#the other old cat though because he is the cat of my most busy brother and tries to get our mom’s attention but mom doesn’t really like
My cat didn’t used to get the zoomies at 2am very often in the past, but in the past he had an entire house to roam around in. Now he just has my apartment and I’ll see this medium sized (he’s a large boy, very tall and long) hop-running around from room to room while I’m in bed and it’s just like “uh. Okay then”
#emma posts#I’m happy he’s had more energy though#I switched him to a senior diet with food that is probably better quality than the adult food he was on before#and he loves the stuff#he’s seemed a bit more energetic too#and has stopped gaining weight he didn’t need#I’m happy for him#he is a bit annoying when he leaves most of his old food while eating all the new stuff#I’ve been doing that thing where you mix the two before totally switching and he’s shown me which he likes better 😆#he’s also not gotten sick on the floor since the switch and I’m relieved#for multiple reasons#my baby boy is such a good boy who is also very dramatic and opinionated#that helps me know what he wants and needs though so I won’t complain except when he tries to wake me up for food and play before#his meal time which is around 8:30#and sometimes if he gave up on dragging me out of bed early he just sleeps for a bit after I take the food out. you complained about it not#being there! now that’s not good enough? drama queen 🙄 but he’s a very clingy drama queen 💜#‘cats aren’t affectionate like dogs’ sorry you haven’t been good enough for cats but four out of five I’ve raised have been attention whores#especially with me. and the one in my apartment is my closest baby. he’s the only one who was actually just mine and not my brothers but#i would help with them and they like me. all of them play favorites though and sometimes they’ll pick someone else first. I feel so bad for#the other old cat though because he is the cat of my most busy brother and tries to get our mom’s attention but mom doesn’t really like#animals. I can’t understand that at all but she at least gets that the rest of us do. especially me. that old cat is just so desperate for#her attention and she likes him the least because he pees on stuff and throws up the most#I feel bad but I will admit he is the most frustrating. he is also mean to any younger cats. a bit of a bully (until one of them grew up to#be a chunky fluffy unit of a thing with no self preservation)
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witchxxjpg · 9 months
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lestappen hogwarts au dedicated to my harry potter marathon (1k words)
+ seeker Charles and chaser Max (definitely not dating you know👀)
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(i know that the age gaps are incorrect and that 11 years-old Max never raced international but for the sake of this au i change these things))
Max sat in his compartment alone.
When he looked outside all he could see was children and their parents running around Platform 3/4 with huge trolleys filled with bags and suitcases. But Max himself had only a mediocre case with shabby textbooks and some clothes to wear during his first school year.
Honestly speaking, he didn't know what he was supposed to do. He didn't want to stand out, even though he was well aware that he wasn't quite like all the others.
When he passed by the other compartments, all the children were chatting and, Max guessed, they were just happy to see or meet each other, while some of the older students were discussing their summer breaks.
Max didn't know anyone here. He didn't even have anyone to say goodbye to.
His mother was too busy in Belgium to fly just for him to London. And his father was still furious at him for the decision to take a year off karting to study in this school for wizards. He had just dropped him off three hour ago near King's Cross Station and left without any goodbye.
Standing on the platform, Max'd thought about what to do.
After a failure of trying to ask an officer about platform 3/4 that was written on his boarding ticket Max'd sat on a nearby bench, hopping that soon he'd see someone who looked like a wizard.
And he was lucky enough that after only an hour of waiting he saw a girl, pulling a trolley of suitcases and a cage with a huge brown owl.
When Max had visited Diagon Alley last week with a big disheveled guy named Hagrid to buy all the necessary equipment for his first year, he'd been told that he's allowed to have a pet like a cat or an owl in Hogwarts. But his father didn't even want to give him money to purchase a wand, so Max knew better than to ask for an animal, even though he really wanted to have a cat.
He got into the train well earlier than all the other students, because almost all sofas were empty. He took one of the farthest compartments and put his case on the bench near him. He was too short to throw it on the top shelf and he didn't know any lifting charms. Then started looking at other wizards.
After an hour of observing the almost empty platform, Max finally started seeing more people.
They were all different: some of them wearing usual clothes, that Max's seen people in, while some others were in ridiculous outfits that he decided was sort of wizard style.
But there were a lot of children, of course. Most of them were in the same usual clothes. However, Max was relieved to see that others wore black robes that Max himself was dressed it.
Later he noticed that some of the robes of other students were with colorful elements, unlike his own that was fully grey.
The departure time of the Hogwarts Express was close, so Max sat there and waited, listening to dulled noises on the platform.
Until the door of his compartment was wide open.
"Hey, sorry, all the others are full," said a young boy, who looked around Max's age. "Do you mind if we sit with you?"
Max didn't mind at all, so he shaked his head and offered the seats.
Behind the boy who asked were two older guys who entered the room.
"Need help with your luggage?" asked one of them, pointing at Max's miserable suitcase, and Max, nodding, pointed out in his head that they're not from England, judging from the accent of these two of them.
While he put Max's case on the top shelf, the other one asked, seeing his stiffness, "First time, right?"
Max smiled awkwardly and nodded.
"Don't worry, we don't bite," cheered up the guy who helped with the luggage, chuckling.
"But Charlie can, though!" said the other, ruffling the hair of the younger boy who entered first and laughing.
Max assumed that they were all brothers, considering how well they knew each other.
The younger boy, Charlie, looked scandalous, "Hey, it only happened once!" pointing at the guy who accused him. "And you totally deserved that!"
"Okay," chuckled again the older guy. "We'll go buy us some food".
"Yeah, let the kids bond together," said the other when they exited the compartment, still giggling.
As soon as they left the younger guy jumped on the seat, opposite Max, with a huge smile and stretched out his right hand, "Hello, I'm Charles".
Shaking Charles' hand, Max mumbled, "I'm Max".
"Oh, by the way, that were Jules and Lorenzo," said Charles, pointing at the direction where the older boys had left. "They can be very annoying, I know. But still cool".
Max hesitated, "Are they your brothers?"
"Lo is," Charles smiled. "Jules is my godfather, but he's more like a brother. Do you have siblings?"
With that question Max realized that he actually missed Vic. He last saw her two months ago, while video chatting with their mother. He hoped he'd be able to go visit them on winter holidays.
"Yes, I have a sister," Max mentioned. "But she lives with my mother, and I live with my father".
He saw that Charles liked talking. "Oh, are you parents wizards?"
"No, they are both -" Max remembered that Hagrid had called them somehow, people who can't do magic. But he didn't remember. "Well, you know, not wizards".
"Muggles?" helped Charles. "That's so cool! Mine are from Monaco. Both wizards, but it's a boring story".
That explained the accent, even though Max'd thought they were French.
Max thought if he could share more about himself, "Oh, I raced in Monaco once", he said before realizing that maybe wizards didn't even know what karting was.
Until he saw how Charles' eyes went comically wide.
"Really?!" he jumped off the seat opposite Max and sat right near him. "You do karting? I also do karting. Not like anything professional but we do it every holiday".
Time passed and Max didn't even realize that. Soon returned Lorenzo and Jules with their hands full of sweets and chocolatebars. That's when Max tried his first chocolate frog and got his first card.
Then when Charles was very emotional to discuss Max's karting championships with his brothers, deep red Max was awkward to hear all this excitement (he'd never admit that he liked it). And he didn't know what to say when the older guys invited him to Monaco for winter holidays to show off the skills.
During boat trip to Hogwars Max listened to Charles speaking about four houses and how he was sure he would be in Gryffindor, because all his family was Gryffindor. Max decided that he also wanted to be brave and be in Gryffindor.
Of course, they didn't get to the same house, none of them didn't even get to the house that they'd wanted, but it wouldn't stop them from becoming best friends and probably something more.
But that's a story for later.
Now Max was just excited for his first year in the magic world.
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harrysmimi · 2 years
Still Together, Still Going Strong
Synopsis: One where Harry and YN are getting a divorce but they can't seem stay away from one another
More of my work
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YN has never been this mad and upset on Harry.
Why wouldn't she be? When he's ready to throw away a decade they spent together under the bus like that.
It was just five months ago Harry had said he wanted a divorce. Why, you may ask?
Is because he has been feeling he's lost himself. No doubt, that is a valid reason and she respects it. She has been there for him through all his lows she was willing to do so now too. She knows he needs a break, it is not easy to be a parent and have a job which asks so much of your time and energy.
He had his own reasons which by all means are very valid, he's never cheated, he's not cheating now. Nothing made sense to YN.
Every Monday evening when he'd drop off the twins at hers and they're off to bed, he's back to being her Harry. The same soft and living guy she fell in love at eighteen, the same guy who kissed her over and over again thanking her for giving the two most beautiful boys to love and care for.
YN had moved to the flat her parents bought her a year prior she moved in with Harry at his. It wasn't as big as the house which were their home, but it was big enough for her and the little toddlers and the cat Harry and her adopted just when they moved in together. They had been very good at co-parenting considering the twins are just two years old now. She had them for the whole weeks because the boys are just so used to her being around, though Harry came in to see them in between whenever he could.
Living apart felt like a norm, especially to YN as she's so used to her husband (now soon to-be-ex-husband) being on tour so much. She just didn't had her soft space to fall back to now.
He says it isn't her, or the kids. But he can't run away from the kids, unless he verbally says he doesn't want the responsibility of a father anymore— it wasn't him conveying the reasons to her but his legal representatives. He doesn't want to be away from the twins, he's been very firm about it. So it must be her.
YN still can't put a finger on what she has done to probably piss him off so much he wants a divorce now. Though she haven't got the time to think about it either with looking after the twins and working. She had a desk job and her dad's business to look after now thay he's retired, she doesn't get even the weekends to herself.
To make it all worse for her, he still says his I love yous to her, he still kisses like the first time he did, he still calls her by the little weird pet names. Hell, they even made love just last Monday and days he'd visit the twins mid week. This wasn't fair for her. And she didn't know how to process it all.
"Harper." YN ran after the little boy who was running away from eating his dinner whilst his twin was being nice, shirtless in just his little pink shorts. "Come back here."
"No!" Harper squealed but he fell down on his bum laughing.
"Gotcha!" YN announced scooping him up.
"Bum-bum!" He pointed out saying he fell down on his bum.
"Yeah, you did fell on your bum-bum." YN laughed giving him a kiss, she placed him on his highchair next to his brother. "Harlow, do you like it?" The other blond boy was already chomping away at little pieces of chicken and picking carrots from rice in front of him in the bowl.
"Yes!" He announced.
"You're giving your Mummy a hard time, aren't you?" Harry's spoke serving Harper his dinner, he dipped his head down to press a kiss on his boy's head.
"It's okay he's still little." YN spoke walking in kitchen. She knows he's just joking but she didn't like it for what she didn't know, nor she wanted to know. She is just mad. He'd just decided to stay over for dinner like he lives there with them, like they're not getting a divorce in two weeks. Like they're not having their assets divided equally in between. Like the media didn't already knew he's separating from his partner of ten years. It made her so furious just because she haven't gotten the time to sit by herself and process everything. Everything was happening so fast.
"Baby what's wrong?"
