#the idea of power imbalance
suffering-is-cute · 10 months
how long will people capitalise on the fact that I chase after them?
- suffering-is-cute 8. Dec. 2023
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yandere-writer-momo · 5 months
Yandere Short Stories:
Hell Fire
Yandere Priest x Herbalist Fem Reader
TW: abuse of power, yandere behavior, manipulation, and forced relationship
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Pale hands affectionately cupped the soft cheeks of the sleeping maiden that rested on the bed in the dungeon. A bright smile on the young priest’s face as his fingers traced over her soft lips.
“You are finally here…” Aurel voice was as soft as a breeze. His blue eyes gentle and his lips pursed in thought. “You’re finally within my grasp.”
Aurel glanced around to make sure there were no other eyes watching before he crawled into the small bed beside (your name). His lanky arms wrapped around her vulnerable form in a vice like grip. Aurel buried his nose into her hair and deeply inhaled her sweet scent, a moan escaped his lips from how delectable (your name) smelled.
“I wonder if you’ll be happy to see me once you wake up.” Aurel thought aloud as his hands wandered her sleeping form. “We used to be so close when we were kids… we can get married just like we always wanted.”
Aurel brushed a few of his silver strands away from his blue eyes. His cheeks heated up at how beautiful (your name) had grown to be. “I’ve crawled my way to become a Cardinal, but I’m willing to bend the rules for you… so you just have to accept me.”
Aurel buried his face into her shoulders while he clutched her closer to his chest. His tongue clicked when he felt his she thinned out a bit. These heathens haven’t been feeding (your name) properly, have they? He’d punish them once he married her…
Aurel pressed a few stray kisses to her shoulders before he smiled to himself. He had destroyed her reputation as an herbalist by spreading rumors of her being a witch. It was a desperate and cowardly method, but she refused to be with him. What other choice did Aurel have? (Your name) had forced his hand for the last time and now she had the biggest choice to make.
Become his wife or burn at the pyre.
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coquelicoq · 10 months
we get a lot of really great stuff in system collapse about murderbot's relationships with ART and ratthi, which makes sense, because it spends almost the entire book with them. but i also love how even though mensah isn't there for most of the story, other people keep reminding mb of her:
chapter 2, page 25: “From ART’s personnel file, she [Karime] was older than Mensah and she didn’t look like an intrepid space explorer, either, even in the protective environmental suit.”
2, 27: “It took Karime three seconds to process the abrupt statement. (She was almost as good at not looking annoyed as Mensah was.) She kept her expression neutral and patient.”
2, 28: “In the underground colony room, Karime lifted her brows. ‘Another occupied site?’ I thought she was being careful not to show too much reaction. It was the way Mensah would have played it.”
4, 70: “Iris looked at me and I saw her hesitate, because her hesitation looked a lot like Dr. Mensah’s hesitation. And I realized I really didn’t want to go down there.”
5, 104: "Iris has that same thing as Dr. Mensah, the thing where she’s able to look and sound calm under circumstances where shit is possibly about to go down.”
it's spent so much time with her and it knows her so well and respects her so much that she's the model against which it compares all other humans. it thinks about her when they're not together. it's protective of her. it has such total faith in her competence. it (non-romantically) loves her and doesn't want to not see her again. idk man, it just gets to me! and they were teammates (oh my god they were teammates!!)
I said, aloud, "You have to be kidding me." (ch. 2, p. 28)
seven pages later, in reaction to the same thing:
Mensah had had time to review the feed video. She muttered, "Oh, you have to be kidding me." Yeah.
twinsies 🥰
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total-drama-brainrot · 6 months
TD World Tour Alenoah AU... Where Noah is immune to Alejandro's fake charm... Instead, Noah gets charmed by the true Alejandro's quirks and dorky interests like dinosaurs and puppets... How would Alejandro feel about Noah only liking Alejandro, when Alejandro is being himself?... Especially since Alejandro's family shuns him for being himself? 🦕🦖🦕
Now you're speaking my language.
