#the only person she has any positive feelings towards is her brother
seekinghelp-adhd · 10 months
Chance Encounters (Maribat idea I'm throwing around)
Marinette moves to Gotham to pursue fashion. She has to finish her last year of high school at Gotham Academy and do an internship over the summer, but if she does she gets a massive scholarship to Gotham University. They were more than happy to help out Jagged Stone's famously young personal designer. Obviously, this puts her in classes with Damien Wayne, who barely talks and only ever calls his brothers by their last names.
Jagged insists on setting her up in a penthouse for her stay in Gotham, but Marinette argues that being a single girl living in a fancy penthouse is like asking one of the Gotham rogues to kidnap or rob her. They compromise on a nice apartment with a state of the art security system, one owned by Wayne Enterprises. Another tenant on her same floor, Jason Todd, stops by to scope out the new neighbor. He seems nice enough, but he keeps calling his older brother "Dick" and Marinette can't tell if that's his name or just an insult. Apparently he does this whenever someone new moves in to see if he’ll have to move. Marinette tells him to let her know if he does, Because she says if he doesn’t feel safe living in this building anymore, she definitely wants to leave. Jason is amused by this and decides she can stay.
It doesn't take long for Marinette to encounter Gotham's bad side. After a few months of living there she's seen plenty of rogue attacks. She's been lucky enough to stay out of it. After all, if the villains aren't magical there's nothing her Miraculous Cure could do anyway. Her luck is apparently starting to run out though, because now she's being held up at knife point in an alley. She obviously takes the guy down after years of being Ladybug and calls the cops. Dick Greyson is the officer on scene. He's incredibly friendly and is super impressed that she managed to take the guy down, but Dick has seen corrupt cops take people in for self-defense if it means someone else owes them a favor. He gives her his personal cell in case anything like this ever happens again.
Through all of this, Marinette has been spending more and more time with Damien at school. Marinette is hesitant to trust all the smiles and niceties around her after Lila's manipulation and wants to truly get to know someone before she puts any trust in them. Damien is the only exception. She was warned of his reputation as the "Ice Prince" of GA before meeting him and found talking with him to be incredibly refreshing. There was absolutely nothing fake or over the top about him. He was straightforward and down to earth and Marinette found comfort in that. She decided that she trusted him on day one. Likewise, Damien finds her skeptical attitude toward the other students to be incredibly validating. Growing up in the League, everyone was always pretending, even to the other assassins. You had to act a certain way around the right people, and manipulation was the key to survival. Marinette seems to notice people trying to take advantage of her and recognize when someone just wants a favor, and he respects that. Regretfully, and to Jon's great joy, Damien finds that he thinks of her as a friend.
Word eventually gets out that Marinette is Jagged's designer. This is, of course, entirely Jagged's fault. Some good comes out of all the extra attention, though, when she learns that the co-CEO of Wayne Enterprises is a fan of hers. He makes a commission for a new suit and, upon learning of her situation, offers her a position as his families personal designer over the summer to meet her internship qualifications for GU. They set up a meeting in person for her to take measurements once her midterms are over.
When everything is going well though, something has to throw a wrench into things. The Batfamily raids one of Black Mask's warehouses late one night, and Red Hood takes a few too many bullets and a pretty big hit to the head. The kevlar took most of the hits for him, but he's badly bruised and nursing a concussion. It's the concussion that causes him to stumble into the wrong window of his apartment building and scare his new neighbor half to death. Marinette does what she always does and helps the vigilante without question. To do that though, she has to take off his helmet. She assumed he would have a mask underneath or something. He does not. Marinette is not as surprised as she probably should be, and Jason is pissed when he wakes up. He realizes after a while that this isn't her fault. She's been taking care of him since he was too stubborn to go to Bruce, and if she wanted him or his family dead she could have done something about it by now. He decides to put a little trust in her, but keeps an eye on her just in case. This is what clues him into the situation. In her time here in Gotham, she's managed to meet all of the Wayne brothers aside from Duke, and she has no idea they're even related.
Jason, of course, finds this absolutely hilarious and wants to see just how far this madness can go. He sends Duke to her favorite coffee shop. He refers Marinette to the same dance studio as Cass. Marinette, completely on her own to Jason's disbelief, enters the same Ultimate Mecha Strike tournament as Stephanie and absolutely destroys her. Jason lives for the chaos and Marinette is completely oblivious.
Eventually, after a few AO3 tags (slow burn, feelings realization) Marinette and Damien start dating. Damien feels guilty for hiding that he's Robin from Marinette, but he knows that he'd be sharing more than just his own secret and doesn't want to betray his family's trust. He realizes that if he wants to share everything with her, his family has to trust her as well. She'll have to meet them. He tells Marinette all of this, and she shares that she's been keeping her own secret as well. Marinette hasn't told him about Ladybug even after Tikki has given her blessing, and she's been feeling guilty about it as well. She encourages him to tell her whenever he feels ready and assures him that she can wait until then. She trusts him, and she asks for that same trust in return.
Damien trusts her of course, and everything goes back to normal for about 30 seconds. Then, Damien starts trying to prepare her for the chaos she's about to find in his dining room that night. Little by little, Marinette starts to realize that she already knows every single person he's talking about. Only, that means so much more than she could have realized, because if Jason is Red Hood and his brother "the Dick" is Nightwing, then that means Dick Greyson is Nightwing and Damien's older brother, which makes Damien Robin, and oh no she thinks she knows exactly what that secret is that he didn't want to share yet.
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tumblingxelian · 6 months
Near Uniquely RWBY - Main Characters
I was chatting with my sibling the other day and we were joking about the fact in 90% of the media I consume I generally don't like the main characters.
Not in the sense I necessarily hate them, but I generally don't find them to be the most interesting, engaging or enjoyable person on screen or page. Instead I tend to gravitate towards secondary or minor characters and even minor antagonists before any of the big names.
Some of this is rooted in my often rooting for what tends to feel more like a real underdog or characters that feel like they got dealt a bad hand by the author unfairly. But its also that in a lot of media the main characters tend to immediately, slowly or quickly go into personality lockdown.
Becoming less a personality and more the embodiment of expected tropes and themes, or they lose their unique edge or circumstances because the plot demands one benefits or personality changes be heaped on them to keep the tone and story going.
Some examples of this would include say:
Ichigo from Bleach, with him and his supporting cast being very unique and super interesting during the initial arc. But as Soul Society came in, he became a much more standard Shounen determinator a the expense of his personality and his supporting casts were largely watered down & left behind.
Or how in Naruto or Dragon Ball the whole underdog/hard worker aspect of the characters felt undercut by legacy power ups and an endless wellspring of natural talent, alien biology, ETC.
I know these are just two examples, but they cover the general gist of what I mean.
So, what makes RWBY different?
Well, off the cuff, is simply that the four main characters are women.
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I've often felt simply putting anyone other than a cis-het guy into the main character slot of say, a battle Shounen, or Isekai stands a good chance of making it more interesting by default. Even if the author does nothing with it the audience reaction would be different because the MC would be an exception to the norms.
In that vein, while one can call RWBY some sort of Shounen or adventure fantasy or magical girl show the main four are unique in how they manifest on screen at the very start. From how they participate in action, to how said action is structured and framed and the kind of adventures and topics they tackle.
But being unique alone is not enough, that would simply make it more interesting than the bog standard but what elevates RWBY is the execution and exploration of such elements and its characters.
Going into every aspect would be difficult, but in light of what I said above would be how each of the main four are initially presented as familiar archetypes, only to subvert or deconstruct them.
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Ruby is a peppy goth who just wants to be normal but has inborn powers from her mysteriously vanished mother and serves as a beacon of optimism to others.
Except Ruby's version of normal still involved fighting death monsters with a sniper rifle scythe and she is actually one of the more ruthless characters. Her peppy persona obscures that she can have a pretty vicious temper when pushed and has displayed strong bloodknight tendencies.
Her unrelenting optimism and desire to fix the world is a complex mix of true beliefs, coping mechanism for trauma and her grappling with positions forced on her against her will. Her inborn power is potentially useful but also not that much of a game breaker outside specific contexts & said power sure as hell didn't save her mom.
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Weiss Schnee is the Tsundere heiress of a powerful family, with a haughty attitude that hides her loneliness.
Except the "Tsundere" is more of a defense mechanism born of coming from an abusive home where every member of her family manifested a different trauma response. Freeze (Mother), flight (Sister), Fight (Weiss) Fawn (Brother).
Despite her upbringing & some projected trauma, she's far from ignorant as to the worst excesses of her nation early on, and her journey was more about overcoming the impacts her abuser had on her and finding a family in her team that let her be safe enough to let down her walls. Also despite being "The ice queen" she's actually one of the characters least inclined towards more ruthless actions and is extremely empathic.
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Blake Belladonna is a mysterious and silent rougish woman, something of a shrinking violet even, but she carries with her a wounded heart thanks to her old flame, the edgy Adam Taurus.
Or more accurately, Blake is the daughter of activists and politicians who represent the worlds main discriminated against minority. She spent her youth on the road as a protestor and where even her father could be nearly killed by a lynch mob. She was targeted & groomed by a man who claimed to want to fight the same injustice she did but who was only interested in using the movement to grow his own power.
Her initial aloof-ness was a trauma response to having spent years under his thumb and overcoming him and the idea she had to 'save' him was one of the main corner stone so her character. Also, despite the "Revolutionary fighter" backstory she like Weiss is much less inclined towards ruthlessness than her team in large part because her past experience with it.
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Yang Xiao Long, introduced as the fun loving big sister of Ruby & boisterous bruiser of the team who loves to party & flirt.
Except no, Yang was parentified as a child and forced to raise her own sister as their family unit fell apart. Her "Party girl" persona was outright framed as judging a book by its cover in her own trailer and something she put on or took off as she needed.
She became disabled over the course of the series run as well as entered a Sapphic romance with her partner Blake. Unlike the stereotype of characters with her design, Yang is actually an excellent student, fighter and engineer/mechanic. Plus much like her sister she tends to be of the more ruthless and pragmatic persuasion despite being from the "Normal" background.
Character Conclusion
So, all the characters break out of their initial archetypes, which already makes them more interesting. What's more, these sorts of characters just being oput together and made the main characters rather than circling a dude is in of itself unique.
But there are other aspects of the writing which endear me to how it handles the main characters and what keeps them interesting.
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Anger & Violence
See, while in various media women do express anger at times it is still often far less so than men. What's more, often women's anger tends to be presented in... Less flattering lights.
With the anger obscuring fragility while in a man it conveys strength. Or implying a sort of hysteria rather than an appropriate or controlled response. Or worst of all being demonized in general unless its rooted in or coming from traditionally feminine places.
The same tends to be true when it comes to violence with a lot of media either trying to find some way to make women in battle less... Brutal than their male counterparts. (More more like fanservice) Along with rarely letting women fight men, unless they are a special exception to the norm.
RWBY does not do this.
The main characters, hell, all the women in the series express a multitude of different forms of anger and violence. They battle men, they battle each other, they battle monsters all with no distinction nor fanservice shot in sight.
