#the link goes to an archived post where they reblogged a post they made on balkanradfem and acknowledged that was their blog too
coulsonlives · 1 year
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So ummm, yeah, this person might have made some good posts in the past, but this is NOT okay.
They've also revealed themselves to be a TERF/radfem (their alt blog is balkanradfem).
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thecoffeelorian · 11 days
Fandom Friday, 09/13: Fanfiction
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Hello again, everyone…and welcome to another installment of Fandom Friday, the two-post series where I go off to find new and interesting fanworks that might need a bit more visibility.
Before I forget, there are just two little reminders I’d like to drop here:
First, in order to have as many examples I can gather from as many facets of the fandom I can draw from and still fit the ten-link limit…I’ve made the executive decision to do this every two weeks, even if just to give you all as complete an experience as I can.
And second, if there’s anybody not on the tag list who ends up liking this series of posts two times in a row…well, I might be tagging you in a few questionnaire posts later this weekend, as I’ll be double-checking people’s interests in pursuing stuff like this, or not.
Anyways…before I ramble on or delay any further, here are my fanfiction picks of the week!
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The Prequels Fanfiction--By @josephsaturn:
The Clone Wars Fanfiction--By @captn-trex:
The Bad Batch Fanfiction--By @dangraccoon:
The Bad Batch Fanfiction--By @happy-beeeps:
Rogue One Fanfiction (Inspired Poetry)--By @colleybri:
The Original Trilogy Fanfiction--By @ladyxskywalker:
Star Wars Rebels Fanfiction--By @lost-in-derry:
The Mandalorian Fanfiction--By @djarins-cyare:
In conclusion, as part of my mission to poke around the Star Wars fandom and, on Friday every two weeks, highlight those writers who might otherwise go unnoticed…I hope you will check out the links I have included for yourselves and like, comment on, and reblog them, as well as also giving the writers a few more followers to their Tumblr pages.
Please also like and reblog this latest installment so that these links can be spread around to as many other fans as possible, just in case not all of them can tune in at the same time.
An additional thank you goes to @djarrex for making the divider I used earlier in this post, but still want to give credit for.
And finally, so that I do not forget…thank you to my friends, thank you to this fandom, good morning, and good luck.
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No Pressure Tags: @melymigo @algo-o-nada @theosb0rnway @everybirdfellsilent @skellymom
@leos-multifandom-corner @maggie-dylan @leenabb104104 @gun-roswell @tazmbc1
@bluedeedeedoop @its-time-to-rise-above @tlmtwelve @snoowply and anybody else who might be on the lookout for new SW fanfiction.
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perfectlysanexd · 23 days
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So, what have I been up to...? Since I was in Tumblr's spam-bot prison for more than 5 months, I thought I would create a little ICYMI post. (That's "In-Case-You-Missed-It" for the old folks like myself that have to look up all these new acronyms.) Basically, I'm gonna highlight/link to some of the posts I made this year, and you can check them out if you like. :) I didn't want to necessarily do a bunch of reblogs of my own content and clog up the system or something...
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I finished posting up my 100's of edited screenshots from Advent Children Complete! You can view the archive of 53 different posts, separated by character, here. It also includes a fun side post about the Mysterious Case of Sephiroth's Missing Straps. :3
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I confess, I haven't made too many wallpapers this year. But it's September now, and I have a thought rolling around in my head. We'll see. The archive of wallpapers is here.
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Speaking of, so many cool wallpapers came out for Ever Crisis, and I've posted them all! Find them here, at the bottom of this archive post. I swear I'll eventually beat TFS season 1, but...they sure made it difficult for people who don't purchase their packs.
Did you know that Tumblr is feeding your posts(including reblogs) to theird party AI? Well, they are, and you can set it to be prevented in your settings. I talked about it here.
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Rebirth coming out was the biggest thing this year, and I made my first manipulation for it back in March! You can see the post here, as well as a simple tutorial for it using GIMP(GNU Image Manipulation Program, free at gimp.org) here.
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I also made a second manipulation for Rebirth! If you want to see the additional dialogue that goes with it, that's here.
When I played the demo for Rebirth, I noticed that they had changed Sephiroth's eyes, and it reminded me of something...
Did you know that in Advent Children, Sephiroth's gloves are not as tight as in Remake and you can see his wrists? 😏Check it out! What? Of course this is important!
I took a look at Sephiroth and all his forms over the years. Then I did the same for Cloud.
My AO3 sefikura work In Death was finished on April 26th, and came with a special manipulation. That was also the first story where I was accused of writing non-con, when it obviously wasn't, so that was fun. If you need to hydrate, you can go drink that tea in the comments of, I think, chapter 16 and after. Several people have asked about a sequel, and I do have eventual plans. Hang in there.
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I made my first(of many) Rebirth memes, which also came with a blank template.
A peek under Sephiroth's jacket, courtesy of Rebirth. 😏Yes, this is important, obviously.
Another Rebirth meme, featuring Sephiroth being badass.
I put my design for Lucrecia's locket onto my edited EC Sephiroth artwork! This one actually got a lot of notes thanks to reblogging. 💕I also put the locket on Sephiroth's EC in-game model.
I wrote a long one-shot as a thank you for 400+ followers! It's based on my most popular sefikura manipulation of all time—a very indulgent work, and my first time writing for Rebirth. Thanks, guys!
Another meme, haha...oops, and another one. Damn, another one? AND a Sephiroth/Cloud arms-crossed companion meme set?
I did another Rebirth manipulation, this time of the famous sefikura hug scene. I added a second part to it here. AND a third part to it here! This set has quickly become one of my favorites. I also gave it some Japanese dialogue+translation here.
I did a little PSA because I've seen a lot of awfully suspicious digital paintings lately...
I made an account on Twitter/X, just in case they never fixed my blog, so if you're over there, follow me @ perfectlysane77 and say hi. :)
The FF7 crew have super hearing, confirmed??
Do you play Ever Crisis and want to join a sefikura guild? Check here. All skill levels are welcome, and you don't have to talk to anyone if you don't want to.
