#the tag to find all of these is
vespertine-legacy · 1 year
I'll still never have a nice OC page, but I am working on individual profile pages for each of my OCs that will help keep information about them a little better organized.
The "canon" (or most canon) 8:
Jedi Knight: Battlemaster Enex Qadara
Jedi Consular: Barsen'thor Kestrel Fortuna
Smuggler: Nizhuvi Kenno, the Voidhound
Trooper: Colonel Cershaa Vadesh
Sith Warrior: Atmena Jenkari'uul, the Empire's Wrath
Sith Inquisitor: Cassija, Darth Nox
Imperial Agent: Razimiri, Cipher Nine
Bounty Hunter: Dao-Mox Brood, Champion of the Great Hunt
Side, canon divergent, and non-canon characters:
Jedi Knights: Veld'arelith, Em'leekha, Ev'enai Kesh
Jedi Consulars: Hinah Ulresse, Minnalle, Gen'norirr
Smugglers: Vyshtal Sekra, Vradath Malaran, Min'avos'imirri, Kott'erret'imirri, Lusk Omyava, Tantivi Ysat, Fasuur Varim, Hypatia
Troopers: Azi'kesti, Kott'ozet'imirri, Sunena Krasul
Sith Warriors: Khynan Xandal, Akise Toradte, Em'laizha, Rom'neln, Alindhra
Sith Inquisitors: Shrodinger's Cathar, Juryata Dhezhini, Eleison Kirnah, Zurrium
Imperial Agents: Nulis Ziureti, Gezta Eitryr, Ayadi Morora, Tulia Neperi, Min'yr'imirri, Hrassim Malaran, Zvedac, Strilbe, Zhailto
Bounty Hunters: Orcodaa Vadesh, Ath'ey'anil, Min'ikaz'imirri, Aurin Alteiho, Arvionto Trehalt, Werota
I try my best to tag spoilers for new swtor content (when we have new content), but I'm pretty bad at tagging anything that could be considered spoilers for older content and for class stories. My general tagging scheme is "swtor [thing that's being tagged]", whether that be the name of an expansion, the name of an origin story, or the expansion number when content is new.
New and Not-SWtoR: My Guild Wars 2 Characters
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zytes · 10 months
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this manatee looks like it’s in a skyrim loading screen
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redsray · 7 months
the funniest part of any Robin meeting the JL is that every Robin is so distinctly different from the previous one in terms of personality and vibes that the league literally gets backlash. and like, I don't blame them. not to mention that they are non-meta children that dress as a traffic light and fight crime alongside batman in gotham on a nightly basis. i'd also be a bit concerned. Batman, literally The Night of Gotham personified in the League's eyes, coming into a JL meeting: This is Robin, my crime-fighting partner. 11-year-old Dick Grayson, dressed in the brightest primary colours possible, vaguely hidden murder behind those eyes, never stops moving even for a moment: Hi! Superman: That's a child. That's-- Bats that is a child. You let a child--? Batman, deadpan: You try to stop him. Would you rather he try and murder a grown man with a wire?
Batman: This is Robin. 12-year-old Jason Todd, with the biggest grin on his face, about 3 books in his hand, stars in his eyes and a distinct street-kid drawl: Hey!!! Green Lantern: That's ... that's a different child. What?? Jason: I stole his tires :) Batman: Tried to. Jason, stage whispering to the League: basically did. Green Lantern: that is a different kid, right?? I'm not seeing shit??
Batman: This is Robin. 14-year-old Tim Drake, bo staff clutched in his hand, a wary and tired expression on his face, more on the quiet side, the literal walking definition of don't judge a book by it's cover: hello Flash: Where do you even find these-- Tim: I found myself.
Batman: This is Robin. 17-year-old Stephanie Brown, literally blonde, with a shit-eating grin, eyes full of nothing but mischief and the most explosive personality you've ever seen: hiya!! Superman: I give up. Stephanie: I know, I have that amazing effect on people.
Batman: This is Robin. 13-year-old Damian Wayne, a literal wet cat that will hiss at you, has a sword, the most judgemental stare you'll get from a teenager, ready to jump anyone there: Green Lantern: WHY DOES HE HAVE A SWORD?! Batman: ... he came with the sword.
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wafflesrisa · 1 month
Reblogs appreciated to increase sample size!
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ackee · 9 months
something ive realized about social media is that people like Character Design but they do not actually like ocs. you can make a zillion designs of like, a humanized fish or can of soda or flower or whatever and get thousands of likes. but once the novelty wears off and you actually want to Make something with the characters and give them a story (mini comics, a longform webcomic, animations etc) its like pulling teeth.
outside of your mutual circle, you will get one or two reblogs thats like "#i dont know what this is from but—" like they are just incapable of realizing there is art outside of fanart. i no longer blame people that go "oh this isnt my oc its actually just my au/take on [popular character this looks nothing like] from [big media everyone loves]" bc you literally cannot get people to engage w/ your art unless its a one off design or already connected to something .
man. idk where im going with this besides it feels like there's nowhere for ocs that arent gimmicky and marketable and it SUCKS !
