#the floor is a light color so that it isnt too dark
rayroseu · 3 months
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late to the party but Meleanor was so right... Malleus IS a bright star for Briar Valley 😭💚✨
I really love how this groovy was composed visually. It really highlights the difference of Diasomnia members in comparison to Malleus. About their strength and status initially
but In a way, this makes me feel like it also highlights their difference in lifespan.
Malleus at the brightest because he still has far too many candles to burn, he is the one with the most highlights and saturation to bring focus but also since he's so bright, it dwindles other people's "shine", symbolizing his power and magnificence as an enabler to his loneliness and separation from others. He's like a Like a sun in a way... Too bright so its better not to get close, thats why its so poignant for me that his highlights are yellow (even though I know they just chose that bcs it complements green lol)
Sebek and Silver have some highlights, signifying they're young and obviously have many years to live by in human standards.
But what really caught my attention was how "dull" Lilia's color pallette here... Even Sebek and Silver's eyes look more saturated but Lilia is just outright "dull" even though we know his red eyes are really striking... It makes me think of his "eventual end" (am back in the Farewell Lilia laments lol)
How his colors here isnt as saturated and bright like Silver, Sebek, and Malleus bcs unlike them, he has too few of candles to burn now, the only highlights we see here are on the corners of his cape or "the last part of his character design".
I also really like how Sebek, Silver, and Lilia are placed behind Malleus, I assumed they were in front of Malleus based on the visuals of their dorm card lineup but here they're positioned behind Malleus to interpret they're guarding him in the shadows, but also it makes me think that they're positioned like that bcs Malleus obviously has a longer way to go than them but their past ("shadows") are still in Malleus' life and how Malleus can look behind in his past and recall their memories if it ever gets lonely living forward "seperated" from the the other Diaso members.
There is a contrast between green lights and violet lights on the floor, and only Sebek, Silver, and Malleus are standing in the green light.
In the color wheel, violet/purple and green are contrasting colors. If you grayscale these colors, You'll see that violet/purple will look darker than green (grayscale-wise). It makes me tear up interpreting that only Lilia is placed on the purple side of the area because he's the character here who's "life is dimming to darkness".
Even so, despite the differences in their status lifespan personality etc, they look so complete and look good together... 😭✨ And Malleus has an evil expression here too but it has an undertone that he's just happy... There's no undertone of intimidation unlike in pre-groovy, (and also because his face is so round (that happens bcs the perspective is high lol) that he looks softer, XD #chubby cheeks Malleus back at it again lol) and Malleus actually "looks kind" bcs he's with his family lol
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puhpandas · 1 year
Take Me Home 1, 2
(2440 words)
Cassie becomes aware of the world around her slowly.
At first, all she can make out are muffled voices, one achingly familiar and right in front of her.
She wants to reach out to it, she feels like she needs to, but she can't do much of anything.
The others are all unrecognizable, and all she hears is muffled commotion, something like... like... she can't put her finger on it. She can barely think at all.
She can't find the strength in herself to move, but at some point, she feels something touching her arms, then her shoulders, then lifting her up to set her down on something soft, and when it jostles her arm, her eyelids finally stop feeling like they're welded shut as she let's out a sharp gasp.
"--assie!" The voices all become clear so suddenly; like she broke through water. "Cassie, you're okay! Oh my god."
Cassie can feel herself shaking and gasping and, her eyes are only able to open to slits as she takes in the image in front of her. A woman she doesn't recognize is typing away at one of the same portable security stations Cassie had used, and a certain animatronic is fighting the thing that Cassie ran from.
Hang on, Freddy Fazbear?
The poor guy looks like a patchwork quilt; casing different sizes and some pieces missing alltogether, with his colors and paint wonky and messy, but his signature lightning bolt and face paint flows in the dark, and it's some of the only light in the room.
Her head lolls, and she can barely find the strength to move, or even think, when she finally realizes shes laying on something soft, and not the cold, dirty, ancient linoleum tile.
"Its okay, Cassie." The voice says again, the one she'd felt the need to follow, to focus on, and she tries to look through squinted eyes at the source.
She realizes she's laying in someone's lap, and she can only acknowledge the color blue when a hand rakes through her hair as assurances are murmured her way, and she's just so comfortable that she can't find it in her to fight it, so she just succumbs, and let's her eyes slip closed.
"Damn it!" Cassie can hear the woman yell. "Gregory, I need you here!"
Cassies eyes re-open to slits when she feels herself being shifted, but she can't quite understand what's going on yet.
"Shit." The same soft, painfully familiar voice says above her, and something bothers her, like an itch she can't scratch. "Okay. I'll be right back, Cassie. Just sit tight."
Shes suddenly laying on the ice cold, filthy floor, and she cant help but make a noise in protest.
The voice does not respond with its comfort again. Instead, with her steadily growing awareness, she can hear the pitter patter of footsteps.
Its greatly difficult to open her eyes, theres some kind of buzzing in her head and an almost lag or stutter to her very thoughts, but she tries hard, really hard to force them open.
Her eyes focus in on the scene just in time to see a gray and red blur tackling the figure in front of her.
The same voice that had brought her comfort cries out, and he and the blur both land on the ground after sliding.
Cassie is suddenly very, very aware of what's happening.
"You!"" Roxy howls, pinning Gregory down by his arms and letting her teeth get very close to his face. "Don't touch her, brat! I won't allow you! Not after what you did!"
"Gregory!" Freddy yells, momentarily distracted from his battle with that thing, and it gets the jump on him, landing a worrisome blow.
Freddy staggers, but he recovers quickly, and it isnt long before he's back on top of the thing and pushing it towards the hole it crawled out of.
Freddy growls ferociously, sudden strength overwhelming the thing he's battling as it gets harder for it to fight back.
"Vanessa!" He yells to the woman Cassie still doesn't recognize.
"Shit!" Vanessa curses, leaving her station. "Hold on, Gregory!"
Suddenly, Cassies mind catches back up fully, and she tries not to let it reel too much as she scrambles off the floor, ignoring her twinging arm and leg.
"Wait, wait! Roxy don't hurt him!" She shrieks, falling to the ground after her leg gives in on her, and tears pool in her eyes, not only from the burning, scorching pain in her leg, but from Roxys sharp, broken, dangerous endoskeleton claws held high above Gregory, ready to strike.
Roxys ears wiggle, and she's distracted just long enough for Gregory to send a kick straight to her chest, that somehow sends her flying off of him.
Gregory is quick to scramble to his feet, hovering by Vanessa and taking over the computer they're at when she steps aside.
Roxy growls ferociously as she claws at the ground, scrambling to find surface.
"Brat!" She shrieks, voice box warbling and cutting out from the sheer volume and intensity. "How dare you!"
"Roxy!" Cassie yells, army crawling over to the shattered wolf and putting a soft, comforting hand on her cold endoskeleton forearm. "Roxy, please, calm down! It's okay!"
Roxy finally gets to her feet, and at Cassies voice, doesn't move again, just shifts to stay at her side, ears wiggling and she tries to understand what's going on in the room.
Cassie hears a sound next to her, a resounding beep that echoes across the room, and she can see Freddy finally shove the thing back in the dark, slimy hole it came from, and dig his claws in the metal of the door to slam it closed.
"How much longer?!" Freddy asks, and the thing starts banging on the door, leaving dents in the other side.
"Almost..." Gregory says, typing at the speed of light, and suddenly, with a flash, he pushes one finger into a button on the keyboard, and something latches on the other side of the metal door. A cement mixer Cassie never noticed was next to it begins spinning, and gray liquid begins filling it up from the tubes plugged into vats, and cement starts piling onto the door.
Freddy moves out of the way as wet cement buries the door under a thick layer, and everyone is silent when the thing's banging can't be heard anymore, and the cement mixer powers off.
She's still holding onto Roxy, and Roxy to her as well, and next to her, when she finally snaps out of it, she can hear Gregory and the woman panting next to her.
Everything only becomes apparent when the danger is over.
She suddenly becomes aware of the still wet tear tracks on her face, and it all comes swinging back at full force.
Roxy twitches when Cassie makes a noise, but Cassie isnt looking at her; shes looking just a bit past her, and to the left.
Gregory and the woman look over at her, but they only really seem to really see her when she starts crying.
Gregory looks right back at her, and it's like time slows down.
The room feels so still; like the very air has shifted and settled to let Cassie focus purely on this moment, only on Gregory.
She catches his eyes, amber colored (rare, he always said.).
And everything else falls away.
"Gregory," She sobs, and she tries to move, to get up, but her body is so sore, and she can feel herself trembling, and her leg burns and pulses with pain and shes pretty sure its broken along with her arm that she cant put pressure on.
"Cassie..." Gregory says, just as disbelieving as Cassie, and Cassie cant help but sob out a wet laugh, and let a grin split on her face when Gregory smiles at her.
He makes up for her lack of moveability and takes one step, then another, and it's not long before hes close, close enough to reach out to.
But something on her other side shifts, and she had forgotten Roxy was still there, and that her hand was still clasped firmly around her arm.
Gregory's stopped in his tracks by Roxy rising menacingly, and Gregory finally tears his eyes away from Cassie, looking wearily at Roxy.
"If you think I'm letting you anywhere near her after what you did..." Roxy growls, fingers twitching as she readies her claws. "You're mistaken."
And suddenly, Cassie remembers all about what Roxys so upset about.
"It's not your fault. I know you did it for me. To save me. But... we can't risk being followed."
"I'm sorry."
Her stomach feeling like it was doing flips. Her head being slammed into the ceiling of the elevator as it plummeted to the ground. Everything spinning. Her hearing something crack when she was thrown to the floor when it finally landed before everything going dark.
Gregory's brows furrow from where hes standing, and Cassie can't help the deep, agonizing, hurt inside of her when his words echo inside of her head.
"W-what I did...?" Gregory mutters, confused. "Is this about your eyes? Listen, Roxy, I--"
"It should be, but it isn't." Roxy snarls. "You just cant stop hurting people, can you? Gregory."
Gregory's eyes flash with hurt from where hes standing, and Cassie can't help but feel like something isnt adding up.
"I-I dont understand..." He says, brows furrowed.
Roxy growls, as if she can't believe his audacity.
"The elevator, brat!" She yells. "You dropped her! All to save your own skin. Just like everything else you've done."
Gregory looks more confused than hurt, and then, his eyes widen.
"The elevator..." He mutters. "That-- Damn it! The Mimic must have-- fuck." He rubs at his eyes with his hands.
Cassie frowns. "Gregory?"
He whips up at her voice, and he looks a whole new level of concerned.
"Cassie." He says simply, and side-steps Roxy when Cassie reaches out to him.
Roxy whips around. "Gregory--!"
"Roxy!" Cassie interrupts, never tearing her eyes away from Gregory. "Its okay. I promise."
Roxy pauses at that, and with a warbling grumble, un-tenses her springs, and backs off.
"Roxy," Cassie can hear a robotic voice say, emotion lacing its tone, but Cassie isn't focused on anything but the person in front of her.
She's finally able to reach him, and he wastes no time joining her on the floor, and letting her wrap his arms around her.
She cries when he hugs back just as desperately, and she sucks in shuddering breaths, clinging onto his blue jacket.
"Cassie," Gregory says, voice soft but rough at the same time and exactly how she'd remembered it, and she just cries harder. "I didn't cut the elevator. I would--" He huffs. "I would never do that to you. It was The Mimic."
Cassie sniffs, and is just so overwhelmed with relief that Gregory didnt cut her off, leaving her to be trapped, and almost forgets to respond. "T-The Mimic?"
"That thing that's down here." He explains, and Cassie wants to break away so she can see his face, but she doesn't want to leave the cocoon of warmth and comfort yet. "But... we sealed it back up. Turned all the security back on. Its stuck again. For good."
Cassie is barely listening, just squeezing her eyes shut and burrying her face into Gregory's shoulder.
"I missed you." She says shakily. "You were gone for so long. I-I thought you--"
Gregory shushes her, but his own voice sounds choked up.
"I know." And she can feel him trembling against her as much as she is against him. "I-I missed you, too. So much."
"Um," Another voice says, a female one, and Cassie recognizes it as that Vanessa lady. "I don't mean to interrupt this moment, but we should probably get out of here."
Suddenly Cassie is thrown back into awareness, and she notices the freezing, biting cold sinking into her joints from being on the floor and the aching, pulsating pain from her left arm and leg.
Gregory finally pulls away, and Cassie is almost sent back into another crying fit when she sees his face. The same face shed missed so intensely.
She has more to say to him, so much more, but right now, all she wants is to go home.
"You're right, we gotta go." He agrees. "Its not totally safe here. Theres still danger out to get us."
Cassie tries not to let herself get too scared over that, shes so tired, but Gregory smiles a reassuring smile, and it works on her probably too well.
"Freddy?" Gregory asks the bear, who's been off to the side with Roxy for a while now. "Can you..."
Freddy nods, and goes to help Cassie, but Roxy beats him to it, and scoops her up ever so gently, holding her close and somehow just in the right position to not impale her on her broken casing or jostle her limbs.
"I've got her." Roxy says, and she sounds way less angry than before, just determined. "Let's get out of here."
Roxy strodes past Gregory and totally not very pointedly ignores him, but Gregory doesn't comment, just nods, and the Vanessa girl packs up that portable computer thing (were they all hers?) and follows behind them.
They all line up by the elevator, but low and behold, its sitting broken, crumpled, and totally, undoubtedly, unusable.
"What are we going to do?" Cassie asks, furrowed brows looking at the broken down elevator, and she looks away when she sees a bit of red on the inside. Her injuries twinge without her permission. "How are we gonna get out?"
"Dont worry." The Vanessa woman says. "We'll get out using the tunnels. They lead right up to the basement, and then we'll go from there."
Cassie want to ask about what tunnels? but shes exhausted, and her body hurts, and she feels safe for the first time (no, second time. First time was when Gregory was holding her.) all night.
So she just mumbles an agreement, and let's herself get comfortable in Roxys arms.
Going up the tunnels takes forever, and Cassie is left coughing up dust and dirt by the time they get to the surface, and her eyelids are already fluttering when they're not even at the second basement level yet.
"Rest." Gregory tells her. "You can count on us to get you out safe, I promise."
