#the story is Fine actually and I am so tired of seeing people bitch about it w/out even attaching a tag I can easily block
loregoddess · 10 months
might have to add tears of the kingdom to my "got blacklisted not bc I hate the media (I love it so much actually), but bc the fans are fucking annoying" list
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neo404 · 6 months
you should write a prompt where the reader texts nick "can you please come get me?" he could be at a party, at his home, or anywhere that seems fun to write! love ur writing 🤍
Get me out.
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Summary: at a party you grow tired of this random guy talking shit about your boyfriend so you get into a fight with him, after that you text Nick to get you.
Tw: fighting, cursing, mentions of alcohol. suggestive??
‘’Yeah, and that Nick guy. God, he is such and idiot, he thinks he is the best but really, he’s just a whinny bitch. I don’t get why people like him.’’ the vodka burns my throat, or maybe it was the anger. Either way, I was done with this guy’s bullshit.
‘’The only whinny bitch I see is the one talking shit at peoples backs.’’ I walk closer to him, and push him into the wall. ‘’Say one more thing about him and I’ll break your face.’’ I don’t think of myself as a violent person, not all the time at least, but I am very protective of what’s mine.
‘’Who are you? One of his bitches?’’ he smirks.
‘’I’m the only one, actually.’’ I threw a punch at him. I hear commotion, a few of his friends rushed to me, a few of my friends rushed to him. I think I punched him a few times more but it might have been another person really. After 2 or 3 minutes I get dragged outside by my friend. ‘’Let me go. He hasn’t apologized yet, I’ll make him.’’
‘’Stop, that’s enough.’’ I sit on the floor outside the house the party was held at, my ribcage hurts, my face and knuckles too. I let out a sigh and clean off the blood running from my mouth. ‘’I’m going inside to see how the other dude is.’’ I nod and he leave. I take my phone out.
Ocean eyes
Can you please come get me?<
>Everything okay?
>Send me your location.
I look at myself in the black screen of my phone after sending him my location, he’s gonna be mad, and worried. I don’t regret punching that idiot, but I know how Nick gets when I get into a fight. After 10 or maybe 15 minutes I see the van park outside the house, Nick rushing out of the car runs to me and hugs me. I let out a loud ‘ouch’ and the breaks the hug quickly.
‘’Who hurt you? What happened? Are you okay?’’ He starts scanning my whole body for injuries and a small smile form on my face.
‘’I’m fine, I’m okay now.’’ I hug him and he gently wraps his arms around me. Caressing my hair and kissing my hair softly. ‘’Can we go to your house? My body hurts…’’
‘’Of course. Come on.’’ He helps me get up and walk to the car, inside Matt looks at me from the rear-view mirror.
‘’Hi Matt. Sorry for the hour.’’
‘’No problem. What happened?’’
‘’Long story…’’ I put on my seatbelt and lean my head into Nick’s shoulder.
‘’Are you gonna tell me what happened?’’ I’m sitting on the kitchen counter while Nick cleans the wounds of my face. I shrug my shoulders.
‘’You’ll get mad.’’
‘’Then why did you do it?’ I shrug my shoulders again.
‘’He was talking bullshit about you. And before you say it, I know you don’t care and I shouldn’t listen to what other people say but… I care, and I care a lot, I can just exist while other people say shit about my boyfriend, shit that is just far far away from reality.’’ He sighs and leaves the cotton covered with blood beside me, he grabs my face with both hands and makes me look at him.
‘’As hot as you look all bruised up, I don’t want you punching people every time you go out just because they said something that’s not true. We have talked about this.’’ I nod and he kisses my nose. ‘’Don’t do it again. Seriously. One of these days you’ll find someone that punches harder than you.’’
‘’I doubt that.’’
‘’Whatever you say big boy.’’ He pats my thigh. ‘’Let’s go to take a shower. It will help with the pain.’’ I nod and follow him to his room. ‘’And just so you know, it will only be a shower, I don’t want you more sore tomorrow.’’
‘’No buts, come on. You smell like alcohol.’’
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vanlegion · 4 months
TL;DR script 1?
I'm getting the urge to write my first RVB fic. Yet, I've been going back and forth about how I actually want to handle it. Directly after Restoration, I had a lot of " EMOTIONAL DAMAGE " and whipped up a seven page comic i've yet to publish (and still am debating about at this point because I dont feel its very good and I lost a lot of the anger that spurned it but GODDAMN do I want to keep pump the RVB tag with more Grimmons Art JUST BECAUSE) along with a few other pictures and feels and ideas of other WIPS that also came from that anger and angst... But now that it's been some time and I've cooled down and have been able to process and ALSO come to understand that 19 could be taken as another Simulation, and that ALSO RVB gave us the unique gift of letting us CHOOSE where our canon story ends (Be it at S10, or S13 or for the very few of us S17) ... My brain has slowly been allotting, plotting and working its way towards writing a story that could be a more realistic take to an ending. I've never written 'Fix-It fics' in my life. Mostly because I don't really believe in them that much, personally, for me. ( I'll read them if the premise sounds awesome, and I'm curious how people switch things up. I just have a hard time writing them myself.) For me I do 'Mend-It' fics. Which means I keep what was considered 'broken' in canon, but then find a canon way to fix it BEYOND the breaking point. . . . . So now I am conflicted because as I stated before - RvB is a Choose Your Own Ending series. S19 does have some concepts I'd like to play around with and explore further and expand on. But I'm also an enjoy of have S17 as my ending. Never getting the SoC fight feels wrong. But maybe, maybe. . . I've got a way to have my cake and eat it too. Ya know, before Grif finds out I had cake.
Anywho, this was a quick Outline for the first draft of a Fic I was planning, but am now thinking of scrapping maybe for what's now brewing in my brain. I might flesh this back out again but this was what I came up with about some odd hours after finishing Restoration day of. "First Nights"
How often does Simmon's second guess himself? By nightfall, when he see's Grifs unmade and trashed bed - because you KNOW Grif left him one last mess to clean up, he's going to bitch about it, bitch about the trash and . . . probably put it off for the morning. Being so fucking tired after surviving all of that. And then when he starts to ask a question. . . realizing he wont get an answer, he'll choke. Tucker's acting all 'Yeah I'm fine sure' but he's probably struggling a fuck of a lot right now and trying to do it all himself - and Wash is still learning how to let go but he's got Carolina for support so he can be Tucker's support as well. Them learning how to heal together is very viable. Grif is probably going to run off disbelief for a few hours, along with adrenaline to figure out his immediate living situation as soon as he gets back home. But it's gonna sink in pretty quickly that he's alone, and it'll hurt when it hits. He didn't even tell Kai he was leaving to go back home cause he was still waiting for a second shoe to drop, but it didnt and now he's back in Hawaii.
Caboose is gonna wonder the canyon. He'll be quite. Probably ends up in front of a broken Simmons, and is just there to be supportive. Because Simmons also, in a way, also just lost his best friend. So he'll offer a shoulder and a hug and let Simmon's have his emotions. Because doing the right thing is the sad thing. He'll probably say thank you to Sarge's grave. It'll inspire him to make one for the Epsilon Unit, but the grave stone will be carved with ALL the names ... Church, Tex, Alpha, Beta, Epsilon and the rest in their Greek Lettering. He'll put the Sniper Rifle on it. Tucker leaves with Wash and Carolina because the trauma does finally hit him and hard, and he needs a doctor. Carolina tires to convince Caboose and Simmons to go with them but they both stay behind - Simmon's claiming some kind of bullshit technical reason and Carolina know's he's lying but doesn't push, just leaves the invite open. Caboose and Simmons sit atop Red Base and talk into the night, watching the stars and recounting things again. The first night alone is rough, and it hurts. It gets easier each passing night, but it still sucks when it feels you no longer have a purpose. They started as pawns in a fake war, and it feels like after everything that's happened, they're still just pawns the UNSC would rather push into the shadows. At least here. Maybe there's somewhere they could actually make a difference, or that their help and experience would be beneficial. It takes time to find that place. But eventually, they do. A new training facility/liaison office looking for experienced vets is being built. Simmon's files the paperwork immediately, because Red Tape bullshit requires these thing be done ASAP and he's taking no chances. Takes time again, but eventually, the new facility is finished and they're paperwork is accepted. They clear out Blood Gulch. They leave it behind for good. (Debating Simmon's having rigged the bases to explode or not - sees on brand for him, but also he may just leave it derelict because Sarge) Simmons, anxious but excited, turns to Caboose and see's the other's excitement. He's going on about how "It'll be great!" and all the things he wants to see and do and all the new friends he could make, but then grows kind of quiet and look over to Simmons. "It will be great, right?" "Going to Earth? Yeah. I think it will." Last scene is just them talking while the data-pad next to Simmons shows a readout of the New Facility they're transferring to, " RTB: ODST - Red Team Base: O'ahu Division for Science and Technologies"
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ronanceisintheair · 1 year
I sent that ask about the Ronance/Steddie parallels in good faith bc I actually ship both. But now met with such incredible hostility on the topic, I'm curious. Why would you prefer heaps of character deaths over a Steddie endgame? What about it is so off-putting that you'd rather see good characters die? It can't be just the fact that it's an mlm ship, or at least I hope that's not your reasoning. So what about it angers you so?
(you might call me a bitch for answering truthfully, but I'm just going to be real. And you might call me a bitch for preferring a full on all character death than st*ddie but yea, maybe so what. Some things just need to be fanon. I can be cool with st*ddie shippers as I am actually cool with some of them. But you're on anon trying to put me on trial because I don't ship them? Like get over it... truthfully. )
Anyway, you shipping both does not mean I ship both, so using the reasoning of "in good faith" is subjective. (And this got long winded...so sorry I guess?)
As a ronance blogger and enjoyer who is tired of st*ddie infiltrating our tags and little nooks of fandom, what you think is in good faith was actually not.(I didn't receive it well so you play it off like it was in good faith-also is the eneregy that is being given).
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you're new here to my blog and that's fine. That's okay.
But the ruse of it being in good faith reads almost satirical...if only. I'm talking about and was talking about Ronance in my posts so why would you bring up st*ddie anyways to me unprovoked?
I do not ship both I do not have to ship both.(also trying to pull the reverse card on the *just because it's mlm* is not a thing. Mlm media and ships are received so well, and when yall find someone who doesn't like or care for a ship yall expect a whole analysis and thesis why. Well no its not simply because it's mlm-but if it was why couldn't it be? Genuinely? Why do people expect sapphic women to consume mlm content that doesn't relate to them or tell their story but don't put the same energy for gay men?)
it's because st*ddie has been shoveled down my throat too much. Infiltrated every part of st fandom because people don't know how to tag things, don't know how to separate keep it within its own bubble.
Not all, but alot of the fandom are women hating; specifically Nancy and Chrissy hating. And if you believe fandom doesn't influence the way you view media/ships/or anything in general that would be deluded to say. Fan base definitely has a hand in how people receive things at a certain point.
Also as much as I hate this statement it's true here, i saw absolutely nothing between St*ve and E*die interactions beyond two people on forced proximity interacting. So no its not simply because it's mlm. It's because the pair did nothing for me. And didn't give me an *oh* moment.
You shipping both doesn't make you mightier then me just like me shipping only ronance doesn't make me better than you. I'm not sitting here asking you why you ship st*ddie so why must people who only ship Ronance always qualify themselves??
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sweetfirebird · 1 year
anyone who's being a dick about asking for more after you're doing the whole writing thing at your own pace can fight me behind a waffle house. (especially if it's about the albert thing) i have no idea why people are so impatient?!?! i have been waiting on the last kingkiller trilogy for over six years. i have incomplete fanfic bookmarked from nearly a decade ago i still check for updates occasionally. take your fucking time or don't write whatever they're asking for at all! it's your choice and not ours and i have yet to be disappointed with your work and i'm even keeping a few books unread for a future rainy day because it's a little treat. jesus fuck let authors write and take their time and do it how they want and can people please stop being a nagging wet tissue paper eater because it just makes everyone have a bad time and i'm sorry you have to deal with that.
anyway you write good. thanks for writing good. i'm sleepy and this is a weird awkward ramble sorry about that and it's been a whole fucking week so i hope you're fine and if not everything will be fine <3
ha no it is not about Albert, surprisingly. (That sweetheart) No, two separate people, both using a post about something else to ask me (for the second time, yes both of them for the second time) for something they would like to see.
And I get being excited. And I get wanting more of certain settings or characters. But there is a time and place to tell me what you like about other, past books and it's not when I am talking about something else I have JUST done. And it is definitely not after you (the general you) have already asked me to write that specific something new for you that you want so much and I have given you as much of a soft No or at best vague maybe someday but I don't know that I possibly can.
I think... in addition to what you said, because yeah, most authors are doing it on their own. Even the ones working with traditional publishers are still writing while contending with the stresses of real life, and frankly, traditional publishers do not offer much help these days.(As far as I can tell anyway.) And they will write at whatever pace they can, and most cannot put out a billion stories a year. It's just not doable. It's mentally and emotionally taxing, and also... they have lives. They have families. What the hell.
But in addition to that, authors are also doing their own marketing, their own PR. Like, it's not agents. It's not a team. A few might have assistants but most do not. ...and readers maybe forget that? There is no wall separating the authors from this. They perhaps imagine their words as being more like, paper fanmail going to a publisher, who forwards it on, where an assistant or agent reads it. Like some sort of filter situation.
Then also, people like me who are too tired or weird (or semi feral) to maintain a colder public persona and *do* publicly let friends tease me or call me bitch or whatever, perhaps give the impression that we are cool with more informal requests.
And then also the internet tends to instill weird close/distant relationships, so some people either not think of the people they are talking to/authors as real people, while also giving those people a distorted sense of friendship and familiarity.
That's actually me being kind. I worked retail for a long time and the general public are demanding and will ask for stuff they shouldn't without any shame. Because every person thinks they are the only one doing the naughty thing so it's okay. (If they even know it's naughty.)
Anyway, thank you for also seeing it as rude. Get some sleep now maybe?
And to everyone else, a few things:
if you want to ask a writer about upcoming stories and you aren't following them on social media or wherever, then I bet you they have a fanmail option somewhere. Use that instead of hopping onto a post about something else.
and... as my family will tell you... the more you insist I should do a thing, the greater the odds that I will never do it. :)
(also, i do charity prompts all the time. these people could pay charity money for the stories they want and somehow never do...)
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buddhajesuschrusthole · 10 months
Hey everybody on tumblr (or whatever this damn fucking app is called ) - I am not a hip youngster anymore I am 25 years old and have never used this shit!
But anyway - hello!
I will be sharing today - one of my favorite things - advice on manifesting what you want to happen for you in this lifetime!
So! Without further adue- (is that how you spell it, French people?) Here is my blog on the subject! (At least for tonight haha, today is November 17th , 2023!)
So - manifesting! Have you heard of that term? It means - “bringing into reality / making your dreams come true!”
Manifesting your dreams therefore means - you guessed it - bringing your dreams from the dream realm - into your real life realm! (Turning your fantasy into reality!)
I’m serious, dawg! It’s happened to me - so that’s how I know! - So I don’t want to hear it! Lol! Jk - but I mean it tho!
So - I have manifested many-a-thing. Including - my dream boyfriend! (YES , I mean it - like he is the LITERAL GUY I wanted for SO LONG - the man I fantasized about in bed - before it actually happened! OMG - crazy - right!? NO! Because it’s fucking real! Now listen dawg…)
So here’s the story - so - years ago - I had wished for a guy with long hair down to his ass - a gorgeous one - that I literally would marry!
(We didn’t get married yet but that’s not the point!)
Years after I wished for that (YES, YEARS AFTER), I met this guy at work - named Devon (I literally remember thinking in bed one day - years before this happened - that his name would start with a damn D?!! WTF!!) - and was soooo cute! I loved him aaaaaaaaaaa! He was literally so adorable, I can’t even tell you!
But anyway - he was my type - shy - quiet - an asshole! Hahahha - just kidding Devon, I love you! No, but - maybe a lil bit. Lmao! (Sorry baby - I love you!)
But anyway he looked exactly like the kind of guy I would want to date tbh! So ummmm, so I talked to him as much as I could, even though he scared the shit out of me! He just had this intense stare of like - hate towards everybody - lmaooo! I can’t explain it but - if you experienced it before - then you probably know what I’m talking about haha!
He was just like - very anti-social and quiet - but I liked him anyway! Every time I talked to him - he was always nice to me! So that’s good haha!
Except for that one time at work - where I asked him where the cheese was during a rush (we worked in a kitchen at BDubs) - and we went in the walk-in fridge and he started kicking shit out of anger - and then I cried because I was scared that he hated me (he didn’t see that tho…) Oopsie Devon! You bitch! Lmao! Jk - I still love you!
Except for that one time - he was a really nice guy! Ummmm, so far hahaha!
But then after two weeks of working with him he walked-out and quit! Oh no! Fuck! He was the hottest guy at work and then I was so disappointed and mad tbh, lmaooo! Mostly because I had to do his job and mine - two weeks into my new fucking job - ahhhh!!!!!
I didn’t even know how to make nachos - and they still had me do it - all by myself - even in a rush! WTF!!! I had just started!!! Those bastards couldn’t hire someone!? Fine! So I did it all by myself!!!! (I’m serious - I was so mad wtf!)
But anyway - a few months go by - then I walk out too! Cuz I’m tired of working two peoples jobs - when I literally asked them to hire my two friends - and they just wouldn’t! WTF!
So yeah! That’s why I quit that one~! Hahahaha…
But! I think a few more months go by - or weeks!? I don’t even remember hahahaha I’m so sorry - but - it wasn’t too long…
But one night - I was thinking about Devon - in bed - by myself - and I was like damn - he was so cute! I miss him! - and I was taking out loud to myself and I went “Well, if he liked me, I’m sure he’d let me know!”
AND I SHIT YOU NOT!!!! I SHIT YOU NOT - he literally followed me on my instagram - THE NEXT MORNING! LMAOOO!! NO FUCKING WAY!
Yes, it’s true - this is the fucking facts of my life y’all! It’s literally all over my old YouTube channel!
That moment is what you’d call a serendipitous synchronicity! A moment of WTF and mystery - and a moment of - how the fuck is this even happening right now!? (It kind of felt like a dream I’m NGL!)
And the rest I’m going to keep from you - because it took about a year for us to get together - but I blocked him two weeks after he followed me - because I messaged him and we started taking but then he pissed me off - so I blocked him and cried about it!
But yeah - before that happened - me and him planned to meet at the park - but we couldn’t find each other (and I had to walk there.) But that’s not why I blocked him, so - blocked him because he pissed me off because I told him I liked him - and then he told me he wasn’t ready for a relationship right now (he kept talking about his ex gf and how much he missed her prior to this - and told me that he was crying blah blah blah.) (That was his only gf so I am giving him a fucking break in this one, but still - goddamn bitch!)
They had broken up a few years prior to that so I was like - wow. But they were together for three years and I can’t even imagine being in a relationship that long - so I can’t sympathize 100 percent… but I tried, goddamn it!
But yeah - I blocked him because of that ( even though I probably shouldn’t have told him I liked him the day after he cried to me about his ex gf, I think he just needed a friend tbh - but I wasn’t being a friend - I was being a thirsty bitch! Hahaha goddamn it!)
But to be fair he was flirting with me and it really mad me angry! So yeah! Kudos to past me! Muahahahha!
But anyway - even though he was a beautiful guy - I blocked his ass and cried about it immediately after - because after I blocked him - I unblocked him but then found out that he blocked me, too. (To be fair , after I told him I liked him I went ahead and told him I would just go fuck this other guy instead (he was hot too…))
Goddamn, maybe I was a damn bitch….oh well.
But anyway!
Me and that other guy met one time (I think it was a few days after or something, but we never saw each other again, and no we didn’t fuck, just hung out and shit, didn’t even kiss the guy.)
But yeah. So that’s why I blocked him ~!
But then! After that second guy kind of hurt me because he didn’t text me back after we hung out (maybe it’s because I pointed out this girls choker in his fucking car!?) IDK if he had a gf or what but - ew.
I was like sad and shit - but then I was like - fuck men! So I stayed single after that.
I just wanted my soulmate tbh.
But honestly - the dating sites weren’t working - and I was bored.
So I messaged Devon on his Facebook account like (two to four) months after I blocked him hahaha!
He didn’t reply for two weeks - but then he saw it and replied ( I think he didn’t see it because we weren’t friends - either that or he was ignoring me but idc I understand tbh!)
But he messaged me back and we started talking - I tried not to be clingy this time - but when I wanted him to message me first - he didn’t. So I was like wow, why should I message you first if you don’t message me first!? The fuck!
But I don’t think that technique worked… because I went a few weeks without messaging him - and then I messaged him once after that and I saw that he had blocked me.
I was like “NOoOoOooO!!!” And I cried - I’m sorry I’m just a sappy lil bitch tbh - even though it’s my own fault cuz I blocked the guy first!
Hahahhaha oh lord.
But anyway - I cried for a few days because I still had a crush on him and all that… but after that happened - I told myself that he just needed time. I told myself that he was going through something and wouldn’t just block me out of nowhere for nothing. (Which ended up being the truth - he was indeed going through something.)
So - months and months and months go by - maybe six months? Seven months? I don’t know how many! Maybe five? I’m not good at math nor time - sorry folks.
But anyway - months go by - and during those months - I was vigorously masterbating to him.
Yes, I mean every damn day!
I mean it.
But anyway - I imagined him massaging me in my bed with lotion all over my back - making it nice and relaxing and romantic.
I imagined him eating me out and plowing the shit out of my vagina hole.
And I mean it, too!
Anyway - I told myself not to worry - and that if he really liked me that much - that he would unblock me eventually.
Low and behold - the day comes - I’m browsing my Facebook messenger - and I see his bubble was online!
I was like - why would his bubble be online to me if he has me blocked still - that seems dumb.
So I clicked on his bubble and it took me to his profile - which wouldn’t happen if you’re blocked. (IK you already know this, ladies and gentlemen, hahaha jk!)
But anyway - I clicked on it and I was so happy because I was like OMG no way - he finally unblocked me after how many months!?
So I didn’t message him that day - I waited for him to do - which was unrealistic and he didn’t end up doing anything - so like a week or two goes by and then I decide to message him!
I was like “Hey Devon - so - why did you block me - I thought I told you that I was going through some emotional stuff and I thought you had forgiven me for that already?”
Then he said something like “Yeah I’m sorry - I don’t really know why I did that.”
And I was like “Sure you do, buddy! I know I blocked you first and I know it’s my own fault - but I’m very sorry and I hope you understand that I liked you and wanted to be your friend - I was just going through a lot emotionally at the time.”
And he told me he understood, and he told me something along the lines of “I think you are a wonderful person - I am sorry if I hurt you - I didn’t mean to.”
And inside I felt so happy because I thought that was sweet…
So we talked - and talked - and talked - and then every day after that - I messaged him - not caring who was first to do it anymore. I guess I just liked him that much or something haha. But he always messaged me back and didn’t leave me on read or anything.
So that’s good.
So I think a month of that goes by - and then I finally ask him if he wants to hang out with me - and he says yes.
(Remember when I told you I couldn’t find him at the park? He thought I stood him up - and I thought he had stood me up, too. That was also before I told him I liked him. Probably not a good plan to tell him after that , and the fact that he cried about his ex the night before. But whatever - I was thirsty - he was hot - what can I say? LMAO And guys - he did tell me he thought I was very attractive (before I blocked him and before he blocked me lol) - so I know he didn’t think I was ugly so that’s definitely not it.)
So here is another weird coincidence : also called a serendipitous moment - also called a synchronicity - meaning that we are synchronized!
Before the day we hung out - I had asked myself - “what would that moment be like?”
So, I had imagined that moment - and guess what? The very thing I had imagined and hoped for - became the ultimate reality that day that we hung out.
To the very T.
(Which is also why it weirds me out a little - but it’s also very beautiful - if you ask me~!)
I mean to the damn T - the energy was the same - and before we hung out I hoped that he would ask to buy me a coffee (which he did ask me if he could get me one one day!) Plus - I had hoped that he would hang out with me every week after that (which he had said to me - something along the lines of: “We should make it a tradition to see each other every week, or something.”)
But yeah now we’re dating.
(We didn’t get to see each other every week after that - but we did see each other - and I am very happy that he’s a blessing in my life now. He is a dream come true and I have told him this - and he had also told me that he had sex dreams about me and about us dating before it actually happened.)
We were friends for a few months after we first hung out - and then I told him: (“What are we doing here? I like you. And I need to know if you like me too. And if not , tell me now.”)
Then he told me he was confused too and then we talked about it - and then I invited him to a sleepover. The rest is personal - but honestly we’re dating now. So the rest is history.
However, he does remind me of a character I made up in my head, whom I said had long dark hair, and who would be my husband one day.
Like I said - this was so many years ago - probably about four or so years ago that I made up that fantasy.
And I told myself he’d like to read too - which he does! Which is crazy to me! Now all I have to do is make him gothic and he will literally be the exact match to my fantasy many years ago. (He does like gothic stuff so I don’t think that’ll be too hard.)
But yeah that’s the story of me and my boyfriend - omg I missed a detail!
I remember - the day after we officially got together - the next day Devon had told me that his brother had got an engagement ring for his girlfriend and that he was going to ask her to marry her!
I just thought that was significant since - like I said - this guy reminds me of my fantasy that I had of a husband. LMAOOO!
But yeah! Thanks for reading and listening to my story! Leave a like and follow for more manifesting stories - I have lots - even scary bits! :D
Also look up my YouTube if you’re interested - Buddha Jesus Chrusthole (Infinite Butthole Jesus)!
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mlobsters · 9 months
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supernatural s13e1 lost and found (w. andrew dabb)
metallica's nothing else matters for the road so far recap? mmmk. i loved the black album.* it's in my big playlist right now! and nothing else matters was very teen angst sad boy shit appropriate for me (album came out when i was 11 and i remember it featuring at middle school dances) but this song is way too downtempo for the clips/editing as it progresses before we get to the loud parts. weird choice. and maybe shows do this all the time and it's not with songs i know well enough to notice, but splitting the song up midway through is very jarring. i get cutting down the long instrumental intro, but segueing into lyrics differently? buh. stranger things did it with atmosphere by joy division and it wasn't terrible, but noticeable. but the scene/song combo was so impactful to me i didn't care because i was a mess
the overriding theme here with this song and clip selection is like 🚨FAMILY 🚨okay bro, i get it. calm down. is this why i see people harping on how the show is about family, not just sam and dean? is this gonna be A Thing? or am i projecting? both?? i have literally nothing else i might want do if i don't watch this. but i also don't really want to watch this. sigh.
and now i'm all distracted by them using some new fancy filming technique while they're driving where they're being paced and we're seeing the conversation from the outside and it was cool at first but it keeps going and now i'm just too busy trying to figure out where the camera is and where it's going and getting vaguely dizzy.
i get what and why they're doing this thing with jack being at the station with the sheriff but also. im tired
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all right. this also reminds me of hmm. combo leo in titanic and ...josh hartnett in pearl harbor?? o.0
glad sam is totally freaked out and afraid of jack, as he should be
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JACK (still fondling the wall) Lucifer? No, that's not his name. My father is Castiel.
LOL transcriber! fondling?? how about touching. anyway. papa castiel it is
MIRIAM I don't know what he's told you. I mean, I can guess. Some line about how he and his brother… (deepens voice) save the world. Grr. So macho. (she sighs and speaks in her normal voice) But really, he's not a hero. He's Becky. DEAN Becky? The roommate Becky? MIRIAM You take things and break things and piss people off, and just do whatever you want, no matter who it hurts. Also, you're a giant super bitch. DEAN Well, it takes one to know one. MIRIAM So, yeah, you're Becky, and Becky needs to die.
really odd choice to go with becky for this whole story business, unless they're invoking the actual becky from the show it's just confusing. i really hope it's not show-becky.
i think these are the angels that were in the script in 12x23? got 'em in now, i guess. so i thought carver was around for s12 but apparently it switched to dabb/singer as showrunners that season
....why did the angel just stab the sheriff's kid...? i know they're generally not big on humans but stabbing one for no real reason other than some distraction seems a bit excessive.
