#the logistics of how it happened I can’t even imagine it was such a weird place to hit a bike
corporrealism · 1 year
somebody hit my bike while I was at work I don’t understand human stupidity
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Same anon that initially raised the question about monster boy reproduction. Guess I’m back to torture you with more logistics questions. Specifically for the monster boys that you canonized oviposition for.
First, is their ability to create eggs based on their mating seasons? That could make for interesting behavior in-season as they would then have to find ways to deal with the unfertilized eggs. I imagine it would be uncomfortable and/or painful otherwise.
Second, how exactly would be eggs be fertilized? Irl, it would be the male fertilizing the egg, but that can’t happen here or the egg may as well be a form of asexual reproduction. Which would conflict with the ability to have half-humans.
Oh, this is the opposite of torture, it's so much fun to think of stuff and add new things. World-building can be complicated but very fun.
Yes, the ability to create eggs is indeed based on mating seasons, and having to deal with them, especially on your own is an unpleasant experience.
....and yeah, realistically the eggs wouldn't be able to properly fertilize, the guys shouldn't even be having the eggs in the first place, but this is just one of the areas where I ignore fact and science and just go with nonsensical kinks that make no sense because its hot.
I do headcanon that some of the guys can reproduce asexually, but for the ones that can't it's just...egg up that human.
At first, I figured it could just be: he eggs you up, then you Incubate the eggs for a while, and something something magically fertilized, and then the now bigger eggs are pushed out.
But then again it could make sense that simply the sperm is enough to get you pregnant, and you just have kids the usual mammal way, and putting the egg in you just feels really good and makes the passing of the egg less unpleasant for him.
Perhaps those egg-laying beasts produce eggs regardless of sex because of some weird evolution trait that is just normal in Twisted Wonderland but not our world cuz magic reasons and unless someone nuts in them, they just lay duds.
...huh actually this ask is making me come up with better ideas and reasons for stuff happening. I am very pleased by this.
I wonder if it would be seen as weird to use your own duds for cooking. Maybe not since there are plenty of animals that have reasons for eating their own eggs.
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vsa-pieldepapel · 2 years
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The charisk rant
Yes it is hard to explicitly describe it as romantic, though I do ship them… interesting how that works. Maybe it’s because they’re just kids. Maybe its because of the logistics. There is a feeling there so intimate that it can’t be described as anything but love, but is maybe a love outside of the archetypal bounds.
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They occupy the same SOUL, essentially. Chara has no physical presence. There is no way frisk can actually hug or kiss them, or introduce them to Toriel, or go on dates that mean anything, even as they grow older, which is the reason why I describe it as “two people who really are in love with each other, but aren’t in a relationship in any solid way”
At the same time Chara is always there. They can move Frisk’s body around. They can move one of Frisk’s hands, to lovingly pet their hair and both of them feel that, at the same time, in the same hand. They can read every thought and feeling frisk has, and whatever happened in the underground and after (counting resets if you so desire) has left both with a trust so deep (as they are completely exposed to each other—Frisk can read Chara’s every thought and feeling, too) that both can comment on each other’s thoughts and feelings without shame or remorse.
Two beings, one body, with the complexities that entails? You can think of it like a fucked up Steven universe fusion if it helps
Frisk can sometimes see Chara in mirrors or glass or other reflections, but no one else can. They can also converse telepathically, Frisk hears Chara’s voice (though no one else can, either). Frisk can relinquish control of parts of themself to Chara entirely, and trusts them enough to do it sometimes, like lending them a hand so Chara can draw. They can pick a hand each, and to an outsider it looks like Frisk is making two drawings at the same time, each with a hand. Which understandably looks weird as hell, and it is something they have to be careful with around others. Frisk has also kept their mastery of a poker face because often, at the same time they are physically conversing with someone, Chara has opinions about the happenings lol
Bear in mind that despite the fact they are kids, I see them both as very parentalised/adultified children. It is implied Chara went to Ebbott to jump to their death, and Frisk just kinda fucked off to Ebbott and no one went after them which,.. oof.. so they speak to each other on more complicated terms than initially expected from a pair of kids… both aspects of this soul compliment and oppose each other like Frisk’s staunch pacifism and general positive outlook on people, and they soothe Chara’s trauma and confusion like a cold compress on a burn… at the same time Frisk never really feels truly alone. Be it because of their monster family but even outside of that. Even outside of the “good ending”. What will stay with them through every reset (though I like to think of the one linear true pacifist timeline mostly) and the rest of their life is Chara. Remembering too. Always being there open and honest and sad and vulnerable and even funny too
Is this very unrealistic? Yeah! It’s meant to be like a love story with a ghost… Frisk would never admit to anyone that their crush is something real that has a name and history and evidence of their existence and is in them, they would just show persistent indifferent to romance with anyone else. Toriel could NEVER know because it would destroy her. Chara is just, there. And Chara is Okay with being there, too tired of life and its complications, content with this arrangement where they have a best friend and companion and experience the world at a distance where it can’t break them.
Though since Chara is a separate individual I can imagine them teasing and joking with each other and Frisk just kinda laughs on their own someones when alone because Chara said something funny or can be annoying or Chara can be determined enough to grab one of their hands and give their head a light smack (the trust is there for Chara to just take over anything at any time…)
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Sorry if this is a bit rambly, the core concepts here are Two People One Body, and “what if you really loved someone and they are real, but no one else can see them because they exist within you as a spiritual force? What if they also loved you back?” It’s hard to explain without it sounding strange but well. Thank you for the ask by the way- im really happy people find this interesting :’)
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vestaclinicpod · 10 months
Audio Drama Sunday - 13th August ✨
Happy #AudioDramaSunday, lovely people! I’ve listened to so much audio drama this week and my house is so clean as a result 🫧 
🌲@hellofromthehallowoods Starcrossed Gods!! I felt so brave daring to listen to this again. My heart 💔 Marolmar is written so well! Every sentence contains something to flinch at, it makes me sick to hear it all again. I’d also repressed the memory of how gut-wrenching Nikignik’s shouting at the end was, and how much it hurts to hear people trying to sing with a closed up throat. ANYWAY, I’m fine, thank you for asking. I’m not sure if the live show was released early due to logistical reasons, but I am fearful that it’s to provide context for what’s about to happen in the regular episodes (AKA tears and tears and tears for me). 
🦀 What an absolute delight to hear from the @thesiltverses cast again! These season recaps are so funny and it’s so heart warming to hear it when the cast of a show are clearly also its biggest fans. I’m SO excited for S3!!
🦮 @malevolentcast (34) what an episode!! If I recall correctly, this is the first time we’ve had an episode entirely without Arthur & John’s perspective? The Butcher is a worthy character to hold that mantle. Do I feel like I understand him more? No. Did I love being along for the ride? Absolutely. It’s also so weird to hear Arthur talking to John out loud when he thinks no-one can hear. I hope he makes it out in time! 
📻 @monstrousagonies (107) So thrilled to have this show back and I hope Hero is feeling much better! The first letter was so cute!! I’m sure there are lots of us who can relate to choosing love and kindness when we’re used to the opposite! Whichever bridge that little one finds, I’m sure it’ll be the loveliest by far!! 
🌒 @monkeymanproductions gave us the low-down on just how incredibly talented the Moonbase Theta, Out cast are in their Cast Special. Spoiler: Very. It was very wholesome to hear DJ Sylvis hyping everyone up and the episode is full of great AD and other recommendations! 
🎙Welcome to Night Vale is back!! I felt particularly targeted by the ad copy in this episode, but I’m sure that was their intention! This ep’s weather was particularly up my street too! I loved the harmonies! 
🎞 Tiny Terrors OOF hey so I found out what was up with Angela… and I didn’t like it one bit! I also need to know what the hell was happening at the end there. Jess, girl, you’ve got to stop getting yourself in these situations. It’s too much (for me to listen to)! 
🌍 @lastechoespod (8) I can’t believe it’s the last episode! Ishani Kanetkar was wonderful as Trast. I wish we could hear the final decision, but I guess I’ll just have to relisten and try decide for myself . . . 
🧛‍♂️ @re-dracula Uhoh, someone’s arrived in Whitby . . . I love Mina so much and Isabel AdomakohYoung is doing amazing job as her VA. She captures the good-hearted intelligence I love so much about the character!
 💫 Wolf 359 (38-46 + Special!) Oh MAN this podcast has my entire heart. Isn’t Memoria one of the best episodes of anything ever? Oh, Hera, I love you sooo much!!!!! I also loved the Lovelace cliffhanger at the end of 46 and the special was so different but so good! (Although listening to 2 hours of anything is a challenge!! I need a 20-30 min ep or I can’t fit it into my life) 
🎩 @ethicstownpod (7) OH MY GOD. January fans are looking a little bit bloody silly right now! What. The. Hell. Is. Going. On???? Please, if you haven’t yet started listening to this show, now is your time! It’s SO good and has so many twists and turns!! 
🥾@doyoucopypod (5) oh my GOD, imagine how horrifying it would be to be out in the woods to grieve your partner, only to hear their voice in the middle of the night. Nope. Absolutely not. Get out of the dead zone!! Wilson remains the goodest boy, even if his growls give me goosebumps! 
🎧 In this week’s The First Episode Of, W Keith Tims talks to the creator of Untrue Stories! These interviews are always fantastic and this show sounds so interesting for fans of sci-fi!! 
Thanks for reading! I’m so excited for more Regina Prime and to catch up with happenings in the Hallowoods next week! Hope you all have a restful weekend ✨
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whentherewerebicycles · 7 months
lol well the midwife is out sick today and they can’t get me in until the 28th when I’ll be almost 13 weeks. I googled and 10-12 weeks for the first visit seems normal, although I think it’s weird that the same clinic called me at 7 weeks to be like “we’re concerned 9 weeks is too late we’d like to do some labs earlier.” ugh whatever! I feel pretty annoyed but I know I’m lucky to have had several scans already to confirm that everything’s okay so far. I’ll probably pay out of pocket for another scan at my fertility clinic at 11 weeks to manage my anxiety around something going wrong… which again, annoying bc the scan would be free if the clinic had gotten me in today. I am sure that medically and logistically it makes sense from the doctor’s perspective to delay seeing a pregnant person until the end of the first trimester. but it feels like yet another situation where women’s experiences are not taken into account… like I can’t imagine how unhinged with worry and uncertainty I would feel right now if I hadn’t been able to get those early scans + bloodwork and the doctor was just like “yeah we’re not interested in checking in with you yet. why don’t you circle back in three months.” and I’m not even having like, truly debilitating nausea/vomiting!!! imagine if I was also insanely sick/suffering and they were just like sorry can’t give ya any advice or prescribe you anything until we see you and we won’t see you for 2-3 more weeks (which literally JUST happened to a friend). anyway BLAHHH sorry I’m just really annoyed and also pretty disappointed :(
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Praise for Winter's Orbit
In advance of Everina Maxwell’s (@avoliot) new book, Ocean’s Echo, I would like to take some time to talk about some of the points I love about her first book, Winter’s Orbit. Some of these things I have only noticed because I have read this book enough times that it might actually be concerning, but something about it really captures me and I need to share some of my favourite parts.
I’ll start with some general things and move on to spoilers under a cut. 
First off, I’d like to say how well Maxwell shows the cultural/personality differences between Kiem and Jainan. There are some subtle points, like Jainan mentioning how he doesn’t understand why Iskaners like glass ceilings when it is almost always cloudy right after hearing Kiem say the room they get married in is cheerful because it has a glass ceiling, even though “no sunlight made it through the muted grey of the clouds.”
We see a similar thing with the birds, but I personally think this is more personality than cultural: Kiem likes Iskat’s birds, and Jainan does not like any of the wildlife (for very good reason). Kiem feeds the “doves,” knows about nesting habits, and chooses to have his wedding banquet in the Room of Birds. Jainan thinks the birds are “predatory and alien” and is always very negative when he thinks of them. This is such a fun little dynamic and I think it says a lot about their personalities and how they interact with the world around them.
Another note about the wildlife and Iskat’s “weird design fashions,” one of my favourite exchanges is the “that’s not a bear” and “what kind of bear has fur?” This is made even better, because earlier in the novel, Kiem describes a character as having a “presence like a bear in a room full of nanotech.” Now that is a delightfully futuristic version of the bull in a china shop idiom, but when we learn what Kiem actually means by a bear it gets way funnier to imagine a six-legged reptile in, like, a Best Buy. 
A final note on Kiem and Jainan playing off each other is when Kiem blatantly lies to Jainan to make him feel more comfortable. At their wedding dinner, Kiem tells Jainan that heraldry is a hobby of his and then asks about Jainan’s family crest to get Jainan involved in the conversation. Later in the book Kiem admits that he doesn’t even know the history of the Iskat coat of arms, so it really was just a way off prompting a conversation. I think that is a really sweet exchange.
Kiem’s people skills are threaded throughout the book. It is easy to show Jainan’s intelligence, he’s an engineer and his attention to detail and analytical skills solve major plot points, but Kiem’s are more subtle and just as useful. They are also more spoilery, so I’m hiding them under a read more.
We first see it when Kiem remembers the face of one of the internal security agents. I like to think this is the security guard who talks to him about tree borers right after the wedding. 
My favourite people skills moment is how Maxwell sprinkles in little breadcrumbs that come together later to make Kiem's habit of calling people for help more believable. We see Kiem meeting Master Sergeant Vignar, who does logistics for the military. At the time it feels like a casual one off, and we don’t expect to see him again, but Kiem remembers him and calls on him when he needs to break into a secure military area. He also uses a real conversation he had with Aren about a job opening to make his request sound believable. This is such a beautifully written set up and pay off, and really shows how Kiem remembering details about people is an invaluable and rare skill. 
Speaking of Aren, I can’t help but wonder if he is responsible for there being no record of Audel’s resignation. Maxwell never specifies, but if Aren did find copies of the resignation letters it would make sense for him to delete them to cast more suspicion on her. Maybe that is what happened, maybe Audel was lying about trying to quit to make herself sound better. We'll never know and I love that we get to form our own ideas about it.
I cannot talk about Aren framing Audel without mentioning how ridiculous his little reveal was at the Hvaren Base. Like, he showed a picture of the college, then a head shot of Audel, and only after that did he show her military picture. Why would he do that instead of just saying “I think it was the professor!” He must have realized Jainan and Kiem knew her. If they didn’t outright name her when they were explaining how Jainan found out about the embezzlement, Aren should have connected the dots that Jainan got the data from her. But no, instead of being normal, Aren had to bust out a powerpoint. No wonder Kiem and Jainan were confused. This is just so hilariously flamboyant!
My last point, because I have to stop somewhere or else go on and on about how much I love this book if I don’t limit myself, is how much I like how Maxwell used a small detail to show her readers how two overlapping events were playing out simultaneously. While Jainan is examining the Kingfisher refinery’s orbit, he notices a shift change buzzer in the background, and we can assume it is the same buzzer Kiem mentions in the next POV shift. Because of that small detail, we know where both of them are: Kiem has finished reading Bel’s notes and is on his way to confront Gairad, while Jainan is still in the control room. Kiem’s confrontation leads to him turning off his wristband, so Jainan isn’t able to reach him when he tries to call, which prompts him to go directly to the Auditor with his information. This is such a good way of anchoring the reader in time and showing how the events are lining up without having to actually explain it in detail. 