She nods, fully believing Gregorys words, and she only let's herself fall asleep when Roxy tightens her hold around her and Gregory let's her take his hand with her good arm.
2nd ao3 link
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naturepunks · 2 years
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clawing at the sides of my enclosure trying to get out of this insane bout of artblock that persisted for the majority of 2022
so! to help mend that, i wanted to do personal headcannons of what the book clan cats physiques are. minor additions below that i couldnt fit on the images themselves
⚡️ThunderClan are the most… cat? like, they’re truly the generic brand of feline. their overall body and form didnt really need to change that much to better their ability to survive in their own environment… so it didnt! they’re typically more warm coated to help blend into the greenery that surrounds them.
🌌ShadowClan are small but strong. Pray is scarce, so their population hasnt been able to grow to rival other clans, but they’re truly masters of their territory, using the thick tree cover to their advantage. Their paws are also very tender due to the pine needles making a cushy blanket that covers the forest floor, which also helps absorb any sound they may accidentally make. Theyre mostly dark solids, any brighter color typically does more harm than good.
💨WindClan also isnt a very big clan, but they’re very closely knit. Rabbits and field mice are very plentiful almost all year round, so they’re able to eat plenty, but both are very quick to duck into burrows. Need to be fit and fast to survive… they’re also really annoying cats to be around. They know they can outrun anybody.
🌊RiverClan cats are very prideful in their proportions and hold themselves in high regard and believe themselves to be the prettiest of all cats. Their fur grows very full and long, but they use fish oil to slick their hair back to aid in swimming and dry time. They spend a lot of time sun bathing and try not to let the other ugly cats bother them too much, as they hate getting their paws dirty. They’re majority thin striped tabbies with light underbellies as the fish have trouble seeing them.
🌳Skyclan is very kindly, as they see other clans as very polite for letting them join them in their lives. They’re well known for being very welcoming to new members, and are a refuge for any cat trying to leave their old life behind. They’re very arboreal and spend a lot of time building muscle to leap great lengths.
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whim-prone-pirate · 1 year
8:23 who up watching the end of phineas and ferb the mvoie rn
8:26 ........archives WOAH SCARY FACE
8:27 oh my god color pallets i'm gonna be sick
8:28 LUMITY ANGST ???? IN HER DREAM ?????? WHAT THE FUCK ?1??1???1?
8:29 oh em gee not lilith's died hair again
8:30 please do not the luz
8:31 luz blames herself for flapjack💔💔💔💔
8:32 hehe face hold
8:34 REUNION !!!!!!!!
8:34 ray ray im going to kill myself
8:39 not precariously stacked jenga!!! no !!!!!
8:44 ok i got distracted with a different fandom thing where are they
8:46 collector playing grudgby is real
8:47 oh no!!!!!!!!!!
8:48 bros participating in eugenics
8:48 "how'd he get here without a body" most normal toh problem
8:49 oh collector my bug😭😭😭
8:50 kmskmskmskmskmskms
8:50 jaw on the floor she's dissipating
8:51 he csnt fix her😭😭😭😭😭😭
8:52 NO SHE ISNT !!!!! SHE IS NOT !!!!!!!!!!
8:52 oh😭😭😭😭😭 my😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 god😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
8:53 TITAN ????? HAII
8:54 watching. and dreaming. watching ..
8:54 where did he get a bad girl coven shirt
8:54 this is what modern leftist political conversations sound like
8:55 it's giving lich
8:56 big fan !!!
8:56 what'd he say what's he SAY WE ONLY HAVE SO MUCH TIME HERE
8:56 CAMILAAAA !!!!
8:58 "please stop run away" * i am feeling burdened and i taste milk i mumble please please run away but it lives where i live
9:00 did i miss something why are they mossydiseased like luz
9:01 i'm too tired for fight scenes rn
9:03 oh my god the titan's hand looks so cool
9:04 oh my god she put their glasses on for them
9:04 their hair looks so good🤭🤭
9:05 that fight was not as drawn out as it deserved to be but that is not dana + co's fault💔💔💔💔
9:06 collector💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
9:06 here's how gustholomule can still win
9:07 we have thirteen minutes for canon raeda and huntlow and gustholomule AND another lumity kiss. no pressure tho
9:07 oh god her look is so dark she's. wow
9:07 she doesn't have to be naive to the people who want to hurt her anymore. a win.
9:09 I LOAF YOU :)))))))))
9:09 so the next eleven minutes are domestic bliss????? yeah??????
9:10 steve moment!!
9:11 bump cut your hair ..🙁
9:11 cute boscha moment sobs
9:11 darius protects the isles from absolute bitches and whores (real)
9:12 the guards!!
9:13 see you in the stars bug😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
9:13 sorry i'm ruining my own like
9:13 SHE CANT USE HER GLYPHS ??????????????????????
9:14 oh my god what's happening
9:15 oh my god THEY LIVE IN THE HOUSE
9:15 willow short hair<3
9:16 flapjack.
9:16 lilith looks so good and matt's stache hasn't grown at all
9:16 AMITY ????????????? LOSES MY MIND
9:17 bump gardener era
9:17 coven removal so real
9:17 ok what was THAT little moment with aladarius
9:18 raeda is def married right like for sure i need to make sure i didn't miss a ring or anything
9:19 oh my god does she have a tattoo
9:21 by.3😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
9:21 do you think she's gonna play one more song. she's. she's gonna come back— NO SHES GONNA COME BACK😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 /ref
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thr4sh0rd13 · 2 years
my life goal is to design a church that is green inside
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Understanding Gyro Gearloose
A fair day in Duckburg, the sun was shining and the air was warm on the face a perfect day for a perfect date, thought the ever so brilliant Fenton Crackshell Cabrera who was meeting up with Huey outside of a small coffee shop.
“Fenton!” Huey says, “You asked me to be here, why?”
“Huey! You and Dr. Gearloose know eachother..” Fenton murmurs not making eye contact with Huey when his face begins to warm.
“I’d say so, is there something wrong?” Huey asked.
“No! Gosh there isnt, I was just...wondering if you’d help me...Please dont tell anyone else, but..I want to surprise Dr. Gearloose with a date.” Fenton explains, stammering as he started to sweat.
“Well, then you have come to the right place, oh boy this is exciting! Where do we get to start?” Huey asked.
“Well, if there’s one thing I have to remember about Dr. Gearloose is that I can’t do anything too dramatic, he stresses out easily.” Fenton explains. “Do...you have any advice?”
“You’ve come to the right place Fenton, I know exactly what you need. Sit down my friend!” Huey says.
Fenton smiles, “Oh thank you Huey, youre the best!”
“Of course Fenton, now the most important thing is it to set the mood, you said that Gyro gets stressed easily, so plan for something small.” Huey explains.
“That’s easy! We can watch a movie in the lab, thats his comfort place.” Fenton says.
“Perfect. No big surprises, just a good movie, and some snacks, you guys could get hungry, every good date has snacks.” Huey said.
“Hm, light snacks, Dr. Gearloose doesn’t eat snacks very often, but i know what he likes so I will provide that.” Fenton says.
“Mood lighting. That’ll be everything for your date, warm colors, make it comfortable. Blankets are a must.” Huey says, getting excited for Fenton.
“Yes! I have plenty of those! I’ll use as many as I can to create the most comfort for Dr. Gearloose..” Fenton says.
“What movie do you think will set the tone?” Huey asks.
“Darkwing Duck! I just know Dr. Gearloose will like it.” Fenton says,
“Great. Now we have all the elements for your perfect date.” Huey says.
Fenton smiles. “This is perfect. All I would have to do is get Dr. Gearloose out of the lab so i can decorate it, Boyd can help! He can fly, oh, it’ll be perfect!” He starts to get excited about his little date.
“I know exactly how to get Dr. Gearloose out of his lab, I’ll act like I’m interested in one of his new inventions, and then Ill suggest we show it to Scrooge, he will leave the lab with me and then you can swoop in, decorate it with Boyd, text me when your done and Ill take Gearloose back, and it’ll be perfect!” Huey says, he smiles happy for Fenton.
“I knew I could trust you Huey, thank you.” Fenton says. “You go get Dr. Gearloose now, Ill need as much time as I can get, I have something I want to show him as well.” Fenton says/
“Huey is on it. I wont let you down Fenton!” Huey says.
“This means so much to me, I hope it works.” Fenton says, only a little nervous now.
“Don’t worry Fenton, Ill make sure it works.” Huey says while the two make their way to Gyros lab, Fenton hangs back so that Gyro doesn’t see him sneak in, there would be no way for him to lie about what he was up to, not to Gyro.
Huey walks up to the lab door, knocking on it awaiting Gyro.
Gyro hears the knock, walking over to the door, he opens it. “Red Nephew?”
“Yes its Huey here! I was interested in knowing more about your inventions!”
A rare smile forms on Gyros face. “I never figured any of you would be so interested in my work!”
“You’re the coolest scientist we know! Of course I am.” Huey says while Gyro lets him in his lab.
Gyro adjusts his glasses while he walks to his workspace ready to start information dumping on Huey.
“Can you tell me more about your cool shrink ray?!” Huey asked looking in awe at Gyro.
“Of course!”Gyro picks up the Gearloose Microphone, “The Gearloose Microphone! The microphone that can make tiny voices loud, and of course shrink you to a microscopic size.” He starts to go on in even more depth, gesturing wildly as he spoke. “You see my work is very well crafted Red Nephew, you are smart for taking such an opportunity to understand my inventions. All of the accusations you’ve heard are wrong, my inventions are never evil just wildly misunderstood.” Gyro speaks while lil bulb peaks from his hat as he says ‘evil’.
Huey didn’t quite expect Gyro to talk so long. They were there for a long time before Gyro finally stopped talking to take a breather, Huey took the opportunity to ask Gyro to take his presentation to the manor.
“Can we go up to the manor? I bet Uncle Scrooge would love to hear about the Gearloose Microphone.” Huey gasp, “everyone would love to see it!”
Gyro looks at Huey; “You really think that?!” He sounded hopeful.
“Of course.” Huey says, he smiles “Lets go!” He takes Gyro by the arm running him out of the lab.
Gyro screams, breaking free as soon as the two left the lab. “Never touch me again.”
“Finally.” Fenton says sneaking into the lab, he was starting to worry that Huey was going to be unable to get him out of the lab.
“Hey! Psst Boyd I need your help.” Fenton calls to him.
“Fenton! What do you need?” Boyd asks.
“I’m planing a date with Dr. Gearloose, i need you to help decorate the lab a little bit.” Fenton explains.
Really?! Ill help decorate!” Boyd happily said.
Fenton and Boyd begin to look for some decorations. He took Hueys advice and decorated with warm colors, making the lab a comfortable place to watch a movie in.
“This is going to be a perfect date.” Fenton says while he strings up some lights over the large window in the lab. He continues to tidy the lap, ensuring it will be looking its best when Gyro comes thru the door. Boyd flies putting up little paper lanterns.
“Wow. The lab looks fantastic!” Fenton smiles, the lab nicely decorated, comfortable for Gyro. “Now to just set out some snacks.” Fenton looks all over the lab for food, Gyro didn’t keep to much at the lab, but Fenton was able to make due with what was there. “Perfect!”
He takes out his phone and Texts Huey that has done all that he had needed to do.
Huey gets the message all the way back at the manor, to his luck Gyro stopped talking as he got it.
“And thats the Gearloose Microphone!” He says with pride, while Huey and Scrooge clap for him.
Gyro looks over to the time, “I should really go back to the lab now.”
“I will take you down!” Huey says, walking to lead the way.
Gyro found it odd Huey suddenly liked him so much, but he was enjoying him, not that he would ever admit that.
The two walked to the lab, Gyro opens the door to Fenton standing by it with a rose.
“Dr. Gearloose.” He smiles, handing to him.
“What is the meaning of all this…” Gyro asked, as Huey just winked, leaving while wishing Fenton good luck.
“Well, Dr. Gearloose, you are always so busy working and all...I planned this, very not date to watch a movie!” Fenton explains.
Gyro looked puzzled for a moment, looking at Fenton and all the lights around the lab, sure looked like a date to him.
“Come on! I set up the movie over here in my laboratory!” Fenton takes Gryos hand walking him over to his tiny bathroom lab. “Here we are.” He opens the door, the two enter the small space. “Sit down! I set us up some blankets.”
Gyro didn’t say anything, he sat down while Fenton started up the movie for them, once he was set up he joined Gyro on the floor.
The lights dim and the movie starts, Gyro was still quite confused about what was going on, and why Fenton would put so much effort into something for him, it wasn’t like he deserved it, least he didn’t think so. He sighs, when Fenton looks over at him, smiling.
Gyro suddenly felt warm inside, in the moment he was glad it was dark, because he was in fact blushing, something that he would not have wanted Fenton to see.
The movie goes on, Gyro found himself getting closer and closer to Fenton the longer that they sat and watched Darkwing Duck, before he knew it, he was wrapping himself around Fenton, resting his head on Fentons shoulder; he hadn’t felt this relaxed in ages, it was a weird feeling for him, but he liked it. Fenton was warm, he was cold, the heat felt nice to him on his body, he almost didn’t want whatever it was he had to end. He in fact, had feelings for Fenton whether he wanted to admit it or not, he sure couldn’t deny it now, he smiles admiring Fenton and the movie.
It ends, the two were still quite quiet, not speaking a word, that was until Fenton spoke.
“Doctor Gearloose I would like to show you something...I have been working on.” Fenton says.
“Are you s—I mean of course, what do you want to show me?” Gyro spoke, he didn’t want to admit that he wanted to just stay on the floor snuggling to Fentons warmth.
Fenton smiles. “Behold! This is Gizmocloud.” He says while turning on his computer. “Here, put this on.” He hands Gyro a VR helmet.
Gyro puts it on his head; as Fenton joins him.
“It’s a virtual reality system I have been working on, heh, It’s still in beta. There’s glitches I dont know how to get rid of.”
Gyro was looking in awe, barely listening to Fenton, “This is...impressive F-er—intern.” He nearly slipped out Fentons name, but he couldn’t let Fenton know he liked him that much.
“You really think so?” Fenton says, while slyly turning on the sunset; setting the mood he thought.
“I do! This is incredible….oh forget it, Fenton.” Gyro smiles at him.
“I-I have a name.” Fenton smiles, he looks into Gyros eyes, taking his hand.
