#the second one which was on hiatus for like 5 months
svndaysaweek · 1 year
Niche — {Feat. Hanni}
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4.5k words
A/N: Guess who’s back! I’ve returned, from 5 months of hiatus, with a long-waited Hanni fic. This was written when @kaedespicelatte was a total Hanni stan, but idk if he still is doing that… Anyways, please enjoy this spin-off of my Academia series. This time is about a bit about philosophy and love itself. Eternal gratitude to @usedpidemo for editing and polishing this one!
"Three, two, one!"
With a cute pout, Hanni, sitting across the table opposite to you, blows the gentle fire off all nine birthday candles. She looks so happy as you can read under the dimly lit dark orange dining room. A proud smile stretches wide across your face.
"Can't believe you're already this big, Hanni. This is for you."
You hand Hanni a small wine-red box, and with a surprised smile she brings it in front of her.
"What's this, oppa?"
"Open it,"
With a silent click the box opens, presenting a thin golden necklace with the letter 'H' in cursive hanging. Touched by your gift, Hanni lets out a long, surprised gasp before she looks up again at you, looking adorable.
"Do you like it?"
"I love it! What does this 'H' mean, oppa?"
"It could mean anything, Hanni. Happiness, hope, heart, and of course your name, Hanni."
Hanni stares at the letter on the necklace for a while with deep deliberation in her eyes. You watch her with a twinkle in your own eyes. She then looks back at you with a certain decision already made up.
"I'll just put all of them in this necklace, oppa. Hope, heart, happiness, and my name… They all are priceless when you say them."
You want to squeeze her in your embrace, only to be denied by the table separating you two. Happiness, hope, heart—and her name, Hanni. They all mean the same to you. She has been your happiness since the day you were adopted to her family. Your opaque, cloudy, uncertain future was given hope by her presence in your life. And heart–
"Heart, oppa. Do you know what the ancient Greeks thought of the heart?"
You shake your head.
Hearing your response, Hanni softly intertwines your hands together with hers. The cold necklace is handed into your palm.
"Can you put this on my neck?"
You rise from your chair and walk around the table to her, doing what she asked. Hanni rises from her seat too, facing your collarbones due to her height. She lets her hands softly rest on your shoulders, which you freely allow.
"They thought the heart of human beings contained their own souls within it."
You finish clasping her necklace around her neck. Looking down at her, she seems very shy and nervous. One of Hanni's hands trails down to the middle of your chest, where your heart is set alight, beating with an increasing rate because of her sudden but sensitive touch.
"I think your heart does. I can feel it."
For a moment, you lose grip on your consciousness and fall into her, but no.
"What are you doing, Hanni?"
You ask her as calmly and kindly as possible, not wanting to offend her even by the least. You feel so warm and so loved, but still, you are embarrassed and a little shy by the sudden touch on your body from Hanni. Nevertheless, she doesn't back up from where you are right now, as if she completely expected this to happen.
"You know, oppa, when somebody loves someone, the person can feel the soul of someone he or she is in love with."
You feel your heart beating faster and faster, as if responding to every word she says—as if her lips contain the spark that makes your heart burn brighter and hotter with each passing second.
Hanni's other hand finds one of yours and brings it to your chest, drumming fast to the point you’re certain your heart will explode. Your face is no different at all, furiously burning in front of her and throbbing to your crazy heartbeat.
"Which means, I love you."
By now, you already knew it was coming, but when you hear it spoken from her divine lips you're struck silent—not that you haven't been speechless so far, and that's because you are not ready for it. Your heart is now merely seconds away from bursting out of your chest, beating wildly against Hanni's palm.
Not listening to your stuttering, she places your hand on her chest and slightly pushes it into her chest.
"Can you feel it too, oppa? My heart—it has been beating for you since the day I met you. My soul has always been yours, oppa."
You look up from your hand on Hanni's chest to her twinkling eyes; hers have never left contact with yours almost all night long.
"I-I can feel it, Hanni… But this is–"
When you say 'but,' Hanni's eyebrows curl into a frown, and it crushes your heart into pieces. She didn't confess her love sincerely only to hear rejection from you.
This setting—where you are in love with your step sister—might sound a little bit wrong, but now, in front of Hanni, even questioning if it's right or wrong is the most wrong thing possible.
Well, even the strict Nietzsche was in love with his sister.
You, with your warmest tone, call her name with a solid decision in your voice.
Hanni, however, murmurs back, tone disappointed, assuming you are trying to reconfirm your rejection. You have to, given the circumstances, but this time, you break the rules set throughout history—from Epicure to Sartre, reason has to precede instinct. But love—it gives the human mind amazing power and growth. And at this moment you wholeheartedly believe that with love fueling your heart, any rules against it can be buried beside all those “reasonable” thinkers, and that you are the one with the spade. It is okay even if it’s just a blind mistake.
Because it sure will be the most beautiful mistake of the human mind.
"I love you too, Hanni."
Your words land directly through her ears, and they travel straight down to her heart, even before her brain processes them. Love—it's the only language in which the souls can communicate. Straight from your heart and into hers, and they both react wildly, unable to ignore their deepest desires.
Surprised, Hanni swiftly looks up at you, eyes gleaming with tears. Her lips part, but not a syllable comes out, before–
You don't have to say a word, Hanni.
Your love has already done more than enough.
And right now, you speak to her soul with your lips.
You kiss her parted lips, sealing the gap perfectly. Your hand remains on her chest, you feel her heart beating even faster as if shaking you off. The same is true on your side.
A few seconds of liplock is enough for your soul to express love to hers, but as soon as you pull back from them, Hanni cups your face with her warm hands to fulfill the paused act of pure love. Your hands slowly climb up to her shoulders, to her soft, pulsing neck, and finally to her blushed, warm cheeks.
Who said following the essence of instincts is not humanly? 
Who thought the instant impulses would never create long lasting happiness?
Your love for Hanni and hers toward you defies that right in the face, as you detach from the kiss and peck her palm on your cheek, never losing eye contact with her.
Happiness is reached when one overcomes resistance. Nietzsche was right about it, and he himself did overcome the obstacles and fell in love with his sister to prove that.
Forget about everything tonight. Let the love lead you. It can't hurt deeper than where your love is springing from.
Hanni pulls your hand to her chest again, but this time you feel something different. Her fingers delicately slide down on your shirt, from your chest to where your belly is. Hanni pushes your hand on her chest deeper to make you feel the softness of her breasts, and her other hand on you stops.
"I want you to feel more than my heart tonight, oppa. And I want to feel more than your soul too."
It's a question and a permission at the same time—a question asking for deeper, thicker love, and a permission to develop the love between to the next level, which you can't—and won’t—say no to.
At this point, you feel like you could happily stop loving her if she tells you to, if that makes her happy. But what stops now is your reason and rationality, which have been vulnerable throughout the night.
You softly squeeze her petite breast, inhaling her cute but deep moan right from her mouth, sealing its exit not to let a single strand escape.
Love makes a person grow.
But the only thing growing because of love is the bulge behind your clothes, aching to be unleashed. Hanni sneaks a hand under your shirt to touch your bare abs, chest, and back. Sensing the physical form of love flowing from her warm fingers through your skin, you briefly leave her lips and quickly get rid of your shirt. You see Hanni's glistening lips needily follow your head pulling back and grin at how adorable your little girl is.
Hanni then tries to get out of her own clothes, but you stop her arms from reaching the hem of her sweater and place her arms around your neck. Looking at your eyes with a piercing glare, Hanni crushes her lips on yours again, and you lift her by her legs and head to the bedroom.
Gently setting Hanni down on the mattress, you undress her. Shirt first, then the pants follow. Afterward, you give yourself a few seconds to admire the beautiful sculpture lying in front of you, showing off her bare, fair skin. Brushing your thumb on her midriff, you dive into her neck, then descend to her collarbone, shoulders and upper chest, to let Hanni relax and react to your sexual actions.
Not letting a second go to waste, she responds, arching her back at your most sensitive and stimulating touches before unclasping her own bra. At the sight of her exposed breasts you can’t waste a moment to dive in and softly peck her creamy skin, making her moan lightly. To prepare Hanni for what you’re about to do tonight, you ramp up the stimuli by touching and sucking on her nipples.
"I-I love it, oppa. Do you–haa, love them too…?"
Hanni's arms reach around your back and smoothly wander across your skin. Having showered enough love and lust on her breasts, you pull back from them.
"I do, Hanni."
You fucking love them, but profanities are the least things you want to say to your–
Your fingers are barely touching her soaked panties, yet she lets out a thin moan. Not having seen someone this sensitive, you worry for her, whether she feels uncomfortable or not.
"Are you okay, Hanni?"
You look at Hanni with utmost concern, but she's blushing, covering her own mouth with a loose fist. Instead of answering your question, she confesses to you for the second time tonight.
"Oppa… Th-this is my first time having sex, so go easy on me please,”
“Oh, of course, baby. Just relax, it won’t hurt.”
In contrast to your comforting words, her body remains tense as your tongue makes its way down from her breasts, belly, to her hot crotch. Every squirm she makes indicates the level of her anticipation for how good you will feel between her legs. Her hands softly land on your busy head, relaxing when you pause for a second, your head resting right above her wet spot.
"Hanni, you're wet."
Your teasing words do work. Hanni above your view blushes and bites her bottom lip.
"Oppa, I-I need you to–hnng…!"
You can tell she's loosening up little by little, so you carefully touch her drenched core past the soaked fabric. Slowly going soft and smooth at her most sensitive point, you look up at her face to check if she's fine, only to be met by the newfound pleasure on her disfigured features: the bitten bottom lip, tightly shut eyes, burning cheeks, and mouth covered by the back of her hand.
All of them saying—I'm enjoying this, oppa. I'm loving it. Please–
"Please. Go on."
You give her an assuring smile and dive right in, tongue first. You peck on her wet underwear, immediately sending Hanni's body into overdrive. She squirms, whether intended or not, pushing her crotch into your diligent mouth.
Hanni's mouth, too, is diligent, letting indistinguishable moans free continuously, even at your slightest touches. Your both hands gently massage her slender thighs, while spreading them apart at the same time. Gradually your hands travel closer to the waistband of her underwear, before tugging your fingers under it and sliding it down her smooth legs.
You toss it on the floor, keeping your eyes fixated on her bare crotch and soaked pussy.
You hate it. You never wanted to use such a filthy word on Hanni. But when you actually say it, it's far from dirty—it's beautiful, it's lovely, it's perfect.
Without saying another word you dive in, pouring all your senses on your tongue. You look up again to see how Hanni reacts, and her shaking eyes firmly close when the first divine contact is made.
She yelps—not too loud, but just enough for you to know that she feels so good. Up and down, left to right and then quickly circling around her sweet spot that has been left untouched, virgin–
"I-It's amazing, oppa. You don't know how many times I touched myself imagining this–oh my-oh my god!"
You interrupt her with your middle finger entering her leaking and contracting hole, because you don't want to hear that. Hanni to you has been a pure little girl, the one to be protected from such a sin—not the one moaning words about it, even when you’re committing such a grave act.
Hanni tightly grabs your other hand on her thigh, bringing it on the mattress next to her shaking body which makes Hanni look like she's humping on your mouth and finger. 
Every slight curl of your finger and flick of your tongue confines you deeper inside Hanni's warmth—her hand desperately strengthens its hold, her thighs trap your head in between her legs, and the vulnerable tightness of her pussy firmly hugs your finger.
You can feel your dick furiously bulging behind your pants and boxers, aching to have a piece of her too, but that's not the top priority. In front of you is a squirming, moaning, helpless little girl whose entire body is depending on you.
Suddenly Hanni brings your hand to her perky breast, softly pushing it against her mound. Surprised, you look up and your eyes are met with hers, which, a few moments ago, were filled with love. Now you see the evolved form of love in her eyes—lust. But it's only for a short moment, because her approaching orgasm spreads all over her body, preparing for the inevitable explosion.
It was certainly a short moment, but Hanni's gleaming eyes were more than enough to tell you what she wants—what she needs. You squeeze her breast, upping the ante on your tongue and finger. Noticing your effort, Hanni changes her grip on your hand to intertwine your fingers with hers together.
Every part of her body contracts and quivers, completely engulfed by pleasure; relentless leakage of her juice, shallow breaths, and ecstatic scream seeping out of her bitten lip successfully substitute for "I'm going to cum." Fueled by her lewd sound, you double the pace and soon enough, she comes undone.
"Fuck, oppa!"
You keep your tongue and finger working deep through her orgasm, devouring her pure high with such a dirty slurping sound.
Love can be viewed as just a survival mechanism for human beings to reproduce, but when you feel the essence of it, share the true taste of it, it will be the only way to define each other. Hanni is your love, and you are Hanni's love.
Right now is the complete extent of love between you two, in its purest physical form—the most basic form, and the very destination of it at the same time.
Hanni slowly winds down from her orgasm, still breathing heavily, with the happiest smile etched on her lips. She sits up, then gently caresses your bare shoulder and chest. Her delicate touches squeeze your heart, and your dick is the furthest from easing down.
Grabbing her hand pressed on your chest, you kiss its palm and the back of it imbued with love. Putting that hand behind your neck, Hanni forces your body atop hers, closing whatever distance left that keeps you apart. Her eyes gaze at your lips, and so do you at hers, which smoothly leads to a deep kiss. With one arm supporting your body above her you try to undo your pants. Hanni's both hands slide down your bare upper body to help you dispose of those annoying pants. Right after then she succeeds in helping you pull them down, to make yourself finally naked.
Hearing the sound of your clothes being tossed on the floor, Hanni detaches from the kiss, to take a look at your newly exposed dick. 
"That's… That's bigger than I thought."
Her face blushes even brighter, which you thought was impossible. An unhidden smile curls her lips, concealed by her digging teeth.
How can a person look so innocent and sly at the same time? The cute, shy version of Hanni is long gone, taken away by the sexual tension and the first orgasm done by someone else. On top of that, your exposed body is making it more profound, resulting in Hanni unconsciously taking her hand to your cock.
"I-It's hard and… and warm, oppa."
You can only moan at her sensitive touch on your cock, wildly throbbing and leaking.
"H-Hanni… It's–"
Hanni again interrupts you, but this time with unholy intent.
"Is it because of me, oppa? Is it for me?"
Stop it.
No, don't you stop. You are enjoying this as confused as you are. 
Hanni, once underneath you, flips you onto the bed next to her and prepares to ride you out. There's no sign of innocence on her face now. She stares you down with an anticipatory, excited grin with those piercing eyes shooting straight into yours.
"Hanni, are you sure about this? We can slow down or–"
"I am, oppa. You've done enough for me tonight. For my whole life, too. Why don't you let me show you how big I've grown up?"
This is it. This is what she has been wanting to show you—to show you that she's not just a little girl anymore, that she has grown big enough to love you.
That you don't have to feel guilty at all for loving her back.
Again, love makes people grow.
Now you see the difference. She is independent, confident, lady-like and mature. Every attribute you're obsessed with is on full display. 
She’s blossoming right before your eyes.
You try to sit up and kiss her, but the Hanni atop you is no longer passive and shy about receiving kisses from you. She can express how she feels, and she can lead the way herself.
"I love you, oppa."
Hanni pushes you back down on the mattress, then crushes her lips on yours. You can’t help but reciprocate with your tongue, while your arms hastily wander on the silky skin of her back and descend to the bottom.
"Why don't you put it in? I'm soaking wet for you.”
Those words don't sound sinfully wrong anymore, but still they send novel sensations down your spine.
You rub your hard dick on her wetness to prepare for the penetration. As if emphasizing that this is her first, Hanni, just at the briefest touch on her sensitive entrance, moans vulnerably and hugs your neck tightly.
"You've grown up, Hanni. That's true."
Still dangling from the edge, Hanni manages to reply, but it's merely an orgasmic shout.
"Yes, opp–Ahh, nnngh!"
As you push the head of your cock in, Hanni screams loudly as if she wants the whole universe to know how much she loves it, but the flooding pleasure of the first sex proves to be so overwhelming, so her nails dig into your back skin, and her teeth also make their mark on your shoulder, as if to inject her suppressed erotic moans into your pulsing veins.
"But you're still my little girl, baby."
Hanni quickly nods at your declaration, pleading for more. You don't want to hurt her, so you keep it slow, trying your best to make the experience comfortable for Hanni.
Yes, she has already proven herself right, and you can accept that, but you just can't go wild on such a weak girl. So weak and soft that if you make even a slightly deep, hard thrust, she'd break.
Slowly, slowly. You're halfway inside Hanni and she seems to have adjusted a bit. It's agonizing for you that you only have to explore her inside like this.
Just then, without warning Hanni sinks down swiftly, forcing sharp gasps from your lungs out of unexpected sensation.
"F-Fuck, Hanni that's…!"
You are now fully inside her, completely hugged tightly by her violently contracting walls. Hanni's entire body also is wildly reacting to her pussy being filled up to the hilt.
"Are you okay, Hanni?"
"Haa, haa, th-that's deep, oppa…"
You tilt your head a little and whisper in her ear.
"I'm going to move, okay? Tell me when it hurts, baby. I'll stop."
"I'm-I'm okay, oppa. I love it."
Her words hit your shoulder with her hot breaths and are shattered at the edge.
You carefully pull back from her pussy, leaving only half of your cock inside. With your both hands firm on her cheeks below, you gently slip back in and press contact with her sensitive cervix again.
"I-I can't wait, oppa, just fuck me. I'm alright, so don't worry about me and make love to me."
Hearing that, you flip your bodies over and put your hands at each side next to her head. Hanni never lets go of her embrace, looking at you nervously and excitedly. You swipe her glistening lips with your thumb before meeting them with yours, tongue first.
As soon as your lips make holy contact, you start pistoning in her cunt, forcing moans out of her mouth and straight into yours. With one hand supporting your body, your other hand trails down her body. You stay at her taut nipple and perfect mound for a while, playing with it before continuing your journey downward.
To her side, her belly, tummy, and lastly arriving at her hot crotch. Your thumb again draws a loud moan out of her when it touches her clit. Pleasure from her clit triples the pleasure of your consistent thrusts in and out of her pussy.
"I-I think I'm close, oppa."
It only means that you have to ramp up the pace, so you do. Sensing the increased tempo, Hanni bites your lower lip, desperate to find an outlet for the tension from the unbearable pleasure coursing through her body.
"You're going to make me cum, oppa. Please make me cum, make me cum hard on you, please…!"
Still biting on your lip she begs, and with passionate love you make your thrusts even harder to fulfill her desire. Hanni's walls convulse, and every deep thrust makes her back rise bit by bit, until her belly meets yours.
"Mmmph! Oppa–Ahh…!"
When Hanni peaks you don't stop, fucking her through her orgasm. With every thrust you make sure Hanni's cumming hard. You make sure she's feeling good and loving every single second.
"I l-love it, oppa! Just like that…!"
There's no slowing down, when your own high is right ahead of you, a stone’s throw away. There's never coming down for Hanni when your fucking only gets harder.
"Hanni, baby, I'm close."
With an orgasmic frown on her brows contradicting her satisfied smile on her lips, she says, "Oppa, it's your turn to feel good. Let me make you cum, so don't you dare slow down."
"Where do you want me to finish, Hanni?"
"I-Inside, oppa. I'm on pills. Give me all your love."
You can't believe this is her first time, but you can certainly believe in love, turning your thrusts that are after your orgasm into motions of love. Hanni looks at you, while you’re struggling to keep your eyes open. Still, you manage to meet her halfway, even at the very moment when you are–
"I'm cumming…!"
Looking right into her eyes, you let the pleasure overpower you. Stuck deep inside her pussy, you release your cum. Your neck gives in, and your foreheads kiss.
"Yes, inside me… I've been wanting this so much…"
This is one of the highest highs you've ever felt, and it never lets you go soon. You really want to say 'I love you’ to Hanni, but the aftershock of sex leaves you devoid of strength, you can't do anything but breathe heavily on her face.
"I loved it, oppa. Thank you for being my first. I love you."
You give her a peck.
"I love you so much, Hanni. I'm so happy that you're here for me. I'm so happy that you're the one that loves me."
Strength regained, you reply. Then you give her another quick peck.
With lust washed away, there's only love left in her eyes. Hanni’s smile never leaves her face, even when you pull out and lie beside her.
"Hanni," Out of curiosity you ask her. "How are you on pills…? Oh, is that–"
Hanni giggles.
