#the teacher offered yesterday for me to take the test later but we both agreed it would be counterproductive
ii-zi · 3 years
No depressing vents/terrible medical updates tonight!!! I'm actually in a v good mood jsjsjs
#bled waaay less today have been fever free for a couple days ate chocolate in the morning which apparently helped me#concentrate enough to get a big chunk of hw done!!!! fed the jumpy stray mom loves (he ate a lot!!) was able to stand under the sun for a#lil while when after doing so bc i cleaned the water plate for bugs <3#slept 4 hours before school but i got an hour long nap before noon!!#got breakfast bc dad got home early! had chinese for dinner!#AND an aunt gave me valentine's chocolate! (even one of my fav snacks: Dalmatas! they're like choco twinkies n covered in white choco)#im honest to god mostly happy bc i was able to get almost 3/10 applied electronics test pass exercises done lol#the teacher offered yesterday for me to take the test later but we both agreed it would be counterproductive#but im still happy that he was so understanding n open to help#PLUS THE ISSUE W MY SECOND CLASS WAS FIXED IM OFFICIALLY ENROLLED YEEEEAAAH#i mean 6 classes was fine but damn i wanted this class w this professor she's really nice lol#wow that's a lot of tags jsjjssjs#anyways no sad vent posts tonight!! glad i dont have anything to dump on ya this night jsjsjs#ooooh i got express consultation abt a couple assignments i had doubts about (bc i did em after not sleeping for two days jsjsjsjs)#they r for the class of a professor I've been literally chasing every semester bc he's such a cool teacher n you only have to#show up once a week even tho the schedule marks 5 sessions a week JSJSJSJSJS#he gives a whole week for every assignment and is always open for consultations n shit#ooh i also got a proff to move his exam from monday to Tuesday so we wont have two in a day! plus Monday's is gonna be online!#i was v worried about it being in person lol#oh i found another pretty stone for the insects' water plate! now i have 4 for them to stand on so they don't drown#cleaning the plate washing the rocks n refilling it so early in the morning feels like a greeting ritual..... i rlly like doing it jsjs#honestly im in such a good mood i believe it's all the chocolate i ate jsjsjs i don't always get to have sugary stuff#not to mention chocolate#maybe nothing was fixed BUT having a good day is always a win
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
Coach Cavill - Chapter 4
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Summary: The Jung family are at a pumpkin patch and invite coach Cavill to join them. 
Coach!Henry Cavill x Amelia Jung (Asian ofc)
Wordcount: 3.6k
Warnings: None
A/N: Since I’m not sure if the taglists work, I’m posting them in a reblog hopefully that works 🤷🏽‍♀️Also, I’m going to delete the Tumblr app on my phone and log out on my laptop for a few days, since I have some school stuff to do and Tumblr has proven itself to be very very very distracting. However, please continue to leave comments on my fics, questions or tag me in stuff, I’ll come back to it later! It’s just that I need to take a quick break from it, to focus on my schoolwork. I hope you understand and remember, I love you all 😘
Masterlist // Previous chapter // Next chapter
After the match yesterday, multiple parents kept looking at me, as if I was the bad one, but when all in all it was Dean who ruined it all. Maybe that sounds childish, but it’s true. Since I really needed to forget about yesterday, I wanted to do something fun with the kids. That’s why I came up with the fantastic idea to go to the pumpkin patch with Benji and Isabella. We do that every year, but this is the first time after the divorce. It’s weird how activities we always did, suddenly seem like a first time ever since their dad and I split up.
We walk around the field, hoping to each find a pumpkin we want to carve out. ‘Mom, mom, mom,’ Isabella says. ‘I want that one.’ She jumps over the other pumpkins, but she can’t seem to lift her pick up. She pushes out her bottom lip, looking over her shoulder.
That’s all Benji needs to see. ‘I got it,’ he says, already walking to his little sister, lifting the pumpkin with ease. ‘How about you look for a spot?’ he suggests.
She skips to a table, her skirt dancing around her legs and when Benji walks by, I brush some hairs out of his eyes. ‘You’re a sweetheart, Benji,’ I tell him.
He smiles, a bright one even after what happened yesterday. After Dean left, he bounced right back and when we were at Eve’s place to celebrate his second place, he was fine. We didn’t bring up the elephant in the room—an elephant named his idiot father—but I felt like we shouldn’t do that in the first place. He ruined a lovely moment already at location, no need to bring that home with us. It’s just surprising that Benji isn’t taking this to heart. I wondered what changed, but I don’t need to wonder that long. I have a feeling that his new coach has everything to do with the change in behavior. After he got his silver medal, he walked up to Henry, showing his silver medal off, the biggest smile his face. It’s nice to see Benji happy, because since the moment I kicked their dad out of the house, his already shy personality, only intensified to a point where I was really worried about him.
‘I already saw one I want,’ Benji says, ‘so I’m bringing this one to Isabella and I’m picking mine, okay?’
‘Of course, sweetheart. I’m going to look for one too.’
I step over a few pumpkins, but I look over my shoulder to see Benji placing the pumpkin in front of Isabella, pinching her cheek. Isabella sees that as an invitation to jump up, right in his arms, causing her big brother to laugh.
I remember when I told him I was pregnant and he was going to have a little sister or brother. He was six at the time and he looked at me dead in the eye and said: ‘I hope I have a little sister.’
‘Why is that, sweetheart?’ I asked him.
He simply shrugged. ‘Because I feel I can teach a sister more than I can teach a brother.’ I had no clue what this kid was going on about, so when I asked him to explain, he simply smiled and said: ‘I can show her how her future husband should treat her.’
While I felt that he could teach a brother how he should treat a woman just fine, I felt my heart explode. Seeing their bond, always makes me so grateful that I have these wonderful kids. Their dad might be the biggest lowlife walking around on the planet earth, but they are the best that ever happened to me and I would do it all over again.
Even if that meant being with their dad again.
Benji grabs the pumpkin he wanted, before sitting down next to Isabella. They don’t start right away, but I know they want to, so I make a quick decision and grab a pumpkin. ‘You kids ready?’ I ask, when I sit across from them.
‘Yes, mom, we are!’ Isabella exclaims.
Benji stares in the distance and I snap my fingers in front of his eyes. ‘You’re here with us, Benji?’ I ask.
‘Coach Cavill!’ Benji jumps up and rushes passed me. I turn around, to see Benji running towards Henry, who has a huge dog standing next to him. Benji is pretty reserved when it comes to strangers. His former coach and he liked each other, sure, but it was never like this. This instant connection between my son and a coach, it’s unusual.
I feel like Benji is even closer to Henry than he is to his own father and what does that tell you? That Dean was a dick? That Henry is the male role model I always wanted to have for my kids? Or both?
My eyes nearly roll out of their sockets, when I see the most unexpected event happening right in front of me: Benji wraps his arms around Henry’s waist and I can’t exactly hear what he is saying, but Benji isn’t shutting up.
Henry smiles, patting Benji on his back, before pulling him in a headlock. He holds up his hand when he notices me gawking at the sight and I raise my hand to wave back at him. ‘Mom, is that Benji’s new coach?’ Isabella asks.
‘He is, sweetheart.’
‘You like him, don’t you?’
What a way to get exposed… ‘What?’ I ask her. ‘I mean, he is nice, of course.’
‘Well, you made him not one, but two sandwiches,’ Isabella says, before giggling. ‘You never make sandwiches for people you don’t like. When you and daddy were fighting, you’d never make him a sandwich the next morning.’
‘You should become a detective,’ I smile. ‘Sharp as a knife.’
Benji ushers Henry with him and he asks when he is close again: ‘Mom, can coach carve pumpkins with us?’
‘I really don’t want to intrude,’ Henry adds, but I shake my head and say: ‘No, no, you can join us. I think Isabella really wants to pet your dog and your presence is well appreciated.’
‘I do want to pet your dog,’ Isabella says. ‘He is cute.’
‘He sure is,’ Henry agrees. ‘His name is Kal.’
Isabella stands up from her seat and carefully pets the big furry dog. ‘Kal is soft. He kinda looks like a bear, don’t you think?’
‘I do think so too,’ he says.
‘Coach,’ Benji says and I barely recognize my own son, ‘you should grab a pumpkin.’
Henry looks at me, non verbally asking if I’m really okay with this and I give him a little nod, encouraging him to join us. I mean, I like this man a lot, I’ve been having pretty vivid dreams about him, so spending time with him is absolutely something I don’t mind.
He quickly grabs a pumpkin and places it on the table. ‘I’ve never carved a pumpkin before,’ he admits.
‘You haven’t?’ Isabella asks. ‘You are such a weirdo.’
‘Isabella,’ I say, using my stern teacher/mother voice. ‘You can’t just go around and call people weirdo’s.’
‘But you always call dad an idiot.’
Oh great… I’m setting a terrible example for my kids and now Henry is a witness of my wrong doings as a parent. Exactly the type of impression I want to make. ‘But that is different.’
‘How is that different?’ Isabella asks, cocking her eyebrow and now she is really testing me.
‘Well,’ Henry says, ‘your mom knows your dad. You barely know me. I think there is a difference in who you can call bad names.’
Isabella stares at the man sitting beside me, studying his face, before she nods. ‘Yeah, you’re right,’ she says. This girl agrees to someone outside own her family? What the hell is this man’s secret that my kids just simply accept him and like him? ‘Sorry, I called you weirdo, coach.’
‘That’s okay.’ The beautiful man who is sitting beside me, has a friendly smile on his face. ‘But, Jung family, show me how this is supposed to be done.’
✰ ✰ ✰
‘Mom, the skin is too thick,’ Isabella whines.
‘Let me help you, Isabella,’ Henry says, wiping his hands clean on the cloth, before standing up and walking around the table. He sits next to Isabella and saws out the part she was having trouble with. ‘You’re right,’ he admits, ‘the skin is pretty thick. You sure did pick out a good one.’
‘I have x-ray eyes.’ Isabella stands on the bench and she is approximately the same height as Henry is. Though she is eight, she is a pretty tiny girl, always has been and probably always will be. She wraps her arm around his neck, placing her cheek against the top of his head. ‘Coach,’ she says, ‘do you think my mommy is pretty?’
‘Don’t answer that,’ I tell him. ‘And Isabella, remember what I told you at least a dozen times already? Don’t go around and ask that to people. You’ve done that multiple times now and every time it’s harder and harder to talk myself out of it, okay?’
‘Okay,’ Isabella says with a shrug, ‘but you are really pretty and I think coach agrees with me.’
This girl… I don’t know who she’s got this attitude from, but sometimes I wish that she would just zip it from time to time.
‘Isabella is right,’ Benji decides to butt in. ‘You are really pretty, mom.’
This really isn’t the time to be blushing this hard right now.
‘See?’ Isabella has a smug smile on her face and whispers loudly in Henry’s ear so I can hear it too: ‘Do you agree with us? Just nod or shake your head.’
Henry chuckles, before nodding nearly shyly. If my face wasn’t fiery red already, it sure is now. ‘Anyways,’—Henry awkwardly clears his throat—‘I think yours is done, miss Isabella.’
‘Thank you very much.’ Isabella sits down on the bench again, while Henry helps out Benji with one thing on his pumpkin.
Henry is such an easy guy to be around with, that not only I feel comfortable with him, but my shy son and my sassy daughter feel so too. He sits down next to me again. ‘Need some help, Amelia?’
‘I’m okay,’ I say, but I can’t seem to move the knife anymore.
‘Let me help you,’ Henry offers.
‘You know,’ I say, pushing the pumpkin to him, ‘for someone who has never carved a pumpkin before, you sure are a pro at it.’
He actually gets the knife to move, but it pleases me to see that even he has some issues with it. Through his sweater, I can see how thick his arms are and my oh my, does this man look strong as hell. Am I hallucinating or is he flexing a little extra?
‘Excuse me,’ I hear a shy voice say and when I look up, I see it’s Hattie Fisher, the sixteen year old sweetheart who lives in the same street as us. ‘Miss Amelia?’
‘Hi Hattie,’ I say with a smile, ‘how are you?’
‘Good, thanks.’ She runs her fingers through her light blonde hair and I always thought that in combination with those doll like eyes, she’d have potential to become a very successful model. ‘I just have a question. Is this a right time or do you want me to come by tonight?’
‘Please, go ahead.’
‘For school we have to do this thing, where we check out a few professions and I wanted to try and work at a school. I was wondering whether or not I could go to your class.’
I nod. ‘Of course you can, honey. I would love to. When is this starting?’
‘Not until three weeks, but can I drop by tomorrow. Bring some paper work, if that’s okay with you.’
‘Yes, yes, of course,’ I say. ‘I would love for you to help me out a bit. They can be quite a bunch, so an extra pair of hands would be lovely.’
‘Thanks, miss Amelia, you’re the best. I feel like I could actually learn something when I’m with you. My dad wanted me to help him out, but that meant serving the old men at his office coffee the entire day and I feel like I’d die out of boredom.’
‘Oh honey,’ I say with a chuckle, ‘I had to do the exact same thing when I was still in high school and I went to work with my mom at the retirement home and after the third round of bingo, I was ready to to murder at least one elderly.’
Henry, Isabella and Benji start to laugh along with Hattie. ‘Kinda want to avoid that,’ Hattie says.  ‘I’ve seen the men that my dad works with. Some just ask to be murdered.’
I wholeheartedly agree, because I have been to mister Fishers office a few times, since mister Fisher himself was my lawyer to get me through the divorce and while he is a lovely man, his colleagues are terrible.
‘Hattie, what’s with the camera?’ Isabella asks.
‘Oh, my mom wants to have some new pictures for the towns Instagram, so you know how she is: sending me out there to document everything, while she takes takes the credits.’ Hattie nearly rolls her eyes. ‘Oh, Bella, this one actually looks really good.’
‘Why do you sound so surprised?’ Isabella asks, as the teen is taking a few pictures of our pumpkins.
Hattie curls her lips inside. ‘Well, when I was your age, I could barely draw something decent on a pumpkin, let alone carve it out, like you did. It’s quite impressive really. Since I’m here, you guys mind if I take a picture of you?’
‘Sure,’ I say, ‘if you don’t mind…?’ I carefully look to the side, to Henry, who simply shakes his head and says: ‘I absolutely don’t.’
‘Okay, say pumpkin,’ Hattie chuckles, before snapping a picture of us. ‘Looks really good. You mind if I post these on Instagram later?’
‘I don’t,’ I say.
Henry shakes his head. ‘Of course not, Hattie.’
The blonde teen smiles brightly. ‘Good. I’ll see you tomorrow then, miss Amelia. Thanks again for helping me out.’
‘Not a problem, Hattie. I’ll sign off on all sorts of paperwork, but we’ll discuss that tomorrow.’
✰ ✰ ✰
While I’m making tea, I hear Isabella and Benji talking Henry’s ear off, as his dog Kal is joining me in the kitchen. It lightens up my mood to see them so at ease with someone else outside of their familiar circle. I’m not surprised that Isabella is instantly fond of him, but Benji keeps on surprising me. He is seeking approval from Henry, something he never did with his father. He asked us if we both liked his pumpkin and I could see the worried look in his eyes when Henry was pretending he had to think about it.
Maybe this is way too premature, but seeing him in my house, it just fits. I never had a dog, because Dean was allergic and we’ve been together since I was nineteen. My parents never wanted a dog, until I moved out at age fifteen. All of the sudden they were experiencing empty nest syndrome and got themselves a tiny little toy poodle.
But this enormous dog in my house, it just matches perfectly.
‘Is this your mom?’ Henry asks, pointing at a picture on the wall.
‘Mhm,’ Isabella says, ‘she used to be in a K-Pop group.’
‘No way.’
‘Tea is ready,’ I say.
Benji walks in and sits on the kitchen island. ‘Mom was the main vocalist and visual of the group.’
Henry leans against the counter, thanking me for the tea. ‘Really? I can imagine what a vocalist is, but what exactly is the visual of the group?’
‘The prettiest,’ Isabella explains. ‘She is obviously the prettiest.’ She sits next to me on a stool and gives me a kiss on my cheek. ‘She was really good. Mom, you should sing something.’
‘No, not today.’
‘She was in the group ‘Forever Hope’, so you should check it out on YouTube,’ Isabella says. ‘I want to become a K-Pop idol too one day.’
I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her closer to me. ‘But I continue to tell her that it’s hard work and this little girl is as lazy as they get.’
‘That’s not true!’
‘It’s true,’ Benji agrees with a chuckle.
Henry takes a sip of his tea, his eyes not leaving me once. ‘Well, your mom is full surprises.’
‘Did you know she used to do judo too?’ Benji asks. ‘I’ve got it from her.’
‘I did not know that,’ Henry says, the smile on his face a bit bigger than before.
Despite living in the public eye for two years, I don’t want all the attention to be focused on me. ‘Not to be a party pooper,’ I say, ‘but I’m gonna be one, because it’s my job as your mother. Benji, Isabella, did you finished your homework?’
‘No,’ he whispers, while Isabella shakes her head.
‘You know what to do,’ I chuckle.
Isabella nods, takes a cookie and jumps off the stool. ‘Bye coach,’ she says, ‘thank you for carrying the pumpkins back home.’
‘No problem, kid,’ he says, giving her a high five as she passes.
‘Thanks coach,’ Benji says and they have this cool handshake I wasn’t aware of and I hide my smile when Benji chases Isabella up the stairs.
‘Your kids are lovely,’ Henry says.
‘There sure are. Listen, Henry, thank you for today.’ I scratch the big dog behind his ear. ‘I know I keep saying this, but… It’s good for them to have a male role model that is there for them.’
‘My pleasure.’
‘So, what brought you to Luna Meadows?’ I ask him, not wanting to talk about my divorce or anything related again.
‘I was in a desperate need of a change a scenery.’
‘Why?’ I ask.
‘I just needed to get out of there, before I totally lost my mind.’
‘Where are you from then?’
‘Jersey,’ he answers. ‘It was just… Too much at one point.’
My mom and teacher instincts kick in, because I can sense he doesn’t want to talk about it anymore. ‘Well, we’re very lucky to have you here. It’s good every now and then to shake things up a bit.’
‘It sure is.’ He wraps his hand around the mug and while it’s the biggest one in our house, it looks like an espresso cup in his hands. ‘Back at the game you told me you were not here from your fifteenth till eighteenth. Had that something to do with you being a K-Pop idol?’
I nod. ‘Yeah, that was my change of scenery.’
He smiles. ‘Must’ve been hard.’
I can’t do anything but to agree. ‘Yeah, especially since I wasn’t planning on becoming an idol. I was just an exchange student, but I was approached by a company when I was at a fan sign with a friend.’
‘And you became a main vocalist, that must’ve been pretty important.’
‘It is, you kinda have to carry the entire song. Not that I sang all the time, but the chorus, mainly me, just like the high notes, adlibs, stuff like that.’
Henry nods. ‘And being a visual, must’ve been hard too.’
‘That too. It’s an insane amount of pressure, always having to be picture perfect,’ I say. ‘I mean, I don’t want to complain. It was such a great time in my life, an amazing opportunity. And every time Isabella says she wants to do this too, I just hope that one day she comes to terms that it’s hard work and… That it was terrible from time to time.’
Henry leans with his underarms on the counter. ‘How was it terrible?’
‘The days were so long, filled with training, singing and dancing and performing,’ I say, ‘I had to maintain my figure and… I don’t want to complain, because it was amazing. I had eight girls around me, who were going through the same thing. I was never alone.’
‘You still speak to them?’
‘Occasionally,’ I say. ‘Most of them are still in the industry. They barely have time.’ I feel warm tears running over my cheeks. ‘Oh shit, sorry, there I go again. I’m sorry, you must think I’m an emotional wreck, a terrible example for her kids.’
Henry chuckles. ‘Amelia, that’s not true. You’re not an emotional wreck, you’re just in touch with your emotions. You’re an amazing example for your kids. Yesterday…’ he starts, clearing his throat. ‘You did what any mother would’ve done. You stood up for your son and that is more than admirable.’ He looks at the clock. ‘Ah, shoot, I’ve gotta go.’
‘Oh yes, of course.’
‘I really had fun today. The Jung family is a fun one to hang out with.’
A chuckle leaves my lips. ‘We sure are.’
‘Can you hold onto Kal for me, then I’ll go and say goodbye to Benji and Isabella.’
I nod. ‘Sure, yes. Their names are on the doors and please don’t look into the bathroom. I collect the laundry there and I might have forgotten to do it since Thursday.’
‘Copy that,’ Henry chuckles and he rushes up the stairs, taking two steps at the time. I hear faint voices in the back, some laughter, while I give Kal some scratches and kisses. Henry comes back down and says: ‘Well, I really wish I could stay, but I’ve gotta go. I’m sorry.’
‘Save your apologizes for when it’s really needed,’ I say.
He smiles. ‘Right, I’ll work on that. I’ll see you tomorrow at practice, Amelia.’
‘Want me to bring you a sandwich?’ I ask.
‘I’m never saying no to a sandwich made by the fantastic Amelia Jung.’
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jwillowwolf · 3 years
Magic and Miracles - Chapter 1
Sanders Sides Big Bang fic, Chapter 1!
< Prologue | Next Chapter | Masterlist
Summary: Roman huffed. “Anyone could have done that.”
“Well, if they knew the spells, then yes,” Logan agreed.
“He’s just jealous of the grand show you made of it,” Remus chuckled.
“I am not jealous.”
“Oh, then why are your eyes so green?”
“They’re naturally this colour, idiot.”
“Ah, but not in such a poisonous shade.”
Warning/s: food mention, fantasy racism.
Characters: Logan, Emile, Remy, OCs, Virgil, Roman, Remus, Patton, Janus.
Read on AO3
1 | A Whole New World
Logan had been figuratively buzzing with anticipation ever since Mr Ainmosni had come to the bakery and offered him the chance of a lifetime. Now, one week later, he was about to be picked up for his first day of school. Everleigh had come around to see him off, and Emile had made them both pancakes with Crofters jam for breakfast.
“Do you think you’ll get to meet the prince?” Everleigh asked during their meal.
Logan shrugged. “Probably not. He’s never shown his face in public since he was a kid, after all.”
“Why though.” Everleigh wondered. “He’s the crown prince after all. Aren’t princes supposed to be big public figures or something?”
“Perhaps he hides his identity for the sake of protection. Again, he is the crown prince.” Logan pointed out.
“I guess you have a point there. Ooh, you are going to get to meet some nobles though.”
“What makes you so sure?”
“You’re the first non-noble to qualify for a magic license, so your classmates must be from the nobility.”
“Hmm, that seems most logical. Though I will meet and study with them, I doubt we’ll become friends.”
“Again with the selling-yourself-short! You’re awesome Lo, anyone, noble or otherwise, would be lucky to befriend you. Just don’t go getting yourself a new best friend, okay?”
“I’d never dream of it. But if I’m going to be spending so much time studying, then I hope you’ll consider finding yourself more friends.”
“I’ve got a library full of books, I don’t need more friends than that.”
“Okay, I’ll socialise, if you do the same on your end.”
“I still don’t think anything will come of it, but I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to try.”
“Hey, kiddo, did you make sure to pack enough underwear?”
“Dad!” Logan exclaimed in embarrassment while Everleigh snickered at the question.
“I’m being serious, Logan. You don’t want to run out.”
“I am positive that I’ve packed everything I’m going to need.”
“Even your-”
“I didn’t finish my sentence.”
“I’ve packed clothes, books, hygiene products, spare clothes, and a spare binder.”
“Okay. Don’t forget to take a break from binding every few hours. If I hear anything about you neglecting to do so, then make no mistakes I’ll march over there myself to see that you do.”
“I know. I can take care of myself dad.”
Everleigh snorted. “If it weren’t for us, you’d have probably worked yourself to death.”
Logan looked at her with a you-are-not-helping expression, then turned back to his dad. “I’ll be fine. Besides, Mr Ainmosni is going to be taking care of us.”
Emile frowned. “I don’t doubt that Remy is a good teacher if he’s been put in charge of this, but I feel that he’s not completely… responsible.”
“He definitely fancies you if the constant flirting was any indication,” Everleigh teased.
Logan snickered. “Yeah, you went red as a tomato.”
“Oh shush,” Emile scolded, blushing at even the memory.
“I’ll be okay though, you really don’t have to worry.”
“You know I will either way, but I am proud of you. It feels like just yesterday you two were tiny tots running around the bakery. Now, look at you! A library apprentice and a wizard in training.”
“We have come a pretty long way, haven’t we,” Logan smiled.
Everleigh laughed. “I don’t think I’m anywhere near as accomplished as you.”
“I wouldn’t be where I am without you. How else could I have studied those library books for countless hours without you making sure to keep tabs on them.”
“It’s not like I had much to worry about when you read at the speed of light.”
“I’m going to miss studying there.”
“Well, you’re always welcome to stop by. It’s not like you’re going to the next town over or anything.”
“I suppose. Though I really won’t be able to spend as much time there as before.”
“Don’t go getting homesick already, Lo. I already miss you, but this isn’t a goodbye.”
“Definitely not. I’ll probably visit this weekend.”
“Then I’ll be here Saturday morning to hear all about what you’ve done.”
Logan nodded. He was glad that they would stay friends, even if they could only see each other on weekends. He’d known Everleigh since they were babies after all. Not having her around would be weird.
The bell above the shop door rang and the trio in the kitchen heard Remy call. “I have arrived!”
They went to the bakery and saw Remy standing there in the same outfit as before, however this time he had a strange flask in his hand.
Emile frowned. “What’s that?”
“Midnight elixir. My own special concoction. It’s a touch bitter but really helps if you need an energy boost. Want a try?”
“Oh, uh, no thank you.”
“Woah, are you guys riding in that?” Everleigh gasped when she saw the carriage parked outside.
It was a standard chestnut brown box carriage with white swirls and spirals decorating it all around, and a pair of beautiful cream coloured horses pulling it.
“Yep. Ready to go, Logan?”
Logan nodded. “I just need to grab my bag from upstairs.”
He quickly went and got his suitcase then paused a moment to look around his room. He wouldn’t see it again for a while. Honestly, he’d never been away from home for longer than an overnight stay at Everleigh’s house. The reality of leaving everything he knew behind was both exciting and frightening. He truly didn’t know what to expect at this magic school apart from that he’d learn magic. This was a huge step to take and he wasn’t entirely sure of his readiness anymore.
But when he got downstairs and saw his dad and Everleigh’s proud expressions, he knew that there was no turning back now. He had a goal after all, and this was going to help him achieve it. He wouldn’t freeze up and disappoint them now.
Farewell wishes and goodbye hugs were quickly exchanged, then Logan and Remy got into the carriage and were off. Logan looked out the back window as they drove away from the bakery, out of town, and to the location of the Srednas Magic School.
“Mr Ainmosni-”
“Just Remy, kid.”
“Remy, where exactly is the school?”
“The school is, for now, the Srednas Manor. The Prince wants to have a proper school built, but this first class is only the test run, so to speak.”
“Test run?”
“The council wants to be sure that a school would be a successful idea before the Prince can order a real one to be made.”
Logan nodded. “I suppose that’s why it’s not publicly known.”
“Yeah, getting ideas through the council is a pain, even for royalty. I’m surprised they let you obtain a learners license without too much fuss. Though you should be cautious about any interactions with Councillor Allen. He was not happy when he heard the Prince invited you to his school,” Remy chuckled.
“He wouldn’t really be able to do anything against me, would he?”
“With how you won the favour of his highness and Lady Silvia, not a chance. But you will need to be careful. Now that you’re practising magic, you will be interacting with nobility, and any mistakes made in their world can mean an end to your reputation and career.”
“I don’t know if I would do much socialising.”
“Kid, you are the first-ever wizard to come from a commonwealth household. Nobles are going to find a way to meet you and they’ll either see you as an opportunity or an opponent.”
“You already caught the notice of the Crown Prince. They’ll want to take advantage of that. And at the same time, they might see that as a problem since you’re getting his attention over them.”
“I’ve never even met him.”
“They won’t care. They may even believe you have anyway.”
Logan frowned. “This is going to be harder than I thought.”
Remy nodded. “Yeah, but if you need anything then you can just ask.”
“Does social standing fall under your teaching duties?”
“Nope. But I don’t mind helping people, and honestly, I think that you have something… special. You’re forging a path for others who may want to learn magic themselves. I think that’s worth investing in.”
“So, this isn’t for anything like points with my dad?”
Remy laughed. “While that seems like a benefit, I truly didn’t think of it before you said something.”
Shortly after that conversation, the carriage came to the silver gates of the Srednas Estate. The driveway was paved with white stones and went all the way up to the large manor house which was built of brilliant dark wood and stone bricks. It looked to Logan like a small castle, with even a tower on the left side that stretched high above even the forest trees.
The carriage stopped just outside of the enormous front door, and Logan found himself staring up in awe as he followed Remy out.
“Well, I believe we are the last to arrive. Follow me to the classroom. The others should be waiting there for us.”
Logan followed Remy down the halls. When they finally arrived at their destination, Logan noted that there were seven small desks set in a sort of semi-circle. They were all facing one large desk with a big chalkboard behind it. As Remy had predicted, the other six students already occupied the room.
Two elves were sitting together by the two desks far left, talking about something animatedly to one another. They looked similar, with broad shoulders, long dark curly hair, and almond tanned skin. Their eyes however set them apart from one another, the one on the left having bright green eyes while the others were deep red.
Sitting on the desk of the red-eyed elf was a water sprite with a kind smile. He had a petit build, bright brown eyes and messy blonde hair with small variously coloured flowers braided in. His skin was a peachy hue apart from the blue-green splotches that identified them as being a sprite.
Standing by one of the large windows in the back of the room were two students. One a demi-wolf, the other a Dragonborn. The Dragonborn stood with an air of confidence and superiority. Paired with the scales that covered the right half of their face, they seemed quite intimidating. Their eyes were mismatched, the left one a normal brown while the right one was bright yellow with a black slitted pupil. Their blonde hair was nearly completely hidden by their ivy cap.
In comparison, their demi-human companion seemed rather timid or perhaps on edge, if their body language was anything to go by. Their tail hung low, slowly swinging side to side, and their wolf ears were focused forward, listening intently to the Dragonborn’s words, while their deep brown eyes glanced routinely around the room and out the window.
On the other side of the room, by a bookshelf full of large tomes, stood the last student. He was slender and pale, with black hair that faded into dark purple and hung slightly in his stormy grey eyes. He was leaning with his back against the shelves, eyes focused on the pages of the book in his hands, at least until Remy and Logan had entered. At that moment, the boy looked up through his fringe and focused his stormy eyes on Logan.
For a moment Logan felt frozen. Those eyes seemed to be reading him like a book. Searching his very soul for… something. But the feeling only lasted a moment as the boy looked back down at his book with a thoughtful frown. How peculiar.
“Okay, everyone, take a seat. Preferably at the provided chairs.” Remy said as he turned to take his own seat behind the large desk facing the semi-circle.
The sprite hopped off the elf’s desk and sat at the desk beside them. The Dragonborn took the next seat, and the demi-wolf sat beside them. The boy at the bookshelf returned his book to its place then sat at the desk on the far right. Leaving a seat for Logan between the boy and the demi-human, which he promptly took.
“Alright, class. I don’t expect you to become best friends or anything, but we are a small group so I hope you will at the very least get along with each other. For that, you’ll probably need to know each other, so we’re going to go around and introduce ourselves. I’ll start. I’m your teacher, Remy Ainmosni, my pronouns are he/him, and don’t worry this is not alcohol,” Remy said as he gestured to his flask. “Who wants to go next?”
