#the reason i read so much ya still even as someone in my 30s is because i feel unwhole
leng-m · 7 months
I need more adult fantasy with adult characters in their own self-discovery and coming-of-age journey, doing explorations of parts of life for the first time without the story pathologizing them or condescending to them.
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Just Friends, Chapter One:
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pairing: joel miller x f!reader
rating: E (18+ ONLY, mutual pining, age gap (joel is 56, reader is 34), angst??, masturbation (m))
wc: 2k
joel masterlist | series masterlist
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Joel feels weak when he sees you.
That’s the best word for it. Weak. A complete lack of control—of power. Logic and reason are nothing but incoherent mumbles in the background every time you’re in the same room as him, even worse when you look into his eyes and speak his name.
He hadn’t felt this sort of tug towards someone in years, and the unfamiliar sensation of needing to simply see you at least once a day in order to function properly was beginning to consume him. He didn’t know what to do to rid himself of this infatuation, avoiding you was impossible and so was getting closer thanks to that 30-something year old patrol ranger you called your boyfriend.
He watched the two of you together as though it was his job. He watched the way you seemed to keep him at an arm’s length when the two of you were out together, always sandwiching yourself between your friends rather than beside the man you were supposed to love.
He couldn’t help but wonder what the two of you were like in private.
It couldn’t be a very passionate affair, that much he knew. Real passion wasn’t so easily concealed. It was consuming, drawing you like a magnet to your partner, burrowing beneath your skin, creating an itch to be near them—to be touching them. It couldn’t be an affair of passion.
Just now, he’s sat in his usual seat in the corner of the bar, his back pressing to the padded walls of the booth, his hand holding a crystal glass filled with whiskey, his brows drawn together, his eyes locked on the back of your head as you ordered a drink, your friend next to you. Joel wants to stand up, walk over, and offer to buy your drink right in front of him just to see the look on your face.
Would you tell him to fuck off? Or would you say yes?
The laugh you let out in response to something your boyfriend whispers into your ear stops Joel from finding out.
“God, I need a drink,” Ellie sighs as she emerges from nowhere, her backpack being shrugged onto the floor as she sits down across from Joel.
“Tough day learnin’ your ABC’s?” he quips, his tone still flat from the war jealousy was waging inside of his head.
“Ha-ha,” she replies, just as dry. She knocks her knuckles on the wooden table as she watches his eyes drift back to you, now seated at a table just five or so feet away from him—too close for his comfort. Downing his drink, he shifts his eyes back to Ellie in time to catch her chuckling at him.
“What?” he asks, tilting his head at her as though he were begging her not to read him as easily as she does.
“Nothing,” she shakes her head and laughs again before reaching over the table to swig the finger of whiskey left inside Joel’s glass.
“Hey,” he calls as he catches her mid sip, stealing the glass back. “They got rules about kids drinkin’, you know that. You itchin’ for another lecture from Maria about followin’ the rules?”
“No,” she replies. “It’s a bullshit rule anyway.”
“No, it ain’t,” he sighs as your laughter fills the room again, his chest panging causing him to physically wince. “I’m ready to go home. You comin’ or you stayin’?”
“Staying,” she says, grabbing her backpack and setting it on the table. “Have homework to finish and your sad country music being blared through the house isn’t going to help keep me focused.”
“Don’t disrespect my sad country music,” he warned playfully as he stood up with a grunt, finishing the little whiskey left in his glass in one gulp. “I’ll see ya back at home by curfew.”
“About that…” Ellie looked up at Joel with a hopeful smile. “Dina invited me over to spend the night—“
“Dina can spend the night at ours,” he argued, that protective streak of his making it’s usual appearance.
“Dina and I don’t wanna watch you drink and sing along to George Jones, dude,” she replied, frowning up at him until he broke.
“Fine. But you’re back in time for breakfast tomorrow.” Ellie grinned as she nodded at him, his eyes rolling and a chuckle escaping his chest. “Spoiled.”
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As Joel starts to make his exit, he stops at the bar to deliver his empty glass and pay off his bill. That’s where you find him.
“Hey,” you start, hoping to conceal your deeply hidden crush on the older man with friendliness. Joel’s head turns to you so quickly you swear you hear his neck crack, his unreadable eyes locking on yours as though you were some sort of apparition he was almost certain wasn’t actually there. “I just wanted to come over. Say hi.”
“Hi,” he replies, choked and unprepared. Clearing his throat, he tips his head towards your table. “I saw you were with your friends, otherwise I would’a came over and said somethin’.”
“You can always come over and say something,” you assure, fighting the urge to bat your eyes at him as you give him a smile. The man whose coat you’re wearing lingers in the back of your mind as you stare at the man you’ve wanted since he arrived.
“How’s the new fence treatin’ ya?” he asks, a smile creeping onto his face as he leans a shoulder onto the bar and faces you. You think back to the weekend he spent building your white picket fence last month, free of charge. The way his arms looked in a t-shirt as he sawed away at the wood still makes you dizzy.
“Well, it’s still upright so…you must’ve done a good enough job on it,” you offer with a smirk, earning the slightest of chuckles. You always wondered why everyone seemed to think he didn’t have a sense of humor, he seemed to find you funny enough. “I, uh, also came over to invite you over to my place tomorrow evening.”
You watch as Joel’s brow lifts with interest.
“Oh yeah? You throwin’ a party or somethin’?” he asks.
“My birthday,” you shrug. “Figured I’ve gone twenty years without celebrating it, might as well.”
“That’s what this place is supposed to be about,” he says. “Doin’ normal things again.”
“Exactly,” you smile, ignoring the butterflies that flutter in your stomach when he mimicks it. “So, can I count you in?”
“Long as you got somethin’ to drink.” You laugh and nod in reassurance. “Well, I’m in, then.”
“Alright, I’ll let you escape before someone else comes up and tries to talk to you,” you offer, reaching your hand over to touch his arm. Joel looks down at the contact before meeting your eyes again, something unreadable lingering in his dark irises that makes you flustered enough to pull your hand away. “I’ll see you.”
“See ya,” he replies, quiet as he taps the counter with his knuckles before turning and walking off. Your eyes couldn’t help but lower to his fist as it hung by his side, clenching and unclenching. With a subtle but deep breath, you turn around and walk back to your table—back to your boyfriend and all of his perfection that bores you beyond belief.
“Why did you go up to him?” Josie, a friend of yours, asks as you return to your spot at the table and reach for your beer to wash down the lingering desire.
“I invited him to my party,” you replied, shrugging as you gave her a confused look. “What?”
“Babe,” your boyfriend, Will, chuckles. “He’s…old.”
“And an ass,” Josie adds. You roll your eyes at them, knowing that neither of them ever had a real conversation with Joel, making their opinion of him mute. “Did he say yes?”
“Yes,” you chuckle, amused by the shock on their faces. “We’re friends!”
“Since when?” Josie asks with a hearty laugh.
“Since always,” you reply with a shrug before continuing, “I helped show him around when he got here since I’m right across the street.” Josie looks to Will and then Will looks to you, a look of amused confusion on his handsome face. “He’s a nice guy when you get to know him.”
“Maybe, but he’s also old enough to be our father,” Will argues. You roll your eyes at the reality of the age gap between you and your secret crush, twenty-two years to be exact.
“There are only so many people our age in Jackson, honey,” you say, irritation thick in your tone. “And besides, just because he’s older means I shouldn’t be friendly to him? We’re just gonna start shunning every person in Jackson above what, fifty?”
“You know what,” Will starts, reaching his hand over to rub your back, his warm touch only making you feel colder. “You’re right. We’ll be friendly to him too. Okay?”
“Yeah,” you sigh, lifting your beer up to your lips, wishing more than anything that the man touching you was someone else.
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Joel’s in bed, his drunk thoughts centering around you. Around the way you smiled up at him as though you had no clue that his heart was beating out of his chest. Maybe you didn’t, but how could you not notice his sweaty palms, the nervous twitch of his lips when you forced a smile onto his face?
He was sure he was going to lose it completely when your hand came to rest on his arm. He wanted to run and at the same time wanted to get closer, to feel you too. But, the falter in your smile once his eyes met yours and your hand leaving his arm so abruptly it hurt grounded him back to reality. The one in which you were a taken woman and he was a man twenty years older.
It makes him feel sick when he tries not to think about you, so he doesn’t bother as he reaches his hand over his briefs and grips his swelling girth in an attempt to soothe the throbbing ache there. He grunts as he strokes himself through the fabric, just enough to build himself up slowly.
He thinks of you. He thinks of that weekend he built your fence. He thinks about the way you looked in the sun, the green grass beneath you as you sat out on the lawn and kept him company. He thinks about your legs, bare in the summer heat, your denim shorts cut short enough to make him turn red when you rolled over to lay on your stomach.
As he rubbed his thumb over the now weeping head of his cock, he imagined what it would be like to take those shorts off of you. To lay claim to what lies underneath. He moans as he imagines the sounds he’d pull from you.
Pulling his briefs down enough that his cock was springing free, he licks his hand and grips himself at the base, another choked moan slipping free as his fist glides up and then down again, over and over.
He wonders what you’re like in bed, how you like it, if you’d let him take control or demand it for yourself. It didn’t really matter, he remembers, not when he’d never have the chance of finding out.
When he cums, he groans, his fist stroking up and down, gathering his spend to help ease the glide of his hand until he’s finally had his fill. With a sigh, he lets his head fall back against his pillow, his eyes on the ceiling fan spinning above him.
“Get a fuckin’ grip,” he curses himself.
It doesn’t work.
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zane009 · 1 year
a little bit of blue
summary: you found some bleach and box dye on your last run so maybe it’s time you ask Daryl to help you dye your hair…maybe you’ll even get him to do it as well…just a LOT of fluff and fun times
Daryl x reader
word count: around 1500
a/n: literally based on my dream lmao it’s silly 🥲…not proof read
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" shit i dun' know 'f  I'm doin' this right"
Daryl grunted as he was currently trying to figure out how to bleach your hair correctly. He was given a few instructions but to be honest he had no idea what he was doing.
You and Daryl found some box dye and bleach on your last run and while Daryl thought it was completely unnecessary and a waste of space you quite literally just showed the items inside without a second thought. It's not common to do something like this these days so the thought of dying your hair felt a bit comforting. A reminder of the old world. And with Daryl helping it would make this experience that much better.
You were currently back in Alexandria sat in a chair in Daryls bathroom, trying to calm the big man behind you. It took a hell lot of convincing to even get him to agree to this. You were surprised he didn’t give up yet considering the amount of his complaints in the last 30 minutes.
"You're doing just fine Daryl just apply it like i showed you" you said as you bit back a laugh.
He was stressing himself out for no reason and it was appealing to watch. You looked in the mirror and saw him behind you trying to apply the bleach precisely with the little brush.
He was staring with deep concentration with his brows furrowed softly and the tip of his tongue peeking out just a bit. It was a habit he did when he was really focused. Just like he did when he was sharpening his knives or carving out his new arrows. Or bolts if you would ask him. You didn’t really get the difference between those two anyways.
So you couldn't hold back the laugh that escaped you this time. His eyes snapped up immediately catching yours in the mirror. " dun' laugh at me woman 'm tryin' ma best here" he puffed out as he went back to it.
"Hell i told ya ya should've asked Rosita ta help ya"  the frustration in his voice at this point was absolutely adorable. He took the last dip in the bowl filled with bleach and layered it on your hair for the last time.
You finally let in a big stretch as you hummed " I genuinely don't know why you're complaining i mean do you think Rick knows how to bleach someones hair?" You asked as you dropped your head back over the chair and saw him frowning. "I think the fuck not. You just gained a new skill bub and you look hella hot upside down"
you smiled sweetly at him as he looked away embarrassed. “Stop”
You still won because after his complaining he still leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips being really careful not to touch any of his hard work. He would lie if he said he didn't sweat his ass of for this.