"Yes, oppa. I've been planning this for weeks. Thank god you liked it!"
"I loved it, Hanni."
You put your lazy hand on her midriff, and her hand rests atop your hand on her glistening belly.
"You're sweaty, baby. Let's wash ourselves."
You carry her to the bathroom, and Hanni lets out a cute, excited yelp as you lift her up.
After the shower, you two are lying on the bed, facing each other and looking at each other, without any words.
You raise your brows.
"I really really love you."
You giggle at how adorable your little girl is, like always. But the adorableness you sense now resonates even deeper in your heart, and the reason is for all the universe to know—with the big difference you two have made tonight, you won’t view Hanni Pham in a way like never before. But that’s nothing to lament on, of course, rather a perfect example of happiness and love.
"Love you too."
Whether straight through a shortcut or some other way around, Hanni, once your step sister, and now, your lover, has found the perfect place to be. Where she belongs.
Hanni has found herself the niche.
She comes into your arms, buries her face on your chest.
Yes. In your arms, she's perfect here, inside your warm, loving embrace.
"Good night, oppa."
She muffles her words on your shirt. You kiss her head and muffle back sweetly.
"Happy birthday, Hanni."
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How to Plant Snapdragons (pt. 9)
Task Force 141 + König + Keegan x Female Criminal!Reader (except Captain Price, because he'll be like a father to the bunch, and König and Keegan won't appear until later on in the story)
CHAPTER SUMMARY: You go to Las Almas with Soap and Ghost and meet Colonel Alejandro and Sergeant Rodolfo
You are currently reading Chapter 9! Here is Chapter 8 and the Masterlist!
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CONTENT WARNING: Strong Violence NOTE: WAZZUP BITCHES, IM BACK I am very sorry for not updating for 4-5(?) months. I didn't mean to go on a hiatus without any announcements. Things had been quite busy for me lately and I focused on some things (FUCK COLLEGE BUT I PASSED ALL MY CLASSES ANYWAY), and also the reason why I suddenly "went dark" is because of the fucking MW3 Campaign. Yeah, shit destroyed me. WORD COUNT: 2.7k
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You had been to Mexico once. You went to good places it held, but you also walked on the mud it hid in the dark. After all, there could never be a perfect country. Even if someone said that their glorious purpose was for the better good of their nation—most of the time, they were merely heroes in their own stories and villains in the others’. Well, Mexico had good food. You could give them that, at least. But this place, Las Almas, would it have good stuff as well?
You shook off your vest and Ghost’s jacket as the pilot alerted you of the time of the touchdown and slipped into your jacket, fitted to your frame. As much as you wanted to keep wearing the lieutenant’s clothes, you couldn’t risk getting harmed because of loose clothing and failing this stupid mission.
You turned to Ghost as you folded his jacket neatly. “Can I keep this?” you asked and smiled.
He stared at you for a good second, pools of honey you couldn’t read before he looked away. “Suit yourself.”
Your grin widened, and you stashed the jacket into your bag. You hummed as you put on your vest, tightening it to your liking. You patted your pockets, checking each of them, until you felt Ghost’s mask in one, fingers lingering on the soft fabric, and sighed. You put your hands down on your lap and leaned against the cold steel, waiting for the upcoming descent, which didn’t take long.
The plane opened up, and a busy facility greeted your sight. Vehicles drove in and out of the area, and soldiers went back and forth from one place to another. But even when they were bustling, you could feel their gazes land on you—suspicious and judging, whispering among themselves, voices drowned out by the loud exhausts of the transports.
It was something you wished you could get used to. At the same time, you didn’t want to, when eyes held more than they seemed.
You followed Soap and Ghost down the plane, walking towards a couple of men who stepped forward. One of them had his hands clasped behind him, while the other simply stood by his side. Both were, well, good-looking and buffed (which was normal for military men), but eh, not really your type.
They would make pretty models though.
Also, good human shields, if ever.
Johnny, being the everlasting sunshine he was, greeted them first, extending a hand to the man named Alejandro, and engaged in a conversation with him as though they had been long good friends. Then, the sergeants forced the poor lieutenant to join in, who sounded ready to strangle the scot.
Then, your eyes found the gaze of the man next to the Mexican captain on the monitor on your ankle. A frown spread on his face and worsened the moment he saw the smirk that crept up your lips, his eyes darting between you and the half of the 141.
The look of a man confused never failed to be an entertainment. And what was more the obvious expression that said, what the fuck is a criminal doing here? Or something in Spanish.
“And who is she?” Alejandro questioned, finally turning his eyes on you—or rather, down to your ankle, as if the monitor would be the one to answer him.
“She’s sent by General Shepherd,” Ghost immediately replied, batting an eye at you. “She may be a criminal, but she proved excellent in various ways that could be useful to us.”
Alejandro, albeit hesitantly, nodded and extended a hand to you. “Nice to meet you, miss.”
You took his hand, giving it a quick shake. “I’m at your service, sir. And worry not about me going against orders, I pretty much like my head attached to my neck.”
He put a forced smile on his face, one you’d seen way too many times on people. “We’ll see about that.” He motioned at the man beside him. “This is Sergeant Major Rodolfo Parra, my second-in-command.”
The said man, Rodolfo, extended his hand first to Soap, who the fellow Sergeant enthusiastically shook. Then, he batted an eye at Ghost, seemingly hesitant to approach him, but still decided to. Ghost, however, merely stared at his hand, and Rodolfo backed away, clearing his throat.
Soap stepped forward. “Ah, the Lt’s not much of a talker.”
Rodolfo nodded. “I understand.” He turned your way and reached out his hand, which you lightly shook, quickly withdrawing right after. He moved back to Alejandro’s side, who nodded his head towards a direction.
“Follow me, we’ll talk along the way.” Alejandro turned and began to walk, passing by and nodding at soldiers who saluted at him. By the end of the way—or seemingly at both an entrance and exit, several jeeps were parked, and a few soldiers stood by the vehicles. With a wave of hand from Alejandro, the men slipped inside the vehicles, and Rodolfo was the first to get in the first jeep on the line.
“I’d like to sit beside the window—” you attempted to request, but Ghost was quick to shut you off.
“No,” he said as Soap rounded the car, stepping in by the other side.
“C’mon, lassie, don’t you want to sit between us?” Soap questioned, a smile played on his lips.
You slipped inside with a grumble, inching close to the sergeant, before elbowing him. He grunted, but you knew it wouldn’t do much damage to him with all his muscles. At the same time, doors shut as both Alejandro and Simon got inside.
“Tengo miedo de los fantasmas,” Rodolfo mumbled, slightly turning his head to face his colonel.
(I’m afraid of ghosts.)
Your eyes whipped forward, brows slightly raising at his words, which you perfectly understood. You glanced at Ghost, but he merely stared ahead. At the back of your mind, you wanted to snitch on the new guy just so some drama could happen between them, but at the same time, drama could lead to suspicion between these men.
This was why knowing some languages if you travel abroad was great. But it should be fine to keep quiet for now. What the sergeant said wasn’t suspicious, but if they did anything that could bring harm to Ghost and Soap, then . . . 
On the other hand, Alejandro chuckled at the comment of his sergeant and looked back at the three of you. “You know Spanish?”
The Lieutenant remained silent, and you did the same, turning your head to the side to look out of the window, whilst Soap shook his head, and answered, “No.”
Alejandro drew a smirk on his face and turned his attention back ahead. “Oh, you will.”
Rodolfo started the car and drove out of the base.
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“See,” you pointed at the window, begrudgingly looking at Simon, who stared indifferently at you. “This is why I want to be next to the window.”
The car passed by two-story buildings, seemingly houses or apartments, painted in pastel colors. People were walking and talking on the street, some vendors and their stands offering their goods, and some other vehicles were parked on the way. It wasn’t much, not even beautiful, but still you’d like to see everything you could see.
“Have you taken a liking to Las Almas?” Alejandro questioned, glancing back at you.
You put your hand down and turned your head on his way. “To be frank, it’s not a liking, sir, rather, it’s curiosity. I’m not from here or anything similar to this place, so I’d like to see how things work here.”
His head inclined a bit to the side, appearing to be thinking of his words. “You’ll be . . . disappointed.”
You smiled. “I’ll be the one to judge that.” Just as you finished your sentence, a truck with men riding on the back, guns in hand passed by. You couldn’t help but whistle at their ridiculous sight, and put your hand on top of Soap’s before he could grab his gun.
He frowned at you. “What are ya—”
“Calm down, sir,” you cut him off, pulling your hand away. “Seeing as no one on the street is reacting about it, pretty sure that’s normal here.”
“You’re right,” Alejandro spoke in a serious voice, once again looking back at you. “Guns are in the jurisdiction of the police.”
“Looks like Las Almas has a huge problem,” you commented and crossed your arms. “Much more than what I’ve heard.”
Alejandro shifted his eyes to you. “You seem to know something about Las Almas.”
With his words, Soap and Ghost also settled their eyes on you, as if they were ready to do everything to get answers out of your mouth. “I’ve been to Mexico, and during my stay, I heard of things about Las Almas. Not exactly the good ones as you probably expected, but I didn’t know things around here would be this bad.”
“When did you come to Mexico?”
“Over a couple of years ago, sir.”
“I see.” He turned back ahead. “Well, things weren’t that bad back then.”
“I suppose those who tried to uphold the laws and resist corruption met their end as the time passed?”
“You’re right.”
You hummed. “Well, without powerful backing to protect them, I doubt they’ll last much in a society like this.”
“And ya also seemed to know things about politics and stuff,” Soap claimed, slightly shifting on his seat.
You met his blue eyes with a grin. “I had met quite a few politicians in my life. Assassinated an Austrian before, and the one who hired me snitched on me. That’s why I ended up on Shepherd’s shackles.”
His eyes narrowed with suspicion. “How much of that is true?”
You laughed loudly, although you already knew what would be his reaction. “Take a guess,” you told him challengingly.
“The last sentence,” Ghost joined in, his voice monotone.
You snorted. “Except that.” Then, you gasped, throwing yourself to the window at Soap’s side, making him curse out something you couldn’t fucking understand in whatever Scottish was that. “Look, look, Lt!” You motioned your hand on Ghost to look at the ridiculous sight of someone in a skull balaclava giving balloons to kids.
“What the hell?” Soap’s bright eyes also followed the scene.
You whipped around and smiled at Ghost, who simply stared at you. “If you ever want to quit the military, you can retire with me and live together.”
“How about living in Las Almas since Ghost might fit well in here?” Rodolfo suggested in a soft voice. Alejandro hit him on the side, whispering something, and from the corner of your eyes, you saw Ghost slowly turning to look at him through the rear mirror.
You tilted your head. “But Las Almas has a serious problem when it comes to crimes, so I don’t think it is very much suitable to live in unless you want to be a crime lord or still in the military. And I’m the type of person who likes traveling around. If I were to settle for sometime somewhere else, it would be where I would have already spent some time on, like London, Berlin, or California and—”
“It’s just a joke, please. Don’t take it too seriously,” Rodolfo mumbled, sounding like he wanted to bury himself on the ground at the moment and never appear again.
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On the way to the destination, Alejandro had talked more about the way of Las Almas, and finally, what you and the 141 came here for, El Sin Nombre, the leader of the Mexican Cartel who was protecting Hassan. Quite a reputation that person had as Alejandro said they had eyes and ears everywhere.
Having eyes and ears everywhere was also something the one who raised you did. Even if your father was in prison at the moment, you knew he was still pulling strings. A mastermind out of everyone’s league, until he decided to invest in you. Guess the apple didn’t fall far from the tree, now that you were technically imprisoned as well.
You pulled out your balaclava and huffed, putting it on swiftly. You jumped out of the jeep right after Simon and you heard Alejandro spit out his commands in a low, serious voice. You rounded up with the soldiers before a gate and under the Colonel’s command, the group barged in. You frowned as you had seen no man in sight, seemingly the civilians had run away—or were mostly likely driven out by the Cartel.
Alejandro waved his hand to follow him up another gate, which this time, Ghost opened, and gunshots echoed in the air.
“Showtime,” you said under your breath, aiming your assault rifle and blasting a hole through a man’s head, vibrant red painting the dull walls around. You rounded a corner, cautiously looking out for an enemy. You spotted a couple of them, but before you could take them down, they had already fallen on the ground. Your head whipped at Soap and Ghost’s direction. “Showoffs,” you grumbled.
“Said the one who wanted to take two men down at the same time,” Soap remarked, giving you a look, and you heard Ghost huff.
You clicked your tongue and swiftly entered a house, but quickly moved back out as you saw not a soul in sight. Your frown worsened at the unusual lack of men to hold the group back. In these cases, either it would be a trap or they had escaped already.
You glanced over your shoulders. 141, some of Alejandro’s men and the Colonel himself were on sight. The walls obscured your view of the place, there were so many corners where men could be hiding themselves or something else, and such things as Cartels wouldn’t hesitate to destroy a run-down hide-out like this for their good.
Soap shot a man from the roof and Alejandro positioned himself in front of a door, motioning at us. “Secure the house, and we go for Hassan.”
Several voices echoed from inside the place, cursing and hushing one another.
“Take the door,” Alejandro commanded. Soap stepped forward, but you grabbed him, making him look at you.
Before he could utter a word, you kicked the door open, slid on the floor towards a corner, and struck a man awaiting in the hallway. You got up immediately, raised a hand so they wouldn’t follow you, and picked up a baby’s bottle on the ground, throwing it to a room through a slightly opened door. Shots were fired blindly right after and you countered it with a couple of bullets, and it stopped. You pushed the blasted door open and found a man lying on the floor, and the baby’s bottle rolling towards your foot.
“Room clear,” you announced, staring down at the bottle for a second, before moving to the next room. They followed you in and you braced yourself for another onslaught, but this time, Soap was the one who barged in, quickly shooting down the men inside without batting an eye.
“Room clear,” he said and put his hand on your shoulder, giving it a squeeze.
You looked up at him and raised a brow that he wouldn’t see.
Ghost sauntered in the room. “No sign of Hassan.”
Alejandro sighed. “They already moved him.”
You turned your attention to him. “They move fast, hm?”
He looked at you, letting Ghost and Soap rummage the desk across the room instead. “They do. Much more than I expected.”
“So they already know that we’re coming here,” you remarked.
“Highly possible. The Cartel has eyes everywhere.”
You narrowed your eyes and echoed, “Everywhere?”
He nodded to affirm it. “Everywhere.”
“You mean even among your men?”
He paused, staring at you for a good second. “No, I trust my men.”
“A weed is a weed, sir, no matter how good it looks in your garden,” you said in a monotonous voice, picking up a pencil from the ground. “Sooner or later, they’ll bring harm to your plants. And even the plants you put in your garden can bring harm to you if you don’t know what they are.”
Ghost and Soap shot an eye on you, before exchanging looks with each other.
He eyed you cautiously and his serious voice lowered. “What are you implying?”
You remained silent and so did he, until Rodolfo’s voice echoed in your headsets. “The army is rolling in!”
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You can also read the series on AO3!
Taglist: @yyiikes, @the-faceless-bride @sarahedwards16, @sarahedwards16, @kenma-izhu, @kkaaaagt, @cassiecasluciluce, @unicorngirly1, @thriving-n-jiving, @squidalapobre, @tallicaside
(PLEASE DON'T KILL ME FOR NOT UPDATING (and I hope you guys still like to bother to read this fic?)
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reyadawn · 4 months
I Can Love You More
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*image is NOT mine! Credit goes to original owner*
Summary: Reader is best friends with both Noah and Jolly from Bad Omens. Everyone knows she's in love with Noah, except Noah. When she finally musters up the courage to tell him how she feels, will he reciprocate her feelings or keep her in the friend-zone?
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x OFC, Jolly Karlsson x OFC (platonic)
Warnings: 18+ only - do NOT read or even entertain the idea of reading this if you're under 18. HEAVY smut, language, kissing, fingering, oral (f receiving), choking, hair pulling, unprotected sex (wrap it up kids!), cream pie. Buckle up ya'll 🥵
Word Count: Honestly, I never do this 🙄
Enjoy! 😊🫠
Rain poured in what felt like sheets from a dark and foreboding sky and yet a slew of concert goers were still lined up outside in parkas, hats and umbrellas waiting to get into Rock Rimmon to see Bad Omens. Luckily for me, being best friends with two of it's members had it's perks: Noah Sebastian & Jolly Karlsson. I had grown up with Noah and had known Jolly since he joined the band. Nick and Nicholas were family. Period. I would gladly lay down my life for anyone of these men...especially Noah. I had been in love with him since we were kids. The other guys always give me shit about it and, of course, Noah remains oblivious to it all.
The green room housed all of us sitting around the 'L' shaped sectional, massive folding table adorned with various drinks and snacks along the back wall closest to the 'EXIT' that lead to the stage. A smaller side door on the other side of the room lead to the venue parking lot out back where the bus and other vehicles belonging to the crew sat.
I was nervous tonight. It was the boys' last show for a three month hiatus before going overseas. A trip in which Jolly kept bugging me to tag along for but I was reluctant. After tonight, I had planned on having a come-to-Jesus meeting with Noah to tell him how I was head over feet in love with him. An elbow into my side interrupted my train of thought.
"We're on in 5, bella", Jolly said softly, nudging his head towards the stage door. I sighed and tried to give him my best supportive smile and wrapped my arms around his borad shoulders, the leather jacket he wore crackling under my touch. I pulled away, brushed his long hair away from his face and kissed his cheek. He smiled and stood up, hauling me to my feet so I could hug Nick and fist bump Nicholas.
Noah's 6'3 frame suddenly clouded my vision and I had to crane my neck back to look up at him. For the umpteenth time, I got lost in his chocolate depths as his dark hair fell over his eyes. The black tank clung to his muscular tattooed body like a second skin and those tight black sweat pants left nothing to the imagination. My mouth watered and my panties grew damp. No doubt other female fans would be experiencing the same.
"What, no hug or fist bump for me, pretty girl?", he asked. I briefly closed my eyes at the nickname, letting the sound of his voice wash over me like waves. I inwardly sighed and raised my eyes to him again.
"Would you rather I give you something else, Noah?", I said softly. Noah lifted a brow at me.
"Any suggestions?", he asked with a smirk. Without thinking, I slid my hands up his chest to rest on his shoulders before going to my tip toes and planting a barely there kiss to his cheek that was dangerously close to the side of his mouth before turning and walking through the stage door.
Noah looked over at Jolly in confusion who merely shrugged and shot him a half smile. Noah frowned again as he followed Jolly through the stage door.
The bus ride to the hotel was quiet. I don't blame the guys. They put on one bitchin' of a show and I knew they were all exhausted. The ground outside the hotel was saturated with water, the raining still coming down in heavy drops. Who's idea was it to play in Georgia during severe thunder storm season?
Once we all grabbed our bags and suitcases, we all made a beeline for the doors. For all the good that did, everyone of us ended up soaked. I stood in the lobby talking with Nick and Nicholas while Jolly checked us in. Noah sat in one of the chairs, head resting on the back with his eyes closed. His neck tattoo shone like a beacon on display.
Jolly approached us a few minutes later, handing out key cards. He paused when he handed me mine and I shot him a confused look.
"They're short on rooms so you and Noah will have to bunk together", he all but whispered. I shook my head violently in fear before snatching his key card and heading towards the elevator. Jolly chuckled.
The next day, it was still raining as we all boarded the bus. I needed coffee more than life. As if reading my mind, Noah handed me a cup of the steaming brew as I sat at the table, diving into a muffin.
"My hero", I smiled. Noah winked before plopping himself down next to me despite there not being anyone across from us.
"You're staring at me, Noah. Why?", I asked, side eyeing him and taking a sip of coffee.
"Why didn't you bunk with me last night? We've roomed before and it wasn't an issue. Thought your pants were on fire the way you ran to the elevator with Jolly's card", Noah replied with a grin.
"Just thought I would give you privacy. Was a pretty boss show last night and you had a few hot VIP's", I shrugged. Noah scowled at the insinuation I threw at him.
"I didn't take anyone back", he said, voice hard with irritation. I looked at him in shock. Noah wasn't a womanizer but he hooked up at almost every major city. It broke my heart, made me sick every time but I had no one to blame. I never made a move out of pure fear of being rejected.
2 weeks later...
I was so relieved at being back in L.A in my own bed. Here, I could do what I wanted and had the room for it. Mostly, cleaning and binge watching Spartacus.
