#the guilt for being friends with the one who held his friend's dad hostage as a kid
thefandomstorage · 2 years
A part of me wants to write a fic with Gil-Galad somehow meeting up with an injured and still heavily traumatized Maeglin who now has white hair after the fall of Gondolin and just “Well I obviously can’t just leave you alone and injured in the wild, so I’ll take you with me.”
Gil-Galad then proceeds to lie his ass off to everyone about the strange elf he brought back and is obviously hiding. What elf? Oh that one! He’s just a friend. What’s his name? Uhm...What a coincidence, it seems to have slipped my mind! Gottagobye!
Gil-Galad keeps telling himself that he’ll exile Maeglin or hand him over to the Gondolin survivors, but he keeps putting it off, even when Maeglin is majority healed. Next thing they know, the armies of Valinor have arrived and the War of Wrath ramps up. With nothing left to do, Gil gives Maeglin a disguised name, armor and a sword, and together, they fight. They are quite surprised to discover that they work very well together. That’s probably when they start becoming friends. 
And then Elrond comes in. And Gil is trying so hard to keep his two friends separated. Which is hard when you’re friends with a very curious and nosey peredhel who is very suspicious about the mysterious white haired elf who is always with the king.
It’s even funnier if Elrond is hiding Maglor 
Elrond: Is that Maeglin?! Gil-Galad with an obvious Maeglin behind him: No no no, you’re seeing things. 
*Maglor passes by behind Elrond*
Gil-Galad: Is that Maglor Feanorian?!
Elrond: No, you’re seeing things.
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blue-sadie · 1 year
Yandere Hope
Spider, Neteyam, Miles, Jake, Tonowari x Na'vi Reader
Prt 1. Prt 2.
Them being yandere for you
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Spider Socorro
His a jealous yandere your a na'vi and his a human people say it could never work but he'll make it, he gets irritated when other males try to court you even infront of him.
It all started when you became friends with him and the sullys you were one of the very few that treated him like a actually person and not some alien.
It took him a while of planning but when he does kidnap you he kinda starves you out so when he does finally feed you, you see that you need him to survive, he keeps you in a cage in a hidden cave far from the village so no one can ever find you.
If you escaped he'll become more desperate and manipulative he'll use the excuse of keeping you to himself because your the only one ever nice to him and guilt you into coming back to him.
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He's a possessive yandere, he fought to get where he is today he doesn't want to be seen like he gets handed everything because of who his dad is and he'll do anything to get you.
When he arrived at your village with his family you where the only to smile at him and not talk bad about him and his family, you also joined in on teaching them your ways.
He brings you back to his homeland because he knows of places he can keep you and he knows you don't know anything about the forest so he hopes the fear will keep you trapped.
When you do escape and he catches you he will take drastic measures and actually break your legs for punishment and when your sobbing he'll just pat your head while saying I fought for you now your mine.
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Miles Quaritch
He's a serious yandere he takes no jokes what so ever he doesn't like anyone other then him talking to you or even looking in your direction he'll take it as a threat and kill them on sight.
You were spiders adoptive mother and so you probably met when he held the sullys kids and spider hostage and he saw how spider responds to you so that also fuels his desire for you.
He probably also caught you after you followed spider down after he fell and decided you would be an excellent prisoner.
If you ever escape he'll use spider as bait and yes spider wouldn't mind it either and when you come back he'll put an electric collar on you.
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Jake Sully
Isolating yandere he'll do anything to make sure he's the only one around you, friends oh they just heard one really bad rumor about you he'll stop at nothing.
You were neytiris best friend and kinda hung out in the background of their lessons making sure he doesn't try anything on her but as he became more na'vi you opened up to him.
He got a small base made so he can keep you there he'll make sure there's limited resources for you and when you run out he'll make you beg for more.
If you escape all hell will break loose he'll threaten you by saying he'll give out important info to the sky people and when they destroy most of your home he'll tell the people you were the one to give that info out.
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He's a condescending yandere he'll make you feel low of yourself when you hang around other people and become a bit distant if you still carry on and make you beg for his forgiveness.
You are jakes sister and came with them to the village because quaritch was after you too, tonowari took it upon himself to teach you their ways.
He makes a hut further in the islands that no one knows about and keep you there but he'll still give you everything you need as long as you behave.
If you escape he'll turn into a mean yandere because why would you leave him how could you think you can live without him.
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t4tvglow · 19 days
oc asks: alone for Ayla, desire for Philomena and Pruitt, fear for Casey and ghost for all four, maybe? >:)
i've answered alone for ayla and desire for philomena on my other blog which you've seen BUUUUT. here we GO.
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
for pruitt, he desires... autonomy. more than anything, he wants to live his own life and not be controlled or held hostage or used or abused by someone at any given time. he is not open about this desire, not even to casey, because he holds in his secrets for so long and doesn't bring attention to his Absolute Misery for the most part. he goes pretty far trying to achieve this, even though getting rid of his mother was incidental and not For this purpose, it's the Seemingly Only Way to get this - and then it's taken away again immediately by the overseers. from there, he just about gives up, until the end of book three. it takes a lot to convince him that this desire is actually worth pursuing.
fear: What is your OC's greatest fear? What do they do when confronted with it? Are they open with their fear, or do they hide it away?
casey's greatest fear... hm. probably losing the people he loves. and of course, he's confronted with that when two of his friends from support group go missing (one of them later being confirmed dead), when pruitt disappears from time to time until he actively half-leaves him, when ayla is kidnapped for two years, even when philomena seems to disappear without a trace after he had come to trust her in the first book and now he can't even ask her if she's seen his sister. losing people is Bad for him and he handles it Horribly, he spirals and gets nasty and closed off and unpleasant and man i love him honestly. he's pretty open with this fear, also, because he's constantly confronted with it and it's hard to hide that it upsets him deeply.
ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
BOY HOWDY. hmmm.
pruitt is going to be haunted by his mother for the rest of his life. she haunted him while she was alive and she is never going to leave his mind. pretty much ever. and he learns to live with it the way he's always lived with it, but i do believe that one day, between him and casey, he's the one to express genuine sadness that if they ever wanted to have a kid, there'd be next to no way to make it happen. (and maybe there Is a way!) and i think he would be the one to Want that. to want to live a full life despite her and what she did to him for all of his.
casey and ayla are fairly haunted by their birth mom who died in childbirth because their dad bruce just. cannot let it go. he's even remarried, but he still has a hard time looking them in the eye even after all this time. he's the type to shut down and not go to therapy, and he is a generally inscrutable man who can't be pleased, and so he's a walking reminder that They Killed Their Mom™ which obviously isn't true but it's hard to not think that even without the guilt trip.
philomena is haunted by the people she can't help. she's going to be haunted by eryn forever. eryn is the first person from casey's support group to go missing, and also happened to be a years-long friend of philomena's (they were in the same STARFLEET chapter!) and she is not okay after his disappearance. but then. when she goes into the fighting ring as a medic/informant. she finds him there. and she can't speak to him alone at all or it'll blow her cover. and he has no way of knowing if she's there to help or what. or if she has a plan. and when he dies there, they still haven't talked. that regret is going to Haunt Her Forever. because what if she had tried harder. couldn't she have found just a Moment. what was she willing to lose for the greater picture. did she sacrifice her friend to this machine by not trying to find another way to get him out. was his death necessary because otherwise blowing her cover would just ruin the entire operation and damn all the fighters to an even longer time stuck there. the questions go on forever. and she will never not blame herself for her silence.
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twinklelilstarkey · 2 years
Tutor: Party - Rafe Cameron
Words: 8k+ Type: Smut (but with a little angst) Summary: You go to that party with Kristy and let Rafe know. Warnings: Fem!Reader. Dark!Rafe [mentions coke, beating up people, and being possessive]. Mentions of alcohol consumption, poker, drugs, blood, being beaten up, fights [non-descriptive], and someone looking at y/n's cleavage. SECRET RELATIONSHIP. Y/N's friends hate Rafe. SMUT {risk of getting caught, no protection, ROUGH sex, piv sex, mirror sex, under the influence (Rafe), dacryphilia, praise kink, size kink if you squint, possession kink, rough handling, and hair pulling} From this request
Tutor Masterlist (for context, you should read the smuts <3)
I do NOT give you permission to repost my work. If you’d like to read my stories on other platforms, you can find them on my Wattpad and AO3.
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By clicking to read more you are agreeing that you are over the age of 18 and mature enough to read mature scenes :)
As you expected it to happen, you had to wait days to see Rafe again. You two texted whenever you could. You had classes for the rest of the week, had to tutor Wheezie at the end of each day, and were held hostage to watch movies with your parents every night before bed. Not that you don’t like to spend time with your parents, but, for these last few days, you felt like you didn’t have any time for yourself - let alone any time for Rafe to ever sneak inside your bedroom.
It was depressing.
Kristy eventually did tell you which party the girls decided to go to while having lunch together, and you texted that exact information to Rafe. You didn’t know what the text would do to change his plans, but you sent it anyway.
You expected guilt at any point of your days. The guilt of not telling the truth to your mom or dad, or (especially) to Kristy and the girls. You expected to feel something due to how you’ve been going for weeks on constant lies about your whereabouts, who you’re texting, and what you’re thinking about when weirdly going silent. But that something never came, ever.
Firstly, you thought that maybe the entire reason why you wouldn’t feel guilty was because of Rafe. You like being near him at all times, and you like to think about him at all times too. Deep down, you know that if there was ever the possibility of your parents or the girls finding out the truth, there would be no more Rafe. They would probably lock you in the basement and plan to fly you off the country. They hate him. All while you like him more, and more with each day. Therefore, whenever you're with him, you don't even notice that you're doing something bad.
Rafe has a different mentality when it comes to the two of you. He doesn’t ever plan on telling anything about you to anyone - even though he has gotten close to telling Topper one time while very, very high - but he does, in a way, like the position you’re in. It excites him. You can’t be seen with him. You're the goody two shoes and the perfect girl, yet the exact same one that cums around his dick whenever he calls her his.
Not wanting anyone else to know is something the two of you can agree on, yet your reasons only match once: You two don’t want to stop seeing each other. But while you sometimes find yourself suffering in the thrill of ever being caught, or the idea of anyone's face whenever they find out, Rafe thrives on it. Deep down he wants people to know how he can dirty your perfect image, to go from the perfect girl to his perfect girl at the snap of his fingers. He has you wrapped around his finger, and he never plans on getting you off.
It has only been an hour since you got to the party with your friends. Rafe knows because he saw you coming in. The party is mostly kept on the outside of the house as most of the doors inside are locked to keep people away from the bedrooms. He saw you walk with your usual group of friends, arm crossed with one of the girls - one he assumes to be Kristy.
The crowds you two hang out with are different. So different that they even hang out at different areas of the party. Your crowd stays on the grass, near the drinks and music. Rafe’s crowd stays on the porch, near a table with its usual white residue and many, many beers. And this distance is bad for the two of you as there’s no way for you to sneak away without one person seeing.
Rafe can still see you from where he sits, though. He’s playing poker with Topper and a bunch of other guys. Rafe can’t name half of the people that are with him, but he recognizes the faces. People like to randomly talk to him sometimes, but he’s starting to get a little too drunk and too high to really keep up with them patiently. He has also won 2 games already and can’t seem to wipe away his smile while Topper grows annoyed.
His eyes move over to you whenever it’s not his turn to play, watching as you stand in the distance beside Kristy while holding a drink in your hands. You’re deep into conversation with the girl and only sometimes sipping your drink and looking around.
“She told me something about that.” Kristy agrees with you, “But I still don’t get it.”
“I know. Me either.” You tell her, sipping the fruity drink just one more time.
Your night has been spent gossiping. Kristy always has the way to know a lot more than you when it comes to gossip, but you always get told a lot more details by the other girls for some reason. Making you two the perfect duo for nights like these.
It's when you take your last sip, that you notice that the girls are coming back with the drinks just now. You frown at the sight of them. They left your little corner not even 5 minutes ago and were smiling and jumping when they did so. Now, they’re wearing frowns on their faces and look entirely upset.
“What’s wrong?” You ask worryingly.
They look at you, and one of them sighs before speaking.
“Somebody lied to us about this party.” One of them says, getting Kristy’s attention.
“What?” She asks.
“We went to grab drinks and had to deal with Kelce and his moron friends around the table.” One of the other girls explains as she begins to pass you and Kristy your new drinks, “She fucking lied to us.”
“Who lied?” You ask.
“The girl that organized the party.” Kristy explains to you, “Is it only Kelce?”
“I don’t know, but I can bet my life that it’s not. When does he ever go to parties on his own?” The first girl speaks again, tone dripping with anger.
“Why would she lie?” You ask them, still not understanding everything just yet.
One of them shrugs, “People at this island do anything to have a gigantic party for no reason. She knows a lot of people are not comfortable with them at parties. She could lie because of that.”
While the girls continue to discuss and clearly let out their anger by raising their voices, you look around. Your heart has sped up with a little bit of hope, and your eyes begin to scan through the entire crowd of the party.
You look first at the table with the drinks, only to find Kelce shugging some bottle as a few guys cheer him on, but he’s not with them.
Your eyes look over at the house, finding some lights inside turned on and the porch almost completely full of people. Everyone has drinks on their hands up there, and there are all sorts of people around that area. Just from a distance you know you’d never stand in that place. That is not your crowd. They look like the ones who would give you a glare hard enough to bury you into the ground.
When you see him, you’re a lost cause. Your entire body relaxes, and your heart explodes in your chest with excitement. He’s deep in conversation but he seems to be having fun where he’s sitting. You don’t even have time to get a hold of yourself before a shameless smile soon appears on your face.
If only Kristy and the girls weren’t in such a loud conversation, they would’ve noticed the way you stared at Rafe Cameron. Probably would’ve had a stroke too, now that you think of it. You look at him as if he’s the man of your dreams; like he's the only highlighted star in the dark night sky above your head.
Yes, it would totally give them a stroke.
“There she is!” One of the girls says.
Kristy shouts the name of a girl, loud enough for her to hear in the distance and over the music, and you finally turn your attention back to your group. A girl, you assume you’ve seen before since her face seems familiar, smiles at the frowning group of girls as she happily makes her way to all of you.
“Hi, guys! Are you having fun?” She asks happily.
Some people that were just with her turn towards your group, and you notice how all of them are very happy. They’re all smiley and giggly, dancing their way to you.
“You told me they wouldn’t be here.” Kristy is the one that talks to the girl, the owner of the house.
“Who?” She asks confused, her happy tone subsiding when noticing Kristy’s stern voice.
“Rafe and his guys.” Kristy says loudly, sounding very annoyed.
Realization hits the girl and she gives an understanding look at Kristy. She looks somewhat apologetic as she looks at your best friend, and you look at the two of them as they speak.
“I know, I’m sorry. Topper only let me know, like, yesterday, that they were coming.”
“Why didn’t you tell us then?”
“I forgot. I’m sorry.” The girl says right away, “Have they done anything?”
Kristy takes a deep breath and looks at her.
“I don’t think so.”
“So, fuck them!” She says with a bright smile again, “Don’t let them ruin your fun... From I see,” She points in the exact same direction you were just staring at, “They’re in their corner, and you’re in yours. No one will ruin each other’s fun like that.”
Every single person from your group is now staring in the direction of Rafe on the porch. You’re not one to refuse to do such a thing, but you do it while you still can without anyone finding it weird.
“You know I don’t like them.” Kristy tells her, sounding calmer but still affected by this.
The girl lays her hand over Kristy’s arm before speaking.
“I know and I’m sorry. I get it. A lot of people here don’t like them either.” She says while pointing at the crowd of people on top of her grass, “They haven’t done a thing and, from what I’ve been told, they’re all high by now. They won’t leave their corner.”
Kristy sighs yet again, and the girls from your group relax. You look toward the porch, and a small grin appears on your face.
You disconnect your eyes from Rafe’s with a little shake of your head, and Rafe lets a smile appear on his face too.
The girl in front of you smooths her hand over Kristy’s arm, and you watch them as they speak at a lower volume under the music.
The sole reason why Kristy and the girls are so against Rafe is because of both the drugs and the violence his presence follows. They don’t like either of those things and are very proud of it. They prefer parties with no drama, especially, those without people high as a kite or already beating someone’s face in.
Every time you’ve been to parties with them, you’ve never seen it happen. You’ve been to other parties which Rafe was in before, and, even though people said it did happen, you never got to know if that was only rumors.
At those parties, you never get to see his friends, let alone him. You never get to see the fights they allegedly create or them high as everyone says. Again, you only hear the rumors.
“Have fun, okay? I can’t exactly kick them out anymore.” The girl explains.
You look down at your drink as the comforting between the girls continues, and you notice a guy standing beside you. It takes quite a bit for you to even recognize who he is, but you soon come to the conclusion that he’s one of the people that was happily dancing with the girl that just comforted Kristy.
“Hi.” He tells you with a smile when noticing your eyes finally on him.
“Hi.” You answer with a lipped grin instead.
“I’m Jason.” He says while having his hand by his chest.
Rafe watches everything from afar. He’s not in the poker game anymore. He’s simply leaning back on his seat and pretending to watch his friends have fun with some of his money at the center of the table. The glass beer bottle is tight in his hand, all while he moves it around to appear as if he’s just playing with it.
Your smile matches the guy beside you. Rafe has no idea who the guy even is but there is not one cell in his body that likes anything about what he’s watching. Rafe notices as some of your friends look at the two of you as you talk to each other, and they all smile at the guy.
They like him.
Jaw clenched and fist tightening around the bottle’s neck, Rafe continues to watch as the guy, in the middle of his chuckling, lays his hand on your back. The touch could’ve only lasted a few seconds, but everyone knows time slows down every time you see something you don’t like.
You don’t move away from the guy's touch due to the fact that it feels friendly to you. Jason's hand moves and stays on your shoulder, leaving some squeezes behind whenever he emphasizes his words.
You sip your drink, laughing at the guy all while his friends have begun to walk away and happily leave him with you. Your best friend also seems to disappear, going off to the crowd of dancing bodies to have some fun with the girls from your group. Rafe watches as they all shine smiles at you and leave you with the guy - one who hasn’t shut up yet.
“You alright there, man?” Topper’s voice breaks through Rafe’s thoughts.
Rafe blinks and looks over at his friend, relaxing his grip on the bottle and teeth-breaking clenching of his jaw before giving him a nod.
He mumbles a few words of reassurance of how he’s fine and just having a bit of a hard trip for a second or two, and that seems to be enough for Topper to leave him alone and get back to the game.
Rafe stares ahead for a few seconds before looking back at you once more. You nod at something the guy tells you, answering only in a few words, and this man just continues to talk, and talk.
It has been a few minutes of conversation and that is when Rafe first notices your slight attempt at distancing yourself from the guy, making his hand finally fall from your shoulder.
A few people walk in front of you two, blocking Rafe’s field of view for just a few seconds, and, when they move away, you’re still there and talking to the guy. His hand isn't on your shoulder yet Rafe can tell it’s not by his side either. He watches as you sip your drink for a long time while the boy talks.
“No, it’s fine.” You tell the guy beside you.
His hand is resting on the small of your back, and, even though you're uncomfortable, you don’t want to rudely push him away. You’ve already tried to get his hand off your shoulder and succeeded for just a second until he had to just lay his hand on you somewhere else. You don’t want to seem like a bitch to the guy, but it’s getting harder as he keeps going.
“So, and the guy was like ‘why did you do that to me’ and I told him,” He pauses, “Simply,” He emphasizes, “‘You messed with the wrong guy’.”
Jason chuckles at his own words and you force yourself to offer him fake a grin, trying to match his energy as he continues to tell the story.
“All of my friends were laughing at him too. It was so embarrassing for him.” He tells you, smiling at the memory.
You nod as if you haven’t totally lost the plot of his story.
“And that’s when he tried to punch me. The guy was so drunk he didn’t even get a good one on me. It felt more like a bitch slap, you know?” He only moves on when you nod, “And then, I punched him back, and the guy just fell on the floor.”
His hand moves to your hip, and you jump slightly at the feeling of him squeezing it.
“I remember all of my guys screaming at me to beat him up. It was in-sane!” He cackles yet again after separating the simple word in a pause to emphasize it.
You continue to stare at him with your fake grin.
“The guy was so drunk, he probably doesn’t even remember the beat up he got.” He says to you happily, “Learned his lesson, though.”
