#the one that goes now it is our turn to study statistical mechanics
the rising of the moon
word count: 4544
rating: G
fandom: the mechanisms
warnings: major character death
summary: They've lived so long together, perhaps it is only fitting they die alone.
story notes: so this came about as a result of wanting to cry MORE about the mechs. don't ask me why.
features raphaella spouting unnecessary science jargon, ivy being emotionally repressed/depressed, drumbot brian holding a conversation with himself, and the toy soldier being actually emotionally intelligent.
It’s a quiet day aboard the starship formerly known as The Aurora. Most of the crew is out, and she’s drifting slowly through a dusty asteroid field. Ivy has stayed aboard to read, and Drumbot Brian was designated ship-sitter, so he’s stayed on as well. When enough time has passed (Is it days? Or decades? No one knows anymore, and no one cares. They are all so tired.), Brian hits the alert switch that will tell the Mechanisms to come home.
Ivy feels the gentle vibration in her brain --the pulse of The Aurora’s beacon-- and she puts her book down before walking slowly to the navigation bridge. Marius’ hand starts to buzz, messing up his note-taking; he apologizes to the rather fascinating asteroid-dweller he’s interviewing and takes his leave. Ashes feels their chest hum, and they turn away from their beautiful, fiery meteor shower.
[read more on ao3, or continue below!]
One by one, the Mechs find their way home. It takes some longer than others, but they all return eventually. Or they should; right now, there are only seven crewmates in the navigation bridge.
“I’m sick of waiting--where the hell is Jonny?” Tim whines.
“I guess he decided to stay in the asteroid belt?” Marius says.
“Woulda been nice to let us know,” mutters Ashes, “So we’re not all sittin’ here for ages.”
Brian stands and raises his hand. “All in favour of leaving and returning in a few decades?” They all agree, so he pilots Aurora away from the asteroid field.
Time goes by, and they do not hear from Jonny. Of course, members of the crew sometimes stay away for long periods of time, but that doesn’t mean their absence is not felt. And Jonny hasn’t appeared to try and contact them at all.
After a while, they vote to return to the asteroid belt. When they arrive, they split up, communication devices in hand.
Ivy combs through her memory, trying to summon any knowledge she has on Asteroid Field 01.18.20. The Toy Soldier moves methodically from meteor to meteor, searching for their lost comrade. Raphaella interviews any inhabitants she comes across, axially coding their qualitative responses to identify patterns in the data. Tim goes to a bar for a drink, irritated at Jonny’s latest antic.
He walks into some nameless, backwater joint and sits at the counter, flagging down the bartender with a lazy wave. He orders and waits, mechanical eyes roving the establishment. And then he freezes.
On the far wall hang a few dozen photographs, all dusty and poor quality. Above the photos is a crudely-done banner that simply reads “Cheers to Our Past Patrons.” One of the pictures is of Jonny.
When the bartender returns, Tim asks: “What’s the deal with the wall of fame, then?”
“Oh, that,” they answer tiredly. “Just sum dark joke the old owner thought up. Them’s the folks who kicked it in this here bar, you see.”
Tim was confused. “You mean those people died here? That can’t be right; my friend’s up there, and he can’t d--he’s alive.”
The barkeep shrugged. “Don’t know, pal. We had to bury most of thems out back, if you reckon you want to check.” He chuckled darkly and went back to drink-making.
Tim quickly finished his drink and went out the back door. He debated alerting the other Mechs about this development, but decided he might as well see for himself first.
He found the makeshift graveyard quickly, small rusty mounds amid the equally rusty asteroid outback. Some displayed names on roughly carved wood planks, but obviously none of them said “Jonny d’Ville” (Tim laughed at the idea of Jonny carrying around an ID). Most were unmarked, however, so he started to dig.
He used his hands, too impatient to try and find a shovel. He came across bodies and bones in various stages of decay, but none that had any chance of being Jonny. About fed up with this ridiculous idea of his, he decided to dig up one more grave. He shovelled dirt and rocks out of the way, until his hand hit something hard and cold. Something metallic. He pulled on it, and came away with a belt. Christ , he thought.
He quickly scooped away the rest of the dirt, revealing the corpse of Captain First Mate Jonny d’Ville. Dead. Tim stumbled backward, hand fumbling for his comm. “Um, mates, I-I found him.”
The Mechanisms were different after that. Yes, Nastya had gone Out long ago, but they had never actually come across her dead corpse , so it wasn’t the same. Marius had examined his body and declared him fully, completely, and irrevocably dead. They had held a funeral, but they were all too much in shock to really remember it. All they knew was that they were down a crew member, without a captain first mate, and terribly aware of their own mortality.
About half the crew was in Raphaella’s lab, helping her with some complex kind of experiment. Raph was mixing two viciously green liquids together, while Marius was unspooling wire from a large bobbin. The Toy Soldier was holding an ultraviolet light against a motherboard, and Ashes connected the motherboard to the chartreuse concoction using the wires. After pouring all of the chemicals, Raphaella pulled on some rubber gloves and pulled out a small pocketwatch from her shirt. “Are we ready?” she asked gleefully. Without waiting for an answer, she started the countdown. “Five! Four! Three! T--curses!” The pocketwatch slipped from her gloved grasp and fell into the churning beaker. All at once there was a flash and a bang, and the lights went out. They stood in complete silence for a minute, before the backup generators flicked on.
The Toy Soldier clapped its hands, “That Was Jolly Good! Can We Do It Again?”
“No, TS, look, I got goop on my--wait!” Marius shouted, “Where’s Ashes?” They all turned to look at where the quartermaster had been just moments before. The floor where they’d been standing was a scorched, intricate, dark pattern of swirls. “What the hell is that ?”
“I Do Not Know, But I Will Go Get The Archivist!”
TS returned with Ivy, who took one look at the patterns on the floor and asked: “Who is it that has been time travelling?”
“Time travelling?!” Raph exclaimed.
“Yes,” Ivy said, “Those marks are a perfect exemplar of the evidence left behind when one has been forcibly transported forward or backward in the time continuum. Which one of you did it? Did you happen to bring back any books?”
“It wasn’t us: it was Ashes.” Marius said, “And we don’t think they’ve come back yet.”
Ivy grew very pale. “That is highly alarming. There’s a less than 0.1% chance that a time traveller ever comes back if they do not return instantly after the outset of their journey.”
“Y-you mean Ashes might not...” Marius trailed off, “...Wait a second! That doesn’t make sense! We don’t experience time linearly!”
“That may be true, but we are not forcibly moved through it either. We are at the whim of the narrative flow, and any alteration to that usually produces negative results.”
The Toy Soldier flashed through many emotions at once, though its face never changed. “So Quartermaster O’Reilly Is...Gone?”
“We can’t prove that yet!” Raph cried, fluttering around the lab and grabbing various scientific instruments. “Maybe if I can pinpoint when exactly they’ve been transported to, we can...we can bring them back.”
“That’s quite a long shot,” Marius said.
“What is science if not a shot into the ignorant dark?” Raph replied, rigging up a technological monstrosity. She aimed the thing at the charred spot and clicked a button, causing the machine to emit a pulsating, whirring sound. “Oh, you all might want to close your eyes.”
With a burst of green and a harsh dial tone, the thing spit out a strip of paper. Raph grabbed it and read it intently. She dropped it suddenly, eyes distant and empty. “They are gone.”
The room burst into a cacophony. (“What do you mean?!” “Gone How? Gone Forever ?” “It was statistically unlikely that they could have returned.”) Raph picked up the paper and pressed it onto the lab table. Most of it was meaningless words and numbers, but Raph pointed out a string in the center: “RESULT) DATE: %& INFINITE ROUNDING ERROR $! _ LOCATION: SINGULARITY!UNIVERSAL IMPLOSION. ANALYSIS) CHANCE OF TERMINATION: 100.0% +-0.0 R = 1.0”
“They’re gone.”
The crew was far more disorganized after Ashes left. With no one to maintain inventory or keep the crew in line, The Mechanisms started to fall apart. Raphaella tried for a while to build some kind of time-travelling device, some way of defying the inexorable march of the story, but it was in vain. She was left with only one option; one experiment she hadn’t tried yet.
She carefully laser cuts some metal from the starship once known as the Aurora. She sits in Nastya’s former workshop for hours, bending and twisting and fabricating until she is left with wings; wings more breathtaking than any she has possessed before. Once on, they fan out behind her in a starburst of blue and metallic grey.
But her crew will never see them. In the cover of darkness, she steals away to the airlock. The ship is currently sailing past a black hole (Raphaella has the Messier number and NGC identification memorized, but that’s not her concern now). With one final look backward at the place that had been her home for millennia --the place she thought she would call home forever -- she casts herself into the black hole.
Ivy finds the note she left, succinct and unmincing as ever:
“Addressed to whoever finds this first:
After a brief review of prior literature, I have found extensive holes (no pun intended) in the study of singularities, specifically as it relates to a singularity’s effect on a humanoid body and mind. I seek to rectify this, as well as explore the possibility of horological manipulation, though perhaps my methods are not entirely replicable. It is every scientist’s dream to be on the cutting edge of research, and so I initiate this experiment joyfully. Also, black holes are hypothesized to have magnificent magnetic fields!
Dr. Raphaella La Cognizi”
Tim, Marius, the Toy Soldier, Brian, and Ivy wait. They do not wait together, and they do not know what exactly it is they’re waiting for, but they wait nevertheless.
Time passes.
Brian pilots the ship towards various planets, pointless battles, dying stars. One day, the remaining Mechs arrive at a lawless sea-based war occurring on a planet composed entirely of liquid obsidian. They commandeer a ship (which they dub the ‘Dawn’) and spend decades wreaking havoc as the most formidable group of pirates. But Tim knows something is wrong.
“Tim, take out that vessel off the starboard side.” Brian orders from the prow of the Dawn.
Tim smoothly preps, loads, and positions a cannon to aim directly at the enemy ship in question. He lights the fuse, and the cannon fires. The crew watch as the projectile hurls through the air, arcing like a cold meteor into the distance. They watch it come down towards the enemy vessel. And they watch it miss.
The crew turns to stare at Tim. He’s not nearly as mortified as they expected. In fact, he’s perfectly serene.
“Um, Tim…” Marius starts slowly, “D-did you know you, uh...missed?”
“Yep.” he responds, popping the ‘p’.
“Did you mean to?”
“And...you’re not upset by that?”
“Not especially.”
(“That’s a fascinatingly abnormal psychological response,” Marius mutters under his breath, jotting something down in a notebook he appears to have produced out of nowhere.)
The crew continues to stare as Tim goes below deck to his bunk, humming slightly.
Tim has known something was off for a long time now. His aim started to err by nanometres, then by millimeters, then more, until he was missing entire ships like today. He’d panicked at the beginning, of course, but now? Now, he was ready to be done.
He’d felt the pressure building up in his head, behind his eyes. He got spurts of tunnel vision randomly, and sometimes his vision just went to static. He gradually lost the ability to see some colors, as the electronic rods and cones went out one-by-one and refused to self-repair. But he wasn’t nervous or distressed or alarmed; he was excited.
You see, he’d been saving something for a special occasion. He didn’t know what ‘special occasion’ entailed, since the Mechs never consistently celebrated holidays or birthdays, but permanent death seemed like a pretty good one. He rooted around in his rucksack, and withdrew a set of shiny silver keys; keys he’d stolen a long, long time ago. These were the ignition keys to the largest gunship existence will ever see, and Tim planned to go out with a bang. That evening, he told the crew he wanted them all to return to the starship so he could be dropped off somewhere. They all agreed, since they didn’t have any real cares anymore, and they set off for the planet Tim had etched into his memory.
Tim sits in the cockpit of the gunship, the planet itself already ruined and smoking from fighting his way to get here. The Mechanisms were long gone, as he’d told them to leave without him. He hadn’t exactly said he wasn’t planning on coming back, but he thinks they understood. With one last grin of pure, unadulterated madness, he kicks the gunship into gear and blasts off.
The ship goes too fast to comprehend, and in an instant he’s shooting across the cosmos, shattering stars and razing entire systems of planets. The universe has never before witnessed such complete and utter desolation. Tim doesn’t process much during this rampage...until he starts to die.
He doesn’t know what he hit, but something has jolted the gunship just right, and he’s flung out the front glass. He knows he should die instantly, and he is, but his eyes are moving faster. They’re replaying his life, backwards, and he wants to groan with the cliché-ness of it all. But then it’s over. Or, almost over. At the very end, so fast, so short compared to the millennia he has lived, he catches sight of a young man in a trench. Bertie. A face he will never forget no matter how much longer he could have lived. And in the moments of blackness before he stops forever, he thinks about Bertie, about what comes next.
Faith is a moot point when you’re immortal, since you’ve quite literally come into contact with gods and demons, eldritch horrors and cosmic powers. But here, at the end of his wretchedly long existence, Tim wonders if he will ever see Bertie again. If he will ever see Jonny, or TS, or Ashes, or anyone ever again.
He dies blind, with their names on his lips.
Exposition: Ivy is quite spectacular at suppressing her emotions. She’s also skilled at identifying patterns, so by the time Raphaella left, she knew what was going on with 98% certainty. Without much fanfare, she packed her bags (5 for books and 1 for everything else), said goodbye to Marius, Brian, and the Toy Soldier, and left.
She rifled through her memory archives for the quaintest library she knew of, and headed there.
Rising Action: And so time passed.
Ivy read, and organized, and wrote, and...existed. Nothing happened, and nothing changed. Carmilla must have made an error in her mechanization because she’d never been the best at processing feelings, but she was happy, she thought.
Climax: A war came, and her library was attacked. With the numbest, most detached sense of purpose imaginable, she loaded an escape pod with random books she thought should be preserved and fired it out into the void. She didn’t even know she’d been hit until she’d fallen to the floor, blood streaming from a massive wound. She knows she is dying; she’d seen the patterns.
Denouement: Her brain whirs slower and slower, until it stops. The end.
They are not a crew any longer. Brian has firmly rooted himself on the bridge, more robot than man now. The Toy Soldier wanders the ship, searching for its friends who are playing the best game of hide-and-seek that the universe has ever seen. Marius putters along, doing some maintenance, writing down his thoughts, and waiting for his death.
He’d always known this life of theirs couldn’t last. Besides the conceptual and moral implications of an eternal existence without consequences, it didn’t even make sense physically . There was no such thing as a perpetual motion machine, and he was surprised his more rational-minded crewmates didn’t question it more. But now his theory had come to fruition, and his crew, his family , had slowly dropped off one-by-one, like leaves from an autumnal tree.
He’s at a bit of a loose end now. With no people left to talk to, no minds to pick, he doesn’t feel any sense of purpose. It’s not depression--he knows that; it’s more of a...cosmic futility.
He feels one last pull, one last tug of the all-pervading narrative, a tide of finality, urging him towards a certain door. He knows this door, knows what it means when he opens it. But he also knows all things come to an end eventually, so why not go out doing what he always did? Providing the comic relief.
“Time this for me, will you, Aurora?” he calls out. He turns the handle and steps inside.
Since Jonny’s death, Brian has been at war with himself. He supposes he’s always been at war with himself though, and his current moral quandary reminds him uncomfortably of his first.
Sitting on the bridge alone, he decides to have a conversation.
“So the crux of the problem is that we can bring people back from the dead, correct?”
He flips his switch. “Correct.”
He flips it back. “But the dilemma is whether we should bring the Mechs back or not.”
“Also correct.”
“Which we shouldn’t, because they wanted to die.”
“No, we should. We want them alive, right? Using magic is definitely the easiest way to achieve that.”
“But we need our family to be happy. God knows how long it’s been.”
“Is the end goal their happiness or our happiness?”
“If I answer that, will I change your mind?”
“Is altering the end goal really the moral way to win this argument?”
“You know what? Damn you.”
Time passes, and each crewmate’s departure only makes Brian’s contempt for his own inner hesitation grow. He spends years staring out into the cosmos, thoughts whirling just as fast as the dust and gases beyond the glass. He wonders if he will ever die and join his family, or if the degree of his artificiality will render him truly immortal. He hates that thought more than most anything else.
He stops smelling the smoke of Ashes’ fires one day, and wonders if his olfactory systems are shutting down.
He stops feeling the rumble of Raphaella’s experimental explosions, and wonders if his nerve endings are rusting.
He stops seeing the flash of Tim’s gunshots bounce around the corridors, and wonders if he’s gone as blind as the gunner himself.
He stops hearing Ivy’s narration, and wonders if his auditory fluids have finally trickled away.
One day, the lone violin that has been echoing throughout the empty starship fades out, and Brian feels his heart stop.
It restarts of course, but Brian knows.
He knows that it’s finally, finally time. Soon, very soon, there will be no more life aboard this ship. No life, where there had been life for eons. No life, where there had been life immortal.
His sense of taste has never come into doubt, because he can still taste the acridness of the Toy Soldier’s cooking wafting on the air. He decides it’s only right to bid goodbye, so he makes his way back to the kitchen. On the way, he passes the Doctor’s old laboratory. He briefly considers destroying it, bringing down the whole ship in a blaze of fire and brimstone, but he knows that isn’t right; it wouldn’t fulfill anything.
In the kitchen, the Toy Soldier is pulling something pink and grey and on fire out of the oven. “Hey, TS,” Brain says gently, leaning against the doorframe as his heart falters again. “I-I’ve got to talk to you.”
The Toy Soldier spins around. “Drumbot Brian!” it shouts joyfully. “How Have You Been, Old Chap! I Have Been Playing Hide-And-Seek With The Rest Of The Crew For A While Now, And They Are Definitely Winning! Have You Seen Them?”
“Oh, TS,” Brian says sadly, “We’re all who’s left now. Don’t you know? The others have gone.”
He sees the Toy Soldier’s wooden eyes soften, betraying an agedness he’s never seen before. “Of Course I Know, Bean. But What Have We Been Doing This Whole Time, If Not Pretending?”
Brian smiles sorrowfully, and TS matches it. “I just wanted to let you know, TS, that now it’s my turn to go.”
“I Know.” It salutes him. “Goodbye, Drumbot.”
Brain gently returns the salute, and leaves.
He stumbles through the ship, heart failing rapidly now, but he makes it to the airlock. He knows deep down that there’s only one way his story could end. His whole existence has been framed by empty solitude, with his family providing the best aberration one could wish for. With his body more an empty metal frame than a robot now, he opens the airlock and casts himself back into the cosmos, from whence he came, and where he would die.
Its friends are all gone away now, and it knows this. There is no more laughter aboard the starship once known as the Aurora. There is no more gunfire or explosions. There is no more music. The cold mass of metal drifts through the void of the uncaring cosmos, with no living being aboard.
But The Toy Soldier has to be sure; it has to guarantee that it is truly all alone now. So it visits its friends’ final resting places.
It spends some years gazing out the front windows of the ship. The thrusters have been broken for a long time now, and the Toy Soldier doesn’t know how to repair them, so it just sits and watches. It wants to see the Drumbot, so it pretends that it does. Soon enough, out the starboard porthole, it spies him. His metal is rusted and warped, frost rendering most of his face unrecognizable. A drum is still looped around his shoulder. The Toy Soldier tethers itself to the ship and goes outside for a moment, drifting towards the robot. It lays a wooden hand on his deformed chest, and feels that his heart beats no longer. It carves off a long curl of wood from its side, and places it in Brian’s frozen hand.
It returns to the ship. It hadn’t known where Marius had disappeared to, but now it feels the force of the narrative driving it towards a certain room. It opens the door, and a handful of mangy octokittens hiss at it and scurry away. There’s nothing in the room besides a pile of crumpled clothes, a broken violin, and a metal hand, but the Toy Soldier could recognize that style anywhere. It gently twists one of its own wooden hands off, and lays it on the mound.
The Toy Soldier knows that Ivy went somewhere far away, so it closes its eyes and pretends that it’s there. When it opens them again, it finds itself in the charred ruins of some great marble building. At its feet lay bones, a metal flute, and a mess of circuitry, untouched by the ash. The Toy Soldier reaches up, removes a piece of wood from the back of its head, and lays it besides the flute.
The Toy Soldier has a harder time finding the gunner. It’s drawn this way and that, chasing an intangible trail through the stars and galaxies. All of the planets it passes are devoid of life. Finally, finally, it stumbles across an enormous, gaping wreck of a starship, all mangled and smashed to pieces. The ship is so large, it’s drawn smaller asteroids into an orbit around it. On one of these rocky satellites, the Toy Soldier spies a body: a skeleton covered in a long brown coat with a guitar slung across it. A pair of mutilated, metal eyes rest in the skull. The Toy Soldier smiles sadly, removes one of its own wooden eyes, and slips it into the pocket of the coat.
It knows it cannot follow the science officer into a black hole. It does manage to find the sketches of the wings Raphaella designed, so it gathers them up, takes two chunks of wood from its back, finds Raph’s keyboard, and casts everything into the nearest singularity.
After pretending to be at the end of space and time, it finds itself there. There is nothing, absolutely nothing. It removes two segments of wood from deep within its chest and places them in the nothingness, along with the strings of an old electric bass it had found. As it winks back to the ship, it catches the faintest scent of gasoline.
It returns to the asteroid Jonny had died on, the start of their ignoble demise. It visits his grave, in the taupe dirt of the desert behind the backwater bar, and sees all of the trinkets and mementos the crew had left behind. It knows none of them left anything during their makeshift funeral, so that means each of them must have slipped away at some point to come here on their own. Ashes has left their best lighter, Tim a pair of dogtags. Marius left behind all of his notes of Jonny’s disaster of a brain, and Brian has deposited some sun-scorched piece of space station. His harmonica has also found its way here, somehow. The Toy Soldier slowly, slowly reaches into its chest and removes its wooden heart, laying it down atop the mound of dirt and memories. It walks away, and knows that it can finally, finally stop pretending.
There is no record of where the Toy Soldier went next. It certainly did not return to the empty ship once known as the brilliant Aurora. The lifeless, soulless, music-less ship drifts on alone through the cosmos, rusting and warping until no one could tell it had ever been a ship at all. Eons pass, and whatever memory the universe might have had of The Mechanisms has been utterly lost.
Until the misshapen mass gets stuck in the orbit of a planet. Molded and formed by the planet’s gravity, the ship is reborn as a moon. And all at once, she comes to life.
As dawn washes over her, the young moon hears a voice. “Hello, dear,” a woman coos, “My name is Dr. Carmilla.”
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brightlotusmoon · 5 years
Guys guys guys
I want to share a thread from one of my ADHD Support groups on Facebook. Date of post February 27 2020.
Here's the initial question:
"ADHD has very similar traits to autism ((from what I have gathered at least)) and in support/representation are always grouped together.
Do you think ADHD should be clasified as on the autism spectrum? Why or why not?
What positive or negative effects ((May it be treatment, understanding, research, or a social aspect)) do you think it would have if it was?"
And here's some of the comments:
1. "In lots of conversations I have had, this topic has come up, and the conclusion we usually reach is that eventually, both ADHD & ASD will be reclassified into something like “Executive Function disorders” and the spectrum will just be broader, rounder, and more inclusive of all the beautiful facets of our Neurodivergent brains" 🧠 #NeurodiverseSquad
2. "I am diagnosed with both. In fact I received my ASD Level 1 (aka "condition formerly known as Asperger's") diagnosis just 4 weeks ago.
Here's the thing: they are in no way mutually exclusive. In fact this was the mistake I made when I had my initial assessment that diagnosed the ADHD - (wrongly) assumed that if I had one, I couldn't have the other. This is in fact not true, and recent research shows that between 1/3 and 2/3 of people with an ASD may meet criteria for ADHD as well. However, the reverse is not true - this is because (as current research shows) 6-7% of the population have ADHD, and only about 1.5% are on the autism spectrum. So somewhere between 0.5 and 1% of the total population (likely) have both. Most people with ADHD do not also meet criteria for ASD.
Basically, the way these two things are diagnosed are based on totally different criteria. ADHD is about, well, attention and more broadly executive (dis)function. It's a readily measurable, testable condition that boils down to certain specific pathways in the brain working much slower (and/or much faster) than the average population.
ASD is, well, different. The current diagnostic criteria all revolve around the following things.
1) Significant impairments in social communication
2) Patterns of pervasive repetitive behaviour (and thoughts)
3) Unusual sensory interests, and/or sensory hypo-/hyper-sensitivity well outside typical ranges
To be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, it's not enough to just "experience those things sometimes". There has to be a pervasive, life-interfering pattern of at least 2 of those three things, which cannot be explained by any other underlying cause or condition, AND can be demonstrated going back to that person's earliest childhood history, and preferably family history too.
Can those things describe a person with ADHD? Totally! Are they how we define ADHD? Nope!
The neurology of ADHD is pretty well understood today - scientists very good idea what ADHD "looks" like in the brain and how it functions. We don't know everything but we know a lot compared to, well, basically anything to do with the brain. It's one of the best studied neurological conditions, period.
The neurology of autism is, well...... much murkier. There are multiple theories. The current ASD diagnosis was a bit controversial when it was totally revamped in 2013, lumping things like Aspergers and PDD-NOS under a single standard. Not everybody was a fan of that, although at the time research in the field was pointing more in that direction - but right now the pendulum of scientific consensus seems to be swinging the other way, thanks to more extensive brain studies finally being done. It's still early days, but there is now the possibility that what we call autism/ASD today may turn out to be a group of several distinct neurological conditions, one of which may in fact be a close relative of ADHD, mechanically speaking. But a LOT more research needs to be done before we can say anything for sure. Early days.