It was 2AM when my phone buzzed. The screen lit up, alerting me Jolly sent a text.
J: You tell him yet, bella?
Me: My God, bestie, it's 2AM! How did you even know I was up?
J: Seriously? 😒
Me: Point noted and NO
J: Why the fuck not!? It's been 2 weeks since we've been home. Get your ass to his room!
I rolled my eyes before tossing my phone back on my nightstand. I ran a hand through my long dark hair and sighed before getting up to pace. Sighing again, I made my way to Noah's room down the hall. Stopping at his door, I noticed soft blue light coming from under the door.
I knocked twice before the door opened, revealing a shirtless Noah clad only in boxers. My mouth suddenly went dry as I aimed to pull my t-shirt down a little farther to no avail. I wasn't exactly model-thin. In fact, I was quite heavier, around 175. Noah's eyes raked over my form and he smirked before opening the door for me. He shut it behind me once I sat down on his unmade bed and the fact he locked the door wasn't lost on me.
My heart was racing, my breathing labored as I crossed my legs Indian style, putting one of his pillows in my lap.
"You shouldn't feel like you have to cover up around me. I'm your best friend. I know everything about you", Noah said, turning off his computer. The room was shrouded in dark until a lamp came on in the corner of the room. It offered little light but at least I could see him.
"Noah...", I trailed off not wanting to have this discussion. He sauntered over to me and snatched his pillow from my lap before tossing it behind him. I glared at him.
"Why are you here tonight, pretty girl?", Noah asked softly, chocolate eyes roaming over me.
"I just...", I started but failed. My words were lost. Trapped by my emotions and the fact I was terrified. Noah uncrossed my legs, draping them over his hips so I was facing him directly, and clasped his hands behind my lower back. This position forced me to look at him but I still tried ducking my head. Noah lifted my chin but I kept my gaze down cast.
"Look at me, pretty girl. Now", he stated. His tone of voice had me snapping my eyes to him. "Mmm...good girl". In that moment, the thin silk panties I was wearing offered no barrier to the wave of slick that entered them. Noah's nostrils flared as he tilted his head to the side. I swallowed.
"Noah...I've known you my whole life. You know me better than anyone and I'm--", I started but I cut myself off due to the look on his face. His eyes were blown wide with lust.
"Keep going, pretty girl. Focus for me", he replied, his lips inches from mine.
"I love you", I whispered and I felt Noah go stiff. The silence in the room was deafening. I didn't dare look at him as I shut my eyes to avoid the rejection I was going to get hit with.
"Do you now?", Noah replied. Grabbing a fistful of hair at the back of my head had my eyes flying open to meet a gaze so heated that I thought I would catch on fire. His other hand came up to wrap around my neck, squeezing just enough for me to feel the power he held. I nodded as best as I could, my body trembling.
"Show me then", he said before crashing his lips to mine. The shock of his lips on mine had me gasping and he took full advantage to taste my mouth with a tongue so wicked that my hands fisted his sheets and my thighs tighened around his waist, the massive erection he was sporting prodding my soaked panties.
The kiss was bruising, slow and unforgiving. Noah drank from me and inhaled my breath into his own mouth like a reverse shotgun. My hands shot to his hair, gripping the silky strands and he moaned. The vibrations went straight to my soaked panties, my pussy clenching around nothing, as another wave of slick filled them. Noah broke the kiss to trail hot open mouthed kisses down my neck and bit down right where my neck meets my shoulder, sucking the skin. Marking me. The sounds that came out of me were filthy. I couldn't help it.
Breaking the hold Noah had on me, he yanked my shirt over my head before tossing it over his shoulder. One large tattooed hand gathered both of mine together, placing them over my head as he layed me down. The other danced patterns on my skin, trailing over my breasts, stomach and grazing the inside of my thighs where he pulled his hand back as if he had been electrocuted.
"All this syrup for me, pretty girl? I'm flattered. I'm going to devour you with my tongue and then split you open and destroy you on my cock", Noah said darkly before shifting himself down between my thighs. I stared at him in shock as he ripped my panties in two before tossing the scraps away. Without any further warning, he lowered his head, his lips attached to my swollen clit as he thrust two expertly long fingers inside my dripping cunt to the knuckles and curled. The action had me throwing my head back and screaming out his name at the orgasm that hit me out of nowhere.
Slow licks, fingers thrusting and curling against my g-spot had me coming all of three times. My legs were shaking, a thin layer of sheen covered my body and I was sure I had destroyed Noah's sheets. I tried to push his head away from me, the sensitivity to my clit and overworked cunt too much to handle but he didn't waver and managed to pull another orgasm from me that damn near had my body snapping as I threw my head back, gripping his sheets for anchorage and my thighs tightened around his head.
"Please, Noah...! Give me your cock. Please, please...I need you", I begged, trying to catch my breath. Noah lifted his head and crawled slowly up my body. Somewhere in all of this, he got rid of his boxers and I caught a glimpse of the monster he was hiding. No way in Hades would that fit. He chuckled again before lowering himself to thrust his tongue past my lips at the same time his long, thick cock pirced my pussy and hit my cervix to the base. The sudden onslaught, feeling that full, had me tearing my lips from his to scream out an orgasm so blinding I almost passed out. Noah slapped a hand over my mouth, the other coming back around my neck as he thrust brutally inside my walls. In. Out. In. Out. Hard, deep and relentless.
"Noah, please, I can't...you're too big", I begged, my nails raking down his back.
"Yes, you can...Come on, pretty girl... Squeeze my cock...give me all of you", he said against my lips. Was there really anything left to give? He had my heart and now my body. He owned me.
"Mine", Noah snarled.
More thrusts, faster this time. Deeper, if that was possible. The head of his cock kept hitting my cervix. The orgasm that shimmered just below the surface was going to ruin me. My thighs tightened around his hips as he jackhammered himself inside me and with one final thrust, he unloaded thick ropes of hot cum against my walls, the act causing the orgasm that was building to unleash. I threw my head back and screamed into Noah's hand. My back bowed and his other hand left my neck to wrap his arm underneath me, my thighs squeezed his hips again and my dripping cunt clamped down on his cock. His hips slowed as he held himself inside me and rained kisses all over my skin where he could reach.
"Noah..", I whispered, my body slack in his hold. He kissed my forehead, wrapping his long arms and legs around me like a cage.
"Sleep, pretty girl...just sleep", Noah whispered back, his softening cock slipping from the tight confines of my now aching cunt. My eyes fell shut, the sound of Noah's breathing lulling me to sleep...
Thank you for reading 😉
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Buck & Eddie: 2023 - 2024 Rereleased and Unreleased Photos
A timeline of the photos that were released by JS, JCC & TM since 6B.
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After TM (9-1-1 showrunner) recently released two "never before seen pictures" of Buck and Eddie, one as recent as last night, I started thinking about all the photos and videos that have been released of them since the start of 6B and it was quite interesting to see it all once I put them together.
Reminder, Buck and Eddie were barely shown to be work partners let alone friends for 98% of 6A and after 6x13 aired, they were shown to be living separate lives again for the remainder of 6B after Eddie was forced into dating again even though he said he wasn't ready. Aside from the Buckley-Diaz Family scene in 6x1 and the small amount of time they shared at the end of 6x7 and the time they were partnered in 6x13 (my favorite episode which was the finale for me since the last 5 episodes could have been yeeted to the sun); they didn't work side-by-side like they did before Eddie quit the 118 in 5x10. That's why the timing of the rereleased and unreleased photos and video is so jarring.
First, in April 2023, JS released the picture below of Buck and Eddie at the poker game before 6x13 aired and he spent most of that three-week mini hiatus counting down to the day when he was going to reveal it on Twitter or X or whatever it's called this week.
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Second, in April 2023, a photo of the clapperboard was released weeks in advance for 6x17 which was an episode JCC directed. It includes a picture of Buck and Eddie at the bottom of it.
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Third, also in April 2023, after 6x15 aired, several posts alluded to Twitter users being in an uproar about the introduction of ND and how Buck hurt Eddie’s feelings with that BS line about her seeing him (which everyone but Buck knows was a bunch of BS).
Don't try to debate me on this because Buck’s words hurt Eddie and it doesn't matter if they were intentional or not. He broke Eddie’s heart with that $hit so... I digress because thinking about it still pisses me off (it's been months but I'm still not over the way S6 ended).
Anyway, it was posted on Reddit (linked here) that JCC posted the photo from season 3 below on 9-1-1's TikTok account but the question is why would he release it since he didn't direct 6x15? The OP of the thread explained how he never posts things about episodes he didn't direct so it was interesting to read this information but since I only saw it on Reddit and nowhere else, it's unclear if there was a motive behind it.
Full disclosure: I don't have a Reddit or TikTok account, so I don't know if this post was legit but the date on it is April 25, 2023.
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Fourth, in May 2023, right before 6x18 aired, TM decided to release a video of Buck and Eddie from season 2 but why did he do that? Especially right before that BS episode that had Eddie acting like he was in high school again and giggling over some chick he witnessed almost kiss her brother in the mouth in 6x5 and Buck settling once again for a woman who only wanted to use him for his "Firehose" and nothing else like AC, AM and TK did?
What exactly was the point? Was he trying to tell viewers something or was he just piddling around on FB like he did last year when he responded to a viewer with a long post about the storytelling decisions he greenlit for LS?
Reminder, TM was working on LS for the past two seasons while he left OG in the hands of KR who literally destroyed all of Buck’s character development and growth by regressing him with TK, LD and now ND. Seasons 5 and 6 went into a tailspin of Buck not growing or learning from his mistakes and the responsibility for that lies solely at the showrunner's feet and who was in charge? It was KR.
The way Buck's gazillion storylines ended was not long form storytelling especially since he was constantly being regressed. He said he didn't want to make the same mistakes but he kept making them and instead of letting him go back to therapy (which he clearly needs) she let him flounder and read self-help books and donate his sperm to that loser Connor (reminder Connor wanted to run out on his pregnant wife because the baby wasn't biologically his but I still believe the baby is his and not Buck's). She wouldn't let him talk to the team like he used to do so they could offer him some good advice about the important life decisions he was trying to make but in Season 5 she had no problem letting Buck tell the 118 about his dumpster fire of a relationship with TK.
Fifth, in January 2024, TM was at it again with posts on Facebook (I don't use FB) but this time he posted two unreleased photos of Buck and Eddie. Apparently, he released the one below a few days ago but it was discovered by a blogger who posted it on 911blr. Based on Eddie's appearance, it looks like it may have been from season 5, possibly sometime around 5x16 "May Day" but who knows.
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Sixth, last night, the photo below was released by TM and it's never been seen before either. Based on Eddie’s appearance, this picture looks NEW like it might be from Season 7 but who knows with all the unreleased promos and pics from previous seasons that started circulating in S6.
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In the photos above, Buck and Eddie are shown in every season except for the most important one... Season 4. The shooting is missing and so is the will reveal. (I don't count the picture on the clapperboard because it appears to be one JCC added to it for whatever reason and it wasn't an official photo or video like the others.)
So, are they still using the shooting and the will as the catalyst for them becoming a CANON couple? Only they know what they're doing but whatever it is the question has become why are they doing all these cryptic Buck and Eddie posts and releasing photos of just the two of them? What are they trying to say, if anything?
Hopefully it's not so they can do a repeat of the things they did at the end of seasons 4 and 6 and delay them getting together yet again.
If they're going to finally let them be together then it's time to stop with the delay tactics and get rid of all those one-dimensional LIs. Leave N and M in season 6 where they first appeared and should have remained.
If they aren't planning to make Buck and Eddie CANON then they should let them stay single. It's been 6 years; how long do they realistically believe viewers who actually care about them as characters are going to keep waiting? In the past, actors and actresses have left shows around the fifth, sixth and seventh seasons so hopefully that won't happen on 9-1-1 but nobody has time to wait around for 15 seasons for Buck and Eddie to get together.
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melrosing · 10 months
MBO Robert's Rebellion: Episode 10
sorry for the accidental seven month hiatus 2023 has been foul but we are back. rounding off “season 1” with Harrenhal, then I’m gonna take some time to finish mapping out what the second half of the series looks like. but have done most of that already so shouldn’t be too long?? (famous last words)
btw this one feels like the longest I’ve written so let’s just imagine it’s a movie length finale or something idk
SEASON ONE: Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4, Episode 5, Episode 6, Episode 7, Episode 8, Episode 9
SEASON TWO: Episode 1
title for this one: watch this age like milk when the harrenhal play reaches the stage
We find a slight, almost sickly looking young man in a green cloak, stepping delicately around the roots of a woodland - he looks a bit lost. Suddenly the sound of hooves as a young girl races through the trees crying with laughter, followed shortly by her three brothers, all ahorse. Seeing the young man on foot, the girl circles back and asks if he’s looking for the tourney of Harrenhal; the young man says that he is, but he’s lost his way. Brandon Stark, joining them, notes that this is Howland Reed, of a house sworn to House Stark - he should join their train. On cue the vast Stark train emerges through the trees
Panning through the trees, we now overlook a valley in which vast numbers can be seen travelling towards an immense castle in the distance. Howland how the fuck did you miss that 
Opening creds
Aerys in his covered litter, travels through the gates of Harrenhal; Varys sits opposite him, watching passersby with interest. They hadn’t thought he’d come, Aerys tells Varys, but Rhaegar isn’t king yet, so why should he take the limelight etc. Varys agrees, noting it’s conspicuous that Lord Whent should have such vast sums as to host a tourney such as this - and leaves the rest to Aerys’ imagination. Varys then notes the absence of Tywin Lannister, who spurned the tourney that would invest Jaime into the Kingsguard; Aerys notes he has his eye on Tywin, too
Aerys steps out of his litter to applause from the assembled lords and ladies. He scrutinises them all. Rhaegar emerges shortly afterwards on horseback, and the cheers are twice as loud. Behind him, Ser Lewyn Martell helps Elia from a litter, shortly joined by Rhaegar; Rhaegar enquires after Elia first, then the baby - she is with child again, but it seems to be taking a toll. Oberyn Martell rides up to scowl at Rhaegar and take his sister’s arm
In Lyanna’s room at Harrenhal, where we find her elbowing Benjen out the door. As soon as she’s alone, she pulls a chest from under her bed, opening it to reveal a sword and armour. She picks up the helmet and considers it
A feast @ Harrenhal. Elia has taken to bed after her travels, so Rhaegar attends alone. He’s got his harp out again and sings a sad, slow song (does he know any others lol). Lyanna, sat at a nearby bench, weeps to hear it - it seems to strike her more than anyone in the room, though even she seems unsure why. Rhaegar looks up and meets her eyes. Just as they do so, Benjen Stark starts cackling at Lyanna’s tears, and Lyanna upends a flagon over his head
DANCING 🕺🏼 💃🏻 Ashara Dayne sits talking to her brother Arthur, whilst Ned looks on wistfully. Refusing Brandon’s urges to ask her to dance, Brandon decides to ask Ashara on his behalf and some spark passes between them etc etc it’s like that scene from Hamilton in which Ashara Dayne is founding father Alexander Hamilton. from now on please picture Lin Manuel Miranda as Ashara Dayne
Ashara, smiling at Brandon’s request, agrees to dance with Ned, and talks sweetly to him as they turn about the floor; however, it does not escape Ned that Ashara’s gaze often fixes on Brandon :/
Aerys with Barristan Selmy, watching the floor. He asks Barristan what he thinks of Jaime Lannister, soon to be a brother of the Kingsguard. Barristan thinks Jaime’s too young and naïve for such duty - and this boy does not look to him like a young Tywin Lannister. Unfortunately that was exactly what Aerys wanted to hear so you fucked that up Barry
Meanwhile, Elia sits with her brother Oberyn, unable to manage much food. Oberyn, worried, says he’ll fetch Rhaegar. Elia says there’s little point: the prince is always so distracted of late, hardly seems to see what’s right in front of him. Oberyn looks furious, and Elia, regretting she said anything, says there’s little and less she wants of Rhaegar - he plays for Rhaenys sometimes, but he’s no comfort to her, and she suspects she’s little to him. Whatever is going through that guy’s head, Elia can never coax him to share it. Elia tells Oberyn that he, on the other hand, is plenty of comfort to her, and should tell her something to make her laugh
Jaime gets his main character moment; Aerys summons him to the front of the hall. Jaime has accumulated some misgivings about this whole venture in recent weeks, but they fall away as he approaches the Kingsguard. Arthur Dayne watches on, expression inscrutable. Gerold Hightower swears Jaime in, and there’s a big ole cheer: Jaime beams, and for a moment he feels like a hero. Aerys beams as well until the crowd starts chanting ‘the young lion’. Well shit he’s just invested Tywin Lannister’s son hasn’t he. Aerys exits the hall and gnawing at his fucked up fingernails with Varys watching on
Drinking outside Harrenhal; Howland Reed is wandering about trying to find a meal. Three squires approach him angling for a fight, and begin to deliver blows when Howland won’t rise to the occasion. THEN! The Starks arrive led by Lyanna, who tackles the squires herself. The squires flee and Lyanna declares that Howland should stay in their quarters
Meanwhile, the King summons Jaime. Jaime arrives looking buzzed from all the attention and adulation, but Aerys looks less than pleased. Aerys asks Jaime to swear again he would die for his king, will he always obey? Jaime, perturbed, agrees he would. Aerys looks unconvinced, and after a moment, orders Jaime to King’s Landing to watch over Rhaella and Viserys. Jaime attempts to argue, but Aerys demands again that Jaime swear he would always obey. Jaime is forced to swear again, and abandon the tourney. Aerys tells Ser Gerold Hightower he doesn’t like the look of insolence in the boy’s eyes. Ser Gerold says he’s only a kid, and anyway he’d be happy to trade places with Jaime?? Aerys declines, wishes to teach Tywin Lannister’s son the humility his father never knew
In the Starks’ quarters with Howland. Lyanna inexpertly wraps a bandage about Howland’s injured arm; Benjen tells her she’s doing a shit job, Lyanna challenges him to do better. Brandon tells Howland he ought to learn to defend himself, and Lyanna tells him not everyone can - that’s what knights are for. Brandon tells Howland that Lyanna fancies herself a knight: Ned adds she might be better at swordplay than Brandon himself. Brandon seems surprised at this minor insolence from Ned of all people. Ofc, Ned is still smarting at what he saw between Brandon and Ashara
Jaime Lannister riding alone down the dark Kingsroad, looking more like a hedge knight than a member of the kingsguard. Reduced to angry tears, he shouts out into the dark in rage
NEXT MORNING! Tourney scenes!! Like that S1E1 joust scene from HOTD except without the ridiculous levels of gore lmao. We find Robert in the stands, still flushed from his own jousts, sat beside the Stark men. Robert has his Estermont cousin on his other arm, but asks Ned where he might find Lyanna. Ned says they’ve not seen their sister since the night before. Robert says they ought to keep an eye on his betrothed with so many men about; Richard Lonmouth, Robert’s drinking partner (yeah I forgot this guy existed too), leans over to suggest it’s Brandon they might keep an eye on instead - word’s got around he’d been wandering about the castle last night… Ned looks to Brandon, and Brandon won’t look back
Suddenly, some murmuring: a mystery knight has arrived!! Their armour is mismatched, sporting a weirwood tree, and they’re on the short side: a few laughs. Ned chews his lip - we can see right away that he knows who this is, and now we know too. Tense moment as the Knight of the Laughing Tree jousts, surprise (and Ned’s sheer relief) as they win almost effortlessly. Richard Lonmouth says he’ll place a bet on the Knight of the Laughing Tree’s next joust, Robert decides to bet against him 
Some kind of montage of the KOTLT’s various jousts. At one point, they’re almost knocked from their horse, and they cry out. Ned jolts in panic, and Rhaegar’s head swings up - has he clocked who this is as well??? KOTLT recovers, and wins the joust. Aerys looking on, perturbed - has Tywin’s son returned is mismatched armour to spite him? Ser Gerold is sure that Ser Jaime is taller, but Aerys is already full on pizzagate on this notion, wants to seize KOTLT. Varys, at his side, advises he does not - look how pleased everyone is by this mystery knight. Not great PR for the crown to just grab the guy
Final joust. The Knight of the Laughing Tree demands to joust one of the champions of the previous day, i.e. one of Howland’s tormentors. Suitable tension etc, and the KOTLT wins comfortably. Robert groans, now deep in debt to Richard Lonmouth. The commons doing some kind of Masked Singer chant for the KOTLT to de-mask. Robert is descending the steps insisting he’ll do it himself. Ned panics, trying to grab his arm, when suddenly!!! Rhaegar stands up in the royal box (or whatever idk) to say something about tonight’s feast or whatever, and amidst the distraction, the KOTLT darts off behind the stands
It’s night. Lyanna has ridden into the woods, and removes the last of her KOTLT armour beneath the trees, grinning to herself. Then: cliché twig snap in the background someone’s followed her oh no!! Lyanna draws her sword - whoever it is has seen how she can fight, so she advises they don’t try her. Rhaegar emerges, and agrees that he has - though he’d be eager to see if they were a match for one another some other day. He notes that she’s the Stark girl; Lyanna says she’s not. Rhaegar laughs - it’s the first time we’ve seen him do so. Lyanna frowns and says she knows who he is. Rhaegar says he supposes no introductions are necessary then
Back at Harrenhal: another fuckin dance. Robert wants to ask Lyanna for a dance, but Ned has no idea where she is - he’s worried now, and suggests to Brandon they ought to go look for her. Brandon seems to be searching for someone else, agrees he’ll come look for Lyanna later. Meanwhile, Aerys is looking for his goddamn son where is that freaky kid. Robert meanwhile grabs at a serving woman
Back with Lyanna and Rhaegar. Lyanna wants to know why Rhaegar followed her. Rhaegar says she heard his song. Lyanna says everyone heard his stupid song. Rhaegar says no, you heard it. Lyanna like right ok whatever that’s supposed to mean. But she’s intrigued. She changes the subject, says she understands he fights well - why don’t they test each other now? Rhaegar tells her he didn’t bring a sword. Lyanna says that was stupid. Long look between them, sizing each other up
Quiet scenes over Harrenhal….. cut to Brandon and Ned in the halls of the Stark quarters preparing to raise the alarm for their missing sister. Perfect timing, Lyanna’s back whey. Brandon demands to know where she’s been. Lyanna says walking. Brandon scolds her, reminding her that a young woman should not be wandering in the dark unaccounted for!! Lyanna counters ‘and supposedly it’s fine for you to do the same?’, storms off to her room. oooo
Rhaegar returns to his room with Elia. She has not slept, and sits at the window reading. She does not ask him where he’s been. After a long period of silence, Rhaegar asks if she is well, and Elia answers monotonously that she is fine. Rhaegar asks after the child. Elia doesn't answer
FOLLOWING AFTERNOON: final joust!! Rhaegar jousts Arthur Dayne, and it’s suitably tense. Imagine a joust in ur head i’m not gonna write it. Ashara Dayne has joined the Starks in the stands, and cries for her brother’s victory. Brandon laughs and drinks to that. Lyanna looks tense, and Ned looks at her questioningly. Ofc Rhaegar ultimately wins, and Lyanna jumps for joy. Benjen tries to rib her, but she’s not paying attention this time. Applause is deafening all around them
Aerys spitting in the stands. This tourney was Rhaegar’s idea, he knows it, he’ll get to the bottom of it etc - no-one is listening.
