#the quiet rapture is such an interesting concept
Hi! Rookie X-Men question, given how every so often characters tend to die (and then come back), have any of the more specifically religious members of the group, like Nightcrawler, had to wrangle the theological implications of that, or having to deal with dying in-Marvel being very different to how they expect?
Theology is a tricky concept in the Marvel Universe more broadly. Start with the baseline weirdness of what it means to believe in a monotheistic deity when the gods of various pantheons walk the earth as heroes and villains, and where many beings of ultimate cosmic significance can be met in the vastness of space:
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Reed Richards is actually lying here. He's gone to the actual Heaven (to retrieve the soul of Ben Grimm) and met the "One Above All" in Fantastic Four #511, and it turns out that in the Marvel Universe, God is literally Jack Kirby, drawing everything into existence:
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How this fits in with the existence of multiple gods, multiple Heavens and multiple Hells, is left up to the reader to untangle - just another continuity wrangle to No Prize.
The X-Comics haven't always done much better. As you point out, Kurt Wagner is a faithful son of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church - although I'm sometimes annoyed by writers who can only remember this one detail about him and forget the dashing swashbuckler stuff that's actually way more fun - and his belief ought to be tempered that he's actually died, gone to the explicitly Christian Heaven, and been resurrected by bamfs (it was weird). On the other hand, in the infamous "Draco" storyline, Kurt has also found out that angels and demons are tribes of mutants and that he's the son of the demon Azazel. And in the equally infamous "Holy War" storyline, Kurt became a Catholic priest as part of a theologically-unsound plan to make him Pope so that he could be revealed as the Antichrist and convince people that the Rapture had begun - even though Catholics don't believe in the Rapture.
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However, things got a lot better with Jonathan Hickman's House of X/Powers of X and the advent of Krakoa, because all of the sudden there were much more interesting questions to ask. Were mutants the new gods, as Magneto had proclaimed? What did the Church's promise of immortal life mean, now that mutants had defeated death and brought about immortality in this life? What would be the new commandments of the mutant Eden?
As a member of the Quiet Council and the X-Men's resident philosopher, Nightcrawler would be the one asking and answering these questions. In my absolute favorite issue of Hickman's run on the X-Men, Kurt is pushed to seek answers to these questions by the new mutant tradition of "Crucible" - by which depowered mutants must face [A] in the arena to win their right to be reborn into glory through enduring a slow and violent death - and his discovery that Krakoa had built for him a cathedral that only a mutant who can teleport could enter.
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In Si Spurrier's run, Kurt investigates these questions by interrogating the laws of Krakoa and how they shape the nascent mutant culture being born on the island. The danger is, that in a world in which life extends forever and death has no meaning, that mutants will fall into sadism and apathy. Kurt's new religion, "the Spark," seeks to combat spiritual neurasthenia with a commitment to the relentless pursuit of the new.
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But questions remain: why, in both Moira's Ninth Life and the Sins of Sinister timeline, does Kurt Wagner become the originator of a new sub-species of chimeras with his mutant powers and his appearance and a common commitment to the last religion in existence? What happened to the Golden Child miraculously born to his genetic descendent Wagnerine? Did she survive the destruction of the timeline?
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slymewizard · 1 year
[spoilers for Bioshock]
I think I’ve been here long enough to start some discourse, Frank Fontaine is one of my least favorite videogame villains. His chapters are mostly devoid of the amazing atmospheric horror of the first 2/3rds of the game (because its kind of hard to focus on being creeped out when theres a smuggler living in your head who won’t stop talking about how much you suck), and when I think back, my favorite chapters of the game were the creepiest ones (med pavillion, fort frollic, etc). The only Fontaine chapter that I feel really stands out is Point Promtheus while the rest just kind of blend together. His final boss battle does not feel like a fitting conclusion to the game. Its a fine fight, but the concept is just way too wacky. How does Adam even work at that point? You go from human to zombie mutant to golden statue? Wtf? The only foreshadowing he got was in Neptune’s Bounty, and a single (and optional if I remember correctly) room in Fort Frolic, which while it makes the twist even more surprising, also made me kind of forget who Fontaine was by the time it happened. I think the twist was still awesome, but Fontaine taking over the entire city just felt kind of nonsensical and screwed with the story pacing. I probably wouldn’t mind him as much though, if he wasn’t a twist villain for one of the most amazing and intimidating villains in gaming (imo), Andrew Ryan. Ryan’s screwed up philosophies and ideas, as well as his quiet omnipresence throughout Rapture made him such a cool villain. (He also knew when to shut up). I guess that makes it more impressive that Fontaine could outsmart him? Even so, it feels like a massive downgrade to go from a mad genius philosopher who built dystopian atlantis to…some mob guy. I know that his connection with Jack is important and makes him interesting in his own way, while his absolute power over Jack makes him scary in his own way, but its just not the same and his chapters don’t feel like the Bioshock I fell in love with for the first 2/3rds of the game.
(tl:dr-Frank Fontaine is a weak villain in my eyes because he messes with the flow and atmosphere of the game, his chapters aren’t creepy or memorable, his fight was ok but dumb in concept, and while he’s cool in his own ways and would work as a stand alone villain the fact that he follows up Andrew Ryan makes him super underwhelming.)
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just-some-castaways · 14 days
The Sea Called My Name
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(photo courtesy of iStock free images)
-Sept 5th, 2024- Marigold
There once was a girl that was lost to the sea. Not dead mind you, but lost in the way that you might misplace a piece of clothing, or a trinket of some kind. While the item itself might be forgotten or out of sight, it still exists, quite happily in most cases.
This girl's name was Marigold.
You mustn't feel sorry for the girl's parents, for they've long since laid to rest in their beds of moss and soil. As far as her friends, well, she had none. The world she came from is quite dreary in fact, and I shan't spend much time dwelling on it.
The Sea was on of Marigold's few comforts in life. It was reliable, if unpredictable sometimes, you could always count on it to be in the same place. It was always glad to see her, and waved the moment her bare feet crested the grassy dunes of the beach. It brought her gifts from afar, glossy pebbles plucked from cliff sides, leaves and branches from unknown trees, discarded teeth from the sea dwellers, and shells in every shape and size imaginable.
Since man first set sail on the wild oceans of the world, they have always been raptured by the mystery and vastness of it's reach. Hidden caves, sprawling coral reefs, schools of fish dipping and weaving between each other, great whales making their way across the depths.
It is not surprising then, that the Sea would wish to share it's secrets with a friend. No-one of fame, or great influence, not a magical being, or someone wielding mystical powers, but someone like itself. Someone with wonder, secrets, and a fascination with the fantastical.
Come away with me, come away into my waves and let me embrace you in my arms. Come see the secrets I hold, let me show you the world.
As if being invited by a friend to tea, the girl accepted the request, and waded out into the waters. For a moment she stood, chest high in clear blue liquid, and looked back towards the shore. But no-one waited for her, no-one would wonder why she never came home. So with a deep breath, she dove beneath the surface, wrapping herself in the Sea's embrace.
This girl is nothing special, and her story is known only to a few. Yet because of their kinship, the Sea never let harm come to her, nor did it cease to bring her to hidden wonders, or let her get lost in the depths. Time became as much of an illusion to her as it is to all of nature. Not rigid and strict as we oft treat it, but gentle and quiet, like a slow moving creek on it's way to the coastline. The world we live in became a memory, a dream. Nothing more than a fairytale.
As strange as it may seem, the Sea adopting a girl is only the beginning of her story. But perhaps that tale is for another time...
Until then, befriend the Sea, laugh with the Winds, talk with the Forests, let them beckon you to their strange and wonderful worlds.
-Marigold, from the Castaways system
(Note from Clara: Marigold is one of our childhood memory holders, she holds the wonder and interest in the world that comes with being a child, but free from trauma. As such, she's somewhat unfamiliar with the concept of reality or sadness. Her writings often don't make sense, but we don't edit them for her because it'd be like taking her voice away. Thanks for reading <33)
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robotwrangler · 2 years
Iron Lung was really fun tbh and I wish there was more of it, I didn’t want it to end. It didn’t scare me bc I’m not claustrophobic (I am scared of the ocean - Subnautica rendered me frantic with terror at times - but Iron Lung didn’t set that fear off bc you can’t actually see the vastness of the ocean around you so surprisingly it was fine lmao) but it did thoroughly interest me. I want to read a whole novel of lore about whatever the fuck is going on in the Iron Lung universe
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ouyang-zizhen · 4 years
Headcanon, part 2
So, I’ve seen a few posts in which ZiZhen has plenty of siblings due to his dad being old and all, and I raise you with: ZiZhen has many moms.
A total of 6, to be precise, would have been 7 if his own mother had survive. So here’s the thing:
1 - ZiZhen is an only child.
2 - His father realized, after marrying his third wife, that the problem of conception does not lie with the women he beds but with his own genetic. He’s still hoping it might happen with the right woman though. 
3 - ZiZhen is pretty much a miracle baby from an infertile (but not sterile) father.
4 - His mother was the first wife. After she died, the second concubine got that title. The third concubine arrived a year after the first wife’s death. 
5 - Ouyang Dad still tried to have more kids, marrying 3 more women, yet never earning any results (3 more instead of 2, because 4 is a bad omen). 
6 - He would have kept only those, but his fourth wife got badly sick and she was expected to die within the year. Not wanting to keep only 4 women in his household (again, bad omen), he took another wife during that time. The fourth wife survived, and they are now 6 in total. 
7 - All the wives, fully aware they’ll never have a child of their own unless Ouyang Dad adopts (which is unlikely), dotes on ZiZhen like he is their own son. 
8 - The second concubine, now first wife, was raised in the Meishan Yu sect, although not part of the main Yu clan. Her family has been part of the sect for three generations. She is the third daughter.
9 - When the Second Concubine married into the Baling sect, ZiZhen’s mom was still childless. She got pregnant with ZiZhen a year or so after the arrival of the Second Concubine, who also remained childless.
10 - ZiZhen knows many stories of his mother through the bedtime tales of the Second Concubine.
11 - The third concubine is from YunMeng. She was a dancer, born from a rogue cultivator, who taught her to train her golden core, and a dancer, who taught her the skills she made a livelihood of after her parents death when she was 16. She was 19 when she joined the OuYang household. 
12 - She and the Second Concubine slowly fell for each other and became lovers. 
13 - ZiZhen once caught them kissing. They both told him beautiful stories of soulmates and how easily those bonds can be broken by the cruelty of the world. ZiZhen listened with rapture and promised never to tell a soul about what he saw, for his aunties were true soulmates. (Yes, they both manipulated ZiZhen into not telling his father of what he saw).
