#the way elena already has a ship in the works
pearlcscent · 2 years
just did a ferricamo family tree for funsies and i’m going insane
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cancerian-woman · 2 months
What do you think about Enzo? I find him Boring 😭
In short: I don't like him that much. None of that is MM's fault lol.
Long Answer: To me the writers never knew what to do with Enzo really which is why he has that long phase of disliking Stefan, Lily problems, Caroline/KC.20 and then being placed with Bonnie. He's different characters all wrapped up into one. Sometimes he's Damon other times he's Klaus. When Damon and Klaus are already very similar to their cores.
Ian vouched for Michael M. which is why he stayed longer than season 5. BE is more about what Enzo needs than Bonnie. They were together for years, yet Damon is so centered in their relationship because he screwed them both over. I probably would have supported them if the relationship if it was done because the writers cared for Bonnie romantically but that isn't how it is presented. Bonnie's "epic" romance is told all in one episode and then the rest is half of a season with the remaining episodes of her fawning over a ghost. Never mind the stockholm syndrome that forced them together anyway. Even in fan edits Enzo is given more reasons to like Bonnie than she is of him. They were never granted a "sex scene" but even that one moment has Bonnie doing the work. Kat Graham is 5ft2 you mean to tell me Michael couldn't carry her to a bed or something?
It's just annoying when other women were fawned over: Elena, Caroline, Cami, and Hayley were giving one or multiple interests those relationships were done with intent due to having some compassion towards those women. Those relationships center so much of those women. Bonnie gets a half-assed romance with a non-fleshed out character as a "here damn" ship.
You asked about Enzo, and this turned into anti Enzo/Bonenzo rant. Sorry, but BE is the only time his character had some consistency which was adding onto the many ways the series doesn't value Bonnie. Yes, it's nice that Bonnie got some happiness but in the end it just aided into her suffering. Enzo could be lined up with Bonnie's other romances and I swear outside of him lasting 3 seasons you wouldn't see much a difference: Luka M, Ben and Jeremy. All side characters or unimportant because the series doesn't see Bonnie as such.
Kat amazing acting in Enzo's death, and the fact that a future with Enzo was dangled over Bonnie's head like a toy is part of the reason people mourn them so much to me. The show wrapped and we never hear about Bonnie's life for the rest of the franchise.
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threshergm · 4 months
Halo: The Series - Talia Perez Backstory
Talia is a UNSC Marine Reservist. Her unit is H&S Company, 2nd Battalion, 25th Marines ("New Alexandria's Own"). Like the name suggests, the regiment is based out of the city itself (at FLEETCOM, no less), and is drawn from Marines who live in and around the New Alexandria area.
She's a Communications Marine - able to maintain, repair, and operate any radio or sat-link communications system in the UNSC Marine Corps inventory.
Talia's Abuelo is alive and named Raul. He was a Navy man, a reservist who served aboard big warships, and he retired at the rank of Master Chief Petty Officer.
When he and John are in the same room, they refer to each other as "Chief." Talia rolls her eyes at this, but can't help but smile.
Talia is third-generation Reacher; Raul Perez having emigrated from a failed colony named Hidalgo decades before, and the family having originated in Cuba on Earth.
Many refugees from Hidalgo settled in the same area of New Alexandria. The neighborhood became known as Santiago Circle. Spanish is still spoken on the streets, thus preserving the accent among the residents.
Talia's father Nestor was a Navy reservist as well, a WSO aboard a Longsword fighter. He instilled in Talia a love of literature, especially fantasy, and read to her every night he was home during her formative years. Their favorite was The Lord of the Rings.
He was killed in action against the Covenant during the Siege of the Atlas Moons. Talia was only ten years old.
Talia has a little tattoo of the Gull Crown of Gondor in black, with a tiny White Tree superimposed over it, on the inside of her wrist in his honor.
Talia's mother Elena always resented having her so young, feeling she'd been robbed of her youth, and skipped town after her father died. Talia was devastated, but her grandparents took her in.
This left Talia determined to prove that she was better than her mom by marrying young as well, but sticking around and being the mother she wanted for herself.
When Talia was 14, her mother returned a changed woman. Diagnosed with terminal Boren's Syndrome, she came home hoping to reconcile with her daughter before her death. Talia forgave her repentant mother, and cared for her for nearly a year before she passed away. It was an enormously healing experience.
Around the same time, Talia met Alex Shawcross, the love of her life. He was a poor kid from Manassas - his father was a firefighter who died in the line of duty - leaving him to care for his four siblings while his mother worked two jobs to make ends meet.
Talia first saw him waiting at the transit station with his four siblings one day after school - already a man at just 15 - and it was love at first sight.
Alex was cutting lunches so his siblings would have something to take home for dinner. Talia noticed this - and how skinny he was - and started bringing leftovers from home and leaving them in his locker so he'd have something to eat. When he caught her; she confessed her love for him, and they were inseparable after that.
They had an adorable chaste teenage romance. Meeting at her favorite tea shop before school, trips to bookshops were he would watch her go through the stacks thoughtfully, sneaking out to meet at the park halfway between their houses to sit on the swings together and talk. Staying after his baseball games to sit on the blanket she brought to pad the bleachers and stargaze.
The Marines were part opportunity, part desperation for Alex; while Talia saw service as a way to honor her father's memory and live up to the example her grandfather had set. They had their plan - serve a contract, go to school, get good jobs. Make enough to get Alex's family out of tenement housing in Manassas. Buy a little land outside the city, build a kiva in the hills. Alex would work in the city, Talia would work from home and raise their children.
Alex proposed to her the night before they shipped out on their first deployments - to opposite ends of the Outer Colonies. They made love for the first time on a blanket in center field on the ball diamond, under the stars and aurora of Reach.
Talia made it back from her first deployment without incident. Alex didn't. He died under a Covenant glassing beam on an unnamed rock, trying to evacuate an unregistered colony that had called for help. No remains were recovered. All she has left of him is the simple, cheap, but cherished brass ring he gave her the night she agreed to become his wife.
Talia's never been the same since Alex died. She carries the weight of him every day.