You force a fake chuckle and decide to ask him the main information about the story - the one you totally should've heard but were too worried about pretending to pay attention to instead.
“What did he do, again?” You ask him softly.
“Touched my girl at the time.”
You let out a little ‘oh’ and break your shared gazes. You don’t seem to like looking at him for too long, something in him feels weird for some reason. You, instead, look towards the crowd, trying to look for Kristy or any of the girls so that they can take you away from here.
You’ve thought of at least 3 escape routes, but all of them include the possibility of failure due to Jason offering to take you there. You almost feel stuck with him. No matter what you could do, you don’t seem to be able to get away from him.
Jason’s hand lifts from your hip, and your entire body relaxes. You look at him with that and, instead, you see his hand coming close to your shoulder yet again. You look at him weirdly and notice how his hand is moving towards your dress’s strap. Your eyes control all of his movements as he untwists the strap. For a naive second, you think of his action to be nothing but nice, but soon you lift your eyes and notice his stare down at you.
His palm now rests on your shoulder again and, while looking into your eyes, he takes a step closer.
“You have really beautiful eyes.” He comments.
“Do you happen to be free on Monday?”
What follows next is what makes you back down. His eyes fall from your eyes to your chest in the middle of his sentence. His gaze down at your cleavage probably didn’t even last a second, but it was enough for you to feel overly uncomfortable and bring a hand closer to your chest, blocking his view.
You take a quick step to the side, letting his hand fall from your shoulder finally, and you begin to make your way away from him.
“Can’t. I have to tutor.” You simply tell him before quickly getting away.
Jason is left behind dumbfounded. It takes him a little to move from the place he’s standing in, but, when he does move, he still tries to look for you in the crowd. It’s impossible, but he tries. He walks around for a bit and looks through a lot of groups of people dancing and screaming, but it’s like you’ve completely disappeared.
He lets a curse-word leave his lips, letting himself blame his attitude for making you leave. He bites his tongue before sighing dramatically, and his eyes circle around the party, looking for his friends again. Probably the only ones that won’t walk away like this. 
His eyes scan the crowd near him and, soon after, the porch of the house when he sees some people going up the stairs. He tries to find them there, maybe talking to someone or getting drinks from the inside of the house, but all he finds is just another crowd. 
Jason mumbles the lyrics of the song as he walks, and that’s when he meets the eye of someone. Rafe Cameron is sitting on the porch and glaring right at him. Jason swallows in dry and stays frozen where he stands.
He shouldn’t have touched his girl.
You pull the door open of the house and slip inside. No one is really in here and as soon as the door closes behind you, the loud sound of the music is muffled, letting your ears ring after so those hours under those speakers.
You were able to get away from Kristy after complaining to her about Jason. She went overprotective mode right away, even to the point of not letting you go run to the house to pee.
You look around while a little lost in the hallways to find the bathroom. You even test out some of the doors, only to find them locked. The house almost seems like a maze. You found the kitchen better than the bathroom, and, from what Kristy told you, the kitchen is on the complete opposite side of the house.
Taking steps back, you begin to find your way to where you started to look for the bathroom yet again. You hear the door that leads outside open and close, and you’re still facing the hallway, absolutely lost.
“Door to the left.” A familiar voice says in the empty hallway.
You smile before turning around, finding none other than Rafe. He’s standing just around the corner, away from the door, and looking at you with a small smile. His hands are behind his back, but you don’t notice the reason just yet.
You happily walk over to him, and, right as the two of you stand glued to each other, Rafe watches you silently with his grin.
You stand on the tips of your toes and lay your hands on his cheeks. Your lips connect with a kiss, so slow and so soft, that it makes you regret ever not sneaking out of your house in all these days to be near him. You hum against his lips when Rafe chases the kiss as you lay your feet back on the ground, and you're able to finally pull away.
“Where were you?” You ask him. “Didn’t see you at the table just now.”
“Went on a walk.”
You frown at him cutely, and Rafe kisses you again, making the frown disappear from your face as your tongue slides inside his mouth. Your thumbs smooth over his cheeks, and you find yourself leaning closer to him, wanting his hands on you. Rafe never moves to hold you, he simply kisses you back.
No matter his attempt, as soon as you two pulled away from the kiss, your frown hasn’t disappeared. You stare into his eyes, noticing his dilated pupils, and you lift your hands from his face. You stare at him, and Rafe sees how weird you’re acting all of a sudden.
You break your eye contact to look at the door he talked about, and you walk over to it. Rafe watches as you turn the doorknob and open the door to the bathroom. You click on the lights, and he watches from afar. You look over your shoulder at him, and Rafe doesn’t need anything else before following you in.
That is when you first notice his hands constantly behind his back. He closes the door behind him with his foot and continues to have his eyes trained on you the entire time. He notices your staring, but he never begins to move his hands.
“What is it?” You ask him.
“Nothing. Just need to wash them.”
“Why?” You ask in a small voice, not wanting to annoy him with your questions.
He grins at your interest but only shakes his head at you. He won’t tell you the reason why, yet something in you keeps on telling you that you should push him to know more.
“Turn around.”
You stay in place and remain quiet for a good long moment. Rafe stares at you, and you stare at how his arms keep his hands behind his back.
“Just show me.”
Rafe hesitates, but he eventually does what you ask him to. His forearms appear first and then, so do his hands. He reads you as you first look at them. Blood-stained hands with wounded knuckles.
You don't lift your gaze to his eyes, but your heart is beating rapidly and you know you’ve stopped to breathe for a moment or two.
It’s a very sheer layer of blood. It seems like it only dripped on some places and got smudged all throughout his hands. Yet even though you're facing his bloody knuckles, you know that’s not the same blood as the one on his skin.
You take a step closer to him, and your hands lift towards him. Rafe moves them away, making you finally look up at him again.
“What happened?” You ask him.
The tone of your voice is so worried and so low that it almost makes Rafe’s heart crack. You’re worried, deeply worried. But not about anything that he could’ve done. You’re worried about him.
Rafe doesn’t move his hands away, and your fingers finally touch his palms. You look down as your hands touch his, and, soon, your skin stains too.
“Got into a fight.” He says in a low tone of voice.
“With who?”
He doesn’t answer right away, and you look at your joined hands as your fingers are becoming smudged. Rafe keeps his eyes on you, trying to decipher what you could be doing, but, in reality, not even you know.
You expected this to be enough to make you pull away. This is the confirmation of the rumors not being just rumors, after all. Rafe does do drugs and does get into fights. He’s an addict and a violent person. He’s the exact same person that Kristy is scared you would ever come across when coming to the bathroom. You’re not supposed to be near him. No one wants you near him.
“Is it your blood?”
You lift your eyes at him, and while standing in the silence that it's set between you two, you’re with your own thoughts yet again.
They haunt your mind for quite a bit. Makes you think back on how you should not be doing this or should have done this in the first place. Yet when you really look at Rafe, there's a complete wipe of all of that. It's enough to forget all about everything that you shouldn’t do and everything that he does and that should keep you away.
You finally answer with a nod of acknowledgment to his words, and that is when Rafe moves. He walks towards you, and you back away like you want him to. Your ass hits the counter of the bathroom, and Rafe glues you to his body. He brings his head down and whispers in your face.
“Why were you all sad just now?” You don’t say anything yet, and he lowers his head to keep it near yours, “Hm?”
“Just thinking.”
“Were you thinking too when you got in here?”
You almost have to think back on what happened, making it seem as if it has been hours since it happened. But, it doesn’t take you long to understand exactly what Rafe is talking about.
“No.” A small shy grin shows up on your face, “That was something else.”
Rafe gives you an amused yet confused look, making your grin break into an actual smile. You break eye contact with him and shake your head.
“I’m not telling you. It’s embarrassing.” You whisper so, so low, and Rafe had to lean in to hear you better.
You bring your eyes back to him, and he’s staring thoughtfully. You bite in your smile and try to stop making yourself so lost for the man before you. You pull your hands away from his and put them behind your back too, laying them over the bathroom sink. Rafe stares down at you and doesn’t say a single thing, he simply moves to lay his blood-stained hands just beside your body - staining the contour in the meantime.
You’re not sure for how long the two of you stay in silence, staring at one another. Rafe is the one that breaks the silence by moving over to reach for the bathroom door. You follow his movements with your eyes and see him turn the key of the lock, making it click into place.
You bring your eyes back to him and swallow, feeling some sort of heat already begin to grow on your lower belly.
You shake your head at him with a tight lipped grin.
“What?” He asks you.
“We can’t do anything here.” You tell him sternly.
“Who said we would?” He asks you, making his expression break with a smile, “We’re just talking.”
It doesn’t take you long to take advantage of how distracted he is to ask the question that has stayed unanswered and been on your mind for a while.
“Who did you fight?” You ask then.
Rafe’s smile falters but, strangely, you don’t feel your body react to that, you just continue to stare at him as he stays leaned down.
“You don’t know him.” He simply says, preferring to lie.
“Okay… Why did you fight him, then?” You ask him, lifting your head to look at him better.
Rafe doesn’t want to answer, so he cuts your awaiting silence with a kiss. Your hands almost move to hold on to him, but you soon remember how your hands are dirty so you keep them behind your back. Rafe roughens the kiss at the lack of your touch, and that makes a little noise come out of you.
You’re the one that pulls away from the kiss, making Rafe look down at you with a serious expression. Your body still doesn’t react to it. You’re not scared or intimidated by anything that he does, and, even though highly strange, you’re quite happy it happens.
You turn around while still standing in between Rafe and the counter, and you face the sink. You turn on the water and, without even a word, you begin to wash the blood away from your hands. Rafe watches you and, when he lays a kiss on the side of your head, your gaze meets in the mirror. You offer him a grin.
“You should wash yours too, you know?” You playfully tell him.
Rafe teasingly leans in closer to you, trapping you way more forcefully between him and the sink. You can feel how hard he is on your back, through both his shorts and the fabric of your dress, and that seriously dissociates you from reality for a good few seconds.
Rafe washes his hands in front of you and leans his head down to have it just beside yours. You’re completely trapped so you’re left to watch him. You watch his hands move under the water, then move to go grab some soap, and all of it as you watch patiently.
When he’s done, you watch as he, without ever moving away from you, grabs the towel and hands it to you too. You giggle at how random this whole thing is, and Rafe watches you laugh through the mirror. He still has both arms at each of your sides and is still trapping you. When you’re done drying your hands, you pass him the towel and lift your eyes back to the mirror.
Both looking at one another, you can’t hold back on your smile when you grind your ass over the obvious bulge on his shorts. Rafe moves way quick. He gives you a glare and then squeezes you between him and the sink further. A smile appears on his face, and he lets the towel fall on the ground to grab onto you.
“What happened to ‘we can’t do anything here’?” He asks you with his tone of voice low.
You offer him a shrug, and his hands lift from your hips. He leans his hips away from you for just a second, and you feel him pull at the skirt of your dress. His fingers get to touch the skin of your thighs and that only makes you let him do it further. Rafe’s eyes are not on yours anymore, his eyes look at what he’s doing, and, suddenly, you feel his hands grip onto your asscheeks. He squeezes them and slightly spreads them apart. All of it.
He lets go, looks at you for just a few silent seconds and wraps an arm around your torso, pulling you flush against his chest. You look up at him and feel his hand still under the fabric of your dress, now smoothing down at your stomach and moving downwards. His hand lays over your underwear first, palming your pussy and making you gasp in the silence of the bathroom.
Rafe looks down at you as you rest your head back on him, and he kisses the corner of your mouth.
“Do you want me to?” He asks, and you nod right away. “We might not have much time.” You nod yet again, and he kisses your lips.
You pull away from the kiss and bring your hand to lay on top of his. You move it, and your head turns to face the mirror again. Rafe takes control yet again and, with your hand still on top, he moves your panties to the side. His eyes look at you through the mirror, and he leans his head against yours, always wanting you glued to him.
His fingers finally move and they quickly meet your wetness. He exhales out a laugh with it and kisses the side of your head.
“You’re fucking soaked.” He whispers at the same time your eyes meet in the mirror.
His finger moves over to your swollen clit, and your hips move against him at the sudden feeling. You bite your bottom lip slightly and try to stay quiet as he moves a few times.
Rafe moves you back against the counter, and your hands meet the cold stone all over again. Rafe pulls his hand away from your pussy but puts some pressure on your back to have you lean over the counter. You watch as he quickly adjusts your dress over your ass. You hum at the sensation of one of his hands digging into the flesh of your ass, all before his fingers of his other hand move between the lips of your pussy and slip inside of you.
All of it lasts only a few moments because Rafe is quick to pull away and begin to unbutton and unzip his shorts. You lean a little more into the counter as you can only hear him do his undressing and soon one of his hands comes to hold onto your hip.
The tip of his cock is aligned with your entrance, and you feel him slide in right after. One of your hands grabs onto the sink, and Rafe grunts slightly behind you, all while you try to hold yourselves together. With your ass glued to his hips, the both of you breathe out, and you straighten up a little bit.
Both of Rafe’s hands hold your hips into place before he finally starts to move. The thrusts are still soft and not too fast, all of it just as you get slowly used to him and his size all over again. His eyes are trained on the way his dick disappears inside of you, all while being squeezed by your soaked walls. Rafe only begins to speed up when he feels you relax under his hands.
Small moans come out of your closed mouth every time Rafe thrusts inside of you, and forces you closer to him. Only to hear every sound before he speeds up or roughens everything that he’s doing.
As you straighten up to the point of almost leaning against Rafe’s chest, you hold onto the counter and continue to try and keep quiet. Your dress’s skirt sways with your body's movements, and Rafe leans in when thrusting deeper into you to have his lips on your neck. He kisses, licks and nips at every inch of your skin available to him, yet it’s only when his lips reach your shoulder that his mind reminds him of Jason’s hands on you. The guy touched you from your shoulder to your hip, looking down at you and making you laugh. You let him do it.
You feel Rafe’s hands on your hips tighten and his thrusts roughen all of a sudden. You lean your head back against his chest while continuously trying harder and harder to keep quiet, but it keeps on getting arduous as Rafe continues to be rougher with you.
You look up at the mirror again, only to find him looking at you as if in a continuous glare. You look over your shoulder but, before you even get to look at him, you are met with a kiss.
It’s messy and hard. The type of kiss that almost feels like it’s going to bruise your lips with how rough it is. You moan against Rafe’s mouth when trying to pull away, but his hand lifts from your hip over to your head, holding onto it by your hair and trapping you in. You kiss back, trying to not whimper with how much your body is burning, but all of you reacts top everything that he does.
Rafe pulls away from the kiss, staring down at your slightly swollen lips, wet with both of your saliva and his, and his eyes lift to yours.
He brings his face closer to you again, making it appear as if he’s going to kiss you again, and his hand tightens on your hair before he whispers onto your lips.
“Who do you belong to?”
His free hand on your hip lifts, and he wraps his arm around your torso tightly, holding you and moving you almost as if you’re some sort of doll he’s happy to manhandle. You whimper at the sudden deeper thrusts from the way he moves you, and Rafe smiles maleficently in front of your face. His grip on your hair worsens, and you gasp.
“Who do you belong to, uh?” He asks firmly and slowly.
“Y-you, Rafe.”
“Are you sure?” He says while moving your head exactly how he wants to.
“Yes. Only you, I promise.” You nod at him.
Rafe’s lips come back to yours, and you lean in closer to him, mewling into the kiss and accepting all that he has to give you. He pulls away and looks down at you again. His thrusts never slow down, and you lean against his hand on your head, feeling the flame in your belly worsen every time he looks at you.
“You promise?” He repeats your words.
You nod, and he pulls your head to steady it.
“Say it.”
“Yes, yes. I promise.”
He grunts into a thrust at the feeling of your pussy squeezing him more and more, and you bring one of your hands to his arm around you, trying to steady yourself. Your touch over his is so light and loving, it almost infuriates Rafe further.
Rafe leans into your ear and watches you through the mirror as you move through your pleasure.
“Let a guy flirt with you one more fucking time,” He begins, “You’re going to pay. Got it?” You nod, your mind going blank. “Yeah?”
“Yes.” You moan out the word.
Rafe lets go of your hair, and you look up at the mirror to meet his gaze. Your face is twisted in pleasure, all while he looks at you and holds you with such force, you’re scared he might bruise you. He kisses your jaw, and you quickly lean in closer to him, letting you relax and a little sob escape your lips all of a sudden.
Rafe smiles with his head beside yours and brings his hand to your chin to hold your head in place.
“Are you gonna cry?” He asks, and you try to shake your head, even when an obvious pout is forming on your face, “Why are you going to cry, hm?”
“F-feels so-so good.” You sob out the words.
“I always make you feel good, don’t I, princess?” He asks you, and you nod, teary-eyed, “Oh, my little crybaby.”
You moan at the teasing nickname, and he kisses your cheek. All of his affection is followed by either harsher thrusts or tightening holds of your hips or face, but you don’t ever feel close to complaining ever. Your entire body is burning, pleasure is high, and you seriously are starting to feel lightheaded.
“My pretty pretty crybaby.” He repeats on your ear, feeling your cunt squeeze him tighter. “No one else can make you feel like this, baby, you got it?” You nod at him.
Rafe’s hand lifts from your face and disappears under the swinging skirt of your dress. You almost scream at the sensation of his fingers slightly pinching your clit in the middle of all of this, but Rafe’s lips muffle close to everything. The sound of the thrusts is so harsh and wet, it’s all so nasty yet so amazing to listen to.
“Rafe.” You whisper, out of breath, when pulling away from the kiss.
“Gonna cum?” He asks, and you turn your head to him.
You plead to him with every bit of your face, with your teary eyes with a small pout. You pull every card in the game and that only makes the man stare at you with a smile.
“Do you deserve it?” He asks you.
That makes him exhale out another laugh. He can always give you a pass today.
“Then you can cum.” He whispers against your pouty lips.
It doesn’t even take a full thrust or circle of his fingers on your clit, your orgasm hits you with such force, you can’t even feel your body. Your eyes get consumed with white spots, your mind goes blank and an entire set of fireworks of pure pleasure erupts throughout your body. Rafe can’t let go of you, so he lifts his hand from your clit to cover your mouth. Your cries are loud and so are your moans overall. All of it would’ve made anyone know what could be going on in the bathroom, even if they were just by the door that leads outside.
Rafe unsurprisingly doesn’t take long to follow you into the orgasm. You’re squeezing him so tight and growing so wet, his body can only take in so much. His arm impossibly tightens around you and holds you so close to him as he tries to bite in his noises too.
After the orgasm, everything feels like too much for a good few seconds. Rafe’s hands on you, or even his continuous thrusts. It makes you whimper under his palm at the sensitivity that seems to consume your entire body, yet Rafe does not let go of you. You pull his hand away from your mouth and breath heavily, feeling your legs and arms shake vigorously.
You feel Rafe’s cum fill you yet that doesn’t strike your sensitivity, not even when Rafe keeps his hips glued to your ass. He has his head just beside yours and he’s heavily breathing too. You look at yourself in the mirror. You’re sweaty, with your hair messy, and makeup a little ruined with your tears and slight sweat. Overall it really looks like you had your fun.
“You okay?” Rafe whispers at you.
You look at him through the mirror at the sound of his voice. You nod at him and offer him a tired smile.
You bring both of your hands back to the counter, and Rafe begins to pull out of you slowly. You grip onto the stone and bite down on your lip to not make any sound. He breathes out when it’s done and puts back on his clothes. Before you can even move, you feel Rafe’s fingers at the entrance of your swollen cunt, not letting his cum slip out.
You open your mouth to gasp but are met with his lips against your own. You bring your arm over to behind his neck and relax into the kiss. It's so, so soft, you're not even sure if you're even kissing the same person.
Rafe adjusts your underwear into place and pulls away from the kiss to look you in the eyes.
“I have to tell you something.” He says before leaning in and kissing your shoulder.
His tone worries and you can tell, but he places another reassuring kiss on you.
“It’s nothing bad.” He says with a little smile, and you relax.
You look over your shoulder at him. He adjusts your dress, and you quickly turn around to face him, trying to get used to your still trembling legs.
“I need to go out of the island for two weeks with my dad.” He says.
You’re relieved to know that it’s something as light as this, but that same relief only lasts about two seconds because disappointment consumes the entirety of your face. Rafe notices the way your eyes are saddened, and your lips form that tiny pout all over again.