14 - That moment sparked ZiZhen’s interest in love stories and slowly shaped him into the romantic he is. 
15 - He later understood what Second and Third concubine truly meant by their story. It fueled his passion for WangXian more than anything. 
16 - The Fourth Concubine was from the Chang clan. She got sick after hearing of their horrible death at the hands of Xue Yang, and how the latter escaped justice for it. Her cultivation has always been weaker than most, which is why she was thought to die from her pain, but, with the help of Second and Third Concubines, she got through. Her body still does not allow her to travel very far, but she enjoys taking long walks in the gardens of the previous First Wife, lovingly tended to by she and the other concubines. 
17 - During her recovery, she began to write stories to keep herself entertained.
18 - ZiZhen is her most fervent fan, always poking in her rooms to have a sneak peek of her next story. 
19 - Because of the involvement of the Jin Clan in the absence of justice for the Chang, she is the most suspicious of the budding relationship between ZiZhen and Jin Ling. While not outright disagreeing, she always keeps her eyes open to any clues that might tell Jin Ling is not right for ZiZhen.
20 - The Fifth Concubine is the 5th daughter of a rich Baling family. She was raised in the sect, developing a strong core, often helping Young Master ZiZhen, age 14 by now, to train. At age 25, still unmarried, the Fifth Concubine was noticed for the first time by OuYang Dad, on a day she actually bothered to dress nicely. She went back to what I would call an “Ancient Chinese Butch Look” shortly after the wedding. 
21 - Fifth Concubine then proceeded to thoroughly seduce Second, Third and Fourth Concubine into a relationship all together. Their laughter can often be heard in the courtyard linking each of their pavillion together. 
22 - Sixth Concubine was a rogue cultivator herself. Fifth Concubine saw her at the market one day. They talked and fell in love. Fifth Concubine, with the help of Second, Third and Fourth, who also met Sixth and were charmed, managed to convince her husband to take Sixth in with them. “Four is a bad omen husband, you need another one of us!”
23 - When Fourth fell sick, that’s when OuYang Dad hurriedly tried to find Seventh Concubine. She was a merchant’s daughter, selling her father’s ware at the market. Ouyang Dad tried to haggle something much cheaper than it was worth. She stood her ground. He asked to marry her. 
24 - She refused at first. “I am not a cultivator, what am I bringing to you?” OuYang Dad, at this point trying one last time before calling it quit, decided that maybe it would work, a baby with a non-cultivator. 
25 - It did not work. But Seventh is pretty happy with her lot. She’s well taken care of, especially by the other concubine who all warmly welcomed her, and they all promised to take care of her the same, even once she’s old and grey. 
26 - So ZiZhen is really well loved by his father’s remaining 6 wives. That’s where he gets his “Respect Women” juice from. 
27 - The only reason why he’s been feeling down lately with his father’s expectations and mistreatment is because said father also cut the time ZiZhen is allowed to spend with them, he has “Sect Related Duties” now, he doesn’t have the time to play around anymore. 
28 - The Wives eventually called bullshit. ZiZhen has been feeling better ever since. 
29 - OuYang Dad is painfully oblivious to his Wives relationship together. He is just happy none of them are giving him any headaches. 
30 - One day, Jiggy went to Ouyang Dad and congratulated him on the harmony of his household. Jiggy, of course, thought he would be subtly blackmailing OuYang Dad with the scandal of his wives together (where did he learnt that? Fuck if I know!), but Oblivious OuYang just smiled and thanked him, which kinda messed up Jiggy’s plan. Not that he needed to blackmail Sect Leader OuYang, but it’s always useful to do so. Anyway, Jiggy left the conversation thinking Ouyang Dad thought everyone knew already and he was happy with it. 
31 - Eventually, Ouyang Dad DID learn the truth, well into ZiZhen’s 20′s. He got mad for about 5 minutes before calming down. “At least they can’t get pregnant from this, it won’t bring me any shame.”
32 - He lets them be, especially since they let him be. He enjoys his quiet evenings away from whatever his wives are doing. 
33 - Which is ironic considering he is friends with one of the loudest mouths in the Cultivation world, Sect Leader Yao. 
34 - All the wives avoid him like the plague whenever he visits Baling. 
35 - All the wives having a golden core, they go to Night Hunts together from time to time. Seventh sometimes tags along despite not having a golden core, while Fourth tends to stay at home after her sickness. 
36 - They are all very careful though, since they know ZiZhen’s mother died during a Night Hunt and they all promised ZiZhen they would not be careless.
37 - ZiZhen started calling the Concubines “Autie”, but one day, he accidentally called Fourth “Mom”, and all the others got jealous and wanted to be called “Mom” too, so he now calls them First mom, Second mom, Third mom, etc.
38 - He uses a different, more childish word when talking about his deceased birth mother. 
Aaaaaand that’s it for tonight folks! I know some of what I’ve written gets change a little now that I have this headcanon in mind, but I’ll keep this for whatever’s coming next in the OG world (well, canon-divergence world now XD). See you guys soon with some new OS!
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honestsycrets · 4 years
Alfred the Great | Love Alphabet
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❛ sy’s notes | This one includes a lot of life scenarios of Alfred and his wife. I enjoy how it came out-- and I hope you do too.
A = Affection (PDA, what sort of affection they give)
“Not here,” he bends his head. You stand behind his throne chair, settling your hand on his shoulder. You press a kiss to his rosy cheek, in the presence of the others, as he waves you off.
Alfred has never been someone who was particularly touchy due to the way he was brought up. While small touches were always common, the way you stroke him-- touch him, caress him, out in the open gives him both a sense of delight and shyness when he realizes that others are watching.
B = Babies (Anything you want about babies)
“Perhaps you should show me.”
“Hold him here,” you guide Alfred’s hands. As he kneels beside your bed, a king on his knees, Alfred feels like any other man-- not a king, fumbling for the right hold.
Has no idea what to do with a baby of his own. He has no experience with holding a child and has no idea what to do when you place his in his arms, only finding himself staring down upon the thing, utterly lost. 
C = Cuddles (How they cuddle or are cuddled)
His days are long. As a king, Alfred very rarely spends time in your rooms. He’s busy with putting all his energy into England for England. So, at the end of a long night, when he crawls in beside you, his hand might drape over your waist. He’d set an apologetic kiss to your head and fall asleep.
D = Darling  (Pet names)
Small ones. He prefers to call you more proper names while in public; his wife, his queen, being the chief of them. Behind closed doors then, he might be more lazy with his pet names. 
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E = Enamored (how hard do they fall when in love)
“Who was that girl there--” he points through the crowd. You pick your skirts up, then disappear from where you came, weaving through the crowd here to see the king.
“Where m’lord?” 
“She was just there.”
Admittedly, he has no time to fall in love. His interaction with women outside of his family is limited to chamber maids and the occasional woman during feasts. That is why his marriage was arranged. But if by happenstance he does meet a woman, it’s just that: a sudden pang of surprise.
F = Firsts (A first on anything you pick)
“She won’t know,” you swish around the horse, mounting first, then extending your hand toward him. He takes your hand, despite everything in him saying he shouldn’t, not that day. “Come! Live a little, prince-boy.” 
First fling-- Taking him away from Judith and Aethelwulf is too easy. With everyone’s eye on Aethelred, all you have to do is fool Judith to slip her precious boy away. Alfred is unsure of it-- his mother’s voice beating in his head, where were you! He falls ill when you bring him back.
G = Good Morning (How do they wake you up)
Do forgive me, the parchment reads the day after your wedding. A small golden and pearl necklace sits on top of the crisp paper. I’ve too much to do. I will see you as god allows.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs?)
He does. They’re a small comfort to him when he’s going off to war, but even more so when they are followed up with a kiss, and the command for him to come back safely.
I = In Labor (Labour and Delivery)
“Women have been doing this since the dawn of time, Alfred.” His knuckle taps repeatedly over the parchment. Yes, women have been doing this since the dawn of time-- but not his woman.
He can’t get a lick of work done. He’s too busy thinking of his wife, who labors alone, in her modesty has sent him out. Get something done, he isn’t here yet, you told him. Strong woman. And still he gets nothing done, leaves his chambers, and seeks you out.
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J = Jealousy (Are they jealous? How do they handle it?)
“Do you think the blonde one or the brown one is the bigger brother?” your chamber maids say, giggly amongst the quietly gathered. Before him, the Northman stood. 
“The blond,” you speak up, rarely. You never spoke. “What? He’s a big man.” 
Your chambermaids gasp, looking up. “Ooh,” they squeak-- and regretfully, Alfred’s head snaps over too. 
Watchfully. He’s not admittedly jealous-- but quietly and privately so. He asks many questions, rather than interrogate you about your interests in another, to make sense of what happened earlier. You aren’t jealous, are you? you hush him with a kiss. Of course not, he was simply-- concerned.
K = Kisses (How do they kiss? How often?)
Gently-- at any point that he can. Leaving or coming, he doesn’t spare any kisses. He’s often gentle, and so you might have to push him to be a little more passionate. Shyness won’t get him everything after all. 
L = Loyal (How loyal are they?)
M = Memory (Their favourite memory about you?)
His grandfather’s bath was a tranquil place. You come here, every moment that you can spare apart from seeing the people, caring for the settlement, and doing your duties as queen. You strip away your clothes and fold them, not hearing the door squeak open, nor Alfred come in. The water plips as you shift into it. At the sound of boots you whirl about, holding your chest. 
“Please.” Alfred stands there. His favourite moments of you are your most private moments. The moments when you think you’re all alone, but aren’t. “Go on-- clean yourself.” 
N = Never! (Dealbreakers)
He can’t deal with someone who might whine about his time. His first concern is England and everything else is secondary to the fact. In his mind, his partner must understand where his allegiance must be.
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O = On the Rocks (How do they make up?)
“Why are you here?” you unclipped the earring from the back of your ear, turning to find Alfred waiting by your table where you kept your jewelry box. “Does England not need its king today?” 
“Not if you are still angry,” he raps his knuckles over the table. “I am sorry.”
With his time. It’s so important, and so scarce, that if he knows you are disappointed with him, it’s the one thing he can do to get back into both your good graces and show he’s apologetic about what happened. Or at the least, wants to make amends. 
P = Playtime (Any headcanons on sex)
“Alfred what are you doing?” 
He’ll try almost anything once. At the start of the relationship, you would take the more dominant role by inciting sex. But, after Ubbe came, Alfred seemed to change, putting more effort into chasing you with a strange confidence. The dominance is strange-- but welcome. You wonder how much he told Ubbe about your sex life.