“Ah, well..” Gyro blushes, his feelings for Fenton growing stronger the longer they stood looking at each other.
“I think we have really good chemistry, Doctor Gearloose.” Fenton carefully kisses Gyro on the cheek, Gyro, now possibly overwhelmed by all these soft feelings he’s never felt for Fenton before, starts to tear up.
“You...mean all that..you did this all...for me?” Gyro asked.
“Of course, who else would I be doing anything for Dr. Gearloose, nobody is worth any amount of time or effect, just you are.” Fenton says, while Gyro unexpectedly hugs him tightly, his now very warm face touching Fentons.
“Fenton...thank you..” Gyro says, keeping his tight hold on Fenton.
Fenton smiles, overjoyed he couldn’t have asked this date to go any better than it did, quietly thanking Huey as well for all the help that he had provided making it possible.
Gyro then returns a small sweet to Fentons cheek, “Consider us even now.” He says, while he in reality also wraps around Fenton, kissing him softly.
While soft music begins to play, thanks to Boyd, the two return to reality.
Gyro is quiet again, looking at Fenton fiddling with his own thumbs.
“You ...don’t want this to end do you?” Fenton asked, he was starting to understand Gyros body language a lot more, understanding what he wanted without actually outright saying it.
Gyro shook his head, making Fentons statement true, he didn’t want it to end, not ever, he wraps himself around Fenton, causing the two of them to fall to the floor.
Fenton smiles, his date a larger success than he could have ever asked for.
The two of them laid snuggling for a long while until Fenton had fallen asleep, Gyro still wrapped around him admiring him, he couldn’t believe Fenton went thru all of that, just to have a simple little date with him. He didn’t realize how often he was pushing Fenton away until this point. Part of him felt guilty, but also lucky that Fenton had never once given up on him. He was greatful for him, truly he loved Fenton, he just never knew how to say it, until Fenton showed him how, just now. Gyro smiles, for once as he falls asleep wrapped around Fenton, where he could stay, forever.
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cuddlesslut · 4 years
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Alrighty lets get started!! So i still really new to this so as to not overwhelm my self im going to try and stick to two charcters for now. I’m sorry if its not what your looking for. For the two im going to do my boys Suga and Daichi. Only because i just did Kuroo and  because im still trying to figure out how to write for Reon. I might however come back and write a part 2 with them. 
Prompt : Boys reacting to their tom boyish crushes all dolled up (Daichi & Suga)
just sayin i wrote this while drinking mojitos
P.S. this prompt reminds me of a series called Sinful Sweethearts by @thosenerdy3amthings​ so definitely go check that out!!
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Daichi Sawamura NSFW
you have know Daichi basically your whole life
growing up next to him your parents were very close which meant that you two were kept close together 
in fact until you made it to middle school and started playing volleyball for the girls team you had never had any other friends beside Diachi
so it was safe to say that growing up you were more on the boyish side
you were just more comfortable in sweats and baggy workout shorts than skirts. 
you even wore pants to school
even  highschool though you went to a different school Diachi stayed your closest friend you often finding yourself at the Karsuno practice after yours had ended.
 No matter how much your teammates fussed they couldnt convince you to ditch the large hoodies and sweats.
 You and Daichi always supported each other. you never missed his games and he never missed yours (as long as scheduling permited)
the third year boys often teased Diachi for his realtionship with you
“i dont know why yall dont just date already,” suga complained while daichi stated his usual reply “ shes my best friend you know its not like that” he huffs
Suga scowls “ first of all rude im supposed be your best friend, and second it cant be as just friends as you say when you get so protective when the seond years simp for her.”
“i just dont want her feeling weird around the team. you know Noya and Tanaka can be intense,” he explained
“still that doesnt acount for the way Y/N looks at you,” Asahi added to the convo
“what are you talking about Y/n doesnt look at me any special way, we’re just friends ,” daichi stated a little to forcefully almost as if he was convincing himself.
Suga and Asahi share a knowing look thinking about how their captain can be so dense. 
“any way are you ready for your  birthday party tomorrow night ,” Suga asked smiling brightly.
“i told you i dont need a party,” Daichi scolded for the fifth time today.
“ahh c’mon its not everyday you become an adult like the rest of us DI,”
finally admitiing defeat Diachi concluded the conversation.
it was finally the next day you were more nervous for this party than any volleyball game you had played.
and here you were standing in the tight black dress Suga with the help of your team, you should never wager against suga
Had convinced you to wear to diachis party tonight
still shell shocked you stood in front of the mirror of the bathroom Suga had chose.
It was weird to see yourself so girly
the black dress clung tight   to your body. leaving little the imagination.
Suga better be glad he won that bet
finally calming yourself you look around for your best friend
Finally catching sight of him Diachi stood with Suga and Asahi next to the bar of the club.
Suga was the first to recognize you a evil smirk hitting his face as he drew Diachis attention to you.
You couldnt help but notice how hot he looked in his button up and dark wash jeans, his shirt clinging so close to his chest.
he looked to damn good you thought as you bit your lip
little did you know the birthday boy was having an epiphany of this own
his eyes raked up and down you mind wandering 
had you always had such a great ass under those baggy sweats
“Happy Birthday Captain,” you teased.
Daichi took a sharp breath suddenly taken back by the way the title fell from your soft lips
all he could think about was how you would sound screaming that from under him.
lost in thought he missed the smirk his best friend had as Suga put his pan into motion
you stood there sway to the beat of the loud club music wanting to dance
“Y/n why dont you take the birthday boy for a dance,” 
you smiled before Diachi could protest saying how how he doesnt dance
you pulled him to the dance floor pushing your ass against him reaching up and wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him close to your body as you grinded to the beat
his hands found their place on your hips  
his cock twitched from the pressure of your ass in that short tight dress rubbing against his crotch
you were not helping his growing situation
bodies getting lost in the movement 
you looked up at the boy had been your best friend your whole life with one thought in you head
the same thought flashed into diachis brain
being bold he crashed his lips into yours 
Lost in the contact the kiss lasted forever getting more and more intense 
your not sure how you to got here
but here you were straddling Diachi in the back of his car
his lips sucking bruises into your neck, his large grabbing your ass as you bounced on his thick cock
“FUCK,” Daichi breathed heavily pulling you down into a sloppy kiss tongues exploring “ youre so tight come for me beautiful.”
“im so close Captain you moan feeling him stretch you.
thats it that one word flipped the switch for him he gripped tight on to your waist to hold you secure as he powerfully drilled his hips up into you.
hitting your spot deeper and with such accuracy you were both driven over the edge as you clinched tight around him pulling his release from him.
you both sat out of breath in the hot car, the widows fogged and the smell of sex stinging the air.
“happy birthday,” you said giving him a quick kiss.
he glanced at the watch on his wrist 
he smirked up to you “you know my birthday isnt over yet,” you smiled already liking where this was going. “lets head back to mine. I’m not done with you yet.” 
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Koshi Sugawara Slight NSFW
He’s had a crush for you since the beginning of the school year
He thought you were the most adorable thing he’d seen 
with your sweaters that were  two sizes to big. (sweater paws)
You two became friends through a writing project. 
you too quickly hit it off you loving his wild humor 
its sometimes seemed like hed flirt with you but you figured it was just his personality and you were too shy to do anything
poor suga spent so much time flirting with you but you never paid it any attention so he figured you didnt view him that way and he was okay with that he just wanted to be your friend if nothing else.
and so thats how six months went by of being no more than friends
always returning Sugas simple firsts with a shy smile.
It wasnt until the celebratory party some random third year threw to congratulate the boys on making it to nationals
You sat at your best friend Kyioko’s house. 
This was the first party she was able to convince you to attend and she was making sure it counted.
there would be no big sweaters or jeans tonight 
tonight you were borrowing Kyiokos clothes. 
She dressed in a tight (favorite color) lace halter crop top with the lace exposing just the right amount of cleavage. and a pair of blaack shorts hugging your hips thighs on full display.
it wasnt what you were used to this being the most skin you had exposed to the public in years
thats coupled with the make up added to your face you almost didnt recognize yourself
it wasnt what you were used to and thats why when you reached the party and all eyes landed on you. you were slightly relieved that most of the people didnt recognize you.
it was almost exhilarating 
kind of like playing pretend.
like tonight you werent Y/N shy and closed off
you were a sexy and confident woman
that coupled with the shots you took with Kyioko. you found your new confidence 
thats why when you saw you long time crush and close friend Suga across the room you didnt hesitate to make your way over.
“No way is that Y/n” Daichi gasped causing Sugas attention to slip to where his best friend motioned. “wow i didnt expect to see her here,” Diachi let out with a low whistle.
Suga sucked in a sharp breath not prepared for the sight in front of him.
There you were making you way towards him throw the crowd. a smile on your face but it was hard for suga to focus on that smile when your whole body was on display for him. 
 His eyes trailed from down your figure taking all of the exposed skin that was normally hidden from him. 
the way the lace framed your stomach and cupped your breast. the cut into shirt showing him the most cleavage you had ever shown. moving his eyes down it was hard for him not to whimper at the site of your thighs
this man was entranced in your appearance. hed always thought you were the most beautiful even when you were covered head to toe, but seeing you like this it was hard not to drool.
And he wasnt the only one, Several guys had taken notice of you.
Some stopping you to ask if you were new,  cause there was no way’d theyd miss a hot babe like you at school. 
to which youd just roll your eyes keeping on your way to your target. 
feeling more and more emboldened by the attention you were receiving.
but these boys werent the ones you wanted
being the light weight you are you already had your eyes on your prize
go big or go home 
so you you strode right up to the vice captain
“ W- wow Y/n you look great,” Suga stuttered 
“thanks Suga,” you say placing your hand on his toned forearm
No turning back now the confidence was here to stay atleast for now
Suga took a deep breath as he took a turn being the shy one. not used to the aura you exuded. were you really the shy girl he knew. 
you moved closer enveloping him in a tight embrace
he could feel you tits press tight against him and he was trying not to focus on it not wanting to further anymore of the dirty thoughts crossing his mind
 staying close next to Suga you continued your flirtatious assault
dishing back all the flirts you had held back over the months
Finally the straw broke when one of your favorite club songs played through the crowed house and you pulled him close to dance with you.
“c’mon Koshi dont be so timid,” you teased. 
Suga wasnt sure if it was hearing his given name grace your beautiful lips or the facts that you had pressed your ass against his crotch moving seductively to the music but he snapped. 
Suga placed his hands tight to your hips pulling you closer to him not caring if you felt the growing bulge in his pants.
leaning down “you know if you wanted my attention you didnt have to dress so damn sexy. now i have to deal with all these vultures looking at you,” he whispered his breath hot on your ear.
you turned around wrapping your arms around his neck leaning even closer, 
“then why dont we go somewhere private then we wont have to worry about who’s looking,” you smirked heart racing
“i couldnt have said it better,” Suga said leading you out of the busy room ready to have you to himself. 
Sorry It took so long to write all my work got deleted and I had to start over! I hope you enjoy it 🍵 Anon!!! 💕💕 @🍵anon
Taglist: @emiyummy @insomniish
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7thqueen · 3 years
Children Back in Time
Bellatrix laid on the hard ground, unable to move. The piercing wounds she received from Greyback's claws continued to bleed through her dress. She laid on her front, her eyes open and aware but her body not able to move.
She could hear explosions and muttered spells. She moved her eyes to look around. She was on the stairs leading to the bridge and from where she laid down she can see the billowing robes of the person she used to call master.
He had his back turned around them, fighting someone Bellatrix can't see in her position.
She wants to kill him.
She wants to take her eyes back.
She wants her revenge.
She wants to avenge a future she saw that is yet to happen.
She wants to move.
She blinked her eyes, clearing the daze in her mind. Her hands twitched, she couldn't feel her wand in them.
She kept trying to have control over her body. "Episkey" she muttered the spell weakly. The gaping wound in her stomach didn't close one bit but instead only the scratches in her arms closed.
She's weak and drained. Fighting Greyback, Dolohov and two more members of the Dark Lord's circle was hard in her situation. She couldve defeated them if it weren't for the curse.
Bellatrix gritted her teeth as she muttered a numbing spell over her body. She sighed when she felt the pain fade to a dull pulse in her skin. She pushed herself up, she cant find her wand,not that she needs it that much anyway.
She stands up using the wall as support, ignoring the way her leg buckled, it was probably weak and strained but it wasnt felt because of the spell she casted on her body.
She stood at full height, she looked around. People were crowded some distance away from her. She looked at the dark lord's direction and she stopped rigid at what she saw.
Narcissa was on the ground, holding a limp body of Andromeda blood on her mouth, lying on her folded leg was an unconscious Draco. At least Bellatrix thought he was unconscious.
A few distance from them was a lying body of the boy who lived. Narcissa was crying and Bellatrix felt an incredible amount of anger come though her at the sight.
She had never seen Narcissa look so broken.
And now she she did.
Andy was getting closer to deaths door.
Draco probably tried fighting back but still lost.
And the boy was already lying face down like she did earlier.
She could see the dark lord point his wand at them. And in instant Bellatrix Moved.
She didn't think about what to do. Her speed was a blur as she appeared behind Narcissa. Putting her hand in the air she casted the strongest shield she can muster before the green color of Voldemort's spell she reached them.
"Bella!" Narcissa cried out, looking behind her shoulder. "It's okay" Bellatrix comforted through her teeth, her attention and focus bleeding through her shield.
"I'll defeat him" she gritted her teeth when she felt the center of her body churn painfully. Her shield was standing strong but her magic is almost drained.
"He's too strong Bella and your magic is wavering" Narcissa reminded Bellatrix of her predicament as she stepped forward in front of her sister.
She casted the same spell again and again while Voldemort stood in front of her, amusement painted on his pale face.
" And here I thought you died already Bella" Voldemort sneered at her but Bella didnt listen as she tried to shrink the distance between them.
They rounded each other, Bellatrix not putting her shield down. Her wounds bleeding faster, wetting her black dress a darker shade.
She felt blood come up her throat. Internal Bleeding, she surmised but didn't give ground with her shield.
They slowly rounded each other. She could see Voldemort also having a bit pf a hard time with the prolonged spell.
They have both been weakened by their previous fights. She focused all her attention to her shield, waiting for a moment for the spell to weaken before lunging to attack.