"Ya are lucky i like ya" he said as he flicked your forehead slightly.
He softly ushered you back up as he sat down on the edge of the tub " 'lright how long do ya have ta leave tha' on" he asked as he pulled a hand through his hair.
You stayed silent for a minute thinking about probably the most brilliant idea you've ever had. You slowly smiled mischievously at him raising your eyebrows a bit. Daryl was immediately alert because he knew that look. It meant nothing good was in store for him.
" wha's that look supposed ta mean" he said uncertain already backing away.
" we have just enough time for you to bleach a strand before i need to rinse this out"
" hell naw!"
He quiet literally yelled as he stood up with abrupt speed. You slowly approached him as he went around the chair that was placed in the middle of the bathroom. "Ohh come on it's just a little piece of hair and we'll be matching" you said trying to convince him.
He didn't budge just stood there with his senses high on alert ready to attack if necessary. You slowly picked up the brush still deep in bleach and took a step towards him, grinning. He immediately stepped back and hit the bathroom door. Oh it was on.
As you quickly advanced forward he ran through the door into your shared room in the basement. Dog barked seeing us running probably thinking we are playing a game. Daryl went around the table while i followed him around. Dog was running around us in circles as well while we tried not to step on the poor animal.
This went on for a few more minutes just me and Daryl running around his room, with me trying to catch him. At some point the brush in my hand was forgotten as we just laughed and enjoyed the silly moment.
After a while we were back to square one with each one of us standing on either side of the table with smiles on our faces.
Sometimes I genuinely forget how closed off Daryl used to be. He would never do this with me back at the prison. But here we are now and I wouldn't trade this for anything else.
Suddenly Dog jumped on Daryl catching him off guard as he stumbled back on the couch " Dog no" he said as he tried to get him off. I took this as my chance and made my way to him as fast as i could. I took a piece of his hair and just plopped the bleach on.
Daryl stopped everything he was doing and looked up at me slowly. " tell me ya didn' " i just burst out laughing at him while he hurried into the bathroom tripping over some pieces of clothing on the way.
" how do ya get this off" he said hurriedly as his hands went to the specific piece of hair covered in bleach. He tried touching it when I quickly stopped him still smiling
" stop you shouldn't touch it it's bleach you ass"
He looked at himself in the mirror an unsure look on his face. You started giggling behind him which made him look at you through the mirror with a frown plastered on his face "we are gonna look absolutely terrific" you said as you kissed his cheek hard and then leaned you chin on his shoulder. You looked up at him and saw him let out a defeated sigh meaning you won. He pressed his lips to your forehead and mumbled " yer gonna be the death of me"
About good half an hour forward you were quietly murmured the song playing in the background on the boombox Eugene fixed for you awhile back, while you were applying blue hair dye to Daryl’s chosen piece of hair. You did went back eventually after you both calmed down a bit and fixed the bleach making sure it was perfect. He was now sitting in the chair with hands on his lap looking like a defeated puppy. But he wasn't complaining so it was a step up.
As you two were finally done with the whole dying process it was time to rinse it out. Daryl grumbled the whole time your tired to wash his piece. He wasn't happy he had to wash his hair in the middle of the day for no reason for the second time that day already. It could be just the hair strand if he wouldn't be complaining and moving around so much. Dog contributed his part by literally jumping in the tub, getting all wet and then shaking it out.
You were drying daryls hair with the towel making sure to be gentle and not tug on any of his hair. When you felt like it was good enough you dropped the towel and looked into to the mirror. Your hair was a deep blue while Daryl had a little blue piece on the side. You places your hands on his shoulders and squeezed them a bit. "Dont we look adorable"
He seemed to frown at that as he grumbled out " sure adorable fer a clown yea" you giggled a bit as you squeezed his face in your hands and kissed his cheek lovingly. Oh how you loved this man.
He thought you looked absolutely breathtaking in blue. But then again you did look good in anything according to Daryl. It was him that felt silly with his little piece of blue hair. But what’s done is done.
You ran your hands through his hair for the last time with a pleasant smile as you went towards the bath tub to clean up the mess you two made (and Dog). You knew he wasn't actually angry but it's best to let him cool down a bit. You also knew he'll come around soon. Hell its just a matter of time before he asks you to do the rest of his hair you thought as you smiled to yourself.
Although Daryl would never ever think about confessing this out loud he didn't hate it. Sure the blue in his hair was bound to bring some unwanted attention to him but he would take it if it meant seeing you smile and giggle over it. If he was honest it didn't look bad when he saw you beside him with your beautiful blue hair.
He grinned as he stood up and went over to help you.
I don’t think i like this tbh
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sockpuppethistorian · 5 months
Sex and the City, S1E1 Review from the PoV of an AroAce
Welcome to the show! I've done it. I watched Sex and the City's pilot episode, and I have put my thoughts below. ENJOY.
Okay, so it’s starting with this little vignette about… a woman coming to New York from London and immediately meeting a guy to hook up with and getting very invested while they date for (checks notes)(this is a very meta phrase since these are my notes right now) TWO WEEKS. Why do people go on vacation and just decide that they have to hook up with people? When I go on vacation I want to see the sights and do fun things! It seems exhausting to not even be able to take a break from trying to find The One.
Oh, she MOVED from London to New York.
My point still stands.
So for 2 weeks they were having sex and doing all these romantic dates and planned to MEET PARENTS? I just. This English woman hasn’t even joined a gym or met the neighbors yet.
Alright. Now Carrie is talking and using the phrases “The End of Love in Manhattan” and “The Age of Un-Innocence” to describe New York City and the romance scene in the 90s. Okay, besides being dramatic, these are both hilarious. Clearly it’s not the end of love in Manhattan if this entire show is obsessing about love. But age of un-innocence? Yeah I’ll buy that.
This show being about a sex column is so funny. Because like, being aroace obviously sex makes no sense to me. But clearly it also doesn’t make sense to allos. And that’s beautiful.
Now Voiceover Carrie is explaining how love works and random people around New York are complaining about how essentially their entire lives revolve around dating and how everyone’s standards are too high. Let these people rock climb and eat their salads in peace without involving romance, I tell ya!
We’ve moved to the 4 friends (Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, Miranda) having a birthday dinner for one of them, and they’re just complaining the whole time about all being single). These people are putting way too much emphasis on needing relationships and men. I have such a hard time understanding why they can’t just live their lives and wait to see when a partner comes more naturally as opposed to obsessing over it like this. Maybe I’m not giving them credit, though, because this level of obsession is like me constantly needing good shows to watch on Netflix. Like, calm down and eat your birthday cake and have fun.
The extremely random drag queens that present the birthday cake is a… confusing touch.
They seem to feel so much embarrassment that they're four women in their 30s who aren’t married. Literally my dream would be an entire friend group of unmarried and uninterested-in-marriage people.
Now I’m confused. Do these people just want sex or do they want relationships and marriage? Even in this conversation between the four of them I’m so confused. They don’t want to be single, but they’re like “boo hoo the sex great but then he wanted to read me his poetry.” ????
Carrie is now having lunch with her friend, and he spots “the loathe of your life.” Real. (This was a description that Carrie’s canonical “gay best friend” used to point out someone she used to hook up with— or are Carrie refers to him, “A mistake I made when I was 26. And 29. And 31.”)
So, this is not a judgment on anybody, especially not real people, but I feel so confused and perplexed by the way logic and rationale goes out the door when it comes to people that one is sexually attracted to. Not that it doesn’t happen in other settings but it just seems like a very scary thing to me. Carrie has decided for some reason that to get back at him for the three times she had sex with him and it didn’t turn into a relationship, she is going to make it a fourth time and also not make it a relationship that way this time she’s the one in charge of… whatever the 90s version of ghosting would be??? I just don’t get it.
And I’m sorry, they scheduled a 3 o’clock sex date?? Why?? I could not possibly be bothered. Carrie and her Mistake simply must have something better to do at 3 o’clock, like getting a snack from a vending machine. Or taking a stroll.
Carrie is now having sex with this man, to prove that women can have sex just to have sex without feelings. And does to this guy what he did to her all the other times before that by leaving without any emotional intimacy. Why????
“I left feeling powerful, potent, and incredibly alive.” (Carrie after she abruptly leaves after having sex at 3pm on a workday) Why?? Like I KNOW that I lack the understanding of this because of the asexuality and whatnot but truly what feels good about that?!?!?
Oh my gosh. Guys. I am meeting the famous Mr. Big. And he’s…
Not… attractive…?????
Also who bumps into someone and immediately starts listing off that they notice that they don’t have a ring and that they’re attractive?? And that for some reason Carrie had an entire pack of condoms loose enough to all spill out when this man very lightly bumped into her. I can’t this feels like if humans were not humans with sex drives but just sex drives that were a little bit human.
I did not expect to have this many thoughts at THIRTEEN MINUTES INTO THE EPISODE.
Carrie is now meeting with her friend who looks like he works in IT in 2024, and said he has to tell her a “shocking secret.” Who wants to guess it’s related to sex?
… … … Guys the shocking secret was that he hasn’t had sex in a year. (Carrie’s response: “I don’t understand that, you’re such a nice guy.”) (Skipper’s response back: “I’m too nice. I’m a romantic. I just have so much feeling.”)
I… I’m actually impressed they’re finding this many different ways to talk about the exact same thing. Is this how allo conversations go??
Skipper says he’s sensitive because he doesn’t objectify women.
Skipper: Most guys, when they meet a girl, the first thing that they see is… you know… Carrie: (confidently as if she is proving some sort of weird point) P*ssy? Skipper: (chuckling like a school girl) Oh God! Hehehehe I hate that word. (Pause for a beat) Don’t you have any friends that you can hook me up with?
?? Y’all, can you name one time the first thing a boy sees in a girl is her genitals, unless he has accidentally logged into PornHub and forgotten that’s what he’s watching and thinks it’s Every Woman He Knows?
And then… HM. Man, this guy moves fast. Embarrassed by the word p*ssy and immediately turns around asking for a hook up. ???
So for some context, the immediate next thing that happens after this guy (SKIPPER) says he hasn’t had sex in a year and then is embarrassed by the word p*ssy, is to tell Carrie that he likes older women (literally this is what he says), and then Carrie decides to set him up with her friend Miranda.
Skipper after she says she’ll set him up with Miranda: “Don’t tell her I’m nice.”
Okay, so the goal here is really just unemotional sex.
Voiceover Carrie: “Miranda was gonna hate Skipper. She’d think he was mocking her with his sweet nature and decided he was an a**hole.”
?? Why waste everyone’s time?? Like is the point here for Carrie to get no one any sex or relationships? Like maybe it’s the End of Love in Manhattan because you’re setting up two people on a date that you know will fizzle out.
So now she’s on the phone with her friend Charlotte who has a date with someone that Voiceover Carrie describes as an “un-gettable bachelor.” What does it mean to be an “un-gettable bachelor”? Does this mean he has sex but doesn’t date? Does this mean he dates but won’t have sex? Does this mean he doesn’t usually do any second dates? I can’t even tell what these people want.
Carrie said she had an “afternoon of cheap and easy sex.” I want to psychologically explore this with her. Like did she just like the manipulation part? Did she just need to have an orgasm? What is going on here.
Okee doke, so now they’re in a club, where Carrie says it’s like the bar Cheers where everyone knows your name, except “here they forget it five minutes later.” I can’t tell if this is supposed to entice me or show how sinful everyone is being.
And we have Carrie’s friend Miranda, being very mean to Skipper who in the last scene was annoying me but now I feel bad for him because Miranda is literally interrogating him and trying to prove he’s a pig.
