 hi i’m unwell
(anyways side note, uhhh chapter was fucking insane but also like if y’all are reading this fic or this post, just know that there is no anger or resentment towards the author. he wrote this for himself and shared it with us. it’s a masterpiece and we RESPECT people. so yeah, this is the story he wanted to tell, so he wrote it for himself. just ya know, so yall remember)
[also don’t sell fics 😊 i will hunt you down]
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obsessivestar · 2 days
'What If It's All A RomCom?' - a Ted Nivison x Reader
{{-Hello yes am alive ♡. Givin' ya a smaller chapter today as a sort of warm-up but next one will be a lil' bigger. This one has more exposition tho so I hope you still enjoy ♡. This fic will either have about 25 chapters in total or maybe 30 if I can think of more to add. For now though, enjoy Chapter 11 ♡ Love ya-}}
//General Warnings: 18+ Fic (MINORS DNI), Reader is implied to afab and under 5'5.
Chapter Warnings: Thoughts bout last night, Chuckle Sandwhich mention! Exposition lololol\\
Word Count: 2.7k (lil baby)
@k-k0129 & @callsign-scully
☆ Love ya to death! ☆
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Chapter 11: Two Weeks Remaining
I wake up to the sound of my own alarm going off this time, letting out a little groan as I smack my hand over to my phone to turn the alarm off. I turn onto my back and open my eyes, using my other hand to feel the other side of the bed. All I feel are my sheets. I turn to look, furrowing my brows a little. Ted isn't there. I take a deep breath, sit up more in the bed and attempt to stretch my legs out.
"Ooh--" I breath out when my legs start shaking like crazy, specifically when I bend my knees closer to my chest. I lay them flat on the bed, blushing to myself. Christ, that's worse than the first time. I know he pushed my limits a little last night, but I didn't think my legs would still be feeling like jello after a good night's rest. I hear the sound of my doorknob turning quietly and the door slowly opens. Ted is in a comfy but old looking white hoodie and some baggy slacks, holding a whole tray of food. He looked like he was really trying to be quiet. It was cute, but he noticed me as he was stepping in.
"Awe. Fuck. I didn't make it in time.." Ted frowns playfully, closing my bedroom door behind him. "I was gonna surprise you.."
It was a relief that he didn't just leave after last night. I didn't think he would, but waking up alone got me worried for a second.
"I'm very surprised.." I smile at him, angling my pillow up so I could comfortably lean back. "I only just woke up now, my alarm went off.."
"Yeah, I was trying to beat your alarm. I couldn't turn it off again." Ted admitted with a chuckle, moving to sit next to me with the tray. There were 2 plates on it with some eggs, toast and breakfast sausage, freshly cooked. It smelled delicious.
"Did...you make us this?..." I ask him, pointing down at the plates. I couldn't stop smiling, this was so sweet of him to do.
"Okay asshole, at least pretend you believed I was capable of cooking!" Ted laughs a little, nodding at me. "Yes, I made this!"
"No, it's not--" a grin spreads along my cheeks and I start laughing as well, shaking my head and waving my hands in front of me a little. "It's not that! I'm not ragging on you, I promise!"
"Y'know how expensive sausage is now adays?" Ted jokes, playfully nudging my shoulder. "You're being spoiled, princess. Don't mock me."
"I'm not! I'm not!.." I continue to shake my head, trying to calm myself down from my laughing fit. "I'm flattered! I'm not mocking you!.."
"You should be flattered! I burnt the first batch I made, this was my second attempt!" Ted chuckles with a big smile, using his fork to pick up a piece of breakfast sausage from his plate, taking a bite with a content hum. I smile warmly at him, taking my own cutlery into my hands to start working at the cooked eggs. So, Ted's an aftercare kind of guy. Good to know, I kinda needed it.
"When I woke up and you weren't here, I...kinda thought..." I pause to take another bite of my eggs, smiling more to myself. They tasted delicious. I could tell he had sprinkled in a bit of pepper before he cooked them. I do that too.
"Again? You still think I'm gonna fuck off after...fucking, I guess?" Ted raises a brow with a slight scoff, taking a bite of some of his toast. "I'm tellin' ya babe; I told you last night. I'm not goin' anywhere. I'm stayin'."
"Babe?" I repeated with a cutsey smile, shrugging my shoulders in a bashful manner as I take a bite of my own toast. "Is that what I am now? Your babe?"
"Yeah. As long as the sex stays this good.." Ted jokes with a confident chuckle. He reaches over to my face, carefully wiping some crumbs off my cheek. "I mean, we already gave each other pet names. That's what people do when they're together, right?"
"Do they?" I tilt my head at him, letting him wipe my cheek. "Is that what we are?"
"Yeah. Aren't we?"
"Are you making that decision now?"
"I'm not makin' a decision, I'm stating what I feel is out there."
"'What you feel is out there'." I repeated to Ted.
"Yeah." He nods simply. "It's been out there, right?"
"So you feel like...we're together."
"Yeah. Aren't we?"
"I mean, I'd...like to think we are. Do you want to be together?"
"Yeah. I figured we were."
"When did you 'figure we were' together?"
"I don't know, when I stuck my dick in you?? We didn't exactly--"
I completely cut Ted off by erupting into laughter, flinging my head back in shock and awe, having to put my cutlery down as I laugh out. My laughing causes Ted to start laughing, shaking his head and running his fingers through his tall hair. "We didn't exactly ask each other out! We-We got to business! Right? We got down and dirty! Am I wrong? I'm right! I know i'm right!" Ted chuckles out, holding his arms out with a slight shrug. I mean, he had a point. We've told people like Tanner and the others that we're a thing, but we haven't talked about it one on one. I assumed he didn't want to.
"Okay, yeah, well, I figured you wanted to, I don't know, be casual?.." I shrugged, picking at my eggs on my plate.
"With you? No, I want in. I don't do casual." Ted admitted nonchalantly, finishing up one of his pieces of toast. "You're mine for sure."
There was something very validating about hearing him say that. It feels like it's really out there now, we're together. A relationship, I suppose. About damn time.
"Oh, this is perfect, actually." Ted spoke up again with a more upbeat tone, setting his food down for a moment so he could give me his full attention. "After work tonight I'm recording an episode of the podcast I was tellin' you about. You wanna be in it? Meet the boys?"
"Chuckle Sandwhich, right?..." I repeat with a warm smile, shifting my hands into my lap a little. "You want me in an episode?.."
"Sure. You already know most of my other friends. You should meet Schlatt and Tucker." Ted nodded a little at me, his smile turning into a smirk. "Okay, I should clarify though, I'll let them know we're together, but I'm not sure I wanna announce anything about us just yet, is that ok?"
Honestly, I thought I'd be more disappointed to hear that, but I was relatively okay with it. My fandom knew about this project, but they didn't know Ted was going to be involved in it at all, much less be my love interest. Dropping all of this now, especially on a podcast, would be...an odd way to do it. I should probably start taking videos on set to kind of...slow start this. At least for now, his closest friends will know, just like mine.
"Yeah, that's fine." I give Ted a reassuring smile. "Honestly, I feel like they'd find a way to ruin the reveal.."
"Oh I'm already expecting Schlatt to make comments during the episode itself, don't you worry. It's gonna spark rumors no matter what we do." Ted admitted with a shrug. "I just...wanna put a bit more time between this before I make anything public. It'd be weird if I just went 'yeah I met her a week ago, get the fancams ready'."
"I understand. I like the idea, actually.." I giggle a little, playfully shaking my head at him. "They'll make fancams anyways, It can be, like...a little mystery."
"Wow, already thinking about how we can turn this into content, eh?" Ted grins at me with a raised brow, leaning a little closer to me. "Ooh, you're so fucking annoying, it's gonna be hard not to flirt with you.."
"Mmm.." I let out a pleased hum and lean forward to kiss Ted intimately, a little sigh leaving him in the kiss. I was actually looking forward to seeing if any of our fans would say anything. Usually shipping rumors can be annoying, but it's fun when they're right and you're trying to keep it a secret, at least to me. I'll be keeping an eye on who starts guessing if anything's going on. I don't think I'll leave any specific hints or anything, I'll treat Ted as I usually do in front of my own friends.
Ted and I eventually finished our breakfast in bed, talking more about his friends on his podcast and what to expect. I finished my plate first, so I got up to get dress as Ted explained how everything worked. I had the closet door held out so he didn't necessarily watch me change, as much as he wanted to, but I had no issues changing in the same room as him. He's seen me naked twice now. It's whatever.
"You think anyone's gonna ship us right off the bat?" Ted asks as he sets our empty plates on my dresser.
"Honestly, I was thinking about that earlier." I admit with a bashful smile. "I mean, I don't intend to flirt with you or anything, but even Joe saw we had chemistry after one trip to Dunkin'. One trip."
"Yeah, I guess it's bound to happen.." Ted shrugged a little with a smirk. "Schlatt's gonna--ugh, man, he's gonna be the fuckin' worst for it.."
"Why're you so worried about him specifically?" I ask, peeking my head out from behind the closet door with a chuckle.
"Because he's an asshole." Ted joked with a little laugh. "He's gonna make comments either at you or with you."
"With me?"
"Yeah, they've been pickin' on me these last few weeks. If you fuckin' join in, I'll have all 3 of yeah's on my ass. Fuck, if they ship you with Schlatt instead? I'll lose it."
"They're NOT gonna ship me with Schlatt! They ship you two too much!" I laugh out, shaking my head. "But y'know what? Bullying you for an entire hour does sound pretty appealing."
"Maybe, if you're in a hurry to have a repeat of last night."
I smile to myself at his comment, briefly recalling how rough he was. My legs were literally quaking because of him, both last night and this morning. No man has ever made them do that, I didn't even know it could happen. I thought that was a porn thing. "Maybe I am.." I admit after a long pause, stepping away from the closet door now that I was fully clothed. Ted chuckles lowly at me, crossing his arms.
"I'll keep that in mind.."
Ted and I leave my room together, carrying our empty plates as we head downstairs to clock in for the day. Some members of the film crew notice that we came downstairs together, but at this point I couldn't care less what they're thinking. It's not like they'll leak anything, I don't even think any of them know we're YouTubers. We met up with Joe, Tanner and Dan at the kitchen table once more, both of us pulling up a chair, side by side of course. Tanner is fiddling with an old looking Canon model camera. On the table, there were 2 different sized lens that could fit the camera. Tanner looked extremely focused on it, furrowing his brows a little.
"What's he doing?" I ask Joe, leaning back a bit against my seat.
"Fiddling with the camera, I don't know. I know art, not cameras." Joe shrugged a little, looking at Tanner as he messed with the buttons on his camera.
"He's fixing the settings. Today's photoshoot day." Dan answered, picking up one of the long lens'. "It's an EOS R100."
"...what?" I raise a brow, visibly confused.
"It's the type of camera." Ted clarified for me, looking at me with a smirk before turning to Tanner. "Why you messin' with that one, bud?"
"Photoshoot day." Tanner answered simply, glancing up from the camera briefly.
"Oh. I-I thought that was a joke.." Ted held back a chuckle, crossing his arms in front of him. "Why are we having a photoshoot?"
"For the film. Opening night." Tanner answered, setting the camera down after a pause so he could give us a clearer explanation on what we'd be doing today. "Every short film is getting, like, a made up opening night. I have to make posters, teaser images, DVD covers, all that. Joe's helping me with the fonts and CD designs. I thought it'd be cool to use the camera I started the program with for some of the first shoots."
"Oh shit! That's awesome, dude!" I smile brightly at Tanner, sitting forward a bit more in my chair. "So we're gonna have a premiere night? Will there be a red carpet? Should I buy a new dress? Ooh, or maybe I'll wear a suit this time..."
"I'm gonna wear the red suit that didn't fit him.." Joe spoke as well, pointing at Ted. "I'm claiming that."
"I still have no idea how you ordered a suit that's an entirely different size.." Ted pointed back at Joe, shaking his head. "I think you did that on fucking purpose."
"I didn't do it on purpose! I was--it--ok." Joe struggled to get his point out, laughing a little. "I-I was high, I'll give you that."
"You were high ordering the suits?" Dan asked, raising his brows up with a surprised smile.
"I can do math faster when I'm high. I had to add all the prices up for him." Joe chuckles with a little half smile, shrugging his shoulders. All of this was pretty exciting to think about. It was nice to know we'd all get to see the film together at the end of it all, I certainly hope Tanner gets a good final grade for this. We've all put so much into it for him, especially Ted and I, I'd like to think.
"Are you, like, renting out a theater or something?" Ted asked, uncrossing his arms to rest his hands on his lap. "Can you afford that?"
"Ok, well, it's all going through the college, so it's not gonna be a big thing.." Tanner admitted with a little chuckle, holding his hands out somewhat. "I think the only thing we'll have to personally pay for is your tickets."
"Okay, but will there be a red carpet?" I ask again, resting both of my hands on the table.
"I will--" Tanner pauses to laugh a little. "I will make sure there is a red carpet."
"YES!" I raise my arms up with an excited laugh, hearing everyone begin to laugh and talk over each other about the premiere. I've never walked a red carpet before, I'm not really that famous just yet. Even with this being a small college thing, the more we talked about it, the more excited I became. As we all got up to get to work, we discussed more about the premiere. It'd be taking place In Sacramento, where Tanner lived. I'd probably be sticking around with him for the premiere before I'd be going home to Washington. It'll be bittersweet to have to split up, but we're not all super far from each other. Ted lives right here in L.A., I'm in Washington, Tanner's in Sacremento until he's done school, then he's moving back up to Vancouver where Joe and Dan actually live.
