#the one main thing I’m worried about with this job is the fact that i’d be Outside in the Summer
seilon · 4 months
just sent a hastily-made new resume to a hiring manager at a place i might get a summer job at and realized after sending it that it still has “MONTH 20XX – MONTH 20XX” written for one of my past jobs’ durations fucking shoot me
#kibumblabs#whatever man all that info is on the application anyway idk why she even asked me for an additional resume#if they’re gonna be that nitpicky about a seasonal pool host job that’s on them#i am literally a restaraunt/hotel host I think i have the credentials to be a host for a hotel pool#granted it is like. probably the most expensive hotel in town. so not just any pool. but i digress#i should also get extra pull from already being a hyatt employee at a different hyatt. like come on. you wouldn’t have to make me do all#the stupid company mandated online trainings. because I’ve already done them. isn’t that tempting. come on#the one main thing I’m worried about with this job is the fact that i’d be Outside in the Summer#you know. in Hell World#and I’d work all evenings to avoid that more or less if I could but my main job is always in the evenings so inevitably this extra job will#mostly be in the Sunny Hours. though i guess that could be a good thing because the hottest part of the day is around 4pm and I’d be outta#there before then. not that it makes much of a difference when it’s 100 degrees in the summer but you know. whatever#gahhh we’ll see. I’m honestly shocked they got back to me on my application though this is the same hyatt i applied to last year 20000 times#and got Nothing from. i guess i really do have pull from being a host at a hyatt already#i just want access to this fancy ass hotel………..thats all i want#edit: for some reason i thought the pool was on the roof and im kinda disappointed now that im seeing its not#it still looks bougie as hell dont get me wrong but. yeah
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shunin-gumis · 15 days
Designs of Happiness - Track A14
L4mps Main Story Translation
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Title: Imposed Blessings
Characters: Nagi
Summary: Nagi is working alone at his shop after abruptly leaving the Friday Film viewing. The protagonist chases after him, and he finally explains his unique predisposition.
Thank you aca @463ce6, jes @arcanecrayonn myun @/myuntachis and Niri for helping me with proofing!
Also a gentle request from me, please do listen to the chapter in-game alongside the translation if you don't do so already, the voice acting is very precious 🥺🥺
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Location: Flower Laundry
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Sonia: Nagi-shan, here ish all the flowers you can use! 
Nagi: …Oh no. This isn’t nearly enough.
Sonia: You came back all of a sudden from HAMA House, sho you have no right to complain! 
Nagi: Sorry. Please get whatever’s left in the storehouse too.
Sonia: Aye aye, Shir! Geez, I’ll bring back as much as I can!
*bell jingles*
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Customer A: ‘Scuse me! Sorry for popping in last minute—
Nagi: Oh, that’s alright. What can I do for you?
Customer A: Just a quick question– Does the laundromat here accept IzuPay? 
Nagi: IzuPay… Ah, we don’t use that here yet. There were plans to add it as an option but it was delayed… Sorry about that.
Customer B: Darn… out of luck, huh. I guess it makes sense, not everyone would bother getting the ward’s special payment method.
Nagi: Other digital payment options are still available, and we accept cash too.
Customer A: Huh? Can’t believe there’s a laundromat that still takes cash… 
Customer A: I thought they’d all be gone with the ‘Valley of the Sky’ or somethin’. POTHARU! and all that. 
Customer B: Hey, don’t be rude… He’s standing right there, and that scene is long since over. Um, sorry about that. 
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Nagi: …It’s fine. 
Nagi: (Right. I guess the film viewing would be over by now, too.)
Nagi: (...Why did I have to think about that now?)
Nagi: (I wouldn’t have lasted much longer in that situation… Just thinking about it gives me chills. I’m sorry I didn’t stick with Toi till the end, but I had no choice, I had to leave for everyone’s sake—)
Sonia: I’ve prepared the flowers for you!
Nagi: Thanks. —Let’s go, we need to leave right now.
??: Um, excuse me… 
Nagi: Oh, yes, welcome—
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Momiji: Good evening… again.
Nagi: …… 
Momiji: Do you mind if we talk for a bit, Nagi-kun?
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Momiji: …… 
Momiji: (I can’t believe he ran out of HAMA House during the viewing… I guess he must’ve hated it that much, huh…)
Momiji: (Maybe I was being too naive in thinking that he’d open up with enough time…) 
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Nagi: …… 
Nagi: (I can’t believe she noticed I’d left… I might have messed this up worse than I’d thought. She must be annoyed with me…)
Nagi: (No, I shouldn’t jump to conclusions, maybe she’s just here to check up on me. I clearly suck at communicating with others, so that might have gotten her worried…)
Nagi: (Still, it doesn’t change the fact that I troubled the Chief… I’m worth less than a plant louse that preys on flowers. I mean, even plant lice are useful to ants, yet I’m…)
Nagi: (No one would want a Ward Mayor that’s worth less than a louse.)
Nagi: (I wanted to take responsibility and see this job through to the end, but…)
Momiji: …You see, Yodaka-san just informed me earlier. 
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Nagi: Yes?
Momiji: That you haven’t slept at HAMA House even once, Nagi-kun.
Nagi: …… 
Nagi: (So he knew. He’s too sharp to slip past, huh.)
Momiji: …… 
Momiji: (Ah… He’s tensed up.)
Momiji: (I wonder if I should’ve approached it more delicately…)
Momiji: (I’d readily help him if he’d just let me know what he’s having trouble with, or if there’s something he’d like changed… But what if he says that he never wanted to be a Ward Mayor in the first place? Hrm… What should I say…)
Nagi: …… 
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Nagi: (She looks really troubled… I feel guilty that she’s worried over someone like me.)
Nagi: (I should just explain everything, even if it makes me uneasy. I know it’s the right thing to do, but… If I really just blurt everything out, she’d probably think I’m some kind of weirdo.)
Nagi: (But if I keep quiet any longer, she might feel hurt instead. What should I do…)
Nagi: (...The cyclamen at the storefront just caught my eye… In flower language, they mean “resignation” and “words of parting”...)
Nagi: (And next to it are the anemone, meaning “abandonment,” and the calendula, “sorrow of parting.”)
Nagi: (I see… I get it now.)
Momiji: Um… 
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Nagi: (I should… brace myself.) 
Nagi: …… 
Nagi: …If I don’t hand out flowers, it rebounds. 
Momiji: Huh?
Nagi: The other side of the Yajirobe*. 
Momiji: Uh?
Nagi: This is just a theory of mine.
Momiji: O-Okay… 
Nagi: I believe that, just like with human emotions, if a person experiences great fortune or misfortune, then they will eventually have to return to a neutral state.
Momiji: Uh huh...?
Nagi: In my case, the rebound is especially strong. If I experience any fortune, then misfortune is sure to follow soon after. 
Nagi: That’s what happened when I got caught in that bee trap before; I’m sure it’s because I’d won a set of tissue boxes the day before, at a raffle in the shopping district.
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Nagi: This is my theory on the phenomenon I call “The Yajirobe of Fortune and Misfortune.”
Momiji: I-I see... It’s like when people say bad luck doesn’t last forever, or how something good is bound to follow after something bad… Is it like that?
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Nagi: …Are you a genius? I feel embarrassed for making up a whole theory now. I’ll just use your explanation next time.
Momiji: No, no, I understood what you were trying to say with your Yajirobe theory.
Nagi: …To avoid having the Yajirobe go crazy, I need to avoid any situation that might make me happy, intentionally or not. 
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Nagi: Even a single slice of cake is too much for me. That sort of kindness… is too much happiness for me to bear. 
Momiji: (So he’s saying the cake made him so happy that he had to avoid accepting it, and even ran out of the dorm just so he could avoid inviting misfortune…)
Nagi: But sometimes, no matter how careful I am, the happiness just piles up anyways.
Nagi: That’s when I bring these out.
Momiji: Flowers…?
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Nagi: My special ability– Flower Power: Imposed Blessings*.
Momiji: …Um?
Nagi: By imbuing flowers with the energy from my accumulated happiness, I can impose the excess onto others. There's no limit to how many flowers can be handed out. The only debuff I have to suffer is embarrassment.
Momiji: (Oh…)
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Momiji: (Is that why he was handing out flowers in the middle of the street the first time I met him…?)
Momiji: (Honestly, I’m not sure how much of this I’m supposed to believe… But at the very least, I can tell Nagi-kun is being serious about this.)
Momiji: I…see. So if you give away your flowers—
Nagi: The misfortune’s rebound gets weaker. 
Momiji: –The misfortune’s rebound gets weaker…… Right. 
Nagi: (As expected, she looks really confused.)
Momiji: Um, let’s see if I got this right– You felt that joining HAMA Tours, and living at HAMA House would—
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Nagi: Accumulate a debt of happiness.
Momiji: Which is why you left.
Nagi: Yes. Something like–
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Nagi: Something like working together, and living alongside others, just like a ��family’... There’s no way to predict the amount of happiness I’d receive from just being there.
Momiji: (The amount of happiness…)
Nagi: Being surrounded by happiness like that… Holding hands, and shouting POTHARU together with everyone—
Nagi: It wouldn’t surprise me if an earthquake hit right after, and HAMA House ended up as a pile of rubble…! 
Momiji: …… 
Nagi: (She looks stunned. I guess that’s expected.)
Nagi: (It was just impossible for someone like me, who’s always avoided other people, to suddenly work with others and live alongside them.)
Nagi: (She probably thinks I’m a weirdo. It’s not something you can wrap your head around. It’s a natural reaction.)
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Nagi: (I’ll just get myself fired right here and now, so I can return to my old lifestyle. A life with no big waves, just the mundane everyday.)
Momiji: I understand your situation now.
Nagi: …… 
Momiji: Can I have all your flowers, then? 
Nagi: …… 
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Nagi: —Huh?
Momiji: You just have to reduce that, um, debt of happiness, by giving away your flowers, right?
Momiji: But it’s probably difficult for you to find people to give flowers to on a daily basis, huh?
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Nagi: …Is that… where this conversation is supposed to go?
Momiji: I think so?
Momiji: Then um, maybe your costs increase because you have to give out more flowers?
Nagi: No, that’s not really a problem. I can get a good discount if I buy it in bulk, so… 
Momiji: I see. Then, it’s just a problem of who you can give your flowers to. Accosting strangers to give them flowers is probably taxing for you, and confusing for the other person too.
Momiji: But, since I know what’s going on, I can take as many flowers as you want to give away.
Nagi: I… I guess that makes sense. 
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Nagi: Wouldn’t it be a bother to you…?
Momiji: Of course not. You can never have too many flowers! I mean, flowers give a feeling of a fresh beginning, you know? They’re always nice to have.
Nagi: …… 
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Nagi: Here.
Momiji: Oh! A flower! Thank you very much. You popped that out like some kinda magician!
Nagi: …Flowers have always been a part of my life, before I’d even realized it. That’s why, it’s always there, right beside me, where I can reach for it whenever I want.
Momiji: Still, what a large flower! What’s it called?
Nagi: Peony.
Momiji: Aw, it’s so pretty! And it smells so good too!
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Nagi: —......
Nagi: Next, this one.
Momiji: It has such a unique shape… What’s its name? 
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Nagi: Serruria.
Momiji: It’s so peculiar and cute! I wonder what I should decorate with it… 
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Nagi: Here.
Momiji: This is a crazy amount! It’s starting to look like a huge bouquet at this point!
Nagi: Here.
Momiji: Oh dear, the colors are clashing…!
Nagi: Here.
Momiji: I can’t see in front of me anymore…! *giggles* But—
Momiji: Thank you, Nagi-kun!
Nagi: I should be the one saying that.
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Nagi: Thank you for taking on my happiness, Chief. 
Yajirobe is a term used for Japanese balancing toys. The mechanism involves balancing the main body at a fulcrum and making sure it doesn’t tilt too far in either direction before it’s balanced again, swinging back like a pendulum.
The name of Nagi’s ‘special ability’ literally translates to “imposing happiness/good fortune onto others through giving away flowers” which is super long hence why it got changed. He’s the type to make up silly names anyways.
Flower Language:
Peony Bashfulness, Shyness
Serruria Yearning, Beautiful heart
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alargehunkofdebris · 1 year
Crowley, and Going Nowhere Fast
So Crowley’s thing, the thing he’s taken to heart this season, his arc, is his fear of going “too fast.” Aka, he is actively going against his normal state of being.
We know this, because he’s living in his car.
He’s living in his car, after years of having no apartment (I think. I can’t remember if it was only recently his apartment was taken away, but either way, it’s a period of time.)
I mean, from a writer’s perspective, we know why this is the case. Their arc, as a couple, is that eventually they’ll have a cottage together in South Downs. It wouldn’t hit nearly as hard, once we finally get there, if the pair of them had already been living together for four years. So there’s that.