One of the most common running themes in all/near enough all Alenoah central AUs is having Noah be the first person to see past Alejandro's persona and actually appreciate the person he is, or at the very least prefer the real Alejandro to his mask of perfection. It's one of the draws of the ship itself; the idea that Noah, being the blunt person that he is, can and will wage a war of attrition against the walls Alejandro has built up around himself- not just to keep others out, but also to repress the more authentic aspects of himself to himself- in order to reveal the person beneath.
I touched on this a little bit in a previous post concerning this AU, but Alejandro and Noah both see glimpses of the other that they try so valiantly to hide- in Noah's case, Alejandro sees hints of the scheming mindset he's pretty much supressed under layers of apathy and sloth (as Noah's laziness is one of his biggest character foils, alongside his snarky attitude), and in Alejandro's case he reveals tid bits of information about the Real Alejandro, not the persona he's usually portraying himself as, which is enough to humanise him in Noah's eyes.
They both become People Of Interest in each other's eyes, because they're both puzzles to be solved. Alejandro's curious and competitive to a fault so he'd dedicate himself to unravelling the layers behind Noah's stony exterior, as he'd see Noah's continued distance as a challenge. That's a given. But the topic at hand here is Noah's interest in Alejandro.
Because Noah's not exactly competitive, so why would he be so interested in unveiling the real Alejandro? That's simple; Noah values authenticity. Look at his friendship group, it consists of people who are unapologetically themselves. Noah is also unapologetically himself, in all of his sarcastic glory. So of course he's see flickers of the real, authentic Alejandro and his natural inquisitiveness would be piqued- a novelty for him, as Noah's staunch apathy generally tends to override any semblance of curiosity.
So Noah goes out of his way to make notes of the small interests Alejandro offhandedly mentions at one point or another, like palaeontology or puppetry or even his fifteen-step skincare routine- things that Alejandro shows genuine excitement or passion over that shines through the cracks of his perfect persona. He sees the dorky giddiness Alejandro experiences when Noah lets him ramble on about how Jurassic Park was incredibly inaccurate from a scientific standpoint but monumental for people's interest in palaeontology (or something along those lines, I don't know I'm not a dinosaur nerd) and suddenly the annoyingly flirtatious faker he's spent the better half of his time on the jet is A Whole Ass Person with interests and passions and a sense of depth he's been so bereft of until now. Suddenly Alejandro's more than just the antagonist of the show Noah's working on, he's an interesting person that the bookworm finds himself wanting to know more about. And, perhaps, he finds himself growing genuinely fond of the person behind the mask.
And he uses those notes to prompt Alejandro into sharing more of himself, the real authentic Alejandro, in the privacy of their interactions.
At first, Alejandro's fairly oblivious to what Noah's doing, since he's so caught up in his own enjoyment of Noah's company plans to essentially do the same to Noah that he barely notices his own tricks being used against him.
Of course, he's also just elated at being able to infodump to someone who isn't outright penalising him for doing so; not that I think Alejandro is even aware that what he's doing is infodumping, nor the fact that he's so obviously autistic, because his family is a particular brand of awful that would never let him get a proper diagnoses and in all likelihood forced him to mask/supress his symptoms.
It isn't until Alejandro realises that he's shared a lot of information about himself that he (as a Burromuerto) is expected to keep close to his chest, and he sees the glimmers of satisfaction in Noah's intelligent eyes, that the archvillain catches on to the fact that he's been played. But the thing that really catches him off-guard isn't the trickery, it's the fact that Noah's done nothing with the uncharacteristic displays of vulnerability.
Alejandro can't understand why Noah hasn't taken advantage of his "weakness" yet. Inevitably leading to him confronting the assistant, as Alejandro isn't the type to "let sleeping dogs lie" so to speak, and he's still very much so in the one-track mindset of winning the competition- thus he assumes that any show of vulnerability can and will lead to his untimely elimination. But when he practically demands that Noah reveal what he's been planning, why he's been sneakily collecting information on him, all Noah can do is shrug his shoulders and say;
"I guess I just like seeing the real you. That's all."
