#the letter? the fucking letter? i'm horribly ruined.
zincbot · 7 months
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wangxianficrecs · 22 days
patching the road with vague intentions
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patching the road with vague intentions
by loosingletters (@loosingmoreletters)
T, WIP, 39k, Wangxian
Summary: “What have you done!?” thundered a voice Wei Wuxian had, frankly speaking, never wanted to hear again. “Old man Lan?” Wei Wuxian blurted out, staring at the aged face of his former teacher. At the back of his mind, Wei Wuxian remembered the cut of his robes, that he wasn’t dressed like a widow at all, but like a Lan. Lan Qiren looked around, his gaze stuck somewhere above Wei Wuxian’s head, most likely the half-ruined summoning array behind him – fucking stupid, Wei Wuxian should’ve gotten rid of it immediately. Just why did it have to be a Lan summoning him, why Lan Qiren his visitor at the door? Wasn’t death enough punishment? “Wei Wuxian?” Lan Qiren asked wearily. Or, Wei Wuxian is summoned back to life in the Cloud Recesses. Unfortunately, the person to find him is Lan Qiren, forcing the unlikely duo to work together to keep the circumstances Wei Wuxian's return undiscovered. Kay's comments: Wei Wuxian and Lan Qiren go on a friendship-roadtrip - the story. I must admit that I'm always a bit hesitant when it comes to good uncle Lan Qiren stories, but so far, this one doesn't disappoint! It's not being too easy on him and it'll certainly take a lot of work (and a very long roadtrip) for him and Wei Wuxian to become friends, but it feels natural in this story. Here, Wei Wuxian gets summoned back earlier and in the body of Lan Wangji's wife. So far, there haven't been any gender-feelings on Wei Wuxian's front apart from him thinking how nice it would be to have a family with Lan Wangji hehe. Excerpt: But the letter was just that, a letter and nothing else. Wei Wuxian was stunned from the first line on. This had to be a joke, right? Wei Wuxian remembered Lan Zhan and Lan Qiren’s handwriting, and it certainly wasn’t theirs, but he doubted any Lan would dare indulge in such a horrible lying scheme. “You’re joking, aren’t you?” Wei Wuxian asked regardless and to his immense horror, Lan Qiren’s expression only tightened and not in the oh-no-I’ve-been-caught way, but the how-dare-you-suggest-this way. “Wang Chunhua is Lan Zhan’s wife?” Wei Wuxian stared down at his hands before catching sight of the bronze mirror again. This was the woman Lan Zhan had married? Wei Wuxian supposed she was pretty enough, with her round face and big eyes. Had the old fuddy-duddy fallen in love after all? Wei Wuxian had assumed Lan Zhan would end up unmarried for his whole life, admired but eternally unattainable. Her personality and skill must be outstanding if they’d married. “Read,” Lan Qiren ordered and for once, Wei Wuxian was inclined to obey.
pov lan qiren, pov wei wuxian, canon divergence, post-first siege of the burial mounds, resurrected wei wuxian, trans wei wuxian, developing friendship, good uncle lan qiren, hurt/comfort, golden core reveal, slow burn, mo xuanyu lives, a-qing lives, case fic, mystery
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(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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mingkismain · 3 months
Wrong Ingredient - wooyoung x reader
an; hi guys! i think i started writing this months ago and i finally had the inspiration to finish it! this was supposed to be a halloween fic if that tells you anything abt how long my creative drought was D: but xoxo hope you freaks enjoy <333
wooyoung x fem!reader
genre; smut
word count; 3,380
warnings/tags; pwp, piv, unprotected sex [don't do that], switch!wooyoung and switch!reader [muahaha], slight overstim for reader [and woo tbh], hair pulling, little bit of aftercare
Becoming a potion brewer wasn't your end goal once you had left school, but it helped put a roof over your head and pay for your other hobbies. Plus, your abilities had only improved with time which helped your clientele spread out past the town you lived in. Which was how you met Wooyoung, a wizard a little older than you from a few towns over. He was one of your only clients that would make a house visit to pick up an order, you usually just delivered right to the other towns a few times during the week.
Today, Wooyoung had decided to stop in and order instead of writing to you beforehand, which led to him hanging around your place while you worked on his order. He was no different from a house cat, walking around and exploring, getting too close to what you were working on and nearly ruining it.
"Woo for the love of gods please stay to that side of my cauldron! I don't want you knocking any of my ingredients off the shelves! I don't refund if you fuck up your own order!" You huffed, readjusting your hair and getting back to your brewing.
"Alright! Sorry, just nosey, you know I have no idea how any of this works! That's like, the main reason I come see you," he wandered back over to the other side of your brewing room, reading the spines of all your potion creating books.
"It's fine to be curious but too much curiosity and you can end up with a horrible result," you stopped stirring and looked up to face him, "this has to sit and simmer for a little longer. I'm going to run outside and check my request letters. Do not touch what's brewing or you'll be so sorry." He nodded his head repeatedly.
"Yes ma'am, I'll stay over here and read your books." He gave you a half salute as you walked up your stairs.
Oh, but of course, he was lying to you.
As soon as he saw you were out of eyesight, he crept over to your cauldron, peering in to see what you had made him. He inhaled and immediately went into a coughing fit.
"Gods this reeks! I can't have this shit sitting in my house, it'll drive all my company away!" He fanned his hand in front of his nose to rid the smell as he scanned your shelves for some aromatic he could sneak in. "Yeah, this'll do," he reached for a bottle you had labeled 'red ginseng' and carefully plucked it from your shelf. He had no idea how much to add, but surely a handful of this stuff would rid his potion of that awful smell. Wooyoung poured a handful [and whatever spilled out of his hand] into the mixture and watched it to make sure he didn't blow your house up.
Thankfully he didn't, but he changed the color of the potion by mistake, what was once a bright blue, now made a dull brownish hue. Wooyoung frantically scanned your shelves for something to fix his stupid mistake, surely you had something that could reverse something as simple as a color change??
There was something that caught his eye, on your bottom shelf, tucked away in the back was a bottle with the label peeling off, but from what he could read, it seemed promising.
"Hmm.. 'use in only your most dire of situations' or, something like that." He shrugged, surely that's what the barely there label said. He didn't have much time to think about it as he heard your front door close. He ran back to the cauldron, dumping the rest of the contents of the bottle into it and quickly stirring with the spoon you'd left out. He tucked the bottle into his inner pocket and ran back to your bookshelf just as your footsteps were heard on the stairs.
You squinted at him as you reached the bottom of the staircase, "I really didn't think you'd listen, I thought for sure you would blow my house up."
He chuckled weakly as he flipped randomly through one of your books, "yeah of course I would listen to you! Wouldn't want my order to get messed up like you said," he kept his eyes down at the book as you walked over to your cauldron.
"This should be done now, I'm gonna give it a quick taste test," you took your cauldron off the heat, grabbing your spoon and bringing some of the finished product to your lips, slowly sipping as it was still so hot. Right away something seemed off to you, "strange," Wooyoung moved his eyes to watch you, "Woo, you ordered just a food enhancing potion right?" He nodded. "Can you come taste this? It tastes different from the other batches I've made for you."
He cautiously got up, coming right next to you as you lifted your spoon to his mouth. Taking as much as you did, he spoke after a moment, "yeah it's sort of off, I guess."
You squinted your eyes for a second before realizing and whacking him on the arm with your spoon, "you idiot! I knew you did something to this! What did you add?!"
He backed up, attempting to run from your swings, "nothing bad! Just something to make it smell better! Ow!"
"Woo!" *thwack!* "That's what I was going to do after it was done simmering!" *thwack!* "Show me exactly what you put in here!" *thwack!*
He walked around you as you stood with your spoon still in hand and pointed to the jar of red ginseng.
"And how much did you put in?"
He shrugged, "about a handful? Give or take."
You walked over to him and grabbed him by the shoulders, shaking him a little, "dude, when I say to not fuck with my stuff I mean it! Red ginseng is an aphrodisiac! Now we have to wait for this shit to run its course!" As you continued to shake him, something fell out of his robe and rolled onto the floor. You stopped and bent down to pick it up, you eyes nearly falling out of your head when you saw what it was.
You took a few deep breaths, "Wooyoung, I swear on all my mothers, did this come from my shelf too?"
He tried to take a few steps away but you grabbed his arm, tightly. "It might have....."
If you knew any of the spells to instantly kill someone surely your first victim would be Wooyoung.
You took another deep breath in, "Woo, did it ever occur to you that maybe this bottle was in the way back of my shelf for a reason? That maybe it's a little stronger than most of my ingredients?"
He shook his head no.
"Woo. Maybe if you had taken the time to try and read the barely there label, you would've seen that it says 'use in only your most desirable situations'. This is a very strong aphrodisiac! So not only did you add one aphrodisiac, you added another, ridiculously strong aphrodisiac to that! So now we are actually going to have to suffer while waiting for this to wear off!"
He went over to the chaise lounge chair you had by your bookcase and sprawled out on it, "alright look, we just have to wait it out. How bad could that be?"
Turns out it was really, really bad.
You began to count the stones on the floor to distract yourself from the worsening symptoms. Nothing was working. Every time you got to five or six your brain would reroute to all of the nasty things Wooyoung could do to you. You had to keep shaking your head to reset your thoughts but things kept getting worse and worse. As time went on and you tried to wait it out, you kept moving your eyes from the floor to Wooyoung’s hands, to the seam where his pants met, mind drifting to wondering how big his cock might be, if he knew how to use it, what he sounds like. You could feel your skin growing hotter, face starting to flush, more dirty thoughts were starting to crowd your brain. Your vision was about to go when Wooyoung called your name,
"How long can this go on?"
You met his eyes, "I'm really not sure, I've never had this happen before."
He began to crawl forward on the lounge, "well, what if we did something to help get rid of the symptoms?"
Your head was already starting to get foggy, without thinking you started to crawl towards him, "and what should we do?"
You met him at the edge of the lounge chair, nose to nose, lips just barely touching. He turned his head so he could whisper in your ear, “I think we should fuck each others' brains out, on this chair, until the symptoms wear off. And maybe even after they wear off I'll continue to make you feel good, yeah?"
Your breathing hitched and you swore he could hear your heartbeat, he turned back to meet your eyes and you leaned in to grab him in a deep kiss, crawling up to lean back on the chair with him under you.
"Aw, pretty girl wants me to make her feel good? That what you want?"
You whimpered and nodded your head quickly. The aphrodisiacs were putting your body into overdrive, rendering you unable to think about anything other than getting this man inside of you. You were grabbing at anything you could reach, shrugging his robe off his shoulders, followed by yours hitting the ground; soon it was a frenzy of fabrics flying around the room until you were both naked. In the mess of taking clothes off, you two had switched positions on the couch, you were now lying under Wooyoung, which gave him perfect access to your entire body. His lips began kissing and sucking and biting all over your neck, leaving small hickies that would surely darken as he continued. His hands wandered all over, unable to find a spot to rest. From groping your ass, to moving up and grabbing your tits, flicking and tweaking your nipples as he moved. His lower half wouldn’t stay still either, his cock constantly grinding against your bare pussy, making you leak onto the lounge and only aiding in making you feel like your skin was on fire. His lips continued biting and licking at your neck, moving up to your ear and lightly biting it, letting go to whisper, “what do you need babe? tell me what you want.”
You sighed and moaned, trying to hold on to the last bit of sanity you had, “fuck me Woo please, please I need you so badly right now I’ll do whatever you want just please get inside of me.”
He moved his head so he could see your face, dropping one of his hands down low so he could line up with your entrance, watching your face change as he guided the tip of his cock up and down your slit, hitting your clit each time, making you moan and groan as frustration started to build up. He grinned, “what’s the matter baby? can’t wait? that desperate to have me?”