But from a narrative perspective, it also works. Because at the beginning of the season, we see a Crowley who had spent the last four years very, very carefully building a house of cards, knowing that a single wrong breath could knock it over.
These last four years, despite living in his car, despite having no real “purpose” (his words), were (I’d argue) the best years he’d ever lived, because he’s never, in his life, been able to see Aziraphale so frequently. He’d never been able to visit him whenever he wanted, without both their work holding them back and taking up their time. He said it himself – it’s his precious, peaceful, fragile existence that he’s holding together with sticks and glue. And he’s managing that, from his perspective, because he’s forcing himself to go slow.
I don’t think Aziraphale would be put out or feel pushed if Crowley asked to move in. I think he’d be delighted. But he knows Crowley is highly independent and forward, and assumed he’d simply ask if he wanted to move in. For Aziraphale, this is a given, and he’d never think Crowley would hold back unless he wanted to – Aziraphale himself is no stranger to asking Crowley for what he wants, and grandly announcing that mi casa es su casa (“Our car 😊”) without a single thought to whether he’s pushing any boundary, because he’s never had to worry about that with Crowley. And conversely, unfortunately, Crowley has never forgotten when Aziraphale said he was going too fast after simply offering him a ride. There is no way, therefore, that Crowley would ask to move in. In fact, even if Aziraphale offered, I’m thinking Crowley would refuse. Because the very last thing on Earth he wants is to wear out his welcome with Aziraphale. He never again wants to go “too fast,” because things are fragile enough. He’s got enough, now. He’s got more than enough. He’s got more than he ever thought was possible.
And who knows, he might even be able to get more…as long as he goes slow enough. He’s treating this existence with Aziraphale like he’s growing a bonsai tree; he’s prepared to take years, decades, building up that proximity. And so he’s going against every instinct he has – he’s always been a fast person. And if we look at him as a snake, he might also be the type to want to constrict, to wrap around someone and never let go.
So he stays in his car, with his plants, like a weirdo. This sedentary car that’s literally growing plants is one glaring metaphor for something naturally fast that is forced to be still. And, yes, it’s also representative of his desire to get away at a moment’s notice, whether it be from danger or from rejection.
And then, at the end, he’s taking that risk. He’s prepared to take a step with the confession, because he feels he’s waited long enough. And he tries, but is immediately thrown off with Aziraphale’s revelation about the job in Heaven.
And this is where he realizes that going slow is not working.
Or, it would have normally worked…but with this new development it’s, by design, not working fast enough.
And so, as a final Hail Mary, he throws out every single one of his safety measures he’s held this season. And by that I mean his main rule – don’t go too fast. In kissing Aziraphale, he does what he assumed would be decades of working up to in three seconds flat. Because at this point, he’s literally got nothing to lose. Nothing has worked, and in fact, he’s pretty sure this won’t work either. But he’s got to try, just as Aziraphale’s got to try fixing Heaven.
And then, shocker, it still doesn’t end up working.
And what’s worse now, is that Crowley is absolutely, deeply in regret, because his gamble didn’t pay off. His “slow” method didn’t end up working—or, at least, it’s possible he waited a little too long. If he’d moved just a hair quicker, he might’ve been able to stop this from happening. But he didn’t. His house of cards has toppled, and whether it be from a card placed too quick or the foundation below crumbling from age, it didn’t matter. It might have been doomed from the start. Perhaps he never could go too fast or too slow, because maybe Aziraphale had never been waiting for him to begin with.  
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chimericalilith · 9 months
Entangled Ribbons and Gifts
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𐙚°˖➴ pairing. marius x fem!reader 𐙚°˖➴ tags. ooc, smut, lots of teasing, fluff, established relationship, bits of light bondage, both are top/bottom, multiple rounds 𐙚°˖➴ wc. 4.1k words 𐙚°˖➴ notes. inspired from marius MR christmas card. reader is a bit feisty, nickname; miss. first time posting so its simple layout we ball.
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Tidying up some gift boxes, you finally finished another long list of gift wraps. Christmas always makes the business buzz, but it’s always so tiring. You sigh as you fix your posture and scan your finger for another list, waiting for you to wrap them all up. As your gaze transfixes on the list and your mind starts to wander which ones you should sort out in the workshop, a jingle sound spurred in as the door open, softly producing a creak of a sound.
You don’t bother looking up, your hand starts propping skillfully. Tying up the bows and cutting paper miniatures alongside carved letters with intense speed. It’s nearing Christmas Eve and you still haven’t thought up of how to surprise Marius, making your job more ironic. Unconsciously forgetting the opened door beforehand, there’s a sudden warmth wrapping around your waist that sends a jolt towards your body.
“Missy, what’s got your face all scrunched up?” Marius teased with a knowing smile, his wrap around your waist only getting tighter.
“Oh, I don’t know Mister. Maybe the fact that I’m carefully putting a wreath together and someone decided to surprise me which almost caused the unfurling of this whole thing. Almost pressed charges for my patience.” You met his gaze, lowering them to where his hand nestled comfortably.
Marius lowered his face to the nape of your neck, breathing hotly against it, lightly grazing your neck. A shiver ran to your body. Before, you slowly continue punching out snowflake papers for the gift wraps but now? Completely stopped on your tracks.
“I-I’m working right now. Plus, people can see us and it’s certainly not good for business.” You muttered, although you both secretly knew that it isn’t that much out of your realm. You did it before, besides you didn’t do anything about his hand that slowly slivers under your skirt.
“Hm? I don’t have any clue what you’re implying Miss. But…well, if you say so.” He gripped your thigh, swirled his fingers around it, and completely let you go. The warmth suddenly left you which inadvertently made you sigh. But that’s beside the point although his visit is an everlasting welcomed one, what’s with the sudden visit?
“With that out of the way, why did you come here? Did you want to put an order for a gift?” You asked, putting a certain distance between you two so he doesn’t try to do anything funny. Again. You spun your body around, preparing for a notepad to jot it down in case he does.
“Yeah. I’m planning to put together this event however I’m quite lacking in terms of this so-called professional eye for the quality. And that’s where you come Miss.” He winked, snatching a folded paper out of his shirt and surprisingly it’s a genuine contract stating my work.
“Well, I’d love to know how it feels to be employed by my own boyfriend but unfortunately, I’m swamped by work right now. Christmas season really is the gift-wrapping business’s main stage.” Lowering your gaze, feeling a tiny chip of guilt chiming in your heart.
‘Ah, no worries, Miss! I just thought that as a boyfriend I can help in terms of business. Which seems it isn’t needed, because it’s apparent everyone wants my girlfriend so much, she can’t even spare some time for me.” Marius pouted, although that pinkish hue peeking out of his ears betray him of how casual he took you calling him a your ‘boyfriend’. It didn’t completely miss you about how you two don’t meet as often now due to how swamped you are with your work. Seeing him right in front of you reminded of how much you missed him. It brings you back to Christmas of last year where you two are practically inseparable. He always readies you to work by propping earmuffs and cozying up your scarf to your neck.
He always made sure to cover up the hickeys well. Realizing your musings are turning to a certain direction, you completely shut it down and cleared your throat.
“…Well, I might not be able to fully help but I think I can assist you in simpler ways! I ordered too much ribbon cloth by accident. I think there’s a lot to spare for your event and it might spice it up better.” You cheerfully added, covering up the indecent thoughts you had while Marius has his eyes bore on you curiously.
“Only if it doesn’t burden you. But that will be super helpful. I’ll make sure my girlfriend is properly compensated.” Marius softly laughed, closing in the distance between the two of you and nuzzled his nose against yours.
“By the way, I think ribbons would look nice on you Miss.” He whispered in your ear, before pulling you into a hug and kissing your forehead. Feeling your face burn up, you pull his collar shirt and kissed him deeply. Tongue swirling until you’re out of breath.
“H-haa…Miss…” Your intertwined lips parted. Before he can do anything more, you immediately let go and push him out of the store. Sticking your tongue out, you look at his flustered face and feel smugness bubbling in your insides. Marius 0 – You 1. That is until you crouched out of embarrassment, face painted as red as the bulb ornaments decorating your store festively.
You arrive at the event, carrying big boxes filled with satin silk. It is worth noting that the red and dark-light hue of green stash are abundant compared to other heaps of ribbon cloth. Picking up the boxes strains bits of your muscles that’s only used to meticulous work caused you to furrow your eyebrows, configuring an image of you taking multiple trips back-to-back to deliver it. Seems like your fate is sealed and all you can do is relish in its despair. That is, until Vincent showed up.
Perking your head up excitedly, you hurriedly greeted Vincent. Way too eager to get rid of this delivery and start up on decorating the ribbons instead. “Thank god you’re here Vincent! Am I too presumptuous to assume that you’re here for backup to pick all this up?” You exasperated a laugh, a bit desperate that you’re wrong and Vincent is indeed here to help you.
“Technically, I’m not here for that… But I am the in charge to bring the reinforcements specifically.” Hastily following up his speech, noticing your face falling in the middle of his sentence which quickly lit back up as fast as fairy light bulbs.
“Now, let us haste to the venue for the decoration.” Vincent said, instantly walking with you following with a haste. Upon entering the venue, the smell of cinnamon wafted throughout everything with a small hint of sugar canes mixed with hot chocolate scents. You can even smell the faint smell of the mint. It truly is a mesmerizing event, knocking you back to your senses that this is Pax Foundation we’re talking about so we’re not here to joke around.
“We have arrived at the venue, now if you will excuse me- “
“So? What do you think Miss?” Warm hands suddenly enveloped your shoulder, startling you which shocked you a bit which caused the voice to kick in a soft a laughter.
“Woah! Easy… I know you’re excited to meet me but let’s exert some patience, shall we?” Meeting Marius’s gaze, you see the glint in his eyes. Great, he’s going to tease that about you for the whole day now.
With Vincent nowhere to be found, your focus retrack back to Marius and you crossed your hands. “Hey, aren’t you the eager one to see me?” Pouting your lip ever-so-slightly, undoubtedly Marius bit the bait. His smirk growing bigger.
“Well, if you say so. Now, chop-chop! Get to work, dear Miss.” His face shifted suddenly, refusing to return your gaze. Shrugging, turning his back onto you, and stepping away. What a petty man! You thought, but before your hand reached him out you step back. Not wanting Marius to get the upper hand you decide to participate in this ‘nonchalant game’, aiming for the top spot.
Hence, you begrudgingly start putting up ribbons. Concocting placements that would strategically fit the best in the venue. Slowly, you completely forget the begrudging feeling and started humming to the tunes that played rhythmically in the background. Amidst it, your mind suddenly buzzed. That’s it! You finally know how to solve the looming problem that’s haunted your brain for days. Staring at the ribbons, you giggled. Marius is in for a surprise.
Tipsily checking your watch, you see it’s 10.36 PM; 24th December of 2032. You took another sip of red wine Marius prepared you. Cozily waiting for the celebration of Christmas, you decide to spend it in a cabin with Marius. Intending to participate snowboarding, the plan didn’t happen. The snow piled up more than you two thoughts of and so, here you are. Nibbling your olives from the charcuterie board while excessively sipping wine.
You gaze at Marius sitting near the fireplace, deciding to join him. Bringing a giant blanket to cover the both of you, you cozily snug up on him. He embraces you softly, slowly resting his head towards the nape of your neck. Both of you enjoying this silent moment together. Moments pass but the drowsiness never hits you, rather it feels hot. Its like heat bubbling up inside, one look at Marius and you notice you’re not the only one.
Gazing each other, you slowly intertwine into a kiss. From soft wanting kisses it turned into a more ferocious one. Swirling each other’s tongue, panting out of breath whilst your hand crumpled his khaki shirt. Subconsciously, you unbutton few of the top ones. Riding off of the heat, you start to graze your teeth and lick his neck, paying extra attention to the veins.
“Mm…haa… right there Miss…” Marius panted, lifting you up to put you on his lap, direct contact with his clothed bulge. Heat swirling, pooling up your stomach making you dizzy. Trying to keep your head clear, you realize this is the perfect time for the surprise.
“…Marius…. hngg hold on. I… have something to give you…” You whisper weakly, desperately trying to keep the heat inside you from bubbling up. Wriggling your way out of his clutch, you softly put his hand off of your hips. Releasing the intact from his obvious bulge.
Unhappy with how the situation continued, Marius reaffirmed his grip onto yours. “Miss… really? Must it be right now?” Whining, his eyes sparked bits of desperation. Not wanting to release you. Biting back, you shift your fingers to his button shirt, freeing it from him by unbuttoning three buttons from the bottom. Slowly, you caress his abs, swirling it softly. Leaving a ghost of a touch, sending shivers down his spine.
“Now… let’s be a good boy and let me give you something. I promise, it’s worth the wait.” Emphasizing on each word, tapping on each of his abs. He squirmed, loosening his grip on you. Oh, how pretty your boyfriend looks. You wish he knew how his lips, plump after countless kisses you did and his face. His face stained with red from the mix of wine and the feverish heat that intoxicates the both of you.
