#no need to make an extra kid im not gonna pay attention to
pearlcscent · 2 years
just did a ferricamo family tree for funsies and i’m going insane
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hannyhann · 1 month
more daryl dixon headcanons (NSFW)
I did not expect for my first nsfw to get that much attention, yall are so sweet, I'm gonna sob
Anyways! To give yall a treat, I'll spoil yall with more nsfw headcanons. Enjoy!
merle would try to come onto you in the early days at the camp in atlanta, always saying he's gonna get some with you to you're face. But you would tell him "Daryl would have more of a chance to fuck me before you ever do." And daryl would just sit there and smile as he overhears
daryl almost dying several times to get protection because yall ran out
daryl would definetly ask glenn for some condoms, of course glenn would obliged, but he would still look at him like "what the fuck?"
daryl knowing where IT is and finding it immediately <33
he wouldn't say anything, but he'd always love when you'd crush his head with you're thighs, it was a secret thing he's never shared with you
again body worship, daryl would be rough almost every time, but there's definitely cases where he takes it slow because he doesn't believe you're real and you love him
you'd 100% have bruises on your hips, thighs, and ass from daryl digging into them
the aftercare cuddles yall (I'm so delusional)
hershel giving daryl THE TALK
when the group gets to alexandria, deanna sees you planting flowers one day and reminds you to keep you're window closed LMAOOO
daryl would use the scissoring motion when fingering you , yall know what I mean.
shower sex. shower sex.
you both have fucked in the forest more than a dozen times
you'd be insecure about your weight or not being good, but in return daryl would pay extra attention to you're body when fucking you, or reassure you that it doesn't matter to him
hed love whenever you'd sit on his face
daryl would leave you unable to walk on more than one occasion
his moans would either be really low and breathy, or very high
you and daryl making out and him getting annoyed if he was interupted. you'd be in the middle of making out and there would be a situation and he'd go "for christ sake." as he's wiping his mouth and you'd just laugh.
daryl going insane at how wet you are
daryl pressing kisses to your pussy and inner thigh after eating you out
eugene watching yall make out one day after you thought you found a secure spot. daryl would be in the middle of giving you a hickey and stops, it'd be awkward for a second before daryls yells "man get the hell out!" And eugene just nods and runs (IM CRYING AT THIS HEADCANON)
daryl asking if you're okay <33
if yall had kids, you're kid would ask rick and michonne where yall were, especially after needing a night alone, rick would just say "not sure, but you might have a sibling soon." And michonne would slap his chest
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itty-bitty-mess · 11 months
TW: bitty melting alive
”Muh-Mummah? Is ow new home scawwy?” The young little Cherry asked, as he rested on his new Mummah’s palm. He was the youngest of his litter, and hadn’t even reached full bitty adulthood yet. He had just been adopted and was more than excited to get to his new home.
“Of course not, sweatheart. You’re gonna love your new home! I’m actually a baker, you know? And Im sure you’ll love all the yummy little pastries I'll make for you. In fact, I decided to adopt you because I thought I could use a little extra sweetness in my life!” She said with a soothing, gentle voice, as she gently booped the thumb-sized skeleton on his nose cavity with the thumb of her other hand.
Cherry giggled like a little kid and, for the first time on his short life, he felt safe and loved. Little red tears of joy formed on his eyes as he held on to his Mummah’s thumb, wrapping both his arms around it. He closed his eyes, feeling sleepy and content, excited to get home and recieve all that love that Mummah promised. He finally drifted off to sleep, thinking about all the wonderful things his new Mummah had in store for him.
When they arrived home, Mummah gently placed Cherry on the counter and began unpacking the little bag with all bitty necessity items. A tiny portable potty, an extra pair of clothes, a matchbox-sized box of diapers, and a small packet of bitty kibble that would last for a week at least.
“Mummah? Upsie pwease?” Little Cherry asked enthusiatically as he spread out his arms. However, she didn’t respond as she listed off the items she had just unpacked, she seemed to be thinking to herself about something. Cherry could only make out the words "oven" and "quick", unable to figure out what she was talking about specifically.
“Mummah?” Cherry repeated as he extended his arms hoping she would pick him up again, tears formed in his little eyes at her silence. He didn’t like being ignored “Mummah!!! Upsie!!! PWEASE?”
“In a moment sweetie, I'm deciding which things I’ll actually need from here.” After a minute of whining and crying from Cherry, she finally decided she’d throw everything away aside from the diapers. “There we go, I don’t think you’ll need a potty just yet. You seem pretty young after all, not even a full adult just yet, your bones are still soft and squishy. Just the perfect thing I need for my-“ she stopped herself in her tracks. "Oh I mean, so soft and squishy, how adorable!".
Cherry felt a bit offended by that, and a little hurt. His face turned a little red as he stared at Mummah, hoping she’d maybe take it back or at least pick him up again. He wasn’t a baby! He was just young but he was about to turn into an adult in a few months! However, it seemed like Cherry had only payed attention to the last bit, as he panicked and demanded Mummah to stop once he saw her throwing his stuff on the trash.
“Oh sweetie, you wont need those. I’ll get you even better clothes and feed you super yummy food! Much better and yummier than that dry bitty kibble”
“Yes! In fact, how about we get you all nice and clean and then you can feast in as many treats as you want!” Cherry beamed at that, a nice warm bath and yummy treats sounded really nice right now. Compared to the cold showers and dry kibble from the adoption center, this sounded like pure luxury. He jumped up and down as he cheered with joy, hoping Mummah would carry him to the promised warm bath, and she did.
He saw as she filled a plastic bucket with water and grabbed a frog shaped sponge. He giggled when she made a little voice for the frog and he greeted it back, playing along. Once she placed the sponge down, Mummah sweetly instructed him to take his tiny clothes off. Cherry was unsure about that, he had never been “nakey” in front of anyone other than other bitties. It’s not like he had anything to hide, but he was still pretty ashamed. She insisted, promising that the water in the little pot was nice and that he would recieve a yummy treat after this. After a lot of convincing, he finally relented. He carefully slipped out of his tiny red sweater and little pants and carefully placed them on the side of the sink.
Mummah politely thanked him and carefully grabbed him to place him inside the bucket. Cherry was expecting her to gently place him inside the water, after all this was his very first bath at home. He didn’t expect her to drop him so suddenly in the water, neither did he expect the water to be so, so hot…
“AAAAAAAA MUMMAH MUMMAH HURTS HURTS IT HURTS IT HOT PWEASE HEWP PWEASE IT HOT TOO HOT” he screeched in a panic. Everything was great and perfect a second ago, why was it so hot? Why did she drop him like that?? Why did it hurt?
”Oh sorry sweetie, you need this bath. You smell terrible, like straight up dog waste, and I cannot let that putrid smell inside my house. I also don’t want you spreading any more of those germs you brought from the adoption center. But dont worry sweetie this will just hurt a bit, then we can cuddle and you’ll get those sweet yummy treats I promised!” She giggled, she didn’t seemed phased by his screeching and begging.
Cherry seemed close to a panic attack, like was usual for his breed. The water was scalding hot, it burnt his bones and even caused certain bit of his bones to flake off. It burnt like an absolute nightmare. He cried, he screeched, he pissed himself out of panic and fear. It hurt, it burnt, please make it stop. He tried climbing out of the bucket but she simply pushed him back down, it was too tall for him anyways so its not like he could actually escape.
Cherry thought that she would finally take him out of the boiling water once he saw her hand reaching out to him. But instead, she grabbed him in place with one hand, while the other had the frog-shaped sponge on hand. The sponge had two sides, a soft one and a raspy one made of metal. She decided it would be best to use the raspy metal side.
The seemingly innocent sponge began scrubbing all of Cherry’s tiny body. It hurt, it scratched and even caused bits of his bones to flake off even more. It was too much stress and pain for a little bitty of his age and size. Bitties were delicate things, they needed special sponges and scrubbers that were gentle on their bones. This one clearly was made for dishes, yet it seemed like the scrubber side was completely intact, almost as if it was new.
Once that was done, Cherry could only breathe for a bit until she grabbed the soap bottle, shoving the opening on his mouth and squeezing. In seconds, Cherry felt a yucky, sticky substance entering his mouth. He coughed and cried. Then it began filling his eye sockets, his ribcage and his nose cavity. He couldnt breathe. It burnt his insides and irritated his internal magic, all he could do was scream and cry. Begging for this nightmare to end. All he wanted right now was to eat those yummy treats she had promised and take another nap. He could barely breathe and choked as he kept being forced to swallow soap. He felt he was about to dust out of sheer panic.
Finally, she roughly grabbed him again, squeezing his ribcage, and began dunking him in and out of the water bucket nonstop. Cherry couldn’t breathe. He choked on the water and even almost threw up a bit. The constant dunking was too much, and the soap was still inside his skull and mouth. It seemed it wouldnt wash off. The dunking got faster and Cherry could feel like his skull was about to pop off due to the sheer ammount of force being used. He began getting dizzy.
Finally, Mummah decided he was clean enough and took him out of the water. She gently dried him up with an extra fluffy towel and gave him a little kiss on the forehead, calling him a good boy. Cherry was still crying, sobbing out loud like a newborn baby, but it slowly began subsiding into tiny little sobs. This was way too scary for him and he would need some time to get over it.
She gently placed him on the bed, still wrapped in the towel like a burrito, a whispered sweet little words on his ear. She shushed his crying and told him she loved him a lot. This seemed to ease the little bitty. As his crying and sobbing finally stopped and he went back to giggling like a baby once Mummah began tickling his little ecto belly. Cherry could feel his little stomach rumbling, he was beginning to get hungry.
“Um, Mummah? Cam I hav a tweat now pwease?” Cherry asked as he fiddled with his tiny thumbs. His bones were still sore but he felt better now. Everything was better now that Mummah loved him again. She giggled at his nervousness.
“Of course, sweetie. But before I make you a treat, how about we play for a bit and then you take a nap. Im sure that bath shook you a bit, hm?” She suggested, and Cherry couldn’t say no to such a suggestion. He loved to play! And naps! Those were like his second and third favorite things after yummy treats! He excitedly agreed and jumped up and down, still wrapped in the towel.
“UM, Muh-Mummah? Cam I hav mak cloths back pwease?” Cherry asked, feeling a bit self conscious.
“Oh sweetie, it looks like your tiny little clothes fell into the bathroom's garbage can, I'm really sorry about that." "W-WHAT?? MY- MY CWOTES AWE GONE??" Cherry was about to go back to crying like he was a minute ago. His clothes!! His favorite clothes were gone!! "Oh but dont you worry, we’re gonna play a very fun yet messy game! Im sure you wouldn't have want ed your clothes to get dirty, right?”
Cherry sniffled a little, trying to keep it together for Mummah, he didn't want to make her angry and get another awful bath. He tried to be positive about it, and part of him was excited at the prospect of not being limited by his tiny clothes while playing, so he cleaned the few tears that formed on his eyes and nodded, agreeing to whatever game Mummah wanted to play.
Mummah gently picked Cherry up, finally unwrapping him and letting him go free. Cherry was a bit nervous but also excited by being allowed to play without his clothes on, it felt freeing and new! Back in the adoption center, everyone would always yell at him and call him “a disgusting piece of shit” whenever he tried taking his clothes off. He would cry himself to sleep at that.
Once they arrived at the kitchen, Mummah placed him on the counter. She took out a huge plate and a huge container with a funny looking substance.
“Alright, sweetie. This is baking dough, now this isn’t for eating ok? This dough is only for playing. You can make any shapes and figures you want and once we’re done you can take a little nap!” She gleefully showed him how to shape dough and how to play with it. Oh, it was mushy and soft! Cherry had never felt anything like this before!
He spent at least three and a half hours shaping and making little dough figures alongside Mummah. He made tiny snowmen, stars and little cats his size. He made little flowers and gave them to Mummah, who was flattered, and even made a biiig dough heart with the writing “i <3 Mummah” on it. It was so much fun!! So much better than the horrible bath he had just experienced. Cherry was having so much fun, but he also felt a bit hungry and tired.
Mummah seemed to notice and offered to shape him a little comfy bed made of dough. At first, Cherry giggled at the idea, but he was pretty tired and the dough was so soft and squishy! Maybe a nap wasn’t such a bad idea…
Cherry laid down on the little square, and Mummah made sure to tuck him in with a thick sheet of dough on top of his body to keep him warm. He rested in the soft substance and felt comforted as Mummah made sure he was nicely tucked in place. She even offered him an actual cherry as a treat before naptime! Yummy!
Cherry ate the whole thing and finally drifted off to sleep with a full tummy and a soft bed made of dough. He slept, dreaming of wonderful things, of all the amazing adventures he and Mummah could go on together on the future, and he dreamt of getting lots of kissies and cuddles from her whenever he needed it. However, as his wonderful dreams progressed, Cherry began noticing that things began looking weirder and weirder everytime. The birght blue sky on his dream seemed to redden and his Mummah was nowhere to be found. The air felt hotter too, strange...
Suddenly, Cherry awoke in a panic as he realized the air began getting a little too hot in real life too. He realized he was in some sort of tiny room where a bright light was blinding him completely, so he had to squint his eyes. He began to sweat and panicked even more. Cherry tried getting off his doughy little bed but soon realized that he was immobile, it seemed like the dough had began hardening and even some bits had stuck to his bones a little too well. He was basically immobile from the neck down, and his skull has held in place by the once comfortable dough pillow he rested his head in.
"MUMMAH?? MUH-MUMMAH? WERE AWE YOU!!!! MUMMAH!!! MUMMAH HAWP PWEASE???" He couldn't move, all he could do was cry in a panic and try to free himself from the hardening dough. Surely Mummah would hear him and go to his rescue, right? She probably left him in this tiny room so he could rest better without nay disturbances, but now he was awake and needed help getting out of his doughy prison.
"MUMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!" He tried increasing his volume as best as he could but all he did was damage his throat. It hurt, but oh no, the temperature was seemingly getting higher. He was sweating magic now. His ecto body seemed to begin stinging due to how hot things were getting inside.
Cherry began panicking even more and his screaming increased once he felt his skull flaking off again. Oh god, it burns, its too hot in here, please make it stop pelase, it hurts so bad, please. He tried screaming, screeching. Calling out to Mummah, but it seemed like she couldn't hear him. Surely she was near, right? She would NEVER leave little baby Cherry all alone in such a hot room, right????
"MUMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! PWEASE HWEP PWEASE HEWP PWEASE IT BURNS IT BURNS IT HURFS PWEASE MUMMAAAAH" he screeched. His bones began cracking, little red magic leaking out of every single crack. His ecto body seemed to be boiling and the magic flesh began ripping and cracking at the surface, mixing with the burning dough.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MUMMAH HELP MUMMAH MOM HELP ME HELP ME PLEASE IT HURTS OH GOD IM BURNING MOM IM BURNING PLEASE HELP ME PLEEEASEE HELP HELP HELP ME SOMEONE HELP PLEASE" Cherry could feel his bones begin melting under the dough, losing their skeletical shape and becoming one with the soon-to-be bread. He could feel the top of his skull melting and sinking into itself. It seemed like bitty magic wasn't made to withstand high temperatures like those.
His skull kept melting, until his eye sockets were sealed shut by the process itself. His mouth melted shut as well. Anything under his neck was now a simple, shapeless mass that flawlessly seemed to mix with the dough. The dusting process seemed to have been halted by the melting itself, as if the dust began liquefying instead of crumbling down.
Cherry was still conscious, feeling everything. Feeling as his body turned into goo. Unable to scream, breathe or see anymore. His skull's face was now featureless and barely even looked like a skull anymore. He could only think to himself, as his consciousness slipped away and his entire being simply began fading from existence itself. It wasn't even a definitive sudden death like any other bitty would get once dusted. It was slow, so incredibly slow.
He wasn't even completely gone just yet. But he could barely feel anything at all. He could feel himself blending with the dough, becoming one with the pastry. Becoming yet another ingredient on the list. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he was gone. No one would remember him, and he didn't even get to reach full adulthood like the rest of his litter did.
Mummah entered the kitchen and excitedly peeked through the oven window. Giggling as she saw the dough rise and take shape.
"Oh! Looks like my cherry pie is ready!~"
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In another edition of "BE A BETTER FUCKING LIAR", a guy we'll call... Sales (bc fuck 'im, he's not worth a good name)... hit me up on Facebook, which I hate but use for business-y shit.
First weird, bc I just set all new profiles everywhere bc my stalker ex had his friends bugging me and so it had like 4 business related posts and the profile pic was a cartoon of me that my extremely talented kid drew (who I'd be happy to put links for except he doesn't give them to me... @aceofenderafterdark though, he's great) and like a 2 sentence bio calling Damian the worst Robin and Episode 1 the worst Star Wars.
That was it.
Claimed my profile image showed creativity, and I'm like yep sure does... that of an 18 year old boy who helped his mom our by drawing it bc I'm terrible. Had a bunch of comic stuff, though didn't seem to get into my analysis of them but just like pics of merch. Which neat but I'd rather hear who you think is better Superman or Martian Manhunter and why it's 100% J'onn than see a picture of an action figure.
Made my no casual sex position clear. He claimed that no he really wanted to get to know me and a relationship.
Yeah, sure, never heard that before.
I'm asking him questions... getting like nothing back. He invites me to his place including some play, I said no.
I said I had given him the playbook, that I expected some romance, some wooing, some genuine interest beyond physical before I met and he hadn't passed the pre screen
He countered he'd be romantic in person. I explained that sweaty groping isn't romance and any guy not willing to put in the effort in advance isn't going to be -- they say it to get you there and then keep pushing your boundaries and standards hoping you'll fuck them on a whim.
"No I want to tease you before I fuck you."
First, confirms my opinion, second tells me you're gonna be a shitty partner since you haven't listened to what I like.
Asked me for the same damn thing I already said no to -- y'all, I do not stutter, I do not mumble, I don't waffle, I don't try to soften blows... when I say no, it is incredibly fucking clear.
He claimed he needed more guidance on what I was looking for in pre screening. I said showing genuine interest beyond physical would be a start.
He asked my favorite movie.
I'd already told him 3 times.
Some other dude tried to say men don't pay attention to that shit bc they think important things (bitch I am analyzing the entire planet at once and I can tell you how to make B's favorite chicken without doing it for years, remember his Chinese name I'm forbidden to use, how to make M tea I haven't made in 8 years, along with his favorite war stories even though they bored me, what game N liked at the casino and his favorite TV show... and they were years ago. I can also tell you Riveria's WS ERA in the 90s, and describe the phenomenon of the exploding fastball and how few pitchers have ever pulled it off, put forth a compelling defense of Pete Rose for the Hall even if he's a bastard bc he knows more about the game than any man living or dead.... I can cite constitutional theory and precedents for how all drugs constitutionally should be legal, though regulation is fine, give you an analysis of any philosopher taught at a college level that decimates the professor, discuss the comparative strength of every classic Godzilla film, dissect and enjoy Shakespeare and Sanderson with equal measure and thoroughness, BACKWARDS AND HEELS... Men have too much important to remember a movie. Bite my feminist ass.) And beyond that an extra question of "why?" would have demonstrated how I think as well a lot about my values and character (I take my Star Wars seriously.)
Honestly, I expect people to lie sometimes. I don't like it but hey men lying to fuck women is nothing new. But ffs, doing so badly is so goddamn insulting to my intelligence.
Get better.