And Alejandro doesn't know how to respond to that. No one's ever wanted the real him, he's always had to play the role of the perfect son, the perfect brother. He doesn't understand.
And like most people when they're faced with a foreign concept they have no basis of behaviour for, he lashes out.
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ctl-yuejie · 1 year
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a taste
#only friends#only friends the series#ofts#mark pakin#papang phromphiriya#i am obsessed with how good papang is#trust me to read too much into it but to me he clearly has an idea who 30 sth year old Dan is#seemingly out of the dating scene since at least his graduation so doesn't know the current lingo#feeling a bit too old but also unsure how he likes being called old but hot#very charmed by this junior but not used anymore to getting butterflies in a club#lowkey knows that the boss thing might be a bit hmm...#(listen: i love that again the show doesn't give us a clear line of 'dan is a creep' because there is a lot of room for him to essentially#be a good option for nick as well as the possibility of accidentally acting unethical) especially within the community it is worth to#observe whether the power imbalance on its own speaks against the person#he's also a bit shy wondering whether this cute guy would actually be interested in him because he is sweet and obviously aquainted with#going to bars so surely he must have options#and mark is also so wonderful ;A; even before he spots boston you can see that there is still some heartbreak lingering#but also that he liked the kiss but it was a very different feel to boston#also: somehow papang in mlc and papang here kisses absolutely differently and it makes so much sense to me that he at this point in his#life would kiss like this?? idk how to explain it better#this show continues to bring out the best acting out of everyone#(to derail: maybe why i want the writing for top to be that he's still in the grey so badly because i think that is the kind of difficult#acting force is actually mastering in this series)
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ardentpoop · 8 months
the way sam changes from the beginning of s8 to the end of s8 makes me ill.
coming off their separation, he starts out trying his best to be unapologetic abt the choices he made when dean was gone. openly calling dean out when he makes him feel like shit (“you’ve been kicking me ever since you got back, but that’s over.”) insisting that he knows he wants a clean break and that it’s not actually his Responsibility to suffer for the rest of his life. refusing to let other hunters like martin talk down to him.
and then dean’s lies and hypocrisy abt benny, and dean’s fake SOS text from amelia, and sam breaking up with amelia bc with dean back in his life he doesn’t want to hurt her with his mess, and dean’s doubt over sam’s ability to complete the trials.
which all culminates in the state he’s in by the season finale - uncaring of whether he lives or dies bc he’s always been a burden to dean anyway and maybe if he’s the one to close the gates of hell it’ll make up for everything else he’s supposedly done wrong. “these trials, they’re purifying me.” / “you think I screw up everything I try - you think I need a chaperone, remember?”
this alone:
“what happens when you’ve decided I can’t be trusted, again? I mean, who’re you gonna turn to next time, instead of me? another angel, another… another vampire? do you have any idea what it feels like to watch your brother…”
the speech dean gives sam in the church Woefully misses the mark in that it doesn’t address any of the events that pushed sam to the ledge. it doesn’t address dean’s mistreatment of sam as a partner in the slightest. empty words that sound nice on the surface, like the majority of dean’s attempts at patching them back up from s4 onwards.