Taking advantage of this moment, you hurriedly slip away and instantly rummaged your belongings until you find the right one. A red box, filled with beautiful ornaments but most importantly, ribbons. Bringing the box towards him, you scoot just right over to him and opened your mouth “Dear Marius, close your eyes.” Which surprisingly he obliged. Chuckling, you put one of the ribbons to cover up his eye.
“Uh… Miss? What is this for, perhaps?” Grunting, his vision taken away. Marius immediately jolted when you put your hands around his neck and went up close to his ear.
“Now, stay still. Why are you so nervous for? Are you thinking of something…bad?” You exaggerate your voice, sarcasm seeping through while making a mocking gasp. Doesn’t help how this seemed to turn Marius on more, as his cock visibly twitched.
Seeing as he is genuinely staying still, you start to prop up your craft. First, you’re taking the green ribbon, beautifully lush with a hue of lighter grass green. Going from bottom to top, you wrap it around his thigh. Making him buck down while you quickly stop and caress his chest. “Shh, take it easy. We’ll be there when I finish. So let me.” He only answered with another grunt. You continue to wrap around his chest, tying it up with a pretty little ribbon.
Feeling pretty satisfied with yourself, you hastily take another ribbon. It’s red this time. You carefully nudge your way around his neck. Making sure its loose, but he can feel it. You wrap it more times than before, finishing when it reaches his thigh. Nudging him to lay down, you stare at your masterpiece. Your own little gift. Admiring your hard work, you release the ribbon used to blindfold him and look at him expectantly.
“Oh… so this is your little gift to me. How’s it? Tying up a handsome man, very influential too nonetheless. Never expected you to have these thoughts regarding me. Been lonely, hm?” Marius remarked teasingly, but his face melts to a sweet smile. Well, that face is also soon wiped out of his face too. Because you started undressing in front of him.
Peeling off clothes one by one, you scoot closely over to him. It’s cold, and you’re naked. Plus, it’s super embarrassing but that part is soon erased when you start ravaging each other mouths once more. Even when all tied up, Marius still tries to use his tongue to overcome you. You slowly climb up his body, positioning your entrance towards his mouth.
He did just that, and more. Needing a grip, you start tugging on his hair. At first, it’s a lick, but then he continued – deeper on you, swirling it inside of your clamp walls. Your hips instinctively buck, riding out your high off of his tongue. The cabin floors creak, he starts lapping your wet cunt up with no mercy. Noticing how much you’re enjoying it he ups the intensity, slathering himself in your juice.
“Miss, you look so fucking beautiful… bouncing up and down for me. Just like that…” Marius breathlessly mutters, continuing to lick all your juices. Suckling on your pearl, he coos and pushes hot breaths into it. Making you let out a whimper. Needing more, you push his head whilst jerking his hair, resulting his tongue reaching further into your walls. Clenching on it, you choked on his name and squirted all over his face.
Dazed off of your high, Marius starts to prop his body up. Making you feel just how clearly his cock is twitching, aching to be released. You shudder, the release left you beyond sensitive. “H…haa, Marius…wait….” You feel his hand getting untied, propping them on your naked hips.
“I’d love to Miss… so go on.” Marius smirked, knowing you’re still recovering from before. Refusing to give in to his whims, you start unbuckling his pants. He’s the gift, you’re the one that’s going to savor it. His tip leaking from pre-cum, is enormous. Standing upright you try to line it up with your entrance so it doesn’t slip and oh so slowly, you start to slid your cunt in.
‘Hngg…. Ha….aah….Marius…” You start to move it up and down, squelching noises echoed throughout the cabin. Your hand locking to his neck, needing a grip. You move achingly slow, Marius grunts becomes more and more visible. Visibly gripping the rug till his knuckles went white. You chuckle, nibbling your mouth up his ear while occasionally moaning. Reveling in the fact that there’s nothing he can do about it.
“I… c-can’t. You little minx… driving me insane.” Marius panted, hair damp from all the restraining he had to do. But all his words dry out when he feels you instantly clenching around him from his new nickname, chasing yet another high off of your own.
"F-fuck... didn't know you're sensitive like that Miss..." He whispered barely audible. Hot breaths scorches through your ear. Your own knees start to buckle, pace getting sloppier. Clenching all the while you pull out till his tip and crash down till it hits your cervix, Marius gasped out a moan and you feel it twitch. Skin against skin, you hug till your nails scratch against Marius’s back leaving marks while the two of you chase both of your high. Clenching as hard as you can, you both crash into climax at the same time. Mixing splashes of your fluids, leaving both of you delirium off of the heat.
“M-Miss, please… need more…” Marius whined, which earned a chuckle from you.
“Who’s the winner now?” You flicker your gaze away, musing. You did climax twice and he did only once, plus he obliged even if it was achingly slow for him. Fair game, you’ll let him off this one time.
“Fine.” You sigh, “One time, let’s see what you got. It’d be a shame if I couldn’t even reach orgasm though…” You scoffed playfully, which Marius started acting on. He starts spreading soft kisses. Your nape, your collarbone, your breast. Stopping on your breast, he trails down his fingers down till your stomach – causing an arch down your spine. Closing in on the lower part of your stomach, he starts to circle on your clit.
“F-fuck… you’re so wet. And you said no orgasm? Minx.” He hisses, jamming one finger into you ruthlessly. Your chest heaves, sucking in how expertly he’s using his finger to flicker in-between your walls. Increasing his digits, he jammed two fingers inside you. Relishing in the way you’re grinding against his hand, pinching your pearl which earned a shriek from you. But just before you’re so close… he lets it out.
“What’s that…f-for, Marius!?” You breathed heavily, sounding more desperate than you intended to.
“That’s what you get for trying to play by yourself. Now, open up.” Spreading your hips apart, Marius slid his cock in one thrust. Choking a sound, you grab him hastily for support. It’s an insanely different feeling from before. The intensity, different.
“Hng… Fuck. You’re s-so tight. Loosen up a bit…. will you…?” Hastening the pace, wet slapping sounds wafts through the cabin. Pressing on the bulge inside your stomach, Marius put another stimulation towards you. Trying your best not to lose through the haze of it, you scratch more and more of his back. Each thrust intensified, making louder noises, you start wrapping your legs around him.
“M-Marius…close…. Keep it going….” You blabbered, clenching. Moaning right up to your ear, Marius starts to lose his pace and his thrusts becomes sloppier. Pressing more tightly towards your bulge, you squirm and choked up a tired moan. Feeling you climax, Marius grunts and thrusted a few more till he also climaxed. Relieved, you start propping up your stiff muscles to relax. Only to behold the sight of Marius’s cock, still hard and ready for another round.
“Oh, come on now, Miss. Finish what you started!” Marius whined, which resulted in a pout. You refuse to relent; you already gave him one chance. Maybe you’re lenient with him sometimes, but that’s not today. Huffing, you thought of an idea.
“Really? We- “
“However, there’s a requirement. You can’t go in. At all.” Sharply cutting him off, you scoffed. This sure is a payback for fucking you so hard before that your hips are basically sore. You see his face falling off.
“Th-that’s not fair.” Marius stuttered, dumbfounded over your answer.
“Well, you wanted something and I rewarded you. Won’t you reward me now for this thing I asked of you Marius. Please?” You mockingly pouted, wishing him to take the bait. He did take it, marvelously. He scoots over out of desperation and softly touched your thigh.
“So, anything… as long as it isn’t your clit can do right?” You slowly nod, starting to grapple what he meant by that. You spread your thigh open, cocking your head high. Signaling agreement to what he’s about to do.
“Well, good luck. Third’s time the charm after all… hm.” You hum, feeling happy over your plan working out. Every single one! Flawlessly. You sense a rubbing in your thigh and your head that’s up at the clouds drags back down to earth again. Flickering your gaze towards Marius. He starts speeding up, grinding against your thigh. Shoveling down all his embarrassment against his desires that’s burning him up. Panting and moaning, making a slobbery mess of himself. You position your thigh to assist him, scooting closer and humming on his ear. Teasing him, you sucked on his neck which propelled him to climax. An orgasm for a hickey, quite an equivalent exchange isn’t it.
That was intense. You liked it, and Marius liked it though. However, it did take all the stamina out of you. You’re spent. Drowsily, you try to stand up. Hips being sore, the result of foul play of Marius. You wince, going back to your bed. But you can’t go to bed before taking a bath, that’s simply just isn’t an option. So, you sit. Contemplating on what to do.
Setting down bits of his work that he’s been doing, Marius slides to your side of the bed. Moving your hair to one side, resting his head carefully upon your neck while pulling you into a deep hug. He’s so tender with how he moves, careful not to put a single bit of weight upon your spent body. Slowly nuzzling his face to your cheek, he whispered “Care to take a bath, Miss?”.
He must have realized, breaking into a smile you eagerly nod. Propping you up, he carried you ala princess bridal style. Grinning, Marius strides towards the bathroom where a bathtub sits at the center of the bathroom with a bunch of lotion, creams, soaps, shampoo splayed out. Putting you down on a stool, he starts leveling the level of warmth for the water running through the bathtub. Busying himself with picking scents of soaps and shampoos, flickering his gaze towards you ever so slightly once in a while.
Once everything’s ready he makes a show out of it by sprinkling rose petals everywhere then insisting on carrying you. Not letting your feet touch the cool marble ground of the bathroom. He sets you in, then starts softly scrubbing your skin with a sponge. Smoothly handles your hair, making braids out of it in the process. He tends to you like you’re a budding flower, such care and tenderness. Every move earnest and once everything is done, he marvels at the sight of you. Making sure he doesn’t lose out; he scrubs the hell out of himself before both of you return to the couch.
“Marius, why did you specifically pick this cinnamon scent?”
“Well, because I noticed you wafting through the smell of the venue a few days ago and humming when the cinnamon ones are sprawled throughout. Can’t have you forgetting what the occasion is tomorrow.” He sarcastically added, knowing that the both of you just spend Christmas huddling on each other, drinking hot chocolates, and relishing each other’s gifts. Chuckling, you give into his arms. It’s ridden with peppermint. Complimenting the cinnamon. A lovely sight, and a memory that’s etched forever for future Christmas that is to come.
You and Marius sat in the sofa for what it seems a long while, when suddenly the hour beeps and Christmas tunes chimes in. Signifying the change of date into 25th of December, 2032.
Looking at each other, you both smiled tenderly.
“Merry Christmas, Marius.”
“Merry Christmas, Miss.”
“I’m insanely grateful for you, Miss. It shames me how word doesn’t justify but I’m happy to be your gift. Used whenever you like. Because, your own existence into my life has been the most magnificent gift of it all.” Marius spur out his words, pink hues covering his face making his glassy eyes stand out.
“Oh, Marius… You’re a gift to my life too. Life has been such a delight, and I can’t see myself without you.” You softly wrap your arms around his body, nuzzling against his cheek and returning his gaze. You don’t need a mirror to know that the both of you are making the same face right now.
You lean into Marius for a kiss, resulting in a long tender kiss filled with warmth. Both of you taste like candy canes you ate whilst sitting with Marius. Snuggling your head up Marius’s chest, you let out a satisfied sigh. Drowsiness washing the both of you, falling asleep leaning towards each other and awoken by the chirps of a chickadee. Welcoming a Christmas morning, unwrapping each other’s gifts with buzzing excitement.
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So, I’ve recently gotten this Jimmy. He’s been settling in very well with my other emperors, and my Lizzie instantly took to him. However, I noticed that my Scott was beginning to show signs of courtship, though it took me a bit to realize he wasn’t trying to be aggressive, as I’d never witnessed one before. It seemed to be going alright, but then my Lizzie started targeting my Scott, cornering and trying to intimidate him, but she instantly stops when my Jimmy is around. She hasn’t physically attacked him yet, but I’ve separated them, just in case. I was hoping I could let my emperors roam free and all interact with each other, but now I’m worried that I’ll have to keep my Scott or Lizzie locked in so they don’t hurt each other. Any idea why she started to get so territorial?
Hi there, thanks for the ask!
I understand your concern on all fronts - elven courtship is a stand out and highly unique ritual that definitely isn't for the faint of heart, and any responsible emperor owner would be concerned with territorial behaviour. However, I am pleased to reassure you than the behaviour of your Lizzie is not a result of any actual behavioural issues - in fact, your Lizzie being so well bonded to her Jimmy is a complete credit to your emperor husbandry. This behaviour is great indicator that you've successfully recreated the natural, mutually beneficial and familial relationships wild Lizzies are inclined to form with their closely related brother species, the Jimmy Solidarity.
