#my baby boy is such a good boy who is also very dramatic and opinionated
My cat didn’t used to get the zoomies at 2am very often in the past, but in the past he had an entire house to roam around in. Now he just has my apartment and I’ll see this medium sized (he’s a large boy, very tall and long) hop-running around from room to room while I’m in bed and it’s just like “uh. Okay then”
#emma posts#I’m happy he’s had more energy though#I switched him to a senior diet with food that is probably better quality than the adult food he was on before#and he loves the stuff#he’s seemed a bit more energetic too#and has stopped gaining weight he didn’t need#I’m happy for him#he is a bit annoying when he leaves most of his old food while eating all the new stuff#I’ve been doing that thing where you mix the two before totally switching and he’s shown me which he likes better 😆#he’s also not gotten sick on the floor since the switch and I’m relieved#for multiple reasons#my baby boy is such a good boy who is also very dramatic and opinionated#that helps me know what he wants and needs though so I won’t complain except when he tries to wake me up for food and play before#his meal time which is around 8:30#and sometimes if he gave up on dragging me out of bed early he just sleeps for a bit after I take the food out. you complained about it not#being there! now that’s not good enough? drama queen 🙄 but he’s a very clingy drama queen 💜#‘cats aren’t affectionate like dogs’ sorry you haven’t been good enough for cats but four out of five I’ve raised have been attention whores#especially with me. and the one in my apartment is my closest baby. he’s the only one who was actually just mine and not my brothers but#i would help with them and they like me. all of them play favorites though and sometimes they’ll pick someone else first. I feel so bad for#the other old cat though because he is the cat of my most busy brother and tries to get our mom’s attention but mom doesn’t really like#animals. I can’t understand that at all but she at least gets that the rest of us do. especially me. that old cat is just so desperate for#her attention and she likes him the least because he pees on stuff and throws up the most#I feel bad but I will admit he is the most frustrating. he is also mean to any younger cats. a bit of a bully (until one of them grew up to#be a chunky fluffy unit of a thing with no self preservation)
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meili-sheep · 2 months
When your minding your business going through the diluc tag, and then you end up seeing someone's trash opinion on him that ends ruining your whole day...
And of course it's from someone who has a positive view on Kaeya. 😒
I bet if it was reversed people would be defending Kaeya (people are mostly defending him anyways because he's good looking, why is diluc considered the ugly sibling? There's nothing ugly about him)
(Also, I don't know anything about DC, but your Jason Todd / Batman post are interesting to read through. Who do you think in the Bat family would get along well with diluc?)
So I personally have a habit of when I feel my opinion is too negative towards a character…. I don't tag the post. Because it's not a post for fans of that characters. And I'm not trying to give anyone shit for like that character or thinking otherwise.
But it is what it is, and some people have trouble drawing lines like that. I have a lot of thought about fanon vs. canon and might type them out one day, but that's not today.
Diluc gets called ugly because, well, he's a bit bug eyed. And his model has aged more poorly than the other as Hoyo's designs have evolved. Do I think he's ugly? Hell no. that's my baby baby boy!
Another thing I find a lot of the bad takes on Diluc also come form bad takes on Kaeya. They really like babying him and really objectifying him like he's not a complex character who realized he hurt someone he cared about and takes ownership of that mistake.
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Now for me to go a bit Rabid. Jason Todd is a special interest of mine. And boy if I had a nickle for every time I've obsessed over a fictional character associated with birds and the color who has a more popular sibling associated with birds and the color blue and who is often mischaracterized as an angry asshole I'd have two nickles which isn't a lot but weird it happened twice.
As for BatFamily Diluc would get along with. For starters Jason. I think Diluc would see their similarities, but realized Jason doesn't really get that support that Diluc does. So Diluc being Diluc. Would take it upon himself. Would Jason like this? Eeheheheh he'd be the dramatic little shit he always is but Diluc would definitely take it in stride.
Tim would probably be the one who Diluc would really get alone with. Like in the same vein of how I think Albedo and Diluc get along. I haven't read a lot of Tim. But they both are people born in the upper class who have the easiest route of all but are choice to take the hard way to do what they think is right and know to help people. I don't know as much about Tim, but I can see him and Diluc have really deep intellectual debate and just be very stimulating for each other without being frustrating.
Damian would be another one. But he'd be in the same boat as Jason. Diluc see's a kid who's struggling not totally getting the support he might need and is trying to learn. Trying to be better. So again Diluc would look out for him even if Damian doesn't like it (read the boy wonder)
Cass I think would be another good friend. Diluc is a person who can deal with silence, and I also think they be eye-opening for them. Haven't read a ton of Cass yet, tho. She definitely could see a lot more of Diluc's gentle side.
Dick and Kate might also be in there. But they might have a hard time with Diluc's rougher exterior and awkwardness. Barbara and him would defiantly get a long, but I think it would take some time.
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redjadethewriter · 4 months
My Take on Season 2 Episode 1 of Blank The Series: I Had Another Heart Attack Watching It
Hello there, Thai GL peeps! Welcome back to my ever-growing insanity revolving around Blank The Series. Season 2 Episode 1 premiered not too long ago, and, oh my gosh, my soul died and ascended into the spectrum of GL heaven. It’s the place I wanna be when I eventually meet the true death because of this show. Who would’ve thought how impressed I would become? I thought romance was dead in my heart, but now I’m like, “Shit, this is too good to pass up talking about.” So, now I’m back to writing my thoughts on the episode and not waiting for the series to finish.
Since I read the book, I had some speculation on what they would keep, alter, or discard, and I didn’t think my predictions would be spot on. However, they kept the delicious parts and amped up the pacing. Let me tell you, I didn’t expect them to compact so much into one episode, but they did it tastefully, and it was engaging. I even speculated correctly on why they introduced Folk early in the series, as opposed to the version of him in the novel. Because of that choice, it didn’t seem out of place when Nueng received the call from him. He was worried for Anueng because she was getting drunk around very sketchy dudes, to be honest. In my opinion, in a real-life scenario, that was a sexual assault waiting to happen with how drunk that baby girl was getting, and those guys were looking like they were waiting to take advantage of that. Therefore, I’m really glad that in the series they gave Folk more screen time and actually made him closer as a friend to Anueng, rather than just a stalker boy.
Just so everyone is aware, the entire scene in episode 6 where Nueng is being cruel only happened in the TV series. In the novel, it didn’t occur like that after they slept together. For those who haven’t read the novel, there are spoilers ahead. In the book, Nueng didn’t say all those things until the funeral. Actually, in the book, Anueng left happily but had to go to class, which is why her alarm was going off. In the TV series, they kept the alarm going off on the nightstand, but they changed it to Nueng saying those cruel things. Personally, I’m okay with those changes because in the new episode on Sunday, Nueng, looking for little Nueng at the funeral, added more drama. Despite the book taking a more subtle dramatic route, the series turned it up a notch, which got me hooked. It made the scene so cruel but also delicious to watch. I liked the little addition of Nueng telling that guy, “I’m her everything,” in the scene where she goes to save little Nueng from a lingering disaster. I have to say, the scene was funny as hell. Yoko portrayed Anueng’s drunkenness really well. I wonder if they gave the actress a few drinks to loosen her up for the scene, but regardless, it was hilarious. Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of things.