Anyway, those are some of my observations on the book and I cannot wait to get my hands on Ocean’s Echo. I’ve pre-ordered the audiobook and I know I’m going to devour it as soon as I can.
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dormarunt · 2 years
Ahhh I’m so glad to have been able to ‘speak’ to your fic brain XD. I am a huge fan of your writing so it would only be a honor to have given you a little push with my ask. Also I looovee your “almost kiss” idea I could honestly see that happening. Maybe the heist got a bit out of hand, near the end something went wrong. Maybe someone snitches and they almost get caught right there and then, but they don’t get caught because they can’t, it’s Them. And together they’re unstoppable and perfect. No one can stop them. In a sea f mortal men they are gods. I imagine they get so caught in that high of success, of there being no limits to them. “They could go against the world and win.” - Is what Andres thinks as he cups Martin’s jaws. Then boom he panics something interrupts them whatever. And it’s so obvious to both of them where the moment had been leading to. That it’s easier not to talk about it… and years later they don’t.
Yess and quite frankly seeing Martin kiss Sergio at the wedding makes me think he might the be the sort of person to just randomly kiss his friends in leu of congratulations and such. (Or embarrassing them in Sergio’s case) Like I imagine Marseille or Bogota getting him something he really needed for the plan and him being excited and going “ahh thanks so much *pecks him on the mouth*”. Also it goes along with his teasing nature doesn’t it? Whatever the reason behind it I feel like it could have happened very early on. While Martin still hadn’t ‘known’ how he felt. I am thinking some kind of party, maybe Martin’s birthday and there are the Cormorants and some other people there. He’s feeling happy, everyone’s having a good time. It happens. And Martin’s always done this it’s a just a friendly peck, it doesn’t mean anything but why does it feel different now that it’s Andres. It doesn’t even classify as a real kiss… but as they part it’s as time slows down. They open their eyes slowly and look at each other, still a bit caught they realize they still haven’t fully parted. It’s at that point he knows he is never doing that again. Lol and I imagine Martin continuing on still kissing people left and right just never Andres. (Kinda like in that one blooper with Alvaro and Rodrigo, where Rodrigo goes “Andale dame un beso” and Alvaro turns and goes “no” and Rodrigo follows him and keeps saying “dalee”) Tbh in my head that’s pretty much what I think Martin’s and Sergio’s dynamic is like. And it’s weird because Andres is his closest friend yet he’s the one Martin doesn’t dare to mess around in that way.
Oh my god this comment is EVERYTHING. You are the best, anon! <3 I’ll go full-on AO3 comment on this one, because there’s so much in there, and it’s all gold.
…together they’re unstoppable and perfect. No one can stop them. In a sea f mortal men they are gods. I imagine they get so caught in that high of success, of there being no limits to them. “They could go against the world and win.” - Is what Andres thinks as he cups Martin’s jaws. Then boom he panics something interrupts them whatever. And it’s so obvious to both of them where the moment had been leading to. 
I think one of the first Berlermo fic ideas I had back in 2020 revolved around them kissing in the adrenaline high after a heist. "They are gods among men" is exactly the sentiment I saw them having, feeling invincible after successfully pulling a daring heist. And then they make it to the car, and they kiss. (you can tell I don't have a car because I don't think it’s well thought-through, logistics-wise.) But I was in love with the idea of them being so elated that they finally cross that one last barrier in their intimacy and finally kiss, and it's really not such a big leap from how they usually are around each other. I never wrote that one, but I remember it so vividly.
Like I imagine Marseille or Bogota getting him something he really needed for the plan and him being excited and going “ahh thanks so much *pecks him on the mouth*”. Also it goes along with his teasing nature doesn’t it? 
I love the idea of Martin being the kiss-on-the-lips kind of person. Would make it very interesting how he pointedly did not kiss Helsinki after the boom boom ciao. (sidetrack but I’m not fond of the perhaps romantic idea that Martín wouldn’t kiss anyone after Andrés, and that’s why he didn’t kiss Helsinki. Nah, I’m sure he’d continue to kiss people, kissing is great! He seems to enjoy sex - he makes a whole apologia for gay sex at the lunch table, after all - and kissing is integral to that, come on.) But maybe he was just trying to send no mixed messages since he made it clear with his whole speech that he wasn’t interested in anything past sex. Still, interesting that he stops it from happening this time.
And Martin’s always done this it’s a just a friendly peck, it doesn’t mean anything but why does it feel different now that it’s Andres. It doesn’t even classify as a real kiss… but as they part it’s as time slows down. They open their eyes slowly and look at each other, still a bit caught they realize they still haven’t fully parted. It’s at that point he knows he is never doing that again. Lol and I imagine Martin continuing on still kissing people left and right just never Andres.
First of all - this was beautiful. And yes, if it happened when they didn’t know each other for long, imagine if it’s what made Martín realize that, welp, he’s caught The Feelings, this can never happen again.
God, the sheer panic after you do that. Especially if you both feel it but then the other person acts as if nothing happened and yeah, you realize that’s never happening again. (But also - when do feel it and you’re both aware and then you kiss again but this time it’s different and wonderful and terrifying. And heartbreaking, if you’re Martín in ep 4x08.)
(Kinda like in that one blooper with Alvaro and Rodrigo, where Rodrigo goes “Andale dame un beso” and Alvaro turns and goes “no” and Rodrigo follows him and keeps saying “dalee”) Tbh in my head that’s pretty much what I think Martin’s and Sergio’s dynamic is like. And it’s weird because Andres is his closest friend yet he’s the one Martin doesn’t dare to mess around in that way.
I used to think - like many in fandom back then - that Martín didn’t like Sergio, or Sergio didn’t like Martín, and I don’t think it’s the case anymore. We’ve seen Sergio be a professor and not just The Professor, when schooling La Banda several times; like when he comes out in his jimmy jammies to go “do you know what time it is? Go to bed, big day tomorrow” or when Marseille doesn’t want to do surgery on that pig and he gets into a near-fight with Denver and Sergio puts his foot down fast. If he didn’t like Martín, he would shut him down immediately, and Martín would listen. It’s clear that he respects Sergio, and doesn’t just like to fuck with him. No, these guys might actually even like each other. I think the “weight” of Martín’s feelings for Andrés is what doesn’t make their relationship “smoother”, if that makes sense. Even though it’s based on mutual respect, there’s also a sense of push and pull, challenges and stubbornness. 
And you’re right, Martín tends to be crude with everyone, not just Sergio (when offering his fellatio skills) but never with Andrés, to whom he clearly doesn’t trust himself to say a lot of the things he normally would, because maybe that time he’d mean it.
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illusionsofdreaming · 3 years
How about a Cale proposing/asking out Reader for marriage/date?? I love your fics and this is just a thought that I often imagine (It's usually people asking him out but this might be a nice change!? I think...)
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Ft: Cale
Tap tap tap tap tap-
It was the soothing rhythmic sound of not getting anything done. Concentration having long since fled the premises as he stared blankly at the notes on the table, watched as the blue nib danced up and down and up and down again.
The notes were important he supposed but his heart wasn’t into it, mind occupied and consistently distracted by a particular receipt on his table.
It’s been several days and he has yet to hear a reply.
He’s not quite sure what to make of it. Certain social rules of this world clashed with his modern-day knowledge of social cues. One would think he’d have an advantage as one who transmigrated into a novel he’d read, but The Birth of a Hero never properly introduced the social decorum of the world in detail. 
Perhaps the only reason he made it thus far with his half baked knowledge of etiquette was thanks to Cale’s trashy reputation which, ironically enough, made people more accepting of his faux pas. Alas, if it weren’t for Hans’ persistent nagging that he should handle this important matter ‘the proper way’, he really wouldn’t have bothered. Now he’s stuck between a rock and a hard place. Would it mean anything if he were to send a follow up letter? Or perhaps he should go there himself-
A knock on his door distracted him from his thoughts and he glanced up to see the origin of his headaches, Hans, peek in. 
“Young master, you have guests from the _________ household and-“
Cale was out the doors before Hans finished.
Despite having your back to him it was almost embarrassing how quickly he was able to pick you out amidst the crowd of people.
“__________.” He greeted, snow crunching beneath his boots as he neared your side, he hoped his breathing wasn’t too quick as he’d rushed over as soon as he’d learn of your visit. The burning question rested on the tip of his tongue, the cure-all to his worries as he reached for your hand. “I have been wait-“
“Cale! Just the person I wanted to see!” You turned, smile brightening your features as you pulled him closer, close enough that he could see how the cold had already kissed your cheeks pink. 
“Did you receive-“
“Yes, that’s why I’m here!” 
A flutter of nerves was set alight in his chest that made him weirdly jittery. How unusual. He’d always been so assured of the results of his plans (and he’s confident in his prediction of your response) yet he couldn’t help but feel flustered. He understood nothing of this world’s customs and Hans did mention a response would’ve usually been sent by letter. Does you coming here in person symbolise something he’s not getting again?
Something was pressed into his hand and his heartrate spiked uncomfortably as he glanced down to receive the scroll you passed to him.
He hesitated, frowning at the brown parchment. Noting the ugly frayed edges and wondering, why couldn’t you have just told him what’s written within since you’ve travelled all the way here anyways.
“Take a look.” you urged him and he sighed.
“Can’t you-“ his words faltered off abruptly as he unfurled the paper to reveal a mess of lines and sketches, his mind blanked as he stared uncomprehending at the contents. “W.. what is this..”
“Isn’t it exciting?” you glanced at the paper, delight and unadulterated joy shone through your eyes. “The designs for the waterways are finally complete! We can finally move onto the next phase, I’ve even gathered the others to discuss this! It shouldn’t take long, we just need to iron out the logistics and-“
He’d tuned out as he stared at prototype on the page, his mind struggled sluggishly to make sense of what’s happening. Cale’s expression remained carefully blank as he lifted his head up to look at you and finally noticed the circle of vassals awkwardly standing around them. 
“..implementation of the new waterways will greatly improve the situation in the slums and if we...” 
If looks could set things on fire, the conference table would’ve long turned to ashes with how hard Cale’s been glaring. He had rested his two elbows on the oak table, fingers weaved together to create a net that supported his chin. To others, the firstborn son of the Henituse household may seemed to be in a contemplative mood, in truth, Cale had zoned out since the very beginning.
Perhaps there’s been a mistake. Maybe you did not receive it or perhaps he’d missed another social cue. Did he unknowingly commit another taboo?
He shouldn’t have listened to Hans’ ridiculous suggestions when he knew he had no patience for the roundabout and overly complex ways people liked to handle things here. He ran a tired hand past his face. Right, next thing he’s going to change in this world would be the removal of all redundant and confusing social constructs. First, he’ll start with the books on courtroom etiquette-
A hand landing on his shoulder jolted him from his thoughts and he looked up to meet your frustrated gaze. He gaped, caught off guard by your ire.
Your long sigh pricked at his conscience but you interrupted him before he could explain himself. “I sent the others out for a break.” You sat on the edge of the table facing him, although clearly annoyed, there was concern in the slight dip of your brows.
“You’ve been distracted the entire meeting Cale.” 
He rubbed the back of his neck, pressing against the tension building there. “Sorry.” He admitted softly. 
“Is something on your mind?”
“It’s nothing.” To admit that his thoughts were in shambles all because of an unanswered letter would’ve been far too pathetic. Gods, when have he fallen so low. “I need a drink.” he decided abruptly and would’ve gotten up and escaped, but you knew him too well. With a subtle shift of your weight that looked all too natural, you leaned forward and your two hands rested against his armrests to support yourself in a comfortable lean, effortlessly and efficiently caging him in. 
“Cale.” Your tone broke no argument. It was clear he was not going anywhere until he cleared this matter up.
He sighed, slumping against the chair in defeat as he dragged his gaze slowly upwards with the reluctance of a child who’d just been caught with their hands in the cookie jar and was now forced to admit their wrongdoings. He hesitated when he caught a glimmer of something on your shirt. 
Somewhere along the meeting, as the room got warmer you must’ve taken off your thinner overcoat, it would’ve explained why he hadn’t noticed such an obvious accessory from the beginning. But now that he had laid eyes on it, Cale can’t seem to look away. His hand reached out cautiously, brushing over delicate work, the building tension within him eased away as he reminiscences at the nostalgic sight. 
It had only been several weeks ago when he’d went out to find the best jeweller in the Kingdom to have a specific brooch made. A bright golden shield with the Henituse’s family mascot emblazoned on, two magnificent rubies inlaid as eyes. 
With the solid feeling of the brooch under his fingers, his previous worries melted off like sleet to be replaced with an indescribable warmth in his chest.
“It suits you.” he finally says. It really does. 
Cale never liked things made in his honor, but something about you wearing his symbol made him feel a lot of things. 
Your rumble of laughter made him look up and you brushed a hand through his locks, amusement in your eyes. “Is that it? That’s what’s been bothering you all morning?” you mused.
He snorted and slumped forward, resting his face on your lap. “You wouldn’t reject it.”
“Confident, aren’t we?” you laughed and carded your fingers through his hair.
It was the truth which you both knew. He had never been a stickler for rules. The relationship between you happened as a gradual process, you two clicked and it just eased into your daily routine and became the norm. There was never any need or desire to announce it officially. But as someone who transmigrated into this world, who also decided to continue living in it, he wanted to do it your way. Because in the end, even if it was bothersome, annoying and baffled his 21st century mind, the gesture would mean something to you.
Now that he’s solved the mystery, satisfied he didn’t botch up some weird etiquette, he had time to analyse the day’s events and realised one thing. He lifted his head from your lap, “You orchestrated this. The waterways weren’t that urgent.” he deadpanned, stuck between feeling awe that you took all the effort to tease him and indignation that you’d dare.
“It’s not often one gets the chance to fluster you.” you admitted, not at all feeling guilty when you got the chance to witness his bewilderment first hand.
“Aigoo..” he clicked his tongue and in one swift movement, stood from his seat, forcing you to lean back as his arms landed by your sides, effectively reversing your positions. “You’d bother the vassals for this, how bold.”
You blinked innocently up at him. “I bothered no one actually, they all volunteered to help.”
He frowned. Traitors. The whole lot of them. He could actually hear them cheering outside the room. He’s going to have to tell Basen to talk to them about their loyalties soon. Well. Not that it would matter much. He glanced down at the gleaming brooch on your chest and his lips twitched into a satisfied smile despite himself. 
Perhaps there’s a reason behind such silly traditions after all.
Notes: So I combined these two asks because they’re pretty similar and to answer your questions: I believe Cale’s not one for grand gestures and formal things but he’ll occasionally abide by certain traditions if it has special meanings and especially if it’d mean something to you. 