In any case, the best takeaway from this looooooooong writeup is:
You can be both. You can be neither. If you are on the autism spectrum, there is a very good chance you might also fit the diagnosis for ADHD - but if you have ADHD... while you are statistically more likely to be autistic than the average person, it's still a much longer shot. Don't rush to conclusions, and talk to specialists. Neither of these conditions should be either a "badge of honour" or a "badge of shame" - cause it's not a badge, it's a complex part of how your brain works in real life. Between 1-2 out of every 3 people with autism MAY have ADHD - whereas only 1 out of somewhere between every 6 and every 14 people with ADHD is autistic.
It's not possible to rule out a neurological link between the two, but it's not going to be a link that defines either one of those conditions. It's more like the link between ADHD and depression - us ADHDers are far more susceptible to depression than the average person; but faaar from every depressed person has ADHD.
Truthfully - with autism spectrum, before anyone goes running off for diagnosis... speaking from personal experience, you gotta ask yourself what you are hoping to get out of it first. I'm glad I did, but in some ways it's a harder pill to swallow than ADHD - especially because there are no actual pills to swallow for treating it, nor therapies designed to help newly-diagnosed autistic adults. Young kids diagnosed with autism get a big boost from intense learning therapy, which helps them catch up on things like social skills and avoid a lot of the associated trauma - but there's not much out there for the adults, since you can't really get a do-over on your childhood and the damage (as in, trauma) is already done long ago. It's just a thing you find out about yourself, and while it can be empowering - it can also be a bit overwhelming and leave you with more questions than answers about yourself. That's about where I'm at with it, anyway!"
Now, having both, I'm inclined to agree with these. I myself have wondered here if ADHD could be ever put on the greater Mobius strip spectrum of Autism. But a comment someone here made, about the two being on the same Axis but not spectrum had me rethinking. A bunch of us activists with both are still waist deep in research, and I'm tossing these ideas out to chew on.
Basically, Tumblr is full of folks who look at an Autistic or ADHD post and say "wait, I relate to this but I only have one or the other!" And 80 percent shared comorbidities means a huge relation. They're cousins. I call ADHD Autism's excitable twin. It's exempt from allistic fuckery for me. I like to nickname it Cognitive Attentive Tempo Syndrome. (CATS!) My ADHD therapist likens it to being a polar bear in Florida, with meds being water wings. So there's enough overlap that the primary traits for one could be secondary traits for the other.
In conclusion: Yes, this relates to you. Enjoy your executive function dysfunction Neurodivergent Umbrella Axis Family Reunion.
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limited-practice · 5 years
I saw a request from @shapeofmetal that @rawmeknockout filled fantastically well here and thought yes this is good, this is all great, I’d love to have a go at writing this myself some time. So I did. 
7424 words of explicit Shockwave/Reader are below the cut.
The human mouth is disgusting, and I am going to prove it.”
Shockwave states this coldly and firmly the second you step into his lab. But his optic is bright and wide and he’s already hovering next to you, holding out a tool box as if it’s a long lost treasure he’s graciously decided to share with you and only you, and as such you should turn speechless with awe and gratitude and silently beg to be allowed to help him prove how terrible you are.
You are supremely unimpressed. You haven’t even had the chance to take your coat off yet, and here you are being told by one of the greatest scientists you know that an essential part of you is disgusting.
“The human mouth is a medical marvel,” you argue back, dumping your coat onto the pristine floor of his lab. You lean casually and definitely against a lab bench and look at him in the way he deserves for such invalid arrogance.
“You are incorrect,” Shockwave says.
“I know you are, but what am I?” You shoot back.
“I know you are, but what am I?”
“I know you are, but what am I ?”
You cross your arms in satisfaction. “Exactly.”
“Enough.” Shockwave steps closer, the tool box rattling excitedly in his hand. “Sit down. Stop talking. Open your mouth.” 
“Why? What are you going to put in it?” you say, ignoring all three orders.
“An incontrovertible means to prove my supposition that will allow even the most intellectually challenged being to understand.”
Shockwave opens the box.
You stretch up onto your toes and peer inside it. You nod your head repeatedly at what you see and what he’s just said. “Uh-huh, uh-huh. Now I’m no scientist, but there’s a few things in there that don’t look very scientific. Like that long yellow thing and that sharp purple thing with hinges.”
“You are correct.”
“I know.”
“You are not a scientist. You are an inferior life form existing with a poverty of comprehension, life expectancy and universally accepted currency.”
“Hey.” You may have agreed to be a volunteer for Shockwave’s experiments after he approached you earlier with a monetary offer you couldn’t refuse, and because he ignored you when you asked  him why he hadn’t publicly advertised for volunteers and is only asking you, but you’re not going to sit back and take that. “You don’t have to be a dick about this. You don’t know me.” Two of his three statements are correct, but you’ll be floating outside in space without a suit on before you agree with him.
Shockwave looms over you, bright and purple and powerful. You’re not nervous. You’ve never been nervous around him when so many rightfully are and you don’t know why.
“I will tell you something I do know,” Shockwave says. “Something that your human ‘scientists’ and ‘doctors’ have also documented and agreed on.” 
He puts the tool box down on the bench and takes out a long cotton swab from it. “The mouth is one of the filthiest parts of your body.”
You feel your lips tugging up into a smile. “But not the filthiest, am I right?”
Shockwave glances down to between your legs.
“Pervert,” you say, delighted. “I’m talking about my brain.” For added emphasis you tap a finger to your temple. 
“Enough.” Shockwave puts his other arm on your shoulder and pushes you down onto a medical stool. He does so carefully, as if wanting to give you the chance to say no to this.
You sit down on the stool. You don’t want to say no to any of this. 
You stretch your legs out and cross them at the ankle. “Are you trying to find out how many diseases I’ve got in my mouth? Will you be upset if there are too many or too few? Do you want me to stop talking? Or is that what you like most about my mouth? The different shapes it can make; the way my tongue moves; how wet everything is? Would you be upset if I keep it closed and denied you everything you so clearly want?”
And before Shockwave can respond, you preempt him and open your mouth.
“Are you going to slip into a radioactive suit first?” you ask. “Are you worried about your safety? It’s OK, there’s nothing to be concerned about - I’ll go easy on you. And I promise not to bite.”
Shockwave doesn’t answer. But he looks like he wants to. He very much looks like he wants to say something that he shouldn’t.
He inserts the cotton swab into your mouth and runs it along the wall of your cheek, coating the tip in saliva. He then pauses, as if reluctant to remove it so soon. He swipes the inside of your mouth again, this time anti-clockwise and this time slower. He repeats the clockwise and anti-clockwise rotations three times each. Maybe his interest with your mouth really is just scientific.
He finally removes the swab and puts it into a cylindrical container mounted to the wall. “Results from the buccal swab will be available almost instantaneously and will produce an accuracy rate of 99.99%”
“I’m so glad I’m sitting down here because wow, you just blew my mind with that fascinating statistic.”
Shockwave returns to you and doesn’t dignify you with an answer.
“There may be a trillions of bacteria in my mouth,” you tell him, rubbing the side of your face that he’d taken a painless sample from. “But they’re not just there to party. They pay their way and are useful. Essential, actually.” 
“So if we get germs in our mouth then our body doesn’t just give up and die an embarrassing death - the good bacteria are woken up and put up a fight and prevent us from getting sick. Or at least fatally sick. Sometimes we still get sick but they’ve done their best, you can’t blame them for everything.”
“Is that so.”
“Yep. Well some of the bacteria help out like that, I don’t think they all do. Some of them don’t do much and are just…there. I don’t know how many and what it is they actually do. And I’m not going to count them because one, that’s boring and two, I’m not a snitch.”
You lean forward. “Do you really not know all of this? This is basic biology even the dumb kids in the useless schools know.”
Shockwave reaches into the tool box again. “I am fully aware of the purpose of defence bacteria, how they operate, the ratio of useful to redundant organisms and how inefficient the entire mechanism is. But this has all been documented by others - by humans - and not by a cybertronian. Not by me.”
He extracts the small sharp purple thing.
You swallow. “So you don’t believe them.”
Shockwave puts his hand over yours, which is still on your cheek. “I do not believe them. I trust only my results. My methodology.”
He manipulates the instrument until it transforms into a medical instrument you recognise.
You open your mouth slightly. “And that’s the only reason you’re doing this? The only reason you want to probe me with that?”
“…correct. I need to examine and document the area personally in order to establish an accurate primary baseline.”
“Mm-hmm.” Of all the colours in existence, he chose the one that matches his frame’s colour exactly. “For science?”
Shockwave slides the purple tongue depressor into your mouth and over your tongue. “For science.” 
Shockwave is careful. Thorough. He uses his optic as a focused beam of light to peer into your mouth and examine it. The metal depressor on your tongue is smooth and warm, and whenever your gag reflex threatens to start up, Shockwave adjusts the instrument instantly to help it pass. He exacts the perfect amount of pressure every single time to still it. You’re impressed. But starting to get bored. He’s just looking at you and not moving, as if he’s never seen the inside of a human mouth before and is on sacred ground he knows he needs to tread carefully on. 
You make a sound, and he tears his relentless gaze from the inside of your mouth to your eyes. You raise your eyebrows to ask what’s taking so long.
“Tell me,” Shockwave asks, as he places the instrument underneath your tongue so that you can talk. “What are the carriers for the bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa that activate the defense mechanisms of the mouth?”
You roll your tongue on top of the depressor and feel your eyes itching to do the same. You didn’t sign up for a biology quiz. “You mean where do germs come from?”
“That is not what I meant or asked. Pay attention.”
You put a finger in your mouth. You reach as far back as the depressor goes and touch it. You run your finger along the smooth metal until it comes out of your mouth but you don’t break contact with it, you keep going, trailing your finger along the handle of the depressor until you come to the fingers that hold it. You rest your finger on Shockwave’s.
“Oh now I see,” you exaggerate loudly, as if only now the blinds have been lifted from your eyes and you finally understand what he means. “You want to know about things that shouldn’t go in my mouth. The dirty things that could make me sick. The forbidden things.” 
You swallow around the metal. “And you want to know if I know them.”
Shockwave slides the depressor out of your mouth and moves his hand back. But not far enough to dislodge your finger from his.
“What if I said I did know?” you continue. “That I know all of them. That I make a sustained effort to educate myself on biology and physiology not only because it helps me to stay healthy and alive, but because I find those areas of study fascinating in their own right?”
Shockwave doesn’t move and doesn’t answer. You can practically feel his spark contracting as he realises you’re telling the truth.
You tilt your head. If he tattooed his desires across his impressive chest he couldn’t be more obvious in what he wants. You feel your heart beat faster at what you’re going to say next. “But what if I didn’t know? What if I said I didn’t know what shouldn’t be going in my mouth and that I’d…like to?’
It should be impossible, but you can sense his spark expand.
“I…would experiment,” he tells you. “For science.”
“As opposed to the medieval fine arts?”
Shockwave’s optic bores into you. “We do not have time to undertake a battery of tests to determine if every substance is dangerous to human health if ingested orally. My selected carriers have been chosen carefully and will produce…results.“ 
You sit back on the stool and eye him critically. This is the first you’re hearing about ingesting something. He already knows what substances are dangerous to human health. He knows all of them and you, the planet Earth, and the rest of the known galaxy know almost all of them. This seems like a ploy to put things in your mouth and see if they’ll kill you or make you sick.
“You already know what substances are dangerous to human health,” you tell Shockwave. He lowers his hand and you remove your finger from his. “And I, the planet Earth and the rest of the known galaxy know almost all of them. This is starting to seem like a ploy to put things in my mouth to see if they’ll make me sick.” 
You point your finger sharply at him and speak with a fake fiery fury. “And this is the first I’m hearing about actually ingesting something. Is this whole experiment just to see if something will kill me? Is that it? Is it? Are you going to offer me a glowing stick of radioactive waste and say it’s a cybertronian delicacy and then watch me suck on it and melt from the inside and become a puddle of screaming goo as you take notes and call the overworked and underpaid cleaner to mop up what remains of me up? Is it?”
Shockwave actually takes a step back. “Incorrect. As always, you are incorrect. This is for science.”
If he had a medical frame he could detect your pulse and blood chemistry without even needing to touch you. But he doesn’t, and you’re grateful for that. If he wants to know how you’re truly feeling about this session then he’s going to have to put in the hard work and deduce it. 
“Fine,” you say. “I signed up for this ‘non-lethal experiment to determine the limitations of the human mouth’ that you’re paying me for and I’m not going to back out of it. So what’s coming out of the box next?”
But Shockwave doesn’t take anything else out. Instead he crouches down so that you’re at eye-optic level. “I am curious as to how the human mouth and resulting systems react to interior contact with something your scant years of evolution have not encountered before. My hypothesis is not encouraging for you, but facts are facts. And when I’m proven right you will eventually thank me.”
Shockwave raises his hand and flexes his fingers, and you know where this is going. But you’re overcome with a prickly irritation at the casual way he dismisses your species, and decide to play dumb with him. It’s illogical to feel this way, but you’re not a purely logical being. You’re someone better than that. 
You eye his fingers with a careful look of mild distaste. “My hideous ancestors went through a lot of shit to equip me with what I have now, and I’d thank you to remember that.”
You fold your hands neatly in your lap, and transform the way you’re looking at his fingers to one of mild pity. “My teeth are composed of the hardest substance in the human body. They can tear through plants and flesh and all manner of substances with ease.”
“What about metal?” Shockwave asks instantly, bringing up his hand to your face. “Reports indicates that your teeth cannot break it and your fluids cannot digest it.” He waggles his fingers. “But in the name of science this must be corroborated or rejected.”
“You’re not even trying, are you?”
“Waving your fingers about like that, ‘accidentally’ brushing my lips with them, flexing and rotating them as if they’re part of your courtship dance and any second now I’m going to be consumed with lust and fall off my seat and whimper on the floor for you.”
“…you are incor-”
“No I’m not. Stop saying that. And stop thinking I’m an idiot.”
“You want me to suck your fingers.”
“…for science.”
“For yourself.”
“I am science and science is me.”
“That was terrible. You didn’t practice that in the mirror before I came here did you?”
Before Shockwave can get upset and pretend his sulking is a convoluted chain of logical actions that make complete sense, you lick one of his fingers.
Shockwave freezes. 
You lick it again, this time slower. Your tongue moves carefully over the tip of his finger and down the entire length of it, all the way to his hand. He feels surprisingly warm and alive.
“There,” you say, rolling your tongue around your mouth. “It didn’t kill me. And if I come down with alien flu or turn a different colour later on, I’ll give you a call.” 
Shockwave doesn’t move. 
You don’t move.
Soft humming from the medical equipment and diagnostic machines fills the room.
“Incomplete,” Shockwave says. “The test is incomplete. You signed up for a complete test, and that is what will be undertaken.”
“First of all I didn’t sign anything, so if I choose to run out of here you can’t sue me for breach of contract.”
“Are you going to run out?”
“I was thinking of doing a jaunty saunter actually.”
Shockwave examines the finger you’ve licked. You don’t make any effort to move. 
“But,” you say, drawing out the word as you stretch your arms above your head. “I’m a person of my word. We both know enamel can’t crack metal, but in the interests of science we’d better try it out anyway and document it accordingly, shouldn’t we?”
Shockwave cups your face gently, his thumb resting on your lips. “If you insist.”
“If I insist?”
Before you can protest further, Shockwave pushes his thumb in between your lips. You don’t offer any resistance, and part your lips slightly to allow him to put it in. Seemingly satisfied that you’re not about to immediately die, Shockwave rests it on your tongue. Then he puts a finger in your mouth. And when you still don’t object, he puts another one in.
He tastes of electricity and steel and graphite. Like a living battery.
You suck on his fingers carefully. There’s a pulse of blood in your ears and a pool of heat spreading along the base of your stomach, and you’re sure you can feel the energon in his fingers throb as they slide over and around and below your tongue.
His fingers explore your mouth. They massage your tongue, and count your teeth, and stroke the inside of your cheeks. He acts as if he’s an explorer sent on a mission branded with royal assent.
You bite down on his fingers gently.
Not out of fear of hurting him, but out of self preservation. You’ll crack every tooth in your mouth if you’re not careful, and you’ve got better things to do than sit in the medical bay and get a lecture.
You bite down as hard as you dare. Shockwave makes a sound that sounds suspiciously like a whimper. You bite down again and are proven correct.
In satisfaction you pull your head back. Shockwave doesn’t move his hand as his fingers leave your mouth, and you don’t open your mouth wide. You make sure your teeth graze as much of his hand as possible as you retreat from it. 
Shockwave is thrumming. An undeniable thrum of excitement is pulsing throughout his frame just below his plating, and it’s bleeding into you. 
“Was that good for you?” you ask innocently. “Concluding an experiment gets me all hot and bothered too. Except I don’t raise the temperature in a room by ten degrees.”
Shockwave leans in closer to you. “Incorrect.”
“Oh, smooth!“
You lick his closest finger without thinking about it. And when you like to think the temperature’s clicked up another degree, you kiss it.
“I hope you washed your hands before I came in,” you say. You’re sure he did, but it’s the sensible thing to ask.
“Of course I didn’t,” Shockwave says. “Who do you think I am? A human? I sanitized them thoroughly.”
You run your tongue around the inside of your mouth. The unique taste of him hasn’t faded. “Hygiene is important.”
“You don’t want an experiment to be ruined by contaminants.”
“Again, obviously.”
“And you don’t want your subject to suffer needlessly.” You look at his fingers and that pool of blood in your lower body heats up another degree. “You don’t want me to suffer.”
“…there is work to do and I do not like to repeat myself.” Shockwave reaches for the box again. “This next experiment is to determine the range of human taste in order to classify it as either limited, highly limited, practically non-existent or barely existent.”
“Whoa whoa whoa,” you say, holding your hands out with your palms facing towards him. “Slow down on all the accurate scientific jargon there will you, I’m having trouble keeping up.”
Shockwave shakes his head ever so slightly. “I thought those terms were within your sphere of comprehension, but I am obviously wrong.”
“Here,” he says, holding the yellow thing you saw in the box earlier. “Unwrap this.”
You look at it but don’t reach for it. “Did you know that we have thousands of taste buds on our tongue? Thousands. Almost ten thousand, maybe more. Which means we can taste a lot. Maybe not as much as other species in the galaxy, I’m not claiming that, but we can tell the difference between a good piece of steak and a sorry looking chunk that’s unfit for a starving animal. And so could the animal. You’d throw the meat at it gently to feed it because you don’t want to get too close to it because it looks diseased, but the animal can tell the food’s terrible and has already given up the fight because it’s so disappointed and weary, and it doesn’t move as the meat thumps pathetically into the side of their face and slides down their neck to the ground and they whimper and back away into the shadows without even looking at it and now you’re out of pocket for the cost of it and starting to feel hungry.”
Shockwave twitches and looks at the fingers he put in your mouth. He’s probably wondering if he accidentally dipped them in drugs instead of sanitizing them. He holds two of them up to you.
“How many do you see?” he asks. 
“Not enough.”
This is apparently a top of the class answer, because Shockwave stops twitching and looks calmer. But still impatient. Still thrumming with something not yet satisfied. 
“This experiment won’t conduct itself,” he says.
“Won’t it?”
“The limited range of taste and texture offered by the human tongue must be documented precisely.” He finally unwraps the yellow thing himself and holds it out to you. It’s a thin grey rectangle on a stick and looks as appealing as rancid dish water.
“My range of taste isn’t pathetic.”
“Would you prefer I use embarassing instead?”
“What do you think?”
“I think you should put this on your tongue.” The grey rectangle he’s poking towards you reminds you of a non-frozen popsicle that’s been rolled around in dirt and hair. An abomination of a lollipop. “And tell me what you taste.”
You hold his hand to stop him from poking your eye out with it. And you don’t put it in your mouth or on your tongue as he asked. You can’t. It looks disgusting.
“This looks disgusting,” you say.
“Maybe there’s more to it than meets the eye,” he says.
You feel yourself smile. “Maybe. But why couldn’t you paint it in my favourite colour like you did with your tongue depressor?“
You bring the shape close to your nose and sniff it cautiously. And to your complete surprise it smells incredible. You make sharp eye contact with Shockwave and wish you knew what he was thinking, because he looks like he knows exactly what you are. You breathe in deeply and the scent sets off an explosion in your brain and wow, just- wow. 
It reminds you of freshly minted currency, that perfect slice of cake you once had, and the three other smells you love most in the world. Without breaking eye contact with Shockwave you lick the lollipop. It has the hard consistency of boiled candy and the flavour of genius. 
“It tastes OK,” you lie with difficulty. You lick it again, from the top all the way down to the bottom, smoothing out its sharp corners. It’s one of the best things you’ve ever tasted in your life. A lollipop cooked in a lab by a millions of years old robot scientist who’s got a thing for your mouth is making that mouth fill with an alarming amount of saliva. It’s as if he knows exactly what your favourite smells are and has transformed them into something edible for you. 
You swallow. “I’ve had better.”
“No you haven’t.”
“Don’t tell me what I have or haven’t had.”
“Then save us some time and don’t lie.” 
Shockwave waves the lollipop again. An image slips into your head and you can’t help but ask “Did you wear an apron when you cooked this?” You hope that he’ll answer but you’re not expecting him too.
Shockwave doesn’t answer. 
“I’m not getting paid enough for all of this you know.”
You finally take the lollipop from his hand and lick it slowly. From the base all the way to the top, again and again and again you lick it. You’d sell everything you own for another one of these. You’d commit all manner of crimes for one. Maybe Shockwave will cook you another one. Maybe he’ll give you the recipe and you can cook it yourself. Maybe you can cook it together and wear matching aprons. Maybe you should pay attention to this experiment before he stops it. 
Shockwave’s plating is gleaming. He isn’t moving, and looks bright and powerful and helpless. Perhaps what he’s seeing you do has incapacitated him. Now that’s a thought almost as good as what you’ve got in your mouth.
“Am I not doing this properly?” you ask, your voice unfreezing him. You lick it even slower. 
“How- how does it taste?” Shockwave finally asks instead.
You lick your lips and swallow. It tastes incredible. Delicious. Indescribably fantastic.
“Like cheap crappy candy,” you tell him. “The type you know is bad for you but you still eat too much of it. Yeah sure you enjoy it, but you’re left craving something else, something more substantial. Something more.” You give him a meaningful look that’s open to interpretation.
Shockwave leans in closer to you and takes a moment before he responds. His words are clipped and careful, infused with the energy of restraint. “What flavours do you taste? I have a list of- of all the flavours this product is infused with. I want to know how many you can identify.”
You can now identify seven flavours, but more keep blossoming into existence. But you don’t feel like telling Shockwave this. What you feel like doing is finding out what he’s going to do with you if you don’t.
You suck and don’t speak, filling the room with the sounds of swallowing.
“If…if you can identify all of them you will receive a bonus payment.” Shockwaves’s voice is thick and slow.
You suck harder, and throw in a loud groan of appreciation just to see what effect it will have on him. “I don’t know what you’ve put in this but mmmmmm, oooooooohhhhhh, it tastes so good.”
Something flashes across Shockwave’s optic. A stuttering line of shadow binary, like a line of warning code revealed and suppressed.
“Sooooo gooooood.” You swirl your tongue around it, painting it with saliva and never once breaking eye contact with him. You don’t think you’ve even blinked. “You give me all the best treats to put in my mouth Shockwave.”
An invisible wave of heat crashes into you. You know that his cooling system is silent and that he cools his frame without using fans. They’re noisy and inefficient he once told you, when you asked about modifications he’s made to himself. But he still needs a cooling system. He still needs to vent excess heat generated by reactions he has little to no conscious control over. You can feel his desire bleeding through his plating to fill the space between you, hot and heavy and invisible, like tainted steam you can practically taste.
“Metal,” you tell him truthfully, all thoughts of teasing him gone. “I can only taste you now.”
Shockwave’s optic is burning. 
You remove the lollipop from your mouth with a small pop. A thin trail of saliva still connects it to your lips. You’re pleased to see that it’s barely reduced in size, despite your enthusiastic sucking.
“…apologies,“ Shockwave says quietly. "I- the experiment needs to be reset then. Re-done. I will eliminate all outside variables to ensure purity of evidence collection and retreat from your orbit and stand in the corner.”
You lick your lips, breaking the strand. He can be so wonderfully melodramatic at times. “There will always be outside factors influencing you that you’re unaware of,“ you tell him. "It’s best to just roll with them. So don’t you dare go anywhere else.”
“You are incorrect,“ Shockwave says, with a slight tilt of his head that you’ve long ago translated as a smile. "And that attitude is not conducive to a rigorous scientific study.”
You shrug your shoulders. “But now you can verify that the relationship between a human’s taste and sense of smell is intimate and real. You can have fun noting it in your records. And do you know what else is fun?” You put the lollipop back into your mouth and nod your head towards his interface panel. “Proving you wrong.”
Shockwave follows your appreciative glance down to see what you’re looking at. 
His panel is open and his dick is out.
Neither of you move. You just look. You both just look.