The scene where Nueng takes Anueng up to her bedroom for a one-on-one is incredibly tender, breaking my soul as I watch it unfold. I’m thrilled that they kept the unbuttoning of the shirt scene because it’s a crucial detail that sets the tone for the underlying theme of BDSM in this story. Although this is soft-core, the moment when Nueng takes control of the situation with Anueng, who doesn’t respond to her affection, is significant. To be honest, little Nueng has every right to be angry and upset, having been betrayed and used by the person she loves the most. Therefore, her refusal of the affection Nueng is giving her is her true self, despite being intoxicated. Nevertheless, her intoxicated state hinders her ability to comprehend the situation and make logical decisions, which is disgraceful on the part of adult Nueng for taking advantage of it. However, it is important to remember that this is a romantic drama. I keep trying to remind myself of that, but it doesn't work most of the time. The character is just a "bitch" simple as that. Don't get me wrong; I'm talking about the character in the story, not the actress. Faye is perfect, through and through, 150 percent, even though her energy in real life reminds me of the wolves from one of the Caribbean Isles ***cough...Puerto Rico***. Charm that is slicker than sly. Someone is bound to understand what I'm talking about. But that's a whole other thing I will not discuss whatsoever in this lifetime or the next. The point is, she's perfect... Done.
Back to the topic at hand.
The fact is, Nueng has a deep understanding of Anueng and is well aware that she won’t let go of the opportunity to grow closer, even though it’s clear to the audience that Anueng still loves Nueng despite the issues they have together. Therefore, the detail of Nueng counting while buttoning up her shirt again is essential because Nueng enjoys playing the dominant role and being in control, while Anueng enjoys being dominated. Even in the previous episodes, there were minor signs of this dynamic. Anueng allows Nueng to tell her what to do, especially regarding how she talks to her elders. Anueng may act cheeky about it, but she still follows Nueng’s lead, regardless. I even laughed when Nueng slapped Anueng on the lap during their outing with Chet because she wasn’t speaking correctly toward him. These little details hold significance. And now, we are witnessing this dynamic blossom into something even more intense.
Now, let’s talk about the scene where Anueng gets a bit of revenge on Nueng after their night of bliss. In the book, it happened similarly, so I had an idea of what was going to happen, but the performance in the episode scene was perfection. I know some people might view Anueng’s actions as bad, but personally, I thought it was fair, especially considering Nueng’s attempt to solve the issue with sex. Let me make this clear: nothing gets solved with sex, no matter what anyone says. It’s simply avoiding the problem and not addressing it.
Anueng was still hurt, not to mention she was drunk, trying to process everything that was going on. Even though Nueng apologized, that doesn’t mean Anueng has to forgive easily. Actually, I’m glad that in both the book and the series, Anueng didn’t forgive Nueng so quickly. The actions that Nueng took were unforgivable. I’ll say it, being treated in that manner at such a young age, it’s just not acceptable. So, Anueng replayed the same thing towards Nueng, acting like the night meant nothing and saying, “Let’s go back to zero.” I laughed and thought to myself, “You go, girl. Don’t let that woman off so easily.” Let’s face it, not being vengeful is easier said than done.
And when Anueng dished out the same treatment to Nueng, it was to make her understand and feel for herself what it’s like to be on the receiving end, to be used. I didn’t see this as bad, because it could have been much worse. Believe me, women have done worse things out of revenge, so this was relatively tame. However, Nueng’s response made me smack myself in the head, and I literally said, “You’re a fucking idiot.” Why did I react that way? It was because of the disappointed look on Anueng’s face when Nueng agreed and didn’t even bother to disagree, especially after the intimate experience they had just shared. This is how I know Nueng is emotionally stunted as an adult. Playing it cool doesn’t solve any issues; it only perpetuates the same cycle of pretending not to care when she really does.
I believe that accepting the consequence of having the same dish served back at me would be justified because Nueng deserved it. However, what Nueng did afterward contradicted her initial intentions. This led to an entire game of Anueng trying to make Nueng jealous in the series, hoping for an authentic reaction from her. Unfortunately for Anueng, this plan did not benefit her, as Nueng tactfully flirted with Yue, even knowing that Anueng would show up that evening to complain about it. It is clear that they know each other very well, but the problem lies in Nueng’s inability to express her true feelings and desires effectively. She always plays the cold card, and Anueng acknowledges she cannot win against Nueng. However, I am relieved they could finally reconcile in the last scene and end their constant attempts to outdo each other.
I have to admit, I already have an idea of what will happen, so I’m just going to say it. Despite sounding a bit sadistic, I’m actually looking forward to watching Nueng break. I’m curious to see how they will approach this in the rest of the show, especially when it comes to breaking our Ice Queen. In the novel, Nueng’s facade breaks, and I’m eager to see that portrayed on screen. I’m interested in seeing how the actress will bring the character to life, leading to Nueng finally experiencing true anguish. In the book, it was bittersweet but worth it, and I hope the series will deliver the same emotional impact. That’s all I wanted to say. Thank you.
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thegayneapigs · 7 months
Hi again! I was wondering if you could help me another time 😂 I've had my two guinea pigs for about 6 months now, and I watched this video on YouTube of the LA Guinea Pig Rescue where they said to bathe your guinea pigs at least every 4 months. I'm a little afraid that they might get sick or have a heart attack. The bigger of them, Abel, is a tad dramatic and Cain is a bit smaller in size. I have the materials to bathe them, it's just now the time to decide if I should. I've heard mixed opinions, and I was wondering what yours is.
Thank you!!!
We've been inactive for a bit on tumblr so this is probably a suuuuuuper late reply. So sorry! Hopefully it can help other piggie parents.
Bathing is such a controversial thing in the guinea pig-verse. At the end of the day, I would trust your instinct and talk with an exotic vet about your specific piggies. That being said, here's what we do.
We only bathe our piggies if we have a reason to. We don't personally feel like any more is necessary; they generally keep themselves fairly well-groomed. In the past when we have bathed them, it's come down to these reasons:
1) They stink. We have one boy (Leo) who is extremely greasy. It builds up in his fur and he starts to smell bad, and honestly it's just gross to pet him. I bathe him about once or twice a year, whenever I feel like he needs it. I mostly just wash his underside and butt area, where the grease and grime tend to accumulate. We use very gentle scent-free baby soap.
2) Moral support. When Leo's brother was alive we used to give him a mini bath too with Leo. We always found Leo was calmer and more well-behaved with a friend. Lynx didn't need it, but Leo appreciated the company.
3) Diarrhea. Kind of self-explanatory. We've had a couple sick pigs who have made a HUGE mess, and in that case we would just give them a butt bath and clean wherever was dirty.
4) Ringworm. We have a boy (Io) who had it a lot when he was young. We found that in addition to the anti-fungal cream, a bath with miconazole shampoo was very effective.
A few tips; just make sure the water is a good temp, you use very gentle soap, dry them off well, and don't get water in their eyes/nose/ears.
Also, we used to have a Silkie, and we would blow dry his hair on a low/cool setting.
I would also recommend to be mindful about where you bathe them - after a few years of trial and error, we use a shallow pan of water in the kitchen sink, and a cup to rinse them off with. (When Leo was very young, he jumped clear over the side of our bathtub. Sara just barely caught him midair. No more bathtubs for us lol.) Make sure the environment is calm and quiet, and use a soothing voice. The calmer you are, the better.