My first ever edited Rebirth video: "Fill your hollow heart...with me-ow."
And now I've been released from Tumblr spam-bot prison, so I'm sure you've seen even more silly memes from me. So what now? I hope to release the rewrite of Stranger Inside very soon, maybe by the end of the month if possible? The sequel will follow, for real this time. At that point, we'll be back to voting, so you guys will be able to choose what comes after that. I'm really focused on writing now, which is probably why I'm mostly making memes and silly things. Still, if it makes you laugh, I'm happy. 🥰
If you read this to the end, you're amazing.💕
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There is a false narrative being pushed
Currently, when looking at the santae tag, there are more "salt blogs" spamming the tag then actual posts about santae. Considering Santae is a new petsite that is barely out of Alpha, it seems very odd that all of these salt blogs would show up so quickly one after the other when the site itself hasn't even been established enough to cultivate a following that would warrant the amount of displeasure and venting happening. I have a theory that there are one or two people behind these multiple salt blogs trying to flood the santae tag with conjecture and false information made to look like real staff making anonymous complaints. Here is my proof. @santaesecrets posted their first post on September 1st, 2024 showing the cropped comment section of a Youtube video where two unverified sources claim to have been previous team members.
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@sanpose is a seemling unrelated blog however their only interactions since being created have been to reblog three of santaesecrets posts, giving them engagement on said posts
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sanpose also sports a description that says nothing but "."
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This can be coincidentally linked to yet another santae salt blog @santaespeaks who only responds to posts with "." Edit: Confirmed by sanpose themselves, this was indeed a coincidence on their part and they are no longer convinced by the false pay rates provided by santaesecrets. It has also been confirmed by anonymous asks that sanpose is not associated with the other blogs listed here as their archive goes back several years.
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Their first post was on August 20th 2024, 2 weeks before santaesecrets made their first post.
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@sassyav0cado is yet another fresh tumblr account who's only interactions and posts consist of commenting on posts and reblogging santaesecrets posts.
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Going to santaesecrets likes you can see sassyav0cado has also liked multiple of the posts which leads me to the newest blog to throw their hat into the ring, @santae-salt with their first ever post being September 17th 2024.
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Now, this could all be coincidental and unrelated information. I would agree with anyone that would say that however I would like to make an even further case for this theory. Santae has a kickstarter, of which was launched on August 31st 2024. The kickstarter was funded in 28 minutes and has since been accumulating more support. However I would like to point out that @santaesecrets first blog post was made on September 1st 2024. I would like to call attention to the very odd timing of a blog claiming to be a source for information posting their very first post the day after the Kickstarter launched. It would seem to me that it was a targeted effort to draw negative attention towards Santae on a very specific day where all eyes would be on them. Mind you, santaesecrets was capable of posting before September 1st as well, they have many other posts that include screenshots of what they claim is stolen artwork that was created 8+ years ago, and yet they chose to post on that day? I would also like to point out that all of the afformentioned accounts were created within the span of 4 weeks, the earlier being @santaespeaks on August 20th and the latest being @santae-salt on September 17th. Please consider that Santae has been open to Alpha Testers since May 12th 2024.
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There has been plenty of time before August and September to foster harsh feelings for this site and a truly poorly run, poorly managed website would have had a salt blog made for it at least by July 2024, at the very least the beginning of August. However, reader, I would hope you would find it hard to deny that it is very odd that 5 blogs would be created with the span of 4 weeks all centered around spreading the communities distaste for this site with no inciting incident to be heard of that isn't linked to santaesecrets themselves starting a fire on the one day it would be most convenient for them to do so. I hold the belief that a truly concerned source, a person actually concerned with the wellbeing and informing of the general public would make these issues known well before this sites kickstarter has started. After all, CJ announced the kickstarter in June 2024.
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I do wonder if choosing not to post sometime in July or August was the best choice for everyone especially when santaesecrets wants to push the narrative that CJ is in fact the former scamming, abusive owner of Lurapets. He could have very well run off with all of their backers money and yet this very important information was saved, until September 1st but the proof for that accusation wasn't posted in full until September 19th.
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Very odd indeed.
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crocheting-cupio · 6 months
Queer Resources!
This is by no means a complete list and it's something I will keep adding to and improving. If you have any helpful links not listed here, please send them my way!
Please reblog this post, as you never know who may desperately need one of these resources. Feel free to share individual links with friends/family as well. Knowledge is power, after all!
Online safety guide for queer people This guide is extremely thorough, having sections for being online while queer in general, dating online, navigating the workplace, advice for queer people under 18, and more. If you grew up online and think you don't need to read any of this, I am begging you to read it. There's always something you don't know, something you won't think to do in a stressful situation. Please, please read through it all. Safety first!
Coming out handbook by The Trevor Project (PDF) A downloadable PDF walking you through the coming out process. It's a bit long, but well worth reading even if you have come out already to friends and/or family. It is very supportive of you, the reader, so it is wonderful if you feel unsure or nervous about your identity.
Quick guide for coming out (nonbinary focused) This is a briefer guide for if you or someone else just needs an overview of the process. It doesn't focus as much on the emotional support part and more on the logistics of coming out. So this one is good if you're very confident in your identity and just need to come out.
Pronouns and names:
Pronoun Dressing Room This site lets you try different pronouns AND names for yourself. You can fill the text fields with literally anything you want. It also has lots of neopronoun presets, organized alphabetically and by theme. To "try on" pronouns and names it uses a simple example paragraph where someone talks to their friend about meeting you. But there is also sections of public domain books where your name and pronouns replace the main characters'.
Pronouns Page This site allows you to make a "card" that lists all your names, flags/identities, pronouns, and terms you want used for you, as well as your preferences for/feelings about of them. It is highly customizable, you can add neopronouns, nounself pronouns, and emoji pronouns. You can even make separate cards for other languages. These cards can be easily shared with others and linked in profiles. It is also a huge resource for terminology, definitions and descriptions of identities, and how pronouns have been and are used in culture and fiction. There's also a full calendar of awareness days/week, appreciation days/weeks, and days of remembrance.