Now that I think about it, after this is all over, Ted will be the furthest away...
No, I don't want to think about that now. The premiere won't be happening for another month. I'll have plenty of time with Ted until then. I don't want to think too far ahead, I'll just make myself upset. I have another 2 weeks with him, then we'll have a whole premiere to goto together. We can figure it out from there.
I want these next few weeks to be stress free. I want to enjoy this time with some of my best friends, especially with Ted.
Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 (smut) || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 || Chapter 10 (smut) ||
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thecreaturecodex · 5 months
Redback Gorger
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Image by Johnny Duddle, © Simon and Schuster
[Sponsored by @glarnboudin. An Awfully Beastly Business is a series of chapter books for young readers, set at a nature reserve for monsters. I read the first of them, and it was okay I guess. I'm definitely not in the target audience for them, but likewise if I was eight to ten when they came out, I could see myself having fixated on them. The redback is the cover monster of the second book, Sea Monsters and Other Delicacies, in which the villains hope to use it as the centerpiece of a seafood feast of exotic monsters. In order to avoid giving the redback just an adjective name, I resorted to the "adjective verber" formula beloved of Magic the Gathering and 4e D&D.]
Redback Gorger CR 17 N Magical Beast This creature resembles an octopus with the face of a frogfish. It has a craggy exoskeleton covering its body, studded with red plates along its back. It has eight tentacles, each of which is as thick as a tree trunk and lined with suckers that ooze a black resin. Growing from its head is a very long, flexible appendage ending in an eyeless blue snake’s head.
Redback gorgers are among the rarest of sea monsters—rarely is there more than one adult per ocean basin on any given planet. They are long-lived ambush predators—they spend most of their time resting or slowly swimming along the abyssal plains, then move higher into the water column to hunt. Although their jaws and tentacles are strong, they prefer to incapacitate their prey by injecting it with a super-cooled venom, carried in the fangs of their false head. The false head can smell, hear and sense heat, and can strike around cover. The redback gorger feeds primarily on large fish and small whales, which it paralyzes with its venom and then swallows without a struggle.
Despite their massive territorial requirements and rarity, redback gorgers can communicate through infrasound vocalization, similarly to whales and elephants, and use this to demarcate territorial boundaries and determine fertility status. Redbacks mate only once or twice in their long lives, but produce around a million tiny planktonic eggs during each mating event. The vast majority of larval redbacks are eaten while still tiny and planktonic.  On the rare occasions a redback gorger appears on the surface, it may probe its surroundings with this false head, giving the impression that a sea serpent or plesiosaur lurks below the surface instead of a much more dangerous predator. They can survive on land for brief periods, but only emerge onto land as an act of desperation.
Redback Gorger              CR 17 XP 102,400 N Gargantuan magical beast (aquatic) Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +18, tremorsense 60 ft.
Defense AC 32, touch 9, flat-footed 29 (-4 size, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +23 natural) hp 283 (21d10+168) Fort +20, Ref +14, Will +14 DR 10/magic; Resist cold 20,electricity 20, fire 20; SR 28 Defensive Abilities deep dweller, fortification (50%)
Offense Speed 30 ft., swim 50 ft. Melee bite +27 (2d8+10 plus grab), sting +27 (2d6+10/19-20 plus poison), 8 tentacles +25 (1d8+5) Space 20 ft.; Reach 15 ft. (30 ft. with sting) Special Attacks critical envenomation, swallow whole (AC 23, 28 hp, 4d6+16 bludgeoning)
Statistics Str 30, Dex 15, Con 27, Int 2, Wis 20, Cha 16 Base Atk +21; CMB +39 (+43 grapple); CMD 62 Feats Blind Fight, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus,Dodge, Improved Critical (sting), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Mobility, Multiattack, Power Attack, Spring Attack Skills Climb +15, Perception +18, Stealth +0 (+12 underwater), Swim +23; Racial Modifiers +12 Stealth underwater SQ water dependency
Ecology Environment any ocean Organization solitary or pair Treasure none
Special Abilities Critical Envenomation (Ex) If a redback gorger succeeds on a critical hit with its sting attack, it injects two doses of its poison simultaneously. Deep Dweller (Ex) A redback gorger is immune to cold and pressure damage due to water depth, and can move vertically through the water column without penalty. False Head (Ex) A redback gorger’s sting attack can move around obstacles, allowing it to ignore any cover except for full cover. Poison (Ex) Sting—injury; save Fort DC 28; duration 4 rounds; effect 4d6 cold damage and 1d6 Dex drain; cure 2 saves. Tentacles (Ex) A redback gorger’s tentacles are treated as a single secondary attack.
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burninlovebutler · 2 years
~🚧i know this is messy rn pls ignore it is under construction 🚧~
-> Welcome to my Blog Introduction
ao3 - BurninLove
Wattpad - FaultInMyCodes
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-> Worship (Secret Santa)* - Possessive-Obsessive!Austin x Fem!Reader
-> Candy Hearts ♡ (vday)* - Sub!Austin x DomFem!Reader
-> Camp Counselors - Pt. 1 + Pt. 2 - Austin x Fem!reader
-> Talkshow Host!Austin Headcanons
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Bikeriders Asshole!Austin x Makeup Artist!Reader
-> Pt. 1 *
-> Pt. 2*
-> Pt. 3*
-> Pt. 4.1 *
**last updated; 04.30.23**
-> Pt. 4.2 [coming soon]
-> Pt. 5 [coming soon]
Just an Intern Spotify Playlist ⛓️🖤
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𝙸 𝚙𝚞𝚕𝚕 𝚊𝚝 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚝𝚛𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚘𝚕𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚞𝚣𝚣𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝙻𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚢 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚜𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑 𝚑𝚎'𝚕𝚕 𝚍𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚐𝚘
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Themes: friends to lovers, SLOW burn, ANGST, eventual smut, Austin x fem!oc, midsize oc, sad boi/addict aus, fluffy, semi-AU (indie actor austin)
Summary/Intro: Best friends since college, Austin and Elsie are each other's safety nets. Austin has secrets only Elsie knows, and Elsie has too many closet skeletons for Austin to count.
Austin battles internal demons since the death of his father, which caused a switch to flip that would change him forever. His father’s death happened 4 years ago but it still haunts him – in his mind and in little pills.
Elsie has a weakness for wicked, vile, abusive men. Her boyfriend, Nox, is the latest culprit. And Austin can’t fucking stand him.  
Between trying to rescue each other and struggling to save themselves, is there something lying underneath?
18+ as this contains both smut & mature sensitive topics. Please check TWs for each chapter. General overarching warnings at the bottom of this post.
Since this is slow burn-ish so some themes/smut do not show up until later
Chapters containing smut that have * by their name
Forever Winter Spotify Playlist ❄️💞
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FW Chapters:
01 - Has He Texted You?
02 - Dependency
03 - The Close Call Clause
04 - Not The First Time
05 - Fix-It Pancakes
06 - Cold Showers
07 - Giving In
08 - Of Course I Do
09 - Thanksgiving Pt. 1
10 - Thanksgiving Pt. 2
11 - Winter Break
12 - Truth or Dare
13 - Dressing Room Games
14 - Hot or Cold? *
15 - No Touching **
16 - When The Night Ends
17 - Do Not Disturb
18 - Nothing There
19 - Not Even For A Second
20 - I Know You’re Lying
21 - Blue M&Ms
22 - Christmas - Pt. 1 - (ft. The Grinch)
23 - Christmas - Pt. 2 - Comeback Special**
24 - Ski Slopes**
25 - New Years Eve (Pt. 1) - Til You Come Back for More*
26 - New Years (Pt. 2) - Say It Again**
27 - The First Close Call
28 - Temporary Fix*
29 - Be My Mistake*
30 - It's Not Living (If It's Not With You)
31 - Mr. Percocet
32 - [TBA - coming soon]
**last updated 05.31.23**
[more chapters to be announced lol]
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Author’s Notes:
Each chapter will contain a related song suggestion and matching lyrics. I highly recommend listening to each song as they beautifully mesh with the themes of each individual chapter.
Austin/Elvis yanked me from fanfic retirement so when I started writing FW, I fell in love with the characters & the storyline. I’m posting here so that maybe others can fall in love with them too.
I haven’t written in a while so sorry if it’s a little rusty, especially in the first couple chapters.
This post ended up being really long so sorry if it was a lot, thank you if you made it this far.
I hope you love it, please let me know if you do.
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kquil · 8 months
i have a series that i've been planning on and off for the past year or so and i've finally got the first chapter written. being my perfectionist self, i feel as though i need to keep planning some more things but there's a part of me that really wants to just get started and, sort of, force myself to begin or else i'll never get the series written since there isn't that sense of urgency or encouragement to keep going when i have other things to do
the series is called: Divorcing Orion Black
it'll be my take on a Harry Potter fix-it-fic set in the marauder's era where reader is transferred into the Harry Potter universe and forced to replace Walburga Black, her main aim is to give sirius and regulus a better life by being a better mother than Walburga ever was. But, it's never easy considering the limited knowledge people have on the marauders era and because... the true Walburga never really...left?
the focus will be on platonic relationships as well as all the comfort and fluff in the world considering how dark and sad and angsty the marauders era characters' destiny ended up being
potential series summary : You just got transferred into the world of Harry Potter and you've been put into the shoes of Walburga Black. Splendid… You need to escape this toxic family so your first order of business is divorce AND YOU'RE DEFINITELY TAKING THE KIDS!
tags : son sirius black/mother reader ; son regulus black/mother reader ; isekai au/transfering worlds au ; walburga black is evil ; not reader though hehe~ ; hurt/comfort ; fluff ; platonic fluff ; second chances ; reader basically adopts remus, barty crouch jr and peter pettigrew ; peter pettigrew redemption arc? ; but he never betrays the marauders in the first place so... ; remus gets a better life ; reader becomes a semi-political figure to help werewolves + house elves ; reader assumes a male alias ; alternating chapters from different povs directly effected by reader's actions ; reader is a powerful independent business woman and single mother ; reader is a milf ; reader secretly hates dumbledore ; reader hates orion black ; reader hates JKR (we all do) ; divorce ; mentions of child abuse (physical and mental and emotional) ; mentions of neglect ; angry reader ; canon jily ; mentions of wolfstar ; regulus being a precious baby ; sirius has his moments too ; reader being a powerful trio with minerva and pomfrey ; reader potentially adopting the black sisters (bellatrix, andromeda and narcissa) ; reader adopts everyone! ; there'll be ocs ; reader leaves to live her dream cottagecore life ; happy ending! ; i'll add more tags in the future
fair warning ; this series is not gonna be canon compliant, naturally, reader will make sure of that haha!
i predict that the series will be around 25 to 30 chapters long? maybe more?
if i post the series now, i'll aim to post a new chapter per month, on the first day of every month
if i post the series next year/2026, i'll try to make sure i'm able to post twice per month (one chapter per two weeks)
taglist : @melinajenkins @aastonishment @until-i-found-you @corp0real @celestcies @lovelydoveval @inlovewithremusjohnlupin @calums-betch @futurecorps3 @hihihi1112 @simpingforthe80s @yrluvjane @chaosofmanyfandoms @storyofaromance @loving-and-dreaming @somewereinthegalaxi @ashreblogsficshere @cassandra-nerezza-black @stray-bi-kids @ttkttt @notasadgirlipromise @desikudisworld @volturissideslut @arilxup88 @ghostgardn @rosalyn-s @seungtelevision @raevyng @rosaleenablack @samanddeansannoyingsis @marina468 @mess-is-my-aesthetic @zesnuts
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ausetkmt · 3 months
click the title link to DOWNLOAD This Book for FREE from THE BLACK TRUEBRARY
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Would you like to find a way into the lost world and forgotten art of Hoodoo Rootwork and Conjure?
Are you looking for a modern guide on traditional African-American folk magic to cast powerful spells, craft conjuring oils and mojo bags, and build mighty altars to guarantee positive outcomes in your love life and professional endeavors?
Hoodoo was born out of sorrow and desperation, as a weapon and a defense, from the faith and resilience of the African slaves that adapted their religious tradition to the treacherous New World. As the world changed, Hoodoo adapted incorporating Native American herbal healing traditions and European religions and magical traditions, building a syncretic powerful folk magic system that works!
First prohibited, then ridiculed and commodified, Hoodoo has always been shrouded in secrecy and passed on quietly from generation to generation for fear of reprisal, contempt, and abuse and to this day is hard to find reputable sources on conjure and Rootwork. But don’t be discouraged!
I am proud to present The Hoodoo Bible: The 7-in-1 Root Doctor’s Companion to Black Folk Magic: an in-depth, all-encompassing, powerful 7-books-in-1 bundle that has recorded our rich heritage of herbal magic, traditional rootwork, and divination practices.
More exhaustive than any other book on the market, thoroughly researched and written with ease of use in mind, The Hoodoo Bible will accompany you through the spiritual path that our ancestors have beaten for us to explore the potent and practical magic of Hoodoo to claim justice, invoke protection, and find love, luck, and success.
With over 1000 authentic Hoodoo workings, these seven volumes will bring Hoodoo alive to budding rootworkers and adept practitioners alike:
The first volume will explore the history, culture, principles, fundamentals, and ethics of Hoodoo, giving you the theoretical groundwork you need to master the craft.
With the second volume the fun really begins! This practical how-to Hoodoo guide for beginners has everything you need to start practicing Rootwork and Conjure.