“Oh, me!” The sprite said excitedly, jumping up. “Hi, I’m Patton Lilyhart, I use he/him, and I’m excited to get to know you all.”
Remy nodded. “I like the energy. Who wants to continue?”
“I shall.” The green-eyed elf declared, standing up from his seat with a confidant and regal air. “My name is Roman Elvar Goldheart Arthur Leafstone, and my pronouns are he/him. I am the eldest son of Lady Leafstone and heir of the Lyrecrest Ilse.”
“An impressive introduction, Roman, but next time you can just say your name is Roman Leafstone, we don’t need your full given name,” Remy commented, then gestured to the other elf. “Your turn.”
The red-eyed elf stood, though she held herself with a more casual air and wrapped an arm around Roman’s shoulders. “Sup, I’m Remus, he/him or she/her, and this is my less-handsome twin.”
“You’re wrinkling my cape,” Roman complained, only to have Remus stick out her tongue at him.
Remy nodded with an amused smile. “Okay, snake eye, you’re up.”
“I am not a snake,” the not-half-snake hissed. “My name is Janus Embyrn, they/them, and I am a Dragonborn.”
“Good for you, snake eye. What about you, Wolfie?” Remy asked, completely ignoring the fiery rage burning in Janus’s eyes.
“My name is Willow, um, Redrunner.”
“Are you sure?” Remus asked. “Cause you don’t seem so confident about that.”
Willow shuffled nervously in their seat. “I- well… you see- uh-”
“Demi-humans don’t use last names,” Logan declared.
Willow nodded gratefully at him. “Yeah, but if needed then we use the name of our pack. I hail from the Redrunner pack and use she/they pronouns.”
Remy nodded then turned his attention to Logan and the stormy eyed boy. “Okay, which of you two wants to go?”
“I’m Virgil Tempest, he/him,” the boy declared.
They all waited a moment for him to say more, but he simply gestured for Logan to go. Logan made a mental note of that and then cleared his throat.
“My name is Logan Picani and I also use he/him pronouns.”
Patton gasped. “Oh my gosh, you’re the star guy! Right?”
“If you are referring to the spells I cast at the license test, then yes that is me.”
Roman huffed. “Anyone could have done that.”
“Well, if they knew the spells, then yes,” Logan agreed.
“He’s just jealous of the grand show you made of it,” Remus chuckled.
“I am not jealous.”
“Oh, then why are your eyes so green?”
“They’re naturally this colour, idiot.”
“Ah, but not in such a poisonous shade.”
“Let’s not fight,” Patton intervened. “You did very well on your presentation Roman.”
“Thank you, Pat, but I am still not and have never been jealous. Especially of a human.”
“Watch your words, elf,” Janus growled. “You wouldn’t want us to think you’re racist.”
Roman glared darkly at them but was interrupted by Remy before he could reply. “Never mind presentations, and races, and titles, none of those things matter here so there’s no need to discuss them. All of you were chosen with equal faith in your abilities as competent mages who could better the kingdom. I hope you can appreciate this opportunity and act civil with each other for the duration of your time here.”
Everyone was silent but Logan could practically see sparks of violent tension between Roman and Janus. They were going to be a problem for each other but with any luck, they wouldn’t pull the rest of the class down with them. Logan doubted he had that much luck, but he hoped anyway.
“Now, the rules are as follows,” Remy continued, ignoring the tense atmosphere. “Firstly, you are to stay on school grounds, unless permitted by myself to leave. Secondly, lessons will take place in the late morning and early afternoon, whatever you do outside of that time is up to you. So long as it doesn’t interfere with classes then I don’t care what you do. You’re old enough to watch yourselves, and I am not a babysitter, so I expect you to keep out of trouble for the most part. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be served in the dining hall, food is allowed outside of these hours, but not permitted inside of your rooms. Speaking of your rooms, you may decorate them as you like, but please remember to keep them moderately tidy as the cleaning staff will only come through once a week-”
“Once a week?”
“That’s what I said, Roman.”
“Do you expect our beds to go unmade for that long?”
Remy shrugged. “I would hope you could at least do that for yourselves. You’re not infants after all.”
Roman opened his mouth to protest further but was cut off by Janus. “What food is to be served, exactly?”
“Not sure. You can inquire with the chef for a menu and tell them of any dietary requirements too. If and when you interact with the estate staff, I expect you to be polite and respectful towards them. Any questions?”
“Can we explore the garden?” Patton asked.
Remy smiled. “Yes. The estate is yours to explore, apart from the tower.”
Remus’s eyes shone with curiosity. “What’s in the tower?”
“Nothing you need to concern yourself with. If that’s all, then I think I ought to show you all to your rooms to get yourselves settled in.”
Remy got up and walked to the door, not waiting to see if anyone followed him. Roman rose in a dignified manner and went after him with Remus walking beside him. Patton practically skipped behind them and Janus followed with their own nonchalant air and Willow beside them. Virgil got up too and looked over to Logan for a split second, almost like he wanted to say something, but decided against it.
It was barely the beginning of his first day and Logan already felt that this was going to be a stressful time. He really had no idea how he was going to navigate interacting with all these people. He didn’t have to do that when he was independently studying before. By accepting this chance he was entering a whole new world.
And he was more than ready to conquer it.
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Just Like You - Kenny McCormick(South Park)
I wrote this a really long time ago when I was obsessed with South Park. I don’t know why lmao, but here it is. 
Warning: Also wrote this when I was an edgy teen™, so cringe and possible trigger warning.
Welp, today’s the day...
New town. New house. New school.
My parents had gotten a better job offer here in this little town of South Park, much to my dismay. I love traveling, but moving from a large city in New York to a small mountain town in Colorado is a lot.
It should be interesting though, more opportunities that I’ve never gotten before. Although, I still have to go to school. The local South Park high school.
I put on my outfit for school and wear my black coat over it. It seems to always snow here, only on rare occasions it gets warm. I run downstairs and grab a piece of toast my mother made from the kitchen. I find a note on the counter.
Have a good first day of school, hon. Try to make some friends, and yes, that means being nice to people. Your father and I will not be back until tomorrow morning, so keep those memories of your first day in you head until we can hear about it. Love you!
My mother is a freak, I love her, but she’s a freak. I’m surprised my father has a job with all the day drinking he does. It helps him get work done, I guess.
I walk to school still eating my buttered toast. Approaching the school, I take in its features. It’s an ugly yellow color. Although, I think all bright colors are ugly. I walk in the school and all eyes are on me. I pretend not to notice. I get my class schedule and such from the receptionist and make my way towards my locker.
“You must be new. I think I would’ve recognized an ass that fine before.” A brunette says to me. I roll my eyes and huff.
“As a matter of fact, I am new. I was hoping for something better than a lame catcall on my first day, but at least you tried.” I said and patted him on the shoulder. He glared, tears filling in his eyes, and stomped off.
I bet he’s never been rejected in his entire life, poor soul.
I walk into my first class and immediately get called on. “Well, hello there! You must be the new student. Y/N right? Well, I’m Mr. Garrison and this here is my little friend Mr. Hat. Say hello Mr. Hat!”
Okay...already creeped the fuck out. Something about his southern accent and oh yeah, his fucking creepy ass puppet just rubs me the wrong way.
“Now, please, go take a seat. Wait...are you a troublemaker?” He asks.
“Oh no. Not at all, sir.” I lie. It’s easy to lie. I have a natural talent for it.
“Oh alright, I guess you can sit next to Kenny. That boy in the orange coat. You can keep him in check.”
Will do, you creepy old fuck.
I take my seat next to the blonde haired boy. He’s kinda cute actually. After class a group of boys came up to me, including that Kenny kid.
“Hi, new kid! Just thought we’d introduce ourselves. I’m Kyle. This here’s Stan, Cartman, and Kenny.” The redhead said.
“Holy shit, look at those tits!”
“Cartman!” Kyle scolded.
“Well, first off. It’s Y/N, not new kid. And nice to meet you too...I guess.” I said and walked off. 
Yeah, I don’t have great people skills. My harshness has pushed people away. I’m trying to work on it. But determined from what the fatass said I probably don’t wanna be friends with those dudes.
Off to lunch, finally. Hopefully the lunch here is better than the ones at my old school. I took my tray and looked around the lunchroom. Everyone in groups or pairs. I see one empty table. I head towards it and sit down.
The food isn’t that bad, but I’ll definitely be bringing my own from now on. While I was eating I noticed people staring at me. One, that Kenny kid, and two, that guy that used that lame catcall. I got uncomfortable real quick.
The rest of school was a bust. It was boring. Now, I want something fun to do. I heard that there’s a pond near here, that sounds like fun. I asked directions to where the pond was, which I found out was called Stark’s Pond, and headed there.
I approached and noticed no one was there. Perfect.
I looked around in my bookbag for some rope, and luckily I carry some around with me at all times. I look a heavy looking rock and tie it to the rope. I’m not that heavy so it should work.
I tie the other end of the rope around my ankle. I throw the boulder into the pond and it yanks me down, breaking my ankle. It drags me down until the rock rests at the bottom of the pond.
It’s dark and cold. I’m floating, suspended in time. I look up and see the sunlight breaking through the surface of the water, but it’s not enough to reach me. My hair flies around, loose and tangling each other. I reach up and run my fingers through my soft hair.
It starts...I try to gasp for breath but it isn’t there. My lungs start to burn with fire as no oxygen reaches them and they only fill with water as I struggle for air.
I always find this part of drowning so fascinating. Your survival instincts kick in and you try so desperately to fight to survive but come up short when your lungs fill completely with water and your body becomes stiff and frozen.
I black out.
*The Next Morning*
I gasp and bolt upright from my bed.
I sigh in relief to see that I’m back again, in my new home. Every time I die, there’s always a part of me that’s afraid I’ll never come back, and yet I always do.
The first time it happened, I was 10. I was at a birthday party. It was my friend’s party cake that killed me. Someone, while making the cake, accidentally put poison in it. I don’t know how in the hell someone “accidentally” puts poison in a cake, but it happened.
I started to feel hungry, it wasn’t time eat yet but the cake was on the kitchen table and I couldn’t help myself. I took a small piece of cake, it was delicious but it caused me to foam out the mouth and have a seizure. I died almost instantly. Good thing I died otherwise the rest of those kids would’ve had a bad day.
Then I woke up in my bed the next morning.
The hardest part was that no one remembered that I died, but I did. I remember the whole painful experience, and my parents didn’t even believe me. They took me to counseling after that, not that it helped.
One day, a few weeks after the first time I died, I tried crossing the road without my parents. I looked both ways and no cars were coming as far as I could tell. As soon as I almost crossed the, a car came out of no where and completely wrecked me. Again, I woke up in my bed like nothing happened.
The day after I built up the courage enough to test out the theory that I was unkillable. My dad had a 9 mil in his safe. I shot myself, and just like that, I woke up in my bed the next day.
At first, I was insanely afraid of myself and it wasn’t until last year that I realized it could be fun.
I’ve tested out so many ways of dying. Yesterday at the pond was my first time drowning, but I wanted to get over it cause I knew I’d drown soon even if I avoided it. Next on my list is falling to my death, but besides drowning heights is my biggest fear. Heights might be a good excuse to procrastinate getting that done.
I get up out of bed and take a quick shower. I wonder if I’ll ever stop being immortal? It’s probably a good thing I am since I’ve become so accident prone.
After my shower, I quickly got dressed and jogged down the stairs, almost falling in the process. I walked into the kitchen where I saw my parents.
“Y/N! Hello, sweetie!” My mom said and gave me a hug.
“Hey.” I said.
My mom was making waffles and my dad was just sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. Dick never pays any attention to me.
“So, how was your first day of school? Did you make any friends?”
“Uh, not really. Some guys introduced themselves to me, but you know how I am with people. And school was fine, learned a lot, teachers are a freaky though.” I paused. “Oh, and I drowned myself at Stark’s Pond.” I said nonchalantly.
My mom sighed. “That’s nice dear.”
Ever since I’ve been experimenting with dying over and over, I’ve been telling my parents about it. They never believe me of course. Even when one time I purposely hurt myself and bled to death in front of them, but they never remember. My dad didn’t really give a shit though. Anyway...
“I’m going to school now. Later!” I said, walking out the door.
Hmm, maybe I should take the bus. I wait at the bus stop, cause I don’t feel like walking to school.
“Y/N!” I flinch when I heard my name being called out. I turn to see Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and Cartman walking up to me. “I didn’t know you took the bus.” Kyle went on to say.
“Didn’t really feel like walking to school today.” I said, looking down and kicking the ground beneath me absentmindedly.
The bus finally arrived and we all walked on, I sat in the very back by myself. Until Kenny decided to sit next to me.
“Mmph!” He said, well I don’t exactly know he said. His bright orange parka covering his face made his voice muffled. I’m just gonna assume he said hi.
“Hi.” I replied.
“Mmph mmph mmph mph mmmph mmph!”
He rolled his eyes and took off his hood, revealing a mop of messy dirty blonde hair. “I said, how are you liking school so far?” He said.
“Oh, um. It’s okay, I guess.” I smiled.
“You guess? Okay, so I take it you don’t really like it.”
“Well, it always sucks when you’re the new kid and you have no friends.” I sighed.
“No friends, huh? Well, I’ll be you friend. I’m sure Kyle and Stan will too!” He said, making me blush. Darn. “Aw, you’re blushing!”
“Shut up. I always blush.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Kenny smirked.
When we finally got to school Kenny walked me to class, which was nice. He’s actually really nice and funny, also really adorable.
*A Week Later*
School so far has been good. I’ve grown really close to Kenny, since he’s basically my only friend. 
Kenny invited me to sit with him at his table, I agreed. Stan and Kyle seemed to enjoy my company though, Cartman didn’t. Didn’t like me for some reason, although he could be just an asshole all the time.
As the talk started to slow down and lunch was almost over, I looked around the lunchroom to avoid small talk. I saw the guy with brown hair staring at me again, but looked away when I saw him. “Hey, Kenny?”
“Who is that guy over there?” I ask, discreetly pointing at him.
“Oh, that guy in the red coat is Clyde. Why?” Kenny asked.
“Oh, no reason. He was just staring at me my first day here and also today. He also kinda catcalled me that day too.”
Kenny noticeably frowned. “He has?”
“Yeah, but it’s probably nothing.” I stuttered a little. Kenny giggled. 
“You’re cute when you stutter.” He smiled, which made me blush. “Aw, you’re blushing again.” He poked my blushing cheeks.
“Ugh, stop.” I whined, and shoved his hand away.
The rest of school was okay. Kenny stayed by my side the whole day, I didn’t mind, but he seemed like he was in a clingy mood which was weird. “I’ll walk you home.” Kenny said.
“Oh, no, you don’t have to do that.” I said.
“Nah, I insist.” He said.
Well, who could say no to Kenny. We were almost to my house, we had to cross the street first. We both walked side by side, Kenny had his arm around my shoulders to which I giggled. I suddenly hear a loud horn, I tried to push Kenny out of harm’s way but it was too late.
We’d both been run over by a semi-truck. 
I gasp and bolt upright from my bed in a cold sweat.
Oh, god. Kenny. We both got hit. I tried to get Kenny out of the way, but I was too late. I let him get run over. He’s probably dead because of me.
I start to sob. He’s dead and it’s my fault. My fucking fault. God no. Why couldn’t it have just been me? I wouldn’t even care if I wasn’t able to come back, I just want Kenny to still be alive.
My alarm went off. I smashed it. I’m not going to school today. I can’t. Everyone probably knows Kenny’s dead and they’re mourning him school. I can’t be knowing it’s my fault.
My doorbell rings.
Ugh...I don’t feel answering the door. The person is now beating on the door, damn they’re persistent.
I get up to yell at the person who’s beating down my door. I mumble profanities as I answer it. My heart stops. Not literally but it feels like it. 
“K-Kenny?” I start sobbing as I take the blonde haired boy in my arms, holding tightly. “I thought you died!” I sob. I pull away. His face looks like he’s in shock, also confused.
“You...you remember?” He asks.
“Of course I do! I tried pushing you out of the way of that truck, I guess I succeeded.” I sigh in relief.
“But...how? I thought you died too.” He said, flabbergasted.
“What do you mean too? Wait, you remembered I died?” I ask, also so confused.
“Y/N, I died. You didn’t push me out of the way in time, but I didn’t save you either. We both died,” he paused, “and we both remember.”
Suddenly, Kenny grabs both my upper arms and pulls me close to him and gives me a passionate kiss. 
I pull away, shocked. “Woah....what was that for?”
“I’m sorry. It’s just...nobody has ever remembered me dying. No one, but you can.” Kenny explained.
“And you remember me dying?” I ask.
Kenny nods. “You’re the first person that remembers me dying too.” He says.
I don’t know what to say or do. This has never happened to me before. I think Kenny feels the same, since we’re both just stood awkwardly at my front door. I finally break the silence.
“Kenny, I thought you died, and I’ve never been more scared in my entire life.” I said, with still a few salty tears flowing down my red cheeks.
“I was too.” Kenny said. “Well, looks like we have more in common than I originally thought.” He giggled.
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a-forgotten-spirit · 4 years
Love Isn’t An Illusion (5)
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Pairing: Todoroki x Bakugou, Todoroki x Reader x Bakugou, VERY SLOW BUILD
Summary: Studying, exams and lead up to the practical exam
Words: +-6600
Warnings: Anxiety, stress, overthinking, feelings of pressure, over working, unhealthy habits, over studying, not eating, not sleeping, getting thinner, (aggressive) caring Bakugou, Monoma, angy boom boom boy, fear of failure, swearing
Tagged:  @kittycatspervertedheart​ @lemorrite​ @gwendlynn​ @marleps​ @thicctati2​ @saitamastamaticsoup​ @succulent-momma​ @aurorahoneybuns​ @imjusttireddudes​ @misconceptualised​ @ochabby​ @katsukisuwus​ @gayverlinq​ @star-witchs-blog​ @fallbb123
A/N:  I wrote this for the fans. I do not own My Hero academia or the characters, I don’t own most of the plot for this story, I had watched the show and re-written the dialogue and plot as if the reader was the main character. Everything is centred around the reader. Please comment, makes me happy. Ask if you wish to be tagged. I’m thinking of making a patreon for exclusive fanfics and commissions, comment/ask/message your thoughts.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Y/N P.O.V
Once Aizawa left the room Kaminari and Mina were yelling within seconds “It’s true we haven’t had much free time” Tokoyami but in. I’ve had heaps of free time, you just cut out sleep and boom like 9 hours of studying ready for you. I had come first in the midterms so I couldn’t fall behind now.
“As someone who ranked in the top ten I'm not that concerned” Mineta smiled spinning in his chair. It was quite often my brain ignored that he was athletic and semi-decently smart. Though his personality ranked quite low in the class so overall he wasn’t doing exceptionally well. 
“What you’re tenth in the midterms” both Kaminari and Mina yelled out in unison. They were the bottom two, I couldn’t imagine the stress of that. I can’t deal with being first not to mention being last. I think I was going to faint, just thinking about it sent shivers down my spine. 
“Ashido, Kaminari. We still have time to study and we’ll all get to go to the training camp together” he had ranked fifth I had completely forgotten about the camp far too focused on not failing I must have excused that from my memory. I was glad Midoriya brought it up, now I was forced to converse with my parents at a later date. “Right” he questioned with a smile, hands clenched and happy.  
“Yes, as class rep, I have hopes we will make UA proud” Iida was in third place in the class. How was he holding it together, I wanted to ask him for his secrets. To give me guidance. I needed the help, I needed to train. I had so little time. 
“It’s pretty hard to fail if you just pay attention in class, isn’t it” Todoroki’s voice was so bland and he spoke, his words were true. Like there was no way I could fail, right, right? I could feel my heart beating so quickly. Todoroki had ranked sixth in the class, how was he being so calm. I was stressing beyond belief.
“Why you gotta cut me down like that” Kaminari was holding his chest, kneeling on the floor. I nodded, I felt the same. Everyone in the top ten seemed to calm and here I was in first place having a small crisis. I thought I had gotten over my nerves but not at least not for my education. 
“Hey don’t worry you two, I can catch you up to speed on certain topics if you want” Yaoyorozu was so nice, maybe I would ask if I too could join. She ranked second, I needed to ask her as well as how she wasn’t stressing. Was it the fact she wasn’t number one? Was it something else? Did she not care? Anyone give me an answer. I had study sessions but they slowly died down with the class. I was collapsing and I needed support. Mina and Kaminari took her up on the offer. “I’m afraid I won’t be any help when it comes to the practical though” she sulked, an aura radiating off her from the corner of the room as she sat down in her chair. 
“I’ve been studying but can you help me out too, I’m having some trouble understanding quadratic functions,” Jirou asked holding up her book. I too had struggled with them, a whole night of rewriting them, listening to a youtube video about them and then reading about them had solved that issue. Jirou ranked eighth in the class.
“Tutor me please, classical Japanese is killing me” Sero had his hands above his hand in a ‘praying’ formation, he ranked eighteenth. Classical Japanese was a lot of work but again some videos and all-nighter. I think I had got it to a T, though what if I had missed something… My lord what if I had missed something.
Ojiro walked over his shoulders slouched and hand in the air like he was volunteering “Is their room for one more, I’m falling behind a little” at least he was honest. Ojiro ranked ninth so he was still in the top ten but I could see his stress. I was listening in from my desk as my hands shook. 
They all asked in unison for help and Yoayarozu looked stunned for a moment, her hands coming to her lips as her eyes sparkled “This is wonderful” she shouted, her seat moving back as she jumped up, hands in the air happily. How could she be happy at a time like this? “Yes let’s do it, ok we can hold a study session at my residence over the weekend” she smiled hands clasped together. 
“Seriously, I can’t wait to see your fancy digs” Mina smiled as she bounced over. Yaoyarozu looked so happy, a blush forming along her cheeks, hands fisted near her face. Her smile was beautiful, she was beautiful. How could she be smart and pretty?
“I must call mother and ask to set up the great hall, it’ll be the perfect spot” Did she just say great hall, she was joking right. She didn’t have that kinda space just laying around. “What kind of tea does everyone like, I'll make sure we are stocked” everyone looked about as shocked as I was, sure I knew she was rich but this was just wow. She continued to go on about what her family drank and that if it wasn’t to your liking she would buy some. Such a good host and we were still at school. 
“Sounds like I should be studying with her” Kirishima smiled at the group forming at the back of the room, he was ranked sixteenth. I couldn’t blame him, she seemed so confident and wise. How was she so happy, how was she able to make time for other people when she too had to study. Sure I could do it a few weeks ago but right now? A week before the exam, how was she doing it?  
“Think I don’t know enough, maybe I should beat the lessons into your skull” Bakugou growled out, he ranked fourth. He was another I forgot was smart. He was always so loud and angry but he did care dearly for his education and becoming the best so it made sense why he was like that. Bakugou looked so angry teeth grit and eyes wide, was he mad that Kirishima even suggested going with someone else. 
“I'm counting on it,” Kirishima smiled and nodded happily to the seething Bakugou. I don’t often see Kirishima without a smile, he was always so happy. Give me tips, please. I was on the verge of passing out, whether it be from stress, sleep deprivation or the four cups of coffee wearing off I wasn’t sure. “God I wish I was Y/N. Not a care in the world” Kirishima sighed and I watched as everyone turned their attention to me shaking at my desk. 
“Yeah I know right” Sero agreed his head down, I heard a few more agree. Lord if only they knew how fast my heart was beating at the thought. “I don’t know how you can even get 100%” there was so much pressure, my head was spinning as I felt faint. 
My hand rose, shaking as I shook my head “I am very stressed” I stuttered and everyone stopped turning to my shaking figure as I went to stand and my legs wobbled. “I think I’m about to have a heart attack,” I said calmly and sighed out unevenly. 
“What, why, you’re so smart. Our study sessions were like you were a teacher. I don’t know how you find the time” Mina jumped to my desk as I stood up straight, my hands coming to rub my cheeks the end of my sleeves dragging along my skin. 
“Yeah, you are incredibly smart” Kaminari agreed. “I could never come first” he sighed and everyone slowly walked over. I was rubbing my face still, slowly and shakily. They all thought I was so smart, I had so much pressure. “How do you have time?” he asked. 
“I don’t sleep” I looked up, my eyes baggy and black. I might as well have been a walking corpse. “I studied over 300 hours for the last test. I can’t even imagine the time I’ve put into this one” I shivered and saw wide eyes and feared looks. “Am I allowed to the study sessions as well?” I asked slowly. 
“I think you need some sleep” Yaoyarozu spoke and came to rub my back calmly. I could fall asleep to this, I could fall asleep standing I was so tired. “But if you want to come you are more than welcome” she smiled nodding. “I’ll make you some nice calming tea” 
I grabbed her hands bowing my head “Thank you” I whispered and looked up seeing her happy face smiling, she was pretty “If I could marry you, I would” I whispered and she flushed as I heard some laughter. “I’m not joking, the idea of studying with calming tea is marriage material and no one can tell me otherwise” I bowed again. She blushed more and bowed back. 
Then came lunch, we all walked to the lunchroom and sat down. We all sat at one big table and when I sat down I brought out my notes books and pens. This was half an hour I got to study, the lords are truly smiling upon me. As I began to write I could feel eyes on me. 
“Are you not eating?” Mina asked slowly pointing down to my book “You can take a half an hour break to eat Y/N” I looked down to my book, I was hungry. When had I eaten last? I wasn’t sure yesterday, maybe. The day before. I was far too stressed and busy to eat. 
“Well it’s an extra half an hour” I answered and saw the looks I was getting. “I have to do my best you know” I clicked the lid of my pen to the bottom of it and began to write again. 
“When was the last time you ate,” Bakugou asked and I turned, we were sitting next to each other. He had asked me last time as well. He took a lot of care for his body, his athleticism was proof of that. Why was everyone so worried for me?
“Um,” I paused and tried to think about it “I had some rice, Saturday” I questioned and shook my head “I’m fine though, really” I smiled but even that was using energy my body didn’t have. 
“Are you kidding?” Kirishima asked and I looked down shaking my head “I could never” he whispered and looked over my body. I too looked down, was I getting smaller? I pulled on my UA jumper and then flattened it to my body. There was a lot of excess fabric but I liked my jumpers bigger. 
I saw a bowl placed in front of me as books were moved out of the way “Eat” Bakugou demanded and I looked down to the bowl of rice with soup and noodles, odd but it looked good. I shook my head and smiled about talking when I was handed some chopsticks. “I said to eat” he growled. 
My stomach growled loudly, I hadn’t noticed just how hungry I was “Thank you” I whispered and placed my hands together in a thank you for the food. Picking up the bowel I began to eat and saw him eating something else he had brought. A few mouthfuls and I placed it down. “Thank you again” I went to grab my book but my hand was stopped. 
“Eat it all” he ordered and moved the bowl back “You look dead” he added and took another bite of his food. I touched my face, did I look that bad. The noodles had a nice spice to it and were about to shake my head once more when I was glared at. Giving up I continued to eat until a loud banging was heard. 
“Oh sorry, your head is so big that it’s hard to miss” it was the preppy boy from 1-B, the one who was a real jerk ward. I lowered Bakugous’ bowl and watched how this would play out. He was rude and had a grudge against 1-A. Maybe he hadn’t gotten in or maybe he just didn’t like us. 
“You’re the kid from class 1-B. Um. Monomo right?” Midoriya asked rubbing the back of his head with wide eyes. Had he hit him, from the sound I thought it was the table, it was quite loud? Why was he talking to our class again? “That hurt” Midoriya yelled as he continued to rub the tender area at the back of his head.
“You guys stumbled across the Hero Killer” Now I was more interested in the conversation, the whole table was. “Just like in the sports festival, class 1-A isn’t happy unless they are the centre of attention but you know you aren’t in the spotlight because people think you’re good heroes, right?” even his voice was annoying. Did he only come here to make fun of us, was that it? “It’s just that you keep getting into so much trouble. Here’s food for thought someday the rest of us might get caught up in your mess and then we will all become victims as well” his smile was wide and menacing. He did have it out for us. “What kind of horrible villain will you bring down upon us?” he continued. 
“Are you done?” I asked my eyes slowly looking over to him, too slowly to not be creepy. He seemed to sense it too. “I’m not in the mood to deal with your insecurities right now” I continued and he looked offended. Wait, did I say that out loud?
“Excuse me” his eyes widened and he huffed turning his eyes towards my own, trying to explode my head, or maybe he was constipated. I rose and eyebrow in confusion as some of my fellow class chuckled. “Say that aga-” he was cut off. 
I watched as the redhead walked up, slapping him upside the head within a second he was on the floor holding the spot, now he knows how Midoriya felt. “That’s not funny Monoma, you heard what happened to Iida, chill out” 
“Kendo” Iida called out his hand up about to respond again. She seemed to be everywhere the little rascal blonde went. I was about two seconds away from sticking him in an endless cube for twenty minutes. 
“I apologise for him. I’m pretty sure there’s a hole where his heart should be'' she began, he should apologise for himself. Though when I looked down I should see him dangling in her grasp, did she knock him out? “So I was listening about what’s going to be on the big final practical. I heard it’s going to be combat against robots like the entrance exam” everyone straightened up now far more intrigued with the new information “One of my friends who is a few grades up filled me in. You know, cheating but oh well” I could beat them, right. I got in on recommendation so I didn’t know but I fought them in the festival and they seemed pretty easy. 
Midoriya began to mumble to himself as I picked the food back up and looked down to my notes, the book was closed seconds later. Bakugous’ hand retreating as he pointed to the food in my bowl. I continued to eat, he did care about people in strange ways but still cared nonetheless. 
“What kind of idiot are you Kendo” so the preppy boy was awake again. My eyes rolled by themselves this time. “You just gave away our whole strategic advantage” he whispered angrily his head rising, eyes wide as his smile. Was he ok? “This was our chance to finally pull ahead of that class full of idiots” another slap to the back of the head and he was out, being pulled out by Kendo who was calling him an idiot. A true saviour to class 1-A. Before lunch ended I made sure to give Bakugou his bowl and chopsticks back, thanking him again and asking if I could come to his study session. He agreed, a shrug but still agreed. 
After lunch, everyone was talking about how the practical would be easy. It was only the exam they were now worried about. I was still stressing about every second but that was my problem. “It shouldn’t matter whether it’s robots or actual people, why are you morons so excited” the question was directed to Kaminari and Mina, they were offended by what he said but their words died down when he began to shout “Shut up” he got angry so quickly, I don’t know how he did it. “You need to learn how to control your quirk, you got it” I had to admit he had a point, they did need better control and out of everyone in the class, I think he was in the top for harnessing his quirk. “Hey Deku” his voice growled, this was the most I had heard him talk in a while. “I wanna know what’s going on with your power. I saw the way you’re using it now and I want you to know it’s seriously pissing me off” his eyes were narrowed and hands in his pockets. The training exercise, just like how he moved, had he been bottling this up for a few weeks? “I won’t have another half-ass fight, like the festival, we will be getting individual scores in the upcoming finals. New rankings” his teeth grit and his hand rose quickly pointing to the scared looking male “So we will all know exactly where we are standing. I’ll show you how much better I am and Todoroki, I’ll kill you too” with that he walked from the room, the door slamming shut. 
My hands came to my cheeks once more “Am I not seen as a threat” I whispered and saw a few faces at my stress. “Oh my, does he not see me as a threat” I whispered “I was the one who beat him” I added and sighed “Although not through physical strength” Bakugou didn’t see me as a threat. I fell into my seat, my head on the desk. “Oh no,” I sighed my forehead against the wood. 