What's more though is that said anger and violence are not presented as, for lack of better words, wrong. The writers don't draw overt attention to this fact, they don't hang a big sign up saying "Girls can fight & shout too" or the like.
They just present these women with a range of emotions, motives and actions that are treated according to what fits the theme of the show rather than hewing closer to gendered lines.
This isn't to say anger & violence are lionized, but more that the experience and usage of them is not demonized or undermined because of the characters gender.
I suppose what I am saying is that CRWBY by and large lack double standards when it comes to exploring these things that I see so often in other media. The women in the main cast, among the villains, both sides respective allies and beyond can be flawed, or angry or do both good and terrible things.
But the writers are always treating everyone's pain as equally valid regardless of gender or situation. Which means that the situations that cause anger exist within a tone of respect that forms the depiction and framing of anger itself.
Which is just something I really enjoy.
Thanks for reading!
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myokk · 4 months
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I had so much fun writing this up as I drank my coffee this morning, thanks for making the templates @kiwiplaetzchen 🥹🙏
A little bit of backstory for Eloise - I’ll do an actual drawing etc etc in the future but for now if you’re interested!!:
Eloise has a brother, Leonard (Leo) who is a year older than her (I want to draw him soon!!) and her parents are both (unfortunately 😔🙏) still very much alive. If the family had continued to the 1930s, they would DEFINITELY have been part of the Sacred 28, making it the Sacred 29 instead. Her father was an only child so he inherited everything, and her mother is Elladora Babbit née Black, the woman who started the Black family tradition of beheading useless house elves😭 (and yes unfortunately that makes Headmaster Black Eloise’s uncle😫).
Eloise was kept a secret from the rest of magic society her whole life. In my imagination, the pureblood families have so much inbreeding amongst themselves that it’s not uncommon for them to give birth to squibs. Part of pureblood culture is not announcing they’ve given birth to a child until they’ve shown signs of magic - normally around 3/4 years old at most. When Eloise never showed ANY signs of magic, she was just their shameful secret. On her eleventh birthday when it was all but confirmed she was a squib, she was burned off the family tree and spent the next five years at a muggle finishing school. Always looking to take advantage of whatever they could get, however, Eloise’s parents arranged a marriage between her and the firstborn son of a wealthy muggle landowner when she came of age.
Her family had no idea that she was admitted to Hogwarts (they cut off all ties to her and disowned her) and Leo, who had always been fiercely protective of her growing up was simultaneously devastated and ecstatic that he could see his sister again. It’s been really hard to repair the relationship though, as there is a lot of resentment that they cannot get over even though they want to😭. And, for as much as her parents dictated everything about how her life has gone, Eloise can’t help but try to work hard to get their love and approval as it’s all she ever thought she wanted. And now that she’s in a position to become the daughter they’ve always desired, she feels a lot of resentment towards herself. She feels as if she’s betraying the young girl who was abandoned by her family, because she wants their approval so badly (it will take a while for her to get over this😔🙏)
In terms of the personality I did it a bit like the sims where I just max things out bc I think everything in the middle is boring jajajaja. But:
Shy: not shy in the sense she can’t talk to other people and she isn’t necessarily socially awkward. She just doesn’t always know what to say and will remain silent if she thinks she has nothing to add to a conversation instead of yapping away (BUT unfortunately rambles and over explains herself to not be misunderstood when she does talk, THANKS narcissistic mother), and normally she wishes people would ignore her. When the Daily Prophet article came out about her “miraculous” recovery and introduction to magical society she HATED it & she HATES all of the people trying to talk to her and befriend her.
Active: NOT active as in super energetic. She just wakes up really early and always needs to keep herself busy. She gets anxious if she doesn’t have anything to do - but, she includes thinking as doing something, and often retreats into her thoughts and doesn’t realize when people are talking to her.
I think grouchy and nice can exist together so with this one I put it in the middle. She’s both simultaneously😭
Aaaand with cowardly/brave, she thinks she is really cowardly for going back to her parents so easily and wanting their love so badly, and hates herself for it (not realizing it’s an accumulation of a lifetime of emotional trauma). But lots of times when things get very high-stakes she will jump in and do incredibly reckless things without thinking of the consequences, although if she stopped to think before she acted she would definitely NOT do them. So maybe brave in actions, cowardly on the inside (IDK)
If you read all of this I love you!! I want to share more about her but this was getting crazy long jajajajajajaja😇🙏
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munson-mayhem · 2 years
HI! I LOVED YOUR AONUNG STORY! <3 Can you make another aonung x sully reader. Like when the sully family arrive aonung notices the reader first and he bullies her so much because hes not use to having a crush which she ignores his bullying at first then aonung friends thought he actually hates her so they take the reader outside the reef and leave her there and then aonung finds out and goes out the reef to save her. and finds her wounded. (happy ending tho) IF U DO THIS THANK YOU SO MUCH <33
Straight up disclaimer this is not good in my opinion but I did have fun writing it I’m still learning and figuring out writing but I’m excited to keep learning and trying
One shot Hidden feelings
Y/N first person POV
Ever since my family and I got here the clan leaders son has been hostile toward all of us but my twin Lo’ak and I specifically. The day we met the clan it started with just dirty looks as our time here progressed it became cruel words mixed in with those looks of dislike, it seems like he’s always looking at us waiting for the opportunity to jump in and make fun of us again. Any time I catch a glance of Ao’nung he’s already looking at me waiting for me to fail but he looks away quickly when our eyes meet. I’m with my older brother Neteyam today we’re taking a stroll around the village when we hear some yelling over towards the more deserted part of the island.
“LEAVE US ALONE” I hear the familiar voice of my sister Kiri
Neteyam is already walking towards them by time I see what’s happening, Ao’nung and his friends messing with Lo’ak and Kiri. Neteyam is already breaking up the fight as I make it there.
“You heard what she said. Leave them alone.”
He almost growls at the group messing with our siblings
We were almost free with no problems but Lo’ak went back he starts balling up his fist showing it to Ao’nung and I smirk, Neteyam and Kiri watch also knowing what Lo’ak is about to do. When Lo’ak knocks Ao’nung on his ass a big fight breaks out Neteyam joins in and my brothers hold their own pretty well for awhile until Rotxo knocks Lo’ak down with him and Ao’nung is standing over my twin,neteyam was holding off the other 3 boys pretty well so I did the only thing I could I tackled Ao’nung. As we rolled through the water on the shore he wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his chest repositioning his arm to cradle my head and protect it. When we finally stop rolling I’m on top of him our legs tangled together. When I try and sit up my legs fall to either side of his waist my hands are on his chest helping push me up when he sees me above him he sits up using his arms to lean back and smirks at me glancing to the position we’re in. I don’t realize the fight behind me had ended but Neteyam had come over and grabs me to help me up.
After getting reamed by our dad Lo’ak was sent to make peace I walked with him all the way to the beach but he left to go meet up with Ao’nung, Rotxo and one other boy that were in the water with their ilu’s I watch them clasp arms and begin to swim away, once they are out of view I walk into the water and begin to swim out and I call to an ilu intending to just swim around the village and explore a little. I’ve only been out in the water for about 10 minutes when I notice the other boys from the fight swim up to me I know their Ao’nung’s friends, when they reach me they wave and greet me.
“We’re going to meet up with Ao’nung and the others we wanted tok know if you wanted to join us” one of them said and smiled at me
“Sure” I mutter in suspicion but I know my father would want me to make peace if I could.
They lead the way as we begin to swim with our ilu’s outside the reef it’s amazing and beautiful and I don’t really think about the fact that I have no idea where we are or how to get back. We get to an area with some large rock structures they begin to slow when we all come to a stop they look back at me.
“ Ao’nung your brother and the others are on the far side of that rock island there but we’ll have to swim there without the ilu’s it’s dangerous for them, we’ll get them sorted out if you want to go meet up with them” they told me as they pointed to the island
“Okay thank you” I said as I slid off the ilu starting to swim around the rocks towards the far end of the little island. When I finally clear the edge of the island and get to the other side I stop and look around but I can’t see anyone and I start to get scared. By the time I swim back to where I left the ilu’s with the others they are long gone.
Third person POV
When Ao’nung and Rotxo got back they saw the rest of their friends standing on the shore laughing together.
“What’s so funny I bet what we have to tell you is better” Rotxo chuckled as they join the others
“We saw you with the Forrest boy and figured out what you were going to do so we went and found his twin to do the same to her now maybe both the forest kids will learn their lesson” one of the random boys laughed
Ao’nung whipped around to look at him the little leader of this dumb idea “WHAT!?” He growled. Taking one large and quick step forward towards his absolute skxawng of a friend. Ao’nung reaches forward grabs the base of this guys Queue where it connected to his skull and hair.
” where Is she ?” Ao’nung asks darkly looking like he could kill this boy. When the boy stutters and mumbles under his breath asking why it matters Ao’nung kicks his ankles from under him dropping him to the ground and presses his arm against his throat cutting off his air just a little.
“We left her at stone Island” the boy chokes and gasps out trying to claw at Ao’nung’s arm. Without hesitating Ao’nung releases the boy and jumps into the water while calling to his ilu on his way to go find the girl he’s secretly in love with.
Even going as fast as he could it took him the better part of the afternoon to get there, and once he did he couldn’t find her he was actually about to give up to go get help from his father when he notices a very odd shape up on the island. Ao’nung jumps off his ilu and begins to climb the rocks leading to the island being extra careful not to grab the extra sharp rocks or use those ones as footholds. When he gets to the top of the island he sees Y/N laying there unmoving. Fear grips his soul as he runs to her and falls to her side, she’s breathing at the very least he can see her chest rising and falling weakly. He checks her over looking for anything to explain why she’s like this, when he reaches her legs he can see a puddle of blood looking closer he sees the large gash on her foot. She must have stepped on one of the sharp rocks and cut her foot open and been unable to stop the bleeding.
Ao’nung picks up Y/N and cradles her in his arms as he carefully brings her back to his ilu and begins the journey back praying to the great mother that if Y/N is ok he’d be kinder to all the Sully’s and tell the girl in his arms just how he feels about her.
After what feels like an eternity Ao’nung finally makes it back to the village, no one seems to take much notice as he carry’s Y/N through the village to his mother the clan Tsahik.
Ronal gives her son a disapproving look knowing he’d done something but simply instructs him to put the girl down healing her is far more important at the moment.
Ao’nung spends so much time pacing and watching his mother work and stitch the girl up that Ronal had enough and kicked him out, he grumbled and tried to stay but she was having none of it and made him leave. Once the Curtain was closed he went to find Neteyam and tell him about Lo’ak and try to make amends.
“Tell him what you told me!” Neteyam shouted forcing Ao’nung in front of Jake and Neytiri.