By the end of the third volume, you can start to call yourself a Root Doctor. With 275+ magical herbs, roots, spices, and curios, this book will help you craft powerful conjuring oils, spiritual baths and floor washes, magical teas and tonics, herb bundles and garlands to accomplish amazingly mighty Rootwork.
In the fourth volume you will find 30+ money spells, 25+ love spells, fertility spells, healing spells, and justice spells, with easy step-by-step instructions including a special chapter on inscribed spells and a complete guide on crossroads spells.
The fifth volumedelves into advanced spellcasting and conjure, teaching you how to conjure spirits, protect your home, banish your enemies, get revenge, and lay sneaky tricks. It includes a special chapter on graveyard spells and foot track magic.
In the sixth volumeyou will explore Hoodoo divination with step-by-step techniques for bone throwing, dice casting, and Hoodoo tarot. With a special chapter on dream divination and omens.
The seventh and last volume explores candle magic. This complete guide will teach you how to build an altar and use the magic of fire and the psalms to achieve your goals, be it money, success, luck, or love.
Applying Hoodoo magic to everyday life will help you achieve your goals in your private and professional life and along the way you will discover that working the roots has also sharpened your intuition, enriched your life, and prepared you for whatever may come your way.
So are you ready to discover the lost world and forgotten art of Hoodoo Rootwork and Conjure?
click the title link to DOWNLOAD This Book for FREE from THE BLACK TRUEBRARY
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jiminjamms · 2 years
sex therapy :: 14. sucker for pain
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chapter tags/warnings: misogynistic! naoya. pet names ("bimbo"). dirty talking. nonconsenual undertones. infidelity/adultery. strong language. humiliation. classism.
word count: 3.8k
notes: i published this story for the first time in october 2021 on wattpad, and i'm so thankful for and overwhelmed by the support and love that sex therapy has received over the past year. thank you for watching me and my story grow. xoxo
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fic masterlist | 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.
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Eat. Sleep. Fuck. Repeat.
This would be the mantra Naoya would live by tonight.
The little date he was taking you on was merely a prequel to the chain of bedroom events he had schemed for the evening. Because warming up first was important, no?
As a wonderful husband, Naoya took his precious wife out to dinner at Shibuya’s Cé La Vi, a top-floor restaurant that may not be as vertigo-inducing as its famous Marina Bay Sands counterpart in Singapore, but offered a menu and skyline views second to none.
He had even requested an outdoor table under the fairy lights for the romantic atmosphere, where both the amber hues and soft jazz washed the vicinity with warmth and peace. Exactly what Naoya also needed after his last twenty hours filled with hurried negotiations with publishers, a long flight back to Tokyo, and many private lectures from his outraged father.
At least that was all done now.
Sighing, Naoya gestured at a nearby waiter, who disappeared and returned with a glass of expensive tequila several minutes later. Eight in the evening might be far too early for Naoya to down his third shot of Don Julio, but he needed to reward himself for completing a hectic itinerary without a wink of shuteye in between.
With the drink, he quietly soaked in the low hum of chatter that mingled with the gentle clinking of cutlery. The ambiance was so miraculous that Naoya didn’t know why he hadn’t taken you here earlier.
Now that he thought about it, when was the last time he had taken you out on a proper date anyway?
Oh, when he took you out two weeks ago to skydive in…
No, wait that was with Mari.
He was only two and a half glasses in, but the liquor was already messing with his memory.
So when…?
“We haven’t done anything like this in a long, long while,” you commented when you must have noted his extended silence at the dinner table, although Naoya found it quite funny that you seemingly read his thoughts instead.
He swirled the liquor in his glass but decided against another sip. “You think so?” he asked as harmlessly as possible. “When was the last time?”
Cutting into a scallop on your plate, you bit your inner cheek. “Our…honeymoon.”
Holy crap, that Caribbean trip was months ago. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah,” you deadpanned.
Okay, he might have thought a lot more about spending time with his mistress, and he hadn’t exactly been keeping track of every single date he went on with you, but he certainly did not expect to have such an abysmal track record with his own wife.
Not that he felt guilty about his absence in your life.
Besides, you had the money to entertain yourself as you wished. Whether because you were blinded by sheer stupidity or his bank account, you thankfully didn’t complain much either. All Naoya had to do was to keep you happy and ignorant because—to paraphrase his father’s own words—if Naoya flopped this marriage with the COO's daughter, he would not be welcomed in the Zenin household again.
The difficult part, however, was that you were hard to please.
That was what happened to little girls who grew up spoiled by daddy’s money, Naoya supposed. Mari, on the other hand, would have absolutely been overjoyed in your position. Hell, even Naoya himself—who merely grew up as a spare heir—would have shown some gratitude.
“Sorry that I’ve been so occupied.” The Zenin CEO had to inject whatever sympathy and sincerity he had into his apology before sampling his risotto. “I’ve been buried in work ever since I joined the executive suite earlier this year. I’ve had a lot to catch up on.”
“I know,” you responded very matter-of-factly. “And I understand. You’ve been busy with meetings.”
Right. Meetings with his board in addition to his, well, other more discreet ‘meetings’ where he pounded his paramour into oblivion (but let’s not talk about that, shall we?).
As he pushed the thought away, he placed his fork down in exchange for his drink. “That’s why I invited you for dinner—to spend extra time with you. I’ll make things up to you even more later.”
You glanced up from your meal, blinking rapidly but the ambivalence apparent in your gaze. “Really? Like how?”
Sex, you motherfucking dimwit.
How much more obvious did he have to be?
Of course, he instead replied with, “You’ll see.”
He hadn’t told you his idea to rail your brains out because he didn’t feel obligated to, but if he wanted to a) get his father off his ass and b) be a baby daddy by morning, he had quite the mission to accomplish. Besides, if he calculated the numbers correctly in his head, today was still within your fertility window. A later day in the schedule, but still a fertile time for his wife, nonetheless. This was the perfect time to focus on you, particularly since he wouldn’t be distracted by Mari for some time. Perhaps arriving early from Mexico wasn’t too much of a bad thing.
Tonight, the deed didn’t seem too difficult to do either, thanks to how provocatively you dressed. Since when did you wear off-the-shoulder mini dresses? Was this from your New York fashion haul three months back?
“It’d be nice if you could apologize to me first.”
Naoya froze with his glass by his mouth at your unanticipated comment. What were you even going on about? “Didn’t I already say sorry for not spending time with you?” This was what he meant by how ungrateful you were.
Curling your lips inward, you inhaled sharply. “That wasn’t what I was—”
When the conversation was unexpectedly interrupted by a buzzing at the table, Naoya reached for his phone only to be greeted with a blank screen. Rather, he looked up to see you wiping your hands and staring at your device, mirroring Naoya’s own confusion as your brows creased at an unsaved number.
“Spam,” you concluded and pushed the device away once the caller eventually reached voicemail. “What I was saying,” you began even as your face contorted momentarily with reluctance, “was that you never told me you were away from Japan. I didn’t even know where you were or when you would be back had I not called your secretary.”
Wow, that was what you wanted an apology for?
What an entitled brat.
Admittedly, Naoya should have texted you before he vanished into thin air, but a homemaker like you certainly had no business in his personal schedule. Had he truly had an investor conference to attend, Naoya was certain you would have been just as meddlesome, which was why he found the situation even more sardonic when you confirmed his suspicions by adding, “Sending me a text isn’t too difficult, you know.”
Just who the hell did you think you were?
Don’t think he had not noticed how confrontational you had been as of late, criticizing his actions and then dishing out instructions as though you were anywhere near the place to do so. This change from your typically submissive nature was uninvited, to say the least. Like, at the bare minimum, you could look at your own husband as you spoke, and Naoya wondered if your actions were simply a phase in the relationship or a reveal of the real you. Whatever the reason, he wanted his good and obedient wife back.
“Well then, my apologies." His eye twitched as he spoke, and nothing now could hide the contempt rising in his tone. “Next time, I’ll make sure my assistants send you my entire itinerary from when I sleep to when I use the restroom to—"
Naoya couldn’t even think through his annoyance because, at this point, your phone was ringing for what must be the third time and that irked him even further.
“Please!” he scoffed, his vexation bursting through his voice. “Just excuse yourself and pick that shit up, good lord!”
At least that much you listened to. You pardoned yourself, stepping away just as Naoya pinched the bridge of his nose. On the one date he finally organized with his wife, you just had to ruin his mood with your shit attitude and table manners. Fantastic.
After one long huff, Naoya swung around in his seat and caught the attention of a nearby waiter.
The fuming executive then pointed at his glass.
“Another shot, ASAP."
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As much as you were guilty of self-deprecation, you were not masochistic enough to simply swallow your husband’s insults over dinner.
‘Sex, you motherfucking dimwit.’
Simply thinking back to that line sent tiny pricks to your chest.
Did Naoya really think that, just because he mumbled that to himself under his breath, you wouldn’t hear him? What made you even more upset was that, when you asked for an apology, he could not even recognize his wrongs. There was more that you hoped to confront him about, too—particularly about the rumors of his extramarital affairs—but you had half the mind to shut up given his splenetic fury.
Whoever called you, however, thankfully provided you with a reason for reprieve.
You rushed out of the main restaurant venue as you curiously stared at your phone, noticing the missed calls from an unknown number. When the same contact information appeared on your screen in its fourth ring, you pressed the ‘Accept’ button only for the other line to greet you first.
“I still have your dress, kiddo.”
Only one person called you that.
“Choso?” you nearly shouted in disbelief, unintentionally garnering the attention of some bystanders.
“That’s me alright,” the therapist answered, his reply cool and composed as though he never questioned the fact that his hands landed on your phone number. “I was just about to give up on reaching you.”
Overwhelmed, you sighed. “Sorry, I’m rather busy at the moment.”
“Right, right,” he mulled, a faint rumble sneaking in his tone. Choso then clicked his tongue against his teeth, and you could almost picture the blasé manner in which he would recline in a seat as some shuffling echoed over the line, which would have normally been irrelevant until he added, “Well, I’m downstairs.”
“What?!” was your first reaction. Now, you were certainly getting weird stares. Downstairs, as in, where? “Are you in—”
“Yes, Shibuya. You’re at Cé La Vi right now, aren’t you? Take the elevator down to the first floor. My car’s parked right outside the building’s main doors. That Dolce & Gabbana outfit I made you change out of before the club, I didn’t have a chance to return that since you stormed out of the meeting last night.”
You shut your dropped jaw. “The dress I remember but,” your gaze then narrowed, “how do you know where I am?”
The call suddenly grew quiet, the lull stretching for what must be an hour as Choso carefully contemplated his next words. “When you’re in the right business,” he hinted darkly, no doubt making a reference to his underbelly occupation, “information isn’t hard to come by once you know the right people.”
An assassin with eyes all over the city, huh?
Well, that explained how he got your number as well, albeit you would not be surprised if he had dug through the therapist office’s database for that instead. Sometimes, you had to wonder how an upper-class lady like you got entangled with a man like him, but a five-minute round trip to the first floor could not possibly hurt, right?
“I’ll meet you, then,” you eventually replied and ended the call.
Catching the first elevator car down, you had no trouble spotting the iconic blue Corvette convertible that stood outside the building’s entrance. Upon your approach, Choso rolled down his window and stuck his head out. This evening, his jet-black strands were pulled back into one low ponytail rather than two, his prominent jawline appearing even sharper against the nighttime backdrop.
No wonder this man had a whole harem in the club.
“Hey,” he hummed as his inky eyes ran down your figure, his gaze lingering a little longer on your exposed collarbone before traveling down to your legs. “I like your style.”
At the compliment, you looked away, feeling a bizarre prickle in your stomach. “I’m on a dinner date.”
“With Naoya?” Given how the therapists have recently revealed their disdain for your husband, you were not surprised to see Choso grimace. “Why…would you do that to yourself?”
Great question. “He’s paying, so I can’t complain.”
Choso pressed his lips outward, nodding when he could not argue against that. “I see.”
During the silence that ensued, you clicked your heels together, too busy floundering in the burning presence of your companion that you almost forgot the reason you were here in the first place. “Do…you have my dress?”
Nonchalantly, the man pointed to the back with his thumb. “In the trunk. What? You’re in a rush or something?”
You nodded slowly. “Naoya doesn’t know I’m down here," you explained but, given the psychological pain that your husband had inflicted on you, there was no good reason for guilt to be tugging at your lungs.
Even Choso narrowed his eyes. “You’re going back to that asshole?”
Another great question.
Without saying much, Naoya already made clear that his intention with you tonight was grounded only in sexual gratification, that he viewed you as nothing beyond—as he had put it—‘a motherfucking dimwit.’ Despite the pain, you never failed to find a reason to crawl back to the husband that lashed at your heart.
“Naoya is already angry at me,” you eventually remarked, twirling the edges of your dress. “If I don’t get back...”
“Then what? Even more of a reason to ditch him, to be honest. Maybe that will teach him a lesson for all the times he left you.” Choso was not the type to talk much, but he inevitably had the uncanny ability to leave you dumbstruck once he did. Oblivious to your state (or not), he then casually adjusted the braided bracelet at his wrist. “Better things to do with your time than stay with him.”
Funny that your first instinct was to defend Naoya again. However, even if you were to dutifully return to your husband, he would internally welcome you with apathy, his only goal to leave you smitten as a kitten just so he would have a pussy to play with.
Abandoning Naoya also came with one other problem, though. “There isn’t much else for me to do.”
How pitiful was that?
Sure, you had a stack of invitations to various charity dinners and networking parties, but—even with all the riches and respect in the world—you found those events pretentious, repetitive, and dull.