Voiceover Carrie says “I was about to rescue Skipper from an increasingly hopeless situation, when suddenly—“ stop right there, Voiceover Carrie. YOU PUT HIM IN THIS SITUATION. She is playing games. My opinion as of right now is her sex column was too boring so she is stirring the pot, which doesn’t seem to be too difficult since literally nobody knows what they want.
So now Carrie has run into the Mistake from when she was 26, 29, and 31 (and 3pm that afternoon). And he’s like “omg hello! I was pissed at you at 3pm but now I’m relieved that you want the exact same kind of relationship that I want!” Which is… 3pm sex??? And nothing else??
Y’all PLZ.
“Now we can have sex without commitment!” -Mistake (26,29,31,3pm). And now Carrie is disappointed. WHAT DID SHE THINK WAS GOING TO HAPPEN? Allos be playing mind games, for real.
Mistake: “I like this new you, call me.” Carrie: Depression, regret, anger, pretty much all the 5 stages of grief while she mourns her confidence from 3pm.
Dude, maybe this was not a good idea?? Like did you WANT the unattached sex or no??? Because it seems like it was only good sex as long as he was upset afterwards and now that he wasn’t she’s sad too? Did you retroactively decide you didn’t enjoy the 3pm sex which you said earlier made you feel “powerful, potent, and alive”?? Carrie, WHICH IS IT?
Voiceover Carrie: “Did all men secretly want their women promiscuous and emotionally detached?” Probably not, but if you purposely go for Mistake 26,29,31 with the intention of having promiscuous and emotionally detached sex because that’s what he’s given you in the past, that’s what you’re going to get???? Like??? You’re picking the wrong people to try to do things with?? (I was going to say the wrong people to have sex with but I feel like anyone willing to immediately have 3pm sex is in the same category anyway).
HUIRDFJKNIURGJFNDK Her friend Samantha just spotted Mr. Big and called him “The Next Donald Trump.” Oh my goodness. Laughing.
Next Donald Trump just did the cringiest little wave. He also waved when he saw Carrie on the street. Big ick.
And Carrie pretends she hasn’t met him. Why <3
Samantha says Next Donald Trump usually dates models. How do people know so much about these random people.
Now we’re back to Charlotte having some sort of date, and the guy asks her to come “back to” his “place.” Voiceover Carrie tells us she had wanted to play hard to get but doesn’t want the evening to end. Why are the only two options Sex on the First Date or Abruptly End the Date??
Charlotte’s date (Capote Duncan, hilarious name) starts kissing her neck and she asks to go home so he gets her a cab….. but then he GETS INTO THE CAB AND ASKS THE CAB DRIVER TO GO TO THE CLUB THE REST ARE AT AFTER HE DROPS OFF CHARLOTTE AT HOME.
Charlotte is like “Why are you going to the club?” And Mr. Capote Duncan with no sense of social etiquette for some reason responds “I understand where you’re coming from, and I totally respect it, but I really need to have sex tonight.”
??? HOW DARE HE?? What is this deal. How are these the eligible bachelors. All of these men are as horny as 12 year old boys who just discovered Playboy. None of them can keep it in their pants for 4 minutes and I don’t get anyones motives here. Clearly this dude Capote does not care about a second date with Charlotte after he just pulled that nonsense.
Back to Samantha, who seems to be the very sensual friend. She is propositioning Mr. Big to have a “private tour” of the downstairs of the club they’re in and Mr. Big turns her down.
And instead of being like, “okay he’s not interested,” Samantha takes this as a massive slight.
AAAAAaaand we’re back to Miranda and Skipper, who Miranda is politely(?) turning down, and then they start making out against a building. I do not get this.
AND NOW SAMANTHA IS IN CAPOTE DUNCANS APARTMENT MAKING OUT WITH HIM. Unbelievable. And he says she can’t stay over so the plan is literally thrust and bust.
Is this how normal sex lives work or is everyone in this show particularly amoral.
Carrie is wandering around outside, and Mr. Big drives up and says “well get in for Christ sakes” and she smiles like that’s a very sweet normal thing to say to someone you haven’t had an actual conversation with.
Carrie says she’s a “sexual anthropologist” to Mr. Big, who asked about her job. He gives me the creeps. I assume his long stares and slow deep voice are supposed to be sexy but it’s just bizarre and unnerving.
Mr. Big tells Carrie she’s “never been in love.” Voiceover Carrie then responds “suddenly I felt the wind knocked out of me.” Literally for what, Carrie.
She gets out of the cab, stops, then does a dramatic turn around to ask, “have you ever been in love?” It’s very film noir music and vibes right now. Mr. Big responds “Abso-f*cking-lutely” and then the window goes up and he pulls away in the literal most dramatic way and we freeze frame on Carrie.
Okay. That’s in. That’s the episode.
Most “ALLO SAY/DO WHAT?” Moments, in no particular order:
3pm sex with Mistake from 26, 29, and 31
Getting into the cab with your date so that you can go to the club to find someone else to have sex with
Carrie no longer liking the 3pm sex because Mistake liked it too
Skipper liking older women and being upset he hasn’t had sex in a year but giggling at the word p*ssy
Carrie getting into the cab with a strange man she literally barely knows because she thinks he’s “hot”
2.75/5 I think is my ranking. Too much sex.
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lestappenforever · 10 months
hi angel c:
may I just say that this gp was as a fiction? it served us SO MUCH Lestappen content from the begging to the very end! i was scared that at some point it's gonna be fucked (yep talking about Charles' "luck") but instead we got a joint interview, a lot of waist grabbing, smiles and giggles, press conferences with "inchident" jokes and karting days (i'm so sorry for Checo and Carlos being the third wheel but it's inevitable, guys) AND the most important – a battle even in FP2 and then in race! i mean, Charles has done FANTASTIC job (not only in race but throughout the whole weekend. his quali laps? fuck that was hot). i don't remember when was the last time someone overtook Max in battle for the lead. i wanna scream to see Charles in capable and suitable for his style car (and reliable team that does not fuck up the strategies *side-eye to RBR*) 😭😭😭
is Vegas gp gonna be Austria 2.0? we even had the "dirty move" from Max which helped him to took the lead (as in 2019 but thanks fuck no grudges are left no divorce and yeah this time it was just a grip problem), then battles and the sensual podium. damn let us have every gp as Austria and Vegas and Lecstappen tumblr will go completely insane ._.
i'm also still not over the fact that Max apologized. I mean this man is literally the entire weekend was: FUCK YOU OKON FUCK YOU GEORGE FUCK YOU VEGAS FUCK EVERYONE OF YOU except you charlie you're my sweety lovely im sorry for the turn 1 schatje 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
i've seen some people being afraid of "lestappen divorce" after that turn 1, but i wasn't one of them. i really think that their relationship has seriously changed. sure that Max always treated Charles in a special way, congratulating him on good positions, even if he himself lost. but for some reason I feel that Charles himself now does not transfer what happens on the track beyond its boundaries. Austin sprint was also the proof.
okay thanks for listening to my rambling, i'm sleep deprived, these FPs at 5:30 and a race at 7:00 at the weekend the only fucking days when I can get some sleep kinda killed me
anyway, let me just remind you that you're beautiful and precious and just incredibly wonderful person🖤 i'm always looking forward for your posts and every time you reply to anons it's so warm, it makes my day better when i read it. just all your love and kindness you're giving people here... it's valuable. you're valuable. love ya, have a great day!!❤️
Denis, my darling, hello! ❤️
Once again you are dropping truth bombs in my ask box, and I am so happy to read them. I agree with every take you've shared here: the Las Vegas GP practically being taken straight out of a fic, and it actually giving Austria 2022 a run for its money. (Which I doubt any of us were prepared for, let's be honest.)
Both Max and Charles have grown so much over the years, and it's wonderful to see that their relationship has reached the point it's at now. Max apologizing to Charles for the incident in turn 1 is definitely a testament to the severe shift their friendship has taken recently, and it's just beautiful to watch.
I wasn't worried at all about their friendship suffering because of what happened in turn 1, and I think those who were worried about a potential "divorce" are people who haven't been as up-to-date on the shift of their friendship recently. They've reached a point where they can have incidents like that during a race without it impacting their relationship negatively at all. And if that isn't growth, then I don't know what is.
I hope you're catching up on some much needed sleep following this race weekend. 💙
Denis, you have given me such a good reason to smile this Monday morning with yet another heartfelt and kind ask, and words can't express how much I appreciate that and you. You are such a sweetheart, you're so incredibly beautiful inside and out, and you deserve the entire world. I'm so moved by your words, thank you so, so much. I'm so happy my posts can have that kind of impact on you.
Thank you so much for making my entire day with this. You're so valuable too, and I love you. 💕
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lemoncrushh · 25 days
hiya! I’m 19 so thought I’d share my view on this as someone who is kinda lower on the age spectrum. Honestly I think social media doesn’t have an age limit, and I think it shouldn’t. I think the younger generation is grouped with social media because we grew up with it, but 30/40 year olds still evolved with social media. Sure we have had it our whole lives, but 30/40 year olds have had it just as long as we had it so there’s no need to take it away from them.
I think fans are perfectly okay aswell! As long as they are not overly obsessive and recognise that fan fiction isn’t an accurate depiction of a person-but that is something that every fanfic reader should realise. It kinda scares me how fandoms work and how boundaries disappear but that’s not necessarily an age thing- that’s more general!
I do however believe that there are certain fan activities that certain age groups should not engage in. Like I’ve seen some older fanfic writers write *things* about young actresses and actors around and LOWER then my age and I feel as though that should be a concern.
Hi hon, thank you so much for your input!
I'm glad you said that about social media because that was one of the concerns I had. I worry that younger people like to claim the internet as their own, and older people are not welcome or should not be a part of it. Which is funny to me, because I've been using it for much longer and like you said, have evolved with it.
As for fandoms and fanfiction, I completely agree. And again, sometimes I worry that younger fans want Harry to themselves, particularly when it comes to fanfiction. And like you're talking about, I fear they may be taking it a bit too seriously and forgetting it's fantasy. Obviously, I know that's not everyone. But I've been writing and reading Harry fic for nearly ten years now, and believe me, I have seen it happen. Even outside of fanfiction, tbh. Case in point - girls being jealous and saying hateful things about any woman Harry is seen with. I think Taylor Russell may have been the first girl I didn't see a lot of hate for, but that may also be because of the people I follow now.
And as an older fan, I do sometimes have to second guess myself when it comes to writing. Like, is this inappropriate coming from me? I hope it's not, but I suppose if it's not your vibe, you can always scroll past or unfollow. I have most definitely written smut about 19 year old Harry (because c'mon), but that's kind of where I draw the line for myself. I have written a cute one shot about teenage Harry (like 16), but it was purely innocent about a teen crush and a sweet kiss at the end. It would be the same as me watching a movie or reading a YA book. Also, I mean...I was a teenager at one point lol. I can still relate.
So I guess my point (and reason for that post) is that I hope I don't come off creepy in any way. I try my best to show my ever-growing love and respect for Harry while also sharing my love for fic.
Anyway, I appreciate your mature attitude, and thank you for sending this :).
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chaisshitposts · 1 year
Here is a little detox questions for you because you deserve it for the hard work 😔✨
1. OOOO your MBTI?
2. What's your favorite season? Like a season that makes you melt in bed 🏃🏃🏃 (only me?)
3. Favorite singer? And their favorite song?
5. If you had the ability to posses one power, what will it be? 😗🧐
6. Do fishes have thirst for water 🧍
(yes that last one was random and had me thinking nonstop like wtf do fishes drink water orrr-)
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aw :( ty 🍓 !!! you're v sweet, these are some fun lil' questions :D ya should tell me yer own answers if ya get the chance, I'm curious !!!
