#the strict but gentle love interest
ivyprism · 6 months
can we get some romance headcanons for your dating sim love interests
Ooooh. Here we go!
He loves to sweep his SO off their feet and he loves to flirt with them.
He always sets up a date and he asks his brother for advice sometimes.
He loves to dance and spin with his partner.
He knits them silly sweet things.
He likes to read while holding his partner.
He takes his SO to a private and beautiful place for a first date.
He isn't that great at dancing, but he'd slowly learn for them.
He likes to sing to his partner.
He adores making things for his partner.
He makes sure to plan out nice and elaborate dates for his partner that he knows they'll like.
He can't dance to save his life, but he can make a mean meal for his partner.
He likes to hold his partner and enjoying a park while protecting them.
He definitely flirts quite a bit, however, he is much more careful when it comes to doing so.
He takes extra care of his partner and sometimes plays pranks on them.
He is the biggest tease and enjoys riling up his partner.
He gets easily flustered and shy when is partner compliments him.
They're very playful and cheerful with their partner.
They like to take their partner on long walks while handholding.
They love to give their partner bouquets.
They sometimes info dump about nature to their partner but also stare at them lovingly when they talk about what they like.
Briar is very serious and they plan their dates to the deepest detail.
They like to put flowers in their partner's hair sometimes.
They like to lay in flower fields with their partner holding their partner's hand.
They care extremely deeply for their partner and is very serious about them being safe.
She loves to spoil her partner.
She likes to do her partner's makeup and compliments them the entire time she does.
Her favorite date place is carnivals.
She loves to paint her partner.
Juniper (Juno):
Juniper writes songs about her partner but sometimes gets too embarrassed to tell them.
She likes to teach her partner many things and she likes to hold them.
She likes quiet moonlit walks with her partner, but she also enjoys movie nights in with them.
Juniper, during winter, likes to bring her partner close into a kiss with a scarf.
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stampstamp · 2 years
Aaaaa Yagi the Bookshop Goat was so good! 🥰
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ladyempty · 5 months
"Do you think you can just deny me? No, the answer is no"
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° | This is a yandere work and may contain triggering behavior. I'm not in favor of that in real life.| ° | pairing: Yan!Maegor Targaryen, o cruel x Wife! Reader ° | !English is not my first language!|
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You were certainly a cursed woman for arousing the almost immediate interest of the cruel king after his bloodthirsty ascension to the throne.
Maegor already had three wives at that time, two wives he liked and one he despised with increasing hatred.
But you were different, it was an overwhelming feeling that caught you off guard in the first contacts.
There was something fascinating to the king in his every little gesture and movement. Her so easily adorable personality and impeccable looks.
So this was love? This flame that burns without being seen? That feeling he despised when bards sang softly on banquettes and celebrations, and now it had taken over his body.
Already convinced of the strength of his feelings, the king did not delay in a proper court, he thought he had already made his obvious interest clear. The king's way of showing interest was something... Peculiar... Certainly constantly chasing you, ordering guards to follow you and always so fixedly analyzing your slightest movement, it wasn't the most gallant way.
In any case, the engagement was not long in consideration, with Maegor coldly threatening you father:
"I will have your hand beheaded or I will have your daughter's hand in marriage" His tone was as cold as the blade of his sword held firmly at his hip.
The wedding was only in Valerian traditions, the king's warm crimson blood mingling with his own and the taste of copper on his lips.
Maegor would never stoop to marrying in the faith of the seven. An action that only caused more chaos and anger from the religious.
The wedding night was certainly not a fairy tale. The king was focused on creating an heir and finally freely exploring his body. His touches were rough, strong and not at all gentle.
You better not consider moontea...
As a husband, Maegor is not the kindest. His displays of affection are not delicate and he does not demonstrate his love through words at all.
But compared to his treatment of other people, he is much softer on you.
He will still punish you if you disobey his numerous and strict rules.
Jealous and possessive are an understatement to describe feelings and behavior. You are His in every aspect of the word. Your body and soul belong to him and him alone. And not even his other wives have the right to take their You attention away from him. Your world should revolve around him the same way his world revolves around you.
Maegor is simply crazy about you, he loves you in a way he's never loved anyone else, even if it was in a distorted way, he doesn't want anyone to get close to you, touch you or even breathe and look in your direction. Anyone who approaches you will regret it bitterly when the blade of your sword pierces the person's neck without mercy.
He admired strength... But you couldn't get hurt, he liked your bravery, but there is no way he will allow you to get hurt. Never.
Maegor will not change your reason if you don't trust him. He will even think you are smart. For a while. After your patience runs out, he will simply demand your complete trust in him.
"I am your lord husband, who is more deserving of your trust than me?"
And things only got worse after Alys's deformed stillbirth...
Tyanna's whispers in her ear about infidelity and the child being nothing more than a bastard only served to increase her paranoia. The mere thought of you cheating on him was enough to make him simply lose his mind.
He imprisoned you in your private chambers, no one was allowed to enter unless authorized by the king. Guards guarded the door to his quarters.
Then, in an act of desperation, Maegor took three wives at once. But all three had deformed stillbirths just like Alys… Tyanna had lied and the king simply didn't know what else to do. He was desperate for the first time in his life.
But like a ray of light... Were you pregnant? For the first time in almost decades... Maegor smiled widely.
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cloudshuffle · 4 months
spending time. yan!penacony
nobility au
Prince Aventurine
You consciously spend the most time with him by far - from the moment you open your eyes, there's breakfast, tea parties, lunches with him alone and dinners with his family. Up till the very moment he escorts you back to your room, leaving you with a kiss on the back of your hand at the door, you spend nearly every waking moment by Aventurine's side. It's undeniably comforting in many ways, knowing that you can rely on a familiar face if anything else.
But on the other hand, it's a little... suffocating. He's absolutely lovely towards you, but there's a certain way he looks at you - like he can't decide whether you'd look better in a birdcage or in a wedding gown.
Dr Veritas Ratio
Though not nearly as important as the prince himself, you're not spared from the pain of compulsory lessons - to get acclimatised to the history and politics of your home-to-be, so you're told. Your lessons are the few times you're apart from Aventurine (though not for lack of him trying to sit in. Ratio tells him he'll be a distraction and threatens to hit him with a book.)
He's a strict but frighteningly effective teacher, and you leave every lesson happy and knowing something new. He can be surprisingly kind too, giving you some leeway if you had a social engagement the night before and hadn't had time to revise.
Until butler Sunday comes looking for you in an urgent summon, citing a situation that relates to you personally. On your way, he tells you that he's never seen the professor so gentle with any of his students before, and that he never spends so much time on anyone personally.
You're not quite sure what to do with this information.
You don't spend so much time with him as you do around him - he's a constant, lurking presence, waiting to attend to Aventurine when he's around, or looking after you when the prince gets busy and can't be by your side.
He's more unsettling than his prince is, and a lot more perceptive; but nonetheless, you find yourself making small talk with him sometimes. Sunday appears to gain special joy from fetching and carrying for you: making your favourite teas and cakes or perusing the library with you. Unusual for a butler, Sunday talks a lot, but you're content to listen and he offers you insights on a vast host of topics.
A famous bounty hunter slash mercenary, with too-sharp teeth and a too-bright grin. He's charming but kind, and his company brings you some semblance of the days where you could walk the streets without need of a bodyguard. You're not naive enough to get close to him, however - everyone knows bounty hunters have their fair share of secrets, and you're sure so does he. You're not really sure what important things he might be doing in the palace, however, except for finishing all the toast at breakfast and following you around like he has nothing better to do.
Boothill spends most his days lounging around the gardens, shaving an apple with his knife and generally just giving the maids a scare. But when Aventurine can't be by your side, he tends to "just happen" to bump into you, quoting boredom and needing someone to pass the time with him. You let him accompany you to the library then, and tell him about inconsequential things, like the interesting bird you saw outside your window that morning or the new variety of Ratio's threats and insults.
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yaoyaobae · 2 years
Another twst oc introduction 🏃‍♀️
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School : Royal Sword Academy
Favourite food: Rice dishes, Shawarma
Pastime: Playing with his pet tiger Rana, Visiting Kalim, Discovering wildlife
Family: Father, Mother, Kalim(Cousin)
Role: Dormhead
Jaseem is a third year at RSA. To most people he may seem like a lone wolf who despises making friendships, but underneath the surface is a gentle boy who longs for freedom.
Being born from a wealthy family with relations to the Asims, Jaseem’s status is nothing new to even the freshmen. Every year groups of students and parents from high status families would flock around him offering their sister/daughters hand in marriage.
Before he was allowed to bring Rana to school (don’t ask me how he did it-) Jaseem had no choice but to either 1. Run as fast as possible or 2. Teleport himself to a safe spot. Now with Rana, a fearsome tiger donning an expensive turquoise silk ribbon, nobody dares to approach Jaseem anymore.
Personality wise, Jaseem is extremely sharp-tongued and will not tolerate a single second on people he deems as childish. He is capable of cooperating with others but would prefer to work alone. Despite the cold exterior, if one can prove that they love tigers as much as he does.. maybe they’d stand a chance to win his attention. And if you can win his trust, Jaseem is probably the most loyal ally/friend you will ever get.
Having attended many arranged marriage meetings, Jaseem is already accustomed to how he must act around the ladies even if he dislikes interacting with them and entertaining their thoughtless comments about his wealth.
He is actually really bad at conveying his feelings, particularly romantic ones. He can no longer grasp the real meaning of love and has trust issues about whether someone is genuinely interested in him. This only numbed Jaseem more over the years hence brushing these feelings aside.