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livlepretre · 11 days
At what point in the fic did you want/expect readers to start rooting for klena (those that didnt already ship them ofc)
...honestly I've never thought about this from this angle before? I think when I started publishing, I was pretty active in klena fandom and had a strong reputation as one of the first and most prolific klena writers, so I knew there would be a readership (and the ship was much, much more niche back in 2016, let alone 2011 when I started publishing klena fics-- it's exploded since that time).
So having published this and advertised it as a klena fic (and having added other ship tags later, as they came about in the story), I just sort of assumed that everyone reading it would be reading it for the klaus x elena content, and if anything, it was the other ships-- stelena, beklena, tylena, etc, that I felt I had to persuade people to go along with, let alone enjoy. I knew that if someone was reading a klena fic, then I was not dealing with the average reader; these are people who enjoy a dark ship. So when Klaus does something ESPECIALLY horrifying, the reaction is usually YESSSSS 🔥🔥🔥-- and this was especially true when I was publishing the early chapters, when the audience for this ship was still very small. It was only as this fic kept growing, and the ship gained broader appeal, and by the time I was years into working on it, that I started encountering readers who had a problem with Klaus being, well, Klaus. (Which is fine! There are lots of fics that scratch the klena itch in a different way, and that's what's beautiful about fandom, honestly.)
But, if I were to try to persuade someone to start rooting for klena? I guess I would say along the same timeline that Elena herself falls in love with him. I think for someone who enters the fic not shipping Klena, the only possibility would be that the close narration, keeping everything so tightly bound to Elena's feelings and thoughts, is the only way someone could start to fall for Klaus/the relationship as well-- even against their better judgment. I mean, I still scream when I reread that closing line from the end of chapter one:
The first time Klaus paid a visit to her, when she was still a little high from the sedatives the nurse had given her back in Mystic Falls, she awakened to his hand on her face, tenderly stroking her hair from her forehead. The memory drifts back to her weeks later like an empty rowboat on the tide.
But I think the normal timeframe would be for the first New Orleans arc to win someone over? Klaus is very charming in that arc. That's the first time he actually cares. Selfishly, but not as selfishly as before. He does see Elena as a person at that point, and the scraps have been so small up to then that even that feels huge. It makes it feel like so much more of a betrayal when he leaves her in chapter 42, after all of the betrayals and terrors he has subjected her to in the past.
and yet and yet and yet-- I have one more big stunt to pull. for anyone who has given up on Klaus, give me that chance to get him on page, completely honest.
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cburambles · 6 months
Lil' analysis of the Rufus/ Elena scene crumbs in Rebirth
I'm doing this for fun but organize my thoughts and keep tracks of things I've noticed about them while also giving some food for thoughts if there's people interested in that ship.
Here's i'm gonna analyze the scenes.
I will later write about design & symbolism , their arcs, their personnalities, relationship & how they perceive each other ,what Rebirth add to the rest of the compilation as well what road can we can potentially expect for the story of Rufus & the Turks in part 3 in general.
The Mythril Mines scene:
Here, we get get a great way to establish her character. Elena is the one who is curious and asks questions while the others try to not think about their orders much. As someone new, she also has an unique POV as the mysteries unfold in front of her.
It's also a great way to show that her superiors don't tell her everything, which may cause problem in the future as Elena is a self-righteous & rather independant person who sometime disobey orders.
They also did a great job showcasing her ruthless side & also sublty hint what drives her.
The helicopter scene en-route for the Gold Saucer with Palmer:
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Here, Elena is shown being not scared to use Rufus' authority to shut up a member of the Board. Despite the space program being shut down, we still have to remember that Elena is a new employee & that Palmer is her senior by decades & used to be a friend of Rufus' father. Despite the hierarchical difference, Elena's is pretty assertive for a new employee & doesn't hesitate to borrow Rufus' authority to have Palmer stop complaining & contesting Rufus' decision to send him there in a sassy manner.
The Gongaga proto-relic sidequest:
After you're done with one of the Gongaga VR mission in the Turks facility, Elena is shown without hesitation ushering Rufus & him acknowledging her. We see that she's not scared of him & both of seem to have a respectful & cordial relationship.
I noted the interesting composition of the shot tho.
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First, they didn't have to animate this. They could just had have Rufus says his line about the player performance & then leave. But they still wanted to showcase that little moment between the two of them for some reason.
Second, the way the camera zoom-in on them while putting Rude on the foreground but almost push him out of the frame as he's watching them, as if the devs really want you to pay attention to that interaction.
Third, Elena is the rookie. Thus the one who should address Rufus directly should be her seniors. However, Rufus & Elena address each other directly, with the latter talking to him confidently.
This also happens right after we see Rufus complaining about Tseng wanting to assign him bodyguards & saying he didn't need any so you would expect he would be annoyed that the babiest Turk would try to usher him away or have him ignore her. We saw how he can get with Heidegger in Remake not calling him "Mr.President". But he doesn't.
Fourth, it's clear here there was a whole switcheroos between roles due to Reno's jpn VA passing away.
In this mission, Rude & Elena address you as if you were Reno (Rude call you partner & Elena reffer to you as "senpaï" .
Reno however, already has a lot of experiences after all this years working for the Turks. My guess is that originally, those VR missions were destined to Elena.
It makes more sense, to prepare her to what the Turks' life is. VR Rufus is also already president too. If you do well during that mission, Rufus is willing to offer you whatever you want. Would that mean he made such proposition to Elena at one point? (is this how she got her pink gun which has strangely a white belt on & black buttons & is studed with diamonds?)
The flight to the Gold Saucer with Rufus:
During that scene, we're shown that Elena is curious & independant, making her a great intelligence officer material. The second she learns about the Promised Land, she decide to study the subject in the hopes to understand it better & the significance for Shinra. She then admit that it was actually a good idea to let Aerith run around so they can follow her.
It immediately switch from her to Darkstar waking up & curiously looking at Rufus. People who played the game in english however may have missed out an interesting audio detail: In the japanese dub, you can understand the reason why Darkstar woke up as you can hear Rufus do his signature (satisfied) "hmph" and him chuckling to himself while looking at window. It's even more audible in the french version as well.
D waking up & looking at Rufus curiously make it feel like it's an unusual occurence. Maybe he's just thinking about something & laugh to himself but it's also likely the game is implying Rufus was silently listening to her.