“…how is that proving me wrong?” Shockwave finally asks in genuine confusion. 
"Well,” you say, speaking slowly in order to compose yourself and to give the impression that this is a bemusing turn of events that will soon be resolved instead of escalated and that you’re expecting the former and certainly, definitely, don’t want the latter. “It proves that you don’t have complete control over your all of your actions.”
“…that was not a proposition to be proven false or correct in this session. What is incorrect are you. I have control over all of my systems, and have multiple safeguards in place to prevent them from being overridden.”
You slowly lean forward and give him a Look. “So you…meant to pop your dick out? You gave yourself the order to initiate pre-interface protocols? You’re choosing to conduct an experiment like this?”
“… … …yes.”
You sit back and fold your arms and grin smugly. The lollipop’s stick is poking out of your mouth. “So you don’t really like what you’re seeing me do? You aren’t thinking thoughts that are so explicit they’re literally banned on several worlds? You don’t want to come closer and put something else in my mouth?”
Another wave of invisible heat punches you in the face. 
“You could save us some time here by not lying.” 
“…there is no unit of time that needs to be saved. The experiment is proceeding as planned.”
“Oh is it now.”
Neither of you move. The sound of the medical equipment has receded. All you hear now is the pulse of blood in your ears and the rich, slightly stuttering sounds of Shockwave’s vocaliser. 
“However,” Shockwave says slowly, eventually, “I am adaptable. Realistic. A scientist.” 
“Are these bullet points on a motivational poster you have hanging up somewhere?”
“I understand the benefits that absorbing unforseen actions can have,” Shockwave says, ignoring you. “And am rolling with them.”
“Your reaction is more conducive to further experimentation than anticipated. I am willing to indulge you.”
“Excuse me?”
Now Shockwave is the one sounding smug. “If only you could see your expression, see your body language - if you could feel the heat and analyze the pheromones radiating out of you the way I can then you would know what I know. Which is that you’re enjoying yourself. You like what you see and want more.”
You don’t answer. You hate when you can’t answer back to him immediately. You open your mouth to say something, anything, but Shockwave interrupts you.
“Are you willing to progress with another experiment? Or are you scared?”
He should know by now that you’ve felt many things with him, but never fear. Does he really think that? Does he really think that reverse psychology is going to work on you? But he doesn’t look like he does. He looks like he’s not thinking things through fully, and is speaking mainly to keep the momentum going. He looks like he’s edging from need to desperation.
That goes a long way to mollify you. “Oh I’m terrified,” you exaggerate. “So very scared. But in the name of science I’ll force myself to be brave. So go on then, let’s start another experiment.”
Shockwave doesn’t move immediately. Then he shuffles closer, and wraps a hand around his dick as if to hide it or control it. “An experiment can be stopped at any time,” he tells you softly. “We have the rest of your life to try it another time if you are willing.”
A jolt of warmth blossoms in your chest and most of your body’s blood surges between your legs and you nod. Once again he’s left you temporarily speechless with his care and consideration for you. Bastard.
Shockwave makes a move to take the lollipop from your mouth, but you smack his hand away and find your voice again. “No. I’m not finished with that.”
“The human mouth is very accomodating,” you tell him proudly. “We can’t detach our jaw like some animals can, but we can fit a lot in here. We can stretch.” You position the lollipop to one side of your mouth, so that it fits snugly into your cheek cavity as much as possible. “Still plenty of room. See?” You open your mouth to show him.
Shockwave trembles. You nod again, and he takes another step forward. His dick is now perfectly aligned with your mouth but then he pauses. He’s thinking. Calculating. Hesitating. He inches his dick forward and rests it on your bottom lip and stops again. The hot metal weight of it, the alien chrome smell of it, floods your mouth with even more saliva.
“Go on,” you encourage him, licking a bead of fluid from the dripping tip. “For science.”
For a long few seconds Shockwave doesn’t move. And then he slides his dick into your mouth. He does so slowly, inch by careful inch, giving you plenty of time to prepare and relax your muscles. It rubs against the lollipop in your mouth and you’re flooded with flavour. Saliva dribbles out of your mouth and down your chin but you ignore it, instead concentrating on how fantastically full your mouth is becoming. 
Shockwave’s dick hits the back of your mouth and he stops. You instinctively try to swallow and don’t achieve much. Actually that’s not true because Shockwave moans at what you’ve just done. Actually moans. You wonder what other sounds he’s capable of making, and what sounds you can cause him to make. 
You don’t swallow again. Instead you suck. You suck his dick and the lollipop at the same time again and again and again, and Shockwave has to put a hand on the back of your head to prevent himself from buckling and you both make a long noise.
You adjust the lollipop in your mouth, hold it in place, and slowly pull your head back. Shockwave doesn’t resist you, and doesn’t remove his hand from your head as you remove your mouth from his dick, which is soaking wet and dripping. You rub your thumb over the head of it, smearing the viscous liquid around it. You rub him with two fingers, and then your entire hand, stroking his dick up and down to coat it in a mixture of your saliva and the transfluid that’s steadily leaking out of him.
“Please,” Shockwave says haltingly, as he braces himself against the bench with his other arm. “The…experiment has not been concluded.”
“Experiment?” you ask, sucking on the lollipop. “Oh yes - this extra experiment that you haven’t actually told me about. What exactly is it we’re proving or disproving here?”
“I…the…to see.”
“That sounds important.” You stroke him hard and twist, and he makes a stuttering sound of mechanical pleading.
“The…human mouth is a combination of muscles,” he finally stutters, dragging some basic information up from his depths. “It- this experiment is to exercise them. See how far they can…stretch.”
That sounds mildly plausible. 
“I’ve just demonstrated how far they can stretch,” you tell him. “But do you think they can go further?”
“Well would you believe it, so do I.” You lick the tip of dick and make it even wetter. “I think my mouth can take more.”
“That…yes. It would be complete. The experiment. As well as- This one. The experiment. I need…complete results or-”
“Or you’ll be a failure?” You speak around the lollipop,
your hand now languidly stroking him. “Well we don’t want that. I don’t want that. I don’t want to be associated with a failure. I have a poverty of life expectancy remember, and I don’t want to waste what I’ve got with a loser. So.”
You remove the lollipop from your mouth and hold onto his legs to brace yourself. You then slowly, slowly, take his dick back into your mouth. Shockwave doesn’t move. He lets you set the pace. Lets you do all the work more like. Not that you’re complaining, but you will complain out loud to him later just to annoy him. His dick reaches the back of your mouth again and you feel him relax slightly. 
Your scientist needs to learn to be more ambitious in his experiments with you. More fearless. 
You adjust your angle, instruct your muscles to relax further, and take his dick all the way down your throat until he’s fully hilted inside you. 
Shockwave shudders and grips your head harder. He then realises what he’s done and lets go immediately in case he’s hurt you, but he doesn’t want to break contact with you so he holds the back of your head again but this time lightly, but it’s not enough to stabilize him so he shoots his other arm out and scrabbles for whatever purchase he can find and makes a sound that sounds like dying.
He needs to get a hold of himself. You’re not even moving any more, and he’s reacting like he’s been blessed and cursed with divine revelation all at once. 
You pat the back of his legs to reassure him. 
Shockwaves’s stabiliser pistons finally align and steadies his frame.
And then you move. You fuck him slowly with your mouth. All the way up and then all the way back down. His dick tastes even better than that lollipop, and you suck him with control and purpose. Your chin is wet and your throat is sticky and your heart is thumping harder than you ever remember it doing.
Shockwave is doing his best to stay silent and is failing wonderfully. You wonder if he’ll match your rhythm and fuck you down your throat but he hasn’t, and you don’t suspect he will. Not because he doesn’t want to, but because he doesn’t want to use more than a fraction of his strength in case even that’s too much. His self-control is impressive and welcome, but it’s not complete. 
Shockwave is holding the back of your head lightly, but his fingers are tightening infinitesimally around your hair and scalp every time you suck the tip of his dick and swallow it all the way down to its base. His self-control is not infinite and not indestructible. He’s not dead inside.  
You eventually feel his frame tense and tighten around you, and hear the pitch and whine of his engines straining up a gear. You’re enveloped in heat and know he’s close.
“There…is time for one more experiment,” he manages to say, his voice thick with static.
“Mmmm?” you ask around his dick, your full mouth still moving.
“…apparently saliva can digest various substances and…so can stomach enzymes and…the mouth is part of the digestive system and…if you…if you…”
You’ve swallowed transfluid before and liked it and know it won’t hurt you. You’ve had The Talk with all the medics on board just to be sure, and so long as he doesn’t pour his entire tank down your throat in one go you’ll be fine.
You nod your consent, and Shockwave makes a noise that sounds like gratitude.
He’s a bit less steady on his feet now, a bit more erratic, a bit louder and less efficient in his movements but you’re not. You’re a steady constant in the face of his fast approaching overload, fucking him in a perfect rythym that surprises him more than it does you.
He grips you harder and spasms and his engines scream dangerously loud as he overloads hard in your mouth. A shot of transfluid hits the back of your throat and you can’t help but gag at the quantity of it. You hold his legs tighter to prevent him from going anywhere, because you’re not going to miss a moment of this. You swallow as much as you can, and revel in the mechanical rumbling stuttering sounds his engines make as they fight not to cut out. His silent cooling system is blasting hard, which feels like opening an oven door and putting your face into it. Your hair is stuck to your flushed and sweating face.
Shockwave eventually quietens and stills and begins to regain himself. A series of small clicks indicate his cooling system is powering down. You suspect he’d like to keep his dick down your throat all day if you agreed to it and while that’s not something you’re opposed to, far from it, your mind is already churning with possibilities as to what three hands and a cannon can do while your mouth is occupied, it’s an experiment for another day.
Right now you have your own needs to attend to, and first on that list is to clean up the mess he’s made on you as best you ca. You gave it a good try but you couldn’t swallow everything he gave you, you’re only human, and a lot of it leaked out of your mouth and dribbled down your chin and throat. Your skin is sticky and your clothes are splattered.
You move your head back until his dick pops out, and cup a hand underneath your mouth to catch the gush of fluid that spills out. You look up at Shockwave and raise that hand to your mouth and lap up what’s in it.
Shockwave’s overworked engines make a pitiful sound as they rev back up again. You suck your fingers clean, and then you put your underestimated human mouth to good use and clean him up. 
Your work is not completed quickly.
But finally it is, and you make an effort to casually sit back in satisfaction at completing a job well done.
“So what do you think?” you ask him off-handedly, as your body thrums and fizzes. You wish your own temperature control system was more effective, no matter how noisy it would have to be. Your shirt is stuck to your back and you’re entering the non-lethal stage of dehydration. “Was the experiment a success?”
“I think,” Shockwave says, as he pours you a glass of water from the sink, “That the human mouth is…interesting.”
He hands you the glass and you drink from it without pausing. You know that’s as close as Shockwave will ever come to saying that he thinks the human mouth is incredible, yours especially, and that he wants nothing more than to fill it and worship it again.
“But still a concerning mystery,” Shockwave continues, as he takes the empty glass from you. “It requires further research. A lot of research.”
He kneels down in front of you and puts a hand on your knee.
“In fact,” Shockwave says, his warm fingertips languidly stroking up the inside of your thigh as if the thought has just occurred to him, “the human body as a whole needs to be researched further. One system, one organ, one session at a time.” 
His hand stops on your buckled belt.
“A breakthrough has been achieved,” you tell him, picking up his hand and removing it from your belt. Despite his claims to be highly dexterous, you don’t have time to wait for him to use one hand when you have two.
“It’s a minor miracle.” You unbuckle your belt, pull your pants down, lean back against the wall and put one hand behind your head to cushion it. With your other hand you make a motion for him to hurry up and get to work because you both know you’ve earned this.
“You finally said something correct. Now let’s see what else you can accomplish.“
“The human mouth is disgusting, and I am going to prove it.”
Shockwave states this coldly and firmly the second you step into his lab. But his optic is bright and wide and he’s already hovering next to you, holding out a tool box as if it’s a long lost treasure he’s graciously decided to share with you and only you, and as such you should turn speechless with awe and gratitude and silently beg to be allowed to help him prove how terrible you are.
You are supremely unimpressed. You haven’t even had the chance to take your coat off yet, and here you are being told by one of the greatest scientists you know that an essential part of you is disgusting.
“The human mouth is a medical marvel,” you argue back, dumping your coat onto the pristine floor of his lab. You lean casually and definitely against a lab bench and look at him in the way he deserves for such invalid arrogance.
“You are incorrect,” Shockwave says.
“I know you are, but what am I?” You shoot back.
“I know you are, but what am I?”
“I know you are, but what am I ?”
You cross your arms in satisfaction. “Exactly.”
“Enough.” Shockwave steps closer, the tool box rattling excitedly in his hand. “Sit down. Stop talking. Open your mouth.” 
“Why? What are you going to put in it?” you say, ignoring all three orders.
“An incontrovertible means to prove my supposition that will allow even the most intellectually challenged being to understand.”
Shockwave opens the box.
You stretch up onto your toes and peer inside it. You nod your head repeatedly at what you see and what he’s just said. “Uh-huh, uh-huh. Now I’m no scientist, but there’s a few things in there that don’t look very scientific. Like that long yellow thing and that sharp purple thing with hinges.”
“You are correct.”
“I know.”
“You are not a scientist. You are an inferior life form existing with a poverty of comprehension, life expectancy and universally accepted currency.”
“Hey.” You may have agreed to be a volunteer for Shockwave’s experiments after he approached you earlier with a monetary offer you couldn’t refuse, and because he ignored you when you asked  him why he hadn’t publicly advertised for volunteers and is only asking you, but you’re not going to sit back and take that. “You don’t have to be a dick about this. You don’t know me.” Two of his three statements are correct, but you’ll be floating outside in space without a suit on before you agree with him.
Shockwave looms over you, bright and purple and powerful. You’re not nervous. You’ve never been nervous around him when so many rightfully are and you don’t know why.
“I will tell you something I do know,” Shockwave says. “Something that your human ‘scientists’ and ‘doctors’ have also documented and agreed on.” 
He puts the tool box down on the bench and takes out a long cotton swab from it. “The mouth is one of the filthiest parts of your body.”
You feel your lips tugging up into a smile. “But not the filthiest, am I right?”
Shockwave glances down to between your legs.
“Pervert,” you say, delighted. “I’m talking about my brain.” For added emphasis you tap a finger to your temple. 
“Enough.” Shockwave puts his other arm on your shoulder and pushes you down onto a medical stool. He does so carefully, as if wanting to give you the chance to say no to this.
You sit down on the stool. You don’t want to say no to any of this. 
You stretch your legs out and cross them at the ankle. “Are you trying to find out how many diseases I’ve got in my mouth? Will you be upset if there are too many or too few? Do you want me to stop talking? Or is that what you like most about my mouth? The different shapes it can make; the way my tongue moves; how wet everything is? Would you be upset if I keep it closed and denied you everything you so clearly want?”
And before Shockwave can respond, you preempt him and open your mouth.
“Are you going to slip into a radioactive suit first?” you ask. “Are you worried about your safety? It’s OK, there’s nothing to be concerned about - I’ll go easy on you. And I promise not to bite.”
Shockwave doesn’t answer. But he looks like he wants to. He very much looks like he wants to say something that he shouldn’t.
He inserts the cotton swab into your mouth and runs it along the wall of your cheek, coating the tip in saliva. He then pauses, as if reluctant to remove it so soon. He swipes the inside of your mouth again, this time anti-clockwise and this time slower. He repeats the clockwise and anti-clockwise rotations three times each. Maybe his interest with your mouth really is just scientific.
He finally removes the swab and puts it into a cylindrical container mounted to the wall. “Results from the buccal swab will be available almost instantaneously and will produce an accuracy rate of 99.99%”
“I’m so glad I’m sitting down here because wow, you just blew my mind with that fascinating statistic.”
Shockwave returns to you and doesn’t dignify you with an answer.
“There may be a trillions of bacteria in my mouth,” you tell him, rubbing the side of your face that he’d taken a painless sample from. “But they’re not just there to party. They pay their way and are useful. Essential, actually.” 
“So if we get germs in our mouth then our body doesn’t just give up and die an embarrassing death - the good bacteria are woken up and put up a fight and prevent us from getting sick. Or at least fatally sick. Sometimes we still get sick but they’ve done their best, you can’t blame them for everything.”
“Is that so.”
“Yep. Well some of the bacteria help out like that, I don’t think they all do. Some of them don’t do much and are just…there. I don’t know how many and what it is they actually do. And I’m not going to count them because one, that’s boring and two, I’m not a snitch.”
You lean forward. “Do you really not know all of this? This is basic biology even the dumb kids in the useless schools know.”
Shockwave reaches into the tool box again. “I am fully aware of the purpose of defence bacteria, how they operate, the ratio of useful to redundant organisms and how inefficient the entire mechanism is. But this has all been documented by others - by humans - and not by a cybertronian. Not by me.”
He extracts the small sharp purple thing.
You swallow. “So you don’t believe them.”
Shockwave puts his hand over yours, which is still on your cheek. “I do not believe them. I trust only my results. My methodology.”
He manipulates the instrument until it transforms into a medical instrument you recognise.
You open your mouth slightly. “And that’s the only reason you’re doing this? The only reason you want to probe me with that?”
“…correct. I need to examine and document the area personally in order to establish an accurate primary baseline.”
“Mm-hmm.” Of all the colours in existence, he chose the one that matches his frame’s colour exactly. “For science?”
Shockwave slides the purple tongue depressor into your mouth and over your tongue. “For science.” 
Shockwave is careful. Thorough. He uses his optic as a focused beam of light to peer into your mouth and examine it. The metal depressor on your tongue is smooth and warm, and whenever your gag reflex threatens to start up, Shockwave adjusts the instrument instantly to help it pass. He exacts the perfect amount of pressure every single time to still it. You’re impressed. But starting to get bored. He’s just looking at you and not moving, as if he’s never seen the inside of a human mouth before and is on sacred ground he knows he needs to tread carefully on. 
You make a sound, and he tears his relentless gaze from the inside of your mouth to your eyes. You raise your eyebrows to ask what’s taking so long.
“Tell me,” Shockwave asks, as he places the instrument underneath your tongue so that you can talk. “What are the carriers for the bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa that activate the defense mechanisms of the mouth?”
You roll your tongue on top of the depressor and feel your eyes itching to do the same. You didn’t sign up for a biology quiz. “You mean where do germs come from?”
“That is not what I meant or asked. Pay attention.”
You put a finger in your mouth. You reach as far back as the depressor goes and touch it. You run your finger along the smooth metal until it comes out of your mouth but you don’t break contact with it, you keep going, trailing your finger along the handle of the depressor until you come to the fingers that hold it. You rest your finger on Shockwave’s.
“Oh now I see,” you exaggerate loudly, as if only now the blinds have been lifted from your eyes and you finally understand what he means. “You want to know about things that shouldn’t go in my mouth. The dirty things that could make me sick. The forbidden things.” 
You swallow around the metal. “And you want to know if I know them.”
Shockwave slides the depressor out of your mouth and moves his hand back. But not far enough to dislodge your finger from his.
“What if I said I did know?” you continue. “That I know all of them. That I make a sustained effort to educate myself on biology and physiology not only because it helps me to stay healthy and alive, but because I find those areas of study fascinating in their own right?”
Shockwave doesn’t move and doesn’t answer. You can practically feel his spark contracting as he realises you’re telling the truth.
You tilt your head. If he tattooed his desires across his impressive chest he couldn’t be more obvious in what he wants. You feel your heart beat faster at what you’re going to say next. “But what if I didn’t know? What if I said I didn’t know what shouldn’t be going in my mouth and that I’d…like to?’
It should be impossible, but you can sense his spark expand.
“I…would experiment,” he tells you. “For science.”
“As opposed to the medieval fine arts?”
Shockwave’s optic bores into you. “We do not have time to undertake a battery of tests to determine if every substance is dangerous to human health if ingested orally. My selected carriers have been chosen carefully and will produce…results." 
You sit back on the stool and eye him critically. This is the first you’re hearing about ingesting something. He already knows what substances are dangerous to human health. He knows all of them and you, the planet Earth, and the rest of the known galaxy know almost all of them. This seems like a ploy to put things in your mouth and see if they’ll kill you or make you sick.
“You already know what substances are dangerous to human health,” you tell Shockwave. He lowers his hand and you remove your finger from his. “And I, the planet Earth and the rest of the known galaxy know almost all of them. This is starting to seem like a ploy to put things in my mouth to see if they’ll make me sick.” 
You point your finger sharply at him and speak with a fake fiery fury. “And this is the first I’m hearing about actually ingesting something. Is this whole experiment just to see if something will kill me? Is that it? Is it? Are you going to offer me a glowing stick of radioactive waste and say it’s a cybertronian delicacy and then watch me suck on it and melt from the inside and become a puddle of screaming goo as you take notes and call the overworked and underpaid cleaner to mop up what remains of me up? Is it?”
Shockwave actually takes a step back. “Incorrect. As always, you are incorrect. This is for science.”
If he had a medical frame he could detect your pulse and blood chemistry without even needing to touch you. But he doesn’t, and you’re grateful for that. If he wants to know how you’re truly feeling about this session then he’s going to have to put in the hard work and deduce it. 
“Fine,” you say. “I signed up for this ‘non-lethal experiment to determine the limitations of the human mouth’ that you’re paying me for and I’m not going to back out of it. So what’s coming out of the box next?”
But Shockwave doesn’t take anything else out. Instead he crouches down so that you’re at eye-optic level. “I am curious as to how the human mouth and resulting systems react to interior contact with something your scant years of evolution have not encountered before. My hypothesis is not encouraging for you, but facts are facts. And when I’m proven right you will eventually thank me.”
Shockwave raises his hand and flexes his fingers, and you know where this is going. But you’re overcome with a prickly irritation at the casual way he dismisses your species, and decide to play dumb with him. It’s illogical to feel this way, but you’re not a purely logical being. You’re someone better than that. 
You eye his fingers with a careful look of mild distaste. “My hideous ancestors went through a lot of shit to equip me with what I have now, and I’d thank you to remember that.”
You fold your hands neatly in your lap, and transform the way you’re looking at his fingers to one of mild pity. “My teeth are composed of the hardest substance in the human body. They can tear through plants and flesh and all manner of substances with ease.”
“What about metal?” Shockwave asks instantly, bringing up his hand to your face. “Reports indicates that your teeth cannot break it and your fluids cannot digest it.” He waggles his fingers. “But in the name of science this must be corroborated or rejected.”
“You’re not even trying, are you?”
“Waving your fingers about like that, ‘accidentally’ brushing my lips with them, flexing and rotating them as if they’re part of your courtship dance and any second now I’m going to be consumed with lust and fall off my seat and whimper on the floor for you.”
“…you are incor-”
“No I’m not. Stop saying that. And stop thinking I’m an idiot.”
“You want me to suck your fingers.”
“…for science.”
“For yourself.”
“I am science and science is me.”
“That was terrible. You didn’t practice that in the mirror before I came here did you?”
Before Shockwave can get upset and pretend his sulking is a convoluted chain of logical actions that make complete sense, you lick one of his fingers.
Shockwave freezes. 
You lick it again, this time slower. Your tongue moves carefully over the tip of his finger and down the entire length of it, all the way to his hand. He feels surprisingly warm and alive.
“There,” you say, rolling your tongue around your mouth. “It didn’t kill me. And if I come down with alien flu or turn a different colour later on, I’ll give you a call.” 
Shockwave doesn’t move. 
You don’t move.
Soft humming from the medical equipment and diagnostic machines fills the room.
“Incomplete,” Shockwave says. “The test is incomplete. You signed up for a complete test, and that is what will be undertaken.”
“First of all I didn’t sign anything, so if I choose to run out of here you can’t sue me for breach of contract.”
“Are you going to run out?”
“I was thinking of doing a jaunty saunter actually.”
Shockwave examines the finger you’ve licked. You don’t make any effort to move. 
“But,” you say, drawing out the word as you stretch your arms above your head. “I’m a person of my word. We both know enamel can’t crack metal, but in the interests of science we’d better try it out anyway and document it accordingly, shouldn’t we?”
Shockwave cups your face gently, his thumb resting on your lips. “If you insist.”
“If I insist?”
Before you can protest further, Shockwave pushes his thumb in between your lips. You don’t offer any resistance, and part your lips slightly to allow him to put it in. Seemingly satisfied that you’re not about to immediately die, Shockwave rests it on your tongue. Then he puts a finger in your mouth. And when you still don’t object, he puts another one in.
He tastes of electricity and steel and graphite. Like a living battery.
You suck on his fingers carefully. There’s a pulse of blood in your ears and a pool of heat spreading along the base of your stomach, and you’re sure you can feel the energon in his fingers throb as they slide over and around and below your tongue.
His fingers explore your mouth. They massage your tongue, and count your teeth, and stroke the inside of your cheeks. He acts as if he’s an explorer sent on a mission branded with royal assent.
You bite down on his fingers gently.
Not out of fear of hurting him, but out of self preservation. You’ll crack every tooth in your mouth if you’re not careful, and you’ve got better things to do than sit in the medical bay and get a lecture.
You bite down as hard as you dare. Shockwave makes a sound that sounds suspiciously like a whimper. You bite down again and are proven correct.