Jaseem has a general disliking towards women due to his past, but he will respect those who deserve it and mean their words. He won’t voice his opinions unless the situation gets on his nerves.
Jaseem’s mother was hospitalised when he was a young child and has been living there for many years, only visiting for a few days when the doctors deem her suitable. Due to schoolwork and other business matters, Jaseem is unable to visit her as much as his father. But he tries to make time for her as he feels most comfortable and at ease when talking to her about his troubles.
His father already told him that he will never marry another woman as he loves his wife very much, this made Jaseem envious as he hopes to be able to find someone he can stand by faithfully someday. While he feels that his father can be rather strict, both father and son have mutual respect for one another as they only want the best for the family.
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Back when the life wasn’t as complicated, Jaseem was extremely cheerful and lived every day to the fullest with the vast amount of wealth his family possessed.
However when he had reached the age of 10, his life began to fall apart. As the only son, Jaseem was forced to find a future wife sooner or later. From then on he had to attend countless numbers of arranged marriage meetings, parties while attending his father’s business conferences. Jaseem thought he could shoulder this responsibility , but that pressure would just build up later as he grew older.
Arranged marriage meetings were the worst. Jaseem learnt how shallow and sly people could be, faking their entire personality to coddle up to him for the sole purpose of attaining his family’s wealth. “But that’s just the reality of being the only heir isn’t it”, he thought. Jaseem became increasingly saddened over the fact that no one genuinely TRIED to understand his hobbies or know more about him, only throwing empty praises about his home/accessories/looks.
Since young Jaseem has been fascinated with tigers and his mother was the one who encouraged him to take care of one ( much to his father’s reluctance), thus Rana became his new family member. Many of his suitresses cringed at the sight of Rana whom they saw as a dirty, wild animal. Sometimes Jaseem’s father had no choice but to order the guards to take Rana away in order to force Jaseem to follow his schedule , which made him even more depressed.
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Eventually, Jaseem had reached his breaking point during one of the parties and wanted to escape his “cage” even bringing Rana with him. It was then he met a young, white haired boy in the greenhouse. Jaseem couldn’t hold back his tears when the boy comforted him, claiming that he can share the same sentiments. It was after they were called to the main event where Jaseem learnt that the boy was no other than Kalim Al Asim, the oldest son and soon-to-be heir of one of the richest families in the world and his cousin.
From that moment onwards, the two spent their childhood days together basking in the sunlight and running around the mansion. They confided in each other, became each other’s source of strength to keep doing their best( this was especially stronger for Jaseem towards Kalim). They drifted a little after entering higher education, but still keep in contact.
For Jaseem, Kalim is the definition of the sun. Had he not met this smiley boy showing off his unique magic and telling him how he must continue to do his best as not only the heir but as an older brother too, Jaseem would have had a different fate and never face his reality. This explains why he hates Jamil to the core after knowing what he had done when he overblotted.
Current lifestyle for Jaseem was no different from his younger days, he still attends arranged marriage meetings (fewer due to school) and gets numerous phonecalls from his father about countries they have to fly to for business conferences. Jaseem became more adept at his dealings with women and can twist meetings to end faster to save his time to do something useful.. like picking a new silk ribbon for Rana. 🐯
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Cousins by blood and childhood best friends. While many students in NRC thinks Kalim is way too carefree, Jaseem would cut in and tell them off as Kalim is not the oblivious rich boy many thinks he is.
He respects Kalim’s motto to be kind to others, lend a helping hand when needed and staying positive despite the challenges life throws at him. Jaseem wishes to protect this precious spirit, praying that Kalim will have nothing but happiness in his life. Jaseem truly looks up to Kalim for being able to smile through everything he’s been through, believing that he wouldn’t even survive a day in that household knowing he might not live to see the next day.
Jaseem can be extremely over protective of Kalim especially when Jamil is around. “I can’t let that damn snake cause any harm to my cousin..”he would think angrily while glaring at Jamil💀
If not for the sake of his family image and Kalim Jaseem would have pummeled Jamil to the ground for the things he said and had done to Kalim. While he tries his best to understand Kalim, Jaseem still cannot fathom why he’d want to keep this traitor who doesn’t even consider him a friend by his side.
Unlike his caring and soft self when he is with Kalim, Jaseem treats Jamil like a mere servant and only replies with direct commands. Sometimes he would mock Jamil for the sake of belittling him, but would not stoop as low as to bring his family into it. The atmosphere around these two can be very intense indeed.
If Jaseem learns to see the overblot incident from Jamil’s point of view, perhaps he will come to understand that the two of them aren’t so different after all.
One of the few girls he respects, Jaseem is like a second older brother to Najma. Of course Najma catches on quick and can tell that Jaseem isn’t exactly fond of her brother, so she has to constantly remind Jaseem to stop frowning whenever he spots Kalim and Jamil together. He tries his best to be nicer to Jamil, but only because Najma wouldn’t stop nagging at him 🤣
Bonus: Rielle
If you’ve seen my old comics about my RSA ocs i often draw Jaseem and Rielle bickering 🤣 Jaseem thinks Rielle is incompetent and has dad issues while Rielle views Jaseem as a weirdo who is way too protective of his cousin, also why would any sane person bring a TIGER to school??
Fun facts about Jaseem’s design
He carries a waist pouch filled with Rana’s treats, various silk ribbons, water dispenser, comb and toys ( just to name a few). The pouch is magically altered to carry many items.
The tiger plush keychain was a gift from his mother when his parents brought him to an amusement park on his birthday. Jaseem did not have the best experience as he was constantly surrounded by guards and journalists, no other children wanted to play with the renowned heir too.
His seemingly blue day turned upside down when he spotted a cute tiger plush in the souvenir shop, thinking about how it looks exactly like Rana. Jaseem’s mother noticed his adoration for the fluffy toy on the top shelf and asked the staff to order one for Jaseem. Even though this silly fabric toy could not compare to the vast amount of gold and expensive gifts Jaseem received, he saw his mother’s gift as something invaluable that money can’t buy.
Till this day he still brings his tiger plush around with him chained to his waist pouch. Though it looks rather dull after being used for years, you can still tell how well washed and cared for it is by its owner.
I struggled trying to incorporate Jasmine’s hairband into the design but for now its a turquoise strand of hair that starts from the top of his head so it looks like a hairband! Its also Jaseem’s way of exploring with his own style knowing that he is far away from his home and strict upbringing. The first time Jaseem dyed his hair he thought “So this is what its like to be rebellious..interesting” 🤣
His earrings are different, the one on the right is a slightly thick gold piece ( OG Jasmine) while the left is a decorative earring with small, dangling chains and a huge jewel ( Live action Jasmine). I thought it would be cool to incorporate both earrings as I couldn’t settle on one.
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Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed Jaseem too, I’m really happy with the response for Alison haha 😭 Till next time!
*Also I know someone addressed it before but I mean to express Jaseem’s love towards Kalim as familial, nothing more. How you choose to see my OCs is up to your interpretation so long as you don’t twist my words and stories i wrote for them :)
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Let me talk about Mizrak
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Yeah, this with all the entire Nocturne brainrot is going to continue for a couple more days at least. But the show has so many interesting themes and characters and I just love it so much. And after getting all my friends to watch the show, I got surprised by one of them being super angry about Mizrak.
Why? Well, because of the last scene with him and Olrox in the season and his words of: "You are just an animal that lost its soul centuries ago." And the friend considered that "being an asshole" and "cruel".
To which I say: Cruel? Yes. Asshole? No.
Let me explain.
First, let me make one thing clear: No, Mizrak is not a templar. I have seen that one too many times. He is not a templar. He is a monk knight of the order of St. John, so the Knights Hospitaller. Like the templars they were very much tied to the crusades originally, but they are not the same thing. There were a lot of orders and types of knights associated with the crusades. Templars were just one of them. (Do you guys wanna hear more about the templars? I can talk more about them.)
We know from bits and pieces of dialogue that Mizrak originates in Jerusalem (which is also where the order was founded). This is a gentle reminder: Israel as we know it today was not a thing back then. But Jerusalem was always a place of religious conflict as it holds importance in all three Abrahamic religions. Which was, what the crusades were all about after all. Before the time of the French Revolution, though, there was mostly some a conflict between the Ottomans and some Arab forces over Palestine. There were some Christian orders accepted within the city though.
Now, the Knights Hospitaller, who were accepted in Jerusalem, had a strong connection to France. Which... lead to problems, when some of the Arabs and the French got into problems. Which let to the Knights Hospitaller leaving for Malta. This too is referenced in the dialogue. (If you guys cannot tell: I am very happy with the amount of historical research put into this show!)
Mizrak looks to be in his early 30s. So I assume he entered the order in his mid-teens (which was a usual age to enter an order like that) and then probably left for Malta within a couple of years after that when the political situation got more charged. And then from Malta to France.
The Knights Hospitaller back then for all intent and purposes lived as militarized monks. That means they made vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. And this very much shines through with his character in so many scenes.
Of course we see that the entire "chastity" thing does not work out that well for him. But that is also why he clearly is shown to be conflicted about that entire thing. What he tries to uphold, though, is the obedience aspect of his vows. And that is, what his entire conflict is about.
See, what I love about this character is that there is all this delicious conflict.