But enough of my biology geeking - you came here seeking advice. I've already mentioned the behaviour of your Lizzie is entirely natural, but here's why - it is a completely normal reaction of a rescued or freshly mature Lizzie to witnessing the courtship behaviours of Jimmy and his mate towards each other. The fact is, your Lizzie has never seen elven courtship rituals either - to her, Scott is initiating his own kind of territorial dispute and general challenge to her bonded Jimmy, and as the larger and more powerful species, she will see it as her duty to muscle in and protect Jimmy. Indeed, keeping an eye on her "Little brother" is what she was born for, and while she's doing a very good job, it's understandably distressing for you and your Scott. You never mentioned how old your Lizzie was, or where exactly you got her from (Wild caught, rescue, domestic bred, etc) but both of these are contributing factors to the intensity of this behaviour - although almost all Lizzies will have protective instincts like this, only some will have this strong of a reaction. This is usually the case of rescued Lizzies who have not been bonded with a Jimmy before, or freshly matured Lizzies who are in the same situation. This does happen in the wild too - imagine the battering a Scott might get when there are multiple bonded Lizzies to one Solidarity.
However the most important thing to note about this behaviour is it is temporary - this will not affect the future of your emperor colony nor will it have any poor effect on your emperors if managed correctly. Keeping an eye on your emperors is vital - many have reported baby monitors and home security, such as a cheap camera above any popular communal areas are extremely effective for amateur behaviour monitoring. The main function of this is to ensure that no one is getting hurt or having prolonged fights while you're away, as these are signs the behaviour phase is not playing out as planned (though you can also find some hilarious clips) Provided nothing of the sort is found, you can be reassured that this stage will play out eventually and the house will return to normal. Whether this is because the Lizzie figures out nothing is wrong or because the Scott finally gets over the prolonged hostile stage of his courtship ritual and actually starts behaving romantically towards your Jimmy is entirely up to the individual temperaments of personalities of your group. Rest assured, it will end, and in the meantime, maybe your Scott getting what was coming to him after being such a big bully in courtship, heh.
Thanks again for the ask,
Mod Darwin :)
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-hyperfixation change
-I’m a bad writer and other insecurities
-cosplay taking of my life again
-health has flopped.
Thought I’d give y’all a quick update:
“Chosen Horizons” is still on hiatus.
Why? Well, it’s been a few reasons, but the main one being I’ve lost a lot of confidence in my writing. A lot has changed from the current story from the first draft, and I am having to rewrite a whole bunch. Currently, I’ve been stuck on chapter 40 since my last update. I have at least 10 version of that chapter, and none are satisfying.
I feel like a total, utter fraud when I’m writing. Like, I’m already insecure enough, then it had to start affecting my writing.
And then the worst thing happened.
My hyper fixation changed.
The change was genuinely so painful and uncomfortable, because it affected my sleep, my attention etc. then I lost my appetite and my health continued going down.
My cosplay I was working on for a long time was also put to the side in favor of one I felt currently more passionate about.
Fun fact, I’m a master class cosplayer, but have never competed outside my little region, and this time I’ll be competing in a bigger city where you actually need to apply to compete, so I’ve got a deadline I need to meet for that application.
So all my attention has gone to that.
That Con is in October. I also work conventions as a part of my job, so I’m booked all October for traveling to conventions for fun and work.
The , my agency told me they’re moving me from location I worked last year to a new one which started last week…though it is the same job, the age is different, so it is much more stressful than I was ready for.
Now..:before anyone worries that I won’t be coming back to my fic because my hyperfixation changed (valid concern) I can reassure you all that the Tolkien fandom has been my home and my special interest since I was five years old. It is always my home base, and where I turn to for comfort. Even if I can’t crank out chapters due to my energy being elsewhere, I am still here and love you all and the community that The Hobbit, and especially Bagginshield has. I’ve never felt happier in a fandom then when I started actively writing in this one, and feel so at home here.
I’m hoping that I can start uploading the already edited chapters, but with my cosplay occupying my time, im worried I won’t meet my deadline if I do.
Also, let me know if any of y’all would want to see my cosplay stuff! I’ve been tempted to restart my instagram for it or something. My friend and I competed as Frodo and Sam last year and it was so fun. I might upload the skit here if she is okay with me putting it here…I am a little worried about showing my face tho, but it is costume and my face is small on stage lol.
So yeah, that’s my life.
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cross-my-heartt · 1 year
Three Act Structure of TBB
(Part Two: Season Two aka Act Two)
Part One here
Here we are finally discussing season two. This one was more difficult to write for a few reasons, namely that:
Act two generally has the least defined internal structure of all three acts
Season two doesn’t have the same clear cut internal three act structure as season one
The midpoint, the most commonly found element of act two, is harder to pinpoint here
All of this isn’t to say that season two is a bad season. Like I said, a vague internal structure is characteristic of the second act and season two acts more as a transitional season than one that could potentially stand on its own (like, say, season one).
How does season two hold up as a second act though? In my opinion, pretty well.
Act 2: The Middle (Complications)
To quote my reference material:
"Moving into ‘Act 2’, the protagonist is working toward their goal. As such, they are learning new things, testing what they learn, making mistakes, and probably meeting new people. […]
The bulk of the middle of your story will be a series of obstacles, challenges, tests, trials, etc., known collectively as The Road of Trials. This is where your protagonist comes face-to-face with antagonism. In many stories, the protagonist will use newfound knowledge and skills to get past these obstacles, or they’ll experience setbacks. If nothing else, these challenges can show that the protagonist is learning from their mistakes and growing (or not)."
This is all stuff that is present in season two. We have many examples of Omega learning new things (from the batch, from Phee, from Riyo, etc.) as well as the batch still learning to adapt to life with her and any new circumstances they’re faced with.
On a more thematic level the batch is applying what Omega helped teach them: the value of helping others, the values of family/community, of doing the right thing.
As for challenges and obstacles, each mini arc has its own while also sometimes putting the group face to face with the main antagonist: the Empire (Spoils of War, Tribe, Clone Conspiracy, Metamorphosis). And we can’t deny that we get our fair share of character growth (Hunter’s shifting priorities, Tech’s development as Omega’s brother, Omega applying her new skills, Echo resolving to stay with Rex, etc.)
(Don’t worry, I am purposefully omitting Crosshair for the time being.)
These mini stories don’t only serve to build character but also contribute to the development of important subplots. For example, the episodes where we learn more about Phee and Pabu set up the question of ‘should the batch settle down?’
Mistakes are made (losing the Marauder), new relationships formed (meeting Phee) and overall there's a good variety of mini arcs.
So tldr, season two is doing a great job in this regard. What about the midpoint then? Well, for starters, what is the midpoint.
The midpoint is found in most three act structure models. It could be a mid-act climax or a twist but most importantly:
"[...] your protagonist has a moment of clarity or revelation about something. They might learn something new that allows them to see their journey differently. Perhaps they’ve learned something that makes them view The Other World differently."
Knowing this, we have two candidates (or at least I’d argue we do).
One is the more obvious one, ie the two episodes smack dab in the middle of the season that deal with a big revelation, as well as a smaller twist that affects our protagonists. I’m of course talking about The Clone Conspiracy and Truth and Consequences.
My only issue here is that the events of these episodes are more closely related to the show’s subplots rather than its main plot.
Is the fate of the clones important? Yes. However this arc establishes something that's been foreshadowed from the very beginning: that the clones are being phased out. The fact that Palpatine achieves this sooner rather than later ups the stakes while also giving Echo the final push in making the decision to stay with Rex (the revelation that changes his course as a character).
And I’d argue that this… doesn’t really affect the main plot as much. Clone prisoners are still being transferred to Tantiss. Rex’s operation is still functioning. And Echo’s departure, while significant, sets up the theme of ‘settle down’ vs ‘continue the fight’ and the batch having to deal with his absence, both of which are subplots.
The thing that sets the act’s climax in motion – the batch’s attempt to save Crosshair – could still happen even if Echo had stayed with them. (yes, Echo was pivotal to getting the data but it’s really not that hard to rewrite those events without him).
So what’s the other possible candidate for a midpoint?
Well, here is where my biased self comes out and suggests that (you guessed it) it’s actually a Crosshair episode. The Crosshair episode of the season.
Although it’s positioned further on down the line, The Outpost accomplishes several things at once: there's a revelation, a twist, a character changing their viewpoint and the whole thing plays a huge role in the events to follow.
It's an episode where Crosshair not only manages to regain his status as protagonist, but also does it while having his very own mini hero’s journey, with classic elements like meeting a mentor (Mayday) who later dies tragically to push the protagonist’s story forward.
These events serve as the catalyst for the coming climax: Crosshair’s imprisonment and subsequent actions lead to a rescue attempt and that’s where everything starts to go wrong.
In a way you could say that Crosshair hijacked the midpoint of the whole act… and I love that for him.
After this we get a few more mini arcs such as Pabu and Tipping Point until we eventually reach the act two climax. The rock bottom, the crisis, the big change that leaves our heroes devastated and hopeless.
This could either be The Summit and Plan 99 or just the final episode, depending on what you define as the beginning of the crisis.
And here we are. A dire hopeless situation (Tech seemingly dead, Omega captured, Crosshair still imprisoned) that awaits its resolution in the form of act three.
That's where the protagonists rally before the final act three climax, followed by a deescalation of the action as the remainder of the story’s subplots are tied up (more of my thoughts on that here). Unless it's an open ending of course... but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Either way, the odds of a happy ending are in no way low. I promise.
(Thank you for reading this far if you did! I hope you enjoyed and dropping my little tag list here: @lightwise @kixs-husband @ladykagewaki @intellectualfairy @arcadianmoonshadowjedi @tigerthespahget)
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Joel/Tess, PG-ish, also on ao3.
Prompt - sickfic (thanks again @seethesunny)
Tess feels like she’s on fire.
She normally runs warm enough, not a walking space heater but at least comfortable, but this…
It’s not normal for her to wander around the apartment in very minimal clothing, but she’s doing what she can here.
She’d toughed out today’s keeping-up-appearances menial task without any attention – there were enough people around, taking off her jacket was understandable, she’s still decent in a tank top – but she’s home now and the first thing she does is strip down, boots pants tank top bra everything but underwear because she does have some standards for bare skin on furniture and-
Not that she’s in any mood to sit down right now. Her body is vibrating, and she’s-
It’s been a bit since she’s randomly blacked out. Used to happen every couple years. Might happen again. Would be the first time with somebody possibly around to take care of her.
That’s the unknown of it all ahead of her, the fact that at some point in the next hour or two her partner is going to get home and how does she even explain-
Her body hates her, she thinks. That’s about as much explaining as she ever does. They’re not really…
She’s pacing the kitchen area when she hears a key in the lock, and there have been times she’s done almost all of this as some form of seduction, not that she’s ever needed to do much with that man, and-
Tess instinctively covers her chest with her arms, just to make sure her lover doesn’t get the wrong idea, just to-
“Do I wanna know?”
She could kiss him right now, if she wasn’t so many mixed emotions, if she wasn’t so-
“Not sure what’s wrong with me but I’m not-“
Joel looks her up and down with the comfort of familiarity, not looking too close like he’s about to pounce, more-
“Get over here.”
She does, but if he puts his hands anywhere she’s going to-
Fine. A hand on her forehead isn’t their kind of foreplay, and his touch feels cold and that ain’t normal, and-
“You were gonna-“
“Figured I’d wait for you and share the cold shower,” she mutters, almost a laugh. “I’m-“
She’s been around too many people too much lately, too many sorting jobs just to make herself look just enough like a cooperative member of society and look what that’s gotten her, she’d heard some rumors about-
She feels herself get weak and that’s not normal either, and it’s a good thing her partner’s right there and big enough to catch her and-
“Can’t say this is what I thought I’d come home to,” he murmurs.
“Least I gave you a view before-“
She knows that look in his eyes, all worried about her, reminder she don’t need that she’s his main tether these days and she’s-
“You at least thought about sleep?”
She rolls her eyes, hidden as they are against his shoulder. “Wanted to make sure-“
She’s a damn good girlfriend, even if that isn’t officially what she is, and usually she’s not the one-
“C’mon. Me and you.”
Normally she’s the one leading, she thinks as he helps her move forward. Normally she’s the one deciding what happens when, and they both like that, and-
Her mind’s in a fog, but she’s still lucid enough to appreciate the view of her partner shedding layers, not quite stripping down completely but at least enough to-
“You should be on the couch,” she murmurs. “Or I should. No reason for you to-“
“Want to.”
Well. Who the hell is she to fight that?
She curls into him despite her better judgement, and his hands still don’t feel right on her skin but at least the light pressure is good, at least-
“I owe you,” she murmurs.
He just kisses her forehead, and she knows… they don’t work like that, and she’s not the one who gets really bad dreams on a weekly basis, her body has been a consistent map of things done in sleep since she took him into her bed and she still-
They’ll balance, Tess thinks as she lets her eyes close. They always do.
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mommalosthermind · 9 months
How do you block and filter fics with rampant racist micro aggression since that's never tagged properly and the writer will have a white meltdown if they're ever confronted with the fact their fic is racist?