An hour or so bad passed Lo’ak was returned home safe and even took the blame for Ao’nung
“Why did you take the blame for me” he had asked”
“I know what it’s like to be one big disappointment” …….. “ and you helped my sister” Lo’ak had replied offering him his arm as a truce they clasped arms no more words shared between them but they both started walking towards the village together when Ronal met them
“The girl is awake I’ve just returned her to the sully family at their Mauri” she told them
Ao’nung looked in that direction about to go make sure Y/N was ok he would never doubt his mothers skill as Tsahik but he needed to see for himself he needed to see her.
Before he could even take a step in her direction his mother called to him “come Ao’nung it is late you will see her tomorrow” he did not want to risk anymore of his parents wrath tonight so he went willingly without complaint but still looked longingly in her direction. Eywa had protected his love and as he promised tomorrow he would tell her that she held his heart.
Y/N first person POV
When I awoke with the Tsahik Ronal I knew someone had come to save me but I figured it would have been my brother Neteyam he was always looking out for us younger siblings. However Ronal told me of how Ao’nung was the one to carry me to her looking distraught, he had told his mother about everything and she relayed the entire events of last night to me before returning me to my family last night. Everyone asked me questions about what happened but all I told them was that Ao’nung had realized I was gone and came to save me. My father and Neteyam were mad that I was protecting and defending him but Lo’ak and I seemed to have come to a mutual agreement that maybe just maybe Ao’nung and Rotxo weren’t that bad. It was later in the day that we all separated to complete everything we needed to get done for that day, I was able to Finnish my tasks a little early so I could go find Ao’nung I wanted to speak with him. I know he’s a free diver and a fisher so I head out to the reef on an ilu and try and find him. It took awhile but I can see him under the water not too deep so I dive. He noticed me coming and waits where he’s at for me when I finally reach him he smiles at me and signs hello. I smile and sign hello then I reach my arm out for him he thinks I’m just trying to clasp his arm in greeting but when I have his arm in mine I tug him towards me a string of bubbles escapes his mouth signaling his surprise as I wrap my arms around his neck giving him a hug, it takes him a moment but he wraps his arms around my waist hugging me back tightly. When we release each other I begin to sign to him thanking him sir saving me yesterday explaining that his mother had told me what happened when I was done he looked down sheepishly and put his hand on the back of his neck, it was very different to see him acting so shy but it was also extremely cute. After a moment of two he looks up and begins to sign “I begged our great mother Eywa to keep you safe and alive that if she did I would tell you my true feeling” I look at him confused but sign asking “ what true feelings Ao’nung?”
He looks at me for several moments before signing “I see you Y/N, and …….. and I love you” I gasp out of pure shock not even remembering we’re under water and I begin to choke. Without hesitation he grabs my arm and drags me to the surface. As soon as we break the surface I hear his warm voice “ breathe, Y/N are you ok?” I nod as I cough but my breathing stabilizes soon after and I turn to him. He swims us over to the side just a little so we’re next to a bit of the reef that has a wall like structure that breaches the water. I give him a small shy smile and move closer to him in the water wrapping my arms around him once again but this time it’s different. I look up our faces and lips only centimeters apart and whisper
“Ao’nung I see you”
Our lips meet in a frenzied kiss his large hands grip my waist roughly as he pulls me impossibly close to his body. This lasts for a solid minute before I bite his lower lip and he grunts but we don’t stop. I bit his lip again and he pulls away “stop teasing me Y/N ” he growls out in warning
I smirk “make me”
He reaches down and grabs my thigh and wraps it around his waist and at the same time kisses me again but this time he bites my lip and I gasp out a small moan. He flips me around my back pressing against the wall of coral firm but not painful. He pulls away with a groan “we need to stop” he whispers in my ear then pulls away farther.
Without any warning I hear another voice “ you two might want to stop trying to mate each other where everyone can see! Especially since Neteyam is right over there. The voice laughs out
I jump startled and pull my leg off of Ao’nungs waist his hand falling away. We turn our heads and see Rotxo about 15 feet away laughing and about 40 feet away is my older brother. After a few seconds Ao’nung and I look at eachother and break apart fully.
“Smart choice big brother is almost here he would have killed you seeing you with his little sister like that” Rotxo laughed louder after making the statement
Ao’nung game him a dirty look
“Shut up you skxawng” he barked at his friend.
Part two is out now it’s the final part
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huiyi07 · 1 year
GENSHIN MANGA SPOILERS! but honestly if you haven’t read it by now it’s your fault alone
So why did Kaeya initially try to hurt Collei?
The obvious answer- he was trying to defend Mondstadt, Collei was a very suspicious figure at the time, and he knew that being aggressive towards her would probably draw out her hidden powers and reveal herself as the culprit of the Black Fire incident.
But there’s more to it than that.
Kaeya canonically loves, LOVES kids. He adores them- there’s lots of times in the game where he talks about how precious childhood is and how he wants to protect the purity of childhood dreams for as long as possible before kids have to grow up and face the real world (kinda similar to Childe). In 3.8, it shows how he is literally willing to do anything to protect a child- Klee, when he literally throws aside his own sibling issues in order to shield Klee from being exposed to the same thing and scolds a couple of bickering brothers for upsetting her.
Additionally, there’s his whole thing with Mika and how he’s basically a big brother figure to the entirety of Mondstadt’s population under 17. The highly implied bond between Bennett, Razor, Fischl and him, even.
Anyway this whole aspect of his character obviously stems from his own childhood and how tainted it was by his hidden identity, so like he probably doesn’t want any other kids to have to go through such hardship especially while they’re still young.
So if he loves kids so much, and wants to protect them so badly, why did he not hesitate to become a full blown villain against Collei, literally wounding an innocent 12-year old girl?
Because he sees himself in her.
Collei hates herself (or at least she used to LOL). She hates the burden (her powers) that was forced upon her from a young age, and those powers inevitably label her as a bad person, one who can harness evil powers to kill And hurt and whatever. It makes her feel like she has no real control over herself, and that she has no self-identity- she doesn’t think of herself as a regular person, instead a monster. And she hates, hates, hates herself for it, but she shoves all of it down under a mask.
Sound familiar to a certain cavalry captain?
That’s why Kaeya didnt hesitate to Go after her. He knows her too well, knows that she’s hiding her true identity under a well-crafted face, that there’s something evil and dark in her- because that’s exactly who he was as a kid.
But then this panel happens.
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Collei, evidently so tired of living such a torn life, gives up and offers her life to Kaeya just so that the torment can end, which stops Kaeya in his tracks, because that’s when she reminds him off himself just a little too much.
Kaeya, so caught up in her uncontrollable evil, forgets that she’s just a child, one who never should’ve been forced to deal with such a thing, and certainly not want to die because of it.
That’s exactly what happens internally to him, as well. Over the years, Kaeya internalized being a traitor so much, that often he convinces himself that he’s truly not a good person. Yes, he acknowledges that it’s really not his fault, but that still gets lost and it shows through when Kaeya shows us how willing he is to get himself harmed- because of his self hatred, he places so little value in his own wellbeing and his own life, because he thinks that all harm that comes to him is deserved and that it’s better off if he’s dead anyway so that he doesn’t have to deal with being torn apart every day.
No I’m not making this up, it’s in how he literally covers for Diluc all the time and risks himself in the process, and how Adelinde told us about that one time Kaeya literally took Diluc’s punishment for himself when they snuck into the wine cellars. There’s lots of times, even throughout in the game where Kaeya tries to convince us he’s not a good person- he quite literally says that, at some point.
Only when Collei shows that she’s in the exact same position does Kaeya realize what he’s doing and stops himself. Only then does he remember how painful and hard it really is, and he ends up helping to save Collei and removing her powers, because that’s one burden he can help take off, unlike his own.
Idk man for me the Kaeya vs Collei fight (I like to call it the chapter where collei gave us the hottest panel of Kaeya choking ever) told a story about Kaeya’s internalizations, too, and his own-self hatred and how deep it really goes. BRB CRYING
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norman reedus // daryl dixon
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divider credits. @cafekitsune
🥀 = smut (18+, minors dni)
🍄 = requested
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daryl dixon
On the farm, you struggle to fall asleep due to all the things that you know that surround you, from the walkers in the barn to Shane. The only thing that can make you feel any comfort is Daryl (1.4k)
Prisoner 🥀
(Early season 3 based) Winter had been a long journey for all of your group, especially you and Daryl given that there was always a lack of privacy. You find it difficult to feel at home in the prison, but Daryl is always there for you when you need him, and you have the chance to relish in a night alone - or as lonesome as a cell can be (2.9k)
Pretty Eyes
(Late season 2 based) throughout the outbreak, after meeting Daryl Dixon the two of you had always clashed heads. However when you reach the CDC, convinced you had been saved, you decide it’s time that you get along (1.4k) 🥀
you and daryl have reverted to your original positions, however your divide in getting along isn’t only affecting the two of you. it’s endangering the group, and so when needs must, you have to reconcile and make a truce (2.2k)
picking up where you left off isn’t always the easiest thing to proceed with, especially when you and daryl are still bickering. but there are ways to make amends 🥀
Throbbing 🥀
Daryl needs you, however you’re out on a run, so he has no other cure other than to take care of himself (0.8k)
Using You 🥀
you love him, you really do - he’s your best friend, however you’re scared if you choose to be with him you’ll lose him; you’d already lost too much. However, Daryl thinks that you’re using him to distract yourself with sex. It’s up to you to prove him wrong (2.9k)
daryl becomes bemused by y/n and her affections towards him. also the story of how daryl ‘found’ his vest (0.6k)
How to Weaken a Man 🥀
you were going to get what you wanted, Daryl however was going to have to wait. He was deserving of a taste of his own medicine, after him constantly being in charge, it was time for a change (3.3k)
Cuddle Bunny
all you can do is reflect on the past as you sit by a tired and bedridden daryl, hellbent on not leaving his side. It seems he doesn’t want you to leave either, as you are the only person that sees him for who he is, in every light (1.3k)
Nexus to the Next Life
the cdc was supposed to be the start of continuing life, however after jenner has revealed that the haven of which you had travelled to is going to self destruct, you endure a battle with yourself. to stay and die quickly, or leave and possibly die slowly (1.2k)
Not Yet Corpses. Still, We Rot 🥀🍄
you were surviving after the prison fell, whilst you felt lost deep inside of yourself. without daryl, and the others that you had lost and yet to find, everything only seemed to get worse. and all was proven when the claimers interrupted your futile attempts of avoiding nightmares
Lap Girl
a series of unchronological scenarios of y/n being in daryl’s lap within part of their journey (part 1 - the first night in alexandria)
daryl needs comfort at the greene farm after he fails to find sophia again. luckily his girl is willing to give him exactly what he needs; her in his lap
there’s no better position for daryl than when his girl is in his lap 😉🥵 🥀
daryl is in mourning for his brother merle, overcome with grief and guilt. all he needs is to lay on his girls lap and receive her affection
y/n and daryl are seated on the couch in their home, however there’s only one problem; he’s in her spot. he’s happy enough to move so that she can be comfortable, but his girl has a better idea
Locked Away 🥀🍄
whilst hiding out from walkers in a closet, you grow extremely bored. the only thing to do is daryl, but you have to make sure he stays quiet
Honey suckle 🥀
daryl gets lost in eating his favourite meal between your legs
in sickness and in health 🍄
daryl is distant, more so than usual, and so you force yourself into his personal bubble, wanting to make sure that he is okay since he is the only reminder of your old life before the outbreak
parental advisory 🥀
at the beginning of the strenuous outbreak, you never thought there would ever be the opportunity to build a family. it was never safe, that was until you reached commonwealth. all you want is a baby of your own, but you are unsure if daryl would agree due to the impractical risks and unspoken label of your relationship together (5.8k)
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prompts and drabbles and headcanons
“I don’ have the patience ter remove yer clothes righ now.” 🥀
daryl returns from a hunt, but he doesn’t care for what he caught; he’d rather catch you beneath him (0.8k)
“thought you were mad at me.” “it’s a hate boner, i swear.”
you and daryl, despite fighting and surviving side by side for years, have always had a tendency to get on each others nerves. the one thing he hates more than your recklessness however, is seeing you hurt
nsfw alphabet 🥀
daryl pre-apocalypse dating headcanons
sub!daryl headcanons 🥀
what it would be like to have a subby daryl at your hands 🥵😭
daryl + tit fucking drabble 🥀
daryl + doggy style 🥀
cuddling headcanons
daryl + mouth spitting 🥀 reverse 🥀
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young!daryl dixon
surrogate comfort 🥀
daryl comes to your home, finding peace between your legs before you relieve his homeward bound struggles
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norman reedus
Got a Light?
