#the problem is is that straight people don’t exactly have a community
spicyicymeloncat · 1 year
They don’t prepare u for when ur posts breach containment and you have to deal with 20 people taking it more seriously than you were and saying the same surface level counter argument over and over again even tho you’ve responded to it they just can’t find your response and you have a bunch of people who all feel like they’re the first one to tell you what you missed.
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pikp0kcas3 · 7 months
The Hazbin Hotel fandom’s issue with accepting aromanticism and asexuality
Now that it is officially Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week, I want to talk about this!
I find that, as an aroace myself, I am constantly grasping at good representation and coming up empty— it usually ends up in one of two ways.
One: the character is portrayed as emotionless, cold, and robotic in nature. It’s the question aromantic and/or asexual people are often asked: “Are you heartless?” The answer is no, of course, but general media makes it out to be the opposite.
Or two: Their lack of attraction is seen as something to “fix” because they “haven’t found the right one yet”, and they end up with a partner as a “happy ending”.
It frustrates me greatly because of how little people actually see aromanticism or asexuality as a true part of the LGBTQIA+ community.
So when I watched Hazbin Hotel, and I found out about Alastor being aroace, I was over the moon. I was on cloud nine. I also saw how his voice actor has looked up the term as an attempt to learn about aroaces, which makes me OVERJOYED?? Amir is truly a blessing, and I love that he’s proud to embody a character that’s part of our community. It’s so beautiful to finally have a proper character, a fan favorite at that, who just so happens to be aroace— and that’s another thing I love about this.
It’s never explicitly stated in the show (though it is stated in interviews), but it’s rather clear when you’re watching, isn’t it? Alastor’s aversion to any sort of sexual advancement, coupled with Rosie’s blatant “I know you’re an ace in the hole” comment sort of spell out his asexuality pretty clearly, as well as what side of the spectrum he falls upon. In addition, his Valentine’s day card was strictly platonic, which caters to his aromantic side. It feels so validating to finally be represented, to finally have a character in media who shares the same lack of interest in romance and sex as I do.
When I entered the fandom to look for more content, I kind of expected to see the same respect for Alastor’s orientation there too. But that… wasn’t the case? I am fully aware that aromanticism and asexuality are both spectrums— of course, aromantic and/or asexual people can enter those kinds of relationships. I’m not denying that and they belong in the community as much as anyone else on the spectrum.
But, the more I see the same line again and again and again, the more it feels like an excuse to just ship what you want.
Usually I don’t mind shipping? I’m often a firm believer in people shipping what they like as long as it’s harmless and they don’t go crazy over it. I also know for a fact that Viv doesn’t have a problem with people shipping her characters. They are fictional, after all.
But in this case, people are ignoring the very thing that makes Alastor a part of the aroace community! People are ignoring his lack of romantic or sexual attraction!
Is this not the same as changing a gay character’s orientation to suit a straight ship? If not, how so? I’m told that we are a part of this community, so why aren’t we being treated like it? Why is it so hard to accept the people on the end of the spectrum who aren’t interested?
Something I’ve been noticing throughout my life is that society has not exactly progressed very much on the idea of accepting asexual or aromantic identities. Maybe we have, a little, since the old days— but hell, people in “the old days”, which in truth wasn’t very long ago, believed that asexuality was a medical condition to be “fixed” by taking the right medication or having sex. That’s a pretty low bar to clear. And on the romance side, you’re seen as a “late bloomer” or “boring” if you don’t express interest. These days, being friends with someone is treated like a gateway to them possibly becoming a lover. Not getting married, not going on dates, not wanting a partner— it’s all treated like a crime when it’s not.
Maybe I’m selfish, or sensitive, or I’m butthurt over nothing, or I’m making it all about me. Maybe I’m gatekeeping or whatever the term is. But please, please, please, I just want an aroace character like me who simply is not interested in sex or romance.
And I want fandom to respect that. I admire the creations that fans make— the art, the animatics, the writing and the character analysis. And I want people to keep creating because creation is indeed a beautiful thing.
But I really would like people to treat aroace identities like they’re important. Like it’s more than just a spectrum to get wiggle room to wrangle in another ship.
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dyns33 · 1 year
Feeling rainy
Another Dream x female reader 
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      “Honey, you look cloudy today. No, rainy."
     "I confirm, he is very rainy at the moment."
     "Matthew. Leave us."
     "Right away, boss. But I'm sick of being wet all the time when I fly in the Dreaming, thank you very much."
It had taken a little time, but during their relationship, Y/N had acquired several certainties about Morpheus, especially about his mood.
The master of nightmares was not very good at expressing his feelings. Mainly because he didn't always know them himself. Partly because he was stupid and not very good with people.
His emotions were like a storm inside him. And therefore, a storm inside the Dreaming, especially when he was nervous, angry or sad.
Happy or neutral sentiments were preferable, with the sky remaining blue, the sun lighting up the whole realm, and the wind seeming to sing melodies.
 Sometimes it was a little too hot, when he was in love and excited, but that was no big deal. Also, it never lasted very long.
Like the weather, Morpheus' mood was changing very quickly, and very easily.
And even though he was doing his best to hide his feelings behind a straight face, the Dreaming never left any doubt that something was bothering him.
     "Is it because of last night ?" Y/N asked calmly.
     "I don't wish to talk about it, love."
     "Not even to please me ? I don't like it when you rain, especially because of me."
     "... It's not because of you. I probably overreacted."
     "Kind of like always, darling, but that doesn't mean your feelings aren't valid. Do you want a hug ?"
     "... Maybe."
The tall, terrible prince of the stories certainly didn't like being seeing as weak, but when Dream was in Y/N's arms, he looked like a cat desperately trying not to purr with pleasure, totally at her mercy.
It wasn't a problem since they were alone, but dreams and nightmares guessed what was going on, as the clouds disappeared and a rainbow formed over their heads.
     "She has to cuddle him all the time."
     "Merv is right. I may be his more or less emotional raven, but he clearly needs her as an emotional human."
     "Get out of my library."
All of this could have gone quite well, since Y/N had managed to decode the functioning of the Dreaming, and therefore of Dream, but sometimes he was visibly lost and upset by her emotions, not knowing how to help her, and beginning to feel them with her.
Which was not a good thing, for him, nor for his kingdom.
Y/N therefore asked for advice around her, knowing that it was useless to ask Morpheus directly. Morpheus never really answered questions. That being said, his subjects weren't necessarily better for it.
Lucienne, loyal intelligent Lucienne advised her to speak to the Lord, as communication was important, although she had to be careful how she wanted to express what she wanted to say, as the Lord could misunderstand things.
Merv and Matthew thought that they should say nothing and just cover him with kisses and compliments so that he would always be happy. Because everyone wanted him to be happy, and everyone loved rainbows.
The Corinthian had a different opinion.
     "You have to do exactly like him." he declared with three huge smiles.
     "What do you mean, like him ?"
     "You want to help him by doing anything so that he doesn't get overwhelmed by emotions ? So don't show any emotion yourself. Keep them inside, act neutral, use a monotonous voice, express your love with ridiculously complicated little sentences, and it will be perfect."
Normally, it would have been strongly discouraged to listen to a nightmare. But despite their bickering, the Corinthian was arguably one of the creations that knew Morpheus best, so Y/N thought it wasn't a bad idea.
After all, Dream was a bit like a sponge. Absorbing all the dreamers' hopes, fears, desires, emotions, and though he was a separate being who felt distinctly, he couldn't completely cut himself off from the rest of the world.
So it seemed logical that he was sometimes troubled by others, and therefore by Y/N, with whom he spent the most time.
It didn't cost much to imitate him. It wasn't necessarily easy, but she could do it, for him, so it wouldn't be rainy or stormy too often.
So she trained in front of a mirror, doing her best to remain impassive as she thought about a joke, her deceased grandfather, an adorable kitten, her boss whom she wanted to strangle, and lots of things that never left her indifferent.
Part of her had thought Morpheus wouldn't notice. Another hoped he would see it, that he would be happy, and that she could smile to herself.
While they were watching her favorite movie together, a funny scene played out and she didn't react. Then another, and another, until Y/N felt that Dream's attention was no longer on the screen, but on her.
     "My love, you seem distant."
     "Not at all. I'm enjoying a pleasant evening, with you." she said with a neutral tone.
     "... You didn't laugh. Would you like to see another movie ?"
     "No, I like this movie. You weren't laughing either, do you want to change ?"
     "I never laugh."
    "Because you're too melancholic to find aything funny ?"
     "... No. My laughter... I was informed that my laughter could be frightening."
Y/N then turned to him, and at that moment, she almost smiled, finding the revelation ridiculous and adorable,  wanting to hear that laughter that her lover was so ashamed of, out of curiosity, but above all to reassure him.
Except that for that, she would have to show emotions, and make him feel emotions, and the goal was to remain as neutral as possible, so Y/N forced herself to remain neutral, looking at him straight in the eyes so that he knew that she was serious, while looking for the right wording.
"I'm sure your laugh is sweet." was the best thing that came to her, patting Morpheus' hand, before watching the movie again.
There were many other moments like this, at the New Inn, at the park, in the Dreaming, and Y/N really thought that everything was fine, that she was doing a good job. The weather seemed calm, with a few distant clouds, but no storms in sight.
Still, there was something in Morpheus' eyes when he looked at her. Curiosity mixed with fear. She didn't dare tell him about it, thinking it was nothing, and he didn't tell her either.
Until Matthew came to visit her as she was getting ready to go to sleep.
     "I don't know if I should ask you to go to bed quickly, or advise you to stay awake."
     "Why ? What's going on ? Morpheus is in trouble ?!"
     "Uh... That depends. Is everything okay between you two ?"
     "Yes, perfectly fine. Why ?" she asked, suddenly worried.
     "I don't know. It's foggy at the moment. We've had a few rains, a few tornadoes, but Lucienne managed to calm it down. Except that... Hmm... I don't know if I should say it."
     "He thinks you don't love him anymore." sighed the raven, lowering his head.
The news hit Y/N straight to the heart. For a moment, she wondered how Dream could have come to such a conclusion. Then she remembered how Dream was, his difficulties in understanding people, emotions, and even if he himself didn't often show what he felt, he clearly needed others to show him.
For a month, Y/N thought to make him happy. For a month, Morpheus thought she wanted to leave him.
     "... This is a terrible misunderstanding."
     "Glad to hear that. Can you tell him, please ?"
Falling asleep when stressed might take a while, but Y/N needed to see Morpheus quickly, so she closed her eyes thinking hard about him, and she arrived on the balcony of his palace.
It was raining.
Obviously, Matthew had come to see her before Lucienne went to speak to her master.
Dream stood in the rain, motionless, watching his realm. He didn't move when she came close to him, resting her head on his shoulder.
     "I love you, you know that ?" she asked shyly.