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 314: ...Or You Live Long Enough to See Yourself Become the Villain
Previously on BnHA: Some random assholes were all “let’s throw exploding spears at All Might and see if it activates his Conqueror’s Haki” and SURPRISE, MOTHERFUCKERS, IT DID!! Elsewhere, Lady Nagant confusingly tried to capture Deku alive by shooting him in the stomach, but to be fair I guess that’s what happens when you send an assassin to do a bounty hunter’s job, so yeah. Deku was all “ouch”, and then because this is a shounen he basically just straight up forgot about it, and did a big fancy Smokescreen thing, and then activated his mildly incomprehensible new ki-blasting quirk which he got from the Third. En and the Third were all “hey Deku maybe let’s not just impulsively activate all this shit in the heat of battle when you don’t know how to use it yet and you’re already injured,” and Deku was all “thanks for the quirks guys but I’ll take it from here” and snuck up on Nagant and grabbed her arm and so now what’s going to happen I wonder.
Today on BnHA: Nagant is all “[shoots Deku again]” because of course she is lol. Deku is all “tell me about AFO!” and Nagant is all “why would I tell you anything?” and then proceeds to tell him her entire life story which is FILLED WITH SO MUCH MURDER, YOU GUYS. Holy shit. So basically she was an assassin for the HPSC, which we already knew, but somehow it’s one thing to know that, and another to actually see her running around capping dudes in the forehead and being covered in more blood than the elevator from The Shining. Anyway, so you’ll never believe it, but all that murder had a negative impact on her psychologically, and eventually led her to question everything she believed about hero society, and so she killed her creepy boss and was promptly sent to Tartarus. This extremely fun chapter ends with Overhaul showing up all “HI, HELLO, I’M STILL HERE”, because for some reason he is still here. Why are you still here, Overhaul.
“the beautiful Lady Nagant” oh you know your audience don’t you Horikoshi
well all right then! so I’m guessing this means that she is not, in fact, going to roll over and die just because Deku’s out here all “GOT YA!” like they’re playing a game or tag or something. ffff may the manga gods have mercy on our young suicidal protagonist
lmao so Deku is all “GOD I’M SO SMART, WHAT A GOOD STRATEGY I HAD, CAPITOL JOB THERE OL’ CHAP, CAPITOL” and lol, okay. I mean, it was a good plan though. but I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop here
“I’ll make you give me information on All for One” well there you go, lol. Deku Angst arc still fully engaged. still no light in his eyes either of course. just a lil chaotic ball of sleep deprivation and rage
lol, fucking THANK YOU though
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oh my god what the hell did she do to him lol
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did she shoot him with her elbow??? fucking look at this?? THIS IS WHY WE LISTEN TO HAWKS oh my god Deku are you dead
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things that I wish I could tell from this panel which I unfortunately cannot tell
did she stab him or shoot him?? can you imagine if it was the former lol. why does Horikoshi keep stabbing all my kids. look Kacchan now the two of you can match
did she actually hit him or did he get away??
or did she hit him and then he jumped away?? just, what
well anyway, so now Deku is asking her why she sided with AFO, but he seems a lot more pissed off than when he was interrogating Muscular, though. probably because she shot him three times. fair enough
oh my god
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does Lady have a blog here on tumblr dot com?? -- does Horikoshi have a blog here on tumblr motherfucking dot com?? why do I suddenly feel like this man is out here sneakily reading up on all our discourse
oh my god Deku it’s almost like getting up close and personal with someone who can shoot custom bullets from any distance and any position with deadly accuracy was a terrible fucking idea
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IF ONLY SOMEONE HAD WARNED YOU NOT TO ENGAGE WITH HER AT ALL COSTS. IF ONLY SOMEONE HAD HAD THE FORESIGHT TO DO THAT sob. can you imagine how much shorter this series would be if characters actually listened to Hawks. Hawks, and Momo. why do we even let anyone else run the show ever
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this looks a lot like what happens to me whenever I play One’s Justice. those fucking combo attacks that you can’t fucking escape from and so your character just has to stand there getting their ass whalloped repeatedly while you wonder why you paid $40 for this
but anyways though. so Lady who did you kill?? I bet they deserved it, don’t worry I forgive you
-- holy shit
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looks like the HPSC arc is back on the menu boys
so are we about to learn that the HPSC was going full Hydra on people’s asses? secretly dispatching anyone they deemed a threat to society?? “taken care of” as in you fucking shot them??
so then was the “hero” she killed actually one of the guys who was giving or carrying out these orders?? holy shit Lady, up until now I’ve mainly just been stanning you for your flawless eyebrow game and metal af quirk, but this shit could actually get real very quickly, and I am prepared to genuinely and sincerely love the shit out of you depending on what we learn next about your backstory
oh my god?!?
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so wait, hold up. am I reading this right?? basically the HPSC started murdering vigilantes because they were worried they were gaining too much of the public’s favor?? holy fucking shit???
oh my GOD oh my god
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“it’s been a while since I scarred you all with the dead dog and the graphic slaughter of an entire innocent family, huh,” Horikoshi says thoughtfully. “anyway so what do you all think of my new creation, the Spaghetti Bullet.” well, Horikoshi, so you know that squished-up face that Kermit the Frog makes sometimes? yeah. that’s what I think, if you must know lol
holy hell the juxtaposition
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I’m actually kind of surprised to learn she had a lot of fans? what with her M.O., I was expecting her to have been an underground hero like Aizawa, but apparently not? then again I still have absolutely no idea how any of that works. I really need to read Vigilantes already
oh snap
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nothing like a sweet dose of assassin trauma to finally round out our BnHA Trauma Bingo!! well done guys, we finally collected all of the traumas! hooray!
noooo Ladyyyyyyy
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holy shit what a fucking chapter. like, this man promised us an assassin, and went and fucking delivered. I was not expecting it to be this dark, lol, but holy shit I am here for it
you know, at some point you have to start questioning the logistics of this, though
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I mean, how do I put this... her quirk isn’t exactly subtle. that murder scene from a few pages back looked like the first season of Dexter for fuck’s sake, that’s not exactly “disappearing” people now is it?? and I mean, her bullets are literally made from her own fucking hair; it seems like it would be impossible not to leave any evidence behind. did no one start to wonder who the fuck was going around murdering all these people? or did the people who asked too many questions wind up getting conveniently “disappeared” themselves??
and hey, speaking of asking too many questions
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holy shit is he blackmailing her??!? or no, wait -- what the hell is he reaching for in his pocket boy you better not
(ETA: what exactly was this man expecting fdslkjd. “uh oh my unstoppable hair trigger assassin who is literally always armed is asking questions, better announce that I am going to shoot her and then reach into my pocket veeeeeery slowly while she stands there all of two feet away.” how did this guy ever function as the head of a shadow government with these decision-making skills, I’m genuinely baffled.)
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this. right here. is why “run the fuck away” was damn good solid fucking advice. oh shit. but my god did this dude have it coming
so wait lol has she just been narrating all of this out loud to Deku this entire time
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okay but can we just stop for a moment and appreciate the fact that they’re having this deep conversation about the dark secrets of hero society right in the middle of their intense mid-air sniper free-for-all lol
holy shit you guys, Nagant’s the one that should have made the tell-all video. I mean, no offense to you, Dabi, I’m sure you worked very hard on your video and did a ton of crunches every day so that you would look good with your shirt off while you told the world all about how your dad was a jerk. but seriously...
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this is already like 100x more convincing than what he put out. also, gasp, is it another flashback
yes it is oh my gosh
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so the HPSC Chairladyperson whom ReDestro killed used to be this guy’s direct subordinate, huh? I wonder if she kept the whole assassin program going after she took over. can’t say I was feeling any particular kind of grieving way about her death before, but certainly not now lol
but unfortunately Nagant has finally lost me at the same place where all of the villains inevitably do, which is to say when they somehow make the dubious mental leap from “society sucks and is bad” to “let’s just be openly fucking evil lol, worth a shot.” because when heroes murder innocent people and cover it up, that’s obviously bad (and I mean, it absolutely fucking is lol, don’t get me wrong); but when villains murder innocent people straight up out in the open without giving a fuck, they’re righteous revolutionaries? just -- is there really no non-murdery middle ground here?? I guess that’s what Deku and co. are for, hopefully
anyways oh shit Deku seems to have spotted something?? and he’s doing something weird with Blackwhip what
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oh, he spotted her, I guess
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new favorite Deku panel right here. a masterpiece
oh my god you guys our little boy is starting to grow up before our eyes
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you love to see it. and you can tell with those elipses that he’s gearing up to say something really cool and determined and badass like the shounen protag he is, yes please, Deku ilu so much please do your thing
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IS THAT A TEENY TINY LIL EYE SPARKLE THERE OMG. still not anywhere close to his usual standard, but that’s some clear resolve there in his eyes there at long last! it always shines the most clearly when he’s being true to himself and his ideals, so I love that it finally shows up again here, when he’s reaffirming his resolve to help others no matter what
uh oh so what’s Lady going to do now
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is it time for a trump card?? kinda sounding like it’s time for a trump card
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I lied btw, this is my new favorite Deku panel. but anyways what is she up to now lol
ohhhhhh, lol
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why does she seem shocked, lol. here I thought this was part of her plan, but apparently she forgot all about ol’ “Look Ma, No Hands” back up there
and so I guess that’s it for this week! so we’ve learned basically everything now about Lady and her quirk and her history with the HPSC and why she agreed to work for AFO. pretty much the only question that still remains is why the hell she decided to drag this asshole along for the ride! because I still cannot figure that out dsklkjlkf
(ETA: actually now I’m kind of wondering if they maybe have some past connection we don’t know about yet. when exactly was Nagant sent to Tartarus? is it possible she was ordered to track down and kill Overhaul at some point before that, but never got around to it? or something else along those lines? idk but now I’m curious.)
anyways Deku, I know that your empathy has no bounds and that you’re on a “saving villains” kick right now, and good on you... but also, if you decide to just like, skip all of that shit just this once, absolutely no one will hold it against you, I’m just saying. just, all I’m asking here is maybe let’s think twice before we start trying to reform guys who imprison and torture little girls for profit. I think maybe that’s a good place to draw the line. next week is going to be a very interesting chapter lol
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spotsupstuff · 2 years
Someone mentioned the idea that if Lady Bone Demon has been messing with memories like theorized, that Host could fix them with the leftover power she got from her possession. Thoughts?
Dat idea comes from starsfic, don't it
Hmm... I don't really have many because I'm kind of a skeptic of the "Messing with memories" theory since it's based on like. One Line. And storytelling-wise it seems kinda impractical to me to do without tellin The Audience because it makes SO Many plot points uncertain which in turn takes away from the characters’ richness n stability, therefore makes them less engaging. The story kind of falls apart at the seams like that. N doesn't make much sense for me why she wouldn't mess with the memories more effectively than what she has goin on rn, too
But aight, lessa say that WBS has the power to earworm her way into a noggin in the first place. I’d really like to first understand how a power like that works. Is there a cooldown? Does it take a lot of energy away? Or is it the same thing like with what I’m thinkin with Six Ear’s time hearing power that some aspects of it are easy to do but some are just So ridiculously hard to properly handle that they just aren’t worth it? There IS the pressing issue that a mind is something that we don’t really understand. Memories may have designated places in the brain n we can somewhat categorize them, but they are still rather confusing
I’d guess that for the Host to properly utilize this ability, she’d have to train ridiculously a lot and with some minor things to be able to really do anything. And even after she does learn or IF she just can do the controlling thing automatically cuz she inherited the skill thru the possession, one still gotta question what type of fuck up happened to the memories. Could they have been just straight up deleted? Are they just suppressed, moved to somewhere else where the subject can’t access them? Repairing is always harder than just destroying a thing.. She can’t exactly recreate something that she does not know how looked - and recreating a memory just from hearing the retelling of the events from another doesn’t seem like a good idea to me because biases are still present, the timeline might not match up, the perspective is going to be weird, there are going to be holes in it because the reteller wouldn’t have known what did the subject do while, for example, darting behind a rock Tho I do suppose that the holes could just be blamed on natural degredation of memories and the brain
But putting the hard realism logistics away, the idea do kinda sounds fun, not gon lie. I’d imagine that it would be difficult to actually get to do it, she would probably seek permission since that is a giant breach of privacy n people like Six are going to make that incredibly difficult. If not by his attitude, he absolutely would have Some kind of shields up against psychic attacks at the post-s3 point. The idea of the Host first explaining her deal, him refusing, leaving and then later he kidnaps her because he thought about it and,,, maybe it would be..,., a Bit beneficial to undergo a thing like this...? Perhaps??
A situation would create really tasty tension between them and worries back home with team Xiaotian. Six’s head must be so fuckin messed up, it’d probably take a good while for her to comb through the memories Just to find the faulty things and then fix them too?? That poor rebenok is going to be absolutely exhausted, might not even get to finish it all
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cassanovancats · 3 years
herding cats
becoming nekoma's manager
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You really didn’t want to be here. Here being Tokyo, here being Nerima ward and, most importantly, here being the hallway of your new school. The uniform is itchy and you’re being dragged along by some student council member because, apparently, first years can’t be trusted to walk around themselves.
He was nice enough, though he certainly seemed more excited to show you around when he got a look at you. Then he got more excited when he found out your mom’s occupation was what brought you to Nekoma High halfway through your first-year. “So, what’s it like having a famous mom?”
Your eyes darted to the side instinctively. What kind of question is that? How are you supposed to answer? Like having a mom except you get asked things like that. “Uh, fine. She’s really not that cool.” Especially for moving you so late into the school year because her animation studio decided working distantly wasn’t working. “I get spoilers sometimes.” It’s exactly what he wants to hear.
You can hear the next question already, so you cut him off before he gets a chance to ask about the upcoming episode of the anime your mother was working on. “Ah, it seems we made it to the classroom. Thank you for helping me, Senpai.” You bow half heartedly and knock on the door before he gets a chance to respond.
This is exactly what you told your mother would happen. Even as you introduce yourself to the class, there’s a few people who instantly recognize your last name. Those students turn to whisper or pass notes and you know by lunch, you’ll be crowded by people hoping to become your friend purely for bragging rights. The teacher seems tuned to your inner angst, as she gracefully directs you to a seat in the back of the class, where you can watch instead of be watched.
The first subject of your people-watching is next to you - the one person who did not look up as you introduced yourself. A curtain of dark hair kept you from seeing any details of his face (and you can only tell it’s a he because of the uniform). What you can see is the screen of his handheld console and the bright features of one of your favorite games.
Which is why, during break, instead of making eye contact with any of the students striving to talk to you, you turn to him to complain about the latest update.
congrats, you befriended a wild kenma!
he’s the first person you’ve met in a while who doesn’t care about what your mom does, or how much money you have
he literally only cares about your ability to hard carry a team through a dungeon
a few weeks go by, with you basically just coming to school, talking to Kenma, and going home
until the student counselor comes to you and says you have to join a club
even though it’s the end of the year - some policy to ensure you have a club going into next year
“I hate this,” your complaint comes out severely muffled thanks to how you buried your face into folded arms. Kenma gives a noncommittal hum.
“Are you going to finish that?”
You glare at him but still shove the snack closer to his desk. One hand breaks away from his controller to snatch it, before it gets glued back to his PSP. “I’m serious - if one more club tries recruiting me, I’ll scream.”
He answers, sparing a side-glance towards you. The only hint he actually is listening. “Just warn me when that happens.” You groan and go back to your folded arms. It’s been hard to make friends despite people seeming desperate to be your friend. Well, that’s the problem, you think. You don’t particularly want friends who are planning what questions to ask before even greeting you, you want friends like Kenma who can treat you like a normal person.
