yaoyaobae · 2 years
Another twst oc introduction 🏃‍♀️
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School : Royal Sword Academy
Favourite food: Rice dishes, Shawarma
Pastime: Playing with his pet tiger Rana, Visiting Kalim, Discovering wildlife
Family: Father, Mother, Kalim(Cousin)
Role: Dormhead
Jaseem is a third year at RSA. To most people he may seem like a lone wolf who despises making friendships, but underneath the surface is a gentle boy who longs for freedom.
Being born from a wealthy family with relations to the Asims, Jaseem’s status is nothing new to even the freshmen. Every year groups of students and parents from high status families would flock around him offering their sister/daughters hand in marriage.
Before he was allowed to bring Rana to school (don’t ask me how he did it-) Jaseem had no choice but to either 1. Run as fast as possible or 2. Teleport himself to a safe spot. Now with Rana, a fearsome tiger donning an expensive turquoise silk ribbon, nobody dares to approach Jaseem anymore.
Personality wise, Jaseem is extremely sharp-tongued and will not tolerate a single second on people he deems as childish. He is capable of cooperating with others but would prefer to work alone. Despite the cold exterior, if one can prove that they love tigers as much as he does.. maybe they’d stand a chance to win his attention. And if you can win his trust, Jaseem is probably the most loyal ally/friend you will ever get.
Having attended many arranged marriage meetings, Jaseem is already accustomed to how he must act around the ladies even if he dislikes interacting with them and entertaining their thoughtless comments about his wealth.
He is actually really bad at conveying his feelings, particularly romantic ones. He can no longer grasp the real meaning of love and has trust issues about whether someone is genuinely interested in him. This only numbed Jaseem more over the years hence brushing these feelings aside.
Jaseem has a general disliking towards women due to his past, but he will respect those who deserve it and mean their words. He won’t voice his opinions unless the situation gets on his nerves.
Jaseem’s mother was hospitalised when he was a young child and has been living there for many years, only visiting for a few days when the doctors deem her suitable. Due to schoolwork and other business matters, Jaseem is unable to visit her as much as his father. But he tries to make time for her as he feels most comfortable and at ease when talking to her about his troubles.
His father already told him that he will never marry another woman as he loves his wife very much, this made Jaseem envious as he hopes to be able to find someone he can stand by faithfully someday. While he feels that his father can be rather strict, both father and son have mutual respect for one another as they only want the best for the family.
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Back when the life wasn’t as complicated, Jaseem was extremely cheerful and lived every day to the fullest with the vast amount of wealth his family possessed.
However when he had reached the age of 10, his life began to fall apart. As the only son, Jaseem was forced to find a future wife sooner or later. From then on he had to attend countless numbers of arranged marriage meetings, parties while attending his father’s business conferences. Jaseem thought he could shoulder this responsibility , but that pressure would just build up later as he grew older.
Arranged marriage meetings were the worst. Jaseem learnt how shallow and sly people could be, faking their entire personality to coddle up to him for the sole purpose of attaining his family’s wealth. “But that’s just the reality of being the only heir isn’t it”, he thought. Jaseem became increasingly saddened over the fact that no one genuinely TRIED to understand his hobbies or know more about him, only throwing empty praises about his home/accessories/looks.
Since young Jaseem has been fascinated with tigers and his mother was the one who encouraged him to take care of one ( much to his father’s reluctance), thus Rana became his new family member. Many of his suitresses cringed at the sight of Rana whom they saw as a dirty, wild animal. Sometimes Jaseem’s father had no choice but to order the guards to take Rana away in order to force Jaseem to follow his schedule , which made him even more depressed.
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Eventually, Jaseem had reached his breaking point during one of the parties and wanted to escape his “cage” even bringing Rana with him. It was then he met a young, white haired boy in the greenhouse. Jaseem couldn’t hold back his tears when the boy comforted him, claiming that he can share the same sentiments. It was after they were called to the main event where Jaseem learnt that the boy was no other than Kalim Al Asim, the oldest son and soon-to-be heir of one of the richest families in the world and his cousin.
From that moment onwards, the two spent their childhood days together basking in the sunlight and running around the mansion. They confided in each other, became each other’s source of strength to keep doing their best( this was especially stronger for Jaseem towards Kalim). They drifted a little after entering higher education, but still keep in contact.