     "I hope so."
     "In wanting to please you, I made a mistake. Your mood changes so easily, you can be so fragile, so sensitive."
     "I'm not fragile." he muttered, continuing to stare into the distance.
     "You are, but that's neither an insult nor the question. I thought... The Corinthian told me that if I don't show my emotions, I won't upset you with them and that you I would be happy. I wanted to help, really. Since you know that I love you, I imagined that it wouldn't change anything. It would be inside, like for you. Sorry."
Finally, Dream turned to her, looking surprised and solemn. He stared at her for a long time, before taking a deep breath.
     "I see. So you made several mistakes, indeed."
     "You listened to the Corinthian, a nightmare."
     "I know."
     "You thought it would be good for you to keep your emotions inside, like me. Knowing that my emotions are never really inside, but entirely outside, in the Dreaming, while you should keep your storms in your little heart."
     "I get it, I..."
     "And you believed that I would like you to deprive me of your smile. Of your laughter. That you hide your sadness from me, which I could erase with kisses. Your anger, which I could appease with poems. Your love, which I carry in my chest. All this to make me happy ?"
So Morpheus did something that Y/N hadn't imagined.
He laughed. 
And like he said, his laugh was a little scary. Inhuman. A sound that mortals weren't supposed to hear, that no one was supposed to hear. But he was laughing, and he was smiling, and he came over to kiss her, and Y/N thought she liked that sound a lot.
     "My love, your emotions, all your emotions, are my joy. Do not hide them from me."
     "Okay. But promise me you'll tell me when it's rainy, and why."
     "Very well."
     "And I was right, your laugh is very sweet."
     "Yeah, I guess love makes you blind and deaf."
     "Matthew. Leave us."
     "Yes, boss. Glad it's not raining anymore."
Indeed, the sun had returned as he spoke, a bright sun, and even if the weather could never be perfect, like their relationship, Y/N would do everything to make Morpheus as bright as possible.
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chamiryokuroi · 1 year
My thoughts on Tim Drake: Robin #10 heavy spoilers under the cut
First of all got to say it wasn’t a bad ending if we consider they had to wrap up this arc in such a short amount of time, gotta give it to Meghan she managed to figure out a way to answer as many questions as possible and give us a relatively good ending for a series that I feel was canceled with no reason.
You can definitely feel that the story was planned to be done in more issues, the building blocks are all there for an amazing arc and it is sad we had to condense it all in one issue.
Now into a more in depth analysis of the comic of my favorite parts.
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The Labyrinth was such and interesting point I wish we could have seen more of, specially with the fact this is the cult if Dionysus.
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I absolutely adore the fact that Bernard is fully aware of Tim’s identiry because we get such funny interactions like this where Pie honestly thinks Tim is cheating on Bernard with Robin, and that panel of Bernard laughing because of that is one of my favorites for sure, boy is having so much fun, as he should.
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Now in a more serious tone, this two panels tells us so much of how Tim feels, how insecure he is of his own place, not only on his family, but in the world as a whole. That second panel specifically where we see Bernard having fun while Tim is just on the bg, knowing how hard it must be for Tim to wrap his head around his sexuality even now, a year after coming out and starting dating Bernard, this feels realistic, sometimes when you come out later in life it feels as if you do not fit exactly with the community, and it can be hard to find your place.
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If I had a nickel for every time a creepy cult tried to recruit Tim into their ranks I would have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it is weird that it keeps happening.
This is honestly another point that feels like it was meant to be explored for longer before the cancelation notice came. At least it gives us an explanation of why Kate was acting the way she was, it took me a while to get it but basically after Tim saved Bernard from the cult back in Urban Legends Kate went around hunting down those that managed to escape, one of them being the son of this man that appears to be the leader of the cult, the son then took his own life and Kate was taken into the labyrinth, were we know Tim was being pumped with some hallucinogen gas of some sort, depending on how long she was on the labyrinth before managing to escape that might explain her memory loss, again this is all theorizing with what we are given since there wasn’t much space for it to be explain as it should.
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And now we go back to Bernard who is looking around for Tim, going to all the people that knew him as Robin, and then those words “Tim takes care of everyone… but sometimes he needs someone to take care of him” hits me straight on the feels, Bernard is such a supportive boyfriend, he is definitely what Tim needs, someone that is there for him, not only for Tim, but also Robin.
Also the fact that Bernard is making his own homemade bat-signal with his hands is just adorable to me. Boy could had probably drove to Bruce’s house, but he doesn’t need Bruce’s help right now, he needs Batman.
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And of course Batman responds. Bruce why were you following Bernard? Anyways, yet another great speech from Bernard “I thought you might be a ghost. Or you weren’t real. But the truth is you look sort of normal. Like regular-people normal.” Leave it to Bernard to understand exactly what Batman is, just a normal man trying to help as best as he can.
And then he says Tim needs help, not Robin, Tim. This is just Bernard out right telling Bruce “I know, and I don’t care, because Tim is in problem and you got to find him”
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And then we get the best thing, Bernard, and Tim’s friends and family, rushing in to save him, just as he was losing hope of managing to leave the labyrinth alive. Absolutely in love with Bernard’s long ass coat.
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And then we get to my favorite page. The uncertainty if it is really him or another hallucination, the confirmation that it is him, it is Bernard, here to save Tim. The hug, the way Tim is holding Bernard’s face, the only thing that would had made this better would had been a kiss.
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And then we get to the ending, not much to say here, I just love these two pages, Tim just finally realizing he doesn’t need to be anyone else, that he can be himself and that he is right where he belong, and that he can be happy with that. The best ending we could have hope for with what we were allowed to have.
There are obviously many questions left unanswered.
What was exactly the Cult of Dionysus? Where did it came from?
What’s going on with Bernard’s parents?
What’s up with Moriarty? Who was his boss? What was his deal with Robin/Tim??
I am sad TD:R ended the way it did, had it been given the time to develop I feel it would had gotten better. But I am glad we managed to get as much as we did, now we just have to wait and see what will DC do now with Tim, and if Bernard will stay relevant or will they brush him under the rug.
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cherry-pop-elf · 7 months
George Weasley As A Dad Headcanons
Newborn/Baby Edition
Offered by your certified George Weasley Wife. I have the ink to prove it. Ask my Muts!
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He’s going to be the most emotionally there for his kid possible. Once he has his first kid, it kinda dawns on him that having a big family like Molly and Arthur did might be a bad idea. He loves the idea of a big family, but is quick to realize that he just wouldn’t be there emotionally like he wants. Especially with the job to worry about. At most, three kids. If anything, he’s fine with one. That just means they get all his attention after all.
That baby is gonna be in a sling, as he runs around the shop. He’s not gonna just be the type to leave the kid to be ‘nannied’ by his partner. He’s going to be a parent. And don’t worry. He lost an ear after all. He’s gonna make sure the baby is wearing ear protection in the shop. Then again, they’ll be a Weasley. Kinda built in.
Since he’s always been the ‘emotional’ twin, he also has that emotional maturity. Such as knowing not to utterly spoil his kid, and make sure they understand the value of money. Along with poor habits don’t mean bad habits. Not to say he doesn’t love to spoil, but he’s gonna make sure they understand that being rich isn’t what makes you happy. But it sure solves alot of problems.
That baby honestly might be more glued to him than his partner! And they were actually inside being made! What can he say? He loves family. Especially children.
He is also the one to offer diaper duty. He’s kinda immune to bad smells at this point, and also has changed diapers before. Plenty of times. So it’s not like it’s a big deal to him. His job is about invent messes after all, and someone had to clean them before Molly got home. Diaper duty on him
That baby is 100% being taught Sign as well, as they grow up. Not just because of him being partially deaf. It’s good to learn anyway! Another language, a great way to communicate when they can’t speak, stimulating, it’s gonna only benigit. It can also be kinda like their own secret language they can share, since so few people know it after all. Over all be invested in the deaf community, as he would be as well
Speaking of languages, that baby is going to grow up knowing so many. Arabic, Romanian, French, oh man. Big family, lots of languages. This baby is never going to worry about a damn job with knowing tongues like that
That baby is going to be eating so good. He’s going to make everything by hand. He’s going to make baby food fresh himself, and make sure that milk is given different flavors to make sure that little ankle biter gets all the nutrients they need. That baby isn’t going to have to suffer like the younger Weasleys did
You better get used to the baby talk. This man is going to have the most straight face conversation with that baby’s babbling, yet somehow know exactly what’s going on the whole time
Like I said. He’s going to have that baby in a sling while he works. It’s gonna be matching to his suits, it’s gonna have sewn on patches, he’s gonna style
Three am baby feeding? He would have that covered…..But Ghost Fred says not to hog the baby. You two will think for the longest time you have a well mannered calm baby. Hey, bless him. More sleep for you two, and private time!
Group costumes group costumes group costumes. He will find an excuse somehow. Holidays, selling limited time products, he needs his family all matching!
Love. So much damn love. That baby is never going need to worry about coming home with a problem. That baby is never going to be scared to come out of the closet, or talk about self doubts. Never ever EVER-!
It’s one big happy family. Never worry about that. Family, well off, happy, stable, and just so full of love. Love and happiness
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outrunningthedark · 4 months
I don´t understand the frenzy with which parts of the fandom try to negate Ryan saying Eddie is straight or that he played him straight, or try to qualify it with "for now" or "but he would prefer doing gay or bi Eddie in the future if..".
Even if Ryan said he prefers Eddie being straight and staying straight because he sees him that way, what would be the problem? Why would this be considered a moral failling on his part? And it seems a lot of his fans do see it as a failling otherwise they would not constantly try to downplay or re-interpret what he said. If Ryan would prefer Buddie to stay platonic and best friends al la Meredith and Christina (I always compare them to those two) for all eternity that´s fine. Straight does not equal homophobic.
💯 Exactly this.
I try to leave room for things to change because how someone feels now might not be how they feel in a couple years, but the people who are legitimately upset when they read things about Ryan calling Eddie heterosexual (especially after finding out that he could have had the coming out arc first) obviously feel it makes him look “bad” compared to Oliver or they wouldn’t be getting upset!
And if the negativity is because of someone else thinking poorly of him…just let them??? If you know and believe in your heart that he supports the queer community (as many of us do) someone else’s reaction does not matter and should not matter, particularly when those people are the type to criticize everything he does anyway. Just keep scrolling, ffs. (It’s not normal to be SO defensive over a celebrity they don’t interact with IRL, but that’s a whole ‘nother problem…)
I’m ngl, I do find some of the pushback funny in that the “arguments” aren’t actually proving the opposite of what he says.
“Reminder that Ryan sends Oliver Buddie edits and has read fanfic!”
…He can appreciate the fandom’s interpretations (and the passion, which he’s mentioned many times) without agreeing that’s what NEEDS to happen on screen FOR HIS CHARACTER.