MIRIAM: Oh, sweetie. Almost anything. Castiel, he's dead. All the way dead, because of you.
rolling my eyes. that's a reach to try to induce a guilt trip
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conveniently got confirmation that jack can't be killed easily, as expected being how they talk him up like he's more powerful than anything basically for whatever reason
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DEAN Okay, Chuck… or God, or whatever. I need your help. See, you– you left us. You left us. You went off. You said… You said the earth would be fine because it had me… and it had Sam, but it’s not, and we’re not. We’ve lost everything. And now you’re gonna bring him back. Okay? You’re gonna bring back Cas, you’re gonna bring back Mom, you’re gonna bring ‘em all back. All of ‘em. Even Crowley. ’Cause after everything that you’ve done, you owe us, you son of a bitch. So you get your ass down here and you make this right, right here and right now.
being a cynical asshole but ok scenic backdrop for this praying to chuck that he could have done in the car. and he's giving my kids when they want something. need some foot stomping. punch something and risk breaking your hand instead, good choice
i think there's a handful of reasons** but i have never emotionally connected with cas and this... angsting and preparing to burn him and all, knowing that it's all going to be walked back at some point, it's just frustrating and exhausting. and now we're mourning cas, kelly, mom, crowley....
i didn't want to be sitting and stewing over pondering the logistics of how cas comes backs so i went and looked it up. and um, okay. i'm sure i'll have some thoughts about when it rolls around.
well, suffice it to say, i didn't particularly enjoy this episode. and had surprisingly little (for me) to say about it.
**his characterization that seems to change week to week is part of it and how the show talked up his relationship with the boys but didn't match up to what they were showing us for seasons on end. and unfortunately, how some sectors of fandom are about him also i think has an effect. which is a bummer all the way around
*oh james. i do enjoy your voice. i saw them live once or twice i think, but i don't really remember it. it was in the days of the album with the blood and jizz on the cover, which people didn't like. the songs or the jizz, i think
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according to wikipedia, james also didn't like the blood and jizz artwork, and says homophobic shit in his explanation. great!
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samcal-official · 2 years
I got canceled?
Another SamCal official post incoming! And a serious one at least.
Well, I have mentioned sometimes before that I like to write songs as a hobby. A thing of my own. These songs I write can be considered poetry too since I'm just going to write lyrics based on my experiences, and the melodies of the songs are all in my imagination, coming from the top of my head. I just keep repeating the same damn melody for so long that I end up memorizing it.
I wanted to share and open up a bit about something with this new one I have been writing. It's not full, but here's what I've written:
"Piece by piece, it starts up small, then big.
Watch, me fall, from grace into defeat.
Am I that, irredeemable?
So much that you want, to drag my face through the mud...
I'm not perfect, I'm human, I also make mistakes
I feel guilty, please forgive me, I want to make amends
Not for my own reputation, I want peace to be set.
Why would you hurt me in revenge?
Should have stayed silent
Not one word spoken
Why couldn't I shut my fucking mouth?
I am not evil
And no saint either,
Nobody bothers to understand,
If I plead guilty,
Will you be happy?
Would you be fine? Would that be enough?
What more can I do?
You don't have to do this,
I am really not who you think I am
There is no crime here,
Rules weren't broken,
Just used my mouth before thinking twice
What is the point,
Of pointing my mistakes,
out to the world, and to drag me down?
We could have fixed this,
Only us both but
No, you chose to push me to the crowd
Did I deserve this?
To let somebody
To think two wrongs make it for a right?"
That is all that I have at the moment. You could probably tell already what is this song about. The thing is, I decided to write it after I had after a personal realization of mine. There have been several times in my past where I've been trying to redeem myself and own for mistakes I made to certain people, and unironically but coincidentally, all of these people have told others, "outed" me to the world, about the bad things that I've done to more people that didn't even need to hear about this. What is more intriguing is that, if I was being the one affected, I never asked for help unless I really showed I wanted it, because I always thought that closing myself, my emotions and my heart was the right thing to do, so everyone else would not have to deal with my pain and so, they didn't have to end up worrying about me.
Story 1
One situation was when I called this female classmate a bitch two years ago (It was two classmates actually, but one of them I ended up in better terms with after the incident, and for the rest of the year). It was a slip of the tongue and I meant to say it ironically since I was kinda tired of seeing them dance jokingly but "sexily" to some vulgar music while we were in a small public park for our PE Class at the time. No doubt I made the first wrong here. But holy shit I really look back and think "The fuck did I get myself into?" That time I really followed the saying of "fuck around and find out". Remember that I said it was 2 girls that I said this to? And that with one of them I ended up in better terms with? Well the other one... A piece of work I tell you, and she was bigger POS to me than I was to her. Sure, I screwed up first (and later that day I really felt guilty and said to myself "I really shouldn't have said what I said there, but why does it feel so exaggerated? Isn't like every teen alive cussing at each other very casually nowadays? Why is this any different? Were my words uncalled for? Ok let's assume someone hurt me the same way I did to them, what would I have done? I would have felt slightly insulted since I was taught to not take those insults to heart", but holy fuck she kept on dragging that small goddamn situation for ONE year. And it's not like I was a bully or anything like that. Sure, my opinion/impression of her after the incident wasn't positive by any means, but I did never went on my way to attack her or destroy her emotionally.
And something I wished that someone could have told me before in that moment is the emotional gender difference between men and women. The fact that us men TREASURE compliments (aka take to heart) because we rarely get them, and we receive insults more often (regardless if they're light or heavy hearted), so we tend to be desensitized from them when they're said more casually, but for women it's the opposite. They take insults to heart since they rarely get them, and become desensitized to compliments most of the time because they're often told positive things about them. And I mean all of this objectively because it's true to a general overall scale, and a certain extent too ofc bc not everyone's the same but still, you get my point.
Going back to the story, the next week I asked for her forgiveness and whatnot. I really felt guilty and tried to involve the least people as possible because I was dealing with both anxiety and past victim-blaming wounds too. With the help of one of my teachers I really wanted to apologize myself to these girls in front of him. I did and even asked for the "good" girl to give me a hug because the tears ran down my cheek and I didn't want this to repeat ever again. I was reckless and stupid. It was just a slip of the tongue that really showed what I thought of them in that moment, but I never thought anything bad about them before. I used my mouth before my mind in that moment, and that was it. I messed up and later owned the guilt of it. But the guilt would still be there, because the second girl would actually make an effort to drag me down even after 1 year of that stupid mistake.
She brought it up later one day, one year later almost, during virtual class (pandemic and shit) and she mentioned it to my social studies teacher at the time. I barely remember what happened afterwards this brand new incident since I have tried to ignore it all. She told the SS teacher, he arranged a date for us both to talk it with our parents and the school psychologist, the parents-teachers convo with us happened, we tried to solve everything and no further damage was done after the whole thing happened. Everything finally calmed down. We both recognized our wrongs and while it took me a lot of strength of will to forgive this girl, I did. If things apparently didn't end last year, then I wanted to get this over with asap one year after.
Nowadays to me that one situation is confusing and blurry. I remember the pain I caused and the pained I went through. Internally I carried so much guilt, and not only from that situation, but from past mistakes I thought I could forgive myself for. That's why I resorted to fix things as quickly as possible to avoid the emotional reactions. Get this over with and move on to make everything right. That's how I slowly started to behave with the most minimal things. I became stoic and tame. I would pay no further mind to how other people were or acted unless they actually damaged me emotionally. Now all of this affected me deeply because it happened in my real life, despite me not having a physical encounter with any of these people involved so... What about online?
Story 2
This song/poem I wrote was also based on me being canceled online. Yes. Me. A normal internet user being canceled. On Twitter (of course) of all places. Not here in Tumblr but in my other social medias I have a pretty decent amount of followers. So much that now it was possible for me to be "canceled".
This second story was between me and some nonbinary mutual I had on the website. We weren't online friends or anything. But oh man, the feels. The anxiety. My poor fucking mental health.
This is basically a recap in DMs of the whole story because telling it fully from scratch is completely tiring:
Yeah, I had an issue with someone on twitter. Fucked up with one person by saying something I shouldn't have. Took my time to properly apologize while still keeping my beliefs and expectations low. Offered them time to think about this before coming back to me again since I'd understand they'd be angry with me.
They twisted my words completely and posted the private DMS to the public, ruining a bit of my online reputation aka cancelling me for hurting their feelings. And when I posted my apology people said I was doubling it down and asking them to apologize to me (which is definitely a fucking absurd statement btw) since I never asked for them to do that if I was accepting I fucked up in the first place?? People left and right just kept nitpicking parts of the situation to still make me look bad. The mistake? Apparently trying to say to someone nb that being misgendered was expected of them since they were fem-presenting and AFAB and I said to them 'well, that makes you not any less valid than a woman'. (I saw this as also 'comforting then out of a label because that didn't define truly who they are regardless of gender) Take it as how you will but I'm not in the mood for gender neutral discussion neither do I care for that at the moment. I reflected and thought 'ok maybe I DID mess up so I'll see how to apologize' but no. they just instantly labeled me as transphobic when all of this happened.
Considering this could have been solved private, it's extremely petty despite my actions. Like sure I made the first wrong here, but it's just not worth it if it doesn't impact you in a way that it changes the whole fucking trajectory of your life. This wasn't cyberbullying, harassment or grooming. This didn't cross beyond the line of what was legal nor inmoral. Maybe hurtful yes, but I made the effort to make amends and gave it a few hours or days so the other person responded back more calmly and civilly.
Even the people that pointed out the situation were like 'hey I know what this person did wasn't right but exposing them like this is not right as well' and these people with actual common sense still got doubled down for speaking the truth.
I talked like to 6 friends about this whole thing. All of them agreed that I didn't deserve this and they all saw both perspectives of the matter while I still showed empathy for whom I hurts and brought me down.
Thanks to them, and my strength of will, I didn't let myself drown in the negativity and focused instead of living normally.
Even when I showed my apology public people still got fucking mad at me for no reason like "you're stubborn, go educate yourself, grow up" et fucking cetera.
And I was like "I can't afford to care anymore. I'm not submitting to the negative comments of others. I did what I could do the most, and while I wished that I could have done more, unfortunately my life doesn't revolve around social media and twitter. I have school, family, friends, teachers, class assignments, homework, food, pets, health habits and other needs to attend" rather than what people had to say online. And they called me selfish and told me things like "you only care about yourself and your reputation eh/you're selfish". So it's selfish to apologize, move on and live my own life. Ok. Got it.
That's my queue to leave the twitter side of the Minecraft community. I honestly love watching others play the game, but I'd love to engage more into other communities in which I'm actually active as well (like music, FNF or Just Dance ones since I do content based on those 3 different things). This person happens to be friends with some Minecraft CCs I like watching so I'm staying of their YouTube comment sections and Twitch streams for a bit, regardless of what they think of me were they ever spot me online.
Also no, I'm unironically, genuinely and very much definitely not transphobic. There's a few trans people out there I do admire and like following, but not because they're trans either. People who i actually find interesting for what they do and how they are more than for who they are.
I just saw the amount of attention that fucking post got. I want to be KO'd on the head be led unconscious.
I need fucking help or some shit bc Idk how the fuck to deal with hate.
More than 100 people saw this shit. Im fucking scared to be harassed. Think it was the right call to lock my accounts but still man I feel like shit.
This was the first part of the story. Then I said this after I had a realization:
Yeah... I messed up even more and realized too late
Apparently I said 'asking you to apologize', when I actually meant 'asking you for forgiveness' instead
My dumbass stressed brain threw the word so much around in my own mind that made me seem like the person I hurt *owed* me an apology. And I was like 'the fuck? I am the one in the wrong so why would they do that?'. Then I realized my grammar mistake.
perdonar in english has two translations = apologize & forgive. Same meaning, different uses for different contexts. My brain wired itself to just use one meaning of the word without even thinking about the other one.
(For further context, yes I'm English/Spanish bilingual so even if you hear me speak fluently or redact text pieces very accurately, THAT DOESN'T MEAN I'M INMUNE TO MAKING ORTOGRAPHIC, GRAMMAR, VOCABULARY OR SEMANTIC MISTAKES. Also this day I was being cancelled I had some serious business to attend with my family involving our stay in the United States, which I rather won't speak about but had I let myself drown in negativity that day, I'd have ruined the errand I was in)
This last story made me learn a few new things: Never tell nonbinary people the truth and stick to theirs to appease them and make them feel good or if not they'll just throw a tantrum and make you look like the most absolute scum of the earth. Maybe it's an exaggeration, or maybe it isn't, but still, my point stands. This doesn't mean go harass nb people instead of respecting them like any other human being deserves respect.
While I talked with some LGBTQ+ friends about this thing and they told me things like "be more inclusive/be more accepting/it doesn't cost that much to respect others" and they're right, that's not what concerned me the most. Like, yeah, I know I should treat others with respect and all what I could have done was done, but the fact that many other people I was in good term with just, instead of giving me a second chance or reaching out to me they just either unfollowed me or blocked me because of what this person said. I was stressed, embarrassed, humiliated, and all those feelings that I felt from Story 1 were coming back to my gut. I wasn't about to apologize to them all individually since I never hurt them myself in the first place. Sure they can be disappointed in me but like... You can't instantly believe I'm some sort of asshole who treats everyone like this? These people are mostly from MCC The Show (which obviously, I don't mod for anymore), and knowing that some of them are from Noxcrew that probably means I have zero chance to ever make it into MCC or to be accepted in the MCC community ever again (maybe I'm exaggerating here idk). Even if the stress of the situation has dissipated a lot, the lingering anxiety of a 'what if they bring this up again' outcome is unbearable. I did talk to a couple of the ex-fellow mods who were still my friends and told them how I messed up, that I felt guilty and regretful for not shutting up and needed to destress myself after being canceled. That the amount of hate I received I couldn't deal with, so I focused on what truly matters in my life as I listed previously. One of my friends said she let herself do be drowned in the negativity, and I understood why would she felt like that. Maybe I was more strongly willed to keep my head up than she was, but I understood her sympathy too. She checked up on me and we spoke for a bit a few days after this thing went down. Our conversation was profound and I will always be thankful for her concern and approach.
Now I don't care if this person I hurt in Story 2 accepts or refuses my apology. All they did to me, stress me out, making me sink into my old sins and past errors, I have found in myself the will to give them mercy and forgive them what they did to me. Sure it wasn't deserved, but regardless, I can't hold a grudge against them forever; because if I do, I'll just grow ireful and vengeful. Hell, I even understand perfectly what does it feel to being other people down, because even I tried to do that to Trobinguy in defense of Handzy (these 2 people were creators of two different pairs of OCs of Ruv's parents, Ruv being the character from the Friday Night Funkin mod called Mid Fight Masses) since Robin hurt Handzy and I tried to step in and defend her by bringing this guy down to the public thinking I was in the right when I had no business in interfering. Weeks after this cancellation attempt both Robin and Handzy made peace with each other behind the scenes, which brought me to approach to Robin and ask for his forgiveness after I said what I said about him in negativity, with awful regret. Thankfully he accepted it and we also stayed in good terms afterwards since no further harm was meant to be.
I understand blaming others. I understand suffering the insults of others. I understand insulting others. I understand interfering rightfully. I understand interfering where I shouldn't be. I understand every damn role in these troubles and conflicts and how, when, where and why I should or should not act. I understand being the cause of other's' suffering, and being the one who suffers. And regardless of all that, even when I try to humble myself to abide to what other people want me to do in order to fix things, there's always someone willing to believe I am truly heartless and evil.
Hey, maybe I am exaggerating, maybe I am not. But I wouldn't have written all of this if I didn't feel guilt-ridden for all I did. This post in also no way of mine trying to affirm that things didn't happened, because they did and there was both causes and consequences. I do firmly believe those consequences may have not been fitting for the size of my actions, but nonetheless, something it's better than nothing. I reflected on what I did and I have moved on from it completely. If someone in the future wants to bring this up I will just show them this post.
Also this post is no reason to condone illegal/inmoral behavior or to make of them easy subjects to deal with. These are my own experiences, mistakes, errors, troubles, feelings and reflections. In no way I am condoning the same behavior to other kinds of bad actions about anyone else, which I hope I will never be the cause or victim of them anytime in the future.
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buckysouvenir · 3 years
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summary: when things started to get worst during wwii, sofìa's family decided to run away from the country to find a little peace in the US. ended up in brooklyn, but when a terrible incident almost happened, two angels came not only into the rescue, but to your life.
pairing: 40s!bucky barnes. 40s!small!bestfriend!steve rogers.
warnings: curse words, injuries, fight, blood, mention of SA.
work count: 1.8k
author's note: hi guys! i'm so excited for this story!! i wanted to be just one post but if people like it enough, i'll try and make it a series? let me know if i should! i'm a sucker for 40s bucky and steve, so this is really comforting for me. also, this is the first, heavier thing, in comparison to what i'm used to write. please beware of the warnings in this. i triggered my own self to write this so please take care of yourselves. they have very touchy subjects. on another note, i have no idea how to write without modern slang, so i was frying my brain writing this, so if anything is out of the context i'm so sorry lmao.
my mailbox is always open for suggestions, concepts and requests!
more of my writing if interested.
reblogs, likes and comments are always encouraged and highly appreciated! thank you ♡
series masterlist.
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"i swear, it is not that bad"
"you're telling me getting punched in the face doesn't hurt that bad? i am a YMCA champion, twice i mean, and you don't think i have ever got hit in the face?" he sighs, "you have to stop doing that, someday you'll get yourself hurt, and really badly, and worst case scenario, i won't even be there to help you out"
"i know buck, i know…" he said, not actually agreeing, but tired of the fighting. he knows his friend cares about him. maybe tok much sometimes, in his own eyes.
the two men continue to walk through the streets of brooklyn.
when suddenly all is heard is not only footsteps, but also bangs, little whines, and voices hushing.
they look at each other with furrowed brows, while getting closer to the alley, when they see two men and a woman. she has her back to the wall, while crouched to the ground, looking at the two men in front of her. she has blood on her face and her dress. she has a look of fright on her face a watery eyes that can be seen even on this dimly lit alley.
the two friends take no time in interrupt the scene. running in their direction, screaming, throwing punches and things at the two weird men. the girl is now covering her face, don't know if to not get more hurt or to just not presence the scene.
"GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE" says the little blonde boy, with a piece of wood in his hands, as the two other weird men stumble their way out of the alley.
"every one wants their little piece of the little foreign bitch" says one of them.
"whatever, you both can have her" says the other. and they both dissappear into the night.
the two boys throw their made up weapons on the ground and get close to her.
"hey… hey, you ok?" the brunette says with a soft voice, bending down to her eye level.
"y-yes, thank you" she says with a heavy accent. she takes her hand out of her face, her right side covered in blood, and tears, with red eyes. "i should go now" she gets up slowly, glued to the wall, with fear in her eyes and her hands up.
"oh- we are not gonna do anything i'm sorry we don't wanna scare you" the blonde says taking a step back and pushing his friend back too.
"yeah sorry, i'm just on the edge right now" 
"we can see why… are you actually ok? we can take you to a hospital" the brunette says with his eyes furrowed. it's visible he's still angry at what just happened. "what kind of monster would do that to a woman??" 
"many" she chuckles lightly "and no need for a hospital visit, it's just a little bit of blood, i just have to clean it and it will be fine. but my dress is ruined and i'm not very content with that" 
they both laugh.
"here… may i?" the blonde says and the girl nods, taking his off coat, pressing the tip of the sleeve into the girls face wounds and then putting the coat on top of her. "still not clean but at least your stopped bleeding and people can barely see your tained dress"
she laughs, "thank you" fitting herself in the coat properly, "to the both of you. really. i know what would have happened if you didn't show up… or if you just decided to do nothing too"
"we could never darling" the brunette says with a small smile on his lips.
"i should go now though, so…"
"we can accompany you on the way home, it's ok"
"no. i can't go home. i can't. my dad will not accept me in these conditions, he will make a mess out of this till he finds them."
"it's ok, i'll take you to my house"
she immediately starts to walk away, "no, no thank you" 
"no, don't worry, it's my family's house, my ma is there, my three sisters are there, it's fine, you don't have to be scared" the brunette says.
she takes a deep breath, "ok"
"yes, thank you" she lets out a small smile.
"nothing to thank me for, let's go now" the brunette touches her for the first time, lightly on the arm this time.
the three of them starts to walk to the brunettes home.
"what is your name ma'am?" says the blonde, with his hands in his pockets, and softness in his eyes.
"sofía" she smiles at him, "how rude of me, the both of you saved me, and i didn't even bother to ask your names" she groans.
both men laugh.
"i am steve" says the blonde.
"and i'm bucky" says the brunette.
"bucky… different name" she says, with a thoughtful look, "nice to meet the both of you"
"it's actually james but no one calls him like that"
"yeah, just my mother i think. or maybe my sisters if i bother them enough" he shrugs.
she laughs, "such a brother thing, ugh"
"you have siblings?"
"yes, i have an older brother" they both hum. "what about you steve? any siblings?"
"no, just me at home"
and the three of them continue the walk, making small talks.
"and, here we are. sofía, this is my house. we should get inside already, your bleeding got worse again" bucky says with urgency in his voice, grabbing his keys and opening the door, walking in first then giving her a hand for her to get in the house.
she lowers the sleeve of the fabric from her face, while she looks around the house but not moving afraid of touching anything and leaving a blood marks anywhere in the house. it was a nice house. he wasn't rich rich, but he definitely had a nice living. they seem to live comfortably enough.
"steve, lock the door while i take her to my ma, she will know what to do" he hands the key to steve, as he gets her free hand and place another hand on her back. "common, don't be afraid, my family doesn't bite"
the three of them walk more into the house, while bucky calls his mom.
"in the kitchen with your sisters hun" she screams from the other room, and they head there. "where were you james? you're almost late to din-" she cuts her phrase when she looks at the trio coming in. "oh my darling, what happened?" she looks terrified looking at the blood on sofía's dress. putting down the kitchen utensils she was holding.
"hi ma. steve and i where walking here, and we heard noises in an alleu, and when we looked, she was on the floor, and there were two guys on top of her and-"
"ok, ok. frances and mary, go to your room. becca, get some ice in the fridge. i will get a wet towel to clean that" his mom said, pushing a chair for the girl to sit, and getting the towel wetting it immediately.
she sits on the chair, while his mother cleans the injuries.
"thank you, but no need to worry, i'm fine. it's just a little cut, it bleed a lot cause there's a lot of blood vessels there, nothing serious"
"oh my god, your girl is a nerd like you" the girl that was left, becca, said, while putting the pack of ice on top of the cleaned injury on the eyebrow.
"his what?" she says, looking at becca with slightly furrowed brows. 
"she's not my girl, i told you i just met her rebecca" he sighs, "those guys were attacking her, so we tried to help"
"not tried, you actually helped" she looks at him, with a thankful smile.
"ok hun, i will ask you this once ok? be honest" his mother said with a serious tone, looking at the girl with the most concerned eyes ever seen, "did those men do something to you?" she put a hand on tops of hers that were on the table.
she took a deep breath, "no. no. they didn't. they got there before" 
it was rebecca's time to take a deep breath now, "oh, thank god. men are terrifying, glad you're ok"
"she's not ok" steve says something again finally, and with slight anger in his voice now.
"she is darling, trust us" the mother says.
"yeah, i told you i'm ok. you don't have to worry" she smiles, "also i'm so sorry i ruined your dinner plans, with THIS" she says, points at her injuried face and bloodied dress.
"nothing to be sorry for. if anything, i'm glad they found you and that you're here" the mother says, with the most comforting smile only a mother can give.
"i'm thankful for your son being a good man. and his good choice of friend too" sofía says, looking back at the boys and giving them a smile. they both return the smile. "but i really should go"
"but you said your dad will be problem if he sees you like this" steve says.
"you can take one of my dresses" rebecca says, already moving out of the kitchen but stopping her tracks as she hears sofía's voice.
"NO. no. oh my god. you people are too nice" sofía laughs. "i mean, i have to go home anyway. it's late already, my mom is probably close to a heart attack right now. i have to do this."
"ok." the mother gets up from her chair, "james, get the keys of your dad's car and take her home"
"really?" bucky says with an excitement in his voice. "but dad said it's only for emergencies"
"it is an emergency james. or do you plan to walk this lady home with blood on her dress? i will tell him what happened when he wakes up"
"ok ma. steve you're gonna sleep here anyway, but let's go for a ride"
the three of them have a ride to sofía's house, while she struggles to find her way around the city. she came here not that long ago, they found out.
"and, this is where i live" she points to a small house. "guess my parents are still awake. it's gonna be a long night explaining this" she chuckles lightly, unbuckling the seat belt, and the three of them leave the car standing side by side.
"i hope they understand" steve says. she smiles at him.
"me too", she hugs both of them at the same time, "and thank you… strangers… angels… i don't know" they all laugh. she walks away, entering the house, and the boys go back in the care back to bucky's home.
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Seasons of PD: Season 2: Will’s Back...and There’s a Bomb (A Halstead Brothers + Halstead Sister! Imagine)
Your age: 14
Jay's age: 28
Will's age: 30
"Spoke to Dad," Will said to Jay as the two brothers were sat in Jay's apartment sipping their respective beers. "Said you two barely talk. Said if it wasn't for Y/N, you probably wouldn't see him at all."
"I mean, he's not wrong." Jay shrugged.
"Care to elaborate on that?"
"Not really, but you should've been here. You should've been home. Mom was dyin'. You were off partyin'."
"You left," Will said as he set his beer down and leaned forward on the couch.
"I left to fight a war. I came home. And you know why that was?" he asked rhetorically. "It was because my humvee hit an IED and me and Mouse were the only two who survived! And because Mom was sick! I came back for Mom and I came back traumatized! Nothing bad even happened to you in New York and you left two fucking days after her funeral, man!"
Luckily Will hadn't been holding his beer or he would've dropped it right then and there. "Jay, I- I never knew it was so hard for you to come Stateside again."
"Forget it. You weren't there then, what makes me think you're gonna be here now? You're probably taking off in another few days anyway, am I right? Not even gonna go see Y/N? Even though she always wants help on her math homework from you and you don't even have the decency to answer her phone calls!"
"I'm sorry that I don't have my phone on me when I'm performing surgeries, Jay!"
Jay's phone rang, stopping the argument in its tracks. "Speak of the devil," Jay mumbled and then answered the call. "Hey, Y/N, what's up?"
"I don't understand this stupid homework," you groaned from your desk in your bedroom at home. "Why do I even need to know the equation of a line, anyway? It's not like I'm even gonna use it in life anyway."
"Y/N, like I've told you numerous times, I can help you if it's a single variable problem, but anything more than that, I forgot how to do it. Not really helping your teacher's case for actually using this in life, am I?"
"Yeah, not at all. I guess I'll just try and call Will...he's not gonna answer anyway, but I guess it's worth a shot."
"Wait, how about you FaceTime me?" Jay suggested.
"Why? You already admitted that you can't help me."
"Just do it."
"Okay, gimme a few minutes. I gotta switch devices."
"Oh yeah. You don't have an iPhone yet, only an iPod and a slide phone. Sucks to be you."
"Well, I'm sorry that I don't have a grown-up job and can buy my own stuff, Jay."
"And with buying your own stuff and having a grown-up job comes bills. So, be glad you can't legally work yet."
You rolled your eyes. "I'll call you back in a few minutes. And, whatever this is, better be able to help me with this homework since math is my first class tomorrow."
"It'll help. I promise."
"Hmmm, sure." Then, you hung up and switched to your iPod, and hit the FaceTime icon.
"You look like- you look tired," Jay said when he accepted the FaceTime call. He almost said that you looked like hell, but he figured he shouldn't say that.
"Thanks," you replied sarcastically. "You would be, too, if you've been staring at the same problem on your homework for the past hour."
"What's the equation you have to work with?" Jay asked.
"Y=mx+b," you answered.
"Yeah, vaguely remember that. Don't know what it means, just remember hearing it a bunch. Will, you know what that equation is and how to do it?"
"Will's at your house? I thought he wasn't getting back for another week."
"I thought so, too. And then I got called to a bar today because he was being stupid--"
"Hey, I was not stupid!" Will protested.
"Fine. He was being dumb and tried to break up a fight. And, now I think he's got a job at Chicago Med because he got fired in New York--"
"Y/N," Will butted in, "you said you needed help with your homework?"
"Jay, can you please give me the phone so I can help our little sister with her homework please?"
"Uh, fine. She'll know why you left New York eventually," Jay said as he passed his phone to his older brother.
"Eventually. But not tonight." He turned to Jay. "Can you get me a piece of paper? I'd grab it but I have no idea where you keep stuff in this little bachelor pad of yours."