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kazz-brekker · 2 years
hotd episode 8 thoughts
boy! this family really never can have a funky good time together without something happening, can they? (i say as a distraction from my immense emotional pain)
rhaenys you may never have been queen of westeros but you are queen to ME.
really liked the bits of daemon and rhaenyra’s life married that we got to see and how comfortable they were with each other. hbo, i’m just saying, but it’s not too late to abandon this whole “adapting the dance of the dragons” idea and just do a 5 season sitcom about the dragonstone household.
wow alicent really has become the westerosi equivalent of a christian housewife but also with girlboss ambitions.
the scenes with the dying viserys made me so sad. rhaenyra trying to talk to her father but he’s too incoherent to understand … introducing him to the grandkids … daemon helping him climb the iron throne … god it really got to me see how much they care about him and how much he was hurting :(
baby aegon iii and viserys ii were really cute though!
no … alicent … please don’t uphold the patriarchy and become complicity in the oppression of women … don’t continue the cycle of abuse begun by others that you now perpetuate…
i am impressed by how quickly this show made my opinion on aegon ii go from “annoying yet entertaining” to “die in a hole you rat bastard.”
congrats to daemon and rhaenyra (and rhaenys!) for raising some much better-adjusted teenagers, definitely liked what we saw of the older versions of the kids.
adult aemond is an absolute menace and i am going to enjoy every single second of his screen time.
jesus christ rhaenyra it’s been SIX YEARS and you still haven’t told rhaenys and corlys their son isn’t dead? please get on that! did love that those two had another scene together at last, though.
the scene where viserys dragged himself to court to sit judgement over the inheritance case was pretty powerful.
damn vaemond velaryon was kind of an ambitious asshole but he really didn’t deserve to die like that. kind of love that daemon was like “talk shit about my wife and you get a sword to the face” though, very in character.
those 30 seconds at the dinner party where everyone was getting along were so bittersweet, it did such a good job of establishing that the whole impending tragedy COULD have been averted if things went differently.
viserys really did need to put his foot down more often and be a stronger king, but it’s also so sad that he just wants his family to get along and love each other and it’s just not going to happen.
helaena honey i am going to rescue you and your ominous prophecies from your terrible husband, you deserve so much better.
the fact that viserys left the room and things immediately went to shit and the younger generation got into a fistfight was peak black comedy, not gonna lie.
the dramatic pause before aemond finished his “strong boys” toast … yeah i love him.
mentally chanting kiss! kiss! kiss! at rhaenyra and alicent as if this could someone how avert all the impending doom.
god, that last scene with alicent and viserys was so good and i am obsessed with how viserys’s obsession with prophecy and the future of his house is actually what dooms it.
PEAK asoiaf vibes to have the prophecy that was supposed to be the duty of the house instead lead to its downfall!
i’m really going to miss paddy considine as viserys, he brought so much depth and complexity to a character who was pretty flat in the book.
i know this whole show has been building up to the dance of the dragons but ohhhhh man am i not ready to see things actually begin in earnest now that the king is dead.
if anyone needs me i will be sitting here trying to process the hour of television i just watched!
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starriskyy · 6 months
Spoilers for Fontaine Archon Quest!!!
So, I just finished the final act for Fontaine today, and who boi was it interesting. Let me see how far I can rant before my ADHD gets to me.
Starting off with act 1. I already had seen some spoilers, but honestly I really enjoyed being Lyney's attorney. It was fun to investigate and present my ideas. The way they were able to involve the other case as well? Very nice plot twist. I only found it odd that the guy would choose such a figure to pin the blame on as Lyney, but thinking back, it all would have worked flawlessly for Marcel if only Halsey had been in the box.
The next act went more into Navia and it was so much fun talking with her. She is definitely one of my favorite characters. (Which honestly isn't saying a whole lot, but oh well.) Investigating, again, was fun and I thought it very fun how sus Marcel acted when we started talking. I also thought it was funny how frustrated Neuvillette got at our disturbances in trials. (Like your my husband, but please, let me and my gal be dramatic.) Anyway, I'm glad that murderer got his just desserts.
The next act got me a little upset. If you've ever seen me on Hoyolab, you would know I've adopted Freminet. So when he got hurt, I was so upset! Like, Wriothesley, I love you, but that's my son. I kind of jumped ahead there, but I did enjoy investigating once more. Also, that cutscene where Neuvillette stopped the Primordial Sea? AHSHDKSJ so good!!!
Now, the final act. This was an incredible experience. I loved that they didn’t really clue us in as players with the Furina trap. And then that the prophecy predicted that we would put her on trial? So so good. It gave me literal chills. And then with Focalors being a huge smart alec. Now, Furina's situation hit really hard for me. Like, she's been wearing this mask for five hundred years! Poor baby needs therapy! She's also now one of my favorite characters. And finally, Skirk. She's quite the enigma, but I wasn't that impressed. Maybe if I see more of her I'll have stronger opinions. (Her yeeting Childe was very humorous though)
Thanks for listening to my ramblings. I will probably talk more on a few details, but these are all I can do today. Have a nice day!
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seokjinsonlyone · 2 years
who is mtl to get grumpy or jealous over the thought of you being lovely dovey for someone else or a previous partner. Like who just thinks about you doing the things they love that you do for them for someone else and then they get all upset about it LMFAOO
My guess
Taehyung (Mr. I’ll start little fights with my s/o)
Jimin (Mr. Jealousy.. that leads to cuddling or 🤭)
Yoongi (Special moments are very important to him and if he thinks too much about you having those moments with anyone else he gets pouty ☺️)
Namjoon (He understands and respects the fact y’all were with people before each other BUT if this mans get too deep into thought about you giving whats now rightfully his to someone else.. he’s not gonna be in the best mood)
Seokjin (You’re his now why would he care? 🙄 he’ll care only a little bit cause he’s a die hard romantic and if he thinks about you doing the things he loves for someone else he’s chest get tingling in a bad way 🥺 he’ll play it off though as best as he can)
Hoseok (Your his and his only now so thinking about who had you before doesn’t really bother him, definitely will laugh over the fact they lost out on someone amazing but he gained. Thinking of anyone having you after is also laughable cause it ain’t happening 😌 don’t get it twisted though, baby boy does get jealous and if it does ever bother him he’s finna be all up on you 🤭 take that however you please)
Ok your turn 🤭✨
jungkook is definitely first!!! you right about that one like i’m sorry i’m referencing the perilla leaf debate for the 14829384th time but i will continue to do so bc he was sooooo serious like did not crack one smile the entire time they was talking about it💀 he don’t wanna hear nun bout no ex nd what u did with them point blank pyramid he don’t even wanna see u getting too chummy wit yo friends tbh like if u and yo homegirl was sharing an appetizer or you let her taste yo drink or sumn he would catch a major attitude
taehyung is second only bc i feel like he’s the most dramatic like with everyone else i feel like this could be a Thing but with tae it’s gon be an Incident there’s gonna be an argument for sure a whole “do you even care about me at all? why are we even together??” segment it’s gonna be something out of a YA novel liable to last anywhere from 4 hours to 4 days but at the same time i feel like he’d make it more of a competition than anything else like he may not be the first but he gon be the best and hopefully the last
with joon i’m thinking about how in his rolling stone interview with what’s his face pharrell! when he was talking about how sometimes he hear a song so good he get jealous that he ain’t make it so yeah when it come to you i feel like if he tried to show you one of his favorite spots like a restaurant or sumn nd you absentmindedly was like “oh i’ve been there i went with so and so” he’d lowkey be pissed 😅 like he gon play it cool but it’s the thought of u being at one of his favorite places without him with someone else you were involved with lowkey it’s gon eat him up a little
i think that jimin is like really good with interpersonal relationships like every conversation about exes and likes and dislikes and boundaries all that good stuff will have been had so when he get upset it’s gon be because he done let his imagination get away from like one night he gon be up bc he can’t sleep and the intrusive thoughts will win or y’all will meet up with your friends and you gon have a homie that you done known since way back in the cadillac and he’ll get jealous of how close your bond is and then he’ll get distant and a little snappy and you’ll have to call him out a bit and give him some reassurance to bring him back to normal
hobi the type to say that he don’t care until he do 💀 like he’ll be perfectly fine until he sees or thinks about you doing something with someone else and it’s just gon sit in the corner of his mind like an itch that he can’t quite reach to scratch he not gon make a big deal out of it like he’ll try to deal with it himself for the most part but if he can’t he’ll bring it up lightly nd then you’ll talk about it and then that’s just gon be that on that
yoongi wouldn’t care fr fr like he know how relationships work and understands that you had a few just like he had a few 🤷‍♀️ but what would absolutely tick him off is if you did something with him that you claimed you only ever did with him and then he find out that you did it with everyone else nd they mama like is he a joke to you? is he just another dude to you? and what you got to lie for? that wouldn’t sit right with him but so long as you’re forthcoming it’s whatever nd knows his worth he know you’d be hard pressed to do better than him
seokjin is our unbothered king he’s always said he’s a man of the present so he is not worried about the past at all and the future only warrants minor consideration like as long as y’all cool he not spending no time pondering about other people bc he simply does not care 😌 nor does he care to care he worried about u nd him nd das it 🙅🏾‍♀️
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elena-oc-blog · 1 year
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Just in the nick of time for smaugust, here are the hydra brothers Morder, Kashmir and Koel! I was hoping to finish their parents today too but Im feeling a lil too tired to give those pieces the polish they deserve so I guess ill finish those tomorrow hopefully. Also I don't know what the background is, I was completely clueless on what to do and so I just turned my brain off and eventually landed on this which works i guess- A friend of mine mentioned it reminded her of a pokemon battle which i can see. Better throw a pokeball now that they are distracted.