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garfieldsladybird · 2 years
your day sounds good!!! i’m still exhausted and i have a busy weekend but it’s almost half term :))
me and one of my friends are currently obsessing over taylor swift (it’s been a long stream of messages and proof for a single at midnight!!!!)
i feel pretty shitty and i got a crap grade on a bio test the other day (36% which is a 4 (a fail) so i have to retake it, but my teacher hasn’t told me when?!?!?) but i got my chem test back and i got 38/45!!! it’s a high 7 (an A!!!) (75%)
my heads hurting and i feel just a like i need a big hug 🫂
my english teacher asked me if i was okay, and so did my drama teacher and i think it’s because i’m quite chatty to them normally and i was literally dying in english since it was getting quite loud in the classroom and things were going wrong (i would skip a word while writing in my book, and normally that’s okay, but like 4 years ago in my old school i was moved down sets (from top set) and it’s taken until the start of this year to be in top set again, and i feel like i need to prove that of that makes sense - even though i’d like to think i’m really good with english.
my art’s going well!!! i’m just finished some work and then my portfolio will be done (minus final piece / build up to that via planning and the writing part :)(
i did loads of maths in class today - and i felt good since i don’t normally do anything 👀
i feel like i’m offloading - sorry this is so much to read <3
period talk below for a little bit
ngl i’ve cried like 4 times today and i’m on my period and it’s so fucking heavy (the purple tampons (the ‘super plus extra’ as they call them) was not enough for two hours.) it’s heavier in the morning and basically stops until evening after lunch but grrrrr… i have paleish pink/blue patterned sheets on my bed and if i’ve ruined them i’ll cry :(
my toes are cold as i’m typing this which isn’t very sexy :(
i’m going to ask my mum to pick up some crumpets from the shop so i can toast them at school :))))
oh my fucking god crumpets and marmite (with s little butter ofc) is actually heaven let me tell you
(i’ve been being tea in a flask, (the one that my dad dropped off) but i’ve ran out. NoOoOoO. (i still have an apricot and vanilla one that is essentially new, but i’ll miss my cranberry one (until i buy more (but i’ll have to order it and i can’t be arsed))
HUGE RANT OVER!!!!! i love you loads and hope all is okay xxxxxxx
okay soo going with taylor swift, midnights is coming out in like two days. it is the 19 today and it comes out on the 21!!! i cant wait, it’s going to be the first album by t.s. that i will get to listen to right when it comes out!!!
i hope you grades are getting better, or just the scores are going up!! but omg you got an A on a test!!! that’s amazing!! :DDD
i wish i could give you a big hug!! 🤗🫂
you dont have to prove that you’re on top. if you are stressing and you need like a break, it’s okay to take that break. —— i get the skipping over a word thing, i do that sometimes when taking notes and i need to catch up real quick. also i hate loud classrooms, like sometimes the kids just need to shut up. most of my classes are quiet tho but when they start talking, it can become loud. sometimes it’s a good thing, sometimes it’s not.
oooo!! are you liking art? what are you making? // what have you been making?
bro i’ve been paying attention in my math class and i’ve also moved to the front of the class so i’ve been doing my work and i understand the math we’re doing a lot more!! i like math though it depends. my math grade still sucks but hopefully i can get up!! i hope math has been good to youu!! :)))
nonoono, i like this! im really sorry i haven’t responded to this text. i’ve been busy and i hate it: me being busy. but yeah, no this perfectly okay!! if you need to do this more then go ahead! i hope we start talking more tho! since im not gonna be that busy but i still have school and so do you so yeah. but text me anytime you want!! :))
i hope the rest of your period days were better. i hope the days after your period was better too! period sucks. im supposed to start today actually but i haven’t yet and im so worried im going to start when im not home or have not bathroom to go into. im walking home today so thats what i mean by no bathroom to go into. but damn, your period sounds painful. mine isn’t so painful, (bc i said that, its going to most likely hurt when it starts.) but i dont usually get that many cramps is what i mean. and i also take pills so i dont feel it. but i honestly like it when my period starts bc then i can restart.
i hope you feet are warm bc mine are warm and i hope that is sexy 😼💪
ooo are crumpets good? they look yummy! — i just saw what else you said and i’ve never had marmite, i dont think the usa has that :( but all of that sounds yummy!!
i love tea! i want to drink it more. cranberry anything is really good!! also that’s really good when on your period! but i hope you get your favorite tea’s soon!! or have already gotten it!! :DD
I LOVED THIS RANT!! thank you so much for talking to me!! but i am sorry it’s taken forever to answer this. i love you loads too!! and im sending you lots of love!! <33333 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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tastyykpop · 3 years
jeno extra filthy degradation please 😭
ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ
Pairings: jeno x reader
Genre: smut
Warnings: dom/sub themes, degradation, brat!reader, brat tamer!jeno, spanking, fingering, eating out, overstimulation
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you were annoying
that was as simple as jeno could make it. he found you absolutely insufferable. and the countless of times you've opened your mouth to make a stupid comment was like nails on a chalkboard.
sure you were pretty and kind to others but not very much to him. you were rude, cocky, and persistent, it was your way of getting his attention. and to say it worked was an understatement, you were on jenos mind 24/7. no matter where, when, or who he was with, he could only think about you. of course, you were the same, but that's because you've had a crush on him since trainee days and almost everyone in SM knew.
jeno knew.
since you worked at SM as a stylist, it was easy to get closer to jeno and work your magic everyday. you were blatant with every touch, every shameless sentence that entailed more then it should, he couldn't quite ignore it either or tell you to shut up. seriously, it doesn't work.
you're a brat, he would say to himself, nothing more than a brat that doesn't know her place.
which in this case, he was correct.
but to him, your behavior was easy to change. he's noticed how you've drawn blanks when he interrogates you on your behavior, how you downplay your wrongs to see him try and hold back his longing to make you submit. it was a game to you clearly, but jeno wanted to beat it.
so how did you end up under jeno so soon in the practice room?
well, the group had been preparing for a dance practice video and you and a few other stylists were called in to help get them prepare for the camera. jeno was trying his best to stay low and out of your sight. it didn't work, but it was worth a shot.
"happy to see me?"
jenos eyes rolled, "I'd be happy if I saw death staring at me in the eyes." he began walking away until you grabbed his arm, making him put his hands over his face.
"dont be like that." you push his hands away now seeing jenos annoyed face. "be lucky you're not stuck with someone else. at least I make your life more interesting.
"interesting or frustrating? I think you've got your words mixed up."
you began applying a light foundation on jenos skin, taking in his angelic features before realizing what he said, "impactful I must say. I know you love me, jeno."
jeno makes a face in disgust pushing your hand away from his face, "youre not my type."
"I dont know. chenle told me otherwise...."
"youre a brat."
"and you're close-minded."
"close- you-"
"done. now go dance and make some fangirls or boys scream." you don't bother turning around as you walk towards the back of the dance practice out of the cameras view.
jeno, somewhat red in the face, stood in his starting position for the choreography, you couldnt help but stare at him in awe. hes gorgeous, you can't lie about that. and the way he moved once the music started playing made you feel different. maybe it was your crush on him, but you heated up very quickly while watching him. other staff members weren't paying as close attention on the boys as you were, only their phones caught their mind. you didn't mind, but damn did they not see how hot jeno was when dancing?
sweaty and out of breath, the boys took a break to get a drink of water.
"you did well- you all did actually." handing jeno a bottle of water, he stared between the thing in your hand and you before taking it and chugging the whole bottle. "but I think mark was the one who stood out to me the most."
"mhm. mark was very fluid in his footsteps and his movements were clean and precise. a good dancer I must say."
there's something up. you were staring at him the whole time and he knew it, he danced harder just because you were watching. how could you have seen mark when all you did was stare at jeno?
"and hes cute too. surely he's got a bunch of girls and boys ready to throw themselves at him. I would too, he's absolutely perfect."
jeno balled his fist. what game are you trying to play? "you're testing me." he may not like you, or maybe he did, but something about you talking about someone else like that sparked jealousy in him.
"good. maybe you'll do something about it." you put a hand on his chest, jenos heart pounding fast as you came closer and whispered, "I bet you won't. all bark no bite. pathetic if you ask me."
"youre gonna regret your words if you keep speaking."
"oh really," you leaned back, his eyes pierced your curious ones with a sense of fury and annoyance, "and what are you gonna do? spank me?"
just like that jeno pulled you out of the room and into another practice room. he pulled a chair out from the corner and pulled you over his knee.
"jeno, I was just kid-"
he spanked you hard over and over and over again as you wailed and wrapped a tight hand around jenos ankle for support. each spank was painful and to the point unbearable, yet jeno didn't back down. not after he felt he could break you now.
each time his hand made contact with your ass, felt like he was letting loose all the pent up anger you caused him over the past months you've been working here. for him, it was hell. no matter what people would say to you about him did not dictate his feelings about you. right now, he hated you and needed to let that burning passion out by spanking you. jeno wanted you to feel the hell he endured when around you. sure enough, you were feeling it, crying and sobbing on his thigh like an idiot.
you didn't fight back even though you proposed that you hated it. your body seemed to like it more then you thought.
"youre a pest!" he landed another hard hit, "an annoying pest who needs to learn when to shut the fuck up. now apologize."
"no!" you winced at another hit, squirming- no more like trying to grind on his lap because of how painfully wet you've become in just minutes.
"apologize." he repeated.
"you're- you're an idiot if you think I'll give up!"
jeno stripped you of your pants and panties, "its cute listening to little sluts like you thinking they have power over someone much stronger then them. it must be tiring thinking youre charge." he taunted before spanking you again, this time the impact was far greater and almost caused you to scream before jeno clasped a hand over your mouth. with the same hand, he pushed you off his lap and on the floor, leaving your lower half bare for him to see.
you were a pretty sight, a mess to say the least, but jeno loved that. finally seeing you disheveled with tears leaking down your cheeks, he thought of you as his little crybaby. he tried his hardest not to take a picture.
"don't think I didnt notice how your wet cunt leaked all over my thigh" he began, "do you really get off to being put in your place, slut? is that why we're here right now?"
"d-dont be so full of y-yourself."
"oh? but your dripping all over the practice floor, how could i not." jenos lips were close to your heat, teasing you with his eyes and tongue as he glided it just above where you wanted him.
you had nothing to say, yet your eyes told him everything. told him just how you'd defy him any chance youd get only to make him more upset. it wouldn't be fun if your goal wasn't to piss him off.
jeno kept his tongue away from your most needed area, his lips kissing anything but your dripping heat as you bucked your hips into his face. jenos hands would push your hips down and back his face away frowning at your behavior and returning to what he was previously doing. you weren't done though, since he was holding your hips, you grabbed his hair and forced his head where you needed him. his tongue inside you was far from good, it was amazing. and though you realized jeno wasn't pushing your hand away, you pushed and pulled his hair as you kept his head in place so he couldn't stop.
the long strides and the smooth rhythm he had was enough to make you arch against the floor, gasping and calling out his name far to loudly for his liking. but with watchful eyes and a steady tongue, he shamelessly enjoyed it yet he had to be aware of the people in the building. one loud moan and someone would sure walk in to see what's up.
so jeno swatted your hand away from his head and lifted up with a frown. he liked the frightened look on your face as he leaned closer and closer, "if you're this much of a slut for people to hear us, we might as well have just stayed where everyone else was."
"thats hot." you stated blankly, jenos eyebrow raised before realizing how far gone you practically were, with how big and dilated your eyes are. "w-wait no! I'll stay quiet I promise."
"No you wont." jeno got up and grabbed your underwear that layed on the floor, then shoved it in your mouth allowing you to taste yourself. "stay quiet, fucktoy."
"fucktoy?- oh fuck!" you mumbled into your panties as his fingers protruded inside you. at least you were quieter this time.
"tell me when youre about to cum." he said just above a whisper as he watched you slip further and further into bliss. the way your eyes rolled to the back of your head with each skillful thrust from jenos fingers made his cock grow harder each second. you were so hot, so damn beautiful as you moaned into the panties like a little bitch. jeno loved it too much to say he hated you.
"feels good- f-feels so good, j-jeno." you said quietly into the panties. it was getting harder and harder for you to keep silent as he began rubbing your clit like a desperate man, hungry for your cum. but you did your best keeping low.
you grinded against on his hand, inching closer and closer to what you believed to be your orgasm. clentching tightly around jenos fingers you gasped and spat your panties out, "jeno! i-im gonna-
"cum, fucktoy." he insisted, never removing his fingers from your wet hole as a white substance spilled out. he kept going, in and out, in and out as you clamped a hand over your mouth. so much sensitivity and his fingers were still going.
"stop i-i can't take it!" you found his wrist and tightly held it as you attempted to pull him out.
"youre gonna take this like a good bitch until I want to stop." he said right as your second orgasm washed through you.
too much. you could barely think straight and even tried pulling your hips back but his fingers followed.
too sensitive. you could barely breathe because of the overwhelming sensitivity. yet in a twisted way, it felt good in a strange way. maybe it was the pain of cumming over and over or how jeno worked his fingers. either way, you could feel another one building up.
"please, please, please." you cried hoping for the end, but there was no way jeno was stopping.
"apologize and this will be your last one." He stuck his fingers deeper, if that were possible, and watched you squirm trying to find words to say, but all that came out was drool. "disgusting whore." you slapped him in the face for that.
"I-i am not sor-sorry!"
"im not playing these games anymore. say you're sorry."
jeno growled, deeper and deeper he went and faster and faster he goes before your third orgasm of the day came. your legs shook and your grip got tighter but still to no avail did he stop.
you were very persistent on making jeno angry before, but now you seemed to have started rethinking that apology. "im sorry."
"for being rude to you!" you legs shook again and that feeling in your stomach was back, "i-im sorry jeno, but p-please I can't take it!"
he did it. he broke you. and with that he finally pulled his fingers away letting all your cum out.
you cried softly, still a shaking mess from the orgasms and jeno, well he didn't care all too much but he knew he probably shouldn't be too harsh with you about now. so he gently took you in his arms, sitting your bare bottom right on his lap as he rocked you slowly.
"im never leaving after this." you say slowly, "and I know you don't hate me either, I can feel your boner against my ass."
jeno pinches your arm and shushes you. god, you were a pest and maybe youre right. maybe he doesn't hate you like he proclaimed he did. maybe he did enjoy this session in the practice room, but he won't ever say it. not because he's afraid to admit it, but because he doesn't want you to rub it in his face.
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fandomlit · 3 years
neutral, chap. 2 (dream smp x reader)
series summary (in game!au) when an exiled tommy finally rebels against a manipulative dream, he finds safety in neutral territory, a place owned and guarded by you. staying in your safe haven opens up the younger one’s eyes to your way of life, while also revealing your deeper past before neutral; a past that involved a war for your love.
chapter summary tommy learns a little bit more about your relationship with dream before spending his day with ghostbur, exploring neutral territory and learning of the war that sparked its creation.
warning mentions of war, violence, and injuries
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gif cred belongs to @chillcrafting
“you have a package, y/n!” ghostbur called out just as you placed tommy’s breakfast in front of him. the ghoul’s words went completely ignored by tommy, whose gaze was solely focused on the beautiful stack of pancakes placed in front of him.
y/n smiled to herself. “you can bring it in, bur. i know who it’s from.” she shuffled syrup and butter over to tommy just as ghostbur came in with the fateful package.
tommy was already half way through scarfing down the stack of pancakes when y/n managed to open the package, ghostbur gazing over her shoulder. she took out a note set atop of the contents.
she read aloud, “y/n, i’m sorry i haven’t properly stopped by in a while. my work requires much of my undivided attention right now, which i’m sure you understand. please work your magic for me with the clothes included, and i will be sure to drop by for them and a meal soon. there are a few extra gifts included for you. i hope tommy isn’t burdening you. signed dream.”
“i’m not a burden!” tommy spoke offendedly through a mouthful of pancakes.
“you’re right, tommy,” y/n hummed, handing him a napkin to wipe some syrup off of his chin. “you’re perfect company.” tommy smiled to himself as he finished off his stack of pancakes. y/n sighed to herself, “clay really knows how to ruin a good piece of clothing..”
“so you and dream are close, y/n?” tommy grumbled, picking up his glass of milk.
she shrugged. “as close as you can be with someone you barely see.” she placed his battered clothes to the side, sighing again when she saw the rest of the contents of the box. tommy didn’t realize this, continuing with his questions.
“i remember that he respected your territory when he stepped into it,” he recalled. “he was going to kill me, but then he realized he was in neutral.”
y/n nodded. “when i made claimed this territory as neutral, i made a deal with everyone: i would mend and tailor anything you needed as long as you respected my territory as neutral.” she held up a box of diamonds and a smaller box of netherite to tommy’s view, making his mouth drop open with surprise. y/n held out another napkin to him for the milk that had sputtered out of his open mouth while ghostbur laughed into his hand. “clay is the only one who still tries to pay me.”
“with netherite?!” tommy exclaimed, letting out a surprised laugh.
y/n shrugged, seemingly not phased by the generous gift. “the nether..” she shook her head, placing the valuable materials onto the table, “is not a place i like to go. and most of this will probably be going toward dream’s armor, anyway.” she sighed, placing the gifts back into the box and laying the tattered shirts on top of them. “trust me, he’s still too kind for his own good with these sorts of materials.”
“how much netherite does that man have?” ghostbur scoffed, looking at how much was contained in the box.
“probably quadruple that amount,” y/n chuckled. “he has far too much free time.”
“and he doesn’t even spend it with you,” ghostbur sighed, shaking his head with a goofy smile.
“i know!” y/n spoke sarcastically before laughing out. she closed the box and set it under the table. “i’ll deal with that later. do you want any more pancakes, tommy?”
“no, i’m stuffed,” the teen yawned. “but thank you.”
she nodded. “well, then how about ghostbur shows you around the territory today?”
the boys perked up immediately. “really?”
“yeah,” she laughed, taking tommy’s empty plate. “you two can take the day to explore and have fun. go be a kid, kid.”
tommy excitedly looked up to his ghost friend. “fancy a game of ultimate tag?”
“you’re gonna get crushed,” ghostbur laughed before they both ran out of the house, laughing. y/n smiled.
“oh! i should make them lunch..”
“how big is this place?” tommy laughed after a few rounds of tag. they had found their way to a pond in a forested area, tommy deciding his knee needed a break after all of their running. 
“it’s bigger than you think,” ghostbur assured, making sure to keep an appropriate distance from the water as they sat along the small shore. “y/n claimed the territory before l’manberg, so there really wasn’t any need for a turf war of any sorts for what she settled.”
“how long has she lived here?” tommy questioned.
ghostbur shrugged. “almost two years, i think. she’s made quite the life for herself since.” more to himself, he muttered, “god, has it really been that long since it happened?”
“since what happened?” tommy asked, leaning closer to his friend with sparkling, curious eyes.
ghostbur sighed, “i’ll admit, i don’t remember too much.. but i know there was a fight. one of the first wars of our time, and it was all over y/n.”
“they were fighting for her?” tommy spoke with confusion. “she’s not an object.”
“very good, tommy,” ghostbur prided, patting his friend on the shoulder. “you’re right, she’s not. that’s why y/n left her original home and sought to create neutral territory; to end the fighting and create a place where peace could reign. in exchange, she’d offer her goods and services.”
“so they were fighting over her for her skills,” tommy understood. ghostbur made a face. “..or not?”
“both sides obviously wanted her skills, but i think y/n tends to neglect the fact that they were all madly in love with her,” ghostbur sighed, shaking his head.
tommy raised his eyebrows. “a crime of passion, eh?” he joked, making them both laugh out before he asked, “who was it?”
“let me think,” ghostbur sighed, tapping his chin. “i know one was dream, but the other.. i think it was-”
“boys! lunch is ready when you are!”
tommy turned back to ghostbur. “well? who?”
ghostbur shook his head. “sorry, tommy, i don’t remember that far. that’s as much as i can tell you.”
tommy couldn’t help but fel disappointed, but he knew he couldn’t blame his friend. “that’s alright, ghostbur. let’s go get lunch before y/n comes looking for us.”
after lunch and an insistent rematch of tag, ghostbur and tommy made their way to the organized garden area.
“y/n grows anything you can imagine,” ghostbur bragged as tommy marveled as the fluorescent, beautifully natural area. “she’s been to nearly every biome to complete her garden.”
“you can grow cocoa?!” tommy exclaimed when he finally spotted y/n, who was swinging an axe at a low jungle tree.
“y/n found a way,” ghostbur shrugged, guiding tommy over to her. “hey, y/n!”
“hi, boys,” she smiled, plucking off the plant she had loosened from the tree. “was lunch good? im sorry i didn’t stay and chat.”
“it was delicious,” ghostbur complimented, tommy nodding in agreement as his mind drifted back to the mouth watering coleslaw and toasted sandwiches she had prepared.
“that’s good!” she smiled, placing the cocoa plant on the ground. “you boys may want to step back.” they did as told as y/n swung her axe over her head, splitting the cocoa clean in half and revealing the delicious beans inside of it. “voila!”
ghostbur clapped politely. “thank you,” y/n laughed, dropping her axe and picking up the split plant. “would you boys like a sample?”
“sure,” tommy shrugged, stepping forward with ghostbur. he picked out a few beans before popping them into his mouth. breaking through the semi-tough shell, the delicious, dark taste flooded his taste buds and made him nearly moan, as y/n’s food often did. he and ghostbur shared a look of satisfaction before he voiced, “oh, y/n.. they’re perfect.”