List of nonbinary names These are organized into separate pages by first letter. It includes non-English names, gives origin and meaning for each name, and, perhaps most helpfully, includes how often that name is used as a feminine or masculine name. Even if you are not nonbinary, this can still be helpful in choosing a new name. Personally I found this page infinitely more helpful than going to baby name lists, which are often split by gender and don't have as much for gender neutral names.
The Nonbinary Wiki home page This wiki is an invaluable resource, I'm not exaggerating. It has almost everything you would want to know about gender, sexuality, and romantic attraction. It has who made the flags, their meanings, when terms were coined, archived posts, the history of identities, sub identities and micro labels... everything. I will note that understandably, the info for binary gender experiences on this wiki is limited.
List of (common) nonbinary identities This list gives descriptions, history, and more for every common gender identity that isn't strictly the binary female/woman or male/man. Almost every one of these identities has its own dedicated page which goes into further detail. And this list includes nonbinary identities that have existed in non-European and non-American cultures for centuries, or even thousands of years.
List of uncommon nonbinary identities This is a huge and detailed compilation of identities that have as little as one person known to use that label. It also has links to the original or archived posts where the term was coined, if available. This page can be used as something to help you figure out what you like and what you don't like in terms of gender identity. And you never know, the perfect label for you could be in here.
Legal recognition of transgender and nonbinary people by country This page details how inclusive, or exclusive, countries are to trans and nonbinary people. Such as if they allow "X" for gender/sex on ID and passports, what is required to have it changed, and how easy or difficult it is to change your legal name. Canada, the UK, and the USA have dedicated pages for this that go into further detail and provide more resources.
Romance and sexuality:
List of romantic and sexual orientations (nonbinary focused) This list does include common ones like lesbian, but also includes rare identities such as Aquian, being attracted only to people who's gender changes. As I said this is focused on orientations that do not assume you are a binary gender, the people you are attracted to are a binary gender, or that your gender is connected to your sexuality.
AUREA (The Aromantic-spectrum Union for Recognition, Advocacy, and Education) AUREA is not very large right now, but what it lacks in quantity it makes up for in quality. It has a large glossary of romantic, aromantic, queerplatonic, and other related terms. Which includes rare terms and identities under the aromantic umbrella. They have downloadable PDFs with basic info on aromanticism, as well as links to research that has been done on aromanticism.
Guide to Aromanticism This contains basic info about aromanticism, and "Am I Aro?" questioning section, and links to aro creators. Reading through the whole thing shouldn't take more than half an hour.
Allosexual Aromantic resources This site links to a wide variety of resources by, for, and information on allo-aros. There's terminology guides, how to write allo-aro characters, how to be a good ally towards allo-aros, essays, and fiction featuring allo-aro characters.
AVEN (The Asexual Visibility and Education Network) This is a wonderful resource for information on asexuality. It has a thorough FAQ section for both people questioning and friends/family who have questions and concerns about asexualism.
Asexual Perspectives This is a community blog where people can write about their experiences as asexuals. These posts are incredibly validating and eye-opening and I strongly recommend you read them.
The Gray Area This is a quick FAQ about greysexualism and demisexualism that is for questioning, allies, and people unfamiliar with greysexualism.
AVEN Forms AVEN hosts a form where asexuals, and people who once identified as asexual, can talk about their experiences.
An Asexual's Guide To... This is a brief sex ed taught from an asexual perspective. Which is to say it does not automatically assume you are interested in sexual activities and have some experience feeling sexual attraction. Even if you aren't asexual, it can be quite helpful in understanding the experience. It does not teach you much about the actual having sex part, though. It focuses more on being comfortable with yourself and your body. It is also inclusive to intersex people. (This guide has no pictures, if you were worried about that.)
Setting sexual boundaries with a partner list This is not queer specific but still helpful as it does not assume the sexual relationship is between the two binary sexes/genders and still works if you are intersex. To cut down the paragraphs at the beginning, this is a list of sexual and romantic actions and behaviours. You are supposed to assign a yes, maybe, no, or not applicable to everything on this list to indicate if you are willing, unsure, or will not do those things. It is suggested you go through it with your partner, but you can fill it out alone to figure out your preferences. This list/guide can be useful if you have sexual trauma and/or have had an abusive partner in the past and need to communicate what may trigger you.
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fandomloverangel · 11 months
Socialization outside of Tumblr
Hello! I have gone ahead and revived my old server I made for this purpose a year or two ago, as it is looking more and more likely that Tumblr is going to be going down/being archived sometime in the next few years. Or at the very least, stop being updated/fixed. Sites go down all the time, it is inevitable. As much as people tell you the internet is forever, that is not always the case. Most of the time, we don't have as much notice as we do now.
Server LINK (fixed!): https://discord.gg/stzhwdD6pW
This is so that people who only know where to find their mutuals on Tumblr, can have access to their other accounts to continue communication if the need arises and the site goes down. Please do keep in mind that this server is still very much in-progress, as we/I figure out what works and what doesn't.
The above tumblr link is a link to a post on how to download your blog if you would like to do so.
The above link has some more options for moving, and the reblog itself details a bit about the whole situation.
The below link is an interview with the CEO of Automattic, the company that owns Tumblr. He answers a lot of questions that people have been wondering about. Like I said, it's not getting completely shutdown, but they aren't generating the revenue needed.
I will add more accurate information to this post as I learn more.
Previous pinned post about my Minecraft server: https://www.tumblr.com/fandomloverangel/729938908794814464/new-post-with-accurate-numbers-hi-trying-to-find?source=share
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kyra45 · 1 year
Guide to spotting donation scam accounts
I am aware there is multiple guides posted by other accounts but this one is my own based around my posts I’ve made over the months of running this blog. If you already know how to spot scams, then good! Someone else might not.