Q = Quiet Time (How do they wind down?)
After his day, if he can sneak away, he likes to cuddle in bed. It’s better than sex to him because he can lace his fingers through yours, and carry off all thoughts of the long day away. 
R = Rapture (What makes them happy?)
He took you that morning to watch him spar with Ubbe. Ubbe was fantastic, you’d admit. A true Northman, strong, witty, quick. But your eye was on Alfred alone, following the way he dodged, the way he moved. You held a cup ready for him when he collapsed beside you. 
“What... do you think?” he heaved between heavy breaths. He could fall into illness, but he didn’t. He was strong, and as he chugged his drink, your hand caressed his chest, coming up behind his neck, kissing him hard and strong. 
“You were perfect.” He admits-- he likes to impress you.
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S = Soulmate (What do they think of soulmates?)
“A soulmate?” he asks you about the concept. He’s not heard of such things-- but it sounds... fitting, he’d say.
T = Together (What do you like to do together?)
Off of the carriage, you walked in the dust. Your maids said you would dirty your dress and yet, you didn’t care, you wanted to be among the children. After his duties, Alfred clopped by on his horse, leaning down in his saddle to hand something toward you. You pluck it from his fingers and realize-- it’s a sweet smelling flower. 
Secretly, Alfred enjoys it when you accompany him on his trips. He often does get sick, so if it has to happen, he would prefer that it happen when you are by his side. 
U = Unyielding (How do they handle interlopers on the relationship?)
The queen’s hands had been over him. Not the queen-- not his queen-- but the queen from another place. You had seen the way he pushed her hands down, cupping them together with a shake of his head. “I have a wife,” he stressed. “And no interests in another.” 
Alfred doesn’t tolerate it. He makes sure to snuff out the concerns of women coming after him where they stand. Similarly, he expects you to do the same, although it he must, he will. 
V = Vulnerable (Are they vulnerable often? How do they handle it?)
Not often. Apart from his family, he might be vulnerable with you. Romance and family life is the one place where he might be vulnerable-- and hopes that you’ll protect that vulnerability.
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W = Wedding (Wedding headcanons)
“I’ll make it up to you,” Alfred says once the doors are finally shut. You roll on your side, over the small stain of blood dribbled over the sheets, yet still sore. He takes initiative to shift on top of you, his forearm balancing himself. 
“That is not the way you wanted to...” he drops off, knowing that it was foolish and silly when you cup his soft cheek. It’s okay, you have to tell him, over and over again.
Being a king, it’s all done according to how it has to be done. While the wedding is luxurious, it could be better. He knows that-- you deserve his affections in private.
X = (E)x (How do they handle exes? What do they do if they see them)
With a semblance of longing but also of respect. If he’s moved on, he’ll gingerly nod his head, go on his way. If he hasn’t, he might wonder to himself-- perhaps he could have done this, or that, better.
Y = Yearning (What do they do when they miss you?)
Alfred held the end of the table, chewing his cheek, the paper was still not done. He has work to do-- but he can’t help wonder, where were you? Were you well? He turns to one of his guards, “Call the queen,” Alfred stands upright, throwing his hand out lightly. “Tell her I want to eat with her.”
He can’t get any work done. So, he does the only thing he can think to do-- he calls you into his quarters and hopes that this blaring need will quell. Or, if his body is so weak, he has to... eat first.
Z = Zzz… (Sleeping headcanons)
When he’s exhausted, he collapses into bed beside you. He doesn’t remember when he falls asleep, only that you’re there beside him.
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The Gang Peddles Horse Pills
It was a quiet morning in Paddy’s Pub when Dee, Charlie and Mac found themselves sat round the bar chatting, while Dennis poured them out shots as a reward for their hard labours of scaring off any potential customers.
Just as he was beginning to pour out another round of some forgotten, nasty liqueur they had ordered for Halloween several years back, Frank Reynolds walked into the bar with a wide grin on his face and a literal skip in his step.
"What are you so happy about?" asked Dee, as he dragged round a stool to sit with them.
"I just came up with a brilliant scheme that's gonna make us a boat load of cash!” Frank announced expecting excited faces and rapturous applause, but instead was met with sighs and eye rolls.
“So I accidentally bought a bunch of these pills called Ivermectin off my friend Duncan,” he began to explain, undeterred by their scepticism, “I was trying to buy cocaine, it’s a long story, but anyway there I am thinking what the hell am I gonna do with all this crap, and then it hit me. You see I’ve been going around on all the local news stations and ‘free thinking’ podcasts, you know the sort, telling them that this shit cures covid but the liberal yahoos and deep state don’t want you to know about it, and people have started buying it like crazy. So, I bought up all the supply in town, now I control the prices and I am making big, big money off this thing.”
"Okay Frank, and what is this Ivermectin actually?" Dennis asked pointedly.
"Horse dewormer!” Frank answered as he helped himself to a shot from the bottle on the table, “yeh, you give it to horses to make them shit themselves. It’s really nasty stuff actually.”
"Frank, no one’s going to want to take a literal horse shit pill to cure coronavirus, when the vaccines are literally free,” Dee exclaimed turning back to her drink.
"Oh yeh wanna bet?” Frank turned to Charlie, who seemed more open to the concept than Dee and Dennis, largely because he’d been struggling to follow the conversation. “Hey Charlie, you wanna try some Ivermectin?” Frank asked.
"The horse stuff? Nah you're good man, I've already got a ton back home, I’m actually struggling to get through it all."
Dennis did a double take, as he was once again blown away by the state of his friends. "This is insane, Charlie do not take that stuff it doesn't cure covid and it’s almost certainly bad for you."
"Nah it’s fine man, I've been taking it for years now and once you get over the chest pain and excessive bleeding it’s actually a very positive experience."
"I'm sorry, you've been taking horse dewormer for years?!" Dennis snapped back, as Frank began to do a little jig and rub his hands with glee.
"Well yeh!” Charlie answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, “You know how like ketamin is horse tranquiliser and that works really well on humans, I thought hey why not try out other horse medicine, and so far it’s worked out pretty well for me.” He looked at the ceiling with his brow furrowed in concentration before concluding, “you know maybe man is horse."
"Man is horse? What the fuck are you talking about Charlie!” Dennis retorted before taking a deep sigh to try and calm the rage of the golden god that was burning within him. “Okay just as long as we're all vaccinated and none of the rest of us are drinking horse dewormer," he looked pointedly at Charlie who simply shrugged, "then we should be fine, you are all vaccinated right?"
"No dude what the fuck of course I'm not," Mac answered looking disgusted at the very thought, causing Dee, who has been sitting next to him, to move over a stool to distance herself from him.
"What do you mean you're not vaccinated?" Dennis asked incredulously.
"Dude those things are really dangerous!"
"What are you talking about?” Dennis snapped back, “Is this about 5G because you definitely don't even know what that means."
“No they literally give you covid," Mac answered defiantly.
Dennis rolled his eyes, as he began to explain the very basic premise on which a vaccine operates. "Yes that is literally the whole point, they give you a weakened form of the virus so your immune system can learn how to fight it off, that's why I make a point to take every vaccine I can. The golden god must always have a perfect immune system, and thus I must consume that which would seek to destroy me so I may absorb its strength."
"No dude," Mac said shaking his head, "Vaccines give you covid because when you get a vaccine you are telling the lord you no longer trust his almighty power, thus incurring his wrath so that he may well see fit to smite you down with covid.”
Even Charlie seemed confused at this point as Dee responded, "well I don't even know where to begin with that one."
Frank sensed an opportunity to peddle his horse pills, so put his hand on Macs shoulder in order to exploit his weakness for fatherly affection. "Listen if you're worried about covid you can always take some Ivermectin to help make sure you're protected from God's wrath. Plus, I'll give you a discount if you can sign up a friend too.”
"So this is a pyramid scheme too now! Great!" Dennis exclaimed sarcastically.
"I don't know is that stuff safe?” Mac asked, “It is supposed to be for horses."
"Anything that's safe for horses is also safe for humans,” Frank reassured Mac “I used to have a friend who was a top lawyer, and he always used to say to me 'you know Frank, man is horse'." Mac still looked sceptical, so Frank added "Also, I heard it helps you build muscle.”
"Oh really, where can I sign up?" Mac responded instantly, looking around for a clipboard.
"Oh come on Frank that's my trick," Dennis declared smashing his hand against the table.
"You know what Mac?” Frank asked, ignoring Dennis and massaging Mac’s shoulder with his hand, “How would you feel about becoming a social media star?"
Mac, who craved validation from father figures above all else, grinned at the prospect as he excitedly confirmed his interest.
"Oh Mac come on, he's obviously just going to make you peddle his horse laxatives for him. And seriously Frank? The people don't want to see someone hideous like Mac, they want someone handsome and charismatic like me!"
"He'll play well with the evangelicals. Come on Mac, I've got us a 2pm slot, we better go and get ready,” Frank said as he dragged a very excited looking Mac out the door.
Dee moved back to her original seat, feeling relieved Mac and any germs he may have been carrying were now gone, as Dennis stared at the door they had left through with his lips pursed in anger.
"Okay whatever, and you two?” he asked turning his attention back to Dee and Charlie, “You two better be vaccinated, because I cannot have unvaccinated people running around threatening the golden god's immune system."
"Yeh of course I’m vaccinated," Dee said sounding affronted.
“Okay well I'm surprised the needle wasn't snapped by your stupid pointy bird bones. And what about you Charlie are you vaccinated?"
"Against what?" he asked innocently.
“I'm sorry, 'against what'?” Dee asked incredulously, “Charlie why do you think you’ve had to spend a year locked in the house with Frank?"
"I'm not sure, I saw something about people were trying to inject us with bleach so we had to stay inside so they couldn't get us, and maybe the nightman was behind it all or something."
"Charlie please tell me you have at some point this whole entire year watched the news?!" Dee asked in abject horror, as Dennis looked seconds away from giving up.
"Listen a lot of things happen on the news, I can't be expected to keep track of it all. Besides, it literally changes every day, so there’s not really any point watching it because tomorrow it’ll be about something different"
They both starred back at him blankly for a while, as Dee wondered why the hell she still hung out with these guys and several options for ways to graphically murder him passed through Dennis’ mind.
"You are going to get vaccinated now, and I don't want to see you back here until you've done it." Dennis declared, as Charlie began to walk towards the door.
He paused looking back in confusion, so Dennis said, “Go on, shoo!” as he and Dee mimed shooing gestures, and Charlie tentatively made his way out of Paddy’s Pub in search of a vaccine.