In satisfaction you pull your head back. Shockwave doesn’t move his hand as his fingers leave your mouth, and you don’t open your mouth wide. You make sure your teeth graze as much of his hand as possible as you retreat from it. 
Shockwave is thrumming. An undeniable thrum of excitement is pulsing throughout his frame just below his plating, and it’s bleeding into you. 
“Was that good for you?” you ask innocently. “Concluding an experiment gets me all hot and bothered too. Except I don’t raise the temperature in a room by ten degrees.”
Shockwave leans in closer to you. “Incorrect.”
“Oh, smooth!“
You lick his closest finger without thinking about it. And when you like to think the temperature’s clicked up another degree, you kiss it.
"I hope you washed your hands before I came in,” you say. You’re sure he did, but it’s the sensible thing to ask.
“Of course I didn’t,” Shockwave says. “Who do you think I am? A human? I sanitized them thoroughly.”
You run your tongue around the inside of your mouth. The unique taste of him hasn’t faded. “Hygiene is important.”
“You don’t want an experiment to be ruined by contaminants.”
“Again, obviously.”
“And you don’t want your subject to suffer needlessly.” You look at his fingers and that pool of blood in your lower body heats up another degree. “You don’t want me to suffer.”
“…there is work to do and I do not like to repeat myself.” Shockwave reaches for the box again. “This next experiment is to determine the range of human taste in order to classify it as either limited, highly limited, practically non-existent or barely existent.”
“Whoa whoa whoa,” you say, holding your hands out with your palms facing towards him. “Slow down on all the accurate scientific jargon there will you, I’m having trouble keeping up.”
Shockwave shakes his head ever so slightly. “I thought those terms were within your sphere of comprehension, but I am obviously wrong.”
“Here,” he says, holding the yellow thing you saw in the box earlier. “Unwrap this.”
You look at it but don’t reach for it. “Did you know that we have thousands of taste buds on our tongue? Thousands. Almost ten thousand, maybe more. Which means we can taste a lot. Maybe not as much as other species in the galaxy, I’m not claiming that, but we can tell the difference between a good piece of steak and a sorry looking chunk that’s unfit for a starving animal. And so could the animal. You’d throw the meat at it gently to feed it because you don’t want to get too close to it because it looks diseased, but the animal can tell the food’s terrible and has already given up the fight because it’s so disappointed and weary, and it doesn’t move as the meat thumps pathetically into the side of their face and slides down their neck to the ground and they whimper and back away into the shadows without even looking at it and now you’re out of pocket for the cost of it and starting to feel hungry.”
Shockwave twitches and looks at the fingers he put in your mouth. He’s probably wondering if he accidentally dipped them in drugs instead of sanitizing them. He holds two of them up to you.
“How many do you see?” he asks. 
“Not enough.”
This is apparently a top of the class answer, because Shockwave stops twitching and looks calmer. But still impatient. Still thrumming with something not yet satisfied. 
“This experiment won’t conduct itself,” he says.
“Won’t it?”
“The limited range of taste and texture offered by the human tongue must be documented precisely.” He finally unwraps the yellow thing himself and holds it out to you. It’s a thin grey rectangle on a stick and looks as appealing as rancid dish water.
“My range of taste isn’t pathetic.”
“Would you prefer I use embarassing instead?”
“What do you think?”
“I think you should put this on your tongue.” The grey rectangle he’s poking towards you reminds you of a non-frozen popsicle that’s been rolled around in dirt and hair. An abomination of a lollipop. “And tell me what you taste.”
You hold his hand to stop him from poking your eye out with it. And you don’t put it in your mouth or on your tongue as he asked. You can’t. It looks disgusting.
“This looks disgusting,” you say.
“Maybe there’s more to it than meets the eye,” he says.
You feel yourself smile. “Maybe. But why couldn’t you paint it in my favourite colour like you did with your tongue depressor?“
You bring the shape close to your nose and sniff it cautiously. And to your complete surprise it smells incredible. You make sharp eye contact with Shockwave and wish you knew what he was thinking, because he looks like he knows exactly what you are. You breathe in deeply and the scent sets off an explosion in your brain and wow, just- wow. 
It reminds you of freshly minted currency, that perfect slice of cake you once had, and the three other smells you love most in the world. Without breaking eye contact with Shockwave you lick the lollipop. It has the hard consistency of boiled candy and the flavour of genius. 
“It tastes OK,” you lie with difficulty. You lick it again, from the top all the way down to the bottom, smoothing out its sharp corners. It’s one of the best things you’ve ever tasted in your life. A lollipop cooked in a lab by a millions of years old robot scientist who’s got a thing for your mouth is making that mouth fill with an alarming amount of saliva. It’s as if he knows exactly what your favourite smells are and has transformed them into something edible for you. 
You swallow. “I’ve had better.”
“No you haven’t.”
“Don’t tell me what I have or haven’t had.”
“Then save us some time and don’t lie.” 
Shockwave waves the lollipop again. An image slips into your head and you can’t help but ask “Did you wear an apron when you cooked this?” You hope that he’ll answer but you’re not expecting him too.
Shockwave doesn’t answer. 
“I’m not getting paid enough for all of this you know.”
You finally take the lollipop from his hand and lick it slowly. From the base all the way to the top, again and again and again you lick it. You’d sell everything you own for another one of these. You’d commit all manner of crimes for one. Maybe Shockwave will cook you another one. Maybe he’ll give you the recipe and you can cook it yourself. Maybe you can cook it together and wear matching aprons. Maybe you should pay attention to this experiment before he stops it. 
Shockwave’s plating is gleaming. He isn’t moving, and looks bright and powerful and helpless. Perhaps what he’s seeing you do has incapacitated him. Now that’s a thought almost as good as what you’ve got in your mouth.
“Am I not doing this properly?” you ask, your voice unfreezing him. You lick it even slower. 
“How- how does it taste?” Shockwave finally asks instead.
You lick your lips and swallow. It tastes incredible. Delicious. Indescribably fantastic.
“Like cheap crappy candy,” you tell him. “The type you know is bad for you but you still eat too much of it. Yeah sure you enjoy it, but you’re left craving something else, something more substantial. Something more.” You give him a meaningful look that’s open to interpretation.
Shockwave leans in closer to you and takes a moment before he responds. His words are clipped and careful, infused with the energy of restraint. “What flavours do you taste? I have a list of- of all the flavours this product is infused with. I want to know how many you can identify.”
You can now identify seven flavours, but more keep blossoming into existence. But you don’t feel like telling Shockwave this. What you feel like doing is finding out what he’s going to do with you if you don’t.
You suck and don’t speak, filling the room with the sounds of swallowing.
“If…if you can identify all of them you will receive a bonus payment.” Shockwaves’s voice is thick and slow.
You suck harder, and throw in a loud groan of appreciation just to see what effect it will have on him. “I don’t know what you’ve put in this but mmmmmm, oooooooohhhhhh, it tastes so good.”
Something flashes across Shockwave’s optic. A stuttering line of shadow binary, like a line of warning code revealed and suppressed.
“Sooooo gooooood.” You swirl your tongue around it, painting it with saliva and never once breaking eye contact with him. You don’t think you’ve even blinked. “You give me all the best treats to put in my mouth Shockwave.”
An invisible wave of heat crashes into you. You know that his cooling system is silent and that he cools his frame without using fans. They’re noisy and inefficient he once told you, when you asked about modifications he’s made to himself. But he still needs a cooling system. He still needs to vent excess heat generated by reactions he has little to no conscious control over. You can feel his desire bleeding through his plating to fill the space between you, hot and heavy and invisible, like tainted steam you can practically taste.
“Metal,” you tell him truthfully, all thoughts of teasing him gone. “I can only taste you now.”
Shockwave’s optic is burning. 
You remove the lollipop from your mouth with a small pop. A thin trail of saliva still connects it to your lips. You’re pleased to see that it’s barely reduced in size, despite your enthusiastic sucking.
“…apologies,“ Shockwave says quietly. "I- the experiment needs to be reset then. Re-done. I will eliminate all outside variables to ensure purity of evidence collection and retreat from your orbit and stand in the corner.”
You lick your lips, breaking the strand. He can be so wonderfully melodramatic at times. “There will always be outside factors influencing you that you’re unaware of,“ you tell him. "It’s best to just roll with them. So don’t you dare go anywhere else.”
“You are incorrect,“ Shockwave says, with a slight tilt of his head that you’ve long ago translated as a smile. "And that attitude is not conducive to a rigorous scientific study.”
You shrug your shoulders. “But now you can verify that the relationship between a human’s taste and sense of smell is intimate and real. You can have fun noting it in your records. And do you know what else is fun?” You put the lollipop back into your mouth and nod your head towards his interface panel. “Proving you wrong.”
Shockwave follows your appreciative glance down to see what you’re looking at. 
His panel is open and his dick is out.
Neither of you move. You just look. You both just look.
“…how is that proving me wrong?” Shockwave finally asks in genuine confusion. 
"Well,” you say, speaking slowly in order to compose yourself and to give the impression that this is a bemusing turn of events that will soon be resolved instead of escalated and that you’re expecting the former and certainly, definitely, don’t want the latter. “It proves that you don’t have complete control over your all of your actions.”
“…that was not a proposition to be proven false or correct in this session. What is incorrect are you. I have control over all of my systems, and have multiple safeguards in place to prevent them from being overridden.”
You slowly lean forward and give him a Look. “So you…meant to pop your dick out? You gave yourself the order to initiate pre-interface protocols? You’re choosing to conduct an experiment like this?”
“… … …yes.”
You sit back and fold your arms and grin smugly. The lollipop’s stick is poking out of your mouth. “So you don’t really like what you’re seeing me do? You aren’t thinking thoughts that are so explicit they’re literally banned on several worlds? You don’t want to come closer and put something else in my mouth?”
Another wave of invisible heat punches you in the face. 
“You could save us some time here by not lying.” 
“…there is no unit of time that needs to be saved. The experiment is proceeding as planned.”
“Oh is it now.”
Neither of you move. The sound of the medical equipment has receded. All you hear now is the pulse of blood in your ears and the rich, slightly stuttering sounds of Shockwave’s vocaliser. 
“However,” Shockwave says slowly, eventually, “I am adaptable. Realistic. A scientist.” 
“Are these bullet points on a motivational poster you have hanging up somewhere?”
“I understand the benefits that absorbing unforseen actions can have,” Shockwave says, ignoring you. “And am rolling with them.”
“Your reaction is more conducive to further experimentation than anticipated. I am willing to indulge you.”
“Excuse me?”
Now Shockwave is the one sounding smug. “If only you could see your expression, see your body language - if you could feel the heat and analyze the pheromones radiating out of you the way I can then you would know what I know. Which is that you’re enjoying yourself. You like what you see and want more.”
You don’t answer. You hate when you can’t answer back to him immediately. You open your mouth to say something, anything, but Shockwave interrupts you.
“Are you willing to progress with another experiment? Or are you scared?”
He should know by now that you’ve felt many things with him, but never fear. Does he really think that? Does he really think that reverse psychology is going to work on you? But he doesn’t look like he does. He looks like he’s not thinking things through fully, and is speaking mainly to keep the momentum going. He looks like he’s edging from need to desperation.
That goes a long way to mollify you. “Oh I’m terrified,” you exaggerate. “So very scared. But in the name of science I’ll force myself to be brave. So go on then, let’s start another experiment.”
Shockwave doesn’t move immediately. Then he shuffles closer, and wraps a hand around his dick as if to hide it or control it. “An experiment can be stopped at any time,” he tells you softly. “We have the rest of your life to try it another time if you are willing.”
A jolt of warmth blossoms in your chest and most of your body’s blood surges between your legs and you nod. Once again he’s left you temporarily speechless with his care and consideration for you. Bastard.
Shockwave makes a move to take the lollipop from your mouth, but you smack his hand away and find your voice again. “No. I’m not finished with that.”
“The human mouth is very accomodating,” you tell him proudly. “We can’t detach our jaw like some animals can, but we can fit a lot in here. We can stretch.” You position the lollipop to one side of your mouth, so that it fits snugly into your cheek cavity as much as possible. “Still plenty of room. See?” You open your mouth to show him.
Shockwave trembles. You nod again, and he takes another step forward. His dick is now perfectly aligned with your mouth but then he pauses. He’s thinking. Calculating. Hesitating. He inches his dick forward and rests it on your bottom lip and stops again. The hot metal weight of it, the alien chrome smell of it, floods your mouth with even more saliva.
“Go on,” you encourage him, licking a bead of fluid from the dripping tip. “For science.”
For a long few seconds Shockwave doesn’t move. And then he slides his dick into your mouth. He does so slowly, inch by careful inch, giving you plenty of time to prepare and relax your muscles. It rubs against the lollipop in your mouth and you’re flooded with flavour. Saliva dribbles out of your mouth and down your chin but you ignore it, instead concentrating on how fantastically full your mouth is becoming. 
Shockwave’s dick hits the back of your mouth and he stops. You instinctively try to swallow and don’t achieve much. Actually that’s not true because Shockwave moans at what you’ve just done. Actually moans. You wonder what other sounds he’s capable of making, and what sounds you can cause him to make. 
You don’t swallow again. Instead you suck. You suck his dick and the lollipop at the same time again and again and again, and Shockwave has to put a hand on the back of your head to prevent himself from buckling and you both make a long noise.
You adjust the lollipop in your mouth, hold it in place, and slowly pull your head back. Shockwave doesn’t resist you, and doesn’t remove his hand from your head as you remove your mouth from his dick, which is soaking wet and dripping. You rub your thumb over the head of it, smearing the viscous liquid around it. You rub him with two fingers, and then your entire hand, stroking his dick up and down to coat it in a mixture of your saliva and the transfluid that’s steadily leaking out of him.
“Please,” Shockwave says haltingly, as he braces himself against the bench with his other arm. “The…experiment has not been concluded.”
“Experiment?” you ask, sucking on the lollipop. “Oh yes - this extra experiment that you haven’t actually told me about. What exactly is it we’re proving or disproving here?”
“I…the…to see.”
“That sounds important.” You stroke him hard and twist, and he makes a stuttering sound of mechanical pleading.
“The…human mouth is a combination of muscles,” he finally stutters, dragging some basic information up from his depths. “It- this experiment is to exercise them. See how far they can…stretch.”
That sounds mildly plausible. 
“I’ve just demonstrated how far they can stretch,” you tell him. “But do you think they can go further?”
“Well would you believe it, so do I.” You lick the tip of dick and make it even wetter. “I think my mouth can take more.”
“That…yes. It would be complete. The experiment. As well as- This one. The experiment. I need…complete results or-”
“Or you’ll be a failure?” You speak around the lollipop,
your hand now languidly stroking him. “Well we don’t want that. I don’t want that. I don’t want to be associated with a failure. I have a poverty of life expectancy remember, and I don’t want to waste what I’ve got with a loser. So.”
You remove the lollipop from your mouth and hold onto his legs to brace yourself. You then slowly, slowly, take his dick back into your mouth. Shockwave doesn’t move. He lets you set the pace. Lets you do all the work more like. Not that you’re complaining, but you will complain out loud to him later just to annoy him. His dick reaches the back of your mouth again and you feel him relax slightly. 
Your scientist needs to learn to be more ambitious in his experiments with you. More fearless. 
You adjust your angle, instruct your muscles to relax further, and take his dick all the way down your throat until he’s fully hilted inside you. 
Shockwave shudders and grips your head harder. He then realises what he’s done and lets go immediately in case he’s hurt you, but he doesn’t want to break contact with you so he holds the back of your head again but this time lightly, but it’s not enough to stabilize him so he shoots his other arm out and scrabbles for whatever purchase he can find and makes a sound that sounds like dying.
He needs to get a hold of himself. You’re not even moving any more, and he’s reacting like he’s been blessed and cursed with divine revelation all at once. 
You pat the back of his legs to reassure him. 
Shockwaves’s stabiliser pistons finally align and steadies his frame.
And then you move. You fuck him slowly with your mouth. All the way up and then all the way back down. His dick tastes even better than that lollipop, and you suck him with control and purpose. Your chin is wet and your throat is sticky and your heart is thumping harder than you ever remember it doing.
Shockwave is doing his best to stay silent and is failing wonderfully. You wonder if he’ll match your rhythm and fuck you down your throat but he hasn’t, and you don’t suspect he will. Not because he doesn’t want to, but because he doesn’t want to use more than a fraction of his strength in case even that’s too much. His self-control is impressive and welcome, but it’s not complete. 
Shockwave is holding the back of your head lightly, but his fingers are tightening infinitesimally around your hair and scalp every time you suck the tip of his dick and swallow it all the way down to its base. His self-control is not infinite and not indestructible. He’s not dead inside.  
You eventually feel his frame tense and tighten around you, and hear the pitch and whine of his engines straining up a gear. You’re enveloped in heat and know he’s close.
“There…is time for one more experiment,” he manages to say, his voice thick with static.
“Mmmm?” you ask around his dick, your full mouth still moving.
“…apparently saliva can digest various substances and…so can stomach enzymes and…the mouth is part of the digestive system and…if you…if you…”
You’ve swallowed transfluid before and liked it and know it won’t hurt you. You’ve had The Talk with all the medics on board just to be sure, and so long as he doesn’t pour his entire tank down your throat in one go you’ll be fine.
You nod your consent, and Shockwave makes a noise that sounds like gratitude.
He’s a bit less steady on his feet now, a bit more erratic, a bit louder and less efficient in his movements but you’re not. You’re a steady constant in the face of his fast approaching overload, fucking him in a perfect rythym that surprises him more than it does you.
He grips you harder and spasms and his engines scream dangerously loud as he overloads hard in your mouth. A shot of transfluid hits the back of your throat and you can’t help but gag at the quantity of it. You hold his legs tighter to prevent him from going anywhere, because you’re not going to miss a moment of this. You swallow as much as you can, and revel in the mechanical rumbling stuttering sounds his engines make as they fight not to cut out. His silent cooling system is blasting hard, which feels like opening an oven door and putting your face into it. Your hair is stuck to your flushed and sweating face.
Shockwave eventually quietens and stills and begins to regain himself. A series of small clicks indicate his cooling system is powering down. You suspect he’d like to keep his dick down your throat all day if you agreed to it and while that’s not something you’re opposed to, far from it, your mind is already churning with possibilities as to what three hands and a cannon can do while your mouth is occupied, it’s an experiment for another day.
Right now you have your own needs to attend to, and first on that list is to clean up the mess he’s made on you as best you ca. You gave it a good try but you couldn’t swallow everything he gave you, you’re only human, and a lot of it leaked out of your mouth and dribbled down your chin and throat. Your skin is sticky and your clothes are splattered.
You move your head back until his dick pops out, and cup a hand underneath your mouth to catch the gush of fluid that spills out. You look up at Shockwave and raise that hand to your mouth and lap up what’s in it.
Shockwave’s overworked engines make a pitiful sound as they rev back up again. You suck your fingers clean, and then you put your underestimated human mouth to good use and clean him up. 
Your work is not completed quickly.
But finally it is, and you make an effort to casually sit back in satisfaction at completing a job well done.
“So what do you think?” you ask him off-handedly, as your body thrums and fizzes. You wish your own temperature control system was more effective, no matter how noisy it would have to be. Your shirt is stuck to your back and you’re entering the non-lethal stage of dehydration. “Was the experiment a success?”
“I think,” Shockwave says, as he pours you a glass of water from the sink, “That the human mouth is…interesting.”
He hands you the glass and you drink from it without pausing. You know that’s as close as Shockwave will ever come to saying that he thinks the human mouth is incredible, yours especially, and that he wants nothing more than to fill it and worship it again.
“But still a concerning mystery,” Shockwave continues, as he takes the empty glass from you. “It requires further research. A lot of research.”
He kneels down in front of you and puts a hand on your knee.
“In fact,” Shockwave says, his warm fingertips languidly stroking up the inside of your thigh as if the thought has just occurred to him, “the human body as a whole needs to be researched further. One system, one organ, one session at a time.” 
His hand stops on your buckled belt.
“A breakthrough has been achieved,” you tell him, picking up his hand and removing it from your belt. Despite his claims to be highly dexterous, you don’t have time to wait for him to use one hand when you have two.
“It’s a minor miracle.” You unbuckle your belt, pull your pants down, lean back against the wall and put one hand behind your head to cushion it. With your other hand you make a motion for him to hurry up and get to work because you both know you’ve earned this.
“You finally said something correct. Now let’s see what else you can accomplish.“
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sirspud · 3 years
A Vulgar First Impression of Coromon
Playing Pokémon games recently has been something akin to hiring a fairy princess to perform for your daughter’s birthday parties. The first few times she came around were fun, she made all the kids laugh and play their games, but now the princess has grown lazy, idly watching YouTube while disinterestedly mumbling the same four or five lines she’s been spouting for the past twenty-three years. But you keep hiring her regardless, even though your daughter’s trying to point out that she’s not into princesses anymore because she’s pushing 30, and you’re starting to think she might not be worth three hundred bucks a visit. And she’s starting to smell.
So as the Pokémon community sits and waits for the Diamond and Pearl remakes, because what is Pokémon if not a prolonged exercise in nostalgia bait, some indie developers have been trying their hand at doing Pokémon, but properly this time. First came along TemTem, which was, “Like Pokémon but online”, and now there’s Coromon, which is “Like Pokémon” and that’s it.
I’ll admit, I was attracted to Coromon not because of any underlying nostalgia or a want to replay Pokemon, but because the devs put out a free demo for the game, which is a rarity in this modern age of Early Access and delayed release dates. Intrigued, I decided to take a closer look, to see which warts they cut off and which ones they allowed to fester.
The game starts with our protagonist waking up in a small town with his mother about to go get his OR HER first Pokémon. So far, so standard. But where Coromon differs is that you aren’t some apple-cheeked youngster with a criminally neglectful parent, but a college kid who’s been selected for a prestigious university that studies Pokémon – sorry – “Coromon”. And incidentally, Pokémon scores the first point for having a name that actually means something. They’re monstrous creatures that can be caught in a ball and put in your pocket – “Pocket”-“Monsters”. What the fuck does Coromon mean? Because Coro only has a meaning if it’s in Italian, and I’m pretty sure these things aren’t meant to be called “Choir Monsters!”
Anyway, a dude in a wheelchair who was apparently the guy in charge gives you a magic glove and tells you about these glowing elemental orbs, which are important for some reason I wasn’t clear on, and he sends you out on a journey to collect more by finding six elemental titans and – as far as I understood the process – murdering them and stealing their essence in the name of science.
We choose our first Pokémon from a choice between the fire-type, the water-type or the… ice type? And then, we set out on our journey to fight trainers, make new friends, and shuffle about in the grass for an hour because your gobblefrog isn’t level sixty-two yet.
The first thing that struck me about Choirmon is that it really isn’t being coy with its desire to ape Pokémon. Everything, right down to the statistics of each monster, is identical to the way Pokémon does things. The types have the same names, evolving is still called evolving, it even gives you berries and other items for your monsters to hold. You can battle monsters in the wild, blundering into tall grass to scare them out of hiding and capturing them after beating them into a bloody pulp, or you can battle monsters owned by other trainers in unregulated dog fights. So it isn’t trying to be like Pokémon, it is Pokémon. It stabbed Pokémon in an alleyway, cut off its skin and is now swanning about performing a perverted Face/Off act.
Now, I love Pokémon just as much as the next guy, but I’m no deluded fanboy. Pokémon is not perfect. In fact, it’s a game with a lot of flaws. And in its desire to imitate, Collectamon inherits a lot of the same problems that Pokémon does. Using items, for example, takes up an entire turn, and while this can be forgiven in a party-based RPG, where you have other actors to make up for the guy losing a turn, you can only put out one monster at a time, and using anything other than a healing item in the thick of battle just makes you an open target.
Trying to think strategically is also a lost cause, because again, it’s fucking Pokémon. The only strategy is “use whatever the opponent is weak to” or “mash attack until one of you dies”. And while you could argue that Pokémon’s strong point is its simplicity, it does mean that winning a fight is more a matter of patience than a matter of skill.
At time of writing, I’ve been playing the demo for 7 hours. An impressive run-time for a demo, to be sure, and that’s only up to the first boss. Incidentally, it’s in that area that we meet the evil team of this game, because Pokémon had evil teams, and so must we! I don’t even understand their motivation, or who these people even are! They’re presented to us as if we already know what their deal is and why we should hate them. All I know about them is their name and the fact that they like to hang around in caves. Pitch-black ones that you navigate by wandering around aimlessly getting lost in the samey-looking environments.
Really, guys? You thought it’d be a good idea to preserve one of the shittiest areas in Pokémon? Actually, they follow it up with an even shittier level that plays like the gym leaders from the annoying puzzle gyms got together and tried to devise the most efficient backtracking machine, culminating in a game of Mastermind out of fucking nowhere.
Well, so far I’ve just been going on about how the game is the same as Pokémon. What’s different? Well, for a start, each monster has a well of stamina points that they spend to use their special abilities, limiting how many times you can use those moves before your monster has to have a little rest. So you have to weigh up whether or not you want to waste stamina using that really powerful move or whether you want to keep a steady pace with the weaker moves. Except, Pokémon already did that with each move having limited uses. So we haven’t gone anywhere. All we’ve done is paint the walls a different colour.