I will iterate again: I grew up in a very, very conservative, strict, catholic household. Other kids got read fairytales for bedtime. My mother read me the bible. Priests and monks were people we intermingled with a lot. (Heck, the last pope? I met him when he was still a bishop.) And hence I got to make one very clear experience: There are three types of Catholics: Those, who focus on all the horrible things. Those, who focus on the literal stuff written in the bible. And those, who focus on the positive stuff. You know, the stuff with helping people, and being poor, and sharing, and being in general a good person. (Though the three types are not always mutually exclusive.)
And it is pretty clear that Mizrak is of the latter kind. He believes in the good he can do through his faith in God and Christ. But he has also grown up in an Order and a Church that puts a lot of focus on the idea of sin, on the idea of obedience, and the idea of the "natural order".
But there he is, with his Abbot collaborating with demons and vampires to enforce that "natural order", which among other things goes against their own vow of poverty. This is so clearly against Mizrak's believes. Because in his very core, Mizrak is a good fucking man. He is one of the good guys. Who wants to do good through his faith in God. And this conflicts for him.
So by the end of episode 7 he reached the point to go against his vow of obedience, because his faith in doing good was stronger, than his dedication to his vows. He very actively broke his vows in the eyes of his order, standing against his order, to protect those darn kids. Because it was the right thing to do. He is absolutely willing to do the noble sacrifice if that is what it takes to save those kids. And in comes that weird dude and takes this chance from him.
And his entire thing with Olrox... It seems very much that Mizrak is indeed gay. As the series so helpfully points out: Yeah, priests, monks, other clergy, and their vows of chastity were always a thing that rarely worked out. Again, as someone who grew up with close ties to the church: The fact that everyone is secretly fucking is... well known. As well as the fact that yeah, there are a lot of gay clergy. Mostly for the reason that they are shamed for their sexuality and then take the vows to not be tempted into homosexuality. Only to find that a priest school with a lot of other queer supressed men is exactly the place you do not want to be to not be tempted. (And that is all without going into all the non-con, pedophilia and what not. Things that were also already happening back then, I guarantee you.)
So, try to imagine that entire thing from Mizrak's perspective. There he is, already ashamed and suppressed about all of that and in comes this very, very seductive vampire man, who kinda seems to align with some of his values, but not with others. And who is emotionally unavailable as fuck, outright telling him that he does not love our dear Mizrak. Someone, who clearly is not for the vampires and your abbot, but also clearly not willing to take the other side. The side that you in your heart (even though it means standing against your order) know to be right. And this man, who claims to not love you, then comes in and tries to stop you from doing what is right.
Yeah, no fuck, Mizrak is a bit pissed at him. Especially as in that moment Olrox very clearly goes against Mizrak's ideals, that are all about self-sacrificially doing the right thing.
And I do think that Mizrak is right in one regard: Olrox lost his soul. He lost a part of himself. Through the trauma of colonialism, but he lost it never the less.
So, once more: Thanks the team for giving us another interesting, well-rounded religious character! CV already did so well with Isaac and Mizrak is sofar extremely promising in that regard.
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 8 months
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Cinnamon Girls
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(Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader x Fem!OC)
Summary: Eddie never thought his nightly routine would include sneaking into a catholic collage to see his two girlfriends, but never say never, right? Wk:4.5k
Warnings: Established poly relationship, M/F/F threesome, spanking, choking, Dom!Eddie, Sub!Reader, Switch!OC, Pet names(Eddie has nicknames for both R & OC that I’ll explain in a different part), spint kink, scissoring, gum sharing?, oral (m & f receiving), unprotected sex. I think that’s it? Lmk if I missed any. 18+MDNI
A/N: Okay this idea came to me the other night and I was like possessed by it. I’m kind of obsessed with these three now and I’ve actually come up with other lore about them. I might expand on this lil AU if anyone’s interested. Thank you to my lovely betas @babygorewhore @bimbobaggins69 & @reidsbtch🧸🤍 Moodboard.
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Eddie’s ringed fingers reach for the volume knob on the radio, turning it almost all the way down as he rounds the corner to his destination. He turns off the headlights as he slowly pulls his van close to the curb before cutting the engine. He always makes sure to be as quiet as possible, even if he is parked half a block down the road from the school itself. He pulls down the drivers side mirror, fluffing his unruly hair. He pops a piece of cinnamon gum into his mouth and exits his van, making sure not to slam the door like he tends to have a habit of doing.
He looks both ways, checking for bystanders. He was pretty sure there wouldn’t be anyone out on the street at 2AM, especially with the students strict curfew, but he always liked to be sure. If he got caught, he would be so fucked. He shoves the chain on his jeans in his pocket before hiking his leg up on the fence, vaulting himself as quietly as possible up and over onto the other side. He lands with a quiet thud, again checking his surroundings to make sure he was alone.
He walks around the edges of the campus, making sure to keep to the shadows and not set off any automatic lights. Once he reaches the building he’s come to know well he grabs a few small pebbles from the gravel beneath his feet. He tosses one up at the window he’s found himself crawling into most nights lately, and waits.
It only took a few seconds before he saw two heads popping into view, bright smiles on their faces. His heart rate immediately picks up, his stomach erupts with butterflies, and his cock slightly stirs in his pants at the prospect of what the night was going to bring.
Eddie quickly climbs up the conveniently placed fire exit ladder and the window is already pushed open for him when he reaches it. His long ripped jean clad legs enter the room and his boot covered feet hit the ground with a gentle thud one by one.
“My girls.” He smiles wide, taking the sides of your faces in each of his hands. “I missed you.”
“Eddieee.” You nuzzle your face into his palm, practically purring like a kitten. Looking up at him through your lashes with those big sweet eyes that drive him insane. “I missed you.”
“Hey nerd boy.” Mina chuckles, turning her face to nip at his fingers. “We saw you less than 24 hours ago.”
“So you didn’t miss me, pretty girl?” Eddie mock pouts, his thumb running along your girlfriend’s plump bottom lip.
“I didn’t say that, did I?” She rolls her eyes, taking his digit into her mouth and swirling her tongue around it, pulling a groan from his chest.
“Don’t fall for her tough girl act Eds, you should’ve heard her when I was underneath her skirt between classes earlier… ‘fuck baby, you’re so good, I wish I was watching Eddie fuck you from behind right now’ she totally missed you.”
“Hey!” She pulls off Eddie’s thumb with a pop, a string of spit still connected to her lips. “It’s not fair to use what I say when you’re eating me out like it’s the last chance you’ll ever get against me, brat!”
“That’s okay she pretty much lost me at ‘when I was underneath her skirt between classes earlier’… you two are going to fucking kill me, I swear.” Eddie groans, throwing his head back while he runs his hands down his face. The image of you and your girlfriend sneaking off in your little catholic school uniforms to get each other off driving both him and his cock insane.
“Is that doing it for you, Eddie? Thinking about us fucking when you’re not here? Because we do… All. The. Time. Before class, between class, after… we were just messing around before you got here actually…” The look on your face is innocent while the words leaving your mouth are anything but and Eddie swears every single time he comes here his dick gets harder than he ever thought possible.
“We tried to wait for you, but we just got so worked up thinking about you coming over… we couldn’t help ourselves.” Mina reaches up to run her long pointed black nails down his cheek and he grabs onto her wrist, stopping her movements.
“So you admit it then, you missed me? You can deny it if you want, but I bet the minute I get my hands on that pussy it’ll be dripping for me…” He smirks at her, his ember orbs boring into her mossy ones as his lips trail open mouth kisses down her wrist. “Show me…”
“Huh? Show you what?” Her eyes are wide, her body language much more relaxed than it had been in the last few minutes.
“You already getting all dumb on me, baby? All I did was put my lips on you…” Eddie’s large ringed hand grips her jaw, shaking her head from side to side. “Get on the bed and show me what you were doing with our girl before I got here.”
A whimper leaves her lips and it makes you clench around nothing. You always love watching them together. Mina was the more dominant of the two of you, often taking control in and out of the bedroom. So watching the way she submits so easily to Eddie makes you melt. They were both so fucking hot.
He releases her wrist and steps back, leaning against the desk near the wall. He crosses his feet at the ankles and looks at you both expectantly. His eyes finally take the time to drink you both in. If he hadn’t been so distracted by your dirty words and flirty banter what you were doing before he got here probably would’ve been obvious.
You were in nothing but a little pink cami that had a bunny printed on the front, your little white lace panties were adorned with a pink bow and you even had on fucking ruffle socks. You were the epitome of a little religious girl gone bad. Mina on the other hand was very much your opposite. Her black cut off tank top had a little skull and crossbones printed on it, her red g-string sat high on her hips, her feet were bare and the moonlight reflected off her black polished toes. She was the perfect example of what happens when religious girls rebel. Your lips were kiss swollen and her long dark hair looked like you’d been pulling at it. God, Eddie was the luckiest bastard to ever walk the earth.
He watches with his bottom lip secured between his teeth as she approaches you, one hand resting on your hip while the other grabs onto the hair at the nape of your neck. She uses her grip to pull your face to hers, kissing you with fever. Your hands snake around her to grab handfuls of her ass and she moans into your mouth.
“Wanna give Eddie a show, baby girl?” She mumbles against your lips.
“Fuck ya.” You pull back from her with a glint in your eyes and a smirk on your lips. Those mischievous eyes meet Eddie’s as you pull your girlfriend by the hand towards your bed. She sits against the headboard with her legs spread and you climb on top of her. You position your legs so your hips are tilted to the side, your barely clothed core sat directly on top of hers. You roll your hips causing both of you to moan at the feeling.
Her hands grip onto your ass to help you move against her while her hips grind up to meet your thrusts. You take her face in your hands and connect your lips again, your tongue darting out across her bottom lip, silently requesting access. She grants it to you immediately, intertwining her tongue with your own while she moans into your mouth.