I honestly can’t tell if this was in earnest or if it’s meant to be another Gotcha! Attempt from one of the anti-censorship posts I’ve annoyed people with, so I’m going to assume it’s the first and do my best to answer.
As a white woman, I am definitely not someone who should be speaking on racism, since the systemic issues I deal with are very very different.
Unfortunately, though, your experience with such a fic is going to mirror what I’d imagine is also your experience with most other forms of media which don’t flag that kind of behavior: bail. Back out. Don’t finish the thing that is upsetting you. Possibly, (as I’ve done with authors on issues that hit home for me) take note of who’s behind the thing so you know to avoid them in the future, as they’ve broken that trust.
This is also known as curating your space. I don’t remember if I go on that rant in the other two (three?) posts that seem to have picked up, but that’s the READER’s side of the equation. Find your garden and tend it well, keep it how you like it, because it is for you and you alone.
My job as a writer is to tag to the best of my ability so you know exactly what you’re bringing into your garden. I don’t want to spoil your flowers anymore than I want someone to trample on mine.
Hopefully, as people talk about this more, authors will be more open to tagging/ modifying and/or adding a footnote for things exactly like this.
Micro aggressions are especially difficult, since (again, pulling purely from my lived experiences) getting folk to agree on what ‘counts’ is rough. But as an author— I want to share my stories. That’s the point! If I’ve written it, then I damn well better be self-aware enough to tag it, and be willing to ADD TAGS so I’m not breaking trust with the people I’m trying to give nice things to. Hopefully that makes sense?
I’m gonna say that again since I feel it needs it: if you’re comfortable enough to write the Real World problem happening, you’re fully capable of being able to recognize why someone might like the warning. Be kind. Tags only work if you use them.
On AO3, I believe they recently made it possible to block an author entirely, so they no longer show up in the results for your searches.
I’ve run across exactly one author I’d have blocked if it was possible at the time, because he refused to add tags to a story that… really needed tags. And, going through the comments in later chapters, dozens of people have asked him to update tags. He claims that doing so will ‘ruin the story’ despite the graphic raped-to-death-then-magically-revived bit having literally nothing to do with the plot at all. Instead, it comes out of literally nowhere in an otherwise really well written tale, and was deeply deeply upsetting to the point that his response to my first chapter squee was “yeah, tell me if you still like it after chapter X”. (Unfortunately i am a very fast reader and had already gotten that far and bailed immediately. Dude if you KNOW it’s THAT upsetting to so many people ADD THE TAG.)
I’ll never read anything he’s written again, just like I refuse to read anything by JKR ( awful human) or Terry Goodkind (I can’t stand how he handles his female characters. At all.)
Obviously these two examples are not identical, but it’s the main comparison I have on hand.
This isn’t meant to sound like I’m belittling or downplaying that concern at all. But until people get better at tagging—and I really wish traditional books and other media would ALSO tag, because I’m very very tired of running into Specific Things without any fucking warning— you have to protect yourself and your happy place by putting up a fence, and booting unsavory things right back over it.
—side note: for those worried about spoiling the plot you can…skip the tags... just know you’re choosing to walk in blind. OR! And I wish i could figure it out—you can add! A hyperlink! That takes you to the footnote at the BOTTOM to add things that deserve a warning but might be spoilers! There’s even a tag for that! ‘More tags in notes!’ These are good and useful things! Use them so your readers can better curate their spaces!—
The system isn’t perfect by any means. There are a million ways to improve, and we’re trying! But please, please y’all use the damn tags because right now it’s the only system we’ve got. Take care of each other.
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How the Main Characters of LMK Would Babysit Your Kid
Fandom: Lego Monkie Kid
Characters: MK, Mei, Sandy, Tang, & Pigsy
TW: none at all! Just wholesome fluff here ^^
Hello there new people! Yes yes, welcome to my first post on Tumblr. These are just some personal head cannons of mine, so if you have any critiques or questions please ask me about them in the comments. I also plan to do this for the side characters and antagonists of the show, so be on the lookout for that! Now let’s get this show on the road 🚗💨
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With all due respect, why would you let him babysit your kid?! He’s the main protagonist! Something bad is bound to happen, no matter how good of a job he does
Ok but in all seriousness he’s probably going to take his job super seriously. So seriously, in fact, that he’ll swear off any crazy adventures for the day I doubt that’ll stop the antagonists from messing with him though
Knowing MK he’ll get slightly freaked out by the notion of letting you down
When you finally drop your kid off MK has already set aside some crayons and paper on the counter
They both do some doodling, order some noodles, and talk about how cool Monkey king is
If it’s a good day for it then MK might even take the kid to visit Monkey King! He’s got good connections man 
Mk gets distracted super easily so he definitely lost the kid at LEAST once
Overall I’d rate him a 6.8/10. He has an energetic and lovable personality, and he will definitely will give it his all. That being said he can’t focus to save his life. And he’s the main protagonist. So there’s a 50/50 chance that he’ll end up taking the kid on some wacky adventure of his on accident 
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Yes this is definitely a good idea. The hyper green skittle themed teen with parent issues will totally make a good babysitter! What? No of course I’m not being sarcastic! Whatever gave you that idea? 🤭
Mei probably volunteered for the job because she likes your kid, after all she definitely isn’t in need of any money 
You’ll have to drop your kid off at Pigsy’s Noodles since Mei wouldn’t want the kid to break anything at her parents place
She doesn’t really have a plan for the day, so they start off the babysitting session playing Monkey Mech, the arcade machine game in front of Pigsy’s noodles
Mei definitely offered to take the kid on a ride on her motorcycle. But don’t worry! I’m sure she had an extra helmet! Heh…
Ok let’s be honest, Mei gave your kid a crap ton of sugar. Like your kid is gonna need to brush their teeth at least three times before going to bed-
Luckily your kid ends up running all of the sugar out of their system before you pick them up thanks to Mei’s liveliness
No way your kids going to be bored. After all, Mei is super energetic and basically radiates cool older sister energy! But there are some negatives, especially because she does less then… responsible things at times. (Like letting a kid ride a motorcycle) she means well! She just doesn’t want to be as boring as her parents were. I’d give her a solid 6/10
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Sandy couldn’t be happier that you chose HIM of all people to babysit your precious little angel. 
This overgrown Smurf already bought a ton of stuff for your kid to use while at his place, even though they’re only going to be there for a couple of hours
You’ll have to drop your kid off at Sandy’s houseboat for babysitting time
If your kid is allergic to cats then your out of luck, because he has 28 cats besides Mo. (and yes… this is canon…) BUT if your kid loves cats they’ll practically be in heaven. Especially since they’re all technically therapy cats, so they’re bound to be nice! Heh- Right?
This man has the best type of snacks for your kid, a mixture of salty and savory stuff! And if you want him to he can also pull out some tea for the kid. No one’s going home hungry today. No one.
If Sandy ever got distracted Mo would be there to make sure your kid wouldn’t do anything dangerous
Since Sandy’s house radiates calm energy there’s a good chance that they end up falling asleep on his couch at some point
Sandy is a literal icon. He has so many activities for them to do, like painting, yoga, and crafts. (And don’t pretend like he wouldn’t play all game they asked him to play) He also has delicious food that’s healthy, and he has cats! But for some kids that’s just not their cup of tea, hence why I’m not giving him a perfect score. After all, kids can be absolute menaces when cooped up in one place for a long period of time. Therefore I’m giving papa Smurf here an 9.5/10!
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Just to be clear Tang ain’t doing this for free. He’s either asking for some moola, sacred texts, or ramen. Tsk tsk, Tang is so greedy 😔 
Tang has so much experience dealing with MK, so he totally knows what type of stories your kid would love. Most of them are probably going to be about past legends and what-not
If he’s in a generous mood he might take your kid to see a museum! If your kid isn’t into that sort of stuff then he’ll consider some other fun activities. This could be exploring the town, visiting a library, things like that
Tang would totally take your kid out for some Pigsy’s Noodles when they got hungry, and he might even teach them a few tactics that’ll help them get some free food… (Pigsy would be LIVID)
If your kid is a bookworm Tang might share a few of his favorite books. And if he likes the kid enough he might even let them borrow the books until the next babysitting session
Tang is a simple man with simple needs, unlike most kids. He’s a bookworm who has a cool kid complex, clearly the most normal out of everyone in the gang. Because of this, your kid will be completely out of harms way! But that doesn’t change the fact that he might appear a bit boring… at least in the beginning of the babysitting session. But I have no doubt that as time goes on your kid will grow to appreciate his swindling ways and his logical thought processes! After all, MK practically idolizes him, and he’s practically just a kid in a teenagers body. That being said it’ll definitely cost you some pocket change to hire him. Anyways, Tang is getting a 7.5/10 from me!
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Pigsy probably has the most experience with kids out of anyone in the gang since he basically raised MK
I imagine Pigsy wouldn’t want to take a day off to babysit, and so he’d probably get MK to help work in the kitchen so he can focus on your kid without getting too distracted. And if MK is busy he’ll just ask someone else in the gang! Though, he probably won’t be happy about it-
After you drop your kid off at Pigsy’s restaurant he’ll have two options for them to choose from: Help out in the kitchen or hang out at a table
If your kid wants to help in the back he’ll teach them all the basics of noodle making! But if your kid is a slow learner he’ll probably just give ‘em some dough to play with while he works.
If your kid just wants to hang out at a table, Pigsy will bring them some of MK’s crayons and let them do some drawing. Don’t worry, he’ll occasionally peek out of the kitchen to check on them
Pigsy is kind but stern, so your kid should be prepared to get yelled at lectured at least once 😅 (I’m kidding ofc, I don’t think he’d really yell unless he was in a panic or REALLY upset. Something tells me he has a soft spot for kids)
Whoever is helping him work would also get to hang out with your kid during their breaks, so it’s like 2 babysitters for the cost of 1!
I love Pigsy, and I’m sure other people do as well! He has experience and is fairly responsible, he definitely wouldn’t let your kid get away with doing something bad. He can be tense at times, so if your kid is sensitive he might not be the best babysitter for them. But I’d like to point out HE DEFINITELY HAS A SOFT SPOT FOR KIDS which means he might be nicer than normal. Because of this I’m rating his babysitting services an 8/10!
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aeoki · 4 months
Blackjack - Santa Will Not Come: Chapter 5
Location: Yumenosaki Garden Terrace Kitchen Characters: Natsume Season: Autumn
TL Note:
For those who don’t know, this refers to Eichi and Ibara, respectively.
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Natsume: Hitsugi Kurone-kun has gone missing after causing that serious blunder during the school trIP.
He betrayed your trust and carried out his own strange plan to achieve his own goals, rigHT?
Who knows if he disappeared because he felt awkward or if it was at the hands of someone scaRY.
YesterdAY, you were worried about your friend who had disappeared and came to mE, a fortune-teller skilled in finding peopLE, for advice. You were probably feeling quite desperaTE.
That’s how things turned oUT. I agreed to lend an ear to your concerns and suggested a solutiON.
The important change is that “Star Fest” is now an event where anyone can take paRT. The participation conditions were removed so nOW, essentialLY, anyone can stand on that staGE.
The Student Council probably ignored that poiNT, deeming it unimportaNT.
The same applied to this year’s “Tanabata Fest” that you plannED – there were basically no participation requiremenTS.
I bet they said something like, “This sounds like something Anzu would come up with”, and accepted the proposal without a second’s hesitatiON.
But in realiTY, that requirement is the crucial paRT. It was a trAP – a fish hoOK.
Hitsugi Kurone has something like a split personality and his other personality is a ghost possessing him who calls herself NEGI.
It seems she’s quite an eager artiST.
She’s like an underground idOL, so to speAK, and has always thought of ES or Yumenosaki’s “orthodox idols” as her rivaLS.
It’s precisely because she had always existed in the darkness that she longed for centre staGE.
And it seems she has taken a liking to yOU. She probably wants to thank you for inviting her to perform during the sports festivAL.
That’s why if you’re the main organiser for “Star FeST”, then she’ll most likely interpret that as a message for hER.
“Anyone can participate. That includes you and NEGI. The stage has been prepared so I’d like you to come sing if you’re up for it.”
She might think that’s the message you’re conveying to hER.
I don’t really know what this NEGI person is like but based on your understanding of her personaliTY, she definitely won’t let the chance to perform gO, would she?
If she can take control of Hitsugi-kun’s boDY, then she’ll definitely try to stand on the “Star Fest” staGE.
She’ll take the bait and pop her head out of the watER.
That’s why you didn’t restrict the participation requirements for “Star FeST”. It’s a strategy you employed to drag your missing friend out from the depths of darkneSS.
NaturaLLY, that would be mixing business with personal affaiRS. You’re someone who takes things seriously and that point bothers yOU. That should certainly explain your gloomy expressiON.