She could see the people of Hogwarts hover the end of the bridge, watching with stricken face, wondering who would win. Bellatrix likes to think it's her because she would still be better than Voldemort.
Her magic was rapidly draining now, her wound opening and bleeding. She even swallowed the blood that threatened to come out her mouth, it wasnt wise to show your state to your enemy. It can be easily used against you.
Then suddenly, out of nowhere, there were cracks of apparation. Before Voldemort and her can even look, the largest and biggest 'Bombarda Maxima' exploded at her face.
It was Vela's spell, mixed with Delphi's lightning and Rigel's enchantment. It was deadly amd she would've been blown by the spell if it werent for the another spell of protego that layered her own.
"Bellatrix" her eyes widened comically at the voice. Her body gave out as she crumpled to the floor, either from her spell or the voice, the dark witch wasnt sure.
"..Muddy.." Bellatrix muttered the name weakly after puking the blood out her system.
".. your here.." Bellatrix closed her eyes when Hermione gave her a short hug.
"I'm sorry for being so late" Hermione looked sincerely guilty as she wrapped Bellatrix's hand on her shoulder as support.
"..mom!" The combined voices of her children, Delphi, Vela and Rigel echoed in Bellatrix's ears.
"Were okay!" Rigel shouted over the distance. He had Draco by the neck, while Delphi quickly went to Andromedo, probably to heal While Vela was helping Narcissa stand up, and Bellatrix finally noticed the bloodied legs of her sister.
"Quickly! Get out of here!" Hermione shouted back. She saw clear hesitation on her children's eyes.
It was Bellatrix this time and they quickly apparated away. Obeying through gritted teeth and anxious eyes.
She felt an explosion sound again and both of them turned again. The spell they casted to Voldemort was still exploding, buzzing with deadly fire, lightning and enchantment Rigel provided in the spell.
"Drink this" Bellatrix blindedly drank the potion, and suddenly she was aware that her numbing spell has faded. She could've fallen to the ground again if it weren't for Hermione's support.
She felt her wounds heal and start to close up but her magic was still drained.
"Harry's still here" Hermione stated when she nearly stumbled upon the battered body of her friend. Bellatrix didn't say anything, focusing on the painful stitching of her wound.
"Take him away" Bellatrix said when the pain faded a bit. "But what about you?! I can't just leave you here alone!" Hermione glanced between the two but Bellatrix gave her a hard look.
"You're not going to leave me here alone right?" Bellatrix chuckled at her.
"Of course not!"
"That's why you should take him away, I trust you to come back"
"What if-"
" I can still hold my ground until you come back. Its not like your gonna leave for a minute" Bellatrix tried to play lightly. Taking the boy away would just be added to the list of people who won't die today.
"Give me the wand" she ordered before Hermione could say anything else. "Go, the sooner you leave, the faster you can come"
She gave Hermione a hard kiss before the crack of apparition popped in front of her.
She gripped the foreign wand in her hand. It was too thin.
She pointed it to the exploding spell Voldemort was trapped in. "Bombarda"
Nothing happened. She spat on the ground in frustration. The wand won't listen to her. She could see the trap was getting weaker, Voldemort can break it anytime now.
Absolute. Magical. Control
She chanted in her head. She had to make the wand bend to her will no matter what happens.
She closed her eyes to help her focus. She tuned out the sound of explosion, the air, the tumbling rubbles and rhe thunder happening above her head and even when there were suddenly multiple sounds of apparition that happened behind her. She didnt react.
In whatever that's left of her magic, she channeled it through the wand in her hand.
Listen to me, just this once. Just until this fight. Just until he's defeated. She pleaded but the wand isnt reacting yet.
Listen here you piece of stick. Bend to my will or I will break you! Were at war and your not in the position to fucking choose! Your boy lost and I am the only one who can use you right now! I wont lose a future that I desperately wanted just because you wont listen!..
Bellatrix pushed a surge of magic through the stick before feeling it connect with her magic.
She opened her eyes to see four backs against her. " I knew you wouldn't listen" she stated, walking to level with Hermione.
"Family comes first mom"
Vela muttered with a smile.
When the exploding spell finally broke, Hermione instantly reached for bellatrix's hand. Threading them together.
She could instantly feel her magic dance with Bellatrix. The familiar sensation giving her comfort that they are doing this together.
The way their magic seemed to amplify each other was the only thing they can use against Voldemort. Bellatrix looked down at her and Hermione smiled.
"We'll distract him until you can prepare the spell" Delphi muttered before the three of them disappeared in light speed ad appearing at the spell they casted earlier.
"Be careful" Hermione called out in the air, aware that the Three would hear it.
"Can we still cast it?" Hermione held Bellatrix by the waist. She could feel the blood wetting her hand. She stopped the tears that was stinging her eyes, it wasnt time to be showing weaknesses.
"We have to. But I have barely enough magic" Bellatrix leaned at the younger brunnette, caressing hairs away from a dirty face. Her eyes were worried and anxious and Bellatrix's situation is not making it better.
"We can use mine" Hermione answered. "We havent tried it yet but we have to do it. If its not enough, we can ask the kids"
Bellatrix grinned at the way Hermione said 'her kids'. Her heart warming up at the fact that she has a family now and that they were all fighting to have a better future.
"Okay" she agreed. She took out her own dagger while Hermione took out her wand. They boh began carving.
Hermione kept wincing at the pain, she would've applied a numbing spell but they have to conserve every drop of magic they have.
Bellatrix was an instant in carving in her wrist. The curse of her dagger would help in the spell. The elven runes bled in her wrist but she kept carving. She would carve everything she can in her own wrist in order to minimize the runes Hermione would apply.
Bellatrix already filled the front of her wrist with the bloodied runes. She flipped jer wrist and then dug her dagger.
"One more line" she comforted Hermione when she was finished and when that final line bled into the skin, it glowed. Hermione looked at the dark witch in the eye, praying silently that it will work. She held Bellatrix by the cheek and the dark witch let their foreheads meet.
They chanted.
Survey the Heavens, Open the Heavens... All the stars, far and wide... Show me thy appearance... With such shine. Oh Tetrabiblos...
Voldemort’s eyes widened at the incantation and when he realized it was a sealing curse he panicked. 
Noticing the flustered look, Delphi conjured a spear with her magic before throwing it at the man’s position. It traveled through the air, Vela casted her own magic on the black spear, wrapping in the spear in glowing flames while Rigel poured his magic into it, enlarging the black material of magic until the tip of the magic was already as tall as them.
The spear raced through the air while Vela and Rigel combined hands to cast their own Incarcerous at Voldemort’s feet. The spear hit straight to the dark man’s chest but it didnt kill him. Instead, the magical spear pinned Voldemort to the wall of the bridge. The sound of scream that came from the man’s throat was music to Bellatrix’s ears but she didnt let it get her out of her focus. 
I am the ruler of the stars... Aspect become complete... Open thy malevolent gate. Oh 88 Stars of the heaven...
A swirl of white and gold magic mixed at Hermione and Bellatrix’s feet before expanding into the floor in what Hermione could recognize as a magic circle. The white and gold kept getting bigger and bigger as they kept chanting. Hermione could already feel the draining of her magic but she kept going.
Delphi crumbled to the floor on her kneess in an effort to keep the spear in Voldemort’s body. The spear was a hard to keep up, it was a spell meant to disappear as soon as it hits its target but she’s keeping it right there, to bind Voldemort to the wall, despite the screams and spells he flung out of his wand towards her direction. 
Vela and Rigel had the perfect teamwork in exchanging between offense and defense, keeping up their own magic with Delphi was hard but they had it easier than their eldest. Vela sent out another flaming spell that managed to almost break the bridge at the power. Rigel casted a shield, strong enough to stand the heat and fire that almost enveloped them and their parents.
Spirit to Body...
Hermione looked around them before meeting Bellatrix’s eyes, they were focused and hard but when they contacted, they softened before they focused again.
Body to Mine...
Bellatrix pulled her closer.
As I chant...
Bellatrix focused on her magic, leaking it into her words as she chanted the spell.
Undo the Bind,
Bellatrix moved to change their position. She wrapped her right on Hermione’s waist while the other left threaded with Hermione. Hermione thinks the position looks a lot like a tango position but she didn’t say anything. They pointed their threaded finger at the binded Voldemort. 
What Now Holds..
My soul to me..
Vela, Rigel and Delphi moved away when the shine of the spell was starting to become blinding. 
With this spell
Now set it free!
This was just draft guys hahaha. Pardon the lack of details and proper conveying of whats happening
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the-system-mailbox · 2 years
dear parker,
i know i already wrote to you, but i. i dunno. i wanted to write again. my thoughts ... they aren't clearer, but they're less chaotic. less messy. you understand? well, it doesn't quite matter. this letter wont get to you, maybe a version of you, but not you. not the one i know.
did you... write me back? i hope so. ugh, what am i saying, you didn't even get the letter. even if you did, even if you wrote me back, i wouldn't receive it. just know that i ... appreciate your time, is all.
i'm... it's weird, ive traveled across multiple dimensions now. all against my will. im assuming you wanna hear about it? i hope you believe me. out of anyone, i'd bet you will. you saw me disappear.
so... the first place i went to, it was called 'the plane.' infinite grass lands, a couple trees, two clouds in the sky. the sun never set. the air was stale, it felt like a too-clean apartment. always room temperature. the weather never changed. the sunlight felt fake, like i was on a movie set. if you walked far enough, there was this big... i 'unno what to call it. it's officially named 'the plug.' but it didn't really... seem like one. it was this dark grey pillar that reached up into the sky. it never ended.
i was brought there by this bitch named airy ... he was invisible, or at least always hiding. he was the host of the place. apparently it was a game show. he called it 'ONE.' never found out what 'ONE' even stood for. anyway, i hated the dude. he brought a bunch of random guys there too. 5 others (one of them being like, an 11 month old baby. or something.) came with me first. then he brought others from different universes... i know, crazy right? they spoke of things i never heard of. we were put into teams and competed for a 'wish for anything.' the competitions were stupid. it sucked. airy made us change our names. he called me 'moldy.' god, how stupid is that?
and ... well, this is the craziest part ... if you died, you'd get revived. airy didn't let you die. death's terrifying, parker. terrifying. i got used to it after a while though.
and now i'm. here. in another, completely different world.
there's these beings called humans. they're fleshy, with arms and legs like us. their 'heads,' the closest thing to our objects, have their eyes ears mouth and nose. they have a 'torso' which connects the arms legs and head. i'm in the body of one.
the color of the one's im in skin is like... god, how do i describe it? like a light, light beige. it has dark brown spekles all over it, called 'freckles.' but! this isnt the only way human skin looks. there's different colors, too. all the way to the dark brown of your flooring, and every color in between. humans are quite pretty, being honest.
anyway. i share this body with many others. not all humans share their bodies with others - but i do. some are objects, some arent. i've met so many people here. i've learned a lot, parker. i'm trying not to make the same mistakes as i did with you. thank god i'm not in charge of the money around here, eh? haha... bad joke, sorry.
but, besides, even after all that. this body is still malfunctioning. we know it's curable, but it's taking a while. some thing never change, do they?
i wish i could say more. i want to say more. theoretically, i could, but i cant think of what to say. i hope you... i hope you understand. im sorry, even though i already said it last letter. i hope we can make amends one day, even if it's unlikely we'll ever meet again.
sincerely, charlotte.
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pizzacrustdisposal · 3 years
naming and judging bedrooms i found on google
you can tell i dont pay attention when my grandma watches HGTV lol
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Contrast Is Key - looks okay, but it’s too bright for me. i wouldn’t like the person who owns this home. cool windows, fluffy lookin pillows
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Grey Black - the segmented windows are kinda iffy, and the bed reminds me of a thin mint. the textured wall is a little offputting, but the whole thing is interesting. i dig the mono palette. let me get a big fluffy canopy bed tho
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Earthy Tones - the blue/olive/brown is immaculate. looks big and comfy. the loveseat at the foot of the bed is making me go feral. i wouldnt have that tiny little table though. loving the french doors.
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Gold Rush - well. its very gold. i love it. the accent patterns are a no for me though.....grandma’s curtains type vibe.....love the windows tho. again mattress looks uncomfy and there’s too many impractical pillows. shapes and textures no thanks..... all in all an ok vibe if you discard the pillows and dont nitpick
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Ivory Afterlife - that scene where Harry Potter died and saw Dumbledore in the afterlife or whatever?? this. i think it’s a hotel room actually. patterned floor is not my style. good loveseat, nice armless chairs to ragdoll in. better pillows than gold rush bc no texture on cases. again too bright but good vibe.
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Light Grey Living Space - Woah. bed isnt too crowded, LOVE the architecture. big window<3 fireplace<33loveseats<33 not too bright and love the flooring. dont care for the rug but it does fit well.
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Mono Red - woah ho ho! i am a sucker for red and white and i love this. what the fuck is up with that corner plant i want to be one of those! low light fixture might be a silly little problem. mattress looks like a kitchen sponge...... the aesthetic really is great tho
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Modern Cream - oh another soft boy! digging the lamp and curtain. looks spacious. cool floor.
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Modern Neutral - looks like a millionaire’s bedroom, with less technology. like the weird couch arms around the bed. offput by all the stuff going on but i see a living space in the background? idk
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Monochrome Mentality - oh? oh i like this. Big soft bed. lots of room in the room. the vanity is pretty cool but personally not my style. not much to critique. very good.
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Panned Gold - more than 10 pictures? blasphemy! anyway nice mono color palette. looks like a wardrobe with mirror doors which is cool unless you’re a soprano opera singer. the brown is a bit yellow for me but it works with the gold pattern. i dont know that man.remove him. tiny little shelves for tiny little objects, very nice. spindly chandelier reminds me of an anglerfish lure. what is with modern bedrooms and thin mattresses (but this one actually looks ok).
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This.... - oh wow that is a lot. that is a big cactus. where is this. ive never liked stone walls, not even brick. reminds me of my cousin’s bedroom. the cousin i hate. Anyway the bed is glorious and theres a sink? just there? holy fuk.id love to see the bathroom. nice view of absolutely whatever that is. lovely.