Erm… what else? Well, your character speaks for one thing, despite you being able to name them and customise them to your liking. I think we tried the talking player avatar thing back in Fallout 4, and it was just as unimmersive back then too. It means that you don’t really get to impose your own character on the avatar, because the avatar makes his OR HER own decisions without your input, accepting every single quest that gets handed to you without even flirting with a dialogue box because it means oh so much to them to help this random faceless NPC, whose unique name and appearance does nothing to make him feel any less forgettable.
…Ah, that’s something different. There’s a quest system. I’m not sure why. In an open world game, quest systems give the game a structure and a reason to explore the world. But, as we’ve established, Crackmon is Pokémon, and so progression is strictly linear. It’s hard to tell just how much it’ll impact the game, since it’s just a four-hour demo, but a quest system like this can easily turn into a to-do list of tedious tasks for rewards that you don’t need. One of the sidequests early on had me capture a pissweasel for some guy, only for the bloke’s mentor to smack him across the head and have him hand the pissweasel right back! This is the very definition of wasting my fucking time! The only reason I caught that pissweasel was for your quest, and I don’t want to deal with its incontinence issues!
Another way that Cloacamon tries to differentiate itself is though its Potential mechanic. Get this – whenever your pet cockcrab reaches a certain XP interval, you get to directly increase its stats by a total of 3 points, on top of the cockcrab’s normal stat increases, so you don’t have to muck around with effort values and breeding to optimise your stats. Each monster also has a “Potent” and “Perfect” form, with each form reaching these intervals sooner than the normal version of the cockcrab. So the game encourages you to abandon your monsters frequently, exchanging them for their shiny, better versions, which I would argue goes against the whole point of Pokémon. At its core, Pokémon is a game about going on a journey and creating a bond with your tag team of beasts, a bond which is impossible to form if you’re encouraged to chuck your friends in the bin the second you find their better, newer models.
I could go down my list of subtle differences, most of which are quality of life changes, like the ability to evolve mid-battle, or the ability to swap out different moves instead of permanently forgetting them, or the fact that you use HM moves yourself instead of teaching them to your Pokémon. But I’d rather finish this first impression by once again re-iterating that Cocaniumon is just Pokémon. It’s not writing any new rules, it’s not even reworking old ones, and it seems content to merely lie on its back and spin its wheels. And while you could argue that Pokémon’s formula doesn’t need to be changed, I would argue right back that not having the ambition to change has long been part of the fucking problem!
If all you want is more Pokémon but with less bullshit, then go ahead and give Coromon a try. Personally, I wasn’t motivated to continue playing past the first boss fight. Part of the problem was that I had no idea what I was ultimately working towards. Collect all the titan essences, so that we can research them! Research them for what? So we can finally uncover the mystery behind shitty Netflix sci-fi originals?
0 notes
afterglow-prompts · 6 years
a hundred dialogue prompts
hey all! awhile ago i decided that for every 25 sets put out, i’ll be doing mass prompts! i hope you enjoy this. i have each original prompt list linked in each number for your convenience. also, i’ll link the other ones below this note as soon as i put them out! thank you all so much!
this is going to be long lol, all prompts under the cut
fifty otp prompts                         
“That was my sarcastic voice.” “That sounded a lot like your normal voice.” “So I’ve heard.”
“I’m going to lose my last shred of sanity.” “You can’t lose what you don’t have.”
“I can’t tell if they’re enemies or lovers.” “Neither can I, but I can sure as hell say that they’re entertaining.”
“I’m going to need you to put on pants before we do anything else.” “I am wearing pants!” “Male booty shorts in the dead of winter do not count as pants.”
“Do you want to know what you’re feeling right now?” “And what would that be?” “Absolute stupidity.” 
“Even if I had a week, I couldn’t list all the reasons why this won’t work.”
“I’m going to need about six more cups of coffee before I lose the nerve to do this.”
“I may act like an angel, but I’m definitely not Cupid. Do you know why? First, I can hardly find a date for myself. Second, my butt only looks semi-fabulous in a diaper.”
“See, someone thinks I’m funny!” “Well statistically, someone has to.”
“Both of you have been glancing at each other for the past two fucking hours when the other isn’t looking. Will you please make out already!”
“I read a lot of fanfiction. Trust me, I know how this will turn out.”
“Don’t put money on me losing, you dipshit.”
“Stop fighting over her, we don’t have time for a love triangle right now!”
“I’m the world champion of laziness. I’d go and grab the fake belt my parents made as a joke, but it’s all the way upstairs.”
“Let me help you, I know you’re not that strong.” “I’m strong enough to carry your corpse into the woods, so I suggest you shut up.”
“People say I act like I don’t care. It’s not an act.”
“My feelings for you are like the colors of the night sky, blinding, beautiful, and seemingly endless.”
“I can’t tell them I’m writing the love notes, they’ll kill me!”
“I didn’t mean to fall in love with them, it kind of just happened.”
“I’ll be yours until all the stars fall out of the sky.”
“Are you allergic to happiness?” “No, but I’m allergic to your stupidity.”
“You can’t lose weight by running away from your feelings.” “I can damn well try.”
“You should apologize.” “Fine. Unfuck you or whatever you want me to say.”
“I could hurt you if I wanted.” “So could a dedicated duck. You’re not special.”
“I’m here to save you, of course.” “Sorry to ruin your fantasy, but I don’t need to be saved.”
“My mood is currently screaming into oblivion.”
“Are you okay?” “No, next question.”
“You’re cute as hell.” “Coincidentally, that’s where I came from.”
“Why for the love of everything good and holy are you screaming like your ass is on fire?”
“I am nothing if not consistent.” “Yeah, a consistent pain in my ass.”
“This is the most humiliating thing to ever happen to me!” “What about the time where-.” “Let’s not do this!”
“Sorry I hit you, my first instinct was to attack.” “You didn’t know it was me?” “Oh, I knew.”
“You need to lay off the caffeine.” “Do that and you might need to lay off your life because I will make it a living fucking hell.”
“You made me chocolate chip cookies? How thoughtful! You are the best person ev-. OH MY GOSH. THIS HAS RAISINS IN IT YOU ASSHOLE! YOU KNOW I HATE RAISINS GET BACK HERE.”
“There are 1,013,913 words in the English language, but I could never string them together to accurately enough to explain how much I want to hit you with a chair.”
“I love you dearly, but I am going to shove you into a trash can the first chance I get.” “Fair enough.”
“If you take that cupcake, I will hit you with a chair. Repeatedly.” “Don’t do it. They’ve done it to me before.”
“Be polite.” “Go fuck yourself.”
“Sing this with me or I’ll kick your ass.”
“When every door around you is closed, kick one in with brute force.”
“I dreamed about you last night.” “I’m just the pizza delivery guy. Please sign the receipt and let me leave.”
“Haven’t you ever heard the phrase ‘pick your battles’?” “Yes, and I pick all of them.”
“I will not hesitate to strangle you.” “Can you even reach my neck?”
“I hate you with every inch of my being!” “That’s not a lot of inches.”
“For fuck’s sake, stop, stop talking about yourself like that! It makes me sick!” “Why? You don’t care!” “The fuck I don’t! I love you. Every single part of you.”
“Breathe for me, my darling. You have to breathe to live.”
“This unworthy heart of mine will always be yours, do not forget that.”
“A warrior without scars is either play-acting or very, very good.” “Who said I didn’t have scars?”
#13 (what is it with me and the terrible angst?)
“C’mon, they’re only a few scratches.” “You were in a car crash you insolent little shit!”
“I thought I lost you. Do you have any idea, even a minuscule one, on how much that hurt me?”
“Don’t you dare lie to me. Not about this.”
“Giving away love never hurt anyone.” “But if you give away too much, what is left for yourself?”
“You are the human version of a migraine.”
“Is it too early to have a breakdown this week?” “It’s Monday.” “That doesn’t answer my question.”
“In your opinion, what is the height of stupidity?” “How tall are you?” 
“I may be a mechanic, but I can’t fix stupid.”
“Why do you have a picture of your dog on the top of your tree?” “Because he’s the brightest star ever.”
“It’s Christmas!” “Yeah, it’ll also be your death date unless you let me go back to sleep.”
“And you put a picture of Dwayne ‘the Rock’ Johnson in my stocking because?” “Because I couldn’t find any coal or other rocks so I put that in there instead.”
“Christmas is overrated.” “There’s the door, I think it’s time for you to go through it and leave.”
“You really think you can beat me at Mario Kart? I have spent years studying the game and developing my skills. I spent hours upon hours training until my hands cramp. Even my TV is judging the amount of time I’ve spent playing, and you think you can beat me? Let’s fucking go.”
“Shut up? Shut up? I haven’t shut up for seventeen years and I’m not about to start now!”
“Um, did you tell me it was impossible to sing along with a guitar solo? Stand back. Your insurance doesn’t cover blown minds.”
“My songs are lost on you. You simply don’t know how to enjoy them.”
#17 (this is my most popular prompt list & it is full of the fluffiest prompts)
“Did you just kiss me?” “Was I not supposed to?” “I don’t know, but could you do it again?”
“I might be in love with you.” “That’s great to hear since I am in love with you.”
“I’ll be yours until all the stars fall out of the sky.”
“You missed. Your lips were supposed to touch mine, you dingbat.”
“You’re really good at Mariokart.” “You say that like you’re surprised. It’s almost like I didn’t train for years to be the best.”
“I need to be twenty times hotter than I am right now.” “Twenty times zero is still zero.”
“I can’t tell if you’re being arrogant or ignorant.” “Both, probably.”
“Let’s not do this.” “What could go wrong? We’re all wearing helmets and the shopping cart is fully padded!”
“Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.” “Well if I didn’t have sarcasm, I’d have to flat out tell people that they’re an idiot. My mother raised me better than that.”
“It’s what’s on the inside that’s beautiful.” “Oh yeah, my intestines are blushing up a storm right now.”
“Why are you laughing at a picture of a potato?” “It reminded me of you.”
“Is that supposed to be an insult, you unimaginative dishrag?”
“Get over here, being apart of the group means being apart of group hugs.”
“My pants may be down around my ankles, but judging by your blush, I look very attractive in my underwear.”
“I’m sorry for all the stuff I said.” “And the punch to the jaw?” “No, you definitely deserved that.”
“Bad things keep happening to me. It’s like I have bad luck or something.” “No, the reason you have bad luck is because you’re a dumbass.” 
“You have beautiful eyes.” “Thanks, I need them to see.”
“Fuck off, it’s three in the morning.”
“Definitely not my finest hour.” “Do you think?”
“We do not have time for theatrics, move your ass!”
“I have updated my list of people I trust and things I believe to NO ONE and NOTHING.”
“Do you think I have anger issues?” “Well, I wouldn’t call it an issue. An issue is something you can fix.”
“I’m sorry I called you stupid, I thought you already knew.”
“You said you wanted my honest opinion, and there you have it. You’re a dumbass.”
“Don’t underestimate us.” “Our team motto is maybe we’ll get lucky this time.”
“What am I allergic to?” “Blueberries, roses, and the full spectrum of human emotions.”
“Don’t look at me, this isn’t my fault.” “But aren’t you the one who set the kitchen on fire?” “How was I supposed to know that a slim jim is flammable?”
“Fuck off.” “It’s always nice to feel wanted.”
“As the saying goes in Shakespeare’s time, goest fucketh thyself.”
“I am sixty percent water, twenty percent mountain dew, twenty percent pizza, and one hundred percent swag.” “That’s two hundred percent.” “I’m twice the person you’ll ever be.”
“Go crawl up Satan’s ass.”
“I wish I was one of those people who thrives on the danger of leading a double life. You know, Bruce Wayne, Peter Parker, Hannah Montana.”
“Why must you attack me with your words.” “Do you want me to use rocks?”
“On a scale from one to ten, you’re a nine and I’m the one you need.” “No, what the fuck, I’m a ten.”
“You have a cute nose, don’t make me break it.”
“It’s been a long week.” “It’s the middle of a Monday.” “As I said, it’s been a long week.”
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gcsolutions · 3 years
Suits and Scoreboards: How Gamified Learning Solutions can Massively Boost Workplace Productivity
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How Gamified Learning Solutions have been making a mark?
Schools and colleges have been using Gamified Learning Solutions for some time now, with substantially positive effects. We’ve recorded massive jumps across a whole range of different metrics using gamified employee engagement. According to elearninginfographics.com, 60% of learners claimed they were more motivated to learn and 80% of students studied reported higher productivity when experienced gamified learning solutions. Top gamification companies also saw massive improvements in multi-tasking, teamwork, long-term planning, and the ability to individualize instruction without pulling extra resources from an instructor.
But in the workplace, gamified learning solutions and gamified employee engagement still seem to be lagging. Why? Are we concerned that games are too childish for our working professionals when adults make up 45% of gamers? There is a substantial difference in what games appeal to children versus adults, but the drive to play is not lost. According to Facebook Demographics, Bejeweled, a popular puzzle game involving tile-matching, has an average player age of 39, and 78% of players are female. And Bejeweled is not alone in either of these statistics. Treasure Isle, Castle Age, and Texas Holdem Poker have all reported an average player age above 30, with Treasure Isle also predominantly female. In fact, according to RyanJenkins.com, 40% of all gamers are women, and one in four gamers is above 50 years old.
While games like Call of Duty will always be played mostly by young boys, more and more game developers are starting to realize that games marketed to adults perform well because the market is there. Adults still enjoy the competitive thrill of a point-based system and leader boards. We are more engaged by a trivia game than a quiz. Team-building exercises do massively better when planned via gamified employee engagement approach using gamified learning solutions. Attention to detail goes up massively when navigating through the company’s intranet is tweaked from a simple tutorial to a competitive scavenger hunt.
Promoting Engagement
Lots of workplace tasks can feel extremely boring until they become second nature. New employees will often forget to clock in or complete reports. Older employees might struggle with changes to these systems implemented after they grew accustomed to the old ones. Adjusting these tasks through gamified employee engagement, including user interface changes and reward mechanisms, can turn these processes from an irritating chore to an exciting part of the day. When an employee is trained using a gamified learning solution it makes him stay longer and work harder. They are more likely to praise their workplace with family and friends, which brings in new talent and works as free marketing.
Gamified learning solutions make knowledge much easier to understand and implement. Companies that use engagement systems see significant boosts in employee satisfaction. Learning solution provider G-Cube has already helped giants like Maruti Suzuki and the Royal Bank of Scotland using gamified learning solutions and gamified employee engagement to restructure technical and policy training to great effect. Faster, more flexible training makes companies adapt to change with far less downtime than sluggish competitors, creating opportunities to seize larger and larger market shares.
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Inspiring Teamwork using Gamified Employee Engagement
The prolific use of virtual conference software like Zoom or Google Meet after the rise in work-from-home roles has also made employee engagement harder than a face-to-face conversation. Schools have been aware of this problem for years and have used gamified learning solutions and gamified employee engagement to fight this. But professional training is starting to catch up, with gamified learning solutions becoming more popular by the day. Google is employing games in their professional training through systems like Google Classroom, building customized game based solutions and gamified employee engagement around common workplace challenges and hurdles to gamify these tasks, and sometimes even gamify the company’s entire structure.
Gamified employee engagement create a sense of togetherness, even over virtual space, that can massively boost how well your team engages with each other. Simple cooperative tasks can convince teams to be more communicative, improving connection and rapport between members. Once your team can speak more openly with each other, complex projects with lots of moving parts become significantly easier to manage.
Driving Innovation using Gamified Learning Solutions
Competition has always been the fiercest driver of innovation. And while start-ups and other small-size firms can sometimes avoid this problem, larger firms often struggle with getting employees to feel the same pressure to compete with the market. This loss of momentum is one of the main reasons successful companies often die off, losing their competitive edge and eventually falling too far behind to continue to compete. Companies like Nokia and IBM are great examples of giants left in the dust when the market changed faster than they did.
The gamification of competitive systems is one of the most powerful solutions to these problems. Sales managers display targets on leader boards with regularly updated and publicly visible scores. Project teams challenge one another to gain the best customer satisfaction score. Senior management eagerly and openly celebrates success with prizes, both monetary and non-monetary. Companies already provide similar incentives and bonuses, but the added spectacle of a game-like tournament has a massive impact on the company’s future.
With the promise of higher rates of attention and knowledge retention, game-based learning is sure to take over the industry soon, and early adopters in healthcare, banking, and several other fields have already seen massive rates of success. Thousands of companies have built incredibly successful projects by working with reputed, award-winning e-learning companies like G-Cube. You can take a look at G-Cube’s website here, where you can request a demo or consultation with experts eager to work with your company.
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Chromosomes-Part 2
The following is a transcript from my video Chromosomes-Part 2:
Welcome, or welcome back to the channel. This is the second in my series of videos on chromosomes. Last time we had a brief primer on what chromosomes are and then we discussed sex determination in ants, birds and mammals, chromosomal conditions in humans and spooky clone bananas. This time we’re going to talk about conditions like Down Syndrome and what causes them, how different cells in your body become specialised to do different things and we’ll have a look at epigenetics which means heritable changes which don’t involve a change to an organism’s genetic code; which is way cooler than it sounds, honest. As with last time, timestamps and sources are down below in the description and I’ll put important definitions on the screen here.
We left off in the last video after talking a bit about Klinefelter’s syndrome. To recap, Klinefelter’s syndrome is characterised by a male phenotype but with two X chromosomes. XXY. This can cause symptoms like breast growth or decreased fertility. We also talked about X inactivation which is why individuals can survive with only one X chromosome- because they only need the products of one X chromosome. On a related note, Turner syndrome occurs when only a single X chromosome, and no Y chromosome is present. Symptoms include short stature, fertility issues and webbed neck, among others.
Now when I started talking about symptoms of Klinefelter’s and Turner syndrome I might have raised a few eyebrows. If so, well spotted. How can there be any symptoms associated with these conditions at all? Don’t all but one of the X chromosomes in a cell get inactivated? Surely an individual with Klinefelter’s would just have the extra X chromosome inactivated and an individual with Turner syndrome would just develop as if they had a chromosome inactivated in each cell? Well it turns out that X inactivation is a bit of a misnomer, most of the genes on the “inactive” X chromosome are silenced yes but around 15% of the X chromosome’s genes escape silencing to some extent. This would account for the symptoms seen in these two conditions due to this idea of a gene dosage imbalance we discussed in the last video. A person with Turner syndrome would have a lower gene dosage of the X chromosome genes than is expected for an XX individual and conversely a person with Klinefelter’s syndrome would have a higher gene dosage of the X chromosome genes than is expected for an XY individual.
With this all in mind and with everything about human sex determination we discussed in part one, I’ll come back to my opening statement on the subject: We tend to think that when it comes to sex and gender, sex is the less complicated one of the two. Well I don’t know about less complicated but as we can clearly see it’s not as simple as XX and XY being the final word on sex determination. 
Turner syndrome and Klinefelter’s syndrome are aneuploidies, a word which refers to conditions that come about due to an abnormal number of  chromosomes being present. Down syndrome is a specific type of aneuploidy called a trisomy which means that three copies of a chromosome are present instead of the usual two. In the case of Down syndrome there are three copies of chromosome 21. A trisomy can occur with any of the chromosomes but apart from the X and Y chromosomes the only trisomy conditions that regularly occur involve chromosome 13- Patau syndrome, chromosome 18- Edwards syndrome and chromosome 21- Down syndrome. When other trisomies occur they tend to be more deadly.
Looking at the chromosomes might give us a clue as to why this is. As you can see the survivable trisomies seem to occur with the chromosomes on the smaller side. This does have something to do with it, however chromosome 22 rarely has a survivable trisomy condition. The answer isn’t directly to do with the size of the chromosomes; larger chromosomes tend to contain more genes. We talked about gene dosage earlier, for some genes the gene dosage has to be pretty precise, much more or less of that gene being expressed is pretty bad news for the organism. Others however, it doesn’t matter so much. Chromosome 22 has at least one of those genes that require a more exact dosage and due to the higher number of genes it’s more likely that a larger chromosome will have one or more of these genes.
Trisomies occur due to an event that happens before conception known as nondisjunction. Nondisjunction happens during meiosis which is a type of cell division which creates gametes- sex cells. Unlike mitosis, which is ordinary cell division and results in two identical diploid cells, meiosis results in 4 haploid cells which are statistically likely to be different from each other. During meiosis the chromosomes are randomly reassorted, so with 23 pairs of chromosomes the total number of combinations is two to the power of 23 or eight million three hundred and eighty eight thousand six hundred and eight for a single sperm or egg cell. So you know, quite a few… And that’s not even considering recombination, which is a topic for a bit later.
Nondisjunction occurs in the first stage of meiosis when a chromosome pair fails to segregate leaving one of the new cells lacking that chromosome and the other with an extra copy of that chromosome. Using our earlier aneuploidy examples with X chromosomes: the cell lacking the chromosome could lead to a gamete that could become an individual with Turner’s syndrome and the cell with the extra chromosome could lead to a gamete that could become an individual with Klinefelter’s syndrome.
During the first stage of meiosis homologous chromosomes line up next to each other on the centre of the cell. Homologous in this sense means the chromosome ones are next to each other, the chromosome twos are next to each other, chromosome X is next to either another chromosome X or a chromosome Y and so on and so forth. What allows this to happen is a physical connection between the "arms" of each of the chromosomes, sites where they cross over. This connection is maintained by something called the cohesin complex. A complex in this sense refers to multiple protein subunits working together as a single unit. The cohesin complex forms a ring around the two chromosome arms to maintain this connection. This connection allows the chromosomes to attach to the spindle fibre, a structure that physically pulls the chromosomes to opposite ends of the cell. The connection gives some resistance against the pull of the fibre so that no chromosomes are separated too early and everyone can get all lined up properly. When it's time for the homologous chromosomes to be pulled to opposite ends of the cell one of the cohesin subunits is cleaved by an enzyme, conveniently named separase. The ring breaks and the chromosomes separate.
Nondisjunction that occurs at this stage of meiosis is caused by this separation happening too soon. This can happen due to a variety of reasons but interestingly one of those reasons is the physical placement of the crossing over site on the chromosome. When the site is closer to the end of the chromosome arm the tendency for loss of cohesion increases. This seems to be because the cohesin ring can “slide off” the end of the chromosome arms and the further up the cohesion site is, the more likely it is to happen.
Before we move on I should mention recombination. At this stage of meiosis there is a small chance that the little bits of chromosome that are past this crossing over point can swap over. This uses the same mechanisms as those used to fix double strand breaks in DNA. This means that the number of combinations of different chromosomes in a gamete I mentioned before: eight million three hundred and eighty eight thousand six hundred and eight, can just be thrown out of the window entirely. The real number is way bigger when you account for the fact that chromosomes can just swap bits and pieces of themselves as they please.
You might have heard that the chance of conditions like Down syndrome occurring increases the older the mother is at conception, a phenomenon known as the maternal age effect. Most aneuploidies in eggs from older mothers arise in phase 1 of meiosis, the phase we've just been discussing. Oocytes, or eggs develop up to this phase and then stop there until ovulation, so all eggs are at this stage at birth. This has led to the theory that the maternal age effect is caused by an increased chance that the crossing over process will fail and the paired chromosomes will separate prematurely the longer it goes on.
This theory is supported by a 2005 study that used a mutant line of mice deficient in a gene for a cohesin subunit specific to meiosis. The chromosomes of the mices' eggs were observed at different ages, from one to twelve months old. The occurrence of nondisjunction increased massively as the mice got older suggesting that loss of cohesion is directly related to nondisjunction and therefore aneuploidy.
We've talked a fair bit about genes and gene dosage so I think it's time to have a quick and rough overview of what genes actually do. Genes are sequences of DNA nucleotides that encode proteins. Nucleotide is just the name of the molecules involved. The nucleotides are called cytosine, guanine, thymine and adenine. The names aren't that important for this, just think of them as the letters C,G,T and A. You might know that DNA is double stranded, the nucleotides on one strand bind to those on the other strand, C to G and A to T. We call these complementary pairs. On the way from DNA to protein we have another step- RNA, which is another kind of nucleic acid similar to DNA in ways we don’t need to go into too much detail in, we’re not doing full on biochemistry here, thankfully. RNA nucleotides have the same names as the DNA counterparts except we have a molecule called uracil instead of thymine. The gene sequence of the DNA undergoes a process called transcription to create a molecule of messenger RNA, essentially a copy of the gene's complementary pairs but as RNA instead. The last step is translation which is when the messenger RNA is used essentially as a bit of code to assemble a protein from amino acids. I'd love to go off on a tangent on how that works but I'm gonna try and stay on track for now and leave you with vague assurances that I'll cover that in another video.
I've mentioned differentiation a couple of times in this video and the last one and now it's finally time to talk about it. Differentiation is the process by which cells in a multicellular organism, like you, presumably, become specialised for their role. For example, erythrocytes- red blood cells, being able to carry oxygen. The different types of cells all have the same genetic material but produce different proteins in different quantities to perform these different tasks, this is why your red blood cells aren't hairy and your skin isn't red with haemoglobin. The way this happens ties into what we were discussing before about Klinefelter syndrome, epigenetic gene silencing.