If anyone complaiNS, then you can just make an excuse and say a suspicious fortune-teller lured you into doing iT ♪
AhaHA. What a scary look you’ve gOT. I knOW, you’re not the type of girl to put the blame on someone elSE.
If anythiNG, you sit on your high horse and tend to think it’s all your fauLT – No, you’re a girl with a strong sense of responsibiliTY.
You must be thinking that you’re the one who caused Hitsugi Kurone’s disappearance, rigHT?
This is a warning but you’ll get crushed if you think everything that happens is your fauLT.
With your personaliTY, you probably can’t blame it on someone like ES, the “Emperor”[⁎], that Poisonous Snake[⁎] or the “Peace ParTY”.
But that would make things so much more comfortabLE – That’s one troublesome personality you haVE.
I don’t dislike those sorts of troublesome but earnest people, thouGH.
In faCT, I feel happy supporting them from the shadoWS.
HmM? What’s with that satisfied look on your faCE? So that’s why I’m always doing a commendable job supporting Senpai, you sAY?
Don’t misunderstaND – I’m always hoping that Mophead suffers and diES. It’s the truth, you knOW?
WeLL, anywAY, don’t brood over it too much, Little KittEN.
We’re not goDS. We can never save every single person swallowed up by the tragedy unfolding right before our eyES.
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Natsume: But even sO, I won’t tell you to give uP. All we can do is to be ready in a relaxed manner and to do our utmost beST – That fact has never changED.
If we do just thAT, then good things can happen every once in a whiLE.
It’s Christmas, after aLL. SureLY, even miracles can happEN.
Here, Little KittEN – Say ahH…♪
HeHE. CongratulatioNS, something good has happened right awAY.
I asked my mummy to help with Hitsugi-kun’s search since she is a fortune-teller with a lot of personal connectioNS.
And she invited me to celebrate Christmas with her at a parTY. I’m currently doing my best making cakes for that eveNT.
I was made to learn a lot of girly things like making sweets or flower arrangement in the paST… So even nOW, I still have the knack for iT.
My mummy said she wanted to eat the cakes I made agaIN.
It’s not much in exchange for a miracle and I don’t particularly mind since it’s not like I hate making sweeTS.
I’m just a bit worried in case my skills are a bit rusTY. I’d be happy if you could do a taste test for mE.
HeheHE. Does it taste nice? Thank goodneSS – It’s a bit of a cliched expression but sweets are perfect when you’re tirED ♪
Let’s shove some sugar into our brains and work hard to come up with ways to reach a happy futuRE.
Ɨŧ’s Ⱥ ƀɨŧ ɇȺɍłɏ ƀᵾŧ Mɇɍɍɏ ȻħɍɨsŧmȺs, Łɨŧŧłɇ Ꝁɨŧŧɇn.
Ɨ ħøᵽɇ ɏøᵾ’łł ħȺvɇ Ⱥ wønđɇɍfᵾł ȻħɍɨsŧmȺs ɇvɇnɨnǥ.
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princesseevee06 · 1 year
YTR KAIDORI????? OMG SAY MORE??? (not forcing u im just excited cuz i love kaidori and ytr)
I LOVE KAIDORI TOO!!!! they are the ultimate hurt/comfort pairing to me. and omg you are not forcing me in the least i have so many thoughts about them in this au and it’s always a joy to share <3
my main idea is that they grew up in asunaro together and that because their parents had their own fair share of business meetings, the satous and the hiyoris interacted quite often. kai and sou ended up being an unlikely duo, finding themselves together frequently (or maybe it was just sou going out of his way to bug kai) and for better or for worse they became friends. i imagine them having a chaotic childhood dynamic, with kai being more polite and civil and sou being….well, sou. basically the emotional equivalent of a worried owner having to prevent their puppy from accidentally running into traffic every five seconds.
as they grew up, they only got closer, confiding in each other about nearly everything from the mundane to the gravely important. i feel like they’d very much be able to bond over the burdens placed upon them by the organization, as well as by their mother and father respectively.
and of course things start getting waaay more messy when teenage feelings start getting involved. basically, they both end up developing massive crushes on each other (and while they both think they’re doing a great job of hiding it both of them are miserably failing at hiding it). maybe they ended up dating in their highschool years, i’m still a little hazy on the details for what i’d like to do with them at this point, but tbh my preferred interpretation is actually that it was a very “almost” situation (i.e. they were too scared to act on their feelings and as such nothing really came of it).
what matters the most though is that they care a great deal about each other, and so it hurts them really badly when they eventually grow apart. basically, they both get a lot more involved with their duties in asunaro, kai being tasked to watch over the chidouins and sou being tasked with the recruitment of participants for the death game. they’re also developing a lot more unhealthy behaviors, largely as a result of their parents’ own unhealthy behaviors: kai becomes a lot more closed-off and sou acts more openly cruel and just generally worrying. as such, it’s fairly easy for them to put on the facade of not caring about one another, and whatever interactions do remain between them become terse and formal, until they cease entirely.
…that is, until they meet again in the death game. (what a hell of a way to reunite with your estranged childhood best friend, huh?) at this point, they have much different priorities on their mind (with kai trying to protect sara, and sou trying to protect shin) so the thought of seeing each other again doesn’t even cross their minds until suddenly there they are, with a mountain of unresolved, unwanted emotions between them.
their dynamic would definitely start off tense and shaky, with kai actually being incredibly suspicious of sou because he realizes that sou still has ties to asunaro, and was likely never intended to participate in the game. and yet in that same line of logic, because sou was likely never intended to participate, the fact that he IS participating likely means he went directly against asunaro’s orders. so kai is very very confused as to what sou’s motives are.
sou on the other hand is trying to completely ignore kai’s existence, because he is Not equipped to deal with all the feelings he has been continually pushing down for years on end, so he copes with them the best way he knows how: running away from them.
around when the events of chapter 2 would occur, though, they’re forced to interact a lot more and things start getting a lot more wacky. a lot more tension, a lot more hurt/comfort bonding over “hey, asunaro really screwed us over huh,” a lot more angst and yearning for things to go back to the way they were, a lot more “oh. i’m actually still a little bit in love with him huh.” basically, the answer to the question of “what happens if you put two emotionally repressed men in a room with each other???” i imagine both ryoko and shin can tell there is Something between these two, but whenever they try to ask about it they are just met with dead silence LMAO.
i really just wanted to focus on the aspect of “falling apart to fall back together,” and even though this is a really awful situation for both of them, i think the direness of the situation is what grants them the courage to be more open with each other about how they really feel. it’s an odd dynamic shdjdjskskksc but i adore it
if you’ll allow me to indulge in a bit more cringe…i don’t know if you’re a vocaloid fan, anon, but there are a couple songs where i listen to it and i’m like “THIS IS SO THEM!!!!” so i’ll link them here.
JubyPhonic’s english cover of Reboot by JimmyThumb-P: specifically this cover because I think the translyrics just hit the vibe I’m going for. although i would like to specify just the lyrics and not the video. a girl does get hit by a truck in this video so watch out </3 but uh yeah this song imo very much captures the heartbreak of losing a friend, and yet it also shows that it doesn’t have to be the end and you can reconnect :)
nATALIE by Lemm: this one is sooooo much a kai POV kaidori song. the lyrics very much feel like finding comfort in someone else even throughout the worst situations, and wishing you could just escape with them. it is so. gwah. gah
(god i really hope these links work. lmk if they dont because i have no idea what im doing on this site half the time)
anyways uhh thank you so much for the ask and for letting me rant about the blorbos i love kaidori <3
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harryleatherfit · 1 year
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Upper East Side || A.U||
Frankie Morales
Chapter 5: Audition
word count: 4355
warnings: fat shaming (i’ve been bullied severely so i can write one pretty fucking mean bitch, middle school was not for the weak), alcohol consumption, age gap, mentions of student teacher relationship, anxiety, trauma, emotional parent abuse
pairing: frankie morales x f!reader, soulmates, slow burn, slight angst (maybe)
🪩Main Master List🪩 Series Master List🪩
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You couldn’t believe him the other night. You didn’t want to hear him out. You felt drunk on him from the other night still it sickened you. It was so bad to the point you almost couldn’t go to your first shift, but you had to go. Money was the only thing that was going to keep you alive.
You walk into the bakery and Matilda is excited to see you, she preps you for the cash register and how to greet customers.
“It gets busy around noon,” she reassures you, “Don’t worry though, you’ll be fine. You’re a charmer honey.” As she walks into the kitchen to make the pastries.
“It’ll all be okay.” You reassure yourself. In the past you worked food jobs in high school, but that was a small town. This is a bakery that could get filled up for hours with no break, almost like starbucks but prettier.
A couple hours go by, you’re going steady and chatting with your customers. Occasionally having a few slip ups with orders. Getting tipped here and there.
As you're talking to a customer, you look behind him and see Mr. Miller. You give him a friendly smile.
“Hi Mr Miller! Nice to see you today.”
“My favorite student,” He looks a little shocked seeing you, “I can’t believe you work here!”
You guys have small talk about voice class and he asks, “Are you auditioning for Lady Macbeth? I’d only suppose so…”
“Yes I’ve prepared for it, I’m a little nervous but I’ve searched up on Shakespeare the best I could.”
“Well the only thing you can do is your best, I know you can do it, I see your work ethic in my class and it can only excel for the show, what role would you like?” He asks.
You haven't thought about that, were you even talented enough to get that kind of lead here? “I mean I’m shooting for an ensemble at the very most, there’s no way I’ll get Lady Mac.” You look down, handing him his food and coffee.
“Oh no, don’t say that, I’ve heard around how well you are at acting and seeing you as Sally in Cabaret made the whole department decide that we needed you, don’t tell yourself you won't get Lady Mac because you have a clear shot at getting it. And if you don't, you have the musicals in the Spring.” He finishes.
“Mr. Miller, the fact you went all the way to UNCSA just to see me perform is mind boggling, thank you for giving me a shot and just seeing the potential in me. I appreciate it so much and I’m beyond honored to be one of your students.” You say to him.
“No trust me it’s my honor, I’m very excited for this year, I promise we picked you for a reason. I’ll see you in class.” He finishes and gives you his regards to have a good day.
Maybe your first shift wasn’t going to be as bad as you expected.
------ +Frankie POV+
Benny walks out of Matilda’s and calls up Fish, “You’ll never guess who I ran into while getting breakfast.”
“Who,” Frankies rough voice says over the phone.
“I ran into Her. She works at Matildas, she just started working there. We talked about Lady Macbeth and my voice class, we never mentioned you though.”
“Well yeah because, she probably doesn’t think that most of her teachers know that we almost kissed, and that you guys are my best friends and I confide to you guys for everything.”
Ben could hear Fish stiffen in tone over the phone. Fish was tired from thinking about you all night. He's lost sleep and his body is weak from not being able to be near you. It physically pained him that you left him on that stage. If he was quicker with his words, you would've gone off with him to have a night together.
“How did she look? Did she look happy? Sad?” He asks.
“She looked fine, a little tired, probably stressed, but you need to fix this so she doesnt fuck up that audition you blistering idiot.”
The other night Frankie decided to call over all the boys for poker, and to ultimately tell them about you.
“Fish, who's about it now? You’ve never been like this. You’re acting weird and you’ve been off for weeks now” Pope says.
They all were a couple drinks and rounds into the game, Frankie masking the feeling of missing you.
“Yeah what’s got you dick all in a knot fish?” Ironhead yells out.
“You can tell us man, we're here for you.” Benny reassures.
“I’m afraid to say, it’s not gonna get the best reaction.” Fish mumbles.
“Ok so go on you old bloke, we can pretty much take anything.” Ironhead laughs, getting agreement from the rest of the guys.
“It’s the actor transfer from North Carolina.” Frankie finally says out loud.
Pope and Redfly both spit their beer out into the air, “What?”
“Guys I know,” He slurs his words.”This is really risky to even say, I don’t even know what I’m saying. But I saw her in that show in North Carolina and she was so pretty on stage I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. It was like I was suddenly tied to her and this constant reminder was this ticking bomb in my head until I finally got to be with her alone. And when we finally were alone, my head was silent from everything, she calmed it. And I fucking managed to mess it up like I always do.”
Fish was the technical director of the whole school, so he was the most respected and well known out of all 5 of them. He had an image to uphold, but at this moment he didn’t give a shit if he was fired for you.
“I know this is fucking dumb and I shouldn’t be doing this. But I don’t know how to replicate this feeling in my heart when I’m around her. I don’t know how to not be around her. We almost fucking kissed other day and I blew it. And I know I’m her teacher and were all her teachers, but fuck I get this feeling and it makes me sick, and she’s the only person that can calm it down.” He finishes.
“So please don’t tell me to not pursue her because I genuinely don’t think at this moment I can hear that. I went up to her after Cabaret and just introduced myself and met her. Without even knowing her guys… she hugged me and thanked me! for telling her a good job. She didn’t even remember me when I saw her again for the first time. I've been waiting for so long…” Fish trails.