“I know. I’m sorry.” He whispers, “But I can call you. And I'll come to see you right as I get back.”
“When are you leaving?” You ask him, voice soft yet obviously sad.
“Tomorrow morning.”
Your heart squeezes a tiny bit, and Rafe’s hand comes up to your face. He wipes, with his thumb, the smudged makeup from under your eyes, and then cups your cheek softly. You bring your hand to his chest and grip the fabric of his shirt.
“How early are you leaving?” You ask him in a whisper.
“About 10, probably.” You nod.
You grab his hand on your cheek away and kiss him. It’s a simple kiss but the two of you don’t mind. It’s sweet, and it’s all controlled by you. Rafe wraps his arms around you entirely, and your hands come to cradle his face.
Outside of the house, the next song is louder than the previous ones and that is what gets the two of you to understand how long you’ve been inside the small bathroom. Rafe pulls away from the kiss first and looks down at you, admiring every bit of your perfect face.
“I’ll get out first.” He tells you, and you nod.
His hold on you lessens, and you quickly pull him in just one more kiss. He lets you kiss him and, when you do pull away, he unlocks the door and pulls it open. You take a look at the hallway to find it empty before Rafe steps out, and you can only give him a small smile.
“Text me.” You tell him, and he smiles.
“I will.”
You close the door, and Rafe is quick to walk back outside to his friends.
You only get out of the house minutes after him. You ended up actually using the bathroom and washing your hands, adjusting your dress and hair. And only then, walked back out.
Rafe keeps his eyes on you as you make your way down the steps of the porch and begin to look for your friends, never sparing him a look. He forces himself to look back down at his cards and notices how his gold ring shines with the light above him. The small details on its center still have blood on them, but his hands are clean with no trace of what happened. All except for his healing tiny wounds. His are clean and so are yours, ones that were stained with blood just like his because you wanted them to.
Rafe’s eyes lift over to you again, and he finds you talking to Kristy. Your eyes lift to him too, and the two of you stare at one another for just a little longer. He knows it, and you know it too. You’re his and no one else’s.
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Hope you liked this one part as well! <3 I loved writing this sooo much. Thank you for the request!
Feedback is always appreciated on my blog <3
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localcactushugger · 3 years
Does anyone else ever get sad thinking about the abuse Hawks went through as a kid? Because I keep making myself sad thinking about it.
It's so many different kinds of fucked up that just mixed together and created one huge toxic environment.
#1) The physical abuse.
Right off the bat, Chapter 299 starts with Keigo getting hit by his father for leaving the house. It doesn't actually show Keigo being smacked, instead it shows a panel of their "home". (although it's extremely small and looks more like a broken down shack in a field to me)
But the sound of the "smak" is very much punctuated in the panel, followed by Keigo hunched over with marks on his face:
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The marks on his face are prevalent. Even in the smaller panel, Keigo still has a very obvious bruise under his eye and above his eyebrow.
THEN he gets kicked in the side/stomped on for "turning his back" on his father?? (Aka doing nothing. Literally what did he do?? Wtf?):
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He's getting smacked and kicked around, but instead of crying or getting upset he just endures. Which brings me to:
#2) The Emotional and verbal abuse. (Strap in cause there's a lot of it.)
Keigo apologizes after his father kicks him for no reason, then he curls up into a ball, clings to his Endeavor plushy, and listens as his own father rants about how much he wishes that Keigo was never born.
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Keigo says that he knew his parents were broken, so he endured because he wanted to avoid their fate.
Basically: "I know my parents are broken, but need to endure because I don't want to become broken too."
That's a horrible mindset for a child to have?? He's basically saying that he just needs to take the abuse and hope that he doesn't break because of it?
And I don't know how he wouldn't break from it with the way his parents talk to him, and all the horrible things they say:
The constant screaming/yelling. Like Shit.
"Don't do a damn thing!" " Who did you sell me out too?? You can't fool me!!" "Don't leave this house!" "Don't you dare lie to me!!" "Don't go talking to anyone!!" "You thought you'd get away with it didn't you??"
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"How many times have I told you not to turn your back on me??"
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"If only that punk was never born I'd be free."
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"Why were you even born?" "Why do you even have those wings?"
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He's gotten it from both parents. And every time it happens he just hugs his plushy a little tighter.
#3) The neglect.
In pretty much all panels of Keigo's home theres Trash everywhere. If you go back and look at the house there isn't a single panel without some kind of trash in the frame. I see beer bottles, wine bottles, wooden planks, trash bags, newspapers, dirty rags, dirty laundry hanging from the wall & hangers, floor boards coming up, leaks from the top of the walls.
The "house" is barely holding together as it is. It looks like it's about to collapse, and the inside makes you think a tornado ran through it. Nobody is bothering to clean up the mess. In fact the only person who seems to be patching up the house is Keigo. This seems to be a routine for him since he can be seen picking up a wooden plank to fix the wall. Too bad his father kicked him before he could repair the hole 🙃.
Seriously does the "house" even have running water? The windows are broken the walls are made of tin roofing tiles. Does it even have heating or insulation? It's obviously not suitable for a child. I'd be afraid that the roof was gonna fall on me while I was sleeping.
I understand they can't buy a proper home. But it wouldn't be so bad if someone acutely bothered to clean the inside a bit. At least maintain the house so your kid doesn't step on a nail, or glass from a beer bottle. IF A CHILD CAN PATCH UP A WALL SO CAN YOU. WHY IS KEIGO DOING ALL THE WORK?
You people are gonna get rats and bugs. (If you dont have them invading your "house" already)
And that's only the house.
What about Keigo? He doesn't even have shoes. His shirt is torn at the seams. And his parents didn't even notice when he left? Keigo's dad yelled at him for leaving the house and going outside, but was anyone even watching him in the first place? How does your child leave the house and make it halfway to the city before you notice? This little bird looks like he weighs 5 pounds! He's gonna get kidnapped!!
His mom is obviously unstable and she stares at the wall all day. And his dad hates him for existing. So I guess no one was watching him?
His mom also doesn't really seem to care when Keigo gets yelled at, hit, and kicked either. She just kinda stares at the wall. Then when her and Keigo become homeless and start living in a train station she guilt trips him into stealing for her. Like Really??
HE GOT INTO A CAR ACCIDENT TOO! You sent your child out to steal for you and he literally got into a car accident. He managed to save everyone involved but still, are trying to get your son hit by a truck? This is why I have so many mixed feelings about Tomie.
#4) Being held hostage in his own home.
This one is self explanatory. Keigo got hit in the face just for going outside. He was held hostage in his home for so long that he didn't even know heroes existed. And this is a society where heroes are everywhere. I'm sure it was a lonely childhood, kinda hard to make childhood friends when you get beaten just for leaving the house.
#5) Whatever the fuck "rough training" was.
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I know we haven't seen Keigos "rough" training yet. Horikoshi only went into a little bit of detail about it when he mentioned that the commission taught Hawks negotiation skills as a kid. And then theres that one image in the Season 4 outro where Keigo has a blindfold on as a child during training.
But I still would like to know more.
Why would you put a child through "rough" training, strip him of his name, and tell him it's all because he's gonna become a "special hero" right after you've pulled him out of an extremely abusive situation. Like, you aren't gonna wait a bit? Preferably until he's a teenager? Not gonna give him therapy or something?
Isn't pulling a child out of an abusive situation and putting them through "rough training" kinda like transfering them from one abusive household to another?
The training can wait.
If you want help him and support his family, do it out of the kindness of your heart and not because you think he'd be a useful hero.
I honestly don't know how this "training" went for Keigo, but considering that he doesn't currently have the best relationship with the HPCS . . . Well I don't know. All I know is that he never really seems too happy around people from the commission. He doesn't seem to agree with any of their ideologies either.
Honestly I just want him to find peace!
Based on what we've seen so far, (*cough* especially from the Todoroki family *cough*) you really shouldn't be training a child to become a hero in the first place. The training can start as a teenager if someone chooses to train.
Look at the way you massacred my boy! Give the kid a break for fucks sake!!
And these are just the early years. Don't get me started on everything else ✋🙄
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imaginationfanstar · 3 years
Glimmer and Bow Need Therapy
A lot of people in this fandom talk about how Catra and Adora have a lot of trauma to work through but I’d like to elaborate on why I think some other characters have some serious baggage they need to deal with too.
Bow is a nervous wreck and stressed beyond belief. He’s always worried about everyone else and often puts their problems and issues before his own. This often leads to the unfortunate habit of bottling up his emotions (a lot like Adora tends to do), or at least his negative ones. His friends are also a hot mess, so he constantly has to deal with being the “responsible one”, or the mediator, or the “friendship guy”. For someone who’s really good at giving friendship advice and fixing other people’s problems, he doesn’t always practice what he preaches, not when it comes to his own well-being at least. He’s also not above lying, sneaking around, or omitting the truth, if he thinks it’ll protect others or spare their feelings even if it’s only a temporary solution. He also mildly struggles with needing to be needed or feeling helpless. It hurts when it feels like his friends can’t come to him for help because he wants to provide a safe place for them. He wants them to feel like they can open up to him, even though he struggles to do the same. When there’s tension in the group and he can’t seem to fix it (like in S4) he feels helpless, useless even. His friends also have a tendency to take him for granted or dismiss his advocacy for safety and caution leaving him to feel undervalued or underappreciated. He also has a bit of an inferiority complex considering he’s surrounded by powerful magical princesses and geniuses like Entrapta, Hordak, and his dads (and possibly his brothers) who he may never feel like he can measure up to. Lastly, he’s incredibly extraverted, which is why one of his biggest fears is inheriting his dads’ library; being left, all alone, in that big, empty building in the middle of the woods, for the rest of his life. Not to mention all the PTSD he (and everyone else) must have from all those near-death experiences and being a literal war veteran.
Glimmer as the show overtly states, deals with bouts of “crippling self-doubt mixed with overwhelming hubris”, i.e. her stubbornness and pride. An inferiority-superiority complex if you will. She also has a fuck ton of anger issues, grief, and trauma that she never quite learned how to or took the time to deal with properly. She often has trouble communicating how she’s feeling, especially when it’s negative, so it usually leads to nasty comments, aggressive actions, and forceful confrontations. She’s also a magical princess who was born in a time of war. From a young age she was given a lot of privilege, responsibility, and a great deal of expectations for her to meet. Her parents, one an immortal angelic queen and the other a powerful sorcerer and martyr of the Rebellion had cast these enormous shadows for her to live up to. All of that, in addition to the encroaching enemy that constantly threatened her loved ones’, her subjects’, and her plant’s safety, put her under a lot of pressure. That enemy would eventually take both her parents away from her leaving her an orphan. And in both instances she was helpless to do anything about it. She also had a lonely childhood. She’d only ever made a single friend in Bow, until she’d reached her late teens/early adulthood. Her mother was overprotective and, more often than not, would clip her wings rather than support and trust her. Along with unconventional powers and a disposition that never quite lived up to the standard of what a “typical” princess should be, this caused people to underestimate her. Therefore, she was left with the constant, often reckless, need to prove herself, so she could finally be taken seriously (a lot like Catra, in that regard). Not to mention the fact that she got kidnapped and held hostage, twice. She’s endured psychological manipulation, physical torture, and emotional isolation. She was thrust into a position of power and authority she was in no way ready for; Forced to fight her chipped father; And deal with the overwhelming guilt of how the worst decision she ever made (when backed into a corner) nearly doomed the planet and cost hundreds of people their homes, their freedom and even their lives!
So basically, nobody in the best friend squad, or even in the whole princess alliance is ok. They’ve each dealt with a lot, and I just think all of them deserve the chance to be happy and healthy. Which is why I think they all need some therapy.
Shout out to @tippenfunkaport, @baggebythesea, @foolforshera and more for their fantastic and insightful writing about my beloved spop characters. Especially, Glimmer and Bow.
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
Bnha dad scenarios: Child default names and background stories.
[Tw: mentions of abortion.]
Dabi's kid/Ayane Name meaning: Kanji (Aya) meaning "Color" and (Ne) meaning sound.
Don't need to tell you that his little Firefly wasn't exactly planned, in fact he was completely blindsided when he found his FWB (now common law wife) was pregnant, he ran away! but, not from her... He disappeared for a couple days then showed up a while later in disguise duffle-bag in hand telling her to hurry and start packing up whatever she can carry; cuz they were leaving! Dabi and your mom relocated to a very small town in the countryside where the population is very small.
(like you could fit the whole township into a Boeing 737 small, and your nearest neighbor was 15 minutes away....)
From there they opened and run a roadhouse bar/motel. Dabi didn't marry his Fairy just because she was pregnant, he caught the feelings a long time ago and had been planning to runaway with her way before Ayane was even a distant thought, her impending arrival just pushed his plans forward. Ayane looks like her mother but her [y/hc] hair has little red streaks and she has partial heterochromia in her eyes, they look like someone colored them cerulean, but remembered halfway through that they were supposed to be y/ec, she also has Dabi's cocky smirk.
Katsuki's kid/Haruka name meaning:  Distant blossom: Uses the Kanji "Haru" in the word "Distant"  combined with the kanji "Ka" in "blossom".
 Having kids was very distant thought in the back of Katsuki's mind not that he didn't want any, He just thought he wouldn't have any, so then his wife told him that they were having a baby. he was over the moon, he didn't care if it was boy or girl just so long as they were happy and healthy, however as soon as it was confirmed that the the baby in his wife's belly was a girl.
Katsuki went scorched-earth on any boys that went near his little girl and Haruka has him wrapped around her little finger. She's his spoiled princess. Haruka looks like a carbon copy of her mom, but has her dad's temperament and potty mouth, she has partial heterochromia both eyes they're half red-half [y/ec]. 
Shigaraki's kid/Kururi name meaning:  Black Emerald: "Ku" from the kanji "Black" and "Ruri" meaning "Emerald". (Ngl she was also named after Kurogiri)
 He was completely blindsided when he found out his queen was having his child, he didn't know what to do with it, he considered having it "taken care of" but his queen threatened to leave him if he ever suggested that again! he was huffy and pouty during the whole pregnancy.  
He was also very protective, usually lingering near by or stalking his wife when she was out and about being careful of in case any heroes or lesser NPCs messed with her, then when the baby was finally born... and he held her for the first time, it was like "Holy crap! I made this...!" and suddenly the world wasn't looking so bleak anymore... and now that his wife is gone (rip) Shigaraki's main focus (as aside villainy) was on his daughter and making the future bright for her.
Kururi though not touch starved she is a bit wary of physical affection, and very socially awkward often preferring to read and or play videogames over socializing with other humans, her only friend seems to be Ayane (their friendship is similar to Orin and April from Parks and rec), They hang out mainly because Shigaraki wanted her have some sense of normality that he was deprived as child. however due to her quirk's nature and the guilt she feels over her mother's death, she has a complex over her hands, she doesn't like it when people try holding them or touching them, often seen wearing gloves or keeping them in her pockets. 
Kururi looks like her mom but has a little mole under her chin and has heterochromia her left eye is red while her right [y/ec] and her [y/hc] hair has a single blueish-white streak in it.
Hawks-Keigo's kid/ Griffin or Finny: as in Griffin the mythical creature.
Keigo and his late wife chose that name because of their respective quirks, His wife had some feline traits cat eyes, and cat ears, it was kind of joke between their two names [Cheshire cat and a Hawk] then they first met, Keigo wasn't really interested in his wife at first, but that didn't stop her! so Keigo said if she could get Endeavor to laugh he'll take her on a date!
So she goes up to Endeavor and says "What happens when a hawk mates with a cat?..." The current number 1 looked at her bemused. "The English call it a Griffin, but I call it a cawk!" Hawks winced It was soo cringy, obscene and made no sense!... But it worked! Endeavor's lips twitched and he snorted! before breaking out in low chuckles, the rest is history.
Though his avian traits seemed to have overrode his wife's feline traits, I.e. {Finny has little red wings on her head instead of cat ears, and Keigo eye brows, However everything else is from his wife. the reality slip quirk {y/hc} hair and {y/eye} etc.
Kirishima's kid/Akara: Name meaning "Red Lightning" {Aka} meaning Red and [Ra] from the word Rai meaning lightning.
Eijirou and his wife thought they were having a boy so Akara's name was originally going to be Akahito "the red warrior" so when the baby that came out was obviously a girl, he and his wife panicked and couldn't figure out or agree on a new name, until Mina suggest a holding raffle everyone wrote a name down and put it in a hat. and the first name they pulled will be their daughter's name, they pulled out Denki's choice and settled on it and considering Akara's quirk: Hard-charge. it fits pretty well. 
(She can harden her skin like her dad. however, with every hit she takes, she can absorb kinetic energy from it, the energy turns into electricity which she can use to deliver powerful electric discharge attacks.) 
Her mom is Denki's cousin by the way... Her mom's Quirk is called Static pinch, she can store small amounts of static electricity and release tiny zaps from her thumb index and middle finger, if she gets close enough to an enemy she use the stored energy in her body like a taser via "Vulcan nerve pinch".
  Akara looks like her mother but has her dad's sharp teeth.
Shoto's kid/Koyuki name meaning "Little snow" kanji [Ko] meaning little and [Yuki] meaning snow.
Much like Katsuki children were a very touchy and distant subject for him, He was was always scared that he'll end up just like his father, he was adamant on having no kids, so when his wife announced that she was pregnant and keeping it, Shoto had a panic attack and ran off  for a couple days, until she calls Dabi who tracked him down and talked some sense into him...
(after punching him in the face for ditching his pregnant wife.) The his older brother pretty much told Shoto he's letting Enji win running off like that, and reminds him that they're both Endeavor's sons, but they are not their father, and will never be their father, they're better than him... and with that Dabi send his younger brother back his worried wife, Shoto apologizes and is working to prove he's not like his father. 
He keeps his daughter away from her grandfather who keeps badgering Shoto for another grandchild as he doesn't see Koyuki's quirk (Frost-breath) taking her anywhere in the future, Shoto has more or less politely told his father to go and pound sand.... as it was very difficult for Shoto's wife to conceive children and her pregnancy and birth was very stressful and traumatic for them, Koyuki was born prematurely and his wife had to stay in the hospital with a severe case of the flu.
Koyuki like  Shoto has bi-color hair on the left it's red and on the right it's [y/hc] she has her mom [y/ec] eyes she’s very happy and but timid child and often seen clinging to one of her parent's legs when stranger approaches, though she get's a bit more confident with time.
Izuku's kid/ Hinamori Name meaning: "sunshine forest" combines the kanji [Hina] for sunshine and the kanji [Mori] for Forest.
Not a surprise when he the number 1 hero's wife started showing a baby-bump a year and a half after their wedding, however what came as a surprise was how protective Izuku became when Reporters and his more eccentric fans didn't know how to keep their boundaries, they would not stop staring at his wife's boobs and trying to touch her belly, Izuku would block their view or slap their hands away and repeat. "Your not my mother or her (Relative.) Don't touch my wife..." he'd discharge his quirk a bit showing that he wasn't kidding around... 
The attention seem to blow over once Hinamori was born mainly due to Izuku buying a house in a gated community so the press couldn't get in so easily and bother the new family, Hinamori looks like her mom but she her y/hc hair is wild like Izuku's and she has his freckles, she likes reading and is often found in Izuku's study reading his old hero observation books. and has actually been working on some of her own, as Izuku has found her little dinosaur notebook with observations on Haruka, Koyuki and Akara. 
Denki's kid: Raika name meaning: Lightning flower uses the kanji [Rai] for lightning and the kanji [Ka] from flower. 
Raika wasn't exactly planned... See Denki and his little lady were on vacation see? there was this music festival in Niagara-falls, and well...He and his wife had few too many and well details are bit blurred, but... Raika may or may not have been conceived in a handicap stall, but if she ever were to ask everyone's been told to say it was after Denki recued his wife from a villain holding her hostage and Raika was the end result of his reward, luckily she doesn't seem really interested in knowing her parents sexual history.
So there's a good chance shell never know! Raika has her dad's quirk, her hair is y/hc with a yellow/black lighting bolt streaked into it and her y/ec eyes flash yellow when using her quirk. 