For Jaseem, Kalim is the definition of the sun. Had he not met this smiley boy showing off his unique magic and telling him how he must continue to do his best as not only the heir but as an older brother too, Jaseem would have had a different fate and never face his reality. This explains why he hates Jamil to the core after knowing what he had done when he overblotted.
Current lifestyle for Jaseem was no different from his younger days, he still attends arranged marriage meetings (fewer due to school) and gets numerous phonecalls from his father about countries they have to fly to for business conferences. Jaseem became more adept at his dealings with women and can twist meetings to end faster to save his time to do something useful.. like picking a new silk ribbon for Rana. 🐯
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Cousins by blood and childhood best friends. While many students in NRC thinks Kalim is way too carefree, Jaseem would cut in and tell them off as Kalim is not the oblivious rich boy many thinks he is.
He respects Kalim’s motto to be kind to others, lend a helping hand when needed and staying positive despite the challenges life throws at him. Jaseem wishes to protect this precious spirit, praying that Kalim will have nothing but happiness in his life. Jaseem truly looks up to Kalim for being able to smile through everything he’s been through, believing that he wouldn’t even survive a day in that household knowing he might not live to see the next day.
Jaseem can be extremely over protective of Kalim especially when Jamil is around. “I can’t let that damn snake cause any harm to my cousin..”he would think angrily while glaring at Jamil💀
If not for the sake of his family image and Kalim Jaseem would have pummeled Jamil to the ground for the things he said and had done to Kalim. While he tries his best to understand Kalim, Jaseem still cannot fathom why he’d want to keep this traitor who doesn’t even consider him a friend by his side.
Unlike his caring and soft self when he is with Kalim, Jaseem treats Jamil like a mere servant and only replies with direct commands. Sometimes he would mock Jamil for the sake of belittling him, but would not stoop as low as to bring his family into it. The atmosphere around these two can be very intense indeed.
If Jaseem learns to see the overblot incident from Jamil’s point of view, perhaps he will come to understand that the two of them aren’t so different after all.
One of the few girls he respects, Jaseem is like a second older brother to Najma. Of course Najma catches on quick and can tell that Jaseem isn’t exactly fond of her brother, so she has to constantly remind Jaseem to stop frowning whenever he spots Kalim and Jamil together. He tries his best to be nicer to Jamil, but only because Najma wouldn’t stop nagging at him 🤣
Bonus: Rielle
If you’ve seen my old comics about my RSA ocs i often draw Jaseem and Rielle bickering 🤣 Jaseem thinks Rielle is incompetent and has dad issues while Rielle views Jaseem as a weirdo who is way too protective of his cousin, also why would any sane person bring a TIGER to school??
Fun facts about Jaseem’s design
He carries a waist pouch filled with Rana’s treats, various silk ribbons, water dispenser, comb and toys ( just to name a few). The pouch is magically altered to carry many items.
The tiger plush keychain was a gift from his mother when his parents brought him to an amusement park on his birthday. Jaseem did not have the best experience as he was constantly surrounded by guards and journalists, no other children wanted to play with the renowned heir too.
His seemingly blue day turned upside down when he spotted a cute tiger plush in the souvenir shop, thinking about how it looks exactly like Rana. Jaseem’s mother noticed his adoration for the fluffy toy on the top shelf and asked the staff to order one for Jaseem. Even though this silly fabric toy could not compare to the vast amount of gold and expensive gifts Jaseem received, he saw his mother’s gift as something invaluable that money can’t buy.
Till this day he still brings his tiger plush around with him chained to his waist pouch. Though it looks rather dull after being used for years, you can still tell how well washed and cared for it is by its owner.
I struggled trying to incorporate Jasmine’s hairband into the design but for now its a turquoise strand of hair that starts from the top of his head so it looks like a hairband! Its also Jaseem’s way of exploring with his own style knowing that he is far away from his home and strict upbringing. The first time Jaseem dyed his hair he thought “So this is what its like to be rebellious..interesting” 🤣
His earrings are different, the one on the right is a slightly thick gold piece ( OG Jasmine) while the left is a decorative earring with small, dangling chains and a huge jewel ( Live action Jasmine). I thought it would be cool to incorporate both earrings as I couldn’t settle on one.
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Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed Jaseem too, I’m really happy with the response for Alison haha 😭 Till next time!
