#the siamese first mission
dagmartoons · 1 year
aaaaaaand my siamese first mission dvd order just got canceled
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phoenixcatch7 · 9 months
Dp x dc twin au where Danny and Damian were in fact conjoined/siamese twins, but the most dangerous type - one head, two bodies.
Their early removal from talia being because their shape would not have allowed for natural birth, they were written off but talia begged for the chance to send them off in the lazarus pit.
By some bizarre miracle, before she turned to leave, two small bodies bobbed to the surface - identical in every way, except for the eyes. The previous blue eyes now split in two, one left, one right, and the new eyes, pit created, a bright green.
She took her child, her two children, and together, they survived.
Being removed prematurely, their early years were tough, but soon they blossomed into promising heirs for the league. In sync with every step, the closest of brothers, the league was certain the old fairy tale of twins being telepathic had been granted by the pit that separated them, the remnants of being born as one mind, one brain, one skull.
But then Danny had to flee, and leave his other half behind. Stretched by distance for the first time, the bond grew thin and stretched, and Damian grieved his brother as dead. When he started being sent on public missions, he hid his distinctive heterochromia, choosing the green in memory of the pit that had given him and his brother life.
Danny, hiding his pit aura in the ocean's worth that was Amity park, took to blue, the colour that he and Damian were born with.
Damian moves to Gotham, and continues to mourn his brother as dead, right until one day when he is twelve, when he learns what the death of your other half truly feels like.
Their reunion is a thing of family legend. Violence runs hot in both bloodlines, ghosts are highly emotional and prone to fighting a the drop of a hat for bonding, playing, testing, every reason under the green sun. Their training and play often consisted of friendly spars, competitive spars, furious spars, venting spars. Both have been exposed to unhealthy amounts of ecto since before their birth.
There is a long, long minute of staring, before they rip themselves away and lunge at each other like wolves.
The bat family are horrified by their brutally efficient youngest suddenly barreling towards a clone (?) and trying to claw his throat open with his bare hands while openly sobbing.
It ends with them wrapped around each other crying into the others shoulder as their minds finally meet again and relax from the painful stretch for the first time in years.
But nobody else has any idea what to do.
#Idk I just really like slightly codependent twins#Talia and ras had to put so much work in to prevent them from developing separation anxiety like dogs from the same litter#Also I like Damian thinking Danny is dead until he very abruptly finds out he is now via soul mate agony. Someone did a fic with that idea#It was really good. Let's dial it up to eleven#Danny and Damian having different eye colour and it being the fault of Damian's extra exposure to the pit is awesome too#But I wanted to see if there was a way they could both have the same eyes. Well. Close enough.#Same eyes + twin telepathy + the birth complications people like to give Danny = siamese twins#Also the portal accident happens two years early so there's that#I can't decide whether I want the first meeting to be alive Danny or dead Phantom#Or whether it be a summoning or something#I just need Damian and Danny to lay eyes on each other and immediately go feral#They still don't want to share a room though#dc x dp#dp x dc#dpxdc#dcxdp#danny and damian are twins#twins#twin au#dp x dc crossover#dp x dc prompt#dc x dp prompt#dc x dp crossover#It's not like telepathy it's more if one twin has seen it so has the other#It's not conscious on their part. They don't choose to share things usually. It's been that way since they were born.#That's what they think twins are for the longest time until talia realises and explains#Ras genuinely thinks Danny died because of how devastated Damian was and how he stopped knowing things he shouldn't#1k
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ghcstao3 · 5 months
Cat!Soap and Dog!Ghost?
i will be honest i wasn’t sure how to interpret this for the longest time so um! reincarnation time. cw for MCD for obvious reasons
For them, with their whole lives having become the military, it was only inevitable that Ghost and Soap would die in the field.
It isn’t a pretty or graceful death. It’s sudden, like the sharp cut of lightning through a dark sky; a flash, a crack, then silence. They hadn’t shipped out that day knowing it’d be their last, but nobody could come away surprised it had been, either.
People will mourn, nonetheless. Funerals and burials will be held—the first time for Soap, the second for Ghost.
There’s less paperwork than Price had anticipated. There aren’t many personal effects for Gaz to sort through.
And less than a week later, they’re back to work. To full functionality. Shipped out with heavy hearts on another mission knowing it could be their last, just like their colleagues.
Thankfully, it isn’t. Had it been, they’d have never discovered the cat and dog that had apparently found their way into the base.
No one knows where the two came from, nor who they belong to—but no one particularly minds the new company, either, so rules are broken to let the creatures stay, at least for now.
Even as peculiar as they sometimes are. As… intelligent, as they sometimes are.
The German Shepherd isn’t unfriendly, though neither is he social. He never barks, only huffs and occasionally whines, and more than once Price swears he’s seen the dog rolls his eyes.
The Siamese likes to make trouble as much as he likes to make friends. He’s incredibly vocal, as opposed to his counterpart, and Gaz muses that the cat has a tuft of fur constantly sticking up along his head, almost like a mohawk.
Both animals are hardly ever seen apart. They’re constantly found napping together or stalking the halls side by side. The Siamese seems to dictate what they get up to, while the German Shepherd seems to set limits.
It’s cute.
It’s horribly reminiscent of a certain sergeant and lieutenant.
They’re affectionately named Ghost and Soap respective to their personalities. It helps, just a bit, having them around.
And if it seems like they respond better to those names once they’re decided—then Price and Gaz will be chalking that up to a figment of their imaginations. Of their grief.
Because surely reincarnation wouldn’t be so kind.
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pretzel-box · 4 months
Pin my love for you [Leon Kennedy headcanon]
Summary: Leon gives you cute pins for every achievement in your relationship.
• Despite the many things that occupied Leons head, he still was observing about all the things you do or like. He picks up every fine detail, your preferences in perfume, your favorite food or even how you like to wear your hair. And he adores everything about you.
• A certain thing he noticed is the two pins you wear on your favorite jacket. They are a bit scratched, showing that they must be old, and an idea sparks in his head.
• The first pin he got you was on your 6 months anniversary, it was a red rose and he pinned it onto the other two pins on your jacket.
"A rose for my wonderful darling. This one will last an eternity, just like my love." He always had the talent to be corny, but he definitely made your heart throb.
• The second pin, was a character from your favorite show. You two had a birthday date and spend cuddling while watching a tv marathon about your favorite show. Leon never watched it before, so you ended up rambling out all your passion for this show in every scene.
"You know, the only thing I need to watch is you."
•The third pin was a cardboard box with cute stickers. He gave it to you after you finished renovating and moving together. From now on you not only share one heart but also one home. "Home is wherever you are."
• The fourth pin was the face of a cute siamese cat. It was looking similar to the new pet cat that Leon gifted to you after returning home from a mission. The cat was exactly as clingy as your man, but luckily you had two arms to hold them both tight. "So you always have company when I'm not there."
• Your favorite pin was a white dove, gifted by Leon on the day you got engaged. It had small crystals and glittered like stars in the light. It would be a promise that your special day with him come soon and that he is only at peace with you at his side.
"I promise to be only yours and I will be devoted to you, my wonderful sunshine."
•Countless more pins would join your collection and you collect them in a velvet box, keeping them save. Other people collect flowers or pictures from their loved ones, but those pins telling the story of you and Leon. And you will cherish that with all your heart.
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hiii can u do unrequited love headcanons for hua cheng, shi qingxuan and fx w m!reader they love him deeply and r so whipped but reader just doesn't reciprocate their feelings and maybe someone else has caught readers attention
Hua Cheng, Shi Qingxuan, Feng Xin x
M!reader separately
Ignore grammar mistakes
Slight OOC
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🦊 Hua Cheng is absolutely whipped for you, you have this ghost wrapped around your finger. He'd do anything for you.
🦊 Unfortunately anything means leaving you be. He really doesn't want to but he isn't going to try and force you to love him either. Especially when you love someone else.
🦊At first Hua Cheng really tried everything to win your favor. Bothersome gods? He'll take care of it. Mission? He'll do all the work. Shopping? He'll give you anything your heart desires.