If you appreciate all the work I did to make this post accurate and easy to understand, feel free to share it and link it to anyone who might need info. If you want to show thanks in another way, I take pocket change by tips. My pinned post also has links to quick access posts that are about scams.
Not all blogs who ask for aid are scammers! Legitimate people do exist it’s just that scammers will take their information and use it as their own in order to get the money for themself. This post is most meant to be a through guide into finding these scam posts more easily at a glance.
So here is a guide to spotting donation scam accounts under a readmore as it is a long post.
Check how old the blog is by seeing if their archive is enabled. You can also guess this by scrolling the blog and seeing if the posts made are entirely random or seem to come from a certain trending tag. Also check the date of the reblogged post by turning on timestamps. Backdated posts are when a user reblogs a post then goes into post editor and tries to make their reblog look older then it actually is. A common mistake is the new date is even older then the post itself was made meaning the user has went and backdated the post to make their account look older than it is. If the archive is disabled, you may only find ~20 posts shared within seconds of the others.
If they sent you an ask to share their post, did it request you to answer privately? People who are requesting aid are generally wanting a public audience to share their post and would not generally tell someone to answer their ask privately unless their up to something suspicious. If your ask says to answer privately, try using tumblr search to see if it was sent to multiple users. An example of an ask is below.
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(Image has alt text! But I will still copy/paste the ask below as well.)
“hi!! I hope you dont find this ask strange, weird or whatever you call it :( Just wanted to ask a favor if you could possibly check the post I pinned for my cats? It’s on this blog, please do check if you have a spare time and reblog/boost it. Im so sorry if I did bother you, just need some help. Please do send me a msg to reply or answer the ask privately, please 😭 🙏 🙏 🐈 “
These asks are known as scam asks, though most commonly sent by blogs that are using content stolen from a legitimate fundraiser for a pet that is needing veterinary care. They are sent to multiple users who have shared a popular or trending post and is sent regardless of it the user would share the post or not. As it stands so far, most accounts who send these asks are scams.
Another type of donation scam is when a user will save the medical photographs of someone’s fundraiser and repost them to say it’s theirs. These can be graphic hospital images stolen off Instagram/Facebook and used in a fabricated story claiming it’s the users grandparent or child of who needs help. Most often, though, there is multiple images used that may not match up with the story itself. Scammers may even fake a funeral fundraiser using a similar method of stolen content.
Above all, donation accounts also will steal Instagram photographs to impersonate people and give them made up names. There are cases where scammers have made fraudulent GoFundMe’s with stolen images and made up stories about sensitive topics in order to get money. It’s important to pay attention and see if the suspected scam account is answering questions about their situation or if their asks and messages are turned off. This is usually a sign they may not be legitimate and are avoiding any questions about their legitimacy.
You may also want to pay attention to the support links given that lead to methods of sending cast. If the local currency isn’t matching up with the given information, it may be sign of a scammer. The most common example is someone asking for $USD but the local currency would be something else and they don’t supply a currency conversion anywhere in their post or explain why it doesn’t match. However, this is just a common scam tactic.
In closing, there are other minor ways to spot donation scam accounts. Such as searching their username up in tumblr search or just asking them to send you more information that relates to their situation. Above all, one of the best things you can do is examine the askers blog closely and see if there’s anything suspicious and do your own research before asking around.
And remember, always report confirmed scam accounts for phishing like so:
Report -> Something else -> Illegal uses or Content -> Phishing
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apricityxys · 1 year
post that is pinned
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I’m apri or April! I use all the pronouns but usually she/her. I draw sometimes!
Basic rules!
don’t send me nsfw stuff
No personal questions! I’ll just delete your ask
don’t be homophobic or transphobic, or bigoted in any other sort of way around here, I’ll block you
blank blogs get blocked <3
you can tag me in picrew chains and other reblog games if you’d like to! I don’t bite!
my archive blog is @apricity-archive! That’s where I put things I want to be able to find later, and it’s more curated than this if you’d like a better organized experience lol
I am @wimblton475’s biggest ever fan. Hi wimbl your art is the coolest ever
Go subscribe to Alaskan Nymph over on YouTube! She’s got a really awesome chill vibe and I highly recommend her skyblock series if you’re a fan of geminitay.
Credit for things!
— my pfp is from a picrew! I lost the link, if anyone has it please tell me so I can properly credit the owner! (My header image is from the webtoon Crow Time, go check it out!)
I found it!
— blinkies! “Be nice”, “minecraft roleplay” and “gay deliveroo” are made using blinkies.cafe, with the “minecraft roleplay” and “gay deliveroo” made by wimble! I got the “terfs fuck off” from @/someoneihavelovedbutneverknown!
— my blog title is from “mermaids” by Florence + the machine!
music i like!
The crane wives!
Florence and the machine!
other stuff too but I mostly only post about those two
fandoms I’m in!
(a lot, and I’m probably not going to get them all but here goes!)
the life series
empires smp
a little bit of dream smp
genloss, but not really
a little bit of qsmp
nimona (more so the book than the movie)
into/across the spiderverse
Minecraft, as a game
Various webcomics (crow time, high class homos, nothing special)
the good place
the owl house
gravity falls
pokemon go (thanks to @/echothelesbo)
probably more, if I think of any I should add I will!
my art (for things I draw!)
posts that make me feel a certain way (self explanatory)
funny haha (funny thing tag)
cool art (art that makes the brain worms really happy)
items (items!)
Blinkie storage!
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(Image by @darubyprincx)
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Have a lovely day!
