#the ghost thing makes me really uncomfortable omg
ghostssweetgirl · 2 days
Hii!! I just wanted to say i love your work and i had a request 😋
could you write a fic (or hc) where ghost finds the fem!readers sh scars? like she’s sitting in between his legs and he’s holding her thighs and he feels the scars. he asks her to show him and she explains (she’s a little insecure cause she thinks he’ll judge her but he doesn’t) them and he makes her promise that she’ll come to him for help??
(if this makes you uncomfortable please don’t feel the need to write it🙏🏼)
Omg thank you sm <3 also on another note to those reading this (followers or not), I’ve been on and off on here. I’m getting to a point where I can start writing semi-often again. If you go a little further down my blog, I’m also about to start another series (it’s planned and 0% written).
It’ll be short-ish, but yeah, I’ll give it a shot.
If you didn’t read all of the above, this will contain mentions of self harm and bodily scars and mentions of non-specified trauma.
Minors do not interact
You were unwinding with Simon at the end of the night, in between his legs on the ground looking up at the night sky.
It’s been comfortably silent. Not needing much words to help each other decompress after the recent missions you’ve been assigned. Your back against his chest, his calloused fingers softly rubbing against your arm that rested on his leg.
“Y’ a’right, luvie?” He spoke softly. “Anythin’ goin’ on in that pretty lil head?”
You smile, and think about it. You take a deep breath. In all honesty you couldn’t even think of where to start. You don’t know if you’re okay. But you feel okay right now. That’s all that matters. You finally decide, and quickly shake your head. “Mm-mm. No, I’m good. And you? Are you okay?”
He sighed, his hands tracing the top of your thighs. He plays with the fabric of your shorts for a moment and rests his chin on your shoulder. “No, ‘m fine. Fine right here.”
You close your eyes and your thumb rubs small circles against his wrist, his hands’ movements slow as you feel him gently soothing over an arrangement of scars on your thigh. Some deep and overlapping each other. Some light. You shudder and hold your breath for a moment.
It was part of the reason you joined the military. The hell you had to face in your former life essentially pushed you over the edge. And it was the only thing that felt like a proper release.
You didn’t want to talk about it, really. Even though you were safe with Simon. You didn’t want to feel the shame of being judged. If anything, you knew if anyone understood, he definitely would.
But it’s still not your favorite conversation.
He studied them for a while, tilting his head. Not in a judging way, you managed to take a look and saw his once stoic gaze become soft, almost pained. His brows furrowed as he cleared his throat.
“Can…” he gently scoots away from you, caressing your shoulders as you lean up and hesitantly meet his eyes. “Can you show me?”
You sigh, holding your hands over the area. “I… I don’t really…”
You stutter and ramble, unable to get the words you want out.
“It’s a’right, I’ve got you,” he cupped your cheek.
You turn more towards him, enough to where he can see, thank god for the dark sky, the moon light was enough for him to get a general idea and look over without him seeing the anxiety on your face. He held your thigh, and leaned down to press a gentle kiss against your scars.
You were completely froze at this point, not in a bad way. His reaction was a lot less… well, you don’t know what you expected because you would have avoided this if you had the choice.
“It’s… from my past, and—”
“You don’t have to tell me what you don’t want,” he comforts you, pulling you to his chest.
“But what I do want,” he looks down at you. “I need you t’promise me you’ll come to me when you need help or anything. Anything. Anytime. Okay?”
It wasn’t like him to beg. But he needed you to be safe. Safe from bad people, from the horrors of the world and from the horrors of your own demons.
You nod your head in agreement. “Okay.”
He grunts approvingly, his grip on you even tighter now and it goes back to silence just like before. The least you could do in return is offer him the same he does to you, so you cup his cheek, cradling his face as you whisper to him.
“And you come to me for anything. Okay?”
His eyes close in relief as he rests his forehead against yours and if his embrace wasn’t tight before, it’s almost a death grip now as both arms squeeze your whole body, a silent ‘thank you’.
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lustylita · 1 month
After it all happened.
Angst/ Open ending.
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Idea is by me, but with the help of the amazing @nyx-umbrakinesis 's beautiful writing skills, I present this angsty idea!
Go give her love omg!
The extermination had ended... time had passed and the devastation left behind had been mended... mostly, the hotel had been rebuilt, Sir Pentious had been mourned and memorialised, and you... you found yourself actually beginning to be able to process what had happened.
The trauma still fresh, but day by day it's symptoms becoming more manageable. It was in this more awakened state... (as you focused more on the problems of the others around you rather than your own,) you noticed one glaringly out of sorts issue – Alastor.
He was behaving like everything was fine, like the battle had never occurred, like everyone around him hadn’t suffered either – something was off... Was it denial? You could tell something wasn’t right, his trademark smile was slightly strained, his face looking more contorted and uncomfortable than usual, and his posture constantly stiff, as though ready to fight (or flee) at a moments notice, on top of all of that he spent so much more time cooped up in his radio tower, you barely saw him as he whiled away hours upon hours away from the company others, behind the locked door of his safe space for it to be a coincidence.
You simmer on this information, and agonise for a few weeks, observing just to make sure you weren’t imagining things – even though highly unlikely – you also waited to see if he would open up to anyone, share why he’s been acting like Quasimodo in his bell tower.
However, to absolutely no-ones surprise, he did in fact not do that, (even though everyone was in the same boat, all of you suffering some form of injury or trauma).
So, with a determined air, and confident gait, you ventured up to his radio broadcast station. Footsteps echoing slightly on the wooden floorboards as you ascend the stairs, breathing labouring, legs aching from the ascent.
You knew Alastor didn’t like anyone intruding upon the sanctity of his precious room, and wouldn’t appreciate this gesture of goodwill, preferring to interact with others in the common areas when he was free, but given his new proclivity for hiding away he hadn’t really given you any other choice, since he’s never present in the public areas of the hotel anymore.
Arriving at the heavy door, teetering back and forth on your heels and toes nervously for a moment, you take a deep breath, steeling your nerves.
You reach up with a sure hand and knock loudly on his door and wait. You heard rustling of scattered papers and the clang of something sturdy being knocked over in haste, and fumbling as he clearly tried to correct the error.
In this it became evident to you that your suspicions were correct, he was indeed hiding, or withholding, something of significance, you blinked several times snapping out of your thoughts when the door squeaked as it swifly opened.
“Ah, hello little one! To what do I owe this visit!” Alastor says with an exaggerated flair, his smile tensed, and his eye twitched looking more manic than you’ve seen from your observation of him this whole week.
Before you could get any words out however, he continued as though filled with effervescent bubbles, really overemphasising every movement and word, his smile looked like a wide crack in a porcelain plate, “Do come in, my dear, my broadcast won’t begin for another hour, I have plenty of time for a special guest,” He guided you inside, a hand ghosting on the small of your back, almost forcefully,
“Come on, in, in,” his voice sounded unnerving.
You took this as the opportune moment to confront him, so after taking another nervous breath and taking note of a bead of sweat travelling down his forehead.
“Alastor, I know you don’t like divulging your feelings, and that’s all well and good... But I do feel like opening up could be cathartic for you... To put it bluntly, ever since the extermination you’ve been acting strange – more so than usual. Alastor everyone’s beginning to notice, it’s getting more and more obvious with every day that goes by. You’re withdrawn, you don’t torment Husk nearly as much as you used to, even Charlie and Niffty can’t get your attention, and you literally set Vaggie on fire last week,” You nervously twirled the ring on your index finger around and around (a nervous tick) as you watched his whole body freeze.
“I haven’t the faintest clue what you’re insinuating, my dear.” his voice sounding strained as he dismissed your theories.
Just as you’d predicted. However his nonchalant attitude about the situation was anything but, with the way he looked at you with a rigid grin, and stiff posture all but confirmed everything.
And you knew... you knew, that if you pushed slightly, put pressure on the raw emotion you would get at least some form of an answer. So without any self preservation.
“Alastor please.” Sounding exhausted, “You know I’m not ignorant, I thought it would be better if I came to you first about this, or would you rather it were Charlie who came to see you in this state? I think this solution to be the lesser of two evils, wouldn’t you agree?”
Your brow raised as you tried to rationalise with him, in contrast his brow began to furrow in irritation, his ears even pulled back, and you could swear you almost heard a growl, “I would prefer if all of you left me well enough alone. If I wanted assistance, I would ask. Quite the probing busybodies you lot are, leave me be.”
He stalked over to his desk, his boots making a dull thud, almost stomping, before huffing and taking a seat in his chair heavily, all while still regarding you intimidatingly with displeased narrowed crimson eyes, his grin still unchanged.
With an agitated huff of your own, you slowly approach Alastor again, “Us? Busybodies? Says the man who relishes every opportunity to intrude into people’s personal space, get in peoples faces for the sheer entertainment of it all. God forbid the people who have spent months with you getting to know you, enjoying your company actually care about you Alastor!”
Angrily pacing before him, your hands gesturing wildly in your temper, “so why don’t you please just enlighten me on what’s wrong, at least then I can stop Charlie from coming up here and dealing with you in this state, and then maybe I can let you go back to whatever it is you’re doing in here all day everyday, become a hermit for all I care, just tell me and then I can leave, I want to actually enjoy my afternoon.”
You knew goading him was risky, but he really knew how to push your buttons, having now paused before his chair again leaving but a few inches between you as you puff like an angered wildebeest.
You observe him, his expression darkened, but as he looked up at you, you saw it again, the same facade, cracking him again, making your heart lurch, he laughed at you condescendingly.
Rolling his eyes, Alastor looks back to you coldly, “Absolutely, nothing is wrong with me.” His voice becoming more scratchy as the radio effect worsens, suddenly he’s towering over you.
Hoping intimidation would be enough to deter you he continues, patronising you, “I’m not a weak little demon like you dear, I don’t need someone to hold my hand, or help take me for a walk, or talk about my feelings in a nice little share circle.” His grin became dangerous.
“I’m an overlord, one of the most feared in all of hell, I am quite capable of dealing with my own issues, not that I have any. I don’t need you or anyone else in this tacky hotel to think you could possibly make any impact on me when you’re all just such pathetic little failures, I can’t believe you of all demons think that I care, well allow me to disabuse you of this notion. I don’t and never will, and if yo-“
Alastor watches with manic glee as your eyes quickly harden with rage and your shoulders begin to twitch bunching up with unbridled fury, as you react faster than you can think, your arm coiling back, with full intention of giving a well deserved slap to the contentious lanky shit, however, before your hand could move barely an inch, Alastor fast as lightning grabs your wrist.
Now also enraged at your impudence, Alastor menacingly backs you up, until you find yourself pressed against the red cold glass window overlooking the exterior of the hotel, his grip on your wrist bruising and tinged with pain, as he leans down towards your ear. Uttering in a low angry growl, his breath tickling your ear.
“Would you care to try that again, dear?”
Should I continue this??
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sant-riley · 8 months
Hi! I'm new here! I've come to bombard you with the idea of a parent of the reader's(most likely dad) showing up to the base out of nowhere.
Secret admirer,
Omg I have my first ever emoji anon, Hi!! And yes absolutely I love this. I'm gonna try and be neutral with the parent in question so it's open to anyone :)
P.S idk how I used to format this shit I'm not checking Lmfao
[Task force 141 reacting to your parent/s showing up out of nowhere to visit]
If we're taking into account that this Simon and the og Simon have the same backstory,, its safe to say he doesn't have fond memories of his dad, though he has some for his mother.