*Also I know someone addressed it before but I mean to express Jaseem’s love towards Kalim as familial, nothing more. How you choose to see my OCs is up to your interpretation so long as you don’t twist my words and stories i wrote for them :)
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lovelyllamasblog · 1 year
Okay, I gave in and made @yaoyaobae's OCs (link) Aurore Dormir, Yz, Jaseem, Rielle, and Alison Wondre. (picrew) I tried really hard to get them close to yao's original art of them.
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michelletsw · 2 years
Hey I saw that you don't write anything and I wanted to ask (again) if you could write general platonic with dorm members who treat f!yuu like younger sister when RSA wants to take her with them? You write really great and I would want to read more from you😍
How fun love this idea! Sorry this took so long to get out lol, takes place during vdc but where going to over look vils overblot for the story line 😅 also I might have made savanaclaw a little shipy with esme and y/n (sorry I love him lmao)
I'm gonna go ahead and make this 2 parts sorry about that
Platonic/siblings like writings
Fem reader with protective characters that treat reader like a younger sister
Warnings ⚠️ cursing, not proof read
Character’s: Heartslabyel, octavinelle, scarabia, savanaclaw (pt2. pomefiore, ignihyde, diasomnia, wip)
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During vdc the rsa students seemed to take a liking to you so much so they started asking you questions about why your going to nrc? "Your such a nice and caring person why are you going to nrc?" Or they'd ask if you want to go to rsa instead they'd be more then happy to talk to there headmage about it. Everytime you always politely turn them down, but they keep pushing the question And it started to get annoying.
Riddle- r
Ace- r
Deuce- b
Trey- g
Carter- o
Che'nya- p
Reader- p
You where walking over to the tea garden for another tea party, when you open the gate che'nya pops up and almost gives you a heart attack, You continue walking and ask why he's here? "Am I not aloud to just pop by and say hi?" He says, jokingly you respond with " you are but it's you so I know that's not why your here" "your words wound me y/n" while you two where talking you ended up making it to the main area with out noticing. That's when che'nya asks you the same question he asked earlier that day "so what are your thoughts on coming to rsa instead?" "excuse you?" Riddle interups before you can say anything ace and deuce are right next to you in less then a second draging you away from che'nya and over to the table "y/n is perfectly fine right here in nrc with us there not going anywhere" ace says glaring at che'nya. "Ya y/n you can't leave your my selfie buddy, plus who am i ganna gossip with if you leave" as cater says that you sit down and deuce pushes your chair in while trey offers you a cup of tea. "If y/n wishes to go to rsa instead that's not our place to stop them, though I would love if you'd stay" "I agree with trey-senpi even if it would be sad if you left" deuce added but it was quite obvious he wanted to take aces side. "what even brought this question up to begin with, y/n are you wanting to leave nrc?" Again you couldn't get a word out before being interrupted "me and the rest of the students agree that it would be better from y/n at rsa, wouldn't it? It would be alot less stressful" "That may be true but if she doesn't want to leave you can't make her" "but I don't wanna leave" you say finally being able to talk over everyone. "Well then you heard the lady now leave us be" ace immediately says after your statement che'nya accepts his failure and goes to leave but not with out stealing some sweets and saying good bye first. After that event they all seem to have gotten a little more protective over you till all the rsa students leave after vdc.
Azul- b
Floyd- p
Jade- g
Y/n- p
prince rielle- r
It's a very well known fact that the "fish mafia" trio looked at you as there little sister considering there attitudes towards you and the way you where treated. So it wasn't much of a surprise how they acted when they over heard a conversation you had with rielle, "actually that's a question I've been meaning to ask, why are you going to nrc y/n?" "Well I mean I was basically summoned by the mirror, so I guess I've never thought about leaving the school to go to a different one" "well would you want to join us at rsa? It'll alot nicer then here" the trio had been standing behind the corner just listening but that last sentence made floyd speak up "Huh~ shrimpys not leaving anywhere royal goldfishy" "I agree there perfectly fine staying here at nrc, why would you even recommend such a thing?" They say placing there hands on your shoulders. "Indeed why would you recommend something like that prince rielle, Perhaps to gain something?" "Oh! Azul, no of course not I'm just curious on there opinion on going to rsa" "shrimpys not going anywhere" floyd says now just completely laying his body weight on your shoulders with his chin rested on you head "it is up to y/n if they want to leave or not floyd" "that's dumb, your not leaving right shrimpy" floyd now whining and pinching your face " ow stop that floyd and no i dont plan on leaving nrc, thank you for the offer tho" "well then it's settled, we should get going or else will be late" you say your goodbyes to rielle and leave with the trio. Till vdc was over they definitely had you nearby at almost all times afraid one of the other rsa students would try and convince you to leave again, insert floyd being an obnoxious little shit the whole time.