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weishenbwi · 3 years
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A Lesson Learned Ch. 5 “The Red Room”
Group: BTS (AO3 Version)
Pairing: YoonJin
Chapter: 5 Seokjin/Yoongi (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
Words: 5948
CW: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat (click on ao3 link for all tags & triggers)
Summary: This chapter features Yoongi’s forced feminization, dollification, and many other terrible things at Seokjin and Daddy’s hands. Read the tags and read at your own risk. Messages that disregard this will be ignored.
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It’s Daddy that separates them, makes Taehyung and Yoongi sit beside each other looking up. Anticipating. Naked. Vulnerable. Taehyung is resting his head on Yoongi’s shoulder, calming his breathing and trying to latch his memory onto the only peaceful moment he imagines he’ll have tonight. Yoongi, on the other hand, is stroking Taehyung’s hair but his eyes are on Seokjin who holds a camera and Hoseok who holds some type of recorder. The devices are a mix of newer and older models and he wonders if they stole them from some of their previous victims.  
“Kitten. Puppy. Pay attention. Daddy has some questions for you.” He can hear the camera click and the sound of the film coming out. “Tell me a time you were happy.” Another click, the rolling sound of film. 
“I… what?" Post-orgasm haze isn't suitable for ridiculous questions like Tell me when you were happy but he responds with an obvious answer regardless. "We were happier before.. When we were… before this. Why are you taking pictures of us?”
Another picture.  He knew this camera. It was an old style one that comes with a pack of 10 film. His dad owned one. Vintage. But at the rate Seokjin is going, he’ll run through hundreds of film. 
“Only answer what I’m asking kitten or you will regret it. Now elaborate and don’t mind what my boys are doing. They’re simply recording the moment, a before and after if you will.”  Daddy strokes Seokjin’s hair but he doesn’t lean into it and it doesn’t seem to bother Daddy. Hoseok looks momentarily at the interaction and pauses before continuing filming. He knows he’s being touch starved on purpose so that he’ll crave whatever touch Daddy gives him later, gentle or violent. Hoseok misses the feeling of someone's hand on his body. It's times like these when Daddy doesn't let Seokjin or Jungkook touch him either and he can't touch himself or Daddy will know. But with fresh meat and pretty boys at that, Hoseok will be loved again today. It makes the guilt of the entire fucking tragedy of taking hostages almost worth it. It's part of his training, Daddy says. He wants Hoseok to equate being touch starved and the need for contact to the need and reward for bringing Daddy prey like Yoongi and Taehyung. 
“We were happy only a couple of hours ago before you took us.” His lips are tight, his breath calm, and the only sounds in the room are Seokjin’s camera clicking away and Taehyung’s whimpering. Taehyung nods and snuggles in closer to Yoongi. 
“And are you not happy now?” Daddy asks, sneering. He blinks slowly and smiles. Like Seokjin, Daddy can sense that Yoongi’s cool exterior is on the precipice ready to snap or be snapped.
Yoongi looks up at him. He breathes in deeply and bites his bottom lip. “No, I wouldn’t say that either of us is happy right now and I think you know that.” Another click, the continuous bright flash disorienting him. Seokjin pauses momentarily and whispers something to Daddy which makes the left side of his mouth curl up into a half-smile. “Excellent idea Seokjin.  I think kitten would look beautiful with some red lipstick on. Don’t you think so kitten?”
He’s not able to answer before Jungkook is mounting him, hips held down and back against the couch. Jungkook thrusts forward, dick hard and expecting. Wanting. It scares Taehyung who jumps up, unsure of what to do to protect his friend.
Tight arms wrap around his small body, pulling him in closer. “Shhh puppy. Just watch and I promise no one will get hurt. But if you try to escape, I’ll break your neck and make Yoongi here bury your dead body and then we’ll have so much fun with him he’ll wish he were dead. Do you want that for him?” Taehyung shakes his head no, Daddy’s arms tight against his own, chest against back. “Do you understand you have to obey so that kitten here doesn’t get hurt?” Taehyung nods, can feel Daddy pulling him in so close his mouth nuzzles against Taehyung’s neck, never minding the younger’s tears as they fall onto scarred arms that hold him in place..
“Pucker for me, kitten. I don’t want to make this messy.” Jungkook grabs Yoongi’s face gently and paints his lips red. He takes his time. Careful precision. These are going in their collection after all, a photobook from beginning to end. It has to start from the angle of a pure, untainted pair to a fucked and damaged duo. There are pictures of all the boys here. Maybe he'll show kitten and puppy their before and after... if they live long enough. “Hm kitten didn’t scratch, didn’t even try to get out of my grasp. You want this too? Like puppy over there. Want me to violate you? Want to me hurt you and leave you bloody?” He pulls Yoongi’s head back, a tight grip on his hair, and smiles that charming dimpled way that might have Yoongi blushing under different circumstances. Currently, he wants to slap that smile off his face.  “I’d prefer if we painted your lips red with blood but Seokjin seems to have a thing for you so I’ll let him do that later.” He bends down, lips aligned with Yoongi’s ear. “When I’m done with puppy over there, I’d love to get some kitten scratches. Want you to put up a fight and make me hurt you.” 
Yoongi holds his breath, holds in his rage. They'll all get what's coming to them. He's sure of it, even if he has to make it happen himself.
“These lips were meant for red! Don’t you think so puppy?” Daddy releases Taehyung who is instantly caught and made to straddle Jungkook. “You don’t seem too bothered by it kitten. Do you love wearing lipstick? You know you look pretty in it, right? Wish you could wear it all the time and be a pretty whore for me?”
Yoongi looks up but he’s speechless. It’s embarrassing. All the hungry eyes, heat, and hormones make him want to scream. Taehyung would have looked just as pretty with lipstick. So why not him or why not both of them? Why does Yoongi have to be singled out like this in front of these animals? He could have calmed Taehyung or at least some of the praises would have helped soften the blow but Seokjin and Daddy singled him out.
“I’m not…” He shakes his head. “I…”
“Spit it out kitten. You’re not… You’re not what? You’re not pretty? You’re not mine? Hmm that’s not it is it?” Daddy is playful, knows what Yoongi's thinking but wants  him  to say it for the sake of humiliation.
“I’m not…”
“You’re not  our  whore.” Seokjin says, causing Yoongi and Taehyung’s attention to turn to him, something Jungkook seems to disagree with as he picks up Taehyung's lithe body, still straddling his waist, and removes the risk for temptation. Taehyung is Jungkook’s and he doesn’t get to look at Seokjin or anyone, only Jungkook. Yoongi wasn’t expecting him to sound like this, like an afternoon rain on a cool spring day. “You’re beautiful Yoongi and you will be  my whore for tonight and for every night. As long as I desire. You don’t have a say in this.” 
“I... don’t have a say in this.” The bitter taste of defeat. 
“Yes. And?” Seokjin waits. 
Yoongi knows what he is according to them and how he should answer but he’s reluctant to give in. The more he gives in the less he has to leverage. But there’s no choice here. Maybe if Daddy had chosen him and not Seokjin, he could have possibly gotten away with more. Or found a way to leverage his situation. Daddy seems playful sometimes and he makes jokes. Seokjin seems different. More strict. Severe. Better to obey than disobey. There is something dark about Seokjin that forces Yoongi to give in. For his own sake. Maybe he’ll be rewarded if he’s good. 
It’s beginning and Daddy sits back, motioning for Hoseok to join him. Hoseok has done this many times before. He knows when the toys go to play, he is to strip down for Daddy and let Daddy touch him however he wants. And Hoseok wants it too. Often he will watch Seokjin and Jungkook play with their toys as Daddy plays with them or as they play with each other. Sometimes he’ll make Hoseok watch as he plays with the toys too - but only after. Daddy always joins the others after he’s satisfied they’ve “broken in their toys”. Until then he watches. Hoseok knows Daddy likes to be involved. Maybe if Hoseok’s own parents had been involved more he wouldn’t be here.  
Seokjin steps forward, camera still in one hand and grabs Yoongi by the other. “Come here Yoongi. I want you to see something.” Yoongi wonders what it would be like to refuse Seokjin but he obeys as soon as his hand is extended. “You can speak even if you’re not spoken to. I don’t like to be the only one talking.” 
“Why are you doing this?” If the worst comes tonight, he at least has to know why. 
“Why would you ask me the answer to a question you already know?” He stops outside a door and turns to Yoongi, eyes squinting slightly and Yoongi hates that he finds him cute. Seokjin is a paradox. Undeniably handsome face, plush lips, broad shoulders that scream  I can overpower that tiny body with ease , and a voice with a playful keen that contrasts in opposition to this truly fucked up situation. 
“You’re doing this because you can.”
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Yoongi can feel his heart drop to his stomach. They’re doing this because they can and that means they can do anything they want. “Is there a chance we can… leave? I promise I don’t know the answer to this question. I’m just hoping the answer is… possible.”
Seokjin nods but doesn’t respond. It’s not his place to say what’s possible or isn’t. “Only Namjoon knows the answer to that, Yoongi, and I wouldn’t advise you to ask him.”
It’s Yoongi’s turn to nod as Seokjin places a key into a door that locks from the outside. He doesn’t tell Yoongi to prepare himself, only opens the door slowly revealing a room that induces Yoongi’s skin crawl. He looks to Seokjin who remains stoic. “You already know what this room is Yoongi, don’t you?” How he can say this without a hint of emotion is beyond any normal human’s reasoning, Yoongi thinks, as a hand is placed firmly on his back urging him to step forward. Gentle. Seokjin’s hand is gentle on Yoongi’s back as he beckons him into the room covered from floor to ceiling in some type of clear plastic sheeting. There’s a bed at the back wall but that too is covered in heavy plastic. Every piece of furniture… nothing is left uncovered besides two pillows, a sheet, and a blanket. Every cloth, every piece of furniture is white covered by clear and he knows exactly why. It turns his stomach. The pillow has what looks to be a collar attached by a chain on it. And in the corner of the room is another chain , Yoongi assumes that’s where he goes if he’s been bad enough to warrant discipline but not death. These are the only two things in the room that are not white or clear and Yoongi can tell they are meant to stand out in stark contrast to the bright sterileness of the room.
“This… can’t be. I heard him. He said you can’t make us bleed or scar us! You can’t do this!” Yoongi makes to move back into the hallway and Seokjin doesn’t stop him. He takes one step out of the room of horror before he’s frozen in place. If he goes back to the living room, Daddy will be there and he’ll know Yoongi disobeyed. Daddy had told Taehyung that if he tried to escape he’d break his neck and make Yoongi bury the body, then they’d rape and torture him until he wished for death. 
He can’t leave. He doesn’t want to stay. 
Something about this lack of choice pulls at the despair in his stomach and makes him turn back to the room of plastic and panic and Seokjin. Seokjin the composed man who sounds like rain on a cool spring day. Yoongi turns back and falls to his knees, body wracked with terror and tears and more tears until he’s getting the plastic wet beneath him. 
Seokjin moves and he’s not sure if he’s coming to punish him or for sympathy but he looks up because he needs to look at something other than the plastic that will have his blood smeared on it later. He looks up and Seokjin is there, smiling, and it’s gentle. It’s gentle and Yoongi finds relief. Relief in that Seokjin isn’t Daddy with his mutable chaos and he’s not like Jungkook who is pure chaos. He reaches up, arms signaling  please  but it’s met with no emotion, only the feeling of cold as a vial is pressed to his cheek and a  shhhh as Seokjin holds his head in place and collects his tears. Seokjin too is chaos but it’s muted not mutable. His chaos seems neutral and Yoongi considers, ragged breaths full of regret and tears filling the vial of an apathetic sadist, that maybe he's the lucky one.
“Thank you, Yoongi.” 
He watches in between blurry eyes as Seokjin fastens the lid on the vial and puts it in a drawer, closing it gently and locking it. Two locks already. Yoongi wonders if it’s a pattern. He also wonders if he looks in the drawer how many vials will he see, wonders what his chances are of surviving this hellish nightmare. If it weren’t for the overwhelming need to look after and protect Taehyung, he’d charge Seokjin right now and die without the shame that will follow him to heaven or hell or even a simple decay in the earth's soil.
Seokjin is a creature of habit but tonight he will try new things with his new toy and with this knowledge comes a new way of bringing out something wicked in Yoongi, something to make him fight back and regret it. For now, Seokjin will continue to tow the line between himself and Yoongi as equal  and inferior. “Come here Yoongi. Come to your Master.” And there it is. He sees the flicker in Yoongi’s eyes, the anger and bile rise as he stands up and obeys. 
“I need you to get dressed and then stand still. Cover your eyes. Don’t peek.” He can hear Seokjin taking things out of the closet, the drawers, even smells a light fruity and flowery scent sprayed into the room. It’s pleasant. It makes him breathe a little more peacefully. Maybe Seokjin will go easier on him. Maybe the room is just a precaution  in case  it gets messy, not  because it will get messy. Yoongi feels Seokjin’s hands on his own as he’s made to open his eyes. 
What’s laid before him must be a joke. “You have got to be kidding me... I’m not wearing that !” First the red lipstick and now this? What kind of sick people did the devil reject and vomit back onto this green earth… Yoongi would rather be chained to the bed or the wall than get dressed up like a doll for this sick freak.
“Oh no? You will either wear it willingly or smeared with your blood. Choice is yours.”
“Please. Look we can leave and I promise that we won’t tell anyone about you or this place. Just let us go. You don’t need us. You don’t need me.” 
“I do need you, Yoongi. I need you to put on that dress.” The dollification is meant to break people down but Seokjin would be remiss if he didn’t admit the swell of his member against fitted slacks with just the thought of Yoongi dolled up in such a petite and fragile dress. “If you refuse I will make it worse.” He stares Yoongi down and Yoongi stares back, neither budging until Seokjin tells him to sit. That, Yoongi can do. Seokjin doesn’t even tell him to close his eyes this time, just turns his back and starts gathering things and yep this is definitely worse. Sooo . Much . Worse . OH GOD . 
“Wait! No, I’m sorry. I’ll wear the dress. I’ll twirl in the dress! Just please. Not this. Not ALL of this. It’s too much. I can’t!” He’s up now, without permission, hands gripping on Seokjin’s arm begging him to stop. Seokjin turns his head back to Yoongi so fast the younger flinches without Seokjin even raising an arm or hand to him. It makes the older smile like Yoongi brought him freshly baked cookies instead of the twisted pleasure of arousing fear.  Yes. Like that.
“Take your clothes off Yoongi.”
“No. Wait. Please. Please Seokjin wait. I-”
 “Take It Off!” The change is sudden. From calm to I’ll slit your throat and leave you to rot in your own blood. Yoongi’s scared and doesn’t hesitate now to take off his shirt, a shiver running down his spine as tears fall down his pretty face. Seokjin considers collecting these tears but there will be more tears later and plenty of opportunities to fill an entire vial. For now, he sets down all the beautiful pieces Yoongi will wear. He lays them out orderly. After all, he’ll command his little kitten one by one to put everything on, a polaroid at each juncture.
Seokjin will show him later when he’s a broken and sobbing mess. Or just when he's feeling confident enough to survive here.
Yoongi is crying again. It's the most he's cried in years. He's trying to compose himself because this isn't like him, but he can't help it and the tears keep falling and he wonders how Taehyung is doing. If Yoongi is this affected by the quiet Seokjin, how is Taehyung being treated by the rabid Jungkook? He hopes and prays with everything that Taehyung is luckier than he is, that he doesn’t have to dress like a hybrid between the gender he doesn’t identify with and as a pet.
“I’m sorry. You shouldn’t make me yell like that. You have to at least  try  to listen.”
“I-m sorry Seokjin. I…”
“You should have listened at the beginning. You made it harder. I could be a lot worse. Like Daddy or Jungkook.”  He is worse.  “I bet Jungkook is already fucking Taehyung in there and I haven’t even touched you. All I’m asking you to do is put on  more clothes.”
He’s right. Yoongi hasn’t been touched yet, hasn’t been kissed. The worst that’s happened with Seokjin is collecting tears and being told to wear cute clothes. Is he blowing this out of proportion? Is it really not a big deal?
“I’m trying here Yoongi. You have to help me help you.” He stops straightening the clothes and looks at Yoongi, can see the doubt and questioning in his eyes. He continues. “I can’t do it alone, you know? I’m attracted to you and I think you’ll look beautiful in these clothes and with this kitten tail, you on all fours. But it has to feel good for you too.”
Seokjin has Yoongi speechless again. It has to feel good for him too? He wants Yoongi to feel good? “I’ll help you. I will. And I’m sorry. I just never imagined… and now… All of this is overwhelming. I can’t even form all of my thoughts in complete sentences. I am really sorry though. I know you’re trying.”
“I am. I put a lot of effort into this room, into selecting the clothes, even the lipstick. I tried to find a universally flattering color and I think I did a good job. It looks beautiful on you.” Yoongi sees Seokjin blush and looks away. He should not think this kidnapper is cute but physically he is and physically Yoongi feels sick to his stomach. 
“Will you… come here Yoongi. Look in the mirror. Don’t you think it’s flattering?” 
Yoongi goes to stand beside Seokjin who positions him in front of the mirror and he examines them both, two boys who could have gone to the same school or met up somewhere, become friends. Yet the situation is completely different. Seokjin must be about his age but they couldn't be any more different. Yoongi is a quiet man who only wanted to spend a vacation with his childhood best friend. And Seokjin is part of a dysfunctional "family" where they kidnap, rape, and murder people. Where Yoongi is exceedingly generous, Seokjin is exceedingly cruel. In another life, they could have all been friends. In this life, he and Taehyung are captives of Seokjin and his family whose every intention is to harm and defile.
“Don’t you think you’re beautiful?” Seokjin is behind him now, hands pressed firmly on his shoulders. He looks in the mirror and he's not sure if he's beautiful, doesn't know how to judge that from the perspective of his first time cross-dressing and doing so against his will so he doesn't answer. He does think it's as universally flattering as Seokjin said and something about the effort it takes to find a shade that would look good on everyone asserts a thing highlighted and underlined that Yoongi doesn't quite understand. "Look closer." He moves in closer, careful not to touch anything without asking, leans in. “I think you’re beautiful Yoongi and I know you think it’s weird but I think you’ll look even more beautiful with that white dress on.”
He turns to face Seokjin, with his unbelievably handsome aesthetic and towering figure. His calm demeanor and honesty about everything Yoongi has asked. The way he doesn’t call them kitten or puppy so much as Yoongi and Taehyung. The way he seems to see him as a real person and not solely an object or as Daddy had said, “a toy”. 
“Do you want to put them on only for me? Namjoon usually gives us an hour or so before he comes in. He might even be with Jungkook and Taehyung now.”
“I’d like that.” Yoongi wants to kick himself for letting his guard down but he doesn’t know how long they’ll be here and he would rather not keep his adrenaline up and his nerves on edge the entire time if he can help it. And maybe he’s weak for this but when the words “flattering” and “beautiful” came out of Seokjin’s voice, he all but melted. 
“I want you to strip slowly for me, Yoongi.”
Strip slowly on heavy plastic in what’s basically a kill room.. He tries not to think about it.  Just think about getting out of here and Seokjin’s voice and his smile, the way his cheeks bunch up, and not the way he’s some deranged kidnapping, cannibalistic serial killer. He inhales and starts, slowly, with the first piece of clothing that seems to make him the least vulnerable.
“Wait... I'll do it.” He needs to touch those legs , needs to sink his teeth in that flesh. Yoongi was already becoming more pliant under his gaze. The first night and he's already become so willing. The thought awakens something in Seokjin but he can't pass up this opportunity. Does he know how dangerous he is in these pants? Yoongi shakes his head yes as if consent is necessary and Seokjin obliges but given that Yoongi said no, he wouldn’t have denied himself the need to touch and bite and take. Not when his legs looked like this. And his ass in these tight pants looked like that . No, Seokjin needed his hands and mouth on Yoongi now.
And he takes. Seokjin takes and he doesn’t let Yoongi adjust to the feeling of his hands groping his ass, rubbing his face along his thighs, and inhaling Yoongi’s natural scent, sweat, and fear. Doesn’t let Yoongi adjust to his hands moving to explore and squeeze, bite and bruise. 