Depending on your relationship between you and your parent/s, Ghost is either gonna point blank tell them they're not welcomed here. While Price IS above him, he isn't afraid to pull the intimidation and rank card to get them to get the hell out of there. Ghost was abused by his dad, God fucking forbid you were EVER treated poorly and he finds out.
However, even if your parent is kind, he still is uncomfortable by them being there. It makes his chest feel heavy watching you interact and it just brings up bitter memories he much rather not think of, so he won't linger around and instead go to the gun range and wait it out. He cares for you, and unfortunately, it won't ever really transfer over to your parents. Best he'd do is a stern nod and be on his way.
Soap, however, is very happy to introduce themselves and your parent swoons over his accent and likes him immediately, even if they're not the greatest of parents, Soap will make it a point to put his best foot forward and ask them if they'd want a tour.
If your mom is present she immediately likes him and isn't afraid to give you a look with an eyebrow raise saying "why aren't you dating him?". Don't get me wrong, though. He's not afraid to make smart comments and then joke it off. He's protective but not in your face kinda way.
He's definitely the type to sigh with relief when they're gone, complaining about small things he disliked about them to you openly (a lil bit of a hater but his mom raised him to not be rude to his elders okay.)
Doesn't matter who your parents are, Price intimidates them. He's the captain, and from what you've told them, he is extremely good at his job and he's a no nonsense leader, but you also mention that he's kind and he'd never leave one of his own behind.
Price talks EXTREMELY highly of you, he isn't afraid to clasp a hand on your shoulder and smile that stupid smile of his while he looks down at you in admiration.
It'd be most likely that he himself would have invited your parents without your know how, he has the ties and the authority but trust and believe if you expressed any discomfort with it, he'd rectify it and send them on their way.
Your parents may not like how particularly you close you are with such an older man but it's obvious he cares so much for you and your safety, so they take peace in that.
Gaz is probably the most easy going out of the 4, casually making conversation and if your parents are the type to play match maker, he's their #1 choice I'm not sorry, it's the truth.
Gaz sings your praises, mentioning time and time again that you've been such a good help on base and a good comrade and friend and he will thank your parents for raising you. (Imagine him taking off his hat and holding it to his chest or tipping it what if I swooned)
You KNOW he's invited to family dinners if he's ever in the area, or if he has no plans for the holidays, he's welcome at the family home. (You tell him later that he doesn't need to feel pressured but he just ruffles your hair and asks what kind of alcohol your family prefers)
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merowkittie · 1 year
Pretty When You Cry — Daryl Dixon
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Summary: Daryl hears you crying and doesn’t know what to do.
Warnings: angst / talks of suicide and death / fluff at the end <3
(Ok so originally I was stuck with two people, Daryl or Joel?? So as you can see by the title who I chose, maybe Joel will get his own ? I dunno omg also I used the pet name flower in this.. idc it’s so cute to me,, if you don’t like it.. 😸)
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You were not meant to make it. You knew that better than anyone else. The weak die fast right?
So why were you still here..?
That’s what you asked yourself every single fucking day. When you had to walk around camp and see the ghosts of half of your found family. Mostly everyone you loved was gone. They were all useful and great assets to the group.
You? Oh man. You were a good fighter but you often times let your emotions get to you. It’s been years since this apocalypse started and yet you still got sick seeing those walkers.
They were once humans. Now? They’re a ghost in the person they used to be. They’re still there but not conscious enough to gain control over their own bodies. At least that’s how you felt it was like.
The days feel so long and you were feeling nothing but tired. You felt as though it was getting harder and harder to hang on to something here. Nothing was keeping you grounded anymore. Nothing.
You wanted to escape this hell of a place so much. The world was shit. You were scared out of your mind. Tomorrow you could be dead. Dead by a Walker or another human being.
Or maybe even yourself if you had the guts to do it.
Tonight though, it was an old bottle of wine you found on a supply run, you and the quiet of the lonely house you were in, in Alexandria.
You normally shared it with Daryl but he told you he had to do something important with Rick and most likely wouldn’t be back until later into the early night time.
“Daryl? Where are you going?” You pouted playfully at the older man and poked him gently on his rib cage.
He sighed and swatted your hand away, “Doin’ somethin’ with Rick. Said he needed my help with somethin’.”
You pursed your lips and nodded. You didn’t want him to leave cause you knew you’d be lonely and he was one of your only sources of entertainment!
“Your leaving me all alone in this empty houseeee??” You dragged the words childishly and tugged at his vest.
He raised his eye brows at you, a little warning. Then he turned fully around so he could be facing you, “I’ll be back later..”
“Later as in Never.. when do you think you’ll be back Dixon?”
“Real late, flower.”
You smiled at the little pet name he gave you years ago.
You and Daryl were in no way dating. Though you wanted to be, you both didn’t know how to initiate it. Daryl was so.. awkward? You were just bad at talking about your feelings with a man who was a bit scary and you couldn’t really read him sometimes.
With a sigh you nodded, “That’s betrayal right there, Dixon. I’ll see you when you get back..”
He nodded and picked his cross bow up from the table in the desolate dining room. As he started to walk out the door you called his name in a whisper. Must’ve been loud enough for him to hear you cause he turned around and watched your brown eyes flicker with hesitation.
Your hand smoothed the raven curls on your head down towards the puff that sat on top of your head. You were suddenly a bit nervous.
“Be Safe ok? And don’t miss me too much.” your deep brown lips lifted into a smile at the man.
He grunted in response and nodded. Just like that he left and you would wait until he’d come back.
Now it’s past midnight you’re tipsy, not drunk but still able to process things normally. The wine bottle you were slowly sipping on turned into large gulps and soon most of the bottle was gone in an hour or so.
The bedroom felt so empty and too eerie. The bed sheets felt uncomfortable on your skin and oh you wanted nothing but to scratch it off.
Salty tears wet your cheeks and slowly fell down to your neck. The alcohol in your system had you thinking, made you feel all bubbly and weirdly empty.
Your sobs rocked your entire body as your arms enveloped yourself in a tight hug. The sounds of your cries surely could be heard throughout the house. Who knew you had so much anger, guilt and sadness built up in you?
This was not what you were gonna do tonight but there’s always last minute split decisions right?
The door to the house opened and Daryl stepped in bruised and tired. He closed the door and heard you almost instantly. His body tensed up and he readied his cross bow, making his way slowly up the stairs.
The sounds of your sobs got louder as he stood in front of your door, though it was left ajar.
He peeked in and the sight of you left him rigged. He’s only ever saw you cry once and that was when Beth had died. You two were so close you could practically call each other sisters.
Daryl didn’t know what to do so he just watched you. Like a god damn creep but he was confused.
Why were you crying?
Daryl started to walk away, back to his own room until he stepped on one of the old floor boards and it creaked. Loud enough to alert you and pause your sobs.
“Daryl?” Your voice croaked out.
There was no answer from the brooding man so you asked again.
“Daryl.. are you outside of my door being a creep?” You giggled though it was raspy, it made Daryl smile a little.
“I, Uh— heard ya cryin’ from downstairs.. thought it was something goin’ on up here..” His voice was gruff and muffled as he spoke through the small opening of the door.
You hummed. You wiped at your nose with the sleeve of your Henley (Daryl’s that you stole) and sniffled.
“Come in here.. you look crazy just standing there Dixey..”
He grunted and came into your dark room and made his way over to your bed. Daryl just.. stood in front of your smaller figure and looked at you.
You pulled on his vest so that you could hold him in a hug. The position was awkward as you were sitting cross legged on the bed with your face buried in his broad chest and he just held his arms above your back, unsure of what to do.
You tugged on his body harder which caused him to stumble on top of you on the bed. He could feel you smirk against him at what you just did.
“If ya wanted me in bed ya coulda just said somethin’.” He huffed out and still not touching you, made himself as comfortable as he could with you holding on to him like a koala.
“Dixon..” you peered up at the man.
He hummed.
“Why do you keep me around? You’ve saved me so many times I can’t even count how much on both hands.. I’ve done nothing for you In return..” the pout on your lips pulled at his heart strings.
Daryl sighed and said, “I don’t mind saving your ass a few times. Ya don’t gotta do anythin’ in return.”
You sniffled and Daryl internally groaned. He did NOT want to watch you cry and console you cause one thing he was terrible at was consoling someone. His childhood was far from sweet and he wasn’t talked to lovingly or consoled when he was sad. So how could he do that with you..?
“But— bu— I feel like a god damn burden Daryl. Every time I wake up my shoulders feel heavy and my chest feels like there’s a weight on top of them. I— ugh I can’t—” your words cut off with a sob and you cling on to him harder.
Your body shook with every sob that came out of your body. He watched you with a slight frown.
He shook his head and placed a strong arm around your back and a hand on top of your head of curls and patted you like a dog. He was trying.
“No. No yer not that, flower. Man.. if I didn’t meet ya I probably woulda gone insane by now. Yer not a burden baby.. don’t say that.”
“But I am! I— I bring nothing to the team Daryl! I don’t want to— I don’t wanna be here anymore. If I left there w—would be more food and more supplies for the rest of-”
“Don’t you fucking saying that do ya here me? Don’t say shit like that. You’re staying right here with me wether you like it or not.”
Silence filled the room besides your heavy breaths.
He whispered your name, cutting through the thick silence.
You whispered his.
You didn’t even know how much control you had over this man if you just made him yours. He was at your feet at this point. You had him wrapped around your lithe fingers, pulling him in tight.
“‘M sorry.. I’m so sorry Dixon.” You sighed into the crook of his neck, “I don’t mean to drag you in here and comfort me like some baby.. I know you’re probably not comfortable with me like that..” you tried to pull away but he kept you close.
“No.. no I.. I like it.” Daryl was surprised at his own words. Daryl had never been comfortable with a woman like this.
“You like it? ..well then if I had known.. I would’ve been cuddling with you much sooner Dixon..” you giggled at the thought of this man spooning with you, it made him chuckle a bit too.
There was more silence, though now it was comfortable.
“Are ya feeling any better?”
You nodded and looked up at him to find he was already looking down at you.
“Daryl…” you breathed out, ready to ask.. or to tell him something you’ve been wanting to say for a while.
He called out your name and slowly you made your way up to him. Your faces mere centimeters apart and you looked into his eyes, asking for permission. Once you saw him nod slightly you placed your lips on his.
The kiss was slow and gentle. Nothing too harsh or rough. His lips were chapped against your own soft ones. Teeth slightly grazing your lower lip each time your lips connecting again.
You let out a quiet moan when he bit down on your bottom lip and tugged on it as he pulled away.
“Fuck..” he muttered under his breath.
You two stared at each other whilst catching your breath. You were the first to speak up.
“Dixon.. I love you. I’ve loved you for a while now..” you bit your lip in anticipation of what he’d say next, hoping he really did feel the same after that kiss.
He placed his larger hand on the back of your head and pulled you closer so he could kiss your temple, “Love ya too.”
You smiled and kissed his jaw. The hair on it sticking your nose.
The two of you stayed close together like that through the night. Whispering nothing but sweet affirmations and listening to the sound of the nights wind.
Maybe when the morning comes you’ll have a new purpose. Someone to hang on to.
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halevren · 4 months
FHJY Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 3
Had a rough week so far, I am looking forward to this episode ♡
NAT 20
please bring ayda back this episode (begging) (I know it won't happen. but I'm desperate)
I am experiencing so much gender envy from literally everyone at the table.
The art team really pulled out all the stops for this season. The dome backdrop is so good
"Of course you and Adaine, of course, are... Nerds."
"Not ideal for the bad kids" oh no.