Minutes before break ends, the president of the Anime Club approaches for the third time this week. “Hello, (l/n)-san. Have you thought any more about joining our club?”
You feel bad for the instinctive grimace. Really, she’s quite nice. It’s just an anime club is the last place you wish to be. Before you can find another polite way to let her down, Kenma interrupts. “Sorry, Sato-san. (y/n) is joining the volleyball club.”
“I am?” You can’t help but question. He shoots you a look, slighting narrowing his eyes.
“She’ll be meeting the captain at today’s practice.”
Sato-san tilts her head suspiciously but doesn’t press. “I hope to still see you around, (l/n)-san,” she says before flouncing off. You take a moment to reorient yourself.
“I am?”
Kenma sighs, saving his game and shoving the console into his bag. “Yeah, you are. Don’t worry, Kuroo will just be glad a girl is there. Coach Nekomata won’t decline help either.”
You blink at him. “Are you aware the only rules I know about volleyball is to not let the ball hit the ground and to only use your hands?”
“The last one isn’t true.”
“Do you see my point, then?”
yes he does, but he simply chooses to ignore you
it…. does not go well
Kuroo was awkward around you, which turned into a mischievousness when he realized Kenma was the one who brought you in
he kept insinuating you and Kenma were dating which like… no you were just a girl (space) friend
Yaku and Kai were normal-ish though Yaku straight-up asked if your mom was the (l/n)
he let it drop after confirmation at least
then… there was the students in your year
Kenma hovered near you, feeling responsible for putting you in a situation nearly identical to what Kuroo did to him
Yamamoto seemed flustered by your presence and also irritated that Kenma already was your friend
Fukunaga just kinda waved and went back to practicing
it took a while for everyone to get over their initial awkwardness, mostly being helped by having to constantly explain what was happening
but the time spent together meant you quickly found friends
friends who, similar to Kenma, dgaf about anything besides your personality and ability to quickly refill water bottles
Maybe you should have realized sooner what joining the volleyball club entailed. It’s not like you ever really participated in an organized sport though, so these summer practices were kicking your ass. The early morning and heat.... You felt pity for your boys; at least you weren’t having to run. Speaking of, the new members of your team just rounded the last bend.
“Come on, babies,” Kuroo cups his hands over his mouth to ‘encourage’ the first-years. “Even (y/n) could beat that!”
“Don’t say that; Lev’s gonna wanna see it!” you hiss, hitting his side.
Speaking of, the giant, silver puppy heads straight to you. After introductions, his upperclassmen quickly understood Lev required a, well, firm hand. Something you lacked which made you the target of his affections. “Woahh, (y/n)-senpai must be fast! Why don’t you actually play any sports?”
Yaku’s eyes level a harsh glare on him, “Are you trying to insult our manager?”
Shibayama steps forward, saving Lev from having to repeat his run. “I am curious why you chose to be a volleyball manager. No offense, but… you don’t seem to care about the sport.”
“Ah, none taken,” you easily wave off his concern. “Volleyball’s cool enough, but you’re right that I’m not passionate about it in the same way as others on the team. I mostly joined because of Kenma, actually.”
The first-years felt confused. How could their quiet, cat-senpai pull in one of the most popular girls in school? Even last year, when they were in Nekoma's middle-school, they had heard rumors of you. When you joined the volleyball club, even teachers started giving the once-golden club attention again. It was how the club received funding to travel to Miyagi next week. (In addition to a large donation from your mom, who was overjoyed you actually made friends.)
“He was my first and only friend at Nekoma for a long time,” you explain. Lev gasps dramatically. It seems impossible to imagine you without lines of admirers. “It doesn’t matter now since everyone in the club is my friend! Take your bottles and get in the gym; we need to talk about the logistics of going to that camp with Karasuno.”
the ones who stay behind are upset </3 cough cough lev
you’re pretty surprised you do get to go
but you’re excited - from what you understand it’s a rural area and you’ve been in Tokyo your entire life
maybe you'll even see a cow!
except you get there, walk a few feet and then notice Kenma is missing
excitement: ruined
Kuroo panics while repeating that he is not panicking
then you both get a text that’s just “in a playground”
when you find him, you scold him on talking to strangers
anyways the rest of the day is spent familiarizing yourself with the gyms and rooms
you run into Kiyoko while preparing dinner for your team
she explains she’s the only other manager at the camp, but she won’t be staying with you
You’re a lil upset bc sleepover ruined but it seems weird to complain about getting your own room and bath
(you still spend most of the time in the team’s room because it got really lonely without your boys :( )
the next morning, the day of the actual match, you get to wear your Official Manager Clothes
which is really just the track jacket, but it makes you feel cool
meeting karasuno is,,, interesting
you’re starting to think you’ll never find a normal volleyball player
From the corner of your eye, you spot Yamamoto attempting to intimidate some Karasuno players. With a sigh, you go to fetch him.
“Tora-kun, can you please help me bring in some supplies? They’re too heavy,” you whine. It’s you’re tried and true method to keeping him on a leash. If he’s helping you, he’s with the team.
Except you don’t just get his attention, you also get the attention of the boy he was staring down. Tanka startles at your sudden appearance behind Yamamoto and loses the harshness in his face. “G-girl-”
You make eye contact with Kenma who looks amused. He ignores your plead for help. Yamamoto takes the opportunity to flaunt you. “This is (y/n). Talk to her and you’ll learn how much pain a volleyball can inflict.” As he finishes his threat, he gets distracted by Kiyoko’s appearance over Tanka’s shoulder.
You decide it’s a lost cause and subtly inch away until you’re walking with Kiyoko. The boys are unable to hear what you’re talking about, but both stare dumbfounded as the only two girls in the entire camp gossip and laugh. Tanka and Yamamoto share a look; maybe there’s something shared between the two they didn’t see before.
“Is your idiot always like that?”
“Yeah, I assume that’s normal for your team too?”
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Heyo, this morning I thought of a fun question that I've never seen in any tag thingies or anything and that is "How different would your story be if your characters swapped places with their love interests?" :0
Like, if Aspen was in the casket instead of Tulip, Neptune faked her death before Ari could, Ember went to investigate the murders instead of April or Marius met Loralei before Mal :0
Just curious if and what you can do with this, but please don't make another fic out of this /hj
Love, M~
*Sends me AU questions* “Please don’t make another AU out of this” That’s like asking a dog not to bark!
If Aspen was in the casket instead of Tulip, I think much of Cardinal Sins would be the same, only because Tulip is just as, if not more, obnoxiously in love with Aspen as it is with him. He’s very much still likely to run around half the world trying to figure out where his lover is. Given that he’s more attached to humans than Aspen is, too, he’ll be just as invested in stopping the apocalypse. I think the main differences would be that Dea and Roman would already know Who They Are because Tulip is more inclined to detecting dormant magic than Aspen is. That would change quite a bit of the story.
Neon Glow though, phew boy. Firstly, if Neptune had left first, she would not have left Ari behind. That was a choice only Ari could’ve made. She loved him more than anything else in her life (and he loved her too, so much so that he can’t even notice other people’s infatuation for him until she walks back into his life because he’s completely forgotten what love feels like), if she made the choice to give up everything, she would’ve taken him with her. He would’ve gone too. Which means the entire events of Neon Glow possibly wouldn’t even happen, or at least not for Ari. They’d be living somewhere with a couple of kids.
If Ember went to investigate the murders instead of April, the whole book would’ve been so much shorter /j. If Ember had been the chemist he would’ve done everything in one night, he can’t sleep on a problem (only sleep with one /j). I feel like in general, I had to leave Ember back in Obsolete on the sheer basis that he’s smarter than Ari, logistically, more focused than April, and just as eager to please (though he wouldn’t admit it) as Edward is. He’d have cracked the whole case open in two days and be sipping mojitos at the bar.
A more interesting question would be: What if Edward had Ari’s life and Ari had Edward’s?
Edward’s personality is so gentle and loving and caring, but his parents were also gentle and loving and caring. Now I’m wondering if that would be inevitable (“despite everything, I choose kindness”) or if he’d be more like Ari (“kindness is not a thing I have”). That’s where you have to nail me away from my computer, so I can’t write AUs.
For Released, god if Marius had met Lora first…I feel like one of two ways.
In one way, the whole point of the story is that the outcome is inevitable! What happens was always supposed to happen and always will happen. Still, I think Marius may feel more secure in his ability to say “I’m not imagining this, she’s weird and this place is creepy.” Mallory is an incredibly anxious man, so much so that he doesn’t like being outside; which makes him perfect for Loralei to manipulate. “Outside is scary, now the creepy building you’ve moved into is scary. Good luck! There’s no escape from your fear!”
I think, ultimately, given Lora’s powers and the general plot of the story, the outcome would be inevitable if they didn’t just immediately leave. Marius does not exactly keep his hands out of the cookie jar either, if you catch my drift.
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nellie-elizabeth · 3 years
The Handmaid's Tale: The Wilderness (4x10)
Oh boy. I don't even know what else to say. Just. Lots of stuff happening here.
So, obviously I'm going to talk about the Fred situation, but I actually want to start by saying there was a logistical weirdness with the end of the episode that kind of troubled me. For one thing, and this is just a script decision I don't understand, why does the mailman open the mail and see the severed finger and wedding ring? Why not have Serena opening it so we get the full impact of the horror? That just felt odd to me.
And then... the ending. June comes back to say goodbye to Nichole, and says she's leaving in five minutes. My initial read on this was that she was going to go and face the consequences/get locked up for what she did to Fred. But then I realized that made no sense, and maybe she's instead going back to Gilead to get Hannah? See, the problem here is that a) I'm bored of Gilead and want to keep the story in Canada. And b) June's connections with Lawrence and Nick seem to be able to get her a lot of things... it feels like it would be a relatively simple matter to snatch Hannah and run at this point, wouldn't it? The narrative stakes feel uneven, after what we saw June was capable of orchestrating in this installment.
Also just going to go ahead and say that as this was a finale, I was a little bummed not to have more time with certain characters. No Janine update, and only sparse screen time for Moira, with no mention of her love life at all.
Okay, let's start with a smaller detail: Mark Tuello has been more of a narrative device than a character for most of the show, so much so that I kept forgetting his name. I don't think this is necessarily a mark against the writing or acting. He's meant to be representative of the slow-moving arc of justice, of a neutered American government trying to do its best. But here he came to life for me, in two moments. One when he asked Serena to explain her decision to stay with Fred. And another when June shows up outside his house and he has an outburst about how she's crossed a line, and then apologizes for it.
He's a person. He's dealing with a lot of fucked up people, and traumatized people, and he's trying to prioritize the greater good while seeing the very real personal consequences of Gilead's atrocities up close. I just really liked how he was utilized in this episode; it almost felt like a culmination, happening quietly in the background.
And then there's Fred Waterford. It's hard to really put my finger on why Fred is such an unsettling villain, but I think it has something to do with the fact that he buys his own bullshit so easily. He's really incredibly gullible. When he and June have that chilling scene where they both say they "miss" Offred, Fred is 100% buying what June is selling. June is... not even that good of an actor except when she has to be, but Fred genuinely, actually, believes that they had something approaching a relationship of mutual understanding back when June was his literal sex slave in Gilead. And June plays him like a fiddle. He's utterly shocked by June showing up at the end and kissing Nick. It never occurred to him that June, a person he repeatedly reminds everyone is duplicitous and sneaky, might be involved in some greater scheme.
And why? Because he really is that full of himself. He has every reason to believe that the world will keep catering to his needs, that he will, again and again, be able to dodge the consequences of his actions. It's always been true in the past, hasn't it?
That's the genius of Fred as a villain. He's not playing three-dimensional chess, he's not someone you can just "outsmart" and be done with. It's his worldview, this absolutely unshakable belief that he is a good person. He even apologizes to June in this episode, but it's not in a way that holds himself accountable for his behavior. It's more in a "I'm sorry you suffered, I do regret that aspect of it" kind of way.
There's something so twisted about a zealot whose zealotry is tied up so intensely with his misogyny that he looks like a caricature of a sexist man when you see him talk, and yet he's not playing it up. That's really how he thinks! Just imagine it.
But also... holy shit, that scene at the end was brutal. Can't really blame June for it, I guess, but it was tough to watch. Not because I felt sympathy for Fred, but because I felt sorrow in my heart for what he'd driven these women to. I hope they get some measure of peace from his death.
I think (and kind of hope) that Season Five of The Handmaid's Tale is the end. Not because there's not a lot here to enjoy, but because it seems like we're reaching a culminating moment for June. Getting back to Hannah has been the driving force of the show, and now June is right on the edge of achieving that.
There's a lot more I could say, but I'm keeping this one nice and zippy for the moment. See you next season!
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slythergirlimagines · 4 years
Just Us With Some Hugging -Part One
Prompt: Prompt #1- Fake dating with Prince Zuko!
@darthsokaaa thank you for your request! I hope I did it justice! Who doesn’t love some Prince Zuko;) Masterlist
Just Us With Some Hugging- Part 1
You and Zuko had been close since birth. Your mothers had been best friends and the closest of confidantes, and because of this you had spent nearly every moment of your life with Zuko. As you grew up, Zuko became a trained fire bender and you became a trained warrior. Even during his exile, you were checking up on him through letters.
It had been nothing to pick his side over Ozai’s, and easier still to join forces with him against Azula to place the rightful Fire Lord on the throne. As soon as Zuko was crowned, he named you a member of his personal council. For three years, everything had remained somewhat peaceful, and Zuko and you had fallen right back into your friendship as if you’d never spent any time apart.
That’s why when Zuko had all but manhandled you into this conference room, you didn’t expect anything unusual. Maybe an important meeting, or just some time to catch up and talk. Never in your wildest dreams could you have predicted that he would ask you to pretend to be his girlfriend.
“What?” You say, blinking in shock.
“Y/N, it would just be for the duration of the Peace Celebration. Just a short little weekend, nothing much.” His face is a little flushed, his cheeks a light pink. Zuko has always struggled to ask for help, particularly anything dealing with emotions. Anxiously, he starts rubbing the back of his neck.
“I know it’s a lot, but think about it! We’d get to have a fun trip to Ba Sing Se. And it’ll be a fun party! We’ll get to see everyone again, they’re all coming this time.” He gestures with his hands. It’s almost endearing.
You’d be lying if you said the idea didn’t have any appeal. It’s been a long time since you’ve seen any of the Gaang. After the war, everyone had spread out and getting together had been nearly impossible. This would be the first Peace Celebration that everyone would be able to come to.
If you were extra honest with yourself, the idea was appealing for another reason entirely. Somewhere along the endless years of friendship, you had fallen in love with Zuko. Maybe it was seeing his growth as a person, or maybe it was his devotion to Fire Nation and righting Ozai’s mistakes. Maybe it was just that he was the single most attractive man you’d ever seen.
Regardless, you were in deep. And that was really the reason that you couldn’t say yes, as much as you might want to. You knew if you let yourself get that close to Zuko, it might ruin everything. Your friendship with Zuko was one of the most important aspects of your life, and you would never forgive yourself if you let your own feelings ruin what you all had.
“Zuko, I really don’t think...”