Eddie licks his lips at the sight, the way your girlfriend’s long nails dig into the flesh of your ass, the way your tits are pressed up against each other while you grind together. His cock is so hard it feels like it’s going to pop the button on his jeans, he hastily reaches for his belt, clumsily undoing it. Then he moves onto his button and zipper, fumbling slightly, not wanting to take his eyes off the two of you. His cock finally springs free and hits his stomach, a drop of precum dripping onto his dark faded band tee. He spits in his palm before taking his cock in his hand, stroking it roughly. A moan rips through him at the feeling of finally being touched, even if it’s his own.
“Mmm look at Eddie baby…” Your head is turned towards him now as your eyes drink him in hungrily. Mina’s face leaves the crook of your neck to follow your gaze and the sight combined with just the right roll of your hips makes her whimper.
“Fuck, you like what you see, nerd boy?” She pushes your tank top up over your tits and takes them in her soft hands without breaking eye contact with him. Your hips pick up speed and you’re both so wet now that your combined juices are making the fabric of your panties stick together with each roll of your hips.
“You know I do, pretty girl.” He smirks right back, his hand still stroking his thick cock while his eyes travel over both your bodies. Her tongue licks around your areola before she takes your nipple in her mouth, causing you to gasp.
“I want more.” You whimper. She feels so good against you, but it’s not quite enough. You need to feel her. You lift your hips just enough to use your hands to push both of your panties to the side before lowering yourself back down onto her warm wet cunt. Her clit bumps against yours and you’re both so wet you practically glide against her. “Fuck, yes.”
Eddie approaches the side of the bed, taking both of your jaws in his hands, forcing you both to look up at him. “Goddamn, you guys are so fucking sexy, can you cum like that for me? If you’re good girls and make each other cum I’ll give you my cock.”
His words spur you on, your hands coming to rest on Mina’s shoulders for leverage as you grind your wet pussy against hers. She leans forward to take your nipple into her mouth, her free hand toying with your other one.
“Oh fuuuck, yes. You’re so wet baby, you feel so good. I’m gonna cum.” You press yourself down on her hard, moving your hips in a circular motion that has her clit gliding deliciously through your wet folds. Her teeth sink into the meat of your tit, sending you over the edge. Her hands grab onto your hips, guiding you against her as your high crashes over you.
“Mmm that’s it, good girl, cum for us.” She pulls off of you so she can watch your face as you fall apart on top of her.
“Your turn.” You’re still panting as you come down from your orgasm but you use one hand to shove her shirt up over her tits, your tongue immediately flicking out to lick across her perky peaked nipples. Your other hand slides between your bodies, finding her clit with ease. You grind your palm against her sensitive bud while your tongue and lips continue their assault on her nipples.
“Fuuuuuck.” You hear Eddie groan above you and your eyes snap his direction, immediately meeting his lust filled ones. His tongue darts out across his bottom lip and you can’t see from how you’re angled but the way he’s shaking you can tell he’s jerking himself off again. You can’t wait to get your hands and mouth on every inch of him too.
“Cum for me baby, I wanna hear those pretty sounds.” You insert your middle and pointer finger inside her while your palm continues its ministrations on her clit.
“Oh my fucking god, that’s so good, you’re gonna make me - I’m gonna fucking cum!” Her sharp nails dig into your ass and a pornographic moan rips through her as she cums around your fingers. You fuck her through it, leaving open mouth kisses all across her chest.
“That was the hottest thing I’ve ever fucking seen, shit.” Eddie’s voice breaks you from your Mina induced trance and you whip your head towards him. He’s shirtless now, his jeans still hanging low on his hips, his hard leaking cock on full display.
“Mmm does that mean we earned our reward? You look damn right edible, Mr. Munson.” You smirk up at him, practically salivating at the sight of the bead of precum dripping from his slit. Eddie groans, something about you calling him that makes his cock twitch.
“Yeah, I think you earned it, Bunny. Why don’t you get over here and suck it?”
He didn’t have to tell you twice. You climb off Mina, crawling towards him so you can sit in front of him on your knees. She follows suit, sitting close enough to you that your bare thighs touch. Eddie feels like he’s going to fucking cum just looking at you both on your knees for him, looking up at him through your lashes.
“Take your shirts off and stick out your tongues.” You turn towards your girlfriend, grabbing the hem of her already hiked up tank top and pulling it over her head. She does the same for you and then you both turn back towards him, sticking your tongues out just like he asked. “God fucking damn, have I ever told you I’m the luckiest man to ever live? Look at my beautiful girls, waiting for me to use their little throats.”
He slaps his cock against your tongue, that bead of precum you’d been eyeing dripping into your mouth just like you wanted. He glides his tip along your tongue a few times before turning to do the same to Mina. His large ringed hands come around both your heads, gripping onto the hair at the nape of your necks.
“Keep your tongues out.” He leans over you to spit in your mouth before using the grip he has on your hair to pull your face to his cock. You take the hint, taking as much of him as you can into your mouth. You bob your head up and down while he gives Mina the same treatment above you, pulling her head down next to yours once he's done. You feel her lips traveling up your shoulder to your jaw, she leaves wet kisses across your cheek until she reaches your mouth. Her tongue darts out to lick the part of Eddie’s shaft that isn’t down your throat, curling around it.
“Holy fuuuucking shit.” Eddie groans, he uses the grip on your hair to pull both of your heads back again, looking down at you with lust filled eyes. “Be good girls for me and make out on my cock.”
Mina smirks up at him before leaning forward to lick along the side of his length, you follow her lead, running your tongue up the opposite side. You both lick all around his cock like it’s a lollipop, your tongues occasionally touching and intertwining around it. She takes his tip in her mouth, swirling her tongue around it before taking him fully down her throat with a gag. You lean down so you can kitten lick across his balls, tasting the musky saltiness that is Eddie. You suck one of them into your mouth, your tongue massaging around the soft skin before pulling off and giving the other one the same treatment.
“Shit shit shit!!!” He pulls you both off of him with a gasp. “You gotta stop or I’m gonna fucking blow my load I swear you two are little succubi.”
“Mmm… you just taste so good, we want your human essence.” You giggle up at him, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. “You know Eds… I haven’t even gotten a kiss yet.” You pout.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry Bunny, I guess I got carried away, huh? Come here.” He grabs your face in his hands, leaning down to place a kiss that was much more gentle than you were expecting on your lips. He kisses you a few times before turning to Mina and attempting to give her the same treatment. But you watch as she grabs onto his hair and tugs, pulling his face hard against her own. Her tongue licks across his lips and his darts out to meet hers. She sucks his tongue into her mouth, bringing the cinnamon gum he was chewing with her.
“You’re sweet and all, nerd boy. But I’m still really fucking horny and I believe you promised us your cock? I’d like to cash in on that now.” She bites down on his bottom lip before pulling away with a smirk, popping his gum between her teeth.
“Yeah? You want my cock? Hands and knees, both of you. I wanna try something.”
Mina pulls her thong down her legs before flipping over on her hands and knees with her back arched, her ass in the air and on full display. You do the same, wiggling your ass back and forth as you look at Eddie over your shoulder. You watch with hungry eyes as he discards his jeans. His ring adorned hand comes down on your asscheek causing you to jolt forward with a yelp.
“Look at these perfect fucking assess, and they’re all mine…”
He pumps his cock a few times before running it through your slick folds, dipping the tip inside of your entrance before slapping it against your clit.
“Eddieeee…” you whine and wiggle your ass again, pushing back against him.
“Aww is a little Bunny feeling greedy?” You can hear the dumb smirk in his voice but you don’t have time to talk back before he’s shoving himself balls deep inside of you, knocking the air from your lungs. The stretch is so good, every single time. No matter how many times he fucks you it’s like he’s filling you up just right.
He starts fucking into you rough and fast, his grip on your hip is so tight that you hope the ring indents that had started to fade from last time are even darker than before. His free hand comes down hard on Mina’s asscheeks in succession before he’s soothing it with his palm and running his thick fingers through her dripping slit. He inserts two fingers inside her and starts to fuck her with them in tandem with the thrusts of his cock inside you.
“Fuck bunny, you’re so wet, this little pussy is squeezing me so tight.” The hand on your hip finds your clit, applying a delicious amount of pressure while he continues to bury himself deep inside you.
“Baby, gimme a kiss.” Mina’s voice almost sounds like it’s underwater with how close you are to cumming but you turn your face towards her. She grabs your jaw in one of her hands and smashes your lips together in a desperate moan filled kiss. Her tongue slips between your lips, exploring every inch, the gum she had just taken from Eddie’s mouth slips into your own and it still somehow tastes cinnamony sweet.
“I’m gonna c - cum, I’m gonna cum.” Your words are slurred against her lips, Eddie hits that perfect spot inside of you that has your eyes rolling in the back of your head.
“Yeah baby? You gonna cum? Mi, why don’t you be a good girl and cum for me too?” Eddie continues his assault on your g-spot while his skilled fingers curl just right inside your shared girlfriend's cunt. It only takes a few more pumps of his cock to send you over the edge, Mina tumbling over her own right after you.
Eddie fucks you both through your highs before pulling his fingers away, he uses his other hand to grip onto your hair and pull your back flush against his chest.
“Suck.” He brings the slick covered digits to your mouth and you greedily take them in, tasting your girlfriend’s sweet nectar. “Good girl.”
He releases his grip on your hair and you fall forward, catching yourself on your hands at the last minute. You go to turn around but he grips your hips, keeping you in place.