🦊He takes care of you really well but it only makes you feel guilty. Hua Cheng can see his advances aren't working
🦊He goes through a quiet phase. Where he just lies around Paradise Manor wondering why you don't love him.
🦊Hua Cheng tries many different forms to see if maybe it's his appeal that's the problem.
🦊Once you catch on though you scold him and tell His Cheng he's very beautiful, you just have feeling for someone else.
🦊Now he understands.
🦊Hua Cheng is a little upset, not at you, never. He's upset at this secret crush. Whoever they are must be worthy enough of your attention, soooo that dims the numbers down a lot
🦊you won't tell him who it is but he hopes and actually prays it isn't Mu Qing or somebody worthless 🙄
🦊Once he's able to actually smooth out his emotions and get through his heartbreak, out comes the sassy man apocalypse.
🦊He's definitely supportive of you, just not of whoever you like. If they want your best friend's approval, they better meet his very high standards.
🦊Hua Cheng actually helps you and your crush get together. He doesn't know how to feel when he sees you and Shi Qingxuan strolling together.
🦊On one hand he's very happy for you and for Shi Qingxuan. He actually likes Shi Qingxuan so.
🦊on the other hand he still sometimes gets sad that it isn't really his job to protect and take care of you.
🦊Xie Lian works Hua Cheng through it.
🦊 You guys still hangs out and even have double dates with each other!
🦊Every now and then you'll see a silver butterfly pass by. Just a little reminder he'll always be there for you
🌬️Shi QingXuan is very charismatic and sweet. He's always attached to your hip. Like Siamese cats.
🌬️His favorite thing is to gift you things and go out and about with you.
🌬️Until he had to go on a mission with you and Xie Lian though.
🌬️He isn't dumb, he isn't ignorant. Shi Qingxuan can see how you look at Xie Lian
🌬️he gets it. The crown prince is nothing short of beautiful and the both of you deserve to be happy.
🌬️Shi QingXuan doesn't push his advances after that. He'll silently push you two toward each other though and eventually you'll see less and less of him.
🌬️Shi QingXuan spends a lot of time in his woman form during his heartbreak. She feels more comfortable like this.
🌬️After a while of just taking time to herself and sometimes watching you and Xie Lian together, she'll come back.
🌬️Even if you aren't lovers you guys are still friends and she still cares about you a lot.
🌬️Also she misses going out on "girls night" which is mostly her begging you to change into a woman form so, but when you don't she'll do your makeup and hair anyways.
🌬️She actually finds more comfort in seeing the two of you he happy together.
🌬️Plus these days she's got her eyes on the unsuspecting earth master
🌬️Shi QingXuan will drag him around with her and make him go on doubles "dates" with you and Xie Lian.
☀️Feng Xin has taken a liking to you very much
☀️He feels like you're the one. You're kind and sweet, but also strong and brave.
☀️He's whipped and he know it.
☀️He's more of a affection kind of guy. The subtle wrapping an arm around you, or staying by your side to ensure your safety
☀️That's why he follows you around, not because he loves you or anything.
☀️His love struck stupor was shattered when seeing you and Mu Qing together though
☀️Feng Xin at first is very angry. He's not mad at you, and he would never say anything directly to you either but he stays mad by himself and Mu Qing
☀️maybe if he had told you sooner you wouldn't be in that annoying bastards arms.
☀️Mu Qing better be treating you right too or Feng Xin won't hesitate to heat him up
☀️you notice the tension between the two get thicker. Lately they've been arguing more, and fighting more.
☀️enough is enough though. You care about them both and you won't have them fighting like this.
☀️Once you and Feng Xin talk it out, he calms down a little.
☀️The physical fights dwindle but of course they still bicker.
☀️Feng Xin isn't mad anymore but he's still hurt. He's very loyal and he wanted to be by your side.
☀️ He'll accept it though and back off
☀️now a days he bickers with Mu Qing and he's still friends with you
☀️He always makes sure you're safe and that Mu Wing is treating you kindly.
☀️Feng Xin doesn't hate Mu Qing either. He's happy someone finally got the man to loosen up and get the stick out of his ass.
☀️He's going to love you a long time before he can get over it though.
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jungle-angel · 9 months
One cold, cold night (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You and Bob share a beautiful moment when you're finally able to settle in Montana
Warnings: Light smut (18+ ONLY)
You were shivering uncontrollably when you got out of the bath, emerging into yours and Bob's shared bedroom. Your teeth were like machine gun fire, even as Bob pulled your warm flannel pjs off the heater and handed them to you.
"You get in those sweet pea," Bob told you. "I'll get the woodstove going downstairs."
"You sure?"
"Positive," Bob answered assuringly. "I'll load it up so that it'll burn all night and we can reload it in the morning."
You trembled horribly as you dropped your towel and tossed it in the laundry hamper, slipping quickly, first into a fresh set of underwear and then the pale pink and black flannel pjs. It felt like heaven, the warm material heating up your skin which caused goosebumps to rise. It felt good to turn down the thick duvet and the flannel sheets, crawling into the one spot in your house that truly felt like home.
You heard a familiar meow in the hallways as Thunder, the Siamese cat, poked his head in and jumped up onto the bed with you, purring happily as you scratched his pointed ears. Bob returned a few minutes later to crawl in beside you, turning on the tv that was mounted on the wall near the bed.
"Wanna do a Disney movie?" he asked, pulling you close to him.
"Whatcha thinkin?"
"Well," he said. "Since it's snowing and it's already November, I'm thinking, Nightmare Before Christmas?"
You both settled in to watch the movie with Thunder in between you both. The dogs had been crated for the night, kept warm in their kennels as they went to sleep, leaving plenty of time for you and Bob to relax.
"You happy here in Montana (y/n)?" Bob mumbled.
"Of course I am," you answered. "Why?"
"I was just trying not to think about California on the way home from town today," Bob explained. "I know it was a big part of our lives but...."
"But what?"
"Well," Bob sighed. "I keep thinking about the rest of the guys. I worry that they're not gonna make it up here."
You shifted up and kissed your husband sweetly on the lips. "They will," you said, your voice full of promise. "You know they will."
Bob kept hoping so. He knew deep down that moving to Montana was what was best for both you and him. The rest of the squad was beginning to see it too. Hell, he had gotten a FaceTime call from Rooster the other day saying that he and Rusty wouldn't be able to afford the Navy housing and neither would Maverick and Penny who had Amelia and two more little mouths to feed in the house. No one knew what would happen to The Hard Deck either. It broke Penny's heart to even think about it, her livelihood having to be sold to Jimmy in order to make the move. Phoenix and her fiancé Cole didn't have it any easier either, the stress of his frequent missions creeping its way in, even when they weren't that long to begin with.
You moved to straddle Bob's waist so that you were laying on top of him, kissing him deeply along his jaw and down his neck. Your hands roamed up and down each other's bodies with yours slipping under the hem of his pajama shirt and undoing the buttons so that you could kiss his chest.
"Oh baby," he moaned. "You're so good to me."
You smiled into your kiss as you pulled the covers up over the both of you. "We're good to each other Bob," you cooed, kissing him again. "That's all that matters."
And he knew full well that it did and always would.
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heartsfromia · 1 year
third times the charm — l. chan
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pairing: non-idol! chan x f!reader
word count: 2,485
genre: fluff, crack-ish
warnings: chan gives secondhand embarrassment
author's notes: this is the last for my oneshots pt. 1, and i'll be continuing w more, and a heads up that they'll be angst since yk gotta widen my range lol
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It was as if the heavens had descended upon Chan the second he stepped into the café; the sight of you behind the counter, eyes trained on the porter filter as you pressed the espresso grinds before locking it in the espresso machine, focused on ensuring the contents of the caffeinated liquid were sufficient for the drink you were working on.
Normally he wouldn’t be fazed, it’s not like he’s never met a girl before. He just never met a girl as beautiful as you.