Kalim- o
Jamil- r
Jaseem- b
Kalim and jamil where waking around trying to find you before vdc started, they round a corner and see you talking to jaseem. Before kalim could yell to you jamil put a hand towards his face telling him to wait a second, he wanted to know what jaseem wanted with you. "have you thought about going to rsa with us" kailm spoke up before you could answer "wait y/n your wanting to leave nrc!?" "Kailm calm down" "Oh hello, don't you think it would be better for y/n at rsa? It would be alot less stressful and they would get an actual dorm" "lowkey does sound kinda nice.." "your actually considering leaving Ó╭╮Ò" "it's there choice kailm" though he doesn't sound that worried about you leaving his face says other wise. jamil is good at hiding his emotions but he clearly looks upset from even the thought of you leaving, kailm is also clearly upset from this idea looking at you like a puppy that just got something token away. Jaseem breaks your thoughts " do you want to come to rsa y/n?" "Thank you for the offer but I'll have to decline I'm sorry" "I see thats quite alright" "great. Now that's over we need to get going before where late" With that you say goodbye to jaseem and walk to the vdc stage. Kailm was obviously more clingy till vdc was over and jamil just seemed to be a little more protective over you just in general afraid someone would want to convince you to leave nrc again.
Leona- r
Ruggie- o
Jack- b
Y/n- p
Esme- p
It's not even a question. The fact that they grew up with woman having higher power and deserve 100% respect it is very obvious that they see you as a little sister and if im being honest sometimes it would feel like your friends with complete assholes and others they look like there about to fight God for you. It's very confusing anyway back to the topic at hand. It was right after there vdc performance when esme came up to you and started a conversation the boys not really paying much attention but still listening, it's only when they hear the words "so did you think about coming to rsa?" Come out of esme's mouth do they 100% start paying attention. Ruggie pops up out from nowhere draping his arm on your shoulder like your a stand or something for him to lean on "what was that about rsa" "GrEaT 7!! where tf did you come from!?" "I was talking to y/n about switching to rsa" "why would you ask such a dumb question?" "Are you wanting to leave nrc y/n?" "Not necessarily?" "Oh so you are still thinking about it?" "Why would you want to go to rsa" (insert esme trying not to say "well they would win something for once" because if he did, he knows he might lose his life/j) "it's just an idea" "it's a stupid idea" "are you sure that's something you really wanna do?" Jack stop ✋️ i can't handle your sad face. "Again it is just a suggestion if you need more time to think on it you can just message me" "message you???" Ignoring ruggie "will do but I can't promise I'll say yes" then a little goat walks up to you both and starts to lightly headbutt esmes leg "haha it's quite alright, I better get going" he picks up the goat and you say your good byes...... "you gave him your number??"
Protective bastards I swear lmao. Definitely alot more protective Definitely insert ruggie being a rat bastard by making you help him with leona for like a few weeks or else he won't stop bothering you about the whole rsa thing. Jack just being sad that you even thought about wanting to leave.
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soulfungai · 7 months
I just reread the information about Jaseem…and he fits perfectly with my TWST OC from a group of TWST OC’s I have.
Her name is Kamisha, and it just got me thinking, what if they interacted with each other?
Full Name: Kamisha Badawi
School: RSA
Favourite Food: Anything (edible)
Pastime: Protects Jamil/Jaseem/Kalim, taking care of Rana, visiting orphanages, taking care of wildlife, crying, sleeping
Family: Mother, Father,
Role: Dormhead protector (?)
[Dormhead protector is a made up role!]
Kamisha doesn’t know her family, and goes back to a protection centre during holidays if she has to leave. The only memory Kamisha has of her family is when they sold he off when she was quite small, she doesn’t love them, but she doesn’t hate them either.
Kamisha has never smiled, well, she has but not in front of others. Jaseem has only ever seen Kamisha smile once and it was because she remembered something from her past that was actually happy. She doesn’t have many happy memories, not before coming to RSA at least.
Kamisha has scars from labour work she used to do.
Kamisha wear to much gold for her school uniform and it is HEAVY. She is the one that has the most gold in her one of a kind crafted uniform— the uniform is made by Corcelia of course, the teacher who teaches the girls science and is also the one who makes them original uniforms.