Anyway about the hydrabrothers All hydras are born with two heads, the two original heads were Morder and Koel. Koel admiring his father's many heads and his most idolised dad being a center head and leader, wanted to become a center head himself. So he voluntarily got himself decapitated by morder. However to his horror, instead of regrowing in the middle with a new sibling on the side, the new derpy sibling Kashmir became the middle head instead. Kashmir is friendly, happy go lucky and always willing to make new friends eventhough his brothers are trying to be menacing to uphold the family reputation. Their dad is a mob boss and leads a gang of greek monsters and creatures. The brothers are the heir to his business though he isnt too happy about kashmir having popped up. He is very proud and fond of morder and koel though. More about the individual brothers: Koel: Sees himself as the leader. He has a very hot temper and a very toxic relationship with masculinity. He will insist that he is the manliest man that ever was and refuses to do anything that would make him look "soft" including crying or showing love to his brothers and also disapproves of morder's bisexuality. He idolises his dad don, who encourages his toxic behaviour and attitude.
Morder: Levelheaded and often the one to get him and his brothers out of trouble. He is a lot more laid back and though he is a tough guy, he also has no issue with flirting with guys and girls alike and does have a bit of a dramatic theatrical flair to him. He doesn't really care all that much what either of his parents think of him but still he goes along with the flow, not really interested in kicking up a fuss. He is very extroverted and enjoys going to parties Kashmir: innocent, friendly and oblivious, kashmir is the newest addition to the family. He is what hydra dad would call "a defect" as in his opinion, hydras should be strong and aggressive and always ready to fight. Hydra mom however, has quite the soft spot for him and spoils him (and hydradad's own mute soft head) like crazy. The brothers' room is largely overtaken by kashmir's plushie hoard and whenever they watch tv at home, kashy is the one who gets to pick what they will watch which most often is sailor moon, ghibli movies and other feel good anime series. Kashmir is fascinated by japanese culture, especially the kawaii aspect, and has appropriated it for himself. Yep he is a cringe weeaboo who uses random japanese phrases and words into his vocabulary sometimes. Hydramoms will import all the cute merch and fun snacks their baby boy asks for, and his brothers get none of it. It's another reason morder and koel aren't the fondest of kashy. Kashy is oblivious tho and still loves his brothers. Okay thats all time to make myself dinner
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hurlumerlu · 9 months
As usual, badly put together thoughts on Playboyy episode 5 under the cut :
My main thought on this episode is how heavy on melancholy it was. It was a lot less funny and dramatic and a lot more, idk. contemplative ? or at least that's how it felt to me. Also a lot more unsettling, we are definitely not playing anymore. Funnily enough, this gravitas is pretty close to what I hoped for when I started Playboyy, but now that I actually have it I feel wrongfooted and unsure. Which is great ! I've always enjoyed shows where I didn't know what I was in for before starting an episode (perhaps a little too much) and I appreciate the unease.
Related to the above : I like that the Nuth & Phop scenes are packed with tender moments (the piggyback, the very begining of the shaving scene, "haha i'm halucinating him :D/i'm right there", waking up in each other's arms) amidst the constant current of dread. It helps lay out the reasons Phop comes back (drugs aside) on an emotional level, and it also makes the peaks in tension that much stronger because you keep waiting for the other shoe to drop and because it could be sweet ! it could. it's good suspense.
Honnestly the fact that Nuth has been so strongly established as suspect n°1 when we're only in episode 5 makes me really doubt that he is, for lack of a better term, our Big Bad. Which does not mean I think of him as an innocent little sweetheart (don't pay people in drugs is imo a pretty low bar and he couldn't even clear that) and he absolutely had something to do with Nant's troubles, but I feel like there is something else at play. Could be way off though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Unpopular opinion probably but I worry for him too. He does not seem well ! He also doesn't seem to have much of a support system ! If this all ends badly - if it already has, for Nant, because of him - I don't think I'll be able to shake off the feeling that it all could have been avoided.
Please don't kill Phop please don't kill Phop please don't kill Phop
Other characters I would like to not see die are Nont (very much so), Soong, and Jump. (and Puen because I play favourites) the others are fair game for me not because I don't like them but because I can see multiple narrative payoffs for their death. It all depend on how it's done. (honnestly I can also imagine narrative payoffs for Nont's death, and worse endings for him than death, but. uh. I'll be gutted for sure)
Since I mentioned Soong - I told myself I would not gripe about this but I am absolutely going to gripe about this : how did Nont convince him to drink/take drugs with him ? Did he think this was Nant ? it was all very weird and I did not get how we got for point a to point c. You could argue it doesn't matter but it's the kind of things that matters to me ! Anyway, moving on :
Soong keeps having a bad time. And I'm sure many would say he deserved it, but as I'm not generally interested in characters getting their just deserts (unless it's funny) I'm still mostly feeling kinda sad for the guy, in an awkward sort of way
I'm sorry I said Nont was not good at threatening people. turns out he's just not good at threatening people with sharp objects. He's disturbingly into it when it comes to fire though ! (but also Nont baby you're gonna burn your thumb)
Zouey & Teena were very cute. So where Zouey & First trying to investigate Soong.
You know who isn't cute ? Porche. I want to sit that boy down and have a loooong talk with him. It probably wouldn't help but someone has to try.
Anyway we knew that already but the fact that none of these rich little fuckers where willing to help Nant out when they could easily have pooled their money... with friends like these, honnestly.
This may have been a wake up call for Captain ? wait and see I guess.
Captain and Puen being on good enough terms that Captain told him everything about the fake sex tape is interesting. I'm still really interested in their dynamic !