"I think you should leave now Harry," YN suggested, as she furious started cleaning around the kitchen, the mess he made in attempt of helping hera. She never mind him making a mess in the kitchen, until now. "I've got work tomorrow."
"I can help put the boys to bed," he offered.
"I don't need it, I just need you to leave my house now." She deadpanned, stopping dead in her actions to glance at him once. Harry was taken back, he glanced at the boys who were busy exchanging their food and eating before he walked back in the kitchen.
YN felt his hands on her hips as he pulled her back from scrubbing the counter like it's got some deadly disease on it, she watched as blood rush back to her finger tips on the release of her death grip on the wash clothe. She didn't liked the way his hands felt on her body for the first time, it felt so wrong.
"Look at me," he requested. For a moment there YN found herself leaning into the warmth of the palm of his hand cradling her face.
"Don't, don't touch me," she reluctantly pulled herself away, "I don't like it no more." He would kiss her there, she'd give in and they'd be huddling their way to the bathroom leaving the twins to eat their dinner.
And she proceeded to clean around. Cleaned up the twins and put them in their PJs and finally off to bed they went. Harry still lingered around, he cleaned up the highchairs and put them away, until YN came back out.
She sighed in defeat seeing him still sitting at the dining table, like he did whenever he managed to piss her off waiting for her to cool off before he could go talk to her. He did more than just piss her off now. She walked back to her bedroom and sbut the door behind her getting ready for bed. She pulled out her laptop to email her boss about wanting to take her yearly paid vacation, her leave was going to be accepted as she's that annoying employee who has to be forced to take days off. She even proceeded to call her parents to ask of she could go over and stay with them for a couple of weeks with the boys. Luckily for her, they lived just four hour drive away from her in Kingston. They didn't knew Harry and YN were getting a divorce until it became a public affair, of course they said she could go live with them for as long as she wish for.
Was she overreacting on this? Hasn't she been so understanding about the reasons Harry gave her for their separation? But was it inevitable not to be heartbroken? She had never grieved for anything or anyone before, is it really this overwhelming? This overwhelming that she has to cry?
She took in a deep breath and wiped off the tears which had managed to trickle down her eyes when she heard the door crack open. The boys liked to sleep in her bed, close to their Mummy. Something Harry isn't a fan of but she cherishes a lot. All it would take for him to give in was three pairs of doe eyes begging him and he'd be scooping up the little humans onto their bed and tucking the under the sheets. The boys are well aware that it is easy to butter their Mummy than it to their Papa, they only request to sleep in with her when with her. Smart little toddlers!
It was Harry, he still hasn't left yet. He just closed the door behind him carefully as the twins are light sleepers like their Mummy, he proceeded to take a seat in front of him on her bed. No words were shared as he just looked at her trying to figure where he should begin. He didn't know how to approach this. She is not going to say a word, he knows. They're both stubborn when it comes to confrontation.
"YN," Harry cooed trying to reach for her hand.
"You're a fucking hypocrite!" She snapped, swatting his hand away with a jerk. "You say one thing and do the complete opposite of it. Just stick to one thing! You want a divorce then set up some boundaries for fucks sake. What part of divorce do you not understand?"
"I'm trying to be there for the boys, what are you talking about?"
"I am not saying you are. I want you to stop being around me, okay? I want you to stop making it harder for me than it already is." She made it clear, "I don't want this. I don't want you touching me, I don't want you kissing me, sleeping with me, I don't want you to say you love me."
"But I do love you," he rushed, "doesn't mean we're getting a divorce that I don't love you anymore. I can never stop loving you, I don't think I can even do that. I gave you my reasons. We're separating mutually, aren't we?"
Answer to his question was, no. It's not mutual. She's agreeing just for his sake. She doesn't want a divorce, she wants to work through it.
He was coming home late after being out with his friends, drunk and high his ass off after long studio sessions now that he's been writing his new album, he never bothered anyone and went straight to bed. Whilst YN didn't liked that, she still let it slide for a month and a half. It started getting on her nerve when he'd be grumpy all day with a major hang over, she snapped when he yelled at the boys who were just wanting to play with him. It was the very next day he told her he wants a divorce and left for the studio.
"Be honest with me, do you not want it?" He asked when she said nothing. "YN?"
"No!" She exclaimed, "I don't want this. Why would I want to break a relationship that we spent a decade to make perfect? It's just not me and you anymore, we have two little ones now."
YN's trying hard not to break down in front him. Whatever it is he does not need to see her cry, and it usually made her feel weak. It usually is easy for her to cry bit deal with everything which comes her way calmly without a breakdown. She felt the sinking feeling in her stomach, physically.
"I am going to go stay with my parents for a couple of weeks." She shared, "you can come over to see the kids and I think you should leave now." She walked over to the door to open it for him. He's got no other option than to leave. It's better he did that and get his shit together for him to talk about this.
"YN, come help me." Her dad said, he carried the gardening tools. Twins were out with their grandma and Aunty for grocery shopping. She was lied on the sofa staring at the ceiling as some episode of Friends played in the background.
It's been a week and half and YN's fallen sick as she expected. It was meant to happen with how overworked she has been, she's had a fever and has been throwing up every morning. She has been sick and more lost especially today since morning.
Her parents haven't bought up the topic of her divorce yet, they can still see how it has been affecting. God, how they didn't liked him for their daughter at first. They had no idea how much she loved him, that for the first time she rebelled against them. It wasn't just her teen phase, they came to realise soon enough.
"Do you want me to take you to doctor again?" Her asked.
"No, I'm fine now." She shrugged and started with cleaning out dried out leaves from her dad's garden.
"How do you like these? Harper picked this." He showed her the new rose plant he'd got just yesterday when he took the boys out so she can rest.
"Good." She nodded. "I, I want to go sleep."
"Okay, did you take you medicines?" Her dad enquired.
"No, I, I'll take it." She assured him before she walked inside, just as she was about to go to her room she saw the mess that was her sister's room. Her kids were sleeping in her sister's room because she was sick. Toys everywhere. Not that her sister was rhe tidiest person she knew, she still picked up after her toddlers.
"Mumma!" Harlow came running to her followed by Harper, both of them tackled her with hugs. "Nani gave chocolate!" He showed a tiny packet of Reeses cups, his brother got one too.
"Yay!" She celebrated, "did you say thank you to Nani?"
"Yes!" Harper nodded, "open, pwease?"
They'd already had their lunch so YN opened the chocolate wrappers for both of them, had them sit down with their toys. There were so much to play with at their Grandparents' place, but the boys hardly fought over the same toy. When her sister got back to her room, YN went back to hers to get in a nap.
"YN?" She heard her mum calling her from the living room. Sighing she got out of bed to check what her mother had to say. "Harry's here to see the kids."
"No, I'm just here to talk to you for now." Harry rushed, "would you please?" He gestured her to go out with him. She walked him to her room. "Baba told me you're sick."
Yeah, he called her father Baba.
"I'm sorry." He started, "never asked you if you wanted this."
"Thank you." She nodded, now sat on her bed.
"I was just being stupid." He admitted crouching in front of her, "but I never lied when I said I feel like I've lost myself. You know we never talked about boys until recently to anyone. It felt like I was living two different lives. It is very hard, I feel so guilty that I can't be there for you and our babies but I also love to tour and be on stage." He voice cracked as his eyes brimmed with tears, "it looked easy to do this. Guess I was being selfish with choosing what I want, I don't know how I feel about it yet. I just needed a break to get my shit together. Can't stay away from you, I realised, or I can't stay away from our boys. It's just that I haven't been able to give the three of you much of my time, but also don't wanna stop touring."
"All this while you've been nothing but so supportive of me, I am so sorry I didn't realise you'd support me through this too. You respected the reasons I gave you which I now call bullshit. You don't want this yet agreed to it. You've been through all the highs with me, guess I didn't wanted you to be through the lows. Just want you to be happy and not worry about anything. I am sorry lovie, I don't want it anymore. Still want to be with you." He grabbed her hands in her lap, "you think you can forgive me, please?"
He looked just like the boys with his doe eyes looking up at her (or you can say the twins are xerox copy of him), he was crying. Tip of his nose turned pink, same shade as his lips.
"You need to take a break, from everything." She spoke, "it's not stupid or bullshit to feel overwhelmed, okay? You don't have to make a choise between what you love, it's not how it works. You're an amazing father to the boys. It hurt me so much that you didn't wanted to be with me anymore, did I do something? Do you not feel attracted to me anymore? Have you fallen out of love with me? Is there som—"
"No, no, no, no!" He rushed cutting her off mid sentence, "It's not that, I don't know why I said I want a divorce. God I love you and only you. It's just you. Please, please, please don't ever think about it!" He brought her hands to his mouth pressing little sloppy kisses on her knuckles as he sobbed quietly, he didn't even imagine it would come out this way to her. God he never even looks at anyone else other than her. It was a stab in his heart that she thought he's in love with someone else. Hell, he's on his knees for her now! "Let's take it back. I don't want to get a divorce. Don't want you to leave, please!"
He broke down sobbing even more when she pulled him in a warm embrace, he just cried with his face buried in her chest like a baby. His arms wrapped around her like he's falling off a cliff.
Harry honestly didn't know why he did that, why he let things go this far with the divorce. God he couldn't imagine his life without her. He loves her too much. He thought maybe he could have one less thing to feel guilty about if they separate. But he was proved very just this morning when he went to her flat to see the kids and also her just to realise she's at her parents, four hours away, he straight away drove to her.
It scared him. Even though she was still close by yet he felt like she's out of reach. He's never felt that way before, cal him overdramatic for acting on this as fast he could and go back to her. Her dad was probably mad at him as he texted him about how sick she's been, turned out he was just telling him how YN is doing. He also missed his little boys.
"We're never going to complain about you not being there for her," she started speaking for the kids as well, "they love you Harry, so do I. We'd nothing but for you to be happy with us. Don't want you to feel guilty, you're a dad now doesn't mean you have to feel pressured to leave what you love to do. I knew what I was signing up for when I said yes to be with you, never once I thought you were a bad partner. I don't know where it all came from, but I love you so much. We're going to work this out, I'm not going anywhere, our boys are not going anywhere, okay? I promised you, didn't I? Through highs and lows."
"We are!" He said, firmly as he pulled away enough to look at her sniffling. "I love you so much!" He peppered her face with more sloppy wet kisses before pulling her in a bear hug. It was her turn to cry her heart out, feeling the assuring weight of his hand on the back of her head, his finger flexing in gentle strokes on her scalp. "Hey, it's okay, we'll be okay." She wrapped her arms around his middle tightly.
YN's been a mess since Monday and it's only Thursday, especially since her last doctors visit with her mum. She has been going through same symptoms she went through when she was pregnant two hears ago, sore breasts, nood swings, nausea, morning sickness. God she was put into such a bad mental space when the doctor suggested she takes a pregnancy test. There were chances she was pregnant, her and Harry were still having sex being careless about using the right protection, she hasn't got her period in a month. But YN's also been a hormonal mess since giving birth, breastfeeding and then stopping to breastfeed, that messed up with her periods too.