“You know, I’m kind of the Fire Lord, I could command you.” He says quietly. His voice is huskier than normal, and heat instantly floods your face.
Why was he doing this to you? It wasn’t fair that he was able to do...well to do that! He had no idea how much power he held over you, how you would do anything for him. And now that he had asked like that, there was no way you could say no.
Something in your expression must have given away your broken resolve, because Zuko’s face breaks into a huge grin.
“Thank you!” He exclaims, jumping up and happily running around the table to throw his arms around you. He’s warm, like all fire benders are, and hesitantly you hug him back and tuck your head under his chin. You’ve never been particularly affectionate friends, but the embrace doesn’t feel as unnatural as it probably should.
“I haven’t even said yes yet.” You grouch. You can feel the reverberations of Zuko’s low laugh in his chest. It’s too much, being in his arms like this.
“I know you.” Is all he says in reply. His words send warm tingles down your spine. With a final sigh, you pull away from Zuko, breaking the hug.
“Why do you need me to do this again?” You ask. Your eyes trace over his face, memorizing the contours and lingering on his scar. He used to act so ashamed of it, the scar he never asked for. Now he wears it like a badge of honor. You knew his troubles stemmed from his perceived lack of honor, but you can’t help but feel he was wearing his honor the entire time, right here on his face.
“I told you. Uncle drives me crazy with his matchmaking. He keeps telling me that ‘A single tea leaf makes the worst tea.’ Or something like that. I don’t even know what he means!” Zuko throws his hands up in defeat, breaking your trance. You snort, but don’t comment. Frustrated as he may be, Zuko loves Iroh.
Zuko had briefly mentioned the matchmaking to you before, but he had always played it off as a joke. You had no idea that Iroh was being so serious about it, or that it bothered Zuko so much.
“Why don’t you just tell him that you’re too young to settle down? You have a Nation to run, after all.” You interject.
Zuko looks at you and rolls his eyes.
“You know Uncle. He never listens when it comes to this stuff. I told you about the girl in Ba Sing Se he made me date!”
You force down the irrational swell of anger that builds in your chest. Zuko had mentioned the date in one of his letters, and it had bothered you for reasons you never wanted to think about.
“We need to talk logistics here.” You recross your arms. “What’s our story? How are we going to pull this off in front of our friends and your uncle?”
Zuko begins rubbing the back of his neck. The sleeves of his red robe fall down a few inches, and you quickly avert your eyes before you’re caught staring.
“I don’t think it will be too hard.” Zuko says. He’s too nonchalant about it all, which is mildly infuriating. He sees the irritated look on your face and hurries to explain. “I mean, we’ve been friends forever and we’re always around each other. It was bound to happen right?”
Your heart stutters and nearly stops. Did you hear him right?
Zuko clears his throat.
“I mean for story purposes that is.”
“Right.” You say. There’s a long awkward pause. You’ve never been comfortable with silence, so you hurry to break it.
“So one day we just decided ‘This is it.’ And I jumped your bones?”
The sarcasm lightens the mood, and Zuko laughs. His amber eyes twinkle in the light, like they’re shining.
“How come you jumped my bones?” He teases.
“We both know I’d have to make the first move, you’d never do it.” You challenge him.
A weird static energy settles in the room, reminding you of Azula’s lightning. Zuko has never looked at you so intensely. You swear the air is crackling.
“Right.” He says, and is it your imagination or are his eyes flickering to your lips?
The spell is broken by one of Zuko’s men opening the door.
“My Lord, I’m sorry to interrupt...” He trails off, looking between the two of you.
You and Zuko both notice the lack of space between you, and jump apart.
“Right, no it’s fine.” Zuko says, clearing his throat and gesturing for the man to come in.
You take the opportunity to leave while you still have some dignity left.
“Oh, and y/n?” Zuko says before you’re out the door.
“Yes, Zuko?” You ask. You hope the blush isn’t too noticeable on your face.
“I’m glad you said yes, because I already told Uncle last week.” His face splits into a cocky grin, and his scar crinkles.
Your infuriated scream echoes through the whole palace, mingling with his delighted laugh.
You’re already reconsidering this arrangement by the time you reach Ba Sing Se. Zuko looks astoundingly good when he’s more relaxed, and there’s no way you’ll be able to control yourself like this. Today he wears the clothing of a fire nation commoner. The deep red is striking against his skin and dark hair. It also highlights his scar and the amber of his eyes.
Ba Sing Se is gloriously overdecorated. There are flowers and banners covering every visible inch of the city, and they blend together in a colorful blur as the train moves through the city. Zuko smiles, face turned toward the glass, eyes taking in all the festivities. It’s been too long since you’ve seen him look so peaceful.
He turns from the window and catches your expression.
“What?” He asks, self-consciously.
Your voice is too soft when you answer him.
“Nothing. Ba Sing Se looks good on you.”
You have no idea where your boldness comes from, as Zuko shifts uncomfortably under the complement. Before you can tease him about it, he switches topics.
“Ok, so we’re really going to have to sell this thing, aren’t we?” He starts, making you roll your eyes.
It’s a typical Zuko move to save the panicking until right before. You had already done your fair share of freaking out, and had already done your meditation. You were a lot calmer about it all than you expected to be.
Of course, you knew that would probably change the moment you had to start pretending, but for now you were ok.
“Meditate Zuko. Deep breaths.” You tell him, giving him a gentle kick to the shin. He rolls his eyes, but takes the advice anyways.
“It’s going to be okay.” You tell him. “We just have to be us with some hugging. Or handholding. They know us and they know how we behave normally. We just have to act natural.”
Zuko nods, and a strand of black hair falls in front of his eyes. He flicks it away, and then settles deeper into his seat.
“Just us.” He says.
“With some hugging.” You amend.
He cracks an amber eye open and you shrug at his expression.
“It’ll be weird if we don’t touch each other at all.” You say.
“I didn’t know you had such a deep desire to touch me.” He says, with extra emphasis on the word “touch.”
Your body begins to tingle again. This has been happening more and more frequently with Zuko, where one of you says something with a double meaning. The electricity settles in again, but is broken by the abrupt stop of the train.
An enthusiastic stewardess comes to escort the two of you off the train. She’s pretty and she notices Zuko immediately.
“Welcome to Ba Sing Se!” She chirps happily, more at Zuko than you. You can’t help your irrantional flare of jealousy.
Zuko, noticing your aggravation, slings an arm over your shoulders and smirks.
“Yes, sweetheart. Welcome to Ba Sing Se.”
You give him a hard elbow to the ribs, and laugh at his grunt of pain.
Iroh is waiting with open arms when you get off of the train. He immediately takes Zuko off of your hands, and tries to smoosh Zuko as close to his body as he can. Zuko does a very un-Zuko thing and hugs back with as just as much force. It warms your heart to see them interact. Iroh breaks the embrace and hugs you next.
“It’s so good to see you both again!” He says. “And with such happy news.” Iroh wiggles his eyebrows and winks at the two of you.
“Uncle!” Zuko groans, throwing his hands up exasperatedly.
“Sorry, Sorry. Couldn’t help myself, y/n.” Iroh chuckles.
“It’s ok!” You try to say brightly, but it comes out breathy. If you don’t get it together, you’ll expose your own lie before anyone else can.
Zuko takes your hand in his, and shoulders both of your bags on his other arm. You do everything you can not to think about the fact that Zuko’s incredibly warm hand is wrapped around yours. You definitely don’t think about what this hand has done before, or what it could do if it wanted.
“Uncle, where are we staying?” Zuko asks.
For once you’re grateful to the heat of Ba Sing Se, for it camouflages the fact that you’ve started to sweat.
“We’ve set up a lovely house for you two and all of your friends! You’ll all be together.” Iroh says, bouncing around.
“Is anyone here yet?” You ask him. You can fight the excitement bubbling up inside you. You hadn’t seen your friends in a long time, and soon they’d all be here!
“Everyone but Aang and Miss Katara.” Iroh says. “They’ll be here later.”
You have an extra pep to your step as you wind through the streets of Ba Sing Se. Zuko laughs at your enthusiasm, and squeezes your hand. Iroh notices and practically starts glowing. A stab of something goes through you as you think about the lie you’re telling, but it all fades away as you let yourself enjoy the moment and the warmth of Zuko’s hand.
In an effort to keep peace and spread good will, Ba Sing Se had been selected to host the annual Peace Celebration- a celebration honoring the peace ushered in by the Avatar, the end of the war, and the continuing efforts to preserve it. Ba Sing Se had been the natural choice to host the whole affair. Not only was it the biggest city, but it was the most neutral. And Ba Sing Se certainly knew how to throw a party.
You and the group were currently sandwiched tightly around a table. The whole Gaang was here. When you had arrived at the house, it had been a nonstop hug fest. Everyone had been so glad to see each other. Toph had taken you to your room across from hers, while Sokka had taken Zuko to his. You had fully expected the shakedown from Toph about your relationship, but she had said nothing. That scared you more than anything, because it could only mean she was waiting for the right time.
Zuko had told you about Toph’s ability to sense lies, and you had been privileged enough to see it first hand. If anyone was going to figure out your secret it was Toph.
You had wanted to get Zuko alone and tell him about your fears, but there hadn’t been time. Aang and Katara had arrived and then everyone had to get ready for the party. Now you were all here, and it was basically life as usual. Except for the fact that you were anxiously waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Katara and Aang were making eyes at each other, Sokka and Toph were competing to see who could hold their liquor better (Toph of course was winning), Zuko and Iroh were engaged in a discussion of the rebuilding of Ba Sing Se, and that left you and Suki to make awkward conversation.
You admired Suki a lot, but you hadn’t really gotten to know her well. Both of you had been sitting in silence. Suki takes a slow sip of her drink, and twirls the edges of her short brown hair.
“So you and Zuko?” She asks, nodding her head at the arm Zuko had wrapped around your shoulders.
You take a long sip of your drink, and then nod.
“Yeah.” You say quietly.
You had been waiting on pins and needles all night for this. Toph had yet to spring her trap, and Suki’s question seemed to catch the attention of the entire table.
“Yeah! Tell us how that happened!” Sokka says, half of his drink spilling over the rim of his mug. Like Zuko, Sokka has grown into a man since the war, well a childish man but a man none the less.
“Well...” You start.
“It just happened.” Zuko interjects, saving you. You start to take another sip to finish your drink. “And then y/n jumped my bones.” He laughs.
The surprise of his statement chokes you, and you start coughing. Zuko breaks into carefree laughter, and starts patting your back. The Gaang quickly joins in laughing, except for Toph, who cocks her head and stares with unseeing eyes at Zuko.
“I’m...going...to....murder....you.” You tell him, as you try to catch your breath. Zuko smiles warmly at you, and reaches up to smooth a piece of hair behind your ear. Your heart skips a beat, as he catches your eyes with his.
Toph and Sokka resume their contest, and you sigh with relief. Maybe she’ll be too drunk to tell or care if you’re lying. Zuko catches your eyes again, and it’s all you need to know that you guys are on the same page. Crisis momentarily averted.
“Come on, let’s dance.” Zuko says, pulling you away from the table.
“Zuko? Dance?” You hear someone mutter behind you.
“Zuko, if we act too different they’ll find out!” You hiss at him when you’re a distance away from the table. You try desperately to wiggle out of his grip.
He ignores you, and seamlessly incorporates you with the other dancers.
“I just want to dance with my girlfriend.” He bends his head down, whispering in your ear. “Is that too much to ask?”
He has a wicked grin on his face when he pulls away, and you would give anything to be able to bend him across the room.
“It is when you never do that! You never danced with Mai.” You point out, and then instantly regret it. Mai was a sore spot with Zuko. You watch as Zuko freezes, losing his buoyancy from earlier.
“I would’ve. She always said no.”
You shuffle closer in your embrace trying to offer him some comfort. You always put your foot in your mouth.
Zuko and Mai’s breakup had been awful. The relationship had been bad for a year, but when it finally came to a head, it had been explosive. Zuko had been positively horrid to deal with for weeks.
“Oh.” You say like a genius, but it isn’t really your fault that you can’t speak in coherent sentences with him holding you like this.
“Yeah.” Zuko says, and you know that if you don’t act now he’ll brood for the rest of the night.
“Well I’m a hell of a better dancer than Mai, so you’ve definitely upgraded.” You say flippantly.
Zuko smiles at you and pulls you closer.
“I certainly did.” He says.
Maybe it’s the alcohol, your close proximity, or the fact that Zuko has just told you that you are an upgrade from your biggest rival, but something in you snaps. Without warning, you find yourself leaning up and pressing a kiss to Zuko’s lips.
(A/N: I’m doing a part 2! This just seemed like a story that needed to be broken into two parts! Let me know if you enjoyed it and don’t forget to submit a request if you want me to write something! I do write for multiple fandoms! I’m currently working on my other requests so keep an eye out for those this week! You should be able to see all the fanfiction I’ve written by clicking on my tag slythergirlimagines)
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commentaryvorg · 3 years
Digimon Savers Commentary Episode 3 - The Genius Who Returned Home, Tohma! Crush Meramon!
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In this episode, we’re introduced to Tohma, whose return to the Japanese branch of DATS immediately sparks a hostile rivalry between him and Masaru. Meanwhile, Masaru’s first mission as a DATS member presents him with the tricky conundrum of figuring out how to punch fire.
We open with Masaru and Agumon stuffing their faces at the Daimon family breakfast table.
Sayuri:  “My, my. Masaru never usually gets up before the afternoon on a Sunday. This must be thanks to Agu-chan!”
Masaru habitually sleeping in on non-school days is deeply relatable.
But more importantly, it’s lovely that him meeting Agumon has changed that! Though Masaru might have got something out of fighting random street punks before, it seems that it wasn’t quite exciting enough to him to get him out of bed early for it. It was probably more just that he’d wander around town bored and pick fights with anyone who seemed up for it out of a lack of anything better to do.
But now that he and Agumon have got all these Digimon to fight, Masaru’s got a real reason to wake up as soon as possible to go do that! Meeting Agumon has genuinely made him a whole lot happier with his life.
Also it is adorable how Sayuri and Chika have already taken to calling Agumon “Agu-chan”. It’s a cute sign that they see him as exactly the dorky kid that he is rather than as some weird monster, and also that they see him as one of the family, which is absolutely what he is now.
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Can we please appreciate Chika’s done-ness here. I love her.
Masaru:  “What the hell, Mom! Serve me before Agumon!”
Sayuri:  “I never said you wouldn’t have your share. Just wait for a bit. After all, Agu-chan’s still a child.”
Again with the just treating Agumon like the big kid that he is. Sayuri is so good.
We are also introduced to the glorious treasure that is Sayuri’s fried eggs! Agumon has certainly discovered how great they are.
(Technically, these are tamagoyaki, a Japanese miniature rolled omelette thing. But the subs go with fried eggs, which is close enough and rolls off the tongue quicker in English.)
Masaru:  “Gimme that!”
Agumon:  “I won’t hand over the last of Sayuri’s fried eggs, not even to you!”
Oh, won’t you, Agumon? Not ever?
(This is another line to keep in mind for a lot later.)
Chika:  “What a child…”
As Masaru wrestles Agumon in an attempt to literally get the fried egg back from out of his mouth, Chika observes that she’s somehow the most mature of the three Daimon kids. (Yes, I said three, what of it.)