Kamisha was sold off at a pretty young age to a man in his 20’s because her parents needed money, she was sold for a really high price that her parents could live a good portion of their lives off of. Kamisha was sold to the man and would not be having many happy memories after that. Kamisha would be basically forced to do labour with many other children and would have to become accustomed to the ways of this new life, she started to stop caring when she was bleeding and stopped eating food as often.
Kamisha was often punished for simple mistakes, others were too but she was punished the most because she made mistakes quite often, instead of stopping herself from making these mistakes, she just made more and got used to the punishments.
Kamisha was saved with the other kids after a group of people shot down a ship that she and other kids were being put on, she stayed in a box (quite small box) for a couple of hours before she was saved and let out.
She wasn’t used to the life style at first but got used to it later on, Kamisha also comforted most of the fellow survivors and they all seemed to have been brought to some place that kept them safe. None of them really remembered their family so the group couldn’t get them back to their families, however the kids didn’t mind.
The kids lived in a Safety Centre, or thats what it’s called and don’t go to school except Kamisha, Kamisha was sent to RSA because she wanted to. She met Jaseem, if you read YaoYaoBae’s post abt him you’d know that he isn’t to fond of women (valid), so when Kamisha was assigned as his “protector” or “assistant” he wasn’t to fond of the idea.
However, he grew to understand that Kamisha did genuinely care about his interests and loved his tiger. She showed that she cared about the tiger and other wild life and she showed genuine interests in Jaseem’s hobbies. Kamisha doesn’t have her own hobbies, or so she says because she herself isn’t used to having freedom or getting the choice to like something of her own accord. Of course, Jaseem doesn’t know about her past.
Kamisha has respect for him and respects him and his interests. She understands Jaseem’s hatred towards Jamil but is very quick to stop fights from breaking out or stop Jaseem if he ever goes too far.
It was a rocky friendship at first as she was scared of people and he wasn’t very fond of women since his past experiences, but they both grew to appreciate each others company and Jaseem realised that she was genuinely interested in what he had to say. He also realised she was very kind and actually liked his tiger, even though most found it weird.
Kamisha being the only girl in Jaseem’s dorm proves to be very awkward…
Personal therapist for Jaseem
Has no idea about her past until she overblots.
She has a pretty good relationship with him. She doesn’t treat him like a servant and is happy to give him anything he needs or he wants. She doesn’t make fun of him and understands his feelings completely, she is also his personal therapist. She tells him if he ever needs to talk, or let his emotions out she’s there.
Gives him way to many things and gifts, she tells him he isn’t alone.
Jamil doesn’t know about her past until she overblots (lore drop)
Jamil didn’t like her at first, but showed interest after seeing she wasn’t being all “happy” and go-lucky. He also didn’t like her ay first because she was part of RSA, thought Kamisha proved twice that Jamil’s assumptions about her were wrong.
She met Kalim quite a while before she even joined RSA.
She met Kalim right before she was shipped off to sea for more child labour work, he was kind and had no idea he’d see her again. Yes, she did pull a therapist move and saw right through his happy act, telling him it’s okay if he wasn’t alright. She comforted Kalim before going.
Personal therapist for Kalim
Gives him a lot of gifts, as usual and comforts him whenever she senses that he’s actually not doing alright.
He doesn’t know about her past until she overblots
She’s saved all of them at least once from being poisoned! If you’re asking how Jamil would get poisoned it would be because of someone who’s obsessed with Kalim (another OC for another day)
Jaseem belongs to @yaoyaobae (pls don’t kill me)
Kamisha Badawi (カミシャバダウイ)
Kamisha belongs to me.
I modified events that probably don’t happen with the actual Jaseem because again, he isn’t mine. Ask me to take it down if you don’t want him used, also — I made this because I just thought it would be interesting seeing Kamisha and Jaseem, also don’t ask about Jamil’s sister, I don’t have any idea for that yet :’)
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liviavanrouge · 5 months
Livia: *Grins* Listen, I don't even know why you guys are bothering at this point!
Jaseem: *Perks up alarmed*
Livia: *Floats down beaming* Like! Give it up!
Pega: Cocky bitch!
Livia: It's me! I win! You loose
Livia: *Laughs*
Lilia: She gets that from you Malleus and it's a bad habit
Malleus: *Grins* Is it really~
Lilia: Yes.