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Wispy Bits - woah. i want that chandelier if anything. why is there a book on the floor is that built in. i don’t know what the aesthetic is but it’s really cool. dont like the arms on that chair. im getting rich wattpad bachelor looking for a spouse so his parents stop bitching at him and im ok with that but maybe thats just the jack daniels lmao
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Romantic Red - oh wow😳 that is all 9.5/10 title says it all
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Room To Think - yep. Lot of floor. doors to a patio i see? cool. bathroom is kind of minimalistic which i appreciate. nice greenery there. curtains for privacy very good. nice looking bed and i like a fireplace. i am getting lazy with my commentary i am sleepy.
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Regal Dark - i am FOAMING at the MOUTH. the Drama. I am in awe. 10/10
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last one thank fuck. got that metal bed frame. there are so many straight lines i am so uncomfortable. what is the point if you can’t sit on the edge of your bed and spiral into self-loathing... nicely lit, good structure, but i cannot get over the bed frame.
and thats it! i may revise some of my reviews in the morning, but I also am don’t care that much. im just looking for background images for a project its fine. ily im going to bed<33
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awxward · 3 years
A3! Boys + My Stuffed Animals
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Spring Troupe:
Gabriel is a small elephant with big ears that constantly make him fall over. He has a pink bowtie that says 'I Love You'
Makes Saku feel safe and Gabriel is a reminder to himself that he's loved and appreciated by everyone at Mankai.
Named after a friend from theatre class :)
George Washington
George Washington is a tiger. He is small, but his arms are like those slap bracelets so you can wear him on your wrist (or let him hang on the side of shelf like I do).
So I got Georgy-Boy for easter 2020. i asked my friends for name ideas. They sent me stuff like 'Stripes'. I went offline for a few minutes and when I came back online I told my friends his name was George Washington.
Me: tiger has a name now
Friend: which name did you choose?
Me: his name is George Washington.
Friend: what the fuck. how'd you get George Washington?
Pretty sure he got the name bc I was listening to the Hamilton soundtrack.
Daniel is mostly pink but has other pastel colors that look like watercolors. He's a unicorn. And a ketchain. And he's one of those dream lites, so he lights up. (He's supposed too anyway, but he's never lit up since i got him like 7 years ago at a yard sale).
Named after Daniel Howell (formerly danisnotonfire) [YouTube]
Lucifer is a small panda pillow pet. Very easy to travel with bc he fits in most backpacks.
My mom told me she wanted me to have a stuffed animal with a biblical name, i picked him up, looked her in the eye and said "His name is Lucifer." My mom tried to protest. "You said a biblical name, Mom. Lucifer is in the bible."
Pao is a panda. They are also a phone holder thingy. Like it'll hold your phone if you're watching movies or whatever.
Like 5-ish years old. Got them from a friend. They have a tag with their name on it, but I read it once and then just called them "the panda" for some reason instead of their actual name and now the tag is too faded to read the name, but i am 38% sure it says Pao or something close to that.
Tsuki is a dinosaur. Tsuki is a sparkly dino. He's green rn, but if you brush your hand over him, the sparkles turn over and he becomes orange. I like green tho bc his tummy and the bottom of his feet are orange and so are his eyes.
Named after Tsukishima Kei (Haikyuu)
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Summer Troupe:
Hinata is a narwhal. A bright orange narwhal. Infact he is the same color as Tenma's hair.
Named after Hinata Shoyo (Haikyuu) [bc its the same color as his hair. there is a theme with this narwhal and the anime boys i associate with them]
Steve is a regular teddy bear, except he has a shirt that has pikachu on it. (the shirt was originally Tsuki's bc i got tsuki at a friends build a bear bday party, but it fits Steve better)
I just think Yuki would try new designs/color schemes/styles by making clothes for Steve to see how they look.
I got Steve from a claw machine (my bf at time won him for me just before we watched Endgame together.)
Named after Steve Rogers (Marvel)
Muku most definitely loves the Winnie the Pooh movies and I will fite for this hc. He gets my Eeyore. You know how Eeyore's tail is always going missing or falling off??? Eeyore's tail comes off (velcro) but its attached to his actual body with a string so it cant be misplaced.
Eeyore has a patch that says "official disney store" but i got him for $3 at a thrift store.
Sherlock is a polar bear. Sherlock is very huggable. He makes Misumi feel safe. He has a hat and scarf (that don't come off. they are sewn on him)
the hat has a pom pom on top and the scarf has a pom pom on each end. the hat and scarf and the bottom of his feet have a blue/white plaid pattern.
Victor is a puppy and the first big stuffed animal of mine on the list! He's all tan and abt maybe 3-4 ft long. Victor lays pretty flat so he's comfy to lay/sit on. I think Kazu would like sitting or laying on him when drawing. Probably has him on his bed so he's like a giant pillow.
Victor is from Toys R Us. I got him last August-ish from my Aunt and Uncle who found him at a thrift store and thought I'd like him.
Named after Victor Nikiforov (Yuri On Ice)
PJ is a small white tiger. He is also a ball. He can fit in one hand. When Kumon is thinking or stressed or bored (etc) he just lays on his back and tosses PJ up into the air.
When Kumon is laying on the floor tossing PJ, Misumi sits on the bed closest to where PJ is and tries to grab him (but only if Kumon is in a good mood and okay with it) It's a fun little game they made up they like to play.
Pretty sure he was named after KickthePJ (YouTube)
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liber pls give us a pic with all of autumn i am begging
Autumn Troupe:
Sammy is another one of my large stuffed animals. He is also a puppy, but unlike Victor he is sitting instead of laying. He's abt 2-3 ft tall. His fur is the same color as Banri's hair. Great to squeeze at anytime, but very therapeutic when you're in a bad mood. Has a heart on his ear.
i got him abt 7 years ago. I had just finished spn season 2 and was upset abt the finale and had no way to start season 3.
Named after Sam Winchester
Tiggs is a beanie baby tiger. Tiggs is a little larger than PJ (and not a ball). He's a regular orange tiger instead of a white tiger like PJ. He'd buy Kumon PJ so they could have matching stuffed animals. Small and very comforting to just hold/hug.
Benedict (Ben)
Benedict, also known as Ben, is a small koala. Just a little bigger than Tiggs. He has a heart on one of his feet (i think the right one). very soft. very fluffy.
Named after Benedict Cumberbatch (Actor)
Dean is my largest stuffed animal. He is a dark brown teddy bear that's abt 4-ish ft tall. He can be put in a corner and used as like a bean bag chair, or he can lay down flat and be a good pillow like Victor can.
It's very fun to just wrap around him and squeeze as tight as you can. Especially in when your in a bad mood. Very comforting to cry into.
I got him a couple years ago at a thrift store.
Named after Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Lev is a lion abt the size of a regular teddy bear (maybe slightly larger). I got him a thrift store so he's slightly worn out from age. He's mostly a pastel dark yellow-ish tan and his mane is dark brown. very huggable.
He's the stuffed animal I sleep with. Smells nice all the time, like the fabric softener.
Named after Lev Haiba (Haikyuu)
Emotional Support Iron Man
So Iron Man is small and he sparkles. He will hurt you/someone if thrown hard enough. Sakoda likes heroes bc they remind him of Sakyo they look cool. I'd hc that he got Iron Man from Sakyo when he was younger and its one of his most valued possessions and goes everywhere with him (or stays with Azamo or Sakyo at the dorm. Maybe Izumi or a couple others are on the list of who can watch over Iron Man.) Very protective of it.
Got the emotional support part of his name from a friend.
She saw Eddie Redmayne on a movie cover (think it was The Danish Girl) and started freaking out bc she loved him. I handed her the Iron Man and the next day she thanked me and said he was an Emotional Support Iron Man and the name stayed.
[Emotional Support] Spooder-Mon
Sakoda knew Azami as a kid. He most definitely got him the Spider-Man so they could have matching plushies.
Spider-Man is square and has little blob hands doing the web thingy. The tag said travel pillow, but he probably just chills by Azami's bed. When needed, Iron Man will be placed next to him if Sakoda can't take Iron Man with him.
I brought him to school one day and we had a bio test and all the people sitting around me passed him around and gave him a pat for good luck. We all got good grades and then he was dubbed as Emotional Support Spooder-Mon, but the Emotional Support title isnt part of his name (unlike the Iron Man).
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i wanted guy in the pic, but i also wanted tsumu and hiso in the pic so you get 2 pics for winter
Winter Troupe:
Phil is a zebra. He is a pillow pet zebra. Like Lucifer, Phil is also easy travel size. The bottom half of Phil is pink, so I refer to him as my pink zebra.
I just think it'd be cute to have Tsumugi with a pillow pet ok. I also thought he'd probably have has Phil for many years (since he was a kid) and Tasuku most definitely brings up things from when they were kids and shit.
Tasuku: you chose the pink zebra, and for what???
Tsumugi: its a very aesthetically pleasing pastel pink.
Tsumugi: dont talk bad abt Phil.
the rest of mankai: ????????
I got phil before I got Lucifer many years ago. He was old when i got him and he is very old now. I love him so much.
Named after Phil Lester (AmazingPhil) [YouTube]
Cap is a husky. He was won from a claw machine with Steve.
There's just something abt the grey and white that gave me Tasuku vibes. Also, Cap's eyes are abt the same shade of blue as Tsumugi's and Tasuku knows this bc they are in love. Very squishy when hugged and with the way he sits, you could make it look like he's guarding something.
Named after Captain America (Marvel)
Ushijima (Ushi)
Ushijima, also called Ushi, is the last of my giant stuffed animals. He is abt 2-3 ft tall (like Sammy) and has a tail abt the same length.
Ushi is a raccoon thats mostly hot pink. Ushi's eyes are also pink and just abt the same shade as Homare's hair, although Ushi's fur is brighter by a few shades.
Ushi hurts when thrown/swung hard enough. Very fun to hug bc he's filled with beans (like beanie babies) so unlike all my other giant animals, he doesn't have to be fixed/adjusted after everytime you squeeze him. The tail has cotton tho and makes a good pillow.
Homare would definitely just see a 3 ft tall hot pink raccoon and claim it with no explanation.
Named after Ushijima Wakatoshi (Haikyuu)
Vladmir Dracula the 3rd (Vlad, Drac)
Vladmir Dracula the 3rd, who has many other names but usually goes by Vlad or Drac, is a vampire (surprise).
Vlad is a squishmallow thingy, and their tags say something abt them being able to be used as pillows, and thats why Hisoka gets Vlad.
Vlad is triangular in shape, with triangle ears, and triangle fangs, so I thought abt Misumi, but i figured Hisoka bc it's a pillow.
He's like the perfect travel size and he has a cape and a bowtie.
Named after Vlad the Impaler, the real life inspiration behind Dracula (my brother thought he was named after Vladmir Putin and I wanted to punch him for that but I was too busy laughing.)
Also named after Dracula, who was a vampire.
Idk where 'the 3rd' came from, but it's part of his name for forever.
Sebastian is a dinosaur thats blue with a white tummy.
He's also a squishmallow, but he's bigger than Vlad by abt 2× as wide, so he'd be harder to carry around, which is why Hisoka got Vlad instead. Being a squishmallow means he looks more blob than dinosaur and i love it.
His tag said his name was Dominic or something, but I named him Sebastian before I actually checked the tag, so he's Sebastian.
Named after Sebastian (Black Butler) and Sebastian Stan (Actor)
Moriarty is my other polar bear. I got him with Sherlock and named him Moriarty bc Moriarty is Sherlock's nemesis.
He's just a plain white bear thats very huggable and adorable. I usually have a bowtie on him bc it makes him look fancy.
Guy would like him bc he's plain white and very fluffy.
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bloodycassian · 3 years
Enemies and Allies - Reader + Night court. the concept:
enemies forced together in alliance to save their courts. Politics, tension, "Once we're done here I will be the one to kill you." slow burn reader x an Illyrian? Not sure who yet
Part 1 of a possibly reoccurring fic.