Look. Puen was so charming (and charmed) all episode and Aob was so prickly, it's hard for me not to get into the relationship that is dangled in front of us (and I didn't try). However everytime I watch this series I think of Love Conquers All (2006) and its ironic-ass title, so I look at every single relationships promised by this show with doubt and mistrust
SPEAKING OF WHICH : lmao @Prom and his little evil smile. control your face, sir.
But I still believe he didn't know why Nant was missing, so I wonder what he was smiling evily for. Plenty of options to chose from though ! Maybe he just wants to get back at the ex-playboyys for asserting their independence, which would be bad enough, but I doubt that's all. Oh well, we'll see !
Last thought : I could have sworn I saw the bottom of a brazilian flag in one of Nuth and Poph scene but I can't find it again :(
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moistvonlipwig · 9 months
Books I Read in 2023
Okay, so I know from this list that it SEEMS like I only read 8 books this past year, just like I did in 2022, but I did a thorough re-read of 4 other books, so really I read 12 books. Hurrah! Progress! These books are listed in the order I finished them.
Babel by R. F. Kuang. Oh, Babel. I had such high hopes for you.
Honestly, for a more thorough and much funnier breakdown that aligns with my thoughts on this book, I would just recommend reading this review by a Redditor named Gwydden. But in short: the best parts of this book by far are the discussions around etymology, language, and translation. They feel a little awkward in context since they're usually just characters espousing points the author wants to make but I don't even care because the points she makes are interesting lol. If Kuang just straight-up wrote a nonfiction book on this subject I would eat it up. She clearly has done a lot of research and there's so much to say on the matter.
Unfortunately the subject of translation has weirdly little to do with the actual story. Honestly I think the translation-based magic system Kuang came up with impeded her ability to actually tell a story about how translation can serve the interests of empire, because it became all about how the translators are making magic for the empire and not about the other ways that translators can be complicit in colonialism. Aside from one passage in the very first chapter (the best part of the book), there are no dramatic moments where the characters must decide if or how to translate something, or grapple with the political implications of such an act. Translation is instead used as window-dressing for the magic that generates the actual dramatic moments. In a weird way, by literalizing the power of language into a magic system, Kuang actually defangs language and makes it seem less powerful because the power now seems to come from the magic itself.
Babel also very much reads like Baby's First Book About Colonialism. Its plot is ultimately a pretty simplistic power fantasy about sticking it to the British Empire, and its narrative voice seems intensely distrustful of the reader's ability to draw the correct conclusions about colonialism or, indeed, anything at all, as evinced by the footnotes that pop up whenever the main character experiences a racist microaggression helpfully letting you know that By The Way, That Was A Racist Microaggression. The characters, in turn, all feel less like people and more like mouthpieces for the author to express opinions that you are clearly either supposed to agree or disagree with. And if you're not sure which, don't worry, the narrative voice will tell you -- whether you want it to or not.
I do not think Babel is bad. It is, in all honesty, well and truly fine. But if you're touch-starved, you should give this book a try, because boy, does it ever want to hold your hand.
Catherine House by Elisabeth Thomas. I picked up this book on the recommendation of YouTuber mynameismarines, who had similar thoughts about Babel and opined in her video on the subject that Catherine House might be a good option for readers looking for a more complex story about the interplay between academia and other institutions of oppression. And I really liked it! It is definitely a weird book that leaves a lot of questions unanswered, but that's fine by me. Thomas does a great job making you both love and hate Catherine House, just like the main character does. The book's sociopolitical critique is also very metaphorical and layered -- you can read a lot of things into the various problems with Catherine House as well as the interpersonal dynamics between the characters. It's a book that makes you think, and I appreciate that.
Ubik by Philip K. Dick. Speaking of weird books that leave a lot of questions unanswered... This is the first Philip K. Dick book I've read and I definitely had fun. It's a real mind-bender of a work, which I happen to like in my fiction. I loved the chapter intros about Ubik itself as well. It's interesting to me that this book has apparently never been adapted to the screen -- I think you could get a really great movie out of it.
Broken Stars: Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction in Translation, edited and translated by Ken Liu. This was such a great and varied collection of stories, and it really made me want to follow up with some of the included authors to see what other works they've published. I also want to check out Invisible Planets, the first collection of Chinese sci-fi that Ken Liu edited (Broken Stars being the second). My favorite story in the collection was definitely "The Robot Who Liked to Tell Tall Tales" by Fei Dao, which mixed sci-fi and fantasy in a most delightful way. I think my second favorite was probably "Under a Dangling Sky" by Cheng Jingbo.
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou. I'd read Maya Angelou's poetry before, but never any of her memoirs. Interestingly, this book felt to me more like a novel that happened to be true than it did a memoir. The story and writing style were so gripping and the people/'characters' were so well-drawn. I ended the book desperately wanting to know what happened next in Maya Angelou's life. Apparently she's written a ton of other memoirs, so, I'll have to go find out. (A side story: Maya Angelou is the only celebrity my grandmother, who knew many famous actors from her time at drama school, has ever been star-struck over. My grandmother ran into her in a bathroom once, fawned over her ("Oh, Ms. Angelou!!!"), and asked if she could shake her hand, which she generously did. She still retells that story with stars in her eyes.)
Cosmicomics by Italo Calvino. Qfwfq my best friend Qfwfq!!! This is such a fun and weird collection of stories that mix the fantastic, the scientific, and the mundane in unexpected ways. And Qfwfq is simply a great narrator across his many incarnations. My favorite stories were probably "The Dinosaurs" and "The Light-Years."
Return of the Thief by Megan Whalen Turner. I actually started this book last winter, then promptly realized I did not remember enough of the first four books to satisfyingly understand what was going on. So I re-read them. (You see how I paid off that bit of foreshadowing from earlier in the post about the four mysterious books I re-read, just like how MWT expertly pays off her admittedly much subtler hints of foreshadowing in the Queen's Thief novels?)
In doing so, I really rediscovered the joy I had for this series when my mom used to read them to me before bed. I wish so badly that she could've been around to read and discuss the fifth and sixth books in the series with me. Instead I find myself trawling through the archives of the Sounis LJ community looking for her old comments on the first four books. It is a one-sided conversation across decades, but a conversation nonetheless, and I haven't had a conversation with my mom in such a very long time.
Once I re-read the first four books, I came back to this one. (I read Thick as Thieves much more recently, so I remembered it far better; still, I might re-read it soon with this final installment in mind.) I really did enjoy it. I think I will have to sit with it for a bit before I have more coherent insights; the Queen's Thief novels are like that. They make you do some mental work, lol. But I am glad Gen got his elephants.
The Mysteries by Bill Watterson and John Kascht. This was such a delightful little book. I was so excited to hear that Bill Watterson was finally producing a new project and The Mysteries did not disappoint, although it's obviously very different from Calvin and Hobbes. I loved the eerie and fable-esque tone of the writing, and the illustrations were gorgeous and highly stylistically unique. Beautiful stuff.