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen him that worked up,” Kirishima told the class then walked over and I felt a hand on my back “I’m sure he sees you as a threat, the other two are just” he paused and I rose my head slowly “people he doesn’t like” my head came crashing back to the table. 
When the weekend rolled around, a group of us met at Yaoyarozus’ place, it was massive. Sure, I knew my house was big but this was something else entirely. We stood in awe, I had managed to get some sleep the night prior, regretted it in the morning but I had a bit more energy for the day ahead which I didn’t regret. 
“I knew her family had cash but I didn’t know she was this rich” Kaminari voiced all our thoughts, we all nodded in unison. It looked like her house went on for acres, and I didn’t doubt it did. 
Moving forward to press the bell a voice came through and the gates were open. All six of us walked to her house, large and beautiful. I didn’t understand the need for space but I could appreciate it. We were moved into the ‘great hall’ and we all sat down. Jirou, Kaminari and Sero on one side and Mina, Ojiro and I on the other books ready and awaiting our host. 
It was strange seeing the others in normal clothing and I looked down seeing the baggy jumper, black ripped jeans and boots I wore on my days off. Though the boots I had to imagine, taking off our shoes before entering the house. I wouldn’t want dirt in here either. 
“I could not feel any more out of place right now” Ojiro voiced and I nodded and Sero agreed verbally. It was a beautiful house and well taken care of. I couldn’t believe this is what Yaoyarozu came home to every day. 
She walked in pushing a tray of tea, she was wearing a red shirt and white shorts. Even though they were ‘normal’ clothes she still looked proper in every way. She was so nice to let us over to study, honestly a gift to my week. Hours of studying went by and I got ahold of everything, I needed to do more. I was given calming tea as I shook and stressed. 
“Marry me” I turned my eyes wide and hopeful. Yaoyarozu was a goddess in the body of a human. She had laughed and continued with the lesson. Over the weekend I met with that group of a day and Bakugou and Kirishima at night. A little over twelve hours of study with other people a day and then my study at home. 
“How are your notes so neat?” Kirishima asked leaning over to look at my notes in the booth, having met in a cafe. I looked down, my notes were mostly colour coded for different things, having many pens and highlighters. 
“I have a fear of failure” I stated and he nodded. I helped the two organise by colour coded and it seemed to help Kirishima get the hang of a few things “Look, cover, write, check” I wrote down on a posted note for him, sticking the paper to his book neatly. “The motto I live by, or just keep doing it until it’s engraved in your brain for eternity” I smiled and Bakugou nodded in agreement. 
“So manly” he nodded and started my technique, this went on for a few hours until we parted ways and I let him borrow one of the study books I was done with having memorized it. He looked about ready to cry “I owe you my life” he bowed and I laughed. 
Going home, eating something and then back up to my room to continue studying. Every day this week I had worked on my quirk. Expanding my area, how long I could do it for, how many things I could create, size, density. Everything had to be perfect. I worked night and day to be the best. I was going to stay in the top spot. I could do this. I hoped, begged. 
The weekend went quickly but the night before the exam I slept more hours then I did the whole week, waking up I felt ‘refreshed’ and ready. I practically sprinted to school my head high and my mind ready. I had an illusion of the answers beside me, to make sure I didn’t forget anything. Answers I had studied and worked my ass off. The first exam was long and I powered through the answers, seeming to know every single one. I didn’t stop writing for the entire time, I was proud of myself. 
The third day was finally over, I felt my heartbeat again “Alright pencils down, the last person of each row bring the answers to me” My page was collected and I felt a weight off my shoulders. I was breathing again, was oxygen always this good?
Yaoyarozu was then bombarded with Kaminari and Mina thanking her, I said it but I wouldn’t bet she could hear me over them. They had answered every question which was good to hear. They gave it a go. Later that day Kirishima had asked why I thanked Yaoyorozu and then the class was surprised to know I went to both sessions with the groups and then studied more at home. 
The practical was still to come, I looked down at my hands. Was I ready? I had trained so hard every day, was I ready for this? I shook my head then nodded, yes, I was. I had gone up against villains, murders, Nomus and won. I can beat a few robots… There were no robots. 
We were all in our hero costumes standing in front of the teachers. I was shitting bricks, to say the least. “Now then, let’s begin the last test, remember it’s possible to fail this final. If you want to go camping, don’t make any stupid mistakes” Aizawa warned. I was petrified, were all the teachers going to watch us?
“Why are all the teachers here?” Jirou questioned, good now I didn’t have to talk, a small sigh left my lips in relief. I thought it would only be Aizawa, maybe All Might if we were lucky not all of them.
“I expect many of you have gathered information and believe you have some idea of what you’ll be faced with today” I froze, we weren’t fighting robots were we? Of course, it would change for our year, why wouldn’t it?
“We’ll be fighting those big metal robots” Kaminari shouted leaning back as if to allow as much sound from his body as possible… he most likely did do that. His hands were out and Mina joined in happily smiling. 
I watched as Aizawa’s scarf ruffled then Principal Nezu popped out “This year's test has been changed for various reasons” he smiled, I felt my heart sink. I was right, I was too right. Why was I right, why couldn’t we just fight the robots? “The test now has a new focus” he lowered himself with Aizawa's’ scarf and the help of No.13 “It’ll be hero work of course but also teamwork and combat against actual people. So what does that mean for you, your students will be in pairs and your opponents will be one of our esteemed UA teachers. Isn’t that fabulous” I was going to throw up. My hands were shaking as I put my hand over my mouth to try and get myself together. 
“Additionally your partners and opponents have already been chosen” I was mad at that. If I lost because of my partner I was not going to be impressed. “They were determined under my discretion based on various factors including fighting style, grades and interpersonal relationships” this wasn’t going to end well. I was so sure, I was going to win but the idea of having to not only watch myself but someone else was a lot of work. “First Yaoyorozu and Todoroki are a team” he smiled pulling his scarf up “Against me. Then we have Midoriya paired with Bakugou” they turned to each other and I could feel the tension circle our group. “And their opponent is” 
A loud bang and there was All Might in all his glory suited up and ready to fight “I am here” his fist was out and my heart fluttered in fear. I was so glad I wasn’t them. It was good to know I wasn’t going to be fighting the top hero and a little insulting knowing I was the first by grades and in the festival. I tried not to take it personally… I took it personally. “To fight” first Bakugou and now the teachers. “You’re going to have to work together boys, if you want to win” his smile only grew with a chuckle. 
Teachers P.O.V (third person)
The teachers began to talk about the exam, explaining why it needed to be changed and how. Some teachers were against the idea but the topic of the league of villains attacking once more quickly changed their minds, why wouldn’t it? The heroes in training need to be ready if anything ever happens. Hero Killer Stain may be gone, but for how long, how long until someone takes his place? Everyone was now on the same page about the students fighting the teachers. 
“Right, now let’s talk about the teams” Aizawa held a pile of papers in his hand, looking down at the first team “First, Todoroki, he’s doing quite well generally speaking but relies too much on brute force. Yaoyorozu is an all-rounder but lacks the ability to make spur of the moment decisions and apply them. Therefore I’ll erase their quirks and take advantage of their weaknesses” with the simple explanation all the teachers had agreed happily. It was fair, one liked to take control while the other feared to make decisions by erasing their quirks they would have to work together. “Next for Midoriya and Bakugou I’m leaving them to you All Might,” said male looked confused a little taken back by the conclusion of his pair. “In this case, I didn’t pair the two based on ability or classwork, I went with relationships. I know you’ve got a soft spot for Midoriya, please ensure that they learn something” Aizawa pointed out and. 
“I will do my best” All Might nod in affirmative. It would be hard for the number one Hero, he did have a soft spot for the green-headed successor but he also had a soft spot for the explosive teen who loved to cause damage. He was nervous but would do what he needed. 
“The next group is Anyama and Uraraka, I picked this pair based on relationships as well. I have never seen them talk and in the hero world you will need to pair with random heroes, they need to learn to pair with whoever” Aizawa explained then looked to No. 13 “I have paired them with you, both their quirks will be easy to fend off with your own and they will need to think outside the box” 
“I see” No 13 pondered then nodded “I look forward to facing them, I hope they can work well together” she concluded with the other teachers agreeing. As she was given the papers to learn more about them and how their quirks worked. 
“Forwarding on, Ashido and Kaminari this pair is based purely on grades. They are the lowest in class but seem to work well together. They both need work on their quirks so this is why I'm pairing them with Nezu. They need to think outside the box and quickly as well as together” Aizawas’ eyes turned to Neku who was smiling and quite happy to take the pages of the two students' information. 
“Very good thinking” Nezu nodded his eyes growing narrowed and smirking “I am quite excited to face these two in the exam” everyone knew Nezus’ past and his slight dislike for the human race. 
“Moving onto Tsu and Tokoyami both strong quirks but both are long-distance fighters, preferring to stay back. Relying heavily on their quirks. So Ectoplasm” Aizawa’s eyes moved to the Pro who nodded indicating he was listening. “Your clones will provide close combat as well as distance. They need to work on thinking quickly as well and not relying on their quirks” 
“Understood” his creepy voice spoke out into the room, a man of few words as many knew him. The pages were handed over easily and his eyes began to scan the information. Sure all the teachers had taught them but any extra information was useful. 
“The next pair is based purely on fighting style and speed, Ojiro and Iida. They work well in teams and can talk to anyone, they rely on speed and technique. This is why I'm pairing them with Power Loader because they will have to move faster, think as one and make sure they watch what is going on around them all at once” another explanation down. 
“This will be interesting” Power Loaded nodded and Aizawa knew he had a smile on his face even though this headgear was stopping most from seeing. Aizawa had spent a lot of thought and time working on these pairs.  
“Kirishima and Sato are with Cementoss, I paired them on strength and they have close grades as well as their quirks are both short term. Both friendly and enjoy working in teams. Let’s see how they fare against Cementoss who can change the location outlook in a matter of seconds” Aizawa smirked to the fellow Pro who thought for a moment and then nodded. 
“I wouldn’t hurt them as much as the other students if I go for a hit and they need to work on speed and agility. A very good pairing Eraserhead” Cementoss nodded and took the papers. He too began to look through the information provided, he had taught them and only saw Kirishima at the festival using his quirk. 
“Koda and Jirou are with Mic as they both rely on sound to use their quirk, it’ll be hard to use sound when someone is yelling over the top of them” this pair was easy to see the potential for a fight. “Koji will be required to talk more and build teamwork, Jirou will be tasked with helping him”
“Yo yo that sounds awesome Eraserhead. Perfect pair for me indeed” the loud hero smiled and nodded bobbing to music that wasn’t playing as he grabbed the papers and put them down in front of him with ease. 
“Shoji and Toru will be placed with Snipe. Their quirks are stealth-based and with someone shooting at them it will be hard to stay quiet and move in silence” Aizawa conducted putting the two pages together and hitting them against the table to make them even before handing them over to the hero who only nodded. 
“That leaves just me” Midnight smiled and placed her head atop her hands, her smile turning into a smirk “With Mineta and Sero am I correct,” she asked licking her lips. 
“Correct. I put them with you as Mineta can get” he paused shaking his head “Distracted while Sero is mostly speeding. Both with different fighting styles and outlooks on being a hero plus I found out they both look up to you” Aizawa answered with ease handing over the last pair of pages. 
“I do look forward to breaking them” licking her lips again she nodded and sighed out. Placing the pages down “Are we done? So soon” she questioned, that was a short meeting but if the pairs were decided it was to be expected. 
“No, there is one more student” Aizawa sighed and everyone was paying full attention “Y/N” he breathed out and everyone nodded. “Her quirk can be used in any situation and against any quirk, plus they can become physical. She could simply put an illusion of herself and no one would know the difference” he looked down to the paper seeing her face in the picture “I don’t know what to do” he answered honestly “She was first in the festival and first grade-wise, I heard the other students. She hadn’t slept in days to study for the test” the teachers all nodded. 
“Her quirk is a problem, she could easily get past any of us” Cementoss nodded adding his input into the conversation. Everyone sat in silence as Aizawa looked down to the paper with all her details. She was a perfect student for UA.
“She athletic as well” everyone turned to Snipe, the teacher who had taken her as a sidekick for a week. “She beat me in hand to hand” that stopped the teachers. “Her quirk works on thinking, she showed me something that” he paused and shook his head and licking his lips behind his mask “She had a conversation with me while also talking to a coworker at the same time. Her mind was doing two different things simultaneously while also keeping up the illusion” 
Midnight shook her head “That takes extreme power, in the festival her illusion looked so real. I believed it” She added nodding her head, a hand coming to her chin to think. Cementoss agreed. 
“She doesn’t rely purely on her quirk but also does. No matter who she went against, if it was a formal and acknowledged physical fight, if someone managed to beat her, I would be quite impressed” Snipe nodded as the other teachers agreed. Snipe was the only one who knew of her ‘weakness’ but he would never tell and even if he did it wouldn’t matter she knew everyone here. 
“I have an idea” Principal Nezu spoke up thoughtfully and all the teachers were open ears for the suggestion “What if we all went against her at once. It would prove she’s been working on her quirk, how many things she can create at one given moment. How quickly she can think and act” it was a good idea but the idea of it was unfair. “It may seem unfair to the child but we don’t have another option” all the teachers agreed, though some not looking as determined as others. “Though she has one rule” why would she have a rule and no one else, her test was already quite unfair. “She must show at least one teacher her true self during the exercise, she needs a challenge” the teachers felt bad but it was for her good. They had to test her as hard as they could. Even if she took down two maybe three teachers they would be impressed. 
“Then it’s decided, Y/N goes against all of us, at once” 
Once all the names were called out with their pairs I looked around and was confused. I was guessing they put a group of three, had they forgotten about me? Was I not seen as a threat that much that they just excluded me? “Um” I put my hand up and the class stopped talking turning to me. “I wasn’t paired,” I said slowly smiling as I did, an awkward smile and I could see the confusion of my peers. 
“You’re a special case Y/N” Aizawa looked me dead in the eyes and I nodded slowly, my eyebrows drawn in confusion as I waited for an answer pursing my lips. “You will be fighting” I nodded and smiled, OK, so I wasn’t getting kicked out or something. 
“OK” I nodded slowly and looked around “Am I joining a pair or something” I looked around and saw pleading faces for me to join groups. I had to be joining a group, there was no other way to complete the test or was someone going to have to do it twice, would I do it alone? 
“You will be competing alone” Aizawa added carefully and I felt my hands shake slightly, I could beat them. I nodded still confused. All the teachers were taken. What weren’t they telling me?
“Am I getting a teacher brought in or something or is a teacher doubling up?” I asked looking over everyone before landing back on Aizawa for the answer. Everyone was silent as the teachers waited for the answer and my peers listened in. 
“You are very strong” Aizawa began, this didn’t sound good. Bakugou and Midoriya already had All Might who was the top hero. Was I going to be fighting Endeavor or something, Best Jeaniest maybe? I felt my heart begin to race “After some talk and decision making we decided that you” he paused and then looked straight at me with a smirk “Will be fighting us all at once” I felt my eyes grow wide and gasps were heard behind me as my heart sank. 
I was going to be fighting them all… at once. Alone. Someone catch me.  ________________________________________________________________
Chapter 6
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Written In The Stars CXXVI (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: Super busy week we having but I hope you’re having fun -Danny
Words: 2,969
Series’ Masterlist
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Chapter Twenty-Four: Test of Patience.
"These are old, but we can fix them," Sirius handed a pair of Regulus' old robes to Erick. "Try them on, see if they fit you..."
Mel had mentioned during breakfast that Erick had decided to go back to Hogwarts, which pleased Emily a great deal. Sirius tried to hide his disappointment, yet another friend he couldn't keep around the house, but as soon as he heard Erick quietly mention he still needed to get robes since he couldn't borrow one from a bunch of Gryffindors, Sirius' spirits lifted, he dragged Erick out of the room and into his brother's.
The robes were a bit musty but they would do for a week at least, the twins joked about stealing a few from the school's laundry, but Erick blatantly refused to accept stolen items. Mrs Weasley promised she would send him the books as soon as she were at the burrow and Hermione had a few extra supplies for him to take back to school. 
It was clear that everyone in the house had adopted Erick and even though he wasn't entirely happy about it (He was having a hard time accepting that he needed their help) he did show lots of gratitude towards everyone.
As they were saying their goodbyes before leaving (they were going to take the Knightbus), she found a moment to talk to Sirius, but he was adamant to let her speak, knowing beforehand what she wanted to say.
"You go and have fun, alright?" Sirius told her. "Don't worry about us, I promise I'll take care of your mother–"
"Will you take care of yourself too?"
"Don't look at me like that, little Em," He said grimly. "Don't give me those eyes, you know I wouldn't put the Order's plans at risk..."
"You're building a family, you're doing something important," Mel held his arm tightly. "I'll never get tired of thanking you for giving my mum a second chance. Don't forget that."
"It was Mily who gave me a chance that I definitely didn't deserve," Sirius tried to joke, but his eyes were lacking their usual playfulness.
"Are you ready to leave?" Lupin patted her shoulder. 
"Please take care," Mel insisted, this time looking at both men, "I don't know what I'd do without you."
"You make it sound like we're the children here," Lupin laughed. "We know what we're doing."
"I'm just making sure!"
"Alright, time to cut the nonsense," Sirius shook his head. "If I hear you're wasting your time at school worrying about us I'll send you a howler— and look after Erick... he's good."
"I know," Her eyes wandered to the boy currently smothered with attention by Emily. "I won't let him do anything stupid."
Mel hopped on the bus with the rest of her friends after receiving her own hurried kisses and hugs, she felt slightly anxious about leaving them behind. Sirius was an adult, but it didn't mean he was wise, and her mother was unable to leave the house completely.
Being excited about a baby now felt ridiculous, in the middle of everything that was happening? Sirius Black's kid? How was her mother going to explain this to the world, if she wasn't supposed to have any kind of contact with a criminal? Mel had to trust they would find a way to make it work.
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Erick's books arrived the morning after they got to the castle. Some people commented on the way his robes were old-looking, but Erick wore them with his head held high and no one dared to confront him about it.
On Monday people kept asking about the D.A. meetings, but Mel and Harry brushed them off saying they would use the galleons once the time came. Smith made a pretty nasty comment when he found out Harry was going to 'Remedial Potions', which was the way he had to refer to his Occlumency lessons.
Seconds after Smith had left, Cho Chang approached, it was the first time seeing each other ever since their kiss, and judging by Harry's attitude, he was fully aware of that.
"Oh. Hi."
"We'll be in the library, Harry," Hermione grabbed Ron by the arm and took him away.
"I, er... Fred, " Mel rushed back to the stairs. "See you!"
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"So," Fred told her one night during dinner. "Next Hogsmeade visit... I just want to know what's the plan, are we going out or..?"
The girl shrugged. "I don't see the point, we're not a real couple..."
"I guess not," He replied. "We should still go, otherwise boys will assume we're no longer together—"
"I don't really care," Mel yawned. "They can ask, but I'm not obliged to explain myself."
"Would you go if I asked you though?"
Mel snorted. "Are you going to?"
"Don't laugh, you heartless witch!" Fred threw a bean at her, but he was laughing too. "I heard Chang and Harry are going together."
"Are they?" Mel looked over to the Ravenclaw table. "That's why she cornered the idiot... wait, how do you know that?"
"News travel fast," Fred winked at her. "Are we going, then? Are we making a scene?"
"Not the one you want for sure," She raised a brow. "But it could be enjoyable... never had a real date before..."
"This is not a real date—"
"I know that, but at least others think it is," Mel paused. "Wow, that sounded really sad. I don't know... I don't need to prove a point anymore..."
"Well, that's even better! The real fun can begin!" Fred finished his dinner and stood up.
"What's that— Wait! Where are you going?" Mel stood up. "What's that supposed to mean?!"
Some students gave her a few curious looks, Angelina walked up to her.
"Practice tomorrow at seven. Don't be late."
"Practice..? Oh!" She'd forgotten all about Quidditch. "Sure. Hey, guess which broom I got—"
"A firebolt," Angelina smirked. "George told me yesterday. That's great, it means we still have a chance."
"News do travel fast around here," Mel pouted. "Okay then, I'll see you tomorrow."
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The girl hissed in pain, dropping her quill over her finished essay. 
"What's wrong?" Ron frowned. 
She closed her eyes for a moment and saw a flash of something, Harry's voice came from the back of her mind.
"What's in the Department of Mysteries?" 
Hermione and Ron stared at her. 
"It's Harry, isn't it?" Ron whispered. "That's so strange!"
Mel blinked, rubbing her forehead. 
"He's having a hard time with the lessons... maybe I should help..."
"Yeah, you should," Ron agreed. "Snape's an awful teacher— Why is he teaching Harry when Dumbledore's teaching you?"
"Maybe he doesn't want to catch Umbridge's attention," Mel shrugged, "I mean, students are used to see me in and out of the Headmaster's office, but if Harry starts to go as well Umbridge will try to see what's going on— And he's busy either way, he barely has time to teach me..."
"Are you in pain?" Hermione asked. "Maybe we should leave the library... if you start to scream—"
"No one's going to scream," Mel said defensively. "It caught me off guard! I can do this..."
She closed her eyes again, but this time she didn't try to see Harry, the girl held onto the edge of the table, breathing in and out the smell of old books and parchment, when she opened her eyes the pain was gone.
"It's over?"
"Yep," Mel smiled, continuing with her homework. 
Maybe it was that she'd talked things out with Harry and she could fully focus on the present, but she didn't have such a hard time trying to tune him out now.
"So rare..." Ron muttered in awe.
"What did you say before?" Hermione tilted her head. "About a department of mysteries?"
"Oh, did I say that out loud?" Mel frowned. "It wasn't me, Harry was talking about it with Snape, but I have no idea what that—"
"That's in the Ministry!" said Ron. "Maybe they're talking about his dreams!"
"Hmm..." Hermione said, lowering her gaze to the parchment. "It does sound like it has to do with his dreams... we'll ask him later."
When Harry found them, he was looking slightly pale.
"Are you all right, Harry?"
"Yeah... fine... I dunno— Listen... I've just realized something..."
He explained further what Mel had seen, it was part of the nightmares he'd been having for months now, and he finally knew where that place was.
"So... so, are you saying... that the weapon — the thing You-Know-Who's after — is in the Ministry of Magic?"
"In the Department of Mysteries, it's got to be. I saw that door when your dad took me down to the courtrooms for my hearing and it's definitely the same one he was guarding when the snake bit him."
"Of course," Hermione said.
"Of course what?" Ron frowned.
"Ron, think about it... Sturgis Podmore was trying to get through a door at the Ministry of Magic... It must have been that one, it's too much of a coincidence!"
"How come Sturgis was trying to break in when he's on our side?" said Ron.
"Well, I don't know," Hermione admitted. "That is a bit odd..."
"He could've been framed," Mel offered. "Maybe someone tricked him."
"So what's in the Department of Mysteries?" Harry asked. "Has your dad ever mentioned anything about it?"
"Well, that's where the Unspeakables work, you know, Mel's dream job," said Ron deep in thought. "No one really seems to know what they do in there... Weird place to have a weapon..."
"Oh, right!" Mel hit her forehead softly. "I think Mr Weasley told me about it last year!"
"It makes perfect sense," said Hermione. "It will be something top secret that the Ministry has been developing, I expect... Harry, are you sure you're all right?"
"Yeah... fine..." He was rubbing his forehead roughly. "I just feel a bit... I don't like Occlumency much..."
"I expect anyone would feel shaky if they'd had their mind attacked over and over again," said Hermione. 
"How come you're not exhausted when you practice with Dumbledore?" Harry asked her.
"We don't spend the whole hour attacking each others' minds, sometimes I just meditate, I shut down my emotions so he can't see through me, and then I try to see through him... it's not so bad, perhaps because he's patient with me. Snape's probably not doing that..."
"And how come you're not feeling my headache?"
"Oh, she felt it!" Ron said excitedly. "But she... uh— grounded?"
"That's right," Mel said proudly. "Told you I could control it, I just had to find my way around it!"
Harry nodded, looking slightly perplexed. 
"Let's get back to the common room, we'll be a bit more comfortable there..." Hermione insisted.
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"Headless Hats!" shouted George, as Fred waved a pointed hat decorated with a fluffy pink feather at the watching students. "Two Galleons each — watch Fred, now!"
Fred swept the hat onto his head, beaming. For a second he merely looked rather stupid, then both hat and head vanished.
Mel was laughing along with the rest of her housemates, she was giving out hats while Lee Jordan was receiving the money. She watched Harry walked away from the fuss in annoyed silence and Fred nudged her arm.
"What's wrong with him?"
"He had his first lesson with Snape," Mel explained. "Poor bloke, he's having the worst—"
Mel inhaled sharply and dropped the hat she was holding, she felt as if something had hit the top of her head.
"What is it?" Fred eyed her up anxiously, quickly holding her in place. 
"Call Ron," She closed her eyes tightly and tried to ground herself for the second time that day.
Ron had gone upstairs right after Harry, and once her vision cleared, she pushed Fred aside.
"I have to go..."
When she got to the door, she heard Ron desperately calling for their friend.
"Harry! HARRY!"
Harry was maniacally laughing on the floor. Ron was staring at him with wide eyes.
"Harry!" Mel called, but he didn't listen. In a desperate attempt to bring him back, she slapped him, the burning sensation on her own cheek quickly faded. Harry's voice died instantly.
"What happened?" Ron asked hoarsely.
"I... dunno..." Harry blinked, he sat up with difficulty, panting. "He's really happy... really happy..."
"You-Know-Who is?" 
"Something good's happened... Something he's been hoping for."
"Hermione told me to come and check on you," said Ron as he helped him to his feet. "Mel walked in right after me, 'Mione says your defenses will be low at the moment, after Snape's been fiddling around with your mind... Still, I suppose it'll help in the long run, won't it?"
Mel and Harry shared a look.
"Listen, I know I said I would mind my own business, but—"
"I could use some help," He admitted, his eyes never leaving hers. "I'd appreciate it if you could..."
"I can," She replied. 
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The Ministry of Magic announced late last night that there has been a mass breakout from Azkaban.’
"There you are, Harry. That's why he was happy last night..." Ron muttered.
"I don't believe this... Fudge is blaming the breakout on Sirius?"
"What other options does he have? He can hardly say, 'Sorry everyone, Dumbledore warned me this might happen, the Azkaban guards have joined Lord Voldemort' — stop whimpering, Ron — 'and now Voldemort's worst supporters have broken out too.' I mean, he's spent a good six months telling everyone you and the Dumbledores are liars, hasn't he?" 
"What an idiot," Mel sighed. "This is bad. This is worse than bad... Poor Neville..."
She looked around the table, the boy didn't look sad that morning, and it occurred to her that maybe not all the students read the newspaper every morning, but some definitely did, she confirmed as much when the watch in her pocket warmed up, letting her know Erick had arranged a meeting.
"Oh my —" Hermione gasped.
"What now?" Harry groaned.
"It's... horrible," said Hermione.
Mel took the newspaper and the boys leaned closer to read along.
St. Mungo's Hospital promised a full inquiry last night after Ministry of Magic worker Broderick Bode, 49, was discovered dead in his bed, strangled by a potted-plant...’
"Bode..." said Ron. "Bode. It rings a bell..."
"We saw him. In St. Mungo's, remember? He was in the bed opposite Lockhart's, just lying there, staring at the ceiling. And we saw the Devil's Snare arrive. She — the Healer — said it was a Christmas present..."
"How come we didn't recognize Devil's Snare..? We've seen it before... we could've stopped this from happening..."
"Who expects Devil's Snare to turn up in a hospital disguised as a potted plant?" said Ron defensively. "It's not our fault, whoever sent it to the bloke is to blame! They must be a real prat, why didn't they check what they were buying?" 
"Besides we were focused on Neville's parents," Mel lamented. "We didn't notice anything else... But I doubt that was an accident."
"I don't think anyone could put Devil's Snare in a pot and not realize it tries to kill whoever touches it?" Hermione agreed. "This — this was murder... A clever murder, as well... If the plant was sent anonymously, how's anyone ever going to find out who did it?" 
"I met Bode!" Harry said after a moment. "I saw him at the Ministry with your dad..."
"I've heard Dad talk about him at home!" Ron gaped. "He was an Unspeakable — he worked in the Department of Mysteries!"
"Holy fuck," Mel breathed, leaning back on her seat and pushing the hair out of her face. "This is terrible."
"Where are you going?" Ron inquired as Hermione leapt to her feet.
"To send a letter— It... well, I don't know whether... but it's worth trying... and I'm the only one who can..." She left without ending her sentence.
"I hate it when she does that," Ron rolled his eyes. 
"Yeah, it's a bit exasperating, but we'll find out eventually," Mel said gloomily as they got up and made their way out of the Great Hall.
"Would it kill her to tell us what she's up to for once? It'd take her about ten more seconds — hey, Hagrid!" 
"All righ', you three?" 
"Blimey, Hagrid, have you been fighting with Dragons?" Ron elbowed her ribs harshly to shut her up.
"Are you okay, Hagrid?" asked Harry.
"Fine, fine," said Hagrid nervously. "Jus' busy, yeh know, usual stuff— lessons ter prepare — couple o' salamanders got scale rot — an' I'm on probation..." 
"You're on probation?" Ron yelled in outrage, it was Mel's turn to nudge his ribs. "Oof! Sorry — I mean — you're on probation?" He asked again, lower this time.
"Yeah. 'S'no more'n I expected, ter tell yeh the truth. Yeh migh' not've picked up on it, bu' that inspection didn' go too well, yeh know... anyway... Bes' go an rub a bit more chili powder on them salamanders or their tails'll be hangin' off 'em next. See yeh..."
"Probation," Mel said through gritted teeth. "I'll give her probation..."
When she arrived at the library (alone, because Hermione was busy with homework as well as Ron and Harry) she noticed Erick standing next to their usual table.
"You read the Prophet?" Mel asked him. "I can't believe it! And Hagrid's on probation now, I swear things can't get any messier..."
"They can," Erick grimaced. 
Mel noticed someone was sitting behind him. Her eyes widened at the sight and she stumbled back, stopping when her back hit a chair. Daphne Greengrass stood up giving her a very grave look.
"Evening, Miss Dumbledore."
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Next Chapter —>
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sope-and-shine · 5 years
Christmas Special: Day 6
-> Pairing: Hoseok x Reader -> Teacher AU! // Fluff -> Word Count: 3.4k -> Summary: You and Hoseok are hallway neighbors and flirt constantly outside of your classrooms everyday. You’re students are honestly tired of seeing you both beat around the bush. That’s why this years pep rally will be one to remember. ->Warnings: None.
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“Alright, everyone! Let’s go over the plans for the rest of the time we have together!” You call out, grabbing the attention of your students. “With your midterm next week, I will not be putting any pressure of having homework until we all come back from break.” Your students cheer and you take that as the go ahead to grab the papers on your desk. “However, I do have a study guide that you can complete, and anyone who takes the initiative can use it when we take our test next week.” 
“Are you serious?” Haechan asks, his eyes wide with anticipation.
“Very serious. Consider this an early Christmas present.” You say, flashing a smile.
Jeongguk and the corner of the room seems to be elated over the news, so elated he can barely form a real sentence, “I’m not going to fail...I’m not going to fail!”
“You have to do the study guide correctly to not fail.” Jiin reminds him, stopping the rambling boy in his tracks only so he could stare blankly ahead with wide eyes. You should probably send him to the nurse for that.
“He has to do it in the first place.” Jae laughs next to him. He’s amused until he hears Wonpil in front of him, “You’re one to talk.”
Jisoo sighs in relief, “This will be the easiest grade of my life.”