"Like you didn't snoop through my stuff when I was at work," Jay joked and stood up to get Will a piece of paper.
"Y/N, for Christmas I'm getting you a subscription to Chegg so you don't need to call me for this."
"I'm holding you to that one."
God, I hate running on the track. It's literally just running in circles and seeing the same things over and over, no variety in the scenery whatsoever. I wish I could run with Emma, but she's way faster than me, so she's ahead of me by like one or two laps. Uh, this song sucks! I gotta skip--
"Run lockdown! Run lockdown!"
What? Run lockdown? What is the high school cross country coach talking about? Maybe it's just something that the high schoolers have to do for their drills because I sure have never heard of that one.
But then, you saw Emma jogging toward the bathrooms a few yards away from the track.
What the hell?
You ran towards the bathrooms a few yards away from the track and didn't stop until you'd caught up with Emma. "What's going on?"
"No idea. Something about a lockdown."
Once all of you and your coach, Mrs. Rivers, were safely in the bathroom with the door locked, did you get any closure about what was going on.
"There's been a bomb threat."
"What? A bomb threat?"
"So we can't leave?"
"Girls, I need you to be quiet, okay? The police are looking into it, but for now, the campus is on lockdown and we can't leave here until I get the all-clear. The school's already notified parents, so if someone else is picking you up today other than your parents, you need to call them. Just ask and you can use my phone. Everything's going to be okay, though. We have nothing to worry about. We just need to sit tight until I'm told we can leave." Her phone buzzed and you all held your breath. "Looks like Miss G got stuck in the boys' bathroom with all the stinky football boys."
"What if we walk home?" you asked quietly.
"If you walk home, a parent or someone else will have to pick you up since they don't want anybody walking home because, as of right now, they have no idea who did this."
"How's your brother doing?" Erin asked as she and Jay were standing around the coffee pot in the break room.
"Pretty sure he's going to quit the new job he just got at Med even though it's his first day," Jay answered.
"What? He got a job at Med?"
"Yeah. Apparently, they were looking for ER docs and he got the job. But, for some reason, now he wants to quit. And, he was late today. Decided to bitch to me about only having almond milk and not having any regular milk in my fridge. Like, dude, you're staying with me. You can deal with a bit of almond milk."
"I don't blame him," Erin laughed. "Almond milk is disgusting."
"But it's better for you...and cheaper."
"Of course that's your reason for getting it."
"Halstead!" Antonio yelled. "Your phone's been ringing off the hook for the last minute. I think it's important."
"Be right there!" Jay quickly poured himself a cup of coffee and then rushed over to his desk.
"Shit," he muttered.
"Who was it?" Erin asked as she emerged from the breakroom, holding her own cup of coffee.
"Y/N," he answered as he fiddled with his phone. "Called me three times in the past minute."
"Any idea what it's about?"
"No, but I'm about to find out."
"Jay!" you whisper-yelled from the other end of the line.
"Y/N, what's wrong? Why are you calling me so much? Are you sick? Do you need me to--"
"There's a bomb."
Jay almost dropped his phone. "A bomb? Are you sure?"
At the mention of a bomb, everyone's heads snapped towards him.
"Yeah, we're hiding out in the bathrooms near the football field right now until they get the all-clear," you told him. "But, they can't let people walk home from school today and Dad's not answering and it's Will's first day, so I was wondering if you could pick me up?"
"Yeah, yeah, I can do that. Do you mind if I put you on speaker for a quick second?"
"Why? I'm fine Jay, really. Just needed to know if you can pick me up."
Innocent fourteen-year-olds, Jay thought to himself. Of course, she just called to pick to see if you'd pick her up. She hasn't grasped the gravity of the situation, and she's probably thinking that this is just another story to tell. Not that if there's actually a bomb at her school that she could be dead any second if it goes off.
"You're sure you don't want me to stay on the phone with you?"
"You can go."
"Okay. Just, listen to the adult that's in there with you, okay?"
"Okay, okay. Bye."
"Bye I love--" He was cut off by the beep which signaled that you had hung up. "--you."
"What's going on? A bomb?" Erin asked, but Jay was already making his way down the stairs.
"Sarge!" Jay yelled as he made his way to the front desk.
"Well, hello to you too, Chuckles. If you're looking for Voight, he's just meeting with a CI and should back soon," Platt told him.
"Sargeant, all due respect, I don't give a damn about Voight right now. I just need to know if you have any idea about the bomb threat at Central Chicago's high school and middle school campuses?"
"I know that they sent someone from bomb squad and some patrolmen over there to see if there's anyone who seems suspicious--"
"Why wasn't Intelligence notified?"
Platt's jaw dropped and she stared at Jay for a second before speaking. "Because last I checked, detective, those schools weren't in our district--"
Jay slammed his hand down on the desk. "Jay," Erin said and grabbed her partner's arm. "I need you to calm down for a second, okay?"
"I don't need to calm down, Erin," Jay spat. "I have every reason--"
"I understand, but being pissed at Platt here isn't going to fix anything. Go back upstairs and I'll be there in a second."
Jay ripped his arm from Erin's grip and stalked upstairs, not without slamming the gate when he was safely inside the Intelligence Unit's area of the 21st District.
"What's his deal?" Platt asked. "I have half a mind to write him up for insubordination for that little scene he just caused."
"Sarge," Erin started, "the school that called in the bomb threat, that's the school Y/N goes to, Jay's little sister."
"What? I thought that only elementary school kids were at school right now?"
"That's true unless there are sports practices."
"And Y/N's in a sport, so she's at school right now." Platt put the pieces together.
"Yeah. And, I know that family isn't supposed to work cases, but could you maybe make an--"
"Erin, go grab Halstead and Dawson, get down to the school. I'll send the information upstairs to Atwater and Ruzek and they can see what they can get. I'll also call Voight and tell him to meet you there."
"Thank you, Sargeant!"
Erin jogged upstairs and into the bullpen. "Jay, Antonio, we're heading to the school! Kev and Adam, Platt said that you're working the case from up here. Voight will meet us there."
"Copy that," Kevin answered.
Jay holstered his gun and was halfway down the stairs before Kevin even finished his sentence.
"Kev, what do we know?" Jay asked as they were driving over to your school.
"Uh, I pulled footage from the high school's office and apparently an unknown dude walked in, asked a question, and then walked out all in the span of less than a minute," he answered.
"Can you run facial rec?"
"Nah, not a good enough angle."
"Dude looks Indian or Middle-Eastern to me. He's got short, black hair. Some stubble, not a ton, but it's enough that you can see it even with the bad angle I got. He's kinda chubby, too. Wearing a tan jacket. That's all I got."
"Thanks, man. That helps. Anything from bomb squad?"
"They haven't located a bomb yet, so I guess that's a good sign, right?"
"It is if there's no bomb," Jay replied. "But, just because they haven't found it, doesn't mean there's not a bomb. Whoever the hell did this could've just hid it really well or do whatever a psycho does when they want to blow up a school full of kids."
Jay relayed the information to Erin and Antonio who were also in the car and then hung up his phone. "Any word from Voight or anyone else when I was on the phone?"
"No, you want me to go to the middle school or the high school?" Erin asked.
"Wherever you can get in."
"Jay, we have badges, we can get in anywhere."
"Middle school then. I'm assuming that's where Y/N is."
"Wait!" Jay exclaimed, almost causing Erin to slam on the brakes. "When I was talking to Y/N earlier, she said that she was in the bathrooms near the football field so we need to go to the high school."
"You're sure it's that field? Isn't there a football field at the middle school, too?"
"That's just a shitty practice field," he answered. "Anyway, the high school football field is the only one that has bathrooms near it so that spectators can go to the bathroom when they go to the football games."
"I shouldn't have to tell you this, Jay," Antonio started, "But you can't just burst into the locker rooms and try to get Y/N out of there. No parents are allowed in or out to pick up their kids. And, you're no different. You have to wait for the all-clear to get her out of there."
Jay hated it, but Antonio was right. No matter how much he wanted to get you as far away from this campus as possible, he couldn't until the bomb squad made sure that there wasn't a bomb anywhere near here. If his time in the Rangers had taught him anything, it was that one misstep, and the whole place could get blown up in a nanosecond.
Erin started to pull into the parking lot of the high school near all the cop cars, when one turned on their sirens and pulled in front of them, effectively stopping them from getting any further.
"I know you're worried about your kids," the patrolman said once Erin rolled down her window, "But we can't let anyone in or out until this is all sorted."
"We're not parents." Erin pulled out her badge. "Detectives Lindsay, Dawson, and Halstead from the 21st District's Intelligence Unit."
He looked at the officer next to him. "Desk Sergeant from the 21st said that there'd be some detectives coming." He pushed the button on his radio before anybody could tell him otherwise. "I got the detectives from the 21st here right now."
"Copy," the person on the other end said.
Jay wanted to jump out of the vehicle and strangle that patrolman with his bare hands. "Are you fucking insane?" he yelled.
The one who keyed his radio stepped out of the patrol car, and Jay did the same. "Are you Dawson or Halstead?"
"Halstead. But you, you must be new here because if there is one thing you absolutely do not do when there's even the mention of a bomb is key your radios."
"No offense, detective," the patrolman in the driver's seat started, "but everyone here has been using their radios since we stepped onto this campus."
"There's no bomb," Erin muttered.
They all knew what the patrolman's statement meant: if they had been using their radios the entire time they were here and a bomb hadn't gone off, then there was no bomb to begin with.
Antonio and Erin both stepped out of the car now.
"Who's your sergeant?" Antonio yelled.
"Why? Why do you care?"
"Because of what he just said! You can't key your radios when there might be a bomb, so I think your whole district might need to go back in for a mandatory re-training!"
"I'll call Voight," Erin said.
"Fucking idiots," Jay muttered as he pulled out his phone.
As soon as he was about to dial your number, a call came in from Kevin. "There's no bomb," Jay said as soon as he answered, not even giving Kevin time to tell him anything.
"I mean, yeah, I was callin' to tell you that the bomb squad just declared an all-clear."
"How'd you know before we even got the call here at the district?"
"They were keying their radios the entire time and nothing happened."
"Yeah, that'll do it."
"We should be back at the district soon."
Jay hung up and made his way to the bathrooms.
You were sitting in silence with Emma next to you when a banging was heard coming from outside causing you to jump.
What if that's the bomber and he's got a gun and wants to kill us before the bomb can get to us? It was irrational, yes, but it was still possible.
"Chicago PD! This is the all-clear."
It was as if everyone in the bathroom let out a collective breath at hearing that there was no bomb or that the bomb had been dismantled.
"Alright girls, you heard the man, we are good to go," Mrs. Rivers said. "Let's head back to the middle school so you can grab your stuff and start getting back to your parents. Was everyone able to get ahold of someone to pick them up? Because I can bring people home if necessary."
All of you filed out of the bathrooms and into the crisp fall air. You were barely onto the sidewalk when you got pulled into a bone-crushing hug.
"Who the--" You looked up. "Hi, Jay."
"Oh my God, you're okay. You don't know how worried I was--"
"Jay, I'm fine," you squeaked out. "But please let go. You're crushing me."
"Sorry, sorry," he apologized and then let go, not without looking you over for injuries even though you promised him that you were in fact fine.
"50-21 George, 50-21 Lincoln, 50-21 Frank, and 50-21 Squad, assistance is requested at Chicago Med for a 10-34. Are you able to assist?"
Jay's eyes went wide and his breath caught in his throat.
"Jay? Jay?" you asked. "You gonna answer that?"
"This is 50-21 Lincoln, hold us down on that 10-34 at Chicago Med," Erin's voice said through the radio.
"Halstead! We gotta go now!" Antonio yelled.
"Jay, what's going on? Will's at Med. What's happening?"
"Come with me," Jay said and then started ushering you towards the car.
"Shit," Erin said when she saw you. "Antonio, you wanna go with Voight, and then me and Jay will drop her off at home? We can't exactly bring her with us."
"Yeah, good idea." Antonio turned to you. "Glad you're safe, kid."
You nodded as he jogged off to find Voight. Then, you turned back to Jay. "Why are you going to Med? Whatever it is, I wanna go with you because what if Will's hurt? I wanna go!"
Jay got in the passenger seat without answering you and you got in the backseat. Erin started driving to the middle school so that you could go get your backpack from your locker.
Once inside school and connected to the wifi, you took out your iPod and pulled up google.
What does 10-34 mean?
The answer almost caused you to drop your iPod on the tiled floor.
10-34 is a police radio signal that means that a bomb threat has been called in.
You ran to your locker and with shaking hands, put in the combination. How was Jay so calm? How was he so calm when you were silently freaking out? And, to make matters worse, he got to work the case while you were going to be stuck going home and just waiting to see if Will (and Jay for the matter since he would no doubt be in the vicinity of the blast zone) was safe, just waiting to see if your oldest brother, who you just got back, would make it out of his new workplace alive.
You hustled out of school and then got into the backseat of Erin and Jay's car. "There's a bomb threat at Med?"
"Who told you that?" Erin asked, turning around in her seat.
"I googled what 10-34 meant. Jay, please, I wanna go with you. I don't wanna go home!"
"No! I know you wanna make sure that Will's safe, and I do too, but you gotta understand that it's not safe for you there, Y/N," he pleaded.
"It's not safe for you to be there, either!" you argued.
"Y/N, I know you're scared, but I'm trained for this kind of stuff. You are not."
"Please," you begged as your lip began to tremble. "I-It'd be faster for you to just go to Med from-from here instead of dropping me off at home."
"She's got a point, Jay," Erin said.
"What? No way, Er! There is no way in hell she is going in there with us!"
"She doesn't have to go past the tape with us. Just somewhere close by." Erin turned back to you. "Would that make you feel better, Y/N? Being somewhere close by?"
You nodded as you wiped away a tear.
Jay sighed. "Fine," he relented. "We'll drop you off at Mama Garcia's to get your homework done since it's a half-block away from the hospital."
"Will's okay, right? You checked in with him?" you asked.
"I haven't yet, but I promise you when I do, I will text you. I just need you to stay calm and focus on yourself right now. It's no use worrying about Will when you can't do anything about it."
"That's what Mom used to tell me when I was worried about you when you were in Afghanistan. She always told me that it's no use worrying about it since none of us were there with you."
"See, you gotta trust what Mom always told you, kiddo. She was a smart lady after all."
"Tell me you're not in there," Jay spoke into his phone as he and Erin walked into the police tent-like structure equipped with fancy tech gear outside of Chicago Med's emergency department.
"I am," Will answered, causing Jay's stomach to drop. "Listen, the guy who blew himself up in here, said he had something worse than Ebola."
"What, like he's spreading it since he blew himself up?"
"Yeah, so essentially, every single one of us in here has been in contact with him."
"Who was he?"
"No idea. But do us all a favor and find out."
"Son of a bitch," Jay muttered as he pocketed his phone and entered the tent-like structure where a bunch of people, including the FBI, were sitting at computers.
"Talk to Will?" Erin asked.
"Uh, yeah," Jay answered, "he says he's in there. Apparently whoever the hell blew himself up in there was infected with something that he said was worse than Ebola."
"So if these people get out before we figure out what it is and if it's treatable, we could have an epidemic on our hands?"
"Exactly. Damn, Er. With that mind of yours, you should've gone to med school."
"Very funny, Halstead. You're looking at someone who barely graduated high school and didn't even go to the academy because being in the back of cop cars on the eastside for half my childhood was more than enough experience to qualify me for this job right here."
"I'm gonna start making some calls." Jay turned his attention back to the situation at hand. "Apparently traffic was a mess earlier and Voight and Antonio got called to headquarters to brief some higher-ups about this."
"Fat chance of them knowing anything right now. They've gotta just be trying to keep all the info away from the press." Erin's phone rang. "Speak of the devil."
"I'll call HQ and try to get some more back up to control the situation," Jay said to no one in particular.
You kept fiddling with your slide phone, just opening and closing it as you tried--and failed--to focus on your homework as you sat in one of the far back booths at Mama Gracia's. The news was of course playing on the tv in front of you and all the headlines were about what was happening at Med.
"Again we have word of an event at Chicago Med," the news anchor read from her script. "The CFD was able to contain the victims to the ER, but Ebola was mentioned."
Ebola? That was the disease that wreaked havoc on Africa last year.
You knew Will was a doctor and that he was smart, but if he became infected and it was in fact Ebola, what if he died? What if, since Jay was close to Med that he somehow became infected and he died, too? What if you lost both your big brothers in the same amount of time because of some psychopath who decided it was a good idea to blow himself up and put innocent people--innocent first responders--in danger.
"Ay, cariña. ¿A dónde vayas?" Mama Garcia asked as you stood up and made your way to the door, intent on exiting the small restaurant.
"¿Qúe? No entiendo," you answered. You had started taking Spanish this year, so you only understood one word of what she had said to you.
"Sorry, honey. Where are you going? Your brother said to make sure you stayed here."
You and Jay were both pretty close with Mama Garcia. Seeing as it was very close to Med, when your mom had been hospitalized for cancer years ago, you'd always come in here to get dinner. It was here that Mama Garcia had taught you all the words of the toppings that one could put on their tamales, tacos, or burritos, shocking your Spanish teacher when you told her you could tell her in Spanish exactly what you would put on your tamale when you learned about food in class.
"I'm just going for a walk," you answered. "I need some fresh air."
"Okay, don't go far," she warned.
Once out the door, you breathed a sigh of relief and started to walk towards Chicago Med.
When you got close enough, you saw a big white tent and a bunch of fire trucks. You crept to the side and started walking around the side of the building, where there were barely any people and only one cop to keep people at bay. You smiled at him and watched the scene in front of you.
You had seen of those firefighters before on a rare day that you were at the district waiting for Jay and one of them had to walk the firehouse dog, Pouch. He was super cute and all the firefighters were really nice and let you pet him!
"What is it Casey?" a deep voice bellowed.
You knew Casey! Well, you knew of him at least. He was the one that Hermann always said would write him up if he was gone too long with Pouch, so that was always the excuse he gave you when he had to leave the district to go back to the firehouse.
You couldn't hear what Casey said on the other end, but you could hear whoever this guy was talking to Casey. "Okay, we're gonna need to get some CO2 extinguishers inside."
"You mean you're out of fire extinguishers?" a woman next to the firefighters asked.
"Afraid so."
You turned on your heels and sprinted back towards Mama Garcia's. You were a girl on a mission.
"Mama Garcia! Mama Garcia!" you shouted as soon as you were inside.
"Y/N, ¿Qúe pasa?" she asked as she stuck her head out of the kitchen where she was preparing a bunch of batches of tamales.
"They're out of fire extinguishers at the hospital, do you have any that I can bring over there?"
"You are just like your brother," she said, "super sneaky."
"When you live with older brothers and have to steal their Halloween candy, you learn how to be sneaky, Mama Garcia," you joked.
"I'm not even gonna ask how you know this. There's one fire extinguisher back by the bathrooms and I've got two back here I can give you. Esperes un minuto."
You went and grabbed the fire extinguisher from the spot where it was stored in the back by the bathrooms and waited for Mama Garcia to come out with the other two.
"Thank you!" you exclaimed as you took the big bag from her which contained the two other ones. She had put them in a bag for you since they were super heavy.
You slung the bag over your shoulder and carried the other one in your hand. You knew you couldn't run because these were really heavy, but you knew you had to get to Med to help them. Both your brothers were there! And you'd get there, even if it was a lot slower than you had originally planned when you formulated this plan when you were sprinting back to the restaurant five minutes ago.
"Is there a detective Halstead here?" a patrolman walked into the tent-like structure and asked.
"That'd be me," Jay answered as he raised his hand and turned away from the computer screen he had been looking at.
"There's a girl outside, Y/N I think she said her name was. Said you're her brother and that she's looking for you. Said she might be able to help."
Jay turned to Erin. "Go," she urged him.
Jay followed the patrol officer to where you were standing and to say he didn't look happy would be an understatement.
"I thought I told you to stay at Mama Garcia's!" he yelled over the crowd of people and the firefighters shouting out orders to each other. "It's dangerous for you here!"
"I know and I'm sorry! But, I came here to see if Will was outside, and I heard that one firefighter talking into his radio thingy, and then the lady next to him said that they were out of fire extinguishers."
Jay crossed his arms in front of his chest. He was not impressed.
"So I ran back to Mama Garcia's and I grabbed these." You held up the fire extinguisher that you had set on the ground next to you because you had been carrying it for a while now and you thought it was going to rip your arm off because of how heavy it was.
"Let her in," Jay declared.
He grabbed the extinguisher from you and then made his way over to the firefighters.
"Chief!" he yelled. "I've got some fire extinguishers here!"
Chief Boden cocked his head to the side. "How?"
"Apparently my little sister was here and she heard Ms. Goodwin say that you were out of extinguishers. So, she ran to Mama Garcia's and these are from her restaurant."
You set down the bag that contained the two fire extinguishers. "Geez, those things are heavy!"
"That they are. Thank you for these..." Chief Boden trailed off, not knowing your name.
"Y/N," you answered.
"Well, thank you Y/N."
"You're welcome, Chief. Please get my brother out of there safely."
"We're doing our best. And, call me Wallace."
He nodded at Jay and Jay placed a hand on your shoulder to lead you back to where he had been working alongside everyone else who wanted to figure out what the hell had gone on in there. Behind you, you heard the other firefighters volunteering to go inside the hospital.
"You're not making me go back to Mama Garcia's?" you asked Jay as you walked.
"No," he answered. "It's gonna get dark soon and I don't need you sneaking off from there again."
"So, I'm staying here so you can keep an eye on me?"
You were sitting in a metal folding chair, scrolling through your iPod--wifi courtesy of Jay's hotspot--when three people entered the tent-like structure.
"Detective," Sharon Goodwin said as she entered the area where everyone was working. Jay looked up from the computer he was working at. "The parents of..." she trailed off, allowing you to assume that these were the parents of the man who had blown himself up.
"Alright," Jay said as he walked over to them. "Please, have a seat."
His voice was monotonous, not soft like when he was talking to child victims and not angry like when he was trying to get a hardened criminal to break. His voice, it was just...there.
"Is there anything you can tell us?" he asked once the parents had sat down.
"He was a smart boy," the man started, "always nice...and helpful. This country has given us so much. How could this have happened?"
"He claimed to be infected with something similar to Ebola."
You felt like you couldn't breathe. So, what the woman on the news had said was true. Your brother--and everyone else in the hospital for that matter--could be infected with something similar--or god forbid, worse--than Ebola.
You couldn't take another funeral. You couldn't take losing another family member before you even learned how to drive, hell before you even got to high school.
Your mind flashed back to when you were four years old. Will was in college and Jay was in his senior year of high school. It was springtime and the weather was just starting to get nice out.
You woke up from sleeping and realized you were thirsty. Seeing as you didn't think it was super late yet, you hoped that maybe Jay or Will would still be up and they'd give you a cup of juice. They were on babysitting duty tonight because your parents had gone out for a date night and knew they wouldn't be back until the early hours of the morning.
With Beary gripped tightly in your hand, you walked down the hallway and towards the kitchen. You saw the living room light on, and then it was quickly turned off.
"Mommy? Daddy?" you asked.
The only light now was from the hallway and you were starting to get scared. Monsters would come out if it was too dark!
Suddenly, the light was flicked back on.
"Y/N, what are you doing up?" Jay asked as he walked towards you.
"I want juice," you told him. But, then you looked at what he was wearing. He was wearing one of those shirts that he had to wear when you and your mom went to his soccer games at other schools. Jay always said that if he didn't wear this type of nice shirt, that he and his team would have to run suicides. You didn't know what those were, but they didn't sound nice. "Why you not in your 'jamas?" you asked. "You have a game? In the dark?"
"Uh," Jay blanched. He couldn't exactly tell his little, very talkative sister, that he was sneaking out to go to a party. "Let's get you some juice."
Jay got you some juice and started to take your hand to walk you back to your room and tuck you back in when you turned to look at him. "So you going to play soccer? Or you going to see Allie?" He always wore those kinds of shirts when she came over in one of her really fancy dresses. And, Jay would give Allie a flower bracelet, too!
Jay crouched down so he was eye-level with you. "Y/N, you know what a secret is?"
"Yeah! It's when you can't tell somethin' to somebody. Mommy said secrets are bad," you told him, while you swung Beary back and forth in your little hand.
"Well, they're not all bad," he told you. "So, if I told you a secret, you'd be able to keep it?"
"And not tell Mommy or Daddy?" He nodded. "I dunno. I don't wanna get in trouble and have to go in time-out, Jay Jay."
"You won't get in trouble, I promise. And, if you promise not to tell Mommy and Daddy and Will, I'll get you a big pack of Oreos."
"I get Oreos for not telling Mommy and Daddy and Will?"
"Yes, you get Oreos if you don't tell them."
You'd do just about anything for Oreos!
"Okay, I keep it a secret. Where you going?"
"I am going to a friend's house to hang out."
"Okay." You didn't know what was so bad about that, but you wanted to get your Oreos, so you'd keep your mouth shut.
"Alrighty then, let's get you back to bed. Because, if I'm not mistaken, princesses need their beauty sleep."
He tucked you back into bed and got out of the house safely. Now all Jay had to do was to entrust you with the secret that he had snuck and went to a "friend's house", which was code for going to a party.
You had almost fallen back asleep when your door creaked open.
"Y/N," Will whispered.
"Yeah, it's Will," he answered and flicked on your bedside lamp.
"Were you talking to Jay a few minutes ago?"
"No," you lied. You wanted your Oreos!
"Are you sure about that? Because I could've sworn I heard you say Jay Jay."
"You wrong," you told him defiantly.
"Oh yeah? Because I heard him mention Oreos."
"No, no Oreos. He only got me juice."
"So you did talk to him."
"No, I didn't."
"Then who got you the juice?" Will knew you couldn't pour yourself a glass of juice without spilling it everywhere. He also knew that the glasses were up high enough in the cupboard that you needed someone else to reach them for you.
"Uh, uh, the-the juice fairy!"
"The juice fairy, huh? I've never heard of her. Because I could've sworn I heard you ask him if he was going to play soccer and he told you that he was going to a friend's house."
"No, he didn't!" you protested.
"Tell you what, kiddo, if you tell me where Jay went, I will give you Oreos, too."
You furrowed your eyebrows. Will was gonna give you the same thing and Jay might be mad at you. You needed something more. "Oreos and Sour Patch."
"Deal. Sour Patch Kids or watermelons?"
"Kids," you answered.
"Okay, it's a deal. Now, where is Jay going?"
"He went to a friend's house. But he was wearing one of those shirts he wears when he has to go to other schools for soccer," you answered.
"He's going to a party," Will muttered.
"A party? Like my tea parties?"
"Something like that." Where the tea is beer, Will thought to himself. "But, now you have to wait for Jay to give you your Oreos, and then I'll give you your Sour Patch Kids and Oreos."
"Then I have two Oreos?"
"Exactly. Now, time to go back to sleep."
The next day, Jay gave you a family sized-pack of Oreos that you hid in your room. The day after that, Will came home from studying at the library with a family-sized pack of Oreos and a big bag of Sour Patch Kids for you that you also ended up hiding in your room. And, that night at dinner, Will told your parents that Jay had gone to a party. He was grounded until the end of soccer season. But, Will had successfully taught you how to blackmail someone.
"Y/N." Erin's voice broke through your memories of being a little kid and being taught blackmail by your oldest brother. "I need you to breathe for me. Can you do that?"
"W-What if Will-- What if he gets the--"
"Y/N, match my breathing."
She took a deep breath in and you tried to follow. It took a few tries, but your breathing eventually evened out and returned to normal.
"Will," you heard Jay say.
Before you could even think, you had jumped off your chair and were barrelling towards Jay. "Will? You're talking to Will? Is he okay? Is he gonna come out soon?"
"Y/N," Jay spoke calmly, "we just need to ask him some medical questions. Go back to where you were."
"Is he okay?"
"Y/N's here?" Will asked from his spot in the ED. "Why? How?"
"It's a long story. But, I'm gonna put you on speaker so that you can tell her that you're okay and then I need you to answer some questions."
Jay put the phone on speaker.
"I'm fine, kiddo. Really. You wouldn't want to see me right now anyway. You wouldn't want to come in here either because it smells really bad."
"You promise you're fine?"
"I promise. Now, I think I need to answer some questions?"
"Yeah, yeah," you heard Jay say as you walked back towards Erin. It was quiet in there now, as everyone was listening intently to what Will was saying.