“Morning, how can I help you?” Even your voice was angelic. You were caught-off guard by Chan as he stood in front of you, not stating your order—as if he was caught in a daze. You blinked in confusion, before raising your hand and waving it over his face, “Hello?”
It worked, and he jumped, shaking his head slightly to return back to reality. He was totally not thinking about how you two would live in an apartment uptown, own a Siamese cat, and a Golden Retriever. “Oh, sorry… what did you say?”
You chuckled awkwardly, “What would you like to order?”
“Uhm, an iced Americano, and two caramel latte—” His eyes darted towards the name-tag by your collar. “—Y/N.”
You nodded, punching in his order, before asking, “Take out?”
“Yes, please.” It felt as if he couldn’t take his eyes off you as you informed him the total, and he hurriedly reached in his pocket and handing you a twenty. “You can keep the change.”
This is almost a ten dollar tip, you thought.
“And the order will be under what name?”
There was a momentary pause before he jumped, stammering, “Uh, Chan! Chan, under… Chan.”
“Okay, it'll be ready in a few minutes.” You quickly turned, not wanting to witness him as he awkwardly nods, mouth opening to respond but nothing coming out.
You weren’t going to lie, and act like you didn’t notice his staring—to say the least, you were used to it. Not in a all-too-vain way, but you were aware when guys found you attractive—their dazed looks would eventually lead them to asking for your number, and then you’d be disappointed because all of them expected you to cave and agree to their proposals to go on a date.
You hated that pattern.
Within this year alone, you’ve had two guys approach you—star-struck from meeting you, and asked you out on a date, with no intentions with getting to know you first. Sure, you knew dates were a place where people can get to know each other, but dates were also places that led to a relationship, and to be honest, you never wanted to jump right into one with just anyone. You loathed the idea of constantly going on dates, just to become someone’s girlfriend. What about being friends first?
Nonetheless, knowing this, you’d put those guys through a test, and if they don’t pass then mission: ghost them until they get the hint and leave you alone, is commenced.
You knew Chan would fall on that list of failures, so you didn’t pay him too much mind as you worked on his order.
“Have a great day,” you uttered, and Chan smiled, wishing the same for you before walking out of the café. A happy sigh escaped his lips—the sun was kissing the highest points of his face, a new feeling during this gloomy month, it seemed such a perfect day to meet such a perfect girl, he thought.
That is until he glanced at his wristwatch, remembering why he was at the café in the first place before his heart dropped to his feet, and they hurriedly carried him to the class he was already running late to.
Pushing the door to class, he peeked his head through the small gap, relieved to see the professor’s table empty and quickly rushed in, finding his seat between Seungkwan and Vernon—the former glaring at him for taking a long time to bring him his iced americano. “What took you so long?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he apologized, placing the drinks in front of his friends. “Where’s the professor?”
“At the bathroom, you’re lucky,” Vernon chirped, thanking quietly for the drink. “How come it took you so long?”
“Well, besides getting your coffees, I had already woken up later than usual,” he complained, “there was also a line in the café—not that long, but I was already running late and you guys told me to go buy coffee, which added on to the fact I was running late, making me even more late—”
“Still, it doesn’t take more than fifteen minutes,” Seungkwan cut him off, causing Chan to glare at him.
Then he remembered you, a dazed smile appearing on his face. His thoughts became flooded by you, your pretty name, your pretty voice, your pretty face, your pretty everything. He honestly wouldn’t be surprised if you were an angel sent to make him fall in love with you.
“What’s with that face—oh my God, stop that, it’s actually creepy,” Seungkwan cringed, covering his eyes.
“Do you guys know Y/N? She’s the barista at Seventeen Café,” Chan asked, looking hopeful between his two friends.
“I know of her,” Seungkwan states, sipping his coffee. “Is that why you were taking so long? Busy drooling over her?”
“I wasn't drooling over—” Chan's attempt at defending himself were cut short when the professor returned from the bathroom, an look of exasperation written all over his face.
“My apologies class, I might have gotten food poisoning so the class is dismissed for the rest of today, see you next—” Poor man wasn't able to finish his sentence before hurling in the nearest trash can.
“Sucks for Professor Jang, but great for us… I guess,” Seungkwan says out loud, earning agreeable nods from both Chan and Vernon. “What do we do now?”
As the three approach the entrance of the college building, Chan's eyes immediately lock towards the small coffee shop right across from campus, the tense of shoulders noticeable by his two friends.
“We're not going—”
“Why not?” He couldn't help but whine, “I really want to get to know her, she seems really cool.”
“And you want us to be there to witness you failing completely?”
“Come on, Kwan, cut the guy some slack,” Vernon chimes in, “who knows? He might actually know how to flirt with a girl.”
“So, you come here often?” Your eyes glanced at Chan's two friends; one pursing his lips to hold in his laugh, as the other audibly smacks his forehead, the slap echoing throughout the fairly empty café interior.
You stood by their table, grasping onto the note and pen, eyes darting around the place before answering, “Well, considering I work here, yes.”
You could see the firsthand embarrassment register into him, his jaw stiffening before he rubs the back of his neck, “Yeah, that makes sense.”
“I'm so sorry,” one of his friends, the blonde one sipping an iced americano, interjected, “we'll have two slices of carrot cake and a tiramisu.”
“Sure, I'll be right back.” You really wished you weren't. After placing their orders on the table, you quickly ducked your head, seeking refuge in the back room for staff only, finding your senior and former trainer, Joshua, chewing on a chocolate chip cookie.
“Why do you look distressed?”
“There's another one of those guys out there.”
“Those guys?” Joshua repeated, eyebrows knitting together before they rose in realization. “Oh, the ones that are trying to get your number?”
You frowned, nodding and sunk to the floor beside your senior, extending your hand for half of his cookie. He split it in half, placing it on your hand and chuckled as you stuffed the entire thing in your mouth. “But this one, he's so awkward.”
“Aren't they all?”
“I mean, yeah—”
“Stop talking with your mouth full,” Joshua scolded, and you closed your mouth, chewing and swallowing the cookie crumbs. “Who is it, anyway? Do you know them?”
You shook your head. “His name is Chan.”
“Which Chan? Bang Chan, Lee Chan, Heo Chan?” You shrugged. Joshua then stood up, peeking his head through the door to catch a glimpse of who you were talking about. “The only Chan I see out there is Lee Chan—he's great, Y/N.”
“You say that to every guy.”
“Because they are,” Joshua emphasizes, “they're great until they don't pass your test.”
You only rolled your eyes, your mouth craving for more sugary goods.
“Have you put him through your test?” Joshua asked, returning to his initial position.
You shook your head, “It was too awkward already, and his friends are there, and he asked me do I come here often—here as in the place I work in, like of course I do, dude.”
Laughter echoed throughout the staff room, Joshua's head thrown back from hearing the little anecdote about your new admirer. Being your co-worker for the past year, he's the first guy you go to after one of those guys attempt to make a move on you. He's the first to advise to give them a chance, but also the first guy you gloat to when none of the guys pass your test.
“Go give it try, Y/N, what is he, the third guy now?” You nod. “You know what they say, third times the charm.”
“I don't think I have much luck with men, Josh,” you admitted, pouting bitterly. Your senior only rolled his eyes, shoving you gently towards the door. Begrudgingly, you stood up, headed towards the door, but turned, “If it doesn't work out, then you need to stop encouraging me to give these guys a chance.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” You couldn't help but flip him off, eliciting more laughter. Your eyes darted to where Chan and his friends were sitting, their plates of cake already empty and you weren’t sure as to why they were still even here.
From where you stood, you cocked your head to the side, thinking, if Chan doesn’t say dumb things, he’s actually pretty cute. The way his eyes closed as he smiled widely, a smile you found contagious as one appeared on your face as well.
Obviously you hoped at least one guy would pass your test, it wasn’t that hard of a test—at least, you thought so.
“Hey, I wanted to pay for the cakes.” You looked up from where you stood behind the counter, Chan standing in front of you and it seemed he had a bit more confidence than he did when you first saw him earlier, and twenty minutes ago.