“that’s good,” she laughed before nudging her bucket closer to her and scooping the seeds out into it. “how has your day around the territory been?”
“entertaining,” tommy spoke before asking, “how did you get into gardening, y/n?”
y/n gave ghostbur a knowing smile before she answered the younger boy’s question, “i was tired of eating only meat and bread. gardening was a way to expand my diet to more than just carbs and proteins. also, it’s very calming.” they followed when she hiked up her bucket and moved to the next jungle tree.
“is it?” tommy questioned.
she affirmed with a nod. “it’s nice to be able to spend a day tending to things you made. the fruits of your own harvest are the sweetest, they say.” they watched as she knocked down another cocoa plant.
“they are,” tommy nodded solemnly, his mind drifting to a sadder, more familiar place. “that’s why i miss l’manberg.”
y/n was barely surprised by the boy’s open confession. she tossed her axe down again, going to place a hand on tommy’s shoulder. “i know you do, tommy, and i know it’s rough right now. but what we’re playing here is a waiting game; we’re waiting for a safe opportunity to get you home, and in the meantime, i’ll take care of you, kid.”
tommy offered you another nod and a smile. “we?”
y/n gave him a kind grin. “im going to help you as best as i can from where i am. and i know that’s not much from me, but i know that everyone deserves a home that they love. and you can’t get there alone, kid.”
“you’re right about that,” tommy sighed before looking into her kind eyes. “thank you, y/n. your help means a lot.”
she squeezed his shoulder. “of course, tommy. you and ghostbur go explore some more; try to keep your mind on the things you can control.” she picked her axe back up.
tommy looked to the pitying ghoul beside him before looking back to y/n, a new thought fresh in his mind. “can you teach me how to cook?”
y/n grinned as she lifted her axe over her head again. “of course i can, tommy.”
tommy smiled as she cracked open the plant. he looked back to ghostbur. “wanna go for a swim?” the ghost shot him a fearful look. “im kidding! im kidding, let’s go use some pigs for target practice.” they both began to walk off, chatting and giggling before tommy turned and called, “y/n!” she looked up attentively. “what’s for dinner?”
she smiled. “i was thinking ribs!”
tommy’s mouth watered at the thought. “oh my god, i can’t wait to learn how to cook..”
tag list!! @vanhakirja @victory-is-here @inkyynki @airiour @sylum @kiritokunuwu @221bee-slytherin @bllatrixcarpnter @soullesstaco @stxrryb1tch​ comment below or message me if you would like to be added <3
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
TO LOVE AND BE LOVED - Part Two (Harry Styles)
a/n: you guys thank you so much for all the love you’ve showed part one!! 🥺 im so happy you like the story! i wanted to post part two a little later, in the weekend but i got so happy for all the reactions that i decided to move it earlier so here it is! i’ll try to update soon, the longest it will take is one week probably. im working on my thesis and have a lot of school work so please be patient with me! feedback is very much welcomed, as always, your reactions and comments mean so much to me!!
pairing: CEO!Dad!Harry X Reader
warning: mentions of death, cheating and divorce
word count: 10.4k
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Pulling Izzy out of daycare dramatically lessened the amount of time she could spend with her friends, so the situation needs extra attention on her socializing. You’ve been trying to take her to the park as much as possible so she could meet with kids her age and Harry has been arranging a lot of playdates for her with her friends from daycare.
When you come back from meeting your brother for lunch on a Sunday, you are greeted with not two, but eight little feet running around the living room, many of Izzy’s toys have been brought downstairs and the coffee table is filled with fruits, snacks and drinks for the kids. You know the two little guests, it’s Yara and Zac, the three of them were like a little gang back when Izzy was attending daycare. Yara’s moms and Zac’s mom are sitting on the terrace, letting the kids roam around freely, Harry is in the kitchen preparing some sandwiches for the guests when you arrive back.
“Hi, do you need help with anything?” you ask, catching his attention.
“Oh, hi! No I’m fine, thank you. How was lunch with your brother?”
“Great,” you smile at him before leaving him to do whatever he has to do.
“Miss Y/N!” Yara greets you, waving in your way while munching on an apple slice.
“Hello Yara, Zac,” you smile at them before walking out to the terrace to greet the parents. “Hi! Ava, Saige, it’s nice to see you again. And Linda, hello!”
“Y/N, hi! Harry told us you might return soon, so good to see you!” Ava greets you as you join them at the table. They’ve been the nicest parents while you were working at the daycare, though you weren’t the only victim of the closed-minded cowards that got you fired. Ava and Saige have faced quite a lot of backlash for basically daring to be a same-sex couple out in the open. You’ve heard many complaints from other parents about how they don’t want them to pick up their daughter together. Apparently, it’s confusing for the kids to see two women to be the mothers of the same child. Ridiculous.
“I was out having lunch with my brother. How have you been?”
“Things are the same, you know,” Saige shrugs with a scowl. “But your firing has got us thinking about pulling Yara out as well.”
“Yeah, it’s starting to get really ridiculous. I mean it’s one thing that we get weird looks, but firing you was kind of the last straw,” Ava nods.
“And how have you been here, Y/N? How is working for Harry?” Linda asks.
“Oh, it’s amazing, really. I love taking care of Izzy, she is so easy to handle and I love seeing her learn and grow. And Harry is a great boss, I got really lucky.”
“Lucky indeed!” Ava smirks, making them all laugh as you feel yourself blushing. “Even I sometimes dream about the man,” she adds, keeping her tone down.
“How do you keep your cool?” Linda sighs. “If I had to live with this man, I would go nuts.”
“Well, Izzy keeps me pretty busy, and he is my boss, so…”
“It’s not like HR would be up your ass if you got involved,” Saige shrugs, taking a sip from her iced tea.
You don’t get to react, the kids run out, taking over the playground, Harry arriving right behind them with a plate filled with sandwiches for the guests.
“Ladies, sorry for the wait,” he smiles, placing the food to the table as he joins your little circle.
“Oh Harry, thank you so much!” Ava sighs, grabbing one already. “We were just talking to Y/N about how big of an upgrade it is for her to work here.”
“Is it?” he asks, slightly surprised as he glances over at you.
“I mean, the paycheck is better and it’s clearly a better environment,” you chuckle shrugging.
“I just don’t know why Claire lets those assholes control the place. She is the boss there, she should stand up against them,” Linda scowls.
“She is just trying to avoid confrontation.”
“No, she is afraid they would stop paying the daycare the money, so she is an ass-kisser,” Saige scoffs, making you laugh.
“Well, at least I have Y/N now to take good care of Izzy,” Harry smiles, his eyes meeting yours and you swear your heart skips a beat when he says that he has you.
“Lucky bastard!” Ava throws her hands into the air, making everyone laugh.
Enjoying the company, you stay outside instead of locking yourself up in your room. It’s nice to see the moms occasionally pick on Harry, they surely like to joke about him being a hot single dad, but he usually just blushes and smiles at the compliments. Linda and Zac leave first, then Ava, Saige and Yara head home as well when it’s nearing five in the afternoon. Though Harry tells you to just leave the cleanup for him, you insist on helping.
“Now I feel bad you are working on your day off,” he huffs as you help him around in the kitchen.
“It’s not working,” you roll your eyes. “I live here too, of course I’m gonna help keeping it clean.”
“You know, if your brother ever wants to come over, feel free to invite him.”
“Might take your word, because he is very curious about the place,” you chuckle. Harry smiles as he starts washing the dishes.
“He is welcomed anytime.”
“Thank you.” Putting away the snacks that was left you start drying the dishes while he is washing them, working next to each other in silence. Unlike his usual attire, he is now wearing just a plain white t-shirt with light-washed jeans. “You’re quite the moms’ favorite,” you tease him, earning a soft chuckle from him.
“Saige and Ava like to pull my leg, but I know they mean well.”
“They are great people, I always liked them,” you smile glancing at him.
“I remember when I first met them at a parents’ meeting, they spotted how lost I was among all the moms and asked if I wanted to sit with them. Then Izzy became friends with Yara so we met quite a few times.”
“I find it a little funny we never met while I was working at the daycare. Izzy was in my group for almost a year and we just never ran into each other.”
Harry licks his lips before turning his gaze to you, finishing up the dishes and turning the water off.
“I saw you.” Your eyebrows shoot up. How did you not see him?
“Yeah, just a few times. Mostly it was Ruth who picked up Izzy these past few months. I had a huge project that ended just before you started here, so I didn’t have the chance to pick her up that much. But I saw you a few times. You were just always busy with the kids, I guess… you didn’t notice me,” he shrugs, holding his arms on his chest as he leans against the counter.
“It could get pretty intense sometimes even though it was just a daycare,” you chuckle, remembering to all the tantrums and fussy dramas that happened between the kids. Sometimes it felt more like a high school than a daycare, especially when friends were taken and lovestories happened through lunchtimes.
“Daddy! What are we having for dinner?” Izzy runs into the kitchen, tippy-tapping her hands on the counter that she can barely reach.
“Macaroni and cheese.”
“Yes! Maccy cheese!” Izzy cheers throwing her hands into the air. Harry smiles down at her, ruffling her hair and you can’t push down a smile at what she just called mac and cheese.
Harry starts prepping for dinner, he puts on some music that Izzy dances to and though you try to leave them be and enjoy their alone time, Izzy insists you stay and help as well.
“Izzy, let Y/N do what she wants, this is her day off,” Harry warns her, making her pout her lips at you. Not that you would have said no to her, but now you definitely can’t leave.
“It’s alright. I’m happy to help.”
Izzy sits on the counter in a safe distance from the stove, her duty is to watch the pasta cook while Harry takes care of the sauce and you set the table, knowing it won’t take long for the food to be ready.
“Daddy?” Izzy speaks up, tilting her head to the side.
“Yes, baby?”
“I love Maccy cheese. Does mom like it too?”
Harry’s eyes flicker over to you, as if he is embarrassed you caught a moment that shouldn’t have been revealed and you can tell he is still kind of torn how to handle the mentioning of his late wife. You keep a straight face, making yourself busy with cleaning off the counter top. You wouldn’t want to make him think he can’t talk about Maggie in your presence.
“Um, yeah. Mommy loves mac and cheese,” he nods, giving her knees a little squeeze before moving her off the counter to take care of the pasta.
Your eyes meet Harry’s gaze when you bring some water to the table and you can tell he is still thinking about the slip you just heard, but you give him a soft smile, trying your best to assure him nothing bad happened.
Izzy babbles through dinner about everything she did with Yara and Zac today, excited to see them as soon as possible and Harry promises her to arrange a meeting for them in the park sometime next week. You try to help with cleaning up, but Harry doesn’t let you, so pouring yourself a nice glass of wine you sit in the living room to watch some TV before going to bed. After dinner, Harry takes Izzy upstairs to give her a bath and once that’s done she is allowed to play some more in her room.
Harry joins you soon on the couch with a glass of wine as well, seemingly tired from all the socializing he did. Peeking at him while the evening news is playing on the screen, you notice that he is not even paying attention, deep in his thoughts he is pulling on his bottom lip like he always does whenever he is deep in focus. You have a guess what he is thinking about, but you want to give him the time and space to figure out if he is ready to share or not.
“I, uhh—I never really told you why it’s just Izzy and I,” he speaks up and you turn to him with patience, knowing the importance of him bringing it up. “My wife… Maggie, she… We got married about six years ago and then two years later we had Izzy. She was six months old when Maggie…”
He is struggling to find the words, or to just even think about it and you don’t want him to feel like he has to tell you about any of it.
“Harry, you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
“No, I want to. I always feel bad that I don’t talk about her, makes it look like I’m trying to forget about her, but that’s not at all the case, it’s just… hard to think about how long it’s been and I still feel like it was just… last week.”
Harry sniffles and you’re not sure if it’s because he is getting emotional to the point where he is going to start crying or it’s nothing significant, but you feel the urge to assure him about your support. Reaching over you put your hand to his arm, giving it a gentle squeeze. His eyes first fall to your hand and then to you, a sense of softness shining back from his green irises as he lets out a shaky breath.
“It was a car accident. She was driving home late night from her sister’s and a drunk driver ran the red light, crashed right into her car. They both were rushed into hospital, but Maggie’s lungs collapsed and she… they couldn’t help her. The guy had surgery and though he broke quite a few bones and had a serious concussion, he survived.”
You have to bite into your bottom lip, already feeling the tears welling in your eyes, but you quickly blink them away. You can only imagine what it’s like to be called and find out your wife was killed because of the dumb mistake of someone else. And to think that Izzy was still so small, Harry was left with a baby and the immense grief so suddenly, it must have been the toughest time he had to go through.
“I’m really sorry, Harry,” you quietly tell him, his eyes flickering up to meet yours and they are glistening from the tears. He just nods, blinking a few times before drinking up his wine.
Before anything else could be said, you hear Izzy running down the stairs, soon throwing herself to the couch, cuddling to Harry’s side.
“Hey baby, want to go to sleep already?” he asks, softly brushing through her hair with his fingers. Izzy nods, blinking sleepily. Harry scoops her into his arms standing up from the couch and he is reaching for his empty glass, but you take it before he could.
“I’ll wash it, don’t worry about it,” you smile at him.
“Thank you,” he breathes out, holding Izzy tight before the two of them disappear upstairs.
You don’t stay out too long yourself either, washing the glasses you let a single tear run down your cheek before quickly wiping it away and heading up to your room.
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The past two years you’ve been taking gigs as a photographer more and more, going to weddings, birthday parties, baby showers or anniversaries to snap photos of others’ most precious moments. You are not a professional, nor do you treat yourself as one, but the more events you attended and the more work you put out, the more popular you started to get. Now you have about two bookings every month and you are able to ask for a quite impressive amount of money for a session that people are willing to pay for your pictures.
You’ve been putting off your gigs since you moved into the Styles mansion, wanting to focus on all the changes in your lives, but now that you’ve gotten quite used to your new life one month into it, you are getting back to your usual. This Saturday you’re doing a photoshoot of a soon-to-be-wedded pair who also booked you for their upcoming wedding in a few weeks. It’s kind of an engagement photoshoot since they couldn’t do one when they got engaged months ago, but they didn’t want to miss out on the chance to do one before they official tie the knot.
Harry and Izzy are planning to go to the zoo today, something she’s been begging to do for weeks now and Harry finally gave in, so all three of you are going to be quite busy today. The photoshoot takes place at this fancy, mid-century styled café the couple chose, so you decide to dress up yourself a little too. Putting on a maroon colored pencil skirt that hugs your hips and waist tight, you tuck into it a white silky blouse, making you appear like some kind of eyecandy assistant straight out of a Hollywood movie, especially with your low bun, which is less for the look but more for practicality, since you don’t like it when your hair gets caught in the straps of your camera.
Swinging your camera bag to one shoulder and your handbag to the other one, your camera hanging from your neck, you head downstairs, rushing a little because you’re short on time already. Izzy is sitting on one of the stools at the kitchen island while Harry is packing them some lunch and snacks for the day.
“Oh! Y/N, you look so pretty!” Izzy beams at you when you near the corner. She is dangling her legs playfully, her piggy tails curling adorably on each sides of her head. Harry’s head snaps up and his lips part upon spotting you.
“Thank you, Sunshine,” you smile at her, caressing her cheek, tickling her a little that makes her giggle.
“Where are you going?” she asks curiously.
“Izzy, don’t question her all the time, that’s not too nice,” Harry warns her, but you just shake your head.
“It’s alright. I have a photoshoot today. I have to take pictures of a couple that’s going to get married soon,” you explain to her and Harry’s ears perk up, eyeing the camera that’s hanging from your neck.
“I didn’t know you are a photographer,” Harry hums, closing the cooler.
“Well, I’m not a professional, but I’ve been doing photoshoots here and there.”
“That’s amazing!” he smiles warmly.
“Thanks. Well, I gotta go because I’m running a little late. Have fun at the zoo!” you smile, at them before walking out. You reach the front door but stop for a moment to read the text the bride has sent you letting you know they are running a little late as well. That’s when you hear the conversation between Harry and Izzy coming from the kitchen.
“She looked so pretty!” Izzy sighs. You expect Harry to just hum or ignore her words, but for your surprise, he answers her.
“Yeah, she really does.”
You blush like a teenage girl, feeling your heart fluttering in your chest as you smile, walking out of the house.
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The father-daughter duo is still out when you get home later. You make yourself a tea and sit out to the terrace with your computer, starting to edit the photos right away so you can send then over to the couple as soon as possible. They turned out pretty good, you love the colorful vibe the café had and it went well with the pair’s outfits.
You get so into editing that you don’t even notice Harry and Izzy arriving home, just when the sliding door opens and Izzy runs up to you, holding a stuffed animal that appears to be an otter.
“Y/N, look what daddy got me!” she cheers holding up the toy.
“Oh my god, it’s really cute!” You pull her to sit on your lap as she hugs the toy, clearly happy to have a new addition to her already existing army. Harry walks out with a bottle of water and a glass. Joining the two of you at the table, he pours some water for Izzy and makes her drink it.
“We spent an entire hour watching the otters,” he chuckles, brushing Izzy’s hair out of her face as she chugs the water down.
“Can’t blame you, they are really cute,” you chuckle. Izzy puts the empty glass down and hops off your lap before announcing that she is gonna show her new toy around in the backyard before running away from you.
“Are those… the pictures from today?” Harry shyly asks, eyeing your laptop’s screen.
“Oh, yeah. Wanted to get a headstart on editing,” you nod turning it so he can have a better look. “Want to see what I got so far?”
“Of course!” he nods smiling.
You click through the photos you’ve already edited, there are about ten in total and you’re quite satisfied with how they turned out to be.
“Wow, they look… really good, Y/N.”
“Thank you,” you smile blushing a little.
“What events do you usually do?”
“Mostly weddings and engagement shoots, birthdays, these kinds of stuff.”
“It’s really amazing,” he nods smiling.
“I… Hope you won’t be mad but I’ve shot a few pictures of Izzy too these past weeks,” you admit, hoping he won’t get upset for you, doing it without his permission. “I didn’t use them anywhere, I wasn’t planning to, I just thought they were nice moments.”
“Oh, can I see them?”
“Of course!”
Opening up the folder you put her pictures into, you start clicking through the few photos you took of her. There’s one of her during her swimming lesson, laughing happily as she holds onto the edge of the pool, her wet locks sticking to her head. Then there’s one when the two of you were baking cupcakes and she got icing all over her face and tried to lick it off, her tongue sticking out on the picture. There are some of her just roaming around the backyard, exploring the bugs hiding in the grass, some of her napping with her favorite stuffed animals on the couch and then the last one was taken when she was jumping in her bed, you caught her up in the air, the widest smile on her face as she was laughing straight into the camera.
“Y/N, these are… wow. They are all so good, I love them!”
“Really?” Your smile grows wide, happy that he likes them.
“Yeah! Do you think… do you think you can send them to me?”
“Of course! I can get them printed for you, if you’d like. There’s a place where I go to get my photos printed, they make them look like they were taken on an analog, old school camera, I love that little extra touch on the pictures.”
“That would be fantastic,” he smiles, clearly in awe of your work.
You spend the rest of the afternoon editing while Harry and Izzy take over the kitchen as usual. When you’re on your way up to your room with your laptop after you decided to call it a day, you catch them in there, Izzy making Harry dance around with her while they are chopping the veggies. Harry is swaying his lips to the rhythm, humming to the song as Izzy is jumping and twirling around, singing from the top of her lungs. Despite the terrible loss of her mother, there’s no doubt Izzy is having the best possible childhood, getting all the love she deserves from her dad and you feel happy you are here to witness them grow together.
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You did not see your parents’ divorce coming, probably because it’s been over six years since you’ve moved out and you only saw them every other week at best. You always tried to come around as often as possible, wanting to spend time with Trevor and of course, them as well, but you had to focus on building your own life. You had to worry about your work, your own living space and not much later you started dating Keith so you were pretty busy to say the least. You weren’t there when things started to go downhill, but Trevor was. He had to suffer through every fight and screaming match they had without any support and you’ve always felt guilty about it, but you couldn’t just move back home. However you’ve always tried to do everything you could to support him through these hard times. He knew he could call you anytime he had enough of the spiteful atmosphere at home and you were quick to come to his rescue.
You were mad at your parents, there’s no need to lie about it. But not because of getting a divorce, you knew better than to expect them to suffer in a marriage they weren’t happy in, but the way they handled has always been just… unacceptable. Especially because in the midst of their anger and hatred towards each other they started to forget that they still had a kid living home who had to listen to everything they threw at each other, things no son should ever hear about his parents, no matter if they were true or not.