Apparently, Antonio and Voight had looked up where this psycho worked and had figured out that he was the same guy who had walked into the high school's office earlier that day, which he probably did for a distraction. Now, they just had Will on the other end telling the infectious disease specialist in the ED all the chemicals that he had been working with so that she could test for them.
"Jay! Why'd you turn off your hotspot?" you whined as you pulled up google.
"Because you heard the bacteria and the strain and I know you. I am not letting you go down a google rabbit hole to look this up and try and figure out if Will's gonna die."
You sighed and put your head in your hands. Jay was right, of course, he was right, he's a detective for crying out loud!
"But what if Will's gonna die?"
"Y/N." Jay walked up to you. "He's not gonna die. He's gonna be just fine."
"But you don't know that!"
Jay's phone rang. "It's Will."
"Put it on speaker."
"It's not contagious," Will said.
If you weren't sitting down, you would've fallen to the ground in pure relief.
"So, you're good?"
"Yeah, I'm good. Everyone's good. Whatever he had, it died with him. I've got some patients that need work, but I'll be out soon."
Everyone from the hospital, the police, and the firefighters were all currently packed into Mama Garcia's. You, Will, and Jay had snagged a booth because your backpack and homework were still there from earlier.
"That's one good thing about being the middle child I guess," Jay stated after he had taken a bite of a tamale. "Not having to be the victim in one of these bomb situations."
You knew he meant, here, today, in Chicago and not overseas. And, you weren't about to wreck his joke by mentioning that.
"Yeah, but you had to work it," Will pointed out.
"Technically, you did, too, man. I think Y/N was the only one who got out of this without a payday."
Jay's phone rang. "Why's Dad calling me?" His eyes went wide. "Oh shit! I didn't tell him that I picked you up from practice." He threw his phone to Will, who narrowly caught it. "You talk to him!"
"Me? Why me?"
"Because he likes you better!"
"But he's calling you!"
You swiped the phone from Will's hand and answered it. "Jay? Do you know where Y/N is? I came home from work and--"
"Dad, it's Y/N. I'm fine. Jay picked me up from practice and I'm assuming you got a phone call about what happened at school and then he had to go to Med to work that case."
"Med? As in Chicago Med? Where Will just started working?"
"Yes, Dad, Chicago Med. And, we're fine. We're just a Mama Garcia's getting dinner."
"It's ten o'clock at night!"
"I know, and we should be home soon. I promise I won't complain about getting up in the morning."
"Okay, well, I'm glad you three are safe. Just next time, tell Jay to call me."
"Okay, Dad. Bye, love you."
"Love you, too."
You hung up the phone and passed it back to Jay. "He didn't disown me, did he?"
You laughed. "No, no he did not."
"Y/N, right?"
You looked up at the sound of your name to be met with a firefighter.
"Yes, and you are...?"
"Matt Casey." He stuck out his hand for you to shake and you did so. Despite hearing about him, you'd never actually met the lieutenant. "Chief Boden mentioned that you were the one who ran down to Med with all those extinguishers."
"Oh, it was no big deal," you told him shyly. "They're actually Mama Garcia's. I just heard you needed them, so I asked if I could run them over to you guys. It's her you should be thanking."
"Well, you played a big part in that. So, if you want a dessert, on behalf of me and all the guys at 51, it's on me tonight."
He handed you a ten-dollar bill. "Thanks."
"Don't mention it. You made up for your brother almost black-tagging Severide."
"You did what?" Jay practically yelled.
As for you, you had no idea what they were talking about. "What? What's black-tagging?"
"You know what? Never mind," Casey said. "Thanks for all your help today, you guys."
"You were the ones who got them extra fire extinguishers?" Will asked, flabbergasted after Casey walked away.
"Yeah. Jay here wasn't too happy about seeing me over there, but when I told him why he calmed down a bit."
Erin slid into the booth next to Jay and he gave her a kiss.
"Ew, guys! Child in the room!"
Jay stuck his tongue out at you.
"I think he's the child in the room, Y/N," Erin said as she thumbed at Jay.
"So, Y/N, anything else interesting happen today? How'd you do on that math homework I helped you with last night?" Will asked.
"I did really well on it, but that's not even the craziest thing that happened at school today."
"Oh, yeah? Then what was?"
Oh man," you sighed. "Where do I begin? I think to tell you that story I'm gonna need to go get me some Flan."
You picked up the ten-dollar bill Casey had given you and slid out of the booth. If someone would've told you that you'd be buying Flan at Mama Garcia's at ten o'clock at night on a school night, you wouldn't believe them, but it would be plausible at least. The rest of the day? Well, you weren't sure that anyone would believe that you and Jay had been at the location of not one, but two bomb threats in the span of a few hours.
Once you got your Flan, you settled back into the booth. "So, it started out like any normal practice except we had to go to the high school to use the track..."
A/N: Guess who cranked out more than 5k words to get this finished today? That's right, me! Anyway, thank you for almost 8k reads! I know this technically wasn't a PD episode (It was Chicago Fire Season 3 Ep 19), but it had both Will and Jay, and the timeline made it so that it was season 2 of PD, so I thought it was fitting. Finally, please reblog/like and comment and tell me what you think about this one!
If you’re in the taglist, please tell me if it worked, I’m new at this!
taglist:  @theambracer88 @virtualreader @kelelas-life @celyndavies @brookerz122493 @musicismyescape27 @anotherfan07 @thexplosivegirl @dreamingwithlens @xoxmariaxox
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idkcantthinkofaname · 3 years
It Takes Time/ 17
Pairing: BTS x Reader (ft. Ateez)
Gene: angst, smut(certain chapters), Dark themes (in certain parts)
Warning: slight blood mention but nothing else really
Summary: after finally getting the house y/n always wanted, she find a hybrid hiding in an old shed. Unlike most people who find strays, y/n doesn’t turn him into h.c mainly because there was a lot of shady things that happened with the hybrid control in the area.
Jungkook was laid up against the floor of the truck, his eyes peaked at her. He could see blood on the side of her face. He was slightly beat up as well, though he knew the impact was coming long before the drivers of the truck knew. He had all his senses on alert the moment he heard her truck tire squalled against the asphalt. At first he assumed she was just going to leave, But he notice the sound was coming in close and fast. He remained as still as he could to not alert the other two guards that were in the back with him, what was to come. At the last second he jump off the seat, and was in the air the moment the impacted happen. The guards distracted by him had been thrown across the truck as it rolled. Jungkook tried to keep himself for too much injuries but with how hard she hit them, and his hands being hand cuffed together. He wasn’t as successful as he wish he had been. After the truck came to final stop he was laying on the wall trying to get his barring, the two guards were unmoving. As he got up slowly he went to each searching for the keys to unlock him. Once he was uncuffed he looked up and took a deep breath. Everything in him was screaming to shift into his wolf, but he knew it would be to painful to do so.
“Hand me the keys!” Y/n voice was trying to sound so strong. He had heard her struggle with the guy. He still couldn’t believe that she was still trying to help him. She should have left him. She didn’t make any sense to him, or the fact that he slightly liked that she was still here to help him.
The door swung open and the street lights was filtering in. “Jungkook?”
My voice was soft and uncertain, he was leaned up against what should have been the floor of the truck. I climbed into the truck to go to him.
“You just had to hit us with a truck?” Jungkook asked.
“I didn’t know what else to do...I couldn’t let them take you.”
Jungkook looked up at me. “We have to get out of here.”
Jungkook walked forward and gripped my wrist and started to pull me off towards the woods. “Jungkook what abou..”
“Listen we just have to get out of here. Don’t worry about the truck.”
“just keep moving, Trust me, the other group of h.c will show up before the cops do and we don't want to be around when they do.”
We had been walking in silence for over an hour.. or what felt like an hour. “Jungkook you need to rest, and so do I.”
Jungkook’s tail stiffen. “I am fine.”
“You may be but I need a moment” My head was still pounding from the wreck. and My arm was still bleeding slightly.
A hefty sigh left  his lips “Five minutes, that is all you get. I’m sure the boys are already worried sick about you, And I know the H.c is most likely still looking for us.”
"What do we have here?” Said a light voice. I jumped up and Looked towards the bushes where the voice sounded from. Jungkook growled and stepped forward and placed himself between the new person. 
A giggle came from the left of us. “Looks like we have some trespasser San.” A fox hybrid was perched on a tree stump. His red black tipped ears stood tall. “Hongjoong will not like this.” 
Another hybird approached from the right side. “What should we do then, dear Wooyoung?” He smirked. His white and black spotted tail twitched at the end. He was slightly shorter then Jungkook but almost as broad. especially when he puffed his chest up. 
Jungkook tail was puffed out and he stood taller then he was a second ago. “We are just passing through.” 
The fox, Wooyoung smiled. “Well, we don't like other coming into our territory.”
Jungkook growled more. Wooyoung cocked his head to the side and his tail was swaying much like when tae and jimin’s would when they were about to start pushing the others buttons.  
“Wooyoung! That is enough!” Out stepped three more hybrids, two were staring down the fox. His ears laid back against his head. 
“I apologize for wooyoung behavior.” One of the taller ones spoke, He was looking at us threw silted eyes...A snake hybrid.
The other tall one standing next to him was staring wide eyes at the two of us. He was the tallest and had bear like ears on the top of his head.  The shorter of them stepped forward. “What are you doing in our territory?”
Jungkook growled again. He stepped forward. “when did you move here?
Hongjoong stared at him. “just before the winter storms that hit here...You must be one of the hybrids who scent was here before us.”
Jungkook’s fist cliched. “Yes I am, Now why would you move here if you could scent us?”
Hongjoong just shrugged his shoulders. “Well since you guys never showed up to run us off, we assume you did not care for this land. So we made ourselves at home.”
Jungkook stepped forward, but the short man meet his approach. “I would think twice there Pup. You are out numbered.” He smirked. “and one bite from Seongwha and you will be dead within minutes.” 
I was right, He was a snake. "Jungkook we need to get home before the H.C finds us.”
This made Hongjoong cat like ears twice. He looked at the both of us. “Go, If they come looking for you we don't want to be in the middle of it.” he stepped back and started to walk off the others following him. 
Jungkook was shaking with anger. I placed my hand onto his arm. “Deal with this later.”
He whipped around with so much speed that I almost lost my footing. He was breathing heavy and there was so much fire in his eyes. He stepped closer to me and before I could even realize what happened he wrapped his arms around my waist and shoved his head into my neck. He let out a growl and pressed harder into my neck. I just stood there and allowed him to do as he pleased. After some time he seemed to relax some and he stood up and gripped my hand. “Let’s get home.”
We may had made it a few more yards before I started to get dizzy. “Jungkook” I almost lost my footing as I went down, Hearing Jungkook shout my name. I could feel that he had caught me but my vision was going black.
Jungkook was scared, He was actually scared for her. She just dropped. He was and idiot not to even think about the damage she might have after wrecking the truck to save him. He held her close as he ran with her in his arms. He needed to get her to Jin as fast as he can.
He was gripping her tightly to him. Her head laid back almost lifeless, if it wasn't for her heart beating he would have thought she was dead. 
“JUNGKOOK!” The sound of Namjoon was like music to his ears
“Namjoon here! she is hurt! I don't know what to do!” Jungkook was still holding her tightly to him when namjoon and the others got to him. 
“Let me see her” Namjoon asked holding out his arms. But jungkook refused to let her go.
“No, I will carry her. She is like this cause she came to save me.” Namjoon looked jungkook over then nodded as they all hurried back towards the house. Jin and Hobi sprinted off to get to the house to set up everything they would need to help y/n
Note: I think, im going to put this on pause for a while only to take my time and write this story the way I like it. and I can post them quicker after I have a few of them written. I am not happy with some of these chapters.
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@beach-bitch-bitch-beach​ @ghostkat23 @jiminslye @4evahevah @vantaescupid @calling-dips-on-j-hope @jennyjq @purplelady85 @sana-b @deeepvibes @purelyecstacy @peachyjk97 @sinceritythatcouldntbedelivered @j3ngkoo @unicornbabylover @yourlipssoirresistible @shileh @sometingreallycool  @beeeb05 @fanoffandomss @ambersaesthetics @ ego-allie-bap
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berrynarrybanana · 4 years
Me and You Together
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A/N: Hello! I would like to say first of all that ^ is not my gif. I had it saved on my computer from somewhere and it just felt perfect for this. I do love my little sweet pea and frat boy Harry, but I also feel like I’ve done them dirty in this fic. I wanted to add more angst, but we all know I’m shit at that kind of stuff bc I’m soft at heart. Anywho, I really hope that you enjoy this and I just want to thank the lovely @stellarboystyles​ for putting together this little fic challenge. Congrats on 3 years babe! I hope that you like this story and that I have done this celebratory moment justice! 
Word Count: 11.9 k 
Warnings: Alcohol, smut, pining, Louis being a dickhead, a mean roommate
Trope: Best Friends to Lovers with Frat Boy Harry 
Prompt: “Just sit on my fingers. Yeah, just like that.” (this is all the way at the end tbh, just a heads up lol) 
P.s I know nothing about frat’s honestly and I just tried to avoid that the best that I could but fratboy!h lives in my mind rent free and I wanted to write it so....yeah.
Piper’s POV 
I rolled my head back on my neck, looking up at the ceiling as my roommate sighed. 
“Has anyone told you that you’re a selfish bitch?” Carli asked, her perfectly manicured nail resting on the cheap, wooden door of our dorm room. “I’m trying to unwind and relax after an extremely hard week and you’re ruining it for me.” 
“I live here too!” I felt my brows pull together in frustration as I adjusted my bag on my sore shoulders, shifting from foot to foot. “The least you can let me do is come in and change before you start fucking.”
“You’re killing my mood!” She groaned, holding her hand out. “Give me your fucking bag and tell me what you need.” 
“Tell me what you need or I’m shutting this door in your face, I swear to god.” She snapped, her brows arching up as she wiggled her fingers at me. “You have five seconds.” 
“Fine!” I said, shrugging my bag off my tired shoulders. “I need my purse, a black t-shirt, and a jacket.” 
She slammed the door in my face, flicking the lock as I brushed my hands over my face angrily. 
College was not supposed to be like this. 
The next four years of my life were meant to be spent making new friends and partaking in fun activities on campus. So far, the only person I knew was Carli and she most definitely hated my guts with a burning passion. I wasn’t sure why she hated me so much when I mainly kept to myself, hunched over my desk with headphones on for most of the night when I studied. I hardly ever talked to Carli besides the odd argument about my typing being too loud and my presence being too...obvious. I hated every second of college so far and this wasn’t helping me at all. 
I was moments away from having a breakdown, the build up creeping up my throat as I stood there in the hall, waiting for Carli as everyone else stared at my back. I tried not to let their prying eyes bother me, but I could feel the hairs standing up on the back of my neck as I crossed my arms over my chest. I tried to distract my mind, thinking about where I was going to go while Carli got her rocks off in our shared room. Maybe the library? Maybe a cafe?
Just as I started listing off cafes in my head, the door opened just a crack. 
“Here’s your stuff, don’t come home before midnight.” She stuck a hand out, her voice muffled by the door. I rolled my eyes, grabbing my things from her hands. “Bye, Pippi!”
“It’s Piper, you unbearable asshole.” I sighed, holding my stuff close to my chest as frustrated tears started to accumulate behind my eyes. “I hope you don’t have an orgasm.” 
I turned on my heels, ready to storm towards the communal bathroom so I could change and collect myself before leaving. I only made it halfway down the hall when I heard someone shouting behind me. I wasn’t sure they were actually calling out for me until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I stopped in my tracks, sniffling as I reached up to wipe at my cheeks. 
“Piper, hold on.” The girl who was calling my name stepped in front of me, letting out a shuddery breath. She only had eyeshadow on one of her perfectly shaped eyes and a makeup brush in her hand as she stopped. “I just wanted to say that I am so sorry your roommate just did that to you. You can use my room to change if you’d like? I know the communal bathroom doesn’t always offer the most privacy and my roommate is never home. I’ll stand outside and everything!” 
“You don’t have to do that.” I sniffled before offering her a forced smile. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with teasing right now. “But thank you.” 
“I insist.” Her brown eyes looked softer as she spoke, her hand falling to her side. “My name is Eleanor. I think we have Modern English together.” 
“Piper.” I said. “Are you sure you’re okay with that?” 
“Yeah.” She nodded. “I don’t mind it at all, babes.” 
Eleanor left me in her room to get dressed, politely standing outside as I collected myself. 
I took a few deep breaths, trying to compose myself as I stripped out of the blouse I had been wearing all day. I pulled my black t-shirt on, huffing when I realized that this wasn’t the one I actually needed. This one was meant for darker jeans and a pair of heeled boots. This top was meant for parties and bars, not a cafe. The criss crossed pattern was far too fancy for a late night cup of coffee and a lonely piece of cheesecake. 
When I opened the door, my old shirt bundled up in my hand, I smiled at Eleanor. 
She looked over my outfit, her eyes growing wide. 
“You look great!” She said. “Do you have plans tonight?” 
“I was just gonna go to Fitz and Co for coffee and dessert.” I gave her a nervous chuckle, clutching my old shirt in my hands. “Probably going to wander around campus after to kill time.” 
“Don’t take offense,” She gave me a sweet smile, her accent growing thicker with each word she spoke. I hadn’t noticed it all that much before when my emotions were on overdrive and my mind was swirling with anger. “But that sounds absolutely dreadful and you deserve to have a little bit of fun. It’s Friday night for fuck’s sake and we’re in Uni!”
“I don’t really know anyone on campus.” I shrugged. “I’ve not made a ton of friends yet, you know?” 
“I do, actually.” She nodded. “If I had to say, you’re the first person I’ve tried to make conversation with since I’ve been here. I’m going to a party tonight because my boyfriend’s frat is hosting it, and he’ll just text me all night if I don’t go.”
“That sounds like fun.” I said. “Thank you for helping me out and offering me your room. I really hope you have fun tonight."
“Why don’t you come with me?” She asked. “I know frat parties sound horrible after all the stuff you see in films, and a lot of them are pretty shit, but I would love to have a drinking buddy.” 
“I don’t want to impose.” I said. “I’m sure you want to spend time with your boyfriend.”
“Nonsense, he sees me everyday.” She shook her head. “I would love to have someone to chat with that isn’t one of his football friends from back home.” 
“Um, okay.’” I shrugged. “I guess that’s not too horrible and I kind of owe you one.”
“You won’t regret it.” 
“So the house shouldn’t be too crowded.” Eleanor pulled her flannel tighter around her body, hunching over as the wind whipped around us. “A few of the guys are still out getting alcohol and people aren’t supposed to start showing up for another hour at least.”
“That’s good.” I nodded. “So why did you decide to come to school here?”
“Louis.” She said. “I couldn’t stomach the idea of being away from Lou and there are so many opportunities in America for both of us. He’s here on a footie scholarship and I’m here on a performing arts scholarship.”
“That’s really cool!” I exclaimed, my eyebrows raising up. “I didn’t peg you for a theatre nerd.”
“Just a tiny one.” She chuckled. “I’m more into the costumes than anything. Fashion has always owned my heart and my Mum took me to so many musicals as a girl. I figured I would combine my love for both and make it my career.”
“I admire that.” I said softly, glancing down at the sidewalk as we turned a corner. “So how long have you and Louis been together?”
“Four years.” She smiled. “We met on a holiday to London one summer and we’ve never let go of each other. Last year we went to the same University for our first year before deciding to come abroad and it was….magical.”
“He sounds lovely.” I said. “He makes you happy?” 
“He does.” She nodded, her lips pursing slightly as she tried to hide her smile. “He’s a proper gentleman, even when he’s being a bit too laddie.”
“I don’t even know what that means.” I chuckled and Eleanor joined in. “What is a laddie? Is that like Lassie, the dog?”
“Not like that dog.” She scrunched up her nose. “I think you call them ‘Bro’s’ over here.” 
“Ah, I do understand then.” 
Eleanor and I continued chatting as we walked down Frat Row. 
The houses were large, but they looked a little plain and rundown. I imagine having a group of rowdy, drunk boys living in a house without supervision didn’t do well for wear and tear on a house. Eleanor told me that the last house on frat row in the cul-de-sac belonged to pretty much the entire footy team with a few odd guys sprinkled in. 
When we arrived, my jaw nearly dropped to the ground. 
I was living in a tiny dorm room and these men were living like kings and a gigantic and modern house that looked brand new. Eleanor laughed as I took in the dark, blue-grey exterior. The shutters and the porch were both painted a dark, charcoal grey. We walked up the stairs and I continued to look around like a kid lost in a candy store. 
Maybe joining a sorority wasn’t a bad move?
“So, that is the living room and just down that first hall is the bathroom. I recommend going upstairs to Louis’ room if you want to use a clean and unoccupied bathroom.” She chuckled. “I’ll show you around upstairs later if you’d like.”
“This is the cleanest Frat house I’ve ever seen in my life.” I said slowly, looking around. “How is it so pristine?”
“A few of the guys are really obsessed with cleanliness and organization.” She chuckled. “Also I spend a lot of time over here, so I do what I can.”
“I would spend all of my time here, too.” I said. “Why are you even in a dorm if you could be here?”
“Rules.” She rolled her eyes. “Technically women aren’t allowed to be housed in a frat, which blows, but I understand it.”
“Well, I’ll pretend to be you and stay in your dorm if you want to fly under the radar and move here.” I teased, patting her shoulder. “It’s a win win for both of us.”
“I might take you up on that.” She giggled, guiding me through an open archway. “This here is the kitchen-”
“Ellie, s’that you!” 
Eleanor flinched at the booming voice from upstairs, her eyes casting up to the ceiling as she grumbled. 
“Bloody hell, these men,” She shot me a sympathetic look and I tried my best not to laugh softly at her annoyance. “Yes, Niall?”
“I need help.” This accent was slightly different than Eleanor’s and it almost reminded me of the guy on the lucky charms commercial. “I don’t know what trousers to wear, should I do these dark jeans or these plaid one’s.”
The voice was closer and closer with each word and suddenly, a half naked man appeared in the doorway, holding two pairs of pants as he looked down at them. He was wearing white boxer briefs and white socks, the rest of his pale and freckled skin on display. I had to admit that he was extremely attractive, chestnut colored hair on top of his head and a soft stomach rounded out with a matching chestnut happy trail dusting under his belly button. 
“Oh, hello.” He looked up, smiling at me with piercing blue eyes and extremely handsome features. I tried not to blush, my eyes glued to his. “Which one’s do ya think I should wear, love? Good to have an outsider’s perspective sometimes.” 
The sound of a door shutting behind us caused my head to snap around. 
This was more of a man standing at the opposite end of the kitchen, his chocolate colored curls framing his face and resting on his broad shoulders as he looked up at me. His face was perfect, adonis like features catching my attention and his bright green eyes causing my breath to catch in my throat. He offered me a small smile, his features soft as he cleared his throat. 
“Hello.” He said softly to me before his eyes darted up, looking behind me. “For fuck’s sake, Niall. Why are you nearly naked!” 
“I needed help!” I turned my head back towards Niall as his brows pulled together, his lips turning to a scowl. “I can’t decide what trousers to wear and Liam is no help!” 
“We have a guest.” The green eyed god spoke from behind me, but I didn’t dare turn my head. I was afraid that if I did, I would be stuck staring at him for the rest of the night. “Don’t be rude.”
I glanced over at Eleanor who lifted her hand to pinch the bridge of her nose. 
I tried, again, not to laugh at her misery. 
“I swear to god, Niall,” She sighed heavily. “The least you could do is introduce yourself to the poor girl before you flash her.”
“M’Niall,” He rolled his eyes, looking over at me. “What’s your name, love?” 
Harry’s POV
“My name is Piper.” 
I stared at the back of her head, trying my best not to think about running my fingers through her soft curls that nearly matched the shade of my own. I inhaled sharply as I pressed my fingertips into the marble countertop below me. I had seen this girl, Piper, around campus before. I saw her flitting from building to building with her head tilted down and her headphones tucked in her cute little ears. I had a huge crush on this girl and now she was standing in my kitchen with my half-naked roommate and my best friend’s girl. 
This wasn’t a good thing at all.
“S’nice to meet you, Piper.” Niall winked at her and I rolled my eyes, shooting him a glare over the girls head. 
His brows furrowed and I gave him a pointed look before mouthing, ‘That’s the girl’.
Niall’s brows lifted up and he shot me a cheeky grin. 
He was the only one I confided in about my girl troubles. 
He knew all about the mystery girl that I passed by every day on my way to physics class and he had suggested to me several times that bumping into her was the best way to catch her attention. I declined, rolling my eyes at his childish suggestion. I had to admit though, if she had been in my class, I would have tossed paper at the back of her head to get her attention. 
It was a trick that never failed. 
“Well, I’m gonna go get dressed then.” He cleared his throat, glancing over at Eleanor. “Lou is stuck on the phone with his Mum, babe. I think he might need some rescuing if he’s going to join the party at all tonight.”
“Oh,” Eleanor stood straighter, glancing over at Piper. “I don’t want to leave Piper-”
“I can stay with her.” I cleared my throat, reaching up to fiddle with my hair as both girls turned to look at me. “I’ve finished my part of party prep, so I don’t mind.”
“Harry, I don’t know.” Eleanor said. “I’m already afraid Niall’s neon white body is going to scare her off. I don’t need you turning on your Cheshire Charm.”
“Oi, I resent that.” I narrowed my eyes at her playfully, trying to fight off my smile as she chuckled. “I won’t be turning on any charm tonight, love. I’ve got a big match to play tomorrow, remember? Gotta save my strength and energy if I wanna do well.”
“Alright, fine.” Eleanor sighed, turning back to Piper. “Are you okay if I disappear for a few minutes? I promise I’ll be right back.” 
“It’s fine.” Piper smiled at Eleanor, gently nodding her head. “Please, go ahead. I don’t mind waiting down here.”
“You’re sure?” Eleanor asked, her face laced with concern. 
“Positive.” Piper glanced over at me. “I think I’m in good hands with ol’ Cheshire Charm back there.” 
My smile was so wide that it hurt my cheeks. 
She was funny and gorgeous.
Eleanor glanced between the two of us before saying a quick ‘be right back’.
“It’s nice to meet you.” Piper turned around, her hands pressing against the countertop as Niall wiggled his brows behind us. He disappeared behind Eleanor moments later, leaving Piper and I alone in the kitchen. “Would you like a Whiteclaw?”
“Oh, sure.” She nodded, her eyes dropping down to her hands. “I would love one.”
“You seem a bit nervous.” I said, walking towards the fridge. “Do you have a flavor preference?”
“No.” She said softly. “And yeah, I guess I am a bit nervous. I’ve had a pretty tough day and I wasn’t exactly prepared to come to a frat party.”
“Why are you here then?” I asked, my eyes scanning the shelves until I landed on the one filled with canned drinks. I reached for two lime flavored cocktails, pulling them out before I shut the door with my hip. “If you don’t mind me asking, that is.” 
“Um, Eleanor extended the invitation and I kind of owed her one.” Piper smiled, taking the drink with a soft ‘thank you’. “My roommate is a bit of a dickhead and she kicked me out so she could get laid. Eleanor saw me in the hallway on the verge of a mental breakdown and we just...hit it off, I guess.”
“Sorry your roommate was a dickhead.” I smiled, letting my eyes roam over the soft features of her face. “I’m glad you and El hit it off though. It’s nice to have a new face around here.”
I let my eyes trail over the features of her face now that she was up close and personal. 
Her eyes were hazel, a soft golden hue to her irises. Her brows were thick and wild, but perfectly shaped. There were soft freckles peeking out from under her foundation and her cheeks were a soft shade of red. Her nose was soft and rounded at the end and I couldn’t help but think of hovering over her, brushing my own nose against hers as I thrust into her. 
I hated being a man sometimes. 
She was a beautiful girl and even in my head she deserved better than to be thought of that way. She was more than just a sexual object and she didn’t need some creepy frat guy thinking dirty thoughts about her only moments after meeting her. I cleared my throat, reaching for my drink. I took a long sip as she raised her brows, offering me a sly smirk as she sipped at her own drink. 
“Eleanor is a really sweet girl.” I rested my can on the marble countertop. “She’s been having trouble making friends over here, so it’s nice that she’s found someone to hang out with besides us.” 
“I really like her.” Piper said softly. “I’ve been having trouble making friends, too. I’m not really the best at putting myself out there, you know?”