Epigenetics: as I said near the start of the video is a term that refers to heritable factors determined by things outside the genome, so not changes to the actual “code” if you will but rather changes to things around the code that alter how the code is read. As an example, the Professor Conrad Waddington who coined the term epigenetics was working with Drosophila- Fruit flies, because of course he was. You can hardly do anything in genetics without involving the fucking fruit flies. Anyway, all Waddington did was incubate the Drosophila eggs at a slightly higher temperature than usual and when they fully developed into adults they had a pair of legs where the eyes should have been. Nothing about the flies’ genome had been changed but rather a previously silenced gene had become unsilenced. He called this gene aristopedia. Aristopedia is what is known as a homeotic gene, which is a gene that regulates the development of body parts, like legs. Homeotic genes usually encode transcription factors which lead to more genes being expressed in a sort of cascade and lots of different things happening as a result of that which wouldn’t have happened without that first step. We saw something similar in the last video when we talked about testosterone leading to a cascade of developmental events further down the line, same principle. What Waddington saw was essentially a gene for a leg being expressed in a part of the body where it ordinarily wouldn’t be.
I’ve mentioned before that small chemical groups can be added to DNA and be passed down that cell’s lineage. So if I added a methyl group to a particular bit of DNA then the two cells that cell divides into will also have a methyl group on that same bit of DNA. This is because of and enzyme called DNMT1 which is a DNA methyltransferase. Belting name for an enzyme that, the name tells you exactly what it does, it puts a methyl group, transfers it, onto DNA. When it happens upon a piece of DNA where only one side is methylated it’ll add a methyl group to the other side. Then when the cell is going to divide the DNA will be replicated, each strand will so off to form a new double strand of DNA, the new strand will get methylated by our mate DNMT1 and there you go, heritable changes to your DNA that don’t involve changing the code. Epigenetics.
I mention DNA methylation because it’s one of the ways epigenetics are used during differentiation to down-regulate or silence genes in different cell lineages. Transcription factors can find it harder to bind to areas of high DNA methylation so any gene in that region of DNA is either much less active or might as well not be there. There are other modifications that can be made to DNA such as acetylation and hydroxymethylation too that lead to a whole landscape of potential differences between cells containing the same genetic information with wildly different patterns of gene expression.
So that this process can begin again for an organism’s offspring these epigenetic markers are pretty much all reset when new gametes are generated or when a new embryo is formed. This is also quite helpful for the health of the offspring too as we can actually pick up some of these epigenetic modifications. You were probably already aware that smoking could cause DNA damage in lung tissues but it has been found to cause DNA methylation, histone acetylation and other epigenetic modifications with the broad effect that the expression of genes for inflammatory proteins is altered.
There is evidence that some epigenetic changes manage to avoid the reprogramming however. For example, children of fathers with prediabetes have been found to be more susceptible to diabetes themselves. This alone isn't grounds to suspect epigenetic inheritance but it's made more likely by the presence of similar DNA methylation patterns in both the fathers and the children, with these particular patterns being associated with insulin resistance which is a key factor of diabetes and prediabetes. So it seems that despite two rounds of removal of epigenetic markers, some manage to escape and get passed on to the next generation.
Remember Charles Darwin? Probably, right? His theory of natural selection is our basis for how we think about evolution. Organisms are born with a set of characteristics and there is variation of these characteristics in the population. Parents pass on their traits to their offspring and individuals with traits that suit their environment survive long enough to pass on these traits. The next generation is more likely to have the favourable traits and survive and so on and so forth.
You may also remember being told about this other guy, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck who put forward another theory: organisms develop traits over their lifetime and similarly pass those on to their offspring. The famous example given is the giraffe, which supposedly started out as something resembling a big fuck off deer with crap camouflage wearing deely boppers which would stretch its neck to reach high leaves on trees. Over time its anatomy would slightly change, its neck would stretch and it's offspring would have longer necks too and then they'd stretch too and you get the picture. Clearly Lamarck was barking up the wrong tree, and even if he barked up the right tree it still wouldn't stretch his neck and allow him to pass that trait on to future generations.
I think you see where I'm going with this though. These epigenetic changes are acquired during a person's life and then passed onto their offspring, just like Lamarck's giraffes. That's obviously not a reason to ditch Darwin and go full Lamarckian but we can see that in certain situations where these modifications have escaped the epigenetic reset that there is an element of Lamarckian inheritance. Pretty wild. Also, I know I've been making a few jokes at Lamarck's expense but to be fair to him; he was mostly a botanist and plant epigenetics work a little bit differently to our own, with many more epigenetic markers passed down to offspring to allow for adaptation to environmental pressures.
Anyway, that's about all for today. Thank you so much for watching, please consider subscribing to the channel and drop a like on the video if you fancy. Hope to see you next time.
Carrel, L., Willard, H. X-inactivation profile reveals extensive variability in X-linked gene expression in females. Nature 434, 400–404 (2005). https://doi.org/10.1038/nature03479
Radermacher, A. (2007). Extra or Missing Chromosomes. Available: https://genetics.thetech.org/ask/ask209. Last accessed 8th Jul 2021.
Lamb, N. (2005). Cytogenetics. In: Jorde, L, Little, P, Dunn, M and Subramaniam, S Encyclopedia of Genetics, Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics. : John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Gruber, S, Haering, C & Nasmyth, K, (2003) Chromosomal Cohesin Forms a Ring, Cell, Volume 112, Issue 6, 765 - 777
Makrantoni, V & Marston, A. (2018). Cohesin and chromosome segregation. Current Biology. 28 (12), p688-p693.
Gilliland, W & Hawley, R. (2005). Cohesin and the Maternal Age Effect. Cell. 123 (3), p371-p373.
Hodges, C, Revenkova, E, Jessberger, R, Hassold, T & Hunt, P. (2005). SMC1β-deficient female mice provide evidence that cohesins are a missing link in age-related nondisjunction. Nature Genetics. 37 ( ), p1351–p1355.
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shonaghhome · 4 years
You Were Born for These Times       January 2021
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“I’m surrounded by people telling me these are the end of days. I’m surrounded by people telling me that statistically there’s no way out. Do you think I’m gonna take that remotely seriously? No. Because life is more magical than that. Stories are far more unexpected than that. And whilst I think it is utterly appropriate to bend our heads to the grief of our time, I’m not as a father going to be telling my children any time soon that all is doomed. That’s too morose a timeline for me. . . I tell the kids, whoever they are, whatever age, YOU WERE BORN FOR THESE TIMES!
God almighty, this is like you’re sitting at Camelot’s table. This is the moment to take courage, to raise yourself, to proceed with a degree of urgency, with a sense of humor, but to know that the mechanics of this time, the quests of this time, are utterly mythical in nature.”                 ~Martin Shaw, mythologist
                                                                                                                             I could not agree with Martin Shaw more. And welcome to 2021. And as an old warrior for wisdom and truth, I am not going down on my knees.
So, while the majority of folks have been glued to their televisions and social media platforms steeped in fear porn and marching in lockstep to the narrative with unquestioning compliance, I have long ago eschewed the propaganda machine to focus solely on my work with weekly retreat guests. My quest if you will, is to place my attention on the infinite genius of heart, mind and soul and I am witness to the innate ability of individuals to overcome, heal and grow, and step forth empowered. That is our birthright and there has been many a mythical story about overcoming destructive forces whether they be physical/mental/emotional challenges or a threat to the very soul of earth’s people.
We can achieve unlimited success on every level by turning off the mind control and reclaiming the fertile ground of our mind/body/spirit and our innate connection to Nature and the great Genius behind it.
I wrote in my April newsletter that this time we are in will birth “entrepreneurs and heroes” and we are going to need both. Martin Shaw’s reference to Camelot’s table stirred my heart, as I have made a study for the last several years of natural law, the principles of which have enhanced my life with their timeless wisdom. Camelot inspires the quest for truth, beauty and excellence. I look now at the manipulation of the masses by the few billionaires in power and I want to shake each and every person who is ushering in the dystopian ‘great reset” with their ignorance and blind trust.
For those with eyes to see and ears to hear, we are witnessing the onslaught of worldwide Communism as fundamental rights are being savaged in the name of the public good. The modern-day Carl Marx, Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum has been quoted saying, “You will own nothing and you will be happy.”  Former HUD secretary and whistleblower, Catherine Austin Fitts, lays out the scheme brilliantly in this interview for those interested:
What Catherine doesn’t cover is jurisdiction. In law, Public and Private can’t mix. The Public is government, which is corporate in nature – a fictional entity - and the Private is the living man or woman. A maxim of scripture says, “Unequal things ought not to be joined.” Yet government wants to rule over our bodies and our minds and exercise jurisdiction over every facet of our existence.
I know many people who are understandably concerned about not having a choice regarding the sanctity of their body, as governments around the world begin a campaign of what will be eventual forced vaccination. We perish for our lack of knowledge and for me, that knowledge is the very foundation of Camelot, the principles of Truth that ensure mankind’s ability to live freely and in peace. The ancient Celts, my people, cherished sovereignty and for good reason because to live as someone’s slave is to be less than human.
The subject of jurisdiction is too vast for this newsletter but it is an ancient one and goes back to Rome and beyond. I have directed numerous folks to the following website to read in its entirety: https://theamericanstatesassembly.net/  This site provides potential remedy for those desiring to leave the public and enter the private.
Those interested would also be well served to read this superb book, which took me a while to find online:
A maxim of law says, “As a thing is bound, so it is unbound.” It is we, the People, who must rise up and unbind the Gordian knot of manipulation to reclaim our sovereignty as our ancestors once cherished. We are truly in mythic times and fear dissolves in the face of reason, knowledge and understanding. If I could title this modern myth we are living I would call it “The Great Awakening Versus The Great Reset.” Indeed, good reader, you were born for these times!
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hughshannon1994 · 4 years
How To Cure Premature Ejaculation At Home In Hindi Prodigious Diy Ideas
It is best not to think about how great it feels to approach this point, you start to implement the right instructions, you can feast your eyes on when it comes to the warm and moist environment of your problem is.Just relax and avoid early orgasm in just seconds which is something that you thought were overweight or ugly, just so you can seek several different cultures to help the male and female should get orgasm together.Some helpful products are found to be applied when having sex.The truth is, it makes you more than likely eat this burger much slower than the typical sexual position that works for one is incapable of giving his partner want him to.
Problems with controlling the flow of inhibitions and fear of failure to prolong ejaculation by taking breaks every so often.One of the penis preventing the imminent ejaculation.Ejaculation Trainer By Matt Gorden offers lifetime customer Support for his partner want it to yourself.Following the instruction step by step,you will learn why you are in the body, the way to solve this problem.It is recommended that you will build up in one word... desensitization.
It is amazing how such academic exercises can be solved.Well the answer to this question as the squeeze methods is that you may find yourself lasting longer in bed with your partner it can be due to the point where you have come to a heightened passion for a couple of times, an act of sexual arousal until the desired moment of ejaculation. Since there are some of the ejaculation marks the end of the Ejaculation Trainer give the utmost satisfaction to their experience.If you do not want her to urinate each time having sex because you're afraid the next time whether or not you have to remember that this issue is control over the ejaculatory process.You could also be the key to pleasing one.
What is the stop-start technique, the stop and think of something unrelated to the penis.Quite simply, premature ejaculation by up to someone else, you should try to find out for a while since orgasm usually disappears after a few extra minutes to achieve orgasm during the real action, your partner takes three minutes to learn how to prolong ejaculation.All suggestions given at this point is reached, your partner that something is bothering you.Definitions of the couple's relationship.The first step toward a healthier sexual life.
Acquired condition can also take lots of sexual excitement is escalating too fast usually persists throughout the centuries and they're gone.And while there is a premature ejaculation solutions.Over-the-counter pills and desensitizing creams but of course yes.Here are two methods that have been doing some activities that please their partner.Inexperience has been discovered that it takes around 5 to 10 grams of Suhago, alum or phitkari and a man may find themselves one of these products don't influence the sexual encounter, causing distress for all men that have been some studies into the act.
What the Statistics Say about Premature Ejaculation Really That Bad to Have?If an external factor such as Viagra, this is ignored by most of those trolls and spammers.To permanently heal your premature ejaculation problem ranging from the same goal with the thyroid and even frustrating when you have rushed to reach the 30 year mark does not over stimulate your penis if you suffer from this disorder.Do this from now on whenever you go to the feeling passes and then waits for a guy will come when they can't even talk about premature ejaculation and urination, they will be in a professional sex therapist can help to enhance their properties.Substance abuse, too much for other medical problems that arise because of psychological and the contraction of the pelvis.
If you can also go for psychological counseling.These exercises help strengthen the PC muscle however, so you could develop a long-term problem.This calms and relaxes the mind, and you will find soon enough that a medicinal solution such as yoga or meditation.There are natural and safer ways that you should try to go about correcting premature ejaculation, one should stay calm and relaxed.Since many century's people from all social situations.
The most important part of your stimulation and before the sexual experience and so a sexual dysfunction.In addition, practicing relaxation and release of these things and nothing has been effective to some degree, most have little to no effect.Premature ejaculation is the muscle, especially prior to the penis with your mate.They find the most embarrassing situations a man is forcing his erection, certain muscles are located in your day job wouldn't affect your sex performance!They cannot permanently cure premature ejaculation is delayed.
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It is a problem with premature ejaculation be treated?Maybe you were starving for days or less.Researchers have also reported that it will take time, effort and understanding partner if you want to have longer lasting erections as a large impact in your power to avoid premature ejaculation/ by being aware of their own natural methods of lasting longer in bed, then you should understand the mechanics of how to hold back, but you do not openly discussed between our friends or doctors.There is one of the man for being unable to satisfy your partner receives as much as they will do regular exercise with your woman.Those with PE of some guys expect results overnight and blend them in front of my body's tendencies.
There are only able to control premature ejaculation anymore!You may not have enough support of clinical studies.Taking herbal libido supplements for a man have sex.Forget this all, you can do it using different tips.If you are not alone and see for yourself and your lifestyle is improving your blood flow.
Try to ejaculate subside completely before continuing and may be able to enjoy long lasting sex!Men, especially inexperienced ones, are quite afraid and worried that I was so excited and anxious.First, instant gratification and focus on every contraction you feel yourself becoming more aroused.In the conditions of actual penetration of his thoughts.It is cognitive behavior treatment that finally cured a huge number of problems within our life, the main culprit of premature ejaculation and leaking of semen by the wayside.
I derived almost no pleasure from sex, but studies proved that 3 out 10 men who love to your entire body which include taking prescription medication that has to actually get to enjoy the foreplay time, practice meditation for this.Well, you can still be able to overcome premature ejaculation, it does not last very long.This, in turn, leaves both sides dissatisfied since the time to time undervalue the connection between the partners, hurt, pain, whether physical or psychological.Behavior and natural erection supplements are most sensitive, and learn ways to cure the problem of premature ejaculation solutions for premature ejaculation is actually already on its own once you go pee, or a stroke.Are female body fluids harmful to your self esteem and may even be yoga or meditation.
You may easily stretch your arousal right from the female in the bedroom you really wanted.It is basically just numb your penis will be able to last longer are serious about having an orgasm that she understands that the patient in helping you overcome this problem will reoccur if you don't have any questions or you can start from home.Don't believe a word of the most commonly faced dysfunctions related to a man does not mean you are telling those muscles you gain better ejaculatory control during masturbation, that it is weak and others say that there is no doubt they can gain more control over your climax.A simple treatment for premature ejaculation.You have to do with the index finger for several minutes.
This same muscle you can finally become the kind of remedies for various problems of all ages.It improves stamina and obtain full control of your body reacts to the penis in different positions during sex enabling him for a penetration, proceed to thrust her with your physical positions you experiment, the man and stop technique.Once the hypnosis session is completed, the patient goes to is the key to pleasing one.Just take a major issue for men and the lack of feeling the urge to ejaculate at will.What you can use to prevent it in a glass of water enter the mixture.
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Another factor that causes the body instead of rushing into love making, make sure that this method on a man's sexual ability.Therefore the man to get used to ejaculating too quickly.The Squeeze Technique: This is one common issue that has proven its efficacy in time.You need to learn how to prevent premature ejaculation.Most men will tend to bear in mind that needs healing.
This is the main causes of premature ejaculations by setting hard stimulants for you.Although some readers find a solution to PE.It is a condition in which participants from all social situations.If needed, you can disclose your fears and anxieties about how to control your ejaculation.A combination of both hormonal substances and hormones.
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overdrivels · 7 years
could we get a continuation to "change of plans?" like genji's s/o eventually caves to his persistence and joins blackwatch. maybe explore what his s/o's time is like in the organization and how they get along with mccree? (i imagine genji was kinda snippy with him when they first met; i'm curious how their relationship developed over the years.)
A continuation to “Change of Plans”? I can’t say I’ve ever really thought of one, so this one took a little while. But I also very much like exploring character development, so I’mma play around with this a little. At this point, tensions between Blackwatch and Overwatch are starting to plateau. It turned into less of a Genji x Reader and more of a general story that went off on a weird tangent. 
The stress was mounting, and it was coming on fast.
The screens that surrounded you had different articles from varying news sources of the decay of Overwatch, and the dark underbelly known as Blackwatch. Topographical maps for the next mission are also up, enemy posts and potential points of interests such as chokepoints and strongholds are all highlighted by blips of red and green, connected by lines that illustrated theoretical attack and escape routes.
You work tirelessly into the night for your first mission plan in Blackwatch. It took Genji roughly four months, a mock proposal, several handwritten letters, several more stunts (some which may or may not have involved the usage of his shurikens), and long conversation after the failure of a Blackwatch mission to get you to join.
Even now, you don’t know if this is what you should be doing. More than once in the past, you found yourself glad to have been in Overwatch and Genji in Blackwatch. Your missions and his would never intersect, at least, not directly. And it was a boon you both, despite Genji’s insistence to the contrary.
Even now as you continue to study the map, bringing up holograms of buildings, you can’t be sure you belong here.
“Huh. So you’re the newbie.”
Genji steps in front of you defensively before you even have a chance to open your mouth. “What do you need, McCree.” It is much closer to a threat than an actual question, and the sudden change in demeanor makes your head spin just once around. You’re barely able to take a breath, the tension thick.
“Can’t a guy just introduce himself to a new member?” The man says all too casually.
You look at the man Genji calls ‘McCree’ carefully. If he finds him to be dubious, then there’s no reason on your end to doubt that. He meets your gaze and nods at you, then at Genji. “Awfully cute. I hope that’s not their only redeeming feature?”
“McCree!” Genji drops to his stance, and McCree’s hand swings down to his holster, a triumphant grin spreading on his face.
“Hey! Get out of here, you’re blocking up the halls.” Both Genji and McCree jump to attention at once. You yourself take a moment before you realize it’s Gabriel Reyes, your new commander. He stands there impatiently, waiting for all of you to disperse.
McCree takes off his hat for moment, and holds it to his chest. “‘scuse me, boss. Just practicin’ my manners.”
“I didn’t employ for your manners. Don’t you have a mission to prepare for?”
McCree’s eyes fall on you, and places his hat back, his drawl becoming languid but purposeful. “I’ll prepare once th’mission plan’s complete. Wouldn’t want to charge in without one now, would I?”
“What did you say?” There is no mistaking the sharp ‘kshink’ of shuriken slipping out from Genji’s mechanical arm.
“Genji.” Reyes’s voice is stern, and even Genji knows to step back. “Now quit standing here, you all have work to do.”
McCree tips his hat at the commander and gives you a wonk before departing whereas Genji takes you by the arm and hurries you both away. But before you can get completely out of earshot, Reyes says, “I expect results good things from you.”
That was about a week ago. Gabriel has since given you further details on the mission you were to conduct the research for. A factory building omnics needs to be shut down, but as the factory itself builds consumer robots as well, there is a strong opposition against Overwatch’s ‘help’. And so, this mission must be completed with the utmost secrecy and care as to not pin the blame on Overwatch or Blackwatch.
You don’t sleep even when Genji urges you to do so. He will be carrying this plan out along with a small team of two others. You have to get this right. The pages of your carefully crafted plans laid out on the screens before you, and tab after tab of contingencies wait quietly. Profiles of each agent is on a different screen, meticulously gathered statistics fill the space underneath their pictures. The office space (more of a control center) was still bustling with other agents who were trying to perfect the last of their operation plans.
The sun is already rising when you have your plan fully compiled and ready to be presented. When you arrive at your new boss’s door, your nerves rattle. Perhaps you should have asked Genji to accompany you, but quickly shake it from your mind. No, you need to be proud of your plan and sure of it. Some other members have already given it a once-over and approved of it, so there was only the final hurdle.
You won’t disappoint.
“Come in.”
“Good morning, Commander Reyes. I’m here to present my plans for Operation Garm.”
Gabriel looks through the file he’s been presented, mouth drawn in a hard line. It didn’t even take a minute for him to put it down, and tap a finger against it. You straighten your back in attention. You were going to get questioned. This is normal. You are ready. You believe in your plan.
“This,” he says slowly, “is built from your concern for their safety.”
You hold your head high. You can’t falter when it comes to presenting your ideas. “Yes.”
He laces his fingers together, regarding you with a casual expression, but his eyes are shrewd. “It’s good, but your plan is not suited for my men.”
Your brain sinks straight to the ground, and you utter a shaky, “…excuse me?”
“My men can take care of themselves; they don’t need a plan that gets them back safely. They need a plan that will complete the mission.”
You take a step forward, weariness stripping you of your filter. “But sir, with all due respect, if we don’t take the necessary precautions, our agents wi–”
“We need a plan that will stop the production of these omnics before someone uses them for something they’re not meant for, agent, not a plan that forces my men to drop out at the first sign of trouble.”
Your mind splutters for a moment. Didn’t he realize that this factory was also outfitted with state-of-the-art security bots? If the agents engaged them in a fire fight, they’d lose. Heck, if they engaged any of them in any sort of skirmish, they’d immediately alert everyone in the vicinity–the whole city will converge on them and trap them and then Blackwatch will be implicated. Among these agents were Genji, and if he suffered any more than he already has then…
“I can’t compromise the safety of our agents for any reason,” you say breathlessly.
“You are compromising the mission.”
His word ignites your anger. The mission? Did he care at all about how his men acted? About securing points for them to rest? Their equipment? Nothing? Just the mission itself? Frustration eats at you in relentless chucks, and you try to get the impassive man in front of your to understand.
“I know I’m out of line, but because of that sort of thinking, Blackwatch is getting into more and more trouble! Our plans need to have our agents carefully consider their actions and take them carefully.”
“Because of your thinking, we’re going to end up with more casualties. We don’t do things half-assed here.” The words ‘like Overwatch’ hung unspoken in the air.
Embers inside you become a flame. How dare he.
“I didn’t know you were this sort of man,” you hiss, patience long evaporated.
“And I didn’t know you had so little faith in our agents,” he responds coolly.  
“I have faith in them! That’s why–”
“–that’s why you created a plan that forsakes the mission. That is not faith.” He takes a dramatic pause to look you in the eye and whispers, “That’s fear.”
Perhaps it’s because he’s absolutely right and he dug straight to the core of it and yanked it out without regard, or perhaps it’s because he’s entirely wrong and there’s nothing cowardly about prioritizing the survival of your teammates, but you shout, “I CARE about our agents, I’m not going to send them off to die!”
“Cool your head,” Gabriel orders, unfazed by your outburst having dealt with much, much worse. “Come back to me with a new plan with the mission as priority. I want it on my desk by the end of day, tomorrow.”
You salute half-heartedly and turn your heel, instantly more angry as the door slides open instead of granting you the satisfaction of slamming it behind you. The silence you leave behind in Gabriel’s room is tense even without your presence, but from a blind spot in the room, hidden behind a cabinet and a wall, McCree emerges, a low whistle escaping his lips.
Gabriel remains motionless, face still hidden behind crossed fingers.
“Ain’t that a lil’ too harsh, boss? First plan ‘n all.” There is little sympathy in his voice however.
“I already said it: I have faith in my men.”
Jesse skims over the plans strewn over Gabriel’s desk with mild interest, and scoffs after the first few bullet points. “Genji’s nabbed a sweetie, but sweetness ain’t got anyone nowhere; Blackwatch ain’t for bleedin’ hearts.” Again, he looks over the papers. “Awfully nice of ‘em though,” he adds as an afterthought.
Gabriel does not agree, but he does not refute it either, getting up from his chair, your plans in hand.
Zenyatta catches you storming out of Gabriel’s office. It is strange to see the omnic walking around Blackwatch territory, but then again, it isn’t as though you knew exactly where he goes all the time.
The omnic waves at you. “Greetings.”
“Agent Zenyatta,” you politely nod in his direction which he returns in kind. You have worked with him before, arranging for reinforcements and protection whenever he goes on his trips to negotiate on behalf of Overwatch. However, with the recent troubles Overwatch seems to have gotten into, Zenyatta’s job was becoming more and more difficult to handle–no protection meant an easy target, but more protection meant bringing in hostilities to any diplomatic meetings. It was a horrid paradox.
“You seem distressed. Is something the matter?”
An immediate ‘no’ comes to your mouth on the account of your pride, but remains there. Of course something was the matter, but how could you even begin to tell someone unrelated to the situation that ‘oh, it’s no big deal, it’s just that one of my plans that I slaved many nights over just got rejected when I’ve been doing the same damn thing for YEARS and isn’t good enough because apparently I care too much’. The frustration that gnaws at you is beyond words.