“Sure, let me just ring you up.”
“Y/N, was it?” You glanced up at him and nodded. “I was wondering if you wanted to join my friends and I, we’re planning to watch that new Avatar movie in theatres tonight.”
Oh, no asking for my number… That’s new.
But still, you had to put him to the test. “Oh, I already watched that movie with my boyfriend.” The thing is, you didn’t have a boyfriend. This was step one to your three step test, and every other guy before had messed up right here.
Chan looked visibly shocked, although you never knew that was more disappointed in himself—of course you’d already have a boyfriend. It was too good to be true.
“Oh… is it good?”
“Yeah, it’s good,” you responded, using the most basic adjectives because you did not, in fact, watch it. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go—Chan was supposed to look annoyed, angry at you for leading him on, despite the fact that you had a boyfriend. He wasn’t supposed to keep a normal person-to-person conversation with once he knew you weren’t available.
Then, what surprised you most was what came out of your mouth afterwards. “Is it okay if I come along?”
Chan's eyes widened, before he nodded, “Sure, is that okay with you?”
Next step. A dry chuckle escaped your lips as you asked snidely, “Don't you mean is it okay with my boyfriend?”
Chan looked genuinely in thought before shaking his head. “No, I mean, you're grown adult—I'm sure you're able to make your own decisions.”
Odd. You always found that guys were immediate to step back when you state that you had a boyfriend, rather than you were purely not interested. It seemed that a lot of guys respect the boyfriend rather than the girl they bothered.
“I mean, if I'm coming off a bit too forward with the invitation and it might stir trouble in your relationship, I also understand if you're not okay with it,” Chan added, and you nodded.
“No, it's fine, Chan.”
His eyes widened completely, shocked. “You know my name?”
You laughed, nodding, “I took your order, remember?”
Red began to dot his cheeks as he realized, rubbing the back of his neck. “Oh yeah…” Seeing his flustered self, you were glad he was still somewhat embarrassing.
“Can I ask, Chan?” Final step. He nodded, not trusting his mouth. “If I didn't mention my boyfriend, would you still want to hang out with me?”
Without hesitation, he nodded. “Of course—I mean, sure you're really pretty, but you seem really cool and I'd like to get to know you, you know? I don't know—” he shrugged, “—I never wanted to jump into a relationship, I'm sorry if it came off as if I was too forward, really, Y/N. But I do want us to get to know each other as friends, I feel like we'd click a lot.”
A smile etched across your features, eyes creasing at the edge as you reached for your notepad, jotting down your number before ripping the sheet and handing it to him. “Just text me, and I'll meet you at the theatre.”
His eyes glazed over your number, a genuine smile appearing on his lip before he reassures you that he will, and you excuse yourself to head to the back.
You push the door open, stepping in and quickly pressing your back against the door. Joshua watches you intently, before asking, “So, did he pass the test?”
You nodded, still a bit dazed by the interaction. “Yeah, he did… With flying colors.”
Joshua smirked, stuffing his umpteenth cookie into his mouth. “Told you third times the charm.”
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Events 4.7
451 – Attila the Hun captures Metz in France, killing most of its inhabitants and burning the town. 529 – First Corpus Juris Civilis, a fundamental work in jurisprudence, is issued by Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian I. 1141 – Empress Matilda becomes the first female ruler of England, adopting the title "Lady of the English". 1348 – Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV charters Prague University. 1449 – Felix V abdicates his claim to the papacy, ending the reign of the final Antipope. 1521 – Ferdinand Magellan arrives at Cebu. 1541 – Francis Xavier leaves Lisbon on a mission to the Portuguese East Indies. 1724 – Premiere performance of Johann Sebastian Bach's St John Passion, BWV 245, at St. Nicholas Church, Leipzig. 1767 – End of Burmese–Siamese War (1765–67). 1788 – Settlers establish Marietta, Ohio, the first permanent settlement created by U.S. citizens in the recently organized Northwest Territory. 1795 – The French First Republic adopts the kilogram and gram as its primary unit of mass. 1790 – Greek War of Independence: Greek revolutionary Lambros Katsonis loses three of his ships in the Battle of Andros. 1798 – The Mississippi Territory is organized from disputed territory claimed by both the United States and the Spanish Empire. It is expanded in 1804 and again in 1812. 1805 – Lewis and Clark Expedition: The Corps of Discovery breaks camp among the Mandan tribe and resumes its journey West along the Missouri River. 1805 – German composer Ludwig van Beethoven premieres his Third Symphony, at the Theater an der Wien in Vienna. 1831 – Pedro II becomes Emperor of Empire of Brazil. 1862 – American Civil War: The Union's Army of the Tennessee and the Army of the Ohio defeat the Confederate Army of Mississippi near Shiloh, Tennessee. 1868 – Thomas D'Arcy McGee, one of the Canadian Fathers of Confederation, is assassinated by a Fenian activist. 1906 – Mount Vesuvius erupts and devastates Naples. 1906 – The Algeciras Conference gives France and Spain control over Morocco. 1922 – Teapot Dome scandal: United States Secretary of the Interior Albert B. Fall leases federal petroleum reserves to private oil companies on excessively generous terms. 1926 – Violet Gibson attempts to assassinate Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini. 1927 – AT&T engineer Herbert Ives transmits the first long-distance public television broadcast (from Washington, D.C., to New York City, displaying the image of Commerce Secretary Herbert Hoover). 1933 – Prohibition in the United States is repealed for beer of no more than 3.2% alcohol by weight, eight months before the ratification of the Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution. (Now celebrated as National Beer Day in the United States.) 1933 – Nazi Germany issues the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service banning Jews and political dissidents from civil service posts. 1939 – Benito Mussolini declares an Italian protectorate over Albania and forces King Zog I into exile. 1940 – Booker T. Washington becomes the first African American to be depicted on a United States postage stamp. 1943 – The Holocaust in Ukraine: In Terebovlia, Germans order 1,100 Jews to undress and march through the city to the nearby village of Plebanivka, where they are shot and buried in ditches. 1943 – Ioannis Rallis becomes collaborationist Prime Minister of Greece during the Axis Occupation. 1943 – The National Football League makes helmets mandatory. 1945 – World War II: The Imperial Japanese Navy battleship Yamato, one of the two largest ever constructed, is sunk by United States Navy aircraft during Operation Ten-Go. 1946 – The Soviet Union annexes East Prussia as the Kaliningrad Oblast of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. 1948 – The World Health Organization is established by the United Nations. 1954 – United States President Dwight D. Eisenhower gives his "domino theory" speech during a news conference. 1955 – Winston Churchill resigns as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom amid indications of failing health. 1956 – Francoist Spain agrees to surrender its protectorate in Morocco. 1964 – IBM announces the System/360. 1965 – Representatives of the National Congress of American Indians testify before members of the US Senate in Washington, D.C. against the termination of the Colville tribe. 1968 – Two-time Formula One British World Champion Jim Clark dies in an accident during a Formula Two race in Hockenheim. 1969 – The Internet's symbolic birth date: Publication of RFC 1. 1971 – Vietnam War: President Richard Nixon announces his decision to quicken the pace of Vietnamization. 1972 – Vietnam War: Communist forces overrun the South Vietnamese town of Loc Ninh. 1976 – Member of Parliament and suspected spy John Stonehouse resigns from the Labour Party after being arrested for faking his own death. 1977 – German Federal prosecutor Siegfried Buback and his driver are shot by two Red Army Faction members while waiting at a red light. 1978 – Development of the neutron bomb is canceled by President Jimmy Carter. 1980 – During the Iran hostage crisis, the United States severs relations with Iran. 1982 – Iranian Foreign Affairs Minister Sadegh Ghotbzadeh is arrested. 1983 – During STS-6, astronauts Story Musgrave and Don Peterson perform the first Space Shuttle spacewalk. 1988 – Soviet Defense Minister Dmitry Yazov orders the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan. 1989 – Soviet submarine Komsomolets sinks in the Barents Sea off the coast of Norway, killing 42 sailors. 1990 – A fire breaks out on the passenger ferry Scandinavian Star, killing 159 people. 