0 notes
project-ohagi · 4 years
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Keigo Takami ღ Hawks x Reader 
Buy me a coffee!! <3
His past was of no real consequence to you.
If this lie was to be exposed, the very fabric of your sanity would unravel.
That quiet, near-expressionless boy had flourished so handsomely. Yet, in your sordid line of work, sentiments like these were simply a hindrance. Your research wasn’t wasted, however; delving into his background had yielded some interesting information. As it flooded your mind, sorrow-soaked vines clawed at your heart, threatening to unleash all the sympathy trapped within. You couldn’t allow it, lest your job be compromised. Your client had promised thousands for this hit! Maybe if success was achieved…maybe you'd be able to live comfortably, gifting your younger siblings more food and toys than they had ever dreamed of. Maybe after this…you could stop?
Steeling yourself, you aimed the gun. I have eyes on the target. All I have to do is take the shot. This should be easy - he's just standing around! So…why am I hesitating?
Beads of sweat trickled from glove to metal, as you tried desperately to reshuffle your thoughts. The harmony between your senses of morality and self-preservation was fraying. White noise resonated in your ears, swimming into your very essence and exploding your nerves. It was destined to be dangerous, when your innermost feelings, after having been repressed for so long, grappled for purchase on your heart-strings, tugging in time with the death-clock. If you idled for another moment more, your target would disappear, and so too would your hopes for a taste of rapture. The result of this hit…The livelihood of everything you embraced with a gentle, loving heart…it all rested upon this one menial task. If it became impossible to provide for yourself and two minors, for the sake of a secretive man - a hero - with whom you weren't even familiar…
…Did you truly deserve these blessed sun-rays, the smiles and the laughter directed towards you in the daytime? Did you even deserve to live, anymore?
No, that won't happen! I promised (B/n) and (S/n) that I would make money, and I would keep them safe. I can't do that if I fail this - much less if I'm dead.
Though…the difficulty was stomaching something as horrendous as assassinating a man whose life, since his immaculate conception, had been fraught with hardship. You didn’t wish to imagine what you were cutting short, all the pleasantries he wouldn’t ever experience. The chains binding those marvellous, crimson wings to the Safety Commission had no time to shatter. Not even this lamentable fate could liberate his soul. Death might wrap its opaque cloak around him, but true freedom would still be unattainable. You decided that once this play concluded, you would mourn until your lungs caved in. Grief was already beginning to pool in your eyes, but you wiped it away.
The gun trembled in your hand.
A brighter future loomed beyond the horizon, if only you could take a proper aim.
As you watched him loosen his playful façade, you gulped. That image alone, that half-torn husk of a man, was filling you with regret…and he wasn’t even trying! You remembered flicking through the pages upon pages of notes collected on his past, gaze landing on some pictures of an adorable little child, clutching an Endeavor plushie. With his family's alcoholism, with their violent temper, all the shards of glass from sickening-looking bottles…
That type of environment couldn’t ever offer security for such a young chick. It was neglected, dirty - the exact opposite of your home. Then, the route chosen for him surely wasn’t the correct one. He had a tragic history, one moulded for villainy, or perhaps the more skilled profession of a hitman. You despised the feeling of malaise which had encircled you, when first hearing of your target. Why him? Why you? A wretched sob caught in your throat.
You pointed the muzzle towards him, praying to any gods that cared to listen, to be forgiven.
The gun, slick with sweat, slipped from your palm.
What…? The world seemed to move in slow-motion. No, no, no! I need to catch it, quickly! It can't end like this, I won't let it!
Amidst the frightened, hasty jerking of a woman attempting to save her position, still veiled from the target, and her means of income, a second gun lay tucked within her pocket. Forgotten. To be captured now…it would almost certainly evolve into a trip to the gallows. You wouldn’t be permitted even a word of commiseration to your siblings. How would they survive out there, on the nasty, criminal-riddled streets? You couldn’t even begin to fathom the inevitable hardships awaiting them. In your panic, you missed the ledge. A second later, you too were plummeting down, to the cold, hard ground below. You couldn’t bluff this one, you couldn’t grab on to anything. You couldn’t re-spawn. Once Hel had coaxed your soul deeper into its foreboding wasteland, you would never return. You wouldn’t get that happy ending, after all.
Yet…your heart pleaded with the wind, with the earth, with the gods.
And someone answered.
A series of delicate, but strong, scarlet feathers snaked around your wrists and back. Hawks, no…Keigo, was carrying you alongside him. A knowing smirk enveloped his perfect features, and you surrendered to the newfound warmth in your chest. Not a single thought more was spared for that gun.
No…your mind was fully occupied.
[Word Count: 901]
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olicitytropes · 5 years
Olicity Tropetastic Awards: Season Three
The season of angst, assassins, and al sah-hottie is one we’ll always hold close to our Olicity-loving hearts. From their first date, to their first kiss, to their first time together, season 3 really gave us everything...including(arguably) the best hiatus fanfiction we’ve ever had.
Don’t ask Oliver to say he doesn’t love Felicity. And don’t ask us to say we didn’t love these fics. 
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@tangled23works’s recs:
Memory Lane - @lupin72
Oliver and Felicity spend a night at a karaoke bar with Oliver telling Felicity how he knows for a fact that she can sing. Felicity realizes that she really doesn't remember Thea's birthday 
**Award: Best Karaoke+Fluff I’ve Ever Read**
Devil’s Backbone - @anthfan
What happens if Oliver and Felicity begin a physical relationship brought on by the catalyst of Sara's death, but acted like nothing had changed between them. One chapter per episode.
**Award: Best Canon Divergence/Fic You Need To Read ASAP**
The End of the Beginning - MachaSWicket
Tomorrow – and her stomach jumps a little every time she lets herself think about it – tomorrow, she and Oliver are leaving on some grand tour of the U.S. (And each other.) But first: sleep. Lots and lots of sleep. At least that’s the plan. To say she wasn’t expecting a knock at her door is putting it mildly. Because Oliver left her outside Palmer Tech with a sweet, lingering kiss, and he’d looked at least as tired as she felt.
**Award: Cutest, Most Realistic Olicity The Night Before They Ride Off Into The Sunset**
Only you can set my heart on my fire -  inlovewithimpossibility
He can’t help but smirk at her tone of voice. His main focus over the past two months has been memorizing every element of the woman underneath him. He’s tuned himself into her frequency, storing the cause and meaning of every type of hitched breath, moan and tone of voice. This soft, distracted murmur is rare but one of Oliver’s favorites.
(A small NSFW fic set in Bali during Olicity's post-s3 roadtrip)
**Award: Most Gratifying Olicity-In-Bali Fic**
@blondeeoneexox’s recs:
Caught in the Rapture - @bindy417
AU. Being the daughter of a ruthless and notorious crime lord, Felicity Smoak didn't think her life could get any worse. When her father unexpectedly sells her in marriage as a peace offering to his enemy, she quickly learns it'll take more than just her sharp intellect to survive. But what starts out as a sentence worse than death may actually be her only shot at freedom.
**Award: Most Beautiful Olicity Growth**
The Firebird - @supersillyanddorky06
Felicity Smoak stumbles upon a man dressed in black about to kill someone. The man takes an interest in her and she does not realize who he is. He is Al Sah-Him, the best assassin in The League, the crown jewel of the brotherhood, who is known for his lethal focus and killer instincts, brought up in the League itself.
What happens when he is taken completely with the blonde?
Assassin AU. Basically a what if Felicity met Al Sah-Him and not Oliver Queen story. Stuff will happen. Enjoy!
**Award: Most Amazing Felicity and Al-Sah-Him Non-Canon That I Really Wish Was Canon Because It Would Have Been SO REWARDING Fic**
P.S. Hong Kong: Was it Real?!? - @cruzrogue 
(This is off season 3 Flashbacks. When Tommy goes to Hong Kong he doesn’t go alone he takes his friend Felicity as the best information system being to help him locate Oliver Queen. Tommy may leave empty handed but Felicity gets to be a bride…)
Trope-tastic Awards: Week One
Fake Marriage!
(Olicity fake marriage stories! Pretending to be married, accidentally married, drunkenly married in Vegas and they don’t remember any of it)
**Award: Cutest Fake Marriage S3 Fic**
@allimariexf’s recs:
Once More (From the Top) - @writewithurheart
In the aftermath of his fight with Ras Al Ghul, Oliver finds himself somewhere unexpected: his hospital room when he first came back from the Island.
With a second chance to right the mistakes he’s made since coming back to Starling City, what will Oliver do to save the people he’s loved and lost?
Will he be able to change his past or will be he forced to watch history repeat itself?
**Award: Most Intriguingly Brilliant, Heartwarmingly Beautiful, Why-Can’t-This-Be-Canon Time Travel Trope**
We Should Just Kiss (Like Real People Do) - @dust2dust34
Prompt-inspired ficlets covering Oliver and Felicity's road trip after 3x23 "My Name is Oliver Queen."
Covers everything from the fluffiest fluff to silliness to gratuitous smut to ridiculous happiness to some angst.
**Award: Hottest Exploration of the Sweet, Smutty, Quiet, Happy! Domestic! Olicity Moments From the Summer of Olicity that we Deserved But Never Got**  
Long Time Coming - MachaSWicket
Felicity’s pretty proud of them both, that they follow up their frantic, almost-had-(probably-amazing)-sex-in-the-lair lapse in control with an actual, grown up, adult conversation in which they agree to keep their hands to themselves until they go on a couple of real, official dates. Well, that’s not entirely accurate. They agree that kissing is okay. And some, you know, associated behaviors. Because kissing involves touching and hugging and maybe occasionally some delightful friction. So that kind of… grinding is also acceptable. But they’re not going to have sex before their first date. Probably. Or how Oliver and Felicity turned all that blistering UST to RST. Finally. Spoilers through S3, including “The Climb.”
**Award: Sweetest, Most Emotionally-Fulfilling Use of Delayed Gratification (not to mention hottest)** 
@smoaking-greenarrow’s recs:
Confidence - itwasred
Olicity on their road trip after the season 3 finale, discovering each other. Felicity has some confidence issues that Oliver is quick to get her over.
**Award: Best Oliver Making Sure Felicity Knows How He Has Always Felt About Her**
Pacific Crest Trials - @imusuallyobsessed
After they drive off into the sunset and leave Starling City behind, Felicity and Oliver decide to go hiking on the Pacific Crest Trail. Felicity soon realizes that her vision and the reality don't match up, and Oliver does his best to convince her that backpacking isn't all that bad. Part of the Olicity Hiatus Fic-A-Thon, prompt: summer vacation.