You never liked dealing with other courts, but Rhysand and Tamlin were possibly the two worst high lords to deal with. Helion would have been up there too if he wasn't so damn charming. And Beron didn't even count, considering he was your uncle. He was annoying automatically. And a damned fool for not showing up to the funeral. Tamlin was a brute shoved into power much too early. You could tell just from the way he carried himself. No nobility, no grace. Just the brutal beast that lurked under his skin. The way he didn't bother leaving any flowers along the coast line was further proof of his childish ways.   Rhysand was the polar opposite. The epitome of arrogance, grace, poise and political power. All words and strategy, enough to make you double take every time he opened his mouth. Constantly on the lookout for hidden meaning or loopholes in his word choice. He made your heart race with stress.  His spymaster and general though, were like two neutral, yet menacing gargoyles on either side of him. They were unsettling, especially with the shadows that crept over the spy. You tried not to stare at those curling around his shoulders, or the dull siphons that laid on each of their hands. Or the wings.  The wings would have been the worst part if there weren't other winged generals at the funeral. Peregryns guarded their high lord, one at each side much like Rhysand. Only they radiated sunshine, and light and goodness. Still terrifyingly deadly, though. Their polished armor and ceremonial scepters glinting from the overcast skies.  "A funeral should be a celebration... of the life that was. Please, join us." Tarquin said, voice thick. His mate's lip quivered. The ocean crashed against the sand, scooping up the flowers left to honor his son. Your heart squeezed at the tone change in his voice. The way he struggled to hold himself together for his court.  Vivienne turned from the crowd, and Tarquin followed. Her dark hair moved like water over her thin frame. They held each other for a long moment while the Summer court guards ushered guests to the large open beach house. You hesitated, looking out towards the ocean as it roiled. The dark water churned, seagulls overhead made no sound as they passed.  "Its been a long time, Autumn." The sultry voice was enough to make your skin crawl. He had kept the nickname since he'd met you. And in the two hundred years since. He did not forget such a remarkable introduction. Especially of someone who had your kind of power in an opposing court.  His eyes flashed with amusement when you turned, plastering on a charming smile. "I would have preferred longer, but the Cauldron works in strange ways sometimes." You retorted, and began walking away from him, grinding your teeth when he followed with ease.  He laughed and nodded. "Indeed it does, with the passing of Tarquin's only child." the not question was leading, looking to see if you knew anything of the murder. Anger spread though you at the subtle accusation. You couldnt let it show.  You had to keep your calm. Or he would surely suspect something of you. You could practically see the accusation scene play out when Night court invaded Autumn on Summer's behalf. Claiming that Autumn had killed the boy. "A parent should never outlive their own child." You said mournfully. You knew from experience how it ruined families after such a loss.  When you snuck a glance at his face, you could have swore you saw pain there. A longing that you didnt understand coming from him. It almost made you feel bad for him. You jolted yourself, forcing your mind to focus upon on your steps in the sand.  He paused for just a second before opening the bungalow door for you, inviting you to the wake. All courts dressed in mute tones of their colors, not one dared to raise their voice above the hushed murmurs. Rhysand gave a nod to his two generals in the corner, standing like statues. "I'll be seeing you then, Autumn." His eyes met yours and you swore you saw something linger there.  Before you could tell him to knock it off with the nickname, he was weaving his way across the room to the two Illyrians. Stopping every so often to give grim smiles to the families of Summer Court. His actions seemed genuine in nature. You dared not reach out a mental hand to him though, knowing you might not return with it intact.  + "And what of Night court?" Beron's slurred words were familiar. The old man had been wasting away in his own filth for years. After the Lady of Autumn disappeared, he had nothing left to keep him in line. His sons - Eris namely- made the important decisions in the court, but he still acted as ruler. The figurehead for important events and nothing more.  He had also become obsessed with the innate abilities of all the other high lords. Constantly comparing his own lingering power with the others. In two hundred years, his body had seemed to begin to wither. Directly after your birth, some said. And cursed you for their ruler's demise. After the shame of being one of the few courts to refuse to help win the war, Beron had given up completely. Still power hungry, but no longer driven.  "Night court seems to be fine. Not shaken by the murders." You surmised as best you could after your short interaction with the High Lord.  "Was it's high Lady there?" He asked with a grunt of a laugh. He was always undermining the role, laughing whenever you mentioned seeing the lady of Night. "She was not. I believe she was taking care of the babe, as the two generals were there." He shook his head, his gray hair falling in his face. "As a female should." You fought not to cringe or bite back at him. Even if he was your uncle, Beron would be a fantastic target if there was, in fact a murderer loose in Prythian. You shooed the tratirous thought away.  "Tarquin and Vivienne send their regards." You said, hoping he would allow you to take your leave. You glanced around to the cavernous space that encapsulated the dark throne room. The banners on the wall seemed lacking in color. Years of dust likely growing on them. The cracked stone floor showed its age as well, moss growing in the corners. He refused to let anyone touch up the dim room after his wife had gone.  Echoing steps sounded behind you. You turned on your heel calmly, but gripped your sword. Ready to defend your High Lord if needed.  Your mouth fell open at the sight of The Morrigan striding down the long hall. Eris on her heels behind her. She was a beacon of light among the dull ancient stone walls. Eris had a wicked grin on, eyes locked on his father.  +  "The Queens have been killed." She announced, no wavering in her tone. Your stomach hit the floor. Beron said nothing, didnt show any reaction in the slightest. As if he already knew. "And they sent you so I could be assured the court of Nightmares isnt lying?"  "They sent me because I saw to their end personally." Eris even glanced at her with the tone she used. She leveled a look at Beron.  He waved a hand, as if the Night court commander hadn't just announced that the biggest enemies to Prythian were dead."Cut off the head of the snake and more appear." He coughed after the shrug, his breathing labored. Eris hid a pained look that you knew all too well. The denial of his father's life coming to an end in front of him. You could have balked at him for the outright insult but kept your mouth shut. "High Lord.." you began, wanting to consult him on the weight of the situation. He glared at you, that familiar piercing stare that told you to stop whatever you were doing. As a child, that stare was enough to make you behave. You didn't dare think of what more than a stare Eris had to go through during his childhood.  Eris' jaw clenched before he began "Father, the Queens no longer pose a threat. This would be the perfect op-"  "Enough, boy!" Beron's voice echoed in the hall. Your cousin's face went red with shame. Fear settled in your stomach. If Beron  had no plan for moving forces to the continent to stablaise, there would be a power struggle. Even you knew that. "You assume I dont have a plan. We can discuss this when there are no wandering eyes or ears present." His tone was softer, but still laced with that High Lord's authority.  Mor's eyes could have killed them if she had the ability.  She snorted, and turned on a heel to leave. Her footsteps echoing in the long hall. "The Night Court's whore, going back to where she belongs." Beron mused to himself. She stopped dead in her tracks. Eris' face went pale when she turned. Your palms went sweaty at her eyes, like two daggers looking at him. She held up a hand. Light flashed, and suddenly there was a razor thin spear flying through the air.  You ran at The Morrigan before you knew what you were doing. Your hands were a flurry of movement as you tried to keep her down. Eris just watched, unable to move as he watched death race for his father.  A wet splatter, and Beron's chest was punctured by that golden spear. His mouth leaked blood, his eyes closing. Eris was rooted to the spot. Your body locked up, and Mor shoved you off of her with a grunt. She wasnt trying to win the fight, she could have obliterated you in a second if she was. You felt like you weren't in your body. She stood, wiping the blood from her face. You didnt remember hitting her that hard. Your mouth was dry, mind buzzing. Mor waved her hand again and the spear was gone.  "Have all the power you want, Eris. Our deal has been struck. Send your forces to Rask by next week." She scowled at the body on the throne. The male you had just wished death upon. The reality of it made everything fuzzy. Eris was still pale, his eyes not looking away from his father. "We will see you there." He said, voice weak. Distant.  You could only faintly hear Mor Winnow away. The roaring in your head was overwhelming. Your uncle dead on his throne. A hysterical laugh bubbled from Eris' chest. Only one, before you could catch his gaze and see the silent tears streaming down his cheeks. + "You killed the Queens and my father without consulting me first. I hardly think our deal was struck." Eris had been strange after his father's funeral. But for the first time since, you saw a glimpse of the old him. On the move to Rask, he had been that hollow shell he seemed like. Btu as soon as he laid eyes on Morrigan waiting at that tent, he seemed to put on more of a show.  Inside the tent seemed too small. It was enormous, but with everyone inside it was too hot. Too cramped. The sun beating down did not help. The two Illyrians in the corner leering at you and Eris was not helping either. "A deal's a deal young Lord. I suggest you choose your words more carefully next time." Rhys winked. You crossed your arms over your chest, trying to hold back your tone. "You murdered him. I am being blamed for not guarding him well enough." Your reputation in the court had fallen.  Several Royal court members had been rumoured of your position inside the court, if you should be banished because of the death. None of them knew what actually happened. You and Eris had agreed on a believable story though, whoever had murdered Tarquin's son also reached Beron the night of the funeral. "I did not murder him. My lovely cousin however, did." Rhys drawled with a cat-like grin. It made you see red. Azriel grinned behind him. Those creepy shadows of his seemed more transparent in the sun. Mor glanced to you, her eyes not betraying anything she felt of the kill. You were hoping she would show some remorse for the death. Heat roiled in your stomach at the lack of care.  "Dont act so upset, Autumn." Rhys waved a hand, and you felt those clawd mental hands whisk across your shields. You snarled at him, reaching for your sword. You knew you couldnt win, even on your best of days. That didnt stop you though. Eris placed a hand on your arm. The two Illyrians had their siphon shields glowing in front of their high lord instantly. Rhys laughed calmly despite the tension in the room.  "You did give Mor quite the cut however, and burn it seems. Call it revenge." He folded his hand on the desk, wiping away dirt that wasnt there. Azriel's siphons burned brighter. His wings tightened behind his back. Mor still showed nothing, only looking from her cousin to Eris. Tense, her shoulders and posture radiated the worry. The tension of the room. Eris' jaw locked. He pulled you, willing you to let it go. You weren't proud of the fight with Mor. You wanted Beron to have at least died in an honorable way. But in the recent years with him hardly leaving his seat at the throne or his room at the castle, it made the chance of him seeing battle again nearly impossible.  "Maybe I should have done more." You muttered, sheathing your sword. The shadowsinger stepped forward, chest pushed out. His lips pulled back in a snarl, "Do not-" He began, voice a low threatening growl. "Azriel." Rhys said calmly, voice like honey. You grinned at the Shadowed one.  Rhys sighed and waved his tattooed hand in the air. Wine glasses appeared on the table he sat at. "Let's begin the real discussion at hand." He said calmly, pouring a glass. You glanced to Eris. He hesitated, but strode forward, taking a glass and downing it. + Eris was nearly drunk by the time you helped him out of the tent. After the long hours of dribble and stale conversation about diving resources, you couldnt blame him for having a few extra glasses of wine. He tripped on the rug going out. You caught him, but noticed shadows lingering around his torso.  "Get. Off."  You hissed, Not looking back. The shadows lingered for just a moment, then skittered away. You heard something like a sigh come from one of them as you led your cousin to his tent.
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jojoreadwhat · 4 years
there’s nowhere that I wouldn't go. // h.s. x fem!reader • fluff
- hello lovies, long time no see. well i’m back with some things in the works. this is just a kickstarter and a introduction of what my work will look like from now. i hope you enjoy! -
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y/n and harry get into a spat and sometimes space isnt the answer.
this is just full of angst and lots of fluff.
words;? semi-proofread sry. also shitty ending and it’s been a while so I’m rusty. I apologize in advance.
i listened to this
harry has been somewhat of an unofficial ambassador for the brand and was invited to a party supporting gucci and their new line launching this fall. giving you both access to material first hand, and you the honor of being his plus one, publicly debuting after two years together. dressed in the pieces sent with the invitation from head to toe. you had arrived fashionably late to the gathering, hand in hand on the gold carpet leading to the entrance of the beautifully architectural place the event was being held in. the interior of the place timeless and oozing in elegance. low lit from the gold sconces along the cream colored walls. white table cloths and golden runners, covering the round tables, topped with elaborate centerpieces filled with gardenias.
it all felt like a dream. indulging in the atmosphere to dress up to the nine’s, sipping on fancy drinks and dancing to the italian music echoing through the gallery. with the hundreds of people circling around harry and you both as swayed closely. feeling out of place and belonging all at once, harry noticed this often throughout the event. he could see the stars in your eyes as well as the restlessness about to descend. he made you feel like you were on top the world. his sweet reassuring gestures. soft hands firm across your silk covered back, securing you. harry’s rosy plump lips grazing your ear, muttering sweet nothings in his thick rasp voice and tickling your cheeks pink. reminding you that you were meant to be here with him.
until she interrupted.
you weren’t bothered at first, you were fully aware before tonight had arrived that she would be here. that she could possibly be a nuisance and want harry’s attention. and there wasn’t animosity towards her from you because without her and her letting go of harry, you wouldnt be here as his girlfriend.
that all changed after the night went on. you were exiting the ladies room when she was all over harry. she had pulled away when you came back to the picture but it didn’t stop there. when she brought up unnecessary past between him and her. being all touchy feeling and giving you a devious smirk as she went on. it didn’t help that she looked stunning, her golden blonde hair dancing along her glowing ivory skin and her jumpsuit accentuated all the right places. looking more suited as harry’s date and making your confidence tonight, deflat. at the same time you couldn’t blame her for being herself. you couldn’t blame her for wanting to weave her way back into Harry, even with you standing next to him. but the knot forming in your stomach at him not doing too much to defuse the interaction didn’t go unnoticed.
now bursting through the front door of Harry and yours shared LA apartment. irritated and ready to pop. you looked to any room to go to as long as you weren’t in the proximity of your boyfriend who you left in the driveway. you had just endured twenty minutes of arguing on the drive back from the party. your face felt hot to touch and you swore anyone could see steam leaving your ears.
you trotted up the stairs, your heels in hand, as you climb up to your bedroom. still internally fuming and spaced out in your own thoughts, you didn’t realize how close harry was behind. not hearing the door once it closed, instead his leather clad feet hitting the hardwood of the hallway to the room you were in. getting louder as they approached before halting.
“love, please.” he spoke first, he wasn’t expecting the night to end like this. the complete opposite to be exact. not standing in the doorway with caution as he watched not help you detangle yourself from tonight’s attire.
you were delicately loosening the straps of your dress to fall down your arms, trying to be purposeful with it while wanting to rip it off in anger.
“no.” simply stating, not making any contact as you held the now strapless dress to your bra less chest as you scrimmage through your tee shirt for a shirt harry’s to sleep in. “your actions spoke for themselves.” finishing then as you let the dress fall to the floor, rolling your shirt on to drop at the top your thighs. not giving harry an ounce to the imagination of what could’ve happened tonight.
Harry sighed, exasperatedly. catching from the corner of your eye him running his ring-covered fingers through his thick dark curls. pushing off the door frame before finally stepping into your shared bedroom. “I know and they were not truthful.”
“Ha, okay. Sure they weren’t.” you scolded, standing at your tall dresser as you took off your jewelry. shaking your head.
Harry was loosening up his bowtie, creeping closer to you before you turned to him. silently telling to stay put. “I mean it, I know that I didn’t act appropriately.” He owned, “But I didn’t know what to do! I didn’t know she was going to try all of that.”
you huffed loudly, your hand flattening to the top the dresser before you could move and work on the next earring. “oh c,mon Har! you warned me about her antics and now you didn’t know what she was going to do?” You reminded. Harry’s head fell in defeat before he snapped back up to you. “I know what I said! But I didn’t know she was going to be that bold.”
you looked at him dead, “do you know who you are?” realizing that you were unintentionally quoting him again. you watched his adam’s apple bob in his throat as he swallowed, noticing what you said too. “are you trying to make this a laughing matter now?” He questioned, “you were about to rip my head off minutes ago.”
“i’m not, please scratch that because that wasn’t my intent.” you explained, watching the corner of his mouth shift upward. he knew you like the back of his hand, he knew that this would lead to making up sooner or later, he knew you were upset and still trying to keep yourself together and also have your moment and express yourself. he loved you for it, you hated it cause you were trying to be serious. but you made him a better man, he needed you more than you may have felt tonight. he knew what happened at the gathering was wrong, he could’ve done more to stop it all. it’s the reason for this recalculation of tonight’s events.
you pinched the bridge of your nose, trying to regain your thoughts before you looked at him again. his green orbs still staring at you, waiting for what to leave your pretty lips next. “in all of this, you may not have known what to do to stop her. but you knew what you were doing when your grip left my body and your attention went to her.” you spoke, then. “just like you had warned me about and I wasn’t prepared that you would actually give it to her.”
harry didn’t say anything after that. trying to piece together the words that everything she was feeling wasn’t wrong, he hurt her, unintentionally. it was the further thing from his mind in the moment that everything was happening. it was more vigilance because he knew what his ex was about. but never in the slightest was it to crawl back to her. Not when his everything was standing in front of him, doubting herself and her stance in his life.