Norman goes to a bar after a long day on set, and he’s unexpectedly approached by a ‘stranger’ (1k)
Normal Morning with Norman
inspired by this prompt - early morning kiss - a kiss that’s a wake up call, it’s barely even a lips touching, more like they’re kissing your chin because they’re so tired in the early morning haze (0.5k)
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thissongisawesome · 6 months
now, do i personally believe that maya and franziska would actively try to get phoenix and edgeworth together? not really. BUT. i don't see the harm in people writing scenarios in which they would? ik this sounds silly since maya and franziska wingmaning is one of the more popular ace attorney fic tropes, but i feel like recently i've seen a lot of hate towards and and i don't understand why!
think of it this way: maya is phoenix's best friend and like pseudo little sister, they're extremely close, and i'm pretty sure she teases him about his love life AT LEAST once in canon (it could be more, or i could've completely made this up, but i've played the trilogy enough where if i tried i could probably find an example but it's late and i'm tired). anyway with that said, why WOULDN'T she care about them getting together? she's shown in the first game to be pretty invested in "the deal with [nick] and edgeworth" her words, not mine. i'm not one to speak on later games because i honestly haven't touched them in over two years and even then they were a complete blur and i forgot everything except that edgeworth looked really ugly from the front. but. if my memory serves me i don't think their dynamic changed much? i can't see her caring AS much at 28 as she would at 17, because obviously she's grown and matured, but i don't think she'd be completely uninterested like some people say. maybe she wouldn't be wearing comical disguises to spy on them, but i could see her encouraging nick, or idk just telling trucy stuff about their old cases to stir something up.
i think the franziska side of things is where i'm a little more understanding, but also not really. on one hand, i get that she's very well put together and mature seeming. on the other hand, that's only how she SEEMS. i won't get into a whole franziska analysis because this post is already longer than i wanted and no one wants to hear me ramble about her, but she's not really as mature as she seems. anyway, would she care THAT much? the answer may surprise you!
now think of it THIS way: edgeworth is franziska's little brother. despite how she acts sometimes she obviously loves him dearly, and would (probably) just want him to be happy, with whatever foolishness it may endure. phoenix wright is franziska's sworn enemy. she can't stand him and feels as though he has personally wronged her before they even met. absolutely hates his guts (except for when they investigate together then they can be friends). franziska is incredibly smart, but she's clearly not the best emotionally. even with that, though, she seems to understand how important edgeworth is to phoenix ("earthquake blah blah blah" "are you thinking of miles edgeworth blah blah blah"). she kind of just accepts this, even though it implies that phoenix (a man he only recently reconnected with) would be on a similar level of emotional connection as his sister. maybe she doesn't think much about it though. she's just like sure whatever you're his most dear and indispensable friend i don't care anymore. do people really think that, if somehow she came to the conclusion that edgeworth had feelings for phoenix she wouldn't care in any way??? i'm not saying it'd necessarily be positive and all "you go girlfriend!", but to say she wouldn't CARE is so wild. she'd probably be furious, and so maybe she wouldn't wingman. but she does CARE about her brother, and honestly if it were presented to her on the right way she probably would wingman. one "hey franziska. i bet you can't make your brother get with phoenix wright. if they get together without your guidance then that basically means edgeworth beat you btw" and she's suddenly invested. (dramatized, but you get the point)
tldr; maya and franziska are not so nonchalant and cool that they wouldn't care about one of the most significant people in their lives having feelings for their courtroom rival of over a decade. that is all.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 1 year
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Careless Words
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x nameless female character (third person perspective) Warnings: Angst. Toxic/abusive relationship dynamics. Mentions of death. Allusions to smut. Word count: ~2.8k
Summary: She has always given her best to Aemond, but they both know he can't say the same. Based on this request.
Author's note: I wanted to explore the darker side of Aemond's personality and how this might manifest itself in a relationship where neither party is particularly healthy in terms of their mindset. This was a cathartic piece for me to write. Lately I've been working through some resurfaced feelings linked to a past relationship that was based entirely around trauma bonding. It may be a triggering read for some, so please approach with caution (and try to remember the story itself is a work of fiction). No gods, no masters, no tag lists. Community labels are for cops. Please block me instead of labelling this, if you find yourself tempted.
Family, Duty, Honor; that is the motto of House Tully, a direct opposition of House Targaryen’s Fire and Blood. If she wasn’t so duty bound to Prince Aemond then she’d find the strength to walk away. If he was a better man he’d let her go. Unfortunately for her, nothing in a dragon’s clutches escapes without getting burned.
She is eight years old when she is sent from Riverrun to King’s Landing. She is to be a ward of House Targaryen, an idea that excites and frightens her in equal measure; she has never been away from her family before and the thought of living in a strange city with people she has never met fills her with uncertainty, yet she is eager for the adventures it will bring.
Her fears are assuaged the moment she arrives in the capital. The sprawling expanse of the city beckons her to explore its winding cobbled streets, the Red Keep is a maze of undiscovered secrets. Naturally curious, she gravitates towards Queen Alicent’s second son, Aemond. He is a quiet, sullen boy, not much older than her, and spends most of his time alone, reading. It is more than apparent to her that he does not get along with his older brother and nephews, and his sister is too lost in her own world to be of any comfort to him.
Aemond clings to her offer of friendship, and the two quickly become inseparable. She basks in the attention he lavishes upon her; sharing his books, learning High Valyrian under his tutelage, dutifully spectating for each of his training sessions in the yard, and accompanying him on his daily visits to the dragonpit - he has yet to claim a dragon, which serves to deepen his fascination of the creatures and drives him to near obsession with desire to have his own. 
Aemond becomes the center of her world, a position which he appears to thrive on. The first time he threatens to take that away from her is on a day that they visit the dragonpit. 
Aegon has lured him there on the pretense that the dragon keepers have discovered an unclaimed mount for him. However, he is humiliated when a pig is led out from the shadows, and he flees, distraught, back to his mother.
He lashes out at her that day, for the first time, when she attempts to comfort him.
“You will have a dragon one day,” She tries to tell him. “Ignore their silly jokes, it doesn’t matter.”
He looks at her with fury in his eyes and she shrinks fearfully away from him. His tone is vile, hateful. “It doesn’t matter to you, because you don’t understand how important dragons are to Targaryens. You are a nobody!”
She weeps bitterly when he storms away from her, it feels like she has lost her only friend in the world. She believes she has trivialised Aemond’s suffering and is ashamed of herself.
When he approaches her the next day, with lemon cakes, a book and a soft “I didn’t mean it”, she is so overjoyed to have Aemond’s attention once more that it doesn’t even occur to her that he hasn’t uttered the word “sorry”, she has him back and that is all that matters. And for a few days afterwards, he treats her with such reverence that she feels foolish for having been upset in the first place.
Aemond is ten when he loses his eye, and he puts on a brave face, though she is certain it is for the benefit of not further upsetting his mother and appearing weak in front of his nephews.
She is proven right the moment they are alone and he turns on her. She wants to support him, to show him she is unafraid of him despite the stitches that now adorn the bloodied ruin where his left eye used to be, but he will not allow that.
“Where were you?!” He shouts at her. “If you’d have been there for me, I’d still have my eye!”
She wants to argue that she could not possibly have known he was going to claim Vhagar, how could she have been there for him when everyone was supposed to be in bed? But the guilt his words inspire eclipse all rationality in her innocent, young mind. She ought to have anticipated him going after a riderless dragon, and been there to help defend him against the attack from his nephews and cousins.
“I’m sorry, Aemond, I’m so sorry.” She cries.
“Sorry will not bring back what I have lost,” He spits angrily. “No matter. I have my dragon now, I do not need you.”
He is lost to her once more, and heartache colours her world where Aemond’s presence used to.
“I didn’t mean it,” He tells her sheepishly, a few days later. “When I am healed, I will take you for a ride on dragonback.”
She does not need an apology, Aemond’s attention and willingness to share something so personal with her are more than enough. For a week after that he makes her feel as though she is the very stars in the night sky, and she basks in his good graces.
On Aemond’s thirteenth name day, she is excited to give him his gift. For weeks she has toiled in secret on a patch for him to cover the scarred side of his face. It is made of delicate black leather and has an intricate green dragon stitched carefully into the fabric. 
She searches for Aemond most of the day and cannot find him. When he does eventually make an appearance he is distant and distracted, not even uttering thanks when she presents him with the patch she has made for him.
“Aegon took me to a pleasure house.” He says morosely, when she asks what’s wrong.
“Oh,” She has trouble hiding the disgust on her face, as she feels sour jealousy spread its way through her. “Why?”
He scowls upon seeing her look of judgment. “Because I grew tired of looking at your ugly face!” He snaps, before storming off.
Her self worth shatters with those words, scattered away on the winds of Aemond’s temper, and yet again she is left to wait for his careless words to become kind, while she grieves his temporary absence.
I did not mean it. And so she forgives him, piecing herself back together with every praise and doting look he offers her. She cares not that he never wears her gift or thanks her for it, it does not matter that he doesn’t say he’s sorry, because when Aemond is kind to her she feels as though she has ascended to the very heavens above.
It is an addictive cycle, and as the years press on, she finds herself craving Aemond’s tempestuous nature in moments of calm, for the love he showers her with afterwards is her only means of reassuring herself that he truly cares for her.
Aemond grows bolder in his mistreatment of her, confident that she is too attached to him to be disloyal. She is one of the few things in his life that he is able to assert full control over and he wields it without a second thought.
Shortly after her sixteenth name day, Aegon attempts to force himself on her. She fights him off and seeks comfort in the only person she can trust; Aemond. Where she expects to find sympathy, however, she is met with scorn and rage-filled jealousy.