On one hand she wanted the test to turn out to be positive so she can just have her husband call off the divorce thinking about another child, the selfish and cruel side of her spoke. On other hand she didn't wanted it to be positive because she just can't bear another pregnancy after such a short time, physically. Especially since her first one has taken such a huge toll of her. The first time she was pregnant, she had twins.
She was glad the test came out negative. She started with her period the very next day, explaining her nausea and sore breasts. That also explains her breakdown in the moment.
"Hey sweetheart, it's alright." He assured her trying to calm her down, "no, no you're gonna get more sick." The last time she cried like this was when she failed one of the most important entrance exam for the course she was wanting to take up and made herself sick. He worried.
Harry noticed it's started to get dark outside, they've been locked in her bedroom for so long talking it all out. He heard the twins screaming and squealing outside, probably playing with YN's brother and sister. "Baby did you fell asleep on me?" He checked on his wife who hasn't moved in a long moment. She was letting letting endorphins settle in her.
"No," she pulled away enough to look at him, "I didn't."
Should she tell him about the test?
"I, I had to take a test on Monday." She started nervously glancing at him before he fixed her gaze on her hands in her lap, "it came out negative."
"You wanted it to be positive?"
"I don't know," she sighed, finally looking up at him he was sat back on his heels now, still close enough to her. She flet bad for even thinking of guilt tripping him into staying there. But did she also had the heart to tell she doesn't want to separate in the first place? When he told her he's been overwhelmed with responsibilities.
"You want to take a nap?" He asked, "we can go out to get dinner, just us, later?"
"I don't want to go out." She shook her head, "don't feel well."
"That's okay, I want you to take a nap now, hmm?" He proceeded to pull back the blanket on the bed and slip off her house slippers off her feet, urging her to lie down. So she did. "They're having fun outside, don't worry about them just get in some rest, sweetheart." He cut her off before she could even utter a sound, he tucked her in softly.
"Harry, I—"
"We'll talk more later, baby, I promise." He interrupted her again, but watched her face turn into more of an angry one, "just want you to rest, look at you, sunken eyes, runny nose. Okay, what is it?" He rested his head on her pillow as he scooted closer to the bed still sitting on the floor.
"I wanted it to be positive, the test at first." YN shared. She just can't keep things which are bothering her to herself.
"I don't think we should have another baby. Did you wanted one?"
"No, I don't think I can do it again. Not this soon. Be pregnant I mean. I thought, this is so very wrong, I thought if it were to turn out to be positive you'd change your mind about this. Be—because I didn't know how to tell you I don't want to get a divorce." She stuttered, as new set of tears pooled in her reddened eyes. "Sorry."
"It's alright. Why didn't you wanted to tell me you don't want that?" He cooed, his hand running soothing strokes on her back.
"Because..." She sighed as she trailed off, "because you said you were overwhelmed by everything. I didn't wanted to hold you back when you wanted one less thing to worry about."
"Well, I was very wrong." He started of with a firm statement, "I felt like I was just a bad husband to you, the worse one to ever exist. I mean, I can see it clearly now. You've been overworking yourself..."
"You're not." She commented.
"Yes, I am. Cancelled my tour, I want to try this and put the boys and you first for now." He shared, "I don't want to hear anything about it, I want this and will not complain about it, I promise."
He knows her way too much, doesn't he? He can really tell what she's about to say just by looking in her eyes.
"You really want that?" She still asked.
"Went regularly to see my therapist last week, talked to her about this. I realised I really want this. She really helped me through when I was confused. Lemme do this for me, for us, yeah?" His voice was nothing but assuring. Now he rarely talks whereabouts of his therapy sessions, to anyone for the matter of fact, but when he does it's when he's made firm decisions which he plans to stick to. Though YN would have supported him if he still wanted to go on tour.
"Okay." She agreed.
"Can I get a kiss? Missed you so much!" Harry was already leaning in but she pulled back.
"Don't want you to get sick!"
"I don't care." He shrugged, dipped his head lower to press a gentle kiss on her mouth. "I love you."
"I love you." She leaned into his touch, little puppy kiss they shared.
"You want to come home?" He asked.
"I want to stay here for the rest of my days off." She shook her head. It was just going to clear her mind and give her some rest now, plus she doesn't feel like driving back to Hampstead when one of her organ is literally bleeding haywire.
"That's alright." He nodded, "are you going to come back home on Monday then?"
"Mhmm." She nodded. He gave her another firm kiss on her mouth.
"Rest now, okay? I'll go see our babies." He gave her yet another kiss, before he reluctantly walked to the bathroom to wash off his face first. He headed out to see Harper and Harlow.
"Yay, Papa!" Both of them went running to him as expected.
Harry was gonna be pulled y YN's dad to a side to give him a bug talk. He could sense it. Her dad is protective of her. Harry wouldn't blame him, he'd do the same if anyone to hurt his kiddos. So he braced himself.
To his surprise, he was forced to stay over for the weekend with the family. They never brought up the topic of divorce which was now being scrapped, though all of them were happy to hear they're planning to stay together.
YN knew people online are gonna hate her, if they didn't already that Harry cancelled his entire tour just because he wants to give his family the time and love they deserve from him. Also the pull back from divorce was gonna divid his fandom into two parts for sure, just like their wedding did.
YN and Harry both got married at just the age of 19 and 20, which was their own decision after dating of year and half and he was still in the band. Very young indeed but it was their decision. It wasn't taken very well by the media. But who cares?
They're still together and going strong!
N O T E :
1) I wrote this in like few sittings. Sorry if there are any typos or words missing. 🥺 I didn't proofread this.
2) Hope you liked this one.
3) Pls lemme know what you think, what Harry should have done in your opinion?
Tag list:
@vrittivsanghavi @buckymydarlingangel @sweetwritingfanficfriend @theroosterswife24 @sleutherclaw @melllinaa @michellekstyles @sunshinemoonsposts @marialikescherries Lemme know if you want to added to the tag list
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dw19791967 · 8 months
That Type of Girl Part 1
Pairing: Dean x reader (Eventual), Sam x reader (Platonic)
Warnings: language, unrequited love, slight angst, some fluff
This is the first fic I have ever written, all mistakes are my own. Please be gentle on me!
I had never been the type of girl that men would look at twice. I have always been on the heavy side of the scale. I have a big gut, small ass, and ok sized boobs. After struggling with my confidence for a better part of my life, when I hit my 20’s I stopped caring about what others thought of me. But I would still wear clothes a size or two too big. But I felt confident (for the most part). I didn’t give a rats ass what most people thought of me, which definitely helped when it came to hunting. 
My life changed forever when I met the Winchesters. Sam was like the big brother I never had. Dean…well, that was a different story. Everything in me knew the moment I met him, that he was something special. The way he could make me laugh, make me smile, make me feel appreciated. No one had ever made me feel the things he did. But I knew he would never see me as more than a friend, and after some time I was ok with that. I knew a man like him would never even consider being with a girl like me. 
“What ya thinking about Y/N?” said Sam. We were currently sitting in a roadside bar after we finished our most recent hunt. Of course Dean was busy flirting with some gorgeous blonde, leaving Sam and I to our own devices.
“Just thinking about what life would be like if we weren’t hunters.” I lied of course. I was thinking about why couldn’t I be the type of girl Dean would turn to for more than friendship. Something I thought about pretty frequently.
“Do you really want that type of life ?” Sam stated with a curious look on his face. 
“Hell no, I’m not made for normal. Just always like to think about where I would be ya know? Would I be married, have 2.5 kids, and a full time job or would I be a crazy cat lady.” I giggled.
“Well considering you're allergic to cats you definitely would not be a crazy cat lady.” Sam was laughing.
“You’re right Sammy, guess there goes that day dream.” I said. I couldn’t stop watching Dean. I really needed to find something else to occupy my time.
“You know I see how you look at him.” Sam said.
“I don’t know what you mean Sammy.” I replied.
“Y/N you should tell him how you feel, you never know he may feel the same way.” Sam looked at me with an optimistic grin.
“Yeah right Sam, I’m going to the restroom then I’m heading out. You boys can stay and have some much deserved fun.” I got up to head towards the restroom, if only Sam knew how deep I was in.
The following day after returning to the bunker the night before, I got up around 6:00 to make the boys breakfast. It was something I did every now and then, even though I made a pretty shitty cook. I rolled out of bed and put some shorts on. I had an old AC/DC shirt on (I didn’t bother wearing a bra since the shirt was baggy), threw my hair up in a messy bun and was ready to get to work. I made my way to the kitchen as quietly as I could. Evidently I tend to stomp when I walk in the bunker halls (according to Sam), so it is something I am trying to work on. I got the eggs and bacon out. Scrambled would have to be it for today because I don’t have the patience to try anything else. Sam made his way into the kitchen as I was finishing up with the bacon.
“Well good morning sunshine!” Sam sang.
“Damn Sammy can you keep it down somewhat, you know how I feel about being happy first thing in the morning.” I covered my ears.
“Oh yes so sorry grumpy pants” Sam laughed.
“I’m pretty sure you are like the only person I have ever seen to be so excited at 6:30 in the morning.” I finished putting some eggs on a plate for him.
“Well why are you up so early anyway? You made us breakfast?” Sam asked.
“Well yes you big giant, I did. I felt like doing something nice even if I am a grumpy pants.” I sat his plate down in front of him.
“Well I appreciate it and I’m sure Dean will too. Where is Dean?” Sam took a bite of his eggs.
“Pretty sure he is still sleeping, I’ll wake him up on my way to shower. How does it taste?” I asked.
“It is actually pretty good, way to go Y/N you have finally learned how to make eggs!” Sam was laughing. I enjoyed the teasing banter we had with one another, it made me happy that we didn’t always have to take things so seriously.
“Haha very funny, looks like now I will have to cook more often.” I stated as I walked out of the kitchen.
Heading down the hall I stopped at Dean’s room. I opened his door slightly, he was sprawled out over his bed snoring loudly. Blondie must have tired him out last night. I usually don’t like waking him up because he has such a hard time sleeping. Especially lately but I knew he would be pissed if he missed out on bacon. I made my way over to him.
“Dean” I whispered.
“Dean I made breakfast” I patted his shoulder.
He rolled over and opened his eyes. Looking at me in a way that almost made me blush.
“Hey sweetheart, what time is it?” he asked.
“7:00” I stated.
“Damn I actually slept in some, that was amazing.”
I’m sure it was, I stated to myself. Damn my jealousy.
“Well I just wanted to let you know there is eggs and bacon, Sam said that I actually learned how to make eggs so guess that means they are good this time. I laughed. “ I’m gonna take a quick shower then I will meet you back out there” I said.
“You had me at bacon” he got up and stretched. 
“Well good morning sleeping beauty” stated Sam.
“God it smells amazing in here” Dean said with a grin.
Dean loaded up a plate with tons of bacon and a few scoops of eggs.
“Damn this is awesome” Dean moaned.
“Would you like me to give you some alone time with that?” Sam laughed.
“Sammy, she seriously knows how to make my damn morning. This bacon might be the best I have ever eaten.”
“Well she has been up since 6 working on it so I’m glad you are enjoying it.” Sam was reading something on his laptop now.