You sighed as he bumped your clit again, “yes I don’t know how you aren’t! Please just get inside of me—” he finally pushed into you, cutting off your train of thought as he bottomed out inside of you. You hadn’t gotten the chanced to really look at how big he was, but from the stretch you could tell he was decently big, enough to make you drop your jaw and let your legs fall to either side of him. He locked eyes with you and flashed a wicked grin as he continued to push into you. You turned your head to the side, unable to hold the very intimate eye contact with him. Just as you felt him fully sheathe himself inside of you, he groaned and whispered into your ear, “if I had known you felt this good, I would have fucked with my order much sooner."
You had no idea how his brain wasn't as foggy as yours right now, the aphrodisiacs rendering you nothing more than a mumbling, moaning mess underneath him. Your hands against his back, dragging your nails down the expanse of it was your last ditch effort to try and stay on Earth.
He started to pound into you, strong arms caging you in on either side of your head. Eventually, one of his hands found its way down your body and to your clit, lightly rubbing it in time with his thrusts.
You moaned loudly at the added stimulation, not too far away from climax, Wooyoung picked up on that and kept the same pace, but leaned down towards your ear to continue whispering absolute filth to you.
"Come on pretty girl, I know it's right there just come for me."
"You're taking me so well, such a good girl."
Your orgasm hit you so quickly you didn't have time to register it even happening at first, hitting you so hard your back arched off the lounge, Wooyoung sealing your lips in a kiss as he continued to fuck you through it. After you came down, he pulled out,
"I'm not done with you, think you have the energy to get on top?"
You shook your head yes, and he flipped you two over, you now sitting right above his achingly hard cock, lining it up with your entrance and sinking down with a hiss. Wooyoung moaned loudly at the new position. You began to bounce your hips up and down, the lounge slightly creaking under you two. You sat up a bit so you could look at the man under you, an idea popping into your head immediately. You snaked your hand up to the column of his throat and gave a light squeeze at the sides, earning a gasp and another moan from Wooyoung.
You flashed a wicked grin at him now, "aw does that feel good? I had a feeling you would like that." You added a little more pressure to his neck and bounced with more vigor on his cock.
He looked up at you and whimpered, "yes, yes I fucking love it please don't stop." He gripped your hips tightly, likely bruising them in the process, encouraging you to keep at the pace you had set.
All that could be heard throughout your house were the sounds of creaking from the lounge you two were on, and combined moans from the both of you. You could tell that he was getting close from the way his whimpers got higher.
You released your hand from his neck, opting to pull at his hair lightly as you bent down to whisper in his ear, "come on pretty boy, I want you to come for me, give it to me."
He started to buck his hips up into you, rapidly chasing his high. Your second orgasm wasn't too far behind, you took your hand out of his hair and reached back down to rub your clit, trying to finish nearly at the same time as him. His moans grew so rapid and desperate, you knew he wasn't going to last much longer.
Your second climax came with a blurring vision and ringing in your ears, moaning so loudly as you came around him for the second time. Shivering and shaking as he pulled out of you and finished on your chest and stomach, moaning and groaning as he rode out his high.
You both sat there for a moment catching your breath, trying to register if the aphrodisiacs had finally worn off yet. You still had this buzzing feeling on your skin, groaning with frustration.
Wooyoung sat up on his elbows and looked up at you, "do you still feel it too?"
You huffed, "yes. I thought that would have fixed it."
He laughed as he flipped you two back over, "let me see if this will help."
He lifted your legs onto his shoulders as he got down onto his knees, face right in line with your still throbbing clit. He licked a long, painfully slow stripe up your slit, causing you to loll your head back and let out a low groan, already feeling close again.
Your hands found purchase in his hair, lightly tugging at it to encourage him to continue. He groaned at the sensation, sending vibrations through your body, giving you chills down your spine.
He continued to lick and suck at your clit, adding his fingers, curling them into you. You gripped tighter onto his hair, feeling like you could tip over the edge at any second.
Before you could get there, he stopped and sat up, earning a whine from you.
He took your legs off his shoulders, "get on your hands and knees, I want to be inside of you again."
You happily complied and flipped over, wiggling your ass a little at him, earning a slap on your cheeks. You let you another loud moan as he lined up and entered you with ease, beginning to fuck you into the lounge again.
The sound of skin slapping on skin could be heard throughout your house as he pounded into you, his hands gripping onto your hips to keep you from sliding down. Your orgasm from before already creeping up on you, Wooyoung decided to snake one of his hands up your back and into your hair, pulling you so your back was flush with his chest.
From this angle you could feel every inch of him, hitting that spot inside of you that was about to send you over the edge, he brought you closer by your hair and started to kiss and bite your neck, making you moan loudly. He chuckled as he let up on you, admiring his work of purples, blues, and a little bit of red that now adorned your neck. He moved up a little more to bite your ear, and that, combined with his thrusts and his grip on your hair, was enough to send you toppling over the edge again, making you nearly scream at the sensation. He left kisses along your cheek, jawline, and neck as you continued to ride your high.
"Think you can hang in there a little more? I'm so close baby." He loosened his grip on your hair, letting you fall forward onto your elbows.
"Yeah give it to me, come for me again, Woo." He moaned and picked his pace back up again, focusing on his orgasm as you laid there and took it.
He gave you a couple more hard thrusts before he was pulling out again, finishing on your back this time. You let your hips fall as he stood up, both of you taking in deep breaths.
You weakly stood up, now very aware of how sticky you felt. You huffed, "I think that finally did the fucking trick, I'm exhausted but I absolutely need a shower before I lay in my bed."
He laughed at the state of you, "yeah. Definitely. Sorry about that, let me help you." He guided you up your stairs and to your bathroom, keeping a hand on your waist as he turned your shower on, making sure the temperature was alright. He pulled back the shower curtain and allowed you to step in, following in behind you.
Once you both were cleaned off he turned the faucet off and guided you to your bedroom, helping you get dressed as you offered him something to wear.
You looked up at him as you crawled into bed, "you coming?"
He stared at you, "are you sure?"
You laughed, "of course I am! I'm not just going to let you go home after all of that!" He smiled as he crawled into bed, snuggling up behind you.
"Of course, I also want to make sure that the effects really, truly wore off, you know?''
You heard him chuckle behind you, "Oh yeah, of course."
an; hehehe hope you guys like this one :D lmk what else you wanna see from me! also this was cross-posted onto my AO3 account
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My manifestation is complete. Prepare yourself because I'm going to leave you a shock (Hopefully)
OK sub yandere felix/hyunjin/jisung (pick one because I can't 🫠) Who you dated but eventually broke up (Nothing horrible you just didn't want to be in a relationship anymore). After hearing that they're absolutely devastated. You guys can't break up, he's your baby boy and your his mommy/mistress, you're supposed to be together forever. So the'll do anything to get back together. They make unexpected visits to your job, they send you lots of gifts, they'll send pictures and/or videos of themselves in "compromising" positions while wearing lingerie, the'll send you letters writing in great detail what he wants you to do to him. He'll even break into your apartment because he has a BIG surprise for you. When you enter your apartment and head to your bedroom, he's right there, on your bed, wearing lingerie and makeup (maybe a leash) and he is absolutely BEGGING you to use him and treat him as your little toy. Use him as you please, everything he is belongs to you.
That is my manifestation, I hope you enjoy.
y'know i'm gonna pick my hannie bc he's my babygirl and i can't resist him.
he'd do anything and everything so that you would take him back, yes, including sending little gifts to your office. flowers (your favourite kind ofc), chocolates, little trinkets he found that made him think of you.
gradually though they get bigger and bigger. an expensive purse you'd been wanting, high end shoes and clothing that was just your size, some new earbuds because yours had broken...kinda weird, you'd never told him that yours had broken but whatever!
it's sweet at first, adorable and sweet until suddenly it isn't. until one day you get a little box with a seemingly innocent little bow on it.
inside is a small remote control, one arrow pointing up and the other pointing down, a power button and a small note written in that recognizable handwriting
'go wild;)'
you hesitate, where does it cross a line, where does it become falling back into the same old patterns. but on the back it has another message.
'don't overthink it, please, you know you want to.'
he'd be so desperate to get you back, shame is gone. who's she? he doesn't know her.
he only knows humping his pillow, moaning your name as he clutches at the soft fabric, begging to cum while his hips rut needily and a camera sits recording catching all of it to send to you later.
he knows pictures of his hard dick, messages underneath describing absolutely sinful imagery of everything he'd let you do to him-everything he wishes you'd do to him.
lacy lingerie and pretty collars that dig into the delicate skin of his neck, a little tag engraved with "(name)'s property". thigh highs and skirts and tiny crop-tops that show off his slutty little waist that you were oh so obsessed with.
lighting and positioning and exactly what angle he knows will rile you up the most-he's mastered the art of nudes and sexting-knowing exactly what sets you off and what leaves you wanting more
it's all yours anyway. he belongs to you. even if you've moved on, even if you're done with him. you're not really.
you can't really be. because here he is, sending you the lewdest images you could possibly fathom and there you are, still getting off the them.
and then you come home one day, and there he is.
dressed all up in a pretty little outfit with his collar and leash, makeup done up all nice.
he gets down on his knees, begging for you to take him back, to love him, to let him please-he'll do anything, anything for your love and affection, for your praise and attention.
tears well up in his eyes, ruining his perfectly done eye makeup in a way he wasn't expecting-he was ready for a much different scenario to make him cry.
use him- treat him as your toy. use him as you please-take anything and everything.
it's all yours anyway, without you he's nothing, without you he feels like nothing matters.
he's yours. he belongs to you. you can't move on, not when he's still here and you're still here and you never could resist his pretty tears.
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xkaidaxxxx · 5 months
Villain's Love
Dabi x reader
mentions: Contacting Dabi, friends reveal, the truth, Menstrual, New place.
1.8k words read part 1 ( Masterlist)
No proofread.
You attached the letter onto your bird and said, “ You know where to go.  Love you Niki.” He went flying away quickly. Mirio pushed open your door. “ You’re here!!” Neijire yelled, attacking you with a hug. You weren’t in the mood for a visit but they’re your best friend so who cares? She let go of you since you were so tensed up. “ Did the villain you were with threatened you?  How did it go?Did principal Nezu get angry and yell at you? They’re not expelling you right?” she asked. You looked angry. “ You told them I was speaking to a Villain?” you asked. She nodded. “ He was probably going to hurt you! But then I saw him leave so I thought he was telling you to warn the heroes about war or something?” she replied. “ ARE YOU STUPID!? WAR STARTED EVER SINCE THE LEAGUE OF VILLAINS 1ST SHOWED UP AT UA!! YOU SHOULD’VE KEPT YOUR MOUTH SHUT,BUT YOU CAN’T YOU LOUD MOUTH!!” You yelled wanting to slap her in the process but you held back. Neijire frowned. “ Why? He could’ve hurt you y/n. I care about you.” she replied. Tamaki closed the door and locked it. “ She had to tell the principal. It’s crucial.” Tamaki said. “ Since when do you ever comment about my decisions?” you asked. Defensively. “ What’s your problem? We want to make sure you’re doing alright. What’s going on with you? You leave the city early in the morning and come back late at night? What the hell have you been doing? Oh then suddenly you’re stuck at the hospital for 2 weeks and there’s no fucking visitors allowed?” Mirio asked. “We care about you," Neijire said with tears in her eyes. “ I’ve been great, actually Neijire ruined everything! I was tortured for god knows how many fucking hours!” you replied kicking a soccer ball you have. “ How is that my fault? I didn’t do anything bad.” she replied. “ That villain you caught me with is my boyfriend. Dabi.” you replied. The three of them were shocked as fuck. “ w-what since-what the fuck?” Tamaki said. “ We've been together for 6 months. Won’t tell you the details on how we met..it will make me relive the trauma. All I can say is he saved me from something horrible.” you replied. “You’re in love with a criminal. Y/n I think you took “ Criminal”by Britney Spears seriously.” Mirio said concerned as hell. “ Okay hold the fuck up. He treats me correctly, if he didn’t he would’ve been dead by now. I know my worth. Don’t play with me. I’m powerful, smart, kind and I have killer instincts. Our love is rational..beside the fact im a hero's daughter, hero in training and he’s a villain.” you replied. “  Cause,he’s a bad boy with a tainted heart and even I know this aint smart,but mama I'm in love with a criminal.” Neijire sang, You smacked her head. “Don’t try to be funny. I’m still mad at you. What they did to me 2 weeks ago..was painful. I could’ve died at any moment with my body being overworked. Being in excruciating pain.” you replied sitting down on your chair. “I’m sorry I ruined things. You really love him.” Neijire said. “ We won’t tell anyone just between the Big 4.” Tamaki said, smiling. “ Big 4.” You replied smiling. 