“Fish, man, if you like her this much what can we say?” Pope asks. “If I’m talking for all of us, yes she’s a student but she's a senior, you're an old dick yeah, but we all collectively brought her to this school because she’s going to give our department that maturity and thinking that it needed.
“Yeah I mean, you know the risks that come with this, but if it’s been for this long and you feel this strong, don’t you think it’s worth it? And if you almost kissed, you can make it up to her, you can tell her how you feel, you know.” Redfly says.
“Yes but I was mean to her, I hurt her feelings, she performed for me and I was cruel to her and she ran off from me, I didn’t know I made her so nervous.” He chokes through his throat. Frankie proceeds to pour more whisky in his cup.
“I’ve worked so god damn hard for this school and I’ve worked my way up, am I really going to ruin that all for how I feel for someone.” Fish outwards his inner thoughts, he wanted to be realistic with himself. “What would happen to her if people found out? Would the dean make us both leave? Would she be hated on by everyone in this whole fucking school because I ‘played her a favorite’?”
“Dude get your shit together man, do you think people would care that much? If you love her that much you have to be there for her. Imagine how scared shitless she is right now? Almost kissing her teacher and technical director, you’re gonna make her leave this damn school before she graduates! Imagine how hard it’s been for her?” Iron head pests at Fish.
He was pondering in his head. If his friends were okay with him liking you, then are all his fears gone?
“Fish? You okay?” Benny says over the phone. Fish was thinking about that night and how he wants to talk to you next. Would he talk to you before your audition?
“Yeah man, thank you.”
“No problem, she’s a good one, so seriously fix this.”
Your audition was in a couple hours and you were prepping with Hannah, Rose and Laylah. You all woke up and had a beautiful breakfast in your suite, letting the windows open and playing Fleetwood Mac. It only felt right to set the vibe and ease your mind.
“What theater is your audition in?” Hannah asks.
“It’s in the Abe Burrows theater.” You reply.
“Ah that's a good one, it’s intimate and you’ll have enough space to creativity do your monologue, trust me you’ll be fine.”
“What do you feel like wearing? I’ll get it out for you and you can give us a little fashion show before we walk you there.” Laylah says with enthusiasm, trying to make you feel better.
“Something light, but professional, something appropriate for the judges but something that screams me.” You say.
“Ok give me a second.” Laylah disappears for a second and comes back with the most beautiful outfit, you've never thought of this combo.
The tanktop was a gift from Laylah, you only wore it on special occasions, as it cost a lot of money. It was longer, but dressy and cut down to a v perfectly above your chest for modesty. It was a meshy material with gold, dark blue and white beading patterns. It reminded you of going off to Greece and living there forever in the sun.
She paired it with tan linen shorts that weren’t too baggy or see through, the perfect material. The perfect outfit for the perfect day.
“You know me so fucking well Laylah.” You smile ridiculously.
You decided to not wear any jewelry, you didn’t want to stick out or draw attention to any areas of your body. Your shoes were simple free people wedges you had thrifted and you felt ready to go.
You arrive at the theater with your friends, “We’ll be just outside once you're done, and you can tell us all about it, have a nice dinner somewhere and be distressed. Get ready for the rest of the school week, and worry about the cast list when it comes out, okay? Rose says. “One last group hug!”
“Thank you guys, I genuinely couldn't ask for better friends.” You couldn’t they've helped with everything through this process, helped you with your anxiety intermixed with your audition anxiety. “I’ll see you guys on the other side.” You smile with a wave as you walk in.
It's a big place, you look at signs to figure out where to go and there's a big audition line. You sign in your name and wait through the 30 minute line.
As you do, you go through the monologue in your head, what movements you want to do. Your pacing, what words to stress on more. How you want your face to look at certain parts, the scream.
Once it’s almost your turn to go into the theater, you see someone walk out. It’s Nina.
Once she sees you she immediately scoffs. So far so good, you think, you still have time to ditch and leave if you wanted to.
You angle your face down, pretending you’re picking your nails, leaving your phone with Laylah to take any distractions away from you, but of course she comes up to you.
“You think you’re getting Lady Mac country bumpkin?” She gives you a dirty look. “I’ve put my whole life into acting and singing and you come along thinking you’re gonna replace me? Good luck.” She looks you up and down. “You’re too fat for it anyways, you think you’re going anywhere with that face shape and nose? Please, you think you can make it without any plastic surgery, nothing to be ashamed of sweetie, you need it the most!” She laughs.
In this moment, you feel like shutting down, running into someone's arms and crying. You feel like heaving. You’ve never met someone as mean as your mom, and here you are, being taken back to the years of humiliation and crying.
You're reminded of the constant years of having pain in your chest and not being able to breathe. The thought of moving almost made you throw up. You couldn’t speak or stand up for yourself, you just had to take it and accept her words. If you tried to speak for yourself, she’d only find another crevice to bury herself inside of you.
“Oh honey you think this is bad, watch what happens if you get in my way, wanna be slore. Not will I only make your life hell, I’ll make sure you get kicked out of this school. I’ll go on every social media website, platform and podcast show, saying how you bullied me, and I’ll have every bitch in this school backing me up. I promise.” She glares at you with her slithering hazel eyes, yellow snake eyes. You have tears in your eyes, not sliding down your face, but your sockets so full you can’t see. You would not give Nina the satisfaction, “Maybe after this audition you should go run 5 miles, I’ll get you an equinox membership and maybe that will make you realize your not meant to-
“Ladies, ladies, is everything all right?” Mr. Garcia came out of the theater interrupting Nina mid sentence, realizing you still had an audition to go to.
“Yes Mr. Garcia, everything’s alright. I was just cheering her on, she’s gonna do amazing!” Nina pats you on the back and you wince, her walking away and you’re still frozen, you can’t move. Begging yourself not to have a panic attack right now.
“You can come in now if you’d like?” Mr Garcia says, “It’s okay if you’re a little nervous, it’s pretty frightening to perform somewhere like this, walk with me?” He offers his hands to you.
He was being so nice, when did he even come and interrupt Nina?
You follow him through the theater, “You can sit here for a second, I’m going to prep the judges and give you a second to calm yourself” He smiles. “I hope Nina wasn’t a distraction?”
“Oh not at all.” You gasp out to him. You felt like your chest was going to collapse on itself saying that.
You’re left alone and you burst into tears, holding your hands over your heart and mouth. You couldn’t do this, you couldn’t embarrass yourself in front of those judges. You gasp for air and your heart is racing a million miles per second. You had to clear up the tears, you couldn’t draw attention to yourself.
And suddenly you hear Frankie's voice, you hear all your teachers voices and that immediately brings you back to reality.
Ground yourself, listen to his voice.
It almost made you more worried that he was there, he was going to be judging you and inspecting how you act, even when he’s already seen you perform this monologue, but now you needed to pretend no one else was in this room, you were still so unsure about everything after the other night with him but that didn’t matter. You are you, you are Lady Macbeth.
You hesitantly walk onto the stage and take in your surrounding, the judges are at their tables and you’re looking directly at all of them
Ms. Rolance, both Mr. Millers, Mr Garcia, Mr. Davis, Ms. Cheot, and finally Mr. Morales.
You give your best smile and give your slate. You give your name, year and what monologue you will be performing, they give you a second to start.
You look down and draw a star over your heart. You look up and start.
Immediately you start to quiver your voice and hands, feeling the blood all over your body again. “Yet here's a spot. Out, damned spot: out, I say.” You shout it across the theater, showing that you can project without a microphone.
"Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?” You look around the stage, and your pacing, it feels like blood is pouring off your body for this imaginary old man, almost making this your body. You’re rubbing your hands together like a maniac.
“The Thane of Fife had a wife. Where is she now? What, will these hands ne’er be clean? No more o’that, my lord, no mo o’that. You mar all with this starting.” You feel like you are sleepwalking, with this gibberish Lady Mac is saying, you feel her pain and sorrow.
“Here the smell of blood is still. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand.” And you drop to the floor and scream until your head feels numb. You scream the pain of womanhood away, you scream for your lost childhood, and you scream for peace in your head. Not only for Lady Mac, you scream for yourself. You struggle to get up, tears are dropping at a rapid pace and snot coming down your throat.
“Wash your hands, put on your nightgown, look not so pale. I tell you yet again, Banquo’s buried; he cannot come out on’s grave.” You shiver and manipulate your head quickly,”To bed, to bed; there's knocking at the gate. Come, come, come, come, give me your hand,” You read out, shaking violently hard,” What’s done cannot be undone,” You walk off dazed and pacing, “To bed, to bed, to bed.” And you finish.
A sudden applause erupts from all the judges and you snap back into yourself. You’re still crying so you wipe the tears and bow.
“Honey, can you walk over to us? We'd all like to ask you some questions.” Ms Roylance calls from her god mic.
You walk up to them, and they’re all heavily taking notes of your performance on their notepads, the things you would do to see what they were saying about your deliverance. You catch Frankie at the end, scribing down his thoughts.
“First off, are you okay?” Ms. Roylance asks. “Those tears kept rolling.”
He looks up from his note taking and looks at you.
“Oh yeah, I’m fine.” You respond.
“What made you scream like that?” Mr Miller looks up and asks.
“Huh?” You’re confused.
“I mean, something inside you made you scream like that,” He smiles. “What took it for you to scream like that?”
“Oh I guess there are many factors. If I can speak freely, just thinking of my mom and childhood.” You shrug. “Women suffrage for many years, I mean this show is for Lady Mac, not Macbeth.” You say Macbeth because why should a man's name be so important.
Frankie study’s how you respond, flinching when you talk about your mom.
They all take what you’re saying and write more.
“What was your focus point for your monologue?” Mr. Garcia asks.
“My hands, I vision them covered in blood as if I killed the king. I think the more crazy I feel inside, the more I can portray it on the outside. It takes mental preparation, but that part is easy.” You answer.
You think about his hands on yours, how strong he felt.
“How do you think Lady Mac would fill the space in this show?” Ms. Cheot asks.
They were going down the line, each asking you a question you’d guessed. Every answer was still a fast scribble, eating every word you had to say.
“With there being no dancing in the show, I think she would walk with correct posture, not because she wanted to but because she felt if she didn't her husband would have scolded her and hurt her. If I’m not mistaken the time period where women were killed if they didn’t obey their husbands. She’s quick with her decisions, as she’s quick with her feet. She’s not easy to please, but she can conceptually please people easily in her own way.
“Did that scream kill your voice?” Mr Miller, that’s your voice teacher, he asks in a humorous way.
You laugh, “No actually, I think screaming can make someone who sings, sing better actually. If you scream correctly from the chest, it won't damage the vocal cords.”
Mr Miller applauds you on your answer, because simply this is what was taught in musical theater for belting.
“When wearing makeup on stage, do you think this would affect your character no matter the drastics?” Mr Davis asks.
“Honestly, stage makeup is stage makeup. It has to be drastic. For Lady Macbeth, I think she would wear anything to show that she is slowly losing herself, if that means she has to look solemnly dead on stage, then so be it.”
“I don’t have any questions for you sweetheart, a great job seriously, Mr Morales, any questions or comments?” Ms. Roylacne says.
He looks up, and you meet those sweet deep set eyes.
He looks tired. You miss his lips. You miss his hands. You miss his smell. But he’s at a table in front of you and you can’t do anything about it. You forgot about everything on stage and finally being in front of him reminds you of everything you want in your life.
“I’d like to ask, what made you pick this monologue out of the selection you were given?” He asks. He leans forward an inch to watch you respond.
You think on it for a second, at this moment he’s your director and you have to be honest, “I picked this because it resonated with me the most. She feels guilty for the things that she wanted to do to make her husband more powerful than King Duncan. I don’t feel like she wanted to do it, she felt forced to do it by so many components. But in the end I think she killed herself because she couldn’t save herself. She could never live her own life because there was always going to be this burden weighing on her heart. Her husband was the cause of her death, now my interpretation is completely different but if I felt commanded in that way to kill a man for my husband, then I would have lost the will of life. I would have lost myself.”
Frankie just stares at you and the words are at loss from the both of you. You yourself can’t believe that you just said that to all the judges, but mostly to him.
Did he save this question for himself to ask you? This seemed too personal. It felt like it was only you 2 in the room and you couldn’t let yourself look away from him.
You didn’t feel violated by him, you only felt understood. You wanted to just kiss him and be held by him, after everything Nina said to you, you felt weak.
“I’ve never heard of that interpretation, I’ll take that in mind when I read it again.” He says.
You feel like if you look away, your oxygen will stop. You’ve barely had 5 conversations with him but you feel seen, an invisible string between you two.
“You’re free to go, excellent performance again.” Ms. Roylace says. “The cast will come out tomorrow, we had men audition earlier. You were our last performance of the day.”
You give them all your thanks and walk out to your friends. Before leaving the theater you check for any signs of Nina staying back, and she had thankfully left.