**Award: Cutest Protective Oliver**
This One Time in College -  Vixx2pointOh
After we saw them drive off into the sunset, we know the travelled around the world....
In Thailand Felicity got drunk and started talking.....drunk Felicity shouldn't be in charge of talking....
**Award: Most Hilariously Drunk Felicity**
Daughter of the Demon - @laxit21,  mewmew666
What if in 1988 while traveling through Las Vegas Ra's al Ghul bumps into a nice waitress named Donna Smoak and they have one-night stand together? A little bundle of joy named Felicity Smoak is the result. In 2014, the Demon Head becomes aware of his youngest daughter's existence.
**Award: Most Unique Twist in Canon**
@memcjo’s recs:
Bury me in your Sins - @theirinrutherfords
Don’t involve yourself in the league of assassins and don’t fuck with the league of assassins. It’s a pretty easy concept, right? Well, it would have been if Felicity had known what she was meddling with. Now she has one of the league’s best assassins knocking down her door.
**Award: Best Use of Felicity Being in Over Her Head But Coming Out on Top**
Come Back When You Can - @smoaking-greenarrow
Felicity Smoak had accepted that her husband is dead. She's done everything she could to hold her family, her team, her city, and herself together. But five years after losing her husband, Felicity learns that things didn't happen the way she thought they did. And when Oliver realizes that he was lied to, he's willing to do whatever it takes to get revenge on the people who took his life away.
**Award: Best Use of Angst/Sorrow/Revenge Leading to a Happy Olicity**
Into Thin Air - @realityisoverrated-fic
Tommy disappears on his morning run. Two weeks later, Felicity is taken from the Foundry. Oliver is willing to sacrifice everything to get them back.
**Award: Best Use of Stubborn SmoakingBillionaries Facing Extreme Danger to Save Each Other in a HOLY SHIT~WOW! fic**
Try Harder Next Time - @hope-for-olicity
Set in Season 3 (I heart Season 3), Diggle confronts Oliver about letting Felicity go - yes, I can write the same story a different way over and over and over ;) This was Hope-for-Olicity’s 100th story as well!
**Award: Best Use of Diggle Sees ALL and is Tired of Oliver’s Shit**
A Nice Day for a Light Wedding -  sarcasticmama
A one shot based on leaked finale spoilers for Season 3 of the Arrow. Olicity! Written in between feedings with no beta. All mistakes are mine.
**Award: Best Happily Ever After Olicity Fluff**
Unasked Questions - @laurabelle2930
Olicity Smut ;) This one takes place during 3x20. It’s my take on what happened before we see Oliver staring out over the moon lit sands of Nanda Parbat. 
**Award: Best Use of Sexy, Bittersweet Olicity**
@msbeccieboo’s recs:
His Felicity, His Happiness - @oliversmuse
She just wanted to have a night off. A night where she could forget the trauma she had been through three months ago. But that night, everything changed. He saved her then kidnapped her. He was a mystery to her and she hated mysteries. They needed to be solved. She was determined to find out who was Al-Sah-Him.
**Award: Best disposal of Evil!Ray**
Adventures in Ivy Town - @it-was-a-red-heeler
Oliver and Felicity learn that there can be danger in the burbs, too.
**Award: Cutest Ivy Town fluffiness!!**
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dollyshious · 6 years
Kanato Sakamaki Kink Meme
I wanted to do this too, because it looked fun.
Aphrodisiac (using on self or on partner):
Kanato would have no interest in it. That would make it disingenuous in his opinion. He’d rather be sole the cause of rapture for his lover, than some drug and vice versa.
He wouldn’t be against it, but he isn’t a very patient lover. The preparation would annoy him when all he wants is to simply have his way with you.
This is a dangerous game to be playing with him, be warned, he will not go easy on you. There will be no sex toys, gags and cute fuzzy handcuffs. He’s much more fascinated by traditional forms of torture, so expect more than whips and spankings. Oh, and he won’t be gentle either, he’ll make sure you are completely decorated with rope burn, cuts, bruises and plenty of bites by the time he’s through.
Blowjob (receiving):
He loves getting one after making you grovel. The sight of you on your hands and knees between his legs is absolutely thrilling to him
Condom (using one):
It would not go well.
It may sound appealing in concept, but to him, it’s not remotely as satisfying as claiming you from the inside.
There is no question about who is in charge. Kanato might appear fragile, but he is not to be taken lightly. He will always have his lover under an iron grip. If you dare try to challenge his position, he has no problem with putting you right back in your place.
Endytophilia (sex with clothes on):
Kanato has always been drawn to fashion, so it’s no surprise that he’d like to incorporate it into sex. When you’re arrayed in dress, (especially something he’s picked for you), he just can’t help himself. He loves the feel of the fabric when he pushes up your skirt, the sound of tearing through nylon and seeing the prim and proper become disarray.  He also wouldn’t mind dressing up for you if you had a request.  
Face Sitting:
Bon appetit, He’s the glutton of the family after all. How could he not want to feast on the ever-loving hell out of you?
Perhaps? It doesn’t really suit his style, but if he was feeling especially dirty, he might do it as a form of punishment,
Why would he need those useless things when he has magic on his side?
“Hic…you haven’t been paying attention to me at all…Hic… Eh…? You want to comfort me…? Y-You…*grabs* You’re an awfully careless girl, you should know by now this body is what I was truly after.”
High Sex (sex while high on a drug):
He wouldn’t be the type to experiment with drugs on his own accord. If he ever did, more than likely, it was by accident. Probably, from eating or drinking something laced. Considering how he handles his alcohol, he probably would be down for a good romp. However, he doesn’t have a high tolerance for this type of stuff, so he’d probably end up passing out in the midst of it.
It’s one of his most favorite ways to torment you and a HUGE turn on of his. He’ll have you bow, crawl, strip, whatever he finds most amusing. He takes pleasure in the shameful faces you make as you do it and doesn’t care who else bears witness to the show. Why should he care about what his brothers say or think? You’re his possession after all. He’s merely establishing that fact.
This is probably one of Kanato’s more twisted tastes. He relishes ridding his lover of any motor abilities in bed. Any method will do, ropes, forbidden magic, or pinning you by his own hands. The feeling of having total control over his precious doll is what he enjoys most. He wants you to just bask in the pleasure he’s giving without unpredicted movements.    
The very thought of such a thing would fill him with bile. If it were up to him, he’d prefer that his beloved family be corpses than living, functional beings.
Jack Off (Masturbation):
Every now and then when he’s feeling especially needy, he’ll relieve himself in privacy. He might even touch himself to titillate you, but for the most part, he expects you to be the one to gratify him.
This’d sort of be similar to the way he views clothing. He’d like the sensation of pulling on or ripping off a string of pearls. Then again, why do you need jewelry when he can leave all sorts of marks on you?  “How about a necklace made by my own fangs? That would be far more becoming…” You would get him going if you have the wedding band he gave you on that pretty little finger of yours.
Kanato treats affection like it’s a gift, “if you’re a good girl, I’ll give you lots of love.”  He’ll taunt you by withholding kisses, sometimes purposefully avoiding your lips, until you ask directly. Not that he won’t shower you with kisses at any given time. In fact, he’ll come find you whenever he wants to. He’ll do it in public just to show to everyone that you are his. He loves being cuddled up in bed with you just sharing kisses.
Knife Play:
He’s not afraid to play with knives. It’s probably one of his preferred tools to draw blood (under his fangs that is). He’ll have you strung up as he makes various incisions from shallow to dangerously deep. It’s an easy way to produce more blood when he’s feeling especially thirsty.
Love (having meaningful sex with someone they love):
Kanato doesn’t participate in flings, so when he decides he wants to have sex, it means he’s getting serious about you. From that day onward, you are officially his and his alone. Your first time together won’t exactly feel like love making. It’ll be rougher and rawer, like he’s consecrating you as his possession.  However, when you’ve proven that you’ll be a permanent facet in his life, you’ll notice a dramatic shift in the way he treats you. He will love and adore you and your body in every way possible.  
Noise (Loud Sex):
“Dolls should be as they are, still and silent.” Kanato tends to express disapproval at loud vocalizations. It’s very rare for him to like the sound of someone’s voice. However, your voice is special, it excites him so greatly that he will seek out all your pleasure points to make you louder.  
Kanato can be pretty vocal when he’s in pleasure, especially when he’s getting worked up.  
Nipple Clamps:
To him, this would be taken more literally than sexually. He is a prince after all, and you are one of his belongings to do as he pleases. Though, he’ll certainly call you a slave to his pleasure.  
Orgasm Denial:
He has no sympathy and finds your suffering amusing. The more desperate you are, the better, but don’t you even think about pulling that on him.
Unlikely, Kanato doesn’t like sharing and there’s no way he’d let anyone lay a hand on his lover.
Pet Play:
He might call you a dog when you’re groveling on the ground, but that’s about it.
Public Sex:
Skip classes to go to the library, by the lake, on an open balcony under the stars, in the little dressing room when you ask him to zip the back of your dress, a graveyard on a pitch-black night…  
Quad Orgy:
If anyone even thought to breathe the same air as his lover, they’d be dead.
Quiet Sex:
When he climbs into bed with you during the day. You should be sound asleep, but you stayed up to wait for him and he knows it. He finds it peaceful to melt together with your sleepy form.  
It’s one of the ways he likes to embarrass you. He takes pride in how he can rattle you, bending you over any surface, and feeling your legs and hips quiver as he devours you.
Sensation Play:
Kanato wouldn’t be into it. For one thing, he doesn’t like blindfolds. He feels like that would be eliminating the best part, your expressions. Second, he just doesn’t really get it.
He’d laugh in your face for the very suggestion, and maybe punish you for being defiant.  However, if he’s in the right mood, he’ll give you permission to be more forceful. There’s something oddly erotic about you trying to inflict pain onto him that he can’t resist. He’ll even command you to do it stronger if it isn’t enough for him bite, scratch, choke and even stab.
That’s practically second nature to him, aside from vindictiveness.
“There’s plenty of toys in the torture chamber. Fufu.”
During your bathing rituals, he’d love to push you up onto the ledge and clean you up.  
Voyeurism (watching others have sex):
Due to his childhood, Kanato probably wouldn’t bat an eye at it, much less be aroused.
Wax Play:
Possibly, if it was convenient for him at the time. He’d probably enjoy the red burn marks it leaves on your skin,
It’s not exactly his style. If you want to be smacked on the ass, he’ll just use his own hands.
X-Ray? (boasting about their size):
With all the uncertainties Kanato has about himself, he would never want to bring attention to himself that way.  