“Fuck Yoongi. I could devour you right here. The plastic would take care of everything." If he could devour Yoongi's flesh between his teeth and have him reanimate, he'd do it in a heartbeat. For now, he'll bite leaving teeth marks, grab and squeeze tight making Yoongi cry out. Seokjin wants it to hurt. It's Yoongi's first night and he needs to remember it. He reaches to his back pocket and pulls out a black knife, newly sharpened. A gift from Jungkook on a recent birthday. Yoongi's eyes widen and he starts crying. Seokjin wouldn't have imagined this one would cry so much but he's not complaining. He cries beautifully. His sad, soft whimpers and mewling. The perfect captive. "Yes Yoongi. Cry for me.” He stands up and cradles Yoongi’s head in his hands. “I’m going to keep you forever and fuck you every night.” Imagining Yoongi’s ass in the air and Seokjin’s face buried in it, directing orders to Jungkook that he has to follow because Namjoon demands it and Jungkook can’t say no. Making Jungkook eat Yoongi out while he fucks into Taehyung. Jungkook torn between having his toy played with and playing with a new toy. His primal instinct to possess. “I can’t wait to fuck you, Yoongi. You cry so pretty for me.” He buries his face between Yoongi’s legs and laps at his crotch, scratching his tongue on the fabric as he holds his knife to Yoongi's femoral artery and squeezes his thighs just to bruise. 
Suddenly Seokjin stops. “It’s not fun when you don’t fight back.”
Daddy hates boring guests. He wipes his tears and shoves Seokjin off of him, opts to run for the door but thinks twice before opening it. Good boy. It’s a game between himself and Seokjin. Opening the door and running out would only invite trouble and he has enough of that in the room here. Seokjin is on the other side, legs positioned to run in either direction that Yoongi chooses. It’s not a big room and there aren’t many options so he runs straight for the closet and almost makes it to shut the door before Seokjin is on him, one arm wrapped around his neck and another around his chest, dragging him back to the bed. He’s kicking and flailing but it’s no good. The Butcher must have too much practice and Yoongi doesn’t strength train. Not usually and not now. But it’s not like he knew he’d be in a situation where he’s fighting for his life against some psychopath. Seokjin seems to know many different positions to obtain and detain, making it impossible for Yoongi to get out of his grasp. 
“Aw you got the party started without me, Jin? I hope he gave you a run of it.” 
Yoongi manages a look to the side as Daddy and Hoseok enter the room. He notices Hoseok is bruised and he’s been crying. 
“YOU. You did this!” He manages through the tightness of Seokjin’s arms around his neck and chest. “You’re responsible for all of this madness. What is wrong with you?!”
“Oh kitten. Many things. But it won’t save you to know. You’re fucked either way. Although as I see you with your original clothes on, you haven’t been fucked by Seokjin just yet.” He turns his attention to Seokjin who is smirking from the struggling body under his strength. “And why the fuck not? And also why the fuck does he have his clothes BACK ON?! Jungkook has abused Taehyung countless times tonight. At least you made him cry. It’s almost the least you can do.” 
“I like to take my time Daddy. You’ll see when I take his pants off how much attention I gave him. Trust me, he’s been abused.” Seokjin starts to unbutton Yoongi’s pants when he starts inching back, not sure if he should fight now or not. It takes one look from Seokjin to know that no, now is not the time to fight him. It’s time to listen and obey. His pants are slid off, thighs squeezed along the way. When his pants come off, he sees what being left alone with quiet and “gentle” Seokjin does to him. His skin is littered with red marks, bites, and coloring that will turn into dark bruises. He’s made to stand up and show Daddy all the marks Seokjin gave him. Seokjin lies and tells Daddy that he was saving the best part of the abuse for Daddy, to get him riled up for his baby Hobi. Yoongi notices that Daddy believes it without question. 
“Nice work son. I really shouldn’t doubt you. Now kitten is your toy so I’ll let you decide who you want to doll him up? You, me, or our Hoseok?” 
Yoongi stands there, Seokjin’s arm clutching around his chest and neck, useless and abused. No one asked him what he wanted, who he would rather have touch him. It doesn’t matter. He doesn’t matter apart from entertainment and he can only think how Taehyung is holding up. He wants to speak up and ask if he’s really good right now and obeys everything if he can spend the night with Taehyung. But he knows the answer before it leaves his mind. 
“Hoseok can put the dress and kitten ears on him, but I’ll do the collar and the plug. He's mine to claim.”
“Then it's settled. Although by the look of it, you might fuck him before you put the plug in. I imagine he’ll look delicious once he’s dolled up with a retouch of that lipstick.” Daddy can’t wait for Yoongi to smear that lipstick all over his dick or to watch the tears run down his face as Daddy abuses him again and again. Seeing his little kitten like this with less fire and more confusion, the fatigue and exhaustion of the night already taking hold makes his dick press against his pants, hard and leaking. If Hoseok weren't on his way to doll up Yoongi, he'd have him bouncing in his lap to stave off some of this hunger. He grabs Seokjin instead, tight body bouncing on his dick while Hoseok goes to play with his toy. All of his sons were, after all, cockwarmers. 
Hoseok stands in front of Yoongi, tears still present in his eyes, and takes off his boxers. This time he doesn't fight back. He doesn't make it easier for Hoseok either, makes him struggle to get his boxers off. He will not cooperate fully for these assholes. The fire in his stomach is raging again but it’s short-lived because as he stands there in that bright red lipstick, naked, and defenseless, the most he’s ever been exposed, he realizes that to everyone in that room, he is just a whore. A cockwarmer like Seokjin is to Daddy now..
“Lift up your arms Yoongi. The sooner you do this, the sooner you can rest. From someone that’s been where you are, you’ll need it.” Hoseok sounds tired and it’s no wonder. Whatever Daddy did to him between the time he left with Seokjin to this room and the time they entered, drained Hoseok of what made him human. Is this how Daddy turns boys and men into soldiers? Is this how Daddy turned Seokjin into someone who collects vials of tears, someone who kills people and skins them, leaving their hides out to dry in the sun. Yoongi hopes that won’t happen to him or Taehyung. He won't let it happen to them. He won't.
But he's tired and he says he won't but he's not even stopping Hoseok from undressing him as the others watch, Seokjin bouncing on Daddy's dick. He doesn’t even nod, just lifts his arms up and lets Hoseok slip the dress over his head. 
The material is cool and feels silky. Hoseok brushes out a wig, the same color as his hair, and puts the kitten ears over it. He gets a little closer and whispers “sorry” when Yoongi has tears in his eyes again. He can tell Yoongi has cried a lot tonight, the evident signs of red eyes and petechiae. He must have cried hard tonight, coughing and straining many times over. He'll have to get used to it because it won't change. Nothing ever changes. You just learn to accept it. He hopes he'll get the chance to impart this wisdom to Yoongi. He deserves to know. Hoseok wishes someone had told him, wishes he didn't have to find out the hard way. He's not even sure why he still cries. Maybe some part deep inside refuses to accept this wisdom. It makes him feel inferior because it's clear that both Jungkook and Seokjin have accepted their reality and made the most of it. Or maybe they're more like Daddy than he'll ever be. He's not sure where Yoongi resides on this list but he knows without a doubt that Taehyung is not cut out for this life. He's almost glad that Jungkook chose Taehyung. It'll be easier that way. He wouldn't survive Seokjin. Hoseok's not sure if Yoongi will either.
Hoseok finishes his touch up of lipstick and then Yoongi's made to twirl and twirl until he gets dizzy, until he falls and hits his head. It doesn't matter because he’s made to get up and kiss Daddy, kiss Seokjin, and kiss Hoseok. Someone rubs the blood from his head onto his mouth and he's made to suck his blood off someone's finger but he can't remember who. He's dizzy but he's made to bend down and show his ass, spread his cheeks. Seokjin is playing with him but he can't feel it. Then someone else whose hands are colder is touching him and he only knows because he has goosebumps and he thinks that's why but he can't be sure. Then Seokjin is in front of him and he’s being collared. Yoongi’s in a daze but he knows he’s being collared, made to move around on all fours behind Seokjin as he tugs on the leash. Someone fucks him from behind, leash pulled tight against his throat and he can't breathe. Daddy’s clapping and Hoseok is stoic again. He thinks he sees Taehyung and he's crying too but he can’t be sure because the tears are coming and his vision is blurry.
He looks up again and no one is there, just Seokjin. He’s saying something but Yoongi can’t hear him. He’s being slapped and it doesn’t help. He doesn’t know what Seokjin is saying and he’s crying again and he only knows because the tears hit the plastic and reflect off the light. Seokjin is shaking him and he doesn’t know why. Then he’s being kicked but he can’t feel anything and he doesn’t know who. He still doesn't know why. He sees Seokjin laughing and taking pictures but he doesn’t hear him nor the sound of the film rolling. He sees Seokjin with his vial again and he's caressing his face. Yoongi thinks he leans into it but he can't be sure. He can't be sure of anything. 
Then he’s out, his small tired body in a bloody, white, silk dress laying against clear heavy plastic that's spotted red and somehow there’s blood and more blood until there’s only black.
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reachgirl · 4 years
Maddie had to basically raise and care for her brother when she was pretty young (from what we can gather), she was in an abusive relationship where her husband  cut her off from family and friends, then when she finally managed to leave him he came back to stalk and kidnap her and stab her boyfriend, and she had to kill him. Then she was held hostage at the call center. 
Buck had a difficult childhood (I think we’re safe to assume this much), then his sister left and it was obviously a big deal to him - and when she found him again she was almost killed by her abusive ex, he almost drowned and almost lost his friend’s son in a tsunami, had his leg crushed by a fire truck, had a pulmonary embolism, lost his job and his friends, his girlfriend left him because she couldn’t deal with the job, his other ex girlfriend used him as an emotional support crutch and then abandoned him without even giving him a clean break, his psychologist used her position of trust so she could sleep with him. Oh and his best friend / guy he’s clearly in love with was almost buried alive and.. it was never addressed again.
Athena’s fiancé was killed, she was almost killed by a serial killer, and her daughter almost killed herself, then she was kidnapped and almost killed again. 
Bobby’s wife and children died tragically in a fire that he blames himself for. 
Chim had an abusive dad, a mom who died when he was a teenager, he was bullied, his best friend sacrificed himself on a call and Chim was there to see it all, then he had a traumatic brain injury after a near-fatal car accident and his girlfriend left him right after, oh and he was catfished and stabbed by his girlfriend’s abusive ex-husband who then kidnapped her, and then she was kidnapped again at her place of work!
Eddie’s helicopter was shot down and his friend died, his son had to have multiple operations while he was away, his parents tried to take his son away from him, then his wife left him, twice, and then died in his arms. Then he was almost buried alive. 
Hen was bullied, her relationship with her ex put her child’s safety in jeopardy, and she inadvertently caused a young girl’s death, oh and she almost died in the earthquake.
And most of the issues I listed don’t even include the stuff that happens to them on a day-to-day basis. Or any of the stuff that happened to Michael, Josh, Karen, Chris, May or Harry.
Now obviously, you could do a show that actually dives into the trauma of emergency responders, but that would be a very different tone. There’s always the question of how realistic can these shows really be in 45 minutes and still give us these crazy rescue scenarios (Tsunami?? Mudslide? Plane Crash? Check) AND emotional development each episode. Realistically, the 118 wouldn’t be the ones - or at least not the only ones - called in to save people on a failed water landing / plane crash in the ocean. Their area of operation wouldn’t span from the coastline doing abseiling rescues to trying to run down a hot air balloon to bank robberies to train crashes in the middle of nowhere.
So we also can’t expect them to be completely faithful to actual trauma psychology, because that would most probably make for boring TV, but even if it didn’t, it just COULDN’T be the show we love so much. They do give it some space, like showing Christopher dealing with nightmares, acknowledging the slower pacing of Madney’s relationship because of her past experiences, Bobby’s unwillingness to forgive himself, Eddie’s anger management issues and poor coping skills in general, Buck not giving himself time to heal properly because of his need to be defined by helping people so he can feel ‘worthy’, and some characters even get to go and see a psychologist - with mixed results, that also aren’t properly followed up on, and when Eddie says he didn’t click with the psychologist that’s seemingly also the end of him dealing with his anger issues. A lot of the time, the show acknowledges mental wellbeing once, and then drops it completely - like Buck’s abandonment issues being dealt with only as a set up for Abby to come back. Lone Star does a little better with Judd’s trauma from his entire team dying in front of him, and his survivor’s guilt, and how that affects his relationship. 
BUT season 3 of 911 actually laid some good ground work with Eddie Begins, with Athena unsure of whether she will get back to work, with Hen considering changing careers, and Maddie and Chim’s relationship playing out the way it did. I really hope that a lot of the events in season 4 - the baby and the anxiety that comes with that (especially if you have shitty parents), May starting work as a 9-1-1 operator, Eddie and Buck going to Texas, Buck Begins, will circle back to some of these traumatic experiences and give them more room to breathe along with the new stuff that will inevitably come up. I mean we already know there’s going to be a freaking mudslide and LAVA and wildfires, so.
Maybe one of the reasons we love fanfiction is because it gives you room to explore a facet of the characters or their lives that isn’t given much room in the canon, maybe because it doesn’t fit the tone of the show or the writers are focusing somewhere else. I think it’s also the reason why buddie is so popular while actual canon ships are less so - it’s the same in a lot of fandoms. You’ll always have more fanfiction about the stuff you don’t get to explore on screen - the other relationships you already get to see played out, so it doesn’t feel as necessary to write about. So in fanfiction, we can give the characters space to breathe and deal with everything, and we can be realistic in how a new emergency doesn’t erase the trauma of past experiences, and how LONG it would actually take to deal with some of these issues in real life. There are SO many fanfiction out there in the 9-1-1 AO3 tag that do this so well, and that have a really good handle on how these characters would or could still be affected by this stuff, whether it’s panic attacks or nightmares or unhealthy coping mechanisms or emotional hang ups like guilt and feelings of inadequacy.(I think this is the reason why I tend to not like fanfiction that puts a heavy emphasis on headcanon for more trauma like kidnappings or abuse or childood trauma. There’s already so much stuff we have seen in the show, and in the hints we get about Buck’s childhood for example, I don’t need insult added to injury so to speak. But to each their own, obviously.) And I think that’s really cool and something we should talk about and seek out and write about, because it’s a huge reason why we care about these characters so much. And we should also continue to hold the show to a standard of not erasing the trauma, and give it space even when we’re realistic about how much space it can have in the kind of show 9-1-1 is. 
So I guess that’s a long way of saying I’m excited it seems that season 4 will focus a lot more in depth on character and dealing with all the stuff I listed above. And I can’t wait to see where Buck’s abandonment issues come from, or how Eddie and Buck could bond over having shitty parents. 
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demonprosecutor · 4 years
Miles Edgeworth is a big-shot prosecutor who, much like his mentor, specialized in the prosecution of super-powered individuals, more specifically, heroes and villains. He doesn’t have any powers; however, it does not dissuade from the fact that he has considerable influence to ensure that retribution is often a rarity in his line of work 
(far too often he’s heard stories about his colleagues being offed by a vengeful loved one or a villain who managed to smuggle in a weapon)
However, his luck was bound to run out anyways. After sending too many of their colleagues’ into high-security prison, Miles finds himself the unfortunate target to many villains and unfortunately takes up a new role of ‘Damsel-in-Distress’ if he wanted to play with cliches.
But even with his string of bad luck, the mysterious Firebird is someone who always seems to know when and if he’s in trouble. At the same time, Phoenix Wright had somehow reappeared in his life and now? He’s being SAVED on both ends, what does a man have to do in order to get a semblance of peace around these parts.
Or, as I like to call it, the “oh no, i fell in love with a superhero AND their secret identity unknowingly and i am in a crisis 24/7 about it” au
The world is composed of individuals who have powers and who don’t. Generally, there is peaceful co-existence between these two groups - however, there are spots of tension between the two that culminates in trouble. Sometimes, powered individuals use their abilities for evil and others use their powers for good. Non-powered individuals are usually stuck in the middle LMAO
Gregory Edgeworth is a non-powered defense attorney that specializes in crimes that are committed by powered individuals because they have the tendency to be indicted more harshly than non-powered individuals. He, while not too famous like his enemy, has steadily been growing in fame in terms of his willingness to help anyone no matter what, something that Miles, as a child, cherished.
As a kid, Miles, who is non-powered as well, is someone who grew up in a very loving environment. In spite of the fact that his father was a single father and sometimes came home late, he was always surrounded with a wealth of love and care from his father and his uncle. During this time, Phoenix and Larry, both powered individuals (and whose powers I will explain further downwards), were his tentative friends at the beginning - that is until the dreaded class trial. Phoenix was accused of stealing Miles’ money and the teacher + class was unfairly going against him, citing his powers as being evidence towards motivation for crime. But Miles stood up for him, his dad as inspiration, and told everyone off because you can’t accuse people without proof. From that moment on, these three were inseparable. 
They would always go to each other’s houses, always pair together for group projects, and always hang out - they were thick as thieves.
But tragedy struck around Christmas. Miles does not know exactly what happens, but all he knows is that when he woke up from fading consciousness, a moment of time seared in his mind for eternity is throwing the gun, the ear-splitting gunshot and a blink later, his father slumped dead on against the elevator wall.
From that moment on, it just goes downhill for Miles. He gets taken under Manfred’s wing and has the ideals of always getting a guilty verdict and people with powers are bad. For years and years, he grew up with this poisonous mindset with his adopted sister, Franziska, and together, they grew up to be the second-most feared prosecutors (the first being Manfred).
Meanwhile, Phoenix is desperately trying to find miles, trying to see if he could reconnect with him, but he never does. So in college, he ends up with Dahlia and gets subsequently accused of murder of Doug Swallow. He gets poisoned in the trial, a gift from Dahlia’s powers, but miraculously heals - figuring out another facet of his powers.
It is then when Phoenix meets up with Mia, determined after seeing that newspaper with Miles in it, she takes him under her wing and teaches him everything she knows about being both a defense attorney and a hero. Together, they make the dynamic duo of Firebird and Spirit! They fight crime on both sides of the law for years, while Phoenix thinks about his goal of reaching Miles.
Years later, Mia gets murdered by Redd White after obtaining information that could stop him and his company.
The trail for Mia’s murder is the first time Phoenix and Miles meet again. Instead of Winston taking the role of prosecution, it’s Miles!
Miles completely ignores Phoenix initially and focuses on the investigation and having the perfect trial. He does a lot more hands on investigations because sometimes, the police have a tendency to misplace evidence or not find things that he needs, so he’s at the crime scenes frequently. The night before the first trial, Miles goes to the crime scene where he first meets the hero Firebird. He is a bit of a jerk to Firebird before Miles writes him down as a potential suspect.
After his first loss, Miles is completely stunned. Before chalking it up to beginner’s luck. It doesn’t help that Manfred reprimands him very harshly for losing to a green attorney.
But for some reason, after that first trial, Miles ends up seeing more of Phoenix and Firebird around. Phoenix has the tendency to take cases that Miles is prosecuting for chances to talk to him and Firebird is always around the crime scene - he’s sure that they’re in cahoots with each other.
It’s difficult for Miles to talk to Phoenix because it brings up too many memories that he had repressed for his own mental health. But for some reason, Firebird is much easier to talk to.
It’s like Miles has a target at his back because he cannot go a few days without being kidnapped, being held at gunpoint, being used as hostage, and being rescued by Firebird, that insufferable flirt. However, Miles is reassured that he has someone out there who is willing to save him because not many would, especially since he would judiciously prosecute them without much guilt.
Firebird; however, is another story. 
He talks to Firebird and Phoenix about each other and it’s clear over the years that he’s slowly being less cold and more warm -- and it’s hard to not fall in love! Firebird is the one who falls in love first because if Phoenix is being honest, he’s been in love with Miles since forever, but it’s easier to confess behind a mask. And this was during a time where Miles hated powered people, so it was always left with taunts. But Phoenix never let that deter him, he had always cared for Miles, no matter what.
Eventually, Miles ends up falling for both Firebird and Phoenix and he spends many sleepless nights thinking about the hero who saves his life literally and his rival/best friend who saves his life emotionally.
Phoenix Wright AKA Firebird:
His powers are pyrokinesis, healing, flight, and regeneration
Body is the same fragility of humans, but if he dies, he crumples to ashes and comes back to life brand new and without injuries!