1- I honestly have no idea 😭 I took the test a couple times before bc I kept forgetting cause all those letters are hard to remember and I still don't remember!!! heh im sorry 👉👈
2- melt in bed... that sounds so funny 💀 I'm a fan of winter!!!!!! I love the chrimuth decorations and the cold weather bc I like to get all warm and toasty, plus I like to wear the sweaters I crochet/knit throughout the year
3- favorite singer... That's a hard one indeed 🤔 I listen to all types of music that makes my brain go brrr especially music with lots and lots of bass, I think my favorite type has to be hard metal screamo rap music simply because headbangin' is somethin' I do to stim when I'm overwhelmed with hefty emotions. 🧍 my favorite song that I'm currently hyperfixatin' on though is 'I love you hoe' by odetari & 9lives, I don't care for the lyrics but I really enjoy the 'spacey' feelin' I get when I listen to it... Kinda like that one song where people had this belief that it made people do their homework faster I think it was somethin' like... 'i can run faster with no wind resistance' or something, but the beat was so wiggly I have to find that song again... I JUST LOOKED IT UP-- the song is literally called 'no wind resistance' holy shit 😭
4- sigh... for some reason, I can't keep myself from laughin' when I hear someone pourin' liquid??? I used to have a thermos (I need to buy a new one) that I would fill with hot black/green tea and then whenever id pour the tea into the lil' cup I would giggle hysterically like some crazy person 😭 I think it's hereditary however, cause this morning I was drinkin' coffee near my mom and I have a tendency to 'slurp' from my mug and she kept gigglin' when I would slurp from it 😭 she also laughs when things are poured. the autism is strong in the family ngl. I even laughed RN at the memory of pourin' a cup of tea ._.
5- oh ya already know I'm gonna have my mailtda powers manifested soon 🧍 I'm talkin' telepathy, spell castin', teleportation, levitation, all that shit, but I do not want the ability to mind read bc that does not sound fun. hmm... pyrokinesis could be fun too
6- you'll have to ask 🐠 anon for that one 💀 bUt!!! I did learn a terrible fact today about dolphins! did y'know that dolphins terrorize pufferfish so that they can get high off the chemical that the pufferfish release in defense of predators? they throw the pufferfish around with the use of their teeth and stuff, tossin' them up and around, even above water, and then they like know when they need to stop gettin' high before the chemicals become lethal. there's enough poison in one pufferfish to kill 30 human adults but dolphins just love gettin' fuckin' HIGH!
im sorry for the ramblin' but if there's one thing to be told about me... I talk way too fuckin' much despite bein' an ambivert with a heavy lean towards bein' an introvert 🧍
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zacksfairest · 9 months
Top 5 favorite books of 2023 and 5 least favorite books, go!
Oh boy! I was so very kind to myself this year and read mostly bangers. Let's see what we've got.
The Dragon Republic by R.F. Kuang. Now, I love the entire Poppy War trilogy, make no mistake about that. It completely rewired my brain and has firmly taken up the spot of Favorite Series Ever. But The Dragon Republic specifically was just It for me. It gave me everything. A well thought out and executed campaign of war, not sparing us the grizzly details (civilian casualties, civilian displacement, the logistics of moving a large army, how ACTUAL BATTLES work), as well as WAR CRIMES. But in addition to that, I was given Rin and Nezha. The epitome of Show Not Tell where it comes to developing feelings. Hateful schoolmates turned comrades in arms turned almost lovers turned mortal enemies. A tragedy that serves as a mere backdrop to the larger tragedy happening in the country at large due to a lingering invading force and a newly sparked civil war. This was easily my favorite book of the year, and I have been chasing the high from reading it ever since. Outbound Flight by Timothy Zahn. Yeah, I've owned this book since 2006 and never read it. What about it? I am well aware that was a major blunder on my part. Perhaps had I read it sooner, I would have been able to hop on the Thrawn train much sooner than 30 years late. This book truly had me sucked in right from the start. Young soldier Thrawn? Dedicated to his troops and his people? Willing to do anything to keep his people safe from the dangers that lurk in the infinite abyss if the universe? Swoon worthy. And also watching Maris be all heart eyes over Thrawn was a big Same Girl moment. Mr. Zahn knew what he was doing to us all along. Yet another book that understands how battles work! And with characters at the helm that are actual good tacticians and understand how battles work also. Dark Force Rising by Timothy Zahn. Yes. Another Thrawn book. Shut up. I loved the entirety of the (original) Thrawn trilogy, but this one really stood out. Leia was allowed to do her thing and be a force to be reckoned with in her own right. Also it felt good seeing a pregnant woman not be sidelined just because she was pregnant. Leia Organa-Solo does not stop and will not be stopped. This was yet another book that understood war and tactics, as well as the espionage that goes into ensuring proper battle plans can be laid out. I owe Zahn my life for being so consistent with this content, as I am a drowning lass in a sea of books that do not fucking understand how this shit works. Also, Thrawn won this round, which felt good. Felt organic. Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo. AH, YES. The book that proved I was right to put my faith in Bardugo and her plans for Ninth House. We got hot demons! We got fucked up journeys to hell! We got vampires! We got it all here, folks! I'm still super hoping that we get to see someone fuck Darlington by the third book. I want to see that demon dick in action. I hope it's fucked up. The Stolen Heir by Holly Black. This one went an entirely different route than I thought. I expected your standard YA fare: hot dude and meek girl meet, are at odds for a bit, fall in love, etc., except with fae. I should have known better. It's Holly Black, after all. Instead I got a viscious girl as my main character, a hot fae dude (Oak, baby. You're all gown up!), but they have most definitely not fallen in love by the end of this book. I got to put this on my Problematic Villain Love Interests shelf on goodreads! And not even for the reason I usually do! I still think about that final line: "I can't pretend that I don't like the sound of him screaming my name."
As for our bottom five... well. It's a bottom three. Like I said, I was kind to myself this year (also I read a lot of manga. Don't look at me.)
The Resistance Girl by Jina Bacarr. We don't talk about this one. I technically started reading it at the end of 2022, but I didn't finish it until we were decently into 2023. So it counts. It was awful. Terrible. An affront to the written word. And not for the reasons that everyone was up in arms about it. Writing was terrible. Characters were awful and indistinguishable from each other. Plot was bad. Dialogue was the worst slop I've ever laid eyes on. Descriptions not much better. It was just awful. A Curse for True Love by Stephanie Garber. This one was a spirit breaker. The Ballad of Neverafter was so goddamned good. The ending specifically was spectacular and left us off on a wonderfully torturous cliffhanger. I was so excited for what the final book had in store. However, I was so caught up in the euphoria of having a delightful fucked up immortal love interest in Jacks, that I forgot that Garber is Not Great at ending her series. The book overall really wasn't fantastic (a tragedy), but there was a Specific Line toward the end that fucking just. Ruined the entire book for me. Lowkey ruined the whole series, but I fight hard to prevent that from being the case. I loved the first two books so much. I refuse to let terrible storytelling and copouts and a single retcon ruin it for me. Final Fantasy VII Remake: Traces of Two Pasts by Kazushige Nojima. This one was really just a big letdown. It was just a meandering tale of Tifa and Aerith's childhoods. We somehow just completely skipped over how traumatic their respective experiences were at the hands of Shinra. We instead decided to give me boring as fuck stories about their everyday lives. Like. I get it. This is really just a money grab and a way to generate hype for FFVII: Rebirth. But still. Have some pride in your work, Square! Have pride in your characters! Let the writers have fun! I still stand by the idea that the translator might have had a bit to do with why I didn't enjoy it, though. The Kids Are Alright remains one of my favorite books, and the writing for that was fantastic. It was written by the same guy who wrote this book! And it had, what I would say is, the best english translation for a Japanese novel I've ever read. But the translator who worked on the FFXV novel The Dawn of the Future also worked on this Tifa and Aerith centric novel, and I wasn't a giant fan of the writing in the FFXV book either. So while the translator probably played a part in how much this book disappointed me, I don't think much could have saved the meandering plot and redundant experiences contained within.
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Heyo again! I wanted to say that your comics are lovely to read, Keep it up!
You don’t need to respond to this but I also want some advice from ya, its been pretty bumpy road for me on my art Journey, The good and the bad stuffs, I started drawing again in last year for almost 3 years and I have been improving my art style, I have a small but lovely followers on two social medias, I enjoy making that I love and even making my own artwork but sometimes I feel like I am not artist enough or interested enough, so I maybe ask you for some art advices? Any advice is fine but I want to do a story to draw and tell but I’m not good at writing or experience at least, I also want to start commissions if possible if anyone interested in my artworks but I don’t have a payments yet for now,
I probably search up these things but I want wanted someone who experience just before possibly
You might not understand this submitted question cuz I don’t know how to Express my thoughts and feelings if that makes sense, and you don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to if this isn’t your thing, that’s all from me hope you have a good week
Hi bean! Sorry I'm replying so late! Don't worry, I think you were pretty clear in formulating your question!
I just am not sure if I'm the best person to answer or give advice on that because... I'm not that good an artist at all. I have trouble sticking to discipline, I only ever draw what I like without challenging myself too much unless I REALLY want to, and... Yeah. No wonder I'm at the tiny level I'm at in my 30s, to be honest. The only reason why my art ever gets positive reactions is because I happened to draw something that people liked enough, and even that is super dependent on timing and other factors. It's very tough to get noticed, so I've found, or if it IS easy, then I must be a bit dumb, because I haven't figured it out.
One thing that I feel HAS positively helped me a lot though, has been entering art challenges and contests, and there are plenty of those out there, which is good! If it's anything that can help me practice more towards my goals, then it's a good experience. Be it a writing challenge, a drawing challenge on a specific theme, a comic-drawing challenge or whatnot... Personally I find they always give me an opportunity to develop ideas in a way I like, and to end up with a final product which I don't necessarily always like, but which at least showcases my progress.
I really don't do commissions often because I don't need the money that much, so the extent of my experience goes to IRL stuff and iterances where someone has specifically seeked out a commission from me, so I'm also not the best at giving advice regarding commissions either TwT But if that's something you want, I'd really recommend to go for it! I set up a paypal account to receive payments when I was about your age for translation gigs, it's tough at the start but then it pretty much rolls off pretty easily, and I've only sworn by that, but I'm sure there's many other trustworthy options out there as well! (I really don't have that much experience in that sense, haha TwT)
But yeah... Also overall, I guess, no matter how hard impostor syndrome tends to hit when you're an artist, especially when you're still developing what you want to do and all, it's definitely important to actually go out there and show yourself out. Dare to say "Yeah, I make art, so I'm an artist, let me in on the artist scene." If you want to make art and show your art, overall, nobody has a right to tell you not to, or to tell you you're not an artist, no matter how much societal pressure there is against that. One's gotta have the courage to say they're an artist, or at the very least an aspiring artist, if they wanna be one, it's actually a key part of the process. (Arguably I haven't been good at it lately. I haven't put myself out there much for art gigs or challenges and whatnot. I should really go for it more.)
But yeah TwT Sorry, I feel like I've been writing a whole lot not to say that much, but I hope it's been a little helpful at least! Also from what I can see, and especially from the first years I've known you, your art already has improved a ton, so from my point of view, you're doing good! Don't give up, do your best not to be scared and to fight off that voice in you that tells you you're "not enough of an artist". And hopefully you can keep having fun drawing what you want to draw, that's super important, at the very least to me, I've kept swearing by that, whether what I like drawing is popular or not.
(PS: Listening to music and imagining situations to it and reading new comics that speak out to me are two surefire ways to get my inspiration going too, in case that helps!)