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gengender · 4 months
gengender is a term described as follows, "Being all genders and no gender, encompassing every aspect of gender, embracing gender completely. Your gender IS gender. There is gender tingling in your bones." occasionally, the phrase culturally available is also included. it is not entirely clear who coined it, however we do have a flag. this flag:
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this flag seems to have slipped through the cracks, and has gone missing. i have dedicated myself into figuring out who made this flag.
i have compiled a nice list for you below of every mention involving gengender that i am aware of in chronological order. it will be updated as i discover. gengender sightings: ~2016, goodpositivitylgbt's spreadsheet, link (archive) 2017, ask-pride-color-schemes, link. (archive) 2018, beyond-mogai-pride-flags' used it as a tag, link. (archive) 2019, imoga-pride's reblog, claiming to post the flag later, link. (archive) ~2020, mogaipedia, archived link 2020, the-mogai-community wikia, term 82, link (archive) 2020, coursesidekick, page 12, link (archive) - assumed gap where the flag was created - 2021, mogai-headcanons, request and post, link and link (archive and archive) 2021, mogai-headcanons splicing tutorial, featured in 0:05, 2:26-2:36, 6:00-6:22, 7:37-11:20, link <2022, perchance, included in list, link (archive) 2024, neopronouns, anon (of whom, i must admit, is me) inquiring about the flag, link (archive) there are two other mentions of gengender on r/xenogendersandmore, but i am pretty sure they are typos of gemgender.
with this in mind, my hypothesis of a timeline goes as follows.
gengender was coined sometime in 2016 or early 2017. the coiner deactivated, but was caught in general consensus in early mogai tumblr. with imoga-pride never having followed up on posting the gengender flag, mogaipedia's last update being from 2020 and saying it is flagless, yet dexter from neopronouns/mogai-headcanons still has one; it is safe to assume that one was posted at some point between 2020-2021. particularly, inbetween january of 2020 and february of 2021. i theorize that this was on the late lgbtq wikia or on uncommongender's revival prior to deactivation. in the three years between 2021-2024, much has happened with mogai wikis. they were poorly archived, primarily due to the 'blink and you miss it' nature of it all. gengender slipped through the cracks once again. ... or it could've just been made on twitter/tiktok or reddit. whos to say :-p but thats what im here to find out! find gengender.
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distortionenby · 10 months
About and pinneds
Hi! I'm Michi or Gino. I am a queer 20-something. I go by it/he pronouns.
Please, don't tag me on tag-games.
I am chronically ill and cannot afford my full treatment. This is my ko-fi where I am taking commissions/donations if you want to help me buy my monthly medication that I need to stay alive. (Postponed. GO DONATE TO GAZA FUNDRAISERS. I'd rather get by on just my main medication than let more innocent people be murdered en mass by genocidal colonizers)
Notes on this blog's content:
I am an adult. Anyone under 18 here is not my responsibility, I'm not your parent. If you're uncomfortable, you're always free to leave or to block me, curate your own space.
This is my personal blog, it will feature NSFW content, either reblogged or posted (mostly art/fic if it's a post of my own) every now and then. Be warned and don't be weird.
Kids/teens/anyone under 18, don't interact with any of the nsfw stuff I post/reblog
(Listen, I know this is tumblr but if you see me blogging, and the post has anything sexual/nsfw/mature, don't touch it. This is a personal boundary. If I happen to know you're a minor and you cross it, I'll send a message asking you to please delete it. If you don't, I'm blocking you. I'd rather save myself the mess. And no, I don't care how mature you think you are.) I am not your parent and you're not in school or at a kid's event. I am not responsible for any kids here so I probably won't check if you're a minor or not whenever you interact with my posts because that's not my job and I have a life, but I also don't want any awkward situations, so please, respect the boundary. I do care about child-safety, but I also cannot be obssessively checking every single time and kid-ifying my personal space for others who can perfectly see the warnings and just not look in here.
Given the new act of people feeding fanfiction to AI systems such as Chat-GPT, I have privated my Ao3 account. I am deeply upset by this but I genuinely don't want to risk my hobby to be chewed up and spat out for corporate. Any reproduction of my work is therefore strictly prohibited, especially in regards to AI generators. This also goes to usage of my art in general, if you want to use my art in any form for personal use, do ask me first.
Blog specific tags:
disenbypost for all posts made by me
disenbyask for answered asks
disenbythought for general musings
disenbyfandom for anything fandom related
disenbyart for art posts
disenbywrite for fanfiction links (Ao3)
Will tag any triggers that people ask me for (you can ask on anon and let me know how I should tag it).
Reblogs of my posts are much appreciated! Likes are nice but reblogs are what actually helps my art reach more people.
My other blogs:
@spiralingnoodle (my reblog blog for mostly TMA art but also monster-adjacent fandoms/characters and monster stuff in general. Will include horror media, gore, and nsfw.
@simpin4rockppl (my band/rock blog. Mostly Led Zeppelin, David Bowie and MCR but other artists too).
@/distortionenby on Ao3, tiktok.
Full-time interests:
Sea animals
Queer stuff
Language and linguistics
Cryptids and monsters (lore and design)
Autistic and queer characters (canon or coded)
Current fandoms:
The Magnus Archives / Protocol
Led Zeppelin
Welcome to Night Vale
(will list as they come to mind. For now those names are the ones I can remember)
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thecoffeelorian · 2 months
Fandom Friday, 07/12: Fanfiction
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Hello again, everyone...and welcome to the second half of Fandom Friday.
Wow...it's hard to believe that we're getting to the middle of July, yet here you all are, still reading, still commenting, and just like all good Tumblrinas, still reblogging so that others may receive cool and interesting fanworks. It's because of your continued interest that I've made it this far into 2024, so. Let me first thank all of you for your attention and support, as I know my posts wouldn't have gotten anywhere without them.
Thank you, thank you, thank you all.
Second, before I let myself get too emotional here...I know we've got a list to get to, so here are my fanfic picks of the week. Enjoy.
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The Acolyte Fanfiction--By @cross-d-a
The Acolyte Fanfiction--By @jedi-qui-gon
The Clone Wars Fanfiction--By @my-head-is-an-animal
The Bad Batch Fanfiction--By @neyswxrld
The Bad Batch Fanfiction--By @stardustloki
The Mandalorian Fanfiction--By @jake-g-lockley
In conclusion, as part of my mission to poke around the Star Wars fandom and, on Friday every week, highlight those writers who might otherwise go unnoticed…I hope you will check out the links I have included for yourselves and like, comment on, and reblog them, as well as also giving the writers a few more followers to their Tumblr pages.