“I think you’re doing just fine.” I flashed her a reassuring smile, noticing how her cheeks turned a shade darker. “I don’t think I’ve fully introduced myself, love. I’m Harry.”
“I’m Piper.” She held her hand out and I took it, giving it a soft shake. “It’s nice to meet you, Harry.” 
Her skin was so bloody soft, her hands a little cold and damp from the can she was holding. 
“You too.” I said. “If you need anything tonight, please don’t hesitate to find me. I know how overwhelming these parties can be and I’ll be happy to keep you company or walk you out for some fresh air if you need it.” 
“Thank you.” She said softly. “The same goes for you. If you need any company tonight, I’m your girl.” 
Just like that, my mind was back in the gutter. 
All I could hear in my head was the echoes of her sweet moans, her voice chanting over and over again ‘M’your girl, Harry. Yours’. I cleared my throat, giving her a tight smile as I tried to avoid thinking about her tucked in my sheets, writhing and gasping as I licked into her. 
I was so totally fucked.
“Piper, babe,” I laughed, holding her hips tightly as she swayed. “I think we should sit you down for a minute, yeah?”
“If I sit, I’ll sleep.” She whined, looking up at me with her sweet puppy dog eyes. “Where did Eleanor go?” 
“Eleanor is going upstairs with Louis.” I said softly, digging my fingers into the fleshy skin above the waistband of her jeans. “Do you want me to take you home?”
She pursed her lips, shaking her head as she pressed her hands into my shoulders. 
I knew exactly how we’d gotten here. 
The party was still going strong around us, people dancing and shouting as Piper swayed in front of me. I wanted so badly to brush her hair from her face and stroke the soft skin of her cheek, but I would never do something like that when she was this off her face. Holding onto her hips was already too intimate for my liking, but I was afraid she would topple over without some form of support. She swayed forward, her eyes face pinching up ever so slightly before she pressed one hand to her forehead. I frowned, pulling her closer as a group of guys rushed by.
If Niall hadn’t suggested we play four drinking games in a row, Piper and Eleanor might not have been off their faces within the first two hours of the party. I had to admit that I didn’t exactly mind taking care of Piper. She was a funny drunk, silly puns and snide comments slipping from her lips carelessly as she leaned against me. It was when her eyes started to drift shut and her body started to sway, that I started to worry about her. I pulled her into the kitchen alongside a giggly Eleanor, handing them both bottles of water while I quickly cooked up some pizza rolls that Niall had hidden in the freezer. Both girls ate between loud laughs, knocking into each other as I watched them with a small smile on my face.
 Seeing Eleanor happy made me happy, but seeing her happy with the girl of my dreams made me feel like I was on cloud nine. 
“Mate,” Louis’ hand clapped down on my shoulder and I turned my head as Piper’s body fell into mine. “I can take her off your hands. El told me they live in the same halls-”
“She can barely stand on her own, Lou.” I shook my head, glancing down as she rested her head on my shoulder. “Gonna go put her to bed in my room. I’ll sleep on the couch after everyone is gone.”
“Lock the door if you leave her up there.” Louis said. “I’m going back up to El in a minute, but I figured I should get some painkillers and water for the morning.”
“Bring some up for Piper?” I asked him. “I probably won’t leave her alone in there, knowing all of these jackasses are around.”
“Tell me about it.” Louis snorted out a laugh, shaking his head. “I’ll be up in five.”
I nodded, watching him disappear through the crowd of people in our living room. 
“Hey, love,” I said softly. “Gonna take you upstairs and tuck you in, okay?”
“Kay.” She mumbled, turning her head until her nose brushed against the column of my neck. 
I made a mental note to have a talk with her tomorrow about going places with strangers when she was drunk. I knew that I meant no harm, but we were still getting to know each other. It set off a level of worry that I only ever felt when it came to my Mum or Sister. It was almost a primal need to protect, my arms winding tightly around her as I guided her to the stairs. 
It was no easy feat to get her up the staircase, but when we finally made it to my room, she snapped into a more alert mode. She looked up, her tired eyes growing as wide as they could before she brushed some of her hair out of her face. She looked up at me, her eyes searching my face as I pressed my hand lightly to her lower back. 
“Thank you for taking care of me, Harry.” She said softly. “I’m really sorry I’m ruining your fun.” 
“Nonsense, love.” I shook my head. “S’just another party, there will be plenty more.” 
“Still.” She mumbled. “I don’t want to take your bed. Sleeping on the couch is bad for your back and I overheard that you have a match tomorrow.”
“S’alright.” I said. “I’ve slept on a floor before a match and still kicked ass, Piper. I don’t mind giving my bed up for a good cause.”
She let out an aggravated sigh, rolling her eyes at me. 
I tried not to smile as she grumbled under her breath, reaching for the doorknob to my bedroom door. I followed in behind her, flicking the light switch on before I shut the door behind me. Piper staggered a little and I hovered, my hands waiting to catch her should she fall. Instead, she stumbled over to my bed on bambi like legs, collapsing on the foot with a soft groan. 
“You need some help?” I asked her as she lifted her leg, struggling with her shoe. She merely waved her hand at me, shaking her head. “You want something comfy to change into? I’ve got sweats, shorts-”
“Sweats sound lovely.” She mumbled, a soft ‘aha’ falling from her lips as she finally tugged the shoelace of her boot out of a knot. “You’re a true gentleman, has anyone ever told you that?” 
“My Mum.” I chuckled, walking over to my dresser in search of comfy clothes. 
“S’good,” Piper sighed out as her boot hit the floor. “Hard to find a proper gentleman these days, Harry. I think Jude Law was the last of them.”
“I won’t argue with you there.” I shook my head, trying to contain my laughter as I sifted through my sweatpants. I settled on my favorite pair, the light grey fabric soft and worn. “Do you want a t-shirt to sleep in or a long sleeve shirt?”
“Um, t-shirt.” She mumbled. “Your room is lovely. Did you do all of the decorating yourself?”
“I did, yeah.” I nodded. “Brought a few key things from home, but I spent most of my money in Target when I got here.” 
“Amen to that.” She hiccuped softly. “I like your record player. I’ve always wanted one of those.”
“One day you’ll have to come up and listen to some records with me.” I glanced at her over my shoulder, noting how the corners of her lips ticked up into a girlish grin. “What kind of music do you like?”
“All of it.” She said simply, her voice trailing off. “I’ve always been a fan of classical music for studying. My mom calls me a psychopath.”
“They are known for indulging in the genre.” I snorted, pulling out a white t-shirt before I turned around. “I think that’s lovely, though. I’ve heard some good stuff from Bach in my music theory class and I have to say, it makes for good studying music.”
“That’s what I’m saying.” She said. “I love me some cello, mate.”
“Look at that.” I hummed out, holding the clothes out to her. “Got you talking like a proper brit now, don’t we. Didn’t even know what footy was at the start of the night.” 
“Piss off.” She grumbled, trying to hide her amusement as she mocked my accent. 
“I’m gonna run to Louis' room while you get dressed, okay?” I said. “Gonna steal you some makeup wipes from El’s overnight bag so we can take your makeup off. I want you to lock the door and don’t open it for anyone besides me. I don’t care if it’s Niall or god himself, alright?”
“Alright.” She whispered softly. “You’re really fucking nice, Harry.”
I tried to resist the urge to brush my knuckles over the soft skin of her cheek, but I couldn’t. 
I inhaled sharply as she closed her eyes, leaning into my touch with a soft hum. 
“I’ll be right back.” I said softly. “Lock the door.”
Piper’s POV 
Falling in love with Harry took me all of five minutes. 
I decided that it was physically impossible not to love someone so perfect. He was a real gentleman, keeping his hands in respectful spots even when I was falling all over him, drunk off my ass. I felt a little guilty about being so touchy-feely with someone I hardly knew, but I was comfortable around him from the start. He stood by my side for most of the night, talking with Eleanor and I as we tossed shots back like water. 
I stood up from the foot of his bed, fiddling with the button on my pants. My vision was most definitely blurry and my fingers were shaking as I swayed on my feet, but I managed to pull the button from the loop before I shoved my pants down my legs. It took a bit of wiggling to get my ass settled into Harry’s sweats, an article of clothing clearly meant for a man with no….assets. 
With a soft hiccup, I worked on my shirt, tossing it to the ground before I reached behind me to take off my bra. My drunk brain didn’t care about etiquette or embarrassment anymore. That all flew out the window with my third shot of tequila that Niall handed over. When I settled the fabric of Harry’s shirt over my tired limbs, I heard a soft knock at the door. 
I stumbled over, pressing my ear against the wood to hear who was there. I was plastered, yeah, but I remembered Harry’s speech about not opening the door for anyone. 
“Who is it?” I called out, my voice breaking just a little. 
“S’me.” I heard Harry’s gruff voice. “S’Harry.” 
I flicked the lock on the door, opening it up with a soft smile. 
Harry held up some makeup wipes and a bottle of water, flashing me a cheesy grin. I laughed, shutting the door and flicking the lock behind him again as he walked into his room. When I turned around, my arms crossed over my chest, he was looking at my body with soft eyes. 
“Everything feel comfy enough to sleep in?” He asked. 
“Yeah, thanks.” I nodded. 
“Alright.” He nodded, looking up at me with glassy jade eyes. “Let’s get you tucked in, shall we?”
I smiled, walking over to his bed. 
I picked the side farthest from the door and closest to the window. 
Harry pulled back the covers, waiting for me to climb in before he rested them over my legs. He set the bottle of water on the bedside table, two painkillers falling to the wood next to the plastic bottle. He sat down next to my legs, ripping into the makeup wipes with ease. I watched him pluck a sheet out before closing the pack back up, tossing it to the nightstand with the other items. I rolled my lips in as he turned towards me, holding the cloth out. 
“Do you want me to do it?” He asked. “Just so you know it’s all gone?” 
“Yes, please.” I nodded. 
I could take my makeup off in my sleep. 
I’d done it before, actually. 
But there was something about being doted on by Harry that I wasn’t ready to give up just yet. 
I preened as he wiped the cloth over my skin with gentle strokes, swiping away concealer and highlighter with ease. I let my eyes slip shut when he asked, his index finger gently brushing at the small bit of liquid liner and shimmery shadow on my lids. When it got to my lips, he did a few quick dabs before his touch was gone from my face all together. 
“All clean.” He smiled, tossing the wipe towards the bin in the corner of the room. “Alright, I’m going to tuck you in and turn on a movie. I’ll just be on the floor next to you if you need anything at all. Bathroom is through that door right there.”
“Don’t sleep on the floor.” I rolled my eyes. “I’m okay with sharing a bed with you, Harry. Friends do that all the time, don’t they?”
“But you’re drunk.” He said softly. “And I don’t want you to feel pressured or uncomfortable-” 
“I don’t.” I said. “From the moment we met, you’ve made me feel very welcomed and comfortable. I promise that I don’t feel unsafe or pressured in any way, Harry. If you feel more comfortable sleeping on the floor, then I understand, but I’m okay with you sleeping next to me.”
Harry reached up to rustle his long strands of hair, his curls flopping about as he looked at me with a curious gaze. He inhaled sharply, nibbling on his lower lip as I stared back at him with raised brows and an amused grin. 
“I’ll put a pillow wall between us and everything.” I said. “If it makes you feel comfortable.”
“I just don’t want you to wake up in the morning and freak out.” He said softly. “You’ve had a lot to drink and if you don’t remember any of this tomorrow, it might be a little scary to wake up with a strange man in your bed.”
“Well, it’s your bed.” I said softly. “And I’ve been worse off than this and still remembered what happened the night before, Harry. I come from a very small town where drinking is considered a sport. This is a regular Tuesday for me.”
“Alright.” He whispered through a breathy laugh. “But if you change your mind at any point through the night, feel free to kick me out of bed.”
“I won’t.” I rolled my eyes. “Get ready for bed, yeah? You’ve got a big day tomorrow and I can’t have you losing a match because of me. People will think I’m bad luck.”
Harry’s POV 
When I woke up in the middle of the night, our pillow wall was gone. 
Piper’s cheek was pressed into her pillow, soft puffs of air escaping her parted lips as she tightened her grip on my shirt. Her hand was resting on my tummy and her foot was hooked over my calf muscle, but she remained on her side of the bed. I lay there for a minute, watching her peaceful face as she slept. I tried to commit her features to memory, my heart squeezing in my chest as she shuffled around a bit. I rested my hand over hers, softly brushing my fingers over her knuckles as her body moved just a little closer to mine. 
The dry feeling in my mouth pulled me from my peaceful moment, urging me to go downstairs for my own bottle of water. It was silent in the house, no more music pumping through the speakers downstairs, and I felt safe enough to leave Piper on her own in my room without the doors locked. I would only be gone for a few minutes at the most, running down for water before I ran back up to curl back up next to the sleeping girl in my bed. 
When I made it downstairs, Louis was already in the kitchen.
“Hey,” I grumbled, walking over to the fridge. “What are you doing up?”
“Same as you.” He said. “Thirsty.”
“Hmm.” I nodded. “Eleanor still knocked out cold?”
“Yeah.” He chuckled. “Love that girl to death, but she snores like a bloody chainsaw.”
“That she does.” I laughed, pulling a water bottle out. “I’m glad she’s got Piper as a friend. It was nice to see her unwind tonight.”
“It was.” Louis nodded, pressing his hip into the countertop. “Piper likes you.”
I nearly choked on my water as Louis looked up at me. 
“What?” I asked. “How on earth-” 
“It’s obvious, mate.” Louis rolled his eyes, an amused grin on his lips. “She’s got a bit of a crush on you, but what girl doesn’t?”
“Lou-” I said slowly, my eyes narrowing. “Why do I feel like you’re about to give me a speech.”
“It would break my heart if Eleanor lost her as a friend, Harry.” Louis said softly. “She doesn’t have anyone over here and I at least have you and Niall, you know? If she lost Piper because you two decided to fool around and things ended badly-”
“That’s not what this is.” I said quickly. “And I don’t appreciate what you’re trying to say, either. I would never hurt Piper, or anyone, on purpose. She’s a very sweet girl and it just so happens that I’ve liked her for a while.”
“You know each other, then?” Louis brows arched up and I sighed. “Wasn’t aware.” 
“We don’t know each other, but I’ve seen her around campus.” I mumbled. “Always had my eyes on her, Lou. She’s fucking gorgeous.”
“Harry,” Louis said softly. “I’m asking you as a friend, please don’t get involved.” 
“That’s a shitty thing to ask.” My voice was hoarse. “It’s late and we’re both still pissed. I’m going to bed.” 
“Just think about it.” He said, knocking his knuckles against the countertop. 
Lucky for Louis, it was all I could think about for the rest of the night.
Piper’s POV 
When I woke up the next morning, I could feel Harry’s heartbeat against my cheek.
The annoying beeping of his alarm had me groaning and turning my face into his chest. I heard him mutter a soft series of ‘sorry’s’ before it turned off. Harry’s arm draped over my back, holding me against his chest as I closed my eyes again. I let out a soft hum as he brushed his fingers up and down my back, his chest rising and falling slowly under my head. 
“I see that we’ve lost the pillow wall.” Harry’s voice was deep and raspy, causing a shiver to run up my spine. 
“Sorry.” I whispered, lifting my head up as I pressed my palm to his chest. “I guess I tossed it aside in the middle of the night.” 
“You did.” He chuckled softly. “You pushed it down with your feet and then you pulled it out and chucked it because you were trying to get comfortable.” 
“You watched me?” I asked, blinking a few times to try and focus my vision as I rested my chin on the back of my hand.
“I felt you flopping around like a fish out of water and I had to check on you.” He said slowly, his own eyes still shut. “I fell back asleep and when I woke up for a wee you were snuggled so tightly against me that I could barely pry you off.”
“I didn’t know that I was a cuddler.” I mumbled softly. “I’ve never really slept in a bed with anyone else before.”
“Well, you can tick that box off of your bucket list.” He smiled, his fingers still brushing over my back as I looked down at him. “You staring at me?” 
“A little.” I confessed, a small smile creeping up on my lips. “Think you’re pretty.”
“Love,” He let out a breathy chuckle. “Easy.”
“What?” I asked, dropping my head back to his chest. “Why can’t I say you're pretty? We spent the night together, I’m allowed to compliment you a little.”
“Do you think it’s a good idea to flirt with me?” He cleared his throat, shifting around under me. I groaned, falling back to the pillow next to him. “Do friends flirt?”
I should have known better. 
There was no way on earth someone like Harry would want to be with someone like me.
“Friends can call each other pretty.” I said dejectedly, turning on my side. “And friends can cuddle, too.”
“Well, if it makes you feel better, you’re an amazing cuddler.” He said softly, pressing his palm to my bicep as he leaned over to kiss my temple. “You’re welcome to sleep more if you’d like, but I would love to take you out to breakfast.”
“Breakfast?” I turned my head, looking at him with furrowed brows. “I thought you had a match this morning?”
“I’ve got a few hours.” He rested his body next to mine, his head falling on the pillow next to mine lazily. “Eleanor will be at the match.”
“I know.” I whispered. 
“You should sit with her.” Harry smiled. “I would like that.”
“Okay.” I said softly as he snaked his arm underneath my own, curling it around my middle. I tried to fight off a smile. “Thought we were getting up?”
“Few more minutes.” He mumbled. “You smell nice. S’that your perfume or your shampoo?”
“Probably both.” I smiled, resting my palm over his forearm. “Both sweet pea scented.”
“Piper.” He mused. “Sweet pea.”
“What are you mumbling about?” I asked, trying to contain my giggles at his sleepy rambling. 
“Gonna call you sweet pea.” He mumbled. “Because your name starts with a P and you’re so sweet.” 
Fuck being friends. 
I liked this boy.
And no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t ignore the fluttering feeling in my stomach. 
I was truly fucked.
Piper’s POV 
There were only a few seconds left in the match and our boys were killing it. 
Eleanor gripped my hand tighter as Louis shouted to Niall across the field. Seconds later, he was kicking the ball with the side of his foot. Harry was much closer to the goal, ready to land the winning kick into the goal. I looked at him, his chest heaving and his hairline coated in a thin sheen of sweat. His face was intense and it made my thighs clench ever so slightly to see him so serious. He was always so attractive in the middle of a game, his brows pulled together and his lips pinched tightly together. I loved watching him pull his hair up before a game, twisting the long strands around before he tossed it up in a bun on top of his head. 
“He’s got this.” I said. “Come on, Lou!”
“He’s gonna pass to Harry.” She shook her head. “He has to, babe. He’ll miss from back there.”
“They have five fucking seconds.” We always got a bit snippy during games, but never at each other. “It better be a flawless fucking pass.”
Louis passed the black and white checked ball to Harry with a swift kick and I held my breath, waiting to see what would happen. Harry pushed a guy on the opposing team gently with his shoulder, sliding low until his foot collided with the ball. Just as the last second ticked down, it collided with the net behind the goal and Harry collapsed on his back as players rushed around him. 
Everyone cheered loudly, Eleanor jumping up with a loud cheer alongside the crowd. I could barely move, my heart thumping so loudly that it was all I could hear. I watched Harry’s back flat on the ground, my eyes watering as he continued to stay still. When I saw him sit up, shaking his head, I finally took a deep breath. Moments later, Louis and Niall were lifting him up on their shoulders. 
“Thank, fuck.” I whispered, standing up next to Eleanor as I clapped. 
Harry’s eyes flitted to the stands, landing on mine with a wide grin. 
He was covered in mud and dirt, but he was fine. 
Eleanor grabbed my hand, guiding me down towards the field. 
She was quick to launch on Louis when her feet hit the grass and Niall was quick to run over and scoop me up. I patted him on the back, laughing as he shook me around in his arms. 
“We won!” He cheered. “We bloody won!” 
“I know!” I chuckled, brushing my hand over the back of his head. “I’m proud of you, Ni.”
He put me on my feet, pressing a kiss to my cheek before he turned around to Harry. He grabbed his best mate by the face, kissing his forehead before he ran off shouting something that was terribly hard to make out. I rolled my eyes, steadying myself on my feet. Harry walked over to me, holding his arms out with that same wide and cheeky grin on his lips. 
“Come give your best mate a hug,” He said. “Gotta thank my good luck charm.”
“Harry, no.” I said, holding my hands up. “You’re covered in mud and grass and- Harry!” 
I squealed, taking off on the grass as Harry chased me. 
I dodged a few members of the opposing team, apologizing profusely. 
It didn’t take very long for Harry to wrap his arms around me, pulling me against his chest. 
“I deserve a bloody hug, sweet pea.” He squeezed me tight. “I won!”
“I know, but you’re gross.” I groaned, dropping my head back. “You get to shower before we go to lunch and I don’t.” 
“You could always join.” He whispered, his lips brushing against the shell of my ear. “Know you’ve been dying to see me naked, haven’t ya pea?”
“I will elbow you.” I grumbled, spinning around in his arms. “Don’t be a prick.”
“Just like watching you blush, Piper.” He reached over, pinching my cheek softly. “Where are we going for lunch today?” 
“Where do we always go for lunch?” I rolled my eyes. “Go on, get cleaned up so we can go.”
“Fine, fine.” He sighed. “I’ll see you in ten?”
“I’ll be here.”
I walked back over to Eleanor and Louis, my mind stuck on Harry’s cheeky comment. 
I hated when he did stuff like that. 
He was always toying with my emotions, pulling me to and fro like I didn’t have any feelings at all. He knew that I had a crush on him and he knew that it sucked for me to be so close, but I had the power to stop it at any time. The truth was that I couldn’t stomach the thought of being away from him like that. I wanted him in my life, no matter how I could have him. I walked towards Eleanor with a heavy sigh, crossing my arms over my chest as she kissed Louis deeply. 
Being around a couple constantly was torture when you weren’t apart of one yourself. Especially when the person you wanted to be a couple with was always around anyways. When the pair were done kissing, Louis ran off towards the stadium to take a shower in the locker room. Eleanor smiled over at me and I gave her a blank stare, my lips turning down. 
“What happened?” she asked softly. 
“He’s done it again!” I tossed my hands up. “He was all ‘you should come shower with me, I know you want to see me naked’. Isn’t he the one who keeps insisting we should just be friends?” 
“He’s an idiot.” She rolled her eyes. “I hate that he keeps doing this and I hate that you won’t let me talk to him about it.”
“I don’t want to come between you and an old friend, El.” I shook my head. “He’ll grow up eventually, I guess. If he doesn’t, I guess I’ll have to start moving on.”
“I think you two would be so perfect for each other, babe.” She sighed. “I don’t know what his deal is!”
“Has Louis said anything?” I ask softly. “I don’t want to pry but-”
“Not a word.” She said, her sympathetic grin causing my heart to sink. “He spends all of his time with you and we both know that he’s into you, but something is holding him back.”
“Yeah.” I grimaced. “I like him so much, El.”
“I know.” She frowned. “I wish I could smack some sense into that thick skull of his. I mean, men can be so daft and then they say we’re the complicated ones!”
“I know!” I exclaimed. “Anyways, you and Lou are still coming to lunch with us, right?”
“Yeah.” She nodded. “Louis is dying for a turkey apple sandwich.”
“That does sound good.” I hummed out. “I was thinking about soup, though, it’s freezing out here.”
“Oh, soup.” She groaned out. “That’s perfect,”
Harry’s Pov
I wrapped my towel around my waist, letting out a heavy sigh as I turned the faucet off. 
I hated what I was doing to Piper. 
My sweet pea.
I couldn’t help but rile her up like that, watching her face flush red as I whispered in her ear. 
Part of me was certain that I was riling her up so that she would make the first move. If that was the case, maybe Louis would realize that our feelings for each other were real. 
“Mate,” Louis said. “What was that on the field?” 
“What do you mean?” I asked, my brows furrowing as I walked up to my locker. “We won, Lou.”
“I meant when you were chasing Piper.” He said. “That was flirting, Harry.”
I snapped my mouth shut. 
If he heard the things that passed between Piper and I when we were alone, he’d be livid. 
It was borderline verbal sex with us sometimes, the tension so thick that it had her clamping her legs shut and me shifting in my seat. 
“Was just teasing her, Lou.” I rolled my eyes. “You’re not getting onto Niall for picking her up and kissing her face.”
“Niall means no harm.”
“And neither do I.” I shot him a glare. “Mind your mouth.”
“Why her, Harry?” He sighed. “You could have any bird or lad on campus and you want her, why?”
“Because she’s Piper.” I turned towards him. “She’s the one that I want, okay. I can’t tell you why I think about her every moment of the day or why I want to be with her, I just do. I want to be there for her and you’re stupid fucking fear for Eleanor is standing in my way.”
“You can do what you want.” Louis’ jaw tensed. “M’not standing in your fookin’ way, mate.”
“But you are!” I shouted. “You are because you know that I would never do anything to hurt you or El because you’re family to me. You asked me not to do something and I’m being respectful of that because I respect you. I can’t say that you respect me though, because you would never ask this of me if you did. Can’t you see that this is killing me?”
Louis let out a frustrated huff as I turned back to my locker. 
I grabbed my clothes, angrily pulling them on before I ran my towel over the wet strands of my hair. Piper would be pissed to see me pulling at my curls instead of properly scrunching them up with a soft t-shirt, but I couldn’t be arsed to care about that right now. I slammed my locker shut, hiking my bag onto my shoulder before I stormed out of the locker room. When I walked out onto the field, Eleanor and Piper were whispering amongst themselves. 
“I just don’t get it.” Piper let out a sad sigh. “I want-”
“I know, babe!” Eleanor interrupted her with a chipper voice, pressing her hand to Piper’s bicep with a wide smile. “I wish they still had pumpkin spice too, I already miss it.”
“You women and your pumpkin spice.” I grumbled, pressing my hand to Piper’s hip before I leaned down to kiss her cheek. “Know you miss it, Pea, but it’s peppermint season now.”
“You’re right.” She gave me a playful pout. “I guess I can survive with that for now.”
“Thatta girl.” I chuckled, pulling my hand back as she reached up to touch my hair. “What?”
“You didn’t scrunch your hair properly, H.” She sighed. “I’ve told you to take better care of these curls! They’re going to be frizzy when they dry.”
I licked over my bottom lip, resisting the urge to lean down and kiss the pout off of her lips. 
“Sweet Pea, I’m sorry.” I said softly. “I was in a little bit of a rush, yeah? Wanted to get my favorite girls to lunch.”
“In that case, I guess I can forgive you.” She mumbled. 
Piper’s POV 
I sipped at my peppermint latte as Harry tossed a french fry into his mouth. 
“So when are you all flying home?” I asked. “Only a few weeks left until Christmas and exams are almost over.”
“El and I are flying out next Friday.” Louis said, smiling over at his girlfriend. “I’m excited to see me Mum and sisters.”
“Me too.” Eleanor nodded. “Missed them all.”
“What about you, H?” I asked. 
“I decided to stay.” He shrugged. “I don’t want to disrupt my schedule mid year, you know? It’ll be hard for me to get back into things come January if I spend an entire three weeks vegging out with Mum and Gem.”
“Oh.” I said softly, my face falling as he cleared his throat. 
He was avoiding something and he was sad about it. 
“I’m not going home either.” I said softly. “Too expensive to fly around the holiday’s, you know? Don’t make nearly enough being a full time fan girl for the footie team.”
“Tell me about it.” Eleanor rolled her eyes playfully. “Who do I talk to about getting that raise I was promised.”
“Oh, you get plenty as it is.” Louis leaned forward, capturing her lips. “Pay you in love and other things.”
Harry let out a frustrated sigh, standing up from the table. 
“I’ve gotta go.�� He pulled his wallet out, tossing twenty five dollars onto the table. “S’enough for both of us and the tip, Pea. I’ll see you later in Mcgregor Hall for our study session.”
“Bye.” He leaned over, pressing a sloppy kiss to my forehead before doing the same to El. 
I watched him storm out with a confused look on my face. 
“Should I not have asked about Christmas?” I looked at Eleanor with soft eyes. “I can’t….El, I can’t do this anymore.”
“Babe, it’s gonna be fine.” She said softly. “He’s just a bit moody today, isn’t he? Misses his Mum a whole lot, it has nothing to do with you.” 
“What are you two on about?” Louis asked, glancing between us. “Is something going on between you and Harry?”
“No.” I shook my head. “That’s the problem.”
“They have this chemistry and Piper really likes Harry, but he told her that being friend’s was their best option.” Eleanor explained softly. “Sometimes he’s sweet on her though and it makes her sad because she wants him.”