Being a teenager in high school is stressful enough as it is, but having to deal with your parents’ nasty divorce is just something no teenager should have to go through. Trevor has been dealing with it for a while now and he is trying his best to just shut them out whenever they are going at it, but sometimes it’s not that easy. That’s when he seeks comfort at you.
It’s a Thursday evening when your parents decide to drive Trevor up the wall with their screaming and fighting again. You’re watching a movie with Izzy and Harry in the entertainment room, working on your laptop simultaneously, confirming some photoshoots for the upcoming weekends. Harry has let Izzy play with his hair while watching the movie, so now she is all over her daddy, decorating his hair with little hairclips and hair ties while the man is just sitting there without a complaint.
Your phone starts buzzing on the couch and Trevor’s photo is flashing on the screen. Putting the laptop aside, you grab your phone and walk out of the room not to disturb them with your call.
“Hey!” you greet him happily, but your stomach immediately drops when you hear him draw a shaky breath on the other end of the line. “Trev? What’s wrong?”
“Can I please spend the night at yours?” he pleads weakly.
“What happened, are you alright?” you perk up right away.
“It’s just… dad came over this afternoon and they went at it again and now they are doing it over the phone, mom is like really out of her mind right now. I have a math test tomorrow and I don’t think I can sleep here like this. She is still screaming at him over the phone.”
“I’m leaving right now, pack a bag, alright?”
“Thanks,” he breathes out and ends the call. Rushing back into the entertainment room Harry turns to you while Izzy is still busy with his hair.
“Uh, I know it’s really sudden and all, but my brother just called, would it be fine if he spent the night over here?” Even though Harry himself told you it’s fine to have people over, you still feel like you need to ask for his permission, especially if your guest is planning to stay the night.
“Is he alright? Of course he can come over.” Sitting straight up he asks Izzy to sit down a little which she gladly does, turning her attention towards the movie.
“It’s just, um, our parents are having another scream match. They are… They are in the middle of getting a divorce and they are not handling it right,” you let out a bitter chuckle.
“Oh, I’m sorry about that. Do you need me to come with you? You seem very upset, you sure you can drive?”
“No, it’s alright, but thanks. I’m fine. I’ll be back soon with him and thank you so much for letting him stay,” you breathe out. He just nods with a sympathetic smile before you turn around and leave.
Through the drive over to the house where you grew up your anger just grows with each turn you take. You love your parents to death, they raised you in a quite unusual and hard situation, they had to grow up with you when they had you so young, but they always made sure to give you everything you needed. And you know they have the same kind of love towards Trevor, but their hatred for each other is blinding them and they probably don’t even realize how much it affects him, but you are not letting them ruin everything because they fell out of love. Trevor deserves the same kind of supportive and loving environment to grow up in just like the one you had and there’s nothing that could change that.
Pulling up to the driveway you take a deep breath as you march up to the front porch and use your keys to let yourself in. The shouting hits your ears right away, it’s coming from the kitchen, but Trevor is the first one you spot on the top of the stairs. His hood is on and he has a backpack in his hands as he comes down the stairs with a pained and tired face.
“Hey! Left the car open, go get in there, I’ll be out in a minute,” you softly tell him as you give him a quick hug.
“Thanks,” he mumbles before walking out.
Following your mother’s voice to the kitchen you find her with a half empty bottle of wine, cussing your father out through the phone.
“Go and fuck that bitch you went out to have dinner with last weekend! Yes I know about that!” she spats and you wince at her words.
“Mom!” you call out, but she doesn’t even register your voice.
“Fuck you, Fred! Fuck you!” she continues, so you raise your voice a little more.
“Mom!” This time she finally hears it and turning around she looks at you with wide eyes.
“Y/N! What are you doing here? You didn’t say you were coming,” she adds, her voice soft and weak this time, the anger long gone from it.
“I’m here to pick Trevor up. Put dad on speaker, I want to have a word with you two,” you tell her firmly and she gulps hard, nodding as she sets the phone to the counter, putting your dad on speaker.
“Y/N? What’s going on?” you hear him question from the other end of the line.
“I could ask the same thing!” you snap back, fed up with the way they have been acting. They might have lost a good chunk of their youth because they were busy taking care of you after having at just nineteen, but that doesn’t give them the right to act like literal cavemen in front of your brother.
“Trevor called me all upset, begging me to come and get him. What is wrong with you two? You have been at each other’s throats all the damn time, it is not healthy not just for Trevor but to either of you!”
“Y/N, sweetie, there’s just a lot going on—“ your mother tries to explain, but you cut her off.
“I don’t fucking care! Whatever is going on between the two of you, Trevor should be first! No matter what! He needs you both, he needs the support and love, but he is only getting the screaming and fighting. This is not right!”
“It’s a hard situation, you have to be patient with us, Y/N,” your father sighs over the phone and you can’t hold your ironic laughter back.
“Patient? I’ve been patient with you these past about five months since you’ve been literally tearing each other to pieces. Do yourselves and everyone else a favor and just get it over with. Dad, pick up all your stuff and don’t come here for mom’s sake. Mom, don’t snoop around dad’s life, because it’s not your business anymore. Stop being ignorant and maybe start to think about the kid you still have living near you.”
Your words might have been harsh, but it needed to be said. You can tell by your mother’s shocked expression and from the way your dad is dead silent in the call that your message finally hit them in the head and you hope they are willing to get their shit together so Trevor doesn’t lose his mind.
“Trevor is staying with me tonight, we’ll see when he wants to come back, but you better think about what I just told you,” you warn them before walking out and leaving them to think about their actions finally.
Trevor stays silent on the road back to Harry’s and you don’t try to force him to talk, it’s clear he has had enough for today. Arriving back home you park your car next to Harry’s Range Rover and the two of you walk inside in silence.
It’s past Izzy’s bedtime so you’re not surprised to find only Harry in the kitchen when you walk into the house. Harry seems cautious, almost worried as he spots you and Trevor in the hallway.
“Trevor, this is my boss, Harry. Harry, this is my brother, Trevor,” you introduce them to each other quickly. They shake hands with a manly nod.
“Thanks for letting me stay here tonight,” Trevor clears his throat, feeling a little out of place.
“No worries. Feel free to use any of the guest bedrooms,” Harry smiles softly.
“Oh, we’ll be fine sleeping in my room,” you assure him but Harry shakes his head at your words.
“We have plenty of space. Please, use them!”
“Thank you,” Trevor mumbles and you shoot Harry a thankful look before walking your brother upstairs.
You opt for the room next to yours, Help Trevor get comfortable, making sure he has everything he needs for the night.
“Did you get into a fight with mom and dad?” he asks, when you are sitting on the edge of his bed, about to leave him alone.
“I just told them to get their shit together,” you chuckle, giving his leg a squeeze under the covers. He cracks a smile at you, but it’s not as genuine as it should be. “I’ll drive you to school in the morning. My room is right next to this one, come over if you need anything, alright?”
“Thanks,” he mumbles, pulling the covers up to his chin.
“Good night, Trev,”you tell him switching the lights off and walking towards the door.
“Good night, Y/N,” he calls after you before you close the door, letting out a long breath.
As you make your way down to the kitchen you see that Harry is still there, his eyes snap up to you, filled with concern and worry.
“Everything alright?” he asks as you make yourself a tea.
“Yeah, he was just fed up with the constant screaming. I can’t blame him, my mother didn’t even realize I was there until I raised my voice at her.”
“I’m sorry about that. Must be hard dealing with high school and a nasty divorce.”
“It is,” you sigh. “But thank you for letting him stay, really.” “I meant it when I said it’s just as much your home as it is ours. He can come over anytime, don’t worry about that,” he shrugs.
“Thank you. I’ll drive him to school in the morning, but I’ll be back by the time you leave, is that alright?”
“Of course,” he smiles warmly. “You two look a lot alike.”
“We get that a lot,” you chuckle. “It’s the eyes and nose shape, I think. We got those from our mother.”
“People say I look like my sister too, but I don’t really see it, if I’m being honest,” he chuckles lightly.
“Yeah? Why?”
“No idea,” he shakes his head laughing. “I just don’t see it, but I couldn’t tell you really.”
Sipping on your tea you stay in the kitchen with Harry, the light conversation about his sister and eventually his mother eases the stress that has been gripping on your chest from the encounter you had with your parents earlier. You’re not sure if he tried to talk you through it because he saw how much you needed the distraction or if it’s just how he is, but either way, he really helped you to relax.
Cleaning after yourself the two of you head to bed, saying good night to each other before disappearing in your rooms.
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“This place is like… really huge,” Trevor sighs in awe when the two of you are eating breakfast together the next morning.
“I told you, it’s a mansion,” you chuckle, digging into your oatmeal. “I’ll show you around next time you’re here.”
“T’was nice of Harry to let me stay,” he hums.
“Mhm, he is a cool boss,” you smile at him.
“And kinda handsome…” Glancing at Trevor you see the sly smirk on his lips and you give him a stern look.
“Stop right there, alright? No funny thoughts!”
“Funny thoughts?” he laughs leaning back in his seat. “I just made a statement that he is a nice looking man, that’s it. Do you not agree?”
“I’m not commenting on the topic,” you diplomatically answer.
“On what topic?” Harry appears from the stairs, making you both turn his way. “Good morning,” he smiles warmly.
“Morning!” Trevor nods his way before he turns back to you, still smirking. You narrow your eyes at him before answering Harry.
“The topic doesn’t matter. Morning, Harry!”
He pours himself some coffee that you brew earlier before joining the two of you at the dining table. He strikes up a conversation with Trevor, asking him about school and his future plans once he graduates and luckily, Trevor is on his best behavior despite the comment he made earlier, he is not trying to put you into an uncomfortable situation. He knows better, because if he upsets you now, he will not be returning to the mansion, that’s for sure.
“Alright, get your stuff, we are leaving in five,” you tell him when both of you are done eating. Nodding he disappears upstairs as you take care of the dishes quickly.
“Is he staying tonight as well?” Harry asks, following you into the kitchen.
“Oh, no. I’m sure mom wants to talk to him after last night, so it’s better if he goes home.”
“Hope things will get easier for him,” he smiles and you return it, thankful that he let him stay here when he really needed a place for himself.
“Thanks for everything, Harry” Trevor smiles at him when he arrives with his backpack.
“Of course, come back soon, but under more peaceful conditions,” he chuckles nodding in his way.
“I’ll be back soon!” you call out before walking out of the house with your brother.
“So how long have you been crushing on your boss?” Trevor asks in the car and your eyes widen as you try to keep the car straight in the lane.
“Excuse you?”
“Come on, Y/N. It’s kinda obvious, you swoon at everything the man says, haven’t seen you this soft since your high school graduation,” he chuckles, finding your reaction quite entertaining, but you’re not enjoying the situation that much.
“I do not have a crush on Harry,” you shake your head laughing, but you can’t ignore the knot in your stomach at your own words. Was this that big of a lie?
“That’s too bad because I think he has a thing for you too,” he shrugs, carelessly staring out the window, like it’s that casual to discuss you and your boss having possible feelings for each other.
“When did you become an expert on these stuff?” you huff, glancing at him shortly before turning back to face the road.
“I’m not an expert, but I’m not blind either. And I saw the way he looked at you.”
“What way?” you scoff.
“Like he is thankful you are walking this Earth.”
“Did you take this from a rom-com on Netflix?” you tease him, but he just shrugs. “Of course he is thankful, I’m helping him with his daughter. It’s not easy being a single parent and I’m helping him immensely. But there’s nothing else behind that.”
“Sure, good luck convincing yourself,” he sighs when you park the car down at his school. “Thanks for the ride and the night too. I’ll call you later.”
Leaning over the console he gives you a quick hug before hopping out of the car and walking towards the main building.
Arriving back home you find Izzy sitting on the couch with a bowl of cereal on her lap, watching her favorite morning cartoon, but no sign of Harry and for a moment you get scared you got back too late, but then you realize he wouldn’t leave Izzy home alone.
“Hey Sunshine, did you sleep well?” you ask, caressing her rosy cheek as you join her on the couch.
“Mhm, what are we doing today?” she asks, showing a spoonful of cereal into her mouth.
“You have French class today with Lyon and in the afternoon I thought we could learn about otters. You seemed to like them a lot at the zoo.”
“Yes! They are so cute!” she cheers happily just when you hear footsteps coming from the stairs. Turning around you spot Harry walking towards the living room, but your lips part immediately when you see that he is putting on another shirt, his naked chest on display since he hasn’t buttoned it fully. What you saw not long ago from your balcony is now so much closer, the swallows peeking out from under the shirt and you see the little cross pendant hanging between his pecs, something you’ve only seen if he pulled it out of his shirts which didn’t happen that often.
Harry stops in his tracks when he sees you on the couch with Izzy and a blush paints his cheeks.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Didn’t know you were back,” he breathes out, his fingers working fast on the buttons to get himself presentable again though you wish he would just get rid of the whole thing… “Izzy spilled some juice on me so I had to change quickly,” he explains, finishing with the buttons and he quickly fixes it so he looks just as spotless as always.
“You poured too much into my cup!” Izzy defends herself furrowing her eyebrows at her dad.
“Of course it was my fault, who else’s would have it been?” Harry huffs as he presses a kiss to the top of her head. “Y/N, I have something to ask you.”
“Go ahead.”
“I know it’s pretty sudden and on a very short notice but could you maybe look after Izzy tonight? Niall called me and begged to meet up with him for a few drinks. I would call Ruth, but she is out of town this week.”
“Oh sure! No problem,” you smile at him.
“Are you sure you don’t have anything to do? Don’t feel pressured to say yes, I should have asked in advance, it’s just—“ “Harry, it’s fine. I’m okay looking after her tonight,” you assure him before he talks himself down from letting you do it. “Go have fun, you barely get out of the house without Izzy.” If you’re being honest the only place he goes to without his daughter is work and it’s a little saddening, he deserves some time out from his daddy duties.
“Thank you,” he smiles at you with gratitude. “I won’t be out too long, I promise.”
“No worries, have fun with Niall,” you wave in dismiss.
“Thanks. Have a great day. Be good, baby. I’ll see you in the afternoon.” Harry kisses Izzy’s forehead before grabbing his suit jacket, wallet, keys and phone and heads out to start his day.
“Alright, daddy is off to work and we also have a day ahead of us. Come on, let’s get started,” you smile at Izzy who nods in agreement.
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Harry swears he didn’t come home earlier than his usual because he feels bad for asking you to cover the evening, but you know that’s a blatant lie. He is home by three and frees you for the rest of the afternoon, leaving you with about two extra hours. He informs you that he would be leaving around seven, so dinner time will still be his duty, but you’ll have to put Izzy to bed at her usual time, which works perfectly for you.
A little before seven Harry disappears to take a quick shower and get changed before heading out, while you sit out in the living room with Izzy, reading her from a book she chose after dinner.
When Harry returns, he is dressed more casually than he usually does for work, wearing a pair of beige slacks and a black shirt tucked into it, the first three buttons left undone, showing just a hint of his tattooed chest for the viewers.
“Okay, I just called a car, it’ll be here any minute. Please call me if anything happens, I could come home anytime.”
“Harry, I take care of her all day, I’m sure we’ll be fine for one evening as well,” you chuckle, trying to ease his nervousness about leaving his daughter home at a time he is not used to.
“Right,” he lets out a soft chuckle. “Thank you again. And Izzy, be good. Y/N will put you to bed tonight, but I’ll be here in the morning, okay?”
“Okay!” she sings, completely fine with the new arrangement.
“Alright, see you soon, good night!” he calls out on his way out of the house.
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Sitting at the rooftop bar, Harry and Niall take up a small table for two near the railing so they have a nice view of the city below them. The waitress brings their order, tequila on the rocks for Harry and a good pint for Niall, and the latter man can’t ignore the fact how pretty she is in her tight white shirt and short black skirt, smiling coyly at the men as she asks if they want anything else.
“We’re good for now, Darling. Thank yeh,” Niall smirks and even winks at the woman, who is seemingly enjoying the attention from him, but deep down she would be happier if it was Harry who was trying to flirt with him. However he is busy on his phone, typing out an email even at this ungodly hour, which pisses his friend off.
“Would you stop being a workaholic prick and maybe glance at the woman that wants to fuck the shit out of you?” Niall snaps at him, grabbing his attention, but he just rolls his eyes.
“That would require my interest as well, which is not there.”
“That’s fucking sad. Really, mate. How long are you going to act like a crybaby? I’m getting tired of your long face. I get it, shit happened, but you eventually have to move on.”
Harry tries to ignore his words, eyes glued to the screen of his phone hoping his friend would just drop it, but that’s not what Niall is like. So instead of leaving him to be, he grabs his phone, snaps it right out of his hands and then shoves it into his pocket.
“Hey! What the fuck?!” he growls at his friend who just gives him a hard look.
“Harry, I’m worried about you. You do nothing, just work and be with Izzy.”
“So you’re saying I shouldn’t spend time with my daughter?” he asks twisting his words.
“You know that’s not what I mean. Spend as much time with her as possible, but don’t forget to take care of yourself.”
“I’m taking care of myself. I sleep and eat well and I workout regularly. I don’t see what else I might need.” “Fuck. You need to fuck,” he points out, making Harry roll his eyes again.
“You know, sometimes I question why we are even friends…” Harry grumbles under his breath as he takes a sip from his drink, feeling like he definitely needs the alcohol if Niall is gonna pick on him all night.
“Because I’m the one who pushes you out of your pit of sorrow, m’friend. And right now I feel like I need to step in, because you are turning into a bitter old man.”
“I’m not bitter,” Harry narrows his eyes at him.
“And neither are you old, so why are you acting like you are?”
“Look, I know that you are a fan of the bachelor life, going to parties, sleeping around with any woman you can get, but that’s just not for me, it never was, not even a long time ago.”
“I’m not trying to get you to act like a frat boy, Har. I know you are too soft for that, but I think it might be time for you to, I don’t know, open up a bit.”
“Open up?”
“Yeah! Go out, meet new people, preferably women,” he adds with a knowing look. “It’s been more than three years, Harry. You can’t stay at home and mope around forever.”
“I really don’t think we should be having this conversation right now.”
“If not now, then when? I tried to talk to you about it many times, but you always just dodged it, so I gave you more time to adjust to the situation, but I think we are over that,” Niall sighs, leaning onto the table. “We both know time flies by. Soon Izzy will go to school, she’ll have her own little life and before you could even blink twice, she is gonna be a teenager, barely talking to you, only caring about some boyband, her friends and shows. The time will come when you’ll have to step back a little and I don’t want you to stay alone.”
“First of all, Izzy is 4 and she won’t be allowed to even think about being independent until she is twenty,” Harry starts off as Niall rolls his eyes at him.
“Yeah, sure. You’ll have an amazing time when she becomes a teenager.”
“Don’t even talk about her being a teenager.”
“It’s going to happen!” Niall snaps and Harry narrows his eyes at him. “Okay, let’s just calm down.” He takes a deep breath even though he is the only one getting mad right now. Harry might feel uncomfortable, but he is not one to lose his temper that easily. Niall on the other hand is known to be a little too passionate at times.
“Alright. Please know that I’m just trying to be a good friend. What happened is tragic and I can’t even imagine what you went through, though I was here all along so I have a slight guess. I’m happy that you are doing vehemently better now, it’s amazing, but I know that you’ll be miserable if you stay single forever.”
“I’m not gonna start dating, Niall. It’s just… too soon. I can’t get into a relationship now.” Harry shakes his head, gulping from his drink again, the alcohol burns down his throat as he grimaces shortly.
“I get it that you don’t want a relationship, but dating might not be that bad. I’m pretty sure there are some hot single moms you know who would love to go out with you for dinner or some shit.”
“I’m not interested in any of them,” he shrugs.
“Then what about Y/N?” Harry’s eyes snap up at his friend, flexing his jaw out of instinct.
“What about her?”
“She is pretty, nice and funny, completely your type. Why don’t you try it with her?”
“She works for me,” Harry replies right away.
“No one fucking cares,” Niall scoffs. “And because you didn’t say that you don’t like her, I assume you are into her.”