Please also like and reblog this latest installment so that these links can be spread around to as many other fans as possible, just in case not all of them can tune in at the same time.
An additional thank you goes to @djarrex for making the divider I used earlier in this post, but still want to give credit for.
And finally, so that I do not forget…thank you to my friends, thank you to this fandom, good afternoon, and good luck.
@theweepingvulcan91 @libraryfordyslexics @olafur-neal @theunknownartist1 @bluedeedeedoop
@crazyinspirationaldreams @theosb0rnway @gun-roswell @melymigo @skellymom
@cinnamonsugar-pretzel @its-time-to-rise-above @vaderkin-is-a-lightning-rod @universitysunflowers
@tazmbc1 @thegreenspectr @leos-multifandom-corner @badbatchposts @sharpasanaro
@tlmtwelve @thatflatfrog @nadjem-mari @leenabb104104 @ithillia
@difuf @rott1ngbra1n @saviinika @everybirdfellsilent @algo-o-nada
@botherdv @justhereforthesherlock @sportlover4life @aelfgiure @typewriters-and-love-letters
@maggie-dylan and anybody else who might be on the lookout for new and interesting fanfiction.
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factorialsotherfandoms · 11 months
hi hello this is user a_Saga_in_progress from ao3 and I uh. am new here. idk if this is how this is meant to be used but I wanted to say hi! do you have advice on how tumblr works for new users?
Hello its lovely to see you! And yeah if someone's ask box is open putting 'hi' is perfectly acceptable <3
Advice on tumblr... Err... Okay first off I've been here for over 10 years and /still/ don't really know how it works. But! I shall do my best.
If you're on browser, take the time to install xkit rewritten (or whichever form of xkit is most up to date). This has so many quality of life features like auto-tagging your reblogs and making tag bundles
I can't remember if tumblr by recommended is still a thing, but go into your settings and tell it to display dash in chronological anyway. I'd also recommend turning ON custom theme (biggest bonus - a version of your blog that links can be made to without tumblr demanding viewers log in on mobile - but also enables a month by month fast archive), OFF share following, and have an explore about other options. Things like turning your ask box on and off and also submissions are super helpful if you ever have problems with people sending you hate. I've been lucky enough not to, but its a social media platform, it can happen. Also you never have to have asks or submissions on ever if you don't want to. I'd also recommend snoozing tumblr live every month because otherwise you will be shown pictures of half naked women on your dash trying to get you to use it. God only knows why.
the site runs mostly on reblogs. This puts a copy of your post onto your blog, where people who follow you can then see it in turn! You can add comments to these - which again is always acceptable so long as you're being polite - which unlike twitter quote retweets will not 'steal' stats from the OP. You'll get notifications for likes and reblogs with that addition, the OP will still get those ones as well. Same goes for writing things in tags.
There's 3 ways to add comment on a post - reblog with comment, tags, and replies. Comment is just you add more stuff to the post, and anyone who reblogs it from you will share those too - an addition to the content. Replies are like quiet chatter - anyone can see them and reply if they click the button to view, but they're not in their face. There's often a lot of crap there, but welcome to any platform. Tags are, theoretically, for filing, but because people can see them they're often used to add bits of commentry - in the past they were only visible to your followers and visitors to your blog without extensions, though now they're visible to the OP, whomever you reblogged from, and anyone looking in the notes. However tags have no direct way to reply - sometimes people will reblog from the person whose tags they are responding to, or screenshot them and add them to the post, but there's no built in feature for it unlike replies. Whichever way you choose, comments are how community is built.
Tags! The first five tags are searchable, the rest aren't. Put most important stuff there. The system also breaks constantly.
Learn where the 'report for spam' buttons are for IMs and new followers. You will get some, sooner or later. Even my unlisted side blogs manage it.
You have a limit of 250 posts per day over your blog and any side blogs! I only started hitting this when I started liveblogging qsmp, tho, so don't worry /too/ much.
For sideblogs, the UI for deleting them is /really bad/. If you go to a sideblog, then its specific blog settings, then scroll down to the button which says 'delete [name of sideblog]', this button will delete your entire account, not just the sideblog. And getting it back isn't possible in most cases
Your block list is private, make use of it. Block specific tags for your triggers ("fandom neg" is a good start tbh), spam accounts, block anyone being an ass, block people because you see them a lot and you don't like their artstyle but people you follow do and you just want it off your blog - there is no morality involved in blocking, just do it to make your tumblr a happier place.
Unless someone says not to in their description, just scrolling through their entire blog and liking/reblogging things is fair game.
Likes do not share things to other people (and so artists will get sad if they get many likes and not many reblogs) but are super useful to mark when you've already seen something, or if you're (like me) sometimes on mobile and sometimes on computer and want to save them for the computer where tagging is a bit easier. I'd personally recommend turning them to private in settings, but each to their own.
The queue! Beloved queue. If you add things to your queue they will auto-post later. I use it for when I hit post count, and also to store up reblogged art for later.
Concerning side blogs - you can only follow, like and send asks from your main account, but you can post on, reblog to, recieve messages to, and reply from any (replying from side accounts is very new and very exciting). (So my case is obvious but if you see @factorialrabbits about in your notifications, that's my main, this is a side <3 )
Tagging/atting people! If you want someone's attention on a post, you use "@", then type their name. This doesn't always work, and should be used sparingly as it's basically like showing up to their front door and yelling for them lol. I mostly see it used for reblog games, and if someone's asked for say specific clips or timestamps for a VoD alerting them to a post which has them.
Search is fucky, but its a good way to find art. I tend not to search by tags, just keywords, then swap to most recent. Trying to find a specific post after its gone, though? good luck you'll need it.
Not a modern tumblr, but trivia - historically you used to be able to get an email address for your blog, and any email you sent to that address would be posted to it, and of all tumblr features I miss it the most.