Once Kanato has you, he will give all his love and devotion to you, he wouldn’t need anyone else, and wouldn’t do something as ridiculous as try to make you jealous.
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saviorsoul · 6 years
1, 5, 10, 12, 16, 19, 21, 24 😘
You asked me the best questions out of the lot. I have to put all of this shit behind a cut now because I went off like a rocket. 💕 💖
1. if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch,and listen to?
If anyone truly wants to “understand” me, read as much poetry as youpossibly can, the more based in the metaphysical or mythological, the better.Find a .pdf file of Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke with translations by Stephen Mitchell (bestversion) and then read his massive oeuvre of poetry, try out The Closed Doorsby Pauline Albanese (antigonick here on tumblr, she’s lovely and fascinating),grab anything by James Baldwin to voraciously devour and watch his ’65 Cambridgedebate against William F. Buckley, make a big cup of tea and peruse Mythologyby Edith Hamilton; take in Women, Race and Class and Freedom is a ConstantStruggle by Angela Davis. Question absolutely everything you read consideringthe workings of traditional witchcraft and magic in general, find your magicsources outside of spell-a-day books if you are looking to practice that.
Watch Kenneth Clark’s Civilizationsand give Power of Myth with Bill Moyers and Joseph Campbell a quick view. Thelatter has a largely Eurocentric vision of myth and its application to one’slife (which is… tired), but there are some fantastic concepts there to researchon your own. Alice Walker has a ton of conversations and discussions on YouTubethat are illuminating, and recently I’ve been obsessed with Gordon White’s RuneSoup podcast because he has the best discussions with a diverse group ofpeople. My silly side loves Good Mythical Morning on Youtube; it’s just acouple of white guys and their crew who make me laugh!!
Listen to Albinoni’s Adagio in GMinor which I can’t get enough of currently, Haydn, Tchaikovsky, Chopin and thelike… as for opera, Maria Callas, Renata Tibaldi, Enrico Caruso… contemporaryartists: Massive Attack, Fever Ray, Radiohead’s discography, anything and everythingby Sade, Fairuz and Portishead… I could honestly go on, but honestly, just getinto things that make you feel proud of the human race for creating such beautyas music.
5. do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? do youidentify yourself by the things you do?
I have always been a human doingsince I can recall. The bulk of my personhood has always been dependent onaccomplishments through tasks, but recently (as in very recently) my therapist andI have been discussing what it is to be a person at rest, and how that is notinherently a bad thing nor is it counterproductive to achieving dreams. It’svery hard for me to find a balance because I was raised by people who workedtediously for a “good” life by their standards, and for a long time I comparedmyself to the material gain and accesses of others, but I’ve taken stops to ridmyself of comparisons entirely. I need to find what my own standards are for agood life and I do that through—you guessed it—simply being.
10. do you have a creed?
To put it simply and succinctly (isthat even possible for me?), no. However, I believe in using all gainedknowledge, personal success and compassion to heal oneself and the world. Savethe world, whether by few or by many. The Earth is thy mother and father, and whateverlies inside and outside of that. Be tender to all. Love within and without.
12. dog person or cat person?
Cats! My most personable andfamiliar friends have been cats, to be perfectly honest. There’s somethingabout the slow blink of their gaze and the way their tails curl around your armwhen you’re petting them that just warms up my antiquated heart.
16. if you’d grown up in a different environment, do you think you’d have turned out the same?
Probably not? I mean, environment has so much to do with your perception of the world, and my perceptions have been formed by the surroundings of people and places of my past. There’s a chance I could be subjectively better or worse; that my strengths could have never been formed, or my weaknesses never been realized. Sometimes I wish I could have been raised to be more self-sufficient in terms of farming, gardening, etc, but all of that is what I am learning to do with my time now.
19. whichHarry Potter house would you be in? or are you a muggle?
I’m a Slytherin! I am definitely a Slytherin, there’s no other way about it, but I’m not one of complete self-interest, I just appreciate the darkness that house offers that no other one seems to embrace.
21. do you love easily?
My self-preservative instincts want to say FUCK NO, but that’s absolutely not true. I love in a rapturous way that depletes me. It is quiet anda oh-so-personal, it extends great distances, but it absolutely exhausts me. I’m so fucking sensitive, it’s obnoxious.
24. have you ever felt like you had a“mind-meld” with someone?
God, yeah. If someone really getsme, like… reeaaaallly gets me… I feel that I telepathically connect with themand we can share a look and virtually be standing in the astral plane communicatingwhile the world goes on in various speeds around us. I’ve experienced phenomenawhere I’ll send someone a message or call their phone at the exact moment they’remessaging me or calling me about the thing I am calling them about, too. Coincidence?Perhaps. I like to think of it as something energetically fierce, though.
(That took me a literal hour to write, so I will not be offended if you only read half of it. Who has the time or the energy? Isn’t it weird how you don’t realize how little people ask about you until someone does?I need to start asking people about themselves more often!!!)
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dfroza · 3 years
A poetic memory that points to “Home” and a secret elopement to come
(A guarded heavenly marriage)
to be accompanied by a post John Parsons shared on Facebook Today that points to the same in A grand end of time:
Though no one knows the day or hour of the return of Yeshua our Messiah (Matt. 24:36; Acts 1:7), there are clues given in Scripture about the conditions of the world before His return, and Yeshua himself gave us parables admonishing us to actively be looking (see Matt. 24:2-14; 25:1-13). The Apostle Paul said that followers of the Lord can know the “season” of Messiah’s return, and warned that He will come “as a thief in the night” - not in great power and glory at the end of the age (1 Thess. 5:2-6). Moreover, Paul forewarned of the rise of worldwide godlessness (2 Tim. 3:1-7) and the eventual apostasy of the “institutionalized” church (1 Tim. 4:1-3). Other Scriptures foretell the rise of worldwide tyrannical government, the rise of the Messiah of evil (Antichrist) and the institution of the “security state” (Dan. 11:38), the rebirth of the nation of Israel, the desire to rebuild the Temple, the coming Great Tribulation, and so on.
In addition to these general signs or clues, however, there are amazing prophecies of Daniel that should also be taken into account. The prophet Daniel wrote of seventy "weeks of years" (שבוע של שנים), or 490 years, that would explain what would happen in the latter days before the restoration of all things (Dan. 9:24).
Daniel divided the 490 years into three distinct parts. The first part was a seven weeks of years (i.e., 49 years) that foretold the rebuilding of Jerusalem that would begin with the decree of Cyrus (in 538 BC) after the 70 year Babylonian exile (see Isa. 44:26-28; 45:1-4, Ezra 1:1-3). The second part was a sixty two “weeks of years” period (i.e., 434 years) that would end when the Messiah was "cut off" (כרת) to make an end of sins for his people and to bring in everlasting righteousness (Dan. 9:24-26). The third part was a final "week of years" (i.e., 7 years) in which an evil ruler would ascend to power who would make a covenant of peace with the world, but in the middle of the "week" (i.e., 3 1/2 years), would treacherously break the covenant and persecute Israel (Dan. 9:27, Matt. 24:15). This period of time is otherwise known as the time of Jacob's trouble (Jer. 30:7), the day of indignation (Isa. 26:20-21), and the "Great Tribulation" (Matt. 24:21; Dan. 12:1). The subsequent judgment from heaven during this time is called Yom Adonai ha’gadol (יום־יהוה הגדול) "the great day of the LORD" (Joel 1:15; Isa. 2:12; Jer. 46:10; Ezek. 30:3; Zeph. 1:7, etc.).
What is particularly interesting from a prophetic point of view is that the climactic 70th week of years was set apart and broken off from the previous 69 weeks of years, creating a “gap” or hiatus that has been called “the age of grace” or sometimes the “church age.” The gap is alluded to by the statement that Messiah the Prince (משׁיח נגיד) would be "cut off" and after that would occur an undefined time of "desolations" of the Roman wars, the destruction of the Second Temple, and the worldwide diaspora of the Jewish people (Dan. 9:26). During this time (or “dispensation”), the way to be in right relationship with God is to believe the message of the gospel of Yeshua the Messiah.
Now the final 70th week of years is itself divided into two equal parts: the first part will be a time of "peace," but in the middle of the week (‎וחצי השׁבוע) the evil ruler (המשיח השקרי) will break the covenant, stop Jewish worship practices, and declare himself to be a god. He then will persecute the Jewish people and attempt to finally exterminate them from the earth (2 Thess. 2:3-8). Before the advent of the last week of years, however, the restraining power of God will be removed, which some associate with the rapture or "snatching away" of the followers of Messiah (2 Thess. 2:6-7; Gen 7:1-16). Believers will then be set apart from the plagues of God's wrath mentioned in the book of Revelation (1 Thess. 5:9) to participate in the “Marriage of the Lamb” (Rev. 19:7). Seven blessings will be recited (i.e, sheva berachot) and the bride will circle the groom seven times under the chuppah (wedding canopy). After the marriage are seven days of celebration. After this the LORD will return to earth with his saints, overthrow the false Messiah, save the Jewish people, and establish the Kingdom of God (Rev. 19:11-16). The promises of the LORD spoken of the prophets concerning Zion and the blessing of the land given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will be fulfilled (Isa. 2:2-4; Micah 4:1; Zech. 8:3; Psalm 86:9; Jer. 3:17) and the Seventh Millennium of history will commence (Rev. 20:4).
“Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines forth” (Psalm 50:2). Zion represents the rule and reign of God in the earth and is therefore synonymous with the Kingdom of God. The entire redemptive plan of God -- including the coming of the Messiah Himself and our very salvation -- is wrapped up in the concept of Zion. It is the “historiography” of God -- His philosophy of history, if you will. Zion represents our eschatological future -- our home in olam haba (the world to come). Even the new heavens and earth will be called Jerusalem -- “Zion in her perfection” (Rev. 21). "This is what Adonai Tzeva’ot says: I am very jealous for Jerusalem and Zion, but I am very angry with the nations that feel secure" (Zech. 1:14-15). "For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not remain quiet, till her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch" (Isa 62:1). "The builder of Jerusalem is God, the outcasts of Israel he will gather in... Praise God, O Jerusalem, laud your God, O Zion" (Psalm 147:2-12).