Lone Wolf Bloodrush player. That's oc material fr
"I like getting friends cast on me so I willingly fail" fig becomes more and more relatable every episode
LYDIA!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
It just says "Hey Adaine" on the inside 😭😭
how many binders do the Thistlesprings have
"Can I Run From You?"
Just Breathe
I love the casual conversation they have
"I'll walk you to Bard class" fig probably won't be staying 😭
I hope Fig's luck issue gets resolved soon 😭
omg mazey x fabian?!!?!?!????!?!?!!?!
Jawbone is so filled with dad lore
Kristen class president is something I need
21 passive investigation is insane
"What are you, like 4 different dogs?"
Passive Aggressive Kristen is so good.
Ghost steaks 🔥
"You're looking at a party boy" oh fabian....
I think Kristen working to be class president will convince her to. Go to school and work on getting better at it
Gilear 😢 I miss my pathetic wet cat of a man
fig writer's block so relatable
Stressed Riz
I miss Ayda
Porter is kinda.... ♡
Why is everyone so attractive why must I be attracted to all the adults. im supposed to have a type
"I'm going into a worry, yeah"
Fig taking Fabian to the wizard class instead of bard class is so real
TERPSICHORE SKULLCLEAVER!!!!!! she looks like she bakes incredible cookies. I can't dance but I want to be in her class
Dance bard class is so cool
From Jock to Arsty kid, I love Fabian's character development so much
"I'm going to do a lot less partying" a full lie from Fabian
I need more Riz and Jawbone one on ones
oh no the Applebees fam are here oh no...
Ripped Kristen approaching her parents.....
oh no. oh no. oh no.
Not good what is going on with Cassandra
why is sorcery so expensive
oh god Wanda Childa....
"what smell would be enticing to emo kids" 😭😭😭
"Did you just come from a room full of cigarettes and peach schnapps" "you mean breakfast?"
I wanda'd in
watching Kristen deal with school and stuff and deal with Cassandra makes me slightly uncomfortable. not in a bad way but in a way that I relate to it a bit too much and it's a bit too real. i too had extreme trouble with school and I also have issues with pushing important people away when trying to focus on myself and it ruins a lot of my relations. I relate to Kristen too much in the worst ways and that hits closer to home than I like. I love Kristen but man. Too close
"Things can be bad, and things can be good, but they all can be true."
I worry about Kristen going to Cassandra's realm. I am going into a worry. I have bad feeling.
the sound design is so good
"I can't rely on you." OUCH.
she already found somebody????
KALINA!?!?!?! !!??!?!?!!!???!??!!??!!???!!???!?? HUHHHHH?!!??!!
IT'S LEAVING IT OFF WITH THAT?????? WHAT THE FUCK???????? WHAT THE FUCK???????????????????????? WHAT?????
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slvtforfiction · 7 months
Dating headcanons for ghost :)
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☆ Ghost X Reader Hc
☆ Sfw (if you want me to do nsfw feel free to send a request:))
☆ He’s so sweet omg my heart ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
☆ Masterlist
☆ A like,reblog and comment is always appreciated:)
☆ Creds to @cafekitsune for dividers :)
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☆ Ghost definitely has an eye brow slit and an eyebrow piercing,tell me otherwise,I’ll fight you :)
☆ Anyways,ghost will definitely treat you like a princess and not as in ‘omg princess treatment’ as in he will quiet literally treat you like your his queen of his kingdom.
☆ Ghost is an avid Manchester United supporter and he will debate you on this every time it comes up.
☆ Ghost will buy you a gift basket of chocolates + sweets + drinks every month especially if he’s on deployment and you’re not with him.
☆ Ghost wouldn’t do anything if he was jealous but you know when he is. He will give them the dirtiest looks whilst you aren’t looking in his direction. If you are in the bathroom or doing something away from them ghost will slightly threaten and intimidate them until they leave you alone. This also goes for the fact that if he saw you were uncomfortable he wouldn’t waste a bit of his time worrying about causing a scene. Ghost would tear into them,managing to pick out all their insecurities easily and making them question themselves before immediately leaving you alone.
☆ Although,if he’s jealous and thinks the tf141 team is being too friendly he might try to calm himself down before he says anything rather than jumping straight in. He would definitely still eye them up though and give them dirty looks.
☆ Ghost knows he’s immediately going to marry you. He would pillow talk to you about wanting to be together forever and how if anything happened to him he would want you to be set for life rather than being upset about his passing.
☆ Ghost wouldn’t really show you off,in fear of losing you because of his line of work.
☆ He doesn’t trust anyone and this includes you,he would be cautious around you until about 3+ years into your relationship. He would still treat you like a queen although he would be weary.
☆ He never thinks he’s good enough for you. This is done and said and you two will constantly talk about how he’s perfect in your eyes.Although he struggles to believe you he knows you wouldn’t lie to him.
☆ He first said ‘I love you’ when he went for his first deployment in your relationship. He didn’t want to leave without telling you incase he didn’t come back. He didn’t expect you to tell him you loved him back but his heart stopped for a moment when you did.
☆ He would have said his first ‘I love you’ quickly as if to brush it off like it didn’t really matter. He kissed your cheek, “Love you bye.” He said quickly scurrying out the door to his car. “I love you too!” You called out and he smiled to himself,a mini victory in his eyes.
☆ He loves! Seeing you in his clothes. E.g coming home from a mission to see you asleep on the sofa in his boxers and his shirt or seeing you munch down on some chocolate from the gift basket he had bought you whilst watching some tv.
☆ On the note of his gift baskets he does add little notes to all of them even if there short and sweet whilst some could be a letter or essay worth long. Just something on the lines of “I love you,I miss you.” Etc.
☆ Ghost longs to come back from missions just to snuggle in bed with you, talk to you about life and what he’s missed,etc.
☆ Ghost likes long talks. Although he doesn’t talk much he loves to hear you talk about your day,how life is going etc.
☆ Ghost also loves to hear about your interests. You have an interest in sharks? Cool,he wants to know everything you know.
☆ When you move in with ghost you start to notice his habits. He never wears his mask at home,he over works himself (unless you interject),he has a strict routine which he follows daily and he always wakes up early,amongst the other little things that make a difference to him.
☆ Ghost likes to be on time,never late,never early and his routine is always stuck to,it’s habits like this that have come from the military.
☆ Ghost remembers every little detail you tell him. You very briefly mentioned your favourite colour? He now knows that for life.
☆ Ghost never forgets your special events like birthdays etc. He remembers everything you tell him and even if you don’t mention it he will find out just by picking up on your mannerisms etc.
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minimoefoe · 4 months
finished my morganville vampires reread so here’s some rankings and misc thoughts
I didn’t really note anything down as I was reading so this is just misc thoughts off the top of my head for the most part. next time I reread I’m defo gonna keep note of as many thoughts as possible and figure out definitive rankings and stuff and ramble on and on to the three ppl who also post about this series
book ranking
two separate lists bc I reread books 1-5 back in mid 2022 and that’s way too long ago for me to remember how I feel about them in comparison to the books I’ve read over the last month
feast of fools (4)
lord of misrule (5)
the dead girls’ dance (2)
midnight alley (3)
glass houses (1)
carpe corpus (6) / last breath (11)
ghost town (9) / black dawn (12)
fade out (7) / daylighters (15)
bite club (10) / fall of night (14)
kiss of death (8) / bitter blood (13)
top four
myrnin - literally obsessed with him I don’t even know how to explain it, I wouldn’t say I read the series JUST for him but if he wasn’t in it I would like it significantly less and would’ve reread a lot less times
amelie / oliver - both soooo interesting, love moments where they show the less big bad vamp sides of themselves, makes me crazy
sam - gone too soon I’m crying
glass house gang
claire / eve - queens
michael - mild annoy moments but I love him
shane - I do really like him but also he’s so annoying sometimes and it gets old quickly
miranda - claire mentioning how miranda starts to blossom towards the end of the series and seems finally happy is very sweet but overall I find most of her appearances annoying like I dread seeing her name pop up and it’s a big reason why bitter blood isn’t my fave
monica - has interesting moments for sure and gets better throughout the series but overall idrc
jason - flip flops between good and evil so much idek what’s going on, love him in kiss of death
morley - what I’d give for a small series set in blacke
naomi - coulda been so interesting, gay rights
hannah - we love her
theo- kinda makes me uncomfortable but it’s fine
jesse - actually love her
richard - okay
frank - evil but has interesting moments
ada - very annoying but it’s not all her fault and I like the drama
claire & myrnin - truly no other duo matters, as friends, as more than friends, idc, I love whatever they have going on
claire & amelie - love the idea that amelie kinda sees claire as her daughter and goes on her etc sometimes, actually kills me
amelie & sam - I’m crying
amelie & oliver - the ultimate enemies to lovers kinda
michael & eve - very cute, love them
claire & shane - very cute, love them even tho shane is a bit of a prat sometimes
myrnin & jesse - the thing of jesse being around making myrnin not be as into claire makes my clyrnin obsessed brain sad but it makes my myrninxjesse brain very happy bc I love them, I wish there was so much more of them. the midnight bites stories fed me a little and it was great
misc series thoughts
monica is kinda comically evil in book one and it’s a bit weird like girl calm down. same with whichever of her friends is evil too like can we relax idfk
the ‘mime fangs’ thing is a lil cringe
the series is SO obsessed with claire being 16 and it drives me crazy like eve michael and shane act like they’re a decade older than her and it’s like omg stio being so dramatic
I do not care about captain obvious
what happened to the two officers that claire is friendly with early in the series i feel like they basically are replaced by hannah like where tf do they go
I do not care about claire’s parents like please go away. god bless her dad’s heart condition or whatever is wrong with him get those twats out of that town. also the whole being protective over claire about shane thing does my head in like idc idc IDC
the stuff with bishop is absolutely some of the best stuff in the series (minus every single myrnin scene) like yeahhhhhh
oliver being forced to hang around with everyone in kiss of death is 10/10
oliver running a coffee shop kills me like omfg I love him he does not need to be doing that
I would sell my soul for any information on morley and the librarian who’s name I can’t remember’s relationship like AHHHHH
I don’t dislike the pov changes later in the series, I think they work pretty well for the most part tbh
shane following claire to college is INSANE behaviour like genuinely what the actual fuck is that
I love sam so much he makes me so sad
fuck the ghost hunters I do not care
shane’s reluctance to get used to michael being a vampire is annoying sorry like I get it, he grew up hating them blah blah blah. grow up idc
I think I like that michael ends the series as a human. him having a moment when he was out in the sun nearly made me cry
the fact oliver is hinted to be oliver cromwell lives in my mind rent free and idk why bc I didnt even know who oliver cromwell was til I read these books. I also saw a thing earlier today that said jesse is meant to be lady jane grey which is fun
idk why these children are so determined to marry each other like omg. I do think the whole vampires and humans marrying each other is drama thing is interesting so I’m like okay it makes sense for michael and eve to be determined to get married purely to show that part of things to us but ultimately I’m like.. why does it matter if you can’t get married. like first of all, it’s paper, second of all you’re 12. and shane and claire getting married in the final book is like okay good for you I guess idk
I genuinely could read another 15 books of morganville fuckery liike I love these books an insane amount it’s not even funny
I defo had more thoughts and I’ll probs think of more stuff to add to this once I post it but it’s fine I’ll just save them all for whenever I reread next which might be near the end of this year or might be early next year or might be even longer depending on how well I’m able to distract myself with other things, bc as much as I love this series more than I love myself and wanna spend all my life engrossed in it, it also makes me feel a lil sad and takes over my brain and the lack of fandom is genuinely painful. so the more distance I can make the better I fear
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kakusu-shipping · 9 months
Thankyou thankyou!!! They're the Vessel from the beginning of the Survey Program, and follow Kris around as a ghost narrating. Sort of the Chara to their Frisk, but with a lot more backseating
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They don't control Kris, per say, like the player in canon Deltarune, but they do have more than just the power of being really annoying and can sway Kris without their input. Obviously, Kris isn't a big fan of being told what to do against their will and tends to fight back as much as they can.