Hopefully that helps? I need to go get some groceries but am happy to answer specific questions if you have them <3 I'm just never sure where to start lol
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snowflakechallenge · 2 years
Snowflake Challenge #5
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Introduction Post * Meet the Mods Post * Master Post on DW * Challenge #1 * Challenge #2 * Challenge #3 * Challenge #4
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
If you got the opportunity to add one thing to the canon of any of your fandoms, what would that be? Maybe there’s a character who didn’t get much of a backstory/storyline and you’d like to do something with them, maybe a show was axed too soon and you had thoughts on what could happen in a subsequent season, maybe there’s a new episode you’d like to have added.
Challenge #5
In your own space, tell us about 3 creative/fannish resources, spaces, or communities you use or enjoy. (One or two is fine, especially if you're in a smaller fandom or like many people at the moment, fannishly adrift right now). Leave a comment in today’s post at The Fandom Snowflake Challenge on DW saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.
Fandom is a fantastic place, and something that brought many of us together. Fandom is also a huge place made up of amazing and creative people doing incredible things. Anything goes, writing, podficcing, artwork, beta reading, commenting, general squee and so much more. It all combines to help make fandom the brilliant thing that it is.
The problem is, sometimes it's hard to find the places which enable you to indulge your passions. Hopefully, this challenge will help that. So, for example, tell us about a stock image place you enjoy, or a favourite archive. Is there a rec list you keep going back to, an online space where you enjoy a chat or a podcast series that always makes your day?
And of course, these places can be beyond fandom, that recipe site that's your go-to. The step-by-step instructions you saved to make your own cheese. Do you garden and have a favourite blog that's taught you how to grow amazing tomatoes?
Wikis, websites, videos, software, games, books, people, communities... anything! Share those places that you love, and hopefully others will love them too.
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
(If you want us to reblog your response here at our Tumblr, we’re tracking: snowflakechallenge2023.)
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strapstreams · 2 years
Figured I should make a post that's not just a link to the streams, so here goes!
Hey y'all, official tumblr for the StrapStreams twitch, twitter and YT archives. You might see me post multiple times some days because guess what, this is actually a side-blog I've made because I don't want to keep signing out and signing back in anytime I make a post. So times where I either reblog something immediately or even put out the same post more than once are me forgetting that I haven't changed back to the main blog.
If twitter keeps going the way it is, this will more than likely end up as the place where you can find out when I'm live or where I'm putting my content, at least until I actually get around to making a discord server, or working on the one I set up to test things...
Mutuals from twitter and friends from there, discord and twitch alike, feel free to send send me messages if you want to see my main/personal accounts on here, since it's a different name than the one I have for my personal twitter account. I'm less guarded with sharing my personal tumblr than my personal twitter so I may slip and share stuff from it on occasion here, but I still prefer to keep my personal and professional lives separate where I can, which is why if I know you from twitch/twitter/discord and you'd like to see it, since I'm a lot more accessible there because it's my default, you're more than welcome to message me about it and I'll gladly hand it out.
Just be prepared that it's got some very VERY old and cringe posts of mine on it. It started off as a bit of a character/ask blog before I decided to make it my personal one, so...... yeah.
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comet-wire · 2 years
Please read before following!!
Edit Jan 14,2023: I would appreciate it if you could like this post so I know people are reading it, it's not required but it would REALLY help a lot. Thank you.
Heya! The name's Val/Comet, please check out my carrd for information about the admin as well as links to other socials and other names and pronouns I go by!
There are also Spotify playlists for my OCs and my pets, some are still in the works but the ones that have been made are already up. I may not post allot about my OCs on Tumblr but I have more information on my Instagram!
My other socials are listed in carrd aswell as my DNI and comforts list. Along with resources to help others and for mental health.
My mini ARG for my OC series (Cupid daze) and the start of my comic Horror Comedy Passion project (Sweet tooth bats) is in my carrd, but I have also linked it separately in my Cupid Daze and Sweet tooth bats section below in this post, respectively.
Cupid Daze blog: @cupid-daze
Sweet Tooth Bats archive blog: @sweet-tooth-bats
Carrd located here.
Please read before interacting!!
If you want to support me and my art, Instagram is where I post my OC art the most! But I also post here when I can and over at @cupid-daze
Read my comic, Sweet Tooth Bats on comic fury!
(Edit:Also I am a young adult! But I can't put my age up at the moment because bots like to terrorize me the most, I think they think I'm one of them but I'm not and I'm terrified 😟 I find when I don't put my age in my bio,they don't come after me)
Edit Nov 2nd 2022: Reminder for new and old followers alike, I am a person just like everyone else and I have a tendency to disappear and reappear with actual content that are not reblogs. I want to say this because I am a retired cosplayer (I want to cosplay again at some point but not right now so I'm considerably retired) and I know what it's like to feel like I have to dish out content every day or every other day, I will not be doing this with my art as I just post things that are finished or somewhat finished, I think are fun/funny and are relating to my interests. I also say this because this year has been particularly hard for me for personal reasons regarding loosing loved ones and subjects such as loosing motivation, suddenly gaining motivation, and then loosing it all over again which often coincides with depression etc. Not to sound like a broken record but again I have a tendency to disappear off social media (usually to focus on myself and other instances) and I am a young adult, I do not post super mature things outside of horror etc, but I do ask for younger followers to not be weird about things it puts both of us in potential danger and this goes for other content creators outside of me as well. I mention this because when I cosplayed I got simp comments every now and again for the character I was cosplaying and that is super uncomfortable especially if that is from anyone under 17-18,and I just wish for that not to repeat if I do cosplay again and/or with any of my art as I have OCs that are considered attractive (ex: Valentina Valentine, who is an asexual and her whole character revolves around wanting to be seen more as a person than an object; so it will make me super if not violently uncomfortable if I get super s3xual comments about her). I also just want this blog to be an overall safe space for people of color and/or LGBTQ community, including furrys but excluding z00philes and so on.
Please and thank you. I am wishing everyone the best and please stay hydrated and eat when you are able to! Get rest as well! Be safe and take care dears!
Edit Jan 14,2023: Also I want to say again this is a safe space for everyone except problematics/proshippers etc.