Rhaegar is named the winner back on the ground to great applause, and is presented with a crown for his Queen of Love & Beauty. He stares at it for a long moment, like he’s unsure what to do w it
We find Elia in the stands, waiting for Rhaegar to turn to her with the crown. But Rhaegar seems to be searching the stands for someone else. Confused, Elia rises shakily to her feet to draw his attention (surely he knows where to find her).... just as Rhaegar finds the Stark girl in the audience. The crowd’s cheers go quiet, and Oberyn rises to stand beside Elia. Men have risen around Lyanna as well, daring Rhaegar to do what he seems about to
Rhaegar offers Lyanna the crown on the point of his joust, and Lyanna, looking flabbergasted, takes it in her hands
season one done we did it joe
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ingydar-phan · 3 months
Happy birthday Dan. I found you at a very, very low point in my life. It’s funny, because that point was only a few months ago. March 3rd. March 3rd. Jesus Christ. I was dealing with severe bullying, depression, hopelessness, isolation, gender dysphoria (i have been out/socially transitioned for like 5 years), and most of all, loneliness. I had a circle of about 3 friends who i talked to regularly, but only 1 i even saw in person more than once per year. Then, two of those 3 people began having relationship issues and were on the verge of breaking up. I felt like i was a bother, a burden to their already existing issues. Every single day I’d walk into school, put my headphones on, and not talk to a single person. I’d read, sleep, listen to music, dissociate, and sleep some more throughout the day just to distract myself from everything. From class, from parents, from the outside, everything. I fully and truly believed everyone besides those 3 people hated me. They found me disgusting, annoying, taking up space, and simply didn’t want me there. I think that is true to an extent, but i don’t like how i was just letting that be how it is. My dad was genuinely hopeless, he told me to just ride it out and if i could try to be just a little bit normal-er, maybe i wouldn’t be ignored by every person every day. That didn’t work. Instead, i decided to do some self work. Or rather, my dad stopped intruding on my free time which allowed me to still be awake and do things i wanted to do in peace. I thought, “Dan and Phil….those two emo guys with the cat whiskers….i have such a vague memory of a friend mentioning them or scrolling across a post of them, who even are they?”. I typed into the YouTube search bar “Dan and Phil”. A gaming channel? Are these people streamers? Oh god (i did not know you were one of us 🏳️‍🌈….or british…..). I watched one video. Now, ACCORDING TO YOUTUBE HISTORY, i somehow watched What Dan And Phil Text Each Other 4 as my first video. Not even the gaming channel, i don’t know how this happened maybe YouTube is lying to me. Whatever. Ok so which ones Dan and which ones Phil? Why do they look SO different? They’re British? I started watching Dan and Phil edits on TikTok. Ok, i know who you are, i get the vibes. Oh, coming out timeline? Gaming channel timeline and hiatus? Reacting to PINOF? On March 13, i watched Basically I’m Gay and Coming Out To You. It took me an entire month from then to watch Why I Quit YouTube. By late April, i was in it. I was watching Dan or Phil every day. Before, during, and/or after school. Since then, I’ve purchased YWGTTN (limited edition signed updated paperback). It was 38 fucking dollars in USD but it was worth it. I also now own TATINOF and DAPGO, one of which is signed by Phil, i bought second hand. So yes, now this is my new thing. But you know what else? I was getting happier. I was going to more concerts. I was doing my schoolwork, or at least trying to. I was reading!!!! I’ve since finished The Secret History. I made a friend; reconnected with an old childhood friend and started eating lunch together and hanging out and having shared trauma dump sessions, and we are so so close now. My two friends broke up, but it’s ok. I’m best friends with one of them and he’s so much better off, and the other and i are still casual friends!! I value them both for the multiple years I’ve known them. I’ve taken family vacations and done religious holidays with genuine care while getting to reconnect with my family. I’ve very passionately finished acting in a musical that I’ve put so much care into for about 5 months. I’m graduating tomorrow!!! And me and my close friend will be going to a concert tomorrow night afterwards, and I’m going to have a great summer where i see my close friend who i haven’t seen IRL since March of 2023. I’m getting closer with my dad and seeing a new therapist. I am having medical problems as of right now, but i would 100% be lying in bed crying and skipping graduation had i not found a reason to enjoy my days.
Did i just take one sentence referencing Dan to write a whole autobiography on tumblr? Yes, but also no. Dan and Phil are real people. They really do rescue pigeons named Steve and getting 10 sauces for their pizza and say hi across the city with binoculars. But they also genuinely have an impact on people, and they see that, and they LIKE to see that. I don’t think Dan will see this post. But I’m making it anyway. For me.
I love Dan so much. I cried twice while watching We’re All Doomed in my kitchen. I have actively watched Dan and Phil videos while crying at school. Once, in my bedroom, i was having a panic attack. I had an overwhelming rush of thoughts around 10 or 11 at night about how worthless i am and how terrible everything was going. I opened my tiktok, and there was THE edit that saved me. It was a video of fetus Dan on YouNow talking about his dream home. And then it was cutting back and forth to the Phouse. Then, Dans hopeful monologue in Basically I’m Gay. Finally, Dans hopeful monologue in We’re All Doomed. All of this in a softly shaky screen with sad music behind it. I cried a lot. This aspect of my life means so much to me. I think about the Halloween 2023 baking video at least 5 times a day (and sister Daniel’s….uhm….legs…). I am still so mad i did not buy the satanic Craft shirts. I just rewatched Dans interview last year with Anthony Padilla just because of how goddamn much I’m obsessed with that angle of Dan with his cute chin and cheeks and fucking dimple. I think about Dans bluntness in his defined-self and truly feel inspired to be like him. I look at his change over the years, his comfortability in his body, seeing that his face and neck are shaped like my face and neck, and he’s fucking beautiful. I don’t think I’d feel comfortable in my weight if not for Dan Howell, and i mean that so insanely sincerely. I read Dans book whenever I’m feeling hopeless and need a soft sexy British man to tell me the scientific reasoning behind why i feel this way and to assure me he’s felt worse. I’m so serious when i say i cannot imagine a day of my life without Dan and Phil. I truly don’t understand how i lived before or how I’d expect to live without it. “Live”, in the sense of find a way of life, not as in “stay alive.” I can’t imagine a day without those big brown boba eyes and that cute dimple and mainly that calming voice that reminds me someone else has felt this way. That reminds me love is possible. That reminds me i have so much ahead of me, so much life and love and joy.
Phil’s birthday stream may be my favorite piece of Dan and Phil media, or at least one of them. I find it so comforting and wholesome and beautiful and hilarious. I have such high hopes for Dans birthday stream. Until then, I’ll be working on my long-awaited (still very very unfinished) 2009!Dan and Phil art piece within my art initiative (pinned on my profile) (just for funsies, no money or anything involved). I’m going to sit there at 3pm (my time) and watch with a huge smile on my face to see my amazing dads spend the time of their lives being sexy and old and happy and disgustingly homosexual while i just embrace all you’ve done for me.
Happy birthday Dan
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So I think the worst take of the fandom is that all of the problems of the show would have been fixed had it gotten a full S3. That literally any problem the show had merely came from the shortening. This is... Well, just blatantly shows that the fandom not only doesn't understand how the animation industry works AND doesn't want to actually look at the narrative they did choose to focus on post the shortening call that were just... baffling.
So first let's establish how much of the show was affected by the Shortening. As a fandom, we found out about it during the hiatus between S1 and 2. This was at earliest, August 2020 since the S1 finale came out late August 2020. Dana has claimed two things that are important to this timeline. 1: The shortening was decided on shortly before the finale came out and 2: That the first episode affected by Covid, which would have been back in March/April, was Looking Glass Ruins. So we EXPLICTLY know that the shortening didn't affect the show until after S2 Ep 5.
BUT then we get into production schedules. Before S2 even BEGAN airing, we were told to stop campaigning for a full S3 because they had to get started on storyboards for the season and that was effectively the firm deadline. This means ALL of S2 was effectively done in script and storyboards by the time S2 aired. This makes sense to keep a weekly schedule and the like and most animation professionals will tell you they work MONTHS in advance of release, bare minimum.
This means, AT BEST, S2B was when the shortening really kicked in. And yes, S2B has pacing issues. It has issues in general and is when most people think the quality of the show dropped. The problem is that... The signs were always there. There's a reason why there's been a backlash because as people become disillusioned with the show, you have to ask what was driving so much before.
And a lot of that was potential. S1 is so good when you first watch it because it keeps teasing the idea that it's going to tackle things in a complex way. That it will explore concepts like Amity's abusive family, magic, fantasy vs reality, etc. like that. It's why the fandom was at its strongest during S1.
Unfortunately, the problem with presenting good ideas and then not executing on them, or completely gutting them is that those old parts are a lot harder to enjoy. As Willow was effectively not a character for half a season and then just suddenly was a jock, people began to realize the fact that she in the show is much more a plot device than anything else. They claimed "We're not doing the one kind act into friendship and forgiveness thing with Amity and Willow" and then literally did NOTHING with it until S2B and eventually DID just do the same trope anyways but now with less resonance than it would have had in Understanding Willow.
Not only that but even S1 didn't give a single shit about its worldbuilding. The First Day has Dana Terrace as a lead writer on it. If anyone knows the worldbuilding best, it should be her... So why is it that no one talks about multi-coven things being illegal? It's literally just used as meta commentary and so they entirely ignore the worldbuilding they have. Reaching Out is exactly the same, with Dana as the SOLE writer of that where Amity and everyone else treats joining a coven like going to college and not literally the word of the law.
But S1 couldn't even keep Wild Witches consistent. Half the time Eda can chill and not worry. She can go to a place funded by the EC like Hexide and not flinch for a second that Bump might call the guards on her despite that being kind of the ONE real rule to their society that makes it not just our world but with teeth. Then again, the show gives NO FUCKS about its own stuff, willing excising portions of itself that it finds cumbersome. Escaping Expulsion is BEFORE Looking Glass Ruins and yet it murders Luz's magical potential in its sleep and also discards Amity's family as easily disposable, despite how much the show claims her mother's influence is the reason why Amity behaved the way she did for all of... Three appearances? Because Amity's arc isn't actually good.
It shouldn't be surprising S2 would do this though when the writers already struggled to do anything with Luz's magic. If she's supposed to be learning and growing... Even S1 is shit at this and is repetitive. Not just with the at least three times we do "King has a minion!" B plot that isn't funny and doesn't do anything but also with its lessons. Luz theoretically learns to listen to Eda in the third episode and arguably the second as well. Then she gets her first glyph with the lesson, in theory. of not trying to take shortcuts to do magic and to not steal. And then in Adventure in the Elements, not even to impress Amity but because of her impatience, she steals something to take a shortcut to stronger magic. That is THREE episodes of the first TWELVE of the series. It usually takes most kids shows at least a LITTLE longer to be that bad at retreading its own lessons.
And the final part of this is that... S2 actually had to be effectively the exact same as it was for s3 to happen. You need the foreshadowing of the Collector for the Day of Unity. You need to FINALLY do something with Belos for the revelations of the Human Realm to happen and to do Luz's angst arc. You need Hunter to be at least 90% redeemed so he's there on their side during The Day of Unity, etc. like that. Then you get half a season in the human realm before coming back to the Isles for half a season, just like Amphibia did because returning home is the best mid-season finale you can have there. So any argument that a full S3 would have actually fixed issues with S2B is just... Wrong. The problems with S2B come with the fact that S2A wastes a FUCKTON of time on elements that don't matter.
Oh, and lest we forget that The Collector could have been cut. He had one appearance in a dream, that also doesn't make sense with his characterization, before S2B. In the fact, the crew has admitted as much. He was added AFTER the news of the Shortening because they always wanted to include a character like him so now that they didn't have the time for him... Cram him in anyways.
Could a show have EVER been saved when that's how they treat one of their two final antagonists? It's the sort of statement that just solidifies the idea that TOH didn't want three seasons. It wanted five... If not just to go on forever. To be the next monolithic show, even as it repeats character arcs, lessons and shrinks characters rather than expands them.
So no, the show isn't bad because of the shortening. The show is bad because the writing is bad.
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mysticsparklewings · 2 months
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Karla Choupette, but make her Winx!
It’s been so long since I posted art, I kinda forgot how to caption it 😅
So I’ll stick with facts: Exactly 1 year ago today, I brought home my very first Rainbow High doll, Karla Choupette. Shortly after, I wanted to draw her, and since I was on a roll with Winx-Club-Style art at the time, this is the result! 🤍
⭐️ Like My Art and Want to see more of it? Here's All My Links! ⭐️
This won't be much of surprise to Sparklers that read my most recent Museletter, but to those that didn't: Hi! Longtime no art; How've you been? 👋 😅 If you're curious about how & where I've been, I'm going to direct you to that Museletter for the full details.
Also as you'll see in the Museletter, I had actually started on and mostly finished this piece right before my accidental half-year hiatus actually began (in December). There are many reasons (discussed at length in the Museletter) as to why I've held onto this piece for so long, but chief among them are 1. A lack of motivation to type this description and 2. Even months later, I was still not 100% sure about the background I originally picked out.
We'll talk more about the background in a bit. Firstly, especially for those that didn't read the Museletter, I should probably tell you who/what exactly this is and why you're staring at it. 😆
This lady, dear Sparklers, is one Karla Choupette of Shadow High, which is a...sub-line? I guess is the best way to put it? of the Rainbow High doll line. Except, per my usual art shenanigans, she's been drawn in the Winx Club art style. 😅
Karla is also known as: The Doll that Broke My (also unintentional) 5-6 year Doll Buying Hiatus. And in fact, that was the final key to me dusting off my typing fingers to finally bring this art to you Sparklers today.
I'll try and keep this story brief, but...Well, loyal Sparklers know how me and "brief" usually go, so I'll just apologize in advance for how very not-brief this actually will be...
In a way, this story starts in 2016 with the second generation of Monster High.
The first generation of Monster High was, pretty indisputably, my "true doll love" even though until it's beginning in 2010 I'd been raised on mostly Barbie and some Bratz. But the second generation was almost completely canned by the fan base, including me.
By 2018, most Monster High merchandise had disappeared from stores entirely. It all happened so fast for a franchise that had been such a lightning-in-a-bottle success before; It was depressing. (It's still depressing, to be completely honest, even with G3 now alive and well.)
And after that, for years the was really nothing for me in the doll space. With Monster High and Ever After High gone, Barbie's quality having taken a nosedive, Bratz's presence be wildly inconsistent...Whatever options were left either didn't appeal to me personally or didn't stick around long enough for that to matter.
So for the next few years, my attention in the toy aisle was pretty squarely on Shopkins, Num Noms, and the occassional other surprise toys that tempted me enough to try at least once. 🤷‍♀️
In 2020 (so I've been told by the internet—I couldn't have remembered the date if my life depended on it because that's how little attention I was paying to them at the time), Rainbow High dolls started appearing in store. And I do believe I remember seeing them in-store, possibly even an enclosed display. And I remember really not liking them at the time!
And I didn't like what I saw of Rainbow High for a considerably amount of time after that. But somehow, someway, I did very slowly start to come around to them. I think the biggest factor was when I started to understand that despite what sounded like a cutesy name to me, Rainbow High was not effectively a line of CareBears dressed as teenage girls.
Though, at this stage, when I say "come around to," I really mean I stopped viewing the line with active disdain. It would take a while longer of random images popping up on my Instagram and Pinterest feeds (mostly Instagram) before I started to think, "Oh well maybe I'd buy one if xyz..."
But I don't think it was too much longer after the "if xyz" phase that I was browsing around on Pinterest
And there, that was the moment—*Gasp*, Who is she? She looks like Ivy if Ivy were pink! She's so pretty!!
Karla Choupette had appeared.
And for the record, yes—I did and still do think Karla looks a lot like what I envision for my Winx OC Ivy aside from the pink coloring. So if in the future you see me draw Ivy and her outfit looks suspiciously familiar, now you'll know why!
But, to be fair, that's not the only thing about Karla's design that appeals to me. The stark contrast of colors is one for sure, as well as the slight contrast of the punk-ish boots with the more formal/business-like dress/top situation. And after I did (spoiler alert) bring Karla home, I realized she bears some resemblance to one of my favorite Monster High dolls of all-time, Zomby Gaga, so there was almost definitely some subconscious influence coming from that.
Anyway. It was a little bit of a slow burn, but eventually the desire to actually get a Karla doll was rattling around in my head so loudly it was was very nearly literally keeping me up at night.
I completely lucked out in the timeline that Karla had already been out for a while at that point and last year's Amazon Prime Day wasn't too far around the corner. Sure, I could have just bought her at any time, but considering I'd been out of the doll-buying game a while and my "first doll back" was going to be one completely unlike the rest of my collection [..and I use that term kind of loosely here], so I didn't want to put too much money on the line when it was fully possible I'd get her home and unboxed and decide I didn't actually like her all that much.
The funny thing is, the story could've even there. Or at least taken a significant detour. Because, sure enough, Amazon did mark Karla down for Prime Day at the time, but before I could go through with the purchase, she sold out. 🙃
On a whim though, I decided to check Walmart a little later in the day, and lo and behold—Apparently they really wanted to compete with Amazon for sales that week, so they'd dropped their price on Karla to match and actually still had her in stock!
I ordered her for local pickup to avoiding paying for shipping, and the next day—Exactly one year ago today!—Karla came home with me. [And you can see a picture of my exact Karla in that Museletter I mentioned before, for those curious!]