What? He has to reject all things Buddie to prove he really does view Eddie as hetero? Wouldn’t that just look even worse? 🤨 (And why would you want that if you love him so much? 🤨)
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miumiumandoodz · 2 months
Honestly, to me, romancing Owen is the most ultimate unrealistic fantasy. He has a stable business, unusually wealthy (possibly generational, since the business have been there since his father was young) and speaking of his father, apparently his saloon is stable enough that his parents can enjoy peaceful retirement somewhere. He’s a homeowner and his home is large enough to house a small family if that’s what you’re looking for. And this man is ACTUALLY kind, generous, compassionate, friendly, good natured, great listener, attentive to things (really keeps his saloon neat much to Grace’s chagrin). He’s handsome too, well build, physically so prime it’s impossible. Hot himbos like Justice and Unsuur are more realistic. It’s likelier that someone wealthy to be like Earnest. If I wanna have a Logan experience, I can just pop up to one of my straight girlie friend and listen to her talk about his hot but a bit unruly boyfriend who lives in a questionable situation because he’s pursuing a passion project that stems from his trauma and parental issues while she has to mom him emotionally. And we don’t talk about Miguel. A lot of Miguel types are borderline criminal and if you grow up in a very religious community, chances are you’ve heard or know someone like that. Some people be into that but not for me. Nope. BUT WHERE ARE THE OWENS??? WHERE??? They’re myth. They’re an illusion. They’re cryptids. There’s no way there’s a cis man like him. It’s impossible. Have you listen to all the girls and gays? No such account. That’s why to me he’s the fantasy. The elusive thing. The thing I’m pursuing. “Oh but he’s boring” EXACTLY. I want boring and safe romance. Romance that makes me think “yeah, I wanna spend the rest of my life cuddling at home with him” The world already sucks balls. Why would I want insecurities, discomfort, and more problems? I want a man like Owen. Life hard, Owen’s tiddy soft.
(Not mentioning Burgess and Pablo because while they almost has no flaws, they’re pretty realistic. Their only probable flaw is neurotypicals wouldn’t stand Burgess and Pablo definitely is not for straight anyone. Meanwhile, while writing this, I realized that the most unrealistic bachelor here is Pen. If you romance him, you’re probably the bravest in all of us)
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zoiched · 3 months
just a (not so) little rant of mine about canonxoc pairings
(A quick clarification on the beginning: all of that said below DOES NOT APPLY to those who just see people shipping their OCs with canon characters and walk away in silence cuz that’s not just their cup of tea. I rly appreciate that guys)
TW: mentions of really harsh bullying
I grew up on 2010s fandom community and some of ya could possibly remember that those times shipping canonxoc pairings was something of big mauvais tone and a reason to drown a person in public shame, bully them and give their OC a Mary-Sue label just because they are shipped with canon char, and thank god fandom community grew up from it, weeeeell, almost.
I myself am Russian and I, therefore, come from Russian fandom community, where in some places and in some fandoms, canonxoc pairings are still said mauvais tone and cringe, and every OC shipped with canon gets called a Mary-Sue in instant just because of that. I’m a big canonxoc/selfshipping fan and apologist, and I myself have an OC to ship with canon for each of my fandoms. And because of my constant fear of being mocked and harassed by canonxoc and fandom OCs haters, I never posted my art and fanfics anywhere/never commissioned artists to draw my canonxoc ships for a long time cuz I KNEW haters would come for me (cheers for my nowadays friends from whom I get support and appreciation with my fandom OCs and canonxoc pairings, you guys and girls are the best, love ya). I felt ashamed and wrong for my desires. Geez, I was mocked for having a fandom OCs canonxoc shipping even around my friends, and one of them actually BULLIED me for that, saying “gurl you need yourself a man or a woman to have some descent fuk with them so you could forget your narcissistic(?!) desire to insert your OCs into canon and make them smash with canon chars, it’s just your desire to romantic and smexual practice that makes you keep doing so” (DAFUQ??? Even if we are accepting this stinky rhetorics just for a moment, then what’s the difference between shipping canonxoc and shipping canonxcanon or ocxoc if we are sublimating our romantic and smexual desires anyway???)
It took me to 10 years or so to become a grown ass 25yo woman who obtained an ability to shoo away those angry toddlers who are trying to be a self-proclaimed morality police and put me to shame because I have a fandom OCs and canonxoc ships. You don’t like it that much you come to bully me, call me cringe and call my OCs a Mary-Sues for being a fandom OCs/bring in ship with canon chars? Oh you sweetie pie, why dontcha write to Hirohiko Araki/Brendon Small/Nikolay Dybovsky/Thomas Grip/any other person created my fav piece of media to let them know that my stuff is cringe so they could write me a prohibition warrant for my canonxoc ships then? Or maybe you are just pissed off to see my female OCs being in shipping with male canon chars because of your internal misogyny? (I’m not a radical feminist, God forbid, but I’m here for all cis/cishet women who love man and are called “boring straights” and “normies” for such a desire). Or you want to stick on canon of the media like it’s holy? Or you just want to assert yourself in any ways possible? Lift up your self-esteem by accusing something you consider “bad and wrong”? Solve those problems anywhere else and not in my and any others canonxoc shippers expense. Grow up.
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(I found this picture I don’t remember exactly where, so if you an author, DM me so I could credit you or remove this picture if you want me to)
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toxicanonymity · 2 years
Corey C. from the call center (one shot)
Words: 4.5k | Corey Cunningham 🥹 x Fem!Reader
Sub!Corey,kinda. Shy, brooding, meowmeow!Corey, post-accident, pre-Michael.
Summary: You start talking to Corey when he's working at the call center and you call in. You invite him over for Halloween 💕. [In Halloween Ends, Corey's mother threatens to send him back to work at the call center when she thinks he was injured at Prevo]
You take Corey’s jacket and for the first time see his strong, expansive chest.  He notices you noticing, and he assumes he has something on his shirt.  He looks down at himself and brushes nothing off his chest then smiles shyly and tucks a wild curl behind his ear.  You welcome him to sit on the couch with you.  He sits upright, awkwardly.  You can tell he's going to need some encouragement. 
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You recently moved into your own little house.  It’s the first time you’ve lived on your own, and you’re far from where home used to be.  Right after college, you lived with a partner who would call the landline every day after you got off work to make sure you came straight home.  When that ended, you stayed with family for a while, then moved to Haddonfield for a fresh start.  The weather felt cold and bleak at first, compared to the deep South, but the town seemed to have a real sense of community, almost like perfect strangers were trauma-bonded.  
Still, you haven’t been fast to make friends, and sometimes you’re lonely.  You initially moved in with a roommate, but she moved in with a boyfriend and you hadn’t been able to find a new one.  Instead, you move into a little duplex you can afford on your own.  
Your internet hasn’t exactly been reliable, and you’re still getting used to managing your own utilities.  You haven’t called for help yet because the prospect of it overwhelms you, but you get tired of rebooting the router and finally call your internet service provider to troubleshoot your connection.   
You reach a polite young man named Corey C.  Corey has a deep, sexy voice and a Northern accent.  Northern accents are super hot to you the same way a foreign accent might be hot to someone else.   
“Can I get your phone number in case we get disconnected?”  You give it to him. 
“Tell me about why you’re calling today.” He follows the script, you give him the answers. 
“I lost the internet.”
“Are you near your router? Can you tell me which lights are blinking?” You tell him you don’t know what the lights are and he guides you through light by light.  You aren’t really listening, you just savor the sound of his voice. You could listen to Corey C. talk forever. 
“Ma’am?  Ma’am are you there?” 
“Yes, sorry.  The top one is blinking orange.” 
“Okay, I can reset the connection from here, it’ll just take a minute to reboot, okay?” 
“Sure.”  It’s refreshing how sweet and patient he is.  You were nervous to call for help, and he’s made it easy and even enjoyable.  
“I’ll stay on the line to make sure it works, okay?” You already want to hug him.  Sometimes you still feel so alone, and even though he;s just helping you through this tiny problem in the big scheme of things, it feels good to have someone sound like they’re actually there for you.  
“Sounds good,” you say.  “How’s your day going?”
He sighs.  “You know, it’s just another day.” Something sounds so sad in his voice. 
“Actually, you’re the first nice customer I’ve had all day.” 
“Sorry to hear that.” 
“That’s alright, it’s just the job.  How’s your day?” 
“Oh, fine, not too interesting. I was just streaming Euphoria when I lost connection.”
“Sorry about that.  How is that, by the way?”
“Oh it’s awesome, you should watch it.” 
“I don’t have Showtime, but it looks really good.” 
“You have an amazing voice, by the way, sorry if that’s weird, I just had to tell you.” 
“Uh, heh, well, thanks.” You can practically hear him blushing
“Do you get that a lot?”
“Um, no, not really, most people are just annoyed.  Their internet is out or their bill is too high.” 
“That doesn’t sound very fun, sorry.” 
“Well, it’s a job, my mom got it for me, so I could save for college.” 
“Oh, are you still in high school?”  He doesn’t sound young, but you feel like you have to ask.  
“Oh, no, no, I go to community college, I’m just saving up for engineering school.” 
“Well, you’re good at your job, Corey C. You’re patient and kind, and hey, it looks like you already fixed my issue.”
“Oh, heh, you can just call me Corey.”
“Okay Corey,” you smile.   
“Is there anything else I can help you with today?” 
“No, I think that’s all for today.  I hope your day gets better.” 
“Thanks.  You’re nice.  Give us a call back if you need anything else, okay?” 
You wish you could talk to him longer, but you let him go and give him five stars on the customer service survey.   
For the rest of the day, you can’t get his hot voice out of your head.  He’s earnest and sad and that just makes you feel more connected to him.  The whole time you’ve lived in Haddonfield, you’ve felt like an outsider.  It’s almost like people wonder why anyone would move to Haddonfield after 2018, and they never quite let you in.  You hear something similar in Corey’s voice.  You hate the thought of him getting yelled at all day.  
A few days later, you have the same issue and get Corey C. again when you call.  He remembers you.  You make conversation again, and at the end he says “It was nice talking to you, really.”  
The day after that, you call back just because, and you ask for Corey C. by name. He’s about to go eat his lunch. You talk about your favorite foods and drinks.  
Each time you call, you pretend there's an issue and give him five stars.  Corey tells you he's switching to a later shift and gives you his extension.  The late shift is pretty dead sometimes, so if you're ever bored you could give him a call.  Now you have his extension. 
You're listening to WURG in the car, and Willie the Kid is on about how Corey Cunningham is a killer. Corey Cunningham.  You always felt bad for him, but hadn't thought about him since you started talking to Corey C. on the phone.  
You go on YouTube to try to find old CourtTV footage, and there it is, that deep sexy voice.  You didn't know Corey Cunningham was hot.  You had a feeling Corey C. was though.  