Meanwhile, Tohma is… having a gratuitous shower scene. Uhhh, sure. Apparently this totally needed to be his introduction. …Look, at least I appreciate that the fanservice is being equal-opportunity in terms of gender. (For now.)
He also has a butler, and is living in a pretty big but mostly quiet and empty mansion. This sequence is about showing the huge contrast between Masaru and Tohma’s home lives, but I do not know why the writers thought a shower scene was necessary for that.
(Tohma mentioned at the end of last episode that this country is his mom’s homeland, but he sure doesn’t appear to be staying with his mom right now, does he.)
Agumon attempts to fit himself into the basket of a bike which I can only imagine is Chika’s, because I don’t think Masaru’s bike would be pink. Agumon doesn’t seem to realise this. Chika doesn’t seem to want to tell him. He is such a ridiculous dork.
Meanwhile, Tohma gets seen off in the morning by the mansion’s staff bowing goodbye to him, and then is driven around in a limo.
Masaru’s “transportation”, on the other hand, is running down the street while giving Agumon a piggy back. Apparently this is so that Agumon can stay still and pretend to be a really big stuffed toy, but he’s kind of ruining that by talking and waving his arms around to cheer his aniki on.
(Of course, the most obvious way to not have Agumon raise suspicion would be to keep him in his Digivice, but it seems they’ve already agreed offscreen that that’s not an option because Agumon doesn’t like it in there. Yoshino and Satsuma would probably have some words to say to them about that, but hey, they’re not here, so Masaru’s gonna let his follower stay outside and be happier.)
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Masaru:  “Uh… what do I press again? This? No…”
Masaru, that DATS earpiece only has like two buttons on it, it can’t be that hard to figure out.
Yoshino:  “We have a Digimon signal.”
Masaru:  “Where?!”
Yoshino:  “Area C-7. Can you get there directly?”
Masaru:  “Yeah! Leave it to us!”
Not pictured: Masaru wondering where the heck “C-7” is and why he impulsively said he could definitely get there when it could be on the other side of the city for all he knows.
(Okay, that’s probably not actually what happens. Somehow we are supposed to believe that Masaru – Masaru – memorised all these location codes that DATS uses remarkably quickly. I imagine he knows the city quite well, but these codes for the areas are presumably a DATS-only thing that civilians wouldn’t be familiar with.)
Street punk #1:  “So boring…”
Street punk #2: “Nothing’s going on at all…”
PetitMeramon: “Nothing at all!”
This is the first time we’ve seen a rampaging Digimon speak… but it doesn’t necessarily seem to be expressing its own thoughts. Rather, it’s just parroting these bored dudes. The PetitMeramon goes on to float down the street and set things on fire, which certainly makes it so that something interesting’s finally going on. It almost seems as if this is happening because these dudes were bored and wanted some kind of excitement, even if they weren’t necessarily wishing for this.
This is almost immediately followed by Masaru and Agumon showing up, which… the timing of that doesn’t exactly work out for the PetitMeramon to have only just appeared, assuming this is the Digimon signal Yoshino told him about while he was still in his own neighbourhood. But I’m still very sure that the writers want us to feel like these dudes’ boredom is related to the PetitMeramon being here, and honestly, showing us that is more important than getting meaningless details like the timing of things exactly right, so I don’t actually care.
Masaru:  “Let’s fight!”
PetitMeramon: “Fight…”
Again, still not really speaking for itself, just parroting. Though this time it’s parroting a different person, so maybe what we can take from this is that there were some other bored people who originally brought it here and now it’s just parroting and acting on the thoughts of whoever happens to be nearby. (It’s true that we didn’t actually hear the sound of a Digital Gate opening just now.)
Unfortunately for our pair of dorks, a living fireball like PetitMeramon is immune to Agumon’s fire attacks and not solid enough for Masaru to punch. And without punching it, Masaru can’t get his Digisoul, so he can’t evolve Agumon either. This is the absolute worst possible enemy for them to try and fight.
Naturally, they just chase it further down the street anyway, giving absolutely no care to the random dudes who just watched a giant lizard and a living fireball duke it out. Despite being a DATS member now, Masaru is still really not here for all of the calculated government secrecy stuff.
Luckily, Tohma arrives on the scene in his limo and cleans up these loose ends Masaru left using a memory-wipe flashy thing. And, to be fair, I wouldn’t be surprised if Satsuma just didn’t even give one of those to Masaru in the first place. I’m not sure I’d trust him not to accidentally point it the wrong way when using it or something, given that he could barely figure out the two buttons on his earpiece. Masaru and technology do not mix.
(…Though I have to wonder why Gaomon then emerges from the limo and isn’t inside his Digivice. Sure, the flashy thing knocked out those dudes so they’re not a problem right now, but do you really not expect to run into any more people as you chase down the target? …But of course, the only real reason Gaomon is out right now is so that we can get a brief glimpse of him as a stinger before the opening.)
Okay! Okay!
I can jump over any limits!
Feel that excitement passionately!
Some more gung-ho opening lyrics! These feel appropriate here, as the idea of Masaru’s burning passionate excitement is going to be a bit of a thing in this episode, as is the idea that he brashly considers himself to have no limits whatsoever.
At DATS HQ, Masaru is grumpy about not being able to win.
Yoshino:  “Well, I didn’t think it would go easily for you from the start.”
Honestly, having seen how easily Masaru handled the fights in the first two episodes, I would have expected things to go easily for him, at least in terms of fighting. It only didn’t because this specific enemy happens to be immune to all of his usual tactics. The more logistical side of things, such as the secrecy and the memory wiping stuff, I can see Masaru needing a while to get used to (though, spoiler, he’s, uh, never really going to become any good at that at all), but not the fighting.
Tohma shows up with the PetitMeramon’s Digiegg, presenting it to Yoshino and not even acknowledging Masaru’s presence.
Miki and Megumi, the two young women who work the tech side of things at HQ, begin fawning over him, which is, uh, a liiittle questionable when he’s fourteen and they’re… it’s never made clear exactly how old, but definitely at least adults. Thankfully, this mostly goes away and stops being much of a thing after this episode.
There is also Gaomon! He is a good dog. Though right now he’s being as dismissive as his master and ignoring Agumon when Agumon tries to ask who he is.
Masaru:  “You bastard! You took away my prey!”
It’s so Masaru to be mad about this. That PetitMeramon was his opponent first, and now he can’t even settle the fight himself because this guy came in and defeated it before he could!
Tohma barely looks at him, and…
Masaru:  “What, gonna fight?”
…of course Masaru is ready to start a fight over this, because this is how he’s used to settling disputes.
But actually Tohma was just turning to walk towards Satsuma, still pretty much entirely ignoring Masaru’s presence.
Tohma:  “I’ve looked through the written reports, and it seems rather peculiar that there are a large number of Digimon detected in this country lately.”
Satsuma:  “Is the frequency not as high in EU?”
Tohma:  “No. It must be because it has a larger area.”
I do not understand what Tohma is trying to get at with that last part. Since Europe is bigger than just Japan, surely that means they’d expect more Digimon incidents in it, not less.
That weird part aside, though, it is a relevant point that Japan in particular has been seeing more Digimon incidents than anywhere else. There’s a reason for this.
Masaru is fed up with Tohma acting like he doesn’t exist and walks up to cough pointedly behind him. It’s actually rather unlike Masaru to be passive-aggressive and indirect like this, but it does amuse me.
Satsuma:  “Oh, let me introduce you. This is…”
[Tohma barely even glances at Masaru; Masaru gets angry]
Masaru:  “Hey! I don’t care if you’re called Tohma or Tonma… but around here, I’m your senpai! I’ve only been here for three days, but make sure to call me ‘Daimon-san’ or ‘Daimon-senpai’!”
Not that it takes much for Masaru to go back to his usual direct approach to things. Tohma just waltzing in here, easily defeating the opponent that Masaru was struggling against, getting immediate respect from everyone else in the room and barely even acknowledging Masaru as worthy of looking at makes Masaru feel inferior, which riles him up and gets him flailing to assert some kind of superiority in a really transparent way.
See, Masaru wouldn’t usually care all that much about people showing the appropriate politeness when referring to him, but when it’s this jerk who’s making him feel like this, damn right he’s going to insist that the three days more he’s been here is totally enough to count as making him a senpai. (A senpai means someone senior within the same group; it’s a Japanese concept that doesn’t quite have a direct English equivalent, hence the subs leaving it as-is and just giving us a translators’ note explaining it.)
Calling him “Tonma” – which another translators’ note informs us is a word for an idiot, so basically Masaru’s just insulting him in a very juvenile way – is, of course, not exactly the best way to establish himself as a mature and senior senpai.
Satsuma and Yoshino point out that actually Tohma is Masaru’s senpai, because he used to work here until he took a six-month trip to work at a DATS branch in Europe, which he’s just returned from.
Masaru:  “B-But no matter how you look at it, he’s the same age as I am…”
Establishing Tohma’s age as being also fourteen. (Though technically Masaru wouldn’t necessarily know his exact age and is just saying he seems similarly aged, but whatever, Tohma is fourteen as well, let’s go with it. Their rivalry has a much more fun dynamic if they really are exactly the same age rather than one having a year or two of seniority over the other.)
They also go on to add that Tohma is a genius who already has a degree (and even more than that, as we’ll later learn). And, okay, while on paper Tohma’s genius achievements are probably wildly unrealistic for anyone to have managed at the age of fourteen no matter how clever they are, it doesn’t really bother me. In practice, the genius thing isn’t here to make Tohma magically unrealistically special; it’s here to make him interesting and a great foil for Masaru. Tohma is a very well-written character whom I really like, almost as much as Masaru, and I’m looking forward to getting to talk about him a lot here.
On top of this, the Norstein family is Austrian nobility, so Tohma’s practically a prince as well. (Again, there’s very much a point to this that’s relevant to his character and not just for the sake of making him special). And they add that Gaomon is the most accomplished battler they have among the Digimon at DATS (not that there’s that many for him to compete with there).
Satsuma:  “Be sure to get along with each other, as you are colleagues.”
Yep, Masaru’s sure to have no problems getting along with this person whom you just lengthily explained is way more awesome than he is despite being the same age as him.
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Masaru certainly doesn’t seem too happy about this.
Tohma:  “I think it will be futile to do so, Captain Satsuma. There is not a chance that this person could benefit DATS.”
Masaru:  “What d’you mean?!”
[Tohma only barely glances at Masaru before turning back to the Captain]
Tohma:  “People like him should be dismissed at once.”
…Though, it turns out, Tohma is also equally unwilling to even attempt to play nice. All this barely even glancing at Masaru and talking about him rather than to him is kind of a dick move. Really, Masaru and Tohma are being equally as rude to each other here, albeit in completely different ways.
Masaru:  “Say that to my face! Look into a person’s eyes when they’re talking!”
And I love that this in particular is what gets to Masaru the most. He’s always so straightforward, and being that way is important to him. He can’t stand people beating around the bush and being vague about their intentions rather than just coming out and saying what they really mean directly to the person involved.
To be fair to Tohma, he does actually listen and look Masaru straight in the eye this time.
Tohma:  “You and your partner are not suited for DATS.”
Yoshino:  “Tohma!”
I like Yoshino protesting here. Even she thinks this is going a bit far.
And it is a bit far, really – sure, Tohma caught a glimpse of Masaru and Agumon’s rather unfortunate fight against the PetitMeramon earlier, but that’s hardly enough evidence to decide that they have absolutely nothing to offer. This says less about Masaru and Agumon and more about Tohma himself: he’s something of a perfectionist, and he doesn’t like the idea of working with anyone who doesn’t match up to his very high standards.
(College degree as a teenager? Member of Austrian nobility? Yeah, we can already guess where some of that might come from.)
Masaru, being Masaru, has had enough and just tries to punch Tohma – but he blocks it easily.
Tohma:  “Really, now. You want to face me with that level of power? How incredibly pathetic.”
Masaru:  “What do you mean, ‘that level’? How strong does that make you, then?!”
This is the first person Masaru’s met in probably a really long time who’s said anything to the effect that he’s not strong enough, who’s implied that there’s some other, higher level of strength that Masaru just doesn’t have yet. He’s not used to thinking of his strength in those terms, and feeling inferior. Isn’t he supposed to be the number one street fighter in Japan? How can there be any kind of greater strength he doesn’t have?
Tohma:  “Do I have to answer that?”
Masaru:  “Yeah! Go on, show me! Let’s see the truth behind all that bragging!”
Of course Tohma has to answer that and actually prove himself! Masaru is all about actions rather than words; if someone’s claiming they’re stronger than him, there’s no way he’s going to just accept that until he tests it out for himself.
It turns out Tohma is indeed perfectly willing to put his money where his mouth is, because we cut to what’s presumably a gym somewhere in the DATS HQ, in which there is a boxing ring. I might call this awkwardly convenient, but no, actually, since Tohma used to work here (and he’s into boxing, as we’re about to see), it makes a lot of sense that he might have asked to have one installed for himself to use recreationally in between missions.
Yoshino:  “Hey! Put on your headgear!”
Masaru:  “I don’t need it! Besides, he’s not wearing any!”
Masaru and Tohma are both being reckless idiots here, pointlessly endangering themselves because of their pride. They’re both telling themselves “I don’t need to protect myself to win against him”, and they’re certainly not going to be the only one to wear headgear while the other doesn’t and end up looking like they’re only winning because they have an unfair advantage, or like they’re wearing it because they’re worried.
It is notable that Yoshino is only trying to encourage Masaru to wear the headgear. Apparently she’s already expecting Tohma to have the upper hand here? Ouch.
As you’d expect, the first few moves of the fight are Masaru throwing wild punches at Tohma while he easily dodges them all.
Tohma:  “You put all your faith in power without using any strategy or tactics.”
Which pretty much sums up the entire Masaru-Tohma contrast going on here: reckless power versus careful strategy.
Tohma:  “Why did you join DATS?”
Masaru:  “Huh?! It was so I could win, obviously!”
Tohma:  “Against who?”
Masaru:  “Against strong guys!”
Look at how Masaru doesn’t even think to specify who he wants to win against at first, because the exact opponent he’s fighting isn’t the point. He just wants to challenge himself and prove to himself how strong he is by winning those challenges, and fighting Digimon happens to be the best way for him to do that right now.
Also look at how Masaru has completely stopped caring about the part where the other reason he joined was so that Agumon wouldn’t be taken from him. That genuinely does not matter to him any more, now that he’s here anyway because he wants to be.
(So it’s actually kind of a bit much that Tohma is insisting Masaru should be dismissed from DATS – because that would mean he’d lose not only this job, but also Agumon.)
Tohma finally stops just dodging and counters with a blow to Masaru’s stomach – the first punch that’s actually landed for either of them – giving him a sense of the high ground as he says these next words.
Tohma:  “What a boring story. DATS has an important mission. Every member has an obligation and a responsibility to carry that out.”
It’s very appropriate that Tohma would be so disdainful of Masaru being here for entirely personal reasons, while he feels like this whole thing is supposed to be about a sense of duty for a greater purpose. That noble Norstein family heritage is showing just a little bit.