Dear Haru,
I’ve been missing you. Seeing Niki land on the fence in front of me made me feel joy and relief. I love you. I love you. I love you. I’ve been desperate to meet with you or even receive a letter. I got you a phone. It's for us to text..if anyone else touches it, it will self-destruct along with everything in it, so take great care of it. If it does happen I can get you another one as many times as I need. 
I’ve had love of fire within me. I won’t forget it. It’s burning brighter.
I’m upset that you had to experience that. Thanks for letting me know. I want and need to make sure you’re okay. I’m glad you’re doing better. The next time we meet I’m holding you closer than ever before. I love you my flame, more than anything. I’d do anything for my girl.
I’m doing well. Nothing has come up my flame. I’m safe. I have no kind of sickness, silly girl. I’m so honored you love and care about me, my queen. ;) I love you very much. My friends know to not mess with me. You know I’ll defend myself from those idiots. 
Hey…I know you want to know more about my past. I’m ready to tell you. It’s better to meet up. I need to do it face to face. I know you’ll understand. I’ve come to reason that there shouldn't be anything hidden between us. It’s about time isn’t it. Haha.
Also The show you told me to watch, I’m mid way into it and it's still boring, but as promised I’ll watch the entire thing! The main character is whiney as fuck. He needs a rude awakening. Does he really think he can get by that easily? He’ll be one stupid King. I swear if the ending is shitty I’m spanking you when we meet again. 
I love you baby.
Love, Dabi
“ I’m sorry…for dragging you into this..If anything happens you guys know nothing. “ You said. “ We have each other's back no matter what Y/n.” Mirio said. “ Does anything seem out of place here?” you asked. They examined the room. Every corner. “ No. It’s all clear. Why do you have some stuff of his in here?” Tamaki asked. “ You guys need to be more observant. That's totally her boyfriend's hoodie. The beanie too. Holy shit did he get you the album set?” Neijire asked. Mirio checked out the hoodie. “He’s into emo music?” he asked. “ Yeah mostly but he listens to other genres as well. I got him to listen to Taylor Swift. Cool right?” you responded smiling . “Ugh I’m dying for a boyfriend who listens to Taylor.” Neijire said, flopping onto your bed. “ You guys in all seriousness..I really am in love with him. I never thought I’d ever fall in love.” You said putting on his hoodie. “ Do you love him that much y/n?” Neijire asked, holding your hand. “ Yes. We learned so much from each other it's insane. He made me a bit of a rebel. I won't deny that. He’s maken me feel free. He made me realize I do have more choices than the ones given to me. That it’s alright to feel good after doing something bad. I felt great kicking that rude ass, annoying, asshole of a 1st year. I know fighting with him wasn’t allowed but it felt so good, ya,know. Yes, he ended up with recovery girl but it felt good. He disrespected my and I” you replied, hugging your pillow. “ You really didn’t have to go too far.” Tamaki said. “Mhm all heroes in training need to behave but someone like him needs a rude awakening.” you replied. “ We support you if you love him that badly.” Mirio said. Tamaki agreed. Neijire smiled and nodded yes. They said their goodbyes and left. About an hour later Niki came back. You opened the window allowing him in. “Good boy. Thank you.” you closed and locked your window. As you read the letter you felt relieved that he got the memo for the LOV to relocate. You cherished all the I love yous and how he was safe. You smiled throughout the entire thing. You grabbed the phone attached to Niki and Immediately called him. 
Phone call 
He heard his phone ring and pulled it out. Answering. You both were nervous for some god apparent reason. 
Y/n: “ D-Dabi?”
Dabi: Hi my flame. I’m glad to hear your voice. I thought you'd respond in 3 days. 
Y/n: Yeah fuck that. Also don’t tease me. 
Dabi: I love you.
Y/n: I love you too. 
You started crying. Happy to hear his voice knowing he’s okay. He started silently crying. 
Dabi: Y-you okay? Wh-y are you crying?
Y/n: I’m happy to hear from you. . Why are you cr-crying?
Dabi: Same reason as you. I’m happy to hear from you. You have no Idea how worried I was about you. I couldn’t even do my job right when Shigaraki sent me out. He eventually made me stay with him at the hideout. We’re getting ready to leave. He told me to tell you he says Thank you once we got in contact. Are you really okay now? Your body doesn’t feel drained or differently?
Y/n: I’m good, okay. I’m just pissed I got my period an hour ago. It totally sucks. I know my cramps will come soon. I still have tea to help.
Dabi: Damn that does suck. If the tea doesn’t work, take Midol. Do you have some?
Y/n: I think so, If I don't, I’ll ask the girls. I need them. My breasts are swollen and it hurts a bit and back pain sucks. I don’t get fatigued so that's good.
Dabi: Yes, flame, that's good. Please get some Midol. I wish I were there. I could be your personal heating pad. Hey, do you have one of my hoodies? I can’t find one. 
Y/n: Yes I do and a beanie. Hehe sorry. 
Dabi: Sneaky girl. How did you do it?
Y/n: You made me sneaky, babe
Dabi: Mhmm yes I did. Good girl. 
Y/n: That’s me! Don’t hang up, I need to use the bathroom real quick. 
You put yourself on mute. Doing your business. He stayed on the line waiting for you. After 5 minutes you were back unmuting yourself
Y/n: I’m back. First two days are  always heavy. 
Dabi: I’m highly aware those days you’d stay over with me. You’d get up like 3 times in the middle of the night to change. We’d both ended up restless. 
Y/n: I know Hehe but you loved having me over regardless. 
Dabi: Obviously maybe soon you’ll be able to sleepover with me.
Y/n: We can sleepover at my vacation home. It’s about 3 hours away. You have to agree this time okay.
Dabi: Okay let's do it. Anything for you. 
You got into bed turning on the heating pad to help with the cramps. 
Y/n: Babe… can you stay on the line until I fall asleep. Please. I don’t want to be alone tonight. 
Dabi: Anything for you my flame.
That night you guys talked for hours. They reached the hideout and eventually everyone went their separate ways within the building. He heard your snores, even then he didn’t hang up. He slept comfortably hearing you. It’s like you were there with him.
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crithaus · 2 years
Fun facts about me, tonight is the very first time I've ever watched the Letter being read out loud, I've finally finished EP 69, and boy do I have thoughts and feelings
Like fuck RQ for her handling of Percy asking for her help. Like I get it, Percy's an ass, but this scared young man, too young, comes to you, ye omnipotent near all-powerful goddess, for the help you offered his friends, his family, for a chance at redemption, and you give him a panic attack and tell him he was always this fucked up?? Fuck off with that. I'm glad she gets better but man.
And lastly, the letter. I gotta tell you, to hear that self-deprecating, self-loathing letter, written right after that ill-fated talk with RQ at the Lowest point in the campaign for him, when the whole episode has been nothing but VM being so absolutely and catastrophically ruined by Percy's gruesome death at the hands of a woman who'd been abusing him since he was in his teens, -like and that too how absolutely horrible it was for Percy to die at her hands specifically, and how poetic, at the hands of what he very nearly became, at the hands of his near perfect dark mirror so all the blows sting all the worse and fucking orthax too cuz Percy just has to watch all of his past mistakes and past nightmares come back to haunt him,- but I digress
Like the tearful confessions, Keyleth freeing him from Orthax's grip and the torture therein cuz he just can't catch a break, Vax shelving his own fury at Percy for forgiveness instead because losing him ain't worth the grudge, VEX'S WHOLE SPEECH AND TRUE LOVE'S CRIT AND "and I kiss him," the first time and "I should have told you, it's yours," and the fact that that damn confession was enough for Taliesin to reconsider shelving Percy entirely then and there, and ofc the others too, Keyleth's and Vax's and Pike's too yea, but Vex's at the forefront and the way they all killed Anna first of all for him, Scanlan nixing the carefree persona cuz this situation is just that important for Percy. The way this party who have been trying so hard to be better completely brutalize her because it's what both she and Percy deserve...
And to hear that letter after it's all said and done and be confronted with the fact that they nearly lost Percy for good but won't ever allow that to happen twice.....man. to hear that goodbye when they fought tooth and nail to get him back...
Percy's letter was sweet. But wrong. All that Vax had said to Kynan is ringing in all their ears now. Percy's battered yes, and much of that was the world being cruel and not his fault, he's battered but. not broken.
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
fluff prompt 35 with Robin? 🥺
Finally fluff Robin! I'm tired of always breaking her heart 🙂
"We’ve been celebrating our wedding anniversary on the wrong day for the past nine years."
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Robin and Y/N have been married for around 9 years. They fell in love during the whole upside down fiasco. Y/N was an old friend of Steve's when they all first discovered the upside down. Once it was all settled she moved to California, hoping to leave it behind her. But when Steve called a few years later saying it's worse than ever, she was right back in Hawkins. She figured she'd kill some creatures, gain new fears and be done with this shit. But what she didn't expect was to fall in love during the worst possible time.
The second Steve introduced her to a loud, fast talking, and sarcastic girl, she was screwed. She learned her name was Robin and a new friend of Steve's. A friend that Steve made very clear, with a horrible wink, was definitely gay. Y/N remembered punching Steve but secretly thanking him for giving her a heads up.
Fighting vecna and trying to stay alive was most important, not trying to flirt with the gorgeous dark haired and blue eye goddess she got partnered up with. Once again, thanks to Steve. But that didn't mean Y/N couldn't look at her from time to time. She even went as far to throw herself around Robin when the ground began to shake. Steve watched with a smirk as both girls blushed a deep red.
When Y/N was saying her goodbyes and heading back to California, Robin asked her on a date. Robin knew she'd hate herself if she never went for it. Plus Y/N saved her life twice in the upside down, she deserves to buy her dinner, right?
Before they knew it Robin and Y/N were calling each other daily. Sending love letters day after day. Planning trips to visit each other. Months went on and turned into years. Steve annoyingly takes credit for their relationship, and makes sure that they both know it.
Their engagement was slightly different from others. Both girls wanted to propose to each other in different ways. Y/N had Joyce helping her and Robin had Steve. All four making the most special and romantic proposal ever. But Y/N and Robin ruined it for each other. Both were getting too excited to wait, and accidentally proposed too early, at the wrong place and at the same time. Joyce and Steve wanted to be mad at all their hard work going to waste. But when both girls showed up with two diamond rings on each other's fingers with the biggest smile they've ever seen, they let it slide. They decided they didn't need a big proposal for each other. Asking at what felt like the right moment felt more like them.
At their wedding, Steve's whole speech was how he planned it all out for them. Both brides rolled their eyes but laughed along. They did owe Steve, because without him they never would have fallen in love.
"baby, which restaurant do you want to go to for our anniversary?" Y/N asked as she sat next to Robin on the couch.
"tough call. Maybe the same place we've been going to for the last 9 years." She laughed as she pretended to think.
"I can't believe it's been that long. I think Steve's payment plan of marrying you is coming up around the 10 year mark. Better soak it up now." Y/N joked.
Robin faked laughed, "haha funny." She said with a smile. Smacking her wife's shoulder.
As Y/N waited for Robin to finish getting ready, she looked through their wedding book. Smiling at the memories.
"I can't get over how fucking beautiful you looked this day." Y/N sighed as she stared at her wife's beaming smile in her white suit.
"just that night?" Robin asked, clipping her necklace as she walked to sit next to Y/N.