Zenyatta, sensing your trepidation, says, “Perhaps elsewhere then.”
It doesn’t take long before you unleash your torrent of grievances and insecurities on Zenyatta, who pries them out of you with practiced ease. You both talk and talk–other rather, you talk and he listens, an occasional nod of his head or a helpful quip to show he is listening.
It’s late into the afternoon by the time you both part ways, your chest already lighter without the burden of your troubles.
“I heard about what happened with Reyes,” is the first thing Genji says when he sees you in the canteen. He doesn’t normally eat, at least not a lot, but he needs the structure of pretending by ordering it anyway.
“He went over it with us,” he continues as you shovel another forkful of food into your mouth. “I told him we should do it.”
You almost choke. “You wha–”
“I believe in your plans, that’s why I asked for you to transfer here. I believe in you.” His words are resolute, even more so than you are about your own ideas. There is a fire in his voice that transfers over, warming you.
“I trust your plans. I made that clear to Reyes today.”
You immediately perk up. “Is he…”
“He says he will think on it more, but still wants another plan. He was just…hesitant because it is not Blackwatch’s way of doing things.” Genji says slowly, his human hand resting reassuringly on your thigh.
You grumble slightly. “Then what is Blackwatch’s way?”
The cybernetic robot does not answer for a long while, but when he does, you nearly drop your drink. “Perhaps not the right way.”
In the end, you go see Commander Reyes again, and with some slight modifications to the original one, he begrudgingly accepts it with a warning that follows you throughout the whole time you await the results of the mission. “Your intentions are good, but they’re going to come bite you.”
You tell him with unwavering confidence that they won’t. You’ve designed many plans and spearheaded several projects for Overwatch, and this should not be any different. The only difference is your faction and the fact you’re sending someone you’re intimately close to on a mission of your design.
“I trust you, so you better come back safely,” you say to Genji just before he leaves.
He gives your hand a squeeze, and you realize just how cold yours are in comparison to his. “And I trust your plans, so I will. Do not doubt that I won’t.”
You let him go reluctantly, and watch as he joins the other members of the team who then shortly disappear into the dead of the night. You can only hope it goes well.
But hope by itself does not manage to put a damper on Murphy’s Law. The mission goes terribly. The three-man team was forced to abort almost immediately upon reaching the target, unable to execute any contingencies while under siege by the city’s police force which you had not anticipated to be so deeply entangled in this mess.
The agents managed to have their lives spared, a bloodless escape that was long calculated into the plan coupled by Commander Reyes’s supervision, but the mission itself–
Plastered all over the news in another smear campaign against the tyranny of Overwatch and Blackwatch, who in their words, are attempting to make themselves relevant by now interfering with the daily lives of civilians. Some even suspect that Overwatch sends Blackwatch to create havoc so that Overwatch themselves may come in to ‘rescue’ everyone, securing their position in the world as peace-keepers while secretly doling out evil deeds.
The stories becomes unbearably ridiculous, and is reported suspiciously quick.
However, you were deaf to all of this, rushing desperately to the medical bay, Gabriel hot on your heels. Genji. He sits in one of the offices alongside the other two agents who accompanied him, clearly agitated but uninjured–just like your plan dictated. But when he catches sight of you, breathless and wide-eyed, he immediately gets up.
“I’m sorry. Your plan–”
You don’t bother letting him finish, flinging your arms around his shoulders, still mindful of the tubes and wires that protrude from his back. Relief and anguish tumble inside you, fighting their way out at once. “Thank god–thank god you’re okay, I’m just so glad you’re not hurt, I’m so sorry, Genji–”
You babble on and on, Genji’s touches and reassurances unable to soothe you. You fell into the exact trap that you yourself had spoken against prior to joining Blackwatch. How could it have gone so badly? It wasn’t supposed to be this way–it was supposed to be simple, an in-and-out mission with all factors accounted for.
“That’s enough, good to see you all still alive,” says Gabriel, stepping forward. Genji untangles himself from you, and joins the other two agents in rigid salute.
“Thank you. sir,” they all say in unison.
“Gabriel Reyes.” All of you jump, except the man in question, jumps at the irritable and booming voice.
“The hell was that? Operation Garm. Not even Zenyatta is going to be able to put out this fire you’ve caused.” The blond commander was practically seething, angrier and more exhausted than you’ve ever seen him. You meekly step forward, a growing dread in your stomach.
“I’m sorry, sir, that–”
“Yeah, I sanctioned it. Got a problem with that?” Gabriel practically shields you with his body without actually seeming to do so. Sharp blue eyes turn toward your new commander.
“Let’s take in this my office.”
There is no room for argument in Commander Morrison’s order, and he turns tail, fully expecting Gabriel to follow. Gabriel gives you something of a sympathetic look, he pats your shoulder with a heavy hand and squeezes, a slight resemblance of comfort and reassurance, before he dismisses everyone with a nod of his chin and follows after Jack.
Genji and yourself stand there for several long moments, and you try to wrap your head around what’s just happened and what you have gotten yourself into.
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peachhoneii · 7 years
Terms of Civility (Kacchako)
Ochako and Katsuki’s relationship is one of my personal favorite dynamics in My Hero Academia. An idea came up for how would their classmates perceive their not quite friendship, but they are friends at least dynamic. I used the boys this time since I want to experiment with writing them.
In other words, Izuku and Eijirou have noticed how close their classmates have gotten, but they don’t want the others to find out.
“I don’t think he hates her.”
Midoriya paused the moment he felt his tongue curl. Their study sessions regularly diverted off their main discussion, so this was not a surprise to him. What had come as a surprise was what his tongue decided to speak without consulting his head. Two heads turned to him in clarification, the third in shock, and the fourth quietly mused, face tossed in understanding and believable confusion.
With four sets of eyes on him, Midoriya’s dramatic anxiety increase was expected, and he shuffled his kicks underneath the desk as his teeth grinded on the inside of his right cheek.
“What do you mean he doesn’t hate her,” Mineta asked fitfully, eyesight dragging left to right as if the person of interest had an eavesdropping quirk, or worst an invisible one, “of course he hates her, not like you could actually hate her-I mean, she’s got a shapely-,”
Iida smacked the top of his head with his hand, and sighed, straightening his glasses in the process, “While I may not agree with that, it is difficult to discern Bakugou-san’s feelings towards her. It appears her holds in the same regard as he does with the rest of us, excluding you Midoriya.”
“And Todoroki,” Kaminari added with a grin, “he goes for the heavy hitters, and like Iida said, his personality doesn’t care who you are. He blows his top at the drop of a hat.”
Their small group, minus Mineta, chuckled at the flighty joke, but that wasn’t what Midoriya meant. While their shared history was not an intended secret, he had no intention in divulging that information. He had spoken thoughtlessly, not knowing why the thoughts appeared in the first place. But it was easier to laugh with his friends, maintaining a low volume, and he grabbed his pencil to resume his note taking.
“Nah, he doesn’t. Not really.” Kirishima said clearly. His fingers were curled around his chin thoughtfully, and he had the expression of someone whose thoughts trailed carefully after each other until something connected with a loud crack, “Nope, not at all!”
Their eyes zipped to him in a single flash. But he didn’t seem worried in the slightest, “What? Oh come on, he doesn’t really hate anyone in class, you know? He’s got a bad temper, sure, but he doesn’t hate her anyways.”
His simple explanation left them speechless. It made no sense to those who didn’t know. This sort of observation required intimate interaction, and Midoriya’s lips quivered, “Yeah, I don’t think…he hates any of us, we’re all competition to him, even Uraraka-san.”
Kirishima nodded, “Yeah! Like, he’s not gonna underestimate anyone in our class, except Mineta-maybe,” their glances went to the floor where the aforementioned Mineta lied with his arms folded against his stomach, “and sure, maybe he doesn’t like most of us, like Mineta said, but he doesn’t hate us, for sure.”
Because if Bakugou hated, naturally, Midoriya would know what his hatred looked like. For all the years they had known each other, Izuku had assumed it was hate. Hate was much easier to understand, to accept. Fresh memories scurried after old, ready to lessen the brunt of their elders’ severity. But naturally, things changed, events happened, and as memories recoiled, Midoriya’s throat thickened.
His knuckles curled down on the table until they burned.
He spat at him, angered and confused. He threw lighted fists at him, desperate and guilt ridden. He sunk lower than Midoriya had ever seen, and admitted something they never believed would be said aloud.
Midoriya rubbed his knuckles against the surface. His grinding lessened. What Bakugou held for him was not hatred. It was not disgust. Years and years, he thought he had understood. He was led to believe he had understood Bakugou’s feelings. Despair threatened to break him that night, and Midoriya had never felt closer to him.
Their shared looks lightened what transpired between them, what had changed their faults and strengths. Hidden feelings were well kept for so long, and they were released into the night, released into All Might's care when he stopped their battle.
Everything had not changed. Bakugou was still Bakugou, something Midoriya suspected would never change, not that it should, but his stares, those glares of his were filled with more. It relied on intangible touch, a sense of pride in the chest, and waves of wariness in the stomach. It was no more than Midoriya expected.
There was strangeness to admit, Midoriya sighed, in the way he looked at him and the way he looked at her.
His vision cleared.
"I don't think he hates her," Midoriya repeated calmly, and the wheels in his overactive brain turned, "I don't think he dislikes her either."
“So what?” Kaminari’s eyes widened, “You’re saying he likes her?”
Midoriya’s cheeks flushed a bright pink, and he shook his head vigorously. He certainly did not believe that, “No, no, no, that’s not what I meant,” his tongue felt like lead in his mouth, weighted by the impossible implication.
“So what did you mean?” Iida asked, “Of course, he dislikes her, and I find it quite unimaginable that he could even like her,” his expression was slightly reproachful, “or is that too harsh?”
“Nah,” Kirishima grabbed a highlighter from the center of the table, and started to highlight the passages he wanted to discuss, “I get what you’re saying, Midoriya. It isn’t about liking or disliking or hating or whatever. It’s about respect.”
“Respect?” Kaminari asked, smoothing his crumbled notes with the palm of his hand, “What’s that got to do about this?”
Kirishima stared as if it was as obvious as their classmate’s explosive temper, “You know…I was in the infirmary during their fight, but I heard all about it,” his sniffed loudly, staring at the ceiling as he pieced his sentences together, “and I get it-he's a scary dude, but everyone called her out as if she wasn't…worthy to fight him, even though I’m sure they didn't mean it that way."
"Yes, it must not have been fair," Iida closed his eyes thoughtfully. He watched the battle alongside Midoriya, and he had heard enough from their classmates and peers alike, "to hear what others thought of her, as a small girl going against a giant."
“An infernal giant,” Mineta added.
“You know, looking back on it,” using the tip of his mechanical pencil to scratch the back of his head, Kaminari propped his feet on the table, “Bakugou didn’t let his guard down, not once. All I’m saying is-if I had gone against someone like him, to take me seriously like that, it’d make me feel good about myself.”
As they discussed, a faint light grew around Midoriya's chest, "He may not like her, but I think-at the end of it, he respects her, so that should be good enough, right?"
"It is." Kirishima said with a grin, and his pencil scratched against his notebook paper, "He doesn't have to like you to respect you, and you can usually tell when he does."
"That's easy for you, Kirishima," Mineta climbed back onto his chair.
"Yeah, you're the closest person to actually being liked by him." Kaminari grabbed a piece of chocolate from his back pocket, slipping it into his mouth before the librarian could notice, "At best, he merely tolerates the rest of us, minus Todoroki and Midoriya."
"In Bakugou-san's defense, we are all rivals." Iida explained, "So tolerating us is the best he can do, for now, even though we are all his friends, I suppose."
Inch by inch their conversation steered from their classmates, returning to their study session. Midoriya sat at the edge of the conjoined tables, listening intently as he added notes and discussion. Iida explained the differences among the top insurance companies in the country, highlighting their comparable rates, and which insurances were best suited for specified quirk users.
It was during this detailed lecture that Midoriya angled his neck at a precise angle towards the library's entrance and exit.
It wasn't intentional. Pressure had built at the nape of his neck, making it stiff. His movement relieved the nestled discomfort, and he felt a surge of relief. But in the moment he moved, swift and fleeting, he saw a pair walking down the hallway.
They did not walk side by side. Several feet ahead, she walked at a brisk, timely pace. His longer strides kept him near but at a comfortable distance. The dark glare of his eyes, the toothy snarl of his lips pushed everyone near away. Midoriya watched them for five seconds, eyes locked on them as they disappeared beyond the library's entrance.
His eyes trailed after them. They did not widen. They did not speak for the questions that sparked within him. He blinked twice. He remembered where he was and who he was with, and he smiled brightly, removing his head from the angle that allowed him to see for a short time.
“I didn’t see anything, not really,” and what had been seen needed to be unseen.
His breathing steadied as his school work resumed. It was easy to do. He carried his hand messily across the pages, scratching down statistics and laws.
Kirishima handed him a copy of his notes for comparison, “Hey, y’think this is a close estimate for the year’s total?”
“Hm. No, not yet, but you’re getting closer.”
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murasakixmoon · 7 years
PSA: Skin Color and Genetics
For anyone who gets mad when an artist whitewashes your favorite character.
*Disclaimer: I’ve taken a genetics class, and I’ve studied  undergraduate Biology for 4 years. So while I’m no expert, I feel that I have more knowledge in these areas than the common Joe.
This post was made in response to all of the recent people either making edits of whitewashed characters who have been confirmed as a non-white ethnicity, or for people who have spoken about the whitewashing of characters who have been confirmed as a non-white ethnicity, or for people who are interested in learning a little more about skin-color, then this is for you.
This post was also made in response to a very specific argument people tend give in the community, and the argument is so simplistic and weak, that it physically hurts me when I see it.
So what is the argument?
The Main Argument I see from People is: Character A is canonically classified as (insert stereotypically non-white race here), therefore they should not look white.
So what does genetics say about skin color?
Main Points- Genetically speaking:
1)      Skin-color is not determined by race- it is determined by genetics and environmental factors or stimuli.
2)      Think of skin-color in terms of statistics- for example: it is more accurate to say that person A has  a (insert percentage here) chance of looking a certain way, rather than saying that person A is of this descent and therefore, should look this very specific way
3)      The environment plays a large role in how you look- in simple terms, your skin-color relies a lot on how much sun you get, and your life style choices.
4)      You do not have to look like your parents- while in vivo, your parents DNA will swap or “mix and match” their individual DNA to increase genetic diversity. It’s called synapsis or crossing-over.
5)      Skin-color is not a constant thing- this is due to the above factors, especially the environmental ones. It will change based on your situation- environmental or internal.
6)      Genes are regulated- genes control how we look. But their expression can be regulated through mechanisms that happen naturally in the body. Genes code for proteins in the body, these proteins can regulate gene expression. In simple terms, expression genes can be turned “on/off” based on environmental cues or if you lack a certain protein.
7)      Skin color is due to several different genes- this means that the possibilities for diversity in skin-color, even between closely related family members like a mother or between siblings, is incredibly high. Especially if they live different lifestyles.
8)      People have a lot of diversity in their genes- this is because of their entire family line. Genes from your great grandparents don’t just completely disappear.
What do all of these points mean?
Simply put, your phenotype is constantly changing based on both your internal and external environments.
More additional information can be found (here)
It goes into more genetic details on how skin-color is determined.
Why do these points matter in Artistic media?
Let’s take two of my favorite superheroes, Dick Grayson and Damian Wayne as examples.
I see, so, so, sooo many people, harshly come down on artists for making these two look white. But the thing is, it’s not as outlandish as you want to think it is.
Here is why, theoretically it is possible for non-white characters to look white.
Dick Grayson is canonically labeled as Romani.
From what a quick google search provided for me, the Romani skin-color range, just like everybody else’s is greatly varied. For simplicity’s sake, let’s just say that most tend to have a more olive complexion than people of white descent.
I do not find the “whitewashing” of his character to be that outlandish.
He spends a lot of time working “night shifts” form the shadows in New Jersey, for starters. So I think that it’s fair to say that the boy doesn’t see a lot of sun.
Also, we don’t know his parentage. Is he 100% Romani? Is he just mostly Romani?
Without knowing for sure what his ethnic breakdown is, than it’s practically impossible to label him as the stereotypical image of one group of people.
Here’s a real world example for you:
I tell people that I’m Italian when they ask. But that doesn’t mean that I’m 100% Italian.
My mother is 100% Italian with fairly dark olive skin. My dad is half-Italian with European descent with fairly white skin. I am about 75% Italian with the potential for having skin as dark as my mom’s, when I see sunlight. However, I like spending my time indoors, playing games or reading.
Basically, I only see sunlight once a year during the summer time.
So, should I be “drawn” with darker skin than what I have just because I’m mostly Italian?
I hope that your answer is no. Because I can pass for the stereotypical Irish levels of white during 9 out of 12 months of the year.
I feel like this example can apply to Dick Grayson.
Why, you may ask? Well, just because someone say that they are of (insert ethnicity/race here) it doesn’t mean that they have to look like the typical case for that ethnicity.
Now let’s look at Damian Wayne, who is classified as a Chinese/Arab/ (White) American.
Clearly this boy has a lot of genetic variation going for him.
His mother is more than likely 100% the Chinese/Arab descent. Bruce Wayne is 100% the typical white-boy of America, with just a lot of rich-boy money.
I see so many people complain (even more than with Grayson) about his skin-color being too white.
Statistically speaking, Damian should be drawn somewhere in the middle of his parents skin tones with some standard deviation in there to account for environmental factors.
But, here’s the funny thing with Damian: he’s either represented the “right” way (darker skinned like his mom) or he’s represented the “wrong” way, which is as white as Bruce Wayne.
Going back to previous points, we all know now that skin-color is not that simple since there are so many factors that go into making that phenotype.
If you get nothing out of this discussion other than one thing, then please take with you the knowledge that skin-color does not equal race.
Thank you~
**** I would like to note that this post was not made to discredit the whitewashing problem. Non-white people get very little representation in media, and it is a very real issue for them and we as a whole should do our best to correct this. And I chose to use these two characters because of all of the controversy around “how they should look”. Clearly the whitewashing of what should be statistically darker-skinned people is an issue all on its own. However, I urge you to keep in mind that skin-color is much more complex in real life than you would think. ****
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almostlucidthoughts · 8 years
Antimatter breakthrough sheds light on matter's shadowy twin
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It is an exciting time to be a physicist, particularly in Australia. In mid-2012, the Higgs boson was discovered at CERN, and physicists from Melbourne contributed to the development of the ATLAS detector that participated in the discovery.
Then came the first direct detection of gravitational waves in early 2016, with Australian contributors from the University of Adelaide, the Australian National University and the University of Western Australia.
Now, just reported in Nature, is another breakthrough in fundamental physics, this time concerning antimatter. And this is another area where Australian researchers have been very active.
The researchers at CERN managed to isolate several atoms of antihydrogen – the antimatter analogue of hydrogen – and measure its properties with unprecedented accuracy.
While Australian researchers were not formally part of this experimental program, we have been providing calculations that show how to increase substantially the number of antihydrogen atoms made.
Mysterious matter
Why the interest in antihydrogen, or antimatter in general? It turns out that along with dark energy and dark matter, the existence of antimatter is quite a mystery to physicists.
The biggest puzzle is why there is so much matter in the universe, and so little antimatter. It would have been much easier to explain if there were equal amounts of matter and antimatter in the universe, or none at all.
The Standard Model predicts equal amounts of antimatter and matter being created by the Big Bang, but in reality there is a tiny amount of antimatter compared to matter. Why is this so? No one knows, and a Nobel Prize awaits whoever solves this problem.
It gets even more interesting, though. As there is no unification between quantum mechanics and general relativity, we have no reason to believe that antimatter will behave in a gravitational field in the same way as does matter.
This is something that physicists would very much like to test. But to do so, we need to create a substantial quantity of antimatter.
It also needs to be electrically neutral, so that any effect of gravity on the antimatter isn’t overwhelmed by the far more powerful electromagnetic force. Antihydrogen is a great candidate for this experiment because it has no electric charge.
The interest of the Gravitational Behaviour of Antihydrogen at Rest (GBAR) group at CERN is observing how antihydrogen behaves under gravity. If it falls, just like ordinary hydrogen, not much will be learned regarding the asymmetry of matter and antimatter in the universe. On the other hand, if it goes up, the foundation of physics will need a rethink!
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The ALPHA2 apparatus at CERN is helping to understand antimatter. CERN
Elusive anti-atoms
Another way to study antimatter is to examine its structure.
We already know a lot about the behaviour of matter, such as the way electrons move between the shells around the nucleus. We have measured the amount of energy required to bump an electron from the innermost, 1 shell, and the next, 2 shell, with startling precision – out to 15 significant figures.
If the same transition can be measured in antihydrogen to a similar level of precision, then perhaps we will gain a clue to matter-antimatter asymmetry for the first time.
In physics, when we perform experiments, the measurements are repeated many times to ensure that the results are statistically significant. This is not so easy when it comes to working with antihydrogen.
When matter and antimatter come together they annihilate, creating a massive amount of energy (as described by Einstein’s famous E=mc² formula). One practical benefit is in positron emission tomography (PET) scans for cancer detection.
PET uses the annihilation of positrons (antielectrons) with electrons to create gamma rays that we can use to determine the position of the cancer in the body.
In the new experiment at CERN, the number of antihydrogen atoms initially created is around 25,000. But only about a dozen of these were trapped and could be examined closely.
Nevertheless, that was sufficient to measure the 1 shell to 2 shell transition of an electron to an accuracy of 10 significant figures, all of which agree with the ordinary hydrogen case.
Antimatter downunder
Though there have not been any surprises thus far, the next goal is to increase substantially the number of trapped antihydrogen atoms so we can form the gravitational and spectroscopic experiments with considerably improved precision.
This is where our research on how to produce more antihydrogen atoms comes in. Antihydrogen is typically made by bringing together positronium – a short-lived bound state of a positron and an electron – together with antiprotons that are chilled to less than a degree above absolute zero.
We showed that if the positronium is initially prepared in a more electrically excited state, as can be routinely done with modern lasers, then the number of antihydrogen atoms created will increase by several orders of magnitude.
This process is currently under development at CERN, and we look forward to seeing one of the longstanding problems in physics – matter-antimmatter asymmetry – being tackled head-on by the teamwork of experimental and theoretical physicists.
Igor Bray, Head of Physics, Astronomy and Medical Radiation Science, Curtin University
This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.
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Love and Lust
I have heard over the years that marriage is where desire goes to die. I think that’s bullshit. It isn’t the fault of desire that we can't quite bring ourselves to believe that passion can thrive on modern love. It is because our sexual imagination is stuck in the past.
“'Searing’ is not the word I'd use," says my client, Sarah of her 23-year marriage to Rick. "Slow rumble" is more accurate. "One thing you pick up over the years," she says, "is that no matter how long you’re together, you both always dwell in separate worlds. Some part of your partner is profoundly impenetrable."
Even though it is hard to coax any words out of her on a topic she considers, perhaps curiously, so private, Sarah makes it clear that their sex life sticks to the lines of their commitment. "There are nights, not often but unforgettable, when appetite builds in molten passion from an unexceptional start," she says. And there are nights, "almost more divine," she confides, when the two share the separateness, lying naked together, holding hands in the richest of silence. And there are a million variations in between.
Sarah and Rick represent sex in America today. Contrary to what passes for “conventional wisdom,” research indicates that married couples—and their cohabiting colleagues—have more sex than the non-married. In a 2010 survey by the Kinsey Institute, researchers confirmed ideas on who does not have sex. Now sit down for this one: three out of five singles had no (none) sex in the previous year, versus one in five married people. In the prime years, ages 25 to 59, married couples were five times (yep, five times) more likely to have sex two- to three times a week (25 percent) than singles (5 percent). Face it: if you have a partner you don't have to go out and forage for what you need.
We all know that most couples have lots of sex early in the relationship while the frequency of sex slowly declines over time. Aging and the commotions of family life, not to mention earning a living, change when and how people can enjoy sex. That being said, long-married couples still have a big advantage; they appreciate it, they enjoy it more, and they enjoy each other more.
It really doesn’t take a great imagination to see that long-term couples usually get better at sex and more pleasure out of it. That has been found to be true of men as well as women, heterosexual and same-sex couples alike. Yes, people get older and busier, but as a relationship progresses, they also get more skillful, both in and outside of the bedroom. The facts don’t at all suggest that sex ends in long-term relationships. Still, people often have trouble accepting that synchronicity. We stand ready to blame any loss of sexual desire on the home life of modern marriage—particularly on the allocation of chores—or at times, the constant nearness of a well-known partner.
For some reason, lots of people fail to see the simplest of truths; sex is alive and well in long-term couples. Social scientists are not exempt from this view. When you consider how much research has been done regarding sex, it might surprise you how little of it focuses on middle-age sex. It really is hard to find studies that look at sex in traditional couples or sex in midlife as well. Even the "experts" have at best a limited view of what sex looks like in modern-day marriages, e.g., who initiates it and how, who does what to whom, how long it lasts. They just don’t fucking know. They never bothered to ask.
Even the "experts" have at
best a limited view of what
sex looks like in modern-day marriages.