They try not to be too annoying to Kris and stay in their lane as just an observer, but sometimes a choice comes up that they get entirely too excited about (like giving the plush to Berdly in Chapter 2, or giving affection to Ralsei) and end up accidentally forcing Kris to go along with them. They rarely notice when they do this, and Kris is unable to convey their lack of control to them, making their relationship very uneven.
In the Light World no one but Kris can see them, and they can't go very far from Kris on their own, where in the Dark World they can move at will and can even physically interact and be seen by everyone else, though Kris is still the only one who can hear them, so they tend to still stick pretty close to them.
They can also possess Kris to fully influence their choices and speech, though they only did so once and it was on complete accident. Kris described the experience as taking a Back Seat to their own life, fully conscious but unable to do anything. They've sense sworn to Kris to never do this again, it's the one thing Kris trusts them on.
I haven't yet decided if they're something that's always been with Kris, or if they're a new thing that appeared around the start of Chapter 1. That's probably a decision that'll change as we get more chapters and more information on Kris themselves
This Self Insert doesn't have any self ships attached to it, per say. The Vessel is very attached to Berdly and Ralsei but in a much more "Kris you should date these people" way, which makes Kris incredibly uncomfortable so they try to keep to themselves about it.
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watchingspnagain · 4 months
Rewatching It’s a Terrible Life
Welcome to “Sam and Dean are Just Steps on the Bossman’s Ladder: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
Up today, s4e17: It’s a Terrible Life
Dean Smith works a middle-management white-collar job at Sandover Bridge and Iron, and Sam Wesson is a grunt in the IT department there. Sam thinks something about this life is wrong, and when he runs into Dean he could swear they’ve met before. But Dean brushes him off until employees start dying real weird in the company. When Dean witnesses an IT tech stab himself in the throat during a panic attack over filling out a form incorrectly, he accepts that Sam might be on to something. The two work together to research the company and the deaths, eventually realizing the ghost of the company’s founder is compelling workers to kill themselves if they don’t give Sandover their all. Smith and Wesson dispatch the ghost (after finding some helpful tips online from the Ghostfacers), and eventually Dean’s boss reveals that he is actually Zachariah, an angel who arranged this little interlude for Dean to help him remember that he is and always will be a hunter at heart. Dean doesn’t take kindly to this interference from the angels and promises that one day he’ll stab Zachariah in his face.
Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
Lor: bounces I love this one
it is a good one
he looks so ridiculous in that shirt and tie
and I love that this show is like "ep 16: torture, hero almost killed by a demon who tortured him in hell for 30 years. ep 17: alternate universe shenanigans"
mmm. someone should maybe take him out of them
they like to mess with us
simmer down
omg this guy plays such a hilarious weirdo on Psych
omg Dean Smith. you do not need to lose any weight. eat a cookie
kill a ghost
LOL Sam's face
even Dean Smith makes "no homo" jokes when no one else brought that up pets him go to therapy, baby
it’s crazy to me that Sam is uncomfortable in this fake life but Dean suspects nothing
yeah it is WEIRD
but it fits with his "I can fit in anywhere thing"
hm. I wonder if it’s more “I’m so unhappy in the life my daddy forced me into” thing
oh definitely
my god he FITS in that shirt
he should really stop being work buddies with this asshole
(omg I am seriously wearing almost EXACTLY that other dude’s outfit right now)
poor Sam doesn't fit in his cubicle
graphic t with ratty flannel over
it is the BEST outfit
oh Sammy, sweets, I’ll nap with you
simmer down
I love how he does NOT fit into that cubicle
Dean’s profile. just DAMN, son
they made him extra pretty this ep and I love that they bothered
he cleans up super nice
Dean, you know you have some vampire romance novels under your perfectly made bed
“you overshare”
the tiny montages of the workplace mundanities
“I hope they spank me” this boy is naughty
look, we've all been where he is. no evil ghost needed
omg Dean's pretty pretty face. his LIPS
omg Sam and Dean are both researching it and asking the same questions on their own. i love it
“did you shave?!”
"the dash-Rs"
“hey, guy”
omg his back in those suspenders
omg EW
i always forget this one has some serious ew horror moments
poor Dean so shook
but not as shook as a normal person, which is kind of awesome
the way his voice kinda fails on "neck"
I love the way he just totally took charge with Ian (even though it didn't work)
why did he bring his bag?
security laptop. it makes him feel safe
emotional support laptop
"no that would be nuts" HAAAAAHHAHAHAHA poking fun at their own show history
"some skills I happen to have"
okay settle down, Taken
I admire from afar
Dean’s arms in that shirt
“right?!” BOYS
"I am dying to check this out." "Right?" YES
SNORK! Look, I’m always like this. It’s weirder when you do it
Fair enough
your desire to trot at any given moment is, like, lukewarm
at best
which is, of course, completely cool - PUN INTENDED - I’m just saying that when you bump it up to hot-trotting, it’s just different
I get it
whereas my trotting enthusiasm always runs at toasty, minimum
except for the GIANT BOWL OF APPLES
eat a food, Dean, I beg you
LOL toasty trots
(also, their NAMES)
your daddy raised you better'n that
did he, though?
I think you mean Bobby raised him better
(YES I am kissing whoever decided to give them OTHER gun names platonically on the head)
Bobby is his dad in the universe, that's what I meant
"instructional videos"
I forgot they were in here!
THIS IS LIKE THE BEST JOKE that they learn how from them who they hate who learned it from them
I LOVE IT kicks feet in glee
nrrrrrf Dean's dumb buttondown tucked into his dumb dress slacks
“yeah now sucks"
his portfolio is in the sewer. poor rich baby
"useless douchebags the Winchesters"
"possibly all states"
and Dean's face at the idea of digging up bodies
omg Dean hiding
oh man another super gross bit coming
“…what?” SAM
poor Bean
poor sammy
"take the stairs"
aw Dean's little swallow
"I have no idea"
oh boys
hey! stop throwing my Dean around into things!
ooo the teamwork
I love that Sam immediately clocks that the way to help Dean is not to help him but to dispatch the ghost
so smart
“that was amazing!”
pets him
“how would we live?”
"you don't wanna go fighting ghosts without any health insurance" I LOVE HIM
I LOVE that Sam instinctively knows who he is
And his family is Bobby, Ellen, and Jo
well, Bobby at least
“you don’t know me, pal” ooof
"you should go" sigh
he BENT the poker MY GOD
Dean, hold out for your own angel
"my GOD am I hungry"
trots in with a bag of cheeseburgers and fries and pie
"gross. no thank you"
“gross” HAHAHAHA
lololol Dean
ass clowns in monkey suits
how did they not realize how he would respond to this?
his idiolect! I cannot
Cas coulda told them. No way they ran this by him
daddy issues
he’s not wrong there
"I will stab you in your face" AND HE DOES
his face journey after "fornicate with women" is something else
look, Dean, I'm here to tell you you can hunt and still have the lattes
and fuck all of them for doing all this to Sammy too but not bothering to explain
like Sam goes from "my brother is beat to hell in a hospital bed" to being mind fucked and then no one bothers to tell him what's up
so mean. he needs comforting.
I think we've talked before about how if they'd given Dean a life HE MIGHT ACTUALLY HAVE HAD, like running his own auto shop, restoring cars, with either Cassie or Cas, he would have STAYED THERE FOREVER
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nohoney · 9 months
omg k sweetness I apologise for the influx of c&c asks… I am now riding the fluffy/happy smut train and am happily thinking ab c&c. us!yn suffering in the corner; everything is totally FINE!
for u darling („• ᴗ •„)
warnings: takes place before pt 1, sort of cheating but also not (reader and dabi are not a couple yet), slight drug use
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You can vividly remember the very first time it happened, when Dabi first came around you smelling like another girl. It confused you because just a few hours ago he was bidding you goodbye with a lingering kiss, telling you that he was excited to see you later on again. And he did arrive as promised, but the smell of a perfume you didn’t recognize followed with him.
It was a beautiful fragrance but you soured when he had leaned down to kiss your cheek.
“Who were you with?” you asked apprehensively. It was difficult to keep your cool and you couldn’t ignore how loud your heart was beating in your rib cage. Watching Dabi just casually make himself comfortable as he had been doing the last two weeks didn’t settle you like it should. Not when he smelled like another girl.
It sprouted an ugly feeling in your stomach that gradually clawed its way up into your chest. Dabi answers with a dismissive wave of his hand and says ‘some girl’, he tells you not to worry about it. You do try to, you genuinely do. He smells of powdery honey that actually smells so rich and decadent. The staying power of this perfume is wonderful and a part of you desperately wants to know what the fragrance is so that you can buy a little bottle for yourself. The other half of you is growing restless and irritated.
“Who were you with?” you repeat your question from before.
The last two weeks, Dabi filled your mind and you were spending all your time with him. You were gushing over him to your friends, denying having a crush but looking more than a little excited whenever he returned your texts. Slowly you were starting to itch for him, long for him when he wasn’t around, hope silently that he’d drop whatever he’s doing and make plans to be with you instead.
Blue eyes look to you and he looks uneasy, like he’s debating on giving you the same answer or if he should answer truthfully. “I told you, just some girl. No one important.”
It’s not a good enough answer because you know it wasn’t just him hanging out. Dabi doesn’t hang out with anyone. The only other answer is your mind is that he sold to someone and he… you don’t want to talk about it-
“Did you fuck her?” the question slips out before you can even think about it.
The room is silent and uncomfortable.
Dabi looks at you and you stare back at him. Your heartbeat is loud in your ears and your mind begins to spiral. “I thought you liked me.” the words fly out again because his lack of response to your question is beginning to upset you. “We’re, like, doing all these things together and you fucked someone else?”
“I never really stopped fucking other people,” Dabi admits and his tone implies that he has no regret, “it’s really not important to tell you.”
Your face heats in embarrassment and you feel like a fool. “I think you should go.” you tell him, looking more past him rather than at him.
It hurts that Dabi leaves without any explanation or apology to try to stay. He leaves silently and shuts the door with a quiet click. At first you wait just a few moments, hoping that he’ll come back through the door and he’ll talk to you. That he’ll express some regret in hurting you and that he’ll promise that he won’t do it again. After two minutes pass, it’s evident that you are left alone and you sit on your bed with your head in your hands. Angry tears sting behind your eyes but you don’t want to let them fall.
But you’re hurt because here’s this guy you know you really liked but he made you feel so stupid.
So you get drunk in your bedroom, crying into your pillow and deciding whether to send a ‘fuck you’ text or to just ghost Dabi altogether. Your girls would say to ghost him but you like Dabi. You like spending time with him and how he actually plays along with you when you get a little silly, you like how he takes care of you and you feel special that he told you that he’s never spent this much time with someone before.
So why did he still fuck someone else?
Maybe it’s my fault… I didn’t say anything. But I don’t even know if I want him as my boyfriend.