Corey's hot voice paired with his sweet curly hair and glasses and the way he can barely make eye contact really pulls at your heart.  You also can't help but notice the way his prison garb hugs his body, and his thick neck, and his Adam's apple when he gulpsl. 
He's a gruff, sexy hunk of man wrapped around the sweetest saddest package and you just want to squeeze him.  
You call Corey on the late shift. can talk until he has another customer.  You talk about your favorite holidays.  Yours is Halloween but he doesn't like it.  You ask him his story and he tells you his full name and says you probably already know it.  “It’s cool if you have to go,” he adds, sadly.  You don’t, of course.  
You come clean about hearing his name on the radio and looking him up.  He doesn't mind.  He’s just relieved you still want to talk to him.  You tell him your full name and story, too. You tell him things you hadn't ever told anyone else before. He tells you about his home life.  You tell him how you came from a similar situation - in terms of feeling controlled and unable to live your life.  You talk for hours.  He only has one customer and calls you  back after.  
You call back the next night. 
"I wasn't sure you'd ever call back again," he says.  “After getting to know me more, I mean.” 
Your heart hurts.  "I called back especially after getting to know you. I wanna get to know you even more, now."
"Yeah? What do you want to know?"
"Do you have friends? A girlfriend?"
"Not really" 
"No girlfriend, really?"
"No.  The past couple years have been - it’s been tough. I wouldn’t want anyone to deal with this.  Plus, you know, I still live with my Mom.”
"Well.  You're sweet. And cute, you know that, right?" Secretly, you suspect he doesn't.  
"Heh. You don't have to say that.” 
"Really.  Very huggable, too.  I just want to squeeze you"
"You do?"  You wonder if he was even hugged as a child. 
"Yeah, is that weird?"
"No, not at all. Just unusual.  I mean, I can't remember my last hug. Is that messed up?”
He has another customer, but you tell him to text you later.  You know he already has your phone number from your file.  
You text throughout the week, and sometimes you talk on the phone because you like to hear his voice, still.  As Halloween approaches you worry about him, especially because it sounds like Joan has been acting even crazier now that he’s working a later shift.   Everything you learn about him intrigues you more.  He doesn’t drive.  He rides a bike.  He trespasses and hangs out at abandoned, bleak locations a lot.  He never really had a dad, but his stepfather is cool. 
Even pathetic things – like his mom still doing his laundry – only make you feel closer to him.  
Knowing how traumatic Halloween must be for him, you invite him over to spend the evening with you.  The whole night, if he wants.  
You watch your niece while her parents go to a Halloween dinner party and your sister picks her up right before Corey's shift ends.  The flow of trick-or-treaters tapers off.  When the doorbell rings, your heart races.
You answer the door and almost don't recognize Corey.  He looks so much bigger in person.  His hair is darker, too.   He's wearing a brown corduroy jacket, black and green flannel shirt, and black jeans that are too big. His glasses are different. Round, wire rim.  He's wearing old white sneakers. His bike is on a kick-stand behind him.  His curly hair is wild from the wind.  He’s even more unassuming and huggable than you imagined.  “Hiiii Corey,” you say.  You can’t believe he’s really here.  Your heart is fluttering.  “You can park your bike on the porch.” You get the bowl of candy and set it out on the porch for any late trick-or-treaters as he parks his bike.
“Hey, thanks for inviting me,” he says.  His voice is even nicer in person. 
You hold your arms out  for a hug before he's even in the door.  He walks into you with his arms hesitantly outstretched and you curl your arms under his.   His big corduroy arms wrap around you like a blanket, loosely at first, then you squeeze him around the waist and inhale, and he gives you the bear hug you really wanted.  His shirt smells like a wood shop.  His jacket has a faint hint of smoke.    And his skin - his thick, masculine neck, smells freshly showered, minty. 
You invite him in and lock the door behind him.  You have a big leather sofa with an oversized plush ottoman. Your TV is mounted on the opposite wall.  You’re going to watch Black Christmas and the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. 
You take Corey’s jacket and for the first time see his strong, expansive chest.  He notices you noticing, and he assumes he has something on his shirt.  He looks down at himself and brushes nothing off his chest then smiles shyly and tucks a wild curl behind his ear.  You welcome him to sit on the couch with you.  He sits upright, awkwardly.  You can tell he's going to need some encouragement. 
He faces the tv and you face him with your feet up on the couch.  You tuck your feet under his muscular thigh.  He puts his large hand on your foot and stretches his big feet out onto the ottoman. After twenty minutes like this, you say “Can I have another hug? The first one’s wearing off” and smile
"Come here,"  he says, smiling shyly and extending his arm.  He's finally relaxing.  
You settle in next to him, hugging him from the side, inhaling his masculine, minty woodshop smell.  He strokes your arm.  
Your skin is hungry for his.  You can't get close enough to him.  The closer you are, the closer you need to be.  You already have your arms wrapped all the way around him, and his arms over yours, and you still don't feel close enough. It's like your body has a magnetic need to be all the way around his.  Like an affectionate, emotional horniness. 
"Wanna lie down?" you ask?  "On your back." You wonder if that was too direct, but he takes off his glasses, then does it.  
He lies there, watching you curiously.  You climb on top of him, straddling his sturdy hips with your legs, and you slip your hands under his large arms.  You hug and squeeze him like a koala.  "Can I stay like this?" You ask.  “Like forever?”
He laughs softly at you. "Yeah, you can stay like that," he says softly. You love feeling his voice through his chest.  “I like it. Do you want to watch the movie like this?"
"Yeah," you say.  You haven’t been this close to anyone the whole time you’ve lived in Haddonfield.  
He’s very strong and solidly built, but not overly cut, which you love.  He’s unassuming and comfortable to lie on.  He’s perfect.  Your head is against his soft flannel chest, rising and falling with his breaths, listening to his heart pound.  Your knees are to either side of his hips.  You're straddling his meaty thighs and it's a stretch.  Your crotch is just below his, but they would be aligned if you got out of your koala posture.  You scoot your knees back a little.   You’re very comfortable.  His hand comes to your head and strokes your hair.  Your eyelids are heavy. 
"You're really pretty, you know," he says as your breathing grows steady and falls in rhythm with his against his chest. Your heart swells.  
His belt buckle digs into you. You pull your head up for a second and touch his belt buckle and say "can I?" He blushes and nods. You feel his cock twitch under your arm as you unfasten it and slide out the leather.  
As hot as he is, your awareness of his cock doesn’t distract you from your primary desire at the moment, which is just to be close to him.  You're so overwhelmed with affection for him that your number one priority is to hug him forever and never let him go and never let anyone hurt him again.  You pull a thick blanket over both of you and doze off top of him.  
When the movie ends, you wake up in the same position.  You look up at Corey and he's asleep.  You stretch out so you’re more parallel to him and lie on top of him with one of your legs falling between his.  Your hunger for affection is actively being satisfied, and now a different hunger stirs in your core. 
He looks so peaceful.  He stirs and you kiss him on the cheek, then the neck, then you lock eyes and kiss him on the mouth.  His soft lips embrace yours.  As he kisses you tenderly, you begin to unbutton his flannel shirt.  You feel him harden against your thigh and your clit is screaming for you to grind against him but you don't want to make any sudden moves.   You can take the lead if you have to, but want to savor every moment and resist the urge to rush things. You kiss affectionately as you finish unbuttoning his shirt. Meanwhile, you’re twitching with need for him.  
You spread your hands out, fingers wide, and trace his pecs through his tight, thin undershirt. His breathing changes when your palms graze his nipples and you feel him twitch against your thigh. He sits up on his elbows and you back off to give him room.  He takes his arms out of the flannel sleeves, revealing how his thick arms fill his thin undershirt.  
Corey looks like he’s trying to read your face like a book as he drops the flannel shirt to the floor.  He begins to wrap his arms around you again, but you slide your hands under his white cotton shirt.  His skin is smooth and warm under your fingers.  You meet his eyes with a hopeful look.  He helps you remove the shirt, then he lies back down and opens his arms for you. 
You take off your own sweater, and before laying back down on him, you take a moment to appreciate his bare chest.  His skin is pale and smooth and warm.  You hug him again like you were, with your cheek now resting on his bare, warm chest.  One hand strokes your hair while the other caresses your back.  His large fingers graze over your bra strap repeatedly, and you take that as his way of asking you to remove it, so you do.  His face flushes and you smile.  His eyes look back and forth between your nipples as you bring your chest to his.  There’s a magnetism between your bare torsos as they meet and your breasts flatten against him.  He rests his arms on top of you and strokes your skin.  You kiss his neck, then his cheek, then his mouth, and you’re making out again.  
You take in the feeling of his lips against yours, his skin against yours.  Your chests and arms together feel like they should never come apart.  You could stay like this for hours, do nothing else, and still consider it a good night, but you want all of him against all of you.  When you look him in the eyes, you’re certain he wants the same. 
“Your skin feels so good,” he whispers.  
“Yours too.  I want to feel all of it.” 
He slips a hand in between the two of you and you lift yourself up to give him some room.  Large knuckles graze your skin as he unbuttons, then unzips his pants.  You scoot yourself down toward his feet and begin to slowly remove his jeans, pulling from the ankles.  His briefs start to come with them, revealing some red pubic hair.  He doesn’t pull the briefs back up.  He’s breathing slowly, deliberately.  His thighs are muscular and fade from white to tan.  His legs have soft, auburn hair and a few scars lighter than his skin.  His feet are huge.  You leave his socks on.  You almost can’t believe how lucky you are to have him here in your house.  
You lie down again, cradled by a large arm, slowly squirm out of your joggers - you weren’t wearing any underwear to take off.  He watches you while you’re nestled against him.  Your entire naked body now lies against him.   He takes his free hand and nudges his briefs down a little more and you help him slowly pull them off with your hand, then your toes, not wanting to leave his side again.  He raises his knees one at a time to help.  You don’t look directly at his cock but you see enough to know it’s thick and getting thicker. 
You’re both nude. The room is just chilly enough that your body heat together will be enough.   You pull the blanket up so only your heads peek outside it.  You’re cuddled up so close you’re like one body with two heads.   You hook your bare leg over one of his and nestle comfortably against him.  You reach down and remove one of your socks, then use the toes of that foot to remove your other sock. You slip your big toe into the hem of his sock and he lets you remove them one by one and he giggles when it tickles. 
As you play footsie, you feel his cock harden against your leg, and you feel yourself moistening against his strong, hairy thigh. The contiguity of your bodies is intoxicating - the magnetism of his warm skin against yours.  
He kisses you softly on the forehead, then on the lips.  You close your eyes and inhale through your nose as you kiss, feeling his arms around you.  You’re cosmically absorbing him into yourself and at the same time transmitting yourself into him.  You want all his feelings and his fears and his trauma and his problems. You want both of you to carry them and yours together as one. 