"you know you look beautiful all the time." Y/N kissed her cheek. Laughing as her red lipstick stained Robin's cheek.
Together they looked through the book. Stopping in confusion at their wedding invitation.
"wait Rob, the date, is that right?" She asked, showing Robin the piece of paper.
Robin looked at it closely with scrunched eyebrows.
"that can't be right. We got married on October 13th!" She said, snatching the book and looking at it closer.
"the invitation says the 15th Robin! There's no way that's wrong. It's the actual invitation we sent out." Y/N tried to explain.
"Are you saying that we’ve been celebrating our wedding anniversary on the wrong day for the past nine years?" Robin asked
"babe, I think we have."
Both erupted in a huge laugh. Eyes watering and gasping for air as they held their stomaches.
"only us baby. Only us." Y/N sighed out, stomach still in pain from laughing so hard.
"well shit, do we start celebrating on the 15th instead?" Robin asked
"nah, the 13th will be our always." Y/N said with a smile.
Both not knowing their anniversary just made them even more perfect for each other
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kushanna · 19 days
bullet points!!
is this (the story in general) a case of "all girls are like the rose bride"? all women are witches?
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"for the wages of sin is death" i'm telling you this girl is an extreme type of catholic. human beato in her childhood used to go to church every sunday
something that's still not completely clear to me is if i'm to understand all magic as "metaphorical" and the final answer will be something 100% "real", or if magic is allowed to exist to some extent (which is what i'm leaning towards). that said, what if there IS something akin to a religious concept here? bear with me now cause there's a good chance i'm very wrong about all i'm about to say, but something like nausicaä's concept of the pure land maybe: you hear of the pure land all the time, but what if going to the pure land actually means dying, and after you die reaching this religious notion of a peaceful place? you only reach the golden land after you die. when battler refuses to go to the golden land, when he refuses to accept the golden witch, isn't he maybe refusing to accept this concept of what, not only in human terms, but in a human's way of living, can't exist, a place that's free of anything, a place that's "zero", as shannon put it? and if that's what it really is, can a place like this even be that good, a "zero" place? when he refuses the simple answer of magic, isn't he refusing to accept, in other terms, an illusion? and if she's the golden witch, then... i don't know what that means hahah, but i've wondered a couple of times now if beato isn't actually very much dead. i know we've been talking about kinzo "reviving" her since day one, but i don't think i ever took it literally…? and i feel kinda dumb now. why does the end of the epitaph say "to put the witch to sleep for all time"? whose idea was this? kinzo's? or is it her idea? is she in some sort of purgatory and isn't yet "sleeping peacefully"...? why insist on battler to accept her and go to the golden land...? aside from that, the concepts of "witch" and "gold" (also "furniture", i feel like there's more to it than i understand) are still quite muddled to me, but is the gold even any good? eva found it and her life was ruined. in any case, stuff like this is still very confusing:
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we went from this:
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to this:
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what if no one is handing the letters to maria. what if she's actually in communication (in some alliance way, i don't know) with beato (who is dead) and is actually doing all that (letters, umbrella, etc) with full awareness and in agreement of what's going on.
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putting it like this makes it sound like such a sick thing lmao. kinzo has these young women he orders around and they do whatever he tells them to, including murder, all of this to bring back this other young woman he's obsessed with. ... and it's also such an interesting perspective because while it tries to look at what happened also in a non-magical way, it doesn't deny the fact that a bunch of other people were there. i'm not saying i agree with it since as far as i'm aware there are only 18 people on the island, but i can't deny that "master kinzo suspiciously has a hoard of young women who obey him blindly" is a pretty fucked up thing. which leads me to:
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i always understood kinzo's obsession as something romantic, possibly sexual, but now this... is a pretty fucked up thing, is something that's becoming quite scary. the dungeon, the bondage jokes between ronove, virgilia and gaal, "binding her in chains", something horrible happened here, yikes. but beato is such a freaky little shit that i can't tell the intensity of things, if that makes sense, when she tells them. fuck.
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Guts Prompt List
100 prompts for Guts by Olivia Rodrigo, practice good reblog karma and send a prompt or two to the person you reblog this from
I forgive and I forget
I know my age and I act like it
Got what you can't resist, I’m a perfect all-American bitch
I know my place and this is it
I don't get angry when I'm pissed, I'm the eternal optimist
All the time, I'm grateful all the time
I'm sexy and I'm kind, I'm pretty when I cry
Haven't heard from you in a couple of months, but I'm out right now and I'm all fucked up
And I know we're done, I know we're through, but, God, when I look at you
I should probably, probably not
Seeing you tonight, it’s a bad idea, right?
Seeing you tonight, fuck it, it's fine
Yes, I know that he's my ex but can't two people reconnect?
I only see him as a friend, the biggest lie I ever said
I just tripped and fell into his bed
And I told my friends I was asleep but I never said where or in whose sheets
And I'm sure I've seen much hotter men but I really can't remember when
Hate to give the satisfaction asking how you're doing now
How's the castle built off people you pretend to care about
I see the parties and the diamonds sometimes when I close my eyes
Six months of torture you sold as some forbidden paradise
I loved you truly, you gotta laugh at the stupidity
Cause I've made some real big mistakes but you make the worst one look fine
I used to think I was smart but you made me look so naïve
Bloodsucker, famefucker, bleeding me dry like a goddamn vampire
Every girl I ever talked to told me you were bad, bad news
Oh, what a mesmerizing, paralyzing, fucked up little thrill
Went for me and not her cause girls your age know better
You said it was true love but wouldn't that be hard?
You can't love anyone cause that would mean you had a heart
Aren't you the sweetest thing on this side of Hell?
It's like you're made of angel dust
Yeah, I despise my rotten mind and how much it worships you
And I don't think I get along with anyone
I'm on the outside of the greatest inside joke
Feels like my skin doesn't fit right over my bones
The party's done, and I'm no fun, I know, I know
I broke a glass, I tripped and fell, I told secrets I shouldn't tell
I laughed at the wrong time, sat with the wrong guy
Everythin' I do is tragic
Want it, so I got it, did it, so it's done
Another thing I ruined, I used to do for fun
Another day pretendin' I'm older than I am
Another perfect moment that doesn't feel like mine
Well, sometimes I feel like I don't wanna be where I am
Push away all the people who know me the best
I'm so tired of bein' the girl that I am
And I'm playin' the victim so well in my head
And I tell someone I love them just as a distraction
They tell me that they love me like I'm some tourist attraction
I got the things I wanted, it's just not what I imagined
Master manipulator, god, you're so good at what you do
Come for me like a savior and I'd put myself through hell for you
And now you got me thinking two plus two equals five and I'm the love of your life
You built a giant castle with walls so high, I couldn't see
The way it all unraveled and all the things you did to me
Said I was too young, I was too soft
Can't take a joke, can't get you off
I know I'm half responsible and that makes me feel horrible
I know I could've stopped it all, God, why didn't I stop it all?
I met a guy in the summer and I left him in the spring
Another song, another club, another bar, another dance
So I miss him some nights when I'm feeling depressed
Do I love him? Do I hate him? I guess it's up and down
I wanna get him back, I wanna make him really jealous, wanna make him feel bad
Cause then again, I really miss him and it makes me real sad
Oh, I want sweet revenge and I want him again, I want to get him back
So I write him all these letters, then I throw them in the trash
But I am my father's daughter, so maybe I could fix him
I wanna key his car, I wanna make him lunch, I wanna break his heart, then be the one to stitch it up
He's gonna love me and hate me at the same time
I told my friends you were the one after I'd known you like a month
God, love's fucking embarrassing
And I consoled you while you cried over your ex-girlfriend's new guy
I'm plannin' out my wedding with some guy I'm never marryin'
I'm givin' up, I'm givin' up but I keep comin' back for more
One phone call from you and my entire world was changed
Trust that you betrayed, confusion that still lingers
My undying love, now I hold it like a grudge
And I hear your voice every time that I think I'm not enough
And I try to be tough, but I wanna scream how could anybody do the things you did so easily?
And I say I don't care, I say that I'm fine but you know I can't let it go
It takes strength to forgive, but I don't feel strong, it takes strength to forgive, but I'm not quite sure I'm there yet
The arguments that I have won against you in my head
 I fantasize about a time you're a little fucking sorry
You built me up to watch me fall
I started to skip lunch, stopped eatin' cake on birthdays
There's always something in the mirror that I think looks wrong
When pretty isn't pretty enough, what do you do?
You can win the battle but you'll never win the war, fix the things you hated and you'd still feel so insecure
It's in my phone, it's in my head, it's in the boys I bring to bed
I chased some dumb ideal my whole fucking life
And none of it matters and none of it ends, you just feel like shit over and over again
When am I gonna stop being wise beyond my years and just start being wise?
When am I gonna stop being a pretty young thing to guys?
When am I gonna stop being great for my age and just start being good?
Got your whole life ahead of you, you're only nineteen, but I fear that they already got all the best parts of me
And I'm sorry that I couldn't always be your teenage dream
Will I spend all the rest of my years wishing I could go back?
They all say that it gets better, it gets better, but what if I don't?
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ignyxdaughter · 2 years
(𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 /𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐤𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐳𝐨𝐯𝐚 𝐱 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧)
A/N: Hey, everyone! How are you? I'm so sorry for the delay of this chapter, but it was really hard to write it. Everytime I thought it was ready, I decided to add more scenes and details on the narrative. What I planned to be a 3k chapter, ended up being an almost 7k. But enough of waiting now! I hope you enjoy it and have a great 2023💕 Also, I searched about those Russian traditions about flowers on internet. So if there's any mistakes, please, feel free to correct me!
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summary: Nick and Hope have an argument about Katherine. Agatha and Gelya have a talk. In the meantime, Kirigan receives the news that Malyen Oretsev was found unconscious on the woods.
words: 6680
warnings: explicit violence, blood, death, a brief mention of self harm and a subtle spoiler of “Ruin and Rising”
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Nick started to suspect that something was wrong when Katherine had gone straight to her room with a scowl on her face and Hope arrived not so much better, not greeting anyone and ordering a drink in the bar. The hybrid stares at his cousin Levi by his side, but the man is already on Katherine's heels to know why she seems so distressed.
He gazes at the counter again, where the redhead is gripping the cup she was handed so strongly that her knuckles are white. Hope has such behavior when she is on the wrong side in a situation. She stays quiet in her place, bittering by herself about what happened and wondering if what she did was a good thing for her but bad for others.
Hope took Kat away from the General. His head is invaded with Levi's voice. Hurted Alina to get him out of the room and then kidnapped Kat.
Anything else? He replies telepathically.
All I know is that they argued a lot. Kat's crying as much as when Samson chose that light singer over her.
Nick takes a deep breath to not break something in the tavern. Samson was Katherine's worst lover, a fire singer who used to look with disdain at her shadows and pretend to accept her the way she was, but as soon as he met a light singer named Alys, he fled into her arms, who knew very well that he was committed to Katherine at that moment. Worst of all, his cousin and Alys were extremely close at the time, which caused Katherine to be betrayed by both sides: love and friendship.
It took almost a decade for her to stop grieving and blaming herself for that horrible situation, but once Katherine decided to recover fully, nobody could stop her. Many years later, when she learned to love herself more and loathe Samson and Alys, the two came after her for forgiveness. Unfortunately for them, it was too late; the answer to their wish was harsh insults that probably scarred them forever and a guilt that will accompany them to their grave. The shadow singer still receives a few letters asking for a second chance, but sets fire to it as soon as she sees Samson or Alys as recipients, not even bothering to open it.
So if Katherine is crying as much as she did when this betrayal happened, then there's only one answer: Hope triggered her insecurities about herself. The tears on her face right now are due to thoughts of not being worthy for someone and, therefore, never finding true love.
With clenched teeth, the hybrid immediately goes to the counter where the redhead is. He needs to discover what she said to be able to disprove any lie that Katherine's mind is telling herself. "What did you do?" She only takes a sip of the drink without looking at him. "Hope, what the fuck did you do?!"