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stripesysheaven · 1 year
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fightme365 · 7 days
They won't let you talk to their RSA opposites. (Poly! Twisted Wonderland x Non-binary! Reader part 2)
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Leona & Malleus: Y/n was curious when they heard RSA students would be coming to visit NRC. They were told they were the hero counter parts of NRC. They wondered what that meant as wandered towards Diasomnia to visit their favorite Dragon, Malleus Draconia. They had been spending lots of time with Leona and Malleus since they meet them.
When they arrived though they heard Leona yelling at someone. It was his normal affectionate yelling at Malleus either. It was pure furious rage yelling. "Leave us the fuck alone, Simon. I want to nap on Malleus' thighs until the herbivore shows us to entertain us. Not talk to you, Simon. Go the fuck away and take your weird blonde boyfriend with boyfriend with you.", screams Leona.
This concerned Y/n greatly especially when they heard Malleus speak in a calmer tone, "Yes, I agree with Leona. You and Auro should leave before our child of man arrives." Y/n enter the area and waves at Malleus and Leona.
With their two crushes is a red haired lion person and a blonde human. Leona and Malleus look at Y/n and then back to the duo in front of them. The red head continues to speak to Leona. "Oh, come on cousin. It's not like were gonna steal your gi...", the red head.
"They're not a girl, Simon. They're non-binary and we are not dating them.", says Leona. "Well were not trying to steal them from you and there should be no problem.", says the red head.
"Simon, we just want to be alone with them. Do you understand?", says Leona. "Yes, but...", says the red head. "Then go so we may woo the child of man.", says Malleus.
"Simon, let's just go. We're ruining their wooing.", says the blonde. The red head and blonde turn around and see Y/n for the first time. The red head smiles and tries to talk to them but the blonde drags him with a small smile and a sorry.
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Jamil & Kalim: Y/n was leading to lost RSA students Scarbia to visit their cousins. They meant to go to Scarbia but some how ended up at Ramshackle. One was a red head related to Jamil named Lego and one was a black haired guy related to Kalim named Jaseem. Both seemed nice. However when they reached Scarbia neither Jamil or Kalim were happy to see them though they tried hard to hide it.
Jamil asked them to go grab something for him from his bedroom. Y/n went and grabbed the object but when they returned to the front hall Y/n the four of them talking. "Leave them alone, Lego. There a special person and your not going to ruin that for us.", hisses Jamil.
Y/n hears Lego laugh. "We're not trying to. Your just jealous, cousin. You shouldn't be though. They like you. I can tell. I see it their eyes, Jamil.", says Lego.
"Ahh, it's not like that. We're just friends.", hisses Jamil. "I thought you said we're ask them...", starts Kalim but Jamil interrupts them.
"Shush, my prince. They might hear.", says Jamil. "Who might hear?", says Kalim.
"They mean Y/n might hear, cousin. He thinks they might not like you if you ask to soon. Which is wrong. They do.", says Jaseem.
"Shh, you don't know that. They could be listening. You two need to go.", says Jamil. "Fine, we're leaving. Come on, Jaseem.", says Lego. Y/n hears a door open and close a minute later. They smile and open the door.
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Jamil & Azul: Y/n noticed Azul's eye start twitching as soon as the two red heads in RSA uniforms entered the Monstro Longue. The paler red heads eyes lit up and he be lined for Azul. "Azul, you've lost so much weight. I barely recognize you. You look good. Do you remember me? It's Rielle.", the pale red head.
The other red head head for Jamil who was hanging at the bar with Jade. "Hello, cousin.", says the tanned red head. Jamil sighs.
"Hello, Lego.", says Jamil. Y/n was curious and hovered nearby cleaning the bar. Lego notices.
"Who is this lovely beauty?", says Lego as he grabs Y/n hand. "Let go of them.", shouts both Azul and Jamil. Y/n jumps away surprise.
Azul looks at Y/n. "Y/n can you get my phone from office for me? I need to talk to Rielle so I can't get it.", says Azul with a smile.
"Of course, boss man.", says Y/n. Y/n leaves the room but doesn't go to the office. They stand just in the hallway listening.
"You two both need to leave Y/n alone. They're ours.", hisses Azul. "Ooo, someone is jelly.", says Rielle.
"We are not.", says Jamil. Lego and Rielle laugh. "Yes, you are. You both are. You like them. Can't blame you. They're a total hottie.", says Lego.