His cock swells against you and his pelvis pushes into your leg and he whispers "sorry."
It stirs you from your affectionate stupor and you whisper back, "don't be.  It's natural."  You bend your knee and spread your legs, shifting yourself so his hardness is nestled against your warmth.  "And I like it," you add.  “I want more,” you purr.  He takes a deep breath.    
Corey’s expansive hands glide over your arms and his thick arms wrap around you tighter.  His hot, stiff, member rubs against your warmth.  You grind against him, bury your nose in his armpit, and inhale slowly. Your nipples harden as his musk fills your nostrils. 
He kisses the top of your head.  You look and he bows his head, a wild curl falling in his forehead, and his lips meet yours.  He pushes his rock-hard length against you harder as you kiss, and you feel pre-cum.  You tilt your hips, slickening his shaft.  He softly moans and pulses rhythmically there.  You badly want to be filled by him.  Your body inches upward on his.  Your legs spread for more direct contact and you grind your clit hard against his shaft.  You drag your warm, wet cunt against him.  Your hips tilt, offering your entrance if he wants to take it.  
The wet, swollen head of his cock slides against your folds and nuzzles at your soaking wet entrance.  You truly ache for him. You feel the pain not only in your throbbing cunt but in your head and in your chest.  
His cockhead nudges your entrance and you whisper “yes.”  
His hips rotate upward and the head of his cock pushes into you, unleashing a swarm of butterflies in your core.  He sighs.   He inches further into you, pleasantly stretching  your cunt.  Time stands still.  You feel his cock pulse and your hips start to move on their own.  As you roll into him, his hips jolt up, plunging his whole length into you.  
It takes your breath away.  You’ve never felt happier than this moment.  He sighs and you gasp as pleasure shoots through your spine and spreads to your nipples, your thighs, all your skin against his.  Your eyes feel weak like you might cry.  
Corey is still for a moment, both of you savoring the first moment his length was sheathed entirely in your warm, wet cunt.  You breathe with him, feeling your skin against his, your cunt around his cock.  You feel him pulse inside you, then he pulls back a few inches before thrusting into you harder.  He shudders as he fills you again.  Your chest is hot against his.  Your arms curl under his and his thick fingers dig into the smooth skin of your back.  
You bring your knees up and hug him like a koala again, rolling your hips into his, your throbbing clit rubbing against his pelvis, savoring the perfect feeling of his length inside you.  Your body has a mind of its own now.  Your hips let his shaft halfway out, then lower yourself back down hard, and repeat.  You drag your breasts down his chest a few inches then sit up.  He marvels at your body and his hands come to your  hips as you ride him.  He reaches for a breast and your nipple hardens against his wide palm.  Your pace quickens.  
Corey’s face is flushed and his eyes are dark.   His dark eyes sparkle as they gaze into yours.  His lips are slightly parted. “You’re so beautiful,” he says in a low, gruff voice.  “I love being inside you.” 
“I love it too,” you say as you keep riding him.  He closes his eyes and you watch his hot Adam’s apple as he swallows.  His breathing gets heavier.  His hands go from your breasts to your sides then beg you closer against him.  You kiss him deeply as you lower your breasts to his chest.  His lips are soft and plush but they kiss you hard this time, invading your mouth with his strong tongue, sucking you into him, consuming you as you ride him. 
Your hard nipple grazes against his and he softly moans into your mouth.  His hips rise and you slowly stop riding him, hovering half-on his cock, begging his hips upward into yours.  He thrusts upward into you and begins fucking you from the bottom and your cunt clenches around him.  You both breathe heavily against each other’s mouths, breathing each other’s breath.  
He starts to say something, “I–” but his own moan cuts him off.  You sense he’s about to come and as much as you want his hot seed to fill you up, you want to swallow it even more.  You want your body to digest him, millions of little versions of him, take little bits of him and turn them into you and you into him.
Your cunt is clenched around him but you beg it to release.  You lift your hips and slowly let his swollen cock slide out.  It’s ready to burst.  You grab it in your soft hand and scoot quickly down his legs, then bring your lips to the head of his cock.  You suck the head of his salty cock then open your jaw to slide your lips down his girth. Your strong tongue massages him and you suck from the back of your throat.  He strokes your hair and groans and says he’s going to come.  
His hips tense as his cock releases a huge salty load into your throat in waves.  You seal your lips around his shaft, not wanting to waste any of it at all.  You swallow after every pump, still sealed round his shaft.  Then, once he’s empty, you gently slide your lips off and replace them with your gentle hand, wanting to protect him from the cold as he deflates.  
He sits up and kisses you frantically, pushing you down onto the opposite end of the couch so you’re on the bottom.  His huge hand engulfs your cunt and his lips come to your nipple, then your neck.  His middle three fingers massage your aching clit and your hips roll up into his huge hand.  You can tell he’s desperate to make you come.  It won’t take much.  He begins to move his hand to your thighs, and you sense he’s getting ready to bury his head between your legs, but you’re too close to let him break contact.  You grab his wrist and force him to stay. 
His lips come back to your neck and he sucks you hard, biting you lightly, as his soaking wet hand pleasures you rhythmically. You feel the blood in your neck rising to the surface of your delicate skin.  Just a few more seconds and your back arches as pleasure shoots through your core, seizing your entire body, and through your final waves, you moan “Corey, Oh, Corey,” and your eyes well up, and his eyes water too as he kisses your lips again.  You collapse and hug him into you, on top of you.  
Corey nuzzles his curls into your neck and the skin of your chest tingles against his.  Your insides buzz with his cum inside you.   You would be content to stay like this all night.  Preferably every night.  
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thatswhatsushesaid · 5 months
the point of my being a bit of a bitch about people who drop transparently bad faith commentary or straight up rude character hate in the tags really was just me deciding for myself, and not for anyone else, to confront people who are being deliberately rude. because i’ve got a higher than average tolerance for conflict and i do think people who are being trolls for the sake of trolling deserve to get a taste of their own medicine from time to time. i realize some people have no time or patience for this even if they otherwise agree with my takes, and that’s fine, the cut of my jib isn’t for you, go with god etc.
my goal wasn’t ever to discourage anyone from tagging thoughtful meta that also happens to be critical in the tags, because that’s as valid a use of a community space as my dumb text post memes, and i already scroll past jgy critical meta 9 times out of 10 when i encounter it unless i think i have a useful point to make and think the OP might be receptive.
idk where i’m going with this exactly, i just am having a bit of a Moment grappling with what i personally set out to do originally with this blog, which i truly never anticipated getting the following it currently has, vs the perception of what i’m doing by people who don’t know me, and trying to figure out how i feel about it. not great obviously. frustrated and sad. that was never the vibe i wanted to help foster and i’m bummed that i contributed to a new problem while trying to tackle an old one.
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sixthwater · 2 years
The Twelve Signs: Behind The Shadow
So many times people are warned about the negative qualities concerning certain signs, like how manipulative a cancer can be or how two-faced a libra is. Rarely do we dig underneath all of the ugliness and figure out where it's coming from. So if you'd like to dive into the darker side with me to figure out how the signs tick, buckle up.
**Feel free to use for Sun/Moon/Rising, everything was viewed from a general perspective
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First Sector: These signs are getting used to the world around them. They are looking at the building blocks of their immediate environment to help figure out who they are. Focused on sorting out who they are — on a superficial level for right now, but it’ll give them a good base to always come back to later. They’re more worried about their ethics, family, neighborhood, communication — every small thing that builds up their identity. This is the personal, ego driven group.
Aries: Impulsive, Impatient, Selfish
Aries is known to be a lot. The first thing people usually feel when someone reveals that they’re an Aries is either exhaustion or a sense of dread, because they’re preparing themselves for the extreme qualities that an Aries can hold within them. We should, however, always remember that Aries starts off the zodiac. They have the title of ‘The Leader’ for a reason. Many exciting ideas run through their head, and they don’t want to miss them. They struggle to sit still because that rush of a new adventure is a great feeling. They are a very loving sign, they will take all of their friends with them to share the experience, but if you don’t want to go they’re not going to pass up on it because it doesn’t make sense to them. It’s very simple: you want to go sit down and they want to run into chaos, so that’s what’s going to happen. It doesn’t seem selfish to them. If you wanted something for yourself that they didn’t care for, they wouldn’t stop you and would usually push you to do it. It doesn’t always mean they’re going to bend over backwards and put their own feelings aside though, and they’ll usually express that. It’s basic math in their head. Just as short and straight-forward as this passage is, that's how most Aries are. If you ask them a question, 9/10 they will be able to give you their honest feelings on it without problem and there won't be a need to second guess or dig for hidden truths. They already told you everything.
Taurus: Materialistic, Stubborn, Jealous, Lazy
I think out of all the signs here, Taurus is the most fought for. Benefits of being a Venusian? Who knows. When it comes to Taurus, it’s simple: they know what they want. Some people will see that as being too much to deal with, but it’s very helpful for the native. It helps them to not lower their standards, which is exactly how they get all those labels up there. You will not see a Taurus chasing after something or someone that they do not care for. If they think something is worth their time or love, then they will go after it and cherish it with all of their heart (they are Scorpio’s sister sign, remember). Which I do touch on a bit here in this mega post. The thing with Taurus is that they’re either in or they’re out. So when they’re out, they aren’t lifting a finger let alone looking in that direction. There’s not much you can do to get them to care for it, unless you’re someone that they care about. Even then, there will be a bit of a struggle, but they’ll eventually cave with some bargaining and if they have a soft spot for you. Considering how much Taurus gives, they don’t want things that aren’t worth it to affect their internal balance.
Gemini: Superficial, Fickle, Inconsistent
Gemini! One of the good ol’ most hated signs. I spoke a little on them here, specifically the moon, but we’ll get a bit more general (albeit, repetitive). The usual concern with Gemini is that they either lack concentration, or they tell little white lies for fun. The mind of a Gemini moves quickly. It can annoy the natives sometimes, especially if they are trying to get projects done. It’s not that they can’t or choose to not focus on you or a topic, but if something pops up in their head and it’s interesting, then they want to talk about it. It circles back to Aries slightly; they want to discuss the topic while it’s fresh in their head and yes they promise they will get back to what you guys were talking about. They get interested in so many things, and they feel no need to restrict themselves to just one bubble – especially if they just want to figure out what’s going on with the subject and then go back to minding their business. Gemini’s are definitely aware of when they get themselves wrapped up in sticky situations for the most part, by the way. Once again, it’s not something that they enjoy. It’s part of the mind racing, something fun pops up, and they believe that this is something neat and fun and that they truly, honestly, want to do it. It will die out within a few hours to maybe some weeks, and then it sinks in. They’re a mutable air sign; they don’t like heavy drama. Little white lies that go nowhere? Yeah sure. Actual trouble? You are not finding them there that’s not their game, so if you do, trust them, they didn’t want to be there either.