“El.” I mumbled, my cheeks growing warm. “He doesn’t need all of the details.”
“You like that miserable sod?” Louis asked. “You’re not worried about a relationship with him ruining your friendship?” 
“Not really.” I shook my head at Louis. “Harry and I will always be friends.” 
“No, I mean,” Louis sighed. “You’re not worried about it ruining you and Eleanor’s friendship?”
“No.” I said slowly. “What are you talking about?”
“I feel like if you and Harry were to break up, you wouldn’t want to be friends with El because he’s always around.” Louis said softly. “Wouldn’t that be hard?”
“For a bit, yeah.” I shrugged. “We’re both mature, though. I think we could work through any differences and remain friends.”
“Why are you being so nosy?” Eleanor narrowed her eyes, looking at Louis. “What have you done?”
“Nothin’!” Louis exclaimed. “I’ve not done anythin’.”
“Louis!” She cried out. “You’re lying to me.”
“M’not.” He fidgeted in his seat, avoiding her gaze. “Swear I meant well.”
“Louis, what did you do?” I asked softly, my heart dropping as he avoided my gaze. “What did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything, I just…” He licked over his bottom lip, looking between Eleanor and I with wide eyes. “I just asked him to consider your friendship with Eleanor before making any moves on you. I didn’t want to see her lose her best friend, you know?”
“You’re a sodding prick, Louis Tomlinson.” Eleanor snapped. “You knew that Harry would respect that if you asked. He thinks of you as a brother and he would do anything for you.”
“I have to go.” I grabbed my bag and my coat. “I have to find Harry.”
“Go on,” Eleanor said. “I’ve got a very naughty boyfriend to deal with.”
The first place I ran to was the frat house. 
Harry wasn’t there and Niall hadn’t seen him at all. 
The second place I ran was the park on the far end of campus that we often spent weekends at.
He wasn’t there either. 
When I finally found him, I was only a little shocked. 
“You just played a match, mate.” I let out a relieved sigh when he snapped his head up, his eyes softening when he saw me. “What are you doing out here?”
“Just needed to clear my head.” He said as I walked closer. “Why are you here?”
“I had to see you.” I took a deep breath, swiping the ball from between Harry’s feet with a swift kick. It landed in the goal and Harry let out an amused, but breathy chuckle. “I’m getting good.”
“You’ve got a good teacher.” He snorted out a laugh. “Everything okay, sweet pea?”
“No.” I said. “You see, I’ve got this friend and he’s having some girl trouble.”
“Oh, yeah?” He asked. “What’s his deal?”
“He really likes this girl and he flirts with her all the time, but he hasn’t made a move.” I shrugged, glancing up at Harry. “There’s this other friend of theirs that asked an impossible favor of him and he’s being loyal, which I admit is admirable, but a little daft, as you would say.”
Harry’s Adam's apple bobbed up and down softly and he looked over my head. 
“He does sound quite daft, doesn’t he?” He let out a soft laugh, closing his eyes. “Piper-”
“It makes me love him more though.” I said softly. “The fact that he’s putting aside his feelings because he’s that loyal to the people he loves. It’s stupid, but really sweet.”
“You think so?” He asked, his eyes a little watery as he looked down at me. 
“I do.” I nodded. “Why didn’t you talk to me about this, Harry? We share everything with each other and-”
“This was the one thing I couldn’t tell you, pea.” He said softly. “I never wanted to hurt you and...I knew that this would.  I didn’t want you to feel like I was choosing something over you, because that isn’t the case.” 
“Harry, it’s okay.” I said softly. “I would have understood and I also would have had a very long talk with Louis about minding his own business, darling. You’re free to be with whoever you want and no one can tell you otherwise.”
“What if I want to be with my beautiful best friend, pea?” He reached up, brushing his thumb over my chin. “What if I want to be with the girl that stole my heart the moment I saw her?”
“Then make a fucking move, Styles.” I let out a breathy laugh as he leaned closer. “She won’t wait around forever. She’s a fucking catch and-”
Harry’s lips pressed into mine, cold and wet and perfect. 
I pressed my fingers into his shoulders, gripping his coat tightly with glove covered fingers. 
He tilted his head slightly, pressing a soft kiss to the corner of my lips. 
“You’re perfect, Piper.” His breath washed over my lips as I shuffled closer, desperately seeking his body heat. “I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t apologize.” I said. “Just be with me, H. Be mine.”
“I’ve always been yours, Piper.” He brushed the tip of his nose over mine. “Always will be.”
When Harry’s lips pressed to mine again, something wet landed on my cheek. 
We both pulled back, looking up at the sky with wide smiles. 
“Snow.” I said softly. 
“Christmas miracle isn’t complete with snow, is it?” He teased, brushing his nose against mine. 
“Shut up and kiss me.” 
Harry’s POV 
Louis looked like a child who had just been told Santa wasn’t real when Piper and I walked back into the cafe holding hands. He shot me a soft look that said ‘mate, I’m really sorry for being a dickhead’ and I gave him a tight smile in response. We still needed to have a talk about everything, but there was no use in fighting over something that was in the past now. It felt good, sitting next to Piper as her boyfriend and not just her best friend. It was sudden and my mind was still reeling, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. I walked her back to her dorm that night with a pout on my lips and our fingers tightly laced together. 
“I don’t want to say goodbye, pea.” I mumbled, my thumb brushing against her cheek softly as we stood in front of her door. “Just got you.”
“You’ve always had me.” She snorted out a soft laugh. 
“Never been able to make out with you, though.” I wiggled my brows. “Think we can finally carry through on all that sexual banter we’ve been partaking in.”
“Yeah.” She said quickly, her cheeks getting pinker. “But not tonight, H. Think we should take some time apart to think about things before we jump right in. It’s going to be a bit different now and I need to get used to the idea.” 
“Take as much time as you need.” I pressed my lips to hers in a soft kiss. “I’ll be waiting.”
I was only slightly regretting my words now. 
Everyone had left for Christmas and we had the house to ourselves. 
We were in the middle of a movie marathon in the living room, a few bottles of wine and takeout boxes scattered on the coffee table as we snuggled into each other. Piper’s head rested on my chest and her fingers rested against my stomach, slightly drumming over the bit of holiday weight I had put on over the last week or so. She looked so cute all snuggled up in my sweater and a pair of fluffy sucks, my sweatpants tucked into them carelessly. 
“You’re thinking too loud.” She whispered, lifting her head up. “What’s going on in your head, H?”
“Just thinking about how cute you are.” I smiled down at her. “You’re all snuggled up in my clothes with your pretty hair and your pretty eyes. I just can’t believe that I’m lucky enough to call you my girl.”
Her eyes searched my face as I reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. 
“I want you.” She said softly. “But I’m scared.”
“I wasn’t…” I trailed off. “M’not trying to get in your pants, sweet pea. I just wanted you to know that I’m so in love with you.”
“And I’m in love with you.” She sat up. “And I would really, really like to show you how much I love you.”
“When you’re ready.” I said. “I know that you didn’t have the best first time and you’re a little nervous to dive back in, but I can wait. I want you to be one hundred percent ready when the time comes.”
She inhaled sharply before giving me a soft nod. 
“I love you.” I said, brushing my thumb over her bottom lip. “Get back over ‘ere, pea. Wanna snuggle you some more.”
Piper’s POV 
Harry was snoring softly in my ear on the couch. 
The sun had long gone down and the credits for The Holiday were rolling on the flatscreen in Harry’s living room. With a soft groan, I flipped around in his arms, nuzzling my face into his chest as he tightened his arms around me. The scent of his cologne filled my senses, nearly lulling me back to sleep. I was moments from falling back into dreamland when I felt something firm pressing between my thighs, causing my eyes to snap open. I pulled back to look at Harry’s face, his eyes still shut as he continued to softly snore. He was still fast asleep. 
I let out a soft gasp, my walls clenching down as I shifted against his thigh. I let out a soft gasp, my fingers tightening against his sweater as I stilled my hips. I tilted my head back, looking over his face as he slept peacefully. I didn’t want to wake him, but was done waiting. I wanted him. I wanted everything with Harry and I especially wanted to indulge passion filled moments with frantic hands and desperate kisses with a christmas film playing in the background. 
“Harry.” I said his name softly, my fingers trailing up his throat to cup his cheek. “Harry, baby, wake up.”
“S’wrong?” He asked, tucking his head down. “You alright?”
“I want you.” I said it softly, my heart pounding against my chest. “I’m ready.”
“Sweet pea, s’late.” He opened his eyes. “Are you sleep talkin’?”
“No.” I shook my head. “I mean it.” 
I rolled my hips, grinding my core against his thigh to really send the message through. 
“Piper.” He gasped, his eyes wide open. “Darling, what….what’re you doing?”
“Was trying to snuggle up to you and you put your thigh between my legs, H.” I said timidly, my face heating up under his gaze. His lips were curling into a soft smile and I bit the inside of my cheek. “It felt nice.”
“S’that why you want me?” He let out a breathy laugh, shaking his head. “Needy girl.”
“Please.” I whispered. “I need you.”
“I’ve got ye’.” He leaned down, pressing a series of soft kisses to my lips. “Gonna push your pants down, okay?”
I nodded, but she shook his head. 
“If we’re doing this, I want to hear you.” He said. “I need you to say what you want.”
“Take my pants off.” I griped, tilting my head back.
“Good girl.” 
Two little words.
They sent a shockwave through my body, running straight to my core. 
I let out a soft whimper as he pushed at the waistband of my pants. 
“M’too tired to fuck you.” He said softly. “But I promise to make you feel so good, sweet pea. Gonna have you cummin’ fo’ me.”
I shifted my hips as he moved the waistband of my sweats to my thighs, his hand brushing up the skin of my leg to my hip. He gave it a soft squeeze as our lips collided and I squirmed beneath him. He pulled back, brushing his nose against mine with his eyes shut tight. 
“Do you want my fingers?” He asked me softly. 
“I do.” I nodded. “My fingers are too small and I can never get the angle right when I try.”
“Fuck, pea.” He groaned, opening his eyes. “You’re killing me, my love.”
“Just want to love you.” I pouted my bottom lip out. “Wanna feel good.”
“I know, darling.” He sponged a few soft kisses over my hairline. “Let me get on my back, okay. I want you to ride my fingers.”
Harry wrapped his arms around my body, turning onto his back. I fumbled, my chest pressed tightly to his as he let one of his hands trail over my bum. I whimpered when he tucked his fingers between the crease of my bum and my thigh, brushing the pads of his fingers over my lower lips. His other hand maneuvered its way between our bodies, his thumb brushing swiftly over my clit before it dipped towards my entrance. 
“S’this okay?” He asked. “You feel comfortable?” 
“Yes.” I nodded. “I’m good.” 
He inserted his thumb, pulling it out quickly before he slipped it back up to my clit. 
He rubbed soft circles over it as his fore and middle finger brushed over my entrance in a teasing manner. 
I rolled my hips, desperate to have them inside of me. 
“Yeah, just like that.” He said gruffly. “Ride my fingers, sweet pea. Take what you want from me.”
I gasped when he pushed two fingers into me, my slick walls stretching around them as I moved my hips. I pushed down as Harry curled his fingers up, stroking over that spongy spot inside of me. I moved my hips up, his fingers sliding out slowly before I fucked back onto them. He cooed, brushing the pad of his thumb over my clit in quick circles. 
“You’re so tight, Piper.” He whispered into my hairline as I gripped onto his shoulders. “You’re clenching my fingers so tight.”
“Feels so good, Harry.” I whimpered. “Wanna cum.”
“Are you close?” He asked, a teasing lilt to his voice. “My girl is so greedy, isn’t she? Gonna cum before I properly fuck her with my fingers becuase she wants it so bad, isn’t that right?”
“Yes.” I gasped against his throat. “I need to cum, Harry. It feels so good and I can’t...I need it, baby. Please let me cum.”
“Take it.” He said, sliding his free hand up to my hip. “Take it from me, Piper. Make yourself cum for me sweet pea.”
I felt my thighs clamping as he pressed harder against my clit, my hips stilling against his hand as he stroked that spongy spot inside of me. I felt my walls clenching down around his digits, my whole body warm as my mouth fell open. It was better than any orgasm I had ever experienced on my own and it had me crying out into the skin of his neck. He brushed his hand up my back, slowly slipping my fingers out as I started to come down. 
“You’re so good.” he whispered. “That was perfect, darling. Did so well for me, didn’t you, pea?” 
“That was nice.” I mewled. “Thank you, thank you-”
“Gonna treat you so good tomorrow, darling.” He promised, a sharp edge to his voice. “Gonna spend hours with my head between those pretty thighs and then I’m gonna fuck you like you want. Gonna have you screaming for me, sweet pea.”
I whimpered into his neck, nodding. 
“I want that.” I whispered. 
My eyes felt heavy as he started to pull my pants back up. 
“I love you so much, H.” I whispered, my eyes slipping shut as he covered me up. “Love you, darling.”
“I love you more, pea.” he whispered. “Go to sleep, baby. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
I drifted off to the sound of Harry’s voice, my face snuggling into his shirt. 
This was all I ever needed. 
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thatasianstereotype · 4 years
Fuck. I’m Gay.
I’ve been reading a lot of ml salt fics lately (mainly @unmaskedagain which is a literal goldmine of saltiness). And getting into the Damienette ship. Marinette really does deserves better (Fuck Canon) but so does Adrien. He is not a “sidekick”. Chat Noir and Ladybug are partners = equals. So I decided why not write a fic where Adrien gets his own happy ending in the form of a grumpy assassin-turned-vigilante that loves animals more than people. 
Somewhat of a crack writing where creative liberties were definitely taken. 
Lila Rossi is a bitch and everyone knew it. Well, by everyone, Adrien means himself, his good-amazing-make-pastries-for-him friend Marinette, his maybe-not-really-sure friend Chloe and his-not-that-close-really-classmate Nathaniel. 
Yeah. It was a small number. 
But Lila is still a bitch. 
Anyway, Lila’s lies and manipulations have disturbed the status quo and not in a good way. She ended up making the majority of the class fawn over her like she was a perfect goddess and not a pompous-temperamental-hormonal teenager. Teenagers were prone to be gullible; he can understand his classmates being inclined to believe her. But this was utterly ridiculous (man, Chloe is rubbing off on him). No. You know what’s even more ridiculous? Ms. Bustier letting Lila get away with it. She doesn’t even stop the class mistreating Marinette who claimed she was a bully just because of you know who - Fucking Lila Rossi. The audacity of that bitch and her bitchy followers, am I right? 
Growing up he watched the tv shows and the animes. High schools always had their drama but he thought that was to get some plot going on. He didn’t think it was an actual thing that happens in real life. But he was proven wrong. Françoise Dupont High School had their drama and it was way worse than what he watched on screen. 
The worst part was that he couldn’t get away from Lila. Or he’ll be pulled from school (Fuck you Dad). He had to sit next to that bitch and listen to her drone on and on about things they both knew she didn’t do, about things she promised to do for her ever gullible followers friends. And couldn’t say anything against it if he wanted to stay in school. But even his discreet questioning didn’t do that much. It got some of the class to think something’s possibly fishy with her stories but not enough to think Lila was evil. So he just gave up. Because what was even the point? 
He was distancing himself from Alya and Nino. He couldn’t really be friends with people who thought Lila held the sun and moon. They didn’t hang out as much as they used to and he made excuses when they did invite him to stuff. Lately, he was making outrageous excuses - like he had to take his cat to the vet even though he didn’t have a cat - to see if they caught on. They didn’t. It was fun but he didn’t know whether to feel happy or sad about that. But feeling sad-depressed-pain over it was a bitch so he decided to take his victories as they come. 
Chloe had left the school earlier on. Her mom wanted to spend one-on-one time with her daughter (Yeah, Audrey is better at being a mother here). She was completely out of this drama mess. And Nathaniel kept his head down to not paint a target on himself. 
His only consolation and ally in this whole mess was Marinette. His darling angel. His sunshine incarnate. His own goddess (not like that bitch Lila let’s get one thing straight). 
When he was feeling overwhelmed (which was a lot), he spent it at her house. They spent it discussing fashion, trash talking Liar-la and the sheep class, playing video games, and making/eating the best baked goods in all of Paris. If he wasn’t at his photo shoots or at school, he was at her house. And with how often they spent time with each other, it wasn’t long before they accidentally revealed their alter egos to each other. 
(The class’ Everyday Ladybug was actually Ladybug. How amazing is that! Isn’t Marinette the absolute coolest?!) 
Since they outed themselves to each other, they had to give up their miraculous. And new heroes had to be chosen. As the guardian, Marinette decided to give the Ladybug miraculous to herself and the Cat one to Adrien. And make them the superheros of Paris. 
(Just when he thought that Marinette couldn’t get any cooler) 
They both collectively decided that being friends were for the best and put away their obsession crush over the other far far away. Now they were best friends-almost siblings. Oh who was he kidding? He was an honorary Dupain-Cheng. Marinette and her parents said so. And who was he to deny the goddess? 
All was well. 
Until he met this gorgeous boy with raven black hair and piercing green eyes that made him question everything in life. 
Like fuck. His life wasn’t hard enough already? 
It was a slow patrol. Just stopped a few petty crimes. No akuma tonight. He wasn’t really expecting much to happen.
Mari said patrolling regularly gives citizens a sense of security and it helps if one of them were on scene if an akuma does appear. 
He didn’t mind. He loved running on the rooftops and feeling the wind in his face. After some time, he stopped and stood on top of one of the tallest buildings. Just soaking the view. The peace and serenity of it all. Seeing the glowing lights of his beloved city. Seeing the Eiffel Tower standing tall and proud. 
(Forget school. Forget Liar-la and her hoard of bitches) 
This was his city. This was why he fights Hawk Moth with Ladybug. They had something precious to protect. 
He was done patrolling the regular routes and all his schoolwork was already finished. He could go to sleep but he didn’t feel that tired. And he really didn’t want to go back home. Mari shared her theory on his dad being Hawk Moth. She had really good reasons and a plethora of proof. If they could switch miraculous, why couldn’t he and Mayura - most likely Nathalie? Which would explain how Gabriel got akumatized.
After all her support with dealing with Lila, he was way more inclined to believe her even without the evidence. But those things just made him more wary of his dad. And he wasn’t too stoked on spending more time than what he can get away with with the guy. Because his dad being Hawk Moth explains why he wants Lila (his strongest supporter - Chameleon and Oni-chan, anyone?) close and makes Adrien play nice with her. And anyone who enables Lila’s bitchiness is on his enemy list. 
Anyway, he was out here to enjoy the good mood not think about evil bitches and evil dads. So he sat himself down and enjoyed the sights. It was more calming than you would think. 
He heard cars blaring and even a dog barking. The slight breeze felt nice. The moon was pretty bright tonight. The stars too. There was a lone couple walking through the park. There was also another teen in black running on rooftops a few buildings away. 
He blinked and looked again. Huh, there was another teen in black running on rooftops. And it was not a hallucination. 
What the actual fuck?
He was instantly on his feet, baton already in hand as he raced across the roof to reach said stranger. 
But because he was the lucky owner of the unlucky miraculous, the moment he said that, the guy was about to jump off a building to presumably roll onto the next one like Chat was watching him do beforehand. But his call made him lose focus and Chat watched horrified as the guy slipped and started falling into the alley. 
Oh fuck! Mari was going to fucking kill this dumbass kitty!
He hoped to everything that Mari thinks is holy that he makes it in time. Extending his baton, he used it as a huge Pogo stick to basically catapult himself towards the stranger and wrapped his arms around him as he braced himself for the full weight of hitting the gravel at this height and speed. But he wasn’t that that concerned. His suit protected him from the majority of the injuries that would’ve occurred if he wasn’t wearing it. It hurt but it isn’t as bad as it could’ve been. Remember earlier? He takes his victories as they come. 
This was not the smartest of ideas, he’ll admit. Mari had the brains to be honest. But it wasn’t bad if he say so. And he does say so. 
He rolled over and immediately looked over the stranger that was remarkably unharmed in this whole mess. 
And oh.
The stranger was taller than he was with a lithe and lean frame. He had raven black hair that complimented his tanned skin and gorgeous green eyes that pierced through him, making his heart do funny things. 
He was not expecting him to look as hot as he did. He wore a simply black t-shirt and jeans but he looked like a fucking Adonis, what the fuck.  Even the moon shone down on him, highlighting his handsome features even more.  
He shook himself of those thoughts and focused on what was more important. “I’m so sorry. Are you alright?” 
He was rudely pushed away, but he didn’t take offense. He did cause the guy to fall after all. 
“Do not touch me.” (What kind of accent is that?) “I’m fine. You are truly a moronic imbecile of the highest accord to yell like that. And what are you even supposed to be? Some kind of knock-off Catwoman?” 
At that, Chat looked at Hot-And-Sexy weird. “Are you new here? I’m the superhero Chat Noir. I protect Paris with Ladybug.”
“You’re joking.”
“I know I come off as the goofy hero because I make purr-fect puns all the time but I’m not joking about this.” 
He took out his phone to show the foreign (since he’s obviously not a Parisian) stranger the akuma attacks and Ladybug and Chat Noir being a dynamic duo, saving Paris and beating Hawk Moth. Ok, he showed the stranger a lot of stuff. Sue him. He gets to brag about his Princess. And himself too.
“I never heard about this before.” Hot-And-Sexy (he has got to come up with a better name) said afterward. “3 years this has been going on? Why didn’t you ask for help from the Justice League or other superheros?” 
Chat shrugged. “We tried. But they said we’re obviously pulling a prank and making this all up. So we stopped asking for help.”
For some reason this made Hot-And-Sexy angry. “They ignored your plea for help and left you to fight for yourselves?”
“Pretty much, yea.” 
“You and Ladybug are children.” 
“Excuse me? Are you doubting our ability to protect our city?" He was not apologetic at the sharp edge his voice took. Forget looking hot. How dare he? The audacity really. 
Hot-And-Sexy shook his head. “I’m not. I know some child superheroes who are adequate at their jobs and a few who are remarkable like Robin in Gotham. But the majority of them had adult mentors to guide them. From what you’ve shown me, you and Ladybug had no one. You were left alone to fend for yourself with essentially no help.” 
He never thought of it that way. But hearing it like that made him think: Fuck Adults Who Chose Children to Fight Their War For Them and Fuck Hawk Moth For Putting Them In This Position In The First Place. 
You know what. Just to clear all his bases - Fuck Everyone But The Dupain-Chengs. 
Chat couldn’t help but shrug, not quite knowing what to say to that. “Life is a bitch, I’ve come to find out. But enough of that. Why were you running on rooftops anyway?”
“It calms me down.”
“Is...Is your tail moving?” 
“Huh?” He looked behind him to see his tail was indeed moving lazily. “Yeah. I’m called Chat Noir for a reason.”
“May I touch them?” Chat was used to people (usually kids) pulling on his tail to see if it was real (It was). And it really hurts because they usually rough. Not that he blames them. Kids don’t know any better. Still, he usually says no when people ask. 
But Hot-And-Sexy had such a sincere expression that he said yes. To his surprise and delight, Hot-And-Sexy was extremely gentle (Can this guy be anymore perfect?) and it felt nice to be petted like that. Curse his touch-starvation (again Fuck you Dad).
Hot-And-Sexy was apparently fascinated by his ears and tail. 
“Are you a meta?” He noticed how Hot-And-Sexy’s voice turned softer and fonder (or was he imagining that?).
“Nah. I’m fully human. I just got powers to transform into this.” He looked down at his phone seeing that the time was nearing 2 am.
“Have you suffered any injuries from your stupid stunt?” 
“Hmm?” Chat looked back at him before gesturing to his body. “Don’t worry. I may not look like it but I can take it.”
He can practically feel Hot-And-Sexy rolling his eyes. “What an utter dolt.” 
But there wasn’t any heat behind it so he didn’t take it to heart. 
“Thanks, babe.” 
“That was an insult.”
“And I’m taking it like a compliment.”
Chat stood up and stretched his limbs. Hot-And-Sexy doing the same but dusting off his clothes instead.
“So, uh, need any help getting home?”
“I am perfectly capable of finding my own way, thanks.” 
“Ok. Have a nice night.” He was about to leave when he was caught off guard by Hot-And-Sexy staring at him for a good few seconds, making his limbs freeze in place at the heavy attention.
Before he said. “You should try contacting the Batfamily in Gotham about Hawk Moth. They’re used to dealing with weird things. I’m sure they won’t turn you or Ladybug away.” 
Chat was a bit distracted by how intensely those green eyes focused on him, making his heart beat faster and his cheeks turn a vibrant red. 
He was so screwed. 
He used his baton to shoot himself up so he can run on rooftops, hurrying to the Dupain-Cheng bakery. 
“Mari! I think I’m gay!”
“It’s 2 in the morning, Chaton. Go to sleep and we’ll talk about it in the morning.” 
After a good night’s rest (and thank everything that was right in the world that today was a weekend), Adrien told Mari all about Hot-And-Sexy. And yes, he did call the stranger that out loud. His everything-that-actually-matters sister simply took it in stride after giggling a bit. They spent the majority of the day discussing emotions and everything that came with that bundle. 
Before he finally came to a conclusion. 
He is definitely gay (He liked girls but not like like them). And most definitely had a crush on Hot-And-Sexy with the pretty green eyes. 
Good news: He is no longer having a sexuality crisis. 
Bad news: He is going through an emotional crisis. 
Like dealing with these feelings that is making his stomach flip flop over and over again? The only one he ever had to deal with was the one he had on Ladybug and that (he talked with Mari about it months before. She was amazing with these emotional matters) was more of a hero-worship crush than anything really romantic. 
And his crush on Hot-And-Sexy was so much more. 
So it’s been about 2 weeks since he encountered Hot-And-Sexy. And he still haven’t figured out what else to call him. But the nickname was growing on him. 
(He also told Mari about asking the Batfam for help but she was a bit apprehensive after the disastrous attempts of convincing the Justice League. He shrugged, trusting her opinion and left it at that) 
Anyway, Lila was being her usual bitchy self. Father was being non-existent like always. Mari was his only source of sanity at school. And Hawk Moth was being a bitch. 
Because of course, the day before they have a huge test, he decides to akumatize someone (in this case, a businessman who was really unhappy with getting fired) and cut in on study time. And this akuma took a while to defeat. Guess he drew a lot of strength from his burning hatred of the failings of the corporate world. 
And just yesterday, a teenager who was upset at being grounded got akumatized and terrorized the city for 3 hours before Ladybug could purify her. It did however confirmed her fears. Hawk Moth was getting stronger. It took longer to defeat his monsters. They needed to find him and ended this fast. 
Adrien landed on Mari’s balcony and slipped in her room, crashing on her big comfy bed, de-transforming on the spot. Plagg sleepily floating and laying next to him on the pillow. He was so tired. And photo shoots and school drama were not helping things.
For the record, he was not at all expecting to see Hot-And-Sexy in a bookstore of all places. 
He was so engrossed in looking through the latest Boku no Hero Academia manga (can’t wait until Season 5 comes out) that when someone touched his shoulder, he was not proud to admit he squeaked a bit.
He turned around and his eyes widened his surprise. 
It was indeed the Adonis Adrien had a huge crush on. Today he was wearing a white t-shirt paired with a blue denim jacket and black ripped jeans. Wow. He really can make anything look hot.
No. Bad Adrien. Don’t let him know you actually have a crush on him.
And oh fuck. Hot-And-Sexy was staring at the blonde and Adrien tried not to let himself get flustered. He has a very intense stare. For all he knew, Hot-And-Sexy stares at everyone like that.
Calm the fuck down, heart. You too brain.
He raised a handsome eyebrow in amusement. “Excuse me?”
Adrien felt himself burn with embarrassment, his face turning bright scarlet. No wonder he was fit for the unlucky miraculous or was this just a side-effect? Note to self, ask Mari about this later. 
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t get your name last time. And I just started calling you that in my head. Cause you’re really hot and you have pretty eyes.”
Fuck mouth! Why won’t you stop talking! Please for the love of everything that makes Mari a BAMF stop. Stop digging further into the hole of embarrassment! Abort mission! Abort!
“When did we meet?”
At that, he blink a few times. Oh fuck. He was not Superhero Chat Noir. He was Civilian Adrien Agreste. Mari was definitely murdering his dumbass tonight. Lightning please strike him down right now. Where was an unlucky lightning strike when you need it?