“it wasn’t supposed to be perceived like that, please let–” You shook your head causing Harry to stop speaking midstream. “I don’t want to keep talking about it. I just want to sleep.” She said then. “we’ll talk more about it in the morning.” Moving to her side of the bed to start removing the throw pillows. Harry sighed heavily, shuffling his feet to his side, grabbing his pillow. “I’ll be in the guest room.”
2am had come around rather slow and you still wide awake. tossing and turning in your california king. trying to get comfortable as you wrapped the sage duvet closer to yourself. seeking to drift off at any minute now. but despite your eyes feeling heavy, your mind was racing.
this was the last thing you wanted. the only time harry and you ever slept apart was when he was away, entertaining the world. you wanted to stand your ground, but as you laid there able to rethink everything. harry wasn’t the bad guy here. he did a lot more than you thought.
he came home with you. he paused the idea of a good night out, to make sure that you knew were his main focus of the night. of his life. not the party, not the friends or old lovers. you.
you didn’t see that in the moment, everything was overwhelming. your thoughts were taking over and making the little things seem like the problem. when the biggest action was he followed you out that door, went through what felt like a lifetime drive home of fighting, proving that the situation between him and her was the last thing he was concerned about. because what mattered more was you.
rubbing your face in your hands, you stared back up at the ceiling, annoyed with yourself. this became bigger than it needed to be. and you were feeling it hard when you looked over at the spot empty next to you.
you threw the duvet off yourself, turning and sitting up off the side of the bed. your bare feet hitting the chilled wood before making a beeline to the bedroom door. you tip toed down the hall until you came to the third door on your right. taking a breath, you went to raise your hand and knock lightly on the guest room door when it opened before you could hit the white wood with your little knuckles. and a shirtless harry stood before you.
from what you could see from what little light the window gave near by. he was having the same problem as you, his green eyes slightly reddened from the mixture of sleep deprivation and rubbing them. surprised even by seeing you standing there. his dark brown curls, tossled in all directions upon his head.
“are you alright, love?” he asked as if everything was okay. putting you before him. it made your heart swell and hurt at the same time.
you nodded, “yeah, just can’t sleep.” you said, he huffed lightly, his hand reaching behind to scratch his head. “me neither. it’s a bit cold in here.” he replied, then. knowing the exact underline of what he meant.
looking down at your pink painted toes. before meeting his eyes again. feeling your eyes become glassy. “look, I’m sorry.” you began. harry shook his head, immediately pulling you to him. your arms wrapped around his toned torso swiftly. your face colliding to his chest, smelling his signature cinnamon and vanilla scent. what smelt like home to you. “no, love, I’m sorry. for everything.” you pulled away slightly, still wrapped up in him and meeting his green eyes. you were not going to allow him to take the blame.
“Har, no. you didn’t have to come back home with me but you did. you didn’t have to deal with me on the way home, but you did. you–“
harry raised two fingers to your lips. stopping your ramble mid-stream. his fingers than moved to caress your jaw, keeping your eyes locked on his. “please stop, y/n.” he muttered soft, raspy and covered in sleep. “it’s okay. really.”
you raised at your brow at him. “but why?” you asked, why was he just taking it? you wondered. harry just smiled, his hand now enveloping your face, thumb running over your soft cheek. “because I love you, more than you know and I made you feel like I didn’t.” you went to protest again, but he stopped you once more.
“I dont want to hear anymore about tonight. there’s a perfectly, cozy bed in our room. waiting for me and the love of my life. and the past two hours have been awful without you next to me.”
the smile harry put on you, spread across your lips before you could stop it. you wrapped an arm around Harry’s neck. bringing his lips to yours in a sweet kiss, pulling away shortly after. “I love you too.” you said, then.
“let’s not waste another minute, let’s get some sleep.” not saying another word, tangling harry’s long, ring covered fingers in yours. before heading down the hall, to your bedroom, to where you both belonged together and for always.
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katsukikitten · 5 years
Hi! 💋 What about a nsfw w/ bakugou where it’s Valentine’s & (quirkless) reader makes chocolates and leaves them at his work. However she forgets to leave her name so he throws them away thinking it’s from someone else. He tells her about the “anon” valentine and insults the gift.(Trying to show off his loyalty, the egoist). She cries and he,confused, goes to comfort her. When things get spicy he finds another gift under her dress. Bonus for 💕 lingerie & toys 🌹 rough Baku / quirk use 🍓cum.
Hello anon, HERE IS THE FINAL DAY OF THE EVENT. thank you to everyone who submitted. I may have energy for more I may not it really depends on my spastic ass. ENJOY!
Finally, after countless hours in the kitchen, it was done.
You step back admiring your work, the homemade box of chocolates has your own heart soaring, especially after you crafted your own molds. Intricate roses, peonies, and petunias stare back at you, petals painted in soft pastels of chocolates while the rest of the delicate square is either dark or all white chocolate.
This was one of the many times you were thankful your husband told you to stay home to work on your dream.
Your dream to be a test kitchen, to sell recipies, molds and chocolates. All sorts of things.
And it was helpful that your man was also willing to be your test subject most of the time. Today being Valentine's day was a bonus. You remove your apron, hanging it up by the kitchen door excitement thrumming through your blood as you smooth down his favorite dress you own.
The train ride seems to drag on for forever despite being only fifteen minutes away from the ominous building that scrapes the sky above you. Separating clouds as you spy his office window near the top floor.
"Stay out of my office got it?" His voice bites out to his secretary who is wearing an obnoxiously hoeish outfit. Bright red skin tight with a heart cut out over her breasts. Bakugou is annoyed with her normally what with her overly flirty behavior but is especially agitating today when he just wants to he home with you.
"Oh Bakugou-sama are you stepping to lunch. I could accompany..." Before she can even finish he looks over his shoulder with a deadly glare. So much so the flowers on your desk seem to wilt.
"No." A nasty bite before he angrily shoves popping hands in his pockets taking the stairs down in attempt to loosen his aching legs. He had been sitting at his office desk for far too long.
Just as the heavy door slams shut you step out of the elevator. Chocolates neatly placed in a white box with a cellophane window to display your hours upon hours of work.
"Ah Ai, you look lovely today." You smile, admiring her outfit as you walk towards your husband's office. She gives you a once over with cold judging eyes.
You either do not notice or do not care as you walk past her desk.
"Oh Bakugou-sama stepped out for lunch. You just missed him." She smiles cruelly only to be met by your obnoxiously bright smile that she hates.
"Perfect. Then he will come back to a surprise." You wink slipping through the door.
You notice a lot of flowers and chocolate in the trash can of his office as you make way to his desk. You make a silent reminder to yourself to lightly scold the hero.
He should at least wait a day, or hell give back out some of the stuff he recieved.
Still you neatly placed the box on his keyboard so he was sure to see it.
"Y/N? Have you had coffee yet? I've made you a mug to go." Ai pokes her head in with the paper cup in hand. You smile warmly at her, oblivious to her animosity as you grab on to the paper cup with joy.
You desperately needed caffeine. You greedily gulp at the warm liquid after saying your good byes as you headed home.
You dig through your purse for your keys to the front door spying a small pink envelop, eyes widening a bit.
"Shoot I forgot the card." You curse yourself. "Ah well I'm sure he'll know they're from me."
You set your purse on the entry table and notice a giant stuffed animal and dozens and dozens of roses on the dining room table.
A small note in his boyish handwriting sits by the vases.
*"Guess I just missed you babe. See you tonight."*
You smile until your cheeks hurt.
Hours pass as you soon begin to make the dinner of his dreams. Half way cleaning away your mess and neatly stacking chocolate orders for White day.
Bakugou alerts you that he is home by groaning at the door, slipping off his ever present combat boots.
"Smells good babe." He says wrapping strong arms around your waist, kissing on your neck.
"Mmhmmm." You hum, impatiently waiting for him to tell you how the chocolate was, "How was your day?"
"Ugh long. This holiday sucks." He kisses your throat again, "No offense babe."
You roll your eyes. For someone who thinks the holiday sucks he sure went out of his way to buy every last rose at the floral shop.
"It's just an excuse for people to buy shit and bother the fuck out if me with it." His voice darkens with agitation before he scoffs, "Like I came back to lunch to the shittiest chocolate I've ever seen. Little bitch flowers all painted and shit from some fucking random."
Your heart speeds in your chest as he continues.
"Left 'em right on my fucking keyboard as if they were more important than work." You turn to shove him off of you then. Tears streaming down your red cheeks as he blinks furiously. For the life of him he cannot tell why in the fuck you're crying.
"Baby what's wrong..." Scarlet eyes notice the molds first, how their art is vaguely familar, little white boxes stacked on the far counter. Then he notices the apron he got you is stained with colors of pinks, whites and browns.
It is then he realized that he fucked up.
"Oh baby...." He damns himself for being so callous.
"What did you do with them?!" Your voice cracks, trying hard to sound enraged but it falls flat. He bites his lip, hands smoothing over your forearms.
"I...I'm sorry. I had a skewed vision on your chocolate. I thought they were from the hoe who sits outside my office." He says quickly, "Had I known...I would have loved them. I really thought it was Ai trying to make an advance on me..."
He wipes the tears from your face, pulling you closer to kiss your forehead.
"You probably slaved over them all day, probably made my favorite spicy chocolate you make and I was an asshole and just trashed them...In trying to be loyal to you I hurt you..." His voice is feather soft as is his kiss on your forehead, then your cheeks and lips. He notices your dress beneath the apron that he removes slowly face contorting to lust as he drops the cloth to the floor.
He leans in slowly, running his teeth and tongue against your throat to which you moan.
"Bakugoooo." He loves the way you drag out his name, popping hands slip the zipper down your delicate back, "I..I'm still mad..."
"You don't sound mad." He says too cocky for his own good, "Isnt this helping?"
He pulls the dress to the floor, leaving you in nothing but black heels, a lace bra with little red bows in the middle and black lacy underwear. He turns you growling as he does, when he sees a matching red bow over your ass he leans down to bite a cheek.
You lightly yelp before he pushes you against the dining room table in the kitchen. Sloshing the flower water onto the set table.
"B..but dinner..." You groan as he massages you, untying the bows on your bra to slip his fingers over your nipples.
"Fuck dinner. I'm skipping to dessert." His voice is deadly as his popping back indicates his excitement, as does the hard thing in his dress pants that presses against your ass as he bites your shoulders. His words have your head floating as his finger nails scrape down your back before grabbing onto your hips tightly giving a playful thrust that causes a small moan.
Just the promise of what he is about to give has your core molten and he can tell as he pulls back. Hands slipping over slick thighs, spreading them apart.
He pulls down your underwear all the way down and when a butt plug is revealed to him he groans.
"Fuuuuck." He growls, watching you contract before he slides a finger up and down your sex, "So wet already."
"J...just for you." You pant when he reaches your needy clit, massaging it roughly setting a fast pace that threatens to have you screaming in a matter of moments. He watches you buck and squirm with a wolfish grin. He removes his hand earning a small whimper before he drops to his knees.
You are the only person he would fall to his knees for with out any sort of hesitation as his pink tongue lazily laps at your sex. Hands spreading your ass cheeks to get better access. His tongue runs stripes up your pussy, that clenches tightly with every swipe.
He laps at your core before placing his lips over your clit to give it a harsh suck.
"You must love being devoured by a wolf huh my needy lamb?"
You cry out as he continues to make a meal of you, your fingers tweaking your nipples for added stimulation.
"I...I'm clooooose." You whine as he moves his face away from your clit to plunge into your core a few times with a pointed tongue. Lapping all that he can.
"Good. Now cum on Sir's face." He growls, mouth back to your swollen clit, sucking harshly, grazing teeth and steady broad tongue has heat swelling in your chest, a light buzz in your head before it all goes quiet.
And like a sprung trap you cry out, convulsing as you ride out your high only for him to press further. Overstimulating you for another agonizingly blissful ten minutes as you lose count of how many times you've cum.
He slows to a loving pace before his fingers slide over your clit as he stands. You pant, tears forming in your eyes from an exhausted body and mind as your body slowly turns limp. Head swimming on an unseen high that has Bakugou smiling down at you, wiping your sweetness from his mouth with his sleeve.
"I'm not done with you yet, love." He says making quirk work of turning his belt into an impromptu set of handcuffs. He tightens them around your wrists giving them a tight tug. You jerk up some to which he slaps your ass.
"You okay bunty?" You nod unable to form words as he removes his pants. Stealing some of your slick to stroke himself with. He half wishes to keep you this way all night. Tied up, thighs soaked, fucked out with some drool falling from your lips.
The thought alone has him lust hungry and wanting to paint your back in the nicest of white.
Instead he finds himself teasing your clit again until you moan his name is a scream begging him to fuck you.
Your clenching cunt confirms your wishes before he plunges in busting his hips against yours as you finish your last high.
You pant beneath him, core gripping onto his length over and over that has him hungry to pull it from you again. One hand holds onto your belted hands while the other has a bruising grip on your hips. Your face is pressed agaisnt the table as are your breasts. He sets a brutal pace, pulling all the way out to his tip before plunging himself again, slamming against you with deadly precision. He pulls your arms closer to him, causing your upper body to come up some. Your nipples drag agaisnt the rough fabric of the dining table cloth earning an echoing moan.
"Fuck." He snaps, hand leaving your hip to slap your ass harshly, thrusting again and again, "You always take me so well. Your cunt is so needy for me."
He rut begins to turn sloppy and bruising as he bottoms out into you, now pushing your harshly on your back pressing you agaisnt the table. Thrusting hard enough that vases of flowers begin to knock over but that is the least of your worries.
Heat pools down your legs and in your stomach as you feel him twitch. Sending you to another high, loving nothing more than the thought to cause him to act to wild. So rough as he loses himself with popping hands that sting but never burn as his hands grip your skin. Your voice comes out in hoarse moans as you flex your pelvic muscles causing a moan to come from Bakugou. Another thrust over your sensitive g spot has you spiralling. Screaming again as he let's out a giant explosion from his back groaning as he buries himself deep inside you, filling you to the brim with hot seed. Sputtering until he stills, both of you panting, he removes the belt from your wrists, rubbing at the redness before carefully pushing them back to a more natural angle.