Cancer: Insecure, Moody, Smothering
People will interestingly see Cancers as either: Innocent and harmless or Manipulative and cannot be trusted. Cancer is a water sign that's ruled by the moon, which controls the tides of our ever changing and extremely powerful ocean. One last thing, it’s also associated with the fourth house, which ties back into early upbringing and what brings us comfort. All of this to say: yeah, Cancers can be sensitive. They will pick up on the mood of others, even if they’re trying to hide it. If the overall energy in the room is not good, it will get to them as well. They want to make sure the person who is upset can be soothed because once they feel better, it dispels the uncomfortable feeling that they’re picking up on. A Cancer can try to ignore it but they will either exhaust themselves in doing so, or flip back and forth between how they’re genuinely feeling and absorbing what the room is going through. They do genuinely want to help those around them, but it’s another way to get rid of them feeling bad — two birds one stone. They’re also not as insecure as they present themselves. It’s usually their ego that gets broken down over the years that makes them need reassurance from their loved ones, or makes them act out in overconfidence, because they’ve been told that they’re too sensitive or needy from a young age too many times. Cancers are still a cardinal sign, but they worry about the emotional and inner world.
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Second Sector: Now that the ego has been formed somewhat, it has to make sure it can go out into the world and mingle with others right? The signs here are the middle-men between what’s mine and what belongs to others. Through others we can help cut away pieces of ourselves that we don’t need anymore, or find pieces of us that we didn't even know existed. It can also help polish elements of our personality that might be too explosive. These signs deal all with balancing our ego and relations with others, and sometimes learning how to share with others.
Leo: Conceited, Dramatic, Needs Attention
Our Bright Sun! Yet another sign that I don’t believe gets much hate in comparison. Leos tend to be very charming, lovely, and friendly. They are also a lot more calm than people realize, or they’re not always at level 100, I should say. If a Leo is being dramatic, it’s just for expressive purposes and to get a few laughs out of people. It brings them a bit of joy to see that people are laughing due to something that they did or said. It’s also like a stress reliever in a way, they don’t want to hold their emotions in and they don’t necessarily want to rant or bring the energy down…so let’s make it a little funny while expressing ourselves. They also aren’t usually needy for attention unless they’re proud of what they’ve done or created. I’ve noticed a pattern with a lot of Leo influenced natives and it’s that they’ll quietly work or mind their business, and once they’re done they’ll beam as they show off the finished project. If there’s a piece of their work that they’re excited about: they’ll show it off. If they really like their nails or new piece of clothing, they’ll ask for your opinion as they gush about it. Personality wise, a lot of other things can get them down but not many things can make them doubt that one quality. Even when someone is able to, they’ll seek out someone they trust to help them get back on their feet. It’s not that Leo’s are begging for attention or can’t live without it, but they’re proud of their stuff and themselves, as they should be.
Virgo: Critical, Perfectionist, Petty
We’re already familiar with Virgo’s infamous negative traits. They can be very particular about…well nearly everything. They can be petty, high-strung, and seem like they know what’s best for everyone. With Virgo, everything sources back to them having a bit of control or preparation for what’s around them. They can feel uncomfortable or seriously anxious when thrown into situations without any prior knowledge on how to navigate it. They don’t need a complete manual or guide, but being given some kind of bone would be nice. This leads them to seem very anal about a lot of things in their life because they’re clutching onto that small guide as if it’s a lifeline. If it gets them through a tough time, they’ll most likely continue to follow that advice as if it’s the gospel. Over time they will become more comfortable with tweaking things so it’s more personable — they are a mutable sign after all. It’s not that they’re incapable of change, but there’s a worry that they’ll fail and let someone down or they won’t live up the expectations they set up in their head (which is to be perfect; they saw someone who is already great at it do it so they should immediately be at that level). Most things with Virgo circle back to how their actions will impact those around them and how they can help make things easier or more efficient. They don’t want to risk making a mess because if they do, someone else’s day will be affected by it. If they know a quicker and easier way to do something, they will share that knowledge because they want to help those around them. They get sensitive about being rejected in those fields because it’s a slight attack on their capability and as if the ones they love don’t need them. Virgo’s end up attacking themselves before anyone else does. It’s usually not a case of believing people are incompetent, but they want to help things flow more easily and it’s foolish to not speak up or help if they know how to do it.
Libra: Indecisive, Vain, Flirtatious
This sign is actually very easy to decipher. Once again, they are a cardinal sign, but they’re also an air sign, so this energy is put towards socializing with other people and initiating conversations. This is a great quality for Libra to utilize, and they do so on a daily basis. In my eyes, Libra can masquerade as a Mutable sign…by simply not speaking, honestly. They are a bit like Cancer, in the sense that they can be more docile and they navigate situations by how others are feeling. Or they just avoid them depending on if they have the energy to deal with it. If there’s an argument or conflict going on, and they happen to be stuck in the middle, they’ll use their knowledge of how each person feels regarding certain issues (or even the exact problem) to help mitigate the situation. You won’t hear their own personal opinion, because their focus is to just put the fire out. Unless it’s a casual conversation and everyone is goofing around, you really won’t get insight into their own personal landscape (and the rest of their placements will absolutely influence how quickly this happens, and how loud they will be). All you have to do is either give them space or time and it’ll come pouring out if they feel comfortable around you (ie; you won’t put words in their mouth). Libras are not indecisive, they very much have a strong mind of their own, but they understand that will not help put out a situation that’s already on fire. As for the flirtation, they just like talking to people. It’s their way of making people feel good, and if you throw them a compliment back it’ll probably make them feel good too. They’ll put a little notch next to your name to remember that you don’t take every single little thing they say to heart. They like to socialize, so if that becomes a chore they probably will avoid doing so if they associate it with you.
Scorpio: Vengeful, Paranoid, Possessive
If you’re a local, you know I love to laugh at you guys, it’s out of love. Welcome to the second rare serious post for you! All of these qualities rise from self-defense and regret (with a few other fun emotions mixed in). I wrote in an observation post a bit back that Scorpio placements go through many transformations and ‘ego’ deaths depending on what planet it’s in. Before this starts, the native is very raw and willing to give their all for whatever they cherish. Once they get burnt a few times and they’re in the middle of these lessons, this is when they become a bit closed off and struggle to balance themselves. They get stuck in their head and worry if the people around them will treat them like the last (ex; will this person cheat on me, will they truly understand me, do they like me for me or my image, etc). The infamous ignoring or mean attitude brought out at this stage is a mix of a native who is hiding themselves from getting hurt and a native who is hurt. Once they have worked through their inner struggles and the right people come into their lives, they get a bit defensive and possessive like just a bit. It’s something that must be worked through, but it’s not about control, it’s more about the fear of losing someone and the idea that those people didn’t ever care. Toss in some ‘I know what’s best for you because I’ve been scarred before’ as well. It’s only when a loved one or they have been hurt that they become ‘vengeful’. All these emotions are sourced from their pain and it’s usually a bit of them upset that they became vulnerable in the first place or that they couldn’t protect the ones they love, at least at this stage. As they grow into themselves, these tendencies become less noticeable and they’re more okay with letting people go and more of the stereotypical ‘mysterious’ Scorpio that, contrary to popular belief, doesn’t like to settle down so easily because they’ve become more comfortable with themselves over time.
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Third Sector: These signs also focus on relations and closeness, but it’s on a wide scale. They want to connect with as many people as possible and understand the world in a general sense. It brings them a sense of comfort, like a security blanket. They want to see how others are viewing the world and to understand them. What they are doing to impact the world and how they can help their community. These signs, whether they fully realize it or not, are always sensitive to how the world is operating and how those within it are doing. They end up being somewhat spiritual and it can display itself in different ways. 
Sagittarius: Tactless, Irresponsible, Opinionated
Hot, Annoying, Wanderlusting Saggitarius! Many people usually don’t have an issue with them because they’re the wattpad love interest from our teen years. Charming and fun from a distance, probably not all that perfect in execution. The thing with Sagittarius is that they don’t hide their faults. At all, though some will think that it’s still charming. That initial friendly impression people get from them comes from their ability to communicate with nearly anyone and keeping the energy up, but they don’t shy away from conflict or deeper debates — even with strangers. You’re probably very familiar with the side of them that actively challenges people or picks at people’s brains, coming off as somewhat combative even though they genuinely just want to understand how this person is thinking. The interesting thing with them is that they nearly always try to balance the fun with the deep, which is how they come off as tactless. They will instantly challenge someone’s view on something, or just want to investigate for themselves how this person thinks, but they’ll still try to keep the easygoing vibe of it all to make sure everyone else feels comfortable. It’s not for the same reason the water signs do it, but they are not looking to create immediate lifelong bonds with people. They don’t see these conversations as intense as others would. They take all these exchanges as eye-opening interactions and they appreciate them, but that’s it. If they make a friend, cool. If they don’t, that’s fine. Nothing is going to inherently ruin their mood just because someone got offended by how they feel, because they don’t want someone else to be tied down in the same way. That’s not the way to live. They can come off as people who never take anything seriously but aren’t they associated with things such as higher learning, philosophy, traveling, and other things that usually take decent planning and dedication? It’s not that Sagittarius isn’t capable of being serious, but if they’re going to be serious, it’s going to be for a good reason. Besides that, let’s have fun.
Capricorn: Pessimistic, Cold, Status Oriented
The CEO of the zodiac. Since this is my sister sign, I need to defend them a little here. When you think of Cancer, your brain immediately goes to emotions, the mother, home, water, etc. Thinking of Capricorn brings you to stoic, the father, work, saturn, etc. One is closed off while the other is open. The issue here is that Capricorn often gets stuck in these boxes of not being able to express emotion, and then it feels like it can never do it — that’s why Cancer is there. Capricorns are capable of being pretty emotive, and they will show their care and love for you in acts of service, physical touch — something to show you that they’re present and they got you. This quality can get into natives with these placements and it can cause inner conflict because it might conflict with the natural need to express their emotion, but Capricorn doesn’t do that so effortlessly. So if the native does that, they’ll dogpile on themselves or feel embarrassed for it later. Everything about Capricorn is about investments and if it’s realistic or practical. Not in a money sense, but if they’re going to get a new computer within a week they’d just put up with whatever annoyances their computer gives them because it wouldn’t make sense to spend money on a computer that’s on the way out anyway. A lot of people treat their view of the world as pessimistic, and sometimes it can be, but most times it’s how they prepare and get their ducks in a row to keep their engine working properly. They’re also not as cold as described by others. If they care about you, they’re going to make sure you’re taken care of. They may not be soft and mushy, or constantly express it in the most romantic way like in the movies, but you most likely won’t doubt a Capricorn cares for you. There might be contention in the beginning if your love languages differ, but the easiest way to solve that with them is to just be open and honest, and they’ll do their best to modify what they can to make sure you know they care for you.