His contact is displayed on your phone screen and your thumb hesitates tapping the call button. You want to yell at him and you want to tell him to explain himself. A bottle of fruity vodka is filled into a pink mug and you sip and chase it with juice. You struggle slightly to be able to stand in place, leaning against your fridge for support and still staring at your phone screen.
Your thumb jams at the call button and the phone begins to ring.
It picks up after a few rings and Dabi voice’s answers roughly, “Hello?”
Why did you fuck someone else? I really like you and I thought you liked me. What the fuck?
It was your intention to say all those things but instead you burst into tears, blubbering gibberish and the only comprehensible thing that could come out your mouth was his name. He had hung up and it only made you cry harder when the call ended but you had failed to hear him tell you that he was on his way.
On the floor of your bedroom you were facedown and weeping quietly when you were slowly turned over on your back. You sniffled and hiccuped trying to speak and calm yourself.
“Alright doll, just calm down. I’m here.”
Dabi helped you to your bathroom, holding your hair back and waiting patiently as you threw up into the toilet. The taste of stomach acid and fruit juice laid on your tongue in a disgusting mixture, tears pricked your eyes from throwing up your guts but you had stopped crying. It’s disgusting to gather the taste in your mouth but you spit it into the toilet before flushing.
It takes a few minutes for you to pull yourself together before you look over, Dabi having brought you a bottle of water and he’s fishing out something from his pocket. He fishes out his car key and dips it into the small baggy of coke, carefully holding it up for you to take a bump. “Here, to straighten you out a little.”
You lean over and inhale the white powder into your nostril, the brief smell of gas hits your nose and Dabi does the same for your other nostril.
“I like you…” you slur to him, not all of the alcohol having been purged out your system, “I like you!”
Dabi looks uncomfortable but he pushes the water bottle towards you. “Look, I’m here. I wouldn’t do this shit for anyone else.” he assures you softly, “I don’t answer crying girls at this time of night. If anything, they get blocked.”
The cocaine slowly hits your brain and you feel a bit more lucid, but there’s still no mistaking that you still feel hurt. “Dabi…”
“We can talk about this in the morning-“ he tries to help you to your feet but you shake off his touch.
“Why not now?” a slight spark of anger shows as you glare up at his handsome face, “You-You did me dirty! You were leading me on!”
A hand runs down his face and he lets out an exasperated sigh. “It’s late, we’ll talk about this in the morning.” he attempts to tell you again but you’re adamant that he answer you now. It’s the first time you see him get impatient with you and all he does he bend back down to your level, giving you a chilling stare that makes you quiet down.
He gets no fuss as he helps clean you up and gets in bed with you. Dabi spoons you from behind and he doesn’t offer any goodnight to you. Even in your somewhat drunk state, you sensed that it was better that you stay quiet.
In the morning, nothing gets discussed. Instead he nurses your hangover, staying by your side and helping clean the sticky mess of alcohol that you don’t even remember spilling on your kitchen countertop. What was supposed to be a discussion doesn’t get addressed and a part of you fears that if you bring it up then Dabi won’t be willing to stick around.
It’s not like you were super sure about dating him either so you also didn’t feel like you had any right to be so upset with him.
But in the way Dabi kisses you, there’s tenderness in it that makes you a little weak, it brings back the little fuzzy feeling you’d been feeling since you and him first started fucking. For a few days, it’s back to the routine of spending all your time with him. Another day he returns smelling like another girl and he sees the unhappy look on your face, but this time he’s more careful to be approach you.
It’s not necessarily a silent agreement to not discuss, but you see that Dabi goes out of his way to try to please you and make you happier. That he’s doting on you in his own way and that he wants to continue to be around you.
You decide that you like him enough to let these things happen.
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rpmemesbyarat · 2 years
A Less Obvious Toxic RPer: The Overaplogizer
I see a lot of RP resource blogs that talk about toxic RP partners in the cases of people who are overtly controlling, aggressive, demanding, and/or cruel, but rarely if ever do I see posts about a different sort of toxicity: The over-apologizer. These RPers don’t get defensive or aggressive, they get so submissive and self-hating and apologetic over the SLIGHTEST criticism or even suggestion. It’s not a problem of “not saying sorry” it’s a problem of TOO MUCH sorry. Here are some examples: Sally: “Hey there, I know we planned for our muses to end up together eventually, but some of your recent asks seem to suggest they’re already a close  couple. I was hoping for a longer slow-burn sort of thing, moving in too fast will definitely scare my muse off. Could we dial it back a bit?” Bill: “I’m so sorry, I completely fucked up! Please don’t hate me ! I should never have started RPing! Let’s just drop the whole thing I’m sorry I wasted your time!” Sally: “Hey, so in your last reply, you had a whole bunch of spiders come out of the walls. I probably should have mentioned this before, but spiders are kind of a trigger of mine. Could we change that to something else?” Bill: “OMG I’m so sorry I’m such an asshole! I should delete my blog, I’m so terrible at this! This is why nobody likes me!” Sally: “Hey, I really love our threads, but our last three have all focused on my muse saving and comforting yours, and the new plot you just suggested seems the same. I like writing with you, but I was wondering if this time around, your muse could help mine instead?” Bill: “I hate myself, I’m such a selfish prick. I push everyone off, why did I think this would be different?” Sally: “I love talking to you OOC, but could you stop messaging me about New Show? I’m just not really interested in that.” Bill: “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to annoy you, I’ll just shut up now. I’m sorry I’m such a loser.” So, why is this bad? Well, for one thing, insulting yourself isn’t what someone’s aim is when they ask you to change something or cease a behavior. It makes the Sally in this situation feel bad, like they’ve just bullied you, when all they’ve done is politely communicate a reasonable request. It changes the topic of the conversation from Sally communicating a need about RP, to Sally having to personally reassure Bill that she doesn’t hate him, he isn’t a terrible RPer, etc. This is really, really uncomfortable for the Sally, and usually, in my experience as a Sally, ends up taking a lot of time and emotional labor all focused on Sally comforting Bill and apologizing a lot herself simply for speaking up about something bothering her. All of this combines to making Sally more and more unlikely to voice any further concerns or requests to Bill, because she doesn’t want to go through this again and again. Which means Sally either suffers through threads that bother her in some way and aren’t fun for her. . .or she gets tired of that and just ghosts. This sucks for both Sally and Bill. Now, I don’t think most people are trying to be deliberately manipulative when they act like Bill. Some certainly are and I hate them, but it can also be that they’re genuinely extremely insecure, anxious people who think they have to over-correct due to either mental issues, trauma/abuse in the past, or both. So I genuinely try to be patient and kind, but I won’t lie, it is still manipulative and it gets my hackles up. It leaves me conflicted between wanting to comfort the person and reassure them, and at the same time being pissed at them. It’s definitely a frustrating experience. And honestly? I still don’t actually know how to handle this when I’m in the Sally position. So I tried to do the next best thing, and write this for the Bills out there, who might not REALIZE this is toxic behavior or why. Bills, you’re not a bad person, and I know this behavior can be hard to rein in, especially when it’s a trauma response, but please do what you can to try! I wish I had advice for how, but I don’t. All I can do is point out that this behavior, while it may have helped you survive a bad situation in the past, is actually really shitty to others now. And if someone WANTS this behavior from you? If someone WANTS you to scrape and grovel and insult yourself when they point out the slightest thing wrong? Get the hell away from them, because that’s toxic as hell too.
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week In BL - I’m All Over The Place & Sarcastic About It
Nov 2022 Wk 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying the most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
My Only 12% (Fri iQIYI) 13 of 14 - Cake is such a bratty seme. And we got incandescently happy boyfriends for half an episode, and then Earth gets to cry. Earth always cries. Good thing he’s pretty at it. I do actually like the noona romance. Sometimes even the hets get to me. Because I'm a sap. And I love a pining younger man. I actually really really loved the bit at the end with the two mothers. It’s really rare to see that level of older adult character representation and close female friendship in a BL.
Big Dragon (Sat Gaga) 5 of 8 - Oh, I knew this was going to get rough but I didn’t think they would actually fist fight. It’s interesting that this one is up against Falanruk, because I hated the two player system in that one, but I’m fine with it in this show. There’s a touch of TharnType or maybe more KinnPorsche with Mangkorn & Yai, that they pivot so quickly from violence to sex, hate to passion. Real enemies to lovers with all that bottled up passion destined to explode one way or the other. The sex in this show is similarly treated as a kind of violence, in a kinky way. Also it’s v high heat. But from a romance thread standpoint? The way these two are dodging about each other is just frustrating. Also... NO SINGING! 
Ai Long Nhai (Mon iQIYI) 6 of 10 - Baby’s first jealousy. But omg is this show slow. I think it’s fair for Ai to want Nhai to actually say something positive about their relationship. I like that these 2 talk fully about sex before having it. And now it’s a secret relationship. (I do keep imagining what Mike & TT would have done with these roles.) Oh HI Games! (Second Chance). Cutie! This sudden side dish is v good, gimme MOAR? CRUMBS. @heretherebedork​ CRUMBS! 
Ghost Host, Ghost House (Weds YouTube) 5 of 8 - Wait, who are these girls allasudden? I guess they are Kewin’s fag hags? I suppose every good gay does need a coven? Especially if ghosts are involved.
Makes me wonder who I’d draft for my BL coven... hum. I sense a meme coming on.
Remember Me (Sun Gaga) 4 of 12 - Mean’s wig is so terrible. Yes, I realize that’s intentional. But still, too distracting. Props shouldn’t be required to do your comedic acting for you, honey. I really do like the actor who plays Champ, and I really want him to lead out his own BL. (If he wants to of course.) I’m so glad JaFirst are finally occupying the screen together. They’re just that much better when they’re TOGETHER. 
Love in the Air (Thurs iQIYI) 12 of 13 These two do heat so well. Ugh but the dairy reading “reconciliation” scene was truly gross. This show. Why is the villian the seme? Look, sorry Thailand, Japan can do this, you just... can’t. It’s clumsy and makes anyone with half an empathy uncomfortable. - DUMPSTER FIRE TRASH WATCH ALONG HERE.
Hard Love Mission (Sat WeTV) 3 of 4fin - Phenomenally dull Thai pulp about a journalist sent to interview a celebrity who ends up his manager, only 4 episodes and it still could’ve been shorter. It’s a bummer, the concept wasn’t bad. ALSO Chinese censorship got its gross mitts all over it (thank you, Tencent). Do not waste your time. I DON'T KNOW WHAT I’M WATCHING AND NEITHER DOES IT 3/10 
Work from Heart (Thurs YouTube) 7fin - Just lovely, all the hets are getting married! How rare and special of them. How lucky they are. But I have no idea what’s going on with our leads. It’s very Romeo & Romeo allasudden. And the grandpa is v confusingly evil. Great chemistry, but like Check Out, just a terrible story and an ultimately unfathomable BL. 4/10 FATALLY FLAWED
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
My Tooth Your Love (Taiwan Fri Viki) 5 of 12 - These leads! Best example of the pillow clutch trope ever? I think so. World’s most gentle flirts. Seriously: The Ache. We dealing with some serious abandonment issues. Meanwhile, in the land of May/December, baby boy kabedon is my kryptonite! (Also the name of my indie band’s first single.) I identify WAY too much with the bartender character. He pretty much opens his mouth and says what I’m thinking 90% of the time. 
“Someone’s lack of defenses can be so overwhelming.” - Best BL quote of 2022? May be. 
Choco Milk Shake (Korea Strongberry Tues YT) 3-4 of 10 - postponed until next week. Read about why here. 