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crowwolf · 5 months
I've not been functional since last week. Stupid fever. It's not even a high fever, just a lingering make-all-your-joints-hurt-like-fucking-hell fever. I'm so tired.
I want to knit and write. I have no bbrrraaaiiiinnnnssss
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I need this guy to stop the evil dead eating the last cells in my skull (gods, Ash, I haven't watches that movie in decades (literally and without hyperbole 😳).
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Here lieth my brain. Covered in a fog of fever, ne'er to be seen again.
Ok, I'm being hyperbolic now.
I go through phases in my life where I figuratively ingest every piece of literature I can put my hands on. I'll be that way for months at a time. Then, without any rhyme or reason, my brain goes - ya know, we like this stuff, but we're going to stop. Now. For months, eh, maybe years. It's been probably 4 or 5 years or more since I've been able to sustainably read and entire book without external stimuli (I.e. reading to my son out loud).
I hate it. HATE it. I love to read. I love all the fan-fiction I've been reading, but this stupid fever has my brain stuttering.
Speaking of brains. Autistic ADHDers - I was diagnosed ADHD in my mid-30s AFTER my son was. That's pretty normal for women my age, unfortunately, we were the chatter box in class, the you-could-do-so-much-better-if-yiu-tried ones, the lazy, messy, disorganized ones (I always knew where my stuff was!). Now, here's where I'm feeling like more knowledge is wigging me out. There's a website that is designed for people to seek as a resource for autism. I've had some close to me suggest I could be on the spectrum, but I scoffed cause wouldn't someone had noticed? Except, no one would have cause I've always worn a mask - different masks for different situations. The older I get, the harder it is to hold it in place. I used to hug everyone cause people expected me to, now I barely want to touch unless it's family or someone I've known a long time.
So, that website. I went on and did every tests, long or short. I scored high, like very high, on all of them. I can't afford to get tested. And I don't know why I'm sharing this here (Tumblr feels safe, which is nice, I haven't openly talked about this to anyone except hubs and spawn #1).
So, I've basically lived my life jerry-rigging every aspect. Now, loud noises set me off. Hearing someone chew has always bothered me, but it's rage inducing now to the point I have to put on music or leave or cover my ears. It's so bad that I have started isolating myself from extremes of noise (other than music! Music is life!). My in-laws visit and I'm almost in tears the whole time - they're in my space, moving my things, and so so loud.
Are those autistic things? Or ADHD or both? There's more - I used to be very smooth with dealing with the public. Now, I feel like a nervous teen on the verge of a first date any time I have to. I was a a bartender, a food counter person, a 911 dispatcher. I was public admin and technically still am (though I rarely deal with them anymore). I will physically vibrate from the anxiety and get a massive adrenaline rush that keeps me wired all day. Oh, I also can't take ADHD meds as they interact with my depression/anxiety meds and make me super manic and depressive.
There's more, but I'm freaking out cause I don't want my break to stop again and I can feel it starting and I hate it.
I think I just want to know if anyone can relate.
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picklepie888 · 2 years
Dracula (1931) movie review by someone who's been reading Dracula Daily
So, a few days ago I watched the 1931 Dracula film. The one with Bela Legosi. I had actually seen the movie before several years ago, but I didn't remember very much of it, and of course I hadn't read the book back then. Now that I've been doing Dracula Daily, let me give my thoughts on the film. SPOILERS FOR THE MOVIE AND IF YOU'RE NOT CAUGHT UP ON DRACULA DAILY
The thing that made me the most mad about this adaptation is that Lucy's storyline is just glossed over. Like, she appeared in literally one scene, and then in the next the doctors are over her body and declare her dead. That's it! No emotional impact whatsoever! Lucy has maybe two minutes of screentime at most, and her death does not effect the other characters at all. It's like she was an afterthought on the writers' part. Like they're making the script and someone was like 'oh wasn't there like that one girl that Dracula kills? Maybe we should mention that somewhere.' 'Ok, Joe we'll get a girl off the street to do the scene before lunch.' It was so infuriating! In the book, Lucy's death was the driving force that lead the main characters to hunt Dracula down. She was so beloved by all the characters, but here??? She's just another nameless victim of the vampire.
Ok, now that I got the factor I hated the most out of the way, I'll bring up my second most hated. Mina's entire character has been reduced to the typical damsel-in-distress archetype. She's no longer the courageous, intelligent, gender nonconforming woman she is in the original story. Instead they made her the same helpless, screaming woman that they show in every horror film in the 30's. Just about every scene she's in, she's crying or screaming her husband's name or being under the complete control of Dracula. She has no agency, and she doesn't do anything to drive the plot forward. My point is the female characters were done dirty this movie.
Arthur and Quincey are completely omitted. No fun cowboy or rich some guy shenanigans to be found here.
Jack Seward is an old man, and about the same age as Van Helsing, which completely changes the dynamic between the two. Instead of having a teacher-mentor relationship with a very strong familial bond, instead they just sorta act like business partners??? Like, if I hadn't read the book I wouldn't have any idea that these two were supposed to have a close friendship. Also they made him Mina's father for some reason???
Bela Lugosi as Dracula and Dwight Frye as Renfield were by far the most entertaining aspects of the movie. Lugosi does a legitimatly good job portraying such a creepy and otherworldly character, and I can see why this is his most famous film role. And Frye's performance as Renfield, I'd argue is even creepier. He makes a very good madman. But as good as these actors were, my biggest gripe is that their characters got WAY too much screentime. The filmmakers decided to give all the spotlight to the villains when they should've focused more on Jonathan and Mina. Or, ya know, LUCY!!!
As for Jonathan, his character was fine I guess. They kinda watered him down to just the concerned husband who has to save his screaming helpless wife. At least he actually cares about Mina, and they didn't make him a heartless douche like in some adaptations. Still, he's pretty bland, which is sad because he had such a rich character in the book.
Van Helsing was also fine. He was basically the only character who moved the plot forward. His interactions with Dracula were also pretty cool, and the two had the sort of nemesis chemistry that became iconic in later adaptations of Dracula. Still wish they had given that same kind of chemistry with the other characters.
The sets in this movie were great! The castle at the start of the film is like something out of a nightmare, and it sets the mood for the whole film. There's also the lack of a music score, which makes the film all the more unsettling. I'll give the filmmakers props for that.
I did not care for how they did Renfield's death in this movie. They still had him betray Dracula to protect Mina, but they had him die begging for mercy and pledging his loyalty to Dracula. They made him die a coward instead of fighting the bat bitch himself like a Chad. RIP Renfield, you did not deserve to be disrespected like this.
The pacing of this movie was really weird?? The runtime is under 80 minutes, which is no where near enough to cover all the plot points from the OG story. So they just kinda move from one plot point to the next w/o much of a transition. Like the whole thing with Lucy. And even Dracula's attack on Mina happened offscreen and was only mentioned by the characters later. I really wish they had made this a series of movies instead of compiling everything into an hour.
Overall, its a fine movie on its own. But as an adaptation of Dracula? Awful. At least there's no Dracmina romance subplot in this version. But they basically watered down every character to fit a horror film archetype, and put way too much focus on the villains instead of the main characters. 4/10
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warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
Joseph Quinn falls for a peasant.
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Joseph Quinn x Plus size reader
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
Ok I'm gonna dabble into this real world type setting. Because my heart aches.
Warning: language, and angst.
Not proof read and no word count
Summary: life is hard for Joe. He loves all the attention he's getting but it makes it hard to find a nice girl. But one day changes everything.
If you would like a part 2. Please let me know. If not. Well I'm gonna write it anyways. This is my swamp and I do as I please. Kay love ya bye.
Part 1: what ifs?
It's been a year since Stranger Things and Joe is still at the forefront of everyone's mind. The sudden eruption of his career was overwhelming for him. Of course he was used to the small interactions he got before he portrayed the character famously know as Eddie Munson. But after just a mere 20 minutes of screen time changed his life forever. Trying to adjust to this added fame was hard to say the least. Constant travels to places that he only dreamt of going where now his new normal. Hotel rooms where his new scene. To be honest, he hated it. The stupid TSA, the continuous harassment he got from obsessive fans got to be too much. Sure he loved all those who supported him and got him to where his is now. But sometimes he would just like to rest. To top things off he was lonely. Even being in a room full of people there solely to see him, it still felt like no one really saw him. Besides the men and women who threw themselves at him. He was 29 about to be 30 and he still lives with his parents in south London. Not that he minded it. But he wanted to take care of his mum and his family that have supported him through out his journey. That's why he agreed to do modeling too. He wanted to earn enough to get his parents a house. So he was on a constant move. But his was missing something or someone. He met a lot a good looking woman. Some not so nice. But none the less still women who were interested in him. Weeding through the real ones not full with lust was harder than he thought it would be.
After a while he decided since he spent so much time in America he would get an apartment there. But definitely not in LA. He hated LA. It was just to much for him. So he decided to get a studio apartment in Seattle. Close enough to California but far enough to not be bothered so much when he would film and model. He picked a lovely place that was high up that he could over look the city. He liked Seattle so much because it reminded him of the weather in London. He would go out to this small tavern to drink and sometimes play a song or 2. They had an open mic night twice a week and he loved it. He would always wear outfits to hide his identity. But every once in a while someone would recognize him.
One morning he was walking to a small coffee shop to get a tea when he bumped into a woman coming out while he was going in. Spilled her drink all over her.
" Oh I-I I'm so sorry."
Your were holding your shirt away from yourself. "It's ok. I should have been paying attention"
He watched as you took off your hand bag and jacket.
" Could you please hold this?" You said holding out your things to him.
For some reason or another you didn't look at him. You had taken off your shirt leaving you in a black spaghetti strap under shirt.
" I'm so sorry. Please let me buy you another drink" he offered.
You shook your head an took your jacket and bag back. " No that's ok. Thank you but I'm running late."
That's when you finally looked at him.
Oh my god! That's Joseph Quinn.
" Umm you have a good day." You said before turning heel and sped walked away.
He called after you, but you were already crossing the street.
Does she not no who I am?
He was dumbfounded. Normally people recognize him instantly. But you didn't really give him the time of day. He went into the shop and order a tea. That's when he saw a familiar look the servers gave to him.
" Oh my god Joseph Quinn" one of the employees said.
" Ello love." He loved at the reaction he got.
After a few pictures and autographs he spoke to one of the employees about the woman who had just left. He found out that you were a regular. That you went every Friday in the early mornings. But today you were running late. He wanted to see you and apologize again. At the very least get your name. Which he did. And from the information he received, he found out you worked in a building up the street. He wanted to come back the next Friday but he was going to Milan for a fashion show. So it was gonna have to wait.
Did that really just happen? What the actual fuck.
Making your way up the block to work you couldn't help but think about who the hell you just ran into and who you walked away from without so much as a hello.
No that can't be him.
As you made your way into the building you opened up the office and turned on the light. There were already a few clients waiting for you. You had set up the front desk and turned on yours and Brenda's computer. You and her were receptionist/ assistants in a lawyers office. Normally you were never late. But last night you decide to get high with your best friend Colin who came to visit from Minnesota. You met Colin when you lived in Wisconsin a few years back. But when he went to college you had a job opportunity in your favorite city. So you packed up and moved to Seattle after your 6 year relationship ended.
The day was filled with clients and small talk with Brenda. She was this nice older woman who had been working there for the greater part of her life.
You were sitting in the break room picking at your salad still thinking about the guy you ran into this morning.
" What's is it hun?"
You looked up to Brenda who was making her way to the table.
" Uh nothing I'm just not that hungry."
" How is that when all you eat are salads?"
"I'm trying this keto diet. I really need to lose some weight. The doctors said that it's the reason why I can't sleep. I even have a stupid sleep study on Sunday."