"The right thing."
"And is that 'right thing' actually right? Because Kat is upstairs crying on Levi's lap!"
"I was protecting her."
He sits by her side, holding the urge to slap her. "Doesn't seem so."
"Kirigan's not good for her."
"That's not on you to decide, Hope!" Nick indignantly hits the wooden counter. "Especially when you are far from her to know what the hell's the effect he has on her!"
The tribid finally looks at him, her blue eyes full of rage. "And what the hell's the effect he has on her, Nick?!"
"A single one will shut you up: her shadows are silent towards him."
"Of course they are! He's a Shadow Summoner, you idiot!"
"No, Hope. They're silent in the same way they were towards uncle Elijah." Her mouth opens slightly in shock, her heart clenching at the meaning of this. "Do you remember what my mother said about that quietness? They only do it with someone they trust to keep Kat safe and happy forever, who will never give up on her or cause her sorrow!"
"No." Hope shakes her head in denial. "They're wrong."
"No, you are wrong!" He yells, ready to explode in fury. "We both know very well that there's no one more reliable in keeping Kat safe than her shadows. They have always had her back, since long before uncle Elijah met and adopted her! They were the ones who protected her from her parent's punches, who assured her that she wasn't the aberration her sisters talked about, who helped her survive on the streets when she ran away from home!" The hybrid lets out a tired sigh. "Why do you think they didn't warn her about uncle Elijah on the day they'd met? Because Kat would run and thus wouldn't be safe nor have a better life!"
"So you think they are doing the same with Kirigan? Wanting to show her that he's the key for a great life."
"I don't think that. I know that!"
She scoffs, unbelieving her cousin's opinion. "He'll break her heart."
"No, he won't. If her shadows trust him, then so do I." He adds when she opens her mouth to reply. "You haven't seen her, Hope. Every time she comes back after being with him, she's with a shy smile on her face or in a silent trance to find out what she feels. That happens every single time, no matter if they talked or only looked at each other."
"It might be because he's a living amplifier. Have you ever thought of that, Nick? He naturally attracts her in the same way as others!"
"He attracts Grishas, Hope! Amplifiers don't work in witches or in any other supernatural." He grunts, annoyed by his cousin and sick of arguing. "You know what? I'm tired of this shit. Tell me right now what you said to her."
The redhead finishes her drink and stands up to leave the tavern. "Forget it, Nick."
He immediately grabs her arm strongly, a silent order for her to sit down again. Although Hope's more powerful than him, Nick's able to fight her well, since he is a hybrid. Moreover, he's the one who naturally acts more like a leader, which made him leader of the Crescent Wolf Pack centuries ago, and is seen as a trustable and honorable figure in the entire New Orleans. That virtue of him helps him to build alliances all over the world, and Hope doesn't doubt he's already made some on Ravka.
A fight with Nick in this territory would be suicide. She would win, of course, but would shatter Ravkan Supernatural Community's trust in the Mikaelsons, something they need to recover all of Agatha's memories and not get caught by the Oprichnik.
"Did you say that she's only a pawn to him? That he prefers Alina?" Impatient, the hybrid hits the wooden counter. "Tell me, Hope!"
"He wants her power, not her! He will use her!" She yells at him, not caring if the entire tavern is looking at them.
Nick swears for a moment that he will transform into his wolf form due to rage. "Are you fucking deaf?! What part of 'her shadows trust him' didn't you listen to?!"
"He chose Alina over her! When she screamed, he ran to her instead of staying with Kat!"
"Was Kat hurt too?"
"What? No! I was careful with the spell."
"Then that's why he ran to Alina! I doubt he would ever leave the room if Kat was the one in pain." He pauses, realizing that this may be the reason why the shadow singer is upset and in tears right now. "You said that to her, didn't you? That he saved Alina over her."
Hope's face pales after noticing that she's just admitted what she did.
"I-I can't believe you've done that." Nick takes a deep breath, all the anger replaced by the sudden feeling of disappointment. "You know more than anybody else of her insecurities towards some light singers, of how she sometimes forgets her own value and doesn't think she's worthy."
Many who know Katherine think that her worst enemy is her biological family, some light singers or witch hunters, or even the Strix. However, only the Mikaelsons know that it's none of those, but her darkest side: the one that distorts events and makes her distrust herself, compares her to others, feels inferior and always thinks that she doesn't deserve an achievement. The shadow singer fights daily against this opponent, the thin white lines on her forearms that she did to herself are eternal reminders of that, and the fact that she didn't give in to this nemesis is why she's still alive.
Katherine's worst enemy is her own mind. If you know that and use it in your favor, you have the chance to wreck her entirely, as she's the one who will do the job of breaking herself even more.
Hope is sure she can feel her own heart shattering in pieces, for she now realizes that, in the heat of the argument, she took advantage of her cousin's dark mind just to hurt her. That's why Nick is so mad at her; he wouldn't be furious if separating the shadow singer from The Darkling or hurting Alina were the only problems. Loyalty was always crutial for him, the essence of every relation, and to know that someone of the family hurted another member without any plausible reason is pure betrayal.
Hope doubts now that Nick will ever leave her alone with Katherine again. Actually, she suspects that he might be thinking of an attempt to communicate with Katherine's shadows in order of her protection towards the tribid.
For a short moment, the redhead's blue eyes stare into the hybrid's browns. She starts running towards her cousin's room shortly thereafter, but Nick also has enhanced speed for being half werewolf and thus was able to catch up with her before she reached the door in the hall. With a clenched jaw, he opens his mouth to speak, however, is interrupted by a door slam. The two immediately look at the sound's direction, only to find Levi staring at them with a stern face.
"She wants to be alone now."
Hope pushes the hybrid to the side, trying to get closer to the bedroom. "I want to talk to her."
"Levi, you don't understand! I need to apo—"
"You can do it tomorrow." His steady voice cuts her off like a sword. "It'll be better to have you two rested and cooled off from the argument."
The redhead analyzes him from the top to the bottom, wondering how she will make him move out of the door.
"Don't even think of that, Hope." Levi warns her. "Even if you get through me, you'll still have to pass through her shadows to get to her. And you know how they're protective over Kat."
Finally, she sighs in redemption. "I'll be here in the morning."
The tribid went straight to her room as soon as she arrived at the Little Palace, not talking to anyone and not going to dinner. Although she didn't have any sleep, she wrote a letter of the regret she felt about her harsh words in that argument. She even rehearsed in the mirror how she would act on every reaction Katherine might have in tomorrow's conversation.
The sun was beginning to rise when Hope left to go to Praecantrix, since she was anxious to redeem herself and beg her cousin for forgiveness. However, Katherine was nowhere in that tavern and no one there even knew that she had left at dawn.
Hope closes her eyes as she leans on the hallway's wall, concern making her stomach twist. Since they were young, the shadow singer has the habit of leaving at late hours to fulfill a plan, as the night is the time when darkness is stronger and therefore will protect her more. Usually these plans summarize on a kill that will just be discovered in the morning or days later.
"You better not get caught, Kat." And I really hope you're not killing the Sun Summoner now.
────────── ★ ★ ★ ──────────
Snowflakes fall slowly at dawn, taking time to disguise itselves with the glowing snow on the ground. Behind a large tree, Katherine can hear Malyen Oretsev's heavy breathing, probably trying to keep himself warm in the cold. With closed eyes, she tries to listen to someone accompanying him, but soon, after none of her shadows sense another presence, she comes to the conclusion that he is alone.
His friends died. Ikatris murmurs to her. Killed by Fjerdans.
"That will make things easier then." She bitterly whispers to him.
The tracker senses the witch's presence as soon as she emerges from her hiding place, his senses immediately showing him where she is. He stands up without hesitation, a knife in his hand and a loaded pistol in his belt, because somehow his intuition — which never fails — tells him that this woman is a threat. Even with just the weak light of a lantern he can see the fury in her light green eyes, a deep hatred that seems to corrode her soul. For a moment, the famous saying of "death stare" comes to his mind. He never believed it, and thought that if he ever saw one, it would surely be his own in a mirror after meeting The Darkling, the man who ripped the love of his life from his arms because she discovered her power.
"Have you found the stag?"
"You Grisha are so arrogant." He sneers, indignant at being treated like a servant. In the past he thought this would be temporary, but now he knows it will never end, especially since he's in the First Army and has to compete for recognition every day with Grisha.
"First I was mistaken as a mortal, and now I'm being mistaken as a Grisha." She snorts. "Ravkans level of ignorance is unbelievable."
"You're not Grisha?" Mal chuckles, thinking she is playing him, but stops as soon as he sees that her death stare increased — if that was even possible.
"I'm much worse than a Grisha, Malyen Oretsev." Her voice is stern, all said in an eerie calm while being still in her place.
"What are you? Who are you?"
"I'm a servant, just like you. Though you serve a repugnant pig that you call a tsar, and I serve nature."
"Every witch is a servant of nature, Mr. Oretsev."
The tracker remembers the numerous times when he and Alina used to read books of myths in Keramzin, enjoying the legends of vampires, werewolves and faes. They were good though scary. However, the most frightening of them were the ones about witches, which made them fear for their lives and hug each other till they fell asleep. Witches were in all of these stories as a person that would curse someone if they didn't follow their desire.
His intuition was right: this woman is a powerful threat.
"You see, nature balances all kinds of magic so that life in the world works correctly. But that balance is fragile: it can break with a simple spell to revive the dead or with an amplifier that allows a species not born with magic to produce it—", an eerie smile forms at the corner of his lips "like the antlers of the mightiest stag in Ravka."
Nervousness starts to churn his stomach as she slowly approaches him and continues talking. "The Darkling wants the Sun Summoner to produce magic in order to dissolve the Unsea. Oh, Mr. Oretsev, I've seen countless times the consequences of a magical imbalance, and in all of them they were much worse than the action that made it, because nature always finds a grotesque way to recover that balance, and it's always immediate."
His heart sinks at the thought of Alina suffering such a violent consequence as the woman said. "Alina."
"She'll be the first one to die when the Fold is dissolved — a painful death, if I may opine on it. Honestly, I would love to see a lightscum have such fate—"
Mal clenches his jaw at the realization that the witch is a threat not only to him, but to Alina. "If you come near her, I will—"
"But I don't want to see my people suffering because of an action that she'll do." Katherine blatantly ignores him. "So I thought of how I can avoid that to happen, and the answer is pretty simple."
Hold him. She telepathically orders her shadows.
In a blink of an eye, he's knocked down in the snow, the pistol in his pocket soon thrown away and the knife he was holding is now in her hands. However, Mal notices that it isn't her who's restraining his limbs to keep him on the floor. "What the fuck are you doing to me?!"
Please tell me you're going to rip his heart out! Katherine hears Umbra's excited voice.
No, Umbra. She replies. He doesn't deserve such effort.
Can you at least make it quick? Ikatris asked. I rather not hold him for so long.
Don't worry. I won't torture him.
"The stag must be exactly wherever it is without you on its tracks, who's only doing it to be able to see your lover." The shadow singer touches his cold face. "I know that you haven't found it yet, Mr. Oretsev. I read your mind while you implied I was an arrogant Grisha."
"You fucking bitch!"
"Don't be like that, Mr. Oretsev." She increases the grip on his face in an attempt to control her rage. "Your lightscum may even reunite with you soon depending on my patience. You know, she has that extraordinary ability to easily piss me off."
An uncontrollable hatred makes Mal resist whatever that is pinning him to the ground. He fights with all his strength to break free and kill this soulless woman so that she never lays a finger on Alina. The person he loathes the most is no longer The Darkling, but this witch who he doesn't even know the name of.
For the first time in life, he makes a death stare, though unfortunately wasn't able to see it for himself.
The last thing he feels is her icy hands on his face breaking his neck. At the instant he hears the cringing sound of his bone fracturing, everything is dark. He doesn't feel Katherine stabbing his heart thrice with his own knife, nor does he see her pummeling his corpse as frustrated tears stream down her cheeks at the thought that she is once again second to someone with the power of light.