You half-expected Choso to mock you. (Because, really, who were you to complain about first-world problems?) However, the man just paused slightly, a dash of sympathy running over his expression as he then motioned to the empty shotgun seat.
“I could take you out for a ride.”
Your brows shot up. Tempting. “Where to?”
“Since I’m free tonight, I was going to take myself somewhere by Tokyo Bay—one of my favorite spots around,” Choso explained as he ran both his hands through his hair. “Although, if you’re interested, I could show you the area, too.”
At the proposal, you tried not to smile too obviously. Who knew that a hardened part-time hitman actually had such a soft spot?
“Then I’d love to.”
Choso drove off the second you jumped into the Corvette, the convertible greeting you with its familiar ashy honeysuckle scents and a The Neighbourhood tune. With a long exhale, you sank into the red leather seat and stared out the window, watching the nearby scenery transform from skyscrapers to highway signs.
Quietly, you relished the soothing silence in the car that was a refuge from the charged cacophony over dinner, reflecting on the steps that brought you to this moment. What a twist of fate, how the man who had detested you weeks ago was now a warm beacon that offered light in the merciless sea, providing you more comfort than you'd like to admit.
When you unconsciously turned in his direction, you tried to not stare too obviously at the metal on his ears, the piercings gleaming as they caught beams from bypassing streetlamps. You might have had a rough start with Choso Kamo, but you still found him ridiculously attractive with his oversized white sweater and black jeans, hiding his athletic physique underneath.
“Need me to pull up Google Maps?” you asked upon realizing your extended ogling.
“No,” he shot back. “I know this city like the back of my hand.”
And Choso sure seemed like he did.
He was focused solely on driving, his palms clasped around the steering wheel as his fingers drummed to the bass of ‘Sweater Weather.’
This close to him, you noticed how his hands were rough and calloused—almost definitive sign of working out. Right where he rolled up his sleeves, veins also weaved beneath his forearm tattoos, the inked vines something you never had the chance to examine extensively either.
This time, you weren’t too discreet given that he caught your gaze. “What?”
Oops. “Nothing.”
You turned away to look ahead, trying to calm your frenzied heart by observing some uninteresting cars on the expressway. A proper lady like you knew better than to gawk at someone for a prolonged time, yet you still got caught red-handed. How embarrassing.
Slumping further into your seat, you pouted as your weird way in mitigating the internal humiliation. “Just…keep your eyes on the road.”
While Choso did as he was told, he held back a low chuckle. “And you could keep your eyes on me.”
“But I wasn’t—!" A complete lie, but you still shouted with flailing arms, defenses hopeless.
Yet, what really disarmed you was Choso’s faint smirk.
One minute, you were frustrated and flustered; the next, you were simply stunned at the amused tilt in his lips, all because his smile was so rare. There was something enchanting about the cocky way Choso grinned as he stepped on the accelerator, the maniacal gleam in his eyes as he stared ahead, the bright colors of the Tokyo evening that glittered behind him.
“Jesus, take the fucking wheel,” you muttered like a starstruck teenager.
“What’s wrong?” he asked harmlessly because this man definitely heard you over the music. He threw you a quick glance even as the smile on his lips stayed. “I mean, you could keep staring if you want to, bimbo. I won’t judge.”
Mouth opened to back talk, your ambitions immediately got cut short as Choso moved a hand from the steering wheel to your inner thigh. While you hid your gasp at the unexpected contact, you only hoped that he did not notice the way you tensed under his searing touch.
But Choso noticed, alright.
“Hm, why are you so quiet all of a sudden?” Choso pressed again, his focus still on the lane as though he was not caressing you, massaging you, his thumb running in hypnotic circles centimeters away from the dull throb between your legs,
How he managed to maintain his composure in such a situation was a mystery given that you, unlike him, gripped hard at the side of your seat.
“Because…” you hissed after mustering all effort.
Then, you stopped.
How could you respond while completely distracted by the tightening in your stomach, practically holding your breath as his hand crept up higher? It was not helping that his fingers were so thick, that he had a small dagger printed by a knuckle, that his scent was reminiscent of burning maple leaves during a New England fall.
“‘Because…?�� Because what?” Choso asked, knocking your thoughts loose momentarily because he—on the other hand—did not miss your incomplete answer. His nails dug into your skin, nearly making you yelp at the incredible burn. “What’s the issue? I don’t remember you being this shy with the other therapists around.”
The steeliness that underlined his tone…
Was Choso still hung up about your frisky flings with Toji and Sukuna? Even though you should have never gotten sexually involved with them in the first place, you never would have thought that Choso would hold such a grudge.
In response, you cautiously observed his side profile. “Are…you jealous?”
He closed his eyes momentarily at the question, indescribable salaciousness etched on his lovely face, and he shuddered slightly. His eyes opened back as a sharpened glare, Adam’s apple bobbing as the result of a drawn-out swallow.
“Oh, baby,” he growled, and it was the backward tilt of his head that left your mind spinning, “you have no idea.”
Traveling beneath your dress, his hand roamed a little higher, then higher again, his pinky finger brushing at your panties’ seam such that if he decided to travel up any further, he might just feel how miserable and soaked you were.
Just hurt me, you begged silently, legs squeezing together subconsciously as you feel a delicious heat churning through your body, biting back a moan when Choso gripped hard at your thigh before smacking at the flesh.
“Harder,” you accidentally pleaded out loud, immediately clamping your hands over your mouth.
Unsurprisingly, your insanely handsome driver turned to you. When you met his gaze, you only wished that you hadn’t because Choso had a gaze that left you weak in the knees, the murky pool in his eyes enough to leave you whittled to a frantic and blubbering mess.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to—"
“Well, I'm curious what your husband would say,” he interjected, debauchery bleeding in his tone, “when I send you home my handprints on your ass cheeks?”
Wow, that really took you aback.
“‘When?’” you bleated. Not ‘if?’
“Yes, ‘when,’” he confirmed with a hoarse thrum. His overflowing confidence clouded your head with something heady, something intoxicating. As much as you think you should tell Choso to stop, words were lodged in your throat once he forced your legs apart with one firm pull, and while you found pleasure in the pain, it was his next suggestion that sent sweet vibrations straight down your spine: “Because I wonder what would happen once I spread you over the car hood and took you right there.”
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taglist: @dissociatingdiva @httpsplanetmarsdotcom @pulchritxde-blog @huangfairy @shadowarchon @203steph @agentdedf1sh @cloudybabes @hinativity @lynn-writes-things @illicitwriter @7oji @kikuchimi @piqer @nobody289x @chaoticjojofan​ @musicisme333 @vvestwoodrose @kumocchin @s-guru @mwahilovemylife @hey-gurls69 @cloudsinthecosmos @moon-mumu-moon @kazscara @obitohno @tsukiyohanayome @tokyometronetwork​ @downtown-roponggi​ @the-cosmos-network
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fabuloustrash05 · 6 months
Courting a Salamandrian FAQ
Just some common questions I’ve received regarding my RaMona fanfic that I decided to answer all in a singular post.
“What inspired you to write this story?”
I’ve always loved Raph x Mona, since we were first introduced to this ship back in 2015. Around that time I was in high school and one night I had a dream about Raph and Mona getting married. The dream was so vivid and had so many details down to the guests who attended, the wedding decorations, to what the couple was wearing. I was so amazed by that dream, I just had to write it. I originally planned to only write the wedding, which I thought was only going to be around 5 chapters, but as I kept working on the first draft, I realized I wanted to also add a proposal scene. Then when I started working on that, I decided I wanted to add more to the proposal, like when he realized he wanted to marry her etc, asking Sal for his blessing, etc. but as I kept going my brain suddenly went “Wait… let’s add drama!” And the rest was history.
"When does the story take place?"
About 4 years after the S5 episode When Worlds Collide. Raph and Mona have been together for 5 years by the start of the fanfic.
"How old are Raph and Mona Lisa?"
In the beginning of the story Raph is 23 and Mona is 24. By chapter 19, they are 24 and 25. By the epilogue they are 38 and 39.
“What made you decide to make Bishop the villain in this story?”
Bishop was already a canon hater of RaMona, as we saw in When Worlds Collide he was very against the idea of Mona staying on Earth, so I decided to explore that more.
Also 2012 Bishop was my introduction to the overall character. After I learned that he is supposed to be a villain in other iterations like the 2003 series, it just supported my concept even more! I wanted to explore Bishop becoming the villain he was known to be in other versions.
"What is the relationship status of the other couples that appear in C.A.S. (ex: apritello, renetangelo, etc.)?"
Donnie and April are dating, they've been together for 4 years.
Mikey and Renet are together but they are not expecting a full commitment from one another. Basically friends with benefits.
Karai and Shinigami are dating (have been for a little over 4 years) and are living together back in Japan.
Slash and Alopex are crushing on one another, but are both in denial about their feelings.
Casey has a girlfriend that he just started dating by the time of chapter 19, her name is Gabrielle. If you are familiar with the mirage comics then you'll get this reference.
Leo is single and NOT ready to mingle.
"Why does Alopex have a kid in chapter 28?"
That was a reference to my TMNT 2012 OC, Sasuke! It was also a fun way to, I guess you could say, plant the seeds for future events with my TMNT 2012 future headcanon. Getting started on the next gen of TMNT lol
“Can we see a visual of what everyone wore to the wedding?”
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"Can I draw fanart based on your fanfic?"
YEEESSSSS PLEAAASSEEE!!! DO IT!!! All I ask is to please tag me for credit and also so I don't miss seeing it! <3
“Will there be a sequel?”
As of right now, no. I never really planned for a sequel or a second story, heck I didn’t even originally plan for this story to be 30 chapters long lol, but I would like to write some oneshots of married life RaMona along with moments with their kids. I’ve already written two so far: the two parter Family Vacation Gone Wrong and Once an Enemy Now a… Friend? (Though that one focuses more on Adult!Raph with one of his kids making a cameo). Feel free to check them out!
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obstinaterixatrix · 1 year
yo bookwalker’s having a coin boost event on yuri until 6/25/23, there’s a sale but it only applies to ‘yuri is my job’ (personally I wasn’t compelled by that one). anyway here are some of the series on the list I like:
Still Sick—office lady romance about a woman who draws yuri being found at a convention by a coworker, one of my absolute faves (3 volumes, complete)
5 seconds before a witch falls in love—collection of stories, main story is a two-shot about a witch hunter and a witch duking it out (really like this one) and there’s a oneshot about the most normal girl in existence but a demon and angel obsess over her (not personally a fan). regardless if you like the oneshot, imo the main story is SUUUUPER worth it, I love it a lot (1 volume, complete)
Failed Princesses—high school romance with the energy of a hot-blooded shounen. these gals shout passionately about their feelings. the main character is a popular girl who’d talk shit about the unpopular girl but then her boyfriend cheated on her and the unpopular girl was like ‘hey. you have to be happy. you’re not allowed to be unhappy (because I resent you for being the perfect popular girl)’ and the popular girl was like ‘oh my god… you are sooo NICE I’m obsessed you forever now’ (this is all in like the first two chapters) (6 volumes, complete)
black and white—honestly? I’m not entirely sold on the writing (I don’t think it really coheres in terms of why the relationship develops how it does) but the novelty of having office ladies violently beat the shit out of each other carries it, especially since sal jiang’s art is really good. like those gals are BRAWLING for real, it’s kind of refreshing (1 volume, incomplete)
here are series that I fell off of because I lost interest but they weren’t bad or anything:
The two of them are pretty much like this—slice of life established relationship between a voice actress in her early 20s and a novelist in her 30s (I think). it’s cute, it’s good for folks who like fluff, I fell off because it felt more meandering whereas I like stories with heated drama and momentum (3 volumes, probably ongoing?)
School zone girls—high school gag 4koma, really good for folks who like the *stupid* high school energy. This is a manga with rowdy gals who are idiots. I fell off because it’s one of those really long + big cast kinda manga, yknow, like tsurezure children or gekkan shoujo, so it’ll probably suit folks who like those types (4 volumes, ongoing)
Hello Melancholic—high school gals in a band (I think they do jazz? or it’s some kind of brass band? well the main character plays trumpet), it’s pretty cute and has a solid gloomy gal with hella anxiety + excitable gal who Will Get Her Way No Matter What dynamic, I just fell off of it because I wasn’t interested at the time (3 volumes, complete)
Otherside Picnic—college gals investigating another world/urban legends, the main character is someone who just wanted to chill in another world and the love interest is Looking For Someone Who Disappeared. it’s fun and entertaining, it’s a light novel and the main character has a lot of fun biases—when she says she’s just a normal girl who has experienced a normal life, she is absolutely lying. Good for folks who like urban legends and kind of… investigative arcs? Action and mystery vibes? I read up to volume 4 and fell off because that was all that was out (7 volumes, incomplete, vol 8 is coming out in august)
She loves to cook, she loves to eat—slice of life with working women, the main character loves to cook, the love interest loves to eat. Good for folks who like more grounded stories, the main character thinks a lot about how she’s seen as A Great Potential Wife rather than someone who just has a hobby and the love interest gets underestimated a lot (I think she works in construction??) and gets judgement from being a woman who, yknow, likes to eat. from what I read it’s a very tentative kind of romance of a couple of women finding someone comfortable to be around, I fell off because I get more grabbed by internal/interpersonal conflict rather than external/societal influences but I think it’ll grab folks who 1) like more grounded stories, 2) likes food (3 volumes, I think incomplete?)