High school is a place many people don’t imagine returning to after they leave. The cold hallways, the judgemental stares, the looming fear of not knowing what to do with the rest of your life. Of course, there are students that plan to be teachers, but most want kids that are either younger or way younger than a bunch of rowdy and hormonal teenagers that would rather be anywhere else learning so many different things. 
That was how you started anyways. 
You planned on getting your teaching degree in English to work with elementary schoolers between the ages of 5-10. You of course had the credentials to teach older students, but high schoolers were never in your final picture. When you were interviewing with the board, they had originally offered you the elementary position like you wanted, but they had asked if you would cut a deal with their - at the time - current high school English teacher who’d been facing illness. You had agreed, but it was only supposed to be a temporary position until they figured out what to do next. The only thing is, as you spent more and more time with the students and got to know and enjoy them, you couldn’t even imagine leaving them.
Taehyung raises his hand, “Miss. (L/n)! Can we bring in food next week if all we’re going to do is study?” 
“Of course you’d be thinking about food.” Lisa grumbles.
Yugeom holds his hand out to the girl next to him, “Wait, let’s not turn him down so fast! Can we bring in anything?”
“Miss (L/n) didn’t even agree yet!” Wendy reminds them.
“Please, Miss (L/n)?” Chenle asks.
“You can bring in food as long as there is enough to share with everyone. I’ll bring in cups and plates if you all want to handle the rest.” You agree. There was no way you could turn your students down when they were looking at you with so much hope. The bell rings around the room to end your class, your students wasting no time to pack their things. “Food next week, okay?”
Jeno rushes through the door with Jaemin, “For once I’m actually excited about spirit week.” 
“Jisoo, are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Lisa asks, already planning how she, Jennie, and Rose would split the work amongst the four of them.
“I’m bringing in nuggets!” Jae announces, running out of the room and cutting off the dazed Jeongguk being led by Jimin and Taehyung.
Despite the chaos they brought with them, there was no denying how charming they all could be. This specific class was in middle school when you joined the school staff, and this was their second year of high school with you as their English teacher. You hated to admit it, but they were definitely your favorite class of the day. They were a nice mix of responsible and absolute chaos with no inbetween. But you didn’t mind as much as you’d thought you would before you started. Kids like them were what made you stay. It didn’t help that the Korean Lit teacher across the hall was a sight for sore eyes.
You follow the group to the door, bidding them one last goodbye. Across the hall from you, the Korean Literature teacher, Jung Hoseok, is doing the same with his class of students. He’s wearing fitted, light grey dress pants with black belt, a plain black sweater tucked into the front,  and black dress shoes with short black socks. He was always dressed well when he came in for work, and you had to thank whoever created this man for giving him a taste in fashion. His dark brown hair is styled, slicked back on the right and his bangs framing the left side. He looks just as good as he does every other day you see him, and you can’t help but let your stare linger just a little longer than it should.
“Well, you still look as lovely as ever even after 4 classes!” His voice pulls you out of your trance, and your brought back to the dazzling grin of the man you couldn’t stop dreaming about. He’s leaning back against his door now, hands in his pockets as you both wait for your next round of students to come from their previous class. “I trust your day hasn’t felt too long, Miss (L/n)?”
“They never do when you’re across the hall, Mr. Jung.” You flirt back playfully. You catch the pink hair coming around the corner and turn your attention to your student,  “Good afternoon, Rose.”
“Afternoon.” She smiles.
“You know,” You turn back to Hoseok as he begins, “I’ve been thinking about starting study sessions for next semester to prep for finals. Would you be interested in helping me out?” 
You sigh, “I’ll think about it, but I do have to work it around my club schedules.” 
“Yeah, of course! Please take your hat off, Mr. Kim.” Matthew removes the hat from his head and Hoseok gives him a polite nod of appreciation before he returns to you, “Will you be offering anything for next week’s pep rally if the students hit their goal? I personally have agreed to dye my hair cherry red this year.”
“But the orange looked so good last year!” You tease. Last years pep rally was great despite the penalty you face, but the bright orange hair that he was stuck with for months was the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. Apparently Hoseok didn’t feel that way, “The orange was a disaster and you know it.”
“I’m letting Hyuna decide for me this year. Last year, I could only think of dressing up in that ridiculous costume and dancing to popular dances.” No matter what they gave you this year, nothing would be as terrible as the inflatable fat suit your were in.
“Hey, I thought you did a great job! So great, that I think we should get some coffee later, if you’re up for it?” He asks, an eyebrow raised. His question for coffee wasn’t new, but he rarely ever meant it. Even if he did, the bell answered him before you could. He sighs, “That’s the bell. I’ll see your beautiful face in an hour, Miss (L/n).”
“I guess that means I’ll be seeing you as well.” You bid him goodbye and close your classroom door to begin your class, seeing all of your students staring at you with bored expressions. Teachers would find that normal if this class of students wasn’t you’re second loudest of the day. “What?”
“Are you and Mr. Jung dating yet?” Jennie asks, cutting right to the point.
“Mr. Jung and I are just coworkers. Nothing more, Lisa.” You protest. It’s not that you didn’t want to be more than friends, but Hoseok was strictly just friends with you.
“But he’s so into you!” Hongseok argues. Mark next to him nods in agreement, “Don’t be blind to his love, Miss (L/n)!”
“He tells you you’re beautiful everyday, I can’t even get Hyojong to have my back in gym class.” Hyuna admits. Said blonde boy takes a break from drinking the banana milk he brought to class to shrug, “It’s a dog eat dog world, babe. I can’t help you if I’m out of the game.”
Your students continue their rave, throwing more and more arguments about ‘how much Mr. Jung likes you!’ and ‘You obviously love him too!’ They kept going and going, until you’d had enough of their comments.“Even if Mr. Jung and I had a romantic relationship, our personal lives should be none of your concerns. What you should concern yourselves with is pulling out the homework I gave you yesterday.”
Their groans of frustration but compliance sets you back on track, letting you move on from this conversation. Hopefully for the rest of your life.
Outside the school walls, in a nearby park covered in white snow, a group of teenagers sit under a gazebo. All had agreed to meet there Saturday morning when they were sure no one would catch them. All were dressed in their warmest clothes, and some had even brought something to write on just in case. 
Taehyung huddles as close to Jimin as he can possibly get, “Why did we have to do this outside? The library is just as good a place to talk about this.”
“Because all of us are way too loud to do this in the library.” Jennie reminds him, wrapped in a blanket with Lisa.
“Besides, Miss (L/n) spends her Saturday mornings at the library with Mr. Kim - the math teacher - doing their grading.” Lucas says, sitting in between Haechan and Jisung. How he knew that information? Nobody knew. But nobody would question it if it were helpful.
Chenle pipes up, untucking his scarf from around his mouth, “Are we sure we’re right about her and Mr. Jung? What if we have this all wrong?”
Hyuna shakes her head, confident in her people reading abilities, “We don’t, okay? I know for a fact that we have this right.” 
“So, what do we do?” Wonpil asks, leaning against the wall of the gazebo, “We can’t just ask them to go on a date together.”
“Technically, we can.” Jimin says.
Jae sighs, “Okay, yeah, but I don’t see that working for us if Mr. Jung can’t get it to work for himself.” 
“Honestly, if I were Miss. (L/n), then I probably would brush him off too. He tries just a little too hard when it comes to her.” Rose shrugs.
Johnny chuckles, “Have you seen Miss (L/n)? I’d try hard too.”
“Gross.” Lisa scoffs.
Wendy stands up, “People! Let’s think about this! What is the best way to get them together for the holiday?” 
“Miss (L/n) is having me choose her punishment for next Friday. What if we get Mr. Jung involved?” Hyuna asks, ready to rearrange everything they had planned. 
Jaemin shakes his head, “Mr. Jung already has a punishment.”
Jisung nudges his side, “But he wants that punishment. Let’s plan something that will ensure they both get together.”
“Okay, but what?” None of the teens knew exactly what they could do or how it could work. How could they possibly get their teacher together?
“I think I have an idea…” Jeongguk pulls out his phone and places it against his ear, waiting for an answer.
“Who are you calling?” Hyojong asks.
Jeongguk smiles, “Someone that I know can help us out with this. The only person who can get this done.”
It’s the next week, well into the Holiday Spirit week the students had planned. You’re students have been doing wonderful at their review, and you could only hope that they passed their midterms tomorrow. The teachers lounge was a breath of fresh air after the long day you’ve had. But no more kids now, just papers to grade and hand back at the beginning of the New Year. Everyone in the room seemed to have the same agenda. Namjoon was sat at the corner table with Yoongi and Taeil, eating the cookies Seokjin brought from his last class of the day while still decked in their holiday themed attire. Amber was for some reason chilling on the floor with Eric surrounded by essay after essay from her history class, her reindeer antlers long forgotten somewhere on the floor. Taeyong, Doyoung, and Seokjin were busy cleaning up the counter discussing amongst each other, each one of them having coordinated their costumes as three different Elsa’s from Frozen. Everyone was in their own groove and just relaxing after such a long week.
The teachers lounge door bursts open, Jung Hoseok appearing with his signature smile and temporary white chalk to go with his snowman theme today, “Guess who has the results for our demise?!” The other teachers groan in annoyance, most choosing to ignore their fate while some actually give the excited man attention, “The truck just came to pick up all the donated items and it looks like the students surpassed their goal by a longshot.”
“You’re joking.” Jin turns so fast you could see coffee fly out of his cup. He was so shell shocked that he didn’t even feel it hit his hand, “I should never have agreed to kiss a pig. Where do I find a pig?!”
“You think you have it bad? I agreed to dress up as a girl!” Namjoon groans. Yoongi nods next to him, already accepting his fate but still not ready for it to be real yet, “Yeah, no I remember, we made the pact together.”
“Well, Eric, it looks like we’re going to be having that watermelon eating rematch after all.” Amber says, nudging his side. Both of them looked way too excited for what was supposed to be a punishment. “I won in college, Amber, I will win again!”
She laughs, “Yeah, and I’ll watch you throw it up again in the trash can outside of the gymnasium.”
“Can we focus on the fact that we let Haechan choose our punishments?” Taeil shouts. He turns to the two men beside a sulking Seokjin and places a hand to his chest, “Men, this may be our final year of life.”
Hoseok takes a seat next to you, letting himself relax into the comfort of the couch. He sighs, “Anyways, did you think about my offer? I really need an answer before the New Year.”
“Which offer? The study group or the coffee?” You ask, continuing with your grading.
“Both.” He smiles, his cute dimples popping out for the first time today. 
“Study group? Yes. Coffee? Not a chance.” You smile. Hoseok’s hand moves to his chest with feigned hurt, “Ah, you’re playing with my heart, Miss (L/n).”
“Whatever you say, Mr. Jung.” You tease.
At this point in the day, the Pep Rally was already in full swing. Sports teams were prepped and ready to battle against each other, students in the bleachers rowdy and ready for the day to be over, and the schools band playing loud and proud above it all. Student council members run around the gym directing the flow of events for the day, making sure students in the bleachers and on the court listened as they should.
Everyone had taken their punishments like champs, especially Namjoon and Yoongi who still wore their outfits. Taeil, Taeyong, and Doyoung all let their faces get pied, pies courtesy of Seokjin’s morning class. But hey, he had to kiss an actual pig, so why not? Then there was Hoseok who got his hair lightened by his sister when he got home the other day, allowing his students to make his hair a bright fire engine red instead of the usual brown. Amber and Eric definitely threw up in the trash cans outside of the gym, even though neither one made it through half of the watermelon.
Then there was you. Your students definitely wanted you to give  show, only they prepared a Santa costume this time around. The embarrassment was already filling your bones, but there was nothing else you could do at this point. This is what you promised them, so you might as well give it your all. And you can honestly say that you wrecked that floor with the different dances they put on for you, one student even throwing money onto the floor where you were dancing. You’re just relieved when the music stops so you can leave and get back into your holiday sweater.
“Not so fast, Miss (L/n)! There’s one more part to your punishment~ No Santa is good without a Mrs. Claus, so why don’t we get one for you?” Hyuna waves over towards a massive amount of students where the still slightly damp, red haired Hoseok appears in a red velvet dress, a white frilly apron, and a white bonnet, “I’d love to present to you, Mrs. Claus!”
Watching Jung Hoseok strut onto the floor wearing a dress was something else. Especially since the last thing you expected from him was for him to suddenly start break dancing in his get up. But you were no loser, especially not to your supposed Mrs Claus. 
And that’s how you found yourself in a dance battle with a man in a dress while you wore a heavy fat suit covered in velvet. You were in no way trained to be a dancer like Hoseok had once been, but you were not about to lose to him like this. That was when the students decided to strike. All at once the music playing stopped and a slower, more romantic song started. You were extremely confused, especially when students started bringing over flowers and a mic to Hoseok while he removed his get up to reveal the dress pants and dress shirt underneath of it. 
He walked towards you with the most sincere look you’d ever seen on him, “I know this is really sudden, but you can thank our students for this mess. Miss (L/n), I would be overjoyed if you would let me take you on a date.”
And just like that everything blew up all at once. Students were screaming, your friends were pumped and cheering you on from afar, and Hoseok was looking at you with such hope that you were honestly too stunned to respond. You knew what you wanted to say, but you couldn’t find yourself saying anything at all. He’d always joked about wanting to go on a date, but you didn’t think he actually meant it! He was ungodly handsome and intelligent, and you were...you.
Your students were not shy about what they want either, “We as your students want you to be happy, and we know that you both like each other no matter how much you may deny it. Please consider accepting Mr. Jung’s offer.”
What were you supposed to do, say no? Not anymore.
You take the mic from his hands and flash him the brightest smile, “I’d love to.”
“You invited Mr. Jung here?!” Rose asks.
“He’s our best option!” Jeongguk argues, “If anyone is going to get her to say yes, it’ll be Mr. Jung with a grand gesture. She won’t be able to say no!”
“Okay, but if she does say no, then we’ve just embarrassed the hell out of him!” Jae yells. He takes a look towards Hoseok and bows quickly, “Sorry, sir.”
“Don’t worry about it Jae.” He holds up a hand and takes a well needed breath, “I know this is weird, but Jeongguk said you guys wanted to help. This would be a big help to me.”
“Do you think she’ll say yes?” Renjun asks.
Hoseok sighs, running a hand through his hair, “I’d love to think she’ll say yes. But I know that I’ll need help from all of you to get it done. I hope you’re all up for the challenge.”
“Anything for love!” Jimin says. The others agree with him, adding in their own comments here and there.
Despite them wanting to meddle into his life, he couldn’t find it in him to be angry with them when all they wanted was to get the two of you together for the holiday in the name of love. How could he ever be angry with them? This was the Christmas present he never knew he wanted, nor did he realize he needed.
But it turned out to be the best one of all.
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knybits · 5 years
Kimetsu Academy!
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Kimetsu Academy!Au: A Murder of One
Tanjirou x Akiko (and theyre actually happy lmao)
“Oh! Akiko! Hi honey, how’ve you been?” Kie greets the teenager with a warm smile as they open up the bakery for the day. 
Akiko walks into the store, inhaling the red bean and flour scent as well as blueberries and chocolate chips. The atmosphere envelops Akiko and she feels right at home. 
“I’ve been well,”Akiko smiles before looking up at the doorway leading to a set of stairs behind the store. 
“Are Nezuko and Tanjirou awake?” She questions, and Kie smiles hopelessly. 
“Well, you know Nezuko… Tanjirou should be getting her ready. Go on up and here, take a melon pan with you.”
The bun is stuffed into Akiko’s hand and she bids Tanjirou’s mother a thank you before rushing up the stairs. 
Akiko isn’t even half way up until her boyfriend’s voice calls out, “We’re in the bathroom! Can you come do Nezuko’s hair?” 
She smiles gleefully before taking two rights into the bathroom, watching Tanjirou brush his teeth as Nezuko nods off on his shoulders. 
“Mornfging,”Tanjirou smiles and Akiko chuckles lightly before cayrying Nezuko down to the floor, making sure she doesn’t fall. 
“Hey,” she pecks his cheek. “Another early morning?” Akiko can see his eye bags despite the small amount of makeup he wears to hide them. He blushes lightly, knowing he’s been caught, but nods his head nonetheless. 
Akiko finished the rest of her bread to scold him, hands weaving through long locks and twisting strands of hair, but Tanjirou continues to brush his teeth as he listens to his girlfriend’s voice, a pleasant smile on his face. 
The two are able to make it to the train in time, and everyone allows for Nezuko to have a seat on the train. Akiko and Tanjirou stand nearby, Akiko pressed back on the doors as Tanjirou covers her, making sure there are no perverts on the train. 
Akiko finds one anyway, poking Tanjirou’s cheek to nab his attention before pointing out Enmu, the local pervert, trying to creep on a girl. 
Tanjirou lets out a tired sigh at his usual behavior before cutting through bodies, and Akiko smiles proudly as he grabs Enmu and hands him off to the officer at the next station. 
Luckily, it’s their stop, and Tanjirou grabs Nezuko before the three are off to school. Akiko holds all three of their bags as Tanjirou carries his sister, the two talking about what they did yesterday as if they didn’t talk over the phone at night. 
“By the way, what’s our first period?” Akiko asks as they approach the gates. 
“I’m pretty sure it’s music with Miyuki-sensei?” Tanjirou looks over at Akiko to see her face, nearly jumping at the one she’s making. 
“It’s ok! I’m sure you’ll be fine!”
“Tanjirou… We both can’t say that…” 
Thankfully, Miyuki-sensei is nice enough to ace Akiko on tests and quizzes, so Akiko has a passing grade in the class. She can remember facts about music, but she always dreads the extra free time left at the end of class because kids usually try to play instruments. 
“Okay, Akiko, let’s try the piano today,” Miyuki catches Akiko attention and the blood drains from Akiko’s face. She sees Zenitsu cover his ears in the corner but she doesn’t blame him.
“I don’t know, Himi-sensei…” Akiko tries to save the rest of the class, but Tanjirou walks over to place a hand on her shoulder, giving her a bright smile. 
“I believe in you Akiko! You know Himi-sensei is a great teacher, so give it a try!” 
Akiko blushes, turning to him as she sees others looking at them. Hoping to keep the eyes off the both of them, she sighs in defeat before smiling back up at him and agreeing. 
Akiko is glad she’s dating her best friend. 
Her fingers dance across the keys, but they have two left feet and she can’t even plunk out the notes for twinkle twinkle little star. Tanjirou sits by patiently, cheering Akiko on whenever she fumbles. 
Finally, her finger presses the last key and the tune to twinkle twinkle little star is complete. Akiko looks up from the piano, wide eyed and in awe of herself before she beams at Miyuki. 
“I knew you could do it!” Tanjirou cheers before giving her a quick peck on the cheek. Akiko blushes furiously before taking his hand into her own when the bell rings. 
“We- We’re gonna be late so let’s go!” She insists as Tanjirou laughs. 
Miyuki congratulates Akiko before offering to walk them over to Shinazugawa’s math class, and the two shiver in fear. 
Tanjirou isn’t on good terms with Sanemi, but he’s friends with his younger brother, Genya. Akiko is rather fond of Genya too, since he taught her how to make different types of bento boxes so that she could make Tanjirou lunches every so often.  
When Akiko sees Miyuki talking lovingly to Sanemi, she smiles fondly. It’s the same look Miyuki’s mother would give her husband when he came to visit her with flowers in hard at Ray’s hospital. Just by looking, Akiko can tell that they’re absolutely in love with each other. 
She glances over at Tanjirou, who is talking to Genya at the moment, before wondering if the two of them will love each other like Miyuki and Sanemi. 
“Hey you three,” Himi-sensei’s voice catches their attention, “Save Friday night for me. My mother is inviting your family for dinner.”
Akiko looks over at her math teacher and Sanemi looks away under her piercing gaze. Akiko smiles, turning to look back at Miyuki before nodding her head and promising to ask her parents. 
Periods pass by, Tanjirou enjoying Rengoku-sensei’s class the most as always as she has to reign in her boyfriend from fighting the other students with yard sticks. Sure, some of the other fighters in the cavalry battle make fun of him, but Tanjirou makes a sad face at them before looking over at Akiko. 
“But guys... I pinkie promised her…”
They all agree that Tanjirou has a legal excuse to not participate in the cavalry battle and potentially get hurt. 
When the school bell rings for lunch, Zenitsu bolts down the hallway in search of Nezuko and Inosuke stomps to the cafeteria. Tanjirou pushes his desk over to Akiko’s as she brings out two bento boxes, an excited smile on her face. 
“You already know, but Genya came over yesterday to help me make today’s lunch. Also, it’s unreal how good he is at cooking. I wish he would share some of his skills… He doesn’t need all that talent, y’know?” Akiko goes off, untying the green and black checker patterned cloth with a huff before opening the boxes to present Tanjirou with today’s lunch. 
His eyes shine at the display, his favorite rice balls with a pickled plum in the middle making its appearance as always. There’s a rolled omelet and some edamame beans on the side, and Akiko pulls out a small container of miso soup for the two of them to share. 
He’s about to start eating, thanking Akiko for the meal, but she stops him as she pulls out her phone. 
“Oh yeah, today’s picture, right?” He poses, smiling into the camera as Akiko snaps a picture of him with the food she’s made for the day. She turns her phone off the minute she uploads the photo, knowing that her phone is already blowing up. 
Despite being linked at the hip for their whole lives, and even more so now that they’re dating, the two still find things to talk about. It’s odd, but they find random things to discuss. 
“Are you working at the hospital today?” Tanjirou asks as she chews her omelet, and she pauses to think before nodding her head. 
“Dad doesn’t need me till later though. If you’re not helping your parents today, wanna go to that new tapioca shop near the station? It’s been a while since we spent time together after school.” Akiko juts her lower lip out, batting her eyelashes at Tanjirou, who gives in easily. 
She cheers, hands thrown up into the air before Tanjirou stuffs another omelet into her mouth, and Akiko shuts up in embarrassment. 
“AKIKO!!” The door to the classroom slams open and Akiko nearly chokes on a rice ball. Tanjirou offers her his water, eyes soft with concern before looking over to the culprit. 
“Zenitsu, you almost killed her!” He says with exasperation, but Zenitsu is already tugging Akiko out of the room. 
“Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease you gotta help me find Nezuko!” Zenitsu cries, grasping at the hem of her skirt as Tanjirou tries to bat him away. 
Akiko deadpans. 
“Can I have one peaceful lunch with my boyfriend?” 
“Now that you say that I think Yahaba from class 2-B has a thing for you.” 
“R-REALLY?!” Zenitsu lets go, stumbling out of the classroom with a smile on his face. 
Akiko mentally prays for Yahaba, apologizing under her breath for sending a disaster bi after him. 
Finally, the final bell rings and school is out. Akiko and Tanjirou look over at each other before smiling, packing up their supplies before walking out of class together. 
His hand easily finds its way through her’s, and when Akiko asks him if Nezuko will be okay getting home on her own, he says that Kanao will take her since they’re both in the soccer club together. 
This puts Akiko at ease and they pass by Sanemi and Miyuki leaving for the day, the two piling into the car with some school supplies. Both couples wave each other goodbye (though Sanemi looks forced, and Miyuki begins to bicker with him).
The minute their car door closes, Akiko looks over at Tanjirou before saying, “Sanemi is going to propose this Friday.” 
He blinks in surprise before looking down at her, “Really? How do you know?” 
Akiko smiles teasingly before giving him a quick peck on the lips, tugging the two of them along to the station, “I just know!” 
“Hey, love? File this away for me? I have to go to the OR, but you can observe when you’re done,” Ray says, handing his daughter a manila folder. 
She nods her head, taking the folder before walking into the archives room and stashing it under “na”.  She’s about to walk out when her pager blips, and she looks at it in confusion, wondering why she’s been called up to the front lobby. 
A sudden thought hits her and she blushes lightly, biting her lip as she tries to calm her beating heart. Akiko doesn’t want to be wrong. 
“Tamura-san! Your grandmother is here to see you!” A nurse says, and Akiko’s heart drops. She braves a smile anyway, nodding her head despite the want to run away. 
But her eyes catch a familiar lock of hair, and she raises a questioning eyebrow at the nurse. 
“Tanjirou? You can come out.” 
Said person rises from the counter, laughing weakly, “You caught me…” 
“You can’t get past these eyes, love,” she smiles at him, glad that he decided to visit her at the hospital. 
Tanjirou does this often, and Akiko has no idea why she’s still so surprised when he shows up. Whenever he visits, it’s usually because he’s off work and wants to see her for just a moment before going off to his other job. 
He likes to say that she’s his recharging station, as embarrassing as it sounds. He asks for a smile, receives one, and immediately be ready for his next job. Akiko worries for him all the same. 
Tanjirou works at a flower shop with Miyuki and a cafe during the weekends and helps out at his family’s bakery throughout the weekdays. On top of that, he’s a student, and Akiko doesn’t know how he’s able to juggle all of this as well as a relationship. 
“Did you miss me already?” Akiko laughs, taking Tanjirou over to a secluded corner so that they can talk. 
“Well, yeah, I always miss you,” he says, and Akiko is thrown off, blinking twice before looking away. 
“But also because it’s already nine and you haven’t replied to my calls. You should be off by now, right?” 
When Akiko checks her phone she sees the two phone calls she’s missed, apologizing to him before confirming that it really is late at night. Her dad usually lets her off at eight, but today’s been a busy day. 
So Akiko tells the nurse to leave a note for her dad before she grabs her things from the lounge, walking out of the hospital, hand in hand with Tanjirou. 
The last remaining cherry blossoms flutter down, staining the streets as Akiko’s amber eyes reflect the street lights. Tanjirou allows Akiko to lead since she’s good at seeing in the dim lighting, but the two already have their way home memorized. 
“You can’t sleep over tonight, can you?” Akiko suddenly asks and Tanjirou startles, eyes wide at her request. 
“W-Well we have school tomorrow…” He looks away, timidly looking at the floor. Akiko smiles nonetheless before nodding her head. 
Tanjirou can smell the sadness seep from Akiko despite her happy appearance, and his tongue feels like lead. Akiko looks over at him when his hold on her hand tightens, and he beams brightly at her. 
“I can sleep over after the dinner party on Friday though!” 
He can smell her happiness again and she smiles back, jumping into his arms to bury her face into his chest, nodding enthusiastically. 
Tanjirou pats her head, laughing, before smiling fondly at his girlfriend. 
They both know that they’re lucky to have each other. 
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im not trying to troll yalls asses by not giving you guys ch 7 but also i am :,,) but yalls also get to see happy tanjirou and akiko so who rly is losing here,,,
this is a collab thing i did with @giyuwu-writings!! we’re rly excited to post this content for you guys, so stay excited for the wholesome and fluffy chapters of this au!! 
also our tag for this collab is giyuwubits and its cute plz validate us LMAO ;-; 
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little-fandom · 6 years
We only see as far as the headlights - Chapter I: The First Ride
Alec spends most of his days studying law, writing articles for a local newspaper to pay for his apartment, and trying not to completely break down after his baby brother has been diagnosed with leukaemia. He’s a busy man, there’s no time for rest, and there’s for sure no time for love on his schedule.
Every single of Magnus’ days is the same. Work, home, drink and a marathon of Project Runway. Every day besides Wednesdays, when he comes to a local hospital as a volunteer and offers some comfort for its patients. Even if his life is boring, it’s stable. And he definitely needs stable after his last relationship. He’s not looking for love. It’s still too soon.
But when fate makes both of the men cross paths, they start to feel something special. Something they have never felt before. And even with their contrasting lives, there’s always time for some love, right?
read on ao3 
“I don’t think it’s working, Mr Fell.” Alec says as he begins to get up from the chair, but Mr Fell stops him with his hand movement.
“Just sit down for one more minute.”
Alec sighs and rolls his eyes but does as he’s told. Slumping back down on the chair opposite the doctor, he raises a questioning eyebrow at him. Their time is over for this week session, and Alec has no idea what more does he want him to say. They’ve already been through all the kinds of ‘how you’re feeling today?’ questions.
“Why do you think that?” His therapist asks then. “It’s only our second session.”
Because it doesn’t make me feel any better, Alec thinks, but doesn’t say.
Deep down he knows it will take time, before he opens up fully. It’s been hard enough to expose him to his siblings like that, and he still gave him only a part of his worries, since they were pushing. It’s a totally different thing doing it with a stranger.
Maybe it is a little easier.
But it’s not like he’s doing it willingly. Isabelle insisted on him to go and get some help, since she could see that this whole thing was bringing him down a little bit more with every day. Jace instantly agreed, and that’s why he’s here. On his second session with a psychologist, but not actually to make himself feel better, but his siblings.
At least he can do something to make Izzy and Jace feel better.
He wishes he could do the same with Max.
He knows that it’s getting worse. Can see it with every day he comes back here to the hospital. But there’s not much he can do, besides being there for him. He won’t magically invent a cure for cancer, no matter how much he’d love to.
But he also knows, that it’s been like that before. Even worse. And since Max is a constant patient in this hospital for basically two months, it’s been better. He has someone watching over him all the time, someone will notice if something is wrong and will inform them instantly. They take better care of him here, than Alec and his family back at the house. Even though it was five of them there, they’re always busy. His siblings and him have college to attend, plus their casual jobs, and their parents are mostly out in their law’s firm. Sure, it’s an important work, but is it more important than your own child...
Max was actually the only thing that kept Alec home. He didn’t want to be away from him, but since they were forced to hand him away to the hospital anyway, Alec took a chance at leaving their family home too.
Isabelle and Jace came along. They rented an apartment mostly using Alec’s savings, all of them got casual jobs, and somehow they manage. Even when it’s hard, it’s still better than living with his father back at the house…
“Alec.” Mr Fell’s voice brings him out of his thoughts.
“Yeah, sorry I…” He starts, but the doctor only waves his hand dismissively and repeats the question instead.
“Why do you think it isn’t working?”
Alec shrugs, but after only one hour spend with this man, he knows he won’t take this as an answer, waiting for the younger man to elaborate.
“I just…” Alec starts and exhales. “I don’t feel like I need to talk to someone. I’m doing fine. I have my siblings-“
“But you still refuse to talk to them about this.” Mr Fell gently interrupts.
“Because I don’t feel the need to.” Alec resorts quickly.
The therapist lets out a long exhale and nods, scribbling something in his notebook.
“You know it’s your choice, but I’d like to continue seeing you.” He states a little while later. “I’m sure we can work everything out.” He smiles a soft smile, and Alec reciprocates a bit.
Do it for them, Alec’s subconsciousness is telling him. They need you to do this more than you do.
So he just nods in answer and Mr Fell goes back to writing in his notebook before speaking again.
“Great, same time next week then?”
“Yeah.” Alec replies shortly, relieved that it’s finally time to get out of here.
“I’ll see you next week then. Take care, Alec.”
Alec nods again on his way out and lets out another breathe as the door shut behind him.
He quickly makes his way to Max’s room, which he shares with three other kids. Now, they all recognise Alec, since he’s a constant visitor here. As he comes through the entrance, he spots his brother and the way he lits up at the sight of Alec makes him smile.
“Hey, buddy.” Alec greets as he sits down on the chair near his bed. He waves his hand to the other children and they answer with some cute smiles. “How are you feeling today?” He asks then, running a hand through Max’s hair.
“A bit better than yesterday.” He replies. “But everything still kinda hurts.”
Alec nods and places a kiss to his forehead.
“I know,” He speaks then. “But it’ll get better. You just need to get through this.”
He doesn’t want to give him false hope, and believes he doesn’t. He’s not letting any thought about losing his baby brother creep into his mind. If he did, he’d completely broke.