1990 – John Poindexter is convicted for his role in the Iran–Contra affair.[25] In 1991 the convictions are reversed on appeal. 1994 – Rwandan genocide: Massacres of Tutsis begin in Kigali, Rwanda, and soldiers kill the civilian Prime Minister Agathe Uwilingiyimana. 1994 – Auburn Calloway attempts to destroy Federal Express Flight 705 in order to allow his family to benefit from his life insurance policy. 1995 – First Chechen War: Russian paramilitary troops begin a massacre of civilians in Samashki, Chechnya. 1999 – Turkish Airlines Flight 5904 crashes near Ceyhan in southern Turkey, killing six people. 2001 – NASA launches the 2001 Mars Odyssey orbiter. 2003 – Iraq War: U.S. troops capture Baghdad; Saddam Hussein's Ba'athist regime falls two days later. 2009 – Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori is sentenced to 25 years in prison for ordering killings and kidnappings by security forces. 2009 – Mass protests begin across Moldova under the belief that results from the parliamentary election are fraudulent. 2011 – The Israel Defense Forces use their Iron Dome missile system to successfully intercept a BM-21 Grad launched from Gaza, marking the first short-range missile intercept ever. 2017 – A man deliberately drives a hijacked truck into a crowd of people in Stockholm, Sweden, killing five people and injuring fifteen others. 2017 – U.S. President Donald Trump orders the 2017 Shayrat missile strike against Syria in retaliation for the Khan Shaykhun chemical attack. 2018 – Former Brazilian president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, is arrested for corruption by determination of Judge Sérgio Moro, from the “Car-Wash Operation”. Lula stayed imprisoned for 580 days, after being released by the Brazilian Supreme Court. 2018 – Syria launches the Douma chemical attack during the Eastern Ghouta offensive of the Syrian Civil War. 2020 – COVID-19 pandemic: China ends its lockdown in Wuhan. 2020 – COVID-19 pandemic: Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly resigns for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic on USS Theodore Roosevelt and the dismissal of Brett Crozier. 2021 – COVID-19 pandemic: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announces that the SARS-CoV-2 Alpha variant has become the dominant strain of COVID-19 in the United States. 2022 – Ketanji Brown Jackson is confirmed for the Supreme Court of the United States, becoming the first black female justice.
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doktordismemberment · 6 months
Weekly Roundup: Dec 3, 2023
Couple days late on this week’s roundup cos I’ve been injured and busy recording but I had a minute today so here ya go.
Blah Blah:
Well, my foot still hurts but I’ve been a bit more “up and around” over the past couple days. Mostly because I had to hobble over to the post office and mail our rent check. It sucked, but it’s done now.
Other than that? We’ve honestly just been holed up in our studio and doing a lot of recording. Got a bunch of tracks in the “finish carpentry” stage of recording so hopefully the labels will have them soon and they’ll be out early next year. -
Elend - I’m usually pretty allergic to classical music, especially anything that falls under the general heading of “neoclassical”, but Elend popped up on shuffle after a soundtrack I was listening to and caught me in a receptive mood.
So yeah, my first impression is that this stuff sounds like Bloodborne boss fight music filtered through Cold Meat Industry style dark ambient/ death industrial and arrives at a place that kind of sounds like Gnaw Their Tongues with all the “metal” parts pulled out.
I don’t love every track I’ve listened to but the heavier, more dissonant, ones are pretty cool, especially when they’re backed by huge drums.
Skrol - Really digging a couple of the Elend tracks that had heavy drums inspired me to dig through my CDs and pull out Skrol’s “Insomnia Dei” which does a pretty similar thing with the dissonant neoclassical elements but welds them to really pounding anti-rhythms that are equal parts Swans, Neubauten, and super early Laibach.
I’ve always had a real soft spot for this album since I got it as freebie in a package I ordered from RRR ages ago… So much so that I’ve picked up multiple backup copies over the years in case I ever lose one or one becomes unplayable.
Lysergic Rites of Sadopriest - Dirgey industrialized goregrind/ noisecore that reminds me of the heaviest Mortician riffs being violently reconfigured by cEvin Key/ Chu Ishikawa. I think the guy behind this project used to be in Enemy Soil and Jesus of Nazareth, two of my all-time favorite weirdo grindcore bands.
Gored - Gored “Human” is one of the heaviest albums ever recorded. Period. Sounds like early Carcass on steroids.
My Dad is Dead - Imagine Joy Division with Big Black’s drum machine and a guitar tone that’s equal parts Husker Du and Mission of Burma and that’s pretty much what was happening with My Dad is Dead. 1987s “Peace Love and Murder” is one of my favorite things Homestead Records ever released.
Bitch Magnet - Late 80s “indie rock” (In the “Our Band Could Be Your Life” sense of the word). Think Swervedriver, Husker Du, Squirrelbait, and “Siamese Dream” era Smashing Pumpkins and you’re on the right track. Great drumming on this album.
Video Games:
Astebros - Not deep into this yet, but there's a real particular style of early 90's Sega Genesis pixel art that I'm really, really into and this game looks like it has a lot of that happening so I'll probably really dig it. -
Mushihimesama - Lots of bugs firing lots and lots of bullets. -
Tales of the Dying Earth - Jack Vance -
The Nun The Nun II Three Fantastic Supermen Killing In Istanbul Samson in The Wax Museum Bloody Pit of Horror
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writer59january13 · 1 year
Putin non gmo gluten free cheese on the ritz
The following binary raw bits hither and yon to and fro flits across eyes of unknown reader handsomely buzzfeeding dining viz fancy feast donning while trumpeting microscopic mitts. Though yours truly a zany, wimpy, tiny, and puny (smaller than a breadbox) modest nonestablishmentarian Ogre, whereat my portable minuscule fingerhut size adobe abode exposed to Strunk and White raw grammatical elements of style, I counted Flip (Wilsonian) view, to camouflage myself anytime and anywhere as significant advantage. The obvious downside (i.e. severe limitations to pull off major coup) forced me to axe paunches pilot while taking a chopper if I van nah miniaturize daring deed (done dirt cheap) reconfigured, retouched, recorded by Das scribe named Magnum Opus. Indeed, this chance to go long (equivalent of Olympic gold) foretold godaddy peering into granule size barren crystal ball. Preliminary steps undertaken to pull off impossible mission; mo' difficult than a blind man taking eighty steps to Jonah infiltrating 70+ shades of gray area prime Donald Trump real estate. A priority prevailed to act on the QT (q-tip) lest cover get blown, and suspicious communique encrypted to hire globe trotting henchmen. Urgency spurred daring deed, cuz targeted subject in question majority population counted as debouched, delirious, and demonstrably dangerous demagogue, in short a "FAKE" forty fifth president! Security details (like stray cats on the prowl), could sniff out ploy to re program depraved, deranged, and detached supposed Master at helm, you Jesse and wait. His audacity, effrontery, and isolationist iffy Oscar the grouch ideology placed him squarely as half baked cookie monstrosity against former United States Commander in Chief. First order of business necessitated tranquilizing this doughty, haughty enemy of the Lumpenproletariat! Renown chemist friends of mine (actually Civil War tin effervescent bubble buddies) alias Diet Coke and/or Diet Pepsi secured an ampule Taj Mahal ~ circa 1631 vintage. One ampule viz pill could knock out a giant – sans, Jack and the beanstalk fame. No ifs, and or bots, the secret got pulled off without spilling figurative (jelly) beans. Once inside auditory labyrinth, I immediately noticed striking deus ex machina pussy rioting resemblance to microscopic cave. Now follows non sequitur with rhyme nor reason. A thick baad a$$ sieve sludge (vaguely resembling cerumen in consistency) re: gooey pseudo pulpy secreted material suctioned courtesy resultant bloody mess in a near futile attempt to separate Siamese sistahs said substance issuing forth after surgeons meticulous incisions qualify as unsung heroes as does illogical senseless segue way into riff about Def Leppard amputee drummer Rick Allen brutally attacked by human rabid beastie boy posed an initial dilemma, which audioslave solution entailed collaboration to build a toothpick fence. Pensiveness unexpectedly found unwitting subject trying to comprehend gibberish attempting to pass muster as supreme poetic literature said unsuspecting reader reflexively scratching, poking, and jabbing inadvertently gesticulating at mine doppelganger finding him listening for subsequent instructions from ground zero.