Harry lets out a heavy sighs shaking his head. You’ve not been the only one who’s been noticing the other. Ever since he has caught you watching him while doing his morning yoga, he couldn’t shake the thought of you and he took a special notice about a lot of things about you. Like the way you scrunch your nose every time you smile when Izzy says a word wrong, or the way you like to put up your hair into a ponytail when you’re playing with her in the backyard and there’s always a tiny strand that hangs lose at the back of your neck because it’s too short to reach up to the ponytail, but his favorite thing is how your voice is a little hoarse in the morning when you come down for the first time from upstairs. The thought that he is always the first person you talk to in the morning just brings this pleasant feeling into the pit of his stomach, something he hasn’t felt in a long time.
He can’t deny that he finds you beautiful either, how could he not? You’re just a wonderful person inside and out and he is thankful his daughter is in such good hands when he is away at work. But he hasn’t dared to think further than this, his mind just doesn’t let him, however Niall’s words are now poking at the sleeping giant.
“Stop assuming things,” Harry mumbles, looking away from his friend, feeling like he is being grilled.
“Stop denying things,” Niall retorts, earning a huff from Harry. “Okay, don’t ask her out just yet, but try to get closer to her. Become friends, try to open up and get to know her a little more!”
“I don’t want to get closer to her!” he replies, but he can easily point out how big of a lie that is, even though he is trying his best to make himself believe that it’s not.
“So you don’t have a crush on her?” Niall raises his eyebrows at him.
“Where are we, in middle school? I’m 31, I don’t have crushes,” Harry scoffs.
“Okay so then you don’t mind it if I ask her out?”
“You are not asking her out, Niall,” he sternly replies, reaching for his drink once again, that’s nearing its end very closely. He needs to order another one if Niall decides to be an asshole all night.
“Why not? He seemed to like me when we met, I think we both would have a nice evening, might even take her home—“
“Shut up, Niall. You are not going out with her!”
“Really? What’s stopping me?” he smirks, knowing well what he is doing and where this is heading. Harry opens his mouth, but then no words come out, because he realizes what he wanted to say should not be said out loud.
Because I like her, a tiny voice tells him in his mind. Niall’s smirk grows even bigger, because even though Harry didn’t answer, his face tells it all, confirming what he has been trying to force out of him all evening.
“Yeah, just as I thought,” he laughs, taking a few gulps from his beer. “I’m not telling you to fuck her brains out immediately, but it might be nice if you just got to know her a bit more. And if things seem to take, like… a turn, if you know what I mean, don’t chicken out, just go with it.”
“You know, Niall, you should worry about your own love life the way you worry about mine.”
“There’s nothing to worry about!” He beams, clearly without a worry. “I’m too good of a catch to be tied down, so I’m enjoying life to the fullest right now.”
“Aren’t you tired of waking up next to a different woman every morning?” Harry sighs, feeling exhausted just to think about the way his friend lives.
“Don’t judge for something you never tried. I like it, it fulfills all my needs, why should I change?”
“Because you worry about me ending up alone when it’s most likely gonna be you.” Harry gives him a look, but it doesn’t seem to affect him. He shrugs it off easily.
“Difference is that I like being alone, but you don’t. You are wired to have a partner in the long run while I’m perfectly fine with my adventures. So do me a favor, and be less of a little hermit. You’ll thank me later.”
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Niall’s words stick to Harry’s head more than he would have liked it. The two friends stay at the bar until about midnight and while Harry leaves to go straight home, Niall heads to another direction with the pretty waitress on his arm, who served their drinks relentlessly all night.
Arriving back home Harry tips the driver generously before heading inside, seeing that you’re still up, the lights in the living room and the TV illuminating the area. Walking further inside he spots you cozied up on the couch, a thick blanket thrown over yourself as you watch some kind of detective documentary, chewing on your bottom lip in focus. He can’t help the smile that tugs on his lips at the sight of you, taking just a split second to savor the moment and wrap it up in his mind.
“Hey, why are you still up?” he questions walking inside. Your eyes tear away from the screen, blinking up at him as you smile slightly, pushing yourself up into a sitting position. Rounding the couch Harry joins you, sitting down as he runs a hand through his hair.
“Got caught up a little,” you chuckle, nodding your head towards the TV. “Did you have a good time?”
“As much as it’s possible to have a good time with Niall around,” he chuckles, making you smile.
“He is not that bad, is he?”
“He can be a little asshole sometimes,” he admits. “But it was fine, we had a nice… talk.”
“I’m glad,” you smile sheepishly, before turning back to the TV.
Harry’s eyes snap to the screen as well, but he is not following the case at all, his mind is busy thinking about everything Niall has told him.
It really has been three long and torturous years without his beloved wife and just as Niall said, the beginning of this time was almost lethal. He never thought there would be a day when he would wake up and not feel like curling up into a ball and just cry all day. Those times are now gone, because with a lot of help from his friends, family and even a therapist, he was able to find his purpose in life again: his daughter.
Harry knows that his friend is right, he can’t live his life on his own, that’s just not how he is built, but it’s not as easy as it seems. Especially with the haunting thoughts he has been harboring, kept away from everyone in his life, because he has always been too afraid to say them out loud. That would make them become even realer than they already feel to him.
Sitting on the couch next to Harry you glance at him for a second and can almost see the gears turning in his head.
“Everything alright?” you softly ask. His green eyes flicker over to you, as if he is debating whether he should talk or not.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course,” you nod.
“But it’s kind of personal.”
“Okay, then ask and I’ll decide if I want to answer or not,” you chuckle softly, pushing yourself up a little so you can focus on him better.
“After things ended with your… ex, when you found out that he was cheating on you… How long did it take you to get back out to the field, if you know what I mean.”
His question surprises you, it really is a personal matter and you’re not sure why he felt the need to ask you about it especially now, but you have a guess why it’s relatable for him. You lost someone you loved and though the situation is a very different nature, somehow it’s still similar in a way.
“Well, I told you earlier that it was the kind of situation where I blamed myself for what he did,” you start off and Harry nods, patiently and curiously listening to what you are saying. “I was convinced that he cheated because I wasn’t enough, because I didn’t give him everything he wanted and that it was all my fault. It took me weeks to see clearly and realize that even if I wasn’t giving him everything, it wouldn’t have given him the right to cheat on me. Sometimes it’s really hard to lift the blame off yourself, especially when you were the one putting it there.”
Harry’s lips part at your words and because he is not speaking, you’re not sure if it’s the good or bad kind. You really wish you could just read his honest thoughts, but it seems like he is keeping them to himself so you continue.
“I think it took me a good, like… four months to actually move on. I went on a date for the first time about six months after Keith and I broke up. I’m not saying I’m over the fact that I was cheated on, but it’s not stopping me anymore to live my life. I had to accept that just because of what happened, I still deserve happiness and to be loved.”
Love is a beautiful thing, but it’s very powerful and you learned it the hard way. To love and be loved is essential, love makes life so much better and more special, but it can also scar you terribly and leave you dried out and in pain. You have to learn to accept the love you get and remember it whenever you are not getting enough. It’s a rollercoaster, but the highs make the whole ride worth it.
Harry stays silent as you turn your attention back at the TV, seeing that he is busy chewing on your words. Whatever his reason was to ask you, he is clearly processing the answer he got, making his own conclusions and you wouldn’t want to bother him while he does that.
The documentary soon ends and you realize how late it really is. Saturday is your day off, but you don’t want to sleep through the whole thing, you have a few errands to run. So switching the TV off you fold the blanket and drop it into the basket next to the couch. Harry snaps out of his thoughts when you stand up from the couch, realizing that you’ve shut the TV off already.
“I’m going to bed, you should too,” you smile at him softly as he nods, standing up as well.
You’re already on the stairs when Harry calls out after you. Turning around you keep one foot on the next step, glancing over at him, still standing by the couch.
“I’m… I’m really sorry he couldn’t appreciate you.”
You smile at him warmly, because it says so much about him as a person. Apologizing for something he had absolutely no control over, something someone else did, someone he doesn’t even know. Yet he still felt the need to say sorry.
“It’s alright. I’ll find the person who’ll give me the love I deserve,” you tell him before turning back around and walking away.
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sugaroto · 3 years
So I've been thinking about this for a while,
I wanna put aftg characters into greek school categories
**Lemme explain real quick for the non Greeks, in 2nd grade of High school you have to choose between two paths Θεωρητική (Theoretical) and Θετική (Positive) [idk why it's called that]
So in the theoretical path you have 3 extra ancient Greek classes and 2 Latin that the positive kids don't
In the positive path you have 3 extra math and 2 physics classes
Positive kids keep insisting that the path class is completely different from what we do in class but us theoretical kids still try to figure out where we're gonna use numbers since we supposedly no longer need them**
So yeah I wanna put the aftg characters into Theoretical and Positive
First we have Kevin Day, who is a known history nerd, he would obviously choose the theoretical path that has extra history in the 3rd year
Then Aaron Minyard, as far as I know he wants to be a doctor right? Well in the 3rd year there are more paths (im not completely sure about all of them since I'm in 2nd year but-) to get into the "Health"(biology/chemistry etc that path is obviously for docs) path you need to go through the Positive one the year before (I think you can change paths too but it's easier that way)
Nicky would go to theoretical, 1 gays cant do math, 2 I saw a meme describing theoretical as "🏳️‍🌈", 3 he would read the "Kritias x Thiramenis" fic on wattpad (about the 2 dudes who were fighting all year long at the book of the 1st year) #enemiestolovers, 4 he would make fun of Mantitheus (my dude was talking in 2 paragraphs about his hair pls-), 5 he would probably complain (like my positive friend did) about how the introduction of Latin talks about the biggest poets of all the time and then the 1st poem you read is Ovidius crying and talking about himself in 3rd person
Idk what Andrew's relationship with math is but he has a perfect memory for theoretical classes
Neil.... I don't what the f*ck Neil would do. He loves math but he speaks like 5 languages and that's what theoretical is about. He'd probably choose Positive tho, since he enjoys math (wtf bro) and Latin and ancient Greek aren't languages he would use.
I think in 3rd year there's a path called "Economics" which is supposed to be the easiest out of the rest so I kinda feel Seth would've chosen that (I think you can get into it whatever you chose the 2nd year)
And I've no idea what the rest of the upperclassmen would choose but let's give it a go...
So Allison would be theoretical but one of the girls that are living it, like she would have 24 different highlighters and colorful notes like those⬇️(I didn't even read what it says,I'm pointing out the aesthetic) and maybe she would've number her highlighters like I did who knows (unfortunately I don't have pretty notes but you get the point)
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Dan wants to be a coach right? I guess she'd be great at PE but, path? Idk maybe theoretical? (I know dead language sound difficult but it's a class you can get through? Somehow, well history in 3rd year is hell, but... idk... ) now that I thought about it idk.....
And Matt? I've no idea... maybe Economics with Seth?
Damn Neil why couldn't you pay more attention at their classes you're making my life difficult
And I almost forgot Renee, but she would be with Allison having aesthetic notes too. She looks like the girls that do. And she would be great at the classes too.
Edit: @winterxjxsmine pointed out that Seth would've gone to an "Επαλ"(Epal) (according to Google translate that's a) Vocational High School (I thought it was professional high school, but anyway)
That's the easiest choice. No paths. Easy classes and you're supposed to be teached about more in-hand jobs
However, Epals do have a bad reputation (that would fit Seth tbh)
Like you ask your mom if you can go to the epal cause it's easier and she says no cause she doesn't want you doing drugs
Epals are known for the "Epaliotes" (that's what the students that go there are called) that show up at school with a GLX (I don't even know what that is but I suppose it's a motorcycle) smoking in class, exchanging drugs with the teachers or threating them with guns (Ok,ok some are jokes taken too far but you get the point)
Some pics/memes about Epal I found on Google:
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I can't find "Γελ" (general high school, you know the one with the paths) memes to compare cause it's spelled like "Gel" and Google thinks I'm talking about that thing you put in your hair
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thestarsanctuary · 3 years
hi! I was hoping you could do a Bakugo, Midoriya, Todoroki and Kirishima (separate) with an s/o that has Tourettes, preferably they/them pronouns please. I hope you're having a good day <3
Of course! I was gonna take a break in the middle of my (unspoken) break aka me being lazy, but this request was so nice I- I had to 😔✋🏾 it was definitely the heart. It got me.
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Bakugo wasn’t really sure when he first met you about why your head was twitching or why you were repeating the sentences Aizawa had said sometimes, as he didn’t know you had tourettes. He never even spoke to you like the others did so you never had the chance to tell him until Kirishima did.
When you two started dating he started seeing patterns of when you would get to stressed and start jerking or spouting out random things you heard from youtube videos, he did his best to make sure you knew he was there for reassurance, whether it was a hand on your hand or just pure presence.
There were times when you would have ticcing fits and he would have to sit and rub your back and watch you, and in those times you realized he really was there for you.
He likes to do this thing where he rants on about things he doesn’t like to try and distract you- I’m not sure how he has so much he doesn’t like but every time it’s a new odd topic....sometimes it can literally be something like how he hates trees because when it’s fall he has to rake up the leaves and you have to say
“Bakugo they literally help you not die.” It really is a mystery sometimes how he’s so smart.
Sometimes you can be a bit upset with your tics. It’s not that you’re insecure or that you’re ashamed, but they’re difficult to deal with. The control that you could have isn’t there and that’s stressful in and of itself, and in those moments Bakugo realizes the best thing he can do for you - is make you understand that you are just like the rest of the class and the rest of the people in the world.
“Listen it doesn’t matter if you’re different because to me you’re still cool, you’re still funny, you’re still incredibly sarcastic and while I don’t enjoy that for the most part- you’re my extra regardless of whatever you feel. Get that bull out of your head.”
I mean, he wouldn’t date anybody less than the best.
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Midoriya is the predictable character in the relationship. He researched about Tourettes and what he could do in times when you needed him, I mean he’s not perfect but he’d rather know something rather than nothing.
You tended to be the one who was more of a risk taker, and sometimes your tourettes got in the way of that- which could frustrate you to no end then causing harsher tics like hitting or yelling, and those were the times Midoriya tried to get anything too dangerous either out of your hands- or just out of the way so you didn’t get hurt, he was smart with it.
Other times he could be too much for you, almost treating you like a kid so you had to remind him that you know and understand precautions, but that you also want to live like everybody else and that is nothing short of your business.
You’re favorite activity with him was when he would help you study because he made it so fun for you. It could be hard to pay attention in class sometimes and do your work after school so Izuku would come over and assist you. He would make sure you guys took breaks and that you understood the topic at your own pace.
“Izuku can you like- give an example?”
“Well it’s just kind of- wait what is an example-“
In many situations Midoriya LOVED holding your hand, like he did it at any time, any place. It was something he thought wasn’t too much in public and it was reassuring for you both. When you’re tics got too much you could squeeze his hand, and other times when he wouls get anxious or something would happen he would squeeze yours. It was cute and handy!
There were instances when Midoriya definitely had his mistakes with your tics and how to deal with them but he was willing to take his time and learn because who would he be without his perfect person stayin’ by his side?
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Kirishima is probably the most sympathetic with your tics because he stay prepared for them. It’s never been like “Kirishima can you” but it’s always been more like ‘Kiri how do you always know’ and there’s never been an answer that he gave other than ‘I gotta stay ready for my lovely lover~’
Kirishima likes to do this thing where he goes “neck” after you have a rough day with your tics and with massage your neck for you or your back, depending on how your tics were. He likes takin’ care of you, and it’s not like he doesn’t know you can’t take care of yourself because hey, you didn’t get into 1-A by being a pushover.
Sometimes you’ve had times when people in school just aren’t all that accepting and Kirishima will clap back unprovoked.
“Sometimes I think about how sad you have to be to make fun of them and dang man, you got a therapist?”
Other times you’ll basically respond for him, like I said, you can DEFINITELY take care of yourself.
Whenever you’re in the car or on the bus on a trip in the case that you’ve gotten real excited (which is natural being around your boyfriends and your friends at the same time) he’ll play this playlist he made of your favorite songs and sing to distract you. Does he sing well? That wasn’t the question- but he does sing, only for you though because the other students keep dissing him.
He has a reflex of rubbing your back during free period or at lunch. I don’t think this is relevant but it’s something super adorable, and sometimes he just gives you his hand to look at and play with when you have anxiety as well to keep you calm.
Also irrelevant but other times he’ll facetime you before you guys go somewhere and ask what to wear because he wants to match with you, and it’s so cute because you could lie so hard and he’d believe everything you say.
You two are kinda a power couple like- you both can hold your own but also are such nice people, good job makin’ the rest of 1-A feel lonely guys.
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Todoroki is a simple guy. He doesn’t want to overcomplicate things for the most part because “why would I act like your guardian, if I’m literally your boyfriend” and that’s that.
He tends to try and keep you calm, as it’s something pretty simple for him, he knows a bunch of tactics for distractions or when those are obsolete, he’ll just sit there with you, and maybe rub your back or get a water bottle for when it’s done, he just never wants to do too much because he knows your capabilities, and he knows your limits.
He is also a large hand holder. Mostly because he doesn’t like the idea of PDA for the most part, and he doesn’t like leaving your side either, because you’re very comforting to him. It’s a given we all know he needs love and comfort please.
There have been times when people look at your because of your tics in public and Todoroki has had to give a little glare back because of the disrespect being blatantly put out. In rarer times you will both glare at the same time, those are the coolest moments of you as a couple.
Shoto doesn’t really care much for your tics only because he’d rather just make sure you’re ok then watch Avengers rather than treat you like a child if anything, and that’s because you told him first that you wanted a boyfriend not a babysitter (speakin’ facts) and at first he didn’t understand and he thought you didn’t want his help but soon understood otherwise.
Some cute things I like to think of are that he likes to put on your favorite songs when you’re anxious and try to dance for you. It’s not good- let’s start with that, because he’s kinda...stiff, but the attempt is absolutely adorable (and oh so funny).
Other things are he likes to call you cheesy nicknames when you’re cuddling because he likes your reactions everytime, because according to him, yeah he said it himself, you are very adorable when annoyed. Don’t @ me!
Overall he just loves spending time with you whenever he can, you’re truly a safe-haven for him.
Alright tourettes is a real thing y’all, so I didnt make this rainbows n cupcakes bc im sure that’s not always how it is.
If anything in this is offensive or too much for somebody I can take it down and re-do it! I’m not too sure how it is bc it feels kinda repetitive but we’ll see I guess, and thanks to the person who requested my day was fine thanks 😩✋🏾.
I also included some things I like to do (play with hands and listen to music) because i have anxiety and I known that can worsen tics and can also come with tics (a lot of ppl with tics have adhd, anxiety, or some sort of disorder along with it)
- SS <333333
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mitts2002 · 4 years
Aight’ Bet
Hi this is my first time posting on here so I hope whoever is reading this enjoys!! This is a noritoshi kamo x reader where the nori and (Y/N) need a little push from their wonderful Gojo sensei to finally confess~
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"Dont you think (Y/N) and noritoshi would make the cutest couple!?" Gojo screamed over the phone to Utahime who sighed in response.
"I can't help but disagree Gojo, Noritoshi doesn't seem ready for a relationship plus is the only reason you rang me really to discuss our students non existent love lives?" Utahime retorted knowing that the couple would in fact be adorable yet refusing to accept that Gojo could actually be right about something.
"No Utahime! I bet if them two were able to spend a few hours together the tension would build up so high that one of them would burst and BAM a couple would be born" the blue eyed male replied, the volume of his voice increasing with each word trying to convince her that they were the highschool sweethearts the jujustu world needed.
“How could you even say that!? I get that its cute whenever they glance at each other and shy away with cute little blushing cheeks but i bet it would take more than a few hours for a whole relationship to-” “OH you bet“ Gojo interrupted an obvious smirk on his face knowing Utahime wouldn’t back down from his advances.
“you know what i meant idiot i wasn’t actually trying to make a bet with you especially after what happened last time” the black haired woman scoffed after hearing a chuckle through the phone.
“Aight’ bet! tomorrow ill bring my second years to kyoto for some training and then lets see if something happens between our precious students“ Gojo proposed excitedly as if he were a child in a sweet shop.
“you know what fine! and im only agreeing cause i know nothings gonna happen tomorrow between them i mean noritoshi is too stiff and (Y/N) always backs out last minute” utahime exclaimed not wanting to prove Gojo right. “GREAT! if i win then you will have to be my slave for 2 whole days and if you win ill be your-” “wait i never agreed to that!” “see ya tomorrow then!” Gojo had quickly rushed his farewells before hanging up relieved he avoided Utahime’s lecture.