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ithinkabouttzu · 2 years
Hi there, may I request an Enhypen matchup? Pardon if my info is lengthy, thank you so much ❣️
𝗦𝗘𝗫𝗨𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗬/𝗣𝗥𝗢𝗡𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗦: Transmasc (AFAB) Genderfluid, Biromantic and Pansexual; He/They
𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗘𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗡𝗖𝗘: 21 years old, 5'1.5", Southeast Asian (Filipino). Chubby with messy shoulder length brunette hair, chocolate brown eyes, and a small beauty mark on my forehead. Feminine Tomboy archetype, Soft Punk/Rock Chick and Rustic fashion style (like Malia Tate) but loves to wear Korean makeup look
𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗢𝗡𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗬: Libra-Scorpio cusp, Slytherin with patronous spirit of Hummingbird, ENTP-T, my enneagram is 4w5 and Neutral Good. I may have introverted and awkward tendencies and anxious nature also behave as modest, gentle, dainty, and polite, I describe myself as fiery, confident, loud, humorous, and, passionate ambiverted individual who doesn't mind to be vocal about everything and would always stand on what I truly believed claiming to be a realist, plus I swear on a daily basis contrary to my soft features. Though sarcasm and savagery are my main language, I'm religious, super talkative, hyper, giggly, joyful, supportive, intellectual, friendly, sweet, nice, curious, [somehow] optimistic, young-at-heart, clumsy, unfortunate,. and inattentive who gets lost in my fantasies so easily but unashamed to be true to myself and could act as a mediator, a boy scout friend, and baby of the group all in all, additionally I'm spontaneous, procrastinator, lazy, quick-tempered, and a bit frightful. I will act noble and good-natured to someone who deserves respect the most. Gifted in artistic fields (mainly visual arts and singing) and extremely devoted with my ambitions aligned with them---will never stop until I get what I want cause' I know what I'm doing; Might come off as carefree, I can be serious, unruly, and competitive especially in academics though I never show it. The darker side of mine would be feisty and aggressive (due to anger issues) when someone triggered me where I may become cold, intimidating, and scary when enraged, would don't give a f and discreetly shady towards the people that I hate, and will cut off a connection with someone if needed without any hesitation; Sometimes I call someone out in secret when they dare to invalidate my feelings. My deepest side is I'm a soft-hearted overthinker that cry over small things sounding so petty and dramatic, frustrated for being a perfectionist provoking even more due to living up with expectations which stressed me out, and undeniably hopeless romantic recognizes a soft spot for dumb jokes, cheesy pickup lines and prefer people with a good sense of humour who see myself as equal.
𝗟𝗜𝗞𝗘𝗦/𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗦: Arts, choir, poetry, karaoke, literature, history, makeup, beauty pageants, eating, random conversations, expanding my knowledge in Christianity, biographies about saints, cute minimalistic stuffs, reading interesting things, talking about social issues, creative writing, memes, cartoons, and chilling both indoors and outdoors
𝗗𝗜𝗦𝗟𝗜𝗞𝗘𝗦: Stereotyping, mandatory necessities (without a logical reason), being left out, interruptions, emotional invalidation, judgemental people, no privacy, forcing to do I'm against with, gaslighters, telenovelas, hypocrites, dirty bathrooms, blackout, lightning, firecrackers, toads, snakes, cockroaches, toxic masculinity, misogyny, fake wokes, colonial mentality, and overly girly things
𝗛𝗢𝗕𝗕𝗜𝗘𝗦: Drawing, conceptualizing artworks, writing, singing, dancing when nobody's around (I'm very bad at it), walking like a so-so called model (if I ever feel so confident), sharing nerdy or opinionated thoughts, sleeping, listening to music (2000s, rock, kpop, and EDM), chatting and browsing on social media, watching videos on YouTube, creating clay charms, making terrible jokes or puns, watching cartoons, cooking, reading interesting things, and running an HTML color value code (occasionally). I also used to study Italian language a bit
Hi yes thank you so much for requesting lovely! 💗
I ship you with…
Kim Sunoo!
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Song recommendation: Style - Taylor Swift
- Okay I think you guys would be so nice together, like y’all share some of the same interests and I think he would be a nice refreshment to you!
- When he met you, he would find you so cute! I think yalls relationship would form into a friendship at first and then something more romantic slowly on
- You are a strong person sunoo is always supportive of that, and he’s so glad he’s with someone as so special as you. He admires your ambition so much! he’s like that one supportive wife that loves seeing their husband accomplish his goals
- He loves just goofing off with you sometimes and acting like two little kids together ( i just know you guys have the BEST fun ��)
- You guys can also get down on some karaoke date nights for sure! (he always tells you how good of a singer you are and reminds you that you guys should do a duet together anytime y’all go out for karaoke)
- He will always valid your emotions and feelings! He wants to be a shoulder you can always cry or lean on at anytime.
- He also admires your passion so much! He sees you as his own protector sometimes because he knows you will ALWAYS be there and stick up for him whenever!!
- canon: Okay one time he caught you dancing home alone and he thought it was SO cute, and when you catching him watching you he will just be there with the cutest smile ever clapping his hands
- He LOVES when you cook for him omg 😫 to him food is like a love language and always appreciates it when you cook for him!
- But overall y’all would be the sweetest adorable couple ever 😭 I’m shipping so hard rn LITERALLY
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acciocriativity · 2 years
Heya! Call me Aerith, and congratulations for 100 followers! May I request a matchmaking for ATEEZ? Thank you so much ❤️
𝗦𝗘𝗫𝗨𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗬/𝗣𝗥𝗢𝗡𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗦: Transmasc (AFAB) Genderfluid, Biromantic and Pansexual; He/They
𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗘𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗡𝗖𝗘: 21 years old, 5'1.5", Southeast Asian (Filipino). Chubby with messy shoulder length brunette hair, chocolate brown eyes, and a small beauty mark on my forehead. Feminine Tomboy archetype, Soft Punk/Rock Chick and Soft Vintage fashion style (like Malia Tate) but loves to wear Korean makeup style
𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗢𝗡𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗬: Libra-Scorpio cusp, Slytherin with patronous spirit of Hummingbird, ENTP-T, my enneagram is 4w5 and Neutral Good. I may have introverted and awkward tendencies and anxious nature also behave as modest, gentle, dainty, and polite, I describe myself as fiery, confident, jokester, and, passionate ambiverted individual who doesn't mind to be vocal about everything and would always stand on what I truly believed claiming to be a realist, plus I swear on a daily basis contrary to my soft features. Though sarcasm and savagery are my main language, I'm religious, super talkative, loud, hyper, giggly, joyful, supportive, intellectual, friendly, sweet, nice, curious, [somehow] optimistic, young-at-heart, clumsy, unfortunate,. and inattentive who gets lost in my fantasies so easily but unashamed to be true to myself and could act as a mediator, a boy scout friend (more like the "Doraemon friend"), and baby of the group all in all, additionally I'm spontaneous, procrastinator, lazy, quick-tempered, and a bit frightful. I will act noble and good-natured to someone who deserves respect the most. Gifted in artistic fields (mainly visual arts, singing, and acting) and extremely devoted with my ambitions aligned with them---will never stop until I get what I want cause' I know what I'm doing; Might come off as carefree, I can be serious, headstrong, and competitive especially in academics though I never show it. The darker side of mine would be feisty and aggressive (due to anger issues) when someone triggered me where I may become cold, intimidating, and scary when enraged, would don't give a f towards the people that I hate, and will cut off a connection with someone if needed without any hesitation; Sometimes I call someone out in secret when they dare to invalidate my feelings. My deepest side is I'm a soft-hearted overthinker that cry over small things sounding so petty and dramatic, frustrated for being a perfectionist provoking even more due to living up with expectations which stressed me out, and undeniably hopeless romantic recognizes a soft spot for dumb jokes, cheesy pickup lines and prefer people with a good sense of humour who see myself as equal.