“What would we do without her?” Dean wondered aloud.
“What would we do without who?” I stated as I made my way back into the kitchen. I had taken a quick shower and changed into jeans and a flannel. Baggy of course. I never wore tight fitting shirts. My hair was still a little wet but I wanted to make sure the boys were taken care of before I moved on with my routine.
“You sweetheart, you are seriously too good to us.” Dean stated, staring at me. 
I blushed, “Well I would do anything to make your guys day a little better.” Sam looked at me with a knowing look, please dear lord do not let him say anything.
Sam continued reading something on his laptop without saying a word. 
“Well I’m gonna head to the library to check out this book I need, do you guys need anything?” asked Sam.
“I’m good, thank you though Sammy.” I stated.
“Unless you are stopping at the store, in that case we need pie.” Dean said while stuffing his face with more bacon.
“Of course Dean, I will make sure to get your precious pie.” Sam said while laughing.
With Sam gone, I struggled to find something to say to Dean but the silence was killing me. 
“What time did you guys end up coming home last night?” I asked. I really didn’t want to know but yet I needed to.
“Uh not too long after you, it was kinda a bust.” stated Dean.
“What happened to Blondie?” I asked without even thinking.
Dean looked up at me, “She was talking my ear off about her ex. I told her if she couldn’t stop thinking about him then she probably needed to talk it out with him.”
Good I thought to myself, I knew he deserved a good time but I am glad he struck out. I really need to stop thinking like this.
“Well I am sure you will have better luck next time” I said with a smile. It took everything in me to muster that up.
“Nah next time we need to work on finding someone for you.” Dean stated.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Well I know it's been awhile since you have found a guy for you, so I figured I could help you look.” Dean said with a shrug.
Did he seriously think I wanted to find someone? I really was not the love them and leave them type. I tended to get too attached. So I just took care of things on my own. Plus it was hard to find someone to spend the night with when you are desperately in love with someone else.
“I’m really not interested Dean. I would rather just drink and make a fool of myself.” I laughed.
“Come on Y/N, I’m sure you could use a night of romance or whatever you want to call it” Dean looked at me.
Anytime I had even considered taking a guy home they would make comments about my body. Which usually ended with my fist bleeding and the guy laying on the bar floor.
“Dean, do you seriously not remember the last time I looked for a guy, he ended up calling me a fat bitch and I knocked his lights out.” I picked at my nails. I couldn’t look at his face right now.
“Yes I remember, that was just one shitty guy. I have faith we can find a good one.” Dean got up to clear his plate.
The one guy I want doesn’t want me so I really don’t want to try to find another one. I will just end up with my feelings hurt and my confidence wounded. It’s not worth it to me.
“I appreciate the offer truly, but I don’t want a night of romance. I just want to spend a night with my two best friends. That’s it. Can we please drop it?” I got up to start working on the dishes.
“If that is what you want Y/N.” Dean looked at me softly. “I will get them sweetheart, the least I can do since you cooked.” Dean started working on the dishes.
"Thanks" I said. "I'm gonna go finish fixing my hair." I made my way out of the kitchen as fast as I could. I wish he could understand how I felt, but this is one area in which Dean and I are very different.
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sheep-from-rad · 2 years
Genshin x Reader but in the Nekopara Catboys Paradise world Note: I blame Mika Melatika’s stream for this. Those two streams with Alban, Ike, Mysta, and Sonny are now my comfort streams. My exams are finished (I have a project due on 15th ugh) and right now the only thing inside my brain is my self-reward, that is Luca Kaneshiro’s Halloween stream. Warnings: None. Masterlist: [Masterlist 1] , [Masterlist 2] 
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Much like your friend Xiangling, after college you immediately took over the family business that was left to you by your parents. It was a place full of memories both good and bad and leaving it to die is like having a part of you dying as well. Knowing that you can’t manage it alone, few interesting people answered your call and now work with you! 
Kaeya, the lazy Russian blue! 
This catboy one day walked into the cafe doors to become a server and a bunch of customers followed him 
He is notorious for breaking the uniform code and unbuttoning his shirt. Well, it works well because from time to time the cafe is swarmed with girls asking for his number. 
He’s also notorious for getting in a verbal catfight with his adoptive brother, Diluc, a ginger Ragdoll cat boy. 
He disappears from time to time and if he does his work it is always the cash register. He doesn’t care about mora, it's just that the cash register duty has less work to do than cooking or serving. 
People thought he was a big flirt until an old caretaker from home, Adeline, came to the cafe and his bravado fell. Turns out, he is just a little awkward sweetheart. 
He’s the one who makes dinner most of the time and though lazy, he is the one who first gets up in the morning and helps clean the cafe before opening time. 
He’s not very touchy but he’s fond of occasional headpats. 
One time he went missing and missed basically all his work. Later on it was revealed that our lazy cat is an undercover agent who went to get himself a job in a cafe to investigate the hybrid trafficking that is happening around the area. 
“Truths out but can I still be your lowly server?” 
Scaramouche, the tsundere Japanese Bobtail!
You thought he was a bunny when he first entered the cafe but he proved that he’s not after baring his fangs for everyone to see.  
He is a menace. This catboy will claim to hate your attention but the moment you look away and focus on something else he will start his  meows that wakes up the whole neighbourhood. 
He’s not loud but he is very chatty and by chatty I mean very vocal with his meows. 
While a menace, he is surprisingly good with kids. One time a lost child wound up in the store crying and it only took a minute for them to calm the said child. 
Aside from being a verbal kitty, he is also not afraid to rip someone’s face off when he knows that they are disrupting the peace in the cafe. 
Being a smaller cat hybrid, he always fits in the small places to sleep. One time when the boys were new, he went missing and the whole crew had to find him around because they were afraid he lost his way home. Kazuha found him curled up and sleeping soundly between the couch and the cabinet. 
He’ll annoy you on purpose but at the end of the day, he warms you up by curling his body around you and sleeping
“Sit down and let me sleep before I scratch you!” 
Xiao, the mysterious Burmese cat who is also your neighbour?!
Xiao is the adopted son of your neighbour and former college professor Mr Zhongli (who is a princely Maine Coon hybrid!) 
He was adopted as a child from a run down orphanage and from then on he was raised and became your childhood friend 
Unlike the other catboys, he doesn’t live with you but he doesn’t fail to come and join you and the rest of the gang to have lunch and sometimes dinner if both his half siblings Ganyu and Hu Tao and his father are busy with their work. 
He mostly do the cooking to avoid the people but when he does the serving he ends up pulling tons of customers that makes the cafe open overtime
He does more protective than serving and being one of the smaller ones in the cafe, he can be easily picked up by either Kaeya or anyone around to stop him from killing the person 
He has a tough exterior but when he softens, he won’t hesitate to let you pet him behind the ears 
“Why did I make you food? Do I need a reason?”
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Taglist: @uchihaeirin |@eccedentesiast-sapphic |@chihawari @tinandabin |@zuri-feather |@jaxielous
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linnorabeifong · 6 months
DVD commentary from She'll Surprise You:
 For once he accepted her offer. This was his first time smoking. It wasn’t pleasant. He found himself choking from the stench and the dry feeling in the back of his throat. Agni, he couldn’t understand why anyone liked this. Yasuko just laughed and retrieved her cigarette. 
         “You okay there, Mr.Lightning ?” she said, fighting to hold back laughter. She looked like a dog does after finding a turtle-duck to chase. Entirely too pleased with herself.
         She was chewing on her nails as she spoke, another habit of hers he found absolutely disgusting. How Sayuri and the others tolerated her he never knew. She reeked of nicotine and sweat. She was all business, no pleasantries, no small talk, not an ounce of friendliness in sight. 
         Well, unless she was flirting with a client of course. Then there would be a whole show of sweetness put on. A spectacle of the saccharine. Agni, she made him want to gag. 
         She was cold. A ruthless, runty little thing. Eager to make a yuan however she could. Terribly jealous if the rumors were to be trusted. 
         She was never one to accept a nicety either. He’d made the mistake of trying to do her a favor once. She was beyond confused by his actions. As if all friendship was foreign to her. The Agni Kai’s were a family, why wouldn’t she just accept his care ? He was one of them after all. Instead of accepting his generosity she was all too eager to attempt to repay him…in ways he did not request. 
Oh this was fun to write and I need to get off my ass and finish this story. I have this whole elaborate plot in my drafts if anyone’s still interested. Hope you liked it ! This fic I really wanted to look at class differences ? Not super deep as I’m not the most informed. Throughout LoK there’s this clash of lifestyles that’s never really handled. Season one it’s Asami vs the brothers. Season two Bolin’s movie star life compared to his old one. Seasons three and four Suyin’s lifestyle vs the austere conditions across the Earth Kingdom. 👀
I wanted to make Zolt’s gritty world slam into Lin’s. They both have more things in common than not though…
( adult themes ahead)
So it’s a mix of things going on in this passage. Usually I write as ideas and moods come. On a Friday or Sunday I will carve out and edit a chapter to the best of my abilities in a span of an hour or so and then a week or two later when the mood comes again I will write more and maybe the next chapter too and I’ll reread it with fresh eyes, text it to my friends for feedback etc. I don’t just sit and write on a schedule.
Let’s get into the characterization going on…
In general I like female characters with a temper. Korra, Katara, Margaret ( Cat on a Hot Tin Roof), Azula, Rarity (MLP) , America ( the selection ) . So why not give Yasuko one as well ?
I loved your idea of Yasuko not being the soft tragic Disney mother. Again also enjoyed the thought of her being in a seedy environment and gang affiliated.
I also thought well what if she was still a non bender and still at least partially earth kingdom ? That would completely change her experience. What if she was disgruntled with the discrimination against non-benders ? Then folks it came to me that could generate so much tension between her and Zolt because even if they’re both at the bottom of society he’s better off than her. It gives her a reason to be a cold bitch. So even though she’s not the protagonist this is setting up room for me to write more about her. I wanted to establish her life as a mixed woman, without any bending.
As a mixed woman she’s rejected by both other EK people ( gets called a colonizer) and by other Fire Nationals ( she can’t actually be a member of Kai’s since she’s only half but Zolt doesn’t know that) . She doesn’t have the option of joining them or working at the power plant etc. She’s an impoverished immigrant whose dreams have been crushed . She went from the rural Fire Nation to the big city. From bright engineering student to prostitution when her money ran out.
“ Well, unless she was flirting with a client of course,” in reference to her line of work.
“Instead of accepting his generosity she was all too eager to attempt to repay him…in ways he did not request,” so one time Yasuko offered him a bj and he clutched his pearls like a grandmother seeing her granddaughter in a crop top ….😭. He was so scandalized, a hand on his heart like she had punched him with her words. “Yasuko, you don’t have to do that…,”
4. I envision Yasuko as southern Belle-like in her charms but also a villainess… or at least appearing to be a villain. Like how Asami wears originally written as a villain and is coded as an antagonist with the red and black clothing and sharp features.
5. Appearance is very important to me it communicates a lot. Yasuko’s bone thin, and dressed in dark clothing since the stains would show less. She’s frightening. She’s desperate to survive and that’s made her harsh. Her appearance reflects that.