0 notes
toemuncher666 · 1 year
The Sands of Calithria:
After the Pardasan were exiled to the nigh unlivable lands of Calithria by the Homas...they have given up on trying to become their own independent peoples. The queen of the Pardasan, a Siamese breed named Cleo’thrah, had her caravans wander the seemingly endless deserts. Being lost and nearly dying of exhaustion...Cleo’thrah and her people have truly given up...until...they met her. A panther breed Pardasan rose from the dunes...with eyes as black as the night. She befriended Cleo’thrah and took her to the center of Calithria where the Pardasan found limestone and built their first major city. After the construction, the strange panther left Cleo’thrah to her dismay...but before she left the city...she said “if you so desire, you can find my leading hands...within the heart of Calithria’s sands”...and the panther left the city never to be seen again. Cleo’thrah then gathered her people again to search the sands of the deserts for the strange panther. It didn’t take long until the cats came upon a strange wall in the middle of the desert...after failing to decipher the strange letters and runes etched on the wall...Cleo’thrah became upset and plummeted her fist into the wall. It was then that Cleo’thrah received a vision...of temples and pyramids aligned with the moon and stars...and a castle perfectly aligned with the sun...and she heard strange words...completely foreign yet she was able to understand them. Cleo’thrah then went on a mission with the Pardasan to build the capital city of Tigra’na around the wall. She then built a castle with special instructions...and continued to build temples and pyramids with strict instructions all around Calithria. While on her mission...she spoke in a tongue the other Pardasan did not know...yet understood. It is said that with the last pyramid built...the strange panther walked out...the panther with eyes black as the night. She then took Cleo’thrah by the hand and as the sun began to set...they walked right into it...disappearing. Cleo’thrah’s daughter then saw her mother in a vision...who explained that she fell in love with the god Heliasah...the gender fluid god of the sun. Cleo’thrah...then said to her daughter that they must worship Heliasah for saving them. And it is said...that with their worship...the Pardasan were granted with pyrokinesis and could no longer be harmed by heat...and it is said that Cleo’thrah was then granted godhood...and became the goddess of the stars and the mother of all Pardasan.
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dagmartoons · 1 year
I think now I can officially call myself the world's number one and only fan of The Siamese: First Mission
(yes i am still on this)
I just bought a pamphlet from the theatrical run of the movie
My DVD should be coming in early next month
The only thing I haven't gotten yet is that poster I was eyeing earlier this week
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giles26willadsen · 2 years
Highest Quality Replica Valentino 1
Like drinking milk tea along with your moist hair wrapped up in a towel. It smells like a Siamese cat laying on an angora sweater. I don't consider in seasonality in relation to perfume, but it is a summery fragrance that will smell simply pretty a lot as good in the useless of winter. People love Kim Kardashian's fragrances, and there is a good purpose why. Plain and simple, her shit is good, and there is always one thing for everyone. Vanilla Diorama is a vanilla scent accomplished so well. Our "Internet-Only" strategy permits us to cut the overhead price and offer you brand new pink bottom at the lowest costs you will ever see. Even although the tags won't be visible while sporting footwear, it is amongst the most important particulars to take a look at whereas authenticating an item. The color of the strings has been mismatched by the replica factories, as they're supposed to be darker as proven on the genuine model. Very very first thing that has to be talked about is the black shiny leather-based used for the pumps. While it needs to be very shiny, it shouldn't go excessive, which will make it look cheap-looking which is the exact case in the right picture. It should reflect gentle as nicely as it is shown on the genuine model. She serves as deputy chairperson of the Committee on the Federal Structure and Local Government. On 4 December 2011, Tereshkova was elected to the State Duma, the lower home of the Russian legislature, as a representative of the Yaroslavl Oblast and a member of the United Russia celebration. In the sixth State Duma, together with Yelena Mizulina, Irina Yarovaya and Andrey Skoch, she was a member of the inter-factional committee for the protection of Christian values. KK, the long-legged supermodel, can’t wait to carry it out of the road. Also sharper is the basic black, very refined and advanced gasoline subject, it appears to be rather more thrilling than the typical black bag. No, Viktor&Rolf isn’t limited to its bestselling Flowerbomb fragrance . As a special treat for males, the Spicebomb carries with it a cool spicy scent to interrupt away from the tried-and-true heat woodsy scent. As considered one of Sephora’s most-shopped-for men’s colognes, Jo Malone London is aware of what it’s doing with the Wood Sage & Sea Salt. Fringes add a funky appearance to the simple, but elegant appearance of a standard tote. And, the imitation of C-Rockee Fringe within the calf pores and skin Valentino replica takes the brand imitation to an entire new level. wikipedia handbags With the above talked about features, these copies have a few whip stitched leather pockets with zip and with two further slip pockets. It feels like I'm in the film FernGully, or on the planet Pandora from Avatar. My popular culture references could additionally be subpar, but this fragrance is high tier. valentino bag replica Coffee is a criminally underused note in perfume, in my view. I love every scent based mostly round coffee, and this one might be my favorite. It doesn’t smell actually like coffee, however it doesn’t make it a secret, both. However, it doesn’t put on overly heavy, as the name might lead you to believe. If you confirm your tackle before the deadline, meet the requirements for the marketing campaign , nd there are spots still available, you will obtain a shipping affirmation email stating “You’re in”. If your survey results from the application don’t match what the brand is on the lookout for, or if all spots have stuffed , you'll receive the rejection e-mail. "During the years 1961–70, the cosmonauts made two hundred trips abroad; Tereshkova alone made forty-two international trips. She acquired by far essentially the most invites among the many cosmonauts." Vostok 6 was the ultimate Vostok flight and was launched two days after Vostok 5 which carried Bykovsky right into a five-day mission. It's shiny and sweet, however in a means that feels dewy, not sugary. To me, that is the standout of Aesop's entire fragrance assortment and was a pleasant shock. In my experience, all woody scents are a success, sort of without fail, so The Hedonist is a crowd-pleaser for sure. It has tons of texture and persona, allowing it to offer satisfying, long-lasting put on. Tease Crème Cloud is light-weight, delicate, and textural. The base provides bourbon vanilla, sandalwood, and patchouli. It’s a linear scent, that means the damage is pretty consistent over time as an alternative of evolving in your pores and skin. [newline]All the notes come at you at once, in a big, heat gust of vanilla, spice, and soft woods. The materials contained in this web site are protected by relevant copyright and trade mark legislation. Valentino replica rockstud Bracelets Earrings Home Fragrance Necklaces COLOUR. MerchantWords may make adjustments to the supplies contained on its website at any time with out discover. MerchantWords does not, nevertheless, make any dedication to replace the supplies. Because some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on implied warranties, or limitations of liability for consequential or incidental damages, these limitations might not apply to you. The supplies on MerchantWords's website online are supplied "as is". All the Vostok cosmonauts toured extensively, however Tereshkova most of all; she made 42 trips overseas between 1963 and 1970. On 1 October 1963, Tereshkova arrived in Havana, Cuba, and met Fidel Castro. She toured the nation which on the time was dealing with effects of Hurricane Flora. On 8 June 1964, practically one 12 months after her space flight, she gave birth to their daughter Elena Andrianovna Nikolaeva-Tereshkova, the primary particular person with each a mother and father who had travelled into area. Although she desired to proceed pursuing a profession as a cosmonaut and engineer, her superiors had a unique plan for her in politics. Following Gagarin's demise, the Soviet area program was not prepared to danger shedding one other hero. Against her needs, she was appointed as the leader of the Committee for Soviet Women in 1968. According to the Russian newspaper Pravda, a million flowers have been introduced in to rejoice the success of the twin flights and greet the cosmonauts in Moscow. On 22 June 1963, Khrushchev greeted Bykovsky wearing his uniform who saluted whereas Khrushchev hugged and kissed Tereshkova who was wearing civilian attire.