Aquarius: Impersonal, Deviant, Inconsistent
Despite this being my rising sign, I don’t really talk about them a lot. I touched on them slightly here, but not really in depth honestly. People usually take issue with the fact that Aquarius will seem more invested with those that they aren’t close to as opposed to their actual friends or family. Their focus is usually on trying to make sure everyone is equal and that justice is always being served faithfully, in a way. Aquarians will always worry for those that might not have anyone to protect them, so they want to be there just in case. Their loved ones tend to fall to the wayside because the native is unchanging — they know they’ll always come back to them once everything is said and done, so it’s not something that they necessarily worry about. Their air qualities aren’t pushed towards their inner circles as much as it is the outer world, because they are within the group that focuses on the world at large the most. They could do a bit better with expressing themselves more clearly, but they tend to get wrapped up in movements and public concerns a lot. When pushed by others or provoked over ‘not caring for someone’ as much as they claim, they might act up and be a bit petty about it out of hurt. Their rebellious quality is not only saved for corporations or the status quo; if they are pushed consistently by close ones or nagged enough to do something, they will have a small streak of doing the exact opposite out of spite just to get the annoyance out of their system (because they don’t actually feel the same amount of anger for their loved ones that they do ~big pharma~).
Pisces: Hypersensitive, Escapist, Gullible
Last but not least, a phrase you’re sick of hearing, Pisces! Now, they are a sensitive sign, but they are not fragile by any means. Out of the last four, this is the sign that will most likely believe in the best out of the world. However, because of this quality, I’ve noticed that a lot of them are quite cynical and jaded — but they definitely carry an aura that makes them seem wise beyond their years. Not all of them have to be spiritual, but even more than the other water signs, they can get easily upset by the energy around them. They don’t like being in places that make them feel bad for long periods of time because it can legitimately exhaust them. This leads to that quality of them seeming like they avoid others, because you’ll most likely find them holed up in their room: because it’s familiar and comfortable. Growing up, the Piscean native might’ve been fooled a great number of times, causing them to become quite defensive of who they reveal their true selves to (who is someone quite sweet). Once you crack that shell, you will befriend the stereotypical Pisces who will let you in on all of their drifting thoughts and will always try to get you whatever you need out of love. However they do their best to balance themselves out as they’ve learned that the world is not as pristine and pretty as they came in thinking it was.
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mbti-notes · 5 months
Anon wrote: ISFP, asexual, beginning a 5-year PhD in a a conservative state. I’ve noticed grad students in the program like to bond over dating/guys (the cohort is mostly women in their 20s). Although my love life is technically none of their business, at every place I’ve worked, people have asked if I’m seeing anyone, what my taste is guys is, etc. I usually “play along” with assumptions that I’m straight and give the sort of answers people seemed to be looking for. But 5 years seems like a long time to fake such a fundamental part of myself. I think I’ll end up having to go against the grain one way or another.
Many people don’t know about asexuality, so not only would I risk people’s prejudice, at minimum I’d probably have to play “educator” about my identity. I’m trying to decide whether to a) clearly communicate that I won’t discuss my dating life with my cohort and then keep enforcing that boundary (which will be hard because I do want to bond with people in the program), b) just say I’m not interested in dating or that I’m “not inclined that way” (although in my experience, that doesn’t deter people from further prying), or c) be honest and open about my identity if anyone asks (but then have to “explain myself” to people)
It is unfair, tough, and taxing to feel as though you have to hide or suppress such an important aspect of yourself. I do find that it helps to think of it as just one aspect of oneself rather than one's entire identity. The fact of the matter is that people don't know every aspect of each other unless they are in a very close and intimate relationship.
The kind of conversations you're referring to are classified as "small talk". People use small talk as a way to subtly feel out if a deeper relationship is possible, which means it doesn't have to be any more serious than discussing the weather. You get to control exactly how near or far you want to be from people by choosing to respond or not respond to their small talk seriously. Perhaps you're taking it more seriously than is necessary because it's a sensitive topic for you?
Option 1: Limit the truth because it's none of their business. If other people want to assume, then it's their problem, not yours. Speaking from my own experience, unless the person is an outright bigot, I often find it extremely funny rather than offensive when they reveal how ignorant they are through their assumptions about me. Once again, you can choose the degree to which you take such things seriously, which is easier to do when you feel secure in your identity.
I don't think you need to be a hard-ass about it, as you won't make many friends that way. Setting a hard and solid boundary out of the blue or without provocation often leads people to think something's "wrong" with you, which isn't ideal.
I think the issue here is what you call "being fake" or "playing along". I don't really see it that way. I think it's quite possible to be private without being inauthentic. When you're a good communicator, it isn't necessary to lie. There are a million ways to say something without saying it directly. Perhaps your thinking on the matter is too black-and-white if you're framing it as "honesty" vs "lying". Socializing successfully requires more nuance than that.
Yes, you could say it's private business, in a friendly way. There's nothing morally wrong with being a shy or private person, is there? Or you could say... Relationships aren't your priority right now... It's not something you care much about... You haven't met anyone you feel that way about... You haven't really thought about it... You care much more about <fill in the blank>...
None of those statements are lies and they are honest enough that a savvy person might even grasp the subtext. For the less savvy, yes, they might ask further questions, but they'll eventually stop once it becomes obvious that you have little to contribute on the matter. And if someone does press too hard, take it as a helpful sign that they should be avoided.
Although, you shouldn't assume that people are "prying" just for asking questions. It might appear to be prying when you're standing in the perspective of having a secret to keep, but, to them, it's merely curiosity. Curiosity is necessary for furthering relationships, otherwise, how would we get to know each other? Maybe you can learn to take people's curiosity in stride? For example, sometimes a bit of humor works better than a hard boundary.
Option 2: Be open because it shouldn't be a big deal. Do you derive pleasure from challenging people's ignorance and prejudice? There is something to be said for standing up, being visible, getting counted, and providing representation as a minority. You could help advance people's awareness and acceptance. However, if you don't want to be a crusader, what's your reason for being open?
You say you're ISFP, so you presumably think it's important to be yourself and freely express who you are? I agree that this is an important value to hold and uphold. Unfortunately, freedom of expression doesn't mean you are free from consequences. Being a person of integrity isn't always easy since upholding your values can bring undesirable consequences. The logical consequence of expressing yourself freely is that your business becomes other people's business if they take an interest in what you're expressing. The question is: Is this a price you're willing to pay, or is it a price you believe is worth paying?
Option 3: Be selective. There is a third option, which is to only come out to the individuals you trust. Perhaps this middle ground would be more comfortable for you? You won't have to "educate" and "explain" to everyone and face public scrutiny. You'll get to express who you are in a way that's satisfying enough. Of course, the tough part is exercising good judgment about who to trust. It's important to remember that there are good/accepting and bad/prejudiced people everywhere, regardless of whether the place is conservative or liberal leaning.
It is entirely your prerogative as to what aspects of yourself to reveal to others. This is why it's not my place to tell you whether to reveal or not. I can only tell you to weigh the options thoroughly and make the decision that you can best live with.
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colorisbyshe · 6 months
I think part of the frustration with people being so uninformed by historical movements, especially 2nd wave feminism, is that they don’t get that political lesbianism as a movement was deeply lesbophobic too, and still realistically hurts lesbians today with the subconscious attitude that simply choosing not to date men or interact with men is what makes a lesbian. Which then is how you also get weirdos thinking lesbians should make space to give dating men a shot. And thinking lesbians, who are not attracted to men, are exactly the same as the rage bait terf folks harping about cutting men off from dating women.
Obviously this is. A facet of the larger problem with this ideology, but it’s frustrating how few people acknowledge how damaging it was for more than lesbian separatist reasons. Straight women (a significant amount of political lesbians) largely trying to take over lesbian spaces in the name of feminism was also deeply traumatic for the community too.
Absolutely, it was also a grossly biphobic movement AND.... misogynistic. Second wave feminism, separatist feminism, political lesbianism found a way to really attack all women on an ideological level, not even getting into how the entire era was also... deeply racist.
Political lesbianism was not for lesbians (especially when its leaders tried to define lesbian as just women who didn't date men, by choice or otherwise) or any other women attracted to women. It wasn't for anyone other than the most privileged of women and often led to just attacking more vulnerable, more marginalized women.
While the ideology is not identical, movements like 4B are not for the longterm benefit of most women. Or most marginalized people. (When you separate women as the only cause worth caring about, you leave out... every marginalized group. When you stop caring abut the rights of every marginalized group, you inevitably harm... the women of those groups.)
I'm not even going to claim to be an expert on any of these movements: I have done readings on those I am speaking about but haven't done extremely deep dies into them but part of why I haven't is because... the flaws ae on the surface level. You don't really have to get into the nitty gritty or nuance of these movements to realize that they are fundamentally flawed.
To have a movement that effectively says "Women's oppression is literally stored in the balls (ie the sex with men, which are presumed to be people with balls)" is... inherently stupid. You aren't more or less oppressed when you have sex with or date men. Men aren't getting their power from sex or romance with women. You aren't really harming or criticizing rape culture.
Likewise with political lesbianism, being perpetually single or fucking women doesn't free you from misogyny's impact or even necessarily empower you against it. "Act the right way towards men or you deserve what you get from them" isn't feminism. It is victim blaming, though.
These movements just sort of become... prescriptivist in the same way the systems they're supposedly rebelling against. "Act this way or you're the enemy." "Do this or you deserve what you get."
"Our gender MUST act this way" only ever hurts your gender.
Which is the flaw of most radical feminist movements. They exist to take power from men and then lord that same power over more vulnerable and/or more "deviant" women. Or any other more vulnerable group (like white radfems using white supremacy in tandem with their radical feminism).
There's nothing wrong with being a lesbian. There's nothing wrong with being bisexual or straight and choosing to not date or have sex with men. For whatever reason.
Turning that into political movement where you then try to dictate the right/wrong ways to have sex, date as some sort of moral code... that's where you are just recreating the harms you're supposedly against.
Like... on the most obvious level, these movements are extremely stupid and there's no other way to frame that. They’re not just morally bad, they make no fucking sense. Even if you don't understand the bioessentialism, the way certain identities are stripped of meaning or politicized even when they're innate, or whatever...
just on its face... how the fuck are women liberated by new terms dictating what sex and love they're allowed to have, what reproductive choices they're allowed to make? implying by having sex with someone gives them power is inherently and obviously harmful
we need to be so fucking real
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letstalkwhump · 1 year
Let's Talk Whump
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump, a series of interviews that spotlight the amazing people in our whump community! I’m Malice and I’ll be your host today. 
Here with us today is the one and only @redd956!
Good to have you here! How about we start off with a fact or three about yourself?