It would be another couple of days before I actually opened her; Both in the store when we picked her up and while I was opening her, I was honestly a little scared that physically being able to hold her would somehow break whatever magic hold this doll had had over me up until either point.
But as you can probably guess by the way I'm telling this story and the fact that this art exists—Nope! And even a year and 20 (...soon to be 21...) more Rainbow/Shadow High dolls later, Karla is still my favorite. She is, in fact, the only one I currently have 2 of, as I found an incomplete-but-in-great-shape Karla for cheap on eBay about a month later.
To be fair, I should back up a bit and clarify: If you're familiar with the doll space, you may be wondering why/how Karla was the buying-hiatus-breaker for me even though Monster High G3 started releasing new dolls in 2022.
Technically I suppose she wasn't because I did get some of the MH G3 dolls and Howliday Draculaura for Christmas 2022, but for space/storage related reasons, it would be much longer before I actually opened any of my new MH dolls, and there were various aspects that made G3 still feel kind of rocky and uncertain at the time.
Karla was the one that really sparked my excitement for dolls in general again, though the excitement manifested as a rolling snowball instead of a roaring fire—I started out, as many doll fans across all brands have, insisting Karla would be the "only" Rainbow High doll I wanted/needed.
And if you'll remember I quoted a collection of 20 Rainbow High dolls a few paragraphs ago, then you'll already know exactly how that well-intended insistence turned out. 😆 [And this isn't even touching on the fact that, as also mentioned in the Museletter, that Karla and the Rainbow High girls also ignited a "make things for the dolls from scratch" spark in me that I have felt in...Mm, probably not since the earliest days of Monster High, sometime before 2013.]
Some of you are also now probably doing the math on how we arrived at the concept for this artwork—This is very much not the first (or even second or third) time that I've used the Winx Club art style as a vessel to express my love for some other thing.
It's been a while since the idea began by now, but I remember I had inklings of wanting to draw Karla for a while—I think in particular I wanted to play with Karla's white eyelashes in illustrated form since it's both something I've never seen on a doll before and also white eyelashes in general are just a unique and interesting concept to me—And since I was sorta on a roll with the Winx Club stuff/style, it wasn't too long or too far of a leap in logic to decide this is the way it would be done.
Likewise, if you've seen any of my most-recent Winx art, you'll already be fairly familiar with my process for how the art comes together in the most literal senses. So because of that and because it has been long enough that I don't remember finer details like areas that were particularly tricky so well, I'm going to skip over a lot of that here.
However, I do remember and can tell you a few things that make Karla here a little different from some of those other attempts of mine, so I will now start rambling about that in whatever order things come to mind.
Firstly and possibly the most obvious, Karla you could say Karla's wasn't "Winx-fied" as intensely as Helena or The Nanny, which was a very purposeful choice. I love Karla's original design so much that I really didn't want to touch it too much, and so while a fairy form like those other two artworks can often be more fun, I opted to keep Karla "casual."
To that end, I followed what patterns and "rules" I've observed for the Winx's Season 2-3 "casual outfits" as best I could without making any serious alterations. [The linked screenshot isn't the best example of said patterns/rules—You kinda have to take in multiple screenshots to get the best feel for that—but it's a decent enough point of reference for which outfits I'm talking about.]
So the main thing you'll notice are the things I took away or simplified because I think thy pushed Winx Club's style "limits" a bit too far—Karla has her fan but it's missing the word "Shadow" across the front, the zippers on her shoes aren't well-defined, the charm/pin from her tie is missing, you can't see the pinstripes on her dress (though if this were meant to be the Seasons 2-3 promo art style and not true-to-show style, I would've left those in)...things like that.
I did make small exceptions for things I felt would take away too much if I left them out like the details on her belt, the buckles on her boots, giving her eyeshadow, etc. But I tried to balance it all out. The belt is probably still pushing it, but I genuinely wasn't sure how else to handle it and I think everything else worked out well enough.
Now, I did make the decision to approach the line work more so how Season 4 would do it—There are more colored lines here than is really typical for Season 3, especially when you count Karla's hair. This was mostly done to try and preserve some of Karla's own "feel" when you look at her, but also a little for contrast of the different elements/textures at play. [For example, I thought lining her hair in black would look too harsh.]
...I should also probably mention that while I still stand by Karla looking a lot like what I want for Ivy, I really was focused on trying to capture Karla as herself here—I can't say Ivy never entered my mind during the drawing process because that's kind of impossible given that she lives and dies entirely in my imagination, but I did not consciously at any point use Ivy as reason or justification for any changes made to Karla's design.
Oh, and if this pose feels a little familiar, much like with Fran, I opted to re-use a pose I'd already been working with around the time I started this project. It's hard to tell from my sketches in the linked image, but in this case I did decide to re-draw the arms to nearly the opposite position because it made figuring out what to do with her fan so much easier.
Ironically, this pose is not at all the best way to get a good look at her white eyelashes, but I worked with what I had to make something nice without it taking 2-3 (or more) times as long, so I'm not actually too upset about that.
You could say that's sorta what happened with the background—I can't say this is my most favorite background I've ever put together, but I really did not have any better ideas, so...🤷‍♀️
Maybe it's obvious, maybe it's not, but I decided to try combining a design formula that's been used in a lot of the Rainbow High boxes as a background (and sometimes in other promotional material) with some general ideas from promotional images/profiles you may have seen of the Winx before.
So if you thought you were seeing Alfea castle edited into a rainbow gradient back there, you would be absolutely right. 😉
This is also why Karla's name is just kinda randomly hanging out over there on a "true to show style"—It's a little more consistent with the Winx profiles/images and added a little extra something I felt was missing from the full package.
And while not my primary motivation, I did kind of like the idea that with a background situation like this, if I decide I ever want to draw more Winxify-ed Rainbow High girls, I can re-use it and have them all a little more visually united as a series.
I have no current plans to do that, but I like being able to leave the door open for it, y'know?
...I think those are all the main things I wanted to mention. This is the real trouble with not writing these descriptions as soon as I'm able—I forget too much! But there's not much to be done about it now, so oh well I guess.
In such case, the important thing really is that I'm still happy with how the art turned out. Or at least Karla and some of the other details. Even at this very moment I still have my quibbles and doubts with the image of Alfea hanging out back there, but at this point I really don't want to put off uploading this any longer solely because of that, of all things.
Since I did find it in me to scramble what was left of this description together though, coupled with things I mentioned in that last Museletter, I really hope this means I've finally turned some kind of internal corner and and that it won't be another block of months before you Sparklers see more art from me.
At the very least, I can now say I've tried this new submission portal from dA and...It's not my beloved Sta.sh, but...eh, it's okay I guess. I still miss my editing/formatting tools being more available like in a proper text editor, but in some ways I do think I like this better than the previous submission portal, if I'm going to be forced to type out my descriptions in here from now on.
I think at least knowing that—that I'm marginally more familiar with this new portal now—will be a step in the right direction.
One last thing before I leave you Sparklers for today—I plan to give this description a once-over before I submit, but I've written most of it late at night after a busy shopping day and may or may not have caught myself almost dozing off a couple of times, so on top of my faulty memory, if you notice any exceptionally weird mistakes, that's probably where those came from and I missed them on my second read-through. 😅
In any case, Sparklers, I thank you for still being here and being patient with me—Like I said before, I sincerely hope this is just the beginning of me finally being "back," at least for a while, but ultimately only time will tell if it is or not.
But if it is, then I expect to see you all again much sooner rather than later...😉
Artwork © me, MysticSparkleWings
Karla Choupette/Rainbow High © MgA Entertainment
⭐️ Like My Art and Want to see more of it? Here's All My Links! ⭐️
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fandomwritingbit · 1 year
Heya!! This is my first request so I'm kinda nervous in case it gets rejected ngl.
I was thinking about an scenario where William is stalked by a person he sees everyday on his routine, let's say at a bus stop or a specific store.
William pretends not to notice but actually does.
The stalker is caught staring and following him, yet they don't know that William's realized this.
He eventually confronts them scaring them at first, but then in a kind of flirty/dom way
This is kinda silly but i hope you actually do this one!!! I'm so happy that ur back from hiatus/break and i hope ur doing alright!!
Hi, oh my god I loved doing this request! Honestly I've been meaning to do some darker stuff and this was just perfect, thank you so much!
Also thank you for your kind words, its good to be back and making debauchery. Please feel free to send in anything else xxx
william afton x stalker reader
You would never have considered yourself an obsessive person. Sure, you could become interested or hooked on things, but today that was called 'fandom', not obsession. Obsession is dirty and dark, you weren't some true-crime case study, not in your own mind.
In reality, you were addicted to this man. The first fix a nothing event that snowballed into the burning dependency of today. William Afton is your dopamine and the days you don't get to see Him are filled with withdrawal.
It all began on your nephew's birthday, he turned six and was in love with three things, bright colours, animals and pizza, so your sister got him a party slot at your local animatronic franchise Freddy's. Truthfully, you'd gone reluctantly, not exactly buzzing to be surrounded by a swarm of kids for an hour and a half; but you went out of obligation.
Stained carpets. Humming lights. Plastic chairs. A bear, chicken and rabbit. Excited screaming. Spilt slushes. And Him. The second you noticed Him you were flooded with everything an abundance of butterflies, your heart pounding and an unquenchable sensation between your legs that to this day wouldn't be sated.
He's so handsome, oozing a sleazy charm as He came to your table to check everything was going well. "Where's The birthday boy then?" He asked, the child-friendly smile not quite reaching His eyes, "Tell you what, take some extra tokens." He gave a wink to your sister, who thanked Him. You didn't think to, you were too enthralled, tingling from the cockney accent that tinted His words.
He's just... something else. That sharp jaw with a 5 o'clock shadow this early in the day. Dark rings under His striking blue eyes. But what caught you most was the cracked skin of His knuckles, it shattered the charming businessman façade, exposing something much darker and you were hooked.
You had spent the rest of the party trying to keep your eyes on Him, His tall frame making it fairly easy, until He left and you became deprived. Later, touching yourself in your car, parked in a lay-by, did very little to help quench this newfound thirst. Laid in bed that night doing the same still wasn't enough.
You researched Him, finding the restaurant's social media to reveal His name: William Afton. It suited Him. William Afton. You spoke it over and over just laid there, but aside from that one staff profile, that was clearly aged, there was nothing, no personal accounts, nothing. Forcing you to get your fill the old-fashioned way.
That was six months ago.
Opposite the restaurant there was a small bistro, which suited your needs perfectly. Every morning you were there like clockwork, just to catch a glimpse of Him, taking what photos you could without drawing too much attention. Getting hold of His number plate was orgasmic, because now you had His address.
It’s such a nice house, on a 'good street', fairly large with a lovely garden. But it was always dark. Even when you knew He was there, the only life was the front-facing bedroom, which you'd come to learn was His sons, His own never visible. Curtains never tweaked, leaving you locked out. It was irritating, but the image of Him covered in darkness was something special and it placated you a little.
You try to go to His house as much as possible, but it doesn't miss you how risky it is, what you are doing is wrong and if you were caught it could ruin your life. Yet, how could you willingly deny the temptation.
And recently as the weather began to warm, you were overjoyed to see Him hanging out His washing, it caused an idea to strike you dumb. You could have a piece of Him. Or pieces? You had to limit yourself to taking only a few pieces at a time and it was a cruel struggle. Over the next few days, you created a decent collection of shirts, socks, boxers; enough to wear, or to clutch to your chest as you slept. Or to press over your face as you fucked your hand, His name on your lips.
The day you began taking His stuff was pure bliss for you, little did you know it would become your downfall.
Of course he noticed clothes going missing, at first, he brushed it of as strong wind, or even mischievous kids getting kicks by being arseholes. But what he couldn't brush off was the consistency. The... grace. You never left anything else out of place, no footprints, scuffs on his fence, nothing. That wasn't a youth's action. He was curious now.
All it took was a small camera, placed at just the right angle to allow sight of your form, not going over his fence like he'd have thought, no. Using some kind of tool to hook the latch on his gate and slip inside, which explained the lack of marks. Then, it became very clear to him, your motives weren't... menacing, you took his things not to be a nuisance but for yourself. Now, he was more than curious about You.
Knowing Your face opened a whole world for him because You were everywhere. At the shops a few feet behind him, at the restaurant close to the end of the night, at the café over the road every damn morning. He should have been outraged, but he was never one to not feed a hungry beast.
Him coming into the bistro was a game changer, He was so close to you, your heart fought its way to your mouth almost making you gag because it was so visceral. You watched Him in disbelief, His easy pace to the counter to order a coffee, then waiting patiently for the barista. Would He sit inside? That felt too good to be true.
As if feeling your gaze, He turns, meeting it unflinching. He set your whole body alight, making your mouth practically water. In anguish, you had to force yourself to look away, nearly shaking in your seat with emotion.
When His order was finished, you watched Him thank the barista, looking over to see where He was going to sit. But your eyes widened when instead of sitting He walked directly over to you, a smirk on His face as He pulled out the chair opposite you and sat. He placed His drink in front of you, large hands surrounding the cup and saucer. You could do nothing but stare, it was too achingly real. Like a bucket of ice down your spine.
He lightly chuckled, "Now, where do I recognise You from?"
I'm open to doing smut for this...
Edit: I did link to pt.2 here
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brawltogethernow · 11 months
I don't know if you're the best person to ask this but you're the only person on my dash who reblogs Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya shit in 2023. I have to know, did Haruhi... finish? I know it was a light novel series (tho I've only seen the anime) but like did the story arcs conclude? Are they translated?
You've lucked out: I am. It did not finish, but it got a lot further than the anime took you. Everything is translated.
The anime adapts light novel volumes 1-3 and some of 5 (short story collection partially set before 4). The movie adapts 4. I've heard "Endless Eight" is the way it is because they were set on doing 4 as a film, and...didn't just use their episode slots to adapt achronologically despite their existing reputation for doing that for some reason? Incomprehensible. Anyway.
If you haven't seen the movie because it came out after the moment was already dead, you should, even if you were just kind of neutral-positive on the show, because from a purely objective perspective it's a contender for the best quality movie following an anime show that exists. Also that installment is just a much better stopping point than where the TV part left things. Like the ~entire concept~ remains open, but some arcs actually evolve or wrap in a way where you can be satisfied with the story you've gotten.
So 4 1/2 volumes have been animated. There are 13 light novels. 4 is a stronger book than the preceding volumes, and the quality continues to wobble irregularly upwards from there. It pulls off another unprecedentedly good entry that isn't an ending but is a pretty acceptable place to put it down in 11 and 12 (which are functionally one two part book). 13 came out a literal decade later in 2020 and is another short story collection; nice to have but doesn't change the metrics much except to make the indefinite hiatus look slimmer on camera.
All of the books have been officially translated by Yen Press. (They recently did some sort of rerelease that didn't fix any of their typos but removed the slurs they added in the first place? So that's...nice ? ?) Everything they've covered except a chunk of 13 has also been unofficially translated, which I like to keep on hand because while the YP translation is very readable, it...requires a second opinion sometimes. There are also still some loose short stories that only have fan translations, and apparently there's about to be an official release of some nonessential short story collection from twenty years ago I heard about for the first time in my life a month ago. (Also there's a like, officially licensed Koizumi POV fanfiction short, fanlation only.)
Will Tanigawa ever put an actual cap on the series? Idk it's not technically impossible. It seems more likely to me that he'll pull off one more absolutely batshit installment that resolves nothing and then vanish forever except to write a new short story every eight years. It's worth catching up though imho. The later books do a lot to pull the earlier ones up behind them retroactively. Themes solidify, elements that were wavering between parody and deconstruction collapse into sincere reconstruction, the characters actually like each other, that sort of thing.
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IOTA Reviews: Destruction
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Well, I'm finally back. After saying some pretty stupid things about four months ago, I'm ready to get back in the saddle and review the rest of Season 5. And honestly, it's kind of funny that as soon as I announce a hiatus, we get an influx of new episodes that, for the most part, were actually in chronological order. So I'm going to have to play keep up and review all the episodes I missed, which is about fourteen of them.
So let's just dive right in and get into the third (chronologically the third) episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fifth season: Destruction
We start off with Marinette looking over the Ladyblog reminding the audience that Monarch still has all the other Miraculous. While Alya gets her some tea, we get a nice little bit of visual storytelling showing how nervous Marinette is when she sees a video of Alya telling Ladybug and Cat Noir to be careful. Even if Alya already knows Marinette is Ladybug, it's easy to see the pressure she's going through now that the odds are stacked against her and Cat Noir.
We then cut to... Good lord, how many times do I have to say this? We cut to Gabriel monologuing to Emilie's corpse, saying he's totally going to get the Miraculous for realsies this time. He actually thinks of something smart and decides to order Orikko, the Rooster Kwami, to give him the power to travel in time again. Instead, we get one of the most confusing explanations for how the Miraculous work, and totally isn't something the writers made up to justify how overpowered they made the Rooster.
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Oh goody, not even two minutes in, and the writers are already retconning stuff to justify the conflict happening.
First off, you can't grant a power that belongs to another Kwami? Then how the hell did Rooster Bold multiply Ladybug's Lucky Charm at the end of Season 4? That wasn't a form of creation? Even if you go along with the dialogue saying it was a form of multiplication, that still won't fly because the Mouse Miraculous already has the power of Multiplication, and Polymouse was part of the team during that episode. Also, what about Caprikid, who can also create stuff with Genesis? Is that not creation either? And does this rule apply to just the Rooster, or all Miraculous? Because all the way back in Season 1, we got three separate Akumas with the powers of other Miraculous (Copycat, Antibug, Volpina), and in Season 3, we got an Akuma with the ability to copy a Miraculous user's powers (Chameleon) and a Sentimonster copy of a different Miraculous user (Ladybug).
Second, mind explaining what exactly the difference between a power and a wish is? It was already confusing when Astruc explained it, and you repeating the “explanation” isn't clearing anything up at all.
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What even is the difference between a power and a wish when the Rooster literally gives you the power to get any power you choose? That was literally how Rooster Bold described it in “Penalteam”.
Rooster Bold: Actually, my power is to choose a super ability, and I choose to score a ball anytime I shoot.
How is asking for the power to score a goal in soccer whenever you shoot the ball anything but a wish?
Okay, fine, the phrasing of wanting to locate the Miraculous of Ladybug and Cat Noir can be seen as a demand, not a power, but there are plenty of ways to work around it here. You could ask for the power to teleport certain objects to you when you're near them. You could ask for the power to sense the energy of the Kwamis associated with each Miraculous. You could ask for the power to teleport to any place you know a Kwami has been, like where the Miracle Ball is. These can all be powers and not wishes.
Finally, you already broke the rule about not being able to disrupt the powers of other Miraculous a while ago, as there have already been Akumas and Sentimonsters specifically created to fight Miraculous users (Miraculer, Kwamibuster, Ephemeral, Strikeback).
I get it, the writers needed a way to explain why Gabriel couldn't use the Rooster Miraculous to automatically win, but they wouldn't need to resort to these mental gymnastics if they didn't give the Rooster the power to use any power the user wanted.
Gabriel decides to get to Ladybug another way, by ordering the Kwamis to reveal Ladybug's identity, but because Ladybug never technically renounced their Miraculous, they can't tell him thanks to the failsafe that prevents Kwamis from revealing their holder's identity, something previously established in “Sandboy”. Gabriel has another idea: He makes the Kwamis tell him where the Guardian lives. This is honestly a really clever battle of wits here. If they did something like this when explaining why the Rooster had limits, I don't think I'd be as harsh to the use of that Miraculous as I normally am.
Marinette tries to go to sleep to get the recent events off her mind for now, but Monarch, currently unified with the Butterfly, Horse, Bee, and Turtle Miraculous, breaks in using Voyage. He asks for a “gift” Ladybug gave her, since the Kwamis didn't tell Monarch she's Ladybug. Monarch takes out the Bee Miraculous' top, essentially holding Marinette at gunpoint while she tries to get the “gift” for him. It's a very tense scene with the main hero in a helpless situation... so obviously, we need to throw in some Unfunny Marinette Slapstick to ruin the mood. It's brief, but I still don't get why the writers think this is the only kind of stuff they can tell jokes with.