“If you did not behave like a whore then Aegon would not do such things. Do you enjoy the attention?”
She shuts herself away in her chambers, the ache in her chest unbearable as her tears soak her pillow.
While Aemond would usually leave it a day or two before seeking her out again, he comes back to her that same evening, telling her he did not mean it as he holds her in his arms. He takes her maidenhead that night, the sharp stinging between her legs, as he pushes forcefully inside of her, soothed by his whisper of “aōhon iksan se ñuhon iksā”. I am yours and you are mine.
As their relationship blossoms into something more romantic, their rifts become more frequent. Aemond always seems to know precisely the combination of words it will take to cut her deepest, yet it is a state she has grown to feel safe in. The blood of the dragon pumps hotly in his veins and as frequently as he inflicts this side of himself upon her, it is always followed by a softness that allows her to believe that he loves her, even if they are words he never says aloud.
When Aemond’s nephews return to King’s Landing his moods become trickier for her to predict. It seems impossible for her not to anger him, and his words are poison to her fragile heart. Yet it always devolves into him assuring her he did not mean it as he fucks her into the mattress, healing every spiteful barb with impassioned touches.
Shortly after King Viserys dies, Aegon is crowned, and everything changes for the worse. His succession is challenged by Viserys’ eldest child, Rhaenyra, and steps must be put into place to secure Aegon’s reign. Aemond is a useful pawn in that process, and his grandsire, Otto, wastes no time in arranging a visit for him to Storm’s End in order to choose which of Lord Borros Baratheon’s daughters he wishes to marry.
Aemond is so matter of fact as he explains this to her, but she feels as though she reacts enough for both of them, struggling to breath as a free falling sensation in the pit of her stomach sends waves of nausea rippling through her.
She knows she is fighting a losing battle before she even opens her mouth to speak, yet she cannot help herself. She is a moth and Aemond is her flame, ever bright and eternal, the very center around which her entire world revolves. Nothing has ever seemed so final though, what pieces will there be to pick up and place back together once he is someone else’s husband?
Standing before him, she juts out her chin defiantly, willing herself not to cry in spite of the lump in her throat and the insistent stinging around the rims of her eyes. “You’re really going to go through with this?”
He sets his jaw, sighing, a visible dismissal of her feelings that makes her ache and wish she had the courage to simply walk away from him. “Don’t ask questions you already know the answer to.”
“What will become of me, of us?” She asks, her voice raising an octave, threatening to crack.
“That is inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. My brother’s succession takes precedence over everything. Marrying one of Lord Baratheon’s daughters helps strengthen his claim to the throne. Listening to your heedless fretting does not.”
She feels heat rise to her cheeks, swallowing back her anguish, attempting to sound fiercer than she feels. “Perhaps I shall decide to marry too then.”
Aemond’s scoff is so subtle it’s almost imperceptible. “Who would marry you? Your virtue is mine, always has been. You’re fortunate I still desire you.”
His tone of voice is so practical, only the slightest hint of irritation giving it an edge. He may as well be addressing a chambermaid who has not made his bed to his liking. She longs to grab him, shake him, beg him to give her any sort of indication that this is hurting him as much as it’s hurting her, because to think that he’d let her go so easily, after all these years, is more than she can stand.
Instead she says nothing, simply watches as he turns to leave, counting down the moments until he returns to her, his words sweet once more and eager to heal the rift between them, just like he always does. She craves the storm and the calm in equal measure, but they are always on Aemond’s terms, never hers.
Three nights later she awakens to him standing at the foot of her bed, dripping wet, eye filled with fear. She takes him into the sheets, fingers carding through his damp hair as he ruts his misery inside of her.
“It was an accident,” He whispers to her tearfully afterwards. “I only meant to scare Lucerys.”
She soothes him to sleep, knowing she ought to feel repulsed by what Aemond has done, but is overwhelmed by the relief of him being just hers once more.
Confusion addles her thoughts the next day when she overhears Aemond tell Otto that he had meant to kill his nephew.
When she asks him about it in private he grips the tops of her arms with such force that she yelps from the pain of it, his face almost murderous with rage as he stares at her. “If you ever utter those words again, I will have your tongue cut out.”
Aemond’s temper has always been fierce, a trait of his that she is forever wary of, however, until now she has never felt afraid of him. At this very moment, Aemond frightens her. He has the capacity to cause her harm, and does not seem to care if he does.
Later he presses featherlight kisses to each of the vivid purple bruises that mark her upper arms. Though he appears remorseful, he does not offer an apology or even an utterance of “I did not mean it.”
“You must not anger me like that again,” He tells her instead.
She simply nods, dread boring a void into the pit of her stomach.
As the war escalates, resulting in the death of Aegon and Helaena’s son, Jaehaerys, and the grievous injury of Aegon, Aemond takes up the mantle of Prince Regent. While Aemond bears the burden of the additional responsibility, she bears the onslaught of his frustrations, becoming a vessel into which he pours his every grievance. The adoration he showers her with after each display of cruelty becomes infrequent to the point that she feels as though she is a hound begging for scraps. Eventually she learns to accept his ire, reasoning he would simply cast her aside and ignore her if he did not care for her.
She is delighted when Aemond insists upon bringing her along to his march upon Harrenhal. She allows herself to believe that his desire to have her at his side is because he is committed to her, that perhaps this means he intends to marry her once the war is over. A voice in the back of her mind reasons it is most likely because he enjoys the control he asserts over her, but she does her best to ignore it.
Jealousy swirls sharply in her gut when she sees the only person that Aemond has spared in his seizing of the castle - a witch named Alys Rivers, a raven haired beauty who he informs her will be of great use to him in helping him to defeat his Uncle Daemon. She swallows down her doubts, attempting to reassure herself that she has nothing to worry about, Aemond has never strayed from her before, why would he now?
She curses herself for ignoring her suspicions when she catches him between the witch’s thighs. She expects herself to grieve, to scream, to cry, to shatter to pieces at his infidelity, but instead a sense of clarity washes over her. For the first time in a decade she wishes to leave Aemond.
No longer does she crave his approval, or long to make amends, a veil has been lifted and finally she sees him for the selfish, spoiled and callous hearted man he truly is. He will never love her, not as she deserves, and she is making a fool of herself to stay by his side while he is openly disrespectful of her and her feelings.
His eye darkens with familiar ill intent when she informs him of her plan to return home.
“Do not be so foolish,” He says condescendingly. “You are behaving irrationally over a minor indiscretion.”
She shakes her head. “I believe this is the first time since I’ve known you that I’ve behaved with any sense at all. I am leaving.”
“Ñuhon iksā,” He tells her. His tone carries none of the soft, loving intent it usually does when he utters this statement, now it is dark and threatening. You are mine.
“Dōre iksan,” She replies simply. I am not.
“You cannot exist without me,” He says with a scowl.
“Watch me,” She counters.
It is not until a few days later, once she has returned home to her family, that the full weight of Aemond’s words begin to sink in. As the wings of Vhagar darken the skies above the Riverlands, she realises that he does not mean he thinks she can’t exist without him, it is that he will not allow her to.
She watches in tense horror as the fiery blaze engulfs her homeland, acrid smoke drawing ever nearer as Aemond’s dragon immolates houses, farmland and forests alike. If he were a better man he’d simply have let her go. Unfortunately for her, nothing in a dragon’s clutches escapes without getting burned.
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m4tthewmurd0ck · 9 months
— (Young) Coriolanus Snow x Fem!Reader
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a/n: first chapter is finally here! i don’t use y/n and try my best to avoid descriptors, but i do use she/her. also reader had a twin brother who passed away.
ALSO just a quick thing about those asking to be tagged but i can’t tag you. so far everyone that i can’t tag is either a blank blog with no profile pic, or even if they have a profile pic there are either 0 things on your page or there are only reblogs. if any of those apply to you, tumblr views you as a bot and your account isn’t visible. i can’t even search your user and you pop up, i have to press “go to @ user”. okay first chapter below the cut!
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WHAT IS A SOULMATE? The answer to that question depended on 2 things: who you asked, and how old they were. The soulmate process was complicated, and to this day there was still not a single person who fully understood how it all worked. The bond, or “the spark” as it was often called, didn’t happen until at least one half of the pair laid eyes on the other.
Before that, people simply felt no romantic interest towards anyone else. As for the spark itself, it was described as a warm happy feeling. That lasted for a few minutes, and was your bodies way of making sure you knew what was happening. Then even once the warmth went away, there was still that sense of happiness.
But back to the question. To those in the Capital, those who came from wealthy families or whose last name meant something, a soulmate was often no more than a recommendation. If it turned out their soulmate was someone who lived in a poor district or who lived in but worked for the Capital in a lowly position, it was common to sever the bond. When that happened, both halves would feel like something was missing for the rest of their lives. It was described as a sense of longing, a dull ache that all you could do was learn to live with.
Once the severing happened, those in the Capital would simply find another with a severed bond. After all, the goal was still to secure a (wealthy) future.
Because at least one person in the pair has to lay eyes on their other half, some people go nearly their whole lives before meeting their soulmate. Some of them would tell you that this was worse than meeting them early on and having the bond severed.
One of the oldest pair of soulmates in District 12 (your district) was a sweet couple in their late-80’s. Despite being up there in age, they’d been together for less than a decade. Having lived on complete opposite sides of the district, it was just a sad coincidence that they’d gone nearly their whole lives without ever being in the same place at the same time.
And for some, the opposite rings true. There was a 4-year-old boy and a 4-year-old girl who had their spark occur when they move next door to each other. For now they were the best of friends. Romantic feelings would come much, much later.
Some people get really unlucky, and go their entire lives without ever meeting their soulmate. If yours dies before you’ve met, you’d get a worse version of that aching feeling that comes if a bond is severed.
There were often discussions about what the worse situation would be. Not meeting your soulmate until you didn’t have much longer to live, meeting them and they want nothing to do with you, or not ever meeting them and they die before you. One could argue that the answer was all of the above, and that the worse case would also be if a pair were put on opposite sides of a terrible situation: someone from the Capital bonded with a tribute in the Hunger Games.
Wealthy folk liked to place bets on if each year was the year it would finally happen, and those that said this is the year were always wrong. That is, until the 11th Hunger Games.
You were among the many who had yet to meet your soulmate. Though at only 18, it didn’t bother you yet. You were still eligible to be thrown into the games, and you figured you had much bigger things to worry about. Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise that you’d yet to meet whoever they were. It wouldn’t be fair to them if you met and then your name was drawn, and you were killed. Though the alternative to that would be that you’d die before at least meeting. And based on stories you’ve heard from those who were put in that situation, that caused just as much (if not more) heartbreak.
“Just one more year,” you whispered to yourself. You could only hope that you at least looked braver than you felt.
It was the morning of the reaping for the 11th Hunger Games, and you were doing your best to look good. It was no secret that the Capital paid close attention to appearances, even from those not selected to compete. And it was also no secret that Mayor Lipp’s other daughter absolutely hated your guts, so you already had a sinking feeling what was going to happen. (a/n: pretend your outfit / hair is whatever you’d like!)