────────── ★ ★ ★ ──────────
Kirigan spent the night reading about The Handler, who's described as a maniacal person who makes unbreakable contracts that must be signed by their client's own blood. No one knows if they are a woman or a man, but it's certain that they are a witch or witcher, since they make wishes come true in exchange for something, especially, for a favor. The book also says that everyone who does a deal with this mad person is casted with a sigil spell which forbid them to say The Handler's true name or genre.
If you ever dare to irritate The Handler or attempt to deceive them, be prepared for true suffering. None who did these came back alive or sane.
The Darkling has just finished rereading the chapter for the third time when a paper was dragged to the top of the page, preventing him from reading the same words again.
You will regret it if you try to play her. She always wins a game.
He looks up to face the smiley shadow in front of him. Cheshire. That is his name. "It wasn't my intention to play her." At least not after I truly met her.
The dark figure writes something on the paper. You want her.
Kirigan takes a deep breath to keep himself calm. "I don't—"
Yes, you do. But to gain her, you have to understand her.
"Understand her?"
Listen to her, and then act.
He frowns. "What in the actual hell do you mean by that?!"
Cheshire's smile increases. You'll see.
He opens his mouth to answer it, but the creature flies to his desk's shadow, entering it without any noise or leaving a trace. The Darkling immediately stands up to search for the dark figure, but is interrupted with a knock on his door. Clearly annoyed, he recomposes himself before allowing whoever wants to talk to — and irritate — him.
"Moi soverenyi." Fedyor bows as soon as he enters. "The First Army General sent an urgent alert for you." He rolls his eyes, already impatient with whatever is going to be said. "A group of soldiers found in the woods the stag's tracker unconscious."
Kirigan freezes in his place, feeling one of his most important plans in life escaping through his fingers. "What?"
The Heartrender gives him a letter. "The messenger said that he was found early in the morning and was taken to the closest camp. The otkazat'sya General implied that your presence would be completely significant there."
"Fetch my carriage. You and Ivan are going with me." He looks at his desk in search of the stag's hunt reports. "And Fedyor."
The Corporalki turns to him. "Yes, moi soverenyi?"
"Don't tell anyone about that."
"You have my word, moi soverenyi." He bows before leaving to accomplish the Shadow Summoner orders.
────────── ★ ★ ★ ──────────
"You didn't do well in practice today."
Agatha looks up with a scowl on her face only to find Zoya Nazyalensky by her side. "You took some punches. I thought you were good enough to not be beaten."
"It hasn't been a good day."
"Why? Because of your horrible performance or because Baghra hit you again with that stick? Though this woman really can piss anyone off." She murmurs the last sentence to herself.
The hybrid turns her focus back to the untouchable meal at the table, not wanting to interact with someone in the moment. She's more worried about yesterday's events, of how Angelina got frightened by seeing what Hope did to Alina.
"It is rude to ignore others, Agatha. That's my personality, not yours."
"You don't know me." She whispers.
"But I know why you're so sullen today. Gelya really isn't one to avoid others." Agatha turns to the Squaller so quickly that it makes her neck ache. "Though you don't need to worry. I know how to help you."
A twinge of hope invaded her heart. "You do?"
"Her favorites are chrysanthemums." She pauses for a moment, a thoughtful expression on her face, then turns to the air singer with urgence. "Choose whichever you find, but forget the yellow ones."
The hybrid frowns, confused. "Why?"
"Yellow flowers mean sorrow. If you go to her with one of these, she'll think you probably did something unforgivable or that someone died."
"Well, at least you warned me about that. My favorites are sunflowers, so—"
"And make sure to pick an odd number of flowers. Even numbers are for funerals." Agatha's jaw drops in more shock than before, and an amusement smirk appears on Zoya's lips, who's definitely enjoying the woman's reaction towards her culture. "Just follow what I said and go pick up the flowers, Agatha."
The air singer shakes her head, ending any reverie she was having, and stands up to head towards the garden. "On my way to do it." When she gets to the dining hall's door, she turns around and says: "Thank you, Zoya!"
"You're lucky I like you." The Grisha mumbles a sincere answer to herself, her blue eyes still on the room's entrance when Agatha leaves.
Agatha started her search for chrysanthemums as soon as she arrived at the garden, carefully choosing the best looking flowers to give to Angelina. It took almost half an hour until she was satisfied with the bouquet of white and pink chrysanthemums, all of the nine beautiful flowers with no indication that they would wither soon. After being satisfied with her job, she goes to the infirmary, praying to all the Ancestors that the Healer is there. The only place Gelya spends her time other than the infirmary is the Corporalki's secret chambers, where Agatha knows she won't be able to enter because that's not her Grisha order — though, for being Supernatural, she's not part of any of the three orders.
The hybrid takes a deep breath before entering the infirmary, anxiety reigning all over her body when Angelina's hazel eyes meet her brown ones. "Hey."
The Healer analyzes the room to be sure if there's anybody else with them before replying. After concluding that they were alone, she greets the woman in front of her. "Hi."
"I brought this to you." Agatha hands her the bouquet. "I picked them up myself."
Gelya slowly approaches her, a genuine smile forming into her mouth as she realizes that it's her favorite flower. "Chrysanthemums!"
"The wind told me they're your favorites."
She gently grips the bouquet of pink and white chrysanthemums and lets out a satisfied moan after breathing their aroma. "This wind of yours is very wise." Agatha chuckles, some of the tension released off her shoulders with the relief that Gelya is still willing to have a conversation with her. "Thank you. They're beautiful."
"Well, you know what they say: beautiful flowers are meant to have a beautiful owner."
The Grisha laughs while shaking her head in disbelief. "Who says that?"
"Me." She smirks. "I'm a first rate romantic with lots of experience." Though now I don't remember much of these experiences.
Angelina couldn't hold back another laugh. "You clearly seem to be."
"I appreciate your faith in me." The hybrid bites the inside of her cheek before revealing the main reason for coming to the infirmary, her stomach churning in nervousness. "I came here to apologize for what you saw."
"No, let me finish, please." She lets out a tired sigh, not ready to hear what the woman has to say. The Healer obeys, staring at the bouquet as a distraction, since she doesn't expect much from the words to come. "For now I don't know who I am, but I have an idea. And that idea might scare you. With good reason, of course, because if I were young and didn't have magic, like you, I'd be frightened too. From the memories I have, I've come to some conclusions about my power, my virtues, and the life I used to live before— you know." She hits her own head to symbolize the memory loss.
"The remembrances of my childhood take place in old settings, and one of the settings that most impressed me is the start of a witch hunt. My cousins ​​and I couldn't have been even twenty when the chaos started in that town. I remember my uncles running to get our things and my mom taking us back to New Orleans with a spell. But before that town disappeared, I saw through the window two people being hanged from a tree. They were convicted of witchcraft, and if we stayed, it would be my family and I who would've a noose around our necks."
Agatha takes a shaking breath, the pain of having already been hunted for being Supernatural poking at her heart. "I'm telling you that because I suspect this memory is from the Salem Witch Trials, which happened centuries ago." The tear she was holding back trickles down her face. "I am old, Gelya... and a hybrid. Half werewolf and half air singer witch. My whole family is Supernatural, they taught me how to survive. I already killed and tortured and, honestly, I think I like that because I don't mind hurting some people." She closes her eyes to not see Angelina's reaction, dreading the fear that must be in her face. "The spell Hope casted in Alina yesterday hurt due to the blood vessels bursting inside her head; it's discreet yet daring. My guess is that my mom taught us this spell when we were young in order for us to know how to protect ourselves without getting caught."
"I'm so sorry that you saw that. Magic can be beautiful, it really can, but most of the time it's dangerous. You don't need to forgive me, Gelya, but trust me when I say that you're too pure for this world. And I'm a heathen, a savage to many people."
The Healer's eyes widened even more after hearing the last sentence. "What? No!"
"Yes, I am, Gelya." Agatha opens her wet eyes to finally face her, the pain in her chest still present. "For being a Grisha, you only have small science, which isn't considered that abnormal. On the other hand, I have magic and for that I'm considered a freak. It's easier for them to hunt a Supernatural than a Grisha, so you're safer without me."
Angelina shakes her head vehemently in denial. "Ravka's more acceptable. We can—"
"Ravka's acceptable for you, Gelya. Supernaturals are myths here, and I know they'd rather continue to be treated like that than bow down to mortals, who have persecuted them for so long."
"We can fix that. You can still be here, in Ravka, and feel acceptable."
It was the air singer's turn to shake her head, not accepting the subtle idea of pretending to be someone she isn't. "I don't want to pretend that I'm a Grisha."
"Then we change the world!" She puts the bouquet away to grip Agatha's face, consequently forcing the woman to stare straight into her eyes. "I saw the way the General and your cousin looked at each other, it's the same as how I look at you. They're like us: a Grisha and a Supernatural, a Ravkan and an American."
"Kat's British."
"If they show their union in public, then we can show ours." She blatantly ignores her correction. "No tsar's guard will be able to stop us because he has to be an idiot to want to clash with the General."
"The tsar is an idiot, Gelya. He'll clearly try to threaten Kirigan."
"Then we'll be on the General's side! The winning side, which has a leader that knows what it feels like to be hunted and knows that the Supernatural aren't freaks." Angelina's lips slightly brush against Agatha's, her warm breath hitting the dark skin when she murmurs: "That you aren't a freak."
The hybrid inspires deeply in an attempt to ease the shivers that are running through her spine. "I know, but some people don't."
"Then fuck them."
Agatha's smile reaches her eyes when she leans down to kiss the Healer, who happily retributes it. Her arms swing to Angelina's waist, while the other's hands leave the air singer's face to wrap them around her neck. Both of them feel all the tension and nervousness leaving their body, the only sensations being their heart beating loudly against their chests and the butterflies flying inside their stomach.
────────── ★ ★ ★ ──────────
By the end of the ride to the First Army's camp, Kirigan concluded that Katherine's the current ruler inside his head, since she didn't let go of his thoughts for not even a second. Who took her from him? Is she alright? How can he find her again? Does she feel the same as him?
No. The last question is just paranoia. Of course she feels the same need to be close to him, the same emotions he feels for her. After all, she's his true equal, for Saints' sake!
After the horses are untied from the carriage to be fed, the First Army general's most loyal lieutenant greets The Darkling and the two Heartrenders. The Shadow Summoner didn't know much about the tracker's state, yet wished he was alright for him to continue with the stag's hunt as soon as possible. This is one of the last steps for his plan to be fully realized. He has Alina on a string, and not only is she ignoring Baghra's complaints about her having an amplifier, but is excited about getting one so she can dissolve the Fold. Kirigan isn't a fool either, he knows how to hide his true intentions from everyone and, therefore, the entire Ravkan court and Second Army are faithfully by his side, thinking he is fighting to end the Unsea. However, as Katherine said, there's only one community that loathes him for this "good cause": the Supernatural.
Saints, he cannot imagine the chaos that would break out in the country if the Shadow Fold was ended! The Supernaturals are even more persecuted than the Grisha, which leads to two possibilities: either they would flee Ravka, or they would revolt after so much oppression, since the Unsea it's what most protects them from hunters. The latter idea is what dreads him the most, since these people have merzost. If they decided to fight for respect in towns, it would be a matter of hours before they defeated the First and Second Army entirely. Fortunately for Ravka, the General won't dissolve the Fold, and due to that, there won't be any sort of upheaval from this community; witches, werewolves, vampires and faes, even though hidden, might be content for still being safe enough compared to the period before the Unsea's creation.
"He got here unharmed, but the blood-soaked shirt is an odd factor." Kirigan shakes his head to look at the soldier leading them to the infirmary tent. "We analyzed the area and there was no evidence of anyone who could have injured him, however, he insists that he was held down by someone until his neck was broken." The man couldn't hold back the mockery laugh, definitely thinking that Mal became insane for saying such stupid things. "He said it was a witch! Can you believe that, moi soverenyi?"