Roommates of Poongduck 304 (Korea Thurs Viki) 7-8fin. Ah regrets after a drunken gay pass. Also: killer confrontation confession scene with them both so torn and confused and hurt and unsure! Brilliant. It’s so cute after, with them soft & cute with each other as experimental bfs. JaeYun having fangirls was adorbs, and HoJoon dealing with the resulting jealousy was fun to watch. Also HoJoon is so gone and so inept and uncool about it. And then JaeYoon learns who HoJoon really is. Man this show moves FAST. Ah KBL. I wish we had more time with these characters. I would have liked sweet bfs for longer. And Holland is back, such an adorable plot device. Hi, cutie! The reconciliation/confession was good. How much do I love that the final make-out scene was precipitated by the eroticism of informal language? SO MUCH. V linguistically sexy. FInal review below. 
Kabe Koji (Japan Mon Viki) 5 of 10 - This is going to be weird sounding coming from me but I think what I’ve decided that this show is just too much manga. Not yaoi per say but MANGA. Like, aggressively MANGA. I was thinking as I watched, “This singing group is comically bad.” Then I realized, “Oh that’s intentional, like the credit sequences for ABL - they are meant to be.” And then I realized: Every part of this show is a parody. Not the same as ABLon the whole, but similar in its components: The idol group is a parody of all idol groups. The high school drama is a parody of all high school dramas. The otaku mangaka is a parody of all otaku mangaka. The yaoi is a parody of all yaoi. And the BL of all BL. In the end, this entire show is just Japan messing with us. And frankly I’m beginning to enjoy it for that when I actually dont’ enjoy it as a BL at all. Again, like ABL.  
Eternal Yesterday AKA Eien no Kino (Japan Thurs Gaga) 3 of 8 - I do enjoy the credit music on this one. Backstory ep: so we get to watch them fall in love. Goodie. Pain for all! Or more, watch Mitchan fall and be confused, since Koichi is already utterly gone. Argh! Why does Japan always spend its best pennies on pain? A truly glorious confession scene, and then... a dead fish kiss. For which I’m actually strangely grateful. Frankly, if they also managed the physical chemistry in this show, it’d totally destroy me. This way I’m going to be only mildly destroyed. *whimper* 
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It’s Airing But I’m Not Watching It
War of Y 20 eps - it’s just all too much for me.
My Roommate 32 eps of 2 minutes each + terrible production values? - I’m not bothering.
Fahlanruk (Sun GaGa) 12 eps - I cut my losses at ep 5. DNF
To Sir With Love AKA Khun Chai 28 eps - dito
2 Moons 3 Thai (Mon ??) 10 eps - Possibly a future binge watch. Rumor is it’s banal.
SELF (Thurs YT) - DNF
Love Bill  (Vietnam Sat YT) 1of ? - Bah Vinh is back but I’m too distracted. Also there’s a lot of fund raising and stuff going on. Thinking I’ll wait and binge.
In Case You Missed It
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Roommates of Poongduck 304 (Korea Viki) quick pitch:
This is a solid little office set KBL about a rich kid who ends up both the boss and tenant of a total sweetheart cutie, and falls madly in love with him. Although the show suffered from KBL’s shorter length, I love the kissable lips pair, they deliver solid all round chemistry despite limited screen time, which is rare from Korea. So I hope they stay branded and we get even more from them in the future. Ultimately I recommend this show, a solid  8/10.
If Japan didn’t dominate the office BL niche with shows like Cherry Magic and Old Fashion Cupcake this BL probably would get higher marks for me. But it’s a difficult hill to climb (although I’m delighted to see Korea try). Even though Japan and Korea often give us the same length shows, I feel the brevity in the Korean stuff in a way that I don’t with the Japanese stuff. Frankly I think it’s Japan’s sophisticated cinematography facilitating the complexity required by shortness (what’s left out has to be implied by the lens and the acting) where Korea’s more commercial and simplistic style (which works great in longer Kdramas or something like Light On Me) falls short (pun intended) with their short KBLs. 
OH, and here’s a special extra extended kissing scene for this pair, just for extra proof on chemistry. 
I’m finishing up my UWMA rewatch today.
Much anticipated office set Thai GL GAP the series will have 12 eps and will premier on Nov 19 on Idolfactory’s (SCOY) official youtube channel. Go subscribe, now. Trailer here. 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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TOMORROW! Between Us (Sun iQIYI & YouTube?) - trailer here 
Tuesday: I Will Knock You (Tues Gaga) - Bad boy/good boy + sunshine/grumpy + younger seme pairing.
LITA & 12% finish. 
Nov 2022 line up:
Nov 18: I Will Knock You (Fri Gaga) A college kid & tutor confronts the leader of a gang who then turns out to be his next student. Bad boy/good boy + sunshine/grumpy, + younger seme pairing, bully romance?. Adapted from korean_rabbit's y-novel of the same name, directed by Champ (2gether).
Nov 19: GAP the series (Sat YT) - 12 ep office set GL from Thailand. 
Nov 26: 609 Bedtime Story (?? WeTV) - another OhmFluke vehicle that’s rumored to be a good story. A one night stand leads to a series of mysterious premonitions and a possible parallel universe. 
Nov ??: My School President (?? GMMTV YT) initial trailer here - it’s Love Sick + Korea & Japan's influence. 
This week’s best moments?
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That’s one way of putting it honey. (Tooth) 
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Baby’s first kabedon! (Tooth)
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Meanwhile, in the land of Big Dragon, they trying on Taiwan for size (that’s what he said). 
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The mosquito trope returns with a vengeance this week! 
Is it a WinTeam foreshadow from the whole Thai BL industry? 
Might be! 
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Rise up broccoli nation! 
This weeks earworm: Kang Daniel’s Parade 
(last week) 
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imjustabeanie · 3 months
Omg!! You have so many fandoms?!1!1!!
Well HI HUN!!! 🩷🩷 if it’s okay, i would love to ask for a match up with Mystic messenger and Obey Me! I got back into em recently!
I currently don’t have any deal breakers. If i get paired with Rika or Jaehee ill be okay!
About me: My name is Mera!
I go by She/her, (AFAB) and im Pansexual, although i usually lean towards men, though all my partners have been women!!
Im a Cancer zodiac, and im an INFJ!
I have an rbf 🥹 people have told me so many times they are scared to approach me because they think i’ll be a bitch. Later they’ll tell me they love me though!! Pretty much an Ambivert. I’m super awkward and shy at first, and it ends up causing me to be short and blunt without meaning to!! but once I start talking? I never shut up!! I also tend to listen to things, and i try to help in anyway i can, although im not the best comforter. I also think my personality also can change depending on who i hang out with. If i hang out with more introverted people I’ll definitely be more outgoing, and talk to others! But if im with extroverted friends, i’ll tend to stay in my shell. I’m a pretty kind person, but also sensitive. I’d jump in front of a bullet for someone else though. Im a people-pleaser so what other people think of me, i really take into account. Once people get close to me though, i tend to be sassy and have “snarky” remarks, but in a joking way. If my friends have ever spoken out about if it makes them uncomfortable i will immediately stop. Honestly though, i can’t handle seeing someone else in pain- or crying. My heart will literally tear and i’ll start crying with them. I tend to be the “funny” friend- everyone usually laughs at my jokes, but i’ve been called the “mom” friend too, because i start to take into account what other people may need! Hair ties? I have A MILLION!! Advil? Dont worry!! I got some :)
I tend to surround myself with a lot of people also. I love to be in the spotlight (theatre kid alert..)
Writing match ups !!, Drawing, Dance, Singing and musical theatre. I do Dance a lot and its also caused me to start caring more about myself! I sing all the time too- i take voice lessons :) I’m also a cosmetology student, so i LOVE to do hair, makeup, nails and fashion!! I love to talk about it too!! Theres so many interesting things people don’t know! I’m always listening to music though. The only genres i don’t really listen to is country and rap.
Likes: Honestly I like so many things, but i like sweets, people who give me attention, and i also like- love every color on the rainbow… i LOVE horror movies, and slashers. I love biology, and cos stuff! I might actually be able to go to dubai because of cosmetology :)
Dislikes: Rude people, people who are genuinely just bitchy for no reason. Not really much.
Love Languages: PHYSICAL TOUCH, is the biggest. Im super touch starved and i need someone to hold me!! Quality time too. They go hand in hand for me. Receiving gifts are the worst for me. Ill feel so guilty, but i love to give!
Ideal type: I dont really have an IDEAL type. Pair me with whoever!
Looks: if looks play into anything- i have pretty dark features. Although my skin is very light. Im a ghost in the winter. But whenever i get tanned, i usually have been told i look “Arab” which is a compliment. My hair is pretty much at a level 6, so its a dirty brownish color. I stopped wearing my glasses, but i have brown doe eyes! (If i was a certain “pretty” i’d be deer pretty.)
Im pretty short honestly. 5’1. I also love to wear heels though. I walk in them like its my second nature. My hair reaches around my shoulders, i usually Dont have it long, and i have curtain bangs!
Fun facts:
Im poly lingual!! I speak 3 different languages.
My parents are actually immigrants, and english wasn’t my first language lol!!
I major in pre law! So i plan to be a lawyer. - specifically medical malpractice because according to multiple nurses, “i have an eye for medicine.”
i hope this wasn’t too much-!!! 🥺💕 i hope you enjoy writing and matching!! Whenever you get the chance to do it, i’ll happy!!
Matchup trade for this wonderful person
Your OM match is...Diavolo!
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Not gonna lie I did hesitate between Diavolo and Asmo but finally I decided on Diavolo. You can definitely keep up with him and your love languages match! He may be a little pushy but in the end he means well.
Let’s stay with the OM original plot shall we? (date. My bad lol). At first Diavolo only wanted to learn and bond with the new exchange student. He saw that you were rather awkward at first and stayed in your shell that’s why he poked more about your interests (read here that he just checked your case in the human world). He tried very hard to be your friend and was super happy when you started to reciprocate! He loved your jokes and often tried to get in on your train. Diavolo is someone who lives on the present but also calculating (not in a negative way. He just prefers that major plans aren’t altered that much cuz he’s the prince and all). Your sarcasm honestly makes him laugh, you’re not being mean about it so he doesn’t feel bad either. Diavolo fell for the way you two had fun together. You are someone he can get loose with but also get serious. He doesn’t have to worry much you’ll always match his style. Also, you’re the mum friend and it makes Barbatos so happy because he doesn’t have to worry about another hyperactive adult lmao. It took Diavolo more time than he wished to confess cuz he had to check out everything and what changes it would bring to your life. He knows that he can’t afford to get into reckless relations that can endanger his kingdom and how much pressure it would be on you the more serious the relation got. You noticed that he spent more time in his office and just went in, worrying for your friend. That’s when Diavolo, in his sleep deprived state blurted out that he doesn’t know if he can ask you out considering his position and all. He didn’t realize it was you….You two had a very heart to heart conversation and in the end agreed to go out together. What a mess.
Diavolo is kinda like a golden retriever boyfriend. He includes you in all sorts of fun activities and always have dates planned out for you two! He shows you hell and you show him the human world. Sometimes Barbatos threatens him with less time with you to get him to work. But one thing for sure is that you two are always seen touching each other. He loves holding your hand and waist, when he sees you he runs up to you and engulfs you in a hug which is rather funny considering his corpulence. In private you two cuddle a lot, when he’s working he’ll hold you in his laps to recharge as he calls it. Diavolo often takes you on dates to operas and plays. He passes them to Barbatos as ‘Seeing how the arts are developing’, yeah of course. We all believe you Diavolo. During these dates he gives you historical facts and explains references you might not get. After or before those dates, Diavolo takes you two to try new foods. He knows you like sweets so he makes sure to always get you some or ask Barbatos to make some. Speaking of gifts….yeah you’re getting spoiled but he’ll calm down after knowing you feel guilty about it. Getting spoiled in the sense he always gets you your favorite things and supports your hobbies by getting you the best material. Then with time he’d start getting you jewelry and all. If you two get married your birthday might as well become a national holiday just like his….