Obviously, DATS’s general mission of covering up Digimon incidents is indeed important, but so long as he helps them do that anyway, what does it actually matter if that’s not the reason Masaru’s here?
Masaru:  “Shut up! Stop acting all elite!”
Masaru still does not like Tohma constantly acting like he’s better than him, like he’s just this perfect superhuman who doesn’t even have any personal desires of his own other than to do as he’s supposed to.
Tohma:  (He’s beyond help.)
Geez, Tohma, that is going a bit far. Again, he’s just writing Masaru off entirely because he doesn’t fit Tohma’s idea of how things should be, rather than trying to understand his different view on things.
(But of course, Masaru is not really being any better about trying to understand Tohma’s perspective and is currently similarly writing him off as an elitist jerk who needs to be taken down a peg.)
Tohma follows this thought up by punching Masaru right in the face, implying he’s been going easy until now and has finally started getting serious, expecting this single blow to end this. Which it does, because Masaru is knocked to the ground and doesn’t manage to rise for Yoshino’s count of ten, making Tohma the winner of this boxing match.
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(please appreciate this look on Masaru’s face as he realises that Tohma has arguably beaten him, that maybe he really is inferior)
…But of course Masaru’s not just gonna stand for that. As Tohma is about to leave the ring, Masaru finally manages to get to his feet anyway.
Masaru:  “Wait right there… You really are… spouting a lot…”
Tohma:  “The match is over.”
Masaru:  “Match? What we’re having is a serious fight! It’s not a game!”
He doesn’t care about anything so pointlessly official as a match or a countdown to determine the winner. Settling their differences and proving who’s strongest goes way beyond those silly arbitrary restrictions!
With these words, Masaru manages to punch Tohma just as hard in the face… albeit only because Tohma was turned away and not quite ready to defend himself. Still, as far as Masaru would see it, in terms of his usual kind of fights, that’s on him! If he turned away from an opponent who’s still able and willing to fight him, that’s just letting his guard down!
Masaru:  “A fight doesn’t end until one side admits defeat!”
That’s the only rule Masaru needs for his street fights. So long as the combatants are still willing to fight each other, anything goes!
In fairness to Tohma, he doesn’t even complain about Masaru catching him off guard and seems quite willing to accept these new “terms” for the fight, because they jump right back into beating each other up.
We cut to later in the main control room.
Masaru:  “Damn it… That bastard…”
Yoshino:  “You should be happy it was a draw!”
Who’s betting it was Yoshino’s decision that it was a draw. I can’t imagine either Masaru or Tohma being willing to even admit to that much. After a while of them trading blows and obviously being quite evenly matched to the point that this could end up going on forever, Yoshino probably stepped in and insisted they call it off as a draw before they seriously hurt each other.
Yoshino:  “Tohma’s beaten Olympic champions in the past.”
…Yeah, so also on top of everything else, Tohma is a supremely talented boxer. But I don’t mind, because something like that is necessary for him to be able to equal Japan’s number one street fighter in a fistfight. And his fighting style being the precise and controlled sport of boxing rather than anything-goes street brawls once again serves to contrast their approaches. Tohma’s boxing talent is just another part of making him Masaru’s equal and opposite. These two are such good foils for each other.
Masaru:  “Well, I’ve taken out the leader of the third Minato high school!”
That is totally an equivalent thing here, right. He’s successfully beaten tough guys, too, the context doesn’t matter. Masaru was expecting to win and not just draw, damn it!
Yoshino:  “Really, the only things worthy of a gold medal around here are your pride and your competitive attitude.”
I love her snark. She’s not wrong. (Though really, Tohma’s pride would be giving Masaru just as much competition for that medal.)
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I also love how pouty Masaru is.
It’s interesting how Yoshino’s putting band-aids on Masaru’s bruises, yet Tohma then walks into the room (still barely acknowledging Masaru) with an equally bruised face, and Yoshino’s not trying to tend to him. It’s like how she was only trying to get Masaru to wear the headgear earlier and not Tohma.
At this point, I doubt this is so much about thinking Masaru is weaker and more in need of this than Tohma, since she just watched them match each other in a fight. So maybe it’s more that Yoshino finds Masaru more approachable than Tohma. For all his reckless stubbornness, Masaru’s basically still a regular person, while Tohma’s from a whole other world to her. Perhaps she simply feels more comfortable directing this mom-friend behaviour at Masaru rather than Tohma, despite having known Tohma for longer.
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The Digimon-signal alarm blares and Masaru instantly shifts to this excited grin. What a dork.
It’s more PetitMeramon. A lot of them. Turns out that if even the tiniest flame from their body is left behind, it can develop into a new PetitMeramon. Hearing this prompts Masaru to recall his earlier unsuccessful attempts to punch it, which only succeeded in sending little embers from its body flying everywhere.
Masaru:  (This is my fault…)
It’s admirable of Masaru to immediately acknowledge this rather than stubbornly try and make excuses to himself and pretend he totally didn’t mess anything up at all. But it is notable that he’s not saying that out loud. Which is probably because Tohma’s in the room, and he doesn’t want to give Tohma even more ammo to keep claiming that he’s a liability here.
Kudamon:  “It’s up to you, Tohma, Gaomon.”
Masaru:  “Wait! Those fireballs are ours to beat!”
Masaru insists this partly because he’s still frustrated that he didn’t get to finish the fight himself earlier, but almost certainly also because he feels responsible for this. This is his mess, and he wants to at least make up for it by being the one to fix things.
Tohma:  “Are you 100% certain you can secure these Digimon?”
Masaru:  “Damn right! We’ll pull it off somehow using our spirits!”
Such certainty. Masaru is definitely the kind of person to optimistically throw himself into things without being sure what the outcome will be. Usually, it might be reasonable to bank on that, but against this particular enemy which Masaru and Agumon currently have no way of even damaging… probably not.
Satsuma:  “This time, Tohma and Gaomon are best for the job.”
Satsuma realises this, too, of course. I like how he’s specifying that this is only because Tohma and Gaomon are more suited for this particular job, which is extremely true, and not that they’re better overall, which Masaru would not respond well to.
Satsuma:  “Yoshino. You and Lalamon will go to support Tohma.”
Which is to say, Yoshino will drive the car, because Tohma isn’t old enough to do that. (Lalamon won’t really be doing anything at all.) Tohma came to the earlier fight from his limo, but it seems that was only because he was being driven to DATS HQ and happened across the Digimon on the way. Limousines are not the usual DATS-approved method of transportation to Digimon incidents, funnily enough.
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Masaru, having been ordered to stay behind and just watch them, is left feeling frustrated and inadequate.
(It’s really only because you can’t punch fire, Masaru!)
Gaomon fighting alone against the swarm of PetitMeramon achieves basically nothing, so Tohma very quickly switches from “Plan A” to “Plan A-2” and evolves him. (I like how it’s not “Plan B” and is totally just an alternate version of the first plan. It’s definitely not that trying to fight a swarm of several Child-level Digimon with a single Child-level was ever a bad plan and really he should have evolved Gaomon from the start.)
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It’s a neat detail that Tohma clicks his fingers to summon his Digisoul. Yoshino does kind of a similar thing, not clicking her fingers but instead making a very particular emphatic motion with her hand. It’s like they need some sort of psychological trigger to get it to work – which then also makes it slightly less ridiculous that Masaru needs to outright punch a Digimon to get his to show up. It’s just a stronger kind of psychological trigger, is all! And Tohma and Yoshino have been doing this for a long time. Maybe it usually takes a lot of practice to be able to get one’s Digisoul to show up on command, and the reason why Masaru’s has this extra condition to trigger it is actually because he’s new at this.
I want to take this moment to inform everyone that Gaogamon is a very good fuzzy doggy. He’s one of my favourite Digimon designs.
As an Adult-level, Gaogamon is exponentially stronger than these Child-level PetitMeramon and can easily take down the entire swarm of them in a single attack. Digimon evolution levels, everybody. This isn’t even Gaogamon being especially impressive; this is just how it was always going to turn out.
Tohma:  “3 minutes, 47 seconds. We shortened it by another minute.”
Okay, so, some of Tohma’s genius traits can come across as a little bit silly in practice, such as this idea here that he and Gaomon have been timing themselves in their fights against rogue Digimon and constantly bringing that time down. It doesn’t take a genius to understand that each opponent they fight is different, so really it should be completely unreasonable to act like their times for each fight are at all comparable and that completing one fight faster than another means anything. (Plus, this is a thing that’s never going to come up again.)
Still, I do appreciate the narrative purpose of this bit – to show that Tohma is always pushing to improve himself and be better, despite being so incredibly hypercompetent at everything he does already. A lot like Masaru is always striving to challenge himself and get stronger despite already feeling like the strongest fighter in Japan! They are really not so different in a lot of ways.
Also, note how Tohma is getting to fight here, but it’s not the climactic fight of the episode. Just like I talked about for Yoshino in the previous episode: even though this is his introduction, this is not actually Tohma’s episode. It’s still Masaru’s. Tohma gets to have this fight and win it not for his own sake (the whole thing is so effortless that it’s not at all an interesting narrative from his point of view), but rather for the sake of Masaru’s conflict in this episode, because seeing how good Tohma is at this contributes to Masaru’s feelings of inferiority.
Agumon:  “Wow…”
Having watched Tohma and Gaomon’s performance from HQ, even Agumon can’t help but be impressed. But then he catches himself and looks guiltily at Masaru, realising he’s just making him feel worse. Aww.
It is interesting to note how, despite all the similarities between him and Masaru, Agumon himself doesn’t seem nearly as bothered by being outclassed by Gaomon in the same way. After all, he’s still a kid who knows he’s got a lot to learn from his aniki; Agumon has never tried to present himself as the best person around at fighting like Masaru does.
Kudamon:  “Understand now? This is the difference in ability between you and Tohma.”
Kudamon is apparently quite happy to imply that Masaru is significantly inferior to Tohma. Satsuma, though, doesn’t say anything to agree. I get the sense that Kudamon was a lot less on board with bringing Masaru into DATS, even though he ultimately accepted Satsuma’s decision to do so.
Masaru rushes out of the control room in frustration, with Agumon following.
Kudamon:  “Aren’t you going to stop him?”
Satsuma:  “Leave him alone.”
I like that Satsuma gets that this is something Masaru needs to figure out on his own, and that trying to talk to him directly about this is probably only going to make him feel worse.
(It’s this kind of approach of Satsuma’s that makes me think that him being so indirect about recruiting Masaru was on purpose out of him wanting Masaru to make the decision for himself.)
Masaru runs out of the DATS building through a tunnel that I’m pretty sure incidentally happens to be the same one we saw Agumon escaping through at the very beginning of the first episode.
Agumon:  “Aniki… Why are you angry?”
Masaru:  “Shut up!”
[Masaru trips in his running and falls to the ground]
Masaru:  “Damn it…”
I enjoy how Masaru tripping over serves to illustrate how his unthinking recklessness doesn’t always end well.
Agumon:  “Well, I think Tohma and Gaomon are nasty guys too, but…”
Aww, Agumon, trying to show that he’s still on his aniki’s side. And, yeah, he agrees that Tohma and Gaomon have been kind of dicks to them so far, but… (but still, he doesn’t get why Aniki is this upset about it.)
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Masaru looks at Agumon with this bitter look for a moment, almost like he’s tempted to agree and just keep sniping at Tohma… but then he drops it.
Masaru:  “No… It’s myself that I’m mad at, not them.”
Of course that’s been what this is really about. This is the first time in a long time that Masaru’s been given any sense that he’s not good enough at something he really wants to do. This isn’t about Tohma; Tohma’s presence just brought this out of him.
And hey, big props to Masaru for being willing to admit this! He couldn’t quite do so at HQ in front of everyone, and especially not in front of Tohma himself, but at least he’s willing to do so here in front of Agumon. A weaker person could easily have kept insisting that, no, this totally is all about that arrogant jerk Tohma, and avoided the necessary self-reflection, but Masaru is generally pretty good at being emotionally honest about things, even when it stings.
He also happens to pull the band-aid off his face at this moment, which I enjoy – needing his wounds patched up is a sign of weakness that he doesn’t like having.
Masaru:  “Damn it! What am I doing? Really… what the hell am I doing?”
You’re doing your best, Masaru! Just like you’ve always, always been doing!
I really like how Masaru can’t actually properly articulate what the problem is. He knows there’s something wrong, something that’s frustrating him about himself, but he can’t put it into words. It doesn’t seem like he’s properly consciously aware of why he’s so into his whole fighting thing, and why he wanted to “fight stronger opponents” through joining DATS, so he can’t quite grasp why feeling like he’s not good enough at this bothers him so much.
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Also, my compliments to the animators, and to Masaru’s VA. He looks and sounds like he’s on the brink of tears here, and it is good.
Masaru reaches the end of the tunnel… and who should he run into but the old man who gave him his Digivice, who’s sitting there cooking a fish like nothing is more natural.
Old man:  “It’s hard lighting up a fire… The sparks go out easily whenever the wind gets a little too strong.”
Masaru:  “Well, obviously!”
Old man:  “But… once I get a larger flame going, it burns strongly no matter how much the wind blows. Fire is an interesting thing, isn’t it?”
What we learned about the old man last episode is that he finds Masaru interesting and likes randomly showing up whenever Masaru is acting in a way that he considers to be interesting. Apparently, he got wind somehow of the fact that Masaru has been having these doubts, and so he showed up to just… observe, and express his observations in metaphor form. He’s comparing Masaru to the fire, saying that right now his “sparks” aren’t quite strong enough to keep going when something challenges them – but that soon enough, if he just keeps growing more, he’ll become so strong that nothing will be able to stand in his way.
That said, I highly, highly doubt that the old man expects Masaru to actually learn anything from this metaphor – I’m sure he must know well enough to expect anything and everything metaphorical to go right over Masaru’s head. This isn’t actually an attempt to give Masaru advice. This guy just likes being a mysterious old man who makes abstract metaphors about people he finds interesting, that’s all. Sooner or later, Masaru’s flame is going to burn so brightly that nothing at all can blow it out, and won’t that be fascinating to watch?
(I agree, old man. It will. That’s why I’m here, too.)
[Masaru stares intently at the fire the old man has managed to light]
Masaru:  “This is…”
And naturally, Masaru, who wouldn’t understand a metaphor if it punched him in the face, completely failed to pick up on what the old man was getting at. Instead, what this metaphor also coincidentally (or maybe not so coincidentally?) happened to be was some pretty useful advice on how to deal with the very literal, practical problem he’s been having today.
Before he can think on that further, Masaru hears a conversation over his earpiece. There’s more PetitMeramon signals, in a place where gas tanks are – not a great place for living fireballs to be flying around – and Yoshino and Tohma are 10 minutes away in their car.
Masaru:  “Leave it to me!”
Yoshino:  “Huh? What are you saying?”
Tohma:  “You can’t do it!”
Masaru:  “Shut up! I can get there in 3 minutes!”
The perfect opportunity for Masaru to get the chance to prove himself! Under other circumstances, it’d be arguably better for Masaru to stay back and leave this to Tohma again. Having shown some self-reflection on things, even Masaru himself would probably be willing to accept that and relent. But in an emergency like this, when he’s the closest one to it? Damn it, he has to at least try.