Miles Edgeworth, non-powered:
A prosecutor trained under Manfred von Karma, specializing in powered crime
Terribly unlucky to the point where people wondered if bad luck was his superpower
Franziska von Karma, powered, but repressing her abilities:
A prosecutor trained under Manfred von Karma, specializing in powered crime - eventually upgrades to international prosecutor
Her abilities, once found out, are ice powers!
Dating Maya
Maya Fey, non-powered:
A journalist charged with protecting the secret of the Kurain Village - which is a place for resting heroes or villains who wish to reform!
Dating Franziska
Pearl Fey, powered:
Her powers are super-strength, extreme durability, and extreme endurance
Literally the strongest AA character
Iris Fey, non-powered:
The twin of Dahlia and aided her charade with Phoenix back at college
Now she works at Kurain Village with Dahlia in the reformation of villains.
Dahlia Hawthorne AKA Sweet Tooth, powered:
Her powers are poison control!
She used to be a villain, but reformed
Works at Kurain Village with Iris in helping villains reform
Morgan Fey, powered:
Her powers are the same as Pearl’s; however, they are a LOT weaker than her daughter’s
Very scary
Larry Butz AKA Toy Soldier, powered:
Powers: brings inanimate objects to life
But he prefers to bring toys to life as puppets, not really an effective fighter, but he’s trying and that’s what counts!
The Phantom, powered:
Powers: can shapeshift perfectly down to their voices. They can also steal memories
They are the perfect assassin
Gumshoe, non-powered or is he? huehuehue
The detective partner of Edgeworth’s 
Very loyal and energetic! He is such a sweetheart
Manfred von Karma, non-powered
One of the best prosecutors for powered crime
An asshole jerk
Trucy Wright, powered:
Powers: teleportation
She uses her teleportation for her magic tricks, but shhh, don’t tell anyone, it’s a secret!
Apollo Justice AKA Chords of Steel, powered:
Powers: sound manipulation
His chords of steel are sometimes A BIT MUCH!
But he could manipulate sound to make his footsteps quieter, his ability is really versatile
He can only SCREAM
Klavier Gavin AKA Piano Man, powered:
Powers: sound manipulation
Can charm/mind control people, but NEVER EVER does it because he knows how bad it can get!
Kristoph Gavin, powered:
Powers: charm
Can charm/mind control people hehehe
Ema Skye, powered:
Powers: perception
She can see the gross nasty fluids from a crime that can be seen with the human eye, she loves it
Lana Skye, non-powered:
Once the Chief Prosecutor, but now jailed
Currently, she is on parole and is going to be soon let out for good behaviour
Athena, powered:
Powers: She has the capability of knowing someone’s TRUE emotions and their deepest desires
It’s honestly a curse because she frequently gets overstimulated by crowds
Blackquill, non-powered:
A fearsome prosecutor that was jailed for crimes not of his own making
He seeks the phantom and wishes to either put them in jail or kill them, whichever comes first.
Mia Fey AKA Spirit, powered:
Powers: psychokinesis + phasing
Phoenix’s mentor as both a defense attorney and as a hero
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hpdabbles · 4 years
While it was interesting to see Naruto reveal Peter is an agnimus or whatever as well as a death eater.....
Let Naruto reunite with Remus!
There was a whirlwind of people rushing everywhere after Rat-man was tackled, mayhem as every single customer tried to press themselves as far away from the struggling male or get closer to watch.
The family of redheads was one of the few that pressed closer though the eldest were pushing the children back. The twins stretched their necks to get a better look over the mother who is so stressed her hair was actually getting fizzier by the second. 
He could sympathize with her. The Leaf ninja preferred not involving civilians when he could but sometimes they made it so hard to control the crowds. There will always be that one person who wanted to get closer not measuring the risks if they did. 
It’s a good thing Naruto had never been in charge of crowd control. He always left that to whatever unfortunate level-headed teammate he was partnered with. He didn’t give anyone a second glance watching the struggling men with a keen eye looking for any weakness. 
Rat-man is pinned against the floor, his stomach to the ground with his arms bound behind his back in some kind of invisible justu. Naruto had of course jump in to save him, managed to knock the two men back, and kicked the strange chakra filled sticks from their hands in a flying kick one right after the other. The moment he got the shortest Auror’s stick the justu around Ratman’s wrist and ankles shatter like glass. 
The filthy man is on his feet in seconds snatching one of the sticks from the floor as he does, reaching out and yanking Naruto into his chest. The dull end of the wood is pressed against the jugular of the Leaf ninja. The crowd watching gasps, staring in horror, and the air in the room swiftly becomes strained  
“No one move! I’ll curse him if anyone so much as thinks of getting closer!” Ratman yells. Naruto tilts his eyes upwards confuse about why he being held like a hostage. Does his parents' friend not recognize him, thus thinking he was an enemy?
Not that it wouldn’t be surprising. After all the last time he saw Naruto the boy had been a baby of one going on two years old.
“Rat-man? It’s me. Harry Potter, James’ and Lily’s son. You know me.” He starts but that only causes the man holding him to jolt the wood harder in his skin. These are not the actions of an alley, nor of someone who doesn’t recognize him. Because for a brief moment there was regret in those blue eyes that glance down to meet his new green gaze. Rat man knows and he is still taking him hostage.
It clicks in his head then and a rush of rage the kind reserved for the worst of scum, those lowered then trash.  “You’re a traitor. The one that led that man to our house that night. The reason Mom and Dad are dead”
He throws back an elbow, grinning at the gasp of pain it causes before Naruto is falling into a low crouch. Using one foot to balance himself he swifts out a leg, quick as a snake, knocking the man off his feet when the grip on him flatters due to the elbow winding the man as he hoped. In the same movement, he summons three clones, as the man is tumbling over. 
One clone uses the back of his hand to knock the stick away, then throws a punch to the unprotected face. Rat-man’s nose crunches under his knuckles breaking the bones with a satisfying holler of pain. The second clone grabs hold of the strange robes to rotate them in a desire direction and slams Rat-man through a table, breaking the wood with the force he puts behind it. 
While the man is scrambling to regain his balance the last clone leaps into the air to land the heel of his shoe on the man’s temple knocking him out completely after he was dazed from breaking the table.  It’s over before it truly began. 
“Wow,” the little redhead girl from the family that had Rat-man whispers into the stun silence of the room as Naruto glares at the fallen man. 
“Traitors are worse than scum” Naruto hisses outrage he spent so many years of his new life worried for this man. A man who took two precious people away from him. 
The screen is then over-run by Aurors who insist Naruto accompany them to someplace called Ministry of Magic where he is await for his guardians to collect him. Knowing the Duresly as he does that may time may never actually come to be. 
The minutes turn to hours, slower and duller than the last. The green eye youth has no idea what has become of Rat-man, of what will happen to him, and how they would contact his aunt and uncle but his patience is running rather thin.
The Leaf ninja has entertained himself by practicing some chakra control and sticking the various objects he found in the office. He has so far attached five quills to his face, a potted plant to his head, and a spin of a book to his forehead. Since his chakra was still alarming large for the body he now held, Naruto had also carefully walked up the walls, and sat cross-legged on the ceiling overlooking the room from right in the center. 
Time moves agonizing slow, with no sign of anyone come to update him since they brought him to the room to wait. 
He is debating breaking out of the room- they locked it with some kind of Justu he isn’t familiar with but they left his chakra alone. It could be because they were underestimating him but Naruto got the feeling they honestly forgot. 
The door opens as he thinking half in a meditational trance of gathering natural chakra. A man gasps.  “What in the world-”
Naruto’s eyes rip open and right there stand one of the men he’s been searching for. The objects that were pressed to his body fall as his attention to his control shatters. He allows himself to fall down as well headfirst with a cry of glee. The man watching lets out a gasp rushing forward to catch him. The green-eyed boy lands perfectly in the arms of his fellow jinchuuriki. He threw his arms around the weary shoulders of someone who had to live alone for years, squeezing without his might. 
Not anymore. Naruto would not allow him to be lonely. No matter what anyone said or did, the ninja swore he would stay by this man’s side. “’Emus!  I found you!”
“I don’t-Harry? You remember me?” The words are spoken in bewilderment as if though he could not imagine anyone being this please to see him.
“Of course I do!” The boy gushes pressing his face into the strong neck near him. There are a lot of new scares here, more than he can remember each tingling with faded but ever-present charka of a tail beast. Had his prisoner attempted to take the body by force to the point it injured ‘Emus in a way it could not heal? How awful. 
His poor ‘Emus.
“Mr.Lupin.” Someone says with slight disapproval. The tone makes the young man bristle protectively. Is this one of those people who don’t think Jinchuuriki has the right to behave like people? 
“Yes of course.” ‘Emus attempts to set him on his feet but the boy only clings to him tighter glaring over the shoulder of the fretting man to a woman in pink who watches with lips pressed tightly. “Harry please get down. We need to speak to you about Sirius Black-”
“I believe you used to call me Dog-man” A jagged and hoarse voice calls from behind the woman. The lady's face twists as if though she smelled something awful stepping away from a skeleton of a man in striped clothes and long unwashed hair. He looks haunted, broken in the same way he has seen Leaf comrades do when they rescue them from enemy lines. His eyes look weary, his body shifting in nervousness almost as if he isn’t sure how Naruto will react to him.
It only due to the sense of Dog that the number one leaf village’s knucklehead ninja recognize him. 
“Dog-man!” Naruto lets go of ‘Emus to run towards the man. He stops himself from initiating physical contact as that is the basic protocol for recovered comrades, waiting just out of arms reach for the other to control how Naruto can touch him. 
Dog-man’s eyes grow water. “Look at you. Just like James.”
Naruto smiles. “I have my mom’s eyes don’t I? Mean a part of me is pretty.”
Dog man looks startled for a second before he throws his head back and barks out a laugh as savage as his appearance. It’s lovely to see some life bloom on that sullen face which makes his signature grin-the real one- grow on Naruto’s face
A pointed clearing of a throat breaks the sound and the woman in pink steps forward. “While this is lovely and all we must not forget why we are here.”
“We are aware Miss. Umbridge” ‘Emus says his tone just a touch aware from being respectful. He walks over but strangely he keeps his distance from Dog-man who throws him a desperately longing look as the other man looks anywhere but him. 
“What’s going on?” Naruto asks meaning between the two males but the Umbridge must have misken his meaning since she gives him a sweetly fake smile that has his skin crawling with distaste.
“Mr. Potter, the ministry has come into newfound evidence that Mr. Black was falsely accused of being a Death Eater. Earlier today he has been released from his cell and is now pending compensation. He asked to speak to you but as you would know the ministry could not allow a man driven mad by Azkaban to be near such an important figure such as yourself alone and we are here to prepare a visiting schedule-”
“What’s Azkaban?” Naruto cuts her off. Her face tightens with rage about interrupted but ‘Emus answers before she can say anything.
“A prison for wizards. A very bad prison. A place that can make people go insane. No one ever comes out right from there” There is a dull hollowness that speaks of guilt in the jinvhuuriki’s voice. 
The boy nods looking up at Dog-man who seems as if though he hasn’t been feed properly in years, bathed, or even sleep correctly either. His whole face has gone pasty white, whatever cheer the laughter he had earlier has been chased away. “Why was he sent there?”
“We believed he was a Death Eater. A terrible war crime you see.” The woman says in a faux sweet tone like she was speaking to a child who asked why the sky was blue.  
“So you made a mistake, punished a man for a crime he didn’t commit, and now blame him for being a bit loony after sending him to a place you design to make people loony?” He no longer held Kurama in him but sometimes when Naruto got angry he could feel a shade of the fox’s dangerous aura filling the air around him. The three must have felt the same sense everyone tense. “You won’t let me near Dog-man for a stupid reason like that? Do I understand you correctly?”
“Mr. Potter you must understand. This is for your safety and the safety of the public.” Umbridge says through clenched teeth. She looks pale, trembling with wide eyes clutching the clipboard she brought with her to her chest. “Mr. Black will be allowed trips out of his house with a ministry champion, scheduled and organize -”
“You. Are not. Placing him under. House. Arrest.” Naruto growled grasping what she meant quickly. This was the same thing a ninja would tell a traveling merchant who was not allowed to leave their lands for whatever reason once stepping in the village.
 Sometimes it was to gain their merchandise exclusively for the village, others it was to hold them as hostages for traders or to steal their trade routes. This was a perfectly legal practice done since the Clan war.  Naruto always planned on changing that law when he became Hokage once upon a time. “If you do I will person rip you all apart.”
“Is that a threat?” She sneered only to cower at Naruto's ruthless grin.
“No, it’s a promise.” He allowed his killing intent to fill the air. Dog-man gasp while ‘Emus pulled out his want and the Umbridge fainted. Naruto made no move to catch her watching her hit the ground with a satisfied smile.
“H-Harry-what -how did you-?” Dog-man starts but Naruto breezes past him.
“I’ll be right back. I got to go yell at the person in charge to let them know how dumb that idea is. Don’t worry we will all live in the same house by the end of the day believe it!”
For Naruto wasn’t allow anyone to tell him he couldn’t. Not after so many years of searching. 
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thehitchikerdude · 3 years
I love all my d&d characters but Pipes is arguably the best of all of them
I have a weird habit of being cagey with info about all of them too
Faust Liadon Ravensbrook had his own shit with his dad and the kid he was involved with the killing of. I'm so glad that @nickandros and @beholdingslut have given him a new lease as being a stay-at-home dad with a wonderful family because honestly that's what he was after
Glade never explained his reasoning for adventuring. His time in the Feywild and subsequent discordance with how time was actually progressing made him anxious to ever go back there in case he spent like 50 years there and he ended up outliving the children that he had rescued from a storm as a result of that, then caused him to go adventuring as a way of avoiding the Feywild portals once and for all
Salilius (no last name, the name he made for the contract with D'Orien were based on his brother and parents' names) was simply a dude trying to support his like-minded friends and ending up getting exiled with them. He doesn't know that his "stealing office supplies" method of getting magic is probably worse for him than he expects and he be doesn't have a huge amount left to live for given his one remaining loved one is someone he regards as a sister who is now being held hostage by a prospective war profiteer. He's now worried that she'll betray him and end up being the BBEG of the campaign, because he didn't do enough to protect her, like he should have done with the rest of the party who he went to Ythryn with. Sali feels responsible for not protecting then from the Frostmaiden even though there wasn't much he could have done. He feels a LOT of survivors guilt as the two of 15 or so that did survive. He feels like he could have done more for Elanoir while they were still together and that he could have outright killed Frederick FUCKING D'Orien when he had the chance
Pipes. Just wanted to help people and hopefully find his older siblings. He wished the best for anyone he came across
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randomguywithwords · 4 years
As The Dust Settles: Chapter 22 (Geten X Dabi Slowburn)
Chapter 22: Lost Memories
AO3 Link
Previous Chapters: 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
On Friday, Dabi found himself surrounded by four figures, recognising only one by his still-long silver hair like strands of moonlight, his hardened, battle-scarred face and calm expression. 
“This is a nice reunion. I can’t say I remember all of you – mostly because I don’t care to do so, but if Nine let you guys into his special club, you guys are likely decent.” Dabi smirked, eyeing each of them in turn. 
The rightmost one, an imposing wolf-man gave a growl. “Decent? I’ll show you decent.”
“Chimera,” Nine, to his left, spoke softly. To Dabi’s surprise, the subordinate huffed and stayed silent. Turning back to face Dabi, Nine said, “It has indeed been a while. You understand the logistics of this experiment?”
“Shigaraki put me to it, of course I do.” 
“Then let us proceed.” Nine stepped towards him, while his minions tensed up. 
“Nine, are you sure about this?” The skinny man directed a glare towards Dabi. Dabi didn’t need that to tell him they were suspicious of him. 
“I’ll be in safe hands. We will meet at the location I’ve given you all. Take care, friends.” Nine gave a wave of dismissal, and with some reluctance, the remaining three departed in silence. 
“Alright, let’s go.” Dabi pocketed his hands and began leaving the forest clearing, heading back towards Deika City. He heard Nine’s footsteps behind him. 
“Your demeanour has certainly shifted. What happened to the old Vengeance?”
“You, obviously.”
Dabi racked his brain, but the name didn’t ring a bell. “Well, I don’t call myself that horrible name now.”
“I’ve heard. Numerous cases of burnt corpses or piles of ashes, blue flames. They call you Dabi now. I thought it was peculiar, but it made sense when I could no longer contact your old mentor.” 
“Your squadmate.” Dabi corrected, the fact returning to his memories. As Nine’s voice entered his head, it hummed in resonance with old recollections where he had met the man in his teenagehood. He now recalled the one encounter, out of the few, where Dabi had first seen that calm, controlled countenance contort with rage, born from the ideology he stole. 
“It confused me initially. I wondered why a man you respected and perhaps even cared for would be subject to your flames. The possibilities ranged from hallucinogens to collateral damage. But no.” Nine murmured. “You killed Dabi intentionally, didn’t you?”
Dabi was silent for three seconds, the air cold as winter storms. “You were right,” Touya said. “He left me for dead, but I escaped, and then...yeah.”
Nine sighed. “How poetic. To die by his partner’s hands, as he let his squad die all those years ago. But that brings me to my other question.”
They were drawing near to civilization, weaving through pine trees and stepping over brooks. 
“Why take his name?” 
“Figure it out yourself,” Dabi said with a forceful tone of finality. “We’re almost reaching the place.” 
To his credit, Nine dropped the subject. Perhaps he did so because he needed what Shigaraki had to offer. Antagonising Dabi wouldn’t be smart.
They were reaching one of the tunnels that led to the Liberation Front’s assembly square, now empty. It was empty, likely only watched by Skeptic’s surveillance. But a few raised eyebrows is all it would draw; Skeptic was too cowardly to question Dabi’s tasks or Shigaraki’s plans. 
“Here?” Dabi heard disgust in Nine’s tone as the musty air rushed out of the opening doors. 
“Can’t let anyone see us. This is good.” Dabi shut the doors behind them. Tapping his earpiece, he said, “We’re good, Doc.”
“I’ve been waiting for a while now,” Ujiko huffed on the other end of the line. “Give me a second.”
“Have a safe trip, Nine, I’ll see you on Monday.” Dabi waved, concealing a grin. 
Nine gave a nod, before Ujiko’s teleportation took hold of his form, and Nine’s body disappeared within the swampy goo. 
Dabi leaned against the wall, feeling more memories return of the other Dabi. The first Dabi. Did I ever know his name? I don’t think he, nor Nine, ever told me. Special forces… all that secrecy. 
He felt his fire ignite on his arm out of instinct. He willed it to die, and instead, let the past engulf him. 
“What’s your name, kid?” 
“Touya.” I rubbed my hands out of instinct. What time is it? How long did I sleep?
“I can shoot fire.” 
“Was it you back there? The fire at that mall in the afternoon?” 
“No,” I lied. 
The stranger cocked his head. “I ain’t gonna report you to the police, kid. I’m not exactly on best terms with them myself.” 
“Are you…” The word on the tip of my tongue was like a matchstick to a fuse. 
“A villain?” He scoffed. “I just fixed you up and gave you a place to sleep for the night. Do I look like one?” 
I looked him up and down. Grey coat, green goggles on his forehead, a cigarette in his hand. “No,” I said. 
“Well, your perception needs some work.” He leaned back on the creaky folding chair. “Officially, I’m considered one, but unlike the thugs in alleys like this, I have standards. And I don’t take kids hostage, even if you’re Endeavour’s kid.” 
I backed away, my back slamming against the mouldy bricks. “How did you —“ 
“Please, a fire quirk, and recent sightings of Endeavour at the same mall that was set on fire? Don’t play dumb with me.” 
“That was his doing,” I argued. 
He took a puff and clucked his tongue. “Now you’re blaming it on your dad? Not very filial.” 
“I hate my dad.” The venom coursed through every word I spat out, which seemed to startle even the stranger.
“Hm, some spirit in you. Well, take that bravado and run off now, why don’t you?” 
He quirked his eyebrow. “You heard me, shoo.” 
“But…” My head drooped. “I’ve nowhere to go. I’m running away.”
“Well, you should have thought of a plan before setting fire to a mall, using that as an escape, and nearly choking to death in the flames you made.” Every word in that sentence made my skin shudder. 
I was desperate, I wanted to say, but desperation would only paint me as prey in the underbelly of society, my next stage of hell that the gods were benevolent enough to throw me into.  
“I can help you,” I decided to say, raising my head, mustering the drops of defiance in myself.