They just sit in silence for a while, Alec’s hand still in his hair and then Max speaks again.
“Don’t you have school today?”
“I do.” Alec smiles as he answers. “But I’ll always find some time for you.”
The quirks of Max’s lips lift up a bit at Alec’s words.
“Okay,” Alec starts. “do you want to play some video games, or we could take a walk-“
“Actually, I don’t think like moving from bed today.”
Alec tries to hide his worry behind a smile. As he always does, when Max is feeling particularly bad, like today. He looks down at his brother, as the boy slowly closes his eyes and exhales heavily.
“What would you like to do then?” Alec asks, delicately sweeping hair from his brother’s forehead.
“Can you read me?”
Alec smiles at his request. Being 12, Max is more than old enough to read himself, but he still loves it when Alec does it for him. He used to read him to sleep when Max was just a baby, and somehow it became their routine. Every time Max had a nightmare, or just wasn’t feeling okay, Alec would come to his room and read him to sleep. When he was diagnosed with leukaemia, and then transported to the hospital the reading didn’t stop. Actually, it became more constant, since Max was feeling bad almost all the time, and it seemed like the only thing to lift him up a bit.
“Sure,” Alec answers without hesitation. “Which book?”
“’The Little Prince’?”
It’s their book. The one Max chooses the most often, but none of them is bored of it. Rereading it only makes the story more special and with every year, Max seems to understand it better, find out new things about it. Which both makes Alec proud and worried. But he doesn’t let it get too much to his head as he answers.
“You’ve got it.”
Soon, he needs to leave since he has an exam in business law today, and can’t mess it up. He exchanges his goodbyes with Max, and promises to be back soon, like he always does, and then he’s heading to the exit, where Jace should be already waiting for him.
But he doesn’t spot him anywhere on the parking lot. He checks the time again. 9:21, they set up for 9:15. It’s a really important exam, and if Jace forgot…
With a heavy sigh Alec dials his number and waits till his brother picks up. When he does, Alec doesn’t really let him finish his ‘hello’ as he asks.
“Jace, where the hell are you?”
“I was just about to call you.” His brother states and Alec can hear some background noise coming for the other line. “It’s frantic at work today, I can’t get out.”
“What do you mean? We set up for you to get me a ride to the university, I have an exam in half of an hour!”
“I know, but I’m sorry I really can’t. It’s a mess up here.” Jace sighs and Alec can imagine him rubbing his finger over his brow, as he always does when he’s thinking. “Can’t you take a bus?”
“A stop is like 20 minutes away from here, and another 20 to get to the university.” Alec resorts with frustration creeping into his voice. He understands that Jace works hard, and does appreciate it. He’s a busy man, with working for the advertising agency and studying business on the weekends. Jace’s job is nice, but it’s not really for him. He wasn’t made for sitting behind a desk. That’s why he took business classes after a year of studying physical education. His dream is to open up his own gym, and Alec does believe he can make it. He and Izzy do. Their parents don’t matter. They stopped awaiting any support from them a long time ago.
So Alec lets out another exhale, tone shifting from frustrated to resigned as he adds.
“There’s no way I’ll make it there on time.”
“I’m sorry Alec, really. Can you take the exam another day?”
His teacher is going to kill him for missing another test, but what else is there left to do.
“I knew sharing a car with you is the worst idea ever.” Alec grunts, scowling himself for not just taking the car anytime he wants, like Jace does. Their schedule only seem to work when his brother feels like it.
“Hey, you know way better than anyone that we can’t afford two cars.” Jace resorts.
“Then I should be the one taking it to school.”
“You have like 20 minutes to the university by bus-“
“Well, not from here! From home!” Alec raises his voice slightly, but then adds more calmly. “I get it, Jace, but next time just let me know earlier, so I can figure something out.”
“Yeah, sure. Sorry.” Jace answers, actually sounding a bit guilty.
“Just… get back to work.” Alec states. “I’ll manage. I’ll see you tonight.”
They quickly exchange goodbyes and as Alec hangs up, he growls in frustration and goes to rest is forehead against the cold wall of the building.
“Fuck.” He murmurs to himself and a few seconds later, he feels a hand on his shoulder.
“Are you okay?” Says a man’s voice. It’s a nice voice, Alec resorts and he almost turns around to face the stranger, but he doesn’t feel like taking out his anger on an innocent person, and right now he feels like he’s going to blow up with frustration if he even opens his mouth.
“Fine.” He manages, and then the hand on his shoulder disappears, but he doesn’t hear any footsteps that may announce the stranger is walking away, so what’s left for Alec to do, than to face him.
As he turns around and is ready to reassure again that he’s perfectly fine, but then, he finds himself face to face with probably the most beautiful man he’s ever seen.
And then the man smiles at him, and Alec decides that he’s definitely the most beautiful. His black hair is perfectly styled, dark brown eyes, lightened with some black shiny eyeliner at the edges. His outfit leaves no other impression than fabulous. Dark red shirt, peeking out of the long burgundy coat, paired with tight black trousers and simple black boots.
Alec finds himself lost at his words, and he just stands there with mouth slightly open, not able to choke out any other words.
After what feels like a lifetime for Alec, the stranger chuckles lightly, and then his voice sounds again.
“I’m sorry, but I kind of overheard your conversation on the phone.” He states, still smiling softly when he offers. “Do you need a ride?”
Alec blinks a few time a bit taken aback at the offer, but when his brain actually come online, he manages a response.
“You expect me go get into a car with a total stranger?” He asks with a stern expression.
The man shakes his head lightly and chuckles again, before extending his hand.
“I’m Magnus.” He says, and before even thinking, Alec slides his palm into his. “See, not a total stranger anymore.”
Alec laughs briefly, before reminding himself that he hasn’t actually introduced yet.
“Well, Alec” Magnus starts again. “I might have heard that you’re headed in the direction of a university. Colmubia?”
“Yeah.” Alec nods and when they finally let go of each other hands, he finds himself surprised at how well they fitted together.
“Great, turns out I’m going in the same direction.” Magnus resorts and his smile brightens a bit. “And since we’re past the formalities, there’s no objection for you to accept my offer.”
“I don’t think that is how it works.” Alec says with a grin, and Magnus laughs again.
“Whoever told you that, lied.”
They laugh again, and there’s a moment of silence, before Alec speaks again.
“Look, Magnus it’s really nice of you to offer, but I don’t want to make you any trouble-“
“Nonsense.” Magnus interrupts gently. “It’s on my way Alec, I’ll just drop you off, it’ll take like two seconds. You won’t be taking basically any of my time, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Alec just shakes his head a bit.
“No, Magnus, it’s fine. I’ll take a bus, or something-“
“Alec,” He begins again. “is that short for Alexander?” He asks, and Alec nods in answer. “Okay, so Alexander, can I call you that?”
“Sure.” Alec replies before he actually gets to think about it. there’s just something in a way his full name slips of Magnus’ tongue. Without any reprimand or accusation, like it always did when his parents were calling him by his full name. He longs for the word to be spoken again by Magnus, and he doesn’t need to wait long when Magnus picks back up again.
“Alexander, you’re not making me any trouble. Really. And, as I’ve heard, you’ve got an exam, which you definitely shouldn’t miss. Come on, you can’t be late.”
Magnus waves of his hand in the direction of where his car must be and as he throws Alec one last look he thinks.
Fuck it.
He’ll be as good as dead if he misses the exam. Better to get murdered by a beautiful man than your teacher.
So he finally nods, releasing a breath and Magnus beams at him as he leads them in a direction of his car.
A few steps later, they find themselves in front of an elegant black car. It’s simple, not too big, but not too small, just a perfect kind. Alec doesn’t know shit about cars, but this one looks like a one he’d like to own himself.
Magnus opens the door to the passenger’s side and gestures Alec in, to which he blushes slightly at the polite gesture. He quickly gets in, and Magnus swiftly circles the car to soon settle himself in the driver’s seat.
“Here we go.” He turns the key in the ignition and backs out from the parking lot.
They drive in silence for a bit, and Alec just feels weird. He’s known Magnus for like ten minutes, tops, and somehow he finds himself relaxed in his company. Maybe it’s the smile he flashes him every time they stop at a red light, or the way his eyes are focused on the road when he drives. Alec doesn’t know. But he’s never felt something quite like this before.
He looks around, taking in his surroundings. The inside of the car is just as nice as the outside. The seats are a light-maroon leather, with an stylish cockpit and steer wheel in black. Alec’s gaze wanders to Magnus’ hand on the stick shift, and that’s when he notices his neatly painted fingernails, an elegant dark blue with a bit of shiny glitter.
He realises that he got too caught up in his thoughts as he hears Magnus say his name, probably repeating it, assuming from his tone.
“Sorry, I zoned out for a moment.” Alec resorts as he shakes his head, as if trying to get the thoughts away.
“That’s all right.” Magnus just shrugs lightly. “Are you okay, tho?”
His eyes are still focused back on the road, but Alec swears he can see a glimpse of worry in them.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Alec nods reassuringly, more to himself, since Magnus is still looking back on the road. “Maybe just a bit nervous.”
“What is this exam about?” Magnus asks and he sounds truly curious.
“Business law.” Alec exhales as he answers.
“Oh, a law student.” Magnus throws him another smile as he nods. “Did you study a lot?”
“Yeah, I did.”
“No worries then. You’ll pass.” Magnus assures.
Alec just lets out another breath, feeling a bit more calm. It sound so simple when Magnus says it.  He doesn’t know how he does it, but he actually believes his words.
Silence falls between them again, but it’s not that kind of uncomfortable one. It in fact feels a bit soothing, and Alec finds a moment to just breathe, before he’ll need to get out of this car to face the word again.
“So, your brother is not very reliable?” Magnus asks, breaking the silence and Alec laughs briefly at his words.
“It’s not one of his greatest qualities.” He states and Magnus hums in answer. “But he got held up in work, it isn’t really his fault.”
“So you share a car?” Magnus question next.
“In theory we do, but it doesn’t really work like that.” They both laugh briefly at his words. “We also live together. With my younger sister.”
“Must be fun.” Magnus resorts and Alec nods as a reply.
There are another few moments of silence, before Alec finally builds up a courage to ask.
“Do you study at the university too?”
“Oh, no.” Magnus makes a sound between a snort and a chuckle. “I’m way past that.”
“What do you do then?” Alec questions interested.
“I’m a chemist.” Magnus states. “I work in a lab nearby your collage. We mostly make cosmetics for some firms, but it’s a nice job. I did study chemistry at your university some time ago.”
“Sound nice.” Alec resorts with a smile.
“It is, really. The atmosphere is nice, I actually get to work with some of my friends. And I get to do something I truly like. I couldn’t really dream of a better job.”
Alec hums in answer and finds himself amused, listening to Magnus talk with such passion about his work. He might get a little lost in his thoughts again, but Magnus’ voice brigs him back to reality again.
“So you study law?” He prompts. “Any particular reason for it?”
Alec seems to think a bit about the answer. As a child, he always thought of becoming a lawyer. He wanted to be like his parents. But now, it’s not really the thought of making his parents proud that’s driven him into this. In some small part it might still be the urge of his parents, the fear of letting them down even more. But mostly it’s another thing.
“I guess I just want to do something good for people.” He finally replies. “Help them, you know?”
“Yeah, I get it.”
With that words, they basically reach the driveway of the university, and Alec realises he doesn’t really want to leave. He could stay with Magnus here and just talk. It’s nice, and Alec hasn’t felt like that in… ever really.
Magnus doesn’t push him to get out, he just turns to him and smiles softly.
“Don’t worry about the exam. I’m sure it’ll be fine.” He comforts again and Alec nods letting out a nervous breath. “But you do need to get going, if you want to make it.”
“Yeah, right I-“ Alec rambles again and Magnus chuckles. “I-, thank you, you really did save my life I-“
“It’s fine, really.” Magnus says, and as he puts his hand on Alec’s thigh in a reassuring gesture he can feel electricity and the pleasant fire caused by the touch. Alec does his best to supress the gasp, that wants to escape his lips.
“Thank you.” Alec just repeats at one exhale.
“Good luck on the test.” Magnus states then and Alec eventually moves to get out of the car.
“Yeah, I- , thanks.” Alec scowls himself for how much he can find his way with words now. “Have a good day at work.” He settles for that and for the last time, catches Magnus’ smile as he closes the door and heads to the building.
He quickly climbs the stairs to reach the hall, but before he gets to open the door to enter, a slim figure with long blonde hair is barring his way.
“Who drove you here?” Lydia asks, simply cutting to the point, not even bothering with ‘hello’. A stern expression on her face, hands clasped on her chest as she eyes Alec curiously.
“Hello to you too, Lydia.” Alec flashes her a tight smile.” What are you talking about?” He tries to circle his friend, but she doesn’t let him.
“I mean,” She puts a hand on his shoulder to stop him, pushing him back. “who gave you a ride?”
“How do you know I didn’t take the bus?” Alec questions as he finally looks down at her.
Actually, he knows why she does. After two years of friendship he learnt that Lydia sees everything, and hears everything. She knows every gossip going around the campus, every person. She’s the leader of the student council and pays attention to every single detail. Alec teases her that she doesn’t have a life, always stalking her friends, but he adores her for caring so much. When they found out Max was sick she’s been there for him. And even when they tease and poke at each other, he knows he can always count on her.
“You know, how I know.” She just states with a grin, and then continues. “I saw you getting out of that car, and I know it wasn’t yours and Jace’s, it wasn’t even your parents’, which would be rather concerning too-“
“You know what my parents’ car looks like?” Alec asks, his eyes widening. Lydia truly has eyes and ears everywhere, not only the campus it seems.
“Of course I know, but it’s not the point now, Alec.” Lydia carries on. “The point is, who drove you today.”
She just stands there and continues to look at him. He knows she won’t let go. She never does, but still, he tries to lead her on.
“It was a friend.”
Lydia only snorts to that.
“Alec, you and I both know that you don’t have any other friends, besides these ones I know.”
“Wow, thank you for believing in my social skills, Lydia.” Alec replies jokingly.
She rolls her eyes and picks back up regardless his comment.
“Why don’t you want to tell me? Who the hell was that?” She wonders, more asking the questions to herself, than to Alec, and as he tries to get past her once more, she stops him again. “Wait! Black car, mysterious person… Alec I swear to God, if you got yourself into some shady business-“
“You really think that less of me?” Lydia opens her mouth to reply, but he interrupts again. “No, I don’t do drugs or any other stuff, I’m not a part of any gang, I’m not selling myself.” He sighs. “What other worries of yours can I decrease, Lydia?” He adds more teasingly, but Lydia’s expressions turns more serious.
“Alec, of course I don’t think that of you. You know I’m just worried, with… everything that’s going on in your life.” She gently rubs his arm with her palm. “And, you can decrease my worries, but telling me who this mysterious person is.” She adds, already brightening up.
“Fine.” He finally gives in. “It was a guy I met at the hospital today. Jace messed up, and he offered me a ride, so I took it.”
Lydia’s expression turns even more suspicious, with a hint of fear behind it.
“Okay, who are you and what did you do to the Alec Lightwood I know?” She asks holding out her hand in a ‘hold up’ gesture, and Alec’s only answer is to roll his eyes at her.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“Alec, I love you, but you don’t talk to people.” She shakes her head. “There’s no way you would talk to some stranger on the street, you would just brush him of.” A glint lits up in her eyes, and Alec sees the thoughts running through her brain in her eyes. “Unless…”
“Unless, what?” Alec asks unenthusiastically.
Lydia straightens herself and a playful grin is playing at her face as she prompts again.
“Was he hot?”
“Lydia!” Alec just grunts and finally circles her to enter the class. She chuckles as she follows close behind.
“Alec, that’s the only explanation. Are you lonely?” She teases. “Do you need some love in your life?”
“There’s no time for love in my schedule, Lydia.” Alec states simply as he pulls out his notes from his backpack to look through them again. “But business law exam is.”
“I don’t think love really cares about your schedule.” Lydia whispers, as she slides into a chair next to him.
He throws her one last glare as she grins back at him and then a teacher enters the hall.
For the first time in his life Alec was thankful for an exam, ‘cause Lydia didn’t get a chance to interrogate him even more. Unless for an hour. Right after the class ended she jumped on him with another wave of questions he really didn’t feel like answering.
So mostly, he didn’t.
Somehow he managed to go through the rest of the classes, and it was finally time to go home.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Lydia.” He says when they leave the campus, and he turns to head in the direction of a bus stop.
“Wait!” Lydia calls after him, after he takes a few steps. “You forgot?”
“Forgot, what?” Alec frowns. He quickly scans his daily agenda in his mind, trying to recall something other than the usual.
“We were supposed to study together today. For the law ethics exam?” Lydia reminds him.
Shit, he did forget.
Seems like his head is in totally different place today. He tries to reason with himself, that it has nothing to do with a handsome stranger he met this morning, but it’s a pointless fight. In every class today he caught himself thinking of Magnus. Of the way his eyes were focused back on the road, or the words of reassurance he offered him, or that smile he gave him when Alec was leaving the car…
“Alec!” Lydia’s yell pulls him out of his thoughts. “Too busy thinking of that hot stranger?” She teases and Alec just rolls his eyes.
“I wasn’t thinking about him.” He states, but by the way this words come out, he’s pretty sure he’s betraying himself.
“Sure you weren’t.” Lydia resorts sarcastically, of course hearing the change in his voice, then she comes closer to him. “But seriously, if you’re busy tonight we can reschedule. The exam isn’t in another week-“
“No, it’s fine. It just completely slipped my mind.” Alec admits. “Let’s go to my place.”
“Okay.” Lydia answers simply and together in comfortable silence they march to the bus stop. Then Lydia eventually breaks the silence, when they enter the bus. Her tone teasing and light, as she leans in to Alec. “So are you going to tell me more about that guy of yours?”
He grunts again. Lydia seems to enjoy this too much. He wishes he was able to keep his mouth shut around her. But her questioning eyes and stern expression are enough to make him talk. Lydia can be terrifying when she wants to. That’s how Alec knows she’s going to be an amazing lawyer.
But he doesn’t speak, when Lydia still rumbles about that guy, with an amused grin on her face.
Soon, they reach Alec’s apartment. He quickly unlocks the door, and lets Lydia in.
The flat itself isn’t much. They didn’t really afford a lot, when they decided to move out. But all Izzy, Jace and Alec have separate bedrooms (thank God, because Jace tends to bring girls home quite often). There’s a living room connected to the kitchen area, and one bathroom. It’s enough. If someone wants to stay over, there’s always a couch in the living room. They don’t really need anything more.
“Hi!” Isabelle speaks when they enter the apartment. “Lydia, it’s so good to see you!” She exclaims and moves to hug her. “What brings you here?”
“Hi, Izzy. Long-time no see.” The blonde girl states with a smile. “We’re going to study.”
“Of course you are.” Izzy puts her hands on her hips. “You always are. Seems like Alec only brings you here for you to be his teacher.”
The girls laugh as they all move to the kitchen, and Alec puts some drinks out of the fridge.
“We’ll see who’s going to be teaching who.” He mocks, and Lydia throws him a glare.
“So,” Isabelle prompts as he leans on her elbows against the kitchen counter. “How was the exam today?”
Alec doesn’t know how she does it, but Izzy seems to remember everyone’s schedule, with her own not being very carefree. She’s studying forensic pathology, first year, and she’s still getting used to all of the collage stuff. But that doesn’t make her any less observant. Maybe she just always notices how nervous Alec becomes when the exams are coming up…
“It was good.” Alec answers her question after a while, looking at Lydia who nods in confirmation.
“Wait, you got to take it today?” Suddenly Jace’s voice sounds as he makes his way to the kitchen to join the rest. He quickly greets Lydia, but mostly, his gaze remains focused on Alec. “You said there was no way you’d make it on time.” He adds with curiosity in his eyes.
“Alec got a ride...” Lydia begins in a chanting tone. “From a man…”
And here it goes.
“What?!” Isabelle exclaims, straightening from the counter. “From who? Do I know him? How does he look like? Is he handsome?-“
“Maybe one question at a time Izzy.” Alec scolds, not exactly meeting her eyes, but also turning from Jace’s inquisitive gaze.
At first sight, Jace may appear as the type of careless, irresponsible bad boy, who can have anything he wants. But it’s not exactly true. He does care about a lot of things, his family the most. He worries too, even when he tries not let it show. And since Alec’s mental health has been getting quite worse considering Max’s current state, he’s become rather overprotective. True, he is irresponsible sometimes. Especially after a night out, including a few drinks and a fight with some girl. He did broke the living room table (twice), but still, he’s a good person.
Another thing about the Lightwood siblings, is that they have developed some kind of obsession with Alec’s dating life. Growing up, he didn’t really have any love life. He realised he was gay around the age of fifteen, told his siblings a year later, which they all accepted with no judgement. He decided to come out to his parents at his eighteen birthday, and he did. That’s when hell broke loose. His father had nothing else to say, than that Alec’s a disgrace to his family. That he’s no man, and he’ll never be, unless he stops fooling around and gets a grip. He even threatened to throw him out of the house, and if not his mother, he probably would have. But she wasn’t very pleased with Alec either. They hadn’t even spoken for about a month, later they only talked to each other when they needed something…
He spend most of his life just being scared of who he is, and trying to repress all of these feelings. He was never really looking for love, always too busy with studying. He wanted to make his parents proud, and they hated him as a person, so he thought maybe he would be able to impress them with his achievements.
It didn’t work, but still he needed to keep his mind occupied.
He did have one boyfriend when he was starting college, Raj, but things between them didn’t really go so well…
After their break up, Jace became even more concerned and overprotective.
But earlier whenever there was an occasion, Alec’s siblings liked to take it. They tried to set him up a few times (to which he either refused, or it ended up being a total disaster), but mostly they just need to know everything to make sure Alec is okay. And he loves them for that, but can’t help the feeling that it’s him who's supposed to protected them, he’s their big brother, and they shouldn’t worry about him so much. He can handle himself. He just  needs to take care of his siblings first, that’s his job…
“So, who was he?” Jace asks, when Alec still refuses to meet his eyes.
“Come on, Alec, tell us!” Izzy beams enthusiastically.
Alec lets out a long exhale, but he knows there’s no point in trying to lead them on. They’ll find out anyway. Either from Lydia, or somehow from him.
“It was just a guy I met at the hospital.” He begins. “He offered me a ride, so I took it.”
“A total stranger?” His brother prompts.
“Well… yeah, I guess so.”
“Alec, you realise-“ Jace tries again, to which Alec jus growls in frustration.
“God, Jace I’m not five. If he had been a serial killer I would just run off or something.”
“I know,” Jace attempts with a little less judgement now. “I know, but you know I’m just worried.”
“Yeah.” Alec sighs. “But you don’t need to. I’m okay, and I’ll probably never see him again, so really, no worries.”
Jace still eyes him cautiously, but after a while nods, and lets it go. For now.
“Okay,” Isabelle starts now. “Since we can be done fearing for your life, now get to the details.”
She smiles teasingly, joining Lydia at the other end of the counter, and they both wait for him to elaborate.
“There’s nothing more to talk about.” He just states solely. “We drove, talked a bit and that’s all.”
“That’s all he’s been telling me the whole day!” Lydia grunts. “Seriously, it’ll be a miracle if you’ll get something more out of him.” She turns to Izzy with a resigned expression.
“Oh, don’t worry.” A smirk is creeping onto his sister’s face. “I have my ways.”
Alec just looks at her with brows raised in question to which she shrugs.
“First, what did you talk about?” She asks, and somehow Alec knows he doesn’t want her to get to that part when she’s threatening to embarrass him with their childhood stroies in front of his only friend, so he bends.
“Just work, and school.” He shrugs.
“Okay, what’s his name? He did get a name, right?” Isabelle continues.
“Yeah, I’m not stupid.” Alec snorts. “It’s Magnus.”
He feels his cheeks reddening with even a mention of his name. This isn’t normal, he thinks. Thinking about him, gives him this weird feeling in his stomach. He’s not sure if it’s good or bad yet.
Isabelle just smiles, less jokingly this time, as she prompts another question.
“Would you like to see him again?”
Alec doesn’t really need to think as his mind slips him an answer immediately. Yes, of course yes, a million times yes. And to be honest, it’s scary. Because Alec hasn’t let himself want something so much in a very long time. Or probably ever.
“It doesn’t matter.” He resorts firmly. “Even if I wanted to, it’s unlikely that we will ever meet again.” He swiftly turns to Lydia and adds. “Come on, we need to study.”
With that, he drags her out of the kitchen, ignoring any words of protest, and they head to his bedroom to study.
He needs to take his mind of off thinking about Magnus.
The rest of the week passes normally. He goes to classes every day, writes a few articles and sends them to a local newspaper, so he can get at least a bit of money. Before he knows it, it’s Wednesday again, which means it’s time for another session with Mr Fell.
It also goes smoothly, they talk, sit in silence, anything that makes him comfortable. Mr Fell doesn’t push, and Alec is glad he doesn’t. They both know it will take time for him to open up. Or at least Alec hopes so, he really wouldn’t like to waste Mr Fell’s time.
Soon, the session is over and when he heads out after briefly visiting Max, he hears his name being called. He turns and he’s met with that handsome face again.
So when a not so unfamiliar stranger offers him a ride again, he doesn’t really hesitate to say yes.
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to-write-ornah · 6 years
It’s a Date
A/N: kinda random but here we go
Warnings: none
Pairing: Lafayette x reader
John finished his story, earning disbelieving laughs from his friends.
"I swear!" He said, raising his hands in a surrendering motion. "And that poor girl was probably so confused! But I was just way to shocked to even explain," he shook his head as his sentence trailed off.
"And you're sure it was Adams?" Hercules checked. "Like, absolutely positive?"
"Dude it had to have been Adams. I'm positive.” John let out another chuckle as Alex gave him a playful shove.
"Did you at least get that girls number?" He asked.
"Alex, I'm gay." John deadpanned. Alexander shrugged.
"Maybe you are, but we're not."
"Oui, mon ami." Laf said. "You mentioned twice how pretty she was. That means she must be tres belle."
"And you didn't even think to help a brother out," Herc said with fake hurt, exaggeratedly placing his hand on his chest. John rolled his eyes.
"Look, just go to the mall after school and pretend you don't know what happened. Ask her if she saw a teacher in there yesterday and then ask what the teacher bought. Boom. Are you happy now?" The rest of the group ignored his sarcasm and quickly began discussing when they could go to the mall.
John was still rolling his eyes at his friends when the lunch bell rang and the group made their way out of the cafeteria. John and Lafayette turned down one hall toward English class, waving at Alex and Hercules as they headed to science.
By the time class was over, John almost regretted telling his friends about the pretty girl who'd helped Mr Adams at Hot Topic the day before.
"Okay, one more time."
"So we saw one of our teachers leave the store yesterday, and we would've asked about it then, but we had football practice, so we came to ask today." Lafayette recited the story they'd come up with on the way to the mall. Alex gave a satisfied nod. It technically wasn't a lie. All three boys had had football practice the day before. (John played baseball, claiming football was too rough.)
"Good. Perfect, actually. Well, of course it's perfect, I came up with-"
"Yeah yeah, we get it, you're a genius," Hercules interrupted, "can we go in now?"
"Hell yeah."
~~Y/n POV~~
You had just finished putting away some new merch when several voices at the front of the store caught your attention. Looking up, you saw that your coworker had taken her break, so you hurried to the counter.
After just a few steps, you turned past a shelf and ran into a wall. Stumbling backwards, a hand was suddenly on your waist, and someone had caught you. Looking up, you realized that the 'wall' was actually a person. And a good looking one at that.
"Je suis très désolé, mademoiselle," the boy who had caught you helped you stand straight as he apologized. You didn't have to think as a response naturally came to your lips.
"L'amende, monsieur. Je peux vous aider?"
Glancing behind him you could see two other guys, about your age, all of them staring at you as though you'd grown a second head. You shook your head internally. How were they all so attractive?
"Sir? I'm sorry, do you not speak French?" You asked, puzzled at their reaction.
"Non! No, I do! Please forgive me, mademoiselle, I'm not used to hearing such a pretty girl speak my mother tongue in a casual setting. "
You blushed slightly at his compliment, but attempted to retain a professional composure. You failed slightly when you realized his hand was still on your waist.
"I grew up in France, I moved here when I was fourteen." You said. Feeling bold, you added, "If you wanna get coffee sometime, I'll tell you all about it."
He gave you a bright smile.
"I would love that."
You briefly caught his friends exchanging smirks in the background, and suddenly remembered you were at work. At the same moment, the tall boy with a dark complexion nudged Frienchie in the side. You were slightly disappointed when he removed his hand.
"We actually had a question for you," the shorter boy piped up. The French guy nodded and started to talk, his accent thick.
"Did you happen to see an older gentleman-"
"Okay, Adams isn't an 'older gentleman', he's an old geezer who doesn't actually do his job. Or have a real one for that matter! He just sits at his desk all day making students get him coffee and give presentations on stupid stuff. It's not like we really need his class to graduate, we only have to take it because-"
"Alexander!" The tall one behind Frenchie cut off his rambling friend. Alexanders face blanked before he offered a sheepish grin.
"Sorry. Go ahead Herc."
"Anyway," Herc said, giving Alex a slightly exasperated look, "we wanted to know if you remembered what he bought. I mean, we were here yesterday but we had to go to practice, or we'd have asked sooner. It's just, I'd never expect to find Adams in Hot Topic!"
You laughed, and couldn't help but notice Frenchie staring at you. Despite that, you managed to somewhat ignore him and answer his friends.
"Does he have glasses and a really bad toupe?" You asked. Both boys quickly nodded. You laughed again and shook your head yes. "I remember him. He bought fishnets."
Alex, Hercules and Lafayettes jaws all dropped. Hearing it from John was one thing, but having another person confirm the story made it feel more real, and way more hilarious.
"No freaking way," Alex whispered. "What the hell is he gonna do with them?"
"That's the best thing I've ever bothered to know about any of our teachers," Hercules added. Both stared at each other, wide-eyed.
"Next step is definitely pictures." Alex said decisively, turning and walking toward the stores exit. Hercules followed his friend.
"I agree. I wonder if he wears them to school..."
You heard the last of their conversation as they left you and their friend standing in the middle of the store. He was still staring at you, a faint smile on his face.
"So," you started, causing him to snap out of his trancelike state. “Do I get to know the name of the cute French guy I'm getting coffee with?”
He gave you a charming smile, accompanied by a slight blush.
"My friends all call me Lafayette, or just Laf. And for good reason. My full name is quite long." He chuckled, and you swore your legs almost gave out. You couldn't help but laugh with him, his melodious laughter was infectious.
"Well, just Laf, my name is Y/n." You offered him your hand, and were completely surprised when, instead of a handshake, he brought it to his lips and gave it a soft kiss. If you weren't blushing before, you definitely were now.
"Y/n," he tested out your name, "what a beautiful name. It suits you. How long until your work is over?"
"Actually, my shift ends right now," you said, grinning. "Care to go get that coffee?"
"It would be my pleasure."
Lafayette would remember to thank John later.
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loverontheleft · 6 years
Ready to Leap (7.1)
AU with B as a band teacher and reader as an English teacher. Fluff and smut anticipated. Chapters 1-6 can be found on my Masterlist.
Brendon x reader. Warnings: language, sexual implications, and content.
Because I don’t want to end up teaching British Literature online through a fanfic (though what a class that would be), I’m gonna continue playing fast and loose with the progression of time. Classroom time will be present as required by the plot. If you have questions about any of the works I mention and want to know why I used them or just have general questions about them, feel free to ask! I love teaching more than I love Brendon (which is a fucking lot) so I love getting literature questions.