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hella1975 · 1 year
hiiii haha. hello. exceptionally awkward introduction bc idrk how to start something like this so let's just jump right in. im taking a break from this account for a bit. i know i said i wanted taob out before halloween and currently im fine sticking with that deadline, but if i decide i need longer away then i will take longer away. every time ive reassured people that id never abandon a fic and updates will always come eventually i never once considered that my writing and ability to feel safe and comfortable on this site would be actively taken from me, so im not even going to apologise. i dont want this either and more importantly i dont fucking deserve it. i dont know what it is in the past year, if ive hit a certain amount of followers or 'popularity' that's made it so the natural ratio of positive to negative interactions must in turn go up, but there's been a serious uptick in weird asks for me. the annoying part is that a very small amount of them are actually objectively mean and hateful, the rest are just weird and invasive from people who seemingly dont realise that's what they're being. ive reached a point where i dont care if the intentions are good. it's not my job as a 20 year old tumblr user of all things to defend the morality of someone who couldnt even bother to come off anon. unfortunately, after blocking only one or two anons, the weird asks have decreased substantially, which says all you need to know about the fascinating and exhilarating lives led by these people, but ive also gone on to turn anon asks off entirely. this is something i actively fought against doing and had to be pushed into by my mutuals (who have been the coolest people on planet earth during this entire thing). turning off anon was a big deal to me even if it sounds silly. i felt betrayed and like id been backed into a corner because it was so vehmently something i DIDNT WANT that to feel like i had to do it anyway for my own mental health??? that sucks. so even though ive 'fixed' the problem, im still kind of reeling and uncomfortable every time i come on tumblr. i hope it's just something i need time to ease because i'll truly be devastated if this becomes 'ruined' for me. tumblr exists as the only place in the world where i am honestly every facet of myself without shame or hesitation; losing that would be insanely harmful to me. and to the people who cant appeal to the actual human behind the post, let me put that in words you can understand: we wouldn't get any more writing 😦😦😦 riots and fires and sirens, i know. so yeah. to anyone who has sent me an anon ask and you're now wondering if you were part of the problem, im firmly of the belief that you'll know if you are. when i say 'weird asks' i dont mean 'you sent me a para about your personal life just to vent or ask for advice' or 'you sent me a really deep emotional compliment about the impact me and/or my writing has had on you' - i love asks like that, so much that i put off taking a break and turning off anon solely for the joy they bring me. im sorry that it might feel like you're being punished too bc of the actions of what in reality is a HANDFUL of weird people, but this is what i feel like i have to do to feel safe and not go insane every time i log in. love you guys, hopefully ill see you soon x
#seriously another shout out to my mutuals#id particularly like to say thank you to boom who's always right there for me no matter what's happening or how insane im being#and also everyone in our little discord that wound up having to make a whole new channel for venting#bc i was there so often like 'today's weird ask isssss.... telling me about my cupsize!! rip them to shreds!!!'#hannah and theo especially being there and pushing me to finally turn off anon. war is truly over#and of course rori bc the shamelessness u show when hating on my anon asks has been genuinely really cathartic#sometimes u really do just need a rottweiler mutual to tell random people online to kill themselves 😭#okay weird oscar acceptance speechcore gratitude over. i do just rlly love my mutuals#like i went three years not telling anyone about the worse side of internet popularity for fear of looking spoiled and ungrateful#so for the first time to open up about it and be met with outrage on my behalf and people saying in fact it's MORE fucked up#than i initially realised bc ive grown desensitised to it is. yeah cathartic i guess#they are singlehandedly reassuring me of the good this cursed app still holds#so everyone thank them and send them flowers NOW#okay im done i think. see you guys soon. i truly do want to come back asap bc like i said i NEVER EVEN WANTED TO FUCKING LEAVE#SOME ASSHOLES JUST HAD TO PUT GRENADES ON WHAT I ASSUMED WERE VERY UNIVERSAL AND OBVIOUS BOUNDARIES#if you're reading this like 'ohhh fuck i defo sent something invasive lately. i thought it was a joke/we were friends'#then 1) we arent friends if you're on anon. it immediately creates a power imbalance where you know me and any necessary context#but i have no idea who you are or how much you know about me. that's already a fucked dynamic#and 2) I HOPE YOU FEEL BAD. LIKE GENUINELY I HOPE YOU FEEL AWFUL AND HAVE A GOOD LONG LOOK AT YOURSELF#okay i think that's all. ta-ra lads??? how tf do u end something like this#ive queued this to reblog a couple more times throughout the day
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thecherubimsins · 4 months
The classic anime harem trope but it's actually a Whumper x the several Whumpees whom they coerce, bribe, threaten, blackmail, manipulate, groom, trauma-bond, and/or break into performing extremely questionable, degrading, deliberately unethical "jobs" and mantaining an obviously unprofessional relationship despite everything they're being and will be put through.