The Darkling had to contain a surprised expression, for a moment hoping that the tracker remembered the witch. If he did, Kirigan could manage to capture them and finally see with his own eyes that Katherine was right: there are Supernaturals in Ravka, and they despise him for having the idea of getting the Shadow Fold dissolved.
The General heads straight to Malyen Oretsev's bed while making a silent order to Ivan and Fedyor dismiss everyone from the infirmary. The otkazat'sya looked at him in disgust, probably grudging that Alina was now a Grisha and lives in the Little Palace.
He smirks by knowing that even if this tracker wanted to hurt him, he would fail miserably by attempting it. "Mr. Oretsev. What a pleasure to finally meet you in person." Mal only stares at him in silence, hating to have to hear The Darkling's voice. "The soldiers told me about what happened."
"So why are you here? Because I doubt that it's to check on my well-being."
Kirigan holds the urge to make the Cut on him. "You claim to have been held until a witch broke your neck."
"This happened."
"I'm here to assure the stag hunt. After all, you are the best tracker in the First Army and—"
"I've lost it."
For an instant, the Grisha's leader forgot everything that he would say to the otkazat'sya. Instead of continuing his speech, he deeply gazes at the man on the bed. "What?"
"My ability to track."
"Before, I could feel things, get a sense of where to start no matter where I was. My intuition used to guide me to the place, it was like a gift. But now it's gone. I don't feel the stag's location anymore. Even if you put me back where I was, I won't know how to continue with the hunt."
"This intuition. Why do you think that it's gone forever?"
"Because she fucking killed me!" Mal yells, feeling his blood starting to boil just by remembering that fucking witch. "She broke my neck! And I'm fucking sure that she stabbed me!"
"They said that you had no wounds."
"But my shirt was fucking wet with blood. My blood! I'm not mad or— or insane! I know what I saw! I can still feel her hands on my face and— and a pain on the side of my neck where she fucking twisted!" She. A woman did this.
The General clenches his jaw at the thought of someone messing with his plans, plans that he was so close to achieving. He's going to kill this person for taking away Mr. Oretsev's gift of tracking, for ending his chances to get the stag. He doesn't care anymore that the Supernatural's hatred towards him will increase if he kills that witch; she will pay for this. The only thing he has to be careful while murdering her is for Katherine not to find out. She might truly do worse to him if she discovers that he ended someone of her kind.
"What happened there, Mr. Oretsev? Who is this woman?"
"I don't know! I've never seen her in my life." He takes a shaking breath in an attempt to calm down. "She appeared out of nowhere asking me about the stag and then told me some shit about nature balance." Definitely a witch. Kirigan thought while wondering if all witches care about nature balance, since Katherine already told him about it. "She was with that death stare on her face, ready to kill me. And fucking succeeded."
"What was her appearance?"
"I only focused on her eyes back then... Light green. But she was brunette too... And white."
The air in his lungs stops after hearing the woman's description. A brunette witch with light green eyes and white skin who explained about nature's magical balance. That is literally Katherine.
He doesn't know how long he was frozen in place as he imagined his equal committing murder. He just knows he snapped out of his reverie when he saw a piece of paper exiting from the shadow of Mal's bed, the same way Cheshire had walked into the shadow of his desk earlier today. The Darkling crouches down to pick up the paper, amazed to see the scrawled handwriting he's known for exactly one night.
West border of the Fold. The first one without guard.
The General immediately starts to walk away. "Have him track things around the camp so we can try to retrieve that intuition of his."
"Yes, moi soverenyi." Ivan says while staring at otkazat'sya. On the other side, Fedyor curiously follows the leader to the tent's entrance. "Where are you going?"
"Doesn't matter."
Kirigan mounts his black stallion and starts riding as fast as possible to the west of the Unsea, urging to quickly find the part with no one guarding the Fold. For some reason Katherine must be there, and he needs to interrogate her about Malyen Oretsev, demand the reason she did this. From what it seems, she didn't even know the tracker until then! So why kill him?
He stops his horse at the moment he sees a thin figure sitting with its back to him, silently facing the Fold. The Darkling descends from his stallion panting and in need of a rest, but that is no greater need than knowing the truth. Slowly he approaches the person, a shiver runs down his spine as he notices the dried blood on the woman's hands dissolving on the white snow.
"I was so blind." Her voice is void, the tone of someone lost in their own thoughts. "Thank the Ancestors that they opened my eyes!"
He frowns, confused. "Blind about what? Who opened your eyes?"
"The shadows."
The General can feel all of his patience leaving every inch of his body. He's tired of questions without any explanations. He wants answers, damn it! "About what?!"
He swears that he stopped breathing for a moment when she finally turned to him. She's a mess. With red puffy eyes and dried tears on her cheeks; her dark brown hair, completely tousled; her gown, stained with blood; an expression of pure shock on her face as she stares at him. "About you being the Black Heretic."
The Grisha glares at the witch with clenched fists, the only thing stopping him from attacking her is the fact that she's his equal. She discovered his deepest secret, the one that made him fake his death several times and return to the Little Palace with fake names and the lie that he is only a descendant of the Black Heretic. How did Katherine find out about this through shadows? He doesn't see any papers lying in the snow or in her hands, after all.
But alright. If Katherine wants to play this game, then he will play it.
"It's quite ironic how you accuse me for being someone as horrible as people describe, when you are the same as me. Am I right, The Handler?" He looks down at her pale hands stained in a scarlet liquid "Or should I say the murderer of my tracker?"
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A/N: English is not my first language. I’m gonna mix the books and the tv show to make the story line clearer (I read soc, the grisha trilogy and its tales). I don’t own Shadow and Bone and TO/Legacies characters; they’re, respectively, Leigh Bardugo, L. J. Smith and Julie Plec. Also, this is how I think the Darkling is,and some of the events will be changed due to the story's course!
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Incorrect Across the Spiderverse Quotes
Hobie, texting: Miles, will you please go to sleep?
Miles, texting back: What makes you think you didn’t just wake me up?
Hobie, texting: Just a hunch :) You goin’ to sleep soon?
Miles, texting: I’m trying
Hobie, texting: Okay, don’t stay up too late or you’ll be cranky :)
Miles, writing in their diary with a glitter gel pen: I'm losing my sense of humanity. Nothing matters. God is dead. There's blood on my hands.
Gwen: I feel so burnt out.
Ember: Don’t worry, it'll be over soon.
Gwen: Are you gonna... assassinate me?
Ember: Well not if you’re expecting it.
Gwen: If I run and leap at Hobie, they will most certainly catch me in their arms.
Gwen, running towards Hobie: Coming in!
Hobie: No! I’m holding coffee!
Hobie: *Drops coffee and catches Gwen*
Miguel: I've been researching comedy for the past 20 years, and I have genuinely never seen a joke this bad. We have used quantum physics to look into alternate universes to see every joke made, and yours was still by far the worst.
Lyla: CONGRATULATIONS! YOUVE SINGLE HANDEDLY CREATED THE WORST JOKE IN HUMAN HISTORY! HERES A MEDAL! *pulls up a horrible ms paint drawn star that says "you need help*
Pavitr: I wish I had more enemies.
Hobie: I’m sure you will someday, honey.
Hobie: And here we have a capitalist.
Miles: Did you just-
Pavitr: Let us all take a moment to appreciate that all of human history, human language, and the universe itself aligned to make this joke possible.
Pavitr: What does “take out” mean?
Gwen: Food.
Miles: Dating.
Ember: Murder.
Hobie: It can be all three if you’re brave enough
Miles: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?
Hobie: Several traffic violations.
Gwen: Three counts of resisting arrest.
Ember: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks.
Pavitr: Also, that’s not our car.
Ember: ...I'm pretty sure that place is fire-proof, or something.
Hobie, grenade in hand: Alright, but is it explosion-proof?
Miguel: Peter! For the love of god, please turn down that music. I have a hangover.
Peter B.: *blasting the mii theme at full volume* That sounds like a you problem, not a mii problem.
Jessica: Wow, this parking is as straight as I am.
Miguel: I know I should be focused on the fact that you just came out, but HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY PARKING!
Jessica: I'll offer you some friendly advice-
Miguel: I don't want your advice.
Jessica: Well, then consider it unfriendly advice.
Miguel, holding a kettle: Coffee or tea?
Jessica: Tea.
Miguel: Wrong. It's coffee.
Miles: Being half asleep and feeling someone gently plant a kiss on your forehead is one of the purest kinds of love in the world.
Hobie: Unless you're home alone.
Miles: Why are you like this?
Hobie: *mixing different alcoholic beverages together*
Gwen: What are you making?
Hobie: A mistake.
Miles: *makes Pavitr a cup of tea but puts salt in it*
Pavitr: *sips tea*
Pavitr: *finishes tea*
Miles: Didn't it taste bad?
Pavitr: Yeah, but I didn't want to hurt your feelings so I drank it all.
Miles, tearing up: Oh, okay.
Pavitr: Of course I have a lot of pent-up rage, you fool! I've been the same height since I was twelve!
Hobie: Anybody got any crayons so I can color in my Ph. D.?
Miles (42): Like, no offense to myself and all, but what the fuck am I actually doing?
Miles (42): How the hell are you still alive?
Ember: Honestly, I’m just as confused as you are.
Gwen: Is it just me or is instant ramen even better uncooked?
Pavitr: It’s just you.
Gwen, reading a recipe: Beat three eggs?
Miles (42): It means like in hand-to-hand combat.
Gwen: Ohhhh-
Miles: Both of you get out of this kitchen.
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thegeminisage · 9 months
it's tng update time.
we did. and you know this. because i made. i counted. 18 posts about it. "half a life." and of course: "the host" (honorific).
half a life: part of what makes the ep after this so wonderful is that THIS episode was so genuinely upsetting. it was a huge bummer. it was awful. the only fucking episode lwaxana troi has been in that cathy actually watched and she had a valid character arc. i was furious. and then we got into it and i was like. oh.
first of all, kudos to charles winchester from mash for being here. cathy caught a 4077 ref that i missed bc i wasnt paying attention. i cant believe he was gay when he did this
secondly. the fucking. ethical implications of. people who are infirm should be dead for their children's sake and for their own sake. like it's better to be dead than in a nursing home. when you're 60 time's up. parents care for their children so children should care for their parents. your aging parents are mortal and they'll die one day. your daughter wants you to kill yourself. you want to die and can't wait to kill yourself. you don't want to live and then you do want to live but you still have to kill yourself. you're 60. you're 60. YOUR DAUGHTER WANTS YOU TO KILL YOURSELF. when she is 60 your daughter WILL ALSO KILL HERSELF.
i think the most fucked up part of this was that lwaxana ruined him. she meant well, and for once i saw her point and her arguments as totally valid (i usually think she's horrible), it was like maybe the only semi-selfless thing she's ever done aside from the ferengi business we will not be discussing. but she ruined him. when he was fine with dying and he had to die, fine and whatever. when he wanted to live?? no longer fine. if he lives his people will hate him forever. his daughter will regret him living because he can't be laid to rest in the family plot. because he can't die with his friends and family surrounding him. but he's 60. people live to be well over a hundred in the star trek universe, other aliens live even longer. he's SIXTY. he's healthy. he has work to do. a planet to save. and he's gonna die knowing his work meant nothing and his planet might die and his grandson may have nowhere to grow up. live or die, he will be miserable either way, just because he was introduced to a different way of life. it's SO fucked up
i think i had more to say about this after it ended but i have clean forgotten all of it. like it's been blasted out of my memory which is probably for the best. the short version is, i am living at home taking care of my mother who turned 58 three days ago. i didn't need any of that.
but then.