The LORD God Almighty has vowed to break the pride of the "kings of the earth" with a rod of iron and dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel, and the shattering will be so ruthless that among its fragments not a shard will be found with which to take fire from the hearth, or to dip up water out of the cistern (Psalm 2:9; Isa. 30:14). For from His mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the wine press of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty (Rev. 19:15). Nebuchadnezzar's great dream will soon be fulfilled: "As you looked, a Stone was cut out by no human hand, and it struck the image on its feet of iron and clay, breaking them in pieces. Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold, all together were broken in pieces, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away, so that not a trace of them could be found. But the stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth" (Dan. 2:34-35). "And the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed ... and it shall stand forever" (Dan. 2:44). One day the edifice of man's godless pride will come crashing down, and there will be no trace left of its rubble... Even so, come quickly, Lord! [Hebrew for Christians]
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9.28.21 • Facebook
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geraldeppinger · 3 years
Ylang Ylang Hydrosol Benefits got from the steam blooms of the Cananga odorata botanical.There are 5 portrayals of Ylang Essential Oil: Ylang Extra, Ylang Hydrosol fortuitous effects I, II-III, and Ylang Complete. The numbers hint the events Ylang Hydrosol utilizes refined through fractionation.Used in fragrant fixing applications, Ylang Hydrosol decreases pressure, uneasiness, feel frustrated about, crushing part, and precariousness. Its Spanish fly quality should assist the appeal with reviving the stirring nature between a couple.Used cosmetically or topically when in doubt, Ylang Hydrosol is known to change and control oil creation in the skin and hair, while other than diminishing exacerbation and upsetting effect. It further develops course, attracts the improvement of new skin and hair, contributes and stays aware of hydration, conditions, and thwarts infections.Used restoratively, Best Ylang Ylang Hydrosol feasibly works with the fixing of wounds, revives the adequacy of the material design, diminishes the crushing component applied on the nerves, balances circulatory strain levels, and change the heart rate.Ylang Ylang Essential Oil, enunciated "Ee-lang Ee-lang," perceives its normal name from the excess of the Tagalog word " proposing "wild," which is where the tree is reliably found. The wild to which it is neighborhood or in which it is made breakers the tropical rainforests of the Philippines, Indonesia, Java, Sumatra, Comoro, and Polynesia. The Ylang tree, deductively saw as the Cananga odorata plant, is in like way inconsistently proposed as The Fragrant Cananga, The Perfume Tree, and The Macassar Oil Plant.Ylang Ylang Hydrosol got from the steam refining of the plant's sea star-shaped sprouting parts. It is known to have a fragrance that can be depicted as charmingly and carefully plant and new with a fruity nuance. There are 5 mixes of Ylang Hydrosolavailable watching out: In the secret 1-2 hours of refining, the distillate got is called Extra, while grades I, II and III of Ylang Hydrosolare killed after a short time still up in the raised pieces of time. The fifth strategy is hinted as Ylang Complete. This last refining of Ylang is regularly evolved parties has been refined for 6-20 hours. It holds the brand name rich, sweet, typical smell; in any case, its propensity is more herbaceous than the past refining measures, thus, its general aroma is lighter than that of Ylang Extra. The name 'Complete' proposes how this blend is the conceivable not really settled, undisturbed refining of the Ylang flower.In Indonesia, Ylang sprouts, perceived to have Spanish fly properties, are sprinkled on the bed of an affection bird couple. In the Philippines, Ylang Hydrosol is used by healers to address cuts, burns-through, and eats from the two unpleasant little animals and snakes. In the Molucca islands, the oil was used to spread the word about a well hair oil called Macassar Oil. During the 20th century, after its supportive properties were found by a French reasonable master, Ylang Oil came to be used as a solid reaction for contaminations of the absorption groups and for typhus and intestinal issue. Finally, it wound up being unmistakable all through the planet for its ability to propel loosening up by working with the signs and effects of anxiety and ruinous stress.Today, Ylang Oil continues being used for its flourishing invigorating properties. On account of its quieting and empowering properties, it is decided to be critical for looking out for afflictions identified with women conceptive achievement, as premenstrual issue and low moxie. Likewise, it is useful for calming pressure-related weights like concern, debilitating, unstable strain, nonattendance of rest, hypertension, and palpitations. Used in fragrant fixing applications, Ylang Oil is known to mitigate impressions of stress, disquiet, feel frustrated about, pressing variable, and crabbiness. Its amazing regular smell, which has been depicted as both delicate and remarkable, makes it an optical section for use in smells for a wide extent of individuals correspondingly as in fragrant recuperating applications. Ylang Hydrosol is attempted to have energizer properties that not simply locale negative evaluations, including nervousness, shock, and insufficiency, it what's more pushes phenomenal impressions of rapture and vision, thusly lifting the way. Its sexual enhancer quality is known to help charm with overhauling the interesting nature between a couple by looking out for the mental and enthusiastic parts that irregularly disrupted a genuine perspective. With an out and out sweet, great, singing and energizing fragrance nuanced with traces of Jasmine, Neroli, and Banana, Ylang Oil is a standard fixing in restorative aromas and other obliging things. When sprinkled or diffused to reestablish the air in an indoor environment, Ylang Hydrosolblends well with Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lavender, and Sandalwood central oils.Used cosmetically or topically, considering everything, Ylang Oil is all around standard for changing and arranging oil creation in the skin and hair to baffle senseless dryness and flawlessness. It diminishes fuel and disturbing on the body and the scalp while supporting skin and hair. It will generally skin break out additionally as going exposed by overhauling spread, attracting the improvement of new skin and hair, contributing and staying aware of hydration, decoration, and destroying defilements with its adversary of microbial properties. By calming the mind and body, it incites the speedier start of rest and blends provocativeness.
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withyouandthemoon · 6 years
Hi, it's your gifter again. Thank you for answering my last message(: In your request and in your last message, you seemed very excited about a Sense 8 crossover, so I really want to write that for you, but I've never seen the show. I've been researching it to see if it was something I thought I could pull off, but I was hoping you could tell me why you love the show so much, maybe your favorite characters, and if you even want me to attempt this having never watched the show myself?
Oh my god you are actually willing to go for the Sense8 crossover I AM SO BLESSED! And yes I would love for you to write this even if you’ve never watched the show (though I strongly recommend it)!
Okay so I’m not exactly good at summarizing things and I’m still processing my own tangled feelings towards this show (cause I just finished it like…less than a week ago), but I’ll try to give you an idea about why this show touched me so deep.
One of the things that has drawn me to the show was, in fact, the setting itself. You’ve probably read about this in your research but I’m gonna explain it just in case. So basically, the show creates this new species of human called Homo Sensorium (as opposed to Homo Sapien) and to put it in short, they have a hyper-sensitive sensing system and can connect to their own kind in a way that Sapiens aren’t able to. This connection is the strongest inside a cluster, which is basically a group of people who are bound together at birth. Members of the same cluster can “visit” each other, which means that they can appear to one another in spiritual form even when oceans apart, and can experience whatever the other’s experiencing. They can also share one another’s abilities like languages, combat skills, etc.
I mean-that is just SO COOL. Of course it’s a shortcut and no way in real life can we have this gift of connecting to a complete stranger just like that, but that, in my opinion, is the whole point of this. The show kind of leads us to dig deep into the core of human bond, and attempts at answering the question of what would happen when we share the feelings, emotions, memories and thoughts of those who aren’t ourselves. It’s not just seeing things from a new perspective-as one of the characters in the show has said, it’s not exactly seeing things through another person’s eyes, but more like you are that other person. It’s empathy at its highest form and that concept just intrigues me.
And I know a lot of people may not be so excited about this little trait of Sense8-that it focuses more on discourse and less on plot (not that the plot isn’t interesting-it is), but that’s just another thing that I found myself enjoying about the show. You know, these characters have these long dialogues about life and themselves and all these past experiences that shaped them, and it may seem boring to an extent, but I think in doing so the show conveys the main idea that feelings and emotions do matter. Maybe now more than ever. They are not useful or reasonable in the way so many things are measured nowadays, but they are what truly binds us together. They are a chaos and don’t make sense most of the time, but they are that something extra outside of the lines we draw to trap ourselves in. Oh my this gets unnecessarily philosophical real fast lol, so I’ll stop here.
And another thing-since people from the same cluster share so much with one another, it’s inevitable for them to discover that they have all these things in common. Different as they seem on the outside, deep down they are the same in one way or another-and there’s no way to hide or runaway, cause you know, shared feelings and spiritual visit and all that perk. That also means that they will never feel alone again. Whether you are in the euphoria of rapture or the gorge of despair, there’s always someone there to share it with you-AND ISN’T THAT JUST THE GREATEST THING EVER!
As for favorite characters-Kala and Wolfgang OWN MY HEART! And it’s almost uncanny how much they remind me of Klaroline. You see Kala is this Indian girl who is kind and sweet and innocent, indecisive at times, but also smart and perceptive, who was engaged to a nice wealthy young man at the beginning of the show. But she didn’t really love him-she was just doing it because it was considered the right thing by their families and by society. Here enters Wolfgang-a gangster(? I don’t have the accurate word but he unapologetically robs safes and shoots other gangsters and blows up cars which is totally awesome in a sociopathic twisted way) who survived his abusive father (also killed him at a young age) and considers himself a monster but is really just a quiet and straightforward and sometimes playful cinnamon roll. He constantly challenges Kala, speaks things as they are and makes her question the decisions she made about her life. And in turn Kala shows him his self-worth and ignites a part of his cold heart to fully embrace and enjoy life. AND OF COURSE THEY ARE ATTRACTED TO EACH OTHER LIKE CRAZY AND THEY FELL IN LOVE AND IT WAS BEAUTIFUL IN EVERY WAY. I mean the sexual tension alone could have paralyzed me haha.
I know this is already too long-winded and I hope I don’t bore you with my rambling, but thank you for bearing with me. And you are my favorite person in the whole world for trying your hand at this and I’m just so happy and excited for what you’ll come up with! (Still I know this is a hard one considering you’ve not watched the show, so don’t feel at all pressured and I’ll totally understand if you don’t want to go down this rabbit hole lol.)
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bradjweber · 6 years
Video Game Movies Cannot Work
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Disclaimer: This piece was originally written as a script for a video that can be seen here.
It’s obvious to anyone that the biggest trend in Hollywood at the moment is the Superhero blockbuster. Marvel Studios has built an unstoppable money printing machine by adapting not only their beloved characters to film, but also the mechanics of universe building and continuity that have kept comic book fans obsessing over these properties for decades.
Hell, adaptation has been an important staple of film almost literally since the invention of the art form. And in recent decades, some of the most ambitious and successful undertakings in the creation of film franchises have almost all been based on stories from another medium, most- often- literary.
Successful film adaptations of books, poems, plays, musicals, radio programs, and television shows are abundant in the industry. But, one medium of storytelling that has yet been able to make the jump is one that’s nearest and dearest to me. Video games.