“Stay. I didn’t say you could move, did I?” He smacks your ass before turning to Mina, roughly gripping her hips. “You want my cock now, kitty? I think you’ve earned it.”
“Just fuck me already, Munson.” Normally Eddie would take the time to tease her for her attitude, make her beg a little, but he’s so fucking hard he needs to be inside of her, right now. He grabs onto his cock, lining it up with her puffy lips, he pushes himself all the way inside of her in one thrust, throwing his head back when she clenches around him.
“You’re such a fucking brat, you know that?” He leans over her so his lips brush against the shell of her ear, trailing a few kisses down her throat. He stops at the juncture of her throat, sinking his teeth down onto it while he starts to fuck into her roughly.
“Yeah, but you fucking love it.” Her chuckle turns into a strangled moan when he wraps a hand around her throat, his cock pounding into her so deep she can feel him hitting her cervix.
You look over at them and you can’t help but moan at the sight. Eddie’s head is thrown back, revealing the expanse of his thick throat, a layer of sweat covers his inked chest and he’s growling almost animalistically. Mina’s face is slightly red from the way she’s being choked, a bit of drool is dripping from the corner of her mouth and her tits are bouncing deliciously. You want to lean down and suck them, and lick the drool off her chin but you also want to be a good girl and for Eddie so you decide to stay put.
And damn does it pay off, because one second he’s pounding into your girlfriend like his life depends on it and next thing you know he’s pulling out of her and thrusting deep inside you. He’s fucking you as hard as he was fucking her, picking up the pace he left off on. He thrusts into you a few more times before he’s pulling out and plunging back into Mina. He continues like this for a bit, fucking deeply into one of you before switching off and giving the other the same treatment. The room is filled with the sounds of your moans and slapping skin, and in the back of your mind you’re thankful that the girl next door moved out last week.
“My good fucking girls, letting me use your little holes like this, you’re so fucking good for me. Fuck!” Eddie pumps his into your girlfriend deep and hard, before pulling out and plunging into your wet, waiting heat. “Mi, go get in front of Bunny so I can watch her eat that pretty little pussy from the back while I fill her up with my cum.”
She’s past the point of giving him shit, so fucked out that she will do anything he asks without question. She crawls so she’s positioned on her hands and knees in front of you and your grab onto her asscheeks, spreading them apart.
“Looks so tasty…” You spread her open a few more times, watching her clench around nothing, then you lean forward and plunge your tongue as far as it can go inside of her. You fuck into her with your tongue before licking down to her clit, sucking it into your mouth.
Eddie is about to lose it, your pussy is clenching him so tight and your ass is bouncing deliciously against his hips. The sounds and the sight of you devouring your girlfriend is enhancing his pleasure by tenfold. He reaches his hand around you to rub circles on your clit, angling his hips the way he knows you love it.“Fuck baby, I’m not gonna last much longer… need you to cum for me.”
You bring two of your fingers to Mina’s entrance, pushing them inside her and curling them upwards. She pushes back against you, her pussy clenches around your fingers and you can tell she’s close too.
“Shit, I’mgonnafuckingcum.” She whimpers.
“Cum for us kitty, cum on our girl's face. I’m gonna cum too - fuckingshit.” Eddie’s thrusts get sloppy but he’s still fucking you so good, the speed of his fingers picks up on your clit and you feel his cum start to spill inside you. Mina’s pussy is like a vice grip on your fingers and the moans she’s letting out are like music to your ears. It’s all so hot and it has your own orgasm wracking through your body.
You’re all panting as you pull apart from each other, throwing yourselves down on the bed with Eddie in the middle. You both rest your heads on his shoulders, your legs thrown over each of his thighs. You and Mina absentmindedly play with each others fingers that rest on Eddie’s chest.
“I can’t fucking wait until you guys get out of here.” Eddie sighs.
“Soon baby, just one more month and this catholic collage nightmare will be over.” Your girlfriend places a gentle kiss on his peck, resting her chin there so she can look up at him.
“Then our dads will finally get off our asses and release our trust funds to us. And we can buy a nice house, and get you studio time.” You lean up to kiss his jaw, mimicking Mina’s position so you can look at his beautiful face too.
“Yeah? You guys are my certified sugar mama’s I swear.” Eddie chuckles, bringing his hands up so he can cup both of your jaws. He rubs his thumbs over the apples of your cheeks and looks into both of your eyes, placing a gentle kiss on each of your lips. He seriously was the luckiest bastard to ever live.
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yanderederee · 3 months
For the yandere mbti could you write for
Tr: Baji
Wind breaker: Togame Jo
Please (*'∀'*)
This is my first time writing for Togame, so I really hope I did him justice here!!♡
small reminder that these are yandere headcanons, so if characters seems ooc, that is why! pls be kind..!
yandere mbti event page : here!
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Baji Keisuke - RAHL
- Reverent:Aware:Honest:Lenient
Baji Keisuke might be a cruel motherfucker who has no qualms in being abrasive— but he will Never, EVER, be that way towards his darling.
Baji is extremely gentle and thoughtful of his darling always. It’s less of a reverent or worshipping type of love, as it’s more of a suffocating and careful love.
No one is trustworthy enough to be by your side. No one will take care of you or look out for you the same way he will.
Baji is and always will be your protector and shield against anything that would cause you mental or physical harm.
While it would make everything a lot easier if you would just love him back, Baji isn’t the type to delude himself into falsifying anything about you. He wants to real and true you. Even if the real you doesn’t love him, he is willing to accept that, because despite that, he truly does love you. And nothing will change that.
Baji’s aware that his actions can be suffocating or over the top, but does not give a single fuck, if it’s for your sake.
Loving Baji and accepting him for his brashness is definitely favorable, however. The further you grow from him, the more blood will be shed. The closer you are, the easier it becomes to protect you in less violent ways.
When it comes down to manipulation, Baji’s…. Okay, hear me out.
Canon Baji was able to very masterfully manipulate all of Toman into believing he was a deserter who betrayed them all. So canonically, Baji has the skills to manipulate people effectively.
However, I don’t think Baji likes actively lying to his darling. He’s not the type to think “no matter what, I need them to love me.”
So to me, I feel like Baji is more Honest about his actions. He will sugar coat it, so you don’t become weary of him, but he doesn’t like lying to you. Ex; “hah? What about your childhood friend? Yeah, I had a talk w’th ‘im… I might’a thrown a punch or two… so what, he started it. Tch… whatever, don’t worry about that loser anymore.”
It’s not like your feelings aren’t important to him though ! If he really thinks being too honest about his actions will permanently push you away or actively hate him, and he can help it, he will manipulate the truth for your benefit.
The last trait can be argued back and forth. I originally had him as a strict yandere, but the rules Baji has are less for you to follow, and more for everyone else.
I see Baji as a lenient Yandere who prioritizes your happiness and safety, instead of making you HIS possession.
Baji likes giving you freedom, because again, he wants to love you for who you are, not who he makes you be. So rather than limiting your ability to do things, he limits the possibly of bad things ever happening to you.
Still, Baji is very intense and if he thinks enough is enough, there’s no refuting it. At the end of the day, he is still the one with all the power over you.
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Togame Jo - RAML
- Reverent:Aware:Manipulative:Leanient
Togame has a tendency to idolize the ones he falls in love with. He is willing to sacrifice important parts of himself in order to make his darling happy.
He becomes so reverent in worshipping his darling, so much so that it becomes a widely known fact. There’s no one in town who breaths that doesn’t know of your relationship… even if you aren’t actually in a relationship.
He just loves you so much! Even if you aren’t interested (how?), Togame remains protective. “It ain’t gatta be true hun, no one’s gonna mess with ya now, n’ that’s what matters.”
Togame isn’t the type to fall into delusions. He might act delusional as a manipulative farce, but is generally aware that his love for you is obsessive and over the top. That’s fine.
He doesn’t expect you to love him back, but ultimately, that IS his end goal. Togame wants you to fall in love with him. To need him, and rely on him— of your own free will, not because he makes himself believe you do.
Of course, there’s no harm in bending the truth a little to achieve this, he thinks. Togame is very skilled in manipulating you. He lies constantly. Whispering in your ear make up lies your friends tell about you to everyone else, turning you against everyone until he is your only ally.
Always happy to play the role of the good guy in your eyes, swooping in to save you from a ring of bad guys (that he may have threatened into going to talk to you). Is ecstatic when you ask him to walk you home after being stalked for the last few nights (you still can’t tell it’s actually just him, purposely making you feel unsafe whenever he isn’t around for this very reason).
Togame considers keeping you on a tight leash. Having you all to himself, cooing in your ear daily about how complacent you’ve become to his love… but he imagines you becoming a shell of yourself, without any freedom.
As pleasurable of a thought keeping you locked up is to him, he can’t fathom losing you. He might have your body, but if he were to ever lose your love, voice, or smile, he would go insane.
Again, Togame would go insane without you. No matter how little of you he can have, he will always have something to crave, as long as you are you. Even if he must hurt people or himself in the process, he will worship you and happily take any scrap of attention you give him.
Togame is lenient with you for your sake, so don’t go messing that up by breaking his heart and trying to date other people…
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 3 months
Hi!! Evil Queens WandaNat have me in a chokehold. Can you do some nsfw head cannons for them? 🤭💕
Evil Queens!Wandanat x fem!maid HC
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-Wanda is the more affectionate of the two, often showering you with gentle touches, sweet kisses, and soft words of praise. She takes pleasure in making you feel cherished and adored, ensuring you know your worth to her.