6. Scent. Very important to me. Really helps with characterization and setting. Creates a mood in a way visuals and dialogue just can’t. Scent is the strongest trigger of memory. It’s an almost animalistic sense.
Really though this scene says more about Zolt than it does about her. He’s observant and caring but also judgmental. He’s making assumptions about Yasuko. It’s also hypocritical of him to frown on her being a prostitute while he himself is a gang member…
He’s also generous when he’s trying to play nice by taking that damn cigarette. That generosity makes him vulnerable. He falls right into her little game when he chokes on that thing… hmm.
Plot Shenanigans
She definitely knows more than she’s letting on and she’s pissed about it. Yasuko is jealous of Zolt… so she takes pleasure in watching him cough while trying the cigarette.
“Agni, she made him want to gag,” Zolt hates insincerity which is going to make his love life exceedingly difficult in a few chapters…
“She reeked of nicotine and sweat,” - He’s absolutely disgusted by her. They’re very reluctant allies. My little frenemies. Also like let women be gross on occasion. Wanted something less than pristine.
Enter my mind
I wanted to contrast her fierceness with just how sad she was.  “She was chewing on her nails as she spoke,”-poor thing is an anxious wreck
saccharine- have you ever had a dessert that was too sweet and gagged ? Or tasted something synthetic like cough syrup ? That feeling exactly.
I just love Yasuko so much. I will have to get started on resuming that story soon. I have so much more Yasuko back story if anyone wants it.
💗 I love bitchy prostitute Yasuko. 💗
Here’s a snippet of a bit further on in the story.
“Zoltan hated seeing women cry. Now seeing her cry he feels a unique kind of pain. A twinge in his chest he hasn’t felt since his mother died. 
Her pretty green eyes are glassy with unshed tears, and the ones she has shed have left tracks down her face and a puffiness in her cheeks. With her face all red like that she looks like one of those imported porcelain dolls. 
Her mascara has run down her face. Making a rough picture. A beautiful face like that should never be covered in makeup ruined by tears.
“Miss Beifong if you don’t mind my intrusion a man should ruin your lipstick, not your mascara”
If anyone wants to read it it’s posted on Ao3 you have to be signed in to Ao3 as it’s only available to registered users. My username is the same there as it is here.
Who’s the title referring to ? mmm you pick….
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jessicalprice · 2 years
So to understand Gus’s role in my household, you have to understand my other cats. 
This is Lucy:
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She was a tiny little shelter kitty when I adopted her, and it very quickly became apparent (this was in the before times, when I went to an office every day) that she could not be an only cat, because she was deeply sad and anxious being left home alone all day.
So I adopted a kitty she had been fostered with, who’d been kind of the big sister to the other foster kitties. Molly was very maternal, and helped my small orange fluffhead with navigating life.
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Molly died from cancer when Lucy was 9. 
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Lucy was pretty distraught. She stopped eating and spent her time wandering the apartment, searching and calling for Molly.
So I decided she needed a little brother (I wasn’t going to try to replace her big sister). A big, sweet, silly teddy bear of a little brother who’d keep her busy. Up until that point, I’d assumed all my kitties for the rest of my life would be shelter cats, but in this case I needed a pretty specific temperament, so I went to a Maine Coon breeder who focused primarily on temperament rather than size or coat patterns. 
And that was how I got Max. 
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Lucy was very “thanks, I hate it,” at first, but she was annoyed, and annoyed is better than grieving yourself to death. And she comforted him when he would get scared the same way Molly had comforted her, and heaved a lot of big resigned sighs, and let him cuddle with her as long as he bathed first. 
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So just as we were going into pandemic lockdown, I moved in with a dear friend, into her tiny rental house with a beautiful fenced in backyard and her two dogs and her cat. 
Lucy pretended to hate it (although she adored my friend), but Max was the happiest he had ever been, and probably the happiest he will ever be. He had a giant dog bro-friend, and my friend’s kitty was the cool older girl he had a little-boy crush on, and her elderly chihuahua was the matriarch of the household whose approval he desperately wanted but whose food he felt compelled to steal. He had a safe little Eden to explore with his friends. And he had two moms!
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It was a pretty great year and a half for both of us, but I think I can safely say that it was absolute bliss for Max. 
And then I bought a house and we moved out. 
And Max spent several weeks in my closet, with his face to the wall, all day. He’d come down at night and eat, but he was obviously, manifestly depressed and grieving the loss of all his friends.
And then my housemates moved in, with their 18-month old boy kitty, and Max came out of his closet and was pretty happy again. They weren’t intending to stay long, though.
I knew Lucy and I weren’t enough for him. His ideal world is probably a commune with like at least 5 or 6 other people and 20 dogs and a whole bunch of cats (he LOVED fostering kittens when we were living with my friend) and probably some chickens and goats and maybe a pony. He has a lot of love in him and it’s more than Lucy, who’s a senior kitty, and I can satisfy.
When he’s lonely, he starts bothering Lucy a lot to play with him or cuddle him when she wants to sleep.
So I adopted Gus, Max’s cousin, who was about 18 months younger than Max. 
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The thing I didn’t know when I arranged to adopt him was that during the pandemic, the breeder sold a lot fewer cats than usual, so she ended up with a house full of Maine Coons. She admitted to me that she didn’t have time to pay as much attention to the older kittens because she was focusing on the younger ones.
Gus’s siblings had all been adopted, so he was the only one left from his litter.
And it became apparent that he had been DESPERATE to be adopted, or at least to have SOMEONE pay attention to him.
Picture the little boy at the orphanage carefully making sure he is perfectly dressed every day and talking to himself in the mirror all gosh darnit, you are smart and you are handsome and you are HIGHLY ADOPTABLE and today is going to be the day. 
He had the most profound Polite Little Chap energy you’ve ever seen.
He was perfectly behaved for the entire five-hour drive back from the breeder’s, and then I put him in the guest room and gave him an hour to get used to the room and decompress, then went in there. 
Video here.
He was not sure if this was for real, or forever, but he was determined to make a good impression and not put a foot wrong and prove he was HIGHLY ADOPTABLE gosh darnit. 
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Is this string for me? Do you want to play? Let me show you how good I am at playing! I can play very dramatically but will never, ever claw you! May I touch you? May I rest my head on your knee? Is this okay? May I headbutt you? 
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He was so desperate to prove he was a Good Boy and I kept trying to communicate to him that he didn’t have to prove anything, I had already adopted him. 
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If I looked at him, like at all, he would start treading the floor and purring.
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I had planned to give him 3-5 days of adjustment time in the guest room, and in the house when Lucy and Max were locked up, before introducing him to Max, but Max was being all MAX WILL LITERALLY DIE IF HE DOESN’T GET TO MEET THE BABY and Gus was purring and headbutting the door, so I let them meet on Day 2. 
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There were maybe 20 seconds of hissing and then they were best friends.
Growing up with like 30 other Maine Coons had given Gus pretty exquisite cat social skills, so he won cranky, suspicious Lucy over with shocking quickness.
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He decided his goal in life was to be everyone and everything’s support animal, including machines like the dishwasher. Sometimes it makes a squeaking noise when it changes cycles and he always goes running over and puts a paw on it and makes encouraging chirps, like you’ve got this, friend, you can do it!
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Anyway, the moral of this story is that every other cat I have acquired has, in some way, been for the benefit of Lucy and I hope she appreciates that. 
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vestaclinicpod · 1 year
Audio Drama Sunday - 3rd September ✨
I think it’s criminal to have to work on a Sunday instead of going on a little walk and listening to little podcasts, but here we are 🫠 It’s been a frankly ridiculous week of listening and there’s still so much more I haven’t had time to catch yet! 
🌲@hellofromthehallowoods (131) Percy! Going to get Diggory! I think it makes it so bittersweet that he was about to apologise off the bat because you just KNOW that when they meet for real it won’t happen that easily. My god, I could listen to.a whole show just about this hastily assembled Friends of Zelda team. It’s so lovely to have Alice back in the narrative and I care for Tattery Stabs so much!! ‘How much do you like your brother?’ Really cracked me up. I love how hfth takes horror tropes (e.g. creepy doll) and they’re immediately someone new to love.  Speaking of someone to love!! Hector is putting in a really good bid for the award of ‘most traumatised man in the Hallowoods’, though the competition remains tough. This experience will no doubt have changed him, I can’t wait to find out how!
🦀 @thesiltverses (31) So many new and familiar voices in this new season and all of them are delightful! The writing and delivery of Val’s monologue in particular was so powerful and I was left cringing in my skin at the callous assertions that she is controllable… did we just hear the same thing? I have no idea what is going to happen this season and it’s thrilling and terrifying in equal measure! 
🦮 @malevolentcast (35) This episode is such a rollercoaster oh my god!! There are so many layers of horror here! Not just the fear of the ‘other’ and of what other humans can do, but also the intrinsic fear of losing the self.  What’s happening with John is so very unsettling, it’s been so long that we’ve almost taken for granted the way that John guides Arthur . . . what will he do when he can’t trust John’s assessment of the situation? 
📻 @monstrousagonies (110) penultimate?! Excuse me??!! Penultimate!!! How am I going to cope without having fictional night folk problems solving my actual real life problems every week?? Panic aside, I really loved this episode. I was so glad to hear the presenter telling the author of the first letter that it actually wouldn’t be unreasonable to kick off just a little. I’ve often thought about just bringing a cat home and seeing what my wife would do . . . (I know this is bad, it’s not going to happen 👀) BUT a CHILD? And aw, yay, what a satisfying end to an unsatisfactory CEO. It was a pleasure to meet station and the MA community was in fine voice! 
🌒 @monkeymanproductions Moonbase Theta Out FINALE!! I’m not going to share too many thoughts today because it may not even be out at the time of posting but IT’S AMAZING GO LISTEN!!!! Seriously, I cried so much at the thought of this show being over. I’ve loved it for such a long time and it’s been amazing to listen to it grow and see all the team’s hard work pay off spectacularly! 
🧛‍♂️ @re-dracula what a busy, busy week for the Dracula characters! Marriages, millions of kisses, casual medical abuse, VAN HELSING. What a week. 
🧬 Regina Prime (7) Damn, Epsilon has both the fire and the fight! Veeerrryyy interesting that Omega needs an assistant with a physical body… what have you got, Omega? I’m imagining a clone that is 1000s of years old, more mush than human. And the slip up with the number of clones . . .  Omega . . . ? Something you want to share with the rest of the class?? 
 💫 Wolf 359 (49 - 50) I am usually not the biggest fan of time loop stories but, of course, if W359 makes it, you know it’s gonna be great. The whole set up of the aliens being unable to communicate clearly because Doug chats absolute shit all the time is just so endearing to me. I can’t believe I’m getting so close to the end! 
🏴‍☠️ Yes, I did listen to the @levianpod pilot again. What of it? Please, please support this show if you can! It must be made. I need it. 
🎧 So lovely to hear from @thestoragepapers in last week’s episode of The First Episode Of! I feel like it’s so brave to ask for people to join in on the writing of your show but we love to see a collaboration thriving!! I need to bump this up my to-listen list! 