Rather than a killer robot belonging to the Deathgalians, the “gift” is a key. Since the Kwamis technically don't know the Guardian's address, she supposedly set up a treasure hunt for them to follow in case they get lost. As Marinette lies about Ladybug not trusting her that much, Alya comes in with some tea and snacks. Monarch assumes Alya knows who Ladybug is, and right after he demands she tell him, Alya decides to cancel him on social media—I mean, broadcasts Monarch in Marinette's room, potentially exposing him to the world. Monarch simply breaks the phone and takes the key, breaking the Ladybug-themed keychain to reveal a piece of paper with a little note on it.
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You know, if I actually knew anything about The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy other than the significance of that number, I'd be all over this.
The number is actually the same one as a locker at the local ice rink, so Monarch uses Voyage again (even though he didn't recharge) to teleport there. Philippe, a figure skating teacher, assumes that Monarch is there for a skating lesson, and then takes a selfie with the dangerous supervillain. You know, Monarch, it's late at night, and there don't seem to be any witnesses. Just saying...
After opening the locker, Monarch finds another piece of paper with a picture of a wax statue of Cat Noir and the word “street”, making him realize the papers contain an address. Monarch heads to the Musée Grévin, a real life wax museum that we first saw in “Puppeteer 2”, and even has wax statues of Ladybug and Cat Noir on display whose creation was overseen by Thomas Astruc and Jeremy Zag themselves.
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No joke here. I just thought that was really cool.
Monarch breaks into the exhibit with the in-universe statues of Ladybug and Cat Noir, only to reveal the entire treasure hunt was a trick to corner him. Ladybug ties Cat Noir's hand to Monarch's arm and uses her Lucky Charm, some kind of fire hose, to tie him up while the doors of the exhibit are locked down.
So Monarch is pinned down, and with one wrong move, he's as good as dead if he tries to escape. Obviously, Ladybug learned from her mistakes in “Evolution”, and now, she's going to take back all of Monarch's Miraculous.
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… And now she's going to take back all of Monarch's Miraculous.
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… And now she's going to take back all of Monarch's Miraculous.
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And NOW she's going to take back—Okay, you know where this is going.
Yeah, I'm not making this up when I say it takes 84 seconds, over a minute, to for Ladybug to explain her plan, once again say they're going to take Monarch's Miraculous, and casually stroll over to slowly take away the Butterfly Miraculous before Monarch decides to let Cat Noir Cataclysm his arm so the ensuing shock gives him the chance to use Voyage to teleport back. ARE. YOU. KIDDING ME?!
You had him right there, you idiot! After you failed to take back more than a single Miraculous because you kept saying you were going to do it, you decided to waste time gloating like this was a Sherlock Holmes novel. Even in Scooby-Doo, they usually saved the explanations for after the monster was unmasked, which you should have done with Monarch.
It's framed as a crushing defeat for the heroes, but it only happened because they spent their time screwing around instead of nabbing every Miraculous littered across Monarch's body. Also, check out Cat Noir's response to accidentally Cataclysming Monarch.
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Yeah, funny how you didn't act this way when you assumed Scarabella was a threat in “Hack-San”, isn't it? And spoilers for the next episode, he doesn't exactly let this affect him or the way he operates the next time he uses his Cataclysm on an Akuma.
Because Monarch ran off with Ladybug's Lucky Charm, Ladybug can't fix the damage, so neither of them really know what's going to happen to Monarch now. We then cut back to Marinette and Alya, where Marinette explains her plan... which is kind of redundant since the whole reason Monarch got away was because she took the time to explain it in the first place. Yeah, she explains the reasoning for it and how she prepared, but there's no reason for her to go into detail about this plan when we already saw it in action. She seriously explains all of this for almost four minutes, and I'm pretty sure it's just to pad the runtime.
We then cut to, of all things, Adrien telling Gabriel he doesn't want to model anymore. Yeah, in a pretty clever twist, this episode actually takes place during the events of “Multiplication”. We see that during that scene, Gabriel was still reeling from the Cataclysm wound, which somehow managed to go through his super suit and mark his skin.
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And remember that suit that somehow manages to make him look like he has the worst traits of Colonel Sanders, Steve Jobs, and the Tumblr sword lady? That was to cover up the wound and go with his new Miraculous. Because yeah, a bright white suit is the perfect way to hide a dark purple splotch on your skin. Somehow, Gabriel managed to use some lasers to break down the Miraculous (even though “Queen Wasp” established they were indestructible without a Cataclysm as the exception) and through his new partnership with Tomoe, turned them into the high-tech Alliance rings he can use to safely channel the powers of each Kwami through. Also, he finally shut them up by putting them in cages where they can't fight back. All of this is building up to Gabriel transforming into his new Monarch form for the first time. Yeah, the Monarch we saw for the first three episodes? That was just the prototype meant to look ridiculous, so obviously, this one's going to look better, right? Well...
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Yeah, this somehow looks worse. The purple bodysuit just doesn't look menacing, and once again, the skin being purple doesn't make sense. Also, I don't even know why the eyes are blue. It honestly looks like a worse version of Oblivio, but at least with Oblivio, the basic design was intentional. There's just too much purple, and it doesn't look as stylish as Hawkmoth's original design.
And of course, this means I have more jokes to make about his appearance.
He looks like a walking fiber supplement, and not kind you take orally.
Gabriel, you know you don't have to wear your swim cap outside of the pool, right?
Remember when the worst thing about Gabriel's villain form was the feather monocle? I miss those good times...
I wonder if this means Gabriel smells like grapes now.
My God, Gabriel's become an Anacondrai cultist, and a really stupid-looking one at that!
It's bad enough that the Rooster Miraculous' power makes no sense, but it can't even give Gabriel the power to have better sense of fashion?
Wait a minute, that's just a giant crayon!
This form looks like what would happen if you could wear a type of wine.
Okay, I know cartoon reboots are the hottest thing right now, but who the hell was asking for a reboot of the California Raisins commercials?
You know, it'd be funny if Gabriel's favorite color wasn't even purple.
When Gabriel said he was planning on cosplaying as a Klingon, I didn't think he meant the Klingons from Discovery.
Nothing says “sinister supervillain” like a suit that's the same shade as a ripe eggplant.
It's sad that this new form was upstaged by the main villain of The Owl House possessing a teenager wearing a wolf shirt a few days before this episode originally aired.
Just remember, Gabriel destroyed the other Miraculous to achieve this form.
Wow, this form looks just as badass and menacing as Kamen Rider Horobi... in that it exists, and has a slightly similar color scheme.
The more forms Gabriel gets, the more I hate the color purple.
From what I've heard, the Monster High reboot gave one of the main characters pink skin for some reason. To the people who are upset at the change, be glad she doesn't look as ridiculous as Gabriel does now.
So is this what happens when a chameleon only knows how to camouflage with a single color?
Even Dark Truder would think this guy looks like a dork.
He looks less like a supervillain and more like a caterer for a color-themed wedding.
Just when you thought the MCU had the absolute worst incarnation of the Mandarin (the Ben Kingsley one, not whatever Shang-Chi did with the character's magic rings).
This form looks like the kind of clothes used to test the power of stain removers during a commercial.
Okay, come on, guys. What does Gabriel's new form actually look like? This can't seriously be the final draft, right?
I'm pretty sure this form counts as a crime against anyone who likes the color purple.
This looks like one of the few disguises Robbie Rotten wouldn't wear.
To paraphrase Bill Corbett, “Gabriel, you sold us out to Big Prune, man!”
Apparently, Gabriel's eyes were originally going to be purple too, but he thought that would make him look stupid.
But again, the funniest joke is the fact that Gabriel thinks he somehow looks cooler in this form. Anyway, the episode ends with Monarch saying that he's totally going to beat Ladybug and Cat Noir this time and that he won't be fooled again, even though he’s barely gotten close to his goal after four seasons (not counting the recent victory that was given to him thanks to Felix).
Anyway, this episode was just okay. There honestly wasn't that much for me to talk about, as the plot was pretty straightforward and answered some questions as to why Monarch can't easily win now that he's arguably the most powerful he's ever been. Admittedly, the problems lie more in how those questions are answered, like how the writers went out of their way to explain why the Rooster Miraculous is the definition of having the power to do whatever the plot needs it to do and not do.
Ladybug's plan was also pretty clever, and while I chided her for letting Monarch escape, unlike the other times she failed to take action when she had the chance, I'm more willing to let this time slide. Sure, her explanation took long enough for Monarch to weigh the pros and cons of seriously hurting himself if it means he can live to fight another day, but sort of like the fight between Dr. Watts and General Ironwood in RWBY, neither Ladybug or Cat Noir really thought Monarch would go through with damaging his arm like that. They were in a position of power, and thought they had won. If the scene ended with Ladybug belittling herself for being overconfident instead of just moping about how Monarch escaped again, this whole setup could have worked more.
One thing I thought was pretty weird was that despite being titled after the concept his Miraculous is based on, Cat Noir barely gets to do anything here. Okay, sure, the title of “Destruction” could refer to the fact that Monarch was wounded by the power of destruction, but he doesn't get any scenes after Monarch escapes. You could have easily thrown in a scene where Adrien was sitting in his room and talking to Plagg about what happened, potentially even calling back to what happened with Uncanny Valley in the New York Special. But instead, I guess the writers thought it would make more sense for Ladybug to take even longer to explain her plan to the viewers who didn't understand it the first time it was explained to them.
Overall, this is easily the least offensive episode of the season so far. The problems I have with it are very minor compared to ones I had with the previous two episodes.
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Ever since Season 4, the Kwamis have all been relegated to annoying little mascots with the combined intellect of a kindergarten student, but Xuppu in this episode really took this to a new level. He generally kept screwing around even when he was basically being held hostage, and while the other Kwamis at least tried their best to calmly explain why Gabriel couldn't use the Rooster to get everything he wanted, he just went on this condescending little tangent about how simple the rules are for Gabriel. I get it's in his personality to be mischievous, but it was pretty dumb how he didn't seem to be taking things seriously.
While it might seem like Marinette should have won the award, I'm grading these characters based on their actions throughout the episode. Basically, if a character does something smart, it “deducts” points from their overall actions. For example, if Cat Noir did something reckless in a later episode when he came up with a pretty smart plan to defeat an Akuma early on, both actions would be balanced out, and it would be less likely that he would get the Biggest Idiot Award. Therefore, someone like Xuppu is more likely to get the award instead.
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heyclickadee · 1 year
It’s only been a month-and-a-half, but I finally got a chance to watch another episode of The Bad Batch for my rewatch. So! Long, rambling, mildly nonsensical thoughts on TBB, Season 1, Episode 2: “Cut and Run:”
1. This is one of the episodes my brother has seen—he’s seen up through episode 8—and he doesn’t like it. He told me that this is one of the “bad” episodes, but rewatching it I just…I can’t agree with that. It’s not a big action packed set piece, sure, but it doesn't have to be. It's a good little episode that succeeds at what it’s trying to do, and sets the stage for the story moving forward.
2. The FONDNESS on Echo’s face as he’s looking at Omega all tired out after going through the ship I CAN’T. Also, I love how the discussion Echo and Hunter have about Omega, and Echo asking what in the world they’re going to do with her, is the first bit we see of the way Hunter and Echo are going to bounce off of each other. Hunter makes decisions, Echo asks questions and prods at whether they’re the right decisions, Hunter bounces more ideas off of Echo, and so on. It’s a dynamic I adore and I’m excited to revisit more of it.
3. This is a random background thing, but clouds in the background as the Marauder lands near the Lawquane farm are stylistically different than the clouds are going to be later on in the series. They’re very painterly here, but later on they’re going to be a little more realistic. I think it’s just one of those things that developed over time. Maybe. I kind of want to keep my eye on it.
4. Speaking of clouds, it is kind of interesting that there is that thunderstorm that’s building a few minutes after they land, which Hunter notices, and then Cut mentions the storm that’s coming (referring to the Empire) later on, and then the storm thing doesn’t come up again later in the episode. It might just be one of those things where there was a scene that got cut after the boarding process, but they didn’t revise the earlier parts of the episode script, but I also want to keep my eye on the storm motif through the rest of the series to see if and when it comes up again, and if there’s any kind of pattern. There probably isn’t, buuuut this hiatus is going to go on for a while, so. Ya know.
6. Okay, but, I genuinely love Omega’s reaction to stepping out of the ship onto Saleucami, and how it contrasts with the rest of the batch. They’re all on alert, business as usual, and Omega’s so, so excited to be there. She’s wowed by dirt. She’s never seen anything like it. I love the little detail of her taking a deep breath of the air on this new planet. She’s probably never smelled air that didn’t smell like salt and antiseptic (this is just me, but I sort of imagine Kamino smelling a little like a hospital). She’s never stood on ground that wasn’t plastoid or durasteel or whatever Kaminoan floors are made of. She’s probably never seen so much color in one place or had a chance to run after a space butterfly or do much of anything. She’s so small and everything is new and she’s so excited for this big new adventure and nothing bad had better ever happen to her (and now I'm crying in Star Wars).
7. Another background thing, but what are these?
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What are these crops? Is this space corn? Corn that’s just one giant kernel? Orb corn? Corb? Wookieepedia doesn’t say (as far as I can tell) and I know this is silly, but I want to knooooooow.
8. Tech’s little smirk as he says, “Why not? We’re all deserters now,” to Echo gets me every single time. Man just does not care about breaking the rules.
9. Regarding the Lawquane’s booby trap: One, the way that Wrecker immediately starts blasting is just…I don’t know. There’s something sad about how jumpy he is. Second, is the booby trap to keep local wildlife away, like the nexu, or unwanted visitors who might be looking for Cut?
10. Suu looks AMAZING in her new outfit (I'll admit I didn't love the monokini and chaps look for her), and Cut. Cut. Why? Is your facial hair like this?
11. I love Cut and Suu. I love Cut and Suu so much. Healthiest couple in the entire galaxy far far away, I swear. And I love their silly matching pun names.
12. Wrecker is SO DANG HAPPY to see Jek and Shaeeah and they are so happy to see him I can't. Wrecker is so soft with kids. It kills me.
13. Jumping off of that, though, there's a wonderful little untold story here with the CF99 and the Lawquanes. Because they don't just know Cut, who they could have theoretically met before Cut deserted or before the war even started, they know the entire family. And they know the entire family well enough that Wrecker's "Uncle Wrecker" and that Cut immediately asks about Crosshair and why he's not there, knowing that the most logical answer is that he died; Hunter's one-on-one conversation with Suu is just as casual and familiar as his one-on-one conversations with Cut. I don't think it was Rex who introduced them, because Echo didn't know about Cut until this episode, and Echo's got a much longer and closer history with Rex than the rest of the batch have; if Rex didn't tell Echo about Cut, he probably didn't tell CF99 either, meaning that Hunter and the rest probably met the Lawquanes independently.
And, on the one hand, I neeeeeeeeeeeed to know how they all met. Did they meet Cut when they were cadets and then Suu later on and then both of them and their kids all together later on? Did they just wander across the Lawquane farm while stationed on Saleucami? Did Suu help train clones on Kamino (she's a really good shot, after all), and is that how she met Cut? Did she meet CF99 that way? Did they all collectively help Cut desert? But, on the other hand, I don't actually want to know the story. I like that these people have history to which we're not privy. It helps them exist outside the bounds of the story and feel a little more real.
14. It's nice that Echo practically jumps to ask about Rex after Cut brings him up. It sets up the way Echo's going to go off with Rex's group later on, sure, but I think the reason Echo gets so excited here is because this is the first indication he has that ANY of the other clones he knows escaped the programming they talked about last episode and left the Empire. And the fact that it's Rex specifically…. It's a little bit of hope and normalcy he can cling to in a pretty awful situation.
15. "Where's Crosshair?" "It's…complicated." Yeah, I'll say. (Exhibit A of Hunter having to be dragged kicking and screaming before he will talk about a n y t h i n g I am putting him in a salad spinner)
16. The way this first conversation in the Lawquane home goes from Crosshair, to Rex and the "behavioral implant" he brought up to Cut, and then directly to the inhibitor chips is interesting, because it kind reinforces what we already know about Crosshair's situation from episode one--that he has a chip, that it activated, that his chip was turned up to eleven--while also emphasizing the fact that the rest of the batch doesn't really know or understand what that means. Even Tech, who just kinda sussed out that the chips exist because obviously the Kaminoans modified clone behavior and obviously that's how they did it, and who absolutely suspected that Crosshair's behaviour in "Aftermath" had something to do with the programming (the way he looks up at Crosshair when he says he "can't be certain" that they're immune), doesn't seem to one-hundred percent get what it means and how little choice a clone with an active chip has.
17. Omega knows about the chips because she grew up in Nala Se's lab. I want to know what else she knows (because she knows a lot she doesn't talk about).
18. The writers/animators/board artists/showrunners absolutely nailed the way a kid who hasn't been around other kids much hesitates around them with Omega here.
19. Hunter smiling after Omega as she goes out to join the other kids and then being surprised to see Cut and Suu watching him be all fatherly gets me every time. I love how pretty much half the conversations they have with him are basically just, "You're a dad now! Congratulations!" "What? No, I'm not." "Sure. Keep telling yourself that."
20. Jumping off of that, this episode is absolutely crucial for Hunter's development. Half of the reason Hunter is the way he is through the rest of the series is because he spends this episode watching Cut and Suu (especially Cut) and everything Cut does, and then, when Omega stays with the bad batch at the end of the episode, spends the rest of the series desperately trying to be like Cut. And, in some ways, that's good. He's gentler with Omega, more understanding of the fact that she's a kid, trying to keep her out of danger and allow her to have a childhood, putting the family he still has first, trying to leave their old lives as soldiers behind as much as possible, etc. But when he inevitably fails to be Cut, or to be a parent the exact same way Cut is, because he's a different person and his situation is completely different than Cut's is, he starts shutting down, because he can't cope with the failure. And that runs headlong into the way he feels he's failed as a brother AND as a leader, and so by the time we get a few episodes into season two Hunter is deeply depressed and visibly unwell. (Hey, another parallel between Crosshair and Omega--Hunter probably feels like he's failed both of them.)
21. Another reason I'm going to take the word filler and put it on a shelf where people can't reach it as far as this episode is concerned is because this episode is the first time we get a hint of how the rise of the Empire is affecting regular people. Not clones, not jedi, not former republic officers, not Kaminoan politicians, not freedom fighters--just regular people trying to live their lives. The way that the Empire is setting up the chain code system, regulating travel, clamping down hard on remote planets and former separatist worlds (Saleucami changed hands several times over the course of the war), all told through the story of CF99 helping this one family escape and get to safety, is an important story to have early on.
22. Aaaaand jumping off of that, I love how Hunter's focus over the course of this episode shifts from laying low and learning how to hide to, "Okay fellas, we are getting Cut and Suu and the kids out of here even if we have to blast our way out." And I know Hunter's going to hesitate to help people out more and more as the series goes on, but this is a pattern we're going to continue to see. The bad batchers aren't really heroes in a traditional Star Wars sense; with the exception of Echo, who has to leave the group to do it, they're not fighting the empire head on or trying to overthrow tyranny, not directly. But they do help out in small ways, usually a person or a family at a time, usually helping them escape a bad situation, and that's not nothing in a galaxy where the empire exists. I sort of wonder if this isn't pointing to where the batch is ultimately going to end up. They might not be freedom fighters or rebels in the end the way Rex and Saw are. Maybe they'll just be focused on getting people--clones, families, maybe even surviving jedi--to safety. Maybe they help organize something like The Path. Maybe. I guess we'll see, eventually.
23. Oh gosh this is getting long. Are you surprised, though? (Still sorry, though. Not sorry enough to pare it down, but still sorry.)
24. The kids immediately go to Suu for help when the nexu attacks, and it's great. Also ECHO'S AND TECH'S FACES when Omega almost gets hurt and Wrecker asking if she's okay I love how much they already care about her 😭
25. The way Echo goes from being completely flabbergasted by Tech's plan to get the ship impounded on purpose, to being completely for it, to being real snarky about it once things start going wrong sends me every time. I mean. I know, I know we all joked about how Echo would disapprove of the riot race in "Faster" if he'd been there, but you know what? No. Hunter would have shut it down if he'd been there, but Echo? It would have gone like:
Tech: I will be the racer.
Later on, during the race
Echo: This is suicide! I can't believe you thought this was a good idea, Tech!
Tech, calmly going 200 mph: You also thought it was a good idea, as I recall.
Echo: I think it would be a good idea for you to shut up!
Anyway, I love their banter.