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Now that I have your attention. THIS CHAPTER IS FROM BRENDON’S POV. I’m still using Y/n when Brendon’s referring to the reader because it seems easiest, but the second person “you” in this chapter is our boy.
Word count: 3.5k
“Sounds like a plan. I’m really sorry Urie, but I do actually have some work to do this planning period.” She looks regretful, like she really does want to stay - and you want her to stay too. But you’re not going to interfere with her job.
You nod, understanding. She reaches for the panties still in your hand and you pull back.
“No ma’am, these are mine now. You left them for me. Also, your dress doesn’t have pockets; where would you even put them until you got back to your room?”
“Well, seeing as I’m not wearing any currently, I would have just put them on.” Your eyes go wide and she smiles. “But like you said, they’re yours now, so I’ll just head back to my room.” She gives you a quick kiss before turning and walking towards the office door.
“Milton, you’re kidding, right? You’re fucking with me right now. Oh my god.” You’re sitting on the couch now, head resting against interlocked fingers. She turns before leaving your office and blows you a kiss. Once she’s gone, you sit back and groan, eyes shut. “Woman, you are going to be the death of me, I swear.”
You’re distracted the rest of your planning period; you keep playing the moment you found her panties on repeat. Your alarm went off, you rolled over to hit the snooze button, and, instead of smooth plastic, your fingers touch lace. Confused, your fingers close around the lace and bring it over to your drowsy eyes. You turn on the table lamp with your free hand and blink to focus. “Jesus fucking Christ.” As if you weren’t hard enough from your evening together playing on repeat behind your eyes all night; this was a whole new level. Your eyes slide to the time on your clock. You don’t have time, unless it’s in the shower. You groan again, clutching her panties and rolling out of bed.
The bell for 4th block rings and you shake your head, clearing out memories of steamy showers. Time to focus. You leave for Invitationals early Saturday morning; you have 3 more practices left , and only one of them is an extended practice. Maybe letting them leave early last night was a - no. Your mind wanders back to kissing her, how she responded so eagerly, so soft and willing, the rest of your evening together, sucking strawberry off of her fingers, and you reaffirm your decision. You all deserved a break yesterday.
“Heyyyyyy Mr. Urie.” Emily drops her bag by her seat and grins at you. “Ms. Milton was really distracted in second block.” Don’t react. Don’t react.
“Was she?” Calm. Mostly uninterested. Good.
“Yep. Anyway, thanks for letting us go early yesterday; I finished my chemistry research project early and don’t have anything to do over Invitationals weekend. How was your night?”
You look at her and can’t tell what she knows. If she knows. You’re pretty sure all of the cars were gone when you - but Marissa maybe? She wouldn’t have said anything. Would she? No.
“It was very pleasant, thank you for asking. Good job on the chem project, by the way. Good to stay on top of things.” Y/n, in your lap, rocking on top of you, grinding those hips down, rubbing herself against your dick, moaning in your ear, telling you to come. Fuck. It’s going to be a long day.
Everyone’s changing for practice and you head into your office to send her a quick text. “Can’t stop thinking about you. Headed out to the field. Practice is over at 3:30 today.” You don’t expect a response so you’re stunned when your phone vibrates immediately.
“I’ll meet you in the band room at 4.”
It’s. Going. To. Be. A. Long. Day.
Practice goes as smoothly as it could go; Marissa looks more confident, steps are all neat and precise, and the shapes are clean and exact. They sound amazing. They’re working hard, and you’re sure it’s out of appreciation for their unexpected night off. You finetune a few things, have the sections retune, and run it again. And just like that, it’s 3:25. “Excellent job guys - I mean it. Really phenomenal. Do that Saturday and you’ll be really pleased with your ratings. Pack up, head inside, and be sure to stay hydrated. Extended practice tomorrow!”
You wait until the field is cleared and climb down the ladder. By the time you get back inside and change, it’ll be 3:45. Everyone will be gone and you’ll only have to wait fifteen minutes.
It’s 4 on the dot and there’s a soft knocking at your door. You pull the door open and she’s standing there and just when you thought you couldn’t be any more attracted to her -
“I ordered pizza.” She’s holding the box in her hands and you can smell it; it’s mouthwatering. “It's not filet mignon toast, but figured we could go over some logistics for the competition.”
Moments later, you’re both seated on the floor, her legs curled under her delicately, and you’re discussing bus schedules and food prep. “Typically the Band Boosters make a ton of sandwiches and put them back in the loaf sleeves and we put those in coolers with the drinks and bring dry snacks along.”
She nods thoughtfully. “That works. What are we doing for dinner Saturday after the competition?”
“What are we, you and I, doing, or what are we, the collective band, doing?” Your hand is wandering up her thigh over her dress and she blushes. “We, you and I, are doing whatever we, you and I, want.”
“But we should probably be with the collective band, right?”
“That’s what the parent volunteers are for. Typically they divide into 4 groups and go to 4 different restaurants. Each kid has their own “band account” where tip money and bonus work hour rewards from the fish fry go, so they don’t have to worry about spending their own money.”
“That’s really smart.” She looks impressed and you smile.
“It took a while to get it all in order, but it works really well now. But anyway, the parent volunteers take them to dinner with the understanding that I need to be alone and decompress. With my anxiety and everything, I need some alone time after competitions.” She looks so concerned, so protective. “I’m usually fine, honestly. Just a lot of tension and high energy and crowds, sometimes it’s a bit much, especially at Invitationals which can be a two-day event if things go well Saturday.”
She places her hand over yours and smiles. “So what I’m hearing is a quiet night in with hotel room service.” She pauses, squeezing your hand. “And a ‘do not disturb’ sign.”
“That, Milton, is a very tempting offer. But we can go out for real food and then come back for that sign.”
“Either works for me.” She shrugs and takes another bite of pizza, a bit of sauce grazing the corner of her mouth. You lean in and kiss her, tongue flicking out and capturing it.
“What are your plans for the rest of the evening?” Your own personal plans depend on however she replies.
“Grading Beowulf outlines and writing a comprehension test and doing a stupid scantron answer sheet.”
“Gosh Milton, I was going to ask if you wanted to go to Disney World, but your night sounds so much better,” you tease and she laughs.
You hesitate, flipping your hand over under hers to hold hers lightly. “As always, tell me if I’m moving too fast but, you are welcome to come over and I’ll make a random scantron answer sheet for you and you can write questions and change answers around after. It takes one thing off your to-do list.”
She grins, setting down her pizza and moving it off of her lap. “And why would you helping me with a test be moving too fast?”
“I just don’t want you to think I’m trying to hold you captive or anything, having you over every night.”
“Wait, you’re not planning to hold me captive? Then what were those handcuffs for?” She shrieks with laughter when you shove the pizza box out from between you and tackle her, hand behind her head protectively, kissing her fiercely.
“You’re bad, Milton.”
“You like it, Urie.”
You both agree that she’ll go get what she needs from her room, go home and change, and then head over.
It’s an hour later and she’s sitting on your couch, green pen in hand, muttering something about logical fallacies and as stupid as it sounds, you’d watch her grade for hours. She showed up in sinfully tight leggings and your black tee, hair in a messy bun, and glasses on. “Damn,” you whistled when you opened the door. “How do you look good in anything?” and she grinned, stepping inside and kissing you softly once you’d shut the door.
“Are you ready for Milton’s Torturedome?” She asks, holding a stack of outlines.
“I’m ready to watch you, although admittedly I can think of like five other things I’d rather watch you do.”
She grins. “Just five, Urie? I’m hurt.”
You groan and pull her over to the couch. “Stop teasing me and grade. Let me know when you want me to start on the scantron and how many questions you want.” That was 40 minutes ago.
You look over at her again, taking a break from your scantron coloring, and she’s biting her lip in thought. She can feel your gaze and she looks up at you with a smile. “Yes?”
“Just looking.”
“Mmmm. Well I think I’m just about done with these. How goes the scantron?”
You smirk, holding it up. “Urie...is every answer C?” She’s laughing and you shake your head.
“Nope the last one is D.” You turn it over to show her.
“And you say I’m the bad one.” She sets aside the pile of outlines and crawls into your lap. “That’s just evil.”
“I can change it if you wa-“
“No. It’s hilarious.” She yawns and stretches and you feel her thighs tense around yours. “True confession, I already have the Beowulf test written. I just need to shuffle answers now and I can do that tomorrow.”
You grin. “I like this true confession. What does it mean for our evening?”
She grins back, running a hand through your hair. “It means we can put on a movie and pretend to watch it for five minutes before we give in and start making out.”
“Fuck yes.”
When her phone alarm goes off at 10:30, she pulls away breathlessly and frowns. “I don’t wanna stop.”
You look up at her, her lips swollen and hair all over the place, shirt missing. She’s drawing patterns on your bare chest, connecting the dots between the various marks she’s left. “I don’t want to stop either, but we set an alarm for a reason,” you remind her woefully.
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” She rocks back onto her heels and fixes her hair. “What are we going to do Saturday night?”
You smirk, reaching out to caress the side of her breast. “I was hoping more of this.”
She giggles, and shakes her head. “No, I mean, yes but...for sleeping arrangements.”
“Oh, there’s usually another faculty member who goes, Mr. Dean, but he’s not teaching here this year. The school pays for two rooms for school employee chaperones.” She nods slowly.
“That sort of seems like a waste of money.” She grins, noticing your hopeful confusion. “I was hoping I’d be spending the evening in your bed.”
You groan, leaning up to tangle a hand in her hair and pull her back down on top of you. “Fuck, Milton, I want that too.” Your mouth is on hers and she grips the side of your face, moaning hungrily into your kiss.
Out of nowhere, she pulls back for a moment, thoughtful. “But obviously the kids will notice if we are in the same room. So...keep the room. Ask for adjoining ones if possible, to make things easier. I’ll just make an anonymous donation for the cost.”
You laugh, kissing her softly. “I’ve got it. Don’t protest.”
Thursday drags. Extended practice is rough today, not performance-wise, just as far as time goes. Friday is worse. You’ve both agreed it’s probably best to cut back on your time together at school over these two days, but you’re definitely regretting the choice. She probably is too.
She texts you late Friday evening. “Jeans and the band polo you gave me for tomorrow?”
You have several things you want to reply with, each implying your desire for her naked, but instead, you send back, “perfect” and a smiley face.
“Thanks Urie. Sleep well, and I’ll see you bright and early.”
She’s not lying; with Invitationals being so far away, the band and chaperones meet at the school at 5am. This is nothing for her, but the kids (and you) are lethargic. Fortunately for you, she’s taken charge of all bus logistics and is giving instructions. All you have to do is stand next to her to give her credibility with the band parents and not drag her to the ground and ravage her. That second one is easier said than done. She’s so hot with a clipboard in her hands.
Everything goes smoothly and you’re boarded and rolling by 5:30 - a whole thirty minutes early. This will give you time to stop somewhere for breakfast - a drive thru - but hungry high schoolers are like piranhas so you’re grateful. You are both seated at the front of the bus, and manage to appear as just colleagues the entire 6-hour drive. It’s hard, but you’re not taking any chances.
Lunch, as always, is chaotic but when you step away to discuss something with the competition coordinator, you happen to glance back over and your heart is so full. She’s walking around, checking in with students, insisting they drink more water, calming down the nervous freshmen, answering questions from parent volunteers and generally keeping things running smoothly. She looks up, catches your eye, and breaks into a radiant smile. “Hi,” you mouth while the coordinator checks something with his supervisor. She smiles, giving you a soft wave.
This is the first competition of the season and while it doesn’t count as a qualifier for State for your region, your scores here have always been reflective of how you’ll do at competitions that carry some real weight. The kids know this and are nervous - but it’s the excited nervous that doesn’t have you worried. You and Y/n are sitting in the bleachers with the other parent volunteers; the two of you are at the very top of the bleachers to get as close to a judge’s view as you can get. The march-on is smooth and well executed; the cadence from the drumline already has the crowd excited. You’re more nervous than the students are honestly; the announcer always gives the name of the band director and the name of the show composer. This is the first year both will be your name and you are petrified. The band comes to a halt. Marissa waits, facing the judges’ window. Her hands are steady at her side.
“From Putnam High School in Putnam, Connecticut, the Putnam High Marching Band is under the direction of Mr. Brendon Urie and drum major Marissa Wayford. They are performing Heroes and Villains, arranged by Mr. Brendon Urie.” Her hand squeezes yours. “Putnam High Marching Band, you may take the field for exhibition.” You let out a sigh. That should reassure the kids. Scores, but not scores that really matter. It usually helps you.
Marissa strides to the podium, ascends gracefully. She scans left, scans right. “Band horns up!” You want to vomit. And then they’re off.
Her hand is still squeezing yours and you can’t breathe. They’re doing so well. You are meticulous and obsessive and you haven’t spotted anything. People are cheering at each musical transition; you feel less sick. This is going well. It’s going really well. She looks over at you and smiles. “I’m so proud of you,” she whispers and you can’t fight the smile that spreads across your face. The crowd is screaming - there’s just something about a full company in a straight line forward march that drives people wild - it’s the band version of a dancer’s kickline, she whispers to you and you laugh.
Trumpet solo on Taps. She squeezes tighter and you both sigh in relief when that high note soars, pure and clear, through the stadium.
“Band horns down!” It’s over. It’s over. The entire crowd is on their feet roaring, and you’re staring at each other in ecstasy and her face, fuck, you can see how proud of you she is and without thinking, you grab her by the back of the neck and crush your mouth over hers. She moans into the kiss and tangles her hands in your hair, back arching so her chest is pressing into yours and your other hand is sliding down her back and she’s opening her mouth for your tongue and fuck this is so goo- oh fuck. Fuck.
You think it hits her at the same time and you both pull away from each other, panicked. Almost coordinated, you both whirl to the front and she lets out a sigh of relief that doesn’t even come close to what you’re feeling. The band is marching off and all of the parents are on still on their feet cheering.
“Odds that someone saw that?” You ask, breathing hard. Her eyes are still wide.
“Maybe one of the kids on the field but I doubt they’d know it was us.” You look around. You’re the only band with white show shirts. You and Y/n have on black band polos.
“I don’t know Milton...look around.” She does and comes to the same conclusion. She looks petrified. “I’m sure they didn’t look up here,” you soothe, unsure if you believe yourself. “They were probably watching Marissa and waiting for the march-off.” She nods and looks somewhat comforted.
“Okay. Let’s just go with that. We need to collect them and get them back on the bus, to the hotel, then divided into groups for dinner?” Making a plan calms her. She looks more confident.
“Yep. Let’s head down there now.” You reach for her hand and she gives you a pointed look and then grins. “Oh. Right.”
No one says anything about it to either of you walking to the bus or on the bus. The kids are chattering loudly about a variety of topics in the hotel lobby but you don’t hear either of your names. You might be okay. “Alright guys!” You get their attention and when they turn to look at you, you can see the glee in their faces. They know how well they did. “I’ll get scores emailed to me in about 4 hours. You’ve got time to get change, get dinner, and relax a bit at the hotel before we come back together in the meeting room downstairs. I’m so proud of you all. It was incredible to watch and I am just so, so excited for this season. Truly, an excellent job.” They can’t stop smiling and neither can you. “Now go change and stick stick with your groups.”
Y/n went up to change once you gave her her key, so ideally she’ll be ready to go to dinner once you get up there. To your mutual delight, the hotel was able to give you an adjoining room. You slide your key into the door, planning to knock on the connecting door to collect her for dinner. The green light blinks, you walk into your room, and all of your breath leaves your body. “Holy fuck Milton.”
She grins, leaning back on her elbows on your bed, eyes on you. “You like it?”
You nod silently, looking her up and down. “Did your friend make this for you too?” She giggles, shaking her head. “Stand up. I wanna see all of this.” She arches up, slipping off the bed and standing, turning slowly. The dress is a black silky material that plunges low between her breasts and slits high up her left thigh. “You know I’m not letting you leave the room in this, right?”
“That’s exactly what I was counting on.”
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xuxisbbymami · 6 years
Psych 101~ Lesson 3
Lesson 2
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Warnings- swearing? But next chapter....
Word Count- 1.5k
A/N- it’s here finally thanks for being patient @softforeveryonecuzimsoft IS ONE OF THE NICEST PEOPLE EVER SHOW HER SOME LOVE PLS AND THX
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You walk into class completely calm and relaxed. You took out all the anger you had for Yukhei yesterday on your juniors and vibrator. You completely forgot about him. That is until you see him sitting in the seat next to yours.
Why he’s at your seat isn’t the first question that you ask yourself. It’s how does he know where your seat is and why did he get here so early. From what you know he sits in the back and comes to class late while you’re always the first person in class.
Your unbothered face turns into a look of disgust as you approach your unassigned assigned seat.
As you get closer you see him looking down and fidgeting with his hands. He looks nervous? When you sit in your seat he looks up at you.
“Hi” he breathes out and shyly smiles at you. He sounds like he’s been holding his breath. Why
“Hey” you say in an unsure tone. You unpack your things and try figure out what he wants with you considering he insulted you for no reason yesterday.
He senses your confusion and gets to why he’s bothering you, “Look I just wanted to say I’m sorry about yesterday. That got way out of control and it’s my fault. I kept rethinking our argument and it was wrong of me to assume things about you then get pissed when you do the same thing. Oh and I’m not just saying this because I need you as my tutor. I feel really bad about what happened. I know you hear that I’m an asshole or whatever but I’m a nice guy and I’m usually not like that. I don’t know what came over me yesterday”.
You look at him even more confused than before, “I’m not saying you’re stupid and I’m not trying to insult you but who told you to say that. I don’t know you that well but I know you didn’t think of that on your own”.
He chuckles, “Jungwoo. Jungwoo told me what to say but I mean every word. I’m just not that good at saying what I mean in a way that most people can understand”.
You laugh a little too. You notice that you laugh more than usual around him.
“It’s okay Lucas I forgive you and I’m sorry for being bitchy I’m not like that either. But if you want to continue our sessions I need to know you’re serious. If you make a B on the quiz we can keep this going but if not then find someone else”.
He scoffs, “A B? Really that’s way above the grades I usually make”.
You grin, “Exactly and with my help B’s will be your new normal but only if you do as I say and put in the effort and work. You can do it. We can do it”.
He smiles back at you, “Okay okay. But I want to make up for yesterday”.
“Lucas I said it’s fine we both were out of line and you can make it up to me by making a B on your quiz-”.
“No. I want to take you take a party my fraternity is throwing next Friday. You need to let loose or you’ll go insane”.
You think about it for a second. You haven’t been partying since this past summer and your only way of relaxation can’t be orgasms you give to yourself and movies you binge watch.
“Okay but only if you make a B”.
He playfully mimics you, “only if i make a B”.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
After your 11am class (American gov’t) you decide to go to your dorm and hang out with your roommate (and one of your only friends) Lisa. Usually at this time she’s sleeping since she takes evening classes but today she offered to order pizza and pay for it if you agreed to stop studying and hangout with her.
You became friends a couple weeks into freshman year. She noticed you both went to the library after your calculus 2 class you both shared. You guys studied together and she helped you out a lot since you struggled in that class. Not a lot of people know this but math is your weak point. You weren’t to the point of failing. You made B’s and to you that’s too close to failing. You repaided her back by helping her in your Lit class which you both again shared. When sophomore year came you guys no longer shared classes due to completely different majors. You loved Lisa and hanging around her but you thought you guys would fall off because you wouldn’t see each other as much but when you got your dorm and found out you got a double instead of a single you called her to see if she’d room with you. She, of course, said yes. She was living with her parents and desperately needed an excuse to leave home. Now you guys are roommates and best friends.
As you enter your dorm you see Lisa in her bed face stuffed with the pizza you guys are meant to share and jamming to whatever rapper she’s currently obsessed with. She looks like she would be into music and dancing which she is. She, unlike you, is extremely shy and keeps her interesting side reserved for you and her close friends. Not even her family, who she’s extremely close with, knows about this part of her.
“Where’s all the pizza, Lisa”? She looks up startled not hearing you come and awkwardly puts the pizza down.
“Hey girl how’s everything”? You roll your eyes at her and grab a slice of pizza. “Only a couple days into the new semester and I already have a super complicated project” you sigh and lie back.
“What class”?
“American gov”. Lisa smiles to herself thankfully for the fact that she’s majoring in biochemistry and not criminal justice like you.
“Do you have someone to work with you shouldn’t put all that pressure on yourself but I know how you feel about working with partners”
She’s right you hate working with people because you typically end up doing all the work. You usually don’t work with people unless your teacher forces you to but your friend Doyoung is in your class and he’s like you. He won’t let you do all the work.
“Yeah you know Doyoung? He’s working with me”. He is a serious person and even more serious about his work. Your similar personalities and majors is why you guys are close friends. He majors in Criminology hence why you shared so many classes first semester. He knew you were Stalin and often competed with you for the highest test score. You, of course, always beat him.
“You seem pretty close with him. Anything going on?” she looks at you suspectedly. You laugh, “I’m offended Lisa you should know me better. You I don’t have time for guys. And let’s say by some stroke of unfortunate luck that I did I wouldn’t want Doyoung. He knows me too well”.
Lisa rolls her eyes, “That makes no sense that’s a reason why you should like him. He knows you so well”! You shrug and a couple seconds later get a text message from Lucas.
LW~ hey ik i said i wanted tutoring to be later than usual but can it be our regular time? something came up
You guys agreed to have tutoring at 1:15 everyday but he told you before you left psych that he wanted to have it at 4:45 (around the time you left from tutoring your juniors) since “something came up”. You huff and roll your eyes. You had already told Doyoung you would work on your project together at the time you usually tutor Lucas.
You~ thanks for the early notice🙄
LW~ 😔 im sorry. i’ll buy you dinner
It’s almost 1 now and you have to reschedule with Doyoung. He does not like change.
You text him and tell him about the change and get your stuff together.
“Who was that?” Lisa asks while finishing the last slice of pizza.
You sigh, “Lucas. You know him? I’m tutoring him”.
Lisa drops her pizza and runs to the door to block as you’re about to leave. “Lucas? Lucas Wong? Why didn’t you tell me earlier y/n”?!
You look at her confused, “I didn’t think it was that big of a deal. Now I have to go”. You push past her and sticks her head out the door and screams, “WHY WOULDNT IT BE A BIG DEAL HES LUCAS UNLESS…. OH MY FUCKING GOD Y/N ARE YOU HOOKING UP WITH HIM”?
You run to push her back in your dorm.
I swear she’s insane.
She loves to try to live her love life through you even though your love life is just as nonexistent as hers.
You shake your head to yourself and walk to the library as you try to ignore your neighbors looking at you strangely.
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mrkrychek · 6 years
Brighter than the sun (Part 9/10)
So this is the last part before the final chapter. It really is about to end.
Here you can find the last part
Warning: no warnings yet
Word count: 3356
Part: 9/10
Доброе утро (Dobroye utro) - Good morning
моя маленькая (moya malen'kaya) - my little
мое солнышко (moye solnyshko) - my sunshine 
As you left Captain Kirk's quarter you were more than satisfied. Last night was more than just pleasing so was this morning. Both of you just agreed that this was the last time you would sleep together. Otherwise it would complicated your work together. So you left his quarter early to get some breakfast at one of the little cafes.
You took one of the seats at the front to watch the people on the outside. That was something you really liked, watching people doing their stuff. It was always amusing to see what people do when they thought no one is watching. All these strangers walking past the cafe without even look inside, probably rushing towards work. Then there appeared this very familiar face. Immediately you knocked at the window to get his attention. When he looked at you you waved him inside. After a few moments this person sat down in front of you and smiled at you.
“Доброе утро (Dobroye utro)!“ Hearing Russian again was strange but never did you forget how to speak it or what it meant. Pavel had been the perfect teacher.
“Доброе утро (Dobroye utro)! Hope you slept well.”
“Zank you. I zink you did. Saw you leaving wiz ze Keptin...” His voice lowered at the end and the smile on his face faded a little. You clearly saw his disappointment and hurt. And you felt it too.
“Pasha....” You started but he just shook his head.
“It's fine...I mean the Keptin is a good guy. Bet it was a good night for you.” The struggle to find the right words was eating you up. Why was this hurting him? You could clearly see that he wasn't happy about the fact that you slept with your captain. Was it possible that-?
“Pasha...are you...are you still...in love with...me?” The way he flinched was more than any word could say. Like it was on the night he first had told you about his feelings your heart clenched because of the hurt. Nothing has changed over the years. His feelings for you were still there. And again you hurt him with your actions. This time you haven't run away. No this time you stabbed him right into his heart with walking away with Kirk while he was watching.
“I hawe to go. Wanted to eat with Mr. Sulu and his family...” He stood up that instant and walked away. You wanted to grab his arm and make him stop but he was faster than you. So all you could do was watching him walk away. Shoulders hanging down. His eyes on the ground. And his heart obviously broken. Again. You felt awful. Again. You head sank into your hands. Deep breath should kept you from starting to cry. They helped but the thoughts didn't stop running trough your mind. And your heart. Your heart didn't stop to hurt so bad. What have you done wrong in your life that it was punishing you over and over again with hurting the man you called your friend for so long and who you held so dear in your heart?
The time passed while you were sitting there overthinking the whole situation. How much passed was unknown to you. You didn't raised your head when the waitress came over to ask if everything was alright and if you wanted more coffee. You didn't raised you head when some girl screamed because her dad surprised her with a big birthday gift. But you raise it when someone took the seat in front of you in silence.
You had to blink a few times to get a clear view because your eyes couldn't take the light after be closed for so long. But when it cleared you looked right into the face of Nyota Uhura. And of course next to her was sitting Commander Spock. A little smile appeared on your lips.
“Good morning, Commander! And good morning, Lieutenant!” you said in a friendly tone.
“Good morning, Lieutenant (Y/L/N)! Hope it is not outrageous of us that we just sat down without your permission.” Spock said and you were wondering when they asked you because you couldn't remember hearing someone talking to you.
“No, it's totally fine!” You smiled at both of them. As far as you knew the both of them had been a couple for a few years now. It was kind of strange to see a Vulcan like Spock being with a fierce and strong woman like Uhura. Therefore who else than Uhura could handle a man like Spock. Even though you barely knew both of them yet you knew that they were perfect for each other. You knew that they were soulmates, they were one of the few lucky people in this universe who found their perfect match. It was something that made you a little bit jealous.
“Why are you here all by yourself? Thought that Chekov would be by your side like he was the past day. He never stopped talking about you yesterday when you and the Captain talked.” Hearing Uhura say the name of your best friend made you flinch a little. You hoped that neither of them saw it.
“He was here briefly. But he was invited by Mr. Sulu and his family and I....I didn't wanted to interrupt.” It was such a lie and you knew it. They wouldn't feel that way and they wouldn't exclude you. Because you belonged to the Enterprise now.
Maybe you could try to lie to yourself but you couldn't lie to the both people sitting at your table. By the way both of them arched their eyebrows you could tell that they didn't bought your lie. Uhura looked from you at Spock and whispered something into his ear. He looked a little bit confused first but then he rose with nod and excused himself before leaving the cafe.
Uhura waited a few moments and watched her boyfriend walk away. Then she turned to you again. Her expression filled with worries.
“I know we don't know each other well yet....but is there anything you want to talk about, sweetheart?” You pressed your lips together until there was nothing left but a thin line. On the USS Robinson you haven't had a real good friend to talk about your problems. You had friends yes but your problems had always been your problems. In this years you missed your old friend Hannah. After your graduation the contact with her got lost. Once you two met when both of your ships stopped at the same planet. It was a nice reunion and a wonderful long evening with chatting and laughing. But after that you've never heard of her personally.
Now Uhura was looking at you, waiting for your answer. Offering a friendly ear. Acting like a friend would do. But was it right to talk to a nearly stranger about what is bothering you? You barely knew her so why should she care about the fact that you feel horrible about hurting Pavel again?
“It's totally fine if you don't want to talk about. I just want to let you know that I'm here for you. If you ever need someone to talk to. If you ever need a friend apart from Chekov. And if you want to we can talk about something different. Just to clear your mind.” She smiled at you warmly. It was such a kindness that you couldn't decline it.
“If it's okay I would like to take a walk.” With another smile she nodded and left the cafe along with you. You walked a few meters in silence. Just took your surrounding area in. When you just passed a little park like area you couldn't keep silent anymore.
“You know he and I became close friends at the Academy straight from the beginning. Even though he started a year later than me and was so much younger.” You knew that you didn't have to say his name to make Uhura understand who you were talking about. “He made me laugh all the time. He was still a child back then and of course he acted like one. But he always managed to take my mind off if necessary. He was one of the few who knew that I had such a fear of test and exams and he was one of the even fewer ones who were able to take this from me.” He'd always calmed you in a way that you couldn't explain. It was like he'd went inside you and just cut it out. No one ever had managed to get you as calm as he'd done.
“On the day before my finals he gave me this little matryoshka as a lucky charm. It was the sweetest thing I've ever got. I still have it. Gives me luck all the time when I need it.” The thought of this little wooden figure made you smile.
“That's really a sweet gesture of him.”
“It is.” Suddenly your smile was fading. You thoughts got to the day of your exams. To the party that night. To the kiss. And to the first time he told you what you really meant to him. And then to just a few hours ago when you broke it again. The thought about it made your heart ache again.
“(Y/N), what happened between yesterday and now?” She wasn't stupid. She knew that what ever was up with you had to do with Pavel. But wasn't it too private, too intimate to talk with her about it? Being totally honest to yourself you knew that you had to get this of your chest.
So you took a deep breath and then a second one before you spitted out what was killing you inside. “I slept with the captain.” You didn't need to look at her to see her confused expression. You could feel it.
“But wh-” She started but the the realization hit her and a surprised sound escaped her throat. “He is in love with you!” And there it was again. The reality that made it so hard for you to breath. That made your heart ache like never before. Hearing it from someone else, someone who wasn't actually involved in this mess, was even harder. And even though you tried really hard you couldn't stop your tears this time. You couldn't swallow them anymore so you gave in and let them running down your face.
Uhura didn't hesitated and took you in her arms. With soft and steady strokes she petted the back of your head. But she didn't say anything, knowing that you just needed this comfort right now. You didn't know how long the two of you were standing there with you crying in her arms but when your tears were dried up and your sobs stopped, you slowly got out of her embrace.
“You feel better now?” She asked softly with a kind smile on her lips. All you could do was to nod. Didn't really trust your voice. “Good! You wanna talk about it a little more?” You could hear it in her voice that she didn't want to put on some pressure just wanted to make sure you know that she was there for you. Again you nodded and pointed to a bench nearby to sit down. It took you some minutes to finally be able to speak again.
“He confessed to me at the party after my finals. I was so surprised and shocked that I ran away. Right into the bed of someone else. As I now know in the arms of James T. Kirk. Even though after a few days we talked again and he said he was okay I knew he wasn't. I broke his heart into tiny little pieces back then. And yesterday I slept with the captain again and he saw us walking away. I haven't told him but he knew what happened. I...I wasn't aware of the possibility that he may still have feelings for me. Again I broke his heart in such a brutal way. It wasn't my intention. He doesn't deserve this.”
“No he doesn't. But maybe if you explain everything to him....maybe he understands. Maybe he just needs time.”
“Haven't been 5 years enough time?” A heavy sigh. “I tried to explain it to him but that was when he got up and left. Saying he needed to get to Sulu. I was so happy to have him back. Now I'm back to the point where we parted. And it hurts. It hurts so bad.”