0 notes
chaney90bentley · 2 years
Replica Valentino Mules Collection
Just like women’s clothes, we replace lots of new types each season. How can we get a style versatile and sensible massive bag this year? For instance, this mannequin, with a easy form and a big capability purse, with rivet ornament, style sense instantly went. And this one may be very appropriate for OL, take you as a strong woman within the fuel area. wikipedia handbags Our Valentino fake purses are classier copies of the unique model with the identical luxurious really feel, texture and look of natural and rich leather-based. They match like a glove in all your outing ventures perfectly, be it for regular use or for special evenings and, evening outs. The primary criteria they us to select folks for every product are who you might be , where you live and your interests. The Cosmos Museum was opened 25 January 1975 close to Yaroslavl. Among its reveals is a reproduction of her childhood home. The school she attended as a child was renamed for her. A planetarium in Yaroslavl was constructed and named for her in 2011. Made out of animal leather-based, not sure what kind. Product was efficiently added to your shopping cart. If to be carried throughout the torso, a flat leather-based hand carry strap is provided on the entrance aspect. Every replica hand bag contains two open compartments, an open flat pocket within the inside and, a zipper pocket. This, paired with a coffee observe, creates a heat, darkish, candy coronary heart with lots of depth. The base anchors the scent with labdanum, a resin that always calls to mind leather-based and amber, sandalwood, and agarwood. Byredo made this scent with me in mind—I am positive of it. It's everything I love about perfume, turned as a lot as 11. https://phoenet.tw/valentino-replica.html She is understood for being the first and youngest girl in house, having flown a solo mission on the Vostok 6 on 16 June 1963. She orbited the Earth forty eight times, spent nearly three days in house, and remains the one woman to have been on a solo space mission. The Spike series has three sizes, large, medium and small, all designed with Nappa lambskin and durable! The massive measurement is 30cm x 20cm x 18.5cm, and the capacity remains to be very large! The colors are more various, the eye-catching red is probably the most eye-catching, the basic black, the elegant nude shade is excellent, and we can choose one for every issue. Just in time for the vacations, Sephora is offering 20% off all of its full-sized fragrances till Dec. 24 so you presumably can present your family members a luxe bottle of fragrance or cologne for a refreshing begin to the new year. Fringes add a cool look to the easy, but elegant look of a normal tote. And, the imitation of C-Rockee Fringe within the calf skin Valentino replica takes the brand imitation to a complete new degree. With the above mentioned features, these copies have a couple of whip stitched leather pockets with zip and with two further slip pockets. Like consuming milk tea along with your wet hair wrapped up in a towel. It smells like a Siamese cat laying on an angora sweater. I don't consider in seasonality in terms of fragrance, however this is a summery perfume that will odor just as good within the useless of winter. People love Kim Kardashian's fragrances, and there's a good cause why. Plain and simple, her shit is nice, and there's all the time one thing for everybody. Vanilla Diorama is a vanilla scent carried out so nicely. On eight June 1964, practically one year after her area flight, she gave start to their daughter Elena Andrianovna Nikolaeva-Tereshkova, the first particular person with each a mom and father who had travelled into area. Although she desired to continue pursuing a profession as a cosmonaut and engineer, her superiors had a unique plan for her in politics. Following Gagarin's death, the Soviet area program was not keen to danger dropping one other hero. Against her needs, she was appointed as the leader of the Committee for Soviet Women in 1968. According to the Russian newspaper Pravda, a million flowers have been brought in to rejoice the success of the dual flights and greet the cosmonauts in Moscow. On 22 June 1963, Khrushchev greeted Bykovsky dressed in his uniform who saluted while Khrushchev hugged and kissed Tereshkova who was wearing civilian apparel. I have heard that Rockstud Spike has a lot of colors in the country have been out of stock, and I present in Paris, the shop has been very incomplete colour, black all brief. Recently, many overseas stars and bloggers are beginning to back the replica bag tote, and feel Rockstud Spike this replica bag tote should be a Rockstud collection Valentino is a representative of a bag design. Like this can go to the store to try, which measurement or shade essentially the most appropriate for their own. Profile simple, shiny texture, practical low-key. Lady wardrobe is at all times missing that a reproduction bag tote, nothing greater than that's the case. If you'll order 10cm Rockstuds from Annie, I urge you to ask Annie for pre-shipment pictures and ask this sub that will help you QC. Feel free to send her the images of low high quality and top quality reps I linked above, so she knows what you need and don't want. If you do not feel confident ordering from Annie, I would check with Alice.
0 notes
Replica Valentino Mules Collection
She is thought for being the first and youngest lady in house, having flown a solo mission on the Vostok 6 on 16 June 1963. She orbited the Earth 48 occasions, spent almost three days in space, and stays the one woman to have been on a solo house mission. The Spike collection has three sizes, large, medium and small, all designed with Nappa lambskin and durable! The giant measurement is 30cm x 20cm x 18.5cm, and the capacity continues to be very large! The colours are extra various, the eye-catching purple is the most eye-catching, the traditional black, the elegant nude color is excellent, and we will select one for each difficulty. Just in time for the holidays, Sephora is providing 20% off all of its full-sized fragrances till Dec. 24 so you'll find a way to gift your loved ones a luxe bottle of fragrance or cologne for a refreshing begin to the new yr. In this capacity, she supported the introduction of amendments to the preamble of Constitution of Russia, to add that "Orthodoxy is the basis of Russia's national and cultural identity". For a comparatively stronger scent, Ralph Lauren’s Polo Cologne Intense is your winner. It’s shy of $75 throughout Sephora’s sale and is a chic mix of cooling sage and earthy notes. Your privateness is valentino footwear kw super very important to us. Accordingly, we've developed this Policy so as so that you just can understand how we gather, use, communicate and disclose and make use of personal data. This license shall mechanically terminate if you violate any of these restrictions and may be copia delle rockstud terminated by MerchantWords at any time. Upon terminating your viewing of those materials or upon the termination of this license, you should destroy any downloaded supplies in your possession whether in digital or printed format. If you want more of a pinker shade, Fang has blush pink Rockstuds in her WeChat moments. In terms of general quality/beauty, I think Annie’s is greatest, adopted by Kaitlyn Pan, but they’re very shut. Like drinking milk tea together with your moist hair wrapped up in a towel. It smells like a Siamese cat laying on an angora sweater. I don't believe in seasonality when it comes to fragrance, however this can be a summery perfume that can smell just as good within the dead of winter. People love Kim Kardashian's fragrances, and there's a good purpose why. Plain and easy, her shit is sweet, and there is at all times something for everyone. Vanilla Diorama is a vanilla scent done so well. At the bottom, you'll discover amber, vanilla, sandalwood, musk, patchouli, benzoin , and cypriol . If you are not aware of Kayali, you have to get acquainted. https://skel.io/valentino-replica.html Since launching in 2018, they've rolled out some really beautiful fragrances. Invite Only Amber 23 is among the newest in their current slew of hits. It opens with the fresh, earthy notes of bergamot, juniper, and pink pepper, with rosemary, sage, and cumin (?!) within the center, and a woody base of sandalwood, cedar, and vetiver. One of the most important launches of 2020, Valentino Voce Viva, was adopted up pretty quickly by its first flanker, Voce Viva Intense. In reality, tell the reality flip chain replica bag tote and handle this element just isn't in tune, however many ladies have a bell replica bag tote can have a handle, you should use the time to take. The back of this bag can also be lots of benefits. The chain may be long or short, and it can be slanted on one shoulder and handcuffs. In quick, you can take it with you when you exit to eat, and you are not afraid of it. Not to mention, Sephora is also providing free same-day shipping with code FREESHIP. Each code is restricted to one use only, although both can be used directly. You know a great perfume when you odor one, and all it takes is one spritz to discover your signature scent. Search by model inspiration, product name, scent family, notes, etc. Our perfume bottles are created