26. So…Tech made enough counterfeit chain codes that there was one for Omega, meaning he knew Hunter planned for Omega to leave Saleucami with Cut and Suu, and that Echo may have known as well (even though Hunter clearly didn't include Wrecker in the conversation), and that he planned on taking the chain codes to Cut and Suu himself. Meaning that he was probably also planning on taking Omega with him when he took the chain codes over so that she could leave with them. And Omega ran off and took the chain codes to Cut and Suu before Tech could, of course, meaning that that didn't happen, but I really want to know how the conversation would have gone if Tech had had to tell Omega to come with him on the code run. I mean.
Tech: I will need Omega to accompany me to the departure site.
Omega: Me? Why? Do you need me to get into a crawl space on a super secret mission.
Tech: No. You need to be at the transport because you are leaving Saleucami with Cut and Suu.
Omega: Aaaaaand all of you, right?
Tech, who mentally signed the sibling adoption papers the second Omega said she wanted to sit with them in the cafeteria scene in "Aftermath" (I will die on this hill, he does not stop smiling at her after that): Nnooo….
Omega: ….
Tech: I assume Hunter told you.
Omega: starting to cry
Tech, on the comms: Hunter. Omega is crying, Hunter. She is upset about leaving. Hunter. What do I do? Hunter?
(This is probably, in retrospect, why Tech apparently didn't tell her, either.)
27. The poncho and the floppy hat was such a good look for Wrecker. (Also, the audacity of having Wrecker bonk his head on that pipe in the background. I know it's a funny reference to Jango doing it in AotC which is a funny reference to that one stormtrooper in A New Hope, but it still fills me with dread.)
28. Shout out to Cut and Suu. Cut's technically a wanted man, they're escaping Saleucami by the skin of their teeth, they're about to be refugees, they've got two kids to look out for already, they have an uncertain future, and when Hunter asks them to take Omega they're instantly okay with it. They're ready to take in another kid simply because that kid needs to be taken care of. And THEN they talk to that kid and ask what she wants (we don't see this happen, but it's heavily implied), take what that kid actually wants into account, and let her go back to where she wants to be. They are the best and I love them.
29. The character animation on Hunter during the scene where he tells Omega that she's going with the Lawquanes is so, so good. Just. The way he can hardly look at her, the surprise when Omega says she wants to stay with the batch, the way his face hardens when Omega looks back because he's trying to hold everything in and the way Omega interprets that as Hunter wanting her gone even though he absolutely wants her to stay and just thinks he's doing the best thing for her--I want to bake the character animators cinnamon rolls and give them all a million dollars each. (Also an aside--this fits into a pattern of Hunter often doing what he thinks is best for his family rather than doing what he wants, and what he thinks is best often being different than what might actually be best.)
30. Another silly aside, and I didn't notice this until this watch through as I was looking at Cut stand next to Mr. Dorito, but Cut kinda has a little bit of a tummy. He's not fat, but he's definitely a little thicker around the middle than, say, Rex or Howzer. He's got a bit of a dad bod and it's honestly really nice to see a person gain a little weight while living a life they chose and clearly love.
31. I'm. I'm feeling a certain kind of way about Omega immediately assuming that she did something wrong and that the rest of the batchers don't want her around because of it (it's not just Hunter--when Tech and Echo react a little tersely to her being on the Marauder when it gets impounded she seems to assume that they're angry with her even though they're not), and Hunter getting rid of her (from her perspective) is some kind of reaction to that or a punishment for it, and it's not a good sort of feeling. Especially in light of the theories that Nala Se sent Emerie to Hemlock for some reason. I'm also feeling a certain kind of way about Omega losing her brothers once already as a very small child and losing them again at the end of season two and almost losing them in this episode because Hunter tries to send her away and. Just. Let this kid have her family, please. (This is another narrative reason why Tech has to be alive, btw.) (Also, I love the way that Hunter apologizes back and says he's got a lot to learn when Omega tries to apologize for "messing up.") (Also also the way Omega looks at her headpiece after she takes it off, complicated emotions are happening and I am really interested in her relationship with Kamino.)
32. "If this is where you want to be, then this is where you'll stay." 😭😭😭 I'm screaming because. I mean. What Hunter tries to do in this episode is exactly what Crosshair tells him to do with Omega in "Return to Kamino." And, on paper, Crosshair's right; living with fugitives in constant danger isn't a good life for a child. But being with her brothers no matter what is what Omega wants, and, after "Cut and Run," Hunter never stops taking Omega's choice here into account.
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snifflyjoonie · 1 year
Call Me What I Am
In which Jimin has to take an immediate leave from work.
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Whump-centric featuring an injured Jimin and a stubborn Yoongi. (plus a little allergic!Yoongi as a treat)
Word count: 3032
FlowerShop!AU Part 5
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
a/n: Hi, all! I’m so excited but so incredibly nervous to be back with my first full-length fic in awhile. I feel so unbelievably rusty, and I’m really hoping that doesn’t reflect too much in my writing. I’m so beyond appreciative of those of you that have been so kind to me while I took a much longer than anticipated hiatus. But I’m happy to be back! The featured flower for this installment is a black dahlia. Points if you know what types of emotions they represent! This is my first ever fic on this blog that doesn’t involve illness, and is my first injury fic period. It required me to do a bit of research, so I hope I did the story justice! Please let me know if you guys end up liking this one xx thanks for reading!
It had only taken Jimin a few months to realize that there truly was no-one out there quite like Min Yoongi.
Granted, he had expected so from the very beginning. There was just something about the tattoo artist that continued to draw Jimin in the more they spent their time together. Each date would seem better than the last, and Jimin found himself more times than not planning out what the two could do on their next outing before the current one had even finished. But despite the unbridled amounts of joy they would experience together, there was something about Yoongi that had been on Jimin’s mind for quite some time now.
For one reason or another, the tattooer did not want to call him his ‘boyfriend’.
The pair had been exclusively seeing each other for a while now and had mutually enjoyed every single excursion they’d been on, but yet…nothing had been made official. Jimin was more than ready, but Yoongi – despite his normal air of nonchalance – seemed oddly hesitant. The florist had tried to subtly hint at his eagerness to be partners, but whenever any kind of ‘boyfriend’ or ‘lable’ conversation began to rear its ugly head, Yoongi was always quick to change the subject. Jimin had even tried asking Namjoon about it, hopeful that maybe the man’s ex-coworker could shed some light on his uncertainty, but all the other could offer was a shake of his head and an unsure-sounding ‘Yoongi is…just like that.’
Yoongi’s unwillingness, or perhaps tentativeness, to solidify their relationship had started to fill Jimin with anxiety and self-doubt. The longer this went on, the worse the feelings would get. There were many nights he’d lie awake second guessing if he was maybe too loud on their most recent date, or possibly too giddy, or too annoying…too anything that would make Yoongi not want to see him anymore. But, Yoongi would always call him the next day, ready to plan something else, or to even just talk. It would always leave Jimin feeling more confused by the end of it. It almost felt as if he was getting pulled in two different directions — the relief of Yoongi still wanting to see him on one side and the frustration of maybe not being good enough on the other.
Finally, Jimin had had enough. He was going to get an answer out of Yoongi one way or another. He owed it to himself. He wasn’t going to get strung along like all of the other times in his life.
Yoongi was going to make a decision whether he liked it or not, no matter the outcome.
Jimin stares out his shop’s window with his chin resting in his palm as the fingers of his free hand drum anxious melodies against the wood of his front counter. It’s raining outside, and the florist can see the fat water droplets draw indiscernible patterns as they trickle down the window pane. It has been raining for two days straight and, according to the weather forecast, would rain for at least three more. Jimin sighs. It was almost as if the weather outside could feel his own inner turmoil, the sky crying alongside him in chaotic solidarity.
He pushes himself away from the counter and heads over to the front door, locking it and flipping his sign from ‘open’ to ‘closed’. Today had dragged on, and Jimin was both relieved and nervous when the clock had finally struck five.
He had been anxious all day, playing the conversation he wanted to have with Yoongi over and over on loop in his head. He dreaded the worst case scenario. Despite what he kept telling himself, he really wasn’t ready to possibly lose the other. He couldn’t bear the thought.
Letting out a shaky breath, Jimin pulls on his coat and slips on his shoes. He knew Yoongi would be at his tattoo parlour tonight, so that was where Jimin would head next. It was now or never.
As he pushes open the door and tumbles in, Jimin hears the words before he fully registers that Jungkook is resting stomach down on one of Yoongi’s tattoo beds.
“Oh shit, Yoongi — your boyfriend is here.”
He sees Yoongi glance over his shoulder towards him briefly before turning his focus back onto the half finished artwork on Jungkook’s back. If he was at all taken aback by Jungkook labelling him as “boyfriend” his face doesn’t show it.
“Hey.” He greets, and Jimin is barely able to make it out over the buzzing sound of his tattoo gun.
“Hey, sorry to bug you.” Jimin huffs as his soggy hair drips cold raindrops down his cheeks. “I knew you were working late so I thought I’d drop off some food. Hey, Gguk. There’s enough for you too, if you want.”
Jungkook makes an appreciative noise as he turns to Yoongi with mock surprise plastered on his face.
“Yoongiiiii, I would die for your boyfriend.”
There it is again, that word...boyfriend. It makes Jimin go ridgid, but why would Jungkook consider them anything else?
This time he sees Yoongi scoff slightly before deciding to speak up.
“He’s not my boyfriend.” He mumbles as he turns his attention back to Jimin, his expression unreadable. “Just put the bags on that table there.” He nods towards a small coffee table that sits in the corner of the room. “I’m a little busy right now.”
Jimin can see Jungkook’s eyes dart to him like a homing beacon. He’s waiting for a reaction, waiting to see if what Yoongi said was out of line or really the truth. Jimin doesn’t give it to him. He instead simply smiles tightly, nods, and sets the food down where Yoongi had instructed.
“It’s Chinese.” He murmurs. “Hopefully it’s okay.”
Yoongi hums instead of responding. He’s too focused on what he’s doing which Jimin finds both admirable as well as frustrating. Jungkook on the other hand seems ecstatic, which Jimin guesses he appreciates.
“You guys…almost done?” He questions as he wiggles out of his soggy jacket and kicks off his muddy shoes.
“Nearly.” Yoongi deadpans as Jimin slowly makes his way over to take a peek. From what he can see, Yoongi is etching one of his beautiful signature floral pieces into the other’s skin. The artist had already finished the line work and was now working on delicately shading each individual petal.
“Like it?” Jungkook asks, his smile growing when Jimin nods back. “I just let Yoongi do whatever he wanted this time. I’m glad he had some space for me today because I—”
The host is cut off as Yoongi suddenly sniffs sharply, lifting the tattoo gun from Jungkook’s back as he pushes himself away. Jimin can see him scrunch up his nose before he aggressively begins to rub it against his shoulder.
“All good?” Jungkook asks, glancing curiously over his shoulder to try and see why the tattoo artist has stopped.
“Ugh, yeah, just…fuck.” Yoongi suddenly snaps his attention to Jimin and the florist is surprised to see that he’s glaring. “Did you come straight from the shop?”
“I? Yes?” Jimin blinks, surprised by the sudden bite in Yoongi’s voice. “I mean I grabbed the Chinese before coming here, but I—”
He’s cut off by the artist aggressively waving him away.
“Look at you, your shirt’s covered in pollen. Ugh, you smell like a goddamn garden, Jimin, back up.”
Although taken aback by the other’s hostility, Jimin obeys without question and takes a deliberate step backward. He’s aware of Jungkook’s eyes once again locking onto him, clearly searching his face for any sign that Yoongi’s behaviour is perhaps abnormal, but again Jimin remains stoic.
“Why are you even—hh—hH’ISSHhhiuew!” Yoongi interrupts himself with a sneeze that he desperately tries to aim anywhere but towards his sanitised equipment. After the first comes a second, and then a third. Finally Yoongi swears loudly and slams his tattoo gun down onto his table, swivelling fast in his chair towards Jimin. “What are you doing here, Jimin.” His voice is like venom, but he becomes considerably less intimidating upon a gurgling sniffle. “I’m busy tonight. I told you that when you texted me yesterday.”
“I just needed to talk to you, Yoongi.” Jimin murmurs, “I knew you’d be here and I don’t mind waiting. Why don’t I just go sit in the lobby so I don’t—”
“Talk about what?” Yoongi cuts him off as he presses his nose against his tattooed forearm. “What could possibly be so urgent?”
For the first time since walking into the tattoo parlour, Jimin can feel his voice start to falter. Up until this moment Yoongi had never once before spoken to him in this tone, and frankly, the florist wasn’t sure what to make of it. He had expected Yoongi to get annoyed with him, granted, but to be annoyed even before the conversation he wanted to have began was making Jimin’s initial adrenaline start to sputter and fizzle out.
“I think I’d…rather talk in private.” He almost whispers, glancing towards Jungkook with mild embarrassment as the host looks back and forth between the two. “That’s why I don’t mind waiting. I’m sorry about this, Gguk…” he offers meekly, but the host quickly shakes his head and gestures that it’s fine. Despite this, Jimin can still tell that he feels uncomfortable — who wouldn’t?
“You came all of this way without warning, you’ve now interrupted my session, and on top of everything you’ve made my allergies flare up in the middle of a tattoo.” Yoongi scoffs, emphasising his last point with another wet sniffle as he pulls off his gloves, making Jimin wince. “So you might as well just say what you need to say so that I can blow my nose and get back to work.”
“Yoongi, I really—”
“Jimin, just get on with it.”
“But I just—”
“Listen, you’ve got about five seconds before I—”
“Yoongi, I need to talk to you about us!” Jimin blurts, instantly flushing red as he watches Yoongi’s mouth fall agape, his sentence abruptly dying on his tongue. Jungkook in turn buries his face into his hands, clearly wishing he could be anywhere else but here.
“…What?” Yoongi chokes, obviously taken aback.
“Us, Yoongi.” Jimin continues on, desperately trying to ignore the unexpected third person in the room. “I just…need to talk to you about us.”
To Jimin’s surprise, a light pink blush begins to spread across Yoongi’s cheeks.
“…What about us?”
“I just…” Jimin rakes a hand through his damp hair and allows himself a moment to search for the right words. Despite all of his attempts to prepare for this conversation he still doesn’t feel ready. “…I need you to tell me what I am to you.” He finally says, locking eyes with Yoongi as he does so. “I need to hear you say it.”
“And this couldn’t wait?”
“I’ve been waiting.” Jimin retorts, but the tone of his voice is starting to noticeably pitch up in desperation. “It’s been months, Yoongi.”
“And somehow you think the right time to bring this up to me is when I’m…when I’m in the middle of— HATSH’hhiuew!” Yoongi twists to the side and catches his sudden sneeze into cupped hands before he swears loudly once again. Jimin can see he’s getting visibly agitated at himself and the situation, but the florist isn’t ready to back down.
“I tried to tell you it could wait until you were finished, but you weren’t listening!” Jimin shouts back as thunder claps somewhere off in the distance.
“Why the hell does this matter so much to you?”
Because I’m falling in love with you!
Jimin bites down hard on his tongue and fights back the tears that are starting to well up in his eyes as his inner voice screams the words he’s too afraid to say. The silence that follows is loud and horrible, only being broken by the crashing sound of raindrops as they pelt wildly against the windows.
“Jimin,” Yoongi continues after a moment when it’s clear Jimin has nothing more to say. “I like you and I want to keep seeing you. Shouldn’t that be enough? Why do you want to label this so badly?”
The florist feels his cheeks grow hotter with a mix of rage and humiliation. The conversation was going absolutely nowhere and he nearly felt ready to rip his hair out. He opens his mouth to respond again, to maybe come up with some type of response that would somehow magically show Yoongi exactly why it felt so important to him, but instead he’s cut off by a sudden interjection from Jungkook.
“Um,” the host starts, pushing himself up onto his elbows. “I know this is probably bad timing, but…are we going to eat that Chinese food, or…?”
The other two stare blankly at him in pure dumbfoundment. Sensing this, Jungkook merely nods in understanding and resumes his futile attempt to disappear. Yoongi is the first to speak back up, but thanks to Jungkook there is considerably less tension permeating the air around them.
“Jimin,” he sighs, and Jimin can see the man’s eyes visibly darken.
The same eyes that he could see oceans in, the eyes he’d get lost in, the eyes he’s grown to love…Jimin dreads what’s to come next.
“I think you’d better leave.”
The bluntness of Yoongi’s words cut into him like a hot knife through butter. He purses his lips and nods, doing everything in his power to fight the continued urge to cry. He feels stupid, regretful, and unbelievably embarrassed. He’d really thought that Yoongi was someone special, someone different, someone he could truly see himself loving for years to come. He was devastated to realize that wasn’t the case.
Without another word Jimin heads to the door. He pulls on his now chilly, damp jacket, slips into his water-logged shoes as fast as he can, and rips open the door. The violent rain wastes no time slamming against him like a thousand tiny bee stings as the hot summer storm rages with no sign of letting up.
Blinded by an indecipherable mixture of his own tears and the pouring rain, Jimin can’t help but immediately lose his footing on the steps outside of Yoongi’s shop. He tries to catch himself, reaching out dramatically for the railing to his side, but it’s too late.
The florist tumbles to the ground and lands hard onto his right wrist with a horrifically gory sounding crunch.
Hot searing pain shoots through Jimin’s joint like lightning. The agonizing tendrils reach all the way down to his elbow and up the very tips of each of his fingers. He cries out involuntarily and the sound he makes is shrill and animalistic. He barely even recognizes it as his own voice.
It feels almost as if he's been punched in the gut; he gasps for air greedily through his now gritted teeth but it never feels like enough. He sees spots and his head swims. Any attempt he makes to move his wrist is met by unimaginable amounts of sharp, protesting pain and he knows without a doubt that he’s broken it.
The florist grits his teeth harder still, whimpers, and awkwardly tries to cradle his now broken wrist. He swallows thickly at the misshapen sight of it and starts to feel woozy. He desperately tries to will away the cloudiness that starts nipping at the edges of his consciousness — he had never been good with pain and this time was clearly no different, if not worse, and now Jimin was almost certain that he was going to pass out.
Suddenly the door of the tattoo studio flies open and out rushes Yoongi with Jungkook hot on his heels.
The men rush down the stairs carefully and are on Jimin in a second, but the florist can barely register their presence. He’s able to hear Yoongi ask him if he’s okay, but it’s muffled and low. Jimin can’t respond, he can only gasp.
“Emergency services, what’s the location of your emergency?”
Jimin blinks up at Yoongi, his eyelids starting to feel heavy. He can see Yoongi barking his shop’s address into his cellphone, but everything is starting to feel much slower than normal. He vaguely registers Jungkook trying to help him sit up as rain pours down around them.
“Alright sir, and what seems to be the problem?”
Jimin realizes that Yoongi’s phone is on speaker as the blonde quickly begins assisting Jungkook.
“Hi, yeah, we need an ambulance. Fuck. His wrist is broken really badly. I think he slipped down the stairs? Fuuuuck, how long will it take?”
Jimin can hear the rising panic in Yoongi’s voice as his vision begins to blur around the edges.
“We have paramedics on route, sir. What is your relation to the injured?”
“My boyfriend.” Yoongi chokes out. “He’s my boyfriend. Shit, please just hurry, I think he’s passing out.”
“They’re on their way, sir. I need you to stay with him until they get there, okay?”
Jimin can feel Yoongi carefully pull him into his lap as he speaks, but he can’t hear what the other is saying anymore. It sounds too muffled and too far away, almost as if he were drowning thousands of feet underwater whereas Yoongi was somewhere safe on dry land.
He blinks one more time, one last in vain effort to try and stay conscious as Yoongi leans his upper body over him, shielding him from the rain and speaking more words that Jimin just can’t make out. He wishes he could stay present, hear Yoongi, assure him that he would be fine, but it was fruitless. He knew himself, and at this point there was nothing he could do to stop the darkness from enveloping him like a wet weighted blanket.
As Jimin finally lets himself succumb to blissful unconsciousness, his mind explodes into images of intricate and colourful floral patterns before everything fades away. The last thing he registers is the feeling of a gentle kiss being placed on his forehead as the wail of a far-off siren fights to slice its way through the thick summer storm.
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Buck & Eddie: Buck died for three minutes and seventeen seconds!
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In 6x12, Eddie told Buck, “You died, Buck!” but Maddie told him, “Buck, you died” and Bobby said the same thing in 6x15 during Buck’s performance review (related post linked here).