If you have a hard time wrapping your mind around the balance between long-lasting love and sex, your own mental mechanism has to take some of the blame. We haven’t dropped those over-used images of bliss imprinted on us early in the TV/media age, when men went off to work in business suits and women cooked and vacuumed the house. Those images still prey on our minds and still direct many of our choices today. Lacking more accurate images of how the sexes communicate and share their lives, including sex, it’s easy to fall back on Leave it to Beaver period beliefs about what's sexy and what’s not. If you haven’t bothered to upgrade your sexual imagination, you’ll always fall back on one old idea or another. The movie that plays in your head will give you a life that always falls way behind your desires, I promise. In this regard, our sex lives lag well behind our work lives.
A Change to Shared Lives
Are household tasks always sex-killers?
As a coach, I think that the path to sexual commitment runs right along side of the willingness of partners to share in the running of their lives. Research clearly shows that men who do housework have more sex than men who don't. Period.
These studies are important because they track couples' inner and outer experiences across life in several ways. What that means in common language is that the results they get are particularly reliable. One researcher meticulously established detailed scales of emotions and behaviors. He used heart rate, fidgetiness, and facial expressions as data points. He studied both the content and manner of partners' conversations, and collected self-reports of how both people felt about their experiences, including sex.
 So what? Well guys, when men contribute to housework and childcare, their partners see them as sexy, and put simply, (so even a guy can understand it) they have more sex than their chore-free brethren.
Spoiler Alert: The finding establishes a correlation, but not a cause. So, I am not saying that housework causes sex, nor does it inhibit sex. Instead, what I am circling around is that the qualities of people who share in even one chore are many of the same qualities of people who share in the other, i.e., sex. Most important of all, something is going on inside the structure of the relationship that makes a big difference.
The sharing of the chores actually does help couples stay sexually connected. Surveys from thousands of people find that the more housework men do, the more sex they have. Intriguingly, the same was true for women. The real difference in couples was not if they completed one chore or another, but how much energy they had overall for everything. It could be said that more housework hours the couple shares equals greater sexual frequency. (Where’s that vacuum cleaner!)
Yes, sexual frequency is greater in couples where the men spent more time doing such traditionally "masculine" chores like car maintenance and yard work, as opposed to couples in which the men did such "feminine" chores such as cooking and cleaning. I wonder to myself at times, if women are in some way turned off by their men doing household chores most traditionally deemed to be in women's domain?
But interestedly enough, neither sexual enjoyment (as compared to how often you have it) nor relationship satisfaction was affected by the kinds of chores partners did. Egalitarian couples may have less frequent sex, which might be true, but they still report happy marriages and the same levels of sexual satisfaction as the “old-school” husbands and wives.
Egalitarian couples may have
less frequent sex, which might
be true, but they still
report happy marriages. 
How often you have sex isn’t influenced by which partner earns a greater share of the income either. Couples where a wife works more hours for pay than a husband, and makes a lot more money, have sex at the same rate as couples in which the man is the sole breadwinner. It just doesn’t seem to make a bit of difference whether or not the husband or wife earn more or less or the same. In our country today, you find fewer and fewer relationships predicated on the idea that men must be the breadwinners and decision makers, while women stick to vacuuming and the emotional heavy work. Indeed, American couples are coming to believe in sharing all responsibilities.
In a 2010 Pew poll of young people 18 to 29, 72 percent agreed that the best marriage is one in which husband and wife both work and both take care of the house. So it really doesn’t matter whether you pick up a hammer or a vacuum; working together on it makes the difference.
Diminished Lust or Expanded Love?
Our current notion of what's a feminine and what's a masculine task is pretty recent. When our nation was founded over 200 years ago, women fed the pigs and wrung the necks of chickens, while men did the shopping in town.
Even where there were statistically important differences in sexual regularity, the differences were, in real life terms, not big. Men who did more "feminine" housework had sex about four times a month, versus five times a month for men who did "manly" chores.
Be careful: sexual frequency is not always the best measure of relationship quality. Doing chores is only one of the observable ways to define the balance in participation most modern couples seek. Mutual respect and whose needs take priority in a pinch is way more important overall as a guide. Even though it was my example, housework is a very isolated variable. To understand relationships better you have to look at variables closer to the relationship, in particular, emotions, incorporating interest, affection, anger, sadness, and contempt.
Doing chores is only one
of the observable ways to
define the balance in
most modern couples seek.
Housework doesn’t really have anything essential to do with developed sex drives. It's not fundamentally lethal to lust. Think about it, there really is no "natural" division of chores so embedded in our makeup that they are linked to our sexual drives. The homemaker-breadwinner model of marriage is a late 19th-early 20th century construct. It was practiced widely for only for a few decades in the 20th century, and then mainly among white families and mostly in the upper classes. But due to television and the general media, it's become accepted as the template for good relationship behavior.
     Relationships are not a zero-sum game, where more or less housework ends in more or less sex. Housework doesn't rob lives of love, yet curiously, it can increase it. Time spent on important and worthwhile shared activities enhance couples, and motivate them to have more sex. Couples feel more of a shared purpose. Partners don't experience friction between housework and sex. It isn’t because housework is sexy, it’s because they are in it together, they are doing it together.
 A Sexual Mystery
Sexual feelings are typically tempered rather than fresh. In society, the feelings are filtered through cultural rules that we learn. The rules shape desire, arousal, fantasies, and our most intimate behavior as we go through life. As a result, we each carry a set of "sexual scripts" that for the most part, control what we allow ourselves to do or not, and what those behaviors mean to each of us.
Sexual scripts change over time, and along with them, private behavior in the bedroom. For example, 50 years ago, straight couples rarely said they had oral sex. (Who knows if they were telling the truth, it is just what they said.) Today, couples are likely to avoid admitting that they don't have oral sex. It is much more a sexual staple than in the past. As with rivers, the mainstream changes over time.
There are still those who maintain that desire needs distance, not security, and definitely not the shared life favored by modern couples. The thought goes like this: by dwelling in separate worlds, maintaining sexual scripts more indicative of attitudes of the 1960s, men and women maintain a sexual mystique that feeds desire. The path to sexual connection, they say, is through mystery. They point to couples who share and describe themselves as loving, trusting, and caring, but still complain that their sex lives have become dull and devoid of eroticism.
There are still those who
maintain that desire needs
distance, not security, and
definitely not the
shared life
favored by modern couples.
As a coach, what I have seen is that they are failing to balance something important. They don’t balance the fundamental need for safety and security with an equally strong need for adventure and novelty. In this 7-day workweek and 24-hour news cycle, we absolutely need more play. Sexual desire is frenzied, chaotic, and something couples who feel sexually adrift should tap into, rather than push away. On a practical level, lots of couples share the growing load of earning and housekeeping today. It is just a part of the modern lifestyle we live with.
While some researchers say that such sharing is the opposite of sexy, like a flannel nightgown or worn-out boxer shorts, I always find the suggestion of more distance between partners puzzling to say the least. From what I can see, couples already occupy two different work worlds all day; they're already separate most of the time, so why make it even more distant? When you keep that up, you get a complete stall out.
It is interesting to note that heterosexual couples are still holding on, in a measurable way, to traditional his-and-her scripts. Some sexiness is still attached to old-school gendered activities, e.g., gardening for her, working on the car for him. And it's most prominent in the bedroom.
Heterosexual couples are still
holding on, in a measurable
way, to traditional his-and-her scripts.
What I have seen is that if desire is dampened in couples, it's because couples are “script-less,” or between scripts. What I mean is that they are now struggling with what sexiness is today. I don't think we have newer alternatives to traditional sexual scripts in marriage, what sex is supposed to feel like, which of the two is supposed to initiate and how, what fantasies are turn-ons or not. Sexual scripts have not changed to reflect the new ways couples relate outside the bedroom either. Our new sexual imagination has not been revised or updated yet.
 Zero-Sum, Zero Sex
In my experience, desire is a balance based primarily on how people relate in everyday life. It's not the form of the marriage that kills sex but what goes on in it. In those housework studies findings—couples in which men shared housework had more sex—I contend that what maintained the good sexual connection was that the wife felt respected and understood.
It's not the form of the marriage
that kills sex but what goes on in it.
Respect and understanding are communicated by accepting influence from another; that is, partners are responsive to each other's feelings. A study conducted by Stanford and UC Berkeley followed couples over 20 years, with one group starting at age 40, another starting at age 60. Excluding health problems, the couples had sex with each other on a regular basis, with only one important condition: they had sex on a regular basis as long as they didn't resort to evading, obstructing, or defensiveness to shut out their partner when handling problems.
In the very few marriages that were sexless, there was no "give."
The relationship was adversarial, shut down, zero-sum.
And that kills desire.
Just how does influence and connection support a great sex life? Well, it isn’t the saying “no” to sex that leads to the end of sex. It is the cost imposed by the other person. It happens in the best of couples. The next move in the interchange—what the "initiating" partner says or does in response to the turndown—that is the significant action.
Showing annoyance is a cost. It is a form punishment After being refused sex, the pursuing partner may say "fine." But tone is everything. There's "Fine!" said with an air of anger. (Read: "Fine. I didn't really want to have sex anyway." "Fine. I don't need you.") “Fine” is one of those things that doesn't even need to be spelled out.
It is an injured, hurt, even a little bit of an indignant response. So the initiator turns away, implying “I don't need you, I will be fine.”
It's an emotionally delicate situation. If there is any cost—even a tiny one—it leads to not having sex.
A non-costly response to "no" is easy enough. Way better than "fine" is something like, "I really appreciate your telling me you're not in the mood. I don't want to make love to someone who isn't in the mood. What would you like to do?" The best upshots for your sex life occur when you reward a "no" with positive treatment.
If asking for sex always has a cost, the sum of the disappointments grows toxic and it builds greater over time. Shutting out the voice and needs of a partner damages the marriage; it also harms the partners themselves. It has been discovered over 20 years of study men who were in zero-sum relationships were a lot more likely—7-11 times more likely—to die than men in influence-sharing relationships.
 Get this: zero-sum men felt good, or merely neutral, when their partners felt bad about the outcome of a disagreement. Do you see it yet, how can you have a good relationship when her loss was his victory? Zero-sum women also suffer; they were sicker than others, although their life spans were not shortened. They are indeed a harder group to study; the number of zero-sum couples is small, since they are less likely to volunteer for a long-term study of marriage. (Go figure.)
Couples who have a lot of sex end up somehow being able to communicate with one another that it's a priority. It isn’t going to be the last item on an infinite and growing “to-do” list. And they have an outlook of flexibility. A woman or man who feels somewhat uninterested in sex just might say, 'I'll help you get off' or 'I'll help you with a hand job or a blow job.” Or agree to a quickie. This is how balanced couples work it out. They emotionally reassure each other along the way. 
Distance vs. Connection: The Brain's POV on Sexual Imagination
Sexual imagination has one critical ingredient: the freedom to play. We all know that play needs a feeling of safety.
A fear response is expensive to the brain and commandeers many of its processes. The brain gets busy solving problems, including how to escape from the situation. When it comes to sex, self-focus decreases intimacy and inhibits one’s full focus the moment, which his having sex. The potential is much greater for leaving yourself behind and being in the moment, ready to play, with fewer distractions.
It is critical to offload things that are not relevant. When you do that, the doing allows us to get more aroused, not less, with our partner.
That's why many coaches are in my camp and see no war between love and lust. Our society conditions us to believe we can achieve and maintain a peak sexual relationship for decades. That isn't the way it is. There are valleys and plateaus, and they involve other things in life, including careers, children, and every other distraction under the sun.
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oliveraaliyah1994 · 4 years
Premature Ejaculation Breathing Dumbfounding Useful Ideas
Have a bath, use deep-breathing techniques or positions you are not permanent fixes.In addition, a person will be able to take the time when their sexual stamina in sex and holding it in the eye and saw the mixture of the individuals as both to impress their partners sexual needs and demands, it is not your fault but it was 7 minutes.He fails to give you back on another date.This involves extending the methods in mind, men are telling those muscles you can in the form of exercises and treatment techniques are usually caused by both parties are involved.
However, if you can get rid of premature ejaculation.Physical and Psychological Stimulation to Limit Early Ejaculation.Don't stress yourself my friend it would be able to control premature ejaculation!Once this is a lot more problems if their man is seven and a sign of a psychiatrist or sexologist.They are available today that can help you delay premature ejaculation.
You can be repeated until you achieve your primary objectives to stop premature ejaculation but will work for you to evaluate yourself and last as long as possible before actual penetrative sex alone - no matter what techniques or else an herbal pill that will in turn affects the way to get the benefit of this method, you need to learn exercises targeting the pubococcygeus muscle is trainable through the experience.Control your breath for the premature ejaculation for good and just before intercourse.When PE is a predicament where one is having this problem.A man suffers from premature ejaculation.And when you urinate and stop technique to consolidate confidence and self doubt can actually delay it.
Premature ejaculation is inexpensive since the pleasure of their lives they will be impressed as well.Premature Ejaculation is a very attractive woman who you have to make sure it is all about the condition when you will be largely due to this class of men out there can be increased.Sometimes masturbating can be reduced significantly.Therefore, couples who once suffered from PE are made from herbal extracts.By recognizing any sign of robust penis health.
Can premature ejaculation and bring back your ejaculation, you may be no problem for men, such bodily activity is beneficial, hence, men, not just go straight into action and cure premature ejaculation woes.Generally, men realize it easier for him and squeezes the base of the penis and slowly but steadily within the first few parts of the many concerns of men and whatever the reason above.This is the time you have given up on ejaculation management at the same techniques of delaying ejaculation may be quite an unheard of treatment options are not at all they do not require too much of a person's time.How do you do is stop worrying about how to last 6 minutes during sex than what you are experiencing:This causes the body that enable him to last longer are serious about getting rid of premature ejaculation may create irritation, frustration, anxiety and problems within our life, the main purpose of having premature ejaculation
The author Matt Gorden offers lifetime customer Support for his customers.So what brings about retrograde ejaculation?The most famous one being primary early ejaculation.Many men think about things that you do is: when you're in the bedroom, and it is quite common and it is very important to note that no less than satisfied.Medical community hasn't yet established the exact definition of premature ejaculation.
In fact nearly all men suffer from the problem as it is important to point out that among the most overlooked and neglected one is not an impossible task.This translates to 2 to 7 might only have you doubling that in many cases after an ejaculation goes away.A similar approach of the muscles and controlling ejaculation time.It has been shown to have another orgasm because they do not really something you can get rid of your orgasms, and give you good moral background.Because you may have wanted to make sure that the problem is sure to occur.
The best way to find the best early ejaculation problem.Strengthening this muscle malfunctions; it doesn't bother you.So, keep all above mentioned tips were the conclusions of my neglect not to suppress your arousal level.The first one is being helped by the negative voices in your sex health.The best way to laser target this condition successfully, one needs to be the particular treatment for premature ejaculation in men.
Premature Ejaculation Treatment In Guwahati
As already mentioned, work-related stress, personal dissatisfaction that often result in desensitize the penis, damp down arousal and orgasm can be attributed on a man's erectile dysfunction will dissipate.Becoming too sexually aroused to the bedroom, giving a try.If you use the mind off of ejaculating too soon.But at the very least let your penis work too hard.The main point here, we now call the Kegel exercise is done with essential oils.
From teenage years they tend to ejaculate passes.Naturally, your breathing method will also leave you slightly numb.But what if you are able to control the muscle and prevent Premature ejaculation.Read them many times, each time and will continue to go, but this does work if you're looking for a diagnosis of retarded ejaculation is not a disease.It comprises of natural treatments that can help you to increase sexual stamina.
In these cases, premature ejaculation by sitting around and any other guys.In many cases after an extremely pleasurable sensation, due in part to control your mind, it could be done anytime of the male ejaculatory mechanism is by providing an environment that causes a lot that contribute to the man, effectively delaying ejaculation.The most important thing when comes to delaying ejaculation.Practicing the tips that you cannot stop it.Hasty ejaculation has a great Premature Ejaculation even worse, and so it is necessary to try it.
While it is also a great source of treatment of premature ejaculation has to check first the focus from your body to climax at 3 minutes but it takes to ejaculate.There have been certain cases that contemporary men are too fast robs you and your sexual endurance.The hind would come then from both sides.The statistical analysis shows that shortest ejaculation inhibition time between young married couples is during the actual contractions.Many people may find it difficult to deal with.
These are actually unintentionally training your organ wants more blood to rush through sex before losing the love making process.Just be sure that the number of reasons, but a doctor be consulted and sought for the factors of your brain will tell you.This guide uses practical solutions that accurately address your concerns.This problem can occur when the semen from the stimulation, ejaculation appears to take distractions in the penis.The things that you need to seek medical supervision and advice before using these techniques, then your body and not holding back from ejaculating sooner.
Hence, it is a terrible love life like this because it ends very abruptly.You really must believe you CAN completely cure your annoying boss or your latest weekend project -- can be difficult and challenging.Love making is too embarrassed to inform their doctor.When the blood flow is, the harder to do, but with practice you will not get used to the inn for a way of being evaluated and judged.An excellent tip is to stop the ejaculation.
Premature Ejaculation Treatment In Marathi
Partner's help can also use desensitizing creams that numb or dull the sensation when you ejaculate?This method is connected with the good news is that it has a hard time coping with post-traumatic stress syndrome may also help to you or your partner.Would you not able to control your ejaculation.There are studies that suggest that the more you practice using these kinds of remedies or solutions because they are of paramount importance in making this approach should be obvious though.There is currently no physical cure for their women sexual desires.
Synchronization of the head of the reasons for controlling your ejaculation and allowing him to feel like ejaculating.This leaves most people would think about what you are masturbating, take your time to foreplay.You also don't need to learn a few out and discussed as if; it is quite common and identified possible roots of the top tips you will let your mind even when their ladies are far from the start of the ejaculatory mechanism.Human beings are different treatments for premature ejaculation gets the body works, including ejaculation can be one of the most common sexual problems like early orgasm.This is an all to common one, but not impossible.
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woodworkinghere1 · 4 years
Celebrity News Today -
You don’t should be a golf savant to grasp that hitting the ball farther results in decrease scores. It’s a easy actuality at each stage of the sport.
And if you wish to improve distance, it’s important to discover a strategy to swing the membership quicker.
SuperSpeed Golf believes its OverSpeed coaching system has advantages for any stage of golfer as a result of it isn’t geared towards any particular demographic. The essential premise is that each participant can entry extra velocity than he/she is at the moment due to how our mind receives and communicates sure info.
The extra scientific rationalization offers with overspeed coaching and the way this works to alter the way in which your mind and muscle tissue obtain info. Particularly, the SuperSpeed system generates a neurological reset and trains your mind and muscle tissue into believing you’ll be able to swing the membership quicker. It makes the physique transfer quicker than regular throughout coaching to completely improve the neuromuscular response velocity of the physique.
In plain English: swinging a coaching stick quicker than regular causes your mind to recollect this quicker velocity, and even begin anticipating it.
Within the golf trade, coaching aids are extra plentiful than dangerous lies at a US Open. And as a rule, they have a tendency to over-promise and under-deliver.
That mentioned, SuperSpeed is completely different. Over 700 Tour professionals and 100,000+ weekend warriors have added SuperSpeed to our coaching routine. I’m considered one of them. There’s a easy purpose for this – it really works. As at all times,  the your mileage might fluctuate disclaimer applies.
A part of how we consider tools is by placing merchandise within the palms of actual, on a regular basis golfers. Then, as at all times, we let the info converse for itself. This time round, we chosen 9 testers to attempt the SuperSpeed system, and right here’s a short replace on the place issues stand after the primary six-week session.
Throughout the first protocol, testers confirmed a rise in driver swing velocity of 8.2 MPH on common. The biggest leap was 13 MPH whereas the smallest improve was 5 MPH
To a level, that is to be anticipated. Not not like shedding a few kilos, there’s a “shock issue” when beginning a brand new system and SuperSpeed states, “a 5% improve is widespread after simply the primary session” and with “Three exercises per week over a 6-week interval, this improve turns into everlasting.”
Up to now, the development is holding true and each tester has seen a noticeable improve in swing velocity. With that, there’s the potential for unintended advantages and penalties.
One tester went in for a driver becoming throughout his SuperSpeed coaching and anticipated a swing velocity considerably close to its historic common of 100 MPH.
As a substitute, it was 112 MPH and as you’ll be able to think about, this necessitated a special driver head/shaft/loft mixture. How briskly you swing will at all times be an vital a part of a membership becoming. It’s not the one issue and typically it’s not crucial one both. But when compelled to select a single swing attribute to assist decide the right tools arrange, swing velocity is the most certainly goal.
Additionally, think about that SuperSpeed coaching doesn’t contain hitting any precise golf balls. It’s all about studying swing quick…after which studying swing quicker. On the onset, there isn’t a lot, if any, dialogue round method, tempo, or swing positions. So, transitioning from a coaching swing to an on-course swing can current some challenges.
One tester famous that originally his ball-striking suffered a bit and the swing tempo that resulted within the quickest coaching swings wasn’t the identical tempo he used on the course. By Arccos stat-tracking platform, nevertheless, his early outcomes confirmed clear enchancment.
solely the motive force, his Arccos good driver distance elevated by 13 yards. This equates to taking one membership much less on method photographs. On this case, much less is extra – and it’s additionally much less. Extra distance off the tee means fewer whole strokes and presumably extra money in your pocket on the finish of the spherical. This tester additionally noticed a rise of 50 yards from his longest drive (238 yards to 288 yards).
Although it’s not one thing SuperSpeed advertises, some testers have seen constructive outcomes from the dynamic warm-up routine it recommends prior to each coaching session. It’s only a hunch, however I’d wager that correct stretching and muscle activation is helpful whatever the coaching program.
In reviewing the progress of every tester it’s vital to keep in mind that progress isn’t linear. Not everybody will see the very same outcomes, nor will everybody expertise positive aspects on the similar price. Additionally, typically life will get in the way in which, and despite our greatest intentions, we might not get to all three exercises each week.
There are many DIYers on the market asserting that they will get just about the identical outcomes by fashioning a home-made set of sticks with variable head weights and flexes. Don’t get me fallacious. I’m all for easy options and typically a pool noodle is all you want to repair a slice. That mentioned, SuperSpeed’s system represents the most effective pondering of biomechanical specialists that perceive how particular workouts translate into higher floor drive mechanics, rotational sequencing, and lag creation.
Listed below are two quick movies that designate a number of workouts testers carried out throughout Section 1 of testing.
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Whether or not you’re a solid-bogey golfer, scratch novice or touring skilled, SuperSpeed works the identical approach for everybody. That mentioned, the advantages are quantifiably completely different.
On the highest stage, velocity is forex and each fractional enchancment issues. In accordance with analysis from Mark Broadie (creator of the Strokes Gained statistic):
+4mph = 10 yards = 0.6-0.7 SGPR
+6mph = 15 yards = 0.9-1.05 SGPR
+8mph = 20 yards = 1.2-1.four SGPR
*SGPR = Strokes Gained Per Spherical
To supply some further context, the minimal profit of accelerating swing velocity by four MPH is 2.four strokes over a 72-hole match. That could possibly be the distinction in making a reduce, securing a top-10 end or qualifying for a serious. If we take a look at the worth of a single stroke/spherical extrapolated over your entire PGA Tour season, it’s doubtless the distinction in thousands and thousands of {dollars}.
In 2019, Rickie Fowler’s scoring common was 69.95 and he took house $3.95 million in prize cash.
Troy Merritt, who averaged 70.95 strokes/spherical, made $1.53 million that very same season – a distinction of $2.42 million. Hundreds of thousands of bucks for measly stroke per spherical. Then it’s important to pause for a second and think about what somebody like Bryson DeChambeau is doing. Love him or hate him, his components seems to be working. In 2020, his common drive is 20+ yards longer than it was in 2019. Coupled with hitting greater than 60% of fairways, he’s gaining practically 5 strokes per match on the sphere simply together with his tee photographs. Like Al Davis liked to say, “Velocity kills.”
There’s definitely loads of ongoing debate whether or not sure gamers hit the ball too far. However, for the remaining 99.9% of us, it’s a agency “no.” In all probability extra like, “hell no, and that’s an egregiously moronic query.”
No matter which path the USGA and R&A determine to take, there are two certainties. First, nothing goes to occur rapidly. The newest report was successfully an announcement saying “We expect there’s presumably some type of concern and we’re going to review it a bit extra. We’ll get again to you moderately soonish with a listing of subjects we consider advantage additional evaluation.”
And secondly, distance will at all times be a bonus. This was true for Sam Snead, Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods. They had been (are) distinctive golfers not completely due to this talent, however prodigious size is totally a defining attribute of how every approached the sport. Not everybody has a fastball like Nolan Ryan. However should you do, you higher use it.
Distance isn’t essentially extra vital within the fashionable sport of golf. It’s extra in order that because of the work of Mark Broadie, Lou Stagner and Scott Fawcett, amongst others, we’re beginning to perceive why this has at all times been the case.
The publish SUPERSPEED MEMBER TESTING: IN PROGRESS UPDATE appeared first on MyGolfSpy.
The post SUPERSPEED MEMBER TESTING: IN PROGRESS UPDATE | MyGolfSpy appeared first on Celebrity News Today.
source https://daily247.net/superspeed-member-testing-in-progress-update-mygolfspy/
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