from one hundred pc recyclable and sustainable supplies, except for the pump. We’ve also discontinued plastic samples, so you probably can be ok with smelling good. When it comes to flankers, we're at present seeing plenty of "intense" versions rather than the unique scent reinterpreted into one thing totally different. Fake Valentino Bags With practically 5 million individuals in France working after emigrating from overseas, many individuals have taken the world of freelancing as an excuse to go somewhere new. IF you one of many many people making an attempt to freelance in France from somewhere else, there are a lot of intelligent ways to ensure that you do it efficiently. Freelancing is tough and doing so from one other country takes some know how Fake Valentino Bags. In the times that adopted Meng arrest, China detained Michael Kovrig, a Canadian diplomat on depart, and Michael Spavor, an entrepreneur, on obscure allegations of in actions that endanger the national security. No one can inform the AAA purses purses are really replica Valentino luggage. There is nothing phony, fake or fake about them, they're a mirror image of the original purses. So reasonably priced, you should buy a quantity of for the price of 1 designer authentic. In a variety of trend ahead kinds and colors. This kind of design feels very good to feel, and it makes individuals feel satisfied! The following month she offered a silver cup, which went to the group from the Soviet Union who gained gold in all 5 boat courses, on the women's 1963 European Rowing Championships held in Khimki near Moscow. By February 1964, Tereshkova was pregnant when she visited Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom who was also pregnant on the time. Except for a few-months break that yr, Tereshkova went on a steady and exhausting world tour, returning to her public duties solely two months after the delivery of her daughter. Perfumes are personal, so we don’t take it personally if a scent isn't for you. We donate all returns to charity so no bottle of perfume ever goes to waste. We eliminate retailer markups, movie star marketing, and licensing charges to supply luxury scents for 70-90% much less. A lot is happening in the scent, nevertheless it's balanced in a method that works. It opens with black cherry, hazelnut, tobacco leaf, and honey. [newline]The heart of the scent reveals citrus leaf and two kinds of rose for a rich, boozy depth. wikipedia handbags Props for taking footage of the particular product though, and never simply stealing footage from Valentino and Photoshopping their very own brand name in like Mavirs and VASHOP LOL. Valentino's unique cool-pink tackle a nude colour, you are in all probability out of luck. I've seemed via the WeChat moments of a lot of the trusted sellers and have not seen any really accurate Poudre pairs. It’s the kind of perfume I need more of, the kind of scent I want everyone to make. Vanilla Diorama is a spicy take on vanilla that makes you feel comforted, cozy, and sexy. The brand will tell you Spell On You "conjures the ecstasy of love, blending sensuality and lightness," and I love any fragrance inspired by love because fragrance is so tied to emotion.
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garzamccurdy8 · 2 years
The Method To Spot Actual Vs Pretend Valentino Rockstud Pumps
Perfumes are private, so we don’t take it personally if a scent just isn't for you. We donate all returns to charity so no bottle of perfume ever goes to waste. We remove retailer markups, movie star advertising, and licensing charges to offer luxury scents for 70-90% much less. A lot is happening in the scent, but it's balanced in a means that works. It opens with black cherry, hazelnut, tobacco leaf, and honey. [newline]The heart of the scent reveals citrus leaf and two forms of rose for a wealthy, boozy depth. Like drinking milk tea together with your wet hair wrapped up in a towel. It smells like a Siamese cat laying on an angora sweater. I do not consider in seasonality when it comes to fragrance, but it is a summery perfume that will smell simply as good within the useless of winter. People love Kim Kardashian's fragrances, and there's a good reason why. Plain and simple, her shit is nice, and there's always one thing for everybody. Vanilla Diorama is a vanilla scent done so properly. The hand can cross through and be taken as a purse, so the impact is cool. At the identical time, this bag can be geared up with an adjustable length shoulder strap, so it can additionally be shoulder-back. The Replica Valentino Handbags Real Leather Small Square Shoulder Bag looks very simple, and the male ticket may be very refreshing to give me a New Year’s Day reward. https://skel.io/valentino-replica.html If you buy a duplicate bag tote and want to buy a multi-functional bag, but also wish to look good, please select this, it is strongly recommended. Replica Valentino Bags, a model that is crazy about school, has a good high quality, sturdy and good again. This bag was bought in Hawaii final June in the university graduation season. At that time, a number of colors were very like, and there have been cherry blossoms. When I purchased it, I tangled the color for a protracted time. After the dissolution of the first group of feminine cosmonauts in 1969, Tereshkova remained in the area program as a cosmonaut teacher. She later graduated from the Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy and re-qualified for spaceflight however never went to space once more. She retired from the Air Force in 1997 having attained the rank of main common. Candystud first appeared within the Replica Valentino Handbags 2018 spring and summer season show. She is known for being the first and youngest woman in space, having flown a solo mission on the Vostok 6 on 16 June 1963. She orbited the Earth 48 occasions, spent nearly three days in house, and stays the only girl to have been on a solo house mission. The Spike series has three sizes, massive, medium and small, all designed with Nappa lambskin and durable! The giant size is 30cm x 20cm x 18.5cm, and the capability is still very large! The colours are more diverse, the eye-catching purple is the most eye-catching, the traditional black, the elegant nude colour is very good, and we can choose one for every issue. Just in time for the holidays, Sephora is offering 20% off all of its full-sized fragrances till Dec. 24 so you'll have the ability to reward your loved ones a luxe bottle of fragrance or cologne for a refreshing start to the new 12 months. The leather-based can be much shinier than the true Valentino. Still, it’s a beautiful shoe and really flattering. Pack powder have been divided into three teams, under the management. The choice of a bunch of models, and then pick a set of the newest season Replica Valentino Handbags clothes, footwear and bags, with a consultant of Valentino Look. Has always been to put on a extensively known flower trainer Song, the scene to the replica bag tote powder to supply a lot of put on recommendation. Her put on to take the thought, is to find essentially the most suitable for their very own. wikipedia handbags I even have heard that Rockstud Spike has lots of colours in the nation have been out of stock, and I present in Paris, the store has been very incomplete colour, black all brief. Recently, many international stars and bloggers are beginning to again the replica bag tote, and really feel Rockstud Spike this replica bag tote should be a Rockstud assortment Valentino is a representative of a bag design. Like this can go to the shop to attempt, which dimension or color the most suitable for their very own. Profile simple, shiny texture, sensible low-key. Lady wardrobe is always missing that a reproduction bag tote, nothing greater than that's the case. Otherwise, according to his personality, it won't be sizzling. I really have by no means seen or planted grass within the early stage. These two months are carrying daily, especially mild, typically wearing a thick coat will at all times subconsciously touch the bag to confirm that the bag continues to be not. The nude shade is more of a true nude than the pink beige of the genuine Valentinos, but I don’t think Annie's manufacturing facility has that colour. I suppose the true nude that she did have is prettier though so I’m proud of it — it seems similar to the image of the black/nude reverse Rockstuds I noticed on Instagram . The State Space Commission nominated Tereshkova to pilot Vostok 6 at their assembly on 21 May. Tereshkova was promoted to lieutenant before her flight and to captain mid-flight. Before her choice for the Soviet house program, Tereshkova was a textile manufacturing unit employee and an amateur skydiver. She joined the Air Force as a part of the Cosmonaut Corps and was commissioned as an officer after completing her training. Sole is darker and has a little purple colour bleeding from the edge. Includes some beveling as within the unique, but not very much. The Valentino stamp is way shallower, and the dimensions stamp indicates Chinese sizing somewhat than EU sizing . You’ll in all probability want to put non-slip soles on these guys. Annie’s upper is more versatile and KP’s have slightly more padding, however each are fairly comfortable.
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