"Alright class!" Gojo sensei yelled excitingly as he burst through the doors. This overgrown man child always had something new, it could never be a regular class where his students actually learn then were let out for a break. No Gojo Satorou had to be the most extra male on this earth and for the first time ever it worked in his second year student (Y/N)'s favour.
"What it is now?" Maki groaned with an annoyed expression on her face. No one could blame her though after all the blindfolded man put his beloved students through. "Don't be so sour maki! Be like me a sweet little mochi~ Oh and before I forget I wanted to let you all know that we will meeting with our lovely sister school for some training. Isnt that great!?" Gojo sensei had announced clapping his hands and smiling brightly.
'I wonder if training is all this is' (Y/N) thought to herself realising how sus this situation was before speaking out "wait Gojo sensei weren't we meant to learn a super secret technique today? You said that you were gonna show it us yesterday and that nothing could stop you" (Y/N) questioned as Inumaki gave a little "shake" for support.
"Well my dear (Y/N) something VERY important has come up and we must go to kyoto immediately. You have no right to deny and we will be leaving in 30 minutes so go grab whatever you kids need" Gojo sensei had practically sung before skipping out the door. What an odd man everyone collectively thought before getting up to grab whatever they needed.
30 minutes has passed and in that time panda had gathered his and maki's weapons while you and toge stocked up on cough medicine and basic medical equipment. The journey was short since Gojo had practically teleported you all there and all that was left was to approach the students.
A few figures from the distance were slowly coming into view and (Y/N) could vaguely make out that only utahime, miwa, mai, momo and noritoshi had attended this last minute joint training.
Despite the others reaching and gathering around your small group of second years giving their greetings the only thing your eyes could focus on was noritoshi’s thick black hair as it gently swayed in the breeze. Honestly it was as if the man was in a L'Oréal advert or something.
"(Y/N) stop staring we all know you both have this weird thing going on but we're here to train not flirt dumbass" Maki had whispered into your ear but little did she know that you were in fact here to flirt and not train due to a certain bet between two teachers.
“alright kids listen up! me and the wonderful Utahime sensei have set up this last minute training as its always good to train with new people and techniques. Everyone will be working in pairs“ Gojo announced before Utahime continued.
“The teams we decided on today will be Maki and Miwa, Momo and Imumaki, Panda and Mai then (Y/N) and Noritoshi. Eveyones free to do whatever they want in their sparring matches just don’t severely injure each other, me and Gojo will be watching over the matches and determine the winners“ Utahime informed all the students before they scurried off to in different spaced out areas.
"So Noritoshi how are you? Its been a while since we've last seen eachother" (Y/N) said trying not to let her nervousness show.
"I'm alright just studying and training to be honest. Although I recently started to practice cursive and can even write my own name now" he responded with pride and a small nice.
You laughed causing Noritoshi to cock his head to the side in confusion. "Is there something wrong with cursive?" His deep voice asked with clear offense.
"No no it's just that's so freaking cute and you look so happy about it too" (Y/N) teased with more laughter and ruffled his hair
"Oi don't touch my hair do you know how long it takes to do these wrap bang things?"
"Well how would I know I've never done them nori"
"Well one day I could teach you if you'd like" Noritoshi offered looking to the side trying to hide his red cheeks.
"Aww I'd love that I'm awful at doing hair to be honest so learning some new styles would be great but first we gotta get this dumb sparring match over and done with" (Y/N) moaned as she got into position.
An hour had flew by and the students were taking a break from their matches happily chatting away while the teachers spoke in private about their progress. “come on look at the way they look at eachother OH (Y/N) touched his shoulder SHES FLIRTIN-” “GOJO SHUT THE FUCK UP YOUR SO DAMN LOUD” “sorry but loooook they in love” Gojo cried out with fake tears in his cerulean eyes
“Alright lets just observe look theyre going to the vending machine to get some drinks like FRIENDS DO“ Utahime emphasised on the friends worried she might lose and become this awful mans slave for 2 days.
“Nori im gonna go get a drink from the vending machine do you want one?” “Actually ill just come with you if you dont mind” “OH sure thats fine does anyone else want anything!?” (Y/N) yelled to the whole group receiving a choir of get me this please or get me that and the single tuna mayo.
The walk to the vending machine was quiet but a comfortable silence had fallen upon the pair. It was always like this when you were around Noritoshi Kamo. Peaceful. She didnt feel the need to go the extra mile to entertain him or ensure he wasn’t bored in your presence as your playful banter and sarcastic remarks towards one another was enough for the both of you. 
“(Y/N) is it me or have Gojo and Utahime sensei been staring at us more than the others?“ Noritoshi questioned unable to shake off the feeling of being watched. “Um i’m not too sure i havent been really paying attention to anything other than yo-“ Embarrasment washed over (Y/N) as the words flew out of her mouth before she could stop herself.
“Is that so?“ Nori smirked slightly as you swore you could drop dead right here in this moment. “No i just meant that” “Meant what?“ Noritoshi interrupted leaning closer as you fumbled through your words
“OH LOOK the vending machine is right there better get those drinks“ You quickly said and scrambled away before Noritoshi could get any closer.
“SEE Nori was too intimidating and (Y/N) ran off despite clearly wanting him! its never gonna happen today“ Utahime whispered to Gojo benhind the bushes as he shook his head. “Trust me i have faith in my wonderful (Y/N) I AINT RAISED NO BITCH“ He exclaimed in response while Utahime facepalmed.
The two young adults had collected all the drinks they needed and were ready to walk back to the group. ‘come on (Y/N) you’ve liked this man forever now and everyone knows he must like you back ITS NOW OR NEVER HOE’ (Y/N) screamed words of encouragement to herself before grabbing Noritoshi’s sleeve.
“Is everything alright (Y/N)?” “I have something ive been meaning to tell you Nori, I um like you a lot and i’d like to take you out if you dont mind” (Y/N) had practically yelled at the poor boy because of her stupid nerves and adrenaline.
The silence was broken by an angelic laughter coming from none other than Noritoshi Kamo. “Well i would’ve liked to be the one to take you out but i guess sometimes its alright for traditions and stereotypes to be broken by the younger generation” Nori responded as he walked closer to (Y/N) wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into a sweet kiss. The kiss was messy and clearly new to the both but filled with much love and passion that was finally being expressed by the pair.
As their lips eventually pulled away never wanting this to end, heavy breaths filled the air and cheeks flushed but all that was interrupted by a white haired male clapping in the background screaming “YES I WIN” while the other teacher crouched to the ground tears in her eyes.
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sofee-d · 4 years
Crossing the Line
Short Summary: You dealing with an annoying Sejun who won’t stop teasing you and the aftermath...
Pairing: Im Sejun (Victon) x Fem!Reader ft. Byungchan & Subin
Warnings: Angst, Smut (18+), swearing
Key Words: misunderstandings, conflict, playful teasing, cocky Sejun
Word Count: 3417
After becoming close friends with Hanse, your best friends beloved boyfriend, it was a natural occurance for you to hang out at the dorm even when your friend or Hanse wasn’t there. Most of the time you would be bored out of your mind and decide to drop by the dorm to kill some time playing games or stuffing your face with some unhealthy snacks Sejun always seems to have lying around. 
You would describe your relationship with Sejun as complicated. With the endless bickering, snarky comments and even some flirty teasing neither of you wanted to admit having feelings for the other. Funnily enough all the boys somehow knew and disapproved of your childish antics. The way he drove you mad just to see your reactions or the way you would steal his food just to spite him was both hilarious and kinda sad to the other boys.
Essentially it was supposed to be just another day with the boys when you decided to drop by their dorm after being invited to see the new game Subin bought recently. It had just been barely an hour that you came in with some pastries and coffee you bought for everyone and started playing Subin’s new 4 player game with Byungchan and Subin that Sejun started being annoying. He was putting in the extra effort that day for some reason you didn’t understand as he was trying to distract you or block your view of the TV to make you lose the game.
‘‘If you don’t cut that out I swear...’‘ you said while trying to push his arms away with your elbow. 
‘‘You’d do what? Beat me up?’‘ Sejun laughed. ‘‘We both know you can’t possibly hurt me Y/N.’‘ he said, you could feel the smirk on his face even when your eyes were glued to the screen.
‘’Can you two like confess to each other and date already so we don’t have go through a World War whenever Y/N comes around?’’ Byungchan said as he rolled his eyes disapprovingly.
‘‘Yeah you guys are so lame, acting like high school kids.’‘ Subin agreed with a laugh.
You could feel the embarrassment creeping up from within you but before you had the chance to deny their completely groundless accusations Sejun beat you to it.
‘’What the hell are you talking about?’’ Sejun smacked both of their heads lightly, his eyes getting big slightly from the shock of their bluntness and he continued; ‘’I only tease Y/N like that because I see her as one of the boys. Why would I like her, that’s ridiculous. But she probably has a crush on me. I mean I wouldn’t blame her.’’ 
You suddenly stopped the game and saw the most smug, unapologetic expression on this face. You were shocked and overwhelmed with different emotions as you registered what he just said and added the disturbing expression in your head. Anger and sadness started mixing up inside you as you wanted to yell at him and cuss him out but nothing was coming out of your mouth.
Byungchan and Subin stopped their game abrupty as well and stared at each other for a few seconds then immediately got up and left the living room as they anticipated the conflict that was about to occur.
Sejun’s expression changed from smug to concerned and then to apologetic as he was staring at you, waiting for what you had to say. After you suddenly stood up and started gathering your things Sejun realized the weight of his mistake. 
‘‘Hey Y/N it was a joke don’t leave ok?’‘ you barely heard him say with a small voice.
‘‘I’m leaving.’‘ that was all you said without even looking at his face as you strided to the door as fast as possible. Just as you quickly put your shoes on and opened the door you felt his hand on your forearm.
‘‘Y/N... I’m sorry.’‘ he said with a gentle tone. You couldn’t even bring yourself to turn around and look at him. Because if you did then all of the hurt he caused you would go away with one look and a simple apology.
This wasn’t the first time he made such comments in front of the boys. Whenever one of them would say something snarky about you two dating he would put all the blame on you and make it seem like you’re pining for him when he doesn’t even care about you. Even though it was always him initiating the teasing or picking fights with you out of nowhere.
‘‘Let go.’‘ you said while shaking his hand off and going out of the door without even glancing back. You just wanted to get home as soon as possible and deal with these ridiculous feelings Sejun always seems to cause you to have.
After hearing the door being slammed Byungchan and Subin came back to the living room to find a defeated Sejun, still staring at the door a little bit in shock of how fast things escalated.
‘‘You do realize you were an absolute dick right?’‘ Byungchan was the first one to speak.
‘‘Yeah hyung, why did you say those things? Don’t you like her?’‘ Subin continued, concerned.
‘‘I know, I know. I was an asshole. Hell, I am an asshole. I thought I was protecting our friendship when I denied all that you guys said. I thought things wouldn’t be the same between us once we cross that line... I was wrong.’’ Sejun said looking regretful.
He came to a sudden realization and started putting his shoes on getting ready to leave.
‘‘Where are you going?’‘ Byungchan asked.
‘‘I’m going after her. I’m gonna make it right and tell her the truth.’‘ Sejun said smiling slightly feeling hopeful.
Byungchan and Subin watched as Sejun took off in a rush with a sheepish grin on their faces as if to say ‘’It was about time’’.
You were in the process of making some hot chocolate to calm yourself down when you heard your door ring. When you looked through the peephole you found a panting Sejun, much to your dismay.
‘‘Come on Y/N! You need to hear me out. Please...’‘ you heard him say through the door, his voice getting smaller by the end.
You decided to open the door since he followed you all the way to your house. As soon as the door got opened Sejun rushed inside.
‘‘What the hell are you doing at my house Sejun?’‘ you spoke making eye contact with him for the first time since your conflict.
You could tell he noticed as his expression softened when he caught your gaze.
‘‘I’m here to apologize. Also to make this right.’’ he said, then pausing to take a deep breath he continued; ‘’I’m sorry Y/N, for treating you like that. I just didn’t want things to be awkward between us. I was being a selfish dick. You have every right to be mad at me. But I’ll make it up to you. You’ll see.’‘ by the end of his sentence that boyish smirk he always has when he challanges you was back with his cute dimples to accompany it.
Unvoluntarily your mouth started forming the shape of a smile and he caught it instantly.
‘‘You’re not mad at me anymore right?’‘ he said giving you a full display of his dimples, smiling from ear to ear. 
How could you stay mad at this ridiculously handsome fool, he knew exactly what he was doing to you. Suddenly realizing the power he holds over you, you decided to focus more on the hot chocolate you left unattended on the counter of your kitchen.
‘‘Hey, why are you ignoring me? I thought you weren’t mad at me anymore?’‘ he said while following you to the kitchen. You could see him pouting a little bit from the corner of your eye but you were not directly facing him.
‘‘But one thing I said there was true though. You really do like me.’‘ you could hear him smile through his voice during that last part even when you weren’t facing him.
‘‘How delusional are you Sejun? Not everyone in the World has a crush on you ok?’‘ you retorted back still not making direct eye contact.
Taking your indifference as a challenge Sejun decided to turn you around and put his face really close to yours to force you to look at him all the while having a sheepish grin on his face.
‘‘See! You like me. You can’t even look at me. I’ve never seen you avert your eyes from someone before.’‘ he said, getting even closer to your face and finally managing to make you look at him. 
With that last statement you realized that he was paying more attention to you than you thought. You stared at each other only for a few seconds, trying to read each others expressions. Unlike his previous sheepish grin Sejun looked somewhat serious which made you feel sort of confused. It was you who broke the trance first.
‘’No! I said I don’t like you!’’ You did the only thing you could think of and pushed him away, a little bit harshly. Which caused him to unwillingly take a few steps back from you. He seemed almost hurt and a little bit shocked about your reaction. But suddenly you saw his expression change from somewhat sad and confused to that cocky smirk you hated.
As if something inside of him snapped, he took quick strides towards you and took you by the waist. Without giving you time to react he placed his hands on the sides of your face and locked his lips to yours.
To say that you were shocked would be an understatement. Your brain was still registering what was going on while your body acted faster. One second Sejun was making fun of you for liking him and the next, he was kissing you. And you were kissing him back.
The only thing you could focus on was his warm lips feeling soft against your own. He was uncharacteristically being very gentle with you. You started to ease more into kiss, placing your hands on his shoulders while his hands rested on your waist, slowly pulling you more into himself. It was Sejun who pulled away first, wearing a warm smile this time instead of his previous smirk.
‘‘Why haven’t we done this before?’‘ he said still holding onto your waist and lightly laughing a little bit, which also made you giggle.
‘‘Oh, I don’t know, maybe because you’re a jerk?’‘ you replied suddenly feeling more confident.
Closing his eyes he bonded his lips with you again as if to shut you up. But this time it was more passionate than gentle. Your lips parted slightly, your tongue lightly touching his lower lip was like an invitation to go further so he deepened the kiss, allowing his tongue to dip into your mouth to blend with yours.
Now that your lips were moving in unison Sejun brought a feeling of urgency as his hands trailed on the sides of your arms. Things were getting more heated by the second as you completely abandoned all rational thought. Sejun was pulling you impossibly close to himself with one hand while his other hand was gently holding your neck. You felt a shiver going up your spine as you felt his large bulge poking you.
As you seperated for a second, seeing each other breathing heavily, hot and bothered, he suddenly lifted you up princess style.
‘‘Sejun! What are you doing?’‘ you giggled, almost getting high from the adrenalline.
He returned your laugh but replied back by kissing you again with even more fervor as he carried you to what he believed to be your bedroom.
‘’Sejun this is the bathroom! Bedroom is this way, god you’ve been in my house how many times already!’‘ you exclaimed while laughing, still giddy from all the excitement.
‘‘Well you could say that you take my breath away babe, I have lost my sense of direction.’‘ he replied winking at you and giving you a charming smile.
You lightly hit his chest and said; ‘’Ew! don’t say that!’’ making a disgusted face but failing to hide your smile.
Your lips locked again as if they stayed far apart for too long. You could tell you finally arrived to your bedroom but Sejun failed to turn you away at the right time while going through the door so your legs hit the door slightly earning a low ‘’OW!’’ from you.
‘‘Sorry, sorry my bad’‘ he said pulling back slightly with a smile then going back to kiss you again, wasting no time.
Sejun dropped you softly on your bed with a bouncy sound. Just as you thought he would jump on you he started staring at you for a little bit with a dreamy look on his face, seemingly mesmerized by what he was seeing.
‘‘What are you doing?’‘ you asked getting a bit self-conscious.
‘‘I’m just etching this memory into my mind. Enjoying it fully.’‘ he said smiling and showing his dimples again. He slowly started coming towards you on the bed while speaking with a soft seductive tone; ‘‘Look at you. So ready for me on your bed.’‘
You were starting to get more frustrated as Sejun climbed on top of you on the bed and removed your shirt leaving you only in your bra. The hungry look on his face as he stared at you was enough to drive you over the edge. You started toying with his shirt, wanting him to take it off too. But he caught your hands with his and said; 
‘‘If you want me to take my shirt off you have to earn it sweetheart.’‘ causing a low growl to escape from your lips making you more frustrated than you already were.
Resuming kissing once more, he pulled back for a second and muttered; ‘‘So beautiful.’‘ while staring directly at your dishevelled half naked state. Sejun pressed his lips against yours again, kissing you deeply. His hand started travelling from your shoulder to your chest. He was playing with the hook of your bra when you felt it coming off. His hands were now on your boobs, caressing them and massaging them, at the same time earning satisfied moans from you. Then his hand started travelling through your stomach making you shiver and rested on your hip, causing a small whimper to escape from your lips.
He suddenly pulled back and said; ‘‘Don’t expect me to hold back if you’re making sounds like that.’‘ with the most serious expression you had seen from him.
You weren’t used to this side of Sejun. He was usually silly and seeing him constantly stuffing his face with food every few hours, it was hard to take him seriously at times. However the Sejun in front of you, immediatelly asserting his dominance with the sultry look on his face was incredibly sexy.
Taking your silence as an agreement he proceeded to play with the waistband of your tiny pajama shorts while keeping his eyes on you the whole time. Your breath hitched as he pulled down your shorts with one swift motion, revealing your panties to display. You saw him take a big gulp as he gave you a once over, being sprawled out before him half naked, waiting to be devoured.
‘‘Fuck, you’re so pretty.’‘ he said suddenly. ‘‘And so wet for me already.’‘ he continued as his hands drew closer to the obvious dark spot on your panties.
‘‘I told you I’d make it up to you, didn’t I?’‘ he muttered, with a devilish look on his face.
Sejun’s fingers slowly parted your panties and slid between your legs causing you to softly moan at the feel of your wet with desire. “Mmmm,” you purred while enjoying the feel of his fingers sliding through your folds. Suddenly Sejun pulled both of your legs to himself and did a quick kitty lick at your slit which made you jump at the sudden contact of his tongue. You sucked in a slow breath feeling his warm tongue push into you. He was staring at you the whole time, eyes darkened with passion. 
You coudn’t help but moan his name while he was working his magic with his tongue. He was truly skilled at this. Watching your reactions carefully, he found the perfect spot to drive you wild and slowly added in a finger while his tongue continued to swirl around in your folds. Another moan escaped your lips with the growing ripple of heat radiating deep within your abdomen. ‘’I’m close Sejun, don’t stop.’’ you managed to get the words out barely.
With a pleased look on his face; ‘’That’s right, come for me baby.’’ he said as he continued to pump 2 fingers into you, while his other hand was teasing your breasts. Your orgasm soon came rushing like a wave as your body started shaking. Breathing heavily, you smiled at Sejun in pure pleasure.
‘‘Since you listened to me well I’ll do you a favor.’‘ Sejun said, removing his shirt quickly.
Now it was your time to gulp while staring at his sculpted body. You leaned forward and touched his chest, causing him to visibly shiver under your touch. You could feel his warmth and his heart thundering under his chest. He was looking into your eyes with such desire that it was hypnotising. He wanted you just as much as you wanted him.
With your growing confidence your hands found his bulge under his sweatpants. He was so hot and throbbing under your touch as you pumped him one time. Closing his eyes, a soft moan escaped his lips. But his hands suddenly caught yours and stopped you from exploring further.
‘‘I’m afraid we don’t have time for that sweetheart. I need to be inside you now.’‘ he said with an almost pained expression.