Since the “there” in question was only described as being “Area B-42”, what we have to conclude from this is that somehow Masaru has magically memorised all those location codes already. He doesn’t seem to be making this up to save face; he’s looking at an area off in the distance that he’d probably reasonably be able to sprint to in that time.
(Well, either that or he just assumed based on knowing that this is the only remotely nearby area with gas tanks. Maybe it’s that.)
Satsuma:  “I won’t approve of this!”
Masaru:  “Whatever, just watch! I’ll get ‘em this time!”
This isn’t Masaru arrogantly trying to show off and refusing to acknowledge that he’s unsuited for this. This is Masaru genuinely caring about trying to prevent the crisis if he can – and this time, he does have at least some idea of how to go about doing so.
Masaru makes it to the gas tanks, where there are indeed three PetitMeramon floating around.
Masaru:  “Agumon! Use Baby Burner!”
I’m… not sure how Masaru knew that Agumon even has an attack called Baby Burner, since he’s never used it before. I would say he could have had some kind of offscreen fight as a DATS member already in the three days he’s been here, but Yoshino’s response to his failure earlier suggested that today was indeed his first proper DATS mission.
Agumon:  “My attacks don’t work on them!”
Masaru:  “You heard me, do it!”
Agumon:  “Okay…”
Agumon is such a loyal follower! He doesn’t understand why this is a good idea – in fact, it seems like a thoroughly bad one – but he trusts his aniki’s judgement and does it anyway, even as it only seems to make the PetitMeramon stronger and Masaru keeps ordering more.
After enough fire, the three PetitMeramon grow strong enough to fuse together and evolve into Meramon. (Hey, at least this one’s a non-partnered evolution that makes sense to be happening right now.)
Agumon:  “It evolved! What now, Aniki?”
[Masaru grins]
Masaru:  “This is perfect!”
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I love Masaru’s cocky taunting face here. He knows he’s got this, and he’s so ready to just have a good old fight again, like always.
Masaru:  “Fire sparks easily go out whenever the wind blows on them. But… Once they burst into flame…!”
[Masaru leaps to punch the Meramon quite solidly in the face and lands with his Digisoul flaring]
Masaru:  “They won’t be extinguished so easily!”
This was what he got out of the old man’s words. Not metaphorical advice about his emotional struggles, of course not – instead, just very literal advice on how to punch fire. He couldn’t punch the PetitMeramon because they were small enough that the wind of his punches just blew the flames out before he could connect. But if he makes the fire bigger and stronger? Then it’s no problem!
And you know what this is? This is Masaru using strategy. It’s a strategy that he needed someone else to nudge him towards – he’s still not really the kind of person to come up with something like this on his own – and it’s also a much more straightforward, reckless, Masaru-style strategy than someone cautious like Tohma would ever dare to use. But hey. It worked.
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(Also, please appreciate this ridiculous shot of the DATS car skidding sideways as it dramatically arrives on the scene. That is not how cars work, but okay. …In fact, surely it’s been less than seven minutes that Masaru’s been here; I guess Yoshino floored it to get here as fast as she could, hence the dramatic skidding? She drives like a badass.)
Tohma:  “He got it to evolve on purpose… by making the fire stronger…”
See, even Tohma appreciates what the strategy was, even if he’s kind of gobsmacked at it being something so reckless.
And then, as usual, GeoGreymon wins the fight in a single attack. But again, I don’t really mind. The interesting part was getting to this point in the first place.
The Meramon disintegrates into three eggs, appropriate for the three PetitMeramon it came from – but it kinda raises some questions that this single Adult-level Digimon was effectively three individual Digimon in one. It also raises some questions that PetitMeramon was able to multiply itself just by its embers setting stuff on fire, and each of those multiplied offshoots also had its own individual egg. Is this just a particularly unique method of Digimon reproduction? I am definitely not supposed to be thinking about it this much.
Masaru:  “How’s that? I was able to take out the PetitMeramon, too!”
Having shown that he can do just as good of a job as Tohma after all, Masaru has bounced right back from his self-doubt and is feeling good about himself again. This kid doesn’t stay down for long.
Tohma:  “Don’t let this go to your head. You were just lucky this time.”
It really was not luck. Masaru used an actual strategy that he had good reason to believe would work. Tohma himself even just about acknowledged this during the fight… but not now, now that Masaru is properly listening to him and he’d have to acknowledge that to Masaru.
(A bit like how Masaru only acknowledged his own sense of inadequacy when Tohma wasn’t around.)
Masaru:  “It’s just like I told you. The ones who don’t give up until the end win the fight!”
Masaru claims this is like he told Tohma, but is it really about him? After all, Masaru himself was the one who had almost given up for a moment. It’s more like he’s saying this to remind himself that he shouldn’t have done that and should have just believed he could do it all along. (Like the old man said, he just needs to let his sparks grow into a bigger, unstoppable flame!)
We cut right from the location of the fight back to DATS HQ, while the argument amusingly continues as if there was no timeskip at all. They were probably arguing like this all the way back in the car, too. (Poor Yoshino.)
Tohma:  “Don’t be absurd. You don’t come up with any strategy or tactics. Do you think using force all the time will let you win at everything?”
He literally did come up with a strategy, though, Tohma! Maybe a strategy that relied on force, maybe not the kind of careful, cautious strategy that you’d use, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t count as a strategy!
Masaru:  “Hah, sounds like a sore loser to me.”
Yeah, I think Masaru’s spot on with this one. Tohma refusing to acknowledge Masaru’s approach in that fight as a legitimate if risky strategy really does seem like he’s just being a sore loser.
(Though I like how Masaru himself isn’t even trying to argue that it was strategic of him. Clearly that’s not something that he sees as being worth bragging about.)
Tohma:  “What did you say?”
Masaru:  “Wanna make somethin’ of it? I’ll knock you out with one hit to the face this time!”
Oh my god, Masaru. Look at this competitive dork. Now that he’s got his confidence back and feels like he is just as good or better than Tohma after all, he’s ready to have a rematch in the ring and certain that this totally means he’ll win this time!
Satsuma shuts them both up with his, quoth Yoshino, “thunderous demon roar” – apparently a regular thing of his – and declares that Masaru and Tohma will be working together as a team from now on. Naturally, they are both Not Happy about this.
Yoshino:  “This is the worst…”
Neither is Yoshino. This is a catchphrase of hers, which is sometimes used when things are going badly in a crisis, but is just as often used simply to express her sheer exasperation at the people around her. I love her role as the Only Sane Man among these two ridiculous over-the-top dorks she’s wound up working with.
Overall thoughts
I like this episode a lot! It’s a great introduction to Tohma, specifically in the context of him serving as a foil to Masaru.
There will be a lot more things about Tohma’s own issues and situation (like I said, there’s a reason for all the genius stuff, I promise) that we’ll eventually get into, but that’ll be a gradual process, because Tohma is not the sort of person to talk about his personal problems to anyone else. For now, since Masaru is the single main character of this series and we therefore see a lot of things through his perspective, it’s appropriate that Tohma is introduced in terms of how he differs from Masaru (as well as a few hints at their similarities).
Then, because of this, we get spend a lot of the episode on Masaru feeling outclassed and how he deals with that, and it’s delightful and subtle and I love it. The first two episodes were setting up the deal with Masaru encountering Agumon and joining DATS, but now that we’ve settled into a little more of a status quo, it’s the perfect time to start digging into Masaru’s character and have things begin to challenge his conception of his own strength. There will be more of this, and I’m looking very much forward to covering those episodes in particular.
This won’t really ever come up again, but it’s incidentally neat to see Masaru struggling with an enemy he can’t punch, and eventually coming up with a strategy by interpreting the old man’s metaphor about his issues literally, because of course he does.
I also just love the old man being there making metaphors about Masaru’s issues simply because he felt like it and finds Masaru interesting. He serves as a nice little narrative device to help draw the audience’s attention to when things are going on with Masaru, as we’ll see in a few more episodes in this arc. I can’t help but appreciate that about the old man, because it’s also basically what I’m doing with this commentary.
[Dub comparison]
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spockandawe · 3 years
Shen Jiu/Tianlang-jun
Or, I came here for the dunking on binghe vibe, lingered for the aesthetic, and then tripped accidentally into an au that’s actually really compelling me hard that I want to figure out more
(yes it’s the 2k thing that hit me out of nowhere, but i wrote that out and it didn’t scratch the itch, so here we are)
(I always use so many words, let’s just have a cut now)
My general premise as, theoretically, an author: This is set in the canonverse timeline, after Luo Binghe merges the demon realm and human realm. Probably not long after, because things are still VERY much in confusion, both societies are still reeling, unrest is rampant, and Luo Binghe is only just just just starting to figure out that no, he still doesn’t feel very fulfilled. Turning two realms upside down gives Zhuzhi-lang an opportunity to finally get his hands on a dew flower seed to grow a body for Tianlang-jun (he is a patient boy). Shen Jiu is still alive, though honestly, I don’t know how much Luo Binghe bothers keeping him conscious anymore, and there’s my stage.
What I arrived here from was thinking about how I characterized Tianlang-jun for my Shen Yuan/Tianlang-jun fic, and how I’m really leaning into his romantic nature and fond, un-pushy approach to relationships. When I thought about writing those two characters dunking on a stallion novel together, I was like ‘oh noooo, he would have been so disappointed in bingge’ (which adds to an already emotionally complicated situation, what with him having a son at all) and then I was like ‘haha, being disappointed in bingge, something for him and shen jiu to bond over’
And then I was like ‘wait, but seriously--’
So, I keep seeing those shipping memes going around where people describe their favorite dynamics, and I probably won’t ever draw one myself, but a shipping vibe I love is a character in a lonely downward spiral being pulled out of the disaster zone and emotionally reattached to the world. That’s what I’m writing in the sy/tlj, honestly. A vibe I love even more, but which is even rarer, is when two characters are in those downward spirals, and latch onto each other in an intense, codependent, unhealthy way.... and somehow manage to salvage something beautiful from the situation.
Anyways, Shen Jiu and Tianlang-jun.
When I was trying to figure out how to ship them, one of the first questions when I’m sussing out an unusual pair without other fanworks is: Why do they care about each other? And the more I thought about them, the more I realized that they’re each really, really strongly in the mold of the other one’s Favorite Person, who they’d since lost. Shen Jiu is a cold, aloof, untouchable, beautiful person. Tianlang-jun is a quieter person, very pleasant, but terrifyingly strong in some ways, and soft and ruthless at unexpected times. But neither one is exactly a replacement goldfish, which is good, because losing their favorite person was pretty traumatic for them in different ways. Shen Jiu plays more mean than Su Xiyan did, and Tianlang-jun is more eccentric and romantic than Yue Qingyuan was.
Logistically, the idea that Tianlang-jun hates his son made it easy for me to bring the two of them together. In this universe especially, Tianlang-jun feels a lot of scorn towards Luo Binghe, but Luo Binghe is still very strong. He doesn’t have much in the way of weaknesses, and I think even super-traumatized, super-bitter Tianlang-jun would turn up his nose at the idea of attacking Luo Binghe through his wives. But stealing away Shen Jiu, that’s a person who Luo Binghe is almost as ““close”” to as he is to the harem, this is a person with pretty significant knowledge of Luo Binghe’s childhood, and it’s a powerful person with a major reason to hold a grudge against Luo Binghe himself. 
(I don’t think Tianlang-jun has much of a plan, necessarily, when he kidnaps Shen Jiu, the same way he didn’t have much of a plan when he was aiming to merge the worlds together. Like, yes, there’s this big goal, but why? and then what? I’m not going to go off on a digression about this, but I think it is very much a shitty, shitty plan, and that Shen Jiu is not going to be stoked once he figures out he was kidnapped from Luo Binghe because *shrug?*)
So what I want. Emotionally. Is where the two of them do kind of latch onto each other in a replacement goldfish sort of way, but where that kind of closeness really pulls them into sync in a way where they end up attached WAY more strongly than they ever intended to begin with. And also, both of them are dealing with some weird dysphoric feelings (one with four new prosthetic limbs, one with a decaying body) and are trying to power through them by using their bodies as a tool they use, not as residences they inhabit. And I think that Shen Jiu in particular is leaning into his time in the Qiu household in a bad way, and using himself as an incentive to try to nudge Tianlang-jun into doing things he wants. Love me some dysfunction like that, especially if people start having Regrets and/or Feelings later.
I think.... part of the reason I cut off my fic where I did was that Shen Jiu getting his tongue back is going to really, really, really start reshaping their dynamic. In the fic, Tianlang-jun is reading things into his deliberately-vague gestures that aren’t necessarily there, or just seeing what entertains him to see, but with a voice? Shen Jiu is a man with opinions, and he’s so, so, so completely out of fucks to give. When they start engaging with each other for real, they have to start recognizing each other as people, and not as proxyfucking substitutes for Su Xiyan and Yue Qingyuan.
Now, why I didn’t write that whole fic from the beginning is because it’s almost gotta be plot-intensive. Luo Binghe is not going to be happy that Shen Jiu is gone, he’s going to be very interested in getting him back, and if he gets his hands on him, it’s going to be... ugly. Shen Jiu is aware of that, and makes Tianlang-jun aware of that, but Luo Binghe is so hilariously overpowered that it’s going to be HARD to keep them both out of Luo Binghe’s hands without just making them quiet hermits in some corner of the world. And they can’t be quiet hermits, because otherwise Tianlang-jun would never have stolen Shen Jiu in the first place :P 
I am still really, really, really tempted to write it, because like, just imagine Luo Binghe coming for Shen Jiu in his dreams, and all that trauma crashing back into him, and Luo Binghe digging into every old emotional wound, and Shen Jiu trying to cope. And if dream abilities run in the blood, then Tianlang-jun isn’t completely useless either, and I do very much like the idea that protagonist or not, Tianlang-jun is capable of going toe to toe with his son. The picture of them fighting a battle across Shen Jiu’s dreamscape is just... *chef kiss*
(especially because if luo binghe gets into shen jiu’s head, he’ll totally use yue qingyuan against him, and if tianlang-jun gets involved, he’ll use su xiyan against luo binghe, and luo binghe will probably try to use her against him, and shen jiu is perfectly happy to try to make binghe hurt over how binghe’s dad chose him instead of binghe, and it will be so, so ugly all around)
The trouble with this would be knowing where it was heading :P The quiet hermit ending wouldn’t be a bad fit for what I want for the characters at all, but it would be hard to achieve with Luo Binghe still alive, and I still don’t know if I want him dead, or how I would even make that happen. 
But what I do want, even if it only takes shape in one-shots of scattered scenes, is two exhausted, traumatized characters curling up into each other, without any emotions, no emotions involved, definitely not, and accidentally getting super entangled in each other’s hearts. The kind of relationship with a lot of intensity and need and passion, and virtually no healthy coping mechanisms to be seen. I want ‘Separation Anxiety: The Musical.’ I want Shen Jiu with angry clinging, and extra anger if anyone mentions the clinging. I want Tianlang-jun deflecting and deflecting away from his past and his emotions. And part of the reason I’m not sure if I want Binghe dead, is that I want to see if I can get them to a point where one or both of them has a choice between hurting Binghe or helping their partner, and they choose their partner instead.
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