Bonus points if they all see each other on the daily and yet have no clue that they're not the only one eating from the Whumper's palm;
FULL MARKS if the Whumper is an Authority figure (such as: a boss, teacher/professor, captain, priest or other religious guide, police department higher-up, C&O, father figure, doctor, psychological support, owner/handler, mentor, army superior, pimp, director, parole officer...).
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shadowofroses · 4 months
I'm still thinking on a Half Sibling Gojo...
Like Satoru's father slept with a Maid without thinking of the consequence. Maid gets pregnant, but there is no reason to think the child is his, could be anyone's. Right? Child looks like the mother there is no say. However Satoru is then born. Nothing to think anything of it, other than the Maid encouraging their kid to play with Satoru. When asked why, she tells the Father "Is it not right that they get to know their brother?" When they are approximately five, (I would say same age, just Months difference, or a Year at most for the Half sibling)
Shit hits the fan and the Maid and the kid is *encouraged* to move away the Gojo Clan refusing to give the Maid money for such foolish "lies". Because Gojo was projected to be the Pride and joy with Both techniques. He can't have distractions. If the maid or the kid says something, consequences from the Gojo Clan.
(Half-Sibling) AKA Reader has a Cursed Technique but no one can teach them how to control it, cause their mother wanted them to have NOTHING to do with the Jujutsu Society.
Satoru Remembering Reader in his early life. He knows the reason they are gone is because of his father. So once he is old enough to figure stuff out on his own he does his research. Isn't it funny that your mother tried to legally change your last name to Gojo out of Spite early on in your life when the two of you got to America. And thanks to his father's overreaching it got denied.
That is how he tracked you down, and found you cashiering, doing something mundane. And one would say that you can't recognize someone after a good 20 years. But he would recognize you anywhere.
Gojo wants to get to know you again, and wants to be your brother. Cause despite the time that has past You were still the most consistent family he had in his life. Which was pretty damn sad.
And he convinces you to come back to Japan, you have nothing actually tying you down to America. He could teach you how to properly handle your Cursed Technique. You don't need to be a Jujutsu Sorcerer. He would take care of you. You question about his father and he only says one thing. 'If he's dumb enough to say anything in front of me I'll handle it.'
Safety wise however, it's safer to stay under your mother's last name. Safer to not say you were related. Who knows what kind of assassination or kidnappings would happen if they knew? Is Satoru being Selfish? Yes.
But out of ALL the people to figure it out. No one would have suspected Sukuna to connect the dots. Maybe even Geto(Before Kenjaku). But I didn't think that far into things yet. No idea of pairings as of yet.
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i am not anti sam but i sometimes find myself hating sam because some samgirls are super into bio/gender essentialism whether or not they realize it. sam is a woman and dean is a man and sam is the victim and dean is his abuser like what show are you watching?
#as much as we all like to have fun these are two cis men characters who have roles to play in the narrative they don’t escape#they are both being abused. we find this out *fully* in s14#but it’s always been present. this is the abuse sam and dean winchester show#but some of y’all don’t actually understand abuse! you think abuse is just being mean and yelling#‘sam is a woman because his autonomy is taken away’ your idea of womanhood is fucked up and you should unpack that#if you compare sam to a woman because he’s been SA’d then you are WEIRD. they are both men canonically getting SAd????#like yes dean has some weird stuff about his own gender that he needs to unpack but it’s part of a mask?? like if u genuinely#believe that he seriously 100% believes this stuff then you don’t know his character at all#and yes their relationship is toxic but if you think for one second that there’s a genuine power imbalance then you’re sorely mistaken#dean’s entire identity is based around taking care of sam. sam can do wrong but not enough to be truly held accountable#it doesn’t matter what he does. dean will always protect him and be there and do whatever it takes to save him. he will always forgive him#and sam knows this and uses it to his advantage. he repeatedly goes behind dean’s back and avoids the communication he says is so important#he blames dean for shit that isn’t his fault because he’s there#and no he may not fight dean on stuff but he can. he often doesn’t because he doesn’t want to!#they enable each other and they don’t grow because they can’t because there’s always something else BECAUSE THEY’RE BOTH BEING ABUSED BY GOD#they’re not allowed to take a break. they’re not allowed to slow down or stop or rethink it’s always the end of the world#so yes some of y’all annoy me with the ‘i wish dean was nicer in the midst of his trauma’#shit or saying that therapy fixes everything stuff or whatever#and the fact that so many of y’all use that to treat sam like some fragile white woman who can’t#have an opinion without her husband’s permission is WEIRD like your gender stuff is weird#and just repacked essentialism onto them. idc if you’re trans. unpack that shit cuz your meta is full#of rad fem friendly or adjacent shit if you refuse to talk about gender without using abuse as an argument#because that does not hold up in canon of these two FICTIONAL MEN!!! or in the real world#(edit: most of the stuff i see is by cis women but im saying ‘idc if ur trans’ bc it’s not exclusive to them)#supernatural#sam winchester#dean winchester#wank adjacent#maybe just straight up#fandom wank
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im-not-even-sorry · 2 years
Tw unhealthy doctor patient relationship. Kind of a hannibal situation but erotic?
