#transphobia ment cw
coulsonlives · 1 year
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So ummm, yeah, this person might have made some good posts in the past, but this is NOT okay.
They've also revealed themselves to be a TERF/radfem (their alt blog is balkanradfem).
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toydrill · 2 years
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beach trip
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awilddaydreamer · 2 years
The whole “forcing your pronouns on people” argument is so funny to me cuz like. Names exist? Yknow.. that thing people introduce themselves with unprompted and that you’re expected to refer to them as? We don’t just start calling our good buddy Jerry over there Ferdinand because he looks more like a Ferdinand. Likewise we don’t ask Jerry to show us his ID or birth certificate to verify his legal name. Dude just says “Hi I’m Jerry” and we go “Jerry what are you doing in my living room at midnight”
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dddemigirl · 1 year
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hummerous · 3 months
you can skip this post. it's just personal nonsense dw bout it
cw: transphobia (disc), homophobia (disc), childhood trauma (ment.)
y'know when something unsurprising happens but you feel the moment sorta calcify in your brain. like oh wow yeah no I can't be normal about this ever again
well. a few years ago, after a sudden stroke and subsequent surgery - my father went off the rails. in a way that, in retrospect, was inevitable. he raised me as an atheist, as a humanist, almost by mistake — a byproduct of rage, not compassion for his fellow man or conscious effort of any kind.
he started talking about alternative medicine.
which was fair, at first. you gotta give people room to cope and a stroke isn't something you can just walk away from
but it got .. worse.
he went all in. stopped taking his pressure meds (until it became clear his marriage wouldn't survive that), started buying herbal remedies in bulk, started buying books that ranged from Ayurvedic Remedies to Can You Think Cancer Away?
and I.... did not react well.
My father's son, bitchiest little shit on the block — I got him a book for his birthday. (as is family tradition)
The Demon Haunted Mind by Carl Sagan.
for reference,
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which was. received.. in complete silence.
it sat on the unused dining table for months until I put it up in my bookshelf. which is.. again, pretty much what you'd expect.
fast forward a few years and I'm trying to patch things up with him. it's clear my mother's taste in men is about as good as mine and after a certain point that's her decision. I ought to respect it, best I can
so a few weeks ago the two of us were discussing one of my sister's close friends. he's a bright, passionate young man who happens to also have had a traumatic background — and be trans
and my parents have up until that point, been very (surprisingly) supportive of him. they're homophobic, racist, misogynists — so I'll take what I can get
but in our discussion. dad thought it was a good time to explain, carefully, that he didn't want my sister to consort with broken people.
his word
I.. stared. blankly. for a few seconds.
he thought this was his cue to elaborate.
friends, romans, countrymen - this did not make things better.
and I........ just kinda. tucked the memory away.
because what do you say to that. if I opened my mouth I might've come out then and there. if I followed my first, second or third impulses - he'd be dead. so I didn't do that. because, and I cannot stress this enough, murder would not solve this stupid fucking family
so I just tucked it away. and stewed. didn't tell my sister anything. she's about the last friend my dad's got and I would rather not break her heart like that.
but then again, two days ago, he brought up again how he wasn't homophobic - but broken people made him uncomfortable. and they were unnatural degenerates anyhow. he had sympathy for their plight - from a safe distance.
(both his children are queer. make of that what you will)
my sister was there for that, and she flew off the handle. as she should have. and kinda screamed (her logically sound arguments) at him - I don't think he heard a single word.
she went to bed early
after that, I sat down and explained things to him as best I could - in the calmest manner I could.
it could've been a cultural disconnect. maybe he was looking for a different word?
he told me he hated how I always tried to teach people things, him especially, that I was patient and this was a virtue - but I shouldn't waste it on things like this.
(both my parents were teachers. make of that what you will.)
anyways. I'm thinking about getting him the first present I've gotten him since my first passive aggressive hissyfit,
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before we move out.