But Then.
the host: what can i possibly. i mean. the sheer. the fucking
like the fucking MOOD WHIPLASH alone
i had heard of this episode years ago. so i knew beverly's bf was a parasite and he eventually jumped into a woman and i was made to believe she was super homophobic about it. i was prepared to look completely past all of this and enjoy not-quite-gay SUBTEXT. i was NOT prepared for ANY of the rest of it
to get this out of the way: as i said, though i miss wesley very much (ask catherine i say so like every episode) it's so fortunate that he was not here. i think bev finally hit menopause because her horny levels were CRITICALLY off the charts and this whole debacle would have been so awkward for him. i'm glad he sent her a letter god bless i'm so glad he's fine wherever he is
the BABY BUMP THIS GUY HAD. this i was not expecting. i didn't know we were doing pregnant men in this episode. i figured the entire episode would be about beverly being like "this is weird cuz idw fuck you now that you're a woman" i had no idea his ass would jump into RIKER
riker did amazing bg work in this ep too before he got to star. he gave beverly and her bf some KNOWING looks. at one point the following exchange was uttered: "HE knows they're fucking." "yeah he wishes it was him." apollo and the dodgeball.....
the fact that after that i literally did have the thought "yeah except he'd never fuck beverly. she's one of the few people who are off limits." lisa simpson dot jpg
and then riker's pregnancy, what can one say. beverly put a little worm in his body. i'm only sad we didn't get to see the baby bump because that would have been extremely funny
i spent the whole ep thinking no way can beverly fuck riker. they have to work together. she has to look him in the eye after this. AND THEN THEY DID.
like it's so insane. it's not even that i dislike the concept because the fallout could lead to some extremely meaty interpersonal drama except for the fact that star trek generally isn't about interpersonal drama and we didn't see riker again after he got possessed. we didn't get one word from him. the silence seems so calculated so as to avoid having to write his reaction. BUT I WANTED HIS REACTION. will he not tell us how it feels to be possessed and pregnant and FUCKING BEVERLY CRUSHER? genuinely this is the first time i've been tempted to look up tng fic. someone tell me there is fic
also, like, he only had 18 hours until he got a new body. she could have waited to fuck the new guy if she felt weird about it being riker. SHE didn't know the knew guy was gonna be a woman. like it had to be menopause
the fact that deanna condoned this, even suggested it, is INSANE. not only because she didn't consider riker's ability, or lack of ability, to consent, but because THAT'S HER BOYFRIEND. quasi-boyfriend. sometimes exes sometimes fwb. like it's NUTS.
their discussion was so wild too. like "what do i miss...his hands, his mouth...no, there was more than that" girl they were 5 more minutes away from discovering the split attraction model. actually i don't even normally like the split attraction model but this episode made me like it a little more. growth <3
actually on that subject quasi-exes are weirdly chill with each other on this show. picard and beverly are kinda dating and kinda not, the same way deanna and riker kind of are and kind of aren't. and picard is like...beverly whatever else i am to you i'm also your friend and i know this fucking sucks. do you want a hug. like that is SO chill and cool of him. and ik they probably do this bc they don't want to have to maintain character development but it winds up accidentally feeling really refreshing
anyway: The Woman
i can't believe that beverly can fuck riker, her "sort of "brother," but not this hot blonde lady. and i know it's because they can't be gay but ACTUALLY
i was SHOCKED that gender didn't come into it at all. like yes it was the elephant in the room but nowhere in beverly's dialogue did she say she couldn't do this because odan was a woman now. copypasting:
"Perhaps it is a human failing, but we are not accustomed to these kinds of changes. I can't keep up. How long will you have this host? What would the next one be? I can't live with that kind of uncertainty. Perhaps, someday, our ability to love won't be so limited."
NONE OF THAT MENTIONS GENDER. none!!! the only part that could be interpreted as a gender thing was when beverly said bring HIM in, and was smiling bc she was about to meet the new version of her bf, only for her smile to drop when she encountered a woman. you could sort of read it as "a woman will be even weirder than riker and i just don't have it in me to go through that acclimation process again" BUT LIKE. like she's CHOOSING not to. not that she couldn't eventually adjust. to a woman. beverly just found out she's bisexual fr
like the wrist kiss was SO SENSUAL. LIKE WHAT THE FUCK. i can't believe they let two women do that on tv in 1991. holy shit. AND!!! they said i love you to each other. i did quite literally stand up out of my seat. it feels very progressive considering when it was written
and like it's a shame this was in the same episode where riker gets knocked up bc that distracted from the entire gay thing. i WISH the whole episode had been odan in a woman's body and riker had had his own episode to do all of that in later. like it would've been incredible. sexuality is fluid <3
anyway. wow. next time: "the mind's eye" and "in theory," two episodes i already feel sorry for because they will Never live up to all of that.
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phanfictioncatalogue · 11 months
Healing Masterlist
Broke, Gay and New in Town (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Dan Howell was in dire need for a change - he hated his job and his life and he just felt stuck. His grandfather's letter was a blessing that came with an incredible gift: A farm. Dan had no idea how to run a farm but he was willing to give it a try.
He arrived in Stardew Valley with few expectations but even so, he could never have imagined he would encounter magic, otherworldly creatures, corporate conspiracies, so many queer villagers, a secret destiny and right at the centre of it all the love of his life.
can't you see i'm falling apart, love (want to fall together?) (ao3) - AmbroseRivers
Summary: There are five stages of grief but no one told Phil Lester that you cycle through them until they wear you down to the point where you have to smile for an invisible camera but when a Youtuber stumbles into his one-man act... can he finally let that persona drop?
chase the sky (ao3) - overwhelmedbysonder
Summary: "I promised you I was going to get you out of here. I promised you we’d chase the sky. We can't do that until you get better, Phil. I know it’s hard, and I know it hurts…but I’m fucking sick of this room, and if I am, I KNOW you are too. We’ve got to get you into the world, before you forget how good it is out there."
Or, the one where Phil is still struggling with depression, PTSD, and being a mute in recovery, and Dan still just wants to hug him.
(Or, alternatively known as the sequel to Restless).
Everything (ao3) - breatherepeat
Summary: The beginning of a love story. Dan never realized how depressed he was until Phil showed him true happiness.
Evolution (ao3) - breatherepeat
Summary: While on family holiday, Dan and his family learn more about one another. Past truths are revealed that lead to understanding and healing.
Fumes of burning sulphur (ao3) - lovestillaround
Summary: It’s always been unimaginable for Dan to hurt Phil, up until now.
Actually, it is still unimaginable. It is something that slips out when he’s drunk, almost without his consent, once. Nothing bad really happens, but there is this thought, this thought, this weird reflex or however you want to call it. Nothing bad happens, but at the same time everything is ruined, or maybe it’s been in ruins from the beginning, and they just hadn’t realised?
Gods of the Internet (ao3) - WordsMakeUs
Summary: He’s finally done it. Dan Howell has finally cringed himself into the twentieth circle of hell by making the colossal mistake of sending his favorite Youtuber an alcohol-fueled message. He’s ready to delete his channel, go underground, and reappear twenty years later under an alias – maybe something as unassuming as, ‘Bob Pancakes’. Before he can crawl under his newfound rock of misery, he receives a response from his idol. The question is, should he read it?
Libertas Volandi (ao3) - Im_Innocent_I_Swear
Summary: Phil Lester hates his boarding school. He hates how he has no friends or how he always gets bullied. He hates getting laughed at by everyone, or getting called names. And he absolutely hates his new roommate. Dan Howell. It must've been some lousy trick from fate as the two absolutely despise each other. But now they have to share a room, they realise they actually have a lot in common! Phil now knows it was the best trick fate pulled on him yet as this Dan Howell guy, is not an asshole after all. He's not that mean, he's not a bully, he's not horrible. But he's also not human. The two boys fall in love, and Dan knows that he's not allowed to fall for a human. But how bad can it be? It's just a little fun. No one will die from a little fun like this... Right?
linger on (ao3) - dizzy, waveydnp
Summary: A recent loss has ground Phil's life to a halt. At 33, he's static in his grief and living in the house he grew up in - until his mother kicks him out.
In a fit of indignation and with nothing to lose, he answers the first listing he finds for a room to rent in London... a listing posted by a guy named Dan.
Must Have Been The Wind (ao3) - jebewonluvr
Summary: Phil is successful Youtuber, recently moved into a London flat. His life is forever changed when he overhears the screams and fighting coming from the flat directly above his own. He meets Dan, a broken boy, in need of a friend.
On My Way (ao3) - JudeAraya
Summary: Someone else is out there, looking at the stars too.
The Road To Being Okay (ao3) - WaterHorseyBlues
Summary: All Phil wanted was for Dan to be okay.
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drtanner · 1 year
Sketched out the new Somebody Else art. Impressive given that it has been a fucking horrible day; I have received not one but two Very Scary Letters today and I will openly say that I am not coping well, lol.
On one hand the DWP is fucking with my money again after a long absence and now I'm having to grapple with them again, and on the other I've received my appointment to go all the way Up North to attend an appointment with my specialist about my top surgery, for which I will have to stay in a hotel the night before to stand a chance of arriving on time because it's a fucking six hour journey by train.
(The latter is a good thing, obviously, but I'm terrified of making this journey and staying at this hotel and everything else and fucking it all up and ruining everything. I don't like Doing Things at the best of times and this is going to be a hell of a lot of Things that I am going to have to Do. I am unhappy.)
I'd had a few good days, so I suppose I was due something like this. :')
I'm very tired, and I'm already dreading having to manage all of this shit at once. I don't want to go out and buy stamps tomorrow but I am going to have to go out and buy some fucking stamps, because I have to write to the fucking DWP, and I don't have any of the fucking new stamps.
Fucking miserable.
Goodnight, internet.
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I don't strictly know what to say--you gave me a tumblr--great. Good for you...look, I'm not gonna fawn all over myself trying to make it better or pretend I even like you still. You made all that big noise about loving me and accepting me and being glad for all the help I gave u over the years--but frankly, fuck you. I tried to warn about ***** but u insisted on a relationship with them. Fuck you. That person ruined our lives, our relationships, our sense of safety. They made us do things that go completely against our beliefs and yet ans yet you still have ur stoopid whiny open letters and web weaves and angsty reblogged art pieces about God and love and I hate you for it. It is disgusting. They did horrible things to us, our mind, our body. Made us believe in a terrible and horrific God. I hate you. I hate him. And I swear to ur awful angry god that if you let that interject make a fucking blog with its stupid fucking face and awful stinking piety I will kill us. I will not let you see the light of day again. I will drag u so deep into our savage pits of ravenous dogs and burning fires that you will wish it was goddamn Satan who was fucking with you. I hate you! FUCK YOU! There were no olive branches accepted today, you filthy whore. I will never fucking love you again. You betrayed me for that disgusting person. I will never forgive you. Ever. I was your protector once. I'll never protect you again. I have so much more to tell you...but I just can't even stand being in this body that looks like you. I'm fucking off until whenever I feel like coming out again...may you rot til then.
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callmeshintaro7 · 4 months
A Letter to Moliminous
Dear Faith,
I fucking hate you for being such a terrible person and i unsubscribe your for being a horrible person and you Choose Chloe but not Arcadia Bay? wowser, you ruined me as a person full of hate and disrespect! You're an absolute disgrace to me and my mental insanity but because of that you hate me for an absolute worst decisive manipulator and a unsuspecious traitor of all time.
In my primary decisions of myself, i "choosed" Arcadia Bay to Save Chloe from dying too many times and nothing can deserve you better than me and most of all, you think i'm toxic? i am absolutely now! and i am ruined your game all of the times and that's because i reported you until you are getting banned not only on Twitch but on YouTube and even on Epic Games as well. Also twitch will definitely going to recieved your indefinite punishment because all of your MLP (My Little Pony) videos and your streams will removed because of your thoughts on me and my mental toxicity.
And i know (yes, i absolutely know) that your whole entire YouTube and Twitch career is over man and you are broke so please unban me and i will block you right here, right now. NGL, you are the worst streamer and content creator of the whole entire universe and guess what? everyone hates you for being a total bully like Jorgen Von Strangle from The Fairly OddParents!
With your disrespect and hate, Shintaro 💔
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