Catch these hands!—ex-delinquent and her old classmate that’s obsessed with her. The artist did love live doujins, I think? Anyway it’s fun, would appeal to folks who like things that are lighthearted and who enjoy weird women. I don’t think I was compelled by the emotional focus but I don’t think that means it was bad (4 volumes, complete I think)
I didn’t like these but a lot of people do:
Even Though We’re Adults—messy adult relationship, one of them is married to a man and the other one is like ‘this is so fucking stupid do NOT go through with this it is SUCH a bad idea’ and she goes through with it. shimura is a pretty renowned yuri mangaka, she’s the one who did aoi hana, it’ll probably be a good read for people who like emotionally complex and pretty miserable stories. didn’t have enough humor for my tastes and I fell off pretty early (6 volumes, ongoing)
Run away with me, girl—gorgeous and unique art, it’s about two gals who were high school sweethearts and then one of them went off to be with a guy, the gals reunite as adults and they end up running away together. one of the gals is pregnant and was in an abusive relationship, which is why she’s running. again, for people who like emotionally complex stories. I wasn’t satisfied with the love interest’s development, kinda reminded me of octave, but I know other folks who would probably enjoy how the narrative approaches her (3 volumes, complete)
SHWD—buff women and sci-fi action horror. good art. I don’t think any of the character archetypes or dynamics appealed to me but if you’re desperate for buff women and like sci-fi/action/horror this will help probably (1 volume, incomplete? idk)
Roadqueen—mira’s art is gorgeous but I’m not super compelled by the writing. Good for people who want something goofy and hot-blooded, the vibes are kind of… shounen gag manga? I think? (1 volume, complete)
I’m in love with the villainess—manga adaption of a light novel, one of the most successful (and. one of the very few) villainess transmigration romances, the main character transmigrates into the protagonist and her favorite character is the villainess. one of my friends really likes it and there’s some Sincere Feelings on What It’s Like To Be A Lesbian, but I find it to comedy-focused for my tastes in the beginning. There’s also a spinoff from the villainess’ perspective. Actually I don’t remember if I linked to the manga adaption or the light novel… uh… figure it out yourself.
Bloom into you—everybody loves this one. It has good writing. I don’t like it. High school slice of life coming of age, very emotions-focused, probably like 10 volumes or something I dunno
Superwomen in love—I actually despise this one but according to my strict principles I’m including it because the concept is unique and would appeal to people probably. it’s like tokusatsu yuri with a general defecting from the evil organization and teaming up with the hero. I would’ve liked it more if it was more sincere and less gag-focused. Read it for a fun time but not a deep time until they sprinkle in pathos of heroism and love etc and then they go back to comedy. I guess. I fell off a couple volumes in I dunno it probably gets better. However I like tokusatsu and romance too much to continue.
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allyleetheo · 6 months
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Here is a list of Manwha's recommendations. They are sorted into genres, and do not contain any BL/GL.
I have a separate list for BL/GL manwha's.
I have not read any of these yet. (I'll be giving them ratings as I read them.)
Compiled by Lis (Blob / s.class.villainess on Tiktok)
You can search https://tinyurl.com/mwreclist for their complete list and ratings.
Note: This list is mostly not up to date with the episode counts, so most of the titles might have more chapters than listed.
total amount of titles: 439
🔁 - Complete works
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Medical Return (100 chapters)
Mercenary Enrollment (76 chapters)
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A Gate Opened on my First Day as a Politician (24 chapters)
Arcane Sniper (73 chapter of ons)
Crimson Karma (118 chapters)🔁
Damn Reincarnation (29 chapters)
Doctor's Rebirth (82 chapters)
Eleceed (210 chapters)
Ending Maker (31 chapters)
Estio (33 chapters)
F-class Destiny Hunter (59 chapters)
Heavenly Demon Instructor (42 chapters)
Heavenly Sword’s Grand Saga (28 chapters)
Hoarding in Hell (39 chapters)
I Stole The First Ranker’s Soul (41 chapters)
Kill the Hero (103 chapters)
Legendary Youngest Son of the Marquis House (43 chapters)
Leveling With The Gods (60 chapters)
Maxed Out Leveling (21 chapters)
Murim Login (52 chapters)
My Daughter is the Final Boss (83 chapters)
Nano Machine (101 chapters)
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint (171 chapters)
Overbearing Tyrant (33 chapters)
Player Who Can't Level Up (95 chapters)
Ranker's Return (remake) (56 chapters)
Reaper of the Drifting Moon (25 chapters)
Reincarnation of the Suicidal Battle God (44 chapters)
Return of the 8th class Magician (29 chapters)
Return of the Mount Hua Sect (72 chapters)
Return Of The Shattered Constellation (42 chapters)
Second Life Ranker (116 chapters)
Seoul Station's Necromancer (41 chapters)
Solo Leveling (179 chapters)🔁
Solo Max-Level Newbie (42 chapters)
SSS-Class Gacha Hunter (45 chapters
SSS-Class Revival Hunter (94 chapters)
Standard of Reincarnation (22 chapters)
Star-Fostered Swordmaster (32 chapters)
Talent-Swallowing Magician (30 chapters)
The Advanced Player of The Tutorial Tower (107 chapters)
The Daughter of The Elemental King (105 chapters)
The Frozen Player Returns (50 chapters)
The Great Mage Returns After 4000 Years (119 chapters)
The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life (35 chapters)
The Hero Returns (38 chapters)
The Martial God who Regressed Back to Level 2 (50 chapters)
The Newbie is Too Strong (31 chapters)
The Novel's Extra (28 chapters)
The Returner's Magic Should Be Special (192 chapters)
The Return of The Disaster-Class Hero (48 chapters)
The S-classes That I Raised (105 chapters)
The Scholar’s Reincarnation (140 chapters)
The World After the Fall (12 chapters)
Tomb Raider King (308 chapters)
Trapped in a Webnovel as a Good for Nothing (140 chapters)
Trash of the Count's Family (85 chapters)
Tyrant of the Tower Defence Game (82 chapters)
Villain to Kill (61 chapters)
Worthless Regression (25 chapters)
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A Capable Maid (59 chapters)
A Good Day To Be A Dog (93 chapters)🔁
A Happy Ending for the Villains (16 chapters)
A Marriage Alliance for Revenge (43 chapters)
A Most Virtuous Villain (83 chapters)🔁
A Princess's Guide to Saving Dragons (18 chapters)
A Red Knight Does Not Blindly Follow Money (66 chapters)
A Single Round at Romance is Enough! (48 chapters)
A Stepmother’s Märchen (83 chapters)
A Symbiotic Relationship Between A Rabbit And A Black Panther (68 chapters)
A Tender Heart: The Story of How I Became a Duke’s Maid (110 chapters)🔁
A Transmigrator's Privilege (65 chapters)🔁
A Villain Demands to Be Loved (70 chapters)🔁
A Villainess Is a Good Match for a Tyrant (104 chapters)🔁
A Wicked Tale of Cinderella's Stepmom (109 chapters)
Abandoned Wife Has a New Husband (44 chapters)
Adelaide (85 chapters)🔁
Aileen's on Fire! (20 chapters)
An Unseemly Lady (35 chapters)
Aria of the Withered Branch (87 chapters)
Ashtarte (80 chapters)
As You Wish, Prince! (93 chapters)🔁
Baby Squirrel Is Good At Everything (21 chapters)
Becoming The Villain’s Family (43 chapters)
Becoming You (124 chapters)🔁
Beloved by the Male Lead's Nephew (32 chapters)
Beware of The Villainess! (93 chapters)🔁
Birth of a Goddess (199 chapters)
Bloody Sweet (86 chapters)🔁
Carefully Choosing a Husband (31 chapters)
Carrier Falcon Princess (79 chapters)
Cat in the Chrysalis (42 chapters)
Catherine's Key to a Happy Life (25 chapters)
Caught by the Villain (The Villain Discovered my Identity) (110 chapters)
Charlotte Has Five Disciples (124 chapters)
Cheerful Countess Sisters (68 chapters)
Chitra (141 chapters)
Cierra (23 chapters)
Cinderella Disappeared (20 chapters)
Cradle of Heaven (18 chapters)
Crows Like Shiny Things (49 chapters)
Daisy: How to Become the Duke’s Fiancée (98 chapters)
Dear Nemesis (65 chapters)
Death Is The Only Ending For The Villainess (91 chapters)
Disobey the Duke if You Dare (26 chapters)
Divorce me, Husband! (39 chapters)
Doctor Elise: The Royal Lady with the Lamp (143 chapters)🔁
Don't Hire My Brother Your Highness! (35 chapters)
Dream Lover Strategy Guide (57 chapters)🔁
Empress? Empress! (130 chapters)🔁
Evangeline's Sword (23 chapters)
Everything's Coming Up Roses (23 chapters)
Extras Don’t Want to be Overly Obsessed (56 chapters)
Falling For The Enemy (49 chapters)🔁
Falling into the Deep End (34 chapters)
Father, I Don’t Want This Marriage! (123 chapters)🔁
Flirting with The Villain's Dad (94 chapters)
Follow The Bread Crumbs (70 chapters)🔁
Forget My Husband, I'll Go Make Money (24 chapters)
For My Derelict Beloved (54 chapters)
For Stella (32 chapters)
Fortune-telling Lady (27 chapters)
From a Knight to a Lady (92 chapters)
Go Away Romeo (36 chapters)
Golden Time (47 chapters)
Happily Ever Afterwards (61 chapters)
Heroine's Shares for Sale (39 chapters)
How Did I Become the Princess? (44 chapters)
Honey, I’m Going On a Strike (54 chapters)
How to Be a Dark Hero’s Daughter (40 chapters)
How to Get My Husband on My Side (57 chapters)
How to Hide the Emperor's Child (78 chapters)
How to Prey on Your Master (72 chapters)
I Abdicate My Title of Empress (23 chapters)
I Adopted the Male Lead (90 chapters)🔁
I am the Precious Daughter of the Greatest Villain in the Fantasy World (45 chapters)
I Became the Tyrant’s Secretary (54 chapters)
I Became the Villainess in a Disastrous Novel (44 chapters)
I Became the Villain’s Mother (63 chapters)
I Became the Wife of the Male Lead (47 chapters)
I Bid You Adieu (101 chapters)
I Can't Keep Up With My Stallion Duke (38 chapters)
I Choose the Emperor Ending (115 chapters)🔁
I Didn’t Mean to Seduce the Male Lead (40 chapters)
I Don’t Love You Anymore (58 chapters)
I Don't Want to Play the Matchmaker! (37 chapters)
I Dream of Health, Wealth and a Long Life (84 chapters)
I Failed to Abandon the Villain (44 chapters)
I Found a Husband When I Picked Up the Male Lead (50 chapters)
I Have No Health (51 chapters)
I Listened to my Husband and Brought in a Lover (21 chapters)
I Raised a Black Dragon (74 chapters)
I Raised My Childhood Friend as a Tyrant (57 chapters)
I Shall Kill that Sweet Devil (79 chapters)
Isnelda (26 chapters)
I Stan The Prince (66 chapters)
I Tamed My Ex-husband's Mad Dog (37 chapters)
I Thought My Time Was Up! (30 chapters)
I Tried To Be Her Loyal Sword (34 chapters)
I Was Seduced by the Sick Male Lead (26 chapters)
I Was Tricked Into This Fake Marriage! (107 chapters)🔁
I Will Take Responsibility for the Welfare of the Male Lead (35 chapters)
I'm Not The Final Boss' Lover! (36 chapters)
I'm the One Who Died, but the Hero Went Crazy (32 chapters)
I've Been Proposed to by a Villain (62 chapters)
If You Touch My Little Brother, You’re All Dead (46 chapters)
Inso's Law (147 chapters)
Into the Light Once Again (48 chapters)
Is It a Fortune or Is It a Woe? (83 chapters)
It Looks Like I’ve Fallen into the World of a Reverse Harem Game (74 chapters)
It Seems I've Transmigrated Somewhere (29 chapters)
It Was All A Mistake (61 chapters)
It’s My Destiny To Be The Hero’s Saviour (33 chapters)
I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life (64 chapters)
I’ll Just Live on as a Villainess (73 chapters)
I'll save this Damned Family! (110 chapters)
I’m a Martial Art Villainess but I’m the Strongest! (72 chapters)
I'm a Villainess, Can I Die? (28 chapters)
I'm Engaged to an Obsessive Male Lead (81 chapters)
I’m Only a Stepmother, But My Daughter is Just So Cute! (65 chapters)
I’m the Male Lead’s Girl Friend (63 chapters)🔁
I'm the One Who Died, but the Hero Went Crazy (23 chapters)
I'm the Queen in This Life (50 chapters)
Justice for the Villainess (43 chapters)
Just Leave Me Be (80 chapters)
Kill the Villainess (100 chapters)
Lady Beast (113 chapters)
Lady Crystal is a Man (30 chapters)
Let Me Die in Peace! (32 chapters)
Let’s Hide My Younger Brother First (40 chapters)
Leveling Up My Husband to the Max (97 chapters)
Lies Become You (18 chapters)
Like Wind on a Dry Branch (85 chapters)
Lillien of Turin (33 chapters)
Long After The Ending (60 chapters)🔁
Lydia's Great Escape (57 chapters)
Marriage and Sword (39 chapters)
May I kill You, Your Highness? (30 chapters)
Miss Not-So Sidekick (177 chapters)🔁
Miss Time (60 chapters)🔁
More Than You Know (28 chapters)
My Dear Aster (45 chapters)
My Farm by the Palace (65 chapters)
My Husband Hides His Beauty (80 chapters)
My Husband, My Sister, and I (26 chapters)
My Mysterious Nighttime Visitor (10 chapters)
My Red String of Fate (90 chapters)🔁
My Sister Picked Up the Male Lead (59 chapters)
My Warmonger Husband (46 chapters)
Necrobride (37 chapters)
No More Nice Sis (64 chapters)
No Outtakes (38 chapters)
Not Just Anyone Can Become a Villainess (68 chapters)
Nullitas: The Counterfeit Bride (55 chapters)
One Pair Lady (40 chapters)
Only Realised After Losing You (26 chapters)