" Oh you're gonna get a CPAP machine. Those things are a pain."
" Yeah. I just hope I don't need one. So I'm trying to drop a few pounds. Maybe that will help with my snoring."
" Sure sure. So what are your plans for the day?"
" Colin? That's the gay one right?"
Your face filled with excitement. " Oh man Colin is here for a few days so I'm gonna take him to see Wicked."
" So when are you gonna start seeing someone?"
He's literally my only friend.
You nodded.
" Hun don't let work run your life. You are young. It's time to start getting out there."
" What? No please we work too much to have a life like that."
You hadn't dated anyone since Lucas. You guys actually had gotten engaged when you realize that he wasn't the one for you. He was upset of course but he understood that the marriage would have never worked out if the love wasn't mutual.
You went home around 4:30 and found your bestie doing some light reading.
" Poop! I've missed you." You said walking over to the couch.
" Bitch where have you been all my life?"
You laughed and hugged him. " So you're moving here with me right? I have a spare room."
" I wish. But I have one more year until I graduate and get my teaching license."
" Then you're gonna move here? There's loads of schools you can work at."
" Yeah that will be cool. Just don't give my room away or we're fighting."
" Oh poop I would never." You pouted
" So I have to tell you something."
You nodded and sat back against the couch.
" So I have this guy friend right. And I really like him but he's like straight."
You raised an eyebrow.
" Yeah yeah I know. Unavailable. But I just can't help it he's so fucking hot."
" Is that right?"
" Oh man y/n you don't even know. Here let me show you."
You watched as he opened Instagram and pulled up the guys profile. He was cute. Super cute. Totally Colin's type.
" I know right! We work at target together and man I just can stop looking at him. Do you think I can turn him to the dark side."
" Well poop I don't know. Does he have a girlfriend or anything?"
" No I don't think so. My Friend Cassie's said that she's never seen him with anyone. OH SHIT! Ok check this out. So one day we were working and Cassie started to freak out. She went to a customer and she asked for a hug and a picture. So I went over there with her and I'm like ' Who are you?' and he laughed and said that he wished more people were like me. Anyways after he left Cassie was so fucking happy. She said that he played some character in Stranger Things. Some guy named Eddie."
Your mouth dropped.
" Yeah right! So anyways that's when Ben..the hot straight guy I'm in love with came up and was like 'Oh my god his accent is so hot' and that got me wondering."
" Wait wait hold on...back that's shit up. Are you telling me you met Joseph Quinn?"
" Umm I guess."
" You guess!" You pulled out your phone and showed him a picture of him that you pulled up from Google. "Is this the guy?"
" YEAH! Oh my god. He's so fuck fine."
I mean yeah but
" Anyways soooo he said that he was hot right. Like I couldn't have made that up. So there might be a chance you know?"
" Ok ok. Yes that sounds a bit sus. But I don't know. Just ask."
" What?! I can't do that you know me."
" Yes I do poop. And I know you've gotten better at talking to guys. So just try."
" Yeah. I should just talk to him. Hey want to smoke?"
" Of course my horse." You got up and opened a window while Colin pulled out a blunt.
You sat back down. " so I can't believe you met Joseph Quinn. That's so fucking crazy. I could swear I ran into him this morning."
Taking a hit he passed it to you. " Bitch you know he lives here right?"
You shook your head and let out the smoke until you couldn't hold it anymore. "Nope. I don't look him up or anything. He's kinda just everywhere. I try not to get on social media because he's literally all I see."
" Well I do. He's 29 and he lives here sometimes to be closer to work. But he hates Americans and he really hates LA."
Then why the hell would he do that?
" Yeah and his birthday is coming up in a few months."
"Colin are you stocking the poor guy?"
" Well no and yes. Did you know he can actually play the guitar?"
" Umm yeah I saw a video once on TikTok."
" Oh shit come here. I'll show you all the shit I've seen. Man if this guy said for me to hop on his dick I wouldn't question it."
The rest of the night Colin was going on an on talking about Joseph and his new love interest.
After an amazing weekend you said your goodbyes to your best friend. Monday morning was a weird one. Brenda was already there. You walked into the office and saw a bouquet of flowers on the counter. Brenda peaked her head to the side.
" Hey pretty flowers."
" They're for you."
" Who are they from?" You asked smelling the flowers.
" A Mr. Joe Quinn."
" What?"
" He's cute." Brenda said while holding up an autograph picture of Eddie Munson. " Is this the guy from Stranger Things?"
You didn't answer from the shock to your system.
"Y/n it is him. When did you start seeing-" Brenda paused to read the back of the photo. "To Miss y/n, please accept the flowers and an apology for the mishap that happened on Friday. I know your wondering how I found you. Well technically I did not. I sent out a few bouquets to all the offices in the building in hopes one would find you. My apologies again. I hope to see you soon. Possible have a drink?" Sincerely Joe."
He remembers me. Also how did he know my name?
" Umm let me see that." You held out your hand to take the photo from Brenda. You studied it and reread it again."
" Friday? That was they day you didn't have your normal Friday shirt on. Did you sleep with him?"
You shot your head up to look at her. " God no Brenda. What kind of woman do you think I am?"
"Hey no judgement here. He's a very handsome. If only I was 30 years younger."
" Stop it. I was running late that day and I rushed out of the coffee shop down the street and we ran into each other. Spilled my coffee all over me. I took off my shirt and when I finally saw him I was too shy to introduce myself . Anyways, I left in a hurry because well I was late."
" Did he introduce himself?"
You shook your head.
"hmm I wonder what he means by seeing you again. Would you go out for a drink with him?"
" umm no. He's famous no way would we be able to have a normal conversation without interruptions."
" Well maybe you could have him over to your place. Or maybe vice versa."
" I wouldn't even know how to get a hold of him"
" Hmmm let's see." Brenda opened up a browser while you grabbed the flowers and set them behind you on the desk.
You smelled them once more before looking to see what Brenda was doing.
How to get a hold of Joseph Quinn?
"Oh sweet baby Jesus Brenda don't do that. I don't want to hang out with him?"
" You liar. I can tell you like him."
" No I don't even know him to like him."
" Well you find him attractive then. I can definitely see why. You see how big his eyes are. Like a baby cows eyes....so pretty."
Yeah they are.
" See look it lists his American agent phone number." Brenda pointed out and grabbed the phone.
" NO! BRENDA PLEASE DON'T." You tried to hang up the company phone but she kept you from it.
She quickly dialed the number while you begged her.
" Shhh it's ringing."
" Brenda please." You pleaded but she held up a finger to shush you. You could feel your eyes swell from embarrassment.
" Hi. Hello is this Joe Quinn agent?" Brenda listen while you shook your head. Tears threatening to leave you.
" yes I'm calling about some flowers that were delivered to y/n.....Yes uh huh she got them.....yes that's why I called I'm her assistant and I would like to schedule something.......oh out of the country.....uh huh....so when will Mr. Quinn be returning?.....ok how about we schedule something for let's see."
Brenda looked at you and just kept mouthing no's.
"Ok she will be available this Thursday for lunch.... perfect sounds great thank you... goodbye."
Your head was in your hands.
Oh my god this is not happening. This has to be a joke.
"See not that hard."
" I hate you Brenda."
" That's ok a lot of people do. Can I keep this?" She said holding up the picture.
" Sure"
Why would he want to see me again? Wasn't the flowers enough? I thought it was too much.
The rest of the week was agonizing. You could not stop thinking about your upcoming appointment. It couldn't have been really right. Joseph doesn't do shit like this.
After calling Colin he convinced you to just go to lunch with him. And though you honestly didn't want to you decide on it. It's not that you didn't like him, because obviously he's gorgeous. It's just what on earth would someone with such popularity want to share a meal with someone so...well plain.
Waiting outside the small mom and pop shop under your apartment, you were having doubts. You were early so you could look at the menu and find something without sugar or carbs. But there was little to nothing. But you were definitely gonna order something. You didn't want him to think that you were just another girl trying to hide the amount of food you ate. That's when you saw a red Porsche pull up and park.
Oh fuck
After his run in with you, Joe immediately called his assistant to get flowers sent out. He had him attach a signed copy of a photo of Eddie Munson in hopes that maybe if you didn't recognize him that maybe now you would. Then maybe give him a chance to make it up to you.
" Joe! How was it?"
When he finally got to Milan there were troves of fans and models. Most of them being incredibly beautiful. After a long night of photos and interviews he was able to get some rest in a hotel. His phone went off. He looked and it was Jamie face timing him.
" Good mate. Real good."
" Fantastic. When are you coming back?
"I should be back in Seattle on Monday morning."
" Great! So I'm having a party on Friday. Please come. There will be food and drinks, women."
" Yeah sounds good mate."
" Perfect! So any lovelies joining you tonight?"
" No Jamie you know I don't bring anyone back."
" Well you need to. It's already hard being in this business. But doing it alone is so much harder."
" You know I've been looking. It's unbelievable difficult finding someone who is real. And actually nice. Instead of pretending to be just so they can see me. Then completely change course when I do give them a chance."
" Well you either need to lower your standards mate or find someone who isn't in this business."
Joe was quiet for a moment. Y/n.
"Joseph? Have you met someone?"
"Well not officially" he said rubbing the back of his neck.
" Alright. Spill the tea."
Joe went on about the encounter he had with the pretty woman at the coffee shop.
" Oh Joseph. Oh no. Joseph you didn't."
"Well what was I suppose to do mate. I needed her to know who I was."
" But you sent her an autograph"
"I understand it was too much."
" You think?" Jamie said sarcastically
" Yes but what if she actually didn't know who I was?"
" I'm sure she does. You're Americas sweetheart. Everyone knows you."
"Then why wouldn't she ask for a picture or anything?"
" Maybe it's because she was running late to work. Or maybe she's not that big of a fan. Or she's doesn't care that your famous. Who knows? So has your assistant gotten back to you yet?"
" No. I don't think the bouquets won't be there until Monday."
" Oh so is it too late to take out the photo?"
" Yes it's already gone to the florist."
" Well good luck with that. And if you do get a chance to officially meet and it turns out you like her. Bring her to my party and let us meet her. And we will give you the approval." Jamie winked and hung up before Joe could protest.
He got ready for bed sending a text out to him mum and his assistant. The assistant got back to him right away saying the flowers were still pending.
Please get them. He thought before falling asleep.
Monday morning he got off the plane and made his way to his car. Once in he looked at his phone and turned off airplane mode. He immediately got a text from his assistant
'Lunch appointment on Thursday with Miss y/n l/n. Meet at Lola's cafe.'
He was excited. You got his gift and you didn't freak out about the other thing attached to the flowers. He looked at the address and smiled. It wasn't far from his loft. He loved that place. It had the best carrot cake he's ever tasted.
Thursday couldn't come soon enough. He was anxious. Surprising to say the least. He was always shy. And the fact that he did anything like this was not like him at all. But he was glad he did it. He wanted to get there early so he could see if they had his favorite cake. He saw you standing outside waiting.
He parked his car and tried to calm his nervousness. It's been a while since he felt like this. And he didn't know it but you were feeling the same way.
I see you're early as well.
He got off the car with his assistant to greet you but he tripped on the curb. Not paying any attention to the big step up. He almost fell but caught himself. He was looking at you hoping beyond hope you didn't see that. But you had dropped your body a bit and leaned forward to try and catch him if he did fall. Your face was filled with concern. He liked it. But once you saw that he was fine you gave him a soft smile and shook your head.
Joe nodded for his assistant to go inside while I'm could have a moment alone with you.
" Ello. I'm Joe."
" Yes. Nice to meet you. I'm y/n."
You held out your hand for a shake and he took it. Your hands were so soft and warm. He didn't want to let it go but deemed it inappropriate.