It's interesting because he is rarely framed that way. Most of the time he's the center of the room & the conversation, leading it. He addresses his employees & doesn't give more info than what's necessary. Even with Tseng, he often has his back to him & only turn around when he needs to make a point or when something intrigue him.
Added to that, letting Aerith go to follow her was Rufus' plan. Elena basically indirectly complimented him, which could be the reason why he's chuckling to himself. We never got to see him reacting this way to someone until now. For comparison, Heidegger compliment him when he decide to fire Sister Ray during chapter 4 & he didn't get any reaction from Rufus. But he's seemingly happy to get Elena's approval?
The chapter 12 tussle & rumble with Elena, Rude & Rufus.
For a start, we have to talk about how stupid this plan is as the Turks & Rufus could have just stolen the keystone, either by using Rufus'authority or burglarize the place while Dio & Avalanche were looking away. Rufus didn't also have to be there. Shinra is on the brink of a war but he instead decide to go on a trip ( it probably took a least 1 or 2 days for them to go from Midgar & reach the GS) I may have my speculations on why he's acting this way tho.
Rude, Elena & Rufus have beef with Avalanche so we can assume they went with that plan to settle their grudge by beating the shit of each other. However, the plan at first seemed to be for only Rude & Elena to fight, not Rufus. During the battle, you can hear Rufus calling Dio. It's a scripted event that only happen when you stagger Rude or Elena during the second phase of the combat (and there's chances it is Elena due to her weaker constitution). Did Rufus get protective of the Turks, which is what pushed him to suddenly participate?
Then there's the scene where he appears in the arena. While the duel between Cloud & Rufus is the main event, it's interesting to note we just have a quick zoom out on Cloud's face to show his reaction while it lingers more on the Turks & in particular Elena. There's a quick scene where Tseng calm down an excited & likely worried for his master, D. Then it switch to Elena asking what he's doing. Rufus notice her as his head turns toward her.
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Elena is the most on focus while Rude in the background is blurred.
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And we get this kind of smile from Rufus who's still looking at her while waving to the public. He looks softer than usual.
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Then his face immediately switch to this when he turns to Cloud.
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He answering her by making a show of himself. And then it's switch again to an annoyed & worried Elena. Once again, she's the point of focus while Rude is blurred.
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Rufus then tell them to go join Tseng. And here we can see that he's addressing Elena (when he should address Rude) directly as his eyes are turned toward her & then turns back to Cloud while Elena can't help herself but emit a defeated sigh.
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Here we're seeing that she stays herself around Rufus, trying to contest his decisions & everything. Not scared of him & not scared to show her annoyance at her boss' dumbass behavior.
Added to that, Cloud is seen asking the two party members who fought with him until now to leave him for that 1 on 1 fight. One of these two party members always turns out to be one of his love interests.
Once again, we're shown he actually pays attention to Elena, thought Rebirth is actually not the only time this happens. That whole exchange remind me of that moment between Reno & Rude in TKAA:
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Which could explain as well Rude's reaction to Cloud being like "oh, poor you!" when Rufus is revealed to be alive in Advent Children. The game weigh even more on the idea that Rufus is emotionnally immature and insecure. Like Evan.
And Rufus' attitude is pretty Evan like in the way he takes risks while Elena is often compared to Kyrie by the fandom. Elena & Kyrie are fierce, morally ambiguous women who cause trouble to their group but also can be shown to be level-headed at times. Kyrie also chide & tries to confront Evan about his reckless side. Both of them could almost be considered as darker versions of these two characters. If the brothers have similar tastes in term of potential partners, well…
I think it's also interesting to note that Rufus is far more pissed about losing than during the first duel in Remake, added with Cloud poking at his insecurities.
The departure to the temple of the ancients:
This is a really interesting scene as it's a great way to show the group dynamic & Elena's potential importance after the company's crumble post- Meteorfall. Here, Elena is shown openly critisizing Rufus' decision to send them & a nice chunk of the army to the Temple of the Ancients, knowing the risks.
Rude, Reno & Tseng are shown being fine going along with whatever orders Rufus give them while Elena has her doubts & interrogations and rightfully so. Sending so many people there is a reckless move & she ended up being proven right. ( I could go on a tangent on how Elena could be a great partner to him due to the way she questions things. There's a difference between loyalty & sycophanty. And from the first scene with the Board or even Sister ray, what he needs is loyal people with enough backbone to challenge & give him the right advices. Which is what Elena represents)
However this were my beef with the english localization is coming in & how people who rely on it may have missed some nuances to the whole exchange:
In the eng version, she goes on how Rufus accompagnying the expedition is a bad idea but on brand with his character.
However in the jpn & french localization when Rude tells her Rufus is coming with them, Elena ask what he means & Reno says it's expected of him/it's not surprising. Elena says it's dangerous but that also that she doesn't dislike Rufus' decision to come with them, which is peak tsundere attitude.
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While I think her eng VA did a great job overall, the direction also constantly make her sounds aggressive, even during moments when she's not.
So yeah the first version is just a statement on Rufus' behavior.
The second version give nuance on how Elena perceive Rufus. Yes, it's dangerous for him to do that but it also help her settle down a bit. She likes the fact he is participating in this.
It's also a great way to show why he has so much sway with the Turks, as Reno, Rude & Elena enjoy some of thrills that come with the job and Rufus is the same.
The compilation always frustrated me with the way their relationship has interesting tidbits but was often glossed over. I was surprised with the way Rebirth depicted these two as I considered myself lucky if we actually got them together in the same frame but we instead got a few interactions & them reacting to each other in a way that is pretty informative about their own characters but also how their dynamic would work.
It's pretty close of the interpretation I had always had for Ruiri/Rulena/Rufena: the type of ship that belong in the power couple category, similar opposites who challenge each other in a way that support them due to their strong personnalities & position while navigating thru their professional & personnal life with a fun dynamic to boot.
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Please kill the idea that Jegulus is a "new" ship.
There are Jegulus fics out there on LJ, ffnet and AO3 dating all the way to the very early 00's. It stopped being a crackship way back in 2014-16. When I came across Lady Elena's Jegulus works back in 2016 it already had a very decent-sized fandom.