A bit of a dark fantasy of mine is seeing a therapist that... doesn't really want or try to help.
They gradually gain my trust. Slowly get to know my psyche, issues, desires... They're always so professional and understanding and kind, and oh, I wouldn't even be able to tell when things are starting to go sideways since they're the first specialist I've ever worked with!
Their focused gaze beginning to drift over my body like I was a prey. But I wouldn't grow nervous or suspicious, since they've always made me feel so cared for. They're simply trying to connect better. At some point they stop making notes, assuring me they have all they need, to be able to undress me with their eyes as they slowly guide me into... What, exactly? Obedience?
My friends and family never truły knew me. They'll never understand me like they do. My broken self esteem is their fault and their fault only and if they only could have been there when all the bad things were happening. If they couldve been there to support and ...embrace me like my closest should have done. But I'm lucky I'm here now, aren't i? With someone who knows what's best for me, someone who'll guide my delicate soul and mind through this tough times.
After all, I'm too vulnerable to allow other people, those strangers, into my world. They could hurt me, break me, but here... I'm safe at last. Finally safe with them.
A lingering touch when we shake hands at goodbye grows longer, yearning. Soft, warm skin on their sure hands always itching to hold me longer, and longer before they let me out for a week in the wild, out of their reach.
I always come back tired and starving.
A gentle squeeze at my arm at hello, their habit of walking around the room as we talk slowly transitioning to them resting their hands on my shoulders while standing behind my armchair. Their calming, velvet voice nearly whispering into my ears.
Closer. Closer. Closer.
They don't have to say a word. They don't have to explicitly urge or ask. They simply make me used to it, attached to it, addicted to it till I'm running into their arms out of my own free (questionable) will.
I need to them in my head as I need the warmth of their hands on my body. I yearn to press my face into the crook of their neck or to kneel by their feet with my cheek on their thigh... As they speak words upon words about how I was always meant to be theirs and theirs only. How they love me like no one ever could. How I don't need anyone else.
Their fingers gently cradling my hair.
Their fingers deep inside me as I scream that I love them.