Diavolo likes to have lazy days because he can just spend them doing whatever with you. Perhaps you’d explore the human world or he’d try his hand at the kitchen! You two always have a laugh after that. He likes taking your hand and engaging to a songless dance (he puts in music eventually), I believe he knows many dances and will even teach you some. He’ll also let you do his nail and makeup (you can’t tell me he doesn’t put at least some make up). Diavolo has to follow certain fashions but enjoys going shopping to get things he’d only wear at the castle. He’ll always take you with him and you also have some kind of say in the official clothes his tailor makes him! At the end of a busy day, Diavolo just wants to relax with you in bed. You’re his safe space.
I wanted to elaborate on this but didn’t find how to make the transition so I’ll just say it here. One of the topics diavolo used to get to know you is your law major. He asked you about it and you two had pleasant evenings comparing the devildom laws with the human laws. It’s canon that healthchecks in the devildom are rather….rough so you’ll have fun comparing them. I initially planned to match you with asmo considering your interest in cosmethology but Diavolo is a much better fit in my opinion. He’d always hype up your interests and even proposes to let you in some factories so you can compare products in both worlds. He’d be really interested in seeing you make some cosmetics because he is very curious in all fields. The only issue with Diavolo is that he can’t always take no for an answer. He is used to getting his way so set up some clear boundaries at the start. You also have to accept that he is a prince first, he has his own secrets. I think I lost track of words….
Your Mystic Messenger match is...Zen!
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Yup it wasn’t 707. He was my second pick actually but Zen won first position. 707 is too self sacrificial and has a lot of secrets, he might not even give you all the attention you deserve because of his job. But Zen is sensible, funny and devoted to those he care about. Since MysMes is an otome game we’ll go the OG route for how you and how he asked you out. I’ll skip to relationship with him.
You and Zen are quite similar in my opinion. He can easily relate to your sarcasm and snarky remarks which makes the two of you a formidable duo. None talks shit about you when you’re nearby because they’re getting torn apart. He likes it when you get passionate and start talking about your interests. When you do that he’ll shut up and stare at you lovingly before muttering some corny pick up line and kissing you. Zen compliments you a lot because you’re perfect for him. He calls you his Muse but won’t reveal your identity to the public until he knows you won’t get much backlash. Even his fans don’t comment about you because he gets so defensive when you’re brought up in a bad way. Even if you enjoy the spotlight and is proud of your relationship he still feels guilty for dragging you inside all this drama. He’ll need reassurance over this. Zen’s love language is mostly words, affection and quality time when he can. As an uprising star, he’s very busy but does his best to give you all his attention. That’s why he always leaves you voicemails saying how he loves you and even letters/flowers when his schedule gets hectic. Tight budget but huge heart. His favorite type of date is taking you for a picnic and just spending the night talking about everything, no matter how silly or deep it is. But he gets so nervous each time you ride the bike with him….
You are Zen n1 critic. He always wants you to review his performances and you two spend a lot of nights watching movies together (not his own, just movies and plays). He knows you like horror movies, that’s why you two are up to date with the latest horror movies in the market. When he makes it big, you can be sure he’ll invite you at every premiere/event. Your common house often gets noise complaints from Zen practicing or you two dancing to music! Yeah you might be the neighborhood favorite couple but they still want to sleep unfortunately. Zen is a workaholic, you being the mum friend helps in the sense that you’re the only one he listens to when you ask him to stop and get some rest. If it weren’t for you he’d forget himself, you’re the only reason why he didn’t have a burnout yet. He enjoys your singing and as an actor (he played in musical) he’d help you train out more. If you ever want to get into the business he’d be happy to help you out. Zen only lets you interfere with his skin care routine. He’d test out any product you recommend and lets you do his makeup or chose his outfits. He’d purposefully let paparazzi take pictures if you two are matching cuz he’s just happy and proud lol. Your future opportunity in cosmetology and upcoming law major actually make Zen so happy. He always encourages you to continue your studies as it’s what you love. He is a man of passion who dropped out, it’s the only topic he may get insecure about considering your own academic background.
In conclusion, you and Zen are definitely a popular celebrity couple that people look up to. The way he loves and cherishes you make so many fans jealous it’s not even funny lol. You two may be dramatic but your love is obvious.
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atinysunbaby · 1 year
Meant to be | Choi San🖤
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Warnings : Cursing, violence
Word counts : 3.1 k
Previous 《 Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Is it what it feels like to be dead? It's not like what I expected. I thought it would be a relief, but I just feel like crap. I still can feel pain apparently, and emptiness. There's also noises, voices to be more exact. Ghosts?
As time go by, I slowly gain consciousness. I'm not dead after all. But where the hell am I?? The voices are a bit clearer, now that my mind is all there. I don't recognize any of them. They're men, that's the only thing I can be sure of.
Since I have no idea where I am right now, I gotta find a weapon to protect myself, in case they'd want to hurt me. I mean, what if it's James and some friends. What if he found me after all?
I can't take any risks anymore, and if any son of a bitch makes a wrong move, I'll end them. There's a lamp next to the bed I'm on, that's my protection. It's gonna have to do.
I could also escape through the window, but what if those guys really helped me. I should at least make sure of their true intentions.
On the tip of my toes, I make my way to the door. I listen through it, and when I'm sure it's safe I open it. Right when I do so, the conversation the strangers were having, stops abruptly. I see stairs, I'm a hundred percent certain that the voices were coming from there. It's almost impossible that they heard me. Right?
Footsteps are heard downstairs. My breath hitches. I'm about to hide myself back in the room, when a voice calls my name. "Y/N?"
I don't recognize that one either, but still I'm curious and advance to the staircase. I try to peak without them seeing me, but of course fail. "I can see you. I know you're there, and you don't need to be afraid of me."
"Who are you? And how do you know my name??" I desperately need answers now. I know that there's at least 3 men inside, and maybe there could be more. My only way of defense is a lamp and I'm weak, more then usual since I've had a rough couple of weeks. "You can trust me, I promise. San is a friend of mine."
My eyes enlarge. Maybe it's a trap. Omg!! What if James killed San, and now he's trying to get me to go down to murder me too!?
"I called him, he's gonna arrive soon. You can stay upstairs until he's here if you prefer?" He tries to reassure me. I made up my mind. I'll go down now, and keep the lamp. "Ok. But I have a weapon, don't try anything suspicious!"
Causciously, I walk down the stairs. I can see him now, he's young, but he looks really intimidating. Maybe it's not to late to go back up.
"Hi! My name's Hongjoong. It's nice to meet you." He tells me with enthusiasm. Not as scary as before, but maybe he's acting. I'm staying on my guards until San is here.
Several minutes later
I'm standing in the kitchen, as far as I can from them. They're all sitting at the table, sometimes glancing at me. Turns out, there were more then 3 of them. 7 in total, not counting San.
They told me their names, surprisingly I memorised them.
The blond that looks like a prince, Seonghwa
Then there's Hongjoong, with dark blue hair. He scares me a little, even though he ain't the tallest.
Yunho, he's tall and has brown hair. He also looks like a large puppy.
The cutest one, Yeosang. He has light brown fluffy hair and he's shy.
Mingi, has dark brown hair. Looked intimidating at first, but he smiled at me and I came to the conclusion that he isn't.
And Wooyoung, long hair attached in a mini ponytail. Really handsome, seems the most worried about San's arrival.
Jongho, the youngest. Quite cold, but I don't think it's his real personality.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
My body reacts instantly. I become stiff, squizing the wooden spoon in my hand. Hongjoong gave it to me to replace the lamp. He said if I felt in danger, I could use it.
They all turn to me, they notice how uncomfortable I look. "It's just San sweetheart, you're safe." Seonghwa comforts me. I force a smile, grateful for their help.
Wooyoung gets up and run to the door. We hear it open, right when it does my heart starts to beat faster. That same feeling is back, my body suddenly relax. I'm impatient, wanting to see him desperately.
The same moment my eyes lay on him, my body is hurrying to his. I jump in his arms, crying the hardest I ever did. "Shhhh~ I'm here love, I'll protect you." He holds me tightly, whispering calming things in my ears.
The group of boys sat at the table, looking at each other, understanding without having to talk.
After a matter of minutes, I feel calmer already. My tears stop running out of my eyes. My trembling body is now only slightly shivering.
San runs his hand soothingly on my back. While I was breaking down, he took the opportunity to place himself on the couch.
I lift my head from his shoulder, looking into his eyes. He smiles affectionately, brushing strands of hair out of my face.
"San.. Why am I feeling like this about you? What does it mean I don't understand?" I ask with a lost expression. "It's like I can finaly breathe when you're with me. My heart feels like it's gonna burst, It never happened to me before. It's almost too much."
San's POV
I have to tell her. If not now, then soon. Before, I have to talk to Hongjoong though. He's our alpha, we often have to ask before doing something.
Y/N fell asleep on me. I told her we would talk after she gets some rest. At first she didn't want to, but agreed when I told her we'd cuddle.
Y/N and me are mates. Since she's human though, it's not the same as the others. Our bond is strong, but if she would be a werewolf it would be complete. I can't mark her, can't mate with her nor be close to her the night of a full moon.
It's too dangerous, her body wouldn't be able to take it. It would lead to her death. I won't let that happen, so I'll have to be careful. Sometimes our impulses are really strong, most of the time the tentation's too strong.
I stretch my body after waking from my nap. I quickly realise I didn't have any nightmare. It's also the first time in weeks that I have a bit of energy. It feels great, I'm at ease. San makes me feel safe. I smile like an idiot just thinking about him.
Quickly, I realise his presence. His nose is pressed against my neck. His lips are parted, I can feel his breath hitting my skin. He's cuddling me, holding me tightly in his arms, as if he's scared to let go. My face heats up immediately, my heartbeat quickening. Then, I'm hit with this feeling again. It's overwhelming, almost too much. Butterflies in my stomach, heart fluttering, goosebumps everywhere, my body tingling. I love his warmth and the attention he gives me, the skinship too. Not forgetting he makes me forget about every bad things in my life, he makes me feel safe and complete.
I bring my hand to his face. Cautiously, I trace is features with my fingers trying not to wake him up. I take some time to admire him, wanting to memorize every little details. I smile unconsciously and bring my lips to his nose softly. The feeling makes is nose twitch cutely. The sound of my giggles is what wakes him fully.
At any other time he would of been quite annoyed, but the sound of my voice makes him instantly relax. A smile appears on his beautiful face and he hugs me tighter. "Morning~"
"Good morning~ It's definitely the best way to wake up. I wish it'll be like that all the time!" His words make my face heat up. He notices my flustered state and chuckles. "Baby are you shyy~?"
I hide my face and nod my head, San laughs amused. He takes my hands in his and kisses my nose sweetly. Warmth, envelopes the both a of us. We sigh contentedly. "I need to tel-"
The sound of knocking at the door interrupts San. The expression on his face quickly change to a confused one. "Nobody comes here.. They aren't supposed to know anyone lives in this house.."