The recent tiktok hype affected not only Jegulus, but the popularity of the Marauders fandom in general. The amount of Jily works out there is still incomparable to the very little Jegulus has, and most canon-compliant or canon-divergent Jegulus works still include Jily in their stories at some point.
This isn't a popularity contest, being bitter about Jegulus when Jily is literally CANON is like hating on Wolfstar in favour of Remadora. Block out the tags if you don't want to see it.
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msnihilist · 8 months
oh so you ship ben and elena?actually I really think she was a good one for ben because she genuinely loved him and was ready to do anything for him unlike you know julie or kai or ...she wasn't perfect but at least she really loved him befor ben went all feral on her and making her hate him lol
That's a really funny way to interpret the Elena episodes. Elena doesn't "love" Ben — not in any meaningful way, at least. She's obsessed with him because her mental state is in shambles and he's one of the only things she has that's real.
Her dad is dead. She can't undo that — the closest she can get is making her chips take his form. She has his research, but what's really the point? She already understands the microchips. It's just busy work — making more of themselves. What is she supposed to do? Make the world a better place? Let others have this power? Why would she when it's all that she has?
(something something, Elena's mental state with the chips being a metaphor for unprocessed grief/untreated mental illness)
Elena is empty. She is obsessed with wanting, because the microchips can give her any object and none of it has any meaning. It's the same thing as being rich and being surrounded by an incredible mansion and fifteen cars, and no one who cares about you anywhere to be seen.
Elena wants to feel whole, and the chips want to give her what she wants. The reason she wants Ben is because he's a piece of Elena before she was the Queen. He's a childhood friend, a hesitant crush, the only person who still seems to value Elena just for being herself.
And the chips can't give her Ben. They can make copies of him, sure, but it doesn't matter. The copies are controlled by Elena. They don't genuinely care about her the way that Ben does. They don't have their history.
Elena is a blackhole. She doesn't love Ben anymore, she wants to consume him. She loves Ben because he makes her feel a little more whole — a little bit normal.
Elena's obsessed with Ben because he is literally all she has.
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imunbreakabledude · 21 days
building off my last post (pulling at one thread from within it) i really feel like the single most common issue™ i have in other people's fandom posts/fics/interpretations of maeve (aside from the fact that i have such a detailed personal construction of her in my head that it's hard for me to accept any interpretation that deviates in any way LMAO)...
is that to me, it feels so clear that every other relationship maeve has exists in the shadow of her relationship with elena. but i seldom feel like other people's posts/interpretations take that into account at all.
that doesn't mean other relationships are less important, but they're all colored by this one that is, as far as canon goes, the most important & oldest relationship she has.
her relationship with homelander has many layers to it of course, but a very IMPORTANT layer that I almost never see anyone but me acknowledging, directly or indirectly, is that maeve had (and lost) the love of her life before she first got with homelander. that certainly would color their interactions. homelander of course has unique connections with her in other ways, significant ways, but i think sometimes about how different it might have been, if maeve didn't enter that relationship already knowing what her love for elena felt like. bc i do think they "loved" each other in a sense, a lot of passion, and attraction, and i definitely think he THOUGHT he loved her in the "realest" sense, in the soulmates sense, and maybe she would have thought the same, if she had not already loved elena, and the quiet existence of this fact, as well as the fact that she never shares it and he never knows it (until long after they're broken up) is like silent but also screaming so loud throughout their entire relationship, as i see it.
her relationship with madelyn (which, okay, barely exists in canon, but if you choose to imagine it) includes the fact that madelyn all but certainly knew about elena, yet chose to keep it to herself.
her relationship with annie, too. whether it's their canon relationship... well, this one is actually pretty explicit, given that one of their scenes is specifically centered on maeve drawing parallels between her past with elena & annie's relationship with hughie... or if it's in the context of romantically shipping them.
even her relationship with butcher - i won't turn this into a whole paragraph about how underexplored that felt in canon, but like, if you wanna think about it even the tiniest bit more than what was shown... the only reason maeve's working with him at ALL, for starters, is because she fully turned on homelander after he threatened elena, and because she has now "lost" elena and thus has no more to lose, herself, so she's open to the same sort of "scorched earth" methods that butcher is. because he also lost a love. that is something that connects them, more than the hatred for homelander itself. the REASON for the hatred. (well, that's one reason they have in common. there's more to say about their individual distinct reasons for hating homelander, but dang this post isn't about that, it's already longer than it was meant to be!)
like yes i ship maevelena a lot but also even when i'm not writing about them specifically, i just think, it's such a key aspect of maeve's character and how she acts in her other relationships. and that's often something i feel missing in interpretations that end up feeling like "haha maeve says twink"
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Okay, so...I'm going to just spill my tea here. During every single TVD-rewatch, my Forwood-heart breaks a little bit more. They were a believable pairing with a slowly developing bond, trust and great chemistry. Tyler is very unfairly treated and underrated among the characters, writers and the fandom. It's quite hypocritical to blame Tyler of some things that he did completely unwillingly, because he was lied to or because he hadn't been told the whole truth about things and then claim that someone else would be better fit for Caroline. And in some cases he was rightfully angry and lashed out, but it has been taken out of portion. Yes, I'm talking about 5x12: no matter what is claimed sometimes, he didn't try to hurt or kill Caroline. He was emotional and had tried to get her to leave and give him the space by talking, but it hadn't worked and his other form came out. Some others, however, have hurt Caroline and her loved ones repeatedly and willingly (*cough* for example, the person mentioned below *cough*), and they get a free pass, because... I don't know how to finish that sentence. I hope that these two would've been endgame.
When I first watched TVD, I saw the appealing of Klaroline, mostly because I thought I saw some connections to Sparrabeth, which is one of my favorite ships ever. But now I realize they are not nearly the same. I like Caroline most of the time and I love the journey Klaus goes through in the Originals, but in the bigger context them "falling" for each other is rushed, doesn't make sense whatsoever and it ruins both of their development and what makes them great as individuals. Caroline is much more than just some prop for someone else's redemption (and Elena too, but I'm not gonna dive into it here). The show tries to sell the idea that Klaus somehow understands and truly sees Caroline better than anyone else, even than the people who have known her and stood beside her for years, which is not actually true in canon. He doesn't actually say anything good that someone else hasn't already pointed out in one way or another. In my opinion, as reluctant frenemies who challenge each other, they can work, but nothing more. Caroline shows up in the Legacies? Makes sense. Her showing up in the Originals? Beats up the dead horse, rewrites history and ends up pissing off the most of the Klaroline-, Klamille-, Klayley-, Steroline-, Forwood- and Maroline-fans. Job well done.