“Give him some time and then talk to him again. Tell him how you feel about this whole situation. I know that he will understand.” She was right. Maybe some days of rest will be what he need and then you two could talk properly about everything.
It's been two weeks since the birthday party of Kirk. Two weeks you haven't had the chance to talk to Pavel. Both of you were quite busy. While the whole crew had to stay on Yorktown while your ship was rebuild, Starfleet had occupied you with different tasks. You for yourself had helped to get  a specific map of Altamid and the nebula around it. They wanted a map that was as detailed as possible. Sadly all your records were destroyed along with the Enterprise. So it took longer as you wished but it was all possible.
It was the first day you got off after working for nearly two weeks straight. You thought it was time to treat yourself with something really nice so you decided to get you some of the famous Ice Cream Shop here at Yorktown with thousand of flavors. After you got some scoops of strawberry, coffee and licorice flavored ice cream you decided to sit down on a bench in the park and enjoy your day.
“(Y/N)?” You heard someone calling your name. Quickly you looked around to find the person to the voice. And as your eyes found the  person your heart skipped a beat. It was the first time since two weeks that you saw Pavel again. He stood a few feet away, a shy smile on his lips and an ice cream in his hand. You missed seeing him. And he looked good in this black shirt with a jeans jacket and the tight black jeans.
“привет (Privet), Pasha!“ You said and smiled at him. “Wanna sit down?” With a quick nod he took the last few steps to you and sat down next to you.
“Seems like we had ze same idea.” He pointed to your ice cream and laughed a little bit. You couldn't help but had to grin a little bit.
“Just not with the flavors. What did you got? Chocolate, lemon and....looks like the rest of green apple?”
“I'm impressed. What have you? Strawberry and what are these others?”
“Coffee and licorice!” When you saw him contract his brows you offered him your ice cream. “Wanna taste? It's really delicious!” He hesitated but then he bend forward and rolled out his tongue to take a taste of each flavor. The satisfying sound that came out of him sent shivers down your spine. It seemed like he enjoyed the taste very much.
“You're right. It is delicious!” He looked into your face and smiled softly. “I've missed you. Sorry that I was so busy this last week.”
“I was busy too, so it wasn't all on you. Starfleet can't see us having too much free time I guess.” Both of you started laughing. “But I've missed you too.” A few minutes passed without anybody saying anything. Both of you were searching for the right words. Speaking for yourself you were quite nervous. You were thinking a lot lately about what happened between you two. Every time you started to think about Pavel a warm feeling spread through your body. Sometimes you even got the feeling that you could feel him beside you with all his love.
Pavel was the first one who found his voice again. He dropped his ice cream and looked on the ground. “Listen...about two weeks ago...I'm sorry that I run. And that I kind of made you feel bad even though I didn't have the right to.”
Instantly you shook your head. He was wrong about that. “I'm sorry. Actually I should have considered your feelings. I should have noticed what you still feel for me.” You looked at him waiting for him to look at you too. He was biting his lip and fight with himself. You could clearly see that. And you wanted to calm him somehow. “So many girls that fancy you and you still have eyes for me. I'm feeling overwhelmed. No one ever was this stubborn like you, моя маленькая (moya malen'kaya) Pasha!” Playfully you nudged him at his side. He couldn't help up started to grin and turned to you.
“You're someone really special, мое солнышко (moye solnyshko). Too bad for the others who don't see that.”  His eyes met yours and this time you couldn't help put smile at him. And your heart just made a little jump at the nick name he gave you. Just by this you could tell what you meant for him.
“Yea too bad for them.” Slowly you reached out to lay your hand on his. Your smile grew bigger as he turned his hand to close it over yours. “We're still best friends?”
“Nozing in zis life could change that. Even not if you and the keptin are dating.” You couldn't help but laughing. Was he really thinking you and Kirk are actually dating.
“Oh dear, no. Jim and I aren't dating. It was a one time thing.” It was better to not tell him that the two of you hooked up back at the time at the Academy. Not yet. “He is just our captain for me on duty. Off duty he became a friend. Haven't I told you years ago that our dads have been friends for years? It kind of rubbed off on us.” Now he was also started laughing. This tension between you just loosened. Gladly.
“Except I bet your dads didn't had sex vith each other.” You burst into a loud laugh a long with him. Now you had an image in your head you never ever wanted to have.
You sat there together, finishing your ice cream and talking. All the time you didn't let go of his hand. You didn't know why you couldn't let go but to be honest you didn't want to. He was stroking your hand with his thumb an calmed you with that. As you finished your ice cream you laid your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes. His scent got into your nose and it was like it flicked a switch in your head. As you were calm and all by yourself in your thoughts, your thoughts were now spinning around Pavel. Not just himself but the both of you in bed. Naked. A bright blush lit up your face. Why did you suddenly had such thoughts about Pavel?  And why did they arouse you so much?
Pavel never stopped stroking you hand but he got you out of your thoughts by raising his voice again. “You want to walk a little bit? My feet are slowly falling asleep.” Quickly you sat up and nodded.
“I'd love to!” Immediately you stood up, taking a deep breath to steady your racing heart and get rid off the heat on your cheeks, before you turned around to smile at him. He stood up with a smile on his face. When you started to walk he took your hand again. And again a warm feeling spread through your body and calmed you. A feeling like home.
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buckysdamnplums · 7 years
Author’s Note: This is my first time writing for a request so I hope it’s not a disappointment. And I may have gotten a little carried away. Also it’s my first time ever writing X-Men/Mutants. Please feel free to leave feedback :)
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader, Nightcrawler x Daughter!Reader
Summary: You’re a mutant who was taught to not be afraid of your mutation, but to be cautious of humans who hate you. Keeping your natural silk blue skin a secret was tough, but even harder to keep from your best friend and secret crush; Peter Parker. But what if Peter had a secret too? And what if you both shared a secret?
Word Count: 2233 (it’s a long one and i'm not 100% proud of it but I tried)
Warnings: Cussing and kissing, so not much.
Mutant and Proud. That’s what your grandmother had always told you. Sure, Mystique was a role model to many mutants, but she was your hero as well. And with the master shape shifter being your grandmother, naturally you were quite skilled in that area too. Though you also inherited a whipping tail from your father, Nightcrawler. In case you haven’t put two and two together, you were also naturally blue. However, your blue was on the lighter side and your skin was smooth to the touch.  
But this didn’t stop you from constantly shifting into human form. Of course you loved being a mutant, it made you unique and special, but the criticism and demeaning comments from close-minded humans did strike a nerve with you. So you chose to stay human in public, like your grandmother used to. It just made life easier, which is exactly what a high schooler needs.
When you were younger, you and your father lived at Xavier’s Mansion and there you were educated by the magic mind himself. As things started getting tough again for mutants, your father moved you guys into the boroughs of New York. Queens to be exact.
That’s how you wound up at Midtown High, school for science and technology. Also known as a school for the “gifted” as the locals liked to call it. Little did they know you were both gifted in academics and powers.
Your friendship with Peter Parker was one that blossomed quite unusually. You were in chem when you noticed your lab partner mixing some white sticky substance in the drawer next to him.
“Hey, what is that? I thought we were using cobalt and nitrogen. Why isn’t it blue?” You asked leaning over to get a closer look before he slammed the drawer shut.
“Oh uhh yeah.” He stammers.
“Then.. what’s with the secret white stuff in the drawer?” You questioned, raising an eyebrow at the nervous boy.
“Um that’s for Ned. Yeah he’s trying to plan a, uhh, silly string surprise for Michelle. Ya know, perk her up a bit.” He forced a laugh, turning back to the experiment at hand.
“Well I’m quite good at chemistry, if I do say so myself. I could definitely help with the silly string if you want.” You offered with a smile. And for some reason, Peter couldn’t help but agree.
Now here you were five months later laying on the couch in Peter’s apartment studying for an upcoming test. Aunt May just step out to run to the store and pick up dinner leaving you and Peter to the apartment alone. Not like anything would happen between the two of you, he thought of you as just a friend. Besides, he didn’t even know about the real you. He knew the “human y/n” not the natural y/n. Peter would probably go running for the hills if he saw you shift blue. Who wouldn’t? Apparently the only mutants that were truly accepted were those affiliated with the Avengers. The precious little “Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.” The ones who didn’t have to face the snarky comments and derogatory remarks. What you wouldn’t do to be one of them…
You were pulled from you thoughts as door flew open revealing May walking in with bags of groceries and two pizzas in hand.
“Hey kiddos, why don’t you take a break to eat. I don’t know, maybe watch a movie or something. You’ve been going at it for hours and at this point I don’t see how you could possibly learn anymore.” She places down the bags and boxes, moving over to take the red notebook from Peter’s lap.
“Hey May..”
“Nope. Eat. You too, y/n. Both of you. Up up.”
You and Peter locked eyes and with a shrug you both shot up from the couch making your way to the pizzas. Peter grabbed the box, you grabbed some drinks and movies then made your way back to your spots on the couch. Once you pushed in a movie, the two of you curled up into your usual cuddling position. Peter laid back on the couch, feet up, you tucked under his arm resting your head against his shoulder and an arm tracing patterns on his jean clad thigh. His hand was tracing his own little patterns on your arm, soothing you from the stress of the upcoming test.
These moments were your favorite, just you and Peter. Everything was perfect in those moments. It didn’t matter that you were holding back a huge secret from Peter (or that he was holding one back from you). These were the moments that you two could both just relax together. That is until you moved and noticed the hairs on Peter’s arms stand up and he tensed under your touch.
“Shit shit shit shit shit.” Peter mumbled under his breath, pulling you up with him as he rushed to his room.
What the hell. You followed him, barging through the door to his room. Now the sight before you was definitely not what you expected. You stared at Peter wide eyed as he stood before you trying to pull a body suit up his very toned body.
“Shit y/n!” He exclaimed, finally pulling the last of the suit up.
“Pete what are you doing… are you..?” You couldn’t believe this. I mean it would explain those times Peter goes running off suddenly or how he always made it to your house in under 10 minutes, but still. Peter? He’s the Spider-Man?! Compared to this, your secret suddenly seem normal.
“Y/N, I uhh,” his eyes darted across your face, taking in you shocked expression. “I don’t know what to tell you.. But I gotta go. Something is going on and I need to go check it out. Promise I’ll explain later!” And with that, the boy who you suddenly fell even more for took off through the window.
You didn’t see Peter again until chem the next day, despite staying at his place until 10:30 hoping to catch him coming back in. May even offered to let you spend the night, but you knew your dad would start to panic if you didn’t come home. He was always so worried that you’d run into some anti-mutant supports and just wanted to keep you safe. Now here you were, not so patiently waiting for Peter to come strolling into the classroom.  A minute to the bell, Peter slid in next to you.
“Hey y/n, how are you toda—”
“Cut the crap Peter. What was that yesterday and why were you out so late? I had to tell May that you got an emergency call from Ned. Something about him getting locked out of the house so you went with his spare key. Thank god she thinks Ned would do something like that. Now are you gonna explain to me about this Spider—” you were cut off with a glare from the teacher as she made her way down your row, passing out tests.
“Hush it you two. Or you’ll both be taking F’s.”
“Yes ma’am.” You replied, sending Peter a look that said ‘you’re not getting out of this.’
After class Peter pulled you guys into a classroom that was luckily empty, seeing as most teachers took lunch off and left their rooms. He check the hall one last time before shutting the door and making his way over to you. You crossed your arms, a hard look on your face as you eyed the nervous boy in front of you.
“I uh, guess you know my secret then.” He sighs, running a hand through his hair.
“Yeah I guess I do.”
“Look, y/n, I wanted to tell you. But Mr. Stark warned me about how you could become a target and taken as ransom or whatever and I couldn’t bare to put you through that. The only other person who knows is Ned. And that’s because he saw me taking off the suit too. Man I should really start locking my door.” He rambled on, hands flying all over the place as he spoke.
“It’s cool Peter. Actually I have something to show you too..” you thought it over quickly. Might as well show Peter your blue, it’s only fair if you both know each other’s secrets. “I, uhh, I’m actually a—”
You were cut off by Michelle who stomped through the door, “There you two nerds are. Come on, we have practice right now for decathlon right now.”
Grabbing your arm she dragged the two of you out of the classroom towards the auditorium for practice. Looks like you’ll be telling Peter later.
Funny enough, you told Peter in a way you least expected. You two were walking home from school deciding to skip out on the subway for a change. Peter’s arm wrapped around your shoulders, your’s around his waist. He was about to bring up your past discussion on what you wanted to show him when you heard gunshots go off.
Releasing him from your waist, the both of you turned to the source of the shots. You spotted people running out from a department store on the corner. By the time you looked back at Peter he was dashing down a near alley, pulling the suit from his backpack. Somehow your old training at Xavier’s sparked a flame within you as your feet carried you in the direction of the store. Pushing open the doors, you noticed the gunman at the cashier, bullet holes in the wall next to him. Slowly you made your way down the isles towards the hooded man. That is until a flash of white crossed your line of sight, followed by red and blue. Just in time. Peter knocked the gun from the guys hand, stalking towards the man. The coward took a few steps back, allowing Peter a chance to ask the cashier if he was alright. This also allowed for the robber to pull a knife out of his pocket, lunging at Peter. Your heart pounded as the reflected light of the knife shown in your direction. You knew what you had to do.
“Peter move!” you shouted, jumping in the way snatching the knife with your tail.
“Y/N? What the… are you a..” he watched on as you flipped the guy with your tail, successfully knocking him out. You looked down at him as he laid merely lifeless on the ground. It’s been awhile since you've fought, looks like Logan’s training really did pay off.
“Looks like you know my secret then, huh?” you repeated Peter’s previous words, a slight smile forming on your face. Looking down you noticed you’d also shifted back to your natural blue state. The pressure and stressed distracted you from trying to stay in human form.
“Yeah looks like I do.” He replied, sending you a small smirk.
“Oh uh, sir are you okay? At this point you could just call the cops inside, they've been waiting outside for a chance to come in. They've noticed that it works best if they let me handle things first. But uh, have a nice day and stay alert!”
Peter pulled you with him out of the shop, shooting a web to a nearby building at swinging off to a rooftop.
“Listen y/n,” he started, pulling his mask off and taking a seat on the edge of the roof, pulling you down with him, “if we're letting out all of our secrets right now then I’ve gotta tell ya. Okay umm so I like you. I have liked you for months now and I’m not sure why I waited so long to tell you but I—”
“Pete I like you too. I have for a while now and honestly I didn't think you felt the same.” You shivered as the wind started picking up. Peter pulled you into him, instantly warming you up. “I just didn’t think my blue form would be very.. uh… accepted by you.”
“Are you kidding me?! I think it’s awesome! I’m actually a bit offended that you think it would change how I think or feel about you.” His face fell at the thought of you thinking he’d actually treat you differently just because you were born differently than him.
“I know, I'm sorry Peter. It’s just my dad isn’t a shape shifter so he’s always blue and normally has to cover it with makeup and he worries about me and I guess it makes me paranoid about what others will think and I really didn't want to lose you because you're the best person in my life and it’s crazy how—”
You felt a soft pair of lips on your own shutting you up. You shifted to your side carefully to not fall off the building, placing your hand on Peter’s cheek.
“Shut up. I like you. You like me. And we're both a little special. Now that all the secrets are out, can we kiss again?” His question causes blood to rush to your cheeks as you nod your head.
Who would’ve thought sharing your secret would be a good thing. And who knows, maybe a mutant dating an Avenger will help people become more welcoming to mutants. This could be the start of something great not only for you but also for society.
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formerprincess · 7 years
A tale written with fangs and claws || Chapter 29
Chapters: 29/? Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken Characters: Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken Additional Tags: Alpha Liam Dunbar, Slow Build, Friends to Lovers, Dunbar Pack, Bisexual Liam Dunbar, Werewolf Theo Raeken, Alpha Theo Raeken, Canon-Typical Violence, Smut, Mates, Liam and Theo are mates Series: Part 1 of Morning Dew Pack
Liam shares the new about his full shift with the pack, and then he and Theo have some things to sort out.
Liam had said he wanted to keep it between Theo and himself that he could fully shift because he needed time to wrap his head around it. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust his pack or wanted to exclude them but it was overwhelming. Although Liam had not expected it to be that hard and almost impossible. Because the minute his Betas saw him during the morning, they pounced and demanded to know how he felt. Liam was in such a good mood after the great morning run and his time with Theo in the bathroom, but they still worried about their Alpha.
 “Are you okay?" “Do you feel better?” “Did you sleep enough?” “Guys, whoa, deep breaths! Don’t forget to breathe, you all need air.” Liam said and raised his hands to calm the group down. “Are you still feeling sick? Do you feel worse? Will you die?” “Nobody dies here!” Liam said firmly. “I am feeling fine, great even. I....” He sighed and looked at Theo who chuckled and put one arm around his waist to pull him close. “Tell them.” He whispered into Liam’s ear, lips brushed the shell softly, but loud enough for the others to hear.
“Tell us what?” “Are you getting married?” “Are you adopting?” “Did you broke up? Don’t tell us you broke up!” “Look at them, as if they would ever break up. They smell even more in love this morning!” That one was true. Since they both could shift and had their run and their wolfy cuddles this morning, Liam felt an even deeper connection to Theo than before and he knew his mate felt the same. The mated couple now smiled at each other. Liam’s blue eyes shone with happiness. “I fully shifted last night for the first time!” He blurted out and the Betas got quiet.  
“That’s not what I had expected.”, Maya said stunned. The others were not less perplex than her. “You really can do a full shift? Like Theo?” Nolan asked. Liam nodded and smiled. “Yeah.” He said happily. “It’s amazing.” The Betas were quiet for a moment, processed what Liam said, and then: “Show us! Show us! Show us!” 
Liam and Theo shared a look and laughed at their Beta’s excitement. Liam pushed himself off the counter where he had braced his arms on and pulled his shirt over his head. It was still strange to undress and be naked in front of others, but the counter gave him a bit of privacy to completely undress. When he finally had dropped his clothes on the floor, he concentrated on his wolf and not long after felt the sensation he grew familiar with. 
The pack gasped when they saw Liam in his wolf form for the first time. Theo knelt down and gently kissed the bridge of Liam’s nose. “Look at this beautiful wolf! Isn’t our Alpha the most beautiful one?” He raved and Liam grumbled pleased by the compliments. Who would not like to hear his mate fancy about his wolf form?  “He is really pretty. Can we pet him?” Tim asked Theo. “Why are you asking me? It’s still Liam. He can hear you just right and his animal may be closer but he still has his human way of thinking. He just can’t answer with words.” Theo said with a laugh and Liam snuggled into his mate. Theo chuckled softly and wrapped his arms around his mate to kiss Liam’s neck. “My pretty Alpha.” He mumbled softly. “My beautiful mate.”
Liam loved to hear those words and would have loved to return them but right now he could not really do that and just brushed his nose against Theo’s cheek and grumbled happily. Then he stepped forward and allowed his Betas to pet him.  “This is so cool. A real fucking wolf.” Mike whispered devoutly. Yet after a while, Liam realized why Theo didn’t like to be touched when he was shifted. Liam touching him was okay and Liam had no problem with Theo touching him but too many people grew to be pesky and he pulled away to shift back. 
When he stood on his two human legs again, he heard Theo’s growl and smirked. “I don’t know why you’re gaping. Yes, my mate is attractive and gorgeous but he is just that: Mine! Eyes up!” The chimera snapped at the Betas. “I remember a similar situation months ago. The roles were just reversed and you had absolutely no problem with parading around butt naked.” Liam mocked his mate when he put his clothes back on and Theo glared at him. Liam just smiled innocently.  “I was single at that time.” Theo reminded him.  “So?” Liam asked, still keeping that innocent act up. “I didn’t like it either.”  “You are now taken and Betas or not: Mine!” “You two are really possessive of each other. Is this a wolf trait?” Nolan asked curiously.  “It’s a Thiam trait.” Liam and Theo said at the same time while they still looked at each other. Liam smirked and winked at Theo. Theo chimera held his glance and then his eyes dropped to Liam’s lip when Liam playfully bit it. Liam felt quite proud he could get this reaction out of his boyfriend. 
“Come on, I’ll make you breakfast. Somebody wants to help me?” The young Alpha asked and when he walked past Theo, he brushed his fingers over his boyfriend’s chest in a teasing manner.  “We’ll help you.” Maya and Sadie said. “And you tell us how you managed to shift, okay? Every detail.”  Liam laughed and opened the fridge. “Okay.” 
Liam kept his promise and told his Betas what happened. How his condition yesterday led to him shifting into a full wolf. They all marveled at the story and Liam felt the pride rush through the mating bound and when he looked over he saw Theo smile. Something Liam had to mention later when he and Theo were alone. 
“You really like the fact I can fully shift now, hm?” He asked while he grabbed his laptop and settled at the desk in their room.  “It takes a lot to fully shift and it’s an admirable work. Of course, I am proud of you.” Theo said and kissed Liam’s cheek. “You are amazing.” He muttered into Liam’s ear and sucked on the earlobe. Liam moaned softly and tilted his head when Theo kissed his neck.  “You are amazing as well, T.” He mumbled and felt Theo smile against his skin. “And I love you.” “I love you too.” Theo muttered. 
He leaned his head against Liam’s. “Do you want to work or why did you grab your laptop?” “Well, it’s Christmas break but I still need to figure out what to do with my major. Yes, I said I will stick with history as long as I don’t know what I rather want but I still want to try and figure it out, you know?” “You have to do what makes you happy. I want you to be happy.” Liam tilted his head back so he could look at Theo. “And what about you? I know you’re not happy with your job currently as well. So, have you thought of switching?” Theo shrugged. “Not really. It’s just a rough patch. I handled worse.” He smiled at Liam. “Don’t worry, okay? I can handle it.” “I know you can. You’re a tough cookie.” Theo rolled his eyes. “You’re lucky I love you, puppy.” He muttered and patted Liam’s shoulders. “if you need me, I will be in the library.”
“Okay.” Liam smiled and when his boyfriend left, he turned his attention towards his laptop. Before Winter break started, he had scheduled a meeting with the counselor and got a list of potential majors that might be interesting for Liam and now Liam planned on working through that list.  He read through that list and at some point got joined by Koda who curled up next to his person and had Liam pet him from time to time. 
“Cooking. Am I a chef?” Liam asked the little fella and Koda blinked at him. “Right. I like to cook when I have time but I hate to get stressed in the kitchen.” Liam scrolled further down the list. “What about game design? I like video games.” Koda yipped. “But I’m not artistic enough.” Liam muttered sadly and Koda put his front paws against his leg and looked up at the Alpha. Liam picked him up and put him on his lap, eyes still on the screen.  “Mathematics?” Koda yawned. “Literature. Maybe I could become a writer.” Liam asked out loud and raised Koda so they could see eye to eye. The puppy licked his nose and Liam laughed. “Thanks for the support, buddy.”
“Literature? You want to major in literature?” Theo asked when Liam talked about his choices and possibilities later on during lunch. He still had not decided on anything but maybe it wasn’t so far-fetched and he shared his thoughts with his pack. Theo chimera had an eyebrow raised and looked at Liam. “It’s a possibility. Why not?” You look at me like I completely lost my mind.” “It’s just....” Theo shrugged. “You don’t like to read.” “Do I have to read in order to write?” “Would be useful, yeah. You are also not very good with words.” Being brutally honest with each other was their thing. Didn’t mean Liam had to like what he heard. “Wow, thanks, darling. Always nice to get a compliment from you.” He said sarcastically and Theo rolled his eyes. “I’m just being real, sweetheart. That’s almost as if I would switch to major in Spanish.” Theo hated Spanish with a fierce passion. Liam could remember the many tests Theo almost failed and just passed because Liam sat him down to study.
Liam narrowed his eyes at his boyfriend and Theo held his glare relatively unimpressed. “What else do you have?” Liam shrugged. “I’m still working through the list.” He mumbled and continued eating his food. Maybe history was the best for him.  “What about Med? Following in your dad’s footsteps?” Tim offered and Liam grimaced.  “I wouldn’t be a good doctor and besides I have enough blood and pain in my daily life, I don’t need to add to this.” “The second reason agreed, but I can actually see you being a great doctor. A pediatrician. Kids would love you.” “Speaking of kids: Kindergarten teacher, how about that?” Maya suggested. “Ah, yes that would be a great fit.”, Tim said with a nod. “No! No job for Liam where he has access to finger paint and glitter!” Theo strictly said and Liam snorted into his water he had been drinking. “I smell a story behind that.”, Sadie responded with a grin and Liam chuckled. “Uh, I know that one.” Nolan remembered. “The blue handprint on Theo’s truck door.” “On the truck door. On the seats, On the freaking window. With glitter!” Theo growled and Liam laughed “That was a fun day!” “Not for me.”, Theo said dryly. “I even had a handprint in blue on my cheek and glitter in my hair because Liam felt the need to touch my face.” “You looked good.”, Liam said innocently and Theo growled again. “Save it!”
****** Liam had been bored after lunch and decided to clean up a bit. While he started, he had found a box full of things belonging to Theo. He cradled it to his chest and carried it in the library where Theo had moved back to after they ate. 
“Baby?” Liam asked and Theo raised his head from his book with a sigh. He hated to be interrupted when he was reading.  “I’m cleaning up a bit and found this box. Do you want to keep those things inside?” He asked. “It stood in the closet.” Theo sighed again but put his book aside and moved closer to look through the things. It was various stuff and he shook his head. “Not really. If you want something from it, you can keep it, but if you want to throw it away, that’s fine by me too.”
Liam put the box on the ground and sorted through the things. Some old and empty pens, old notepads, papers, two art magazines, things you gather over time.  “And you’re mocking me for being chaotic?“ Liam asked while he sorted through the box of things Theo kept but never really needed. “We don’t live in this house for so long, how did you manage to gather all this already?“ “I gathered it over the years and just stored it there.“ Theo defended himself. “Can I continue reading or do you insist on continue mocking me?“
Liam grinned at him and Theo rolled his eyed before he raised his book again and began reading again. Not for long because Liam found something.  “You have drawing chalks?“ Theo groaned and Liam knew he was stressing it and really going on his mate’s nerves but he couldn’t help it. It was interesting, to say the least, and he was bored but also wanted to spend time with Theo, even though they were not doing something together per se.
“I got it sometime, think it was in a set I once brought.“ Theo drawled. “Why?“ “Nothing. Can I have it?“ Liam asked and grabbed a large drawing pad. “And that one?“ “Sure. I don’t need it. I don’t like drawing with chalk and I rather draw on smaller pads than that. Feel free to do whatever you want to do with it.“ “Kay, thanks.“
Theo hummed and returned his attention back to his book and Liam settled on the floor underneath the window to spread out everything and have enough space to work. He opened the box carefully and marveled at the array of colors before he picked the black chalk and started with the outlines. He didn’t have a complete idea but a vague image in mind. Enough to get him started and give him something, to begin with.
“If you were a hero on a quest to save the kingdom, what kind of companion would you like?“ He asked while smudging some lines with his index finger. He didn’t even need to see it, to know Theo rolled his eyes because he heard the deep sigh from his boyfriend. “An Ork.“ Theo grumbled but didn’t elaborate. “Okay. Thanks.“ Liam said and continued drawing and Theo huffed and turned a page in his book.
It took two minutes and Liam spoke again. “Which shade of red is prettier?“ Theo tilted his head back and let it thud against the backrest oft he couch. “Liam, I swear!“ “I’m sorry, I’m just curious!“ Liam knew Theo wanted to read in peace but he couldn’t help himself. “Liam, I love you, but you are annoying. Like a really overexcited puppy. Think you can let me just read? Pick whatever color you like and let me finish my book!“ “Okay, sorry, sorry.“
Liam decided on one red chalk and began to color what he had drawn before. He stopped every once in a while to rub the chalk and create a better look. Some particles of the chalks got in his nose and she sneezed. “Liam!“ "I sneezed!“ Liam defended himself and tried to refrain from rubbing his nose with his stained fingers. Theo just growled and moved into a better position to read. It didn’t need their deep connection for Liam to know his boyfriend was mad. That wasn’t what he wanted and he bit his lip while he tried not to make too many sounds from now on. When even his sneezing set Theo off, the chimera was pissed as hell. Liam was sorry about that. He knew he could be annoying but he wanted to just tease Theo a bit in the beginning. That it was all serious now had not been what he wanted to achieve. 
“Theo, I’m so….“ “For fuck’s sake, Liam, just shut up! All I want is to read, is this so hard to understand?“ “I just wanted to apo…“ “You’re still talking!“ Theo snapped and looked at him. “And you have chalk on your cheek. Seriously, sometimes you’re worse than a little kid and I feel like your babysitter.“ Liam rubbed his cheek where he supposed the chalk to be and it came back stained with black. Theo’s words hurt but he knew he had brought this upon himself. He nodded and said nothing to his defense. Theo was right, he was annoying and it was better when he stayed silent for a while now. He just had been excited to be a bit creative and be with Theo. Since his full shift, he felt an even stronger connection to Theo and wanted to be around him. Guess for Theo he just came off as clingy.
He quietly grabbed the drawing pad and the chalk and slowly got up again and sneaked out of the room. He walked upstairs into their bedroom and moved in front of one of the window seats to work there. That way he didn’t disturb Theo too much. And to tune out the silence, he grabbed his music player and plucked in his headphones. 
Liam drew what came to his mind and was currently working on a set of beautiful hummingbirds with vibrant colored feathers. He had an idea where he wanted to go with it but it was also fun to play around with the various colors the box had to offer, mix some of them together and create something entirely new. When it was time to cook dinner and Maya called him for help, Liam’s hand were stained with chalk dust and he spent a minute scrubbing them in the bathroom before dutifully cleaning the sink ere he walked downstairs into the kitchen and started cutting potatoes and helping Maya preparing her potato gratin. “Are you okay?” She asked him.  “Yeah. Why?” Liam said with a brave smile.   “You are so quiet. Sure everything is okay?” Liam nodded and obviously, he got better at lying because his Beta didn’t pick up on the lie. Liam was not really okay, he was more or less avoiding his grumpy mate. 
Theo had several moods, one when he was in a really bad one, where he needed to get pushed to the point where he exploded and just yelled out his frustration; but there was also the mood he currently was in, when he was annoyed and pissed, and Liam knew the best thing was to avoid the chimera when he was like that. It hurt, even more, because he was the reason Theo was so mad right now, but that’s how the twenty-two-year-old worked.
When Ever called Theo for dinner, he grumbled about disturbing his peaceful time but he followed her towards the table and sat down to grab something to eat. During dinner, Liam thought Theo’s mood was slowly getting better, but right at the end, Theo received a text from his boss with his schedule in the new year and his mood reached a critical point. He gritted his teeth, scoffed, and slammed the door to the library shut behind him.  “Let him.”, Liam said. “He’s in a bad mood today. We all have those days. It’s human.” 
And he followed his own advice and left Theo to his books. He returned to their room and kept on drawing for a while longer until Theo suddenly stepped into the room and went straight to changing into his pajamas.  “You literally have chalk everywhere, even on your shirt.” He said with a sigh but it wasn’t really fond. More like he was exhausted and fed up with Liam’s antics. “You know, I can wash, that’s not a big deal, and I will clean up after I’m done.” “You look and act like a toddler, you are aware of that? So much for strong Alpha. It’s so exhausting sometimes.” Theo shook his head.