The man snorted. “How exactly does a 13 year old kid benefit me? I don’t do teams, boy.” 
“What if I beat you in a fight?” I clenched my fists, which still stung from the wounds. 
He scanned my form and the guise of confidence on my face. “Oh, so you were trained by Endeavour. I thought you were one of those prissy boys enjoying a rich life.”
My face drained of heat and colour. How did he know?
“Look, I’m not a smart guy, but I’m smarter than you. I can make my own assumptions, one of which is that I’d win you in a fight. No contest.”
“I…” My voice trailed off.
“How about this?” The man said, throwing his cigarette behind him. “You know hide and seek?” 
I frowned. “Yes. It’s a childish game.”
“I don’t think so. I think it’s one of the best strategies for its simplicity. Let’s play that game. Give me a minute, then go to the nearby park. It’s midnight, no one will see you. And if you get caught by a stray policeman, I’m not saving you again. Anyway, if you can find me, I’ll let you in. Got it?” 
I gulped, hoping this wasn’t dangerous for myself, but considering how I’d be unconscious for a couple of hours and he hadn’t done anything, I felt a sense of trust in this stranger. 
“Ok, tha – thank you. How long do I have?”
“60 seconds. Start counting.” With that, he left the alley. 
Ten seconds in, I wondered if he was simply leaving me as a twisted joke. How far could he run in a minute? What was his quirk anyway? 
Twenty seconds in, I contemplated scrounging this hideout for whatever I could find and running from him, but the guilt of betraying his hospitality stopped me. 
Thirty seconds in, in a moment of panic, I thought he was going to turn me in. What if people died in the fire? I would be held responsible, wouldn’t I? What if everything he said about himself being a villain was a lie?
The minute felt stretched into eternity with the unceasing torrent of worries flooding my mind. But after being frozen in one spot throughout, I heard myself say 60. Taking a deep breath, I got up and left the hideout, entering the cold night. 
Dabi heard the door groan open. He opened his eyes to see a familiar form, shrouded by a recognizable parka hood.
“You?” Dabi frowned. “What are you doing here?”
Geten’s form went rigid, like a burglar who had been caught by a flashlight. 
“I thought...there was a meeting,” She said. 
“And you chose to enter by this tunnel?” His tone was acidly amused. 
Geten didn’t reply for a couple of seconds. “Yes.” 
Dabi sighed. “For a lieutenant, you’re shit at lying. You were following me, weren’t you? Why would you enter an empty place where you know your entrance would be heard so goddamn clearly?” 
“You were in there for a while. I thought,” She caught herself, but relented. “I thought something happened to you. That man. He looked dangerous.”
Dabi’s breath was stuck in his throat. It was his turn to be stunned. “I was fine, alright. I’m just thinking. So, how much did you hear?” He folded his arms in annoyance, but he found it suddenly difficult to muster anger against her.
“Next to nothing, apart from your farewell. What are you doing when the Festival starts?” 
“I’ll be there during the Festival. Don’t worry.” Dabi figured Twice could simply generate a copy of him. Technically, it was the truth. 
“You’re a liar.” The emotion in her words took him aback, as if that really struck a painful chord in her. “You wouldn’t sound so reassuring. What’s going on?” 
Ugh. Shigaraki won’t be happy if I told her. 
“I’m not going to divulge this to anyone. I’ve no intention to, anyway,” She added.
“It’s just a side task, okay? You can handle the regiment just fine.”
Geten was quiet, then she spoke, “Can we continue this somewhere else?”
“Wouldn’t want to make the amateur mistake you did when speaking to that man.” She gestured around them. 
Ah. Dabi had an idea what she intended to say. “If you say so. Where’s a good place?” 
But Geten responded only by opening the door and motioned for him to follow. 
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miracleboiz · 4 years
Making A Home Ch.24.5
Kita Shinsuke  had experienced a lot in life. He had been raised with his  grandmother, a loving foster parent and for some time he followed in her  foot steps before finding his own path. He thought his foster care  license had expired before getting a call at three am with two small  boys thrust into his arms. Miya Osamu and Atsumu, from broken homes but  still fighting. Thirty days before his license expires. Thirty days to  make a choice, keep the boys or let them be separated into different  homes. Thirty days to fall in love with them.
Words: 100k+
Relationships: Ojiro Aran/Kita Shinsuke, Gen
Warnings: Mention of past child abuse, non-graphic abuse
Not from Kita, but it is mentioned. I will post any warnings before any panic attacks or vague descriptions of abuse.
Read below or on AO3
“Promise me you’ll never celebrate my birthday.” Shinsuke’s dry voice made Aran laugh as he looked around the room. It was covered from the ceiling to the wood flooring with streamers and balloons, wrapping paper was gliding happily over the floor every time one of the kids ran past. Lady was happily on the tile of the kitchen floor, accepting attention from everyone who passed and licking the ankles of every child.
They had all invaded Shinsuke’s home as soon as the birthday party had been confirmed and Friday came. It wasn’t just the kids either, everyone in the shop and the Matsukawa’s had insisted on coming as well, not even mentioning Oomimi and Akagi.
“Can’t promise that… But I’ll make it a lot smaller.” Aran said back, leaning a little more comfortably against the wall. Hitoshi took off suddenly, Osamu hot on his tail, only to yelp as he slipped on wrapping paper. Aran and Shinsuke both jolted forward only to relax again as Hajime caught the child without even looking, lifting Hitoshi up with one arm and swinging him in between himself and Asahi so Osamu wouldn’t slam into him.
“Boys! What did we say about running?” Tooru’s voice called from where he was being held down for Shirofuki’s lesson to Rintaro and Akira about how to match clothes together. “Pick up the wrapping paper at the very least, thank you.”
Hitoshi and Osamu both looked appropriately admonished, especially Hitoshi who was still clinging to Hajime’s arm from his fall. Osamu turned back to start picking up the wrapping paper, then he paused.
“Oh there it goes.” Shinsuke sighed, voice incredibly fond. “Cain instinct.”
“The what-” Aran turned to ask only to look back at the sound of loud crackling and saw Osamu crunching the wrapping paper into small balls and chucking them at his brother’s back. “Ah.”
Atsumu squealed, diving behind Shigeru for protection, glowering at his brother. It was only for a few more seconds before Atsumu was moving to tackle his brother, trying to shove the wrapping paper into his shirt and both of them scrambled for each piece to attack each other with. Hitoshi just watched in absolute fascination, not even noticing when he was released from Hajime’s hold.
“They’ve calmed down a lot since they went out with you on Tuesday.” Shinsuke commented, carefully sneaking a glance over at Aran. Almost immediately Aran’s face shifted with guilt, and Shinsuke told his anxiety to quiet itself.
“And I know Atsumu told Osamu a secret the next morning and ever since then, they haven’t been worried about anything.” Shinsuke continued, moving his gaze back to the boys and Shinji trying to wriggle his way in between them despite Rintaro’s calls for them to keep fighting. Shinji was currently just trying to hug them into submission and it was, amusingly, seemingly working.
“Ah…” Aran sighed, breathing in slowly and letting it out again. “I’d apologize but I’m not sorry…”
Aran straightened his back as he turned to look at Shinsuke, brown eyes filled with so much more emotion then they had any right to be. Shinsuke tilted his head up, waiting patiently for him to continue. There was no point in speculating, if Aran had ever been in the habit of lying Shinsuke would have never been his friend much less fallen in love with him.
“I told Atsumu that if you didn’t want to adopt him and Osamu that I would. I’m assuming that’s what he told Osamu about.” Aran said, though the guilt lingered at the corner of his downturned mouth his eyes were bright with a resolute will.
Shinsuke didn’t say anything for a moment, wondering if it was the wrong moment to kiss Aran. Probably. The urge still lingered, however.
“Was there a particular reason? Or did you just want it to be known?” Shinsuke kept his voice neutral, watching the flicker of recognition in Aran’s eyes. He wasn’t upset, he wasn’t blaming Aran or angry he told them, but he was curious. Aran wasn’t the type to just tell people how he felt, he preferred to show it until he had no other choice.
“You weren’t certain if you could handle the boys even though you wanted them, and Asumu was panicking about being sent away. So I told him the truth, if for any reason you couldn’t or wouldn’t adopt them, they weren’t going to be sent away. I’d adopt them.”
“Ah, I should have guessed that… I’m going to ask them, after the party, if they’d like to stay with me. I don’t want them to stress about it right now, let them have their fun. But I’ve changed quite a few things the last few days, and I’ve been better for it, better for them.” Shinsuke informed him, heart turning to liquid at the same time it started to beat rapidly at the sweet affection on Aran’s face. His warm brown eyes softened as the guilt finally dripped from his lips and he was smiling so soft and small that Shinsuke wanted to kiss him to make it bigger.
“I noticed. I’m proud of you.” Aran murmured softly and Shinsuke hummed in response, not fully trusting himself to speak. “When I came home, you were on edge like you were waiting for a giant shoe to finally fall and crush you. Now… You’ve smiled six times in the last hour and honestly I think it’s a world record, has Akagi given you your award yet?”
Shinsuke shoved him away, rolling his eyes at the tease. Aran took a step back graciously, laughing heartily and drawing the attention of Osamu and Atsumu. They paused in their mutual shirt stuffing of the wrapping paper into a wriggling Shinji’s shirt, glancing at each other and then the adults as if thinking they caused it. Staring at the two, Atsumu shoved two wrapping paper balls in Shinji’s shirt again, making him squeal at the cold material and swat at both of them.
“Atsumu, don’t kill your friend.” Shinsuke said but he couldn’t stop his own chuckle, laughing a little harder when they both responded by covering Shinji with more wrapping paper. Much more and Shinji would be buried beneath a mountain, but he didn’t seem particularly distressed.
“You should go get your kids under control.” Aran chuckled and Shinsuke stepped forward only to toss an innocent look over his shoulder.
“I’ll get them if you can clean up our kids mess.” Shinsuke said easily, turning away and moving to hustle the boys off of each other as Aran seemed to break down behind him.
“Shinsuke.” Aran whined, only managing to move forward as Shinsuke removed his twins from Shinji’s new grave and shooed them off to join Takahiro and Hitoshi for more cake.
“Atsumu~ How’s your first birthday party?” Shinji asked, sitting comfortably on Takahiro’s lap as wrapping paper pieces were tugged off of him from where the tape had stuck.
Atsumu wasn’t quite sure how to say he’d literally never been more excited in his life so he just grinned and hugged the stuffed cat he’d gotten from Akira tightly to his chest. He looked up as a hand descended into his hair for a moment, watching Shinsuke continue on his path to the kitchen to help Oomimi with dishes.
He didn’t know what changed, not really, but Shinsuke was a lot more like he had been when they first met. Honest and firm, but kind and gentle. He didn’t seem so stressed anymore and Atsumu was pretty sure it was because of Aran, no matter what Aran said Atsumu knew they had to be married at this point. If his husband was in France for years, he’d be really tired and sad like Shinsuke had been the week before. But now he was okay and happy again!
Fear and apprehension still bubbled in his stomach, knowing that Shinsuke still might not want them… But if he was really married to Aran and Aran said he loved Atsumu and Osamu, then Shinsuke probably did too.
Or at least that’s what his six year old mind told him to keep him from feeling like he was going to start crying when he thought of Shinsuke trying to give them away again.
“I really like my presents! I didn’t know you got cool things for bein’ born.” He said when Shinji started to wriggle impatiently. “Like my new kitty!”
“Princess!” Akira chirped, hands waving at the toy he’d picked out for Atsumu that did indeed look like the Matsukawa family cat.
“Yes sweetie, you can see Princess later, you wanted Atsumu to keep the small Princess remember?” Tooru said from where he was holding Akira hostage behind them on the couch. He and Takahiro had been chosen to watch the kids while the remaining adults cleaned up the mess caused by half a dozen six year olds and an overly excited Akira who believed in destruction.
“Boo.” Akira huffed, turning and waving his hands at Osamu this time. “Oniisan. Oniisan.”
He chanted, shoving Shigeru’s face with a whine when Shigeru tried to grab him. He flapped his hands at Osamu again, even more aggressively.
“Oniisan.” He said, turning to stare at his dad before pointing at Osamu. “Oniisan.”
“Well that’s rude.” Shigeru huffed, ignoring his father’s amused smile as Akira was lowered to the ground and allowed to waddle over to Osamu until he could face plant onto his lap and close his eyes for a nap. Shigeru gave him a few seconds of peace before he flopped onto his side and laid his head on Akira’s back.
“That’s rude.” Shinji giggled, leaning back against Takahiro as Hitoshi tried to push Rintaro down to get his own spot to nap.
“I’m not a pillow.” Rintaro insisted, swatting the hands coming at his face with a whine.
“Rin-kun, I’m tired.” Hitoshi insisted. “Why can Shigeru nap but you’re just mean to me? You let him nap on you on the way over, do you like him more than me?”
“What? No, of course no- ah!” Rintaro froze at the accusation and Hitoshi immediately used it to shove him over and flop over his stomach. “You’re a bully, Hitoshi-kun. You can fight your own fights now.”
“Mmmnope.” Hitoshi yawned, blinking like a happy cat to Atsumu. “Wait, everyone gets to snuggle ‘cept ‘Tsum.”
The younger child was starting to sit up, looking genuinely worried as Atsumu waved the cat toy.
“No, I have Princess-” He fell backwards as something dove into him and the rest of the group burst into giggles at the sight of Shinji giving Atsumu one of his infamous hugs. “I have Shinji too.”
“Your kids are mean.” Takahiro told Tooru, looking down at his now empty lap. Tooru just laughed, waving him over and tugging him onto the couch with him.
“Funny, I was about to say the same thing. Also that you forgot to tell us you adopted Osamu.”
“Oh no, that was fully Akira, he signed the birthday card himself to make it official.” Takahiro hummed, leaning in to rub their noses together as a chorus of ‘ew’s rose up from the kids. “Oh hush or you’re not getting anymore goodnight kisses from me.”
Shigeru and Shinji instantly clamped their hands around their own mouths, leaving Akira to mumble in his sleep as Osamu awkwardly tried to pet his hair like Shinsuke did for him.
“I want a goodnight kiss! That would be the best birthday gift.” Atsumu gasped, blinking at the two adults as they seemed to wince. “What is it-”
A loud squeal erupted from him as two wet kisses were smushed into his cheeks on either side from the eldest Matsukawa boys. Atsumu giggled, not able to hear what Tooru and Takahiro were saying before they were laughing.
“Me next!” Hitoshi gasped, sitting up and elbowing Rintaro in his haste.
“No! I don’t want kisses-”
“Rin-kun wants kisses too! It’s night time, all the good night kisses!” Hitoshi insisted, loud shrieks of laughter erupting from the group as Shigeru and Shinji dragged Atsumu over to help hold Rintaro down despite his half-hearted whines.
“Okay… I’ll claim that habit, that was me.” Takahiro hummed, pressing a kiss to his partner’s forehead as they watched to make sure no one pushed anyone too far even for affection.
“I think the best birthday present would be parents.” Osamu said, rather lost in thought as his hand patted up and down on Akira’s head. Takahiro shot a pointed glance at Tooru, grumbling when he got a gentle nuzzle to his cheek instead.
“Just be patient, Osamu, I don’t think you have to wait for that much longer.” Tooru said, watching the child’s eyes slide over them to the kitchen. A wide smile started to spread over his face and he looked back to Tooru.
“I think so too!” He chirped, returning to his rhythmic patting of Akira’s head. “Aran and Shinsuke-san just need to walk, ice skating is really hard after all!”
Aran didn’t lift the arm from his eyes as a weight settled beside him.
“Didja finally manage to wrangle him in?” Aran asked, tucking the passed out Atsumu more comfortably against his chest.
“Passed out as soon as I picked him up, Lady helped.” Shinsuke’s voice came from his side before his head was settling onto Aran’s shoulder.
The volleyball player let his arm drop, wrapping it around Shinsuke’s shoulders and gently stroking over Osamu’s hair as the child snuffled in his sleep. Shinsuke yawned, eyes half shut as he tilted his head up to blink prettily up at Aran.
“... I’m glad I don’t have to go to work tomorrow.” Is all he said and Aran snorted, amused at the bright silver eyes taking him in. “What’re you doin’ tomorrow?”
“Mm, not much, it’s my day off too. I was going to let Lady go to the park with me, but that’s all… But I’m open for whatever you want.”
“I could be asking for you to be a nude model.” Shinsuke pointed out and Aran had to stifle another laugh to keep from waking up the boys.
“Oh yeah? And how are you planning on keeping the boys entertained during that?”
“... You make a good point… When were you planning on taking Lady out?” Shinsuke said, glancing over at the patter of paws as Lady moved over to sniff at them after hearing her name so much. She sniffled at Atsumu’s feet before sliding down to relax against the bottom of the couch.
“Mm, about seven or eight… When do the boys get up?” Aran tilted his head until he could just barely nose at Shinsuke’s hair and Shinsuke shifted even closer. He pressed a kiss there instead, too tired to care about pretending when Shinsuke didn’t care.
“Sevenish, though they may sleep in a little…. Mind if we tag along?”
Aran didn’t bother to tell him that he’d do anything to spend the day with the boys. He just pressed another kiss to his head and hummed in agreement.
“I should get going… Otherwise I’m going to fall asleep on the way home.” Aran sighed, already shifting to get up when an arm wrapped around him.
“Aran. We’re adults. You can sleep in the bed with me…” They both glanced at Atsumu’s loud whine at being shifted before he managed to wrap his arms fully around Aran’s neck. “Mmmkay, sleep in the bed with the three of us.”
Shinsuke didn’t bother to hide his lap, eyes half shut as his arm released Aran to pat at the bottom of the couch until Lady licked his hand.
“Four of us.” He amended and Aran chuckled.
“Do I need to carry the four of you to bed then?”
“Mmhmm… Soon, I would hope, otherwise I’m blaming you for my back pain.” Shinsuke mumbled, mechanically stroking Lady’s fur.
“And mine? For carrying you?”
“Mmm… ask me again in a month. When we’ve had the kids for a bit, might be ready to kiss you then… I think I just need a month… Adjust ‘n everythin’.” Shinsuke said into Aran’s shoulder as he tried to hold him again when Aran started to move.
“... I’ll give you eternity either way.” Aran murmured into his hair, pressing a final kiss there before pulling Atsumu free from his neck. It took some coaxing to get him to hold onto the pillow instead, but eventually Aran was able to get him off and slip Osamu from Shinsuke. He took hold of Atsumu again, wincing as his beard was grabbed.
The trip was fast, Lady trotting after them to jump onto the bed and curl around the twins. Then Aran was back, slipping his arms around Shinsuke’s back and under his legs before lifting. Shinsuke nuzzled into the hold, another yawn dragging one from Aran.
“Remind me… to ask the boys tomorrow… Got t’busy tonight… Not putting it off… just tired.” Shinsuke mumbled into his neck, clearly letting go of everything, even his own discipline to leave Aran in charge.
“I will. Now go ahead and sleep.” Aran murmured, carrying him to the bed and barely managing to crawl in himself and tuck the blankets up when the twins were moving. They seemed only awake enough to move toward the closest heat source, scrambling over Shinsuke until they were half laid across both of the adults.
Aran hummed and closed his eyes, letting the boys get settled without another thought.
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s-oulpunk · 5 years
Alright I don’t have the time or brain capacity to write out an entire fic, but I’ve been thinking about Disney channel movie AUs and I need to write them out somehow.
First of all, Descendants.  A Descendants AU is NEEDED.
I know the obvious is to make Bill the prince/king.  To make Richie one of the Isle of the Lost kids.  But is that what we’re gonna do?  No.  Here’s what we’re gonna do instead:
Stan is the prince/king, and Richie is his best friend/right hand man.  Ben and Mike are also their friends, maybe Ben is the son of that one Dwarf (I can’t remember the character’s name sorryy).
Bill, Eddie, and Bev are the kids from Isle of the Lost.  It doesn’t particularly matter who their parents are, but Bill is the Mal character, Bev is Evie, and Eddie is a mix of Carlos and Jay.  Not literally bc they have different personalities, but, like, their places in the story.  Alright.  Hell yeah.  Now onto the actual story.