I've spoken.
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notmoreflippingelves · 4 months
"Would you ever write": 1) a narumitsu story (doesn't need to end well *smirk* Sorry I am mean XD ) 2) an Ace Attorney/Elena of Avalor crossover 3) a Krisnix fix-it ?
Yes and No
What I mean by that is that. No, I would never write a story where narumitsu is the exclusive and only focus. I'm not even sure that I could write a Phoenix & Edgeworth gen platonic story. I'm just not invested in their dynamic enough to want to center a fanwork about it.
However, I would be open to writing a story that incorporates narumitsu provided that it isn't the main/only focus. For instance, I might write a krisnix that has past narumitsu, unrequited narumitsu, or future narumitsu, but in those cases, krisnix would still be the "main" ship and the narumitsu would stay in the background. Even if the narumitsu is "endgame," I would absolutely imply that Phoenix will always be more than a little in love with Kristoph.
I would also be open to writing Phoenix and Edgeworth as part of a poly ship with someone else. I made a post a few days ago about how the introduction of nearly any third party into the Nick & Miles dynamic is somehow able to make me care about narumitsu. I think the most likely candidates for the 3rd member of the triad would naturally be Kristoph, followed closely by Lang. But I admit to also being curious about Lana or Blackquill. So who knows where it might go.
2. Maybe
I already have way too many works-in-progress/plot bunnies for both fandoms (plus a few other fandoms) to think seriously of adding to them. So I don't think it's particularly likely that I would write an AA + EoA crossover. However, I have actually put some considerable thought into how exactly a hypothetical crossover might work. (If I ever find a way to make my blorbos from each fandom interact in a way that makes sense, this could definitely change).
In the series finale of EoA's sister show Sofia the First, we are teased with the idea of multiple-dimensions/alternate universes existing within canon. The Ever Realm (where EoA and StF take place) is specifically identified as being in a distinct universe from NeverLand and the existence of NeverLand implies the existence of London. And given that London is the setting of the both the Ace Attorney/Layton crossover and the Ace Attorney prequel, we can assume that this universe would be compatible with the wider Ace Attorney franchise.
So due to ambiguous magical shenanigans (maybe involving Esteban's teleportation staff?) , the cast of Elena of Avalor could hypothetically dimension-hop into the same universe as the Ace Attorney characters. I think a crossover might work best if it was set primarily in Kingdom of Khur'ain from Spirit of Justice. It would still be quite an adjustment but definitely less of a culture shock than having the EoA crew land in modern-day Japanifornia.
I have thought a bit as well about some of the character interactions that I would love to see.
Esteban would not get along with Minister Inga, as he would remind Esteban of the worst aspects of himself (pompous, arrogant, ambitious). Nahyuta would also remind Esteban a lot of himself, in the sense of being , once-idealistic-but-grown-more-jaded as a result of being trapped from a young age under the thumb of a very powerful, cruel, and dangerous tyrant , being forced to do terrible things as a result but nevertheless clinging to their humanity through it all and trying to use what little influence they have to protect their family and country. I really think that they could really help each other heal. I also feel like Esteban might develop a crush on Dhurke Sahdmadhi, but he absolutely would not recognize it as a crush. He would just be all "he's so tall and mysterious and manly. like a hero from a storybook. I want him to think I am cool and smart and interesting too." (This is also how I head canon that Esteban hypothetically views Antonio Agama in universe--an actual crush that he mistakes for a very long time as being a man crush/hero-worship due to him being a very closeted, very repressed and even more oblivious distinguished disaster bi.)
Athena has the potential to develop some really powerful bonds with both Esteban and Elena. Elena's emotion dress magic and Athena's emotional-hearing + Widget provide an interesting point of commonality on discussing how they feel and process emotions in themselves and others--as well as how to cope when the strength and intensity of their feelings overwhelms them. Esteban, meanwhile, would not easily be able to hide his loneliness, guilt, and insecurity from Athena's super-hearing, nor from her compassion. Hear heart would go out to him and she would work on helping him see the good in himself/build himself back up as well as reminding the other characters to show him the affection, attention, and validation that he's always needed.
I feel like Mateo and Apollo would not get along. This is probably a combination of me projecting my Mateo apathy onto Apollo and the fact that Apollo is in general fairly prickly, hot-tempered, and judgy. They would squabble and I would live for it.
Klavier would absolutely flirt shamelessly with everyone. Gabe and Esteban just roll their eyes and Mateo and Elena would be oblivious. But Naomi...he would absolutely rub Naomi up the wrong way and she would bond with Ema over it. She eventually comes around to him, especially when he turns down the playboy persona and is a bit more genuine. I also feel pretty sure that Klavier and Prince Alonzo would start out as bitter rivals, abruptly become besties, and then maybe something more?
Ema and Isabel would absolutely talk each other's ears off about science, and thanks to Ema, Isa would probably enter her "forensics" era for awhile and spend a lot of time using science to play detective.
I feel like Trucy might exchange sleight-of-hand tricks with the Delgados. She would also be fascinated by Elena's scepter and Esteban's staff and would spend a lot of time trying to figure out how the "trick" worked.
Haven't really thought much about Phoenix, the Feys, Edgeworth, Larry, Blackquill, Ziska, Gumshoe, or any of the others. But I think there's potential there. Maybe particularly in having Maya or Pearl channel Alacazar as well as Elena's and/or Esteban's parents.
3. Yes. Yes. Yes.
I actually have a few plot bunnies/works-in-progress (albeit very much on the backburner) that have elements of "krisnix fix-it-fic."
One of them is a post-canon, angsty mess but that ultimately will have elements of getting back together and Kristoph receiving mental health care.
Another is a Crazy Ex-Girlfriend AU in which madcap screwball romantic dark comedy shenanigans ensure that Kristoph never actually kills anyone, undoes a lot of the damage he's already done/takes accountability for his actions, and ends up with a relatively happy ending (even if I'm not entirely sure whether he'd end up with Phoenix ,alone or with one of the alternate love interests.)