I got by two other names online, as my aliases are many, such as Dezert and Usarin. My blog itself isn’t fully a whump blog, but also writing/worldbuilding, it’s just quite well known in the whump community and I do see myself as a avant participant. Worldbuilding is my true passion, but it’s notable I also play tons of video games. My blog, and other online names are all after randomly chosen OCs of mine.
Let’s get straight to the point! What does whump mean to you?
Whump as a kid meant to me something strangely dark or violent to fall asleep to, now a days character arcs are expected in that. I realised I wasn’t alone upon joining finding the community. So now I guess it just means storyline violence/conflict in hopes to show a character arc unique to characters who go through a lot.
And how did you find the whump community? What made you want to join?
I found it while searching for writing tips & tricks stuff for a pinterest board. I realised when out of night ideas to sleep to I could use this, and lurked around the tumblr side of the community for half a year. Finally I noticed a lot of my favourite tropes weren’t as prevalent or there at all, and couldn’t take it anymore. Sometimes you just need to do something yourself.
Do you think your view on whump changed since you joined? 
My view hasn’t really changed at all, but I do have some new favourites, primarily the whole Hero contrasting with Villain character dynamics in whump.
What do you consider to be your favourite whump trope?
Oh boy… I guess my favourite whump trope would be taking down a powerful stoic character. The power itself is meant to be vague, as I feel it changes depending on whatever I’m feeling, whether it be physically, magically, role, whatever. I primarily love this because it forces the powerful character to show vulnerability they are not used to, and I absolutely love that.
Do you mind sharing a favourite piece you've written?
My favourite piece I’ve written isn’t on my blog, and probably never will be, as I write a lot. And I mean…a lot. It changes every year, so right now I’d give it to a 7 page piece of mine dedicated to my OCs from my worldbuilding universe, labelled Apocalyptic for obvious reasons. For my blog… I’d say my favourite piece is Prompt 8. I did once attempt to post a sequel because of requests but I absolutely hate it and refuse to acknowledge it’s existence. 
I love a good hero/villain story! Do you have a regular writing routine?
I only write whump via striking sudden inspiration. I do have a major overwriting problem, that I’m still trying to fix. I write a lot! I am a studying creative writing major, and will likely be working as a writing tutor next school semester. I usually play lo-fi, hopefully themed to whatever I’m writing, and write any time of day or night.
And do you find that some things are easier to write than others?
I excel in military and nonhuman whump in my eyes, as well as a lot of cold whump. I’m great at the first two, because a lot of my personal creations include them. I’m bad at writing long form captivity/torture stuff. I just don’t exactly like most of it anyway, for no reason in particular. But I find it very difficult to describe.
Is there anything you're working on at the moment? 
I’m currently working on starting and continuing the beginning of two whump series on Ao3. Other than that I’m always continuing my personal work. 
Do you have a joke or pun you would like to share to spread some smiles today?
Give us some writing advice. Bless us with your wisdom, oh awesome one!!!!!
Write whatever you want, practice in whatever way works for you, and keep doing that!
Shout out to your favourite writing/whump blogs, bffs or people who've inspired you. We're hyping everyone one up here!!!
Oh dear, there’s so many! Uh @mottinthemainpot, @theres-whump-in-that-nebula, @whumpsday, @leyswhumpdump, @painful-pooch, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams, @wither-wander-whump , @whump-me @thebewingedjewelcat @i-eat-worlds and so many more
Also for good measure, the non-whump blog, @heckcareoxytwit
Anything you'd like to add?
You’ll probably notice me and my partner being occasionally unashamed madly in love on my blog, and especially on theirs. 
Thanks for joining us today, @redd956! Great to have you here!
And to all you wonderful folks at home, have a whump-derful day!
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madalice31 · 9 months
Mmmm now I’m triggered lol.
Halle Bailey did not gaslight anyone. It’s not gaslighting when one, you don’t have any relationship with this person, platonic or otherwise, not even a conversation. So exactly how did she gaslight you? What she did was not acknowledge the fact that she was pregnant…to the public. It’s not like she was lying to the people closest to her about being pregnant. And not once did she deny being pregnant! She may have jugged on or ignored a lot of yall’s questions, but she had every right to do that if she didn’t want to share the experience with the public. Let’s not start this narrative that she was “gaslighting” cause yall don’t know how to not project your own shit on other people. Even Chloe never denied it, she just said yall stop gossiping about my sister! As she should have. Period. Halle was never the problem.
It was obvious. She knew it was obvious. People caught on, and she even straight up got caught with those hoodie pics. But you know what, she continued to keep that shit to herself because she ain’t want to talk about it with yall! And guess what, she wasn’t obligated nor required to talk to yall or acknowledge anything.
I’m getting irritated at the comments. “She so weird, why talk about it now? Oh she just didn’t want to be looked at as a baby mama. Oh she was tryna to maintain her Disney image.” Blah, blah, blah. Y’all will never know what her reasons were unless she decides to share that. Speculate all you want. But a woman has the right to be like, hey I don’t want to share my actual pregnancy experience with you guys. I don’t want to be asked questions in interviews. I don’t want yall judgement cause I’m not married or I’m too young in your eyes. I don’t want to deal with yall being all in my business. So no, you don’t get to see me pregnant. No, I’m not gonna answer questions about it. Yes I will sit in this poofy ass dress with my legs crossed, knowing you can tell, but talking to you about everything else BUT. You think this press tour, people didn’t know? All these interviews, people didn’t know? Her team kept that shit on lock and made sure everyone kept their mouths shut! Kudos to them!
A woman also has the right to say, now that my child is here, I’m willing to share more. I’m going to acknowledge my child. And y’all still ain’t gonna get every bit of info, but y’all can stop talking now. Like y’all done done now?
Nothing wrong with that. Nothing weird about that. Hence why in her caption she says the world was “desperate” to meet him. Cause folks was hella pressed.
Now do I have some opinions on who with and why now, yes I do. Do I have some opinions about the black community and baby mama/baby daddy culture, yes I do.
But that’s neither here nor there. The point is she didn’t owe us shit! So let’s stop throwing around words like “gaslighting” when it comes to people that haven’t even had a conversation with us, and most likely NEVER WILL.
If you asked her in person if she was pregnant and she told you no, that’s still not gaslighting lol. Cause if you come back and say oh so you were pregnant, you lied. The response? Yes, I did lie. Because I didn’t feel like sharing that with you at the time. But now, yeah, obviously I was pregnant. Last I checked, a lot of your mothers, daughters, aunties, and cousins have done the same. For whatever their reasons, they have done the same. You’ve kept secrets for them. So how is this any different? Just cause she a celebrity yall feel so entitled and it’s ridiculous.
I blame it on the celebrities who do that shit tho. Who think they need to share everything, like that’s normal. Even to the point of announcing divorces and break ups. Like celebrity divorce announcements have always been the dumbest shit to me. Like I give a fuck about your shit relationship ending. Why is that shit on CNN? We talk more these days about their personal lives than their actual projects and creative endeavors. These days, the people are more so the commodity, versus what they actually sell, create, or provide and it’s sad. Anyway, I digress.
Can I just say this before I leave? If we gonna give Rihanna praise for changing the maternity game, and showing us how to style a pregnant belly on full display. Let’s give Halle credit for showing us how to style a pregnant belly you don’t want to showcase or flaunt, but still look stylish and sexy. Cause every outfit and dress she wore throughout her whole pregnancy was spot fucking on! Her stylist understood the assignment!
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dear-indies · 30 days
Hi, do you mind explaining what is wrong with mid size, and what exactly is straight size? I wouldn't say I am on the plus size, but I do have a belly and would use the old fashioned term "plump" to describe myself, but I thought mid size was ok. Thank you for your help, and also, Happy Birthday!
Look at the use, or rather total avoidance, of the word “fat” from the descriptor. Fat is a word that has been used to belittle, degrade and shame larger bodies, and the reclamation of the word by fat people is a powerful tool in growing the fat acceptance and liberation movements. Using a label like mid-size which sidesteps the word “fat” entirely is watering down a concept that has been fought with literal blood, sweat and tears for decades. It’s a way for people to label themselves as different from skinny bodies, but also avoid labelling themselves as fat in any way, which they still consider a “negative” tag. There is still size discrimination in society: fat people don’t receive the same level of care that thin people do in the medical industry, and are denied jobs because of the way they look, to give just two examples. The goal of body inclusion movements is to remove the stigma associated with how someone looks (like assumptions about health, intelligence, or happiness). Because popularising a term like mid-size only puts the spotlight on people unlikely to face those struggles, it doesn’t help break down those barriers for bigger bodies. And that’s without even beginning to address to compounded discrimination faced by BIPOC, gender nonconforming and disabled people who are also fat – is far worse,
In 2020, I released a book called Fattily Ever After, a book focused on centering the perspectives and life experiences of larger sized fat Black women and women of colour in a climate where the voices of larger fat people were being drowned out and further marginalised in favour of more ‘acceptable’ curvy bodies, ie, mid-sized bodies. In the book, I explain in great detail the beginnings of the current wave of the body positivity community, and why its existence is incredibly important for the most marginalised bodies among us. The movement was created as a safe space for larger fat women (and more notably, women of colour) to be able to share our life sexperiences, heal and trade perspectives on how we navigate our lives in a world full of rampant fatphobia. It was a community filled with women who had experienced and had been exposed to; systemic fatphobia, abuse, harassment, fat-shaming, fetishisation, dehumanisation and humiliating treatment due to the shapes of their bodies. The commercialisation of the movement brought forward the visibility of smaller-sized curve models such as Iskra Lawrence, Ashley Graham and the like, and while it was great to see models bigger than a size 8 on the catwalk, in lookbooks and online, there was a clear problem; mid-sized models were being touted as plus size. Women whose bodies featured small waists, big bums, big breasts, small waists, flat-ish tummies and high cheekbones were suddenly being prioritised by the media and brands over the marginalised bodies who had helped create the movement. Advertisers intentionally began to water down fat acceptance to make it more palpable to mainstream audiences – leaving fat people out of its realm altogether.
"I understand there’s a need to want to be able to find other folks who share a similar experience because of what your body type or size is, but there is already language that exists to talk about the fatness of your body in ways that are linked to fat liberation." The language they refer to is the fatness spectrum, with terms such as 'small fat' (size 18 and lower), 'mid fat' (20-24), 'superfat' (26-32) and 'infinifat' (34 and higher). Each of these terms was created to address the type of lived experience you have based on your body size.  Many have criticised the midsize movement for purposefully distancing itself from the words 'small fat' — words that would, in all likelihood, encapsulate the same bodily experience. For these critics, 'midsize' is inherently fatphobic. "When someone says 'midsize', all I hear from them is that they’re trying their best to distance themselves from fatness," concludes @gaydoodlebear. 
and then the fategories:
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