You couldn’t do anything about it, but the moment she jeopardizes your safety that’s when you would have someone interfere.
You walk out and your friends bombard you with hugs and cheers, they hand you a cute little muffin and you cheer, walking back to your dorm.
“I saw that girl Nina storming out of the theater about the time of the audition. Did she talk to you?” Laylah says.
“Yeah she threatened me before I walked in. She was saying if I replaced her she’d get me replaced.”
“That Nina girl? She’s fucking crazy, her freshman year she genuinly pulled a girl by her hair and it was all over social media. Before the dean could even talk to her, every video was wiped off the internet.” Hannah says.
“I’ve had a few classes with her and if you stayed out of her way you didn't have a problem but she is evil to the people that do. She’s degrading and will make your life hell. I don’t know how she still has friends.” Rose adds.
“I do, it’s because of daddy's money and he can pay for everything. He’s paid for her training when she was younger and now her way through this school. She just wants to make him proud.” Hanah replies.
“Who’s her dad?” You ask.
“This stock broker, real estate agent that has like a million assets. He’s a gazillionaire and Nina never fails to mention that she has money.” Hannah says. “Anything Nina does, gets covered up by her dad and no one has been brave enough to stand up against the both of them.
“We’ll see about that.” You end the Nina conversation.
She would not have power over you.
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authors note: i promise they’re relationship is on the way. i honestly can’t believe i’ve written 5 chapters with no smut, i thought i would screw the story line and immediately jump in but. next few chapters are getting good 👀👀 happy mother’s day<333
let me know what you think!! anything i should add or what you’d like to see for this fic!!
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imoenhatesthis · 1 month
Well so far you're doing a way better job at convincing me to play BG series than Lily ever could. If there's anything positive to come from The LO Imoen Thing, it's that.
I’d love to have more people play the games, though I understand why Lily may have driven people away entirely. I’ve put some thoughts under the cut, though the TLDR is just that I recommend them, and don’t let a bad person with a microphone take away a game from you!
I’ve noticed again that Lily is just not good at recommending these games at all, especially after taking some asks on the topic recently. Her posts about it can be divided between talking about mods, talking about builds, and complaining (either about the games themselves or other RPGs).
All of this is just white noise to a prospective new player. Generally, most people will do either a very limited or no mod run when they first get a game, so they know what the game entails and can judge it properly. So talking about mods is useless here, except in rare circumstances where there’s a gamebreaking issue a mod fixes. Then there’s the fact the game is notoriously difficult for a new player to get into if they’re not used to 2E rules or even just navigating older games in general. There’s a learning curve. And talking about stats or items to someone with no familiarity is not helpful for dealing with that. All while the general complaining disparages people from buying the games entirely.
Even just complaining about BG3 and other RPGs is shooting herself in the foot here. Most people now are going to be coming from BG3 first, maybe other modern RPGs second. I’m not saying you can’t compare or ever complain, but saying “my game is much better than BG3 because it’s entirely different,” is literally just making sure a BG3 fan will never go back and play the originals.
All this to say, here’s how I’d recommend BG1/2 to people:
If you liked BG3, you’re just probably going to like them. Especially if you love a Dark Urge run. It adds to the lore and world, it expands on certain characters you may recognize, and the plot is engaging for what it is. I’d say the games have that similar vibe of “group of adventurers doing big quests together to stop the BBEG.” It’s a classic for a reason, very DnD, I think it works!
If you like making OCs, the main character is a fun one to make and obsess over. I feel like everyone’s got their own unique playthrough, though the plot beats are mostly the same. And it’s cool to have a character build up through multiple games!
There’s some fun companions to collect, whether you play a good or evil character. Everyone usually finds a party they like and sticks with them.
I do think making builds is fun if you’re into that, there’s some cool classes here. But if you find that difficult, there is an easy mode that’s a lifesaver for a first-time player. I think you can find a class that just sounds interesting and play through easy mode without too much worrying.
That’s not to say they’re perfect. It can be super overwhelming to a new player—to the point I suggest if you get stuck just looking up a walkthrough. Making your first character is probably going to take a few tries (I ended up restarting my first time because my first character was really bad lol). There’s some general old school clunk. BG1 is super light on companion dialogue compared to 2 or 3. I’d also just say if you absolutely despise dungeon crawls, these games are probably not a good fit for you as that makes up large portions of the game.
But if you’ve been interested, get into it! Try not to let anyone take an experience away from you.
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1tarot1with1k1o · 6 months
Heyy i would love to participate in your game, i dont have any love interest now but i can i have a romantic love from my fs? because i really want to feel the ~romance vibes~ but right now i dont any in my life 😅
Im P and a fun fact i have is that yesterday my neighbor's cat was secretly following me and every time I looked back he stopped, look elsewhere and pretend he wasn't following me lol
Thank you in advance
Hiii~ welcome to the game! Of course you can get messages from your fs <3 I completely understand you hahah
That’s so cute ㅠㅁㅠ cats are truly little angels on earth, I love them a lot. Did you happen to meet the cat again after that day?
Messages from your fs:
- I’m changing my physical world
- our separation is for our growth
- I’m healing!
- I’m sorry
- I want to meet you
- I hid my feelings back then
- things aren’t what they seem
- I feel so positive about you
- I’m following my intuition
- I want to ask you out
- I’m building up the courage
- I’m intimidated by your awesomeness
- I know I need to make the first move
- I’m waiting for the right time
- I worry you would reject me
- I’m overwhelmed with fear
- I want (no I need)* to tell you how I feel
- I’m already planning our date
- I want to surprise you
Okay so, this person definitely didn’t hold back on the messages lol. The notes kept on flying everywhere and my desk was almost completely covered in them. I did a selection because the main theme was becoming repetitive, so I figured I’d pick the ones that felt more “complete” to put it simply. So imagine if I just put everything in O_O…this person surely loves you a lot already hahah. I feel like as of now, they’re telling you that you should see your separation as a way to give yourself space to grow in order to be in a healthy place when you’ll meet. So instead of seeing this period in a negative light, you could try to look at it from that perspective in order to cheer yourself up. I think they know the struggle of having to wait for someone so meaningful, so they want to help you manage it better even if only from a distance, for now. For the meeting environment, I did see something more resembling a work environment, to be honest with you. I kept seeing an office and cubicles in a building. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll be working there, or at least not long term? It can be even just an internship or a job you’ll pick up for a while and then leave. It would make sense with the sense of urgency I felt from your person “like oh I don’t know when or if I’ll see them again, once they leave, so I gotta get it together quickly”. It could also be the same place that you’ll visit occasionally. Like a bank or the post office, just to make a few random examples. But I mostly saw your fs being a coworker or someone you interact with/share a space with. While channeling, it felt like they were telling you to not misunderstand them, since looking at their actions it may seem as if they’re completely uninterested in you or that they may even dislike you. But they made it clear that it’s only because they feel intimidated by how awesome they think you are. It’s like a “how can I dare even breathe near you” vibe hahahah. They know very well that they have to make a move or they’ll regret it for the rest of their lives. They may take a while to build the courage to get close to you, but rest assured that they will. *The note I got literally said “I want to tell you how I feel” and in my head they went “no no no, I NEED to tell them how I feel!” in a sort of panicked but very resolute way. They give me huge golden retriever vibes, it’s so adorable ㅠ^ㅠ I feel like they may daydream a lot about what it would be like to take you out on a date, almost immediately. Something like from the second/third time they see you, they just KNOW already. They may wanna plan the perfect date for you, in hopes to make you live out a dream. They want to create a memory that will last forever for the both of you. During the channeling I randomly remembered about the quote “I will find you in every single lifetime”. And I almost cried ngl. They have an incredibly pure soul. May have an unexpected backstory. I feel like there probably was a lot they had to go through early on, but they’re one of those people that just kept getting kinder and kinder as they faced each struggle. So you could never imagine all of the hardships they went through. Very healthy and strong personality. Little side note (it can be a sensitive topic so take it VERY lightly). I don’t know if you plan/want to have a family in the future, but I see that this person may want one with you. One thing the guides told me, is that if at some point you may face difficulties in creating one, rest assured that you will manage to build a family. I felt like one of you, or especially you, may happen to be infertile, but that issue WILL be resolved so don’t worry about anything, and just try to embrace the journey as best as you can. Because everything will turn out to be okay <3. Again, take especially this last part as it resonates. Even if it may not make sense at all now, it may turn out to be a situation you may face one day. But what matters the most, is to remember that you are safe, and that the universe is on your side. So don’t worry because you’ll be always looked after.
Channeled song from your fs:
(The translation to “that’s also our love” - Nerd Connection. The lyrics may not be super accurate because I had to use google translate for this, and my brain is too fried to check haha)
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Whew okay that was it. It’s…a lot hahah. Maybe it’s because it’s the first channeling that I did in a very long time, or maybe your person was more than happy to jump into the conversation, or maybe even a little bit of both. But yeah, the messages kept flowing in, and I felt like I had a constant rap battle going on in my head while doing this channeling. I definitely enjoyed it tho!
So thank you for giving me the opportunity to reconnect to my craft by participating in the game. I wish you lots of great things, and I hope to hear from you again soon! Warm wishes <333
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the-himawari-otome · 1 year
B’s-LOG September 2023 - Utakata no Uchronia Character Interview Translation [Awayuki]
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What kind of mansion is the main character living in?
Awayuki: The mansion of the princess I serve is a quite a new building for a family with such a long history. It was rebuilt when it burned down 10 years ago. I make sure to keep it clean, including the rooms that are currently not in use. Besides taking care of my master’s personal needs, it is my job to ensure her comfort from assisting her in her official duties to managing the residence.
Although there are more servants than just me now, I try to do as much as possible for the princess myself. One thing I do is manage the food, and I pay particular attention to the ingredients. There are times when I shut myself in the kitchen for the princess who makes requests, saying she wants to eat this or that. But I don't mind at all. I want her to only eat foods that are good for her health.
Q&A - Awayuki and Hinagiku
Q1: What kind of person is the other?
Hinagiku: He has always been devoting himself to my family and I for a long time now. He even coordinates the other servants. He can truly to anything, so I tend to rely on him... He cooks delicious meals everyday, and he’s also skilled at sewing since he’s good with his hands. Moreover, he likes things clean, so he always keeps the house nice and tidy.
Awayuki: Ever since her parents passed away, she has taken over her family estate with the help of her guardian. For better or for worse, she’s full of curiosity. Despite being a noble, she enjoys strolling around town and chatting with the commoners. She’s more nosy than kind, and she can’t lie to save her life. All of her thoughts show on her face...  I’ve been with her for such a long time, so I might be the only one who knows that.
Q2: What do you like and think is wonderful about the other person?
Hinagiku: He listens to everything I say... is what I’d like to say. But he doesn’t give me what I want and he scolds me for doing things that I shouldn’t do quite often. I know he’s strict for my sake though. And besides, if I truly beg him for something, then he usually gives in. All things considered, Awayuki is sweet to me. 
Awayuki: Let me think... The fact she never refuses to try food she might dislike, and when she does have something she likes, it shows clearly on her face? I also think it’s cute that she makes all sorts of expressions as she reads popular novels. She works diligently everyday, and it’s impressive that she’s always bright and rarely catches colds. Well, even if she was someone who was full of flaws, there’s no way I would ever dislike her.
Q3: What do you dislike about and wish the other person would change?
Hinagiku: I’m a little worried that he’s too much of a workaholic. Work is the only thing on his mind from morning until night. While I appreciate his dedication as my servant, I think it might be better if he had more hobbies.
Awayuki: There’s nothing in particular. If she is living as she pleases, then that’s all... Ah, no. It’s not good that she wants to do everything herself. I am her servant, so it will trouble me if she doesn’t make more use of me. I even do her hair for her every morning... there’s no need for her to lift anything heavier than chopsticks, isn’t that right?
Q4: What do you think about the other person?
Hinagiku: He’s my servant, but he’s my family. I suppose he’s someone who will always be by my side no matter what. We’re always together, so I can generally tell what he’s thinking even if he doesn’t say a word.
It seems I’ll always be a small child in his eyes no matter how much time passes... but I hope I can be recognized as a splendid head of the household soon.
Awayuki: She is my one and only master. The one to whom I should dedicate my all. Her words are more important to me than Lord Taiju’s.
I’ll die if she tells me to die... Wait, no. That won’t do. I’m too worried to take my eyes off of her, so I can’t die even if I wanted to. My princess is helpless without me. You can see that, can’t you? I must stay by her side and take care of her, always.
Lastly, please give a message to the main character!
Awayuki: I think it's admirable that you're working hard every day to be a splendid head of the house. But you only just became an adult, so it's natural that there are things that you can't do. You don’t have to force yourself beyond your limits.
Oh right. Would you like to have milk agar jelly as your snack tomorrow? I already have some syrup-soaked fruit, so I’ll prepare it tonight.
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