The third is a time-travel AU scenario. The DLC case of SOJ supposedly includes elements of time-travel but are later revealed to be faked/misinterpretations. This fic would presuppose that in the process of investigating the case, Phoenix discovered that time travel really does exist. In exchange for successfully convincing everyone else that it doesn't, the Time Travel Bureau will allow Phoenix to make a few changes to the past, provided that they don't disrupt the wider timeline too much. After his first choices of saving Mia and Gregory Edgeworth are rejected (as their deaths have too great an impact on events), Phoenix is permitted to "save" Kristoph by preventing him from committing the murders (as it's gauged that Zak and Drew Misham would've died of natural causes soon afterwards anyway). Phoenix has to be *very* careful in terms of not letting anyone know what he is doing and only making the slightest changes. He will still lose his badge and spend 7 years without it, Zak will still abandon Trucy, Kristoph's forgery will still be revealed and he'll be disbarred and sent to prison for it--though fortunately he doesn't have murder on his conscience/sentence. But Kristoph will eventually get out on parole, live a much happier life (I'm thinking he ends up working in the marketing department for Ariadoney), and possibly get back together with Phoenix.
Send me an ask that says “Would you ever write…” and continue the sentence. I’ll respond with yes or no and give an explanation as to why if I want to.
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bijouxcarys · 4 months
Not a request but a question...
What are your thoughts on inaccuracies in either "major or minor" characters for the sake of the plot in fan fiction?
For example: Instead of Mary, Freddie has a different girlfriend, or he figures out his sexuality much earlier, or that Miami had cancer or smth like that 😭💀
Will you ever write something like that?
Great question; I always love talking about my thoughts on fanfiction, and analysing things such as this. Throughout my 10 years of reading and writing it, I've picked up a lot of patterns and examples of when things are done well or poorly.
Creative innacuracies are difficult to do successfully and effectively. When reading a fanfiction, you already have a pre-concieved notion of what to expect and what you're getting into, so if a writer chooses to alter a canonical event/trait, they have to make sure that it's relevent, and that it aligns with the story. It needs to contribute to the overall plot, otherwise its value is extremely low and can actually be a distraction to the rest of the fanfiction.
I've seen lots of stories where Freddie was never with a female and he's strictly gay. This could go off in different directions here, where some fans believe he was bisexual, and some believe he was exclusively gay. I, myself, think he was bisexual, based off of his own words. So, I wouldn't have an issue with a fanfiction writer creating a female OC for Freddie to be with at some point in their timeline. Mary, however, is an important part of Freddie's story and how he became who he was, so switching out Mary for an entirely different person would be a risky move that the author would have to navigate in a way that contributes to Freddie's evolution as a character and a person.
When talking about canonical inaccuracies, it gets into AU territory. Personally, I am not a fan of Alternate Universe fiction. I'm pretty realistic about everything I write, minus the obvious shipping of Brian with my OC Maria, and Robert with Elena in a universe where his wife doesn't exist. Where the point is romance, innacuracies such as what I just mentioned can work and do work fairly frequently. The point of fanfiction is to add onto what is already there, or change certain aspects based off of the arena of work that it stems from.
RPF (Real Person Fanfiction) is a slippery slope, since you're essentially manipulating another person's actual life in order to live out a fictionalised scenario/fantasy through literature. Canonical inaccuracies are fine, as long as they make sense and contribute to the entire story and aren't randomised throughout.
Where I personally draw the line with these innacuracies, however, is when an author plays about with a real person's sexuality. I support the idea of people being able to write about whatever they want, as long as they're fully aware of what they're doing and the distinction between their fictional scenarios and what is the truth. However, I personally choose to avoid fanfictions in which the author has chosen to present a character through a sexuality they aren't.
For example: I have an issue with Jimbert (Robert Plant/Jimmy Page) fanfictions. It has nothing to do with the concept of homosexuality, but everything to do with the aversion of how the actual people choose to live. Same goes for Maylor fanfiction (Brian May/Roger Taylor). These are straight men, and I personally think that if you're going to write one of these people being romantically/sexually involved with an OC, at least make sure you're respecting their real-life sexuality. You're already writing about them in their private lives, the least one can do is that.
Ultimately, it's an author's decision how they want to manipulate a factual timeline to align with their fictional scenarios. It's personal preference. I don't think I would ever stray too far from fact in my own writing; I like to stick to the actual timeline of events, as closely as possible, down to the date, as well as adhere strongly to every real person's traits and personalities.
Subjectivity is a large part of fanfiction writing, and it's one of the things that makes it such a beautiful artform. And as a reader, what you choose to injest is up to you.
Sorry if this was a really long response, I just love talking about fanfiction!
Thank you for the ask <3
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kmze · 4 months
Did it ever register to Elena how much Caroline and Bonnie meant to the Salvatores or was she too self-absorbed to see it and even if she did maybe she knew Damon was way too obsessed with her to ever move on?In that case, stefan would have been the real challenge for her.He moved on from Katherine but his obsession with human katherine fantasy stayed that he wanted to recreate with Elena.So when plec says 'if Nina had not quit',do you think elena would have capitalised on that to get Stefan back?She already tried to rebuild her version of stefan with Amnesia Stefan, so why not now?
Okay so first question is Elena too self-absorbed to notice the Salvatores were getting closer with her BFFs 100% yes, remember in 5x04 she was like "you did all that for Stefan" when Caroline did all this amnesia research to help Stefan. She had no clue how close they were, which is kind of funny because no humanity Elena definitely did, she was MAD when they were dancing and flirting lol. Then in 6x09 she was shocked when Damon said everything he was doing was for Bonnie. I know JP seems to switch her story up a lot but I don't think she's even concretely said if Nina didn't leave SE would be endgame she's always like "I would have liked to see if we could..." kind of implying she knows deep down she wouldn't have. The problem with SE and trying to bring them back is that Stefan was never going to put Elena over Damon, it's why when SE were a couple in S1/2 Stefan was fine with Damon BEING IN LOVE WITH HIS GIRLFRIEND because it made Damon happy and that's all that matters. There's also the fact that Stefan talked about moving on as early as S3 where Damon never did, Damon could be in love with a woman for 145 years and I feel he just transferred his Katherine obsession to Elena. Stefan never had any interest in being a side piece, if Elena was in love with Damon he would not pine for her, he just has more self respect than that so it's just hard for me to see how they could have brought them back together even with Nina staying.