“Okay, I am aware you are in a bad mood, we all are aware of that. But calm down now, okay?” Liam said. He really tried to keep his voice calm, even though his hurt feelings and his anger issues were starting to boil inside him.  “Maybe I wouldn’t be in a bad mood if I had managed to read in peace without some hyperactive human puppy always interrupting me!” “I wanted to spend time with you!” “Well, I wanted to read. But let me guess, if Liam wants something, we all have to drop everything, right?” “I never said that!” Liam called out. “Right. But that’s what you are thinking.” “It’s not. Stop telling me what I think and what not!” Liam snarled. Theo just smiled smugly. “Is the little wolfy getting irritated?” “Stop that.” Liam said with a shake of his head. “You’re being mean.” “I’m just keeping it real. Something you obviously don’t like that much.” Theo sneered. “But really, this is not how I will spend my night. Curl in the bed and cry yourself to sleep because everybody is being so mean to the poor little Alpha wolfy. I think I’m going to sleep in the library! As far away from you as possible.” He grabbed his pillow and his blanket and rushed out. And Liam was left standing there.  “Fuck you!” He shouted after Theo and slammed the door shut. Moments later the door to the library slammed shut too.
It was hard to fight with Theo, Liam knew it would always be hard. But they both were stubborn, they both had their pride, and both could be emotional. Their fights were meant to be nasty and hard. And devastating when the anger receded and the sadness came up. Liam hated fighting with Theo, always had hated it since they became friends. Theo and he had this connection and now they only deepened this connection by becoming a couple and sharing the mating bond. 
And like always when he and Theo fought, Liam felt cold. He put his drawings together and cleaned up, then he washed his hands again and changed into PJs as well before he slipped under the covers. The bed was way too big for him alone and Theo’s side looked strange without pillow and blanket. Liam turned around and decided to ignore this as well as the ache in his chest. He wrapped himself in the blanket to be as warm as possible and tried to fall asleep. 
But the longer he laid there, the more it became prominent he couldn’t fall asleep. His thoughts were with Theo downstairs and he thought about everything. Did Theo feel sorry too? Or was he still mad at Liam? Their mating link was blocked since their fight, he had no idea who Theo really felt. Liam sighed and rolled on his back, stared at the dark ceiling. He missed the chimera, missed his body beside him, his arms around Liam, his scent, his heartbeat, his warmth. He even missed Theo’s smile and the fond way he looked at Liam.  Liam groaned an pulled the blanket over his head, hid from the world. He swallowed and curled up under the covers, hands grabbed the pillow so tight, his knuckles turned white. It felt like his whole body shut down and even swallowing hurt right now. Every bone ached but the worse was his heart. His heart which felt like an ice cold chain was wrapped around it and squeezed every drop of life and every ounce of happiness out of it. It hurt and the longer he laid in bed, the worse it got until he finally couldn’t take it anymore. He threw the covers back and got out of bed. 
Liam struggled a bit on his feet, which was new for him and when he walked towards the door he bumped against the doorframe with his shoulder. It was a short numb pain and he rubbed his shoulder while he tiptoed down the stairs. The house was dark and empty, everyone seemed asleep, and Liam moved carefully.
He hesitated in front of the library and thought about knocking but then decided against it and just opened the door to slip inside. The room was dark too but he could make out Theo curled on the couch. His heart ached when he thought Theo was sleeping peacefully and seemed to not have the same problems as Liam, but then Liam noticed the small whimpers, stifled by the blanket pulled over Theo. The young Alpha slowly walked over and then simply lifted the blanket to slip behind Theo and immediately wrap his arms around him. 
Theo let out a startled sound but Liam didn’t stop, tugged the covers over their heads, and hid his face in the crook of Theo’s neck. Even if Theo kicked him out again, he needed this short moment of being close to his mate. God, he sounded so needy and clingy again... “Liam.” Theo murmured softly. Liam didn’t butch. He wanted to make this last as long as he could. “Liam.” Theo tried again. He moved softly in Liam’s grip, so Liam was forced to move his head too, yet when Theo finally faced him, Liam didn’t dare to meet his eyes. Against Liam’s fears, Theo reached out and softly stroked his cheek. “Please, don't cry.” Was he crying? Liam had not really noticed but now that Theo mentioned it, he realized his cheeks were wet and the tears were rolling down his cheeks. Theo wiped the tears away with his fingers but new ones were falling down immediately. 
And then Theo engulfed him in this tight embrace and a strangled sob escaped his lips before he clung to Theo like he was drowning and Theo was his lifesaver.  “I didn’t want to annoy you.” Liam sobbed and Theo buried his head in the crook of Liam’s neck while he shook his head.  “Theo.”, Liam mumbled. “Theo, please. I’m sorry.” His voice broke at the end and he whimpered. He needed Theo to say something! “Theo, please! Kick me out! Punch me! But talk to me!” He begged. Theo remained silent and Liam grew desperate. Was Theo that mad at him? Did he hate him so much? Liam could not bear this any longer but then Theo suddenly did speak. “I am sorry.” He whispered and swallowed harshly. “I am sorry for being such a terrible mate and making you cry.” “You are not terrible! I am sorry for making you so mad you snapped.” “I’m sorry for snapping.”
Liam sighed. He knew them both, this could go on and on. So he simply pulled Theo tighter. “Come here.” He whispered and hugged Theo as tight as he could without hurting his boyfriend. Theo hugged him back and for a while, they just laid there and hugged it out. 
“I missed you.” Liam murmured after a while. “It’s why I came down. I couldn't stand being separated from you any longer.” “I couldn’t stand it any longer either but I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to come back. If you wanted to see me.” Theo confessed. Liam pulled back and made Theo look at him. “Hey, look at me! I always want to see you. No matter how much we fight, no matter how angry I am, I always want to see you, okay?”
They stared at each other and finally, Theo nodded. “Good.”, Liam said with a small smile. “Can I kiss you?” “You can always kiss me. Even in the middle of a screaming match. You are always allowed to kiss me.”
And so Liam did kiss Theo. Soft and sweet and full of love and it felt like his broken heart snapped into one again. He had his Theo back for good. Maybe it was just imagination but this kiss tasted sweeter than any other kiss they ever shared. Theo sighed into the kiss and returned it as soft as Liam started it and when they finally broke apart, he smiled.  “I love you.” Both muttered at the same time and laughed.  “Everything okay between us again?” Liam asked and Theo nodded softly.  “I had enough emotional drama to last a few months.” The older replied and yeah, Liam could get behind that. 
“So, do you want to sleep?”  Theo shook his head. “Can’t. I’m too riled up. Too many emotions to calm, down and just sleep, you know?” “Yeah, me too.” Liam thought for a moment. “We could build a blanket fort in our bedroom. That way we have something to curl up in, have something to shield us from the world, and it’s a fun thing to pass time. It’s also years since I last build one.” "The last one was on our first Christmas together, right? After the war.” Theo remembered and Liam smiled. “When we watched How to train your dragon and discussed which dragon we would like to train.” He added.  Theo chuckled. “Yeah. Okay. Let’s go build a blanket fort.”
He slowly untangled himself from Liam and the blanket and the stood up and held out his hand for Liam. Liam took it and let himself get pulled off the couch. He grabbed Theo’s blanket and Theo grabbed his pillow before they sneaked back into their room hand in hand. 
In there Liam got pulled against Theo again and he received another soft kiss. “I love you.” The chimera muttered and nosed along Liam’s jaw.  “I love you too.”, Liam said and gently squeezed his arm. “Now, come on, let’s build the fort, then we can cuddle.” Theo chuckled and kissed his cheek but then he let go of Liam to gather everything they needed. If you asked Liam, he would say he didn’t have many talents but building a blanket fort was one of them. He knew what to place where to get the best and coziest blanket fort ever seen. Theo was a great helper and soon enough they had the blankets strapped to the wardrobe and the bed and had created a comfortable and fluffy base with lots of blankets and pillows. 
“Those?” Theo asked and held up a string of fairy lights. Liam looked up from where he had fiddled with his laptop and nodded. “Of course. No blanket fort without lights.” He said and Theo grinned before he got up and hung up the lights on the makeshift ceiling of their little hideaway. Liam had managed to get the laptop running so they had some soft music playing in the background while they worked. 
When they were finally done, Liam was proud of their fort. “It looks awesome!” He said with a proud nod and his hands on his hips while he surveyed what they had done. Theo hummed his approval and then pulled the blanket aside that they used as curtain fo the entrance. “Get your sexy ass inside.” 
Liam chuckled but then crawled into the fort and slipped under the blankets there. Theo joined him not long after and when the curtain fell, it became darker and only the fairy lights and three bigger lights that looked like candles but were LED lights Liam had placed on the side, gave them light. It was cozy, it was secluded, it was everything. 
Theo crawled next to Liam and both laid there, shoulders touching and both on their backs, while they looked at the sparkling lights above them. “We really need to learn to cope better with our emotions.” Liam said after a while.  “We are both emotionally so invested in each other, this will be hard. But you’re right, we need to work on this.” Theo agreed. Liam hummed and slowly reached out to rub the back of his hand against Theo’s before he finally laced their fingers together. “We will work on this together because together is where we belong. And together we will manage it.” He was sure of that. “Yeah. You and me, we’re quite the dream team. We could take over the world.” Theo said with a chuckle and Liam laughed. “Seattle today, tomorrow the world.” He liked that idea and rolled on his side to face Theo. Theo turned his head and looked at him.
“Hi.” He said with a smile. “Hi.” Liam replied with a chuckle.  They looked at each other with all the love and adoration they had for each other and Liam slowly moved closer to put his head on Theo’s chest and toss his arm over Theo’s stomach. “I’m so happy to have you.” He said lowly. 
Theo wrapped his arm around Liam’s shoulder and stroke over his back and between his shoulder blades. “I’m happy to have you too.” He responded and pulled Liam momentarily closer to press a soft kiss on his forehead.  “You’re my favorite blanket fort building partner.” Liam confessed and Theo laughed loudly. “Don’t let Mason hear this!” “Nah, I’m sure he takes Corey over me any day.”  “I’m sure he takes Corey...No, I’m not making this dirty joke!” Liam chortled. “You just did, if you finish or not doesn’t matter. Dirty mind!”  “You love my dirty mind.”  “Oh yes, I do.” Liam pushed himself up so he could lean over Theo. “I’m your naughty little Alpha after all, aren’t I?” Theo smirked. “Damn right you are.” 
He put his hand on the back of Liam’s neck and pulled him down to kiss him. Liam melted into the kiss and pressed against Theo to kiss him back. Soon enough Theo wrapped his other arm around Liam’s waist and completely pulled the young Alpha on top of him. It was not even sexual at this very moment, both just wanted to be as close as possible. 
“I love you so much and I actually loved it when you came to stick around in the library. It’s nice to have you that closeby. Even though I still have no idea what exactly you were doing and just wanted to read at that point.” Theo told Liam in a break between the soft kisses they shared.  “I did some drawing with the chalks, nothing important.” Liam waved it off but he had not counted on Theo now showing actual interest in his work.  “Well, will you show me?” “I can show you one other time. It’s really nothing major.” “Liam, hey. You spent hours with this, so please let me see what you did. I showed you my art too.” That was something he could not argue with and he sighed. “Okay, fine. But don’t laugh.”
He pecked Theo’s lips and then got up from his boyfriend (which sounded dirtier than it was) and crawled out of their fort. He walked to the desk to grab his drawings and carry them over to the fort. When Liam crawled back in, Theo had sat up. “I would never laugh.” He promised Liam and held out his hand.
Liam bit his lower lip and handed the drawings over. He viewed Theo as an insanely talented artist so he was afraid what his mate would have to say about his ragged drawings. Theo looked through them all and took his time to inspect every single one closely. “You drew this? I really had no idea you could do that.” “I can’t draw shit with a pencil but with chalks, it gets easier. Probably because I can smudge the lines or whatever, I’m not sure. I’m better when I can I use my hands fully. I mean, I know it’s nothing compared to your art but it was fun for today.” “This is stunning, Liam. Absolutely amazing. Those hummingbirds are certainly pretty.” Liam smiled softly. “You mean that?” Theo looked at him. “You know I’m not lying to make you feel better. Never have and never will. We keep things 100 between us.” He held up the drawings with the hummingbirds and pointed at one with bright blue feathers and a dark blue head. “I especially love that one.”
“Those are hummingbird fairies.“ Liam explained. “This is their animal form.“ “Hummingbird fairies?“ Theo asked. “They are part of a world I once created inside my head. Mason and I once thought it would be cool to create a video game like Skyrim – I know not very innovative – and I started to invent some beings of this world. The hummingbird fairies were part of that. They can either transform into a hummingbird or be in their fairy form with their little wings and all. They are very rare and most say they don‘t exist. Very shy creatures and usually peaceful, even though they can defend themselves.“
Theo looked at him the same way he had looked at Liam back then at the zoo when he talked about Mykonos. “I take back what I said about you becoming a writer. You should definitively write a book.“ Liam blushed. “This is just one idea and it’s not even very innovative. Also, I don‘t know how to design a game so it will never be a reality. And I don‘t have a good enough idea or a better idea to turn it into a book.“ “I like what you already drew and you can always develop the idea and either work with somebody to turn it into a game or turn this idea into a real book one day. Some bestsellers grew from less than that. You don’t need to have that one idea no one else ever had before you. It’s simply important to pour your heart into it and get your own twist on the thing.“ Theo put the drawings carefully aside and put his arms around Liam to bring them both into a lying position. They faced each other and Theo had one arm over Liam‘s hips, stroking him through his shirt.
“Tell me more.“ He said softly and Liam smiled. “I think it would be cool to have different dragons. But not really as enemies. I mean, of course, some you have to slay, but I think it would be cool if lots of the enemies in the game could become your friends. Like, if you feed the wild animals instead of attacking them, they don‘t kill you but join you, you know?“ “Sounds very interesting. Do you have any main storyline in your mind?“ Liam shook his head and reached out to play with the pack pendant on Theo’s necklace which had slipped out of his shirt. “As I said, it was just a crazy idea.“ “Not really that crazy. You have Mike who has money on one hand and is great with computers on the other. If you two work together, you may be able to realize this game one day, baby.“ “Are you having a fever? Are you delirious?“ Liam asked and felt Theo’s forehead. The chimera huffed. “I’m trying to encourage you here, idiot.“ “Aww, you say the sweetest things, you dork!“ Liam replied dryly and yelped when Theo rolled on top of him and pressed him down on the pillows and blankets.
“Does my little Alpha get cheeky? Guess I have to teach you some manners!“ He teased. “And here I thought you enjoyed me being your naughty little Alpha. Now you want to teach me some manners? That‘s a shame.“ “You seem to like this nickname a lot since you so often tease me with it.“ Theo noticed and grinned. “Maybe.“ Liam said with a grin of his own and then pulled Theo down to kiss him.
Their kiss was sweet and loving and when they parted, both smiled like the lovesick young men they were. “I love you.“ Liam told Theo. “I love you too.“ Theo said and kissed Liam’s nose. “More than the stars and the moon. You are my everything, Liam.“ “You sure know how to make me feel special, Dore.“ “You are special, baby.“ Theo kissed Liam’s lips this time, gently tugging at the lower lip with his teeth. Liam chuckled breathlessly and arched against him. His hands stroked across Theo’s broad back and he loved to feel the muscles shift under the skin and the shirt every time Theo moved ever so slightly. 
When they looked at each other again, Theo’s eyes glowed gold, but not with the unhidden lust and hunger as usual but with fondness. “You are the most amazing person in the whole wide world and I can’t believe you’re really my mate.” He whispered before he kissed Liam’s lips again and gently licked them. 
“I am yours as much as you are mine because no one else gets me like you. No one makes me feel like you do. You too are an amazing person, Theo Raeken.” Liam replied, eyes glowed red, and when Theo smiled at him, this one private smile he had reserved for only Liam, the happy and carefree one that made his eyes light up, his heart skipped a beat and he smiled back. 
Theo looked down and gently put his hand right over Liam’s heart. “When the ground opened again and I could crawl out, that was the first thing I heard. Your heartbeat. Not Hayden’s, not Mr. Douglas’, yours.” He suddenly said and Liam’s breath hitched in surprise. He reached up and laced his fingers with Theo’s above his heart. “Did it scare you?” “I spent my whole time in hell being scared, so yeah. But it also led me out and I knew where to go so I could crawl out. Since then I noticed your heartbeat over anybody else’s.” Liam kissed him gently. “I love you.” It was all he could say right now. He had no words for how happy Theo made him, how amazing it was to hear those words. So he stuck to the simple love confession but when he saw the way Theo’s eyes lit up, he knew his mate had understood him.
Theo curled next to him again, close as possible, and gently kissed Liam’s neck before he rested his head against Liam’s shoulder. They still had their fingers laced together and Liam stroked over the back of Theo’s hand with his thumb. “Have I ever thanked you for helping me break the whole werewolf news to Mason?” Liam asked thoughtfully. Theo hummed in amusement.  “I don’t think so. But you know I only did this to go through with my scheme around that time?” “Hush and take the thanks. Without you, I probably would have never told him. So, thank you.”
“You’re sweet, puppy.” Theo kissed his forehead. “I love this about you. And I also love that you kept your childlike excitement, even though I said differently earlier that night. I am sorry about that too by the way.” “Stop apologizing. We both did things the other didn’t like today.” Liam stroked through Theo’s hair and snuggled closer to him.
“No matter how often we fight, there is no one else I’d rather be with. You are the love of my life, Theo, I want to be with your forever.” Liam muttered and Theo gently squeezed his hand.  “I feel the same way about you, Liam, and I hope I can show you this every day.” “You do.” Liam told him. “In everything you do.”  He meant every single word. Liam was well aware Theo loved him and he loved Theo just as much. They finally got together after years and he would keep it that way for the rest of their lives. They came such a long way and had so many amazing years ahead of them.
Liam sighed. “Beacon Hills, everything we’ve been through, feels like it happened in another life. Trashing my coach’s car, transferring to Beacon Hills, getting bitten and meeting you, me and Hayden being a couple, the Ghost Riders, the war. As if that happened to different people.” “I know what you mean. It’s crazy.” Theo agreed. “I like how it turned out. Especially that you are my boyfriend now.” He sounded proud at the end and Liam’s lips curved into a smile. “Imagine if we had gotten our shit together in high school and had dated there. Imagine how different it would have been.” “Different?” Theo asked. “I’m not sure it would have been that different. Sure, I would have been a lot happier, but the main events wouldn’t have been different, would they?”
“Uh uh.” Liam raised his head so he could look better at Theo. “Take prom for example. We would have gone there as a couple, not just as friends.” “We didn’t go to prom.” Theo reminded him. “Because someone had to land himself in the hospital.” “It wasn’t my fault the hunters came after me! But that saved me the humiliation of dancing so I guess that was something good out of the whole mess.” Theo laughed. “Liam, you can dance!” “I certainly can’t. Drunk me maybe, sober me is like a turtle on ice. Not made for dancing.”
Liam needed one look at his boyfriend’s face to know Theo got an idea. The chimera smirked and sat up before he leaned over Liam to change the song playing on his laptop to something nice and slow. He then pulled the curtain aside and left their fort before he looked back at Liam. “Come on, let’s dance.” “I will not dance with you now! This is too fucking cliché.”  “First of, nobody’s here to judge. Secondly, we are hopelessly in love with each other and when it comes to the two of us we can be insanely cliché, so don’t make a fuss.” “I can’t dance.” Liam argued but still got out of the fort and stepped to Theo. “But of course you can, even when you’re sober. You’re good at almost everything, huh?”
Theo chuckled and pulled Liam closer before he put his hands on Liam’s hips. “I don’t plan on teaching you how to dance the tango. It’s just swaying back and forth, Alpha puppy.” “Easy for you to say.” Liam muttered. Theo naturally moved good in every situation. He was very gracefully and Liam was...not. He was more forceful, had gross sensory motor skills, and graceful wasn’t really something that Liam associated with himself. He still wrapped his arms around Theo’s neck and let his boyfriend guide his hips into swaying.
“You have no idea how you move sometimes, right? When you’re out on the lacrosse field for example. You play and then you make a great shot or manage to outrun your opponent and you get this beaming smile on your face and you just ooze self-confidence. When you’re in that state, you move so amazingly and, Liam, you look hot as fuck. Hotter than usually. And even more attractive than usual. It’s not my favorite look of you but it’s in the top five.”
“How can you say something and sound sexy and sweet at the same time?” Liam was actually amazed by this. Theo grinned. “It’s a special talent.” He kissed Liam’s cheek, then his jaw, then his neck. “I just worship everything about you.”  He kissed Liam’s neck again and gently tugged at the skin with blunt teeth. Liam moaned softly and tilted his head to the side so Theo had even more space. The chimera used it to lick and kiss the skin for a while but then he pressed a kiss on Liam’s shirt, right where the mating bite was hidden, and his hands sneaked over Liam’s side and his ass and then slipped between their bodies to rub Liam’s groin. Liam moaned and pushed his hips into Theo’s grip. His mate used it to stroke him until Liam was fully hard and then he dropped to his knees. 
Liam looked down and gasped when Theo pulled his pajama pants down and right along with it his boxers. His cock sprang free, hard and leaking, and Theo’s eyes flashed. This time they had the full hungry and lustful glimmer inside them. Liam moaned again and bit his lower lip, never took his eyes away from the pretty picture in front of him. 
And then Theo engulfed Liam’s hard cock in his mouth and Liam’s moan turned into a gasp. Theo swallowed him inch by inch, tongue teased Liam’s length all along and licked the underside of his cock, trailed over the veins there, and within minutes Liam was reduced to a whimpering mess. He steadied himself with one hand on Theo’s shoulder, the other gripped Theo’s hair when the head of his cock hit the back of Theo’s throat. His mate was an absolute expert in this regard too and Liam could have come from the sight alone; Theo on his knees, lips wrapped around his aching cock. 
He raised his head slightly and looked at Liam with a mischievous glint in his eyes, then he hummed. It sent vibrations down Liam’s cock and he gasped again. Theo continued to tease him and used his tongue to it as well. “Fuck, your tongue should be forbidden.” Liam groaned and pressed his eyes shut. 
Theo hummed again and then he began bopping his head. Liam’s grip on his hair tightened and not long after Liam started to move his hips and fucked into Theo’s mouth. Theo groaned around Liam’s cock and eagerly continued to move his head. Liam’s other hand also darted to Theo’s hair and gripped it tightly. Theo groaned once more and sucked hard on Liam’s erection. Liam’s eyes flew open again and he looked down.
“You call me naughty little Alpha but I really need a nickname for you. When you do things like this...Oh, fuck...because you look gorgeous...My pretty sinful  Beta.” Liam gasped out and his grip tightened momentarily before he loosened it to not hurt Theo. “I’m going to cum, Theo...”
The chimera looked up at him with his intriguing green eyes and Liam’s heart sped up, more than it already did. Theo kept his eyes locked with Liam’s and then they flashed gold and he sucked hard again which was a point of no return for Liam. He moaned Theo’s name and spilled into Theo’s awaiting mouth. 
His heart hammered against his ribcage and he bit his lips while he watched Theo swallow his cum. When Theo pulled back and released his cock with an obscene sound, Liam reached out and ran his thumb over Theo’s lower lip. “Such talented lips and such a wicked tongue. I surely have the best mate.”  He smiled and leaned down to kiss Theo, licked into his mouth and tasted himself on Theo’s tongue. He moaned.  They were breathing heavily when they pulled apart and Liam gentle nudged Theo towards the fort. 
“Undress and get your ass inside so I can fuck you.” Theo’s eyes flashed gold. “Yes, Alpha.”
I guess it's safe to say Theo is hopelessly in love with his mate and insanely proud of his full shift♥ But as it happens in every other relationship, there are problems and it can’t always be cotton candy and roses. Theo is still relatively new to the whole feelings thing, especially feeling so deep for someone. And Liam is also very emotional. Not always the best combination. Most times it’s perfect, but sometimes it gets too much. Good thing they sorted it out. They need each other so much, I guess that chapter proved it once again.
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undyingguppywarrior · 4 years
Another Day Chapter 2
Undyne’s footsteps could be heard echoing through the caverns of waterfall as she was sprinting full speed on her way to school. She darted around every corner at high speeds at least for an eight-year-old. As she continued the route, she normally takes she could hear some talking up ahead and slowed down to a jogging speed not wanting to run into anyone. She would look out for the sounds for the voices only to see a couple monsters on a lower path of Waterfall. Upon a closer look she could see her best and nerdiest friend Alphys who seemed to be hanging out with Diamond Receptionist. As she was making her way by, she couldn’t help, but hear some of the conversation that was happening which caused her to come to a dead stop. “Come on you nerd just had over your homework and I’ll leave you alone.” It seemed that the only thing that was happening was bullying “I-I just don’t think it f-fair for you to t-take my homework.” Undyne knew very well her friend didn’t like confrontation which led to her never standing up for herself “M-Maybe I could just h-help you w-with your own hom-“ The monster was then interrupted by the diamond shaped one “Look I’m making this easy for you so just hand it over.”
 By this point the Undyne was done watching and choose now was the time to intervene “Why don’t you just leave her alone diamond head!” the young guppy yelled while sliding down the hill followed by jumping off near the end and landing quite loudly between the two monsters making them both jump back “U-Undyne? I didn’t notice you nearby. We were just having a chat is all.” The diamond monster was now clearly nervous given the fact that Undyne was already known for her absurd physical and magical strength “More like you were bullying my best friend. If I ever catch you doing this again then you’ll be my target practice understand?” the young guppy then stomped the ground leaving some small cracks to show she meant business “O-Of course Undyne. It won’t happen again.” Just like that Undyne had Diamond Receptionist running away in a hurry “T-Thank you Undyne. You don’t always h-have to defend me.” The yellow monster spoke shyly as she felt bad for troubling her friend once again for her lack of courage “Don’t be silly Alphys. As your best friend it’s my job to make sure you aren’t pushed around and it’s what a Royal Guard would do. Next time you need to stand your ground, look your foe dead in their eye, and let them know you won’t be pushed around!” Undyne was trying to give her friend the confidence and courage to face her fears head on “I-I’ll try, though we should g-get to school before we’re l-late.” The young guppy then remembered that she was on her way to school “Right then I’ll get us there in no time and you can help with my training!” the younger monster was now fueled with a drive to get both of them there on time “How can I-I help?” suddenly Undyne picked up Alphys and began running towards school at to speed
Within moments both of the young monsters were at their destination with Undyne having worked up quite a sweat. Turns out sprinting full force and carrying another monster was more challenging that she thought, but the young guppy had made it so to her she won. She then set down Alphys who looked very dizzy “T-Thanks for the lift U-Undyne.” The yellow monster said in a haze still trying to recover “Don’t mention it bestie. Just remember what I said and don’t let any monsters push you around.” The young guppy said while giving the other a hard pat on the back. After that they went their separate ways as Alphys was in more advanced classes given how smart she is. The young monster made her way to her first class which was basic mathematics. Lucky for her she had no homework assigned yesterday from this class, though there was that test from the other day. As the teacher started handing the monsters back her test Undyne wasn’t really wanting to see her as she normally scored low, though soon enough hers was handed back. She slowly turned it over and was shocked to be revealed with a C+ along with a note which read ‘Excellent job Undyne!’ which made her give a small smile. This was her best grade yet in this class even if the score was still low compared to other monsters. After spending a little over an hour and a half in math the bell rang and she went to her next class which was science with Dr. Gaster. She always hated this class as the doctor always was the hardest on her and whenever she said something about it, she always got the excuse that it was because she had such potential and all that other stuff that adults say. Lucky for her Dr. Gaster had a headache so he just put on a video which they took notes on
She then went through history, social studies, and arts class before finally magic training came up which was of course her favorite class. It was the class she excelled at the most given her natural ability in magic as well as her high physical strength. She stepped onto the gym floor wearing her normal black tank top and a pair of shorts. The best part was the couch was none other than her mentor (slash father figure) Gerson “Alright listen up you youngsters. Today we’ll be taking it easy with a game of dodge ball.” The old turtle spoke with in a raspy voice showing just how old he was. Undyne normally accept whatever Gerson threw her way, but a simple game of dodge ball wasn’t intense enough for her “Can I be on a team by myself Coach?” all the other younger monsters turned to look at the young guppy and while most would laugh at such a thing all of them knew that Undyne wasn’t one to take lightly even if she wanted to be on a team alone
The old turtle stroked his chin thinking about it before giving his answer “Alright, but let’s have a clean match here. No below the belt, no magic, and no trash talking.” All the young monsters agreed to the terms and each took a side of the court with Undyne alone on one side and the rest on the other. The young guppy sized up the other team which had thirteen monsters in total while waiting for Gerson to blow the whistle and start the game. It was clear that all the other monsters were nervous about facing the young guppy, but some had confidence that their numbers could take her down. There was a long minute with no one making a move until finally the sound of the whistle was heard. Just as the monsters took one step towards the dodge balls Undyne was already far ahead of them and had claimed two only to chuck them full force and nailing two targets who didn’t even have a chance to dodge and managed to grab one more before the other team made it to the dodge balls. They all threw their dodge balls at Undyne at the same time which seemed like a good idea on paper, but the young guppy easily dodged most of them and deflected the others with the one in her hand. This gave the young fish monster control of most of the dodge balls
Undyne then stomped on the ground causing several of the dodge balls to go into mid air and just as quickly she kick or punched them at the enemy team each on hitting a target knocking out five more opponents leaving six more left. The six remaining monsters were now on guard looking for any openings, though one cracked under the pressure and simply threw wildly at the guppy who simply caught the ball with one hand while letting out a yawn at the monster who she just took out. The five monsters left all threw their dodge balls at random times, though Undyne simple dodged them all. She then the two dodge balls in her hands with each hitting before bouncing off and hitting the same monster leaving only two more. One of her remaining foes left was Diamond Receptionist who was shaking by this point. The diamond monster then gathered whatever courage she had left and threw her dodge ball only for the fish monster to dodge with a roll, pick up a dodge ball in the process, and throw it hitting the monster full force and knocking her flat on her back. The last monster that remained was none other than her friend Alphys to which she simply walked close to the line that separated the teams where the yellow monster stood on the other side and lightly tossed a dodge ball taking her out. Alphys let out a grateful smile that Undyne let her off easy, though that’s what the young guppy always did “Well it looks like Undyne was won the game. You young monsters can either rest or do some light exercises.” Hearing that all the monsters who just faced Undyne’s wrath choose to take it easy and rest while Undyne herself began to do full sprints around the gym.
Soon the bell rang thus ending the school day “Alright you youngsters. It’s time for you to head home. You all did a good job in today’s game and remember there is no losing only learning.” With that all the monsters went to the lockers, changed into their regular clothes, and began walking out of the school building. Almost all the monsters had their parents waiting for them while some were old enough to walk home alone. Undyne was going to talk to her friend Alphys, but saw she was busy talking to her parents and figured it’d be best to head on home. As she turned to leave, she found the yellow lizard suddenly cut her off “I-I’m glad I caught you before y-you left. I want to t-thank you for helping m-me today so h-here.” Alphys held out what appeared to be today's homework and the guppy quickly realized what her friend was trying to do. Undyne simply shook her head and pushed the homework back to the yellow lizard “Thanks for the offer Alphys, but I won’t get anywhere if I let people do work for me. To be part of the Royal Guard means you give everything your all and accomplish everything with your own determination.” It seemed the young guppy wasn’t going to accept the offer “Now I better get going or I’ll be behind on my training. Catch ya later Alphys.” With that the young fish monster walked off leaving the yellow lizard feeling let down that her help was rejected, but was more inspired by the small speech. As Undyne walked away from the school she could see Diamond Receptionist and some other monsters looking at her as they spoke. The young guppy simply shot them a look which caused the small group to rush off “Just another day I guess.”
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