🐬 @patterspod (3) Fiona Caruso, the woman, the myth, the legend. Someone needs to check in on the thriller writers because they’re just not okay… Also, Ryan, you idiot. I don’t even know if we can blame the influence of some eldritch force on these bad publishing attempts, but I feel like he’s going to snap like one of twig man’s branches at the slightest supernatural pressure. Which will be fun for us, at least! 
All these amazing episodes, but my ears are bigger than my schedule and I still need to listen to new KILL FM. I’ve been really, really meaning to catch up on Additional Postage Required as well! Here’s hoping for a more chilled week next week! 🤞
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apocalypse-cowboy · 4 months
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Scout Spengler (my Ghostbusters OC) mood board
Image, second on the top row, is what Scout lookes like in the first two movies!
Basic Info and Some More Headcanons!
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Name: Scout Spengler
Appearance: Brown hair, Brown eyes, slight freckles on his face. Mostly wears turtleneck sweaters, dress pants and shoes, his hair is always up and has glasses.
Family: Egon Spengler (older brother), Mrs. Spengler (Mother) Mr. Spengler (Father), Elon Spengler (older brother)
Hobbies: When he isn't busting ghost, he likes to heavily study plants and flowers to take notes about them. He likes to gossip with Janine when they aren't busy with anything. He also likes to debate people on topics like social issues, government, morality and anything science related.
Education: Parapsychology and Phytology (the study of plants)
Personality Traits: Post GB1:Snarky and Cynical and a bit Cowardly, Pre GB1: Awkward and Timid
Friends: Ray Stantz, Peter Venkman, Winston Zeddemore, Janine Melnitz and Lewis Tully.
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Headcanon Time!
Scout and Peter butt heads a lot
One time it could be because Peter ate the last of his snacks without asking, another could be that Scout had hidden something important from Peter
Whatever the reason is, they like to argue like an old married couple
Besides Egon, Scout is the closest with Ray
If you were to ask him how they became friends, he would say; "I don't know. The conclusion I've come up with is that he just puts up with me."
Then Ray would say "No. I think I just basically picked him up like a stray cat and just adopted him from then on."
Not only does he have a heavy fascination with the Occult, he also studies heavily in other Supernatural entities
When Scout was told he was going to be a Great Uncle he couldn't believe it
But when Trevor and Phoebe where born it hit him hard and he got emotional
Doesn't have a lover
He wanted to find someone to spend his life with, but after trial and error and people just using him in one way or another, he eventually just gave up
Even though they have their moments, Peter and Scout are very good friends
It's the fact they have different personalities and mindsets is what makes them argue frequently
When they were in college, Ray was determined to break Scout out of his shell a little
It worked, but it took a while but he didn't mind
He is on the autism spectrum
He has sensory issues (such like myself) and if things get too overwhelming for him he has a designated corner for both him and Egon to go to when they get overstimulated
Has a bad habit of picking at his skin when he gets nervous
Isn't the most emotional person ever when you first meet him, but when you get to know him he is more open to showing more emotions
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chillyfrys · 7 months
More Roddy hc’s..
I feel bad for yappin abt this goober sm- oh well
I’ve had no motivation to do much else
He is by far my fav oc, so posting all this help me remember everything and blah blah-
These are more on his past!!
(Same tw’s as last time-)
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He was born in Oklahoma
His father had been abusing his mother way before him and his brother(s) had been born
His father had got her pregnant on accident
he hated kids, so payed no mind to them.. he loved the baby bonus check though
His father is the reason why he’s Addicted to drugs. When Roddy was a crazy 2 year old he’d give lil Roddy Valium.. and continued to for years, till he left when Rod’s was five.
His dad would beat their mum black and blue, and used Roddy as an ashtray most times..
Roddy had another brother.. he was shot and killed in the middle of a gun fight.
His name was Tommy, 16 years old when he was shot, Roddy had been 11 And he saw it all.
His mom is such a sweetheart, and would let Roddy get away with murder.
She’s not home much though, she’s a nurse so busy schedule and late nights..
Donny (his older brother) is the “man of the house” or whatever
Roddy is technically just a nickname, his name is Rodwill- but he absolutely hates it. ______________________________________ just some more hc’s I forgot last time (Tw)
When he has the urge to relapse sh, he’ll just get new tattoos because it hurts..
He’s a picky eater- fav food is chicken tenders
Lives off of monster energy and black coffee
He’s got a nice fish tank with a bunch of tropical fish in his room
He’ll somedays just not have an appetite at all, and feels sick when he tries to eat
Roddy knows a lot of people, because he probably sold drugs to them- and he knows all the druggies
Angela has a weird obsession with Roddy-
Roddy has bad hearing, somedays he can hear everything and other days all he says is “huh?” “Wha?” “Pardon??”
He’s a cuddly drunk, he chooses someone and clings to them all night- it’s usually Ponyboy or Two-bit
Has a super high metabolism, bro could eat a 5 course meal and LOSE weight-
..But that also comes with low iron-
He and pony are so black cat and golden retriever 🫶🏼 Butt even though Roddy looks like he’d be the black and pony looks like the golden retriever.. it’s the opposite-
He’ll chew on his lip rings (he’s got two)
Always cracking his knuckles
Begging his brother for a nipple piercing-
Has maybe one pair of jeans without holes in them?
He’s killed someone 🎀
Roddy hates toddlers and and kid’s over 2 but absolutely Adores baby’s
and baby’s love him somehow- Probably cuz he’s so warm. but when he’s holding a baby Roddy is grinning like a fool and it’s a weird sight- a big tall emo covered in tattoos and piercings.. holding a lil baby-
That’s it for a bit- sorry again for the Roddy spam He’s just a cutie 🤭
Love you all 🫶🏼💋
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websteradventures · 5 months
Autism & ADHD
I don’t even know where to begin, but I guess I’ll start with yesterday.
Yesterday, I had Leo’s feedback session after being evaluated last month for autism, ADHD, and dyslexia (unofficial evaluation- will explain more.). Leo is our youngest son and third to have a diagnosis. Leo has been diagnosed with ADHD and is on the cusp of dyslexia. It is recommended that he has outpatient therapy for his ADHD and an intensive therapy with a reading interventionist.
Leo has always been this fun, quick whit, energetic kid, but deep down I knew there was something more. I love this kid so much and yet every day it feels like I am in a battle with him. The constant playing referee between him and his brothers, constantly having to keep him busy, constantly feeling like a broken record because he does not listen at all. I AM EXHAUSTED.
Yet, these traits aren’t the only reason why I decided it was best to get him evaluated, it was actually his oldest brother, Adonis, that was the catalyst of having his younger brothers evaluated.
Adonis is our oldest, and the reason why I started this blog (Raising Baby Boy) 15 years ago when I was pregnant with him. Wow, typing that really made me gasp aloud. Yikes.
Anyhow, Adonis was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder in June of 2023. After years of fighting and advocating for him, I finally was able to get answers, but getting my answer wasn’t the relief I had I hoped for. Adonis struggles with his diagnosis, and we have been struggling with navigating his diagnosis as well as navigating teenage hormones. Adonis struggled a lot with getting along with his brothers— more so with Leo and that’s been the case since Leo was a toddler. Adonis is sensitive to noise, doesn’t like music with lyrics, sometimes has a hard time with non verbal cues and socializing. He loves to build with Legos, play Geometry Dash, and adores cats. Adonis is a smart kid who sees the world black and white so sometimes navigating the gray area of life pose as a challenge for him. He’s still figuring it all out, as he should as an almost 14 year old boy though. I love him and although this journey is difficult right now, I have faith he will grow to accept this special part of him, and come to some understanding of his challenges so he may grow to advocate for himself.
After going through the evaluation with Adonis though, some of the questions in the evaluation made me think of Luca and after talking with a few close friends about Luca’s history of developmental delays and other signs I requested he be evaluated. In February of this year, Luca was evaluated and diagnosed with Level 1 Autism Spectrum disorder. I actually kind of took Luca’s diagnosis a bit hard because during the evaluation process I was second guessing myself, and I guess subconsciously prepared myself to hear that he wasn’t on the spectrum, so when I was presented with the results it felt like a punch in the gut. Not because of the diagnosis, because I questioned my gut feeling. I felt guilty for missing some of the signs and what I could’ve done better to be more attentive to his needs.
Luca is going to be 12 this year. I really don’t have anyone around me who’s had their children diagnosed with Autism in the preteen/teen stage, and in the grand scheme of things it’s not that big of deal but this feels hard navigating three new diagnosis at once. I have been playing referee with three very different personalities for such a long time without context that I feel like I need to start from scratch. I have lost my patience over the years and as much as my husband tries, I feel like I’m navigating this alone for the most part.
I love my boys so much- their quirks and all. I wouldn’t change them in the slightest; they are each special in their own right. I just don’t want to fail them as their mother. I want to parent more with patience and understanding. Meet them where they’re at.
So here we go, my journey as a Mama who struggles with ADHD herself parenting three awesome kids with their unique set of challenges.
Mama Webster
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impostorsshow · 8 months
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Hi I nailed down more stuff for my Omori au including the design for whitespace Jack so here's the basic stuff about it
Jack has curly hair because that's my personal headcanon, if anyone wants to work off of my interpretation but doesn't agree like do whatever Jack is bald in canon I do not care also if I Knew How to do bullet points I Would
I am well aware that Jack and the rest of the crew in DSaF are grown ass men, but the storyline of Omori simply wouldn't work if Sunny was a 30 year old rotting corpse so forgive me for making everyone teens
Dee takes the place of Mari. Her "Something" form is the puppet, I just forgot to draw her normal appearance here because I wanted to post something about this in order to continue being motivated enough to draw, my forte with aus is words - but she has hair the same shade as peters shown above that's about medium length past the shoulders and that red scarf, probably a pink skirt and wears a sweater of some sort
Peter takes the Place of Basil - he is still Dee and Jack's older brother, but panicked and the only thing he could think of when he found Jack and Dee was to not have his little brother get caught, and helped him. Now, he avoids Jack around the house at all times, not being able to stand what he done, knowing now that he's older and has a management job at the local pizza place and a girlfriend he's too nervous to pop the question to, that Jack probably would have been fine since it was an accident. Appearance wise, he is not. Y'know a phone head but ever since the incident happened, whenever Jack tried to approach him Peter took out his phone and pretended to be busy. His hair is naturally curly like Jack's, but he straightens it before he goes to Fazbenders because it "looks unprofessional, and his employees slack off too much anyway, especially the older ones. Someone has to be setting a standard so they work harder." Peter is the entire reason that one business part of whitespace exists and it's fazbenders instead of casino sharks
Jack is Omori/Sunny, going by "Old Sport" in whitespace. Furthermore, Blackjack is Mewo, and whitespace Jack has a dulled version of Blackjacks tie to indicate the connection between them. I've never played Omori myself and need to, but Jack is the only thing in the world with these colors. Bright stain your eyes yellow exists but the dulled dirty yellow does not, and neither does blackjacks rich dark purple color. On the contrary, while teal and blue seems to be incredibly common in the game, the most common colors are a soft red and lavender.