After a few more minutes fixing your outfit and hair in front of the mirror, you finished up just as a series of knocks could be heard at the door.
“Ready?” Archer greets you with a grim smile. When he takes a closer look at you, he raises his eyebrows. “What’s the occasion?”
Under any other circumstance, you might’ve laughed. But you both knew what the occasion was, and that he was only attempting to lighten the mood.
“Juniper Lipp, that’s the occasion.”
You shook your head. “No point in trying to paint a different picture. We all know what Mayfair did. She had Mayor Lipp call out Lucy Gray for last year’s reaping, all because of Billy. She admitted as much. Now Billy, Lucy Gray, and Mayfair are gone. Juniper knows that Lucy Gray and I were friends. Add to that the fact that Juniper’s supposed boyfriend tried to kiss me, twice. After I shoved him the second time, he started going around telling people that I came on to him and that he had to tell me to back off. You and I both know what’s going to happen today.”
Deep down, Archer knew there was no point in arguing. Juniper Lipp was just as bad, if not worse than her sister was. From the moment Mayfair had it out for Lucy Gray, Juniper took an instant disliking to you. Combined with the incident with Juniper’s boyfriend, at this point no one your age would put it past her to make sure today was a repeat of last year.
After a tense moment of silence, you speak up again. “I know this is going to be the last time I—”
Archer cut you off with a quick shake of his head. “No. Don’t talk like that. You and I are gonna walk over together, and it’ll be the last reaping that we’re eligible for. That’s that. This time next year, these thoughts will be gone.”
One of the things you loved about Archer was his optimism. You’d known him practically your whole life. You met in 1st grade, and he quickly became friends with your twin brother. Then when he died, Archer stuck around. He said it was to make sure you were okay.
Anxiety began to creep in. The light at the end of the tunnel was so close, but you were almost positive you wouldn’t reach it.
“I almost made it.” You laugh, but there is no humor in your tone. “We’re finally eighteen. You said it yourself, after this we would be done. I would’ve been free. Got all the way to the end and today I’m getting picked and that’s means I’m going to d—”
“No,” Archer used your full name, so you knew he was serious. “You’re gonna shut up and listen to me for a minute. You are the strongest, bravest person I have ever met. You are a fighter. And stop looking at me like this is goodbye because even if it does happen today, I know you can win.”
In lieu of a response, he shook his head again and held his arm out for you to take. “Shall we?”
Less than 10 minutes later, he gave you a hug and went to go stand with the rest of the boys.
Right on schedule, Mayor Lipp came out and gave the same boring speech about the games that he gave every year. After talking about how it was a great honor to compete, he had the audacity to say that although it was a sacrifice, it’s as ultimately a privilege to serve your district in this way. Hearing that last part, you had to use all of your mental strength to keep yourself from laughing.
What the fuck does he know about sacrifice? You thought to yourself. Looking at those around you, you guessed they were thinking the same thing. In fact, you’d bet everything you owned that Mayor Lipp’s daughter(s) names were conveniently not in that bowl of potential tributes.
“And now,” Mayor Lipp finally pulled you from your thoughts, “we’ll begin with finding out who this years female tribute will be.” He made a big show of putting his hand in the bowl and swishing around, which made you tilt your head down so you could roll your eyes. Such a dramatic gesture considering you knew he was going to say your name.
Time felt like it stopped. When you glanced up, it felt like all eyes were on you. Looks like you were right after all.
Although you wanted nothing more than to drop to the ground and cry, you forced yourself to keep your head held high as you made your way to the stage. That’s when you first heard it.
So soft, at first you thought that you might be imagining things. But you’d know that annoying sound anywhere. Juniper Lipp was laughing.
“Oops, I’d say good luck but I wouldn’t mean it,” she whispered as you walked by.
Originally, you intended on ignoring Juniper as best you could. But at the last possible second, she stuck her foot out and caused you to trip and land face-first.
Almost immediately, you felt the blood begin to drip from your nose, and you forced yourself to hold back tears as you picked yourself up. It was a miracle she hadn’t broken your nose.
In a moment of bravery that you’ll later come to say you have no idea where it came from, you wiped some of the blood from your nose with the palm of your hand and turned around, smearing it all over Juniper’s face and clothes.
The reaction from the crowd was a mixture of mostly gasps, but a few quiet cheers here and there. Juniper was clearly disliked by a majority of the youth in District 12.
Juniper stood in the same spot, screaming at the top of her lungs. Once you finally reached the stage, you were greeted with a harsh shove from Mayor Lipp. This caused you to stumble back onto the stage, falling for the second time in just a few minutes. The crowd was stunned into silence. Almost everyone was filled with a terrible sense of deja vu as they recalled the events that took place only last year with Lucy Gray.
When you thought of your friend that you missed dearly, you could practically see Lucy Gray in the audience. You know exactly what she’d tell you. Give ‘em a show.
With Lucy Gray in mind, you waited until Mayor Lipp was escorted (practically dragged) back inside. Once the doors shut, you walked to the front of the stage and stood near the microphone. The crowd quickly fell silent, assuming you were going to speak. But instead, you bowed, and when you stood straight, held both middle fingers high.
All of a sudden, you felt it. That warm, happy feeling. Your eyes scanned the crowd, wondering if this was really the fucking moment you were going to meet your soulmate. Did the universe actually hate you that much? The feeling could’ve very well been nerves. But you weren’t stupid. You knew exactly what was happening. Though try as you might, by the time the warmth faded and you were just left with that happy feeling, you couldn’t see anyone who was having the same reaction. And once the warmth was gone, your anxiety was quick to overpower anything good that you felt.
Unbeknownst to you, a certain blonde hair, blue eyed boy sat back in his seat as he did his best to subtly look around at his classmates. None of them were looking around like he was, and it took him a minute to work out what happened.
As panic began to set in for him, he only hoped that none of the people in the room could tell what was going on.
The sad truth was that neither of you could focus on the major event that just took place. He, for example, had to already think ahead as a mentor. From his perspective, he knew that if any of his fellow mentors figured out what you were to him, they’d encourage their tributes to kill you first simply out of spite. No one forgot the water bottle stunt he pulled to save Lucy Gray last year.
And now more than ever, Coriolanus Snow couldn’t let that happen. It nearly killed him to lose Lucy Gray in the final moments of last years games. Add on to the fact that he now knew you were his soulmate, the stakes just became so much higher.
Coriolanus didn’t think either of you could handle any other outcome. No matter what it took, you would have to win this years games.
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i promise you meet coryo next chapter!!! just had to get these parts out of the way.
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wordsaresimple-imnot · 5 months
smut ,Joe liebgot and the reader dry humping and slightly pleasing eachother in there foxhole in the cold
Body heat - Joe Liebgott x F!Reader
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Anon, I loved this prompt! Thank you! I hope you enjoy it! ;)
Warnings: 18+ content sorta, dry humping, making-out, cursing, she/her pronouns, 1st person pov (female).
A/N: I have the biggest respect for the real life heroes of WWII (and all other wars, past & current), this work & all other works is based on the actor(s) and character(s) portrayed in the Band of Brothers series.
A/N pt 2: This was fun to write and I enjoyed the idea a lot! Hope y'all enjoy it! Please comment, like, reblog :) :)
Another gust of wind lifts the tarp covering the top of our foxhole, blasting cold, wet air around us effectively stealing what little warmth we'd managed build up around ourselves.
"Goddamn it! When this is over, I never want to see the rain or snow ever again." I grumble, pulling the blanket tighter around myself, but it's damp and can only do so much.
"Quit bitching, you're ruining the mood." Liebgott smirks at the glare I shoot him.
"Fuck you." Any venom I have in my voice is lost as my teeth chatter.
"Would love to, but it's too cold." I see him shiver slightly.
"Glad to know that's the only reason." I roll my eyes.
"Course it is." He shoots me a wink and I feel a little bit of heat crawl up my neck and cheeks. Suddenly I'm thankful it's pitch black right now so he can't see my blush.
"Shut up." I mutter half heartedly, shoving his shoulder before attempting to get comfortable next to him. We are silent for a few minutes as, I assume, we try to get semi warm enough to doze a little until he speaks again.
"You know...sharing body heat is a great way to get warm." His voice is low but the words bounce around us on the wind. Again, I send a thank you to the universe that he can't see how flushed I am. I turn my head to tell him to shut up again and find his eyes already on me. The heat in his eyes has the words dying on my tongue.
"What?" Is all I can manage to get out, which I mentally kick myself for. Real smooth. His hand slips out from under his own blanket and grabs mine, tugging me towards him.
"Come here." He moves me around like I'm his own personal ragdoll, rearranging our blankets so one's over the top of our heads and shoulders and the other is around my back with the ends tucked behind him. The new position has be straddling his lap, our bodies centimeters away and our faces so close we are sharing each others breathes. I can feel his hands rubbing up and down my thighs, squeezing my hips every other time. My own arms are draped around his shoulders.
Joe nudges my nose with his. "Told you this would be warmer." All I can do is nod, making him smirk. "I don't know about you, but my lips are still cold."
At his words my eyes drop down to his lips and watch as his tongue runs over them, then look back to his eyes that haven't lost their heat. I make the split second decision to worry about the consequences and what-ifs at a later date and close the gap between us. He eagerly kisses me back, moving one hand to the back of my neck to hold my head where he wants it, while the other wraps around my waist to keep me flush against him.
Our tongues meet and we enjoy a long exploration of each others mouths; licking and sucking and nipping. After a particularly sharp bite on my bottom lip, I grind down onto his lap and then groan at the feel of his growing erection beneath me. I grind down again and this time Joe groans with me.
"Do it again, baby." He pleads against my lips. When I do he kisses me again to muffle the noises we make. I move one of my hands to grip his upper arm tightly to help my leverage and swivel my hips until I find the angle that gives us both the pleasure we need. Once I find that I set a hard pace that Joe eagerly lifts his hips to match.
Soon the cold around us is forgotten as we focus on keeping the other quiet and chasing the pleasure building inside us. Joe lets go of my neck and I feel both his hands grabbing my ass, using it to press me harder against him. My pace starts to become erratic.
"Fuck, I'm close Joe." Joe gives me a hard nip on my jawline and whispers in my ear.
"I got you, let go baby." My head turns to the side and I bite down hard on his shoulder, trying to hide my moan as much as possible. As I'm coming down from my high, I feel Joe's movements becoming more frantic. I turn my head away from his shoulder, nipping at the bit of flesh exposed on his neck and then his jawline.
Three thrusts later he stills beneath me, breathing heavily as he lets out curses and my name. We melt even more into each other, enjoying the post-orgasm bliss and warmth we created around us. Just as I'm drifting off, I feel Joe drop a kiss on the top of my head and my heart flutters.
But that's something to address at a later time.
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writers-vlogx · 11 months
Mike Schmidt Headcanons
•I think it's very obvious that he's a very lonely person, having lost his brother and having a weak connection with everyone except Abby he's learned to be alone.