When you think about video game movies, what probably comes to mind is something like the Resident Evil series, the recent Assassin’s Creed and Warcraft, or maybe... I don’t know... Hitman? Max Payne with- Marky Mark? Not exactly landmark achievements in the space of cinema is what I’m saying.
This, rightfully, begs the question of why Hollywood can tackle outlandish concepts like the ones seen in superhero movies or sci-fi and fantasy adaptations, but have such a hard time making movies out of video games?
And the answer to this, while it may sound shocking or ignorant, is that most, not all, but most video games could not- and should not- be adapted to film.
The reason I believe this is because most impactful moments in video games are created with the belief that the context in which the game will be experienced is by a player with a controller in their hands, who is directly in control of some aspect of the experience.
The quiet Tibetan village in Uncharted 2, the Psycho Mantis boss fight in Metal Gear Solid, the human cost of your actions in Spec Ops: The Line, the pace at which you discover the truth about your sister in Gone Home, and Andrew Ryan’s final speech in BioShock are all examples of moments where a player’s input to the game has a direct relation to the emotional impact that those points in the experience will carry.
On BioShock, this video is actually directly inspired by a Reddit post I saw today about how Guillermo Del Toro’s The Shape of Water presented a set of visuals that, to this user, beg to be used to create a BioShock film. Which, to be fair, has been in development hell for a long- long time.
But, this sentiment is one that runs rampant in video game fandom, and completely misses the point I just made about what makes video games so impactful. This is the idea that in order for a video game movie to be good it only needs to capture the aesthetic qualities of a game. This ignores the meaningfulness of these games, and the themes the present, and will leave you only with a husk of these properties, devoid of whatever substance it is that you’d expect.
Yes. Rapture is an extremely interesting setting, and a concept for a world so original I don’t really believe we’ve seen much else like in the ten years since its release.
But, I think the reason BioShock is so impactful is because it's a game, not in spite of it. It isn't incidental that this is the medium chosen to tell this story. BioShock is a game about games, and how players never give any thought to the rules or objectives they're given, no matter how grisly the implications. Which is why the reveal [INCOMING SPOILERS FOR BIOSHOCK, A TEN YEAR OLD GAME] that you never actually had any free will at all is so impactful. Because players are generally told by developers that they’re in control, that they have complete freedom. People who watch movies to don’t have any free will within the story, they don’t even ask for it. But BioShock punishes you for thinking that way in the first place.
In order for a Bioshock movie to work it would need to be a film about stories in movies, or about how we watch them. Which would require a lot of retooling, and rewriting. And at that point you might as well make something else entirely.
A direct adaptation of BioShock would look very nice, yes. And you’d get to see a Big Daddy in live action. Neat. And, you’d get to see Andrew Ryan’s speech recited by some big name actor. But, ultimately what’s the point of all that? These things have already been expertly realized in the way that they were meant to be experienced.
Does the jump to film provide legitimacy to these games? Being made into a film doesn’t provide legitimacy to these stories and experiences. They’re already legitimate in their own right as masterpieces of their artform. Hell, even just by virtue of existing these games are provided legitimacy.
The only option I see for video game adaptations to work is for the people behind these films to take the universes of these games and to tell their own stories within them. This way you can potentially end up with substantive text, all wrapped up in that familiar aesthetic that these fuckin nerds can’t get enough of.
Hollywood must create their own stories because video game stories on a structural level cannot work in the span of a two or even three hour movie. Because they’re too long. The story for The Last Of Us would require almost five three hour movies to tell that story.
Now, you’re probably saying, “but Brad, you could cut out all the gameplay, trim down the cutscenes, and bing bam boom you got yourself a movie.”
And to that I say, “have you not been paying attention for the entirety of like this whole fucking video?” Because look. THIS, would not work without the player being directly responsible for THIS!
That’s not to say I don’t think the world of The Last Of Us can’t be used for a film, just that Joel and Ellie’s story cannot be adapted correctly.
And no. That doesn’t mean we should get a fucking Ish movie either. Discovering that story through the notes is 100% the point of that whole thing.
It’s that line of thinking that leaves you with the Star Wars prequels. [show obi-wan talking about the clone wars]
Surprisingly, Hollywood has kinda started to figure this out. 2016’s Assassin’s Creed took place within the universe of
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honestsycrets · 4 years
Sigurd Snake in the Eye Love Alphabet
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❛ sy’s notes | underappreciated, underrated, underloved. anon here is your request for the little snake, Sigurd. gifs to my girl @thelaughinghvitserk​
A = Affection (PDA, what sort of affection they give)
“Are you alright?” 
Sigurd’s affectionate. He doesn’t really care who is looking. Whether that is his father, brothers, or anyone else. He’s prone to touch if he thinks something is wrong but otherwise, enjoys it when you touch him first.
B = Babies (Anything you want about babies)
Babies give Sigurd some anxiety. Mostly because his own association with babies were Ivar-- and Ivar is Ivar. He takes coaxing into the idea of having a child.
C = Cuddles (How they cuddle or are cuddled)
“Ubbe told me...” he begins, and you know its one of those nights, one for firetime stories and gossip.
Lazy nights by the fire. He enjoys laying in bed and watching the fire crackle, embers flick into the air and he runs his fingers over your shoulder. Most often he lazily talks with you about silly rumours.
D = Darling  (Pet names) 
More often than not he uses your name, but there’s a certain thrill in calling you his wife-- especially after Ubbe stole his last love interest. There’s something special in knowing you’re his. Completely. Fully.
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E = Enamored (how hard do they fall when in love)
He’s a devoted poodle. He falls in love hard-- and will often wait and see what is in the best interest of his love interest whether that is him... or someone else. Someone like Ubbe.
F = Firsts (A first on anything you pick)
“Get it away!” 
On his first hunt, Sigurd squirmed like a little bit of a bitch when Ubbe cleaned and gutted the kill. Never a big fan of blood, Sigurd has taken some time to get used to the concept of guts and glory.
G = Good Morning (How do they wake you up)
Sigurd spins a thin springy stem in front of your nose. Purple, it’s spring.
Sigurd is something of a romantic. While he likes going to bed with his oud, he wakes up his beloved with a freshly picked flower and soft morning kisses after the morning fire is stoked. He doesn’t really give a shit if stoking a fire is womanly, something Ivar likes to pick fun at.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs?)
He’s fine with hugs. But he might prefer something else.
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I = In Labor (Labour and Delivery)
“Come on,” Hvitserk wrenches him out of the room. 
Sigurd isn’t overly fond of this part of pregnancy. He tries to be supportive, of course, but more often than not he makes being in labor more uncomfortable by standing back and watching. 
J = Jealousy (Are they jealous? How do they handle it?)
“Go with him, then.” 
He’s a watcher. When he’s jealous, he’s oftentimes the one to sit there and leer at you. He’ll make sure you know that he knows what is going on before it adds up-- and Sigurd snaps.
K = Kisses (How do they kiss? How often?)
“Come here.” 
Often. Besides training, cleaning his weapons, sharpening his weapons, and playing his oud-- his next favourite task is sneaking you away from your work. Somewhere private. Or if he knows Ivar is watching, maybe not so private at all. 
L = Loyal (How loyal are they?)
M = Memory (Their favourite memory about you?)
“Need help?” he asks as if he hadn’t been there all along.
Spying on you-- it can be anywhere. In the kitchen. Naked in the lake. There’s something fresh, sexy, unique about seeing you doing your work quiet and alone. 
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N = Never! (Dealbreakers)
“Are you here for me? Or for him?”
You have to have his side. If he feels as if you’re not here for him, he will get wary. But its even worse if you take Ivar’s side. He’ll get skeptical of your interests in him. Maybe you, like his mother, will take Ivar’s side.
O = On the Rocks (How do they make up?)
Material possessions. It’s not an issue of throwing a gift and expecting it will all be good, but he feels a good song, flower, or the occasional jewel will open the door for an apology. He may not be able to apologize to his brothers, but you? you’re something else.
P = Playtime (Any headcanons on sex)
“No one is coming,” he says, hinging on a laugh. “Now let me see.” 
Sigurd enjoys a good show. He’s not particularly a dom, no, that’s not him. But he prefers to be teased with soft draping fabrics, something sheer and light, a tease when he brings you out into the fields to play.
Q = Quiet Time (How do they wind down?)
Strumming his oud and shutting out the world. He prefers it when you’re there to braid or unbraid his hair after a long day, where you can listen to his every growl and whim about his brothers. 
R = Rapture (What makes them happy?)
“Did you make this for me?” 
Sigurd loves it when you make him something. The thought you put in behind a new loaf of freshly made bread, or a newly dyed and made tunic. Both of these are the sweetest gifts from a different, simple world than the life of being a prince.
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S = Soulmate (What do they think of soulmates?)
“Soulmates? No such thing.” 
Doesn’t believe in them. He might say it openly among his brothers-- but if he’s with you, he tries not to mention it. Sigurd doesn’t want to hurt you. Still, the concept of soulmates seems fabricated by people with nothing more to do than dream about fairytales.
T = Together (What do you like to do together)
The arts. He loves to watch you drum along side him or stand up, dance and dance beside him until you can’t dance anymore. It’s both a show and an intimate act-- like having sex, he says.
U = Unyielding (How do they handle interlopers on the relationship?)
It depends on who. If it’s Ubbe, who he cares for, he might be a little quieter until you stress why it bothers you. But if its by a stranger, he’s prone to get into a fight-- and quickly at that. 
V = Vulnerable (Are they vulnerable often? How do they handle it?)
“Leave me alone.” 
Sigurd doesn’t like to be vulnerable. When you try to push him further than he’s comfortable, he’s liable to lash out and push you away. It’s better to just... accept him for what he is.
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W = Wedding (Wedding headcanons)
Sigurd does traditional weddings both for the nostalgia, and you. Although, he wouldn’t exactly complain if you just wanted to run away. His family is insane and he rather not be in the middle of a glare off between Lagertha 
X = (E)x (How do they handle exes? What do they do if they see them)
He smiles, small and slight, as you walk by.
Sigurd isn’t someone who holds on. What happened, happened. He moves on-- although he might be distantly a bit jealous, he does wish the best for his partner in the long-run. 
Y = Yearning (What do they do when they miss you?)
Spends time alone. For Sigurd, the public and crowds can be suffocating. He much rather spend time alone, away from the chaos of his family, and spend time reflecting on how much time is left before he can come back, see you, be with you.
Z = Zzz… (Sleeping headcanons)
Sleepy head-- it’s easy to walk in on him knocked clean out. But when he’s woken up, it’s with a surprised start. You remind him to learn to sleep lighter-- its not good for a Ragnarsson to sleep so heavy.
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