I honestly haven't planned out who Aubrey is, but the reason for that is that I can't decide whether Dave fits better as Aubrey [fully because of Henry] or Kel. I am leaning toward Kel though because I don't know who would be the first person to go seek Jack out other than him
Wait if Dave could be Kel then who's Hero you ask-? No one. Hero doesn't exist, the closest he gets to existing is Steven in whitespace because I can't tell the phone guys apart because I want to make Peter hero, but in order for him to be Basil Peter needs to be missing- I might make Hero or whitespace Basil Harry at some point, though. Suggestions are welcome since I have no clue
I actually really want to learn how to make a mod so I could mod. Omori in order to tell this au but I don't know how and I don't even know if Omo-Cat would allow that for their game so. I can at least redraw screenshots eventually though
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katzkinder · 2 years
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I posted 11,002 times in 2022
That's 1,192 more posts than 2021!
297 posts created (3%)
10,705 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,627 of my posts in 2022
#servamp - 1,252 posts
#searching for mittens - 299 posts
#cats - 111 posts
#kat’s katerwauling - 110 posts
#friend art - 90 posts
#kat's katerwauling - 82 posts
#humans - 79 posts
#asks - 79 posts
#anonymous - 56 posts
#sakumahi - 54 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#also can we talk about how fucking dehumanizing it is that radfems took our words and said ‘you can call yourselves literal animals tho’
My Top Posts in 2022:
chapter 122 spoilers
crawls out of my hovel to talk about chapter 122 (im not dead guys just busy as all get out FJDGHFD)
Mostly I'm making this for the sake of anyone confused by recent developments or maybe needing some reassurance that things are in fact okay and a certain puppy is only napping (and also because I'm having a swell time in general with recent developments but I'm very easy to satisfy)
Forgive me if this is a bit all over the place but i have. So many thoughts. And they all run into each other in one big mess.
Opens file cabinet, licks fingers and tabs through.
The foreshadowing for Lily being a turncoat has been written on the wall for a long time now but it's actually nuts when you go back through everything how much sense it all makes.
For starters, from the very beginning, Lily has been someone who kept contact with the Envy pair
Next, Lily is the only person who could have helped Mikuni gather the love letter and diary for Misono to find, being that no one would question him rooting through Mikado’s personal belongings (and if they did, he could easily make them forget)
Third, I suspect that his babyfication was a result of him being at war with his inner demon about how they should proceed (I also think Mikuni had his own little bit of revenge against Lily for being complicit in the situation regarding Misono, and that while they had planned to have his Item broken, he doublecrossed Lily in how it happened.)
Fourth, Lily was the one who knew about the curse Germaine would plant on whoever killed him. He was also the one who immediately knew that Mahiru had found and contracted with Kuro, possibly because he’s the one who placed his comatose brother in Mahiru’s path.
And finally: Lily has always wanted to die.
What fucks me up the most though is that even now, Lily tells himself that he’s doing what he’s doing for Misono’s happiness. Which is definitely the crux of WHY he was babyfied for so long, I think. Servamps become overwhelmed by their demon when put through significant emotional turmoil to the point it causes a collapse of the self, as we've seen with Ildio, a little with Lawless, and maybe even Hugh a while back? Back when he was shown as an old man.
Anyway, Lily was, more than likely, spending this whole time arguing with his demon about whether or not to continue with the plan, especially after the display of faith Misono made towards him.
Ultimately he seems to have decided that the best thing for Misono is to continue with things as they are, and I’m really curious to see why that is… I also don’t think Tsurugi’s dead?? I think he, and the fire itself, are all one big illusion. The best way to trick the enemy is to also trick your Allies
If everyone thinks Tsurugi is dead, then no one can prepare for him to be a wrench in their plans.
Which brings me to my last point: one of the chapter color spreads was a piece titled "Red or White," in which characters were placed in either red or white suits.
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Notice anything? Both Lily and Tsurugi are wearing red, the same color as Mikuni, which SEEMS to indicate that they are working with him (as are Hugh and Touma, which is hilarious) but there's also a more sinister reading of this which worries me significantly...
Red and White aren't just the colors of the factions in Alice in Wonderland, nor or they haphazardly chosen to represent the Alicein brothers here.
See the full post
89 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
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Dance of the Seven Veils
When the last one falls, I wonder what will be seen? A dutiful child or a remorseless betrayer
90 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
What if Servamps impart a positive bit of their Sin to their Eve, like
Mahiru has an easier time falling asleep and sleeps better
Tetsu finds it easier to be satisfied and happy with his work
Mikuni is able to notice more easily areas he needs to improve on
Misono is like. Really Good at accidentally seducing people (Mikuni hates) The practical effect of this is that people are generally more inclined to give him things he asks for or try to curry favor with him. His family isn’t sure if the trade off is worth the creeps? Lol
For Iduna it becomes easier to stand up for herself and others
Licht doesn't feel as guilty being selfish and taking time for himself
Nicco lets himself indulge in the things that make him happy more often
Small things that impact them more positively, whether they realize it or not.
93 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
Yes I do not forgive. Yes I do not forget. If you have harmed me and never shown remorse for it, I will not ever let it go.
Some people may call it petty. I call it justifiable reaction to being treated like shit <3
105 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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This has always been a favorite color spread of mine, and that's primarily because of just... How much personality and characterization shows through in each pose Strike chose for every character.
For Mahiru, his posture can only be described as “open”. He’s facing you head on, he’s leaning forward a little, he’s ready! He’s gonna go! He’s determined! It’s very simple but very direct, just like him.
Kuro’s pose is simple too, but there’s the subtle touch of his coat tails curling up and toward the “Throne” his Eve sits on. It’s protective, even if it’s not obvious.
Touma in contrast is totally closed off. His legs are crossed, his hand is hiding his mouth, his arm is close to his body, he doesn’t want to talk to anyone or be perceived by anything that isn’t afraid of him. Like Mahiru, he has one arm positioned correctly on the rests, but he seems… Stiff, doesn’t he? He’s threatening, calculating, and so very him, laughs
And then, behind him, Tsurugi is facing backwards, indicating that their relationship isn’t as cut and dry as it appears. It’s a literal “turning your back on,” yet his hands are literally tied, and he leans over Touma like he can’t decided whether he wants to be away from him or get closer to the man who saved his life.
And then there’s Envy pair. I love their positions the most because it’s so… Them. Mikuni, like Touma, is more closed off than Mahiru. Legs crossed, creating a literal barrier between himself and the viewer. And yet, he allows his face to be viewed in full, indicating he’s more comfortable with people than Touma is. He’s cheeky, goading, and most importantly? Relaxed. He’s not in any hurry, and he doesn’t feel like there’s anything which can move him from his seat.
As for Jeje, he and Tsurugi has similar poses in that neither of them are facing their “owners,” but Jeje, unlike Tsurugi, is FREE. His hands are free. Mikuni feels no need to bind him like Touma does Tsurugi, because he’s confident Jeje will not disobey or leave him. Jeje also has, tellingly, a gun pointed at the viewer. He’s on a constant vigil to protect not himself, but Mikuni, from harm. And yet… His gaze is fixated on the people to his left. Is he watching them for Mikuni’s sake? Or is he envious of the bonds he finds there, where the Kings give their attention to their subjects?
And finally… Tsubaki. Tsubaki, with his seemingly empty chair. His hand is draped over the back, blocking anyone from taking a seat. He, very clearly? Still considers it to be occupied. And now we know why.
186 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Part 2 Jean Gray S/O Mukami Edition
sorry for the delays not to get too personal for privacy reasons but I've had an accident that's made typing slow plus with my exams wrapping up it's safe go say I got busy lol.
Eve had been taken by the Sakamakis and causing quite a fuss. Yet Karl their saviour had promised to make up for it only to have this risk thrusted upon them.
Unknown strength forcing them back from their approach and a familiar look in her eyes. Like a falcon in a cage ever thinking on how to get out. In a sick sense they realised they were staring at a mirror of their younger selves, as if they were somehow the monsters that had harmed them.
You would think being previously human himself this dumbass would've realised that he's not smart from having some fangs. But no violence instead, sure he has a dark past, is old, and is basically in a cult but that doesn't excuse hurting others.
His inferiority complex, especially when it comes to women because ✨mummy issues✨, are going nuts. Every part of his little noggin is cycling through ideas of ways to turn off your powers or break you down to where you don't think you even try. Of course the mind reading throws a particular wrench in the plan.
Ruki shows every sign of his control issues being trauma responses from his past and while that's definitely a real issue it ain't your issue. You aren't a member of the cult that sends these girls you haven't been raised in such a toxic environment to view yourself as needing to be this female savior figure. Ruki is almost attracted to it but there's so much confliction going on. And you're fully aware how the smartest play is to never let on you know his parents names, his nightmares, his scars and his fears.
Oh boy. Kou is not as impatient as a Sakamaki, he also is better practiced in manipulation with people other then previously mentally broken down girls. He's not dumb enough to rush his hand as much as he hates it. Your a cat, independent and impossible to herd in his mind. Of course unlike a cat you aren't about to come sit in his lap regardless of how nice he acts.
That's when he learns your mind doesn't only affect the external but can also pry. Pry. Pry. Pry. Such a naughty little kitty you are hiding the truth from him so sneakily.
He decides there and then he'll be the one to kill you he just isn't sure how yet.
Uneasy but by far the most receptive to it. Maybe it's favoritism but I think of the four Yuma is the most receptive to humanity but has been hardened and still values his brothers more than clinging to humanity.
You're useful in the garden, you're not fragile, and you're not taking part in the messy charade that is the vampire feeding cult. He does have an issue not being able to easily drink but I think he's the most likely to be able to work around it. ON ONE CONDITION...
It's the mind reading I'm getting so repetitive here and I know this may look lazy but let's not lie to ourselves. All the Diaboys got trust issues so mind reading is well out their comfort zone.
So as long as he knows about everything though its chill. The giant and the powerhouse dynamic means you have a relatively chill existence, until either you eventually escape or you and Yuma run off.
Big fan but doesn't understand the true meaning ya know?
Dude gets a kick out of it which is an issue for you with the whole being left alone and not harassed by vampires thing. You learn pretty fast to be gentle pushing him away to try minimise his attempts to get you to hurt him. I don't think he'll care much about the mind reading he'd just see it as more reason to be punished.
I also think he won't even careto buffer the attacks of his brothers, thus adding to your stress. Needless to say it's setting up a weird dynamic.
If you're his flavour of fucked up it might be fun for you but that's pretty fucked up.
If not, you've now got this shadow to try shake.
Maybe in a post therapy world you be his protector but as it stands you refuse to be another tormentor.
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Blog is no longer active - follow @forestofforever​
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This blog is no longer active, but it will remain online as an archive of sorts. If you are interested in interacting with me, please follow: @forestofforever​
No godmodding
No smut
No interactions with child characters 
No pregnancy plots. 
I only interact with those that are 18+
I don’t mind seeing these themes on my dash but I don’t personally enjoy writing them.