Was Buck dying a huge deal?  YES!  And apparently, it affected everyone but Buck.  Eddie cried in Buck’s hospital room, Chris asked him to come back, Maddie cried, Bobby kept vigil by Buck’s bedside with his rosary beads, Athena knew the effect his death would have on her husband because he sees Buck as a son and she told him to “Wake up damn it”.  Chimney cried, Hen did too and May was worried about the effect Buck’s death would have on Bobby just like Athena was worried.  Chimney told Albert they had to take Margaret out because she was hysterical but the audience didn’t see her cry like we did everyone in Buck’s found family and I believe that was on purpose (post linked here).
Now, onto 7x1 where Buck told Eddie that he broke up with Natalia because all she talked about was death and he’s not sure why he thought dating her was a good idea (neither did the audience but ok, that was the decision that was made so there’s nothing that can be done about it).  TM (showrunner) said in a recent interview, Buck was tired of talking about his "death" and he’s ready to find happiness.  If that’s true, then great but if he’s really moved on from it, why didn’t anyone including Eddie, who knows Buck to his core (RG's words) see the growth? Reminder, Eddie's response to Buck's breakup was, "Welcome back to the land of the living, Buck. You were truly missed."
The timeline for last night’s episode was so messed up that it was hard to make heads or tails of anything.  Bobby initially bought their cruise tickets in 5x18 but their trip got postponed at the end of 6x1 since Athena's father had a stroke. It begs the question did those tickets get refunded and he purchased new ones because Athena told Frank, two months before they left on their cruise, which happened a year after the bridge collapse 🤷🏽‍♀️that Bobby bought the tickets a week ago, so who knows what time period it is in this realm or wherever they’re in right now.  The way things played out, dare I say it but it kind of seems like they’re all still living in Buck’s coma dream but hey, maybe it’s being done on purpose.
Back to the regularly scheduled program…
Reminder, Buck died!  And according to Eddie, he was dead for three minutes and seventeen seconds.  He was literally dead and even though Chimney worked on Buck for three minutes, he couldn’t restart Buck’s heart, only Eddie could and the last seventeen seconds was all him!
These things happened and they’re important but for some reason, Buck’s death along with everything else that happened to him in season 6 are being treated like they didn’t happen or as if they were of no consequence.  In 6x12, Dr. Salazar told Buck that people who have near death experiences either go back to their lives like nothing’s changed or they make a drastic change and quit their jobs, divorce their spouses or they go to Italy.
Well… Buck’s done NEITHER of those things since he’s still doing the same job and he didn’t do anything drastic like move out of the loft or something, just anything other than saying and proclaiming he's happy now all of a sudden.  Him breaking up with Natalia wasn’t drastic since he broke up with Taylor in season 5. It would have been different if it had been his first time choosing something for himself but it wasn't.
IMO, the way his death is being glossed over makes it seem like there’s something else that could happen with Buck after 7x6 airs.  Reminder, there will be a mini hiatus just like there was between 6x12 and 6x13 and everyone should remember the drastic change that took place then.  Buddie and the Buckley-Diaz family were prominent more than any other ship in that episode.  Now, be clear, I’m not saying Buck will have a breakdown (even though he's overdue to have one and him crying over Eddie being shot is not the same thing) but I will say he’s headed for a storm.  Also, his life is paralleling Eddie’s after the shooting and to me it seems off because Buck’s happy but no one knows why or how he got there.  It appears he’s hiding how he truly feels the same way Eddie did before he started panicking followed by his breakdown.  Additionally, it appears Buck’s continuing to parallel Athena’s arc for this season too and if he is then, his fear or whatever has him “terrified” will come into play later in the season (post about Bathena and Buddie parallels linked here).
I fully understand the show only has so much “real estate” per episode, as TM described it but in season 6 (which I know should be a distant memory by now for a lot of reasons), the audience only SAW Buck start things but there wasn’t any resolution to any of them. THEY WERE ALL UNFINISHED BY THE END OF 6X18.
In 6x1, he wanted to be interim captain but that storyline fell off a cliff and wasn’t revisited.
In 6x2, he wanted to be happy and apparently, according to OS and TM, this season he’ll be going after the things that make him happy but NO ONE BUT BUCK knows what those things are.
In 6x4, he thought long and hard about being Connor’s sperm donor but there were two things he said that were left unfinished and unresolved.
When he was at Hen’s house, he told her he didn’t want to turn them down but he never said why.
At the end of the episode, he told Connor and Kameron he didn’t know what he wanted (I still think that was a lie but I digress) but he was willing to give them what they wanted.
The audience doesn’t know why Buck didn’t want to turn them down and if he would have said why, there wouldn't be an issue. Also, he never explained what he wants but I suppose the audience is just supposed to forget all about those two important factors and move on the way Buck has.  As a viewer, wanting answers to close main characters' storylines is a fair request since we’ve all seen Buck repeat the same mistakes and remain on the hamster wheel (OS’s words) for the last three years with no resolution.
In 6x7, he was adamant about donating even though the universe kept screaming at him not to do it and it went so far as to stop his Jeep on the street but he ran there anyway.  Also, only him and Eddie touched the cursed bracelet during that episode but nothing came of that either.
In 6x9, he told the team he was the creator of new life and he had a onesie on the nightstand with an LAFD logo on it but that too went absolutely nowhere (posts linked here and here).
In 6x10, he died!  But also, before he did, he talked a lot about family but no one knows if he wants his own family or if he’s happy with his biological or found or both.
In 6x11, he was in a coma for most of the episode where it was all about him (he was making things about himself again like everyone has told him he does) but when he woke up, he told Bobby there was one thing he couldn’t fix while he was in it but since he didn’t say it, NO ONE KNOWS WHAT THAT IS.
In 6x12, when Eddie asked him if could ask him how he was, Buck replied, “Honestly Eddie… I don’t know”; well, since he didn't say it, neither does the audience.  Also, he went to Maddie’s and told her about his coma dream but the only part the audience heard was that it was never nighttime and the first thing he does when he wakes up is text Bobby.
In 6x13, he knew how to do math and his life appeared to be going where he wanted it to but then, 6x14 happened and his math powers were gone.
In 6x15, aside from meeting the DeAtH dOuLA and telling her about his dream (which the audience didn’t hear then either), he told Eddie while they were in the cemetery, “The truth is… I am different but I feel like I have to be the same old Buck, mostly for the sake of everyone else”.  Is he still being the same old Buck now?  Who knows?
From 6x16 through 6x18, Buck was still acting like the same old Buck then he ended the season in another lackluster boring relationship with someone who he believed SAW him but everyone knows she didn’t see $hit.
Now here’s my main issue and please don’t misunderstand me.  If Buck’s all great and happy, FINE but it’s hard to correlate his new found happiness with everything he’s been through especially since the audience didn’t get to see his journey.  He’s not in therapy and he’s not reading self-help books or whatever anymore so how did he get from point A to point B? Inquiring minds would like to know.
Since the audience remains in the dark, are we supposed to just accept him saying he’s better?  I’m not buying that snake oil they’re selling and my reasoning for it is based on two things.  First, Buck identifies himself as a firefighter but that wasn’t addressed before season 6 ended because IMO it tied in with everything else he experienced.  Also, Buck’s actions in the promos and trailers make it seem like he’s hesitant about something regarding his job.  Could the narrative change?  ABSOLUTELY but if it doesn’t, no one knows if he is or isn’t still struggling.
Reminder, Buck broke up with Natalia but Eddie didn’t know and why is that? Their lack of communication could be due to the wacky time jumps or the miscalculation of them but in any event, they hadn't discussed it even though they're working together again. In 7x1, they kept showing how close they are but there’s obviously some things they still haven’t discussed including Buck’s death.  Please note, Buck is once again paralleling Athena since there’s something she hasn’t told Bobby too. They're both not saying the stuff they should be and if they continue to parallel then all should be revealed soon.
This post is simply to highlight the fact that Buck took another journey but once again, the audience has NO IDEA how he got there just like at the end of season 5 when he finally ended things with Taylor.  Sure he broke up with her but he didn’t do it because he was unhappy, he did it because she did something he probably knew she would do anyway especially since she betrayed the 118 and Bobby in 2x6 so what exactly is the audience supposed to believe?  He’s changed even though we didn’t see it?  I call BS and I think TM is lying just like he did about Eddie’s PTSD.  He said Eddie wouldn’t go through it but a few months later he did and it was important to his healing.
Will anything come of all the things Buck experienced in season 6?  Who knows but apparently the audience is just supposed to roll with the idea that he’s 100% better even though we didn’t see any of it.  Reminder, we saw everyone else’s journey and how they clawed their way back after their breakdowns, i.e., Eddie’s, Maddie’s, Athena’s, Chimney’s and even Bobby’s after he had two, one in 2x16 and one in season 1 after the plane crash but we’re supposed to accept the fact that Evan “Please don’t leave me, I make things about me and I like to fix things” “Buck” Buckley is ok?  NOPE!  I’m not buying it.
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papyrus-in-practice · 3 months
Papyrus in Practice Update/Convention
So, it’s been a bit over a month since I called hiatus and I wanted to fill y’all in on what I’ve been doing and give an idea of where progress is at.
I also wanted to let you know that I’ll be going to Anime Midwest from July 5-7 and I wanna know who else is going. TBH, I’m mainly using this update as an excuse to say I’m going to Anime Midwest and if you’re going I wanna know cuz I like meeting people with shared interests.
So. Update.
First two pages are in the same spot as they were before with the first being done and the second having flats but no shade. The next three pages have line art done and awaiting flats. The remaining five pages that I want to have done before I start posting again have finished sketches, but no line art.
I’ve got really rough thumbnails for the remaining pages which are the ones that need to have finished line art. I’ve got a draft of the script for the final scene, but I’ve found myself not quite satisfied with the ending dialogue. That’s the perks of having different pages in varying stages of completion, though. I can make progress while still giving myself plenty of time to sit and mull about what I’ve got a bit longer.
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chenfordsbby · 1 year
"The Pilot"
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Welome to the very first drop of "Get in the Shop" !
Welcome to the start of “Get in The Shop!” The Rookie Re-Watch Blog! I am not sure how I plan on going about doing this blog, but there is no time like the present to start.  I have to warn that this is one of those figure out as I go type of ordeals; I have never done this before and I did brief research about the “dos and donts” of blogging, especially one of a tv show recap so I truly am just going to go with the flow.  I think I am going to post a new blog drop every Sunday and if I have any extra time during the week, maybe a Tuesday?!
If I try one thing and it doesn’t work, I will move and and try the next best thing with the end goal of having the best blogging/re-watch system that I can create for myself.  I am not an expert in any way.  This blog is solely a fan based one that I am choosing to do for my own mental health to get me, myself and I through whoever long this summer (plus) hiatus may last and if I happen to find friends along the way that will read my thoughts and interact with me then I couldn’t ask for anything better!
I think I will take notes as I watch the episode and then immediately following it, I will expand on those notes or should I watch the episode in its entirety in full and then type up everything I want to say about said episodes…
I want to preface the beginning of my re-watch by saying that I had no idea that this show even existed prior to me finding it on Tik Tok.  I saw a #Chenford scene from Season 5 Episode ! That was blowing up on TikTok and I immediately started watching it so I can obsessed over a new OTP without realizing Tim & Lucy weren’t even a though until Season 5.  So I did start it because of them but stayed because of how much I love this show.  
I am going to try my best to do this re-watch as if I don’t know anything that is to come in later episodes/seasons but I make no definitely promises!!
Let’s get into it!!!
Season 1 Episode 1: 
Title: “The Pilot” Original Air Date: October 15th, 2018
Synopsis: After a life altering incident, a small town guy (Nathan Fillion) peruses his dream of being a police officer.
First Impression of John Nolan: Eager
First Impression of Jackson West: Naive
First impression on Angela Lopez: Badass
First Impression on Talia Bishop: Out of Place
First Impression on Lucy Chen: Hotshot 
First Impression on Tim Bradford: Hot! #IYKYK
First Impression on Wade Grey: Seasoned
First Impression on Zoe Anderson: Authoritative
The episode begins with a bank robbery.  Which is fitting given there needs to be something to correlate this show with the premise of it: “A Silly Little Cop Show”.  John Nolan was definitely at the right place at the right time. Without knowing he goes on to become a cop after the bank robbery- you can tell that John has a passion for helping people.  You have to want to help people in some capacity in wanting to become a police officer right? 
The very first showing of The Rookie theme song.  It is a not even 10 second snippet of a full length song but man does it work.  It works so good that I am glad they never got rid of it.  There were shows that I watched in the past who had a whole opening credit scene/song which eventually faded out for it to just be a title card of the show (One Tree Hill I’m looking at you) so for The Rookie to have just ended its 5th season and to still have the little opening credit is cool!
After the cold open, the timeline jumps to “Nine Months Later”.  The first day on the real job.  No more training wheels, no more tests (so Lucy Chen thinks), no more papers and skills labs.  The beginning of the rest of their lives.
The introduction of Lucy Chen. She isn’t even clocked in for her first day of work and she already makes an arrest.  Way too cool for us or way too over eager to make a lasting first impression to everyone at the station?  Only time will tell.  But do you know what did make a great first impression? Her car!  Let’s hope this isn’t the last we see of that thing!  
I know we are focusing on the present but it doesn’t mean I can’t wish that we saw any kind of flashbacks of the time that not only John but Lucy and Jackson were in the academy. How did they get there? How did they excel or did they fail? What happened in the academy that John, Lucy and Jackson all became friends?!  It would’ve been cool to see!
Enter the infamous roll call room and the immediate jokes of John Nolans’ age. I really have no background regarding anything police related but I am assuming that someone of John’s age normally isn’t a rookie cop.  More so of the age of Lucy and Jackson.  So I don’t think this will be the last we hear of any ageist jokes of John Nolan and being a Rookie.  You can tell it is all in good fun and John takes it in stride. We all love our enemies to lovers storylines, but will there be an enemies to friendship between John and Wade Grey? This first episode shows no, but only time will tell.  We all have to be forever grateful to Watch Commander Wade Grey for playing the “Training Officer Match Game” and matching up rookie Lucy Chen with Training Officer Tim Bradford. (Thank you writers!)
The very first day gets off to a start.  The T.O’s teaching all of their boots the basics of the shop.  The ins and outs of the shop, what to do every morning, before going out on patrol to start your shift.  The basics and less than exciting aspect of being a cop.
Tim and Lucy. Or what we only knew then: Officer Bradford and Boot.” Lucy had no idea what to expect, not form her first day on the job and certainly not from her T.O. I think she immediately wanted to try to create some sort of bond/friendship with Tim but quickly realized that went out the window when he did his very first, what we all have come to learn and love, “Tim Test”.  “I’ve been shot! Where are you boot? I’m bleeding to death and you have to call for help. Where are you?” We will get back to that later on..
Side Note: I am trying very hard to pretend I have never seen any other episode besides this first one.  It is hard to compare Tim and Lucy then with what we know about their relationship now and just how their friendship progressed. I want to recap the episodes as if I was watching it for the ver first time.  It is hard but I ma going to do it!!!
Food Trucks! I never eat at food trucks much but do they officers of Mid-Wilshire make me want too!  The scene at the food truck was a nice way to show the two separate trios separately but together.  You have the experienced, veteran officers: Tim, Talia and Angela and then you have the brand new rookie officers: John, Lucy and Jackson. It’s smart TV. Yes this show is about John Nolan but it’s also about so, so much more.
You quickly start to see how much John cares about wanting to be a cop but in hindsight really has no idea just how to be one.  He thinks he does, mainly because of his age, but he doesn’t, not really.  All he knows is the 9 months he was in the academy. That’s it and it is evident the amount of training that he does need. He hopes he’s doing all the right things in order to succeed but in reality he is not: Using the baton to try to break the car window repeatedly even though it didn’t work the first few times; not putting on his gloves when going to help the husband of the domestic violence call- Blood Bourne Pathogens anyone?  Throughout this whole episode you quickly see how eager John is to be “a cop” but not HOW to be a cop. One thing is for sure is that John knows his way with words. The potential is there- it just needs to be taught.
The comedic relief of this show is introduced and it is much appreciated.  “I just got a disturbing video.  I’ve never seen anything so horrific..so prepare yourselves” said one Grey Wade and turns out it was the body cam footage of John trying to hop the fence.  There needs to be some light hearted fun in a profession where it can be serious most of the time!
I am immediately intrigued by this already established friendship between Lucy Chen, Jackson West and John Nolan. We already saw them interact in their work life so now we see them interacting in their personal lives.  It is a nice storytelling aspect of this episode.  The premise of the show is about the lives of newbie police officers but what happens after they clock out for their shift? And now we get to see it! The karaoke bar cuts right into the morning after where they make us want to believe John called the badge bunny and they spent the night together but SURPRISE! John wakes up to Lucy Chen!
(Please don’t hate me for what I am about to say)
The first time I watched this- I have to say I wasn’t turned off entirely by the brief relationship of John and Lucy. (Considering at this time, the romantic side of Tim and Lucy wasn’t even a thought, to anyone and that John really had better chemistry with literally anyone else). I am not opposed to have seen this relationship continue for a bit longer, if this was the only romantic option for either Lucy or John, I think I would have been okay with this relationship, I think it had potential.  John wants their relationship to become public and Lucy doesn’t. Lucy has every right to feel those feelings. Lucy knew from the start that no matter what she did in her career she would always have to fight for her place in the force where John would never be questioned twice for it and rightfully so: sexism. Talia seeing that little moment between Lucy and John at the end of the episode after the shoot out was on purpose.  It just confirmed to Lucy that she was correct in her feelings and reasonings as to why she wanted her and Johns relationship to remain a secret. 
It’s only the second day on the job and we already start to see Lucy’s frustration with Tim.  She quickly sees that Tim’s training methods are not conventional.  I don’t think we know that they are called Tim Tests yet, but outside of the liquor store, we witness Tim Test #2 and as Lucy is cuffing Ghost Head we meet an Isabel.  The Tim we saw is gone. The second he lays eyes on Isabel he becomes a shell of a person. The tears well up in his eyes and his voice cracks. He is no longer Officer Bradford, he is just Tim Bradford; a man that is desperate for his wife who he hasn’t seen in over a year. That does something to a person and Tim hides it well. Does Isabel recognize him at first? It’s hard to say but what is clear is that Tim is helpless when it comes to her.  I mean wouldn’t anyone who hasn’t seen their WIFE in over a year be, no matter what their profession is. He does exactly what she asked him to do: give her money even though its the last thing he wanted to do.  The quick glance back to Lucy? What does that mean?
You can’t have a cop show without actual action scenes right?!  And this one literally started with a bang!
I never expected Tim to get shot at in the very first episode but it was smart storytelling.  Tim’s first “Tim Test” paid off well because there was zero hesitation when Lucy called in Tim being shot. She knew what to say and how to say it and she did it with fierce conviction. It’s only been two days but Tim knew what he was doing when that first test was executed.
We didn’t see much of Jackson or Angela this episode in the field until the very end. And what a way to end this episode for Jackson, which left us all scratching our heads at the cliffhanger question: Why did Jackson freeze up in the middle of the field?  We can’t get all of the answers in the first episode and the confrontation between him and Angela in the locker room was a nice segue to what’s to come for them.  Not only for them but for the rest of the ensemble! It was a stellar first episode of the start of an amazing series!
At the end of every recap I am going to do an honorable mention that I did not discuss at all in my above rant as well an episode “peak” the high point of the episode, what made the episode great among other things and a “pit” the low point of the episode, something we could’ve done without and just a few random thoughts I need to get off my chest!!
Honorable Mention: The long sleeve uniforms!
Episode Peak: The introduction of “Boot”
Episode Pit: John Nolan’s Hair
Episode Rating: 10/10 (It was the Pilot Episode I would be a troll if I rated it any less!)
Random Thoughts:
I have never heard of Melissa O'Neil until I watched this show and it's safe to say my life is changed for the better now that I know that precious of a human exists. She was made a lasting imprint on my life in the best way possible. I will be a forever fan of hers.
Eric Winter ages life fineeeeeee wineeeeeee
I would love for these posts to be an open dialogue! I want to connect with other fans and hear your thoughts and opinions! What do you agree with? What do you disagree with?!  Is there anything I should change for my future blogs? I want this to be not only a fun hiatus but a fun thing for all of us to do together!
Until next time on “Get in The Shop”!
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