Ophelia the Oracle Queen (12 chapters)
Please Don't Come To The Villainess’ Stationery Store! (36 chapters)
Please Give Me The Pacifier (41 chapters)
Please Marry Me Again, Husband! (36 chapters)
Preventing the Making of a Tyrant (46 chapters)
Princess of the Animals (16 chapters)
Protecting the Witch's Son (38 chapters)
Protect the Knight (53 chapters)
Queen Cecia’s Shorts (80 chapters)
Regina Rena: To the Unforgiven (24 chapters)
Reporting for Duty, Duchess! (48 chapters)
Revenge Wedding (84 chapters)🔁
Rewriting My Tragic Ending (34 chapters)
Rewriting the Villainess (62 chapters)🔁
Roxana (39 chapters)
Royal Marriage (49 chapters)
Run, Meil (50 chapters)🔁
Sacrificed (52 chapters)
Say Ah, the Golden Spoon Is Entering (40 chapters)
Saving My Sweetheart (A Way to Protect the Lovable You) (89 chapters)
Second Life of a Trash Princess (23 chapters)
Secret Lady (43 chapters)
Seven Years Later (36 chapters)
Savor the Taste (59 chapters)🔁
Side Characters Deserve Love too (127 chapters)
So I Married the Abandoned Prince (29 chapters)
Straight to the Red Carpet (40 chapters)
Swimming Lessons for a Mermaid (101 chapters)🔁
Taming the Emperor's Hound (31 chapters)
Taming the Corrupted (45 chapters)
Terrarium Adventure (19 chapters)
The 101st Heroine (71 chapters)🔁
The Accidental Heiress (45 chapters)
The Baby Isn't Yours (29 chapters)
The Beast Emperor and I (26 chapters)
The Beloved Little Princess (96 chapters)
The Black Haired Princess (107 chapters)🔁
The Boutique at 97th Sheldon Street (26 chapters)
The Crown Princess Audition (80 chapters)
The Demonic Contract (64 chapters)
The Destroyer Fell in Love With Me (71 chapters)
The Duchess with an Empty Soul (100 chapters)
The Duchess's 50 Tea Recipes (143 chapters)🔁
The Duke's 99th Bride (24 chapters)
The Duke's Bored Daughter is My Master (57 chapters)
The Duke's Teddy Bear (54 chapters)
The Dungeon’s Dying S-class Lady (24 chapters)
The Empire's Hidden Hope (21 chapters)
The First Night With the Duke (102 chapters)🔁
The Goddess of Healing (159 chapters)🔁
The Golden Forest (55 chapters)
The Golden-Haired Summoner (100 chapters)
The Grand Duchess of the North Was Secretly a Villainess (21 chapters)
The Handsome Male Lead Won't Let Me Log Out! (35 chapters)
The Heroine Is a Man (36 chapters)
The Lady and the Beast (72 chapters)
The Lady I Served Became a Master (79 chapters)
The Lady Tames the Swordmaster (70 chapters)
The Lady Wants to Rest (43 chapters)
The Lady’s Butler (90 chapters)
The Lady’s Law of Survival (61 chapters)
The Little Lady Tames the Leads (22 chapters)
The Little Landlady (22 chapters)
The Maid and the Vampire (76 chapters)🔁
The Matchmaking Baby Princess (51 chapters)
The Millionaire Divorcee (21 chapters)
The Night Without Shadows (60 chapters)
The Noble Pirate (22 chapters)
The Perks of Being a Villainess (45 chapters)
The Precious Sister of The Villainous Grand Duke (69 chapters)
The Princess is Evil (34 chapters)
The Princess's Doll Shop (33 chapters)
The Princess’s Double Life (42 chapters)
The Princess’s Spaceship (85 chapters)🔁
The Protection of Lariensa Gelinus (90 chapters)🔁
The Real Daughter Is Back (21 chapters)
The Reason Why Raeliana Ended up at the Duke’s Mansion (158 chapters)🔁
The Rebirth of A Tyrannical Empress (103 chapters)
The Remarried Empress (117 chapters)
The Runaway Lead Lives Next Door (41 chapters)
The Second Male Lead is Actually a Girl (16 chapters)
The Stairway of Time (110 chapters)🔁
The Strongest Characters in the World are Obsessed With Me (56 chapters)
The Tyrant Wants To Be Good (32 chapters)
The Tyrant's Sister (121 chapters)
The Tyrant’s Only Perfumer (44 chapters)
The Tyrant's Tranquilizer (37 chapters)
The Villainess Empress’s Attendant (20 chapters)
The Villainess Enters the Game! (18 chapters)
The Villainess Flips The Script! (91 chapters)
The Villainess is a Marionette (54 chapters)
The Villainess Lives Again (95 chapters)
The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass (105 chapters)
The Villainess’s Blind Date is too Perfect (29 chapters)
The Villainess's Road to Revenge (20 chapters)
The Villainous Princess Wants to Live in a Gingerbread House (54 chapters)
The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time (35 chapters)
The Villain’s Savior (87 chapters)🔁
The Viridescent Tiara (69 chapters)
The Wicked Woman's Daughter (38 chapters)
This Girl is a Little Wild (50 chapters)
This Villainess Wants A Divorce! (118 chapters)🔁
This Witch of Mine (58 chapters)🔁
To a Happy Ending for The Tragic Novel (20 chapters)
To Those Who Long for My Destruction (38 chapters)
Tricked into Becoming the Heroine's Stepmother (50 chapters)
Trophy Husband (55 chapters)🔁
Truthfully, They Only Remembered Her (76 chapters)
Under the Oak Tree (50 chapters)
Untouchable Lady (51 chapters)
Valia, Tribute to Shuden (20 chapters)
Villainess For Hire (32 chapters)
Villainess in Love (95 chapters)🔁
Villainess Maker (72 chapters)🔁
Virtues of the Villainess (82 chapters)🔁
Wake Up, Warrior (53 chapters)
Welcome to Sylvia's Garden (20 chapters)
What it Takes To Be A Villainess (163 chapters)🔁
What's Wrong with You, Duke? (133 chapters)🔁
When I Quit Being A Wicked Mother-in-law, Everyone Became Obsessed With Me (23 chapters)
When The Count's Illegitimate Daughter Gets Married (34 chapters)
When the Villainess Loves (70 chapters)
Why Are You Obsessed with Your Fake Wife? (34 chapters)
Wished You Were Dead (37 chapters)
Your Majesty, I will raise you well in this life (41 chapters)
Your Majesty, Please Spare Me This Time (73 chapters)
Your Throne (126 chapters)
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A Chance At Last (69 chapters)🔁
Act Like You Love Me! (126 chapters)
Bitten Contract (95 chapters)
Eaternal Nocturnal (60 chapters)
Goodbye, In-Law! (75 chapters)🔁
Marry My Husband (66 chapters)🔁
Operation: True Love (70 chapters)
Perfect Marriage Revenge (95 chapters)
Rewriting Our Love Story (62 chapters)🔁
The Time We Were Young (39 chapters)
Villain with a Crush (Pure Villain) (62 chapters)
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200% in Love (62 chapters)🔁
A Morning Kiss at Tiffany's (52 chapters)
A Business Proposal (106 chapters)🔁
A Step Closer to Your Heart (94 chapters)🔁
Before It's Too Late (41 chapters)
Charming You (72 chapters)🔁
Date First, Love Later (46 chapters)
Day by Day (74 chapters)🔁
Daytime Star (77 chapters)🔁
Faking It In Style (75 chapters)
His Devilish New Hire (73 chapters)
Idol House (71 chapters)🔁
Interview with the Crazy Rich (53 chapters)
Love Lies (83 chapters)🔁
Maid for Hire (43 chapters)
Match Made in Hell (45 chapters)
Maybe Meant to Be (79 chapters)
My Boss's Special Request (38 chapters)
My Ex, Client (47 chapters)🔁
My Far Too Tumultuous Marriage (35 chapters)
My Irresistible Ex (100 chapters)🔁
My Sweet Girl (98 chapters)🔁
Nice To Meet You (67 chapters)
One Step Away From Happiness (30 chapters)
Our Secret Alliance (71 chapters)
Painful, but Desirable (73 chapters)🔁
Positively Yours (80 chapters)🔁
Revelation of Youth (51 chapters)
Secretary Out-of-Order (20 chapters)
See You in My 19th Life (85 chapters)
Sixth Sense Kiss (51 chapters)
Substitute Boyfriend (55 chapters)
The Lady with a Mask (55 chapters)🔁
The Losing Streak (40 chapters)🔁
The Omniscient Point Of View Of An Unrequited Love (83 chapters)
The Pharmacy Where the Wolf Howls (77 chapters)🔁
The Second Lead Syndrome (38 chapters)
Two Steps Away (50 chapters)🔁
Unlovable Replacement (84 chapters)
Wedding Impossible (72 chapters)🔁
What's Wrong With Your Online Life? (31 chapters)
When the Day Comes (52 chapters)🔁
Wished You Were Dead (96 chapters)
Writer's Block of Romance (27 chapters)
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From Today On, I’m a Boy (68 chapters)🔁
Ice Lamp - The Chronicles of Kira (74 chapters)🔁
I Work at a Witch's Mansion (36 chapters)🔁
I Became a Doting Father (48 chapters)
Level-Up Doctor (29 chapters)
This Is The Law (44 chapters)
14 notes · View notes
danwhobrowses · 11 months
One Piece Chapter 1097 - Initial Thoughts
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So we continue on with the Kuma flashback now
9 Weeks since we last saw Nico Robin though But we have a tragedy we're watching unfold, so let's soak up the brief moment of good times until it all goes bad.
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release
A very rare occurrence here, maybe even the second time but it seems like the cover page coincides with the chapter, since it's Kuma catching Salmon (ha, you know because Kuma means Bear) but he keeps pawing them out of existence while Ginny wants to grill them
In fact this may be the first chapter cover to coincide with the events of the chapter, since Pudding's capture cover was implied to be some time before the Law vs Blackbeard fight Pudding was imprisoned on the ship for
Timeline is 30 years ago, 8 years after God Valley
It seems a lot of older people have come to the church in search of Kuma's aid
17 year old pastor Kuma is out here taking the pain away for those who ask, who are usually the elderly
He has the bear ears now, I think it's just his hairstyle really, he's still in his cinnamon roll stage and not his Revolutionary Chad era
They ask if Kuma can do more days, but 21 year old Ginny insists Sundays only, the day of rest
Ginny, who looks more and more like Bonney and has the freckles, is apparently known to be a bit of a cheapskate, she also has a lot of suitors, but the elderly people know she only has eyes for Kumachi
Kuma and Ginny don't even get donations for the church from those they help, but more because of the new king enforcing the tribute to the Celestial Dragons
King Becori (not sure what the pun is) doesn't seem to care for his people, and remains more focused on staying in the Dragons' good graces, even imprisoning those who don't pay tribute, and doesn't even feed them
Why do I have the sinking feeling that all of Becori's sins are gonna be attributed to Kuma as 'The Tyrant'?
But it explains why the elderly want to look healthy, to avoid being killed
The elderly leave and the paw is sti-oh...ohhhhh
The pain has to go somewhere, Kuma has been taking the pain of those who ask for his help
Explains why it's only once a week, as Ginny nurses him back, albeit torn about seeing him in pain
Seems if someone doesn't take the pain it doesn't dissipate, it festers and comes back
Ginny remains iffy about the fact that Kuma has to take on the pain, but her mood lightens up when it's time for food
25 years ago when Kuma's 22, Ginny pops the question
We can't Kuma you live in a church you could do it in 5 minutes
Ginny confronts Kuma's hesitance, knowing that they love each other, but Kuma is holding back out of memory of his father pleading the slavers to spare his wife
There's so much weight in that 'I don't want to make you unhappy'
Topics now change to news about the freedom fighters, precursors to the Revolutionary Army led by Dragon
And Kuma also shares the ambition of saving people like Dragon
The two kids who bullied Kuma last chapter return with fishes, and flirting with Ginny, but this is probably what tied into the cover page
22 years ago, something major happened? I mean 22 years ago I think Roger's execution so...noooo, let's not get that biblical again
25 year old Kuma finally pops off at the royal army for kidnapping people
Apparently there's a new law that ostracizes the southern province
As terrible as it is, Becori's point of 'people will grow accustomed to the inhumane situation until they aren't bothered by it' is quite close to the vein these days
It seems that Becori has gone apartheid on the Sorbet kingdom, ceding ties with the southern province where Kuma and the village of the elderly people and leaving it to be a lawless land
And why? Because the tribute is determined by population, he cut his country in half to pay less
Kuma, Ginny and some others ended up in jail, seems that Ginny and co were arrested trying to protest Kuma's freedom
Kuma's getting close to snapping, knowing that the Sorbet kingdom is getting even worse
But fortunately, the Freedom Fighters are here, led by Dragon and a familiar face
They overthrow Becori - who they call out for wanting to become a Celestial Dragon - then free Kuma and Ginny, leading to a brother sister reunion
In addition, Kuma gets his formal invitation to join the group (Ivankov having talked Kuma up to Dragon it seems) and after Ohara, they are rebranded as the Revolutionary Army
Ginny also joins the army, fitted with the Bonney-esque striped leggings
I mean I think that's Belo Betty and Karasu by the side but can't be sure, the shorter guy looks fairly defined to be a nobody
We see a bit more about the RA's plan of action at this point, since they have no funds they have to act like Mercenaries and essentially assist in rebellion first, that way securing funds, weaponry, numbers and influence
Tbf it's not unlike a Pirate action of plundering lands and securing territory, it's just more tactically against the WG
That's a different logo for the RA than we've seen before, almost looks like a sword, or Arlong's sword and a knife crossed over
Confirmation though that Dragon at the least dipped his feet into the Marine ranks, but left after finding justice
Wonder if that was the best or worst time of Garp's life?