" I hope your hungry this place has the best food. And their carrot cake is to die for."
Your smile was so lovely he wished it would never go away.
" Why thank you. I make it for them."
" You do?" He was taken back.
You giggled. " Yes the owners are my landlords. And I help make their desserts sometimes. That's my apartment right up there." You pointed at the top of the building
You live close to me then? Perfect.
" Oh that's wonderful. Well your going to have to show me how you make that next time."
Next time. There's gonna be a next time? You thought
" So shall we?" He asked holding the door open for you.
" Yes thank you." You replied going in.
Polite and beautiful.
You guys put in your orders and sat down. After a few seconds of awkward silence Joe apologize again. You told him it was fine. That it was just an accident and that he didn't have to buy you lunch or send gifts.
He was gonna respond when the server came with food and drinks. You looked at him and smiled. You did the sign of the cross and muttered 'thank you Jesus for this food' under your breath.
He grinned at you when you did this. He was gonna speak again but a crowd of people came in and were being unruly loud.
You looked up and saw a gaggle of girls staring at Joseph's back.
" Looks like you have some visitors." You said nudging your head towards the females.
He turned and his heart sank. Just once would he like to have a meal in public without being bothered. Especially now that he was sharing a meal with you. He turned back around to face you.
" I'm so sorry."
You just grinned. "Don't be sorry. They are here for you. Go. Or else they will never stop staring."
He nodded and made his way outside with the crowd following him and his assistant. After about 20 minutes of photos and signing away he still had a line of people waiting for him.
" Hey Tim is there anyway we can go back in. I really would like to spend some time with y/n."
" Oh I'm sorry sir. She left 5 minutes ago. She said she was sorry but she had to go back to work. But she did give me this."
Joe felt awful. Seems like you two wouldn't be able to have any time alone. He took the piece of paper from his assistant and stepped back from the fans to read it.
It was the recipe for the cake. He smiled. He must absolutely see you again. This time just you two. After about an hour he had his assistant try and set up a dinner date for tonight. But your assistant gave him your number so Joe could call you personally. It's been a while since he's done that. Normally his friends and family were the only ones who knew his personal line. But for some reason he didn't mind if you had it.
Once he got to his loft he called. It rang about 4 times before you answered.
" Hi. Umm can you please remove my number from you call list. I would really appreciate it. Thank you."
Joe's eyes widen when you hung up.
Wait what?
So instead of calling you again he messaged you.
" Ello love it's Joe from lunch. I was wondering if you would like to have dinner tonight?"
You looked at your phone and almost fainted.
Oh my god. I just hung up on Joseph Quinn. Fuck me!
Instead of texting him back you called him.
He answered right away.
" Ello."
" Hey Mr Quinn I'm so sorry I thought you were a telemarketer."
He chuckled " You can call me Joe and it's completely a'right. I understand."
" I uhh. How did you get my number if you don't mind me asking?"
" Your assistant gave it to my assistant."
"My assistant?"
" Uh yes Brandy I believe."
" Ohhh you mean Brenda. Yeah that lady is such a meddler."
" Oh why's that?"
" Ok Quinn can I be honest with you?"
" Always."
You cleared your throat. " So Brenda is not my assistant. We are actually both receptionist/assistant at the law offices of Mark and Decker. She was the one who signed for the flowers and the one to read your note. Once I told her that I didn't plan or even know how to get ahold of you. She took it upon herself to set up the lunch."
" So you're saying you went out on a date with me under protest?"
What? That was a date? You freaked
" Umm no not at all. It was really nice of you to show. I thought I was being punked or something."
" Didn't that show get cancelled?"
" I'm not sure. I think so."
"I'm sure you wouldn't. So what's this about dinner?" You tried not to sound to egger.
" Oh no love I wouldn't do that to anyone."
Oh my Lord. If he keeps calling me that I will pass the fuck out.
" Yes of course, I was wondering if you cared to join me for supper?"
"That's sounds nice. But umm do you mind if we don't go out in public?"
" I was just about to ask you the same thing."
" Oh great thank you. Would you like to come over to my place? I had already taken out some chicken for dinner if you don't mind."
"No I don't mind at all. Should I bring a bottle of wine?"
" You can for yourself. I'm sorry I don't drink."
"Oh that's fine I'll just bring some punch or something."
" Don't worry about it. I have everything here. Just come around 7?"
" Absolutely. I'll be there."
" Great. Umm see ya soon."
" Yes. Um be seeing you."
He hung up the phone. He was so damn nervous he had to take a puff of his inhaler to be able to breath again. He was so excited that he went to his closet and looked for a proper outfit for a date that was 5 hours away. That's when his received a text. He thought for a moment that you were gonna cancel on him but to his relief it was Tim.
Tim reminded him about his flight tomorrow to LA in the early morning. He had to do an interview on Jimmy Fallon again with Jamie, Sadie, and Joe. Then after, celebrate with Jamie and the others. But now that he was able to see you again. He didn't want to go. He wanted to spend as much time as he could with you before he was off again to a different show or whatever Con he was booked to go to.
After you hung up you sunk to the break room floor. You had been walking around trying to calm yourself when you were talking to him. You could not believe this was happening. You wished someone would punch you in the face so that you could wake up from this dream. When Brenda came in to check on you. You explained to her what just happened and what you were thinking. That's when she leaned down and smacked the shit out of you.
You gasped as your head turned from the slap and your eyes watered. You looked back at her. Not believing she actually just hit you.
"See hun your fine. This is really happening. And you have a date with Joseph fucking Quinn. Now get your ass up and get back to work."
You nodded and got up still in shock.
Holy shit I'm having dinner with Joseph fucking Quinn.
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projectbluearcadia · 1 year
Meeting The Family
Annelie reads a book in front of Lucifer’s fireplace, comfortably holding a pillow against her while her fingers linger over the text. Lucifer enters. 
Lucifer: Annelie, your room is defrosted. 
Annelie: Mmm. 
She turns a page, not really paying attention, and Lucifer approaches. 
Lucifer: I see you’ve made yourself comfortable.  
Annelie: Hard not to. 
Lucifer: Settle into your own room. 
Annelie: Where is it, the basement?
Lucifer: The first floor. Come on. 
Lucifer pulls Annelie to her feet, and she reluctantly closes the book and follows Lucifer downstairs and into the guest bedroom on the first floor. 
For some reason, I wasn’t expecting an actual bedroom, but this is actually still nice. I have a feeling I’m going to miss Lucifer’s bed though... 
Annelie sits on her new bed. 
Annelie: Move-in complete. 
Lucifer curls his fingers inward, motioning Annelie to give him his pillow back. Annelie defiantly holds onto it. 
Lucifer: Give me my pillow. 
Annelie: It’s my pillow now. Has my drool and everything. 
Lucifer: Thanks for reminding me to wash it. Give it here.
Annelie: Finders keepers. 
Lucifer: Don’t be stubborn. Why are you so attached to it? 
Annelie: ...I like cuddling things when I sleep, okay? This pillow is really nice. 
Lucifer: Yes, I know. You still can’t have it. 
Annelie: Then get me a better one. 
Lucifer: No. 
Annelie: Then you can’t have it back. 
Lucifer takes it despite Annelie’s protests. 
Lucifer: If I find you with it again, I won’t ask so nicely. 
Lucifer leaves, and Annelie flops onto her back. A few moments later, a white-haired male swaggers into the room.
???: So you’re that ‘Annie’ Lucifer mentioned!
Annelie: Annelie, Anne or Ellie. Never Annie. 
???: The Great Mammon-sama can call ya whatever I want!
Annelie: Sure thing, Mammary-sama
Mammon: Wha—
A purple-haired male peers in and giggles. 
???: Roasted. 
Mammon: Shut up, Levi!
Annelie: Was there something you wanted from me?
Mammon: Ya see, this world ain’t cheap, Annie. You’re livin’ in this room, but it doesn’t come free. The good news is that I’ve got a deal for you—I’ll cut down your rent by 30%. 
Annelie: I didn’t hear anything about rent from Diavolo, so I’ll just mooch off Lucifer until he makes me get a job. 
That said... getting a long-term job here could be difficult. I think I could work somewhere that doesn’t pay much, but considering my new status as a member of the demon race... wow. That just took my mood down a notch. Then again, it’s been a while since I even thought about returning to my old life of working eight to five for five days a week...
Mammon: D-Diavolo?
Mammon suddenly looks pale before he leaves the room like a terrified puppy. 
Annelie: What about you? 
Levi doesn’t hear her, too concerned with following Mammon and hounding him for money he leant him. A moment later, a male with green eyes follows behind another with amber, the latter of whom eagerly inspects Annelie. 
???: Ohhh, she’s just gorgeous~ Though definitely not as much as me. Her hair needs some work, but she would be so fun to doll up!
???: Asmo, you need to stop doing make-up tutorials of strangers...
Asmo: What are you talking about? We’re not strangers~ Annelie darling already knows my name, doesn’t she?
Annelie: I know your name because he just said it, but that doesn’t mean I know you. Knowing someone is complicated and philosophical, but I won’t get into that. 
Asmo: Oh, don’t be silly hahaha. We’re going to get to know each other re~ally well since you’ll be living here. 
???: Is that book Silent Sheep?
Annelie: Yeah. I just started reading it. 
???: Did Lucifer give that to you?
Annelie: I actually stole it, but he didn’t take it back, so I’ll go with yes.
The blond seems to smirk just a little bit. 
???: Let me know what you think of it when you finish reading it. 
Asmo: Hey, are you two ignoring me?
The blond starts to leave before Annelie stops him in the doorway, 
Annelie: And what’s your name?
???: Satan. 
I have a feeling I shouldn’t bring up the fact that he’s the one that reminds me most of his older brother so far. 
Annelie: I look forward to working with you.
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barbieslayer08 · 2 years
Thought I had a handle on life. But like always when things start going to well, the rug got pulled out from under me. It's my own fault. I know it is. I've always managed to fuck up every thing in my life with out fail. Idk why i do it to myself. Probably something a therapist could figure out. But I'm broke as a joke. And now I don't even have a car. No we don't have public transportation either. Taxis are outrageous. $65 to go 3 miles. So now I have 16 hours to find a new car for less then $1000. Or miss the next 2 days of work and have about $1400. But I might lose my job, but I have a chance at a better paying job, but I really, really like my job where I'm at. But I don't really have Lot of time to spend with my son. I don't have enough time to most days. Only 30 mins 4 days a week and all day Friday and Saturday and all morning Sunday and then he either sees him dad or is at the baby sitter. But I get off work at off hours and he gets off work the same time so he picks him up from the sitter and sleeps at night at his house. And I get up and was working myday job doordashing when I can, or running errands. He goes to school in the afternoon. He's only 3. But he goes for 3 hours. I would always pick him up from school. I work at 4. That's all I get. I miss him most days. I just bought a bigger bed so we can both fit and snuggle if he has a bad dream. Kinda hard to snuggle on a twin. But hey! We have our own place! It's a 2 bedroom in section 8. But the neighbors are quiet. And I can walk through every inch of this place and honestly say all of its mine. Not a single stick of furniture belongs to anyone but me. Even the very small amount of decorations. But I hand picked every single one I do have. Even made a few! Sorry this really started with me feeling really lonely. Now I know that it doesn't matter. Either I get a car tomorrow and I keep my job, or I lose it and get better options but it'll mean alot more work. I'd say I'll have the self discipline to keep the new job. Sorry again. Think kinda turned into a life dump. I cried 3 times while typing this. Sorry if anything is miss spelled. If I go back and to read this I'll just end up erasing it instead. But I kinda want thins to just exist somewhere other then just on my heart. And if I trie to talk to my friends about this then just kinda brush it off like ya that sucks, here's a story about something way worse that happened in my life that's gonna make u feel really stupid for being upset about this shit. And I know they don't mean to make me feel that way but it's still happens. And I don't trust therapists. I don't trust anyone who could forcibly make me have a grippy sock vacation but I don't want one. I can't. If I stop for any reason right now it would set me so far back idk if I could make it back. I forced my way up the mountain to where I am now, and I can't alow myself to slide back. Not again. I have to control my adhd. I have to. I can't keep allowing myself to fuck up good thing, and valling victim to bad choices. I need a damn saying. Something that reminds me to keep my shit together. I'd get it tattooed on my arm first chance I could afford it.