After a few seconds of his horrified silence, Hot-And-Sexy chuckled (he had such a nice laugh). “You are extremely lucky I already figured out your alter ego beforehand, Chaton.”
Before Adrien could even unwrap that statement, he held out a hand and had a dangerously sexy smirk on his face. “My name is Damian Wayne. Would you care to get a cup of coffee with me?”
And Adrien nodded his head, not trusting himself to speak. He can deal with the superhero thing later when he can think straight (hah!) and is not distracted by Damian’s beautiful smile and alluring green eyes and perfect everything.
Guess what?
Ya Boi got game.
(At least, he likes to think he does)
After a successful coffee date (was it a date? Please let it be a date), they exchanged numbers (cue internal squealing) and met up a few times afterward to hang out.
Apparently, Dami was here on business to deal with something for Wayne Enterprises.
“Aren’t you 17?”
“Father believes in preparing us when we’re young.”
Dami was amazingly sweet. Arrogant and pretentious with a stick up his ass but sweet. He treats stray animals with such reverence that Adrien’s heart melt every time he sees it.
It was an added bonus when Damian scorned Lila with cruel words and disgusted looks when she tried to cut in Adrien and Dami’s date(?)/meetup(?)/spending-time-together event.
She cried and whined afterwards and Adrien has to endure his father’s lecture. But it was totally worth it.
Oh yeah. Mari was not pleased that he accidentally outed himself to a civilian. But nothing that a couple of sad kitty eyes can’t fix.
“You are so lucky you’re cute, kitty-cat.” Mari grumbled but she was smiling. “I just need to have a good talk with him on the importance of secrecy.”
That day Damian Wayne learned to fear a certain Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
It was 2 weeks later when Adrien woke up to a package next to his futon in Mari’s room. When he opened it, he saw the Butterfly and Peacock miraculous inside.
There was a card beneath it. And in beautiful cursive script read: 
I dearly hope you enjoy my courting gift, mon amour. Allow me the honor to formally ask you out on a date. I look forward to hearing favorably from you soon.
- Damian Wayne
He couldn’t believe it.
“Mari! Damian likes me back!”
“Chaton, I swear. It is 2 in the morning.”
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levis-hazelnut · 4 years
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Summary: when you and your best friend, Hanji, were younger, you had made up stories about your dream guys - what they would look like and how you would meet. What happens when the one you had made up appears to be real?
Warning(s): mentions of abuse (if you squint). Please do tell me if there are anymore.
Taglist: closed
Status: completed!
part 1 > part 2
series masterlist
(a/n: i love mikasa, she’s a queen. But I’m sorry because she’s gonna be a bitch in this lol)
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"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)!!!!!!!!" Before that call, I was peacefully eating lunch with my friends and didn't wish for any interruptions from my crazy, loud best friend. I was just sitting there with some of my calm friends that I was in the mood for; quietly speaking about life, no stress, no laughter, no loud talking - just nice conversation. Other times (most of the time), however, I would be in the mood for my best friend, wanting laughter, craziness and loud talking. But this wasn't one of those times... So why the hell was she here sprinting and screeching for me? "(Y/N)!!!!!!!" "For fuck's sake," I murmured. "What do you want, Hanji?" I asked when she pushed off Connie, who was sitting opposite me, and sat in his place. She leaned forward and caught her breath as her gaze was not at me, but behind me. Before I could turn around, she grabbed my head and forced me to face her which made me frown. "What the hell is going on?" "Okay, so... Remember about five years ago when we would talk about our dream guy and meeting them later in life. And remember when we said that you would find your dream guy in university..."
"Hanji--" "Don't talk. Let me finish the story of the past." *FLASHBACK* With the sun beaming down on me and Hanji as we ate our lunch together on the grass, we stupidly and crazily told each other about our dream husbands. The appearance of my dream guy was based on a character from a show I watched. And because we were still young, horny and stupid, we let our imagination create stories of how we would meet our dream guy. Let's forget about Hanji's and skip to mine... So, Hanji had thought of it with that extraordinary brain of hers. She said that, "We would be having lunch with our new friends, and maybe some of our school ones like Connie, Eren, Sasha, Jean and Armin. Anyway, you would be talking to someone as I sit next to you, quietly eating--" "Hanji, that's already not going to be true. How are you going to be quiet?" "Hush, let me carry on. So, I'll be eating, maybe not quietly, and then I look around the canteen and see him... walking with his lunch in his hand. Standing there in his handsomeness, with black hair, grey eyes, a light complexion, emotionless expression. I don't know what his personality is when he's there, but his appearance is pretty similar to how we imagine him to be. I gasp and smack your shoulder many times to get your attention which you click your tongue at. I point towards him and you look where I'm staring, which is when you gasp as well, trying to find the words but I already know what you're going to say. And we get up and stalk him. As we do that, I spot his keys in his bag and cleverly take them, passing them to you. When he sits down, I tell you to give it to him but you're too shy so I push you forward until you're in his sight. He looks at you and you shyly hold them out to him, saying: 'I think these are yours. You dropped them'. And then he thanks you and you live happily ever after." "... That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. But, if that does happen, then I love you and your brain." And since that day, she kept on adding to the story which made me excited to meet my future husband. Of course, however, I knew this story of hers wasn't going to come true, no matter how young, horny and stupid I was. *END OF FLASHBACK* "Yes, Hanji, I remember that. But why are you telling me this?" "You idiotic fool! He's right there behind you!" "I swear, if you're lying--" "I'm not, I'm not!! Just look!" I slowly twisted my head to see the man I've wanted to marry for many years. Was he really there? Is Hanji just playing a prank on me? I took a deep breath and looked to see who she was talking about... And there he was, exactly how I had imagined. Well, maybe not exactly, but extremely similar. "Hanji, you already know what we're doing?" She vigorously nodded as both of us got up and raced towards him, and then slowed down when we got closer so we don't look like weirdos or creeps (which we technically were). He was holding no bag, but luckily, Hanji saw his credit card in his back pocket and somehow got it without him realising.
I never knew how much I loved her until this moment. This mysterious, kind of magical man sat down on a table with two of his other friends. But I could care less about them. Taking a deep breath, I tapped his shoulder and he looked up at me with the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. They may have had no shimmer or emotion in them, but they still entranced me. I didn't realise I was staring for too long until he spoke, "Are you just going to stand there and look at me, or actually say something, brat?" Maybe those weren't the first words I expected to hear, but at least it was something. His voice was deep and velvety and void of any emotion and I wanted to hear him speak more. It probably wasn't even that attractive to other people, but this was someone I had made up in my mind and he's right here in front of me, so I'm going to fall in love with every aspect with him. "Oh, sorry... Um, you dropped this," I said quietly and held out his card to him. He lifted an eyebrow at first before taking it from me, his fingers skimming my skin as he did that. "Hey, are you okay? Why do you keep staring into space like that?" "Uh, yeah, I-I'm fine. Just a little tired. Anyway, um... I'm going to go... eat my lunch. Bye." "Thank you, by the way, random person." I laughed lightly. "(Y/N)." "Thank you, (Y/N)." "So--" "Hey, (Y/N)!!" I mentally rolled my eyes when my name was called and my best friend appeared beside me, throwing an arm onto my shoulders. "What do you need, Hanji?" I murmured. "I just wanted to know who your new, little friend is. Looks like you were having fun." "Um, no. I just gave him his card since he dropped it." "Oh, so you're best friends now! Why don't you sit right next to him and have lunch together?" "Hanji," I said in a tone for her to back off. But she carried on anyway, pushing me onto the seat next to the man. "I'm so sorry about her. She's... insane." "I can tell," he said, eyeing both of us up and down. We were both definitely going to be the weirdos he should stay away from. "Well, you can go--" "(Y/N), I think you should stay! You seem like a delightful person!" the girl with pigtails opposite me squealed and I smiled at her. "It's nice to make new friends," a blonde male next to her stated with a polite smile. "Let her stay, Levi." "Oh, it's fine. My friends are probably wondering where I am," I stated, turning to find Hanji, but she wasn't there. "Shit," I mumbled. "What's wrong?" "Oh, nothing. I mean, I literally just came to give him his card and now I'm having lunch with you three. It's kind of weird." "'Him' has a name," he muttered bitterly. "It's Levi." "Sorry, Levi." I want to marry you, Levi. "You can leave now if you want." "Uh, yeah, I should probably go," I said and started to get up. "No, stay! Levi, you can't just push someone away!" the female with green eyes scolded him. "We barely even know her." "So? It's good to meet nice people and become friends." "Tch. You two can do whatever you want, then." "Maybe I can join you guys for lunch another time. Looks like Mr Moody doesn't want company." "Mr Moody?" he repeated and lifted an eyebrow at me. "You just met me and you're giving me that nickname?" "Uhh... I'm going to go now." "Bye, (Y/N)! I'm Isabel, by the way, and this is Farlan." "Bye, Isabel, Farlan. It was nice talking to you." I got up without addressing the raven-haired male and made my way back to my table, huffing as soon as I sat down. "I messed up bad," I complained to myself, causing the bald male beside me to inquire what happened. "It's nothing. Just me being stupid and childish to think that I'll magically be able to become some gloomy guy's girlfriend." "Who is this 'gloomy guy'?" "It's (Y/N)'s crush who's sitting right over there with that grinning girl and some other guy!" "Hanji, just forget about it. He hates me." "I've never seen him before," Connie stated, taking a secret glance at him. "We just saw him today as well." "And he's already your crush?" "Basically--" "Hanji, we promised that we won't tell anyone," I snapped. "It's stupid and I never want to talk about it again." "I mean, it's not really stupid if he's real. It could just be your fault because you were nervous and acted awkward around him. But then again, it could be my fault because I kind of forced you to sit next to him. Maybe I should let you do it your own way. So, for once, (Y/N), I won't get involved. I don't want this chance to go." "I doubt you'll be able to keep that promise." "I will! I don't want you to be annoyed and depressed forever. So you do whatever you want. And you can slap me if I get involved in the tiniest way." "Okay. Thank you, Hanji." "I'm still so confused," the baldie said. "Maybe I'll tell you one day, Connie. Maybe when I make progress." "Okay--" "Oh my god!! I just realised - he's actually real and right there!" I suddenly yelled, causing the canteen to quieten as students looked at me with confusion. "Ugh, I'm such an idiot. I need to stop making a fool out of myself. Did Levi look at me, Hanji?" "No. But he obviously still heard you." "God, I just want to die..." ~/~ Thanks to my roommate, I had to rush my morning routine and miss breakfast since I had to run to the university, which was about a five-minute walk away. Since I was running, however, it took me three minutes. I was definitely going to give Hanji what she deserves for not waking me up. I stumbled into the lecture hall to find that they had already started. I quickly apologised for being late and found a random spot to settle down and catch my breath. I took my laptop out of my bag and gulped on some water as I waited for it to load. And I soon got to work, focusing on the lecture and not taking notice of the people around me. As I was listening to my professor, someone beside me whispered my name and so I rotated my head to look at them. Act cool. Be calm, (Y/N). Just because you're taking the same course and you're going to see him more than you thought, doesn't mean you can freak out. "Do you have a pen I could borrow?" Levi asked in a hushed tone and I sifted through my clothes and bag to find a pen that he can use. After about a minute of looking, I found one at the bottom of my bag and passed it to him with a smile. He thanked me before both of us got on with our work. I could barely concentrate now that I knew who I was sitting next to, but I still tried my best. Towards the end of the lecture, which seemed like hours, my stomach rumbled and I froze and internally cringed. Why did that have to happen? Well, I didn't have breakfast so I guess it's understandable, but still. Shortly, I was able to leave, so everyone filed out and I packed my things away, slinging my bag over my shoulder as I made my way out. As I was leaving the hall, a familiar, husky voice called for me and I stopped. "You know, for someone that doesn't like people, you sure like saying people's names," I joked. "I was just going to give you your pen back and ask if you wanted to grab something to eat since it sounds and looks like you haven't had breakfast." "Shit, was my stomach that loud?" "I couldn't hear Professor Erwin," he said with no amusement, but something told me that he was just joking with me. I playfully rolled my eyes and let a small laugh escape my mouth before taking the pen from his hand and walking out with him following after me. "Hey, so yesterday, I was kind of in a bad mood which is why I acted like that. Though, I am usually cold and unfriendly and--" "What are you trying to say?" "Let's start over. Isabel and Farlan made me feel guilty, so let's get you some breakfast and know each other some more. All I know is that you and your glasses friend are weirdos." "Well, thank you very much for saying that, Mr Moody. We are weirdos, and we're proud." "Hey, Levi!" "Hey, (Y/N)!!" There were two different voices and two different names being called at the same time, yet they were coming from the same direction. Two sighs sounded when I saw Hanji and Levi saw Isabel. "What did I miss? Why are you two walking together?" Isabel asked. "We're going to get some breakfast. Since you, Hanji, never woke me up," I replied, arching an eyebrow and folding my arms over my chest. "I didn't know when your first lecture was, and I thought you would've put an alarm. How late were you?" "You weren't that late, you know. We started about a minute before you came." "So, I look like a mess and didn't make coffee for no damn reason? Ugh, I'm so glad I have no more lectures today." "Well, I need to head to my next lecture, so I guess I'll see you at home," Hanji smiled before fast-walking. "Me, too. Bye!" "Let's go?" I suggested and he nodded in response. Some words were spoken as we took our time in getting to a cafe that was a two-minute walk away. I told him a bit about myself, but he had very little to say as if he was hiding a shady past or something like that. Nevertheless, I didn't pry. "So you're not only a weirdo, but a perv as well?" "Hey! I'm not a pervert," I pouted, trying to fight back a smile. "It was a dare from Hanji... Though, I don't regret doing it," I muttered. "Perv." "Hush. Eren's ass is perfect to squeeze." "I don't want to know that," Levi said with a hint of disgust as he opened the door to the cafe, letting me go in first. We walked towards the queue and continued our conversation. "Well, if you want to start over and get to know me, then you have to know that I'm a weirdo, maybe a perv, and let's just say that you don't want to make me angry." "So you are a perv?" "Okay, fine. Yes, I am a perv," I announced. "And just like how I'm proud of being weird, I'm also proud of being a pervert." "Are you proud of letting your stomach rumble as well?" "Shut it, Ackerman." "Oh, hey, (Y/N)," the male at the register smiled. "Hi, Eren." I grinned back at him, seeing his gaze on the raven beside me. "This is Levi. I guess you could say we're acquaintances." "This is Eren?" Levi inquired and I saw a certain glint in his eyes. That is when I realised that I had told him I squeezed Eren's butt after getting a dare. Oh, why did I have a feeling that he was going to embarrass me? "Yeah. Nice to meet you, Levi. What do you guys want?" "You go first," I told the male and he nodded. "An Earl Grey, please." "Okay. And you, princess?" "Well, loverboy, could I get a coffee and pain au chocolat?" "Of course. Anything else?" "No, thanks," I replied, searching my pockets for my purse. Then my bag, but I couldn't find it. I bit the inside of my lip and turned to Levi. "I don't have my purse on me. Sorry. I'll pay you back." "You're too broke to do that, princess," he murmured and paid for our food. "Shut up. Thank you, Eren. Thank you, Levi." "No problem. I'll bring your drinks and food in a bit." I shot him another smile before strolling to a table with two seats facing each other. I took a seat, hanging my coat on the chair and dropped my bag to the ground, under my feet. "You and that kid in a relationship or something?" he randomly questioned after there was a moment of silence. "Me and Eren? No, no. We just have that kind of friendship where we act like a couple and call each other names. We don't actually like each other or anything. And he has a girlfriend, well, sort of." "What do you mean 'sort of'?" "It's not a stable relationship. There have been a few problems, and I've tried to tell Eren to just forget about her but he can't. I just want him to be happy with someone that truly cares for him and doesn't cause him any distress. He's come to me so many times just to cry over her." "What's her name?" "Mikasa." "What about Mikasa?" Eren spoke with a slight frown, placing down our things in front of us. "Oh, I was just talking about how she has the same surname as Levi and was wondering if he knew her." "Okay. Well, here's your coffee, tea and pain au chocolat. If there's anything else you need, just tell me." "Thank you." "... You're a good liar." "I'll take that as a compliment. Also, I'm surprised you haven't taken the chance to embarrass me yet." "Embarrass you? Why would I ever do that?" he remarked sarcastically, but obviously my dense ass couldn't sense that. "Because you know which boy's butt I squeezed, and you could expose me for being a pervert. Though, he already knows that I am. Everyone I know knows what kind of person I am." "A weirdo and a pervert," he stated after taking a sip of his tea. "I wonder what other traits you have." I snorted. "Are you sure you want to know?" He gave me a small glance, perfectly arching his brow. I felt as if I've known this person for longer than two days. Probably because me and Hanji have spoken about him for many years now. But, even then, I feel like we have a certain bond. And no, I'm not just saying that because he's the love of my life; I truly think we can create a strong friendship... and then, maybe something a little more. Even though he's a made-up person that became true, I sometimes forget who I'm talking to and just internally scream when I realise. But, seriously, how did this happen? I don't think I'll ever be able to believe that he became true (and maybe one day, I won't believe that I'm marrying him hehe). "Oi, you're spacing out again. Is that a habit of yours or are you just always tired? Or do you have someone on your mind?" "There's no one on my mind, I'm just always tired. Boys can piss off and leave me alone... apart from you, Levi. I love you-- Uhh, I mean, obviously I don't love you. We literally just met, I don't love you. It's just, uh, it's fun to hang out with you. You aren't like others... Ugh, I'm an idiot." I facepalmed the table and refused to look back at the male in front of me. "You aren't an idiot, you're a weirdo. Don't forget that. Anyway, I think we should head out because you look like you're going into a meltdown or something." "Sure. I'm just going to quickly finish my coffee." I gulped down the last few sips and left the mug on the table, thanking Levi for paying. He only nodded as I waved at Eren, who stopped us from leaving. "Could you wait like two minutes? My shift's over and I just want to relax at yours." "Yeah, sure. Levi, you can go if you want. I feel like I'm just dragging you around." "I'm the one that brought you here. I don't care about waiting for a brat." "Brat? He's the same age as us." "Yeah, I know. I just call people that, don't get offended, darlin'." "Darling? What's with these nicknames you're so generously handing out?" "Says that one that called me 'Mr Moody' in the first ten minutes we spoke." "Hey, you said yourself that you were in a bad mood." "Thanks for waiting. Should we go?" the teal-eyed boy beamed and I nodded, hooking my arm with his as he stuffed his hands into his pocket before all three of us left the cosy cafe. "So, where did Levi magically come from?" "He joined my uni yesterday, but we got off on the wrong foot and decided to start over. And since we're both doing biochemistry, he saw my miserable entrance, looking like a mess. And, my stupid belly chose to rumble so Levi kindly offered to get me breakfast. Now, we're just getting to know each other." "She's a pervert," Levi curtly said. "Yeah, that basically sums her up. Along with her being weird, tired, broke and an awesome friend." "You're lucky you added that last one before my fist was in your face." "Oh, she's also an adorable threatener. But, do not get on her bad side because she will be a monster towards you." "Yeah, Levi knows most of this already." "And I already regret talking to you," he teased. "Shut up, Ackerman." "Anyway, I'm going this way," Levi announced, pointing to the left as we were about to turn right. "We don't have any lectures tomorrow, so maybe I'll see you on Wednesday?" "Yeah. Bye, Levi." "See you later, darlin'. By the way, Eren, (Y/N) likes your ass." "Jerk," I muttered before looking at Eren, who just grinned at me. "And that's why you're a pervert." Both of us started to walk again but since I was holding onto him, I came to halt when he stopped in his tracks, pulling me to the side. "Tell me: why are you so comfortable around someone you just met?" "I'm not that comfortable. And you know I'm always friendly to new people." "Yeah, but not like this. What's the deal with you and him.?" "Nothing, Eren. Stop worrying. I'll tell you what this is all about one day." "... Fine. But, I have a bad feeling about him." "Levi? Why? He's perfect. I mean, I don't know that, but his friends seem to be really nice. And you can't get friends like that unless you're nice, too." "If you trust him, I'm going to have to trust you to not get into any trouble." "Yes, yes. Now, stop worrying." Eren rested an arm around my shoulders as we carried on going towards mine and Hanji's apartment. We walked there in silence, but my keys broke that serenity when they jingled against the door as I unlocked it and opened it, allowing Eren to walk in. We both took off our shoes as I locked the door behind us. Eren plopped down onto the sofa as I went to the bathroom to see my reflection. God, I looked like something out of a horror movie. How did people stand to look at me, or even talk to me? But I was home now, so I didn't bother fixing my appearance as I went to the living room and dropped onto the comfortable furniture next to Eren. "I would ask you if you want a drink, but we went past that stage of formality ages ago. Help yourself to whatever." "Thanks, but I just want to rest." "What's up? I know there's something you need to tell me," I said, ruffling his brunette hair like he was a little kid. "... I barely got any sleep last night. I was meant to go on a date with Mikasa yesterday after my evening shift. I reserved a table at some restaurant that has great reviews. So, after my shift, I dressed all nice and left to go to the restaurant. I took the bus and it took me half an hour to get there. She then called me as I walking up to the restaurant, saying she can't make it because she's sick. Obviously, being my stupid self, I just said okay and said that we can postpone our date. However, I was starving so I wasn't going to put that reservation to waste. When I got there and told them about the booked table under my name, they told me there were already some people that took the table, telling them that their name was Eren. I was so confused and looked over at a table, where I saw Mikasa and that jerk: Reiner." "And then you stormed off, went home and cried?" I asked, saying it like it was something ordinary. "... Yes..." "What's this, like the fifth time you've seen her with a different boy? I swear, it's not the same boy every time as well. I still don't get why you don't just break up with her. She doesn't deserve you, she doesn't make you happy, which is what you deserve. I say you break up with her sometime this week." "(Y/N), that's too soon." "I don't care. She's causing you into depression, and I don't like seeing you like this. I haven't seen you be happy once after you got into this relationship. And I don’t want to hear any excuses. You know that you aren't happy with her, so I don't get why you don't break up with her. Is she threatening you or something?" "..." "... Eren?" Shit. Eren, you better say something before that silence gives me the wrong idea. That bitch better not be hurting or threatening you, I thought, biting my lip as I waited for him to speak. "Eren, please say--" Once again, I pulled him into an embrace when he requested it and he quietly sobbed, nestling his face into the crook of my neck. This time, I truly felt sorry for him because he wasn't crying over another wrecked date, or another man he caught Mikasa with; it was something I've never heard about. I still haven't, but his silence implied it. I didn't want to say anything as I got lost in my thoughts. What kinds of things has this girl done to Eren - one of my closest friends? As I was in the middle of pondering, a phone's ringtone sounded in the room. It was Eren's and I didn't know if I should pick it up or not. When I saw the name of the caller, my bitchy side took over and I grabbed his phone which was on the coffee table in front of the sofa. I answered it with a sweet 'hello', waiting for a reply as I continued to hug Eren with one arm. He soon lifted off of me and tried wiping away the tears as he looked at me with an expression that destroyed my heart. "Who are you?" "It's (Y/N). You probably can't recognise my voice since I haven't seen you in so long," I said with fake politeness. "Oh, (Y/N)... Where's Eren, by the way?" "He's in the bathroom. I can take a message if you'd like." "No, it's fine. Just tell him to call me when he's free." "Yeah, like I'd do that, whore." "Excuse me? What did you just call me?" "(Y/N), what the hell are you doing?" Eren whispered angrily so I retracted the phone from my ear and covered the speakers. "Teaching her a lesson. How's she going to threaten you, cheat on you, reject every date, and still have the balls to call you? She's stupid to think that I'm going to let that slide. I don't like her, and neither do you, so I'm going to invite her here and you can talk to her." "(Y/N), please don't do this. I know you're doing this for me, but I don't know, I just can't break up with her. Even after everything she's done." "Eren, this is for your own good. You're always depressed and tired because of her. You need to let go and be free. This isn't how you're meant to be enjoying life." "... Fine. Bring that bitch over here." I smirked. "Good." I brought the phone back to my ear. "Sorry about that--" "What are you going on about? Why did you just call me a wh0re?" "If you want to know, come to my apartment. You know where I live. You can see your precious boyfriend as well." "I will. Because no one talks to me like that." She cut the phone and I passed Eren's phone to him. I got up and gave him some tissue to wipe his face that had some snot and tears. "Hey, I'm kind of nervous." "That's normal. Anyone would be nervous if they were about to break up with someone. Though, I feel bad. Did I just force this onto you?" "It's fine. I'm glad I'm finally getting it over with." "Also, was she threatening you?" "Yes..." "I would say you should've told me, but that was obviously something you couldn't say since she would do something. Damn, she's some messed up girl. Sorry. But I just had to say that." "No, I understand. I don't even know what I saw in her in the first place." "Don't beat yourself up about it. Everyone makes mistakes and you're going to learn from this for your next girlfriend. First of all, if she cancels a lot of your dates, break up with her. Second, if she cheats on you once, break up with her. And third, if she barely talks to you, or tries to avoid you, break up with her." "Okay. Thank you, (Y/N). I'd literally run back to her every time if you weren't here." "No worries, love. Just helping you with your problems." "Well, let me help you with yours, baby girl. What's on your mind? You've been acting a little distracted." "Mm... I guess I'm thinking about Levi..." "What's so special about him?" "... All right, I'm going to tell you this. But don't tell Levi, or anyone, because it's a stupid thing me and Hanji made up." "What happened to trusting me all the time? You always told me everything." "Yeah, but since you got with Mikasa, you've been a little occupied. Don't worry, though, you're still my second best friend," I grinned at the statement I had said years ago when I was around ten years old. I then changed the subject and told Eren about what me and Hanji created in our young, horny and stupid minds. "Wow... That's actually crazy. You guys never thought he was going to be real, but damn... Still, I don't think you should trust him too much. To be honest, that guy's suspicious, even supernatural if he was just someone made up." "That's what I was thinking. But, half the time I forget that he was someone I dreamt about. I feel like I've bonded with him before and we're just catching up with each other's lives." "I understand. But, unless he proves to be completely normal, don't get too attached to him." "Okay. And, it's been about twenty minutes since Mikasa hung up. I think she's going to be here soon. Do you know what you're going to say?" "Kind of. I've been thinking of a breakup scenario for a while, but I was never able to make it happen." "Hey, me and Hanji made up a guy and he happened. I think you can make this breakup happen; I believe in you." "Thank you so much, (Y/N). You honestly don't know how grateful I am for you." "Whenever you need me, I'll be here." I heard the buzzer echo through my apartment, meaning someone was asking for an entrance. I shot a glance at Eren before getting up and walking towards my front door, answering the phone and speaking a confident 'hello'. "It's Mikasa." "Oh, it's you," I spat with disgust. I pressed the button for the main door so she could come in and waited a couple of seconds before opening my front door. She barged past me, and I muttered: 'Never met someone so rude'. My bitchy side was locking in again and I locked the door before following her into the living room. Eren was now standing up, appearing as bold and someone who was ready to break up with Mikasa. "Eren, why did she call me a 'whore'?" "Well, is she wrong?" he pointed out.
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Out of The Woods
Loki x Reader
1989, chapter 4
"They loved each other recklessly"
Summary: It's hard to find the one, but even when you do find him it's always going to be a daily struggle to make it work. Can you even make it work after he broke your heart? The answer to that is complicated, but it all started when you found each other again in the Stark tower- and that's where our story begins.
Word count: 4,754
Warnings: some angst and fluff, some shade was thrown, mentions of violence.
A/N: this is one of my favourite songs ever. Again, I suggest listening to the song which I linked both on Spotify and YouTube right below. As always you can always ask to be added to the taglist!
A/N: the dividers were made by the lovely @chrissquares! Thank you @nacho-bucky for beta reading this!
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
Series masterlist
song on Spotify and YouTube
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It's been a while since you felt this way.
Even back then, it was rare that you woke up before him, but you always relished it. You could feel all of him, the comforting weight of him almost lulled you back to sleep. With his chest pressed against your back, and arm curled around you, it felt as if he was enveloping all of you. You didn't mind that. It was weird how easily you fell back into old patterns, but how could you not? The only time you ever felt this good was with him, you never knew this kind of thing exists before him, and you never saw it again after him. But here it was again.
You couldn't bring yourself to care that it won't last, not with the way he felt next to you.