•I think if someone were to come into his life he'd be very cautious of them and would try to distance himself to avoid being hurt.
•If you were to approach him and try to be friends with him his first reaction might be rejection or indifference, again all of this is to keep himself from being hurt
•After showing him you're not going anywhere I think he would start to open up more and become attached to some degree even if he doesn't really show it.
•He's never had anyone stick around that long, hell even Abby and him aren't the best at getting along sometimes so you can imagine his surprise when you understand and actively try to support him and his struggles, being there to listen and help him when you can see life become too much for him.
•After a while I think he'd try to have Abby be around you in hopes she would open up a bit and have someone to at least look after her when he can't or needs a few hours to sleep or cool off.
•I believe he would be really cautious the moment you seemed to develop any feelings for him, he isn't in a good financial or mental position to add another big decision/responsibility into his life.
•You have to understand above all else Abby comes first and if he sees that he can only split his life for his job and Abby, he'll pick that over any romantic interests you may have towards him.
•However what most likely happened is that not only have you made big impacts on his life, but Abby as well. He can see how she's become somewhat more outgoing than before and she seems a lot better when you're around. He can see how much you help and how both him and Abby have changed for the better after you came into their lives.
•If she's okay with it and his life allows it, I think he would really benefit from having someone to support him and his sister. He's lived a very lonely life up until now and I believe that even though he'd never say it out loud he hopes more than anything for anyone or anything to break this constant cycle or curse he feels is upon him.
•He's definitely helps you as well, having come from a hard life he has good advice and is never bothered by you. Be it day or night, he'll answer, whether it be a bad day or a shitty situation best believe he'll let you stay over or listen to you vent as much as need it. It's only fair after everything you do for them.
•If Abby stumbles upon you in one of those states she'll either draw you pictures to make you feel better or try to piss off Mike to make you laugh, if that still doesn't work she'll opt for sitting with you either hugging you or convincing you to do something with her to get your mind off of things. Overall I think Mike and you would make a good team, and Abby would be more than happy to have you around. She may or may not also enjoy teasing Mike about having a partner.
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mycadences · 4 months
If I'm reading a romance book set in a world with soulmates, I want my main couple to be fated soulmates instead of the FL having another destined soulmate and the ML potentially finding his soulmate fifty years down the line.
If I'm reading a romance book where the ML can control sentient shadows, I want his shadows to interact with the FL and be curious about her rather than skittering back from her and vanishing whenever she is around.
If I'm reading a romance book where the FL likes gardening, socializing, expresses interest in traveling and abhors violence, I would like the ML to complement her in both interests and values.
If I'm reading a romance book where the ML likes singing, is competitive, has to fight often and struggles with self-worth issues, I would similarly like the FL to complement him in both interests and values.
If I'm reading a romance book I would preferably like the ML to look at the FL with admiration and quiet encouragement instead of pity.
If I'm reading a romance book where the FL explicitly says she is not a child to be fought over, I would like the ML to respect her wishes and autonomy instead of going behind her back to express interest and satisfaction in killing her other suitors.
If I'm reading a romance book and the ML has to give a gift to the FL, I would like him to choose a thoughtful present related to her passion instead of dreading the action and being relieved when he doesn't have to do it.
If I'm reading a romance book and the ML is in a situation where someone has to stay behind to guard the FL, I would like him to volunteer to do it instead of drawing lots with his brother and being happy when he isn't chosen.
If I'm reading a romance book and the FL is in a dangerous situation that the ML cannot directly intervene in, I would like him to express trust in her abilities and skills to get herself out of it.
If I'm reading a romance book I would like the ML to be so smitten with the FL that in his eyes, she is the most beautiful female he has ever seen.
If I'm reading a romance book and the ML is asked about his future with the FL, I would like him NOT to reply that he has not thought about her beyond sexual fantasies.
If I'm reading a romance book and the ML is ordered by his supervisor to stay away from the FL, I would like to say "fuck it" and disobey the order anyway instead of obliging.
If I'm reading a romance book and the ML and FL are about to kiss but they get interrupted, I would like him NOT to call it a mistake.
If I'm reading a romance book in a fantasy world with elemental powers and the FL says she needs sunshine after a traumatic ordeal, I would think that the ML is more likely to be someone related to the sun, light and day.
If I'm reading a romance book and the FL is portrayed as more traditionally feminine and gentle and kind but with hidden layers to her character, I would like the ML NOT to be someone who will coddle her and protect her, but someone who can challenge her and get her to bare her fangs, who may be the only person she is standoffish toward in the story.
If I'm reading a romance book and the ML ends his first and only POV chapter thinking of how someone's eyes might light up at receiving his gift and how her happiness brings a smile on his face, I would naturally assume that this person is the FL.
If I'm reading a romance book then I want chemistry between our main leads, and the most convincing method is to show a conversation between the ML and FL where they exchange banter and preferably share a similar sense of humor.
MOST IMPORTANTLY: If I'm reading a romance book I want to see organic tension and growth between our main leads and their relationship blossom ON PAGE, so it should start with the ML and FL NOT having any romantic feelings for each other yet or in a position where they are at odds with each other.
If I'm reading a romance book and the bulk of the ML and FL's interactions have ALREADY occurred mostly off-page so we have missed their entire relationship growth, I would close the book and chuck it aside for a real romance book.
Just take out the characters' names and put in "ML" and "FL", and I think things become quite blatantly clear. I think what a lot of people are forgetting is that ACOTAR is marketed as a ROMANCE fantasy.
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theheirofthesharingan · 9 months
What do you think about mikoto and fugaku as parents to Itachi & Sasuke? Fugaku gets a bad rep as a parent, but what about mikoto?
Wow, I've been thinking about this a lot lately.
Yeah, Fugaku gets a bad rep as a father and it's rightly so. Mikoto is seen as a loving mother, and while some part of that love is valid, and I like her for being a good mom to Sasuke, my admiration for her was dented upon the realization that she was a neglectful mother towards Itachi. And as much of a hot take as it might seem, both Fugaku and Mikoto were better parents to Sasuke than they were ever to Itachi.
So, I have mixed feelings about them both. And when I include Fugaku with Mikoto as a 'better parent' to Sasuke, please know the bar is in absolute hell.
I like the fact that Mikoto was at least invested in Sasuke's life.
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She was present in his life, albeit for a short while, and involved in it. She provided him, offered him the love he deserved and needed as a baby. She saw Sasuke was suffering and struggling to get his father's attention, and provided her moral support to him. There's not a single instance, however, she was present there for Itachi. Itachi, too, would have needed his mother's support sometime, that too when he was being sucked into the politics, but we don't see him getting any of that. One could argue it was because Sasuke never witnessed.. Yeah, but how was it after learning the truth not a single memory clicked in his mind that would give away Itachi's sufferings in front of his mom? It's probably because it never happened.
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Fugaku was outright neglectful towards Sasuke. Not just that he repeatedly compared Sasuke with Itachi, refusing to see him as his own person and saw him as only a shadow of the 'perfect' Itachi. If Sasuke wasn't as good as Itachi in all the things, he wasn't worth paying attention to, right?
The reason Sasuke was Sasuke and Itachi was Itachi was because of Mikoto. I strongly feel that children need a powerful feminine presence in their lives, which comes from their mothers or sisters. Sasuke was gentle and remained so after everything he went through. I believe it was because in his formative years Mikoto had been there for him.
There's a lot more to explore on Fugaku and Itachi than his parents with Sasuke. When I say Fugaku was a better father to Sasuke, what I mean is that despite being neglectful, he didn't drag Sasuke in the political mess that Itachi was. Sasuke was kept in complete darkness (probably like other kids of the clan) but Itachi wasn't shown this much kindness.
Fugaku and Itachi's conversations are mostly one sided with Mikoto being a silent spectator.
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This conversation in particular pains me the most in regards to Itachi. It's like he's only allowed to say yes and no, and any other disagreement with his father on the subject will not be taken positively. He seems unhappy and is suffering and his feelings as a child are not taken into account at all. I say no one treated him like a human. But his own parents never even saw him a child.
Itachi had been acting strange ever since joined Anbu and Fugaku wonders what's wrong with him.
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Shisui was spying on Itachi. Did he agree to go out spy on his BFF because some random Uchiha said this to him? Or was he ordered to do so by the chief of the police force? Fugaku, most likely, consented to Shisui spying on Itachi.
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Some people say this is an instance of Itachi being evil. LMAO. imagine your best friend committed suicide in front of you and some people come to your house to accuse you of his murder along with many other things? Right. He must behave very angelic.
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My man's worried what's wrong with his son who's being subjected to some burden he's dealing with all alone. And neither him not his wife want to reach out to him like normal parents should.
Eventually, when Sasuke asks whats wrong with Itachi and why he doesn't pay much attention to him, Fugaku has an even-I-don't-know response.
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In the anime Fugaku says 'Your brother had a hard time dropping his guard'. All of it is an indicator of how terribly Itachi was treated. It wasn't just neglect but also an additional burden of the clan and the village. And all of this is being said about a child that isn't even thirteen yet.
Honestly, I give a lot of benefit of doubt to all the characters in Naruto, Fugaku and Mikoto included. And this opinion on Sasuke and Itachi's parents is because how much Itachi is hated when, it's obvious how every single grown up, especially his parents, in his life failed him. He wasn't treated as a child.
Although, I don't like to hate on their parents either. Fugaku and Mikoto were nothing but kind to Itachi in the end. He'd have cherished those last moments forever until his last breath. Sasuke spoke openly to his father the day he lost him. He'd have hoped he'd continue to be like this with his family but that was the only time in his life he received genuine acknowledgement from his dad.
No, Fugaku and Mikoto were worse parents to Itachi than they were to Sasuke. I like Mikoto because she loved sasuke and showed him genuine love. But i can't like her more because Itachi needed support from his family, which he never got.
Yet they both lost so much and loss of their parents was the worst thing that happened to them both.
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isolde-illustrates · 15 days
Dex needs to be the first person who realizes who Sophie's Mom is
Legacy spoilers if you're a new reader
Since Dex was supposed to be her best friend, then it's only right that he be the one to pit two and two together. Plus, there was that one scene—maybe Unlocked, maybe Stellarlune—where Dex notices how Oralie tugs out her eyelash like Sophie does. It makes sense for him to pick up on this because his entire abiltiy is centered on being very observant. While technology and people are different, Dex has been stuck listening, watching, and waiting for so long that I think he is the most attentive of all the group, being able to formulate complex thoughts faster because he has been thinking analytically regularly.
Also, as her cousin, it would be a good family balance for him to be the one to find out first. Grady and Edaline are nice, but this would be a touchy subject for them and they would naturally go into defense mode as they worry about losing their daughter since she now jas someone biologically related to her. The triplers would not be prudent enough, and the situation would just feel awkward if it was Juline or Kesler.