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the-bagelbitch · 2 years
About me below the cut! Updated 12/25/23
Name: Ezra (he/fae)
i am queer. what flavors? aromantic, gay, gray-asexual, and transmasculine
i am norse pagan (the chill kind). I am happiest when I explore this in a low-stakes kind of way. oathed to Hel :)
i am ex-evangelical. (cringe I know. Can’t help that i was born into it.)
i am studying English, pursuing my MA and then my PhD. I am an English professor (“””graduate assistant””” but we fully teach and construct the curriculum) in the meantime at my university.
I collect hobbies like they’re pókemon.
here are a few:
- bookbinding
- acquiring strange objects for my hoard collection
- gaming
- making photoshop abominations
- disappointing my evangelical family members
- creative writing (prose & poetry)
- sewing, quiltmaking, garmentmaking
- writing verbose shitpost essays
You’ll probably see me re/posting…
- that silly shit
- my mutuals’ content
- bookbinding
- almost daily journaling or irl check-ins (blacklist “#captain’s log (journaling)” to opt out)
- weirdcore/oddcore
- composition teaching resources
- queer & trans & gay & ace & aro stuff
- fiber art
- generic non fiber art
- things I bake
Common CWs I try to stay on top of tagging (I forget sometimes though):
any food pictures or mentions (#cw food)
anything to do with sexual violence (#cw sexual assault, #cw (specifics)) or even sexual content (#cw sex, #cw sex ment, #tw sex ment)
blood and/or gore (#cw blood, #cw gore)
needles (#cw needles)
homophobia/transphobia (#cw homophobia, #cw transphobia)
any mention of JKR (many such tags)
some other things I may cw tag are unreality, christianity, evangelicalism, death, illness, and others, but these tags are less reliable on my part. I am an exvangelical oathed to a death goddess though so like if that content isn’t for you, I recommend you curate me out of your feed just in case yk
may your day be blessed and your life be full of wonder ♡
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coulsonlives · 1 year
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'I asked for restrictive laws that force trans people to use the wrong washroom, now I have to live with the consequences of my actions heLP'
Edit: rbs turned off because y'all can't stop shouting death threats into the ether
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homo-house · 1 year
this is my personal blog & I post about whatever here. I have an art blog @mister-sol but I decided to not post my house md sketches there so they go here instead
there are some constants to what I post such as house md, good omens, franz kafka, hannibal, jayvik. I’m really into sad gruesome and problematic shit like cannibalism (as a concept). I also occasionally post sketches and pictures I take here. I have strong (political/philosophical) beliefs and opinions (again idc about fandom drama) so I can be annoying but I don't try to be mean.
I am ND, forgetful, very anxious, and don’t do very well with social interactions so pls forgive me if I don’t reply to asks/dms quickly or at all, it’s hard sometimes and 100% nothing personal.
Important: I like insects and some animals that a lot of people dislike, but I always tag them, so if they give u the ick just mute the tags. I only ask that u tag images of syringes as I have a phobia.
Feel free to request that i tag CW anything else that upsets you in some way and is not listed here
Funky animals I like
Media/ships (no particular order)
Good Omens/aziracrow
House M.D./hilson
Doctor Who/tenrose
Cobra Kai/lawrusso
Looney Tunes/baffy
South Park/creek
A Little Life
The Mentalist/jisbon
Homestuck (RARELY I swear)
League of Legends/vikjayce
Other stuff probably
Sensitive topics are tagged appropriately but i'm still figuring these out
suicide ment
death ment
SH ment
current politics (from anywhere)
war ment
cw transphobia
cw racism
queer discourse
Types of media
video, gifs
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prismfever · 2 years
I’ve been given the opportunity to celebrate christmas for the first time thanks to @ transanta via instagram
I will be sharing my story, along with a link to my registry underneath the cut. if you cannot purchase (or for any reason, don’t want to) it would still be greatly appreciated if people could share my gift registry to make christmas a reality for me, as I have never been able to celebrate it and have been struggling greatly these past few years.