"Get out of here. Both of you. Your band.", says Azul.
"Fine. Fine. We'll go for now. However well have to catch up later.", says Rielle. Y/n hears a door open and close and then goes to Azul's office.
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Jack & Epel: Y/n walked towards Pomefiore where they had agreed to meet Jack and Epel for lunch when they heard Epel shouting. "You both need to go. They'll be here soon. We can't have them see you.", yells Epel.
"Awe, you don't want your boo to see us? That's cute. Your afraid they'll like us more. Ow, Neige. What the hell?", says a strange voice.
"Leave them alone. Your teasing isn't helping their nerves.", says another unfamiliar voice. Y/n looks into the clearing to see Jack and Epel with two RSA students. They we're good looking but not as good looking as Epel and Jack.
"Shut up and just leave.", yells Epel with a very red face. "Oh, come one. I was just joking. We don't want your boo. There all yours.", says of the RSA students with a pout.
Jack sighs and says, "Will you two please just go? We want to be alone with Y/n." "Yes. Come on, Reed.", says the other RSA student grabbing the first and dragging him away as he protests.
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loseroftheinternet · 1 year
My sister and I are making theories for how book seven may end, what if he's defeated *not* by anyone in Night Raven College but someone in Royal Sword Academy? [I am so sorry if this doesn't make sense. And I'm sorry it's so long. There are so many holes and missing pieces but enjoy.]
!!Spoilers for books Six and Seven!!
[Okay so we know little about book seven but this is the idea we've had.. And I'm only on book four. I am bullshitting my way through this whole theory but anyways..]
If the Overblot of Malleus takes place in spring here's a chance that someone from Royal Sword knows of him Overblotting. (Possibly Chenya?) In book three it's mentioned there's an even bigger Spelldrive tournament in the spring, (May?) Correct? So there's a possibility that- Well, Chenya being Chenya had this plan to sneak up on Trey and Riddle and scare them but instead he saw Malleus Overblot and is currently of his way to tell the others of Royal Sword.
So the thought is since Royal Sword is always stronger than Night Raven, always beating them in spelldrive, what if another one of the top five most powerful mages is in the school? And they get them to defeat Malleus?
[Extra Idea; You know how Prince Phillip defeated Maleficent in Sleeping Beauty? What if someone in Royal Sword is based on him and they're the one who defeats him?]
Writing out an idea of how I think Royal sword would find out and react because I can. [Mentions characters based on Disney 'good guys' I think would be in Royal Sword. I am bulshitting all these names except for the ones mentioned.]
Chenya after seeing all this crap go down would run back to Royal sword in an absolute panic or somewhat of a crazy state. He gathers most/all the students to tell them how; "One of the five most powerful mages Overblotted,"
And how everyone in Night Raven is passed out due to the Signature Spell of Malleus. He'd add on how "Even though they're a rival school they're in serious danger and it should be our job to help them!"
I believe many might be reluctant because you know- Top five most powerful mage and all and because they could also be hit with the spell and fall asleep-
Jaseem (Jasmine) Probably wouldn't let this shit go by, he probably worries about Kalim as they are relatives (Kalim mentions 'A relative of his has a big pet tiger.' So they're probably cousins.) So he'd probably be really concerned all like "My cousin is there and could get hurt or die! And Jamil is a dear friend and trusted to the Asim Family!"
Neige would probably chime in and mention something like "We've all made a friend out of someone in Night Raven and they're all in the danger of dying!"
Rielle (Ariel) Probably has some sort of friendship or something with the Tweels and Azul. (Maybe Azul gave him the potion that allows him to be on land?) And mentions something about "Azul helps the Merpeople in the sea with his contracts! He gives them potions to allow them the privilege of walking on land." (Or some crap)
Alexis (Alice) Probably knows how close Chenya is with Riddle and Trey and doesn't want his friends long time best friends to die, so he also agrees to go fight Overblot Malleus.
Ifran (Iago) Was probably good friends with Jamil as children (Maybe?) Even if Jamil could be Snarky and Rude to him sometimes he cares dearly, they've probably been through lots together and Ifran honestly feels life wouldn't be the same without Jamil (And Kalim).