That was your cue to fetch a condom from the small cupboard near your bed. You were in a rush to open the packet but you were unable to do it. Sejun had to take it from you and open it himself. Finally ridding himself of his sweatpants and boxers, he slid the condom on his hard-on.
‘‘How do you want me?’‘ you found yourself asking which caused Sejun to raise an eyebrow.
‘‘You can’t wait to be fucked can you?’‘ he laughed in a devilish way and instructed; ‘‘On your hands and knees.’‘
You followed his instructions and soon felt him push deeply into you. He easily slid in all thanks to your previous orgasm, he couldn’t help the groan of pleasure at the warmth of your walls holding against him as he started moving.
‘‘Fuck Y/N! You’re so tight. At this rate I’m not gonna last long.’‘ he exlaimed with a grunt.
Changing positions and facing each other this time, he pinned your hands above your head on the headboard as he slid into you once again, causing both of you to moan. As he pumped into you, his eyes not leaving yours, he felt your muscles clench around him causing a soft growl in his throat. Settling on a steady rhythm, series of curse words dropped from both his and your mouth.
You could tell he was close to his climax from the way his thrusts got messier each time. Feeling pleasure rebuild inside you for the second time, you gave him a look as if to say you were about to come.
‘‘I know baby, I’m close too. Let’s come together.’‘ he could get out barely, breathlessly.
When he finally released with a low grunt you also felt your orgasm coming too. In moments you let out a final moan with his name and both of you collasped on the bed together. Breathing heavily you stared at each other through hooded eyes. Sweat was glistening on both of your bodies and at that moment you were both truly content.
‘‘Fuck that was amazing! Let’s do it everyday!’‘ Sejun suddenly said breaking the silence and smiling like a happy fool. You lightly punched his arm, smiling as well.
‘‘Also, just telling you this in case it wasn’t obvious but... I’m crazy about you Y/N. Let’s stop being kids and be together.’‘ Sejun spoke softly showing you a dimpled smile while lightly caressing your cheek.
‘‘Yeah, let’s be together.’‘ you agreed with a sweet smile.
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zedwards · 4 years
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stray kids x reader
genre: fluff
word count: 1.8k
warnings: intended for male reader, but can be read as gender neutral; my first fic 👉👈 im nervous; lowercase aesthetic; does “bastard” count as a swear word..?
i hope you enjoy this little gift :)
bang chan
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he likes romantic comedies
tbh being chan’s s/o would feel like a romcom of its own
since he doesn’t like crowds, your movie dates together usually wouldn’t involve actually going to the movies
instead you’d probably both opt to stay in for the night and watch a movie on the couch
under multiple blankets
in each other’s arms
hugs and cuddles
with the occasional kiss on the top of your head
it’s so soft
it’s chan :)))
he does the little claps at the end of the movie
because happy endings ^–^
y’know those awkward scenes where the main couple meets for the first time?
he likes to point out which character you were most similar to when the two of you first met
“i didn’t know you were in this movie!”
“you look so different! i could hardly recognize you!”
he’s such a dork
all your movie nights would end in one of three ways:
1.) you falling asleep in his arms
2.) him falling asleep holding you close (yeah not really, this man doesn’t sleep that much T_T)
or 3.) you both make it through the movie, and one of you says something like
“this is nice...i wish we could just stay like this”
and so you both (in theory) fall asleep right where you are
either way, chan is the best boyfriend and neither of you know what you did to deserve each other
lee know
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he’d get you to go see a horror movie
even if you protest, he’d manage to convince you somehow
pokes fun at you every time you get scared
during a suspenseful part in the movie, he’d suddenly put his hands on your shoulders and shake you (lightly) out of nowhere, just to startle you
and he’d have to stifle his giggles because your reaction is just too priceless
absolutely relishes in how you never let go of his arm
like ever
seriously, his arm might as well be an extension of your body at this point
he may act like he’s annoyed
but he loves it
cuz he knows it’s because you feel safe with him
and if you hide your face in the crook of his neck
he’d get this look on his face...
something between an evil smirk and an amused grin
why? because his plan is working
plot twist: the whole reason he chose to see a horror movie with you was so that you would cling to him
surprise!! >:]
but even if you catch on, he’ll never admit it
“did you even see any of the movie?”
you just kinda grumble in response, still latched onto his arm
“i can’t believe it... i so generously paid for your ticket, only for you to hide your face the whole ti- OW!”
you jab him in the side with your elbow give him a “love tap” :)
but it’ll take more than that to get him to stop teasing you about it
he’s a cocky bastard but you love him to death for it
seo changbin
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superhero movie!!!
like something from the mcu
seeing him get so excited/invested in the movie??
but he might get a little too excited
in other words, going to the movies with changbin is an...interactive experience
meaning that he talks at the movie
not to the movie, but at the movie
like...he talks at the characters on screen
as if they can hear him
honestly it’s kinda cute
but occasionally you have to remind him to keep his voice down
“shhhh alright calm down a bit-”
“changbin i love you but please don’t get us kicked out of the theater”
10/10 would have his arm around you throughout the movie
even if his arm goes numb, he’d refuse to let anything stop him
“changbin, you don’t have t-”
lowkey feels like a pillow
bc he beefy
on very rare occasions he might fall asleep during the movie
if he does end up dozing off and you catch him in the act, he’d deny it profusely
he likes to spontaneously slip his hand into yours :)
and lace your fingers together :))
you’re holding hands now :)))
his presence is just so warm and fuzzy and you make each other so happy
hwang hyunjin
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the funnest(?) most fun bf in existence
he’s definitely the type to try and smuggle outside food into the theater
he insists that he’s inconspicuous about it
and he tries to be
but he’s not :)
“uh... hyunjin, why are you wearing two hoodies?”
“i uh... i’m... cold?”
“so you’re sticking bags of microwaveable popcorn in between your sweatshirts...to keep warm?”
*visibly sweating* “i can explain...”
ok ok
so y’all seeing a comedy
it’s so bubbly and contagious
so naturally, you’d both be laughing up a storm at the back of the theater
and sometimes it’s because of the movie
but most of the time it’s because of the side comments the two of you keep making to each other
and it doesn’t help that he keeps making these ridiculous observations about the characters in the movie
“what’s up with that guy?”
“what about him?”
“why is he built like a refrigerator?”
about halfway through the movie, you both reach that delirious state where literally anything and everything becomes funny
even if it’s not supposed to be funny
...especially if it’s not supposed to be funny
the two of you? lowkey hyenas
long story short, you’re both asked to leave the theater not even two hours into the film :)
han jisung
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action!! movie!!
finishes the popcorn within the first ten minutes of the film
that is, if he doesn’t scarf it all down during the previews
he talks through the entIRE THING
he’s always got something to say
it’s like watching the director’s commentary version of a movie
but instead of the director talking about the film-making process
it’s jisung muttering nonsense in your ear
sometimes pertaining to the movie
and other times...
“hey did i ever tell you about the time i saw a seagull eating garbage?”
...yeah, other times it’s...not
either way, you don’t mind
because you aren’t really paying much attention to the movie anyways
you’re too busy admiring your boyfriend
how could you not?
the way he’s on the edge of his seat, giving the movie his full attention...
the light from the screen flickering dimly on his face, highlighting his gentle features...
you’re the luckiest person in the world, no doubt
his eyes light up whenever something particularly cool/badass happens in the movie
but he also gets startled by the explosions every now and then
when that happens, you just look at each other for a moment
and then burst into a fit of giggles
“stoooppp!! it was loud, ok??”
you just hum in response and rest your head on his shoulder
y’know that thing he does where like...
he’s giggling, but he has something he wants to say, so he keeps trying to talk?
but his words keep getting cut off by his own laughter?
yeah... that’s what he’s doing
he’s adorable
lee felix
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animated movie
a firm believer that you’re never too old to enjoy cartoons
he never lost that child-like energy/enthusiasm, which is part of what makes him such a gem
so of course, when the new disney movie came out, he knew he had to go see it with you
he would definitely load up on snacks from concessions
if you don’t stop him, he’s gonna be buying two giant things of popcorn and at least five different kinds of candy
and when he walks back to you after paying, he’d just smile brightly from behind the mountain of junk food in his hands like
“snacks :D!!!!!”
seriously though, try to keep track of how much popcorn he eats
bc he might overeat and get a stomachache :((
obviously he can take care of him self, cuz he’s an adult
but like
he loves when you look out for him
because he knows just how much you care about him
sunshine boy :((
y’all already know how much of a cuddle bug this man is
so of course that means lots of cute, affectionate gestures during the movie
holding hands
you resting your head on his shoulder
and him resting his head on top of your head
and most importantly SNUGGLES
snuggles are a must
for him, movie dates are just an excuse to be extra touchy with you
even though he never needs an excuse to get cuddles whenever he wants
because c’mon
it’s felix
what are you gonna do, say no?
kim seungmin
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murder mystery film
tends not to talk all that much during movies
he’d just be so completely engrossed in the movie that he’d forget about his surroundings
but that’s not to say he won’t hold your hand or drape his arm over your shoulders
every now and then you can catch him leaning forward in his seat
with his mouth slightly ajar
it’s so endearing
but if for whatever reason you want to get his attention...
yeah, good luck with that
you’d have to maybe give his hand a lil squeeze to get his attention
and at first he’d just turn his head in your direction, keeping his eyes glued to the movie
but if you gave his hand another squeeze, he’d snap out of it
“hey, seungmin?”
“huh? yeah?”
“i love you”
if that doesn’t make his heart SWELL—
his dazed expression would quickly shift into one of pure elation and fondness
he might not respond verbally
but he’d gently bring your hand up to his lips
press a soft kiss atop your knuckles
and then lower your hand again without letting go, turning his attention back to the movie
but that bright smile of his would never falter for even a moment
he loves you too
so so much :)
yang jeongin
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another one for romantic comedies
he likes it when there’s a little less “rom” and slightly more “com”
and so do you
because it means you get to hear his laugh more
oh god...
his laugh
the little giggles in between the short gasps for air...
so cute
“no. i’m not cute.”
he is very cute
probably won’t initiate any skinship
but if you do, he will absolutely go along with it
sometimes he’ll nod off in the middle of a movie
and then wake up during the credits, completely disoriented
“where am i”
“you fell asleep”
“you drooled a little on my shoulder, you goof”
unlike hyunjin, he’s really good at sneaking food into the theaters
like really really good
almost to the point that it’s scary
usually people try to sneak in popcorn or candy or maybe soda
well not jeongin
“hey, you want some?”
he’s not telling
like or reblog if you enjoyed ^^ feedback is always welcome and very much appreciated!
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ssamie · 3 years
one. new beginnings 
oikawa tooru x fem langa!reader
(hq x sk8 the infinity)
warnings: spelling mistakes, 2k+ words, u have langa’s blue hair sorry 
gen masterlist.            “snow” masterlist.
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"eh?! what do you mean you're moving?!" reki shrieked out in surprise, accidentally tripping over his feet and landing on the ground
the distant sounds of cars honking and the few civilians chattering filled the air. it was almost dark and they had just gotten off work and were on their way home. 
y/n sighed and picked up his skateboard, nodding her head lightly with a frown. "yeah.. my mom said we have to move soon" she said. "but.. why?" reki frowned as he stood up to meet eyes with her.
"well, my mom got a better paying job there so she said we should just move, i guess" she replied, her tone laced with guilt. "oh.." reki muttered. he kicked his feet on the ground, looking down as y/n peers at him with a guilty frown.
"im sorry reki" she whispered with a soft whimper "i guess i should've told you a lot sooner.." she said
reki looked up at her and shook his head. "no, no! it's fine, don't worry.." he reassured with a shaky smile "um..where exactly will you be moving to?" reki asked her 
"miyagi" she answered quietly, sheepishly kicking her feet back and forth, causing the rumbling sound of the wheels hitting the pavement to fill the tense air. 
"wow uh.." reki chuckled in surprise "that's really far.." he muttered. he then cleared his throat and shot her a shaky grin "well, atleast it snows over there!" he exclaimed. "maybe you can try snowboarding again" reki said, though it didn't seem to fill her with much comfort 
"i heard there's a good amount of snow when you're deep in the mountains! you can even-" 
"reki.." she cut him off with a soft whimper of his name 
reki stopped and looked at her with a sad sigh. he pursed his lips and finally dropped the enthusiastic façade. "i don't wanna leave okinawa" she admitted with a pained sigh. "i don't wanna leave you" 
".. a-and the others too ofcourse" she continued with a nervous chuckle "not just you.." 
"i don't want you to leave too" reki chuckled as he wiped the tears brimming his eyes 
he lightly punched her shoulder and took his board from her hands. "agh! you're gonna make me cry, you know!" he exclaimed. y/n smiled and let out a soft laugh "sorry, sorry" she said 
reki pouted and hesitantly brought her into his arms, nibbling on his bottom lip and letting out a sigh as he squeezed her tight. "i'll really miss you, y/n" reki said. 
she blinked repeatedly in shock and flusteredly wrapped her arms around him as well. "um-i-i'll miss you too reki.." she stammered out as she tried to fight off the heat that was rushing to her cheeks 
suddenly, reki pulled away, much to her distaste, and fixed his stance. "let's skate together before you leave, yeah?" reki mused "just for tonight.. then we'll continue when you get back" reki smiled 
"yeah. let's skate" she replied with a fond smile 
the pair skated home, taking their usual route and doing some tricks here and there. though their usual chatter and banter was not present, and all there was, was silence that seemed to weight down on both of their chests with varying emotions. 
they stopped at the block separating their houses, right under the street light where they always meet up with each other. 
reki looked back at her and smiled. "well, this is where we part" he chuckled ."yeah.. i guess so.." y/n muttered back with a frown 
reki sighed and nudged her with his elbow. "cmon, don't be like that" he said "its not like we'll never see each other again!" reki exclaimed with a laugh, though even he wasnt able to convince or reassure himself. 
"you're just moving, no big deal! we have one more day to spend together and our friends and visit S" reki explained in a comforting tone 
y/n sighed in distress and crouched down on the ground. she kept her board in place with her feet and stared at it with furrowed brows. "i guess you're right" she said. "but i really don't want to leave. im completely fine here in okinawa with you and the others." 
"i wanna keep skating with you and go to hotsprings together and eat bentos and keep working at dope sketch!" she exclaimed with a look of affliction 
reki frowned and sat down beside her, resting his chin on his hands and nodding along. "yeah, i wanna keep doing that too" he said "but we can't really do anything about it anymore" 
"unless you wanna try begging your mom or something" reki joked with a laugh as he nudged her with his shoulder. "but it's not like that would work-... y/n?" reki sweat dropped as he looked at her only to be met with a look of determination and sparkling eyes. 
"you're so smart, reki!" she praised "that's a great idea, we should do that! you're so amazing" 
reki chuckled and cheekily grinned at her "ah shucks, you flatter me too much!" he giggled 
"but were not gonna actually do that, right?" reki asked with a soft chuckle
".. right?" 
"WE BEG YOU!" they simultaneously exclaimed as they got down on their hands and knees to bow 
"w-what?! kids, what are you doing??" nanako exclaimed with a nervous smile as she tried to get them to stand up 
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"PLEASE! DON'T TAKE Y/N AWAY!" reki cried out as he wrapped his arms around her in a bone crushing hold. "please!" y/n followed up with a determined look in her eyes as she stares at her mother expectantly 
y/n loosely wrapped her arms around reki's waist and pouted "please, mom?" she pleaded as she accentuated her 'puppy eyes'. "please, hasegawa-san?" reki pleaded as well as he gave her his 'puppy eyes' for the extra cute effect 
nanako seemed conflicted as she stares at their cutesy expressions with a look of dread. "what do i do?! they're too.. too cute!!" she cried to herself "help me, oliver !!!" 
she then composed herself and cleared her throat. "well, im really sorry kids" she said "but my desicion is final." she stated with a determined huff "im doing this so we can earn more-" 
she cut herself off as she caught sight of the two teens sulking and holding ecah other while a dark gloomily aura loomed over them. "ah well- i-" nanako stammered as she shakily reached her hand out to them with a guilty smile 
she then sighed and let her arms hang by her sides. "im sorry, y/n, reki. but we need to move so i can earn more money and y/n won't have to work for me anymore" she explained "plus, i've already purchased the house so there's really no going back now" 
"but im okay with working at dope sketch.." y/n muttered with a frown 
"i know, but.." nanako smiled nervously "look at it this way! you'll go to a new school and make some friends! we can even try snowboarding during winter, won't you love that?" 
y/n briefly glanced at reki and sighed. "sure.." she mumbled 
nanako smiled and gently patted them both on the head. "you should hang out with your friends before we leave" she said "you'll regret wasting your time here, yknow?" nanako mused 
reki and y/n nodded and went to put on their shoes. they grabbed their boards, and hastily skated to joe's restaurant 
"ah jeez.." nanako muttered to herself as she watched them skate away. "teenagers are so hard to handle!!" 
"help me oliver!!!" 
"guys, we have something to say!" reki exclaimed as he abruptly slammed his hand down on the table, effectively gaining all of their attention. 
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"y/n is-" 
"what is it you slime?" miya sneered as he continued sipping on his drink 
"your girlfriend?" they all simultaneously said with a bored tone as they continued on eating their meals 
"..." reki and y/n blinked and looked at each other in confusion. "what?" reki asked cluelessly "no that's not-" 
"well its kinda obvious" shadow said with a chuckle "yeah, we kind of saw it coming" miya agreed 
"what? no seriously, that's not what-" reki was once again cut off by joe who playfully punched him in the shoulder and grinned. "damn, didn't know you had it in you to ask her out" joe laughed "and i didn't think y/n would ever confe-" 
"I'M MOVING TO MIYAGI!" she immediately cut him off, mainly to prevent joe's big mouth from spilling anything, and just to get it out of the way. 
"WHAT?!" they all collectively exclaimed 
"are you serious? that's pretty far away" shadow said with furrowed brows "yeah... what about S?" miya asked with a small frown 
"i'll have to quit" y/n says as she steals a fry from cherry's plate "i'll go one last time later." 
"miyagi.." cherry mumbled as he swats her hand away from his food. "where in miyagi will you be staying?" he asked. "i don't know" she answered with a shrug. "but im going to a school named aoba johsai i think." 
"carla, tell me about that school." almost immediately, carla had responded. "okay master" it said. 
"aoba johsai, also known as seijoh, is a private school located at miyagi prefecture. they are mostly known for their performance in volleyball, having competed in numerous tournaments and had made a name for themselves through the sport and successfully deemed themselves as a powerhouse school. "
"volleyball?" y/n hummed in curiosity "how do you play that?" she asked cherry. "i wouldn't know." he replied "though it's a sport where you play with a team. why? would you like to join?" he asked 
"probably not" y/n shrugged 
"oi, rookie! are you really moving?" joe asked with a small frown "S would get boring without you, yknow?" 
"i am" she replied "and i think S would be fine with you guys and reki in it" 
reki looked at her and smiled. the redhead slung his arm around her shoulders and picked up his board "how bout we have a beef one last time before you go?" reki suggested "we could all go against each other. just for the fun of it." 
"sure, but you'll lose, just so you know" joe boasted as he flexed his biceps. "hah?! just cus you're bigger and more muscular doesn't mean you'll win!" reki whined 
"yeah!" y/n agreed with a huff "reki has gotten better and much faster! and he knows more tricks now. he even did a snowboarding trick and-" 
miya quickly cut her off before she could go on a full rant about the redhead. "let's just go" miya groaned out as he grabbed his board. "man, are you sure you're not together" shadow sweat dropped as he followed miya and dragged them both out of the restaurant 
"we're not!" reki exclaimed with a laugh "why would you even think that would happen? we're just best friends" 
"right.. best friends" y/n agreed 
shadow sweat dropped as he turned to look at her, only to be met with her teary eyes and her quivering smile, looking like she’s on the verge of crying her eyes out like a child. 
"are you okay?" shadow muttered sheepishly as he watched her hastily wipe her eyes and pout like a child "yes" she replied with a huff 
"oh, is that so?" miya cooed with a cat-like grin as he stalked closer to her side "i mean it makes sense" he said "the heroine shouldn't be with a slime, after all" 
shadow deadpanned as he watched miya slyly lock their arms together with a grin "so who should she be with? you?" he scoffed "ofcourse!" miya wholeheartedly agreed. "im the hero so the heroine should be with me!" 
shadow sweat dropped as he watched miya hug her arm and look at them with a smug cat-like smirk. "dude, aren't you like thirteen?" shadow deadpanned 
y/n smiled and patted his head with a soft laugh "yup, you're right" she agreed jokingly, her smile widening as miya's face exploded into bright shades of red. "i-it doesn't mean i like you though!" he shrieked out "im just saying that we would be compatible!!" 