Stan spends a lot of time thinking about what he wants his first proclamation as king to be.  He talks to Richie, Ben, and Mike about his idea and, with a little bit of a push, he tells his parents he wants to invite some of the kids from Isle of the Lost to go to their school. (Which btw confused me abt the original movie.  Why is Ben king? He’s still in school. His dad isn’t sick. Who decided it was time for a 16 year old to be in charge of an entire kingdom?  Also where is the rest of the kingdom?  We only see the school.  Is the school the entire kingdom?  It doesn’t matter but those are my thoughts on the matter.)
Bill gets the invitation and, initially, wants to throw it away.  He doesn’t care, he likes his home.  It’s what he’s always known.  But Georgie practically begs him to go.  He’s more wide-eyed and naive than Bill is, so the idea of the great big world outside the island is so magical to Georgie.  Bill agrees to go, agreeing to write to Georgie everyday and promising to try and find a way to get him over too.
I don’t think either of Bill’s parents would care much about Fairy God Mother’s wand though, so either Eddie’s mom or Bev’s dad is the one to demand they steal it.  Eddie already has a different plot, so we’re going to say it’s Bev’s dad who wants the wand.  Sonia is lazy.  Alvin is power hungry.
Anyway, when they get there, Stan is there to greet them.  Bill and Stan see each other and are kinda like 👀 but then they just ignore that because feelings?? Who wants to think about that??  Stan’s still kind of wary of them, and Bill still thinks they’re all stuck up pricks.  So neither of them want to admit the other is cute.
Ben takes them to their rooms, and him and Bev are much more relaxed about realizing their feelings for each other.  They don’t act on it right away, but it doesn’t freak them out as much.  Bev makes Ben blush with her easy going nature, Ben makes Bev giddy with his natural kindness.  They can’t help but fall head over heels for each other.
But it’s Eddie who really lectures them on this.  His mom had instilled this fear inside him that these new people were going to hurt him. He desperately believes that a relationship with any of these people, that getting too settled, is going to hurt them. All he wants to do is help his friends get the wand and get out.
That is until he meets Richie.  They’re in PE when Mike’s dog manages to get away from his leash and, of course, chases after the one person TERRIFIED of dogs (AKA Eddie).  And Eddie, whose mother filled his head with stories about rabies and being torn limb from limb, fucking bolts.  Mike and Richie (who was in class with him) both try to find him.  Richie manages to find him first, hiding half up a tree as Mr Chips (that’s Mike’s dog’s name, right?) barks like a madman.  Richie manages to coax him down with the promise that Mr Chips won’t actually hurt him.  He does sniff him, but he quickly decides he’s not a threat and demands pets instead.  From then on, Richie and Eddie are inseparable.
Bev and Eddie are both making friends, so they’re starting to care less and less about stealing Fairy God Mother’s wand.  But Bill’s only worry is still finding a way to get Georgie off the island.  And as far as he knows, getting the wand will achieve that.  So he manages to convince Bev and Eddie to still go along with the plan, promising that if the villains do take over again, Ben and Richie won’t be in the line of fire.
Unfortunately, the only way they know to get the wand is to seduce Stan (because the wand will crown him king or something during coronation.  I forget why the wand is there.  But it is.  And if someone’s dating Stan, they get to stand right next to the wand.  Idk man.) Bev and Eddie beg Bill to do it, not wanting to risk their new romantic interests, and Bill pretends to throw a fit but he’s actually really glad it’s him.  He would definitely be low-key jealous if one of his friends got to date the unfairly pretty prince.
So they sneak Stan a love potion and everything’s going great except UH OH Stan’s actually really sweet?? And cute??  And he cares about what Bill has to say??  He spends hours reading Bill’s stories, doesn’t mind posing whenever Bill wants to sketch him (which is OBVIOUSLY just for show, he doesn’t actually wanna draw Stan hahaha😳), and never makes fun of Bill’s stutter.  He never even rolls his eyes or tells him to, “spit it out,” he just waits patiently with a soft smile on his face and a sparkle in his eyes.
So Bill’s starting to feel more and more guilty, but he can’t look back now.  He PROMISED Georgie, and his brother’s more important than a cute boy.  Even if he is the cutest boy he has ever seen.
The day of the coronation, Bill slips Stan the cure to the love potion.  He isn’t truly cruel, he doesn’t want Stan to still be in love with him when the villains take over.  Because he is the prince and there’s no way Bill could protect him from their wrath.  He can deal with Stan hating him, even if it’ll shatter his heart into a million tiny pieces.
Except Stan doesn’t act any different.  At first Bill thinks that maybe it’s just because he doesn’t want to cause a scene in front of the crowd, but when they’re alone Stan kisses him softly and tells him how glad he is they met.
A part of Bill is ecstatic that Stan still likes him.  But another part of him can only feel crushing guilt.  Now Stan’s going to be heartbroken and there’s nothing Bill can do to stop it.
But he still grabs the wand, he still makes a show of breaking down the barrier.  He can see the light in Stan’s eyes crumble, and Bill wants to cry his, admittedly, too big heart out.  Bev and Eddie rush to help him, even though they’re facing their own moral dilemmas.
It’s not until the villains have already arrived and have everyone held hostage, that Stan finally breaks and asks WHY.  Why did he do it?  Why did he betray him?  When Bill tells him why, Stan’s just like, “You idiot, I could’ve done that.”
Now Bill feels like a real idiot.  And when he looks around, all he can see is the anger and fear he saw on the Isle of the Lost.  It’s exactly what he was trying to get Georgie away from, but now he’s made it worse.
So in a split second decision, he gathers Eddie and Bev and asks them to help him fix this.  It doesn’t take much convincing, they didn’t want to do it in the first place, and they manage to defeat the villains with the power of idk love and friendship or whatever.  Maybe the other Losers help too.
When it’s finally all done and over, Bill can’t think of any reason he wouldn’t be sent back.  He hands the wand back to Stan with his head hung low and a question on his lips.  Can Georgie take his place here?
Stan sighs heavily and tells Bill, yes, of course Georgie can come, but he needs time to think about what to do with Bill.  So Bill’s on house (or dorm, I guess) arrest for the next few days.  He hangs out with Eddie and Bev, and occasionally Ben, Richie, and Mike, but he doesn’t see Stan for nearly a week.  When he finally does, Stan greets him hesitantly, but reassures him that he’s not going to send him back.  Bill needs to do community service or whatever, but because he righted his wrongs, he can stay.
Bill’s fucking ecstatic, he leaps forward and wraps Stan in a hug.  Stan goes rigid at first, but it isn’t long before he melts into the embrace because he can’t deny that he had missed Bill as well.
It takes some time, but eventually Stan and Bill get back together (Georgie tries to help Bill woo Stan again) and they all live happily ever after and all that.
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Hii, I wanted to send in a prompt if that's okay. Maybe one day Keith's being extra grumpy and pouty and Lance isn't having it. He sentences the boy to a session of endless cheer up tickles until he smiles again?
New People, Still a Family
Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender
Characters: Keith Kogane, Lance McClain
A/N: Wasn’t sure if this was supposed to be klance or not so I just kind of went with implied klance but still platonic? Anyway, I thought this was a super cute idea! Thank you so much for the prompt! I hope you don’t mind the broganes and “hinted” adashi I added for context.
Description: After a nasty fight with Shiro (Kuron), Keith’s emotions spiral! He wants to just be left alone to sulk…. but Lance isn’t having it. 
It all started out of pure boredom. Lance McClain woke up late just to face yet another “thrilling” day in space, on a castle,with the same seven people he’d been seeing for how long now? The Cuban male slowly sauntered into the bathroom with a yawn and stretch before washing his mask off and brushing his teeth. Getting dressed, applying moisturizer, and a bit of makeup to keep his glow was all apart of the morning routine. 
The made up zombie slowly made his way down to the cafeteria to see if Hunk was still serving slop. Frankly, he was bored. Everyday was the same thing in and out unless they were fighting for their lives. Get rejected by Hunk and Pidge who would be geeking out together, get rejected by Allura though Lance really couldn’t see why, try to get out of cleaning with Coran and having to hear more stories about his youth, and being made a fool of by the mice. 
Honestly, it was like Kultinecker was his only friend anymore. Of course, Lance was also rather dramatic. Keith and Shiro almost always spent their time together or alone so he didn’t try very often to talk with them. Well, Shiro out of respect for his space and Keith…. Well. “Keith get back here!” Speaking of Shiro.
The door to his room opened as an furious looking Keith stormed out. Purple met blue very quickly and aggressively. Honestly if the red paladin wasn’t taken off guard he would have noticed the tears pricking the other’s eyes. “What,” Keith growled. Lance put his hands up in surrender. “Ah, nothing man. You do you.” 
The other simply growled again before moving around Lance, slamming their shoulders together as he did so. “Keith!” Shiro rounded his door frame, a look of exhaustion on his face. He’d been back for maybe a week now and suddenly it was like he and Keith were fighting everyday. He sighed as he watched his brother march of. He didn’t mean to make him upset!
Suddenly, gray eyes fell on the body before them before the former leader quickly tried to compose himself. “Lance, what’s up?” He sounded so fake. The shorter pointed back at Keith. “Everything alright?” The older nodded. “Touchy topic.” Did he mean his leading skills? Because frankly, they weren’t the best. 
They had improved though, Lance would give him that. In reality it was everything. Tex, Adam, loneliness, expulsion, some words were said by both parties and finally Keith broke down and stormed out. “Oh um…. You gonna go after him?” The other thought for a moment which, frankly, wasn’t a good sign. “No, he needs time to cool down.” 
The smaller wanted to make a joke but decided it was best not too. “Ah, right. You okay man? You guys have been fighting a lot lately. You look drained.” Lance was studying his face more. Discolored bags under the eyes, ghostly skin, space dad needed sleep. “I’m…. not sure honestly.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“I haven’t really felt right since I got back, and I have this headache that just won’t quit. Nothing I’ve taken is helping either.” Lance came forward to put pressure on the forehead. Gray eyes snapped open at this but relaxed as they processed what was going on. “Coran said everything seemed fine. Are you drinking enough? Eating enough?” 
‘Takashi.’ Shiro quickly turned away from Lance with a grunt. “YYeah. I think I’m just going to lay down for a while. Thanks though.” Huh? Lance blinked. “Yeah, sure. No pro,” he was cut off by the door shutting, “blem.” His eyelids fell a bit as he held himself with a soft frown. Everyone was on edge today. 
Walking into the lounge, he was quick to take notice of another’s presence. Oh boy. Well, maybe he could help Keiht a bit? The two had bonded a bit over Shiro’s absence. “Uh, hey man,” the younger started softly. The black paladin shook his head as it rested in his hands. “Go away Lance. I’m not in the mood.” 
Well then. The red paladin scoffed as he kneeled on the floor that sat behind the couch’s back. “And I’m not a child, so don’t shoo me away like I am one.” Keith’s back straightened right up as he whirled around to glare daggers into the other. “Get. Out.” Okay, touchy. “Geez dude, I’m just trying to help you! All you’ve been doing since Shiro got back is fighting with everyone!” 
“I didn’t ask for your help or opinions Lance, leave me alone.” The older stood and went o leave, but he was soon pulled back down, into the other who had moved. Now with both on the couch, Lance held Keith hostage from behind,legs keeping the other’s hands to his sides and keeping their bodies contect. “Dah! What are you doing?!” 
The pulleted paladin looked back at his command to see a pout on Lance’s face. “You and Shiro have been nothing but dicks lately Keith. Enough.” Shiro had been mean too? Keith relaxed a bit as he looked away with guilt. It was probably his fault. Lance gave it a few minutes before slowly trying to hug the other, maybe have a bit of a crying fest. But no, Keith leaned away from the affection as soon as he tried. 
“I’m trying to help dude,” the said softly. Help? Helping would be leaving him be, helping would be…. Would be Adam. Sure, when Keith and him fought it was not that big of a deal Keith would cry a bit and Adam would stop talking after he started to cry. But…. Adam always made up for it in food or cuddles. When he and Shiro fought, both had a hard time just saying sorry or anything like it. Keith always felt so guilty and he’s just cry in his room for hours and refuse to even come out for classes. Adam would always make them sit down and talk about it, resolve things as they both sucked with communicating. But Adam wasn’t here, and Keith didn’t get to say goodbye. 
Which was part of the argument today. It’s like Shiro’s whole mood about the other changed while he was gone. He loved him still, Keith could see it, but he spoke as if…. Keith had no place with them. It hurt, a lot. “Just leave me the hell alone Lance.” He was breaking slowly, but he refused too in front of the other. “Keith, please.” Lance was serious, he wanted to help. 
Then, he was thrown back against the couch as Keith broke free. “I SAID LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!” Purple eyes turned slightly yellow, the shine leaving from them. The room stilled Blue eyes widened in slight fear before tears rushed up on Keith’s end. He shook his head before running away, just wanting everything to go away. 
It had been a few hours later, the team was meeting up for lunch. Shiro was talking to COran about his headaches when Lance noticed that Keith wasn’t at the table He frowned a bit before looking to his best friend. “Can you save me two plates man?” The other looked confused before nodding. “Uh, you sure that’s a good idea man? You said he…. Changed this morning.” Lance mentioned the eyes, yes, but Hunk meant Keith’s attitude. It was worse than any had ever seen. 
Lance shrugged. “Unless you wanna do it. Someone should check on him.” Hunk heard his stomach rumble and frowned. He could eat with Keith! But, Keith might be rather nasty still. Lance had the better tolerance for it. “Alright, good luck.” The Cuban male nodded before making his way to the black paladin’s room. Knocking on the door, he waited patiently. No answer. Was he sleeping? 
Did the guy even sleep? “Keith? Buddy?” Still nothing. Normally, that would be a sign to look else where, but Lance didn’t. He opened the door to find…. Uh oh. Nothing. His room, nope, HUnk’s? Also nothing. Pidge, Shiro, Coran, and Allura’s all had no sign of the “emo”. The training deck was empty, the lounge, all that Lance could think of now was Kultineker’s room but why would Keith wasnt to hang out with a cow?
He was hanging out with the cow. Lance sighed as he walked up to his sleeping baby, the angry male using her as a slopped pillow for his head and upper body. Guess all that anger tuckered him out. Kultinecker let out a moo before receiving some soft, loving pets. “You did good girl, you did good.” He looked over the angry male’s sleeping form. He looked so peaceful, so calm. He’d even brought his blanket out with him and…. Of course he sleeps with a knife. 
Moving the weapon away, Lance noticed that Keith’s jeans and boots were tossed to the side. Odd? One would think sleeping with pants on was a good idea when it came to…. grass? Maybe sleeping practically in a cow’s pen? You do you Keith, you do you. 
The male was going to leave him be but that attitude was beyond uncalled for and he needed to eat something. No one knew if he’d eaten breakfast or not today. Smirking, the younger noticed a bit of white sticking up from the thin blanket. Oh, it was so go time. Chuckling, Lance sat like someone wearing a skirt or dress would, legs to the side as he leaned forward and lightly poked at the sock covered toes that were showing. 
Keith’s foot twitched slightly before he moved them away, so much for that. Moving the cover up, he held the ankle, tickling the sole softly. Lips twitched softly as Keith started to react. He tried to pull his foot back again, but to no avail. “Nhoooo,” he grumbled in his sleep. Maybe this was too cruel of a spot? But it may also wake him up quicker, and drain him more so Lance could have the ultimate satisfaction of gaining the upper hand. 
“Yes,” he sang out softly. “Wakey, wakey Mr. Emo.” Purple eyes slowly began to flutter open, vision foggy at first. Brown hair, taner skin, Keith’s laugh suddenly came out more from suspense. “Ahahahdam nahahaho!” It was like a small child when they saw their parent’s clawed hands. “Adam?” Lance stopped in confusion. Oh? Keith started to calm down from his wake up call. Eyes focusing a bit better, he blinked away some leftover tears before blushing. “L-Lance?!” The other moved into Kultinecker more as he was taken off guard. 
“Yeah, not…. Adam? Who’s Adam?” Had Keith…. Oops. The other blushed more before looking away. “Professor Wright, from the Garrison? You know, Shiro’s fiancee?” Lance froze. Keith called Mr. Wright by his frist name? Were they clo- SHRIO’S FIANCEE?! “Wait, why would Mr. Wright even do that to you? What do you mean Shiro was getting married?!” His two favorite people, like ever, getting married? When, where, how, huh?!
“Stop yelling,” Keith sighed. “I lived with Shiro, did you…. Not know that? I stole his car…. He took me under his wing… I was an orphan?” Lance sat back a bit. “You were an orphan? How the hell did… I thought you dormed with Matt Holt!” Keith nodded. “I did, and during breaks and stuff I’d go with Adam and Shiro to their families houses. They,” he paused. “Look, what do you want?” So much for opening up and talking about feelings. 
But, while Lance had him in a less cranky mood to where he could survive doing such an act, he might as well. “Oh no you don’t. You don’t get pissy like that, open up, and then shut up. I don’t think so Keith.” The other blinked. “What are you, what are you doing?” Keith was taken off guard as Lance pulled his legs down and sat on them. 
“As much as I want answers, it may be easier to just put a smile on your face for the time being?” A smile? What was he talking about? Keith tilted his head, not really caring about how the other was sitting on him as much as the fact that…. Physical contact. 
Lance smirked as he poked at the other’s stomach. “Oh, I think you know.” The black paladin squeaked before looking up in slight fear. God damnit. “W-Wait, don’t. Lahahnce, sthahahop tickling me!” The poor boy fell victim to the other quickly fingers gliding all about his toned torso. “Come on, after this morning, I think you kind of deserve this.” 
Keith tried to cover his mouth as bubbly, awkward, hiccupy giggles let out. “Nhohoho, Lhahahahcne ssthahahop it!” He was whining! Man it was cute though. Lance chukled lovingly before moving the blanket away. “Oh, what’s this? Keith has a body?” It was a lame attempt but he was trying to tease him like a child, or at least fluster him a bit. 
Keith, obviously, didn’t get it and just kind of looked at him like he was dumb. His break allowed him to take in a few gulps of air before he tilted his head. “What?” The red paladin shook his head. “Nothing, nevermind. So…. how about here?” Two hands quickly started to vibrate on the male’s chest, earning soft and melodious giggles. “Ghahahahaha! Chahahut it ohahahaout! S-Stop, it tickles!” 
Raven locks flew about as he shook his head, giggling adorably. “Oh forget it, I want real laughter.” With that, the younger dug into the stomach, causing Keith’s head to whip back into Kultinecker. “Shahahorrhehehey,” he cried out as his head landed. Just because he was being tortured didn’t mean he wasn’t going to have manners with the cow. She gave the sacred milk for milkshakes damnit!
“L-Lhahahahance, plehehehase! I’m shahahahaorrehehehey!” Lance hummed, he wanted to keep going. But…. maybe a chase or something was in order? Stopping, he crawled off the other while letting him catch his breath. Lance passed his shoes and pants over as Keith narrowed his eyes at the brunette. That was uncalled for. 
“What are you, five?” Still so sassy, honestly. Lance huffed before grabbing and ankle and tickling the sole softly. “Seriously man? I thought we were passed this!” Keith shrieked as he kicked at the younger. “Stop it, stop it, stop it!” He covered his face as he fell over, trying to get the other off of him. Honestly, both were rather enjoying this. It was fun, and relaxing, and just childish all around. Lance slowly let up before pulling his friend into a tight hug. “I’m always here if you wanna talk. Or… well, Hunk if you don’t want to deal with me. “
Keith actually accepted his friend’s hug, moving into his chest slightly. “Thanks,” he muttered softly. Lance nodded. “And Keith…. We’re all your family, Just…. Remember that, okay man?” Purple eyes watered a bit but Keith nodded with a choked out “thanks”. The two sat there for a while longer before Lance patted his arm. 
“Let’s go eat lunch, huh? I think Shiro’s cooled down two, maybe you two could talk it out?” The other frowned as he pulled his pants and boots back on. “We’ll see,” Keith hummed. Blue eyes rolled before hands found both of Keith’s sides, earning the beautiful laughter once more. “How about you will or Pidge, Hunk and I will tickle you both, huh? How about that?” Keith squealed beore nodding. “Okay, okay! We’ll talk!” 
He couldn’t help but smile when lance wrapped an arm around him. “Good. Nice to have you back buddy.” The black paladin’s face softened a bit as he leaned into his friend. “We’ll see how long that lasts.” Yeah, they were back to normal again.
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