All of my characters are OC’s so it only makes sense that I am OC friendly. I can usually alter my muses somewhat to fit with your universe, though some plotting may be required to make it all go a bit more smoothly.
Any threads that include Benjamin are bound to be at least a bit triggering. Specifically dealing with themes of abuse, gaslighting and straight up torture. If you do decide to interact with him, please be aware that things could get very unpleasant. We can always discuss the situation beforehand though, since I do believe in respecting those that I write with as well as their muses.
If I don’t receive a reply on our thread for over 2 weeks I’ll consider the thread “inactive.” That doesn’t automatically mean it’s dropped, but I won’t be expecting a reply from you.
The Mun
Memes have no expiration date and I love receiving them, the same goes for my open starters. You're welcome to reblog memes from me, I don't mind it at all.
I’m always open to plot and my inbox and dm’s are always open, so feel free to reach out if you’d like to start a thread sometime or even if you just want to chat!
I’m Lisa, 23 years old with about 10 years of RP experience (though at least 7 of those years are going to go unmentioned because teenage me was no Shakespeare by any means).
I generally reply to threads in about a day, but I don’t mind if you take a bit longer, I understand that people have busy lives. I am a mess at formatting things so I don’t bother trying to make my stuff look fancy. If that’s your thing, totally cool! I just prefer the writing itself and I don’t understand tumblr well enough to make it look any better than it currently does. I do cut my posts though, or at the very least try to. I don’t use Icons but I think it’s cool when others do it. 
The Muses
All muses are played as 30+ unless otherwise specified. Age can be flexible if the thread asks for it, however their age will never go below 20.
Etienne- The Black Cat
Etienne’s family owned a theatre when he was younger, and so he has grown up surrounded by fantasy and drama. Sadly the theatre burned down when he was 15, killing his family in the process.
The experience has left Etienne afraid of fire. Candles won’t cause him to panic, but firepits or fireplaces may cause some visible discomfort. He remains in love with the theatrics that he grew up with, and dramatic is probably a good word to describe him. He’s quick to flirt but slow to let his walls down.
Sylvester- The Crow
Sylvester was a brilliant surgeon until his brother died on his operating table. The guilt and anxiety that followed his brother’s death left Sylvester a shadow of his former self, a shadow which was then mangled even further by a man named Benjamin Forest. Benjamin put Sylvester through hell in an attempt to see how many times you could break someone until they stopped being able to put themselves back together. Sylvester is still going, though one may wonder if he’s still himself after all he’s been through. Sylvester barely considers himself to be a person anymore at all. 
Sylvester is a nervous individual with many odd tics and habits. At first he may seem distant and cold, but as soon as his walls come down (and really, showing him a bit of kindness is often enough for them to go tumbling), he’s the most loyal person around. He’s been starved of affection and struggles to have healthy attachments, which allows your muse the choice; will they show him kindness and try to remove him from an unpleasant situation? Or will they use his already broken psyche to manipulate and control him even further?
Wester- The Big Bad Wolf
Wester is a ray of sunshine, a Golden Retriever in werewolf form. Energetic and social, Wester is easy to get along with, if perhaps a bit difficult to get rid of. Wester is friendly but also a bit naive and an airhead. He enjoys sports and long hikes, and chasing tennis balls (though he tries to only do so while transformed). 
Wester is a werewolf, and he’s not great at keeping it a secret. He is still friendly when transformed, and he can usually control his transformation fairly well unless it’s a full moon. His eyes remain amber even as a human, and his hearing and sense of smell remain more sensitive than that of most. He’s also colorblind. 
Benjamin- The Deer
Benjamin is a pompous prick with more money than dignity and a severe lack of empathy. Getting along with him is a chore, and people really only ever get close to him for his money. Not that they’re going to benefit from it, because Benjamin absolutely will not spend money on anyone unless it benefits him somehow.He’s arrogant, manipulative and just generally unpleasant. That being said, he’s got a pretty face and dimples that might charm some unfortunate individuals right into his bed.
Now if you can overlook all of these significant flaws, you will find a man that might still have a soul after all. He can be very protective of those he loves, but this does come with a great jealousy and possessiveness that should not be taken lightly.
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nepohtism · 2 years
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“     what’s   up ,     my   name   is   knoxville  oakley  and   this   is   the   ‘  wired   autocomplete   interview .   ’     ”
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                                                                 𝒘𝒉𝒐  …
who  is  knoxville  oakley    ?
“     that  would  ultimately  be  me ,    i  guess  ?    though  my  friends  do  call  me  knox .     so  just  call  me  knox  the  next  time  you  see  me ,    okay  ?     other  than  that  cheesy  line ,    i  am  an  actor  i  guess  ?     ”
who  is knoxville  oakley  related  to  ?
“     you  either  know  me  as  my  mothers  only  son ,    who  is  none  other  than   the  famous  actress  ava  ashmore .     or  my  sisters  younger  brother ,     alexee  oakley ,     who  is  also  an  upcoming  actress .     oh ,    and  then  i  guess  there’s  also  my  dad ,     but  he’s  just  some  boring  old  high  ranked  business  man  that  i  doubt  you’ve  ever  heard  of .     sorry  not  sorry  dad .     ”
who  is  knoxville  oakley  favorite  marvel  superhero  ?
“     growing  up ,    it  was  always  spiderman .     so  being  able  to  play  him  is  literally  a  dream  come  true .     i  believe  to  this  day  it  still  is  because  this  kid  has  been  through  so  much  shit  yet  he  still  continues  to  stay  humble  and  wants  to  save  everybody ,     even  the  bad  guys .     spoiler  alert  !     ”
who  is  knoxville  oakley  dating  ?
“     that  would  be  my  beautiful  and  insanely  talented  girlfriend ,      larissa  macedo .     she’s  so  kick  ass  dude ,     like  i  genuinely  mean  it .     she  could  kick  my  ass  and  i  would  thank  her .     that’s  how  amazing  she  is .     ”
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                                                                      𝒊𝒔  …
is  knoxville  oakley  playing  peter  parker  ?
“     that  i  am  !     though  by  now  i’m  sure  most  know  that  answer ?     i’m  gonna  guess  this  was  a  frequently  asked  question  when  the  new  spiderman  movie  got  announced .     ”
is  knoxville  oakley  from  new  york  ?
“     i  am  not ,    hence  the  accent .     i’m  actually  from  london ,   lived  there  most  of  my  childhood  and  teen  years  until  my  father’s  time  in  the  military  came  to  a  final  halt  and  we  moved  back  to  the  states .      after  relocating  to  the  states  though ,    new  york  has  been  my  home .    as  well  as  hollywood .     ”
is  knoxville  oakley  currently  shooting  in  la ?
“    i  am  !     9-1-1  got  picked  up  for  another  new  season  so  expect  to  see  your  favorite  buckley  and  oakley  sibling  on  your  screen  once  again  in  the  fall  !     ”
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                                                                    𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕  …
what  is  knoxville  oakley  like  in  real  life  ?
”     i   get  compared  to  a  golden  retriever  puppy  a  lot  ?     i  guess  at  times  i  just  have  too  high  of  energy  or  seem  a  little  too  happy  to  people .      which  is  bonkers  by  the  way .     how  can  somebody  be  too  happy ,    yanno  ?     ”
what  color  are  knoxville  oakley’s  eyes  ?
“     blue ,      but  not  like  that  piercing  blue ,     yanno  which  ones  i’m  talking  about  ?     yeah  nah ,     mine  or  more  like  ocean  blue  maybe  ?    definitely  not  sky  blue .     ”
what  is  knoxville  oakley’s  zodiac  sign  ?
”     you  know  i  surprisingly  know  this  one ,     mainly  because  an  ex  of  mine  was  like  crazy  into  the  whole  zodiac  thing .     i  am  a  cancer ,    and  we  are  known  to  be   generous ,     loyal ,     and empathetic .     ”
what  does  knoxville  oakley’s  tattoo  say  ?
”     i’d  have  to  counter  this  with  which  one ,     for  i   have  17 .      but  i’m  gonna  assume  it’s  the  one  on  my  arm  that  everybody  can  see  which  says .     ‘     i  saw  the  angel  in  the  marble  and  carved  until  i  set  him  free .      ’    it’s  from  michelangelo .     ”
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                                                                    𝒅𝒐𝒆𝒔  …
does  knoxville  oakley  do  yoga  ?
“    i  actually  do  yoga  about  4-5  times  a  week  after  my  heavy  workouts .    helps  soothe  the  mind  and  body  back  down .     i  could  probably  be  better  at  it  though  so  if  anybody  wants  to  teach  me  more  moves  then  hit  me  up .    ”
does  knoxville  oakley  have  a  pet  ?
“     i  do  !   i  actually  have  a  cat  and  a  dog  that  go  together  perfectly ,     but  i  also  have  a  horse  as  well .     i  just  don’t  get  to  see  her  much  unless  i’m  detoxing  from  city  life .     she’s  well  taken  care  of  though ,     we  facetime  everyday .     ”
does  knoxville  oakley  dance  professionally  ?
“     if  tik  tok  dances  count  as  professionally  then  sure .     haha ,   but  no .    but  i  mean  maybe  i  could  if  dancing  with  the  stars  would  reach  out .    that  would  be  fun ,    right  ??     ”
does  knoxville  oakley  have  a  child  ?
“    not  that  i  know  of    ???    now  you  guys  have  me  questioning  whether  i  should  reach  out  to  some  of  my  exes  to  make  sure .     ”
does  knoxville  oakley  have  instagram  ?
“     hell  yeah  i  do ,    it’s  @knoxoakley .     send  me  a  message  after  you  watched  this  and  i’ll  message  you  back ,     might  even  follow  back .    who  knows ,    haha .     ”
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                                                                       𝒅𝒊𝒅  …
did  knoxville  oakley  date  juno  choi  ?
“     oh  god  no .   no  offense  or  anything ,    alright  juju  ?    we’ve  just  known  each  other  since  childhood  basically  and  honestly ,    she  probably  knows  me  more  than  i  know  myself  at  times .     that’s  my  best  friend  right  there .     ride  or  die ,    baby .     ”
did  knoxville  oakley  ever  delete  their  social  media  ?
“     no  i  did  not  !     many  people  believed  i  did  but  lari  actually  invited  me  to  go  with  her  to  one  of  her  sights  and  what  was  supposed  to  be  just  a  day  there  and  back  actually  turned  into  us  spending  well  over  two  weeks  there  just  because  it  was  so  beautiful  and  we  needed  a  break  away  from  the  city .     but  with  it  only  originally  being  a  day  there ,     i  didn’t  bring  a  charger  for  my  phone .    it  was  a  nice  break  away  though .     ”
did  knoxville  oakley  have  a  fight  in  public  ?
“     only  with  my  dear  ole  dad ,    i  guess .    wouldn’t  call  it  a  fight .    no  fists  were  swung  or  anything .     it  was  more  of  an  argument  if  i  do  say  so  myself .     ”
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                                                          AND  WE’RE  DONE .
“     thank  you  guys  for  watching  and  for  searching ,    i’m  honestly  quite  impressed  on  how  interested  you  guys  are  in  my  life .    thank  you  so  much !     ”
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