I just can't see how it would have worked unless they killed Damon and that only could have happened in the finale. It's possible if KW came back to do the final season but I also think JP would need to not be there. JP will never admit this publicly but she did not put SE back together because it would have been bad for Caroline/SC, she friggin' fired Dries for messing with them. She loves them, I think because she feels she's the one who "discovered" them with the 2x02 scene and I think they're more inline with the types of ships she likes. I saw once she shipped Dan/Blair and we know she shipped Joey/Pacey so I think she likes slow burns or "second love tropes." I've seen the video from I think December where she talked about shipping them since 2x02 and how she wanted to honor them and their marriage and that's why KC wasn't endgame, like you can just tell she was genuinely rooting for them. I've seen some people say she said DE and SC were meant to be endgame too but I've never found that video if anyone has it and can share the link I'd love to watch it.
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lit-in-thy-heart · 1 year
saw your mergwaincelot event and it sounds so fun but I'm so new to the pairing that I'm really afraid of how to characterise them all and make sure it's not ooc :( do you have any advice? Any key components you think make up each character to keep in mind?
hello anon!! My first piece advice would be not to let the fear of writing them ooc prevent you from writing them at all -- the more you write them, the more familiar you'll likely become with their characters. And, if you're still unconvinced, slapping an au tag on it can do wonders for the crippling doubts of not fitting with canon.
My second piece of advice would be to read the content that's already out there. With Merwaincelot, that's not a great deal, but the beauty of the poly ship is having the separate branches (Merwaine, Mercelot, Gwaincelot) that will work for this too. When you read them, chances are that you'll have a very visceral reaction if you feel like they're ooc, plus more exposure never hurts.
In terms of key components, though, I'd probably say the following (and if anyone else has any other points, please jump on and this is by no means exhaustive):
Gwaine and his abandonment issues. Canonically convinced people get sick of him, some things definitely went down with his sister, finds it difficult to believe that he can be loved so dearly. A bit of a hothead and will launch himself into a fight without needing much convincing. Can use humour to deflect his true feelings. Also fiercely loyal to those he loves and values them more than his own life.
Lancelot and HIDING INJURIES like come on. Doesn't want to inconvenience anyone ever and that really can cause problems further down the line. Definitely more chaotic than he gets credit for (man saw Merlin smile and committed identity fraud) and always sees the best in people and always wants to help. Will not instigate the fight but will gladly support if needed. Also fiercely loyal to those he loves and values them more than his own life.
Merlin very much depends on where in canon you're writing. Personally, I tend to ignore the last season when writing for this ship so Merlin is usually brimming with kindness. Can be a little shit and will weaponise his magic to achieve such ends. Will try and help in any way he can if someone asks for it or if he can tell they need it. He's generally not afraid to say what he thinks, particularly if he gets asked for his opinion on something (as an example, his 'I think you're mad, I think you're all mad' speech to Arthur when he's asked about what he thinks to the marriage between Arthur and Elena -- though the speech does come after Merlin initially said it wasn't his place to say). Dry wit. Also fiercely loyal to those he loves and values them more than his own life.
Hope this has helped anon and best of luck with the writing, very excited for your creations if you decide to give it a shot! <3
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
The ice in the arctic is melting, revealing huge amounts of fossil fuels, rare earths and new shipping routes. And the rush to secure these has already begun. Will countries continue their race for economic and militaristic advantages or will they finally work together to solve the global problem of climate change?
Reporter: Monika Sax
Video Editor: Markus Mörtz
Supervising Editor: Joanna Gottschalk, Kiyo Dörrer & Michael Trobridge
We're destroying our environment at an alarming rate. But it doesn't need to be this way. Our channel explores the shift towards an eco-friendly world — and challenges our ideas about what dealing with climate change means. We look at the big and the small: What we can do and how the system needs to change. Every Friday we'll take a truly global look at how to get us out of this mess.
#PlanetA #Arctic #FossilFuels
Special thanks (for research support and background information):
The Arctic Council: https://www.arctic-council.org/
GRID-Arendal: https://www.grida.no/
Malte Humpert, The Arctic Institute: https://www.thearcticinstitute.org/
Dr. Nina Döring, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V. (IASS): https://www.iass-potsdam.de/de
Andreas Østhagen, Fridtjof Nansen Institute: https://www.fni.no/
Elena Tracy, Arctic Programme, WWF: https://www.arcticwwf.org/
Dr. Sanna Kopra, The Northern Institute for Environmental and Minority Law Arctic Centre, University of Lapland & The Arctic Institute | Center for Circumpolar Security Studies: https://www.thearcticinstitute.org/ex...
Dr. Volker Rachold, Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung: https://www.arctic-office.de/
Dr. Michael Paul, SWP Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, German Institute for International and Security Affairs: https://www.swp-berlin.org/
Read more:
Status of offshore oil and gas activities and regulatory frameworks in the Arctic (May 2021): https://pame.is/document-library/pame...
Various arctic fact sheets: https://www.arctic-office.de/en/publi...
Impact of Arctic Change: https://arcticrisk.org/latest-data/
Information about arctic peoples, biodiversity, climate, ocean, pollutants, emergencies: https://www.arctic-council.org/resour...
00:00 Introduction
00:28 The run to the melting Arctic has begun
02:44 Why the Arctic is so important
04:13 Political leaders and their plans
05:55 Arctic players today – where are they?