I feel better now. I know this will never be read by anyone. I know that. But that's ok. I just wanted to feel like I finally told someone. And for just once that didn't stop half way through to tell me a much sadder story and that they know how I feel. No they don't. They never do. But hey thanks for listening. Thank you for just listening. I feel pretty numb now so I'm going to bed now. Maybe the world will be better tomorrow. Maybe it won't. Can't wait to find out if it's going to be a step up or 6 steps back with a muddy uphill climb in the rain.
#adventuresofdepression #lifedump
#ifeelbetternow #feelfreetodothesame
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whoiskt · 2 years
2022 draws to a close... it is time now... the questions...
1: What did you do in 2022 that you’d never done before?
Also wrote a TV pilot script which has altered the course of my future in ways that are yet to be determined....
I did some other things, of course, but nothing as big as those. Like, I went to the renaissance faire, and tried hot pot, poisoned myself with mold. Just a tastes of some firsts.
2: Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I made... so many. It was too much. 
Read 10 books--- Yeah, I technically have started and failed to complete many books. This does include Dracula -_- I’m so bad at finishing things. I’m trying to finish one before New Years.
Go to an event I wouldn’t normally attend--- I mean, I did go to the ren faire... so I want to count this.
Run a mile in less than 12 minutes outdoors--- I didn’t try lmao once it was warm enough to run outdoors I had completely forgotten.
Apply for at least 4 jobs a week----
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I was trying to film a second a day too and that ended in... February. 
Yeah, anyways, I don’t know. I got to be more reasonable.
3: Did anyone close to you give birth?
Nay! Least you count all the girlies at work.
4: Did anyone close to you die?
5: What countries did you visit?
I’m still working on that ok?
6: What would you like to have in 2023 that you lacked in 2022?
Watch as KT chooses “career” for the fourth year in a row... Honestly, no. I’m going to say a feeling of community. That’s what I really want.
7: What dates from 2022 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
I will probably forget everything. I still remember the queen died on the 8th of September. I don’t know why I remember that but I doubt it will last.
8: What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Writing the script. I mean, it has changed a bit, and will continue to, but it was a big step in this journey I’m on. And as you know, I rarely finish things I start, so this was a big deal. Even if it never sees the light of day.
I read it to my family at Christmas and my oldest bro-in-law told me to keep making it because he likes it.... HUGE compliment coming from him.
I have also written the outlines for several other episodes for this not-real TV show of mine. I think I’m up to 5 outlines, in addition to the script. So, yeah. Even if it never gets to TV I might make it into a webcomic. Like, I'll make a pact that if I haven't gotten it made by the time I'm 30, I'll start making it into a webcomic instead.
Plus, I’ve been working a lot on my portfolio. I need to finish that up in January and then I’ll be applying for grad school! Scary but exciting. 
9: What was your biggest failure?
My biggest failure of the year was probably whenever I applied and interviewed for that broadcasting job. I was really bummed that I didn’t get the job because of the following reasons:
1) It was “the perfect” job for me, I was perfectly qualified and it was in the perfect place, as close as I could get to my “dream job” without leaving the state.
2) There was three (3!) openings. The odds should have been in my favor
3) I knew someone who was already working there. Just embarrassing to me like, ok, so he knows I didn’t get the position. We went to school together our resumes were VERY similar ya know? How did I not get it?
But my biggest failure did lead me to self-reflect. The job search the last few years has been so hard. Getting this rejection was a very big “I can’t do this anymore” moment, so I was thinking, what has brought me satisfaction in all this? The answer was the TV show I write in my notes app.
And because I believe in that enough, I guess I’m going to go do that now instead. Either way, it’s been really fucking nice since then to have just completely given up on the job search. Just so nice.
10: Did you suffer illness or injury?
Yes, first I was sick... idk some time in Spring. Then I drank mold and became poisoned that way, so that was fun. And this last week I’ve had a stomach bug so wooo! I look forward to being well again.
11: What was the best thing you bought?
I bought the new tablet. It is really nice. But it would really only be useable thanks to Will, letting me borrow his computer all the time these days. 
12: Whose behavior merited celebration?
I respect all my friends for their behavior and growth or dealing with challenges. It was tough ages 18-24 dealing with losing friends, but now the people I choose to surround myself never worry me, or shock me, or even come close to disgusting me. That’s not something I could have said when I was younger (sadly). But now all my friends are super solid and I am proud to know them.
13: Whose behavior made you appalled?
I don’t know... sometimes my coworkers do stuff but I wouldn’t call it outright appalling? At worst it’s petty drama or bootlicking. But I’m very good at leaving things at work so I don’t care.
14: Where did most of your money go?
They keep increasing the gd rent grrrrr
15: What did you get really, really, really excited about?
The ocean and the beach and the accompanying aura was really cool. I was so excited in general for summer and warm weather, which I think I’m just thinking about because I want it really bad right now. 
Chainsaw Man anime! It’s been great showing it to Will, now he knows who tf I’m talking about.
16: What song will always remind you of 2022?
I really don’t listen to pop songs anymore but on our drive to the east coast we discovered Brick + Motar which has become a staple in our home, so pretty much all their songs.
17: Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? (b) thinner or fatter? Richer or poorer?
I’m probably in all ways about the same. This is what I talk about when I say all the last few years have been a blur because things really don’t get better or worse they just stay the same.
18: What do you wish you’d done more of?
Focusing on finishing things I started. Running theme here, I know, lmao
19: What do you wish you’d done less of?
Play stupid little games on my phone. I seriously get addicted to these things.
20: How did you spend Christmas?
Went home. It was really brief this year. I'll make sure my visit next year is an extended stay.
21: Did you fall in love in 2022?
Never stopped.
22: What was your favorite TV program?
Some things I enjoyed this year: Severance, What We Do in the Shadows, Arcane, Chainsaw Man, Spy x Family, Jojo Part 6, Bee and Puppycat: Lazy in Space, Fringe, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Gravity Falls, and many docs.
23: Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
24: What was the best book you read?
I have been and should be finished reading “The Song of Achilles” soon. I enjoy it because before I played Hades, and as a former greek mythology kid, I hadn’t heard of Patroclus, and I enjoy learning more about him..
25: What was your greatest musical discovery?
I did a lot of musical discovery this year. Like, more than usual, probably not a lot compared to most people. First off, I discovered Of Montreal (not from Montreal sus) TV on the Radio, and of course my Spotify top song of the year: “Heart It Races” by Architecture in Helsinki (I have yet to listen to a single other song of theirs because I just know nothing can top this).
Will discovered Brick + Mortar, and Fish in a Birdcage, which I have coveted.
I have also enjoyed That Handsome Devil and Spoon. Although there is more diving to do with them.
26: What did you want and get?
New drawing tablet. 
27: What did you want and not get?
New laptop. My tastes are just too expensive and so I ended up using the money for other things.
28: What was your favorite film of this year?
29: What one thing that made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Writing things for myself and then reading them off to Will. Oh, yeah, my TV show has a fan! Just greenlight me baby!
30: How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2022?
Visions from higher powers. But mostly I don’t wear pants at home. I’m not wearing pants as I write this.
31: What kept you sane?
Socializing. Going outside. Going for walks. Music. My notes app.
32: Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I don’t care about celebrities but I do care about Aki Hayakawa.
33: What political issue stirred you the most?
I lost rights this year so..... oof.
34: Who did you miss?
My kitty cat. 
35: Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2022.
I learned not to compromise on quality of life? Life is filled with dreams. You gotta follow the string of satisfaction. 
It’s easy to get caught up in a stream of “well I have to do this, and then that, and then I’ll be happy.” Which is pretty much how I have lived my life up to this point. I went to college because I thought it was a step to happiness. I wasn’t happy while doing it. I should have done something else, I think. It was unhappy times. 
Like, I don’t really like my job, it’s not what I want to do for the rest of my life, or even a year more, but it’s something I can do now, while pursuing other things that DO satisfy me... and THAT’S the satisfaction I have in my life. Before, it was just a step while I waited for something better. But I realize that’s not a good way to live life.
36: Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
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1d1195 · 4 months
I SUCK at remembering passwords😭 and I seriously don’t remember why I even logged out in the first place lol
Honestly would 100% recommend bluey lol oddly enough I have a friend who genuinely enjoys paw patrol and I love that for him lol NOW THOSE LYRICS ARE A LITTLE TOO REAL😭 I’ve never imagined myself getting married or being a wife and as I was younger I was slightly more open to the idea but now I genuinely don’t care or even want ya know?? Idk I guess I have a fear I’ll end up like my parents HAHAH and I think it’s because people mainly from what I’ve seen like the “idea” of marriage but idk girl it’s a lot to unpack lol But I did love watching say yes to the dress growing up lol
ALSO Sam, fuck people honestly! It’s annoying to hear but the correct time will come for you to live out your dream wedding experience!
The TA lecture…. Tell me why I kinda got my image of him shattered 😭the experience was not making sense in my fantasy😭 the topic was alright like in theory it was interesting but I guess he was sort of giving “know it all vibes” during the lecture and while he was answering questions??? Which is CRAZY to me because during his office hours/other interactions I’ve had with him he’s not like that?! And my friends said the same thing too?? Idk maybe he was nervous which is understandable! Idk 😭(I know TA Harry would never😭)
Also LOVED THE DRYER SHEET UPDATE!!! I had missed them! I LOVED READING IT! Now NIALL PUNCHING HARRY?!? the way I GASPED AND SAY “NIALL” out loud?! CRAZY?! but kinda loved it 🤭 and the cuddling scene was just so adorable like omg 😭 I love the dryer sheets couple so much! You did such a good job as always!
Hope your break went well and that your week has started off well!! Sending all the love!!-💜
Sometimes I just be doing stuff and log out for no reason. I get it 🤣
I have wanted nothing more than to be married and have kids and a family but now that I'm pushing 30 I'm still in a very happy committed relationship. Idk maybe this is it for me. It's not bad. Like I said, it's just everyone else being judgmental af lol Please unpack any time I would love to hear it. My parents love language is arguing. There's no other reason. They're so much work. I don't want to end up like that.
RIP YOUR TA I'M DEVASTATED. I hope he was nervous. that's so tragic! TA Harry WOULD never. TA Harry would tell the whole class he was nervous before starting the lecture.
My trashy romance was so good. It was 👌 Enemies to lovers 😍 It was three novellas in one book and the girls in it were STEM ladies and super important in their fields. They were dumb in love but brilliant. It was magical. Very Miss Wildflower of them if I do say so myself.
I know I mentioned my love/hate relationship with Love and Dryer Sheets. I had been picturing Niall punching Harry (someone had to do it) I also rewatched New Girl like a month ago and there was an episode where the two girls get in a verbal disagreement and the boys are like "just punch each other; it solves things faster" and I thought it was so funny 🤣 Niall's just a baby though, he'd never do that in real life hehehehe I think someone suggested they wanted check-ins of them just being in love doing laundry and being normal which makes sense since they were striving to be a boring couple that love laundry and all their drama was centered around getting together. So now they're just going to do laundry which is great.
Hope you're having a good week, I'm excited to hear what you think about tomorrow's update! :)
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