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brainrotcharacters · 1 month
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the easy grip on the knife. the leg over the seat. the hand over the other seat. the sassy "come get it" move. you know the bitch is smiling behind that mask even as he said the line.
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machinerot · 8 months
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reineydraws · 6 months
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i dont have a caption for you lol i'll let shanks's heart eyes speak for themselves 🫶
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cartarg · 7 months
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kitty of some sort
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nova-rpv · 1 month
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a redraw of the first drawing i posted here to celebrate the fact that ive been in tumblr for more than a whole year posting my shit and havent deleted my blog in panic yippee \:D/ (mushy rant in tags)
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sleepy-grav3 · 3 months
Amity Park hates the Justice League but loves Red Hood and sometimes other heroes
A/n: I got this random idea so here it is. Oh, and this is good reveal AU ok?
Due to the Justice League mocking them and ignoring their villain problems that were also publicly interdimensional problems, everyone hates the JL. It got worst with the GIW coming in, who blatantly went against the meta-laws (which included aliens, demons and so much more that weren't human from the beginning). They started to think the Justice League supported them.
In the Infinite Realms, however, there's a revenant that many adored and others respected. He did not hold back against criminals. Criminals that would rape, kill, traffic, sell drugs, and more to people. He especially didn't like when they brought kids into this. He'd avenge people the way they should've been: by promising that their abuser/killer/whatever wouldn't be able to do it again. And in the place they lived in, the only way for that to be possible was by major injury, heavy social outcasting, and/or death. Most prefer the 3rd.
And after how long the Amitians dealt with the attacks which eventually came to a slow once or twice a week type thing, they started opening their minds to the idea of coexistence. Well, further than they had. So when people started to cross over and start making their small haunts in their side of the veil, the Amitian's began to become aware of the popular hero Red Hood. He was part of the undead community, which was trustworthy in everyone's books.
So Amity Park started making merch. Most of it was for Team Phantom, but there was plenty for Red Hood as well. There were other heroes on the side, like for Superboy 1 (who they renamed to Supernova due to their hatred for Superman for 2 reasons, the obvious and that he rejected a mirror-born), and Raven (the half demon).
And with this coexistence, Team Phantom had noticed the positive feedback about killing in the name of vengeance. So they went on the offensive, and after a good year of that, the GIW lost funding for producing no results and just taking up resources. The acts were still there, but nobody enacted them in Amity, and nobody actually knew or believed them outside of the haunted city.
Then the Justice League find out about the hero group there due to tracking merchandise after they started to sell outside of the city. Superman was the guy everyone liked, so he was sent over. He immediately got thrown out and was now questioning who the heck Supernova was and when he rejected him.
Flash? Outcast. Everyone ignored and walked away from him. they had the police, who never did anything or even had to anymore, kick him out.
Green Lanter? Oh the poor guy. He had his ring taken away and thrown out of the city somehow. It took hours to find it.
Wonder Woman, they had to be ok with her. Not at first, but once Phantom had a talk with her and people learned that they were cousins through Clockwork (Kronos) and Pandora, they were ok. ish. Tolerated was the best word and she got the info back to the league.
The batfamily took a trip there, dragging Red Hood along somehow. And right when Red Hood was noticed, a crowd began to form as everyone practically worshipped him. There were many victims he had avenged and an Ancient (Lady Gotham) came and gave him the gifts she couldn't without scaring the guy.
At one point, the poor guy even cried.
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dekariosclan · 8 months
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egophiliac · 5 months
I have been informed that you guys are getting part 4 of episode 7 tomorrow, which means we are FINALLY going to get the official romanization of Revaan's name, somebody please tell me because I need to know what it is.
like, yes, it's probably just Revan/Levan, but look, I'm sitting here with my finger over the button of all these Laverne and Shirley jokes and just waiting for the opportunity to deploy them --
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yanderespamton78 · 4 months
Edit since a lot of people seem confused - your "real" name is the name that you want to be referred to in real life. It doesn't have to be your legal name. So if you're trans and you have a different name to whats on your birth certificate, even if not many people call you by the name, it still counts as your real name.
Edit 2 : Holy shit guys please stop reblogging this post my poor inbox im getting like 20 notifs an hour asjfhkajshdkh /lh /srs
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ed-died688 · 4 months
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hopeinthebox · 3 months
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bts + reductress headlines pt.14
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