"I lo..." But the smoke alarm drowns him out, dinner burning on the stove. He waves his shirt over head to displace some of the billowing smoke as you remove the pan. Almost dropping it using too limp hands. He supports you, moving the pan and you to the sink. Warming a rag that he wipes you down with before kissing your neck.
"I love you." He murmurs into your throat and you smile, pulling him into your plush and bruised breasts.
"I love you too." You sing happily before he pushes out of your hug to give you a kiss and a cocky grin, he snatches you and a box of chocolate up as he carries you to the couch. He places the box into your hands before setting you to sit on top of him. He holds his mouth open, tongue outstretched that has you thinking of it against you moments ago.
"I'm dying for that chocolate baby." He says again, eyes twinkling happier than anything that you forgave him for being a big dumbass.
Next valentines day he won't throw away a single chocolate.
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If u r still taking reqs for kiss prompts how abt 28 with Mr Freezy. Cos sir is worse than Bryce😂🤷
28. One person tracing the other’s lips with a fingertip until they can’t resist any longer, tilting their chin towards them for a kiss.
Warnings- Drug mentions, Non Con elements, Brutality, Swears, Robert was not a good man, this isnt a sweet drabble
Kiss Prompts
“Look at my pretty pretty Doll.” You heard first, groaning as your eyes slit open to see a piercing light above you, making you wince as you went to turn away, hoping to relieve the ache of it. Well... If you could. 
But you couldn't roll to the side, or stretch your arms, move your legs. All you were able to do was roll your head side to side. What the fuck?
“Who are you?” Your eyes sprang open to try to figure out what was going on, where you were, and why you couldn't move. That's when you heard that graveled voice again. Somewhere in the room, but not close to you. Nearby though, it was accented, had a tone of soft pride in it. 
“Come on Princess, I know your not that stupid a cunt. You gave me a good fight before I knocked your ass out.” 
Your brows came together in confusion as to what that voice was talking about, twisting your face one side to the other till you saw him, leaning against a steel wall, matching the floor you were stretched out on. Above you were wicked-looking hooks, meat hooks made for hanging meat. Where the hell were you? 
A snap of shoe soles against the floor made you look at him again, whimpering fearfully when you arched your neck to look up at him. Brightly colored button up hurt your eyes, but you were all too familiar with that face. Wide rimmed glasses covered his face, and long locks of dark hair fell around his shoulder. The grin was mustached covered upper lip and yellowed teeth flashing beyond the dark hair of his facial hair. “Your that man... that man from the club.” 
“What did you do to me?” you pushed to roll properly this time, now that you realized your hands and legs were bound. You wriggled and struggled till you would sit up, your legs bent in front of you. He came closer, which you struggled to move away, but with your limited mobility, there was no way to escape from him. His oversized hand pressed into your hair, wrenching from the roots with a loud yelp from you to look up at you. He mimicked you with a disgusted face. “Your that man from the club. Stupid bitch, didn't your mama ever teach you to be wary of strangers?” He pulled his hand away, making you flop back and scream at the pain of some of your hair getting ripped out in the process. 
“Don’t worry Princess, I plan on teaching you the error of your ways.” He walked away from you and picked up a bag on the floor to place it on a nearby table, sorting through it. While he was distracted, you looked around again. A Table, and boarded up windows. A single swaying dirty light above you and the last thing that made chills run down your spine and fear made your throat tighten, your mouth goes dry. A dirty mattress on the floor. 
“Aha, here it is. Alright Princess, get ready.” He smirked as he took something out of his bag, and approached you again. You tried again to get away, roll kick out at him with your bound legs, but nothing could keep the sadistic man away. 
“No, get away from me!” you scream out. “Help, Anyone!” 
He just laughs as he hauls you up, and presses a cloth over your mouth while dragging you to the mattress, flopping you on it. Already you can feel your eyes rolling back and things grow black around the edges before you went out momentarily once more. 
Robert pulled a knife from his pocket, moving to sit atop of you while he let the blade slide along the side of your face, using the tip of the blade to push your unconscious face towards him, smirking. “I will get you trained to be my perfect bitch, just need to break you in, teach you the rules. But first I need to see what goods you got in these jeans. Ruin that pussy.” You groaned as you started to come back to, once more in that half in and out state he wanted you to be in. 
At least for now. 
You didn't look up at him, you knew that he was sitting on you, your head pounding from whatever he gave you. What did surprise you was the gentle touch he gave you with a fingertip, brushing along your bottom lip. Pulling it gently before letting it go as he groaned. “Fuck these pretty lips are going to look so good around my cock later.” He leaned down to slant his lips against yours, and forced your lips apart, his tongue swirling to fill your mouth and fill you with a dark hungry moan of his. You didn't fight it till you realized what was happening, and he reared back to press the blade against your throat, screaming down at you. 
The blade pressed in more, and then you felt the first droplets of warmth run down your neck. 
Bloodstained your blouse and he smeared his fingers in it, rubbing it over your lips and down your chin. When your mouth was wet and slippery, the taste escaping in between clamped lips, he grinned wickedly as a devil with a prized soul. “So beautiful, isnt our Pretty Pretty Girl.” 
And he grasped your chin, pulling you in again to his mouth, this time the hot blood taste mixing with his. 
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mo-mo-and-porkchop · 4 years
42. "This isnt going to have a happy ending" (Seven)
(Sorry this took so long.)
[Ala Alice in borderland on Netflix. ]
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Oscar stared at the ceiling of his latest dwelling - a small, studio apartment no bigger than a hotel room. A fan whirled quietly, pushing a small breeze throughout the space. He let his eyes drift to the singular window and out to the roadways and parking lots the complex surrounded. Thin walls allowed him to hear everything his neighbors went through, day in and day out. Drab colors covered the walls making the space even more depressing.
What a shithole.
However it wasn't the worst place work had sent him over the years. Given his station in life he had been required to live in some of the shadier places on Earth. Being a hired hand for the most powerful players meant you went where they sent you. No questions. If he had known his experience in spec ops would turn him into a glorified errand boy he would never have replied to his recruitment.
They're lucky they pay so well.
He sat up with a sigh and forced himself from the futon. A female living to his right was on the phone with, whom he could only assume was a friend, complaining about her most recent bout of dieting. Her cat ate better than she did according to her.
Oscar shuffled to his small bathroom and splashed cool water across his face. He'd been there a month already and his target had yet to show up. He huffed silently to himself. He tried to warn the powers that be to move on from their obsession. After the doctor's botched experiments, they turned all of their attention to a nobody, twenty something.
A fucking kid.
As he dried his face two male voices drifted through his walls, catching his attention. They stood just down the hall and were easily heard. He listened as they discussed benign details of their day and, judging by their voices, they were 409 and 411.
Buzz. Buzz.
He glanced into his apartment at a small kitchen table that doubled as a nightstand. His phone lit up before buzzing once more indicating a text had come through. He tossed the towel onto the edge of the sink and went for his phone.
He swiped up and unlocked his phone to see a picture of Dahlia smiling brightly on the beach. Followed by the question:
[sms: jealous?]
A soft smile tugged at his lips when he saw it was his sister. And yes, he was jealous. He huffed quietly and sent a picture of his current view.
[sms: not really]
[sms: stop bragging] was her reply.
A hard, loud series of knocks at his door pulled him from his phone with a slight start. He wasn't expecting anyone. No one knew he was there, save his sister. And his 'boss' never frequent his residences. They did all their business virtually. The less connected they were physically the better.
The knocking repeated itself and he went to check his doorbell camera. Oddly no one stood there. The hall was empty. Silence began to creep in from all around. Then all power crashed.
All power.
The lights, the camera, the ac, the hall lights. Everything electronic had gone down. Not even his phone was working.
'What the hell?' he asked no one as he tapped the screen and shook it a little. 
He wasn't sure what he hoped would have happened by doing it. It was like blowing on the game system when the cartridge didn't work - useless, but somehow hopeful. When nothing else worked he carefully opened his door, peeking through the hall.  His unknown knocker was still at large.
Seeing that things were all clear, he went to neighbor's and knocked. Maybe they knew more about what happened. Silence followed. He waited a minute and tried again. Still nothing.
"Hello?" he called through her door.
He knew she was in there. She'd just been bitching to her cat, jealous of his superior meal plan.
"I'm from 408."
Odd, but maybe she was cautious of unknown males. Although neighbors they knew neither beyond a simple greeting in passing. Something that happened rarely since he'd arrived.
He left her door and went to his other neighbor's. Repeating the same process, resulting in the same response.
His heart began to race as each and every door on his floor resulted in nothing more than silence. He seemed to be the only person there which was impossible. He rushed down the stairs and to the lobby, finding it eerily empty.
"Hey!" he called throughout the lobby as he searched for someone, anyone. "Hello?!"
Oscar left his complex and headed for the streets - which he found littered with abandoned cars and deserted.
What the fuck?!
"Hey!" he yelled louder, darting from car to car, his search still coming up empty.
At this point it felt as if his heart would break through his chest it was beating so hard. His mind raced. Panic was not something he was used and he handled it very poorly. The only one who was ever able to calm him on the rare occassions it did hit was his sister.
He pulled his phone out of his pocket and stared at the black screen. It still wasn't working. He glanced around to try and find his bearings and noticed something.
The marquees had gone black. the street lights were out. Even the cars wouldn't start. Everything electronic was down. Like an EMP had hit, rendering it all useless. But that didn't account for the lack of people. Oscar had no idea what could have caused that since he remained. His mind went to the only explanation he could think of.
This was hell.
But he didn't remember dying. He'd been in his apartment minding his own business. The knocking was the last sound he heard. Not a gun shot or explosion. Just loud, hard knocking.
A month had gone by. In that time he'd searched nearly every part of the city and found nothing. No one. Each building was just as empty as the last. He scavenged supplies as needed and continued searching for anything to explain away this very real feeling delusion.
Suddenly a small tv screen lit up nearby - a lone light in the darkness. He squinted to see it clearer as he neared.
'Game arena this way.'
Game arena?  What the hell? 
A large arrow pointed to the right and looked where it pointed. As if on cue, a spotlight shown into the sky, illuminating a building a few blocks away. A glance between his phone, which still wasn't working, and the screen was all he took before heading where directed. This was the only thing different to happen since arriving.
He came to an apartment building slightly smaller than his. It too was dark save for the spotlights and some emergency lights running on a gas powered backup generator.  It was just as abandoned as the rest of the city.
Cautiously he entered the building. He'd been through a lot of shit in his day, but this was eerier than hell. The silence was nearly driving him mad. Nevertheless he made his way through the hall, arrows leading the way. He finally came to the end of the hallway. A small table with cell phones and an elevator were all that greeted him. The elevator was down and the phones were off, just like the rest of the city.
Great. More nothing.
He tried the nearby doors and found them all locked. He left to backtrack out when he finally ran into others. Instinctively he grabbed one up and held him against the wall, holding his hand out to keep the others at bay.
"What the hell is going on? Who are you?" he asked glancing between the three of them.
They remained silent, but by the looks of thing he wasn't going to get any answers from them. He could almost smell their fear. Once Oscar actually took the time to actually see them he realized he'd overreacted. They were young men.  In their mid twenties at best. Kids. He was an ex military turned merc who had done a great job of staying fit. He must have looked like a monster to them. He relaxed his grip and held up both hands in apology, taking a small step backward, keeping them all in his sights. 
"Sorry. You're the first people I've found since...getting here and I thought you might have been responsible for whatever is going on," he explained.
They silently shook their heads once they were able to overcome their surge of fear. "We are just as lost as you," one of them said.
He looked at the three of them, studying their body language - which told they were being truthful.
"Do you know what is going on?" a second one asked when the silence became too much for him.
Oscar simply gave him a look to convey how stupid he thought that question was considering their initial meeting.
"Right. Sorry," he said sheepishly.
"We don't know anything," the first one admitted. "We were goofing off and then everything disappeared. It wasn't until dark that we were showed the way here."
Oscar nodded slightly. Aside from the length of time they were here, it was the same as him. "I've been here a month if my count is correct and haven't found shit. Except you guys," he said glancing between them.
The one with the stupid question took a few steps, peeking around the corner. He saw the elevator and table full of phones. His demeanor seemed a bit more hopeful at the sight. "There are phones down here," he said to his friends before taking off for them.
"They don't work," Oscar called out, but the other two had already rushed to join their friend.
When they picked them up the screens woke up. Their faces were scanned and a woman's voice came through - explaining registration was closed in five minutes and the number of participants, which as of now was the three of them.
"What the fuck?" Oscar said picking up a fourth phone. It scanned his face and replayed the same message. "These weren't working when I found them," he said more to himself.
Before they could discuss the recent turn of events a woman emerged from around the corner. She was dressed in business casual attire and looked vastly out of place. She calmly walked toward them and picked up a phone, repeating the process as the rest. This time however the registration time had gone down by two minutes.
"What does that even mean?" the third guy asked when he heard her message. "Registration?"
"Its a game," the woman said, breaking her silence.
"Game? What do you mean game?"
Without a word she pulled out some kind of ID badge and threw it down the hall. They all watched as a lazer shot out and precisely hit the tiny card.
"Once you cross the barrier you have now choice but to play."
"What game?!" the first guy asked again, frustration and worry in his voice.
"We are all in this game," she began to explain. "Each one is different and if you don't complete their tasks you die."
"Their?" Oscar asked.
She shrugged her shoulders "Whoever is running it."
A second girl showed up and when she saw the groups of them she rushed forward, happy to find other humans. The trio of guys tried to stop her, but it was too late and she'd crossed the threshold. Quietly Oscar handed her a phone. After scanning her face the voice rang out that registration was closed and there were six participants. It continued stating the game's name - Dead or Alive - the difficulty - three of clubs, whatever the hell that meant - and the one and only rule:
Pick the right door and exit within the time limit.
Just then the elevator door opened with a sign on it's back wall simply stating 'Start'.
Oscar sighed and quietly told himself "This isn't going to have a happy ending" before heading inside it with the others.
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