Certainly not with the small feather like kisses you now felt being pressed against your neck, spreading goose bumps in their wake.
"What's on your mind, love?" you loved hearing his voice in the morning.
"Do you think it'll all be worth it?"
"We will find out with time." He made you believe that, he knew the effect he had on you.
He felt colder against you than you remembered, he was different.
"They won't like this, you know."
"Since when do you care about what other people think?" he lifted himself onto an elbow to look at you.
You were different too.
"I have a family now. So many things have changed, Loki." His hair was softer now, you smiled as you racked your fingers through his messy hair, it was your fault after all. "You changed too."
A lot has happened after he left you, he was grateful that he decided to leave you, it was the right thing to do even if it hurt you.
"I did, I suppose."
"I mean, after you- you left it was a good few years and then I saw you on TV in the battle of New York, and next thing I know you are here in the tower with me."
"Yes, a lot has happened." He dosed off in thought.
"Nothing, darling, we should get up." He met your lips in a short kiss, smiling down at you.
"Fine, let's go." You grabbed the sheets and pulled it against you, searching for your clothes. You pulled yourself up from the bed when you didn't see find your shirt which you changed to last night, at least that was before your second round. "Hey Loki did you see my-"
Turning around he looked at you with a smirk, already dressed in new clothes. You totally forgot about his magic, he always did it.
"Panties? They are right here, but I'm afraid they are quite ruined." You wished you could wipe that smirk off his face.
"I was looking for my shirt, you asshole." He just held up his other hand and you grabbed your shirt, turning to go to your closet.
You missed him so much.
"Then you have to fold it again- no Loki," you giggled when you watched him try to copy your movements on this lazy afternoon you shared with him. "Fold it to the other side, the airplane needs to be identical on both sides so it could fly." Loki glared at you and you tried and failed to stop your giggles. But when you weren't looking at him, he couldn't help but smile at you.
"I don't know why you call this paper thing an airplane, it doesn't look like those machines you showed me pictures of." He looked at your perfectly crafted paper and scoffed when he saw his.
"Because these paper airplanes can fly, look" you waited for him to finish his one before throwing yours. He watched your proud expression when it flew around for a couple of seconds before it fell on the floor and you went to fetch it. "Try to do it with yours."
Loki concentrated with furrowed eyebrows as he copied your movements and watched as his work flew for a second before it crash landed on your couch.
"That was great!"
"That was pathetic!"
"We can try again." You fixed his airplane and gave it to him.
"Or, we can do this my way." He smiled at you mischievously and told you to throw it at three."
"One, two, three!" when you released your plane, your watched in wonder as Loki worked his magic on it. Your two paper airplanes were flying throughout the living room together. You caught him staring at you when you looked back at him. Smiling, you leaned over the table to connect his lips to yours in a short kiss. "Isn't my way much better?"
You wanted to wipe that stupid smirk off of his face, so you brought him in for another kiss as the paper airplanes kept flying around the room.
"You can tell yourself whatever you want Tony, you are not a good cook." you coughed at the smoke that filled up the kitchen. Natasha was fanning herself with a towel.
"Well at least I am trying to cook! I was going to make something nice for our Asgardian guests." You almost laughed at him pointing a pan at Natasha with an apron on, but that comment died on your throat. "Where did you disappear to last night?"
"What?" you stood next to the open window, getting some fresh air.
"One minute you were with me and the next you walked away and disappeared. Wait-" she paused and tilted her head. "Did you go home with someone?"
Sam whistled from the door.
"Y/N go get some!" he raised a hand to high five you but you only glared at him.
"I got tired of the party, so what if I did?"
"That guy from IT who has a crush on you will be very disappointed."
"Who the hell has a crush on me?" with the smoke out you finally got your eggs and toast for breakfast, snatching the one that wasn't burnt.
"Mike? You know that guy who was talking to you last night?"
"What? No way, he was just making conversation and he was talking to you too." You scrunched your nose.
"Are you doubting my spy skills?"
"Yep, but either way it's not my fault if he's upset it's his problem." You shrugged, biting into your food.
"So you actually were with a guy." You looked up mid bite.
"You bitch."
"Language, the captain is here."
"What's going on?"
"Nothing, Steve."
"Y/N met a guy."
"You what now?" he crossed his arms and looked at you. "Who is he?"
"No one, can we just move on? We have a briefing soon with the asgardians you're making so-called food for, so just eat up and shut up."
Natasha only shrugged at Steve's raised eyebrow.
"Brother, where did you go to last night? I found Tony but I couldn't find you after we split up." Thor spoke to his brother as they walked through the corridors of the Avengers Tower.
"I went to the lab, parties are not my thing, neither are your midgardian friends." Thor shook his head.
"They are really nice Loki, especially Y/N." Loki faltered in his step at her mention. It did not go unnoticed by Thor.
"Why are you so insisted on talking about her? I told you already that we are not-"
"Loki, despite everything that happened I still know you, just a little bit." He put a hand on Loki's shoulder, stopping in the middle of the hall. "I just want to tell you to be careful with her. Her friends here, and especially Steve- he will not react to it well."
"So I should just bow down to that?" Loki looked up at Thor, anger flashed in his eyes.
Shrugging Thor's hand off, he went into the room where the avenger's were sitting around a table. In the front stood Tony, waiting for the two asgardians to arrive, while he snacked.
And then Loki saw you, you sat right at the head of the table just across from him, catching his eye and then looking down when you started to feel your face heat up. Wanda smiled slightly beside you.
"Okay, now that we are all here, tell them what you started telling me yesterday. Thanks for not showing up Horny head, Thor couldn't tell me everything without you."
Thor chuckled and held Loki back.
"There were weapons that were stolen from the Asgard royal vaults. We still don't know how they managed to get to Asgard or even get into the vaults in the palace. Loki knows more about what was stolen, go ahead brother."
"Very well, the weapons that were stolen are very ancient and very dangerous. One of them is Laevateinn, my old wand-"
"You had a wand?" Pietro laughed from the corner, you kept your wide eyes on Loki. He told you about it several times and this wasn't good.
"What else was stolen?" you leaned forward now, but Loki had a hard time meeting your gaze as he looked back at Thor as if they had a silent conversation. "Loki?"
Steve turned his head to you, surprised at your tone. He was even more surprised when Loki met your eyes and kept them on you as he obeyed your request.
"It's called the Skofnung."
It has been an hour, and it was safe to say that everyone in the room was on their toes, tense.
"You said you kept an enchantment on it! You said you hid it, how the hell did they get to your wand?" you were standing up, yelling at Loki in frustration.
"I did do that! But after I was away for a long time, the spell around it weakened and my stupid father thought it would be safer to put it in the vaults alongside all the other things!" he countered back.
"Hey Loki, do not talk about our father like that."
"Oh come on Thor, he is stupid don't deny it." You were so frustrated that you didn't even care anymore, you could feel Steve's gaze burning into your skin as he stood beside you.
"And how would you know that?" he asked you then, and before you could think you replied on instinct.
"Because he always treated Loki like a-" you realized your mistake when you saw a shift in his eyes, and the room went quiet as the spies and geniuses caught on.
You hated that between all the anger in his eyes, you saw betrayal there too.
Loki leaned against the wall and watched the scene in front of him unraveling.
"So, it's him? Is that why you weren't telling us anything?" Steve got angrier by the second and you didn't dare look around to see the others' responses. "You two were-"
"Okay, Steve calm down now." You were thankful for Wanda but Steve only shot her down.
"No, I want to hear what she has to say. Did you lie to us about anything else?"
"I didn't lie to you Steve! I was just trying to-"
"No but you did lie to me, you are involved with the psychotic guy who terrorized earth!" he pointed to Loki then, but you knew that if you looked at Loki you'll break down.
"Steve, maybe we should slow down from the accusations." Sam put a hand on his shoulder but he didn't let down.
"Yes, Steve I was with him, and I didn't tell you because I was scared of this exact reaction! This is what I tried to prevent!"
Loki was ready to fight the captain for making you feel this way.
"You can't be with him Y/N! He is not good for you! You don't know all of the things that he did!"
"Captain, if you have any anger let it out on me, not her." Loki spoke up and walked forward in the room.
"Oh I assure you, I will." He sent daggers at Loki before looking back at you, at this point your eyes were teary. "Y/N you will stay away from him."
"Enough!" your eyes flashed at him and the room glowed in purple before it all went quiet. Wanda looked at her friends' dazed eyes and she was about to go to you when Bucky beat her do it.
"Doll, you can't keep him like this forever, he will still fight. We both know that." He and Wanda moved through their friends to get to you as you went to the door.
"Darling what did you do?" he stopped you when you grabbed him to go away.
"I just needed it to stop." You turned to Bucky and Wanda. "They are fine, I just sent them to calm down, it'll wear off once I'm up in my room. Please just calm them down, I can't bear him being mad at me."
They nodded at you. After that you grabbed Loki and left to go up to your room. It was silent.
"You shouldn't have done that." Loki looked down at you with concern.
"He didn't stop. Do you see now why I didn't want them to know?" you crossed your arms, but your demeanor soon fell and he was ready for you when you rested your head on his chest.
"I understand. I didn't realize you were that close."
"They are my family Loki, I may didn't have one when we were together but now I do," you looked up at him. "And I care about them."
Loki locked the door to your room in a green flash when you went inside.
"Come lie with me?"
"It's midday my darling." You only hummed in response and got on the bed. With the begging look you gave him he had to oblige.
Getting in the bed, you laid your head on his chest and he traced invisible patterns on your exposed skin. His other hand playing with your hair, he couldn't help but drift off into his memories.
"Do you want me to go punch him? You know I would." He kept silent and just took your hand until you got on the bed with him. "Or maybe I could go your style and stab him. Lightly."
"I just want to forget about that." You nodded and laid back. You let him lay his head on your chest. You wrapped your arms around him, as if you could protect him from the world. "He is my dad too, I don't understand why he always listens to Thor and not me."
"As I said, I'd gladly punch him for you. I don't care if he is a king."
"Thor's coronation will arrive soon enough. I don't think he'll ever realize that I could be king too." You had to hold back your anger at his so called family, you had to hold it back because now all he needed was a warm place, which he always found with you. He stayed quiet, playing gently with the necklace hanging from your neck, which he gave you all those months ago.
If he could, he'd stay here with you until the end of eternity. He would stay home.
"Rest now, my love, I'll be here when you wake up."
You woke up to Loki. He turned his head to you and gave you a light kiss to the crown of your head.
"How long was I asleep?" you stretched a bit before falling back onto Loki.
He was still here.
"About an hour, do you want me to get you some food?"
"No." you shook your head at him, he was scared of the glint in your eye. "I'll go get it myself."
"Darling, do not ignite this fire for nothing." He knew it was futile, once you set your mind on something there was nothing to do.
"I don't care, they'll deal with it. I need you now. I tried to do it quietly but they just won't listen so I'm just going to do it like you would. A big 'fuck you' to them."
"Maybe consider at least-"
"We both know I am stubborn, so you are going to come with me and we are going to get food." He remembered you being feisty but not to this level, you grabbed his arm and walked out of the door.
It could be over a week from now, but right now you just needed him with you, and they needed to realize that.
"Well then, let's do this properly." Loki smirked when he stopped you, and you matched him when he put his arms around you, and in the next second you were just outside of the kitchen.
The Avengers in the living room stilled at your sudden appearance. Steve was nowhere in sight, neither was Bucky.
"I'm going to get us food, stay here." You gave him a playful peck on the lips and went to the kitchen.
Natasha joined you a moment after.
"What are you doing?" she leaned on the wall when you pulled out some leftover pizza.
"Heating up some pizza, do you want some?"
"You know that's not what I asked," you turned your back to her, walking to the microwave. "Why him? He is not-"
"How would you know if he is not right for me? You don't know me, or him." You turned back to her, furious. You were surprised to see the momentary offended look in her eyes.
"Do you know him? He changed. There are things that you don't know, that we do."
"I know him better than all of you, even better than Thor. I know enough about him to know who he is and who he is not." Scoffing, you got out the slices of pizza.
"It's been a while since you saw him last, and by the looks of it he hurt you pretty badly, a lot has changed for both him and you."
"Do you really think I don't know that?"
"I'm just saying, Y/N, how do you know he won't hurt you again?" you took the plates to the table.
"I don't."
"I'm just looking out for you. So does he."
She didn't have to specify, you had no clue what you were going to do with him.
"You are practically a mini Steve at times, always so stubborn." She left you at that.
Loki was outside of the kitchen, just around the corner in the common room he stood with a sly smirk when some of the Avengers were in edge when he sat.
He decided to use the opportunity to study them, when one caught his eye. The scarlet witch. He hadn't met her before, yet she seemed to have a certain connection to you, she was unaffected by the commotion earlier that day.
She returned his gaze and he was suddenly affected by a weird daze. She was in his mind.
Raising a brow at her, he let her try to find something, he was stronger. He felt something crack in his mind and he could see it clear as day.
Thor and his friends were talking in the bar, drinking as usual, when he felt an urge to go back to your arms, longing to just sit with you and watch one of those silly shows you love so much.
He quickly excused himself and as fast as he could, he evaded all the eyes so he could get to Midgard the fastest.
He stood in the middle of your living room, not wanting to scare you (again). It took him a second to get his bearing when he realized the scene in front of him. Two men in dark outfits were there, when they turned he knew they were no ordinary men. And they were clearly not wanted here.
On instinct and fear he pulled out two daggers and stabbed them both in the necks before they could retaliate. When he was sure they were down, he sent them somewhere far away. His eyes frantically looked around for you. Only then when it was silent he could hear your short breaths and whimpers.
"Y/N? My love?" he went towards the bathroom which was locked, not missing a beat he got inside and saw you crying and scared on the corner, holding a hair straightener as a weapon.
"Loki?" you lowered the weapon and Loki crouched down beside you, taking your shaking body in his arms.
"Oh my love, I'm here. Don't worry, I'm here." He held you close as you let out sobs until you calmed down and your breathing went back to normal.
"I heard voices and I hid here but I didn't have my phone with me, I forgot it. They would've found me and I couldn't call for anyone, Loki." He only hushed down your panicked voice.
"I promise no harm will ever come to you when you have me, I'll always be here." He picked you up and took you to bed, spreading endless kisses all over your face.
You were curled on top of him until you fell asleep safe and sound. Once Loki was sure you were sleeping, he started chanting. He was going to make sure you were protected when he wasn't around. He put up wards around your apartment with the oldest and strongest spell he knew. By the end of it he was tired, but it was all worth it for you. Anything was worth it.
He had never felt such fear.
It was hard to keep his strong demeanor up after the triggered memory. Looking at the witch all he saw was a surprised look, he had clearly underestimated her abilities. It won't happen again.
He heard your footsteps and was eager to get out and away from the witch when the elevator doors opened and there the Captain stood, alongside the Sergeant and the Falcon.
The blue eyes were trained on him. Then they moved to a figure behind him.
The falcon put a hand on his shoulder. Steve let out a chuckle when Loki went up and stood next to you.
"The literal cold blooded killer? Are you sure about your choice here, kid?" his jaw was set, but his eyes showed more.
"He's here to help you. And yes." You took Loki's hand and kept contact with Steve.
You barely heard Bucky mutter under his breath.
"Aren't everyone in this room killers, Captain?" Loki challenged.
"Some of us have an actual reason, not an excuse." He countered.
"Steve, maybe we should let it go for now" Bucky whispered to Steve and the two of you walked back to the kitchen for your ready meal. Said meal being pizza.
"An excuse," you scoffed. "You did something bad yes, but you're not making excuses for it, you don't have an excuse for it you are just redeeming yourself and getting better. You are just setting things right."
You whispered the last part, but it didn't matter because you drifted off into your head, not noticing Loki's quiet demeanor.
That night, Loki lay with you in your bed wide awake as you drifted asleep next to him.
The events of the day stuck to him, the memory lingered in his mind as if it happened just mere hours ago, the strike of fear. He did not think about that day often, but he knew exactly where the witch took it from.
He stood in the middle of your apartment; you still weren't home, so he decided to walk around the place that held so many memories of him and you. The first time you invited him over; your first kiss; the first time he told you about his powers; the first I love you. But to every first time there is also a last.
He hid the numerous cuts he had. You'd probably fuss about how he would need 20 stitches before taking care of him.
It was well into the night now here on Midgard when you walked through the door. A big smile adorned your face when you saw Loki. Putting your bags down, you quickly locked the door and ran up to hug him. He held himself back from the itch to hold you and hug you. You pulled back then, looking at Loki who had a stoic look in his eyes.
"Loki, what's wrong?" the longer he looked at you, the more it started to hurt him. You weakened him.
"I'm going back to Asgard. And I will not come back to Midgard." You stepped away. One hand wrapped around your waist as the other clutched the necklace on your neck. He felt the tears brimming in his eyes at your hurt look. He could hide his tears, he knew you couldn't hide yours, but he had to go through with this.
"What? Loki, what do you mean?"
It was a hard talk. Both of you were hurt but only one showed it.
He had to do this. He had to be the one to walk out and set you free.
You woke up with a gasp, taking in your surroundings you were glad to see Loki was still asleep. Getting up, you decided to get some fresh air and went up to the roof.
The cold breeze hit the bare skin of your arms and suddenly you regretted not having taken a blanket with you. The city looked so calm when you looked at this from this height, so clean and collected. Then again, you knew it was because of the height, everything was uglier up close.
Leaning in on the railway, you looked out and tried to clear your mind.
"Cold?" you turned around surprised to find Steve there, getting up from where he sat.
"Were you there the whole time?" he nodded to you and you didn't complain when he put on you his big sweatshirt. You certainly didn't complain about the warmness it brought you.
You kept staring forward when he leaned on the railway next to you.
"You know I'm more stubborn than you, right?" you scoffed at that.
"No you're not!"
"Ask Bucky, he will tell you."
"Bucky knows I am just as stubborn as you." He shook his head fondly at you, then his face fell a bit when he looked at you.
"What are you doing, kid?" Steve turned to look at you. "He is bad news, you are smarter than that."
"I am smarter than that, I am smarter than to judge someone you don't know. I know Loki better than all of you do!" you turned to him, crossing your arms, still holding the sweatshirt close to you.
"How do you know him that way? You said you haven't seen him in years. Maybe he wasn't a mass murderer back then but he is now." You could tell he was getting angrier trying to get you to understand him. People kept saying that you are Steve's daughter, so you are not one to back down.
"He did bad things yes but he changed, now he is here to help us and fix things!" you stomped your foot in the ground.
"He is here because of the Asgardian weapons, he is not here for you Y/N! wake up, he will only hurt you!"
"He is still here, with me!" you felt the angry tears brimming.
"How can you still love him? That creature that he is!"
"Don't call him that!"
"But he-"
"No! you can't judge me for loving him!"
"It's wrong Y/N, he is not good for you, I won't allow it." He yelled again in his captain voice and you have had enough. Apparently he did too.
"Steve you can't judge me!" he was walking away from you and from the conversation before you yelled at him and he faltered. "You only knew Peggy for a short period of time and yet you still felt so much for her even when you weren't together. And even after you woke up and managed to find her! I knew Loki for way longer than that and I loved him for more, so you can't blame me for still loving him today and going back to him!"
The heat of the moment didn't let you apologize for what you said, but when he walked out of your view only then did you realize what you said and you wished you could take it back.
You didn't want to hurt him like this.
Tags: @ayybtch @buckys-other-punk @chaoticpete @madcrazy50 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @the-departed-potato @rogerrhqpsody @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love
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Happy New Year (Colby Brock Imagine)
Summary: *REQUEST* Can you do one where they are strangers and meet each other during a new years eve party and then end up kissing each other when the ball drops and make it super romantic (not in covid times) pretty please
Written: 2021
Word Count: 2,040
Warnings: Swearing, mention of being roofied, breakup
I sit in the uber, waiting for everyone to get out. Maybe they’ll be too excited about the party to realize that I went home. Maybe I should escape out the other door and disappear into the night. I didn’t even want to come out tonight in the first place. After the year I’ve had, going to an influencer party is the last place I want to attend. Unluckily for me, my best friends were tired of me staying in my apartment all day, every day, and refused to let me ring in the new year alone. Sadly, this meant that I had to go with them to a party because my apartment gave off “depression vibes” and that “wasn’t the move” for 2021. That’s the only thing that I agreed with them on, the vibe thing, not going to a party. 
After nearly a year of quarantine and processing a breakup, my place is a bit of a disaster. If it wasn’t for Janie ambushing me every day last week to help/force me to clean up, my apartment would still look like that cave where the grinch lives— minus Max. There were various alcohol bottles collecting dust on the counter. Not in a “she’s spiraling very rapidly” sort of way, but in a way that you could tell that I had a rough few weeks and the occasional wine night with the gals. There were boxes, mostly from March and April, that I still had yet to throw out after impose buying a bunch of stuff. My closet had turned into my bed because that was the only safe space that wasn’t cluttered with food packaging or tainted by memories that no longer bring me joy. I hadn’t properly seen my floor in months until we pulled back the layer of filth. I forgot that I had carpet. Still, after all that, I managed to make videos every week without fail.
“Y/N, c’mon, you’re not escaping this time. Let’s go so you can forget that asshole and that backstabbing bitch.” Persephone begs as she pulls me out of the car. Once out of the car, she adjusts her long, dark brown curls and smooths out her dress before reconnecting to her boyfriend’s hip. They both match with their gold and black outfits. All of my friends and their significant others match. Ophelia and her girlfriend are wearing silver and blue while Janie and her boyfriend are wearing maroon and gold. They all look like gods and goddesses and here I am wearing green and sliver on my own. Could I be anymore single?
“I’m not going to do it, I was just thinking about it. Don’t worry. I have to get footage for the vlog anyway. Gotta prove that I did something other than stay home this year. My fans are getting concerned.” I pull out my camera and get a few clips of everyone.
“Might as well get some pictures then so people will believe you.”1 Ophelia winks before grabbing me and leading us to what I’m assuming is the designated photo spot. There’s even a line. This is going to be one of those nights.
“Aw, fuck…” I mutter to myself as my drink gets knocked out of my hand. This house isn’t big enough for the number of people that were invited. 
“I am so sorry! Here, let me help you.” The guy who bumped into me extends his hand for me to grab. I’m sober enough to know not to take completely random strangers' hands at parties, especially in LA, but I’m also drunk enough to not care. He looks nice enough and I can spot Ophelia and her girlfriend Zoe keeping an eye on me from the corner of the room. I guess everyone is taking turns to make sure I don’t bail.
Against better judgment, I take this beautiful stranger’s hand and let him guide me out of the house to the backyard. It’s less crowded out here, maybe because there are more activities to do inside. Out here, I can actually breathe even though people are smoking and vaping out here. The music is quieter. The music is still loud, but like it would burst your eardrum like the music inside. I get a better look at the guy who brought me out here. He’s not bad looking, and I really hope that’s not the alcohol talking. He has the most relaxing blue eyes I’ve ever seen on a guy. His hair is dark brown with a bit of, I think, purple in the front. He looks as threatening as a pug, but looks can be deceiving.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t get any on you did I?” He asks as he scans my body, not in a creepy way. Which is a nice change of pace.
“My feet but they’re just shoes so I don’t care. I call these my going out shoes, they’re made for moments like this so you’re all good. I’m Y/N by the way.” I stick my hand out for him to shake. He looks at it puzzled for a second before it registers and he grabs my hand and gives it a firm shake. 
“Right— I spilled your drink on you and basically kidnapped you from the party and you don’t even know my name. It’s Colby, Colby Brock.” Colby shakes my hand a little too long before quickly pulling it away.
“I’m Y/N, you can get the last name later,” I bite my bottom lip, close my eyes, and mentally slap my head. “That was lame, wasn’t it?”
“It’s fine. It’s a thousand times better than anything I would have come up with. Just blame it on the alcohol.”
We both laugh before Colby singles that he’ll be right back. I watch as Colby disappears a small group of people. I take off my shoes and walk to the pool, dipping my feet in as I sit. The cool night air is soothing me. It’s a nice change from the stale scent of my apartment and the sweaty bodies inside the party. I look up to the night sky. The light pollution makes it impossible to see what stars and constellations are above us. Whatever I’m staring at right now feels peaceful, like they are aligned or not in retrograde. I have no idea what any of that means, but I do know that I’ve been around Ophelia too much.
Colby taps my shoulder when he gets back. He kicks off his shoes and socks before joining me in the pool, not even rolling up his pant legs. He’s going to regret that in a few hours. He hands me an unopened can of Truly. I take it from him and open it myself. At least I know he’s not a creep. He opens a can of White Claw and sips it before breaking the silence.
“I have to be honest, Y/N.” Colby looks forward, taking another sip.
“Oh no, what is it?” I ask nervously.
“The real reason I dropped your drink is because I saw some asshole slip something in your drink.” Colby finally looks at me and I can tell he’s serious.
“Wait…what? Someone tried to… Any you thought the best was to inform me was to spill my drink all over me?” I’m more taken aback by the idea of me almost getting roofied than anything. That would have been the perfect way to end this shit storm of a year.
“In hindsight, I planned to spill your drink. I didn’t mean to get any on you. I’m not a hundred percent sober right now so that was the downside of my plan. Don’t worry about the guy, my friend Corey went after him.”
“Wow— Uh, thank you. I mean it. I don’t think I could have dealt with… that on top of everything else I had to handle this year.” I take a sip of my drink and swing my legs in the water. 
“Do you want to talk about it? I’m not big on talking about serious stuff with strangers, so I’ll understand if you don’t want to. However, we’re both getting hammered, if we aren’t already, so the likely hood of us even remembering this conversation tomorrow let alone who we are slim. So if you need to vent, vent.”
I weigh the pros and cons of actually venting everything to this beautiful stranger. Maybe it’s the alcohol talking, but I decided to say fuck it. The year is almost over anyway, might as well get rid of this baggage and start the year fresh.
“Long story short: after months of quarantining together Axl, my boyfriend of 10 years, cheated on me. The entire time we were in quarantine. With my younger sister, who I let quarantine with us so she wouldn’t be alone and not have to fly back home to be with our parents. And to top it all off, I found out about it on my birthday when I walked in on them fucking each other on my bed.” I take a larger sip of my drink before leaning back and staring back at the virtually starless sky.
“Holy fucking shit,” Colby leans back to join me in looking at the sky.
“Yup! We met in preschool and started dating when we were 13. She’s four years younger than us to that’s annoying.” 
“Not to be that guy, but I don’t know what you expected when you started dating a guy named Axl.”
“… You’re right, that is a pretty douchey name. I literally ignored the biggest red flag in my entire life.”
Colby and I laugh again until it fades. I don’t think I’ve laughed this much, like actually laughed, in months. It feels good. Inside the house, the crowd starts counting down from 15. Colby must have heard it too because I watch him turn his head from the corner of my eye. I turn my head to face him. He really does have beautiful eyes. Like the ocean.
“This may be a dumb idea and I know we don’t know each other, but do you want to be my new years kiss?”
“I may regret this in the future, but what the hell.” We both sit up and adjust our clothes.
It might be risky to just kiss a random stranger at midnight, but who cares. We’re most likely not going to be in each other’s lives after tonight anyway. But by God, I could do much worse than kissing Colby. Unless I’m very drunk and the drunk goggles are seriously fucking with me. It’s not like I’m going home with him, my friends won’t let that happen. Maybe after this party, we’ll go our separate ways and never see each other again. Maybe we’ll run into each other in a random store in LA or at some creator convention.
The drunken yells of party-goers inch closer and closer to midnight.
“Three,” Colby whispers, moving his hair out of his face.
“Two,” I take one more small sip before finally setting my drink down. Colby does the same. My heart is beating a loud, steady rhythm in my chest like it’s about to burst.
“One,” We whisper at the same time before slowly leaning in.
As our lips touch, it felt like time had stopped. The beating intense beating in my heart only intensifies the longer our lips stay pressed together. One of Colby’s hands finds my face why the other reaches for my thigh, but I can only focus on how soft his lips are. My stomach starts forming knots as he tries to deepen the kiss. I don’t know if it’s everything I drank tonight coursing through my veins or the fact that I haven’t been kissed in months, but I slightly part my lips. The mixture of Colby’s scent and his body heat wash over me like they’re intoxicating my senses. The kiss ends just as suddenly as it started. We both pull away and just stare at each other in awe.
“L/N,” I breathe, fixing my hair.
“What?” Colby takes another sip of his drink.
“My last name is L/N.”  
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