-Natasha, on the other hand, is more demanding. She expects perfection in all tasks and uses her dominance to remind you of your place. Her touches are firm, her kisses possessive, and she enjoys seeing you submit to her authority.
-Both queens are fiercely protective of you. They don't tolerate anyone else trying to take advantage of your skills or your affections. Any perceived threat to their hold on you is swiftly dealt with, often in ways that leave no room for misunderstandings.
-Wanda loves to braid your hair or brush it gently after a long day. She finds it therapeutic and enjoys the closeness it brings.
-Natasha has a habit of leaving small marks on your skin, not necessarily visible, but enough for you to feel her presence even when she’s not around. A nip here, a bruise there, each a silent reminder of her claim on you.
-They use you in a variety of ways. Sometimes, they want you to simply sit on their laps while they handle their royal duties, your presence a soothing comfort to them. Other times, they demand your more intimate services, turning their chambers into a space of intense passion.
-Natasha often takes the lead in the bedroom, her dominant nature coming to the forefront. She enjoys pushing your limits, testing your obedience and resilience.
-Wanda complements Natasha’s dominance with her own brand of sensual control. She uses sensory play to heighten your senses, creating an intoxicating blend of pleasure and pain that leaves you craving more.
-Occasionally, Wanda and Natasha enjoy reversing roles. Natasha might allow Wanda to take the lead, watching with intense interest as Wanda teases and tortures you.
-During these sessions, Natasha might take a more passive role, offering encouragement or delivering orders to both you and Wanda, her voice low and commanding.
-The queens derive a certain thrill from the risk of being caught. They might summon you to their chambers during a busy day, making you pleasure them while they conduct court business, knowing that someone could walk in at any moment.
-Natasha is strict when it comes to discipline. If you displease her, she isn’t afraid to administer punishments, which could range from spanking to more elaborate forms of bondage and sensory deprivation.
-Wanda’s approach to punishment is more psychological. She might deny you pleasure, edging you for hours without release until you’re begging for mercy.
-Both queens enjoy restraining you, though their methods differ. Natasha prefers physical restraints—ropes, cuffs, and chains—enjoying the sight of you helplessly bound. Wanda prefers to simply use her hands for restraining, always wanting to touch you in some way.
-When they decide to take you together, their coordination is impeccable. Natasha’s rough, commanding presence contrasts perfectly with Wanda’s sensual, teasing touch.
-They take turns pleasuring you, sometimes working in tandem. Natasha might hold you down, whispering dirty words in your ear, while Wanda uses her powers and hands to bring you to the edge repeatedly.
-Natasha enjoys watching Wanda play with you, her eyes dark with desire as she observes. She might give instructions or simply enjoy the show, her own arousal building as she watches you submit to Wanda’s magical touch.
-Wanda finds it thrilling to have an audience and often performs for Natasha, knowing exactly how to drive both you and her partner wild with need.
-The queens have developed a system of secret signals to communicate their desires to you discreetly. A specific look or gesture can mean it’s time to drop everything and attend to them, no matter where you are or what you’re doing.
-Natasha loves to edge you, bringing you to the brink of orgasm over and over again without allowing you release. She takes pleasure in your frustrated moans and begs for mercy.
-Occasionally, they dress you in revealing or provocative outfits, enjoying the sight of you looking both elegant and debauched. These outfits are often designed to be easily removed or provide easy access for their hands and mouths.
-They take pleasure in undressing you slowly, savoring the sight of your skin being revealed inch by inch.
-Despite their intense dominance, both queens are meticulous about aftercare. They know the physical and emotional toll their sessions can take and ensure you’re well taken care of afterward.
-Wanda is particularly attentive, ready to heal any marks or bruises, while Natasha holds you close, her touch surprisingly gentle as she reassures you of your value to them.
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yan-lorkai · 1 month
Hi!! I loved your hcs of the Octotrio with a yuu that seems to only have a talent in art. I related to it a lot because sometimes I feel like I’m not good at anything else other than drawing.
I was wondering if you could do the same prompt with Riddle, Ace, Deuce, Cater, Leona, Malleus & the Scarabia boys please? If that’s too many you can just do Leona, Malleus, & Scarabia. Thank you 😊
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: I guess everyone has one of those episodes, huh? I've been writing for more than 8 years now and sometimes I get hit by the "aa but I'm only good at writing, I should totally try something" and then I try something new and hate it bcs I really love to write and nothing can compare lmao. Anyway, I hope you like this darling, I did all the characters requested too btw ~
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Ace would be playful and encouraging, but his competitive nature would lead him to manipulate situations to keep you close. He’d play little tricks to make sure you stay dependent on him, offering "helpful" critiques that subtly undermine your confidence in anything but your art. His lighthearted facade would hide a deeper need to be the center of your attention, he is your muse, the one you use to practice, the who inspires you, making sure that you see him as the only one who truly understands and supports you, all while ensuring you don't realize how he’s subtly sabotaging any other talents you might want to try to explore, for he fears you will not want to spend more time with him anymore if that was the case.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Cater would use his social media prowess to make you art the talk of the school, ensuring your work — and by extension, his support — is always in the spotlight. However, his validation would come with a price, as he subtly isolates you from others, creating an environment where you feel your art is only appreciated by him and his curated audience. Cater’s charming persona would hide his darker intentions, as he manipulates your into believing that your worth is tied to the art you create under his influence, all while keeping you emotionally dependent on his constant praise. You're already good at other things, so surely you don't need to have another hobby, right?
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Deuce, unlike Ace, would be fiercely protective of your artistic talent. He’d encourage your art with an almost desperate intensity, pushing you to try different brushes and pens, different scenarios and things, but he'd also pressure you to stay focused on what your good at, ensuring you don’t waste time on things you never tried before. His possessiveness would manifest in his need to be your protector, to the point where he'd become intimidating towards anyone who tries to steer you away from your art, that does not apply to yourself, while he think your drawings / paintings are very beautiful, he would not force you to make it more if you're having an episode where you doubt your skills and think you are good only on the art field. If you want to explore new things, Deuce will be by your side the entire time.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Riddle would be intensely supportive yet controlling, pushing you to perfect your craft while ensuring you don't stray too far from his strict rules, even more if you are already his lover. His obsession with your success would become borderline suffocating, as he constantly monitors your progress and enforces discipline to keep you on the right path, nurturing your already beautiful talent. To Riddle, your art is flawless, it's personal and have a touch of you in every drawing, be it digital or traditional. When you come to tell him about your doubts, about how you're only good at art, Riddle promptly sooth you with gentle words, albeit he is a little awkward while talking. He offer to teach you about whatever you want to learn but be prepared because he is somewhat a strict teacher.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Leona would admire your dedication to your art, and he would ask questions about it too, learning as much as your interest as possible. However, his possessiveness would be almost primal, keeping you close under the guise of protection, ensuring you don’t waste time on anything — or anyone — else. Leona would be dismissive of your attempts to explore other talents, reinforcing that your art is the only thing that matters. His control would be subtle yet overpowering, as he ensures your world revolves around him and your art, leaving you with little room for anything else.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Malleus would shower you with endless admiration, captivated by your artistic talent, even more if you were influenced by an artistic movement. He'll notice all the little details, the subtle way the traces converge, how the color scheme is perfect, the way the shadows and the light reflect. He is your number 1 fan, so supportive of you. However, his intense fascination would drag you into his lonely world, where your art becomes your only outlet and he is your audience - though he has your drawings framed and hung on the walls of the castles, so everyone can look at it and admire. Malleus may not understand your struggles and why would you want to pursue another hobby, but he can arrange anything you may want to try at least once, from singing and dancing to sewing and knitting, even the art of potion making, archery or fencing. He just know you're going to find something you like as much as your art, and if you are happy so is he.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Jamil would secretly nurture your talent, subtly guiding your creativity while undermining any attempts you make to excel elsewhere, he sees your art as something free and with many meanings - it makes him relaxed in some sort of way and Jamil wants to be a little greedy here, he wants you to continue creating more pieces, always keeping you under his watchful eye as you started drawing / painting. There's just something so intimate, so calming about it he can't wrap his head around. He loves watching you creating your art, feeling is guard lowering just a little. If you ever approach him with your doubts, Jamil take you to the kitchen so he can teach you a few things about cooking. It's a different kind of art but when all is said and done, it's just as good as when you're creating and make you feeling accomplished.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Kalim would be so overwhelmingly supportive and enthusiastic about it, showering you with gifts and opportunities to nurture your artistic talent, buying everything you may need to create your art, a new software? Sure, no problem, he brought the most expensive one too. A few new pencils and pens? Right away. You need more frames and paints? It will be here in a couple of hours. However, his naivety mixed with possessiveness would lead to unintentional control over your life, as he tries to keep you happy and close by his side. Kalim’s well-meaning gestures would create a gilded cage, where your art flourishes but your freedom is slowly stripped away. He would be oblivious to the suffocating effect of his love, believing that as long as you're happy creating art with him, nothing else matters, leaving you feeling trapped and not knowing how to communicate with him. He have done so much for you already!
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ivyprism · 1 year
Here we go! The Dating Sim of the Year!
You start the game. You've been waiting months to play this game, and it's now here. You eagerly create your character. Your game begins with a song. You were taken aback by the game. You may choose the genre of the story and switch between the romances if you choose. The developer went above and above; it's almost amazing.
"Careful, you'll catch a cold…" You are ecstatic when a harsh and deep voice emanates from the screen. The voice acting was fantastic! You already liked Sangria. He had offered your MC a jacket while staring out with a flush on his face in the CG.