The person would need to be her age so that the person would understand what she is feeling at the time, and it could not be any of Sophie's love interests because the whole point of originally finding her biological parents was to be matchable. Dex was long sense rejected, and I like to go with the idea that he was just really bad at interpreting his feelings, but that he has always felt like a brother sibling bond towards her, like Luke in Star Wars, although he and Leia kissed once or twice, really just so Leia could make Han jealous. Basically, Dex would not be looking at Oralie's biological mother status as something to solve a bad match.
While not the same understanding, he could mention how his parents are a bad match, and that while he will not be that himself, Dex can understand some of what Sophie's feeling and assure her that if she does want to have her own family without proving her parents' biology, that the family members will love her if they are true family. He could talk about how, even though Dex grew up with people insulting him at school for his parents' marriage, he loves them, assuring Sophie that whatever family she has despite the bad match will love her, too.
Bonus points if Marella and Stina are there, too, backing Dex up with what he said about the bad matches. Stina can mention how people will make their own assumptions regardless of whether someone is labeled a bad match, like with her parents who would normally be considered one but escaped it. She could use that to show Sophie that people will act whatever way regardless of titles, telling her that it's what Sophie wants that matters and to ignore those people. Then, Marella can talk to Sophie, mentioning how she knew that she would be considered a bad match the moment she manifested with pyrokinesis. Still, the Council was starting to change their views towards people with her ability, and maybe one day, they will change how they feel towards bad matches, too.
Give them a chance to all hug each other, being in unique positions that only those four can understand. Then, let Sophie see Oralie later and get the courage to tell her, "I don't hate you."
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buyukvalidesultan · 5 months
What I would do if I was Rhaenyra Targaryen in HotD
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I wouldn’t allow a single rumor of my maidenhead being take outside of marriage exist. I was named heir to distance Daemon from the throne that would include distancing myself from him regardless of whatever emotions I feel towards him.
It is an unfair world where the men have the upper hand and when I -a girl- have been named the heir I can’t do anything that would jeopardize that, meaning I would have to abide by the rules that society has put in place for me. If I wanted sexual pleasure I’d find a male servant and kill him afterwards to ensure his silence.
Take a little plan-b tea too.
Criston continues to be a regular loyal Kingsguard.
As soon as Alicent gets pregnant I’m killing her. Any hint of a male heir could put my position as heir in danger. I’d have to make it look like she died in childbirth along with the baby.
I’d marry Vaemond Velaryon instead of Laenor. He’s a gay man and having a husband who prefers men to women would not do my reputation any favors nor give me the heirs I need to secure the succession if he can’t get an erection. Not a risk I’m willing to take.
Vaemond is also an ambitious idiot that I can manipulate.
House Velaryon is really the only option since they’re a house that already have dragons, I can’t risk bringing dragons to any of the other houses, especially a great house.
When Otto is dismissed I’d have a loyal servant stationed in Old Town to keep track of his doings. Since he’d most likely want his position as Hand of the King back, I’d send a message for the servant to wait for a good moment to poison Otto.
Once married to Vaemond I’d stop having relations with servants, I can’t risk my children being born illegitimate becuase Vaemond most likely wouldn’t stand for something like that if he were to ever find out, and to have children I’d have to stop drinking moon tea.
After giving birth to Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffery I’d bring Jacaerys to King’s Landing with me as he is my heir and he needs to gain experience if he is to become king after my reign. Lucerys and Joffery would stay with Vaemond on Driftmark.
Occasional trips would be made to both Dragonstone and Driftmark. Dragonstone is the seat of the heir so I’d spend a moderate amount of time there, then go to Driftmark to spend time with Lucerys and Joffery.
While there I’d plant doubts in Vaemond’s head of Laenor’s sexuality and who would succeed to the seat of Driftmark if his nephew didn’t have any interest interest in women. Which the obvious answer would be Laena and her daughters, something Vaemond clearly wouldn’t like as he always wanted to be lord of Driftmark himself.
Driftmark is a valuable ally to have but I’d need a person easy to manipulate, or at least someone I trusted that was close with the future head of the house. They also had dragons which meant by all means I shouldn’t make them an enemy but I should also monitor their ambitiousness to make sure they do not wish to climb higher and replace House Targaryen.
Unfortunately during my trip there I would also hear of Laena’s death so my stay there would be lengthened.
Viserys eventually arrives with Jace and the funeral is held.
Just a day after the funeral Laenor mysteriously dies.
To let the situation die down, Jace, Viserys, and I would all return to King’s Landing where Viserys’ condition would gradually worsen.
The position of Hand of the King remains vacant after Lyonel’s death. With that I’d betroth Jace to Lord Jason Lannister’s daughter, Lady Cerelle Lannister. Then make a brief suggestion to my sickly father that the brother of Lord Jason, Tywin Lannister, shouldn’t become Hand of the King.
To help my position as heir, I would also need the support of the commonfolk to ensure minimal rebellion. Alms would be given to the common people, and I’d hand out money on my nameday.
Money wouldn’t be an issue but it would hurt to have a little extra to pay for my extravagant tastes in jewelry and silks.
Positions on the small council would be sold to the highest but most loyal bidder.
With ongoing trips to Driftmark, I’d also have marital activities with Vaemond and give birth to Aegon then Viserys, causing me to stay at Driftmark longer than expected. This brings upon the decision of temporarily moving my court to Driftmark for the next four years, until 130 AC.
After a long stay I return to King’s Landing, this time without Jace.
Jacaerys will be sent to Dragonstone with Cerelle where he will be allowed to hold his own court and listen to the grievances of the people there. A loyal servant would be sent with him and send reports to me by raven in order for me to monitor how he rules over the people of Dragonstone. While Cerelle will gain practice on being his consort and hopefully grow closer to him.
I will continue ruling as regent for the next two years with a close eye kept on House Hightower, finally after many years of waiting I receive word of Otto’s demise. But yet another issue arises.
Vaemond’s ambitions once again come to light with Corlys’ recent injury.
Vaemond and Rhaenys both arrive to King’s Landing with Luke, Joffery, Baela, and Rhaena. Jace also arrives from Dragonstone with Cerelle and court is finally held.
Vaemond petitions himself to be Lord of Driftmark which I would swiftly reject, instead I would compromise with Rhaenys as she is still a dragon rider and I’d rather not have her as an enemy, especially while pregnant.
Daemon would not be allowed to be in attendance. Knowing his temperament he’d most likely kill someone and this situation needs to be solved without bloodshed.
This would be taken as the perfect opportunity to have Lucerys betrothed to Baela.
Vaemond would be named as Regent of Driftmark during Lord Corlys’ sickness to appease him for the time being.
After the tense situation is over, to lighten the mood, I’d have Jacaerys and Cerelle’s wedding take place. A large feast and tourney would also be held. Surprisingly, Viserys felt well enough to attend and join in the celebrations.
A few days after the celebrations are over I let Rhaenys return to Driftmark with her grandchildren and my children while I kept Vaemond occupied and stalled him on his return to Driftmark.
After a few days passed I would finally let relent and him return to Driftmark and by the time he got back I received word that Lord Corlys had returned to good health.
Sadly, Viserys passes away. This sends me into a small spiral of panic but I soon recover, realizing I had prepared myself for this day.
The coronation goes by without trouble and my reign finally begins.
A few months go by quickly and Visenya is born, but sickly and frail. Unfortunately, she dies before her first nameday.
About a few months after Vaemond and Joffery move into the Red Keep I’d have Vaemond poisoned, my succession has been secured, I have heirs and he’s no longer needed.
This was NOT spellchecked. I tried making this as unbiased as possible.
The previous post with Alicent was mostly for fun, but I decided to get a lot more serious with this one.
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kurithedweeb · 1 month
Okay SO, I think it was @al-ld who made the post about feeling like Xavier was retconned into being Esmund because the Jury of Nine is under O'khasis control if not directly under a Ro'Meave who are regarded as Esmund's bloodline, but I had the thought of what if they were both Ro'Meaves and then it turned into rewrite canon so I'm inflicting it on y'all too.
What if Esmund and Xavier were brothers, what if they were twins? They did everything together, they were close as could be. They became guards together and planned that if either of them ever ended up having to become Lord in the event their older sibling the heir died, they would do that together too. And then Irene came into the picture.
They both loved her. And Esmund was chosen as a Divine Warrior, and Xavier who had served at Irene's side as her personal guard, maybe even her head guard, was somehow left behind. 
The distance gave Xavier clarity. He loved her, yes, but he could see the way she was around Shad and quickly came to realize that she would never feel towards him what he felt towards her, and even if she did she would long outlive him on account of her seeming immortality, but maybe he could still protect her the way he once had after death. He went home to O'khasis, instituted the first guard academy there and the Jury of Nine, which he led and which followed the Divine Warriors on their later adventures as they went on their quest to save the world. Maybe he and Esmund get back to how they once were. During the separation, he became known as the Admirer because he admired both Irene and his brother from afar. 
In the meantime, Esmund followed in Irene's footsteps. He only looked back when he realized his brother was far behind, no longer following where Esmund led the way he always had before, and this spurs doubts about his position in the Divine Warriors. Did he do the right thing getting so close? Is it worth it when the one person who has been at his side his entire life, who he had always planned spending the rest of his life alongside, was gone? He followed Irene because he loved her, but it takes a lot longer for him to realize what Xavier had, and once he does the realization makes him feel like he had left his brother behind for nothing despite his work as the Protector, because she didn't love him either and even if she did he knew he couldn't make himself admit his feelings for her. So he sat and stewed in all these feelings, wondering whether he should leave for home, if they would be able to complete the mission they had set out to complete without him, and the guilt eats him up inside. 
Then Xavier shows back up with the Jury in tow. Esmund realizes that his brother has had an entire life without him while he was away. 
He made an institution that would outlive them all, he moved on, he's married with a kid on the way and Esmund was so far out of reach that this is the first he's hearing of it. They catch up, they talk about everything they should have years ago, and Xavier has to leave before the final battle when news reaches them that the heir of O'khasis, their older sister’s only child, is dead. Someone has to be the heir, someone has to put the Lord back together again, and Esmund is too important to the mission. 
This is when he realizes that this entire time, Xavier was the one leaving him behind and now he will never catch up. But he can protect Irene, something Xavier dedicated a massive chunk of his life to, and so he became Irene's guard in his brother's stead and remained so until the so-called betrayal' of Shad, a man he had come to think of as a brother too, and afterwards he went home to O'khasis to be with Xavier again. 
Further down the line, Esmund returns to Divine Warriors business but helps run the guard academy and Jury of Nine, and when their older sister dies the twins rule O'khasis as the only duo of Lords in known history. Esmund never married, his heart belonging solely to Irene, and so never had any children and when Xavier died his children became the heirs, beginning the modern Ro'Meave line. Esmund rules alone for a number of years, taking care of Xavier's family, the guard academy, the Jury, and holds O'khasis to the ideals of the woman he once loved, which turns O'khasis into the religious powerhouse it is today. When Esmund dies, his relic gets passed down to Xavier's children, eventually making it all the way down to Garroth and Zane, which makes anyone not in the know about Xavier believe that the Ro'Meaves are Esmund's direct descendants.
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