"i see." she muttered "japanese people are so hard to decipher" 
cherry and joe came out of the restaurant and got on their boards, urging them to do the same. "cmon, let's go there before too many people arrive" joe said as he stretched his arms 
"last one to arrive buys everyone boba!!" reki announced as he skated away, pulling y/n along as he does so 
"ha?! oi! unfair you should've counted!!" shadow exclaimed before hastily catching up to them "hmp, as if i'll lose to any of you slimes." miya muttered as he sped up 
"oh please. you all make me pay anyways." cherry mumbled with a sigh as he got on carla and calmly caught up to them 
"well you got the most cash" joe shrugged with a grin 
"shut up you gorilla." 
"i'll really miss their banters." y/n mumbled as she looked back to watch joe and cherry hit  each other with their board. "hey, it's not like we can't visit you" reki laughed 
"would you visit me reki?" she asked with a hopeful gleam in her eyes. "it would be strange not being with you.." 
"of course! i'll visit you like every week!" reki reassured with a wide grin 
"heh, as if you got the cash for that" shadow sneered from beside him. 
"i-im gonna save up, then i'll visit you every week!" reki cleared his throat with a nervous laugh 
her smile widened as she stared at reki in admiration and pure glee. 
"okay, im counting on it!"
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im making miya have a cute little puppy crush on u cus why not lol, yall won't end up together tho that's weird 🤨‼️
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a-libra-writes · 4 years
Hey! Could you do these headcanons [💖,💐] for Jaime, or Tyrion? I've been in the GoT fandom “recently” (like a month or two ago?), and I don't see much of them; especially Tyrion (I don't know book-Tyrion yet 👀). I've been reading your blog for a while, and I really like your writings; I'm taking my time to read them again jsjsj. I understand if you don't want to, or doesn't catch your eye; I hope I'm not being rude or anything, but I wanted to try my luck. Please take care and be safe! <3
welcome to our cluuuub! welcome to our cluuuuuub! 
im glad youre enjoying GoT so much, and my blog! You should def give the books a try if you ever have a chance! Book Tyrion is rlly diff in many cool ways, same with Jaime. 
also i uh ... did the thing where i confused the emojis again, so I did “date” for both of them as well LOL oops
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💘 Tyrion Date HC
Once Tyrion really starts liking you, he takes you to the loveliest places. We’re talking walks through gardens with little ponds and animals, a covered boat ride on a river, or walking through an exciting market full of Essosi traders. The thing is, he’d never call this “courting”. That makes it too official, too serious. He plays it off as simple visits two friends would make.
He’s excellent at finding out the things you’re interested in. You aren’t aware of it, but Tyrion really pays attention to what you respond to and what you like the most. I mean, he’s already watching you because he loves you, but if you aren’t vibing with an activity and location he’ll take that into consideration for next time.
He has lots of fun experiencing new things with you, period - after you’re together, after you’re married. If he finds out about something new, he’ll tell you so you both can do it together.
Tyrion prefers more private locations, since the court is exhausting and nearly all people he meets don’t like him anyway... but there’s something exciting about having such a pretty girl on his arm, someone who clearly adores him and wants to spend time with him.
Gifts! You tell him he doesn’t have to, but he likes presenting you with little things at the beginning or end of a date. First it’s practical things, so he can brush it off as “You seemed like you could use that”, before it’s just outright pretty jewels and dresses and he has no excuse. At that point it’s because he clearly loves you.
When it’s your name day, he has such a great evening planned out. If you’re married, make that a weekend or a week to travel and enjoy a little mini-vacation. Tyrion is excellent at planning an event in secret, so you have no idea what he has in store until the morning of your birthday.
In a modern AU, he’s not too different - he wants to explore new places and new things. He’d probably live in a city and would always find the strangest hole in the wall places to eat and shop at. If you like books, or records, or clothes, he’s gonna find something really out of the way and specific.
💖Tyrion Pregnancy HC
From the time you announced your pregnancy to the entire 9 months, it was like the worst emotional whiplash he’s ever had. There are SO many thoughts going through his head. Some of them are:
One, he’s delighted you want to have a family with him. Yes, you two are married, but it’s not out of duty to the Lannisters. It’s the ultimate proof you love him, he decides - because there’s a real chance your child could turn out like him, and you don’t care. And he knows you’ll love the child if that happens. He just knows you’ll be a wonderful mother. Second, you clearly express your joy to his family and the courtiers. You’re proud and you don’t care who knows. Third, he thinks about how horrid his own upbringing was, and he’s absolutely 100% determined to be an excellent father. Fourth ...
You get the point. He’s so torn between worry - what if the child is born with a problem, what if you die in childbed, what if he turns out to be a terrible father - and absolute, unbelievable devotion. You thought he was protective and doting before? Nothing is too good for you. You have to tell Tyrion to dial it back a bit, you don’t need new clothes every month and ten sets of silken bedsheets and all this jewelry....
He’s a bundle of nerves the closer the due date is. You two might actually get into spats because you’re exhausted and achey, and he’s just a mess. Jaime actually has to knock sense into him and get him to calm down.
But once your child is born...  it all washes away, like a wave carrying him. He’s so happy. He can’t even function. He wants the hold the child all the time, he wants to see them, talk to them - and he asks so many questions to you and the maester. When will the child talk? When will they walk? Can they understand him? Do they know he’s their father? And so on.
Also, his protectiveness would go through the roof. He would never forbid you from going anywhere or doing anything, but.. he would be obviously nervous if you mentioned you were going travelling or something. 
And it goes without saying he’s keeping extra tabs on Cersei, certain courtiers, maybe his own father. He doesn’t trust any of them for anything.
Bronn will probably get assigned to bodyguard duty for you. He’s clearly not pleased, and you just sigh and dismiss him for the day so you don’t have to listen to his smart mouth.
He likes to feel your stomach, especially when the babe kicks! It relieves his worries that the child might be born “wrong” somehow. The fact they’re kicking, wiggling and moving, seemingly in response to him, makes him feel much better.
💐 Tyrion Family & Kids HC
He’s an excellent father, even though he has his moments of emotional hang-ups. He wants to ensure his child is educated, empathetic and uses their damn head. While he’d be doting and affection, he wouldn’t be a total pushover and can reasonably discipline them. Tyrion is great at talking to children respectfully and treating them like people.
On that note, he has no patience for someone like Cersei or his father trying to butt in on his parenting. He’ll stand up to them and firmly insist he can raise his child on his own, thank you. He won’t take any “advice” or threats from them.
He’d be quite good at figuring out what his children are talented in, and encouraging them. He’s seen what it’s like when a child is forced into a single box and hinge all their worth on that (Jaime) and when they’re looked over and ignored (him and Cersei). 
Yes, he basically decides to do the opposite of whatever his father did.
There would be times when he’d want to educate his children himself, but only on certain subjects - reading and writing, for example. He trusts the maester just fine, he just wants to have that bonding opportunity with them. 
(He’s so proud of all of them no matter what though 😭)
If you’d be up for it, Tyrion would like several children. He’s not 100% on how many, since he’s never really given himself a chance to hope and daydream for a family. He knows he needs a son for the Lannister line to continue, but he’d never force you to continue risking your health for that. Ultimately, however many you want, that’s what he’ll be happy with. If it’s all girls, he’ll love them the same.
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💘 Jaime Date HC
It’s actually amusing how bad he is at taking you somewhere interesting. It ends up being an accident - you run into him in a beautiful garden or some obscure part of the Red Keep, and he offers to show you something interesting he found. From there, you two get lost and take a while to find your way back.
... Or you take him somewhere you thought was interesting, and he goes along with it. When you point out that Jaime is pretty bad at this “courting” business, he just scoffs and says that’s definitely not what he’s doing. He’s just visiting with ... a friend ... .... just a friend. Yup.
Another aspect is the fact he’s a Whitecloak, and he might be having to avoid Cersei. That kind of makes things dicey.
However, when he returns from the Dreadfort and that absolute hell of a journey, he’s doesn’t care so much who sees you two. He wants to get away from the Red Keep, even if that’s his duty, so he starts wandering out with you. When Jaime is patrolling on his own and sees a place of interest, he makes a mental note to bring it up to you later. And when he does, and you offer to go with him ... Well, he won’t complain.
Since you two have been so many places, he starts to associate them with you. When he’ll pass by it on his own, he thinks about something you laughed at, or something you told him there. If you ever touched his hand or his face while you two visited a garden, he will remember that touch every single time he passes by. 
After you’ve known each other for a while, and he’s feeling sentimental, he’ll ask, “Do you remember those docks a mile away from the Red Keep? There was a man pushing a cart that had these colorful glasses and wares. You were wearing a blue dress, and when you dirtied it, I carried you around down the street?”
You have no idea where he’s talking about, but that’s the sort of road his memory lane is.
In the modern AU, he’s still pretty terrible at dates. He’s more of the type who wants to wander around with you and just pop into a place that seems interesting - and then he’ll associate you with it. Anytime he sees that cafe chain again, even in a different city, he remembers the hot cocoa you ordered and the little marshmallow mustache you gave yourself.
And honestly, he prefers to stay home with you, cuddling and watching something. He can be as bad as a needy cat when he wants cuddles and attention; you aren’t escaping anytime soon.
💖Jaime Pregnancy HC
Oh no.
Back when Jaime was a boy and lectured endlessly on the duties of a Lannister heir, he didn’t truly understand what that meant. Especially after Cersei coerced him into taking the white cloak, he figured he’d never have children of his own.
... Well. Then there was three. but they never felt like his, which was Cersei’s intention. It was so strange, even if they looked like him, he couldn’t connect Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen to himself.
Also, look who his father is. That’s a lot to unpack.
It’s not until he’s completely left Cersei and lost his sword hand that he starts thinking and seeing things differently. It feels different when you play with the children, when you look longingly at mothers, when he’s intimate with you and you let him finish inside. He starts thinking what it’s like, and that’s scary, considering it never crossed his mind before.
And then he thinks about how his mother died, and what it did to his father. He never openly discusses it with you, but he has nightmares about it. Jaime doesn’t sleep well for a lot of your pregnancy, especially toward the last few months. He does a little better with each child. To distract himself, he takes care of you.
He likes the idea of having two children, a boy and girl, or two boys, but he’s fine with one or more than two. Anything more than four would probably overwhelm him.
Gods save the person who threatens you, even if it’s his sister. His protective instincts go into overdrive, to the point where someone being disrespectful to you on the street will make him want to fight.
💐 Jaime Family & Kids HC
When you tell him, honestly... his first thought is what an awful parent he’d be. He had one example for what a father is like, and he was hardly an influential part in the lives of the three children he sired. You’d have to reassure Jaime and give him confidence, because he has none where this is concerned. He’s positive he’ll screw it up somehow, he’ll be too distant, or too cruel. How do you even hold a baby? What do you say to little ones? He’s going to take care of you, there’s no question of that, but his nervousness is palpable. 
Still, he has such a cute smile when he holds his child - what he considers his first real one - and he right away sees you in them. Their nose, and smile, and eyes. It’s amazing, he decides.
Jaime is a terribly indulgent father. He tries to scold where he can, but more often than not he’s amused by his kid being mischievous. When they pull pranks on guests or get into fights with other kids, he’ll let them off easy if he felt like it was justified. If you’re the more disciplinary parent, the kids totally learn to go to Jaime when they want something.
He’s not overly physically affectionate, but he often ruffles their hair (even if they’re a girl with hair you just braided), gives them rides on his shoulders and lets them sit on his lap and fall asleep. He also has a habit of patting their cheeks or shoulders when he’s pleased.
Jaime didn’t think he’d be excited to teach swordplay and horseback, but he’s so happy when one of his kiddos is interested in both or either. Even if they’re a girl, he can’t help but teach her everything he knows. It also makes him feel better that he has something to teach and pass on even if he lost his sword hand.
Also ... he’s a terrifying papa lion. Do not ever even slightly threaten his children or wife in front of him. His temper and pride will flare and he’ll start a fight right there. 
Related to that, he can fight off Cersei’s cruelty and coldness to you and your children together because he knows how to deal with her. If Tywin disapproved of you in some way, or was trying to take control of how the children were reared, Jaime would genuinely struggle to stand up to him. He doesn’t want his kids to go through the childhood he had, but it’s difficult for him. He won’t go into full “fuck this” mode unless the children are seriously threatened. 
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oikawaplssteponme · 4 years
Hey so I hope you don't mind but I kinda have two reqs. So both will feature our favorite hot head Bakugou. The first one is a soulmate au where the reader is just like Bakugou but more towards the boys at her school Shiketsu but nice in general. So like UA and Shiketsu meet up for a practice match and they find out their soulmates and spar (you can really do it how you want). The second one is the same but rather than soulmates they are in a secret relationship, he gets Jealous and leaks it thx
hi hi!! thanks sm for the requests💕 im gonna post both in here so this might be a longer post :))
also for the soulmate prompt i decided to go with you have your soulmate’s initials tattooed on your wrist and they glow once you meet them :))
for the second one i also did that you are a student at Shiketsu High (hopefully that’s what you meant💕)
pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem! reader (however no pronouns are used)
warnings: swearing
genre: fluff
“It’s been a while since we’ve seen those UA kids,” said Camie.
“It will be an excellent challenge!” shouted Yoarashi. You chuckled and sat your feet on your desk.
“I can’t wait to show you and them up. It’ll be a good show,” you smirked.
“We will be on the same team Y/N!” huffed Yoarashi.
“Life’s a competition Inasa. Doesn’t matter whose team I’m on, I’ll win.”
Your school, Shiketsu High will be traveling to UA for a practice battle. Now that you all had your provisional licenses, you could use your quirks as much as you wanted. There was nothing you liked more than a good competition.
“Hey who knows, maybe we’ll get lucky and meet some cute new guys!” squealed Camie. You chuckled.
“Even when fighting you’re always thinking about your soulmate Cam.”
“Hey you should too! Aren’t you a bit curious whose initials are on your wrist?”
“Of course I am! But a million people could have the initials K.B. I’ll only know for sure if the tattoo glows,”
“Then better keep an eye out.”
Everyone is born with a tattoo of their soulmate’s initials on their wrist. To avoid soulmate confusion, when you’ve come face to face with your soulmate, the tattoos will glow, indicating you’ve found your match.
It was the morning of the practice battle and you were boarding your bus.
“Move it,” you groaned at the boys in your class. You took a seat next to Camie on the bus.
The ride was long but you had finally made it to the infamous UA High. You were beyond excited to get to work.
“This school has no right being so nice,” you mumbled. You and your school were guided to your designated locker room, in order to change into your hero costumes. After, you walked over to the training ground.
For some strange reason, your tattoo had been itching since you got to UA. You tried to pay it little attention though.
You stood outside the training ground, jumping from excitement. You awaited for an announcement over the loud speaker.
“You may now enter the training ground. UA versus Shiketsu High starts now.”
You ran so quickly into the training ground. Your blood rushing with adrenaline. You instantly spotted the UA students on the other side.
“Let’s do this.”
You activated your quirk of high speed and quick reflexes to get a jump on your opponent. The objective was similar to the provisional license exam, where you all had targets that you had to protect. Except you each only had one. One hit and you’re out. You ran towards a group of students.
“Damn shes fast-” you heard a red haired boy say, causing you to chuckle. You tapped on his shoulder.
“Think I can go faster?” You teased. By the time he had turned around, you already hit his target.
“Shitty hair, you’re out already?” laughed a classmate of his. The blond boy stood on some debris. He wore and black, orange, and green hero costume. He looked down at you with a cheeky smile.
“Guess he’s no match for me,” you laughed. The blond jumped down from where he was standing and began to walk towards you. You kept your guard up.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get you out quickly to make up for it.”
“Oh I highly doubt that.”
The both of you raise your hands to throw the balls at each other’s targets, but stop before you let go. You looked up at your hand and took a peak at your wrist.
“H-Hey blondie what’s your name?” You asked nervously.
“Katsuki Bakugou. W-What’s yours?”
“Y/N L/N. Don’t tell me that-”
You looked up at him. Bakugou revealed a glowing wrist with your initials on it. You did the same.
“Well this isn’t really how I expected this to happen...” you mumbled.
“We can save the chitchat for later soulmate, I’m still gonna kick your ass,” he teased. You smiled.
“Funny of you to think you’ll be beating me.”
“Bus leaves in 5!” Announced one of your teachers. You gathered your bags.
“Hey-wait- uh Y/N, right?” a voiced said behind you. You turned around.
“Bakugou right?”
“Y-Yeah. Look I know that whole thing was kinda weird but-uh- here.” Bakugou handed you a small piece of paper.
“I’ll see you later soulmate,” you smiled. Bakugou chuckled.
“I’ll see you later dumbass.”
“Hey Y/N, we’re leaving,” called Camie. You looked at her, then back at Bakugou. You quickly gave Bakugou a peck on the cheek.
“At least we both ended up winners, right?” You smirked, before rushing to the bus.
pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem! reader
warnings: swearing
genre: fluff
“Final exams are in a week and I just do not feel prepared at all,” you groaned. Bakugou chuckled.
“Should’ve gone to UA like I told you. We have finals in two weeks,” he smirked. You huffed.
“UA’s overrated,” you teased. Bakugou gave you a death glare but you shut him down with a pouty face.
“Get back to studying dumbass.”
You and your boyfriend Bakugou sat in a small cafe, attempting to get some studying done. Neither of you had told your friends about your relationship. Two students at the top of their respective classes at rival schools seemed like a mess to bring already into your complicated lives. You both felt there wasn’t much of a need to tell your friends. It wasn’t really any of their business anyway.
“Are you sure no ones gonna see us here?” whispered Bakugou. You chuckled.
“No, we’ll be okay. This is like an hour drive from UA and no one from Shiketsu even cares to study here. I promise we’ll be okay,” you reassured him. Bakugou looked over at the window that viewed the street. His eyes suddenly grew.
“Am I crazy or is that Shitty Hair and Dunce Face outside?” he mumbled. You perked up, carefully turing your head.
“Shit, that’s definitely them. Why the hell are they here?”
“And why is the rest of my class with them?” groaned Bakugou.
“Maybe they’ll leave.”
“Oh I’ll make them leave.” Bakugou got up from his seat and walked over to his classmates.
“What the hell are you extras doing here!?” He shouted.
“Woah Bakugou, question is what are you doing here?” asked Kirishima. Bakugou huffed.
“That is none of your damn business. Anyway I asked you first.”
“Well we decided to check this place out as a class. We couldn’t find you after school so I couldn’t ask.”
“Not like he would’ve said yes...” mumbled Kaminari.
“Watch it charge bolt.”
“Hey isn’t that Y/N? From Shiketsu?” pointed out Deku. Bakugou clenched his fists.
“Uh no-”
“Gosh she’s so cute, let’s go say hi,” suggested Sero. Before Bakugou could stop them, the group had bursted into the cafe.
“Yo Y/N! It’s been a minute hasn’t it?” smiled Kaminari. You chuckled nervously.
“Uh yeah it has been...”
“Why don’t you sit with us? I’d hate for you to be here all alone,” smiled Deku. You looked over at Bakugou, who looked like his head was going to explode.
“Oh that’s okay, I’ve really gotta get some studying done,” you explained.
“At least join us for a little bit-”
“No way!” blurted out Bakugou. Everyone’s eyes widened.
“Bakubro you okay-”
“No way I’m letting Y/N spend time with you idiots.” Bakugou walked over to you, resting his arms on your shoulders.
“Wait a minute, don’t tell me...”
“Yes we’re dating, no you may no sit with us. Now go away before I turn you to dust,” huffed Bakugou.
“We can all hang another time,” you smiled, holding onto Bakugou’s hand. His friends nodded, slowly backing away. Bakugou sat back down, letting out a big sigh.
“Jealous much?” You teased. He looked at you and chuckled.
“Oh I’ll show you jealous dumbass.”
[general taglist (form in masterlist) : @lealofsblog @iwaisa @bakugousmymassa @roesaurus @evivn1 @tetsoleil @bokutory @vangoghmusings @moonlightaangel @complimentaryhugsgirl @marajillana @bibly @big-phat-cat @sapphoscolonoscopy ]
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