The other boys all have the same look of confusion. They don't answer at the door, instead wait for the stranger to leave. We all think they left, only to hear the hits against the door again, but louder and harder. Some of the guys seem scared now and the rest suspicious. Hongjoong puts his finger in front of his lips to signal everyone not to make a noise. He then walks to the front door carefully.
Yeosang clings to Wooyoung, hiding behind him. Seonghwa is worried and holds Jongho's hand reassuringly. Yunho and Mingi stand next to each other, ready to help if needed. San takes my hand and we both stand from the couch. His body his tense and he puts himself between me and the door. I, am still confused as to why they all look so on edge. I am too, but I don't know the reason of their behaviour.
Hongjoong look into the peephole and frown. He turns to us and shakes is head sighing. "It's only a women.."
He opens the door and answer politely. "Hello! How can I help you?"
"I'm searching for my niece! Please if you saw her maybe you could help me- She ran into the woods, she was terrified and-" My eyes enlarge and my breath gets caught in my throat. She stops talking when I peek from behind San. Instantly she recognizes me and I don't waste a second to run into her arms. We both start crying in each other's arms. "I t-though you- d-died!?"
She takes my face in her hands and wipe my tears with her thumbs. Then she hugs me again while rubbing my back. "I know, I know.."
After we both calmed down the boys took us to the kitchen. They're confused and wish to respect us, but refuse to leave me alone with her. Since they don't know her. Especially San, disagreed to leave me without protection. I don't need it though, my aunt would never hurt me.
"I though he killed you? I heard a gunshot and the-" She takes my hand in hers and smile sadly. "I know you were scared and you were right to be. I know what he did to y-you-"
She starts crying and my heart skips a beat. No.. It's not what I think it is.. Is it? My body starts shaking slightly and I swallow the lump in my throat. "W-what do you mean..?"
My eyes meet hers and she frowns. Then she averts her gaze nervously. "James.."
His name makes my body tense, but San softly places his hand on my shoulder. I let myself calm down before motionning to Kath that she can keep talking. "Yesterday, we had an argument about you. He wanted you to leave and when I disagreed, he started to get mad. After a while of us screaming at each other he blurted it out... About what he did to you.. Then I told him I'd call the cops. That's when he took out a gun and said he was going to kill you. I had to stop him so... I shot him.. Whit the gun he was holding- I didn't have a choice.."
I'm shocked, it's hard to process all of this. When I though James killed her, turns out he was the one to die. Is it bad that I feel relieved? I though I was in danger yesterday, but aunt Kath was trying to help me. "I was about to talk to you and reassure you, when you left. Then I tried to find you. I searched all night and finally when I saw this house, I hoped you'd be here. And you are! Those kind gentlemen took you in and helped you. So thank you for saving her and keeping her safe~"
"Not a problem, Y/N's always welcome here. She can stay as long as she wants." Hongjoong says before smiling at me. I return it grateful and happy. I feel San's hand squeeze my shoulder gently and I place mine on top of his. Aunt Kath sees it and smile. "Oh! What am I seeing here? You 2 have already fallen for each other? Was it love at first sight- or maybe you're meant to be- like soulmates!"
She claps her hands and we all laugh. What I don't notice tough is San's expression. If only I knew that it was actually almost right.
Last night, I didn't even wanna leave San. I talked to him a bit before going, he convinced me. He told me we'd see each other at school, in two days. I already miss him, how can I wait for about 48 hours before seeing him. He didn't even have his number. I guess he forgot. Also, Hongjoong and a few of the others looked suspicious, I felt like they were hiding something from me. "Y/N! Y/N~"
"I'm so happy that you're fine. If anything would've happened to you I-" Aunt Kath stops talking abruptly, tearing up.
Hours later
She brought me back to her house the day before. For the whole time from the car ride and since we arrived, she talked nonstop. Of course we went to sleep, but immediately when I woke up she made breakfast and went on about what happened. It's not that she's annoying, I just don't feel like listening. I don't even care about everything, all I want is to forget. Guess it'll be harder to do with my aunt constantly reminding me.
My attention quickly go to my aunt who's looking at me with raised eyebrows. I bite my lips before humming for her to go on. She shakes her head and sigh, seeming disappointed. My expression change to a confused one, wondering why she would be. Before opening her mouth again, she puts down the book she was holding. Which by the way I have no clue of how she was reading and speaking at the same time. "Look.. I know you went through more then what anyone could ever imagine.."
No you think? Pfft- What will she say now? Probably another hour of her telling me how pitiful I am or how bad she feels for not knowing before. Yes she said it all already, even went on about her now dead boyfriend. Insulted him in every way possible and burnt all of his belongings. I was pleased by it of course, but like I said before it's the last person I wanna hear about. I can't be mad at her, maybe it's just her way of coping with it. I mean, probably anyone would. If they would find out their boyfriend raped their dead sister's child and having to shoot him. It isn't a normal life, for sure.
"You should be more respectful" I- what? She has her hands on her hips, standing beside the table. Her eyes are piercing through mine, she's scolding me for not listening to her ramblings. I sigh tiredely. "You're in my house young lady! And not feeling well isn't a reason to ignore me or be a brat!"
Wow, seriously? I try to regain my calm and not make her any more mad then she already is. I smile apologically, of course it's fake but she doesn't need to know that. Ever since she found me at the guys house, I have a weird feeling. She seems so different then when I first arrived here. I don't feel like arguing with her right now, so I'll coax her with some bullshit. "I'm so sorry auntie~ It's just I keep thinking of a school project, it's so complicated and it makes my head hurts. What you were saying was really interesting, but I'm nervous about everything and I can't focus right now~"
She instantly become soft and apologises. She hurries to scoot me in her arms, telling to go lay down for a bit and then do my home works. I smirk triumphantly and when she grabs my shoulder to examine my face it goes back to a pout. "Thank you auntie for understanding, I'll go take a nap now~"
She leads me to the stairs, and watch me walk to my room. Once I close the door behind me, I feel like I can finally breathe. The stress I was feeling a few seconds ago, vanishing completely. The last time I was alone like this was almost two days ago, but it feels like it's been forever. So much happened in such a small period of time. My parents' death, coming to Korea, James... then San, running away, waking up in an unknown place and meeting the others and lastly Kath found me. All of that, yet it feels like it isn't over yet.
I sigh, moving away from the door. The first thing I do, is to take a shower. I scrub every part of my body as hard as I can. When I'm done, my skin is red, but It doesn't hurt. I feel better, like I cleaned all the dirt and pain away. I walk to the mirror in the bathroom, analyzing every details on my face. I need some changes, starting with a new haircut. I watch a few videos to help me, grabbing what I need. If I mess up, I can always go to the hairdresser. Grabbing the scissors, I smile. My hair fall to the floor, I cut them up to my shoulders. When I'm done, I brush them and clap my hands happily at the result. Exactly what I needed. It's pretty, I'm actually good at this.
I exit the bathroom and jump on my bed to lay down, ready for the night. Only a few seconds and the exhaution takes over, heavy eyelids closing giving place to dreamland.
Next chapter 》 5
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stillwaterinc · 2 months
i should probably make an intro huh? anyways
my name is tyler :33
it/he/rot pronouns but i’m good with most neopronouns especially ones pertaining to monsters (specifically ghosts, zombies, and vampires but anything inhuman really) and dogs
dni (to get it out of the way): minors, people with men dni on their accounts/in their bios, kink shamers, anyone uncomfortable with what i post about (listed below)
stuff i post about/am into:
-fauxcest (specifically sibcest)
-blood :33
-royalty (especially prince/knight stuff but everything royalty is great)
-robots (transformers and computer bitches my beloved)
-pet play (woof woof etc etc)
hard limits: scat, piss, raceplay, misogyny, daddy stuff (idk why i’m fine with siblings but not parents 🤷)
if i think of anything else it’ll go on this ^^ list
in a polycule with [husband who doesn’t wish to be named], and @rebisgender
i am fine flirting just be aware that i am well and truly taken (two times over <33)
tags: #big sister of mine <33 is for posts pertaining to @rebisgender in some way, #mecore is just things that i see and go ‘omg that’s me fr’ (can be anything from a picture of a dog to a specific scenario that gets my theoretical dick hard), #me and my wife fr is self explanatory those posts are me and my wife fr (similar to mecore but for partner stuff), #the water ripples is my writing tag for the few times that i feel like rambling about scenarios that pop into my brain (will probably just be horny shit that’s what this blog is for), #selfie is exactly what you think it is (pictures of me :33)
most kinks are tagged, especially ones that i know people like to filter out (fauxcest, intox, cnc, etc) but be aware that i might not catch everything
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atopvisenyashill · 6 months
omg pls pls post one bran meta 💔
i’ll give a rant for also loving my boy while i polish some stuff up but-
I am very much a “bran will be king” truther, i think there’s a lot of evidence for that that people kinda looked past bc they don’t find him interesting, bc they got into this series for the politics and not like, the fantasy aspects lol, but I do have like several ~scenarios~ for him, it’s just that “king of what’s left of westeros” is my favorite bc of the bittersweet aspect of it.
but part of why i think bran’s ending is kind of hard for everyone to grasp, is bc the show just didn’t give a shit about him (like, STATED they didn’t care about the fantasy aspects & i love to shittalk miguel & ryan & sara but at least they are Aware And Excited about the magic aspects of Terros). book readers tend to overlook him in favor of dany (the other big magical character) because george finds writing bran difficult and writing dany easier so we have like 50 dany chapters for every one of bran’s. but whereas there’s several dany chapters dedicated to world building, character introspection, magic, and politics EACH, bran gets all those themes kinda rolled up into these fleeting, monster chapters that are dense as fuck to read. EYE don’t mind that, but giving him like a third the amount of chapters as dany (or jon or tyrion or arya) is just REALLY setting that kid up to fail. but george has really explicitly stated he struggles with characters that are young, and he’s clearly talking about bran (probably sansa, sometimes arya as well) so it’s kinda. i get his struggle!! but he also clearly loves bran as a character bc the chapters we get are real rich!
but d&d don’t even give us what’s on the page bc they do not care!!! so it’s so hard to really pin down what the fuck is going on with bran, bc i truly think they cut most of the notes george gave them about bran, possibly even gave parts of his story to others bc “it would be cooler”, and then used him almost exclusively for exposition & shock value. like, for all we know, the long night is also very short in the books bc of something bran did while in the north, but those two thought it would be cooler if it was just one battle.
[sidebar but like i mean, also jon is a big magical character, but rn jon is less “a magical character” and more “a character that has magic happen to him” bc he’s still a bit uncomfortable about being a warg, bc the logistics & morality of it freak him out. honestly that’s a good thing for jon, bc look at what “do magic first ask questions later” has gotten dany and bran (and theoretically robb). being inside ghost is certainly going to change his outlook on magic & cause another identity crisis, but i don’t think the magical side is where jon is going to struggle morally]
[also i do think the long night is likely to be a little longer, because i think they’re getting to the trident, but potentially they only fuck the north and riverlands and not anywhere else because of something bran does. idk man. for all he goes on about aragorn’s tax policies, he has done with the wights & others exactly what’s done with the orcs. makes me wonder if there’s some plot about the others that involves bran befriending & humanizing a section of them & d&d went “that’s weird and boring” and cut it, like the way the director for i am legend changed the ending to that suicide grenade scene even tho the book ending is so objectively better that will smith said he’s gonna do a second movie but with the cut ending aksjjd. my evidence so far for that is like, negative evidence, which doesn’t make for good meta, so i’m excited to get to adwd so i can reread bran’s chapters in like, ya know, a year 😭]
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