⚠️cw for mention of outing/brief (ment) of transphobia below ⚠️
for people who don’t know— because I have been raised as a jehovah’s witness my entire life, i have never had the chance to celebrate holidays. additionally, I was outed last summer and forced to go back into the closet for my own personal safety. This gift registry gives me an opportunity to safely receive gifts such as gender affirming clothes, along with other personal items (that are not a necessity at all, but given that I’m celebrating christmas for the first time, I would like to get some things i’ve wanted for a very long time).
if you happen to purchase anything on my registry, please let me know so that I can personally thank you !! <3
again, sharing / b0°$tīng my list would be appreciated if you don’t want to purchase anything !!
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customemoji · 5 years
you have done more for the lgbt community overlaying a trans flag over a cartoon sheep than any single transmed will in their entire crusty existence
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fagdykefrank · 4 years
CW: severe transphobia, "super straight" trend, dehumanizing
Do NOT clown on this post, anyone spouting terf/transphobic rhetoric WILL be blocked.
For those unfamiliar, the "super straight" trend is a recent "sexuality" in which one is exclusively attracted to cis people. I've seen people (correctly) pointing out that it is extremely transphobic, on the basis that it rejects the idea that trans men are men and trans women are women. However, I feel it is much more deeply insidious than that.
Keep in mind, I do not experience transmisogyny, and, though I am a nonbinary person, I am not out to most of my family, and do not have plans to transition any time soon. I, of course, differ completely to more experienced and informed people in the community, especially people of color.
One aspect that I haven't seen anybody mention is that, in addition to the "super straight," "super gay," and "super lesbian labels going around, there is also "super bi." Now, bisexuality is, inherently, the attraction to more than one gender. Therefore, if you will allow me to attempt to think with their logic, all people, regardless of whether they are cis or trans, could be attractive to a bisexual person. This reveals something deeply disturbing about these labels to me: this isn't a rejection of trans identities. If it were, the "super bi" label would not exist. This is a rejection of trans humanity.
These labels exist to other and demonize trans people as subhuman; they claim that, not only should a straight man never be attracted or date a trans woman, no one should ever find trans people attractive, for they are lesser creatures.
Unfortunately, looking back on the information I have seen about this trend, I can't bring myself to be surprised. I see its origins on 4chan and other deeply bigoted parts of the internet, and I see connections of this trend to other movements steeped in homophobia and racism. Remember, transphobia is a known gateway to white supremacy.
So, why do I bring all this up? Because it makes members of the "super straight" movement much more extreme than they appear at first glance. Although humorous and absurd at first, this trend is deeply transphobic, and it's supporters are a danger to trans lives.
DO NOT debate them, send them asks, or defend them.
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probsnothawkeye · 3 years
My aunt's friend, out of nowhere: <says something that reinforces stereotypical gender roles> But we can't say that anymore!
My aunt: <complains about a cashier with they/them listed under their name tag>
My mom: <expresses confusion about trans and nonbinary people just in general>
My cousin: <rants about how they/them pronouns are 'grammatically incorrect>
Me, a closeted nonbinary person who uses they/them pronouns, internally while chugging a cosmopolitan: if I'm gonna be called a lady all night at least let me be a drunk lady
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rottendyke · 3 years
kill yourself tranny autismo lol
Bro I'm not twelve some anon calling me a tranny n tellin me to kms literally doesn't do shit lmao this is funny as fuck
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elbowreveal · 3 years
NO SERIOUSLY like. why are there more rbs on b*tch h*rtmans art than on trans ppls. be better perhaps
(agree) YEAH CAN U GUYS LIKE?? JUST SUPPORT REAL ARTISTS INSTEAD??? JUST DEPLATFORM THE DUDE. STOP FUCKIGN TALKIGN ABT IT. no one cares what he drew! it sucks! it literally doesnt matter! he WANTS the clout,,, why r u giving a transphobe,, what they want????? HUH??
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klugpuuo · 3 years
lmao 'truscum' 'transmed' what are those? sounds like stupid xenogender nonsense bs to me. probably just some more assholes breaking apart the community from within and giving us all a bad name
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coulsonlives · 9 months
Antis harass Harry Potter fans because JKR is a terfy transphobe, yet they conveniently ignore how the creator of FNAF is a pro-life Trump supporter and donated to many people who had vowed to overthrow the US election (x)
Make it make sense
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