06:57 How scientific guess became fact
07:34 The people & habitat of the Arctic
09:00 Effects of traffic in the Arctic
10:52 Introducing the Arctic Council
11:17 Conclusion
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enobariasdistrict2 · 2 years
Just curious but do u have a least fave care ship? (Aside from d*roline because that’s the obvious choice)
yeah lol when i saw this in my inbox i was JUST about to start screaming daroline XD but there are some other contenders like
after watching TO and klaus's superior anti hero/villain protagonist characterization and development I was obviously super excited for klaroline especially because of a.... overzealous fandom lol and klayley and klamille were such great successes despite their tragic ends since those dynamics worked SO well, where klaus was actually being held accountable and learning and growing and changing. even those had their problematic elements but klaus ships were the only enemies to lovers villain x protagonist pairing i'd ever actually liked (and the reason i began to like darklina) since IMO klaus was never mis characterized as a tragic good person without genuine change like the salvabros were, but then tvd kinda dropped the ball on what made TO klaus s1 such a great antagonist character that made it so easy to like him and the general woobie narrative abuse got old pretty quick after s4. s3 was in imo just the right amount of fucked up for klaus to be and then s4 went like wayyyy too far. so in a way even though obviously I'm quite a fan of fanon klaroline canon kc isn't a good friend of mine especially because their development came in super random bursts especially at the expense of an already established relationship and a character that had benefitted from that relationship (forwoood + tyler). klaroline is mostly just sad lost potential to me nowadays since klaus's relationship dynamics were always so fascinating to me and he and care have always been somewhat fascinating together.
there's also maroline even though Matt had his genuinely sweet moments. what makes the toxicity of this relationship much better than that of daroline and lbr even kc is that it's just them both being immature, not bringing out a good side in each other, miscommunication, insecurities, and jealousy.... So like more regular teen relationship issues that are natural and kinda a part of growing up as we learn from the mistakes we make as children as opposed to non-con or threats or coercion like d*roline was built on. and clearly CARING about caroline wasn't the problem here since matt was basically an endearing and sweet puppy before the writers just fucked up his arc and life completely, and he genuinely wanted her happiness... but it vexed me so much how he insulted her and belittled her insecurities and even talked about his ex IN FRONT OF HER. he openly preferred elena to caroline which would hurt anyone especially since caroline is super competition driven and the societal misogyny of the 2009 environment was a major part of her thinking process (which is clear in how she was always comparing herself viciously to other female characters). and yet she wasn't entirely innocent either, because her jealousy over amy who he expressed NO romantic interest in (which is different from care being annoyed by him and his feelings toward an ex) was pretty irrational tbh and perpetuating distrust on her part. everyone probably has to has a relationship like maroline at some point as a learning experience for what kind of partner is imperfect and inaccessible to them imo, so it makes sense from the perspective of her general arc, but it got to the point where I was not a fan lol.
anyways forgive me for that long ramble I'm on mobile and can't use a read more oops.
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scienter · 7 months
Until the very end of s7, Caroline and Stefan were still not technically together.So everytime Plec brings up the bathroom scene and talks about them being her long game,I laugh because the story could have absolutely gone in any direction especially after the s7 fiasco.In fact, she could have easily ended the show in that season and had both the brothers die with Nina/Elena making a green-screen appearance and give Stelena an implied endgame/afterlife endgame or whatever with Stefan and Elena declaring their undying love for each other and then had Caroline crossover to The Originals after a time jump.She was engaged to Ric and had two kids at the time.She was willing to leave everything behind anyway.Plec had already killed Cami on TO to clear her path for KC fantasy.She Chose NOT to.She has said somewhere she wanted to honour caroline and stefan's marriage.Didn't she kill Stefan 2 seconds after the vows and came out & said them leaving each other behind was the responsible outcome of a responsible relationship?Is this how you honour someone's marriage?In what world is that acceptable?Each and everything she did/did not do on her show was HER CHOICE.She can blame Candice for getting pregnant and Nina for quitting as much as she wants to.If she truly wanted to do right by SE and SC, she would have done it on the show instead of pandering at conventions and social media.
Until the very end of s7, Caroline and Stefan were still not technically together.
Stefan and Caroline were together at the beginning of season 7. Yes, they broke up in the middle of the season and then got back together at the end. But the writers weren't still doing the will-they-or-won't-they storyline before Caroline gave birth. Stefan and Caroline were solidly a couple. It's a formulaic relationship arc, which is why I found their separation so frustrating (e.g., Luke & Lorelai in season 5 & Dean & Rory in season 1 of Gilmore Girls; Ross & Rachel in season 3 and Phoebe & Mike in season 9 of Friends). I've seen it done way too many times on television, and I think writers should retire it.
Didn't she kill Stefan 2 seconds after the vows and came out & said them leaving each other behind was the responsible outcome of a responsible relationship? Is this how you honour someone's marriage? In what world is that acceptable?
Did JP say that!? Huh, I don't remember. That's an awful way to look at it though.😒 Anyway, it's a horrid ending. Not just for the ship - but for Stefan's character. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: nothing is satisfying with a suicidal character seemingly overcoming their issues only to choose death at the end of the story.
Each and everything she did/did not do on her show was HER CHOICE. She can blame Candice for getting pregnant and Nina for quitting as much as she wants to. If she truly wanted to do right by SE and SC, she would have done it on the show instead of pandering at conventions and social media.
Writers shouldn't have to explain, defend, or justify narrative choices. The plot should make enough sense that it can stand on its own. If it can't then it's a sign that something in the story went wrong. Whether it's JJ Abrams/Rian Johnson having to defend the SW sequels, Chris Carter having to explain the myth arc in the latter seasons of TXF, or JP and KW having to explain the frustrating TVD plotlines - writers having to defend plot twists or narrative decisions is a sign that something isn't working.
I think TV and film writers should consider Kurt Vonnegut's 8 rules for creative writing when drafting their screenplays -- particularly rules #1 and #8:
"Use the time of a total strangers in such a way that he or she will not feel the time was wasted"
"Give your readers as much information as possible as soon as possible. To heck with suspense. Readers should have such a complete understanding of what is going on, where and why, that they could finish the story themselves, should cockroaches eat the last few pages."
Vonnegut's advice is meant for short stories, but I think screenwriters would piss off fewer people if they applied it. Enough with plot twists and surprising the audience. Just don't write stories that confuse the audience or make them feel that the story was pointless.
While the pandering to various shippers within the fandom is annoying, I understand why JP does it: she was to keep the competing factions engaged with the material. (Of course, they wouldn't have so many competing factions if they didn't write so many love triangles . . .) And regardless of what's said or implied in interviews, on Twitter, or conventions the story on screen doesn't change. It is what it is.
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