Kuma remains encouraged by Dragon's goal, and in the 8 years he remains a revolutionary, Kuma still finds time to return to Sorbet to take care of the people he worries for
14 years ago now, Ginny remains an image of Bonney and is excited to see Kuma again
She's the Eastern Captain at this point, which would later be Betty's position so you know things are going to happen
A shadowed person's approach preludes the transmission to a face tattooed Dragon; Ginny's been captured
Bartholomew Kuma does not deserve any of this.
That man has suffered and suffered and he deserved to be happy, he was kind and caring and wanted no part in other's suffering and he deserved to be happy, he sacrificed his body, his allegiances and his very soul to protect people and he deserved to be happy.
But more and more it feels like that there will be no happy ending for Kuma, because the happiest moments in his life were always followed by pain, injustice and the looming shadow that they live in a world ruled by the enemy. And yet, this is where it's all about to get worse.
There wasn't any big reveals here, since most suspected Dragon to have been in the marines a bit, I get the feeling though that Kuma never in fact was the King of Sorbet - or at least not officially - and the actions of the past king were worsened to propaganda a Tyrant persona for him, one has to wonder what happens now to make Kuma go this far still.
My guess is that he sticks with the Pacifista program to protect Bonney, who I am growing more convinced in being Ginny's clone rather than biological daughter in the same way Weevil may be for Whitebeard, and maybe by extension Ivankov - who may've gotten captured trying to save his sister also. It's gonna be hard to watch what befalls Ginny either way, Oda has our hearts in a vice grip.
Gotta wonder who was the one that captured Ginny, might not be important but then again you gotta have something to capture a RA captain. Seems amiss too that Ginny would even allow herself to be parted from Kuma.
But yeah, no break again, meaning this is the first time since like June-July that we've had 3 consecutive chapters without a break, but in the process we're going to break Bartholomew Kuma
And he deserved to be happy.
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tamurilofrivendell · 2 years
Beauty and the Beast | Chapter 33
Previous Chapters [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32]
Read on AO3 [x]
Pairing: Thranduil/Fem. Reader Summary: A Beauty and the Beast inspired tale with Thranduil the Elvenking and a human reader from a nearby village Taglist: @captainchrisstan​ @rebleforkicks​ @yjrevolution​ @majahu​ @honey-wine @accio-boys​ @achromaticerebus​ @solomonssimp​ @tired-ass-show-girl​  @dreamlessnight​ @daddy-long-legolas​ @sleepyamygdala​ @coopsgirl​  @penguinlovestowrite​ @midsommar-nights​ @whore-of-many-hot-men​ @elvyshiarieko​
note: This is the second to last chapter. I’ll be wrapping up their whole 'happy ever after' thing properly in these final two chapters.
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Two days passed and then Legolas and Tauriel returned with your father. You were in the library with Thranduil when the news came. You had foregone your book long ago by that point, swapping it for Thranduil’s lap where you sat curled against him, kissing him like he was the very oxygen you needed to breathe.
Legolas had burst into the room and given you such a fright that you had leapt from Thranduil’s lap, though not quick enough because Legolas witnessed the entire scene, including what was happening just before you moved.
He lifted a hand to his face in an attempt to hide his amused smirk and cleared his throat to smother a laugh. The look his father levelled at him told him that he noticed. “I, ah..” He started, recovering himself as quickly as he could. He had the good grace to become a little more sombre as he turned his gaze to you. “Your father is safe. We have set up a room and he is with the healer.”
“Is it bad?” Thranduil asked, and you turned to look at him, a little surprised. You had become too accustomed to Thranduil’s derisive comments or looks whenever your father was mentioned. You understood it more after learning about the roses and everything else that had happened, but it had still felt slightly uncomfortable. You loved your father. Looking at Thranduil now, there seemed to be concern in his expression and you couldn’t stop the softest of smiles gracing your features.
“He will live.” Legolas assured you both, though he was looking at Thranduil, responding to his father’s question. “They had him in this place, some type of hospital I believe it was, but he was just locked in a room and not very well cared for. He has a fever and a sickness in his chest. He is unconscious right now... but you can see him, if you would like.”
This was directed to you and you nodded instantly. “Yes. Yes, please.”
Legolas nodded, moving aside for you to leave the library ahead of him, turning to shoot his ever-so-slightly ruffled and unamused father a smirk.
Moving into the room they had set your father up in, you rushed to the side of his bed. The healer on the other side did her best to put your mind at ease, assuring you that he would recover, and recover well thanks to the medicine and healing powers that the elves had.
Still, you hated to see him this way. He had not woken but he seemed feverish, mumbling under his breath as he slept. You wished desperately for him to wake and yet you also partly dreaded it for the sole reason that the last time he had been here had been terrible and he had not experienced the elves as you had. He had not experienced Thranduil as you had.
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Three days passed, during which you hardly left your father’s side. Thranduil came to check in once on that first day but he had not come again, leaving you and your father in peace. He didn’t wish to intrude, though three days apart gave him more time to sit and dwell upon the problem he was now facing.
The problem that was your mortality.
You were a human. Humans, who were there and then gone again so quickly.
The thought agitated him.
He loved you.
Thranduil had admitted as much to you. Out loud, despite his many concerns. The days after both of your confessions to each other had been spent in a little bit of a haze. The two of you had been quite wrapped up in the bliss of it all, exploring this connection that had grown between you both. That you had both finally acknowledged.
However, Thranduil was now succumbing to the reality of the situation. A human and an elf. It had happened, sure. Your favourite story was proof of it - Beren and Luthien. He scoffed to himself as he sat behind his large desk, not getting a single bit of work done as his mind tortured him.
You would die eventually.
He would lose you.
He would be left alone and grieving once more.
He did not know if he could do this again.
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The sound of your name roused you from your half-slumber. You sat up in the chair and blinked, turning your attention to your father who was now awake. Your immediate joy soon dissipated and you watched, confused, as he didn’t even look at you, his gaze fixed firmly on the other side of the room. As you studied him, you noticed the wideness of his eyes, the tension in his face... he was afraid.
Swiftly, you turned to see what had captured his attention, and you saw the Elvenking darkening the doorway. He was looking back at your father but he wasn’t moving, as if standing very still would make your father less fearful. However, he still looked intimidating, standing tall with his shoulders straight, chin slightly tilted upwards.
“Father...” You began, turning back to him.
“Daughter!” He cut in before you could continue, reaching out to grasp at your wrist. You winced slightly as the last of the bruises Vermund had left on your skin stung at the contant. Thranduil visibly bristled, however he stayed where he was. “Go!” Your father continued, turning his gaze back to the Elvenking in the doorway, who was now looking at you. The way he was looking at you made your father more scared, more angry. “I do not know how I came to be here but... but you will go, you must! I will stay this time. I will... I will pay for my crimes.”
“No...” You started again but this time it was Thranduil who cut you off.
“This is not necessary.” He said smoothly, taking a few careful steps closer. Your father shifted and his grip on you tightened as Thranduil’s expression softened. It reminded him of the fear he had instilled in you in the past. “Nobody here is a prisoner... my friend.” He blinked. “Not anymore.”
You watched your father trying to figure out what was happening here. To match the elf before him to the one he had met when he first stumbled into this realm. He couldn’t do it and, eventually, turned back to you for help.
You smiled softly at him. It was just so good to see him, finally, to have him right here in front of you. “I have so much to catch you up on.”
Thranduil reached out to place a hand upon your shoulder and you looked up at him. “I only came by to check on you both.” He said, ignoring your father’s expression as he tried to understand what he was witnessing. “I have a meeting but if you have need of me, tell Galion, and I shall come. If your father feels up to it, you might like to show him around.” He smiled again as he leaned in and pressed a kiss to the top of your head before turning and sweeping from the room in a rush of robes.
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"So, you and--and the Elvenking?!” Your father’s shock had not lessened in the many hours since you had told him everything that had happened.
You had taken him on a brief tour of the realm and you were both now sitting on a bench in one of the common areas. He had not seemed the slightest bit surprised when you told him that Vermund had led a hundred villagers here to launch an attack on the elves. He scoffed at the mere mention of that man and seemed fairly satisfied to learn of his death. He didn’t say so but he felt a warm gratitude spreading through him when he heard how Thranduil had rescued you from his clutches.
“Yes...” You felt heat rush to your cheeks and you ducked your head, nudging your father as he started to chuckle at you. He was feeling more comfortable now that you had told him what had happened, how things had changed here, though he still had a few of his own concerns.
“It is good to see you up and about!” A voice floated towards the pair of you and when you looked up you saw Legolas coming towards you.
You grinned at him. “Indeed. There is much to be said for the wonders of elvish medicine.” You turned to look at your father, your smile faltering as you realised he’d gone a little pale and was looking down at his shoes. "Are you okay? Are you feeling sick again?” You panicked, reaching out for him.
He shook his head and stood, looking up at Legolas a little timidly. “I... I just wanted to say that... that I am so sorry. I never meant-”
Legolas shook his head and stepped forward, reaching out to clasp your father’s shoulder in a gesture that said more than words could somehow. “It has long since been forgiven.”
A weight seemed to fall from your father’s shoulders and he offered Legolas a smile of his own, nodding gratefully.
Legolas turned to you then, still smiling. “My father wondered if you would both like to take dinner with us tonight.”
It was the slightest bit strange just because you had grown so accustomed to no longer being asked to join them in the royal dining hall but you realised that Thranduil was doing his best to show your father respect. It made you smile even though he wasn’t there.
It was agreed that you would all meet for dinner. The three of you talked a little longer and then Legolas took his leave while you showed your father around a bit more and introduced him to some of your friends.
When dinner came, you found that you were nervous for some reason. Myleth had come and dressed you up in a beautiful gown that seemed a little too grand for the occasion but you didn’t complain about it, leading your father towards the royal quarters. He was kind of awed at everything around him, though you could tell that he was a little worried to see the king again.
He needn’t have been as Thranduil was oh so very gracious as he rose from the table to greet you both. He seated the both of you before he re-took his spot and the meal was started.
A surprisingly easy conversation passed as the rest was caught up on, and your father finally told the tale of how he had ended up behind bars again in the first place. You felt a little responsible but you reminded yourself that everything was okay now. It had worked out and he was safe. You were all safe.
However, as you sat there passing the meal with your father, Thranduil and Legolas, you noticed that something seemed a little off. Whenever Thranduil would meet your gaze, he would immediately look away and, if you didn’t know any better, you’d have said he even looked a little uncertain.
Once the meal was done, you rose from the table and offered Thranduil a smile. He smiled back but he seemed distracted as he gestured towards your father. “I have a few things I wish to discuss with your father.”
“Oh. Okay.” You nodded, glancing at Thranduil and then at Legolas before turning back to your father. “Should I wait for y-?”
“That will not be necessary.” Thranduil said and you flicked your attention back to him, feeling as though you were being dismissed.
You did your best not to pout, wondering if something was wrong but you just nodded, smiled again, and turned for the door. “If anybody needs me, I will be in the library.” You said as you left, figuring that nobody would.
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The door of the library opened a few hours later. You jumped, a little startled, having been quite lost in your thoughts. The open book you’d been staring at on your lap was forgotten as you twisted around, watching Thranduil as he moved inside and over to you.
You watched him, suddenly aware that you had not really seen him in a few days, since your father was brought here. You missed him and the thought made you smile, forgetting for a brief moment the worries that had taken root in you over dinner.
“Reading anything good?” He asked, coming to stand beside you.
You shrugged, closing the book so he could see the cover. It was the copy of Beren and Luthien that he had gifted to you - it felt like so long ago now with everything that had happened since.
He hummed, smiling, and you watched him for a long moment before you spoke again. “Is something wrong?” You wondered softly.
Thranduil looked from the book to your face, tilting his head as he took in your exression and your quiet tone. He realised then that you looked unhappy. “No.” He shook his head, crouching down by your side, reaching for your hands. “No, of course not, what would be wrong?”
You shrugged, looking down at his hands in yours with a little sigh. “I just... thought maybe...” You didn’t really know what to say so you trailed off for a long moment before continuing. “You seemed distracted. At dinner.”
“Ah.” He nodded, his mouth twitching then as he looked back at you. His eyes were bright as he took you in and you blinked back at him, wondering at the slight change in him.
“No.” He assured you quickly, leaning in to kiss you softly. You relaxed somewhat, allowing your eyes to drift shut as you kissed him back. If he was sending you back to your village and ending this whole thing, he wouldn’t be kissing you, would he?
“I thought maybe...” You continued as he pulled away, lifting his hand and tenderly brushing some strands of hair out of your eyes. “You might have been having second thoughts.”
“About what?” He asked quietly, studying your face closely.
You shrugged again. “Um... about... maybe you wanted me to leave.”
Thranduil’s brows knitted together and his mouth dropped open just slightly in surprise. “Why would you think such a thing?”