Meghan (Megra) Now I don't know exactly how he'd come in and help but I believe he knows (Something) Of the Shroud brothers, knowing how even though Idia is kinda crazy and whatnot he's spent years of his life to get what he want, including all the time he spent 'fixing' Ortho and shit. +If Idia dies who'd help update Ortho? Or fix him? Wouldn't he rust up and kinda just break? It'd be quite depressing-
Now we're goin' more insane. Falena Kingscholar was a very powerful student in Royal Sword, as the king of Sunset Savanna and being older now he's probably only more powerful. The students most definitely know of the relation and know that Falena cares about his brother so he'd definitely help. Because yeah Royal Sword are strong but they're a bunch of children and would probably need help.
SO!! In the end, the people that would end up going to Royal Sword and help to defeat Malleus are;
Jaseem, (Jasmine)
Rielle, (Ariel)
Alexis, (Alice)
Ifran, (Iago)
Meghan, (Megra)
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vampiir3d · 1 month
i am BEGGING for another thing with jaseem/rsa scalding sands people 🥹 i need more jaseem in my life 🫶🏻
Lol I’ll be sure to make some more with his dorm! ^^
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latribune · 2 months
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jaseemkk · 6 months
freelance digital marketing strategist in calicut
I am Jaseem a seasoned freelance digital marketing strategist in Calicut known for crafting engaging content marketing, web design,seo,smm.
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yaoyaobae · 2 years
came to the realization that the song Free from Barbie's Princess and the Pauper would fit Jaseem and Jamil...
I NEVER THOUGHT SOMEONE WOULD HAVE THE SAME THOUGHT AS ME !!😭😭 it fits them so well but they would end up beating each other up regardless ⚰️
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falah-e-daren · 7 months
Haafiz Jaseem - Tilawat e Quran
Tilawat e quran
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michelletsw · 2 years
Someone please help me im struggling 💀. I remember seeing somewhere that one of the twins likes the color purple and the other green but I can't remember for the life of me if floyd likes green or if it's jade???? Or was it azul that liked purple?? Please someone help me its fpr a fic im working on TwT
Edit: I'm also struggling to find any rsa character counterparts for idia, like how there's neige for vil, che'nya for riddle, prince rielle and azul, jaseem and kalim, ect I can't find any for idia malleus or leona if you guys know of any please help me out lol if there's not any then I use on of the other characters, thank you
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soulfungai · 5 months
Kamisha (OB): Who am I?
Kamisha (OB): Who am I?!
Kamisha (OB): What are you even saying?
I’m the loser of the game,
You, didn’t know you were playing!
Let’s play another game,
This time I get to win!
Life on the line,
Winner takes all,
Ready or not let’s begin!
This is directed towards Jamil, Kalim, Jaseem, and a few others. Kamisha is from RSA.
@liviavanrouge , @394091238483
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liviavanrouge · 1 year
Livia: *Walks through the halls, her friends following behind her*
Epel: *Walks after her, hearing RSA Students cheering*
Rozzie: *Looks around, coming out into the P.E field*
Livia: *Stares, watching the hero's practice their cheering*
Sheryn: Ugh, look at them...
Ziro(Twisted Zira): Gross
Rsa Student: RSA, RSA! Go, go RSA!
Livia, Epel, Rozzie, Ziro and Sheryn: NRC, NRC! GO, GO, NRC!
Neige: *Turns looking surprised*
Livia, Epel, Rozzie, Ziro and Sheryn: Our day is here, so we are here get on back you can't touch this!
Elliot: They sound mad!
Neige: But why
Livia, Epel, Rozzie, Ziro and Sheryn: Our gang is bad when with our peers! SO GET Y'ALL'S BULLCRAP OUTTA HERE!!!
Rozzie, Ziro and Sheryn: *Glares at them furiously* TRIED TO ATTACK OUR FRIEND!
Livia and Epel: And now we want revenge!
Elliot: Attack??!
Neige: Revenge!
Livia, Epel, Rozzie, Ziro and Sheryn: We're an offense you can't defend!
Livia: *Turns and walks away, her eyes narrowed*
Epel and Sheryn: *Walks after her, looking irked*
Rozzie: *Glares at the students and walks away*
Ziro: Our message better have gotten into your fluffy little brains of yours! Don't you EVER try to attack Riddle online knowing he barely knows anything about it!
Ziro: *Turns and walks away* Cause we're here to defend his honor even though he's not our dorm leader!
Che'Nya: Jaseem-
Jaseem: I got it on recording, posting the video on magicam now...hope that makes the guilty party back down
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