𝗟𝗜𝗞𝗘𝗦/𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗦: Arts, choir, poetry, karaoke, literature, history, makeup, beauty pageants, eating, random conversations, expanding my knowledge in Christianity, biographies about saints, cute minimalistic stuffs, reading interesting things, talking about social issues, creative writing, memes, cartoons, and chilling both indoors and outdoors
𝗗𝗜𝗦𝗟𝗜𝗞𝗘𝗦: Stereotyping, mandatory necessities (without a logical reason), being left out, interruptions, emotional invalidation, judgemental people, no privacy, forcing to do I'm against with, gaslighters, telenovelas, hypocrites, dirty bathrooms, blackout, lightning, firecrackers, toads, snakes, cockroaches, toxic masculinity, misogyny, fake wokes, colonial mentality, and overly girly things
𝗛𝗢𝗕𝗕𝗜𝗘𝗦: Drawing, writing, singing, dancing when nobody's around (I'm very bad at it), walking like a so-so called model (if I ever feel so confident), sharing nerdy or opinionated thoughts, sleeping, listening to music (2000s, rock, kpop, and EDM), chatting and browsing on social media, watching videos on YouTube, creating clay charms, making terrible jokes or puns, watching cartoons, cooking, reading interesting things, and conceptualizing my artworks. I also used to study Italian language a bit
Hey there Aerith, thank you for your request! I hope you have a great day <3
As I was reading through your info, he immediately came to mind. I feel like you both are so similar, it won't be a problem to connect at all.
Yeosang has this kind of duality. When you just met him, his shy and also a bit awkward, meeting new people it's not his forte nor it's to demonstrate his feelings or thoughts. So it might be hard to get to know him at first, but time will work its magic and oh my goodness, wasn't it worth it, because when he's comfortable he truly shines. He'll throw the sassyness and the salvageness right back at you, he'll probably agree that banter it's a love language!
But since you're both have this similar personality, I feel like you'd be one of the few people who would understand his personality quite fast, because there's really no one like that in Ateez and he's known to be the random between them.
The frustration due to being a perfectionist and expectations from others hit home for him too, so I feel like you could really have someone that understands that to talk about it.
Your interests? Yep, right there with his too. Also the part of the pick up lines and dumb jokes?? It's so him.
I keep trying to find things to comment on, but everything it's so similar, I'm so sorry lol.
One thing tho, Yeosang is known for hating confrontation, also he's just so collected all the time, even when he's angry. He just bottles everything up and doesn't really say anything to the people that hurted him, he doesn't want to hurt them back. He's that sweet.
So if you ever fight with him, oh no, but I feel you would be more of a Yeosang number #2 protector with your feisty energy (right after Wooyoung being #1), because he does need it sometimes. He's too good for this world, just a child at heart, with an innocent and gold personality.
So that also means he would never trigger you on purpose and would appreciates very much you saying whatever triggers you, so that wouldn't happen on accident too.
I don't usually include appearance or sexuality as I don't think that would affect a genuine relationship of whatever sort with them. But in your case, I want to make sure you know how welcoming he would be.
He'll try to learn as much as he can, so he won't offend you, although he's pretty much ok already as he wouldn't be asking inappropriate questions nor commenting lgbtqiap+fobic things (on purpose of course), but he'll ask questions as long as you're comfortable sharing and he's open to learn and be a better person. He's the curious type and would be genuinely interested to understand your views and life experiences, since that's not a common topic in Korea.
I'm not sure if he's religious or not, but if he's not, he won't have any problems with this conversation topic, again I feel like he'd be interested in hearing others view points.
(This was so freaking long?? You just gave me so much info, I was so shocked with the length haha. Still, thank you so much for participating!)
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strangefellows · 2 years
Akechi and Rise for the ask meme!
First impression
Akechi: Oh you little fucking bitchboy :knife emoji: cmere i'll kick your princely ass (and then the reveal happened)
Rise: Oh, she's an idol type! interesting! I didn't have too many opinions at first, tbh.
Impression now
Rise: I really like her! I don't have as much general opinions on P4 as I do P5, but I really do like Rise, she's pretty cute.
Favorite moment
Akechi: The big dramatic climax, of course, but also everything in Royal's final semester arc after his reveal and he stops pretending to be the Prince.
Rise: I...can't really vividly remember the plot of P4 all that well. But I do remember I liked her dungeon and Shadow interactions, she had a good backstory and well done issues.
Idea for a story
Akechi: LET THIS BOY BE IN STRIKERS LET HIM BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF KONOE!!! But also, just exploring the leadup to him going to Shido, or him getting to survive and come back and breathe in general would be fun.
Rise: Hmmm....her meeting Ann would be interesting and cute, as modeling + idol work can overlap sometimes!
Unpopular opinion
Akechi: I know there's a lot of different opinions, but while I do think Robin was the original Persona and I like the idea of Loki being induced by experiments -- I definitely also think Loki is still part of him, just a part that was warped into what it is now. However, I also really, really dislike Hereward as a final Persona, I have NO IDEA where it came from it's barely properly tied to Robin or Loki, it's dumb and they could have done better.
Rise: She's cute, Yu/Rise is cute, let them be cute!
Favorite relationship
Akechi: AKESHU LOL, but I also absolutely adore the Akechi+Futaba siblings theory, and their relationship is potentially really fascinating and fun to play with.
Rise: Yu! But thinking about it, the juxtaposition between Rise and Naoto would make the two girls very cute friends, as would the similarity between Rise and Kanji.
Favorite headcanon
Akechi: He needs glasses and has freckles, but would wear contacts and concealer as the Detective Prince to hide both so he could be 'perfect and unblemished' as part of his mask. Also, his final/'true' Persona I headcanon as Puck. (A good overlap from Robin Hood -> Robin Goodfellow + Loki )
Rise: I don't have very many headcanons for her, unfortunately :( Hmm...she wears stuff Kanji makes during concerts and it's a hugely debated mystery who makes her cute accessories, but she always winks and says its a secret.
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01turnkill · 3 months
2024 Media Post Time - Master
12. A Goofy Movie and An Extremely Goofy Movie
I never watched these as a kid but I heard about them, saw people going on about the TikTok yaoi and... honestly the edits tell a better more dramatic story than the movie. Sometimes the gifs are better, that's just the way it is.
The goofy movie and the sequel are very clear with the message about your children growing up and growing apart from you but still you need to respect them, support them, and keep a healthy relationship. (It's a note from the director to his son?) I thought the first was good movie, fun and a lot of heart behind it. Every scene made sense and the pacing was excellent.
The second was kind of weird. Animation still nice, lacked a bit of painted backgrounds and the pacing was extremely odd. Max totally forgot about Roxanne and it feels like the progress Max and Goofy made from the first movie was forgotten. The parts with Goofy all kind of felt like irrelevant bloat to this second movie, the resolution with Max didn't even make sense and the more interesting plot was Max and Bradley's rivalry. Also for some reason all these random women partners are here but not Roxanne (Goofy dates the cutest girl ever) But it was still fun and the type of movie that I'd probably stick on repeat as a kid. I recently gained an affinity for frat boys from who knows where... so I valued certain parts here and there. Things to think about. Goofy even had a pledge initiation into Bradley's frat.
I think this second movie would be amazing if it was a video game. It came out in the 2000s and they're all skateboarding baggy trousers cool guy doesn't have to be smart. Skateboarding was the big thing for kids around that time so I was amused to see it. The rivalry with Bradley and the skating of course would be a brilliant trash budget video game in my opinion.
And so... the thing is there actually is a video game called "Extremely Goofy Skateboarding" It definitely looks as trash as I wanted it to look but I mean that if the plot and budget of the second movie entirely went to a video game it would nostalgia board and conquer everything. In my heart, the true form of An Extremely Goofy Movie is a trash video game and we just won't get to see it happen.