"You're my choice. Don't ever let anyone tell you anything different." As Falcon's deep and gruff voice comes through the screen, you blush slightly. He was cradling the MC you made in his arms in the CG.
"Let me be your hero... Please..." Aegean's voice came next, and it was gentle and light. As you see a CG, his voice shakes, and he is on his knees, gripping your MC's hands and looking at you pleadingly.
"Pfft... Don't look at me like that... I'll get the wrong idea." Maple's calm and cool voice followed. As your MC gazed at him, he was covering his face with his hand, an orange tint on his face.
"It's okay, I won't let you fall..." Sepia's voice was the next to be heard. Their voice was as gentle as a warm blanket and as smooth as honey. They were holding your MC's hand as they walked on water step stones in the CG.
"I told you to be careful!" Briar's rough, deep, and harsh voice was the next to come through. They were holding your MC's bridal style as they strolled in the CG. They were looking at your MC with a mixture of irritation and anxiety.
"Come on! It'll be fun!" Rosewood's upbeat and joyful voice shone through. In the CG, she was dragging your MC by the hand to a carnival.
"You're doing better, I'm proud." Juniper's calm and compassionate voice can be heard via the screen. She's sitting behind your MC in the CG, showing them how to play the guitar.
You didn't realize how this game would quite literally drag you in. But you were excited to play.
The Dating Sim Love Interests are open for asks!
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theoryofthemultiverse · 2 months
Hoyo‘s Doctors as Dads🧸
Synopsis: Do they want children? How would they be as dads? What hobbies would they have with their children?
Characters: Baizhu, Dr.Ratio, Il Dottore
A.N: Oh yes!!! Beware though I made this pretty realistically what I thought their decisions would be based on a few presented factors. Also very sorry I didn’t post anything, I feel like my writing is getting worse :.)
C.w: Reader is implied to carry the baby, also Dr. Ratio‘s part is a lot longer than Baizhu‘s and Dottore‘s (sorry I can’t do all men justice equally ):
-🧸<🍼> 🧸-🧸<🍼> 🧸🧸<🍼> 🧸🧸<🍼> 🧸🧸<
He definitely wouldn’t be opposed to the idea. He would love to raise a child with you and teach it all about the world and make it into a lovely human being.
So his parenting style would support that! He would want to be there for his child no matter if there are emotional troubles that it can’t cope with or experiences to be made in reality. He would in general be very patient with his child and have a good mixture of strictness with gentleness.
He also detest shouting at it, as well as scolding too harshly so he really tries to not do this to make sure he doesn’t damage the relationship with his child. Nonetheless, the child knows when his tone gets stern that it did something wrong and better listens to what its father has to tell them.
As for what he would do together with them, there are a lot of things. Surely he would like to teach the kid a little bit about medicine even if it ends up not wanting to do that for their profession. He thinks it’s good to have some basic medicinal knowledge. He would also take them for some walks and hikes in nature when going out for herbs.
Dr. Ratio🎓
Getting Children is admittedly not really on his radar. He is so focused on work that he tries his best to be there often enough for let alone you, so if you two were to get a child he would have a lot more time to invest into it and sacrifice work time to be here for you and the baby. Especially since he wouldn’t want you to be the only one to need to invest their time into it.
And while that might not be the end of the world, it would bother him to have his pretty good work-life balance smashed together by a little human. Since he is also pretty content with the relationship only being between the two of you.
Yet if you were to listen to his reasons and be able to make a few sacrifices on your side, he would maybe be willing to give you a child. In your pregnancy he would then be there for you to the best of his abilities and care for the little human inside you, yet you can see there is a bit of distance.
But that distance also gets less after the baby is born and has features of him and you. He would fall in love.
He then would be more of a stricter dad. He has read a lot about parenting in books prior yet still wouldn’t fuss to scold the child occasionally if it did something really wrong.
What he would do with the child largely depends on the child’s personality. If he notices the child likes learning and asks him questions about every kind of science then he would be over the moon. If the child turns out to be hating school and academics however.. be prepared to watch him try to cope with that.
If the child would be willing, he would indulge in every childlike imagination with them, explaining the physics of a flying ship, floating water in zero gravity, you name it. If the child is completely disinterested though. He will have a hard time to bond with it, since there is only an emotional component left which is very important and which he could fulfill just fine, but there is no shared passion between them then.
So all in all, he would probably be against getting a child. The chances of him and it not connecting are too big to him to want to try it out because even if you try it and it doesn’t work, he doesn’t want a child to need to suffer under it. He also simply isn’t interested in the major life changes that come with it and admits that he is not cut out to be a parent which is fine too isn’t it?
Il Dottore🧪
You want a child? He would give it to you, what’s the harm in it after all? Most that it would have in store for him is another human he could teach some things about lab work.
But other than concerning himself with it when it comes to work be prepared to raise it on your own. Dottore may be willing to give you a child and help you with giving birth and be there for all the pregnancy related things, but he would more do the minimum rather than the maximum.
But if you agree that you are okay with the minimum and occasional bonding moments he‘d have with the child then there you go!
Maybe he would also deploy one of his clones from time to time to entertain the baby (but please make sure it doesn’t end up in an experiment then :).
If you ever really have all hands full nonetheless and all the clones are with him in an experiment you will get the lucky chance to see Dottore strapped with your little one to the chest walking around the lab with the clones. Which surely is questionable but boy does it look kinda cute.
They all would probably get so distracted by the baby after some point tho that everything is about it and work is forgotten.
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vendetta-if · 2 months
Hello! I found this IF weeks ago and I've been loving it ever since 💕 I have some questions...
Let's just say that MC & RO are already married in this scenario and both of them decided to have kids... If so, what kind of parents would they be? And how many kids would the RO wants to have?
Also ignore this ask if it's already answered 🫶 Hope you have a great weekend!
For how many kids, I don’t think any of the ROs really have any preference 🤔 But I suppose some would probably have higher tolerance or experience in living in a livelier house 😆
I can see Ash and Rin not really wanting too many kids; Ash because they are not that confident their ability to take care more than two kids and Rin has always wanted two kids at max.
Skylar and Santana are more open to have more than 2 kids. Skylar being an only child all their life would not mind having a livelier home and they like kids. Meanwhile Santana has experience in taking care of their two little siblings and they don’t really mind kids much.
As for what kind of parents the ROs would be…
They’ll be quite the protective parent in the sense that they’ll always be ready to fight tooth and nail to protect their kids from danger or harm (including bullies, so they and their parents better think twice because Ash would be ready to throw hands with both 😂).
But other than that, they’re actually pretty chill parent. They’re the kind of parent that the kid would go to ask for something because they’ll be more likely to say yes 😆 They’ll also always make effort to be interested in their kids’ hobbies or interests.
They’ll be the stricter parents compared to the other ROs. They do have certain expectations of their kids like doing well in school and taking their studies seriously (not slacking off or missing too many classes).
But they’re also a really understanding parent, will always encourage their kids to talk to them about anything troubling them or maybe just talk about other things in general. Rin has always been very mature and possessed great insight into people, and they’ll always be ready to give some sage advice to their kids.
They’re honestly probably the most normal parent in the sense that they’re very balanced and flexible. They will be strict when needed, but chill and understanding otherwise.
One of the most important things to them is to impart a sense of responsibility in their kids, so even if they ended up marrying MC and had much comfier and luxurious lifestyle, they’d still want their kids to be independent and capable of doing basic chores like doing laundry or cooking simple meals.
Straight up the fun and outgoing parent. Similar to Ash, they’ll always make an effort to get into their kids hobbies and interests as well. They’ll try to make time to personally drop off and pick up their kids from extracurricular activities and encourage them in pursuing their interests.
They’re really doting and might be the most similar to Viktor out of all the other ROs. I’d say they’re like a mix of Viktor and Takashi 🤣 Gentle and caring like Viktor, but energetic and playful (to the point of childishness at times) like Takashi. Of course, the downside is they have a hard time being strict to their kids.
This is the type of thing that Skylar (and Takashi and to a lesser degree, Viktor) would do:
This is the difference between how Ash and Rin would’ve reacted to a bully bullying their kids:
Throw hands, no questions asked 👊
Find out everything they can about the bully and their family ✨ Those information will be used as necessary until the bullying stops.
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messiahzzz · 6 months
assorted morena dekarios headcanons:
she possesses a sharp wit and is very perceptive, but is also incredibly kind and gentle
strong presence & really eclectic taste. she loves bright colors, extravagant patterns, collecting paintings, and all kinds of knick-knacks. her house is a reflection of her personality: warm, welcoming, and cluttered with ✨precision✨
has a penchant for big jewelry (especially necklaces)
gale deems her “unavoidable” because she has a way of seeing right through him, sometimes even going beyond motherly intuition (and because you’d spot her everywhere)
she always strongly supported gale’s individuality and wanted to give him every opportunity to grow into the person he wants to be
this often clashes cause she does worry about his safety constantly
on that note: would do absolutely everything for her son
her ex-husband had little interest in raising gale and deemed him too exhausting/high maintenance. morena eventually encouraged his decision to split, knowing his presence would do more harm than good
loves books but doesn’t bother to keep them in good condition (much to gale’s horror)
as he got older their dynamic grew to resemble a friendship, which is also why he refers to her by her first name
they banter a lot and it is very entertaining to watch/makes their similarities even more obvious
surprisingly strict whenever the situation calls for it. it’s a sudden 180. don’t mess with morena dekarios
claims she’s not interested in gossip, but is very curious nonetheless
possesses extensive mixology knowledge, but hates being drunk. life needs to be experienced to the fullest with all senses at all times
she’s a natural dancer despite not having a whole lot of practice
very welcoming to a romanced!tav and the rest of gale’s new friends. she has already been filled in by tara and withers. naturally, as long as her prince is happy she is as well
almost rivals gale in the duration of his crying during his own wedding. once he begins to read his vows she’s immediately brought to tears
actively tries to get to know a romanced!tav and makes sure they feel included in their family whenever possible, but will also respect if there’s no interest/some apprehension
she is very respectful of gale’s privacy and knows when to step back, albeit no less worried
she has dark, long, curly and thick hair that is hard to tame. (the envy of all her neighbors her age) she usually puts it up in a claw
tara has her own corner in morena’s sitting room, including her very own cozy armchair. no one else is allowed to use it.