I want to also add that if you cannot respect my boundaries as a person and creator, and not only just mine but others aswell, I will ask you to leave or if you were to hypothetically continue harassing anyone or just being overall not respectful to one another that will not be tolerated and you will be blocked.
I do not mean to come off as unpleasant but I want people to be aware. Thank you for understanding.
Mel/Moth-Moments <3
Mel arrives
Theories with Mel:The Owl House
Waking up in Ohio
Bacon Bacon Bacon
The Jong™
Glitch in the Splatoon plaza
Mel/Moths art!!
Mel's OCs:The Owl House;Indigo Nypan
Mel's OCs:Kirin and Ryu!
Mel's art:Us!!
Mortal Afterlife:Cover art
Mel/Moths OC: Dante
Mel/Moths OCs: Indie and Leaf - TOH
Cupid Daze
Mini ARG
Cupid Daze Blog
Valentina and her Borzoi
Portfolio idea & Ramblings
Cupid Daze official blog pinned post
Voice Claims:pt 1
Fuck it we ball(ft. Old art)
Young Valentina Valentine
Sweet Tooth Bats (Comic)
Official/Archive blog- Sweet tooth bats
Concepts and Reference sheet:Kevin/Kirby, Ripley, Salem (art)
Kirby/Kevin - inspiration and influence
Kirby the jester - art & reference
Salem Cynfael - outfit idea (art)
Jester harassment - doodle
Prologue: A vampires tears... - cover art
Holly the Joval - art -Kirby lore
Promo art/posters so far
Mornings with the trio - art/video
Hello puppets muse AU by Handeemuse
Muse-sona ref
Muse Jr ft. Muse-sona ref
Muse & Nick Nack interactions/art:
Height difference
Silly art discussions
Muse carrying Nick
Muse Jr made art for Nick
Hello Puppets!
Figuring out Owen Gubberson (Rough sketches/art)
Nick and Riley's dynamic moment
Canon Mortimer slander
This puppet is such a _ person
Nick and Riley are Tumblr sexyman/woman material
More Owen rough sketching
Riley Ruckus autism supremacy
Daisy Danger our beloved!
Post midnight show Riley Ruckus doodles ft. Sasha
Riley's Hair
Canon Cereal box art by Buglii-muligans
Headcanon's: Rivalry
Owen is exhausted (Video)
Riley's biggest mammal list
Riley Head pats
Self insert & Riley Ruckus: Self indulgence/AU
Sona & Riley mini ref
Riley with a big hoodie!! Ft. Nick
Lab Assistant AU + ref
Sofia the first
Skrunkly and his bean bowl
Spooky Month
New favorite Streber image
Pronunciation of 'Streber'
Streber headcanon & fanart
HCS & rambling - Streber and Kevin watch school for vampires
Vampire kid - ramblings
"You got games on yo phone" - Scout
Ramble: spy crabs r sillies
Baseball and Botany - Art
Art dump + Video/animation: Baseball and Botany
Cat Spamton ramblings
Spamton was eating toothpaste ft. Mel
The Walten Files
Boozoo is just some guy
Brawl Stars
New brawler's!:Chester, Mandy & Gray
Resident Evil
Alcina laughs at cheesed to meet you jokes
Comet's Albert Wesker crisis
SUBMAS: incorrect quotes (long post)
Me when submas
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heroofthreefaces · 2 years
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Preview panel only. Click here for full cartoon. Or see the on-site navigation tutorial. Or see this tumblog’s FAQ. Cartoons may contain unmarked spoilers. Cartoons linked at 10:00 Central US are new and are pinned to the top of the blog. Cartoons at 22:00 are from the archive and are only pinned during annual summer hiatus of new cartoons. Thanks for reading.
[Image description: Preview panel for the cartoon at the link. In a split screen, on the left is Barbara (ORACLE) Gordon of DC Comics, sitting in a wheelchair in a control center surrounded by touchscreens on mechanical arms. One screen has a display of status lights where all but one is green and the other is yellow; another displays a scene of the Doctor, Charlie, and Miss Quill from the premier episode of the Doctor Who spinoff series Class. On the right is Alfred Pennyworth dusting a bust of Shakespeare. Oracle is wearing a headset with a microphone and Alfred is wearing a bluetooth. Oracle is saying, “One last thing for the night, Alfred. I have the aired episodes of Class and I can get them to you at my FTP server or on a flashdrive.” Alfred is saying, “No thank you, Miss Barbara." Unfortunately there are not image descriptions at the main Hero of Three Faces site.]
Originally when I drew and posted this one in 2017, this was the preview panel:
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[Image description: An identical panel to the preview panel above, except Barbara Gordon is perched on a building top at night dressed as Batgirl. End description.]
Then Friday I saw on my dashboard a heartfelt and reasoned rant about the stolen disability representation when the New 52 retcon made Barbara Gordon into Batgirl again in 2011. I saw the same argument at the time too, but the consensus I grokked at the time was "Gail Simone can be trusted to do it well, so let's give it a chance"; and, though I haven't been a comics reader since before Simone started getting published, I had seen enough of her work on Tumblr that this seemed reasonable to me, not that I recall it was coming from anyone disabled. When I drew this strip in 2017, as far as I knew that retcon hadn't been re-retconned (nor to this day). Though I did debate it with myself in the end I decided, for a topical topic, to go with current continuity even though DC comics continuity is something Three Faces has always been unashamedly selectively mindful of. But Friday, after I saw that post (which I didn't have the presence of mind to reblog so I could credit and link the writer now), I decided the earlier decision had been wrong, and to go back and revise any art with Barbara as Batgirl in any Three Faces strip set after 1984 (though thinking back I guess The Killing Joke was a few years later than that because Barbara was still Batgirl for Supergirl's Infinite Earths funeral in 1986), and this was the only strip (there is though also at least one post-New 52 strip where Barbara's still Oracle which just goes to show I don't always mess up). Then I decided this one should be today's rerun just to make the point.
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