And my thoughts on the yaoi I guess: I think this is baby's first yaoi but it's definitely got potential in the endless world. Since there's only crumbs you can do whatever you want with it and I guess even for me I could get into it. If I was locked in a chamber and all I had was An Extremely Goofy Movie, I wouldn't be left wanting.
There are some tropes along with it, the college scenario lends itself that way every time. The mean smart guy and the average chill guy. In the movie we get a taste of the mean guy getting what he deserves after spending so much time bent on being a piece of carp for no reason. They make a bet but Max isn't actually malicious he just believes if he's honest and a good guy he'll come out on top which Bradley doesn't really understand. He's on top because he has to be, it's expected of him; not because he believes in hard work. Shirt that says "Ask me about An Extremely Goofy Movie yaoi".
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dreamingsushi · 1 year
Eternal Love - Episode 25
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So I got back into this drama right in the middle of the biggest drama happening in this series, in my opinion. Because it’s very dramatic. I remember when I summarized the plot to my sisters they thought I was weird for watching something like this. They didn’t know yet how powerful Chinese costume dramas are. Now they know and wouldn’t find it that stranger anymore. But I have to give it to them... It’s a very weird story when a lover pulls out his loved one eyes to give it to someone else. Even with circumstances.
So last episode, a few babies were incoming. While Li Jing makes it on time for his wife’s delivery, will Yehua be there for his? Afterall, he has to undergo lightning punishment again. I doubt he will be functional after two shots of lightning in one day, no matter how mighty and powerful he is...
Nainai is trying to find Yehua even though Susu didn’t want her to, but for now no one can see him. Fortunately, Lian Song comes to the rescue and brings the doctor to take care of Susu. He orders him to keep the mother and the child alive. Susu calls for Yehua, but he can’t come, he’s still being punished in her stead.
Xuan Nü child is born, but it’s sick. Oh no my bad. It’s a still born. Xuan Nü claims the doctor killed her child and orders to have him killed. Li Jing is... sad? Disappointed? But in any case, he realized his wife has gone even more crazy than before.
Susu is trying to break the seal from Li Jing’s father, I guess unconsciously, but it won’t work. She’s bleeding a lot. Yehua arrives just in time to hear his baby’s first cries. It’s a boy! However, when Yehua brings him to Susu, she doesn’t want to touch her baby. She has Nainai take him away right away.
Sujin is upset because Susu gave birth to a prince. She’s like “how is she that lucky it’s so unfair!!!”... but... I mean, I don’t think Susu’s lucky. She has no more eyes. She’s persecuted everywhere she goes. Nobody wants her to marry Yehua... She’s more of a victim than someone lucky. Thanks to you, Sujin, her bully.
Susu is really depressed. She always wants to go to the Zhuxian platform (where Sujin framed her). She tells Nainai she wants to name the child Ali. But the meaning of the character for Li means separation. Nainai says it isn’t a very auspicious name, but that’s how Susu wants to name him. She bumps into Zheyan who came to visit Donghua. He recognizes her smell and that her face looks a lot like Bai Qian, however he doesn’t recognizes her for herself. Probably because of the seal too. She pretends to be eager about her wedding, but it feels really half hearted.
Sujin goes to cry to the Emperor. Snif snif. Yehua won’t marry me, he wants to marry the human girl. He’s not happy. Yehua’s father says that Bai Qian is known as the prettiest lady in the world, so once he marries her, Yehua will come around.
Fengjiu gets sent in a monster tower by Yehua’s cousin that is in love with Donghua. Donghua comes to the rescue. And for a very powerful dude, he has a lot of troubles to fight the monster. Fengjiu also loses her tails. Oh that’s right, he used a lot of energy to save her also not long ago. Still not enough of an explanation for me, but okay. Also... I can’t help but see the demarcation of his wig. I don’t think I ever noticed before because I was watching on my tiny TV, but now that I have Netflix on my computer... Yikes. It’s really bad. The soundtrack saves those minor errors. When Fengjiu wakes up, Siming tells her that Donghua says that she gets into too much trouble and that she should go back to Qingqiu. When she gets back, she wants to meet with Bai Qian but learns that she has disappeared, but they concealed it because it could cause trouble with the Heavens because of the engagement with Ye Hua. Since there’s nothing else to do, Fengjiu decides to go get revenge on that snake who stole Bai Qian’s wedding. Good thing she went because Shaoxing was on her way to come apologize to Bai Qian. She hands back the poyun fan to Fengjiu without going back. Crisis aborted. But when she gets back home, angry daddy is waiting for her...
And that’s it for episode 25 already! Though quite a lot happened, with babies being born, people being saved, Sujin being nasty as ever. We’re still deep in the drama and the worse is to come, I’m afraid so.
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parks-and-get-wrekt · 3 years
Very few people have probably seen or put much thought into the Theatre Batkids Discourse but as a stage manager myself I have OPINIONS and this is my little soap box from which I shall scream them to the heavens
Alfred is the root of all of their drama and theatre origins, he’s a Shakespeare nerd who was definitely in a number of shows. He read baby Bruce epic stories at bedtime. He did voices and everything. 100/10 A+ theatre dad I love him
Bruce is the most dramatic goth bitch I’ve ever had the pleasure/horror to lay eyes upon. He wears a floor length cape with a tastefully tattered edge. He’s in it for the drama. Not to mention he was a VERY angsty teen, he’s the emo kid that sulks in the corner and judges people. He’s the best to have bitch sessions with though
Dick is also very dramatic. Boy is the embodiment of the “google earth always taking pictures” meme. He can’t even fall off of buildings normal. He lands in a graceful sprawl, like an actress on an old fashioned fainting couch. He was the MC in Cabaret once and it was a stunning performance. But he won’t shut up about it either. He has fallen off of a set piece and broken his wrist before
Barbra has definitely been in the spotlight a few times, but found her true calling in stage management. She’s the only one with the strength of character and fortitude it demands. She has those actors on a short leash and if you touch props that aren’t yours you will die
Jason is our wonderful nerd, he’s gotten leading roles, directors either love him or hate him no in between. He takes theatre superstitions very seriously, do not say Macbeth around him, he might deck you. He has gotten mono before a big performance from messing with the prop cigarettes. This is a very specific take and no I will not explain it.
Tim is not an actor. Baby boy probably had stage fright as a kid and now he’s just not in touch enough with any emotion but tired. He is a techie. He works the booth. He has that “sold my soul for tech week” energy. Besides, overly caffeinated is a character trope for tech people.
Cass is a stealth theatre nerd, you don’t expect it but Steph indoctrinated her with Hamilton (her favorite is Hadestown though). She doesn’t love the spotlight so she doesn’t really try out for leading roles, but she knows her shit and comes prepared. She has her blocking memorized to a T but she never remembers to bring a script. She’s the best at stage makeup
Do you even have to ask about Stephanie? Girl loves musical theatre. She really prefers them to regular plays, she rocks the choreography, and she knows all the words to every song from every show, you know the type. But she’s not obnoxious about it so we’ll let it slide. Her favorite is Candy store. She marks up her script with very bright highlighters
Damian is as much of a drama queen as his father. This was only encouraged by Alfred and the others. He named his dog after Titus Andronicus people!! He thinks he’s hot shit but he is actually good. He will be mean to you, he will be wearing a black turtleneck, the insults will be devastating. He has corrected the director to their face, it was awesome and terrifying
Duke is new to all of this, he’s sweet and he’s still working through some of the nerves. He has a great singing voice though, and it’s impossible not to love him. He’ll get a leading role in senior year and ROCK it. He’s gotten yelled at for sneaking food into the theatre before. He was hungry ok? It was just a granola bar!
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