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xiaomainlmao · 4 months
Tighnari teaching Cyno a few things about love with your help
Just a random brain rot from last night lol.
The slightly suggestive part is highlighted separately.
When Cyno starts developing a crush, he doesn't really accept it because he wasn't sure of his feelings. Of course he consulted Tighnari first, and of course he received a "you're falling for them idiot" from him after he denied it for the nth time.
But when Cyno finally accepts that he is in love, he consults Tighnari again.
Surely Tighnari could help him with his feelings right? Especially since he has you, and thus has experience in this field
Everything starts nice and easy, with the two of them first discussing how real the light novels are when it comes to relationships
Planning a confession was also not so difficult (executing the plan was a different story though, it took Cyno months to finally go through with it)
Oh boy, forget about organizing dates, Cyno didn't even know how to hold someone's hand without a strictness like he's arresting or protecting them
And that's where you came in.
Tighnari starts with holding your hand and letting Cyno observe how gentle his hold was
If you don't mind it, then Cyno probably tried to hold your hand too, trying not to be too rough
He considered you a friend, plus he was in his "deep-learning" mode, so he didn't get embarrassed around you
Then came how sappy he should be, what phrases he should use and how often he should say things
Tighnari was in control through most of this conversation, but you had to help him neutralize his views because Cyno was a different person and you knew that all of Tighnari's tricks may not work for Cyno
(all of this would be easier if you know who Cyno's crush is, but depending on how you ask him, he would either be a bit too straightforward about his answer or would avoid answering that question for days)
(Cyno gets embarrassed easily and Tighnari loves teasing him)
You guys try teaching him the language of flowers! Just make sure the topic doesn't stray too far away from flowers though... (Tighnari may end up rambling about plants in general, and then start complaining about poisonous mushrooms and how people always mistake fungi for plants)
you both take turns telling Cyno about things he can do, things he can buy and where they can take them
Tighnari even teaches Cyno how he can make bookmarks out of leaves and flowers, because who doesn't love them?
All this ends up being a fun bonding activity for the three of you
When Cyno does go on the date, you both follow him
Is it to determine whether the person he's interested in deserves him or not? Partially
Mostly you, or rather, Tighnari is going to observe how Cyno deals with the date, because he's going reprimand him for any foolish mistakes he makes (Tighnari is a strict teacher in everything lol)
If Cyno's interest ends up being Nilou, then she'll probably notice the two of you behind him.
She might even wave at you when Cyno is not paying attention, a knowing smile on her face
the not-so-sfw part
this part starts when Cyno's crush (now partner) tries getting intimate with him
but Cyno is not experienced at all so he asks you and Tighnari about your first time
Tighnari may end up getting a bit too scientific though by using proper terms and all the risks involving everything
this is also the part where you start feeling like Tighnari may have an exhibition kink
"How do you kiss someone?" Tighnari's answer should have been "just go with it, it may feel awkward at first but you get into it eventually"
but no
he uses you to show Cyno how to initiate kisses
the first one is a simple, innocent one where he gently holds your face and kisses you
and then comes the "if they like it rough, try this", where he pulls into him and kissing you aggressively
"or this one, which is rather popular in light novels", where Tighnari pins you up against the wall
Cyno observes you both closely until Tighnari actually kisses you, that's when he turns away saying "okay I think that's enough for me"
Thank god he turned around
Thank god Cyno did not notice Tighnari's knee because gosh that would've been even more embarrassing than it already is.
Tighnari also shows Cyno how he can hold their waist or just hug them from behind in general
He wraps his hands around your stomach and snuggles close to your neck, making you giggle
Even Cyno thought that was a cute hug
In the next one, Tighnari holds your waist and sways you around. His instructions for this one was for Cyno to imagine he was in a ballroom, dancing to slow music. Just typical romantic stuff
The NEXT one however, was a bit more... intimate
Tighnari pulls you closer by the waist and snuggles into you, his tail effectively covering the hand that was hovering a bit too close to your thighs.
He tells Cyno that this one can be used when his partner is feeling down and wants to feel protected (except, Cyno did not know where Tighnari's hand was, so he thought it was a completely innocent affair)
He ends the session by teasing Cyno about how he should ask him about even more intimate things next time to which Cyno replies "yeah no, I think I get that part. Your recollection of your first experience was enough for me."
Tighnari just laughs, but you notice his eyes. The slight disappointment in them. He wanted to show you off.
You don't know how to ask him but questions start running through your head.
Would he do this in front of everyone? Knowing him, he won't. He'll probably want to do it in front of people he completely trusts
Does he want to share you? Maybe with Cyno, and that's it. Probably not even with Al Haitham or Kaveh.
Would he let someone else do the same things he does to you? No, you don't think so. He'll only let them get so far with you.
While you ponder, you notice Tighnari smiling at you.
He must have realized what you were thinking about, because he just smirks and asks "well, how did you like that?"
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☀️ with evan buckley "I would choose you over anyone." { keeping the relationship a secretl and catching eyes in a crowded room} pleaseeee
Fire Hazard.
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l. Catching eyes in a crowded room + m. Keeping the relationship a secret + 17. "I would choose you over anyone."
Author's Note - this is a drabble written as part of my 500 Followers Celebration!! find that post here if you're interested. my first buck fic!! love him so much, he's an angel :((
Pairing - Evan Buckley x Female Reader
Age Rating - 16+
Warnings - none!! just tooth rotting fluff x
Word Count - 710
Masterlist. 500 Follower Celebration Masterlist.
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It's absolutely against the rules.
There's a strict no fraternisation policy in place in every firehouse. It's there for a reason, after all. The city can't have all of its firefighters totally distracted because they're in love with each other.
Buck has never been one to follow the rules.
The minute he saw you, he knew he was in trouble. You cruised into the 118 with your sun kissed skin and gentle eyes and he knew there was no turning back. You flashed that million dollar smile in his direction and he could have sworn his heart skipped a beat. Yeah, he was screwed.
Little did he know, the feelings were very mutual. The first time he laughed at one of your jokes, your knees almost gave way. He looks at you like you're the only girl in the world. You feel like it, when you're with him.
At the 118, they call you Hazard. No one knows the meaning of the nickname besides Buck. Your little secret.
It came about one Friday morning shift. You weren't supposed to be working that day, but Hen called in sick, so Bobby asked you to cover. You were actually planning on going to the farmer's market, but you diverted your journey and made your way to the firehouse.
You weren't exactly dressed for work. You were wearing a pale yellow floral sundress that fell mid thigh, paired with sneakers and sunglasses. Buck took one look at you and almost passed out.
"Thank you so much for coming at such short notice. You're the best," Bobby says as you walk across the floor.
"It's no problem," you smile, making your way upstairs to grab some water.
Everyone goes back to their tasks, but Buck's eyes are glued to you. You look at him through your lashes, and he abandons cleaning the truck to run after you.
"Hey, you," he grins.
"Hey! You're in a good mood today," you wink.
"Well a pretty girl just walked into the room, so."
"Really? Where?"
You look around while laughing, and he shoves you playfully.
"You're an idiot," he chuckles.
You look at each other for a moment, before you realise what you're wearing.
"Well, I guess I better change," you tell him, turning to leave.
Buck grabs your wrist and spins you back around, pulling you into him.
"Can you just give me one more minute to admire you in this dress?"
You look down at your feet, slightly taken aback by his boldness. Buck is not one to ever hold back, but he seems to with you. If only you knew it's because he's worried he'll accidentally tell you how he feels - or worse.
He uses his thumb to tilt your chin up so you're looking at him.
"You're so beautiful," he whispers, aware of the other people on the level below. "Most beautiful girl in the world."
"In the entire world?" you tease.
"Are you kidding?" he asks sincerely. "I would choose you over anyone."
He leans in without hesitation and presses a kiss to your lips. It's sweet and chaste and a promise of so much more. When he pulls away, you're both grinning like idiots.
"I've been waiting to do that since the first day I met you," he confesses.
"Well I've been waiting for you to do that since the first day you met me," you giggle.
He kisses you again quickly, before grabbing a hold of your hand.
"Wear this dress again tomorrow night."
"Tomorrow night?"
"When I take you out on a real date."
You aim a beaming smile at him, and his heart skips a beat.
"Fine, since you asked so nicely," you wink. "I can't wait."
You lean up to kiss him softly. You both can't get enough.
"If I knew that this dress is all it would take for you to ask me out, I would have worn it months ago," you laugh.
"You walked in and I thought I was gonna burst into flames. You're a fire hazard, woman."
You shove at his arm jokingly, smiling as you do it.
"Well it's a good job I'm a firefighter, huh?" you tease.
No one needs to know how you got your nickname. It's your little secret.
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