“I don’t know.” You sighed, feeling silly as you squirmed under his gaze in the silence that followed.
When you looked up to meet his eyes, you thought you saw tears. You straightened immediately. “Oh, no! No, don’t be upset, I... I’m sorry! I was just being-”
He swiftly cut you off with firm kiss. You sighed into his mouth as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
When he pulled away again, he was smiling. “You were being silly.” He finished your sentence for you, levelling you with an amused smile. “I have no wish to send you away. In fact... I want nothing more than for you to stay with me. I need you to stay with me. I was not shutting you out, little human, I was making sure everything was perfect.”
“What do you mean?” You asked quietly, but you were smiling now too, his words making you feel better.
“I wanted to do it all properly. So I... I asked Myleth to find you a dress and I was asking your father...”
He trailed off then, glancing down at your hands, and you blinked at him, tilting your head curiously. “What?”
Thranduil looked back up at you, letting go of your hands as he reached into the pocket of his robe and pulled out a small carved wooden box. “I was asking your father... if he would be okay with me asking... for your hand in marriage.”
You were not sure what you were expecting but you knew for sure that it wasn’t that and you stared at him, completely stunned. Tears began to blur your vision as Thranduil opened the box, producing a ring wrought of silver, with tiny ruby coloured gems, all entwined with the banding to look like roses. He took it from the box and held it up in between you both and then looked up into your eyes.
“Would you?” He asked, voice practically a whisper, sounding suddenly so very unsure. “Would you stay here and marry me?”
You laughed then because how was it even a question?
“Thranduil...” You breathed, reaching up to brush away the tears that had started to fall. “Of course I will, I... nothing would make me happier!” You cried, shaking your head as you practically leapt at him, attacking his mouth with your own.
Thranduil laughed, gathering you up into his lap and kissing you senseless.
The old Thranduil would have allowed all of his earlier doubts to control every single one of his actions. He would have drowned in them and never resurfaced. He would have turned it into anger and he would probably have done what you feared and sent you away. He would have stayed in his bubble of misery and denied himself every happiness.
The Thranduil sitting here now had been changed. Your arrival had changed him. Every day he encountered you since had changed him. He had grown to understand that denying this happiness because of a future pain would only double it. He wanted you with him and that was all there was to it right now. Yes, you would both need to talk, there was still a lot to discuss, but right now he didn’t want to think about any of it.
“You have made me very happy.” He told you when he finally pulled away, sliding the ring onto your finger and then standing. He offered his hand to help you up but then swept you off your feet and into his arms, chuckling as you squealed.
He carried you through the hallways of his realm, oblivious to all the watchful eyes he passed by, and carried you back up the stairs to royal chambers.
That night, Thranduil took you to his own bed, where he happily worshipped you until you eventually collapsed into the most blissful slumber you had ever experienced.
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Bagginshield Drabbles and Collections
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Bagginshield Trope Bingo
Blacksmith Thorin- Thorin is happy to finally return to the Shire, but finds that tragedy struck his favorite hobbit in his absence.
Reshirement- Bilbo gets increasingly irritated with his relatives as he prepares for his 111th birthday, and Thorin is convinced they are ready for one more adventure.
Second Chances- Thorin awakens in Afghanistan suddenly remembering his past life and how much Bilbo meant to him only to learn Bilbo is a prisoner of war.
Paranoid, book, uncle- Frodo reads Bilbo's book and becomes paranoid that Uncle Thorin won't return.
Winter, letter, revealing- Worried about the fact that Bilbo still hasn't awoke after the battle, Thorin writes to Gandalf for answers. (Incomplete)
All About Bilbo from the POV of...
Balin- Bilbo is described by a friend on how he makes an ideal consort for Thorin.
Bofur- Bilbo is described by someone who loves him, but Bilbo is in love with someone else. (Unrequited Boffins)
Thorin- Bilbo is described by his first date as Thorin and Bilbo become frustrated with each other until it finally is released.
99 Problems But Our Love Ain't One
A Family Dinner Gone Awry- Prompt #11: Bilbo and Thorin discover the nature of some of the Company's bets
Do You Play Golf, King of the Goblins?- Prompt #17: The Goblins recognize Bilbo as a Took.
The Promise of After- Prompt #24: Bilbo's cold flares up in Laketown.
Most Valuable Treasure in Erebor- Prompt #25: A king's ransom is used against Thorin...only it's Bilbo who is revealed.
An Ill-Timed Giggle- Prompt #26: Bilbo laughed during sex once and now Thorin is paranoid. (NSFW)
Living the Hobbit Way- Prompt #29: Bilbo and Thorin have a fight over tea, and Prompt #82: Thorin finds some questionable objects in Bag End and needs to ask Bilbo what they are for. (NSFW)
Every Wedding Has a Few Disasters- Prompt #34: Every wedding has something that goes wrong. Bilbo and Thorin's was no exception as one of the grooms goes missing; and Prompt #72: It's been weeks since Bilbo and Thorin have been able to be intimate (NSFW)
A Lesson Carved in Stone- Prompt #44: Fili and Kili have gotten in trouble by finding Mahal's Anvil.
No Small Amount of Courage- Prompt #53: The goldsickness (has believe to have) made an appearance in other dwarves in the mountain.
Nori Needs a Burglar- Prompt #64: Being a sneaky, former burglar, Nori needs Bilbo to pull some spy work for him.
The Love of Mahal's Children- Prompt #73: A previous admirer of Bilbo's returns; and Prompt #66: The mountain is rather big and Bilbo gets lost...a lot.
A Golden Nightmare- Prompt 99: Bofur leaves for a few weeks/months and when they come back they act...possessed.
Behind the Money- Tea Shop AU; Bilbo is left a surprisingly large tip by his customer crush.
And Watch Them Grow- Post-BOTFA AU; Thorin leaves Bilbo unconscious on the mountain to get help, but doesn't get far before passing out himself.
Dwalin Guards Thorin's Heart- Bodyguard Dwalin; Thorin asks Dwalin to guard Bilbo; he didn't realize how much trouble that was going to be
Learning What It Means to Be You- Bodyswap AU; Bilbo and Thorin have somehow switched bodies, and discover some things about each other in the process
My Love is a Language for You to Interpret- Interpreter AU; Bilbo has been Thorin's interpreter for years and gets jealous when he goes on a "date".
Chasing Dreams- Knights AU; Bilbo, the oldest squire, finally gets picked by Sir Thorin the Oakenshield.
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Wednesday/Weekend Word Plays
Alphabet Game- Child Bilbo meets child Thorin, Frerin, and Dis as they decide to explore the Shire together.
Inspired By- Fanfic of @lordoftherazzles fic Bookbinder//Songwriter. (NSFW)
Switch It Up- The emotional scene of A Future Bright as Snow changed to an ice skating AU.
Switch POV- Excerpt from Chapter 1 of Guardian of Kings from Thorin's POV.
They were roommates...- Thorin gets jealous of 'friends-with-benefits' Bilbo/Bofur.
What If?- What if Bilbo had been transformed into an old hobbit instead of a baby hobbit in Rivendell?
Sweet & Spicy Bingo
Soulmates- Being born mute, Bilbo has trouble letting his soulmate know that it's his voice he hears.
Toys- Bilbo has a dream where Thorin is taking him down to a dungeon below Erebor to have some fun. (NSFW)
Webcam- Bilbo is in the middle of filming for his cooking show when Thorin surprises him for 'other' activities, neither realizing he's live...(NSFW)
March Madness
Bonding in the Forge- For the prompt "are you aware that it's actually ON FIRE?", Dis takes Bilbo into the forge to teach him to smith per dwarven courting traditions.
A Form of Flattery- For the prompt "I left you alone for two minutes", Fili, Kili, and Bilbo are in charge of hunting for the evening...so they make a rabbit trap.
Modern May Mash-Ups
Road Trip + Professor/Teacher + “Don’t you remember? We used to do that in school all the time.”
Fake Date + Chef + “Are you in trouble?”
Drunk/Night Out + Driving Instructor + "Maybe you need to focus more on your life and less on mine!"
Raising a Child + Pickpocket + “Am I under arrest, or not?”
Band + Carpenter + “Well? What happened? I want all the details!”
Summer Stories
Take Me Out to the Ball Park- Bilbo and Thorin are harassed by a group of trolls at the game, but they get what they deserve.
Blood Moon- Bilbo's transformation seems to be effecting him differently during the blood moon (A Mother's Curse ficlet)
Superstitions- Madoc and Durin have made some major superstitious faux pas' in each other's cultures. (Soul Traitor ficlet)
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Hugs & Kisses
Sickly Cuddles- Thorin hugs Bilbo close while he suffers from a cold.
Sleepy Words- Bilbo wakes Thorin up to an onslaught of sweet words.
Holding Hands at Beorn's- Dwalin gives Thorin the nudge needed to talk to Bilbo and hold his hand.
Worried Kisses- Thorin comes home thinking his hobbit would be angry and instead gets kissed.
Touch Asks
Feeling for Each Other in the Dark- After being trapped in a cave-in, Bilbo learns that Thorin's vision might not be as good as it used to be.
Piggy Back Hugs- Bilbo is having the worst hangover of his life, but that might change when he sees Thorin's text that morning.
Trick or Treat
Sword Fight (Treat)- After Azog and the Carrock, Thorin feels he needs to teach Bilbo to fight.
Cavern Oasis (Treat)- Thorin leads Bilbo down below Erebor where he has a surprise for him.
Thorin's First Flight (Treat)- Inspired by How to Train Your Dragon, Bilbo and Smaug take Thorin for a flight.
Flower Crowns (Treat)- Bilbo decides to go for it and gift Thorin his flower crown.
Picnics and Laughter (Treat)- Bilbo and Thorin enjoy a nice picnic together on the mountainside.
Try It? (Treat)- Bilbo makes some tasty treats with the freshly picked blueberries, but Thorin may be hesitant to try it.
Bed Play Too Far (Trick)- Bilbo and Thorin are playing bedroom games and Bilbo pushes just a little too far. (NSFW)
It Was Only a Dream (Trick)- Bilbo thinks Thorin is forcing him to leave Erebor, only to wake up and discover the reality is worse.
Driving Me Crazy (Treat)- Thorin casually picks Bilbo up around the forge and it starts to stir something inside him. (NSFW)
No Escape from the Dragon (Trick)- Bilbo is running for his life as he is chased by the dragon with the face of a loved one.
I Didn't Know I Loved You- Bilbo and Thorin have secret alter egos- they’re both in love with the wrong identity.
Thoughts of You- Bilbo hits his head and can suddenly hear the thoughts of people around them - but only when those people are thinking about him. That’s unfortunately bad news for Thorin.
Year of Bagginshield
Admist the Snowfall- First Kiss/Fake Dating
Temporarily in Different Worlds- Long Distance/Mermaid
Acceptance Before Forgiveness- Road Trip/Getting Back Together
Peace Talks- University/Pranks
From the Seed of a Sunflower- Fantasy (Thumbelina AU)/Flower Language
Through the Pouring Rain, I'll Find You- Soulmate/Accidental Confession
Seeing Stars- Enemies to Lovers/Power Swap
A Storm is Coming- Time Travel/Blind Date
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The Hobbit from the Mountains- (Part 1) Bilbo distracts Azog from killing Thorin by reminding him that he is the 'one who took away his victory'; (Part 2) Now that the battle is over, Bilbo has a choice to make: return home or stay forever with his dwarves? (Mulan AU)
The Dragon's Dentist- Bilbo walks into his next appointment to find the patient is a 14 foot tall, clinically depressed dragon with a gambling addiction. Only problem is he's a dentist.
One More Escape- Prison AU + Time Loop: Bilbo has been stuck in Mirkwood for a long time, and no matter what he does, he just recycles back before the spiders. He thinks he might just give up, but Thorin isn't going to let him.
The Yellow Socks- aka the day Thorin decided to be super dramatic
Bilbo and Thorin Feel a Kick- Fanfic of @ragsweas fic When the Sun Rises (mpreg)
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gemsbian · 6 months
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some rambling about the siblings fic below the cut!
To keep track of things: I'm writing this just after chapter 25 has been posted. I can see this wrapping up around chapter 30 with what I have planned, so I'll aim for that!
Fun fact - there's only been one POV from Amelia so far, and that was chapter 19. Some other characters like Arven and Liko have only had one chapter from their POV, too, but Amelia is the only main character I don't consistently rotate to
I wrote this fic with a lot of re-readability in mind. While not all of this was planned out when I started writing, there were some things I knew I wanted to include that have been mentioned from as early as chapter one, with many things taking a LOT of chapters to finally pay off
Some examples are Amelia struggling to say Zir's name for a few chapters before calling him Uncle, the practice-swearing that took a lot of chapters to finally come to a conclusion, foreshadowing with the Dragon Claw starting in chapter 14, and a lot of general hints about their trauma/past before it was revealed!
This is super fun since it allows first-time readers to make predictions in the story, and it also makes re-reads more enjoyable since there's a lot you can pick up on
A number of comments have mentioned they intend to re-read the fic, and that makes me super happy! I'm really glad it's good enough some people want to read it more than once to process it
I've realized later that it's quite funny how unassuming the fic name is "Wow, that's one really messed up teenager!" especially when I have received so many wonderful analyses in the comments! It's been a true joy to write this!
And on that note, there will be a second fic when this wraps up! It'll be an epilogue of sorts that follows the teenagers after leaving the Explorers. So for anyone who is going to miss these four: don't worry! They aren't going to retire yet ^^
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