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i feel like this site leaning heavily into the "pedophilia and incest and rape kinks are good" angle lately can be attributed to the mass expulsion of sex workers and black ppl on here ngl
#like gonna be honest these r the two groups that have far more of an understanding of how these r linked to colonialism and exploitation -#to be able to wholeheartedly oppose them w/out hesitation#like if youre a sex worker you'll likely see farrrrr more clients who are total strangers specifically seeking out children#by virtue of trying to protect said children in whatever way that you can#its easy to form opinions in the abstract if you straight up do not witness these events time and time and time again#and thinking about my ancestry + history of black exploitation especially against black children ...#i dont fully buy into the idea of 'these are exclusively issues of the nuclear family structure'. FAR more nuanced than that#as of the current society we live in.. the very family dynamic is one of inescapable relationships#if you can imagine how hard it can be when two people in a relationship have a lot of overlaps in friends have an awful break up#a relationship within the family would be much harder to reckon with. you cant just pack it up and walk away so easy#most of the ppl on here defending this shit do not even buy into it for themselves. it is entirely for roleplay purposes#they can put it away when theyre done#no disgust isnt always a good moral informant. but i will say i felt appauled reading the words 'incest fans' said in a cutesy way#ppl seem to misunderstand when black bloggers say incest kinks are a white ppl thing#what they mean is white ppl never have to reckon with the TRUE magnitude of power imbalances. it's treated like a fucking game#you never had to stand and feel the weight of knowing your ancestors are lighter than before because of the countless times white slave -#- owners raped them
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thinking about superheroes unfortunately
#random thoughts#let me daydream about batman in peace#love the dynamic between spiderman and deadpool#it's that kind of dynamic i love where two people have power over each other in different ways#like spiderman is a well-loved public figure and deadpool's idol while deadpool is a dangerous mercenary with regeneration powers#physically deadpool probably outmatches spiderman through sheer dogged perseverance#while in the public eye spiderman is more well-liked AND deadpool is feverishly obsessed with him#i'm gonna keep forgetting the hyphen between spider and man btw fuck the world#loving the idea of a spiderman who KNOWS deadpool can do better and believes in him while deadpool gives him a space where HE can be himsel#like spiderman has so many masks he has to put on around other people#i think deadpool should be one of the few people he can truly let himself loose around#yknow before he can get to a point where he can reveal he's peter parker#also i think peter parker in his ideal state suffers from severe identity and self confidence issues#like he thinks spiderman is a seperate persona he puts on which is superior to himself in every way#(okay seperate thought: DID spiderman. the spider bite being so traumatic it led to him creating a split personality to cope.)#(or separate. whatever.)#also age difference. peter should be in his mid-twenties while deadpool should be in his thirties. need more power imbalance#also they're both sa survivors and their personalities could be interpreted as them handling it in vastly different ways#with deadpool being hypersexual and spiderman being flirtatious yet distant and peter parker being borderline celibate#though honestly i could leave spiderman being an sa survivor given it was a whole 'gay people are all predators' psa#also i think spiderman should have been held back in high school. due to struggles relating to being spiderman#so he graduated late and now he's going to community college#peter parker has the luxury of going incognito. wade wilson will always be stared at no matter what he's wearing#deadpool who every superhero hates. spiderman who every superhero organization is trying to recruit desperately#also i think peter should admire wade. physically. built like a brick shithouse that one#also the third act low point CAN'T be about spiderman feeling guilty because deadpool kills people#okay? it's overdone. we've seen it. it's lame#i prefer when their opposing views on murder are treated in a more 'death penalty or no' way rather than assuming deadpool is always wrong#because spiderman's idyllic 'people can change' beliefs can be just as wrong as deadpool's 'assholes deserve to die' beliefs#and spiderman has definitely killed people are you kidding me. both accidentally and on purpose
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gladiatorcunt · 6 months
as soon as i see dune part 2, i WILL be writing reader sitting on feyd’s face
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padfootastic · 1 year
Tell us more about sugar daddy James pls 😏
sadie <3
so—this one comes wholesale from a random post i made a while back about sugar daddy james with a huge age gap b/w him and sirius. i’m talking, businessman james who comes into contact with sirius who’s just run away from home and is on the verge of homelessness. it’s about james being nice and kindhearted, offering sirius a meal which somehow turns into a place to stay which somehow turns into the spending a lot of time bonding with each other.
it’s about a little shit sirius who’s deliberately trying to seduce this saint of a man who refuses to look at him twice (spoiler: it’s not because james doesn’t want, it’s because he thinks it’s unethical. sirius is here to put all those worries to rest). just. a lot of back and forth, pushing and pulling, and getting together moments.
at least, that’s how i’d want it done lol
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total-drama-brainrot · 8 months
need ideas for fun ways alejandro can abuse his control over noah in my fic. but i am simply an eepy soul. tormented by the thoughts and yet my head is empty.
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